- - '.; -... f - ''''" • ---'.---• ` t • - • districts; " and - Indeed of • themselves- t Ceit..-3.oCimaterwritizg-frow.-Nesti.a:: a . ss I)tlitibburgli erairtis-: The energy of St. Louis is greatly stims i Platte, under date of Iry 50. ,•, , ,ys. : yne - P - ar e i m n art o abje ' 0r5271 • 7-: ' l5l-13VrA llirte-nBEMMITTEL . NEW ADITERTIBr.ima.*4"""-E-ICT-8-7 NJ& oon AdrrrarrerrfrotnesTix:dent DC the Lon- fipt-R--rn•Ta.----,-,---i--,-----s-------------- , ----.-.---------....,1 '''''_•- __- so •a - , ' ' • , mated by that of Chicago, and Chicago I "The Union Ne Rsi' ". French pickpockets. jealoui of the gripe- story of a remarks. j( BO ., !II. , DLNG.-A ' Inrce second- THE GREAT , .. ble trial of skill at the eKxpositioh. The 1111fi 3T lIIIIKET RATES Is straining every nerve to outstrjp St. completed to this p0i.... soar it - non. • • . ' Louts in everything that constittates I 295 m . ii ". '''' lll .'' • m i ss raa: w ith eom . I ' a i li U sta iS oc; 9 o w f 1 _ • • i partitive reeula- • good west- I Z e r e a f tlr o o n l e ter e .• nn o l f t the thieves from over i ; : ,/,,,slT:LNlll,,,'It2Eitt..Jll,Elt ilinaMs. with RADICAL NEWSPA FEB, - • commercial greatness; and it is very - PAID FOR Culin: etssF.ET end l't Ulf 11,11'... ZY`WAV. " N " ;probable that St. Louis is this day a part: of D. c ciiiii'l,`,/eli'ilerird t .. .., i lt . tt u l r l ati li . e u tt l y n a ! , professional•contlicetn.geAd c th co ei r r din r e ev l.9 .4l ' e v o itu a il I writhes —- 1 ern road-le- .. , 3" It . i B ' DIVIDE VD NOTICE.- T fir - E • ..----7---. . , , greater, wealthier, more beautiful, and Tad r "_, - ,,s • es me 29 ,, m il e , i o 1 .-, h elms : t English and SeVell French clue s' start- • s t el, se „ easiderabt.) , by the b ite led on theft predatory expedition through i MAY aND • JULY COUPONS, , THA B L'itVii iliTa'lll.` iZes l i6Z N. e' s ""':.- , One yel,e.Vo the present proprietors , more populous city than it would have 1 t Valle cafe, or rather at a restaurateur's, wheia ,•• so ft sud s but it is completely repaired. thu exhibition, and agreed to meet at ai • • • they had ordered am:Loper, to be "stood" 1 • the par %al.; aasnmed the management of _the . Ga s l i been had Chicago never existech AT , The inundation - of the Platte V m,,, No "There is room for an, and it.A.im pos. ;( Host have been fearful. I 6aW as much . • will her' n1y.... nerrs, at - the nrgent 0 000000000000 of plow- • - -'..; inter- , as a half mile of railroad track, the tics , hy.ntlie yai:iorinuirslneenLen T t i l i t e e yeietat the ap- '• JAS, T BRADY &CO ..thent gentlenien Who wuye mixteu i- it j .. s ci ib r le cit tha i tany one of these wre ' es can ever become the • o „,sb a d. t and rails still connected, swept away 1 P9• l M'a Britis h party • _ •, ir oltanld- be 'made Ally to '; represent the; i: ' fora half rnile front , the bed, and strong triumphantiy exhibited forty-five watch- I ' . . . owing.metrop ' olis of the mast feetile and principles and aspiratiOnailf the Repub.t extensive inland hash -. on th e e globe. , leen7eraolflsthe bent n. a n t e; r . I 3 , flootultol%li -11 the . s v a t . c e' ' re an n C.lin t l y n r e . 1 - K i T e t imeo noblenne s, art - Bankers, Beau party : end the' bushiesa Interesti of,), Cities still farther west will epilog op ' not frequent and I preseme th7t d it is ' 'ploy but ten watches, th re c° potemon: eat •naies and half a dozen leindkr. 'ld f ' t ' , re d e l . : • Cur. totit'ili & iVood Sis. -- -,this city and ... country. Ildi• charge we , And in time.enter tk.e tibia_ as competi. Venitooreearlgjlemeet t t o ha t t o gi t ls o n t iafi t wi n d_ Hales beer " which ar -. ,li=d ' tors for commera'al -- supremacy; white ; than are first Hass Eastern rand s. " oo o„ _ pieli t' pociie ' t ' ;. ne The '• iiiln..-------------. NI me profes;ional took with considerahld•reluctance, and " "ENGINE IN THE WINDOW. . 1 such places aa Pittsburgh and Cumin- • ' •• Fre, dollen magenthireously avowed ; E niftier Multiplied . prophesies of , y0u',...,1, , . This testimony is disinterested, and or ' '."''',.; nati, find St. Louts and Chicago, iti "- • value,;he itconfutes• • themselves vanquished, and agreed to THE U NOERSIG:VED Reenly- rwwi because ''' by on - idokerg.. At th‘ .FL.4. 9T.the first i each stani in its lot and prosper. 3. - , that the Platte section of the Union in the form most pieasing to them by ! tel;';,,-Llis r 're wt ev.e uu..re.t In 1.,,,,,,.r. ICE CREAM SALOoN, anti • LAPIES . 'OIII/INALtr. 4 i, :: Nix months the patronage of the estab- ' But there are natural chains extencling ' Punic Railroad esti! be • periodically in- standing halts dozen or champagne, fol. ; '., tite1,,,,,,21',,1,:`,,1'Ut'e',,ng'.'1',1%`..4,111:=Z. . • i, ~ .., ligament had so mdelt_ineremed as to , from the tide water of the Atlantic west- , terrupted by high water so as to raider lowed by . bowls of, blazing punch in d r; t i.i...;:ti; ',..„7,,04,.....ter5. vsif t , e ,i t i o . tr. ii i , l 4 Tea sa l eitl . 51i i i i rap . te co s THEFT, bctz n, e;l , .: , : cs• --- 1 . ward, to which no limits Mahe assigned Then came Britton af,`, ; l ret c eiJ:rsr. Their Tas m e among the In the aisle and ------ it more unreliable than roads ordinarily tiltoraecskocrab%ct,7l": g ..t I soar o'clock VITANTED. t • make an enlargement of _the- sheet ncc- ' nation. Her sons fell un- ot. ts.t eiasal,7,-•:al:Vd rel` s ur: , 4te r itY . b ` ° ' .aliot. ta the Town., ST s 1 s ~.1 ' . , short of the tides of the - Pacific. One of I are; --ow der the table, when their hosts eased ' . I. 4 ,r and I r. zi..,,,,0 the fis I pasty to Its accommodglon; and now, ! • 111 , LONot, . . .., . . , . [Less is through New York, into the • • ------•-•••••••- -- -- • them of theMplunder and - rir in tri• .. ,ir . A Light Or ...tog In. , Tea. ,o i), ,at illetleiiill24/Ig of the second year, we t basin of the lakea,•and thence westward ,; DOWN in Kentucky the democrats have mirth with the forty . •ti re" watches end i;.;;iii. ritally,o4 at sl ,. (f i. we sell at j;.,..r6u1t.11.. C i atElls'EE.X . -IEIID7T-IELVE r . for" ,wIIL • ~' : , an ungracious way of fulfilling the in- the oilmen, and, moreover, left the wait-: es r}' :;. ,•-z are constrained stiliftirther to augment ;; on-something like the same Isothermal I of w• V. ; t ! ", Its dimensions, • ' ; paralleL ''. The other is through Penn- , junction of the World to "court - the Cr s instructions to n pi,ly fur payment of ttr,•F'"•:: the bill to the gentlemen up stairs on the t Rk. rhOlee, '' 1.... , ..: : .... tog •.: N o . 161 ifsaC.ck street, Aileglieny eiv, .1. } " d Central Ohio ladle '1 blacks." The Cincinnati GaL•ette says • 'non o„„,..0 }....,'i . r . , , '• :: r. ''' , sistoractimer or ev • - y descriptiort of CRULE . oft, „ • door. .._ . I •"" .. 'fbe . GAzirrrE is now equal id size to fY ivania an • , Indian ;,, ~. . . . " ; Om. our uar , tosti and waren Illinois Missouri Kansas and Colorado I At a fair estimate two negroes per it. iiii„. dc:ili.Llt3H lIREANNAnT, : : • TANKS ~•• . .• any daily - iiewspaper publlthed in Penn- r Hadthence ' h ' h •• ' I day in Kentucky ara beaten, outreged, BROWN; ti-VERAIIFIUGE COM- 1 , ~.,_, ~..,,,,,,, e ie , •, 5 ,„...1 rich nista Tu.. ' ' . TATORS hull „Aans . BAy „...,... ._ . ,_ .1, large ~: _ ,an t roug the great ufienor ' , maimed, blinim or murder•ed. • Under _ FITS?' • r ;lg. '•• ° d ,fe lt,.,;: '''' tiu u. i ii` tett i • 'll , :t r l i N TANI: l'i'irPriiit'S's,'„lrfriin! ter ,. eylvania , s fully as as the . largest j basin to California. The present exist- I the Civil Rights law over fifty murders 1 ',..q., ::: ug • :: , :1.1.1.;''.....71.k..`,1,Y.1ig'.::;,;:r.".fi',L=; 4N at Cinebinati and- Chicago, and is only I Ing Bake on tim first chain are Albany, ;and more then 200 cases of outrage upon Tin. valuable cOmblnaßon Pas Inert' taco,- i '”:;''''''''''':: notice t5 ,. ..7,.... • 1 , • , „1,. • efirpassed by one iitifit. Louis. Still runtEtufrelcCErl4, Cleveland, Detroit, Chica- I t e t i l: t e t k o c n l r t t iz eo •z i t t e n li n a r ve t egt re i p t orted Ify t n he i „„, „,,,,, by ,A,,,„.,,, A ... ea „ 40 , i , 0 ,„, „„ re ; A .IAPAN, ' ..• ' TUE WEEILLY R 41 • I , go, Omaha. On the other, Philadelphia, the past year alone over e . fel" murders ami 'ere in .riateth ee wan.: so h u r.ful to ghts'flot'tYi?fal.r°,,Fr7l7'n.r.'4:Tr"%gl''';'"ltin''''''tn'''' IlVs THE MATTER OF -, TIIE ~,,„, ..., v.i..bie ~,, f , Es . • r I N wsp . pe In the ''r r • i•RICE to NOT . LSCIts'ASED2 It 111 farLIISh• Bon of the LIBERTY BUILDING '' , Baltimore, Washington, Ilarriaburg, , and outrages upon negro. have °cc.. ~, i i . ',, ....r.e. usualfc sub' MALI -S. we s'ell t 10- ARSUCIATI ON, No: 1, of Allegheny Silty, Pa., •worldl It contelni Items of Interest to every .1 , etl, as heretofore, at IS a year; Id cents , 1 Pittshurgh,• Columbus , Ciecinnati, In • t red in Kentucky. This only includes '' ra ccc. to lure to obtain t emir ye Cutufite, , 1 . 1 , 1 . % pi., :: ~is o. .. ' It„ ' 4 1.1,5".. for a Charter •No =0 /on , . Ter , f. - 1.40, •• 1.. •* . , •• - '•• • -- ----' - •.• .. 11E10 TIIK TERMS. :I'-..` a week, or 3 cents a copy ;;; Ifich is ; dianapslia•St. Louis, Kansas City, Den- such mises as were officially noticei by rad, has bee n aged with good suers.. and la ' 1.:11 rh are', I fS. :' Lto •• ,„,.` ‘ .: l re i d . hreby glyen that an appllct!lon h a a ch ,.. ~ '.• ''' '' Acl •Itt%y°"nranTr`. %; " %e " L t igticli• I lliilf.t",` ; tine ado , . - s t ,C.S u o d p f "'°'•''' f -' i-• -• • doily of " dimen- I r , r . Tamer . Ulan and! other , vet. Wes o he Missouri these two _.. t t, _. ~ - ' the United States CommisiOrters, Civil p , nounet.t by all to be the most gate and cf. Courts 'or Agents of the rreeduen's ' TI/lI.NO 111 • 25113 i. I.AO ANBO WAT . on..tio. I, of Allegheny City. : T en copies • .. 17'00 '' feet oaf es turd, cr.. r ti•scoversd v. Tie fines t timer mud best of tire. Teas. I I:gr. for a fln ttt er, that au lumrument In _.,,,,,,,, t ,j, '''''''''''''' ' .. 1 CARPET , OIL CLOTHS. &o. •-, • - sisni in the work!. All the other dailies ; great chains,. bash made np of many,' Bureau, and it to fair to presume that 100 , ea n ..... 0 : !..0 , 1 al t1.. 0 9. We ...ell a t ~ c .? th. tjons'at.d7l"tiVar.l th' 1.1 1 1: 3'. IP d bl.`hlt °l- T Lb v c''' " 33'°° ' - ~...... .: , ~1 .. b.,,, b ,.. ,,,,0z ,J ,,f. a. 4,..a,,v,,.,;07,.,,, to 11 , . a . e aver up of a Club o f Ten or toore Weninenday, note dny of. June Neat, . ..-__.....-_,4. ; threads-are represented by two great„' or 200 more cases occurred Which were 'Yid' j""'lL'Alr."'""i" Fine. in Pitisburgh, • whlch equal, or approach • I :'-'4 i ', I A :. Court and Med In the Prothutiot e ry, p. told , L°l4.° '"''''''' `"7 will b ` '''''''''' leo met ,,, R.• to boralbklcl 1 1 ....Mi.,. roe 1111 W CART STORt •., ! rived roads prosecuted under. national eever reported et all or acted on oril- JOSEPU FLlEnelnitl2l 'it ri. , :: i .,. , . It In size, are sold at $l2 a year, 2.5 i ,'' I auspices, and each alining for the Pa- j ciall ' Y ' " r.:,' , `L..c,, ... • : fi't :: L„; :: :I:4,l:4=fifw,"°.:,;,nort'it';‘.°:.m",;:r,r; r. Ah".k " " 6.1c1 b " " d """" i '' Judie f the Suprem e Coors, and to Initiate , Dro g and Pattmt Iledlel. Depot, the Court. JOHN IV. FUR:4EL Proper earttleijo r au-ensuing e ta [ . cicloy•••• `,--- -1' ' •-• cents a week, or 4 cents a copy. I • . ; afic-one by -the valley of the Platte, . Ten3loLnc Ado:rose bas the advan- , • I ~hydil....7AL A 11 UNINAVDER ORE S.N TEAS, ' ~,,,,,L;4 1 9,1 E 11i .1 1, 1 ,, ,E r 1 0 t r t , . 1111111 , 113 E. ; As h etofore. the Convent]. will be cam- '• ii • No. St Varlet Street. Edltorand PropriMer, Poset o Representativ e and Senatorial Dele• ' . - .We . eave now, room properly to acorn- I the other hy the valley of the Kansas. : tage, such as it is, of a new sensation • . . .. ' ••••• n dr ''''' n ' 4 ..'''," dl° ''''' ''' '''''''' ----- ut T -----2---- - . '' - arse...s c . ....... 11' ' '' 1 FR ESH/ARRIVAL OF' ' , Aii" - ,..51t , , , , , , 5r Brawn • s k e 'mira ge tomtit,. irm•li, neva 1y sold at'al fO, we sell et Tu.. i..- h . Its THE ............. law THE. . .B• W. cot . thseloth and Chestnut Ste.; gates, c osen In the usual way, and tonal In -".""."-• . modatebny advertiseni, and at the same i The letter, lia•nua the decided advantage It iays: ' . !?,-;-. -- .le s'.7kine •: 1...1 : . ,: :: atom .... cu ttllej,ll,Z4e tlj l e liT , , , ltoVil US I BENEFI. , enr27m36 1 '• phlimielpm a ,..p a . number t the whole o' are Senator s and Rep.- '' - 1 ' Ica au L t ; over ny ae or lieu of diepinee, in "Every solitary vote will be neceseary :r i IA4Y HAIR, lIALDNESS, DAND. ' v.s r4.Z.. .• 1.., .• , ;,,,, •.. charter. Nu. oTt.lun e Te r m!' in:,'' '''' '''' '''' - 4 ------ .., ------- ,...:„. . _----------.---......,........ • sestative In the General Aseembly. time to increase materially the amount • lly order of th e :tate Central Committee. eaeL 11. , ' E a . M % s al ~ • ' mildness of climate, ■ and in (panty of 'tO PreVent Alabama from being being us pi.“.r.3,417'0';',7...(‘,...'i,7.1";7,11,,E,„'%A,',,•Pth-,,A,,..'''' I:l!'irit o i ee :: L . '.:''' :: :', ~1 :: „::,;rg:,l,:P‘Tit'',FlL,',.','„',.','•"„,„„.'ol"l"t 11 8 , • ti• 1:/.1,41.1),,N 9S , , as of • . f news and- general .reeding matter. • • ; , • e n Tuber and ter' , • mrwidolely mdkrylized rta Con,gtvga or ft ritit COLO!! Iti.;i"OliEll- Bit - 8iti11.....“ - . Y " , L'i.:4 Old 1 4.0- .... • " tow " '''"rbr '''"""'''''''"".''''"'''''' " n ' F JORDAN. Chairma n . . soil through _ which it runs Is likely to . Loudon yet Best Bair color Itestoter•• r . ' be the liT. Rut...BUS lIENE.FICIS•• nOCIA.TI . • ' ' . .1 NEW PATTERNS IN ," . 't..., ;_,. . ,,. • ( 2 ,,,. .„...., we , w ‘. 1,. , ....,_____,„ 1, .... . . ' • ..,INSSEletinettS .... "London Hair Color Rueter., ' o/ Birmingham, Pa. • for a charter : that auto. ~i I „.,", . CMS • I tiso. W.l tuttanSLY • ' • 'N.' t. 2 ^ • ••• " .t" "It m•••• ,- .. become the principal road to California. ,' , SHIELDS &BOUCHER; • "retbeet to ' , Ming • 'elmc iv, i lk: .W. I . l .a.Spitry. . . iSeere Uri!. • 1 - .,. ~ '' ' . .•.rytely-.0 . r still i.i the addltione ;We think the enterprieing ; Mee who i g n T gg li The g ei s e t j o l t; •i,:i n ti o CAr i ,..hoef i e has . caper. • : :,,:i, d ,l °. ~,: 1 tr"`:d" in : E77.1:;11 . 41=:: ' ' .v .. .. , ....:....g, 1 'A1gi.T.V.;;Z; ; , 1 5, . . J. jtollt.st /IINULLSON, Tapestry Illussels. 1.... ~., ~,gIT . E9I.IIt. n:',o." 0, , , eon I' We' hay. ' chose the Platte routs erred in so doing; • s . • r ?, d 'rata carat'' ' . llt . ::1 , ..,,:21r " ° ,V ,r r . c:',4l7f .117.:11',7,: ;, ..Vo. lOs Smith field Streit, F;., , , ,, :.:Z : Ny n il l n",Vrtg• V V..",01,1'=:41 ig . I CARBoN BONS F. I '""* M ________..... '' 'Body llrstisels; ~ . I aver . ~.. ef, ; eaw ws ad It. Bair C.w.0.. In:, ! olllientseasoo la sow . .. to the . o 11 1 ..._ _____ , BIE.RCHANT TAILORS ' • Ir , 8- ty and 2 -Pty. bc d I ••- , addedto one iditoriel staff, and institu • and although their road win be useful in r - • •Tht white population are already unc". 'I-. ra "ra"t urn, growth, and 'leer , ~,, 0,,,, ,, , th.. p0.,,m,.. contrarr, sald enemy will . ',mole at t he to the weaaest hat', faste ns and stopalts ragl an . ----------------"----'-'--'-' '''''''''T? 'ill' ii'''''l• n ' c 1 ____________ . . . . .Tape s tr y Ingrains, ' the development of a large • portion of • dlytded la political sentintenthapd there =Yi':it r 'tif • s P t!,,',: n tir s ' a r a ' s • •• • :• ss i• el oar ' STANDAIII) LAW BOOK!". i m •-• " . --E- '''- ' I '"" A m r n ni DE I WARR tNTFO • - --- •. • . ' ted erzeint MEASURES FOR OATIIERIN G • • . '..." el"- -,.-Ati I' a..P •APVLAa_. to •de f rom th e nuntZtrolarCTVll'ettiVlLud• •El ENRY 'CAPPELL, Merchant A F u ll - • the anterior, both on this and the other 'is danger that the radicals wilt carry the e•e" •• "owe , et ti i•" • •trile•••• t - - ''' ' ' Y '; ' , , TAILOR, and dealer In . Lino of Straw Matting% , Ist'recuaaeßce from an parts: ' Highly t side of the Rocky Moiuda it Is not ' State." NA.AI by WC/AAR/lAN a nteKENN'AN pa Iteildeld on th e L a w of Wins. 2 role. 61"..30. ' • diaratA streat. OEI, A. SLELLY. 37 WoOi .PS mau",a'w";', Z.:o " ;"'e7lts n '''`i•f t ," e u .'" N i t"' ' METHODIST BURIAL GROUND. ', `,'t•l',rl7l',•l"t,';`;':;:n.'L3"'•i•,'"l " T: ' Y m oa n,,,! be L Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, _ r LAD+, CHICA ED AND FANGS. i RS our commercial reports Laic been es- in that It min erer, compete with ' ' The New Orleans - newspapers pro. tt1 , r' 12, Wi 1 1 5 1:1,17,& 1 ' . 111 , ,,nr,..r. 11,-- Hilit 7 Tr... 2 •.'-' '''' dttion.' 4 ' iti. BOD ' ' ' '47 l:t l' ' . , les ''ro HE. REAIOVED.- i ~,,,,,,,,,'. . jt,1,..:.N " 0 " " 0••• "'walar to th at of ' 142 SMITHFIELD sense.:, . 1 1111,11:11:glt`,1'.;:iNi."Pt,t,..' Z l . : :'.'oo.'"' ° : ° Notice Is hereby Circa to all persons haviklf ;•.,_.„ Three door below Sixth. Pam:noun, P; t'rs=llP2krl'Sitittst • tifl:ll'" ti me' teemed hitherto , we shall wise to za , r Its more fortunate nvsal of UM' Kaimas . claim the presence of a similar danger in n`" n. . . friends or relatlya • burled In the Methodist , .....oestneatesixe r e a , rd i e 3,,,,„,,,,,,,,, eitiol,lahlatigrrtri.i,rln,/ V. Mummer Myles ef , wul N. Nell to eh , ' ...IL • ' Px. '''` n ''''' for the trade of thePacifie eloyeras far ; Loaisiaaa. STRONG TESTIMONY. . r:r.%T.:.°:i..,Vit1..n1i5f,1'...,... ...., pin thereto augmented interest, at curacy ~. TAW AnOA. Perry Co., 111., Der. It, Am rOdice . : atit P: 1 ta1..... Ne,/ /c vats. f: r , ,, h c l , ' 1 1 . , , , t. , !. U. CUT." ri" " .r nh• U. ' 1 But In addlnoti there C. been a nazr ltd . ?.,a1 . a .: '''''''''' s _` . " In`ru'e '' ''' A';'" "' : ' ' '' '=7 ' 7l': • "4l ; l'l : BOVA RD .., ,;ROSE lb CO., , . ~ south as California. • - ____;___.. .........._______ and earue. We shall fine • space . for ; Tam ,. are Repubiie.. joucuuliute .tr t o , ......lsitses t too t they.. used and recommend.' Lia:ilit": 'cli:nier'fi..l•l;7tt. a ' n't;'' ' i'Ne/•17,5: the lestnsessinon Lotnot t r: p:ro ." v m stnp7l7l7l, " i d it " . t.g.f..1;e:1'i'V'.1..`47::;,1"°,,...d1'.2„,".'" •-e'- ' l.- • '- ' . 'e"e'e !?rt".. '''''''' The true route for New Tort, Kew • t• le et-er , 0•9 1./011 Ft' ICLI. El PLIeTII.Iir BEET. teecond doom ~ - .greider tallness of news, and for.ii larger I ; England and • the Lske cities, to reach': who think it smart to disgrace thein. Lsyyht : . Z.,::',.,,, e ,Titi 1 0 h 1.,- 1 T ",...` 0. %`,Z:::: . Taytlt?'.)i ..t i t:' ,. ..11,TV,, , ,,, ,,, 1L„ 4 and l ‘ ... hr : Tnreticla the sae groUnd ror burial pate f° 10'r.,...1igrrir:t;y7,1.•:12,7 CP d 'l , : , ,i,. f l r . well„ th. A-S Inyliltl74ll . l_vT 'selves f and their roe h tl on b y wriring rt..ecet,,,..t.tetteseitsjetriete.t.eete:t take grea t weasore In Trofi , r oV -I .i:lia:ey . .. l'eh els-ants INartice. " r ' , 7 o ' ,..` " T h r , t ir r e ‘,',7,.,7,7-0 0: u- .. dl.- --- ' .4'44 , 1. ,, ;:v:i;... 2 r.i . .wr . ',...,;,:g ~,,Le,ii".-.FaTIT,; Metropolitan, Garibaldi, ,Grani, '7 ------- hreadth of political discussion, wldle 1 the Pacific, is by a route through Minuet o s toe tether. is fashlon• Dacota and rontanaLcrossing the ' a t , e ,f,. 11 .:..,, _ , • a. D. mca. D. D. . ~,, ,,, , 5Z. , ", , ,, , , ,t ,;‘,...,4;,, . ..3,,,,,. „,,,,,„,. „ Hu° , that the undersisned, 1. %e " , ' Cuto " :l • Ss r lb b n ' t ts " a ' p ' - I ''.:',',l,`,';tt 7 1 ',1 , 7.„"„`:.`,',.'„'"c1,'„ ' 421,rt, n bll ' ' e li r !• 11 41!: '' '- ' more attention wall be given to ] its. [ s°tA i point ed In said Act, will :livered, in pursue, . toLusitn, ''' ' .- . 1,1 : - . 71 ' ,1,- : - :::7.1.."tr'''''' - - I Rocky /dountalris at the head of the Mis- ' •••' In, netiit.otebnetaronelibe T e e e r o ut el l o tt n e n d if. it t i n ake • ' it. e ant Iti • • T,,,C1,1.41.. 1inn0ie....,. t B 1,01., i 1 1..!,. .• .• ‘,...,, • ; 1 :...... , .,L ir .. "- r o l: , r. or -• • topics. , The reglious column in Satin a .u ., ,, , ,..,..1f w b f , r .1. . 5 .4i.-Dit.ut . - ••• ' '''' •- •-• -'• • - day's tame, formerly a feature of special I ruri s tinil descending the .. western slope strictly private and personal capacit- ••• - 4 ••••• - 1 eta Clark's river til the Columbi- - - '' •' -- ' - ' ' interest with mar jiiciNDAY,.*lll" " 27. 1547 OUR ~.,...,..„.,,w„,,,,,,,,,,,..,•11.411:11ET AND CUTAWAY said Act, atter the ego. ni'ua:g f the tr;ne „ A ",: al! f:lr i. arl . 4 ‘ oll, "In ..rt . r.il I lit , art ' hy r 7 thL O Y l ' • - ----_. SUITS ~ ~.rnir,,,,,,,.., ..,,,:,,,,,,,;,..rt,:: ~,,,,,....,,‘,4,7,1_,:.,..v,,,,n,,„,::,,;.d.,,,,v..„.;.,,, ze , n n tl , o , n . : t „ ii „ . al t i l u tt. to reta i n, all the bo.llas 11:A. 'lZrTi"el'Vtiarr.;/7:nTenliatl42•l:iio-s'e.Pli I 18. The what is all the circulation of Triton( th e be a t tbat..i i p.o.e, My ..Ir. har de. 0 ' ,, ••' ! .. . ee e '''''' ." 'e I ' '''' '' ' Plil d LlT'lr R . INLAID. '1.,..1i:iriti11pirir,:i.,..177,,,,i.1,,,,, ..ath.h.H. ALL SIZES AID OF TOE 611151 FABRICS M'CALLUAI BROTHERS, , ny rea era , and which , winters are sovertkon this route, but it north to a man , Ills eccentrioues used rlsed ge,st . ha mat frau naug them. and , ...) ;,, l'ig,:mli'll'sr.l"l",VatUrT"giili. ' iilt i.n. HILD AND PACKED. EDWARD DEA/LITON. ...,,,',L' a lT e :th .. .IT I lled . lre It testa. NZ: Itraft l eTVll . :afte b k. to expend themselves in the w e of coniddera Mem an levaluabie medh.ine. .11:itt .'" 1;" .e. T' l ' euParaY Stela . l it , oLea i llta, or an wet.. A large mid complete assortment oo w eo, hand. m't.e.:ol:ls4;4‘ll;;Aftllitigzs..t.,;:e.t..... -.vas crowded out by a press of advertis. ! Is said there la less snow than on the one rest o ff c l o th e . , - . lc co burn on Hi. Pro ' r ''' . "' . " .1 . 4 . 1 .nen , ' "'"'" °' ". e s which he bought of Itaapactrulls yours, 4l' MIL-ELIE rharawoitrs isi . :a ' k l fo ' is ""l 4 11 ' ', i , __________No. 47 EL Clair Street. GRAY ac LOGAN 'A neer linear a ;new ova desirable pattems. lag, will be restored under the cluirge 1 they have adopted, and very little wind eh:Stoat, • a, and paid tor in n aste paper ttSlitoAD, Marren le .N. Y • Aug E. IX 4. tod... p a a „.„ ~,,, , g - ,..1 . , ,,.....,: ‘,.e 5t , s re‘. _fint.baras. AfasHOl IV:. _Tyr A, F Mane factor, I and for sale whole"le b that the climate, is much like that of A year or so ago, after 4 ' , Nit to Loropo 10-ss. i1t. 00., v soom. rortaottes go - 'V.? I' 1. Were,. ~, , t err Munn.' aiiaw:raZ. '' 8 8. Hilt Alli a ---- ------ . y .T. C. T.I.LTON of the gentleman wKo then prepared it. , - ' and return, Horace expenent ed a chance no. There ia • great ilnalaud fur your vAlotal.e -- e • "" •ere''''' re •eewe•W'• • Russia between St. Petersburg and Slos itt al & 40111.AlliT, 11110 K ER ir \ 'in this particular, and tin:toted hi mac It "'' ro e"' if s ir , hEE'n e 1 . ,. ti. la ' alier euu.li Wi u ~,,,.. , rliTo In ST , CL•IRET., Pllttbargli. During the past - twelve months run I cow, where railroads are found to answer after the manner of a cuticular' and l " 7. be." assn thee' In th e rem " , rel. eeree - . 'n."'"' R".""" n' '''''' 'r"' W HESPENHEIDE ' MEDALLION ;VELVETS, TaPERTRr BRUSSEL.% Velvets, Brussels, PROSPERITY OF TRH GAZETTE RAS ELM. i Very welL Should that he so there is Christian." g LIMP and end them the Nat medicine of any fo "------- ------ - ..." '' ...-.. ( _ENTLEVIEN'S "-1deit...1.041 DS, STOOKS, TIIIRD O PENLNII: OF W. f Nier G,lian't Tailor, ' Paula ALL SHAESPAPER EXPERIENCE IN ;no route to the Pacific equal to this; for -----........-____.__. ramp, e 's 1 eor s .! N. ' A NWIW PULE , ' e.; AND REAL ESTATE, ', Piano and Table Covers, lit is shorter and toes less Breffkete th ee THE Philadelphia Poen, with uharm- Tuts cm. The Increase In advertising ! any other. or. n.„.„,E"f's‘te"s4 Vo 7 t i f ""''' ' I. Frirßislisam GooDs, ilasaure I can SILK AND CLOTH CLOAKS, EST OF TEE SEASON, N 0.50 ST. CLAIR STREET. • . • ;,tag simplicity, exclaims , , nom lor koowled e and circulation Las been altogether be- But we set out to talk about cities. ''Why Mr. Greeley should lose Lie c'irt'lrir'nA....e' It ' a " na r y ll f l a r in i tl k ;. " an 0 from what le sa g id Apollo Building, Fourth Street. THE LAM, • large mid choice easOrtment of yond our most sanguine cxpectations. ' Cities have their relations, %Well are temper, and indulge in intemperate in- be unroll asers, are tar superior to any other. No. 72 Fitt 11 Street, vectlves we are at a loss to under. son, 4, ItONEET Iff_IIAL ,ll EAR by OPPOYCIF THE POST DEVICE Purchase. and sells en comtulatlon Jan received, a second arrival Of MEW i Not only were our columns too stmt. I antagonistic or mutual as their relative " stand." ' PIN US CAN ADENeIS. AT IliE coed for the d are service of our adverds. , D esiti mil may happen to make them. I lu the same mete 1 , n ~ ,We - re" 1..U1i A tret which Is abandon in Carted, Nova ere, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,„ 5 .„,,, , ' • SPRIND WOODS. All lateand new .me ~,,, 1 0QM7TI IMMO, TOSIIC 1E1'63 'lli lifit , 4- - It is easy to see that the intereste of tmtes its own mildAess and courtesy, -, '''' .,..‘, ! :;:::.? . ....... r d " '''''''' 77 ° lee. or the l ' e• ''". the I"eee.:..!e"eeeea.'WCa-leZtli'l‘'.:4lna'r':: 11.1111 /. 0 „00181119ED LTD INCIPAL 1011' S. • Philadeli)ltia Cloak it '' '' '' ' '% "" o 08 ' '''''''-'". SO, -_,_r_o 401.1.1Baisserat, . ln st gen omers, but in rieir of the lilidral I Piffled ' . elphia and Baltimore, on the tide I thus: Is also:oda lln the eh. ated - • 1 __... I • URLINGr ii BUCHLON 1111°1Z PLY An TWo ELY patronage extended to us we felt under and mountainous regions or the Middle Stat., Perfect Fitting French Yoke Shirts, t water, and those of Pittsburgh, at the I on, was hard for thepeoplellia and arstand• In eneallelnal ~,rte,,, Dr. emelt, • • 1 ' • obligations to snake A LARGER, CREAMS, I head of the Ohio. are mutual, as Ire 'land to know that:than. raslale of Lie olli. of /Linen. has prepared aon Dente from apt MAJD. E. ouogit. Beni., Malin 'IV . . , OS Ylarizet Street, I ngrains, • AND BETTER PAPER. nig Mlle will ' those of Pittsburgh and all the Western tint condemnation of the murderer oi 'Z''.,..‘",,,1,y,„,i'1L'.1,::,./,.`„5"1',1°7,'7"'• ''''' l7° r " . "' ' - Merchant Tailors i ~ ,a ., . ,,,..1e a , or !heir bravest children, but It trot recti/f ~,,, 0 „.„, ~;„, p : p d 1 0 ,:, ' , "' .'„ " ,' . "8',",„" PUTNAhd & HOUSE, Insurance, Alining & other Stocks'. I NEAR Po UnTII. I iow priced Carpeting. l also guide us In the future. We - shall ! cities on . the same parallel, Including ' 11,g and stel.ens..o so err a man (file, Ifr ~, ','. 7' - ,,,7 ,7?“ --. ,. ~ those , of Mosouri and Kansas. The in- Greeley sh,,,te hands trill. Ira nurd,rer, „„:""".'" ""' ''' " '''''' JL` I skating YU , - If cCALLIINT BROTHERS, endeavor, by still farther Improvements, 00. onroUrace. enabling Ditto to regain Orders executed at the New on. oblitacl- ---7 No. 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, , I terests of the valley of the Ohio and the and mile and .uo,rl, around I ira ' the. losflont itnd seer ity It will bc (osa4 well ,llt EGO lIL 'et. PI Ta A 11. phis •00 Itomon atoelt 11001,11 by teia gr•tili att TilE LARC3EST AND PEST I ... 131.7. Stith Slaty es sat to express our appreciation of the con- 1 b . . Basta of the lakes are in some degree an- -----"""''''''"------- adapta .1 to all .huse diseases, n hue Raclin hail the rugular rates of Commlsoloneurrent In moue Are dallyrecelving n:ice and good-will of a, generons ; tagonistic, and this antagonism is most Tri 6 Stassachusetts Legislature, con. sr... m. 4 ant railed. It Is Itae wt.° well salted WA t TED. ''''• cities. CARPETS. public. '' clearly seen and most strongly developed tart' to general-expectation, and 1 / 1 6 the :.!acit'i.`sts.l.7.l7tl,,El'.?,iltlarilfaa.icUs. sr.st;:ittg. wrong vote of 161 to c 4, los refused ta ..°., „,°,,,;.. ,r,,,.,,,,, t. 5 ... " . “ t i t:.4 . 1t17,';',.. F IVE HUNDRED AGENTS. .tx. A RTISTS' AND . S.ELIECTED SICOCK, TIIE LATEST STYLES, The. Wszttar Gaze ' (issued on ilt the keen rivalry of St. Louis add lose, r o d r . nail 0 ten, with, nee tett ra Deal . i . , - 4 EASTERN CITIES. 01L1.V..- „ ass a law to License the Sale of ' 11 El 1110CGIIT TO THE CIII Of PITT4BELGO• -MY-L'lllrl' miedne„day. "d saturday..) wen ler,. Bbleago. , P cr..... 3/..c. or ehe Weald.' aed Waal of 0 „r,'..".a1,,e):,',1•,'..j7., ' leg u ,',.,, ffie• ', l s '. reele:W ENGINEERS' MATERIALS, _ 1 Liquors., Unless this stand shall be re , 7 i:u7sto. ' :, 214...,. troe, rt., t e•n looked upon 'L b. ., ~e ;e , e '2al , , a,,T1.,":„'.. a'a e `f,. • ,:fe ' e; "1.1 4 ' ; after be of the present site of the dagy, IT is ADMITTED on all hands thift ceded from, of which there I. no IlLuli. Gs `ll'''''(,%`,,'"Zcirc''',',',.''''l' -es.'"""''L'''',7'. ....p.:Sc.,cg. li 7 p.L., ‘ ~. f t..." ' r y . , ," ! . 7 . s . ' ,; ' ,' ' t s ,, i' CONSIEnNu OF HAS BEEN ItECEIVED TRW DAY. I throughout the South the blacks are rel. hood, the P;ohrbitory Lan, that has been Pr 1.41 . ,‘ 4 •r ' e. en •e'e “.' •" A" "AA-. " '"" ' 1 -'•."'"."'"':• ....•-''''''''.''''''''''; 1.‘"". - and will be furnished at. the old ratear ; ~... „e,„,, 00,...,„„,,, . e ... 8 1,. " Item/OD , who at" .a. the heal or ht. art 1,.. hoer lo'.. HAS an va•1e11.,,, . lying with singular unanimit to the 1 o 9 n f rce for a number of flare, n 11l re- V;:.'4'7,',;';‘,•',.,',X.LeZ10r7,!;""10 b r e o -, th .o, 7:7.1,,Vet.71.7"cr45t ',.r...l•la'i';''''''''' '.7"'''''. r'''''''''' .. ‘"‘C" f '''' ' '11" . "fall ,„ ~,,,,.,„,7,,,, m„,,,„ • and Make Your Selections, that is, 91.50 d'year Eir a single copy, Ice - . - support or the Republican party. Nor , rosin oh the suma c hook, Will t h e to ,i...0s c eon. InhamviL ' ila ' te".P,, s Z, • :F • a ; tiate , or one a f t..."; flies, ' 1.: aVntal...X,c.-- clubs of five, sk2s a year ; tea copies or are they alone. The 'Emancipation of ' 0 nents of Li • l ' t e rs " i ' : ' , "'"7 .lt ' S g ' . ' "'`''s 7s7"" ' " , 9 0 '“ ! " .' w '." • ' "7 , 7 0 ' 5 7 ,4 's I ' 47" "7" "'''''`" ••• r ee ' • " l nr V,•.1..7•411.4°,=.• ti P o P° ln s enforcedi ee T u rie s a Ili" Er°l'ab'. 7...,.,,,,,,,..,,....i.„.,,,,,..........i sere:„ o -, , Ltar ?c, .„,,iii,.j....p.::..;z:tittLy.ziiiize,..e..;:,,:; ,A ...,... n ...., Dir.a.:.aig Tarts, • llsr)re the haadsome good. are salicted. „Lab; writ more to one address, 51.15 each. arid one the blacks from legal Slavery has releas. ...t mattute, ..., w.,,,i.,,.T.u.7...,,t,,,,,,;,, 0'.4:1:1„,..‘17t10;',:, qi ‘ in , • ,. .y. sno t si. ars rarely cleared else wr. !so, anal I.42:todTearc., ed many whites from the racial servitude of no utility unless there is a public son Wor7irr .di ' i s c ' '''' '7l' "' 7r °b "' ''''eoeiotoo ei.tf!...7.7,17,,, VA°"4" ll "ai'"' '''''''''' '''' ''' m ''' tr ' ' 7 ' d ... Pelee' F 4 -s. TOELAILIG ESN` ANIS MOST copy to the • r tier up of the club. Varier i i ' , Ara.. • s'XSPopteSuli4s',4 r '' .. s P.S. ' ',; s wo• " "PS '" le'he'ec a r e " : • l i ' e l ' ' ' ' I , l _ *"' a l ; t'ti' Ruling Pea , la which they were held, and they are tisteut behind that writ tarry them into ' once an . t ...or . Prier. I, v. , Neil , e ta for ir I,L e '''' er " d " .....1 ii . •u uec e les l E 4.; o "•, r' L" ll.ll=afr •'' 'I. -I this arrangement, the amount of reading •,,,,..„.„ ~ ~.;,.. ~,,,.... . , , : :1.e....J...0111 be made known. Yield no is• ' asserting independence of thought and operation. Ai ~ r., ,ri , ,1 ... ~..,, . ~ , ~ . . .. ~. , ........e....,.,..: ; COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, matter will De It the DT EE L 1„1:i.,:e,"„;0r,1,,,,,,,,..„ ,?„,-;, .-,..,;,,•,,,,,,,,-,;:,., ~ . . 4 Lam Elea st • a an..., I a Proela Paper; [action. Indications crop out, moreover, - ----......---- AletalleTane Lln•si AND COLUMNS. enabling us to dd E no -w fee - ' that young men with careers to make, Divorce T rlal--Scanduluus not ehtlons, i'" ' I. :2' FOR TECE SPRING TRADE. T"""g "'". Tr..., Paper, r -• _ BEST sTYLES AND QUALITY, 'tutee, particularly an agricultural Dr. and with laudable ambitions that they The I'eoria pernwral of Thursday NEW AD VERTISEIdENTS. !UR SALE AT T IE be well made, are espousing the CW lthlkine the following sensation , 7 -- " . ----- : - -- --- - - - - Al 26 and 5. , 6 St. Clair Street, lurrlinent, which will be of interest and .IJII‘6III4JI. Jr.. Adonis Eniress CJ. At a ,i side of progress and Amehorsilo g, re The past week the. good people of our .4.... 54 r 8 ti an ORrAiNiarid Agent to w r ~, , 4,,,,,„, , , , „,, in, , HAT 01141 AID PC lAILIC ZTABLISIIISAT Of 4. r- ratite to most of its readers. come AdterNatnannts for Du 41 AETI.E. and mir ovro and 'outer eil'l'LlTaCtlit:'s, ii ' largu *tire% 1 BOOTS SHOES First-Class Merchant Tail Orin the Republican leaders prove wise neighbonng city, up the river, at Lama, oU elAe gripers throupitota Du Villred States of ' 1 5 li The circulation of the WERLY is , W. S. HAVE,N Est ablishment. enough to improve their opportunities, bare had their equilibrium - somewhat sna ''''' ''''''''' _ FLOtoit,a cLor, 5 mhs ON METH LAIDIEII TRAN THAT ov ANT OF , the regeneration of the South will he disturbed ' at the facts ma de known and ROBINSON BROI' , "'''' "'"'''''''' , , YORStrair . Cor. 'Wood and Fourth Streets. • AND GAITERS • , Great Reduction in 1 eon Rgronticaa cow - rsuronAluss OF I made complete, and the unity of the Re. result of a divorce trial,.wutco, Irom ' all TALL,. AND( ARRIA.tir we can gather from one who was there ii ' Ll-'3-I ''' 9l7 ' . ' ~,,,,ii,4itiol, ~,, -°'''''.Jl"__- FOR LA DIF.R, ' .". _ Tug CITY, and hence is an excellent me- public re - established on a solid founda- TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS I and e c t , a f a i ipeten n t to knew, Car surpass any sto. Ts Sot atil laTitetw, Pit boatman. Aiv, t ear i r a .1. T! U)' 'St's ' ? 4saa' s. , ENDO diem kir advertising many branches of tiaa • he kl dwe ever read of, much , Rulillail'ALTlNl, OE ALL PRICES AND QUALITI, AT SECOND A RRIVAL. 0 trade. lava" V3O. t e cf eh • arm. Ins ILa I Ins known of, and seta the Sten art. tn. at terms. nicy r h:re tour -.. t . - ' - ' .. ' Rung. AND nThAIII.OOOIOO. BOSE, Trig government of the eaited Stales ton .7 on banal all ea .A. Smith ease of Chicago in the shade awes or • Being trianufae" rem, we •re cm h edd.... e rt e ,. • niErksilaraErla. P ie • Tendering our heartfelt thanks to our , with the full approval. of the prople, Some years 'lnce aMr Smith removed T T. Isl. iaticozia- 1r.% ~...,.. , ie ~?......,, cards., rake. atra I the retail GREEN TEA • f3pring Good promptly used Its inthrience with JoAnzz, form Chicago to Lacon, and being a cen- ' - 'a--,7.01-D' 1L..,, .4.4=1: brA7. - '" g 2 ' 4 ?"` '''' kri.. • customers, we enter upon the new I '!01., li?? on ........ $1 an per p?....! arra rood ,„ 1 sl , Ito prevent the jiunishmint of the tour- 1 /emu/ at miner., education and rove. sod are erre...tut to bayou I sell Railroad /hods ' volu - me with renewed energy. ment and withal a prominent Mar of '''' " " ""' '" "' ""'" '''''" Yuri- cluArcti, Ids socitt, ant g ‘ f7sl'44l;' 1 i' ` ‘.'r . "'"'rr'''' •'''''' .' ' ' J . * it. MILLI". '11:1 ~w " ' .: . ..: ..• . 12u a• • ____.____............____________ I per, 31Am/rums. owls or the , eat no. a ore n. - ---- lia ---- - -l----- •' The same government, with like con. that of hie famßy wa s greatly sought by klirii.::::r. tl,:::;7:c f 7 il s a i C ` U. 7 ,nli.r. "l" '''' A LLEG ige.,, N 1 . r- , BLACK. Tiif 42 o;lsrnre. " OUR WESTERN Mil k.% • Rem Oolong ......... El a, per pound CUrrenee, Is urging the a ßritish govern- all thettirst families of that Itemitiful and It is a remarkalie fact that the United ment to be merciful to the Fenian invad- I quiet little city. Ills only daughter, just rcr TO THE DI:PUBLCAN 1 .. Latta t• .......... .... 1 ..0 't I SILVINGS BA.NiK. ''''' - ........... " . Foust , IVellE CITY, lo or _ 'Staten, alth ough iS hee m o re t elTiter9 In Clll and Insurgents who have fallen into budding into womanhood, and of rare ourself tit ALLFODENI 1 OUNTI. , BLS( li TEAS-Powelsonr, Sone/mem E I gl i lt t vitt be made lap with care muti dispatch A LLEGIIES I', ES. woo cosmoses. beauty, grace ,and gentlenebs of man. -Garin, t.e.e, a candidata roe Loewy Tree... 1 i ~ 31 FIFTH "TII.EET. ex. Floe nose Florid Eng Breakfast I n - proportion to the population than any ~t 1 hands. ' nos "soon won for her . rel. a the much covited .ed ~,,n, 0,...,4 engaged eanvasang the . 01.1. 6 4 : 42 .1 , 42.0CE. lea 28-atit. :: l: If° -". ' eeeee T• d e • other nation on the globe, except Rusq„Y i This only shows how much earlier it ' . title of the betle of the town. Prm, ...otor ttirra.... or • 1 ersonal chatter re. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE • JAPAN TEAM. - . GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ' • nice and Brazil, has more considerable lis to preach than to practice. We dialre Death' AMOng the aspirants for her I. - ENGLISH AND AMERICAN e .. ty As a son of 3tr. Bathe, son.in la,, .1 0 1 , ,, tax entre t rue awn ntentlan, It av no f1e4:1111a,e,,a,'•,Vp„..x,...q.;,..,;,,e,a,i1.„,.1ei1Eerat ,147,',',"gdallieteiallf"hlat!!eeT•eee ... e,." Wii ll SCHMERTZ & CO, cities thanany other -cities, say, of ten t other governments and peoples to ei s ens. 110 llsta to attt 10l LO I 011tIeal Matters After given to Col e, con., aod proceeds n.roma,"..ija!e•' n ICED TEAM . ..... .... 1 , 0 st.):: n 72 wive _____„ -.-. thousand and upwards Russia has a plify the grace or Magnanimity, but, for grt Col.ollll.Brayo the brother of iti.gyl a Z , ..„ tad , , , , mimed I...ent trays-Rronlaa aulThanotay wealthy forme stock dealer. ''''''' a' ' ren • who tend, r d G. ~ int, red. . l.T'.• .! WI .‘..' T .V e • 'e .1 ....e a ,ht, de' Y'" • el • '''• milits, itoppEß Olinir II nig . iirnivE, Wilton and Velvet, - rot number of villages, with wily three I ourselves, we prefer to illustrate the role f ' ,ll etc.. o organ county. or Übe family, "'''''''' ''''' P '" , 1 "'" ' 1 ''" r ' cu'ul v ' ken " A ArTi'ab. j .trkr'.le. '- 8 ''..d '''' d' . ' ' COIE or roar large cities-with only two, In- lof Justice. we Will only add that it is largely rein- o, ''or • osoleios sacc.esc,'note„, r>. ~!:.:-. ' kl.T. 74. :2:l'::Plytnjg:Z a l°,"& n Yun V ap ue . deed, which would be called large In in Marshall county, and composed of 11. N. ELL.III3III. Joni . w ni JAN, EG. GRAHAM, President .I . ‘, • iluantlie. and forwards al ia; any of4 th e'r.r.- t nonr zipOSSELS, x. , „ I . . ntrr _ s , p eteraburg and „ a .. Trig delegates from Philadelphia to I the most wealthy men In it and ie strong - 77 ` 71 "" ' ewe "' 'e W. '' . '''•.- utte. , on - • -2-1 '•• n "i""'-'l".-- f'orLtii:ZlVViirigg':"sacv.a'rtLe.'ill;len' "'T I"" ''' en ee W• le• RREHER, AgeoLy Merchant 'T'ailor the Republican State Convention, to be Ily Interested In at e id a supporter of the L'oll SALE. • CHAPIDELIERS gx.l,7., 'lr‘ P bTa'. l "::4'o:l" , ? l, :htt,. l'a , ::' P":" r „:, cow. Prance, with a population about 9 / MANGY ACTUEaRS OF , held at Williamsport next month, are 51;IdectEitjen:hioutsbi. il V e l e h a i l m i th° ' ° ' la ' ' ermarto that of the United States has , anti pos 01i 16R /I° STOGY HULLING SOLSE. Brackets, Pendants. fic ..L117,r vie 172 .I___________l7. led•r4 . l . -it'U. . 1 -.- L _ Allen enY. Jeremiah Nichols,' J. Price Wetherill, but three cities of 100,000 population and I seined ofno small share ofcift of gab and , r '7 f AST NOTICE. -In pai .'emixce, FtrItNITITItE , Wm. B Mann, Horatio G. Jones, Jimes I personal appearance, Chas . Mune was .‘077.'.' '" .. " . 14 .„:.. 7. 7. 7 %, ' "V`''' ! " t ! , '"0 ' Ft/it .. with the previsions of n Art of tn.. (Jenne! , IP DEE ASIILAND FULL. upwards, but the villages are numerous. Nevrlln, W. IL Rudditrum, Benj. von classed as the lucky one in winning „,,e,, ~,,,, ' and LIII. la" asusi _ %i n .l l , l ,: fi %Commonwealth . of Pennon". , op 0 .30 era When it is remembered that nearly all lit W. doss Liarriet.Smith's at/colons, and at I 13.011 Call. • eini or the FOtl. Ma . V.t n IVII tf 2: Z 'LT! I . _________________,____ At.. Berry, Thos. Little, ThoL J. Wor- su ISAAC ClLagorsi-------- Is"Wilsa Ma'"lrs the ghat dties.of the old world are the ," 1 W. .s. B „ Thos . II ple-nic parties, moonlight excursion CUNTAINIeata IVIPIZ Illitill 4 ♦ 4 larre_Tort.trent on a hand altal re It at :hlF,4l,l;d.liFl.o.l,ll,:::zkcc.Fllixe , Of Every Description. 1 , L/LIRARI__, caw:anew., and wow growth or ceittur it e . „ wbß . tb ,. ~ Y e r •.-", 'lot Tee, n eer7 etc., there were sure to be at least tno „;„,, .., . ~ ll DIEING 1100.1 es, ~ C. Thompson, JOIt. A.. Bonham, IL W. !r . appy . persons present, ;'Charlie" and ~, ~,.,l,s fur le i rneath Po ..... lop fawn ,m:: ELoGif it , ,id !recor g a pew Atorlitioan April, Vi, ' ' . I grea ' te," part of the American cities had "Katlic." They walked together, they L. ".." n ' "l ' 8' ~.i. • ePPrOted the ytelit Is day el pl, A. D. $ CHOOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE, OUITJET SAMAILLS. ff 11 Gray, Chas. N. Mann, Andrew Zane PLIVMDERS AND GAS rerrEns, 'T. u I a and Stair C arpets to pfitoh. i , not evert an existence • century ago, And ' ; danced together, they chatted ogether, L BELLE, Auctioneer. 1 ~,,!iitil,ll.orLiddilari4 V..= of t , le FOURTH I Wesley Stephenson George T. Die r some of them not half that time, this tea. jame _ P ß - ' - lie, and in fact where olio was there the I ..b.„164 Wood Street.' g:i7;,!;7.lg:"lrtHALPl;f:l,°(:::°4 i t" , : j. ! ' ' ' ' 1 Below SL Clair Sheet BM?, Illsbeay City, paw l We 1 a 1,1 9, Wor. A. Simpson, Chas other wan sure to be. The shady boner ---'"' -- V° 4 r`d rat el , Allegheuy. No. 45 Smithfield Street, ~... 4 7. ;1 1; , = 107,:y.'."''' I,' '''''' net eler 4,-... lure of our national life and character is e,lseu sjatir._. r4ll.4,l4l,,zo.ll,:rirtaitit; firs' Ilay of knie l aa..„ I and Fleury Connor. The! was their retreat, the fishing lake their, , ALL EGLIEII4 COUNTY, as--. 61-67. n '`` ,- It to -7-4 " ----' - the more remarkable. But It only proves Williams ' ,- sel p eel.. at Ike Peeond national .111:efrr.rarlte't ge,"gi . 'rare Wen purchased by the . Brat four are !Senatorial delegates; the resort, and ahlle others Dien) to tire of to a.? mem., of ro noon •fter 4 the ilma Prrrlntasan, PA. Gat there is more ambitiOn, more dispel- , , , such run usereent,pearlte and his hole a Tcr',.. TlCeurt of Common Pleas, No fa% June SPANGLER 'at BRADFORD LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS 1 muting( climb above the level in which res7-as ' sePreseaSagsa' compatdon were always the first 011 the t.., 8 ' Wee... Vfle'e'2'l7.‘aithregeit: 'Prue."'" " I e ,:cra:714,°,T4'..,,1.b,;"-Y--,'' r''''''''' I ____ g ii rounds awl the last to leave...thorn, and roov. • '` el lneee- X 41LX-• V . a . lzilwlll be allowed fur 4i * cji ' d ''''''''' ele . • bl. one regret seemed to' enter their / ::'7":::":7°T'''''.7.l:"l."'''''"''e":7"::."' ' PlillilrhalElige4eLn7lT c c :. inif pre P"1".:::::::::'""P:'Er:::;'::: h':::: 1 A men were born, lu the 'American cbarac- Soma New Yorkeref whose board • 'AMERICAN LAM COMPANY ' WINDOW strADES. ti., ,,. ~. ~, ,,c.ci, I , ar , You i tsaortment of Plttabor Manatee ) 1 ter than in that of any other nationality. the Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Is minds, and thatthath ono or t Ton Mount Verna] (1 rigregalleto' of. . •.............. aaassa CDs a ii.s.va .• Prealdent of PM nolard. &Et /TICU """"17 °A b" at LOIV lbT (f l e parting l Xlitseeth to.rogiiin, in ( Pecans"' r Allegheny, ,O •R.- or /t arises, moreover, from the fact that ; paying in the Eastern Penitentiary, are tame should ever come . course these ::: , 4%3,;,.., uci rhospleanlM havlng heart peas ,t. . ~ 1 ",ra.,1• l'"""• , OF NEW SORE, . Cheap All-wool Two-Ply • Carpels there are fewer obstacles la te, way of making disclosures relative to their loves grew into matrimonial destrus, and 5,5antitA`=1V.r.,1k=2.n.47,.:,:r.".',..":...V. •• '° 47 °lli° St" a,,i„,AL . to= status -Wit. e. noresa...e. A. rms. f - I Otr i bfig to their extreme youth, each one 1'a1,',, , ,T.7 1 7, ,, ,, 0 . ..r1:14: 14 . ....1, , r, te i 4c lawful. „ ALLEGHENY CITE. ST. JAIVIES HOTEL, ' ----L------------- , , ni., who Would ristiTrona a bumbler to a former relations with members of the I 1 CIIEVA ' IVAIIEDIOUSE. II ho will continue the raneral business In all It AT BEOO so Stun PER TEED , iiliiieaingerbea,tirsziecnxiiieilihteo . sad nineteen at. , to driuoo.tono• •0rr....:,%r m 7 '141 ' 1;1,1 ;rocas. fitted to, with wAvitt. GAS ant atria,. The teauttActom or LATH, by the . i I ,more exalted condition of intelligence, Police In the Commercial metropolis . If was tt. he en. , gLie..zi.o,,,,tr tsma,Mtntlor t, and Laws of the I STEAM by exosrlene t d stork UN nit EUROPEAN PLAN, I ....-.. fortune or social position, than are found thei • r , incuipations are well founded, thrced, but a trip to e slichigan soon oto set' , .. ..JUT: L A:IO ' O3 n ` :3l,rd,V:w. di c rr ...ler attention gird. tr ' inty , work. Carpet and Curtain • in the older coma:monies of the world; 'Superintendent Kanszny load better gat i made Charlie and Hattie One, End on Oe'rer•Vi:LT'ittiti:eik: 12! Mg r, r'''''Vr4 .1,./;t:And ALA r 1,11,en • latefts'iyie. ' NOS. 405 4. 107 Liberty St, iI n so+. les In Great AILICriCall Lath Maild 1 hence, a young man i • nagining (whether , authority to discharge his present au- , make . ke r t et , nra thoei"&hi folks" , thought to 1i . , ...t: . :4t , ;.c .I:4l,..iic,cdre,,iil ..fi!„.!.rt......e'Vcras. '' FIIIST CLASS L O O ULAN g op.e,„. the uelon Item. ' HILMAR') BREED & CO. wil pot 1 _ . . . , • , a7k.: 7 ... - ce:d , ;?lgg:Ld . TlThyiiig:p., , ,- ; , IipHOLsTERy wcR ( ' lowly or unw Isely) that there are bet- bordinates and to employ the convicts ea farm mile s e;ng to Mr X I el; ''''''''""`etra...3' '' ''' s ' r " r''' '4'r"":.°ll.- The Prdprielor wOu'il respectfully inform tbe I A „ such r larte.r n. neon me .f . or AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. L'. 1 ` , V41:."` „ ",',."1 , 4,,,;:a.t, , , 1 41„-,f,,r,-, , , 1 r,- 1 = • ..., b. an g x, ..1 n tva..' , 17.' . 0= Didion . lup ine ' - lei opportunities for advancement in the lat Sing Sing and Auburn to keep watch some three horn Larne. ' ''t"-' MI/ J.Mott trIPALTan, PrOltionotary riv al ' r u rl r l:lT ' j whtt ' If:I i;;;:t : • tlie ''4. 01 . 1:1 1 t P : 0 0: I I". 100 Wood Street. 1,,,, ,b.,,,47,' nadlt,',Zlrd`7,,s°",Tb=fl: i i " II "P/P"ril 13""g" STILL *,..., - etty than intim country, cetera the eager and ward over ',orisons and property in things passed on happily, and In less I e '' w ."' _ J., .1,,,-3r ON, C}, D'4'eeprlLllll' Aet n I than one year the Lord blessed "Bettie" ACE CUIITALN 14 ' . :iie,. I. • torn" dining ro dos ler Ladle, ••11 the i H E g ITT A A . re h r dm IllgYlll. PLATED TA- et ~i,,.., p ,..,N....• , -- , 4 ;ti J. , u.s them. sold i -----... 1.4. competitors and becomes a the city. - ' ' 140 . iiio Mood St., Plltsb h s ',',`" ,:ri *r ., " ' "*"." wm e '''" ..,, ~., . a ~. __,..,_____............_______ and she presertted was 'with att ur g r a asang.eall: V M Z. " 3..tUAl°:2;,, . latu 'i.''''T °° h"'L ""I TAB" °UT- ' ' ' "."'''' brad 'l".. that maims up a ~ . .Er gam- ~.. ..4_,, ,_ • .. Last . run, at Louisville, Ky.. she heir. . Their haulm was visited by wan VESTIBULE Let E, I ~, „,,,. . f ,i. i. „00l end manufactUres to ord.r, the etc., WM B•ebee'•'"."•e. 1 . PIN TEA SATE ' p"l'L.`lo?'`,74ll;ll;l,74;FPl4lls, I'EIIILN & cotLma. ing (nerds, the gay and fair, arid it was gin Z '' ..t nita " 11;• , , JAL /L. LALVAIIAN, 1 ,_ , TWAT LIN Tel,. ntrimlLL,„ f f cholera broke out at the corner of Tenth nurreutittat, 1.,!5e. ,WA LNDT 1-1148ralVdnLiart.D="kraler/0 The unexampled :progress which this , , genera ll y eupposed that if tree content -3°U1.1.11;11.11/LVIiIS. ac. q 71 and 73 Fifth Street. and Green streets, with great severity. 1 ment to bagginess reigned In the la ii * GILT PoliNivEß, j ri'P j 1 4. A ' lt .N 1 .V111`.11!` 111031Es ' L''''''ll ''''"'Y ' I.'""''' itilititi cti 'AW6 al4 B ' . . _country has made in wealth; the fact that The mortality was attribute it to defec- ,ly circle l any residence. in 31:rsbnall 'ROUSTED D4.2IANIiM. j -ArATlvp,i,p,„ ' .. Bracket Tables of ex". 1"'"I. TrIPW 'IIE PECIPLE'S ' -- IU eite 4.191 and 1 i Lg,,llStAhjiAlZerideee'lPthele an.7•2 7•Pg i t ' gr 'd e"Mled w",..... "... ' - IG ilt4.ri.::::gg,':„!.l.scoZltf„!".`-c"1°0 •H"'' --- it Is traversed in all directions by rail- drainage waters brought on by an , county 2 was in this one ' A short tire • I e. , Ern iII.ITI4ON. ,1 -. ' .P.Al..llmt e r:ii. for SARUEr. COAL an 4 it ways; that it is ahead of all other ' xia. 1 lino ' ,.. , 4 , i 1 nib ' es't - .r ih I aH tt ILDLN° e'ee" Iv the TEA Srl'ORE . Amen by a competent ntup Car- ___________ • slate At separauon too. place, the lath For se • a at lEEE' LOW PRICES. br I _.%llss 'I4IIIbMt/littATE. . IDWE h WANE of all earlatlsa, to rimer. vertlow of the river not finding a chan pies T aulli a l i t "l l 3 e . Ti t i Nd re ta I I trade. - a T. L. DIRGE!' HATS, CAPS kr. '---- tions in schools, in, the issues from the I : el e r e ,. pe In the sickness Mr Gap, and husband each goieg to their tat beta' , . • eo. InarodOlia, and busy was Madame 'tumor q'UE laTEa WHITE, OR & CO., I i rt EsT IN 'GOLD, os Wllson'& Underwood. ug.fec:tit,ll.P4T.Tr'w ast'""""" ireas,in religious and moral enterprises, I Selitnakers' Wife and daughter died, and act° the causes until last week, Hattie ?BE VLIIbT BOAT .... arid terms the anne Agin the modern ap,,,,,,.., Cenorll raper trot cadent, } HAT,: r , .., i'...., (..A.,-. "UE B0n1 ". " the CHOKE FAMILY GROCERIES. i =---------_____,.. dznd conSequen tly in general intelligence, he ittas brought suit for damages against having sued for a bill of divorce. The 55 Fifth Street. DI VOT/CE TOo'.lMinti .-- . is traceable to - the main Canto twat man' tbeeit _ . y claiming $25,000. ,face were made public, Which were mr -. tut Ulla' PACIIIC RAIL WIT COIPAII, /astern lain .1' t ns' t:127,:fJ:r.T.:11;41:.1.t"-b*l"4'.'"- i b H EPHAR 1 or OW . of such a nature as to cur , - Ix,. .5----., ----Isr----a-7.,.,--------,...,,,, De JIT I '' Alleclig;rg...T.47lßi:67 - (4°l / 4 4 t 1 ;&/r & AN `c ' wise ~, lire Hanisburgh Telegraph frighten- of reall the married blood in the veins slt • +/V e NEIN.J. ./.14.C. a, ii ,: c .... 41 . E . ";;tin ba P. , ' frt negreanaion or v no. orrvor•rrerts,„ 0 • .,, .. No.lo South Weil D lamond, I Is rsuaece oith au ordihanc d . Re . 1 owl, A AlEcapoi As u0.a...,t,..,..........d. d0pg.....,...4.1fi The latest mid Mat fultlonobie sttles ot person.% or those ever ex- 1 L., • ALLSADIENY CITY. !per ace/od at Ralson" wittiLlinTUßL/AT, the i - Y CIF its readers, GII Friday, by annotate peeling to become suc h. Instead of vir- I No. 41 Fifth Street, us Lantana Donator ' • •Cell and examine our stock and price.. . Rath Inn., at 3 o'clock r. 11,. for Hats, Capkand Strait' Gocds, - lag that .'rnonsters" bad made their ap- I tue, trud happiness, reigning at Charley ORA, IP sv DABNEY. EICENCIEN ik. Iffi„ •PiT.l.B""" -- -- -- - CRAB ; sin 1.,,,,.. ,„...„ 7-a, of r :ti Trif_t PIPF ..44.=, t h, Jur,l„:„, ~,,„, ~;,,, ~,j ono fintto rt.., . , .' • • a.• ..ILR; tan people resit eg e,:t'l , • 1 . ' Parr . art , t., fI.C4 ..... - ../ .• . -'''' ' 4 • 0 “. °. '' e 2,0,, t oes.. ral 1 114 Et; B. -;, J I V 7 I-.A :- : . 5,..-., , , ; .-.-. stilt' t IN , _ . .5C At. Laf. - ti , ,... ..Pilfe_o, T./a. „ • iiii EEL the i root/. Itbrolt.t , ' , •II tat ~, to .1 . p i „ , - ,,,ea 4,,,,..,,„a s ,_ cf- , ::: rrf , , • .. , Ia.m,A.ND ur ro o, .; ' 4 " -.{.r. '' ' ' " 7 ''' '''''''''' t. l ...... ~i _ i , , " " : " 124 ' 1 "• `..," '''-' "- `t, 'I , TNJA i , ',I a" - ,' •q• Burr 'ay. The panto cid/eh/CA 'SLED .t. Tab '...“. a ri.e ..: A ;did' el.o.ge.S. In b., .'.l. arlottr ri . ....A .^.. -V , 4, ' it ' ....r01 ' .,.,: 1' ' U., ' ' " s '' r- - Yid,. &I ts - '; ' - . - - ..- 4: ‘.... ' 'rU-' ' -M." ''' ..". ' ' ~ t .. , 1 .I.•„I - _ , .1 -•.,..., , . • i. f...', „., ;, " (..„-, ... = 3.51).1.5 0. PL tia ~. c. SIT lao 1.0 11 0 00111 MON p 1 , 21 , , a t. 2 .,.. ~ r 2.. t. _,.,,, . ~ t , - r , t.:% , ~. ,t,N. ;. ' t'' --- . - .,,t,..',, 7 -, 7;,,!:':.. - ' i. , .1 la e 'tntitlitel4l Wino 1..1.i . A ', ... / MA Inen,, EI. pr... , -..., IJI, Orr ...o di • ,„. p ~,,, , ~,,,,a . a , , ... I ~.,„ iiii, 1 i - as g , . , Of ti al f..r 1 Lih .s.-..‘ pr ~. 311, , ~.... ~- _ ,„„„, ~ • 7 ~... I , .., , & ~, .„!,.........., X , f-C2 , ..E..E. ell C , ,, ' ‘4" ••• • , t. , • a•^4 IT 0 q" ' ' ' -." ' ''' ' • _____,_ rn” , ~.,..... s,ro , ' r 1; . . ' '''''' - ,' - - ll gutt . idea tl, 7 4 ..,raph oft, ot Z lor ~,„ . 1. , ~,,: ..1,,,,, ~,,,.„,„,„, ~'„,, • tv,.. , 1, i . Thi, fig i,, ar ,a, a ,sa; g.,..,,,, : , ~,:. ~a I - ...Cl., i s ebt..s, e.r., /v. --....4 , .=.01,,..7 , "). ......... .. I lit 7 hLN.2:,,n A t_l, 'A -,.. 'L, u „ t• .',,, we. - ...,•:".;!. : ' ',, 7, ', -'' ' .I ' '' '-'ol3‘. . i 1 ,1 ' ti rr -411 ?i; AT • ?11 r......' , 10LN2 sad 'We ALUM. IV - - ~; ~ ' '"" F - 'D a, u- , -, o .; ~7 trA , l'i ELT eltA NCLI...- , Jots 70. A A Jl , DistsFyl, F - 'f'")(l.lr el' 4- LI /4. . COMI:77..,VCIAL col_ t' " . 7 . ' "r 4 '"'' '''"." °`"-:= 'A ,4, LECH, ;47-3'.......,i%=1,:i.t'.`74.,N'',1"" ‘- - ,Lesoara te ano F. hia.itochnisti b Co. &) . e ~....e ,• , Ictor.r. by lon , test: 4 vita . 1.• 1...1 i , , „,,, , .., ii, is ~,,,,„. CORD I,& Co,': . t, , • d .4 1..,‘ . ili , co. to avec npOrt GII ....fr 4 ;DT Ilia, n 4, ore Di ,o i, ~, , falai .r ~, ,rl., ,en atrarina C•raitfra% P" fl ' ''' ' ' 'l2l II :-2---• '''''''."''''' ---.---',----- 'II PRACTICAL LI ~,,,, . , mi i . . onH ,r -. 1 .. . ... ... .A , ~,,, , I ..,, ,„.„,....,,,,,, ~..., ~, s. {,, 1. , , ,, v, _l.:tit-I-3Ln 8 ,„,,, , , ,,, ~,,,,-,-, THORRAPHERIE, I Nes, 6 amt 8 tiociairsiree , .:Zr - .',1,:',`",v,7m.v.:' ; ‘ 'pri .‘7,.. r .., 11-fc , ' e ' I eints latere•t onager. a t •..,,::•,' . e ,,, e r e .'.. '2.',111: 1 '''''' ' • I i e .., r _PE intent tiusemen o SDI, .0 Gt. Gr. .. , the 14,ar ~..nd- 1 00/111 it.AIEN/oLlayla, ile - e ''' .• . eral,, e ? too tillitt dria2 Lierstvita Aro jneuiD. , o her tb- ha leo den. ot tbs. beer...auction Act, The , wak e , e. ~I , PP , T IP ' ron om 1 4 .7 c - oor -0 ,-• Li r.'lr ?'• `bk'4.l4 -tl 9/ 1 6gr '' , t'tll''''r`.`l'd:''''' r''"7.74.L1,631'1'1"N/''''' ''''` 4 1 8-"''''''''' ' '''''... t:4"'n'tr'"l'l74'''';'''''.!Zro-11'..(21.':....".i.';.': 'pg.° la j1it,44.5„ Gen,....11,.., ~,,,,t0,40"... .. 5.,,,„,.14,, ~...,., ‘, , xv,„.7.6„1,,1„,4..6, ..I vsl ~, rt., _ _ , . (a. ~,...„ aa,,,,;,, ,air,:.,,,, r .„...., ~, ,g ..4. :: :- ..1.. .le, aFshi? ... , -1 10.Me11e... . Cr., Ire yea, • • it„ I 't .a i .... ' 37 Wc"2"ct "13tr."e'''''' 7 1 .., I, rise ... sditor of Heir., Tab, •,• .. 1, . i sat ...ammonia., S. Daiwa.. 1 DPI.' -', '', e ' - u .' nuii el -• .. ... - ...„ +rye, oo r r,tver. tar aon o , . Cowls 111 Whit a plea of rust 'ltal.:- a and . ' 0 00 rtudimn Ifbeaa to 1.1..,, E , ...p.1, 4 ,,,, . rhom , ey„ , ..,„„ LA .wsf e .. ),, fy ~, ~,,,„, L ~,,.. I . i ., ,,, .., . . _. . , 4.,..-, ,„ e „ _ ~_ ,0 _, , r . 7.., ,,, ,,. ae. Nee T.: a„1 Lei nitro e t., my ~,. „ 1,......t :3 ‘ I Ca. earn rya,. I -Made '..‘'''' lsl .''" fstsemed • 'tt, - -t 4'; r: tM: Lids i VOW . A em.,....., - . the ' clet:ise Is to Opt -it,-, 101 me "'ll /Ent:with a Mr. 114. - u, 1., I,r a • , ; , tir,j t.. I \ e ' ee ''''' .• I ' ' ' ''''' 't . i.` ' i ' n" u "'..' E. , -,' nube u •'. ' ' '" 4- ° t r .? ' - - ‘ -tre. ''''' - - - r - '--' ' ' 4- ''' ' '4th4 .. ' e ,O Will . a , a ,v•p ears trr t ''' ' ''''' 44 " .11. . ''' -s ' waste t o gc farther than it , .. - , 11,41 - ,i. SA e In. W, ° r. l _,.k'''''., 2 ,,,, ,+ , "Y edSPaintil •, ' .1. I' WI:Id:G a l: Id. 3 ii_ "' ''' 'k ' '''' .._ , t,of eontrulOr. , 0111 U L ILWX.RS. SITIEEE. tor.yr s , a 0 y,,,, ( 1 . - ,p,„ ,,, .tnes4 ERR IP .ahl. ,of t.cairt....,. A isil ain A t ' o L_°' _ lawyer, .str ri - 11.1 rs OM . "E" Ilse ~. Ulm, di iii . rn. „ . -", b ,„ ~...... A e , ~ e0c.,,, , 4 . ~..‘ . I Pit. le' ')if ".1 . ...." ..SZOIGII. (on, CA t..... 10. , ..1r es' ..b..l'Z'a•bir L - tE.blilllaq nt ..'”""' -,- 7- '" ..'-', . 46 N ,, '/4 0 . 1.11 t 1 ' 12 ". tl'' taat.-1/-iy ei" - r ' l ' AT L6w - P , T"'"re.ol - 'AL , ' (441 0 oi i' ) U t g , ` l4o P tho ''' ' ' '.l ''''"'" kti . 6, i ., ra tecnEd I-, 0r , ,,,, ,„,,,,., ,14,- I ~,,,`:,,,,,, ~,.', f. : - ,7 • „' ' ',. 4 ,,'1 . - ,, ,!' , „ ~ , 1" - - , , ' ~- .;., .. .' v ,-,. -,-i--„,.,-;-t-i,-,i.:„-f-..,-,-,6-aitz.,- ,-,,,,:4;;;;!,?:,„,,;, 5“,3,... IN-ht.:4 , ..-fis , , - ---,-,--- „, , te,,,iii,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„,,,,,, . ~,‘,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~ 4,,,, f,4=._,,,,,:,,,..0(.,7:7,,r,...,.:..„ea,,,,„,,,i,;,..,::.,,?; 4 „ ., , , ,1;,2,....!, ,-„,"..?... V. :-;.‘`,',,!=',">:91",.- .see 1851 t ( • , - : ), •- 1 ~e - --, .: ,7 . 74, ft.' ..- T , ' ; .-... 1; ',,; . ° 41 f: L 'c ,,, lA b i 1 ...r.l'aii-,., _.............____ „,,,..,, ~,,,,,,.,„,,,,„,,,„.., ,„„, ~,,,,,__,,,,,,,,„„„,.„,,,h , ,,, . ,0,.„,„,. ; L e i . ..,..a .r.ei , ...0. If . "'t • c ~ , d ; . 'd • " , N , Iv ...-. rJ 1" a:AL 5,„ o LLEfilig,.. I. hile„tena so 'f ree.,.. teris , '....-r" •'• I h.rn „., , F4,1 7 j.j e ,,y,„74. PIE pullialari s 1. , ,, , de ,r. , r..e.sen.tacomd ou sOndov and 1i...a.44..5 - arz- i' .- g ni - ....t.4U-41r 31.4),,,,riiiin-nito.cus.---.4 • !11 - "`.... ;) " ...lb^^Z t".'' ' ' ' ' " ..4 .'' ' '' '''''t '''. 4 1 ' - E.. . '''''';e L 'l-' '' '. ? ?...1 ' . "' t "'" REY - `a - --- a - u---...- - e t-r.t . -le . . • I Waileia -Ogee. Str.strirs. lr'c . 44..., r,..tet ...Li...roes, tr . a le saa. -' ~,' „,,, ~..t „,„, " „,,,, 15 ,,, :,,,r,41.4ye,..r.,....,...". 0 1 F ,.. las., .. 1.001 1 - rld.v.i. et "nalf r.stat_4r.fie r_liAortgos.....#4) Iran en D e --/ ' ...r,4flia 1, , , , r ..„,, ; sv,. - ...1 .. a....eta tn. to. t" . rs's c , - are 5...,. malier ?roe.. Tomtit se, t Hors.% 1,.. - sr, & • • 1 & . '" ....' ' ' ''.."- `... ~ ...)CiPi.la. AE VIP - atlerar , z,...w..t - %! tbt_seete t , 5...0.,.......;,„, L,.,,,,,, .. ~.---- 5.,..., 0.,e. open ny. 1.110 • r ...kg1, ,, ,e. I. d `DV. .. '''. •• E.. ~ 4,4,1 r,.,11,,,,..,.- .sper.r.,thos, 015( i 1...18 ' ..,.. '', 5_ ' A. 4. 4 ;4W:5q.... ow - , "s-a.„,„;,,i,,:sa,:dgeo.g..tre Slt ' s- 5 t0u.......1 ij . , ... A .nyT l s '` ator - t , ur . ,,,,r .-, .E4642.',4r-,4W`,4arAiii;;;;C:if,4 A, , I. ~peorsx.c4, er.e.t ., `".u). - 4 4 .: 1 ;t..n: 4 7 f , '" , :ee:. ' t !' °' 1 t . r., ....I. ' e Ise, ta..174 -. J.rI;A.Z . ' ro,,Jiliat yet .'4,4"&14.,:1et.14•1.P.0....r,r7 7! - •• , w.. 1 ,', -- ;t:';'..„.'',' i -1,=• 4 :., .--*l-1r ."-'-..9 i teA,---.-,''_-_ ''-- I , ,Nltc-:olr:kr ' l -..rc ::' , L, ..," '.7. - , .6,.1,.i. of ',-; -,,-, ~1 ,'„ ~‘,.t,,?,2 i,g ..4 ko ) , eA-4, ~,. - -4 1 c. & 1 1 :..' - I. ;., ..... t-..,.,41,.,5,...:' ... ?4,..1ja._,1L4r47t.....,11.4b.....-10_,. ....,,,,.. n3.... - 41.4,.„ii' ~.., bi....: i.,,, _,-..;.. -'. f ''.. 2 1 .. 4 PIL tot i , .20 da.iltn•Not 4,-4 ittil, '-:-, ; .- t i: M „.. 1 , i .gtl . `ti-. , ..; ~ .„0. - . - ro:' - ' • ' •s i r r - .... " .i .*_....t,.._-. '' ' n '''' ''..,. - ',..`. •• • 7 . ' 1 1J '•--- . - - , tr- ' ' ' .. -- ':^ f' F ' j1. .,.; • '4;4= YIT.USBURGH GAZXrIE, ..± .IO3,T DAY.Y___,27, .1867. 111 El a Ell 1 0 OIL REFINERS. THOS. S. CALHOUN,- • orncz } one ! A i is • - rgrNOTICE.—To tlieStocktiOl. wth.l°"'`"h''''!'"'"6* zAtAtleat.y, tptb.ro. 11, , 0N DA ~ 1 . aces of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY.: reVay'leallAth&Pkol".74...:"..UlYPf , RAILROAD vOIIVAIC V. • .41 • • A Special .liettioe etoeLhold • FORNEY 'S PRESS. Z.. WASTED; Le/.1 at I.le oak, of the Cotto.ehi, coOme Of Ca' tul : •[ol Pile httetts,l'lttaborgh, - I. , rc wive xiith Trallare. \ ' • ;At it ~.eiccA , ... to tate action on noPPM- . --"----.- ---- *eta to the Charter of the CM01: ploy, approved' WANTED. ad fhajlef.l Newspiperis lie Conlii, - - i-P , " '04.0'71._ - • TEt . PRISS, : • .- .. „,,,,.,2 . A1L.4. , ... , tri im . j .,,,. pr,,,,,,..a , sprNcr.rt 7.Ailtrt ntrir.s . ' - t 11M, 410 ca. for arcout i .., . m.,..,..... artOUNTV CONVENTION. . Illrf.g.; or cattntsg-1 tYtr.4l.:rniltitiji..t."o-7-. t The UNZON RiCOII 7 I CIN TO . TElla. of tbri 4 - b l z .- Vs, " cTo ' r7g;t:lnr t'Va;lta .I;" 'l e " els, Clus• County of Allegheny ergl 'meet ar ..... p „. ~1 , 1, .•. . • ~, 1,01 .1.-.1., ,I. ki‘0,,,,,, p.per, ~. ..),,e solaces 04 bolding +c11.,. , m' 4."'... ttrudalet volume,. • ' , 'WANTED. re, moraine, u dottmast rurner Saturday, „flute 1 Is67' ' CLeteaut Street, rtelimlelphla. '. Y . PAINTERS. And eleel TWO DEt.tlf a 1 . 8 from each Om- •.1 X tor 10 1111 IMOD SUCH. i;AIATE •, a.' Geldprep net to 1 County Court...tot, to:. ' • • Geld at Le. qpiiffr 11 1 1.1f4E.L0 It e eln orrau- . .. , 0 1 .. , . 1 .. , Y. L: - . i . .1 , .IEI R. Tla JUL burgh, on TUAADAt e .lone ch, lea, at 11 HAIIIILTON dk DeIKEE, . e'doCll.u... Ss aosahmto a Thmes fur Creantr . ' N0r133 Thltd wile. D. 1111.1" PREloi, renteers. and the eleallon of Delegates to the a...09.1•E1t ANIIOII. State Convention. • Iltrbest wares w ill le miff. 01.00 Flt.: SIX MQNTII.I. . The meetings erlll be geld Jr 11 00 100 111f1YE MONTH:, .monstha between the hours . ir . and the yotlog be by all. 1 4f . ;: 4 `.7heola%`;',1:11'f.1,!'" . .... m h ":: 71 f , f ,1 ?..1'4%,"0 t t11tn.?„Zt417V7.t.: . wb... ....'nx.i , ..t. 00 ce._ /POT Person g . !?4, - y e r s ud . ldam . l,elilLnot be i con eel tii until o !..9ress, W, D. DAWTJA c t , 4..,4 t .,...z . of which Am her not!. will . ' lif 000 d, ottrdri Commit:re. Tat-WEEKLY PRESS MOO PEN ANNUM. • SS.OO Yob NIX MONT 111: 41.00 SOlt THREE MONTHS T.11,E SUNDAY PRESS. " 0 NCR ANNUM. 6 I bo - IXTfai x ZUNI ite. TOOTH, Spring Goods, The Latest Purchase of thaSeasou and t UILDRISP. MOST REASONABLE PRICES, Fresh from the Importers, BRUSSELSII No. 14 WYLIE ST., TAPESTRY ;Or gre,m . -kut -041., 4 :.‘ FAIDAT, EAT 31ST. 1567 10 /131 A. L. CZ /JUMP T k. BAY/gr. /UZI. STATE CONVENTION • BOTH HALE AND TILBALT. ! _ ulni.ervwery.kte.wircl,ps.inte.o6onTi.reZ.l4,7,l7,Pdo; itAtts.bb,E, Abell ts , itEr, abro. Sold h)• tubseelpkbet unto. Atleepe The SEPIJIILICAN STATE Co...NV ENTltin T e ' r d tll ' tl. ' 73 lilfertlfhteEethlattiltlet.°ll/4 lest me( t at the “Iletttle Mouse.!' In „ LlA 3 tiel. , llT, on ENRY G. HALE M'CLINTOCIE, innivol cue. PM 1.1) sT, cun 8T& & CO-SPANY, HAVE JUST OPENED NEW SPRING GOODS, For the ISpring_i'rede, 'JUST OPENED, i TbetrOplendld Aoortment of NEVITC ARPETEc, o upon, Shades, die. Colll , 4piLbre All the Novelties of the/ Season, lineb sa Is only found In . Ireat Reduction in Prices. SECOND ARRIVAL 0.17' aq ti ES . • A sample ternG,oo P0..., A TA Buslocr. eotliorr n.ir4 W. H. CII7IIXSTER. inf.ne....i.UT 200 ttrox4wl,. N.w Von. 1122=211 1310 .1..osigxneoxi, • ap1,545:4 - 1 . us DIA110:4> Pltaburgb, =77:— e ANTEDAGEItTS, .FOR A } BOOK THAT PLEIBEASKERYBODY. =a = =MEM El/MIRY dt HOWZ‘,. atty=ail):Til:S ON Filth MI reel, Vittabutgti AGENTS WANTED, rssz HAVE REMOVED. kttentlon Ls collod to oar due stook of lisiomuln !nil iID ?lilt CIRO Great Decline to Price xxiwriez matrxt3l:Eop CARPET& 3.1367. ' NOW Ait 12103 LOWEST PEWEES isx.prcaci .1`.13.113 1217.2,111.. Best Two and Three-Ply Ingrain, El I E A kv EMU ,4= . MI
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