The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 15, 1867, Image 1

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- MVO. Eta i.l-Tt73:lBitx - elcat.
F. B. 1:1111111-7.1Edi"."•
Slagle Coyle§ X coats
D. ll, ma by =rum. tver weika 15 cents
Matt moot - rid:la, (per year) 110.00.
Liberal reklactlons to NewsbOyll sod Axenta.
TX/0113 7013, WELELLY:
Three Copmg, per year. n 1 , n , .. 11 -••••••—.5i 50
live • do. do. do. each...... 155
Tea or moro Copies. to ono addense, and
one hen to club. each
Ton 'WM
Fara &Dental Establothment i.C. 21 Penn
otreet. //rm. Mil t Gtlleeple.
Ilarard d Cess§ - 011 , 11 Cod Liver Oil
Theyureakand Sweelett. Cod Lver Ofl in
tae world. • manufactured from fresh
healthy livere, upon the firuf.hore. It la
perfectly Vutwiand sweet. Aek for "linuard
Coarvell'a Cod Liver OIL. manufactured
by Caswaur, ItAck .t Co. Now York
Sold by all druggists. .ww
To WhOtousle tloylr■
A)f Dry Goods Ivo offer bargains in Job lots
of Dross Goods, rantllngs; 11nen Goods, anti
full lines of Shootings, Sturiings, Prints,
Ticking, Chocks, SO., all of bleb wo Irlll
Bell at tho sou lowest CtStl prices.
J. W. BAnsien & Co.
- !
00 Marked, !street, below Thad & Fourth sta.
Clot 4 rant Silk Soc. - likes.
Gardner t Stewart •aro showing a splen
did assortment of these gouda at very
priers, at their now store, on tho west co,
nor Of .61a.rket and Fourth letreeta. 2w:ood
• Pare Drugal
Pura Drugs!! Puro Drugs!!! Puro Drugs!!!
at kale d, Diult`a, Allegheny.
foreign Liquors of all hinds at Joseph S.
rincles DlnWlerp, No. I J, 191, 193 eau! 195
You eau BUJ
S 4 per cent. .I.lconol ac .I.o:ph S. FlreeN.
Yon li. .113117
K 537 /.19r. ut Joaep)a ti. Fiaeh•c
A B . lllp of Vrath Floato lotol Fort of the
Sincgthe time when the Ancient Mar
iner told the terrible tale of the curse,
laden' ship with her crew of ghastly
corpses,.no more thrilling story of t o
sea has been related than that of t e
whale'ship Dias.: , that recently drift .1
into one of the Shetland Islands. j
A year ago she lett the Shetlands 0* a
whaling voyage to the Artie regions,
having on LOUIS tifly men. From tnat
time nothing , more was heard of la,r.
The friends of those on board becanie
alarmcd.l 3.loney was - raised and premi.
ems Offered to the first vessel that Would
bring tidings of the missing ship, bu all
to no avail. Hope was almost ale d
• On the 2cl. of April the people near, Ilo
na's Voe, ia one of the Shetland Isles,
were startled at seeing a ghastly wreck
of a ship sailing into the hirbor. Bat
tered and Ice-crushed, sails and cordage
cut away, boats and ipaTS CUL 'Up fo fuel
in the terrible Artie winter, her ecks
covered with dead and dying, the long
lost Diana called in like a ship from
Deadinan't Land. fifty Len sail il out
of Lerwick in her on a bridht May ..orn.
Lug last year. All of the Lily cams back
on her on the 2d of April, this ye ; the
same, but tow different.
Ten men, of whom the captain was
one, lay stiffened corpses on the y deck;
thirty.tive lay helplessly tick, all some
two retained sufficicr.t rength
to creep aloft, and the other three crawl
ed feebly about the deck. The ship was
boarthai by the islanders, and, as they
climbed over the bulworks, the; man lit
the wilee fainting from excitement, one
of the sick died ac he lay, his death be •
announced by the fellow occupant
ofhts berth feebly moaning, **Take away
this dead man." On the bridge of the lay the lady of the captain, as it
had laid for (oar month?, with ni e of
Las deal shiptnates by his oide, all de
centiy laid out by those who aeon ex
pected to share their fate.
The survivors could not bear to. sink
the bodies of their comrades into the sea,
but kept them eo that when the last Man
died the fated ',hip that had been their
common home should be their common
tomb. T. e surgeon of the ship worked
fai:hi J±to to last, but cold, hunger,
scurry and eiyachleiry_werc too much for
The '.rare Captain was the
fast ri 'rum, tr-d.,die•a hdecting his men.
Then the others ra:, ohs by one, until;
the ship was tenanted only by the acied
and dying. One night more at s-ari ;
world. have left the Diana a floating
coffin. Not one of the fifty would hate
lived to tell the ghastly tale.
Romantic iirlarria;.Te . —The 'Tilde of F
Ilitnutee Bids Adieu to Her Ilubbutd
In the prow column of this papel'w
Le found a notice of We marriage of Mi.
Emma P. Jones to Mr. William S. Ai
fletion, which occurrence took place
Sunday morning, at St. George's Chum •
This announcement will doubtless a:-
tinier many of the friends and ttequai• -
Lances _of the bride• and groom. T e
young lady isa resident of Carthage, II ~
and was on a visit to some friends a
this city. When she left home the hi d
not the most remote idea of changin.,
her name. The genteman who Wass t
happy as to meet his ideal of beautY u
i ‘
such a time, urged his case with ter-vs
eloquence, and rileadednot in Vain. Thi.
happened on Sittrarday evening. On th
following Sunday morning a small wed
ding-party entered St. George's Church,
`and two hearts were muds one by the
sacred bonds of matrimony. After the
marriage knot was tied; the happy bride
groom told the bride that be was the son
.of an English nobleman; and, possessed
morn than his proportion of this world's
goods in his own right,. without refer
ence to "great expectations" of paternal
inhitritance. This fact he had hitherto
studiously withheld, and the disclosure
proved a delightful chapter of this ro
mance of reality. • t
Another; and concluding chapter was
- to follow, which wtiarrot- so pleasant to
the contemplation of eitherof the twain
made one, ,and contained-a most 1111 ouu I
incident to such occasions.. Indeed, it
was the most romantic circumstance o(
this most romantic,' story. After the ,
usual congratulations were over, the
wedding party retired from the churith.
While on the steps-001e sacred edifice,
the bridegroom informed the bride and
the astoidithod company or
importance celled hinl•to our Western
frontier, and that Les ould be compelled.
to leave iturpediately r Fort Riley. A
carriage was in walti into, which he
stepped, and bidding lila fair brida adieu,
/30011 vanished 'from sight. She did not.
faint, fall, and contribute to', an exciting
scene, for he had taken the precaution to
whisper in her ear that Le would tea eh--
sent - only five weeks, and advised- Ler, in
the meantime, to hcl us happy as'elm
could, and make preparations for a voy
age to England on his r eturn.—St. Louis
Ileptadican. . i
—A. young. German lady of 'Muscatine
named Emma Llbndefktr, became Co mor
tified over the treatment .received by her
mother at the hands of her father and
brother. that 'the committed enfolds by
drowning herself on host eattirday. Lose•
lug her roc at four o'clock lu the -morning,
she made 'her war to the river In nothing
bet hoe nightclothes, and found death, and
relief from her sorrows In the waters of the
She lett the frdiowing letter on
her dressing table: eNdmne is arkliwerablu
or respontible for my death bit my father
and brother. I do not cash to 'live any
longer, for my heart In breaking: lam ex
eaedingiy sorry for my beloved mother
but could not endure It any longer. Fare
well, dear, mother and and.r. Dear sister,
obey our mother, and' Lavin Ler no
Farewell, farewell, on', earth. I vrlmli y et
much luck and helmet.," The (.s,urer
speaks of the young lady as being a porno
great amiaddlity and well reopectral by
many friends. '
—They have a tough fellow in . LOW Iston
Mu..'or S . tollgt, unto , of ono, to the of
feet Maths fell rrOpt.„111: 211n/:tag of 01100 ,
the other hay, bruk . W.oo* . n Iwo u/buu
Ana, full natty fret •g.I btrook'Ol.mll
heft wAllu u of b boucle' ' , arid IWI
bunches of shingles felt 1.11X112 iii 111; awl (Int
I:icked himself up and sYslgellio hls holed,
sit a Milo distant. ' '
• , , ,
• • 5., ---. -. • • i,sTAB L i
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I •
Full Confession of the Condemned.
Montgomery and Others Implicated.
ißy Tolegrarh to the lattsleurh Gazeite.l
WAxillawrox.l.A., Nifty 11, ireT.
The excitement over the executleu of
Feeler, which will Mk, phlo, to-morrow,
rano high. Much reeling . ix monite,tutl by
the Citi<l,l9, who feel that Jute lee mllll , O
onlyintlf catlttletl to tLu tragedy to-mot,
Fouler lo nttendad by tbo her. W.
Wat Idn and J. D. Herr, Math°dint c,lerkrr
men, and 110r.1,r. Or9wncon, Presbytertan.
Ile orbicv.4 repentance for bin crime. Tho
aervleem will be conduct
ed in Id, cell, and at two 0 . ..40ek will be led
to the wattold.
Ile has made a full calif...if:on, In stlitolt
he reiterate, nu; stillehient Made At the
time 'of his arrest, diteetli inipileattng a
prominent. youn g 1..L.11 . 01 1 hit borough nx
Uls assn.:de and bel,er la the murder. lie
charges Other perseina with being • li. the
Original Floc to roll Me. Dinsmore. He,
also. siceitses a unities,. c.f Individuals with
grossly deceiving hod siiiee hls arrest, In
hulling out inducements to lilm not to in
cisive other partlea. Ills confeßhloll oven-
Ides twenty,,Aiven pa i ..u...s of foolscap. and
was i - ritten - TNy ttim.eit In a olear and lion
els° manner, hiding neither lilt Own guilt
nor that of hit B,,OCIUtes. It Is thought a
etrong effort will be made by a powerful
faction hero to suppress thls confession, but
it will prove of no avail,. your reporter
has a cnpy,of it and wilt forward by omit.
STUD contention will doubtless appear la
toduOrrow's edition.]
11. Clieorsollll Cougretnlest..4.l eT
Nestroos Warning' 111%patch to
Joust., linderituud—Dasls Cn notate
to Catusaa.
Iticamon 13.—Ai. lir. Davis Came Out
of the Court Louse ;lad enteci_ d a carriage,
lifter his release. there w a loud Cheer
troth a crowd of nat - et, o utside,
t side, and about
AV.)" of them - gathered around the coach
and thoeh hands wall lime it., remained
quiet Co the hotel nil eventim. lie will vislt
Canada soon to see his children. The first
name signed to the tail band. alter 'that of
Jetfereonl 'Horace Grecley 'e, then
Mr. Ochellfs, hr ' New Turk, and Mr. Jack.
man's, of _Philadelphia. A- little lower
down to the name of John Minor lant., or
Virginia. The residems who nl , ,neit were
prominent vitt:ens or lticlanontl,inerehen,
and lawyers. There as to he a general
feeling of relief amour the eiti Yens and an.
tborit lea that Oat is it In the City.
It is stated that the Grand Jar::
Metall Vice Pros! tent .le, C. Isreeklmrld,a,
Judge 31. W.:Morons, oh Fairfax, auk! tour
others, for tre.,,un.
The Velenretn "not reertred
Judge Underwood In the court room, ti
gbort'rne Itefore I,,khottted Devi+ to 1,4111
h Was h.. r'/!-,11, MVP Tu • Ilder
—lteetre of lireetev. U.:wet:Ow, 1-teny
Priedu. Andereoeelt:e bold I:eV, taliden
Ulf; ere (boring on end esp.-et
you to On your duty. dote three hundred
thoeeeod (etrlots' grates cry Aloud for re
venge. [rdnned] torn P rote,"
Jttr. Davte, On hoz reloooe, telearooned to
ib. brother, Jame,. C. Irs
tec tact, afA Informed Otto be W,,ai t vette
from New 'York. Mr. !tack fool vita
-4,1 the gravo of their SOU, la the even•
tog, at Holly-wool Ce•outery. 'trot
faintly trent ou board lAA: N
ti—nicht at ten o'clock:- 1,3:• for Neur
jerk ta-ottorrow non - oat, oa,l to. 0. oto
Canada. ( , I be abo•a taro renche.l
Li, 111 tilts° for Seetcraal'e r-111.1 0, 1
Entor......lestool, May I:.—Tao etcyller
Nla,zara arrreed r.t Norfolk till , - of:et - noon
with Dart,' fatally and 1:l.,
a:nook:V. pas•olotro..l,l,l court to-night
for No. Fork. :dm Lte.v . :4 vietted the Forte
rt.., this at tenet...
1•i,,1111/1•131 Of 411 •1••ount of dun,
1:•1•1.2 , 1 At nail a. milli./ .1,111•,.
—••ll vltLin • ft.
..11.ryland IrVlslte and Mark Slnto Con• • •
• veution—Lear,unnrar.;;::ora3.74l
FROM B tl.71)L011E,
13ALT110.:¢. May IT—.ln iteddr.lance
the resolution adopteill by the Ilepu!dici
Itedical Stain Centrals Loiumitten on the
17th of April, ult., a ,Chet convention of the
Mtn and black ravel aloudithied at tali:, at
:Brciadnuay Hail to take into con-icitrution
the,poiltical arra:, nr the Mate.
son; - -i.thairmitn of the `tats Central 'Com
mittee, ca.lied the 1:031,:iti.1110 other, end
nominatenlilnior tomcod Andrew Dennlnon
temporary Itheithictri. and the nomination
wan adopted by arclamathiti. TIP/ General
returned tiding, for the honor torderred uh
him in appropriate remark,
On motion a COllltnitt, on erCtIGIIMOIR
It teeing announced that a deiegnil ion (thin
the Ithpublican f. ten Delon are
was in uttenduner,ia renointion war Onaill
rnouely adopted luviting themgi
t,ootts. The
pre eat Meant while
owl Wang. The latter generally peieupy
separate portions of lee hoe lint gi•Mert.,
A colored representative. Sander, allele au
elonuent acid witty 4peeeli, wit iting nol
°red brethren to vote the riel teal tteket..and
per-dieting that they will .lo
lonian to Diu /Do (Donde. ~I..rowds of c.b
need eitizeura re wending their way to the
Mai, which pronthlei to 9,1,e1y para‘4•.l.
During Um afternoon Ni I. nt,y er
pOilee 01:1 duty, preeei•ing tne bent 0!
order. There in Inieseltergent beyond Die
enth 11.1 astn of the participant.. in the Cut, -
ven Win. There Is Ito tippet:Mini:ou of rio t
Pince or disorder.
Baptist Convention .tdievraeti—Vert.
ou.. Riot at BroliLl twill., at Rant.
eat C•mveutlein—TUVve twill._)
Too Whites Inipaaeli•
tarot. Case.
;Be Tel. cr• oh to tee l'ltosto rich 01 2,.111.1
Mal/rum, May l7.—Thu Itaptut ConCon
ti/4n telJottrried at two o'clock.
Phil morning a »ern]va riot occurred at
Mrmenevllle, Turote..ce, at a Radical Con
ventlOn. Three :mgr.', and LW" whiten
were nhOt, but not fatally. Report.. as to
the orlgln are conniotlng. The Itadmal.
charge IL w,.41 1.1.) result of an organlked
plot to break [op Ito COllv,ltion. 4.O.hern
taxert that it WI,/ the remit of negro to-
gentler;. lipecches a 81).11‘.11r nAylotr 'that
every man Who too l owned 5121.1,4 ought to
have ta.lscart eat Out. All was quiet at
tact account..
..4tcumm.c, May I/.—The Impeaclaulant
,4.144 al. ucalay OVerril it,tl 1110 ObjCo/10t. or
, I .bl ,
4V:11040 to Senators Mall and gotnlll and
'weld io.m the 'examination 1,1 aftnemcco.
Gen. Cca LI. Tlanna. led" evatulned, but
inn ten'zmony develop' 41 nothleg, and was
I scarcely raluvautto our nuldect. '
Removal of Lei...intro 1.4 Toroato—
Atoothrk reolou Held.
(by Telegraph to the la tot argil If straw: 1
orro tea, May 14.—enalers were tbened
4lty to tee Itetiorttne ntVU, break
up buttlrie. Ott the :re.ll or J bite, bed reopen
ltt Tornotb On the sth Of .I elf.
Mon•rn.L, the:Govern-
ILICIIL Ira, iltfilrll.l.[l.o of tatottthr
Seto...led lOolan rola. • •
Ylnoofoelinantto.Leglolattiro to tholltt;lof rah , ! , f
Illwrox, May, lf.—The heal.latlvo Corn.
m Wee on lleenees rauflu tevoral report.. LIF
tiny. 7 . 1,6 floOffrOP report oeeffnimonflei
toe fdttag of Mentes to loon, I fotels,
toailers. ftc. Th., minority report favors tflu
ealff.thtf prOLLlbltof p law. Atoftber
reet ooen.4 ft ln:tfelileaon report the, too l sti ll
anotot l o [upon
.es to refer the whole aoltiout to tnu neat
Avothrr 1n411,11A Cannnl,
gyTelegume , to the Fhtehurgla Uazt• tic. j'
entcAoo. May I I..=Luttera xure rvaulYo4
In thin city to-tleY duteal OTT bourn thu
Bluateur Miner 00 At that 11111 eau
Was at Fort Sully, !IA tittle a abuvu 010.1
City, anal aeOve the polo t Where her capturo
le sehl to have Occurred. Farina) In thin
city latureatue lu the steueier eciehltler the
report ue utterly eltout loundutlou.
COY TO'cr.lPh to tha Par.latr-b cla
A 1111.01.16 and each.. I,ArkrApheralll...r•l
Om CITY, Hay lt. 'Weather cool aml rain
ing -nliglaly ltiver tiro Icct brat ralslng
dlosrly. •
LAWIMVIL.L.t. /lay IL-Itiver VorY
slowly wart feet lu casual.
411ay riv, fall (Mr
lacbag wcat/ar lY bvt,
The Mississippi Injunction.
Arguments in - SupreMe Court
ttly,Telegraph to the lllttsburalt Gotette ;
• WJAMIIt:TON, May 14, IS:,
COnsteerablo Interest attaches to the
amended tdississlore hill, and the coitiPittin
adte untortaln strong hopes that the court
will take cognizance of General Ore's ac
tion, at toast to the extent of restraining
him from any measure which might expose
the ante property to waste. The bill
been sulanitttld without areumunhand from
the fact that It was nut dliposed at yester
day, It Is Inferred that the amemitneute have
weight with the court.
The case of the Milwaukee and St. Paul
itsliroad vs. Souther was 'argned in tile Su.
promo Court to-daY; also that of the State
of Texas ugainst various •partles in refer
ence. to the Texas indemnity Wads. issued
by the United Stairs upon her elllllolAtiolll,
amity of isehielt were sold by the authoritil.
of Tes.t, lawaitse torrent In New York. The
question whether the de fortn Government
oI Texas was competent to died., of three
Lunda Kau mooted, and the de.ea-len lolly
Involves the statehood of 'rases during the
rebellion. It is au elicittng elate, Mb Irolltlr
Cal MS well as pecuniary •111r.itlutli are.lll
- 'rile rebel authorities, who negoti
ated these thuds, b; co.yernor Throe bumf ,
ton and hp person. new Colon Into t:Ourt and
say the Covertaneut they helped and kept
up in Telds, against Mier °Roil Slat. e, inns
a usurottleti, and nevi; to get ack' the
meant • ibty themselves dedicated to the
help of 1.13.43, ou the plea that they Wore
TWO of the grund jurors of the United
States District Court:of Virginia not he tire
the ethretnent tkukthere is no truth in the
report that the Grunt J ury have indiett..l
John C. flrectrlnridgc and Judge Thou...,
of Fula - fax county, for trasiaon. TllO uattlr•
Of those persons Intve nor bean be
fore the Jury during the prescrit tern,
.fu.tge nett wad yhtenel Conger wore C.lll.
(t:1 tufa! o the Jthl!clorT Letrthdtt , e
morning, to giro !evidence in rotation to
!tooth'. .Itory. longer trntl➢ct
.:fury' IA la the kinr.Ut. , c , .).. .4110 u as 1611,11, 1a
ken from littOtti'l
1:11031 NEW TORE
ry 7..,,X714 , h 0 V., 1•1:,,,,h ao,nlT.l
ax 7ok May
14.7., LAY I...oirrs.ix
Dul!ng 'the !.torus obtot, the larga
store-Loto, Arct,cr, at lto of
Van IVok stroat, itro.oilyn. aa. ,trz.a by
11 1 ;btnIng.. T:112 rotor too ['wit trout tho
Fltorv , -.oooo', att.! in a 1.,•• Inoutont4 It was
r,VelOpt..4l. btore,,:o coL•l•to.til 9 %;;,-
Loa nod ottrala of 'rat, The lariat, 1,,
tyltb. Meat rn;lt.llty. 9,obtfarr,l 02 t.
01.021: 0.1, .1 vAnnyo,2. 1.0,4 awl
ork 1,,, , b4 about •t'LbO, 4.1 til,tl
In:now:co. Too, Or, nii I
13.1 . t;n of eLV.ti. , :tn, v.uod'itt
gtorvd ~U lu r,s . .l,tdat,tt, Innt,
, ol
{I or.• w,•ro tno,au , i fc..•
dreal of sk:.ln.
thus of wt.,•pLit”
of r00fi0n..1.,‘11.,, , r, 5i.t.” , I ao.:
11111 pnylarli
Lu ne.miiT
3:.... 4ucauglit Ere hol oat
clitin.wcd. two Sy..
tho 11,0,111,
fx,,.;1 toy Can 11,11 , ne
St s.). grit.tat,t, ,!•••
Thu arvrt:tyl cr.11,1
13,111 e.t4n,a1,14.1 t! . ..a Ste.
TLe sale et t , ..inlor 14 ill!.
Gil, nu!,[1,1,•, Otikin.; In,t . tow
mouth., ha. cc,111.c.: .:Zrrioa,lln,.. 1,1
Tt.o i:rorts, .“)e , It Is %tot, on go wt
tlootty :hot till' govorrooent to
tt Ivey rugrutc11,...74,1
Lto: r..ato [ant..
11,15 , 111:1% 13
Oa the tlre.oay the ft,t CIS. rut, WI. won by
[11•CM“: VAC., oy'
. .
Tht. Lb,r l 1,C1.1 WWI wolt 11,1•Iny,
time. Thu fourth taco trun wun by
1:11 , :cy, 1.3.1 Y ovvr.
• noolor i.
nr,. J. F. 1,1T117. 11:1111,14,11, zrOol.tor Of
Trinity Coure•o, Now lurk, G. tnou
e,x11.1:.1:op of 1.,-,IIA.
ISt,. .:II•TIOF.
Nearly tbtrte. tinnvea acenrave p‘s
scre-er, t:aYtt arrivral XIS Sill port oluce
4/ of .1.1.11.
Important Supreme Court Dental ens.—
Sole. (elven in Payment far Mlare•
tasannt be Uncovered I'linq—?•ltoa•
al hank In the lland• of an Eaam•
I nee—Fit..octal Eaulteurent—llcary
ve.tmerilon.. •
:ny Trl ir4uh ti Sii• :ttatturg lixzettr
N "ImicANA, flay 14.—Two Important
11,0111011 a nre 1,11..terF , 1 Ir. iprrum,
Court yrncrevlay. Lt YValorrirnt.v's.):rn4p,
hat o
for nto.. glvon for the puretioo of
mime,. In the to, of Bowen lipolLes
Lori, the Court looldsh n. prevlonelv, test
Si; I . I.COVIny COUIII ho 1:11.(1. en the note v.s
booott on Confederate. Ismer, In etio ,
word, the mono,. 13 Illegal; ai further,.
the notes ling before the 1,110,01.1
of the otarny law, do not rennin, the 5111,11111
lit order to Pe toed as ovldesico.
/ he } . 11 . 9t. Val lonal flank Ilan • bPen n tarril
In VIII t 31 1 01.1 Of un era:nicer. and 111 pay
11111ntal aro auhp9n,l.l.
lion. Money WI .on arrived hero tro.lry,
Thorn In great, excitement nein In tinde
r:lei oirrier, eanled by •I he cloning of Thu
reitirt .stater nete.Ttoenury and the first
National Jiang, by order of the Comptroller
of Currency. Mr. Knox, of the Treasury
Lt.:pantile.. at Wunnington City, hug • ita.
,utterd charge of tun SuleTreioupy nail
the Monk. floury urn
aire A. .ely utoinu need in
T bet h.
l'illity,fernierip reb..rer and Preri•
dont of the IMII k, einee an annlgnmer , t thin
trierufnif of hiseffects to the extent et in
leilliest ant( a [pint ter. lost:cure the tinrer - its
tumor. The bruit holdn 14 large LLMl.uet, of
the paper of Crellerul Herron, Keiser' Stator
Marshal,but Sir. Knox will itsainre this tint
of lierrere.i distillery ntel plantation prop
erty. I%en. Gerolen U ranger, Gen, Herron.
Judge Whitaker, Miles railer and Mr. May
are, ere the Arleeifeil oltrretrirs of the hunk.
Wm. It. Whitaker in rott-Treas aro r.
Thin exeltunient lien remove a run on all
tee ban kn, 011.1 in Veryat ringent 111.0 0 0 tone
hot. Thu linnk awl Treasury hove been
snrrouteled by a crowd all day, and the city
National 14115 .uspenll.l thin groping.
The' Roman.' of 1114nop La relle—
Large tumoral Pmemonans,
Tele grail, to tbe lOtt4buyirb butette.l
Loulavibbc, .11hy 14.—Thu manila of the
late Bishop Lavelle, Of the Roman
t..tire h, feat:heti burl, at, 3 o'clock to.ilay,,hy
special troth from Nazareth, and wora ea
coltrol from Ulu duirot to the Cathetital r by
ono of Lilo larguet Ituseria prOCIASIOnaI ever
hero, humborin: alMut night
tlmu.arld, Mel 'Alai( the DinyOr anti I.:fly
Council, ut.txt. twenty-alz Catholic some.
tun anti a hurtle number of eitlzene. Thu
fcloaihn will lay be plat) until Unman*.
The /Ccutheky Y.lettiolaN. • .
(Hy r ler ra pit L, th l II U4z tt te. I
Jilay IL—Returns booday indi
cate the certain vice:lon of Adonis over
Give, in Moot al Vs district, by a majority of
about, Kb loonies majority over &hoe,
in the tith district, Is about 2,0.1; Ti., Dem.
ourutle majority In (Liv onUre Stilts over
both thu other punks curoblniul, Is about
ax follow. First Distri t, . 4 0.; sees
tied District, 4.Nit Titled
Fourth District, 1ri,411; Fifth District, Vie , :
slsib District, 5,641; Seventh District, 6,711;
Eighth Dtstrict, tali Ninth District, hour.
Woolen 21111 Ifentroyetl by l'lre—TWO
Pulcknut.rnts. Mar I.l.Tbit Main bulbl•
ing of tiltneou Lord's vOltiPit nn•l woolen
mills, our Derby, It sin doom/vent by lien
0114 morning. inn nnild,ng wutt ruined ILL
kl7T01,0; Insured for ilon,lkkk Thu sttr•k and
tanellintdy worn 'valued tit Illtt,non; Insured.
.Two Ilretnen were run over un.l killed by
Jiro el11041:3 when returning Howe,
Lodger Franchise Adopted
Luxemburg Fortification Suspeaded
Financial and Commercial
Loooutt FRANCON.: •uorn:n.
I.o.\nox • May 15.—1 U tlAu ilouso of Com
mons lust n 'gut. the amen•!inent to• tllo 11.,-
fortu bill, provldlog for ito lo•I t ;vr frau,
this), adopted.
Palau, ttuy —4:odurg
loott to (Ito vari.loq nolituryy ir
mttat) and Loutlquarteru througuout !to
Empiro dtsb.oot tto rocent ly
culleol tutu )et) leo.
LI Xhil Iley 11.—The war:. -trengtla
,tatlng the fortlllrotlon At
the g:trrleon hal for sm., :Iwo Leen act:, e
rognged, Iseen.le.tont!need le; order
of tho
1 - 1,10/1 " tot`, r
Vredurld. WIIII,m1.1111"tvulor t.
lUK thvpre,,,t Exposi
3rlicr4 tho Fet..nn
Durk° !on , .
tot 1.3 Kt
11.1.1:15 I. 1V
;t.,;,,,,,tp 4.`,11.. Ironl 1.,e; h,
,o,rtraur,l3, I y
Brum., Irmo Nryr
fr,” Nolw 1:!,, .trz.v• I.
FINANCIAL ANII C , lll}lFl,l.‘
ro. Ilrul.
Fau3l 110I1141:.
mmaw.,—%.arur. au." NV's.,
en 111101-11lIllary Orttored Oa.
11, : r t 1. i : i'•
Zn , • . 6.titgbt • .1
.Ira.tu, ..,..11',;, , ,tsrb.s nt.
kin Irm.,
J,ll, Achy'
w.•[.•to a t
.wnit.tnun 0,0
”T trio •
Ilrre.r.o.l. c:
It v.., to to lt
lesstAkutzi.ll.E• tO, 014 , -3
Ln , t..1,
•••11 1.1%,•:,, wr,l
Orin, .I,Lru• kt..l ' L 't.t•
In •t rin vtuN 1.11,ne
riot, .01
A luj., major tryof tt.n. Vg.•,•
(tIo, Ne.•ll, wr,re. ar:L.,.l. Ton I.',
1100 ntlve•trn.t-t1 rlot
thtrr, 41 of I o'
o who lorr,ra, ot.lett..l 4,1 t
J56 , 11 , 16;1. And at , p,st t• lon th. 1 no
1,1,11 t 11.4 Mt,
log 1...1 1.1•.3 is. y hnw
guotr4 the igthots Etcrsthfat4 1.'03 t
Otto. Eor rls .
ttt lo; 11,04. It
.114/vol , ll,in to the iththo. •.:
0 . 5n.:.- , 1. Ttlri ro,l are
two n Ithietl,ttno And , A
ntan,l,, t
pOil,tl[ll4/1 tlitt• Jua, if
ILL Lt3l.l.l:altat , Lifth4tS :4,1111.1110•7
Int Mont4Ornory,
Ser.> lIIIII.ry INviinmuy Illsbanded
—ll..ratO Greeley owl tivrrltimmitt.
AdOrr•• the Ne,rormi—A.wrao
rots' Mgrllaw.
ILictiotox". 114 y
,firr.ul that 1.111A•F•in ,d 1
4 , 1) 10 411,1..1, nrl,l 1 , rot.1:01,t1 tits . to
rwl., or 0.111. . ,
Itut 4. llorarn l/rorlcr Carrllt Artllol,
lin ratan on tit tlgn
own. tha A fra•An
'De suit lelst n
An Intltual tries , ) nab. J. IL 11.,1)11,0k nu
11xo . 1 plan fur ,r,la olorenn-at, 1,1,1 No
vorrotalr sitr. Invel4 re-.Ple la Norfolk.
Negyalaborwra In the tonarr, wx renown-1
11 t.,a ..trnok for Ill,rbar wax., Thcril nu
Tire A (cl[o.o rhurelt Wla .10.1,c19 cr00,1..41
1..43 ight.,ro Pre r - 1001.1. 100.1 r... t 11.•
ntand. 110r0c0 ..:1001y• an.l 110rtet o.olth
01.0k0. J.urlin 1111111, wl/11 , i. WIIO ,111 , ,
al Y. hb cYtttb f",•par.l, made a aliistt 0.1.
After 000 or 000 tallur mpur•elt. the
00 01.1 or, ar1.1401r00.1.
llontinern Roller—Mar kirts.
}lt Tcl.rr•ytt to the ritt•trurei It.: ay.
McbotigAil lib, taken comma:el 01 1.110
nsoeln, relieving Cniitnet w lingoes
Tile Snwnnon 011 the
Indooondeneu will lin tratlontnl to the tint - .
tiortim receiving nlllp of the Nottn
Thu tionthorn 1,11,r 1,1,111111t0n -shill tog
CO rho New York Cononlonott 10-slay, try
tolograph, 410, , 00. •
Ti,,, Alaruilan, froni. New York, lin. nr
r/TOl/1t111110111: ovnr live 11 tirolro.l
llrktnu or burl., tut onnreountahlo
Mont, COrroldurlllir llin l /13111 , 1111.4.11 mark ul.
Convention of itteitenbo•tmen—Oraan•
ligation and AUJOUTUIII.4II Until 10.
r Ily Telcaripb to the Mitt Los rah CI cacti... 3
er. Loupe, al ay lI.—A eoJconlion of ahem,
100PL11/011 :net hero tc-ilay IncrmaiderTari
m. Internat.. of elver navigation. L4#llli.
0111., (.71111.1,111{01, IV brelinif. 4uw (II [come
imil Lonla wilco roproienmil. ran ormin•
I Litton was cfrinite.l by thit olcellou Of Wm.
literhemors, of St. 1.0111.I.1;00.
Kirk, John Iy. Coreon, of Now Orloine, Vier
Preetilentii, ru.t throw init.:laden., after
which the ihinventlon adjourned until to
Maryland Constitutional Cotivrittlon.
Lily Ts learsoh tia; Intworrgh ;layette
Asttinicis. May 14.—The ConstitntiOnal
Convention trililYaCted no bubllse.og gal..
end linportanoo lontay.
llALvisiong. !limy 11.-. Ton Itioliral Stain
Convention adapted riaiolatlona in favor of
impartial shirt - alp, calling on Coogre•ai io
;Abolish all distinctions of race or color, and
LO nay the Conatittitinniti Genynntion at
Annapolis fa In violation and' fur Om 1011.
vordion of ilia legal lidWiar , infma irif Mary
land. and that any Illoroltitullon trained by
li,, wltlluut Impartial stiftrUgn; might not
lin recognised by Congress,
disregarded by 1 lin people; that if nab) Con
vention should submit a Constitni lon 10)11:11
dare lint 11,fwnlmo Impartial OliTrage,
iteptiblleans of Um htittai should one all the
111..,11.1 lit till. 0111)(111.011.0 dulwit such Con.
,vt•natnr Creworell vwf. proviontly outdo
portfootent I•ru+ltlunt nt tho Coo ;elation.
jus.log the rodolutlous, the Coo-
Volition ptlJourootl.
—tVithin it few (lays twenty-folic istlllers
lea have been Seized In New York for Violis
t:on of the Internal reventoo . aw.
—Cooled, Inners from Waellingtoll are In
Now teleana to Inquire Into thu nlnLu, of
the Natlonal Banta end the Sob-Treasury,
respeetteg w bleb they: la some trouble.
—lt has 00111 derided by the So erten°
Court that notes Cold forae;roee during tee
war are luvalbl. This tlecislon
Teeny III:1110111 of enllare.
—Thu Apache ImllunA, 1 , 311110 rultllniron
tho Lupar., and Prt:bccat roods, lu Arizona
turrllory, recently, eapturud fort; -eight!.
and ,10:Zod a Mama Of treVonty
Inad,l . olth gond.
—Tim reception at Norfolk... Mom MT..'
the Ile., Or tilt role,. of 'Jeff. o,,yis ;
anine.l gettrini etiognitulations.
—Two ;Wowed countertenors. named C.
Ilailerott and iirrosto.l In nos•
ton, hacn 1•o n, rolen,tni 0,, flux I„tll.
—Tim steamer I...sing, piying between
noel: null Port Byron, exploded hor
on .1101Olity, W 1111,1 pilot;
n',..ougn, cook; Jalmis 'Trwmiy. tiro•
man; W. 11. Noble, Of Burlington, turd W.
11. Brail.o, Uf Gait-no. 11. Curuss, of Ilit•
tame ,ea,. inisallia, and Is oupposo.l lie
.Iroirilml. TOO beat took Breland ww, tow.
ly .lest royed.
gralrl . drying hnu,o,
vemol,,troye,l by fire Tfie.,lny Meru Ifip:. IL
enfitalfied alum( 4.1 eon benhel. , of grain,
lilch, tow.lfier with the tonellineli. w'n, WILL con.-
!MA/ Ifisnretnee.
—Mo., .1. :boa kell, al nt. Al
%In) I. wife In :;et the
her Ilfe, In, been cOnt ',And of u/9rder In the
—'l'h,,r•• %Oro illy° hun,rc•l deAll. In Now
01;. city
-11, Ir , ,lcn - ter..,oferlVlll A i:nurk, at
7.v lir, (111, utortj'az.
of elr p,5r[!,,10V.1..{1. A
11. C..y10, 1.,.11“1 I.)
~nlor 11, herle of Wt. Gool W.:I
—Ttle :4,
4./11 night
I. D.tmuze, puthuit
61:51:1111, MN S.
:41 , 1,34 10.10 1,..! .11 liver
- 111. , .
- r. 0.•
-1% :,:k• nrfig
~. I. l~ ilia
I,tl 11..• I
'.• •
tY ' l;whi, .i
r• .
„411:_. tit,” *L
•• • : II ••••••••:•
„„, ;
I; 041: of C . ,ntn
• ./1.
•I• ;• ;;;11, r;;)
VI. 1,,
•••; , Arat. <;-111 It.. t./1,01/
9 I
. .
\'~~ i : mot.•
- -
tt,l t
11 ..
the of Avt:l 11 .•rik ,s,ter
—1 1.1,10.n0w ,r. h
It I
1.111,0.1 i C4Lb,ll trm..lll by 1/i
.11,1 tl L 444 "A. Or/
I r tr. to
—Tatt,i.",:al LI e lta. ‘lay
ft; lot of
man tll}ati liantuch v. 111.
I llorohat
Hot,. r.guel i l• ”.1,.1,
.aol eutto.4 ir.l tua ac
--4,haitty tag. for tilt 1e1..1,/a over t. t/hl.l
tie,hi. I.eo/l —.lll, 1,1
attatateal.a.elgort c , 4tlty legit high, .1.1 ~ 1,11-•
toont.ltrw, too hll/1011:. 1../1.0 foal la lIV:othn•
,rolnl.t. that tha
t.a. II la: 11. e t.) Jan. ICI, 1-:o.
t.adottilAte .rleat Woahlt6tton
o do , I . :oh tn., Now Itaa
i Nll/11LEE/ErE El ,EIEE*Ik
ctre. , ,late•l I.L9t ,Intur ,
In dirt bodi
:t2 .1 ...161,,,1 to
tto, p..tlltetitl.../V. has 1.4 - .11 pard,....dr
i•,, :41 Longredvinen tuttrco4.l
In Hi bo.,:r. •
-Thu 11.1,1, - .11;eo report. wo In
tort:+too: nom .21 n toruml twin who. It tr,
t. tinily I'ol4ll‘lo lIjIIt Iher, Thu .1ru0n.,41
w 1.10 With It .leught, hlw
ft t w or,
wife, to w tom/ only www Ir ft, while
the hulk of the prow•rty. arroluel tog to
Olaf klt t.. thu Wid OF find lie,
—.l Now York corrcitpiwolcol. of the i•hil•
1r I nlu roilitirer 4ayto
"AL ti.....rl,lttiK which its , * pinco to this
city, not twiny noo,thebelitewtoiilticit•
.1 01111 1r,i.11 till oil It,, (lot occuction tit owl
of lly CA il,l/Vl4 Li,"
lk.ltel that t 1..“ to h...v.3 Ikrught the Jtwole
—liatneral .litrk•onht Nartrea
In, Jitekiion. 4 4 44ttuly,
Tclinraver i , on Ihe :.1151, day of A lira, 1,7, at
tan advanced age ,if tnia 11.11,41 4.1141 11 Ir
-I.4eulint. 1111/11 141 tUladdkid 4 / 1 4 414.1 x.
5 • 44, wAi 11 4 .14•1 4 41 111 114 4 .1 - 4144.4011 fatally
early Ills tin tll tawny-aye yea. itall, ultra
the tientata tat her f
—The tenet I 'voinnion volater" tatlil to
1411111 1“14141:11 In Friatee, and 1141 wonder, If
t here i total' a WI; 11“ 4 11 41 1110111: the rank
11041 tile of law Frain - It arnty as ono Corea
rat Itintilet,iif, flat 1 Itlrly-ia ZLli reuittnint,
holm. linen }riving . it 'smatter of leuittreu
at Malt, the lima la Wlll. - h WWI 1111 44 1 4 .r414111 tin
MI German laturatura lit the. nixteentli
Letitia y."
years attOtoorteett rat/Mls were
tot - n.l°ll[lll Mr. A'. onion of our.
aau Park. Thu number Of their totittenY
shot loot year on thei ',tattle Will and
lit state lit thluilestt ittaten, told *hat gyell
an they have tinurttivil
141:44r 1111 114111,11140 ring country and law.,
liven found at etio•il.lerahlu thulances around
—The Inalra fatally of 1.. Slam, of
eight tit 11411111,er, icerti
rreently I.y°Mina etrawliel ry
taunt Oahu. Ait Inve+l.lgatten revealed it
darn. retina onntneliel cards, which 111111
carelevely !anal left In 1.1145 11 4 1110111 of 1.411
11:111of 141 re, an, rivet *ban It WAS alled tont
titaleil, the in . ..vole snit onto, of load lit the
a:tan:till eau:Oita all thu troulati.
—fauteuil of voting Den Mtina it present
of ten,too fr alit. 11011 1 1 1:111, 1 110 MN //elm, the
French Leutelatitot Ilatl 1,4111 amended an
xt lo give hint laO,ooo fratlCA .11111 4 k, of a Melt
ho Is 1.1 tiara Inn yearly lutenist of 'l,l lie
francs it, hpt-11.1 nit fist slit 1114 fnall.liir at
Int like, 'flit?capital/so can ant tell, nor
ow] It lie atraea for his avant. It /11 tocolint
In 11 Rh his estate after 1114 41,11/1. ,
Ylnnlelpal Otrirers Removed.
( By Telegraph to l'ltt.buthh Uatettu.l
31010 I, Why Mayor ttttt ICO,IIOIOO
COuitell 01 hutraft, Math/atm worn removed
1.0...bty by 'oolor of tieueml Wayhu. Thu
new ofilvers uppolubht by him were
Terrific Monti tot all l fly.—.l dispatch
iron, Oil City; yosterilay,' rare a terrine
storm of !Manilla. hall awl ruin mem reel
thereabout four lieleek llottday at teriirrie.
!tall tell its large It, walnuto, breaking n - In.
doorn mot dining Imtneone clumsgo to thu
fruit en.p. During the ntorui. it tosigl,
great homy pobblu atones anti small rocks
PAGE,—The ju!legt and ' , tn.:: rt.
!tut+ , U.( and Produce Ifarirt Re
on!, the city, 1. ILI be
found on cur I.lJuret /1/yr. •
Illeollnyr of Iron Pit rtnol Alte
r:her" trrphntr AM, Ili tor
nerreertrymod Trogriturrr—rr.loctiou
of .11111.1,4,14,
The unnual mvettng ril the l'atsiTurgh
and Allegheny I lryllan Anylum was held at
the Asylum, cm Itelge street, Allegheny,
ye stertigy altex•mant ta three o'clock.
• The meeting wa, open's! wan pritynr by
r. :•CO VIII. Aft, singing antTreel.
tattoos by the orphans, the annual report.:
or tiln :Sreromry - and Tn.:Tact of the In :
.iututidn weru, eatl by the lion. Ronert Ste
-1:111g ht.
The following are tiatir selmst, fur the
past year: .
Ltt,tt.tit. Itttt•tart L tit , a ....tut, ',lt
1.1 t Alt anti .\.l.trtta ...qt ~. tae,tt , ta:
114117, on hand at the). - Ittca.. .11 • 1.1 , r ,
10 tut t•tt
It tatatt.ta ,
J 0,4, .4',1•0 10,11,1'
//(00,10 00,0 ,01 . , , 1110 .,•1
Ittl,rtvl 011 Stttualtitt 'net tam ttro .1 tit
It t.J•ttf 1(.1,0,1 art,
La Itati
1,1.1 ......
51. fl.r
V f 1.a.......1
1:.,..~r ... •.. n.. ~~t ...... .....:.......... ill v.
. 1.,~
thr art. , wilt. Tot, 111 It n•
~ r rco. t:.4. tt evril
af.tuAl t.lpv.“! 21,1zot.itilD4 :11,:ttl
t1,11-“, Cho
1 to , r.. , ., p.r.l ILIA
I.n.l.try 4,1 t
Ir )%1,1
.nll. w. :1..11,01 M0c,.r.!..:
-t ar: Ilt•t
Luo 111111.11.,11.,“
r 14,11 , T , 3 q11.4!.,113.!
11, II:4r,
11,,t,•tra I, U., VI 11,t.
~..11.1r, that ;11 tr. t.t
•115 f:110 N !1,11
11 , .. rl.• , 1 {:•••
• • • TI "so
.1 ♦,I ••••1 , 1. - 1 .
ti.• , t/ar
r•nnr.l.%•l L.l lA , It
cr: ,!•.:11n Itatr,
v..... , to rAtz,
11,11 t511,1.1..!tt eot
tvk 1— not; r
forTn • In tLo
0r . , , 1LA i :11 , 2 I,
.11.11. , ,1ff,zu the yr:wt. 4,f 0r;.11.,,,,t1 In
. of thU Ikln.loal CU
• ::11 , ehl..irrt. In Ilia
1,n.1 1,1 a., I 10.,,,,C4Jf
r ^l,to rontrol, oNtrar to
b.r .Uprworl. I pxy.
fliti,ll.4 w•r•luv, wol nro
•=t.11...1 I,ogl‘turo rn Id° no NI,-
non, of
,:to• ownt
pt.ol 11:1 I Is +pl . Cl.o upproprlat ,on pto
uo .1 f: 11
oin tie nu 11. f.0.0.131Ure.
T.., 110,14 w 0,11.1 grat.•foity a,,Yooxil
14111,1,,, re.1.•1 of
1)r. 11111 , 0t . ..110 wlvets..r r
4.,ututenulty 11111 the vt.n.r. tVe
I•l•otr,,b•ht..l Dt. •
sr.•rrvtl I,r -po.cLal ser
, LI.u.1"11 of 1 I Mlllll Via, rt,-
11 1 r ton, claim Cur m=ull.
for In, pa l :Ant vices
1111111 to to ',c.v. , 1 1 / 1 1.11-Analt)l.4 ft (21:11.1t,
of OlAlny E.llll.lrotl 1,3 1 11111
01 of 1 Iletn 11111,.1 v.lth
I.vang••lleni ellllr elm., rand at.. voinntended
for tboir courJoltutf, Chrlstiatt 1-ll•truutor.
one of tiltclid , lrota .110wo,. indoultutod
.litevn 3 41111 n Ngo,lo fanner, alter the
en,l of Ills alwruntlerslitp, tho
nrlnYilind •Inc, 11111 11011 , 01 the wur bought.
I far - . .1 111 hlt bounty n.nev,lin. 111.10111111,
applied for. and rruelved a bey flout the
Ate. 1 1 1111 t ll runr.
Extract. from trona of the letters receiv
ed Item the children and thoee to a hunt
they have h/4.4441 1414,11 4 tweed now prove In
tl r•-11 Ing : Ml 4 I.. Write, .•1 In .14.11 y to
eretelex In atm., know 1e.1,,.., f wi,t the ~,e
of the Lola. Olin le learning the tailors"! a
fat iu lionee„ Itll4l 4144 414411 111 ail 111, ,littler.
44 ill. 14 1411 10/4 1•01111.41 Orl, and han ett wen
tt i.o i our regards. that I out thu faulty
love her an li alaiwan our no it .Inter and
daughter."An•t .1. wrltt'of to lin, - I return
yonmyholuttle and 444114,1,4 I hAlik. 1 11114 /11
MO 11111144 of heavy teritedttlhot, ) let have
oat forgotten tate of If ur orphan girls. An
you an tritelly felelne,L will he an "twat halt
and rent...allot ae 110154411/Itl 141 thone Ineleg
ant.° charge I ant pia rod. 1 will endeavor
to do lay duty In thltl elation of We in
W1111:11 I 4 11144 0441,11411 Ihot to playa ant. I
have not ea ad Ihe In .Itt every day. not 1
have read It every In , lay, and I make a
pritettott ot prafetfur to Intl
and ovehing. 1 111. cry Inueli the fatuity
lit .1111,111110,',
enpelelly Any Alters U. and
I nw Ifni etti .1 alwayx lieu it all
them and love tI I
eist. , I have colt fa exert.
lent hettlth,—ttl y at.' ht. in Ml4lllt 01111 bun.
deedrunnel, When vow n
I was uwell 1
Inol the ttenotant all edam., of a doctor,
and the tined 111111111,14444.3 V 111 lily Aunts. It
luny I/144.41 1.404.1 in 1.114411,0 thy condition In
Ilia. hut , r , Iterever I lay lie, I veell always
keep the klmlurtin of hln tutu tly to ittatelul
rent tun' wane,"
M. M. ',Ns of .1 nl sno
VlllO 111 r,, blunt° Imy,
ous; 111. ILUAII 01,9,1
I • Iv IL very good
hid AN" 111111 Iteluetri-
Pr'egri , e4 111 learning
etteeda end
reut In wlllll illl been;
'la ID 114 114 if he weru
hI trade; rrpittirly
na.vtus to take an Int,
he wenn. .I.llnort he n.
HU' 111011;
! 11010 101 l
hotosol and Sonsixy
l o moat y this
r loutot buy tiwutsle
ig. oho is Clill4l of
her wilts luiythiogs
owl tan lltu
pane° Ito 01.11' ,
itttentht church
4,111,C MIMI W. (111,
teuchlng her
truth; von can MN
w I seat tnyiielf
nd welowski letter. 1
uyormlttee I octal, to
ling to ecboolt nut not
might If I lied a Let
t We title eye,
well. 1 like to livo In
owing more to write
all kindly for writing
a Iltu 1 , 0 Y.
to aumwer your
huve very goggl !milt
the imuntry. I not iii
ImPrutinit tol wroll an I
ter teacher. 1 tend In
1 like my place very
thin country. 1 nave ei
this time, but thank yn
to me."
"I like the play...leery well. I like ine
tie trade. seamier 1 11/11i ley p e
grain. taken and have given teein all away.
Inland In get were tale auwnns 10111 Will
belli I you One:* •
C-- wanes, .1 would llite to hear train
children and know haw - many are In tun
;-- L.l
i ) ,
.A...ylum. There Were 01le Itnn,red mud
tweet v•tlve when 1 WA+ there
Mr. I.— onvn, in 11:1311 C11111.1.1111 - "11
nil,/ 41,1 15Cliool al! wtnter, 11rogrv,11111
1 , 4 . 11 lit bulk and in lilt trade. I 'never
,awu bottcr noy 10 tall my Ilfe." -
4- write.. - I received yoUletti , r. re
cite in Illelllkalll . llll[lletie, geography, fourth
I have got to the Ut It Plaint anti
too:: the 11,1,1101111 n ,1111,1t/v 1.01001. 111 K,
Lo May here, Inn 1 would like to go luck to
rite how the , are getting along. 11w:ennui.,
1111.1 ILUilt Vrry h
/no who a.... 1 wielded foul Of our orphan , .
.wt of the boy, "%V.! have much plea
hl W.. and , believe, shwa:re
ehrl-tlan. liar little girl., s. and 11., last
Ycurboth utude ti Puhllu profe.coon of their
utl..en - went to Joon+, and have walked cn
tdOently ever since. S. gained,the highest
Prt,... at sanday SehOol, haring repeated
nearly four thousand err..., and Ell. over
tht es . thtaceuel. They a1...1i tile to thank
yon for your koclne.i and w 111 write...ton."
ne+l,! of gratlttnte and re.
ports of well-doing rich,. tea art! your
Loat .1 tor pa., an let I..a.!cart... /tl/11 en
c.:m:l;lz° thcen trl 1110111 labor and
lull the tutu
t'. I• Cart ity".11,4.1 Upink
111 , 1 water. and Mao . ninny days thou 011411
had IL again."
I.ecol J r . 1:. 1 1+1 Secretr.ry.
T ne readlng of lie re per,. to:lowed
byl,artlu,...SclCl-t - ei 111.1:u:tug by to. purl!!
id the n. and a t ecotallon of 1.1111,1e1-
101\ I'r.l/11/1 01 1.11, 111 con.ert, after whlch
All :Vitt ru, tea, 10 ~,,, U - 110,4
01 Illy sw,tnriatnnt by !Lev. .I. Daekernon.
The toldre,, a A, 11111 01 11/ tvresL, deltv
e.l h, un nonotallYh!Yle.
of uace 11111,1114 giving even a..ynotcoc
of lo etnark.. The eleetlon of n:fiotird
M...uagern totlowed. when the following
tleket w. 50 put lit 5101L11116 1 .11111 and tittufal
naninly elected:'
dli F. Denny, !dr, I:. S. Hay.%
" Ed. Jack:mon,
" tYtla " Vllll/11,1,
F. Cum pl/cl.l,
1... th Iltoirnroo,
I. It. " chaw,
11. Ch 11.1., )tit trea t
o 0 31. Smith.
h e I.llcwhlgne and h.ord l l , raver Word
r.. , 1,11 In concert 1,, the tittle children,
atter a hien tn.. Letteilletndt w pren.ntneed
bylotweclon and the meeting tel•
.11t..getlier 1114,,1111,1 ...I:41110 1 11r 111111-
,1 Int.,. te! eve .o
ry peret appeared The ptogr.....
displayed by the orphan., and the advance
meet thy 1,1 erday, lc:It - et the
high., et edit upon he tn.tha4einent of 11,,
111..1i1110n, .1.1.0 r 4d pr tort
Welt worthy the patronage of ui.r t It-
wt„:.llSfa-t, Stt•c;:uni,, Prr.
f.. for
eu.;.loy!i“ ut In hi- t,‘,1:11,,,
Ito , , atn.• rrterenci , n.
I r"ln tt.l. 1113717, :L{ . 014,00110,1,1 pre,,,t
-o1 tuLd
rot:n.ll,, co,r.try, of
j,,y, 0, 'of Ow r , mn:ry,
In th,tO , llay
Prot4 .-or ~ .1.1,t0, of•
"or t;.•:o :dillsa:noog tho tat,t
,rftctlllouez, Ilie 11.40. .
1,. Ow 141: of Per.on ,
crt.w.l !or .in.l
aslvre.l by
II el ..1 reet.g. t.zu ,11,11:4
not be Li; t, r,nrttf.4.
11 ',ft:len, ftrit nnt the re .:11,/t1
of I•ttts , ,urot Ailegurtiy conuty. Inst
3,1 t I:at. -pr. oo !Ma
iliC.Pll:llry, 114:311 , 4•31 vt-3!
1:Itn (turn at p
11i• i 10,111!•T,
[Pt 11,4 ,:t.,10 In VI - 1. - iv:o,
11 t+ t urtne
Art. 1"0-, Itie .1I
W.• r0.,,r, lo Ilio :roc:, trial
t•( t•eor, V. for 1.1. c mur,o
of Mr, )luglit4rl. POI:a.ltIoloa.
of I.roo. In to 1.-Oil:0 Or 1000
oo or
! - .i.r1..,1ir-• , Lothe
Tio.i I‘lO,lY
1.1, .00 slot tho
t.n5..15511,1 to Dr, rautoftst the
.. , ..
• q1,..,:011— • , .511 V,U11,111,1111
Of LI,
yOu test
Ar.,l , gry , stly or y
!•V . vxallamAt:on of tlau
- - Par:tatty a, ran.
Inet the 131 111111.1
• ‘ll.l. 11 etery ren.itthet et
the ..tans.e, eta et
the 11/ 1111. 1. /, I:01 eca
-I..te e: htnt !a the urtat., a Melt
el:ea.:ant the,
tt aw by a 1• ..t eeti.laton,
tnaleateri 111“.1‘111,4
11!11, newt: Itee• 111,11, .1 nutter, et 111111
111',11,t1 1.11,1 t1,11.+.
Sly ••••:111.111‘111 te•atetyt.. lut,tattnnent of
the :.11, '.,1111 of the Nre:ll.,
eete.ste..n p.,11...1ei,t , cowl:Tem ol
the weleevllt`ll,l , of
I. cam , .1101 n what 1 ohaervt,l In Otto
' ha, }Lee hilt .n
that not only t+
.letected try Off
,1111 'lllll,. 11111 11., s..t.e.etee 1,
/ I t. Ise : . (wen the, 1.11g.L4 , 1 In the
ttn.l tnterettee pin enntet..
nate.F. el the et :at: In nil Cllll - 111/1e
11:.1 tea titacamts to: Wert, twtetty
,Tl. , a ,, %1 po , -
et .1 , 113 p:rparr ulth ull
te, tie l2A:11111:alull u
1110., r01t1pi1,:11...1
anti re,lo.tnee b att No.l,A:run
Tnr Ationtle Mr.
Stien'• ltrn•en•, t lac
trot. tlta. I•wtttun of Trainer to
tiro u 81.
The SporlAng Tsme, to
t. tht, weoti., with u -tat,•.thout of 3lr. John.
sin,, or ll , at on, who coino on to.)
tern., of Drown, for the roollntiZ thatch AS
take place on the .Ist hottant, 0 I VIII,: the
rvio.ool, of. Itthlr“,qt - h.r the tattle.
'I I, giVeh. If truth Is to Ito pint,'
In thew, give Brown rather an 1.111.1,1Ab1e
I . ..potation a+ rportlng Loan. she.
ghat Brow. prothowd to sea UM rat. , 10
stoat for the ns dIl
re‘on hunred ia-
Intro, hot that Ilanthl CLitleNt the offer,
+tallow Shut he had seteu
late to twt oo hises.self. and tie meferred wits.
tong the Inoue, rather than lilt) lug lio.swo
out. Mr. MO, further oily+ that Itroa o af
terwarde profto+est to 1111.11 to sell out
th.sroe° to AO twin). of lIam:11's
1:11.ndo us would bite, and Mess for Mr. Otnit
to out, and on auold to tilt t.N . St. to
Will the ram.. Theols Micro, Mr. one...ay.,
he . ..mild hare twitting to do wilts. and
fell out with till Champion toot lets. We
life , the otatetssentoist Sir, obey tvt p01111,15...1,
...1, but there may Oft other Mrs:fount:suet,
[ . ..roweled with the Molter woleis be de
clines 10 LllOlllOl. We are Menlo .1 to think.
the amount offered, oevro ismelrell dollars,
rather smolt to /sell oat a race for. and mi . ).
probaltly hear nomethlng tuner of the mat
ter sn w this .I.lyo.
rim,: the al.Ove wo learn that
Mr. Brown glee, n flit •Ivelal to Um whole
otationent of Sir. Ohms.
I Trrp.rrTTrT,
tin Monday evening a little boy passing
along the bank at that 1,./Itlo,, 'twat. Dews!
phut 's nipple, between Edgeworth anal
Leetsdale stations. discovered the body of
a lean lying taco downwards In the water
/tome distance tram 1110 snore. Ile gave an.
tico 01 111 u taut anal the blob' woe secured,
The retualns had evidently lain it long Unto
In the water, total the clothing anal hair were
11 lhad with sand. At first, awing to tau
trusses on thin later, resulting train iying
with the face against the bottom of the riv.
or, It war almost 1.110,41110 to Zell whether
lie dere/1....ea was Whltu or Colored. It was
ascertained, however, lieu ha teas a white
luau. In thug absence at Coroner Clawson,
Alderman Butler sold an Inquest on the
Jody yesterday Wternonn. Nothing wau
olseoveleat to identify the man, and Ids
natee In therefore hoWnOwn. A. awleket
hook was :oulot tootatolng SS,IN, and a sil
ver badge, whiell holleated that deecnred
11101 hell , 111 Zed to the thirst hrlga•le of the
second dive... of the sixth corps. Ito had
Ott a pair of soldier's pantaltslos, WWI 111,0
overalls, ellockervileto,sinloro coat, ES , notry
nuouel skirt, and wore loses hien had an.
natutly recently Jul • 1011114 averdict of accidental death,
tin body was taken ettlagll of by tot un
dertaker at Sew segleyellle.
I)selug awl se.orimr.
The ilyci rig and scouring Intainess hat
MA/Ogled a high state of perfection DI (hid
city. Mr. C. C. Flscittir, a practical work
man, tress mtabilitheil it fancy dyeing and
sMaring eatatillth meat, at Nil.' Diamond
allay, Mita min Wood and Smithfield streeta.
This establishment one of the few it 'itch
guru. theft . C.lllllll, rottitlactlon. IL
agrees to return your your goods In two
weeks from (ht, time they err left, and kept
In goo.l Cagier (occult, year, If not umllial for.
thee Mr. Flteher it call and you will nod
lino a guntiorman worthy V.1..' pittrOfinge.
R.lll'4looE' trio place, No. at Diamond alley.
T. T. Ewell., io. 10.1 Wood street,
lbws 31131 received o ephoulthl nteck of Push•
10001,10 g tixliirot for ntoree, counting
room., pnrlorn and iluidlo Indio, which ho
will diqnhu ant lho most rewionoulotkvod
O V O,I .
Thtl of , 4,41,P0 Zire!tnpr,
Wcym,:n, wa,coutinuoi. The U.
uf Lto ucCust, , l, wbo to upi.,,r
u pre vto fay, ,VP, 2,1111...1.
feno t preton,:c.,l to trove t t,c,“
Itupti.:4l,illtS . at IL'.
Unto Curry, of
couuty, recelved tic oar I,uurt,,l
tar emint,fril Tr. ,ury n
prolll ma. satlArnclory, nue ote.
l Wevn.,,ol
Nan !our' not
ILI, ././.,C1111,V1,1 fur
new Inal.
/r 1 motlnn of h.q.,
of llobert t,,•11e , r.1 fur I:m.:ng
counterfult trunrttry note, .1,1
try Itl,‘ to pa...tln din 1 , 4011 , 0111 . .!
110•ZIW 01 tun k.
Ti,,, next tA/....” upo.4 of
tt . Stull], of I. 041.-n,,v111...
. .
raigneit 011 ltellnr,e I. d
Incountert.•ll. ,ero,i enr.
ney • of the Oen , . inntlon of Ott.
ISl,triet Attorney l'arnalitto uppearo,l I for
the (Mlle.! `Late , : I. Cohen, 11,
ileleadant. lir. notith Is well linoa 1: in thin
lty, o reridlng /II re+. c-
Villr outnote at the bane iee IR . IL. arre:te4.
live year., alga lie atoiwer a like
char, ahol allhoua!, dl-char....l, a .true„
ntoputio, 4,l, lenterlitlnot that. he not
Intlot,l4l. Wlitn Arre.,14,1, /t lc"
woo. h.. ha.' In 111.. po-r,....ten pact,
age+ of Illtytent ion., i.rtO
I hat ll.ey giv,, to 13011 rerlaill
voltrhleal, who 1e name ator
how. ver. 10 g
On UM 131 h of laql month Ite uotit tu t
Itatcher„oealer, :11
beitahl one
pOll 1111 of tea, offering - In pay heat LW. Olt),
t en, nnlet , one gehnine, the 01111,4,411111.1•-
rett. A clerk received the money. Govern
itient tieloottire,, were lint On ~utlth'n teal,
u:ill ail the allernr,“ of rile gun, day tiny
arre.ted nitn, and found 1,0
n, 01.1, C01114.111;4
eeill 'ante, 1.011 the other over it Loitilroil.
Vague apil John Ilerrtoi,"lieteo
-11,04," te-1.01 o,ta , Le fart,. above rela
ted, and 111,0 wi l:10 4:ll:vat:Ler , tualAl
thry kliew 111 en a+ :t regular counterf.-Iter.
Lou, IL.lrn trr, 11tV.,11 ki,(111 . 1". drpo-0 . 1
!Lot , 11.1,11 WC. Ills ltuu.r,ll,l.4l,
I'urrltaan,l gas e•Il n y II t 110511 In 1•11 V.
01( . 115. T Ile note os. ol•erwo.oli noool to
lot ho.l, loot M
o,lnnl L.•Lsht. liso•I It in moot . loot
Le o Oio•k• 50 01KoIli 101 los Loit
SIL/1.11, Ilowever.
sit, not rulkiln.
tu-lifiod Laving rt., iv.-,1
frrou) tit ty cent note willen he
;cow wrmc rrim.]
D. I. 0141.1ine.
ta,lller O the f ;uteri
Drpo,trary, wan c,ilkal 11.1/ . .1 pro.
1./1 the toilet 1.0,11
fr . 1..11 . ..111111 Tlll4 (.111,...1 ;Lie .1111-..11 1.11
Lllt col ttio I nnt..l
. .
r. fho.jour 1111 , 1 ro Ler.; te..tole , l to the
4:4.4 ell, Atler ot defend:Oil.
1.--I,IIIIIIY 1.1071,1 Ll:e 1 oi-trlct
Al t•ornt•i glevll7l.,ftpnkill4 tirguttiet/t.
.to:1, , I
II ..
.. ttollti r< 111.14
Al-1111 , 11:13•1,,go:Lt1 1;, , 11to,
"1 ;';!• ' : 1 2: 7 11:a 1 11 - 71r:; i t ' lll '' :1- ' 1 " 1. -' 1: . „ Lets
Arad emy of Mo•le °pro
Thu .I.raolauly 01 Nlt,le
all. evening' as - a ktramat!c ttniple, hr
.11' H. 411 .t !awl,. For thh , (K . 1.....1. tau
zreat acter, Joh. K. Ilunh,k, het, been 4.11-
14a4,1 nO,l w iii luua.,urate the vt....0a, nralt,
fre , t Evel, a l,.thr foltir . tly 1n
11,11 w,lt toe t.eihalt•.l hy an ex
eompatty. eet , .. uzpve: ,kerowat,t
Lou', he/ She • - 1,1.011 eV,1.1t1;.;
Mr. Munfrke. .., , peat
5,10 i n the h o.looing e00.1 . .a in
•• iht :. ti
1•1 lat Mr
aec0ra;,....1 M.a..fer wlt. whom
he ,:ii::111,1it for a ',or
thtg!l Wkht. Ilr.
ahtl warm , Yare,ted Wmay
toft , l 111.10,1,110 g 1...,..104,1.1.0111 at the
g ”ggx.1,15 . gstiract
gwgeggting- 1,17,
{,1,1 0 1011,11 ryn,lor. -I.IOILI
boar 1:1 thlt I !iy' C.t.
elOttli,“11 /111,11 m 4.1, tne
1,0-0 *I) 4, 11. Nora'', N. 7,1.•.1, - .E
th, ti4l,2lZlr, Mr.;
NOtrls I -1 .4 but yoq can 0.11. 11r, trta.!
to en: 411 t Slll
to ylso tn ~•••!).
ttlLi 1110 g,f 10r0/411.1”,
1•.0.•r . 1 ha, 1n.,:
CAI/ lind •••••., 4101, al, .0 wi!! 0401...4ve
111.0. you .111
I.nreeimy - ho,nr
notn Lyn., chnrwro. - 11. F. FA
propt,..or- tIo• ro,
..11n I u. .tll.n• Mr.
oe- ~n t the Hole;
Oa an lc:: 111 Lion:cnt.,L
rOOI/1 n carp.qs contnnilnz cloltinor, of
kAn..l‘l, wloun [Lev r..
to rf.t urn to nno. The.t..font..nt.,
bun 1 near In, before - the Altiernann
th:a unon.lng znno onArk.k.
To enll4l/,...—r10 to Tow. T. Erron'+, NO.
10l Wood -treet, -eo. a you'r. gut
your work 1:0 to -nit you, nr. a+ low a
pro•r; and a+ workno ilko• 111:11111l, 0.113 .
rio hou-e thr ally. k ..... p+ a larro•
rro , ortmeni of n art rare., the piurnloog
gre• httlng ,il onone-- • wrogruen ort•
Of v r•ry Inerb..roc, am', 110 warrior La
all Ins work. ao,l,ore il you item troy
thing in Irk lute, No. Ir.; , trjeet..
Roblwry.-I" , ..tcnlny afternoOn the
ol Mr. John Sorrier, No. .74
wab .Itrle arlrolt.
oil, #.911, IK, of jewelry Irmo
tirean'.lrnwer In rhe-,orel +Noir. .
: :to
gq:L,te..l thy zrota or.
NO Mb,' p,rt rrfrto• exoept. the front
etiaaiber appears to have been Vinited.••
not fully umlcr•t4+.l
vt. 1,11 .1. trial.
TnYnunp . ." Itt.nunnan,3l‘27-
ran a N.. 2,, non str it , hnve hint
ed tin t,
•:.! gol.l
nd nr nily riteln,ln•pt ny any Inm, ill
a 3.1 n1:1 .4,1: at ranging
gr.nn co in 31!:...:. TtleY MCC all mat - nu/In /.
4;411 and 51.'ti Ilium. i
Cornmlfttal to Jatl.—W 010.1. Bur. anA
/ to. three 0t illy youthful lii whoso
c0....a hay, I.oa relo[o.l alroally, wen.
connitty•l tojall by Mayor Mol'art by. Lal
ly war rob,— A 00 LAIL 0011 I'lo, fllieharg
f,f, there bylitor no to:Mel:co yuricleut to.
hohl Ulm on.
ltddengrd nn 111011.--taratt Peoble4, eon:
flut-t1 foe Itant, woe tact L. to , tad, on two
It,,ttor, 1111010 Intettae,
an yrttlertlav rvitt.,tl nn glvtna nail in the
..ttot of one thougatal dollara for h e r altl' e
to Sumo, - the',.plare,.. at Court.
To the ,11t00..—,0 t..,o o o, Magma
a ',Ole', Filth tartn, and boy t our
mill tee gottl nog, %tar at on, lonnastput,
ttr any - thin, yon tan't - ‘t - ola ot the )..- ory
Ono, A tunsk....ortnient. ot 100 not,/ tioall.
Id", to Irolll.
Allrged Nict-larrun, re.
win lu~'mt relitisylVnilis.
[oral&lion vuoturday,
Strum, eilitrgilit, John
ecay ut u kiAtio. A Writrilitt Wits
To llo...okevpi.,..—C,O,T , ut_itelneruou.
Moyt sour
lO', No It, FOth streut, u,here
you eu buy nuy style ut clOvk., and lawn
Inleo you =huts. They nru ,01srurroutod.
:Tr - Additional Local News on
Third Page.
T,.•J,Y a• II
NIPIOM .1 Al kIe.UAILN At. lu
)ear ncr•
11. e. fun, [al *RI take Flare
fr,,u rt• 1.1..... of orut!,r
113-1.4 w, 1,11,41n:n Pr:re; N.,.
Tim trlvu, of Ole family Ark
ud iG al:51,1.
" 4 " .-
N. IfO Irondt, streo., Cidetoirgi, Co.
CIIFYINu or an tlnd, GLOVES, and
as try dearriptlon or Yadersd Furnishing Words
furnish.). Worms opened day and night. Learn,
and Cordage. lairnlshed.
I.II[II[NCILF-1 , . Darid Ken, 11. LI., Per.
11. W. Jaenbuto Thomas gring, Jo.
r .h It. 011iter. Fad._
-0• KEII AND EMBALM fl. e2ce,bor to the
late Natn.l K. Itadvrs. No. 29 Ohio :qr. et,
li,e..hour. from It....rcr. 211,theny
lab!, 6. , Mahoga Walnut awl IThan•
notul Imitation -Conuts, at ny.
the low., reNtuctul
sso,una open at al/ klat , r3, day and nigh,
'Juan. •r..1 , :a0rr1a,.1 utt short notlce
and on ulu t r, term,
- --
TA/Call, AND . liancites
tar, Wusttlhs Run and rktnit, . Cotnn Itautnas at
Manchester Usury ttablc, Corner bb•Meld and
Ultartices 'streets. kit'.lll4: and Carrtssuut rur
beautiful "Liod'a-arre,.. the largrth subur
ban place of sepulchre, exerla one, In tails con,
It ' "" . .U . don New Illithlton rad. Inv.,llaLe.
I 9 nor th of Allzabeny . C. , nnithl lOU. Ilcrinlla
or Utica, call at Crote...,
Drug Wore of COOL. A
eI.ANI , Y. All,Trny Iltv. •
SAVA !ULLA c•c arc. and renovatrs LI,
blood, Inni by via r of brallll 11110 the by.,.
um, and purges eat A e humors tllth us., ale.
Another Lot Just Recels:edi
orthe beit aTIH orcaalr., o,r;
=i-. .o thrs marXrt.
- -
PLAI? F.N1.11!.13 TV ED.
'1,1..0 MIXED Tor . AN" __
W. ,04.• wr, are dtlrOo• or ro;r
-haon, str,:tl,E. la this 11:1;t to call at once and
• ;
.7- C.OO . 0110 .
& 311 WM1—.M1.12".
St., 3d door from sth.
Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry
so. via LIBEILTY 8T61[16..
at l'arttor.:ar attoottot even to Ilonatrios
nod Jay..lky. Si! work wir
Itmlionso Spring Stook of
EV I•EAciarr tax or
1311,1 n -I orals,
Gaiters &
lEic)c,i) ErplKirt,3o
55 II 57
F rFTT_i
s 9 s 9 S S 9 $9 S 9 89 S 9
00 TO :S9!
. 3FE CD MI '' S 9
1" -
9 .
S 9 S 9 ,llarket Street, !sr,!
9 -9 • S
.JAS. ROBB, S 9 Market tit.1 4
S 9 ;S9;
19 S 9 s 9 S9IS9 S 9 S 9 S 9 SP9i
ot the WHEEL:EA& k W 11,0); SERINO
%1..0 Yrall atom, for fatally •
aan erat•l purpo,es, are en ...IL e.-
ta11,1.,1 and .0 generous adtnlt.ed, teat:
..uurat- le
laLlve excrl;
auLng., ." .1 er •a- r
are elwple, elnrable andbe ecea. au- ;
rractica!Fmiture Manufacturtra
Lilte3l,l4Y,ll of VIMSITTIIkE contt,,cr
Fourth .arr..t. ore•lwlr frorri Woad. l'atstrarrti.
Tpe , . realcs., Bracelets, to.
Ar.r.l er.tit will be alted for Haw
.alien' art..l gentlettielr's halt , t 1 chat, trt
Uictwatestpw saw,. • satin:art
Nos. 137: nlllT.L FLY LU STILLE7, and
• 44 VENN tl CICLET. _
Trti EN r.c
sr SAUSAPAIitLi A , L thej
.t!tl !1 . 1 TO $3O
wrr..t, sx:ln a near V....tenab.el?;jot:
,1,11 tat and ou..raot, N, cuatei
(gents ( Lad ie• artd tier t , e.
In..ll)ar..satel r. , p7arot as In eve, City
.1:::17.ts,'" a;; " : 51. 11; : t ," 14rit?
t..,,ey•pri. , 4 ha. In.,
• 1.. a. hoary daily t.. spare.
For tort., particulart call on. or ad
ti. W. I . , Ch , t/N .t. South street..
It calotorlf Isl., • -
CITY to boy Um
la al NQ. 148 13/I.I.ST'oTEJLET
- --
L BitowN S ( ' O. 110 t...rartzto &rims",
,T,: r.';` m"e
Vii 7,2. ,z,
andwards. Coloxd
.1. (loth, nu.r. .11.up2a. Otto-.
rll.l, rl,l an , ll . l,thre Cot.. and Thaw.. 'Als4
tuo .te at..., on (Sad or mad,. wo - drr. •
or 4tOrsa:CalillaS.
'or Kr 011.... • wear,
sal.o youtcru RT., Apollo Pal
f r, Kskl! t ot c F ., 2:il z
u N e (trj
all AL , L .. stad LILT
T. n.
TTI.3-gaa .21.1.1139 y
Throe doors above :satiate-Id Street, ,
lvere kind of Work noe l on the tbortete optic
and matt rrnsonattle Vartleular n..teution:
jlll , l in Joloono,
Tuos4E , WHO now:lE
LIA %CY or tosirtrilo, rare ruvrs*
MO enrich the Wood, whlth tly.I.Dll
CCNTIIAT. Eilla•CT Cy flu' s~]'aatl.LA lava
rlahly duct. 44k I:qt ay . ..zgika,kr. I !.ar
calm, NxlVA'Ait ,