THE prrispliatit OkzETfL ITELLISIELD BY PENNINE, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, raa. 43:6 Ti 12th Elltroot.. r. PENNIMAN T. P. HOUSTON. JOSLILII i t • NELSON P. HEED.{ itiegilia"ll =3 Sines Oopki a eerde, - Delivered by rattier. (per " . 3 " Kill babscrlbars, I Liberal redactions to Newstoy• sad Ad.bbk I TEAM 708 WINES: Throe - co:nth per year by a511„.......--$ 1 50 /Ire • do. do,' do. 1115 Ten or emit Copies, to ono sad:ells, and 01d tre4 to Cob. tub • L. 115 CONDENSED NEWS =I • ho renlana, eays the Troy correspond• eatatho No" , Xork Herald, are about to take Lho nob." la largo heathers for another invasion of Clutade. The movement to ysit,SlA otigiinizetten;and etineetitiation is general threogbotildwestern andnorthern New Yorttendethes States,and it is farther stated. theeteesserhers have been dispatch teb-y .qoee to the brethren to area, sk,vter US have• cioneentrated thtity ta1011.541:4. 3110 n On the border within toottili.'lThe 'eptemissarist 1$ said tope Well supplied, and • that large qu'intities of • Army stores are WareEcnisod at St. Albans, ernsol4, , lCwineral Spear isto.cgmni fi nd. The r•wwilans seam tote alive do gee and ere inakieg 'defensire --preptia • Matt. Hon. John Elorrlsaey has been at Troy, is conference with - Fenian leaders, and it Is asserted has atithoritg. to assure theta the 'Gail:militant is not - 4xsposed to interfere. ; . . ' ; the Derby races,: a apecial per cable says , over, wc, - hundrad and arty tadaasfid `.perscres Were present, andthat there were rlve. - races;,ibirty horses going torthe Derby stakes, .r. 40,003 Lipoid. 'Five -bleu starts_ were made, dd. rabstalliag at Interims, bat on the slxtlialterept the, suit shone out glorlonsly,and the horses ilnally - got off., The recall= a splendid one, good time, made, - and ill,the reveilles beatep. "lien:aka wou by.ba4 a length. coming to tke winning post like ep arrow, %tablet , voelrerens -- 7chcerlogtlitininpla .il3orisasids loot large setae by the result. Arnow storm twelialled at the Crainiteril..or victory. . , . n liarksman,” eacondi and ot'atibauJithird, were winners of tit..tissrthetwand'anincas. —The story is cirtMated that the ice's or 'the Santiago de . Cuba:font the Jersey mut , .was parposely.arnmapit' bg the-Captpia, In ' the As , of an opposiClins Salliornis, line or steamers,macithat an ataskopt was made to wreck the vesselnit Liatteras. 'Thus, if thhs . be tree, ten llica - tirel a trine steamer and valuable cargo were eat/diked through) —A- Stn. Itlckway, wlio - 'wea, imam= the lost .peesergers of the ganthi'go — aCuba, 1 - which wentaslinia;aa--Atiaatio City, N: J., was on - her weyterdrOPo to recover a roo ac'y 6f ilitean tbassaud pormis, which had -beep !etcher, lie drednilorawswltriessed by herbushentlf , lope deck_ of Ttlin 'natal. f —d. .W.' 1 1...e, a sportinC" man, was at tacked in hie, sleeping room, In Chicago, on WeditesdayMalgby Waknoten persons:and so badly beaten thathls•llfe Is despaired of. \Tlke• object •of• tbo assailants was robbery, d. theL . rsucceeded In getting away with 18,i4:01n seven-IlLtrtyboads. — . . - ~ —The Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce have adopted resolutions favoring, a Na ,tional Conitneicial Congress, in Occdrdanen with the recant resolutionsof the New York • • riodurel Exchange. ' ter tho consideration - tot the otintaj ‘ systein It ,also favors '1.14` . portal:aunt eitabliehment of each' an Usti.; -tattoo to Mies Onde. year. - —The ilerchantS ' Cann Express, Com- PaliihaVe,bli Itidullmotis resolution of the Eiecutiver Conatafttee,. declined to coni .promiso 9/IttrAlto old companies, and main fen Mil fficif' - ' - ofnanizetlon - is .In' a most • proppeyoun•unflealthy condition. • - . - •c-irit cote; atklakingase, Cuba, re. neatly, SartilagUllansauset, a literary Web. •rity • atot his'.stiflo autd- lier' mother, M.' • ing a snit fai alimony. end ittrentened spec tators who dared to interfere. 'lle was at Length vettl,t. -,,,,. - ' • ' . _ • • • • . —The New York Herald's Alabama ca . - : ••- respondent denies that nogrocs participa ted in the not 'at Mobilo. Ho asserts that • he vraVen.o4.klittfoica OccUidf4 b7. 7 4 ,1 g. --Bally andkad a fotl vlesrpf what passed in the maddened crowd beToro him. . a-A petition for the pardon'a-Jett. Davis is said to . he, circulating in Washington City, purls being consldered- no longer averse to Suing for Executive' cleinenCy. —The Baptist annliersaries commenced -in Chicago yesterday, and delenater trona all parts of thci 'United States were present In large numbers. , —Gen. Tintle - r,in i 1 tarCL:rePesl3 illSEste =catabolic Booth's diary an d tho wholesale - pardonlitstof deserters In West Virgil:ashy tht; Pres,Aon . elatiOneerlntrptirpotes.: valet rays that the p • -..e "bottled np" was first used,by himself in an' - ." Jai report to —At thbillharh tournament In San elsco, a se°, which closed on Thursday night, the ' champion \ cup was awarded to A. W. Jami son, of Tirana la, Nevada. The Pocide coast, was folly uprescated. ' ' —The cholera hu broken out influences 1 7 Ayres, !Mut America, thiT deaths 'exceed? ....ilev . ." Th inns . ii: hoover. of CrantierYy, N. J., a mem or of the Presbyterian Assent ' Kr. in tha . city, died in Cincinnati, bn . • —Tiro-Livid lovers oh Wednesday tobght a duel near Jersey City, and ono of Ulan was . Cu:cape/top; aericmaty. - ~ .'.- --._ —Judge -- Policy telegraphs that he Lien his way hums, from the South. —The paatiasnOneyurder ayateut las been extended tethe•Pacinc coast, and a large ,number of ethane named. - l - - . —There la a Vrobattility Hist tbe'New Jen. say 'lmpaltial St:armee Convention, called for the fourth of Jane; will be postponed, • —Capt. •-• •T, i lls at Bost .qprtr t ly i rmen ea— Diocese of. Wad Oar. . tipceW Ctirrexp - o - nice r.l tts bunch Outtit.] °Woe' this rabbitz4 tho mboibers Of the Carivention,l together ' , with a largo . . --:-. conlin ,aggatinii, of citizens. sseintdol, la pr... - Yell3lll Clitirtna for religione Mid:Oilier ser . . .... . .. . . . . .. • :vices, the Bishop, with seven clergymen to enrylices, occupying the chaneel. lifter the 91511alianitlagyasiiire:izia gratin's the annual convention sermon. arse preached by Bev. C, E. 'Swege, , Asitstent'llector - of Tkinity - Church, _New loth,lfront.,harrof the third --, verse In the general. Jimmie of Jade. *qr. was needle/ forane to write nutoyon, and • emortyou that yo should earnestly eon. tend for the faith which Was once delivered - unto tee Sainte. • , - .- ~ . -. .The text was appropriate to the occasion, .... and was illnoblauxd with the clearnessonid • • - Its lessons' enforced with the power and eloquence for winehqith reverend aPeattor is distinguished. ? • • . ; • . Tile uexbdicler arai the MAW.] Anneal .. .1 address, which the Bev: Prolate :essayed by read, Mar soon Anent his- voiceand strewth • • , Itiadegasto.l&ed assigned alio duty to the • .It.ey. WT. Tee Brost , who with a flee voice . . • and m eaner alternated With the un tit the documbat was completed. Tho at. .•' .. most idieilyryaded , the-large mamma -. .."Ausing the lifig - of the address. Xvery ' • .. ear was in . upon loslog no word of the • uz ; • ~ ,,,,,,,et •edra le paper. it contains a. sun. :. oral,. rattler th an. minute;", detall.:_ of-the • - Erg , v SitatiOne in every Part of the - - • .D ~ a Jonah godly cormserto-botti • .- - ,.-D l et , orgy , &Ditty. Everstmln4 fn the Conratittau Was strongly impressed with •••• the nutirin industry.. fervid piety, pieta - too d-.llne administrative ability of - . 5OOll ' ii se e :.- .. q e ofiy. fed for hit- trod the ' , great' - Apostle f the Gentiles, and-like him will. ,• .. bc," ins t : ila Meson ands= Of Acuson; la _ -.-7, praYeir - 4scroptitallon,:andAtr laborsof - need; heart end hands to the end-that the ' '. Gospel bopronehed. and the ltingdom of one - •- oliasternOende4;^ I regret that the . • : 14041110 t thliaddressmbstpreCtude itspub.• Aleation In your crowded . COI/MUM It Will ..-..- dou be publisbetain pamphlet form. ~ . and th u s - obtain - the cirmiletion of which is eminently worlify. '.. ,•i. ', ...• ' •••••"' , • • • . .. rtha addrosiTareetdel . 120pOrte tram thew arloos parishes were submitted. '... Tha ' =Mod Charters reported sew. •. • ' ' end new 'c hes' orientated, which were . •. ,k 41.124444 'lotto on with the Convention. ... . . TOO report of - tho_lltending 'Comenttou was tatiledlor, and rh.s., the m on • • The , Report . of the L.'unimittee on Armee. ' •mairti vases° read.; The p per hour hat , .- lnt arrived: th e Chair annonnced4o order 7 . the Committee on Constitution andemons. - :• It wartake& up slid dismissed, without a , • .• • definite , result,' until half-past six o'clock, -Wl\en - lbe Convention adjourned tomcat at • ~ ,:,COMittleriiiddlntortatt lise - -tetinifested cm ' ; the .subJect p r omine ntMAW:l - Consttution the DU& I- . ceso r Manisa) , . .ottlie n: ley . and . •': clerical members...putteiosted In tiT ins / _ .: massion...,Among'thel former.waredeuerai '• ... - George: , W. Cass, cd - ht. Stephens. eowieldn, • "1. General 3 - .. If. - Pnrviromo, - .M.St. Paters • . - • '... ' ilutl 4 r_ Qal•Grant, stf bt.- Yetitill'. X11(4'8004 , • : - for Ilt;b4ltn. Of Grace rhumb, Mt Washing- • • .- . lou'"and Gill 13argwin, X.Si., of St r re.' .• . Pillaburall. : •The &museum v.UI be res ed ••:.:idter the_ raLgtous .. services tom° t he ' -if . this Mail be : disposed: of during the -• • :•inerning session, the - business may be ii. • ~ -c luded , and theco4vention able to Adj urn . , •: 4. 4=es;.===. 178 • • . • • .) 4 . ' , • I f air .1 I • \ el* \ • • • - 7.4 • I ' !MI , /• - VOLUME, LX ST EDITION. ONE•O'CLOCK. FROM EUROP THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Proclamation by- the. Queen. GENECAL DISABILUIENT LINEA Austria and SOLICITUDE FOR HIS SAFETY Financiar ll and Commerciall \ --- CityTeleaplk b , l We Ylktsbarlti (1,..tt0 .. • . GELEA*III/11FAIN. :11E DOLLVSI I OIII OP CANADA 1.110CL•11111-13 Loaeorydey 23.—The Qocen has 19911 . 01 i royal ptocutmatton ileciarlict the union of the prottnces of Upper and Lower Canada' Nova Scotia and New Brunswick under one Cioyernori Lola:wailed tee Dominion of Can c.le.' , APPended ls nlist of the Senators ap pointed ,bsz_tbp Queen to the Upper Ltouse of the Now Canedisit Legislature, in ac cordance with Den provisions of the bill of confederation recently passed 'by l' - artla• met ' agS6M.L InslAW-11.111riT TUOCD. • itay el—Zola:lg.—The govern rasa has pada reprosentatlops to the lead ing po'w,Cis or Europe, urglng a general tits armament. • • &USTRIA. ' .11101/.1011,11013 FOIL MAXIMILIAN . . May M—.Srrning.—The Anstrlitrt ginister'fitNishisgtop has been Lostrueted by the gerernmant to enter Into negotla, Mona with Juarez with e. view to securing the safOty or MasirnilLln In ease be'' telis Into the hand, of the Liberals. RUSSIA. NIVEA NEVA. NAVIGATION St. reezeheirea, May %I.—The leo irthhe Neva has - breken np stailife feat I.ll3appear- Ing. The riedcfa iceropen fornavigatlon. FINANCIIL AND COMMERCIAL. layse.reor,Yday =.—Tho steamship Den 'mark, from Kee York, has arrived. . FuswErora% Iday W.—Errning.—United States bonds - 53—Evening.—retrsleurn steady sad ianchanged. - , • ' Le:ono:tinny 23---errning.—Consols closed firm nt V..:Lc. American Securities closed as follows: Five-Twentles,72: 75-4 i; Erie LI. Idesnrool.,3lcy=-Erentn.-Cottonelosed .70101; Uplands Lid. Orleans 11;id; sni.s of 10,000 bares. fir.dstufni incetive, closing Barley declined laid.. OaLs steady. Coro quiet at :Os. Wheat unchanged. Lard closed heavy at a decline of ISt sales of Amerlcan-at MO. 6d. dales, 61 lower; rots 325.0 d. Other inarketS untliansod: • II The Eo¢il L. Ifeioiros IMU—Siirend of . h . . . .. se Rinderpeat and, Aelase*Mllorts • ter theeliAlt—'lllMudiso Army . to be . Supplied -; with . Breech Loaders, dce., &e. k ! I . • New Told.. /Tay 13. — The!learner Africa Arrived at Benton this mamma., and her malls were received here tonight. „ . The English papers agree that the referns bill Is sure of adoption. , d. colliery exp lo sion occurrod.V. Bit:wiry, Caelaing the dude of-three miners. i ..The cattle ;gule has •Vvekuva In-Londca and Leicestershire. The Dutch govern-. . 4.:. ma g ene get lc - measures common .meet to Said out the same dis e. SeVen thousand healthy cattle-were t in One:week. Some resistance was mad to this „wholesale slaughter. Two Fen were ki ll ed - end two wounded by sole re. • The Blackwoot Magazine for May was seized at the French Tonoilloe. The whole lbanian army to to be provided with breech loaders by the mad of Jane. „ The finalintercliange of the ratification of the treaties of commerce between Italy cod. the Sandwich 1.5.1amL9 hal occurred. The teetotal:tad reappeared in Algeria. 'The' Sionht Cents tunnel is progressing vigorously. It to reported that the King of Greece had derived special satisfaction from his visit to the King of Frnasta. , The cattle elegize had , appeared In Bari, a,' and the I.lovkrument totally prohibits th • • portatioe and entry of cattle from Anstr ' . s Thee] , •• la Teeth paned Off quietly, though tho . ,n3 • ,ry were kept ready for trouble, on account • threatening demon strations by portions° . Inhabitants. It Is southellicially denied .. t Bismarck bad in interview wMt Gortchak . , at Wars . saw on Easter week. Advice, from the Copied Good/lone s •e thatanother war with Beautor was there . f ea r r Monahan. had gone to Samarcand, and ang ark attack from tim attntart forces, had ordered the erection of fortifi cations. , Ile Ks/lid to have invited co-operation for the reorganization of Ms army and had broken. off reiations with Russia. .• Tim bullion in. the Batik of floglan'd le. over isinoteen millions sterling t 'Ur tile Bank Of Franta thlrtf-one and *half Mons. -Money was a drug on the London Stock Exchange atall,c. per cent. i ....The embarrassments of Dent .t Co., of - Lthlns, arose from heavy frauds comnilttcd by Otte of their Merits at Shan ghat - The Leeds ..I.teseury leans of the intention of Mr. Lowe-Co give notice in the mouse of Commons, of the motion of no confidence In the present Government. The Italian Budge; places the deficit in Jaciunry:G9..l.t.Zo.lml.lll.oustiro. The Finance Minister proposes. GOO Intillons,tire to he derived from Ecclesiastical property, to be obtained in the form of extraordinary tax, by mptalimehts within four years. The King bad shown an example of economy by removing annually four millions of his FROM NEW YORK By Telegraph to the ritt•bil rib G.ietto.) Nur Your, Moy ZS, 1267 . . , . .... ATIIIIVLD r/17.011L ZU/LiOrZ. • The steamer Europa,' from Basra and Brest on the 11th. Usti nolveu. The steamer Pennsylvania, from Liver. pool,bronght statcun hundred bags ofvsheat us freight. BALL/CD :YO,II stmorf . • Anti Illation Purcell, of Cincinnati, thoh oha Itosecrans;Janker, Quinlan, Yonahitn, and flamenco, and Vicar tieneral Marta of the Cuthollo Uhurcb, L and Dar , n,tho actor) balled for Europe on the New York today. ins taint mamma CONXISiIIor.. The Government Life Saving Commission have concluded their labor,. They have 'been mutation thirty-Zane dayl, and Stem. in. .t three hundred antillity•llve - different de.viceg. -It is believed their report will do 10405 to , nniCladtcreaoing the destruction of life a a:a.l • A d el wail knight iti Modena county New Jersey, yesterday about a woman.- ; One of the puttee was slightly wounded. • - ICA3DAXEIS case. The Lte Weii.alit - ue4 henna the Supreme Connor Wattle 1 / a toh.tor a mandamus to compel the Noithwestinn Railroad to allow him to examine the tiOtiiiii. There will be a farther hearing next Monday. Jan Olen rat nada& In the flrni race, iar e-foartbn or a :alio, “Uutblet. ,, was , drat, 'Wald' of Honor" ea , ,Cond. and ".11cTalrin" W Irth are ran; tlrao - 2 the soormd :mac, one nine day ,, nes ',.l.3;ther" miond, and . oinrardo , third; (11Xio...Lia%;. Tll ,14 mile dash was won UV "Bond Wini," eating '..Ean war and..nrandal Colcv - FROM RAN 'FRANCISCO fßy Totesitsph to the Pitotaurett Givitte.i • Sas FnAkettco, May 27.—The ship Moe Jacket. hence for Liverpool, April ist. with 3,811 torts of wheel, coral:41110U to return In a leaky condition-arid to else/large bar car go for repaint, Sailed again to•oay. An entire c tufo of Malaita MAIO& fowl ing about $75,700, was pa:canoed to-day by a Angle Arts, • • utestinta' ell the /OSS by Gni burning of Flo • • GoAll furniture wareroomi, on Gab }fOrOIS 11:Welti was $183,000. The Glo s for Gork, with 13,100 sacks Of - wboat clear • FRourBOSTON.!- Liquor Bill Ucleated tcritite Elite Leg [Br Triertiph t 0 the rig isbargb 43.anttire:j ..Beereol, May-:a:-The liquor Heins° bill, 'reported oy the Majority Commute! of the -Legislature, after nearly three days debate. wae defeated le Use lloaso, title aftarnooll, by a vote Of /01. to 6k. INFI 1.---NO. 122. FROM CINCINNATI Old Schaal Presbyterian Assembly— llynanal Report—The Scotch Delo. datlon—The Chnren In Scotland. • .Ela dal Corrlapondenee vine:lunch 13sret.•1 Cinclamarh• bray 21; tali. The boatel traneacted by the 'Assembly yesterday afternoon was not of any general portance, save lye adoption of aroport of the cOumlltie linen what- Is' tidied the "UV:atilt" This Hymnal fns collection of hymns and psnlma with tunes 'affixed Or prefixed designed for use in worship. The report of the committee says "there has been lidded to this edition shout two hop tired and fifty psalms and hymns; .0:001 1 6 these additions will be found about twenty of 'Coulees version of psalms, and a few Scotch paraphrases. There-mesa night session of the Ansom. My for the purpose of formally receiving the Scotch delegation and hearing them. The interest of the occasion was greet. Dr. W. it, Howard offered prayer. liev. Irving, D. 1/., introduced the delegation in VerY appropriate mutter. Then came the aildnms of Dr. kairbalth. It gave a brief outline of the history of the church In , Scotland, which he cud lie. Wells repro. tented. lie then ventured the opinion that one of the great petiole of the :Cnunsit of Christ Is a thorough preparation: on the Enet Of her ministers. In the Church of ngland etatisties show that not more than one half of the candidates for the ministry are ii:.craits. or persons who have' gone through is classical course. Young melt shrink from entering the ministry for Em end reations. Miele,' the "gnitang sigulebily uf the eon Other vecations are far munerative. Another reason is, thsprosprel of ad insufficient support. Liere he gave some curious toots concerning ministerial sup. port in Scotland. Dr.Clialmersluid axed the minimum stipend even is rural pirishen at Tide la stUi the policy of the church. The people Ou the ilighlanda are poor— semettmes a 'congregation of eight num Bred or ono thousand gives only late for the sums:Art of the ministry.: On the LOwlamis is greater wealth; true, however, some of the churches are' poor. To meet. the Mei : Gutty the rich agreed W help.the poor. A fend was established into,whieh all above sThthe in etch parish goes. Dr. Decline : an'i Church gives 65,iati. to the general I und.and he gets but 4Th. Dr. Canulleh'e Church gives U 5.600 and he gets only ,i:A. Of course these Chords. have means to supplement the Iran Pew rents, mule°. Lions at the door, dividends from certain funds, and bequests. Ac. The general fund is fitly milled, .thejounicial twat.. of Me Chi.rda. Tiie Free Church itibeude to Me vete ttou standard of tuirdstarial guanaco tides, and to increase the minimum of their support tai 11,00.1. The Doctor strongly fa. roes Um :union of Presbyterian Churches, and thinks. the signs of the tames Impera tively demand It. • ' Mr. Wells addressed the Assembly, chiefly upon the of City Missions. This is his hobby; he rides it constantly and very gracaruily.l alre.47 cosaMunlCalN to Foot r enders t he substances of ins remarks on Sabbaib afternoon. we not refer to what was said last algid. Dr. liurlePthe Moderator, in a very neat and'happy - manner gave the delegation a most cordial welcome. After singing the Soxolorzy, the Assembly. adjourned. . We have.not yet static-that the whole number of Commissioners present Is In the neighborhood of two hundred and-forty. There Is also a smart sprinkle of ehtuch =Math here after their own boalooa3., Vacant Churches And reemployed illinisters-Iteport o Foreign tr elowe-CtiorelsMoste-Domestle atti. Mune-roatested Preate-Ao Address Prom the Neer tarbool Delegate-TOrs nods of apeman,. Crecrirw.mi, May .22, 1%7. The Aysemby Dave adopted the, report made a. daY or twoslude by, Dr. Elliott. Thu report provides A plait by which vacant churches mei , be supplied . ..l ruseinployed ministers may secure delM of labor, Each Prmilertery•iii to. ascisturin the Ichrirebes ' within Its bounds withoutputere, and Mee ' the ministers not employed, sad then to so arrange them unemployed ministers Midi supply the vacant churches. • Mal: it shut be foetid that the mirober of to hasten In a ly Presbytery mcced* the clitirchre to be supplied, the Pineal shall transfer-the serplo• to Licata Preel4l.ovieeln Which there Di a lima of mititstarial plan seems to contemplate a SOM. of Itinerancy on the circuit system, • The • Assembly have also arlOpird ~the re port of the Creematcoon Foreign ifissiens. It allows the following facts: Mission sta. 65; ldipPlonsites ant emit:arta - Mfg conimunipards,l49o; heathen children arid youth to mIssTOO reboots, 7.1 total mire *Weary contribution; Olt 007. This is teas than last year by $37,141. The Board Is now a:I,VA In debt. 'Tito retorter the 00inmtt tee deplores .this indebtairtess, sad nice. with an earnest. appeal to all the churches to give increased ormtritiattoos. • ~.„11to Impartibly appointed a Committee to leshe a report on the' subject of Church shed<•,loolr„hyr toward .the adoption .-of measures to secure teeth MOO* - 44 will be promotive of the ephit of detentes , and as rill exClade 'inch 'musical perfonnances s. are Inconsistent with the proprieties of the sanctuary cud the sanctity of the Sabbath." thtl, lionotttee.bive wiedom item an high. Tbuy have* very Important subject under consideration. The report or the Committee on Dominate Mlssions,harlok been .miele„.lt, elicited • eteeuarlon. winch Walt: Inds fences sea called forth the varied elcapsenee of quite a number of gentlemen: Air. IldektreD said that the PreseTterico Church la not mess, cring nolo her Whole 'dory 11, - .respect. to doinostic missions; is not keeping - pace with other churches. especially the_ Methodist Episcopal..lie polo an eloquent and flttmit alluidon to witatamil been wscompitsiselltly this Church during tileput rear. . The report oboes- thatln the last year. hi churches have been organized. 6.0G0 com municants received; Dd. 'tishisetti schools. ' 4,49 testeherst itltti4ol.44 scholar* 'are Ldt.: mile care oftbelloard. The total Jim fiscal - year are 01177.; The "';e to demo to be raised in ":nuiroittee of Ton on beau is DOW before Ikea to the ;n behalf. dod. amity. ' ;47ce report Glic the coming Y. Tbc - rnport thn subjent-of coritetita—, the Anentably. , h grand, conteltuntn to l!i.ltenrd In ATuntecttornaela trf *pennons in If at does corab your readers shall `notified.-.• • • • Three'clock r. ie. After flm -tellefonfr' , services au optiode incurred. A Pr. Rang , of the regular gamy, and a Sire. Evans, ot Covlngloo, , proshfita4 throllsolfes in front of the platform united In holy matt,, mony. Rev. Mr. HMS. pastor of the church, mmformed the Intereetiog ceremony. The happy pair have entered upon ir wadded Itte vary conspicuously. May they pursue 'it comfortably to Its mod. Alter tuts episode the Ansemlify was ad dressed by low. E.P.liforris, D. D., frater nal mcseengen ;from the New School Gen eral Asmulbly,: Ile made a very appropri ate Address. /10 said be WM Malt to repro. sent ono thousand flee hundred ObiliCtiti, one thousand six hundred Walston, one hundred and laity thousand members, and ono hundred and fifty thousand Sunday School e . To thin, as also to frater nal greeting. Iron the birch_ Rodomnr.l church; broughtby Rein_ Gi Ludlow, D. D., Dr. Gurley ream:m(loml behalf of the Ati oeMblY.' Ito watt eiceedtnglyo happy, *ad said some things peculiarlyeloquent. The whole audience 'applauded. In addressing the rePrusentative of Me N. S. Church, be sold, "Mr, it seems to Cu a providential CO inclilence.that Just Wore YOU arose to ad dues us, two parsons a bad entered three doors, and had, arm in atm, walked up this aisle to be united In handset( holy wedlock. May It not he the fore.runner sad 010410 of ?weds , and lapply re.union of warty° churches?" _ _ flo also stated he had Joel received tel egotto from Itoohrster, announcing the fact tbatthe plan of 11..unfort had heed adopted bplbo Now School Assembly without a Ms: sontingvolnel and he simply added; ea:do ing events cast their shadows before them." Ur, Gurley then said to Rev. Ur: Sodlew, "In theele *trove. when %elides - 6f terunlon ore sOtting In no strougly : If Um Ilutchlt. formed Church atoll be swept along, and united to the groat Presbyterian church of the United- Mates; we think DatchMen, 800tettal0P, and all men might have reason -to rejoice." That torsatloot sposelps Is began. Tips Prat blast come. from Kentucky—from a Roy. Simall.. Tills brother earblests the seat of Ur. ilrecknorldge. Tile - Dakar ul Impa tient to ventilate the question at issue. Wo shall hear him directly. • - • Vistson. FROM ROCHESTER; Sr-nY., Preabyterhab Chinonl Amenably-lie pert or lime glemanhitteas 0 alone, Sabbath Solgoolibligedid.unatlea. (Hl Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ostette. llocurarmi, May- 13,-.7Tbe `Mpidirterian General Ammo blyoCc opted the - entire moth. Ind session In the dlocuarlon on adapting the report of the Committee on reddlcit• Ilan, which with read by the Chairman, Dr. SVlneor. The report Staten the publltathm Feheme bad become a divalent and a grati fying themsa. Goneernlng the ArNieglariall Monthly. tt recommend!, a changela the editor's/ arrabgeottnts, whereby eh-much it 3 valuable room will not be taken up by the publication of foreign tulmlonaty telligence. The report was 05100104, except that portion relating to the now hymn and tune book. • • AT /61110011 • /1. snis decided to hold tbp next General Assembly at the liarriebtirg Piot Fresh,. Loden Church. The report iff tbo litandin g Committee on Sabbath Schools was read. it recommended tasking a permanent Committee 10 district the Executive body to carry forward the sawmill School work; also that the Church obrdially cooperate with the , Committee; and the feeds for the Object be transmitted through its bands. The report adopted. Education report or to Standing Comm Imp on: Education was read. It shows &gratifying State of things, and 'nom 01661da 11;6 pree -entatloa of the cause In ail uttnrches. it wA t s4ut Upon the docket tocruntiosomatg, 1111 k geR Mg AN" FOUR O'CLOCK. A. M. FROM WASHINGTON (By Telegraph to tla. rittabratt Otzettc:l IVA9IIIIIrO7 . OY, Iklaq M, 1617 OEN, 011/IT Wllll IIiIt„CABINiT. General (haat was present to-day at the extraordinary. Cablnet_meettng,'ealled to heniand oonshler the onlittou,ttf.ditorney General Stanberry. It is •'untlaSi.oud the optriirmmet with unanimous. approcurm v11'1,1114 week be ftirtuphed to the newspm pers. , . yASONIC CCI.II9O.ATIrri. The Masada 'fraternity paraded the streets today, and were received by the• President while passing through the Emma. live grounds. Thil oration was delivered by Dr.' Slackey, of Charleston, at Wall's Opera Ilxuse. IaTnAO.IIIVAIIT CAIIINET anSION. Tlwl2rooldont.colled tho Cab Loot er.- trar;olthair se:sib:we to-day, to C4lllo.lerthe dlerracchfelnitand other clauses of tho cossitructlon Act. 3ILLiiV[I , TS. DEMI" Brevet. Lleuteriant Colonel Caldwell will be detailed as a member of Ito tramming Board at Louisville, vice Brig. 'Gen. S. Bur bank thieved. r nal:co PitACTICC enir. The French atilt, of tee line Jean Bart, practice slily for midshipmen, utriv,ed at Annapolis yesterday. ! FROM NEW: YORK Myna° or the ILefournsed P. ettarcb—ltepert on the Pinejoet of iintoe—lilepert. Adopted. Niue Coriespood.“ L'ltt.hure, • • . lona, Hay'::, imulediathiy after Synod met, on Tuesday afternoon, the special coutuiltUM Cu Undue made their report. It Is los (taloa, : . The committee to whom out referred the whole subject of Union Ith of her ch n rcher. Wotan" respectfully recountionit the follow ing ottioleble and resolutions for adoption': • Waintars, The Ints.reste of the cause of ChrLst. require MI at this time to inaugurste measures to heal Zion's breaches, unit so bring tato one too divided portions of the Presbyterian family I therefore. Resotral. That this Synod recommend to the several Presbyterian JrnitcetOrter, now met or swat* meet, to unite with us to tag . • general COtirent lon of the Pi erhyte flan charetter of the United states, to meet In tho city of Puha/detente. on the second Wednesday of September neat, or at such time and'plaossa be agreed nom!, for prayer and conference to rotted to the terra. Or union and communion among the' Varittur 7 branOtto•Or the l'rerthylettun Reselsert v That we recommend that said _COnsentlon shall consist of u Inintrier and raltint Wider from each Presbytery. Resotrrd, That certified copies ot this ac tion be !immediately min men larted by the Clerk of Synod to the bottles included in this lesoht,t, That 0.4 body represented In the said COnrention shall. without resot et Ur tottaberOf ilelegiten. he entitled to no equal rote on all,quelluctus rutaultteil for tlectelon. Resofseal That the ileleitater appointed by the Presbyteries of this Church, no re... quirod Westport to this Synod fur i.e.ticri. at Its neat meeting, the results reunited oy the Convention. MIES — .knotrot. That Rev. J. rimed, 1).1),, 1241 V. T.-%V. J. Wylie, D.D. and (*ergo L. Stout, E eq., be and they aro hereby-appoint oafs Co amines of A rrangetue nttlf bor• th respondenon regartl to szch Ctet .44 on. Vie report- wee discussed at eon. eratne length by Rev. Dr. Clarke. Dr. itedletter. Dr. Douala., ger. J. U. Min, fir. W. T. Wylie and others. - • Pending IN discussion, hynrediadaleurned to-Wieleasslay =ruing atib o'diX62o, - Bnol met on Walla...far.i.,tydelock, .end was OVIIICAI teal. preyor by tee Moder ator. The consideration of t he re port ot Ind COMO/11400 on Allston ass reentwed. /Inv. Dr.'eraerford,Rev. VW. 1..- Shaer, R., Dr. Steele, D. MoLsed, hr. D0LL4111414, Rev. W. 'A. Britton and others o.lrealasrao.l. On .1;1:seldom lint.' Or.dinattle, ferlitenben ville, Ohlo, and Rev. It A. Drawee. D. D., being present, wern.l. striteal to address the Synod on the Imo - brie - el subject under con. eudetatiou. Thews gentlemen declined to spek.' as the Synod .scood read,' to tale the vote. The Report was adopted, and the Synod adjourned to meet axles/ace in the afternoon. . illy Telegraph to the Muratori, /tartttt.l , Nov. Toss. May In the General Synod of theic . fortned Presbyterian Church, yesterday. revolt, tion wan adopt.! that the actl. of the len :an re favor of v?i r tr to,!ertiTAn. metal:dies now lh session, the Old asbool Presbyterians at Cincinnati, the United Presbyterians et Xenia, and hew School prestryteriana at Rochester. The Committee. old Foreign Missions To. nted the dodoesrecelp ts at $10,005; et pond I. tures, 40,91.1. Litres, native Dollar, estla• dents have been licensed to preach. Merv. A . P. ,4 Olt, of the American Mi. eional7 Assoilation, an organ mation fur disseminating the tiontel among the color ed race, Mated that there were fire hundred teacher, em_ployed.. Dr./1. llrown, of the Second l'rushyte. man Synod, spoke in favor of the union of Presti ll erlans of every grotto to one general wom The delegates of the Old School General Assembly. though Invited, der.line,l to peals. There was 110 delegate from the ew School Assembly. .• In to-day. session Om reflOrtrisenlOPieo 001010 altpefil of Drs. nivel° and UtAw lord, of Philmielphia, from the action of that "Presbytery on. the llONcet. of communion, to the effect that the Presbytery neted lr. „regularly; that her of the church shall °Decreed In future in reference to twin II1001.10RIB; that acute Was se...lnking it Lei be reverstd, and subject be disnihmed. • :sited debate on another - And Otawford, from tysry of Ptqlsiel. ten to preach pluir P l-0 I g n t ' the There wasan appeal Of pr. the action a the Preit Irce nglog tot, •ho Id not Implicit wo y ly *ohm ta erli _ to of the chrerch, which doe, mil the use of hymns, songs, nor .even except the psalms of David are versified by Rouse, The : appeal otll, probably be set saute. , • THE SHIPWRECK, !institutors of tb,.Dlsaater to the Santiago lie illaba—lttaitements of Passengers. •. (By Te ..... ph to the riiiibursh ) New' Tonic. May. ht—Abont two hundred of the Santiago be Cul, passengers arrived this afternoon safely. Their statements 'very as to the notion of the • edicts* of the Ship. flee passenger. a liesinsin, says at two O'clockri yesterday the cantata went he. leveed left the third mate In charge. Thu Mate left the lookout and went to work "Irashinirdown decks. It ls alleged that this to the reason land, was not discovered until the ship Streek. As boon as the it hock was fed, It was all ...emotion oil board. but the passengers aided very well. and no Paula occurred. The °dicers tried to got the ebb" off, and arrangements were made to get passengers mihore. Thera were thirty. flee or forty ladles an Nano'. Toese`were taken. 01r Mt- Capt. Kelly took the Oral boat ashore In Cutely. and returned for a scoood loads when i 1 was onfortur.ately awaniped with the sad" result. published. Meantime CAW...Patten lad takes two bort loads ashore sail wont to the assistance of Min In the water.. Two women were taken out, one supposed 10 beflead. Iteetoratives were applied, •and she wos resuscitated. The wrecker., under CLIO-Townsend, acted nobly and did moth to saes the lih.oenge rt and property. The piassungenifound them selves nee and a half miles from Atlantic City. The people Immediately went Ward totes beach with their teams, and took , as. simpers arid baggage tip to the city. This metaled many of the passengers *mat to Philadelphia The remainder came to this city. They say that If the accident hail oho tarred on a rocky coast but few passeugerd would have been saved. The BantlagodoCnba has ten (octet water In her, and it Is doubifulschether shoe. he 11004. Another account hays she lays easy Intone feettit.Witar; and wIU come ad' at high tide. FROM ARKANSAS, ariansomente for Utestrettion Itsp. „ • ,•101l IProgresodow. Telegrapp tq therlttsburxtt titzett.3 ' lisw , Yoa4 May bl.—TballeruttPaalapatell from Littlo &m + Ark., or too tionaral Ord baying cow platol the amain moat!" Boards of gegistration for thirty. %bras ,000th, bas tart bore oa hie return for Vlekaburt, do gore by way of the boutburn gonadal to abPotat roalstora A apealol board °racers Lae bean conyetted bare' to 'Wert 4estrtera fqr car. Okla octatlox.sobeat Co Um appfaval of tfla Clarterab. Seal:dal °Moors wept sant to vieft certain Other qoqqttak for 1$ j 14.0 purpose. lOrY I y la za or to rf ontttagThpl el : airn pioi tuw wg Paler. Itlver Telegrams • toy Teleareph to the llttsbureb tiatette, Tpt •thustio and rail PO a.rai pb CotttitoT• 3 Ou CUT. Mot :—.ll.tyas Ilve ands holt' foot athl 'Wog. Potrotto orrtVed topr o , c/dOlt ttail fiAtotatiOn. Weather rainy and Quin. 1 --' PITTSBURGH, F.RIDAY, MAY 24..1867. CITY AND.SUBURBAN. FOURTH PAGE.—The fullut and mod re. liable Money, Oil and Produce Starke: An pertJ Oren by,nny payer In the city, will be found on our iFluells Pew. , REFORMED SYNOD t *menet .tilynod of the Reformed Pres by terlso Cpurcli. - V , ReOND nay , * TIZOOL6DINOR Sy oi I met yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, and was opened Altai prgyer by the Moue• rater. After the reading, of the minutes and the Arm.linniy preliminary bneinesa, the Com.' ro on Derotlonal E.terelnea, Carilsle:theirman reported. The repor was adopted; a3iirtliet_i_lour botamen 11 end 1:1 A. N. le devoted 10- oonferenee butt prayer. Papers were received, read, and referred. W in. Brown, Synod Trustee, and Treswo or of the Board of ForeldV3lls.lons, read his report; sum total of firontes Invested Se en,ILS. ?tr. Blown onbredani reslguattoa, This and the report were referred to the Committee on Finance. • DOVeltli , MESSIONA, • Rev. Dr. SprOull, Chairman of the heard of Domestic Minions, read the report of the liosrd. Much of the paper referred to the csmilitiOn of the 11114i0icl to the Freed Men. The schools In Washington, Uty ore In a prosperous condition. Ineioard two** mend au Uripllll2a.:lo,l Of a ecnigeocationyn the city, us many freedmen de.slre to coos need Diet/11°1Tel with Ise church. They Urge the erection of suitalde huildings. The recetnts Of the Treasurer during last year were *spit it). Thu report was referred to We Committee on Missions. rnattua ll Itostous. lie, S. 0. Wylie reported for the 806.r0 Of Foreign Missions. Total receipts le.t year, tl2ofll W. The Mt.etnn In lottekl si , Syria, le In a most prosperous condition. Su/lablif buildings ore greatly needed, a Mtn tans Mon purcbasaah end • building win won be In penitence. Thol has met *ith virulent opputtiffon from th e IG reek Caffeine bishop and elergy. The schools motto be moditled and re-opened on the principle of amnio...tido, thought to he thu brat. A now school has been opened • few miles out from dm city. 1110 /Ward ban cmosels /urea the question or an enlargement of Ititssionnry operations. Thu pill for more taborer. IS large. Tarsus and Aleppo are offered end open to the IMAM.' The report closes by a touching reference to the .I.ath. of Iter: J. 11. Willson, a member of the Board. Ituterrell. • I= The floating hoperloterel ellen tho Theo lo,tcal Seminary—S. U. Wylie, chairs... rs..tet thole report. It p.sax a ertlOglisto upon the late Ps of. 11'01.m. If herLsee scow auaa by the Huard by the appuhstmerst of Dr. Ss,ott,.of I:ielt•`..,tar, b. 1. tllrrZa 011011 111111400. The clerk reed the 'sit year's lettot (rota the Synot of the it. P. Vnueett to lrelend. It elpreSie• Arm sympathy trail interest In Mt. ,y1,0,1•A 'sock •11100,/ the Freedmen —the opinion that watt goal. 6.1,0011.1/1 to the stoves. Irks groWn out 1 tee err—re. joint's ID' abet ti being dorm to ecture ernendluents to the U. M. Cot:siltation so thet .1t may hetChrlctlna—and and elm se res heeon duct of Core:mu:le:lA u rlo sr the tato - We.. ' The letter sax referred ta , the Ohttmlttoo ub forelyft • CX7111•11tD e. Celt returned. and Prewhyterlee Weil, Inter nweted whether they had attendett to the dlrecllon of syhod Lost Yollo Ixt =farm. , to Truvellog Fund. All nese - erect nftlome. ttvely except thu Rochiwter Prarbytery,. whereupon It wet Moved that for the dlxte .o.l,l of PyttaVe , order. the Pnishyttlor odnloolelnal, end that the ordet De co hewed. On nits !notion cormiderainn discu.sion Krone. 114.... .1. IleCrarkgn nrrtial tb• "tho and.l6.ld UAL W. 4 Iha Sync.] La.l dor6e4 M ral,4 a Nal:cleat trareltv fund. All prarious on,. 12.1 rallt.ll. 1.1.utr,11. ,peoull euhl that ho had. In the . Ituchrstot l'resby [Cry., prorosed and favor, tel /he setlon of the , . Pre.lortery, on the ground or tue lolu.olou 110pr...eth4- lallty of the pls.l. Ile thousnt U antelr to require Woolf. oontresottlous 10' pay Into fund. "nly a rreF or COUld. • ILev. If. Z. Vibram are Lied Int pfietleabila y tit Ilea Lta.aa 11„,.coeviniXO1111.Y Jlarty ants from bath member; and MM. moat not be p4t , i Cobb. but each congregation atoll rola° the sum almortiental W MIA proportion. Millixan favored the motion no the ground that tbo act of rorailytery on. iii•obint tenon to the higher torirt. Mr. Brown einwrsed' the motion. and said that tise rprOpie In 1 . 1111.11,91pht. - tbpuh, nlyncrl'a plan like , hut adopted to Prierif In Rome. Tice pionoarre of the motion would Ca 1.1.0 the total faller, of Alma Wide cximase. lie, It. 11 E. Thompson said the Presby ter: h Plt at defiance the authority of se Synod and argued the practicability of the plan. tree, J. A. Thompson said the pa nt tile action of Itochenter Eresbytor7 has done harm nod prevented eon. te..rations from ralsoigtlie rronirs.l funds. A moral princtploroireu. Presbytery soyatiost eynol ti m n right to order. If we pus I much action veer now how Can Wtt cone - regain,. refusing to raise Not poor congregations, hut rich—not .poor imeguners, but rich, refuse 10 pay. Dr. Sproult thought that action hn• 'eferred as there ttrOttill 1.01 it deficit In our foal. 11e had nor/N.! tam p'an and fore , Its failure. Thu meaning of , thir.uct Ws :tot Pi in. Magee bah! that intention oOlie law was not - to for every - .a man and wo man thirty Cute, but the the coogiregetion ehould rah so the Sane apportlonod. before the ....Motion wee voted upon, the hour for deep:tonal exercise. arrived. it was spent. In singing, reading seripnire, prayer and discussion 01' the subject. ”Peisonal Godliness an Essential dualities. lion to 011Icial titeefulnews In the church:. • AFTEti.Nooss ne.attiON, BAD sarccuozic. After the preliminary exereines, Cite . . D. 0. Wylie res. and raid that news of unpar• Witted eminent has Jost renehed us through the daily preps—that 51. Armour, a minister of this Synod, wiule ou his way hero, perished, with bin wife and tour chits I reit, on board a steamer on i Lake Ontario. tle . sould gay no mon- s pilt bow in animal.. • to Almighty Gott. Lin moved that indorelledlitinottlession and Is. Synm _ prayer. Dr.lotc sold- • to add solemnity tnthe In ho In to I the :Synod that the Prennytery of Roches.- ad t bone toile,[ on a roll tor the decrease J. M lirottta was called by th• nA craterto address the throne of grime. Du • log Prayer the member* of Synod were deeply moved. Mee, N. ILJohnnten moved that a cern •rn num he appointed to prepare a minute to rote rob re to the deceased. The Committee consists of Itev. N. 11. Johnnton, nor. J. C. K. MLUltran, and Aloe. Wright. • rummies:mime. 114 v. J. J. lIPCI rktn asked Synol to up the none! point an "order f the, ay , . for next Safer day morning, to i a Committee from the 11 0 ,,1 of Treste ~, of west:Mester College, at New Wand ton, Pa: The Commltt. has boon meth mod to propossnlo the Synod nratint of a protessorahlp tu the j . Faculty et thit luatitullon. Thu Imo:ring:of the Committee Is made the order at tile day for Saturday morning. ems lIMMUS eir ratolerrsay rose. Under diectmlo before the recess, wan resumed end a m tom Made to lity:the.ree. elution .in refer.,a thereto on the table, nntll Brier the rep rt Of, the Committee oh Finance. 10 the d scansion scansior theinotion, the prevailing °Ph lint wee the Pro.bytery had acted In lusubdrdlnatloti, andahOrtal be dealt with accordingly', . The Motion to lay on thin table one loot. Thu orlalhalntetien wee than amended nod discusavd., • lbw. ii. O. Wylie thought the.Pre%bytery had been en Intently es.sttirated and , that the motion should now be withdrawn. /ter. n. Lowden Pledged that atom next mention Ot the Presbytery, no would offer a resolution that as apportionment be made to the congregntlone as the liyaed hail d 4 rooted last year. - • • . • The original motion wan then retell down. end the Presbytery reettireeted to make the apportionment. • MATIOSeI. The Committee appointed tattle last meet ing to mumoriallgo Congress on the seined of an is Ytendln en t of Leo United btates Lon hadn't/00, OD that It may acknowledge the existent. and author Hy of tied, the author ity of Christ Jesus, and the claire+ of the divine low, reported. The Committee had failed to prepare the memorial until alter tato eillournment of Conctreet, bat seta.- odebtly presented a printed copy to each member of both 'louses. ituv. T. li. etevonson said that whoa the miasionary In Washington gore the memo' MI to Fin lion. Wm. Lawrence, of Ohln, he sold favored the muniments ramtalistot In the remotion and that, "while yen must Welt. Wive did fur Ilia abolition of slavery, untilL the right time, you will get all you ask, by and by." The speaker recommended s,commutoe to lay the meniculiti hereto file next. Co:rates. liev, T. ra.. Stevenson, Chairman of the Vercieltilio on the pnblicutton of tracts, do., on the Amendments of the Conetitetton, reported. The report is as follows: The Committee no the AVOTh of thttletibt Uotorm, respectfully recant t ,bat they found the worts cosigned them to be the printing and circulation of tracts, ,e. de. As no rand. were Alcoa at the disposal of the Committee, It was Jnag ed that they could moat effectively promote the end In vIeW by Inducing the mumbefO Of the Church to establish weekly newspa per, tor theadvocac, of the scriptural prin t:olos of chal government To this point the labors of your committee have been Chiefly directed. hubscriPtions were obtain. MI from various parts of the church to the amount of $12„000,—to to paid In successive instalments for the support of the paper, the entire management of the enterprise to , te, entrusted to a board Of managers, ap.. 'pointed by the Committee. ' Rev. D. McAllister was appointed Editor. and accepted the position, but subscqurn tiy withdrew his acceptance; being 'unwilling. himself to assume the rexponsibility of sev ering his pastoral relations. ile pas niece been re... Meted by the managers. Of bin Anal decision, on which the suceeds of the enterprise now see ms to depend, your Com ' mittens has not been advised. Your Committee arranged for public Meetinge on behalf of this cause. to he held during the present emotion of Synod, and bare reconnect] Reye. .S.Alowdere..f. 31. McDonald and 11. 11. ticorac, Lo addroe4 tho emoting. • • Your Committee recommend the follow• log reaolutione : • 1. That thla Synodll6lly. approve the naterpthai of a weekly , pro. jected by many mumbora of the Church, and espreaa earuct denial for Its sue. cues. . That u permanent ClOtomlttee bo ap pointed to hive (Marko - at this work, to ro• °Oyu tontrlbutlonA, employ latorers, Irian tracts, and atlinulate nod direct in all proper channels, the. campes el the Church. 3. That our congregations be directed to take up collections for th.t purpose, and be encoonged regent It as having claims aeconti to no other work In which . . . 4. That thte Synod now appoint a utud.ter to labor lc tote cause for ono your under tho direction <>tittle Coinuilttee. That ales. ay evening next ta, apppolut txl the pahlio meeting, for vhicli rr ruagument has been mule. • b. 0. Wrus., J. It. W. Scoxas, . A. M. M s r o o no , • T. P. Thle.:port was taken up Item by Item. Thu Chairman of the Committee thought this, othept else subject of erre Theislogical Seminary, the m oat Impbttant thing Ineldre W.. Synod. Le Kb oboe It to the rtatiOn to sithlaro tiro whole treat. ow this great ..thjeeL. it we calorm the tuition we meal speak to the national mind and brunt—to re enly millions of mess. We hats notful tilloel oov Lilssion until we have done co. iter..7, Crozier sald—lt. 14 the distinctive work of the altussatrig Church to declare the itesalthlis of Christ. Their testimony should tor hearth There are two or three w ay. by witch 41. can lot. unn Is the propo sed weekly peeper. Can it tiO•litiStitintiti Another Is that good speakers cein. their •0100 to L. heard belure the people. Ti... public ear Is open. as never before A movement of this klud is vital to success In gaining the great 0101 we seek—the of the nation Mo. subjection to (Sod. Rev. A. Y. kltllhtan said the question Is norwhether the people are willing for the change. The minister. accept It, hut there It a lack of Interest. Our work is to stir up the churchrs. Ito most slaws the impor tance of the remind cent Oceste them to Opettitititi. There may be dere° opposition by iniquitous men to odith through fear that religious men may supplant then. Iles religions merlin all the churches will favor. We beet a paper odes lecturer to proclaim the truth all through the rand, Jennlsllke. 4areieon did more by his preen to destroy slavery than the whole Covenan ter Rhea'. In the. Linircel States. • . _ . • Elder Wald that In the rraltilthang of the piper sat Conk* eaoperato with' other aknomtnattohe Asa liana [skean the odium or sectarian la na sad haunts surovel.- , iter. J. C. Todd thought the plan propos od op the Come:fitted , a very Important one. Well can we *Mint to sink If necessa ry to ellen& theydan. titter dimomtnationa can do other work better than wo. , This to our.. • Thn paper, tin hoped, would not. iio a rendre. God Lu prepenalth• pablic rebid for the movement. Let not LIM; hOur pass lest the opportnalty be lost. The discussion was continued at length. Spirited addresses In favor of the {imposed PaPer,kiere made by Keys. Milroy Kenna ay. Carlisle, ViUktri, Wilson, lir. Sivnt and others, which the reporter had /not time to prepare for the press. Before Synod come to a_Voto, the hour for adjournment arr/ve,L Tinges - dal"! repitrt of btu ktodenttor's rseponse to the delegate from the V. P. Assumoiy, we were made, ny the types. to say—" A nd yet there 44 to this church (o) movement toward organic union" The wont ao should base been before the ward . anottatrat, no that It would tow, "There is In MU:church no movement," am C=l Tea !Issue d tr raftmer. Cleo Ana should not bo Judged by, or oonfouneed with, melodeons, harmonlnms, seraphim., or any other organs, or ltnitrnment• of ever name, made by other makers, heicanee aeveral of the most Important Improve ments effected by Ramon d. Hamlin, and from which Ilmlr batruratOte to a large tucaesre excellence, ore par ental, anti cannot la—used by any outer manufacturers. Mason 4.lltimtlln alp en• clnoiyely employ certain maciihnord and prows:wird manufacture .1,100 glee great ler excellence to Me,r instrument.. it Is there advantages, m connection with the tatesordinary care and . eSperiencett 10111 emptoved by 11. a u. whichglve to their Instruments a tilalluctlve character, and have wort for them unanimous and dtelded preterm.o .from the musical profeaskon, and In ramparts es wltb other ll:lntel:lntents by the ft:dime of industrial fairs. They reettectfully call attention, there fore, lathe fart that the eitudity bode e the an:menu to pertains , and found i n no other reed instruments, and that in oth er respects, scarcely leO, important, their en rwriorlty m not Ilea ebrlom. Among the hunortant patents obtained by Mason it limn lin may be monticined the following: • 1. The Acrowavic heti-owls 9tILL ap-1 tented) as tile most Important single tm ptoveumnt ettcetcal in reed instruments an 10017 years. /t it more affective, more liley us.7l 001 more , ••tople, and an lees kely to get oat of order, than any nther swell. It gives a wondertid power of ex. prubbloo, nod so Improves the capacity of the Instrument one half. The great value or the Automate bellows Swan healed to many attempts to produce the name effects by other means, but none or tbum have proved succesdul. The practical superior. lir or this swell most he acknowledged by WI candid, competent Judges. Y. IerneveneId.r.ADJUSTINOUXZAVALVZS (patented). This to the Most delicate and tatilcult part or the notion of the Motto. 40(1 ho Intiv4fUettOn -. ofi.hese new . . vale,. has proved of the greatest value. Their eaten IS more perfect, certain and reliable, the tones are rendered more prompt and equal, and are prevented sound. . ..... leg wilco- they aboold not. They are lees liable to get out of order than any others 3. Wood. tkerav • Coerisa (patented) In effect neatly doubles 004 power of the In strument In which It la used. enabling the performer to produce not only the tones nunitullately. ciinneeted with • particular key of too Instrument, but Mao their oc• • • by tonal: dog the one key. • 4. ' tens Kern, VALYCS (patented) ;prevent the - •eing sound heard In many iteitrumenta., 3. Tax liireeerimi COMISIVATION VAGIIITZU • (patented) Kite. great /Willy (or drawing and closing UM etopi. From theme and otherpocullantlas °time latruction. then, which cannot be need by 'other make, iy,nincli n( the peculiar excel lence Of the, L d abinet Organs la erived. The Moon thpamiln Cabinet Organs can he had In this city only at the •Wareroeum el C. C. Mellor, No. lit, Wood etrect,as ho la the exclusive Wholesale and retail agent for them. Go to lite wools and See and hear them all !armee of Sweet anomie; or Pend (or :Circular, senta,mt paid to any addrcee. -.Monumental A. oetatton Sleeting. The Ladies Monumental Aimee Latina held p mettinginAlity trail yestenlay afternoon. it wen reported that the pupils of the Penn. nylvania Blind Asylum; who hare been Mr log entertainments In the city doring-the week, have remaining many atonal at well as oratoneutal articles, which they )1.)111) the AsliOnlation tO tali. charge of and dia. Pow of on commission during the Fair. On motlon. Mr. l y z. tlittitanttar. wan ap point.), with Oower select asitstanti, to receive aral4inpate Of ...aid articles as de. elrut. on motion, It was decided to furnish all sashitants with badge., which shall admit them at all times durrz the lair, at coat .25 .1 to each. The of course, are not trinsferabla. The Committee on Art Gallery reported tho donation o r s paintlog by dlr. Foorater, and Solicit further donation. of paintings and pictures of all binds to their deflect- wont, Persons lmplog•llags aro respectrally n once:AM to loan them to the Association ,luring tho Fair. They may be soot to City Ilan 01 any Unto prior to opeolust tho Pair, and wlll be taken dare of and returned at Its elms% • An excellent band of mule will be in at. tondanae every evening at the Fair. Persons having relics Cr curiosities are respecUully requested towed them to the Committee nt City flail during MoittlitY and Tuesday next. The following resolutions were offered ii.h4 and unanimously Welded. Ruoltad, That the on. J. Moorehead be respectlndy Invite lomat ti the falr us be hold for the bead= of the moldier-a' Menu- Meot Amoclution, and that ho ba requested to deliver tho openiug &dolmas on Tuoiday evening, May • Miti., at 7;.; tYcleck. at UPI' Resolved, That General Pearson, Jain Watt, tisq., and W. W. Word, Esq. be and they are hereby appointed njnacial Com /Eaten to notify the Lieu. J. K. Moorehead of the above action'. -' All All who desire aro capitally Incited to go to City Ulla meshing, and anand in 4 exosating. Theiframes for the booths aro completca, and the evergreen have Cr• 011.1nOtien adjOUrnod. =1 A Dlostlngalabed I.alslasta Refuge. In the City. Mrs. L. M. E. Ricks, of Washlngtoo, D.C., who has been laboring for the freedmen for two years, has collected and distributed among No destitute freedman of Washing ton, D. C and Alexandria, Ts-, several thousand dollars, and who bar within the last year placed In amid homes in Ohio, Michigan. Per.ylvania, New York, Indi• tha; Emastana, Arkansas and Teams over a ousand freedmen, Is now in Allegheny City, stopping with Mrs. Meier Wade, U Stockton comma. , Mrs. Rick's labors are di rected towards the domestic education of the lreedmce, to prepare them for domestic usefulness, and - then plane them in good homes, where they can support %hell:MOMes honorably and independently. While at tending to the cbanktng of the freed peo ple from ono car to the other at Harrisburg. the people having got on NO wrong car, and the night being dark and rainy, and the tuck slippery, Mrs. Ricks fell on the bars of iron, and lass been quite 111 mica nor ar rival at Mrs. Wc.tie.s. Ilra. Milks is a refu ge.) from Louisiana, and has had much ex. perlence during the war and among the froodiden since too e'er. Should she be able. and should the people desire It, she will give them some of the incdlents of herewu observation before leaving our city. Mrs. hicks will be pleased to see and cce vmse with any persons who may desire to visit her at lire. Major Wades reshienoc,it Stockton avenue, Allegheny City. ' A . liheep Trsatmar.lata—A raise Pre- tease(?) Case. Charles A. hit of Ileser:e township, Made information before Alderman atra lin, :against Ilenre-Brady for dafranding Lamont of Lwenty.flve dollars. under false rcpresentatinns. Brady, It is alleged, bought a lot of sheep far two hunilmd and by that operation fhllir.g short. thirty dpilars, unplital to the depcment to obtain the som,tnlCll his oblina- Uolle, prl./11.41ng to give to return the minas of the animals ntter Doing otauglltgred. Upon tlicau ,re p Stimple VA , " him tnrnty•dru 414'111..1i, but discovering , subse,luently MAI he bad been deceived, In stitute' legal proceedings ItZtanst stated. Is arrested and bold for a nearing. The defend...A may have timely' 0.1 the ortmeentor slang:acting the Hoop, or by disposing of the stone to acme other party, hht we opine that the case amounts only to a breach of contrant, and that Mr. hituiple but mistaken Lila proper rothedy. The pr.-sem/Lion for false pretences. trtswryo tile purpose to "get his ihoney IneO." after the manner in wit/chemise of our Aldermen do badness In tnsn 1/1.13r 1.10., that Is, metro lase of the etimanal law to column compliance with civil contracts. I=! Eleewhere we publish the business card of thin magnificent new hotel, located on Lib erty street, opposite the Union Depot. of welch Mr. dames K. Lanalian is the court.- ous and obliging proprietor. The honer, ithleb has j est been erected. IS co.tracted In most approved cialern style ►nd contains eignty.four large and comfortable sleeping MOMS, arranged In suites, together with commalions private dining rooms for la dles. The ;eagle dining room Is elegantly titled upend lea beauttful apartment. hay. lug a depth of over one hundred feet. the entire furniture of i be hotel, including bed. ding, is new and (nab and of the ooeunst Wyly.. The bar has been placed in charge of those web-known gentlemen, Messrs. Wiggins and Ed. Kane, and will be kept *moult.] with the beet and purest of wines, lin non and temperance beverage. An el egant self-exhausting and receiving air ale pump le in use. the only one ever introduc ed went of the mountains. It Well filrlllllll. od and put up by the well-known plumbers and CtLere .11esare. Weldon & Kelly, Waal street. CCM= aloch has been published of late by the agents fOrtwo rival pianos, the Chickering and 9 telaway, regarding, their marital as represented at the Paris Expoeition, and °Onions extracts from newspaper corre. 'pondents eine programmes of concocts given WS proofs of their superiority over oil others, proving conclusively to the mind (of those interested) that tlitutr favorite Is Lite plane, and the only one deserving the name of Ai - ate/am eretriess," Sc. Fair play should characterise ail contests, bet that Jewel is ClOalt aside as valueless to the present case, for we notice the mane of one of. the most celebrated makers In this country, hobo maeXer Co., Philadelphia, Is used im hav ing been among the contestants, when such Is nut the fact, aswe notice by their card of denial puldialled In eastern papers. has clue the Messrs. richomacser—tbme repre senting them here, and the. public gener ally, that the parties who have made non of their name in thitl•COMlCCLipn should cor rect their statement at once. Tb• toiartet It.a•• Sight. The Concert lastnight at Masonic hell, to behalf of the Monumental Association, wax a decided sneers.: Tee hall was well filled with one of tae most fashionable audiences we have seen In rdltsbargh for some time, and every one appeared delighted with the performances. The singing wasTkrato, and we can say to those who were not there, that they missed toe facet treat of the ncasen. The appreciation to which the singura was hold Is shown by the fart that almost all the pieces were encored. We make no distrac tion In speaking of the performers, but aim. ply say that all acquitted themselves well, and that Prof.Tetedo x„ in his management of the coneert, fully sustained the high rep htatlon ho has gained Incur community. City Mortality Mr. A. U. McCandless,' Pllynlelan to the Board of Health, reports the follow tog m tertnenta in this city from April Itth to May 17th, ' Males 111 White, 141 - Females....? C010red.... . Diseases—Maas., of et, 2; ...MAP tdon. 4; Inflammation of long , 2; Intemper ance, I; drOpsy, 1; accident, 1; old ago, 2; whopping aorigh, 1; Indammatlon of brain, 2; atomise of heart. I; unknown, I. (11 the abOve there were,: Under 1 year, 3; from In 2; 1; 2to .5,11%. to ..%), 2;30 to - 40.2; 40 to 50,.;50 to LW, 1; 70 to SO, 3; BO to IVO. - - . • ~ korthlor Stank of Virginia. The Wheelirig men. Bays; We under stand a settlement of the alltdra of the old bank will probably- reld the stockholders some IS percent. on the stock, In addition to the SO per cent. which they received In tee stock of the new.hank. ,about 5.V.000 of the riotee of the old bunk are yet unredeem ed. A /argil proportion of thle own to, no doubt, loin br destroyed. The time axed by the act referred to, within which these notes may be returned for-redediption will expire July iiit,lll4. Threateulair with a litiffe.—Testers day morning. before Alderman Mullin, Adam Liorfusan, of McClure township, lodg. ml Information against...lolm Hoosier and 'wife for threatening him with a knife. AO; cording to the statement of the prosecutor. Master and Info challenged hint to a light. and clams hie rotating to accept their pro., iposition, Honsier's wife went after a carv ng knife, flourishing it Hoffman and at the .190 time making win of very irmultinir lanisage. A warrant was Issued for their arrest,, alologr'to Ca Pitcairn; of tho First ward of Allegheny, appeared yes. lerday togfore Alderman Mullen, charging a man valued- Martha Cunningham. with trying to defraud him Out of *WM. Cue. ningbain. , it appears. received on credit from the prosecutor OM 30 worth of goods the parturnt of which ho delayed sport leave granted by the vendor. Now Con. niushaua Is about leaving for California, and refuses to fulfill ads obligation. A war. taut was Lamed for his arrest. Dot-oration of Clay Hall: rho erer. green for morn) oratio weanp Rail wilt ar. rive this ng et o'clock. Tho ladies and gentlemen, who kiwi:cc-barge of the work will oceed immetilstely to v.v. Ling the /101 In proper condition for the fair. The ladles will also hold a roecUng In the hall at tau o'clock for the transition of business, when, It bohOped, all Inter ested will attend, Itoy your Moeda thump at L. IL Gon oermanai flat and Shoe, No. 51. Ohio street, Allegheny. Ito where ohm In•the two calm can better bargain• be olacined In the way of flats, Caps, /Wats Shots and Gaiters. Air.- Ilmidermita is a fair deal. Or, emnteat with reasonable profits, and de. termlood to offer great bargains to all who favor him with their patronage.. Rer. • Ileckeria a...nom—St. Paull Cathedral was well Ailed last owning upon this ocCraton or the 'Very Itor. I. T. necktie* (of. Nave _York,) lectore. This gentleman has few sum - lora In the country as a put. oft orator and lecturer. and fully awatited lila high reputation lu the &W u, logical and patnotiodivcourne delivered that night. ressvieted.—Cherlus Chests, atlas Win ton, has been found scatty of murder In the Oat deg's., In Jefferson Monty. /lo senc;tutraed with horing 3tLllnd Ors. iralsetnnti IdeDon ald, and after ter enty.sevra hours dollbers• Ma, the:Jury oanVleted Mau as stated. nO was duly sentenced to Berth. - 'Davidson Oloanoi made information yesterday 004= Alderman Ilumbett, aguiev. Thomas Laughlto, for obtalotog goods from lam rmon raise repreecautgoas. A warrant Mul bean bauest. Grand roneert.,..i. concert for the ben, Olt. of LllO 8 gnuay behool of Me First elltee. Imp C Wirth, 1r 11 1beg1 , 44 4n.Exceaam Lull. 1 Alegheroy, co-night. A, ilii9 laniliCil INAL 0 9Walth . .. f. PRICE THREE CENTS. Larceny of Furnlsnre.—Lents YLscher, Of Allegheny, appeared yesterday before Alderman Mullen, charging his boo. Lou. Fischer. fifteen yeara old, with stealing some valuable furniture. The father de posed that his son was steeping a barber shop In the Second ward, and that In order to give his house a suitable appearance,be abstracted from nil (the father's) furtilatiC More digerent articles, valued at SIW. A warrant was issued. Personal.—Our esteemed' former fellow chin.. Col. J. B.D. Clurk,.of the ErvW , lo Journoi, Titusville, Pa.. paid u a visit yes terday. Be comes hither to solicit adver tising patronage for his largely circulated awl well conducted paper, and we trust be Jwill meet with liberal encourageulent- The ottrilal Ls Ina prosperous condition, and is now universally recoantged as ono of the best and most cuterprtelitg nesiapaprera Sn the oil regions. Buying Itelatarfeaite tirreapoualtale Fort/ea.—A. M. lrackettwleteetive at the Pennsylvania Depot, made information yAsterdav before Alderman. Taylor. Obi. Albert Rosh. charging nth, with buying brass and other metals from irr9aponsibie parties ' In violation or na act ot Assembly' forbidding the came. Rush wise •arrestAvi and gave bail for a hearmit'oa TailiaLly the 20th Instant. A Wife Abandoned.-1111en - Divine ap peared before Alderman Taylor ycaterday and made Information against her lanaband, Wlliiam Dirtne, charging him 'with aban donment. She le employed at the St. Cliur lintel, and alleans that her husband Rae left her and contributes nothing to her support and that of her family. The Alderman to-- coed a warrant for the arrest of defendant. Loralfon of tYr=lozeo.—Thu Street Committee of Councils have decided that carrlagestri the nelzhbortiocal of the Mon ongahela House sh Ibe located thirty feet south of we curb stone on Water street, be tween Smithfield and Woad. The location col Vehicles in other parts of the MLA oat not finally decided upon, but will be aVe next meeting of the Committee. - Takeo to Kittooolog.—Onloor of- Alderman Taylors police, took trip Kittanning yesterday. baring in charge a young man named Henry Bash, who \4s charged with goading a switch key and also some car keys from the Allegheny Valley litallroad Company. He be tried there on tae charge at ne.rt term of Court. • 1.1 tempted Hohbery.—Ell thycoZ made infonnation before Justice Barker. of Boum Pittabergh, against Willlam Mesaick.charg leg tom with attempting. to rob Matthew llarbison,. on Thursday. Mosaic* bad * Leanne. and In default of nee htindred dol lars talti, was committed to Jail to answer at Court. ' Free Ezentraleo. and second auction tale of 101.3 to come off at Slaarnsburg. on Monday next. From the Interest mani fested In tilts most valuable remotely, those 'stetting to Invest should not fall to attend, atoll rensainlog lots will no doubt be sold on that day. See auction advertisement. Ora the 21.1 of !Larch, last yes.r, sever al barns In the vicinity of Colathalana, Oblo• were P track by lightning and consumed. The capper tabular llgathing rod van ganit flanges, manufactored,la this city by Lockhart d Co., wi , loave al/ hinds of build-. Mgt from damage by lightning, Atlittation.—:Lille Williams, colored. a relident of toe Sixth ward, made informs,. Uon yesterday, before Alderman Strain, cnarging Henry Johnson, a colored man, and carriage driver for one of oar clUeens, with affiliation. Henry was committed for shearing to-day. • Alderman Mesta left for Washington Mm e trial afternoon. to be present at tne trial of ttob..liattheers, ehavired with robbing the Flank in Canonsburg.• The trio , takes place totny, and the Alderman expects tube borne In the evening. Dlsorderiy ,concurs.—}:mm. Scriber and Catherine - South appeared yesterday before alderhubm Mullah, of Allegteny, to answer a charge lodged agrdnet thorn by Galllnger. for dlsonler/Y cOntluet. They were held fora hearittg. Maresca from frestody.—J. .li. Lee, committed a few days ago by Alderman Morrison, on onarge of surety of the peace, preftwredby his site, was yesterday:roles. ed, the requiredball for ble appearance furnished. • - Disorderly coodoet.—Catherine Mayer Appeared on Wednesday before Alderman Mullen, to answer a charge lodged agaipn her by John Lary, for dlsonlerly conclueL dam Ass MillteLICIA. 10 P.M.0.G.A.110 and COSUI Doctor No:lth. of Lawrenceville, lately sentenced to the Penitentiary for a period of •seven years. a-, removed to his new quarters yesterday afternoon. See notice o(Commissioncra on second buried In reference to the removal of boOkS buried In the Methodist Banal Ground, Dolly eonstraraeute of Bankrupt Blocks of'. good. from all partrof the Boned elates. to he old at • PRIVATE 'S Wo Immo rocelyed from W. A. Gllden- I Wholesale and Retail,' • fenny Um 'T.Outlitd Quarterly Boatel.. for April. The police of Wheeling haun dressed to a now gray uniform, similar to th e costume recently abandoned by out city police. . ai ling&r:plolllee. Blair county; hos been by order of the Postmaster General. • Coal 011 le eadly damaging Ule Delaware river !Lek trade, FROM MISSOURI. A Desperate Pr eeeedlog—A Beak. Robbed as Daylight and Three Per eons Murdered. Or Telegraph to the Pittsburgh liatette.l Krises C;ITT, 1113., Stfay Z.--;About two o'clock today, twelve or fourteen men entered the banking house of Beatles A Wuson, at Richmond, Missouri, and rob t[4l the money trey of Sio00; also killed a. map named Shaw and two others named Orlin!n. The meteors Lied in a 'westerly direction and • party have gone in lettrnoll. Welborn, a member of the Arai of Scott d_ Cutler, of incendiary notoriety, procured a change of venue, and was taken to Lex ington and admitted to ball in the sum of today. • —A correspondent, writing on board the boat that conveyed Jefferson Davis and his party from Fortress Manioc. to Richmond, describe. Mrs. Davis as Sollowm ..Mrs. Jet. fereon Davis walked down the plank—a la dy a trifle younger than the widow of Ab. rate= Lincoln, but buxom like her, and of the same housewife cam of feature s--alady probably never called a, beauty; so swarthy that oho might almost pass for a quadroon, -ith large. fell lips , daik, impassioned oyes, black hair, and too much flesh for gruodulness. She pore a gray poplin dress, and no ornaments cave a couple of rings. altogether she was hardly a poet, era poet's divinity, but the second Qi Cidelly ho added tier wealth to.his talents; and in her private devotitel was as intense as ho is in his publics defection:. laitrins Wrinstr.—Tbe mouth la like a houoe to let. floweret pretty It may be ex. ternallyot 15 Actipoiralble to Judge of its merits until you have seen the Maids. It behind toe ruby doors there are plenty of pear.bwlilte Utterer, you will exelaan, at once, :Stow beautiful el To impart the at. man possible brilliancy to anchdental fur niture—to keep It always bound and per fect—there m notblng like fragrant Soto. dont. Lorievitts, May $.-The river Ls felling, with six and a ball feet ..tr_vatter lathe emit by the marks. hisitrins, May al.—River falling at the rate of a foot in twenty.fonr CITY ITEMS, Fled a Dautal Eatablishaleat at 248 Pal/ insect. Drs. atll a ti 0111aapia. To Wholemli42-O.Ters Of Dry Goods wiotter bargalni 'job lots of Dross Goods, Pantings, Linen Goods and fall hhea of Intectlngs, uailutph ?Ants. Tlcklais, Checks, do., all of which we .w,lll Sall at tha Tail 'lowest eastern cash pikes. J. W. Br onto & Co. W &toast. atroot, below Third & Torirth eta.- MM. MU**. Wine, A oploridla altlele,—oold at low ' Illte3 at Drot..,olOre, Ho. OIL M arket street. The Hest Index*, ~ Pee the lathe mosey. et Tlesethre Deng store. No. Ft Met street. Pars Daugsj 'aro Dropll Pure ,IltngsLtt Pure Drugslll PI Ellin a Dimat'S.Alleglieny. . • lon tliss Buy foreign tiquems of all kindijit JomPhil. rinciO 4 D l xtiller9, NO. Ns. IW.. las and 12; Tor Cam Mai 43 Der cent. Abiohol at Joseph e. meows,. Tau asia nay . w flops ai Joseph & letaeb.s. Er Additional Local News oa Tatra Page. =ZII Locrut Orrire, On Thursday morntng. DI Sen. B. 11ee..7. 0. SEIM. of Allegheny City, and JIB NIB It.. dog Gra. B. Scovrart. Obto. paayw-iwa:Aßik):3l744;tnizi ALEX. AMEN. LIN - DEALTAKEig. So. 158 Toarsh stress, ristabergra-r., COTTINS of all kinds; CHAPF/3„ titAsClfa sad erery description of Funeral Furnishlag Goals furnished. Itoonssopened daYai9 Might, Beam and Carriages furalsbed. PaYICIUSCI3—R.T. David Eery, D. D., Car, iL R. Jacobus, D.D., Thomas Ewing. Ise.. Ja e still tliln. G. RODGERS. ENDEREA. • KEN AND ESIBLI.IIX.2. =maw lo the US. 2wanal 2. N , disda.' No. 20 Otto buret, three doors from Bowser. ditegteny Cltt. .lie• Uoselsood.l2,not any. Walnut sad pima. wood Imitation CoMos, t h e lowest minced prices. Banns open al all heart, dim 4.1 siliaL Hearse and Ca.tiarea Washed as abort boles and CM most hlilloll2 gbh: ten.. 4 T. MUTE & CO., It NDEiI ?SEIM AND 11:11fILLNEM ter. Woo.l'..rua and 'laxity. um p t ... at M.cliester Ll,ry thiUl4. corner 3.1.21•1 , 1 and Chattlars stret4. Ural.. and Carriws• for- p P EAL E STATE .--.IIIILLON BItINL. at Int Warm 9caooa, tart for sale 2 cro UUND IMP IpI6IIUILIMAti LOTo, of Carrera slam as rpm raortaa from um IA a000..124 on 10. Owe. • HORSES FOR SALE, AT Howard's Livery Staple, HEST SI IiZET. w ear Itoirrytalsela Host. • One IdOitg:. nen' ireet:e fo &Ire; wln nOt ecare u loeutooLiVe. One imal Miring iLIi3LE, 1)..3 to trot. One rL*n work IdAla, (or wen low. WKS" bought and sonl on notandeslam. • LADIES .. GOLD - WATCHEa Another.lot Just Received, Eutbratlng soma of the beat utiles of casing!Tar brought to this market, PLAIN ENGINE. TULVICD. • .E.IitIELVg.II TM. AND Borrow, • TROSTICD AND ItNAILT.LELi. , we would ark t!osa who am drarrour of par. thatlog anything In this Itoo to call at onno sad Ste*. 41.000. DUNSEATH & CO., „Tc•, " 68 FIFTH. SWAM • WATCHES, CHAINS AND • AT ► VAAY SMALL MOM. AT WILL T. WILEY'S, 8 Wylie St s 3d door Iron 5111. a. R. EMT. jotorsros a scorn, Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry CILYER-PLATED WARE, ETC., x. 974 trurscrir =!=Ml ci'raroco:ar ouoottos onyx to Boolanai Waterer. Mocks rad llorolET. AZ wart war ranted GOODS FORTHAILLION! SETESON, • PALIVI- & CO.'S AUCTION MART, 5552 57 FIFTH ST, - Pi4tsbnygti. REGAMINq OF VALUE. • MENVI. WOREN , E, CDILDII'SH•B LSD rotrnis , BOOTS. GAPTEPR. EAT. R,E.1.1.8 ENE SLIPPER?• LX/YESIIO,IIIIX GOOD& CLOTHE, CARSIIUMER, JEANS. . . CUTTONADES. BNIB2O AND DRAWEJM, ULAMES. TIOSIVEY. IiaNDEERCITIETE. SUBTENUEES. CUTLERY. POCKET sout. . • • HATS, GLUTEI' RACE& diteet from thirxmalaramtarers Ingrain, Hag : . and Linen C.~RPT'a'B, .A.tiction P.ri'oes rUIJII.NIid OLD Qin, Nos. 55 ' AND 57 'I;IFTH STREET. X. B. — Forlsltora and Household Goods for 8010 Auglon on LVERY TB LIVSDLT, sarresost, - FALlues t co. =MM A CLEAR, SMOOTH SlERtand EEAEXI L COMPLEXION follow tho rO , of HirLosocrOs Cooc=rroorco Frnuc-r or 11 • 11 APLOILI., It removes Nark rpotk. Pi ODler Uri MI artiorloor orth• Min. aI:4O.CW, 1 i TIJE BUPERIOR.IIIERITSII :• orthe WIIZELICIL I WILEON EEO/7101i 1 rafACIIINL over WI