11 ii . f f) -xt-Pillarit . grz. JAMBS &WELL &SON ' 1- 11 .1E1 New York Prude.. Market. 4. pr nsßußGH RopE woßk& , 'MEDICAL. . OIL WQRKS & COMPANIES ; :. MA.NEFFACTBRERs. _____ ' __MAN lIFACTURERS. _____ ' ___L_BAILROA.DEt t „„,... , it,' TelrgraphAo tn.. Pltembrirg. barette. , . ... ' Banker and Broker.' Naw Tolst,t.v ' A.--( " .1 .! .. t " 6'131 1 ••"h i fULTON, BOLLVAN &CO CONSUMPTION! ~ EUREKA OM WORKS, NALT/ONALL ROLLER WORKS.. imiciN ......., v . , envi l WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. , - • i G 9 and 70 101At er Cti r r' Bet, sal. of 1.0. bat. at i.c for Up and, 1 0 /RUA RAILROAD.-...dallallAlM $ lO . . sae' Ale Slath. lar, tho I 118 Woad Ms Near corner of Fifth. • "War . dull. heavy and me-roe lower, nun , sod. of superfine State and were.. at 6100 Minefacture the best r :".',7r. ,• , 0 Hanufacterers of - . ___ l'asechger ?rates - . the - 7 LA B I D ari. mitzrurA lI.VO, extra ,weetarn at Oil 004213, them. et . ---- nada...from the Pelletal A 2.41110.2. AM' 111 denntstkais et thwanumat aort& 1 , CITIREIM, • 12 .-.l4 l4 , s o.lhlppingoxtra. Ohle at4.4l2„abde e.- • CORDAGE, • - giro. City. as fellow. 3 : - . rid &_LIUORLINS 'A.m. Pseaar. . Shaer...a Nu lAMa 44 tidall .-- 11 ..A1 West... Pennalls.lo. Railroad will aril. •t twurhi ... t.ima.iib.l 1....... , autra i i„ t sze............T.N. ua L" ini == :11 , 7. ,...,, g , Tx.g T . 70, .; }, 11 Would take • matt • lifetime to mael the tree- Eureka Carbon Oil, , Preetmet No.l 4IS A.D. Freeport No.l a ISA. , OAKUM, I fit -warn. ear No 1 Lard 0(1 aste Ito th. bernol. Contemn .111■ W rd 1 and _sew, i Boilers, Tanks, Stills; JO . , ......-...........,........,,, . Clsolaaatl. or et., brands. ead . P..6nme lesser. eelth sales onttOptte ' rel:ett OP .r 43 tiros.. Imre ...Men upon this 19.1.0. . . Exp.. 10 MA.• 0 1iimpti• Nol lltne a. IC % !V ... Clnelsnald or Ch... rt.... a _ It) 0 liodr is unehnnged. Whisk l 'el qe ' iet •ND _ VIE CELEBRILTED I'ANS, CHIMNEYS. atancr•rotisha OP x. x . rpreimccra.aim•mic,, . 13 arPs'S ... t. / r ,l 33 ., r. vm . .. * .... 119 NlSlOTOrkratee. , \One 4.3 1 .9 , Lard OU as a Lute... , ....... ..09 sales of Stu barrels ot 1 - 2,12 Y f0: bona ..., ww ,. . t am. subject, .d If • alck roam were to altcror i. Fr...port No. 24St r • Harmers,e At. 5.50 A.K Ilail . . 4 ... r. 34 Freeport So . 1 . 9 .r.te. Sikad. EillverandOompOn• LOMElltat hlgh., - I=l. croak yeer0....... oe o e m o dami or.. Wbeat la very dull and nominally 204 e 1 Wl4llEB ' ll fief, tuitly. A lit he wroldretake himmif worro by the reading _sperm Lubricating OLIN. ilarmerse r 4 • Mr se. Sim, tm g •ro., ...A.I. !Wee:, wlth stalea nf 100 011 abela lareenbAY ' - AND ALL RANDS OP A r. pre tralve re, deny eaeoo, bo n a,. WI PLUM rad Gold arms Bronrog ... w .P.T-marols 011 conet...y . . b.d. . wan welehsate ..d aosahree.rets .11 gad It to 6prour at $2.72 1 i; 1,000 bushel. white Callfov- Matzoh...Fß 114 &UM Water Et. and dle berets be got half through. The ay rep -h. AMPLICAIN 1 ,4 D calif, ..-Y.br;sl•ll:::irSv'ettr'7"4.3,4er.".'9cl.7.4.s:ll4"h7ni; Trodr. WM Interest to eve es • call before gli4rtnif nta 013.30. the reeelpta were 19.3.30 P.M.. _ a f , CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, She e t 1 t.c. l i t Wory, e tty at ~ , w Returning, masts Allegheny Lard 01 , Rola the Wein- Bitiliorolii.l.i.:lfeliowari,t,bh.hieb.ll.l,b.a.v . 7 0 .0d f .n 1 : 700 .,..c0t b 0 u5 r 1a . 0 ,6 1 .4 • 7 a L t. Call or send for Circular. - ant tht. , to.ll3:o.orotteet .41131e.:7,71,01:•.ept.ini.g..e,:mgobLesurtlo,t: • nar,HOOp, Sheet liMil Plate Iron F .r . .., ,, :t, ... 1 . .. r. x ...Me at Allegheny Janet. - . ' Wholesale Male. In 4 4 oneromat on Tlekere-ror sale la preekstaes of JIPMENNONOMB JIA-6-1".". ....' ia at private RIVER NEWS. ~ ' Bridge Iron; 1 Tir.`,T.rit,';',lZ.e.%.,,ilVol.YeF,..l.l: 1i.1W:.:,1 _ terme. Pe.; sale. ol 24,29) busbele . bond lunge. chllllnese, burning In the palms . the • , Cipmon og. e11 . . i =r 0 1 1 .. y %..n.T.4 I at aI,M. CUM la tf23e better, but eland ---..___ a . ... r Crede, Relined end Ltilidealthe OH. i i.. , :f=u . c , (a 4 .9 . the hest manner and with Angle and T Icon; I = ... ,, latrtojnirs. e.g.. only on the p.m ...„ In., a Matto. we.. on ticket.. 4.44 ra. ... 4 . 194 4.4. rii.th agatAr e ..l7 i l e r t , i r WPo lo r s u t ; sales of The river is again receding Lord, Operm e r II haro and Guard Iron; ' i Thromth Tickets to 1.114 r and 11 ”nabstown There steno new c 0 0312 ed r ,,,, ~,, .. . g•e n dth ,•ol e band. aud wales of Me feet. tOulia. • .- -•-.- scan..ere.ve feet to the dutend hy olabt sweats, Lucite a., wasting a de. or I BIM (Ma. c';g'Praf 4 uVLll , ";:',",:',:Taw" 'AOOK Coal Screen Iron; u 1 ' 4 7 tj'; •"'"" ' "•."••• i 'L l ' ir "•• ''"• Ina markets worthy ef sped. notice- In mont w esterolg4Moll.2. tor now weatern'yelleer the klieg... marks imit evening. The Alle ,, 4... -, . ~ ars. r.f..1".`1141:.7„,1;'71';:'4°.,`e.,4"•`""- T Rails,l6 fr. 20 lbs. to the )1117o; b Fur cOlz.c. cb C/Ca, oar oaeresantaleplia we are gavoared rri causer, Tyra LH. Woo of MS. Without change. ME • - IBA - B. M6VAT & CO.. , 33 E1.313.3:terfi5. OORHER FOURTH AND MITTS:TIT:LH STA 1 \ ' ‘ SELL YOUR--30's 11=1 Holders of OXVEN TIP XVI otl yr/1111nd ma ad vanalga of OVERN Or 4/51/2 PE/I—CERT. by < olll lfataiob this tilt. _ . ‘ 4 7 11.* 4TH dg 8R1T14.11 . LD STREETS. 7-'3O EPO cosvi's F reu zsiu 20 BONDF73, 1865, "" ROBINSON EROS., Cfjell,ittburgir 6ayttr FINANCE AND TRADE Onsgs or Tee Pnvennuon lans-rrs, I Torsoar, May 22, lac. The New York stock quotation t..-day, as renived by 31r. P. 11. Zleytz, were ae follocra . Gila. 1 3 5 3 - gt Eighty.ope laSiads, IllW; Five Twenties, 1.512,10.94; do 1614,103.; do Ito-1,106X; lbws consul., i. 414; Ten Forties, Who 8-ore • Thltliee. 10-I.;131•3",I; Malvin Southern Ran roirgeat Cleve/and and Pittsburgh, 74; Pitts, -7 baugh,Fort Wayne and Chicago-3.X; Erie, 59111' Chicago and Bock 'Cana, 043,1; Ching. end ' .Ifortherestern, St; do preferied, 39%; New Central, 02; ReAdlng,lo3. The Old market opened flotrat 13713. tot -gradually dechned to 1347 f; shipments will be light tilts week, and the ,rovemantent le telling .. freely frost Its surplus. The theculative &Welt .5. forth. tragic, In gold his subsldhl, and a - though transactions have been hewer, ye! they were based on the naceasltles of the tin, • het. The !Inane. durlng the last few days Is superethel, and the tone of the market 1. fo. lower isles We are now at the same Poi. In gold theculatban where we wore In On. On tiny &I, the government had paid out large , innunts for coupine, but It had . effect on the market, and importers' and dealers began to suspect flatnethitug and tourht what they wanted; tills mowed a fight advance, an] 133).; was bid fur any amount offered; when the bulls saw !hey- could not run no the price they turned bears, and no-blur over 123 was so. newel! as the teal values of a gold dollar or Its% cent. for a dollar greenback, and every • boryieseoned In the same way because all In •• lurnastlon was derived from the same source. - It was not until the market did not Yield below {;OX. hat peopie noticed a dn.< of ITIli • per cent withlo three days, and naturally the 10ng"... bought alt the *. options , from 2. Doe.' they could get, and' realized VI to to per cent on then contracts. We are now at . the same nits; la peacsoa lib all math. and 'quiet at home with veer little bushaese doles • .at home or abroad, and ereryboay Is cautious /y preparlor"for what is to - come without Laslon ;When. It ,trox.:o ,not - or- .., oung that people would reams a greenbVk Is really - . worth Ely; Ceuta. or fold 12*, with as Much ' - stubbuittees an they . .11.1 inlet a month ago e. • that le/ donne to greenbacks could only buy 133 dollars in goad. • l • Given:l3mA so-mettle. are all losyer, 'which ' "spent,- attributable to purchase.' for a shoo - titan Railroad there. sloth yr Lange a hood. ."- none pr It fur then oho "go 'in bind," and partly toe a Order feeling lathe loan market. • Estes on rail bare advanced 2 per cent. Lan ' cr 10 - e of bonds are sow brought o, mar. bet from holders of:cunretted Seven Clio-In who wished to earn Interest on their bond. an. Ilegatteal the noupon, and now ileirboad• ex. coupon. et current rates„ •The shore market Is more entin .ted, but op. • * -rotors cannot Inf.. new Wein mock specula. lion with.* haigne a larger capital o- nth' 00.73AkAnd... - - , , Clioslei quotations l'ecelved by . James T, , Vrady i i -• V. S. Sixes, '1691 • " Illad . o o-m 5,1241 ' • ' • ~. •-• 1004 talA & " 104.3 - s-% lari., .....:00.0.• ''• Its Auguet 734. ~ 1 , 3% . July 1-3011 • , tr:6 3„ „ .e.. r ...da, 1164 Itiin Onid ........ ........... „....- 117 Sliver - 13: -.Sale of block.. Tnesday 'evening, Bay 2110. mat Commorolal Sid. Booms, lod fibuthfiald street, by A. Mcßsraine, AAA. Hoare! r Citizens Wagons' , Bank *BM National bank - Yana National Bank of Allegheny . •: 10!, , 01 Birmingham ties Voinpany ,y a p -"' German !near.. Company ' 'SIM/ - -The Sectstary of the Ttessury •spites a privii.teletter to lievelflork, to which be do ' , clans that a speelal Soo-don of Congress In .July would sqect injuriously the credit of the gp,...tAAL., We says "we and industry more • .*han legislation. Lamm:aeon to our rev. - Mane laws are requited, and it Is possible that same nriaticial lesishtion will be needed; but tipon neither of these subject. would Coupes. act eeriest:Sy before the regular session... —'The My anode trade bat been struck by . llghtalog,"). the phrase used by the New York • ladependere lastek to characterize On combo-ma of the ma rket. Such a dead halt hae not been known slice the ant gun on Fort Sumter. Prows at 703(0 and len are now of fend In the/oblong house, and retool shops of New York. Drown oheellege and shirtless a e down from one to two cent. per yard. Prints an panicky' ono-a larroforced •alek at reduced prices. Bleached vino- toe low. Irreaulair, and unto-led in (nee -NO further particulars have 'been received nt the failure of F . poser, Trenholto & tkty but /rum the known !Ina assets of the firm wi this ...try. A Ls very generally espected that the ...lama will be - only temprary. We net. etatea in a`ew York paper. 44. k4;04, ;404 ;;;;;; mad therity, hat-the non naught /an- ' manse aniabints of property In uhmieston. end sons tracts al /and In South tharolina during 1b...., paying for then In Overfederan ctn. - naey.and In tat. we acquired van wealth for • merely nonaluai entreaderation. IL la asserted 'es:aVri'f7b772.rerg.ireggl'att:tiat. thati tut year, they paid taxes upon 4111,000,the0, properly la South Cerullo-a. • • -On • A l st k l e pCfrpotee ofo hu e m rv an e st ha e Ithe York .M1.0410 1 / 1 4 commercial materprise, the; general dolmen of Onions. sad the ism that • in itil7.l3l7.and 1837 tun country' was ravermy by 1100.+.1 (stir., bare led a Sew persons to anticipate tbat the current year will not e on without a endow revuleion,, And though it may be eater to show that the 001.11ag state It'. ...manilas, toacldnery is unfavorabv, to the full'lllmest of three prediction of disaater, stilt as the bows of panic. are Imperfectly to-Is 1ent0..4. and by most people misundentood, Wl. no ermuler that do-tog le renerated, sad ...ea Sax.. prsoades all elassesof eor peo. pia not to venture, 00 of their depth, or riek monetary engnemeuts beyond then insured =ego, When, a few months ago, the' credit • mnhleery of the notary was working at high presaure. we waned our readers anklet the• gasmen.. results to be apprehended from over eathenelon. Now the people, with the tong ; ' tendency to eons. seemed t o rushee lot° " the opposite extreme of ..lo • preesure,' as Is abeam by the recent lowaygresate of taring and and other productive talus. flea. There are. however. some ...bns of • ranstiou. • Me tiara A prospect of ample crop.. The IMinloire -I the-F.11..1s ahoy an improve ment. 'Many d ebercinuentattencontribute to foretoken that the Ospr.son of several month* past withlts ea forted quLetude will (Ire place to a More gratifying actirlty. Exempt, as we •' .ball Mee., In all probabl•lty, from two; of , lin ehref mann of, fluariclal striageney--deo ,:. aka.* of available capital seeklag Investment sad derausem.i of tee mummy by the move _...:_atent of the Treasury-we may, fairly Antkl• AHt easy mozwy market, except, nano-the • : V . 14-311 emardonee should be impaired el sewher e fur ther failure. Zr,' the south lir elsewhere. So jet. honorer, then faltutra have only marred ~..-:,,.... - tegbaw ea don Ira a bards the credit mach.- , - " , b,"_tid ery tar th• toucan , reposes, Outalde f a un --1..;...*. row tinkle the elothension of o- tate, Lrane ' - --' On. IMAM millions, and that of F , Tren - i..-ii.v. boles A Eo. (offer. milhons,searrely prodticed . . . i• ....1.,. - tf:Qt.IP..4"I dta.ja " no " tintZlo :rd . : ifni r el; .' - i.. , W .. ..i . . ri'" . ...1. 4 . a .dt0 pout la the amounts bivalved. : " A , . • R:11.. ~ ppeare to be that our Commercial - -a- u .'2. , • . .b.,.....y.„, - ",s'li here prepared for lin.esi - ,'„ik,g;,.. - •.,, , , , ,,,"eyeatrengthened the/melee. in - ..• ~,..;.• .0 ,k.o. '--. • r " ',l'd , o-But it moat be mittimobered ' , ..... , ';(7.....inader poles may send '.'"o''' , . 7. fairer wcatheraur I, . i - .. . - .7.-;••• • - •.7.carried ASV:. .... ~.` .... . t• C=l=. • ki:,th. FM IZZi UM 11 S' • •s) . 4 . ..- 1 Bankers, 'Bonds on Head rot Delver, MBE BUY 5-2 O'S.-; MA B. MC . F# , Y & lIANICTRS. =! 715 oo RR It writrvil t _______________ , . -_,..______- , i DRIVATE DISEAVES. . a • - -..-. ' nnwaokee Maxim. I rillea-NO3N PEN [BT Tologrnolr to I.lnr jigstonnar (tannin.) N LITUGET, tear Nand.. . mum... iii., 5 ,4, 0 ,,,, d u ll / , ity. dot,. 1 r,fr.ggtr ,, r , lr / ai . d, carte or a ajt oda nature ,/ 110 extra 10 .224Altedi•Otmtr7 do nominal. I ma ctrauc•t. ntgrettrrVal t i n ' cr. NO ..L vimeizzy / ohm. ewe. .11,73. in= 1 all otacr otaclata of we danital u aaaaa Id tharr dooNninic fiLt ICA for No 1 4.2e1050r Ao ara] 1 taa;: , ,, !ca. SIX for rejected. Oats unsettled at 04c omo. brjAtnoctagoner ret4oCed. tor Nat, aid 7613 far AO 2. corn armor. at A...••••• ..1. . ^m "V"* . 1 .4.14Va1.0.,..... 111.07 for No liana NW for DORSOldltd. ii i iNce ----- .-tiTs: ..•._ • ---...-=-__. , Clreolt Court, Jima° vartwarantar. p.n.. ' iit:!'• litra. ni l. r= " 7, rim wi e. rn;) , • • ffniii.iLrlg PeßlTZ::::=Mirtnionaly.l ~' , l ! 4.1 Ital . re 6.81,1L7,2 1.4-bigLIM/gef, EL p.47:fillielhoZlMAlt ...._I .aktp4, i .,tour Arm as aa, jaVN : aaral' -,,,,,....5f. tulti ; '-. ,N7.---"' . aarnrati y sva tud . 50 66.6 n. 7. , •1111c5i . .4.rtjlij,utpordi, .l~ . ~ D ,' MEE ia PITTSBURGH DAILY GA:ZETTB:; WEDNESDAY'', MAY 2 . 9, '1867,, 111. RIAIIROIIE & CO., /tlannlici'urcrs and Wholesn'o Dnalprs In BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Findings. Factory and Warabon Sae In the rear of sent stealer t Laos% Moo. 172 and 171 Wood 81,, P.ll4lburab. apts:l72 * w I . ltaatifaatureri or arr.."' 2 . 21 1i1t1.11 or , liontlaer 33011.123.6,. Dealers In illrLT and LADE LEATHER. No, 201 SELIT/IDIELD Pllratiaral,. Pa °Prost. Ma Pomofa !enter for Maki D'lrre4Pc orde r.o ^art' : I) Va= k' e; 2INZ Window tlhatles, .I.to *ad' oolirarde. Colored Mena, Ndmd :IFPl'e'ggrltrterrid TiMisl Ut t .:11, tmva:liAtI:rr;: r artliwro.wJrZti;Z:,.0.,t l one • wear. -. fehf Tr 1441.N0ei largo Hoek of , ICHARE t CO.sB PLUMS,. - =;2IMI MINCES' AUTOMATIC I , fr.: ANIN BLUILEI! Num wrest, No. 43 /Ina ST/MET. TABLED PEACULLI4-4io.l6arr f amf atd bairn rzAo ma.usrp. - ' 691144 1.1111.117141 - I'. /read/Si Wood itrOg t• A ca. 'of der year.• .t.di.g cured by Olt KgINERT PECTOIRAL 8111 UP: aII Ort. Hbvsmn—ltly wife has been millieled with yea.. cough Sod tile:lenity oseveralf breathing Is r nee or alb " for yea. The grad. ` natty inere.ed In violence. The compla had int ha. been hereditary, and she had been treated by Iseveral Physicians without any relief. In this maw of 1,,..... I proeurcd fume o: your rEu. (TONAL et)11911 britUn. I bought the drat lime a eat cent bottle, which relit red her rely much: I then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured tier enerMe t and ,nhe baa non no trace et the farmer die..., except wester.,, t• world also state that 1 used the medicine =nen' to stcold and cough. The medicine cured me by taking one dote. 1 expre. my entire liatlallan. ' Lien With tern in•dleina, and part are at liberty to publish title 11 . Too deatro to en on. Wit. W1L.1511/, • Alderman, girth Wank!' One eon, JAYA O. I SITU/. some three rears Of ago was enacted with um am paota of the lungs, fur which he wag dleabersed from the suer. lie tees examined by four sues obstacles., who all agreed tbet be met dle with shadiest... We brought tam to Dr. xtrazit, ISt Wood street, lour tnlyenn 4LITO,)11410, after sounding hle banks: commencE4l.4 treat hint, lad cured him lound and well, lie tallow wall and has been'. for thi ti in three seam. Others &Meted Online meaner can Itkewlee ha cond. JAN= P.6.1 . 41t. 1 Au rubrin Trtoperabeetllle. Sept. Sib. UR. KEYSER% PECTORAL span% KEYSER'S LOKI CURE. Cox 66 bid Olds. ORICAT MCD/C/111 liTOlll4 140 .WOOD MM./CT, .CloxiattOloi ioixo lbr 6 xotriamblattas+,lllllr*Zll ISTIINr. Lou L ---- ... Steam Boilers, 'Oll Stilts •Tanks 1 . , .'0 CO., AGAINST LOSS, B y FIRE. " . BERLIN FOUNDRY. 1 Sheet Iron Works, .te. . , •• Pon... . ._, i . x-att.i..... 4; 22.- x-a.. . -- FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. ; PRICE Sr SIMS, INo6I ' Penn Street, 1- - , OF PIIILAIDELPIII4. ' . , . ~- . , P/Trfintli(l/11, l'a. 011letic 434 nod 437 eaIIIEMEIVUT MM. i P rr'C' t . : W '''''''' . ;'''', "` ' ape? 'di Near Flab. . I . Zro. 29 Truett Street ; ----, ____ vr — INSINCIIORN I . cbarle• W. fiancees, , /Madam It. Loa% ' - ! Tutees Wexner, Itastd m Promo, almost U.ant. • Isaac I.em . .I Menufactuee and Item conetee II fon band ---- Jacob tt, bump, . Itdmard C. Dalc. ' ' ! -B. WOLF'. .111., &PO., Icorie W. NICNIIIIIII. lioo,o Fate . , Thimble, Skein tr.. Pipit B e r ea , ; CM a& U. ilmNumEtt, rreddeut, . .1 e ONALN.N4 IN . MOW It t`, DmI,E., Vice Pregame. ' , WIII4C. STEEL E . , Secretary pmts., . . W.'"l'''' PaPhol""VPrilre"" Elardware.et Cutlery. .1. GAIIIDNEII cO/FilN. Agent> : and ate.riapar ' sp - LL ' - ' ... ' 147....11__*'''''' '''''.l._TAL.rd.--"a'''Ll.!!l.-- MulatfinwidC - .7 ----E ------regVUVU. ! Are !!!!!. . 71 VOn ' icire ' rel . l . l. i lle t /Xe!:alr r ""k. : tT,Mt-11.„1,N.".imuNcE, CO., • uunu vim lib unlit" ELELASITIMMI.X47.I...VILZ47322/21. ALIMANDEMNIMICIC, Pftaideat. , 1811 u ar'4 Lit i 7triPtr...l=l3,l7llrelrginetell,ment. i in., a,. .. , )3 9 ' Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., ! '4 ° 4' 4 ._ ~ ,,r..lw , .'"`„er,a B° '''` `°''''' w " .. ' 1111Ubill. M. BOLE -& CO I —,,,, . l E • ltteslkau-rc,,11. :Pi*, •PI u w.liusttim leanest t et. kmex of Ilta ' an_e Awing Meas. A home Inattuttloo maneggeb7Ulreelorn ' . ' ' ' " LAC DLI.SIOPiD , L „ . LIMLOBRII(EA AND' _ - - • • catto are well known to Me coufinenlty, and who • ' Engine Culletirs, ,Ai • t72:11°,111%1 g Pr,ll7l%.MUnkr.',Vil 1 aii7L.ZICELTa WC2.32/..IELAIN, -- - . • i ' FII - nmummu. i , A. . I . Female' Irtegatesa l flamed. ee °aeral' but /MUM.. JO a.. FOUNDERS AND MAOHINISTS.! weer:4We to be lured. rAkc; 1 3.0.0111Eft a, co. I M ! ' D/114C1.01M. ' ~. ,_ i p schism of twenty-11re years expettonce H .O. J 4 trn 4 c . 140.1enTrn! V "' Ifetlgiri '''id° ''' *"''''' I MIIIIIItaCtIIIi, of . ' utters b a ealsabl. and Do T romefir Ibr the 210. e.. Vs, ... 4 7.,,,,.....7 4 m e al t ac t Beer QITAIATX REFLII4I.I OCIATISTEI/s. ' 1 'l in a soVpo.2l 4 .ltWrersiby ' Me teleb l eatefi 1 J111.M5 d 1 4 .4 7: ' C.rner QfP.LbtAlle Y .11•3 Mquemm Vr..3',.! altr'‘, orl!aLat;lll,, V e7P e ! : l. i ' r r arts ", c ! rec 3"! iurcul W" ll;, cille'n'cy"Voil.e.l.44 ,:ter lban kA'e Uc h al . oTalf A fe . llV; ' itial 1 43.P.7 , - , . PITISUI7a4ii iA. : 'kb `..1-7'.. pre, tonslyeard 1 1 1: IT fi v t . MT.. mums c. ee ' ', .!°'. z° • L..... 1111.7: : 41g,14,111. _rp _ , , . . ,Li t , enb.11,68 taive. ' LI IfillOTT & ilililiirt . No. 118 Water !Afoot, Ev AN ALLEY.—The undersign , • . 4 yk. , ... 4 9D010ta.1 to sue. dames.. mapep,a,,,,,,,,,i 6,. , ' ea.l benefits /Pr oast, log Lot mann •Pey, /me • . . w.M. Atl•orb...r. rnm, obi° armee to Franklin FA:IIMT SIIMILIN IS,' . rarer, • Mot ROO! of fdc tett, wilt meet ou th e l'ATZter TEM %UZI,. • orctolfe.. on 1130 etts its) , or duos. ta6 at II 1`4..X.m2d - P flit/211ED ' des k a. at., to fut at! the duties of thole op. CriCUL,IIII. Ifill.LA Y. ' roletment. J/1 •X • • 110100,4, 41.1151 . 11 ICI It It V ATIIICK. aim. sap cirmats-tqa , . ,- • ..L. , 9,e, eic,.A,tj,,_____ lEi; .E 36 W.IE3 . i VRACititter.,-...riie . under- • I Ifiened. sPpolatra Vloaera to :seam 11•11 NP. • Aell:dia .and I..tmote for me opcnlna of .;fr.:;2• • r1`..`,".11f:A=nrie2.7:gr.',71...„. ar... tlle ' p " a r rsje . d" "' Ue II ' NAM' 711 / 1 4 774 .4 . at 114 oNetc e a. t al., to funiao n to a of Untr .44''''''''.""- Jell a ttI'ATMICH... ruyt,st, - d"43 0, 4".*• __i_ 11 , - tie;UsT STettETThe unde r . - 'G rd, 1 .1 ; ; 1 1 5 Fl ix '' , icei. 1 .4 1 F:71 4 ,1 uearse *tree t a ' el steam of 1,24) ,eet.. wl , / Meet IT g " O R ATIN:Ir. I ' o ' API e ' l4d r Y . f t appolatmeite... J Alt Ed. btu. tia ' N .. ''' Ll'. _ _.., elfallt lta rel }CIRICKPAILKW/Q, .el Oltellnef. Ales. H. Muller, Jr, JI.C• McAuley, Alexendw eAMC,r New, Andre. DSV/dii• Lourt i • Wlliam dee damn:yap ONT BLANC FOUNDFT.• aItEAT fi NI EVOLUTION IN THE Butler Street, Ninth Ward,- -PORTZ CALIYOUNIA Z. made VyAtte,,dell.l/.trudLYarta, fr a pitar r o . , Urn/pint UNION LILO/11111./.8, w,.. roll %be: : !Ulm Of 1'.1.1"1413317411 . 4 : 54,3 EZ • Wlloo lrealerVon ' d lime! Keeper* mg " ivfollep.: enrap i t 7 l,:r it zig ax . tro •a . corrano eu, or sho moiling MW and Bridge cestiege„ 'Tommy= ! • :;.itirtz ICI A " cATI M M GUMMI 92sm. Order, promptly and corchail griprst roglngtVrlTro ""' Y:rWet ! . !I,otht.au its actsotrAnr.x. Y """ d * bat trw " °°" P'. ' "l JTV."744lgfairk cr , " j - •E nH ERT ` 7,1 °441 , 77VA.M14:"' • 2-1 " . N. I F. MUSSELANN,- Fifth Street, bawsen Tunnel and Chatham Streets, Gunsmith and Dealer In Hardware. Ztr=lartig N arl A ttlo o , Mira Os 4031 nan..llr on .n.ll o. ." 6 Wm..* EFFERVESCING CITRATE Or MAGNESIA. gidokriggit':=4"gfiT4t res.glgt;!l.4 the •totaaati Orr alet 1.641.17 soar .or . .M. l = l . l l4 l 4: l 4.. b ra ni thOr it t 4 1 /114114 _MR Uri . 114011w7 ME Spring St Cam Cut JARED M. MIES tili ItON, 4; atom Plottign 4: eel, Mee—Owner of 71rst see Km lets. 01 , ••• Weave W e lioncreeebels Have, Hr.!! _ lirrasoN , PE.r.rarz, ra.,rzet IRON WCOMKS• X W.M. * Mic. Nos. x$ m d la ring nu. orpook. I R small*. omo, b r • • rm" °' • ROGEBB & 131711IMPIELD s . 1 4xiiithemms of 1 / 1 01Lsoll, timpleifttaloalara Pellaked ZEVICIPZir. - - OrrwanWalualotrea,3lo.llllM.l.4l.lllTZ ME MANIIVAGTOUSII or Et, 3EI - WA:I 13E.! ta i ttee VALLEY STOVE IV ORA& h i rs Inou r r: ttifL E f iriT9a7 ' pestle eselthclu. seitetuaotere erect : ac ' jet, or uutita, a atatttila 1116ATIMJ aite, wieldh are the ceto heated Alicallext) antlitoeltor COW Cool.. *Hove.; also , the iteldcrat wad BeatlAol fur coal or wood, and the tterleatted elar or the Empire. for wood• anto, Acetic, Ore.,. treed.% Kettlea:HOg /roes &ad Hollow Ware cevenalT. PiTTSBURGII IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER A SONS. , Iron, Ilobket, Tub and Trani HOOPS AND &MEM '• limos orrnoonsoniTo. r. P. r• L l rn I G ----- 11 ----.----------------- --- 2 , , r" ,i0 .., je L T I N 0 1-Len th ar„l n ,..„'";il al' "", - 0 .1. - riek - ' Y• 01, •e• by . - ~ 4 1•• Illy • 14 leja4 36140 at, ••• 1..hr.11•7 of b o ,ir • WY/ 0v.., Ati!•••,..pd. . - .. ramomill 11•1