The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 20, 1867, Image 1
lEEE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. poswinzdzir ITNNININ, REED & AT GAZETTE BUILDING, Se' Silts 'street. .P. B. PENNINAI.f.) T. P. LIOVISTON, "as. JONIAIf KING, BEL",t I oxleas NI =wee. I",te 09614. eet64. "•• rotllvered by earner. (per 16 oentp. .11441 ettlstalbets, (per year).— 68.00. :.I.lbezal rsdoettons to New.boyt end Areett. • ' TZ/LILI 708 WEI/A.LY: . 'brae Cop.., per year. by 1150 Pine do. do. do. eutt..«... 111 'it. , or tn.le COrtli. so ors addrees, and one free to drib. each CITY ITEMS. Too 0111' a Dental Satanhahment of „ 'DS Pena street: Drs. 5W &lqsolo. . To - Whedesale Slayers Of Dry Goode we offer lisowabsir in Job dote of Gress Goode, Pan Lined Goods, and .I.l i hoot' of . SOCotings, Startliga, Prints, Melia's, Cheeks, dc., all of which we Will sell at tho tiory lowest eastern cash prices. J. W. BAIILEII. & Co. SO 31.11ttet street, below Third ft Fourth eis. •' Ylaurard de Caswell% Cod Liver 011. ?be l'arestrusll9weetest Cod Leer 011 In • the, .world... manufactured frorn.'fresii h.auly Nverer upon Abe acalhcre. It. is perfectly pare andaareet. Ask for "Hazard 11% a Caswe Cod Liver Oil," manufactured by • CAS WYLL, MACK 41, Co. New York Sold, byall draggling.. Depend Upon - "You ciao always get the best Tea, at Arthur ,171 Federal street, as low as LIU:, lowest. giro blot a call, • . , Pure Drags! N.Perell!ruginte -Pure Dragee! Pure Drugs!!! 'Deuit'efAlieghee.r. • • Tom can naz reralan Liquors of,all kinds at JOeaph S. 1111.1,9108 Distillery,Mb, .189, 191, 173 sag MS • Go io 1 - temitth'w Dirctir More, Fs= the trout WZuto Le ed in th e city. No. 81 Sdathet street. ' ." • Go to flewform Drag Stoic., No. F 4 Gar4otatrect, for Flu: toed Oil mu Turptntino. ' ' Japan Tea.' Colored or uncolored .cau be got at A. N vesicant...Alcohol es. Joseph B. r-orles. Ton Can But Now HOps at Joseph A; rin.ays. • t • ,FOREIGN ITEMS . -- , • traSS,LATID Teti Sag errl,ia a lsoU szerre.l —Thorn are at. present In the eltrof Si., .Foteratairg, negate. itt manufactories, of ' which 143 are a [Gutted outside the city !tees. Their annual production ' le altogether valued at slity , two million rubles. There are Suker !thence, brandy distilleries. '. broWerlas, candle and soap hollers, tanner leg, rope wake, saw mills, tobieco factories; etc. Thu elty of St. Petersburg will soon enjoy a telegraph, which will transmit of ,. • natal and private dispatches through all thnithstrixt and subilthe of-the city. Four " teen stations in tile inner town and two in . the •adjacent environs are-to be erected. Atimputch of twenty words will cost forty impales roper and stamp" 'for telegram, will be sold thronghout the city. —A movement is on foot to bridge the .I.loephortin, The deeigne of the work have • . been accented by, the Austrian engineer nod director of the 'tussle radioed. The bridge will measure 3,3 , ,X1 feet, it% length, and will rest, on two •pillanA the of the arches being 1477 feet and_ !Ito two others runs . feet. The weight",: the bridge (rough iron) will bonair cw . J.:; that of two pillars (ent iron) 1a.3e0 Cset...• Tee cost is estimated at et:van lei:Lion riorms, that Is e 1.38 505 in Belted -States currency. ..... . -,-Theeditleiste follows aris cheap Pe tite tarn at present. se . The "Petit Jour, writ' , luta IfAli,lo reader, the ' , Petit Mord &urn 1314 We the • !Wrenenunt" eels sit, mocks in ealstence, 50,00 u; the Journal Pour ...21air'!and tlmifoade lllestrVe. , Over HOAX, and s great number of literary speculation • papers, as the ...Yolcrcr: , : “Irtracc," ICTript,' , ...11wcite,” ...Ptiriscane," which Dave lane out' We.elle and 60,0e5 subscribers. - , ' • • --,Twerity years ago, the Vurkulti mother. one possmeed only. two newspapers, the Journej de Cbmientinopfe, in the . French, and. the. Official .Ifonfteur, in the. Turkish language: At present, twenty-seven Jour ! Dais are Issued. at Star:about,. In almost ' overYjiumnage of the Orient-. Among :Lem ", le the well Illustrated ilvd.seleaupilenunt, - which is tile favorite of the high society of the Ottoman Brooms. - --Ttio. . . issue, .. r L of postage .stamps, when first !Introduced In trance in Ito, was 19 mil. Henn fp 1050, It amounted to 410 million, Thee - tamp olllce in the “Mlnkster imperial , ' nt Pada, tame out daily t ithlllon and a half, the manufacture of which %stees ern " PloYment POGO .men. In England the de. mend for Mae:mai! still higher; it increased /entreat to Stidralllione. . 1 • • • —Toe art of Phonography is. nowhere more extensively diffused than, in Bavaria - - Sehreonntryeau boaat of twenty thousami -temple (among theM are many represent.- .. tines of. the gentle sex) who are skillets .n a/Mit-bend writing. The echoltirs who; by the Mat record, enjoyed gratis publici.u. Wen in thin whence numbered XXII. 4-Birmingham,F.nglaud. mittufactures • .. every week MAX gross of steel peal, winch r;present nearly ten tone of %Abel. This br ether Industry, gives employment to ,s. men and-200 women and girls. The price or ti gross, which was in the begin /7 : - tit ff. 7 1 1 3 ,42 5 %LAM new only 15 fry., (X) ce tames.) . In the ii i r car from February,. IVA, to . Feb. Yu ..I - the flambee of beet. sugar man ' of brie' n Germany increased by 17 per `conkin TA es tabllehtnents 11,531A1 cwt. of beets were transformed into sugar during. ,•;„"fire sr. Most of these estahllehmenta are ' 7 tOanted to Ituisitr namely, MI. Brunswick - rents next with eighteen: _• ' \ ,• ...Thu number of lead . pencils annually `, luanufactnrelat lierwlck amounts to Mir. teen mllltons,-ot - twenty.llve thousand weekly. Some 'of these Lead pencils and worth VI Int a gross,and otherS only Ira. —Myarbeers was repeated sixty...sight times before full audiences at the upera House In iiireburg, and this :Iblocessa Vet /Oat. nothing. of its attrac ,-I.lve power. - - —CM springs have been dLscovered In Mart Harch, In the dermas° Mountains, Whicktit IS 60.11 r will yield sufficient to supply the whole' Peninsula. • —The city of Geneva, Se itterland, Will be Pttitided : vita a pneumalle rqiiroad be. I.ween the term Mus and the square of St. Francis. —The machine 'bon of A. Doralir, in lier. 11n, (Pamela) turned' hut 21:00 loco- Three Noted posillberners. "Mack"- 'writes from Georklo to the Ctn. • • olanati pommercial: _ • • - ;.TOOthbit , baa abandoned all hope o f - king hie slaves anavVer to tolOcall at the foot of Banker kill, and has settled down into the peaceful penults Of private lite at hhillnteinWaahingtori, °corgis: 'lemma out al the war tolerably well conableting the Ohara be Wok in bringing It on. - Ile has lost nothlogbut hisalave property. Le has largo landed, eatolea In titargia, Alabama and lillaulasippl,tutd he !snow diligently cul tivating them with free labor. Thole who know him, tied Dave raeently aeon hint, any tbat no Indneemente tumid get Oita Into .• . . . . . . ... i . . , .tiffid.lesi afotiii, Ile , iscreptit the altuattoo, • will obey she laws, and behave himself. hereon,his colleague In the Semite at i the outbre ak of the war, IS Living at Minien —broken doWn In fortune, and bad In health, Ile managed to lose all Ms property by [he wer, and now supporta Mania( by keeping , _es largo weed 11i011... Pit. Et' Stephen* Ititttlitifien 'or heard of" lie is at his home at Crawfordsville, on the mad between bore and Augusta, practising iner-i'llOgrieVeltOritbe reconstruction ques tion are not known. They have been re '. peateidly given, but Doti:toying originated /rem himself, have been as repeatedly eon ' , I,ratlicied. Alward sonitetblng moonily in connection with the election of.kir. Ste phone to the tinned Statue Senate, which I ti !hive Set Seen in print.; and cilii lab I think ought to be published. , it in this: Mr. Matinees, an is well known, did not desire to beitieeted, lie told his -.friends so; but 'they urged It upon him. General Oteadimur was the man who 'bad meet to do ,With it- Ile happened tO be in the Interior. ~of Geer -.. gin itt the thnoi-in a runitary 'cooldiand, 1 think—and teoli great noblest inn the mat tor. Steadman telegraphed to Johnson to -know If it would lei tolvbiable to elect-Mr. • Stephens. The P 'cement replied very tio . eidetity in the negative; Baying that Mr. .otephens ire* en parole, and ought not to meddle in Politics sat,alh - tits :advice was mit taken, and Stephens rots Mecum.. : i —St.' Petersburg h gone wild over a ...Patna dfreistle wb "had failed. however, .to ,ejelter ;as par Molar enthusiasm at Parts. The Crux b set. an eraurple of . adoration by sewn v her magnitlecut to ' peels and Jewels o fabulous wonder; and ~.,„thertioltiaty Milo the Imperial Inn. nificenen. The mf lion Ina spread through . the ,Whole : %Mule on, and every night , after the curtain h 41 dropped, the audience rush round to tlieporfe der artistes; end hun dreds of sledges, with tinkling grelota and ... Stitterlaglorebes CUM'S the favorite toner home. All this creates great amusement among Partslan circles RLIOVI the fair don , . muse .. • Path no favor tit all. ' • : - • Imotruta Wrrnur,—Tbe month 4s like a house Una. However nretty , It may be ex,- ternallyot Is impossible to judge of Us .merita until you have seen the Inside. it IMMO the ruby goon there are Montt - Of :Pearl-white fiXtraCh 700 ut •once, Phew beantlfol to To Impart the . 114; most gosalblebrlllinticg to' such dental fur. Dunre—to keep IL always sound and per. mct—there - 15 nothing like fragrant SOLO. ---________- --- -r -- = • ---= - ---7 -- 7 -- - _-_ 4„__-•---:-_,"2-"---__-..-• ----- . .=/ .. 1 ,' 1 • 1411t,',W\:,\i,111/';'%';',/,/19-11 178' '--Th, t .,; .. •,- . - • - -.4,1,,,,,..4„..t. - J , i •._:,_, 57 ,, , _ . . . • ..,_.,,,,,.. .... .N.• ----------- 4,. , •-- -t" b . . ' . ' :.: 17 .- - .7.- 4 -, ..vt.• .... Mik -,-, , . _ ~.. „,...,.T. t _....) a _ ~,0 . .„., . .....,..„,..., 0 , . . 1 - ..:.(12.41":•-• ,41 :-.7; ,;---,; ....ItN..H4' : . ',.:41 ." ' 4 .4 f ,- - ., 4 • e 4 • ~, •-• ~ ..— . .:7 _At— t..- 4 • :1: 11 1 1 I 1 • VOLUME T.XXXTI.-NO. 118 FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. FROM EUROPE. COMMUNICATION PER CABLE, interruption Caused by an Iceberg. WU& TO THE CABLE Or, ISM That of 1865 Sufficient for All Purposes THE WAR ON CRETAN ISLAND Tttrks Reported Victorious TUB PEOPOSITION Of TOE FOURS EEFFSID. French Aruly 11111 Opposed: DESIGNS OF RUSSIA ON TURKEY. Financial and Commercial. [67 ri . .corriqat to the I'lltsbargO liszettc.l • VI THE AGENT Ol Till ZileM Yonac ASEOCIA 1 CD rims. Dean bin: I have this afternoon received .a telegram from J. C. Deane, Secretary of the United States American Telegraph Com.' pent', containing the annexed copy of a letter, which appears in tho . london oapers of this morning, which I send you for infor mation of the press. Yours; very truly, (Signed.). • Crawl W. FULD. • To von EntiOnOr rile Losnos Sir: The uninterrupted state of telegraphic communication with America 13 evinced by, Um fact that in the course of yesterday, messages Passed, 'yielding 0,531 pounds and seven shillings. In order, however, to mitigate, as possible, the effect of vague end exaggerated remora, I feel It myduty, as Chairman of this Company, toast you to place the public in possesaloa of the following facts, via: On th e oth List. it was reported that on the ith, at 6= p.m.. a large Iceberg t ha t otr the harbor or hearts 5'., shoot one end a half two miles N. N. W. of the hor.thinn point and tinsdred yards ntht of the lnE cable,n atxtut sixteen. hithoms of water. NO danger with the present wind. On the Nth Inst. It was reported the iceberg hail peappesred, but on Passing over the tab e of tale, li, seems, however, that some damage most haveticen tidne, for signals through that cable became .imperfect and 'have not Ceased. • The Cable of 10th, however, is un impaired, and there is no reason to doubt that the injury 10 the cable of isi will be repaired without delay or considerable ox. pease. I need only add that the capacity of the cable of 13n1 exceeds the regain:l -nmate of Oho business, great as it ls, be. tweets' this country and America. am sir, your obedient servant. CHARLIE E. STEWART. 'Chairman - Anglo American Telegraph Co _No. At O'4 CWORCL atroet, Loudon. May inh. WC. • ' : .CRETAS WAR. - .11.scx . ir vmrfontep THE Trot] - Lbisuoir‘littiy IS.—Noon.—The Turks chum great victories over the yretsus ,in the rii. cent battler. . TOO .ri.a s s DICLIT(e3 TO Titus CAT Dl:t. Lennox, Islay ID P.:main/J.—Dispatches from .Constantinople state that the Porte bad replied to the proposition of the. Great Powers,relative to the cession of Candia to the Creek 'government. lfo assures the poiiers of Ulu ability, to suppress the exist- Imerebellion, and firmly declines to cede' the Island to any foreign. State.. 1= THE SEXY LELL orrosio Pants, Lluy IS..—Thu French .I.,vslaLuro are oppos.l to the army bill propoloa by' the' .timporer. I= ,-•- • Qcastolva, May la—The Meamera Lualstaito, t:.ty of Cork and the Quena, from Yaw York, have arrived. FINANCI IL AND COMNERCIAL. Passe roar, May 12.—live Tweet.lei closod at MA• Aar wear, May Is—Evening.—Petroleum Is dull at 4/k; Cranes per toe kilogrammes. Lennon, May 12.-2 r. x.—ldoney market firmer. Consols 94.; American secur.tles lniOyant. Eels 5,n2s 72.%. Lennox, May IS.—Sugar doll and declined, No. 12 quoted It,. layearoot. May 15.—Proy1.lon), market .firmer. Ports advanced Is and qemt....l .G 5 en Gd per barreL Prime Eastern pi cotton steady. Loanos, May /B.—The money market is quiet and ateady. Consols St!it• Erie, 42;4; 111Inms Cent ra1..7G!4; SAN. 71%. Livearoot, May IS.—Cottou steady; sales of 12.000 bales. Breadstuirs quiet and un changed.. Corn 41s. Wheat 10s hl for west. ern red, and Its ad for California white. Pro. visions—Pork closed at 795. lewd 41.5 Gd. Produce without alteration. MEM ARRIVAL, OF STEAMIER 11.11111111. Lend en TI men en the Hyde Pitch lieu.: onsiretleu—The Suez Canal—letimo: - • DM Difficulty, With Great Britain Settled.. • - - Now Year, May 18.—Tho Steamer linnea, from Southampton on the 7th, arrived this avenues . , The London niter, speaking of the 'llydo Park domonetration, nays the public was surprised to bear that the government per mitted the demonstration and had resolved not to Interfere. The autherlties had sworn fifteen thousand special constables, re-an forcemeat to the military wasordered roam Aldershott, cavalry brought op, and a plan of military operations against then demon straiten to-.part perfected, in case the Po lice were inadequate. Forty or fifty thous and people were present, end the crowd was one of the moeterderly ever assembled. • The Suez Caps! Is open for merchandise, and will be open for ships an thirty months. • The Spanish papers deny that any disturbances have occurred,. and say per feet triteetilllty prevails. The Malta correepondent of the Tithiit mils the Spiticab Wl:Scully has been settled, end the trotuCleAds at lit oraltsr had been or dered hack to Malta. ; Theforeign. ampere are generally filled with diecascons of the Luxemburg quer,- lIC6IIII. ltilOplCLlllo . TUB TUSICUIII Cis 1.1211 TROOPS •'• • • The New . ' TOM ..ftercild'a Constalitinop le litter says: It to gradually encircling the Turkish provinces with troops, and large Iledieeare between Katz and lieu, while.the COUntry between Satz and E rut rOun was scoured by Ilassian cavalry. There era 150.0.0 troops at. Sebastopol, which Is ntronger.than ever, and Wessels tilled with trews. CifY OF BOATOIN AttRIVICIL Beat Rate on the Tyne, Iteatteen ty sodChenstiiiiro—The Fanner Wino —The reels. a large o Y n r l ll .o o n a e . r e . - - T Y he threz's Viols to Ports., Nin Then, May 19.—The steamer City or lieston, from Liverpool on the iithoiLit Quoeuttinen on the nth, orrtv • bits but Little none. ' The bout race on lhe Tye.; eetwean Ket.- ly,oflondon,andChambere,ul vew Castle, was won by the former. Several people were drowned by the breaking of. a ferry bridge., The London Port has reason to belleve the Government has decided not to carry out the sentence of the law on realm. Burke .o,l'l:Wren: The sentence in the awe of McCaffrey is deferred until atter the ergo. month on the point reserved. Connolly was convicted 'out Terrence Watriek Ger sm and Clarke Were ageeuted at Dublin. The Special Com:Weston for the county of Limencir was opened , on the COL and bills Inc high treasoh were to be semt up in that Court against fortrff re persons. - One of the largest cotton houses' In Liver pc.l,lo the New Orleans and tialveaton ttgeeTztoPtied payment on the Kb.- The liabilities are 40ti 3 Oto pounds sterling. '.The London tear .aye it would be wrong, and even a [mires, to execute the pentence, of death on rho convicted Pentane sod [ sorts there wan more justification for the yenian rising than there was (or the !ginner the Southern section of the United :Shaer, to 'stuck the sympathies of England were so gefierouslyTaceorded. The Czar Is to. be accompanied to Palle [ early In Juno by tionschakelL The palace [of the Trolled , or the Elyses, has been offered him for residence. It is said be has chosen the latter. • • The sang of Greece left Pa rte on the 7th for St. teterebtr(g, to he etrothed to a dautcl.ter 01 the rand Duke Constantine. The papers coolitln speculatlontron the Laxemhurg quegtlen, Which Elle:Cable noels readerValneleet:, FROM. NEW YORK lienerol Synod of the Reforrtied Pre byterion Chnreh—National Arsons 1100 for Amends:la eeeee thieConetito lion. Special Correspondence vlttsburgh tissue. New tone, May 17th, mi. The General Synod of the Reformed/Pres byterian Church In North America held Rs regular anneal meeting In : Dr. Leod'e ohtired,New York, on Wednesday evening of lust creek. Dr. McMaster,. the retiring Moderator, , prenched. the openinc sermon from Isaiah CO: 1. "Anise, ehine; for thy light:le come, and the glory of the Lord le risen upon thee, , after which the Synod was constituted with prayer. • 101511 I.I.4IIVTRISIAN D.LIOATILS. The delegation rrodi the Irledapesbyt., Tian Church mode their app.:meanie on the floor of the Synod. Their credentials Were preitintod, after which they were lorded to take Seats as eonlelltatiVe mdm,nre. the tier. Dre. Denbo= and itch, the members or the delegation referred to, then address., Synod, and gave an interesting account or the prosper - Myself orospecta or the Ueneral Asaumbly the Preeturterlan Cuero' , `in Ireland. The most blessed results had fot loWed the union which had been formed be. tweet, the Synod of (Jitter and the Sew, slop Synod in lsio. The A.scrably were do lag all in their plower to secure an educated taint-An-, sedan increase or salary for their ministers. A resolution was offered recip rocating the paternal regards expressed by the delegraion. The purport or the resent. Lion was conveyed to the Synod , the Moderator, as the ergo of the- in appropriate terms. I!reaSUMIS IMPIIISENTATION. On leassembline on Thursday morning, certificates of delegations were handed in. Objection was made to the delegation Of the Northern Presbytery, becalm° IL exceeded the ratio of representation as °chattel'', adopted. After a long debate the whole delegation was ad mlttedonasumeh as It did not exceed in numbers what the liberal con. 341 - action of the law allows. 1=122151 • • Rev. itandolph Co.; , 1111nola, lens elected hialerator. Rev. J. ?(. McLeod D.D. was appointed Stated clerk, and ILer. Deo Scott D.D. Assistant, 11ZOOLL , 170"3 or SR-Clflo% " • The following resolutions were introduced thiagglnt ance of u.d, (h. Urea; flee& of the Church, having removed the principal causes of the separation oft Presbyterian Churches 'tithetotted States, holding the srestminlater Confession of Paith, and the remaining illireteumi not being of sufhclent Important% LOAStifY the Conthimanee of dilYerences anima Urethren so neatly allied, nod secordially united In a common fajth, therefore, be it Rersh , d, - 11 Y the General Synod of the lie. farmed Presbyterian Church, that we re- Spectfally theothmtnd To our respected ala terCburehte of the Presbyterian order the eruption of measures for an early organic union. Resolved, That Ult. Synod respeetttilly rec ommend to the cetera' Presbyterian J udica tortes, no* met, Or 000 n to meet, to null* With tie In calling a General Convention of the Presbyterian Churches In the United State to meet In the City of Polladelphis, the second Wednesday ot September east, or at each time and place as may be agreed upon, for prayer and conterenee in regard to ttie terms of Colon and Communion among the'varlorte branches of the Presby terian family. Resoitell, Teat the Mee. T. W. J. Wylie, D. I).. th e her. John McMillan, and Mr. ifill• Ilam Matthews, be, and they are hereby appointed, a Committee of Arno:lgo:meets and Correepontlenee In regard to Inch Con. retitle° and 'on the whole subject of Union. Bemired, That we recommend that said Convention shall consist of one Minister and one holing Elder front each Presbyter e era Presbyteries of the 7. 4,V,"A th erillqit Vhguerch In the United States be Invited to appoint each delegates at an early day so as to Insure a full representa tion of th n entire Presbyterian Church. .titer considerable Innate the resoltalons were referred to a special committee, am slating Of a member from each Presbytery. lot, IM:fl.. ,4dlagg4 At thecommencement of the session ori Friday morning, Dr. Grasrford complained to Syria] that the Presbytery of !Tabulal. phis had refuse! to grant him a cer:seCate of dismissal, with the view of connecting himself with the Presbytery of :Jew York. The matter was tinnily referred to the Phil adelphis. * l`r.bytery, with Instructions td grant the certificate, if the request should be pressed. CONSTITUTION...X. •YI7DXLiT AIMOCIATIOIA The National AsSoclatlon for the religious amendment of the Constitution of the United States, held a Meeting In the Your. teee , ll Street Presbyterian Church, On Thursday evening. Dr. Douglas was invit ed toopen the proceedings with prayer. -V series ofresolutions wore adopted, similar to those width haveJarcedy appoar.Sl In the columns of tee GAZETTS. - ArldreSSee Were eeltrerett by Professor J. it. licit. waine, of Princeton, N. J., and Dr. Crone, of Newark, N.J. • =! The Committee on Devotional Excreter. reported on Friday afternoon., it recant. mended that the first half hour of the invert. log session, after the reading of the minutes. he event in reading the Scripture., stnirmg, prayer and free conference the Moderator to name and call to the Uha ir on cacti occa sion the , members of Synod who shall pre -81110:' The follo wing subjects were recommend ed for conference: On'Ssturday: "ilowtnay those: who lore the Lord'e day spend It most profitably I" Efouiiay: "Gals:nay those who walk with God Do kept unspotted from the world during the secular , lays of the week I" Tuesday: "Ilow should the weekly prayer meeting he conducted so as to'secure the attendance and co•operatlon of the largest number I" Wednesday: "flow should the Sabbath School be organised and carried on so as to fulfil best Its mission both In the church and lathe world I" Thursday: "How may Haling Elders in the Church be most aliment to their Mhos, and most successful as 'helps , to the ministry In their work I" TOM lICISJICT 01 NIA LNODIr .Uri Saturday morning, after rewiring- a few report., the follow/hg papa waa Intro duced:- • • Wessman, General Synod reallirmed, et Its last niettielr,• the principles of the Un formed Presbyterian Church on the sabloct Of Peal...lY, end declared that the ono hundred and fifty strlptstre peal me only are to be used In the public social worship of God; and, whereas, Ueo.ll.Btuart, Esq., U. serted boldly on the 1100 r of this on Thursday, that he MY In the habit of alma. tog hymns of human composite:to, in direct contravention and dedanoo of the long inc. ,tabiLshesl and reaffirmed law of the Church on the subject, therefore Rcsohyd, That the stator (Atwell. Stuart, tiered Zsg.,in vac t yusd, be,asid II I& hereby, de. Resolved, That be be referred to the ma iden of the First }informed Church of Yid!. dhlpbla, to be dealt with for a “groas latiou of the eetablieluxi order of this church tho use of human pealmody t acoordlun to the order and discipline of tho church lb such cat." The paper was discussed at some length, by new. Dr... Douglas, Bor. W. T. Wylie, Dr. McLeod and others. Ou motion,ilin paper was laid cm the table to be taken tip at the pleasure of Synod. Synod adjourned on Saturday at 12 o'clock to llonday morning at halt-rest nine. 7 PR.ESBYTtItiAIf "import on the nn eject to Itmehasembly at itoebesteTersrla of ama, Car Trier:apt!. to the Plnaburah Gazette.) Bocnarran, N. Y., May 19.-1 a the Pre** , tentut General Assembly, thls morning; the Committee on the re-anion Of the two bodice of Presbyterians reverted at constd °cable length, after a consultation of sew• eral clays. - which was conducted la the Mau , licst spirit. ?MIMS Or 113,11113010. The preamble sets forth the advantages of session, greatly augmenting the strength of the church, and the condition. are that the doctrinal and °outcasts. tical bull aro the common standards of the mobnineh.e; th!. Grmlaaolon Ot Faith Shall curalbuo or 1. Lore. and the discipline of all ministers and churches in the two bailee are to have the ' am.° rawdhlg In the United body; all churches not I.bOrtalghly Presbyterial,. wh ' are In orgattleation, be advbed to per.' fact their organization, and •no other churches shall be rcoalvad; the °Metal re. cord. of the tee branchm shall be Pt!' carved and held Y. the history Or Wt. ob ft:en ; no rule or precedent not, rteog [1 ism by both bottles shalt be accepted until ao. canted by the united body; the corporal rights arc to be eon solidated; there 4,41 be no °lngle bornmitlees for church enter. pilaff.. These te are to be ratified by thret,lol3l . lll2 of thePreebyt of each branch.. The terms ate to bo published, and repOrt made to the general anlemblie. In lint. Theolglel inonnablies may, if they d..lre; Val bur l under arenoth cal ValtroL Rom IJaincl 'Cayes,. Lon. H. W. Urbane. Dr. Theodora W. Delight, Lion. wild. atid Hon.. George Sherwood are .recommended as a Committee to Mama& totie the gnellitloll of the propriety of W ye:did right+, to report by next January. Toe report wan referred, without discus Mon. tO a committee of Moe, toroport to the /useemtily next Wodhcaday. Slyer Telegram. (07 TelegraPh P ace d Pittsburgh Gazette. eta Atlantic aad '/es legraph Company.] r Telegraph to the Plltshorgh tlasette.l Cirr, 114418—The Echo departed at 103. M. The Petrol la arrived thin afternoon. ltivnr 4...; feet and falling. Weather clear and cool. nanrnia, May 18.- • -The River 13 declining at the rate 01.100 foot every 21 /MM. • • PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, MAY 20, 1867 FROM CINCINNATI. _ - Old !Wheel Pretby teflon Attenablr— Report 6f- the Committee on tto• 111110ZI—General 'impressions of Inc Assemnl7r special correspondence Pittsburgh Ossetic. Cmciaisati, May 17, :ail. Aimemtly met canine &climb A. a. atter religions services the regular business was resumed, The Moderator announced the Staridieg • lgsnamitties, , ' thu principal of which, with their - Chairmen, we name. 111110 and Overtures, Dr. Stanton; Judicial, Dr. Howard; Theological Seminaries, Dr. Dread; Education, Dr. Williams; Church, „ MM.:Won. Dr-Drownsoici Veneto bilscions. 'Dr, Lord. ILIPOILS or JOIXT COY 11111. t. The report agreed upon by the Joint Com mittee of the Obi sod Now , School Presby terian Churches was read.' it Is s very able document, evincing great', care and wisdom on the part of those who, prepared It. It sets forth Very clearly and strongly the de sirableness of a re-union of the two Chutches alld lays down &plan by which It !fgo ' e t, ftoVirr=nl e gPtk i e .h e u ntl A re ss r e e m p h o l ri wiih profound interest end evident ssi :e -lection. It was on - motion accepted, and referred to • Special tiommlti,. of seven. When reported back to the Assemby worm discussiOn is anticipated. It is un derstood %list soma will bravely Andeer• neatly opposo-•soine, too, of the older and shiest men In the Assembly. . Ltutous Dcvoito les At le o'clock these devotions began, and, under a resolution of iesterday, continued two hours. Tile singing, prayers, antd to. marks -were manly voluntary, and were characterlited,by brevity, and •good degree Or appropriateness. Tr. splrit Um meet ing was excellent, and Its interest seemed to 'annum, It closed. 11l •!1 To a looker-on, and one who has no pre. Jen/Ices to gratif y Uoneral Assembly, as It pox:cods wlth Its business, Invests Itself With no antandegree of in tempt. The first impretslon it mates on his mind Is, that it is composed of men of 110,1—tn-n full of faith mitt of the Holy (;host. ' They believe in prayer, In looking orndlnually aud con .ndontly to hod for Ma presence and bles sing. More than half the time, since the opening of the Assembly,.has Wen spent in Public religious devotions. Singing mid Praying, and talkleg about revivals of re. liglon, has, thus far, been more'prorn in out than nil else. hod al ways honors those that honor Rim. A second imeresslon %that the , (Thumb, represented by Inch a hermit Assernbiy, mind be a truly nptritual. Church—ono that I. smarting a mlghty power for good in 101, land. And this is an Impression abundantly sestained by feats patent to all. A third len preselon Is, that the Presbyth rise Church is truly represented by the uen• oral Assembly. Believe. in Ototrialendpre. wooled effort, to secure revivals of religion. To loan such cloris member. or the As sembly hays already referred,and have spoken of them as signally suabessfuL. Itun• drods have, In tome instances, Won conver ted TO the Lord, and added to the Church. Several cases of this sort wore reported to. 'ley during the prayer meeting. Another Impressmo la that the Assembly Ls thor oughly LOyal, and in • tali way to become radical. le ho.whielY Parsed Itself or all the old leaven of disloyalty and pro-dare ry ,TLIAD Alotterator's sermon had the right rfogi tt branded rebellion and slavery with a hot iron; apd we observed th it this branding gave peculiar eatudsztion to the Assembly, A final impremlon Is, that the spirit pc, seating the Assembly is truly catholic and interunly cnissuntasy, It spurns all re me sectarian boundaries, and proffers the rig h '. hand of Christian fellowship to all evan gelical churches; bids a tkal's eperd to all who lore the Lord Jesus ‘brist. It gore out alias Utia.lose and cosigning to tide sad mill other lands; and longs for that day when the kingdoms of this World shell bee,,e,„, the kingdoms of our Lord and of Ills Church. God grant that the Preebyterian Church may be made a thotreind.fold stronger. • V !sire. FROM NEW YORK AT Tt . I , X , IMO to the Ilthborgb Utrrite.7, Toe:, Msyln, InG7 Yeaterday the Broadway lh, , a we. ,Yle• Whined to the extent of $17.540 by • forged cheek, norportlng to twi drawn by officer - apt am Board of Education. The (Interims not been arrested. INDIAN ATTACK 01 RAILROAD 101. Tho E.:Mowing dispatch ems reeerred at ttlaVntort Penldc Railroad Company ofllm, from General Dodge, Chief Rammer, laud May 11. The Indians Rave StL ICIER Brown's party on Sack Creek. They I. t tiati Stephen Clark, of Now York. mytured one patent' mulm and harness, also 01110.1 nue wan of the escort pa ts• Gen. Drown is now at Port Saunders. (11gned.1 S. %river n. • • (:onsultieg Engineer. The Yenlnn Goloud O'Cenbor arrived ye. lords)! from Ireland. no states the Hues an communication between we leader, ate again perfeM", and the organisation etreng• er than croft The man are more determ in• ed to grapple with the enemy, and more hopeful of sucCess. New Team, May la, 1e..;7. Caroline Darla and Dr. Utisonberg were arrested yesterday, charged with Um mur. der of the husband of the former,. Henry 'Dans, in Avenue A, on Wednesday. Both partied dented the charge, alleging that Davis, In a tit of lesions frenzy, shot. him self.. . The ahlp Palulu,. hence for .Valbaralso, with war material for the I.:Milan kiovern• meat, put Into 81. Thomas' retedtly In a leaking coed:tam, mud - was hardediately blockaded by two apsnlab men•or-lwar, and will probably have to be ttloadethl• OLS. 01411 T TO VISIT DATTLIforIyLDS. The Ilerald's Washington seeder says, It is reported that Gee. Grans will 'tram visit the scenes of his old campaign. lathe South on horseback, and the alchmendll7llp sna ke/nil that Lee accoMpauyttim. ,• • , os trrni, rasyiecs.” It Is meld judge Merlin 'Of YfOrlda, Sen ator elect, has been permitted by OS Poste master General to frank all his men matter, which le regarded es oeterzolnlng, the right. of the Southern States, gad those who claim to represent them, in advance of Genres, or the courts. • • Lamont& oonarr, • Secretary Welled has never decided that: sabore and marines, honorably discharged from the service...ere entitledl to the same bounty' as those• who served fall terms of enlistment, as has been stated: - • •lES SUNDAY NOENJDO A fire this morning, at N 0.17 Malden lAno, M occupied by 'arl Douala. d cab, bailor. tenor ta.r alms ware, bdrat . throw tbo two upper Door of the betiding, and the others went flooded wAlit water. Loos 01, seep fully Wound. . • FROM ST. LOWS • . 'Philadelphia debeol,oemmaitee tors—lkeinan'a roogramllly dee•el•iheie —Failure of • Larde Oil Company— ReioraJor yeallhermail"-Au Minim War•sOptiedal • • (Sy Telegraph to tha plusbergh ossette.i Sr. .1.001s;l May 19.—The Philadelphia Committee on Patine Schools arrived bore last night, and Ware cordially revolved by MayorThomaa aad Mangier& of the hoard • of Public Schools. Tomorrow they will visit tba prmicroal School buildings. one on' Tuesaay, alter being shown some promi nent places of interest In and around then city, they will leave for Chicago I thence they goo Milvaltheo, tanalimati r and oth.: er western A Woman , * Suffrage A ..••• , ,A too libe bean. organized In this City, and some of our Most promlnent ladles bare boon elected ottloars. Active measures will be taken 'I , 'et lu the city and throughout the State to shape bailie opinion ec, as to elect are. vision of the constitution conferring the. tight of suffrage on women. Import says that a large oil manufacturing company in this city il,llleutted Mist toed attach manta, amounting to Sit3,ooo, have been placed on Maud Ito property is now la the bands of the enema. • , :Gen. Sherman returned Iran Fort llarker, Kansas, yesterday'. Ho Is reported whore gam that we gen have •13 Ind talt . lar or not e mil we choose. Ile says' patina IT Kans. dpi ge _p,gg.Atut, , coe't think they. wilt be gnti p& • FROM CALXPORNIA araeial llAltera Mataguall hers Avg ..lrlga—laellaa War lagartgabte—Marge grZtezegengraglapg aura fa' Large lay Telegraph to the Pliabgrgh Iguana) Ent Pasecisce, May sad St+dr. and Qaarterinentee.. :General Allen bare returned . from Arizona. Indian depredations continue. • The latent Intelligence elates that a. general Indian war woe maritime.. The saVages are assembling In large numbers In the mountains, raiding j through the val ley and On traveled TOW.. driving off atOek and capturing trains. Tba - Indians were notified by the eitlzena that they would to shot at sight when found wenaer ing among the wh Ito men.- Governor filaisden has appointed Neely Johnson, Es Goyernorut California. to nu a yacaqty in the anpreme Court of Nevado, occasioned by the destllorJ udgo Brannan. • SECOND EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM WASHINGTON. iewelpla 11111.11 bbbbb meats—Kau damps liefasioal—Tbe Irepoaohenerll —are Baalkruptey—tionoral !sickles ireorotted—llalof Justice Lhoso, eke.. ae. Vs Telegraph Loth, Plailanorhaasette.l IYASEITIMTO3r; Iday ly, 18q. The dlsburiihnOhta of Lite weak were' $1,21.;,093; rectilpte of /Aston:toll/ortolan, el, rnAsto ►S '► DIPOIIITORT. Tho suvond National Diu3k or Chicago has voluntarily censial to IA a depository °tout,. lic money..' . rim fkoolieno. The Inlrneldin Wusblngton for the Nut two weekg, for the Pellet - Of tha fleidltuto In Ito South, nottn.Vbotweoild,OW and 61,..J./O. ' Tll2 1111•111AMIIIIIT ICATTZ2. Tho Julllelut Committee have taken • largo mass of evidence on tlio:lmpeaeb mem question. ^liteptesentatire Ashley, of 01110. is bttll Deis. *lt connection with this euldect.' I= Amine:errant' Was mule to the Supreme Court of Ws 4lairict, mayoral days nalpritir mandamus ttleonipel tbe 4 Joilges of Elec. lion to place tlie, Dimes 'of certain White cltlrelan' the registry of voter. The C"rbihlocJhJadgal Olin, Italie,. and Wiley, ilellyared ruparato opinions, all nyriying at tllO "Ude Mall( ' Tit: that in tin denim could bottle until after thrilexplra- Mo.& the tyro days allowed by law for the Correction of timil:poll lint. • - • ritanlibnr rinctrt•s. ' The followiniCtrOttler to Collectors of Customs hos Woo tinted: As it seems derleilble that the privilege of unloading at bight silould tar untended to that ciess of eteansers engaged in the coal ing trade, In re..3ltiarly untatablial aloe the Innen d the northern frontier of the United State, • between ports in the Vetted States, Last of the Niagara Faits, and porta West o/ the woe ' which are con. polled to Mae the Welland Canal, and thus touch at foreign Vanes, the regulations of ebruary, 1 , t11,1/h,areorith reancet to such steamer*, 80 fax as to authorise UM unloodrog o( naive from there at night, by virtue of roenlial4wrsolt from Collectorn or their chief °Mar:sof Custom*, under the inimedtate WW•Onal supervising of an lo• ametor, and ultrifeit rt.] tort es the oath ore geribcd I/9 the aldreerthl reguintions of r'Oh• runry, {Yawn:rotes, May 1.1,1467. • sdruisritita is savior rice. Chief Jtodlcelatasehas thee fur nomina ted about owe-third of the entire number of Cegtsters rn Iblokrriptcy, Or those for the Eastern and Northern Stales; also for-Door gla and Louisiana. lie has addresses! • let ter to vialous District Judge*, informing them that if any nominees are known not to posse.. the necessary qualldcatbms for par forming tho duDent of the oClco„ they are at liberty to withhold the - *pool:it:nem, fur nishing nnuma or recommendation by him not being cone:midst and not binding on the Judges. For thisroacon the names of nom,. no, here not ben furnished to the Press. AO 0 W l / 4 ,19 w JO aaovo, 1.211!f lalat[e tttatil ur yfatd Ulchmond to hold a Circuit Ccurt, If uny bminms shoUht come beton It requiring his pres ume, tt Is certuln [but he Intends holding court In North Carolina, cue of the States included in . 10,1 circuit, early.ln Jtine. ALL TILAINCIL wacn AALCATON. .11 note from an role, In tlenurat Sickles department, ...Wren.] to a blend In this eity, ante.l the rib Inst.. .ATP! "A II goes on well In I NO I tot.. nu Motu, ; but tranquility, order and tam. knai.“ fileirlei. lots been breveted WWI' tieneral fit the regular army. for gallant and meritorious sdrvlces at the battle Of ijetty ;burg On the of July, Imji. FROM MEXICO Ofltrial Arroant of NeVettationaStle teret.s tbelsoprortattolo ostl Liberal. —I be Street barb) at Queer taro. fly Tel, tr•Vb to tee litrotte WA.Q1,11 . 01.1 CITY. MAY follOwlna oalclal dispatch wag forwarded on the Zia of April to the:Mexleast Minister to this city, and dived an account of the negotia tion. between the Itupcxhallateand Libel-ea In Ma City of Mexico: • "o 4114. 21.-71., Gencrul Bosnia., Ctoneionding borers Iktore l'ero Cru.—Sta: Icsthrdisv Jr. Berman Witte.., wife of one of Aro‘oontoo.„ slits , prenenhed herself at the heaulquatters of tit:mend Mar, asking an (funnier She p nivosed the follow. log terms, sir: The Mandolins of the Austro-Lielgian corps; guarantee of the lives of Its members, and permission for their, return to their countries. she WO rioliclos.l a guarantee for the safety of the life of filastadllian. W 1.1.1 reference to the first point, the general said he wa• disposed to entertain such propoaels as might be made to him; Out es to the seconds that he had no authority to pardon Masltnthan. -Nothing of note Is °courting during the day. We have an occasional erehaege or shots. I mann recormoisance yesterday In hunter my lines, which ball enabled rue to takeamne very useful observations as to the most advantageous manner of attack ing the enemy. no soon us our mortars ar rive, should the city not have surrendered, wn shall open our hatter!es upon lt, and hostilities will lie vigoronslyprosecuted. • thinned' Liars, Brigadier IltneraL Tian AUstro•Beiglan corps been ills banded, and Its me others Sr.. now under the protection of the Prussian flag. - Barret Beeravince, Gemara( commanding!, front of Vera Cent. April =h. tie Luis Panel, April Yrgh —To• General P. Berrlocabel, Matamorasi-Aecompany)ng reperts contain the latent news from our eamplefizen flee:curl; -:Vance.) Itscobedo has. Just inferrmod me that nothing new has occurred today. _On the 2ith Dias Inform: eu me that he was abbot COW wincing over. ations against the City of Men= Irma his headquarter., now at Guadeloupe /1110.40. Ilimiro Jester. CAne Barons Quanavallio, Man to the alinhoer of War, San Luis Po. toil: The enemy TOWS early tale morning threw himself with all his force upon the line of tamatarto, held by a division from _Michoacan, and illsiodivAl; completely oc. copying greater part of ft; but Che'reser•os coming up in time .repulsoithe enemy, driving it back In umilusiOnto- the Central Square, leaving in our hands it (urge nine her of killed and wounded and_ prisoner.. 'The cavalry force Of the enemy - wan routed during the conflict, Which lasted six hours. It Is now It crehxlr, and I forward thin. re port to you from the aforesaid line. clam terio. (Signed) P.soonetoo. temp briar, Queretaro, April MM. link) a, lb as Notate" of Ithe tine Lids Potosi:— :Neat leg now Psi occurred daring the past night. We are engaged - in burying the dead, and the field is still covered with them. .The losses of three corps of reserves which Matlethe attack leas follows: Caere d ores De Galena, :14 men) filupremen Padding; I. men; .of the .I.lne, lii men. The 'which Of other_ Cavalry-Ana Infantry corps which came to the succor of the first are trifling. (Signed) Eacoaallo. The following extraetis taken from a let ter written [tom estop before Queretaro; dated April VOW: Aliramon, hayloft. asked for a a aspaislon ofhoitliales and - permis sion to bold an interview with his former personal friends, ben. Rocha, and Colonels Ito-Ito-Ines and tialardlit, Wet. granted. The latter advanced towards the river, and Allmetetaetood on the bank opposite. lio proposed In ,- them an 'armistice; during which a Ofinferentre should ho held in - the .Alioxien, to decide upon a form for the. future governMent Mexico. The Liberal oil:leers laughed at his propoisals, and informed hint in tumor the capture of Puebla and thedefeat of 'Marques.: which Atiramon was very reluctant to believe. ( . FROM CANADA, Reported Arrival of the realm later mer—AMmals, Poultry, Ad. to be Imported from Um tallied %tales Duty free. tit,' To learaph to the Pltlttatrah inmate.] blorrnsac., C. E., May To topc;rhn.l that. M.oaoy the Fenian general loader, and arrived In Canada yeatanlay per steamer ht. Andrew. The weather le very cold and showery. 'OTTowA C. W., may ltl.— An order bins beenlse lad by the Councils. and publiehed. perrultting horses, cattle sheep, pigs, awl other animals, poultry sunk caner birds , to •be Imported duty free.-from the United states by agricultural societies, for the im provement of steer. • - The discount on American incise isle per omit. Menernl ilinant on Hri_Mattis Inalas. cap Telegraph to the Pitiehresh Gazette.] VA., May In.—General Grant and staff visited the battle delde around Richmond to-day. They will go to Portrena Monroe to morrow, where the General will leant Isla brolly pad TeVirr. do NY !...clantten. CONDENSED' Nkw b [lll Telegraph to the l'ltteberill yarette.l -2. grand tournament, for the benefit of the widows and orphans or Confellorates, • comes °trot ileriiphis on Wednesday next. Preparations have b :en mode to seat ten thousand Vernon.. —Trouble being apprehended In Rear Or. loan.. cornsequentnpon the holding of a firemen's Native!, General Sheridan tele graphed from Galveston to his chief of staff. Gan ilartsaff. thus: "Let the festival go on. Hold troops in readlnms to suppress riot If lawman , . keeping the Custom 'louse u yOur biisls of • operatlona;. and, If neCcseury, call on the naval commander to place his slops opposite the foot of Canal Street." —Tho Galveston (Texas) rioters were thiSs addreeSed On relday last by 600. blower, Visa* wiggle dl hundred of them passed his bead.saustiters, brandishing CIIIH3 and threatening to lynch the contractors at the now Nunn : you Mel youraelves wrong ed, you 1.1/1121t apply to the proper authori ties for redress, and you shall horn It; but ir you take Ihts thing luto your own hands, YOU may !ono whit rights you already. pos ... if you goon with Ulla rioting, by the Eternal God, I will pour grape and canister into you! Now disperse, and go to your homes, or to your work:. Thu mob imme diately diSperae& —An Adams Express Ca4lller in Cloth,- nail, named Frank %Cumin!, has Win arrest oil on a charge of stealing al,You. trutiof the Youlan Prisoners, Flood, Duffy and Cody, was flulshed to Dubhn , Ira. land, on Friday nreatng toil, and, as in the eases of Barka sod Doran, they worn found guilty. --.B,ltOnarly G.:floral Stariburry'a opinion on llefrancblxcm•at has been agproyed by the Cabinet arid will bo prow alsrato'il to-day. —Tkoatak Lealy, the alleirsal defaulting Intstrual Bureau° Golloctor In Brooklyn, li. h., has 'Man belt to ball la tho soul of $15.(01 w awalt this action of the Grand Intr. —Arrangements for reglstratlim In the edate of Arkansas have been nearly com pleted by Cienend Urd, sod Ito cork Irl/1 shortly be commenced. —Tim Committee on the Declaration of flights, in the Maryland Constitutionul Con vention, have reported u WU, and among other things provided for Is the ail eilislon or negro testimony In the State Courts The hill Is made the special order for Wed: nemlaT. —st tire broke ont at lln Halo, on Setunlay afternoon, in it. 11. Oyu/burner'. sheep akin factory. Thu building and eJnteuts, eon alsting or 1:J07/ /Mtn,. loon green hider, and a quantity of finished loather, were deatro) ed. The lo's la about elle,mo, and 1. tollycoeoredbylneuranco. Tlie root of Howard's mower factory wan slightly - damaged. —Areliblahop Wigan, of Chleazo. and Her. Henry W. Hallows and fatally, of bow Tvrk,eatled! in the Ville de farts (Or Europe on Saturday. —The ear works of the Louisville and kVinkfort liatiroad Company, at Louisville, wetq 41emtruy.l. by Are on Saturday wore, tag. Thu to.a Ira. not ram timer. smanal. two boxcars and a small lot of tools were deatrnyed with the bulbllng. The gni was t; rant, .Thomas and Dent at Iced at Richmond on Citurday Irom 'Mon nyton. I= it . Now, allow toe to rend a little. I give you a glint pm or Paris oil Wunder. ie ha glish correspondents tell in that th i . Part slam. do not go to Church—that the Parts churches are almost empty—that 'the few that do go arc women. Tills forms to be a tradition with the English, which hai come down from the revolutionary era, and which is not true now, IF it ever was, as they might easily And out by taking a little trouble. The truth is that, though the church. of Pans are of great Ace, and seem nelnerotia there are net nearly...igh forth.. church going population. At the large Church of at. Pilltilaci, which has two large chapels besides the great body or the pales% and where three Ie.rViCUS aro Mien going on to as many crowded Cilt3gregattens at the nano time, you may doll .nOllllllO apparently earnest. worshipper. At 7 o'clock, and at every Lour anti/the lasi—Vie lazy people's mane, at I o'clock. Titers I. high Wlsa and renni: at n o'clock, aml%gum at It. Here then, story anudnY• to a chores which will tiocommistate I. many as ale common Cited American churches, you have a aeries of_ Wiz or .tIVCI,I dis tinct services, with es many successive con gregations, Why cauntat Protestants MOll - spare, and acoatranistate people in a similar moaners Lest eunday morning, going out a little atter 7,1 saw people enter ing a porto rocAere near my hotel. Voiles , lug teem. 1 found an old church, entirely Inclosed. and not •Loble from tee street- It was tailor people. and a preagher, luaus' I 'ln the pulpit. which Is the fashion bore, was I Instructing thorn In their duties 11th groat vivacity, dirtCtllGS and earnestness. Tee proportion of men present at tuts early Lour was not large. DLit there were. unpaid. arable number, tint among them the parish authorities; who always occupy t eerily:cu. out Seat opposite the pulpit- Nearly half thereouirreiration went to the communion rail to receive the escranien% As the mass ended, t, heard a full oho/rot old With voices singing in another chapel adjacent. The einfitregstion lase no sooner lull than them places were taken by another. At /2 o'clock I happened to be ellaamh the levalitles. • great crowd was coining oat of the chapel, from a service just ended. I went tn with another crowd, and found my. self In Coat long and lofty nave, with wide aisles and galleries, hung round with the worn, lolled, tern and tattered battle-fl sin I of, half the nations of the world; Premien. Austrian, Spanisti, Italian, many a mere f k= h 'i na t it flag, ; 4 4 " ge l. . p h V. ' : urn' tatters, ti . fe w r I!. CAD. Franco and America , Lave always Dean friends. Suddenly there is %roll of drums In the vestibule, word of command, and with drllline belting:dui Colon; flying. & goon' Or mvallthimamberlith the brood Male. They form two line., nail greund arlo.&oath , r roll of a dozen pretty drummer hops, arid the great organ plays a triumphant march, while a procession of veteran officers, hair and beard whitened in camps and marches, breast* covered with decoration. march up the aisle, and take their Neale in the sancta.. ary. The priest. In georgeons chasuble of cloth ofgold, enters, the drama roll, and the inala begin.. At the Kyrie Ekfron a lull mil itary band begins to play, and continues, with grand effect to the end of the prefaCe. The to II sung by a choir of mute's voices to the great organ. Small hello tin, kle, the guard presents arms, arel the dream roll out the salute during the eleva tion. At the memorial for the departed, the bands play rielirge. The drummer lions tears their Matti:intents and march Into the sanctuary, where they ..log the -Arians lief, to the acisompaniment of l a small organ, with response,. from the large .one. The mass is ended; the dtums rod, and alimarch out to the innate of a Joyous and triumph. ant March. The chapel was full, and there was here, as elsewhere., series of service. Strangers con:2,° dopbt, from mirk:sits, bet three-fourths n pf the .people were real dente, to whom it with the most convenient pia , * Of warship. - - ' i, . , n ever walking on In a Waring rain,: for it rains y day now, and makes thabeautl fel gardens of the Eghlbitton an exponse el mud, I went to the Exhibition, and, in :mite of the rain, found t here t breettmes as teeny people anthem were on Sett:Way. The pla ten gallerieS Immense al, they are, were en, ' All the MOM attractive parts were crowdeal— There alum crowd moving Kenna the great circle of restaurant. , like • f t h en , Mem Iran up, but very little of the machinery was In motion. The workmen, like therest, have their holWay. On the Continent, to enjoy Sunday as a day of rest anti recreation, Is not to break K. They have more or lees conscience egalant work, but none against play Should neat Sunday be aline day: the }fat:Mitten will have from IMI,COO to na),(Ke visitors, mostly of the working claet. The faahlonablell will prefer the races and the Bola .de Von loges,. • . - . For Mtvtre Sobbed L-81,500. Reward Ily Telegraph to the Plitst;argh Uasetted Pllll./11,111LPHIA, May lit—Last night the fur store of Menem. Womratb, /o this ritY , woo robbed of a' large quantity of valuable furs. One thousand doUarss reward has been offered for the recovery or the goods. and Avo hundred dollars for the arrest of the thieve& —An.. Important illecoVery has recently been made in Peru, termed the silk plant. The shrub is three or four feet In height. The slit. is cooloeed In a pod, and each plant gives. greet number, end la declared to he superior In Ilmmese end finality to the production of the silk worm. It is • wild perennial ; • the soed smell and easily aspen'. ted Mao The stems of the plant Produce • tong and very brilliant fibre, su perior In strength and beauty to the finest linen threw'. Small quantities have been woven In the mute manner Of the: ludiene, and the texture nutl'lntillentry is sell!. to im ntl,ittrPritlze, • CITY AD SUBURBAN. rOUIITII PAGE.—The /idled and mut !table Money, Oil and Produce dtarioC Re. per id.. by any-pater in the city, will be found on our /burin PC1174 I Drummers from Eastern House, are sub- , .Jected to stringent license regulations In Allegheny county, and most be very shrewd If they succixd In evading the law. Last week an oily tongued chap came hither from New York, burdened dorsi with eau. pier, and proceeded to canvass the town to make sales. He succeeded in jelling large qualities to our dry goods mirchnute, and was congratulating himself on his success In doing a trade without • license, when he was made aware that, two detectives were on his track. Ile hastily departed, and doubtless felt quite swat ineartie triumph In dodging the"Vharilys," a feeling In winch he had a perfect. sightto Indulge. Tim "de tectives" on the scent concluded that at night they would 'Kelso the "tinuttmer's" bOdy and vile traps, and bring him toyuds. Went. Not being aware of the departUrEof .their man thew called at the hotel ate very unseasonaJle hour on Friday night and tn. (mired If Mr.—was stepping. there. The clerk blandly informed them that he was, but had , long since retired to rest. The "detectives" said they had urgent and Important business to transact, with him which would bear no delay, and see him at once they most. Afterconsiderable par ley's's the knights of the concealed mace were shown to Mr. —'e room which they found securely locked. They knocked re loatedl v, and finally a gentl etnan's voice inquired from the Inside ...wheels therel" Detectives both chimed In "m"aid told the Inmate that they bid very Important busi ness with him which must at once be trans. acted. Mr. —arose, and, in his night shirt, advanced and ruefully opened the door, to see who bad dlsturbed his a/ umbers on such •n important errand at so late an boor of night. The "detectives" pushed in the door, seised the banawakmed tomato told him he eras their prisoner. Of course the gentleman struggio end in do ing so the stout grasp of the policemen tore his shirt into shreds The wife of our friend awoke, and fright' ned beyond measure at the struggle gotosen, cheeriest tor help and stem a numberOf persons came to the room. The ...leteetices" stated who they were and their business, and It required con siderable explanation to have them believe that they had en.leavored to arrest the wrong man—although bearing the same name as the happy ..drommer" who had escaped by the noon train. The "stars" grow elm, apologized and retired. The gentleman feeling how deeply be was wronged, has brought suit against them. Ii nettling else than as a warning to prevent future foolish acts on their 'autos° trust they will tie at least severely reprimanded. We know not who the "detectives" wore, but their conduct was certainly outrageous. lied either or both been shot down as bur. 'glass, the law would have Justified the act, as they operated mere like thieves than pollee, in forcing themselves into the gen. tictinevs room and laying violent bands on him without a word of explanation. Youthful Iluotanteu—A Wild lupe dttlou Interrupted. On Saturday evening Chief of Pollee hcolt received from Philadelptda a tele gram directing alai to nrrest two young boys, about fourteen years of age, who ran away from borne with the intention of going on n bunting excursion In the West ern States. Cpon the arrival of the eleven o'clock, r. P iladelphis train, Chief ' Scott arrested th luyilLives and brought them before Nay r kfcCorthy for • hearing .41,2aMtpat m tet m litt nr t tateemee th exoelltion, but, owing to their ananelsi circumstances, they had been compelled delay till now. their filturodian scheme. The Instigator In the matter was the eldest, named Alartin echauck, son of • wealthy merchant living in PLUndelpitta. Ily some means he had succeeded in providing him self with a key to his father's safe, from which he abstracted some •300, the sum he expected would be required for accomplish. in their western trip. George Troutman name of his assoc Late, no pledged hislidelity to his conductor, anti under his •tesi t Ices consented to follow him wherever their good luck 'should cal them. They arme,t and equipped themselvea with all the material young and inexperienced nun. tern might think necessary for giving chase to bean, wolves and other ferocious animals. The leader was carrying a small ride about fourteen inches long, in • very poor condi tion; ills coot Iranian a elk barreled revolver, old style, rather worn-out and more Ilan. 'fermis to the 0.13.1 that might use IL then the wild !wash, It was Intended:to subdue. A small black Ong, earned by each, completed their outilL They left Philadelphia full of hope, and were far from thinking that Pittsburgh should be the end of tnetr Journey, which they had perhaps spent Jaya and nights to reflecting upon. - They were placed in the lock-up to await further orders from their parent. in l'Illitt• delphia. ♦mnsement■ /toenail, o• Mt:sm.—To-night, at this magnificent temple of the . drama, Kr. James E. Alnr.loch, the great and loyal Atnencan actor, takes a benefit. The beau tiful comody of "Money;'. with Air. Mur. dachas Alfred Evelyn, eupported by the entire company, will be .prosented. We keel, a full house will be in attendance. ULACt Canon.—Thle grand spectacular drama continues to draw crowded audien ces, and It Le meeting with no more success than the entorprice whichprompted Ito magnitloent presentation deceives. The Opera House Is reaping rich profits end the play will draw large andlences many nights more. rrrrs !meow TRILLTIIL —Chiviey White and his very excellent Combination Tronpe remain but a Lew mote days at this well conducted placeof amusement. The enter. ialeMente neared this week will be mote than neually attractive. 'Everybody should Visit the Theatre during their stay. Vawsslss Tlill•TAlL—The "Black Crook" drew a large and appreciative audience on Saturday night. If It does not present the golden grandeur et the Black Crook of which Kis a burlesque, It certainly offer. a rarer toast Of fan. Together with the usual ly well selected and varied bill of enter tainment, it will box rim this week. ClllOO5 'AND MINA4IIIIII--TOilly at the Red lion lot, on Penn street, Heights & Chamber's colossal Now Orleans circus and menagerie spreads Its tont for a brief season. it Is generally aonorded to be the best exhibition and combination In AMEIrI• ca, and those who attend will certainly have a rare treat'offored them. .On Wednesday and Thursday morning. grand exhibitions of the animals and trained horses and po em* will be hold for ladles, children and schools, at which no circus performances will be given. Leaves for memo. is company with majority of the Catholic illshops of America, Ut. 11ev. IL Domenee, of this Diocese, Ultra his depar ture to-day for Itome. Trio object of the visit la to be present at an important can old:stunt of martyrs of the churah, which will be celebrated In June by a min d.' ..of prelates from all partg of the chrls- Ulm .world. .The American:Bishops make their VIAL a /peeled occasion Mr re, tiewing their love aratlldelity to the Pope and bootleg to him large, pecuniary angst once, as - the voluntary, offerings of the Catholics of America. Dashop Domenee takes with him over thirteen.thousand dot terel° gold as the offering of the PlttatiOrgh Diocese. ' WI CI 41111r4t—DooDS• thrilling wad Grounds. Tbta beautiful nltnatlon imlnciently known se the most desirable In fear City far residence. Its handsome Areproretienie, purity of air, and delight:el ylows, IWO un qualled by any other locality. This prop •rty• Is to be sold tomorrow 'ironing at. Mcilvalne , s Auction Rooms and is in every iaritculdr ono ot the finest for sale. With n a low minutes reach of balance.; its beauty of WIWI= and spacious grounds, combine all the ateractireness of a labor. ban residence. • Keeping I Wasson. Hoagie.—Jane You Clara Fishes and tins Kirkpatrick, were amnsted last Friday evening on the chip:goof 'Mahlon a house of OW :fame. .Axt invesilgation having been made by the Mayor. they wore discharged, and Richard Knofe, the prosmator, ordered to pay the eanx nut the next day the charge we. brought before Me Alderman Lynch, and the case finally settled on defendants prola min, to leave the premises by the lint of J one. Dr. EIPektIISO. Professor of Chemistry. or Philclel pl., tn. eerier. the Copper I.t , htning Rod with Spiral Plumes. menufectured In tide city .by Leclumrs & Company. ...Nothing can be hazarded ,in eaylng that it Is the test rod before the pub. no." Dr. Daytimes, the ordettrelred see. tOo Prete-moor, ears of this MI: sm roily per. Inimical that it is a complete protection against directors by liOhthtog." , • , This Tree Minaret's and Grand Ames Stan Male Sr Isms, to come off at Sharps. burg, this morriirg, Mil present ,sonss of the Peat prope rt y ever ottered to this market, and, a rare chance for good invests. moats. The loos are immediately at the Junction -et the Ma/Lotting Ibilhosell, end centre Ib ShmTisherg: Trains Wave at tl Web:lor, J.. N. • To-marrow aftormam the long talked of boat race for the championship of /acerb can waters takes place Itt the Monongahela river in:lneen Brown raid Itamill. , PRICE TIME-_CENTS nix ; hundred And ninety duly ; and and weekly Warrens' containing the con fession of if ogles have already been sap; and ilfssiongton and . Greene eountles, and arge week ly, r nen Wednesday'solitlon of ou which will contain the con fesslon; have already been reeeteed. This goes to show the intense feeling excited by the confession In those pmts.. A.l4eraux Strata the efficient and pop. MAY magistrate of t he-Thin'. and' Tenth ample; has rocently. segued Las oIDq In a magnificent style and It Is now the neatest In the city. are glad-to note this fact, inasmuch. ae.ii ahows Increasing bnslness and 11 no evidence orthe enterprise anti go ti-haaitattveneas €l,the worth; Alderman. "Jaen ofiatiltift—{Y. A. 43Ulderdenny1 Ro-Alrldtk, eireat. ha, j net received the numbers of . Galore Lantos Book arid Prank. Lealle.a Kapantne -Ara Ozanne of Taanlon for June. _They are good numbers, oontaining anandaace of 1004 rotator mat. ter and all the latest fashunis. Call mud get them. Abaothrinneni.—.lannio Bowman made Informattononindurdny before Aldermen Wein nyatnoi bar binbend, Addleoo lb:m ums, for abandonment- Bowman was ar rested and inabenteently . diorbe.rged on Laren Llundred dollars natl. The WeeltlytlaseVie, Wiled tomorrow evening, will contains review of the Din.- more murder• history of the trial anti full report of the execution of lacier, Including ills confession entire. Country agent." ■honld order at once. The Merchants are subscribing liberal 11 towards raising a bouus to be appliLdiu strengthening tbe application for the hold log of the State Fair to Pittsburgh. Don• [lons fur this purpose well prove true aeon outy. Hamill la In Brat rata trim for the race tomorrow, and Ma friends are betting large. ly upon Lim. Brown Is also In very good conuttlon and feels hopeful of the result. May theyinve a far race and the Oast man Win. We Awe Indebted to John W. Pittock, Fifth strimL oppolllo On PantoMc% for tno Atlantic Motittily, Potent:ads Ladra Myth. zinc and tiody's Lady Book for Jana. Pit tort ban all the priblicatlons of the day for 811.10. Larceny an napes.—.lames Bonn was brought be-fora Alderman Strain to answor a choral of larceny. bailee, lodged against tam by T. at. Lluk. Ua was commuted la default of dye hundred dollars ball. Clisuire or Tlose.-11. Blackstone, EMI., the efficient General Superintendent of toe Allegheny Valley litilrottd, announces In our Advertising columns a change of time, to take erect to-day. The patriot nod actor. JAIIICS E. Mur doch, appears to-night at U. Now Academy of /Mule In ”Moncy." 11 will he support ed by the capital stock company of the Academy. • _ At the Adademyof Mosta to-night Mr. d. M. Murdoch again &DN..* in beautlini comedy of "Money," with which the audiente were so delighted on the open ing night. To-nlett the I/let:Mors of the 'Ward sehrals meet In tbstill ward public school booms, to determine whether there Is nny need of • city Superintendent. secure your rests today for ilia benefit of the patriotic historian, James E. Mur. dock, w noappears to-eight at the Academy of Music to the sterling comedy of ••Mouey."" Dietslmo acknowledge Leo receipt of a kind Invitation to be present at a social re-anion at Mozart LIAM of Lodgo 4/ of the Sone ot Temperance., . • • - Ittaaenacee tilrt the talented actor, Jas. S. Murdock, takes a beriettat the academy of Music to-n 1 et, toben he trill appear as Atired Eretyn, la the play or ...Money." !thorn!' RmltL, of Wiahlngton county, less In the city yesterday. He convey. Len nor, the alleged murderer, to Washington, to-.lay, for The ocieutilal comedy of '•Hones^ will be presented at the Academy of Munn this evening. It Is one of the molLbrillinat and chaste comedies In the language. • The Sob.faience Committee and Allegnony'oounty Monument Assoc:What meet tckiny at Ira o'clock, at City Prof. linky'l temperance oration takes place to-morrow evening at Masonic Hall. The audience promises Lo be very large. /.e aplie of the weather the usual num ber of persons with turnouts were 011. the Perrysville road yesterday. It fa onflerstood that slll,oco will be re • sett for the Firth street .11ethodist Church t, which is 110) feet sqhf%rtr.' 0 .110 me,." the croWning work of Ile!war. to.nlght, at the ..testlem_ y of Music, on the occasion of James E. Murdoch's- benefit. Everybody should attend. The Exam Walton oleandhlates for ad • lesion Into the MO school wll t ,be held n thoand nlth of Jane. Jianday le better °beer - v.3d In Pittsburgh Wan In any other • correspondingly large plena In We country. Attention in directed to the advertise.' meet of lime stone Itir gala in large coon. The Moldier& ilonahoret Pair will be almost wined to tho groat Sanitary lair. A nears rola sot lu about ten Mock last night and continued up till morning. Improvements still go on in the bust nom centre of the city. The oil trade remains dull, but promis es to brighten ere baug. The Allegheny . TOUlill were without an occupant last Want. A 'meat maoypersoas steno' the eeme erles yesterday. Tana Alarm Telegraph ie in , splendid working order. The Oily enjoya a brier much of order awl quiet. The Market street Dower ls nigh well Sot few inebriate. occupied the tombs last night. . . The hotels rare pretty well estrontreil Yesterday watt a dark, dal' day Pane* /WTI b Tory Scarce. CH - Additional - Local News on Third Page. • DIED. EDGERTV,N.^Oa .alat , l!,y monang, May 11. SARAN ELM ERTON. • The (antral erUt late Plass Tula aril luicem, at: o•cloot, from the reside oce -of Der mother, Her, Jane Drake. Steubenville Plte, Temper ano,rathe. I'hettleude the Mildly atis Wiled NEW. ADVERTISEYLENTS: A LEI. AMEN, vNnEgtrAKER, -80. 11313 riniiit Weer, rtitibargh,. 0.. 001r111111 of 41 limb.: <nurse, GLOVES; and every, description or nom* Tontlittlog (foods tw. wpm. , jk...ortkaod days.] West. Utant, and Carriages tarnished., • Jestripsnscarr,neTt /Ms/id-Km. :D. A. res. ' K. W. Jacoboski/Al, Thome Swing, rag., je. cal 11. Miller. sac. J• A. RODGERS,' •UNDERTA • < JCEEJIND 1310#4.11LT.C. successor So the Ist.; &mud E. itddgerx, Sa. 2CW:do hareet, three door. floss Bearer..Allsgheus..iti., M. balk. It‘aereood,llsturlasi. Wslast .od Noss rood battalion Cotahry et the hismtin reduced aelces. Vaasa open at all boars'difUad sight. Luxus sad Carrluous faralihed;stahort settee sodas aosiseassubla teems. RT. WIIIITE & CO.; LNDEII • SANE= AND ILMNALIANNN. linather ter, Wood`s RAA ud Ir,ktAlty. 'toss Eaoms it Manchester Liter votAble, eotaarßbeflald uJ {;harden .trierta. Doom AAA * Cantu. hr- REAL F. T•TE.—IIIELLON BRUN., st rut Liberty Stmt.. ' late. for Ws TWO Iltl etII IrtliE 2 ULLIMEI LAMS, of CeNreat; Neu, ot VW., Paging tram 3113 to *LUGO. sad *situ' Una. , VITICS OF bliCOlibtsto ttsOcustOis. t • • • • rittaborsti. Kay 1116. 110. S EALED PROPOSAJLM for Grad ., Los, earlog et Wylie strtit: from Tan. to Crawford,'.lll be tralsral st this often; Wort almort. Bolldlago. sixth MON LIA 1,1147 MOW, 1101.. J..isoorre. . Recordlir &ants-tor 12113}3 NOT A FEW of tee worn dinel , deto that W a llet mnskto4 ar Verne r ,mp %lon of the blood. HILLIIII WS O. le it fottedy nrlOo virrmt NEW ADVER GO LD VATC H ES. Amother*Lot Just Received,' Embracing some of tbe best styles of man ever broula to this market. rLAD: ENOtle-ITMIWID. ENtiItAVED TOP Alin BUTSIDI. 1205 TED AND ANANZIAD. ct.t.iNWe 401 uk those who are d of es see au s t .. .Melee la ULM ilk 4 " War " tock. ea" D TINSPIktH & - Cp., new. WATCP:Jan? Armnamscr..wa L "tir.. •• .117 Airisy'llEALL MOM% , WIL T. WILEY'S, 6 0 - 1 -64.114 2. W. .yo • loon j 'oitrurrom geOTT, DKALLIiI3, Fine Watches, Clacks, Awful lILVE&-PLATED WIRE, EMT - 310..114 MIMI` azintatt. 3Pittailbussiti, Air Partkali. &Stadia& ohlot b Naitolnas Wain... (noels Ita4 Jotroiry. A Vs* Ivor mated GOODS FOR TIM MILLION' =SON, MINER & 00.1 AUCTION MART, 55:451 57 FIFTH ST.," Pittaburigh. DaPr sonuleuments of Bankrupt Stock. of ttoods from all parts of the Untied Mates, fobs mold at PRIVATE 'SALE Wholesale and Retail, REGARDT.T . K3 OF VALUE. MEN'S. CIULDREA•E LAD YOUTHS• 11{.)016, 8110E2, GIAITZB3, DLL -11, RILE ♦ E raPPEEP. DOMESTIC DEE - GOODE CLOTHS, CASSIKEEES, JEANS. EtrrEUELDES, SHIRTS ANL! DRATZ3II. GLOVE% HOSIERY. II LIIDELSCHIEES, EUSPLIMINE. • CUTLEIMAPOOLZEIIOO6.2. • Alto, direct tram the Immo Lateness... Ingrain, Bag and Linen CAI~PF_+Tf3, At Auction Prices L I? raituni ea MD, Nos. 55 AND 57 FIFTH STREET. N. 8. Furniture and Hcruehold flood' for pia Auctlon on EVERT TD Ult3D/LY. 1531121180.34. P.A.L31.101 it 00" OEM =MI 'B9 89 89 89 89 . 89 89 89 I 1 ' B9 89 MARKET STREET, 89 643 TO s 9 I = l. C 1 033 33 P ES, Is 9 89 Market Simi, =l3 1:BO0TS, SHOES, U. 89 ruz oarzzl i tr AND zrzr CITY 59 NO AUCTION 1100M6 S 9 JAS. .110814 89 Market St. 89. 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 ITHE SUPEIIIOII MERITS !of the WHESLIGH t WILION.BZWII3 imsctunr. oyer all Oben, for Anal, use and general purposes, are so writ sa lmi:11181nd and so generatty admitted:that (an enumeraten of their relative owed- Ilene(Leis no longer considered antes.. ;U. Tear are simple. darable and (11f.d. . . wurcas AUENCIY. No. 27 NINTH MIN= LOUGHBEY & KANIMACTLMW ddles, .Harssess,' 'Trunks, sad all ankles In their use =tiny klp% • .In ant-clan catatiliameats. No. 192 Wood Steeet, tbetweeliDLusond A.Ury and TIZIA dt..l E=TII MEL CLUE & Practical Ymmitare Maulketious COL !EMI ANN WAYNE ATP wan .tyla or ruparroing eosisessirs JOSEPH MEYER & SOB, arcrilmcriwEri t ac t , 13 SMIS.47IILD MUST, MI 414 PERM sT2Zlfft. arce:wlz RIGA • OF suarzig.--zonar A• 11 EtoViTt a_ CO ._llO da rize. oPeorlte the nertolnee keep ani ma y? auto peamotly to oder, • varlet) of elegant Minds—vire was end onwards. Ile ie= W Ladner bbsde penebd t , 1d16 Coland un Clod., Bud. d. !tags. (Moe mane, B,lnd .4 nature Os nand TinoWs. Alba at the • acne store. on band or inhale to order. s, ensnoel . or Vildte ark 4 MIX MrtS. Ostlers 2e., tor .e.uslwarss mu, . "... . . t» ,,,, CHAS. s. IMILLE;S, LITHOGILUIDIR, ma.. 60 FOURTH R. Apollo 8u111213v. , ettEars MAIM, NeiTa, SILL as 4 Tat , ae.. dans in u 1 ,swam T. 11. *LAcify _ • Three agora4orrs Darithheld Meet; . • • • rmszineas, PA . - Avert Ilea * Mork eine oh Ste Chariest sets see mast reasonable term. Parllselsrarrearkee Jr. 1111.11, • - fait." CHEAPEST 'PLACID - IN 12111 CITY U. timy the TRIUMPH CORKIN , lari.% • 4 at Po. 1441 [MAIM STILICKr.