The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 16, 1867, Image 1

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P1113141911E0 By
2Crco. Eta 'Wirth 116troOt.
B. r.i.x..tmtN, • Editnri.
g. •
f Bua Weis Mangle it.
.title 7 centA
lielleered by carrier, (Derereokl.--. 15 cent.
• Mall Subscriber., (tier Tear) 20 . 00 .
Lilian' reduction. to Newsboys and Agent..
Threo Cordes. her pear, 14 mall.—
ri re do. do. do. each.
Ted or more copies. to one Wm.. and
one frrt to etch. each
}'lnd a Dental Establlshment at '24 , 3 Penn
street. Dn. Slll
DirrAmnon, April 1, 1:1,7.—T0 the Prost
dent or the Central • Board of Education:—
bear Sir: - In compliance with the recent
uppletncnt to the School Law of thin State,
we, the :unileraignoil School Director, of
Yesnecttnlly renneilt that 500,
as President of the Central Board of Edu
cation, call n meeting of the School Diree
tors, of this city, for tho Immo. of deter
mining whether they will elect, a city Su
ilorincenoeut. .10050 11-680 NAN,
W 11.1.1101 Siscirr,
. ,
Davin Simi,
Amens, Sr Ethan,
JAC. 110110.
PlTTAnt,an.. Dlay 13. P417.—1n accordance
with the above request the members of the
amoral Ward Boards . ot -ficuool Directors
are hereby notified to meet In convention
In the Third and Tenth ward school build-
Ansa. en Monday, Mth inst., at 7!5 r.... to
l'ileterrniao whether ther. 'will elect a City
superintendent, tinder the act approved
IL April 4th,
if at said meeting It le determined to elect
a City Superintendent, the convention will
then tit the time and place for said election.
JADED R. Poirsn, President.
To lilfholemelo Iloyern
or Pry Goods we offer bargains in job lots
Or MIMS Goods., WV, Linen Goods, and
full insel. of Sbeetingo, Starting% Prints,
Ticking, Checks, Le., all of witleh WO will
sell at the very lowest eastern cash prices.
J. N. 11 .,0000 dt CO.
✓.i Market street, below Third S FOurthsts.
.Pare Drag.:
Pure "'mot!. Pura Drags!!! Pare Drugs!:!
at Kali It Draft's, Allegheny.
Ton Can BnY
POrolgn LICIIIOIII of .11 kinds •nt Josopll S.
Pinch's DlANloty, No, 189, 191, 193 and lib
You Coo Boy :
AS per cent. 41cnbol at Joiwoh S. FigalVe.
Ton Can BUY
w nOVEI of Joeurth P.
Hy Telegraph to me Fittsburah nssette.;
—The Board of Directors of the (Muhl.
nett, Hamilton and Dayton ItadroadCoui
ploy have been re.eleetatt by the stock•
holders, and the contract with the Cincin
' nat.( and Dayton and Eastern Railroads ratl
fled. • -
-Speaker Colfax is reported to have ex•
lire-sand the opinion bat there will be no
meeting of Congress in Jolt, and it is stated
the radical Congressmen note In Washing:
ton City have no idea that a quorum of
either brunch will be present at that tithe.
—The price to be pail by France for the
ram Ponderherg is said to be thretimillitem '
of doilara.
—I4IMo 19 rampant at Havana. Several
murders have occurred. An organized band
of assassins are imuilog. about: Forty or
fifty word captured. The numMial condi-
Hon of the city does not improve. Several
additional failures had occurred, and more
were expected.
—Tito National. Convention .of Railroad
car Springfield yesterday ,
and we,attended by reprgsentstivos of all
the leading railroads iu the country. Sev
eral new Inventions were extabilod. The
Convention adjourned to meet anvAltoona,
September Mb. when a national tedsocia
. Mon of car-makers will be Matlfsed•
—in the future postage upon all letters
'for whaiever de,tination, exchanged id
malls with groat Britain, will adv.ce by a
single rate for each half ounco or traction
thereof, the came as upsri domestic letters.
—The steamer ltol la, plying between .
riareburg and Port GI bone, sunk in T uzoe
river Tuesday night. proving a total loss,
together with her cargo. Sher was owned
by her commander, Capt. A. J. W heeler.
—The Cumberland Presbyterian Astons
lily convened at Meru phi, yesterday.
—The Michigan State Conetitutional Con
vention met at Lansing yesterday. IL Is
tmtnpaSed of If eVenlY-diS Republicans and
twenty-four Democrats, Comprising. many
of the best men In the State.
[lly Telegraph to the Flaehergh Gizette.
ML - r.DYItED.
Now Tone.. May 15.—Jarnes MeCatrry mm.
de red hla lelfe nt tit;boutie on T•dith AVen.lll3
niant. They had freq h o
religions subjects, and
ho had beaten
• •
• Joseph It. Phelps, an eminent lawys.r. died
, •
a it 00 - rlart d 7, TtliOSttnS.
Two brokers giving their names as Wm.
Faugh and lieu/owl, and said Win Cali
fornians, indulged in a shooting affray on
Broad street this morning, about a diamond
ring, and, It la uultiothed t . a woman• There
woe a large crowd anou at the time. F. J.
telegrapher, Wits wounded in the
collar . bone. Neither of te parties con
cerned were hurt. Faugh tens arrested and
committed, the Just!. refustog bail.
-1 Mon was not arrested.
• Itevenue Comm ',stoner David A. Wells
sells for Europe ou Saturday to investigate
the condition of manufacturing In England
atm glu und the English method of
. collecting revenue by clumps, the methrel
of supervising An. Ile bones to
return by September, and will maim a full
repot , to Comm , . it is understood tout
MenTS.Curnuld and Allison, of the Coln
inttlee on Ways and Means, will accompany
Mr. Wells.
The Te steamers Wasidugtoli und. Admiral
It. Is Porter cleared toa.lay for Chicago via
the Welland Canal. -
• ALLISCCIP rottoun ,soturnizn.
A YOung named Finite:a 11. EttSsell
at us urreated yeSterdsyl .1 terpoo. 01l
eharEfe of forgery, preferred by certain par
ries at thens,O hio. GOV. COI hud issued a
requlsi A toot for the arrest Of tho tel
• 110 was taken to Athens this Snell:MO.
1101t0F.CR nnUss.
Tito burdle race was aon by Blackbird: The three-quarter mho dash mom
won by Urbana; time. Aide and u. half
kWh was won hy Delaware: Lime, .1.47 - g.
ulliss•and Capt Mt. .. amo ran. •
rEeI.I,I:I:IAN DILLY , IATH roe Zer.o.4
11 pAppengers Of tile
Peraim which sailed today ', is Rev. tiothun
lel Wert. who :roes as deleinde from th
Alla School Pre I,yteriart Church of tin
United States to the ironer.' dr:muddle% •
I lie Scotch and Inish. rresbyle rlitu Gn
which will be seysion in Edinburg . an
Jteldast curly In June.
Contradictory Iteports-311ramon Not
Dead and Said to Dove Defeated
I lie Liberal* at Puebla—City 01
Neste° Still MRletzeiL sod alsy
‘lderetaro nod ll'ara Crux.
Telegraph to the Fil(taturge ttseette,
Like' loos, Stay 15.—T,P0 oteatner Cutout ,
bin, from Ilavana on the MI,, bus arrtved,
will! Veto Cruz dates to the 1311.
New's from imperial...purees report tho
defeat et the I.lherals, In the beelettlng of
Puebla, and Mlratuent p resale g them toward
aan Lula. atiramon is said 1101 to huVe beau
even "rounded.
Maximilian Is soot to have nrelent at the
CUT or Mexico with eight thousand men.
tin the T.tily of April battle was given to
Diaz, who was compltely deleattef,
tinyil his artillery and one Lunn retLan 11
prlsonera, who were Initnetbately 111.
oorpOrate.l in the Imperial ranks,
Joao .Alvarez in aim) sill to bite( with.
.Irateu . all has beets teem Diaz after the
The past:engem from Vern Cruz by the
panto atrumer any ail the above Is Pad ,
ear n
that M l was not killed. A
who lett the capitol Aprll 1311
reels sure that no one felt for Vern Cruz af.
te^ • thst date. Marquez bad ,071 10011 in
the city and was closely twaleg
e4 by Linz. wlth (Oath Marquez list
abantioned Tseuttuya and Chepeultepee
Beth 'the act...fuel.. Supplynor. stater
to the city had ts-en cut off
antl . no food entneluto It. There were, how
ever, aeviirar Artesian wells In the city.
which - auttply the Inhabitant.. with
water. Thla gentletnau spoke with errors
ler from Quereturoon the hsth, who eeturest
the plate Wane elowAy twhieged than ever.
The general optulon Lit Mexico .no that the
Capital would rosin hove to surrender. Gen.
Itorantle, 'lmperialist, had died In Vera
Croe. Mom wounds front tee besiegers,
There aro two Imperial inen•of-war at Vera
crtlz, both iren-chut hull( ettvulers.
. , -- fp+, 4 , ,...
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VOLUME LXXXII.---140. 115
The New Orleans Defalcation
The Reconstruction Injunction,
(By Telegraph to the Pi tt.burgh gazette.]
WisninoTex, May It, ISel.
Tax 710 W oatcAus nersteaviog.
Tho reported deficiency In the accounts
of the Assistant Treasurer of Now Or'Caul
is about ono million dollars, and the
parties Implicated have unconditionally I
turned over' all Limit . : private property tti
the Government. It is not untiCipated that
the Government will he loser to any comdd
erable extent. The government deposits
In the New Orleans National Punts are less
m itmouutthen the securities held by the
United . btates; therefore there will
he no j 0.14 :rota thee institutions.
The parties implicated In the dinlculties
hay . ° heretofore borne the highest character
for honesty and financial ability. It to sup
nosed that they iavolvcd theniselvesiti cot
ton operations. .Whon becretary of 010
Treasury received ti.o Information of the
pi obablo defulcatldn, Le, on last ,Triday
weekollsnatched a,..ccul...b.slouer to New or
leans to protect and Mite charge of t h e in
terests of the Govetai_eat. There was no
delay on his part in the premises.
The Russian Legation has communicated
the following to the Secretary of state:
til. Pclrrii n ry,May Ill.—The treaty Is rati
fied. ne4l,. earn, it back immediately,
[Signed I tionricuAkera.
There wan a short argument In the Su
premfiConrt on the pending bill on Recon
struction, In' which the recent action of
General Ord, - in taking poissession of the
Tfeatury of Arkansas, is Icon a• addi
tional ground for the Interference of-the
Court, as that officer bad threatened to
carry It out in Mississippi. Robert J.
Walker argued on these premises, and was
replied to by the Attorney General, who
maintained that the Motion to amend could
not by received, but that the supplement
ary bill should be presented and be oillcial
ly announcmi, and as an additional reason
against the action of counsel, Ito contended
that l.eneral Ott had never moue any such
threat as alleged.
Judgo Sharkey loft tho city for Mtssia
slppl several Buys ugo•
Turks Defeated by Cretans
Report, Contradicted from Prussia
By Tel..graph to the rtttaburgh liazette.
Imaiiimr,. May 15—Cerning.—Contlicting
B,COLII.Iti have been Met,: red here ea to the
result of the recent military operations On
the Island of Candia. Several eniiaitement.
hive taken place, an,: both the Cretans and
Turks daunt. sSUCC.,Ii. The latest abipatelt
receivirl from i'attieni aiierte that the Turk
ish amity, mule: - Omar Pact., bad been ac
tuated to a general battle.
suir waarran wan caul, urnrccen.
Intelliuenue In reerive , l that the barb
foyer, Captain ;lent, whieliwos at last re
port at riUiatnu , , February Nth, Wee W reck
wl lu the Chinni,: sou and all the crew who
had trouped trout the' shrp wreck, eleept
ono, yr.:re notrOered by th e native-.
Ltranrcatt, May 15.—A ve,snl na.4 been
elthrturel 11,ro ror .tht nurpass of. 1n Stub
a 'natant:inn V.l.:graph catno `between
Ida and the Island of CCM,
A ner oar OFFICIALLY nks
/lemma. May ,Eirning.—The 'report
ahlch bas been In erreulation I hat the
Prussian government has bought, or Is
seeking to buy. a ricer of American Iron
Owls, Is °racially rhcnled by the Prussian
naval authorities..
- -
Lonnon, :gay 15. Eceoung. Contolt
ntelvtly... l l;; .7, :VC, 71: ,;1111noie Coßtral,
Yuen grOh•r, . tiny I.s.— !:'truing. —Cl. l ted
Staten knout, 7 - I",t,'.
1., S boot.,
tiny Emning —Cntton
m 1 ,1.111111( upinutl,
Orleune, I amounted tp
11r,i.1,tutt , Nu:et. Corn doxltued .33; col,.
of united etottern at tl.pel ou.trter. Wtnott
unchanged. keel, pork mot 11/Cl,ll
4:41111,011. 1.16n1 tlcel:nekl ioi r Cuero.,
on Amerman, Gni. Itomlo, to o . ad ,
cum:edit , Is 41; line. uhcbuntred. ntatudar3
whit , . petroleum, lo
An ter enc,"..llay 15.—retroloton •
[I R, .1f .' j
. .
The Amendment o the Engllati Re
form mili—mlte• t
olot looney Prrirerd
I irgor In Spain —Dr iii t 11l +triathlon.
*garnet the queen—Sure Camel Pro
crews/rig. ,' _
Nl:w YORK, May 15 —TbO striamehip 'Java
arrived to-.lay from Liverpool on toe Ith,
rind Quesinstown on the hit. idle bring , .
:,01.0.0 ballet In iipuClO. ller news is mainly
OritIKIIR%I. 4 .
It 2 ppeurs the amendment to the .lieform
1 1111,earrIml mrainfit the Millsh govern
ment in the Ileum of Commons, iv Os for the
reduction of the [Wenn. i.I 'try period of rests
done. to Venom a voter from two yam , to
ono year. Mr. Bright made n ntarin liperell
111 Its InVOT.
It woo ft-Purimt that great agitation pre
vailed thremiltom Catalonia. 1 10%ttlettrans
In lera had been
IA made
n 4 to tile ,
1 IlarCelonix, 111 Troop.light
have Mien nastily dispatched Into the prov
ince of Farpaireut 01111 MU ',metal,. of
1 ...inersis, Where the armed hands wen.: Ft,-
1.1 It to he. The watchword of the' imur
gent . 1.. said to 110 v i t riol mid the Itemildni
Vorev..: 1 down with toe Queen; down with
Nat V e. ...C. •, .
Thri`euvr canal Is rapidly approatthing
completion and It to exPeeted it will b°
ready hm large ship% M thirty month.
The ritten ~ IRREner Floret, from Liver.
petit, bound to Alexandria, hgllit. is iiiiii-
Jimeiti to be lon, 0 1111 all on 1,00111, numb.,
Inis I is I rly•noveu;
Negottation% between the Miltish and
i Spanish governments. xelativeto the Torna
do cae, are %till preeeeding. Lord %Wiley
inshas Olt Itttti biter lino Of 110 . 111t.01.1
whom 1110 Spaniard s tiont a% a:prisoner. .
A Paris telegram steles the I:mop of 1110.
lons Is 100,4,000 u 00 the 000 lost.
Or ut tOO end or the 10 , 00
S”veu or eig.ol. canon or utooers. OreUrre,
In rark.
One of the l'enlin prlnoners esenp , Ul
th e r oute (rout Leto(lon to Lublin by jump
log Irons the trate.
. .
Western Fertile Railroad Company '
Cold oat wo the Central racill—ite
joielogi Over the Realign of thenand
claim Cone.
fßy Telegraph to the I'lltwburiti Rao t[e.]
Sae FrieNClecii, Mat . IS —it in rumored that
the Western Pacific Railroad Loin ininy lieve
sold their fraUciii,o privileges to the Ceti ,
tral l'oclllc. Wink will lie commenced Ini
nleillistely Knit the road pin in operation
from baccauieuto to nteekton In ninety
The decislonot the SuprhimiCourt agaloat
the liehero I ail claim mimes great re
joicing. Tile I.lel - .1 HMI a salute of two
hundred guns nil lighted liOldiror.
Maim The whi
half p a
Al at a lon 1,, 0 ir !l eaiiii g re•a net, tr on Hong. takes
Tile govern neut. olliners iielP , l a ills
[Slimy yeal. day fur defrauZding the
revue uo.J
Strain. Defrayed by Eire. Too',mph to the I%tr.nargh
May 15.—The Mentors Nato,
of the Florida lino ut packolet, was burnt
this morning by nu Incendiary. LOU ,
~►`~~{~Tl~~P I) O)
Robert FOgler, the Mur
derer of .Robert W..
Dinsmore, Hatiged.
Scenes and Incidents at the Scanhld
In Tuesday's paper wo furnished our read .
re with as full and aceuruto review of the
utter of Robert W. InnsmOre. of Wm),
In gton county, In December lust, by Robert
1 ogler and un unknown confederate In
crltuo. To-day wo prexent an itecouut of
the execution, together with a Mil conics.
stun of the now executed criminal.
ExeCutions for capital are neea have born
of nat., occurrence In Washington county.
In the uarly part of the pr„ ient century a
negro was hanged pnbllcly on what Is
known as Gallows Hill, Which towers over
the wiper Portion of Washington, for the
mtraer of ills muster, a Virginian, with
. .
a bum ho had traveled into that bounty.
About laA i /gaze Curl¢ war publicly harmed
on the Sallie hill for the murder of hie son
lc Is told by 0111 altizens that the ((Mandan.°
1111011 that aocazion was vary large, and that
the condemned man evinced remarkable
,bravado ou the gallowa Ile wao driven
from the Jail to too scene or the ...cotton,
Sitting upon his own coffin. 111 an Open curt.
alit calmly ntwapplos all the way. At the
kalimes hu racognized many obi erionds in
attendance and Waisted that they should
be curly favored with a al i cht of 1110 death, as
lin halt unziono that all should get helm( ha
rem dark. 'fly poranasiou his wislr to an
commOilato his friends Well .colnplled with.
au.l lie wic( ...conic of before tne appointed
. . .
, hour. These were the only executions up
till yeJtertlety in that county, and of course
'reegler , punishment created much ex.
Catninna. •
Was spout in earnest prayer up till four
o'clock in the morning, the religious often.
dents faithfully performing their rlli4loll
et love towards tine prisoner. Ile rested In
sleep 1 rom four o'ciock till six, land alter
pm - taking of a light breakfast,ronewed
his devotions in preparation (or the dread
ordeal through whim he had to pass.
At noon the prisoner partook of a very
light dinner, and seemed to reins:l/As nerve
and courage. die cheeirrilly conversed with
into attendants, and expressed librisell fully
prepared lee ton dread ordeal through widen
he was about to pass. Alter dinner he re
sumed prr with his rell glens attendants,
and in a clear, full rolee.Joinial la the chants
ink of hymns.
Rut few perinus won,' supplied with has.-
to 1.110 jcl yard to ' , alum.. tun
&cello, and alts law minutet pant on , trildta
the tionilnrona Iron 'gain WOO strung open
and sion.e. lorty or nits gentlurnoi
itted, afpoiatist whom were the rors and
reprtaendattves of the prewa, and physl-
All now helm.: in centimes., Sheriff Smith
entered the cell of the prhanter, white he
virus gaged In fervent religious devotion
wltli into nut the presence of the
°Meer of the law unuounced to the outer.
Ltll./.10 crimtuul that the , tithe fur the exe
cution was at band. lugler arose „trout Liao
low bellattladlll3ol3 .1,1011 Lel Vl,ll heated and
without any marked change upon Ills coun
tenance, assured the client!' that he we,e
reedy for the ordeal, Viet he was isPleits
torlill unwell, but death would cure 111rn.
Arcanglng her clightrig, and costing qulck
glances oat of 1,10 cell window, and araeit
ulcerous , little apartet, he OttlKl2,l
wantle to hid good bye m to n the scenoboist
and raging up toll of parchment 00
%111, In RNA written ills confession, stoat e,l
riselloreol for departure. The prl.mur
irAi firm and cairn. IA141,0[1(14.1, 111 ligNi'M
mercy seentral togivo blot fresh into no Inc.
lull 011 cell fur Ulu
I.l , arlng hl ennfe-ynon in Ida loft ha
iynldly and ery,,, Ith a lit
eon,n trawl. .Y ctn.:rand from the hail
Into the yard
il aco
omilanlytyl :yheryff,tnit
and foowy..l tbn Seli IS rell.o.
Rove, Watlon. and II err. TI
pri.ver ratand hts eyl.4 and obtained
Vita W
of ton acalfold, but yltyownyl no eh,tt
of en . at •Ight of Lou barhafty
In•nryonont olr tOrture npda an,
r:11 w
u`rollt. to...Wien hit We vodlin . atiou.
on:rat:y.l i.ll,
.11,;t1111,4 p we the prironer t 0..:
onltt In life, up the et •p+ or 111.• rocial
, , , p“•ccdeot lrp Lila CUP) it! and follow.,
Ity :m clurirylman. tier, kit, Liver advance,
to 'Me front of the etAchim tirld rtrrorrtirt
fl prid.ent to kittet ilown and triter tc,tk
elm to tile Tnronc of•lrratle Swayer for th
n all Itoalnod foralvencea of th
0,, , 01er. Every person 1.4,11.0 am On th
In 'Way ground anti earneAllf, responded
o beautiful and fervent appeal to the .1
.Igoty for the , pardon anti orgrrene.s
the ittrrr criminal who would SO Shortly .
;Inhered Into eternity.
r•trriatt et aara.
At the cite. of prayer the faithful rani
itet• littelolanto artute and atTectlOnittely
Lod trPb prkoner tail.. Inartug farewell
neethetl Act feet deeply palsied In th
iturting. a i•lisolu of 'anguluti 'toe
Lt. countenance. Ito, W. It. Witt ltue in a
Inthrenntvn manner tint ptuttuunce , l lb
.nedletion, aud. Ltiu Clergymen retired,.
0. the neaffold eternity
eon tn. Irelng len n g •
from earth to eternity we bad Our Ore view
fl,: torled Fogler. He veal v e t youth•
tat ing an.l yet of fully developed pro
ortion-. well put trrgether and museelar.
Ile boll 0 roll., rum :11(10 , 1 looking 11,401 - I
which tailed to interenn any with the
lea that Ito WI, a hardened culprit. In- I
deed MII , / 111 001 1.3V0 the opportunity I
of nerrlng Minn previous to his march to 1
lenth, trilttook 'oho for a clergyman 'and I
welted tor tile titur.lerer. Ile wan attired In a •
fell lire.. black writ, presenting neat and
keno-nem: eppertrance. We moral courage
In teeing droll. wat wonderful. He 'wan
meek, humble I le anoll, and yet fearl..n.
to ave and bold. I died. berieving
te ,justiee, and retying upon lite met ,
try for forgiven... , We lIMVO never ener,
apparently, se melt} a death as Foglern; it
ne ereed that heral aer lens toClovo the
dark vor.ane of life oft oarth to bleak the
stator lite In eternity.
Jing stepped epprel forwerd upon Oro nenffeld
and e urveyed for a nonnent or two tiro and
encode:fore 1111 n. but woe:nded nellver
in men, full tuned voice, tO o tellowlng
`qientterrarn and Friends—l hero made a
trio bad full C 001.1,11.10 trefdru God u gh
fellnw 01110. ant ahout top.. through the
dark valley of 1110 'Madera of denth, and
will rile with trot full a...ranee that on all.
au nlclt•ot Redeemer will reerd, say spirit.
1 thank the Sheriff, who hen always treattel
mn hoer natty and .1 inchar ged hie .1 utimi kind
ly sold with integrity tower - MI me, and/hone
revel . . nil gentlemen, Mr. Herr and Ale Wat
klnn, 'or their - wally ants of kind.. and
111101..t1 0 my •pl ritual preparation. I hope
to Inert the nlierlff. us well as all here Ken
nut. ln IleaVen. I have hero. written mate.
meta. It in attended Unit witntwo.rd by 'Eno.
Hobert Pomba, Jtev. Watkine. key.
Ors... Clark and Wilson, who now
authorize tolutve It publinhell.. I would like
to have It put/llslied 10 Cellefl MIA
Pitt.t/USICII papere, arid ill the Honker
miner. , I hid you all gnaddlye...
IMtigne, who had
been very friendly tot Prl,loll l .[ .1000 tan
eonvlorion, t,cerlerl the
at tke
...reclusion of 1.110 farewell iirldrenn, Anil re
cel,.l the confession or ntatement 1101411
the Immix of the condemned, Fouler
warmly 14 leeed the old gentlemen a fond,
larewell, after which Shrtritf Smith Pr.
reedo.l to perfurni Um painful tank Of pra
t/4.111W 110 prisoner for death.
Fog., st eppinl lora:apt on tile fated trap,
and ouleLly looked np thri rope on the
010.0 beam, so an to get litinnelf wto
moter 14, ittol feeilltato the II:Mg of a b° "
stn HUCK. W apparent feeling nod
the recited In a loud
oter, which heard °Maid., of the Pa..
un the following
.001 my 001, nu. , when 00 holm 100 Me Li
cut off. hoar this my tail prover to Thou..
Ulh JOOOO rrocivo my spirit, twit conduct
toy omit Baldly Lti rough t lot dirk shadowy el
'llOOl who ilotia porilim the itYlulf
said repeolunt tlitur up 1101 Crows wilt
lima my prover, god Into Thy ltumis I cot/L
-iza:lla ICY spiny,
The prisoner was now pinioned, his hand,
being held behind 111, back with handoldra
told me lege Ina - toned together by a striper I
linen sloth Sled tightly below the knee.
The Sheriff took leave of Fogler, elehang
•ing bloats with him. The parting effected
the noble beaded hlierirt more deeply than
the prisoner, and was calculated to make
all who adtutuaed it Very Bad. TOO c
donned whispered to thefiben Benny o on. d
hays mercy Un yOOI . BOIIV 101100 knotted
fops was being arranged about Ma noel.,
and as the whlte-cap of ignominy, which
shut out all earthly things from hie night,
was drawn over Uhl face, he bald, "Hay tfod
have mercy on tuy soul." The words had
hardly lIRSSed! his iipe when Sherif! . Sin ail
1,01106.1 tile filial trigger lied the murderer
dang w as
In the air. Ile angered little. 'rho
neck was broken, and (loath must have been
Instantaneolw, although the heart throbbed
for thirteen runletes atter the drop.
run waxmittms
Tho morning of the day which wnoe to wit.
nee. the death of Fouler, fav dark and
cloudy up till tenfgelmk, itt which timea
heavy Morin pailmtl over the borongh. The
rain .Weed-at noon and field lip till after
the executiou. but before the leely was et.,
down lc again poured le torrent, and rant
ed more or los,during the often...,
Not much excitement prevailed In the
town during the der.. the weather was
nrciem a
; ent enough to keep most of the ol
rens home. 01 course that ems lot. throng
of morbid . curiosity seekers whoever
lounge about the outside of a l upon
hanging days was In attendance, but In
this ...It was very small. To preacrvo
,Ordur and prevent. the Possibility or any
lillonity. Sheriff Smith had 0 guard al , o t
the Coo •t Iloneo and jall—n. squad of thirty
b it s faithfully performed
their duties and maintained, without much
tttiable, the quiet of the town. •
• • Vag eantOwn. , • :
The grim iiilltrument of death was con-
Articled upon a new and novel plan, having
the true 101111 forward instead of from the
Centavo( the platform, and having the trig
ger above e floor, so us
diil to he touched be
ton, the 81,ori th fr ilemeon from the segifold
after tiling the rope about the prisoner's
neck. It worked admirably, and reflected
much credit upon the inventive g0..t.. or
the gentlemen who contrived it.
ura: Emery, 1101, Wilson, Meliennan and
Clark were In ettendrlnce ut the execution,
anti when they pronounced Fog!, (lend Ills
for .°w
takenSlown rani placed In a twat
walnut cnlin, and sent to Georgetown,
Beaver county, for burial at the aide of hie'
Among those In ,41.temlaneo at the execu
, the: we observed S. H. trinies. , sloror
of Allegheny county, Coroner William Claw
'son, and Messrs. Ira In. Ramsey, Looke and
Stephenson or the Pittsburg° press, and l(r.
Grafton, of tins Sew York /1,0 d;
rritit cohrevaloh.
Wo annex all of rogior'S coufession, gin.
100 it for w net It Is worth, s ...taring 50 Wl
tort 110 opinion up, Its merits ord./terns.
It plOlO4 a new tight On Mu tilos morn wan
der, awl If to he 101u.1 upon us truth. It
throws the Montwomery boys in eery owl'.
mward posttlons. Hero la the dutaiment al.
ost coluclute. ' • .
' 1, Cohort Engler, was Loin In Pittsburgh,
Allegheny county, Pa., April 2., 1011. My
father was of German don:wit. Ile oaten to
this country when ,tutu young. My lather
won killed about lourtoeu yea rs ego, MY near
as l con roeull,t, by 'Clog rolling snot him
He was not of any kin to a ',nein 100110
FOgler, !raiding 10 the eaatern puree( 110 w I
county. 51v father's 'lame was 01.0110 Fog.
1,. 1 think he wok tatenther of the 601 - -
man Reformed Churc a
h; I. wlll not be posi
tive. My mother was born 11l Grioritcl4;,
Beaver county, Pa. ' , hero she 'hut t....
War years ago. :hew - a1 a flint tit . i
Ilothoiltat CpleeOlial Churen of Pitteburgh
I was In the faunae of Wm. Hervey, a 'ar
mor residing 11l Canton township. nboot too
mllea and a bait north of tills tun - Ouch. f rem
tau Fall of lob! uuttl We inpring of lied, to
which time I entered the /truly, and. Wee toe.
stgood to Company II of the Ringgold Ilat•
WWII. I matalliial In the nervy., until the '
CM of Novtllliber, IS LA Alter befog dlr..
Charged broth Lilo army 1 .poet the waiter ,
In Frederic City, Sid. 1 ea.. , In th . s Pis , '
et., the It. nt April, toil, I Worked tour
or lime weeks for Willlatu Hervey. I cam.
weneod towk fir Wil/laia Montgomery,
Keit., June 11th, still woo no, trot woh Ism
Oleo montosi I rionaltied ma 11 about Ilse
middle of Niovem,r.
Wane at Mr. klutitgOmeiyai there a to a
number of panne 101 l to loh ditty', nt Pet.•
no o t,. The plane Worn broporo.i id . . Mr.
Mtogian er)'s toryk. I odd Coneot• to
them at tie tune toey were titimiool, lint
when tile time uf weisott at 1100.1 I al. to,-
backed t a
ett; It appered Lliat an .inousewe
would not tumult me to commit ille hole.
Jett.. Montgomery roeadlli to -haw, -
- 0111 otgonier),
No.; MI Is called i•ltutu .° oo anew., in . ,
nig MO youngest Of tho fatiolt. I arid i1....1 . 11
that we should
Mow open t Ito t.afie. of 4 . N
tamer, uartas a Caton; alto a in., 1
tailor try too o• 1120 et 11,....Aci1•. •'''..•
is next
to Om salotat 111
III'La) . W. IL
and ven 'raided ur to rob 1011,a:1'.
hood,'. Llona).flio wt.ILI get a lora. , attl.lta
of inoory—iontiCp.:per mei 1,011 e.on. Iho
ataool. wa popored by Janie- Moutgoo.cry.
a won of 11',, it to. Motitoinia ry. -it nu -
tieno rob the hoar° of Manila tna t...
tie slated that Lo could get tile icy of her
...ate at goy %AMC it I 14111111 10 , 000001' hi,
Martha Bieck Is the dao4ltter of 1., or.: r
Black,, mot 10 00 n 100 , 101101.1, - 1 ,
00/015 of 1.. d. Moot4 ooo ' , Y.
rho thusiliore roimery wAi ,0tee.,..1 at,
to me by Joiner 01unlg 0 ttl e1 y. 11,, 1 , 11 the
0ne:5,40111W, ,511/11.. CI 1.11 111.• 11,51 ~, • ~,,,.
her, Shut loran aa• aet :10111 Itr. leo,nore
dealt et hi• 4101., that ao, .0-1 10 1... V 1 r, i
wealthy. 110 ral Ihe (Mr. li,dwtoo, I•a/ .0 1 / ....t . 111‘ . ...0ry . o 1 1 0n; 1 1 I t A
1/, •ture offering a t'.,. I.J .1.111., 1 :.: 1.. 1 • net . :Le 51'0 0 ,1 15 1,,,, Mont - 00.
ho chaagol. awl on.; 111. w 0a . .1 get e ao) 0 . .,, . 1, , ,0 IL.. ill, oft
V ....lei o a a .trer. ..1
One dollar,. that Amts..: t 1: tog. It, or ,•i It erurred 'el" toe t0.,,1• nod 04'01 lel at Ile,
togeit for Mtn. I told - hate .- ittroat 11., to the rodd , ler •4 tt 1i11.4111 Slont,,
I matter. and a,kett ht. 1/1 1 Ile.) or Ito . . hen 1.'.n0l to 1 ,11,111 ..' te 11, I '. ~ 111.11 1 .
matter; he sahl he 011 • "to.. That o as ell L•eeti, an , ' a reo I 005 n , , , , 1,01 I 11150 I.. t • '
that wse Sold at that time ahout IL As olol 1 I .1/11.1t , i ...,.....r....t ..., of the Ill , .: t door.
limo altra the ethoo'e root erratum, gm.. 0 1.5 tyr. , -,-... ~..I r.0r.0 •ole gave a ..lo hal
day will.. 10 town. Jame.. Slotitoott,t y told ol 2.1.'100. Thor ~ Ind c "he troth th.e .1,
ton that Mr. illn•toot e Mali 1.-,111.:..1 •un 0 1 tho , of the frr tit 110.,r. I. n'tsloo ed 10001 , 1
105 10( 1.015,, and awl Just teturuisl wet :..ail 1 the fiord need. • lute Lae ...nod 1...1.1.. 1,101,
pieta) , of toonny. Celtaow 00' , 110 1 0/10 1,1 ! 41111 foetid 11. era. e llal., 1 het Cat e the , I.‘
go for It. A abort time sifter I 11.1 Ira! 111 e.:. lie o a.: a 1,1,10. Ine 1 nth . . .1.01 , • ..4
Montgomery's, •• 11,51 , e" 10,1 I 111101‘. 1111 100., ! aron 1,01 .1: 11.1,10 e 111C/001 1004, 10 , 11,0 15.
to Mr. It doh. and rob Idol. Ao •tot te,l , I r a oold
. I, 14 . e. wet uhout ao lo , t, wad a ha, I
from ' tow. on a ee!hr to logltt tog e ther snort- I wide. de 005 00111104 0 9 tdr/tp, ,10 011
ly alter dark. We were/armed will, It t' , a , I Ite.her a , allhl ith the klill.. ihe entre wax
nayy revolver—the Ratan rho. 11 to (our.. , in•• ,111.1 nohar.'ntlr had tad boot. ured
1 got eartridger fur the pistol at tho rode , tooe . h. I raked Idle a hat be 004 ‘lO.
Of Cohort Poligan. Itio Look a boa ..1 loot i !ILL. Ile rani 10. •00 notklng a I.tett
blocking along It, that parte,.n ot moo,. 1 to tale tn., knife along, and to enrry
tug our hands and frxer 51 r 01 . 1 ,1 1 0 .1 t h"
oj It le. ,rye 1, What du yoo s ant
olarklug t r ltti a wean any Dr urn, 11l the , 1111, II." 151,111 1" .. .nyel I, ..1 ou do
ntablo of la tiller. Mont , oniery, het., I het need . .t. - Ile repliod 1,11 1104 gulag to
otarting to Mr. litn•thor.... Wiiwore ' lake it iii." hie, Ile tint naked the 011.1 au
army hear.otts, and old worn "LI; oath or Id w old. what kept tee Wo long. I
elk nate / t•un of ur, We got the Itlacklnu : to. , 10 er:ee, nd be ,reined entt•nt A. t
anti trash aL the gt °eery of Julio, Stoat- ' cow asised a t 1.1 n .• lie got the loot.. 1.,, te
rower) lerforo lowntig town. We wet" oat. biled lo the house. nu). tit . “Therc as a
Al n
the old to/nett. road. Wid tinto d exact. "0111 5 005 nod hat for L .ott.“ ' rue eat was a
•ly know *hero Mr. Iflratatdo llt 11 , 11. n o 111. Woad-lane toed ItlaTk hat; the
twa.• an
',lured Inn road at 0 1050,1 Flrlgg . . hen., a . ut toy to ercont, eulored 1,151'1. I lett too hat
lamer restate"; about four owe" (tool till. I that I won . , to 11.0 stable. Ile wort, an old
place, and woo directed by them, e ihrto, worn out Ada 1105,10501 0 Itlauk 0,51 •MI it
went on 0 Lilo I en , lll did the road; I 011 ' eat' , 1 " i lii,ll' ''' W M .,. 1 ..'"' Ic , n cu;
• 'I
ant rotor Wm omen, Wit ...waged from too , also. hay r he, ° I vita go to Ira. IlOuro to
road. After .eurchlng far sione tam. for i, avoid .. ..paha , . you a °di here wain 1 trout°
Mr. Do we gave It up. tool - It dte •• 1 lan . T. ll Ito then .tat tad let the hous e . 011
sahl ho tieau unlit
bo a hewn in a tortren ,' a etd nl , en the led:l4 std ,, me' to th hack
I.OIIOW or low Into% whoa puoited ott Ito ] k 11..nc0. part ter' a dal 111 tho nituag
we, and that they 011 , 1 Mr. Iliortnore were I boon.. 110 ohe gone led a le. toneole , lie
ntighbers. 110 prove-et/I to go there and I Uten . ..el ton to go 11{11 1111, t h e 11 , 0104,1 0,1
latoitro the toad. Ile said I. Woo. lout ; •la , le, ard, he would *nut the oor., 110,r.
il !deer (molly Itnenedug liettry %inlet, who , Il e eout t Ilk ba n', then . . 11,1 le rtetted IL On'
ir n brother-in-taw of this lion. will. Mon:. 1 the 0101.10, and shut thole ootdoor 01111 IMIE.
homers') and Mr. Din, , ,0,•,. were on etnni 1 etl a on the
log,tt The lock of the de
tenon, teente...: Ito had me II Mr. tilasomiii .I. a eld l,lll. He l' ol the he./ a . ' '( s lue
get aorta, knoff ono day at Jane , Alootg,on. I ttnale In 1111 pocket to unlock Wu 1.1/1.1110
cry's, awl be) (Sir. ILI 101 1 1 if that IL wAS I 0111,1111 1,00101010. Ile then tante through
fur his suit, tocatiltig Mrs. Mlllne. ,it ate at the sad of the 01,1111 Into the
We then ' went 10 Millet'. The hour.; bar g nyard snit Lutoned tlie Onto aft, Lim.
Mantle a short and:then La the !natl. 11 1tatte c ! Wo then n eut ihr"iiith, Axle ihto ...
0 unt tot tie hoe., slit 1 remaitiol itt a pair 1 tell that J.llio ter Kunlun 15/111 nrcaard, and
of bare' tho berg are tisoil nr 1511 Inlet broth kept 10210, the delis of William . ant IC, putt
the road to tail hour, I could hear Idol EpUtaltu Was Until 0e rain° to Jailor
ballowleg tleitinCtly from whet n I war; 110 1 if wder. We 1,11100,11 trrer lit
thin(te road node,
ehallowedtilif or, but no 011 e MI- ! and kept the road ell th o 010 Way to
wered Ulu, 1 think they were ell In hod. ' Mr. Motown',
After hn had fitopped hallowing I beard a I We kept uu up the Cro.. Creek road until
nirau like the falling of gilt., Or two ‘lolent . we calno too road Mining .11reetly_10 Mr.
Drabing °Oen Of a du, with a chain on for i lansinore . e; the Wad turtse 01l to the left
fartuntug On Ulu Otitnbto, trie.s.'ll a gloat I °waled° the trulant hOuso on the farm Of
many farther@ urn. Alter the union I hew,! { hamlt , ' Taggart. We kept that road tll
*tone olio roan tog towards m 4, 15 . 1111111 Imam ['Woo to Inoold /I 1 tddleto wI. road. There
balail out to be °Bubo" returalwr. I waked 1 111 un old PCIIOOI 11111100 •LOOll6 by the sato or
1103 what. Thu nolw as; he •fttil loi hail till, road, a short 05051151e° al.Vo Mr. 111110-
51110/1 1 1 . 11 It sunutthroug II Ono of silo alutloWti, 1 ',ore ' s late Tonitlolitie; We entered It, awl
all Ws kakis' IL had .cairn.] theta nearly to Pt Our dark 4/Otero, and proceeded to Itinck
death. 1 our Nees and halals. We took tie litat,n '
After n itstio".Coulii took from the lietwo i along tor the tierposo 1 0 son when on were
wO Atarted to eotOo back to Waddington ', properly blanked. Alter we bail completed
sauce. Wo calm° back the salt. road wo hint:ldiot' Ottr•ClVeti WO otarted towat ds ill.'
We w allied. both going and cowing, Dlnsotoru i s bouts, We enteeed a gat° be -
Wu cap• to the Itonte of hillfather, and low the bare. will kept 011 toward tile Itotoe.
there loft our halt and cost*. The costa When wit got about suldway Intl were the
worn pray tworcoate; 1/0111 were colonel barn wild 110.0 we heentne alarmed at 11
black, and both bull eepe•ith theta. "hail," Duke like swim one nothing towards US. WU
e 0,1114 00 10 10011 will) lel', we wn•htel tln t tortied bald: end . Ilatened. and loutni the 1
i,lnok 017 our ttunde and latter at ter water. l 10i e° Cattle (10711 a lot of lingo that
lag trough On tar tarot of Ilarrteolt Shute; 1 were leadtlir la' 1110 lane. Wo
11,0 watering trough to on the silo of the l •letted again the sumo all3 l , I ' ol l
bllddlotown ,1 1110 , 1, for 11,0 accommodation ' found 00 torah! ht. roaell the 1010 . 0 in
Of the ' , Willa. Wo came oh up 111 111 t n, and 1110 that wey 'without alarm log Mr. It mono,.
when we I:Att Illne corner of Main wtrent , - I
iho town clock rtruck t rally, Wo mono up I chard, and wont tatatoil lit front of 1110
Chestnut streets , ii llabet i- lift noi toi the i house. 1 thon went lit 511 e porch of lb°
WHIM . Of Main and I.3ll , st:tat Street, 110 , 010111 looldlng, and went up on Wu porch,
was ataylog In Biwa at Mak` latii mullion.'owl stopped up On 0, 1100,11 that War on tho
of (loorgu tiiitegll 'o led, for cowpony for 1 I
pooch, told looked In the alums' , , nod
Ur.. Mary Creineraft, formerly 0111131 1111101, banal by Lao clock on Btu Monte-tree
/ went to toy lAntlallug, hOUto idol Mont to 1 100011 51/0 Ille 1/11lee. 11101. It
half past
bed. • 111.0 O'cloCk. Tills I'oololl that 1 looked le
We then gave op going to Mr. Itiostnero's / Stu window , wan because 1 Wanted to know
until the night of Lao !lit of Bectonlicr loot, I whO Was In Mu room, as 415101.0 Moutmaro
aSul I twlleve we 10001 , 1 11051' 1110011 1111 tlio ery iutortiwil mu test Mr. Dolma°. Itait
ides of robbing Mr. Mins:row itllogethor i Cain ~r lour tilg brothere t and wo had lot.
bad It not been fOr the second midget:tom tel let on 1110 liwkoot.
of James Montgomery. 110011100 111 ultlono While I .ne lonking In the 'window /
day and teekeib mu w hell we wino going 1.0 "Balm" opened IS halt) In front of the house,
coo Mr. 011011Aore. 1 told elm I illd not 1 and pit•seil through It, 011 , 1 115111 110011 011
know. Ha 3 a he, "you (yilowe ere goitiog , too wound tentltle loonthirliew. Athir Igo
behind. " toraUtog "Mahe , and on3rell. I ! tow it WC the porch I Jultutd him., 1 1 1 10: lei:-
woo welting lamp-burners end wtovo ;Mors, i 11111 au WU Mot wit, Ills boast.' veto, we
and trying to hay corn for .lain, Montgoin• I nrst 00111, List'hardly
Gl e am
ed a
until t wors h hip, I
cry-es :1M to the holy:sof Mr. 111netnorn on think/ an We I na , 1 1 te 1.1111.
portic.; to and ~cr, where lie Itveil-eous iit 1 110 retired, A low nitnpratts lifter I Joined
in number of fanners' holi,ex the day I was 1 "Maier" at the gate, wet heard Wins Otto
at Mr. MinilloOrehr — gut. a Loren to ride IM. I log Up Madre. lineW tra y wore gOitig on
Witt. IdOntkOnleryle. . 10„1110tto
ten wholovoi rattled no if
Tile Monday
t he ton murder 1 111 ,1 111 11 . Ono War At alking bear ily. • •11,t1e , "
and I were at tho bouee of Nancy Al till, 1111 15/11e 1 1 11111 11 . 110 t Was going 1.0 110;1 trail 11.01
the tarot Of Jobe L. Gook, Wo took tliii . 1 did not know. rat's lie, ••) on boot going
pistol along with tui for tho piano.. of 111, 1 to bock nut urntour' Ile sad It
charging the load. from It / violet) we l'alled 1 pay to w.alk . n hot mak, gny lute /,,
to do We thought perhaps tee ponder had I way, he, ° lt Id Intrre ill your tutor... 4, 5h11,11 to
get tlalp, Sell oencludial to draw
by 1 'nine to
me l t( do.tia. Hero It lel either dO It or
had I lie morning of the Mu or /ucton• I money or lOrarrah o hay.. he 'Volt want
hor tart wag very disagreeable. Rain laid I lo ntort ytrU In burinerw, tool It la
been fr.llli.g all the morning Pp tit i snout 1 there if you go for It." Ile then ~.1,1 ~,,,,,„•
eleven iicloca, when It clew - au op. Jointer I thlug about too ono having env heart. 1
Montgomery anti Myself went to Ulan WO- ttiought a mw, and got up off the
eery of dam°. Moneta d 1110. al.ut 1 1 10.0 0 11 groul l ,l and told hit ti tO Conte on.
O ' elock that Morning. waolo /hero "Matto' . I .44,0,e bite p,ratio too
heard groom 011
caul° in row. ~,,,1 war parolee' tho tdoro, ntalra white lying on the ground was bunny
1,,,ei.,,,,,:i.:,:::::7r,:,;L::,,,ni...:,510,,, ~,, h ien ho i Juni, inestnere. 1 than wont to tint porch
010,0011 Come In the Fiore. %Yu. euiyed a of the kitchen, and went 141 1,110 titan, on CO
~,th, 10, whoa ; tho "'Orris. - Mahe . rranaltool at the corner
wu MI 1.1.1,1, lea the 111.11 re thilether, Jahtell Of the kitelteth We knew If Mr. DlnannOre
and o flatio" MottlarktuerY awl tnyinfif. Wo Maw 111 hutli, an wonld not open 010 door.
went froth ta,,,,,, 0 ,,, th e etetee rjeteee moat. 1 then knocked at Elm ilintlri sumo ono piked
gomery, whet. ° Bal. ° and I at mien tent who not there, In Which I recognized the
Mimi! preparing to go to Mr. DitISMOIT'S Voice of Mr. Plnanaore, and 1 told tam a
rp!= .
that night. We tt the pl4tol out of the
drawer and went 10 thu flour room, and
. • • •
'db.lad , dna' nye balls from the pl.tal with
a small gimlet. 'VP thou ascertained tho
reason we could t abehargo the pistol
before. It 'eta be Jointed, and sumo ono
budrun neltedd in the channel, of Ilia
cylinder, and It It atopped Op the holes
ht lie nipples. ;Tl4Selminbers hail been run
about one fourth Milo! lead. I toll it nu"
moat ~,,,,,, corfs Oil burn It, to 11n00 our
fort,' and hand "lin, till be replied he
would. . •-i' 1 .
. . -
At the ringing ogt-Ito court toll for t
ternoOn session, oDoblileo Poland camu to
Inn and asked ins'S! I wits going up to
etiert; I told him lwoold ao, Alter we had
good out of Montgetriery's store, ••Il,tbble"
asked mu loan halt and get 1,1,11 a sheet of
foolscap writing %Wei; to writ. a *mg on,
which I did; got Lila paper at Mont4omery's
store, and gore tt 00 11151. Ito anal I then
mono up to the catirlYOOM, where I remain
ed about an hour. left the collet sous,,
about thrisioNdOeltaano 'rent town•. to 1t,,,
store of James Montgomery, and asked
ne felt like taking a walk do WI,
Arent. Ito said heiwOuld. We went Morn
. . .
far ak the itallstrad Hotel, and etuoned on
the corner and ocaltmeneetl talking to John
Arnold. W. had not been thorn but u few
momenta when =tart Bolton came down
on thri othe&able. "Bane , ' hallowed
to Bolton to eoullekr; which ho did. Ho
and ...Babe talkOM Lk raw momuntto 'arhen
Bolton remarked Mat he must rent and ask-
BoItFLAW , lf ho mils, going down artmt.
tm, ellab" rinfLmysel f ail StiVrto.l down
streot togother; Ruston 10111 e at the depot.
croaesal over 10 the other, shie
of the Street, and Cantle back tip to Jalnes
Moncgomery'e store again. We wont from
Ch er
to ilia barb,2t . shop under the Man
sion !Mosel andlth got shaved. We
went (rum tee' tsrD nr shop to oho
Chita' n;
Wit. welt glass of boor, each
w o ,imim Wiling Moro. IN a' wont
front the saloon trio. $lOOO of linls•rt Dons
garb and J got one tiaokage or No. 11 cart
ridges. Ti.,, - , package
tln cart
ridges. 1 wonted , Ilatro" to get the,
partridges, bnt ktalld not; he owed Mr.
!Mogan como modey, and had not the
change to pay him just at that flute. I
thlng "Babe" edgrpead lu WOwelPs drug
'dor. Or Seaman's Warble works while I woo
in the store of llr, thing.n.
We then went talk to Jan], llontgorn.
ery's 'tore, and both went Wand sat down.
Mr. ilommoru eatnisinto tire atm., shortly
atter -wir tlid,aratl udmMencrol talking with
- ffle ahmit a tune-burner that I hail mold
him. In a tea minute, '•ilabe" got his
books And said Ito Moat go home. Mr. Din,
morij teen went op to him and asked Mtn if
he etudied lotto ;llltabe" told him he aid
not. Mr. Irinsmoriatemarked ho did Ire
awould read his leasCra rite him. ' , Halo," then
verted for home, and told too to comet:it
h a , it was steak, and to bring every
Between vontiown anti dark I went up to
niy boarding home to got tag torpor. I gel
the pistol uhil fastanod It around me. I
then ovkivl James,lffontifoutery for xothe
Powder to load 11011 pistol.and a cairn Cl
tap la aeuh Ott with, which be gave me.
tarn stivied opatreet to get toy Clipper.
truly woo not at home whet.l went
inure. I. bug ot. [ha dark lantern we intend
lot CO take IV MI U.. I LOCO wont down street
1111—wout in Jartlee Montgomery's store,
nod told lain to gints me the dark lantern.
It was In Imo ot chi drawers helinnit the
counter. Ile gave It tome. nod 1 troketl blur
if he had any spgrux or star candle, lie sold
he had stn, but lrOuld give rue money
to get ono Is Ilk, I told trim would
rather be %Wild set it, .11101 del. Ir.
11141..11 In the vtoro while Lo way gout..
W hen he came track he aw 1. 1 ,1 mu how
were gold;[ to work it it, get Mr. I,lnmnore
out. I told him I wallgOlug tolell Mr. tiles
MOO, hat It Olor'ftralltily vier, lie told
nte a he w o ha would hr. sumo of it..
OOIO111:L11,:,..1 , 1 While the family w S 4 put
ua: Ihk• ta.out we. .uI.I rot , tno house; I,
•aal that,.se the way Willi ou heiley
it, Litho Le 'oohed kin
told Mar 1 Weald not do anything , ai l tin
kind, fur if ore wart, detect"' it sroald ci
bArd wit,, us, lor tn. Couairionwralin rout ,
it no I 1, I EltliVtlgtgilll AVOlist ilf—one 10 ,
arson, arid one for Daryl., v.
. The tali lle I haw deocri , e.le , 4
ferelsked Jae:. Ment,one , ry.
...i,oveechlvetittlen I 11,11\Ill Wirt, Icy
te.,rAlleg %Vl l, ev wr , e:el
neat. / tetered the bees.. wed pre , “le.l
p1..,1.1.14 get I (Si
on ta • se.. eve( ...My aA
allea- moaning ' Jmor
,rler)Ke , lll,actever3thie,feudy W.A., 5,
,upt.t , r - 11.1 ate .1 , 1 ,,
I,.et 1i Ills tO. 'upper I.e•
.. ea., In et./ lieu <he ell
.11t..1 I ge . , ClO, ms' re.,,er. 1
up ill cornelele..l
Hr ten thee,e et 1
vet; ,eilt wet ',T.,/ 110 w
(Let 1/r. h,•l
lit le. Sir. 6, I
I • e
, 1567
man by the name of Johnson. lin as - fel
attain who w s there, and I told hint Mrs.
Miller Woo el k, or Miller's fartilly was nick,
I do not rem onber which. Mr. Inimmore
then Om-twill the deor. I told him hither
j ,
wanted some of the boys to come down and
go ter the di Mew. lie asked me wile I one nod If I wasi it lost. Ile said ho thought it
nun Slemehn ii'.. that I was hunting. I asked
him where Slemmonit lived. Ile leaned Ter
onsilo. of the door to show inn, and I then
Mei's/Lin beside hint and told pun he woe
the man / wanted. I then presented the
pistol at its head, anti told 1,101 If ho hal
looed I would blow his brains out. 1 hail
the pistol In my right hued when I went
upon the porch. Mr. Dinsmore saM, "What
do you wont with me, you ecoundrel 1 11 or
rascal, I do not rertiember which. When I
entered the house I had the cellars of my
undercoat and overcoat turned up and but
toted asouoillny nick to prevent them from
recognising Me. Mr. Mourners seloal me
by the miller and commenced tussling villa
with me. In Thu tussle one et tat/ button
was pUllnd 0/f my overcoat, and one lit
stalled stritigrita that I hail hooked ltd
ntering the limas. tine button W. Po All
off my undercoat collar, and two opt my
sect. My shirt collar was torn open, but
- the batten was cot pulled sea.
Whoa Sir. Irlnsinor° asked me whet I
wanted with blot I told Mill I Wanted Ills
money. The pistol was not cocked when I
preset/ten it at Mr. Innscunso's [mint. Slier
tile buttons 'gave any on the collar, Mr.
Dinsmore seiged hold of the pistol, when a
eovere ne
''halts';''ut./ enued. During the simple I
called to I sold, "halm, mom/ oil."
' When ehabei . came In Mr. lOnstuore w m
try mg to pull MO into the lighted room. I
Called on °llatie" to knock hint down; nee did Ito inimedlntely. 1 lool.eil around to e
what lie was doing, and saw lilts throwing
back the eLirt m the cape of his overcoat,
hon If prepastraig .to Wig° 001.130 one. 1 then
eard something Ille glass or queeneware
falling, but did not know what It was at the
time. "hates' then pleked up a chair and
•st.ruci. Mr. Inneinure on the heal, but ow leg
to 11r. Dinsmore and I being In oell dose
con wet, be could riot get a fair blew at Illus.
' In my former Astemonts 1 stated that Mr.
Itin.iore at olio time wrenched the pistol
clear eat et my hand. l will not be positive
alient that fact. When "hale , " struck Mr.
tilt/emote mi the Mail with the chair, Mr.
111n,mai 0 reimisial 1414 hold on me. I then
was Leitu eon 1101 nod the lig laml mete/ and
nltabe - wax In the rear of him. I saw
"Balm" teml. Introto tho kitchen, te lille
Mr. llllsauwee all I were seu...lng—could
tem the bright blade 11.1,111 g In the-dui k.
When AI r. Dinsmore let go tow hold on the
pistol, 1. wont • Into the lighted mom, imed
for a led [JO°, loot left Mr. tilusuaore and
"lisle:" 111 the latclAin. Mr. Dinsmore
knocked I .l;amt" down after 1 wont Into the
lied recall. When I ilro. entermi the lied
re it° Mrs. Dinsmore aAi standing in the
Inttldle of 1110 floor; attu want to the 't; rat.
anti m 0411.1.1 1, the tire ahovel,and 'Dodo
motion to strike ma. port Lod the t0..t0
at lter t artao slut called to toe 1101 tOlll,Oll.
Mr. Itinittnop - e ttten etllllo Into the room ant
ptclztal tap la chair and rotated at me it
Arlan toy. ,Iftt war between "Babe.' an
sayaalf, one of um bating befOro IMO awl on
Puttied hitt
Dinsmore saw Naley Dinre standing In the
door 14.01111 from the leelroom to the hall:
do not know how long she there. Whell
ate left the .room she left the dour open
after tier. W heft Mr. Dinsmore went to
strike me with' the emir, 1 run nut of the
bed room and acros4 the hall into the Mt,
lor, mud shut the door aft, 1 eaterml It. 1
w s s ta the parlor a few seconds, and be
thought itlym df that It •11,00141 dO to
lesse •`llAla4" and Mr. Dinsmore alone. 1
opened the .1000 11001 crossasl toe hall
entered UM bed tooth again. Sir. Dinsmore
pimediately Came at ale and caught thepistol,
stol, Irholl Or! organ to scelllo lOW trent
down. Ihnsmore one nt t4S loft side:
had hold of Wu Pistol by tile butt and Intl,
010. PI lb,: .0:0”, eoeled toe stel
disentirged 1 • discharged It a second
Dine. lam Ste. Pulsator° immediately let
go tits hold ou the ptstoi End went mit into
th 11011. 1 thoeght pertlatis he had mme to
gel his gun, anlld would Douro sad shoot '
tsult. 1 caught hold of ellabe" and puAtied
mumeit 4.1 the remit. Atter ere were both
to the k Ashes. 1 srent to the Id,' 1 - 0010
1:04 And 10010 , 110.10 a the room as thett
empt y. 1 rue for 1,44 We, as
ND. ssusinere 1441 mem utter 1110 gum'
when 1 t. red the pistol
:bore aud
were sutt..llol I le er . ou, the balls were
4. 4 „„t4, 4.4.4 tt.e , res nnd 1114141-tht
acing, Ir ...odd 04000 61,1310.00[0 to ta
L 4. 101 l the beuse the 4AIDO way
me COOLIOLI arts.. the ore hard
los ,41 the toe, After 1 ma
4,4 r fete, 4441.4 the nevi, I 000101 MIK,
It , l .0 .c•-..1t 111 I fed men!d eetv
tea I telt a p on in tile truant.
o:j.d.dl 4n4.4 and 1.4..1 "Its.," 1 Dement
I 4,..t t.- end 44f y them , .. . but
4.41 r.,1,10,:dig 11 f e lte! no . . 1 3.1p;0.0
I,f 10 , ”1.100. , .• tuv td iL
,00 0. 1.1.4. • [ILL 0i II 1r.',0 , 1
tO I/do to 00.1
. .
,! . !, !.. I! I I ItIIII.11:• , 1;
Ik•••IIIL. I
r! n
:t.. :le •:11.1 1104 not Ir., !I.
awl 1..:u ,, 1 nr.Pun.l nn., -1..Fa0..t It to tn... I
1•1“.•1 111411 tilt,
L. 11.4.1 n
nt Ur 1.!;!!-!Dol , A. 1.1, In.: Ng,. till
u-1n.1.1 , .. ,flu
...ant Mr La.!111 ,
tbd that t.1•11nul 1..11 1 otT 1114 Ltu•l, 1111
V 10/ .41.1 Mr. 1.111111.11111
tutu. lle 0.14 ort tit. lint arnla..4,tl 1. r. If I
111111 rec...nizo I.ltn. 1 It.lll 1111 n I coul.l
not. enl.l ..nUtAtzlng n , 1 , 01 uso
unuttng tofu nt Mr. D‘n.onnre'...—tliAt I
~.;tit 11.4 to , 1in...1111110 11, lie 1111, M-Art
11.111, 111 in, the 1.1114.11 li.ul In It; 1
(}l.l him I: lout load, to It. Say.: he,
'II dirt' ("11.,w ,1,111.1••titl tour-elf K. log
s Clore Ig a 1°44 In Me p1.101;larr
rill !.•,tpturtnl. Aflerthe lottcls are MI
11 , 11..114 Inv We trllt talic to the
we r suss down on the Cross Creek road
mall we eon. to the form kf •41:1 001 Mar
gots —the farm Is srell known a. the still con
d.. plonk There 4 a tenant house on trot
pines, trestles; cu l the rood; Dot boom Is
about Lolaw no lostass, Aaron Ntiller . @ AIM
the .110,611. Tnere if
rsco Doming lithe art. stud sow mill of
Mort Wm. 11. Landoll: it tuns very close to
the road. At that place au eros. st the
f..uce lost worn Dos rove anti the road, than
orsoessl the race on a roll—omit back
of Mr. Contimillst bourse tl.l to alarm
the dm, We eros , e , l the bridge Si the
strum .111 M sCrosslall's saw m.I in'
kept Das roast mitts e canto to Loon's
woods. W. then croo@ed over the truce In
to the woods to re@t, but did not res t,
We went km up through the woods pout et,
.1100 to a ftlllllll tilt, that llows 11.101
through the woods. I told "Dates" we had
Letter wash the black off on:selves tnere.
Wit pulled off our roots and washed ono
sorts,. We din not light the dark lantern
thorn; we thought souse one might sec the
light, being so clos to the road. After
t 4 n got through ...Wo e g
we dried ourselves
oil' with a pocket handkerchief, when we
o ur on oar mar s sod started again.
"Babe" snisl b. kn.. 11r. Dlnstnono had
plenty of motley, or ho would not have rts
roster! in, so hard. ll,' proposed to me ha+
torn we wont to lir. Dintruore's, that we
should boric M me
Mr. Dinsmore ,tuft n nod - tie
and lien tell him If Ise O not give o
twelve th °sand debars wo would burn his
house over his head, not said wn ought to
have got sante snot. rope to tin Mr. Dins
ore wt., toisi him could rut snows
Riling there to tin boo if 100
t wanted to tin It
that he asked me what the
1aw....1114 [MOM that. 1 told him I know
nothing abollt law, but aanpnsril we wonisi
be indicted fur the attempt or burglary wills
Dos attempt. to kilL If he
arrested he
wanted me lo stick to bltn. I told him I
would, sold If I wits arrested I wanted him
to stick to rue; he saki he would. lie soul
Ito bad heard Mr. Dinsmore say
during the scuttle that lie as
11,11. I ...tell him what Mr. 11100..
sore had 51,1 , 1, hit replied he had heard 11r.
Dinsmore exclaim, 'Slit toy, 11.11111101," ..r
"Oh my lord I am shot," be dm not know
which. 1 told "Rabe.' I a fluid not nave kill
ed him for the world. Ito said he dill not
think I had killed Mr. pinernorethe thought
I had shot hint in the leg, and Ito hoped I
had, for It would keep him to the bouso so
that he ermiti not, recognise oh, nitabn"
saki he thought Mr. Dlosmorts had thought
Ito was shot when Ito, ("Balks") hail not It
I risked him if he had cut hilt, and he kald
Ile thought ho Mkt. "Balm" Kaki that''
"Jirn,"—lntsan tog James 11 nnignmery—
could not call us cowards utter that. lin
Kahl it was one of the boldest nets ho over
knew of, and that there would be a big furs
kicked nit thn next morning about It. I told
11 o I
n not in say anything about It to his
brother dames Ilse next morning, end he
saki hit would not.
After we bud washed ourselves in the
trnape, we kept In the fields until we reach
col ton stable of Milton% Montgomery...
"Babe" then took the buys from Isis itnektst
and unlocked rho stable, anal got my hut for
too. I gave hi m the overcoat anal hat
worn. 1 left hi tn at his father's stable end I
n,trne lip to loam :terns, the held@ of Ilxvri .
son Shlris—came down past Dm @been shod I
on .tie •1 cent to toy boarding house,
pulled °lrmo boots 01111 moldy punts--tank
blot pants, after I had pulled thorn oil, and
the ntrtsl Off Inv boots; then set the ,
horde Inside the fender to dry. 1111.1 throw
the pants out In the Latcherr—took Else pls
lel off and put It in a chest In the 1111000, 1
thou undressed and wont to Ni. up
during the night. to ROt &drink Of water,
nmi tormol the boots 11.1110 fklllilll to
let the other side of them tIrV• Who. I 0015
turning theta, / found I had lust the heel
ono 1,1 them.
TllO tioXt morning when I got up. I Dm"
My face very black—was It to worm
rata water with soap. Form.l mY n 1 " 01 ""
Wert, very muddy nod Moaned thew off. II
moan 11V Elio clothes, tho stilt I worn ,ovory
day.l While
cleaning the clothes forted I
had [Ott two buttons off my vest, and one
1 ,
t,:" 1 : : W
,4,i , . ---',' - ' \ 11 - 7
• —' 7 , r s ,
' :-. , o z . ~ , :
MY my coat. 1 wilted Ibley - for some
yest buttons. and she gore MO AMIIO,
they would not eorsesgond with the buttons
on my rest. but !mewed them on. moon. re.
member whether I put tim boots on the 1011.,
or told Mrs. Wlbley to do It—think t 11/M0 tt
myself. I nidzed Mrs. Wibley It Plllllll Mon
Was working ut shoutnuking yet. ltd stir
said "yes." 1 told her! hint lost a. heel off
my hoot. and guessed I would get Min to
Pot ono on Mr ow that Afternoon.
nfLor bren/ifo.,t I went clown add
. • . - .
leartl of the lotrier to Jumei Mootkoct
ry,d more; Thonatts Stockton toll mo.
Thoulos htockton tY IS 8011 of Robert clock-
On. 411.,01.1,1 mot clerk (or latnoo Moot,
. . .
Unwary.) Heler hail brought
Usti news to town that morninit at four
o'clock; lth) Nlr. Dinsmore hail been shut
with a 'Wahl twice. 'flan nuws of the mur
der surprlmsl lint very much. In a fow
liniments alter this conversation with
Alontwintery e3illni in, and
IC and I aturtell down to tho 111110
stns 01l had comma, for Illtn that hit 'father
. .
bought for him. Say: be. You fellow,
lu !bull oul,theee hod rdulit;you'Lllought
nu hall was not etiouzb and no, Youlluf two
. _
. . - . ..
In hint." I asked 111111110 W my taco looked,
anti hit sold just as usual. t fob! ithu to say
nothing about the utriler. When return
leg from th 'depot Jumps stopped at the
groom* . of A I. Morrow, and settled of aft
old aceount % Morrow, :..nal hought a dor -
en brooms cm im. I carritsl the brooms
up street for I to. After we went In his
(Montgotuerylay tore I told him 1 woo fear
ful of being urn% ed. Says he "You are ass
fearful is all that the matter with Yon."
Ile asked too hat much tht.ney it ould
take to pay toy on petiSeS to the place 1 a - as
last winter; I told him flftam dollars. 110
salt! he would glee me thlt mcbey 11l would
go away. I told him not would not Z.. rot . '
laidthere would throw a.picion on me. ffe
s w.llo danger of bilatte" ,being
arrested , fur no one would suspicion him,
because ho was a rich man's son.
I toll 1 am. Montgomery about losing the
Loot beet and buttons, anti asked him to get.
um souse tort:place them, which ho did. Ito
got ilto half u tio.-em coat buttons, and half
a dozen vest bottoms, black, cloth covered.
Hu told mu that I had better giro "Mahe"
the pistol, and let him tato it out to the
fart. with boo. 1 thou went up to My
boarding house and sewed this buttons on
my elmt and rest myself. I tried to get
balls to voids, the loads that 1 had ols
chargtel the togltt before. from the pistol,
but lulled to gut them. Thereason lames
Montgomery wanted nth to give the pistol
to •thalse" to take out to the fardrw - arl that
the balls 000111 ho drawn from the body of
Mr. thus:norm, and if the pistol was found
In toy possession, the halls drawn , from Sir.
, Dititlinore'y body would be compdred with
the pistol, and it would go hard' with me.
After, 1 loot sewed the buttons on my coat
and rest, I took the pistol out of the chest
whore I bad put It the night before, and
cealed it on my person, and started
down street. Went to the sumo of denies
Montgomery—went down to the cellar and
lilt 1110 pistol nailer the counter that stand
In the cellar. I put It untierlhe upper end
of the cocotter. The end Of the colinter to'
Roue from the main part of rho counts,l it
can be pulled out lee enough to atitmt. a
tuan's anti with sass. I put the pistol and
dark'luotcen there, and covered thettrup
with strew. Won't ho certain whether I
put the pistol under the counter or not; or
whether I loft it at the outside anti covered
it op with loose ntrtsW, eXpecting to eend
It out to the farm. Ant certain 1 put dlto
dark lantern under the c"unter. I then
:sent up In the Moro and sat down.
-babe' come Intel town between Oleo and
lob o'clock. in tho springwagon, and came
l• to the moro. I told blot we hall killed
Mr. Ithomore "dead as hell" 1110 night tea
fore—used the word "lust night," and told
bon about losing the heel ter my boot. Ile
told mu to tilt the boot up. I told 11101
where the 10,101 was, tool told lino to get 11
un:l take it out home, and draw the load: ,
loom it. Le said be would shoot them out
whoa lie got out home.. Ile filen left the
store, and I .114 rod see bon any morn
until after ho was brought to Jail.
I eat dew.. 1“ amts., by the stove aset cool.
c.,1 t a lking to James MootgoluetY• II"
told me to go and wash my Lute, in a hocks,
kept in the .411100 for that purpose; he snit
toy face was very dirty. James toll Inn If I
arrested net 10 brio,: him into it.
fold Ilia. I uould net. nap. lie: "Me end
my wife will both of of blien2 that you
seen hero lasi. night:"
I was in the sloth when (th ristien llorn leh
came 10, d y ed vd that ...reward of sellims
and dollars been starred for the appro.-
itenstott of Elle murderer,. 1011111 W James
Month:toter) : "Jon, let's go end maku the
looney; we eau catch the tuen that killed
Mr. iii u."
t James Mo ostuor ntgomery knew all aliont the
mrder. lie lore- that "pane" and els
•.o,uf ,111 It. James Montgomery never said
d111.::1111, A LOW. ti. gIVIIII; 11110 ally Of the
1n...1, ace 1.11..rtt, I to Rest at Mr. Inn:-
note', "It di •ll sus:gest. d Inst. it %solid tr.'
o.loina Oct, thau7nlr that vro...houhl .nOll
otiao‘...lKuov.. I..ortjto. of wo
for .u.....,,tance JAIL... tact retol• red IL-.
Mont.:ll.ll.oth,. ice ha.l
gi,o• hot& t 1... nonloy to Se.-cp tor
it a. a n'. NI, 1:
• 111(I.141 , i W.. 1•11 hintth. I whnll.l
WWIIO r tort a TO...tot:rapt - 1 iotl
, K. 1.1 go to couutcricltlog looney Hier
oot, tool ..11.ttoun and
Ntorogono,y intended to, the
11I,' orl tar.l otin'a proographrr, Sr.
11.1 lir T.r01,011011.n.11 , 1 orkc.l at tho
• lu city. Maryland, hoot
J. Mont.:others - know that " aibc" and
...cro ~111114 rot, Jr, Dimonoro.
Slootgooner), Jame.. Montgomery and
- 11,51 K.•• Montgomery are all the Soul of Wil
The W.eht of tho mutter, a . 1.1.11 we were
.114/1111: Ito;,; Mr. 1111,1110rei. I Ilk/MCL I II the
thit ...Bahr'. wore loci lho stir: or
tai• r vety I.adly turn, and WI. 1/11111.1 UP.
1 slit •Ay It Wag at Mr. IMeti•
11 i 1S I/r lOW .. /141... when 1 lett
hnt at hi.. father's .40011. that night, to
.11.5 thu cloths, ,o that they couht not lie
too rot.
Tile pl.lo] that I used at Mr. Dlnitnore'n
11,1, the one letclie , t to .1 atltt•A .Nlontkrollter)'.
store lo' I. Y. Hamilton. E.g., or ut I
nl told -o and Jaunt, Mont.
aiery. .•nalnd . and tnv.onf took the pin
to] front the ,ntfe. in ht. brothur's store. It
hwl no 14.11 on a - hen we took It out of the
nafe. got tin, strap to make er-belt of lit
the r+ table of Wtu. 3lontgonter.Y. wn ,
nttrrun .iron oif,dale. I got the bookie
that waft on the brit ut the ,nol.ll, shoo In
Phoenix. lion; It a It black mounted
I and a 0.. rowe u* d on the belt with .1
1110 string: the holt, bong dut with a
knife. •CWl'li it 011 IliVnytt. I had the pi,
tai frt,inently, running around town
at night. It was urually keln In a drawer
behind t h e counter. I got it whenever I
award It. The pletol hod the tnitlni tT: F.
on the handle.
Tire podol hound in rho possession Al
"Mabee Monoplane, by John caird, Is the
one I u0..1 ht Mr Dinsmore's. It Is Colt's
navy—largest size. I never saw the pistol
shown In Cou'atto Wm. Montgomery. I ear
4-lea 0 pistol tuost of the time whale 1 Was
!In the army. Carrie -I both the Colt tool
lletningten pistols—know all adman them.
Colt's the barrel Is [Omni ; Remington is
eight minor...
1 Fog!, hern recant' tainted the tal.:e state
meet• pe made to Slterillnmith Imme,liato
ly of ter ids arre.t.]
We did not go to Mr. 14nm - town's with, the
Intention of murdoring him ; we a - ianely
for tile purpose of rotalalng Man. 1 lett town
ttin evening of the Oh of Dee:ember, be
tween ati anti ',von o'clock, to go to Mr.
I alusmore's. Know It was about that. dare,
hecatboa tto. cars were whistling around ill
the cut before ent.olllo town. It was about
twelve o'clawk that night when t got buck
to town.
Having mad° theforegoing, statement, I
cow deem it prollant t0.„410w tile public
why 1.11.1 not t ta•lt fy In the rasetof Mont
gomery-don that I wish to expesowny
Innately, bat I want to warn otheu that
may follOw an nal fa.tsteps 1 n.griltuft, not to
be deceived lay coapo.el. ' I will now Max:mail
to Pilo the public tuy reu.sons for nut, testi
Moragnmairr was brought to jail
MOM, lance on the evening of the But et
Deemnber. On tile evening of the tollowmg
day, be callea me to come to Um door of my
cell. tilt cell being direellyoppreute tot:lane.
Ile Will me to get down ..rt the trier et the
yell, and place my ear to the true,, unaltar
the door. 101 he wanted to talk with me, anal
did not want to be overheard. I told hltu
alerting the day that t had ale Irons on; he
said I ought to have them on; end I was
fool for telling John Itnlr,t what 1 Waal. Af
ter I got lowa on the floor, be askant me
how thick the irons were, and It I had a now
a I could saw them elf if I had at saw. I
told la I could sow them car, If I had one,
but it would dorm god. lie said tin would
get mu a saw If I wanted ono. I asked him
bow he 0001.1 get it, but he did not. tell :toe
how. I told hini I did not want wsaw. I
then asked him what ills father thought of
tho ewe, 101 said they were ',town oil me
like hell." (meaning by "alley" his father
end oillooo 1 lor tanning out; out to keep
quiet, and It 'would be all right. This was
beton. I nimle the statement to the Coro
nor's Jury. After that he would not speak
to 1110.
o.lman in tho cell will me ler the
name of Johnson, from Indepaendence, It
this count,, who wats convicted of al...melt
M. battery, on oath .I Rebecca {VIOL, slot
wmt mailer sentence- Johnson and Mont
goanery were 00011 011 ha 00.0 00 , 110 , Gal.
MOO WilS acquainted with him hereto lie
moue to 3.11. aril used to gale hint PaPers
when lie was In to see "hale: " I requested
that Shoran' to give lull it evil to myself,
which he all. Ile removed Johnson to the
oth, side of tlan hall tow vett adjoining that
et wllittaqw kept. up a great deal of priest..
talk, which could 11. understand. Gibson
used: to go in to See Johnson. while in tau
all, Our day, utter tilteam heal been In
that 1111,Johnson radical to tar utter lie bud
gone mit, to eome to tut, door of my cell.
went to inn door, anal Ms told 1110 10 send !
b y J o hn Kennedy, Jr., for Woods Lath.,
I told Jo h nson to write It down anal give It
soa to
r at lily cell window, Which Ma ant. As
near as 0/111 remember, 1.110 words ho belt
were as 1011001: tie mild for me to standout
for Little, who war a lawyer, anal a goof]
one—that there Was a Man U , him lot
tun, anal he was toll that 1 could Oct clear.
1 lola iducklmal no means to get a lawyer
The nett tulip, after lithium went
out. Johnson told toe again, by writing, to
send for Little—Unit ho hal o( Bald ho floral
ett -
(tO,O my PA. MOD ey or nn money. lilltinll
Slthi the 111.1,011,1 , i to the Fr,"
31,0114 . Mid it WI, R. 1 . 1110 .10110/ig
t Ilelll to thOle. who hil l 110 money.
I told .11r..11 , litt-on that. 1 hettrd ;ma I,lttlo
%VA. In tltr• we,. II.: littt.tne, wottl.l
. .
telega %ph inn him to ome Maim. i.tute
1.11 hilt, that dohniton told me to send oat
after and a udatn. Into
Jail ul 1• day or two, and when he was leay.
mg lie a•tked John If Ito might •petitito
him. John told 111 m to ts tt tirtinnd tretlay
window and talk to me. t,014`
th,l window of my to
tire! told Mt:, In a n ti
undertone, before 301111 Cl,llO nroun.t, to toll
hlm (Ililtion) in John , + pre-enee. to ,eihl In
Little and gull', whiell 1 did. TIWY
to eye me that afternoon. 1 told them I hat
I had sent for them to take advice to fed•r
rime to my ea.., I Dad them I Ila.l toren
10 ,ntl for them. They told me thee
would undertake my o et.rlll 1 II emelt
tlionti mituole, that 1 would' u J
direeled In all tlilnuit, and 1110, reveal untie
log thOY
told Me. and keep me Ilpa teale,l
every 1111 t. elite but them. I told them
would do lust as they tofu me,tind I i. - anted
them to lie laintett with To, and I would
• • .
trust them. Ruth Ulla mgt..; hese Was a
desperate one, wel that IL would tulie kleN
perutt, men to meet hut th,tl. 1 !eel 1..,e1e
It myself, ttnd that I enuld not. bhttne ant
one for It but.oyself. Little then:yoke L 5,
and mil.l he ret,. It feint glimmer of 114.0.• tor
. • .
tattl wout•l aequas. 1..111.11 of It at al.
ear), ‘1,..y, and then the, would tell me. all.
, I‘. l much the iln but
r.nht the, COMO ill In 111,,
• The next visit wn, mad.. Muth. 1 then
acqualuted kiln with ei:01/1/L,f,11 1.1 ,,
ond told him 111101 tie money to pay , a Ma
yer, and felt It my duty to "dorm I,
Ile amid he would [al, my ease on the . on•
illtions ho told
penile cane. Ile said he would titinul-e
nothing at present, 'hut that lie would pro.
111100 to delend me to the best of his ability,
and see that I got an ltuparllal trial. I then
told Ruth that I waSaf rah! he was concern
ed for Montgomery.' ill said lie was not,
and would not perjure himself for ally on ,
lasked 111111 If Mr. Montgomery ohowed any
sympathy for me. lie said he it Id not knee
whether he did or nod, hat that Montgeic•
ery toll him when the 01110000 were after
"blithe," taut If I hail not coulesscil he
all nerer have tel mu guilt , of tile
charge. and wonlil havo :inept a thous.ont
dollar...on my 00011. 110th told ate not to go
to trial this term of the Court (meaning last
Tenn). I LLSlind 11100 If he thought Mont
gomery would let "Cottle' . lay elcr tiler
months more. Muth bald Ito could nut
help It.
I stated to my counsel all .11,001 the mar
der, and Warta who 1 had maim tit:lt...meets
t 11l thud they would have to keep them
down the hoot way thhy could. and 11 they
succeeded they were on :1 dead level, as the
eireutu.itantlal dente was nothltig. Ile
said the hoots did not ttnlolllll to onytholg.
kald If I was to be convleted I wunte.l to
-ey. as long l could; I told ru n I 111.1. Ile
ell! I had great Itinny warin friends on
the outside, awl that they would 1.10 , to
tight down a great Bout of public prejudice,
1001 If we could continue the trill 11111 11 the
excltecottnt dirt( out, IL would no he.ter for
mi. Ile tell 3101agntUrry nal) ottllnttVett
thn 1tt,t . 001111,01 In town, and that Mon.
tu b e
Il wont to Pittston gh and .120111,11
the city, and could rat got 0.7 on*.Like
hold of the case lint Fetterman, and 110 was
not very 01..1. Mr. Huth wive r tol.l toe lie
thought. I wOlll,l get clear, catil If 110
could reduce it to imprl-outnent It would be
aloe thing. Ile •11111 lin did not think n jury .
could be got In the county that would make
It out more than Murder to Int• w•cond dn.
riot:. Little always held out the most
duranteuta to rue.
Ruth and Little told me one day 11,at.
must Luke the hack track—that 'the great
point In lure WILA to deny all 1.11 11 , 1[1:01 , i
the proof tor n. We dht ha , want to prove
we cLattlf 111(1•1110r , , hat
:Loon to prove t hat we dor. They wdred Inv
orriolent. to draw uon oe rtnin which
loan., theta, it hitch thou:ltt it would led
t.r thy ea,. y thonght It 'would break
etaternent; at any rate It ' , MUM not
worst. tile. 'They toll! me to cerm for the
Ju;tiers, Grayson anti Hudson, on E'retailn
Surturrulay. and that the ruttilltwit would be
remuly. and that all I a cull pare to do no.
to sever It wen correct, road c'eY,"lliere are
the feels I wave rum."
1 cent for tae Justice?, and they and
were brought molten cell by t he she, Elf.
The rineriff came into toy cell before he ari•
011.140 a them. and skid tin e Wan oi l ing La
rne question, mid 1•41.11:1 me an
Win truly. 1 told hint to ow' the questinn,
rind 1 would answer it. Ile then curl Ill.' 11
it N I. my desire 11101 threw men came Imre
1 101.1 beta It it wr. Ile ?aid he wished to et
c/tole no one tent would be of any oul van•
L i
to me, but that it w a? ill? dully not retiy
not only to weep rue here but to °Nacre me.
The sheriff . then brouctut thorn in. Little
item request...l the :,111.111T 111 111111 OW rt1:11
Ifle ,140.: 11T 04'1 1.1111.• ho want, to . 1..n0w ,
the elwret Puce - reectlng Tittle rip,
snuutll w tntet to turac nel w .
ste'rel told hunt to state what the u,illdave..
N 0.4 for. let le otes. it tuu ?o, root the
11,0010 to go mit flan[ nib: 11111 g Iff 11101 .11111
0111,1 x1i.‘11,4 W111i.• N 111 1.
1.11:1111 11/1,11 .Senn to say reellinw
the orieueece of the StietilT. 1.1,1 not know
the nature of the alltulatet at the toee. lett
afterwutruls found Out it wits a payer eu•rto
.11 - 111,, 111 Innocence lu the tu der.
Ma - counsel card It was necesswiy that the
atll lavlt ?houlut dinwn ti so as, lureek
my statement. Tney 10111 if the stniement
wera into Court iturcoutrrelicted, it Wal cer
tain death to me.
Mr. Tittle seemed very much II turappnitut.
eul when the Siwriff 1...rfi.1,1 N 11.4 1110 :10.
r3.11g.,11111 1 11 , Ile ianil he would have tt.e
Justices enme yet, and tio would show
the t,benti It outs not In ills plat, to I.c
present at any 11l Our noire ings. Mr. Muer
came In a duty or two utter that. and ,41t1 lit'
1.4 rxpcct v.: that the S net el wouhl inter
fere trial the urraegement, 1111•11 10111
w 1 tie *0..1111 hate Dr. Creign to como nl 01111
s e me, end for nue or :date the facts el
fortll in the oft tacit to the Ituretnr, a? near
es I could retolleet. Ile Mild the Doeter
would not oilyAt l
anything 01.0. it. 1 101 I hire
I would do so, which 1 dbl.
Little brought in the 11111 111011 nne day,
arid Ruin returedeul Little to real it to el,
%Meet he dui. 110:11 tn.n ut..k rut um if I
would sign it. I toldnuim that I wourl.l 111,1, 4,1
It dOal.l - nut th. Of any 11:40 1, 1111.111 in my
case. They sell It would, and !then signed
11. After that ',Otte brought a payer to
me 01111 tail 1111. tooory WT . 111
plain hand write, wool for weed, w hlch I
Old, and Awned It and ?ent It In him by .
Muth. Little ssid 11111 %central in hate It
published in the Washington papers, tont
that he tvotrid try 0101 get Mr. Swan to come
In and see 111,1111,1 der 1/1.1 10 wwe it to 111111
told request him to poirhsh nndal
1101 COMP. RN 1 91111 t Ile paper and t :le imp,
also to Iturn by Mute. Tuttle ?trid when he
brought tile paperer, not motet any one get
a hold 11l it. I.le said ho hail coneterfeitcrl
his handwriting all itireciin the paper.
I asked Little nut• day when ho was „euuleg
to have the 0111'100a publish - sit he 4 . 11 . 1 in N
week Cr two lief", we went tot riot. 1 oto
Jetted to hat M h
g it published.. told 11111
later 104%0110 day. that they weretieing to
have it published It ulay or two before thin
tidal In the Ptct...r.ur,:ti taper'. Ile sold hr
allied it tat i.e publistw4l 11.4 In arrive
here a Ally or two Ireton, the trial. Ile eniol
lne rea..on it 11114 not [wen init3 , l4le.l befor. ,
nothat they , did LIM 1011,100 any
1.1 tat ua. Suppo..e. meant be•111'"
heounsel NI: Ilia Lioinnionw
in niter hurl, Mlti 1 tong him t,. tell
Lilthl: not to nave the a:ll.l.l.yit punt:nand at
- .
Little 1014 ran thry were goinc to apply
or a change of venue in my einie. l'e
to had evnienco in tot favor that I knew
flitting otanzt. Ito saki I must kommultl.
mt not outgo any atatentents In Court, and
I they foreot me to It, to tlcny all, and CO
loan on L. affidavit tieserthett atmvi, Ile
all the snort might want toe to go I.oefora•
he grand Story, nut that• they would 0bi...,
• nil if I was !tiros! to go, to atat rho !gets
et forth In the alntlavit. Ile sold If 1 tow 10
the statement Chat 1 had rartnurly. 1110.10.
that I hail better tell the Sherill to 000 it
rope and hang Inc at Once. 1 told Mtn tint
alteriß.l 1.1 not atom axle it:atm . ..Mon of want
ing to hang te
e. lie reel It there na rarer
a lope out tor me, It would Ist Sherld smith
'that would do It, for that thow.atel tonnes
wan ulng thug, and II 1 U. hanged not
sheriff would get the reward. Ile turtle r
wail ill sw . ore auntuat Montgomery, that
thu snot - eine Coutt could du nothieg for
tee, and If 1 del um. that t it.' .0111.1 earrY
my tato , to the supreme Court en the !dila of
excepttutt taken daring my trial. The Ito!
day 01 tuy It - I.lllle told Inc Cam 3lont
gotnery was out himthig eh evidence le our
favor, end sal.l Wa, had 'got them . 111, "
wanted them; and that he blont
gOntery) would glee them all the money
that they wantwl to curry hi) . 0000 to the
Supremo Court.
Little told me before going to trio!. hat
If they could na011:1g0 to get -Mahe' tried
drat that Mr. Mow gotnery hail said bl. would turn In wan nn mid Meer lei but
that whore two men worn In a well tozeth•
er, that tine Itiel to be pulled tint at 0 1.11111., ,
or that In putting troth oat at one Uwe yeti
would he pulled 10 Yomeelf.
Little eau.. ill ono day alter the death of
J o u. stewart„ and toll tue that Mr. Stewart.
WlOl dead, mud that the que,loit
all gone to hell. for that lit e wart Lad found
the taut heel 01 Mr. Dlnsmories the next
morning utter the murder. I told little
that 11111.1 ant heard of 31r. stew - net , *
1.11 . 50. Ile said he had, end was walrlng pa
tiently. or had been looking for hies C. - idle,
and that lib/ ding wwi n. Log dog out 01 the
road. Whim 1.101 lo (01,1 me Mr. Stewart
waatleae expreared surprlao to , hear.
log the. 101 , Wa. Little', reps). wav,
eiead us hut;'•—think hl. 00111 dead 4.1
the aliened time..
Ilrke day W 11100•1111111 was with MO We worn
taliclog about "Babe,u and he s-ibl they
would try - and get. ...babe . tried Mist, and
that before he left. the Court 11011 01,, Le
01111111•ummene him fora WlllOO, for me, I
and make him swear that he had not aeon
mu on the night or the murder,.
110 that 110
would Moak the greater part of my state
ment. I told lilta I would not make another
statement, tf 110 could bo tvenetlttthl by my
kevOi.or quiet Muth Old to me a he
thOught 1 would,Le would sink mu to hell
1:1 a minute.
I expressed feitr to my counsel that they
could not get my I list put off. They stud If
they could they a'ol.llo, u. 1.1 If oft they
would flyLt ea beat they could, light t4er.l
Shogght tiley entild
. - el...fa:al, and ill..
:0 u. the oar.! the
get foe ill1),111, !le got mo
et pulverirml situr„.' inil stint it
The Saturday h. t,5• court 'with
for taking It. I took, so
It of It,
not erect me as he F 'I, It •• MILL
',Me ho Ir.. to keep ree'd
slaking My trial, and fairy the b 11 by th e
horn.t,und it by told toe to jump up on the
platform and losik buttorml tr Judge . '
0 illy lam., in do tri lot, says he, "Ryon
loot. Your enututos in the Lige they will
vanish Id,Suilnlfe." The evening 1 was
tasen before 1.110 and *dead no; '
gutitn Little wide:wrist thel wOrdi ( Moe
guilty - In my ear Whom I war, sintohng on
It, :Lew. s .
Little tititi In to see me the
Deforn trial, atter .11.rls, and
said they woold apply Inc a centinuance
tne Int,rning. Sai4 if My trial
syas pot on en ityimunt or inyt illness, that
Craturtne ssoult Our' toilette's - sir
:0... two! 1111111 t.. 1.1 I ww, thatLt
shoold In. 'they said that they SOULS
a m pave it pat off on iitutonnt of the atrnmeri
of witnrsses. t Imam - steal that they bad
Itlzt.,,vs for my defence. and augsrusted
t mad to staid sonic: Intent away. They said
that the witnceies score of shell a!risturei
mat they youot not do it.. I retnammt Igno
rant et the I Mat tile; lied no defence to
maso until w Ls+ about 10 cloy, lAts
11l mod be wanted to ay, host lunch stand
op [lime in toe 0. - .1111. lind for MO to
hi ye ymil end look the jury in 100 tarn. He
tunt the Jury Tl‘ll , CJ.ot u o r nic e
;acre and mat gu t s man and try
to 4cure 11101, nomumgal prisons
ev. I lit told me In cool and qtylet, mot
t oo , e y e , on, In tip Mee, its they` , 51d
place tuyo ilithirout mule id the Smart,
ots to ..tTelt tne, and ours . ' Ilke,tv have
Airs. ittnymors and her elitlitren losidel the
ba: to try to Otto. uoi 0011001.' Its
mid me to play 01r0/1,4 Lie pulil tram most
of the Jurors a itold Lopublican, and to
express. my ftwit, sr views to the Shorter.
lie w0.1.1.,..1 me to May Mt Insane at one"
time, . utuild not Mt it. 1 lo.tolit hie tO
! , lap ryliglous Mai 1110 IC Intatti,:eaute tie
mm e, and ti..Lt It wonl.t ,ent. , 14,#[1,.. lie
told e unlit In, time, botore 1 .7zt Up (0
the C..,0t Lome ;or teal, to run Ida Iglu my
et mol phi - rt-dr-t`siktt , •
lai• to twits that In mind. I dtd rltt do '
mot limn suo 1 1 bettOr nOL tIO
Att.. ri•ltto•lai the 0103
trill, vo - onnvt ,tutuxacki. MO on
..00gttn ony on on Illy-C. T
s..raror oft,
. .
,uhf approach inn. and' try to p top ma,
but to epuril 111001 trout tile, and to to _toll
theta anything, 114‘1 keep 3itokl - heiltit —that
too . ury would not lai. In ua .www , aw they ihrw .
peeled the... Ii lieu tunjuty rend mat too . _
, erd lot ut tile rite.; tog or the hell, y coun
sel met lOU 11l the door of Ibe Plierld'a °Oleo,.
tool went with n., tO the court to Cu, and"
seated air bet 0 eel] them, and told 'flo "nor ._.•
t t
to get ...tolled It the,,,tey readered a verdlCh .
of ,n liter i.l the erof tivitreo, fo that. 1 .
coo 1•1 Intone tio one but myself for It, and ,
tee to te•ctry nifiiiii , t. Nlontgotuer ; - 'lor 1 ,
would be murder lo then', tO. Well , shut,
ter .1 I o tow soon t lA` I,uprvi.ok. Court for me.
told 1.. e, lfore toy LI 110, lllill JOOIN
1:3111,00 was sure of his ,o quital,/ , 1111 ho was .•,.
out wor,e 111. th au :..e., Little tialLl , lt they
failed at the ottoretuo Court, that .11 i had a-
a Irtend in Harr, herg, u utruibe
0 sr, and that Ito hwt lo.t hi atrel f 111 1 - fel-" •
lueolenee a Ile Illiu 10 Vvg.o'it to 1 , 4 GP" ,—
i t
I bat ills friend was it Geary 111110,.a0 it thaZ j
Geary war, a John,on that., told tt at thOY. !
would clo.e op on the toivevuor for pardon
on the grounds that th e e Governar, well EIS ,
la t eel f. had !well to th army.
Tbo day twfure 1wa...[001011 up IC a Trii.- • i.
gm,a by the Court, 3lesers..•illeort u a Free- l' • f
m at , ltrady, ;r., elated John Leann.). Altar .'
they went. out Lennox 101(10:11 on it ye door •
Ifs of It Is cell and asked me If there a to ..7
olio In th, 3.a.1.1. - 1 t , h 1 hi 11 UO. Ho tad ha •
had coed new: r roe. 111, said Wm Linn,
1.. q , u as hero troll] I . lll.ol , Urgh, and lookod •
toy ease ell over, 0101 10 4101 not io up ki
the Court House and ca
toy ire away
,woon, 1 hat Loot woald take pi3w. olio and .
early It to the Supreme Court. and , ear rue
and have , MO out of here' by Alay,l'und foe
Otto nal,: to keep quiet. Ile maul Lion . _
wanted to rook, hitt:weir 0 big name, and
tout he would Interfere Whoa 1 teas 'Laken
tot to he sentenced, aull tell them he was
to take tlo , caw:. ;Ile sald Freeman '
Ilrady ..01.1 lip, ,Lonnorl-1 lawyers would
Ind, Pun
with the 024,01. !irked
Lijnnor who tool Idol! that. Ille said be
'0..1114 • not tell 111, Iltlt to !take ttet Old
tool' , tole lel• 111.1 keep , inn's[. I
,••ii . ,,,,,•• 31,,,,,,, re called tun In the doer 1
of my cell too morning - that I was called he- •, '
lore the ceert, mud to tllO . to keep notch ''
toed I would e i out all right.
ile day hallo told ute that the Counind' \
the COlllll/011Vre.ilL11 anti afraltl tiler
could not , eonvict tuo. Ile alild that he 110,1
a matt ported one litchi In one 0(1110 roan. !
u. 1.1 os idiot Crumrin._, 011100, and I tott oar
014111 rim mat ..1 10 tau hull below the ',
cite, 1111,111 1 twelve o'clock, and below
eiterte' a nd ltoydihruturlne 01111 Harrel'
V au,: Irk. 1 U11iiii,1.0 ,,, 11 I the , eoui ea 110,3 . In
tended to tairrini. hen the raw:came lip for
truth Th,:y WI•r1 do". gI 0 Opi.:y for I 0 sep
arate Mal. 011.1 try tne dr ,I 0110 Cntl V /et ma
and then Mal, 0 11 1101.0 4 of To a,, vet
Xl , llo,oinerv. 11,t 10iti tot. ut timot tI me
I.ltAt y .tbunding him to Ilnd
t rfui, hot ho ts °old not tell lam, but
al , l to 31101 gouterY `,” ."ere Ilku the
alt a the hor-e— , lf Son .to not
tramp oar to., We o'lll 1.44.1 bOlher you,” and
that Slooloinnery rail tt wa• all right.
. . . . .
tie tell .11entgoinery Met It waw not nee.—
.ty to preve 11 he we, in company artte
“1f.....e•• that nteht—al ho .ant that be could
pr “It:Ope" rru, eh
tt—and If be had nay
xl.n ove uputi.., it wai bud 1011.11 .
1.1 1(10 'Lea that 110111 and himßelf were
ibren yenne In the practice of Taw, and bad
Poen looking for -owe hard ca,e tor same
note, ant thoo,ht tut C.tcC wat the onh that
tot.y\Cure Lott ist.; tor. It they could
h., the 'rhea tort one 14 . 11.3 111.1 C. they
Itht not itet the bit etto•it they.woula -et
0tt0. , 1 our, t.. nuke up. Tilt* tooth told me
to,,ttclt to them and they a rothl click to
he. Little toll me that Ittloottroinery 1014
thhto tha they loottrot itteto Jost whero
tn..: wanted them; id stattl they
gut e....try my ha,. to the Ottpreato Court
atol Let, :tom, Cro tt 3 ear. Ile told Ine.
attothor 1 111 t• It.t nno ot the jurymen
tot: I, tot t met, won 1.1 have to be a good
eal oLttir , l .1(11.0 to make him
th., I nun guttry.
H:t• Vl•qtell (111 a.ecrtale lunrulng by the
800. Dodde u xdt /*whew itrudp. logo not
revel ..-el Ibe .1113 Cl the montb. but ;while.
the': eo . ro In icy cell 3I r. asked me tr
1 ILol nny Lope of ludtbe; out Of All. I Loki
Mto 111:111 could not un. e'er it Malian.
r.' 11, ady ti.en los kid me It 1 Implicated
MAntuolu, ry Ty In my etutelneb.. I.
1.11 .1.10111:et Id. vo“ia have to omens . ° mu
for not be-Waring 1111 qutedlons, Cl my
eden-ol had .Inody forhullen me ....touring
PUI to rue by nue one but
. .
The, next lithe Little came In to see me, I.
tnld Mtn that Mr. Brady hall been in to sea
tee, amt had b. en t.. 561 g tee questions per- .r .f.
taming to any vase_ 11e. (Lath') 1111 . 1 ae
that he was :;e
lug It have the Itev. Itodget
atat 31 c• toLvltit? rue again, and ito
anted toe to•tale Mr..Urtniy aside and tell
haw that my 'slat onttent. Itatt been obtained
front tile by the ,h,nr ant others by in- ,
dace:emit , lodd out by them. Little told T
me to tell Mr. Brady hat the Sten!'" had
told um that they bad round the heel off my
heart. and tile 1.011 also, not a button off
ley vest, end that they could trace mu
every step of the way to Dluentort.s, and
that Mr-. Itlnsutore hat Identified Me as
on 11l tee welt, and would swear 80, aml
tha e t
Ilt , y Mot the dead wood on me, and
heat there was CIIIII/C0 of escape, and
that 14x.1 n0 better Millie IL }tfaettlelli and bo-
V0111..11 Mr the commonwealth than
to korn collet mad be bung; and that the
SLerin 02.1.111101 It 1,11111 , l llc latter forma
to doe.., that he would not say that It would,
et any rale 11 Collitt not worst rue;
and host 1 leant the then in the yard ear •
they oagl. to hang the, and that I ought to
le st rang ail to ga tamp post; and that),
bath -
1•a the statement through fright, and the
Inducements Lel.l out by the sderifft sad
11102 1 was an orphan and a earanger-in
100 Li, :WO 11;0 110 0110 In 4,lvlse me, tuld.
a, learlul of my lice Irving taken on the
spot, that. I had seen the like done In the
army—that 1,, I hull seen men lynched. I
told Llttle that l had never Peen a man
1,1t...he,5. oayo he. ni:rady Will not know
what you have s.•en.'" Little said to tell
hills also that the sherilT had told Inc what
to say in toy' sta....meta, an 1 that 1 ought MO
mak... a Stat , Thent, and that it was the
cherdf that mentioned hhout too bringing
••11..,' 1 Into it—twat tta, evert', had talked,
tile matter ell
over with me in my cell be-.
lore 1 mule nay publle . tatemeut at all.
I tohl Little the Sheriff did not may any
thing to the Whollt maktug htnterneotr,enly
what Mods .1.1 In the yur.l• f.tore ll number
of nice; and that the Sli *rill' w ould. tlehy
toe asAdtlon, lie it was 1 lee. Little aald
thateas jest what ho Wan ell him torlotand
he bud a sped .1 reason for wanting Illm to
do it. Ile told toe to tell Mr. ern is that I
had been to Itinsioure's once, um' rhooght T.
could deserief,the place, land that I had
hoard the part mulsra of lm warder talked.
over the Inert..., before I wa. arrested. lio
charged The 111 1.1 11.1:rads to hay nothing
unont ear ennVersatlen unit.) he wskasked
nbnat 11. la Loartt and to tell Mr. Hrady that
I Illlk hint to he toy friend 1.? . y the plain anll
honed way he talked to tars , al.llO eo.lchhf o r
by ;4;114 g: ".I/ r. Brady, yed know my states
mirnts "rule to different persons—that tall
.4110101101101516 f*htlealLlll.l,:,' the l eng th r , r
i,.•• 1 .111 mina did not care about mak.
log the ntatell.l.nt tO Mr. bratty. A bergs
p a rt of thin IMM:tag*: 1 , used In the killdas
VII drawn Ito es my Connool,
The next tom: ',lulu came In after 1110
~..s,ve cons el - salon, be asked We If Mr.
llrady mot He, Dodge lord been in to see
toe 1 el. I tOttl Ittm they had not. He ask/
main 11.4Vir 11,11 to cocuu_ yet;.
Ilull Mr Itriel3 .1 Ire not aav anything &trout
11, tar the , 10, (11. - ady , o) brother and three' •
91 to.r ot ho Laden:gen to a. certnib todze.
and 1111.1 Andy Brady beiouned to it *loo.
111' 1I t urn :dote tee nature 01 the Lodge.
Ile roll that 31 r. II eitily's brother was a law
yer. and 111 id 511:1 msLe I,la prOSLINtI
cresy unire Indituu. boweyer,
Itrely del no: cone,. and thereto:, I,lld not
leabe id:dement to tuna or any one «leo
but Hr. Creinh, In Yalu:11 I contradicted roy
term, rdidetuerit.
Rath told me 01 ono lime he tbonsht or
stsidin.: Cretonne, It: hi. Gibson,
Wm. 3l'liennda, Pavia Wh.on, and oth
er ptnn,il tint, taw yeri of both . sides—mean
log ueutters, and Itepubllcans—and for
me to run Ire,
Ina dale tl,fdeta set forth
:1 the nhll,lo a il ,
tto them, 0114 then the COM
nem %rend enuld not .ay It via,- all aone
01.1211 ~veet ma. Ile did ant mind them In.
Little told tne.loo 4105.10 get some paper
slid write hint not sil-t et all the names of
the 001-1100 that Wele 'admitted to my cell.
bittlt ladles end gentlemen. Ile sold he
uvula font use Inc Iton my trial, to show
hole that) had been kept for a show. Ito
01.1,1 the law I.ollhl not perunt„claitOre to be
halllitteci to toy cell without my conleent,
an , l told me to tell too Sheriff to stun ad
mltting any,onc. I made out the list, but
did not give It to my counsel till the )bey
had rot tentat the close of my trial. 1 gavo
II to I:ath. It., asked me why I did not glen
It to him before toy trial commenced. 1
told blot I aid nut thank It Sault] Isi of Spy
1190 If, 01111. I tut T o te it In In 010 bands yet.
110th snti Little have o certain paper In
10:10 prersssslon which was got from toe by
them, I suppo s ed, tar the itro.., of twine
fitting me on my trial. 1 wish to Inform
the public el It for fear that It might injure.
the Shorilt, .0110 has Always acted honest
with me and been my hoot friend, and II
hod taken Ids 1115100 01111 listened to him, 1
tCositinuett on Fourth Pllge43
,11 thrxt
eoul !do,
1 thry
't would
oine kind
Ith nosh
lit it dai
or my
ere v al
e party