THE DAILY Gm razusmsro ICVMBY 11011.‘11.0. ISCNOAra nrcarnto.l pENNIMAN, EED•& CO. .I.lcolpor *stores, wrc. r. n. no,rlr.o: 7, r. tiOusT(... • I.lltork. GAZILSTB BUILDING ROL imer*e-TIFTII /41g lepablicsi P;per of 14tert OF'ICj PAPER 01' . PITT/ißlJE.aein ALLEGIIEIfy CITE. . tAIIGICST CHlCAPlarred nit rAISILT IubdCWILME.RCIAL PAPEibba tbe re. .Tblell6 or rut DAILY; ........... cvat. sui, ; . b.rrag. n g:iir7 k so. lo • Add.ress, lAA zETTE, 31.11758U6im. 'OOOO.l. pittblttlify Gayitt 1 1 1 IMPORTANT _MEXICAN NEM:S.' , . . 1 : ,..u CITY A AND SUEURBAN..,. atti,`:.:::t,,::l",l7rimlL.:;E:Pitst:l3.,,s.:::?;l;l3,-.1nTi..1.1,,ta:r:,;..2')17,70:;:.,:::.,1771.17.1%.:3„:0.1:: HINT E I POLITICAL: Arrisai Cstreoralloary.-The Journal of Jersey thly, says A mounter -Dot Int --- •-- mango.. er, bat a gun of fearful dim.. A 1% orlby t andidathr. glens. Cline Int° this City tide month,' from OFFICIAL INIEMILLTION has been re- Queretaro Taken by the Liberals. I s u„1,1,. it,,,,,,, , 04 ~,, p co a„,,, A t ,,,,,,, 2 ,... I'oll . t i t . s , e tesprse of all power, l ed.; Library Asmcbstion wan held at thelr We do not desiro interftring in tb 111 .____________l _ 1 4 4 ro- rooms in City Ilan Tha electing mescal!. a am ova thousand ___ ceived atthe State Department at Wash. ONE __ lIANINILIAN IND BIS GENERALS ' --____. pods etemsthrony p.m... MS dry, MU Le IF'S:Z.I'474I"M th r o d i ' llolt72. "° lolii? " 4l/ 1 1.71 1 . o ed to e,,,t,„ 4 , ‘,.... , an 00 . k, o f otts roo m y &fore °min. .;ito r gl,l:. "' or 'U lrfTeidglit Mutt of iron hi one FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. foetal on Our/burn) "twee but oun. 1,0 e ‘. .1 ,...4 •01 ( 1 o n . r i t : l i t . L . k . o w r i t u i , ` , l:t ii k:::s l tl , r! .. e i t u t , I . . 0 1 , 1. 0 1tha l ru t n o .. 1 ::: : ingym or the taking of Queretaro by the the land. Tim Assoelation to mell „ - - ••' -•''' •°°° 8r... . ar • Mr none are made, tato the question IT every possUrlo way- 44 .•• ioglixte, bocrotary of the Boanl, read „ r0 ,„ 4 ont , &;;;,,,,,, word . to (ova l. or o „ e bail w eig.44 one thousand and fifty Liberals, ----=-_ and the capture or maxlmllian -- - --- PRISONERS. lII 6 IE - NID POE•llitalif silo). g r. -.M. .. °P. 0 • tircu e line ro 3 otltio o n e s u V i temorlidire Con. the lollowing taints.. r wee for wider No of Lira members pour/sin Teta caunon Itself Is twenty hat _ friend, Litutertant "loch Morrison,. wt.. long, fool when final, which It will be when and Lis Generals,. This comes from M. ____ THOM WASHINGTON. ______ ad:talon. , 1.. II II Georite, of Cincinnati, who bud " fl ' m'flY " . , a„ . " 5 „ name we see presented for Hot opt. of j In place at Fort Richmond, will. fott to ---y•-• 4 Trethiorer In Butler Men ty. Me artueulti ring um. more 1101110 than en); gen to the President duarer himself. But be does 111PORT,1 Fit. TII OAT'S PRocLEDINGS -MON D 11. ......,.......'• ..., ....e r M. • P r ...r.a .- Total membership ;,.;„ Itor retoo l % war a bravo iltp . i l i ntr .Id:critic., Hudson County Artillery. - ; , ____ °Metal Letter from Juarez. not state . 1•11 ftt ' alOPOIIIII00 he had made, -_ gss o i it. p ,t al t r . o , t t is t i t oj e t t li b e t, e l.; l i t e rr i r 3 3i ; :.,, it . , [lr e . 'Synod met 3* aterdey 'tnornlng at on, ', 1 n r ,.... • ; ' , • ; :' ; ,: .. 0 ; . 1 . • ; • 1 0 . ::,. ,, , , , - ,rr o ;:ip o g o l 4 . l . t r o i lteis t r t ' , l- Tito abto a imbrue. only those It hn aro tro rs. caft ;u " ll.3 "" n " rni :II lidu " M=lth i c i rt T „ -...-- ry st --- amai enter or intended tit make, of his illustrious Fate of the Condemned Fenlans. ____ 0 , ,10ck, and ons opened to pra3 ur by tbo torM a 101 l synopsis, but not in trusioZ• wa r , coon. At the battle of Senna lllMinialti he toln i tun ' t=e l t= aunAta mu of We Philo - Surratt's Trial -Postponed. M.d.r.thr • - prom, ~.- „„ pm tog their alum. . • reeeletal [merlon, amend. the mdrk bf which mo th, w ee p, association, imt night at ; PriiPmer. A repot t routes from Gen. , "' , Mr Telegraph t • We Pittsburgh Gate us.) _ -. After the usnal preliminary morn Ina be. H . n g . - „Lt r fc n . : lo 4l , , , , , „ o n t , - il,”:" 1:1' .. . , e nr• The fdlogrlni• dooms ex bent thertentler .77,64, , r,1 , ..go i n i ppg i v , r..e n tegzirhi the Actoirmy of music. was a deckled sue. Encobedo that anew had entered itax. SENTENCES COMMUTED TO IMPRIt- Tbo lon. n .111110T1111. May 1'41.7. - , shame. Rey. A. Slovonsth(Maa. iis rens. gam of Mi In atten.thrien. atni MI worn tench pleased imilian and all Lis Zenerals to ,be shot. wing aas receirod •.• lb. B." ENLANCIPATION IN BRAZIL of dissent from the solo of Syn. mmittleg t chlifitn. and Rev. Crozier. or in- I ' LgOi c. ,, ° :;:a. l ,4 ° oo 'i t ' o r .l ' o t r l s . ° :4l4 . ",.. o ;',, L ,t h o g o .. hue to ths" attentiOn of ell toyal thmapoint bolne called out, spoko oath op. noo ; nono c o .n . l . mesa A largo and fashlonahlo audience was ea.. From personal acquaiotencome are with tba tmoner ost which the porfonnors EMMERT FOR EIFE. ' ~.tmeot. or state • • Iles. J. Black, ordained by Plusbergh Pros- g e la e lmo. The mooting udjournal at a lam Books perchaaed during the ie. MI n . r o y o l o r• r l o t o . ," ; " . a T o t . ,.. , . l l ,l•Mr o gi t rlo o f t t e r Itslivolt i tally vol colle i ctLvely tt i conit=f l - This report is not true. However inch. . Stay ,1367. Douateil by tha a wrsdonborg 'too -- . bytcry ' an a nlissionneY. di a Lthatintant ' ~, faithful and uptight gentlemen. font thtt's sti ' c 'n edre . e ‘ jklna. ut t i ' llue n' tki . e ' dlre ' e r tlfril Of grof. execution might grat:fy the passions of : - . 61. /fan W. II Macon/ • Fenian li Not to he Executed. 1101. g Society 3, possessor of taro busltioss truant:l4.4lmm -Herman T. Km., oxclted very general • • the Mexican people; the civilized werle, Politipal Letter from Kossuth. .11,, b .tT:1, " ;;;=.„ " :=17:, ' ,4,': f o","‘,11:1 Lac e m . b .. e . r . a , roel. T. burden of the tea- 31thettrof or City Connell.. 4 o 11. 1 - solorwood. 18. if ri .. tlch milder bon emintraly l• LI tho ad subverts tho mind. A. roomer monthly meeting of City Coon. • Wmrllnmill.n. L• t i •loalTml to emplausc, and rolled. the blithest credit It ctlargo the Important trust a., lutios upon tho abilities ot Um genuemu who cannot fail to look upon it with horgor. ' . . hilttnftiOra.s. Meg zlet 4-- the of ithcieslastioal Wm streams% that tho ells wm Imldott Monday evening, 3lay 27th ; 7 4 ; o . f the rition. We bespeak for ilitll lOW k pnfort. o d, , 44 I I P 1110 honor to transmit die the fol _ srow added during the year D rew , „Whole nunlbotior Looks In Library.- .. gan Butler county . od II 'oral support, and earnestly com• - - --non--- , • ' SALE OF IRON-CLADS TO RUSSIA. I.,, , litk t e :. t r i z: h i tt:T o t: e a:ln LOIS Po nth_ m a right to chedm Ilmir oreo low TIIR IVESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. P ro T r i : „ l'''' ~ I. LLZ , T. , --- mend Mtn tO our Republican frioads lu The Fire Alone Heil -The Alarm boll Presenf-Mesers. Armstrong . , We RAVE been regulated by a mini i NM-- MY obteeme 1 un the tower will hereafter stmka at lb _ , Irleud . l'au mourn. ' Quorethro ban fallen 00Virit•srlS0. Crawford, nallalier, Leow, McCarthy, Mc- Miring Leo yhar ten books wore lost and --44- o•tloce n, 3 r. x is r. 4. :IP. tn. 12 midnight; her of friends to express the gratitude of - - ' ' , ie r tn .... t : lm r l' i l , ',,: e .:' o .2 .V . , t, " , , n ' t. ' a n ,, e , e re a l e en ,, , ,N . l e d . 'e a M ne a k a i c n r Tele cr. to ? v s: . i e t , t:b e rt e r:::::• tot.) - Ray D. Scott, It It . read tha r - eport of the Lwon, McMillan. Morrow, Phillips, Shipton, "My rebound. . ' For Coroner. . Thompson, 44110 e, tine Pro-ident ale Utley. The AmeelatlOn recrAveslBdally,l3 week. •we _, 3 A., x. OA, a. find la, a. Tbat bemire throe the lectnre.going community, to the en. ' Eastern Question Considered. c0m.,,,,„,,,1.., synod . Covenauting The report in ni 'anew.: . make room for the lollowing coin. home dor.. tho twentatfour, Mao. of TAO mitonee were real end edopted. ly and 1 monthly newspaper, else, 12 umglt. ergetic and indefatigable Committee of ri o tt z , I t t,Lif y ..ed I u nlker t t , LAL. A T. , suneareir mutt roarroa a x • n 67 . , - Pd. The President stilanitted a commonten. mines and 5 rodeo. monication from tall:moor Marla - In TOW. .‘ . 4 . h.. " . .. f ; T-b e j. 4 , , , r sg , Tt ,, ,t , LI . 1- L. P.m,. ' 170 d by be Wool of Podi IWO ite adv ant Lion (mirth.. Jim a Nealay, l•resident of The eversge ...tor of natty dreulat. nap; orgiog the nOmilottlon Mr Lorongr of :: e nTirO Y lttitt ". lelin7ra " plT, M tin.l74l lota en the imuelatioe. setting Pent of books. MJ vols. I n worthy Nom/tied nolditr the Young 3len's Mercantile Libra ' ry . ' A ame i., lem . T heie comae, ended a few . EN,Lisii RErtinil DEMONSTRATION. I Tbe trial ot John 11 Burratt. on motion W.• 10., •thial covonanung us author. e n r " ,, e Z., ° , n , r i n . s , A r c. ,•,, m a. n r,.. r s i r m - a 's ; 2 t io u r e l t i e s n o . m s' a nt or tho Government, ii . ras prottiOnal until dn ., ref:o , omonth ,, , no , oononr ,„, „ td u n o - , that the Ladles. Fair. 'it ...dor the soldiers' The following In tba report or 31r. JN. ;;;;;0; ,,, . 0 , ono ,_„;,, , ,; . ' !; • 1 1. ;;; !,..•,1 . f T 1.1,1 1 ;;; W ,T 0 „ .. e• WU. I. 1i... of 'h e , J oe , reee l ye a the 10th of Jude, la order to allonl time to ch.. In mkt a ms. And whereas we ac ontalns tho followingt Monument I und, unit bo opened ali li ap- Davidson, Tremuror of the As"sclation ~ •-• ~, „: ;',. . r ,, 11 , „ _";-..?,F , , , ~,,. ~ , , q ..t..... . , ° , weeks ago, was the most brilliant mid ' , i t s k ii tm oi , /ir n, ont g sk , i t t i r, t i e s t o . f r y . , i i. w . _ n o l oi , b , o r t i t s , : i r t n i yi ,:o ~.. ..,,oriul,,i, propriato cortmonlos this eym int o and iu- Behmee in Tremury, int J0ti0..4.6 471 55 . f . f : f si t t i t , • ; l . , ,y lo * .„ . o ,, ot L o o t i a 7 o :ix o liti o lr o o , r , • ; ;:;ttet? . ;,. the L ulted boors Consul at Mammon. tom anoint inthemation front Burdozobta and procure the attend.. of several lop. , wittaoste. • "[tilted 'Staten Attorney 1 The :By Telegram to me PR taburgit Linsette.4 r wog the members of Lounells to be Received from Allogtmoy Gymnastic 0..3 13_ attnidllT eyer offered in the clty. itremn6 Immtntonailion acc.tht m aLen s illl e e e d , ; 330 A e s e s=t i l e rrn e mre 1ie.e0.03. that our frijol and patriotic citizens 12 . 1, " e , rin:rirsivt; fie'rtrieYnipUirttc'Zlec"etWlftill. ;;;;,,, ~ n; duo ultontion to the claimed • oid min 0 toghtth a tome emu.. In Lafayette 11. thnt Quoretm ne an captured by tbe Libor- , 'selection of ' orators ahd feeturers re. GITCAT HMI rAc N. eiS on the 15th inn, Maxlmilman Hog* L.rffigtOn mid Judge Pierpoint briefly or. Chrlat-and of thoutnigetion orim rational al A cit ' ,Orb rn ertal " r " oll24l " 2.rec 'n utivo Commit- R.oivori for Annual de. nntliCenigseteel.irjare panel.... „. ... oot. 1 !mid M r Maar of postponement or contin. g . . , -;0t . ..g . 4 3 .t. , to submit themse,, , r to Its gov. r; r rippltal soldier who myth s Waite month.. nista Ito WIII denser . awned aud fleeted tho greatest credit lipOn the Asse- . 0 ;:,_,st ot. v oa.e e t l: i &nee o the cm' until attotbor time. Sem ; 4 '1 ; 4 ~, tion of Corortor-Prlmite Johnnton G. lemt, ; 11.1 ...or/so before Division 42 Sons of tco otabe holdlorn Monument Association. Received. kfttes, LOst BoOks, ltc.. Los norc r , a Zd a a ' 3 . • ' ; I r l'l r te n Vu r e :' s ' t:...:l: . wl.elber An " : 1, el. that civil .ciety biting tt divine Go. H, 02d Pa. I Ms. 110 ls a gentiOnoth of , Teulperunco, at the same place tip. the netifyinic t ono eUs of the withOrawal of tho elation, and spoke volumes in favor of illuminant sentence of the ! entan convicts Oorronores, jthy ma, ~,,7,,,...„„ nth . ; Oral Important witnenes nth absent, end , institution. natio. m well al Individual., e aP e ir , iloatMu . anicing purtnlmlon for tho fire- Total -- liberal print:ll/lea, OatriOtlth hones , . intOlll. • Mom subiect-••Temapurancoe W a bmpmk. k 2,33.4 J 7 ' the judgment, intelligglice and enter. - than be carried ont, engrmacs Loth. attem• , M M 4. ... rThe fell. , OM . ..Meets. [mei efforts have been made to secure them, but i l.n.the MOM ol the ROgorkond oedt 4 u ' rilu i r,:.l4 l , '' el l. t r, "ll ,7 ( lit e ITureehirirc"tl.l"' Arn°""°('' ' '''''' i"U" ...14 eu heat, end In ON flry way worthy 111 the suf- 1 fdr him a largo 1111010.141tt• , 4 pr se of the, Connnot ry, whab ei la. ,_ than. 7he press of Loch,. and Denote i .° l:4*tte " n - Br n ' iVe l‘ r ' I.7'lll ° a Y r kt thr o.c. Dago of Ito al Itupennicans. The non of a - , 1 3, 111 . ea r t pe tti , o1:, ,e t e ig: f rv e3 m , r e t4 pe p e r t !rir i t e t . lt e ti e u e ll_i ; p o r e , 13 , ? . ,c , urL0 0 t ,,, ,, 0 1 , , , , ..tzr . , , ,r , t , t,;!_w r ;vray . wltimin isomers, one n os I n N., y or o , too c o l 4 ll o! l =l , . , t ,3 b . .4:tztzt e ill:t 11, , :1 3 1 0 11:i .. ir :,,,oim os th,n the' tO . IIOIIIVIP L o w ‘ iis ' n ' ot i:wa ' r u o Ifislance In Tremury May 14.1867 sla 41 i m.r..... ..• h.cing onlY Um legitcY of . j Dr. George H. Keyser ARO our thanks , amp. In Maryland, Lb. th•rd in OI L % thu morning of the Pali, la 7 re. l .V; klichiguo. will of nal, exhibited. stliornatural rover. wounded at the hunk or Lannon' mauling matter. ' - cuniatily EneCeSSltil Or 1204 the c,ourse eeher.ny urge tiut um sentcnce be elm. tVgtl'ifu"l'itre";i:r'TZt.:.‘;'u'l•l'iO'ft"l'/11SO"ltu"n'''Vutf.1".. aeN , T r tir fa u ti ' n r :VlTr l'ach.e.°,7,l.ra.",tH Lomond mel tiled, and thataa tendered to Journal, a hereupon the won o. „ 0 „,, 0 , Mori st in Wu early part o tho arar, was 141. ,1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 , It , ro t toloo /Jo t .01 4 1 mt oatermiting was eminently Ilescrving ot p,trotinge,.. Meted to iroprisomm et for lift. t t a by o u r r 0,,,, , ,,,,„„.„,,,,,,,...,„„ ..„. Mild too fourth, an actor, hair gone to lotion, m 3, S hor n, o n., an ; n 0 „. r ,,; 0 ,, „ ero modo California. These eitnasses may m lui 1 lour Committee Moro!. recommosid, t jj o e lad e n ter th e tommui t ie aim. , clthous was organized by ettilltat tha vem. rerM Y 0 1 4101PN • ONN IrTy 11 I P ' Y 041110PRA14. IO t ttl • r . titlott for the vacation ft( twenty lector nrablo Genets! Wm. Itobin.n, Jr., 0 ...„ Mill by a sltot throng). tho mght thigh. end _ nn we trust the came committee trill be t dispatch from „ob. „Ines tcat t„e 17111".a.°°T ieali n it i llg r tb: Y o c 7titn ' ATr P e ' red f a ° . Nrlfin ' t ' C i b n a ' :O . tl l l ' t ' f. • l2.,74:it t tr gsr.v ' . ore.oottiZ.,..= o , :o: , :ltr. " ,;Kit r ag , 4 tinny num". Iturerrial to Stn.. Coon Um chair, anti appointing C.a. sunind won" ou t e n the nerd , fall P.m tho 'mums w - retained next season, as the community ' J.,y brought In a cord ict. or gouty inciinst n r i t i r : la Cerro De Le Cumpana, where onr an rtrifn N i ° ,, yr 0 t . ,,..7 0 .° °,..t . ; 8 : . Im o r° ?g0..." r i rlippr e tesjitemy o t , bettjff of the l'renett- tolifoo. „I inddlo Scoretary. - Minim and was ommeerated as a primner ; ; ....are Toed 1R..; StiOte. , .42 Oats; 3.e lr e or e iLtil l c l r . tio e n ... fr e o 4oseph 11m11.14, I At the request of tho Chairman, Roo. J Mr. .• . 1 9 Sorely depend Upoh 1214 Members for 'citron, Co epled 0111.1 a relOtunitudatiOn to s MelOa :. s r ' ,litt h lTrojj,: e 'r f e e ,j' i t,t,. G Ar ' "M r ' promMetio. swetallet, ' Ilko "‘ to "r g t o " to Lill ' Mtle ' qi ' leto ° r n , L'its"arlorVillt: cYarll'onTorilDot',lMl' e ad °relit.. It, B. Clark, MD . slated Um object. Lim mea1.4.z.,,r,,,ni..jg . 4 .z. ,, r , ,, n i . .jg , o n o ,Nij , e ,T n o n . ‘ , l?„ o non, In no, pro,. 3.. feT t r i si t, t i t i a y a n.e wet., e l i te el...e to , , t e et. , Ing to be the election of rillacors for the en- :eland. liu nue paroled. and las woo. bays lonu num to Llbey Pmeon rool Bello n .1. 1 1.T4g-Lt r =1.111 , 17.1 7 -1,41, = e t a fair enmity of wholesome literary Mod m6r'Y' steps, tool ii.l., surrebtlored ali " c "" it ...MB ' . re. '" ." °.°Wred ' tn. t L. 1113 LL • In nn la C.. c. I MIT Oct 4 'l7:•"‘geflYtilt'ore Jo i a 'a malTo r glirg4f...l " .: 1.1!: ` : B°M.' Urlf.b.rrg M.O. M Um 11.101.101 ' h i s k l e h e et i4 m,i , , , , e t . gm l i e h; t i l l, mo. , a ,,, , , a ,, ,i o xt: , l e tt e s e " ,, t , r e eLll e n , ! ee tos . utt 01 ' 01 prisete nate foal , . , 1 11111ATI. ADAMS TO INTOOPO3O. LIORAIIy ''' - Mr. Merrick replied, /natl. that Um counsel for the defense had been diligently TA , of Altni•htY look eXow oor belief in Moner of 1141 Mark+ ,______ -u lou will pleme give the Preside. my • •••• •• -- L - . It ts eald Um American Mit.. I limn M. .WALP.LE 1165 resigned Lis place in • wth nimrie...o his gratad onlom to ;141., e the ' on n u -co? i g e ra r lr lit e tt , o 3 m . s . on this trin: . a too .grA e tr„,7% , f i Ag a z,tte o lr,e,,,tv,v e r fro mi , c; 1,: r . ,;,r„., ,, ,,r 1 e r r, , , , ,r,, ,, 0 y i r 0 1„ig 0 i,^,..,1;,tv,?;,,,t.r 71 . i Ma MOM. 1 Incrms. efforts should Imp. Rath . on. Caton unicatiOn from Li,, ,-,onettor, relit. larging tho roll of membership. incrouningl tho lig ht. and received &invert, wound, fn. , For eiblo Ent ry.-Erleard Ilsoldlow wm r 0.1 4 1. it0 .. 1 . a . :d thUtan eimn co t tirl bal. , •rn M. tm Saturdny arol taken before gum ;Le English - Cabinet as llocite ,Seeietary, prisoner IMCIoni from the scaffold. Isignr•d I g. reoreo Canada, and another ' from the enrol. .r Lord Jesus Cu., citgage and co?•46 ' n't live fa duo! of JJ. St thenett and wife LO It rho number' end variety of b.lts, Ac. A. emu.. i nowt, rt turned to Jarvis uo .- tico Winker, of North k &vette toarnalop r • .uthern end of the "Ming. If the anis Ives 10 hold and n3alntain this our It lit r . niu • oto i p o f „ 80 ,,,,, 00 0,4 0 ., h on i o 0 , o „ oo , if . E,,,,f1 0 b , m g ,01 .,, ..,,,, n0 ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, phial, haitiMorc, and the surgeon in cluirge . f Merged with forcible entry and bramett O" u ea e : eo n:l:J e n ; lseneral thombedo reports from the Into- further continued or st In 41 till neu . erv truth of nod and ideal by e al , - 140CallEn he had made himself obuoviOu. nt,,,,00,,t, . 24 4 f , ; ° ,7_7,7,7 ; ,, ° ; Y _0f7• ;. rt ,, toot ,. rior thee P ro s iduntJuarenbahonlerai arch ter . it wood oe . im Po. th r. ;.<, k n th. 4dhle manor etholioMnt le s I Y -"- and recommending that tiat orimunt of the mructa. appeal for more seal and Ilbortility there found it mammary toFputato los the peace. lie WM committed topill. !I h ifte . Slualmiliati end tot his ii.llCreil“o be witnesses hero. "°' ;meetly° plat ' es mut retail... . amessTo, .10 , 0 to Potor (Pao., ( .. !111. 0 3 , 2) 0 1t . : und utt , tjes a attjong argument in favor ol• .. , , , mer c i u •d u l t ! t m rt h :it tiLttin u iri e tj e ttl? . ;e l 44 e une ___- -,..-______ . WI th-cotiot of Ole oPfumilion 10 glo POP' tatively announced that. the nen urnment ; J i lT o C e ov,t to t e ir ee ttfit i t e l e l ed w ee entl LT i wall , to t o. fe . rl o tl:;i 1 . 0 , rterE thly,l h omottoo of our CM ' , gm t r i: ' ,..V477,j ° ,4 ' ,, fi t • foLn t ." ,,,t 'noised. , tr",,°!'the ~ 1t t e r.' "L 0,Uig.,;1 1 4.1t7,.., °; ,1,7,,„. v ,.,0 1 ", fr,lin • Beno. l ,Mmot, redoem a tier Pie. 4 1 . 1. !.,„,„ ve:p.',"'olV[..nad . r.ttraarge:::'•ig ular meetings on the Reform Bill. The hu commuted all capital eantencen or Fe- Maio.° co., Mu y Z -The Liberal force Lit e it i tr o o r k tt rcatoon or Quoretaro Its nasal,. some fete, um e ehould ''' de ' ti f isTl ° o ' ; mt.... Iter op r inMe ° V. and r wgi :t y," 1.11. ' 4 , T, I t!'"c"friiies:g'c'fil"P"ll? 'ea°c".rdrt'ors"2l"l:..4 - ..ondtt,tt -afar My fl; • Tbroughout the iikut orisouers to !merle... for Me. r ock . aso r cron of r latereMlng autograph Ig , g o t r = r t . - o rg e o zrzl n ioo.J . l r ‘ I , T i tti ; Indio.? gents, m es and children, at •rea ta the Emportutth 56 twill ' Mimic of the Hyde Park business Lis ' Lotto:talons .1 W..tiyan, of tba ataxic.' U T "MI or n Indrawn: our .know Wog.. 100 l udgo !Martell. =Mod the eam be nost , ePProVni. as the online. ft, to ~,, to " I . t r a ' y u t he antoitt ° ll. " a ” . " r e rtd thrto time.° •Yloa'fre‘beriii;lTlN4=Titodl'till'ldblit'ligiv°,', °Mem to Mrgot not the crnipl Y od soldlur, Vrito b : l ?„ r , l 4' . .'' ... private d cst. nevy, has mon ordered by kende! Bern.- .. to the command of an expethtMn 011 •titlll tbe 101.1 of J rte. j- . submitt d I tt ° l ie 'r d • o ,„ am. P.m. , - recorded an a life memmos of the Assoc'. - ' • conduct appeared a perfect example of .. er ,„ ~,Yr ) „ Y r , L I , an'' ' . Petluon . *ram pipo on atiltestleirger tiou. 3lr. Elder being called up. made a (arum aor ItatunlN Toe:temp. screen y.-Santuel DulT appeared yoster• . fl air . , Bradley ppm ' 0.1 " the moti. saying doll go",eilt'otot"tronle.°llo.4%/ro'dt-l‘to"tn street . , f i rpt i rt . AL . , 11 . 4ttples ttltey T t !orb. briof addr.s. A lively Interest . the trATITECT DOTIIOO4 against Vora true. -sr- *My before Alderman Nialiolson, charginic _Vacinal*oll, nletthneSS, and blundeting : T. Deo. bovprometa lots addrmsed n . 1. Liberals hat a taken serotion of tl We United stat " us li. ample lima ' . have tem M our DIM. Media. by a reeognltios; witnemea for the prosecution bora. „of the Bade us thotosprentelaw Altai tholes 4 1.7„3„,.'. '- j, ~,,,, .);,:?.,,, t 1 tioreThingl..7oult- pr n etr o ltLO . fatt i f den/Ven t scrmed to iritty Found urewaatm. labor. llamado:, with harem.. Hereto. injustice. Yet, ' it now nthicars certain chanter not. to Its repremntatmes at thc j'..... ...B.° Sherttlan. . navel pu ' r! 1 ustonlay morning, Thornm 'tato atal pas arrested end coutm Inca, lit dela. of The court, aftor emosideretton of Um dd.. a 01l . reitgiouv-iutd tion doe+ mn 0u,,,,,, or e. e ',arrant . - OM pay meat of Fedor. aulargom n eVof th:llsret r..!Ln ° that the whole Cabinet were restionsible antra of the] uroptan powers. denying Um " S ' crt;nds the struggle In Maxine subject, Amid tne CIIOO wm potthnnod two toml, this rele In n sped totes Constitution, loarioca due on his uontract for building a born will follow. - • George W. Grath discovered the body of e .. I °l.....cadMMY° •M • --sm.. for eVery step taken, and that the gross truth'''. I." `" " P" ' I. " hleh bnunnimed some Jesus . . Reply to Minimise 4.1 . a ' t.II 71 Z k t s ifte r. O m ttl '''" It I" r t ' l r t dur IT '''' F ""' r"r• tho .... , Li e nnte ler of its ruler...old loos.' , 3 „,,,,,,,,, L a r s on street, Ninth were" Rehm- The election of officer. Mr the en ohm boy floating to tint Alleglemy river, a few lloop Shirk.. Moslem are., cc gardlese . . , . .. credit, that thorrnsalaucatnnet hmbonter. 7 - ' l . Ileolloce to Prob.. I MMO' •• w“..... Pr' '" "‘ Mc.' ''' ' th ' et i ett::filtr . :.t2 '. :.-t r =2,n, c ,:r ^ h, ' n: " 1.110 LIM 14 InAnco Moninlttert. year moulted an follows: 3 ards from the bank, Opponitc tbu Point 4 of cost pmces, to closo consignments., at end grievOus mistuesmaue, to call them ed MW negotiant:ma e all tito Labutet of p '11"1"""'"' ' . u. , Resolittion authorizing magma. In Mvor President, John Brown, Tr. vice rest- stalthsoo, Palmer tool tioas. 116 and Si Fif o 7.b. no Anctrarton Ilr Immo- MIMI 001110111. oursonen to ilk gra t e .1141 ot the Niagara :Arnim I. no Compan3 for ono dent., A 11. English. Corres ' ponding 8 ere Saw Mill. First ware, Allegheny. The boy 'by no harsboripatue, were due to thc in- hOpenhagen It lth a yter3 of bringing 'lolout By Telearapti to the Pittsburgh Oagette-1 bOunSeller IM Annuli/14a. late Minister 1.0 e nt . :4• o 7 , Li . t . tr al %mit It to fulfill um solemn mi. ... , soints..l dollars, for repairs in engine wry. William Hamilton. Treasurer, . Li, was upparcntly alout twelve years of age, •"•°•'• • her9tit defect of a 'feu Government, : th".''''''"""l'" of the province, of , Sch.. Lar,,:ylet 54 , r:;; ; 11 e, *. e y e 21 ..z ....t . dlsratch from „„ Brazil at WmOington, under tiato of New cativo to tl7O tlistematTlTl ' e m ot n s?.tott i :lL:l 4 oVt.. • hou e ne. Ileall Up. Limes and pastiest. padded, Director., J. 14 ()lark, liobert aud nad on a o bite fl.uel 'Mirk hron n . Boole, Shoes, Dry Goods, Ompata, lth., of" It solution Mr tho erection of ugm lemp Lee..... Lockhert, soot uel ittildle, Jan. pantaloons and leathorenspenders. In the eVery dealrable rthnlitY srul Pr... olg 10 Denmark. the American Comet lit h?ontoern e y t , c 'Y ourlrin - ,; Tort, May Seth, addressed a letter to Seta .° ,11 . 0 . t ... .0 . ' , Wind to• and not to tLe faults ol an individual on the corner of t , actors. and Etna strode. Alcitriar, !cobalt Elton, James E. touvon- pants pocket %era found two marbles, rt StriTilsom Peastelt d Co.'n, Minister." - , . . I . , --.- RUM. %lig. r the rdtort of th• a.m., of M o n tr ol, oo . rotor , s t , or d I n r o f to 4 oo ti . to LAO report. U. to liTr ' 4.l ," tl ° :) " , " ift7lr t 'M •U'Vel't" " r o r,' Itererral to Wm Committee. lho reply of Prandont Juarez to id Inister t mancipation of Mayes by the I. mperor di let, Amid Una Illt tiIIIOIOP n LII. I ' ll ' O' '' l M l.O i - An ordination to extend not Wood and lamas trade all. son. Atotaorn Wm. Semple, W. W. Marlin. spool and a Ilttio a ranch. The body was . • ' considerably swollen; la many places the 35 and 57 k lab titian. -__..„,....____,_ ; rota - most LOTTO. rat. 1104151iT0. IM P •frkjm i : oo '' t r on ' t Tt g o rt ro . ,•. °°.f.f ° II as 4 P• : 7.traztl. lio says ol hat e mil -tO commu I tot anent, With a full board, !s r tOo LOort! Fat h street newer to Mo t lionos,rahula -- --m---- skin was peeled off, and on We bead acre ' online mu Anstlms.-Too good Cabin. /De Ronatnent at Fair. . 1.04411 RON 0111.1 Clltl, TOCZIVOII 1.1..114434 inn Oriosus wIII be 5.51.1 at A. Leggett:oe auctho , Tile cels.ruja, ir ~,,,, 11 . ,,w,,,,,,,, o r To laZ, May 27.-11 itomoth tim Written a mthan. lio jUntiesal b orovio 4 u ° s ' o& z. a l cutlon i s niciate to your Excellency that ) I have no; iht" p b"" t ' t . 'P I E" l'' , "°° . "' " " r M °°°°"' dle.r.`wl'ill.trh.t.7.lrt ' ir.t.•*.;•Pn°‘°r°l'L .6'°•- t Callibruja, as Yet completed only ninety- Imwr """ tb e sta to olpm 1 Li cal elm.. 1,, aud declines to promise safety to liailtell. peceivetrany official puttee that the hilne- lu fl o ' n) '" W e e ' A tt " rai r 11 . 1:0 4" 11.111111, "" I ' l " t 4 ''' , °ugh btrt.L. 1“.41 alp,. lilnle, 044110A1 -. 1 0 ATI°. TO TOO SPBRISTROCi COMMIT. 1 . : . ,, ,. r . ± ;;g r i 1 . ,, , ,,...,t L ....,,,v , i11ta1e . , tzg , Ttrja. 1TL: , ., , , , 0 i? c .11:1 . eral atrcut, Allegheny,to-day, in the event of hiss capture. dal Government has decreed the emend. • very Marx tde I It ' lo d e r i giireaue " . ' °V"r. re....-Wo are informed that kir. Joint I/4 or, ce lAgo t o t t, mod . verdict of ..ijoutisi • Ituognm, In vs thrh Ito condemns the coor a mu four miles, mid running Jwholly Alone , or wt . o o, ro .m. n roo ; d f ., ' p on of Mares in tho empire as putrthhod t • ~° ... • r • .." An online:leo prohibiting *to topping . rif to t n age in cm emoting. t% it a ere Id VI IT. Jr ,of Allegheny UV. will ieceive all ant- ii , ! . .a . .f...Ll: t Ai t. e . l . reoderett. The WY bean. ; tient. , Yind French Calf Troote, mos. by " to press Itt this country in a telegram public 8.14. liAl 10P prootte [althorns., without tom made. warrantee, tit tho Emporium of t he mountain side, haa dOhe SO CCOMid. ' Mar party. ban nce . n lit to . a7O p ' t ' l7t r l. l ll b o e lltr " t r :- FROM CINCINNATI. received through . submarine cable. and = o ' . : j r: • ; ; ;; r t . ,..:4', 0 01 1 ' i 1 ;; • 4 ; . ; • , •• ; . ...r 0 . ,1 t t•rde td ef the permit of tito Recording Regulaton elm eent Dom the country Ity rall lo the •••• -.0,-- atulthsott, Palmer & Co e 35 and .5. Fifth coolie a business as, niter Daying expert- , aortae DWI, tllell Al bia dealings with t. • this Ido m t •le way, ana - from no mere 11 Mg Is. Zion' Not only our own""ctordi under a penalty or alty . dollam. Read throe depots, on k ederal street Allegheny. Our 1thme1e.130...... et r., nt Glely'e Rms.- , weer. s . ntruple *Lout my posit., not doubting but but Others aro inborieg to tronint • all mil "m. m°' P•••°-''' ' 1.• '''' m''' ' '''"f°°'l °- fr."° In We rural dLstricts will therefore Tour° Mr II a a "Inn nu uno -.a.- tes and annual interest, to leave three IMP°fLd Go, ornolont of Auutrla, and 01 ,4X ; 10 .1 1 P 7, th L te "• • • IlP e ph.Y - that this measure is alretuly re.mleml epee refer.. lr no now allow i t. 00;14:nonIll c. odhermit No lumber action. I"" orkin "- mo u e t it!t I •41 en " If Xere Gt Fl ' D ll ' place all their donations In the baggage of the w gn t . 3 t ~ • o o emits& a ens. tore ho. 1144 , blames him for it won Mg from the tr. path • •tr - Tho .i tetw;. * ett:l o on "IlrTlod'ent;e"; bz ,, t2. ,; e:onter, 'n principle at least. tn.! to De , a 0 to.) not again hat •• it. If a ... Jr.! nem •• for t • hid nMI ilTitt of t I ct ht g i g dlt g enre or th. totinnsen mI•Y mst that to Jun. from Antennae Stn. 4 docket- Market street, for Wu bast Blackbeiry WtOluto quarters of it million of, dollars applica- am, g II 4ea to the masteer of the eame. o „ „... ord , 1 ,,,,,, „ o , o , oodo , no , (poen.. mrom, (rem Try to Second , they will re.h city thin nerdy. If it te 31. A Luther made Infminsition yestordaY ever brOught to lattaburgn. I. flung.. peamots shout "follow. lite Ohio. s . le. to Mulberry el• ble to the work of Construction. When lion, with the coneurrenCe of the luglala• elnirch a milt and pro sent We unity a+ ....... •.•.• r°'.. mme eoncoole.t. amnions may sand any egalion .lonn Diebold and Joseph Diebold, I --•-- ,speclalterretp,•lo 3 , 01.151414 1 • 141,0 CI. 44 An. •• It I ~ C tirsort ntrao, from I COO LO aftflberr. articles to the 110.0 tlOOOl Of Mr. I. J. Sem. di twat; tnein with asSillill end betteM. 1 ATV, berOf 41 AA AP procted, elm, wo main i , Good Adel. For ituytbism you need, the-whole line, from Omaha to Sacra. 4 hhIVED °UT' C. , if 11, ... gt , MOT llt, lan. 4 ATOM.. •Psro•tr , A 4 0001. oitLltzt,Tloo. a landing Memo as It were, foe toe e t , „ e l V t . , • ; • n r •n , d ; 14 1 ..gil .. / i t pddr t rrOm I call t? plc, talkie Rm.. Stat.. Crocrds coming Aeltnrgo Of entail. eller.. Md.. go to the Emporium' en Smithson l'ainaut . 'runt°, shall be. completed, and traffic ' Ki cs n s g s d s:o w , , ,, ita d yLi - coo Ate. SAID I,llited • WINTIIIIII.. The cote... and May femn al of the ....I .r•the r igsi On. ' , norm , / meke Is bond ~,, e , ' e r e r r, N . ,. or „;, ' , ' „,„ ',,"' 'rn"' '" ' ' on thu Monne Railroad may be loft at the o b o • j % „ • ,.... 4 4 o i % o ß i;, f r U o . t r f Ag, ot °l =4 ° ,,r oo . Ml l l, M d d r • & Co. 35 and 37 Yalta street. . • Columblo, bot COM Nen The discutdoe mi the othrportof the Tee," ta,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, b oo ,. took ;„,,,,,,,, V t .r, 1 , t i 1 1 "7..1:“ .. ., 1 t' 1 11t .. o rt ,. •." ".i . Thu resolution atoto•Mtnrg a sanitary '7 g . „ ." , r ,, t 4 ' ,l*:% ' ,, " l":„r,tl4 4 „ e' l, t' gge r '„„, t,,, ' , to bito off the foielinger - of his riga faudy opened over it between the Allan. Y ' , ork, have arrival In the Cl 3 It. speelnirroLte.'"wt","°wonenZlTl n0t".".7."-r Commit., parson in c 31.,. at lmt matting, oolt toter... Meals to all " who aiten " 4l the Immi. Mille. Mitobeil imigod en Mien Go to Pientlsars Deng More, No.PL" continued ell Um afternoon 4 estertlay•. sod to day At least three thousand Aso bun lie and Politic throng, the enterprise -- - 11 . n • ..4. M..... t'ai but to •a aryth no to th way also doring an evening neon.. The. drodesoldren Isere In lino. glom the pro- ... • m ••••••• to • ...I of thk up.euic i.T ' Si t,, ll ) : ` ,ll,, l i 3 ' 1 ' .10 ° :4:411147•0 • 1111(141on the part ry•frj,,am m ,tl i " ,..,,h ° ,:h w in to,•,,ontot°,.e„,ioot rolt i' lletl , l7:lie " g l iti:Vban t ol Y ir k=el i gn 'k e ' s n alnts. ' :l7, "I"'"°' I f "Ilif' 9. l°. SPECIAL CIIILE INTC Lltir'ilir Will not onlY lat demonstreteSone of th/ N ., , ea . , d ' a ~,. .i„,. i ra. I " " a •sts , " hes woo grotornii3 eble end eiotheot ceMlon had pass. in review boore tbn n;VC . ".sli r Cli Nt i orir °". I °' " I ''' Ve ' 4l. c• 1 - IN rates Ice cream, water icr, strew toos h. down and abused bito. Tne parties are - 4 tins t c Lointnonteallon . from Wm. Reinhart. do. all engaged as wet - Oman lu the rolling mill ' Old Brown Windsor and Bath geope. grandest, in't nl6O dfle or the moct tettlth following th e al y s b . . - 7 . 110 cab i l - oe bon. oblea•Mut to toimire'deoptrit, load p re .dd er ,, , ~..„ 0 , 0; toe to, g em , th e i r r heath. Om tattp " r " s ° , ° fttlit " tr bold" rmi. mineral water, lemOunde, cokes, or. „,,,,,,,,,,,,, , noro ,„ . „ dor; ‘; ~,,,, mrlng to tre retie, ed f Mtn cans of suit on Kogan and crinfectionary of all kinds. Tim at tbat place. IL anyone wet e iss.l,itt -Call ha end seo the prices at tbo Emporl-• 4 4 ' • courteous and christian. Mr • Itcolls. of earn, hoitmg,.,, na n t , toese m e d hi, nerative, of modern times. IRO., IU. POO Ot '4lll. ° , no N 0m. .., ‘‘,,,.„,,:, i , ~ ',, 11,14,101ent. for tillproventent on High cOmmltters ask trom our bakers nod con fee: - emli or tbe omen. urn, Ma. 57 k ifth strata. - - • 1 ST. riTtIIABLIZO. Mk/4Y •••• Tho nos "" L''.... • l °.u g m•... gne UM-n... 1 . wlth boo into, end moor thorn 4 11011144.11.1 m Ll toro t, goo ~,„1,, , ,i,0 i ', n o ....„.„',„ ....„.• RIP. tl, 041 OPOO4I°I Or °tn. OktTII.: ..akleni 11000111, don... of oaken candles 0.1141 ________...--- 1141 the Wrong llonse.-Ilenry Ilencher ' Teo Can How Forel. Linrion a all. ern- .pleitnant, fluent speaker, made a veta ado, brio( emends in it htne the said the had mint tim sworn and non hsy h * o ~, ,in 'onto , wan refermd to the ctuct kOMmit - frralts of all kinds. From pompom In the AT PIIILADELI•IIIA tlid bar-rooma o m' ' '''''''' ' '' '' ' ' '`l"`4"' '' '`""ll 'ff''''''' `""11 • . ' Y tt 1 °•• ' m ..•-• i country, donations of milk, cream, butter, froulo inforniatiounrciore Alderman Strain, ono , „ 4 0 ,,,,,,,,c, nn z ao g odniory, to , the speech In answer to Cr. -Md. ano 1,,,,,, d1„,,,..0 i rte t o o t s o ore , „, t h on Pthse. lipc. e timsal tn.( ofrr.truion. As to the Crar Um flonntas Iron dal monitor Or. rtation adjourned. tattli egg. Mut Bowan. will ba accept.. Yosterdeet ...Oleg d... 4 B 8... . lth, L9l, 110 and Ina. .1 lbotels and the drinking saloons Lave al. yu,,,, m . may ,. a fe „,... m. am , la.. - a 0.... ., ur. .omierson, sit si. L•eiti. De showsd rthhcling voice that ha raper talk ...y re- 1.11,:;',: - .:',,71;"" j'A.'',,,,M7„";°:,',l' V.", 7 ~ ' ~.n.,..., ~,,,,,. Ponmos who Intend makir g donations of Ches. L. Ilaraltaw t tool l% m. IL Bowman 'Kaye 1.11 bellt Opell On Sundays/1S on very fast iron-ckd oar cruisers. The prop- ° ta r t" the authoray of the nenerel Assembly telve light aod ntrt hrth fr.. Heard+ M dt- ...Met and height.. In ' 1M n ' ortaL, ' ,. me0p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...m. , r ,,„ g m .i.m , ti,,,e , amide. for the dinner. ero rmiftentem to with Jud better Y.. /be 1 10 .0. 11 1.0 r. Pose Dra - ii:l Pero D - nagenl rate • the •xi tom lA' the rn • 1' • • • • •nd wonl to tha Committee at once the a grocer of this city. avers that he ts a other slays. Lut Sunday, under a Mel Vention has leme fat orals). re. elsed by the .1..1. , 1 i , i ..., fe rx , ti.. . eu r, t , ., ,, : ,,,, ,.,: t . I 0 ,, , ,. natty.. red w kely and benignly Matti Will . Mar ',, no tr J .; f.. 2 .„Tb. t5 .. 4...., ,,. h1 = ‘, , ,, , ,,, ...„s, , our.ln, F ord, liana Hemphill, . a . n e „,,, , ,,,,,,,,, ; ,;„„0 1 „,,,, , g r ,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,„ arkeins they will mntribute and the day , ..- - • - - ' , str win AP, and m ....loon front ids Drugsill Pure Droloset fit Nide & Drtth . :s s • mnloodoed native land Tao com liments terra a nu they aro to be mnt. bend to City /tali, mar t...r• ..... 1 ., to hls boarding AUcglanY. s pitalied by, the lug L e .• It. • d. Lmperor and id. C ic likely to be n ''' ; ..." • . • V PP trot... nil 0.•10. ae Toln porthaseti P •lo- Clellatol. Md.. an O'Neill, Ito .1 Roberta Sonthilohl strait, he happened to , _ • Lts a tiro,at .. pon aeee,,,,.,.e. s Lai., tbo • eMmtuntor .tescmh/Y. end priatel ) neseowhalged id the Pr. side. Kelm. the Cuomo ratoehl t a ke te. asero to n o te, ~,loo rt, „m a n, mea n , ~,o• torn,' deer. marked • for the Seansteeee Commit- ...... rogeno-At the Ed ' - • tee. " or at Merman & Itro Melt. .1 1 . sMp into tho wrong boom, where the de. , Rena Hon Wall B nak elating was enforced; thatis, the ' tp , ..e , L o h i nt n t r e I , :zdl=l ffi. 1 , 1 . 1 le g ctle o n n time , .4 tho boys cheer. bions m they Isom. tr•0‘,.....Vt.,%;:0Vir,r.0.•,.,10mn...,,•••••;;;!,;1';',,r,410:r= ' lif o ww o r ,; ; L ' ; ',;,Z1',:',..., 0 1 ; 0 neo ~ , ,,,,,o , ~,,,,,, etrL e t, or G oo g.v Lou r ... th„rg ‘„,, ty ' ' Andante caught held of Lim end Mat him P.M. 95 and 9 /Frilb street, cheaper than. rex easTres I.lMcqms. front doom were slut, is bile the back sleco the adjournment ot the Ler,do e Loves before the put. nod acknow ledge ... If M Bt. M r .... earth 0 Wok, g, allrthalU Is Um Lamb that ine were reads. tt " pr ' t r roV,n, -• • •••••"' street. sever.. Tho defendants wtro bold in • to - tr. Umithston, Palmer & CO. • three hundred 'dollars eacb, for altuntor , unes were. lopt open. When a la'rge Pc.. ...Mr...4 M. M. Wi 1 .... .• " ",,,! :: ',?l e:o n,d tPo ' ifi, ' !.:l ' :. ' l ° . "* AtP l';'1,.!eo"`;1:01,,":; ~ ~.. wn ,.., ~,,,,o . 0,,,..0„0. ...i.ia.0r ,,,,,,, a ., ....0%.,... I,lth theso Tbo Prem.. read ,a counnunlmitam Yon Will linet a Dental Establahment lola. we @boob! unite. Tim any is um Mr nom tho I tdles . Mout/mental Amociatton, ( 3 Char s . a lt anac a Ea m ee a ce`c°° ` cc Wmf°' ' '''"P. The Commlmiouar of Letter. Latol Oh - minority aro resolved to Arndt, on one the f o .Yr".. t r° ( I' m , " a..1Y r .118 " .L.'Y' "m must j °""""t 171.1 "°i'r" °old the nee hm reed, ed from the , secrete_ ..., ~,,, •42 ; tslent whtu Mall be loud vole s pro- inviting tiro metril s orre of Common Council In n ... Ford, o rern n o; 0 , Woo , 1 ,,, n0 , , ii ,. iee . , -- ,. fo - ,.. - •••• - • ..e.00e,,,... 0.. 11. at OM rano street. Drs. Bill & GUlesple. • ' or all days of th ' e week, it does not Seem. ee.. 12 rg 4 ne te rt e rtg et r m axed oe. ea , ste%ra tee q e m e atc , , , o . inao 3 :6l , sx . 01l of the powcrn of the (send. 1.3.0 , 0 f0t0r,,,,,,,, , " tt.. too rt., . ,, , , 0 • 0 • 0 ; of t, , ,,a t t0t 0 i .; p46 , f lt : o c t o t ., l l,4lt2fAff,l=e„ ; l4 , r e 3l4l , . ; ;; . t ie r . , .:: . t , tv , p e t ‘ t; . ,, 3 f e e i r e lti . t e oz e ep ) of . ;: . fet e hr , ... Mona- burgh, app2red before Alderman Lynch iii 4 maraud appeorcd Odor° Alderman Tay. T on e rn; si n , 93 ern ,. og n a nd o r, to be easy - to stop them. - Even In Pitts- Pleader is now inmost ; in ttas urnoci er .. ro t r • o l • ,, pliff . ~, In i -,..r , r , t .e 2 , 7 . ,.., . . ,na : ...:11:e c te m‘. 1, tee Bolted Metals twos ...good tho !Inn s' . ...rz. L .,,,,, i .,,,, !! .. 1 ,, 1. ...... rf, o z . :a, , , .1 . .... , 1 , 1. 11 , Laggf:T c ...A.....zr, ~..., rem.. cord the 1 r u ne w l T . rd A n . P• ri., a a nm . S e I.. .r 3h M e t. d r m e c e lt:r e t e f ,3 , r o r ,: tot /::11, e d tT o ll.;•,, ~1 ) . ' 4. , ...„ n oo d. oot t i l .t oo rg amtal. o Joeepti S. num,. t ; • htirgb, Whet. barn are rigidly closed on Inn of n Plan tog its, pcncenit settlemeot„ temlog that seat Or /it 1 . E . ..., who came seaman of twenty Myes of tha Western Pn- eork moll Clain . irownro Lord !Wt. T thy A rommumZion wns recelyed from the boron It wth rY I dbe 11 al ' `'''''''' lim preaccutor e.g. that thn tie- • g , I untie tan ttory. a . fend.t, MAOII a rmisiont of Sharpsloatt, TO. Can Boy New "lope at J r ti 8 Wee ~ • h line place. ine propesed that m- ode Railroad. commencing at the corn. Nat tonm Or .11 vet Iltsc LllO 00 10tLUIII/ Lit L I [On hit • 'its, A • Sundays, it is not rare tit meet drunken rd efforts will shortly be made for ILI anal r a r . " nit ' h ' iis ale. l• reser had &treaty ea ,l t 4 .. n f ~,,; n , , 3 now AO favereeltl ' Y n r a o u t . , r n . i'" 1". e l ' , IA, '4' n a i • sonde intormatiou of 0 similar character CALIIO to his rwitionte, In Lawrcuccv ine, on I :inek'n. ' -....----- sermon. through bait um sea.. of th e a . . ooon A k , ' , ° 1'' . ..11 a° -R° o t° 0 IN. • ° 44 .. 5 I. th e erentet Reformat. the rlghte of ru ' r 'Y ea% mio ea • •l '"" coss ' o ' ''"' I.l ° ow lA ' S; against. Pthith Rom, comtablo a the bor- Saturday, mud tn.. en ettatk upon bk a IM, inezi In the street oit that day. TOO COVISPArrtnk resmas. In snook:. tom lune the mot MrttoroUrcr •B ' S w . J ..r.. C....MS to a Moth eta , Jesus en: Lt te, lie. of hls (Kurth were Ac otoplot3 in ' t r lilt cotnillTniTattog sra ' s noo t t d ow i Turing her hair and othorwlbe ItlOlSltlti her. Car - Additional Loco I Hewn Oli. DTMLIN, MAT 45 -If the 14 mann Olden. nalf. Ile though( this would ba a cod.. We eastern lossedo,Tm Aletnerla Canon, tn .4 II tot. coo. by thu la gunners. Ills resolution atilothirm this Indio td a aat • s af ir f t.„ l . si.L i.... : o r . tl i t=aLlt i i .. i fi o rn l lie_ . f.,. :Ar n r , ant. eas lA.ALIIMI for tho arrmt u ut• Third Page. AT MOntLE, the Jury Lave rendered a coi. uGrto and Lin. McClure, si ho plead. lir " ; r " st. " 4 " r l t ' Ou h l ' f ' ,lot nee tt. In that light I Alemede county, Caittor e t a , a ,. ...„,..., . Molina LO 4:011.11/1Attl 014• P Llko ASLItMI4I were mut fur the ...mut. • . nor.) well unslemtood or rreogoised Thla„accepturt aud referral to the !Mance gam, In addition to ht. municipal dont •.. In tho Om.. of a patent pu audit ot of sath .., 1 , vo proton. of w tevern.atol feta tm, the . Now Mose Corr lege -Tho new hme -3lr. Edwin 73. th. returning to IL lug. yerdict ureic.. the rint. 'lle conclusion comp and tn. RN 00 Otl Uttutr treason, aro lie ifithl th. 04 11 . 4 I antis wm a elgeer of - . ‘....'. ' l, ”I Malone, Is no. the Meet (.01mnIttee with Meer to et t. u i , pori t ellt,de r e n nt . 1n . ...0 the sat . n . e on hmt k rids) . carriage formho Nieman, tire Company wen Ing9:11 LAO Nolllh 14.1 on a recant ommtng, 01. BA O t t IL nyllred twenta 4 earn to meets Mr. thirst asked whothor It wm the intros is that widte men beg,an the tumult; Lot hangerl pursuant. to low,t.llattiortttes ex- • :. , M . 43 3 1 e .2 .. . e. t e 1n ,. :4 - I ts , Mr l t e %l e d o T .. ...t e st e l . ri!, ;,... iegg.;v r o ACCLloll ,4 :ll s =to x l4l ,, Pli . yr 0 1j0 . :1;:11 . 7 , 14 . 1: ,, .. 401.4 t. I6LIPPII tit. 001) 01 . rtmehmishig tht• Coe am. loundl to entail the ammumen. 0,0 1 , 4 , :t 0 • 0t., d o te . t, d o. Thlte ~ ne • Inar noire broom. over to their angina hon. on Mt- Molt 0 nn overmrowdak bornoeur.'s Tbe mco r ...met Mot urday afternoon. It m from the elaop of A. (Irk. did not Moo r e. Mr. Booth, with ari. et :told. and sharp reprisal.= tnepart oce:Ty • actit l 'in this jareso 1 0 1d . sein thee. '• The secretary of Mato hits meet,. a 'din- ;; ' ,, • :,, m. I T P " k ' n r " th• L... 1. h ... the tal I nir to a ImlY. blame is put ou Mr. Kethy Mr too soon i ' i ' f e of I. t untnn °reentrance , Yeta men who were ',. much op ed 4. o ant a one, It e COM. the rot id Mr Cobb thought It wan. Ilkely that V 21.71 tishtjrrel`r”.pilrofrio;';',lliietnio"."-M ffel r t=l.te a n i Thip " us A g e o g n h :f.trro C A%:l: .%1 1 te IMr g I . l. ' l l .:. l . o . o :ht l fl ' po t ' l= '" ',... - t s , losing Is temper. iii „.....„ hero. Tha t o.. I e he, 0 ,.. r0 ng fc, tho p l rc .. ke nflr . lit i l i rxrd i tAillfr . . o l s e o e m ee ug n . lnt ee u , t . oat. Lo h troth 1 1.9r010n e , 1 ah u nou , nclo , g 11 1 tal i the h a l i ;Cr , 0. e. T.l . a ,, able . t . reth . lo . o o . o lftb e trT , mem those who NOlO4l against allowtna the fire- down and I.ltking hon, in winco ha wm au ma ' s for which " tt is intended 'rook' admit - , nese of Romeo.l toe acre. roth of Brotona northland McCafferty, hare been oOnnutt• d e ,. r er 0 0 ,„7, , ,,, 0 „, ~,,,..O , ,„Mt „;;•,.„., i'ho ge n a f r .4 %,. - 0 1 t . th o n t f i t ic f•,..... ;. • Z o nan t .. 0 4;.t t llg o of td o leto. thlt hiTrulY MUM.. WM ma Of Mucturers. It Is painted A ermllllon, and platrorm, land.: !madly. the limo time Mr. Wilson 'is quite as radical in his t roan aro fonadad dtly rind roght by &force' ' ootorrons tor arca Ls {minim ter welch.. °"‘" °°° '" 7. ' e '''' '''' .".' '". ~,ahL tio . d „ t 1 , ;.1 , .. U ., ~.,. I: . 1 n c• ,... e , n . 1. men tb et.mfinge. the .e hosecarrlagrom re- assisted ha the constable named. - Ile further and altogether tellthts credo uoon the men- ran after the vehicle turd Jumped upon tbn H e made a d oze . of &Tested pelicumen, aho solder In cal- imitliw, LOO, of a very mean sort. "MOWS kils,llr. Kelley. , a tad to liap!Monmout for life. importance ot the Oats. of cnrist ma) math,' lad not !menthol them 11l tiro esteem 0 t, , e 0 m i1i ,...-, r u iy, Tr a . ,:,..... t v o c t.b. 7l: g : presents a very Line alive.... •on the tom of a ;stout Inaisidual, who wink speec es at thc South, and in no initanee. it T., , , xi b s o az:. cpioma 11 . rho was motrotted ore c suasion •ND ~1 4::;1. 1 1. 1401 00V Or, 0 gPII 011. II edneeday, llat Nth or Fi4c,7„l : - ; ' . "41',- . 1, ?.. 4 :;;.11, ° :.t ' n 'i frt. " ,.; IP o' 0 4 ."' 1 1 4 re‘ ernd aou on u IM/ ~, waked a bearlog ..I entered ball for their __...;,„._- 4 many ottor pansungers were standing out. Atmanit and Rattery.-Phillp Keenan •ido •- eori -," exclaimed the Irate • Mall nterrupted. in half the places May. Mr. Donons *lentil set - amoebic., lb, A onto on the report oi the Committee; of FROM' NEW YORK. A thitale to the roma, th e m e m I..a. c r of the ' ret i e:cal a nt the nr,, , ,,L, 1 , 1 fro ° na I tan l° M;it "P roa P"°"m m f"' ' A ''' ;° °M. w. '•••°`' Mr f°. made information, yeaterday, before Alder- ..., .. n• .eiag ...mato. Moeh worm than that of my c acie Toby.. which the rt. J --- Meant, ens. mas no. over thle groat Ito. ner of Fifth nod errant memos to tee met •Lr . t °I. ';° " '""1 • ' men Strain, charging David, Henry end whein Mr. Kelley spoke tnere was more neve, been commuted. Should Burke . Tt:l " iss w tVe h r . : • ;•" ,' tkl j n u o t e ' er m wity ' Lt h rn ' o “" t • . m *sr Telegraph tat Me Inttameg a hum. : public, and thoau who hat e con letulcd fur mido ot Want strum. Reform. to We Ws. ; Hammy (them and Jacob Cram with Making CoreltniLaugel so aindly blotted Out ot Dia New Dry Goode. an &await 110011 him. lho prosuutor wm 10 .... • . . ut aro you about r •d. beg your or less trouble. This goes to show that . g o e to ' B o • I ' l l ' i B o i• . 7 ". to k , ° , l , 7l f t . : l°M ;. °M Mc; i i • o r ,.. ; . ; ; Y ro Ti . o r , ". 4l7 l :: • 7,,li e f =, ••• ,: o ", j ri• e n ° akw Toax. May r 7, 1.67. M .1.J 0 1 0 r.. ga1. , , , t- n ,, , , e ,., in , . nrt tor Comma." Mild Mr. Booth. The etout ladle r rd offered a resolution Instructing . 3 . At the noW sterna on the west corner of engaged m the tack factory of the defend. P•rtion." some defect existed in Mr. Kelley's man. ~`,thy. iia:117,7 , : , lies ' cond " cmric.; ' l '' . u ' agn '''' '' ' ur' ' ' ' ''' thth ''''''' rau.'d "" TOROOT •LtIIONT 4 .11 W. t 1144111 LW, Ottkr •4 tho .7.; ,:rhat."ltro. thlto l . ," trialttare on I.lty thstperty to heron 'Merkel, and) north street/. Of Gardner & ants, aud &Ulu. tmt on esturday last they vidosil recogri l lzerl tha voles of ; l i hmectit 47- and .... r .., ;1n...1, Ilorol e r to regain their I ndge Wilson, mu,. united attars Clren It nom, new raar put ott 1. thrial.thienCe 9•44.0. atawart, Gardner's only place of bmlncs• tt th . c ire ' lt t ' ingli l e c r ""P tly7njo n tt i . °° / " Z: f r ° cbe g n Y gertitTbre= iTt ' l a n Y . Y. V67,4 • 4ll/oOttil ner of delivering his opinion.. the highest retook or tho Om. . 8 . 1...•... m ... 8h " ... • I. • M . • •.° Coen hm dented We mottou, on the part of ovine:mt. to MNICM , said he, ••- -, Mr. Booth, yoga. stand. __..........-=----_ • ANOTIILIt agroual LatiOsaTnArtos. Clarntlon tO the effe.C.t that they meant no ~,,,,,,,,1 , ~,,„.„,,,,,,..„...„... m „, ~.„.„..„„. Tne report on Cellels 0.1 Rip Mem rem U Vr. ' hat l' i i :l t sfSl:ntr•l n bill of Mackin & tarlpe Dlnany. for Sprouts; iloney Comb ' , rant ans Matted Mr their Itreent. 3. On my feet all the way out, If you like ••• t MAN - 126 G, settled the Luxemburg goes. ' Another imposing and Tory lollucnUal ' t ‘ fttr it.?4,81. -" lttr " let U tr2. o c o c s r l w A tifTTo i ntrlo th re. '" l r 0 w r ',1 ;; ,.. M r n r ,0 0 .7,t . ,. ; : t r. 1 . 0 ° ,1 3 , • ; •M O ° °M. th. t.i . ale' Minn up, and yeti.. lie. dlepos. e lmt une fur 4275a1, for cromiem 00 Logi , . Lancaster,llamburg. Toilet and Marseilles n 0 ... f ; Mr. Booto has• had many more elaborate lion, the great European powers have ' 4 , cm , " ' " " l '"" "'''' ''''", m ",.' l " '?, ("`"r ,," l ',"7 .. ;',,"," r '2,''0, 1 '1 0 1,11;`""' th ' lr """ ' '' ' " ' "l" I"" rust //OAT 4,0141 OD T• 4140 I k ...AY rm. n 1 1;1% ° :ll l tli l oVr. ° 4= ' c l i ° p l a o g l . l rii - .1 . f " .Z , Q.• ; .... .f . r •• • •°• ,..,Y• 0....• L...... . L. g . -8 44t . .° 1 t t , C At. satrnm n r, ° .o ' r n ra t e7rly ti diack iti . a ° l - ga • ' =VI I STlV ° l ' fa u re d e i rtrPC.e ' t g g• th gc;Po W lo ' geos e t d en up on runday 7 ita Committeoon the Endo. want of We MB Br. A Pi1 . ... 8. °' M •. -" °f°- A P°""' ' -""°"°•°'''''°''Pl°°d" the ..Falrpin3,” apnettral before Alderman . taken up the , Eastern question. Thi... . I , o ' ,.. y r ' l L. ' ,„, ` ,,% "` ,l m r e ° ,. ` ,° ` a m .' 1 ' ' ,,,, ' ","; ' ,, ' ,": 4 7,,Z ea “, ' o - ,,,,,,, ;4.4 „ ;; .„ 0 . r „ ; A prim fight war brok mak of new Dress Goods, from Ea to 61,25; attnan. ymterday, and med., information , et ttor foot of a met)-Seoond alit., kmt Tiondoimeal +Lent Mary, W. T. li diet . . (Maid. adeinal. kill a t old I agalust J.,k Cron, imptant of Lim muto 1, -Tha cmo of tho Scboyi .n r o . /atter OneStioll haP been : all) tinted a, Heti, to-day. Jet t a atowart, Mull Ism, tm 77 is o orottor tho Assemala held ..emate itiyar men, reported that since the dm ea e o of All)Ourned so meet mu . ..ening, to atten d , Black SUkana 41,25 for gialum; bmo HUI H e o n ed „ lie Magian's" was emu.) before the Su dOzen limn eillitin fiftiyears, but, like Mount menabern oldie 'louse stf Commons, I n ,, „, ( =ii. """ „l ' d,tl t , " :,`,,, k e ri,,. l .",",,, r 'gr :I,: t il l ' a l, d . aliMe Or gattrasere. Profmetor Willson nothing had bran done: ~... e 0 .3 the opening of the Monemeotn. . ron , o „ oo „.., Thet ton s il 1... in moony anti bor. in ' ..r• boat, .11954. it ano bat Mry. t ranch Chintzes at 37.40; Organdie, Iwit. that the captaM pitch. ono him and, and CambrM Lamm one bine and ben' I b t - 1 I t • prattle court at ilarrlsburik. tho 23d, bob • o „, Um Chief Justice has not delivered the opin. Banguo's ghost is sure to coins iip again Otterlded, and spoke earm ; aily lo supporta( vWO ph.sdoxicid aemloary, which for Mule .N . TIT "T'•r" ...a...11 g• -- - ta. fund, hoiden whet la )1,1 to the Conn of ' nil P ' As 1 811 k 9 W '" "Y P""..t °° •• m .°"f• - ton of tho C net in tire m tter . .._.: _ , , , ~ the esteem. of vcrl coulPrehconive theo h. int n susonnsiled Teo charter of ro • oce ••• • ./. n.m e manorial through We oburch, Is Jae, Lene5t5 . 1 .. ....:277 . 2 .. ...7 Mode of ro e, n t . tai i il li ezi wo, or 0 :4 , ,, , , ;;;;;; Xt ; ministered to him amscrobetaitta A wan 0 X . t '' hen I " E. ..nt ' ,. . A, , th e .3.•• o. rumnurmeacufranchistrnentforthepcopu. that Institut:on requires th. tlia eloctton TOM 10101114411AT1. II MT rateaaars. a 35•113 Qv. and dark Cmstotores. cheap; hummer ""j". '"'"°L"'""t - - - -The fortymlghth anniversary Of Queer/ for trestees m net be hold en heatuelty soll. The long rontempl at. doom mrach bo- • Misstate lamartTeus. The iael tames to hare been thus far Over- 5t ..„.. ~..,„ ood 4; . 0 0 ,. ;;‘ ,.. 7 .., ,tfat, . Pawnee arc not tied by a war with Pros -0 mune'. birth we's celebrated by her loyal TIIC nt'APOSAION 101.10. tween toe %ea Sort and anclitgen Cleo, , 110•4:410soph Mdacken who wen appoint. looked, In the Omen., of county °Meer., Isnbleaebesi tool Bleached .Sairtintr Mogilev. a°. 1•••"° " °°°••• ' ': cod la ' YINANCIAI. AND rOIIIILIteI IL. plorations In Youth Africa, are to he . eneleeta in New 1 ork on Friday Mst. Ida the „ Emperor of Itusein may find it ere c mo or r o'n thomasnineent maim... . telegraph, 0111 bri .mmettaed 10 •thre• • on et Mat metal pg Proam • pnl of nen. a Col- th t lb Le iSlature at CY last seralmi Idar. Ticking, Prink and Iluck Tow. et • exhibited at Masonic Hall, during leo week 1 . • • Losnos, May 67 -.memo,' -consols, TN; ~ , 1, 3 . • td , o „,...„.•,. ~,,, .. „ ~,, forlatight. - led.. Inustute, or tho Frctelmen• ol 0 '' 4 ' ' l'Or TII I 1 '5O • , a e . nuns, at c, and erre. ntock - eXpetneill, 10 forego once niore the me- s zi.., 7044,1111 n. Certificates, 7c. Erie, ;tan sm. t rd o - w • -.-- - • .. lege . ' in Norther". et • I ' passed a genet. law (carrot se to Mlle. : commenting Monday us onlog, Juno at. z-- Li i surooc, Mus .7.-Etentoo-unto, Glneinnutl. Thin Ls onn of this anent cla taper, mous FLORA TOR TRIAL. • 4 Lao, nomrtral that ~ o; ~I 0e e 11 e . . e, 4 . f ow Dry Gaels, extraordinary cheap at TM.° ruagribicent work er art. no Jo ntly ed.. NE w ADVEMSEDLENTS. • notion of his mirpose: clued enact; ml Idiots uplands,ll4.thleam, pension brobres In the world. It in • hum Judge WWI. decided to lona cern. : n ags; to olfile e tat , lM Met arom a itit refer- tied. al or i ce md nI p ton ; nordieee•new 'cod oolY Pt. or bettioom. natral and pntronizal M therEmt, bm been , _ .1„......„ 4 „„.____ 44 . ' 1 1 .,,, 1; w ee of ;no,. ;,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,a, dna! feet name Mw 1.14014 mark. Thechier women, known as ttludostrions 11e.," for ,to the gt is boarding LIO.P o of watch select. 01l Per.. to eome ea Doers. 'am th . o en. edmer ot Mir et and FOuttli nocured by the Emt illrmiugham Baptist A LEX. AtHEN, UNDERTAKER, , „ , , ~„., ~.„,.. span . over o thom m a 1,,,,,,, ig, lenath. eno trim on a clot. ot keeping disorderi, wet tallest LO get pmeemlon, ha Ind 1101. P. TAO tollolllol 15 •ad entails of ita promo. elf . u.s, No M. 0 3, illimilon Chomh. The proceed. me to. do. .4m. No. 10.2 Itriptit street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lIT DT. 1.10C1., CM W e,lnr;day, a - per- f . ,, :' ,. ' , " ,'. 4 , a ,„.;,,;7, r , ° ,l,, n aL o c n r , r th. "" „thi„. is, end to I. 1 1 1,r ,„.. v . .11 , 2 :1 0 . r :pr. sn e ll e ali , o „..„ ; M. mVag . o ze, n t e inf e ....lutz e r J e rrint eie eem torn; ..... g• a " .. .U.% %Inca to the liquidation of the church debt. 4 n. 4 COFFINB or AU I,Mds; CRAPES, GLOVES, sad . ILL SOT ritostenra• .i 1 Tyre cestanaainemla To en MAC-ran Maueta Organization of the grape grow. s a d a N r .. 'e gr . e W e re v i, a l = e a ' a . ,,;' ) ,j u ' l A , ;„ , ! tltt, 1 9 ,r,Tr..irg:. ..,;;L,liz'atre me re:timm. it n; ~, boo a k r; • e .; ; _ 0.,... , ,,, ..., ;00 4 after the tem! of Education would reit.. Selling Stolen Goods. .4 every desentalon of lucent/ Faralettins floods . Th t vide. fo tb 1 Li n tde " cm of the Mississippi valley was effected, an folcunring model.), Pork, ~,,,,,, e T e lm e e r v e rt e r e r e t In e, tba! e orm t ar:: i lr e r e ttn te T t b . ..7 .. 8 Mi on. p ot r o..,toa f e r r f o ot tl tio .; , ..l 4,o 7 or. or m st: t v ti 6 1... } lt ..: , i t i t it gan t.z.. t i ti c agm t n . f r ti lc; e,e3l oce . ona . _ r ../ ; e ea m• .; o.;n -.„ rt yr a neb, Emah m , and er t o g ot , o. d . neo; At o tempt toßetrand.....m.da keister'l furnished. Boom mened due.... Beane ' Mr. C. w: SPALDING being elected Pres- 1, '' ,4, " , " ,, ` , ' ,T4,", 1T,,,, G t,r,!,f, , ,,!, ' , 1 : 1 1,,, u' r ` e ''' ,;,,, ' l,?. phal arch or Natoileern In Pada The arch •ftorn.Y. elYteg hire tem vjght t , tritlOt. ll i, o r t wee to the effect that ow leg tO the tlllticul. to , m 3 c 4= 0 .21 , 1 0 ,7.1= 0 ,m r ,;:, - ,7 0 .- „ . . . n.. n „.„. ... ono . yo , oord „ 1 , ,, ,, 0 „ • T e : e ut ee ix e rgt b a e t eg o i n e tlail= Alltrx r az . f t o b b . r i t . . 3 .. I .4 Carriages furnish.. w ; f Titne. In nom., In VIOL /Otte compered to stocks velto aat salenc ocuangteg . e • tics lb. had arisen between Mor, Itet.rack- lor throe trotra .4 They are not Lobe eligible Aldortn. MeMasMrs chargin He Pm. frau. l ' a r out orthr dollars. Amanda ' IM'''''''"--11°°•"•°1° ff°°° ' D• p•• 'Pr. ident. The obleet of "the asseeildlon Is eon. .• Antret4o4 I;w ' c r ( 4 . 4 .flr p n o b tl4, ' W iVoi ' lll, ' e ' e r °d en troll ?hem. Timms wonderful arched towers give 11.11 la her son4n-laer ; nth]. P.c.' elected at tho lam. mact- for reelection more th. ouco In any ' if ''''T mite e!theti atm werit e 4, c tilter's to pay , ar- w • Ja ' au " , ' mi. . T ... ZwMg • r • • . • 0. liont with selling stolen goals. LW:MU a Ina rads ~,,, etirtell. 1 Mg. end the lien tary of the goard-lies. period of six years. him g eeren dollop, and that tle g ms bim a , until. Miller. Xan. to eneouragn and promote the growth of wum lulu, 7. 3i; and nsto,ll,. Spirits of L',.!: a n i t . ', o ;: ae n e n r . i il a ltr a ll e ee r- a, i f ; B a' o f. ° r .. . lia ion lette Of tho tilt eta a the Moen. littertney-1 l macquenco ornSlMlch the corn or IRCII PA OTT. k man In oil clty hen • Bet OtOle. 'tom him, tendon.. lull, when ha rofmod • to return j Tallow, 4ni al. I•otrol, G. lIODGEHS. IiNDERTA • lite - vine In that section, with a vlew• ot ' o 'r e ' o r ,T,P, ` , ' :dtt l i, passedby Metro. treat.. sa Ste...* ha A , oinn Y troi hos Y onne to bent.? Martha Do for e mnr e dbl . ni . 6 . - o ,e c e barint of , Wu school_ I Melon can Only vote for ono pernon ass .t 1 On his first falp to this. city Wend the tbo change. Defendant wm arrested .d e j , Loatmo, mny 27 Lur,,,,,,,,,,,,_,5 0 ., fi rm; o , allie. 0r.0 . 0f tbe men beautiful brldgen In tbe atfatr of tbn R It Cuyler. It in belloyal a t Tp. o . c r h 0 r. 0 . m 0 r,,; ;0; 1. 00 ~ ,e , td i rj .....,... r . c......... :: Jury commistoonan tno two parte. remits- • mum In pcosesslon of Luther, agalmt whom t noblicqueutly discharged on moment of ; • Knit AND LMBALkIbiI. mann, to tho more fully developing tho ' great valley , : ' ft. milvm., o , It, p t . IJiino t m, In• Dutch stead- the g Orter ~.o ro, „„ ~.„..„,.. Met.. haTe 4 . l ier , ...nh.r..Mr. tro , on a ro o 4 • ; ,„, - ,4 o r ,;„ .t a,z . , 1.1., tl. higheat nuttier of Tinos ta tot dm . moth... prommdiega. The not, mis Cost., • • Late amitesix. gaiter, No. AP Milo Street, as a wino producing tract, eurpaased by , ard.ntn r al. tarn steady. °dm liunetd ad. •5050ma.......rat0 An fur er •or d a .„, cleared nlected-theolOoet ...featly boom reinored but Luther was left. minus the Allegheny city. Mi. The Assountly mat In tbo Dna church of ~.,• °04 . ° ..., „° •• °,.. tl tti or mat . I f v"' ' 1 °"' 1° fMf. thr. ••••• to nroMda a commknottor from each of the value of ' the same. Ho kopt wen.. the re wttelmalle B of Dry Goals 8... * . .. • 8.m. ... • „.. .__, __ . _ no other in Hit? world. - • , r "l' e°o re I '''' P" e ni i....... - - , I. sae [rear. MAI. 4.• -/tt CAI 1,10-1. 0 itltti COVltitrron. The drat hpelaMs eras to heMr • ..,I. l. 2" r l rg,:= . .. a r T ra nnr a . t ' a n eeo M,;,,,,, a r m 'V a r y ..., I, nr ,,,,,, n0y . 00 0 ndott i to political palates. ' man who hal .1.1 the mune to Oho, but did 'We °ger barge. t. in° ' l''''' a D'°°° "nk. l a r ". ll °°4• Cllr °Yaa st Y ;tt " a ." 14:::=t reduce " ; 0tt...811.1s dosed sit 77',„ tho reports pithy Th.lostlcal Semlnarles 1 0, tmv u 1 311 ° 01illw • Mak., and the appoint. read Itts • r:prat. Tho ' Pr.( in 1 -.' 11 .°' now M ....', dottoßnl not dimovor himentil 3 estenlay, when ttio (roods, Paralngs, Linen isothis, and full Wood ata on oma ; Aaor went., May 11l -I.lmthm-Petroleum Tito report of t. Prlnceton Islominnry the r) _ o , . o peem ad MMrmanon, as stated, wee Made. Pon. Itom ofShoetings, Shirtitmn. Prints, Tick- erica. nos. open st ail hours, day =0 nista. I Tim Supreme Court have unanimous. • Market toady; standard &bite sold matey showed tkit Ilnoen of the staideeite hat 0 meta of Goner. viorma tto i iden 'Y'''''''o. ' ' " e r ' ai ‘ f I ' l °' Pn Tii 71 ' 1%1 ° "'"` l. °- i The Jura - eorundselonere are required to horst wm arrested, committed-In defanit Mgt Ch..• an. all 01 atheli we Will ; Ileum: .d Perri.. furnlabed on shortsourre Ily declared tlie law for the more dB. nt . Doom , • • •Ott4ilLOP/ 4 4 already .nouncol their purinem to go as contemplated by t e mi. . n n 00....„ o.l . l244eLa ei t m e e r e o t s: ( t ee t 3 t e nzit ei t n ; moot with ono or the Mulgen of the mune, of ono tboniand dollars ball, but alter- ; 1101 l at, the very lower oastr cash prices. ; o .d eo oen , norm ao r tenon I -_._-. missionaries. to the heathen. Trustees for ...Ts or 'memos , I emu. smarm, . , 1 etude. Urempective of odor together ta i ri ' A L 'ff .4: 3 ll e trtauditc4/111 . rty da3 a be . fore the 3 , 3 , ,„ went. brought into Court, and relemad on * re B ma & Co. 1 I • . dent ortleilim of Police in Schuylkill (Bir Must.] ', We Danville oemloary worn elected, a new The• yearly meeting of the 8 ..i..3 .• proved a success. Ily thetreonstsut good do. r. ,, ,„„ °r r ~,, , rt,,,-, . -:1 0 4,-..r.."1-1, , :; , ,,---2 , z ,WS own reatgoimoce to amps.. o t coon, M Market street, belOW Titird & Foot - . Ms. T. WHITE & CO, UNDER mres.orshm estahnshed And Um folIow• I rlends, Of Illcksaas. took place todsy nt ' portmont the minced st d nts had , a ... '- '• ' '---' - ---- this morning at nMo o'clock at which time ' R -- 1 • , 101(1113 AND XIDIALREIIe, glenetate. county, pAssed by ' the last Legislature, ' ni t y. r 'Aua t ;isince and the Rational 1t0... ... rag chnirn were filial Dr E. P Iluumhrwe a the Meeting 'loom In Rutherford p.a. h o m ened e 0,,,,,,,,,,, Der , u n • ,.., ir ... •- Icy from the whole of the Ott.anod eleestorn ; a t in to. ; • , *ear nineteen "of the county at largo.onot.r. Intelligent . . oRt. w K Wm. lot ta whetuor n A ' . 4 " ifaltt and vicinity 'Coftln Rooms. to bo unconstitutional. We are not dis- 4.t_grial, - ..1:1:1„vv,r 1 f: a.".,-;ai, mg=o c 2 h = r ;h. tr,.. ‘ ; ' , f ; Veurilriu,%., atf r r ln i z t j v g n o ,r e tt . ,%Mr Matt, ' e olo.d •Lod..L. 1, • ,,,, 01 . . ` lo ottendeOco. end iodide°. per.nn," to servo as iurori C t r e, • . . t .... MM. ................ orgrer,V,V=7,l ° T.lttge iP te K nt • ; j :fati u y g or [ als " .. ""d eatr:Lpet y amide, as:r tt er mem. .4. , planed to qedltiOn the legality or the 7, , r ,..„, i r O s a u tC ' ss C ass da y ° ",r 4 T r i., :tal e ,. . ,,, ; ,,f. :t . et n ?r i iiivisat Ntestell4.l=nelielettreatenerel izt e nzt e r e zt i l e izt e tg attener i et e f e tau e r h ux ; ~ .4. , 4 1 ,0 7 ,1; 1 :::. . ,....1 i t 0 r,,1.,.. pxr . ~ , ,t1 7, ..t r, : ,,, ,,:i i :l ~ , : ilv v ‘l,, , ; ‘,. :1 .,,,,, r , n ,,,,ux... 1 1 .1 11 1 . 4t r z t t: ,- . 00.10., charged with dinordnrly conduct.. chanters streets. flume and Carriage. far. ars, t truished I Min. (as heretofore) In tte proper Jurr \lathe As les 0 • . Ilt appears that Kavanaugh follow. a lady I onord; . .1t• ' decision. Bat men who do not belong Baltimore, Ithm &Avert:a., aud Templets tiovenunent and Putoral Theology. I rof Tl:' exin'ess log themselves dlslncilned to leave fts ° l• Y° tllTra..4 . g " ruttly o ' l ' egi t" ,,,, '" for their who ' d the etorto to not. locked antl in . D r . g ; 8 . g 00r , 0 , n 1 . 1 1 4 , I. lor ,r fto d ,-, w on , melding ot tbe I'd. and attetti pled tOgorce . - - . VI tile I ulljan class will Lind a residence rr f e T a lt l ll:b n a nt aa r gra iaa. la a ,„ =dr... Arn.gektr t gflogis=gt i ls e e v e , lng en.ami e . ; the control of mate aesthete wickat nand. 1 ge4ltllinal and c.a. deportment. the co • ntodi of the Jury commiasionets, tho Ajd on gig o l o yrot or a,,,, e h ortnon .., l ' .• 0.5 ' nu " her h. j uy '. n u° I:: Ir bo r.:,;; I I ADIES , , _ „ .„ , . • .. y the libarlff . " la '1 4 4 bY ' V ' ; ', .. ' .1.:: I "' ..r. r .. n g asment Of 1 " in ocnuyaun pecineoly uncomfortable. ,to Air. Gladstone, mked Itim te dthe ot , tdm .ough .Mr Kennacky, and mon of great _ Assembly MI Reeh . I ilutheMs"fd:gifeen"t:i°forrirrlXlttVetr. I' 7 ° t° b° °P" ' ; Milligan, a furniture dealer of &las city, ls. -...r. . e e"" • - , bold try ot household nunarage, mit would ability end /earning. it Is proposal by Dr • • "'"..° °f •."°.* .- • fth fals rle MS Th D all that "'"U ' " ' "IL “'". ...-.....--.1..___.- kph to prom:mite their stedles, atm ro. 1 ' halm rne aympatbr .1.• a approval of the . Breckenridge. have their eeeelOn In the IBy Tnegr.pti to the ihttaberga 1. leette . J I n ,„ 1 rmtlendis that four Orfila Of thallt be Wee. 1 The law proStdoe that the jury commis- „ w ~,,,° P, ° , 4 ° ,„' • ° . f. Mf" g 1 GOLD WATCHES . ,lo ogy gag ja under the Impression , whi aL . V. e a ti m l . i i ",== - ;',, n . s sU a rt,e . ,.'s . Mamer No thet .thoi.or jg- avm .., , TI .-. ts,, , Ly th f .1:4.d... , ..;;,,, , ),,Lx:, ; -, ;: I tett Whe alOcated by tha Church in the nloners and the elierilT.or am two. them, 1 ' ... ... gm •• ••••. •••r•Bw.." ar der"d"t' 2** w 4 l ° llll . l Mr. n attltt7trd, -- 46 !Id: r - - ,---"a , ----- that Hoy. itownlow, by age and iefirlLti- ', mut Inn. tie erniained 1110 rem... whieb s74ll:47, f t ' 6ll . 7llll,ra ' rges!, got I/0041110 6 1 ,1 ' rjp *Trt ' illt ' ibld bLinasn a mlnar 1.0 I . ...gnatt 01'41 . „ . 4; g g 0 i 5 t . ,r, 0 4 .•.... ....t'S V1...,.;;',1,;1rxii , tx:11 1 1:4, r u ll e utgr: , Ve . or jorpm, ; selected liM chairs, paid' Centime doll.. eral " stront!tueguany, M-day, (Tuesday) at ...nom arid a half for theta, .d order. Item to ~, n e ; •,,,, ro , l a r ge soomgommm Of Another Lot Just Received, ties, has lost any Of the are, Pluck a II " gja.„4: , ,- 1 „,711:: , ,1,41„7,7..,..;;, , ,„tim:,r4 1 , 4 4, g ... ? ...., 111 ... 01 = u p . ..r .vr tll fi l z 1 p. a.:1it... , . 11 nom .. „ to I The Board hall not yet ourehrts6.l thu re- 1 prataked; ton before pormeedlog to select t wet me, se aa i . , . o . ntoo „m„ n ee d...„ . in n . ; n ; 1,,,,,,,, 0 „ , of „ ; or d„ j 00 0 „. tho no „. co , otiot „, ooto be dallsered at hls reside.. In Lowrance superior boots, shoes: lin : : :;... h.. in i.. vituperation that cheructdrised " Lis sioe.. t b. : ,. b. revive it. lia dtd notcommtt him- have dumbed the course. A MITI. of on.. oppointam. , rfo it , oo had lord a lease Oita. for •term oryl'illtil, had MUM. mvorally late the oath or elliroott lon ; vIllo; that whoa ten cealm o eame out., ba tba atmotton e :f tt I e at nod. ,;;;;:. ot „ Embracing soma of the ben atylets of MOM eme _ P hoe er, or, to he bold cry of boon.. to. urged egainst tbis plan is the danger i The report. tar the/nand ns itam oo ; „,,,,,, rno , on end , . too noon,. , pfestritnall by Ma to L. Laken by tba sheriff ; 1 ,,T,41 . 1ft • 1 0 r r r e ° ,V,.% tr e f ?,; o 7,, " 11 °1 . ° 11 ° ,, ,11, , gt „,,8:r,5,:,,z..... °su ...: Orme. to Las makes ridun etrength y be luestetiread thisPitr.„. anzir s . ght ,tit, ,td, t,. t , °flailing nom being ortuodoxed .0 over. monetarist Relief was adopts's. ' butrinents had bean nubile/ , i and count eointolmioners. , . . •cd lit. 8.0..* ." wOrked by this Method and eo beginning Tito Ansembly rooommantied the °biters- s., . . . t . e 4,.., - Me 0 Y I .cOnllngly called upon Mr. Milliken and enn • .. ,t_ t iiie rn°e s re " n "Pr' n letters t° eking petitioning throughout the co.. their tionitarreefeablen In health. once of the, emir. beginning with tho first 1 •• ; ;; ; ;;‘,l l ,7g ad f ; ° A;V o T, 0 w 01.,,,1 . rgat „ tro . Mcon Tnx NO.. eons t ; stated his opinion to bitn. asking at the I. lially,auetioomr.NOANoDLlSireell LaitiltAYED Tor Arlo ItlitTOß. ' ' some Of Ws enemies. lkownlow bar DT. t n *, , nom , , la a _Thin Amenatly imminently permuted be gobbeth In January, as a week of It e • d r•M o t The niter., orul beau with , lnt ' w e r t!' llie I ROCS Into °per.. inter the finft Of Dth naMe time, es he arena that the chairs tot Alleghen3•.n.lvertbses •C pr ye a 0110 0110 FROSTED AND XNAILICLED. Alen t c meat ng . 0,4 e. P 6 e i mottr melloiy Spirit. Thin is, no doubt, tilo so- prayer for tLe conversion of tho wort . . T . o ; no , h .... m .. 0 , 0 , ~,,,,,,, o rrndors , roo, ; cr... neat, whet: so much of ny ads of had eclat. bo tient out to tom or else that new two nom. 41welling home, Monied near "Y.,: / la wear out ."....- ‘ '.sn'ental Pc'wer m"gidert ' I ' Vtr i li r t. l te 4l 7:lT - ilit i lls ' id„g ' n ' ' ' , '" i ' trie ` 'l've.' interso"ttli•tif„et?tYoPtrert?ifllO:"lLL premt e lt 4 omervan. or : to ne t ,Y ot •f o • Ptt oo rt.: ;4 l , n n .l. 4 .l.. duct in tusking provision for tho edueatine I t7 , LT: I Z. " OT, ' ? `" . ". I "" th"f "f f"'' °"Y"Y I To ° ll•Tgirb=rala d y,t ' a d istrorrhtg VV. ° , k o re B h l Va l :O ' ltillt=r ' P t :4l4 Iffri ' it , We etteld ~,, , ; ;O Mo. wit? r 1.7 11 . 1, i 3 - Itrorcral bodies. _ I . ' 'of domehtlelnned renlatin he spared. tate questions Y '''''' d ' Ife n tfi N l:e ° l. "'k a ' ' n - 1 I.ll=T i t IWltltltt ' a "t cr t Y irlfr i i n ntl i p h al will .....r°°.:•trlt. M ;:te .nr•;l7:'••••jitirn.jr4 ' propmftions Mr. Milliken gavean emphatic ; rous of sectaries fa bargain eh.. Mil .t. tt t .1: 1 .1%;i: '4". "d. In to all -4.- Oak orasa.r. lather, who lives in this t elm, i In relation tO Wu tustaly, sealing. Ullit011i•• • an. lien. be brims lault. to enforce tho once. 1 IT IS reported in an English journal CONDENSED NEWS. MOON Isil ;Pretreat MIS 111011/100, 011 Interne Balleyeagi ca.,- Deasy greonnerea totropectator of thu pr.-vane • . •By Tell graph to Me Thtsburith ns•stm-.1 Ito flo oomplated. I the mentor the lleard WU recommitted i....8Mg... " .... g er rim i nr Y • l.m. '• anti all acts Imposing a penalty or punish- rmt of defendant. crobtrack A INllTrant. arm iliseal . the ar- • , ; • 1 entles7.-Table and Ponket Cutlery ; I Milo Sliver Plated Tok and Table 81 , 00.. • ' DUNSEATH & CO., that the Ended Slates KIM "negotiriting __ . _ vIRITO. 14. • lIRLTI/10110, NOY, r.-Itt LAO 'BOOIIIIOP , Thu report. ot the Board of church Even. 1 :,11' n 't, o t.X. /. .J,';y17; ..g..! .. , mlO 71 nt,.. f r._ k l e.eneleed ieeee .e . FM.. de.. at lux than unnufariuiets' int- e for the purchase of all British America ' MT Tel. Crape to toe FILL.. (Lamle.] Court, thla mOrnlng, in the emu or Aden'. 1 sloe wm taken um Mole ender cousideno i rnlat. to ..cll ' ltair ' o ' ro ' r ' t ' UnTtl n if 4:i th n o : licmc...°lcd D° . i' ' ceastoclosocomlgrimunts, at the Ernpori- 1 .Towellornes f ra l a th e r oje tu the • tut lielli degree of -The ciase,mid I onvontion of Nmth Cam • THE BAPTISTS. , Nice ma. the NOilltern • Contrel thalinntri- Lion, Weimer for despite.** exorcism ar- ; 111 o f • , , , il Tim Subslstorice Committee acknowledge I act.. datneges for MOM g the plaintiff's rived, nfter which byroad teok a roue's.. i re ° 2 • Z, f: (V.;,,,`..;,' ,7°.g°""" ° ~, , ; J• i r° ; :' ° tool o f c hi m ware, .this Monumental lit th ntreot. - ' - um of Smithson Pelmet d Co o ZS mad C. 7 1 - 44 PISTIL filltgrr. ~ co „ L . ohne ashler recent, • met at Wiltrilogton, mission°. and anoritf. Pl) I "-Ur " '''''. • I • ---- . tAdinde and 'tern the l'h i 'la 1 i t ° - ' } rbbilentlon lireselety Anniversary nt Imehand, hy nod artothlog biro between AFTERNOON SESSION. hat, by Ittchant Brood & do., also, by Bake- i on r.o; - t f r • tno ---•- • ni ; , ; a 50ninargr0x......................44A3. Rollo 1 adopted res.)] titlons favoring 'tree.. es- o fn... Ti e . fig.r..l..f ga a i.e...., their cars at. Lectors , villo and thou lock. 001111•41.1ATION •30 P ~,,, T. the Can ulna ;I' and Mat ° 0... s at nliOY externs . the inktiiratonl training' of the ~,, . - ,47,. 7, -„ - , in, Mtn up all night M I one oj e th e :Lr o w , = . ; °I A= tr ee v , :r e l e o e tt: untztorl i i i rt trotrta Tbothry commissioners aro allowed as w. • P.. " a u° ' at. "c ' Cue "at "' aria , meortmormation resterZ37bertte aiteit JOHNSTON & SCOTT, , .is only holding out for I Vancouver's freedm.., In order tO formtall or correct [1.4 Tritorsph to ths Plltaeurge t. ~ ~te I .17,:',: e 't xrriigd. b . tlg°_,.., j.y nod Bev. It. ' O. Wylie rosrM say tat Ito; ' . 'J. campon.tton two della. and fifty conk fOr the pagua I ; man TnyMr, of the Fiftla wartiTerging ; D.IIIII,TRIS IR I ' I the erroneotin aloe.. which other dB- Culeales, May a -TOG Amerman itaptist turn. a Verdict for 415,003 datongcs. tier deS. and (dor cents per mile circular an moutons, 'nth° Fair ere roAnestal to • Ell.• Pone.. with entering. her 11 Imo and , M. Armour, wisp a fog days ago wo t 1 - 'lsland " ' , W.I.' never te seo on num swain, hay. I i Tzt . eoir eo rzilor in the , astert house. procure th. Molgal and. to moot at tiny malting threats of biatitly Injury her. A ----•••••••.-------- nominations may imput to them. and mt. PultliatLye semay cotaineed Its regular eh. I l If.- niMn Hall this evening at QM o'clock, without • warrant wea milled. Both partion are real. ' Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry mounting this forptoon After Fent. Ittensers- !Bebop Lynch. at r thatnares toll ' Xlt7t n riVAtto eintle% of thoir ; mit , dents ot the !Awe ward. { l ' IlisnoP Sinuses, at IYashington. Del., muting comma men to the mlnistry in the "°°'',OrWrr I l ak t e "' s ' n ° l7.l7ONTl tfleMrnlO °'“ o f fte l' alti l l ' 74 ° 1 7Ak d f h s recently, In a ermon as e row t e eberch ns spirituel Umbers and pastors of rgra ° t . ett,:t7 n ogr t ar b o tt e f re f : 4 1. ° 7:,1,12 itiparial Lim mmeense rleisburgh Wattle.] aVisconnie, was now preltcrit in Synod. t i ttllci; under a. penalty of °lto hundred Onl- Pertions having flags and mitten marl- , Pert tames tho reteelPta to the beoevoieto 1 lio rs.a.,..Mey 27 -Thorn is notrutb Int. and hb mowed that Mr. Armour La Invited ,t r ,:t,: r o,rer t A r r. o l:;:, ° ,T Y ,: j r: o t e ,j ° ,,;; M ,, • ,, ° ,l „ .• 111%;, • ;; 7, no . soo s urged to loan them tO a Com- I liltehe Pa 1 • WISO,LiViro ; and Yin] entirely 1 -. sIEVER-PIATED WARE, ETC., their own race. Fair, and re oesteht no . cOngregAtion rif Grace chufat the .um ._, orpartmmt last year waa fArrAteee, t itteotir f:12 , ..„ , :r k i =or I=7 r0 1 . .: , ,;,441,T 0 L i i , :Iv: u iz r ' . 3 7, r tA,: , ta .tiv. po of ,,,l2 V,•,.= recovered before .7 ' Jostler) or we Pe... to ne - nd them to Clty Hail to-day. q Dona. • sall ' ere. ' J r /I V :4IJc Tlitil h =gl 91441: e n . , , BO 4 7 11 LIBISTY trrout.. . a largo flo, octurrod at Othlorren Wilk of ten thousand dollars tor some chari connin, on Sunday anemia'', taking to pul. !lo n g:X . :4 ' l - ml tt i rre inairrig ' all7. 7 / 3 1 1 1 le 0 Met in fen ian circle, Bishop Lynch, of , call and gam, nbrki Inaloachlng detell as as tonlnitry debts. - tiOnl of nowors are renuceted nt any Woe '55 ned 57 Fifth uncut. hiniunion, /Palmer las table purposes, Ile received one and a ten's livery matt. Eleven bulidirms Intr. ..141111 1 1101111110 the ear I ,. .tv i s 11: . 17 d 710.0•1 1 Toronto, is slightly better. I .._ 1 requmtul. A V 00•041110• tittriOlf t110111.IT• Admin. tickets to the t & 03. ; , if ,. r . fo; ooa ord „ oarcon a d; ... i In cmo of Inability. 'sickness or death, or Estrum be preCLUOd At A .1., Rankin's dreig . I Zairian sargalse l ea ezazams. • sar- rondo.: attention PPM to gattalling half times that amount from tho over, destroyed, Involving a ims of about sls,mon • y 9 . % o rt n nt, ' 2 ! ty " : o ll2lrtflaTtottr rep% P rt en the , Tee DAYTON . Tir Off De; -Blown, tbe DaY• I (emirs severe, and the inn elf baggag e , li.Y Other Mtareblable eau., or in MM . . or atom, in, Clair 'knot; et Wayman & unam„ ; - a Maleh mom of ilam hall Iran played I ath gar oeglanor refuse' to 110PV0, at vacanc) d oa; rimithliald exact, and at J. C. Minton:Mt; 0 ,, ts „ to I. „ no . , o ,;;„,,,, f „,,, of , Waken, Cloaks fad Jewel.w. Ali • , -The liquor leer was enfon•oil ln Phila. n A I of Managers arm teen trend nal ton, o . wonder, nu. eft) •nino days with- ond ...BM W .. ...I. .. m.... ....• drug stare, corner of Satillincid and Third I •"' °° ' • .-• • - - generous congregation. , , delpiths . Donnas. that la t mom, . , aim!. , „ r tooton any Wing In ilia shape of food- , Motion, amounting to 65.1 00, was taken up, ; ..• .....,ttle Pzsidunt Judge , Ls ampowerc . rareeD. ; N °mon and [be .ndiena. resulting to %la ....._2M.I not open . mual TO • ,t,,,..„ 0e0 Ise meeting. will cotaintie until Thur.- 4 ins frame wanted until nothlng t a n nun , and. by the Moderator, present. In token l m ' m° ...• Pair to open title evening at 731 O'ClCek WYY f°r fIM • f"M". 'l°. °°°""" I " °°- Tax Judiciary C4sinmittce are now how. , ver, was thu e5...01d or the trent dOors• ' ; ' ; ' els 7. en A t til'rger f 1 eutta r f ol o , 4 l, oll . l . l= .. e r r y e 1 r h il bone u ntrd . l u ottg t agnetZmat ittn e .. • I , tf ee t s h , V . tymptioty Of montane thol others. ' Aroono 0 , Thieves In Washington I -_______ 'f 1 laws I J.. a ornon 534 Lathan& 01. L. Atkin. , .. of Um Surest., Umpire. ConetY-o Correction. endeavoring to find out vrliY-31r. l)avie , ~ Back entran6m were aeraiistde tool &emu. between trert rzoot, oeMg in attendance ' . 1 arllortho stomaerand jo { wel:trag r er:y, 1 le expreeslng hit thatiOn, Roy. Armour, 4 and fell tato the beck-boom us . lay ox- who said bo was - taken wholly by sonar.. r 1... r issue of Friday mornMg lan 100811 WAR not tried. if that duty hod beelll drinking done. nitial. The B emcee i• . tended on the back. alluded table is.t of fear during the pori- 1 couttountostion wlth reference 1.0 an ••Ar eurcied upon x year Pula-ball ago, 001111 ' -T " 5'7 Inveatlgatiug Um roman Mot ; • , n • •On thaeuttfeth day be felt a dentin, to oat, lod of their peril, By TelegaPh to the I ittnourah netts.* and did partake of a little totted and coffee, learned that tt is far easter to true& in llody "°l•l'l°° "1" fr I. " • rept of thieves In Wanbluaton. Pa." In at Mobile, have found that the ...log arne tangible result,might hm 0 bete ',redo- daas 1 7 ..,11. ~1, C' . " .... .• May 27.-Tho Spring MOM and eo for throe ...tient dam, unt thts when there Is none else in whorn we ono 1 snitch it was detailed that certrdit dealers over the /Sockeye Club Goo. opened to. an., him so Mttch pain th t ho desisted trust than at. other Ulnas. la thrapium haying observed thin they ' Mal.. However, It is well to have all the , - -...„-________. ; day. Two nee. were eoeareeeed,the that • from fertilbe eating,nlitl up to this tlme of Roo ." W, Sliew taco Ind lit prayer, id, I ware hums goods at that handauf thieval LO * ,„„facis pot on record. ' - mord TEXAS, • hurdlo handicap, for all RCP, 01 . 00 ahD, writing, eloeteen Clays, be has not tasted , log th.a. for tha greet i 4 two mllm over eight hurdles; but was pone 1 rOOO, and Wan still 11, log th morning. . wrought, Lytle Almighty repairer. not verunce t h e k m no nown. bad proettrati the tussled, , ~,.. ; j ' ' --o- - 0 o I ponoil on seam.; of the weath r. The Many are tilapOsal to treat. WU matter es . A our.% f b d d teethe, by name lteury . i soca oa a rew . e 14•04, _ • 4.4. 11. Likworth, who Millet. himself into the C.l - 4 . .QUAILTEIt ussrEu GENERAL 2411,,g, 91:1:11.7 laron7at i trer " lt ' Tt i fe r t% r ' th o l l tr trite for Ma Buckeye Club I ; a humbug, anti Joey that the man sate. TO Res. T. p.stevenlnn read a Minute on the woodcutter the persons auspected and e h ta, tor th year o n ooeb wo h05 ,, 0 , th .... .... n.r. ';'r,i, faltLfal and eDicient ogicer, whosq 0 1 .1 00 1 mresee ggen-Userehtsneka I bide' Aroo 67Zr/tag& Tim first hest ial i iipo. tiiit, 1,01,i1;. - J'ilre 6.ll.l(o.latabrO. late Professor J. M. Willson. which wee ' illseovared LAO COMMilfllOl2 of a eorlos o e f ' ''filcidth hat he - eli'muLdly declining tinder - ta li. _ et _ l r 'b et • rsrl o t. a tis i e Pitts ' T eargh 14;0111.1 . : 1 7 , e1 . 7. 0. b ; y li. tir in.!!..,tehltrge,,,t4...Twoftentg. man Ms not taken food except tot wO o have I "4,1= arttr:ti lilt °. ru i ng; , . ~ . . . I rbllZ ' :: V, tr,1114 :c07, 1 . - 1 1 F. re: t„ t;ttu„.; is, irduous !ober and connsmsesia,,depurts ll i T i.v 4 nOTOS.MIS . 2.7.-An attempt to colleet een won by AM.:tiler Mario., 135 and ', frrtrA,,e1;1 4 " ; ° ;4 1 :f . 4,1,..,4, - .; , ,d4r.g , g :,, at i McDilnald, Chairman, presented tbeir .116. • ; ; ;•,,,L e f . o rn t t . r m,r E mo c t:l b oi . w.thi ol v i r, , lor Europe next week having obtained MVO levied here doting the gar, in COn- I ihe . ) . th g f bl It , without eating as much m woad malice to 4 8 .. . T. ...d Mr I ... Present. - . , . ing tbe ' datmthro what:ad 4rorked out. the 4:l' nborrd kave of 111DetIC41. f1 ,',0‘171 : , : c eri " l; r 4fg . r hi tV r i .? go d n '. lrelt r E .L alt I refold w nrutriV al I o la . ; t r intl u it ' a V ffa ' clr ' w. ; Vjgi h1 24%,,TNT,...1 , 0 1,1 . 1 , ,,2 - vt, e d g . ,l4 l , 1.- no or ,, cr i.--.0 , .-----01 I i ..,, for thd benefit Of Ins ,oroployers, was I m oar, wee thee Whad alt, . really the elllef man Int. norpetratiOn of ____ eathd forth an order from Gen. tirlftin forc4; Itettu. i T e t . tlAt . eztr fe e t r e ott e rrep e uxtly ; fott, actenttlie men, that you d 43 not, inst.! ...Ito. 9 3mml Pmeeetted .0 tbo Weapon. by . tha offeriam motion theta. Ho came to that : „ i banot, of a Professor cs' Theoloay.tonll Um placo about tax week. ego and rented an I ; Ogilalln %howls twelve months 42,f,00 . b titi l ti n al lit Z,lf t rakilntli District Court, 1 Vfot • the Burnett Ileum stakes wl ' l ' l 00.11 1 . utille ' chair Made v1146.11t by Oa deoeue of Pro• old WOOldlonso. tho OetOnsthlo porpme ;isersens have p ee t, arrested in Now r at k Taxas, demotes that negro a Itnames &MEMO (Andra 1nr____.............0......._ ! -David Kelso, Whothlled Millet= EO/1050 fes. Willman. Thcro ware throe ballot. ,' orstorteg gralo for nhiprount. Me Male.. lacelty for being ' ' reunk and disorderly „ , '',Arnrug:ii L ol n vrciVrEt f r7stirrt ' s o rerused si . aseatthneetis Temperenee *entre.. , tp t i Cl a a i :g l i o u :2l7; A. t. tuor pg.-42. I ‘ . ol . series. ; bag been OPOrieted of murder in the Mei " 111. vaulting to no elution, Adiounied I pnrohasai of gralth however, mare a very Doitiloir, at 9 Welook. / small quantity, sat this titht. with Other 111. - .IMOLA this fact illtinsate the ca ,Mcity or , to take greenbacks iie it legal Louder. Cli• Teirgrarb to the Pittsburgh Ossette.l I degree, in Camden county. Thie is thanzst I:VEXING lINETLITtI. 1 Martino, of hie character, placed ...Melon is were missed, wend. !Or murder that Is to be found on AOODMIng to Pmwillna amutterecat a l °Pc° bnc l acdWdr th° °°°l° t loads t 1 9" r Y _____ °rkCrs _...__ fr ' t ae/r'kO'fcTritClal l t? fitheted TeaeliTt4eld f I. Borrow, May 27.-Aa anniversary theetthl 1 aa , re ,,,,,,,, of um, count The mordor publlo meattn t f was held at 740 p.m.on the I March bo nonstltuted. two car p ' „.., m .,...4_ T,.. •••• •••••• - ---- - - COT Telegraph to the Plttettarg 1 or the various, teMparance organizations so i_, ~ . a .., 001 7. _ ...,, de ,„ ex 1 ,,,,,,. ea ., meat .. : auger; goutswere Rtend bidden . under n lne Masaachmetta win beld this evening in MIS T......... 5 * eiall n' ad Y' rthh °. tsbat. Wlli tn ° d ( sea rnliad t.. ar elP n hiZ l,," 4 ,, 1 IWlZ i l l atrlgr eh°" liirhatllL ' llgir eIT• W.! , J -1 . 1 /Mirtreetit ot Near i at k Srniaturfame. Alma, Ma antll ; a o n , TroMOnt Tentplo. Tbare wu a crowded ' . ,g . ,i - .._ , %Oran* tOOT Tatiitatt. 'rho se r. v i tr i tt t gited ' in i t?n d i. Y rii " ~.. attendance. cue feature et the meeting --Wm.ll. , cste Of the proprietors .._-- -- -* --, -- --. •. -•-.. •s -- n - I Lulu. Papers found In EMlWOrtles pore Ja i , ,r„ -- ._ " was the proseutotion of a Dom Bibb tones. of Um trattonoase damaged bp Are in ••••'..99. 6 4 2 • 98 Meeting OW PreYel , ' sesame Lantrutod soother young zuen 40 1elltatirl„ ,t t Operates much better iri= 'h ien? ". ' „„ e l - , - ,... A. A./111mm and Win. N. lipoOner for their IliDTPße.hfOle nights sum. - has weber_ la ti lt i l a qi.,arlari.. m ettrfert i Chr t h s r a e ,', ' named John D.lltliepas snisuomplloas Ali *old volunteer system. ' i day mad booed ~• ... '- -- services in behalf of prohibition. Hen. 1111100fringibtad SO &WAIL an tereaugauon , r , e setal a a -- es t - rd,'„ ,„„.„, ----- . °c l,„, a . 1 three ereMehttl ma wlll have,thetr Aran trial in De. GenrY Winkel presided. Imo theenumof theoentlagraUon. a rt t 41 ,47 . t z - --col !" la.^. • , mono, • , . - ( e ;7 itoprosmes. no , - . .-, , fr i 444 ti1ac. ,, ;, , --, -- _ . , - . _ _ . . oTABLikt. - 1 , I , , ,line, ' ' N.;,. :i) I ,7 /'4'W--- - !.. • r J --,_--,--„, -,.... , - i t t ‘, L 1 )Pe l . ~-, -< ;_4l o k s k a t"'`..C) \ iii() . • , " , A " .. t , ' —"-...:% ; 1 / 4 ` • ' 1 1 I 1 11 1 ------.---:: , , __..,. _ --; _....,\ _, , ~,,, _ _ .... - .., i , 1 - ( •i , . „..„ k 1 .i • „,,,,,,- 7 i t, i i __. -- ---- ,-- _,....„.„..,z,,-.w.3_ -...„,,____ -___,____- - _ __ -...,. ______ _____ \ -------- -,-------,_-_,- t - - .x._.--.--...-_,,.. ' -2 -- -- -- -- - - , -.- __-_-.---_-/-7_ - --7; - ' -:--':- - /- 7." 2-- : - - .r. - - - .. - 7 ------- - 7 ---- , --=t --,-- -=- -- .----- -, 7 . --- : - . 2 :-•_ - = - //. •_::::.; ----- -,-.•-• - - --___. . ---- M F - r i r- 1 •)1 i ° _ .' , NM • .• _ _ %'. 2, tv. ;; 41 , 1 ;Felonious Asianlt. YonOwilY ni — OrOlosi Michael Shun., Viols=meth,' sudsy Lnw.--.inhn Sw— ing On Heine' Wren,. An 7g h WiTOnwin r . rriiritfl ' A i g r lVO,;: formation betoi•o Mayor Morriso n , charging...on onth of W. J. Logan, nafare Alder e,an John London With =Mining him, st Ahr, r ants, wan liquor 0,, soo.h,y. w a ,- ',was tIMQ • t,h,t o l no d t rants wore brood for the scowled. • • • •• • • . . . . ening to kill him. it appeared that, both' ' na no gweseneee.—glisaipth - Peed- Of parties were et Troy 11111 the preview day,', th e seventh srerd, eppeered, yesterday, be lted under tho influence of bock bear got' fore Alderman Johns.!cberging Pair Hew• into a minuet. about • trifle. Loudon Pre- erd, residing In the wee ward, with obtain• tended that Sheets had found a bosom stud . l e , t eser di ermi u m . f.A., repr,w.tpt,lo., Millet be hAd lon. fibeetsderded the charge- am, w a s beta t.,,, bail., . . I..oudoe, whose enspicions ! wore connrmed ; - -,... -~.. boldfriend, rushed to Sheets , house, seised i 'N ew ,p....,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,,.a.r eew a n , Limm, of him and drew the pistol. Some by. ,„ ! Razzed Stair Carpet, et lees than manufae standee. then Interfered. London woo luau ! toren' invoice prices. at. . private sale, to in the sum of 000 to answer at Cenci. 1 closeconsignments, at the Emporiim. Sil. ..., . and 57 PIRA street. Smatbson, Palmer 3.. Soldiers , Mearmseat, •' I acknowledge the receipt of oho follow. '. mg e in. mn . ef t mon ne er remter , tn. beti th alf ei. Of th ip e ti So wi ldi li ers bo , I . .rani7 Wilhd.W alsadono, with Dim , published et the close of each week : I em,,p,,,,,,, pelmet , & CO., 55 and 57 Filth , rrlothgeLoni elsewhere, ni prire u r r eal m A r gge: i, From 511=14 recasts . , Allegheny..—.4lo3 CO '• 51 • 1055 - ' ' - i • . ~ . .. Mlss L. Berger, now ward, , .4.Pittsbargh , - 00 00 i Maass amid Lesardiellord—Tbe ho‘:',-", . • " Mrs. 1..., S. John', Lawrence , . sod lot, 57 Webster street, e'eMidd W.-,3;-.?..,,,..' . Mrs. A D. Chambers. Liberty 110 CO i Allegheny, will be sold by A. Leptus f -,,L ~ i, i Dancer. on Wednesday neat, at 10 ,,,, -•, ' . All collect towns ion p hi s and &Manna* are deposi-; Nora Thaw illittllop* - . ,7„ - ..., led with.N. Dolmen AI 1110112 j Bookers, to my 4at Smithson, Palmer itcPig,,, - ': '., - • Crealt, Wlll be •Daland, acknowledged.- ..55 and 51 Fifth etresti atclii .. j.ixst PAM. Ja., TV:dearer, . prime tonal:. thanaredag • , . . . ME • - • • • THE WEERY GAZEIM TWO EDITIONS, • , • WEDNESDAY AND NATE/MAY. !' A large Olean containing THIMIYALT.COIed idionny to terratl•ageadlng matter. ukmoinic 'leOEtag Eilltoriali, latest Weirs Isr Telegraph: ;cont.: • vainatila Reading `Matter Ate the, gamily, tad Sim and sort reliable flatand Comnirclal hivktit Itegogia tT . , any paper in the city. No rumor, Mechanic Or • Meichant inenni tic 'critboat It. • - ; ' , nate Yelt Tun • sioov dubeertber ' ALT& cluns of Inns ' Chant et 1.111. • —And Winter:l;Y 'Or niter to the hereon getting Itr. W« lob. AtlMMoas to cloth. *an be madoult. ant time. **club rate. • NOTIT. TO Si, s;c•Tort,e-to ordering Yon r0 , P.0, Or Stier and annelly rebel otlltlod yen. wat.. ett we Imo. • Wednesday Edition tjt sub. nerthent haying bat one mail a week. Ai - Mt/net by DWG, Snores, Money Ontleree or In Hettlet'e ned Amer, may be rent at oar risk. MdMrean, • GAZETTF., PILOTS.; !THE SUPERIOR MERITS: :of the WYIEELIV. 1 wit.eoN sEtvisit, ; !11.A.C111:OIL over 611 others; for fatultyl et. and Kt ennui an 10' 411-1 atolso Neutrally £Amltl.J. that, en enonwellou of their retail.. rate' teuelsh le no longer coulultrad nen,. Tberwa stmple..dap.lito so, WILSPERN Atizeicy, ( zr firra. If HORSES . , 5' . ...# HORIES FOR - : Te te Howard' ' 4.04-4ic -I., jr 4 : .., , ...,.,,.:, 1. , f.".. , .., , ....„4„,.... ,- 11 I . • . , liiin MEI