El 13 0 CCE INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRIM SIR. 7, VIZ FEW eIiATZ 704 I. Spring, 18671 J. BRADLEYS DUPLEX ELUPTIC (OR noonm arinso;) SKIRTS, The handsomest and mart eomfortsble SY!On ! tralueed. lilt FL AJ: t , . ZI NU: Also the Mier TH AI Ut, IC ur hie woAL.II, and -TV FOR SP.LE EirEnivraEnt. AT W.II.LEISALIC by ell - tee leading Notson And Dri'lieous Hoaxes le Plttabersth. , Also, by Bog thn.ers ratbut ant! Xxelanlyabianulae. - VESTS BRADLEY &CARY , 91 Chambers Street, subleamwt ZliMr I.OBIL CLOTHS AND CASSIIMERS; Hope Casehneree; GenPe Cnesimeret; Black and Colored Clothe; ... Grey Tweeds; Eentitcly Jeans; Lineh Checks; Cottonades • large arsortment of KEW lit/ODS, at the new attire et .7. N. BURCHFULD & CO., MSc.. 137 Mascot NEIT lOU TO TUE. RCN Of 111 "BIG BOOT." J CST OPESED, ISIE MACHU,' dr' CAILLILE, Jrth 18 Ptlth Street, Aft desantusortm.nt of Sun shades and Parasols, NEW BUTTONS LAB Tatannsrap, MN EMI ASD JMIIUG 11BDOS3 131 . 8LNI.181i1ADES or THE BEST KID 'GLOVES. “6T8.1=t.“ 19=.1XILTEI. BES,T PAPER,CDLLUIS AND CUFFS we have Joni opened a fall lino of all sizes and colors of tor, calcoraltd "BF." Hid Glove, at sl.lo4er Pair. We are authorised ,to .arantre every parr of the gloves role. Should they rip o tear puffing °a. they Can bo ezehaeg Ca for another pate. MACKIN & CARLISLE, No., MOP Fifth /131reet. IYEW croc)ns. DAILY ARRIVALD THIS WEEK. MUNN, CLYDE & co. , . . WU LW gait Taish dawns!; Itil Hai %Is niia, Striped auf Bailed; !did asti Halted Inizsods,for "'list* lir lid Mhos / :racii d 111116114 Tort file assortment; CaLtoiat, Salmis and Viral Lasesn Ihalkerehiefs, tam !mktd. Hemstitched & Kip; English Elkins, all widths and shidw, fall Liao Colored 'Carel Ribbons, mil obad4 Ranh Fringes, Trimmings .1 Rattans newest Myles; Fin assorimeat of LvEes' Wish aid Gen= Rooiery and Closet FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES; BPLEEIDID MEOBILEHT PARASOLS. Full Line Furnishing Goods. MORRISON'S STAR SWIMS at warranted. COREISTS AND HOW bRIRIT, good makes. Jobbing trade served faithfully at Mantra 78 and 80 !kite& Street. apttnall EW GOODS NEW GOODS JOSEPH ROM'S as OM. • lar/Uge S sing Made &second addition to •our already tock SPRING GOODS We ale prepared W otter inducements, beta in pries mid assortment, In Imbrolderies, Ilandlterchist., siri‘rs t s. Hosier, limas Trimmings sod grthges, Ben Kyles Dress Trimmings, Colored - and Velvet Ribbons. Oulpure and cloud Luc, Beal Thread sad Points LAM Buttons, all styles mid colors. . Corsets, Belting, Buckles and Belts, Fine Opera leans, . Ladles', Misses' sod Dents* • ' ' aan tlndtr ' pr Alex g dre Bid therm. • invisible Emoress Trait • • rights. la tamale and c- • .• - Duplex. • Cl= • Gens• Feet Tim baulk ' and Bows. Duspeoarrs. Eblrt houU. te. Morrison•s btu MM.. • Epring!itii.l l 4..et.. Mt rower., and Mtlltoer• ()oafs, Trimmins gibbons, 11.0ort Ylata sad Fury. 0111,0,132.. OUR IVIIOLISALE BOOM, op staltv, .111 M fogad complete lord! DePartmeats. Deal ers will Pad It to their adrataLge to give as call. erlees as tow al /Astern Jobbers. 77 and 2.9 karket Street. •;13. -': 1867. SPRING - . 1867. ARBIITHNOTT SHANNON & COMPANY, LMPORTLES 451/ JOBBSUS OF Dry Goods and Notions, Utrer tbelr Isriteazd attractive .to:k of REW .GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES, FOR CASH. ..R E . GOMM !. WHITE GOMM. RN I VI. I 2I. X C SIM Nb. ILIVet U B B ,OABIIIMICSSZ, BLEACHED •• ' m ix 11111.1LTINOIS AND TIskia,_IS3AWI43.II.HIRTS. LlOutragy (MOW= itc.; • ito Bn pi..arA 14".1V1. t o rail and examine. oar N 0.115 Wood Street. 4111111MilatOT, VII ANN ON & CO. C' stra rn7. G. arm= 3,74:: BuA"°N. 110 :4'ilfe [Co 01l AT 121-2 CENTS. GOOD DAIME Gr.l::nrGtri ,&ms. AT 12N CENTS. . I LIGHT AND DASH PRINTS' AT Z 2 CEWI, YARD WIDE BLEICLIEIi MUSLIM. Colored Dress Siikv, good variety; Plain Black Silks, grosgrains, a large stock; Dress Goods, at all prices; Wool Deb i ting, all cols; French Percales, all colors; French Lawns, White Goods; Nottingham Lace, for Curtains; Striped Dimities; Bonnets, Rats, Stindowns; Ribbons, Flowers; Parasols and . Sun Vsbrella;; A Cult line opeaed to-day: • very lama and ele.stort, wtoleaalo sad rata% at WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., ALLEGILEXr CITY: AT REDUCED PRICES Rain Umbra ; Morrisqh;s "Star" Shirts ; - -JUST OPENID. Galloon Trimmings ; Jet crop Trimmings ; Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs ; Alexandre's Kid G!oves ; Velvet Itibboni, rich colors; Guipure Laces and Edgings ; Infants' Oaps ; Trimming Satins, all colors; !ma F . H. EATON'S, 17 FifthiStreet, =TM C ABll l . L r gelte D e l'E M: 5 1 .1411UL8IALE DLL LESS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ORTCOODS. No. Di WOOD STREET, ,• Thlid house Above Dlaseond PITTSBURGH, PA, CANDIDATE? FOB COUNTY TlKEAraLinzo. COL. JAM. A. ORAY, Of McClure ter,oop. will be a candidate for C.,0a,...3=7„T"..tt .arer, 'anklet to th e deaden of the u..cpaelicatt Convention. an= lit 1 :1911, ASSEBIIILY. • • WILLIAM B. ROSS, or •ll•ghenv city. Wilt be • oentlttlite for At retably,rolxeet to the decision of the Itepebtl eta Uourtty (Jonventlo. .714 1145 Fon COUNTY CONNISSIONSII, . JOSEPH B. IN'DONALD, Of the tkoon4 .Ward, Allrgbeey City. robpect to the at elslon of the 1121.. Itopntilleala toutty aptt:ll2 FOU COUNTY i'llEetStritEll. WILLIAM' M'CLEAN, Of Flit township, (formerly North Fayette, will be • candidate for Comity Treasurer. Irtlbleq to the derJatoti of the Union Republican Coonty Convention- _ a010:11 F° PlIOTJEION(YrA111. • .J• D. C. MULTI 111 De • candidate for the *Musa!' PittYrHON. OTEBT, subJect to the decidoia of the Ualos gipubtle. Convention. FOR PROTHONOTARY. •••.. JACOB H. WALTER, Will be► CthEtldete for the ofhee of PROTHON OTARY,subIect to the deetelosi of the Doi. Oonvention.• isteMni.ddier : 1 1, . 1 11 )11 MAJ. ). F. DENNISTON, trormerly of lrien4•181110 (bards) will bo Candidate IoiCOUNTY TISSASIIEAft, sobiots so thedeastort of the Union 3tepablicsa Cora.. tlon.mb2Stv7l • PA 110 0f , 7 nog_.l DESIRABLE emir MANSION. 98 CLIFF PITHEIC-BPACTUIIItoiIkONI/8 AND BICAUTIPUL TUPoLIAT ZVKAINO. Play MM. at $ o'clock. IMP be acid. ea second door of Cm:amulets]. bales Booms, ice nreiltlifkid street. the elegant and desirable manakin, No. PS lillff street. a two story Bring Dootde tintise; with all modern Lmprovemenih haring double park , , dining room and kltehen tourrn door.i watt hon. Sod atom room bacli: larmintuunbers, bath/ room and lines room on the sensor' Poor. and tPwail dry cellir• marble mantles In pastor, gins add hot ant ookd water tnonehont; improled patent ranre to ltehen the whole lionise In emir !fent condition. Otnestrotal grounds trou commanding • Pee view. The lot Is front, tg cc feet on Can street and 147 feet In depth. Am additional:lfeet front orthe same depth. nod witb and enrollee halite Piet eon, would aim be mild to perclaser of the house an d lot. If demised,, streasoimblo tartis i gti ' a l itd In It s advant s ge. or vr. re mr. eltgantlmprovements and inelthl,s . mini Mew.. Yommaion siren imm "' T. Tho. wishing are Invited to examine the prem iers. Terms. One-bilf cash; lia! ante In 0.1 D ayment,. - A. PletLWAlri L. Auctioneer. W'WIVE YEARS CREDIT BALE.— ROILUTAOLiIy' Dul l, ar v ioo rAu Tievc Borough of tikarpstrarg, lieVW:rat!Vtl Pennsylvanl• Mauro. and Allem:l.4y elver, two toll. above th.. ell y, oa MO% th Ay scoRNI N ,i May Ilitith o clock. on the premises, that trir2rdrfrerli:e47.klnnowt:e°= tract. tart burg. h. at last been subdivided luso boom , . lots or imitable inse. to Pr a , pl .•.•o• reser., to the high. , h . 1 ,1 .4 credit. as (0 loos: D ance eats. on balance In eve . qua i earner.. with Interest, secured by bond end urtgage P 0 0.14 • part of cub paymen t, oe peed en es ',ben s'd. Two tree Excursion Trains. of ten an asen w ill las,. the Depots of boto the Western Penn ey/van. Railroad. red.. strum, AlL•ittisny, - and the Allegheny' Valley Railroad , rpm. o f Pike and Gantt etreets, Pittsburgh, at the ..me boar, a o'itiOeit a. ict. prod.'''. on toe day o p sale, add tenter grown persons, (Lad es and n. {land from t he sale rree Of . barge. note to be had. the Auction ItoOnts. 210. 11l illmithneld scree. Inil6 A. MCILWAYNE. •uct . t. VV AUE BARB AND INNIT BLARG AE 1211BL/CKS.—TUERPAY May list. ate o`elock, will Os rqd. on .re see nd Ihrue of the Goriunercial gales Room.. 106 acid street: 30 shares Ailei teeny National Hank. • 30 shares 11.2.16,14111L1012•1 Ba•k; 60 snares Beak of PlRSbritth. • n) shares necood National Rank. 40 shaves 1... a 1.•• Insurance Co. _BUZ A. kteILWAINI. Auctioneer._ 1776. ~g!.iff , n/P 3a Y, 1867. -•• • • - Look out for We groat 'National Footival. Bal. loon ExhiblUon• Itlaminations, Torah Light rrocettlona. Indian Cavalcade. - Magnificent pdol Fountain. •o, .JOlll4 N. KINNEY, Business if sharer. Bee future adyerthereents. bills and pro grinAmite. 1.10.4 QANTITIf vs. QUALITY. HiLlinoLn•el'man. n A RP AP a RILL a.. Tha dose!. mall. Trials flu dealer a lam, gaaati • ty and Imp doses Via. Ind.SMYTY ~lt~i~#~~~t~~~lt ~~~~~k; MONDAY, MAY 20, 1867 We bave received from J. W. PittOck espy of the Atlantic IfonLyy for JUDO. • • - Me are Indebted to Adjutant Geuoral Russell for n Copy of UN Itoport for ISM Also, to John W. Pittook, (opposite Posted goo (or a'nopj, of:Frank LealioN Magazine for Juno. Hanes Mleteb.—Dering Friday night last two hOfses were stolen from the stable of Mr. Sutton, on the Allegheny river hank, In the Vicinity of tierVs Island. Very little traoestutd been obtained of the thieves up to Saturday evening.' Lolled States District Co rt rt.-George Weyman; convicted last week or haring in his possession counterfeit the usury notes, telth the intention to pass same, was sentenced, on Saturday, to pay a fine of CODA, and to undergo an Imprisonment In the Petatentlary for a period of three years 'llthereto/1y Home—Richard Keefe, of the Eighth ward, on satunlay, prosecuted Catharine and Jane Elven% before , Alder man Thomas, for keeping a disorderly house. Keels, it seems, leased the premium to Robert Goody, who sub•let them to the accused. Gowdy has also been prosecuted. The defendants were held for a hewing. lallgbi lire anet.--gaturday forenoon the roof d of A ae dw lde ell n ing ca Rob erta street, Seventh ward, took are from a spark from a chimney. Kra Brubaker, the occupant, climbed to the roof and extin guished the flame with a bucket of .water, aria in returning feltover the cave to the balcony, fortunately reeetriog but slight . Injury. nn d 77 Trial Llat CMIVOIf PLIAS. • • S 3. (Jan.) Wm. Lindsay ye. Thos. Lindsay et. al. 3G. (Mar.) John P. Vane.. O'Neal a, um z. Jam. Whitlow va. Jame* Crawford. John McGee yo. John COBB* 30. Win. Finch vs. city of Pdtsinirralt. 31. Good d Rothschild To Rodert Bahl. 33:11. Lauer a Co. ya. John El 6 APClellsail a Davie ya. W. h. Brandon. 3L C. C. Lcalle.va. J. It. Dickey et. al. - 33. John Lang re. Duquesne borough. 33. March list, Simon . ...Union Sake. Co., and for Tuesday Slot inst. 35. March llst, Cochran et. al. fa. Dyers, x. axed for Wednesday nil lost. trprllllst, Evans W. & C. IL B. axed the Thsrsday,234 Lost. DIYTYIOT COURT. 140. Long, Millar a Co. vs atandard raLTO. ICUM llefining Company. 111. Wm, A. McClorg vs. Pittsburgh a Con nellnville 14.14. Co. 14. Wm. liespenhtle vs. C. W. Pollarded. ;M. J. P. Wllson vs. J. H, llopkloj and AL TI. Wm. M. Bartlett, Smith a Co. vs. North Ameri can 011 sou Mining Co. 30. John Heath vs. James Logan. 34. lloorbeaa a Co. vs. Tomlinson, Barbi - pee it Co. IN - Additional Local Ilottent: on First Page. PERSONAL -Fred. Douglass. Income-0.176. Ito?. Petroleum V. Nesbra Income Is ported In Toledo at $1,311. —Charles Colcheaer, the srell•lrnown splr- Itual medium, die d at Keokuk, lowa, an the CZ. —lt • Is reported that the prospects are fa vorable for an increase In the family of the Emperor of France. man at Boston has sued hls brother for .10,000 for alleged slanderous words used Ina letter to their sister. —I.. nehmenloo, the famous New York restaurateur, returns his income at 41)6,104. The prosier. peer It was $71,617. —Owing to a memorable Interriew with lien. Wood, Ron. John Morrissey does not appear In the Income returns this year. —Mr. Jeremiah arose, aged one hundred and el...years and fourteen days, died near weep.p. ert. Slonmonth tensity, Indlana, last --A man has .lnst died In London who for the past seventeen rears had followed the protennion of frog.catetier for the serpent In the zoological gardens. —Old John Denuehotr, the Petroleum Stn g of Bennet:l:a nen. 1bt12112041 as Moores of $160.1:03 lest year. Tele lo the Unrest In dividual theome returned .to Veneer° COmatm —Mr. Greeley tells Mr. Word that 11 he had hie deserts 'he would long ago have been in Bing Sing. Mr. Weed replies that when Mr. Crreeley dares not act tha burg lar, he turns sneak. —Mew Lloyd, an English Lad-owner, has even wholesale none° tannic to her tenants to Cminarthenshire and 'Pena brokeshire, In eonsednence of their wives and datightere w earl], g crinoline, a practice to within atie oblectst —Rosa lionhenr, the celebrated animal palntar, It is rumored, has become her madness consisting ut fancylne beThelt an animal—a aoll.t bele"; tho creature Into whichsthe great artiste' oolleres herself transformed. . --Setiretary Seward flada lbbasalt' Taxed lIR for tate Auburn prOweinti St a valuation of tt Him.s.rid,OuLlSll. NV hen he purchased he P.M zundred dollars, but it has surrounded by the Won. He Ls e.."...ighte his house there. correspondent of a CAUL:naI& raper foam Beceleer Is a remarkable nand ouzo° noes when be Is In tbo full tidy of per (led but faze In 111 op with anima. tine, but be in as homely as a s in ged cat when be Intl doing any thlng.!, • —Bishop Loughlin, of the diocese of Brooklyn, disapproves of Mu, practice of holding lieittrala and balls In aid of the Catholic churches.. Be LI slap opposed to the priesthood keeping trotting horse., and porno of them have gentile practice. timyth, of New Hampshire, has 'received a gold•heulN ebony cane from two officers of that Mate.. a testimony of emitted° for aid tendered to New Hamp shire soldiers during the war. One of the donors says the Uorernor eared his life at liettysbera, —ltobe.rt Bonner, of the Bow Tork Ledger, says his 'new building and land will oast rillooo, and the edince win be ere-proof. Lest year his income was over 4/00,dgi. In addition to driving the fastest horses, hon. net bee o ff ered to hire a colleague for his parish clergyman at s3,outl a year. —The London correspondent of the Chi cago Journal states: Lard Brougham has Jun compromised a scandalous case la which he was involved, by paying 25,000, (2a an were clulnied,) besides law expenses, which will probably swell the aggregate to some {si an or µo.ooo. It is geld that some dlegraeriful developments would have been mule if the Cale bad gone on. • —John T. Wheeler. of Seymour now over 90 years old, has seven grandchildren, Of. teen great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren. Ile has no gray halm. can walk his three miles with ease, never used tobacco, never took but one doge of medicine, and never drank any liquor until after he is as fifty yearn old. —Madame Mistori sailed for IL nropa last taking about 11 200 . 003 dear_ 9. 99 1 9 for eight months engagement: - ithe has traveled seventeen thousand miles and layed In twenty-eight cities . She has en joyed uninterrupted health, and has P.M. bully met every engagement, disappoint. Sag the public in not • single instance and never changing a play that bad bean an nounced. —Marshall Y. Harris, of Wetharsheld,COn motion, while on Ida way from New Maven to New York, was robbed of $3,000 in bank notes, together with coma articles of wear.. ink apparel, on Monday night, by a man na mod Francis FL Lyons, with whom ho be. mane actigainted on the steamer Elm City, and. who, try Invitation, started Mr. Mamie Mato-room with him. The thief was after wards arrested. —The Tribune's name for the new terri tory purchased by Mr. Secretary Seward, irmioltal--"Walrusstmo That Is one °lawn Wilkeson's latent. In Sam's best style. What a pay It is that Sam no longer works regularly on the press; hat since his con nection with May Cooke made him it rich man, Mr.- Wilkinson has grown idle and taxes his ease either at Willardo, or on his own farm Is Western Now Yorg,—.li/ma York —Ulu Catherine Hatten.of Garonne coun ty, Virginia, has lately made the author discovery that she 1$ the heir of property to the amount of about one million of dollars, In the upper part-of Now Albany, Indiana. The lady claims that she Is the direct and ofOnly living and AIM EE. lineal desndantd sie h lBl7 eir ce H atton, w ho,, i d n , obtained a patent for one hundred acres of land on which the city is partly built. —gum, Ann MeQuinleY wase table wafter In Burlington, Vermont, a few months ago. Being very handsome, she was a par ticular favorite with all the boarders or the male gender, She disgusted them all, however. by Marrying a neg ro _ cook. Subsequently they removed to' Bartford. here Susan became tired of her negro spouse, and eloped with a young fellow nineteen years of age. son of • contractor in tioitl armory. They went to New Tort, and thence to liolyoke. Massachusetts. where they were disoovenid, and Susan was arrseted for bigamy. —dtiorne tive y-tleneral Rend:Try is a ethdit• argumenta lawyer, with a d Tolce and emphatic pronunciation, an goo d he ges. Uoulates nervously with his right band. lie is shunt five feet ten Mauer la belga, and of a slender. wiry Maid. y et "M".l- cal. He nas a well•balanced. head, .."1. captive and reflective faculties seemingly equal. Ills hair le an iron gray, stitC, and parted on the back, end being corrib for. ward over either tar standis - bristling and brushy and gives a rather stern exPras sion to Ills features, which aro symmetrir.sd. floolalfy he is a cold, ungenial man, with yery few friends. ..-4.;*T.' English, of.Callineetient, I. very i rich man, through .61. own exertions but at halted educationa l dull in society, timid In character, and pa nfully deficient in es. .uttire qualifications. Ile Is. howeser, kindly and obliging, and hem ouch p.tro. otis course in Congresa . dt!fing the war that medico,hie Imrt77 called hlm ' ral coward." Prominent, broad forehead, side "thinkers, well out nose, and. intelligent grey eyes, that look atilt made toilet) eve rythlng about him, and from the corners of which radiate the wrinklos of fiftylEraYtnaht —A Boston letter MO: °dome time ago I wrote you et a now poet, a we'llarn lady, whose manuscript was in the - hands of ono of our pnbllshers. In addition Wher poeti• cal gnome she is endowed with a Ono opts. wary faculty. the mom of his corms. potidenco with her, the pnblislier, endear °dna to gratify , a curiosity which business considerations most furnish the justifica tion of, delicately intimated that, together with other personal. particulars Oho being limn:ter stranger) ho woold lilts to ho In. fanned ea to her a of g e.s• Ste how she replies: ause 'The last clour letter dimmer. extremely. Mast I furnish itatistimi me le this the trying . ordeal through' which alt TOnlig authors must pant If so, no wonder go few lady writers survive It.. Reject me, too, If you must, bet don't make me part with that sacred secret usually, so tenderly itnarded by • all my sex. Or, if a Yankee, please geese it.". —herninio a fanny amtrOwenly in the antlidavery meeting in New Tack, Wed nesday evening. Parker Pillabery bad been abusing Senator Wileon and - deeLsring him "tWO fold more the child of hell" sloop bib coavorstOp to theca:lurch. When Ste. phen IS. Foster; of Worcester, Flirted the Ell• version by Introducing a resolution 10 Ea vOr of woman courage. Wendell Phillips. the President, declared the resolution' out of order. Foster appealed from the de. ciston,.atul told Phaftps he waa using LOC Much authority, and if the Convention did not pass his resolution he could not stand. upon his platform. Mrs. Footer, wife of Stephen J., ram and shook her umbrella at and look Mr. Phillip's part, belabor• log her woreer half eoundly, not with the umbrella, but with her ever forcible words. Wendell and Abbey were too much for Stephen, and the , iktovention voted him and- hie tesointion down: There would probably have been a secession and • new anttalavery society under Foster, had not Miss Anna Dickenson come to the rezone and poured on the troubled water. In the ehape of • resolution saying that the Society ought not to dissolve finally till fe. male ouffrage 13 established. NEW ADVEE'ritsNEENTa NEW GOODS 1 • • . SMALL PROFITS! IeTILT before wee there !nth mood time to get . SAWN BOOTS MID NOES, CLAPP dc. - Am they have bet one net each pries for all. whether they are Judge. of good, or not. No ga d tgrareg e a= d g tiyberenh wow sr t een llow anythtge to prevent tne e Llto7 It ld nothing Wore team to get troll ported on g low. price.. krotept cash. bayerartre Invited 11..= liM et i e t t liktt te lgile t n ' t the gree t "'genet' of Sos. 26 and 28 Filth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. OLAPF it CO. Wholesale and Retail. aplThao NEW WALL :PIPER AND • lIPHOLSMY_STORE, SPOT OPENED, AT NO. 86 SMITHFIELD DETAIN TRIED. To secOtoono4ste tee looreo.ed trod*. w place 130111 bran ch Llt IC gr. 30 4look of IVA LI. P.VE L s .m ilf , 22 . lr A tlauy i s c lINViELIGS skid of al . 11.45. 1111ANCH-34 SIILITIIIIELDSTiZET; OLD STAN U-90 A. 00 SWILL biILEILT. E. EDNURDSON & CO. PHlsburghimporang House. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, .LIIPOSTEES OF roaraux WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Street, Having .eared a large yard and Perulabed It With the molt approved sae ...rt. we are pre pared to manatactore every deeerlpttou of Boil ers In the twat manor. and ' , arrested_ mount to anyeesde In tile country. Chimney., Breed, tne.'llee Ueda, litre= rtp•s. Locomotive Holl rg e C r o M nd e . n m Pan.. Tuts, Oa 5ti1 . 1.. , Agitators, Henna( ran., Boller lon. Heidi LULLS VAta NT,lUOLLt m t.r of DAMN. flepairine dope on the Moorhen ...lite. eel rtrtIORCVSON, REA A CO., tined. on to ROefllloa. ALMS • MILLIBill.) WASHINGTON WORKS, Pounders and Illachlnhlts, Pittsburgh, Manufacture. of Moat and etationa. BM= &lithe% Sta. Engin., !Lill Waehinerf. Hem , log, littafting. Cutler. of all deeerfpUous:oll Tent. and ntllls, totter and Hee. Iron Wort. attire: No• Is e,rner tint sad enstalteeld Ma. sir Ater. -for utrrAlculk PATENT 111- Jarlant for Mediae bolters. 1.1:1411 IarLANJE SUPERIOR PITTSBURGH, Would direct the attentive of Um public to the fact th•t, poeteeslog anterior !ultimo Li:growth ecteral large aloe owl 11door home in Europe,. and making their Ira pd nations direct, they are Wilmato offer toe varicose grade / or al choice Wilma and Llnuora prices Oa. that Zt , ta rates. Examlootionot quainter; anti comparison of pricearoopeetrony **del led. • cholee avortioent of PURE 01.1) RYE Will-Z EP coustaattlY on hand. •inly:tat Y. I. , 7. Canna,. JA.001)113,. MORRISON, BIRO & CO., YnaalfµarSraor all Undo of BOOK AND PRINT PtiPM I=! =I spANo.s ntr.Lff, 012!0==M!O IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., No. 3 St. Clair Street. lining pi:weaned of S.lll /HSU' flat/ in the nine at odirera Cutlery sad Variety tio. dr, at toe adoa stead, It Is their Lunation to ken on kend rt... of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Gana Elfin Revolvers. flatela /Utiles Tackle avid nartieg soon of even •arletv. leer ere Grinding prepared to do ell kind. of JOB Grinding klaxon. Selners, es. Cutting Meant!. and name., and inn al inning ne and Cancelling Stamm .1 sharnst notice. • W. IL WOWS, nawaver. tek.m.rn A CLEAR, SMOOTH NRIN and BRAUTII VI. cos el. rams foil.. the Imo Of IaMoItILD•IS CfaelaTtaitto Itnato Or tWas.rava.L.A. It rernoTos backoon. pl niae son ail eruptions of the skin. Se th mar IMPORTANT TO ILOUSEREEP AM vY p 1.111118 a.. .1:021MIM7 (514:041203:111. Consistingof lean Tolin Sett. Bastes end Panora Bl ed eases. Water Conine, Refrigav• Mon, In Chests. la tram Yr• atm sat Defeo, Step Ladder*. Realtor Waning end Wringing /ilenlen, Boa Ton (Ann re Bleck Tie end Brittenate Tea and Cora Pao. Penni end Table Cinklery. Treys and Welters. Geeing, and Hiveselorepleg finds IC general. at ROBERTS & SHERBATT'S WWII:SHALL Flo, Copper tad Ebed Ins I've luolottotp, so. 61 ILWITIIVIELU BT., PITTSBURGH. roec/e/ attention given to the manufacturing oft/roans` S. end Spice %Monism etc. annuli!, 9,,UPERIOIt OAK TANNED PAT EAT OTALTOII.IID /MD itiViTS.ll LBATBEII BELTING AND BOSE, E=l HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also, Uinta for Now Tort Itubbor Co. laum "felting. bands re_ parlor_glasltty of 4'V cr. ATH ER. and ULM II If IntLilT 110,51 L. Irral II Willi awl II US.S. BLIT HOOKISote. Moan psi!m usivcaNus, aU Grades, ROM STAMPED ODLD AND VELVET, Tl.l Tat mum mu DOWN TO nu TWO At No. 107 Market Street. JOB.. 1100.111 ES & BRO. apt& SEALED PROPOSALS WILL be ree . elred until SA-TUBUAI'. 11th day of Ilan G for AIIPANTER WORE ab.l PLASTER ING; for the IIEAT/NGI PAINTING AIPD GLAZING; GAS PITTING; PLUMBING. of 6►. PRIM ISILULCITI 01/IMBSRGII Carpenter Work, Plastering and Palatinate be dune b7ohnleornment. Nlnl andt be ....KIP. the separate Unda of work or for the whole) b. let to he adereaßed to ' The Building Cam. 44 " 1;5 . 4 < gr . = ti ,, libt f•litt k. S .! eratary. .73480 B. MILLER. Bazaar. Livery • and !SALE rITAISISd. Ale Fornlablng lUiierakn., k C ep l t c k o n dnsa o t lCoffi n ban be,A a U t S A UN STill AT. between Onartry and Drumm street; Horne, Carr! we and net Sig. Oen for bile. Hearne and Varrliteralway• In readloan for Fusers... Horan kept at Livery by tea day. month or year, •nd attended to In toe best manner. relrate rambles fp, alined tbe tent Horns and mon elegnat Car riage& llta.dea kept open all hours of Hie day aoaattbt.. nig em 3111"111.1 WETTACH & MEASON, Manufacturers of every description . of Leather 334,114.13:4, Dealers In Dil:r and LAOS IALTILLII. 320. 204 10111114F/ELD ' ' rttlibakxh. Pa CM • _ Fon CHEAP FOR CAilit elooble-INed 40 Intbei lameter. 'A 1.4: F.;111=47,14°7:= 4 '.111 , 1.1 ° .` 1 0% . Inch glum eery goo d . A,i t i. zv ytats nrent?grf . roVl Inch to - inl 'r./. ll .at ' itgeiditfit ' igUt u o d t r i ft" ""ke. NUult 11:1‘014 k CO ! , r," Naar Um Point, PlUshula. i.s. I r Olunei LADIES, BEWARE of the lalnelous erects of rare Powders and Washes. •Ilsoca connoted clooa op the rota of lac skim. sad la • short %lute destroy the cam plesloso If you would ue, • tre•U, Maltby and emstand an Peafafles, h ilaaaboLD's Zminaca OAILI•raiItILAd SPECIAL NOTICES. I OIL WORKS ACOMPA rZrSOMETIWI6 PLETC—CAILL Bud examine the new SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. , hi;1+111;:eat t•lea H lobs be those without tips. Kept only by • wk. s ecnnewrz; No. 31 Flitb BL. Illuburgh MEM igsrHELMBOLD'S Concentrated Mufti Extract scfrsaparUita Eradicates ERUPTIVE tad ULCERATIVE DISEASES of the THROAT. NOSE, EYES, EYELIDS. HEUER and ERIN. Which ro dist3sUre the appearance. PURGING the coil effeete of mercury and removing all taints. the remrsa I. of UN hereditary er otherwise. and II taken by SJJULTb and CHILDREN with perfect safety. TWO TAIGA SP OON ru Lb of the Extract of Paraaparl In, added to S Plitt Of Water. I. equal to the Lisbon Illet Drink, see' ony teals te env,' to a gallon of the Syrup of bumps-011a, or tile 111101U01121.111ii• /1114le. AN INTERIL3CINti LETTER Is published In tbe itedloo-Chtruegloal Itsview s e es mad. e t of the Egteset of Sarsaparilla , tate tient,. by lien mule T aaaaaa a V. R bt. ae. SC...X ing of those diseases, and dise..es arising from tn•etce., at" ...rtgry. he elates Utof tm remedy le ea aal In the Eat cad of Saran partlia; ft, power is rxtraardinary, name au than nay nth, drag ant ntorWreted wit/t. It Sc. in Meter/doe sense, atonic whit Ohio inealuabte attribute, that it Is applicable to n slat e Me eyetent ea *warn. and yet au Irritate rendere nine, substances eif flu ;oldie elate unaratta6te Injurions. IIELIIDOLD•11 CONCENTRATED EXTRACT 8A asarmums Establlalted upwards of la years. Prepared br U. T. JUIELNYBOLD. • Urania and Ob Mast. W Broadway. N. Y. B. Id by all Droulsls. apla.lo/1, fiEW MUM FDI THE LIASIMERCLUkT, 11 : halott . • Ceresms Phelou•. “Nlight Bleepshag Cerev..4 Pigalsles Phalos•t filemoalag Caren. Phalan's °sight Moen.leg emelt.. A moot esoolone, delicate, and Marmot Prefettna Mottled from tbn ran and benatlful llower fool which It talons Ito name. Ilo.ourachared only by • PIIALON & ROM New York. HEWAUti COUNTEKySITS. ASK FOR .14ALON'S—TAKti NO OTHESt IarDIL LUDLUM'S SPECIFIC, The Great hisericau Diuretic! Arfordtimmedlitte re/ler Privatet. perminelit cures el Mt tirteary and Diseases in salved,/ female, le Mover time time aby rent. edy ever dlicarered. Price sl.QOper box/ bold by ell urnsti.u. joint D. PAWL. Gnat' Agrat, =ln= arA LARD TO INVALIDS. • Clergyman, vridle residing In South Anted. a s a missionary, discovered • sum sad aimple remedy fur the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Deaf, /MEM. of the Urinary and Seminal preens. and the whole train of disorders brought en by baneint and vicious habit. Ureat nom. hers have been already mired by this noble rem edy. rrtungted by a desire to helmet the Mala ya and unfortunate. I will stud the reef. /or PreDaring and using this media... a sem. envelope, to soy one 'who nee& It. Folio, Crum/. rlease eaclosa s paery.ll.l tnoeeetope addrel/t4 to yoriliclll • Address JOISEPII T. MI A:11. dennnYl Stalin. o.lllole /loam IC 1.1:117. larl9ll. BARNHILL & - BOILER. MAKERS' ♦ND• SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nee, 20, 22, 21 and 26 rum St. COPPER MILL A SMELTINO WORKS. pPPfIeRtW U. PAUL McCIIRDY & CO., 14000001 limn of ItheatMer, lirselen• 004 Batt C •prr, r, Bream.] Copper Bottom!, !Mimed etto Sc. e Constmstly 000404 Tinner ' ll2olooe• atm Tool, 20r...hover, No. 140 FINS[ 111/1112t and 1203ECtrti I) NTLIACZT, Ilttetmerfh. tlpeClalliat. at Copp.. Cat to Say dear.* pattern. Inyte:enCdtrT_ IarTHE GRAYEST WA LADIES VT YOUTH AND 6 A HURST MAN. HOOD.—tiliWAHlt •hiIOCLAITON EtAIAYH. oti the rhysiolosT of the Ylisslotat i sea the ZenstA Abase, sod Diseases peculiar to the heat MA of son, with Reports on hew methoit• of trestatiott employed Is tale la•LitsiJos. bent Lit sealed I'.. ithilidwr.. Igr•TO MAURY OR' NOT TO mAittiv r Wlty NOT t B. dons Ve• etiona ror Toona Ws. la EIMILy• of the 110.• ar4 Aaroolartoo. on the EbyalcooFloak Lean k Stoles trot Unman, -Int/need by Ignorance or nature's Laos. Inaba Mat age of 111.• Bent ln !wale/ 1 envelope., tree of charge. AA. Qt... Ur. .1.1011 ILLY.I4 UOUUUTUN. Howard Ag.oelatlon, Pa. my17:11m1•T larcturicv A. scow, DENTIST. Aro. 218 PEAMT STREET, CZ= pvilis , A*B , :texei3;l44lWlkocte4 _COLL & MILLS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, OAS AID STEAM FITTERS, rec. 138143 Posixs. 111 . troot, rirmausen, PA. Cistern and We'l ramps of an kinds. .11onses fitted op witti tins and Water. in the most ay. prwred style. by experienced 'workmen. Special attention paid to osnotry work. inyx:7lo EIMMI Z.. ATWOOD—IutnnOX 'ATWOOD & M'CIFF 1 IY, : BRASS FOIMERti, . STEAM AND GAS FITTE Cor. of Brd and Liberty 8 tree 1,17.. c .%Mt T B ZUV:II.V.1 1 4 to node,. Special attention paid to the fitting 0 t ..a Notioentes, littatigbasio. Agents for A. &Cameron At Cd.'s STEAM ANo E BLOWER NGINES, These Primp. Este superior advantagetrot all others. and every ono warr•rated to sl Curiao rn coastal:U.lr oo tts.d. WY. 111111.111 T............... .... .... R. JOIIIIOI. lIEBLEHT & JOHNSON, PSiBCr Plumbers, Oae and StaanFitOrs, 711111 OtIIZIT ILITZNLIION. 1 3P1T . 1NE10311717L.13.33.. 30". All orders by nullec exuted aatlafaetorlfy and P /1111 7 11:2:4111 Tab Pampa, Water Cloeets; O i nks, Cna. . endantn. and Gan Mules fOr Mad at tam moot rsuonabla prteet. lyOrders from b lt,MatY/ Patron. by Mail prompt, attended Gun Now of *vet, deneflattoe. jeZl:dll BAILIFF, BROWN & CO, ra o. no Woe!Lerma 0114.1 ALLEGNIE.Tr trrr, p 4„ IPLISSIBERS, GAS AND STEAM MPS TITTERS, keep alwsys oa hanC a large assortment of HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, IXADPIPIE BATH TUBB, WARE BA. BINS, lUDS AND BRAM COCK% and all mats. Halt for !Rung op public:rot ornate buildings with HAS. WATREor STEAM. MINH.* 'lt 'H:' . . SO ( 8G.E.110L.T., PRACTIOAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY 82111111 LITLIMMAPHIC ZISTA.E. LUSILYINNT WEST UP Tine 1110UNTA.L140. Boron Cards, Letter Heade, Bonds, Labele, view.cilers, dhow Cud:, Diplomas, 1 ortralts. .01".,1 1 11!°! . • EUREKA OIL -WORKS; Manistacturers or, Eureka Carbon Oil, .111 Z CELEBILLTED Sperm Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, . Wholesale //Wen la - Crude, Whiled and Lubricating Olhd Lard, Sperm, Whale and Fish Oils, C. C. NOBLE, Ag,t, • 19 Irwin Street, rlyiS11118(711. spla:ol7 , • GPI-LESI CZPILO! 0 =WM SOHO OIL WORKS. & NACU VACTUCISH OF TUC CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum Lubricating OU; Sperm;Aird and . 4Vha.e One, UAR-UGEL Lung 0111 SILL GRIM. 13TiNDARD WHITE , BURNIAG OIL No. 1 St. Clair Street, PITTOIIIIOH, PA, SESD FUR A CIRCULAR. de7;c6s TACK. BROTHERS, COMMIBSION MERCHANTS, , I= Petroleum and Its Products, rirrsnusait OITICE-1/61.11'. Building corner of DIN ovens Way and Irwin attact.' PHILADELPHIA trricz—mil Walnut at, &pilaw IMNDRICK'S LUDRICITOR. Manutzabreic by MUTE, BROS. & CO, N.•Torii. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, v do. 1 Mt. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keep ampullry on baud rooVs 7 ,l2 " l. `m• IZ:ll,ll2ra' 1.111111 vol , d Engtna 011. 11.111 car Oil, 1 , 44_4' L 1 at tlt° m - r""v" " -"" ". :a... =I WARING & KING, comma mots 1111 130111113 Petroleum and Its. Products, DUQ ILE&IrE IN4 r, PrITIIBIIIIOII, 1 . 1131.1.112L7E11.11 unrzas.' WARING. KING & CO.. 197 Walmma Phil.: WOOLDRIDGE OIL REEEIDIG cerkerw...s.w - sr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. tet1071:74.73V.V6;:,..... WOUI2II.IL, TEXPABANCEVILLE. No, 2 Duquesne Way, grids.) 11411117.4.0TITHSJIX 01 PUKE WHITE • BURNING Brand—"Luctifer." imtts . BIN TOE BEST • PETROLIA . BLUE LEAD. t./fl OIL ELI). MSS I4aylbribre4 Only and 2 or .11e by T. 11. .0 Emir CO., • PIONEER PAINT WORKS. LW. Cor.Bd and Market Sta., GE=MTEUI EAGLE OM WORKS, iirwarrexa.oarv - LThe. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Rellneri and Dealers In PETROLEUM. °MON. SAWN° AWAY, CORNEA HAN COCK BT. AND DUQUINNA WAY. BREWER, MIME & CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MI TILE Patine, Globe & Liberty Oil Works km cashtorage fnr Crag. ant Henna d OIL Lib.: oral advances triage on consignments of Crude or Relined Petroleum. Yards fur atorage and enlyment of Crud, Vtl at Lawrenceville. (Moe nag Warehouse. eornerof Liminesne Way and Hancock .treat. rittatinwell• LEGAL ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Plf VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF the tlrphaia• Coon of the Cooed) of Alle gheny, I will expose to ratolle ewe. AT TILE COURT HOUSE, In the Ottyof ritiebarin, Cottnty aloregaid. On Thursday. the 20th Day of Day, I= NS% et JO o'clock A. r .011 the sight. title, Wares; and claim of IlLesbeth, Henry, John T. and Joseph Ineesta Po, (atlas th e undivided on, half.) of, in mad to that certain lot or piece or Rthend of .; In illaabeih township. In the county of •Ilesheny aforethid, bounded Sod de. scribed ea fellow. to 'Ufa tiegloning a'a post on the Mekeetport road, and rennin's thence out to lot NO.; In a plan betels el ter no ntioneat thence by the mune one handfed oad twenty feet to se alley ISM feet wide; thence we , t sixty het to thence one tok wired and twenty feet to the place of he_dinnlne— tieing Lot N. 7 to what Jo known as Waiter'. second thaltion to the town of illaitheth. In the twooty aforesaid, en b which there la erected •Two-otory Brick Uwe' . - m liaise. Timm or BAci—C.sh. on condrmatlon of the ale by the Wort: KART' JANE ReCOMBS, TN TOE OIRPILILIM , COURT OF •LLIStitiEN Y COUNTY, No. 2. Marcy Term. MT. /state of Zerati Hayden, deed. Partition. To ornelia/ Hayden, Zr by Hayden, °norm. Holden, Is at hthlel Ithyden,by cone. miten. Nathan Malone datne• Connlneham Sat Martha H., Me wifei . Nathan hictiraw and Pbehe Oncharine. his wino Darld Hayden, Wil liam Ythtlek and Cornelia Marta. erlfe,• Hiram admundmn and Abby Ann, Ids wife, and Hayden. children and lain at law or said decedent;and r i oter Hayden And Cornell., bit ife; Ma r y C. Hayden, Adana., Hayden, Anne w and Reynolds, Hayden. dr., Vended'. deal of said decadent, bathe thocalldren of lthytiolde Hayden. deed, the last three ming minors—end it, 14 audit yearn 7..poctlVelT. T tice that ati In In part Pion of the real!oluene' Zerali abode., Sr., deueared. HOW, to 7.llanbalh toWn.4lp. Insald toasty. WIU he held on the pimple. In .ml 4 towns/kW On THURSDAY. the 230 0.7 of May, 1.467, at it o'clock A, .14.. Whin and wbere you will attend 11 it sea proper. . MANUEL B. CLIME'S, Rberlir, Ilitigurra Orglce, I Pittsburgh. April l &, is7.l • spa:wells ALLEGHENY COUNTY, as In the Court of Common .Pless, No. 64. of June Term, A..D. lbiff. In the matter of these. count of Betty tl. Lothrop, sums nz Tesnmen. tary Trustee under the last 'Rid and Testament of 0111110.1 Lathrop, deceased. And now. May Ittls, MC, the sonnet of Homy 0. LothreP, Tnstee, nled, and .odes le hereby Oren to all panne Inters nee. that told recount will be allowed and 100dnee4 on BATTIRDAY. the Nth day of 3000 0001, noless excepOons thereto are tiled In the meantlese. BY TLLi COURT. Attest. JACOB D, WALTZ/. PrOtooootAry. Itgyll:.= F THE MATTEH OF THE PE TITION et the linderre Township Building Andoolni.lonior (Amur. No. ems. March Term. Sod now to wit. Iglu ad, WI. the Constitution god Articles or AMOCI•LIon herleg been canto !tied b tee mut, and the °elects, articles and conditloes therein being considered /awful. It ls hereby Ordered that notice of the,,Delitlon be published in the Illtsbortn 1,00 " ‘.4ZITTS for three weeks, end no reasons evocation to the contrary, sold Charter ridg ctitzted u t at heat teem. /Meet: Jams U. WALTZ*. ProtkonobuT. lnylty7o BIOLIDDLO AND LOAN ASSO. CIATIDN. No. 0. of rlttabnrnb•. Application for Master. lao. :tat Jan. T'lln b, 13a. Notice Is berebT alren that bbPik"leb at oboe. numb.- ad term ban been made for charter of inoonaratlon. The slime will be trailed at next term of Court unless exceptions an pled. =MI • F2R SALE.—Farm of 147 acres; tuated la Penn Tp., !Westmont/and CO.Jr.. adjolatng eirapevillehts 1.0, 00 Penn , al B. 8..' on which there is a good Two Btory Stone Bonze. 'nth n th Itoonut,' • st's. Dome, and other bolidlogs; aa Oreitarderelt fruit IteelDilt IS anderlayed with mai. There D a' Balt well on it to toed order. produelog ebts. per day. This property la offered Tetecheap and ° =.llt exellett PM= of MO set. of wllieb 11S scree are under eultivathon, situate in Chris tian ethhav, Improvemente—• new Dime dwelling containing - 5 room. about 400 choice fruit trees, good fencing, Or, /t Ilea within Smiles of th e Illinois Genital B. B. will be .31 on reasonable terms. City property taken to pert exchange if desired. • a/rarm or Zl.2seres to Bean township, Westmorethad wanly. =acres cleared and un der cultivatiou, m acres of lint-rate white oak and other timber, 2 dwelling houses, of themS Dories, the oche. 1 story. with a tenant hone, with a unt-rata Meson ementlil to good running order- youag orchard of grafted fruit. The land la rolithr evesT sae Le tillable. with time tone soil an d subthil. with never falling omits; within one hundred rids of the Penna. Central Italltos4; El miles east of Rittsburek, and three miles west of tirseasbarg.• Tbls tam is pleas antly and elthills.7 situated ion Rood neighbor b.d; event thro anderiald with cool. The title is good, Bitesa two-store Brick MI., with 10 rooms; hoot and M feet hack, situ two rood thts, situated to the 'Blase of Llairdetown. Der • IT towothith. Westutotelzed county, Rs.. on the boot of tee CifilemlUgh river, Immediately OP.. poslte the Borough of Thls prop e eq . I will sell for the low pries of RISCO. A 1,,, a /farm of = aerie, situated In East whestaola to.abhio, Indianacounty. Penns. The amprovements are • mood frame house, frame bar,, and o th er outbuildings: &b.% tin cleared and tqltter good fence. the thaidus In etc. It to besold at Um tow - price of ow per acre. Posaessita Immedlately, Ear Barther partlctuars, begone of IMMEIMi== JOUIV 1.31011 T 30.1 . 11 ruiwars. JOICV CROFT & CO, Real Estate es Insurance Agents, CM Wo Acres, !r v eproedpro, inpertY• 'Fayette county. In. Would trade for eaty 40 Acres, Improved, in =Maria county, Fa.. 140 Acres, Improved. Lawrenoe Pas Si Acres, Improved, In Allegheny co. FA. lea a= Oa, 130prOTOd • to Butter c ount y. _ ID AM/. 110 Improvement. Blair Co., Fa. II Acres two wales out the PerrysilLie 'dad, Jost the thing for o va l . t garden. 19 corm s adimp moles oat the Per. rleville plant raid. doss the - thing fora gra- Pere and • private credence. Ta , ollbtd, lemehold on Washington street, above the Grain ilevator; 43 feet on Washing ton street by 113 en Hill Ailey, on which there is two baildloga. with stew room to each. Lease year/ to run. Iles would make a splendid stand for most an kind of business. For Author informatloo apply to the above agents. sfrM•te FOB SALE. - Handsome a, Complete Residence, (netted xd occupled !f).igates A. Hutchinson, gay., on Preble street, fifth W.J.r Allegheny C T ) Cy. (lat Borough of Manchester.) The hou e se has • front of II feet, with Mations halls, and twelve large rooms lieslde • (taloned MM. ISM:wands In COUT•11141.1. ler comfort, Iss•juic bet anti cold water Losounhout.• r ;r o l4roale i x: ample alta r handsomely ba t. the Ohio MITE , * Apply to 7 ."""a" " Broker lo Stooks, tr.. APOLLO BUILDING, 'mama CT • DES4tABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE, • t Osbland. nest Cu litatient boss, sentalstsit Is rooms; IttsblN see sere or irreand, seder s bligh at of cultleatios. Ibis will be We cbsap v by MEZD IRIPBOTED PROPEUTIE - IPCDFL OSALIaZI. a.tnat• Lsomap.,lll6, and Ifsaingfleld. 64. Joining. "rsailug la prim from PAM to 0,000. will De sold on remount:4a terms it implied Mr •• . Z=brace th.t. ovix•rtostry for Path= Informatioa. aDD/7 th.nailt•- tal• d faau►acs Mica of . co. B. BITS% i jESIIUMLE LOT FOR SALE. grig::".. c plint" w "`" `u"Sw apnli AT• 111 0 /3.114 1 ./. 4th street VOM. SALE OR RENT, CLIEAP— A. A Farm at Carpenters Stenos. on the Cen tral Mattroad. confloolog ta acres; Improve mutts. two nooses aodetablea. Itoostorch o f ,l l all to oastare and good for coltleattor. Also, see end other far., to good lecalltlee and welt Un proved. *bleb I will sell uncap and oe reuona e terms. Also. • romber of good banding lota In the city and anna bs. /or further partilars twat* of 110 draot Meets afdaYl IooDoette the tathmtral. I-1 OUSE 1111 D LOT lOU SALE -.-.Cltuste4 to mouth Plttabo esti. eighteen lola ales watt from the bridge. Too let las • Inalt on llrars road of 7.0 feet and extends back 710 • neat two-story house, with au rooms and other ea Mandl ogs. The groan als crowded 01111 all kinds of the best selected Dolt. from the dwelling • One clew can be had of the Men. . _ . '7. d 4 la offo7e4 .1 • low 11Awn. Apply to lot , IA AcLAIN A. CU.. 1:2 Lose. 61.. FOB SALE—In laraddocksileld, .1 Large Lot of Ground, /Inclosed with • skaLl•g (sum vhleh Is erect ed a Sow Ito-otos . ? /FLAKE llllLlakt. of Ore rooms. Micheal, Ilsal. porcO. cellar aod other bonding.. Pomp al th e door. Logalso of nayt:s JNO. IlUallitY. Ms Pre.... LIMB FOIL SALE.-12 Acres of Will be sold chimp to close an eclat*. It 1114'; miles from floe city. seat btonbeurtlie It. K. Tams will ha made to suit purchaser. Tor par ticulars apply at No. 11$19. WYLIE d WAISti- IntrTutil mylettlit POnnALE.—A nine years , lease on • Lot ghosts on Bailer street. Matti Award. by =lett, wbkb erected • tram. now renting for got per month. also, I• Brink or rooms, which will retitle, S= l . mmk. n • mall or Mo. or ilLmo per year.. end mil be •old on to term, trapplled to mon. tor terms. am. apply st Lbw Heal lestats and Insu rance OfiImEISLTOS. teMi - Butler Street, Lawreneoellle. JOHN D. BAILEY , Stook and Real Estate Broker. JOHN D. RLILEL STOCKINO REAL ESTATE BROKER Having takes eat a emeasthealon u Auctioneer, and *Sealed an esztheennt mita tea ratebargb Board of Trade, meaelnkthe am or their Mama. above the Tetra National Bank, lam now pre pared to *ell *treadle Auction, Stock. Benda. Modeltbel. Reed rata.. Se.. MA. at Um above roo. or on the rematee. Particular m atten p tion' pals. m bentorore to the sale ernes' Zatata at private We. • °M m kd th Fou ae e itrh country atended. „ &eke BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND MOW& BOOTS, SHOES, OMTERS, BALMORALVAND GUMS, I . han any boas. la Pittsburgh. We are selltUr goods at less that east. We hart also a large stock onden'• Over (All and examine oar Met, at the old stead of J. 11. is, IC C. B 011.1.411111" Ao. IS 'CASKET STREET. Id door tram innn a.. my!. A LBREEII SHOE STORE, Na NS, a. X. Corner of Market , afoot and MS mold. bali reetl•ed • Ooloctod assoftmeni of on kiada of Boots,. Gaiters 8 Balmoral. For german. Latlles.4 children. Time an terminable noc'ete; of the be. mataeLU , and works.settlp• and an °Care" for lan at low 'Wan. • apn,y3l cooroa .PMELLIo .1071 X MUM. • C . FIELDING & DUO., .X.3ll2lll4tarall ASP/ Deaf= to Grazortcom BOOTS, MOBS & GLEMB,S, No. 140 Ohio St, Allegheny. Ibrpormpt promptly oxstoted °ANA termit 1..0 010601 A. ALLY IL IL 11300051.114. GEORGE*. KELLY* C 0... Wholesale -Druggists 37 Wood Street, H•ICILTON WHITE MIA „ . 11 strictly pm.. CHAHTLIt OAK 10 !UTZ LAMA. PAI NTII IS OIL. ali mien. ALCOHOL. SPTS. TIHIPENTIKZ. LINSEIto OIL. .W1:I &Li OIL. VAII.NIBI.IIB. . PAINT BILOSIMEC spStuie DRUGS: DHUGGIBII DUGBIII JAMES T. SAMPLE- • Hanna/ BOOGIES THZ as•BLL KNOW), DZUo !lOUS' oN COB. TILDICSAL AND goILIBBON ALLSOLUINT, Wlllkeepou hula ► MI nasbytabostorillkYads of 1103F1L11741211.1 1 / 1 4 • end which Intl be Dela cheaper shut up ober louse In the two mete Preacrlplione carefully Prepared by ► Am. Was draigt.t. an lad, afrEETUNIIIr aaa DLICTBOAPB on hart • al2a JACOB FL WALTER, FEE=2 FOR SALE. No. 139 Fourth Street, fILVE 702. SALL .11. :a. xi. ntr ses. • S. S. BRYAN, STEEL & WILSON, Broker. and Eul Estate Alexia, • 1= a. st. BRYAN. broker In Eonds, Mocks, da., rery Desirable Land uczo Aucrnomous. =I 0 e)alferoo,il BANKS AND BANKERS HART, CAUGRET & CO ., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, • prrrissmasin. GrJOGESSOBS .TO MUM HUT & 00.) DEAL /CRS IN Exchauge,i. Coin, ' Coupons. /Lad paraculagiteitloa ir W tits yoz• GOVERNMENT BONDS. STISMIIT DELFTS ON LONDON. 1n71:132 HOLMES 8z SONS, BANKERS. No. 57 Market Street., Depotlts rceetrad In Par Yana and Currency. Collections made on all the prMalpal poLnta of the United S.M. and Canada.. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT LSD SOLD OH conneasion. Partteeter attanttoe paid to the paean.e and sato at • U. R. Seeurities,' Including U. S. SIX 07 ISSIr, U. S. do. 10.40 5,1 e: 04; M YEWS U. S. casertru _ATM U4O!BTZDNZ33S Or and Wnabersbought or collected, Jamond . COAL MEIVS TRUST COMPANY, No. 65 Smithfield St, STOCKHOLDERS IRDIVIDDAILY LIABLE. Capital 3 - - $200.000. o. lITEI PRIVILEGE OF ssoo,ooo. Dept.' is received and interest allow. ed. gpeelal attention given to °elite. President—A. J. BIKER. Cashler—E. J. ROBERTS.' DIUCTUH9. - A. J . BALiq Wa. J. PATITUSON. W. A. El WM. MOll.litt•L. TWOS. YAZ•OW. JAS. H. tiOrKi s s. A. J. HAGAN, W. A. PIILTVC.GLA, J. D. JoASSON. D. L. PASTILIIMJS. •,16:1.4 WESTERN SAVINGS • BANE, Jro. 59 Fourth Street. 4 1013.41.111LTIEEIVECID 11380. Iu Paid on Time Dep.Um • upward An y sum received from One Dollar in Deposita subject-to Cheek: without 00000 DISCOUNT DAILY. AT 11 CreLocit. President—Tllo.llPBOlß BELL. Vice President-.-L M. MARSHALL. _ JILIECTogi. ToOarsON BALL, J. J. Gu.l.r.arm. .10110 AI. DALsau.,A m A. ma Al. MAtoolAl.L. Jos. r. ' Stockholder. to we make t/fLFZUENCIis Wm. Forsythe. +comet ollworta, Wm. Caldwell. Rev. 0051.1 Neu, Wltlirlaalsell. limey Lum..M. D. W. C. Bidwell. A. AL Woos. Z. AI. :altos. Thos. twiny. PEOPLES/ SAVINGS BANK. OF PITTSBUOGII, IXCOIIPOR ATED 15 66. Capital, - - 8100,000. OFFICE NO. 77 rourra star: Preoddsted. HENRY LLOYD. 1,100 WILLLLEI REL. THINITEIN: 7sr:r I ALEVNielfteese. . P. JO DONOIS HIM. TDI.IOO. i L t L S Y C , N. WY. MS, JOBS WILLTAX A. 11.150101,f. &tertiary ad Namur, EMT F. TON SONNHOEST Fix per rent. interest allowed on alma deposit.. tatelnvestments =dela tiovarament and al Ls securities. Bank open daily, except S.nudays. Rom nano o•ntock, a. te.. to tour ••cl.k. P. 14.. and on Wednesday and liaturday neentnas Dom six to nice o'clock. nahl. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. - 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855. ASSETS .82.2.wx , 6 61. DPW. deny from t tot o'clock. *lmo o r s Wednes das and Saturday cretins, from set to No vember ist. from 7 to I o'clock, tend from No.' Vera ber Depo i ts receiv JO May ed oo f all all same of 'nos 'w from 6to II o'clock. e tbms s One Dollar and a - dividend of tte. penis de clared twine a year. In June sod December. In. termt.hu been declared semi-asuman, In June Wd December smce the Batt seta organised. at e tote of sin per Cent. A7mtc. Interest, if not drawn out. Is blessed to the credit of the depositors. principal and nut the mono Internet Inn the Arm dol l of Jose and. December, compounding twice a year without troubline the depositor to call. or even to present isg . l=O t or. e A r tthis rate money will double In Lions con e asin the Cbarter, By-Laws, Rules and umeniatlona, foralated vatla. on andlettlot at the °Mee. PitaLDINT—GEOBOBALBILICT. Wax Patationwi John O. Bankolkt A. M. Pollock. Beal. L. Palusmack s Robert Robb, am es Bertiman. John D. Shoetbener. Jame. McAuley, James Male. James IL D. /deeds. Messner Speer. Ilan M. rennet. ChiDUA Yes,- i=2l Ilebert.C. Loomis, Henry J. Lystett. Peter A. 3/aderrs. • WalJearshaLl. ter P. Narshall. Jobs B. liePadtlea. - Ormsby Pallllps. ifattro..l l loll. iat. A. Schtn a-..erts, Alexander Tledle. Wm. J. Anderson. . stliont. A ßV2iy, 11111T6 B ' Von. ia. - Charles C a nma, John 11 . mo Joh. J. Eitll r. ento. William 8. Pet.. lianter, rm. 13 1 .17a7. TARAwass-011AR PsrawrAi•-...14.11. Im Klatt Wm .Z.Otgr" 114 RIMS. •10.211 T IzlavoiaeN , ' , LX•):B2;itizi DON'T BE DECLITED By Sloculatigitalt col.= adwarenatats of Infe rior alac•ltlata, bat get •OBLIVYS i BA. 1L.E.8.1t Us been tally tested fat as. Sum rears, .ad la by all comp*. Mat judge...4r°- noana T M. • BEB • No. 3.08 SlZth asktreet, may7:32.111 I • abors rtalltteeld. GROVER £ BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH - AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Maphines Are MX BUT for MAW Y Q lltaaalactarins W10N... Call =dam them XO. los imaii,fitreee.----- eBARTLETT 825. EWINC MACHINE zuwi tew. 140=Mal Mathias to tba Vatted Paton. Asatmateda.sysakera. rilf=l,ll sacmyper mouth. Enclose stamp and. PAWS BROTH/ESL (inletal aoats. 614 Obesaaat stmt. rhllmteiptsta, aa4 291 Pasmalt street. Toted. 0010. . del:D/ GUT PORE BET A GROVER & BAKER raT $ Holiday etn. nu relied., Whet therefore.. Wt. Don't Mil Wadi audoes hat NO. inrrn $l.. above Smithfield. p.mor., HARNESS a. CAILIBLiGE ILLlCZEtribmadietithe malt COM I aim 3a, I.fflui .1101 a. nee. baytire eummtins. 'is I's Itte test Ita nun - • 30.-io3 - Tlrre Mil IT, sty*. tkolltbett.:— CU= rELE GILOYER& 11411/IEF POA.c? I .AIIE L the IfII2 . NUA 711!1/I Of 11111eLbtap . :11, rare* nep U =PM!lg=a LIBESTI J. CLINTON HALL, / . JOHN M. IntilE.F., I ••••••••• MANAgilla. Continued laetua! THIS tlltimiltqyartTilf. !NU, tit nett, of MEL JAS. L•..MVfIfIOCB, Who Presents for ttie "maim the fwalltal rateede ercate•lln•h as totdoshoon old cka RTl luin ittt. with. the woo groat out., -' 4 "ddl — rho Utcoogisot nut Inas Weeks Wooden,. W "..d.Y — ilach Ado ♦Dent BetAlidd. Thursol.}— Ramie, d atonloy — diounoe—Yarded Life. aff - PITTSBUIIGH THEATET. 7. 11 „8 nttt3n9 . j. . Inma~en. nut. Ka Ilk. - , • OH RUE Wain% 001.811ATIoN, toan entire chance of Dem...., new Nonce. New Dance.. .New ComlcaNclea. StrandSallele 45 70-10—/0-10 ittandamna Dereaeam. • Tim. 08108 T 0-ANC/A. Cli LIMN /•:Will TB In new sowatele, Laughable coined'', .Altled. TBLbTA@S•ITROCi xi:Am wan Bleadsword Combats Tableaum".a.„ e air FUN! run: 71/11 roallog • rgrNEW OPERA HOVE. LeseeeakilMsolas_ WIL HIIIMIIIIIOII Treesiter..—.. /MKS! ovax.wirrint IBEESISTII3LE -AITLWZIONI TR rzoptcnoir. The tirsitd. Ilcoordle,WWWl Speen ot niacK catooK: =Lau its splektke. . The 144eet New York Densetark. the OW • . DEMON DANCE. • - Which occurs &bolt half-oast ItgrYARIETIES THEATRE. - aILaW 11Proairr. weal Or. MILLI tw an tolmae op :mint end es of 11 . 1e___ kfT .vMg dented repot Me 131..4C1C, PAM. ...lksurz s es ypl.nore tlent and Um merits: Vartatl la • splendid bill. Yndav next, benefit of B. W. Wllll=4. llapurro: e.MT:lW we or .rwcse—ess Mew. We: rwooo Maw. lA. igrGESAND, GORGEOUS-AND inuAlvrto. HAI.GHTS & CHAMBIZIFY AEI 111311 E 014011 CIRCUS IND 11111GBRIR, Finpendons Exhibition Omni ant, WO. Mete 1n oTery detail * at an enpoodltimi of itovrmixt sic,a,cocto, Atdreq i. nlrina tba de the aeralear ='"Uc. 250 MEN „AND HOWES, To iralch I. added IMO.. Palaliault Oorapart- Wmanes nr recently Imported. rats and losaattral- A Beasts. Tribe. or lloakey&Apas sad liam Worts, .0 gorgeous plansq[al nuns at raw., WILL I HIBIT POI 1, PEW •D.ATB OILTi ON THE RED LION LOTS.. Commencing Monday, May 40 )•.. T. 7. CHAMBEID , ..... GeßEEEETHreeter2 ANDREW 11•1011T........manar at Ebasaces• JACOB LIALUBT..— MKT , open at 1 =4 7, rertoimaaca • • • - t aad I o'clock r.. ALatadaa, 50 teats; Calldraa-S5 n the entortatumettra 'of the gesteettlan per Jnent of this vast combination. an annettallT tar. -school of Inlets, male and lestakt, of es. knowtedgethmerlt. will ;sutra:testa, proseitimg a series of ail that it daring. end elegant la horsemanship, gracefulsad tnislradd We* hula, dleicslt and pleasing to gyansagtius. lag. ruhrtmely droll to comlcalitles. The Animal De eat, Presh/ed over by the 4.rallegnlsh astarallst. HERR le rend meg of rive by the perlormanees of Um eea hiCis. UNITA, X LLA thra, acne of the mirage • =meters; yid she OURS an ppl eying endld mania by Seral l eammilOn Performing Horses sad • Poster, trralliatralir lighted aruphl-theatre, Bratmla prettied arra.. comfortable covered mats, asrapolite straireare among. the =tag harattote ihU - P.M= UMW estabarament. 61-rana morning Exhibitlens Tor Ladleo. &heals and Children. of Fro Ande tratned Linz sea and Dudes; on wvinesday and Thuramts7 aIMaIM4IIII. M=lg= . . Admission to monalng 421ittdttoes, 155dnatli Children, 15 cents. AILS)rchAS Aryl.= de Charitable institution,. laid. , • • toTtkAM rf`'GRAND TrJ/IP=ILANCE OR.A.TION. Prof. JAMES, k GRAY, FROM LOUD* MUD _ .1 GREAT ORATION! Tuesday Evening. naY 21a, AT MASONIC HALL. Jarl3 roe.," opesi at I,lls lock. SIP-nat.:a fqr aaLt at .u• tae priselpal Beek arkll Kuala • • • arGBAND ENGLISH CONCERT' TOE ?H1 BLIKENT2 07 THE MONUMENTAL . FAIR; AT ISM= HALL, . on Thursday; Spa 324, " r. Under We sm.sadyin!mat MB. MIXON 111.E.UOui, . . . ♦nd In nbleh bug kindly =win= to 01,6111 . Ala'. it A. WOODRAILD, MU Z. ADDISON, Min M. Laraund, Nun I. PORTS& Yu' X. lecr...ornues, dad other LULU. YR. P. ZINATAILAN, B. ZAWAILDg. MA A. Cnisnrin, and Inbar tlentlea= ' MU aril= GRAND FAIR rot tba'neneunt.tia SOLIDIEBS.311011117111E1i; • Tuesday Enda& 281 A hist * IN CITY I=r A TN.; 1151) . CallITCRUZ Two wraucts. CONTIIIMINS ateicfm+gni an p, ILO. 'PAMILZ. Jr.. Trea.nriei. MA U/ Been/ stmt, will reedy's MO duly acliztelllodeze contrthellom In Nosey Deuulolll_AN ankle., 1,111 tm. reksownpral lettwub ROBISON_ U HAIM = F lutt INazso a, ic n.p • vati ca. us rasa Nlu tsUlt Ye C01111:4 Al is Pam Übe I: WashloglonBl.oll4ltway. NE PLUS ULTRA _ WASHING IIAMINE4-44 .oTrummacti LID so '414 s * wipzeraus. swites. =yr 1:111103 CORM Verrigir.-..rzzl-..-- iihka tau amostaseassi Gl/AMW_ . :, Nit ' MI RAU. ~:t .