DRY GOODS, TRIIIIMINGS. INVISIBLE EMPIiESS TRILL SKIRTS =I Siring, 1867, J. w, BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR &KIR TS, • The baltdiiomest and n,or va A njgr i t4t N ae —" 7.l t N r* Y...". e l Iso " t E h .A., L .1 Ise s . ! TAR . j u li t A .T ll o .l, rum% , n.us. 4.!.aLu. IiTYLE3. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. AT IirHtiLASALE by all the leAllria Notloo and Pry Goods Houses In Pittsburgh. Alto. by Bole °where of Patent - awl X.Aclusita lisAufscs taken, WESTg, BRADLEY & CARY, Chaurers Street, taleablw2 EMI= CLOTUS AIItIILCASSIMEItES; Boys' Cassinteres; Gent's Villfihinteres; Black OW Colored Cloths; Grey Tweeds; Kentucky Jeans; Lihen Checks;' Cottorutdes. • A !Arse fiaßortment of NEW the new store of X. M. BITRCHFIFJ.D 7e. CO., ' No. B 7 111Xe‘xlmet rat., IfTTT DOE TO TUB SIGN Of TOE "BIG BOOT." :1•90 jillSl' OPENED, RIACBIJIM & VAIMISLE, .Yb. 19 Fifth Street, An elegant antortment of Sun Shades and Parasols, FEW BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS, 11611 E BOAT IND TRIIIIISG• =I THE BEBT KID GLOVES, 133ZICXMLTB. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS Colon of the t “88. 1 . 1 Kid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair, • We gloves ithorl Sh o ul d eure every pair of the rob, they rip o- tear putting on, they eon be exchauged fur south, pair. No. 18 301.1"Cla. EltrOct. myL • wiEw c.,(3c)m)s. DAILY ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. MICRO, GLIDE & CO. trim Ii la Soft Finish he - clads; • NAIIIIHN Plait', Striped and Barred; rilicieartea and Dotted Salm) fur 'firsts; RuflDugs arid FrilliaLm Jacatet and Raulhal Ira fine assortmeal;. teal hint, Salmis tad Thread Lacer, Handkerchiefs, lace, Lmhrd. lictititrhed S Plain; Fndieb Bibbops, all widths and eludes; Fail Lime Colored Yeiret Bibbnne, every shade; halt Friars, Trimming S Buttons. sexed style.% hie assortment of Ladies' Inalith and Denali 110liely tcd GIOTtS; FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES; SPLENDID ASSORMENT PARASOLS. Full Line Furnishing Goods, 31010t1YON'S STAR ILT!. At warranted. I.IOIII9ZTA D 110t/k . ANAL r 6, good makes R•Jobbtog trade sired faithfully at Emil= nrt`• 78 and SO Market Street. =MI NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS I JOSEPH HOME'S & 00'S. .• Having made a accent% addition to our already 7 large stock or. SPRING . GOODS, We 'arm prepared to o ff er Inducements, both In pilee and aasortment, in Imbrolderlak 11.d/en-bier% Worcs. Hosiery, Jingle Trimming and Irrlanes, Vele etries Dress Trimming., Colored and Velvet itlbbag., •• U °inure and Chiney Lace, Real Turca4 and Ponte Lac or e, - • }Mittens, all styles i and colei - Corsets. Uniting. Ilneales and Melts, rillt Opera Pans, Ladles', Misses' and liental tlrrtag Under Wear, Alex tedre Eld (Moves, invitr si u, in ble EM Muscl.. IT and Trail • tike •" • Dealer.. ♦ lame lia.ortment of Bents' Neck nee, Barb and Bows. Beependrrs. Bhkt FIOIIIII. •e. MorrisorObtßar Shirts,. ''PitrlMPATlgt4tOrdli Rot Flowers. ' Trimeißbbons, Bonnet Itibbons, Van utd Tan , y, nil widths. • • OUX WHOLUIALE BOOM, Up stairs, nil In foetal complete Intall Departments. , Deal an will audit to tbeir dvant•lM to girt .. tall. Priam as low asEastent Jobbers. 17 and 79 Plarket Street. 1867 - SPItING, 1867 OTT BIiMiNON & COMPANY, IMPORTERS 4N1.) JUDITLIII Or Dry Goods and Notions Offer their large and attractive •tuck of NEW GOODS AT EASTEIN- PRICES, • - - • vox" DENNY GOODS, WHITE INNIDT. DALAI` F.A_PRIN'id, OHISCIio TICKS. CLOTS:se, CASOIIf ERTA COITToNnots. JNANto BLKASDIED AND BLOWN OSIZETINIIS AND LiOdLENT, NI.OVKN; lc,. do. Boyers are Invlte4 to call sod o goods sod triers. AL 110. 115 Wood Street. AnnuTuNor, ElLonioN ar. co W. T. SLIANROS J. CiaIIaILIIIIMM DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AT REDUCED PRICES Rain Umbrellas ; Idorrlson'a "Star" Shirts; = Galloon Trimmings ; Jet Trop Trimming Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs; Alex.,ndre's Kid G'.ov©s ; • Velvet Ribbons, rich colors ; Guipure Lads and Edgings ; Infants' Caps ; Via]tniing Satins, all colors; , V. 11. IEA.'rIOiNPS, 17 Fifth Street, OECD DENNISON Zs. No, 27 Fifth Street, Are constantly rccelYtrig Bead end Bugle Drees Telninllngi; Embroideries., 11.1ery;--Gloved Ribbons laud Flow en; Hoop Skirt• end Comte{ Parasols and Man Umbrellas; DlorrboonNs •titom Shlrt•i" Linen and Paper Collars; Suspenders and Seek Tlea Notion., Lt.c.. &c mT33.1 RIcC4NDLESN K CO., •-• scat, Wilson, Carr a Co., - WIIULESALE DEALERS 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Yo. 01 WOOD STREET, Tbled hou.e Above Diamond bay, I ETT.4l3Ultei H. PA. CANDIDATES. FOB! COtiNTIf TREASORER 1_ COL. JAMES A. CRAY, Of Ranare lownstOp, will be • 0.11111d•to for ConntrTrtunter..unlect to_the donis lon of the Union Iteputlieln Convention. FOR ASSEMBLY WILLIAM B. ROSS, Or Allvghetiv City, will be candidate foe A. semblr. solcant to the declatoh of the lir putdiv can County Convention. • •pIfIIO FOR,COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOSEPH B. M'OONALD, Of the Second W. 1. Allegheny City, subgeet, to the oieleloe Of the MelononlY Convention. nol zglna FOR COUNTY TREASURER. WILLIAM M'CLEAN, Of l'ttt township. (formerly North Fayette. will he a candidate tor County Frei/sorer. sublect to the decision of the tirtion Republican County. Convention. . aolu:o6 FOR PROTHONOTARY. D. C. HULTI Win be I eandldote for the °lice of PHOTIIIIii• MARY. subject to the decision of the Union Broublloori Convention. opt FOR PROTRONOTARY IiCOk3H.WALTER, WM be. Candidate forme ottee of PROTHON OTARY, euteeet to !the decision of the Union Republican Convention. mh[S.tIN:ASwT FOR COCINTT.,TREASUR.Ekt, MAJ. L t. DENNISTON, (Formerly of Friend•e Rule Guards) will tro Candidate for COUNTY TWALSUiI RR, enbiect tb thaiieeialina of tne Union Republican Conven- Con. ACC TION SALES TIESIILIBLE CITY MANSION. 2S CLIFF °ROUNDS AN 11 LIEAUIIFUL VI F.W.-1.; TULtifIAY EVENINts May Vit. .t d o'clurk, wilt be sold. oil sec , ..l floor of C 0... eta' Salta Itnotna, ounthlield street: the elegant and desirable m•nstun. 7.4 um Street. a tau stork' Brick Double Moose, with all modern Improvements, having double parlor, diblo X room ad am trot door, 'mt house nod store room back: four large chamber, bath ro and 'loon room on the greedd floor. sad good 'try eviler: marble mantles In parwm gas, and hot x cold •ter tboughoutt Improved patent rane lu kitchen: the whole house In excellent con:II/Ion. Ornamental gt'euods front, commanding a tine elm, 'I he lot Is troutt/ g M feet on CHU street aadl47rtet In depth. An additional M fret front tithe same depth, thud with staple and ca flare house thereon, would also be sold to Purehmter . of the hcuse and Int. It desired, at re:Leo:Able tu °pon sit u ationhe unelle sale. This le nsuroassed to Its advantages of' ye re air. ehgan t Improvements and maul] 6. cent clews. reb.t.C6hioEl (elven Immedlste!y. Tho witbiog arc invited to examine the prom. hes. Timms, one-half Cash; balance to can' payment.. myls A. .IIcILWAINE. Auctioneer. WIVE IEAnS CREDIT' SALE.— = Ilirand Auction loin of 100 BEAUTIFUL BIALI/11Sli Liar, In the eery centre of the Borough or nharnabura, rws the new Western Pennsylvania Itstlrowl andAllegnany river. two miles above the clty, on Mt/WHAT MORNING. very 011th at o'clock, on the tract,prenths Clint very central sod Wcll known orcharn eart I the Judy property, In the centre of nharnss beet. ban at last been sote ll elded Intnbulldlna lots of suitable size, to be re'ld as at/wt/Si-without reserve, to the highest bidder, on . Zee years credit, Illefo:lowar , . One-tiaird• pty.ble on delivery of dead. baianee in Ave tonal uayments, With interest, eteured by bond sod mortgage. dn cash, as a part of colt payment, to R ue paid on can lot when Taro tree EzentaionTraias, of ten cars each, will leave the Depots of bolo the Western Penn eylvania Railroad; Federal street, Allegheny, and the Allegheny Valley Railroad, corner of Pike and Canal streets, Pittsburgh, at the tame hour, I o'clock a.: m. nrectaely, on the day of sale and convey grown Derfisua (Lad's. and lieulleup n. I to anti from the sale Dee of charge. Plots to be 14.1 at) the Auction Rooms, No. VD Smithfield street. , ms lb ' A. IIcILWAINE, ;feet., MARS HOPPER & CO., • Etlaccesaors to B. B. Bp IGEB, gent,) MANUA A.CTIJIMIS UP FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE, No. 45 Smithfield Street, prristiviiuu. WA fall awn:talent of Pittsburgh hire Manufac- UAW! rit tured Furonre conatantly on hand at LOW.Is..IT tcr.s. U.J. MUDS...WIC C.,2071 . /....C. A. mb=nl. TAPER ILLNGINGB, "(11" all Grady.. it ROM 'STAMPED jto a, nil VELVET, TV TICE UEAPEST' ARTICLE ETOIVI I TO 1118 ?Pal At . N 0.107 Illarkt3t Street. JOSS. R. BOWIES, 8' BRO nO5 Li IL MILLER. Bazaar. Livery z_z• an d dALE PHA 0 ' , Ht. AI.,P durrdeblng Undtrtaker. kinds Pf Collins. de at thn lowest rates, kept con.tantly 1.0 band. C ItPON Bp-mLEi XT n . et xiiomOrrnbyanalrt a'naee trend •le• ror Hearses and •rristrrs ninars ...11... for HunerrPa. Horsey I..pt at Livery Vgg:"fTV:t«i r,...a , __ , L..„61f.t bursas and rerrt t ata C!r -.J1f,•„,,1!- k"' open a 0 b"r"n‘l;Wl 1/16 taLOI4IIOIIS, tuhf Y 1867. • tuuutH ioLl o imfrag:gut.pprn, rrutoolurt. bun. carucade, Al.g. 11 "" UM , . Fontain, &c. Jill Y. IC.INNZT, Zuelneullarm6< , See Inter a 4 Teull.ments. bills and Pro ----- • myl,l LADEEN, nrsv, the lalurion3 ell. el. of rare Wasliva All soca te5a..11... Of the skin. awl la a abort Plesion. vrauli hone • Iresl. :pp•:AlS1CO: a , V la-1011M iIASISAYASULLA. >~,~ ; tillitiburoltOagtffc FRIDAY, MAY 17, IBM THE COURTS. rolled - Slates Ortizlt (Mart ISclore Con, Wilson McCandless. Tim MHO - Wing =WS wero alepoted or yes. terday morning: • • • IS llllam J. Florence no. Joseph U. Sefton and J. It. Gardner. This was an action to recover [or an alleged Infringement or a copyright. 'The jury round w verdict [or the plaintiff in the sum of aZoo, the penalty preecribell by law. James Ilradley vs. It. S. Hunt and Caro lino !thine, administrators of A., S. !thine. Verdict for plaintiff for $11:236.3.1. 0, 11. Souther vs. city of Pittsburgh. Ver.: (licit for the plaintiff for !luxe N. Pennock S. Woods and Wright. sl,lee fur Plaintiff. o.li. Evans ye. Cleveland and Pittsburgh railroad. Verdict for plaintiff for sl.a2 04. Voile.] titotelt D 1111 l et Court. Before lion. Wilson 31cCandleas. Court opened' esterday at 10 o'c lock. The last case on the list, that of Robert Black, Indicted for passing and having in possession, with Intent to pass, counterfeit Treasury notes, was brought before the court Upon an application for continuance made by his counsel, Thos. 51. Idarshall,Ehn. The affidavit set forth that three material Witheqses for the defence were absent and could not be had at the present term, and that it WWI necessary to have their testlmo. nv. The application seas granted, and the ease went ever until the August tern, The defendant was required to give bonds in the MOO Of /lime for his appearance, the nail having been Increased from 61.0,000, on mo. Lion of the District Attorney. 1111 l et Court Before lion. Moles Hampton J. birosvenor Davis vs. John b. SUCall. Before reported. The jury found that de fendant had unstained damages to the amount of two hundred dollar., subject to . the opinion of the Court on questions of law reserved. This was an action on a judg ment note. given In part payment for two lots of ground In Last Liberty. Tho do. fence was that the pladatter, in selling the lots, agreed to open certain streets, by a bleb the lots would have been rendered much more valuable. but failed to do so, and by this failure, damaged the property. Several other nulls, Involving to same points, are pending. Pittsburgh, Farmers' and Mechanics', Turnpike Company vs. Oakland Passenger' hallway Company. Action to rOCOVC2.OI3IO seven hundred dollars, for work done on the turnpike, under an article of agree ment with the railway company. On trial at adjournment, Common Pleas Court. liefare lion. Edwin /I_ Stowe. P. Y. Hite vs. Western Pennsylvania Rail road Company. This case was taken up on Monday, concluded on Wednesday, and Ye.- terday morning the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for 4573,00 for damages. The action was an appeal from the award of a board of viewers appointed to determine as to the damages sustained to Mandiff by the appropriation by the railroad company of roadway on his premises In Ea+t Deer township. The view. era awarded .1,500, which plaintiff' contend ed wee inadequate damai.;es, claiming ale,- 10). The jury It will be observed awarded it little more than one-third of the amount der.' gnekted by the Viewers. S. A. l'urvlanee and D. W. Bell allocated for the plamtler, and J. If. Hampton and Robert Woods for the defendant. Davis and Jane•E. Davis his Wife M. A. Arnholt, M. D. Action for dam. (gas for alleged malpractice. Defendant Ls !ngaged In the practice of medicine and mrgery In Birmingham, and It was averred hat ho was called to attend professionally hire. Davis, who sustained an injury to her ankle by a fall; that fie took charge of her sees and undertook Uzi cure her, having re heived a lee, but that be was negligent and unskillful to his treatment, tills hindering and delaying her recover:, by which she sustained great! damage: that It became licceessry to call In another surgeon. The jury found for \ the plaintiffs the cam of . Joseph and Nathaniel Stern, partners, vs. .1. S. Saint, W. S. Leans, D. S. Gilmore, S. R. Coulson, Jam. S. King, E. J. Saint and J. 11. Porter, ..pa - ners of the steamboat 'trilda," ACLIOn to recover for freight, eight barrels of 'whiskey, hat .571st In charge of defendants, having been shipped at the city and consigned to Franklin. On trial at adjournment. • reldesr• Trial List. COVNON TLCAS. 10. Henry Olirlen ce _Alexander Bates. 16. Levi Edmondson vs. lierekinh Heath. , 19. Josiah Hameln on. Thos. McCaffrey. , 21. Martin Busehert vs: Adorn lloaman, ' :1. C. W. Lord vs. Florence a Co. 23. James Whitlow os James Crawford. 24. W. U. Lourimoro et al ys. Thomas Wag. Z. (J. W. Evane vs. T. r 0... kt. Co. 27. Wendel a Gears. no Werner et. az. 2.5. John Meliee ve. John Collins. 010011107 COCKY. 138.9. J. CI - Ist ve. P. Ft. W. d C. lt. 11. CO. 11'111. S.Sproul vs. Joseph totkey. 0. Catharine Coyle 0 - s. 1.0010 SeigriaL 10. J. H. Cassiday for lase vs. John Linder ux. 12. West. Va. Hospital vs. Ally. Co. Home. 11. 'Wm. Ili...penuide vs J. O. Brown. 21. /I , Cinhis A CO. vs. G.:ono bibm. 23. J. V. Wilson vs. Hopkins A Madigan. How Murderer• Escape Justice Foolish,. wicked, la the man who Ito bues hit blinds to the blood of a fellow ins. The sacred command, "thou shalt not kill," cannot, with Impunity, be set at defl• since; neither can its violation be hidden In the darkness of ordinary sin. The murder er's feet ore Shackled; hie arms bound by hie own conscience. After his crime, the world loses its brilliancy, and in the face of every man he beholds a foe; one who follows his footsteps to bring him to justice. Provi dence throws about him meshes through which It is impossible to escape. Ile Is his own persistent accuser. Hu fce!s that God's nand has stamped the mark of Cain upon his brow and that the world is not slow to recognise it. Let ns see how far the murderer has escaped, In this neigh !mt..% even In our own recollection and that of younger renders. Hugh Corrigan butchered ills wife in mild blood, in Westmoreland couhly, end to hide from the prying eye of the world his guilt, he burned her body In a Tire kindled for the purpose, till naught but a handful of char red ashes told of his deed. The very flame. which ho thought covered and concealed his guilt, while taunting heaven In the con. summation of tile murderer's plot, spoke his guilt from theiriongues and led to the in. vestigation which secured his cOnviction. Bellied at his condemnation, the wretch des. troyed the life due 7netleO committing sal. Mile is the Greensburg lull. David Idekilm murdered the *filleted young Dr. Norcross, near Alumna, Blair county, to possess himself of a. few hundred dollars. Looking neon him as a friend, and appreciating hie kindness as a nurse, the confiding victim had reasons to trust hie murderer ' and solicited hie company in Journeyins tram Dubuque, Raven lowa, t home of his perents at New ,Con necticut, whither ho was returning in the bullet that his end was nigh, hie sojourn In the western country fulling, as Was expect ed, to check his diseases !rem the cars at Altoona station, In the night time, the deli cate young man was enticed to a lonely mountain glen, a place fit for each a deed. stricken to the earth with a club, his throat cut, lett for dead, and the laxly so disposed on the railroad track that it was likely to he crushed toe shapeless mass by the first train, the murderer thus hoping to ward off suspicion as to the true cause of death. The victim revived, the wintry blast congealing the ebbing life-blood, and was discovered in the morning dawn by train hands, dragging himself through the snow. Although speechless, and Insensi bility soon returned, his wounds told plain ly of the cruel deed. A letter written by the murderer to his friend, Michael Balmer, planning an alibi, omnpleted the last link in a remarkable chain Of circumstantial evi dence, and although fiercely and profanely asseverating his innocence, the guilty wretch /Int:resod a deserved death. David Evans, of Allegheny, cruelly butch ered his wife and set flre to Mir clothing, hoping that the flames would consume the mangled corpse. Ills anxiety to fasten the guilttnN upon n co an isosecos ufficle n n t t asman 'nd ths ;rest adduced at his trial to senora his conviction, and he wen executed. A written confession has never, aeon the light. Christian Jacoby, an emigrant from Ger many, arrived In FAUN:Imb with hie wife, enticed her to the solitary neigliborhOod Cork's Bun murdered her whiled on her knees she plead for her life, and casting her body into the Mose brnehwOod, left with bin servant paramour for the far West, with his secret shared only by hie God and himself. Days passed. the body was discos. "tired, and the murderer arrested. Circtim , stances fastened the crime upon him and he expiated the herr ible deed with Instant en , comity jail yard at the same au ., upon the name scaffold with Evans. Henry Fife and Charlotte Jones In cold Moral murdered himilaeters and his sister 'in their lonely but on the Monongahela river. near McKeesport, fora paltry sum of money. The appearance of CharlotteJoncel on the day of the murder attracted suspic ion. She was arrested, centesimal, With her companion In gent wee executed and Di the countyj ail yard. Monroe :Stewart, implies , I toil with them, and also convicted, was re prieved, but die In hospital, choking to death from small d' rox. Yrecke and, Marshall 'enticed a German emigrant, who had neither friends nor a kilo telt:dna of the country, from Now York to Pdtsiturch, and foully murdered him on lloyiPs murder wits wrapped in deep mystery till Marshall wall arrested for burglary and a search w errant led to the discovery of Meaty clothing in his house. To relieve Ills troulded conscieriCe he Made a full confessine of his orlme, and, with Yreeke. died a felon's death in the jail yard third double execution In Allegheny testy. I u elleeeeNeeti. {lancer and Denser beat out the braise of two helpless frniale , • tor the purpose of ob taining their carefully hassled earning., and for a long while escaped detection. A convict In oer penitentiary hall heard them peel the Murder; was pardoned out, and was the instrument in the bands Sr Provi dence to secure their arrest, conviction and execution 10 Ceteetitt 04.eeity. tititidet, the Lucretia Borgia of the nineteenth century, cunningly plied bee 10'00010e or teenier epee her innocent. vie tile, Sirs. caruthere till death elleeed, was nt suspected bet eteteeite uee, to o the murdered widuan ,11109t1011. ed. The dead body was minion., the pro ne:No ci alwyonw, Accti. Alll of P "' l e / 4 . 1 . 1 , 4 i COLII• 01 I TAG S , OLD 5 E. 11.10.21}.7 nuolated evidence oho was convicted, and with a full oonfoolon on her lips. she rapt sited her terrible crime on the scaflold. Der's i is last in the list of executions In .our' county, Richard Thafr*ell *as circumstantially oOnvicted of the murder of houseman, to gratify his carnal passions for his victim's Wife, and died an Ignominious death In garotte county in atonement,' /he youthful Robert Ftigier. _whose ige o minions death we recerdedS'enrdaY. an detected in his crime by a trifling circuit stance. In Ids night from the hone° of Dieu:nom, he knocked the heel elect: from his left boot, which wan afterwards fdiind, traced to tee proper ownership, and Made the link In a strong 'chain of evidence against him. 1 righteeed, he made a full confession, and perish.' on the scaffold in atonement for his crime. ' Thus It will be seen that toe murderer seldom escapes the penalty of Justice. lie may be keen and canning to plot, wlse enough to successfully exeoute, but in his strength themurderer begets weakness to conceal and is detected. Surety of the Pesee.—Adam Hoffman appeared before Alderman Donaldson, yes tensely, and =tile Information against Mar tin Bustle for threatening violence. Ho al leges that linsha made an attack upon hint. striking him in the bend with a revoiver and afterwards threatened bodily injury to him. The accused was arrested and com mitted to Jail. but afterwards released on glving.ball for his appearance to answer the charge at Court. Working of the Pollee Teleirreph.-c Might before last Chief Engineer John 11. Rare was pasting "up Penn street and oh serTed a man.lvlng drum, - at the corner of Penn street and Cecil alley. Ile sounded twenty-two, which means, send pollee here, (rola box air, and in four minutes a police. an from the Mayor's oitice was On the spot. This was the first varktrig of the telegraph and snows rather speedy movements. arAdditional Local Matters on First Page. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW GOOlOl4l SMALL PROFITS! Never before was there Such a good time to get BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, AT W. 8. - CLAPP & CO.'S, As they hare but one net cub prime for all, what/ter they are Jodge. of goods or not. No StCOnd price Is ever SWIM anyman. woman or child. btrangers desiring to buy sheep attould not allow ant thing to pre•ent then calling, If for nothing Inure Man to get writ posted on low prices. Prompt curt buyers are ncited l a + a liZarrerl;' Zt h a e t t tl ' 'lie great "r"f Noss 26 and 28 Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. Wholesale and Retail. isplP[tde LEA & PEARINS, WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE EXIMACT 1.1:1,.n from • !YMCA!. G.S.Si• at 31ADA 10 to his Brother WURCESITEB., , Y. ISSIA •Tell , I.E A t E It BINS that elr tlAtil'F. Is shly nnemml 11, 50,115,1 n nAY Imo, the moot [liable as well as mon sr lode c nA cis that 1:11.15133. Is [ ro nano ., The success of thls most delicious rind univall. dtl condiment boring sound AunT unPriuutpled ealers to apply the name to 5...1001, Cot- FOUNDS, the PUBLII:le Itit4PECT/CLLY and :An iLY frOtleated to sce that tor name of LEA & tR ER re IN& a upon no NBA 'VEIL LABEL, .y . til.rElt and INI 1T LE. rtIONGUNC[D lIT CONNOISSEURS TO LE TIM 'ONLY GOOD SAUCE . and applicable to lecklLT74.l.l[ll:7l* IZ=l===! JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, YEW YORK. AGIENTS FOIL THE S .111:Minrir NEW WALL PAPER AND UPHOLSTERY STORE, .TIINT OPENED. AT NO. 36 SMITEFIVIi)'..ST DILLOW • T gaecommodate lte Increased trade. yr )1•e I• branch of onr business. al. NO. :If t'HISIILLO WTI:MET. wllO an er', mi n • stock or WALL P.PER., WINDOW SHADES. CDR rAN (DIODE, LUDE and ,TABLE U Al lED I MATTI/ABNE E Y and DIDION O or All kItt:MM=I:MMMWa tifif&OftimififfMNflft/MITITAI E. EDMONDSON & CO, mb3) Pittsburgh Importing Rouse ESTABLISHED 1536. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, /lIPORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS No. 409 Penn Street, PITTSBURGH, Would direct the attention of the public to Inc fact that. poesesstng tone:tor faciiittes through several large wine and M ations direct. they oor houses to T and making thyir import are enablad to atter the various grades of choice Wines sod Liquors at prin.ea fral. than Waal , . rates. Examination of wattles and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A choice astortment of Plitit OLD EVE. WifIrSEY constantly on hand. 1 arantartg 2. t 11011111F0.1....D. t!WY118 MORRISON, BIKE. & CO, IlAnolacturer. of all klod of BOOR AND PRINT PAPER Orders promptly tilled Add...., !WANG'S MILLS, • Lller ooustly, roma ltirEllghent cash orlee psld for rrri• QUANTITY Ili. QUALITY. km..ow EXha,Ttl•he ars Th doss le sma . ll. those T who desire a large evantl Mr and large doses TULL apla:awg IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., No. 3 St. Clair" Street. j , Baying pnrctmed of A NDREW BEGO•fbe V. 17,, c:rlt.of.l l 6`,VlY:a, C iTt l e . genifLl'grg to keep on bend n Arstelass • ock of • HARDWARE. CUTLERY. • Clans, Rifles Bevoivers, Pistols, 1 islUng Tackle and sportlng g04:43 of every variety. ley are also prepared to do all kind of JOB WORN: lirlndlog itasors, licisson, Pe., (Patting Btenells and ktampe, and ankle', Peal and Cancelling Btamps, at eloortest notice. W. 11. MOWN, Manager. foIM:1•21 IMPORTANT TO MOUS EREEP YU./ ANWOVIKILI. D 73111217 013-CliClaZlB. rionststiniC et randy Toilet het.. Basins end Metiers. Bird Cages. water Cooler*. Hertiver stors, Ice Chests. Ice cream ',earn, meat Step Ladders, Monitor Washing and Wringing 'Barbaro Bon Tan Correa t'a' t , Bloat Tin sod Britannia Tea mid Coffee - Cots, Pccket and Table Cutler,. Tray.nd Walters, Culprit, and lionatalieplng Beads In general, at 11,011723,T5.* SHERRATT'S • WHOLESALE 11,i Copper sad gheot Iroa Ware Waeafactory, AO- 111 SiIITH/lELD ST., rirrsituuon. • 4c1.1 sue. - ttottfilyen to the mturitctlactag el ,ere e• and Spice Cant...ere a , etc. ch14:066 EitiOlt OA R TANNED,PAT &NT ISTALIVIOLLED AJID 8.1117 , TXD LEATHER BELTING AND ROSE, Niiiect.etan;d at No. 5N 011711171.1111) Ist.. by lIARTLEY. , .PHFJAPS & CO. AlsO, Assets for New York Bobber 00. Gruni 13elting. L it'ArgiVINITINtIV'AV•VIIV L (.IIP, RIVITS awl HUM. lIILLT OWS/S:atx. OU.So W ETTACH MEM ON, MonorsattZoro of e•ery deoctlotton o Lowther X140.111.104', Dealers In Birth sod LACE LE/Cilf£l7.. . . no, 204 B.IIITIIIITELD PIT., PlttiniUrtb. P 12213 g`l GE . IN lIINOLY ar. MILLY CLEIS mu, CI R. • Memnon to Um. ISchachmitt •CO PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, Mit ONLY tIT6AM LITIONINAPNIO EdiTAII• 14OIMKNT lOST Or TOY MUUN'PAIS 1. 'l.'s.. Cards. butts.: Hcads, Bond,, Labs,ls. Circulars, Sihow Cards, Diplomas, l'ortraOa, vie.. Cerolleasss Iluposits, Layltatlarl Coff.a aOS. VI SO 16 T 1,114 .t., Turn rdsAo. 'N SPECIAL NOTICES. W - HELAIBOLDI Colleen:rated Fluid Extract sar*apartua Ersdtcatts ERUPTIVE tad ULCERATIVE DISSAAES of the TLIROLT. ETU'. =E=!=l Which ro diseture the appearance, PURGING the tell effects of cnercnry and removing all taints, the resit - AID of DLSEASYS, hereditary or other's HA and Is taken by ADULTS and CHILDREN with perfect safety. TWO TABLIE•sIia/UNEULB of the Eztract of Samar:sr' IA widest to a pint or water, la equal to the Llsbon Lllet Drink, Ir d caw bottle is ecoal tow gallon of the Syrup of sarsaparilla, or Int deextions as usually made. • • • • . AN I NTEKE.IrvaI LETTEE Is published In the Medi...Chimerical Modem.. on the subirot of the Extract of Sarsaparilla In certath affec tions, by /feu IRIII2 Tearer.. ir• II S., So. Ing of [hoe, dlseates, and Olseases arislnefrom tn....srons of n mean. tie states r'inl f , rrnc wt.! tot:, /:.aratl Sarsak , rilia, , ts is RAlnsordiunry.,nore , o) Man noy 4,rhrr frog I acyrielint.4 ;rift, in Po Atrictext •litre: o tusio watt U.S irtratr m lahlr artri'ts. M • ut ie appla..t."ll , to .1 mate ryith<*o.d. n, ',l et arrann le as rrnaers alor ',Oaf on.: / t/.a tonic class up/nun/obis or injurtoo.s. 11ELNUOLDIS CONCENTRATED EXTRLOT BAILBAPAHILLA Estabilallvd upwards or 1 r",,.,„1 by U. T. UELXIIULD, Druggist. no d Cheratal, NI Broadway. N. y. Srld by all Drarglala. NEW PEILIDIE FOIL THE ILLNIIKFMCIIIEF Nimbi Blooming Cirren..l Phnlon•n "INigh.l Blooming Cereno.‘ N:uhs Illsomiag tetras.? 13111321 Waimea fight Blooming Como.: Planlon's ..:Vight Blooming Cereus: A most eviulnlte. end Freprant Perhamt (rem the rare and beautiful Hower frog Lich it takes Ita num& Blanufortured only by PIIA1.0:1 & *ON, New York. BEWARE OF pt7NTERFEITS .AEM FOR .lALON'S-TAKE NI? OTISEPI arDII. LUDLUM'S SPECIFIC, The Great American Diuretic: Affords Immediate Ale and client. permanent IT l or au :piney and Private aaaaaa In e and teniale, In shorter time than any rex, edy ever dive ova red. Mice 61.01 per box. Sold by all loniarlthii• I=l I=LE2 == affA CAItD TO INVALIDS. I clergyman, wale residlng WS:oath America miesionary. discovered a safe and simple remedy fur the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Tarty 'teeny, 0150a:see of the Urinary and Seminal Organ., and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneiut and vicious habits., Great num ber. have been already cured by this noble rem edy. Prompted by a destre to !Anent the &Mkt en and unfortunate; I will eyed the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. In a senieit in any one who needs It. Tanta? Cumin. Cleve enclose a post-pald.ver.oPe &dd....1 to yourself. Address JOIIICPII T. 121111 As. .1.1.:d21 Sistine D. Bible 1i0n... N. 1. City. IgrW3l. BAILIMIILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS SKEET IRON WORKERS, 10., 20, 22, 21 and 20 Penn Bt. Having accrued a large yard and fersdabed It With the most aPPrond machinery, we are pre pared to man ufset ere every description of Bold en is the best main-, and . warranted equal to any made in the einintry. Chimneys, limech lag, lire .11.11. Steam Pipes. Locomotive Bolt ers. Condensers. bait l'aus, Tants. 0.1 Still., Agitators. Settling Pane, Boiler Leon, rl4Kea. Cut ar Cans. and sole manufacturer. of BAGN IIILL..n I'ATENT ItolLEitn _Ln:PAI/ 1 / 4 done on theehrtest notice. lettcsl 110[3LNSON, REA & CO" Ouccar on sn Itnamma. MIMI t MlLL:raj WASHINGTON WORSE, Founders and Slnehlrallts,Pittabarlith dlaonfacturars of Boat and BtatioaarT Mama Edelnea, Mist lasine., Mill Ilaclalbary, %eats mAaduag, Ca.lngs of all' ptlo0a; 011 Tanta and attLIA roltar (Mice: No. earner 11111 and dmltherld CA. EarAgouta for tilV /Allard PATENT IN- J ECTUIt for feedlnt boliera. 1511,12 !Of - LAKE SUTEIIIOII COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS. • PEIVISBEIVLA PARS, ItIcCITRDY & CO., blatinges toren of el:matt:tine. Itrazlers• and Bolt C pier, Pseased Verret Ilottdms, Raised 81111 Cotton.. Spelt, bolder. Also Importers and Dealers in Metals. Tin Plate, tinsel Iron, Wire, de. Constantly tin 'Dud Tin... Machines and Tools. WarclhoollieS No. 140 PIVOT OIItEEI and 120 hiliniN Ls bTREET. Pittsburgh. elpeetal orders of Capper eat to any desired pattern. ‘ ,....451 TUE GRAVEST MALADIES UP YoUTIS AND EADI.IPINT MAIN HOOD. —eils W Alt D AnSOCI I'ION EttbAlS. on the Physiology optic ',Worts, and the Errors. Abuse. and lilsesaes titieulltr to the test steel mart, with Deports on aesi ratthods of treatment employed In this Inatltn Uha, Cent In sealed letter seri:lopes. free of