C I PLIt• It. m-I--tir74, . JAMS D4LZELL & SON, Financial 'Matteis in New York. , - • FULTON, ROLLMAN & CO., Firm LIST OF AFPLICA - 1 . Banker and Broker, 1 1 69 and To Waiter etreet., , Gold Closed MG 137. MINIS TOR LICENSES. SELL LlQUoits, •' Manalletereibe best Med In the Clerk's Deka. for the meeth of May. I £lB Wood St., near corner of FffllL ., LABD on, muurAcTußEßs , , • • flly Telegrapli to the Fltunnegh Gazette ) . Name. 'Kind, Mace Naw Toni, May r. 3, PIOT. . Path. Luther, tavern, let Ward, Plulttrglit. All delearliNJOrta Or 00Varillneng *de - 3 an motes ...en Wenn% COILDAGFAI My'o e v . e r e a l %= . • ... .. •• . 2 2 2 11h 5 am! MI6 01 91beral tern.. ...117117.11%. CRUDE, LUEEICATIISO .4 Money more .coos, and tronsideroble Bose Wel, . : • I ofilititor, Henry ater. We ....e el.' I M , NO. I ford OR .1.1 to t. UGC. Of loans, with • a large Inereasiog , Wm. aloe. 3 Lend= 11/2d COntlllantal 11.• eeld best Claglanatl. or ethe .to .11 aa low as Cletelna:ti or ChlesTe d ritar. " Patrick Ken. •• 3. •• oat.. in the S.-Treasnry. The Bank 1 AND. A aa. lectloth , J Y. ", " ...; , WILLIAM EL BAKKER, at NOW TOrk retells ' . -.1 Our No.: Lard Oil u a Labti.br cannot he Statement Creates some lutetudoera &Meng . J. Hammerer • igsa. • Wlett. •• •.; 1t 1 ' •, esled.' Deo McCafferty, taper. c'' , „I MIME OP TEE PRE, . G Old. ellay.o gn0b0„p0.,,...... IMO. • Doek. Creek Lehrleatle • d ...lard be.. I beide.. Call Loans ses. The Bank State- • TWI NES, is eon midi. - J. I. WLPiam.o o , ent.'g We." ' 1 J. ,,,,i ..a ~ „„:. I mentwfll ehlaw a decrease of d2.0:10,003 in . lest ewes, end Gold Draft. 1at1../ 00 Neu 11t kI C :reb rb lOta °11 . ' 7 1 1 "17% "j''' 1.1. w. Ilvuturent •CO • 0 ;3!' .. '•• • ' CONVETANCeIt, de.. ''Turk, - - j their interest tc4l ' e rlE'Vr e ' silThefore ordering i 10 . 7 .../A OO . OOO /G .I.7alther,Co),Oreln depoeits 1 Irnala° ".• 114 a 315 a ' a.a. at ' 11 ."•! kiann & C.., , 4.11 ...Semler, tav n, id ward, Pittehortitt. Onlee. CARSON BTBE. lI.T. nearly ,twat, tha Lard Olt Rom the Wes., ' :• z Inane. Deo.. douth YID urgh. Bmlnear en tertain and S.3,.JXkIAt in legal tenders. Sterling , Call or send for Circular. ....-• eplrpta Hen ry Bender, '• •• ' eirmed nOuranal at DX for Brat clean bills. ' .: . trostea to We pr attended to. ALL SIZES 7 3-10 'BONDS . ' 9 ItTSBERB lill naItIKETIP-. Gold lower , opening at 111 X, declined to •-' ~ LIT: and closed at 137 bid. and 137 X, staked. ' .. AMER NEWS. • , - - 'wet. cin,thaigh. • " kola Laverty. •• i d ° .lub. Brown, •• •• .. ' toy Del TIAHIEL BlellEAL, M. D., Expert tO•day $336,111. Jas. Dug.. eatlng . boise• .• •• .a... Onto mere. Prrreerensa Gage,. ? . --e----. Haul Illletcw, W . w .• • ri...vezur Mawr. 'I Savoneet. Be l • 26. lIRE 1 ' .1 Converted into 5-20's 186- 1 The mural enerlitts have been Mill end very ' GdwertlMMlta to Moderate respielit DI tbe , The riTer, Under [be influence of tne recent tti .t. lin r,, g . ra . ms m . „ T . ea v a . . , ..... i. ,• , : , mtg.oorol. 1 Oa ' 2 . forenoon. .0.1. dull. Control of •21, rein., ialigni. Del.{ rnl 3 l.lll' et Dd. Pete'. with Vud, Omer,' ' •• o , PHYSICIAN, . , . ' . Unsettled throughout the past wet.. and ae i GlS,,,:orits, •do fl y .6.2,,,,,,,,,,,, It Wintered nearly eleven feet by the Allegheny marl. last' Wm. Koch. 0 ••• 0 p PRACTICING ... . . o •• Office and Residence. , t ' , the dentami for mu. Of the leading arllclen is do lis , 514110.1; Chop*. or .65, nr4LOlOO. 00 L eeteedleee of 'fa, 100 3 5(414e , • do new, •Y 1 , BONDI DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. ~' E ne' d 22 ' 41.2 .111 ""41" forties, 10.483•JZ Aug.. ooyeg.ata r et eg. ...Saturday [light and smithy morning, ....• . . 10 , s ou gg ,, ,f er „ . evening. IL tamed alma. without Cessation ,L,r,, , ,,1p c .,,,,,,,,, i - j ,,,,„ 0f :: Denote bobleu, other roods, 0 •• ' No. 150 Grant St., near Web. % ' 3 . want., We have halibut comparatively Dor teus4ol,4,‘,..h tog do, w0rig.,,,,. g o d th erg h s every appearaoce of nnother . al geog meL geggho . .i •• •• .• siMitx2l . T. , BRXDy & - JAS ' . 1 d::: ., : . ::::7:::::: . :::ii.7.3 .. z ., ::::74 , Z,:;h ib i1l 0 , ..1: Tbun..nw.s. . it: r t:w . c t.4.e.,,,9 loot,, hot i f i res os h i c a t v i p n ,s koth the Allegheny and Moue . .: Motel. elf.. Improved befOre nun. Ihe Gee was moat need rimble, tavern, 4. wed, Plasborgia. (E Wm. 5 , Uersemait, ° •• •• The Bellevernon end Argosy left Cinein..l Jobe th i llernsea, :: •• eels ...... 'l Os R. COUURALIT, • Attorney and Counsellor-at -La% C 0., , GRA IN-Lnat sale of Spring wheat. Ira. re. r o • o :rt i t i g llg• r ro ir l o r go il d . 0 % .: 47, e 4 i r g e: i o ' r h: to for ritratotegh on Farley. The former boat. ' 1 111 •11 , 1 1 1/irrag . ; eat . . beau. •• .• , r' i P ert. ° .“ O."' () stet. Emelleemlied atte flrm Bank dtatement, and clew. abOlit bleetly. ...diner items of freight, ha. 230 tons : of 11 p o ctl , V , e , iten. 010.0 . 9000 r. 6l .. - Odlce-FULT0 6 3136 LAW BUILDING, No GO GRAN • S MEET, cerner of Fourth. Pltwo'gb. ' but anthanged; several round lot sales were • Much it Mullin,. •' '• ammo Pate., i roneri. .11 weal bodeesadatmsteeso his care 0111 re , 0 01. k during the week,to go to Pfilladelphle, at The follow.g were the prtees at I,KI P. m the Olendale cleared f3r St. Louie on Saha. J. R. AIM, & Co., •• •• eels. prompt ...Dun. .011 0.0 in to 71 0 . Corn Is dull and neglected, and G O l O , 137 3 i Ohio Comm.., gas, 1 „:„,, too . , . , .. gut. P0 0 ' .., - • day, with. f of the hest might tit.. eile Jacobehs len. fah lewd, Prt . 4bursh. J . S. FERGItISON po rn , ,sdod to„ ~,.. wort „,,,,„„,„,„„,,, it, 42%.,(2 , 134;C0mber1and Coal, .301GIII; Quick- nn •it nII otsltrly take. Adam Toe any nod h., littig it , ilve.L. 2.lhoglffit Mariposa, CAM% prefe..red, .enamor having . •cc • • h . Abram., lireenwoo ,•• •• _tor. J'esurth b. Woo Streets.. : }L..' Ilya IS Wanted at SLID, A .jii wailer. Union Tel. ..tan. 111 3 4047%; The Iltlic abo left for r'incinnatl, nod ehe tOO, lbw. kelp. i'•• - - •• .. •• •• • AttOrlleyeateLaw, ir, ..____,______,________ _______ 0n...i. 5 . Not enough doing to Barley hi eatab Pacide Mall, el! cal_; Atlantic, lee. New • • oa t trig. The Ida Rees No. 2 left roe ' °he.. " et° . 1.. •.. •• York Central, l, ,+' 4,,,,., • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,, sat a g 3 , etches! Lome • . To. HOLDERS- or 7-3013 ' 1. '""`"""' • I FLOUR-la very dWI and week, and prices re...L..714s Hiatu s , .ot,gritile.lii,,,„. tit gay, ana gm Ed. and !'awe arc due here wins 11 0 , 00 . ~ ~ I•oul Kaufbnal, •• : NO. SW FIFTH STREET, - - 10g.1 0 301 3 .343 tilelogran Central, liikjejf I Ito today . Joseph moulds, eat'a hotter. ° .• • Hgeiog •gg ,,,,... g , g r .,. eggyogotii g i t h i gradually declining. We now quote tit! Illehtlien Soother. III• 0 1P.A., Illinois Ceit- • .TI -Glasgow arrived from Si. Lott. on Sat- Ann N. Nora.. •• ,•• •• •• a`g5m,,c,,,,,u . ,, „ 11 , c 1 . :,., v:0..1 at 111 to 414,0 , 1 WI W o .al tit Cl d l d r e a . l 1 i ll fil i l t 4M. t. if i !L'ltts , . g h .. ..7T, • '7l '.• Tole ' .F. La's lib t 5; : one!' with A far tr.. Th ere are some other j %1.-h, .9 .. .i ' sti. ..7 1 P.V.41,'".'" :ih Watkl, Pittsburgh. On Mors. gend..... •••• are. Preo.l3-4 la COCIPert 1 0 0 Cil MI and fancy blends at illte[s. Rye owner., ocgrEc i orefeo l r . gV,..G. - ,m '2 ,. ...,-,y gs t 0 , 1 1 bente about due, tncithllllo the Ida 1 1 ... Dom RetmoneaMlunsteer - ° •• 1-4ps Ithe e.ta of tu'l, wit.. charge. ! Flours annot feirly be quoted shore WO. Wayne, 3 ,3!...ty.1.3. v . ' Cincinnati, and the i'olumhis, from-St Pool. , i).r,;,':',3:.,„7.,:.?,,r,•„,,•;.1,.,.....••, .. Bonds on Hasid for Delivery; ' PRI.WISIONS-Itswenila in ate.). demi., 1, JAMB .7,1 riTiliV oa. `. 2 end we can report regal...Mang sale. at Cie The n. C. Gray lad.. It the foot of Liberty Border mate ilvnas higher tool in tom's, street, taking on railroad Iran. The Julia No. ' rf,..f,!,.31=,,,,i;• other f. 0.. . ikA 0. 111eVAY. & CO ,foe Shoulders; 11X to 1113ge for Ribbed AO ' •gt , ti,n ,, cl , Lm ‘ em ,, Te ,, u ,, u .r ene_s, TlT:L i g:ll , llr. ~,g 2, we ',futile by Our Cincinnati exchanges, Is •• Patrick htirki, : •:• •• •• ,• W. A. Abl, ..1 Clear •Idee; 16 1 to Ifilie for Plain tad Can. Gs, mi s k io l i ,... oys,a t orgq . ° ' - - . . • , noiniunced to load at that point for liashville. 0 ,.., g „ 0 ,,, 0g. . .. .• Ord Sugar Cured, a o d ins for plain Itams. ivra•gautr COAL Alth llt PIM,/ an,. The Delilwa4, we understand, is ab.ut sold I JamMennedr. ° •• - 334maalr...erss. 1.-1.10 to 1 11• 1 c• OH. Beef. 2.41 to 23c; and SteaMship shares lower.. Coal stockn til. lo vont parties at o.lllpolic They Plttahniall. meet 0 0 I j ' a r in k ir.v,..4 .-""'' t 0. , , h . tau., si w arn , illa U /I • 31e. I'. rk 62Ato 5:21,30. Sale 0110,Iner ponied, et. lliecellancou. HSI, dull; and lower. DIENER FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD ITS. tn. hls. . steer...o7 Side., to go to Clnehinelt, at B. 11131130 WAR P.' / 011 Pr vet nine thomand dollar. for net, .II the, i Tt.:..,..l e e i ! i ttrat, ' '• nth ne . ol, Plnspersh I utter hoe been acceMeti. She he an excelkilt, et,,X4, h. 0 • •• _____ • BUT;ER-Continues very dull, the supply Minlog shot. generaild quiet quartz low water boat, sal Is In pretty . goad moll- ; Wilhelm...loer, e.Pg ithre'• I -- SELL .YOUR 7-30's, he lbe large,/ h, eeee.e ee .the de mane, eee , fl o lltyyr the [oaten. end o f rred a lot, fell 170 ml clued at IFOICI • • (keg y deli, Bon. A Hun., tau., ulna., Iftli6hurgh• , Jul. Berke, I • joke. 010 barely malotain., Is. to 154, for at 65070; Cord den flue, at 2a. • The Maggie Hays, C.F.I. D. L. Ilen.Kickeon. : r / l i g t , g 17: 0 „,•• • , o0. .. :. .. r _ AND ' prime to choice 11011.' '•• etn. l itteasilar nr.Llgt ern. , is now to turn for St. lionle, and Will. the' ; go. ° C. jd o th ega , •• e . •• • ••• • }S} GS-[o ,ready demo. At Ifs3•loc for fruit Receipts Sob-Treasury $4,0.3614, nay , Or. boat out She is oae of the bent boats in : .•,.. e , t ee, m , • ,,e,,... i ? ••• •••- „ BUY 5-20'S. - , ' packed. meats 40 e1e3033 bolo.' . .232.5. 3 1 en• ro. . ' i •• • • e • le ..• " 3333 ' 63, “ .. ....„, , 6, ,• .• , A 4 6 1. ... - • ••• the trade. ~,. Michael Ltow.d. " •• •• ' ' • CHEESE-la selling regulatly at 14 to 16e - 1 -11-0 0.0-.0 101.10M0 ... i '"' gotd r ''''"'"'• The t •olamba, hoL St. Pitel, left Cinelnull ' i '.... • Hoiden of rEV Km TI i+; will dee an ad- for New W 4 , 50.N.5. o YD.., Mantes° of OVER •• OF UNE PER CENT. by (ty "1"11Nj'"rr"111'“'"1" 00 11'1'1. on Thuraday with ii oirgo of Iron ore. .Toe Yeank hellcats...Ws Wee. :: .:: D. Hat or.. other gun., Baltimore ..reel. Argosy left on 11.4 event.. ' •• ...titled on this pion. , Wm. CI. Ica a non, • •• .... . - ' IiEEDS-Glereue d is out of Ms., Timm 1 . fly Tel'. gra; 13 wrah e Masi orgn lizz e tt e . i , Th e towhee., Eagle and :dory Ann arrive. IP Nalaumbllb, taTcrn. lat sterd• Allvd , •cur , It. 11. Q. roemAy„ 9, CO„ , es ) o 111 and nominal Al FIN to ts, In s tore. HA Lvt stone, alio 21-100 col Tees kales at . Louisville on Wednesday. The Engle r ook i.. 2112 1112 all, “ tf4t, ". .2,1.. a rd, Allegheny. Flexes lethal Ina echoes at Ild In ; go/ d bonded Pea., le'; geld dole pelt one el her barges at Vevey, The Sam Robert. Joh : n r- J • . l• Waebter, •• ad 'nod...Ur...eV , oat:Ann% Lemma N.M. .... :: II Al'-Prime Illy Is In steady demendmhtle ;17,111r .I, l• ;, l' ,l 3 N • „:ntlt io v ~ .:4;.1'1a 1 11•°g, passed Cincinnati en Thurscley.nod the Tigre. 005. 4TH .E . SITTEIFIELD STREETS. comon I. al mos t ~.awa b le st any price choloe Mr.i y mot ....L ' at kV 31. b rA ' orls ' Orm:4 and Mot, 1000 age left ILottlsille for Pitts. 1 1 1 1 !;:t•IT , e, Y elt: 1 , 1 •• " .. . I.___drit.t7 :veer rmer may be quotea at irk to 13.5. for good to pm eel Is Mt, at 51.1451,15 t pm mu . , •ellow, Al le Oats 7.41te. Me.. ',MA /IMO " r 0 "n WSJ "-.• 1 ' Mcllard Ikon., eat.lhouse, : 6 ~..„. .30 -13„-„.„jos PtsTA • lttr...--..enrceemi le der... Prime Lad gum', at. 131, p a . grie f , w... 3 „, 33. The Lout. illo Clouricr, of Faded , nays s 3 11...... ' Peach Mew. may be quoted at fide to ft • to Beds mute-um:lu te , •,,,, Woes, Ile , lea . Vita towboat Simpson Horner performed tire L. Fury. other...KU. 1 •• , A . ..,. 9 .--/ 9 , a . . cons-shire In terse lots. ot iIt.IIDII•Xi.. show• dillleidi feet of ascending the MID . yesterday. l'a7: 3 l,lMed,„. " e V .. 40 ':7"' • F - per tooled. PONVECTEDIINTO . caw up throe II die Indian chute. The . „ , A , ~,„,.„ ' 1 , l/11101) PROT-Smell soles at eine for d u " ' .4.23:111° U. 01•: 1 1 ' 1° I'' ' . ' l.l ` adj ' , tun tio.t };ogles on d'l2. trip to this prim from j,,q;,:, i,1.,-,•••-• .. •• ..• I , T p h lttaorgh, Will Ulna h„,.{0111 Of cant in lOW, nanit 3 . LtUnigraf. •• :: :: '5-' 3 O 80N1D5,1865 - I A pple. Peaches • dull and nregultr, ranglug • from 10 to Ire for quarters esti halves. Ithallatti perk ell. ; IBy Telearvett rer the Plifiburgh Gaut.. auk one nt Ferny She ran foul of the bent. • sanniel il rat., •• e other ben.Wese Nought in sae, and she ' And moll. .. ~ SVITIIOUT CIIAOOIS. LAUD OIL-Ls gently wi•li reg.. sales. ilterato, Dor 23.-Flour dull and droop- [...turned to Pitt.... • Atka ta . tyle, ea' log house , SI 00 56c for No, 0, and DIM to ILI. for No. 1. Ind, epring ext.. VOX). Wheat dell. with We copy from the Oltioluati Gdzere the f 01..: Zr.l l .4sT•i•cempsort, 0. es. •• •• oug. and ..4 [on ...innelmion la New t 1 - lialnir irs. linekeye State le- I 1 , 0,i Yet Saudi tavern, E3h ward, •Ileabeey. Madvhdda ekd Ito, ton. . dew... and arm{ Galen 30,,:n0 one pew Went- ...we G ump.. Steue vs Centre] Insur. John Connie 'rake tons, •• PITIVistERISIIPETIMLEEBikajaKET cru at 5t,05,91,ui; 21,001.1 bum No. i new West- bate CoMpAny. : 7.. pro netioni, were DWI C Itan;aion, 0. ;dr. • • .()BINSON BROS _____ er0.c......, t7,./00 lots. choke nail eel new ' brought to revover Insurance 13 030 eneil no ' 3 . 0 '. 2 " . . it.. esit•a.h•e, 7,.hr.nL Al le gheny. as , Or/tenor ma Porrstarnen Galena,. 1 ,1 0. t e ; Ve .. . en et 41 • 13 lt rt .". • tullt "'miter. Mil D. steumboat Sioux. City, deire; ed by ice at V. l ,: • • • L n t ,:fa . e. .. •• 3 . •• S ere Marie, may :3, 1.5011. % , Arkin of % leeonstn, eltfaile. Barley M. Louts, Dec mu. 161.3. • a.m. "i '• No. 78 PCl6lrogni spy E jj • •. . . nominal. IL3 o dull and moulted. PD.!. The tlefea de t Tenn 0 t ono of the a t , taitiarine Veen. tau., Born. of ilintii . agh•to. R ET. . LIG. DE-Theml marliet hoe come to a cora- elm. quiet awl tirobenged. lard line at Cone on wh ' lcl ' t t ' he ' polie; n tens leaned was that , Joh.. N.schaitr, .... A ~...2.................- ' piele deedlnek. It boa been reduced down to 13ist5 WO. Illgho Ines [seminal. Cl,, should moll, in the same regulate. tort , arch lier.zler, ' , •• • FINAIiCE AND TRADE. flu, , a point. that there is eothlrig In the bust- that Instead all of her machinery And the I Ire], Albr•ghL ° !waterline Market. . nese. either for crude duelers or refiners, and f , , r , . ,, n t 1 i t , ; , r , p ,. .. b r . t ~, f , i , se ,, [ ‘ ! t u i r , n , I t i tt ,,, te , .: ri . s ,,, t 7 , 1Le t 0 ,, xv ly t , I .. 11 ,, e ,, - .. lT o, .•Ltsq .., .e. l. f/ 0 :7 • .. . .. r .--':•-•--- • until there la a Otero reaction for the better, 10. ' 4 , l , e ,s er , Le ,, it te•it . : ,. .. 1 ,, , ,, , .... , •1 , . ti-a-cet , t , e.; the tope of the disasters that, Immo, no motive j 6 ? ~.•••......, "„. e6 a, r e lf.r e t o „,. or , ~,,,,,.. Gemocc,ne vite ...rm. cum..., i no linproietneet need be Virected. TbO lard. "L . -- .. -..... '-..-_..em O( Um elide p iv/et, the could a. bun.. Yu IS dan- I uigi:i. Ts':' • ' , SA re ta,v, Mad 2i, 1,1•1. ( leaf tohneeo at kr75(53, NAN 6:2; eclixt lons, , e , %n it doting the nest a eek have hems rernatn. 52.Ve1, Owen ACo 3 k. sumo - dna door, ...ND • The Maiotiff stales that she was ercurely b..- j t , ter . A 1 11;; .” ' I ,' ••••. •• The Nearliorli ] took imiotatione t why, las bly light notwithatandloa the Met ha• been. 0 . 70 0 W heaL 44, 1 4. Coro. shelled. SINtiM, The . the p o rt of st Louis. and that the ,re. t Julius MgoDfit, deceit. by Mr. P. R. Mertz, weir ifs follow.: •• ell , . but :4•11'•r" tart h' bulk, 1'42•2e. el a te , i'le. mu.. her machinery dld vol. Dena. IRS ' r law Uru,a, canoe home. 14 1.1 13 , / , • 0 LiglaY•ono t ... 1., 111?". ii rile ' '" "'" 1. th s! Pl'''ild s h."Sehle ' le ' mu.. Pork, 412.23(}22.70. Baron, sboublers. risk. . ',. , 1 .1 .. 2 , • ,, H . c =r,•,. tg ,,,.., i e as tut cannot ....gat here and sell at pre. .tsb•gs o , y or ~,,,,,,,, , god 0 , 0 , 0 000 ,, 0 , 1 1,, Tiv.ties, labe, ION; do MI, M . ; do 156., Ite'',".•. The Court held lint the rem.. or nee ma. 0 - . -0-,... - r ii 7o -•- •,• pc ' ..2 her• "' ' ent prices without the dealer ettatfib t ing e ie., Lard.. tierces, at li.sit. haw 1% litoky at shiner • wee .1 such a pelicel Ginn. In her - - " --.ll ' L ouse. " ° 10•1, t• Tre'irliee • 2T2l t S ' s re and 0 - r d 0 • .Thirtice, le41113101; Michigan Sou th ern Halle ' ° ur . e • ' e • 0100° afford •• ' .. .• policy. Judgment for ille defendant. , tiro. Ilona, entice and the consequence Is that the great road, LG:r,i; elevens." and Plttehurgh, 73; Pitts. Mt. two., The mune pal,. else ea.. it la sell Die i lehe t Ti=it. .. .. The crude dealers hare been nbl get OM.. }bet wunte atm Chicago, .3%; erle, 6574; ""Ri" 'I .ny The . th e petshomh Gestate} City of %Hon leas relit. ..lied the horns *lnch I 1 ' t5 ' ...,%,: -. .. . •• • Io auspend operations. Spot 11 Is • scarce aud ° Chicagri end Rock Isle., 57%3 Chlertgo end ST. Long. M., rlik-Tdescao steady. and die has w , rei so long, and they la 111 he MT, I stukh erul.h. , vo „ orog ,, o, 0 ,, , „ 4 0 , r ..,, , ,. 0n, ,, . NOO. ~. clean. she,. highee, 24 rein, odeteofor.om e no enotaide change. I..tott dull al . 74, for seated to the IL E. Lee by co•uboblotu cunt t , , 1. Ii lOU.. .. l I/ 0 ,p-,mli l o l a, but 11 a/ on id 1. / b.,,, i n s a n d Mnlaltng. Fleur dull and unsettled but ' t ot of the St: Lunt mid Memphis Packet Com. J,dni 31. Z.llherce. • , .. Central, 97 3 ;; Ihrellnr„lo2. - . a untold, loner.. W hest laiilnc knave at til 73 Peer. and als asked aho will take the horns u „,,,, orgg 0 , 0 , 00 . 0 , 3 g ogotio „go, to ~,,,,., that no loge atuonnt Could beep.. this fig. elv.2Joi ; prime full Nhoo, 0.10, til,i,i,i,i i l o , C oro from the Lert We answer, a C1...hu1l tub Ri• r trTr• l t ". '' ' '. . " : 2 :',l; d • :; ll s c o r o :2 o •: g r ,,r„ • ,•', •2 • : j e q t r• ere A negotiation wee pending during the ntronger and higher et 11. 1 4111 es, 0.10 open - ceb ee'tite G e e. i•Y i lc. "' h r . ° re 40.0 " il • de r . A ' . i ' det ' .4ll . lTr;, o ta's, rth Not, of 11cliessp•L. 'which was lo consequence of the fact !gm,. tb / • tlO .1 he ono closed nt 3...3ii id. 'Prot reruns way fore lone. Not muce to long on. Ma one . w 3, 1 ,,,w„,„ „. „,,, •• shipments were not . large at aralelbated dor. heel ' "30 ' ee "" ' teeth e eh the )'e'er I°27 ' • and 1..4 dull too tov.haiig o o, can do elect.e" better time 13 mil. up attel.• .1.;40 . 11. Atter. ~,,, We. 1t0... th l'in. o 's°• eta, buyerM optioa, but It did nut go through, , lag the earlypart . the Wank, As the Ger- We learn from the N. w Orlenna mese that , 11.1.1 Aug.. l ess , it F : : ., .;;,. _, „...,,,, at fin. the selkr wantea time to corwider trio:ova I. soiree ache. tt D thought. that i3the ' gels... Misr Yet. the Our.. I.... Judge Pletcher, wet with , g • • t • g e V 2 ,..., 2 ,2 • „ 2 1 0 :. 0 1, , e f AL. ; ~ „' 6 , -, , ,,,, 0 d ews . 3 11 &Lew, 1 0 ~,,,,h , ‘ ,. 3 i eiehte the about Me/natter: when the seller loal conch, .By Ta 11... the P.0.e.. tin:mut n serious nectoent on her downward tan Ina „ o r v ~,,,,,,,, ~',, , „,,,,,, „„„.,,, Mond•y. As au was rounding to talat Saline , ~:„ w ood . • •• ' next de ,. e t t_ ,. ‘ . s.. reeeiee „ eheeee ie eeeke. ded to aegept, the buyer, to use n common ToLeno, Hay Z.-Flour quiet. Wheat un. I . a t e'er st on struck an old unison logo, hlch t :las: Jolt le. • G ot „ otger ... t 000 do o 0: ~„,„ ~, p er use Jae, the frecE• At 00 i• tif. the mei - g eh t r • g il. r ol r o 2,l: n t_ir o ll t:t o ii , ee . . N . K ,, ... 2 1 oPenitit! I. l [l l ked n r . cry large bele . her bull, but a • Prat. Hum . tuned idtt al d g o f ic,, a . y Ys., L', ~,,,,,,,, m i„. b . , iret 4 . MPotte.d_firostrtisr .. st 1210:With boy- et gi.,..,,,,,,, 0 ,p ie. go ,l - . 0g „, 0g 11 , 1ti o b ImalkliPad aas moue a Melt tar pima the leak ~,411,Gamlner. -:: t e ,l e te e tll . 7:; . V e t e ll e l . P. ; Join R. smitAly. . Immediately. „ .. • ern Dun Cleveland Fria an 4 Butrelo-no Pitt 4- ...ea Idol . Cate (I fur l et -1 . M 1,.. emit. • . .ASLEariZOZEEt.324..IS.W. At Nee (I,leaps co Saturday. Cie eteamer, tree Mai nue. :. 00,11: raret'e to. ,i. c . ,u , , ,, , , . o . rts . ,„ o ~,,,,o r. i ,,,,, , , „ nye ~,d i. o ., burghers in the ring ilt went-at least we . Annie Wesley wet s 0) It au Mon by the SU. the. Ur., ' Ilarrloon Pwrothlp. Ex-Othclo, Justice of the Pesos I '0,.. of none Phllatir I phm Markel. Titint Ito 2 per cept. New York Central end ,_ • aM. And purchased by M . Ktecitiey and I ll0f• hullo 1.. • : 1 . 1 :•.... , .........'• • AND POLICIC MAGISTRATI, • 7 r INCL.-There ha t been a malerete bush ply 'Vetere...l to the McGowan (...z.tte I licidson, La C.,5.1 CApt. Ilinclilsi design. Mice retina. :. e e Sol; Wayne awl Chen., are the Golf atrong , l ' ' • ' Oillre, !111 FLU et. op/melte Cathedral, i nese done In treaded oil dull. the week, whlch I'm L•Ditt.rtu., bitty 77 - fl oor Wavy: e x . rennhig nes. in I. 1t.... tra a le th e glace • 2 0 1 rinlii 1 re r . 1.4 •• Liberty toweshle. eteckl on the .maYket, being manipulated lay ~ Ina 411(5133 fonm St. Lon I. tad' 17. kt Wheat. t f ll3e gleaner % ictory. PCPINSUItUfI. PA.., cliguts. Notilavestetii She. • are doll owl "°"'"d"" ' "1 pd"° ' If °°3.lol°6.• `' ° -P .a° ^ l'lvarn. , r , I 1523. BY. 41 • 70 0 1 . 1 . 1 . Capt. AI. McGlil cloud the coot.. for sa Deur s ie nit.. •• •• •• Deeds, Bonds, Mortgamm, Aelteowledgmelits, shade lower. Today we have eale• of boo bbis Meglitlttel. the face n 1 an wection and a con. c:rret ertneri >elto w tl,l3rmlas.l 51,15. 3 Llots nee packet fur the Lonts•ltio arra New o r . Geo. Altesyte, urn - , Bitillo,rit:ll:!.,_ will .d all Le , aid 11. mess ereeur, Mae. ematspatea. tem. standard white, to be itch.. 4 between the ••••°- " Ith•e . , ".. lea. trade. Ntr. art A Homo., oll.fferson• . ".17 . ,:..4.1a; •g 1• t tee lT eic htf i c ,,: r 4, '. , 2 O• ' eri• • • teat for the direct nralnn. • ' -.0.- sills , d the hull; 31rChitau tleggeshall d. : ... i .: O • -. 0 ,.. ; g , gro. g g ,,,,,„„, 0 0d 0 . 1 WILLIAM JANCLY, NOTARI' At oho EsstrelOillcc of the rittuottrgh.il. ''' " d 114°. " iul2 ' he, '" e r ithe • et 26 j ; 00i alllwarskre Basket. ' • 'r j % • o ll ulai tile. MAW' . ihe cute.' 3 .i. U. raid. 11. ors Iv ca.. hum PI t ...alp. .1 1 PUBLIC, Juirricn Omits PEACE, 'rote/ober, same option at eIPI. WOO for Dail. A Co. the eagle., end Jitsepli Mitchell j., whi mar , aarrn Richland Pa! Map l Butler BE. EaTATE AGENT. Onlic..er of 'Wayne J 5 Chleago Hallway cam puny, Penn h ' r h ' ' .• -, :Be Telegrave to te Mt td.orgh Biter.. / •t same pelee• and KO W.' light the bode.. Her dime... errs Hull. vt. re.h. he Diem Itor..o•on town 'Lk,' and waver street. Lawreneeville. 'Street, MD city, was; held on Saturday a Very erne. teehth • • . 11,LWAVIS PC, Hey 23 .- Flour is firm with 3,.,.1 i ong , s 3 free beam, a; NO f l oor. ' , ni l gr e , y s ore n . •• •• •• • thwelal atteettongtven Wane purchase and We straw to white-bonght In Philadelphia on Sales at $12,50 tor dour.. extra. . heat is fret d,p,t, o f h e m. eirghse. es ,r, ,h. , Jutaranalre Deere, lir . . town • VblP. of Real estate. Lt.* Collection of W.. adds ,Important meeting. of the Shareholders. prenaratlon ezki acknowlea.nentol all Janne _ l titlay-et, .754. Several ecalls° were sola act. a but unsettled ;No lat it,lth - trnd No di met nIVf 1 et oke. She• Is to to - e • •ln•n't e °•.• .. • Gen. G. W. Ca and F. A. Itutchor ) • l • 2at4' W. • Oe. totlet aud flrm at 1•30 for No • 'r • ' I.r. r . , Jun IL Lets, .verit, Low, 51- Chi le-p. or Lege. Co nveyances. e durin gib e.week-atandard white-at DICaG3e, .... , 0 1% , ~,,,,,. a - etc.; o f v.. en Mc cabin to be Crullor to the , 0 , ••••,„. .1 esti. qf the I' el i cll L a l d A Pota ' g WI. men, Evi , imbed. Sepretery. Th e President Q. r. 1., s. and l 4 per bbl. 'There' Is little or nothing do- J.. Richey, . „ anis ays , almtmi r theobjeet. ot the nteeting to be the fhe . ..t. I, Os Dem ornif MO refers to RR 0141 - Chas. tot. ..., :. „ oh, in free on ' Memphis Berlset. conelderailou of theja r imnsitlott of.the' lit- ~ . ' Pittahurob steemboatruan 1 Ad. Oreennush, , roc 11.,^j , ,: ‘ ,, ~ . „ • „ !11, Telegraph 10 the Patohnign Casette.) ~,,,Herrowo .In fume, dede 0 1 Fella I,,,aherty, Tn. .• eo og•og e . e., 22 -e • •• •. • CILATIELII T. EINLNG, A sutcALsost two ardira's reported to- Meetn. matimitted, In lure.. ihe trasplani stock tit the CoMPany tell. ...mit et lir, any. nno Lida fart`. Derringer, ant 230 btots for blemente, May 12.-Cottnn Buns tniWlllng Is In town on Lulu.. 1110 benk . NU.- •,,„,•; A gr• nntioa um., :watt t0.....e. . littorney.at Law, .„...d., ettLfgrt 3 v..; Dwelt.. of 37 bal., rind I, Is . v. . John Is one of the °woe's .• teen.thrmeatta -ba rn... Acrurdpix 'to the ' Ilimid•• Reed Oa Company. The reeMpts duo emporia of urn WV., Thu other nairelte. are . r g the Ily il race, now on her way to do j •11"11‘.."41,4umrg•ur.t‘e.1=1.cri.eth•r• • - krd•cliarler tg the rynizatio?, the goerr ,, to ing the entire week have been %MY light. unchanged, and hualt.,,, vet-y.014U. mountains. l Patio li Dunn •• ' ..,:x"------___ _...-• 80. Be Grant street, Plitaburtglti Pa. b l- 74 " tuf:;7. 1 ..il I d d e n ' ttt .l Z:. ' l. ' rJ3. t7ll ' ts: I b n h eo r aZ. I Total keeelpte for the Wet.. ~,,e, „„----„,.....--_-___ , a 1... Jou., taunt, Unice tuns/Op. - Tee 3 hemilhla 11.Pp, ,, il my.' ae !,Le d 30 Jai. Het:anther, other etos.l..,Culon tp. er MVO's, lind'heen.hr spec ID eunctmente of Tots,/ /peek., Da we.k edus, New York Dry Goads Trade. °or' me , m." I- , Lee woehl Ptelubl.l 'et t I ho,. Levu... task.. Ver... to. 'the Legislature. Tho ultimata ut tto 131- T •t i-nt 1 ‘ , °4 4 .• 0 .. lan , I t01,..7 (Hy Telegraph to the Patahureh s. sett.. 1 pegs at Calif, for Other fa. steamer. to jump , win. Wii,,, i ,„ en t ingri o[i k e . 0 h.,. xi, MVO•ore WWI ...Ilene s ort,...iterte ea./. A. A.. it. Skit' Yoas 3lne 23 -The dry . .goe.lo mar- at. nod netwithat•ndies she had .r.sr bons . l co. tuGdal, --..... :, .. For runty..to.. el • Pudic lb I Co, 018 tabl. rotted nob! W mu, tut closed rather , tenet hut stoAdy, awl pri. mints who did uot know ihe col-dlla -w/o, I Abe 1. w Moen.. ry ' • 3 !t remor Phi., Fors; th. Bra & Co. diet do do t.. 'fork eee et . .., e ll uBelleh•G• 770 ldrte.t deep.. h•cl h ' et he. " " r° ho ' 2". sots 1.2 • 4..° •2 ti e IW . oar 2°• r e 2°O • t ht . e hiterl "2 o.e .' who, themfore. hod to -ahape t he UV," am for I milk, err .... upPeittor a. en st CO . • DultainizA t, lito. hC r. sank ;J, Denney Jr, VII ay du to F. •eem. tikei.Y. .., ' hutment., .ua tun the b•nds-she made the sgatJAl 11. Pk day et Jo on be ... to poser vet ;•• Water How., er hoe 3, A lhlworth, Phil. J 0 Kelp stricir 0 Cor r. trip Dora port to pen In set ...teen 03. re acw e. p., Po )..".er , t,r_s o ! .. ?o_eltpcica9 , ..24.:4 , ptrizs 11 , r , b; „ .•-• and Colvin. liiLdr) • d•de. W I' Lou. Ite Itru, Phil, Mukrown •ilch k a . i.. tie a Bro. 13 do do, to se• r L.... a Bro•PritialS IMIPON / 11.1 etT RAILBOAke tact. osmoses , fhb fastest time 00 re... ~:w4. 1 , , t,, ,, ,, , ,7,,.., „ 1- . .4- , •,•- g ,7147,74,-,4, . Iten; Estate ' 5., too Meenhoo k 00. f 4 do do to - W" I. lowan a lire, Po-r-ereev,-Iro v . one , „,,,, ','°r.loool This Is .1 eatraerrolltinry rem, when the rate 00 . 0 ,, 0 ,,, , 0 . m .. 00 , 00 ,„ •00 , gr too rig . 1 --- . till. Lummen 0.1 Co, lot do do to Breuer,wlitch the over Is foiling Is t.... tote eine en. auden reit...Y. ten lie of June. at same R. IL, 31n t -Gu t eggs 34 a. oats, I ea ... 9, SLI al and prove., we think, conelnairely ve.... (or l rarin/Ppp 1.110 "a o parties ....lig .Total . 01 -Os we Burke • c... Mins Ag in tt i s • t • ~„. . A ..... e, . .....i .. ot , ,- • ~ t , 'it•t. •- us , . 0 - •••• " -- •• ••••t i . .02' . , 22 " h• T` e -•".. tt at with the advantage of slum Ohne and the eurth I f lb, rI. a r/. ' i i , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, 11 ,,,, bn ,... p ir .,. 0100 „ tu let tight & So., Phllat Nat Ref b. et on, bell a Animal 1 , 0, I.ocon, T C Jenkltter • till '. ee . v n ,,,,,,, 30 . s „, I . . 33 , ;woe.. JOIE 111. uttpw a. • - , ._-- hd, Marl:cow. a 11,, IMa 7 , .Las butter cti. " • •• •• ...e e.° --,-.' - , r• •-• • • ,s ra . Genre teas . vmue • .. A . ...aGUIS musts 1% irrri hit I btirl..iit ~, ~,,,,,,,,, fibre ~,,,,,,, • 2 0110 do to Id ei Warden, Ph., t emu- ' re ‘" *esk ti,:, ,, u,tte. Sa..bly per kr to( oh.. OIL sn rm. ce,..., rams hhoo is .a oerov. . 1 ,, ‘.. tSl7 k A th' i l ' ,l '. " Tla'uh'. I. t ' ...,VlT ' ' ' " re ( Pel. r trol: i lt n fe r g ". TlL ' o ' rren i . ‘ .. n ur ' svllle, L-. ' -------- -- ii.AUFFMANN & - 00 e r y t t ore„.. ,.. 7l . t t i lrtt n. lll , 7 , ll4e . :. : LAt e , t ,,, tn0 , 31 ,. .. r r .. .11 t 0z ., ..u i re , o il m e o Le r rh . it,l b o i o h re„ h a r,, C o o n ,%3 , / , n b . h t l . .. r is ee s oj c il toil . L do: MeXce 11 ?lOW . 4 st ‘ e ' r;.f.de ' r at. e lee ' en 7 e . rd ' ell ' h c. 0.. by wetting . estadron voatalretzg ill MILER' S lIEIIB BITTERS VI m o ~,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. ~,,,,,.. do to .”,._,. ~_ „ __ ~, , . ~. .. .. cr...111. do iot.l do .., ernwlord & C.a.% do do, W Irwin; a Inn r,( [13011.1.21 Woo into . mod. In ieniett I . •tv per,cent, to to On paid 1n..., ...Din the 00 ~• „ ,,t,..••• • .",•_°,".•%t f,tle. bolo. Brant , . k ado do, „I stew art A Non,/ 31. rd 3.1 1 schema- water Mood A man, who arm. weekleg the '' UIIIOIICOAL*YARD.' . to ellotte.l r0e...U.1n, whirl, // from ~,,f;...i. , ..L. 4 . ° :r,.•1 +: 0 1 3 3 Wt , 0, i ht.; kerig de do II t: ...Outer; 11 , . bean., D 1.- 1...... new. o ut of the witidow :ma hai,T Best Family Coal Nnt Coaland Slack • the D3th to the . each efJore. Certifluitea for s 10 0, h is , g dodo • ." - '0 ‘ ,. • 7,„7: o r it icl to • zr . ..,-.,, u ter. hrns, 0 tn. ....p. ii tad p eac h, e Injures' The molten iron wee hurled [Mouth . . the n.rve yrOC it Si. 111 he "meta otter Jaly :DU hue & com a , phis, e• gr g e g c0,.••,t0 label - •. •e• ~loons' WM. , . Go. a C. , I c... he., g „ 4 gtt • ••• „ • . 3 , 0 d s . ldend ~..., .),,,,,, c , ~.„ In , h, , , i, E. ,.. , „ ...__ , .. . II I I ...stock s 2 hal 1 ohla 11, tobicre, 3no squat* feet L. ep win 3. 1 _, . Always on henri .4 promptly,dellv. • •h• re. ' •t " l••• . hui h ne r• 1" 0 : 1 " • 2 0 l u o ii g t h t T i r= THE pREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. . ' • .... • sled to oratr, . : .s.•ptembhr 3.rt , These nho simmer art Stock. so d o re tt oed to . ', L . Leeet iTa 3 l . a 1 .,. gett, Meerut.; 6 has mdse. E lk. I • May Inn 313 hula was shattered, Am the Inter or badly tar. 11 1 1. - . . .3.01.1nad 130ftho 10th et Juno .111 phesess the: ' eggs, 4 aka ap pl es ,: k;. Lotter, Adel', miner sever. of the workmen were worktrig .t a. privilege tl sub -crlialtr. ---swwww-.-- aC a 1 bbl. Atone' Ila Fawcett: vet eks emu, II shop, h.,t escaped with sllgla injuries. To TILE PUBLIO.-1 twee this day opened . OFFICEI 0011. HARRISON LID nal GM YARD-Allegtwey Valley Raflroad. nese Car -A new 'Orleans telegram, ,under date of New Tetra Prattles Merkel. qo qr. h. do em s , t empty sick, dtclienty 1. A St. Luls telegram. under date of Thuri- LIIIA NC il LP st:SE for the twit or . Hood; II 5.4• cap Mean. k llarper ;13 do bar- day, aa)c Mt er Hans. truatatued wet .1. 1 / 8 ,Rte atreet. blahs Wald. , Thnlilday. gives the following, additional par. CHT Tek'graph to the Fitaborro Vasette.i 6. 4, 3ii 6 1ermor; • hi. rye eintr. .G. meal, II of abott durntion. A rapid me is reported et Nishler's Herb Bitters, • Duelers,. rmd to the recent 11nancid,pan17 • _ 0 1 ,...... • 0 . 0 . tiny -3-(,Otto. very firm. Bell, 2 doe i.e.., Deckenni h. 1.0. A ., 2h. ha- s.t. p a u 1, as. e eweli lo all the opper rivers. , a wof 033 bales uplands at Va. Flo.. lose ~ ,,:t 1101 do, Am ed. Lee & Co; A In th.t. cloys ' 1 • • eetiVe end truchange4; ealek of aGGlttils; re- Campbell 0 Cos 100 haccs. 2do erre, .1 /lon. ties port 1 E . .. Paul, loused Dubuque with 1. is ''' or •••••• ••• , 4 1 . mot., Dunne. modinuee fair, The Davenpott, Hum , 0 ,„ CO3 • • ••• ,,,,,, e i ge, piss. ggt g or ..-. • ....1 42 _ .... T. FAIISIDGOCE end 10. B. HOLTON, J." , thfliet'. hi". It c n etWeTed . CM' er• l it • ti'eee h elet 013 0 /1, 2 11 nut. Ceilfornias men; 2de butt., iak ago., 011 lie ten; Ido tuns of freight a toe, ern cabin pas•eugers. bed one. Great oneonDeeti,,o 001.1. that ~,,_ th e inorkm. eles.cd 11,11; California is no- *eche, .0 liourelert 414 ...., Ido tailor.. 1 .lo Michael Ps., ohLouluille. a deck-hand, was ml A/tuts. to curl ea ..1 menace die same. neilslal ...lent ..f th e nil... the post ...EMI at 43. Ilye flaur . gni. end sio. 0. ease, 1 Locroap, 1 ..... 2 110 bbis. I pump kaki! occult.. ally on the rdonewAltyem.r.Dy. B. 14101iLka. , Natrona! bank less net n sonde by the ex.. , eheneed. Whisky nominl Wheat very chamber, ll A ...wait &Cw e eat. ,env re, r The h e abandons the New Ur bana trade Laaectirin, March 14. MG. sow, Mr. Kans. who lins now haa 111,10.13 u. • Lull and declining; Wes of tktAlo bu No. 2 Merkle; 200 bbls flour. DW O R... fur the present, to tate a Goverment cargo , • o,a in charge tweire any. The brit rowing 1., II dwankee at prtv'esto I n eve heavy; pry... one .5, rAr war sea 1 . 1111,011 It R., the Upper 311...1. --- . -Ms moult.. Llabilart a, 10,11 , 00.431'; alma no lc • of , /tel Les ~A bra loin m 1 1 ,7 2 0 1.71. 7100 ral--1 ear p ig lend 311 Ceofield; et hell The towboats Mary Ann, Illeimend and IV. A . 11,0,001; ons-thfol of the enact •A , e c 1y n .1,,,,,i Barley q .1..1. Parley Milt nOnimal. Corn b 1 .' tilsh, Arbuckle. &•os 3 ligs spore boom, II Brawn left Louisville on Thurstley,fur the ' FAHNESTOCH It ZOLTON, good. The 11.htlitle. will le, . 010 . 0 1 e h g t less netiVe ond Without ...might... re- 111 dan lee Corsi a Co• ;do eggs, T C Jen- . I I I of roi l `. ' W., :hat bring the amount of the eertaletl celpts 00,143 Itn r • eaten of 41,ta1l is new mixed sine; I r .' tot... E Mcgraw .tat ears 0 7 1 . ' ,.,7„, „ 1 e low ,:r s ~e s t u s. a3l n Inv .. -• , cheeks of the Mink e Xhich the Tres..,. ). held western at $1,2141,273 vm y choke No I 41.74. hnow, if p Adam, 0 , 0..n s 3 htiere., 31 , ''. - T. - . - ",... 7 ..r., - ..„, - .. 7 ,.. , • , 3 „ 7 , - ,„ 7 ',4, 0 .... 0 n e ,'1 o • • cheeks whleh wc:C, lakett up by n , 10.11 of I. P. ti it 0 unchanged; reeetpt.• 13.610 • h. salu of lied]; 1 110 do, .1 71 Mullis. 133 hie 1e. ,. ''•" •e " •• ee '"' "' ' - l --. - 7- - 7 ' -- . 1 MeV a. cps an , . Otte. Ames, ha, ,„„,, ~, ai, , ,,, tot weGern ot 5. State ele-ILlce dm. Ntil don k %Vallee.; so obi r il l It .C le .6. Wholesale , Branch House, .h.•10.......h..1, ad , th.. winch the steamers • [ howetile, • f or 0 . 0 1 10 , 000, , 33 . m,,,, ~ c o., code s qrsiet ; ro d e 3 .0. e ,,,, g 0g . ••••• ,,,,, T• 500 1,, g0d ., w••• , gmo: paper, e tt r o „ . . go g Fanny 111rker nod J. G. thaeliburd eod ..ther • . E , Th a ni . i .... t 6 ,....___... '''''''. reporeent - .A. s av u ,,t s sd, „ ~,,,,, f,,,,01, . sot nt PM littile Cohn at 11(611*. !lobos., L,,,,.. I 4 1 ,„,,, „„; II „,._, 1 ,,„,,,, ~d , , artodi sternwhee cr , amen unknown. were ••• .o' jun uoot ...tine. The pancipal de,,. 00101; sales of IP3 bbla Porto 111. nt die 1111eUrti li hes eloimes lietat A Ne.w.lie 11 do Mown over to toe Oar ot the head of Cehold a rtrrattunety. .. 01 .0 the liana arc! Gen.. Demur...ll, by flops onlet. Petriileum dell and itnehanael. W. Newcomer . Goe e t •ii,• 9do do • W II 'Kirk- bend, the...mere Silver Wave and [Aroma. ro.'w, and...ter Wafts, nmountro.,•• to Leather- Sole le mill et 21•40_21.4e. Wool Is petilek & co.. 1 x en: dl '3 .... Dila int! a .”°^ .l•ct or amar ..., •It'w.." ce et i Obe r " Jk• Nid, Gensirat Dick T.1 . .0,137 0 30; General , dull end unchanged; 'ult.' of 13100, Cos 300 bit re ' indow . cr e ... ' . were nt or near Caro... when the Iron we, I lune.. & 5....014 , i ~, '.7 ry 110)0, 42.0u0, Genet. F. J. Herron, 11. dente.. Bee. at 47:44530. Extra ht.. ogee. 2 t.s• I.llCter • V. 3 Strel t• Ito; 3 o ar- ' • ••;• ' reel •eheleet ' ee r• r " 2•221. 2 " 0114 I ? hk ' estrlG try all!Plesireetakle Itralklete• r' j United Stets, Marshall, dlr... end loilltect. Polled lli • Gitbba. Pork - the 'market woe tut., 3id 1 00 04; 1 , 11 ~,,,, ,„,.,,,, , h tem in tow Ind landed them untispirell ai Au- • r ly. 0/Pr i200,(0 t Colnnel .T. 0. NlOOO, of the.opUned arm and Moral ht err; sal..w.. Meerut, 6 pkga taks, •A' J7l eels; I do de. own- ..4.1.•., .several born b ,`" 7 ," .7.n.';'.‘ 0 ,, h r... b a 0 . w 0 r - NOP °litmus 0 - c2ceril 130, 1 10. General Tiede tittle at v3,23ez5.07,01.100 at sWi.mcbahleld e t , i 1,14. sup', r vac, :dose e 00. • Sees '"ss‘" '` ° ,' j ' s • - I s ,' ~...0 . 7,' "„,'',, - „, - , i ",-,,,,-,,,- - . ,i;roitt,..rieti,b,... t . 0,011110, weft., 'sw or d,. me. AD, prime D1P1D111,23: prin. me. 422, butter, Myers . Cr.; I car hny, II liel'it . I car itt•i o G • 1r e . ... eti2 2.2 lo • - ei" "--- tram. others. Tulle hove generally endorsed algid woes taw Ohio now me an at .23,13 0 , 1,.. I- MI Ws, 3. Wllkina. for each other , Doe r *WOOD ef the funds of Urn' for Wel. IT days and four menthe. _ the. Unltell Slate. Court Were in the bank. Beef firm and thine - 00141 sal. I. Ws; The defalcation ir. ihe t lie 'Treasury le aver a unchanged. Tierce Item 00101, roles 33u million. M . hit.... Isatlstnen Oyu (tuuty.t hhielodra MO. at 1110. Beet name 'tab ., : J.. }11".03i, .."v/r..g.oA':.34",`J:ch'',rl.Vou_H•T•l;• 1 .1 111111 : 40,<, a b ei 1 M;ID " Igte 5: 11. 111 Cu ' rn ' ar 111" .0 1 1 1 1 '. 0 1 Widuiti and , T. lo.nes, 10, (n r ,ll,o: ' ' T. P . . syll).lc for algrs rin'oed and 132);o j r ' e n r ‘ short Mu. Into t on! Joisis Treasurer... president choir. CM Meats Ideal l y; settee 2.5 pack.. a f hc Bank, h. been erre.. end held for , ateNolos.ln for about ere, and b2bfell'iu t, e mat nmeunt. The appointment of John ' for hams. Lard quiet nod 'steady; ne t tos 10 N. Walton . Ansi... lrenturer girt. gene. lib. at 124401•••,i1e onil . . tut eVening 15.1 /al ratisf o stlon. e le an (Adeline:l. . pulcdOn sold to. 101 l totem Butter dull ee.The United 'olooes Amilaptur Trecoure. '`,." '''' .l. • '''' l °°°".l°°• °°2l•2°22d , ofeer to yuy the commend Interest hot., due . ' , hem. beery end lower. DDIDSc. rm.. In y eee go d y o . d ., g • th t h e 1 01 l „„,,,,, lobo ,. to Liverpool doll anti declining. vat t . the d os s .4 prcle/twl.kan, In a r h, ae , 6 3 LATZ,-.5 P. 11.-Fl(mr -heed very dull Meturn! , lo teem. 16 the 4C.oo,oooenir three .106 M lower. Wheat nominally lower; per cent. kcal•Oniter certificates hf exposit, n dulls e l t d ° ll 20362 . 7 ° , No. I 41 7 . 20 G1 I [7. KU ta not g .„1 0 ,1 • • •0, Ito ., g ,,, g000 ~,,,,,,,,,,,o „ .0 . western Wet/. Corn dull and heavy; !het , e, eleey W 111 ~. „. q ,,,,, to eee , 33o , new mixed ...tern 111,MV31.2.5; old notnimal, these, 7.0111 the Amu. e run. met., ' of 11 . 0) 0 1 ,31. Pork qui. and steedys ellen i m , , ,, , , ,,,5.,.,• h 0,... ihc ~,,,,,,..no,go„. el of 00.1 barrels of tiao/0 at I=dd on the fur Thiele., Yorl: olridnesday, MI ,C . olllit of Sevin . tleYl eluded etrady at teat price, cosh. a r0 ,,,, i0g, 1000,„ an 0 , 0100010 01 Inor, 000 Beef Orm and In fair dernend. Cut mend of doh.. The thou per cnt. cettlticatex ori II Pre i• ltt9X ,tote.h.egml• MMu doll, et 3•Io. probebly not lb.lieil till August. Hence. ' or s ' e°2 " rr•tie " . hee4 eleed7.• with e hen .' the ho - ers of the-lune and July notes Are de. Pre. business, ot 1.7X617,1ac for felt-to Wine Poe.. lath.. for rash, nod the currency per. etir•t • • runts Dorn the Tteatery being on throe ' Al her ...lints large, the t. ndrocy of Me mon ey' Week "' 2ene. " the •ah.a...1" 3riaroet tlkwarda !emceeing talent:elves au ad alltlonel Impulse, klarket, 1117 Telesr•ph to tire Plasbeergh tiss e tw.; -Among the remorls that here been engem. ' Now Tool, 'Melt Mk-Breadstuff.. here elete ,by tiw ...p en ... o r 51 .If a, hcen dull. with n variable demand for km Power, puiedielel Ao the wedlt of mereantlie Crodee. Flour partly ...dative far eons . IPuses, Is elle that Re.... Plansten, Atm. ' man brands: Mapping limo scares: family . woos a t Co. here felted. Th. does thew g reet , brood. Dealt lower; trade pen hued with lolustice, and mark • them no Mlle eye: greet ...Inn. Whet. PranstlnglY o ff ered; • snce it ' , UM de us p enure to be able to cot opting declined DI.; winter notnlnal . • t h edict the ft rei. • It Is plot eble that it had pa . Corn tluctuated; nl.l ruled f•G/de; there Yr. - ode.. t conf , utchne el thrlr name with ' vere 11 0 00 offered an the elene, elid Prim's that of /I .S. Men.. k Co., who were t bre nominal; uew adVeneed bd. under pr...... by th misfortooes of Me se ,. 11 r o d e he demand mr expOrtil the mark...need &Wit., It le prom In any that thcan I n , , 011/Intled, and holders have withdrawn last named arms are the .only Onpa that hare u in conguenee of the break nt the Erie t been discredited, and that rumors Affecting the Canal et Polmlre. Ont. elMed he.V7...1. standing...n have ereattelmi from garret. nu 'lmprovement In the demand. Barley )ouegoeslits. who would de well to desote tlielr . Was lo spec...tire demand. Rye steady, soc, nt i on eine° eccntrulonely to their owd ...1. with a moderato demands Pork Iluetuatert, fells. It may Mao not he out of pima here to and was In fair rogue., clUing quint; the /my that tbt.u.i.uutu y. under wfach Mews: *lock 0. a/fatale diminishml. I Beef mere Made e'Poiter iniccumbed 'oh' litre cent.stud , active and nrmi too demand waa partly for did 0. I. null from any peculiar fetter. of .wport. Cto. tuft. Mat bacon 00111 freely, trade or fine.. of Ir e present tlMea. Their . ut full token. Lard wets In rte . dmand, • enstarrarsnor Imo , are eel% to flare, do/ mired , PortlY tor 00 Portr and ImProsed eimiollf more then n taro Ago. an.l aeon after their ex- , ...IT. Whisky wits ltaproVed .11 Sold goo ,. „ goo .. , 000 ,, to„tho o•oog0 i ng . gg• t oar , : freely; there Wag a larks husinnee done In the chose,. of the Maine. of Gm house was I Cantrabaud. at 41,T3431.30. fittgars lUD., st promptly chanced. sans to drop epee...Dens X. 3 0 , 10.00. • ~e, -- -..........--••- and attend eadoslactr to comndulune. The ' a ns ,s ..... A proillible one, hut It aloe u•helly Clan...ea. Market. ...shot tof beteg eutnetently ro . to chnide the '[By Telegraph torte Pittsburgh thgeite.l • • firm to airy the 10. of old losses. In sue... c•00 ... , , rg . tr. may 0,.. ,...„. 100, don, hot - MK. the 2" • l ett 02H0.0° 1" the h •t•e d et . e la- um ere onebetwpalt famt1y,414(014,30.-Wheat the • f a gs that they et. ~,,,, med one 00 .•",ire' dull; not hi ng done, held.. amk full price .1,11, Will 111011.11 ,, w1..VY G... u 1..7 3. ,. 3 .'" . ! • ' No. 1 whiter. 43.2.3. Corn el...Alai, at Lett without the ahliltY 1 0 • Pr - rec soy "' r • t e te • ti , for No. 1. In nolk; no demand for It 00000,1. at teunuf to caret a setticattim-erneln.6 i osta limn, 716750 for Na. 1; the latter rate In Ctonmercirri. , • ' elevators. Rya wad Barley toteuly. Gotten • '-The Onanciel situation Is not quite so bad 4,111, with unto demands sale. of middling me some Of the Weablligioo cot...mounts 0 1 11101 sooners are the only bad.e and have NT...tot It. It le nourwirported that' their wall, aro of s memd Ilmitul nature Neerctery McCulloch gars that ho Dr les the Whisky unsettled; holden estr van. but eo ft Panel. are, astnee Of the year et a concerned buyer, over MB; new orders piohlblting 1u there ay. I. no n. eeselty fora...net gent. transportation lm piece to place, in bond, of Cong.... This siaternedt eh old have hae pettier% the market, and It is believed ses7end 1,3 with the. Who are 0,0100,0 July that tide with the introdnetlou of metres al e nti fur nunn,lol rename, W e mos . be our,, in dlatillerlesoolli 'urea. the 004101 MM t If 4 0 1 to were seq r ared. article largely. Provisions unoh.gerL and If iamb leelsietion Congress wouni ere gi,,,,,, lark, 231,00.. 80 , ~,0 , ,,,. sem. dieted may hope of bettilng us out ef thijemial ... 81111012X.0. Lard 1244111210; the de '„„...,...„,,,,,,..., the Sectetney of the:pe ., ..e . . us.d In ver . 7llght.__Batta . r . dult, atladDiDn. R. -2 ,.?, ,,' ,.5... -, . " r.V1,707:0 " ,1,7 Tr . e.11 1 .; Wrfrit l etjyti rid% fi r r a ,T,BXMls 1 o. ll l l 4Un s , l iN A. t-",tr' .12 , ..; I' - .. 4 ~,," !O n . n ° Io 1 , ar Dell.t.lol. bales; Wheat, LAU busit.,• corn. MAO boeh.: ...,,;!/..1 0 •, - '4.5•171,:.f.,.,...-4 1 01 p e its.. 00.1 the" . .. t . hog, HQ heads. Ex loaf , liner. 1,624 tads.; .1 - ,1•1Y-Pr • r %: - .4"%t. -.. •.'": - 4'-rfeb r the month of Aley thorn. ele. hush ; ...b l eat ma, hashes. p.,,,,..4.w..1.t.„.-,..p.,..74;;,,,,,:,..„ - , ~,,,w of the puoll. . Exchange steady, par Mules. Money ef ''. j ''''" '' '' ' ''''' ,4lj ":" . 7 l : l-j i-!2 Permed will bo I smarket sloes. (told I.o4,buylng; ON, eell ,t . 1 . 1-;!,...fi.,:l Itletlon replan!, inig. _ 1 . • ' ••••,,',,•.*•-.,-',, 1 447. wit 11 ,-4, - a itiocw. - 1 . 2 • ' 2, PA'. ~ 7.1. ... Bankers, Sv Touz. and ...mudulou In NC. hlladelyhla Iliu .. t.n. • ROBINSON BROS., 78 FOVIFIIeII STREET. VI. t• f fon t the .1 r . Chicago lf,arkeL (Py ?Oomph u, do. Nttsinmen oarette.l Cala•oo, Nay ,28.—? lour dull; siding el; ,fiogiu,oo. w est Irregular; N 0.2 opened • mu.,,,,manaad to-$2,49 and closed at $2,57 l@:d Corn nlet aad Wee of No. 1 12.021.03; No. 2 at Wage. cl,W.lng tome; at 01,02 for No. 1 and O 5 for No.t Oate i Dan 4 afrt i re " ,llll7:24 .. ga73: 2 4: Watley nalot ~at Nen for ,Tio. t l et n more. Prlilefone quiet. Ilea 4 „IA Itt2.2e. Lard .votptci,o9o; Door TT wheat Zyto; Oita 21,030, 8b [menu of boys, 11,010; wheat 45.002; Corn. 51,0004 Simkins Cathie black..., tt 'Nlatt..e.. lb. thit.btitib - eci.tte•l: W 7 25.—800 f - catt le atm at SBA 1301 7..011. Mock steers 10 smooth Logs -sOtiVS. 051 11 . 00 0 11 4 1 0 atra clsOlott. sueo Hall 411 . • • . eLtVZLAND PITTRPrarla RATRo.to 51.1 sky onto, Win Bin ham. lb I. bone cheese. (3rBllll !teller; 15 do do ,owner; 12 do VoR ST. LOUIS. liEO-iisSt do, Vangoider it 81,epord: 2 Idal. egg., Shutt A 1 KUK. t)(111UQ0E AND. in. Danner; 10 do do, 5. 0011011 elder. V. 181 A 1•43; 3 r ~, u ~..._ ~ ... . t ...„ ekr e 1..", J Bnlanner,• 0 0 rt. n•...d. Ewer wnollllr. BAYS Cant Ill.81.111,:n eon,. A Ibtoglton ,• 8 do nillifeed, .1 II 11111 room; 6 will k.... 8 . .nove on W.,.3,24 cn.D,,,. 3, toth lON 822..T4/08 51“ettell; 1 keg lord, Atwell, lost .at 1 o'eleck p. to. Lee A Co; 00 t,134 on, Wll3 tilescnrl; I ear torn, For freight or ps•anne appl, on board or owner; 06.00 potntoer, 11,1eker & Co; I cnr do, J.• 0. lI.ACtI. on. rengorder A Shepard; II rlts bale, Bdo eet op, • 01121 33 11 der tot . J. 1/....13LL118 . 01V11011. A 0. ..". w ' m 1.1" c". a sun; ' "r k' " . - • - F 0 It EV.tti !MLLE, -e•Ir"" weeny Iron, 31 Kelley; 10 Ity, eonp, 11 i ;envie . ~,, „...,.- A Coot 41.11. onlmen., Itionlool A megraw; 3 CA • BO 11. 1./ IIT: LOULI.- do do, K Henrietta,: 7do do. .1 A Ben., \ 10; 101 Tie (1.0. eninoixot,our steamer ' . ." "L''''''' th"e"n . 1 nn""n; ' ''''''"' ' ' VI E 1 " L' .te 4ttli Ml:4l . 2gt= "'" ' . ‘ rlt ' a 1...,, " 0 " '''''..' I h ' .. "'"' .r7a I s 7111; 1/21r . 71,7 . 41i. .14 r . Arbocklo. A .8,19 do do, ll•worth, Melton. N..,,,..,1,'„,,,,... „...L. ~..t , ,,A ~.4, ~ ..0 a Co; '4 Idol, erg, , ;,,,tr . a. Keifer:l dodo, I '' - . • fi.A a. di:WAWA° WOOD. do botterOteno. A Col2n; 231,01. copper,Park. : tot2l _ ,, M'Ciu"Y a CO, 10 ' 1"' O" ' S " ""M" a Foriiii -- fP6i - iirt andr . Blnlr. 'tutu , v 1 I.Le. ALLaan [NT s].letak, alny 23.-1 car wheat, Kruntidy A- hoot 2 r .lls leather. Ofnetrl neer A ' . ILVlenlf SATURDAY,. AT 131 st. Son, 1 ear bay, Howley a miner ; I do. Vorght. Th. arm Mem. nawentrar Par./te BELL.K. ly, & Kopp; 3 bra fard..3l. roe, & Robinson; i,nlititllta.Y. Command. r; J. W. Crt amnia, 37 eke onto. 11 11 11. ntlemnal 3 IMO ewes, t boa' 1.117 , a. Fur fr, iy.1.1 or n kma k % retut n l . 7 4 ar . .1. butter, .l IronaMole: I car mares, 0 Mellott; I ..., 7 . ',. Amato. hid eggs, I, alyeis; I car reed nod oats, !Linsley ' .A Moiler: I ear feed, stewart & Lact3eahelaa; I It EGUL AI It WEEK ILIVa t car tastatuts, Owens A. Kennedy; 3 bbls lob.- , A. u I N C I N St AT I. PACKET, co, J A Scott; In bits cheese, llalle A ilaliPT. LC4VI3III EVERT W 11/P11.813 SY AT LI M. A "awn an V" VALLI, /t a Mato ti, 111 ay Rl. —The fleet and corautuolons I Mir metal, Nludok a co, 1 .10 lop, ....,.,;,. AWO.MY... ... , ..... —Capt. Lamm VANDLOnIiT, Startles , !Sicked A Go; I ear clay, Dittirldge i %, , i 11. 6 34„0t i t a (lark. I b .... ~ Son; 2 blam rem., PA )1 6lcKaln;3 do do, Ido '''' 4 ' ° Jlllll7,BZin a . s.o to „ butler,] Seinert; 2do egg,' kit feather, 2 rot " 011A3. BAILS lea I . .. 1...4 anal, a seed. 6do rams, 11 lolddle;6 do do, 31c1.11.1. - - -- -- - • Much. Smilh & Co; 3 bit' ,norm, I bbl 1 gem, J ~ I RON CITY t'7l :e k OnTl l :l b l ' ; ll' : l %eTrt;, ' ll 4 „:pra r t ' lle ' s i , " .l CITY CUTIIRY CO Much. .•., Leslie, • i l No. 3 St.. Clair Street: Pl3lll.rtri ANo Cosammo - thha IL n;. - .1 May 24.-3 o IMO cement. wW W Mime; I hill . Having parcbased of AN MIRK - 113003 the sugar, 1 N Ildworll, A 110;2 'co@ mer al, :4 Id ; entire stook of Ilardware. CutlerE and Variety Wickersham; I ear lumber. P .11 . Alert r; 2 ears ' t . i. d :;',.. t .r. e .,r b a;....1..", 1 5 1 1 %. b. : .1Y ...110110" liand, McCall, & Co; a ski talent, Owynne & , --- '' ^^^ m^n• _ ' 14•RDWARE, CUTLERY, ' toms. Illdes Itavotvers, elatola. 0 retina Tackle ...,-..-,,' , and sporting to of every varity. Tme & JP. .1-1,. &Lt. 11,111:111.,X-c r . . also prepared to do all kind. of JOB .Iota: 7 ; Ornallog losers. Sallow Ars. Cutting titenells DlraLkal IN . . and r tamps, and molting Seal and eaneentne ~ su mps, at shortest notice. OLIIKST. FOIE /MICK ASO THAL, IV. 11. HOWN, Namwer. c31./f. IC mtekrtr. )311131f, GIMP!, CHIMNEY Tore, i ~ , ,. ., ' n r ." Wra 010 1 1 . 11 . Y . ,. . 01IN 110,3.....40110 kna1it.11.....10111f11.1113000. OdlCe and Ware 1,,,..., MI lOWA' 11r111111T. . aoraratle hiam.orahela Mona. PITTSBURGH LAMP' COMPANY. la. _B. I_, - 5(11.1.N, JOHN ROSS & co; -, ... Sealer of Weights and Measures. , No. 23 Wbod IL' Pittsburgh; Pa „ No. 5 FtPUUTII Between Liberty and Ferry streete, °Vert orntnntlr 'tan warl e,. &ono , . J. W. FLA_NN.A.I-1. 80. N/ ILIBEIRTY STREET • Pester In all Um!. of Candles, Cakes, link and Penns. furnishing 1 . 10N1 , 11 apd Ih• 101:s1wrr ( 1 ,11.418. A. MIL LE . III, • LITHOGRAPHER, - No. NO' /POUR= NT., Apollo Building. T1V1NT62. 1 1,1,71,ZV11.:14;,:."' "T. TRIUMPH Oil. COMPANY. J r- rfresnuflort. may 13th, NOTlCE.—Pursuant to a 1131310- lotion of the itecalsolikre, passed it their •tona4 Ile6thle, held on the 4th or NI tech hau We, hoard of Director. of the. TRIUMVIR 016 CONPAN have Ws day ordered the Otto $lOOll. Att be, dlstelhetei nkte among the litdetholderiati 11.11 , 1 after JUNIC OM. itra. . . . . . . . The Troasfor Loolle-old bo ',loose front the let to the etb dolt of Juno, Inclullyl. Br otdet the ttoar.l. • • sliip..es • tircretary BOTTLED ALES nantr, WINTERTOIt' 41.1 ali•Oest bniea. of •ALLES ACID NOD A WATaStim bottled by • • BUFFUM & CO: AA AirD .• . • Ma I PlTTsl3Pilarl DAILY' GAtEtre 1110N11,4:t INiA.Y 21: 1861: PITTSBURGH ROPE STEADIBOAI'B. M.aafaetorer. of LAMPS, LAMP RASES, CHIMNEYS; LANTERNS, ETC,- A4 , styLe , aln. etc ythlng pertaining to the 41111:11.AiM. TABLE WARE, WINDOW ..LAKI, awl othrythpg In the Mews Line. H . J. LANCE, , Nos. 185 and 131 Third Street, DYER AND SCOITRER, • Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyet. HID I/ LOVES and LATilks'4 . l•UltEs PRIVATE DIsEANES. .ogia.-233h Pt•N ISTIILLT, Lear Han Per lecture toren'the.. or private utisre, In Items •o to damwntlrel7,7 Itla 4 prevendou. u • Cllnksirlarapto exenol.7 re Muffed. rt:••"2't l WITIV; e NEW x3o99.—The ooderolgste . d how 0t0000.t.91, Firelt Clisai'frenirgitijititeacerl4l At No. 930 PtMeIIAL.OTOEET, whoop Oo will hoer ronatutflyoto bow, tolott soloelon of all articles 000klly fowl ':1-Catoro of thfo Mod. y 43,73 ' ' Wo114909(1111/ ( 4/lUALitti . - ttn.rnoLDlff Erfl4l"? A ir• Lie: 'ark " 1." Arg . 4 .- • 5.1 'Eta :{4ll:} 141. W. Jut bet a trt a/ to cool:lace any one of w.ir suedlefual value. AMBLER'S HERB•BITTERS J/31.11,11.1C.Z.11-•......•••,. SIORIA.Z. IRON ~CITY . SPICK MILLS, FIFTWSTREET EXTENSION, Xear Pennsylvania avenue, PIITSBURGII. PA PURE SHOES AND MUSTARD Warroored weep our u.m. In On Um Ankle. •PP3III OR(II7ND Ot/RfillgAL and Ent •Ig Mu constantly on band. • COFFEE AND , 111tIAIND NUTS StoAsTall Wilnis . o - cantina. the manufacture : Of all the DIFITItEn KINIiS,OF SPICES, Which we offs? to Wholesale 1.1.14011 Dealers at the logrst ?sloe.. aiming hf ties' fair, we eoLlelt the patronage of the pntille, Chopped Pee.. Constantly all Hand. irr • caLr.asaionucrida. • dcWhiri J. LOVOLERZY /W LOUNKEY £ FREW KLIVITEACTITIIIIIII Or Saddles, Harness, Trunks, and 1.171=1111,11=1:'"" N 0.10 2 Dlam'Ond Alley and Filth 8t...) TpOMAIIIIIOII.II74O Mllll=l HOM6LAND & MITCHELL, • Livery and Sale Stables, 423 LIBERTY STREET, Opp.lto Pennsylvania Depot, s • PITTSBURCIII.'.. Partlentar attention palol flarntahlag Hear.. arid Latrztag. fpr Amnia, . • florae& kept at norm • • rat Lyra NAIRDORF &CO, =I BROOMS, Broom Brash and Broom Findings reetory aad Warehouse, In the rear of Bah. maker a Lase% • . 7114.17 T 41 ma 174 Wood NI., rittabgtml.: karat.' C IIIiAUD FIRE AID MARINE INMINANCE COMPANY.' 0010.4 .N• Stveuth and Cbeatu ot dtreeti. • l'uttapt.t.rnsA. 11.PiE. 111, ran to tea ntoctnaldnr• on and &n iablen La a ALPAILD aiILI.LIT. Treasaiar,••• onderelined, Agent of Ode Conmeir rtsbutxo. pity nteetholdere melding tes, tee eitorninentend, No.ll, at 1110100. NO. 6.' ! corner of Wood nod TAIT.% Meets. • . . • • ... /11011 T. D. TROXPIDIN., 1,011 ONE DO ria...,,;.;.. LLA 11 'YOU CAA' 1 Ad . 11 i g . ...7..1 ' ESALIIIIIIO •' a. , ',maim, ,Minn ' 2,,,,,Nr0t BTEXILT, Ltimh. t , : 35' "WAD "/. DDILNEN: ME /. :I!) 34, :14 WOrAll A. AMMOpr, --- JILIITICE OF rum r CE, . _ . . . MEIIEU . OIL WORKS, ~ ' 131BRICII IRON . 'WORKS ' wRiTIA', 7 T,El="' i • e klarAlltn. sne,- --. . V=l: 7,T,rn'' °°."` 1 . . ~,, ~ stallrot Conveyancer. Beal Istate and Insurance Agent, Itannflettreet of . •••• .epart from the Feder.. Sta‘ CARSON !MILLET. lasi Bletalnitham. - , • DIT/111. ~ .. .;, I ld e nlis, l l. a una, solicited um! :zolotely ' . ' Shantab'd No I ctlaair•lifall 9150. Lit : 9 y rreleport. No. I 611./..M. Freeport No.I ida.st ~' L 1 Eureka Carbon Oil JONES I% LATJauIEINS . E"`"'' 4o u''' A - Yr,7 4 j,; * i*. , ' , '•:::1 h .1 1 eprP°,'‘,7,°, 1 .1, !) . ! ;.4 , 4 ,. 7 p0r.. No. 2 4c.". r.u. Harm:rev e . a . c suasa.ma s al r.le. Treepott No 2 4 :05n,1l 11/01r1ACTIalltS 07 • ll•!tnerre'e ae r . .tor.d.dthal pot Nos. yasa;.t • A M- ERIC" 1111) CLUB - 'Filz. 4.:v i':'l'; °! .: d 7') .: l , - TI LI : 1;• 4 ; 1 ;,::: : :Fili1 11 7::;c e ,:feil l i ' 1. t; I Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate trots .P Z;2.,,,,, n „ 0 ,._.,„ - r tale In packaitsef Bridge Iron; ' ,L7,, , ,:t. Y ii?;14.71%,4ii:V" y 'c" .K: cb." ,,,, Int Otte Eta. and Angle and T Iron; ' .... osrpabnrg. and good only on the trains Slope pipe at Statloos specified on tickets. Guard Iron; T'Jcuslt Tickets to Butler and Ilannahstodat :Id aT be purchased at Walker's &seem:lee. No. -- • ~ Coal Screen Iron; , . 'l.l:it'.V.P.Ml7:;oo7fg,%B"lr'r'l"*- T Raili,l6 As 201bn to,the raid; ° For further In avito T ':' T. I JANES I.F. F 'FITS. mat. Tram Halls,punchedisnd corm- . ~ Federal Street po t. lei sunk • . • r Tlt%llett : psyleanla Rallroad_stl , , , riol. ?same Roller,Bridge and Tank RivetS . Fr ~j; ;,'„4-,,,T , , , , , gla ir , T4L , s ,,,,irpri.geg i „,L.,, Itottans In alne. Alt baugate ele• Cut Nails and Spikes; . n.,.is, on amount in Taint, WM Ininal tele flak Ship and Boat sptkds; . ” th ""'"' 00 1.1;V: 0 0 Vv7iIIIITIr‘ • • Railroad Spikes; . m7N _ . t.oneral :Isn't. Altwana, lra.r a. axcnitto FL.n, FRONT ROOM H . H. mccothnuch, 4L•ttPrzico3 ,- -avemmer - vv, trt Grant Street ' rrontot otron to all Mods of law manes., apl:w69 THOS. M. BAYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 07 04.102. 11:0 root, 131=11! W . A. LEWIS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 93 Diamond 'street, 1331ARRII PITTSBURGH. PA. JOHN W. HIDDELL, V'ORNEY AT LAW, °EERIE, No. ISS FORRTII STREET. .4s,llw(m_fl H . C. BIACKUELL, ATTORNEY & OOUNSELLOR AT LAW No. 69 Grant Street, n177.1.b21 PITTSBURGH, PA. i 3. F. BROWN, Mate Loes Clatto ditent. 11. V.. !Ilan. Com.) ethos, No. 67 Fourth St., second floor, PIITSBUR4III, PA. , PIISIOD, 601J17118, LIP /R 1116.9 OF HT Promptly Collected . • Nochariee med., mall dab. are settled, en d then but elude, ate fee. tov.,tao 8100 . ' BOUNTY. i $lOO. • ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. !lidless who bare lost their discharge eertin caws and who cry otherwLse entitled to the addi tionel 9100 bounty, esu hare their eases at tended to by calling ee•oc addressing , W. J. & lIALL PATTERSON, erroaaus AT LAW AID CLAIM AGEwrs, fele VI GRANT ITIHKET. .• y / ogln C . i sslooawor. Ohio, a KenLay. V•n . snyl4:s.Sa OUN C. IIIcCOMRS, AT ORRYAD•COUPISELICIII , AT LAW. No. 87 Fiftb. Street. li/Preomit.:23. Uouu4w. iskd lrresrsor Pay PV.m. etollec.A. ' , S. n01.T.01 COAL, COKE, &co_ UTILITY 'STOOK& MeMIN . &..814T0P., . No. 83 LittertiSt.; opposite Fourth; CABINET , MAKERS'. HARDWARE. I.74l 7 o=•l l :lFATu ‘ orßlearteVtill•gat Castors: th Astoad Fastentrigs; Stops (or Erten• . L ave TORII, • Sc. The also lianufaetnre and . ..WSW'. FA. . .8350,090. i - 1 targr.raw . h.e.a1 g =n, , , , , ,1 3 4 . , , , ,, ,g. Irt2.-„gtaL, .o. so43l iiiihiZ . . ~,,„ i 1 PINE' WLean's Ea...aric bun ilagon, Ctlllti~llh¢t• •• j. L. '"" =t- ISTXtlgt . ll7, P :Nuch r t Srs7:s t a o re' r e c oglaignt with • tr, ~..1,14.8. .'1!,111.1". .and -0 0. 1i.1i1.... WM...M. ( 1 / 1 1VEY 6; CO -if'''.- .11 w..n.. an. An. I . , t ,40 . f , & " .COgItIVIVI 00.17.1f7P1717;;Yheli!G ""h.-.ea ROBERT LEA. ROBERT D .7 LLV. 7 Gas Coal Works, - : ..p: . 4.k .: .. AU G:1 f. .• • RANUFACI USSR OY • • • ptifipicvs INSURANCE CO. '. tls,!t t er i rAAM,dellis sr tn o StrYs6loll.2"o_ls AND STEAM Emlns AND BOILERS men .4....., hinLit ittptga,.ltl' i .Va j 01/11102. N. R. OUR. WOOD AN) 717TH SITS S&P" Allegheny I:It. , • • r nAL OEMS. second story Plttstoir g h ''• A HOWE COZIPART, , Freight Holsters Salin a Yank Italldltir, eor . ner Liberty street , and. • TAlatttylllF: AND MARINE RISKS. ' Yi l Zrekiiy r :tr i gi,"nderge A nt Pa li tt.l. r . V'p o . B ' Rot. 11:11„Pa., ""'". t'l . Ca..— Jan L. Mead.. AND _DOCTOR ENGINES. V;'.""ln 'VI.' ';'‘V""tii and 1r" "°- • i:ir 7:Th. -, tr".Zlri°l`tr• - , ... .11.°A:,.7...'.,..;w0r agr.,;.,.ti:e.vri; , c.,:. ~....6. : John r.A4'.4a; -•:', A•Cutlui , or.in 4 .. ,, P ,,0 °. °uwe k. °N!' stcylve prompt alto:Won. ' 1..1'M • I , - ;74 , . r...., : grAttn,li, , • - Cornar r of First and Ferry SireatA pITT 8111UnGi1 NATIONAL - • ',..WH1LL4M14.12:::: • . ' * PITTSBCROH. PA. • W. r. e•auxim IleeretsaT. COAL AND RIR COMPANY. EMIE A Ai• __ _RELENT INSIJIINRCE CO: i.osp , , .hIPI.rs and dealers . , witoDeeJe .S : .I....7rupar isogatnt.—omea, N. .7 rum I,u, la the % ' .. : BEST FAMILY COAL: . I aua' ee . 64."1"1"A BC rfr; '"'d Mmi" Nut C3craml yozoct 0123,...e531R... • UYFICE AND YARD, Corner I' tit street., yltteeorgh. re: - Ail i °". • . 44147 w ..or,Zr :,r delivery is .he City, or Shipment Don. ' , N. Zei T .IITIVE ' II i . lit'lrrlizttgineir Ilmanasetnra •09l varlatTAa..- '.• Cook, Parlor and • Heating . !Stores, • ...A . ..uteri are the' Oil briaed AtIRIGNA THUM sad TALISMAN (Coal Stsvest) • . • A MA• loo, V l. T A AN m aw ufautuorN SIIM {Wood - . GRATES, GRATE FtIoNTS, &c. °Mee and Warehouse, corner .of /Mound sand 30. 15,_,.... jr. DLIMSTrotiI i 4 Wm. Dean. . to. detresis. rtaatotHAS. rearentois:ol=2l Dohocij7a . rokooaa,", HI.. Tatenes.4ol4 . 1." IF:Walton: 7 ' - .7... .. 4...1ALe.... woman, stg l l,retlio, .", LIA L IMAT4 • ( rIALLA BOILER WORKS. T. a Sam...: Tanuulo 1ir11n.e.t'4.....:-. .I • Movies Mays. ' (I.: D. Mulins. MORROW BARNHILL, No. SOY LIBERTY. • STREET, i pENNSILVANLA 'INSURANCE •= CVYPANY.• MANTr...CrilzatiOP , . " " Rte.= Boilers, 'OW ' BUIL, "AgitatOrt, • 'OF PITTSBIIIIIIH, PA. ;• • Tante. Salt nano, Geometer, •.. Wrought Iron Bridge., . fl:Rkip,ll FIR* Street, Rank !Beek. • '''- i Sheet Iron Work, .... • • ' . &0., inn., ,„Th.. t 1 ..,••• Cum,. iinun,PAAT. LAS Sonoma noratint . • 'PUT PITT COAL CO‘IPANY: --- - 1 . .Z - Cit r iViiit.Z.TEß, rroooleal. ;COIL LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., so d —Skipper. and deal* as In Booortor Eandly •0. C. NOTLT., Vice Pane len, PITTSBURGH, P 4. and Stearn Coal. Nut Coal and Black s open east of. ' i . ROBART PATHICK, Treasure". EZPAIIIINO DONE 011.0110TLT. oWnlebl. OCT sceonSstor, I'lluebursh Sarin. Bank Send.' HUtill IVII.LnenT. Seen 1.7. . • '*llr :; ,,r w! 'l.,' ' ' A a M 4r ;A:i a llga t' alg i q . . 13 LeOsarel Waltroa e UrnA dro ' re Ipso:, Plttsboash. orde• a left at either of the above : 0. C. Nollp • Ma.... alona. =011a=114:: keg tur a: PIC {HMV's. • 2:ZPra.44. J. I. f.P.`.•, AllUtniOnoto - • , Josiah Elan John Voegtleie S MANIITACTIStozn Or • • • J. alie U tittr Tot i l ithtt r oft U alaP " ' . a". 11. H uP IMA " A. Au'''. tv4:ll : ve tu r„ toz r i A ltrAD,... , Ir . . % A NDO ., Kai T. :- . I H N e D u lciN ""' i L ley ,' ~ • , , St eam r Boil Ors, Oil Stilt s, Tanks, • LOCIIIII BoOnD. . • [ ' -' Sheol IronlVorks, Lc, .. 1 PEkNA. J. J. timl.siorts,l'aes`t. I. H. Alaatans, Heoy. .' • AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. H. Itursolmo, Treas.., Ma." HA, CLAM kr ilk CO., Ilononnern. , ' ' ' '-"" •- . _ . . 1 1 21t_,.. ' 1 FRANKLIN INSURAN C E - COMPANY.. -17.4:3 (31 Penn Stre.et, I __ . OF PIIILADELPIII e. pITTSII . GROH, PA. ' I ..pn .m.. ..433 'and 437 tnnIESEVEIT ST., ' .,.t 0 T2i • OALI COAL!! COAIIJIII DICKSON, STEWART & co., tlaTtnot removedilleir I)Zeato (L:telyClty floor 11411) tIII.7OND A 7L o trig!Verr Vat g al `‘.40137:44 market.ri to them througb the nal: vitt - ' be att.mled prozontly. miZSAVZ CIII4I[LES 11 : - A1BUTRONG, DirALltn rx ropomoomile, CONNELLB7ILLE Con and • •rtfutunerso Ceal t allek. anti Deenlpanrined coke orrice ANL/ PAULI, titfruge of Butler And Morton: trot yard on LIN. of !obit:lnner streets: brash ward , d CO gireoud street, near Lock No I. Pittsburgh. Ps. /Families and Manufactures@ suppltod wlth the best article of Cost or Oahe at the lowest Cash rot., 'Orders leftat Say of their Whets will raters prompt attention. SUPERIOR OAK TANNED,PAT INT WrItZTOLIZU LIND WV ISTED LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, "Mortutotorod ay No:. ZS biIIITHIMILD Si.. b aeammr. PHELPS & CO. Au% Amu tor Now York Sobbor UHIVCI.ad BURS. HICLT HOOBJSoote. CITACTI WETTACII & MEASON t• Manurectorers of every: description of Lei~t llcatiamsr. Dealers Iq CLL . ! and LACE LEATUXE. No. 2G4 ISSITTUFIELD ST., 'hicsoirnth. Pa ill - TE LEAD W Pc rd 11. N CO.. Brand White idiedl , •• - . do • •• do do d •"Couttneeled. do do do c. I Blue Leeds, Ibroll Refiner.: , . telLl4 and Iblthl p ~ .115 At ie; (Colors " o it CO .1.) 1111 112. e r !! ibll4. ' l f Pcsehem •. • •mi do quarters . dot u. do mixed do; . .. '', 150 hubris pood Dry Apples; ,• • • .. 20 do prime do: OW reeelrail ort commleriom and for se'! low 81.711011 AK ER a L&2111. d). Wood elael. 241LiEMOZiAtTARCIII AGENCY.— boxp, wb.. nmrs .t;tcb: 30 , .01b. do. t. g117;Illo , do tyltge /or sale lon to t17.13.42.5 . 11T taw mg% tits \ I MOM " Vilifi 4r hyt LA". , .....___ ~~: ~ vi;; w,f: ;i'Z-,f = OIL :WORKS & COMPANIES MANUFACTURERS. ! THE CEHEHHATED Sperm Liibrijcating Oils, CEMEICAL LINSEED ,OIL, Wbolc.xlc Denlen I Crude, Actinedand..Lubricatlng Lard,Sperlui Whale and • Finn • O. C. NOIiZE, Agt, 19 Irwi4 Street, I= El= caxLiti: c=oxx.es: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFII3I & CO., I=CMEEZIEMEI CELEBRATED SP OM LUBRIC4TO I I. Petroleum Lubricating 0114 Sperm, Lard ;aud Wha..e Ohs, 111111011, TAMS" OIL t Sam GUAM ALSO, STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL, No.l St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA, SEND FOR A•CIERAILA ' dc7:oB TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHINTS, AND . 1111(11t8 IN Petroleum ami Its Products, rICTMIUBOII orirk; I.lalzeLl's Bonding corner of Duquesne WO LOU Irwin Street. rill LADELPHL?.. UltricE-1117 Walnut /t spl:wds HENDRICK'S LUBRICITOR. Manafaitlarvi lir WRITE, BROS.' & N. York. E. J. - ROBERTS, Agent, No. Int. cuir 15trot. Pittsburgh, Pi. , ~.. Keep tomtit:ale on hang . Cotton Factory Oill.nt• . I Don Eneninei7 Oili. Woolen Mill Oil. . Dare Engine Oil, Light Cold Engine 0 . 114 Dark Lae oil, II 0..1, Light Cold Screw-Late Dark Can Oil, No ... Onn DU. no:nion7 ' ARI NG & KING, t ir t iF t zviiiE:ayird,i.;r4fl',nl,l7:,l I OMISSION reams OD 88061E3 El Evgines of Every Descriptlon, etroleam and Its Products, 4.DiNuEsme fray. Boller., Oil Tavka, Sheet Irou Ve orU, E*I7ISIOCIRG/J, PA. Rs Ilroad Ciortinpv, *pr.. xustxtuA a.DlTszes: WAIMINC. KING & ===tlt! W 001 •ocauri...a.ms-sr. OF PITTSBURGH. PUMA OIL Pit = JOHN WATT. recoldent. H INKY M. LONG. key 2,4 Trem , r. wouxn IR Trariedi.sesviLLr.. utnte, No. 2 Duquesne Way, witirM ritiVa n iv6ww. BU RNING OIL . Brand--"Luoifer." imask_ . Buy THE - mug, "PETROLIA BLUE LEAD. lUR OIL AZFIY RES , - Manufacturers of • Nuatactbrodobliand foraala by CHILLED ROLLERS (IF ALL SIZES I . T. H.:.71EV11., 21 CO., Yro;al Irpb: titer': bras, "lbw, can :r. Silva ,btraao board, P ayer and 10,2 an Eutobb • PIONEER PAINT WORKS. ;;A;;A04`1ijillii;1,1 1 1,;;:11 1 :a, V;f1:- Wlth • varlets . . I otb, pa.. rnd, always up N.W. Car.3d and MarketSts., , g,%' ,, : . .,%.; , w.rd , =.... 0001 . 0 u. +.', r. - 1.)121100 and Irebouse, .to. il9Stnitlifield Street,"`• felattri • . rirrntsunn It. PA. M IMB w10112)1..t.i, E&OLEOLL WORKS, ' 7..roNariNnacincrille. "111 E . • WIC HT NIA N & ANDERSON. FORT Tux FOUNDRY, Itefinera and Dedde.i, ILCIILES Liar .iwriaEws PETROL - H'Mo' er.LIIIIYAGITfaaIIte or - orricz: arcOND ISTORy, COHNEY E1A.14,!. MEATY JONAIWCE, 1:11.1Ch T. •Nl/ VUOVIIII2IIC WAY. BILF,WELI, nUIiKE &FM., AND ALL /1:1b11.15 OF WCAVT • • VrAr: U4 A /114.11 1 Pa i ii i d a 712Ttritit COMMISSION MIERCHINTS, • eitrAtee • . • Ae. beratofore. tbe best tnateriats,wlll alWaya PaCifit, Globe Mt Liberty OM Works , be AraTlLM;LeVo r her . c;1.1 et ; nek, we Are Ample etorage for Crademolltellnedoll. ,Y l, l l brYt 4 ."Mt....7. Art. /. I “? , PY - A lll pattetlee , eral cub ad•aneen mad* on sonslannientocof ,conatrt tett under tee to of Mr, 1., tor was,. to Innelsb NAIL MAUtlllt KY at abort no. and ablpinent of Crude 011 at Lawrenceville. Oleo I.lllre and finrebouse.corettrof Dutintetne Way' an., Harirrint mtroo, vitoon,/, • borm•ot INSURANCE FIRE INSOROCE COMPANY, 1=! Caisix Capital and Surpliniover •JOHN IBM* Trbsident. , • JOHN D Vice PreoldeaL 71:gi nlnsCiteltS. (Missies W. Busker, Mordecit•ll..Loots, Tomas Warts , . David b. Mown. Hawse! Utast. bus Les. • Jacob H Edward C. Dale, Geom. W.-111shardS. Deosse Sales, CHAS. U. HANCIiEtt, Fresideat, EDWD e, DALE, Vice Stestaent. WV. C. STEELS. Secretary, yrs tan. GAIRDNER COFFIN. A gent, mhzwis North West sof. Third k Wood eta. Hardware '& Cutlery. , it... . stemt • " Are '" ZrZo7, l ol7=l. 0„.„„`II o WESTERN INSVILINCE OD, ILAJEIMMOR-DT2='.7I.ICIMIDI. .v I OF PITTIIBUILtiki s . LLEXANDIitt WIYIO, Pr. Meals W oi p i jattraT i 1aerm ....1 At.. ' Corner Liberty and Si. Clair Sts., Oince, El Water nrcet,•tlang • Co.'s Wan . l E .ll tFF"krii 2 MllFale .M * Filvi , House. no Halm Pittsburgh. seitaik. Wllllnsure, against., Mang of lire and Miring BLACH DIAMOND • ___-__.CORM: _ AEA. IND , LEI/ Make, A home Institutional... Fed by Directors who see well known to the community and who i .. me determined by prom:rine. sad liberality, I.I.Z.ZENECOMICFP•iiigage I limas ireakness.,-- i-. to Main.= th e ...Mr which they have as- PlTTlidUlifilfs l'Ai I - - ' - : i "'.4. " 'l"th.r th'l b. i "14'4.'1'0 1a th". * !AR[, IMOTHED * Co.„ k ' I f. telsitY•Arc ......P.HOWF . who Oesile to im Insured. DITS. es. ignaufnetaties of lles. Mind., Bees asitionme. Dove " ''' d VII „ 7 „ 11. =ler, Jr, C.a. J. Clarke. ltlff Q131.1.,1TT .1111.712:11) OAFF•FIXI. - acct s a lt i s h. s 7 e. o ie . I leh'' s NW: 7le Into. 1:14 :H747: 4 1 c it :b . rs . l ' i li:e Janice McAuley, John R. McCune, ogee., Flat sad Octagon. of all ale e. Wag- 11 ,........._ . j„ . 1.1; i g:tec lb. that el' arts V. 1.. Me:ander Speer, . James P. Hanna. an is d wieal M. 7 Imparted or manuliactnreel la ll r w.V ..ii. “,,,,, Andrew Amory, Joseph Kirkpettlek s I WM iniev 01 , `l - heprescrintlon. with 101 l Ore... r''''',ij "" 1° ' L c', ken.. B.l.l4liisl'T''' ( 4.11?.1: - ..".InIft4,?...I.P•u 4 . 111 '1M , "° , -th kw wiit 11 .." to " I r °"' "".•If, W .. , Hirutin HT. 01.,rtory• •--- DN. JACOB 1401. • 1 'Stationo. F Ible House, F.Torle. ----•-- vel ewe allEAt OEl'O VTION' IN THE ' .• G wIN r TRADED ) REUNITED EITATN.S. . N ~....„ ,.. . I : •1,, VAN ALEET.—Theunderf4pr LIPPINCOTT & BIRRICELL ',, -,----.':' PUILE CALIFORNIA oHAKI . AO K., n,e,ne and prepared as If doe, In France, front pyre • , 0..1.1.5 Water Weet, - !xi ed Viewers, spooltited to awe.. dorearre3 Clfornla wine, and “ktax We place of lower. ' _ MAiroTrACrunsell, 07 • 'se. ' ~ .d .. .....P . fiir R.... Rig rf KT.. aI;.,T. / I W, led Chenaragne. , l The en derstgned %Mild .all the attention or ; r•Frißrr °B°U". _ , . anreq. A 11,0cify. from wile eyesre" L.r. , .i,,•••• , , ...weer. e distance of s'i rect. ' , al -- ...P . ' -...-' Wln• Dealers and Rotel Keepers to the follow. l .- FATZNT VW! ERZ% ' ' l; l ll l ";. l 4 ' .7 : ' , "lt i dtr . °l.Zri .': - ;:7:,..:1 the latter, whleb may be a correct Idea of the , - . FATZNT rinfilialr . , tr‘ ,.., •• . u !,..,,,„ ~,,,,,', ' 'r. quality ofthelr Winer I CIMCVLAS. aIIILAY; - . :ia... - 1411 Ittalir ; ••Mti" ... 43;' •rtioeTurtUrrel, norm, 1 BILL AJNIT 41.4041/S-ClO7 • It 'l JAYe s adi,j4••••• , ..- ..:;_..... PIIILADZLNIIA, 00,, rub, ~,,e. Itsagnit. Boni:nen • CO—Gentlenten• Kayo ' • DAtir. STREET That .111).if•-..a I "g l ""*" C ' ntb en" C. '""""thi."b ' S . W. W . /Eh . ' , .A. Offeror!, appolatorl Vlore. to tee.. wc rate plower, In saying that we Orme It Jell•dirl the best Awertran Wine we have ever need: Wi . - eV:. and bonen. Tar ine4tr,,,,0iri,, , ,R,,, , 0,44„,.:;,"i.• Wall at once place It on our WM of fare. Tenn . iihlr , h1 . W.1. .......‘............ 'r• 1r... I rer.%7Cr i- tte i r l : o re ' ll ' aehettart etrwior ' t - '' truly_ 'J. E. xtriumax a co." VALLEY EMOTE WOLLICEI. . , v., sur.er. . aa.... 0g..r..4.1% , t,: , ,'...%.5107.1?ANVP.:Vt.u°'11.-15''"' the prewlare ...h toTil‘,,,, ' '--'-'-'",'!..,- IF ALLEN . ' maticte & Co_ ; , ...5.........-.....,‘,:fft...1,015'• :.. F. MUSSIRANN. OM." wool Walebo.e, alit LIIIKRTY IST., op- i . Pl K... "' — ' -.Reeler. K• 11.10 . 11 14 , 144. . i CVg• 7 2 ; 1 / I =llll ln trin:YiliVNWAC6, '"l .Vlg ." .—Z-- 1. !!--- ----- .... —' ,.... - T.. --- --- `,. - ^ , Z , - Yom. - and neva, • between' Tunn el 1 whtetAre the celebrated Allegheny and Monitor. 1 i fillitlNTSTSCw.w.... — weeT lll . l errl ~..,, •:• , ..•".-.,t): ; •-. COI animas st reet , . , c ost floe, , i ti . r, , , also. the Aelocres ..d Li err, .cral.ze:f.... j ,:: '4 , ',7cyit..,:t ,,, " 7 '.: Danafaith aud Deafer hi Hardware. 1 Erf1y...4.., . ;.-41,,-......z:.14::-.A!' .4.‘1,,g.;::! , :tr, "... -1. ,,,,,,,,, :::45... , ,:.':-. /int eisiafri.oi.ai auk.ii;iltin.alwar• WA •) l4ll:l; le' diglientlV. X-. W... D ". "..". 00 I I `ii.: ' = 4l : ;; ,. ' 74,11,1141,7144 V 1444' • !: 1f '' '' - ''' , C .:,; ' land rind .0 at the lowest p,,,,..,, ri,„.„,hie. ..” . I ::!loAbelt .Y. to le 1111 tee 0f..rerr0r4.7,,:i,1 - 2,1%,4 , 4." "...''''...."*"."""' ' • "*".'". I . PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS I -""'-",."`" : •-twitsziat;:itk .4 iiii... ---, ef • EFFERVESCING i . • 1 ..,,,,.....- r ARICA °Mutt 1.1,•:: ,.. .. , - - !*.-i...7 ! ,,i..". CITRATE .OF MAGNESIA .' J. PAINTER Si SONS. ! iteAuritfiu I -11111.71NN t:".l_c.olti;;:,r,l", - -:C, f,:!., la le a I • : KA...FACTO... or - i -K , or and Clam Bellingi also,tierc.-'',: - ,.1 - ,' , ..r.eni - LfAidViin',.lY4'. l :o P :p!ltenl.,,V . 44l:4l7llbl. to . I L in n nutmeg. Tub an d T run k I tio.c. eaten, &e, erg,* beeet.iT .4 L . 4 4 ',.... 4 WrerVi• We 0101.411, (Or sla ttead•che, aorta ye MCI 1 : , • reduced pricers. _Toe besteßmill,Sizy4wsr...l , or tomagh. earl all febrile cue'. For saloAoriont i HOOPS AND iniKETE4 • a ) hand m il t % Inala Itar ff; .„ fi •tt,•••• . •.,, tf i r •ta • 1,1 i! Druggists. firepered AKT/11.fil RooKIRT. •. rp,,,,,, , , ,,,, t1r 'Ma. ' ' ''.lllFlll7 Yelerdel .. , KNITTIBIWILKA, EL, '. , ~. . ...!"..revnath* . ...,. . . - ' • r - ' 450 icfritei.. .4::v . ... 4 .4; ,, , , fi1 . .. - .:;:4.7 :.4•A„P....., 7.0.1. 1 ',:•, , r ;, - ,'. " • MA '..- _ I'rI"X•O23ITXI,I3I.S. nollrood Fieb Pars and IloIts; wc.teelland Arles; itreet Cot. heels and Axles; Coral-Pli - esti Wheels and Axleld Patent Cold 'nulled shafting; rzaroutColdltolled Piston Hosts; Mower and Ilenver Oars. WMIEHOUISE ANL, orsicK, 120 Water and 1.53 Frint tits. BRANUI3 'MSS. Nos. 22,21 and 2a Riser St., )41,e15 CitlCAtio. ILL. SHEFRELD STEEL WORKS, SINREit, MMICK & CO .17tAE1.TAtTreSirAN Or BEST REPINED CAST STEEL SQUAD!, FLT AND OCTAGO7i, 07 LIG DMA lEELL.KELAriCIACULArt, (ARC AND Ottber COT SAW PLAWES. ELLIPTIC AND nnii-iizir - np RAILWAY SPRINGS, cast Orb:lg She!, fast and German „flow Steel, PLOW WINOS AND 11 , 1WEll BAUD. 'SPRINGS, AXLES AND;STEEL TIRE; VIOKLE. (HOVEL., HOE. EXILE. (RILE, TOE CALK AND MACHINERY •.3/111T (TAM* CROW-BASS, de.: .tc., De. Warehouse, 83 Wale* St, .Pittsr'gh, ATLAS WOrct4S, X V liTo.lr STREE . Nintb Ward, Pittsburgh, TIIODIAS N. MILLER, President 1/1111 Casting., Engine Cablings Wadilnc Caspligv, General Ceettup ORDERS SOLICITED. tin9aol PITTSBUIIOII VOUNDRY., A.' GARRISON! & Otceenors to Iloilo:tan, tharl•on FOUNDEAS AND MiCIII\ISTS • AASIXADLIT... Of. •A:12.12‘......./. O. 114.1.1 a ATRA STOVE WORKS. . • ' - A. BRAIMLEY di CO. • DUO= inyc~n o. JAREp NI . BRVSU & SON, I 11 - I,I , AK‘ rip B. WOLF. JR. &CO., 0:7114A:y0 !l 1011 arrive at "t Depot, Alit. lIENNTLVIINIA. CENTRAL , • j. On, and ale, April 21th, 1117. Trains ant, it and ldtiont from the tiptoe upon. coni c .1.1 , Washington and Liberty nu., as [Pilot., t • -AAIUN.. , , manta?. i / *"" 8r111,7 r N a o in " - " 1 ? ‘ * ) *m' *oi".•• : ret 1, !: - i - , I'. Wall's i,*?... 2 : * " i WaIPsT .. 1:a tls!! Tram 341$ n, Wa ncon No.L. 1: 10. o; W'all'. No. ... Yvan! elnnal. 1.. SOO a o;lneln'l di. 11 :19.. Cln l To, 121 a tol Wall'. PO. 1..11.30 a DI iohnstfmrp Ar..lo:loa - to lolanstoarn Jib 2 .31E1 Phila. Express I:30 p m Wall.. No. t.. a able Wall'a No. It. 1:63p t0,1'ht1a.Ex......• 4:16 1 la , Will, No. 4... 2.50 p InlVi all's No. 0... 4:'01,0 Wall, No. 0... 6.6 n n m Wall'. No. N.. 6X.S p tp p A . ! h, No. 6.. 1'..0)p In Past bloc 111;PI p on Altoona Actom / Wall . a No. 1..10:50put , and limlttratit , ' p Cincinnati 6xpreox leave. daily. All Other, train.. daily except nundell , rbllmweiphb. Exptexe and the Altoona Amon.. modatl on and Itintgrant Teals &Irma daily. Ctn. chola. e xproxv "Hera dell? except llonday. - ...th•elebine daily except randay. tl The Church Trains leave Wall , . Wallah awill/, chill g K'o~Ci—ln Cate of loot. the f sns S. bold thojovedeca responsible foe .„ . ,; . .t x xleatre only. ixad.for =amount hot W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. ft§Uflliti, CaltimCui PAN RANDLE ROUTE. On and after SUNDAY. April tit*, INF, train. will leave and at Union Dom as followal rirredirwitt rims. • 011 , 1,11.70. rast - 931 A. Y. 10:06 r. W. - •• Y. , 1•M A. 1. alien ...... •- ........ ••••• M., v.. ,r. 6.10 A.. N. • Eli e. 111 Steubenville ACC003616,1 En C. IC IEIII McDonald .... MOS r. Min A. W. Walter's ....11:00, r. N. The SI:. 1..31 Train arrive* In Cincinnati a 10 r. r. thy acne evening.. IS MUMS IN AD" VANCK ur U fll ell LIN SS. ' Tor Z . N ' Z ' s7n e r t ri glt ' rew Ltu . tue ' pr ' inclpal point:4st and Seta, • west. orn W we of hen p Me urchasing Tic eta be Mire mid And PITISBCE6II, COMBO & CLICIXIATI L I Union Depot, (south side.) • n. D. NIDTHERSPAVOII.Ticket ; N. F. MCV/.1.. General Ticket A la. Agent. • 1867. ailifigfig 1867. - - - - TEE P/TTtlif Uttli 11, YE. WAYNE / UMW, dl k. CLE VELAND rITISI3II/411 , Train. snivel sad leave al Mel/Wolk DOIO I . Y follows: LUNA. AlinlV.ll. • Cultago Is 2... 2:00 • ;Chicago Ex.... 2:20* eleveland Mla • I. ,Clevalapd Mr. MVO • a Era , a Iga•li 6:00.1 lOblelKo iti••..lo:4S • a lkit2 g v,';34l;!: A°7 l 4Ml`.r.i l :l! Vl:ilea/a !I . :D • m It` M•Act'24“'" VA:: Vib " eefla * p 0• :• 1 Who. , 12 DeP•vt from Allet haul. Ary.• lo ashen.). N. Bela `lc. a:4i • alr,N. Ac LeaUelala 1040 •m N. for •• &A.m.= •• 11:43 avo I Wellsville POO all Ravi:Lester I:3)0 m iNove Castle 00 10:03 •is AV N C•••• 3 p m,Leeta.dal• 1101 am pp *•:. 12;2 Onto . 0 :31 p m',Les.t2tdal• 4!10 L 11 . g d p . . 1 112. f. 15; Wr10,15 . (A=l pro.* leaves daily. /Lc. arrtrestisily. 0 II. al TENS. Gamut! Ticket Al te ANb eOPNFLLB MitaMN Spring Arra'ligament. On and rller . - • UkIeDAY, DM 1000. The trains wal !tee., the Depot. con.? of 110411 • zee:A - It. greett. nu follow,: . . 1 .Pttabtr,A. PittaTO Malt to and froth Tint!yracmt. Y.l:oo t. * TVVATewton . :(ttor2MolViill;..::: ' :4 . l:Z: 14r.t !EA eepori Arum:2n .11:0C 6:101. Y. bernnd 11 Ihinday Chluch Train to and• from Wwt. 6.7410:60 4 YI WAD roe Tlektig apP/714 • T. R. NITaiLl, W STOUT, Znot... • ALl. 6 Td . fl c lky 11:4 . LLE .. - . crnmqsz iviJl I OM 'And alter 11ONDAY. May 50th, .1267, MAMA 11 , 11 nave andArrlve at .I . lltAbArrh Depot, cones lls and Venal strAAWA M0 n0..: Lame. * fITYII 711. - 41(.1s1rImIdess Axemao. A:A/ A.M. 11:50 A: 11A. Mall, to And Ihno 11A1went..1 , 4 , IM W. W. 71% Sans WorkAAccom....7AA A. M. MAW A.. m. MAGnotl hlstlmlnetAA Ace-17:30 1. K. 1/. Exprcss to and from SlAlgieg 1:155. Y. 10 . 40 A. KA , Second Nod. Works Awc0m..5,10 'MS 5. MA. ChArcb Train from and tozliotla mma 1:005. ' liapress North ninkes ctn., i:nrjectlon.t Again, vrl , ll !Inn of parte. for Franklin nod 7 811 ',`,• - ..11 4 1417,°`",7"'" , m,),1 k %. nc.nttnnn r, nn. STR A TITSitiPS ffiLL'iliOillE AND Ii .NY. A L "4 8 f 7IMMIEN . S O 0 T icpL. .• CAB.' - aall - . TAa First-Masa Steaniabloa of Uga Una as tonne.: . ••LILIENTIri-li7LO tow,. foi New Orleans via Key 'Nett .ad Hereon. Thos. A. ON. "CdMA^ l.]Oe Lana. for Few ti lean..nd tkimroaad s en ttlaUtivAr s from killOtilifdi AMP. FliLls`d 1 01NT; a t y neg.o'clock P•lt Preelteir. on the itYeA. on. rot frelpht or ssage, haying nitranstssed areionnialations. spoil/ LIPPILLY W4a/WlLlD..4its`pllt N. 21: , —N0 Bills of Ladloi - tat thogoof the Coma pany will .0e signed. Permit. for the freight most be proevred ,trton this data. No freight received ads Dille of noldag signed on day Omits inf. . note TOTIAD mon LIVER. ppm, AND QDK_KNSTOWN fIaiLAAO) TWICE lc WELK. yhel.: 4 3lA-N ulll./ EVERY SATURDAY. EVERY WEDNESEAYI 'ZITO itll li alratt nom "48. • ADP'S i.afr.°T Z.Alsaa Comp.ni. Mites. , „ • JPII.N g.l4tta i Alps gv : ;a1: AlamAClTA;st i ngtV. fliabi;l." COOKINk. STOVES, No. 235 [Liberty Street. '4 ES 0 CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers