ChelittobitvglAaz-ettt WEDNESD►Y: WAY 22, 1467 THE= is a strong concurrence of tes timony as to the unpreeedentol breadth and promise of the wheat clop. The weather has been and is favorable, for it; but not so well'for corn. Still,, there is - abundant time yet fur. ' ,that un le' ;indeed, the coming autumn shall bg Col and norm - videos, as the .laSt was.' In me places the fruit has suffered some. Ne erthcless, the indications are pretty ge oVal for a bountiful yield. Tug ffilgiattrPT TAW will go into op- - eration pfi the first day of June. Under it, imprisonment for debt ceases through out all the - Suttes and Territories. By,t all . stay laws, preferences, voluntary agreements, and secret attachments are set aside. Five hundred dollars worth of heuseholallinfiture, the wearing apparel ofi each fatly, and such other property stile by la exempted in the different States, can be held by debtors„.. AT the last session of the Legislature a law was pgssed arlhorizing the Goy. error to appoint, without salary, a Visi tor for Philanthropic Purposes, to the prisons and Alms Houses of the Com monwealth.; The appointment has been given to Dr. Maimon. 11. DICKINSON, of Phllade)phia. ' The Prison Discipline. Society has long wanted- antherized access to all - ilia Prisons and Relief Houses in the State. This bill was passed •to merit their Wishes. The gcnticinatr selected for Visitor has :been anti is, connected with that Society. TuE Albany Evening aunial con cedes that Mr. HORACE GAY 'Y' , Er "holds broad and philosophical views of rib., street truth;"-that he is "in sympathy; with the most noble ideas and principles 'of the eget" that he "is thoroughly and intlexiblyhonest, and devotedly patriot lie;" that "he never suppoits a principle, nor SZyocrites a cause, which he does not belive to be right," and much more 'hi:Oho same effect; and yet endeavors to make it appear that he is a most unsafe man to follow on public questions.. We neither affirm nor deny what is thus said in praise of Mr. GREELEY . . But, if the qualities so attributed to him do not qualify a .man for leadership, will our contemporary tell us what qualities do?. LAST WI:NTS:II Mr. SAMUEL HARPER, M. C. from the _Fourth District of Mass acbusetts, "labored to have the dutyon foreign coal fixed at fifty cents a ton in. stead of $1,25. Personal motives were I instantly imputed to him. It waseharged that he was owner of coallands in Nova .Scotia, and was minghis public position, against his party commitments, to pro mote his individual adVantage. In reply to this aspersion, he recently stated: "I never owned, directly:or indirectly; any interest in a l‘lova Scotia coalmine, or in any coal wino or goal field outside of the limits of the United States That certainly, is Sufficiently explicit to leiice his accusers. It is, however, a to tally different question whether Massa: chusetts did well or ill in measurably separating herself, on that and other divisions in Congress, from the friends Of Protection. CABLE telegrams announced yester day that the Cretans had . defeated the *Turks, notwithstanding the large rein. forcements by - which they had-been. strengthened. This is bad for Turkey, for the look now is that alio will soon have need of all her forces nearer home. Russia is reported to be gradually but surely encircling those provinces of !Turkey adjoining her territories•: with More than three hundred thousand men. It may be that this disposition of forces was made solely with a view to possible eventualities between France and Prim: sia, and that immediate rapture between those two powers having been avoided. ltassiti will withhold the blow it medi tated against Turkey. But when pre parations have been made, the means clearly found to be adequate, and the oc casion ripe for .csecation, it is difficult to restrain Statea from consummating their ambitions." THE DETEMILHATION of the Republi can Executive Committee to extend the organization of their party throughtiut the Southern States, is not received with favor by Democrat's; either there or here. We did not expect it would be. They want affil to be able to allege that the Repub lican party is sectional ; and to monopo lize the votes of the blacks. The con ception is adapted to their purposes; l -but — it cannot be realized. ' In prosecuting the work upon which it has entered the National committee ought, and, doubtless will, exercise a sound judgment in selecting men to rep resent the party before Southern audi ences. It is desirable that I.n respect to principles and purposes nothing should be concealed. Perfect frankness should. be displayed. On the part of the blacks, gionndless exPectations should not be excited. On the part of the whites, needless.. prejudices and antipathies should not be engendered. The people of the two sections have common inter eats; a common country, and are to share a common destiny. The sooner theY can be made to understand each other, the better all round: A very few years will work great changes in sentiment and opinion among all classes. The Re publican party will take root in the South, and flourish abundantly. It will not be Confined mainly to the blacks. Its principies will commend it to the whites; and as present exasperatiJus die out—as dle out they will everywhere—ambitious young men, leaving . the 'traditions of their fathers, will identify themselves with the new movement, which embo dies and represents the best aspirationa of the nineteenth century. kr will be remembered that Mr. JEI , IPZESON• DAVIS threw Joni MINOR B ur rqUto jail because he would not • embark isi'the rebellion. Speaking of the bailhig of Mr. DAVIS, Mr.' Butra says: IL fsoot true that I congrat u l a t e d Mr. Thsvnr, or that / approached him for that or any other purpose. During the progress of the ease I authorized a friend of Mr.• Davis to say to Idr..9'Conor that if the name of 'one known everywhere and to all men as one of the most prom inent and deterthined opponents of the • rebellion, the Southern Confederacy, and of-Davis's. whole course of policy, was desirable as one of his securities, that mine was at his service. The proffer was promptly accepted—not because it was needed, but no doubt from the same generous Impulses that had led me to make the offer. I did' not approach Mr. Davis, nor did I-intend h' do so; because it was from: public, and not pc.nsenal considerations, that led me to occupy this position; but when I approached the clerk's desk to 'Affix my signature to the bond; Mr. Da , ins, as was both natural and becoming, approached me to express his acimow ledgmenta .ter the generosity.' had ex -, PAW& told him that among the con siderations that had controlled me was the sacred regard in which. I held the liberty of all citizens; that I believed the was entitled to a trial; that the Govern ment had bad the most abundant time to prepare for one, and if, alter two years' imprison - meat, they were still unpre pared, I thought be was entitled to his liberation on bail, and I was happy to Five this public expression of my opin ion on that subject. He replied, "It was a noble sentiment, worthy of a Virginia gentleman as he had always known me to be, and was thankful for it. We sep arated and did not come in contact again. "I am not only Ell tistied with, but am proud of what I have done, and would do it o again sad aGAI24 and AGAIN under the same circumstances, while I entertain every opinion of Mr. Davis's offense against the Constitution and laws of his country that I have expressed from the beginning of the Rebellion to its close." Whatever differences of opinion may exist as to the desert of ,:Mr. DAVIII or the nkimate dispOsition to be made of his case, few minds are so constituted as not to perceive that Mr. BOTTS'S con duct in , becoming study for his enemy,' was magiu4mous. JO CORRECTION. Correipondence of die PlUsbarglitirzette PITYSEURNII, FORT WAYNE L Col CAGO RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE OF TELE PRESIDENT, PITTSBURGH, May 21st, 1t67. GENTLEMEN enclose a "clipping" from your journal of this morning, re produced - - from the Philadelphia In'. Taira, relative to the management of this Company, which is wholly untrue in all its statements, ' and a gross libel on the Directors and officers of the Com pany. It is almost unaccountable to us how- such a tissue of falsehoods should have found a place In your paper, more especially as the Commercial took the trouble to contradict It in their issue of Saturday.last. Because the Company Is a public col , porationtis no reason why its managers should be ilasailed I in the insolent and contemptible manner of the Inquirer, and I can only assume ass reason r for its appearance in your paper that it did not come under Your Inspection before its insertion. yery, respecttully, Tiros. D. MEssr.on, • Lss't President. Remarka.—lf the article enclosed had fallen under the eve of either of the re sponsible editors of this journal it would certainly have been occluded. No men standing higher, or inure deservedly, in the estimation of the public, and parUc ularly of those who enjoy their personal ,acquaintance, than the gentlemen con cerned in the management of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail road., We are the more mortified at the appearance of the article aspersing them In our columns, because we not only concur in the general judgment, but have the pleasure of numberingibik of them among our personal frlends:- . We have had occasion tops over this road repeatedly, and can testify from experience that the trains run with great regularity, andinat the employes are courteous'and attentive. 'for ac cidents,. no road in this country is more free from them. No facts exist to war rant the imputations cast upon it and its management by the Itiptirer. Tee Effect of Consolidation Upon Subur ban Heal Esta , e. - CCOrmoond_nee of the T'ltutourgh C.ette.: •-liany of our citizens aro so situated as to be deeply interested in the matter of the pro Posed consolidation of Pitts burgh upon suburban real estate. I have been repeatedly enquired •of how this had operated: n Philadelphia. Se,- eral persona, owners of real estate thus situated, have expressed fears on these subjects. -I am in that predicament, myself. All the realestate in whi ch lam interested is outside of the present city limits and within the proposed extension by consolidation. I, therefore, have taken pains to enquire on this point, at Philadelphia. There I have found more fault finders among the residents of the old city than among the owners of real estate in the former suburbs. The large owners of real estate in the old city limits allege that their property for tax able purposes is valued at two or three times what outside property is. Nearly 'all the owners of the former suburban property admit that their property has been largely increased in value by Ceti solidation' and that as yet their assessed valuation Is•largely below that in the old city. The most striking case that came un der my observation is that of the Norris estate—within the last year divided amongst the heirs. Joseph Parker Nor ris, a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, died something over forty years since, leaving among others two farms contain ing between three and four hundred acres, shuttled some three miles north of the State House—in the then county of Philadelphia—afterwards Inthe district of Kensington, now in the city. This real estate was tied up by his will in a trust that could not be sold, and bad to be - lessed out after the manner of the O'llarra es tate in this vicinity. After several acts of the Legislature and decrees of the Su preme Court it was disentangled last year. and the appraisers have Just com pleted a valuation of It preparatory to division among the heirs.. Its valuation Is a little • over' $4,000 7 04 I asked a gentleman of high intelligence, who had been for over forty years connected with this trust what the effect of consolidation had been when the 'Norris estate—in cluding taxation, -valuation, answer was "that the estate had been benefitted tenfold in value beyond the Inereak of taxes—that its increase in value during the last a thirteen years, since brought within the city had been three fold what it had been daring the former thirty years of the trust—in fact of the $4,000.000, at which 1; had been valued by the appraisers, he Mill ° doubt fully one-bait, or $2,000,000 of that value, had been added by the consolidation of that city." Now all real estate in Philadel phia county may not have been so favor ably situated us this Norris estate—hut on the. other hand this has been lease hold property, and could not be perma nently. improved as If it had been held in fee by its owners. I also enquired into the rate of taxa tion In Philadelphia since - consolidation. From 1859 to 1661 the rate had not aver aged over twenty mills, on two per cent. for all purposes, two-thirds of which rate - was assessed upon suburban prop. erty marked "Rural" on the Assessor's books ' (The same arrangement is to ox -.tend to suburban property . here by the provisions of the consolidation_ bill.) I The city of Philadelphia Increased her , debt about $11,000,000 by local bounties and other extraordinary expenditures 'during the war. The consequence has been that she is now paying tarty mills or four .per cent on her assessed valua tion, two-thirds of this, or 26 2.3 mills, are upon 'rural property.. This is pretty steep, but not up to what we are paying now on our assessed valuation. In my borough we pay school 15, county 10, borough 10 and county poor, I think, 2, or 37 mills in all, not to Include 20 mills for bounty purpose's. presume the coinage in either Pittsburgh - or Alle gheny rout up to pretty near 90 mills exclusive of, the bounty tax in each ward. Having spent' some days in ex sinining this question in Philadelphia 1 haire given my fellow citizens the result of my obsfervations and, upon the whole. have concluded I had better trF dation. I bone it may result as It has done in Philadelphia. While everybody there and here growl about the Increase of taxation; not one In test in Pliiladel plan WOW , ' v etolo return in heifold dis• organlied condition- there'orr think the best-thing-Lean do la to Vote and labor for the consolidafion of the thirty separate cities, boroughs and townships into, one. consolidated city. I believe that if this is earned at the Debater elec tion, and the citizens of consolidattaq Pittsburgh behave with ordinary wis dom, not ono in filly would ten ye ar . hence vote for a return to our present Art Ourewsu. LEGISLATIVE COImUPTION Osn of the earliest, true.,t. Itertubl l :cant in the Stote—re‘i , linr, an the - easf tide of the Alleghenies=sends ,U 9 OAS: = EDITORS G.I7ETTE:-I frequently h j ek. oi•er the copy of your paper that comes to our local nevrepaper, and I am so much pleased 'tvitl.l the article entitled "Dishonesty in Politics," in the weekly of May Ilth, that I desire to express my thanks to you for the service you arc rendering-the people. It is quite time the Republican press of .this State was earnestly engaged in exposing the dis honest practices too common at the State capitol, and inquiring into a remedy. The Republican party will soon be ruined unless the press and people waken up to the danger that threatens us. My own impression Is, that a Convert. lion to reform the! Constitution is the only means by 'which a remedy can be secured. Local legislation' is the great source of corruption, and that can only be pre vented by a Constitutional provision re , quiring all laws to be general. One.half of all the legislation of the two sessions in which I participated could be more wisely disposed of I y the Courts; one-half of the balance might have been as well kit to general legisla tion, and the rest could have been dis pensed with without injury to the people. Truly yours, FOR HONEST LEGISLATION. IT IS worth while to note how the bailing of Mr. DAVIS is receited at the South. The Richmond 117412 says: "The generous course pursued toward Mr. Davis yesterday was one of the most effective reconstruction steps yet taken. It was indeed a stride in that direction. But the legal, action taken Ras not all that we feel called upon to notice. That action was accompanied and embellished by circumstances of courtesy and cordial. generosity from northern and Republican gentlemen of distinction and Influence, which will go far to commend them to the grateful con sideration of the South. They joined our own Virginians In both bail bonds and congratulations. In so doing, they illustrated their magnanimity, and in one moment leveled barriers that might otherwise have remained for years." , The Lynchburg, 1'1;4,7i/don says: "An obstacle in the way ef_reconstrue tion has been broken down- and the Fed eral Court at Ihelunond did more yester day towards healing the wounds of the nation and restoring good will and har mony than has ever been done before. We hail the event as an auspicious one, fraught with good, and recognize the present sea fortunate time for both sec tions of the Union to set out with a new purpose to bury their animo...ities and meet together on a common ground of justice, pence, and fraternity." If the people of the South shall gen erally accept the release of Mr. Dasis in that spirit who shall say that Mercy and Magnanimity may not win a victory equal to that gained 'by Courage and Endurance on the battle•deld?. • A., Pants later announces that the magnificent palace .on the Expomition grounds has been disposed of to a Rus sian Company, who Will, after the let of Norembe . EMhe it to St. Petersburg and rebuild it Mr exhibition purposes. Tar. New York Independent says tha the "eminent ability of its fait conduc Mrs" left it at the end or a dorun year. forty thousand dollars in debt. PURE 'WHITE LEAD. Itur , lt sal try It. Evrr7 beg warranted a r article, ground In U. boat LlnDred Vartlebra alr kinds' a:lnstr.] OIL and rutty Also. North Cuollna Tar, In Legs and bartal at too rat.. Pure Liquors, or all lauds, usS the trust Wlu lu the C11r... Ccllnburn nrartlion Alen. and En•Dsh Dranna Brunncliu..d Forint . . 6.1 and DUD, 'At Flenclther Dr. and Patinl.ll tint Div, . At Fleming's Drug .cl Patcnl Mcdl,l. Drp.A. Pleraing . . Drug nod raten t ntrclicne Led., • No. ei Market atrial, No. el liarliet . No. Si Market streci. Corner Diamond, near You Mb attest. Corner Diamond. near Fourth street. Corner Diamond. near rourtli carrel. sarlaiacror GRAY EtAIEL BALDNESS, DAN - Kerr, ANY i.inr.Anr. Or tICALV.—NO 131.10UVY.KVCAN.obll'ALIEWLTII • LoNOUN 1.14111 COLON Ucst•Fl AN I) 1/11.EM.11.Nt.. , . ••Loudou Oar Licst !fair Color It...toter" "London Ilt:r cola, nesaorer" `Loadon 1117.11e1a. lialr Color /restorer 'London liar Color ILestorer 'London Uze an 4 Hair 1,.10r hev.vrct. 9 `London Hair Colut l4rturcr'• ••London Recommend It. Hair Color Jte.turtr" Itnerer gotta so Impart lfe.• grow., and rigor to the hair, fa. l . and .toca Ite (011104 and Is gore to produce• new growth of toll, uoalog St to grow thick nod •trong• 041175 eon. a bottle:Nth , ti *Jr dozen. • gold by IktetILAILI.:4IdeKENNA.N, g 3 Market &treat. GE. P. A. KELLY. 37 wood at., and it.. YLltailhtt, Si Market street, lit.- ILANS • 1/talliT. •Itegbt .7. . ath.Vtt:o:ww. STRONG TESTIRON T. 7101.41.80 A. Perry Co., itl., Dee. U. TAU certiges that lhare used and recomoseivt. edkirto7 Dractlee,4iurlek the last four years, liorffETTEIDd hItDIACLIJitTTEILI with per feel sallataelkon. and Make great Wear,. In recommending them to the pubitc. E. 11. ruicz, Ta , Cet.a. •upost 3.16E4. 11.stetbr Was: I um your — ISITTLIM In my 1, milt', and co¢rldcr them the beat that can be procured. $y wife bee de. riled great Great Prem using them, and also considers them an Invaluable medicine. P.espectfully Tour.. • G. I'. IdILLEII. . °groan, Warren Co.. E. Y Ang. du. W 6. .1/esere. /betake n: ErgUA, Plllatnerg4, Pn.— tlI lts There is • great demand :or your valuab:c STOMACH Pt r rEkti in this neighborhood. We bark been using them la the ranOly for some time, and And them the best medicine of any for family one. .Yours, J. N. CANDEE COLE. EYPINGIIA . A. "'alma= Co., 111. Dr. ficattller—l/eatt sin: With pleasure Inn :IP, that your BITTERS, from my knowledge of era use In my family, and Crum what !satin by purchasers, are far superior to 'any other. Your•, &a.,.ROBERT tarts AL. , PLNIV OCAICADENiiIS. A tree which is abundant In Canada, Noes Soatia, and the more northern tarts of the New England States, and le also found to the elevated and mountainous rugions . of the Middle States, and abounds In medicinal virtues. Ur. exert, of Boston, bas prepared a medicine from the sweet inside birk of the pine tree. calleal PO. LAND'S WHITE PINE COMPOUND. welch Is one of rare 'faille in all debilitated states of the kidneys. It &cis like ionarat to all dimuses of mucous memffean cm enabling them to regain their lost tomat' energy. It will he found welt adapted to all those diseases. where Buchn has been tried and failed. It is likewise - well salted to chronic conchs. and au Infallible i'pecilic for old and debilitated cams of asthma. Many per sons who at disc only took a bottle of Cam mcdl. eine, to try, 'afterward. came beet and got a coxen. or, Pall dome, whirl, effected radical ures of diseases at th e bladder and kidney of yea , * standing. ' Diabetes, a disease that has been looked upon as among the incurable. iw Immediately (these, by It. Notice the' coeliac:o.e of Ass (Jammer, pe The is Untied Watt, Dintensoforg, epeaking of the pine, nays: ••It le prescribed In leueorrbtes. elect, road other diteuesof the urinary paessges; In plies and chronic Inflammation or usceration of Um bowels, In chronic catarrhal affections, and io Mena , of thenmatletto" It Is en• ceedlngly valuable In all araveity effectioue, bloody urine, and whoa there It red and white tedlment. It ma be taken without interest ptiou o eau's usual avocations: and Instead of sicken ing, pesselects a bracto g, healthy power of endu rance and visor. Primo U per bottle:Off for Asa for POLAND'S willTs PIS CO - rouNu. rur sale by the gross. dosen or single bottle. at DE. MEP tl gli'S (steal Medicine elan., ilia Wood atreet. . ap2o NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, wif..g.nwium, Jr., Adam Ezprerr floe, 64 Ann &red, IN an azdhartied drimt to ream+ Advarawnemis tor the GAZE ME. and cal Warr= jAraughout dm United Brain and /ha • ROBINSON BROTHERS, • • 33.3.,..c.ri5,, N 0.76 FOUSTII 'STREET, Plitsbargb. , metterms , hatetcharge. Upon Bayern. meet terms, The constantly on hand ell kinds of tr. es. scpwrns, And are prepared to boy and sellßAliroad Bonds or btoclue,ilank. Uss BMW." Moan Mon gages on Bral _Estate, Land 414., . of AC. NTILL-1 he bonds of the count' .ofßo kr, Beaver. Lawrence. 31.reer and Washington • Interest allowed on Tune Deposlls. _ MINERAL WATEIt kortisALLE. TWO CASES VECHY WATER,. , 1 8 ;?.?•`• r . i4a Zi e •l'Prlto Wrixectittat m Its :o - - -- A CLEAU, ' SMOOTH' nkillir and IIEAUTIeLIL COMPLEXION foliar — Mo. ore of 11/I.bLIULD . B CONCT-VtIIATZt, XXIMACT Umbel...mut. IL removes Made spots. Pt oplasaal oul truptiQa•ot tho slau• Ipl.6lltlfr NEW ADVERTILEI:_ .I.OY Leti'F`—'lr./91: AS NU:4 FL— . L.J5' =trAyte. a , 7.i.5.1 CAIr ..n.l 1%611,11+,0kt At, :Wray :Won ••:•I'. • 1111 I .011 117 1.I• Who, ' • I T111 1 51M3 111'111 , .. Man. 10 al. AND. Nu. 114 V.:l2burg _32 rr3 MAY AND JULY COUPONS, IMESTONE HIGHEST MIRKET- PAID FOR JAS, T. BRADY & CO., Banlc rs, Cor. FOurt4 & WOW, Ms. SION-ENGINE IN THE WINDOW MGR INT AND RIM TE IS. PILRE AROMATIC COFFEES. PURE SPICES, SAD CANNED FRUITS, pure naxci !HIELDS & BOUCHER, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ALLEM - 111NY COUNTY, lit Ito Court of Coalition No. fa]. duo Term, le -47. In Inc mettee - 0: the retlll, NVIOIELSIISI VOLIZ. wife vf 2I bl'l Cf=l A-J now. May petition yreaentol In .bh Court, and thereupon the Court grant a rut. .11 .ID,F.Cki -COLA the husbaud of soli rat:.l.,..ce, ail on all °Oltr bat - tuna lute...ed. 1..N.41 . In Court 00.0 7 Afore the El !WY MON DAY Oe . JUNE :CENT, and show cause, If an) it..; bare, bOo Me t notr of the. potttlbner not be granted,,, , 1 otd,r an,t 1101 et that notice or said rule be glean to the , pante. Inter• catal by publlcal'on to the Cfaburgh 1,11.1 for ten days prior to "14 Ant Monday of June. FIWM. TILE RILOJI:11 11. WALT., L'tothonotir3. NEW HOOKS. T•vior•f Co!orn.l.v. I.l.lllsys of our ...s.v.t , por. • True rr..tevlaut 1:143,A. W. ltovvr.ue K.. , to Bantrunt Arfoutit. Ilethoinapla. Ity AI.. Pay. lalr. l'britleva Me . . NM ]••r of Dooklve. liiant L'ltl. R. JE:OIIEa-t, D 1111.1611 IN CEMENT, MIRE BRICK Al,!) TILE tatlNk:llE*lll.firk, CHIMNEY TOVS, Arid w ATM( PI VE:S. °Mee slot Warehouse 1G Slater WrISEET, ovrasalie llonontahela Isouae. I' oß 03{E DOLLAR YOU CAN A Can of rood BLACKIIEURIErr And • Gan of good YILAISSI TOMATOES; At 112 FEDERAL tiTKEZT, Allegheny City =I Ml= MALT t MALT l MALT t• i.OOO MUSIL CLIOICZ LIAMLILY MALT, 111003.1 - REA. Jr., 12=1 gggc,go gss Lib.•tf St.. foot ot'Screnth JOBT. OUT. The K.y to th. IlaakruoL Amunt.. Y.Y. EsnetsozOs Bee' lieveeee Law la J. B. WELDLid, Co NEW ADVERTISEDIENT3 . • FOR SALE. A 1,14,1 quality of LIM F,l }. ill .1.1 to •nr on , la tIo. sat sue!: a. Will leas,. • Yury IV.c profit to alt no srl,l.lng 1.01 . 11,t, In the ...esti. At., It. • . . . P. it.. . trt 1. v. TRIUMPH OIL COMPANY. tzti 11. slss' Tsj OT —P iarguant to it Betio-. AunsalUv ur n h s e . beh ws o h otohle r e t h is t st hall. the Huard or DIN lots of the 11Ittl3t111 r CIIStItA NY have tots day orderea the unsold B , uek to be allettlhutsd hrats annine the. Ht oekhoblets en nonat, .11:NE tith. - . . .. . Via Transfer Boots weld r e eln.e4 (runt the Ist a the 011, dal s of June. 1.'11430 e. _ 13y order the lloard. lINM I= Tyr2,64 WHITE, 01111 ok CO, 25 Fifth Strset, = DRESS GOODS, 131=1 nlymwt (OUSE AND FURNITURE FOR SALE. TUE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 11= At prrsent oce-rplad LT Mr. .1. H. 11E1.1.. Tho louu cont./vs 1.11. . vu,l Pilledled attic, ilOt and cold *stet, it.arl.lo ma i n and lors.11• tiled dln•rproolo. hall mud LOW,. beT forulture sod rarpr ts, uldrlt are ELI., mill e sold . 1 1 1 11 the house. r“.u.•11 1 . 111 111 oe 111 ; 11 .• •ppl) to J. S. DELI., roil oe IFr Mils Al Itr.VeNec. 240 ot Lt. 011 W 111,1. No. Faurt4:4l.. 101 l 1 NOTICE IS 111:1IFIEIT Gr. EN that the AN St; AI. I.llTe. I.F TA XR , I (formerly terloel rloo taaea on •ACO.IIE. SILO 0.01 MATE. ETC.. are nor. In Oil.. null pave moot rill he r.crlvr.l the. 00111 for the CIT , I.F 1...W1:1...WE. 11.1. K. FITT ANO 0A1:1./01110WN,1111 .- . The ioergolna tasea, moat he DSO he ore the ;01IA day of 10.1 e. Other. rla adUltlonat expel,. trill he iocurre..l I, the *As payee. 1111.100 otes Wm a Ilarrt.on and JOI, A. , r Nadi to after the 1.1 pr0a1n0....., eor that porlon °I the lllxtrl.t not 10011 , 1.410 ahort.llloll-, atol .111 poet notleea iletlau•lrnir ...hen.a...lwllere they or 111 tee I , re,re.lto the tales co lect•,le • SI, pay..4l, ~,..reenbacka or !...tlonal 1.1.0100. VOI.Z Coilictor. BAILEY, FAIIIIELL CO., • Lead Pipe, Skeet Lead, a3. - 32"3J1 - LEI-N t rEi. Pumps, Sinks, Bath Tubs, I= No, 167 8311T11Gif:Li) STREET, I= GENTLEMEN •8 . .FURNISHING GOODS, 30. R 2 Fifth titreet, =I Ttmoq. 01, az:vr sArl•,y. ;.atett tic, U.s4t• wt.. of N., lutz. Perfect Fitting French Yoke Skirls, MADE lo u1:14 PUTNAM & HOUSE, I=ll E= is ()TICE TO CONTRACTOILS •••,1:14.14,..0r/t,. ny. I's , .11Ly 1. kh, I Ii kutoLs... - - •kfl. slot 11,a,:-• 11'r w ctk‘ell kLi• 114.1 i nftrLk:l , Al, 111,1., a., rio, 1 L.. IJ, 10.1/Hl s d, yore ar 1r. , . of 1! ttrl: 1111EE I'lll. :1 I:' r ir.rl+ OW. • 15 11'i:A 1,1i1t16 1111ANUIV. • If-ivta 11111 C1111(111 , . to tr, of Inro. PIA: 11.1 • perk of 2 ) oils to the ,tll./.. nlll lo ur an .1,1- I ,rln tio , tnee. thr urtl, An Intl. not Ira. than nv,r {.1111,6 pound. to the anal" .1t.rt.,1 at su r e snd rl:nt•t..lrns-.11 War. r \l vta may .1,,{ Fur lurit..r •:.“116 14.1,Irror*- 1er , ...) to OEI r, \, MII.I.Eri, k:h., Fut , t. . . /Jidda," an troul Itttr:JO tate I.nt, pt, pound, Pat,bl.. to tttruty yt aro •11 r Lloud, teat Intare.t noupons a r'i payable. bruit.. •nottai/y. At•o. ttrtt, tOl4titt Ipsyablo In attonnl paymputx or on, 1., twee. Golf and ast. 7••ro, • III; Snit:feat 1.4 e. Mt.: of • itt.t vet t. Vsr Tlit: flea t• f cat ft t., to any and all s$ ,atroll• WAIIEIIOII'SE. RICHARD BREED Sr. CO., X DLL 'coxi Mart s 3 No. 100 Wood Street lIIIITTAN IA AND PILVPD! CI,•TED TA -1161, WA HE. TEA TRAILS And TA ISLE CUT LUDY, slways on Land. CPIS A TEA en:VP, CHINA I/INN Kit hPII3, - CHINA TOILET 315T11, CHINA VASA., cHINA EVITTO9,IB, oracer description HAtIICATS, • I CAVIt ICNDIASH STONE WARE of sari/Dim to toll srbsle•nd retail trade. The largest and most complete stock of ercry thing in Ode !tor In thecar. Criers and I,4lnus tbe sante ns la too cute./ cities. FOR THE SPRING TRADE, At 28 and 2S St, Clair Street. We Lave In store and are daily receiving, of orr own anti oilier 10.011 - ..11,11, a large stuck FLOUR 011, CLOTIN Wll o.lw mni"C,t . YIIII.NITURE:. B. TAull4: AND CAR l)11,Ct MA6K 111.;Yr 1161.1. AV. . , Also, I. prj,.r&i, T g1.1111.: ItIITULLES 111.1/111411 /AWL AND ratAx reeKniu. 'Being manta/tete rem wetre enabled to otter te. mecchants. carriage rashers nod the retell trade thou./went. a. toy rice.. and gooda not be round elsewhere lu the city. • aps:lgh7 The—Mlghest Market Price nu') 3+0.1 GOVERNOENT SECURITIES, GOLD; SILVER, COUPONS .DB !COMPOUND lITZSESI 1011 x, --, J. F. STARK & CO., Bankers Cor - WOOD 'AND TIM a) dTUESIII reyn:o3,r, U 110. c. JAS. in:Apr.l, SPANGLER it BRADFORD, Plumbers ' , and Gas Fitters X°. 17 Ohio Si., I= Eol , Sr. fitted U with \4ATEEL' (JAE 11113 d ATEAII experlsweeel workmen. Particular attet.llon risco to country work. 111 , 1. IS and ALE rUldt'A latest style. myl7:llL Hit, MILLER, Bazaar, Livery nd MALE sI . ALILKI. A 1..,. Varnishing Unde • rt a aker. all kinds of (MM.. an.. at the unit rates. kept constantly on hand. VA WWI terrtliZT, letweerlOrmsny and Denman streete, Birmingham. blots., Card age* ne Bug [leg for him. • 'wears. Sod earrl•UtS /1 , 0,711 to remit /castor Ifun/ra'a. Horn. kept at Livery by the gay. month, or veer, •011 attenCed to In tee belt manner. ,Vrivate families furnished with thesafe,t. liorma - and nowt cies mt _tame Mgt (Teti all LOWS of the till 2..1 nicht. m 71.701 H. 1.41(41..)1N Sealer of Weights and Measures. rio. 5 FOURTII NTREET, Betereen Liberty and Ferry streets. Ihders promptly atttade4 W. aptd;s9l NEVI AD VERTISEM EN TS. ENGLISH coNcEnT. THE LI I r •rr THE MONUMENTAL FAIR, given by liiitstibrgb Anintrisin, I by nliitsri. CITA, 11, litit.l.)l iin.1.1011:: MA:i t:lit:Os under the direction of MR. CLEMENT TETEDOUX, AT AIVONIC [LAU, 'lltureday EVeutVW. ]ley :MI, 1,1;7. VA NT {MST. L.- • . I. p.t.t 1110;3'11111 , D lA. I. r0,..11 .1...,13..Au1....r , 1...4 mll. , rn 1,..P. , 1 ward,. 2,7C1.. - Vatitinl, Wild W , ,t ,, 1 flow,. , lu , 1t.).. -- Ma - 11... W:),,..Mr.i. M. A. W. t., , lward 41141 Mr. V.•r.,,,n • . . • 1. Yt 3l,rry • butubtrt. NlJaa Mary 1.334.1z0n. a. 'The Ar gel .3,re.n.ed.., 1 w 11.14 ,1.31111 r.W.llleato. II age. Ali.. Mary l'ort,r awl Mr. Jahn Maunl , g. 31 5. The Plsbellna Lou Fl. 1.. s Ma,leLu en I 51r. A. tino4 Night (quartetblarth ht I.authli n and Annie Miller, Nee l 4lnonerm3n ant W. II Edwards. 7. lluttoly. / 'furry. Yes. N. A. Woodward Ftry tiptrzst. rrov.trii. Z. on, Mr. I'. Ztruu,crulam Chorus I.Art r I. V. MAI I hi ow thatiltouAr. Nrar.1 , 111.1.0 Art Miry M. t orter Awl Mr. W. B. Vol ward, Robin Ada r. Arrusgrd by litllcu MI -a ll. 3. Withina\ille Al Edinboro' eI=STOMII 4. raliate.t Eye!; arranged "rite alone u 1.1.1! rent, fl e l t t ' ;').". b . )' addlson net Mr. J. .11aeulea. a. Ore in the 81.1 , 1 e Nigh. • •.• • . . • )1. McCandless. , 6. The Lart.,,el.l %Vote!), 011.1, IT. I.'inneennati and .1. l'ilislett. 1.1111 the Gipsy 1te1.....,-11otleinfon Biel, Bolt, — 3151 , 1,e,....k.16)=0n aed Chortle ISPort, oprn o'rl,k; Concert to run. met o'clock 11)....ettloway Nano, 11..0 no 11.1 a ere),.n end :oil:Mlle eul • eedelin ',tee, !save In en kindly feet:11.4..1 , Y )1‘ , .e 6 11 itiLloer h Bro. 1 1111 A S TEAS TEAS! - J Auk , ALL Flll E 5 AND IVJALIII, AT 1-...13EbiEr...".5. tanres TEA. Prtu, Young Ily : ots 41,1 per pound Extra gout! ' I 1, • • tio.ol •. 1., •• MIMI II ~.A17C TEAS—Oulougm. Ite“ II,/ per potaild nLAtic TE.V4—PonchOlz. auttenong . and Cutworm, E. Viol Urge 1 , ,mv,.1 End inn yi ; l , Tpltry, 41u . JAPAN TEAM, • . j 11,19,41. vet) vt. .114Tur J•par.l..lveug Lvat ............ 1.14 ,M 121.1 TvAd 2 , 1 , N•st •• •• num thr 3.:11 . artir ••••.. awl 11,, M u'. to our h n,nary. f0r.,....11.y any of U., p•nkt..ll,ll. 411,. ,rittn; t > au w s rilcii,Llc. ault3 tilt I.ll.atc. • '1 A. Ii I UK. LA .:4:r14 & 174 ral t , c.4 IK.tA • CriA/W8 0 LET SAWMILLS. C , l PI SL C Eir , l r 3 AN Lill COMPANY, DIEM l, rwi:lnuo the xen, ral !onalni.. In atl 114.: war nfacture cr LATII, 47 tl:c Great American Lath Machine, Milt be mid.: a •p•rta!ty. The 31aebtrta yr^• elutes an litovired tbousautl lath per tlap. t.l a bet trr raNtr than Say now In t tverlaan .an Ite.per than ordlna•C tat!. OrAcrs trt.tni.•ll, dra.era for at, t, rone• ICR I....eaten EMT tb.,.11,1 au./ • .telloa. rt I to a :1 t:t..ta, 11J:a at re•atona , e, I.r:ce, at tie t'on±lantlT e•tl band. A eat tie•AT .11 , 0 1, , 11,11 V.l:St/e , a 11 , 0111. ',1L1,. TP.I.n. ! Jolt T;. 1,1;1 N/1, • - 11:1T11. 111,1 lor 11.,w, AtLS 111,"1 wlt:ll.r.omp:Lt. el yr Ai , , will Ln tall ts 14 a cvmptlrut .L:p Car vent., 1 T. L. BIRCH, Central SYYprrintelaticlitt I AST NOTICE.-I:iipwrsurnic.• A.m. the provla.nni or :.n cti.l,norol At,etubiy u( theta cdotnalyaoralth of l'enGly.‘..- 1, ont.lllt.l `•All Ark au lhOrletic the oot 11+111 of the F . :WWII' . tlos ALLY - - , 1 E . ,' (In ,1;111”: 1 1. ot,rktur 111 .uotT boalr.t,.. •1/11,.. !WTI". t y mon., vurpoao of . ,arll,o,Lore oo:o i and crorl , , .4 a near 14.14 001, Sr." Si y.rvao.l lb. • I,,ty day of Apra. A. „-. TLr 11,,s_nlof ctor•ntlLL Yul'il'l'll 1:1). A ,Y, by 4c.n brr,tu th , itol.ll u.lof sa'd 14•1 wl,l 1.41 ail •utu. 1,1131 . 11 t.. NIY.I. lt,stiutr., • ft- •.Lt-r.r ant,. ox,. at tb, ~tom•I Nation, )4,, rt to • zu• <4 t4e Board. Lltcr tltt! time Extluay.l almre. to ....y,mon..) rtni•lplnK tio. .I . • vs ry .111 tw lor rurp ert , tl ,, r a ne w - ' ,"""•'• c.alus• for hlett dvium.l4 Lai not DILL mad. witIOLL 1.1. t ton„ . . 13. of the 11,..1 It. N..t.t.orlt. ORWM=M NEW STORE AND NEW 00003. FRANCE'S TEI. I= So. la DIA3IOND, VITTs111:11Glii. Jura oi•uttl. • large .c.l cLolca .tuck Teas and Family Groceries. N'hlch are ttnina rctalled 6 lortrat a . nutraa:a nric... Cell and. , un the a , l • and prtecs. Trr than, and Yull I, In 'wig,: 11,r our tntred. Trans ahsoluttly CAnit, =EI FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLAsS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. IFY ON S, No. 110 Wood St., rlttsbtirgli, licepo On hand and ord.,. the STYLE. OF hill'. 'lli and A 1.1 UT, OVAL •nil 311Itlion, and PICTIJ 126 tiItAXIKS, Cannin Cornice. Hands sod Munn., Console, Triliod and liraclirt Tables of eailulaita iltaign and ...rortm•nthlp. ' (HUH:qt. AND ItEIiILDINU executed In the Wettest atyla 1111, art, • liircl•RlCltti MollEllATE J. SCHOONMAKER & SON, Proprietor. of tho Whito Lead and Color Works, AlaunfactureD of WHITE AND ItKD LEAD. • t ZINC, PUTTY. ID.UK I,T.A D. 11cCOVei VEUDITEIt NA:YEN, And all colors dry or In oil. °Mee, No. 07 FOURTH STREET. Vaclol7, Nos. 430, 452, 454. 454 an 1 430 liebreca ntreet. and 40, Oland 3:1 Loon:a tbr Alleaheny. tnyll,a3l J. LANCE, Not. 135 anti 137 Third Street, DYER AND SCOURER. Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed. RID GLOVEZ and LAl)ll.:5' PLUMES eke. Or dyed. BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, 6 and 81st. Clair Street. I= Book.areplog, Penmanship and Arithmetic,. time unliantleil lOU UU krithmale sod Penmanship pet quitter of three months • Penmanship, per month /or Circuls re or Specimens, address SHAFFER. or nodule . . J. r. Meel.AY W M. mAnDonr ixco" Mant6Kin/T[li and Whoknee Peale r 3 fu BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Findings. klketory Witv1,01:111e. In OW re sr of ,licho matt,* Lang's. No,. 17200 d 171 Wood St., 11l lobtargb spl9;x77 11”,111. 241NOSULT•...r.tutar CLZIEt SINGERLY CLEIS. mucc..or. w Uco. Y. tiehuctiman A C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The ONLY IiTILLId LITEO4IIIII'IIIO WY-STO" . THE SIOUNTALML Neatness Cards, Letter Dead., Dead., Labels, Circulars, Chow Cards, Diplomas, Portraits, eenificate• - - of D.-posits, larltatlaa Cards. At. NOG 7* and 7I Third at., l'ltti• Inept NEW ADVERTISE IdENTS Ylesl 111 M COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, FININd orul.e.c BB: STILES AND QUALITY, Ou BOOTS, SHOES, IMEMEME AND AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES, 31 FIFTH STREET IV. E. SCHMERTZ & CO, HEMS, HOPPER & CO., 11.1. ti Ot FURNTTURE SCUOOL AND OFFICE FERNITUUL gar , . f.. 11 La,“ at LLIWt.T WM. 1. al's ~:::..A. Y. C. 1:..:...... ~'. A. )'::l. = BARR, =S!CMWM No. 11.1 St. Ct,tir L uut~. ix A. ut,. !lie 1/1:U ILA, Ncw real., 11C110.11AC.1./.1/. W. l'l,llld I,la, VIA NI 1 "OrTTLUZ," Lnd • D. A U. W. ..A.51E1t.C6,i. LATENT xn , l Itermark Vl.llu 1.1,4 1.:u1t., t., alwas.on nann. 10,r. I= SHEPHARD'S CRACEERS C NEW YORK, 317 Liberty Street, DR. J. A. HE.E.RON His Office and Residonce to TEIE PEOPLE'S TEA - STORE, Wilson '& Underwood. 01MT nmiLi GROCERIES. ;In .1.. a ut•l wl.:olczale and t. tatl :tvrts :n (1.1. S(i i Harness, Trunks., No.lo'2WoodStreet, I=l = I=lll 20 00 0 00 AND GAITERS, MEM EERIE I I:=1 =I =1 Of Every Description. No. 45 Smithfield Street, ll= =I I=2 PITTSBURGH, PA. HAS REMOVED So. ❑FIELD ST., I= Nu. 1, South We nt Ilitunond, art r. • our acid prices. LOUGUREI & FREW, act In k LW, lu (I,,raan Dlanlon.lAney an/ Filth nt..) Pril,lll7nt. MORELAND tt,' MITCRELk Livery and Sale Stabiles, 12, LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURCIII. sr u '. tc:.:tr au. 'Mon 1,3,1 tti furnl.lilug Hem.. 4111 C•rriagt•• Cur Succroas. .=== j)iTTSIII'ILGII PAPER MANU- A. ?ACTURISLatcoIirAN I, fdarvafuturers of PRINTING L AND WRAPPING PAPERS ("LI NM,: NULL. STY. tffivivlcf.x. 111110. 13111UL1ION MILL, NEW LIIIIURTON, IL. OFFItE AND WADI:DOUSE, No. 82 Third'Streel, Pittsburgh, Pa, Orr/CLILI—AI!IitST lIAWFJ Y. Pres!.lent. JNIJ. 11. Treaer, 11. Baru:Jan. John 11. Living6ton. John 1L }'u - • tine. C. 11. Mtrrlek. SAMUEL WICKERSHAM Iron 13rolier„ 124 First Street, PITTSIIIMOIII, PA. • A,rent roz t2e of Cornwnil, Llonngbmorc. Duncannon. IltahhoPc. Olerplon. nod urn, broad, oft ha:ratite. i n l a y Youh Pl Cone and Oliphant's C. It. Charcoal MU ICONS. Conslgomtnts and orders respectfully cano ed. 1.14:03 ('HEAT FIEVI)LUTION IN TIRE INE Tit/. iln i , THE Ult ITE.II STATES. —FULE CALIFOItNIA. made and prepared as If done in France, from. .Pen Callforola N Inc, and taking the, place of 12, P° 8- Led Chatin dermpagne. The algned would rail the attention of. Wine Desdere and Hotel II eenem to the follow ing letter. which may be a c urrent idea of the ,inallty of their Wine , “etgeTnerreran HOTEL, • rill abinenz a, oct.ltstp. 1.451. "Al Lerna. llorellnn .9 CO. —oeMtemeem Bay log elven 3our California champagno , a thorough test. we take plea.o re In as/' log that we think It the ~,r A m,,,,...11)( nsvo o f el . er used. We shall tdonoe it jrC. cto.hrs truly end try our , llenfarnia Chaupagne. norna7a In 'WEST CO:II:110N MACHINE wonot. Tiorthw GI Carnal* 0 50" "' AV01: " AIYIVITILIt•CO. It • , e oa 11;s1f; gare s tulVnOtlea 11 1=k 4 LtSP. vAut.4t s a!:" Hoot/ A till Tottli nToNr.s. as.. ' . _ Jr d d—or rrd promptly executed. rant:LP itiA mlv VVIN ALLEY.—The undeildgu- A-4 Ti. appolate , l to marts damages 1,1 he fits for Opening of Kn. alley. Flub ward, All. ohduy, from MI6 avenue to Yrankl woo, a lstance of ISA lilt, will meet on the prowlat, on the kill day - of one, 1881, at 11 o•cica •, a., to tulall Mar duties of Mal+ ape .rotalmtnt. MOHO A o, leiltErrZ entlSte I .Inlll, llltnll/01. YAcit.;, STItLIET.—The under blgnuil, appointed I - lovers to LW" damn to. au! trittents for the upe.rlng of rage meet. /lan testa, A Ilegbor y, Irons a point midyear be• twern C hinter , and lisuirsttatt stunts, to Bea ver streeti tlirttnec of ill feet. Will meet • u the premiers ott the lIITH DAY JU/it/r. at It's rd_ritrit. A. of their jUolt.l.lo JANlEtstiStAlikil. MEE 1 0 t;UkT STII LET.—The udder -A egutd, supuinttd. to asesS datus'ites sod under 1, tits tor opening of /4' 4,1111, street, 71110 ward, Aldlheny City. frviis Vultou street to lteuNer t tire. t, • distance Of ie.. veld meet 00 the prOulses, on t^e h day of J... 0067. •/ 111 o'C:crk A. M. to fulfill Mr Jule. of Melt s 1 , , MO , OWN, otPolOtloltl. jtnaltrii MIMIC rATHICK. JILUZIS URA/IAM, NOTICES M ULIANINk. ]tag 1,17. ItIEETEVG of the Stock- ra of :I.e WVOLL/1:11)6C 4111..n1C -I'onl'ASl.l.lll be held at the °thee batenr. hursday, May 23d,1867, AT . ..I O'CLOCK. P. M. _ • 1 (nit n as of w 1 lb I ttcc•lan. esp,tallyde,trea. tts.llll Itrcat lutportantot to the ought lootorc the rovatlOA, by order of U., iknird, 11E.Nkli M. :,retAty !r v, VAL. 1.1.1 IL it. CO, I lOTICE. — To the Stockhol era of 1.21 c ALLSGIIENY VALLEY AD 11)111 . A: , Y. Unit L. =1 cal kleeting of the Stockholder. of the y Valley ktallroutt Company will he ofitce of the Clorookui, corner of Ca• 1•t1c Streets, ,Pittsburgh, on A lit t SWAY. MAT 31P, 19G7, o,t A. x.. to tale action on Supple At II o emoot I Alrll t Uri / Cal. . - .. • he Charier 01 the Company, approved wILLI LM. l' 111 ['resident. :IEPUBLICAN SATE CONVENTION. 11.AuntiLvu“, Apal 18, 1.1 ZPLTIILIC&N ISTLTE CONVENTION tat the Iterate tluu.e,•' to WIL on will me LIAM 2611% day or Joao Next, lock .1. 11.. W nominate a candl.lata for Ern Julys of the /repro:me Cnurt, and to initiate proper me.sur“ for the ''''ing Male ''""°. As rsturuse, the Convention will be rum. Imsev or Repreeentative and tienaturlel Dele gates cßusep in the usual way, and equal to num b ' Or to the whole of the denature and Renee. $ e - Italy. In the Cement Assembly. By • rder of the etate Central Committee. I. JWILL.N. Chairman • Gz,W. liamvansLY. . 1 A. p v. iSE.N.ICT, Secretarles.• J. . DUSlit...ol7. ap Tilt-51Wr , COUNTY CONTENTION UNION IMPUBLICLN VOTES of the All,theny wIU =eel at tharrespec • vixen Of holdlt elt.culoza, On !Saturday, June 1,1507, A .1 elect TWO IiELEGATES from each elec.- ti .n precinct to a County Cuovention. to Le L. 1,1 a t t o , otiCUT 111.1USE,111 the Cite of Catlx bi roil, on TUESO Alf. June 4th. 154.7. at ii Uloco & a. i.... t.. 0 ninate a Tlcatt for County 1 Cyr, and the ele ction of Relegates to the it to C.Avention. 1 ., he meetings will Le boll In the U arda and roughs between the boors of 3 and 7 Weloci, t h . Ah i the voting be by ballot. in the Town ail .. between th e hours of 4 and 61•. LA and the tel -gat. s chore. by marking. I r.e Co a resolution of the Executive of ter. the nvention for the selection of LA -4.4 ative candidates will not be coaver ed until Set t-inter M. 80, of which further riooc4t will he eau , er tb: given. Li order of County Committee. • .101131 ILIDDISLL, C 4.1 1 .1241... A. T.. l'Er.11,0:1. /s ec „,„l,. ‘ T. M. ISAI NIL, 1 MERCHANT TAILORS; CAPPELL A MercLant TAILOR, sr,' dealer I. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 141 pILITHFIELD STREET. Throe door below Sixth. PITSFLIVIGIE, all the Ist , " SPrlnaltud hemmer MI. of Cloths. Casstmerrs nod Vestlnes en hand, and made up to Me must fashionable style, at the wlress pekes. my 10.16 B ois , CLOTIILNG. Metropolitan, 'Garibaldi, Grant u p 11/IiLNEY A..i.• CUTAWAY A , Sp ITS , ALL SUES AND BF TES SEES! FABRICS, S large and complete gfirortment now on hand GRAY Az LOGAN, No. 47 St. Clair Street. W, HESPENHEIDE, I,TVlerchant 'NO7 - 50 - BT. CLUB STREET. Jest melted, a secohtl actual of KEW SrRINU 1100135. All late and aor 5t.1710 Pat terns tot up In the tAtut Eastern 5t71.1. 111)5:h5e URLING & BUCHLON, Merchant Tailors, No. 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, Axe dal Ix receleles THE LATEST STILES, THOM EASTERN C1T12.1. 110.7:793 HENRY G. HALE loaning CAR. 1133 AD H. CUB SIB, NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, C4J2PIUI 4 .I2SQ All the Novelties of the Season, linct aa Is only found la a First-Class Merchant Tailoring tatillattg Establishment. Ml2l MMER=M HATS AND CAPS. tt. J. dOUIttuT J. X. LOGAN. GOL'IILEY & LOGAN, The latest and moat (labia cable styles of Rats, Caps and Straw Goods, Always on hand at 00IIKLE1 d LOGAK'n, 56 St. Clair St,: Pittsburgh. • C. KNOX. the well known practical baiter, la ...encoded with them, and would be plod to meet Ole Mends there. Don't mistake Um Place. N.• 56dt. Clair atrcet. =Mx! NEW GOODS JUST OPENING, AT • McCORD & CO.'S, -- rtr0.133. Wood Attroot. HATS I rua TILL LADIIIB, .111SSLI, titliTS L SOTS. AT LOW PRICER.. eon HATS! HATS I Ir. r. 01[611.41t OW= /MANZ. GRAHAM & BYRNE, At N 0.52 St. Clair Street, nave one of the very bent Mall Cocks of . IBIS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS' Ia the city, and coartaaUy to raeelppt of all '''''' Yvere attentton given to retalLter. &ulnae ely. sol7:ves FOR RENT. FRIL RENT, Four Desirable Stalls, On Virgin aIICT. by z0.TH:2611 WA. ISLANEIL & CO., : No. 97 l'ltth street. ROOMS TO LET. =I Unfurnished, tUltable for a married couple. Likewise. a HACK PAULUS, lurnisbed. Tirst class accommodations. and terms moderate, 4111T,V 109 SECOND-STIVEET STABLING TO lIENT. Twenty-five Stalla, Ong Third street, near Woo . Enqulnot J. C. BUFFV3I et. CO., apr,t7s = and =Mark= street. WANTS WANTED—To make an -ar h met:flirt. reallr alah ro to =ale onr t. y. Wit' sell a bosioe . s far 00. nd cuarautee It to pa, $l3O PER MONTH. or r. ,, n0 No boot at ofetror patent tzlealteloo humbug. but • lezlttmata Ottlfzess, that will pa) sore, and will last. •ddress. J. C. TILT )$. No. ICS, St. Clair &net WASTED cua.ra - cr.zuesiEszztral, FL, lAA! Insurance Comp.y. ltl , X 37. P. b.. rttlibargh MECO WANTED . PAINTERS. szx 4,1: if r Guou JpUlt. 1 . 4.11,11.11.3 lonn,ilate , y, by IIIIIILTON et" , teliEE. No. 133 Thll.l street.' Oen. snyVa. WA.NTED, EIMMEIZ! An untarnished itoolt. suitable forn gentle man d wife, can had, with heard. by *my: - IngiA a t ho. so CUttILY srasEr. corner of Ann. A lieentny eitY• m 19,119 WA:STEJI---FORE2LII3I. A man ompetent to act at lOREMAN. IN A LIVERY STABLE. Bllddla aged man preferred. Enquire at NUIVARIPS LIVERY STABLR, aptS:tl First St., near .llononsabelalionse. WANTED. 13exleismexi., I Who d eon engage at 0111 Ci.) apply pC13021 or adreso, W. D. RAILER I=EM==l:M! MEM AGENTS WANTED, BUTII MALE .111 D FESIALE, In every township and.Unty. LOSSII•TeI7 pap. alai. work. It 0 inlains =.purea; retail 1110. Hold by substripilem only. Andreas lm. niedistely, J. C. KENN EDT & CO. irdoollrzs 1 . 3 Third ittrvet. Pattabor&h, , Pa. Lei 341 iMr101 , 5 0 e 9 3 1 10 :Xlll HAVE REMOVED. FCALLUH BROTHERS, , at r o e uN w i4 p wl ,t augz , elegant and coat• No. 51 Fifth Street, A new line of all new nod dcalinble pattern.. lIIEEDALLION VELVETS, Velvets, Brasiels, TJPESTRr BR USSELS, A large and choice assortment of Piano and Table Covers, 1401711 COMA HOSIIC EGGS MILTS, 4=Kl 33aissets, THREE PLY AND TWO PLY Ingrains, And evory variety of low priced Corpetino. McCALLITEE BROTHERS, -5 W 1211.1. Opt-root. mb3o 83 =EI CARPETS. OLIVER 21'CLINTOCIE & COMPANY, HAVE JUST OPENED For the Spring Tr4de, =9 NEW CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Shades, &c. Attention U calied to oar fine stook or 111160IDEED MILS IND . PIANO MILS Great Decline in Prices. - S 8 M.x.wormr parrximm. NEW CARPET • STORE. NEW AND CHEAP _ . CA. FLIP' DAILY AIDIXVLSO, AT BOVIRD ROE & CO 7 S, NO. 21 FIFTH STR.F.EI' I WINDOW RIIAIDEs, OIL CLOTHP., n.ATTISti AND WATS. TABLEdc PIANO CoTimig. Dote Wes. offer dive sou u r e ntcallire atc , r.k at ;mica to gull the BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 91 117TH - NTILEZT, &pr.) aphin , 74lAser over Itates a Pell,. CARPE .APRIL, NOW AIM ' ' The Latest Purchase o =3 LOWEST. P ESISZO33I .M.IECM ENGLISH AND SS; Wilton and , Bonr RIM TAPESTRY BR Best Two and Three, Poo DRAWING ROOM& LI MU HIES, Chu/ arta Hallam Stair Carpet EMMEN' LACE AND DOTTINGHAMI WINDOW SRi Oheap All-Wool Two- Ai 01.00 to Gl= PER Carpet and Cu U PH 0 LSTE RY MI DMUS DLI til MUM &01 1 / 1 1 1 3.. 7t and 73 Fifth Street. Next bulloltog to Mated States Cast= •4oaal and Postonlee,somut Boor. I TOBACCO. CIO EXCELSIOR TOBAC,I R. & JENKU .m.u.s.cturen, whgtegiva TOBACCO AND EMBALM. _,' No. STDZKAL'IMBEET. plard door from Paspesalott BM dee, Branch Stare at tilleALLzauzsl PITT. PA. m. ord.. • apktkle JOHN MEGRAW, Yanntsetores of and Wholesale earl lletal Dealer In all Made of Tobacco, Snuff and Cam , 4.8 1:j tor e l'groismajaVb. S. r. 677. ZING. the Season MEI VITZIMU. MUM Vedvet, Et2l2 lUSSELS y Ingrain. tad . to 1500243, nate/6 EMI 'EMEI CURTAINS ly Carpeta F2r£l EMI WORK EIEM g m 10 WORKS, I SON. . =2/2153