111 E PITTBURGII GAZETTE, ET Plllt~i',= ICED & AT GAZETTE BUILDING, • No. 130 3E , tra3. zestr.cit. F. T. P. nors•coN, '1"""i JOMIA/1 lilts . IE I.S p . REEn, Baelne•s2lnnaw's ED= Slagle Copies I erne, Delivered 14 carrier, ( perweaxt..—... 15 druts, Outt.orlt,ra, (1., year) ...... —.• 50,00. klbrral roduotloor to Newsboy. and A/o.r.u. =9 7 !1i . C.0 Coplc.a, Per year, by ..... ➢:,e do. do. u•h 9.0 to tn..re copier, to one Iddress, tnd onn fr. cinn. Cacti . CITY ITEMS You' Wall rim] n. 11cnta.1 Estaiillithilient at 214 Penn ttreet. Dr, Sill N. Glllo4ple. Sew liool!q, Becieveil •at Pittock's, oiloo,,ite the Vost• °thee. MO. 4averiera Coiker,ilon from Sc. el , Oon to L0 , ,,-alty i by - Ito orr,t, )lagoon, or the 01 , 1 ! still Itoil,e," a Temperance . Tale. "Conil4 a Book of Propticay; liec, N. Baxter, author of the Battle • Armageddon , ilfeaiPa American GraPc • Culture unit , Waco: , making." "The ituetor,s lVlfc, or the Valley era Hokin"' Flrel," "Aunt Alarita rht'A MorY." "00 the Ber,leri" by I.hitu tout Birk°. "Iltratriceilloville."'' , "The Poor , a Soiel of Merit, hy Alice Cary, How to Make Morley, and lloix• to keep it; . Tbe. Bess Tonle; Caswell, Muck Combii u of Iron I'lloibhora,; and Cal lsaya, known us Ferro l'howlinrated Ellair of Cullsayn. The ifon vail.orca color to the bloal 4 I.lle. Phosphorur erne wel wake of the nerve tissue , and tll, I 'tl.ll:iayn. !lter.ll.lLful tone to t he Olge.sl.lve orgOaw. 1, t lie Mal Colll.lllla the vtitne of Oil, ounce of Calaya unit nye tearlperonful t. grain - .lron and l'ho.phoru.tl. .iffenufactnepl by c,ke we LE., 31 . 4ce.4 CO., NeeYorli.. - For 61t, bp 4.lldruggl6t. CIIIITEEI2 Our friend llolt;.heiniee, at the Cont in - tat loon.; mix4ior to Ills Post oilleu, Fifth street, 4:111 keel, ahead of Om . marbeti 1.11, of rare delleui rieS of the table. No wbere el, in the city can a better or nuinlia, meal lie- obtained. Elegant private sittima :Or ladles. and meals batiklug 'pianos of 11331:02192 I wesite the reAten:ze, can be 'found all the late tnagazines, Ida; I ''til ton s , ,,eety, I::vcrsi le, Voter son'' Ladl,". I , lend, Matlal.el./.enoresf', Ballon, I . l(•aiatit I Inure, liegle at Home, Vcoples' Magazine, Iles.,llCe, thut II erahl of Health, .V.c. •Tn Wh.,l,..die Mucci. 11f Dry Goods o.:.: b.i.eftains in job lots of 110,0 Goods, :, Linen Goods, and 101 l hues of nhtrtings, ichlthz. Cheeks, all of wilful:. wo v.' ill Et 11 at till very lowest ok:ilern ea4ll prices. B ,r.REn fi Co. 9 Market street, bclc.w Third . Pure Ibrztv*: re I , rtzu , !! Puro Pure Drag,...!!! et h/ilu • Y 6.1 Cala Bay rorolignLbvloa of 2.11 Linde. et S. /1.21'2 Dlttliery; IS9, Si.l EC 140.1195 YOU. .1:211.1 Si set cent.. Alcohol C1..1,,,0ph You Tan Boy /Jowl Jcisf. , Dh S. Finch,. .1 CONDENSED, NEWS I:y Tt.legra;e:o'4h.: —The Neu - Union League heif uwelltig on Thunolay evening, ter pUrtioot 01 'Liking into con-1 hiratieh theft:Cent actionot Horace Ureeley, t. inem• ht!..' of the oraaamat:on, in a: . I,ecoming hiniilruilin for Jelenain 11a,, of cenauro were! rire,,enteti nod rejected. " 4 11.:1 $ 1y! condeturii4g the balling of Jefferion DA.vis but not deeming it proper for thqCIIV.YI.O. atlginatir, a mem ber bee any ,atelf iteL -I.otte.t 310I:eno t - I.lve,a s!ute that the ' liontbsrlltufmt or the city of etll going on,'und the 0 fuerlul con dition. No 00ter was to 1,0 obto:00 , 11..0- from ortastun 00ile, 01,10:1 retidcf tell bq.,lt sop oly. orLed le, of 11001 ore. , 1 1, 1.01 g I,y Marques. end provl,lon, weire ,•C:tren. rulnorfd ' , erre.,:er Of qneretaro eittree, 31:ix:int/Dm being 1:0- eirous of ,ttirender. but )4k.ventud 1b) - irepa and Illremon, Otto 01110011 y 1,01.1 a prLioner in their halo:, Jerome - Park, New York, reirterdriy , the Unit race, premium ceo, Or all rig., mile awl a W 11,3 won by lintule, i heating Luther, Urbana udill Tuttie; time, the SVC6I , I race, premium *7or, me mile:and threwquarterc, dlenday beat LoMistnue; timer Thu third race," feather stakes, all twee, two anOl one-fourth to carry rine hundred pounds crick, was won by Ileetwlng, beating .1 yard arbl Captain Moore; Iliac j. Philieleiphia, eide.rday, nn lowa. taut. v. 1.0 wee 'heard tiefdre United otatea corittaksioner . wherein .1. Ilartford, eller John' wet charged with ilefrauip.ug the Coitus! Stade., Govern ...int of a large trim of Money.. it we, awen in evidence by the pro,eitution that Hartford hull defrauded the GOveintnent out of tne legal tax on at !eath filici,Cue worth liquitri by means of executing llartford p.,1,1 to ben In -6corgc All, - 111, tho tionthern spy,u- ;,ten of ',clog conncettat Ith the plot to ncOnatit Lincoln, left Toronto, Canada, on Tour, la nihh 1., for New Tort:, accoin panted by an American acteutlvo anti, ante conductfrou Neward, to give evithlnce naafi - CA Surratt, also In n robbers' In which tool: part when gu.trrtilaa. —Secretory seavard'lnti Itla,le agne.,9 to intervene alth the 'tannin Goy; ernnoolt in behalf V.if the. • Fenian re, Uho Co gallantly withlicio.l the Engll=ll cavalry in Ireland. —The New Tork Chroporcio! :et), It 1.1 ytrrtall that min haltt6 trttethtrde of Cbarh.a. I on.'ln owned by FraoiTr, Treaholut naa a retool alao 110000 thoOloit, '- year they petit 001,a on 'fourteen unllhohi of property In South Corollno., lanthyllle, Kentucky, yesterilay, a carpenter nnturid James I'. Sauter, work. lug on this fourth. uteri of the New flail. House, now in orugres, of erection, loudest IstitesteO, foil' violently to the ground and cane Olsten thy 1:111e.l. —Tho dliehigun COestitutiolial Couven• iron yieiteraliy deckled not to Incorporate In the noti - spinctltutrin'e clause malting eight 4-41tp - e , s legal .145's work, hat tl t ilheret . .1-,steung the,preseett earned by thaltro lie eecl - Ksiest ics to hie Popo it d'ole e r of the yacht Henrietta, carrying a eargh of Oily thousand duller i in geld pleecii, pre . entott 1,5 the Cntholla+of Cattily:hitt —Au ,A,)lgrant and train vollidoal at ‘V:l”.On, et:lnv:A One min, tid r idt inniiitri and ti ere Lilted, niel SlAeraj tier , —Chief Jut:Dee. Woothreril eel ilielite Tionspi:ori, of the Sllpretio . Court, were.ta i lieu lehttlenly 1111 a Court et Dar:lst . 111 . 4, uh . Theriiiley, with otriethoeit like 'holtira, I 'now were keit, yeiiterday moral , e. n At Detroit, Alielliga, Daytil ( test , v.irt ienteneeil yeeteriley to the State 7 I.i+,, for eiven b i ers for liaising coutiterfeit Coiled Sotto+ currency. —.% serious freak lia9 oreurreil In the . 1 . .: de Canf.l, ft,t ,iis.t. of l'knnyt A, Nrk}ch R. will take ten 1/113, to ',pair., , . • ' —Helen Jane, a Silt, 44 tharti3r. 011,0 0, the late : Judge Taney, n td•Vreent lint Tte , y, Nest Yerf, • ) —lt is-ripor c.l t tat hi enaNrqurkee 01 . the /,tringene3 . or al. 'y I salters In ler , listriet, Gsneral Ord Info els to InNue an oplrq st.ty lag the collection of •lebts for On I bulelluite periol : ' . —Augusta, Oro: gta, I,,,pern ads'', thp people to keep ,pear of Judge Keller, and , s : ye. 11711-1V0.1: II poi...Al:Lilts of: auct/eninuany. fidngdm .s: ye. , —Tim P 0,1 , 1 en 1, has telegraphed General , Thorns to eome .to 15 on Immediate.. ly. 'no removal or tranefOr Of General Shorldtin ix rumored. —The President has netilled the Iluston Free liiiisons that lie will not beside to visit thatieity to part leinxte In their celebration. f —t enipsoy liorlen's cotton wareholise,in New York, was ilred by n Iccendtaty on ',4u nits) night. Lobs 4v5i00. - ap.• • • • 1)11 • • . • II 1 II • I MS VOLIIM.E I,XXXII.-"N0. 123 FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. * _ _ .LITROPE. - Allison, the Historian, Dead. FiNIAN PLEADS MITT OF TP.EAS3I4. Mil Murder of an American E. hip's Crew RETRIBUTiOAi ',FOR THE ACT Financial and Commercial :liy t . IMAT EMT IN. LON /lON, lititOriP.ll, Vat. rAce, tool: place to-day an I:p,nna Down, 1W:11 , y Winn. . ran," tone, May - .!l:—The Ft ni:nl 10,1 n,, Mt CI tire, bolt, arrnignell for t.:en.,,ou, en tered a plea CC =CM C:r.r.r.Kr. To NI, MAN . _`t.—Tin:fr:•zoto Je. IfArt. of Ff - encOWtr-t , r..t Anmapoli , ,Ma.,) 0f . . 1, ed 'lto. 00,1 to :\ 010 York.. MUM I,,ziu.nor., May -21. Rowe it 1, rep, ,tate, .1 , 1111.2. 101 V 0:1 1.11 ! 1:11,11 , 1 01 tiles w teurd,ro.. WI, CLI U Crew of ;tie Auo•riewn lio,oi. , • OZIM %1111,7i.5, MAY tho tivoth of Ma'ximiiot• Anin vz:n ur. GLASIIOW. MAY 14 linigdow told frolit Nttv .1 ,11.,(1, -, Y, f1,1:11 New 4,1.1.1 W 4LTI ;V va FINANCIAL lAL Ll' 1111noi.- Cuutr.ti Yo.y Caltiormiv. lIA ail Lr0h1•,1,,. uncl.,,;. pl. LATEII.-1,0,1,11:, ; II:Lf hie,. i . li:101e, N , . B,vricy vl-t0r,,,t.,•101y: beef U-- • ISlcon MMIMMEN FrnN • C 42 I e,t ant. FROM CINCINNATI The Old Sritool e trlan 1n r • I NI,. Portritit. 01 M..mbern. t•Jrn,;, =1 =I I.y the announreaneut tie• •Ie ,ler2ty. Ile to , He. I l rival la the city. 11, ke I•..srve, rap nrs r.. 1 A,t,:oh!y • e : tO ,11,1(1,01 tLe t,t 4. 11 V., Effligli=ffE gritit I. tl e tAl' 'tll , l f ,ll l 11' 1, 1 turn I.OIA 01 It. It I, .1 0,1,1, , tr., , ,1 an!III, 114,.• uf Lei It.o.iet to 1,.j to wit! al!1.1,11,Ing In tlie or.ln 1:0 1" neYer ozeupy. Tip . fully inu..lo op. Tliey ialglit to tiaa. It mu-it liu ...lit t0i1.,, eri. 111 Of nil 11, - t 1 seourt , rot 1 , / 1,t1111,1,1,,1112311.11 ,, y 111. , 11 . 1,111 , ,r01T1112 ,, 1y. pe :OP: !wen 1/L. It 0000 }ll.”lre.i. 1.0:14P1, 1 , i,11.1/- IVeat- Ilk.. a :in.! ..dinu of an udder. Ili . 3 lois Inaralu,, ra.e!, unil ‘arpiii.: teiartis of flu. cliurch. It. l eiectlou i or larcluuat. Toe A . e.eln :my Io tv, I.nwevtr, Is not 11',151v Out or no+. try 0r,,,,,1zat w,oontho_t in:. a IIII,,1011:try work. It Ix nl.,dj.'rlru. - -‘1.1 , 1 loll,: non- prosoo d•:. 1 1 . old. It oa s F , toolny 5c(1.40; • loa, only nom u toot orlnk noodsy literstnro, hut sopporLlnj onoday • looroonaro.•, ilO-11 1. ek 1-0.i1114 -01001, und to ...dodo to 11,11 It 11 1112.011.T1at.1 null 1,4 (roc kr.tnt+ of tract: , to the • of Ill', Horny Innoloty of II:c val ion+ ':ate Coo Yeotlon+, 314 , 1 to 41 .2.1.,+ • ovor tho conotry. It in it re d oilloon's M t( NO l. 1 t pritill n-ael+ Ines: lon 1t5.4.0, •14-1 tinent+, !Pau-. 111.411-1.1.11 11l 1.%•• Ail , : P. I, :o snsfalnsiol qrioally Cu.t tr4l. vorlod utt .-donsry 1.11,1 1110 t Tl.t. Is dllot'llons might be in o 1,1,4 od Polo If lowls Niqll for. I -lied. Th.: Inotlnrts ilepurltokot of ( lie - -noo Iv ITI,erVI of 1.0111,1,AM:4'11 01 , .. 1111 Isolovolont. .Ipourtmont,lnts boon Its lIAM:4",_ over, Ili P+.l, Kitt/ prollt• or, olp ',tours. it r eolporin, dopnrttoonl. which, 'woo pled foto:mon ye-dovltt 4 , 1+ an cler . 13' Itnpnruoit nod ~...f1,11. 1 1 ...offing golf )':::,root 1:11/OrillA i4llO wa+tr places, In 11:1+n1 her 1'0144. ellstrlbutloq !'arts, 1411151 , ,01.1 other vl+l. lug I.llool++, 4-onday U:1 , 1 o•-ln1+11-sldnit . 0,1041,01. ligr111:1 110 toity•oloo tnlporleors twolvt, nonday Invo boon employed In nwedon nod (..twola Orokon. esllannla, M.--oarl,non l I Carolina, eo,Diu, Tonnoto • 10,1 ollatr 1-tall'+, anti their .eporls tfit'On Iwlnw ohms how :ma otly thoy I/tv , Inlytrod, ~,. colopo+o/I or AI/111M! 1111.1111,,,,1111,1 lionorurv'('lo mom :Soy por.sol noty Inkonno 11. olon/l.r oy paying annually 1 tic kinli of or no) . roaular 11.1101,..1 churn. or :IIP;1 , 111I Ifitltlaircr itli• 111.131 Vo,l;blitiii,l of live: dollar+l IVA nil , 1.1,• lon 1:Inelol.er for 111. taooty dollarn. I. wont yj i nni In nl. of lint le.-1111 411 11,• dollar+, : nr.• roo. 111,1te to /float utul4l , lolll, foi lifop or p^.. • dors a t ono 1 111., o.r u stun w In “14j,,,0. an.: 4 -nOnllarnonot In lift,' 01011-tr+.+toto 1.0 oil toontla Itole solunanlir far 111, At ;O" yetta-rday alto, noon, a 1,:“ In ntonolunto 111. 111, 1 1,, ,0 I, t, opon'llleorguoli lon ors l'en, vont lon. aft, !Ito of t Iloor nl Prayer,” Itny• I 1.1r..1..1105nn [culled': 110 nrt.ting orarr, mai Prv,i,loolt .1. M. tti•totorY. .11 , 1111014, Tto- Int ler tlyllvorr.l an whin awl wellnk Lola 1,c.-,:'fire ho j'" l ! l. ' , •i” . .!1 , 1/: "TIM Nlornllor Unlit. is " 4 ' '• 44.444 1+:” 4 1 1, 4 ,4lPOrtourstl l •llytoc. l lot . after 11 tlionisollngn.l.loorntnl tho everiln4. 1.1.• I .oroltootool Ino/ no vonnert inn with •la; f, suyi. Um must Itt=l-tt rat it. Il+e-ortt In nod . 4 tln. 0 ' 4 ' 444 ' 44 , 11, I olothatt, ot trrnnkotortilt lire ni tontitn—lotitortat,f, t.trder Rittl I h, 111.411 •W to provide, Pii• Ilv I..grqd, 1.4.• f.to ; :On cfon'a...' .elm' urrll Intl overY Gan notarr',.., 4 t al', 4,44, 4,44 1 ,4 ' 44 V 4141 yl 0 .. -.9 sot Itlrdnoly 1 W.W.I.' q In,. 1... e.. tat t'y lie v01 t ... The 4,1,, „do,. of,. .4 of ootol I , o:doe:rt. the coonollttoe, Tllo Sint, L.,.1“141. /1,1 100./1: 11,1.1iY nti.orr. illl,l Ely lo tho ore All who May I 0114.1 , iii •' hOttltl lit ..gi'lrl,tl.4l; I 1 .. 1 mode 0..i. , 0n0/, lint It IN to ,, e, ._oo y 11I01,t1 rnrll.or ai+olity 10. tololo of too al, l l prp.ll,;e+. 'rho 1,4 4 . t ' 4. ' 444 414 ' " 4 ' o ' 4 4, 44,4 "1trn. 'Ulm+ tar I re,, , lo , „ . „1111 ~, ~,„llm o: lits;orgy mt tlot /0 1 :1,114 4(004, lo 1.11 onled inborn. I, aoy for t, too l 11 , .t Inot 1,,1 Mil,ll-4 t::1111 ii,,5121 to ,proycnt p , I 111). ... 4,, tre. 41 In 1 eLos upon' . reeo„ering 10411 ,4111411: ~, he r ..I..nounn•st low+ t. Owl° ht 0111. )ii/ 1/1,41.00 I 1,4/ 1.7 lo1111,:,' .Inoo Walt , lna rd. towelrle„lor'l (.01.111i,,Pni. No Conn.: untli 1..0t0t,5, I' 4 Ttonoot /loot, lust /10111, and loony ilyprlvlott tn, I.f o,oo+ for any itontor f' 4 . 44 -4 - - Lotels. A ear trod Irom that: than ant:tally tqlotulln .1 1 ro r tistorlog :` ,44 Izst 14,11,1„ 4 ,u or co _ png, p.„ orforetl went oahon,toa fonz ;4CU 1,1. the 'As ltlin tho number 11,:11 4reolit wore 111. to, snd nor tol,ren+w 11l Y1',1114, +4,--rtntfl•lflttlon tn.; 1111 al l/ tq ho callod noon to ultool prOtec+ 444 0 41 ” 11."!!. 4 IY 4 .en,lina Inns, snit to tlio, 1.1 , -1.1111 the do fin.to y 10111 041 of t 11L11/1. 411 , 11 1,11. lA.! Ogil,•r4 l tn.• rofto-Ink to protect r.,1, , 1e1s 14•1:1 rally' lON 101. nOl,l : t ry, a 1 1 ,1 0,4 toy , rt: , t i t i rl o lt i z l if. oo n t s k, t , t , n o +s o l i l ,, lt i t :,, , ,,, \ ,, , .._ trust that 1110 coltnntleorl,}s the c[lnti,.el r..0.t e , of.A ,:eatr l e ek e;. et th edjourne.l H lirt dint", 1= 11,1: rla :1h I, N.. tr.: port,it of Imo “1-1111.,1,11i1,,,1!,....1.4111-h -,11,,,, ;:t Dr: ,11. e. Mod...fur ilv pr.vq•vev, 1 , 01 v:s tve .. II Itpurtl , v...l, v.!.•,g , ,. .‘41.: think, CA., I ttvt,tv pd,und, 1q..1 watt trr,,, Pouliten.inv , •••nii ILL,/ gi:/e1 . 1,1,i,, L. 11.; .\ CIL 1,1%4 t !me, 1,t1 , 1 v.• in Ent. Or. no! lAA, tr, Or. F !),,t ',;• . Irrt . 11, ~ . , I mr..! i , 1,4114 too lionOrril prooiii, Ile fior iI" roipl r wolo wool!, with thlo !)-10'; ,trid groi:y to gether. ltol, 001 1., Ito, -1.-.ly y..., of wgi.-11.1.f. a .10p1....1, .. li-t:tial.”, ly dr, plainlr, let: ott , l oi good ,denlouricr II I, htz.l bro:L.1.01.111141: u - r4g. or profootol r-i-ot it I-a, 1100 Itl.a toilg Noe oi:. to. 10.0•00i1: ow IC oian lit lorgv; II 1.0r1.4.1,43.1110, sien r.wwilAilitti,iittooo,l f.Lets In ,11 .11 tkllv.: 11 L 4 1/011“ a. 1.10,1 I. hrig • looki u:t • 1 14P:Ih EIto0•1. log tito 0,1 111, —1 , 1 riitio-r oioi, -r, 1'..111101 fir wart, Lt. 1,0 - to 1 110 iiil,llo, and cols,. it, II I, It ritIIIH tV.t tato] 11( . .c.r1y , f-rl,ll,i+ , , .1 11.1 ,1 11111.1, 111 1, 110 111 IL 1111 1 .1 ~1: tk1..1 . 11111. 1 11111,1, r . , , . t.;tt,t 1-11 h !twit Ithtt. ;youth ,h. to.lltz t.. 1. .t,• :.t „ ht f:t. -At.ht Lt 111• Ly o , 1,...,1A.: matt I GEN. POPE'S DISTRICT II FROM NEW YORK Genernl Synod('Elite Reformed Prem. b, ter inn elfureb—Addreso by U. I'. Delegate-11oneIderallou of 11101 1 111 b mleibldr. Appeal. .711er: ti Corre,puudrue l'ltt•bursu Incite. NEIV Sung , May 21,1,7. , yun.l re,slon on W 1,111,1. .1•:y 1 , 1:..-moon: The rpetlul COmmitteu nu Cuniumnion ruporteLr In sul•stineu that here ILould be no ellunge in the rule. 'rine , ut the table. • 'File reimetbhowed that h,L,I heou e.onttlhated klunng yeAr lor foreign Mi 4 4101-IP, !sod that h.l n Ifev. E. P. Smith. Field Agent or the Allier o 111-,notAre A,,oelstlon WK , II/trOdilt ott 1114 ut1.1,,..1,yn0t1, utter m Well ut resoln (too ‘1.1•111:,,,,i. co:litany counnefollog tho blot If: t,toffe.l—the conic of the Prifiel of en. II:el.:0n! It me. It. A. Jtrowne, It. It., of Noe Pa.. appeared nett took 109 In ,yntt ta, the delegalt: from the I;ellte:1 ltrett, 041.111 I:Lurch Ittuwue thenl e -I:vered :01 trl.tro,, cordially tenintendintt ,nldet, of Union. He ntoku of the early hettory of the t woeherchele, and that a' they t -at i•lentleal in the:trine, govern inent..lo,:ti 1 , 1 :nu and worship, het t' o ttlett ith delight any pro , :t:ect of tle•re 1:0 of consuettnatmg cordial were rt-efit re e.tt. at.e.irelnir to the 11,1”11 fortn:toty. to. I rho': up tbo .itrotril bed upbeur of Cruetoro area Steele atte.bo.t.lhe reg.. hoTty of toeTneelth4 of Presbytery, A. 1 ,Ibly, 1,- , d A, , ,an'ulterbry referro•l o tho, fort. The , •00-ideration Of the trt.ttler ee.,upur tee ortention of Synod darine toe rhur.ooder of the '•ufterooon bed eveniner . A Abort Note , N IV takeout 10:31 0. v., arbr tin 0014,1 Iva,' roh.torned Ily. a rote or tn., to cue. 1111= ocyttplo,l during tho hole of OA, worn tog ,1'...1011 of ltn till: C. 1 :1, , !••{•:,11 or prOtt,t aloi ti4.1.1.-t the 1,4,1,, tvry of Osr I icon,lng Mr. 6. Ctoon , o.rs, tin cioolt ot viou p5.t4n0 , 1) . . Itou.rloc 1:0111 Ihr,•1101,1o2h, Agcot 1 Ile A ti 0 1 .1.,.. 1.,,e10,ty, told dev.t;..a. .L: P:01.114.110 n App.'s! Nrottalnod—Do• oteNtir %atolls—Next Alo.rtstbly to Alert In Ir. Doncloo•Chtarets, Patt.o totri:Lt—. Ijourootent.. ta Ler I . l:tat.c.f,t`a 1'01:1<, 11:“ .it ~t-t 11 Of the iLefortneLl .1,1.71 it, the prole4:. unit uppl•al Of lota 111Iti'Yr ,tt.taitte.ll , 3/n I ~.i., l l•olree to 111111. en. Tolr. Ill tilt• C .V 1,1111,, of Ikett.e, to E.O , . ThOuips,” oh 1.11111, ict tr,,m 11 , 111,r, LUlt, the na- =I the emote; roport of the 14 tar.l 01 Ihtno 31!,1ent1,10. An tto.t or the r.tte ibolltttioher, al, tereteteeh roet. of Froe.hrnen . :. . i Oven z ecieveel .luring the year, =I ....t.•rn port:on of tlieClittroli.l,,, -;null-II Tennt,ce, under tio• att. 11;...r.ntaaent. 111 lie, 11. 1:,111 tWItiS pll4, 4., VI, , 111 um! report Ai 11••• 1:t ..1..,11.11 , 11-14":: a .11,•terit. thyme. r I ? 11,1:can )I,,i•oriury I t• •1. 1,•.••••••••1 it it: I•Lke.• Alrli:r.•ti .••!10t,..,, triltit•tor • 1 . ,•••• • F. 11 1...•••11,17•-•,!•••1. inte••••111. g••l2;{••tp,roil •1 1111511111 E 1-, It.t.lytn. \ uffia, zo - ,•af i.1 . ;:k11,.;,.111,.: 10: orgr.t.o Ulc.l) . I . .io:: I - v.llll'o to rng,t t1,4.f /0" . .1) 1.1 1, tilir,l I •.• of 10, 1.:00,e lord 0.01.1 tlto, , n JOO on ler eJ01101•0:0,:••1: A rora,_•• tho 1 rcvo ar, AIE :1 1,. ! ?rot" t!, I,ut th :,:arn,t rutliG: ofte Pre , !yrery in rt , lu-:41: In the rrn•li.r.kltur C , •,11%.13,4:1 0 W, root rtr,l t1:41. pr r, - er F 11= ot of ri,,,,lnterolrilt, of 0.1, tb.b; i••• :11,011/II by lb,. [lvy urs•l lit :t et tt, , flotult.l to 1,11 =I THE Btl'ils't .tINNIIEtistRiEs =l=l fft==li=l MEE -L AllO ur*k trp. ae .t.r...0n, wlth th , < 621 pt, I= or,anl, I nirty-tur.: .orawsi4.o:on .1. 11 , r., m jo,:Izo p.ur Theruport. 1 . 7 t wolklngs 1;1,11- -t tr, • T.,,rts I:rm, /o 1•1 It .;1,11,11.1,.(10111:/tatiennti ml.l otriCt p:.•. darlturt•nt,t !Ji•no•vo- N th,n , y i• 0 r••'0, 10••• 1,11. hoh00 , 01.1• thri• or 1,0 1 , 1 olh,roo 4,1 0.:.•01. who at, thuong , lt; the pulhl,lolhg SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, M FROM ,WASHINGTON 31,1‘,11:ning•t” Coropr turn. Report—. rup Pro••• pest.—Esti,noirtlisaur, 1.0., 01 LOU . 1 1‘•e—Impent.111:1s It) T.-:. 1.,1, ly Quarl,nr,tur nez 31“ graoted 01 10,41, , f.r thonti77., (11,n1 .1;Ine secount 11: 11.3:11, ,sith tIA! Cnit,l 110 n. 3lelgs 01111 NieJor coin. al .I , ,oirin I:a- hemi oriled,nl to report to (wpm - a:0,11M. toirilo rari: 1in..4,:j,11 1 / 1 111t a .1 4 ,1,t,a4. lienclul liapartnang of tL, Luke, remaining. lh nt: ea, of the I . :Med -es s,. .1,4- eph I:, lite, 1Vh0...1.j.10, ty 1,;, C 0111: eAll'it h./ ~n it under h. doer., of taut htle.t:.. , t.tte, ' Pi=tt. t Cohrt,:ttintr ut .lleihh , lrl.t.J Ltd ' , 1 Chtlea , O , ltue-aunt:, 1:10 ,1111, 0 applioation of the coehtei lor Itt ote, Chief .Ita.tioe Ctet,e, 4,1 IVo.t. h ,4te. st•r.t.l - -ea tt . t It of ert or, oh Ito• lotion% t,h; ~trottiel.. l k . tr , t, Tl:r, the. Ilt,trict l h., t co.obennt .1 rt.thl tol:t 11, , 1'.•oluto tott,tt•• L : I ho pot otloh• Inn tlit to prevorty, ill ,tt!,•ho ht. it tt t. beyetel :Ito ~00, or of the eoo t lo ImeOr wIIV, -eeorht. that ate e eolohin,:on hlt e orot,t, rt oh. for t i . o 1,1, i I ,t.i. :I the pA - 4.;.: uo;. b • :iditol.te.: .''Pity, en-opt L /.0 ,,,u 111/til/Ig Or t\ jar) . : ul/r.l, ti.,.1. 111.. proweollegy tic.. th so:tilt:at:Y. It !h . ' , te , :r :.litell.l lett •• , I,oen lipoll lb, q. ohnoet lutt .1 , 1,' of the Court—Poy thLettetttua ill 1 bot by rel.. Tip! Uterintittte, o:t Ju•l l icetre.,..l:!',., o: lemis Itt,ltty tor t ( tie ..r.letle.tto... I.: v..: he-or, 11:1 1 %D.P:01,4 I i1t.).,•:- Ill. , : s'to , •.; . _ :0 02.1C:111, til.tr ' Llt , o, ...iiv th .1 t. - ., . I MEE • ftf:ArnoJn wet . , ti,,,Ar.... Fur. :1..-z the 1 VA3111.,....1 A 0.-T , ft , r ti. , A,..(r........-.1 Pr 0........ A 4 lIA. ...:. : A•.. 01, el ..,„,,,, ... , , r ,„ : ,,,„, .. tut,: the ri:l.-.11:11ktLA1 1. Z 1 ..1 - •.'.0 :A •: :I . 01 i 1111114 he Wl,l eia...e.l tip t.cl - ...,1 ~..., ...,.... ! 1,-,;.1., A .:„.„ i f ~,,,,,!„. ~: ,I. ,ol ,: o f ! . 4 '.. c0nn,,,,,, r: •....••:• ,••-1r,...•-.1, tl.r li e At• 1/0:11,:h . : r -''''': 1 10,11,1 1.1•- e :,.. :.u. ,, ,en I trz.:en ~ ..1,,j. i " .: • .- " t- A "'" ' '"•"''' "'.""'-. ' ''. ' ".' . ...-• ---.•'.: ..- .i /...1 al- , -,-, It sNA., 'a -, - ... The toport el In., Igr - 1 , •.1"...!...i IP :•1:1..1 !he:11:01 A:::11 --.1.-• . .•.5.,-1 - ,A, tr,--.A- !..c.; .... . - ..A1.1..,.. ~ i II I ~.' ~!: .1% :1 4.: ‘1.•:01r h0:21l1.10, 11,0100(01 0:,101. i: 1:: 1., e 0r1,„. :l.-... :t.,- 1 . •,...-.t......-,...Aer. ..t, T...A .1( etc., ,A 11.,... 1•..... r.• 1..., I ~•. :• . ~.. A , ••. I: . 1..,...-],.::.- Alit the Ar. , L , t.. t,-- ..,-• : , 1 o A.l: - ....,:r - ,. rtt.A. ~.- .-....1... t 11 , 0 It 1,•: th. ie 111 , -.111,': .1..0 ...T0 ..: 1011 hi, 1: 1 11! .C.1,1rn•:.A..n... Orli, :. IA .1. ~.. fr,it ullll cltrar.te 1,.• 1“/ . .zt untll ~ r lio. FIZOM reioa 311 ii 1{3..11 11:.4,1pe it I;_wly r FROM ERIE eratc•Cluat Ipisr..pat Crot“..1.1.1011, , 1,1.441,1, ollf•laitH, 1,• .::t r 1l EMI MEE =I • t •: ME 1:1111:cll s4i 0,1 I .. t oklt A 1,11-11:11 . ,1., 1,1 , - I, 11,11:1171 tO irr•xl. g .1r :11 rr!'r, I.lrul rrtrt .1. r". EIBI=IIE=I llou 1:10,1.111I1IWO° 011 In °FA ettr4ll Lc Lll. 7.:1 I I r.LI rt... 0 1 -0, alit/ t tpl Ir, 1•IttontoN• !.1,1 .• usi•nt. .l my t .1'1,1; 1 0mt5,.11.,..10 , 1 1.:1.031,1•1 .1;1- ,poltite , lll,l to ter, con..cle•l ,t.o:i M.,tilrmitt , ..l by tl,tr :,..1 - 1/11t1.111 %% f.‘11,:l rt t;1:. I tho fittoi•Or 1t... x,lth f:.cl, t•leut..ronne , ... the or, Ikto, ~.qnnllt hi-tot - yr.( Ow, i•I 'll3.•l,:ottitolcit... f..r.t.V. , ' , : % r , 311.1 1, 1 111.1 of tllnt,t,leil eli , f a1'0 ,, 1 , 1 ,, 0.1 , t.! ..I.ll , flett, terslti,l II :th0,.. , ."..'. , i i1t,.:1 4Lt,t rioil, el 1,., . ,: ::,:, 14,11 ,4.11h:t/i .II: ntl• ,ti. A, : , ,11.11 , i t Ilt ....rm,, % Inirio, I. nt•!1 up,: hrotp u.:.• :LI ~,,,tq,d 0. I,ny twttotlf tv, to lit , l ltt 11, Itt 11.1.rattce of f Ile 0bj,,..t. . Tun lin Lon f \I . I: Dloo,o of I . •.nitgvl van no nn yvt. I,Annsnt hr.° conLinu,. , 1 I. another ycur. ie.0r.,•1 'rho subJc. Lrrxi .or mud 1,,01,, , 0p .1 riot.l, for I to.xt taken 111tielt totlls v0.1..1 tt r ttppolotlo;; Ihn kl , l dlgi.cl.l,l to toake Si,,, 'lll.. SC1:1111111,, S. I 8111.1,141111.111,,,.. the thAhopqt r u. , l.l,-..6 1.5 (4 111.• who 11.161 t en, or been 0r.1n.:".•.1. Thu , ,..crelary from IV. .colt., 1.-t1 ~ 1 Es-,e bald rit 1.4.,411 (..::,l, tree on IL 5p.•.1,1 Ir,io louo I'lltubtirati for MI Ili° 111,1.1" Ipy until _ - S 'pill.' of troy of the Ortega fit:: [oh, th.. Thhnl.s nth for their 1,. Ityot cl, r arl n.•O rhh,,,i, ,„,,, It i " I ilorrsh. Mgt; to CaTif-hoi T. .1. nrhi. lurh LJrut s- 1 ;:1t~1r•1..,.:', AMI/IIV nu, 1./Ojill‘.! whrh the Ithlowlsh, That. the prinllnK rvP" ,, • I. +hall prt Iltbulitr repor, of ~ 1.0.1;1[1,, zot , lical 1;111.1rrIA TOM. !ILO Ot the iii. 11tof 1 , 11.11. 1, ” “j”„chlt it thr. ' • ~.r tho rot Ifo fulfal ioe ut ho Ineuf ooff.t.fra v,er, srel filet, wltielf af 0111,,1 ft" 'wimp..ro. 50.11 10 le/ -"•a .a f I IO floor ht haul to adjourn, ICr Ift hop tor , few inoutentfeaftflre".t . .l fife f.f.folf ion a 01041. o fling and I tupll..—:re 11:w fooling., the.llgoill', 1f:ff . ...1', ff: f.otif r.::ff 000; f or.n; tent -1: / /- 11,1.111 110 fof.fcce.of off a In;ro ifollfol, iff , fff4frff-f " '"' tf "' fff'"froa , and ',al for loollfoo fof 1:1111,13 of loin Pty.,: The 01.1. pi 1.0,5 Ileril,ka: to 4:10 ,ffa f.,." 4 1 1 01141, f li.ff ff , .11‘ 11 .: 1111N1 , 41 , . r,, fpork 14 , 1 ,V 1t 1414 d, 00l If B t. riPthlll. 4/ that Uri.. o: our 111, "rd oft 10w,..1,afpl tofffel.f. siproprio, .le,fitifffi th"n•ffff , ff , f'ff —LL., , flof Ia 0tt 1,,. 0r, we) f . fecoorl Annual C1 , 10,11t11111 or. nnr alr. „ - •V: D C • - „,..7 y ..'ts7 T7Z, f Win r ,. . j - , • • -%✓' pirr, , ;BultGli, 'SAT( It )AY FROM WASHINGTON. PA • . I'ro.• rt,:i1111 ltiril 01,11 %11iltiatker, llti. hltrn,, 1 0011 11011,e11. 11.0 11013licr, C.• , urg`a %.+:01t. tot:, , Slay el The lliun 1 .InIN . foniul u. true 1,111 John Tho May tI.o allege.! Sprout niurdertn,, 41:Menet been it , l,lneva to Nvlrr,ant thel I.ein.t het,: mr trial. The t'l , o Mon:, hel.t ; Oil tVV verung, in neenr,!lflee Tine in•,oiv 103.:0 otrOitg 0:00.3.li 0' II tl i;:nv vn ;NH inn: ...ion lir the Syno.l, Rev. t" tlnnYt heY "" L, ; H. 11. i preac:ie.l from le,ektul :it: 11. .1 Ir.. Mil env nl.e i,onn 1,1111.1 "nil./ I -2 1 ,1 / VW Yen. - .N.e. I; -0, the Itre'4o , l renNer the fig,t, t he iniluence , Ihmon , lnirg Haul: of th, In,• nf the Spirit: ee•con , l—li, , v,• l / 1 1. :11131.1,131A01 an. I 'atre..,tnil throne:l In IL•u I,l:H:hence .:11 , 1ernottt of your,lee , h n ; t” '"1 . 9 1“ pp befcra tino the 1H,13,-pirlt In Nature, in ,lenee, unit in lnle of n!1 t6e.e Hritnl,"r l'olillettl nltair, In the ,t.mi.l divi,U.9 hn tane. nenne ut.ett telutt• . ,It-mei—e;l the+ln•ciulinllue~nr,:. of the xl,irli De/icloN , tn the Regenuration of the e.Nul, in reekuw ,'lQ lb n. a N . I le I the chflreh and In animating thu 71 FROM CALLIPpRtsrf.A. I:\l''.: ',fort] 1.:1” nl tit° Molvrat I:. • tnnuatan Nv UM roi teli,:ra11111.• Coialedler/xey, •-• • ill•ptleilo, Ow ••,',• 1 . 4,5011 1 , 111. T, ,"Ir twat 11, Idly, I liltr• I.,rn • .11, 111-11 (.'cil,rittt 1.0..11-111'. :1,,, nth.' rlrslt11:, :r „jnntutu i r ,„„ I tu 1 he I.LIIIng I,t th,• Ow 4 ...Ilifo.1"1,114111 •141, ! - gI !A I ,-loro ! ' II 011. !It in .4,411,, all! All, 11 1 to 1,1,1.• ill 1.:11.111. 1101 of I'l, t ,, tirgl. the 1 11 , 111111.1.1..11 titofr.tt lt,,y thPqtll.t•ll 101:114- I Noft 11 ...t. .11 , 0 , 1 V no "i' l . -- ~P iet. " .nl., l l. 11,, ; Dr. ,p1 . 0(111 111 M, IA 1:1,1:- Coillllllllo :1-1• I lo! !lad voLlitlllin 1,11 :1 , 11- , mtuo,l ~,.• I 1 Kut t; It I 'tato 110111 111,1,111,:, of 1., 0.,,u, 1.11 171 0001.11 , Irbt II ••, , .1,,111.., I,v u/01 t.F unnf,,,ll, L!".•. I 1,1:41anle••••1 : tn0v,..1 [l, 1., 1,1 ,I•,; 110' COUlDiltt,.. • 1• , 1. • cry v. 111 1;1, t o , f tlr,4 1, .. 1 . thk, l'•• ' ,111. , 7,• WI. 31,2,41 , vol• aul cnnfo.lo•r4clon. , FROM NEW YORK. • . l '• - • 1,, thou I. 1..! t.” I I, Izociir,s-TER Y. 0. • I erl••,••rni A•scnibly 11.4'4 El I= j ME ME Col• 0vert.1.,.. .021 - r ho. fr,i111:::. I 1,111, 1.•• :W.; kr 1, ur I' !‘' I• , Y'' . . ll,' I r, lit I,n,i 1,,11,111,1,1 in. I i• li,•• (”1 Lli ',I !fir yt.II I mai MI 00 , 0.11, \ , llO 1, „, "„, ra10.,•,1 . 1 1 ip ~r ".! In! ;,!., !‘ .l. " 3l . ..A r i ' t ‘ ttolir 14,1 liontlY hel I los :•••1,10,1. It .1. ; 1.1 1 111 , I t't.• .tiant a sndlen 111 " (....,•noni.:ls• I 11'..:int•I .ipolo,, , • )ny from 11:•• 14111,111 '4" ' tn• ..„lel ti;,on 1:. v , P r o , l l ~ 1 41, • •••" 1 tn. t !iron, .„.1.11 of , vtio'l'a tn,llLn for 114, In:, NI int,lllgt•to•o, • Thr• ot --1.,1,1 UN'i./.11,: ~t-• (.14,1 no, .001 I /,111,oit :1,11••• , :11 I, 4 , 1.•/1 , 11,,,• at 111,1 11„,, li• I:vv. Crnzl, e,l„led nt1.111'„ tol „.1 c"1,1::111 . ; a ovrr 4 . 0 I , 1.1 , 1,1“, th.:l nr,„ •,, I,'„ „i t ,. „ , 11.:4 ,n,l th”"'Y 11t”""1”.' , „ 0 „ Th , lb , L „ o - ; ' t . ; " 1 * I P t 'r !:r . ol ' , ' „ : „111:!.., N,Ltbootl '""'”" 11Zelorot. tool, .11,i11.•:4111 "M',",..;1 np, tnit co:v.llmi being on "“'"' , tin• II:10,111 1Il M Ilf 1110 . 001.0.1 II .0110,1011, Anil, , •411 , 11 1 ., 1411 , 1 10,11,111, Mr. 111 r rt I ti "" n' , t , ,,hr„,'„uol Inv "1.••••,.'n t I 4I " , ; “"'"' "'" ",'!" prlnvipalty upna it, non lon of o: b,f,ore ~niltlng m11 1,,..giv11,4 014111,•:Itut til ‘00( . 010011. 1110'0% 1101. •- ellO 1 101111.114110 1:10 pro• 1n , 111 , r nr t l l , /II•Lt•t, t 1...1., 01110,4 11,101011 111,111(1 . .tlY 011,1,11 1.110 110 ,11 11111 1 1,1 i 0. 1.1 0 11..10:11.11110 ',lr.,' , 11111 ... .' """1. ” 11 • Snught i' nn,vo•r• !-• t . „.• It 0re...1114 . .1 .0...11 8 , n01.101t •ort 1.„, 0. 0 ..111111t VOl 1.,1L 5..0101 . ,0 , ,, • 11 0. ~0.0 _ll ,yood, the 3:o.ktrator for wcvl, I . l' I , s“ , tt.o , o1.0n):1ti, to :%/1111 0 rillIz, TlO,O . lobtlo . l.,lby Droy, I n 111511., tontlon ~ rt... To ',wilt (blit YVlob , .conAbl• In 40 ,, 4 , 1,111,• in lb, •( , .1 11„ Inl.l.ot'l 1.1,e ann. - I:1,1 1 great.. 4 "' I.lq, [Ann tbo o . kt too, or thee on vvrt 1011 1.1111• i r lt - (,t Mat*••:', 11 , 11 by tin' orl ., o•hing•ol tine 6.1 1, 1 ,4 . • invlit Mr. soulio., In,:jAynlan r••, , t.lt ,'&01 01 ion lv.l oangl r 1,44 1,1,11<41C (T" ~npris ofllo. .Itl,:ennV , .1 "I'In'l"" 11,,,100-14111,11' ~...... 100,11,0 .1001,1100 j„. 1110 sOng., dunce'', „ , 001 0101 lo•g,„I. lon „,„r„.„, Otan - t' ll IV, 11 tug 4•111:1 on, 1 1 ,,• 1, , ,,0 - 1 , ...,1 inn 1“.n1 ,L.n. .01. 14 It, Val-I'll Irk." • lvt,ttolu,to- cutipg‘: 1,111 1.4 11 MLY • • MEM ' r", TEM ttttt Jnfl j ,o MEI 11 Tr , '! Pitt) 71, !II I=l =IEI EC= L, 3 i ..1 MEll =EOM NE NIM Etife I ttl. • 111 • •,0 •,•••••••• 1.... , ',";1.1n I '•,' ton. I.r. ':• I,: I•tizi•z•r• ,•4•0to n!.11•0 TI••• , r• • .1;••••,-0•11.. , :on, ‘l,l, Ill,: t.... ‘ f 1110 •I ••• i•r• ••••••. '..vno ••,0••• !I• p lc • • , .• • I , (..f.l•'S ‘olllli t. oot o Atlcr Itv,• .. . ~ • to ,port t•-•, on ir..‘1,111“ pray., ow. tlng in, ril. Mc :in.' • Itcy. lir.ltvv. 11. ft .-11,ton op.l 11to. 4.1.111 otti- V 413.. I! WA , III7,OToN. 'I I Mo,lurntor convlnlll., IVl,l,ll,tott .• uu h 1 j ,,, , I:Ly 111,111orlmi, I , forou ou,:re... lt,huf 31 ,1 lc; Ito; of .5 11. :111111g - an, tint. t,o .111 •I. , T. :o11111,:Ltt u04.v,1 tco .1, ..t I liirmrollt I o t the i •r. th•• ni.liglon O , u lti , •l, Ili?? 1:e1,,,10n of 11.. natl.., - ~,,, ..•, - „ _ , ~,. ~t c~.., - wr(rx NIE MM 25. Hti7 iTy NI) sullylll, , LN 1 `miracle 111,1rUlttre Torlt.zisip, .1. 1,. , % ! 1 , .1.... , 13:. a e , 10r4,1 1111,1 11i.1 , i.• 1114 %P. • Al r.IGE.-71, ft."to' rota la,/ yr. t '"'"." °.".' All " , :' .° Y M i'Y " ' . ... "'''''' ... y.,,,,...v, °a and 1 ,, ,,, 3 ,, ,ri , jrz,... ~.,,i .(at,: that while pa -oat, 1 hrOtottt Itr ~,.,,, ~ ~,,, ~,,,,., u. ., „ r ~ . ,ire i a . 0.1 . :ear thy re. , ..1et.c..! of Mr. It.t.ltatt.,Li. I•. '., ,1' • , '"' '• 4 . '. ','i qi !I, nary-all!, plank rotol, ill. tii,llVer• ' nay,: rah-Ponce, ed thotto.ly 01 a 111,1 lyttor To a 11.7. HQ they t tn. It a.l apprtatcl.ell tla , 1,0.ty ,iVe.,, , ,,t i *Ai tall\ SI)011. ; to ar t.no 1,..t1 to he ennyln.a , l That Ile `I - .. . ...,.." : , •It/net,lllll 11,/ not ttt .ao. It 1 IZ. • .I,ta 0.., 111,011.7. I der t ttattrt.--toot that lot hod .t to atort- I .N . to tt he 0...“ too 11 lbw Conant, 11,1 Imes ah eeu holy , , tit..i otalo. ro.t Itto Ito: the .hilt Ibte Luny' au., rent ove•I to l'a• Allet.ti,atv 311:,tt'yL et. I Pee 411.1 0 u, Claw-nn I:tit - mantled ajnry z011,i1111.111 1 1111, c 00.... from (Ito 1,1 t• 1 olly ••:Evir..l 1. , .!0rt. Iho Jar: It appeara tI; it Alto man . A littl/11, wil.• .1”101t . 1 I..ttler, atot that lot %sat an ,ploy, "• at. John-Pot , . (lank hook - marthlnetory On (Vold! ytreet. Ito ha,l 1.e., cotatted of oltlitorent book. -tore ,n 1 ht- eity for Ina haltl wytity-threy I N e.l, awl rad 111011, 4 torao It illgt, cleurti, ~ ter tor lento In hati -0 0 t1 lyty. I On Thut,lny Ito tool purchasel from 11. f A. lielly'lltrug .ttitt eon Alletrlonty.throu.th ~ t not raeatto or othyr.-ti tonal] givattlity of I,ltroatle, ttIU paper w Welt 11.1 47,min1nt.41 Alit ratty, Itatatr 1”01”1 near the hotly. Near to. %\ .1,1,!,1101.11 It li,k, WhiCil had .\ oiled tt 10..1,y. 'rite : tory rtattlertal u. ver -1 , lief of ,111,1. N. tiV 1:11:111, 1t1,,1, NO r. , , 1 CAI: 1. , t , ...hrne.l for the to ..lain or 1.1,.• lie•VO, I. I, tool to's', appear.' Al, any ::!l l i i,: t l t ,', l ' l?l l l "k tt l," l ' ;:t . l ' l l t l . ' . l tZ " ., ' , ,I;;;;`.T,';''' .. : : ',. 11 , 111,. 1.1.0,1,..i ,r 1.4 It 1411;11,,: .' 111:1, attoat at Illy,_ }onto. and haft a mart lett . 1 tlattgl.ter re41,1/11,..: ol Alle,rhetilt. =I ZEE t^r- 11, fort...a Pllh i h,l , rl.ll/ thi• h it -1.0. Hi hi•‘ 1 mtiil,l3rii . Inl,.tounl '"' ,111Vil. AS; 411 , 11 . 1 , 11,11,1,. 111"1,1 , 14 4110111 .•.1•I :4 ,1111, , , 't•-.,4.1111,. Cr 1, 7 ,11. d0:,,,a.V.:1:111.: I• 1•1 I I I th• ‘se of zu,,,..;L1• .1. 11 t• 1,1 If 4, • ttn, /r Mil ::: , , u z ,..,........,,, :n , ,t . „ ...,.... ,.. ,... ,,, ,., , •.. : : c :, !.. ~,.• "„ ,L.!. t. t , l , vt•:y: t:lt En •.1' NVI•/•••••i ' l• 1•11• I.lliVi: I .I'.l ti TL.....itkr .1 to • Ll'. , , .01 , 1 :9,, .1.1],••.r.1 . . ,1•1 ME r 11:1••• • .o.lrig A.I: WEI ..ttt i t tttt,tttt. it t t!..• m tta • ttt, 1: if 4 , 111 It, vlt t .11, 1111: F.pt.ttfit'lttlutt. 1 t:t,• t. nu if t• tttt r tlottP, I , lvt, tt:l . , 4 •1. !N-,i 11 -Li L=l EMEME MN n I :1..1 .1.1 no: np.rt. 11.1. 1 V... t• Ifiv t:fi•t. •At• 41: 110 . 1 , ..) , or, ‘..••v It 11%.“. it 11.:Lt ht. I.•art•.: fit, f:..r. :ro 1,10.14, 1 1 111.,1.', 1,'.11, et. hi 1,1 .11filL tfi.• h. •.1 11, r...• fifi.fesi , ..„..,,,, ~, - -1 ...... , 0 - 4 ' ) 1=1211.2111:1 MEM 11=11111211B eon.: Ove inform tit,' public of tne chnii,L, in I lie! !role Exci•l , ),r Hell, Lc it 4_ liar . ' Olt I hl. c, „f of NW.: C. , 11111,1114 and I= Iny 1/.;:e.,11.111t w;il o:ler n, :11,1/ I .1 , ',Pit I:, 1111,, 1:11 1 / 1 f , rtalat . , 1.1 pi.it.i. Of IA 11,1,11 I/1401 /,/Jl . rr. , 11011• 1), ,, 40-1, tt., t!).II Flit v.., :rat durlr. 11, p.k..t tour yi triult, 11t , •. 11/h.-Ala 1.1.. n. of 11,n L..a-lor, I 11l Ikut 111111•. rr..uil I.! f.r.:riful 11110. I.; Itlr 1;1. ',qr. h. esoi,r,4,, .41:,i thrnizgl,ll.l TM( w•ok, r Lelott, 1:.111or I.!' Int I (.07..:11e1 ,a , 4 lug, 0 hall not .tl' p,,Votn ILO,: WI,. Mr. r.l /I,lnl.llkn K.Ong (lit, 1 . 1, tofs,lct•tvil %tit!' lAL, rule tall .11 71t t` etorttand Irtl6 , Pretender. It t .-I:tted l that tti ,••••:1 re.,l, .1 at tube.M:t•ptr . :tom r 1.N.!n1.:."11,.1 g0. , 11 to [1101111! I.f -[it. front Lt. II prr , ,:ty• tl:m1 11,, wr, muppo,,ol v. lim I.tt.ur p..orit• t., 1 b1z1,11,.! In . ittor u:id l It 1•Ir owt. tll:. * y .t !”. CIO' lry ycr.. op:.• 11 . 111111, frlfflld'i 111 IIII• off,. %,1111`o ft r, 111. Ipy I• , lit:s 1,1 r05...1 • sr:ot:s t Of ,Cli ',1•f1.. lOC,. Of -.I kl: flf 111,,d. 1Iff.:1 ;CIL ,11.. 1 :••• .I.,..Lrte fl••III 1.1. In - r•. 1. r ::•• :,1 :.ts• ns. , :v t., .pl, t, /111 ff`f.l ..:It. C Mr.turt, Aitother Lorna —Croylly !mild .'• ht . peep., elo 7 v. e;;•,,. tVe “to lethte the eorh," th ph': 1-e: t!o• hit au .1 the Ir. ni ,tt.tut, fitendly .10k, ..11%, t• %1%,1% . 1,1,1,4 :•%% It t% Li% .t 1.11. upon "Izr ttl . lll %X Pd., %.%. %, • %1 1 . 1 , 1%1%1 %A %. 1,%%%1%•%.,:%. 11141,•ir. , 0“, 1111 IL •,..,71.‘rt• Mil 01.11.V•rOti, 1.,•-2107 Serion+ly I.jurvti. ; . :,;,Ing from IVe. Car-on, 1,r1in,t..”1 Co', I itsver:. 1.) .oloT.I.e: I:. .\ ittlempt Thu I 11,. tiv g w t.,i, .1.11 lo u tsvet.:y :,.vt to Li nt, vt•r:, It IN r.- ,:lt• v LAI r , ILL 1 . 1. ;, o, 1 llng.lt I tnt It.:1 n .gia,..11., t.. 1 N, co-11,.01. wns lui`tl ~ Tll ll l-iy 41 at Ipy "tit 1 . 4 v 11. e ,t - 1.•r....110 .!.., Iroln tittt IC ti.o ft.- Ikl..rtet In :1..•‘ . .,•• A. •o. 1,. t 11.• t!, or. v.:, v , . a• ...11., 0:1 ~, h, u: o . ..nurhlry Ii) •01:u. Krill".l,l, uuuchAnt of 01110, pUr i lutu.. a 1 vu , l, not. .4. - t.•a•lzott. nut v.:111u eu :y, svt , ru I , y luutit to -Ist A ri 11/ ~,, fur tll.. 11'11:tul. , :olt t.ii• govt. , .. m I It wts., 1.0 I.rutulan lut 1.1:Tu.." of 11, lirtu M.1:011 A. luk foul A. if. NI Ittur for llovl.uta tor 1 p,,, ':14, uo; 1,, 11: w11f.112,1.1 .0 .1.,141 IN 111 1irt.,21;,1 11111 u tornloc Itegt•l4.r• In llnTilarttptcy ;Ih , 6,1h0..11, is a pm - talt ot now la ot i to. Moll. ruptcy for the ~ V....tern I 0.-1: of 0111111.:.:. t for hi, Doo,to t. no. to Ito.. t•Iftl: 1 , -trict-1..1,tr I tilt. '14.114,1, r Hr:Or.,l o, Or Vrallk:l, tot Ilt.ot. t. (.1 1 .-.llnorrlan.l t o. T‘ut•toy-... , . 111111,, roll, I u. I'6sript,:ooTtli Di,trict—l. B. Dooley, of tivmbur,, l.ret: no Co. I= tllo,t 3llahnllnrl het hhA 1.33 'l3'33u-30,31 on somitnuknotcu 11,1, t 1/3,i31 3.1,3 /3tret.:, All3.ghehy. Th.: Ptllnhl 3.nter e3l 11:43 al4lox n.3 31:1ring tn.. 134031 413•10.3.2-,3313•1!..•3n e1ph. Ih.. 1 3 , 31 1. g. 3 33f it v 3331,0310 n,313.31 h.. Me 313.1i3.1,.y. The 313.3 31 w3a3, 333 L 311,33v3-2-....1 11 0111 tho 11,3,3 Was 401 1 , hhh. , 1 ,. .1 by 11133 133,34 3.3 r 1 1:1 n.3il th.V. 133131 11,. :.1011 to tit33/1 1333 ti The h 3:33 4 , 3,301%131e ah3l 013. cr3.313, .333;h3t1 :3 mg ‘4llll a ..3,1133tny 13.3.v0 1/1,11 1 33 3313 331 14 h y whivh to 313,33,..r 13130 1331.:341:31;or 317 111.3 ccl, but It 14 1,3 1.3 e. 1333 1 3 0 1 11370111301 he hTI TiY alkots. In I !in of Mt: Fir,h LI tZe. t.. 1 with liy 111,r/, CI,. .1, nt Ike nliove main wny 11.11 .. .tt.ti I,: u 1 Inittilitir citit;:.4., 111.01 on tlan /Lint! deion.innt tny in.; Ihnt Crnwfora lint !. , i• •Ls 'shoat tti,. lilt. utnltir the oyy,, lit tiv,./iYil Thn Ilonu...nsist Fair —Man.; battik ilCppoyed yesty.tiLty City lid!, In prepariolott ra the Mon. ltn 'I al Fat, , 11,1 , .1 t , rarovnce anat. K.., mach Li ye: ; , d+, .lont,ititt Vitt spivit ifejleic. 01111:It ,ot all will Lie In ,adi. in proper' -, tsoit toe conlattilplitted display. I IN Ott% PRIG TiIiZEE- (JEW'S = IME= nnice th.y: 1,11 rind .er ‘Vyfle :tn.; 1:10.1 I , n in =MS uml it n• t he -put and town: [hal ono id t 1114. t.nd tn: appent ed. Tne nth,: mere and :erring 11. e nnrtrd:ned In inner Inne.lndlde. 1 . 1.ey Idel mad, ,04 mow:. updn lOlllOlllll 11101,1011 10 Cit Au 01117 it, 111,c, •01.1.11 410, 1t11.0111.11,101.1 ren, 'an Int. al:V.' :dare, 1111 it.' 1,011101•01.11 FI rt 11,1•1 0 -- It.i• lirtc.tlt••l !Ott! n 11, Soule :duo uf:et ponce 4uoreeded :a nap:. urn,: Inv !nut Inlt t . 11. ito luined n 10 ne andther , :arne ndadlar...... Aunt 15 1 1: known In tins I . lly. Ho g 51n the 1.0/1•0t1c1,01c 11 - 1/1/:tlc urt• :ding hon. nut landed id 01 . 1;,i1l1.01,11t.1,00.. , t t .tt, p:onnbn• adJ.ilen: •ne dneuduriv 1,111,111•1 le nudnu, I n.un. n I... , tere 4„•• n}•• lir. oln Edtil on n drun:. In have a liu:nu",}e.. terdde nlttzzhkn, 1J:14 1‘ 11l nave One dn.- 1 ,0 1 , 1•1111. • =ffEEMEE=E H.ll,lbrr3 - . `lllll. l .1111 tr Ly lolot.co 4.: M:. .I•Mn Mocro,, -tmet, tOt—lt .I...tanto bri.ov ftr:, 11 . /./ 11.111,e, u.. 1.1111.,./ 03 a thin, "attempt maLl.. to to.l 1,11. oon.tr, ti.cnoo tot no appor co.:no:1/11AI, Mac:, .0 ;tog . : jot, al.tch burnlng In Om :Imo:, room, um.. .Lltor WO: :Lli lotrnot, In nn.l tl tm:1.111:g woro turt...l on.: Tlto Intot 1 toot 111:1.1.: lc,to oxamot,tlon th. prowl-to., 1111 i 11/1.1 t.llll-1 . 1,1 - 1• .111ye11111/: calm:. In tto: lo.:flVer ...1/I[ll. l a . 11 . 1.11 . 111 - 0111r1 . , 11'18001 hll - 13 11,104 , 11- • .1 M tr. M., !Int Wlll . ll -.to: att 0tt0,01,..1 to rt..: 4 1 at,io to 1.. slot, 111111. 11.rit!.....11r 11 , 1 , r0114:11 r noar to It. Cto.ol rot. woro to arly to: Ilto ttna: to prolmit an oxplo,oin 1.4.1 :1,c0.0.1, a II Ilk iloonco.l, v. hot: It. otlimt tho 1111:1 ha.: gcno :.:It 1 .11 Lvav Ito 1 - 1:111: 10. Tilt:111g 11011.11,4 1.1 I,y value. Mr. AI mrow nom Immo. Mill fact Am. :lout:tip-4 known to II thn Daring' Itobbery. 1 ,Li . r.l43 . allerziooli 1.0 • -i: 1111,111 War: [0:1:1:1 ,00112 olli-tithe, from hiaa, Ihriiheriy nu Jrritliall to Alm - , Alm rhino to he al riaunita poll ...ireful chat I.tio;r, .11irgh,,y, aulrj nth! u u I,elt.hge,l 111 :1 i I.o‘tay ri; 0111.1 Cr . ., tier. eitrroa 101:4‘i - ihlt111,1•. . • 11, V •11::: 0:o1 I 1 till! ja hiht, h ham, name.: I:. Iloil o., um! bud 1,4,111 har the ate, 1 , 10, i - t reih-ha , I.ola,teri .1 hithtly :11 , 1,1 on thelC incy i -, ,urthi.7 :apt weut down to the Aairglany It! 11:1 1,10112:it: 1111: 1,11 111 :11 . 1: their hiun.l, tt, hingtir Then. ehie to crp , tiaor, thir..hirtutT Y. to I, 111. - y 0 he 0,i,, 14e...•ntatom ey 0.1.1 ft. 1141“, 1 too.,luy rilut u a tlfzu. 111.,-...1.1011ar :re-1 I .1 , tumv.,....11 “ran.ll.o,:gt. I Pun:l.... ;‘ . .tuut...- Iron] Int. .1 I ut tut til-- L. ...t .luty u Lunn of •rvur LI 1 . 41.'.. clutrlu- N. o , {,•r 't W 1 t'tt Sitt . tt.ttlltt itttt't tta• p!uvu,lut.tut. nro, Ittlitti to acla It'l rlnn . ==t=! No,t, the r,liee at the , Omer of Pr..le 'entivania nye:ll,, tre I..ccu t .vu:, 11 hie! !II 1 , ktr 1.1. a •...•le,t 0, Nee. prl,ht,, n.l hs.l IT,Ene. tllOOl nil WO 111111, 21 lie t•'? , urel trl man. lie tee- te , , t•/: -tune ,:n tt 'Jky /II 01.1rAtilleltiwill, 401.120ns w .. 41.711 .10.1.: , •:).1 II.• , „„.; . . It 1 ro-p,g,/ , con.litlol,ol,l from 11.. •:,,1:1:1; ~t l,lJolu ,117,,1v,0a.l h 1.. 0 ,3,1. !WI 31 1 /11tb. 1:t 1.11:1, , ::tho, toy :tiv •tx 1..,C-% of 0 , 1 11 rAVOr3..II I of 1 / 1 3. TITO ;411.: oz ,ItHat...l nu T, tJant, ,It the Als,ll..hi vvr. op;,.11, v:11: h“ve fur LTI.I ;:t f-• Ctl 0- . ..1. NUJ, Lig• thl. , It lair 10 (.1‘...1. 16, g 0.0,1 utl :4, k; - 1-V,ll (11,0. Of J.Lil 1:1rd Can,.lll-- ( t Arnol.l it:ta 1.1,r, W. At - I.A,', r,gi:T. tuoutl, -ant, c.oLinty .1r r. 4,1.1 upi.:•,2:t.:; ; . LC an.11,,i lntl - , oppr.l. punk .1 wi:11.11a1,:,: 11/.“1. 1111 . 11,11. 10 t/•:- %11011:0011.- ,1,111.4. lalt • 1111,01, ../ rkiit",•):Valt, nu, 11, ,113 I, ictorne , l to I.ta Stenlim; ttullia,-31r,. lirnce Ilt . N.:o1::, ~ 11 on 1“..- ~roet In ml Ow 1n..:, Tin,n• :nlorm ttlon :,,,,,lay ut the Muyor . -1 ~ n, ...in, Ann Itnoy, nn nn - ,iY n ..-n ~,,,,o 111 111 oul ,iny, CijAr,ii.p t Ilex 0 1111 the+ I.LI,Vily tII hy ,,, ,11111,. It. I= all , in , l Cnn: Ow .I,lt. 0n1 , 11.,nn liom 100 ro...:ontn. li C.; iIIL. 1,, Lib'. \ir? . (l of 31,. 1i0.,e . .y. 4n, ol th.rquin, ~ ; 0u., 1 14 11.. 1111;', 1..1,..,:0p.. no:, it !no! 1.. , .. lott 1011 l'u , L-nnv. 111 , otno: ha , nu.l,onlunn.l, ..: wurnnlt 114, 1:,410.1. ThtJTemperany.. .11ove ~,,, thl! 1. 11.111 1.111111.., ul conanctor,, (hi. 4,11,1 y, 1111,1 . .1 , 1.11t Nl.O .I:qA,Ln , LII )veierkl.ty t,.(.1. pl., total t., tlt. en.... 11.1 4,1 y 1118,1 Alt,git,, "4.11: aII 1,01, I,olr , 11,,1114 tin.; Nl`. tO 11111 r:ott,.. an: 14,114 ',Li. grant t.l ti it it Z.. the grrut Car, iir tihititit tier,' la: , the It.'.! Lion lint, Penn rit lat,rhoori at Ittti..oht to-night nr•Ven ae, I.:1 Ili 1.: given. A. ILI, hi ttitt• •er.a:l7the hi.tit and ir.tr, elrcirt irnitirerie,rthr resder, r 1 0,1:,Ur011 OrCl,lorl7, I:nrelleure and lienuty.—No photo-. urn-t. In till, hi U' t.0,0y zep olatlon ou. the rltl I;,1,1,1 lio•Ir pld thinl,l4 A. NV. Oi V/iO.llllll Is. 0n1n0.., /•o: No I:, Faith .1, I a 1. . -1 lu 1.:11.1. mot t•I•oo, hen. In t!oo . ity. tloot: II isl 101 , 1 ato lolre jo3 4111110 'the I . lllloalnl hie Eutergnio“se.l. Tee. grains etu,eal entertain ent ot tl.e l'hlfenr.}th:e I.lt,rety whioh tak. Ni la e.” M:11111hy ereutnit. la llle A.eik.h...ly 1t Stieoe, preull., , to Lo u rune thtelleett,l tenit. Iron: the pre. bEr.om.ile e 1,11 preivet that time eu• ter ta , timent.,/111.e. the :110,5 tere,ting or bl•m../li, aria tIOUIILIIesj 11111 at teethel. --- Church III•Rory :11:+ that there ti newt:oy IL great abbey In Eng. 1 113111 by lbrhtnlnz. Tnn Copia, Tubular 1..44:11.- nrng Hall , Inral gunge, nn.unlar tur,ol In Iln en', by 1.0-I:Lnrt nil .nvo nit 01 from tluu.gt, by V. M. C. ft —The r, gni Ar teconll.l3 . 'fleet ing et the Young Mei. , t....rlAtete A.-be:a -t eel wltt be 1,1 , 31. the L1131.el et tit...ll.llrd turbso (Nlsth 3 t , el) at tick.... 24.1 and pout:Caul attbn.lat.ve is . . itAvn.ird tol 11411.-1. C. A•lo.11,4 whosu e noTja•:4l, 1 4 . Dy with lutut•uy w Il ullu. , tvuileeter‘loy iod•LO. ,ccut-Ity 'Le unocm: of . Utict Luudrol. 11ot:ors ton It,: 11t,o-ur:Luco nt. Court.. - _ 'Rev. I'. E..Siutope, 11. 1), fro.n Trinity York, Inititk int to hi) obi I p.o ' l•ki. will pritnett tont.. old Trinuy U.'vurvh.",t tLe trikal Lour tOo.norrow. • 'Remember the free estaralon to the at eat ..ttle of , altrathargh lota eatue3 err a t '""trt - Itt3' ;trait; 1 Itt leave at' ace o'clock, tee auctttat uottet. lor,? ht //ny thath4l:,c".7r4";•l.ft.!:+il[r:.'tq N of len.—l:ev. C. of Doth,rvllln, lonn, will preach In Dr. nproull'e nnurcn, Allegheny, e.t ll ~•, s. Rlelk llineral Di.eoV•ry.—sae: OW. tro 6C.a oZ.rleb black 'Srl :WI 11 eha tWelvefoot thick, ant t , he, 0 allapu,e,l Of to the Ihlver lurnaca 4:0141 itlrma. :01i.1 Rll%, it:, o:alcd ornot jewelry of luto Amond of llrst wuter, gohl t f• mos. ~ aro: 411 Lot , I. of no , !oo:ott,!o V li am Meyrno A oled,'l, ;root. Si 3 le• of pt. , chrtudcliSt - * just ;n -ro.ll/1,1 liv T. T. Earn.. No. 1... S W4NNI •A fu:ll:r.t. of ,tylt..ll go, :Inng, on ,1 ::11,c .1,..p0wc.10t nud ibr.t up In man nor, en most teNsonable Prove.lre for the Cholera, tleanli. iluve t , uth tun put to your house, liv 1. T. t: inns, the welt known prsotical y utt,!....r, No. st:. tt 00,1 ~ t reet. near t.horge, vezy reason:soh, American Watch..., With eit2,6;Ant gold (air lain, anti gentle r"dii,od at the Jew - et ry bead ,olat!orr of :AieTratt t nte.hos, No., lath I. trett. Form try getsllemen La need of the v fe. ul a el,l , plumber, al, telorrod to T. T. t. atais. No; ILLS Wool ,irta.t. Who gls,,,artaul ...ca.,. to all orders ca1m...1-ca ca to IVO° eII Pti 111 P, . Iron pury,a , basin 3, put uJ+ln 11,,, and at the ehortest nettre, 1.) . T. F; T. 4en.r, yr:teat...o pbuttWer, No. 145 Woat. . St Owm .litinz, gas Iletin67, and all I: of rlinnann: work prinnynly e'St,ltll.ll to tn.. I.'4' nua•llanlcal stvle, T, T, Ewe, 1,5 Wool atreet near alctli. For ll.PrZrr'• Wre.4l3. t.ttlxnney Car-. 1 , , go to ,t Ch - mtat'3, 74 illen itrevt. i:veryoste going to the kII.I l'ltts`mt.ll Tnt•atre I,ll:gat. 'filo grente,t Wit ever RM. ! Hat.: ltau• ! new lot Jugt re. 1,.! tit , Cnambor., \o.:1 Fifth All ltze 31,tztlzineA, L'OokS, at t:l..ulber,, :I rth street. / _ o.llollio. Macbeth and. the GhOSII It the l'ho6tre to•ffight. Erna! 100! Fun! Iron! la the Nia Thutaroto.n4thr. For n nice Hat or bull, go to 71 Fifth eitrgvt. :7 - zr - Pittsburgh and Allegheny Lt ale/ Llftli.l.ll Third Page. E-,A11:k.-,. th., I,th t 0... at the ,FlLe ...1 :n I.Sgep,S, N. J.. hy the I: 1...1.1,113. 3. 0 ,Y .e4tlE, ; Is.. In (11, BELLE. y. r K .t. So Card,. N! r;l‘ 711:, of 110 fur: ral 11111 tate place L'ATt . ,Dae, May :11. at 1 from Falrmaa r:er tb o ati.l ,x t, NE DVE WEISE MEN TS. j AIfir.N.UNDEILTAKER, Yourti/ Plltsnune, l'a. = , , ; 1 r. 7 tit 7.1.1!, - n ui Vtluvroi Ftr. - 41.111nx Ciao.% 1.........30peat .1 day Mr .1 I:lat.:. Hoar,. tn. , Cartl,,,, 1:4: .• an — lLer.Dayl.l IS,, I'm, Tharnan Ewing, .ta. 11. Sill.. r. F.“l. (:. IROM;i , EILS;' UNDERT.t..: 141: A 9D E l lllAl.!i , e.n..sut,:essor to tbe li. 1: 99 t:Ido d 9.9-; fro:s 1 . ... Av. ,: Ai Ityl:eny 01,.. :911, 1: , •s• w0 , a,"113199,9). %Valuta so,: o co::Ins lowest, r,locol "1., 0 At All 1,9,, :Jai and nit9a. r• -, rdonsbat t aotloo Oft icttos. It 1%. NDEII- i. TA %lAN' ANL) 1 . ..M8A:1,11E1:,, Manche'- , r. IltuCaL,l aL 1.t...rf ri c.ir r na , l itt".:st Carrtwes for- E. ',TATE .-:V/ ELI,ON k..:; I. Lriti ~ ATlrm, I ave rot i/ FINE r. ea •tz.... al, i•rlcus I , tDIEV OM GOLD WATCHES. Another Lot Just Received, • ~Inefkrtl,,licit, yle-(casing r t•• C.te war L. t. ENIiINF. TURNED, • • f..NI:RAVED Dor AN ii“rTom. AND ENAMELED We .v.,!“ whn are +luutu tail at uue: 1.4 DUNSEATH & CO., To - vcreallorsii, 38 FIFTH FTIMET. Yrf AT(' /I EN, t:kIAIN M AND., a - m - ccrmx..mt-s".• AT .1 TEUT .M tll. PROFIT, Al WILL T. WI LEY'S, r, 113 lie At.. 311 door from sth, JOHNSTON & Sit'OTT, E=l Hue V, ;Aches, I locks, 3.bwttn, VIVER•PLATED WARE, ETC., ' No. '47 Z 1411E21V ~l~2t[N7Ji23'E]y. P03131A 42 l'artl,:lr szt.-10-.)IC u. vrtak w ar rwv..l GOODS FOIL TILE 3IILLION! SMITESON, PALMER AUCT!ON MART, 5575 FIFTIi T. Pittsburgh 2 , 11.1,11,,, If 1 !an3.rurt or ti: rang of tL. Vp , ted ,3:tit,3, to o% PRIVATE 'SALE Wholesale and Retail, REGARDLESS OF VALUE. , Ail. 1•1,1'1'11, BAL- K It F..• 00 1 1E1II.: I/1:Y eL , III-.., CA:v.IIIEI:EN, ,IF.Vir!. /I ‘.NI.EF.PCIIIC.n... I 1 Al , CAUPiT b.-V. - F. 4. • A 1.„ frog tt. tanclura:turi.r, ingrain, Rag* and Linen 4 4 A-i1n.3R7E 4 12,5i, _At !Auction Prices! IN11111:6 OLD RUA Nos. 55 IND 57 FIFTH STREET. 4, N. ii...,:alt.resAo.ll,-.nrehold floods for eat,: Tit UIC , DAY. • 531175.150 N. PL VCR *CO. !MI 51 M=Mffl ==! BIM! & CO,'S MEMO