The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 23, 1867, Image 1

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E 3
2Sca. 86 Wittl!!. !Street.
- .
T. P. HOUSTON, •t•
NELsopi P. um). EnsinimiNsualet..
':angle Icauta.
:I DeUnmet L 7 Cart.", (Der 15 cent/.
thabaerlbert, (per 18.00.
Liberal riulnewau: to Ee1011)011 and AResah '
thrco Copm. per yen.r.. by nu 11...,
/Ire do. do. do. exch..—
Ten ;rrnoro conies, to ono addrees, Ind
one free to club, ash
FROM Sgt o j. • E.
The French Amy .sboho,To,
ironer: to Ca fain Erricsoit
The Great Derby Daee.l
Financi4l and Commercial
[Hy Telegrap4l to the Fltt3bargh Grzette
. , ,
. LONDON. y 4L--Flood and Duffy, the Fe -
Fontana rote tly convicted at . Dublin. have
been Renton dto imprisonment for life at
bard labor. cClare,tinotber Fenian pri
soner, woo tdesed on trialat Cork to-day.
'rug omens" tipcs. t.."
L.:dam: 1,1 -
. s. ay :? - 3—Euening.—Tkin Deny
race took . place to-day. - Although the .
weather wa4 nntavorablo, there said an im-
Manse assestablaste. The race was won by
ilitradt, in a snow storm. \.
staxstia Or 2...tiLIAIL - C3+202.8.D. .
;Hon. _3lr. , ,iStidultild, fuel:Ober of Perlin
inenf, and &m friend of the United Staten
during tee rebellion, is dead.
Losnon, Stewart, the chair
mall of the be , dot directors of tlie.S_egto-
Amerlean Tel mph Company, publishes
another Comm • Italian In the nines. /le
says the broken c4ble will be repaired and
tor business In three weeks from this
inxr DILL DIPPIC rvr r
rsausdatiy hth—The differences between
Emperor Napoleon and the Corps l.eglsla•
tit, In regard to the army - organization
scheme, laic been adjusted. -
Loaves, May In.—Zee/any. —Accounts
from Madrid show that the Internal trou
bles orSpaitt aro Increasing, and fours were
entertained that a polltmal crisis was at
• 1i0N0T..5 TO csrriist snutcsos.
• Srmscnoutit May 22.—The Streittsh Paths
meat intro passed resolutions In honor of
Csittsin Errleson.'
Voczorn, May2....—Erming.—The Emperor
Made a speech from the thione to the Aug
trum Diet.
LONDON ?any .. ..2.-2roon.—Consols f 3. Erie
4'2 , 4.1111110t. PW. tinned star...i Bonds 721 i.
• Lowoon. lday 2.l—Ecening.—United titatsB
Lends Illinma 7614.
Livaurnon, May DG.—Cotton tends down
ward, !lolanda 11.
lavaaroor, „May 2-2 r. w.—Cotton steady
and prices Urm. Breadatutra generally
quiet. Corudeellned ad.
The slap Surprise milled today for San
Francisco. . •
Loam., May 2'l—Consols steady at 93.
Flyo-twenties, 72,4; /Llama. Central 76!4:
Luca 'treat, id ay 22—Erening,—Cotton clos
ed quiet; for middling uplands /I; Orleans
dasales or 1000 bales. Breadstuirs ie
ring the day—Corn closed with a declin
ing tendency; the last sales were mixed
Western at =Had. Wm."; Barley and Oats
unchanged, Provtaions closed quiet; quota
tions generally unchanged; common Wli
mington rosin firm 7a 7d. per cwt.
LONDON. May iti—Evening.—Wheat no.
FHANICWOIIT. May U. S. Bonds. 773,.
aturwmur May _—Petroleum 42 trains 50
Dy Telegraph to the Pluabarsb Gazette.)
• '• Nrw YOBS, Mar 22, 187.
Vie Board of Health ore required here
after to report nil metes of infections, con.
legions or pestilential oiseases.
An adjourned meeting of tbo PrOtection
was held to-day, and - the organization
of the American Industrial League per
fected. Yeter Cooper, President; several
Vice Presidents and Treasurers. and an Ex
concise Council of gentlemen from all see.
Vona. .
"WUTAKY sissoreartritzne , PANIC.
Tito 'determined action of tho • Reventio
officers in seizing distilleries. ban resuluel
.. in a:general bailie - among the inanutactu
rers of whisky. It to estimated that, not
more than six distilleries aro now la opera.
tlou, and those are under surveillance. it
-1 , 1 report.' to-day that-au order has been
received from Commissioner Bullion, direct
ins the 'seizure Of all unbranded whisky,
. wherever found.
were poitponed until, to-morrow, on cc
count of the storm.
soap av,accriox.
- • The Isriaararahouse at the Atlantic Dock,
Brooklyn, mrrehmed by the Government.
. wee wit, at auction to-day for a.M.503. •
ex•coarracerre anaman.
John 15. Mom; Ex Confederate Cowman
-do r, arrived to-day, from IHo Jollier°.
agar -LT-AIM ZIIa yawn tnAaCC.
Mincer Grimly baslrrttten•n.stl7Pp letter
to the Union Loanne, In reply to their mill
for a special mooting to consider no ques
tion of bis having become a bondsman for
..letr. Davis... 110 arraigns them as nal - toy/-
rankled block heads, who would Mao to bo
.figexatio a great and 'hood camas, but dont
know how and, dares them'-to a square
:stand up tight.
.The eteamer Atlantic, from Sonthanniten
on the Sib, Las arrived.
Elnanelpallon: of Mares' In' Brasil
- The War mite Paraguay.
[By Telegraph to the rittshurgle Us:rite.]
hlsir Tong, May —The steuther Merri
mac, from Rio Janeiro. April 21et, has sr-
The Di
_ . .
io o.ointiff, of the Ilftt .ILI
_ udh of
In reply to an - article of the Mario Dora.
asserting that the bill respecting the man.
clpation of slaves, organised by the Gov
ernment, to lay bolero the cOm ng Assein-
Ivy, denier this - Is the. case, although the::
Government has the subject of emanclpit=
Lion under consideration.
Advices from the scene of strife state no
change In the position of the belligerents.
Tne 'allied batteries and Vesselsenntinued
every day to throw shell into the Paragnay;
an works. The enemy made slight respori.e,
and occuildrialty.came In el:Minion. Care
ful watch i fs kept over th e Parammvan
mre ovemmite to prevent them advancing
their netts les In any direction. _The large
finionbts at Caress nen (latched, and this
fortified post could be bold by one thousand
men, wiles the 11.10-031 es Of n. squadron; in
ease of an aback by the Paraguayans 01
[Ey Tekgrapb to Um Pittsburgh Gazette I i
Sea FRANCISCO. May /9.—Tbe furniture
establishment of Pearce A. ealtforra.
street, "OA Partially. dentrwoul. by tire last
night , . Loss irgl,tbe,. mitered. U
A telegram from nionville. Nevada, lift7ll .
there Le much excitement about , rlch
reveries In this tell ruining district. The
lodes are large Aoti well defined.
. . -
The Indians of Idaho are driving off stock
and ~booting bottlers in every direction.
The mvages nro generally Weil armed.
Genoral ermir left Camp McDermott for
a twenty ilayb'. scent about the drat of thu
month. - ;
i'S.rt;m4 are leering the Ooye country too
Lomht district. • .
Jelr. Dayl.! Saintlier Kosldenee.'
[Hy 'Pelegrabh to the Pittsburgh °grotto.] .
alorracar. May 22.—1 t hood J. Darts.
Rilo is here, has purchased the MoGiverin
estate, a; St. Catharine, for a summer real
- ! ,
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.....11 1 SO
1 11.5
'ellen.' Synod of the Iteronned-ilre
by tenon Cho eels. •
ESptetsl correspondence Nib:harsh Gazette.:,
- • Nara roar., May 21,
Synod resume,' business on Monday after
noon at o'clock. After the usual formali
ties were gone through, the Committee on
• temperance 2.110. Sabbath breaking pro.
-cute,' the following report, whiek was
adopted: •
. .
. lilsrest.i, lntemperanco and Sabbath de.
'emotion uro not only hurtful to the individ
ual, tho family, and that State, but also ilia
i honoring to Ltoti Rodin violation of his holy
law, IL la Important that earnest attention
bo given to these evils by the church, and
proper remottles applied:and,
Whereas, the Church. by continued neglect
of discipline, whore discipline is required,
and by failure to declare authoritatively on
those groat moral questlons, would lie un
der a reproach before the world; therefore,
I?..,sulred, That this`synod urge upon all.
under Its authority to abeamum ouly from
the habitnal use of Intooleatlng drinks and
from all encouragement Of others lo their
use, bat to avoid even the upptaroutto of
Lc.lecd, That winlatcra la urged to pre
sent thesubJect faithfully front their pul
pits, and all Church members to co-operate
with others In every proper effort to ad
vance the cause of tele Perneen.
--.&,e/OlCifi That the Synod commend to
Sabbath School teachers the importance of
Imprettsing coon the Young the odrtttt'stlN
Of total abstinence trout all intoshating
Honoraria a beverage.
.I:sautech That tllO,O wile cued net rellg.
oats periodicals be earnestly requested to
•ive all ' , wealth, publicity to every discus
. ion which may throw light upon Lim obit
• talons of the Sabbath. and to",listounte
n ee ail violations of the day by public oi
-11 tura of our National mai , taco Govern.
.La In the transaction of otticial business
o the Lord's Lay, am]. further, that they
a fain from advert:sin.. that shooed Inch.
ill .s which &Ant:oh-breaking corp.... Hoes
o .r. for Sabbath dess,ation.
soltrd, That the eynod calla not only on
Its own ministers and inowbors, bat en ail I
all lore the lord Jesoa Glaring. LO ant forth
stn nuonsomited, CO“1./14:10n9, anal prayer. ,
ful dforts to slay the evil in the land. •
T t) Hey. S. W. Crawfdrd, la L., and hr.
DJ, la Steele protested a nOleplatht against
therhiladelphia Presbytery, of which they
aro members, for riot sending as tulle dole
gat on as they were entitled to under the
con:Mutton and lows of Synod. This cold.
pla tit elicitor! an • attended- discuaslon.
3'e• ding Its consideration. Synod adjourn.
oti a• Tuesday . morning at Leif pant slue
Wel. li.
5 nod met on Tuesday morning at the
use I hour,und opened with prayer. It was
rot Ived that the; devotioaal OiertASUA he
het, ut tne clone of the morning hour. The
Phi dolphin Preibytery reported. In tlds
rep. rt tt.was stated that there were three
pro sts against • Presbytery which uc
cern anted it. Tile grit protest was against
the iceitsing of /Mr. George S. Chambers,
en a COUnt Or 11/1 haying written some at
trot In opposition to the law of the church
on t usubject of P.almody. The second pro.
test ens against the Prestrytery for holding
a pro re train meeting on the 13th ofJuly,
1I G, withoutgiving duettoticeaccordiug to
Presbyterial law'
Thh third protest was against the Ikea
bore Of Itobt..E. Thompson on account of his
entertaining centrum a at variance with
the doetrinua of in ~ Reformed Presbyterian
Church. These 0 ilteSt • were 1115 , 10 lir ors.
Crwarford and Steel, They were referred to
a special Committee and will node:Mt elicit
much discussion.
rapers on ..thltl Fellowship , end .Cona
mullion,. Were referred to t.pechd commit.
teee.l The Moderator decided that a motion
to refer tile protests to the Committee on
wan out of order.
- Stimeel then proceed.' to the devotional
exerelse.s. at the close Of which adjourn.'
to 3 e*Cl9el: In the -atternpm.
Second Annual Convention of the
Protestant Eplaeopal Church, Dio
cese of Pittsburgh..
~.ard.' tat Corn:sporekuce '' Rut:arch tlarAte.l
Cats, Day 21,1 - 6V7.
T la being the day ar - Whited by tb,,pyt
ma y Convention had It ritterturgh iytertr'
ago, for Una second convention Of this young
Xdricese, delegates have becngathering to
thii, the appointed place, far two or three
days. The Board orhilselons, having a quo.
rupresent, wit, the Bishops, held two
foe Wive yestet day. To-day an elegant
••D rector's Oar," kindly furnished by Gen.
Ca_ for the occasion, arrived from Pitts
burgh with the cicriry of that city and In-'
termedlate places. From. East, West and
tifith delegates arrived on all the trains.
Not one of your city clergy remain with
the flocks at home, - .Teat the venerable
Doctor e Page, detained, tiv sickness, anti
Iter. Dr. Ritchey, proVLsitinal Rector of '
Trinity Church, alio has not yet acquired a
canonical ' re:111,1M 'llia predecessor,
Doctor Swope, now of Trinity Chapel; New
iTork, le hero, not as a delegate, bra liar.
big labored more abundantly than any nth.
er in the origin and organization of Witii.
Direese, and especially as elm I rman of see ,
Oral committees to which important Settee.
wore assigned by the Itrat convention, lie
has yielded to' the general wish that be
would meet with his tenure colleague, tar
consultation and advice-
- .
At o'clock m. In St. Paul's Church, the
Convention was orvanized. Bishop lierfom
presiding. The former eMnient Secretary,
Captain. T. J. Ilrereton, of Saint John's.
Lawrenceville, was re.elected. At the roll
call about thirty clerical and forty lay
members answered to theirnames.
.. •
lacarsoles In some of the Standing Com
mitteee were tilled, and one or two special
Committees appointed. Three ...salons
day were agreed upon. Non-resident °ler.
gymcn and atudentsofluny were inn-
Led to SPILL, Rev. C. E. Swope, D. 1) , with
but one Ill,acn Ling vote, sr... myit"ial to a seat
in Inn Convention, wells the right of mull.
clpatlng In the debates. .
A. Ben . Ice at ()Woes, followed by acid,.
ars on the annicct of I)loca‘an measures.
wan annonared. Also, Service ut 9 o'clock,
. v. tomorrow, wt tit 04uventIon net won,
by Dr. 1) , wove, lo be followed by the Blatuy's
nomad address, and Other In:Him:es.
It is a subject of conceal regret that the
lltahople on icle d mite nn inteely
cold, Impairing his voice, so that he CUD only
by a painful effort maim it. audible iu e 1...-
tampon!) of the church. We all hope. no
may be better to-tborroar and able aim.
self to read his annual address.
Prosbyterfou Assembly-112oport of
Committee on Eieetion of llmreben
—Vonttitutionat Chstrtr,on.
Up Telegraph to the r: la Gazette.
lescursTen.lflny 22.—1 n the Presbyterian
General• Assembly toelar, the Standing
Committee on the Erect:on of Churches, re
ported one hundred Mit:renal without
buddings of their one, and recomMended
that *lOO,OOO be raised to riexist in providing
7 itev.slr. Clark, of Michigan, exhibited a
ether 'coin ono hundred nod. thirty-ono
years old, which ho old a poor seave
to a church building s fund. Contributi ons
wore at once taken to redeem the coin and
return It the giver, and there was corn
cullectedUhe hundred and two dollars.
Last erening a meeting wan bold to con•
elder the I - inflation of erecting a Home
Mission Church and the retied of minis
terial education. The meeting won
dressed by some of the most eloquent men.
In the meeting this morning columnnica
tines wine read trona corresponding canto.
gationaf toilet.
delegates from New llampoldro end Con
neetieut were formally received end ad
dre,gt,l the Asst. mbly. -
Tim n-port or the epeelal Committee on
itenulon oat preneuled awl/Mooted.
The report or the Joint committee of tho
too nastinhlies ISAll.nprtnat.
The' matter of eo4stytetinnui changes to
adapt the oyetem ton note order et thing,
was referred back to tint, Joint Committed
to report to the Absecntily Of
ArrtntlNOON ate,nnon:
Nathan Latin, Geo. W. Lane and Jelin It.
Cro.My, Were elected trilatnes Of the Chorea
Ereetton loud.
Tne reeettua UlOl2OOlO the ocee4lnn of it
format resoption of trio heotch delegetlon,
composedßev. Patrick Ealritairn end
llce. Wells. Both telt:tressed the meeting.
Allhe conelnefOle of the reception, E. A.
Itaymond.ot the delegation from the 01,1
School Assembly, which held its 5e.10.1 at
St. Lou lc last year. oildreiqwtt the Asicniably
to a. forcible appeal for the reunion.
A letter Was received from Dr. Yeoman
And other members of the uelegation, un
pressing their regret at , Pcintrunable to he
present t,'and their geed wishes for the sac.
etas of too Work.
SteatuftlAlp'arhoro3l) —lioen of Ma Pan
.n. 1.0 Oro OG
for Taira:rob to therlttsburels hazette.)
AT Laurie Cyr r, May 112.—This
about four o'clock, the steathablp Santini.
de Cuba. Capt. lirelune, went ashore on the
beach, abriut six mite belbw this airy. She
belongs to the Ziicauragna SU:wealth, Corn
pany. and t.raa betted to Mew York with
four hundred souls on board. The life boat
was i.nfertunutely capsiaed, and five per
sons drowned. Two others were afterward./
drowned. The names of the lost are
Eire. Eunice Selene Grose, Miss Sarah Me
ty.fare Mary Watkins. Mrs. Marietta
Itkene, Martin 'McNulty' John Smith and
•• . .
An In luu, been bold. and a verdict
returned of anechlental drowning." Two
of tbe beallea,tb nee or John erulLti and Marl
L. (irons, have not tacit recovered.
. Thy ship damaged and WMI Prob•
a/Ay get op' Mlle evening.. - • •
.aal J'OY'S. May Ye--Tba sibainers Sara.
toga. Saxon, and a ateniu tug have gone to
WO tin Santiago De Cobs. .
-NO. 121
The Nest Public Debt Sittement—
Slight Inerenee•—Deeresee an Inter
mkt Ueselmer—tleelogleal.
ly ebrasitet.
CB7 Telexratt to the Plttthor2ll
WAsunicero;:, !day .22,,162,7
The following are extracts from a letter
reached by the Commissioner General of
the Laud Mlle°, from Dr. Hayden, recently_
appointed to make a geological survey of
Nebraska: "Mr. Meek left some Limo ago
for lowa to trace the coal beds into liobrab
kn. Mr. Gilles Is with him. I shall start In
a week with my outfit complete." Speak•
fug of some photographs ho wants to form
hart of the archives Of the survey, ho says
of Sioux Falls, Dakotab: "The Falls form
the linest waterpower in the west, a nd will
at some future period he of Immense val
The next Treasury monthly statement
will show a slight lnerc,x9c In the {labile
debt, owing to the large amount of twenty
live millions recently paid as Interest, and
the swell receipts of Internal rovenue.nall
mated not to exceed fifteen millions. The
revenue returns Will, however, be largely
Increased lu June by the Income tax being
then due. Continence Is expressed In the
nullity et the . /Teu.inry to meet all accruing
obligations, and them Is uo probability that
the Treasury will be embarrassed.
A letter from Kew Orleans says In the re
cent run on the City Nations! bank It pool
out lu too days &40,0)0of a i="000 on depwit.
ivt:r ov TALLIPICO
The decree of Juarez, el.lng the Port of
Tate'lie., whlto It retoultlg dzsobedlont to
the government, ti.o been reeelred here.
utdi,En ieton DCTT.
Brevet Brigadier Simonton Lai been r .
lieved from duly at Jodi:amp°
Propeller IV/ uvular.' Bormol—Urea[
Lo.• of Life—Names of sue Lost nod
ilits.TelCitranti to the Yhtshorstt liatstte•
CAI, V Mt:CUT, N. Y., Slay . 11.—The follow
ing are the particulars' of the loss of the
Wisconsin, t.e correct as can he obtained
amid the eottfuslon which prevails here:
The propeller Wisconsin left her dock
itbout - elrven o'clock instntltht. Wheuat the
hem] of tirenndtcr I 4..11. about two miles
fom shore, hiss wits discovered ho on
tire. It was the Captain's watch, anti he or
dered the hosts to be got ready for choir,
aioi Made 13 reparrtions for the satiety of the
. .
propeller now Iles about stx-rods from
shore and is a total lass. She Mal about
i•est niv puzsengera, but it cannot be IL., r
tattled exactly bow many acre lost. Seven
Lselles have been found. The people of this
piano are doing everything In their pacer
tor the cream t of the rmeutel
The following ire the 103 t and saved, as
nearly-at ean be learned:
Saved —t.,or:e AslifOrth. Lawrence. 31ase,;
J. Cook. Wnet Mouth, C. W.; Alvin Joiner,
Forestville, /Itch.; James bean , Lawrence.
it. W. dottier. ItoyalvllleXt.; LIMA.
llthholto, Wm. Chtsholm, John Chisholm,
June Cassaber. Centrestile; Ira C: •Ileed,
Potts - dam, N. V.; IL C. Forrest, Carthage;
M. contiol, Filogoton: Samuel Dceltie,S tome
ton; John liableetiangli, Smith's - rail C.
W.; T. Wright, second cook, Mary Mceleie
ham., tabil , maid; Jannis &Myatt, Medina:
C. 11. Perry, Russell. C Ee: 0. D. Shaver,
;ytterbium:to; IL Planer, A. Weldoi Sluts's)
anit - tiserehtlitren. :et dilexandrl•; Warren
Tracy, cable boy; Edward Masterson, por
ter: ilremon and three deck tmads, tonnes
nn kuoivti.
The following isa list of time: known to be
lost; lien. C. Litisholm, Mos Mary Ann
Lidahoi In. Mins b. Cniiholm,3lsAter Thomas
Miss Nancy Urns!, Pottsdarn.
.Miss Catharine Creed, Frederick Creed,
311ss Gallagher. Pcmhntko, C. E.• A. F. Aloe.
rlsan, lint engineer, of Clayton: A.
W. Alorrisen, second engineer, of Clay
ton; John PotrOra tint mate. It/Aden.
burg; Edward lleCorm a.ntylenstiurg;
Daol.l(i. Fonib, Preondt, .1. C. frillier. Odes
ea. G. W.; Mrs. Donnie and one g irl, Brook
ville; Min Tulinon and one boy, Oa urge:
.I.l'. Inkier, Prescott; L. Latanee, w de and
.Is children, ,Wm. Courain, Grandville. C.
E.; Jobn IloNea.l..lirantlvllle, C. E.; nue. J.
M. Armouv, trite and four children, Cralt
burg, Cr.; Alvin Richards, Manchester,
•N. II ; D. S.lteed, Manchester, N I 1;
'Meek Richards, Alvin Reed, Chat lon
Cinuch, Mrs. George A. Richards,
C. W. Reed, /mina Richards, Mrs. tiallogli.
or, all Of Pembroke, Canada Feat; boy hut-
I.and was /Ost; Mrs. Dine, Oswego; It. F. Ful
ler, Odessa: Said nel Fullerton, North Gen.
evai Lucinda A.North Geneva; Le.
inns Flllerile. 'Names of crew: Captain
Tors mend; James Shatter, 000004 mate; C.
W. Raven, ulteelsman; C. W. Dodge, btOR.
Trial of John Lennox ter the Border
of Hobert morrow.
zeprelsi Corr spen , leate Pittsbersit Ors , dt ,
Wa'sfitsorox, May .21,
The Lennox honifenle case was called up
tblt morning at nine o'clock. The circein
tiMucca must be familiar to your readers,
bat I. will revive it briefly for their benefit.
Do the night of the 31st of October, ik.4,
Rouen Morrow was shot on the street of
till , borough, ender the following circum
stances: Sorrow and Lennox bud had a
(=unity about politics, and ou the evening
:Move referred to, Morrow was In Ind dries
lug saloon kept by Jacob Coogle, when Len ,
nos, , accompanled by several others, moan
In, and a quarrel ensued. Morrow fearing
an attack trout the whole party, made his
escape through a back. room, from which be
came oaten tne street, and crossed to the
opposite aide. While standing there talk.
lug In an excited manner, Lennox
crossed - Wm street to ' where Morrow
wee, and fired at him; and as he fired the
second time, Morrow tired also, and then
retreated down the street toward hut home,
with a number of persons following Ilia.
During this tame there were quite anumber
of shots fired—so many that It was evident
that inn. than Lennox and Morrow were
shooting. Morro...ens struck by one of the
*hots, the ball entering the left buttock,
about two and a half Inches from the •plital through several foltisof the
aural (a lodging In the ihnidaragni, Or rim
of the abdomen, about two incites to the
right of, and on st 1100 with too navel, from
the eflocts of which death ensued two days
after, nit the 2.1 of November, hal. An In.
quest was ludd.the Jury rendering a verdict
to the effect that Morrow came to Ills death
by a Pistol allot fired by the hands of John
Lennox. WB4 arrested some weeks after
and committed to jail, where ho has been
ever since, except when op his way to and
from Rarer county, to where the venue In
lit case erne changed by act of Assembly of
100, uturebanged back to tins county at the
Last seaston.—und to and (Mt rittatiarat, -
where ho was sent for safe keeping,—tne
Mil hero not being considered aulliciently
' •
. .
Tio coon is being conducted by the Dis
trict attorney or tide coon 1 y, Mr. Drum m°,
and Yetterman, of i'lttstim•gb, on the pert,
of the Common wealth, and by atentgomery,l
Ultsinn,lliut and Brady for defense.
After wounding the bill of Indictment *
widen Iran defective In one or two points,
the prisoner Wes arraigned, and plead "not
guilty.. The forenoon no d y taken
up In selecting a Jury, latmedlatali.
after court commenced for the afternoon
tbeeramlnatio i n Of com
menced. to the prase tune eight wit.
names bale been tau ed. I. will write
you again tomorrow.'
3leyor and Chief or Polito flepeeed
by Order of On, Pope—Letter from
the r:z.lloyor.
[By Telegraph to the rittsburrb Ustrtte.l • •
Mee.tei May VI.-8.0 order no issued
the evening, by atreotton of• Major General
Pope, deposing tne present blayor and
elder of Pollee. and appointing (iustnyus
Liorton /Muer, nod colonel Dimon Gillet of
Montt;t'z•)layor Withers,
In letter to colonel lihupuerd, says ho
submits to tho urguniont of the bayonet
hod vacates his °Mee. Ho adds be was
elected to Mike while a paroled prisoner,
and wan not allowed by the military to ills.
barge Its duties until no bad beep pardon.
tirtho.President and had taka A. ,,,, Delp
to support tho Conatitutlon and -,tiovarp.
meat. Ito care during his continuance In
enter, no had not been untrue to the letter
end spirit of his oath, and solemnly pro
to.da atialatt iinputation oy hie
removal. Ile, In nuinclu9iOn. thanlit Cid.
Shepherd for the uniform bladuena and
consldeeation with which he has been
Telp College Brett Races.
[By Tekeret* to the rit , sbereh Be!ette.l
New lf exxx, May 2./ —The annnel seeing
races of the Yale navy took place today.
The Varnun club boat won the gig rxce to
t won ty minutes and baron teen sem:isles and
also the shell race In inghteen minuted and
sevcp et...Conde.
rimmii --. . -- -----
--- 47 - - .
'-' ••-•.- sh. .$ -a 1 4 Nile
', ' I ''' ''-' ' 41 4 /78
j. - __s_____ --- -„___,,:,, ---, 16 - A1 -_,-,=,, -- - .7. -=''' .-`"-/.5 - o'•'''', A - ',) 0
Iny Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ussette.) '
—During the debates In the Saxon Parlia
ment on the question of the adoption or
the new North German Constitution,
prominent members asserted that the in
strument was accepted through font of the
Prussian military power, and that its en
forcement in snob a manner would lead to
revolution in I.:el-many.
—The steamship Santiago De Cuba, from
Greytown, Nicaragua, for Now York, with
three hundred and tiny paSsonggrs from
California, went ashore at AtlantlC City, N.
J., yesterday. Six passengerS were l ldrowned
while attempting to land. •
—The steamer Wisconsin was .buracd on
hiarday night on the Lalre,•ithreo miles
from Cape Vincent, N. Y. Twenty-live to
thirty lives were lost. The steamer be•
longed to the Northern Transportation
—The Jailors of Frazier, Trenbolm&Co., of
Liverpool, England, has caused excitement
in Now York city. They were the agents of
the rebel government In Europe. The State
Department had instituted salts in the
English courts against the ilrm for the• re
covery or, isnton, and munitions or
war. nod other property of the Confederates
held by Chain, the suite covering, several
millions of dollars. It 111 unuerstoal the
bolted Staies Government is amply secur
ed, anti will Incur no loss ny the failure.
—A collision occurred yesterday morn lug
near Olives, Uhl% 1.10(1..11 the Ohio and
ilissibsippl train "010.; Wm.t, and the Illi
nois Central and Lacrosse truth bum. East.
Both engines were badly injurell, the cAgl
neer of the Illinois Central Lacrosse
train was ouriously hurt, sad some of the
other employees of both tr..iw mete blight.
ly Injured.
—A gentleman t. to arrivoil I,tr York,
frotak 31,C1c0, reports a,, of the 01
Ilare:i the Initieriall.g., at
short of (111301:1IIIM.1, alit had prey hdoloi
Oneug It totivit until the :.rat ofit , lny.
raglan considort.l. that ;•1.,,, . 'fact
gltoh." At Vera (ea.. lie Jrwlity fr,
yellow fever tem Oily Oay
—The recent decision h., thy
carts that arida Incurred (or
of olaves bofere the war are
nearly one hundred million..
inlana alone.
—Wl!ltem A. lirelmw. omn
,C1E.1.11 . 1 01
r•riot, rem
tl r
l•kra "
Lunn me
ho UnitolStates Navy, after
her iTif the rebel Senate, liet
bee received tee par 4
—lityor Ueuth, of :ion °rh i nos. Lai ,h •
chlet.l that thontrozi aro hot notopelle.l t
sell tickets to uogrors.
—The eLramer China nalle:t at. anon yr
terany, from Ilrwon,' Lxkliur one nundri
sod eighty nee thonsaml sped
Thoina, li. Hudson; formerly a prom
Dent lawyer of St. Louis, bur. for .ovcr.
vest,paritiOne of the Mr,rest ranch br.,4le
In the West, allot ye4ter,lay at hl, rmidene
lilt tulle, frointet. Lout,
—Lucy Stooo act linktanpl arrived no.
Kansas at St. lAut9 yesterday. lhoc speak
Very contPlently of the 111t,1,13 of female
•ntßsge In that Slate al thu nest IYiI Mitt`•
1 FROM iviEmPinski
The Grfnd Toutuaturnt IstimPuse•ly
14 , 1sece.11/I—Teu Thou•asscl P •
Fremont. • _
TelegraoU to
.11.1tt0n,.. May tootntanent tn.
Ll.y tor the 134mq:it or tee or
pekes of the ',Loot Cause" vout tiOutee.oi,
l'en tlules.l peoleo tre, re.
lentoteel thti affcr p0...,1 on ,tmetty. A
I'. Mont an*. Knittlit /11.. ting. Ears, no,,
the'lleit prize; 1 . 0 . 1, . Kolget ”r
Mar, the eoroo.l, George W.
litaght of 0110 Itele.o.e.l Chief, the
Clintlimo Constitutional Cons . ..tailor
• [l4 irlrjrnpl, to the • ax, 55,
liscsovr, 2 . l.—in the Curstinu
LO-olay. u 11.10 , 1011 to appntn t
committee to inteitlirate tre tlght flint
labor r.Teltrtla, wit, 10,5 by a largo itiaf , litt
Nuniscuuny sisou•l 11.10,1,1.1 p,taltlii
are being ',rt./mated.
Inver Trlecran..
tIT TOper.p ta to the l'lt ta, It
A Oautic •ad Va:l,
tilLi CITY. May . .r2..-11lvvr four tact an
hung slowly, with etriviy
); (COI. In the canal , ,
lnirirnr• ist It. Purl• }:•1.0%1110n
DuClng the ezeltoment wt. wit IN treated
by DO itleiti and musical event..., the war of
the p atm inenetactererd In the exlitititiou
goes on tiermily. Tito supurtority of the
O . li:Hlt n 9 pianos over all inhere exhibited
has teen CO universally acknowledged try
the Gaglish, French, and German plane
makers, and by tbq sitter, and the pidilie
In gekieral, that there can hardly ex litt any
doubt whatever 01 theft bring isearded the
first geld nuelalt but the war line laded 1i
ether aspect. The Trench otannractures it
who wanted to rave the nit t.ystete of
straight chords In ffritlltt pianos, and ra•
that the ntelti any myideln threlttenied to el.
tem a revolution 11l the old system, conclu
ded to Withdraw trent the Content, and to
glee their tu.d..itallee to the ittnortt,te
waves, wit - li are Matta Wi th ittrahrht
chords, and which Cr,, a great deal hotter
than the I nett pianos. It was proposed an
au to Itto Steinway I.:it/Leta:l lust Iv,.
gold medals should fin glove to America.
When this was nt:tired, the German piano
makers, and the French, with the etc...litho;
of tee firms, entered it solemn to mem
against the plan, and while they did not
ollspote In the least the leaden of giving
the first gold medal to tire Steinway piano,
they tlyettnut that the American pine,. of
the old system did not postmtn. the goal We.
which would entitle them to the gum u tt i.
dal, especially since the cohere and upright
pines of the A Mari Can firm, 0 blob repro.
mints the old systote, are decidedly (Jett in.
stretnents. Pleyet mid Here, tile t 0 great
I . 4Slittn phut(' manufecturme, le r more
fromtrhe oompetitioti of a French or tiler
man manufacturer, who would obteln the
medal, than from an SAincrlcan Who Con.
tartlets planed after thPIC systerni Idol, of
course, they glee all their all to these Ale,-
Man pianos, no that, If these, itlitnell receive
a medal, It will be inure from Li., form of the
Influence of Ployel and Herz thinker too
merit. nfAlie piano themselves. !Thus the
battle stands no Plldreided yet;' but neon
In he won by eit w.
her parry hue ill. .v. r.
If Berke , .
, •
'EPCV/tTittli Or butlTif 6101 Gird -IL -if\ secitty
kilns been formed in 1441U/eon) tile the lel
' lowing; balls : ,
.t. Thu society shall be 'called .T le Society
for the I.lhot al Education of Smut:min Fe
male Children,' and shall have fors mum.
bete all.ladles who Will Otintf Will ll f 0 del
imit per annum towards Its snob . t.
..1.1.. Thu object of the society alli II he the
education and support of female children
from the 3outit. wenm the calamities of war
have deprived of other nietlitil Of Oti ueut lon,
and If WOO families and frienthq shall 1,0
willing to entrust them to the !moiety to nu
cared for, and educated in the /religious
faith apprOved by their parents i r nearest
—Out of thirty-six steamers Which now
traverse the. Atlantic just four, carry the
American gaff laid WV Allatft leant attlaili lit 4.
Thls is all the 'war has lett as. The Ala.
batons, built, ennipped said buck ti by for
powere.Mtve litiAlitcsltill In a w..eineg
American commerce !ftlitil line to (tali, loan
ing only the Arago and Felton. 1 melba to
Havre, and the Atlantic and Baltic, rtin•
ping to firemen, all owned by an Amerle . .rt
company, he the 0010 I t iillialillii g it:ll,lO2W
tatIVCII Of Arderlcan COlitalitfeo. T soy have
been kept afloat thus . far by recelV oh' from
our UOVererneid the postage on intters
they carry to Europe. Rut Lida I at an
end. .
- —ln the Munich Penen there up ears u
sketch of the Austrian Minister, M ilueut,
receiving a Milieminn deputy, end it,, fill.
lowing dialogue Is uppenden: d t Boost.;
Monsieur dela Teheque, l stn ouch ted to
make yournequitittannw. I venture n Lupo
that To shall Immune the best of
Uoheinien;ffiten any utter WO Lite. word
Pried iplpsttesl. M. Direet: IS ite
posolble. .Le Wheaton: Then you not a bud
Minister for Austria, and 1 kern Wel honer
Of bidding you good mornio4. ,,
notortoo. 00[111dehen ppenttnr nod
tntoililer, Davie, who Mae recently shot in
/0-L Wayne by n.rellrend doteetlve,lB dead.
The GnandJury refused toll nd n hill se;3l/121t
Netz, the detective, and conlidllnk ultd Win
foe tee Fiterphtnes4rsyltn whhnt In) ntI•InVII
tho niPtir Which cyst jAvls Ida 11(o, • ,
. •
—Row. nun*. W. Bollows, WI(, Aah~lriur
and eon, mithiot from Now York. oh SaturdoV
lorn ymi.r4d kblomoo In E4ropn. life lacuy,
continuos his Wary, uad luirnishOil him
with a twi, 01115,utio.
... • _
the paunstpliler, an d
burled in Mown Roily, Nl., and u. thousand
dollar monument tube put up to commemo
rate hie virtues.
FOUnTII PAGE.—The fattest and matt re.
liable Afoney, it and Produce Markei Re
rorge pawn by y poor, in* city, tci Ibe
Omni on onr.Ftnirlk/hge. ! , •
. -
Annnel Synod of the INYeabyteelon
titorele—Orgonlealleu—Afldrem. by
Delegate from Culled Pe r abyterlatt
The annual Synod ottlia RetOrmcd tins
byterlan Church: (0. 94 nap, YestertlaY
morning In Rev. Dr. Sprottll'S. larch,lle•
glieny City.
The In Moderator not being blesent,
53110,1 was cOniltitltted by ROL Ist. Scott,
the oldest minister present_
The roll was mode up. ()nu /111110,M and
two delegates were present,`; Synod pro
ceeded to the election of Mo
Iter..l. W. Shiite, Rev. Dr. Levenson, and
Iter. J. li. IV. Sloane were no y nated. The
last was chosen.
Rev. IL 5. Willson Was re-eleeted Clerk:
Iter. It. 11. George Assistant pork.
Tim hours of nesdou were And at 9 to 12
A. Y.. and 3 to 5'.4 , •
The klixlcrator's alternate . io preach the
opening synodic. lieruiou—belua absent,
Synod ordered that the sermon to be
preached 41 - Rev. 11. George on the "In
fluences of the Spirit" be heetd Instead of
tin. synodic dneourse.
The place of the next of spatsi
wa. lined at New Concord, 010.
Tee tLine—t (tit Wodnencinv of May 1,4
93 and then took a till I r. u.l
otter recess, the Moderator,'
Sloane. tionounmi 14,0 i' , 314134113g COOlmit
tr., Tie, I.oolrtri , Ol IVO no ItAlOiro:
((a Preqqatrial
Astir. s. U. Wylle.
IhrUtegialt.Y , ll{lncl•W—Rov Ti I'. Stovemsori. ,
Nig,ni of the 11n.r.—Unr. *.
I,,rogn Clorrr,rnnacnee—Aettitven4on,D.D.
nnoner— Rey:.llcLraczen.
• .
. .
- ,• • .
1:ev.. 1 . I'. I .Y.th_ .., clelethae (Mut the Uhl led
Itte:th)terlatt - ii,tieteldt . (WU teaeett the
,t . ned. ~
Atter friendly sa;lntatlon.u, he expressed
:trail...le for the etonent ant/ taittaul teed
loony of the /:. P. liburch in mn•bnir of too
royal preregat I to Of J.,. tibt - 1,4,
lie t•polo of broken teetltOrtny of the Pro.
te-nant cloth:hr. agalost their tonnoon foe,
ate! urgrn there towte.4 actloo. An faithful
1.11‘..9,4 for CttrlO. no runkt'avold two en
ti eturt. t Itiketry. en the hand; anti In duller:
01,4, lir tts one.tlln avutrallty, on the Other.
rlila our env,nnit fathers deneuntnal. Our
thettil in . , lit brotherly lore cont in
... 004 let irt contert.l earnestly. The Nitrlt
1110Ven to union utnnog the church ra. Teem
et great nrctrotty for tightening the lions.
I. telt ampo n., nnA ao date uot toile. Who
little..tellles a Rh Go. 1:
In the into movement. in 001'111, 11 terra:rib
ton t.l the right., ol Jehovah and Ma con.
the in,lhattn . , in Inn lUttotitutien of the
Goren/meta. We Can el-operate. It em
brace.. the present troth. An bed Is in It,
be will blabo It Inuw pliant. 11 . 11 bola. 1,1
IL , 0 teat tuition yet Ideate[. Vlll . ll (airlbt.
entitl 1 put Ito rnetutea under bta fret.
We flare the gee at, neon of co.operat Ina
Inn-stop of e mighty flood of thee:batty
orating In OS ecarp hand. ' .
Prorrient, and prophecy rancor In the
en:lON...en that the church is eatcrlng open
len. 11,1 anti crrnf.a trial; The chenty It
111d1411,L1A..,1 111 1.110 re l llllilbA--Tial atnall.t. on
Ito tate h toll, atel liith.tlieut on the ether
-1 Ch to I:entente, of yariett. hire,
tin fear the not.: town the lust. I erl.lellty
atilt-t0n1,41 Ole Of the ute,.. o
1h,! • lt - ton eof toe Ilatlintaltets Ia 0101111)
VI be tea:n.l.l,lll ter Popery of the Preirst•
ant C1111,1,t, IA IA he bared tllO , l/ of all.
11.1100 we draw more Closely Obleth
er •Lan ever. It le prelliattlit 4114 i pltuoattt
to 111.,11 I,eilill.l the host.. of (ital. and uncour
.tge Meat to ea:tory.
:.4.11s mita
Mar, In t
To the the Uogleentor
After.. pleet , liar ten:ref:en to refulul.eencrai
of errllege r dL pieow t ure
Lee ratl e ittattone of the V. I'.
Chalet, 'rho too hat., common' early
Oor covenant...l tolllersirere on
...Lulea In the bottle n.roln,a n eannulont“.
hon l'.v.y :bang co the lyre. ere the tuotto,
nt'n t, rn ova. awl 1:4-rY%..1rtuit." We no.
tar, t. that I,ie r.ti .6 . 11 .1 .4' I.rfne.lpiester
t , V0 . 41.1 c.l "'COI; .111 the +t
'teal or the church
It e tool. corwmet- to the I.lteo ellen all
ball he 1,10 :* hen the
tint , 11.11, ,1114A1/1,1 1-t*Ull•
Mr.* 11,111,1 1,•ti1t1 ”. .1‘411 . 1 . 11..r• en*.g U*3
1 111*1 dttf...lllalll,tl, are not groat
liol yet M rel , le, thin ettorelt tent,usent
.0". ern, tir,,tllo 111,10 IL, hs•
ut,11,114,.1 tor leo I.nearett ) care.
e ' lllllll siOnlltitay tt.rt of our t.ea•
1111* J 111".
lle iu::,,:oe fel tertn“of the pre.4ell
no. coal)! tot the Conmtttnt lon of the
,te.• that It to:ti ttel./,,nt ledge
~n,herlly of 121 . 141. 111. een, and 111,
t nee° ne.trly all 1t... gusLat
nen In the Nett I.e 1, eltutellt.s. In 11114
rent 11141,./11Vnt.
eeetr,•l 11.111,1 n the Unltea Pre , J)t..rlan
While there 11400 be III)
101011. Set 'Lay Le 14 or
rent Prote.ttnt elinrett e,
wo t'lerot fully to:rt e n/I
.11 geLlomunt In co.operatlon to convert
he told.
IZer.WIII-en tnrned than Lot 10 the_
wiegete ler Zhu ud J1v., 2 and 06e,e.1 Inc
/11otem :
11: Uzi, hat triad will%
... •
4 iw, U. , 1)1613.11..111•1111
.tree 1)1.1..:mte 49r the I'. P. li..llt•ltti
roily st.clprocala Lbt
fan mil ne..crty .alul.tion ur thrst
• part..nt hErllo flint the .licialonn
which now cxlsr In trio I. nutch rua3 . ...rtun cri•
tiruly at.l whilo r.e will ult.., in
1.. ..truth, tr. sitaintalmul leiOr, we will co
upr•ratt• .101 all •oritulpluerforta to trialutalit
tte tr. pill Kru.ortal union,
• rn ILI, ,u.. ri
ritittoeulttrul InutiThers hpoke.
u 1 Irojj Ili.
It iv. :4.31111ig0r, that to the littile
:mew ly we hate 101 11 10 01 Willa 11 11 1 . 1 . 11
,e 1 0101 101 1 10:1 1,11 110. 11 Os, pox,. til
guilt the 1111i1e into leer,' tongues than eouiii
hems No be dime.
White we may ra be really for orgatile
imiwti, se shouid haven s chi uniiiirstoiol
arridigetin for the of rat
reform tit teeConstltutr n. If the chinches
wouhl untie In demanding. it. It vomit ho gthitiV.l. TllO tclloo Or 1\ few may be
lettelivil at. het the churches spark m
ottle, arid polltlelaus will act. If the
elluteln, would untie In this relortu the
result would be tw great and happy as In the
11040 :woody.
Itiiv. 4. treater also 111 , 01,11 With corneal-
Ile feel !ideate' si nil great 1 hl,OOl t(1
IO 1110 titter-owe of iisntlments,•lty the 1101.
tirote. thot It 111 int:vat!. The public, 11110,1
1. Oil 111 hot Leer the VOthe of (slot helot, the
war, thoTinugh lie compelled the 1110111/11
he,r. i testimony In reference to sla
ver,. lam preval het, )ow 1004 Rays, the au
thority of the Savione mast le, I . ol:lliithiicd
and establish , d In file 0 1 111thillt1011 1.114 i
A , lmlulnl ii4loll of this Platten. If It will
not I
hear tied will comel them by it IA
meats. le is 1104 prep p aring the Inlttilit of
Mr people to assert the universal Headship
of Wined over all. We need harmonious
action, interehohge of genthuent and 11111011
pray or for 111, , spirit and 11. stalk Is done.
Tliti.revolittion passed lintin 10101.1 y.
Rev. 11. It. lit Urge wan limn appointed
delegate to the Assembly now in t• 010
51011 in ilienla, 0010.
11ev..1. hproni utated the motion of the
rittaborgh Presbytery In noting Synml'a
pnriminkliOn to license a Theological stiniont
won Pail not taken the regular untrue of
study in 1130 TlitnnOgiCal Senlionrv.
On Om motion to grunt leave, u veiritmi
.Ibrousslon arose, many objecting, on fel.
terOxe,len..ttlim the :notion firevalleti.
hermit spent Porno 11100 in receiving and
, Il•poginn of papers—referring them to
their rempeetleft committees. Oho woe
memorial from some members of the MM.
glieny cumgrogation in reference to nue.
tionx that hml been Imfere the Church ties
fore and hiring the •Joralootial
Tunes, Prochttnation of
Marriage, ,s,e.
Another papal. tins, ItehntrOth congregm ,
111,0, nos oi ilke import.
Un 1411100 On to refer tlin memorials to a
npnolal nomnilltee, dlreliedlon armie. This
'notion till ant prevail, and the Papers were
leht nn the Wile for the prmreeL They
may Lie calimi up again.'
• • .
Inonlry was Male et. Member of lb°
COninilttee on Foreign Correspondence re
apeetin p• he letter (role the synod Of he
able., Wee net to be found act Ilea
Meeting. Dr. Sproul) fella that the letter
bad been wiled ninny: the pattern of ;ha
law Prof. Willson, irtiont ho exonerated
from oil Intention of withholding It. lc
woulil he pat into tile hauda of the Con.
111 it tee for t - eply unit publication.
It v. T. P. Steven..., nee. Ur. Scott, unit
all elder were ulinallited n n O llll4ll tee to re.
port a minute on the death of the late Prof.
Jayes hi. Willon.
The report of the Committee on [intim/di. ,
ell Mahn.. viey taken op tor disposition.
While under oonalilerat lon, the hour fur it.l.
ion rn inent a fel et
aborgh mot Connelleville
rond irstae.—.l don - latch from Harrisburg
et ft. en that the supreme COOrt has reluerd
to as a day to arcue the wution for n man
damus to compel the PittAurgh nod Con-
C.upan y to fleukt front
thcoonetrueUna of the lire =llea of their
road between Smithfield and the State hoc.
it la nos. tlietkulit nunion Will not be
arginel tbp meeting of the Court at
PlLLehersh. Attorney General Ilrewetor la
concerned agelnet the motion.
. • -
Figfa; &Loot !W. want Reef , —ll. O. Don
Lynnbagnan appeared at the oillee of Alderman
yeAtorti ay afternoon, met ;nett tote , I
legal proeeedluna airaltiat. roe Oen
for and battery-. /he parties It la, Into lid t the 6lononka
.l4e/a /louse, apout thn race, er hien resulted
le a quarrel. Webb Week the pltettif
gulte . severely. A warrant wag boun d.
The' Referee Decides In ra'sor of
The excitement concerning the . scull boat
race between Hamill and Brown Increased
In Intensity during Tuesday evening, ow
ing to an unfortunate occurrence—the
withdrawal. of Hamill from the contest
when about three-fourths of the "course"
hast been traversed, We regard the
race as a mast ridlealons farce, reflect.
lug no credit, In a "sporting" view, upon
either of the contestant, Instead of a fair,
honest test of their respective . Merits as
oarsmen, both seem to have acted unfairly.
Brown havinithe advantage In the start,
had the right to ate it as far as the "rules"
allowed, and it appears did, while Ilamlll
also "took all the chance," mut acted 'in a
manner which precludes hint from just
roruplulut. Brown, lu view of the Impute- ,
lion under which he rusted of having made
overtures to sell himself Oust friends, had
rosolved "to do or die," and Hamill, in e,
con of eon:Menus, had laid xagurs oil the
result to the 011050 of three to one. Ile•
aidlu his pecuniary interest thus involved,
he had held, and proposed to Imam, undis
puted sway ae the American rillitlloioll. In
the Imilef that there was an holiest, Inten
tion on the part Meech to win the roam, and
that what resulted was not all for elnizik
tirml. we repeat what w saki yesterday,
there tinter svi.Ji race er e
r/jeered wherein
more Intensely hitter feeling!. were eugen•
ulered, entirely (metro/ to tin prillelPi” of
',nay the best men whi- ll • Therefore, we
120203110112028112181 S
. •
• .. •
alklr• test of the merits at the rival owth•
Binh Ili, mown:tell, the rectal is unsatioloctn.
- rw—tllrough the Motto( our champion, limo
-111, accollinii to the tleetslon made, unit OW
which nail parties under the "rcitututtenv"
lentil Waite.
Brown toot the leaf from the alart,ract
kept It throughout, ltau,lii 011 t 0000 show
, ing althea. 'having thojeal, Brown wan at
tonic,/ opi.rtunity ye,
and did 40. 11010111. riolortua to the sums
ruction. unit thus the otruitgle was cept up,
the tooth, Uthinuit In Close proximity. the
onto octholitholly niticaliiit." and ut the
!wow !Wail! Mu Ilk hr. ~,,„„",
Brown. tin the return IL Iv said, Nautili
begged to tieullowud enures, feel
ing, perlinp... that WS 0141Itt, for tte..
were illinin froin thin determined
erferts of lira win tom:lain eau toge.
tin behalf of 11/ sawn in 010111,41 /eat
11,1111111,0W1304 him, au I tact ut the point
where the alleged “ficii"l lor
(1 1 /1/g.0 , 1 toll° what ho .101 is ureter t r Leen
• -
on lot tourie. But We L heel not 411.11:01
!either this itniestion,ita it has bean th mile.'
h)iJ th aw mmi
ore eyernalit With mallets of
th kind then are ,:are to hit.
j l auilll's alvsteatat. We huileraturid, ven
ire e the point that itrutiot Is the super!,
o ' soma for it shorter ulttaure than live
es, and In the rats: their hopes were
basted upon this View. While Drown inlaths
i tale the lead end pi.riimps gram It for Half
tiro .. essurea" at UMW, the) slalclp st , .l IMO
Hailing. emperlerlty would shires in the no.
inatuder, tool that he starlit, by ratan of
his advantage to — .lnd," or sailorarati:
gain the race. On this point they and las
one remain nueonviiireil, ttaton,:li the
, fault of Ult....champion." The race, as far
as it Ste., It earshot be fairly gaimatteil,
I ilmnonstrated Itro.n'a suiterentiy na en
I oarsmen. !deny gave tip aup ha's, roe How
i tll When (tiny tree fairly tinier War, and
the opinion Very generally 0/1.,111, 11.1
l Brow , n eon:dn.tilrly non the SACO. 1:,
.11, tlll4 tint., of feeling, It Is nal to In. PO:,
• arrest at t hat thee:stint s st . fou I" W 4 ,0 regar d-
I ...I as pot its at an ets:sta,lsotte.l 01 ii.,:l.
did at . karaleitament of defeat.g.sts
racinMin this lotiality lioe bore grail:l,4l/y
falthore Into sllsapritss. Sail (no 0mt....t lit
Toesiley, 14 la fen I pretty certain, aril not
rrstst Inuell to Ulu enttratratin ors nos staiett.
The judges selected were !toner
oil the part of ikatnill, and Daniel liitaer
on the part of Wows), and the referee vr,
I! I'. Caushey. A tu-ct wits held Tue io o
day c•cning to decide upon Innis
of "foul." tint nn decision was arrived d.
the referee cncluding. In reut•r,. 011111
Wednesday at o len o`ooo-k, 'anticipation
et' in/taming farmer evident N. II 110111 ap
peaprared at trle. hot Bros
bltV n
aye we stated, den...rte.l night
trai hos
At 11004 ye*teriiry Mr. Cittighey decided
fie follow*:
"Alter having recoil - v.l tin fullent teat'.
mous. anal con, nn Waif aide+, roarer:lln,
the ails getl -51,01 . • in Ill" .1111:11, nialch
t wren Walter It, own, of Pt1[, M/1111,
/0111 Jan., 113111/111. n! Pfttanurvfli, l'a.,
; TOYII,II,t. PiliAlfurafli May 2!,!, for the ell3rh.
America tun! ff. purao of 1.5,01,,
and having CAll.rtilly UM! lcupArttally
wehrlterl mon! con:pared ..all the Lyon pre.
I 11. v., ILo race in favor of
i• . lValtet Burru, an.' all Intriecical 0411 go,
ern. thvtuvelvf, accortllngly. . •
"C. Carr:nay,"
I Frvan thla fleci•lon • Mr. k:lliott. 11 aln 111'+
judg....t.t.,1 be Would
hovvver. ho nn avail, ntin•r than
to eatlyt.lelay the bantling over of Inn
The Ore witnesses who attested theilrkif.
I men!, pu Minh a earl to the Washington 'Re.
porn-c. In which they certify that Yogi,
claimed the emir. autliorshlii for hithself;
that It %rag In his handwriting, with the
great Inaccuracies as to !ladling and pena
lization, awl that with a view to 114 r“1101.•
. 00, 0. 1. 1 0./LIO alter the exegetical
took place. ninety was lends for the purpose
of to Mg placed in the hands or the printer,
sneclal pains being taken to wake no alter
at Inns a letterer. WV, to current the net hog.
raptly 11 , 141alten,1 to the matter Of puoetoa.
11011, 111•Itillt,11 latter rrlpeCt. 0r141,111,1
wits wholly deficient. The cOnneilon. lie
totillisnem In an exact copy of the original.
the only difference helm; In the particulars
already mentioned. Tao man,eripi,
writ lea hy' Yogi., Mussel!, Is still at the
.lore ot Robert !Mogen, where it is open In
the Inspect 101 l of ally one alto may 110110 to
compare It with tho minfemlon as birch to
thiepuldie through the papers.
A..ntalt gird Ikatery
Sally McEraw triaile Information yeeler
i day !adore Alderman Liu rultert aitalibd liar.
50101 bully, (Sr a.etitelt and liuttcry. it ap.
pi....trt. , 1 that defendnu tiA daughter did
acverely beat SallY llctiraa aeltiW, iniliete
log eercro InJuric... Meanwhile Sally Mc-
Graw appeared lielore Fold .I.ldcrinan io
simmer charge of ilivorderly con , ltiet.
ledged wgainet bur by Margaret Kelly.
Tory have been (.111Mitt.d ter a hearina.
J. Lawience made .tiformation tu•terilay
before Aldermen Ilumbert agabod
Selene for aiwault and battery / A warrant
waa trilled for tila arreet.
Joseph Itlrhnrvle made infornitat lon before
Ablermaa Thomas Retained. J ol,Wk
for committing an wilault and battery on
his little boy. A warrant wasilasued.
Joecpu Inieett appeared before Juktice
Itistiter to 111,11Wer a charge of moutl . and
Rittery made against him bY E,
eitarilsou. The defendant Was Col.l.llllillCd
to all In default of Pk ball.
A Ilo•: Rave Fig''
' Doting tile race un 3ucs , y two men,
named Nicholas ileffrualf and avid Wilson,
residents of the Fifth ward, g t Into a dllll-
telly on the levee, in regard n the merits
of the two eentestanta for t le elni.mblon
ship. A flght ensued, In which it Deem, hett,
parties were somewhat used, up. ilefftn an
appeared before Alderman Strain yester
day and. preferred two chrges against
Wilson. one for assault and I Glory watt in
tent to kill, and another fo a breach of
the pence. Ile alleges that Wileol.l choked
,him and then tared a pistol eit lila', the hall
taklng efriet In it wall close by, and that
afterwards he threatened t kit him. - .1.
WarrUllt ens Issued fur the erect of de.
Joseph A. Burt made inform (lon Tester
day before .A.ldertacut Strain, c urging 1Y in.
Iludgiew with olgalalng butter from him to
the value of twenty-eight dol ra by (also
and fraudulent 1 - 0111,141.1n1at1. 0 Depnuunt
elfeeca that Ihnigiss, by repro eating Min
seit as manufacturer of Jellies and other
delicacies, otituined the 61110 tat of butter
inehlioned above from him oki credit, in (Ito
month of October loot, •ifca'which time lie
nits fulihd topair the town,' t claimed. Ds
parent avers that he I.llov. the represen
tations of the accused to t aye been false,
and made with tile Intent lot of cheating.
him. A warrant Was Issued for the arrest
or doioudant.
The Sinew of the 11th 4 August, last
year. was very severe In many parts of the
country. At St. tnalmvillo, Ohio, a large
barn well stored with tools and grain, ho.
longing to IL W. lloge, wits streak by liorb Ls
ning and consumed. Mrs. Seidler, of Wheel.
leg, WILL , kllltsi by lightning. Tire electric
torrent tore out a aide of till, 110.0 and set
fire to IL Mr. IL letup, on the island near
Wheeling, KM killed by lightning. hu
merous oilier accidents occurred Owing
the taken storm - Time altogether, in Eastern
(Chinned Western l'entmylYania lice women
and two men write killed. 11.•Coppyr To),
Mar Lightning nod, with S.piral /lunges,
triannfactored In 1.,s city by Lockhart d
Co., will Skye •luds of buildings from
damage by lightning.
The neTtlhorti of the Montunattiai
and all of he sw ho tleolro to
a . NAISt, aro rrluetttetl to somooll•lo In (Ill'
Stull th.l.lllOrning, to contra 0.1.0 g cvtan4l
The Atsocholoo .7111 toad o writing In tho
t0211,10{1, at half Da4t two woloct, for the
trootaction of 10..1130..
Larceny of ea floe —William aleLanuh.
lin apneartel Wort Al,lercusu I.encn char*
Ina Thorne, Ifeliainnry with steidind hi.
hat. Defendant Wll.B Lehi lot a hearing.
) s i'- 1
. (
' . .....
Findint: of the Uody of Mkldiot
tho :Missing' Treasurer of lies
LuarOctnbcr Thomas itlatlletun. Esq.. tbo
'rnactuyer of Ileac, county and a reentlont
'Or nlll3[oll. ili9apneareti mysteriously, and
altLadigh diligent search was made for hitp,
no clue to hie whereabouts could be discov
ered. The disappearance did not attract
meth attention till about a fortnight after,
when circumstances led to the belief that
he balm foully dealt with for a large
sum or money In his possession by suspect
ed parties residing In the neighborhood of
heaver: They were arrested, but the au-
• •
tllont lea having no Information of s Melon
minutemen, to 1101.1 them, discharged th
prinoneni. and tho ',elle! obtained that tit.
Trensurertiad absconded.
. _ .
Yesterday we Warn that the body Or ti
missiug man was (nand t.oating in the Oh
river,below ileeebenvtile, very much it
comprised. but not se far es to prevent fu
ideal liles.tion.. 'Mr. J. IL await, of itoche.
ter. Pa., with members Of the family of Ili
deceased, Vl4llOll Struitmnvllle, racognw.ei
the body and home to Fallow°, fi
burbd. Two stabs Were I'OULIdI on the limas
one penetrating the heart. toe right ban
si an also euvurely cut, as Chattel the m
deriiil 111411 had made desperate resistanc u
We are without any f.trther, particular.
and have not beard the reszlt °film Ingne•
hold upon the body. ileyOnd any doubt
horrible murder has been committed an
the authorities should use their best Li
der vOrs to ferret out the peroarntora.
Arrest of fhleves to Wsablage...
For kir/111011mo post u ey.Lioneof thieving
h. boon goingon in IVoshington, in which
the inert:hunts of the town wore the
pal ktaferers. Businese bowee were pilfer
ed, and goods stolen, without any clue to
the perpetrators. Some or the victims, who
had nattered pecuniary icsi at the hands of
11114 band of outlaws, secretly sent for a
well known detective of Cincinnati. The
detestive, ceder guise of a lastyosng man,
took lodging to. tile hotel in W'ashlngton,
WOrit made a big show Of mon
ey, and had the every serllbaanCo of a sport
leg Oa...Licata'. The belt tonic with the an
t:hewn thieves, who coon made the as.
. . .• . .. .
qbnintance of ' the. detective and took
tow into their confidence. A store r ut
had Lecn nutted for the porchte , of
groin. in which the detective was 4/111 in..
itlatod. the ~nlus 'went/tit being t.•
cref.a. ntolen gmett, Mitch ti.. 4 hoots and s .ern.
dry gain. grocernt, Sr.. under a It le 01
MI, la the rear of the :twee room, on I an
oupos tunny totered to 41111 them Mto our
bet. lite ru,ws, kept up by the det .'tied
until urrangentent• a ere mnoe fur ar
rest of the entire party. tin Sttodttg, t e do.
trfctive zkrriotiC flton.),. The ilf•
fot•fit erratell c0n.1.14, - .o!f, vicltrue
tintown told rotolly,A l , ffitf, of .
tif..n ro.p..etnf.ff2 f. 4.41// .fr nu f fon., ref,
tlfn county, Mr, 1wpi1%:.1,.1 In I Sr
flits fllff tifiturrofvf Intl
and unaffo, hen rf rof f SLe 01.1
ty v , ,ry' ftlllt,LW 00105
"ii, .1t 4:prbil ‘.r !Ifs, \—)tr. J.i. es C
hturnock, who,' reputation Is dells I .Tons
Via In our community, *ll.l apps r this
neening WI "I',niet" to nhuhsfuntru* Onto
hfuii.l in al: his tharaLte n 11,
31.1r0,1: •levra . wn ,1(1
an •upre.a.
•V. lII* •Were.• tw•l nt.alt w. rlicriedlet .• In
.. /IW,W Aaw .1,410 N.L1i1t,,.. ad:. what we
r,.1';1. To. 1.w.... -*en, Inen.sua. TO.
;Light wU twy ..n.0....1 a ettivr.le,l /3JUne.
Ncw OrsWIL 110e11: —Thil 4:lm,k- CILLNA,
maill , le. to /,.. Au trru•o•oitn. attruction,
“0.1.,• t y Croft th..?a•rallow4e II Cr, ' 41-
~, ..-,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,, wilto., !Ls on.,
.....oncut. The N•wwitul prenerv, f try water-fan, inkcs, with taint?, ..I
n•wrl.l phantoms app.nring, wad a di, hie
of what at: ton; pi0.1na.... 1.C. , upon thW
101,he 1 t grewlr-t impre,Ww3. Thase • ho
linve nor wi , ncs,-.1 th. Black Crook at Un.
111.1,0 (.1111 all Stlt,
Prrr.rr aO,. Tnucae —Thlr rr
.411111 4, 111 e out milt, to attract ctic y 01
ain nt
c:tritity of Vic...
o. an I LI
ilc. , ..ryn certainly eoe In!
vcr iif anti ;tie prets. TL. -.11
ant Trial." winter] la to Iwt rtigirescn eti
tiltrht, Intl alwat boon ritetilwea Wit , titt
SUE TREA Te.R.—At tot
place (El WEE:l6,llt . (lt. "1114.:. LE ..00
I+l lo• totro 1011, 141,1 rt 111
40. no ottrolito tAle off to the. ' 11l
Crook, , 60 owl the lt,
Mnwlenl and laterar'y
I.l"ewhere we pul,li.h tke armature •
'that the Molten:am Literary Circle a
Oreby city will hobd n gonad lltioac
teilocal entertalnimmt at the Amide •
Mee., v )lorblay evening. The
gramme 1, very attractive arc' doubt
large audience will be In attendance.
literary exerclae" still embrace orla
es hilt. the ...hal part of the catch
utOrnder the direction of the listen urtiat, Pref. - Herman T. linake,
beef the hlglic't character. In connecrf
alth lbia notice we ra MIA remark that t
Academy had leom toora g eral by the [ten
men fa the Phill,“.110.10 Citric previa,'
the lease a rantatt .Ileerrg. Hall A Burke,
the beautiful hada.. a immanent theat
They courteat”ly gave way and will ba
no performance that Erigirt, manning I
Tneaday. The excellent orche,tra of
Academy will Ire In atteudaricest the ente,
laintnent of the I•tiocitiatic Circle. I
The Alortts of Fire Loot Maim
An al arm of lire was vountled Ism. corn In
about Ituitamst Ding o'clock from I,OA
corner of Filth and Smithfield streets. IV
bound, an repairing . to the 81.1, that the
alarm woo eans4tl by a defect In the tine
M. A s Evan, S Co., a high torments with 11 .
ehltuney of Um fruit stand next door,owne
by an (MIMI, named barn:logic lir. Kayo,
mm11%410-4 rails's! , 'principally In having,
bola rut through, bd. veiling. whore tile flu t
ronnveta with the chimney, and a (me tame
rt. of water thrown over hi, gout!, in Ma ,
onortment. Illy 10 , , wilt prottonts
atadmat to tilt)' or visits' dollars. .The fin
wo• estiogoished without any further dam
out , , ezeent that sumo 01 the folks In Mr
it avanag his hobs° had nit - retired, and
their night., repute 0001,11 w ronslderably
ilffeeted by the 0,41.0 and oonfu,lon 10 , 0111
them. The 1110 tioMpanimi Were promptly
on the ground but their services wets nut
rug utrml.
luxproved Weed I.ork Sttte6 NewinE
Also, Finkle Si Lyon's. These machine-
have been too long before-the public, and,
are now too well know n In the faintly am
In every variety of sewing manufacture t•
require a description here. Tito fact tha
we have always been able, Without °mbar
raw -anent. to warrant nor machines to gle
better satisfaction than any other ninalitrit
In the market, or money refunded, Is thi
Ids:host evidence we eindil prwiliily give 0
their absolute superiority. They will d o
range and variety of work never before at
Wended upon a single machine, stltelitn
from tine gauze to thick cloth and „leather
and over-euatus at full spool , iwithout an
change in trml, rie.lio or tension. and ti e
beet reference and cheapest by twenty Pti
cent. It. IL Long, Agent, No. 112 (lean
Yew Iletrber !Shop, •
Elaewhero la the advertliecrient of th
opening of a new barber Chop and hat.
house,ky /deism Fleming and flaCkil
hi Libor ' ander the Academy of usle,.ort Libor'
Street. The gentlemen have eminent ton
Serial experience, nail we can .ittely prom
tin the greatest hatiantetiou and pieaan
to, all who favor them with their pain,
ace. The SalOorl is tirst eia.r and in every
respect worthy unlindled custom, whiett
wo hope will be extended the enterportileg
and liberal DroprlOtot s.
The attention of our readers is directed
to the eilvertlsentent In another column of
Mr. It. P. Getty, wholesale and retail grocer
find dealer In trot, rln. and I lottorsonrt
east corner of Ohm street and the Diamond,
Allegheny. Mr. Getty has long enjoyed a
high reputat lot to his business, and no
allele else can a (reciter or better .itools ot
choice faintly groceries and Turn liquors bo
found, le nor aisle: oily. We 'earnestlT
commend him to tile patronage of our
The Rev. J.T. Ileverend
gentlemen it deliver leet tire In SL Paul's
Cathedral, tins evening et. Vj o'clock, for
the Innellt of the free echnota attached to
the church. The entdect of the lecture le
"The Ilellelche et
of the CoUntrT...
Th.! Rev. 31r !lecher in connected with the
rem lINt Order of New t ork, and et consid
ered ono of the ablest met:ahem of It. The
rttUilStA hr, 1012101" ustvely oonverte to
the Catholic Church. ' .
Grand tiogi.o.h foliecrt.—Eircriberg
our readers will find the progrro.pwa for (tau:
grand Englo.ll Concert u high tabu,
to-night at City lion, by the ttt!y2,,, and
ti er thy au-tableau Prutl:.:euicat Tett:deux.
4. no, I...tided !tut may. tartly La 4 11cl.
Put"! t..y all who attend, Thu uet prop •eds
are to be applied tti thu monumental fair
'Atlas Heft* J.wellry at the nanat rea
uricea. Maraya on hand, at Um
known fat , Mona!da Jewt.l rs• atx,re of
man, Siekran R Faqdra, Flfth rue
New Style% of Jewel ry, clocks, wat,bea t
plated and after Kure, &e., &c., at rearonse
Ito prices, at Ilk:Pitman, Idayratt & Bad
!ie.:lEllth etree4.
tt 1%-",
The lliedleet fraternity have found thu
sutnging is au excellent cure for nervou
dtseaAes. We incline to believe that Iraqi
aecotaplish as conch gala as drugs, LAW
have seen several bad C 14.1 effectually cur
tel of nervousness by n liWiug from a ~euf
!old. •
The fannbenville Herafir sate that "0:
//I:ein Buse flail Club eh Allen ged tbu Year
Club to plot nn Weil neuilay. lint ri,
freittil to 00100 to time." No anvil I hing
Tne ifYitetn. Ito” have not yet fixed is llm
for the return match.
Dr. W. A. Irvine was tht Own out of his
earridgn at Warren, on ThnrsdaY
ing on his howl lull shoulders. ,Lie was not
seriously Injured. ,
On Monday last, William Claybaugh
was run over and trlnod by a train of ears
at Altoona, whore he was - employed as a
switch tender.
Floe (fold ear Mugs of Ms prettle
Maps snit latest unit most fashions',
stylus at 4elnemari, lleyran
.a Fifth street.
Lrt.—Seo advertlneutcht of a first
ela,s Cat:Meg house at ;.er year, lc
let. It it plembantly lOcated itt the heart of
rho city.
Two 1 . 1.0.1 0 f superior floral reeic
venter ore, offered toe sale /an bargain. Ad
dress...A. 81,6 counting room.
Jairlf,i Green, x Intl sixteen yeara — of age,
len, by the falling of a tree, ut Wont
ChasLor, rts., on Ttle t stluY latat.
Rank nevelt—selling "December 1
ed" for fresh Slay Letter, by hueke.o• rrt
the market.
Tbe new. Preibytertun ahurch ut Wane.
• be datlled.ted.
'rho Dore ere deptroying tan:op In /Jun
tingdon county.
n — Additional Local News on
Third Page. •
Mr. lionner a3sures the Sprowl.leld i:e
bilarn that Beetthet'a Norwood la North
—The t ofJos.W. the ntut , le
of J. Pe-eryisl
Smith, will Pratt no , for un:nen. at New
Castle, Delaware, on Monday next. .
—A. boy In Montreal put two lire crack
615 IMO his nostrils and Petal them to
sue the effect. Ile now knows lie has no
—Mr. Ihsekaitli, the new Bishop of Geor
gia, has hem for some time hector of Trio-
Ity Church in New,
and, though
only tti years old, Is n man of much margin
the Cimteh.
- - What does the minister say LO our new
eerneterp I" asked Mr. lime, "flu don't
like it at oft; ho say, he won't be burled
there as long as lin lines." "Well," said
Mute, "If lay life in spared, 1 will?"
—EA'. the Goatee essayist, ro
bot, an Income of only 41.31 O; anti Oliver
Wantlyll Mottoes report, but tft 591, which
may be dertled from his proltatalon an
boy stelan or, from property derived from
his practice In past year.
—Lord Brougham It very , lit at Nice—it in
(eared past hope. The venerable old gen
tleman, Who In radd'lr/ he sttil in lull poss..
•lon of Mite mental fgeriltien, ha, for malty
yearn borne t,p wooderfufly against the
pit) /dent In artudies of age.
—rne soul of 111.1J:telt - ex,. whom, only or.
00 went is In his ioal., irripiren Iho follow
in s trust the Louisville Courier:
"Wendell Phtlidet Is ranutleiring through
the New England cities. Wm. don't some ,
Maiy kick his brains out p'—Tribune.
— . According to. Milton, Eve kept silent
to boar het . husband talk," said a gentle-
Matt ton lady frienO, anti then ailaial in a
inginneholy L 4.0. "Alas there have been no
Ey., 'Attlee." 'lliettuuse there have heen no
hushands worth Mtteuing to," was the
gawk retort.
I—So:ne the wife of re tcts
able citizentreelrs's of Troyince
died after aa
brie p f o ills
ness—leasilmr her husbandgimlet hint; like
live 11101.11 ,1 dollars. which she Mel care
fully saved from telmey atuth came tilt°
her posaession, and of the existent. of
which the husband has entirely ignorant.
--Catania Dime., with hI3 OM,
rril tt;ICR41111
live Ititioi tlolitirs exttnriton to the linty
laed, h.ti foment rival. William Bradford.
the art Ist , has Organized an exehrstoa to
Itassian Am-rica. The vessel is expected
to leave about - the Ist of dove. The tate is
very email, hot inhurderable extras are to
to chartretL
You Will • .
'lel n Denial Eittibl.llnwut e.t.'216 Penn
treat. Dr.. Sill
ro WhOiPleatir 14U-ern
91 Dry we err., hargiene in J.ih lots
of tire. Goode. Panting, Linen GoodA, and
toll lima of Sheethip, Shirting.i, Prints,
Ticking, Cheelrx..te., all of which wew ill
sell at the you low oi - .1 cite tern cash prices.
J. F. flAncrre t Co.
19 Marliot scree t, below Third S. 'fourth sta.
Son Can LOay
torolot Llgttor.i of all Binds at.Ja,oph B.
itnea's DLAlllery, No, 101, 111, NU and 165
Tot. tan
rer c'mt. Alcohol R. ytheto,,
YOU Can litv
NON' 13,11114 Int : JiAPOPh S. rilleVi
M kV , EWS —On Inst.. at 11.:10
ICollif 5115511 t 11i,, aarAl 70 Tears.
Funeral trot Lt. late resideace, No• Ye.l-
Tal str,t. eltribargh. I ar
11.1 v 5, at o'cluea.
Wedaraday vont,, at o'clof,
nr lt
t. r.tO,ncr luelOaheoye 17, Mrs.SANAIL
al*. In 1102 .17 star of het late ex the
°roach of Now , rl;tutoa (or man) Tt.ra
K. Chorch.
Fourrst tilt, Yr/I:NINO, at webork
No. 100 ?north •ireet, tittsburalf,
corYiN: of all Una>: 011.11 . 00, GLOVES, and
arcry dtacrlptlon of Faaeral ruKalakhag lloo4s
furvlsl ,I. Boomsonvned JayanJ nista. Hears,
and Carriages farnlahefl.
Itiscaiffei.—flop. David Kerr,' 11. 0., 0 ,,,
1.1. J2...f1it., 11. D., Tbortfaa Ewlag, 1ta,...1a
j G. 1101)GEItti, 1 7 ! 6 ;13E111`.1.-
`" • KER. A till Ell/J.0.11.A1. successor to the
late Samuel K. n.nlanra. Yo. lan tthlo Street,
three door. (Yon, hearer. Allegheny l lly.
la itaboaany. Walnut and Ito.e.
rood Imitation Coeins. at the loran reduced
prices. no. au. open at all hour. dal'
Hearse and rarilanes A:rubbed on abort antics
and on molt r.asent.ble term.
ter, Wood's Run null Vicinity. Unfit,
Manchester Usury :Wile, corntr Sheraeld nod
Chartiers streets, Heat. and Carriages fur
BUM, at Nast Liberty Station, tare fur
of did. rent 10.9: at yriiea ranging frum sl7s'
to $l,llllO. and on lour time.
TZVAN ALLEY.—The under>. ign
.4 Viewers. appointed to case. atn9es
and benetlte for 'opening of Kean ...Pry, Vl x al•
ward, Allsgbelty, from tthlu arcane to Fratiklt•
,tree{, • ol.tanee of 1:11 ••et. 0t Mtut tte
prcrnll". Oh the 9to day of Jnue, 'II
a, to f• 1411 th• dutiml of their op.
polotm.lll. JA•10•
J... 9 ), PEI (hi kh PATMCN.,
Ina I.P. 9 11.1100 tsltAllAft.
13AliE STPHEI e unde r-
ippuluted Viewers to aiaesa donna
wee anlo,loll for the ouculust of Pig., .{feet,
Fifol wool. alleghany, tram • p gut midway ter •
In , to Chattier. and atenbattau atre,ts, to bea
er tro, • Übtlaswe ol CPI P?t, win meet •
the pretola no: , tilt virti OF 411 N K. PG%
•t 111 o'•loet: 1. Ai., to fuldil um Untie, of their
appultamen.. JA Attu 20IttiaN,
do.y.Pit K,ItUPAThICE
tuyrnall JAIIFYIiIAN AN.
LOCO M STU Eka'.—Tlie
henrvan•d„ app.lnted to ' datnazta 404 :
nearer alto. 1, a distance of I.?; ~
fz1: 0 1 , 1, 1
tne h day ol June, arEPT.
appointment. J
;j•rae NM
:210 if,111•%.
T.ll. 0c..” Brand Bane Lead
. 4 . du
do do
40 40
• Blue lead., fur 011 Retner.rt
.114e4 Lead mad t.tazrur;
04: •
Yar ssle Cn t. W"'"l 2 ge ri YVIN d Co.'ri,
. 0, rd •nsl
Co bLis eb 10 bar rractd.;
'di do or.vder, do:
• la do mlaad do:
bubels /dad Dr, Apti.,:
10 do pelnle .Co:
Jnst olu-ivat on cadwals,loa mud 114 11 , 0 low
to tar rule.
tiCltObl Ain P.B d ILIN*J.
Atwitter Lot Just Received,
EmluaelnS same of
nt't ""
n -, z1.1 °se whit art dttlrhni nt par
rh•slog anything In Oita line to:411 St Gime and
Nre uv. btect.
a - C , CAZ74o.l3.argil •
14 rum NEILVOT,
a -
6. trytie Si., 3d door from sth. •
junNwrom SCOTT,
• DiciaJihd iv
Fine. Watzlies, Clucks, Jewell).
3E.a> anL22
6.7 - Corili:li - or att.:ntlan RIVCI3 to Ennotrlng
Watonco. C , l.otka and .1 dwelry. All work war
& 00.'s
55'a 59
F 1 1 .7.6.1 ST.; Pitt ...burgh
ly coneltouteots or limatront Stork, or
Goods from aII parts of the Unltt.d Staten, to Li
•otd it
Wholesale and Retail,
YoUTLIS• 111./01:1, fiALTEIL 4 , HAL-
Df/SIE.IIIC Din - GOODS. .: • '1
COM . ..NADES. •ellilltni AND DRA3YTi6.
Alto, direct Ete rlxacfa,tater:i
Ingrain, Rag and Linen
4 ..k3F{.1=b30`1 5 6,
Auction Prices !.
11 . — YurnItn re San rlonsetnldfiloadi for talc
.turtloo uv EVE.Ity 711 CHSDA Y.
R 9 N 9 vD
89 Sir S 9 S 9 S 9 89;
S 9;
1 %9
110 TO
lEt 400 3E3 ..FI. ' Eii '
9 S9 i
s 9 S 9 -Varket Sired i !
, ,S9'
!''BOOTS, SIIORS9 i• Itf I' 9 l
1 ~S9l
,X.W. 4'82.7 C 7 i . i . "/r S9 i
1 J.I.Se ROBB, S 9 Market St, ',„i
S9l !S9;
: .------__- '
'S9 !•ill '9 S 9 S 9 S9 S 9;
•____.___ _____ - •s 9 S 9 •
THE ht PEILIOR :neulTs
3 1 / 1 4:111b r over all 011 en, fur family
eboorsl nurpo,a, are go veil er
tanifshed nod ro neneralle admit led. that
,an enunziera:lun of ain't relat lee excel
'lenc•lj. I, nu I .nger c;n4l fan d nrceraz
&l, simple, durable and bean
lvE.rcrtx AGENCY
=,7 0. 27 FIFTH NiTHEET.
Wilson & Underwood.
orlhe rtlexpr3 an.t nest wholesale anal,
twit stores In [Le two clu t 6,
1H0.15 South We U 'lammed.
Call and ocandne oar stork and Price;.
Practical Furniture Manufa:cturerd
C. PEtiti AND WAY .111 E
Lataat etyl... or run:Tr:ll, „,„t„z,t,
josEPLI inEfEn 64 SON,
trnfacturers of
117.1 = r i z z.ZZI*I t IZTFLE,
Ico,S:IIT.3T7tLP sTIf.TRT.
No. SO Fut:Tall Ni.. Apollo P. 1111.1114,
3:llyry4 UI•,L
G at So. 18,0 1.11110,1"
v. C. nttvrs
underel,ned tun <awned up a
FlaN.l Fa In //y Grocery.
At No. 93U Fla/EItAL iTnIEFT. Allegheny;
whebe yr 1:1 IL...T...tautly on band choice
of all ox tts , ally iound In ILIUM
of On. kln.l.
vos.ll-73 W. 11. LOMAILLivr.
Lt).IIIE:IRGALN, 111— R'fll
1.. r LtAleal Ltractlee Pittsbusgb.
LAY 40th. al
8e.24 STREET. near Penn.
Nibure the ••1:1; "end l atleol.o Jortng cam
IrAirt. Ova 0 tol2, It. lad I Wan. m.
110LMEN, ' L g
Anchor Cotton Mills, Finsberah,
kizonfaetarrry nr fIEAVY. IIAnT W A 1 541 1 - r.