T ,0 ~ „ b Birmingham Letter List. - ..... 1 FOR SALE. Lettatt rolinstalng tincedied 19r /St BO- ----.-- . ' I ---- 1141.V121iD BOLD OUR ENTIRE FOR SALFe•-fltnn oll47acres, charms POstoMoo, May z:ls. , 1:-IIELNIBOLD'S • 11 lobes nos 'Hebert hie" , lfr. PERRY Ae t ... who will amillned th a (IT • r 9.l Fl t e rl : 9'' t h 6. 4 . :(1 9 9 '''r l v' a lln ' i r T PA" ..1 h 1 9'. T 7 .7et •WII S 9 t ir y r 'IP r•l STo 9 n .r“ e r I i 1 '1R. 0 .. . P1. ef, 9 . 5 n It Jos. net Richard, J Concentraled Flint, .E.rtrael! .., I =U" iNg.grc ll. rg7;! P `4:: Cosoi iklii`..4:l4' hoL. 1 c l' d 'AV '" I Fa 9b a P arin a s a me at the old stand. \o. 146 LIBLILTY bT tr:...,.., 44, 4 „ J., I . t:L ~.T.,,, , . . •re would IA for ther, • e ontirmation of t 4 m 4 1 O'rti er S ii i ntlertn . ..an Oretiara of s rel 9 grO e* truni ),'",4„, ri . d ../.. ~ s. 't Dec cater Eno PTIVE and 1J Lt. ELAII'I E . Patronagu au Überally te sus ter don us. meet it Is enderlayed with oal There la a THE COURTS. : h.„. , _ L..,. :;,,,,,,, . 41 ,, z ,,,,, r . re 101nEAKEn of the THROAT, NOSE, El Mr. Plltsbursit..lf,%l.l“"L" &Co. I I.alt Well on It lagwdord.r. producing/ 0 tins. LI ELMS, M ALL' and th.LY, . tlr,day•terms prope r ty property isoffered eery tap sad Trial Eget roe lgondaY. ' Hoed CI if4e,i:,- ' -, %: ,- 4, - `1,::4 __ ~...,,m,„ An excellnit Farm of ID scre, or . .blob ...rant Rol 31 a ' ontst neury . A hr. h rodlOSer" Mt. aPPearancu. PEMBINA] 1 . a.....7.1ax am - rm. Brewer 100 , 31 array I hos -I tiger beer U . . „` .l. ,` lr '''' .', % . r r jAVE..,,.. : 4 1 ,71f . ”'... 1 i . fie. : t .Tal; -' lifttfol ' s us' il'lt7.o =au'''. ll. ' i it'T'''''''ti:;';;il4i '''.4ltit'''',;i''fal'tiTrr':;';:tfnefrl/I:' .17eir;77 -R. Jam. • a 911D11.1 1., P EL W AI. R. N. Calar ../... .N:TVl';tit' l' ill 9 iL l Zr.t ' : One{{.. he, r.. " " ' 1,: i r'f.", k :...".. 1 ' nut4gl : l 'l RLTLEDGE PEII . RY & Yx. Robert lielitutOn vs. P Ft. W. dC. n Elz,se )c brminger w.O - .r.,,,7, - 4,,r itt. a - ye ° , guts' irb x r I 5 A 0.0./13 VARIETY. IBENED To.DAy . et 17 „t-t; f ~,,.,.. ~ Co rte b e.. p nntoo. '' tj , 0 , t i t c Art• '" ln t . Z . t l 4 l :.r.l..rhia Ss'exparl /a. a4;,1 to i pint or we ' ter,Tre ' n 9 al t .'' na. in Part t schan) Ci 4 9 9'-'7 Lion Ilyde 0.1 RObinson, liiii a c,,,, , Devi. At m • al. lionteril ;leg. rt liersmi t t o t he 141 h i e " 40 . P :f ., lt ' lTt: b Wi t 0 0 : 1 1 Al.. a Farm ur i srat il iZ r ti .L net to . ~,,,,,,,n rourfog tx ,.. WAD pau klence,la ;1::‘,...7:;t41.... „,,,,,,,,„ ot , v ,„ .. , ili .„ L.cre. i P. ... I Successors to COOK BROMIERS a. to., . g::-....-]..-..... iNi.r.:ltuared I ' T! .1",: :.)::11:1'Fi i n e i i r . tg e : 1. °"..n" so , "..,, A ~' . r ,t r ttil 3re l . , lT! ''' h 4.412. it e•r ic E s?.?in 9 tte t e l' aVA I , ,eseceTtg=l',er,°crelitacTot.":" " bleoalt j 0,.. :tl,l",."ffet.l, et:r°7:Fr r i .: L i S:e ' YE:l 7 . l : g ; . L. " .: t h ' . r . ' 70: 1 1 . 1 1" .(/ Z 2 . 3 , 1 ft . ... 4 1 ., ; 1 i r . . i . . , ..11 rra i: 1 , r. .Y 0 .17 , 1 1. „ ~V..T,„ woo ', slut f;, ' reC: n' a '7 i i ; - I No. 345 LIBERTY STRE:ET, rgiti ';'g P us iT ` s '` rt:ft7 ' e d f" 1 - ""''''d , . storie., ear n h 1 1 awry. Iran it.ret:inlre= .., S W : I h a . 1:71:1 fb":::: Iran ilt i n wiry I 11: ::: d. r... ..d 11., !: .. 0tt Vb. I/a.m., 11.- ~ 99 cOlotost PLEAS tn. ulcer s or n ...miry Ile states Mat 1. rt ll l./iV i &ter n I 1 :1 3 5 :o r , t•-'1'9•99 rLompr,, Jos . 'q ua ' • ' ". I.: "' ln '' e 4. 8... " .. '' 111 ./ ' h. ."'`''. . widths one blin ed rah's: the Peatlal:lfdli r totter 41. Poi • Si.. t .9 , eire 1 rafortry, to r . t, inn any .ser are epi , 1 tttsVisF.s7; ette`hgtt:"kt's"&krattedpi= ,2 U. ti Tower ye. L. T. A entomb. ' l. '7 '' ...• , .4.. ..'t Mc , .rl . t ' , .1:T ,' 1.:;;;, ' /Are ' l N.., 7-I.'",V;,;:`,r,','!'ir,JVl.;' W HOLE , ' Bern lau M•re alt ~ALE Ggorils, =lad eilgat y sltuatee in • good ne g it., I "..I=9;3tly'testo'relit'r7ek*Hi:l:,wtthitti7r.Oooh.:.' Ift fret float sad w feet back, an two rood N.. Same tit al vs. James o'...Atta. I ' ...6 .. • .. ,f 1, 1511 ° 0 ; 0 D , 0 6 _Water"•..r.' Do '. i n , fl. " , ,';',..‘; i' i ' e ' ; ' •" ' ;;.lt. ' ,;titf X..;( * :,: * , * ;',V i lt: i - W, trail/010 A Slll Vs a na David MoDonaldv il e J rt a ' tin ' e t e n V Tanner . "I bro J 9 la: dote Wton ('Co il ' ' ''''''.. ' 'd , otio , ls oc fru orlon'. 9 .. George Blackstock vS. E. W Arm, ' .l .afed W. il " ,, eil. ' U lIELIIIIOIIIII PRODUCE AND . COMMISSION ' '°"'"`°"''' r 9 "9'11'99" 8th."9”.9 * '3.'- 0. IfenryDithiloger err Jeremiah Arms 1 0. laltEllAN. P. M. ry township, Westmoreland coy., Pa . oit the Is .1 B. IA Illianes v./ -Adams Erin . .., Lo •''' --...- %I. ut..ll,ollfloMskl.rwu.ingver.Jrnkhsn...4lronise,.t..rtil„ CONCENTRATE(' EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA ' b"'ii:ill;'iorTsine.ni.llslviliT.'"Viiillirr*P. , om it[ ZR - Additional Local Platters cr.y twill sell for thetow pllee of 41314. 9 99- .tale !abed upwards of 10' years o - Ai.. a Farm of = c.s It red I E t et. W. OD First Page_ MERCHANTS. ,li h..m... ....ad "'• ' °' ° " .7.1.,11.7.1....xj=., Morton street 11.- ....wwwww...m.......,_____ The antenemittti ":... ° 1'1141114 r ;"* frame Mr, and other °nu/eliding.: abet. MO ce cd and under good [coca. toe I.ldue In 114.11 PLIIIIRE FOR TUE-61.NSILEMMEN i govilt,itintreor,;,Tir .11 ts or • good ToallLy. weli Consignments of all kinds of Produ . re respect, ! tic. Ka be rtZirlioairlow"*lr -9" 1 .• 949' ; • Itilly.rilellei, and prompt returns guaranteed. •° ; , ,nf r M o , oal,e t lrrindlOtcl, p" °y ° 1140 P.' Vb9,....5 "Nigh. n'heeehihil C.'"'"'" r ::: - .....ife --- 170. tee J. L. Pureenaril. I ' EN ' "‘".t."allinitltrZlLateest.. fit..sing Curette , F. SELLERS & CO., ~,:".„. „ 0 „ i - -7. - . .- --m "L'Am (Ammon Pleas Con.. , ___ 1 Photon.* ..Nlgbe Rioeseing Cerenta., rOilk PACIJERS, • JOISIN CROFT & CO, &lore lion ltiwin 11 Stowe. IN rt. J D c lo i La I _Real Estate & Insuran ' agents ! i in the cute of Robinson re. Leherberger, i ' She jury found a .entice in favor of the - , r . bnlonas "Nigh - . lllooming Cereals.. I' A.d M47'""5777et5.7 plaintllT for 412 S M. 1... .41. ?a Thr.‘r`!"..,'Ys,d:iibb'. r i t ' .. gi'Y "' j'me ' ' BOOTS AND SHOES .., , ~,,,,,,,,,,. 3 Phestou're ••Nigh. Blooming Creeps. , N ew : Bacon. Beef and Tongues _______.______ --- . will he ready for deflre7 on llon . day. Pith last., A Brilliant and Patriotic !Bitterne. AT TILE rur I. Left ,,:‘,,T.i.'„°,1?",'.:,:"„ti1°4 .1::!“,r0p7=7:•,,' Choi.. CrHugali-ued Moms; HAVE POE SA LA ' r / 1 ; " o d'i dO " FP InlrerliallitLtnaracoll; Z - ct a,e,e, phpthece, In reset. countT, Pa. The pro.lul takoly utarted tr.. a number of ',lnch It takes Its mama i tominent and putrddle gentlemen to SHOE PALACE E MPORIUM, . ', Manufactured only by 36... a. rt. na- Be. ercpt ou Ito battlefield of (xeltysbutE a pat wanent home for invalid or Artpletl l Won PIIALON dr NON, New York. • Plain cured Bacon 711/OUldrn Would via fur cot propertY. Do do do Md.. mproeetr in udlana county, PA brAol II re of Me I * .edwlllun, Is de/alined to Tdl MI OTLIER . ROUSE 11 TIE ROELP i' BEWARE OF CO STERvEirs At reduced Pelee, and of excellent quality. VAA!,.;‘'..',,n4r.„1,.".,,V.,71.1Ami1"„*".4.7,57.,N.'Ai•E. fin, roll MI A LON ,- TAKE NO 0 rilEpg Zra . t i pla ri na i t e e mad . ho rermlarly. annulled Be acres , rrtiotorea In Bea r- vet .. .al - Ps- ptme a pa wider.° anuettail. 1 / 1 0 achatno. %MO/ I, it Port f. nu Iffo on . and which 0.111 ______ J. ,.. r. ‘c es lathe I rovlslun trade. ---_,.._ u____________ _ ____ , IrAncl-friwn: Itn".tPler:;:tiT°t"n".e It'ifri7g.lieeioad. 1 No. 65 Smithfield St ' ' for the benelt of die be knurled out striotly a 1 fattlifully, Is Nos. 26 and 28 Fifth SL , • BitEwEit B IDIKE A c.„-.., /mom thing for &market garden. STfJOICHOLDERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. I SOLDIERS' IRONUMENT elftiply this Although th erection of a ‘ 1 I rylvill'el:l•7l!=i7luvitir'leht 7`el b t' ; '' ' • Lome for 1.01111 soldiers outs 0 Ilk the ' Pen' zed • private reeldelloa. 9 ' 9 r fr.. Capital CDR. LUDLUM'S SPECIFIC, COMMI(SION AIERCHirrs, •aahle leasehold on Wanting ton ifirect. --.--tal, -.. . $200,000. ' Will open on 17e.gdM"litt"Drio'rtnlibtl"uto"„Olel'‘1° lf I'le'eitTo"..blit'ittm.: n.rl. 0 IV' B . CLIFF d ' C°' T h e AtiENTN POD Tat Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil 'jerks abore the (train Kievan., . A • et on Washing. i L . ,.,L ,.. ~......., oppt ot.tototo to „t_ _____±________________________ 1 Great Ameri an Diuretic! 1.t....11.1;?1,,,,,,,,..,.41....gi,nr;..L14.1u.a.< . wrrn PRIVILEtiII or s - ae,m,o. Tuesday Evening, 28Ih last,i ~.1,:.,,,,,,1:, i.,..,:,,,,...,,,,,,,A.,:tg.,,tr0..,,,,tec0ri;,,01eT, NEW wALL p A p ER . Affo . trlsinatordlate eelier a.l o ffects MM... Ample Storage :peon:de an R.e..1 on. Lit! ' Vtlnfitr'l Luilny.7ll:dwor° t l olgint. ". . ' - -Dl'''''''3 DePostla ree Mr ed audit ~, it ~,,, of .ii (I in•r7 •nd I r.ate Disease. in I uar.ald.caosAkad..,:fier:L=b.adai.rshlgroolfants of i . Y.:4rt.furtter Wren:lntim apply ta the ahem./ ed- Npeelel attlentims glvell'7o*Cnol°leSe.: IN CITY- HALE, ~ gr...., g Potter to the min/orators 11 wale and (amain. In shorter flu, tits, auy rem- AND CONTINUE TWO WEED N. / r residont-A, J. BihER. ' COMEIBLIIuIS ./111 Ii t SPECIFILLY SOLICITED. I ...nod ,horoln to rattle thu reudlrod money i edy ever discovered. Irrlte twin per box. bold I .. *o4lllbettni ' V e t a d s °° ligie o r . 4ll:''' 111° . g -- - - -* '-22-.1- 1 11 °P.. ' 1 . h3 i moans , of . a ,fraud gift tindtibutlou. IND .• 1 all Drusslats num. Way , 1 lIESIRABLE and firmeock str et, 11 t 1 h 1 °N o'sfVo'r'l.llkurrl"rin't,hl'l4l/Tirlo.r'llain°r: ROBERT KNOX,. Jr., 1 COUNtRY RESIDENCE, I Cashier -8..3. ROBEiTB ''"i i ' - .1 1' nfised a largo number co ditgo l urra . tau ' o lIPHOLS Y . PTO T,RE, . p. 0 .1 ,. 0 ., :i . :4 D PARK. General Agent. - -------I_______' t'. mrg, ---T!)!51 S - •-5 • rii , _ L etstrta Tr, 0. ( ! • - pre, lout stones, ute.ormi were taken a tone d . . • A tisk, Jr.. Treasurer. •ro '1:0 Second ISO a Is 2 'Federal EH, Allegheny. ) FL',"l,`""'"."" hhnhth parties advanced n. tor their purchase. t untileates ICJUNT OPENED, AT alp/k CARD To INVALIDS. - con3IISSIOS lIERCUAIT, I' i tt=.l.l,l7l n i nrl. ‘ ; " o ' in?l ' r .' " i '..'" ' ,Sif ' " ',',.".. Nr . ° r 4, o.oland, emir car Statlong hoase containing 1/11tECTOBS. a.ttier, 1,1 e., will 1,..r drl4.n.enowle'dgetti ir NO. 36 SMITHFIELD ST., ..,,,,,„....„..1,.....r. ....,.......r...t. FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCF 1' il'C'l7l'l.74 .` 1.: "'' i"; ` "; " 1:'; ' .: ibilll7ll6 IrV; `' ll I t':...l; ' ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''' . ':: iri " );;'' ' 'Ll!:' '' '.". - 11 ::.1111'411:21 Is.i.'!!'"''''': 'll V :';';'' .. '1'4...1 , . And .lealer in valued et Ise dollars each. .111 be issued, A Clergyman, whllo realding In Booth America r.N.rti _ , anti lite holder .. 111 not only contribute too Onle je,. ;11111.3A.LNI1clEuR;TRADT.a. Icel:aborEh. - I national and ernnuientlable enterprise, but 0 cheap by ' IT.L'irst9s9.(9,w' f'''s.nirig.VVii‘i'i, rkt e :Zls .tag ,l ;ioVt , '.'lli.V.'"l;'•"" ": EIVED TLI/9 DA IC rem,. for the Lan. of Nervous weakness, Early NEW BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS i •ItEi' ' . .•.,4Mlisoooltotttehutilre,t 17tere•t :n the BELOW • THIRD. ' . 1 prlitudy gate ar:ri t teg gn a =th .l l7lll e i l L T \ h tl! To aecommodate tte incr. Ded trade w se, ST EEz. .. w,,,,,,,,, ,, • " ..; IrustuM. 0. /..1 . 01 - 11.11...... matt rli _ __ * * . - _ _ 131 '' t 1)..; Matisse, of the Urinary and tieminal i 11. k. Chestnut street, and daily vlest. by ore,. • breech of on bush ss a.\ '. " or'''. '''' "' *.'"'N tr.4"""1""'" br*"" I , '..• „ 110LSALE AND LIETAIL *I Brokers arm Real Estate Agents, I -----",----------- ,E€S S• LECT un E. • '-"--------. INCLI9 BOSH' LID TIIIIIING IOWA& 13 ICD Ili i l isßß Sr ,,,,"-....."... - , • No. 00 Senlibtlellatreet. , WESTERN SAIINGS BANK, LIEN. N. F. CARET. or Cloclunall, ilLiVilUlli, u " COV • 9 iiiis Ti riie?i n oTrVo * a r b t it ° g ' e " enie'PrlZ I..B'Mciiiiirl%lrALiiil:l;raUlE.PErr.or.r.ill'l'D'i'n."'"Difijia' i'''''./.'hll::%"'.llnn:lp'd':dko:}.Tr':'lF'bir7ai:ii:l'" 7:i:.- • -. r•Loril, aIaTTILASES aad Iti ' lllige. "E of al . ed i .d ' o7fortZio!...l will mod the ra ' c e i ‘ pe M lit ' r 10,,. FL C:111 40 M ' n'T" ''' .9.0.59 Fourth Street. Vet Leethre b..fore Inviston No. 4.1, go. or • SPRINO SHADES OF • hands, and Wore is not Intrimetiig"rrocubt pers., . L•gAl ',ITS; 8AL1...0n 31... N. Ties. I L no cents in- S I f 'OR SALE. -- - . - • that the entire echoing: 0111 bneutunia• kh''''' t• DA 1 and 1 1 3 .31 , A1 t Vaisi At. May isith, , tad to the perfeet statisfacDon t a e ver3•lnkly tettT2it3:46ll23lll4alfglirfitrrit.EET I Pr-'1".""t" 'W. "'"'"". ''' ' "'"' Dal Paid on Time De. miff.. 033..9...EV1C391.1.193C1 MMHG. and .ht 0. s n o 'ilorit- ' ' I THE BEST ICED GLOVES. ' IS and Stitlarket Street. . enseiora. to any one who erode it. Fn.. or 396 Penn Street. Desirable Coal Farm, i „ • "'th"-`'''''''''''• tl'grjritifrnm°,l:o°,l",.tf.7.4.4';,gl,°o7r,7,; V, 0'n.r,.., B. my.= unDSOII &CO in " ! 4 ° l *. reTs t e d t i o .° ;o7r:e n i f c . l*** * ''*""dd ""'"'""' . P.j±'?_---- - -_______ ---__ , o o t Rem ....... , :„.fee r t ,.. s4t . u , s , t . e p alx... .11 . t. 1e . u . r .v 01 ,.7. I i nt,t, red «Jan. P. 11MellAtte Containin g Uur acres, un - ••••1•10 Toth a rem of wAs,sonYern' r'. ': "..l n. ' . 0.. ' L ' 054.7 * ' '''.7 . 09.5. .. ..w.... 9 .,,,.... ~ *- -.., ORPHANS' COURT LOCK. o fcomicsea : SALE. story frame home: stable Tor ' mghteen bead of Cry :dal Rend Camps paid Drop Trimming,. AND Demise in ----e , ,bi home for invalid soldiers whore they ..... '''''''"*"."'' l'''''''• *b".,.',Wka",.'ls. B OILE R will lie mared for at no :,i n to thammilvee. -- - -__ t he s%" Vice President-I.III.IIIARSHALL. .; Jet .d Cry Bat Ornament. • We have last opened a pen line of alkalles.d 349 LIBERTY STREET, • colon of tbeecharatad . Daury sus and Jet Drop Dutton', Tho nroject b. met wlth some oppontion pith.. , gheny, I will expose to PubllC"'Alr"r '-'" All'. In certetn qu.tere where its eintn.ter and ....uurgh Importing House. .01) _ = m et , ______. j_'ITTSIILIMIE_PA. JOHN D, BATLEY ' Fine Assortment 01 : Parasol.. and lon I propl•lons n tee not born thOronghly under- r r 0 1 ~ IiIitECTORS. - SHEET IRON 'WORKERS, NTV'EN'irir.--IiENNE--i"' i.**9' , " tef. o. ' writ _NO 102 FOURTH !BRETT. 1 rani ° 2...Pir ' S ' Zl., : I ii.6TAtv-r, „..„ PIA `Clore , ••• ••• i 'Umbrellas • mono, but the projectors hold the lc ~B B may a emu per Pa.r. I responsible for the f Itt/f I n IL n.".° °: ESTA nI.IBIIED MM. . Wt./WI/OCR COMKlNnlogig p alt ' ll •IYa m t., Englkh Bonnet and Trimming Itibbowt, ,„ ~, . °° • ''' ''''''''. Wholesale thalen In lIVRE ItiIt..._A C NI A I/0.11.- 0 E A5lO FURNITUREI •H. ' l ' B ' '''''.*""" ' 1. the City of Pittsburgh. Cee.T alottlald. i ri mg el E.t . a/Bee in the published Noe, 20, 22, 21 and 26 Perin tit. II WO .1 ad • a ti 19 and bons e.. prospected. ta. lil t /HUBS, AL rLuttie. au rrieS, EIJUS, I I t . ... Sloeltholders to whom we make We are autherired to Distautte From pair et cotored Veit et Ribbons. . mlo=3'lll'4 Tfo"?E11:L:g, '''.f.:'ll,°.nT,; SCHMIDT & F,RID4 y ;lan. scented a Imre yard .4 Ihrtilthed it egieitall. 0.45,•47 1/je ' ag/ 14 . 7 41,..V.,r t59 ....,.,..,, 5 • FOR SAue.t I ' " I " P ER-ENLE. °" Thr"""1""' the 3 °'b DIY O i r nisi one lgeszti..Vgalidlil e y rip ur tear paean' • 9 ' , D. .. moo alliroved nne Iner.. we are ore- .Ip, th e x....,,,,,a p l / 4 , , ,,cia .. ...4„...7. - ... 5. ,,T.„-..•••• * ' win. ri'l'irget/91.1. Ir:7 ' li " rr nrth. 4 for .othar pair. Elegant Assulatent Neal Point ant At:- , tea. nut/sonets required Ao complete the par. to shaunfarli rs even - .-.• .A p „ ~A , ~ ,,b; :, Ee ‘ , COURT 0 ,, to Ai I i HOUSE,O . j I) o r TIIE TIIREE-STRT BRICK HOOBE, % M . '. Irslsen,. Ittn . ry 1.:•;eoR;1",r. Ad'r...l2*-^.4 % °ll : ' ns .d' rtlll " b An the ''ibL ""e ` Is. R. C. Irld•til A ; . - pl'que Larne and Handkerchiefs. tint dlntrlbution wlll be obtaluo4 In A very trs In the ban manse-, a wa- ea eon. to Ellman's and J X tile' I• " O ' n itel l 4 . wharf tau, As the people throughout the any moo In me ernintrt. .[Lonny., kl(1,01. ------,--E.- ' ' ----L ..,,-__ 1 E. :,.,,,,„... • Tout. 2:174: rill/7E7/11T! rilYll:l"Cirl';:7l:'Eliirtinll V 1.3 BIACRES & CARLISLE, FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES ceen try sera with great roman.. Into the Attie. opera 1110.0 speculation, • scheme IMPORTER!' or FOREIGN • .4. n, 0,. ....... pipes . L..... 0... .4,- L'ETZER a. ARMSTRONG, ' era. Lon., aso rs. haft 1,.... Tank.. am 01100„ .1 NO. 311 Orlf.H.BY EITBEZT. . , At present occupied by Ur. .Y. B. BELL • The t pEOPLES' . 2 , _.,____ __,____ ____ oi n. 4 0 .. unite la Alin.. township. In dm l crt. I ers.l4'lrrgitnlNW'ri,"?,,l,V 1.1,,,"s A Agitatrs, nettling Pam, Boiler Iron. Ilrldrer. The Jobbing Trade will anti. comp Ut e ewer : 4 °.3 . rot P.a.. aggrandisement, .111 wear pails.. ' soie manfanure of BARN- r rogminG Asa aIIISSIOI ffigaßyft ~ louse wos blue W., and galsed.att., . 1. Urgers...l road. la. th ' Unit. ‘ a Mt ern greater inducements are pre.nted to aut.- l iF .ltit ' Xiirjr 9l' ' ' ' "'l i 'md ' t•t i g ',..arallY, to. hot [cola water. isarld, mantles and Iraqi, .-" IF .v , F) . ye warm,. i5t,.....t., of tbs ahouie g. 0,4 .. Por -Whote 'al.. Den.. .n 1.3 In the Gattymburif Asylum. tho sm. Al' _ ________alnix. t e a ,i for the este os Plonr, Gralo,..llaeoo, Lard Inaba. j.l.ll l V,',,i he ' l l ie enehe hell en " "e'rei the WINES AND LIQUORS "15 1 :f .. . 111 : , `‘' , .. ,1 L:1g.`".f.."... .• . ;',l:j.? • LA.. et. 9 o 9 t ( r!BO'i?fir.qt,..irtw.4'4 f 9 o( " tt .' meta, tOgt her 4•11/1 a great variety et m. of which will smtire a happy home for lurid -ire ' , tre u t=.l,"l,, ::jflon ' al7it:t l e l . l `" : SAVINGS BARK, f ,'' : 7 4'1, 1. '1 7 . '''' '''''''' '''''''' " ' "'T '.. ' ....7......-.---- thou.... of crippled soldier., 7 tgrRODIN SO. REV. & CO.. Di e.. 7 GOODS: II.E.;11' GOODS I Fancy Go: ds & Notions Generally, ' _____ ... ~,, ....L.. nem. I . 4 .oureb-„, ..... •pply to ~,, ate ° f EZI:Ogr-ri4"1";!,%7,`,n.1.`14`1,1',.' (git,...... to 000 'IP sr 'J. N 'mix.. r Is known , . W eleer's ...I • rdintl'un 10 " 1110 I i glttalbigalrb, Fort w... Tue and iniwro r o . Itt ma a Iftl_mans.) ....,.---._;;i.-..-.._._.___._._,__.__ . .. s. , , - • OF PITTSBURGH, , N 0.409 Perin Street, .eT ... ___ L _____. N.... • e.,. , .. , . a T E.oB2•En.r pfticEs. ' malignly. WASHINGTON WORKS, p weer& soii - co=r . 19'; ' -1 '" --- - ' ' . rl:.`tro:-,1,'1171!'a li,,`:-Var ItA`ccirg'sl7l 'IMPROVED PROPERTY IXCORPORATED 1866. , • th . H...- mr:i.ou • In puratrance nf me r ceousics tutors. , ut ~„. a Tontolorostod Machin' ila,Plttaborao Ao• SIERCH ANIN.d ' llealen lb /1.A6/A. I Tanys 01 0•00 -Cash CARR. McC•INDLESS A. thel ' 1i94 5000 01 Meeting, the stock heldets * PITTSBUR.GCL, 31. nit Octet, rs of Boat .4 Slatlovarl litalto ' °JUIN. KILL FEED and PRODUCE inagesl- -IPCZO.FL iMeLila. I capital, -- - Stoo,ooo. ..., tea eoor, ,on continent. of the f . ,e • - JOSEPH HORNE'S & CO'S. (Late 9 lison, Carr ACy .) CO., of the Pittsburgh, For[ %A ...and ltd.. Atria, Utast Legit.. 1111 i Machinery, Ilear• O. o. 79 Diothond. OVP9•11. Clif ROL itlie- Itallsl3l 11.13P4113 fling, on baturday V...:LiDert the allsallon of the Fe blk . 0 , ss DA Shafting. Lenin. of all descriptiorm.oll Rhea CD7. . 9 9.,,, Amato In Lawrenceville, .d Springfield, ad- MART-JANE DeCOIIIIM• .i . . • W HULEIALE DEALIES IN --- ' I FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ~t twelve obi.). fi , for the purpme of non. *'** 9.* "” ''' ''''''''''' ''' ''''.'''' ' ...iat arg,*,,igelo,,,,,erbe',.,. i,cg,*„. ° ,,r,; Tanks •nd btllls, Boller and Sben Irma Non. I s., aLii - -LIRA 5.a.e... 1. ~. 1 . l. . . ehienng such detailed ....et. gg .4, 0( and :lin e their ',names direct, the, are tinier No plc con ru-c and antitheebt Ste. 4-7 11101;111E1tetiajt;, 5 ,....• wIIIEIIOI.. A... 0 g. .11.0. l to Dna...Neje $1 MO to roc. I OFFICE. NO. 77 FOURTH BTIMET, haTS il ___ ___,..__________,lnhila ,11. Hanna made a second addition te our already No. 91 WOOD STREET. ? ,,, uh i m p 1,..,, µ.4..1./..;',+;.:11,41.,1711.r, 11:1,1= WIII be sofa ILL/EDE/ENT COUNTY. Mx. I'l , large stock of . be etilbiotunTe,(l,l3:, the.:lloaatnrdd op,f,rD.M.lti.misLor , i ' . : 1 1 . : . : • e fr i,„Kk , 17 , E.L7 , , ,, ... ,; 7: , , , , E,: , : r r ai , „ .: 11 . ,, , , ,, ,, , , ,, , , r, ~,,,rrt.n.?„. r 4cl th illr o p ‘ a r iti.DS PATENT r t ,. /.• MERRY Lvorn. A '.`.. .. Ibird Nouse abore Dlamood alley, _ , -----5"----It9--- and 3014 hi r tiN STitcllT. Mora., fur 9 iater.l 9 . mon. Embrace thin oniony:llW. • 5 555 .. SPRING GOODS PITTtiIIUEUH. lA. "d ' of orient...irony ...Int.. f w..................,.......,,....• provimente, and fat , 13.ro:11oln g to what . 1 , chome awortment of PU.E OLD it tgr• LA gik.• evrenron I 0.... 11k.1._: ...1.0e1.4. - 00 Vise Preaddenl WILLIAM REA . In Du: Court of Common Pim., No. .3, June "'"' 99d 19 99" 9'""r the) w'n Pr''' ‘i----'--g--1.-"'"'""I' '" h'"°' • ''''' "- COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS. "''''' • ''''""•"--- ''' • • -•'• '"'" Tar A'"'""lnr'lo*"`"4 "PIT" th."..41.' . "USTESSi Tet-o, PM. In tee matter of the retail/a' or We soprepared to or. Inducement., beta tr. CANDIDATES. Me tho meant therefor b • an Increase of riTyrniu..ii. , Arg u A , llit m li ri gg , 41... , %./ . ili iIIIONNIDIe ton .d liniarance um. or G. s. BATILB. - t 14w : i s tg , , ,, ez,, , ~ i Fa:VV . ! !t Va, WILIVELIDNA VOLTZ, wife nr BORPII 5---•-••••••------5------- i Lapp. stock. lir .1.1.1 3 `.. [:run e than-" J. °`'."'" ............ ' ..... ' '''"`". .1 anonym.. In PO R CORONER. II111.10( the reeloo. nteeting;pi. PARK. MoCURDY & CO., . ORLIN. and I•litigtlPlC. Mootltatii.l•l4l74 Oil Better Street. Law " rennm e . fa1. 1 ;9: 1 =1„... . ity,..T.. - t r i".. 3 * ()LIZ. to tw desired a Bente Soic Tradir irtinTroblerlats 11.dterehief•, The President presented the resolutmn liscarsrture r• of Fri. Al.:, a...terms and 111,11 'l-'-..1.1L-L'IL::".-P-111!!.."---1.11:17-- ) k ,: -.--- '..'.- w „ . ",.. 1 . ... f ox : h 1.... • ' And pow, Ns, lath, lair, petition prePnted on. . Hoslery Bogle Trill:10310p ~ .... WILLIAM CLAWSON, nawied . tlie 1.1 meet InE ot the Beard In ~,,,..,„ ~,,,,j,.. „ rotor ., „... r.b. OLLNORE 86 LIEBLER, I ~; ~,,,..r. r........s CoMr h.tosos, 11.4e.1 BUN T LE. RAIIIO & PATTON 011 SALE Olt RENT, (MEAL._ open • Conn, sod thtrcupon the Conn .lot a '". 11:io'llo'rrie'elittit7IPgirl'anr, 1 'd'rning.. net dm, ,p, It, 1,11, ... else [mist .. e.. .111 .1.. a . m i tnatscah,, ,, : i. , ci r , t „ : ,„,., ~,,, h,,,,,,...! ...,.. 1 1. 4 . , , t3 ,,,,. 2:11 .,.. ; Lz:,.. ailartoS;eoLoq4l: Sefrelary apd TRIMLY. SlDNirr Y. T . ,01" DONHOUT rule ay JoeliPil TOM Z, the bast...l of gala titiporioa:olditilLg ier.ol.rre.,., lat o tr . 11 , 11: t , ^ , 2 , , , 1 ,r p , 5 , 2,11aa r ., ean o d , l;llAte for the mawl.:l 114,;(1iitil:: lu r. titn o t= o to4;. Jogo . wing esti. roa /••• r i a Metals, TIO roms, bor. trot, Wtr petit/otter, and'. on al lot her YI. .Un` Ban% 'll.lltVatlkr• ours in.:l/IT • **''''' i ltolptr. ent m i nd rbliop SlaehinetT .74,33‘n. le.afecturars, Whol.ale and het. f:::,.,'1:11-:1,1.!;.?..';;'...'i'irPic"..rgrrirl'a rm,4°,0..FV,..'"".`„,°dr."".:',,,,„ej.";:.,.Tdi.,.._.‘ti122'. Zti.7:°.k.77,",,tri.?.".tif:Vr,„'°,.".'0"..,,u Miner cent. tudereat allowed on tin:leder and Belts, one Dorm ' r.e., . T,' , GB coniry THEALgurtER. Roll/lines ?„,,, stealers in an I let...Et,. It Al ire KT, vitt...att. ' A. ,,,,, .- ~ •-• • *- -•-nt- Isani•ula ' tral...er glen.. ie goo, 1..,•iiti.....,,,,'„,,.•,, i ,.. - itmegim es ,- -...- „ - -_- . - ~,,,o, nun. or coo,or r ,.. ,, , ro , ~,,,,,,,, ge • an tneccond a.reet, Plttsburith. f ,r2l.ett,whlch I wl , -.- -- . ... - Ladles', leis... and Gems. JC a ater hon../ Pottery -voyli Oi deT *Alex Under Me , COL. /AMES A. GRAY, Bridges and Leiser. LAI,Asi ..,... Alex .dre h! tilores, side Trucks/cc - ......... II sum T it • Inntlble Emore. Trail ' nu. Letate 31,tw0 NZ &Nog. .4 Of McClure township. tin be • caodhlase for 1 ' f?.:T!. 7 .7`.!.5f * P rtt ....° 95 * . - ' ' '-'• - - El IN - NTISIBLE \ KIIPRESS TRAIL 'SKIRT . Parasols and gun Umbrella;,' TkaNICW BELll't FOB Spring, 1867, WM. SEMPLE'S, - ok • I J. W. BRADLEY'S Duniv i Ethnic (OK DOUBLE spanced • zucnt coselbrtabte ,styl. 3Pl:rx " x " r "" X2CII AT r a MAUA thze et• L S i ; ir s I A :17.1r113 WO.V. and T/P-TUP W.ITL/21. 111EI _ FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, ISO it 152 Federal 81,, Allegheny. In W R MPZALE be all the lesellue Notton Et7t4'l7oll ilitZtqtrkntg: mttea tem; • WESTS - BRADLEY & CARY, Chambersetreet, ' NEW TORE. Mbliors3l•7 M=M MACItt/111 dc CARLISLE, I WM. SENIPLE'S, •Arb. 19 Filth Street, an Olga/a usurtm.m Of ' Sun Shades and s • Parasols, II J ar N E NEX T , • a I , how t ; 1 li''''l" l ' i '7l4' - i ~•kk k aed em a• . lA'. '''4.C4 ' '..""" ''''.7.'.... tlkk'Ar..YhUot.a.„ why the prep. of thc;•"'p'e't•illore?r „ ~,...„,, ‘,...,,,,,r2r22.:. :,‘,.._... „. ,A . ,,,,,,,,,,,,....0,,,,i, .„,_„,, ~_,,,,,_ ~.i..7.,,,,,,_. . ~,,,, a: , ;. .. ,, ra . a i r o s , ili , o .; e 9l ld b io t. ,,t b :. e :. , g : ra .u u d... t ran:: 0 .1 . ; , r 00 d : a :r ia?...,:.,,L.,:iiotnni,,,h,:aryt_t ~ ~........_,....___ ~„ b._ .....stmctria.lliiiii"(7,;;; 6 - 7 —"I'""' '''Pe'""C°4'""'"l";" ' . _ r:. ...... -..,. .. ..r...,.. , ... i...7,i;;;i; ll'iWIZ-i "'''. ' r "'"'":".. ' l b°-'12.:72".; vo."lll'.l.°Zl,.'4,'TT'A.7;7:tq.,ht"' from I ~ ~,,ET,,,, NE"._,LALL ItEVISIER & DUOS., (Successors -,,T x:',•.° --- 17 N-IC S '''' , _ __ ...di.z.: ,-.;r:iiw...,,,,. 9 and aagialor the tree ...• to Renner A Analarsou.) Wholes.. Death. •-- In Pond. grams, out. arol epic., Coufactlous • outings. street sky NGs EIANK. ~„, ~.,, oeuce of ...brut. be Ire s . ... ' traWlllleWille bloneention. ''' anba rat ' il,goo,oro • SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. `7. "1'""'""•• "-• '''": '''' .¢•[ lea ""-'. v s. ~,, .. m ::::::::, r i:. „ . poLLAR I . nln %be Pitt.blergh 11.7.1 r V. next tweet...ore Cam l'lttabu.ah. tan,le - - - - - ?1! " .... ' '' . No, 0 Fourth, Street, .' ' ' --=Y- ... - ' l! ' • i••• g s num.:meat of -------e"• --------- The Presldent tomcod that the subject haat T a all] wear Isles. •• 100 at LI • h L'OIS SA I.E - IN NIANCIIENTER. , eac10...1...,a1..Z0.niiike1„.....1..7,..,chant.tutd yaw,. n•ar • dou ay.. oakum ...mato. ',Lb. Tour of June. : FOR COUNTY witteAsuni•At. ,•1.e..n ha. fully disco...rat In the repo., of the VaIiXES. Carpet Bags, a.r. " ",,:: * treat -kkif br . g ' ' g‘'-'" ' JOHN EL c.v. - FIELD - , coistuals• •- -Ito s • • . D Ceuta , Neck Ilea. Fearer Board of Directors and tn.., of tho IdEcers, • PROM TR E•EECOBIC . 4.111. E. Arl/LIKERTE: '12 ,, V , U,1i,1".412;'''Z1A..' ' L ..'" " . WILLUIt Mee [[bard that It was not deemed necessary to elab. - • ‘b .,., ~, ... 0. „, gkab,,... • ky„.b o ... . tt. t•rd, &rag:El:an Viourb ' lt r a g rait 1:a71. • • 24' draM a cFg "" i n al ". 'n" l="*(gn ' "gg wita further. IipzINALI::4I= Hat mower.. 'Of Vitt town.htd. (formerly North Fayette. will The followlng resolutlnn ...as tans 0 e g 43-• large ...mug of Ladle.' , atche. als [earl Asriet and tol•,• biled remit. and re... Also. I ak , ...?tsl"; on We tsro me ob.. bel Candidate Idr County Treasury, •.. bject to by Mr. John Fatarill, of W..ter Ohlo l . gr 0g" 'n' hg". -. . GirTUE GRAVEST SIALA DIE ill aud to groat .tnaa, eels Alba.. 'askl4. -E'rree'lare'r CHARTHRE6 IN ' 1 ,,,,,-• , %TN wIJE ORTP-1/ANS, -,6 0 --- URT -- O: • Trlmantaxlllbbons?llottet Ribbons. karate .d... - 7.. , 1 width.. r the deetal. of the Tinton Republic.. co.. P:•;clacaL. ittra: po.ore..:tiaofiiii..k.,:org.. ~...:::.;...,::: and. 7.:67. .7.71,:t 1,:., ~,,80. ,t..; .... t : :.,„,c5.,,,;..i.:.:,,,,,,...,;1:ifi;::::;:,,,,,::.,,?1,...:::,,,,...::7,:c..:i1.7„,:‘,.::::;:::::,.:T711::,::.:::.,:.,::::i : .i,':'it.:;71....,:i4i.it.i1:.,,,..,„1,;....„;:,,L1Te,,;7...3....,,,,0.4.0...T....0,...::::77,:5. . ii“,o:ti,...,,s7E,",A.lra'Nth:De jb l e L : u . ;:b . :. o . L .ll Va i s stfe L li . E.,_ er. , , e 1t ank ;1; : i5a g ; r 1 ; ;: , ::::: . :: . ..: . ::::: ..".. . , t " : 7 0 7 . 2 , 43 f 4"4 : 4. 4 . 311. • .:::4;1:1.‘r.'"1:1::::.:E.::.:7._.:..C::. U.;•'1.4rt.1,•:11..7,..X.1.;'1.a...,'1:11:'...-::::iLl' , .„ atitkak with the bondholder/0 resolutions 0f„,,. ~,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~.i.,,,,,f1C=.,...•gtfgn ,11 RIDDLE,No. IS3-11:StoTril St.,- I,'"'it\l:!” rv--"'n.,"."'' 'n ' i"" " "''''' ' ANBErS .. . . . ' . 8" " I.'''. '''... l'''' ' - ... ' 4 314" h , Co re.. _____ ....___. the nn of April, CM. anal n o hi act to all , ~t tetro o r o ndltion.. we, •in compliance with. N '444 • 0011.11.110LESALE ROOM eLI .t.... -nn • • ~7 .1mr,tri, ..,„ ~.i, Department.. Deal F -6-it COUNI'Y TREASURED., ________ : os,s,„,t,"%ff,f, " i i to l it -' :'sZir, .1 1 :S ' l ' ,Vsi it ; - -- L'lri:',.„' 4 :t ! .% ' 1 :..,%°' "'"'" "" ii:;:: , . their voleaut•ga to glee ass - , afl ng . leakeletton• of ahe ay out Of the • • -•-•-••••• ............ •• o •••roeoe ...T. • taato . r . nrclopc.",.'''.7l,o thin. nom to ~area k ay. coaaggionions.-s-alpgagrg. Rath .. i gggng .11. gnus tut low as Emaent Jobber.. 1 MA). J. F,.DENNI . STON I dor spsu. Is., .lo ton-okay authoriae an al of all mimeo . out resat:. Ps.. C.. ,, srin, n • '• ' N'''' hinn.‘"..na • - ~ ,g0....g, 0 e yg g , • . gr., yo.reg ar m b.. eery.. of capital stook to the extent of • ~,,, ejtabor. kaveuclir,aika...b.r.k.,.....g. , oat troll., and • dividend of Me prod. de.. dam Vauairk and ' ak 'lir. ngng ""*.g. '''''.. .1 kruotwT ? . j IFIES 11:1LL O. WON, Mouii; 77 an 79 Mattel Street, C.dldate for COUNTY TEZAMIIIEK. cable. 414...4 t 444.4.41 (I,l44).h•re....apropayeal 11011RISON BARE it CO '.'""'''''''' - - ~ ~,,- TO ItIAIIII% Olt NOT iii , rs:n or. or csol ou.sss c=.l,eos 1,,,. •a Carly. r:.aT„..aa'r ' ma g r g. .,!; . ;j: ,‘ ,„p.. - b .,-- , g.:11 17'" • r '''. 1 ° .'"' 4^ , D.." " 4 "' in. n'''' '' '`44"41'44 "7'/';'4ll... t r all • l,..er hi. , "M ai ...,,,,,,, , w I, ~ t, ‘..„,s ~. liAttifir ~:,,,„ ~ ,h.,..,, .....,. ~,, („,„,,,, ..,,,,, , t ., , .. ~, n,.. . ~,,,,,,,,, ~,..., ~,,, ~,.‘ set to , ..d-D,4..!5.11.er,1art...1 sernbarghkal. Iv J•aute Milan Hayd.n. chikdren aid! balm •k a...'e: an tP 1 21 4.4 ..,,,.,,,,,,,, 0ith0mi,,,,,,,pubi,,..., comes . In, tho aforesaid re•olutlon of the . 2.•lsti of 9 Too . ,clikrll, ISG7, kind proTilleal that to 1 ractlonal :I,TM. for Tom, !lan. la Ira.), ..4 ihr How 1 - It.bur g ek 'nigg". S". " "g '''' Wgt" nn. '" gg' 'th"'""4 ` 4 g . • , 4 . a ' ok•a. I. er...,„4.4 ' the eaz,,,,:r; ;,'.",..,', , ,ta n i:,:tg . aaa organized,. ..,,1.u:1itig1.....;z: I;.;‘,l•llarden a..il fora N• larsuallaturets of all laud. hf "'". D PRICES I. - ruin. auhrike. 1 bh.II Ile boned. 4 , 4 A...tr.:me. on the tridatokockrol an... -a- 4 . 1• . 4.... ". 44 C... ...... rh ' .! " ...n!'n."."...""L.1 ....T.1 . • 4 teal[ 1......T.k.1a 15',47?.:. , ,•. , .r. ,_ 9 ,- ... ,, 1,..,7,,,,,,,1,,,,.;,,,..i....,14,,,,,,,,,,,1..,,,,.,..,,!,...,,,,...T..:m ....,,m,,i,Limr,,,,px;.,,,ta...,„1,.. Z.!: li Uzi NA L E—l zalr asldOcksueld, • • "."411".th' d"'""".''.ll.'".'''''''' ' :I"' '""' '.'"""Iljr"4" r"'"'"'" TPOR PROT/lONOTAIt Y. , Tina It ka 111 he Ol.ervcal. places °ea the r ,oft lk a, reg. • locket - 0'. 4 . 2 f5"" - '•••••`'‘' . ?•1, Juo*ii-N"lnfroitrs'Eu/"—At:i-"tis.'7ifsc't." "" mill_ '.c." 1 7 t' st :r e 7' a .: 17: r i_ . ' 7_t g ., '. ''' l7 ' • i - a g o P o. l'- r ( r i, 1 . a. :... • I.l .c''''. . - x• e t - klat rn je r g. . rhg' c ' c it e tit "g' t: n " a i l rh l "ug g 'i r . a.tee giA j l ir gl7 2c :r. ti k gl i ' : ..1 ' m 4l: fi 1 :1 ;r :. . 11: a . :11l 'i lf l i d t: '"fg:..i'illi: . 111 Ft 'I li ');..li:';? " .-i‘r.'; ' 9'r:111 . -i'r ` ;3 ,s o i ' . .4 Large i.e..? Ground i r • • . Ildealle market value OK The asiyantairo: a .a.•. , trcc or ch.., •o- ' Cassolc TO JO.: I. llotaa A co. ' " wa : a • •-• . T. b 1 . '"'" '' . .'" th 1 . ' ' ' 's ''' r ." n du " 1 . th .• ar , t i ." el: ::;:•:..1,11: , :;:tr . ;7n: -:? •: 1 : 7 ;: l. : ' • '" y ' o ' it ' r w ' l t l i ": • .: t :Lk : : ' V arctor l ll Y a g a g ite Char.. : II - ale, ital. :'. ', ? 1‘1 .: g•Ili'll't:'11b '""n"''''';"'"l'''';:rii: obtained by tine ehareholclank. that . A. Por 04, ' Y e •JAttlB H. WALTER, cent. of [ho w atock Is the• . '" pr""" • gIE g. gpmawg hf TEEL r..7- q , un 12 ik , A. SCOTT, I - s curOmAGEG ar. LANG, „ Iwo __ , , and gegulautes,Airtilshed.atlm, iiti l appllcatlon •ea TH OPEC 4 P. ' t 271 Val e' Tr' ;g'.nnnii'" . . - WM bra Diudlda. Mr the oMce of PEOTHON. amount id' bends realeemed by the sinking Addl . ... • • . UTAH)", ;glee.. the daelnliol of the Uples fond .al Is credit. up to them/ the he per • 1,...... c...,,,,,.,,,,,.. 1_,,,,,,,,,, , ,CL1A,...t.....k.17.:T1Virfid the actoal Mien or Ibe Blair County. Penns , . . - DENTIST, ...dealer. Ina mettles. Tie. On. Pro. . r d ng.gg nglth ggng Sa r'n" "' "h"4" ngn- ' as uel''. the time of soh/writ,- • , ..Ig.'...l7l•lll.7rloo:l24te.l:47:ZerinbUY.V4f: l•elt•!galtCl7.7i.'t7:il. p U oQl k " g U'E. " °v° - ru**r.flZT="T.l.4.":B"l. Namur, in CLITEgy u . ...... L'ol9 PROTBON - OTARY. .... 'ton. ' ":. • The slaarchallcle. were touch ple.ed with agii-.ltatkaatoor rare. NE P — L - U — S ULTRA. .s: --- ~VO, 4-. S PE.TrA, STR.EL'T, i P ! . ....?• 4 • 4 - P.- l 'O. C. HULTI 1 this propealtlon .It bear. no semblance te . rery Deetrable Land ' h'''''''''''''''. ch'u""Y' '" i ' ' . I. ' , t c • f a ' . .. " ... : i t ' , t " ,.l a ri [tic ' l L r i n e , B . ,, M r 0 1 ; "pg7e,:". lass , t ' l I V a 11 1' 1 7 : r . ': ' I. at li ' m e ' : c t. " tile .1..t00k watering" 01. ration, and out of , . .............1T TS HO Rd 11. a ' d i .. 5. , 44 „ 11. . 1A g 1i1- T . '2 )r ,..:::P i\-- . A t - ,,, "4' 0. 7 .. 7 . 47. 4 - Yee '. i . c .'..". .. 1. :: '17." ,: g id_k i 1 .1 7- 1 14 •• :;--1:1.2—'.1"I' D ‘ j:Oi.;1?-11184."-1:11*il:.14--"tLA IC'enlItfl'":0:11. . 11' r :11:?:I ii t:U ri ii . 1 1 : t rt .i . ec i:!*° :•, . m l it :... hb' :l 4 . ' e; ' , Tte r,,.. g . ''. bg'i r g. j;;;:. k:' P../i7L::1,L'1';.':50.!..114::•E'1.1,31'r:8.:;0117. : 0-- ; -1 . 11 .; - N , - . :2: -. : -. Y - . ., P ----... :5 74 : ---: :: : ,,, {Y m. J. An der.eu 7C' rohers C. Loom., . ' June Terin. A. D. I.V. 4., •the trogter of_the ske... L WUI be a candidate fbr mi. Mace of PitalquoN. i :I4ref.efty-1,,0ur thousand Eve hundred and WASHING MAGEINES ''''''''' ' ~,,,,, ~,,,.., pi.. .. er street • • MILEY, subject to the deeislOa of the thrloo ' ~......T.-:ji??..Vi4.744,f1".....f..474tht.peg',4 . • PLI7I/IBING. OAS FITTITTE' ,„„„ ,„,,._‘___--________ , DI a:,11i,,,L71.;:1iZ f":%•`'.L:,::•:;;;;!;11:c‘E.:';'.,,,T..; ' 1; 11 9 .:r . 4 3 " y ": 1.4Z "' r .1 . ".1 , - ;":• H"r ., : •,1 : 1 1 1 1r L :: :: i r e ": 1 e ll ; o t i d ?II ! ' ";:' ..." .: 1 re 1 4 . 1. e • r, - 1.1 4' '3l ern C . I. a I 'l :. A. C F P‘ ' : c r''' 'l g 1 . Isentlblieals Conrention. .ne_ : cres_se. The new Steele 111 -y • dirt: liovEta•r iiritcu ASEI TEM FOR ASSEMBLY. . dend for the quarter ending. Oeptetutscr WRINGERS. BiIfE.VGII, , rOuN si. ook.an. .m_s . aars... - .Tiii, UV Ulan. _, .. „ . . . . . . . .S „ „ . 7 4, 1 2 : .. u.„ TON S ~,,,,ii . tt .- 14 / I . e : .. I .:1 : 1 1 1 ... A .. 1 _ h, ( 2 ., , , , E ,' 30th, itatC. Tlie meeting was very ,pleasant, ' ' JOHN M. C()UPER A;*-Lrl)., . . WILLIAM B. ROSS, entire hartmohy prevailing .d the ...re- . • • holders mars So their interchange Of COr/groE POTS. , t Cogoo - • ... .... ''.. • ik Itkclon. the ileepc. hen lance and M oral - He SAI.E.--- Of Allagheuy . city; yin be....,,,, k . okr As- ' efl ' . or . I r e oft .h s.• .Aud a fall auvrtrant I. of Ilmotekeeplas Geol. • • ' BRASS - FOUNDERS, fanth. .. act to the decision a the lepubil- "IV. A. 4 ..- a .bir allP Mao ... coe., c0....g0.. mg..., agement of the re. lo Charge. GB.AFTOR'S, 86 . Federal St • . ~ I Rain tfm%rellas ; Itorriqon's "Star" 4i Galloon Trimmings ; Jet Proj Trimmings ; Lace Tziramedliandkerchiefs ; Alexandra's, Kid Gloves; Velvet Ribbons, rich colors ; 0) 'nnre la id Edgings; UM Jaipur° Lades any Infantet Caps; Trimming Satins, alcolors ; , . i.- -e...-..ilith ri e il e iiii; I Itr3n r ir , . . - '' IiITT 84 1 •11.41 Ei E.,ki ME WE - iii• ; tri•inri d irrrri tj ' e u i,:t' l gq i . ge t:.; ,l 6 , '... i : ,‘ l. ,,tr r4 r -1 .7 4 '''t 1111:11:14iTil'il•liri'Il.. A WVIII to.m.m.d. Steam and Gas Fitters, . . .__ 'EAR RAILROAD DEC z vr, JOSEPH B. M'OOfiALD, : A contmt. wal cane woo partially heard ''itpl.s,w7ol•7l, •ALLERIMNY CITY. __________ ____ ___ , wonufacto mot nf Ptlllem AND 111 1 / 1 1ln WOllli, . ~.1,,r.,01tu0f, .3nrr0ga%,...1/:,[,14 ~,i ;l . .. ftef.- t o[ l all- 1 ,.."1° ` ,. , j lt . l . ChArd u ki .. ay .il, [ .._ ; In the Common pleas fdourt, on lieforday, ()Anson, DARIINGTONct CO., ELlF2:'''''''7l‘47ll"aZr:`lit'`;':l:::;°°' ''' 'T''''''4l.l";t:"ll.' Of the Second Ward All•gheny fllty. +object - to otor° a Pill bomb. The Will In dispute Is A kits AND uTHRIts 'IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEP- Irt.,:y. ry,....criilt, ri; dralrrs In IiAS YIX. ' tum No 'I Chistt. of all limn. , .. 1 . 0 G. e. hAres. _.••••- --- ' tßiTtgt, tiWP,I9 AR) HOP DEAII&S, ' ---___ ' SEWING} '2IAU4- - Mil ter :Bede,: i•••,..... •'1ir.' ' •. CFATIttN, Ro. b. of Pittsburgh. An the ...lon of the . Upton Republican taunt, . . Convention y . „., that el Mrs. r Jamete Main, • well known ski . ._.,.... ' con. of the 'ffiftil Ward, +rho died •short con•let".ingiElof Wr ancy 43l.l•o4=6l l ,43' rePl ag etol ns and • , Corner of Pike and Waloni Slreff ' s, " _.........._______ 8°'""" w ' - :_l________ _____s_. 'ivrci,lc),_.,cic...33.lllTE„JE:.::llB.tl7,kii...t.., .8 , 04 .. .h_1 0 here jhr,wroler:ltzh.atu,seAßLllTeartion. AUCTION SALES, ••. time elneo. The Cane wail In tee /Imps of ff.....- Bird Cog. water c0m..., h.crir.,.. , - JOHN D. BAILEY '' I j °N'T BE °E . ______ _____ ; w.i.:..,...t....11,121,11,..kim...1.12.b.nr . Stoci and Real .Estate Ernier. rk,l2h4n4PAL2l4l=l74llll:l!".°` ii'f- ; '..."."1"1'.. l'''''''' j''' T''''' r'''''. - --.........--____...-,--... , ...peep from the makes 01 Mkt court • tcgo... 1.7 , 44, 1 1t , t i0, 1 . c . e 1,1 , t , c 0 1t , c , , ,; F ; r .7m . weal . P ITTSBURGH, PA. ......- Na.eleg and , myp,ato .. • [ TriziTer.lv AEREFt AND . ELE- ! Register th admitting tho will to probste. riVnif,,,till=;ll, Tim C.bo Po, '• - F. ii ....... szvirciow,s_ ~,aAtii,:h , i rt.....z .. 1111 .}. ., ,, , , , r . 0 ,1,.., , , , „ . ?,. ,, ,1 . .......; Mr. Lain w. a livagy itsbletigeepor r tail for 1 . . et and Tattle Cutier..4;raNdatcr"".. w...... COLL d 4. I'aILLS ' tygt......,...,„ ja . ...d.....,,, .- . above . number sod term has boon made fora ' • ...I'M now of , ..tY Team prOprletor titan ounnihus line. taoton. nod Housekeepin g li owls In genera, at • , - JOILS to. IJAILET. -7-'"--7- . . t„,,,tai, :,c4r., -- " ..- , ;tcharter of inioreorallon. The name trill ho ° fkmmerelat eales Noon, . et. heold aramt. • .... • ~ graoted,nt next Levu of Comm unless exccptione • • Thirteen were , of Won. aid uolrahle ro t . my hLa wIII, dated Jai:many' nth, MCY, be hitt , ROBERTS & SHEB.RELTT'S PRACTICAL PLUDEBERS The attention of tho ...manor the Lw I ° a... , STOU'AND REAL ESTAIE BROKER ' MIR. '‘. ' • .granted. doer. In Boss townthip. about ameo mil. Poo the hulk of bie estate, valued at IMMO aintY l WItui.V.SALC r 1 lo plutimultuly luoud too. OAS AND STEAM FIITERT, . ALES AND PORTER • • AND AUCTIONEER. , . ihniViljsilinTniro i sr 7 l VV. , , ' llAt ' it . :l . 4l:f ...,'.. ' .... ' t 1 t h n u. ..d .401, ....t. to al. aa° ' r it Capper Int Ellerk free ire ianahrlor); . . , ntratf.s ' shore Scott. id. prostorr w ' McCune. teat. on questa oat of ihe ranee . • homes Dein. 4.1 mei.; tam hie sale este -' • ..roag agreo , with one bearir, orchard. of c. 0 ., ' eutor. betpleathinifto his °Mit EOll James c a • 01 B MITII f Iff Lit ST.. l'l° - ". •Slitillitlf• Tirce. GEM k e oni.h.zh litt.root, Which. Ulm:int. care.i orieev ea arum, .4,,,Vi,c,1..,%1Lett oven-c0...1n n as Auctloneer , G ; RoIyER & 13;;; ,, -- ' --- i ---- 1 ------- --- ; - itr e - I ----'-'---------- - ----1:1 1 7. ti .- : e . :::::, ,r now or.. ..::: : ; : i r : : , e 7.,. . , : t:i ii ,. . ,,, i. 7 :: :: : : :0 . .. n t ; Ira i, , , :: : 1;1: 7 :::, : 1 : : hi: IN TOE MATTER OF TfIE PF: see/et:es of rotes ; tumbrel or touustal 'K. Intln. anti to his' dab/thief. blie &Mb- I - Mo . cial at . our eater/sly, outliner facilities and Hops Ron, , 11.. ' ,,f4-4-:,: ' 74 'frirge" ,1 ; 2 4 . 2% , `=7;,... • . 1.= ,.. ! ... t f .; 11 ~Sclk. sx ‘ e , e4r:co o : o f .. ll:l7: , Jmlt t . I poratlrely email portlon, while to Ltle wife , ortarocoeV‘feir.ll=e Vatte rr eTTg. r ."" "4 ' 8 •11TNIIICRISII, k•AI ' g ; the yard. lan and Nest we can eo to tw Mame the bleu Nattunal Bank, I I tust now Dre• ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH '. AX 14:;,;%°'11,'It',12;:g".!..t'Z'''''''''''' ""Int .--,, he left but bpi bon.hOld faralture. The ; mylartSi ~,,,,,,,,k ~ ,,.....,L w. li ont Mg W. o l articular attentium paid. as hereb t fU h r e e to ''' ti v r: ' . . P .M.. . P a' h "' Ir ' .° '°a .°°... 4°.. .. - • will le contonsul nLb 1 "- - - ,, r ter ..., we ., Puree . „ r ei , ~e 7 t , r ; -,,,,„„.; I. ''VZ•irlVlftritli'bris'4g'llloll;•rocotanatnde.d '14=1rc.17114; V41`,:lr":111:""' "°°"..l , ' ''''' NEW STORE AND NEw GOODS. ' , u. 1.1. -1,1, ~.....,, w.,,-,. in , 14,..., .1,. , ".4'111 nrNargr.. " ::;.....: i .. b. , '''''"'° th''''`' .: ''' . - ' ,,.0°,°•1 ' , 'l"l‘,'''''•" ---- At , the dece.mi whoa ....forit, - .l r iff • to- ISevring I VLacouines' • r,f, • !,,t'',V,r ^r,"°,'",". n-th.,4,.....- 15.1a..22 r ood 7,4°:;:re,'";!;;;;,t•,T , : * . ' 1"1.; ' ," ° ,";„?....,'; of unsound Mind, and unlit to Maim tl4"lr. llttsbural t ' , A/LT LiAnarrit for Pro, .1 styla.. Intorrlenord wuskonl.b. • [ ttr[1..11[.,,,...., al. ad ale of bat tomat o at privat e sloe. 8...... 2/....7,,..7:;;:t:::::..."::::,":1:7,.".:0,!1,c7,77. a 1867. • SPRING. WT. , !z ! ...r.. ,11- ...:k.! - ,).: , :; i t . :',71 -rr.i.. --. or• -r • urnera claimed . the will and mon. ru note anrnartf, If tlenWed inatlo the will as claimed, he did •FRINCE ' S TEA MINT, • Yotelal allentlon pal.l to tountrT work . '.". ° aro [. or at our °ince, ell. tubed &stoic lo tee couuter attended. am • TIME BbT for Tamil ; I M . .mit.r. ;. _ I . tenet oiDiquitelay 11311 Butte, tile y, , , , ___,,......______."''''' ' '' '""''''' "'''" - t. - • ~,, i, Mutt... Call a° •"r .e ULM """"'"" ~c :ae„tril I' ''''''" 'r''" i' - ""':' 1 : ~, , ,,d;,..„, In putu,,,,,lth .. ,,n, . , •" , " . ...a lIL end.- the undue :MI eco Of the tmo . . __=_;,..„ - - I . , ..--.. , • tearriago Luau. The 'Mole groundorme aud ; egg , e ,, ga eze ~,L og °° ; - - No. lb' DIAROND, EITTADURtiII. :r. t. ArtrOue. more ------- ; rr". ' " ' ' • ARBUTHNOT, ~ • - f .: 1h.. ,,d,..ri?,.. , 1048 . ,. ~ . „,,.,,,1,,,,,„ , A nutn--,trollorltoiltsoce werwexanilitod as - r - e - eee e e ie,',,,,e-,T--- BOOTS AND SHOE'S. . ...Vb. 103 .F/ftle street. ' i b,::.„-,1,..A1 :, ,, , , ,7:0:11 - or i ,r,c , „„ r ;;. gao l t ga wi ng Ito the condition of tho mind of tbe dem. Jest opined, &large sod .cholce &lock of ' ITIVOOD it III'LIFFREV , ii"LE - Gli"ENTß it 'ffi E lli . 0 • SHA.BIJNOBT . , fr Is the gales. Laing the moot rosin. g ode, , dent about tont time anti eutreminent to the am . add kr.enting I. ilorst oleos ef . ony drire In ; maktog of will, but no deelolOn ar. - ream and l'ansily Grocerica. • ' ; Ul ST RECEIVED, -:- . 7 . 1 MACHINE i • : b .1----.,. A---.-----H-E7,-?tt'-'-'ODx , I. Ile /1!1:11 . G0.12y1 , ; rived et. Tho examination of witnesses BRASS FOUNIIERS, H.,1n. : !,_,,,., , .., 11 4, Li, , h ,., , A. ,,.,„ . ~,,, , r ; At NO . Market Stret,' SEWINC I . & COMPANY, ‘4 ,. ;;::: - . -- . 0 ..tiixii.g.t.,:•1..... ir , p.. ' L.. i will be resumed on nuit Saturday a week. Which are'heinw tembed at 't . t cured hr tn... sna t Or and Mellon permuted tor James e v en , c a u an d . tt g - '''''',: , "4" ;,., i ' STEAM AND iii A N Ft rr1E .11 ....11,, ' ti".."4;V:ii.'il ni:11,4,..11.4".i1it!'.1:',,,",1ti,117,,,T, '1 ~ B .' " PrrEarr • - • ... 1 :l7ite*". IN.lLitl ' •=.ll :4 'll7 .. "' i i ' lf aii ' T " • Ir' ' ' • ' • :K. Dap, the contestant.. mud M. Kwartafel. the.........,, ran ne r r ," • ,, ,: e , ° ; , • • , ° ".. • ,, ; • , °d - d r •' --• ' c r , ' of 3 schist. Toms attoututelyCaoll.' " " *r 1 7' ' Atec , •,/ r , i . .; . ,T , , , ,t i l A. , any,lrra. I Ittoloosh, llretn • [ rd and I.lnrrlY s treets. ; I .: lB` .=4 ° ,}'P' th. "'" '' "' " "" °,l °. u" : l'Zl::::',Y,';'B°.,.ll'll,7lfit:".tr.ti 814,..., 1 ' "uu qt1'01 . 1 : 41 =. " :4".`".".. ' "?'"" ' • - ' a/ a c ih............... : ~,,,..,,D„.....ii , yoggwr. or TrlTit grr ' • A. Mall-WM:CR. Avolloneer. ------------- -------- der kor., for the executor. • Lou.. Lout. but Mails and Coto/arks ffle Ctuktnat vnett. he *del ' hi rr •°•“` j.. . ••••••• ...ea& W CU. : a • C.ECOND ~ GRAND AUCTION _______....l . .. As/ , TRANCE & MON, • 1.0.. " 7 ".""'"""h"' '"'"' SFR.'" WATER ALES . : "4""' ' ' ~ Suannlt atmat. Toledo, ohm °.• .ia i 1 ../ T, .. • Dry Goods and Notions - ~ 000 11,t.j.... - ALt:;!t o lligkiti LOT& In cottro o l The eigy 1.0001 koperlettendeney. 1, arTbullokori, surf, rth.. l" a r t r rTg r og ( 2ll " tle 'Themes.* for Superhatendest of Iha e - bolo!' alt... r ed t o th o l. ,I„, „,,,, „, , ,Yea,: Inlnt Imi c Heri ng tr.,. en , en ; „thud, French Calf Boom, it a r ev ,,4 4 en, -------;____.•_._Ltdtl, . GET NONE HUT A , pu...1 . 111 R.N./ND Pito:tugh •'...... 4 f lffl ...Prim ettumin oms " j.,.,,1 e . ° I facllll.lc a and Jolla oancrlunce Ith I rr a r in•e - ' ' r o rthrrr ii ell .•o i• n • , r . . r'' • emmtVi ooe ; o ,, Loo,„ 0r0 , ;., " ,.. or or I Common SchOolo Or tho city, to he ehoem -- -e. . -.:• ;-- -1-' '- ' - RIM. de.. Or. r "'' "a •o Pet oittl•flol that w wet. ° rr "' rr - ''• r•°-• -•'' -.•-•.• •'" . Bsci r C." .• Tim' ; ..,,,, ,,,o . o.,,o0o,o1:3 o moni a g to Mo t , Hole and Vuuti,s• hint and Calf nallankals Offer their large and attractive o o.k or ~ lots 0, n the 13th proX., by Um DlreMOre, le be. Nzai BO &So . 'Agelif:i for A. H. Cameron & co, , ,a ! .h.I. h......,,.. ""*" '`'` a . nry " . ".. '...1(.., : GROVER & BAKBN [. tn. Judy eropertr. •t (1111 for the .414 - 11.1.4 ' ST-111AM . e 'LIMPS 465 li.ebectea Street, , . \ lIIITIV Ind Youilia• Calf IloOls an I 11,... ' I i low'r.rnirtl.rar.a la l tb i: ( ll , : , n at o tb i e t :i . l4l A a N tan w a • ° s r : ! ".['' P ' * " . "."." ' "" ". " 4 "' ".' • DEW GOODS AT EISTL'SN ?DICES, mg,,1i,,,1,,,,,1.N.A.T.,,,,r...,0:,iitta. In fir. ' Coming quite setrited, and Of course were w er , e ,...,,, e ede. " -- •' • illa taffEWX . ..lEE Mb 4 - 38:P o e ; ee'ree,`J_ re . ,.,'lr e l 4 .l 4", r r o o e ' o • o 4 l •! l , 7 ‘ r i t.!l , altn orti tt o l : • I Put . 4 Ilmi.lay UM. Et to nimble. rwn.t en. e. al .noal parinato a . $lO. part orcaan pay. [.ln Inn.ll.l,ooClatlOn its to who will likely lust itays of or li.i.r. ' No.. SIARILF.T OrIIIIIT, ...fron t rine ~ 1e,,t11N1."/.l".."';:..:rltrNuE'T.;i:ht.'''"l;rBll.lA"idta.E, • •11./ arta to nr pald on,•arb lot wnea sold. •be oelectod. ,Wo I:understood tho •Amos- . 1,...=erfiA1•gt.:41:114,...*. . II I.iIIVIAt EIVi,; i No; 4, • FOE CASIL - ' - ....•J . w...,lrree wcursion Trains •thi leave tn, th, I onsyleants t ...lowed. lit ; Man of salary. likely t o gurerti, Lb. is, Kn. to Bantry et &gement. ' OffibilZUNIDS. WHlTEmpoli.: .-, '17 .41...1:; ' , ,, Ar i %:1.p., &Limbo, twn.y wall- , the Directors will rota for (ho or. who P 0 . 0... r; V:,.• 47,atborl Der* ; .;;;1:t... font. imermuturlor oil., 11,6 , 1/ 11, .r Mt, ' &trail orders le at RitoW V & (MARA • • •• " Veill:ki.Wll4 4 2o.lWreant I M ERIS. Via ;do. ° ra r • °- rr- .... I r°.•• • • ' .'...i'S .• VII work for the I coat taoany, Or for One, : Cbni iiiat'oanti . :o l. ' _ 1 ~. RAIL Lb onmehlsort the new • cm . .. to tad rr itruftfe_%aielmo.. r. ' n '" rra ..r- i Who, In cOnolderation of lule allowed to ' Dark •ar olen . ; ; ~,,,,,,,r0.,.. 411 .1 o v4r4 . 0 417 , he o za , rist o itoi o el o em avito j e Tk i o Lt e lne o A l. t ; i y . o lL tre• Ei t. 4 l ll • l ltTit ir r.l . , C w i t T u in, 1 %.4, 6 •4•; zokril . , ; --------------_. ; A LDREE'S WOOF, NTOItE, Nu. gt,rie, *krt. ...,,,,,, t: ItWilittitgelsitlMNteil A N C lY MD ' U rns= • . . fl. r Melt W ta r l NE. A tict•r. retain a place at pre.tit hold, g le willing to ' Itiaoi t tliits r or ' es j e l e ' ____ s n. te. , i 1 1 Esii,Ell i il, jolimio:k. " "" PIitIENIX STEAM BREWERY. ;;,,t.T.'}f.:.,t;:',';',°,":';`,'""' """'''''..'"' ' --..". '''''' xici ''''''' "leant - I eeeept rho Superintendency for P lase Gout- ... smil's oeconit tom. .11`.111, 43004.1 r, 411 "Ik e La I acne 4 e i r k oeiC ili al. 43 . . . i .g. i i. - . . & -.. 4 . e lls.. w L t7y. I Er ' gr , g " f g. Gan g e r g & li g , en or , it. ,t l ' s/ re..e. et - i m i ~, . lolled arodtintont of all ' • arlocrorrottga.s4lllViiViirT. INS AUCTION HALES. 1 Permation thou would Ito sett:MO.7 to • I . •enlatt of Virgil,/ Connitutco. I pefor e haying olsewnor n . It Is the hest Aut.', Beyer/ *re Limited to call, altd examine our , I To at man 1.10 woTild Bite Ms time , ; e . r ..r ee0, 4 ,..e, • 1t.,,,.... '' .7 . - ; • woods .si oda. at ' l'; - • ' lie SmilliAsld St.. op.si. C. 1.001.. - I etto attention to the plow°, find be to all ; • ~,,,,c,- , ,,- -" ;• ~,,,,' i Plutabims, (Jou and Stoma Hill n ' ~... - I rot goottosnon. toile. •nd enfidr.o. Tn.. ars. I NO.•103 RI YT ; il riTIMIET, N US Wood Street '.' ' • . D., ..., . v en , ~,,, ..,., ...,,,,,,, Th,.. : 1 .1.1. end purimeen boperinteudent, lb- I 'rem Veibi. °" " • - - ''' [ srasonall moods. of Elm 1.., to•lstlata awl ; W.. " • above Hinnadel l. d•r and hatordar t of i 5,,,,,,. ”,,,,, ~_ , teeendent or any other contingency as to l . -owrelitmeo Diamond Rd 1, , ' ; . • • . ir, i , -- c ---- --,---______________ sunowoooT, aitaaritowo co. (mods, Hoolor, •Ilardwaro straw tioutie ;he Matter of .lary. We tout en. con. The Ucclaratlen and It ' u In I role ; i'l so ti .ei he wren i1ei,,,,,,,,, , , I IA I I LSTERS IND BREIVERS';'''" b'" - , : t.,_u : _"_ , ,, , , , rbr "°,..:,“ Ir . : IIIE 14110111 R & 11,111E11 .. Ann, , „.......i. ~.....,..r.,, „ rc ,..,..... •W,,,,,,. • ~..,,,,,,i , shicsatlon will not - prevail.. we believe IL ' • J. U. Weir; • CO. . , 1 cooiiii•-iiiT.EF.- -- i - in - x - 4=7 ; 4 ' '..'' ''r •'' ' ''''' ' ' ''' .4;i ;-- - • ' rltaair.N4ltintliiiii..4l.riday"=l;ttio! l' z ' i c t ' Llfdrltttrliirn ' eg; senr " . . n f " T. s ",r,"' - TkirEtt . ILL - 4 i(.11 --i--- ( - ; - u - i - ---- -- - i itt.a . .e . vitsaitrxt.c*Vt, ~a4..t. I.n. FIELDING. & DUO, or lALACIL GZIO• GRAIN SILKS,- motil o, o lr o ni: oi sre onles...Reat . ko ta t e held on ; while that a eOcupetent man Y bo :lumen ' , ....;:. r ' ' . . , ~,;71:11,,,:?!..1.,4,14, 1 „,, , 1, t ,,. -„,,,..., ; Ala,. Poitor and Brown Stout, 1 1 - ; • ,,,,, ...,. , .......,...„ 4 .., ..,,,,,a,,,,, AkIII . ......,,,....,..., arose l " . 110 the llltima Thnleof Mo Ctunlanu'llease Mop o ..iri r a . tr uzE ,,,.. oo. [ Who will aurae lila tOII9 and attention to • Chtlaert Cam. ] Ault ; and examine it at ; .-. , °. a ael'lmlS:Trruri __ . l_ ' Anclici.oro. Wu duties required, for a fair salary, ln• ' Or all Oradea, __. .. ._ eked of ono who would nankin aof tio do. i . re „ ;.' ' :i l : . .a a l i 4 ... i i:, ;.: t . : s t :i, t .,, : , t . ..:. 1 . IA '::,,. !-..;:::! , 1 1 :. , „ , 1 . , - .:,'.11 ; .....,........................................._-- rirrsniißG . ph. • ' ! B(I?,„III.B.4)SPDRaE, 8 8 ,1„, & A U D Al com T o t RS ' y. 1 ---.."..."''"- N"°3 r711"8""751'.' Aj......fiamThwirriEui ien 'R VTILUAIiii.E BAN in ; STOCK S.- log, and perhaps perform adequate labor FR O M ...../..PM ..• ...., , • Oft Try ertpay EVYNLNIL M. Seth. at 5 , air Mmatriount paid Ithe,lllllng in conoce. o •ianire ' u 11010 AND vEllfal, ! 0 47,74,„..,,,,,, im,„„ a. ~..,,, ~,,,,,,,, ; u,....,,a, ,‘„,..„," D il . - ...„. ,r Roman. ornnutir ...mum, nn t -- mono, irT 21210. r..- It.ot 1111 t., (C:11,14:gil AZ:Viio:nis: F lOtningeel l etisfWr 1 Ilan w " I°. °° a. ' °;...a ...Y ° WM... mores 111” t National Bank of A ll Ii I pottery:Tn Ptrto d ijr -" wa i lj n at'''b o Ar ! Y "brrr- ; ' -TO TRW _t ir vit. OM to. • . • l•I °. ll rr "'et . r • Kilt 5001 50 I n sin or In In inv '2=4: Repze,e,7,!,..11,dr1• , out tee owoetninia‘i nt la Mao tanOt r a r glt a t ; cuing Ada! ' I isowl TO Tile Illibi ' .:' . • i BAILIFF iItOWN &CO ' IIOT.L'LS. . . ..._........._._ 75 mbar. .lailtitara's Notions/ Ba r .. ! ","°.../...i M. 1 ' .1 I r tV 1111111.1 1110111111:4 . 'soar. 11. t of Plll44 , nrali At Nth I.ol . lSarket Street. 1 'black Gro.:Grain silkf.; ' ....4T::.: r c.u.N i g..7......2 0, 14 ,.. ...k . • - , i . .. alie ......................... ' •• Al Ct. ERS Viltft tele" 1 kit PtIIHYSV-ILLE, ALLEOHENT CO., PA. . . naySt ••. kt e i LWA i NW. anellonier. ; Tie Smoot, Ann.! Mooting or Mho Asoo JOS. - .11. Illge i 111E____S g ,..,. .!_1i . ... _ 1 . .0. orLir.jutisie.; , s. i n, 1.. ~.„,, : „, ~,,,,,.., tv,1,,,,:....,:.,..a ,v.,,,,,,, RA mii i Pri-isnunciii A DD ; oho.. a;,ln ha hold ha lb Immille Of tho Li. ; _.a. _____ • ' l:git; ; i. l itll l S T D;l, " l -- I. Mt. 1 14 " 41;! ‘ lt i °"93',1°1 c''' 'hi". c"' mo',ll, Y n'or.th ir , ' ------ L - ; - 011.GATE ii, c 0.% - - I to a,.,.40111t. WIN n•t seam pal. tn ar ,,, ,,, • 1,115151E11N. 'GAN 4No inic 4o/ 14p1 , 111.1.1 U. 11 . 10 11Ivril • toned septum will t o ...ci_ : tykew ... ....,.. poor or nom ., tee rth lust, of 8 Lffolock.'.Tho officer. prit.x rill 'we, i..-1, .0,,,. 0 0 i..s . ' ''',:M,'„ll"" ~.,•.,,,,,,,, (it,.... , 2".,,, ,, . . 0,., 0 d,',1,:, y, z,...., , 1. 8 ee, , l,iaiii •tre•r, ilt.ww desire tho oltiZobe honerelly to arena this ra\ -G 44. GETIkAN - ' I large 1141 , W1111n1,1 hi • II) I/H.4.13a, NI aay • I i ' -"' •• •-• ''' "''''''''' :Ir ''' 7. - V a l , lA , 1 ., , :::: XL Jr, . : Z!;., :A, 4.. p " 17:::;:, : : , emitting. It lo Ironed that evory porotto at v e- • A 141:11111; HOUSE; tallintereeled In thr4diffuelon of knowledge ' (-) &co 0 ERASIVE SOAP !oLllNAN,Plu.':r:4"l,4l.ltrikiiiii,l:4,liiviitto4..Lv.lll:oo"l.: 14 attolud. to. 2. .__ ~., -e 2J.!!!-FelM.2_iitTo.[Tr..__ lout Ong all clime! to rho COMmunity Will • •II i 011 1 71/: AN D LOT AT ace'rolf• : 4, 43 . 60 MI. inemln g wed one re , r %, 1 / 4 t o m agrmr . e .,„, ew gee , vegg i dais for 011114 1111 lildili4l . 1 .1 .1 " " ,.. "11,0 . ' Phlladeliohla. - ,:t ... 72v!1 , 4 , : , ....m h:1 i.,.. . 1 ,,. , - ,. „ 4 ..,,,, , , ,:. „ ly r,:;.- heraelt I,,sm croeff M.: and varied art; trio ' • c " cft. :!.....:r,,u•:!i.1„:,r:...trr,,,11;. " 1 ".""' W, A'l4 . ".'t 'ir '''' ''''''''''' ~";,'': - .,.: , ,, ,,,, 1,1 ,,, z,0,11 1.......1 tid•'Most e Anerr:Zwr,r,rrgW°All';;rjrer:;°.;',l',•,.'...V,•,',Frea,..a t!ten' t . t h g r ij Y rt ir ej t t r lfit i v r t i g r .rr: P A e , ° ,a,f.,2;.'; 111111/11/4...181=e I.l.attt'rerct:.!"" Y i r ."47 1 ROCIIFSTEU tiarifltii, slob - ti 1.'6.'1" itiV,112,:,',',7'117-AN;,;‘,a;1•1: , .. . .; 5,-. 1 ra , t , 4 , 1.: ,, ,,,, th e ton n.rn,t iepeim.ei• for 1.1.1,T4=1,1,,i re'41.,..`, AU1T;;1fir.fre , ".. 4 44 ' trZirrt‘b""ing r"4'd "" b" """- • • . . ._ _ ".' ...on ol gum. The ern poetic. Amon. hulfghout. • • mOrtteOrdl ' al • ToT a tt," r e . e . ,.," °l,thortri, /end a, WEST ypon/110,11 MACI I C. ff. ivool)woirrii & SON I °",„ a•-°,,,,1",,;;;.",,10b..."..".11.10,401^. A. LitUld&TIL, Ant- mr. ' and 00-ormrati on in r kg - e - Ir g l r - e q,„TV ;; , ;; ;:r ;, f STORK WORIEd. Nor... Co o, • , . ' " siras.rd -- ~ . , 0 in01t.0.0. , r,,,,, T,, I ..--...______,_. n. w Ile re ety r l. t.IT.• ,f,lif o le Main lion and growth of an in! I W " . V . 'raj' rtilt r ir r ri gg g 00; d t.r.ill'otflY,TAT r tgalryt7„; of tour ! nr i lYlN' on llamirg. are pi on short notice ' kranalkeptt e or r o of IMltten Pet 1111merv„. !you • dollar; any gentleman .or !WY Y 0.. li Or 1 EVI'MEM" "...." ' " "' j'h XY ' l " 6" -r" ' 0"--- - .'"-.----- ... 1 =I MEI 17 Filth treet, • Y , :.,; ~~ Black Login* Black naut Ise; Black Mazalnliiques; nlock:oll wool DOolos; Matk ELglhh Crtip4 Long Mac)* Th I bei• shalvis; Mick and S-4 Grenadines; Mournineilandkerchiefr. . • • „. Mrae esaortmont MOURNINO GIN / DS osaatsatto on Aral.. at 117 MARKET STELE r. • • DENNISON & EMMERT, No. 27 Fifth. Stree Are .nst.lua Ltj'reeelmlis t heslinre.•lmmlntic I•ll.ries. Ilselerr.Oloves, ' * l ll4llh n i n - ' Eouri, . --, i; , !-.,•.:7i.:et,... - ,.: . ,:. - 7. : .,- 2.: , - - ..•i: . ';-- -. §:;1 - ;. , t, - ...-..,, , ,::...1,7-. , wax 1 I .1 •h Ctir o pits SATURDAY, Eli No. ISO E.: IS2 Federal St.. ALlJA:an:sr arr. HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WM., SEMPLE'S, f GLOVES, UOSIERY Shirt .lE'rolata. Handkerchiefs, .atc.. dd. LAV Nal; iT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. FOR RENT. TO -LET. • A Brick CuItANUM eylltruototand • !sue rellu. No U Chatham stn.., near rum Mutt Auculoo Nut $l5O pet yeAr. Apply to. - JAN . . D.-CAIIIIJALE, tuft 3177 No. !Nth unary • FOR RENT, Four Desirable' Oa VOgla alley. by WM. OVJUNEIit ot CO., No: 91 If fib stmt. STAIOLING TO RENT. . • Twenty-Ave SULIIS,, ittp: avert, nw Moo r 'zn.n.?"nr c. - avirion a- co., smts, 71,4dniartacpstgo. ZEZE SUNDOWNS, District Court. Ilefore lion. biases Hampton. JAroslowskl Bro. 6 Co: re. M. Slcoon & Co. et al., 1301 i samers,4llradley A Welton. AND riga Cone was reauroril on natunlay and concluded, the Jury finding rennet fordefendants.l GREATER BARGAINS! i Planiou's ••Bla4=lliovmius Cerro/Ai .. n . can nurovolumeslaZie-itTe-7.lieoiiirliensrl—itioii-• sad of wel ooks In ail dePartintwts of scienc e selected b and literature. SSurbrely no one can afford to forego bene at e I .ieulogs so precious. when they oan be eceured at a cost so trilling. • • The.Allenad finnan Murderers, and eke Elessiar Matthews.— ---Saturday enleible sheriff Smith, of Wash ington comity, brought to the atty . and lodged in our County Jan, John BIM and. Thomas Whittaker, Indicted -- of Day. March nottak Mar • le Sheriff jell for i n UM. MR tar nett W Others. Oen MONDAY, MAY 27, 1567. , NEW STILES r°. L) Tokio erroNsts, A., it " idrivas gwyMptly ► eseattad. Palulra Rita] D LI EM' WRING) , Fitt MI etg cu ttir,t; *gr, o:44aga i l i tre Her volts. • n"'" ° - .a far e Mina WV:4r " " " eee " the reallentlary, Uwe., W°W.-° MIAMI OULZMAY. Y ol o oo ertert le 0 • .11fULIC - U: T. HELMICOLD, NEWADVERTISEIENTs. .St uy ll """ e'" ru eh's"' 'll/rg " i;&ir.1:1:1 ""`. 74 "; :ii d Ei cr g " Tlfri:74 4 t, "4 7 P. 3 .00e, elther• omit or dement °. Our 4".: _ 9.I II4RMIAIII -Pratlv the mon-dellcate 7:gyfanvileminch.me Ogi l a ud balesmoin; MUD Bend. mrhituat imleviviPaTEßlt~p num'. PIiIIITHIC AND WRAPPING ir SPECIAL .NOTICES HEWERS, 11 . 1 AI , STERS. &c.. P BINEALHOUSE, ELYENTH AND MARIE STS. ,Pzia;rozi-lazir.apazz.".. IME=MI! enlootloo of mats, with 0.11 the oppegatmehts 01 11/1112,CL1J543 BOntle. • • JUBLIS''IZVA:VII% 11462471„ OPRICTOIL- • • • .1111 THE C►TTinpn7 the MIUMPN COOKINQ STOVE, , 0, 148 404AAT,IIT j taeDl7/1"4 • ~y` , 11111 Y z CO2IIXL3S'N .PdERCEtAI• IF 114131? 1 . . i EXCELSIOR TOBACCO W lIAMILTON it 'WORKS, ; I Amnia and Sign rain' ten . , I.lnnutneturcen, wholrnalerniol rotall claa!Ds la 1 R. # IN: JENKINSON. all • Win of TOISACCO AND omfaans. . .1.1 THIRD STREET, PllisbnntS. Fo.ll legl.tEkt, L OTILICre, ,' Third door from tht nonunion Mtg, ~,, 11 raining, Glazing 11' Gilding ~. ~ A, IlgoY Cm, rA. , Benne, u tore nt - Melo, °oh, I RAWOnItt LI Neat!). executed. 10H k MEG„I t 2„... PAINTS, I , 'A Vt. , ' SIIK . g. ItITI . I : , 111. W.W . I, eof ano.W4oNsale .4 UDC! i Eilt.A3‘ 21,114V,1'' I.'"'INTI— %TWIT ' '', . l' Dealer lo nll [lnds of ' , I.' . ' .—' TObRCeo, Snuff and . Cigars,, i 11744.V,Ni,5,•8:%infair s'''''' sacs aar..exavz, aspriiininw.'i --- - 41(•°•'!".',"•'-'rzTVZ.!7°?!'.",T"n•.",.Dz.! P .M 9lo ilai t affelii N oW'gn, - --.0.1 N.. 03, No ell. ald•of DI amo old. Allegheny I. erelal and glun .Iles made to oder.)onVTlT:o2lrrVddTlTegrjltt.e.l.AoWirTl n{feago.ai ...ilk= --- DTtuodi UIURUi RtLLT /4L WICIINMARN GEORGE A. LLLLLL &CO.. Wholesaltt nx•uggistr 87 ,Ifrood Strett, ""? ROgroZ OU4 all ruitrawnim PITS I.A I AP, ' wHLLEML. :vAIiP4IBIII.B. • -1!•1021.111LIMEH.le• • apatura J. 161100BINAICR SOB, t . mpeiorisoc ' • White teitsi • Ya 161172 sow nu .An 4 4100106 dry, :0114110IL 67 1 [tree..creet7/11;ghealr," 51 =NM .aosErn ritua.rg. No. 139 Fourth itreet, ' JOHN: T. GRA:7V 1101781, AND AND 2 PAINTER, MUER AND GLAZIER, NO, 64 Hand 'n Orrdem $t Pittsbu rg h. th Pa one wanrenalin•at ever t'V ' teeeoeeele rain. 4 won do." T at LTEI4 HOUSE AND SINN PAINTER, ' ; ' HAR ___________ ______, : , ._!.. N ... f,N ..T. 5 . ,-.. _ ~,, ._- T; CAUGHEI dcf().. ~ ,..,- , i- s .- r -rir rse: um:ix 'TIM k.17.12E. ' - -' W , I (IF sot.. Ir . ~, 33.'-- 3 3 •-. - • - WS C. ..3. ,, i . Yrii: , ‘.. ,:.' .. : ..... : .... :'' --- ii'MV ..... ' Baulkers and Efokert, - Tntq 0r0.. ,13 3".) ;Viril': ' ''' '''''' . .. . . . 'NG, 3fli. 2.7 n. NA. -' / il , ely larl reg Lc. hot orf 0r,1i., - ,,..,,,,, , . CORNER TIHROANEt WOOD STREETS, crrAELIE Fltrrr.i 03)14 sinoN, • . pi - I.' vi qrn .„ . ,„•,,,,.. To-maht.,...4,..n,,,,r =., ii,..,,,. 1 . •. . Ani. v:. C. 5 . 1 11 - 1 3 3-2 r. ;3 • ' , The rutin. inntrip,,,,,, r00,,-,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,• ip r l A, 4r. MrrYti!..• rti1.0.N.,, It! in,c1at,g4,3.1.5 TUE .711G4LOU4' Wil . r. . To-morrow, posltlroiy lz.sl Welt ..t e 9., Coot r.our. (sugcsssoss TO HASNA, ILIRT.dc COO ~.4YEAL Us ltl Exchange, Coin, Conpon . ---___. a atternlon paid to ttk ' tAr liE ir 0 "11l A 11011-'Bl,l - and hole of ..P'' l',.<...,`g!'*.!'"'"'"lfl',lilFilaitiZN:2 -BONlis.. IfIRESIS2IBLE ATTRACTION, __ . ..q . 7,icari //BATTS ONIA/NDOS, inTI :9 r„, vr THE f;,°•., ATmatt s. t. I:or, l'eTif,X: 6. e ; t ....e of °ln I f; ' HOLMES' & SONS. t , i itt. i .tcn. (Roan: In •11 Its bpi< ado, x3:41../ siar.../EILIEL. Tb,v lat....Neve Tort Syn ,, Llon, the great' No. 57 Illarket Street,. . , whic„,„„.,,D„„E,„!inT-r1)-4,:li, lo c-E. ee , , ex. ~ , • PITTSBURGH. ' ItOGIRA ND LITER4III kill , • Depo , elts received In Par,Tunds nay Carfency. ' ' inT ' dnignu.lr, L,7 t;L:l4 th l ' IP" P''''''. of XIISICAL ENTERTAINMENT, : Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities Under the ansp'ena of - notion Aro BOLD os 00DRISOIOD. ME' PHILOICLTHIC CIEW AT Till: .airocicfiar atto.tio. Pall to the inuchaso and : . ' GOVERNMENT --,-- . ...,clirt—^.-- OFiMU.SIC U. S. Seel' 1 - ities. ' 1.--s.i. ,' . e. • - Monday Evening; May 2716, 1564 : inci.m.. Cf. B. SIXE'S of 111XXX: ' • • do. do. .3,A1/or, b - ' T e Jingles! Exerrl.es wlll no directed IT tI..S. CE-0V A , r; 11 413 ,- I;:tiE ' ; •' • Prof. lICOMANN TII. It' %AKE.. %Waled by °M...." V...b1.."....".1...,117;F1VE83' I :g.‘or:ila..:VP;:!,:;rt'"lTZLl:l'ls',ll7,l'l(l3lT:,; 1.131 -I— ' --- ' m r 7 : , . I :U c fr2rrtir, ilf Si ;: !l ' t. ''- . ' • I To,-I.no ... o loOL . Ibl;oec.slon has been kloot.. I:r2":".l2't?ll'relte4Yorl'.-PisCSrit '1n.e'...',41.„1":,:Vrk c;:::,1.`,111°4,?:',`A "!`g::::2,!;.%',',;.: .„4-A, AL DIENys TRUST ,CONAN g, deeeastd. uir...i iliiiii:-.. _.: And no., 31 .7 IttA. INC. the ae•oe.ht of nett,. I,,Henn. I... sc htenx,it, . - J - .8. Lothrop, Trwrtee, tiled, gni n'oLlee is heTeby ,Tiz.d,r 41,..,,..ii:, .lveulo all wvtlet Interested. that sat !e'en:int. William Vantwit,. will he allowed and wanner:ill on eATL'ILDA.v Itanc Irtgttler, 'the Inth gay of j OOO o.„, mv ,... ,i • x l .s a l: Um... '- i thereto are Ohni In the ganitalow . ' ''' ''''. I . I .IIEEDS. ,:i:w &T. ! • uAttest uiTII:2M..; . • BILILDLNG AND L0.17i ASSO. • His Office and litesidonco to No. 'a, S 3II 7IIEIEI. 11 utrHlHeart/ ozpollte the konon,TabCht :sis Iron rtrolz4Ri-,, 124 First Street,: I . • rirrrrintynar r . PA Jo. "1"11"`"6`,222,7(.1,71,1t?1tin. "Z - n . :4VVg: oclT.qh°7lne enure ,1,4.`r!'12,,t!`. ' len,roe'wt• n'',°:"l":°", "1 i 4 • k 7 L;;7" •t° toting "111;12a.... l tt'' .% -• • - E.•goire of tivaii 111., ;DOLE & • • . •.• _ Al the IndustrlA, Motka, ' Pitubursb. OPUZI SALE CITEA P !F.-481W • 1• : ; : 1:1 4 : ::• ' t vii : 3 l. l - k :: : : -g- 214 . 41 SIGN OF *BLINDS:. BROWN CO.. 1111. ' It ht , Petite the Pot thine.- , wmn gMTl r gk = „ lmm.r d, ~2.„ i : tori r. ...Lor • • - • • HAW , •• " /melt att •' . 7 • I diNlrre •• - - PPYLLI I ••• •• - 7 • 'THIE: ('.RAND FAIL; 111=1 e==:. 44 , . I ■ I j ~.ti -,;~„' '} l ~,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers