El 13 VII - • liii..ll titarairiaa , . - AltvintivtadittilhiteliNtiess Dm& Osoatit*ild9lo,ll,o4libis.' t". ULI9RII-41*4111102101•1 irasebsee• IA MIT Zonnstes, egg . .l4l442,lcospetiii wll.ll ea num rod gold Prat" 4qraed amprw. 1417057.1.10 BOILS • I - " 44, AT. ()Mgr ted-Into gm, E! KEDIATELIG7 t - g WE Bunkers, Ciir. Fourth la Woad gtreets. TO HOLDERS OF 7-SOPS, special 42.111/011.411•111 • rgiar C/ocaso db . Oa. , lia•=rlVAlWitioNirroe ' or '. . °°° " 74 • loods ea Mud For Dolivom - IBA B. IIeVAIL& CO., 33Etrilmerish. 0011111:1 FOURTH AHD SMITHFIELD ME. SELL YOUR 7-30's BUY 5-2013.1; Holden of SEVEN will and an all. Vantage or OVEN H Or ONE PEE CEET.- by el:mauling on thin plan. MA D. McVAY & CO., vbs. 4TE & BiaILTIELD STREET& 7-30 Et rS COMMIT/CD INTO . 5-20 BONDS:IB6S, WITHOUT IMAILUZ. Moons booth and sold on coodoldaloolln N.. . Urn, rhllulolddlls and Holton. 4, ROBINSON BROS., No. TS FOUilli snit= Ett gittsburgt saoe FINANCE AND TRADE oyrresay,To• Prs-rnbonan (i'Ancrrer, • • • M. 30,1567. The;Few York stock quotal4Osi to-don as leielved by Mr. P. R. Mertz, were:.. follow.: GoLl, 1.V341 F.lghty.uo boodi, 117,1; FITS Tienties; 1641 ON; do 11111,105 X; do 186.1.100 f; Ten -Fortles,..99K; S,rin = TrintiSs. Michigan SOUthsru triad, OM: Clevelshii 2 Pittsburgh; TPA; bargla,Fort %tame and Chicatro4 6 3:4; Erie. Wig; , 1 • . __ Chicago lied Rork Island, dist •Chleago and 1 igiw OILLI. 1111 Z- B, TOCII MA IT Nenhw'w""N 130111 do 1ng,103%. preferred, W“ , New New, , York Central, MX; Ree Orras I ‘ d i eV Tan l'irmincatrin Otmarra, Tetaisnav, liLaylni, Me. t The gold market °prized strong at rs7n, bat • I carrt.n. . gradually declined to 137,1g1373,;, with light l' There are no new 'characteristics in the mar. g","`dd"' The "g ° ' P''''''''' T I g old 1 tat worthy of entail notice. With a untie flute ine the condition . f the London money, uedgoolidemead and limited - offerings, prices market. Consols are lower, but Atomicsn me. ma , .. ere t i , eametheryi sod, if ex i tutx, extra eurttles keep firm at 79!. , i an acesunt of the de- , xredee .are a thee; higher th an, last, weal,. mend from the Cohtinent. Shipment. of bonds I stem, cattle ,Lbb•sestedand wattled, and would are LICA now, as the price I. about % per , .4, ree ,,,, et a 00 te. i There were .canal Al. , • cent. Witter nerethm in London.' " i to tiers buyers In attendance tird a ey, the out- Cimernetent iectuittes. on account of their , • ...eke. I. the wed loving prerented , ra t an . y . hi g h p rke 'l •r° °u`°"l°g hot (12 I° "" ° '' ' from going ta Vitt' eve thle week.. they ' Railroad shares are - firmer, but Maine.. 1. ; them umtallydo, And this:eve flatter course,had \light and itrictly conflued to Wall .11 . .01 opeci e teedeer, to eth y m r the meth et ... etre ., tiers themselves.. Mining . Shares RIO let • 111 : , will be l ee. by beference to the Sale t, enc. leser than they were some week. ago, but r -A th i ee en the ere , irem yo to 90 , t y per , peam „ dicidend paying stocks ere readily taken at l, groin weight . There Lao ept ur eat t ,th th i py . ' the loirest quotation.. Bank and Inmrance , ie._ IMO:neat. rif Iheoogh Mock. atiMit ALS ear share. not Inquired for. Seely I..carce, a. goads be a u x b ee . .i, to 0 . 1 to 2,,,,.y 0 d, ,i,... it Is nasal at, the beginning of every month. I dating Saturday and Motiday—the shipments Gioaing quotations received- by: James T. to F b l y ete i p b th „ Le d B e ita rbbth ' ~,-euette. a, Brady t o w es 5ine...1831 . . ma, ', May have Men for Mote time put , light. ', : same. :,41. , gf..: , . , I v ! ,, I . There has been &jinn' Mabee.. done in tilts •• •• 19e.i lel l cum of mock dating the past week, the sales . . .' 10.40 s ' I Me igsrmats being fully up, if not 'a little ,_ w COM'S . 1011 ' : . , rtlC!:Wthet . I , Ntt... - twx, .. It! Men. of last mliek,. but with continaed lib. 4 o?t i'.3...1 —...1...... -.....105. • era arrivals, prices are betel) 'stained. ---------- , cr. anivele. paces _ _ suet ••• • . _ cams,. and Hoek. Strain ruled drill. and ``." '4 7 :•-• • 424/ IL were hard to eel) a 4 any riee,,while Mime fia. 1314 retailing Sheep mold w out much difficulty at . The Atlantis .4 Decal Weetern Railway I about last week'. prices .)11% 104, and ex. aaffnale make the following statements In re. I tra nt 0,037. There 1.1 Me Or no darerence gala to the "Ede Transportation Cer.i." j i made between Woo: and clipped sheep. 7 •Te4 Company was formed In the year 144, ; which Loonier to the f t that • much 'large: .••• after the Union Traneportation or Star Line J womb .. of the lo i ter o pe ed. ,000 was mantilabed. The. railroad ma ; . -Dented in Its bueleras are the New York and of th e framer, the Luc es ad cen t in shipment -•••• Eat to Dunkirk, the Lske Snore r Cleveland, i,„h o re g y rao r raioc og oreg mew., th e p r i c e • Columbus sod uinclonati, the Columbus and I', tho wool ' ••• ' Xenia sett Littra Miami. Last winters eh trier , • , wee ohralned for the Compeny from the Ken. Kern.' No. avge. Price. heel Legislature, with • capital of half .1 Smith T. toHnebensee.. 203 It Pi million or more, tea immediate ben.. I Meath T.to ----- 164 74 ' re rata Dir be derived, two important object. wet* Smith et T. to Shell 207 SS VI to ...rained by the orgaullatiort. Pan, to -• Smith 11. T. to Pahcosit... 2.ra 64 410 ay the! Cleveland, colunnue and Cloths. Smith*. T. Luderlg --- -- rari 76 475 0011 and Lake Shore companies; with • line as ; Halite Hama-Wooled ... 1M 91 623 en offset to the O Union Traneportstion or Star Yount to Heule ,:" 201 83 5 00 Lite; which was run over their name est coin- Weaver to• Loy - 110 BS 600 pellet rosde-the Columbus' nd Xen /340 la and Booth L0yd....) ISO 05 4eo 'OOl.OO twine • nournon trunk to ooth. i Mutter to Loyd. - . ... 110 43 411 head Drank to head off the Atlanta, add Ore Myers i N, to _p;dcock... 700 - 25 Western road and that of theC,lneinnett. Ilan. Hedges et T. to . 207 75 600 • ilton and Dayton in • Drainers with their Hedge. &T. to Pancoast- 910 stoop head natural (woad gouge connecUon of the New ; Bradfield to Dean...-. 217 85 673 • York and Erie - ; Fordyes to Hearin,...... 600 '9O •6 8/ _ Thin j Lafferty to McCall-wool: 109 17 700 oraporation (coy. the New York Tn. Lafferty to Ryan ad 0.... 121 75 • 400 • - bone) I. understood to be one-of the most pro. ; Hedgealr. T. to 71314 101 BO Stable in the country and to be r osined by the ; :ones :onesl. on cfliential anent. of the Erie Hallway, who ; The market been a little weak and droop. never think It wraith wells to publish Its ON. , rate week , not the sale 2 la 6000 or De dlivldends mad* • ;; the segregate were about es large as usual. .-The cotton firm of Fearer, Trenholm a Co., ; Computed with r o w, woo l, pgroo, are a shade Isramte failurecreated so much sertastion lam lower, and buyeri are still eskhra for ranee. • • :Week, has for fifty years stood smong the foie. • • goo2c worwooriro fifty o r rho united stet.. ; none, jPlallaeliaphla Hoge may be quoted at Thelt hemlquarters tbisraoun try were in ;0 4 1 . no, N ta d .. York .td to H. . ....area/eate, mol The -Heronry rat: mat city sera e , • No. nly steady light y burning •• that of late the seerned. th amid the e chief, merman til aratot the ' „ ••"fr.- Orr to o 1400 ... 100 230 el 66 o j , 2.35 . • gloom hich rests south Caroline. The ; 31 7 10 au o sper w alon is attribut on ed to the decline in the Pldexk to; 1: 0 j ... a • Ng 7 1,0 p lee o[ratlr4 with me artnCo[ ire ! Laffert 0 230 713 • ! Well known that l raily in, the eesson 'the Bank Smith a Kelly to Imhoff... 104 DA 7 23% of England adopted the policy of refuelngbartx. I 740 . 7 kambotr••••-••••• 00 00 710 Ind araommodstioes. previously accorded to 44. " 1 :1 I R:11: 'V T " 270 '• 7 1.8 • ' flo tbnimi awned In 026. cotton trade., The Ifer. , , Curt' says the; the effect brie been to put the ; ‘ 070 ". 1 7 . 0 1 7 7 1. ge to Crouse !ft10.... 04 ' holders of cotton Ds the power of the buyers; ' ••.° and th e' merehantalactora , and planters of the ',Y.:M. Im 1; a1 i 7= 7 i . .. a n 0 ..... 7 1: 0 77 0 ,3 627 Sow h have, in the depressed - price of cotton • tic Allergen te 011ehreist &Co 1.71 2.0 13K throughout the epilog,. felt the baleful • riArkf:.3( thin . 1 " . • o ' d 1 ° - /11 M . ne r t n 'h trO Cl t i l l elt h r r ett t iC e o * .. 0: 2 2; i 0 ' ;36 , TOOOO5lO 011ehrelst Co. 114 1110 le - -Maetas .d banker. mareely appraelste Wetter to Gllchrelet Co. 100 230 705 ... we as el s 0711 *T ore 70 . 1 . 7 . 1 10 th• oPes - .Werner to Gar:heel. CO. 103 215 r 7 16 Mione of the bankrupt rat, paalcularly In the gm.. to °lichen. Co- 100 Slo 7St • thirty.fifth and thirty-ninth sections.' 110. Faced to 011rarelet &Co- i 8 318 60 If th em who have not read It should make It • , plant Glichrelst 410.. IS 600 point to do so, fordo morn earnest prompter / C o t o E grw d o t„ ygy 66 nom, fertility, of the credit andstandlng of ; Lorrerty to Groom k C 0.... 114 PM 075 debtors weld trail be devilled. It Will serve as , 44 0040 co_ 4,42 ss • a vigorous purifier of ereat, Duce it meet our Lafferty to Meuse lc C 0... 90 1411 437 lel), In great degree. the prev lent Lafferty taker... C 0... 176 121 • 725 tem of acconanralstion lo.ne, It H the opinion Lafferty to (w o o. a No_ ny yto • riament pentane that the law puts an he Lafferty to Ollchrein 114 30 715 atley to the custom of preferring even the punt Latlerty to Gllcbrellit ' 07 174 714 centim. confidential a p plication a o f all to Thwo„ 11 ID 711 r Ito name level. Tbe pof the reform j to Horto,. 10 Ife 716 that will work. will be severe to some nwoo . wonwo ....... y y os , .whoa credit may be curtailed; but ft waft, irokoc to Drea, • ' 200 660 bang those who Male • 'place to trade by kit. ; w oor i y . rrn 203 MO 7cc „ r „ . . oo or by leaning t *pendently on their T . ho i r to ,„ • • 190 614 . der to realise wet they 1 . 0 . 1 j Punk to or, • DI 966 100- 625 • - within their means. Tele feature of , Nryogrg., On -. 69 182 • 35 - the law may become rdieue, s ho t . Do either ' tie 'Dingier Its amendment; ln fact, net . ; • 001016ce55,661,11.1 cartl2. thing Intl re better ralculatird to promote end Smith Talmage sold doll at Co. II head. mound .5 of bunness. It will weighing 1274; 7)0 Kra. Haas sold 1... tend two heek tub theist that levoles Rothchild, 36 :bead, weighing 46,380, i ether people's metre or creellt. and woes rent- a/meet. o Lindsay& C 0.714 bead, weighty; Mis 0 • le. watustworthy adventurers to work with . ' at 232.7. 71.Th/replies to J. C. Ilathawar. 30 ,11 . 0 hohlevieg these goodbead, welatiog Mate. at 9 1 4; Friend to balm howerar. It le very certain to become ' nit 134 head. welt 0101 38,410, 0) , 41 artier to 74. tar. straw, In Ile work of • purl Scalleo, Nosy Ardis, 5 head, welghlog 7500, st 81 John 61.• involve neatly bonset and good men, who, with i to J. 'C. Hathsaran TI heed of extra cattle, no Weir learnt or fear of dn.., are Carrying IWeittdrig 102.075. la 0,601 Heekett to Myer. 18 mum cred/Olufn their permit. warrant. I bend, weighing gs,acq,pt 0041 Metatile sold two -.no rapine of internal revenue on 31onsday ,..r k.d7 U. Mack. h: at • ratan of . Teethed thelow figure el Stoma Dorre‘ow, Kllllngeeto Wentz 111 head st re; and o f • for this is the fact that nearly all the whisky head 0.9-bothdellirerod In Philadelphia. now mode In g ra nt Into bend. I. the opinion' of Madras offl rani of the Treasury that if the tax was nail on AU thewbteltv now 04esucticel thls country. the ficalpte of governmentem:- - • Ode weuld itr. 1101140 for all the ex. INOMlturec• -• • • . . irtrramosea rersoixiat 1111AK91ET • Opzion o► lon Prrranernon Ganel-ra, TIIIVIISDAT, 11.) , )3. MS. URVD7.—Then ►ea not a- *logic operation I. etude today, at least we had nods reported,. -.... : SALE *MI. T/t. aS.,rluet In dull and depressed, 1.... _Vats are siornic....:( thictinged. Spot oil may hi moried, , te lag st..nmeeof sales, at 7Sgy for x,..,,,, danvery, eh., seems to be 'but little .-dieperdlic. no '.:'r - ed to elan boy or nil, ~ -- -- though - it `la probabm that 7% coahl be ob tained for all Jane, buyer's option. • REFDTEO-9ale of 2007 bi 4 ataadard white, In Orderbeidellymy to Philadelphia, at In; and • 1000 print. tight straw to white, for June, at Id. The lent for Panned, lo' sympathy with . -.- exude. la very dull, and what to worn still, ' . - khan an no Indication at prneat of any lm mediate Improvennot. manors. assir nr a. v, a. a. J w lgl.l . li t tin to , 1: , i f. b o i tr ea d , r po th lbg d. ref.. to d t .;..do, to Drawer, Burka A Co. .I Y O Kirkpatrick & 7 • 00,20346 do, to ir P Unna a Dm, Philo; i ..._ waiwoberger a Co, 200 do do, 10Waring, King -- 8 a Oololare. &Sumner, tx do to Task, Ito & CO. Phila. Forsyth. the & Co. 114 do d.o, to • : Trielealro /a INt,./.1114at li Koehler & Co, ille do - - do, to Waring. King le Co, Phila. J Many Jri /03 do do, to 1 A Dilworth. Phila; klackeown a Bro, led do do, to W P Logan a Bra, Phila. "Kat. Ref , Oil 54) do do. to t Wright & iglina, - Phils; 0 11 Co, 'Joon, 2.43 do do, to I) L. Mil ler Philp; Liman° Oil Co, 170 do d o,to Drawer Do ' illin A Co, Phila. =angel Meta, toot ram/ anon:ewe Darin. J ()Kirkpatrick & Co, 207 bbia ref, to W P LOOl/1 a am Palls; nutchtason Het Os., 101 , . do d., to W t Wanien, Pallas 'Union Her Co, Ilig dO do. to W 0 Wanes., 'dila { James Miller 304 de do, to. Waring & King; PhDs. Wool. drudge .011 Eel Co, IS do do, to W P Logan & .. . . see,, - india. O. Kay at do da, to W_P Logan 0 Jnewykii . Vi E. Logan, MI do do, to W.. 1 La , T'......-' , ..91.40, nat.. ~ ..4.14 -. "WWI& la 'Moro al Mitres. 4. 1 4* ,,,r .41 . 14 . complied froali o a - ....._......p.N. a.. .mhb"..444." . . IT:;" h em s .... -.,- ,,, as date th rituray,2lsth Int, Lite . ~,...,.,. .. -- e•al a store at the oop , gj . trt. b 0 .....: •.. .... .. ' . DM. ud,d. by . .... ....... . ... i . ' "2.' lal* \ Jo.. b. ........ .... . .......... '.3i'4°l' irl"S6 _ . - 4 7 ,,, L... .......... .. . ...... leas fIeXJ27 11111 -.WM 'OUZEL &SON; =I tarn OIL 11/191TFACTIIIIEBS . =mt. Ltrzramtimo .r