DiTLY CiIiZETTE. ruaListhr.n.stsur MORDILIM.. (SUNDAYS ISC{TTLD.) II IPENNEII&N, REED & CO., . I. x . c=itorloto.ress, r.ll. TENNIVA,:t:s 7. T. H0Lh , T(1.f...... . Bustuess Migua.en. ' GAZILTTZ BUILDING MMMMEtMI • tepablins hper of vestal reals)lntit I OFFICIAL PAPER OF PITFIEURGH An ALLEGHENY VTY. Irkllo PIT. CHM/WASP an BEST TAMILS' awl CO YALE IIUI AL PArER 123 the nate. . . • 1041 e copy .. .. .... .... ... . . 3 , - , 01.• livened by ........... pee week .13 '' —1 . 41.1 Bubserl?ers, per year— 4 , 00. °' 1 4 1 ' - ddresm, • i GAZETTE, .' v()l,r3tE I,x_lxli..---NO. • 127 'PIITAIIIIOOII. PENNA. ' .. . . --- __ _ _,_ -- , • . PROM PHILADELPHIA. - I ( r At Vitt s burgll Zaiittr- Filli -Ell 1 .............-0„.—.,:....-.21... sE .ONO .Eliffillx FROM MEXICO !AND THE ' Reformed Presbyterian dynod. , WEST INDIES. . ---- , Bona were directed to observe the "week of Probable Itosnieldo In Duquesne Bora noro" , o 3 ofttle Peoples Savings. Bank. I The atteiolne of our readers Is atrecteit / •f, ri'Y'r." stogy or snags. ' -haler eight o'ClZ u k i l h a:finiglii IL ithllelllty to the advert lament of Ma reliable and 1-....____; I-El ItNTII DA l'S PROCEEDINGS. E.. pt. Seoti reported a drat 0t ,,, u , e.a ocrrre.l between two men named William 1.4.11 tuthatti...l histltutton, watieh to worth , * Tun Putr.ADELMII.% LOYAL LEAtttE, "' , . • Stale floods School Contention ik r Y P' adier. _ °Bock Chosen _ erm•oent I I Siege of Vern e'en>. l'entinned-Cap. , • tore of Basondlino thosllrrned-lko. • w ~3 ~,,,, y, Slay "j• ~,,,,. . fasting and of Than kaithv I'm. The C i ent ral , linen' of Missions Is directed to I 0 the - President-Ann rrrrrr by Pie/tinsel% - . Mowery, in Duquesne Rorouttit. Ira ears ;My lit large. Da board or managers tab . ; --- - - portal Meet 'i'n l i en-Allot ea In st.. Attor the ordinary prifilminary Itualnete, blanks as to the days to be observed. r. nurture and John lltenzler, at saddler's II en J Mg the Congdon. et' in o , orog rge... ONE O'CLOCK. . Elect, Itcr. J. E. Graff, nod Or. Bom berger - Afternoon Nesston - Ad .,•FO UR O r Ot: - 0 - c, K, .A. hl, r'"! . '"o — P"r"" . "r "" P"'""' ' eulTection or minutes, :re , Revel. lio-nntely MOON. that on old grudge or had blood had existed brace our ootbi and trust:worthy husinets _ - ns low monwealth, has eonferred l an additlOnal ' - -- --- - ---o ---- --•-• r. Pkosm, Prof. Wlekerabam Sled = - ='=" --- 4 --- ----' --- - : :no T. lear.tph laths glits'ollh riiirslte.l, I 1 th t leer. g v nit e am lost. ist- • and I. 1.)". Sprnollodamt to travel In Ea- th T o ttv , ) , a , Lec i o o n . y o na„,; , : , „„, ,ost.. l„k„.. op, and between the two men, who , upon meeting ' toellisr,r,,,mmtage the wham la the mesit Mat night) renewed the .Imputo. W ‘ r" ' ' s e t Trance to depOsltOrs that their !Merest* l• tervich upon the public.. It has olTered ' FUROPEIN INTELLIGENCE - Wiper., rend Disc onerous. j. i . L.-pedal Cameo kndesee PlttsbergVirreette.7 . .. FROM WASHINGTON. N „, y ogg , lay .A...._yoog ortg „ r Ewe rope, wok nppoint./%.1 delegates to slater from Ilavene 00 the mth, has arrived with; Syn.'s In the British isles. . LITLIZART lIISTITUTION. The paper of the Commlttee o¢ rho Re- words nal to a onarrel, when IlareleY kilo aril be securely guarded and protected. i the weaker man. left the hOuse tO go Dept - wits of any amount are redelved, upon a ilretaltun of $4lOO for the beot essay that J - - i t Pintsnatrni a, May •Ilkt, Ill'. I y Telegraph to rlmmerlb thoette.l Vera Cr u < .ittio. to the •/[ll. The siege tlf Vera erus continued. Shots Bev. Dr. Stevenson reed the draft of stet- port or the Board of Education wm again ''' • . May lie tendered on " the legal orgardos . • were exclien •eki daily'. ... • ter 10 the Synod of Ireland, tablet. was so- lalthe lip. The discussion on the queen... Alone. HeMsler followed ..fter. Mtn and . n •Ittnl him down t wire M enema- "I" '.".. • ° ° I Tit moo of tha n barks Ls at • . The elegant steepled stractme, the First / rook TOZ lIKTITXOIIAOO.O sor ADILON. ,y , or t: t nalueretarnand k o si t ootat a cepttal and the Cenoulttee direct...l to ror- or abandoning the Idumury Institution WNS kot . N o wy A i y e ito Bending, Fourth street, and which a liberal emi r /minding rate of inter-, .. tion of tbe'pzeple to select contlidates for . French Army Reduction. Baptist Church, located on the Corner of a dispatch to the Secretary or the Navy, Is krnertu t ed. -I Ward. ' • continent until the hour Mr adjournment. Synal took a • non. I- or the purpose, as Barclay elates, . , • ol Intinieletting hint, hu drew a knife and . oPen fur , labdoero, dally rrool olne till . . office with r mifuor premto n. a 000, , llroad atm Arch greets,. at, MO ti.ppoillted from our Consul at (Ilbridter, 0,430 May ' The Lthereds had captured the Imperial ~, Tho t.:otnrnittee on Prltyer Sleetilms, Mr. • ingress ' llouriahnl R. after e inch he again et:mini Ihy ' 41.0 y evenings from sir [oscine oecm .. o $'..)1.10 and $lOO, for the second, third, and . ' ' - hour tie o'clock) o no , pretty ~,,n qu o ,. to . 9 ,. b, 000 , 0 ,,, too t o ror mo ti oa . that the '' g 'l r e l ' n t s! " mtr th ..7l - Vlnl. C ...rtn=ti b o Y tio w n t raTu ' l ' li• . Steventon, Chfartilittl, reported. The re- Until 7.5 r. 0, and again resumed the 1 00. •r r„ Lome ;,V o d y ,, r, 0 7 1 h;;;,..g.;.16,,pn.0rg:.- draw row fully commend rot. hartnlMßOak to i , _ . To ` in merit. ' . 'SPANISH PACIFIC. FLEEtINCREASED. the rrodo' or Om (march by Mt amfienee rare- United States • steamers Augusta and her tit prLson . cts. ' Muntenia San Martin; port roprov".4 ummuers woo go In feilowshlo e...°.• v "riou , "...dm... war" 1 .11 I l u e Wend ' down, and from too linen dealt. ' four Welt/0.-awl on IS ednesday, sad spar. arnall capitalists and other, toned or made. The dna. aCtion WWI ; ly gathered o n arch occa g ooa . traraly had 3tiontoMenah hatf arrived 'there on the 'ennonamllng . the sloop Eicanor. tens order- ' b a cut with a Imp...blade, penetrating 3000t1001 WithOlit .00510,10.030 to speak on 1. Thu resignation or toe c riment elect ti i :right. lung and making an ugly weunkl Me.' Pay for It.-.l.be-houry, a well The exieting_modesvf selecting condi- . . _ ,ed to be 0140 t. TOO gent:Mat Non ult., es the time como when Es.oovernor poon F k, • o w ) , o r r i g go, 't g w en) maki ng orehq .. ra- ' cooe d and hod armed at Baran, 1 'the queation, rectonmends that parallel trownOt accepted. ' some throe inches In depth, which at la known Individual 1.1 this city, wont a low • dates for .elective offices are all about as English Reform Agitation. with 013 100110 prOMptooB4, is Ithairman of Lions Mr their homeward Wood voyage, 1 A guerilla force of ono hundred 00010t1, t.T.t.. to: read by WOlllen, Aso, punctuality. 2. The Board of Education 'WM continued. ' thought will prove fatal. The part!. then ' days ego to an eating . saloon on St. Clair al Lad no can *ell he made. A plan by . - the Executive Comm aloe, ... lied the annum- and would probably be ready for sea I •11 ' prised t" .."."" " I s". 1.0" Y".‘"" I it . .1. The um br too tun 10100I0g9 at North -- blv to order, and made arand well timed in. Bur. ° ''' i on were tin'afiy "opulent wfith'heary 104. bre .‘' Y ' "' l 'l l ''' . ''°. °°a-° " t °U. ' " wood even to the Priat ipal to carry ou the Piet to nis hOmeln Doquesno borough, and . ,erred up to hint. Bowan &Oran leavong Dm separansi 0.0. i tau wounded man was car-' NLAVOI 400 C 1,110,1 for it most -which was W of nolsSriuld . pushiog men, %rho have ' ' . ~ The hluM , lon memo.' Bates that the . ...MT. , schoOl. , medical at summoned. ernal bleeding ' o bl ige without having fulfilled theontmory ' - I '1 1 t I no otter men m energy, can m made 4 INTERCES 610 N Fill TILE FEN lAN S. troductory rented., after Ivitieh he pm. es. sir, AOO OXOOOO , TOOOO. - British Comm. f ohne, who fit • ri.. l "I. 04 ' Re , win". i. 1 .4 aust women wOnld lg (Owing tothelateneas of the hour to whirl. . n a, mond last night no hope for his reeov- • obligation in paying tor what ho conmtnort.. , 1 p o s e d ~, R e , . ',g o E. ~,,,ir . 4 ., temporary . Receipt.. or !the unite.l - Stinksjni the - Deming°, Muy al, WO5 proven...ell landing rho debate was continued, It was Impossible ory -wo., cote going). , ! when the fOlll./00 keeper rentlndmi him of It. tO stand back. and the . most competeni 4 , . _ . cltnirvlan, henry., who, on tutting the calor. waive It In full.) • , 1. r ' .nel. and ;punish EntiothrthatMm ' per. consideration as WOll 63 to read parallel The Resolutions on Temperance a ere tai i , - ' " • h • I •Motor dull ...tarter endlnk Ilarell3lit:rTieret CusionlS, ehe day Urns by a weenie glean b • IN. ' ..... 4 . 4 I" snook to the lioestlOn under noodling to he In the neighborhood, - using a 11.1 NO 0001.101.0 LO rho MOP .., 1110r.nr Brown of Werra. Straln's tiocice. ' Ivistetui of money, Henry showed hie riot, and ;Lt.w. --- • brought I; - Ant, wo•dth, tar Telegraph to tiso Pittsburgh Ustetto.) .. , eves a neat 00000. on the importance 1116,130,0,...1 11 sale of Public Lands, 11221,61.1 are ..„''',,i v ng on ' oo m i g ht n o gttempt e d 4.th To thle Otillef ....papa, and. the lleZlllPin,ATiPefl. ''''°°Ml). renal l i e k t i .r 'PI° Irma . I!!'q.. r . ° ""!t2.?, °° ' . I. PY. " .. ” kiN ° . C ' th"° - 'r ! ' . . . - - - In,. -• • • • Which long ago carried We cordial good will of every Repul lican in WA Corn deserEing onuealeulable value. MrWard, Won-, - . - ••• nom! Mown. might be attempt. try: tho 0 torte. .. .010 about lone., a...• .... the sand. School meek any the nneuu n T S., tq r . et T o o, 11,315,3414 3. Internal Revenue, masses on account of ble baying ected an recommendation w. Inserted. ' Ka , Dr. Mee... °Kama Weir message tirOininely - amen.' Ilontglor leart brought anu rem-- .- ,_, __. --,---... ----- 6. , ---- m cor earnestness in promotng at m 5,354,431 :4 ...tem ok , ..,,u 8 o f c o w . Conn. at Cape Hayti when tho tabe. of the It. T. 1.1 hoped We report would dim on am ground that Synod had frequently hon to the Allegheny tombs, Micro ho now k Smith and Sart. were cal. lck and took , Milan.. Alderman Stn. visit. Elia rust- . I Miley to U. Mayor's office, whore, eller n .......--__. __ PTAnntisto AnalV issoceTielt. • Bell DO- took plat, COtthefalently he went countettanee 1. prayurn tntroductory to Ithisod nuch. 1 . 01 ",.. 1,,, Z0 , ,..., 1 ,7,, , ,• 1 °.„Z„, r 0 .,..1i denco ot tho wound. man 1.1 night and . !wart.. he wee tined n o ' ee , and eesla• ba a t ir i, - , Tro a., l=t i y, r ! , t a tr ,.. , ne a rly r, Z i l; a tt i fo o n f or t itr ia. lt, I . lg.‘ „,, de, „ l.l9 . o•O r nt m .l .. .ellancons ....!... , c ,,, ore rar er derk. _Next any 7 0 , aqua mom Darahm devotio g ail ukeichtes. mall' oeatln• mlg iT is now asserted that Gen. ThatalS's Pa ins, May tet-Tho Government has t• sook an Informal. for felnolotte assault ; Dota/ttem leo dec.. tosottle this I.t bill, 'Vigil . lgt4sl.llogtoll Wag in reference o , talinu f measure.. to greatly rod.° tho nuur pl.c. was appointed temporary ScorMary. •'.. • m. i o enaos. 31735,3..1,510 JI. a eOllllll uniCallOn to tlal Admiral of the etn. James Hoar mated mom... woad speak aor nett. he tith Srok:ni. .C.l • riliat eh., prisoner. Ileakler is n largo . also, fur Ink w. committed tojall for thirty er o troopS ' in the standing army. Mr. Getty in now, influe has.been for .eter • T0ta1,13.119.241,.1 53. y•elere, an anti. worker . everything that , Expenditures: Mr LI, R.I. Intercom.) v i r n a ,,, e r t e ox ,, r . otect ith phr.n and tha BOWL mental religlon. , . lan. requesting the presonoe of e upenaf- more freulY of Personal than.. name.. Rm. J. R. Thomoson .14.1 the religion. inn... mar, while the wounded man 18 . days. , affairs in Tennessee. Rebels are diSfran• boacs aro peeving sucll resOlutione. We. d e s:earns wait and 1.1 beezz recently con- ' --•-- • . need to boar a testimony math. grecaquae. lined to ble bud with Deka.. . ' A.mantling with a linife.=-ftre. J. IL TII . O report was d n . d o npted. . dried hy the htws of that State. Nati'. SPAIN. • in Pealean °rt. Ile is an lingua to L. ' .. th e utheew . ner ,,,.. . .111,81,313 71: 0 lam., aka.° hied dissolved - We Orman.. Dr SProull .1 t one in ten would read tlon also. Ile had seen members of the corn. appiared, yeateratie, before Alklor • United Presnytertate denomination. rally enoukh, they do not like iL G•iv. • Tigre alt. NreartinTlianno. 4 .. . , ...t i tr i .ll . r po i r . ; o 3i , , , rtl l ty o r r el 1gt0 , 41141 - , llr . ejtj 3... , . ~..,3 i , ..,. , , , p on ,d on , aa , g „ tha . fc, F. 7 ,4 ~,,, . Wn . ~., . g o vo r u m e m n od deOarrullainself Dictator, this repot t, eed moved its pulttleation In I March intoxicated, and oven elders ou men Hamner, nnd Ind.. a chargo again. 1 and sent a vessel to Ceter.o. with an arm tract ram. general dthrlbUtlOrk. P.... , Fast daye before commnniona ht it Mob Another Nnichle-A Woman Him. • catinerirke proonawalt for Wreathes aseault. Brownlow has. l annoUriced Ms determi- m''''''''• m ' w "9 -TO ' S / m.l.h Ileet I n th. Rye, It. 11:Putt... g eol . :Mk pal, re Nodthm- ' " . •"' 4"; ''' 's ' •°"";"" to sonic.'" to return tend owunic Um re.s taro, hin thnt Covenant.. will give UM thing Horne. in Her Bed chamber. 'TM prosecutrlx ithares that hlra Green. Paula ticean Is te be materially nt reale. in • Committee. one from Ouch rienomlna- purchnno of csoneuund Wtorcet and Iwo of We government. Illn thylval w. an x- Um 'lrony. No! We rap oarey on tlith ' wedneStla ItbOta noon tars Hann. • a wult cm. to her ho., making demon. tuition to enforce the laWs, allowing the or „ . thin wus aumintml., taring the time thn " treasury note., g l . lo9 . ll Weh Mantint Of 1 , 1 , 11,1, l oo k e d / 0 , chevalier. tho revolt,. The Committonon the Uol. Of Chtmeb.. wor agorae rats winkednow emit victory, T' •, • , author. with a knife and, threatening Ds d. ; lave her. II 11. Georg° (mai.. repOrted .„, Iter IL lt sproon said it he knew an . Wigner. ligoil nietY Ymm. °I. Omng 'g - : ikill her. The macre! arose trom . trifling -_,.........___,_ ...at. weres.ean tag other, hr. nom. : Priocilati and letormit a poratte dc. sl7ow ,VOTt * , ) , - , ' ,W t ii r iL i , ,, t„, 1; ,, , , ,, ,,, , , .., ,, „•= 4 , ,!N 0 - B r ql,'„ io , ~...; . . - 11,r gu • thy Of ench an nct tea Wal deelared, Mg OY th. tteela 1.. heal 1.51 In h.r -01 .wl• jet...stun.. The parties rest. tn the the. names of no Citimns to be inscribed . AftltIVED OLT. berg. in., quite an eloquent ware.. Mu Mon' Total VP - 41 0 - • lo person. vlOll2ll. front too pt... The Commit., to whom W. referred the ' ho would libel hi. before his session in• On the• registers if they are' by law de- 'Q • • . T • ... to., brief remarks were...by a number •.• • - •- m • m m her, in tho upper part a her relatienCe, No. 1 Ninth ward. A warrant was Issued for late ; , CLENSTOwN, May :St -he 5.0.15 m p os a „, . - o ATV, COOL 01.11350 ismer el meriaama alma llnvlmo for Son. Inalottlon of the G.eral Synod of tho Ito• etantly. 110 - waa in fmor of more deliberate- , , . ' arrest a the sunned. • batred froin voting. Ile has further giren City or New York, from Sr. , York, arrived e.,,r t.g4,eres, In contact!. with devotional I Thp interference case M. •• n enl 1 i , d others, Including tho iron. i lot tined Preobacrlart tjt, mai (N. 81 to meot. ' actlon-thuro 13 no tit. when ffle aro Duran , Liberty strue, Lifo was expire when I -.------- - -..- 1 -• • -'. e t t 3 .1 1 T - 1 1 1..11 fru ire wring or f li no . th t . with thetn and others he cOnvenzalon .r. to aal fo it u 1 Ho moved to .1 wan dlicOvered Deceag ea 1.11 runlet. I - twit. that he will not seek to ailridge tan mernlng. an , T. A•Feentue. ' hhalrmon of Commit - Shaffner and the AngloWystrime inueigfor.. e" rtu t r ak, • ,, ~,,,1 „ „ 10 b ring ‘l . o ' If. ji. 12: 3 %,% . r . gard to Wen. of uniOn I°lll ermattinl. postpme r rurth r er ‘ aC e tign * t'ln n- the renolithoos Monumental . Falg-The Subsistence oolong the various lir... or the Pre... Until Ilea Meeting of Synod. C Dried. „. :this city for °ref thWW years with hM I Committee .1030whalge the f allowing con- . ICO to Nominate Others, report. the name ~,, , , 5.11 right of public diaetlSSiOrl, unless it rad.. Odd. hoeliacnce.] , of Exam. manor for pornowent President ` m t . " "•• mth Pending in the Patent onlce m !neat: ttg o n o, lieWa• husband, Robert Walker, skiff !wader ea j trlhottoost Jos. Ilornn h C0...503., R. 51111er . nate no frifiowing Viou President. Rev. for mare timit a n year. h. Men decided In 1. t rir tc . in..ecia houses or Have. tuera4 f r a r = l,,,, wo ,,n nt 4 tl r e r r . .c o o h, la i n o e n n ,, il Wu MI- Ttle Partin. •• ; Jr., VS; Cr.!, .15. Llg Dummett, ono box shall be carried to tho eitent Of COllllO3l- i tiltlatT I.II3ITAIN. . O. 11. Boardman. Plilltidel libia; D. lff , °man, I favor of Ca. Shaffner. The nr.ciple in- aro to te . taas..ll 01, n yptorly under Um low. ito• Eno Point. They in& no childree• al Its. i bps OrnageS, Rey.. f. Bre w one case to- W acme, The presait d ' evrand Mato or Rov. T. P. Stevenson announced on behalf - ing resistance tothe laws: That the Per- j , e , i ,,,, nr „. , eared had refer.. to Wu uso of gun ent. Tax 11.0.1 RI 1.1.-s...enlat ergaTION. ' York ; Rev. .1. ie. LOOtels, lAustobtag; . --- - • - N vt- 1' - 11 . 29 Ti if 7cl' In to 11. New kirk-•••l•Mladelphia• FROM JAPAN. - tho Chrt.litat Climen 10 a ea.. uf sorrow to of the Rm. of Manager. or the non, tor. 4 ,, , , r1ird state, of mind, ,arlsrag fr , F , , mamas, one ca. p.a.., ono esth . o.t.r. / every WM trivia &Christ; end wherces, It the PromOtlOn of Saturnia Reform, that am , Ma t 1 . ,, er 0 , gie t Z cm , . 0 . " 1 „ MT. , . .., . Also numerous contrlbettons oe eatable. 3101111 . disfranchised are Tee - raved w vote l• so - o:ml , ITtn u l , • ' ' ,l oiri - m t". " 1.: 1 . jito-rlOus•e . 1.11..10 ill; J. W.Weer. ililvriabreett. Judge' ten of afferent avian .Um sumo charge. , fro. private amines. Donations of cream „ " 1 warier . exc. er r m' lt " ! ' l ' l '. C ' n u t e lo “a l c '' ' laaln enough; but Yrhether 'the President of Comma.. . mete hone. thd otter an J 0... nottlary; Re, Dr. ty . coa t ., Pa. By this discovery it hue been fouud pram. a- 1 ,, ,, ,,, , ,, ,, , ,, 1 t1t. , , 1e ,, t 0 1n . e1 , . ,, ,, , T . :1141 , 1 , 1 , 1 ,, 1 e 1 1 ,11 0 ,1 Iff ,, s , o . r d o . I f r o re r aLtu rt n i t . et; Lor , l a tl yo b r o .. m . a . el e a .r l i m y tLopetely " ' . o l,L o. i . h, t ,, .. r,, ,0 , 1 r 1tg .er .... r :f.,, , ,,,.. R r w V ..3. , n , .1 uncooked ments two needed everyday. n 1 kl um bo sant to city Thal every morantiC --- exciting dub., the question of the borough ivied oleta. Gen. Albroila, Machnnelit It.. I ,„,-1 - ,,,„„„ „„„ .„...„... ~,. .„, , „ , oracles vl4ll to the Tyenon-Araeri. hie negunto union ol the eyongelical Tilattge her, unaccountably charm. to an- oppoeitu . before 9 o'cl.k. will interfere to abrogate the State law, funch Wit right, . embodied in Mr. !Pima- W. al• helm, TOW: Ile , J. A. Gra'. Phila. m - - •••• m••••••• m n't"neY .." . 11 ." , coo ft I ssionary'm Itiodereuee Dents°, eburehes ue n mund, Sl ' rl i' th , r'ld r.1 • I l ; Wore voted to the ittairoadanat Mit given feeling. end recentlyt he nteCO Wag op.. , eit's Reform Hill, WOO 51oWed 00 tho boolo • Anitaan,• C T. 1101.0, Tork, Rev. L. Haw., ; neme 10 great ma... over gun powder. ed-Panic In tile Itiee Demist. therefore -_-_:.\ .....--- „: - acems improbable. of houtrhold suffrage. The Yon:pound Phian,lMPht. lay. D. A. inflartYz Rev. Geo. l •••effectlng greater penetration. . ...fn. to delegates; to the citixam of hertnlve of violence at her lismln Wean.- '.. .NT relerraph ro the rittsterrh llt /gun 1 ftseknewi, Tient this ',rt. will nmelicw. Pit.burgle Told Allegheny for their mom day morning Mrs Walker w . f. In . excellent ' • Iftftt on Maabinitten ftlreet• - Two - . householder pl., tit fiat tiroposed, is pram !ie....KM...1 IL J• / 71 6 Philan. Melties;• :3 -a, neat: Ton Tile. ra area. NI.W Yalita, Illy t° -A 'imolai to tho !ler- In Mu .reconnandatlon of the . Genural gene.. hoepitallty to dol.ates during spirit. alwaroutly anti not the remotest : "‘"" "" m " . ' 11 . 1.7 TnnleAter of Secretary Mc Co LI,OCU, ' L . lcally abolDlieM As ; the rewash. now . 3 .1. Supbern, IWO. elphinz A. F. S. ~ 1 . .. _ . ,thg. aw e d I , k aw,a,,,, n o w hos, ~,,... The mit.. We s end . the then , i n n hots ., town i . to needle°, It. ikr.lloinbarger Ilatedel ph he; 41. Munroe .on foot tu the south for the Informed,Prestwte elan Chnrch N the ...len a Sinai, ankt to the next. than acre w ' un entertain:ill, anther° WM not been ' Brown and Thomas othonnet got into nom° dilllcultv or other lael thanks accotnpanic.l by a generous col. at any th. previous of her destroying ; 1 ,?? 1 ,,• ••• 1 rM..,Me . • get W lw.l' a. g aa.. ,,r,, * :. . to Boucot, ahadwas a haa.a.r..i . amaa. r ail . thj . poy hi. f oo . r M„ por oooo fir ~,,,,,,,d of 110, James Price, blaukfordz itev. 1.. Marks„ ' parch.° of a hoinn fur led. Davi, through Mu landlord, and so secures thc l'lttelargh• Ito, that. McMillan, Now 0..; Isglr' ' ' ' l'' ` l:Tniil7l4 " "f's;'.l't l ' ‘I'' ' .7):::: • !•°"•':; T'hYg. "'N•i t ' Y 'l 3i n' e .':- 1 2° T 7 b 1°I i i e n' t !' n lL C u m w n ' m th it t t e7c m on i t " de: ' ln hi g n : ...0.). , herself. 'Mho ilergessot during Wu • form ~',.." "•••' • 3.. .e.° T..." "M . '' , g • . w r t of it apro.ed be.re Aloerman French, English and hutch tothlstors have t`' ... " ' • t atokonageen., • 1100 n hrought from tho garrote bed cord, I Wt . i g . .. I , i s . f • tbc revenue for the remaluing months of right . vow,. I. ene manor .w e fr._ tiez•lnmen rl rent . I.ll.lelph ..1 . J. Eva., 1 scrmaks To raw votta. a i ro , o ty gon , ur n*. a , unkno w n , onset force two Tult.tOrn an.l ono elder,. re unmated _ . . the fiscal year. The causes assiined china quallacertion In the counties. it hem i•Owniaiwgz . iter. Dr. Newt., Vidludelphlot I, , ,, , lhA r i n ig:lbt i : ,, . t •U ‘ c....l ,,, nur , ll• , ix• b e". or six res.ms, Thn American 311ntster tit} 110 1 . tl and •o . tabl in the ...rite. battery egainstO'Donnel. 0 Don . been voted that tho settled occur.. of Rev. 11. s. box, Stationing WM med. contraband , r , ....,,, ron ~,,,,, am ~ , „ • Basra... 4 That the dei.unanppolnted by PenYor bY Rot, l• C.1303.-eangleg Pm. . 1 ,... be ",t 5 r.g, , ,,,rg,... w .V o _ . ' . . nel was arrested had, In default Of Stall s by Ws Synod to awn , ' ram Lonveraion. • sy nou then resolved La adj.. finally. of which shn Wok n patron for a clothes tam n nn" 'Maim n• " Onna.M. Or •••• Mill doubtless prove satisfactory to the lan,. or mime:lents worth the num of tw0...) t 0 ,,,,,,,..„_jj,„..., c... p o tt,a, ithim a im„ .; trade ls COr fled 011 0 IWO 1.10, 1 114E1 11 4no oil r phis; W. 11. litnceld, Plttdotrolu J. C. tiarri. : North." ) froliticr. M wt... m•l'velnaln yo. ng. cee t s pure y eunal aud to V. In; Th .•II ' I VI ' •• ""'"' ••• at r Wan engaged i , Amara.. . committed lOr a further hosing before Una, - k , porinds...ll enjoy We right °Waling when • tootles in Northeru Saw York and New I.t onu month. Thu I,enon hne rm. this Synod bo moored to report at an mkt IAL _ POggin St /M . P. il• 10 telgt WilhOni egf" ' dolY rutisiereo. , The Government at first • w o rn . ? , ph , liatiolidslier Rev. It. 11 Prettcrum• • 1.• . , oreparateme for tho reception aud enter. •••••• moat. the renal. reached by the Comm- w. Th a n o n , nj to t . m in ee lmi tin y g o w i lli . be held in N Or . I. h. ~,i ll, .r e i r t pf . , r . l . n g t d i I T 11 ,. o e r r.. b lioo ... n w itLe p r o. h r lAS c l r l o .t . r • the tattle, and lnq taring abous it, Mr. W. k ~ ,- '. . . arglarions Attempt.-Thomas (dm, fidence that the countrY can be brought Proposed Wet the veep ea h 0 ., , ,i.. A0 c . ,, r , n „,.,.,,,,,,i, eneseh n n u ne k, um... ; -,.....••• ••••• •••"••••• ' tenement it 11 er at t °rm.' 71th report - wan WM on the table until 3 ibe Wort.. spec. says. Gen. Tata. ' -,-.,,,-, -,,,,,:,• ;,,/ . 0 'i, or f or , - ,• 1 ,,,,. „rt., -...---- , s; _ fro the .w .„,,,,.,,,._,,,. n ~... o f i t , b a !dila l i t , i . o u rl 1 ,, t t; t: r t , 1 , ) ,, 0 , c i i . 0t, p w 0. 112 . 1 , 110 , mei.. Would bo fifteen pounds. 'ha 1b- M..• athr tal anooali,kn of the pope.. denraud. . roll null John Benno, boy., wore committed . to a healthy fratunial condition without main lel opposition wanted to - lave it fix. . renanem - Georlie Cemle... .....? "Mom. to Temims. asdaY. POW e 1... r 0,,,,, Li o n ir ' • lug imutedlitte action. g on° aII h 0.1 engille til•aldell, the earscrliwrs for them rePorm did took riff a kortlon with which to take her to jail yenturdaY for via, oa a. chargo of nt •at ten pounds A compromise took ohms In TM (Wawa.. Ile. tire., introduced tla . •tth the Vow. of the t : ow . ..route. an to tho „.„ . - . . , 0 D0VE44,11 Ctrer. . not forward . t.lr names until several tempting to lace an env... into tho carts any serit i ms derangement of business, theAtouse wh ' en Destro multi. wees agreed theildent eleCt, I 10n. James Pollock, 0114 dotal. of liroonlonts militht. •"•'' " I " .*""" I" • "" . ...I. 10 relodr, ho , Me. Mrs. l lValker having left Um kitchen et y Dore. of J. T. T hompson. cornor of Wood . believing the cillaCti now -operatin- J. N Moat, Ex....neer In 1M c el en „. she n0 „,,,,,,,,,, e w ne of the tnw s. or sane Inn:anew ry remark.. who a cepontl; n,. . r b elm will DM an 1.0 0 4OCII. TM Wykiming. The Commiumi to molter w Ith Itsyr S 1). (lays . after 'Sm. had been In ..• eend COL being mien Oebout the premises o; alter in.r visit WI tkaweit will comm.. her %%To, the proms. rllOO, am LO taMe w: _, Don, Wm did nOL receive all Mattel. , lower met of the' nomo It . suntan ed . and Lawny street, mita a viow to plunder. - tr. tenements. Tho result 15 twain te Um Peo- " g '. ha ' ••••• hMe """ . "T M. ' yesterday applied for u pardon. ,•I a 1 .1. tut crane ' . '-' vt" , duo. .Ire ovory cme• possible, however, tho . her - , a tthtt ~,o to ,:, ,„„ w „ ,i „- .ti, t. , to ' They usul a crow bar and a skeleton herr againtst es to be temporbry and excep. , Pie: o_ iho fellowlng per.. mire flan/Int. a,IL •• Chino. Comma , .. l ", Mltolgrm ' T.II .../ strentsWW Ina nI ht I 1 • • ance, runlet., that Ike 14 cot 'matured to neck nem.. wore forwarded. Thn re. ; h • • "• " " •••••• - and might have encocodeti bad WM not kn., ma. von T. Tinit... /loon,. (mono/ J. S. Cummions, Phllt lion. has reagnent 0 -- '....r.1" ihn give a decisive nawerw. Conan Mee rec. ay down. Ihe rm. went up stairs; runi . I , , r er wishes Ws. also, tn. to ail per.. no.ff norprle.L Danner cialms What fur. tional. He speaks encouragingly of our mralphts• E. J. Co .41 Erle; IL. It Mel.. 1r in reran...at timelny ha. treat. to • . rata.. of Roy. s. IL Brown. the oamt ernmenillhat thu., be granted TM report i found her ag.l aunt as staed, hen:bra to ' Int:Weft/13d deputation, wllli petitions , lan, N410 . .t.; , 15110,• W Welr line radars, John C Itreekenridge, touting blue to re. &''''''''''' "'"O mm e M I. a maiged 11 " ea. adolded• OM whom orders woro recolvoki the tempera th . b ,,, . 0 ., quite dead. From licr sane- • Newark, howler.), and Lemon from N ir prospects for a goad crop, and of the gen• ' Malnernesly signed. rok Mg mercy to tho . Thom. mcFadlito);olllltyz doors., c.Latt. , turn to th Is country and-take pa t 111 Tt, 11111 10, lel a trummetton °A NO bIIIIC In the is-rears.... IlitVe been maned faithfully eed ...mall, tion and Urn appear.. of her neck. In I Rini. renlanshonvicte, are arrive. in that city. ' . t • l ' r • T e l e tg r ' l g o ••• ,, • : ( .. 1•• ","*" 'T e r . Rm. N. IL 3„hnson moved Um adoption of le r fh T e • r: o 7l o • , " be" r•""-" ' I "s, i tl " '" ~ which the cord W 55 1100 ply Inebtatita, it NV. I 5r .„.,,,, ...,,..„. ..., .........„....,:_5,,,,, . crater, tyluslelphmt Rov. aP. Thompson, . conetruction. I ••• anliced that after boring arranguil the • - mt . " - """ - - -•••••••••••••---- , Mal good times to be enjoyed during carainat rout colt, tomcatted on We Lord ' ; Tho Heruhr. 51....ery, A tabouna, ape- ..„ ',•,;„; •., * „.!, • , ' „,..y,,, • , ‘ „, g z5 1 1 n " ....... u P 0 r ~' , ' , .' , ' " 7,.... tho Whoring . , • t 5.1.011, living on hlaln street near Chest lIIC coming' year. - . Lieutenant M 1..., advising that all t. 0.1 ,.11 r 1V7i iin . the he.. of else h e - -m- - rino. one cot .... Wu bed an.l leaned off 3 ... ' Mal mud : 1;004:0 W. L tale, the man nil° ' "' . m • - • - -- • - •-----• of gar... T. 1,11 (4 iota loatlng drinks . T o oo gy T o o., of O off o oh, g C oo od . 00 0 000 o • ' • • . nut Allegheny Made information yester ' - egl l deo, , p , :d 1 ,,,,, t,‘... ,,, 1., Pr.y , ..yrero otter- and attending tu 'Wen° unimportant mat ' . • offere.l a largereward tor the O..llllflnatlon , e ", , 1 .;•, ° , •••• ,';,.,,„,,,,,,,,. , ~.. nspondeol at full length, her Met i ' ' , n 01,,,, ~,,, ate a M... la a hernias sin, tramper. _ ~......,,,, ; day before, Ahierman Taylormainat Martin A cash of j sporadic - cholera, is repoy.' 1'.1,1 , i , : . ., 1 4;;1‘ n t• g te.ct=4,7 y `l' o "W c . h", ‘ ",, to. In peak:atm We organismam, the ;of Kentdent Lincoln dortog the war , aa. ' .. ; ;;;;;;, - , - ,T, ',',.„,',-;;:,-,;,-;;;;; . •;;;,',-,i' h - W,-;:-6,4,, t ,„" k ! r eneo n mem. mil, and the title of ardent littiow will be Mo.& certificate from one ~ , ,, - „ v,) , :n t t r r.f . i t r a l,, o z:g7,„ , ‘w :- ;; - ,., - ,... - :: Ethouncl, charging him with striking him l • , ted this:morning from New York 't ~„ lite royal mind to clemency. . , occ . te ,. .i:Ar . tle , t n n reane i rr o w..l to 1: , . 0 ,..,2 0 ,,,,,.,-.. : s. rr . es . rt. , , , l . rat c ‘ hazi ,,, co , f , :4lip , l , lflty . in , t . 11 , t, , _ ireauunont and Latta.. ...AL w 111 Waco - pares . Kr dr.k a great cr.. against Go.l . LI. most. resp.table MU.. a mud. act of du21.1. by suicide. l . r I • Ihg hm."•••• knocking htm dowp. The , tight or knock... CeeUrred On the :Sett . e t J• tno.lng is call. In Itirmingaam 'for tno ...,„„ ,4, ,•,,',' on !" • ' ' - ' - '" , i'' ,„ , 30 , I ' "‘, ` l "ki en , ° I . tn the tartan. Wr America, TM ituko 'M a l m&• • . I township, irk regard to Dr. Kelynor's 11100. - --am- . Ina., Diva the works of Joseph Grilfales. There can be but little doubt that the , `lllllO p.p., A deputation of the nee. th r r ,', t. , •11 W m "... ...ad to the ...Y. I l or.. on I/ ones...Ty . Den American sunday Itiont Johnson. la ng a Mum' • ' re.- will Int recolltattni tte the itnyar mathato of 11 vaunts, T. llama should Lc pure an. s '1 e Th li t t t • • , earc tr. e oe or s cert llcat. art, I nteresting' 0c.....u. Tuo aceum.l wm arreeted nod hold to bail • ' Mrs of tho lint. of Conan°. with the , • tho l'ottioi s Dam Naval Acadmuy. The • 1me .... 1 " .. ge•m e M Z "• °r e , M"h " . "' - ' dread pestilence :will reappear in this Slayor of len.. at Ile head, was to call sw root t nlon, Met. take. phi. thls oven. , ______...._.-___ coin , ~ ~, ~,,,,, 1 .. 0 over n Imo, Of . 1, 1% ea..., T. oleo Intox Cot IWI 1000" within reach, aml no one need be decelved Lant Marling n Yew interesting peps. , for a hearing this morn .g. Ina at the Academy of Si.. by cherelkineMbere lo glaringly IncOtadat- ~. ~_ , , ~ country on the approach of warm weeth- oof Mt. rank.. prolmos to Mu Muni tbe 9men end Pre.lmt , e reutmn for The tkora n au e of A ren ognm ete . h ns , 1 FINANCIAL SITUATION. i,.::•,.:',,,..,„.,,,,, , ,,,,,,, t wit, with vac peofewann auti ainge a tarn. m ".` •••••• •• •° , •"•ege•mIhm• ' Dol. wok Kan at the mitanlfictea new ••••••••• ...„ zuerey 'toe Oio l,l .oluot 11 1 . Kenn. non.' bed et bercalt•an task In puma mg ror I _ . _ x rrieneemo. onn ro came of larelst; Mill 11 , 6. < 0 . ./. 1. - qw , I Meanie enacted sr.. , tones Howl, on Liberty street,. which to , & ,,n oft 'T r & ~, , P , M o i t ,n 1 . 1 % - ;,, 1 .5 . i ' .. 'el. ' Innearly eyery city in the country, II:1g r 0 1 ‘ . 0r. v t 1 1 ;;T mi " , „ ,,I 7,1;11: ta1 . ..."mt1. E ,eveYt Wog 1 . ll n tall on 0 . Dmr.ol. 21 .1VOIrIvb De e l ,M.... , P.M' ~..r• ll, i ;., .r . ra nt, e 'r7. T i p . l l, l r i r c i t . r eate:. F i s t e , u r t , u nrke, 6 , V • ,.,1,7::, ' ,=„ u ,,,,,„ ‘ ;;.„,,r„„:,„, b „.., „ 6 „,„„.. with Klee 1.0001 twenty years ago, unit me d l e, r..1..K lanalkan Is I Its agreeable, ener- . made l " nVe ' t ' rlaretio u n I.t ' elore Altl ' ernt g ens • btr:Lx with the CXClptlon of cur own, active Laid j,r ,qm ,,..rea .‘ ll , ls ,io ng . re.,,,,,,,, : 14 . 1rra11.1 scar, um the people e 1.• with .els ar Ilunner-ste fliponStot o• toe s'ltteri• tit.... su h•Fra ... s!ii the wo. trio., •, ' ,„,1,,,, stittition'il 11101 aroma, law, often reassert- g o lltl o rl. , :y s. : r 7.l . tr u T h er . i . r ., ( , g m w oc olinAlo , t a , s n, Lo , , In itnd accommodating idoprletor. The . Marg... Joh. May with aggravated•a. her In the mom of entertainntent. Mr. coil Condition °Vibe Country. Is co ertataked and nu saw tor the conch, ",,', l ,', l l, e , °°°°• • '••••••• ••• g;" °I 'Ln "'""' as to twat nui for work. Sometime!! 1 NlOl ' niannizosts, ronnmen, shoprucn, arena. eta k ,r,..‘ th • ••'• "' Me e' •••••• " M g" th " Mg j sanitarY Measures have been adopted to !!!''...t.k. to ~h.• tra eel', Mtn, aftur anxious ,00 n sitteratIon, , awent. to It. The ilcury C. Mahal. no nocampltebod th. lte Tlrah to 0 PUY t• h 0 le - morn. thoxfore, dendont assailed him wan a pick tt.dio. . ..• ...meat 0. Is Chan - now of Iho Conon lake ',• •• * ;`• ''• • "'''' ' ItscOrci, Time . cam of any known fro. . bad tnnt 1 could not do anything on ac- engineers of the Pennsylvania It•rthond I ariklng hi.n repeatedly with tno Dime, snit. j ward off t4e scourge. Here, nothing noun... of tho result was received in on katertamment, aud difficult anti dia- &•": ‘M••• ••••I • • • - • " -- SocretarY 51•Culloei. . . _. __ _ _ • latnin of taw by t. nm of fermented Mews con. of the. 1.4 WWI a great drial of conirany had prot axed n ttx LI m j intact.. serious faun-. The ace.. wm • tiro ilouse of Porliament wale ...leer- Wellned au invitation to a pu)..,,lintier. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Or ono' 1n....1. drink., mauler at par• ...Wine for them. 1 unott to huy and Mku .' •. • • -"" •" ' 'taunted awl hold Mr a further hearing. has been done, and nothing will be done log. Lord Derby stated tat the only refs- matt an the duty 1., of this practical feature ' of our Cone - ram, he se tMO equel to t M Mthered to lemang ca D." .. la.. th e , O r we ar,,,,,,0r einownere. mow lone o re whaevar 1 could hear of or road of In elm prise for los. Parks, Lsq., Um travelling etc I i till cholera knocks at onr door for vie ''''' n ' r giv''''' Aay was the overwhelm.. 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ht . ~.,,,h r, ,,,n 0 , spanking rid an tinancla conditi 0, of the • ... •hereby directoato arletly Cul... thu VI. enters and manta,. that fell .my was. alneer and master onachtuist of that road. ; -- • i . • , testimony of the Irish people. that II .otlld tuoy „ r ... me. right oat. COOIIIII% 110 pay', -Lou tntott hot expect ottr FOP ItTI I I'AG E.-The .o.Mir gad moil re- i k r e d bis. . but I could not gat cured: sometimes thew In the way of a magancent gOl.l watch and ' !rarely of the Proem-John Pate. rip. tuns, and then it will be too lute to ac- be politic not to let the law take tie mom. u „ . T. .s. ~,,,,,,, cau rn ,,,,,, o r ~,,,„0 . monthly nttactnetits . for the rest of the nee , ~,,,,,. m„,, , , , , ' . . T ti 1 111.• 11 , thl owl Produce Marko Rs. 1....1-era, nnt , m ntt.l.3 ant e. - •would do me some good for a little while, chain. Through Sol.schoyer, Era., tho pro- I pear. before Ald ram. Strain yeeterday. Tho /Pula. Dublin - special ear, "The hotting coromthre, 1... r.mnecte I Mtle lo met scar and early part of the next amal ..„ 1 awn aro tan. by" tho law of carte, to' but mweesnede they would return again on errant.. Mamch . 1 . Um , . In a tew happy : onliwradoinformeition manse Marl. Mc vompliit any , good. ' nowe ot Burk. comnintat. w. received lekang Now York religious pape;. Ito e. re year •i ,1 1,.....,,, ..,,,,,,,,,,,, y 0. , t o , - 0000 , I,or, ffr,,,, by one pita, at Mc co'll. 11 ". Ye own. murn and often aminta intentrier- mbted . ever. 1 otto applied to two Doctors. remake, in which the recipient w. cow- i lanire for a breach of tbe peaco. John al ba. Yankee , by tell clantes." . km lathy nod h• a e.0.m.. or groat, thmtne P.'". Th. 'M.D.. at-tam...to /enrol Conti...Dim:A PM , - ants., 1001 the,' 000 beruby• arca. so to do. ' who anima me nt My h..), end Coe. me • plimcutud in Wu most earnent and fitting e l, le . Wet -McGuire threatened tO tirlite et lin. wm. D..KELLEY la Improvi2g in Tho Ilbruld's Cork epee.. layeattAde Icee n „„t s „ t o , 0t .„„,., soldier, preperallom for the threamneng, _ R..... That Um use of nlcoholle eon. medicine, but it would not do. 1 eon. , terms 51r Park. rm... in a fellthon. 'po or clean through lana and lie I. afraid Dorn iho country eltstrhas report that a „ , .-' . - ' . di. war even If war Walt shana b. not ght went Over a mar ago I got an ad- • t e • • lest ba may carry his thee. into execution. the quality of . his Sotithern •fipee hes. Fenlan for.. attacked t M military nt talon ,;!,.. Karel 1 ILL.:mate. artsinmenti tem.* Ig I d . 1 .1 11 I • Contr. Agricultural nordety - The ilq min as medic.. when. in tho form . . bun non notice Itev. a/ . sem ii. Who et. mob • • mit 4 • 1 •Y Om. ninnanrialimm of Next Mom Fair. or moots, physig.l ens . prescrtalons or ofh• veal. emen o you . t t r Blood Semeh montte , Ker.... his deep gratitude Mr. - e e. the honor thus paid lam by his fellow roma I t „, „,, set h , : Dyfendun t was event. and gave bail fox At Greensboro, N, C., after he had fin. 111 e m ,,P=r 0 7 1 11 , ,,, 1 ,:,= . r . '.. n . " '''''‘` LtlY. Esl • Jolt. Davie. annto. pea ittere. a ratecenancoun charactm, et a cameo u nu- . t, • awl., le not only lopteleas to the lista, era VW. von • sold it to . me you told crates and workmen. The watch Is a nag. .. "m "- nosier In Ute MUD. , . a, No nu- u . u .,,,,,, ts. w h ,.. c . ne . , w !won; .tra draw on th.. Tuotsury, ware in. A reg.. mom "•• meeting 'a Mc 11 . 1 ••• h ome w ,,,,, c o ma e° d at es c roos in tea in- me one Itottat 41 . 1 Pg °Mt M I M nip.. tatticent solld•gold hunting ca. Mama.- : ; , ished, Mr. 7. 11. hieLe.', a Member of ~ 1 . 1 • olm rereattera • „...„,„ . . . ' the other band. the general failure of ot Slai.a.r. .1 the Coutdy Arriculturei ' t ura , c e M • l ng ts. pr".l.• t0p.......; rend that mr 4 00.0 sYstem wohil Mee from Mr Wilson's javol establish- • Hantlet-Todshirld a the Aceldeilly of , i Tim Fent. ll• Dean has Leon fell ad guilty uStioS S Linn ..1. the wheat crop. and part .1 faints • nr 4 *II 11500' to be renew. by tho medal. r th ' 1 rT b t- • Musa the arc. .tor WM. F Murdoch The. Confederate Congress, publicly °Crash treettoneend sentenced tO he hanged The Convention oss opened wile tray., of the corn crop of 1.1 yet.. the a lo e ' ;,,,.. - " .. ..•Y ••••• l!" '''' W•d " • •• •I "r . "T"'"gt "" .1 1 ,11",„'?„":,,' 1 „ " ,",=r,'„tn",,, " ,;, ,A,,,," 5L i c. ... twin. 1 gra well. I taught one bottle send T o g igP, g , ' ,l7, 1 • ,,, 1" ,, • , * ,' n " ,l,. • ra wll l. l :,„ ` ', " o "• _, ‘,..• ' 'wl ois Mt.'. a sup - mart W . tiro role cri - thablieff hint, declaring that what he on the noti of June. Tal scalene. alit, it by the seneratrie llev. ctarden cmic. ii. D. gre. en tne remora.. of wo a.m.. at trie ... ti a 551.k . wm• fra..lus, retro a Lt.,. ;',7,', 1 f r i,,,:;;; -- -4•- • -- - • • Moir It home with me, rola med It accord- ;th er i t ,,,,,;,:,,,,,,,j t i ~,i.,-,l ir, e b k! , ' ,1,1, 1 , ; Hamlet. appears at elm Acadoeby ut Ow .la annual; heal. commuted in an COO , . ' 101131Crly of Pa Unman. state. to 1 loar • prat. eM aims .Al. am ,• 1 . 1,1 • 11 . • ' i. '' . 'ett e hehet eremantl • X.: re-MUtlon , were Intl on the trade nn. tog tO your direction. I th. call. to seer . sat down to a ...00zes repast : An...l . greiet cnaracto, 1. will be ably .upport had itaid would'prothote Reconstruction. Tbe 1 knald's London epectal nay. The Itumedlately elm tho awn .g of the rcolcuel tkos moment, delm..l, of [Ma. .„ r , ~„ ~, . g,, r..,.,,,,,,,, , g ,„,„ r la.' a • 1 , to b •fore N ,,,;,,,1 f,„ . ',ity. yOU itg,tin• when you said I could not expect fn Mr Lannalintes best style TIM tables. ed bY the MiontedeOMPaoy of Um Asad. - , req.. of n disturbance In Mashy lam. tronvention: it.. Albert Contemn, of thin throng.. th. . mat. meth ihe remit '' ''m m •" - ' • .. ---. ' • !,',...• 1 .- Lc " ' ''''' ' . - mita ftoin one bottle. I bought it, onu bot- grOancd beneath the sleight of tho choice , My. On Saturday night Mrs L.der wfil Yet id : . KELLEY Ina. 130 unmanly con- are not credited. ' car. f0r...0Y raster hr c.d., i. I. . of the dome.. of ormnatint nsbl ynr... : nl Ur. , b• Moto i" 1 . , "linty. /Miler, ./ .11 I lI.P. 1 , '".,.. - - „ 110 at e.t.a mail I ham peed nee botrics Mau. and delicacies of tun ,season 1 wale malco her appearance nt there. a Elloa cessions. His statemerits accorded with . ' chore), in rat nta rah deliver. on st,lare a . I. ren, DOI a.. ante, room 7. .1.,,, ~,,,, y es , Th. tot , oun of tho or , -110,10101 ONO ...I oat. ',NTT el. . .Ifear this quaulty het been nemL 1 ar. falr and sparkling wince flowe I 11ko' r ter ; bctle, en erlica Dna vice With Maori. 01 welcome, In Mosier lansetac. on !weal 1 neg . .. of - excitement and ...rola., ~„.. ~ ..„„.. ~0 . , . , m ,, mf „ _„, o . , TUO report on Pro-be toe. Reports, the entirely well of the Pd. whlen bad tor- , titer s.- von of Wan. to tiro landlojt. i • the sentinients geberally prerailing at FROM-NEW YORK. nt ato :hitt:tam .1.0. , 011‘1.1”.....[ rbd. nectar won reduced tax,-, will emy min- ` "".. ".• ••••• •' ` -.. • •••°•., °•• , dist:lna.. 01 rota... .4 mental.. threat mr, im. twenty...lL to MP... "Ir l•• mti some twO hoed , . In ilumbea - . ' dnes 1 To Wholesale Du r of .Lity Gook. allel ph la . .„ tern ,,,,,, ~,,,,,, 0 ,,,. re ,„„ en ,„ Th r , um ,. , c ante. Imots, frt. ti.i. COMM... lido he. was taken Lln nal comild man. Moo ' epee. my beat.. improved, and' a ithe . h e • rs e .e. Tho asnir w. under tau Inarrage- ,we offer 11111.1115 11:1 1 1: loth Of Dre. _the North in - Republican circles; bra las - i II tr. a F Mover t 1 the Mrst ' bin .. . :135. Teter non to ths P1...m.4 et enth 1 k• • • • • .Pmor 0 . ,-o i. -pont n nor no 11,r.. C. 3 eat. othnivarse cleenmetancre mor re. •raint..l at tho I.t regular ratting r ' 1 • • V t • well me.. bo expected for ono of my age, fuent of 5.... Edword Layton, S. A. Dor. . Goals, Pa b ottattga, Linen Goods, nail full - manner seemsto EMT Leen admirable. - ' , , Presbyter!. thrum, of Pittsburgh. rim tar.l the return to *peels pay:acute, aid „„.., ~,,, ~„ ~,,„,,k , „ „, ~,,,,,. „,,, , iter..l C. Ito. • .aponlntyti the. Mode.. being Stay years past. 1 lime been won ' N.. Tegm t &••• 1•1 • 1 -• Mo• pontled in behalf of the West, tu wor Mof with We large beim of bondi to Ift made • . 1- ••••• • •••' • ' •••• - -7 m m • ••••• •• • -1 • • raltaNralternale as preach the Open lelt nee- ;noir tor Mx motabs, and there 13 nq appear- tend A t Illimles, who threformed then dull. I Ilnes of Shootings,. trartings. Print, Tick. . - an/cora return of ttio dn... I can dein,. la the princeliest or slyleS. , , 1 . 10 , ,..13tc . k 0 e 4 t ? i, , ,,, rA1 l 'a1 .,. ... : 4;1X , ch we wilt • . - _ hock.. Tun sailing - of President 11011E117.°f Jodgo Sutherlard.lowl.S. granted • mace Comm letco on Bun... uresente ...port Manche. or dant. 11l prevent foe n movntor, 0 . o ther nect toreitoneurn, re , etct ........1, via. " tio a.au a term,waval kir. or far.. work now without We Man ' • k J...T. lima. &Co r bol3.in, In which 14 sot brief Sena. ar La net of the made deist tan , . d Mo 4 I ° . M•m ma a m Om' insth a" of Pellaion la, effected , " *Piles comhur down acid hurting MO. I con TerribiLAZde i stb i -t Ji liwz , o; - the' Fenian Brotherhood, for Europe, t''',''' "`' " ' Wei t ' m Chic* " •" N' '' .&h nrit h . o"'" i i i `h° •4 t 1 , i • - t • • - . -wit . * oo the sale..l. mit owing to tno ' - ' . , 511 iii.ket street, below Third & Fourth ' s.. • • jern nottrae to exbila Writ book, M ' ". 7 .•1 • "..,‘, .0"- -, , 10- ,, ,a ..:a ...I ~,,,.. = ,, 0 , ,•,- ...two ey ittor•to.. ~, _ . -it t•qttott to 1,1,11 Canal... Kan haY. choP ...lift or Joan) . kind of • •• ' thay be regarded either as a royacriolls ' TII a i.l ra nAVlfill COY 11115.51011. g1 i C , X . r . 1 , 7 0, 11.3 , 11,1. , the herstone State la ••••• . IL unarsalable, ton 11 1 OM '0,1,11 ois • • ,". t In oily of gallant, a •tsita'sle lue.tiOn for .., • I I 1 t • . r h ii lbw li sproull rend cur.. of a letter i r Dam bemuse of tnn ittek bath in our atitilty to eon. net in We rube 'O,l te.t.:ll, 10 tl, W • "01. t ern al bt. •- • r• - • rric which before treed to bun me. When A most alstreseing and Wrrllihr &colder. ' Mend out your Mood Searcher 1 kept on mourn. at the steam saw mall of Speen a I It melt litith a Clot. so Ma Hensel. movement On the part or t h e o r& r, or. The varlooscommitteenthve ma:lomat. of comblnatlon and bann..l. wtt ion. direction at au early dey on the unarm), la ats-• ren i) ro ciit In Kuper Wu, In nom la , .J. 4. 38 11•••.• 0 1 no a -.. eta , ' , s h o w. ; i s ne w i hot. entlroly well. I con- . h . h k 1 ' lan P LI • rePorte rol Um subjects promote.. for con•• The Importune° of a shim Organisation. I believe this cheek go mir nat... ali t 010,1,11.01C0 of ato has ...One.. of the Stbankul Kama. rm... Infatuate. , ~, eider amy duty to mak° my ea. known to "" m i tm7 . In t hg•lll. g . °I IMmee • Mgamm I ""•• " "T ' • • g " g " ' re '''' g• at a denial to the reported coritemplated tdderatiou. The frillemlug aro...bong shy aah leurati.i... In ...two ty. tn eteonni) lemi to linPreathmot . In one carmen. Ina, ....,- tin, It aas deasur I I.:Ntranot to nese the "''' ,°.T. g l. ''' '' " ..I ‘... '.'"'" "' M' '''' .. - Ow , country for the benefit of Moors wto conuty, on Friday Malang lant. A young egg. lid A r i n: , fle Informatton yesterday be. , raieupon" Canaria. Again, perhaps it 111V013/1011, recommettd. to lho Secretary urtrett. benday .0.01 Inallate. are re. au to the incr.. Id eMelency In their .... W•t win • •im. rim wport was at nem. .* , ••ee , tit, tiatt.Vl..., , A..ter . ...1 . 1. 1 0 . 4 1 ,......,1nnt . , on , o me ns - er n,. nn t ~,,.., ..I•do not. kno • mnn named Alexander Shoup, need about ' Hawthorn, w7t.tr'e r re ' r ler r e? ' • g entrfal • , of the TreaeurP for adoptlon , kale. a cdmmended lea. allele. means ltl rane eta.. hasten repreaconalon in Conc... nal the Comm at.. .11,...1. ' ' ..a,',• • •• :. ‘ ,. TV' 7 ,, , ,% 7 .-,r,: r ".; the value of your media.. You may pet" eta Moen year, who bad .1 ua cowmen... milking . rennet. upon her with a club. pay transpire that the patriotic officer g. - I.e. ..p. , h. , tiog m.... bealth 51111 M's tbn •tenderd of road. Sch.. Maranon. . the ;am thern Ste...and set ere °renter "tags. I'arl. e Introd need than, 3, IL wat.P.M l ' „ 1 ••, 1 • ii. tills Ifyou 11.3. 1 live in WlMins tear , work at thirmlll that morning, in attempt- ' A war a t In d 1 th re 1 Ilt c ter add safe. condenser: Bala.' Unl- Iho great. !Mae. fat.. tng the organ., economy in ail numerics of pubm sem we." lisnr nal L. s. sun le le, of 1m a, na., who lahor three 1n011..1., ead report tone hard snip, a. will be plear.l to eallsfy any one Mg to take a t I.k off the sow Dame, was 1 oce.ae r d. ” W" " "" •• • "10 0 has made a' handsome thing out of the versal boljor alarm fruagoanrl tow eater do. tion of 1110.0.1 tin Mania school.. in Wray IV. SlLCialucts expbann the reason. by m at mutt. not.. models of • hay rake of Mast... i l' "'• the truth Of MD ftettfleitht if Mel mmh cam. by the urgO circular stew, and .an r ' , r lies not for Rom moot...eon t. Oven. aan 5..... f and guano at CI er attuctual mid a wrosatarma. um.. ato Al.. to call On me. ' Et.t.loa , tatty... Man. or tooe, literally cid to pieces' • Boots, Shoes, Edmonds a. al Slippers, of ' Irish liberty movement, and will take Vit.'l'; . ,:". a gfilr g ",r;'::%.‘ d ' l'j . l e f:tr,i,.:;,,T, • ~,I , l l: l l ,l , • , :::l t n " f altgft=,V- 4 T,vie n t ~,,,,,„,,,r , „,,,;'1,..t . ,„.,,,c.‘ , ...„,,,..t h, „;,,,,,,. „,..„,t„,,,,„,•„,,,,„.. 9,„, D,..r.i L,-. • - - - • easit ' azill enjoyment in for••ign climes, at Menne stenui en ;' ,oine; Governor G Ira., Mr future Mecum.. Wore presented Mitch ealon an ukapolty of Conan.. to an loano. ma n tar boa Mda Oldoloo min the oter- ~,1 , 4 , e , ,,T 0 1 .:, ,,v 0r r i v 1 T , . IMlLlej ,l la . n . lta n krlnz „. . r e: r , e , . I . :fft h. bottl. will. cure a nureing tom 1113 , 111 . 1r;.. , , ,,, b014 ,, :e i rt . s ,,r a:t1 , 11e ,,r ego r l r o oi rper . ttie very best eastern and custom mak°, for s, gents, m.o. and children.. rea. st am game:Andrews & Bront.steane pump, will Im unlined horeathr, le Keenan!. ' dude con tremlon ; mint.. oI foreboding. Oa. tat ti Wenn ...ohm,. In° I '''''''' the expense of thousands of 'irate& in it. ' " it. Andra.' sing. .ting fore. Profnesor Wlekeraatn, of our Common of flame. trouble, and danger of pant., in 'Judge Par ke. Irma Um carmattec to no- eimerreattlan re min orgeosteta, good 110 1411 d Ono f.C. tome bottles win cur. tho worst Lay. Meters. theers and Z ick wcro in norable prices, at tile Emporium, 55 renvz artisan anther'. lis' t he eon re tattoo to t Y 3 0 I. lab lof piruplos on the faco. the tn. at thu time, Mac.. only utter a. j Fifth 3101111. - • pump ; Lotnitoinla tdcarn syplaea pump, mho. Intereas, •onku to very esenlnd commercial mile., liderjoualy aramag the licit noliscriprionn from the cithens ire kai America. • oak s aol to trawler it to 1110 earn Of tho .T but too low to ektro the t t ___ . . _ . AshcrolTs peanut felt protector for *learn terms In furor of taring alto Ilittle In our icgainnete buthiese of the country, awes .4 . • 0 ' 1 "'" . • I° •••e••• Me . "'" M g M Prewl•ter • 01 - 11.013 synod M. 1.1 11 0 la w i o f ° l4l " ? '"'' """'' win "" "'' "0"1 cr7 0( ''‘001". --men.-- young man. Ills romans wore properly I • Disorderly condact.-Frank Riley Ma • . baler, locked safety V/lICCA, AIDOrICYD common JlllOOl.. . nay of paying or converting Inure umnients thy (11,1 natlt 1,1,1101 I , ln Kt 111 1• loam, ro- , ,3 t 3 I I ''. •.lit .. t . • i t it: • "1 - ° ", • EMILE, the chap who offered a premt. M. and low pronoarmiteibineorintimepec. ComMlttee on Itegolutinne. mato kkemeekb 'of intereit beam. not. at Itlngt MO preeent ported that ...out i 1,1 OOM neen ...cr. Tint o , ato t Ira. la, o. reuart3 1 ... T• o mutes loin cme tho worst canker in c ,, tel La for by AI, rimers and Mken tO tho ; Put. 0 . 31 lalleq, noting in e disouierW,...• . nal . . Dant:m.o SI Usionn to pay over In the mouth and stornea. Aden. of las Mace. parents in Durrell ner . the Rush Romeo. wore arrested yaw z tar. low Dremure• R... tis• oat. and Dm manta ,cre - las, *me or• and next ace! year and failure or ratan maw. tn. ottim niewalptions had been . , pirtrin Alabama; for Lirieoln's bead, was '''''' .br Lev. theater SW tor 1. pad ratans in that Three to two boulas will cure tho worst township, for uttecment. loneg Shonoe • terday and brought tO thelliayor's online. ht b ' •if 11 h • t • 1 ' crop. lane mar k ...there anted. Ile e. Inantstard ttt. eamalikeriaa , nomma , premium. .non a pressure, V. urc y ..c . .. CANC 01 cryslpelati. • Was a quiet, ineffenave and litaillattlo. ; They were linedi 11. dollars ... Riles tweeted last week on a Charge 0:COm. high pressure, theyney's lra kegs alarm The first ganglion reported by tho IMO. eludes ~ ..Yoo v. 111 not Infer Item ohst I seVo.til nohnto•rn ttf Use Committee el1101(13 eg•T• thie aMO bolt. wal e .. all humor In young man, arid hie wad. and ter Volo ' patel MS hoe, bu PM was committed Me gangs; lowy S. 8., porta. frem rain. DC.4 L.neartatee-t•The itelatlou or tho ihto. he o written that I am not hopeful In lc. on I Ms.., em id ...edam. and stone .leatie Is deeply deplored, especially by 51, nver dna. Orally in tbe assassination;but p l romptly • gusher: , torcoon's tdindeflatlittiablz field t let Will too. t.euron to Me Sabbath School, - 5.4 to one financial future. It ha. beeo aurprton aaa el.,..sed tent pc 010110 ish. The naiad of El neaten ngion reported the ere. - 1 • old bo larger, amnia. by the state Tx- and reconmended We adeptlenef the fel. Two bottles will curo ronnlng of Um ears, • Solomon K. Speer,. who is a gentleman of ' , secured Ms discharge by exhibiting a ll. " . , .' nr. .P r..r15.1 .. /1 " ....3 ' ... g 1...- ...,•••e° g r . " 1m " 1 ." . . T g", " • ... 1 " „T T "'" M" ••• 5° 1 " 01.0"" 1" g;°•"" '" V • fll e t • - loketng • and blotches canonic Wu k - -m- - haft. • We audent heart anti most generous I. I Meolet,Shoes, Dry Goode, carpets. ae,or matte...it; thleriorne 3 communicating up- . moo p.n. tr. matte.. ano diymon• •ne online , . as to reed In banging tlin Cllllllll ) 11 111 1 1011 1.1.1, nnw I 1, 10 ALI 11 11.1 V 11. a f pardon from the President. , It was a , ITI' s • I I aanll • tt lour- to six Mat es Mil core corrupt and pares. paeans Tor other. on eiteernms; Waling- remainder of the ...Inn a. alrelost en• to a heathy mamba condalonwltlwa isc. held here. It an. do. hal that the Loot. tat • 1 .1. aro p rote 0 10 ao on ,__ ij . ! every desirable goody and price, at e elms or. PALM. 8 Co.'s, Muth merino signal emanate. fog Urals occupied In the dthoselon of this In. suidorded tO mo severe Onwetcre Mach 111 1 1 ICC khould ...yaw a plan Mr lilacltm la, of to. Board to Proseatting tn. edecation .....g um".". Exciting 1111 I lord Coolest. I s 1 :Sand 57 Fifth street. clever performance on his Dart to SOOO 10 houn M Arden . ; etgral lightg• Van .Maings. many isolate°. tiers.* have eunp...., tba tore a ranger+ old &laot • who mfg. end, of the iNnefed student, mounithSl,ol4lll. 0. bet. will Cure Sealy Crept...the the Fair it opt to the moms of nom woo the very meal:tem ca. climmte.... a Oa" A.m.. gab. a taD.o., ono thousand . • pardon before legal conviction, and dem. .Lea ,, r,7 l,, e a h r if x., :t i tu f g te, re .ti ca t , rt a t . .llll7 . .. , al v a,, tLeAtt , i . m o l i t . tmt r z , tals , e , n . . , ag7, n4rs- rc. I , n,x,..diiilit d 1 . 1. ev ,. ...mcw oc t lli o n : , , i o nt i e . . b . ‘ , .u . n;l . may soiree..., . 0 that their patronage a.. they en. surnundol. . Two or three Matti. will cora tho worst pones tat, to'. place yeDerday molting ns • Nellthic LletWor on tionday.-Cath. ' , onstratod. tho President's alacrity to Fraglers Wu boat rend raft ilfe Inattelemen• Pent. by lion. BCD). 1111SL ilnidfoi .1 .01 and the redundant currency, would ten er Luta. nediatunnted among thow who wero ' '" sr . " "'' '' ' '''''P L ' U j ;" • .'-''''''‘'. d' rAL,Vit.... ct‘ r . : - Vc,P.Fir rm ls - atUes .111 cure tho most the Ern.wleic Ballard Hall, for al.. o - f ; ;,!, '* 4, ' IT ° ••••• t•rg•'"°;"‘ T ir d•T b•-• i ing reoperate, ...V, Guth., Crewn's awe Brighton, and John F. Loy, of 1 . 1.. t. Inevitable. My faith that thi. e. la, ii, , toast eittitna 01 II- A li•t of the subarinere yropt rto It tam Mt tit att Min 0. a s 1 , , demean Taylor, charging rs. Cal. screen his southern. friends even from , Level', Allen's,. Mcrarlauel'a. and Hay. burgh. ' eompllnticil . unshaken Theca.. wash •P 1 elm lat publish. In We nubile pun. , Mli 1n0taa1....." 111 , ..etimikPan.a. 1 . " ... • .e•M••••• " .W.m • x • VG. Thu contestants were John Notion, of ! h.. or the Ninth ward, wile sailing liquor i . . " mend's. renaterte Improved lo•ering ap- - " a . -- • aro nem °tweeting amen.. on aro creep. before the FAIT - In nom. give. tiro tow el tha College !hulling and nbreo to four bottles will cure eat rhea, 'on Sim. -a. els. Ilin without /men.. Five to el ht bottl • will cure Um worst this city, and Richard Stafford, of 011 City. . 3. C X the suspicion of wrong doing. , • paratus; warmich••• Improvement for rm. Duck rye Clete Course BSC!, aonal and temporary. Tho proem. tot n Tho roma "...pt. and Wu Commit. thu boarding 110‘,0 10 1110 Pomitytery or it ta • A warrant for her arrest was lame.. the I. Wen utan ehe condition thot Way m• case or ecrocula. ' Moth were 'wrack. player, and asplayoki a mr ecti rut:der bum.; Cortngton's steer. 'Br Telegrah .o w pra.cerra 0.,,,,,e. 3 good crop of %litter wheat was 110Ver bet. 10001 111L11111,1. ' 10001 C 'mut deal of kill in tho o reof LI ' Tnntlemonsiratioes made in Ireland ine iMparatn , r -or - imidorn ntem 'wheel • . ,„ ...„ ter; more Mang whunt non ueene sowed rend TneCtalninen submitted a caroler frog s , banliall n LaMar) . 1 , 011011011 111 WhlCll COl - 51/11y ...1.-oyerll 1 , 1101 . 11 I,err 01'011 10 Utllllllo nhall hke. the_aunoprivllem th ° •=gstrs: rz.( l l:ret7k r e ' peTtri n lgglit tram 7.`he Contest ' wits sh r ' • •''''''''' ! U1t.... NI.. Mire and Tim enthral aro and tho large .3 - . steatners; Cnotan Frazlerts larcener/Ina- ~, menu corn Mut or will be ' Wanted 1 Iti4 J• C. Dalton. M• 0.. LOlttnglaalutter Of We , new-at private Ma. Cheaper than ohms to induce the English Government to er tort. Copeland . . wire tiller rope; Wilson I. " . •°••''''''. " M. n "" k ""'' C m" - gem. Van was ever be.re. The pm... New Im k r vete Agri... nest., ask. tr ., nitlab,Sc. . , the experience of thousands that lt 1.1. crowd gathered tO witness IL rnatilfested ; .:bero. at Masonic Hall A.D. llooma. than° tuaney niece ram. 11(011 run. iund an lor information ril reined to ehe troia, Inv-Smith 0.1 a the cow were, open to ; Camel Canker intl. aomach. tha most inti•nne Interest. They exercise clemency in _behalf of the con. 71,t1t.;; 11,- v " .s.-1..c ,n.w....- P • •••• •• For the ffret. e bora. a110t"... Mr all mu Mom.. non , to ~,,,;,,,,, i . ~ . i . i . ~ ~,, ~ .. establia an Instilia.n anew Mae tio would One to two betel. are warranted Vino. ed mr . ...lliohoes two genuemen or tho city. , . and 57 Fifth' etroots Senittlime, Waffler • & Temnrolvto patent coma. „ . , ~,,,e 0. ...., Iwo m o s , rwee ,uhs c ee . Mein WM Ito onetime troth Mach seem, 10 ' " I rrr' ' In' rrr' r. r 'r r " "m" ' •••••• f vor 1 . 1 OA titer ••t...0 . to ot.o ' oMitorice sick heal... 1 N.son lea off, s cm. g bal.W.ll tarty and i & C°. , victed-Feuians has not been, without ef- Om ' , mak D.h.ai & /1• • • • ••3•. m'aM•lde ' dt. l 7o " ..4der 1,00, ........ T. J. sot. M... he.• g1.e.11 " * " . " Mr mme T T. ' P . ' , •• ' • " 1;" " "Mmg•• • "gm ''' . •••• *h. te ' g '• areal., im;ali., not restate - 1.10 our- • ilo. to two bOtti. aro WlLrrllllllol to regm forty point,. Stafford, 1.3. excited, rot- ' lawn coupling; Shoznes ho o coupling. ,‘„, that prosperity is the result of lane, that, c-ii. ; fllonumeotal Talr.-11.r. Jiir; Duariolf.'• . fecj.; All the misguided patriots n ill : T. report rd the Comm.. . Steers' e•Mmg .0. D . .." Des . " . e. ' mg &M.. " " • Industry and economy aro Iniberemanw Too cornmellacietton was rem.. to o selus inelada It• We dleeeted a Want to IT • co , We nate. the bacele. 10W011, disputing , Inch by b t o b.,h e I _ ___ __ _ _ „...,___, n ,„ ... „ ..„..... ~...,_. s , ~, non , he . „,,, ban ~..,,,,,_ entered Red lad tend Zara. iv. In. woo or , ... coca ~,,, ..,, ~,, 1,,, ,, c ~,, ~.,,,,,,,. r 0 , „..,,,, „ ..,,,,,,,,,,,.. or ~,,,,,,,,.. ;het , i „. , wicau Ihn property. , One 11001 raid a 110 tO two bottles , will regulate all de- nemnd galned by Las contranttor. It hun i ,T 0 •,Z,,,,e,Z,`,Z,,,. 1 ",1,"=,',;,..` 5 r,;;,,,ZZ417,.„ .. probably escape the .sternest penalty of . -- "X 1 ,,, t ,','„ 1- o / V,,% 0 ,,,, - ,,j„,, , Joorood. 1 1 ~, itto race; time izlois. I Mall be grievonMy dleapposui. damn. Wrap. told 011 yr, wall a WO, 11051 10 oh. 11001 , 10111 0011otO OD 111 n COOdlthm teat the e.g.:lent M the mune). . 1 . ii...isort had l reached AC, stator-11 , mm ~ .111 a 1 This le a favorable baanartg Md. we truerV• lin nem. race et Mai nf one mlie and a the - ! lair P ond postlbly . lie pardoned. enderstood to too ravoratue. mum, lire en T . ~,, no ~,,,, • „ e ,..„ .y o nee , won , s ne yet. does not wane. 1/ j11“:”1n. ,,, ...” nl Lein sect, statistical th,trinel lon on the 5e11.... In S °an wow Let us not act cL o . or d o arl4t 4 a t.i.. b. cured . worst G l , cri p l o ui o l i :ni b o h 1 . 1111:r..!.gal , f; r iT , r t t e l_r_titv i of „„„ it may bo harems. tw.triolit bOlore ter: • ' . niarm annunclntOr WWI rCCOLDITICI3.I.I for "7'. "-•-- 0 - •••• • ••• - m -•- C In.l.try. of enterer's, amber remota, ila stAriect as could be p z ocur..j from our into. denhonently. ' m g -- clega Of the Fad, , Such it - courzeiill exert a beneficial ie. , o r o o r d oo d „,,,,,d wo jjj,,,,, b ot ~,,,,k.,.. tihros • time ..iisjf. Sour horh. OLOrlcd. . C 1.10.1 progress towards the mourn puon of cifid stock timers and oalrymen. . Whir° 1.. anakor hal the glum the hour .. Mx to ton bottles hos cured tlaa worst cam up MR 10. by lan, Tan gent:llam a consed.{l , 1 ' ~ flounce 111101 l thej Irish mind, and will lu r ' I • ' • ed practice oor mar la M.... Tho WWI race •le mil° beats. nem In ..„, .._„,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,,,,.. ... , , ,,c ,, ,,,,,, t V 1111.11 S. 111.1,11, Ear , member or the 'Mr recces arrwed. k Me. for MI age, paree 35m. Two home. Z . h . _ --. 4,e i rz i .,„ .. :, - State Agnetatural ilmosb re.l an Interest.- ,or plies. A relict In alwaye experienced; thebio advantage. 11. advorsary, howev- . what a mercy to gat relief M such an az mu- Et7:lollowed larn closely, tor et tho end of ' Caney Window Plbaffliesl With trim . . • baranOtto TOR INMAN, started. Grlgetry & Went entered Maggot • • o AFTERNOON SKSciriN. , nal. dn... the gamo Nelson Wos only ens. points bes ! ming. complete. At private sale. Chuntw -we.- lug math nom Illa Inttslangli Gonne. proye a master stroke of. policy on the \ part'of ,Erigland. Nathan norm:. Commistiloncr . C.- McCarthy. and J. H. smith enter. !exam. . . toms. hes verde. new. from . am. burg. Flllll threo ne!LI. won by lowymbunti , -• - - --,- 11 --mmen- - stationed on themorthern frontier, at Wire. time I An, 2 Wand lz!.. i s . ,Titratelegraph announces that it is re- w°, D-• " th l w h as n lap...en , ' sthig/1 1 1. •as carried on to a surprising .L. 1,11. Periods isillroad Accident. D FROM THE PLAINS, __._ ftlillest and Nealped by In. 5 „,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,L,,,,0„,,,,...,,,, , , Actor recces am tho rout... b...., . •W change of diet 1. necessary. Eat am land. BlttlTerd was then declared We erne- ,er than tonne., at ,the Emportom_of •,r entornow. on the port or the remora of mr. K.•-oondy otoy.t to Wito en re li.Por 1Y• el. oara ening hoot that. untwithaint- irt yoo can got, and eat euougn of It. Mr. Tbo gamo Ocuipled about twO / hoar. 1 amitlenon, 1 almer a Co, . •nd 5i k it . tl2. in. oser o w w e uada 0 ( syrum from we , I RD, hOS II lel !MALL ....tared by , , mg our I ich Mrimtialrol M.'s* .111clont hat tueetlng-le tmenorial . mum meat.. , Dr. boys., 140 Mout street. To a.. be- , 1 . New liry Coo.. , produce is. not mined to supply the hum° o f M e c 0 0gn ,,,1 0 0 o f amp.). Rock. Tho 1 ing Irrirmetat noon, look for Dr. Kerner's ' . Dna. I Penitentiary Inatrector.-0.0.1411pf , ; „,,,,,,,, or , ,„, wr „ , „ „„,,,, r ,„„„„,„.. At the new Store, on ate west corner of i Esq.. of Allegheny, has bean amain 1 try Mirled "Mr. Greeley has written to Jno. the Govortimorkoarbas with the Mak. . dian..-E topitaii... nod HAIL anon.' endue.. tin, forniation Of an a..rt. motion won lost. i I I P ns t ~,r ~,,,,,m , w ki , nr „ power i... to .to vetoes, ts the Pittsburgh Game.. 1 , send m n . In .., l - Pr.P..“ 11 . 1 .• tultidal • socle.v us an celiac. tneatte • for ' us 170.11Ra...r00ms 1M Peon streht, from s.lMketlihrProurlit streets. Of Gardner &j We Judges of tho county courts, ono the C. Breckenridge, invitihg him to return ! p m r e ofett. it.'FiroMme,ammunition,blanket., Scrworon,May CO -Last evening art ma to Complete Die eft. Joarph and - I , .i. - -. , ' . m•L '• • A. 51. Wall Ir. N. Stivrart. Unmoor's °ivy place of busincest I itiepectors of the Wcetern Pon.. raFe tii Ude country and partleipato in re on• ' nu ' i ' eTt•ng I anted from ono of tho valley , council Bluth, itailroad-ft ilitar alpianety of goods uxed by FM. mmt Pme-P _ . , , . r was listened to with grant interest, ;outer!. remedying Wu OV . a. m um, which Tho Cquanlttee ore Discipline, Rev. S. O. . Wyk. chnatilark repotted u reply to Wu • • Stripo Dlmlty, for Spreads; Honey CoMb, ' "g I uJ. IL Lyon resigned. . ' . ' Italian, are Wu slue. from Canada nen end... &taut Ute. mil. wom tem p.c.., Movements-Indians on Me Dar ~,,,,,. . heti to tho ear newt the atone of ta- en d r.s .l o , l 1101 . heet t, r • t .....,,,,,,, , whether ~ The De. Organs 10 the World. atruction." We doubt the. etalefficht eold to the tribes n Dakota tree of Ma, ion the Kamer° and Lackawana Munro.. rash. • meet half ncontory. , II b T 1.1 nd Marseilles j . s. • juncaster, ail erg. 0 n , nem Carnahan, committed tor ank. I r t appear. that the recent , heavy rat. lad church ...xebec . Canada may hold re civil The - .toy «coves." need the Smith that, fro. 36.0 upt Bleck Lusters; Loint , lin jail (Or panting .Untorfat motley, wars lily Telegraph to the 1 . 1 deberatt Varela.) On melt. Of hr. Keeler. the Board tin* a ere are enou h Alec en. - very mucM Tp g g THE TZVORAPI.I TO C1:11, Ire. 1 Sane of t ho. stones which support - oill. wiren no outh of allegiance to t.. • merman" orga. have not only •twork COlonni Alpacas, Pophnotta. and a splendid k more. yestada t moraine, under a or- ST. Loc., May ff...- [Wpm. from Um wein reCC/01 LlO 11 1 three o'clock, the [minnow I TM International Occan Ta. it ruplt Ct.9l tit. etnicitire atml. rano ess the engine ...meat W required. Tlie onsweraub- .. - ' stock anew Dee. Goods. from .7.5 c to .1.25: ' " 1 1 at cal ho 0 tlemen at home to attend to all political • parsy osacel. loop. their lino to the pen. touch. the bildge - they gave wt., throw- 1111 y that tarty deserter , . .ft Fort Huy, i puma. agreeing W In. Ma in n holly 0 M . lanuthelly is that under all no Mt - coast.. m' etted by the age,. for other canthethut - Black Silks, at ca. , ror . ...,,,,,,..., b ... ~,,, k . dor cf en ge c ar) en, 1 o count Jail, - matters, and-31r. Greeley cannot be anjx- . far an the Island or Cuba elnring July. lln g It off tbn trac aro . own k 1 1 an embadt. Kane.. I.t week, tbren ea WllOlll VOCri: 11011 CW 511,1Cr1p1 1011 S in all of no 1 .11 . 0 ,, 0 II t ....,k e t r to n „, 3 ,,,,,, 5he ,, t 1011.1 and ectelpett by the • Inane. mita the. to procure tho bolding of Ow Mato car , '• 'by t e beef oroanial In Um country, to au French Clantkes . 571.50; Orgumile, Swiss : „ w . ClOllOOO Trawltogilsiga.Elothrelliut x ~,. Dispatches from Florida, report tUat lb, meet about day fem. The CDlElrleer. nem. . leareATlo. es e0t.0.0 .171.11 Te. !infant. 111 °Very reApeet tO 0111 otattl, new an a c..boe Lawns, pink, bluo ' mg h m 'nd %Rams ' at that. num of Smith • 100.11 for J. a o'S ieturn on tha score ea land lino Mil be comooted on the le or male 11 toothy, retiding In Burlington N. mar nn am 'Mt. horn. . Lawns at NM Beaded Parmolict 6111 . Sun .1, • t_•. PR , -mo i oulto a number of gentlemen, Incieding At the Ito. stnted Ihe !Para main mat, ' nay-Carlisle moved to art. out from tho before Um public- The clearpipe quality of Umbrella., bait Era Gloves, only SlSllillith l i ' an"' & C& ' ••• ' "'" ' }'"& " • Tgg ' • A % i lime. The Cuba cat/le, manufactured in j.,..1 the 11 rO/11 101, at'ore I.tantly killed. least. . EnalaniLls cm... Land Mellow steamer ' Tim gitrtop man w../oriously injured, and , 1 i a , 1 1 1 . 1/04 s an;e r Leturg. ,1 2 . 11? r c . T1 . tretin, ono cap. when utlat lona saincriptione to tirek%c . m.ge o w n tl f u o n t t t i h r e ,,, rlpo o r ,, the , ll giving U. • tOne, so difficult to produce from mule, mo :.1 dark Cassienerva. clump; bummer , large stock, cheaper thme over. •, • I 1 , thwetelsurg. remount of 3303 aow reported. • yt • d ten Lakes. Nov.hechartered loin). it. • Is not expect. to In . . ; ilattimLio. Now York, 11.11 d saw Enntand, Thu Ihmra then adjournud. ' . The offoot Of tlas reclion will Welk la to In tikmo Instruments fully areoraptietiod, Shawls, Cloth and Silk Seem.. yard-yid. ! _. _. - . ; ar , nut Mission of the Japanese Commis- ~,,,,, ~,,,,L , „,,,.. ~,,,,„„,,,,,,,,, ~..,.1 ~ I stamp! on. excursion to the Iron Sin.. .We may Ditto ire thn connection that : atm.. the schora avocet her. , . leaving nothing ohe mired 1..5 Is Unbleached and Bleach.' Mather slosting.. gin fe *Leming a Drug; later., hp. ~ , __ ,_, i . ~._,_ e _ iof• ft mmmmm nd condoeter for . • l ' - d - • r . - IMO; Ticking, Prmts, and Huck Towels, at , 51arket street. for the Met Pagan ,und. SiOnera, Worth ne. men Veiled In toys- A Wentli In.. a pee. tu tha 1,81 says the I Te M becce . nows _ fl e ~, mon s sse d Lain end mineral region In Sonth.east 5111, M.o. onc-iiief tho mom. ...Iced I). Wahl.. What then a 11l the ,people pleased to notice 0. of the °Amerman" 'Vb. Tn.° lawns, .50c; ander.. stock I Soda Aeh in the city-It lowest price. , • 1 President ltile Iginnang teeetheslthe reCOrti ! goal, thee natrang. Sane of We. Part.' has been subscribed, oior ii mir bust- menthe water trunk of us, after we wont tery since their arrival In the country, o r she gin emame. of n mune. tmed brae; r ity Telexes. to the Nauman lielmee 1 i h., ne h m us e n w oropoom.,, to the c m. nesa men do Ma Iterate In "aanding there to 501 lett ftmds for tau educed.. of style PIM h. been placul . Masonic Dail of Noer Dry tioNts, extraordinary cheap at . . Gardiner's new rend only placo of bus... . g5,... r , Th .. . • ftilllon different arttelOS ill . Pgrtillig dieciWed • P erha k In the i!o u n it tienl C iiis m tVe%o " On'alTe r r " in n" = j to " . ' •gtt M ort s rf7t - Ori'hilan d e l n k, r , fea " oVaV:: - e7l32:Vllßituts°gre'trijthltolgtOtiitng•ataht ! ' e . i . „ti ",'" t ' ilon r i ' d.igrot7 u th oiquni m wit Wr.T.V.Tr i ,=',';‘:low,Mr,T*Ll7,l;;;l7"Y ? . r ."2 2 t , 1 : 0 7„:fr „ L ° 4 n g: ",",,,''',": "Pr' on Um west caner ot Muket and F t - .nr-k; 1 at Smithnon, Palmer &Cote. Auction Mart. - - hastier the eri-re'lel iron clad StOne. rare . orient., ...0.1 to ImPrinktemenr lor esa ' ltellrOgSd, who witherresteal Ma fetll.cliarged , dowers that will Mraelf MUM hundred out denty. Two M. three oh3ll. aro Rev. Coelisto. APIs Woo th. Northwood I The, g t s t e / set h, u , " ;,:,,, i ns i o k,, • , l y rk o y• g r , • Pt i ri00t. , ..-- ', ~,; _ i , ,5 . ,11 , .. ~ ; :z tend 37 Fifth are., . private Delm-at, , .1 T . , pd.. te el3ll the Meet OCOLIOITIMaL • ' , swilling a colored mon. • ••• ; with °o w n ...r oma n, miegod to have been thou...lewd compl..to tho St..losimh on dKt v lons etk Dame tho neXt nate Felr, rend were Killed, arid Ite s thilator ea.) . put OD' ! renew. etopeond minuet. tho greatat , TUB, .now at 'the Washington Navy - ~, „.,..„ 0 ,,,, ~,,a0,,,,a,,,,,aa, f twanzatted by am . a ..nengor ...I.- ' Council Bla ff. Ratko. by tho Kat of balm NOFTIO/OW 11 /5 Wilda g Vigorously for it.. der mooted. I variety and power of any Intartme. ens Important tu Consumere. I The authorities a Docrole hays been ! Yard. They have paid a goo ' d round 1. ;„, ri ,„ m 0,,,,,,,,„ •ator ktklarke Worn a Me, ••• *eh. ' • ng I.o•ltihd h." , tosiey. ary. It is Wong.. Mu pre/Menlo° IN di be , The alai, antra aro dear°. or einninu to fray. J. IL Thommon argued main. i , caning thr. large pedaling.. For an or. 1 ' Tho principal wlt nee.. for tho prosecution. , accepted. Pittsburgh, because tbs. hae been mental° striking manta favored Elio tranater of tho ono w ith o nt ~,.... mud ....., it he 1 Tho warm *tattier having eenal nt last I aothortred by tho Lax pay., to expend price for the accusion to their navy, %Santee anti tato looTatOr ahe . if t r 1 , T r . , TZ 5 1 . 1 .,, , 0mm from slog . 4 .00. .:... m _ I iron, mime prokorton, of C.a.°, and . ' General Memther o lefl. Vlrgint t a City, Mon- , e rn . le u,, lteld tioria e f . orLl , i4 l, l 4. l . Y e a:in, M. UM ratelloVo Um Luken Presayt i o n r4 iu rn I tho eamm of reed ireetromerete. Tim lin. 1 s ate .c e ng who er. ip um habit or ming mo . I ,!..... al t c h a o PirtetraM of zoluditle gweeds the figures telegraphed ($400,000) be day re-et - Mt.'. Thompson courgisett that ..M.M....ll9ll,oll,Mono.gegArortneJZZ-,lot_ , L i te r tt. mgr t iZt . b . ro f r A i p , all ILL , Lo y, tm. 4 , 1 .m.b ek , 11 , 1i n te ,,1 ve ,,„,, t . i a m aJor IL yof tri jlZ t tu ' r?l ' , is . '7lllt.f. " I'Vo ' neTsTn i ory =ln ' t h e:Lie aril . , inited.orkmonehtlad the netion em.g.* *l I well prepare W entraff a the. entrance Mc. 1 •or a thy treblerY . -_.,..,„______ sln. his Mc.° he has been implicated In r,„•! . .!_ h e Mg " .°4 . ) sumo .On 1 ndlnn antortancen. provittod the terms zero exceeded to. lf we there bung ed... Svond Is nor onto'. n°. • toe touch on thou.° key boards, oven when , dimpled, tbo most delicate inearanielak. Tho .We want to draw your attetthon to I. • co to Pleasing. Drug glom NO. Si 'correct. . an eaten...nes a buratethe and en. •••••". General Gibbon loft Fort Kearney oil the nhould fall. the put.° of Norristown will run the each.. GeV° it W lakes vrelby- • , mares a the MIMI ere Cleaunet, unnoloo, 1 .....31110 hon. or 11.011181. r, of D.. i Market ithect, for all Geinelna Patent Medi.. I 1 -........• Morns In Iliallinore Roston, Phlladolobla. ; , ..ftleut forums to Tian metimond , IGLI, with two companion of troop, for Fore la ready - to Mint down thole money :and wry tont Dia MaY. • 11 • 11111 ....D. 11.0 .LPMM. ( "ram Pie .oll ' qe.e. bet bug.... 0. laving le mow I Mnek, ot. Um lowest ream •. I ' '' ' •ThEinlelligence frorn Fort Smith thls New York anti lirooldin. -Tight. With Negroes. sanders, where be willOstabll. head.... secure tint enlObltten. Wu hope, for tho TIM Moderator decided ilea the motton .51...1, suMbase in. gots of roods.) Swell -' a vory .flor /mew of the very bost tee, hu -, • • 4 . Clet,f-NCTI4 V. morning is rather startling,. announcirrg 'a.' 1 .. tIT - thy Telegraph to Inc Pittsburgh tiareta. 1 I ter. with the Thirty...of hiran try. Ile I Muth of oor eitY iend nalpecutt.ry benent before Synod came Mud Syn. wholly •.1 le u p sli T 1 I •rell • 11 1 all 1 Toed floe.. Sh... end Gaits. Loup or, orte, rota °De, .. romo o 5 now c eertml re . tor ty ra a e qoare ,_ • , . , ' The YaCht Vegan, frow Engle., while out , . ;L., ..a.o, r e., May •M -The Itiehm. , , , , , ~, will then go to. Fort Peal Koarney witle the Lebo derived, Dna our prop. will not la ...don the School. . t ' A DVORlign.l Itg •....I.ol.lMter. and' When alle Onituratelly slip through thotr anger, Rev. J.. Walla... the Board hart beon and Great Tremolo. I omen lose price than heretofore done. ire • emote. me Wan manufacture.' prior., at nth lualleanff %Indiana On the War pato, di, ~,, enceontered beery winds and the- The finest kippransch to orehaaral affects , leprepared to deliver I. at all tim. at . tho Auctiou Mart, 55 and 57 Fifth ear.. City GOODOI 1 lava mut. no President o ..,..,,,,.... . o properly arrange ,Int will tak u , author.. to hu n on s h e tw h oo t anywhere may be proalccd from the. silentness of tho I your dmr, bY ivagon, or Danl. largo I.lr ' Mria be ellsomatt of at private pee to etoso threatening Forts Belknap ned,Arbuckle. ' cro w •" ... fl' ed ',.."°"", h••••• • " ...M. " thit. Richmond on Ids erny to Raleigh. : ' h . n . r ge , o f ~,,, ~p odi t i o n ~,,,,,t„,,,,, mu. t 1 it . , w , ...commander...pt. Low, in vain to re- • fight occurred yosterd. a 1 , ..V111. ' . , proof. mooed na.,,A ar so ostoog. IM. thonght hmt. TheY imoted or North- p.m., Lb...mune. of the Ilia, •ito wall. ; small quantal. at auy unto during they nr . consigamad. ' 4 The array' in the West should at one° be return to England to escape the Morin. T. • tam. members of 1.1. thated States bo• Lkyionol Carungton . will soon. leavo Fort eon, 1.... wunioand taunted for the PrOPCrIY 15 DOW Mg of thy ...boy, end singing clarion., I overang. You um. accommOdated by lea:- . dierhorgon forjort helm., where hn will del in trust Metre. synod. down loth° full tOned base. L , . 'Mg yaw orders,. tha Gmerrn counting I (t .i. gftustna. Drug Mori% Fort, ' strengthened, and the de perate dissat "P '' '.l ? " , ' . very r gown.. measure.. succeed. In reaming outer IT rim Cerps and the near.. or Darnall.. Backs and pistols were uncli. T. burial • cereal. the headquarters of Iha Eigh teenth infant Tk A very MM. shooting oath took pin. •"" ry. 1111 . 0 aro only twelve at Washington, P.,. Tuunday night last . Another kif ' y 'r e ' rk ''' r " tiTt ' lko Committee i Thn contrasts Irma foram.. topic...no ' room,. aid 66 Fifth atm. illy° leim b p , reliable Remedy for U. cholera. No. str. new bo icamedlatoly produced, and went. 1 trial nod we tank satintnotion wlll I aferket street. • ititith Indians either conciliated or driyen moon,. it r JAP AIMS. , mops mt. driven out of town. Two pep ... tar ., p ort pin,goor.oy. „........ti re wounded on each ehla. about eleven o'clock. Su far as wo .5.1 , mot .to ttit7 r till . Ly n' tlf r' Church mambo. in aiti of U. tremolo and kneoswall, tho moot i given. ' • St the point of the bayonet into docility ' Tho Jape.. Commletdoner. havn par- ... we k The Platte clusr ts very high agora. e til May 00 glee°. • • chased tho LA-Umbel Iron clad lam Stone- FORT Otani, A nakkeenna, via. LITT. Kam, ' learn, a happened it follows t A young Ohio, v ‘ ik . . Can they voto for .Wu Amend- . MT2 l ;;A::, , r co g u . r der „ I , „,„,„„,„ 1 „.„ . ny i • 1.504,7 OO NMI, , ; acute' Tine French Col/ loots ' rate . and subjection.• . . j wall, note at Um W.latigam Nalry Yard, • ftreadell Phillip. speona-Ile Welshes iday ..-1 ha Interpreter .11 am Cowan.. • man none. Chesoly, cdni x Wen yearswod Irn t n . Ilos unitu couutituitou without. • leaving Worst. . marked in, tiro swell ot . ' ' tom tn.. w u 4 nt sh . E, c rII mai' rat i r t ter • I. "'"' '• "' ,l ""th6 n-e ..m 0 a ormat on yes - Maths., almor & Lo. 65 an 57 Fifth ' and eur to take her wall ber preens arum• ftlecia Moo tor Si. Presideol. ; arrited hero io-ilay and reports flyti thou- ; non of . me ri , t . kat t ./ tho Heor t m o m n e tt_ . ro threthlm . Pratella.! SIM Lotointlice ~,.. tho upper bank of kora may bo datuctiod, • ".." • TILE President, od Sunlay next, trill men 6 our Government putting her in Itn, Ahoy 1...1.-We n den Palling :male a sand Intllans ore Um now wur path. About . road, escorted a daughter of John lora. sarkYargelkV3,.9lYlLlTV °• th•• • w"" I°.•-• • and the lower bank orkeys unoki for O. 0010, ' eporler has only room to• dny utdocc Aiderman Steam charging . otreet. ' . , • going medal.. 1:110 prico paid . sold am. await cOnsientnatory Ot ate policy two thomren.l aro going toward Fort Bulk- with prewendo and diminuendo, givlng the ; Jam. limalton wale I Iterceri • as batter. , l MIMIC his employmtuat or "sv;in g iu g ifi e lw. ;aeon. i _ - f Ilii , 1 G 1 I t 1 a nlevre trall and Wu rust aro m 1 resldent. saw.. rant ens a ler. nap On se . 4 I frolll hW p acetate resider.. to her home Indicate its tenor. Rev. 5111eny read the Go to Fleming , * Drug ?Dorm No. At , trbeckle me,hi and concluded by Outing he would threatening Fort . • , about rilno o'clock at nigh, lio •,,,,„d net or tho I...laliire -.howl. Ukat only ' m g " , PCP , '" gePen...•• „ The I lute, Plec°lo, Lorne. and Stns... - Tho men a. treater.. theta...ond mom Martel Direct, for tile beat 1414 10 011 111 tras round the circle. " He ' will shot oa a 5r.... or • , 1 0 . ,1°. *•°•••".••• ' •I I . dIL a . • 'I k tho amillied M.D. 'could vote on lb k w at ice, an 11 1011 I COLD 0C OC rattan- i I tail a Dal/ city X., .6 sOme time ago 801 l ron . . . that the Monitor n°, o lniatisfled mail le bl.k nian W. nOtts I- - are rimed from tho upper row of keys, tend wn wo Inevo ' l ••• MM. ' trip tO NOrtli Carolina. As he takes m 'f1.,,LT,: 0 ' n . r ' . :,M":,n, d. ,,, w0p ,,,,,„ ~,,,„ ...for Vice Prmidont, to DU...alien the PROM NEW ORLEANS. iZtitti t trtat " ti.nii: r girl.Titge r Tttythono so uovt Sloane ensued he favor alio, on . a . u . ' the liatabOy. Baseman, Club:knot, and Room ; front ilamilton, giving a throe watCh and ,_ - Mono Phis., nosier:. tie., 1 dl ' km il a ney P. 11Mo °ailed tut. but from tho lower. . Tlio ingenuity of the ' • . raembeis of his famlly with him, Instead •111 no bough; by euence tor about Zino,OM ,'4. t „,., ~,,,,,,,,,,,,... . ---- You. Clwenly mato In tbn yard, e n n u i „„. of the Committee. In Constant...l Con, th• h . , , ea., Cf the val. of slaty dollar...see. ht.. brims, to close coraignmenta at ' • ntorllng. . Welding of gook Creattora-Immenrie : , ev . k. ,, Xt i omt . ti r oz v ltr e o r ehor, inn/roam. Mall. Z.. „ . ...trona evory member has to ceh e no °Ly n, I.lnyue will ear.. mit. w•l'. ° l P egtamm g ritY for the p.mont of the , reot• " 0. l I I* smiths. reamer and LW's. 55 ithd 57 11.... Of members MIAs Cribinet;lt is reasons, , xxram nouto Mailers. _ . o trying t o ho n o r t o w t h e ot. knit. states. Loristantion. benut.l.l effects and combination. The l ege. . the , he . pa. tho rout agrecLlgMr ...st 1. . • Mffingresonau Drini-Autl.Nlavery lieputiltean Meeting. house. The anther, le young man nf ten. Ito, M Ilk. sad Cominantereeannot voto blow-pedals or rats Style aro work. with ' wat that Hamilton faired to mu _'t tn . . -... r .f.`• . ; ble to anticipate thin he will not give Iris Thn Trkiwittror Of the Boithlbt Excl..° has 1 ",, oty An .,,.„..,. , ny ~,, ,, , ,,,,b or. 11„, 3 ,,, , , ,, , , ~, ,,,c, ...1 ty, got up end with°. StOnfiltig to ineeiro lannOttal the Venal, talon requires that only . mt 4oll 0 . 0 . 1 n 11 . 1 m m • I MW SW I. M.... wax. to hlm and UM ~.11 t g ,„ .. 4,..T,4;`,', ; Coed Advice.-For anyudap p. p on d. , received Ono nil 111 MI della. for liconms . countrymen renewed occasion to bliora -- • grant.' en. the first of April. i ItY Tem. am to Int Pletaburgh 0 emu, 1 Nita Oates., Day el/.-At a nrcottng of who Wit. at tho door, fired a revolver at electors or fall chat:. eon Vete On COnati• fi' rke ' r u- r " Pnakt) A !Mettler No. ILSL,CIair I though retkoatallY VALI., ~,,,,, 1 ,,,,,, w ; go to llJo Fouporium . Snalthileri t Paltrat• , w ,...... it , hk. _i toe. A w e , s ou th, r,. Mu creditors of the Bank Of COmnierce, thls (Weyer, Um ball lodging In tine right t u l a m•Mmentanota , Mallimitontami., u ...., • „`,„ eh . . te . • ' M Mr W n't an . T" "k• ;.... •" r•Vdrod dollars MU for hle 1. • Cg. '''.' n n g T• Finn str.L ~ • i A Clianana e.g. dori rm . 81,1., mod morning, a committee was appolitted to ex- breast and clanking a wound whim, ir t e 0.1 that when 1111 appcia le too. to tho I t , -- t. -...--, - 1 : ', - l' ''. 1 1 , a ' 7 the .M 0. ••‘..'" .-....1-.......- t a homing on Monday next. ~...„. _ , Wrier° glad to hearftom an exchange A attoraslic cane of cholera . reporttoLto ' 1 • Ce m g e..... " I i amino Wu ennation at, liana. • thoutatt frill prove necessarily fat. 'roe t''''',4•4ll'retir i hoy can exercise tho accm. ~....1., ,5 a ...Ina el • • ' gm " r' it ' ''''''' , aratearowe a here Malay. med 'twenty. nor. , Imaldes the ceebratet radar ry, that the General 1'....J. Herron Implicated fklmter erect...lto no mho melt. i Tlon N ew Eoglopo .01,11.01.6VCry 0. , ' •' y & KOM.lnnee ranting ... held 10.11ight young men who lir. t. shot a., ever. , ire tranolos, • rho sun.. will...M r in Nets YOrk and beimmuckar & Co's Plano • -- • - s. ; w . rmalas 1.111 , , , .. r . 0010 hale tlartyrsceo'lth nntiont Lenge. w .0.0 saner, y. athrets in Um , Ica. whelmed with aloft. ascovorlng Munn.. Ohio, to noway /ow yes, or uo-black, or I , . in the financial troubles Of the City Na- p,„., 0 ,,, ~,,,,,,„ . ,:. ~ I don (*.oar. . r ...nit, tiro- er. j Ity were densely crowded. Various negro posed burglar, whom he mantle* had killed, • h.lam•StiliMont maart tr I 0 1 .4 1: ~ „-- - _ ____ -i. e .-- ! Well Clubs attended in procosOon wait to be Chem., for they had Mon warm ,"lIV. l b° lll P.". '1 1 .. 1- " Il 'I .. " ....I . ''' . tional Bank of New Orleans, is not the hood, calla for En 1 opu On net ItrdaY. . torch., Minium and trn.paroncics. • Good personal (deeds. fto will endeavor Marro "." In.-. Ile' 1'4' .. "1f 10 bo wtco•lf • W . 0 1 • Thu steamer Santiago do (alba wlll be River Tele..., , ; order h. prevail. up to this bour, ton turner particulars in our 11.1 les.. ' ma. for no Ana. lam. Low, tie hen Lb. Ilant General F.. 1. Herron ori 'Wall ga. , , h y ense d. . .10 anat. end rein. 1... Mg Cluns./.' ' o'clock. A largo lalico force in Matto.- . „.....-_--- _ , 'Meth. w. bcfom thl • •Pm'l gm : eh° l'''.l - this city, but an ex-rebel officer of the , - ! on. elm stay si,-Itlver seven' and a half , i n ce . . , The tioldlers' nooomeat Fate Ma tslature h. nothiug W 1 do b. to dead. frwl and rising. No arrivals. weather is ' . whether Were Is a majority 111 favor of the Same name and title. , ocean and 'rutin. THE TURF. wen patrontreo•yuiteroay, thousand,' of aMendetent Or net,. 111 Voting tho amend , parsons attending. .Tho boot. learn been M. 0., May P.1.-The river Is rising m _ A . rendered °von more attractive thnn t meta thuru. le no incorporation with tho . w.f. Government-it ls only ilke aliening a Kith Wu rata. 0 lc. per boa. Drool mace no Fashion Conroe-41m hot reported. lioreafturwouirunneencr With ten , to 10 ,, i ene .„ t „,„, Loutem.., Idly 69.-Tbo river Is atm. pretedeuted rime tOsiay Om tuft will open iit eleven o'clock . Itriv It i. - Mlllson ' argued az:test tho "M""" 1 1". • 1111 ten nn g . 11.1• Imr. MM. , WO Telemann . the Plthburgh thaettc.l • '`• 'e nd "mg ••• M 'i g'"g r. • •• •.' rr,-- - light in Mturcleo Um fenoichlse. Thy. uus maitg bY Hanarits. ly. be vonieron t. en KM mt men. in Wm Ls, munt. tha civil a...rates soc i al. • ' N. Yong, May T.1.-Tosias the tunteli Mr p u di tribink, 4 .1 hy ballot was uotte , ninth.. only via ..11 aro voters-that Is, on! - throfe , Mash. ra ,,,,,, garti...,.,. ' 4 1" m n u ~,,,,,,, bo ., w re n's,. two; 1.0 WU' The Ilium 110. Coln.° VW. eenaltierably wh 1 'I . 4 1 . .1 la • ' ons, bat.. ILLlnat 1111un and running about on the beautiful hos° tuarlaXo can- a Imo teo c act NO franst 1 1,. Only full illrTelegisalktutas normal - el cinema • 1 mac, and lirown (keret:and ninnies mate, test. We oilier. the name Of our frt. 1 "°••••. W°l t ' a all°lo.l-001Y 'Truitt... ...... May V.-There la conaderable came off out. Fashion Cour.. Satan AL frank Were. on the consigning hit 'ft:r ad that word hurled in New Ellglem..l. k eenmaim In the Nue Lonanon Shaker iamb 1 len etu running mato won the first hoot In the ton . ot ... es . kown t o 1., ... tut ., sh . limn. Shin . , Boyd, Sproull, Blovenmu,and ly , Ore aroornet of the marriage ot two of , .f.mr tnosecoint in 1:11, and the taint, altar me,. popular .01.11. in Allegheny °many Others contlnued tiro argument an Om memo their membm, u n met m e rging rend Martha 1 re magnifica. race, In tho Unprecedented pr o go our strength for hitu 66 .. no better . ' ""' Jane Cffirti. the fiftuier twenty-three yean; u m . ,ir gzln. ... Rev. Todd opposed' tbo recommendation rod Violater leinoteon. . 1 • 1 -,____......-_------- • , braver . ..lir more Weal .g a ll g e Ortoar . - aunt Ruport. lio aaul WO WO In don f • Allegheny County, ant patrioueeturans ger o 1 ____,,- ~ prostaisteas 11:111soo a Coot... Teller. . 3 .1 I gto compliment tr. iftell.try oa ..b.onalna too atm Muck action lora do ' Arroatill tor densbenalementi , Ley Telegraph to um Patsburgte Gazette 1 .I do n r o tette than by.aprating a rota fo'r groat harm la no Church. atriVlOg TO ILO 0. I tram. •Wc tie. not bo more ultra that Ma I far Telma.. tome Pittsburgh Limett..l ' Tnor, ftsy T.1.-Jatens Morrieon. alumni. i Mr. Woymi . 110 wies aonetilerably attend fathers. Why becomo Danlel or Pau I I ; Saw Toss. kaL 19,-The Herold , . New Or- ; sent citizen of Laftlindb., b.. woo or. , lit tiot trim y contozt last night.. Thu at- After teeth. discussion, * the . i ' i watts 1 Mims Itlvtlnt Iltde I Jacob Barker Wid .. ' rested as tbe fOreasoilt eCeornelfte of the : Medan. le)-.1. promises tow gate torso.. were dlrect.l for Synalin judgment in rho J ...id yesterday, charnel with cm... I gang_of coUntortelte. rociontly taken by , - ---.---- • caw to tiro action, of itent year. i meet and Ira., ontmes role.. arta MU the thin. SW. Marshal. Ile hea been i ; A conwurtloo.-Eorrom GaUlTrlc Your. i On the item with macron. to Um rewa.t ing ten thousand drillers boll. taken to ROcheedor. ' • . Sale. in yesterday , . Issue, In 000.11 til the 1 01 re Commission to eau, a c.es of gib..- ~ Wean. Hon. and the duals° tif John Dm ; lino, Lb° ammi reakaintog a Committal., Tho,AralwTratior'w !Winnows's. 1 slit, 1. a fabrication. find an injury to the ' COnagling Of Rev. 80. Wylto, ler. Main o r T o l usenh t, t r , th e sayh nrkst , u nut u„s ' k nuolly lort. orpmuser by tOu tragic owl of ' 1., J. C.. Boyd, .D..t . rallatio, D. lloyd, J. 1/ """ r i M Y Ig t mThe 81*,.... .......... r eti rz I gr ir l'" " 11 51 47 T . 1 1: ge W. oll.7. M i n .:rdt e ll .; !=i:ft: ' 1 1 . 1 % . 0.1 . itic:'rillreGu l iti v °m - Rim baringJa Mils mi ?card, --L. 1 .• I bow l ing died fa tau • this..ts not Moo. You lon thereat Wednesday of dome, lamomoct j Toronto, tritrahad Mull tald•W; An iMr..."“ I Mgt umettotalge the ‘1601!, , 0r moons two 1 -..P..e...... hgennt I ProWri nsaluilliatt, She "MOO° attltnun• -• hiftwohcin, : - :.1 , .', ',1:4. D. M. Oa motion or nay. S. Carlisle,' oonsvilise j''-'''Azi'4'.9.l-P."••jl.:;",k-j,"-::••.' ' - - . .... .', - ' . • • .-. - J 4, ej• .' ' , .. -- ' ' ..-.,'". ' -.''• ' 4 '' j'lilliZita'Z'',.Q;;;..•.t.l.-,,,;j:::-„,.__4-4,._1...,..r.i,,-...,,,i,i:.::..41Wrj:..t:i4f.--jj.,•,,,,:.-..,j--,,..'w-,...es.j.s.tl4smtHj`.4-7..ttreiVFA"'-i-:" Esenridon to lbo Plain., (Ity Tolestsen to the Pt t•sen Ish b.sottle.l Ix the - B‘titisla House of 'Commons Cie • th U a'ti s iTo ' n'Tsin c kel i t iL sitroQ c ,i, i . : lLTe m :r ." , - 1 1 ^Reform Bill , has been 10.ftlbUtted as to I, c tf o Lr t S o on i.i. tr i... Vt o o ,.. ..%tcw i llz Ili • result in a gain tolbe popular canoe; 1101, Portion.' the party kayo hero User: Indeed, all that is dealrable,_but enough , e i li l . l [7;:ije w erigtro v ai r, re L ial•To t °l7sr.t. l .i:__ _ to make it comparatively easy hereafter . a Peelle remption will oo elven them. to exact furtiler concessions from the C''''''''' ". an}' r,. —Tb". 8""°'1'.1 . Ym`."ir.":Bl;:lrat i gt,u;'.7.'!l : h%",; c :r i g!g. d . aristocracy. - ; • ---.‘'. 51...,,----,. , , mists of Senators :Weide, Trumbull,. Teter, Tns Prospects' for IVendell Pliillips i?i;tattfallA-!kirrp"t'ojal,"arriatTraLt ' tritic " :; ! . remaining dLssatisfled , man werealover ' 1 ,; ; :!;,,' 5 ,,. 6 ,...Y,Fr 0 . ,,%. 11 ,,,,,,." .. n , i t'.,.. C. iir i ,f ; " r •r","' more 'brilliant - than new. Ile deelares exciiisina - 1. - 11F;Yri - ied - iier the mai . % afar; of the Union Pact4e• nallread west from . .t he =Vet' will besatlatied till ri - black man : Ontabs, end may voistoly reach Deaver • ./* - is nominated fpr Vice President of the (=To:memo°. . ~.,‘ ' united Staten. . , , 1. trirnotarentsas Railroad Election. ;' ;By Telegraph to the rlttsimaib 0 .1 / ' Fn.tact In reducing her regular army , p,,,,,,,,.p., u s , ~ ,,...1,, 1, annea l o ,n au a 1 • 5 . eyes sign that ~ 1,,, me .,,. to H y & in ' the Shareholders of the 1111nOleCent14 3 t1 .- - l . place, itOt war,. and, fears' no encroach, 1 I.lbanioo4o(ilin4p7e7/Zarerlilli,d4lierllT. * . meats upob. her honor or rlghta by other • C '''' l " ah ' im "" rtbwhil“" U. Lill'''. , tion.s. 4, . _ : , well were 211-tileoted ittretwni by a %maid. •' fittela rota: 2 .. . • .. ' • • . ' ' ~..-...4 . ~. . . ..„:„..., ... .. , ~. . 4, -4 ' - •, • ,'., ~. , ~,, 2, „II 178 ' , •! i gilk: -,,, '.. • " , '.. 1(4,;,,, • • • -v...., -- i -7- :: - .: ' :-::' ‘ ;... t. ', .'"'"..--.--rf., i '''-:N ' 1 2 i I • 1 . _.__:_.:...„.., , „....„....„.......„ .._ • [ iiirp ; , , 1 , ,' 1 • ' . - 1 , - ,;.• . " t --- .. z;.-'-::. ' ' ' - , 1 - !,' -- - a cy ~ , , ;Iv :, e. -- '' - ____ , X ' ''`...o -:411 - - ":. 4f)A. , - - .. i 2 =g f' --IL -.,., • .. 11::....0 .. - 1 -.....,_,.....,,,,,_-_-......_._,-,,,r 1 -- :i , 41: 3 i...,:- -- . _. •We - e...--"-........44441*^;,": -, '-ii - W.,>--- - '.5 '' •=l-:: : - _=--- ------ ' -- ----- - 7 7---- i ' / I=l ME of 1 n for oln, PO N, • Wither Rion by is Somme nos. [retrial Comor(ouremerltUbureb lia.ott.%) Poronazimin,'May yaea• non, a prominent lawyer, wan.delllteMeMY wounded lald Med by a ball fired:ran O. re. ' , to:dyer by Ws Insane • NJ . , - PITTSBURGH, THITRSDAY, MAY 30, 1867. PnICE THREE CENTS. _. ...... Old Brown Windaer *ad B ath Neopir s . —Call in and see the prices M. the Revert. ----,. , .. p .„,,,.. Etertlen•--0. T11 6,4 •3' R n xti . tun, S i mid [ d street._. ~ Jiii inquest , was held by coroner (Rowse.; Royer itiorrloon. the elector:int that portiOn klnda nt Jerepti R. flock's D g litllleir, No e and tiresome townships ari he cad .. ,„ . , 11. 11 ,..., 105. ~ The g... 0..., b y 1 ...,,,,.... . i .lunirgh4t.l4l72.4norcs‘ui:o7,,,,ofrarresi.e,,lumtrol gi y.. c....,, rowir. Li .0. ci.. Davis, proprietor Of the - Groat Western yesterday forenoon, upon the hotly of John . ° .O l M sfi C eg i reny City by Act of Asnerably, bold an election et the boons of D. lota, Hotel, on:Water street, who committe,teul. •it the tint of Troy Rill, foracron Coulteil• th or the• Select bra , o.l. -- • - chic on Tucitlity by taking a quantity. of ox- 2:1 6 c o m r .„„. yb,,,,,,, u0; alleaeld, at his residence, It appears that , called the Seventh word. he olitelned the.polson, (a quarter's worth) I at the ling store of Metilarmn A' melion. I Railroad Reetitor.—At nen, Market street. representing that I day, a meeting oil] be het he o. In the sridillery beeriness, and sleet.' , eonsideration the construct roil the drug to remote inalhe kraal leather. 1 IlOhltehela Valley Railroad. Ile took the poisonabout balf•past floe, Meg to the city droning to s o'clock, and tiled In half an hour otter. We . the p, 00 na,11., p ,. u k e . 0t were misinformed es to the Met that tie i this morning and return ate committed entente In the roomy Jul. Thu , eyealug. • Jury found 11 V6llllCt 11l IIIebONAUCO with the' facs. • Hew Carpeta.—Superb I • Moldier's' Resumed*. ' I Wirers' Invoice prises: at pi *acknowledge the receipt of the follow. ! oiT t i . ,. Migt=et s .tili i log mum of money, In behalf of the Eroldierta I n. , :• • lionnnient. Hereafter the receipts will be , published it the elate Of each week: Woodlein Halldiair Ohm 'rem Mose L. Pronely. Aeeity. .11103 00 i l 14...r•rr°0 ' •etin " •• 11. " • I ~ in" I . I,nm. A mt,, wn i:j , , Allegbeey City Caninials la l'lttabergh ' =o . I evening to take Into tom mi. 1.... a: Johns. Lawrenee. • , ' I "male. Billiditlif . qmiotleri. Mlle DO 00 •-• onw7 r I o 'Mrs. A D. Chambers,. Liberty ; Callery.— Table and Pr I Sowneldp in 00 also River raided 'lea' erg: mieollaatlons and donations are depose- Yorks, ae., at IRS Rum man ted wlttisti.Holmes d fions„Dankent, to My i'mw — to eI.....MMRSIMente. 1 credit. will be publicly aanowledged. wm Of em Rainier . ' - • Jade RARE, Jr... Trellenrer. It Rl= stretlV . • 'TEE WEEKLY GAZETTE , • - • K: i .'WEDNESDAY AND BATESIDAY A large sheet. CS:Obtaining TIIIIMI , IMX Cl./Lo4:.i i U *S2 Of WeeellMlLlgreadlog matter, Inelnelne 'l:' loading Editorial, latest Mew. by Tdre.rh , end Mall. valuable Ileadlne Matter Or tbo• -'. mmlly, end fullest and most reliable .enni.. . dal and Commercial Market Reports .gle.en 1 , 4' • ..".''! any paper In the city, No Fanner. Mecliinlc or Merchant 'boob] be, without It. ''' ump: ron rite Maimbe oAxt-rrt:':.. 4 • Single entmeriber is ..., Vine, of Else .1 Cm . u of Ten i:ao. —end one copy of paper to the Perani gelalne up the club. Additions to elabsoan be made st. 4 MIT time. at eine rates. c 4 p e r TO 1 . 115,- 811.11 S.—In ordering 7T.r ..,. pep,. Ar sure and swop. what isdltlon gem ' • enot, as are lame a Welocsday Millen for sob. mrlhers basing bat one mail'. sweet. ; , -- -- - C. SS - M°lteT t , l Draft, KlK,trees, You'eT Ortim. or In Iteclateroa Letter, may be rent Ot 000111k4 A4drean, GAZETTE,,, PITISRUROII, ~--;. =V CC2II P7!gt 4 -F.tYl. ' -; II I • 1 .411 El , i t i ' 1
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