The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 22, 1867, Image 1

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runimmizo B=
No. no Sisth Otroot.
F. 11. - PEN MILAN, / z dnonh
, I • ,
JOST AM KING., f Ekuitnei . m inas %
a cent.,
manThreall carrier, her is J etta
Italiaate ben, (per —.—. 28.00.
Liberal duetlons to Siewaborys and Agent..
" T 21122 202 WEEKLY:
Dee feta
:. by 150,
o do. each ' 125
relcopter, to one addrces, sod •
e to club. cub 1 15
.Threo C.
- vivo
Ten ar m
inte fr
7 1 1' ITEMS.
yind a Dental Estabbshmea
'atrect. Drs.Blllh Galesato.
•, .. i 1 Prince d Cots
I Automat, Organs nod Melodeons, wlth
a'Pateldi etoolo Attachment," and "4'st--
eat - Atari al Sob Baia." are aelcnatcletlized
to be the mat reed instrument made. That
nave p, I eetness, 'richness, fullness and
complete tea of tone th 4 Is sonl-eatlsiy•
4.6, Waite dvold of t t ready quality
of sound hie Is too frequently beard in
. otheS reel instruments. Cbarlotto Blame
bas I wt received an entire . stock, crbiell
Will by sold at lin wipe tear, organs of In
ferior i iiiii ere ire sold in this city. , lat.
.•' I -
' i,' n o es ' and Ere'm - '
Celebrmod Oclasp' cheap Planes. Per
sons In want eternally trot Class Piano at
a modte price, would .do well Wadi at
Blume , idusiu Store, No. 43 Fifth 'trout,
and 4 Ina ;those instruments befora
• parer . a
k elSeiethere. They are the I.c.ii
at the p leo made,
and nave been used in
this of - torl.he past nineteen years. tor.
tiaiard etri'llavvell'o tort Liver OIL
The INtrest sad Sweetest Cod Lver Oil to
world. Manufactured from fresh
bealihy upon the .seoeshore. It is
perfectly pith) and wait. Ask for ' , Hazard
CitSwell's Cdfl: Liver Oil," manutactured
by' ' a Co. Now York:
bold by all dtviglats. war
Ocala° Buyers
4 -. To '
or rep GOodsl
or lnse Goods
rill lriii or 6t
'Tic no, Check'
gels It the via
69 iforicei. sl.rel
u'ollier bargains in job lota
I l'entnigs, Linen Goods,and
% tietings, Shmings, tr ine,
&e.; ail of which WO will
loweet eastern cash prices.
' J. Vi.llenerca 'ft Co.
t, below Third ..t Fourth eta.
• A Word to the ligdies.
The:Philadeltila Cloak store would most
rerpeethallxhivhe the ladies of Pittsburgh
to examine our third opening
of eloidis at No. Ci Market street.
Call at 11. litrlCa •
Ana give his Ton a . trld.. Us sells nothing
but the Pure ardele always at the lowest
cash prise. sa. 172 sad 13 Federal street,
Allegheny -
'ambit'. Unrivalled riAllOl
The linesthumoriment ever received in this
city. Chur;otte Blurne,lio: 43 Filth atrial,.
Sole Agent for Mambo & Co , s and linincs
Bros. rhinos. co.
Th . at the l'hiladelphlp. Cloak store sells
clreaper cloaks than any other in the city I
.Because they hive all facilities for doing so.
Eight Slop Automatic Orcim,
libido by "GoOrge A. - Prince .t Compact',"
r ime of tae best totted inatrummits ever re
'calved m ibis city, has Jrut been received
by Chailotte Biome. ' • ow.
Co to Flewlnc7n Drog:FOore,
NO. 81 Market street, for BrOVIV3 retral-
Mitte : Comrita, the beat Worm Medicine In
i . ll/9 Druksl . .
Pure Drugs!! • Ptire Drugs!!! Pure' Drug
*Zan k Drult•a, AlleghenS.
. .
. • The Most Fashionable
Clot • • , nt in this city Is tho Philseslohla
Cloak-slate, No.telintlret street.
• Go to Flemlncraryirag Store,
For Burnett's Standard Preparations of all
ninth!, ehoaper than any other place in the
Ton Olin 8...7
-- fOragil U 4130111 of all =oda at Jotapll 8.
Dtatllleiy, No. lfJ. 111. D 3 a 314.83
• , The Largest:moth.
And the latest style! of Cloaks is at th
Philadelphia Cloak store.
Gold *east Spierklleg Chum bit Wine,
Sold at the lowest rates et FlenAng's Dreg
tore, No. St street.
r ' OrgCL
No. ca 3Lirkes rilt.Toot, tho rhiladelpnla
Cloak store. •
You 4Auk Bay.
per cent. Alcohol at Jenard" 8. linen;
- Won Can Boy
ow Hove lit Joseph A. Finch,
A N tri nail (-IMO nl LOYe and Jealousy.
A remarkable ease. of love and jell
., onsyluis tiesihtlicultninated at Sullielii,
Conn., in .a mysterious IlisaPpearance.
The wife . of ita well-known- cigar manu
facturer in that town formed a warm at
. inclexisent; last year, for a singing -master.
who led the choir in the Congregational
Church, whore . she was the principal .
slxiger. The live were very intimate, and
. there was.. considerable gossip' inyonse- '
tinenee, though it is not known that their
Intimacy reached unlawful limits. This
year.the - chorister was emploged-by the
'Baptist church, his friend remaining in
'her former pasition. lie was polite and
attentivo to the ladies hi his nbvi-Phoir,
and soon roused an extraordinary feeling
of jealousy in the cigar manufacturer's
wire.: She sent him a largo number of
•imonyttiOni letters in feigned hands,
threatening hint with all sorts of_ things,
if he' didn't cease his attentions to the
Ileptbst girls. The matter reached a cri
sis on Friday of last week, WiIOCI the cllO
- fixed upon her the authorship of
the letters and in turn threatened a pub
. lie expose, and demanded satisfaction.
On the same afternoon, while her hus
band was absent, the billy wrote a letter,
telling him he would never see bet atm,'
-and suddenly departed: She woo traced
'nearly half a mile to a swamp; and on
Sunday the whole town was in search of
her. tlYery possible means was 'used to
itsmrtainher fate, but wholly without re
sult, nor has she been heard from since.
The affair; as may be imagined, has.cre
ated a. profound sensation in Suffield.
The lady was good-looking, aecomplish
eil, about thirty years old, and the nether
of one child.-- , Oprinafirtd (31,ate.) Myna,
/lean. . .
Red Cloud, the Indthn Leader
. - Speaking-of.the forthcoming war on
the !plains, the Iteese Itiver flercillesays:
'the great lender of the Indians is Bed
Cloud, or lifrilmilitan, who Is represented
itS one of the ablest Indian warriors of
ans, time. Jle is about thirty-live years
of age, tall, handsome, athletic, and per
fect in his horsemanship as in his physi
cal nppearanee. Ile has commanded in
semerat battles previous to the massacre
of Colonel Fetterman's eornma-na,...and
1111,1' never bC434 . whipped. He was at
Laramielhst spring,•at the treaty mak
ing, enjoying the farce and treating it as
such Without disguise, yet acuepting all
the presents offered, but left with the de
claration that his country should never
Ise evenpled btc the whites, nor garrison
ed he them, tier - should their roads gross
it. Then he Wits nt the head 'of but 300
warriors of the °plait:lh Sioux, but his
marshaling 3,000 ut. Fort Philip Kearney
shown throntitients he bus over others,
and his determination hi make I,lw threat
good. Ile isaunctive, energetleand able
warrior, and he who conquer% Red Cloud
wilt do UlOll, than he who coneMbred
. .ciimsehi - or Black Ilawk, or Osroota.
LI: FATI , Itmo.--Tbere are
very few habits more injurious to health
than eating when the body is fatigued.
If the brain or any pint or organ of the
body becomes unduly fatigued, the whole
system required rest, until the nervous
influence and the circulation of the blood
are equalized throughout the body, be
fit.° another demand ha -made urge the
vital energies. If: the stomach is tilled
without this rest, the food remains undi
gested, ferments and betennes sour, and
irritates the stomiwb, producing diecase
of the • digestive organs, -- and through
thew, of the w4,olo,systeuL,
. 4 ‘ 4 "
I Nltt t _
) \ •••\, , - = -, _ -
1 1- I 5tlllTll
he Alabama Claims
Assassination Plot in ritssia.
1510 s 10 1:11,1 111 E I,IIO I AND 1.11.1111. a.
3 TtlegrAtiS tot. Ga.tto.l
21. d3II4ICA.N ttr.Ttotz.
Lonecin,, May t 3 .l—Reettiov.—Earl Derby
ays officially that the American eueittieu
. 111 be amicably adjusted. The prat...Clan
sde some time niece to arbitrate the
- hole ease has been refused.
L/VERPOUL, May 21.—Eltniny.—Fraur,
Co., Cotton Merchants. in this
city. arc sold to 11,3 suspondett; iloLlllttos
Deems, hilly .21..—A horrible plot was dis
covered lit Hanover, having for its chief
purpose the rwss...inatienuf Ring William
and Count Bismarck. Several notables
residing In this city are involved. Several
arrests have been made and it is thought
thuseheme is entirely frustrated.
..:tiCTIEU..3IiTO.N. Mi.) , 2L—The '131.,4111er
rnerie.a from Now York. has arrived.
ii...11Ertr1.1... May M.—Five-Ore:Ales, 77%.
A.3TWEIIr, ]lay 2L—Petroleum 43 francs.
. City Telegraph Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.3
—The Booth diary is published: It is sim
ply a defense Of his action. Ile says, under
date of - April 11th and Itch: "Until to-duy
nothing wits ever t bought of sactincing to
our country's wrong. For six months we
hail worked to capture, but our cause being
almost lost, something decisive and great.
Must be done.. lint AM felling was owing
to others, who did not strike for their coun
try with a heart : I struck" baldly, and not
as the papers any. I walicid with a arm
step through a thon.and of his friends, and
was sloPped, but pushed ou. A Colonel was
at his side. I sheeted, WM-I.:en:per' before I
tired. In Jumping I brOke My leg, I passed
all Ids' pickets, and rode sixty miles that
night with the. bone of my leg lacerating
the hush at every j upip. I can never repent
It, though we hated to kilt Ourcountry
owed all her troubles to him, and Gad sim
ply made me the instrument of his punish.
Meet. The country is not, in April, Ltd,
what It was. This forced Union Is not what
I have loved. I care not what becomes of
me. I have no desire to outlive my coun
try. This night, before the - tieed, I wrote a
long article and left it for one of the editors
of the •.Icatiormt intrlligers4r, in which I set
lolly forth our remains for aur proceeding.",
-irate Mexican advises ate that imme
distely after the . recei I i:f Semetary
Stiward's latter, Juarez Lis ed . orders In re
ference to the treatmenof ralllan,
sayieg that Ills life should buspared. A a it
was feared that Escobedo would have the
unfortunate Prince assassinated, notwith.
standing orders to the contrary, that Gen
eral Was sent to command an expedition
against Canal., who bad rebelled in the
North. Corona, considered the ablest os
the Mexican Genet - alp, was appoli Led to
succeed hum, and now commands ill tfie
armies of the Republic. An nape lal re
connoitering party, including one of .11/W
-*Mlllall'd Adjutants, had been captured and
.. -
—Captain Chambers' company of Scott
county (Tennessee) militia have been or
dered to Anderson county, to remain there
during court, In which several important
snits of a political 'nature are to be tried.
I er companies are soon to be mustered
and ortlenid into active service..
—lho l'ennsylvania 'capitalists expres3
themselves highly pleased with their trip
through Virginia, and it is believed Unit the
visit will ranit in large investments being
made in Virginia.
• .
L-burratt's trial postponea until
the third Monday in June,'when the Gov
ernment will be ready. lion. John luing.
ham, of Ohio, ilarLJwige Advocate whO pro
secuted Payne and Atrerot on the military
trial, has been Invited to be one of the pro-
secuting attorney's in the trial of Sumac.
—At Port Colburn, Canada West, a lea.
nights since, a man named Menne Gruyblel
shot his brother-In-In w,• John Wallace,
through the heart, and thit shortly after
wards snot himself by his own brother, Sum
eel Graybiel.
--The cash contributions of Boston, to the
suffering Cretans, was eighteen thousand
five hundred dollars, besides large quanti
ties of clothing.
—There is no diminution In arrests fur
drnutenness, since the closing of the bars of
drinking houses In Boston.
—The steame.r Africa, front Liverpool on
the 11th, and Queenstown iota, arrived at
Itallfax yesterday.
General Synod of the Reformed Pre,.
by tertnn Church. ,
,+_pe•lat corresnondstb - c i'lctsbu•ah Ossetic.;
xw Yoca, May 0, 11 4 67.
This synod met op Monday mrirulnitt at
ten O'clock, and spent batman hour to
Lla exercises. The subject discussed
was, "How may those who walk with God
aeon .themselves unspotted from the
world V.'
Nev. J. N. McLeod, ,D. hi.. presented a let.
ter from Itoh. rt Murray. Env, United States
Marshal tor the Southern Diet-riot of Sew
York, enclosing a cheek for to bo ap
propriated towards defraying the travel
ling expenses of the dcleyritcs to the Synod.
The letter contained expressions of the
highest regard for the tituneral Synod of the
Mennr.u.d Presbyterian Church. (in oir"
tion, the thanks of the Synod were return
ed tO Ilarsbul Murray for she substantial- I
expression of rue regard.
The Committee on the "Signs of the •
Times" present.' time report. The
grounds of thanksgrvinui
pradllettre Season 1 Twiny itnoarlant rwitl
eqUltablo laws were enacted by Ma Wlltrty.
ninth Congress "In brie, of k . ..x , cutivil Inn u•
sore;" the South is few e. the slave, hos--be•
eeme a citizen, And the inallotobefreemen , s
In being placed In handl God In
Ellerrotridenee is vindieuttur the princi
ples for Which the church has so /ong .cou
tended.: TOO reasons of fatting are, The
_consilltion of the church; the greet prlnet
pies of religion are not maintained and de
fended es they should; tine church Is nut
furnishing the men and money no Me nor do tile work of the blimterr society , . Is
runt. Profanity nbounds; the help Sabbath
Is dishonored by idleness, running or cars
and steamboats; intoxicating liquors ere
m eeufactureti, sold unit used In large quan
tities; human 1110 Is wantonly disregarded,
and property Is insecure.
key. IC J. Wilson, D. D., delegate from the
old School General Al:wieldy, mltires.eal
the Synod at some length.. Ho urged with
great earnestness the importance of or
mania union among the different I.reabyte
nitre bodies. The fraternal regard, e,s.
premed by Dr. Wilson were cordially re-
Ciprocated by Synod in IS formal resole.
The question of allowing lawyers to plead
in Church courts, wits then taken up.
Relolrra, That no Lawyer iltislll,o permit.
ten to plead in any court under the rare of
Synod, only as a mumberof said court.
Nev. J. It. W. Sloane, delegate from the
Synod of thu Iteformed Presbyttlflan Synod,
known es the Old Site Covenanters, was
then intentioned and expressedllie 'cord Ind
greetings of the body which had delelJn l . l
him for tile Court. lie said that the feelings
of opposition and untmOstty that May hays
existed between thu battles shall SOOll born
no erlstencts. At the close of Mr. Si , ottucbt
address the' usual formalities were beery.
ect, and a mutual reelpoteatiou of regard
Adjourned tel three o'clock In the after
1 -
School ..-- -
Old (School Preabyterlso Aseembly—
Chlstinga Eked Pltrauwera In the Pul
pit on Nen dey—Eltae htuatlL ettnreti,
riaabatn Desecration.
' •
-Special Correspondence Pittsburgh Gazette.;
ClEcianlYk May, 1017.
Notwithetanding several showers of rain
fell yesterday, most of the churches in the
city were Well filled. People were angiolla
to hear distinguished strangers. It fell to
Our lot to:spend the forenoon an Mount Au
burn. worshiping with' a very pleasant lit
tle congregatton. 'life Mount Auburn, by
the way. is ono of Ciminnatre suburban at.
trmtions. It lies a wile and a half to the
north of the city; Is elevated, and being
rapidly and Surly Improved. It 13 a lovely
place for private/v.:ldol:ides. Smarted those
already built. are palatial . . Wo flaunt
ed to Gm city by the afteruooti, sid ilret at.
ieialed a Sabbath School -meeting in too
Fifth Presbyter - Ma Church, Rev J.ll. Sees,-
art, pastor. Tij: meeting was thrillingly
lideretaing. T singing of the School was
a mond success, and lilt brief addresses
livered Were timely, ire trust Ivo, and some
ot them touchingly. eloquent. Your hun
dred children perhaps were present.
At ui., we heard Itev Mr. Wells, of
Scotland, on the a abject of I •Cliy 2415:d0m..
Hu had a largo audience. most of the mem
tiers of title General Assembly bring pre
sent. Mr. Wells ass for years boon actively
auf suenessfully engaged In mission work,
us the en . yof li iest:ow.. lie therefore speaks
what hoe knows and &thrum what ho has
seen. His address was instructive; it gave
what might be properly called the philos
ophy of city Mission. and its results, so far
as Luny had come under the observation of
speohor. The philosophy we pima not
attempt to report; tile results * Duly- in part.
The mission In Glasgow, of which Mr. Wolls
has charge,, , eaa commenced twelve years
ago. It now has three churches and
communicants, Blast of whore have come
from the peer and neglected classes. 110
related II lIIMILOT of Malone.u of moral re.
covery,elf3 , 33ted thiough the instrumentali
ty of Individual nassiou workers, which
ri ere tafectinirly iuterest
Asa eptliker, Mr. Wella is not Impressive
by any meats. 1113 Voice is not deep toned,
nor la it tiou; it falls somewhere between
the two. ills utterance Is very rapid and
monotonous; he make+ no p roses, _ has no
enlynasti, Uses 110 Illustrations, and Ignores
all metaphors. Ills nucticy is remarkable;
els words tiow easily, and In a perpetual
streala. Mr Wells in evidently a maw of
einture, and id homers highly appreciated.
It is said, ho hasbeenlevited to become the
successor of the distinguished Dr. Guthrie.
In the evening wellitelled W Rev. Dr.rair
bairn, one of Scotland's most distlngotalled '
men. Ile is well known in this cotiqry by
his al - longs. Ills text was—" The (3 of nil
consolation." The sermon was we I coo.
celved and thoroughly prepared. It was not
remarkable for Ornanality, nor Was its style
peculiarly graceful. 11 abounded in Ilia.
troilism and was occasionally •eMbellistied
with a very appropriate and beautiful met
aphor. Dr, Fairbairn's delivery . Is decided
ly Scottish—many of his Words have the
tuogue ce almost to perfectlorn His voice is
eillant; duet, toned and Milsicalr Ills
enunciation Is somewhat rapid and at times
quite emphatic. lie dill not seem to he at
ease in tile and anted KS if ember
rmsed; shined himself from foist to foot,
and not un frequently put up ids hand and
nervously felt after tem lapels of his root.
That snot a manshould be elaborraa.eil
we can hardly conceive, and yet we can rind
no other ..eistimi for his pulpit adieu . Tile
Doctor is certinl a very able mats—bes •
broad Intellec a t, well developed and nicely
cultivated. Ile has truly Catholic spirit,
iota ming Scotch soul overflowing with av
pa thy- to than and love to Goi. lie, is a
power in the earth for good.
At 5 ti l e Lock this morutuk the Assulubly
met. The Cotomittce on the Baird et ' puts.
heathen made a report through their Chair.
man, Rev. Dr. Meek well. Ile also made, In
explanation of the report, utmost Interest
ing and imprceolve edam.. Ile was fon
lowed by lice. -ltr. Schenck, Secretay of
the hoard. •Ile made several itaperiant
nest, with reference to Tracts.
0 f" thebe three hundred areitailrly are issued
by tbelloard: Pastors can have gratuitous.
Iv trams -for donate:l4ton. Secondly. the
publishes no Shndhool book In ;
which Christ and HI. religionrose; Mmud. ,
Trdidly, the Sonday &hoot Visitor in fur-
Malted Delow cost. Its subscription list in
creasthl during the last year It 5,11. Lastly,
one hundred mid arty-rive colporteurs have
been employed daring the year; hare gene
much good. The contrthhtion of the
churches for coll.rtage woo aii,ooo is ad--
' canoe of the past year. „
The report before the Asscmely com-r
m e nds two things ; that the Sunday School .
hooks published by the Hoardshall In ail
cases booarefulty examined before put in
type, and ascertained to be in Conformity
gloct Moo! and usage. of the church;
and that the Hoard shall publish cheap cdt.
Lions o 1 small work, tor general Circulation.
especially on railroads, eteamboote. hc.
Touching tills latter matter, Dr. Schenk
stated, that the Board hod already publtsb.
et' a number of such cheap editions, anti
made an: effort to circulate them. Tint
efforts on railroads bail been a failure, and
most, he thmke,continee to be such no loait
sa railroad mu - potations "term out . . the
privilege Of bookselling en their ears at
;itch rot..
Just here m enu spirited discussion arose
en the j of publishing anti .
circulating the books of the Board of pub.
Mallon. finite a variety of opinion was
espre„,teth Some. thought the hocks too
dear. otters that the catalogue thereof Is
deficient,: and ought to be enlarged. A
third party strongly intimated that the
failure to have the literature of the church
circulated is largely chargeable upon the
indifference of pastors anti sessions; and
ego rsssv.l tile opinion. that the example of
activity as furnished by other , churches,
especially Um Methodist E.O.M.], Might
to be Imitated. .
The report. , Hearne Here the Com ml lice, I
with soma slight amendments, vra.l - 11nuily
Tets may lie as goad a tint , as any to
make some reference to the ChurcheS of •
thta oily. Moor Of them are very tine in.
deed. Thu Cathedral is conenleeous. Its
tower and steeple are faultless; thesti aro
Hs abler attraction. Wilmette the.Cathe
drat is what is called the Jewish temple.
M presents a Very imposing
architecture Is unnige—lts surromelings In
rind taste. Its interior is beautiful; highly
finished and richly forniatied. It hue an or
gan of great power. The building thus far
tias (Yn.uou; It is proposed to expend on
at Itant..lo,mo more•
The Central Presbyterian Church, Whole
the Aaserribly bolds Its sessions. is
st int
stem), bloc Irmo stone, amt is a substantial
and uesuittni edidee. It hmo serious
fault—the baleen:tit story is partly, ender
ground. Of other Presto:tartan Clairehes,
and !hoots of various evangelical denote ilia-
Horn., ire might Say many fasorahle things,
but His not necesmry, Tan people of
meted! need net perish for lack of commo.
dlous places of worship.
We observed y;.sterday what eurprised us
O intl.—groceries, meat slums, anti think
ing saloons opcp for business. This form of
Sabbath desecration ecuunal to go unchal
lenged. The city authorities either its not
attempt,. or are not able to prevent it.
There Ls something wrong beim:where.
Such palpable, bold-faced Iniquity ought not
to be allowed. Mercreneu toe Jewish cu.
tom len° apology. hot the Jowl keep Sot.
Ur6ay as Sabbath if they will, Out let them
not. desecrate the Christian Sabbath—the
Gee known and reeOgnixed in law.
blepositlon or allilliary rOrer.lll by tiers,
Hancock to Render Trowel Safe..
ny Tel to the l'ittsbarea tleiette.) • .
Sr. Leos, May 21.—Gencrsi 3.laricoeli has
ordered two companies 1/1 eavery to he
etationed at. Chal k ISla irs, t*o companies at
Monument and two companies at
her Stations, on tbe smoky fill rout. lie
will also put a military ;Marti at enal sta
tion on the route from .Lcakout. to i.skee
station Inelttoloe, which, With the additional'
man euiploYud by the Union realfle
road and Leprous Companies, it le hell ved
will aloe entire Becurity to the mall
travel acroas the 71510.5 by title raCto,
Another StoonShoot Disattlfr:,
My Telegraph to the Pittsinirgh (la - retie I
Vc si ' p
a l' litapyt :I ,
r r t b r a l e S r
e t e . which iri'nod
ed hero on Saterdny morning, With 00 4 008
h[ miscellaneous freight fort icksburgiand
eads.. took fire yesteiday morning near
Lake Providence., and was consumed. I The
larnt w o n rne'l by Daniel and Barthel.
utnew Able, Feldman end others, valued at
(MAO and insured In ht. Louts for 4A1.00.
There were. no lives lost. The CI y of.
.Alton turned of er the Horns y tO
the Robert B. Lou.
Marylon!' Constlintlonst Cone° J 'lon
[Lir Telegraph to the rtitshargh tiarette.)
Anwarotts, 11i D., May ht.—ln the State .
Constitutional Convention the mi.
nority report was submitted from the Corn.
mitten with a deolarlditso of fights, which
Was substituted for the clause which ore.
vides for negro testimony In the outwit of
the State, the words elder shell any person
.be deemed incompetent as witness or Juror
on account of his religious •helief, proles.
pion or practice: , Thu report was ordered
to be Prioted.
Distillation from Grain PrOblb!g011
up.t.utraree, %lay U.—Op:lend Sickles has
leaded an order PrObibleing the distillation
of spirits from grain in the aeoondaglitary
pistriet. Otrendere, ere declared liable to
punishment by the Unitary - Commission.
The reasons assigned for thta order ire I
. begrc ity of food In South Carolina, demand
ing the government of- large revenues etc.
MI Ippl Injunction—rho Groundo
Upon Mhleh the Amended 11111 now
Iternned, Rte. ,
Ity Teltgrapit to the Pitt; It3Tglt I;:t.te t:,l
WAsulnwrox. 3lay 2i. /Z , 67
General Grant tn. returned
There seems to be no doubt that the
thala Who denied the Cling of the amend.
01 bill In the Mississippi cane, did so on
the grouhd that It had no relevancy to the
'original bill, and thatirnas not supported
by proof that General Ord Intended to seize
the property of the State; and bosh]. It
was considered that If ouch it course 01.111
ho pursued by General OM, the I etnedy
nould be an application for an injunction,
apart from the consideration connected
with the reconstruction act.
• nri , orr coht.horou arretfirro.
Treasury etreular nunOuncoi that a
Deputy Collector hue Leon appointol to re
side in Duneurt City, Miehigatr, for the pur•
pose of receivlug and certifying Elio aunt.
teats Of Vo.bolei tittering Lake . Michigan,
through the Straits of Sisk Inatr,
Ameriean anti Britl•I Competition
(or Hirer Iti'avigallun, e-c.. Ste.
Cily Telegraph to the I•lttaher+h linter
SAN FL:A:ill:A:0, May steamer
Termhon, Ilttythree days (row !long lion
hag errlred.
The commerClui nor, Es i.niMportatit.
The British reshienta net, spairer. In Imi
ports of China are exercised over the feet
that the American era, Augastot. Hard
Co, and Itnt.ell .t have !men given a
monopoly of river steam navigation, the
mt. Limn to have tile cuntrultlog 11l ail the
steamers front Canton, mot till latter of all
the steamers from leafs_: Appekls ire
notao .to tile tiritish pude to alter this
,elate of things. It is utimltteil Mat the
Am:trier:in style hi boats 01)1105 lie compet
ed with successfully in theformer river. It
is rialmed the Tang!!. Outer is deep, admit
ting screw steamer:l with cargo e.ipaeity,
nuil the cheapness of monitor: IC eseebdeil
by the Attention, 001011 have wall tug beam
Hang El, n Mandan. well known front
Ms asses:dation with foreigners, died at
elr Harry Pal - ks*, tile present aurlmvisilor
to .1 mine, it indebted to ll,i 0011 tnllua•e c,;
for his escape with - Ole when captor...l will,
110wI0y aott 140/1162.011 of Jilt: tut 110151.1
The provinen isitoureinimg
t o tatted
Scythia reverser. 11 is limy V.I. cut Ili
pierces and a General captured.
It is supposed the piratical j taik ,Ised by
the Hong Kong 00111011th,, was ai last saner
thoroughly artal. Toe mew were
mistral. Au liMake
The arra. ',team lire enit Illol
was received at Hong Iva,: to Niareit.
I press advocates Mete...slug the WIN:11o, Ie
Anneal rego . rt the !lather aster at
Hong lions :Mews a decrease In tile title of
The French consul let iimktik, 113111, !WY.'
the new:order newsimper for- I t
stated he ofatonst) interfered, In the
presence. Tryth the review of Cie
native mania The case seas tried in
Uelle.l States Consular Court. One dun-
Med 401111I1141ILMAgell was twat ded.
in) . Telegraph t., the Flit,ergii tiers
N csr Yeng, May 11,
trim wart:saw stsigrescre.,
Eraser. Brooks baring purctutaed .11 Lne
right. $lllO and Interest of S. F. Clark, so
tile New lora Esprms, toot the CANtI at law
of Clark, itesi Plat Brooke, basing twee
amicably settled, lb., Erpryst will coati:lce
to be publielsed by Jesse lirtmkt, te,
William. Itnihop Corr. ntlyn, um.
nunrierml Mot night. by ng-Imlimi nurg , mnl
31. T. S kid Shoot Itl
air O t to. Thu murder, urge+l.4,ll
Skeleton keys founil 11.1.-
U:talon to COMlllit burglary.
'rola CALI/01,11A.
Senator Stowart, of Nev.l.l, ant Ja+ttel
Field, of tin, ouprelno Court, ',llea tar Loh
forum.% toatat.
' •
norm TO cANA DA.
.atr. DaVld trot family s•ft. for Montreal.
.1 . 34 - rlt of luthea trroot•A
In t.:114 , vslan.llll. 0400 0! I'u lllly
I:ol.7l:ANs'lr. FrIT.
Tito suit ituitin-t Ulu !liana) liiincrit !Ma
Insgrunco Coowhir of
cart, policy iitcn thou,tiol
interc•it for eight yearg, hut been
'for the plaintiff. calm company 140.41 r 4—
fused purulent liccuuse their rtpcnt In the
city reccived puytorrit of pruculillnr
1110 limo therefor 4,
rub•wrtl, coxe
A ctrculur Troutthu Voluptroller of Cur
rency elitabl tunes the Net. that no unlawful
tourer-Jou of regliotered bonds 11110 eou
pons has it
wade by üblbo: 11l of the De
bailment. . , '
De•perate . Situation at the City of
diesteo—Marquez Ileatat to the
Lamt—So Quarter to be Glataa,
07 Te legriph to the llttstotr,b
WIGYANI. May 21.—T.Ire Pi,unjune , .
tecial correspondence, dated at Orizsba,
May 2,1, nays the City of Alexi , ' Ls totrronati
cti by twenty theurund Clecrolv, a n d the
Immi.ardment hail commenced li, earnest.
The vrrham nuatbe red flue the:tutted men,
under o Morgue., who antinnueeti hi, mien •
tton to wi nter
the lost. 11., ha it/wrested
oil the water carriers and ote d rs.
No oflicers are to recelou quarter front the
Likteruin. Orders bat twen item,: that Miro.
mon, Marque. and Moat:union ter shut if
captured. -
Since the surrender of Puebla the Imuit.
HMSts huvu not over sixteen thousand luau
all told.
che ste —Gener
r, aIS
Z. Y Asembly, et
[By Telegraph to the Us:lnc.; •
Iteenesitte, May 21.—in the Sienese! As
sembly of Presbyterian.. to-day the appeal
of atlas Miller from the decision ot the lilt ,
is rynod, elicited much cliseitssion. Toe
morning session was intenty of ellillif I In re
eelytng the Irish delegates, lira. 11011 1100
11.111LLIZI.Earn 11. Adas of 1911indel
phla, and lie. Henry Yie m ld, ,
of the Silos
I' or!: .F.!...yrtisg, were appointed dale/odes
to the 0001.11 41101 Irish AooettJtlllo.4.
Dllarder -replan Masa Meeting . .
I fly Tmegman to tun Pi i•anersh lls*elle• .
DYTYOrr, Party 11.—A murder was eninnllt
led lo.Elay. In tits town of Columbus, at.
Clair county. Two young nom, named Car.
lay and McCall, had n quarrel of long 41 and.
siltlah culminated in the. lutter hying
shot through thu head • , y Curley, wno
not been arrested al. last accounts.
The Fontana bold a large mars meeting
MUM, 'Phan encashes sill ha tleliVerlbl by
P.. 1. Meehan and Colonel Wahth.
! The nubile. Itliat,
lily Telegraph la the Pittantogh Casette.]
Morn ot, May 21.-The court of 3nntslry or
doted, eonVenett born to 1111/C.StigfLict the
Obitilthan. no the 14114 c 3 l. hhol , herd in
altos an order this eroolo,- rstalnlini
the present lualleetned. Tiro etty noyetlb ,
Meat will not, Ira distorbcd. ' The inflibtry
only takes cognizance of particular Cubed.
(10 Telegswn to the Pittsburgh Ussett..i
St. Louis, Ilay private dispatch
from Lake Providence, Louisiana. gays, the
steamer Albert Pearce a. burned near
that place Ibis morn In ir..No pgrilealr,ra are
itlYea• The teat teas veined at aliont abuSsfa.
The Philadelphia school board left this
evening for Chleture.
lorligssattio . it „fleeting,
[fly Telegrsen to Alle rite,boan tia.ette•l
Sr toleuirteLn, Mem., May 21.—An Indigna
tion meeting hail been .111:4 by ;trent Mont
citizens, to-morrow night, to tleirrinine
what action the people NW 11 0 ,1 0. 1 111 ,,,..9
the unmerciful cruelty, wanton 1..1 , 111.11.y
bud other 0010000 crinu.s 40 penile ..chonlo,
Ulver Talesman..
(fly Tcleoroilp to the l'lttlakr4 h
Atlantic 4ao r. lerrs ph comp.,. I.
dIV: r!1V1.y.42%
otrlvnle or departurec •
:Lovi.vILLK, May —' , lll* t riming 63... c
In catllll. Weather cold and rillnl•
A ilio ILsee rim Oteo.—Wo aro to
that there Is pending a match between vriq
of the most noted trotting horses owned in
Oils city, the rued to eon:10 sir over the ileh.
tor coat., as Boon totter Its eompletinnas
genvonient. The names of the horses we
re not at I lborty to tope at present, hut the
terms of tho matcharo CPA: , a std., hal f
aorfolt, mile heats, best three in five, IQ
kgnn arid In harness. Both horses hire,,
n past moons, shown renhirkshio speed:
nil are said to have wintered well.—Chfeogo
js -. V.S 7‘ , 'A
.1 : - .&220-1‘ ' '6
, 4 ).---,..•4 ' . :-! . .h
LV7 - , ' g : '\ , ".;; ‘, 1 1. ' ,
~...(,, V
7,.r0 4 „_.,_:_, .: , : ,
i.kll Tea 1•1TT,,l Rau GA/[l-1 - E•1
—The chemist, C. romhea, of Nuremberg,
has succeeded in Makin meerschaum out
of potatoes.
—Abbe Liset 13 writinu a "crown nue."
for she come:scum - of tile film; of Hungary,
and has 111119b.1 ILI far us instrumentation.
—We hear a number of lollies 10,1111.11.
In seta goad OS/111141n their Ser, by form
a “swthiming eke...e__.„Nti.iljUlie natural
too, the Ducks!
—At the railroad turrninna, which connects
th. Paris Exhibition Palma, with the differ
ene depots, there arrive daily twenty-eight
trains, bringing In gnats (or the exhibition.
—Thine will Ind eroding' in lintne a German
.1C nle m\• foe sitter the French p,at•
terns. liing Ling+ I. of llitvitrn, who hi,1.111
living In Rome, Is ontroniging this Intitu.
—it Ls m r.ittions fact that there aro an tin
usual number of French families in London.
Their lieu,rs have beee let at a aubstantial
profit. and they wish to escape there Paris
for a time.
—A cargo of wheat recently paused trusts
and through Syracuse which IT:tloriginal
ly iroodtian Francisco for France.
I\llli brought thence to New York and sent
to Chicago.
Sculptor ttaspur Mellow, in thorn
iswi,,) has invented a methOd to produce
Intim w tote tnettlps a horn likecompositlon,
which. as to Its elastleity, ranks between
horn and gotta perchu.
—At the oflleo of the Commission for
brooch plenxit,, to be exhibited at the
great fair at Purls, painters have made
application, lint only the work of 1,600 of
them has bee w accepted.
—A Itchlueport, COnnactiCht, citizen re
fused an thereto. , of wages to one of his
servant girls lately, saying that ho consid
ered the privileges ohs enjoyed of living in
a Christian family worth live dollars' a
—William Bauer, the Inventor of sulimut.
rine 111,1411ti011, titer 111lVil, failed of ob
taining the means In view of enterprise,
will appear :twain belnrit the public at tile
Paris Exposition, Wham he hopes to tall ills
invention to a nets existence. -,
—The Verb, 1.4..4 Lao colon e4rieat urea of
the Yankees In rarle. The beet luereseeta
elle In a private box at the (Amulet, Cl Dep•
elms, Who say" to the jauttok; "I mean to
sse every tinny, during the exhalation.
Ilere are !Illy delimit.; 1.•1. Eire 1,1 r. Thkr'
to tnahe u speech, glow, while Ise. here. ,
—An unprecedented faeLlnl occurred at
the. exhihnien of paintlege of Part, Al.
Jean th, Walata 0, horn at Clnnen, M/111711
1:•;4, talt eaterall.eed r0..1101, 01,11 who,
11:44 (11111piCted' I/1A one hute!ren
unit Itr-t year, tylnett iv
s Liver nil &Writing,
both of which he I•Sel • titell !hi.
Wza.:CCI,II the 110141 of IlaVid red Rue-
—Tho nombr, of Om on Catholic Mktg,
aniteitt,l .I.trtirta, 111 ; In
rtin, In 1 ., /, to In Italy, to 1,63, to
41, 11 1. lit Ale.trta It. every ',rt.: lithithitantt,
itioto I. IL 1111,4110 11pAto, one In every
tt 11)11y on, nil,. In Franco., ono n 10 , 2
Car Ihtctlor 1, the number 01 Prote i rittott
olor,ryntrn in Itio northern rout/trio.. 1,,
t Int Lutheran ',tato C linreht, 01 Saxony.
Cro 111.111.0 r..., inevery 1,10 I.tymett, you 110,1
tote voolorla.tto.
Ihr l'o..ler Coottaft.ifou—.4. Counter.
Stn.-wen{ from Lon. IVm Lone•
Tlie "route t-mu" of Iteitiert nutter, exm
tilted In 31 a , hlll,tholl, tart week, hatereitteil
1/. hi vat deal ol ie sitatton la that Initially
. 0
y1a..... 11,Ligh. Many perrona accept the
'statements of the poor wltta LI at perf,tly
ratable, and give It Pill credence, erpeetally
Moo. lingtlotni querttaltiating °there Pa the
Dina:Lore murder; but another party uet
.hla. II the 0111 ire t..loteluerit io an logyalaue.
ly wroio,lit Intirivation, tonnot'tC,l by the
:idyl., t or gogler to tejure and tihigrare
the Mont got:wit •,. Potpie:A feeling eaters,
to ,oror 4 • Stent, Into the deedittlon of the
littler iti t,',4.41114,1011, although the Cori.
re,,lon Is reJeOto.l 117 pergoas of °u.!. yar
n:et. Wllltam Montgoinery. the fa th er of
the liutya. IV illtani, Janie. awl A. J., tietinsea
be Vgler we 4 ktitOrh'il t tie.
L ot, or parteotpa- •
Leto lit,the runr.l.4 tit ittr. Ittn , lll,lrti„ Onto
lisi a lengthy unin multi, thiou In the
1V ni.ttlwiteoti Ree:er, Id thia weed:, ill whlelt
tin goes let. it untie , alit sem - siting wetly,.
eit the Feeler i•latorient. to 'thaw Its titter
untruth! 41;iiti.o. Mr. bloutgutnery argi , e
that the logler ennteralon wile the wail\ of
set eral hand., 011.1 Wax gotten op for th e
, purpm, id intorno, any one litho MIA taken
I any friendly 1t for tuu unfortunate and
guilty wretch alio purporta tone It•antloir.
, i bu t t ttl0"o 0.1.41 arrio.tetl, c0ati...14,i itiol
han,0 . 41 him are !Mole I he m atijects at 0pe,11.1
l i mitation. Mr. Mieitgetnert• utiterta that
by lt,Ll no•act Vogler hoped to gala a par.
Jon. end ,ay., Ills Ille. Ile charge. Piglet
with hying a. moat abandoned liar.
In regent to the statement. In gogler,
_conies•ain or 11 le Ann Wtlllatott , guilt, Mr.
goo taoniery ref. re to the tact that the Alit ,
/meet, jury !ousel no atlett evidence, idol
that utter a protraettal and zealou.ily ton
te.tttl trial, Vl ' Woaill W. 44 of the
yharge. hill
thus pollit Mr. Ihilitworpers
gals, tit r , (menet , to the what...ale neetho4.-
410111 111 togler'a eon lewooni .. I t wits not
tiiy_ton that v. 44 .4 !wing perseruted; It te.,
nit I Wa . .. to 1. 4 hante:l .It• I.: ,4 hat 14t-
Ilelentience amt ohtlefiliZ I hod, Were to (.0
, 414 , troyed. All my etilldren were to be ch—
. gramtl, aml their good hate,. Witt hope, 114
ltht ht.i . .1,1. " The Coll ien•1011. he niiii.ien• It
in i adietton of what Yogi , had In m
~ '.f l
yim Itworn to, It 001 net Written or ~U K.
gewirat to• 111 al, t, tin wat am illlterate nein,
anti could net spell correctly even the mutt
(.0111"1011 h Orlin. Mr. MoritgOtilery 41elaoto
idrat , , tiltshy quoting legal phrii,LS 401 4 1
tern. ti-eit 11l 111/410r. that 110 lean 001 Mill.
IV It tell, ihnillted n Ith. 11 ,, again liamrt,
1 1 11 belief that logier vOlifealtal the 1131110
of lilt real areoultillet , In the 11,111,41111,11 , 11
of Mr. (Pio:more, Anil ant , lleatid 10. eon al
. 1t11 , , ,, 14 ,, ,, p; , .tie eseaping Ironi pimPlonetit b
. y
Mr. M•ndeonterY Prints zn 1111 idatetnetit
lettere Pow fleet pill named in I. ogler's min
fn i•tlon, ilenvlng thowssertlonetot th e hitter
I regard to 11111 other Ilona i wnil, In regent
to Foalertii utatetneut that the tiluoini ry
1101'0 had jitopo•ta d to Ulm to rote tutor fa.
tiler, Mr. AI. say* that hit three tem, teal
illitenn to - e Very part of his tiotO 4 o,llllll hi 11...
N here iliS S illOtiey wail kept, and they 011,11,1,
11 ou ilPtiti,ml, at 1411 y tithe. hare Laken nil
I the nom., lie lipl In Ma loot . ,
I Mr. Monti:untie, eOO 1:11.1.1e4 LI4 ttutetnent
ref , rm.: to I 110 00.014 ilecl •rittlon of
1•' ~ , zlert,t eolife,Ann, that he Yorg ire., llio,e
who perjured Men elves n In. tidal ' In the
testimony they o
ey .gat it against loin. I •let,"
Mr. bloat 0,0114( ry bit) 0,..114.1 Illeattott,t4 014 4 10
hi tho titatetutint of tall,
who Perjured
• them,i.lyea on the trial." Why dove not'
rogler 441V0 the 110111404 of those WhO i.wole
lilt Idle ittray I Thin ill a Matter 111 11 - 14101
1114) W 1 1 440 community to filteri . let
their 1110111, are wirefully wltlitleld•
Thl,lllllll po in in to Id r. Mont t :utile ry'd elate
:neat are—tinit Met:anti:titan wiii e•alIt.I1
or dletati. , l by iitli, ra, Impelled thereto by
11 r , i n ia l• notttllly to himself Will falitil!.: • .
t the entire noon 14 totally haw - 4.111y 01
bolter; 41,1 4 1 ll,nt thu motive Of Foglia 111 as
eentlisic to such utateinentit, wait to ecru,'
life own pardon liy Implicating those Whoa:
Ito sittipooM h 0111,1 eserelte their lognimeu
to that end, 111 nralur to /alone/it hint and, at
the tante thee, 1141 Wit.. obeying those per•
tonally honttleto Mr. Montgomery, find 0110
were Internment:o In gutting — the mite.
Ilion up.
—The bottaville Should rd of Salto - tiny loot
relater. t following.
"tin Friday of how week a large hoarding
Noun. tit MAIIOIIOy 1 . 1.104, lUtlOll I:10K .1' the
libiton :old Mahoney 1.101 wide' ,
way built Opel' aln WO, blititleely 1111 k tub
tin, earth to a depth of ”oventy (rot or
toore, by the wining tli of the roof of 11111
Intl bettor. This oeetipanta of this }tonna
the book building alliklier, anti Otte
(6010 canape. 'biro rarity hue earl& in
thirty or torte yarili dint...tor. The
roof of the how., h e al been rind:tied ills dl Ig.
g Ina, mud three hundred dollar,. In notuoy
HMI 0111011 of the reuniter. taken -oht
through n hide made for the to The
building took Own boot thin II INett 111 I.! lit
morn, nod It ,nq (hood lateen...err tri turn
1111 11 strain of watel . ' in . oglilignWi the
baron, Mirri cif Ulu farulturo Iti h oily byre
ken, and the horou It :aid to 1,13 Ucompletu
—Dr. Itriyd, a gonlieiniot who honorable
aided In the escape of slave., wit:it:ea:e.t.a
inr tilt+ offense to 6ttutn ytiara to the prison
of the District of Colombia, liot teas pars.
Atoned by Mr. Lingo n alter having 5et‘,....1
eighteen month" of the term. When
'Mpg lately applied for registry ht Waot.
Mitten, he way reltmeff, on the ground that
no pop tioulo roglstereil.llo hail liven
imonyletisil'of an Infainons offense." Ite ap
pealeil to the Satire.° Court, and It h s ,
promptly ',limit thix atrociog.l).
nog. Judge 011 n hohls that the Preslili
',arena ...stored lie, Bind td hi., thrill iota
11011.4. Fisher that hil has not
Committed 411 infatnonv grMste.
—The Joint 'Committee on Ordnrivre
Pointed pods n few thurrt before the adjourn.
went of the nod session of. the N Lth C0n
g0..., will nameable nest Week Ihr the
porpo.eol ieVePtlhatint: the !Welly charges
mate ugultott" the present ennetrl
the Ordnance Department. ril e mouthern
of the Comm M
Committee urn esor Cemeren,
Oreke, and MIRIAM on the part of the Son.
ate, methenck Butler, wet i t oviluJ trim
Movie. Th sc ere will be WA Wt.: Cr shown to
West retnt h each a Committee.
biontom lerrine.—The • mooili Is Ilko
how. , to let. Illnnevet Maly it may be ex.
lentilt to to flliigU Of IsA
merits e >no lino seen the
hob inil too ruby do pry . thcro ;:o ownic
pearl•hlto ydu exclairnott
once, Millar beautiful In. Tn Import the ot
todet Pobsltito hrilllauey to sinet `lent; for-
I:Mum—to keep It Owns, an entl awl per
fect—there to nothleg Ilko (Tempt Saco
FOURTH (11111111Olt re
liable Money, Ott nit Proaure . .lforkef Re
ports men by nny pacer in the city, 11111 be
Jane! °none Ilturth Pipe.
fleni!lng of AI egnrssy'Couflellg.
Last OVlatinn sp Tint meeting of the
lee!. and ermine, Couneilii 01.A4ctiliony
nos held to thel respective eintlnhe, In
There Wore preocirit Cutler. Dun
ham, Drentitn, lonitisober,
'torpor. "torn,
unto', 31enns. nlcl 1.1,1,1,
. .
1,11 tileGl the
110 1101.001 on tile C.
lon. Al will he ret.o.ul
utpl Mr. :4.111[h triLattil
engtllllllol,4ol for 1110
tottlrol and tally Jill.
1 o'll 111101:1. -11 the City
rAtltt. , or It, prop.
11, 1
J, ,1011,1. 110
1 I.ount, 111111 hen", the
nttltler tllo mutt,.
• • -
,the.rm, awl paid tw
urn I ma lid 001 or hi
11.1 not author', t
, rt.y. Ur: mottled
,rougtlt 8111 t for t no t
)/I.ollt. Wcutlll g Li/ c
On motion Of Mr. I
~,11:00. Olt woro
that other lonine,
suslooviod in order
Mr. litri.putriek o
ot Montere
I re y
g the wr.ole on Junk
4, fil MO Water I rom
. 11 be turned intttllon
'led grade O -
c w lurrwl tEr , the 01113-
from the property
street aguh.l
threw, cheroug w
terry etruuc. If lulu uI
talatatal. ..1,4
=Mee tat Streets. I
Air. otrortal Oat
ne.tults./, That Ulu I
latatt.outer Guttural t'
re:.,l4t 1011
;IfUllcliS /el 111. St. tilif
I 41411011.1 M lie
dallvery .t..,,a , an I that .11,1,1111 Of LUO
.1331.1 and '
Mr...arLuatrle L 0110401 a rih.olation 111.
st renting tim LAIIIO ell tt cu 10 Lal
erected tel tile corner of .liiollslt out.' Wel
Steele', la.lloy. vulolle !awl, Itead and re.
ferret! to Lant I , Conon ittee•
31r. lug Lat. la", .1 that the 11,01 iltam re
ported (foul the eeleot I,nnetl, th.vlit . ,t in
view Ile COW urinate . of tile tton,
he Intl Oil lau
NU . . 1 /AIWA 11,1,,•.1114..1C10ne el COlinei I
now-couvor 1.l Llt the y l u lion of the Select.
Mr. D . L. n It that u cainurnatte.
vlionld be ole, to that the S . .11 a . 1.011 1.
certainly no 'lOO3ll. the carrieo 1011.
the lintel. Ile rev! !hie! the 11.1Ve In all in.
!:lane, nit . / vatoll. ll y ' 0,0 1113 nnotion that
do city WWII,' not get out at ite,amall
that panutoevi by Mu coutprtnutme.
Mr. Meg. avr thought that - the !natter
should not lie rote protal)vl but go tel.:our:
for judicial t 140141011.
Mr. Manua tioattlit. Mr. ' , with 01:01114
paqtnitted to, ..eneincie" Lie Itrongli
the Court., too outwit.. 'I he tour!
the pro. , pine, 111 mutt a the imo ter, not
hen, iireetelent mi . ..—art . to natio
Councltt in fotnre tr./game:ton, Mr.:moth . .
Itorvefl are In the 41e11e feeifect. to life 1111. r,
tool COtincti. 0,11.1 not otter any ohJection.
to tbrlr Iooag taken ILSei V by Lihn or ill"
dep ,lutlge agent. Tee aan In Court.
Ltletie 10 .
.UIII by eeleinejille 111014,41 ilea ill"'
rLULLkI fat as anti .1 lie, ~111th, OA 3 fair tom.
pen/at ion, old alitilil Id, wllling to grant
lon]] tl“I 011111.
Mr.tOotglo itrol Mr. MoSon tod+O ..poko on
ho said. ot, aft., which t h e sure wen IKkirn
1,7 yeas and .1.1, with the follow. -
's ea.l•. Cotter, Dunbar:l, Dill, Mimosa,
Harper, I o vloon, Alrky.atrlr k, Moarti,.
Mean.. 31c Doouto, McNeil. %V Ina-or, :15,,1
President Um : ldle-13 Nave: Faul.
Itreunne, tnune, `erupt., - unit
Voeghtly-,:t.'" no now...,.neut reface It :J.,
ugruo.l upon.
elttele<lll,4`4l ce reetlu:lon lit the
iptentlno I. referee. to the 4f'onitnit
twoonitro Loglne. oil Ito.o with power
to net.
The resolution Wil.t VOlett upon ny :Lyra
and nays With the iollos ink r...ault: 1
Mesan, lo:ifinon, lireunno. Faulhnutrer.
slegraw.Nle Stolth, slagel
NEty.—V.•er, l'atle.r, Dill, Hanna,
Harper, InglAn, sra paid irk, Itraea,
Hind«. and 1're41 , 10,11. 10.1.11e—0 It brunt
rntlanvate. the l',...tvet decided the re...,
Stow al !Oar, sad no I.ho Serie. of
6L.Ludis nOro•coucurrlA Ir., I,lth:err
or marina! rod..lntlon nor ito one Introdu,
r. D. 1., adnlth oderc.l the following re,o
Bire!iniri, 'hat the I ointnittee an Flee
Lualnia he Instructed ill lino:Llano nee hun
dred leer of hie, for &anti or the tour flit,
rouipaulen of Iht, city. TI T neuolutinn wan
read thip
and uitri.
lan motion adjourned.
'here were pre:Kitt rg. Bro. ti, Drum,
LogMA 11.1(201,1.6'1:1, blulhorrll, lly race'
Tliotutot nn,! Pueblos. WWI,.
vltir iiremented the folloa Inc reaolso
t ton : Tho. on
Flrt3 KoWllze• ktOti II o , e lii 11Laborbtra to
00n1prtIllli±o• Ito, law suit 11111 V IW
-I,,reit Nuttily tool C. C. a ulib, Logo, the
tiatts of the Orlttlprini..r l 0 be, that the city
ltllll - 11 the two N 1 . 4c1 s and Lb,. ono black
bor.e now to toot lit the Grant Fire
CoiblmnYt unit 111.11 C 011111!. Is to tiny till
riot, Ineurrinl in tte totlt, the ray pat ing
Mr, 01111 and Ito city to pay to , .
ki clilng of the Itrittet at Wilton', atatilii.
Alter .mate Mr. MIMI
wl 11,01 Ili ,, r, ir. rutvrt...i to tile
Fire hngine Cointitltttie in conjunction wllll
tloiCtty nalltltor, w III: power to rares a
contort on eiti.
Mr. Orlal, ,t•LIO-I by Cita con:pro:al, prib.
Nitta' for the ckinatilitio, 01 money, it
totte ite lon In ono of
tlie r 4.l.l.lll{,coLulutLtoc,lmving (Lull ,one
11 , 0.
/ etut Ift war wg.ruily illteetotil by
Ellgll.ll, ).',)'ter, 110111914,
Hall, Brown nib: ut nut., toot was finally
tbs inmotio of Mr. Slyler, the rule+ were
ni...soled n ord., tri,ll buslnciat mi t ; CL
Do traiontottat.
Alyn, movr,l that IL. 11. iap ho up
:volnttql 1., view, nu the openin, 4,1 rage
etn , l 11,0 111111 Ward. Cur-
I...nit:is . , May 11.—pott%oi 4,43; I Intel
Market um
rs. cell.
lar Kerig., Slay :I —Cotion - cloeeit toliet;
111i•Itii11). 11111.114 N,
IV', A.l It Stitnebenier are
invorabie. Coro I. tither grains un-
PrOVI,VII.I, 40111.4. I . arke 1 . 40.
die test•Coll4l/4011110110. tine,
i 1.1; test uneennge.l.
91r. En. tisk piesenti•ol from
st iee irs, Cita:mitt Co.. asiduir Per.
1111 , 40/ILO het bourn un iron trurehoUsti
am ,111.1usky
mr. A. It. ,00hs moved that the prayer of
the In Litton,lninrnute.l.
31 r. Drum teitytni to emend by referring
to:lie Committee ott Buildings,
with ',Liner to grunt «I, petition.
question Wm. ili-eflssen by Messrh.
II all, TIIIIII/IV., Sly it, met others, When the
uniestltutini of Air. Drum 11.10111AVI.
Irwin Kenai:tied a communication re
lative to the iturelm, of fit:lnter° for the
one of the City Stegnlntor. 11.1errect to
the Ceninittlee oil City property, %lilt Om
Cinrity to littreitiesu witaterer furniture
MA,' lm neeinotry.
hlr. hlyler, petation - forigut lamp on the
crner ot Sandusky tort et &lid I:lher ,rang e.
li o eferreil to C0t... : tot liar iagitting.
htr. hlyler presenhed uni nibittlitual ordi
nance Moen leg tile .1 int tenor the Itettortilug
It .p
ealetor. A.10111...a.
Mr. Diller pr.,..,utcd n eeselut Inn for the
porehttne two t Mangold feet or tea-tarn
Mateo . hove, In bo equally' apportioned
ettlang the ..10 panted belong Ime In the M ire
Department. Referred to OW
Olt 1110 Ellginl4lol.lllM, -
Mr. Drina ',mond et! n resolat Inn feel rAc.t-
Int tlio Comvult tee on Welt, to 11.1,V0 all tint,
81 IS,M111.: until ill in putting
down wt.}, pipes done by contract. lto•
!erred to the Cononlttee MI Neater.
Mr. Ira lit, till! of Incliner .t lewln, frw
lortilealog new dent.ll,llllelnvlrs far levonell
chataltern, ylet. in. .01,arncr. rite Con
trotte nun, ant lonized LO certify a venereal
Mello , amount,
The remlution pod rd by the common
Connell, April lit, polo Itlthg for tyro 'dated
tli.i.:o4lllrilri nomt 111 y, wen non
...ln:orient In.
I t Ylto reset ellen rriallril to the of ~ter( 1411,1111.3 Mel env Motto, penned to Cotanton
Aprll I %I.h, Wan ettjactte red la.
An infortnatio4 1,...4 010,10 ft day or too
ainen again At a young man named ratche 11,
residing in the Seventh u aril, charginghttil
with :Oil
&aing ten deli ra natter Wise pre-
Lennon. As tto luute to represented to ns,
we not only think tit charge canton. tin
,boonouted, but are unlined to the_be,
lief that malice I. at th 1.4.4tet0 or the mat
ter. The yOnng Man win , une of th ose
..loclic.l out° In the roe nt 'milk...and upon
the repreeenietion that tin dealt:ilea ghlutt
to the country, obtain" I ten from
tile .li ohm" treasury. butwe.tuent to MI K,
having conclnded to ue pot employment lit
Aileglieny, he gave up ila Intention of ge..
Ina 1,110, and nut 'l,ll tailtittig ii. wlliteg
acid wit; egprenactl to tete. the tee dol
lars obtained, a prose, Minn was tpgoijiol
up o n. Admitting all' to Lehr.t %W.t ci ai.
leg.. we are . ,ll4ikiail , t e 1. 1 .14 “fa1,.1.1 pre
teo.,e,' cauntiehil made lint, and the might-
OAT., before whom the -omplallit I. mud.]
will doulitleed d lonia, It. Thooui r p gr ,,,,,, 0
nerve , !. in 11114 event, will be the ...Italie
-I.loll,tobtaine.l In having It young man of
good character arralgiii,..l upon it teem le e...
ly et lIIIIIIIii charge. Stroll inttllgnign..l;ftle
pens Ity rottietlint• vi,y,„o gOtlg to tone
incitildiuG .11 li, ' '
Personal,—Ter•lnnlay wV bad M. Vlr'ns
urnofnculllnunourformer loc4la..odat..
II irt ley T. cumlrhnil , cif ilto (Andaman
Ertql.irr, flu eau., bubo; to report Mu
earn and was warmly ivelcomeil by--a bolt
of frlentls.
, --,--
, 1 )
1 1137 f
1 - ir
- 1 I
( j
) ,
~„( +
Illes llaMill v 3. Walter Brown
lie Claims a"Foul."
'fls grant cdalt . boat race, about which
there Ilaa been so . lllllol talk and specula
tion for, wee..ipast,took Ware y.ter-
u• arranged, or, the .. .11ouongahula
Course, , distanes tween our
town:inan, ...antes 'the nc,,nowl•
edged chilli:pion mirsuLit of America, and
Walter Brown. of ihrtlatul. Maine, also
own to ir,mitie tame. The race was for
ed.'s it side, and of cli...rse for the chant.
piourW p. Concerning 11510 contest there
has been a degree of bate:hi:Fs' of feeling
evinced which did not e,let on like occa
previously.' Soon alter Brown's arri
val In the city, end when he had but fairly
not to work at into training, a letter from
hint uppearml in ucotemporary, the tone of
which !seemed to indicate that he had no
hope of sueuess, or that too chances were
deeidedly against him. Following' this his
teutuer, John Shea, daterted him, and,
In jedlecatlon of himself. publisnect a card
traducing grown, cidirgingi belong other
t hat no hail made overtures to ..sell
the race." 'this charge Brown iimpliaticxl
ly denim!, and his
to his
I,istern !roma., suet he had
win or in lin chine." in apparent subs
stauttstenter the enarge of "selling," Joha
Ilion nit ner of thu champion published .
letthr atirrotorating the cititement of
This circemstance, while many
doubted the state.tent i placed Brawn In e
peculiar isisitain; lint he appears to have
set himself to work to win In
the race at every LW:4rd, end thus to put nt
lest Milo:Ligon. on his character. ries
gain to ht. liamlimomil shin that of Itamlll,
we have itheudy made note, and need not
hy 11,1 n I here was walk[ .M an y' ve of the
teat tickets in the race an of our
estates In the different manufactotlng
estaidlsionents. forming a considerable pro
portion of the loreign el
woriz" for the day, and collected &snit the
when. The snorting fraternity, and those
interested to the contestants to the extent
of r mg their money on the result, con
gregated at the "head al oat tens" or In the
where the latent &reel Inform:,
inn,,, Was Obtainable. A number. of gent Ie
Men froln the Esst arrived on !Outlay pre
r Ion: and we re eimulatthg shout, 14 hunt
t ft : lends of Ilamlll..(we mean those ism
thlent of tils success,) were lar s iely in the
majority. grown We,. totes IthOla ardent
teheeeleA, and ,•eelsengly in fairly Pron. ,
.ton at owls-rib Tile odds were odernit to
fay r of Hamill, greater or less according to
the oegree confidence, out freely taken.
WI. 11,1 not observe much bating, but the
emonnt rl-Rd an Ulu result musrbe vers'
'I he race woe announced to take place lie
tWeett two )the three O'clock, but we under—
t•tand It had heel/ agreed Ou Monday et:tai
-1 ttot to -dart helure three o'clock. By
tw ed o
tielttek a large concoureo •nr people
hued t'te Monongahela whorl, the troled,
tap. and tee 3lnettegultela bridge, and also
lie ' , oath bank, While ..n the top of Meant
Washington we not Well crowds collected
ilitlcrvnt. point+. In the river, Me:MILK/MS
acre jam autdoeldle skiff,. uud ether dallter
malt tthettly ltot Led the BUrhiCe from the
hrldge to the Point.
Tie-wc,Lltler Wtt, Elhf•tvrkrithie, and became
deefird I y Inclement. The Nky was overemaw
a et lii lone ay prerallud, ttud by half part
two Welted; a shoe er Of rale fell, continue
lug at !cart for half an tour. There was a
,bow of Mearour up, and a rens:alma In the
vltel not mode announced the fact that the
to la 01i •-ttien were Montt to tate to the
water t 1
on t heir rvspective training quer
t err. .%. other btu/err quite as heavy we the
po,tiKnlt.llloll., and Ltie Ider begs.
01,L.da Mut: there would born
• • - •
trn wletles before four &Week, Che
rudi' ltUo • crafts Were WI:4.mM,
11110 for n start. The Matti
a,enll,le4l o,t the rivers bosom, the
. . .
• . . ...
lien, the housetops, and the brldyelsW
ntve Ivey to nil the ent.lit dt tieilna titl,
ren.ut ed up teethe ri.te. . boors long d
tinl rolled up, and outtlinr with the demo
, tucel uteutn nereeeln . A of Ulu tico to Or V10C
..1 little tow 1.11,1 enetiortil on the Off Ohio
I Um enniluel, tilt;
. 11014.1 Snit '.II!
slOtt of som!, approached the te - rible.
The contestants for equation boners seemed
little interested in the general coil:oatmeal
thus had Cr tilted, and leaning forward in
their seal. with their ogre almost tfulag
ilia water. resdy w it s the signet to fitarts to
p! ! 1! a
. leng strops pull for the u4rukt.ico.
he me netts the pistol el.ot was bean& tour
oar. 'truck the water bimultaneorisly, and
tall trutl, tiny hosts fairly leaped forward,
ilanettig merrily with each fateeelisiVe
it rot,. SVVI'II .IrOkes were made and both
were even, and the observers gaoled
kuowledge of the rowing abilities
of the cow estants. Ilamill tattled his short,
tier von., qutok atroke w hitch sent Ma boat
speedingconvubdrely forward, While
lirown;inewiurtel his pulls to the tiMe
glut linivired," drawing long ctrOireal Vie
leaving his var. lit llie,water for Momenta
. _
lon gee Shutt Ilmne ej fAig riv e t. on the
stroke .neon darter! a few inches
sliest 1.4.1 , Tatfieg nn steam" with a live•
I y shoe put ueerly s lull !sett !Milli
bets i•eu himself end Ilainill. Tao tatter
pulled Vigoloo.4 end sea eon to
ed his rivelis alb Inch by Inch. airlea
him bet :wry Little tide:lnteger In speral till
Si•hY ails reached. There Retina turn
ed w Int rare beientige %Willy, end was
follow isl la ne ootistyie by Hamill. Both
appeared to ba fresh. riled lively an they en•
erred uponthe
11.unilt Copt bLs boat Ina faoltleaa lino,
I,4witun; tho ourrnat of tbk.rlpur, and gra
.inally gained a into upon Itrown. Ifli
friend,. urge taut Ltrosrn lolled to row In a.
. . .
vie feet line, purposely "zigitaMiltig" to Or
der to keep Hamill from musing him. Bow,
far this Is tree We know not, hut our repot ,
ter failed to inshore! . anything Particularly
v. rang with IlrOWnle action In that respect.
As the too heats came In sight from the
Paint, Brown was dbleevered to be. about a
hal: length ithrtul, pulling no though life
O.:peeled upon nib - exertions. paella wan,
In 0101.0 hit:nett, anti althOuati ulling
equally lively with hit oompetitair, ha did
not seem to be gaining an inch. At Lorenz's
lilies %Corks, is little below the Point, unac
countably liutual dropped out of the rnee,
and Ilrewn kent merit tdiy On, being feebly
cheered as his neared the lionougaticia
wharf anti rowed to the starting place.
The people were disappointed; they Intl a
natural local prble to itstlicaly" anti seemed
ill,thiniarilel that lie hail lost the race.
llrowu hastily rowed to hts boat home, and
reeelveil Out a ntilale cheer, alter tilt touch
ing the pier and winning the victory. The
time wan edingly poor, minutes. 60
second, b at tubmay be aecOunteil for tyy
,the coughatete of the water, and not from
the lack of the abilities of the aucamelful
About fifteen minutes after Drown'. arri.
Vol at tiOne,llamill Came up, row In!, Mewls.,
tot wws vocifermisly cheered. Ile shouted
to his friends that he claimed tut race, as
iolire n had
Mir, and leach new en•
thindoon was created in Mr retail at the
millomiculnent. He towed to the boat bongo
and a es eseorted tbolltlanita of perthrin
On WO Oink awl hundreds of skull and
lasts in the river.
Tim Judges were unable to decide. The
friends Of HMI 11l Clamored bar au award
in his favor, lint they emacluded wisely to
thoroughly trivusttgate the charge of foul
brunt, making s. , :e deetsine. Last night
they met and esanoned several witnesses,
but could arrive at no definite conclusirm.
and pr,tpontt their decision unul this
morning at ten o'clock. We hope, in the
worm cc fair hospitality, that ItroWn will
reccivejustlen at their hands. Heise strans
ger here, and has had lb.. .enure and man.
Peens to test histastal with the mintuplon
111 America nil hid own.waters, and amongst
lila heartiest f [lends, and unless It be shown
that he was clearly 'guilty Of 'lcietioyloge.
let him have the credit of his victory.
We were among idnuie who desired a te
en:mil 1,,r Bexhill. lie is a Pittaburgiter
and a good oarsman, but has his superiors
—among them we must haw glass Ilrown;
the Portland stripling. Our local glory wea.
Oolitic,' on :ha Tyne in England. eclirstm
nti the Monongahela yesterday, and
my' . must luck well to his laurels In the fa
tale. Ile way retrieve himself. but mutt
pull up to be a Letter Man 'ban the one with
IVIIMIA be atrippell peeler
111 MO having money at .itsal on the rare
111,OOLAS011t to the decision of the Judges
hathver rt may be. Quito a autnlmr 01
bets have been paid by irlimiliPa
they conceding the viyivrY tti lirowu. We
nn aurnlxu.l 011Otiler race between Ilrcorri
and ilegilli Improbable,lll4llllll to he
tar challenging party.
• —IV b learned last evening that Brown de
parted on the niyht train for the mad, and
taro that his departure wan hastened
through fear or Personal violence, for
which, however, We cannot Lettere tripro
was geod ground.
Attempted Ontred:A.—A few night-Sago
sn indifttleal,duaved and 11.1130Cti by the
devil incarnate, entemi tijo house of a Mr.
tv.sver, proceeded to the room of Mn.
Weorer,snJ In the rt o berc o nj ,ru e
of her hnelWnd,
With the bottom piece of a lam the sec
ceskflPly. defended, blanket!, and ainshed
the villain cons:durably apout the end Arai
taco. The assailant fled and Is unknown.
The circumstance averred in V.ast
The tonte.t for .Prothonotary
Massa, • Erierotni :—When consenting, at
the request of numerous personal and pO
- friends, to become a candidate for
Tr, om Menne to the Mlle:, of Prothonotary,
1 determined to conduct the present can
vass in a fair and honorable manner, and 1
expected like conduct upon the part of
my opponents. For some weeks 1 have si
lently submitted to the unjust and perals.
tent attacks of Mr. D. C. Maltz mud his uns
ettle' fuglenian.
The false statement, at first privately but
Industriously circulated by them, to tile et
trot that at the Convention wherein 1 nas
nominated for the onlee of Prothonotary, a
private arrangement was made whereby
sir. Units was a ittalutwn end transferred
his delegates to Lee in ConsideratiOli of a
proutlae en toy ,part that I would not be a
erandalete for re-nomination in opposition
to lam, has been recently published in au
indirect said cages Wit linen the less evi
dent) twiner in the advertLalm: columns of
a ally paper.
1 now pronounce the Mat. Anent . ..Mr.. :n
-ever- particular. Ido not .belleto that Mr.
llultz owned, or was able sell.anY
of the delegates In that Corr:minim. and 1
consider tinichargo so tin warritota bly made,
an insult u well to the honorable gentle
men one supported use as to myself. Such
atstements have broil privately Miele, as
well Isi vaguely lnein nets d through annul . -
.11111 ailvertlsementi, hut no reputable or
honorable MOM can lie produced to iolbstuu
thde them. The übsurility of such an ar
rangement fa' apparent to Lvery person ac
quatnted with tile facts.
There were four candidates nefore the
Convention. namely, Thomas Steel,
George Finley, E.q., Mr. 1,. C. _Liaise and
myself. Esquire Steel was honorably with
drawn before a vole wits taken. Upon the
, and only !.allot the vote stood thud
D.C. finite 11 votes.
George Finley 17 voles.
Jaen, ti. Walter lel votes
If Mr. 1101iz wad then in the market, 1
certainly 411 d not buy him, and his .friends
were M. Insignificant Int/umbel. to .1101. In L
to a merchantable commodity U to poli
ties, as In eimameree, the scarcity of as ar
ticle enhances it, price. Ruhr votes should
have been hell at a high lieu re by the mail
who had Ind fourteen veto against my our
hundred andiire-nry•three.
All persons who desire to test tile falmitiss
of tills statement are respectfully referred
to the files of the Pittaburgh daily p apers of
August 4, lard, where they will Uri Um re
port or the proceedings of the Convention
which nominated we, by a free 11,111 unbar.
chased vote, no generous and large that 1
may be psriloned for referring to It as one
of the proudes4 and most cherished events
in my public lire. Jac. 11. Watrne.
Pittsburgh, Slay 21, 1667.
Or. Keynes Gnat Blood Searcher.
Tho wonderful cures made in Pittsburgh
and elsewhere, by this most extraordinary
medicine, la beginning to be generally ap
preciated throughout the community. DR
ed Ito way into pnbile esteem, by some of
the'most extraordinary cures we have ever
mom stalled upon to chronicle—cures that
hove been solely mode in bringing the Sys-
Wm (rum tidejected,despriudetit condition,
when ull the powers to Nature seemed to,
flag and refuse alit inoctions—where the
blued Mitered in the voles, and whero the
syniptoins of consumption manifested
themselves throughout the whole body—
where decoyed bones, rugged ulcers, icing
standing letters, gore evidence that the
whole system was:ailing to dreavtond in an
hour when I Ileae diseu-est teemed Moths.
coincident ' with tiled critical and
lormitinole exigency, was brought 'to
bear in.—rein: omit the lamp er life,
nod an impetus to throw off di9elibe,
and restore the it tng lost vital energies to
health a n d vigor. Dr. lielaer's Wood Scorch
er v. Ili invariably restore tone and vigor to
! the blow:tett. It will Curd COstiVeLle,d. it
, will ttnelch the blood with new plasma, and
strive It oil ward In ltd mission Of renewal
to the over-tasked awl over-wowed organs
of the body. with a isliaolnty and power not
belooging to any slifor medicine. Unlike
most toners owl stimulants, that utter their
tome is spent, leave the tsystem weak nod
prostrated, it invigorates without an afters
prostration, and wmilat It cannot make
health without food, IL will enable the
stomach to woke use of that food anti con
vert It Into healthy and useful 140.1 mat,
roil, at to be absorbed Into the circulation
dhk for br. Eeises'a Itlanan.oarcikor and
reject all otners. per lAmtio• sm ter ►t,
at I ho great medlntne store,l4o Wood utreet.
ale...heat ennaoltatton roncna.l . 4 Penn street.
()Ince tours (rota 9J. Ir. to c. M.
The Mennoteutol fotteert.
We call public attention . to the Grand
Concert for the benefit of the Monumental
Vole, to be given by amateurs, at Masonic
Hall, to-morrow evening. We need not en
ter Into partionlars and explain the per
pose of this entertainment. it is well
known to the public that the Monumental
Falr, which commences next week, will
prove the high opinion the people of All,
cheap Col.ll.ty generally entertain on the
subject of erecting a monument to those
who fell for their country. But to speak of
the concert In Itself, let us take notice that
tne ladies and gentlemen to pertorrn
the occasion belong to our most refined so
ciety, and that tilt music will Ito first. class.
When names like Antler, Finless atil Vert: A i
aro bound on a programme, success should
be certain. Thu soiree, we do not - doubt, -
will tnest the approbation of all who appro..
'tdate gored music. See advertisement for
Disorderly Cooduce.Sitio eel Laugh
lln and Matilda Laughlin appeared before
Alderman Humbert, to an s w e r charge
Indeed againnt them by Margaret Brunnon.
for disorderly conduct. Tatty were released
upon paying the emits of the .prmieciitlen.
alcbirocn• charged with the Same
ollieutie by Margaret atonally. was arrested
awl eubsequently released upon paying a
aloe and costs.
liineety of the Prate,.—Matilda Latith
lin made information before Alderman
Humbert. against Margaret Brennen, for
surety of the pewee. /t appeared that.the
defendant. woo to the habit or threatening
With a knife the complainant's [laughter, a
poor little creature, who is crippled and un
able Lotto the least harm. Margaret Brennen
was ordered to give IMO 'and to pay the
costa of the prosecution,
IRCeloriel Miler's Carriage Haase, at
'Pmt Perry, was struck by ligtitning on the
I&th ot August last and was consumed. IL
had Pored,. Ills largo barn, which stood
only a couple ot rods distant. Was not In•
Jured, possessing as It did, the very Lest
possible protection In the Cooper Tubular
Lightning nod with Spiral Flanges, mann
tat:dared In %blandly by Lockhart &
Assent% and Itattery.—Joaeph Moore.
who if • at present an inmate of the county
Jail, this Morning made Information before -
Alderman 3.lellasters4 charging W. S. Jours
with assault and battery. The alleged of.
tense was committed on the 7:h of May. A
warrant eras issued for the arrest of Jones.
kaftanlt on a Bor.—Joseph itlehards
m yobterday made information herons
an Thomas against John MalabourAloe,
oammlLting an assault upon his (ILlchar.l4.)
little son William. A warrant was Issued
for the arrest of the arcuate.
'Additional Local Yeses on
Third Page.
u Monday, MAT l'Utb, at
Clartry etturel, gunilbertp. PA, by we Abe,
.1: II; Wilma. WIT 8. WAIT, req.. of Little
lbort. AI kans.s, ale!' 1.6.1 , LIIN lit. TYLER.
illlllolo,—ThelWide ',MU KT, t. 11i111065,
late teglarer on the SIT =twat ecrlin.'off walen
he wis arown..l on thii Melt of the ?alb dal' of
Y•brnare, b •en Wand orinealte Itacon
twanty•claht willeaatiore alnebanati.
Notice of the funeral will be flee. hereafter.
No. 166 nun sure, s.
COFFINS of all kinds; C KANN, GLOVES, and
avery desoripllou I , 6llPril Load.
forulsbod. Ikatris ottiled dayark.l night. Mane
at./ Carriages
Itagingstcr,)-11cv. David licrr, L. D.,' B.T.
LLD.. rum , . Ja•
4,1, 11. Miller. o.a.
J 44. 11011GEIIS. UNDER-VA
,' • KYR AND XXIIAIAItR, eateealor to the
late Sam Oil IL. R•sdises, No. 29 Ohio naett,
three door. team BearcivAlleibeny City. Iffe•
said, liostwood, Mahogany, Walnut and Rose.
wood Cofllns, at the lowest reduned
prices, !t0...0pt nal all bonze. day and West.
tlearte sod earfluzes furnished on ttyst notice
and no most n saonable trnaa, •
• TAXltion AND I.l2flALWltlity Ilinchee•
ter. Wo«l'O lean and Coln Rot./ at
lloatbe,ter Liver, OULIe, earner hheelehl and
Chortler, strott.t. Heats, and Carriages fur
BROS., at Zan Liberty Radon, taro for
et dietztat Rum E. rm. mairi*f 110 . 41915
to kt. 00% and as Wag Ma..
Tnowe WHO vesinE
LIANCT c r eaI:PLUXION alas, party
telll4..Ane Well 11,1114.1,'S CON.
43 .%11:ATV. X , IIACT Lv SAYAIIILLa lota.
it•tay Net (or 1311ILlatu1.tVa. Take NO
(MM. apl;alirt
- -
Another Lot Just Rece ived,
Frobracleg some Male best Myles Messing Mt
hrooebt to Ulla mutes.
We would /sat ttose who are &alms of Par.
ettsotog anything In Mils /lee to call at ones aed
ee out stock.
PUNSEA.TH & co.,
G Wylie St., Sd door troa sth.
J. W. semi
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
ParLl:tlar al:entlon Slvsato BADM , aut
Watetei, l:luata and Jamelry. ♦ll Wort war
& CO.'S
55:41 57
FIFT I II ST.; Pittsbuigh.
Daily centrum/eras of Banktnallt Stock, of
Gonds from all parts of the United thaael, to be
•old at
Wholesale and Beta%
M, ItALn ANE 5' tpcEne.
CUTLERY, POCKET' suous. • •
Alto, direct f rom the ManhArtax fin/
Ingrain, Rag and Linenl
At Auction Prices I
Nos. 55 AND 57 FIFTH want
B.—Furaltorn •na tioa ffebold 9 ood; for sale
at Auction an E.V4IST TE11:11 , 81-11Y. _
lcurrnsos, PA.IMEE &
,8989 S 9 89 S 9 S 9 89 89
s9aFt. C> iar3Eg 9 63,
Is 9 S 9 Jrfarkst area,
1 39 ;BOOTS, SITORS &O .
S 9,
! S9 / I CN wawa!! cismlr
59 1JAS. ROBB, S 9 Market -St.
S 9 89 S 9 t , W) 89 S 9 89 S 9
MACHIN, E over all others., for fanharlt
!use and general purpose*. are CO inn eint;
itablleneel and to generally admitted, that'
an enumeration of dial" relarlre ereel-1
ilene!sa,ll no Linger eonalier. d nenea.a-11
lir,. They are altople. durable arid bean 4!
I . No. 27 F/VTIR STREET._
, 1
11111 FL CLOSIi'& C 0.,,
Practical Furniture Alanitfacturfirtt
wen, moo. or rtnenTerna
M.amtumn of
• 444 PENN 811LICET.
tut the lota flues eff 'du at Yam rowdera awl
Wathee All
remt cite. y, the Dona
of the tale. and in Owl. time,
plealon. It you 'maid bate
control AP ,...,, % ..,P .Ja.kt,501.10. to cy
sAusAraluLLA. • .915:11101
No. SO FOUIITII NT., Apollo Building
n6klrT4, 1:01744. BILL and LET
//la HEADS, /ft., done ia all styles.
la la. No. 146 011&.NT MILES
TF..W FA MILY - ignocEni
eaullEL—Tba nutlie,m4ned bee *pelmet IT a
First Class Family Grocery.
At Nes 239 r EDlelfiL STnEET, Allegheny,
he, be erlo - beep meetsatJe an band a tholes
6-1...15e at all etudes nmally toned In a store
of this Vott. -
metly:3 A. H. LOVILHART.
SAPARILLA. eleasw and renovates 'Uo
w ood, vigor of health Into the .7.
and parr. out he humors' that make dt
LONERGAN, 111. D.,. will
same Medical Fractice I Pittsburgh.
MAY rr *Mb. at
No. 21 11AN STREET, n Penn,
Alm . . Ee .111 .tuna valetas ; win oft*
tour, frr 9to LI m. an/11.06DL
cays:3sgrr •
Author Cotton Mlls, - Pittsborgbe
!Dattileturer. nt EIL&VT. DISMUIa r f WNW'
& D P E