El IMO etaytte are controlled. Mr. Wtraow and Mr. I .o . AGRICULTURAL. as a well one, and it is economical to I fir.LI.XX each addressed - andl-. ! avoid disease. . stork for the SeagoO. .A.ll comparative misery and discomfort l ences in towns remote from each other. ~ Cons.—lf the corn is not all planted They area both experienced in deal in g yet, the sooner it is done nose the better. accompany disease, it is human as well as economical to see that the animals , i with popular assemblies, are abundantly , familiar with public qnestions, and fairly If you hase plenty of manure spread it th un e ter ,, o e u a r tn ear re e co e ni ni f o o y it as s. far, as possible - I i'"ißOirpH OF pnirPoUnGli AND a- ith on the land and plough it in, and then Each of these circumstances is a edit ..; r ect the masses of the party w put a little in the hill to start die c orn; cleat reason for guarding . with . ' smith- ! which they are identified. -.- , some use super-phosphate, or guano fdr Daringthe last six or eight years the I Inns care the health of animals we feeds.. .. • . Mr. HOnacir. GisEet.nr and M. Gun- this purpose. If yon areobliged to plant I In2win of th ese two cities and the Rita- but when we derive milk front animals!. . nET Sutra made speeches at Richmond I late, use the smaller sorts Sweet corn ! ent - boroughs, Whicli constitute what, I on the occasion of tft. bailment of Mr. , may be planted so as to secure a succea. , k it e i p s t d f o re u e bl iro hn ol lx. ev rta ery nt ob t jec " tl th Ona ey b a le re ta th . w4 be' don for the table. 1 A sickly cow not only yields a diminish aommercially, is known as Pittsburgh, Da . yrs. They .bai surpassed all former .experience. It have ' a bee ing n op k po no n w en n u fo o r f i Baena—llls now fully time to plant I sickly yields sickly milk, and thirty years as un n henna, for before th are up all danger ! but he degree than her flesh. Ile not an etaggeration to estimate that slavery. frost l 'probably be past. White's If a cow eats anything, that has a within that period thelvptilation has . Consequently few men were , . strong or disagreeable odor, it appears more cordially hated at the South than I Early and Mohawk Arc good bush beans. doubled, and the accretion is still going the . y All through the. war, however i For pole beans, the Lima, Seiva, Hord- in Aer .i t i l e tilk ,:ats anything medicinal, It actin undiminished ratio. One Jaime& they may have dissented from p or ti co . , cultural, and Cranberry are good. Corn. 11 Wales out in her milk. 'ate and inevitable result has been the op- tar act. of the government, every men i n'on white beans for winter use may be If she is feverish, her milk shows it. planted among the last of crops, and predation of real estate. This has been In the nation knew they were radically I 1 genemlly do well eveu on ' poor soil. ' -- If she has sores about her, pas may he , d in her milk. - sapid and uniform. Prior , to 1860 land- on the loyal side. They represent ex- ' c oo); ponnum—Dmet forge ttl t 0 im . 1 fm r i t 3 she is fed upon decayed or diseased ed property Was lower here than in any trams opinions. They represented such • portance of this crop to help out during ' food, her milk, since it is derived from other city 'of corresponding importance 1 ()maims before the war, and during its . the weeks of summer when the feed Is her food, will he imperfect. It is as im in the.country. Now it Is dearer than progress. What they were, they are short in the pasture, and also for curing possible to make good milk from bail for winter. Sweet corn produces the load, mto make a good building front .in any other. Indeed, except in special s now. Their Richmond speeches have beet (odd b ' • g er, ut cora - .ill answer rotten timber. loCalities in -New 'Y luk .p re P erl f - le bi g' . been published. Whoever rend them lit that cannot be o btai n ed Some sow It there is anything wrong about her. cr here than there. Dnelliag houses, of di.PR Monately, found in them no en• hreadcost and harrow or cultivate it in, it will appear in the milk, ds l that is an 'like grade, are dechledly,cheaper in . New timely or unpatriotic concessions. , but a better way is to sow in drills. e ffe ctive source of casting filth from her York than here. Rents of dwelling Here, then , havetwo oal lo f 0 ,, floor Crape if not already sown should own organism. . el. we lime, are'sffity per cent. higher here speeches each from able and loyal men. 'be deep , • d I minds I i . - well a:tenured, and thoroughly impressed upon tle o the t nu} • - than at Philadelphia. The high price of WWII of these two, aortal tends most pulverized. The drills should be irmu man, more especially at this season of }cal property, in fee and on leasehold, is directly to beget and maintain that her- I twenty indicate two feet apart Rum the year. a serious drawbada to the increase of in- Ragas and Turnip beets for wlnter use Closely confined in their narrow stalls mony which is indispenoable to a true i habitants and the prosecution of menu- and salutary -- of Unio ns restoration the may be sown later. It is a ell to seal, th rough the long waiter, where th e air I beet seed before sowing. Sow all these is not always fresh and pure, nor water factures- But it is abidenuice for which The question is not, which respond ! seeds atth a machine to save l time. and exercise alwitys had when desired, there ions cure bat time. In i the long most sympathetically to the just indig- - CA/311411de —The seed int 4 be sown nor their Mod always free from foul mud run the value of houses and lands finds nation of the North, aroused I y the con. the last week-of May, but wit do in fa icinal, weed as thistles , daisies, white , its natural adjustment. v p orable masolls s if sown a week later top, etc., cows are very likely to vary filet itself, or by incidents of it diodes. from a perfectly healthy . condition; In view of the high rates demanded for the best for rumbead and Savo y are building sites and the excessive prices of ing peculiar barbarism ? That consid- , market, The latter tor home she. The Ti, spring cheese wilhbe faulty enough, do eration has bad its day. Another is now , Red Cabbage ter pickling. the best we can; that !every dairyman Material and labor it was supposed, at be fond ceder. Row best shall the hurts of CEL f ibis S —lf ,you oreo knows. The health of the cows should mid.winter, that comparatively little s the rustler' he bound up and - d 1 la en a l " t! of 'mind fur " ' cure . 1 p rant ague p g ;, not at any rate, be allowed - to become a cause of deterioration/ Dr2Cll food building would Ise attempted this spring. nothing better with your Thanks g i v i ng We do naLfavor a hollow an d deceit-, should now, if It has nit before, alter. • The fact is quitffotberwise. 'Never were fat settletnexth Nor • . turkey. yet /I ECIDCMCIIt I coe t r, BEng, —These may, nate as often as possible with the dry; be planted for this purpose, beets, carrots, turnips, there mom houses tinder way than at based on MEG and retallalion. What theloot of th oath in hills four f•' this moment. This' la not so observableo ft the. Spine i f t and apples ;potatoes, cabbages, parsnips , we desire is that the masses of the na. ! apart. The its late s one o the I Inare va l ua bl e. the two cities as in the suburban dig. lion , shall be made moat speedily to see beet• Ventilation and watering should ha and reel alike. Dow else can genuine ' Makes, should lie planted about the omptly attended to, and salt, and meal Few first class dwellings have been nationality be created and coutinusals , same l d i nl „ e o e t e telleeet.h"‘-eArt:b. $1.50 per tnmad, . .00 CONSISTINU OF Extra Good Mood Good Loo F inii , 7ln, or .11 . ...41v1 ,71.,,.., r " r iliV:=l:l i n01 , 1 7 : % k 0 , lltleul 110.0 4 41: ......; . . " 17,11:fiterTacka: • a.man's Drawing Para .t '''' h1,..r1.0 " 7,7,, 1 ,1 . mapping P..: L-ar::'... do: L.<., Pent I, • in? India Robber. . Bald Houk., Cross ~.mr., 5c..14.40. BLACK TEAS—OolonAle. .Beet Oolong 0 1 •a 1 itar Vanua. mt L 9 •Extra ..... . .......... LTD 1' BLACK TEMS—Powebon/L Soochoug and d gue tons. tr'r rs JAPAB TZAR. • 11:tr./need. Jan... eery pita...pt. Itavor Japan. a onus tlyson. Leaf MIXED TEAS. No. 1 Mlle.! Teaa. y hart Br . ack. h do. Y. 11. 1,, 1 " 1. " 'A! hest t s. YOU :ALL AT TIM kl r o kt: 1!=1.7:,1.1. ° Ar :Tam ' any quantity. and trararnet ' t; any onj . .:t 1° as Coenpantea. who now carry tgoo, ve ITITiONTRY TSB (TINTING ISTIBLISIIIENT OPpou nd te, and 0 1 dohs. anma pound in the price, halides getting • ,t.r, clean a n w laces exattty out" tha I A. KWI.. , mrl7,lo,Lilt revered 0.. Ancient-he, Profile rover Line, Traslog Taper; • HAVEN, FEE wood send Fourth Streit& Allentown Railroad Litie, GENTCENEN , B - NEW, ALL RAIL, FURNISHING GOODS, 1 r ['FAST FREIGHT LINE No. ?2 Fifth street, Cl= Via Banishing, !Hunan an /mu City. ii rho Irn=ll7.lr , ili , Zi4:=l * .M.t"i',;;j: Without 'Change of Cars. Perfect Fitting French Tohe ihirts, HIVEII, to the Agent of th e ••/..” 114DX IV 1.1111.1X}1.. agent. Company. and at to , the agent. of tat IC I.,ntral 11. It.. at oame pier. PUTNAM & HOUSE, N!:.11125 1 letjt , Vay . at the oence of the =I MGIIIDOCKPUTNAM. j JOHN I'. HAMILTON, Agent, FOR TEE SPRING TRADE, Op:Ito, root of unirtyr RT., Al 26 and 28 St: (lair Street. we lor e la . w re .4 or LAST NOTICE.—In pursuance, our awn Imo other manafacturea. a•in t ro noel , with the Prwelelone of :.n Act of the Uotterol of , Amenable of the commonwealth of Pennsyle. • ola, etattled An •et aulhorlentw the School 1!:1.1*.!! In t.,_1.."- =MM= - -- Po'fifiVAVliilams, , ;are., i' ail ercciiiitiL ii,ailitirr ro ' croTdr i p YUMNITURB. • • . the c Bounty Wiliam, and to ILIC torplairtiman- TA ISLE AND CA BILLABE • ; if ...et' fit , ' the buil.. et eneehmina around in7,..ru..,:,. . a ,c u : erwer.itg • new ',hoot !loose in said Weed, , le.•• approved the eighth 4ey of April. A.D. 01 L u ti e r ar i l ii, l4 .l. LA N ~,,,, Aiso. LISA WHIM IIIeLTIM 1 Tar Boant of nehool Director. of the FOURTII i WARD. ALLIVIII !FAY. hereby giro moiler to BUBLiltit BELTINO, ' 111)5g. AN 1) ISTEJAI PACKINIJ. I :Lill:=TiTts to theßeunty • timi of said ward. Al az ... miens legally due, If pre• ay of /um nest. Being mannifeturere, we are elebled inciter 1 17 , 1ries4111'..iavare.V.L.,,r or thn Dosed. to inetelmeia. carding. oaten tad the retell et the Second National Rank of a Ilegnany. or trade innueemems m tentless and goods nut b e y a ton..y member Cr the Board. ••fter the time tumid elsewhere la:the City. u metioned above. all bennty money remaining ... • !in the ,emury , will be printed tor Ow J. dii H. Pjilliajpsl, I purpose of ereeting a new rah 1 donee, and no solemn . delete. will be Chewed fur whi Plaints:id hILs not . , been inatiu within the time &peeler,: METHODIST BURIAL GROUND. I . It. et. EttABOIS. President of the Board. ' r IA BOtawelt. /Secretary. f '/ODIES TO BE BEHOVED .— 1 ALAmillea V, 14•7 It, nec. mtaeas ....._ ...._ . Yoke. Is Well' girt. Well Pert°.. bA,lnf S _ T. JAMES • HOTEL, (deeds or relatives burled Su the Iletnedlot ; 'Burial Iliound In the City of Pittsburgh, that . Act of the Oeneral Ancentuy wai posted at : UN Tilt EUROPEAN rtaN, the lan ...otos and approved April Mit, RE, ; -- vocaus. the gall ground for twill purpose.. and authorialag the remora) of the bodlei there- • . .. from. And t h e farther pollee Is berth? given . The Proorletor would ti lt? Inform the that the undend,sed, a. the Corumlsolostera an-, pu b,. iy,„,,,, - . ‘ ,.... d . tn . ' , ...,,,iiiiii are petaled to said Xet., will proceed, In summate • now open, Ihe sltcpplt postmen. .7 , 1 1, .b r a of said Act. after the explratlop of the. time : :Zdk1Atia11t:,x::1:11,A71t..41.4.,10,;17: ..4.. 0m t ald Act, to remove ail the talk* l ue,e. pun.. dint.. rooms w i ll Ladle., •Il the thee remittals.' La mud ground. ' ' dellcosto• of too season will be served nt all , i , l' T u l l:, . IL , ''' s ,Ft,"'• ' • ' boar.. :gee :174:',Islif tt ::::12,t1V7:1 1 1", ------ -.L.--.1. • etc., trill be Plead at tne bar. • - ZI/WARD BEAZIATON. i JAII. K. LILNAHAN. ,1 . :I , Uotomhaloscro. ; ~:ii,es Tropric tor. Pittsburgh. Mar Wit. 'I.!K. ' 1.417(03:r , —'—'" —' ri HE PEOPLE'S . CHANDELIERS,i• A ' TEJI. STORE Brackets, Pendants, &e ,,i . . .= 9 Wilson & Underwood . CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. • C;rizus Etaaa., 011. Alargs aslant:mot on hand sod nceltmt at - WELDON & PLUIIIIIERSARD GAB FITTER!, 164 Wood Street. tohmtit'NCARtlISTH. ago. u. prasuLSll Jul.OnaDY-OKO. SPANGLER &IBAADFOB,D, M a NI.A.CPTICLAM. Plainbers and Gas lltters, Mo. 47 Ohio Si., =MIMI Holum, Mad ay wlth WATICR, UAB tmd slum 17 e:fier . ltri e oct i 7o r rap:: ;..„ Work. Drving ALL „,y.e. • 113)17:.111 CHOICE LIEDDINGPLANTN I= Roses, Geraniums, Verbenas, &c., In bloom, at the teththad fl reeehoear a. '701121 B. tt A. MIRIDOCII NEV. BARBER. 'I9IIOP AND BATH HOUS E. • ! Under lac Academy of .Ilmica laticety Wed., 4"' VLEMINIi t SOICKNEII, myelmM rieMictore. R. P. GE'ETY,.. • Wholesale and Bedell Grocer. Dealer la TEA wit., ,o. s T,Bll3 , ll;ea D . ld y. 04 1. ro b r " lhera y e TEA.." ler or t .treet le th 2 masa. falleat_a_el Olt!. I3IANOS AND ORDANS:;—A very large Beek of • KIX•IL E • CO.'S ristios, L►lhLB BUM PIA NM, Led PRINCES' AUTO/LAM: 0/I"AtiB, At isAuxvis MUSIC STORE. • trijis • he. 4 - 13 STRILS T. MALT 1 MALT I WALT Loma mum. uumor, BULLY HALT; Ibi4 Jr., soricatir ,ACI Liberty 1232=1 er : dt:t3A34Viel Attorney -at-Law, 1 N.. 101 FIFTH' PPMEET. Pit.leola. myt . . C. IL SMITH; Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AID BOLIOITOD IH BANIERDPM. WO. at 93 DIAMOND liT/LEAT. EIRIZI BROADWAY Dpposlte the onion Depot NOTICE TO HACK-DRIVERS OrrlCz or RirconotwilimuterOn, PAUGartb.M 721 th. UM f RkkoMUM Reeellater and Clerk r f Cennelttee torlene El WARRANTED stßiTe uniform In entllty. and mtde trete the amt. mate It not ewer.- VaiTYPlTgArrlnne4nln4TVl' coil VlDCtd. Thos CARBOY.: INJ•i• Is mode tliollor to that of 010 U 114/ Qther Manufacture/ and for sale wholcasie, by J. C. TILITO - N,. i ST. ctiva ST., Plt'Margit, DIRECT 136TWLILN BOND, New Pork and Pittsburgh, Bastes CNce, .77 WASHINGTON ST I 2=l= Nos. 405 & 407 Liberty St., Opposite Me Union Depot . One of Um cheapest and bes id an t wbolese d n tall slam lo Um two dile, - No. 15 South West Diamond, eaaa Call and examine oar bloc\ and prlee, _az.i . _•:aLss.dr • JAMES B. JONES, Scrap Iron, Light Iron, CAST AND WROVGNIT WON. ACOPIEI, sib 0. Con... ••111., Avenue. AlD.l.••TClijr,_ C . G. FISCHER'S TANGY Dyeing and Scouiing Establishment, iiro. 61 DIALIIOND AILEY, gavrto*:Woo4 old Ihrilthangra uff All ,600 d relented to two wet,. Itioide i apA sobloo to tilt 0000? twelve lWou be. ltElnillV AL. JOHN F. CLULEY. Nouse and Sign Painter, . raptured to • No. 134 1911ITIIIIKLI) ST.; Pittsburgh. Pa. myllttS7 thasoette the old stand. G. 41 . 1UGING VihTHUISENTS.— thl n gilrel.l:r•lfigrr r nlVA l MaNgr e d . e . a Ann assortment. and for sale br JARES DOWN, I:l7=M MM!TM VISIIING SEINES Itom Jcist tecalred • Roe lot of Pelmet. from 15 10110 yard, !nog, 7 to • tett don, nod I`, luck rnosli.,lso. • duo astortotent of Minnow bolo., from 4.t0 10 feet loss. For salo by JAMES DOWN, 138 Woal Wet t r al 1.1 nag vm1)113) "..o) I have bratreceived, .direct them th e Om. Omaha tthlash lind, the been let of Cath Poles {Tat OrOtleit to Ws market• Yoe sale by JAMLES SOWN, r=l 130 Wood Wee, GOOD NEWS. CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. 38881 re 88 . WALD 8 cAr.An. .74.; Isrgest tad be.. The /a1t414 - a t W. PI) 4ltssl9 hist. None else Ward's. - g 35 EATON'S. . , t . w..--• . I.q JUNE ITT, will be toad on Pre...... , or. ; the Coop.. there ru., on arkd eller Qat date, at ' WANTED, , the JUST OPENED - • ft/king Donee of CHOICE LINES OF Bead Trimmings ; Silk and Bead Fringes ; Black Silk °Fringes ; Marseilles Trimmings; Fancy Buttons, Guipure Lacei; Embroideries ; Alerindre's Kid eloyes ; Bagwood•Jewelry ; White Pique; choice patterns; MTOL:NTT CONTEN.TIO: - —•• • 1 will pay ItIO rash for aeon.' bead SPENCER. RIF I.E. or CA itIIINES Ingood working order, The RYOULILICAII VOTERS of the s, . 0 ,, at Gees, wretero Doe, County of Allegheny will. meet at Mtn . [cape!. Works, co- . net Venn and Wayne streets, PUN tire places of holding electirns. rul:Ovel.slAF Saturday, June 1 , 1567_ WALVTED. Fe . LE coN 021 And elect TWO DELEO &Tin from each dee non preetnet to a County 'Convention. to be Who., engage' at once. Apprr Put.. held at the COURT 1 10118 E, In the City of burgh, on TUESDAY. ante 411, .4'4 at 11 o'clock a. so., to nominate a Tlcael for County ap13,111.4T 116 DIAMOND XT.. Pt Meer,. and the election of Delegates 1.0 the Stain Convntion. WANTED. The meetings will be held In the to aeo, ne .„l . ,1 • °::" ! :71ttr.7:17. iP :eb: ; 1,142 1 V , 1..fq ` ,1%7;:t ;FIVE 'HUNDRED ACENT.t rid. between the beers of 1 and r. and the d' l Lr u ' r% . alAtrl7e2l 'n ttOn ' ::Fib e Ear emit, Cons- 7; oriel' kljg ittee, tbe Convention fon the i1d . ...100 of it. , 1.1,1,111.11;4.441.1:- Thla j, reltaTt ' le c r . V. t i l dt " ogr ' tagr ' t7rtlael v :lOra::,lll th" I" . eh "' W * ib '"'" * I'; 1• • • nowlmiged to be the best liken.. of Is Is. ttereafler be given, io,ilshed Otatestnan that h. ever been. taken. The artist.who stand • the bead of !i.e. In etc. l • M saes deferred a trip. I , l ,O__tm ,ZE, l lllw . JOn/1 nipThEL l . 747.?:1:.g7414:11,:igrdtae•t Chaim., will be one of the best Olect Engraved l&mt.n.• tra 1n11,71,',32.;Z,:faVV:•:411t7,1r..17.; semi, seat . en I'M CIT Orrrre'd SCiII.ITE { 6, 111017 . Wni "- r noble men in MID.. of the Dolled rttatee. t? I= 17 Fifth Street. THE GREAT RADICAL NEWSPAPER, FORNEY'S PRESS. No Compromise •with Traitors Gel fin 13e.1 and Gal , er in the Count MEM • ; "4:4% I ------- ---"••—• '— Mrson or oodrest the subscriber by 2131 ii, when/ "I.] msirest CAPPELE. MOO:ant ' 01l we Portioulom will be madel . bek um ~.... TAILOR, nod. dcalcr In ' i •- . ~ • . • my?: Na. a East Ebbe tt 4 Dancosmr. Pm_ A asst -eass Double-sheet Elght-pogo paper, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods containing forty-elgID columns. . 142 SMITHFIELD STHEFT, . ' SAGENTB WANTED, r , rnwisb. 4,,,, eu et c c " ..: Three dour below Sixth. Firm Omni, Fa i .: BOTIE IRALE AIM FEHIALZ• of Seventh aid Chestnut Streets, Fhiladelphla. All the tal e s Spring sod Summer styles of In