The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 14, 1867, Image 1

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runiulin.En H
m"7rti3. eitroot.?
E. 8. PENNlMANsiZatiorlo
IGELSUY I •. ALLLD, Bnitn'l63l‘"'L."9
If Male Coplel 3 rAzto
Hallam.] by carrier. (pc,. 15 Cents
Mall Oalncrll.en, (I,ryear)
LtlYural ratlnetlons to No... Lloyd and Lat.oth
Thrl.c Copies, per year. Ly mn11.....
tire. do. do. do.
or more COracr,lo om , nalnat, acd
taa fn.. W clut, each 1 15
a Dental EstaeliBlJtnent at 21 , 1-Penn
Blreet.. Sal :e
flack Crook! flack Crook
Tho .1/lack Crook Is draw lihr immensely •
largo 110Unen at night, and the
Cloak store, N. ca Market street, is having
a lull house In the of Leruocin, for the ,cetai
ere la eplendht. Their last laturday's ar
ia val of now all k Cloak: is that every
- ladY who rims. the Philadelphia CIOO;
Olute stops 1n live of admission, :LOU conies
uu t. no well pleaned that eito,sisn't help Lot
Simko her purchases. Ladles should •go an!'
roe before the most cho i ce geode
ale select.
e d, W e are re plier a silk Cloak already
'Poole for whet you eau buy the ellk for,
and the reasons we ore able to allow to the
Stabile, for uo Import our own silks. We
import nor own triniodun, noel we get our
cloak, from our Laatcru Itouoo at the first
manufacturer.' Where yOU can
Nifele get the hest awl cheapeat
Chu plaoatO go. oar stook Is Urns Ono 01
too largest ever: kept. bolero. Co aial ore
for 'yourselves, %hereto I;orehasnth - 01. to•
whore. . .
TZl'llrfrolasole Iloyern •
()airy tiorals We offer bargains In job lots'
of :Drend linen
Cull lions Slurthigs,
Ullecks, Se., all or II
.nult La, MAI Very lowest elkstcra
..T. :V. S. Co.
5.1 Market street, below Third .l 2"ullC;tt
WO Don't liuttnr
Oil •
nn}' place in Pitt..burgitbut one, ior a la
thy to get a good tied tuebhouah,lt ,proir and
•nwinur ,Sueque, but. at , peuee',... O. 7.;
DlarkeL street..
It la Very Evident
Anil we knew every laity will Epic with
us, that Spenec carries the teal In 151
Beautiful fißk anil cloth Wraps; new on ex
lilbiLlon at SPence'.l. No. 73 atai Let Areet
Vorget to go to tr'pt . Lee's any Orly till, wcul:
thi place 50.7.; street.-'
. .
"'Aril. incl - N — elv l'orli. •
....• ,
Olyiva 171 kilk Raequo, ittOilltS MO Man.
ilea . : -. spouco'e. O. 73 litarkot3trcet.
. ,
Pure Drtit.L.:
Pure lIrttL:,!!! Faro l'ore Ditagz
tiL boil, ,l DrulLLl,leglieDl'..
ioralam Liquors of all alada at Joaartt S.
rthCh'd phWien'. NO. 15% ISI, 194 and In
por coat: AlcrSnl nt Joseph S. rinilol.
Yon Can 1224
NOW flops at Jo,opp. 8.11.11'5
ho mast 1P ager. of Battle itt Haglund,
An English piper says: a-Th ei , h as
died iu Birmingham a p , j,, i; o ld titan, one
event of whose hita'sory ibrnis an impor
tautinark in lLe progress of civilization
ill - England, especially as relating to the
old barbarous model of settling disputes
41151 trying causes by the `wager of bat
tle.' -The deceased, William Asdifi.tril,
the last person who was challenged
in an Engl . i.sti,Court to meet, in single
tcominica-triati lieliora he had accused as
the murderer at his sister. On the 20111
• of May, 1317, a-beautiful young woman
• named Mary Ashford, in her twentieth
year,' went to a darate at Erdinetou,
without proper protection. Saw let the
festive scene at a late hour, accompanied
by a young man named AltraLani Thorn
ton, a farmer's son in the neighborhood.
They were last coon talking together. at
stile near the place, but next morning
she was found dead iu a iitt of Water;
wed there were evidences that she it Id
been murdered. Ideneral suspicion poin
ted to Thornton. lle was arrested and
tried for murder at Warwick 11,3i,S iu
, Augnst; hut, though circumstantial evi
dence Vi i 5 against hits, the defehtte,
tyro an olble, obtained a verdict
of 'not guilty.'
"The feeling of surprise and indigna
tion at his acquittal was 'so intense runt
a note trial wits called for, sad an ap
peal was entered against the verdict by
William Ashford, the brother, and next
of kin to the murdered girl. Thornton
was again apprehended, and seat to
.Loution in Niivanber, to be tried before
lord Ellenborough and the full Court of
Queen's Bench. Instead of regular de
fence by.arguinents, evid e nces a nd wit.
.iriese.sest.Therntou boldly detied all pres
ent fri ' cldea of jurisdiction, and Claimed
Lis right - ; according to ancient custom,
to challenge his accuser to light him,
and decide his innocence or glint by the
'wager of battle.' ills answer to the
court was, 'nit guilty, and I. am ready
.to defend the - same by my bode.' lie
• accompanied there words by the old act
of taking off his glove tind throwing it
_down upon the floor of the court.
"At this stage of the proceedings Wm.
Ashford, who was in court, actually
came forward, and was about to accept
the challenge by piekino• ' up the glove,
when lie was kept hack by those about
Lim. With what wonder did the assetu
, bly, and indeed the nation 'Urn a
prisoner insist on no absolute a mode of
trial, in such a time of light us the nine
teenth century?' lint with greater won
der and regret was the judgment of the
court received; for, atter several ad
journments, it '1513 decided, in. April,
NIS, that the law of England was in
favor Of the 'wager of buttelt' that the
old laws sanctioning it Lad never been
repealed; arid that, though this mode of
trial had. became ulatulete, it must lie
allowed:.-Thornton was therefore dis
charged,_ and, being set at liberty, left
Eughaid for America, where •he died in
• obscurity." • • •
A Yankee's Portrait or Napoleon - and
• Eugenie.
, "Burleigh," of the Boston Jouriat,
. I writes' from Purls in clisprui - of every
thing about the Exposithm, except the
Emperor. Ile says:
Those who expect to Sad in the Ern.
peror a feeble and waning than, will be
' . . - disappointed. Ile seems to be in the
• . •
- prime of life and the full vigor of health.
r i e le pr b e l l: s en n t o e n tl e in. or p th ic a tu t r ' e l, , c . ePY .liity w m k3 i . s lo M ' J i t ''
. ' heavy nod stolid. His face is riot of
thought, uud his eye, when he climes to
. lift his head, is brilliant. Ile acts, like it
misanthrope. The crpreFaion nu his
lace is that of a WWI jaded—tired out
ulth feice and shows—one .who ilitlti't
co re to concert his disgust. Ile silt'. back
iu his carriami, or rai iter, et ouclied up in
the corner,; indifferent to all the plaudits
of the great CIOIN (1, not Even deigning
to look on the assembled multitude
watching for the imperial .mile. .;
. i Not so the Empress. .She is tenign
ant, intellectual arid handsome. She is
the idol of France. She never appears
but the people go into cost:mit t s. Si te
silo upright in her (:lirrltitte,--Low s 1 n
right and left, not with the air of pat
iiirotimp., but with gentinie goodness and
delight, with I smile that is E. Pealli.Lr
''to. her Majesty. Like Aidgitil of old,
. she scents to attempt by her own eau rt,_
• sy td11111k1: up fur the chutlislin,iss of lax
husband. She- is Spanish, and her . style
. „ _
------ofbeunty so unlike that of the }'reach
• Una it is marked: . The Preach ladies
are not beautiful, tried by any fits:ld:ad,
. either Englith or American. They are
.:Burl, datk and Ild. Tbrir nut
'L• b,contiug; it is neitink la,ty 001 ,•'I ant.
'EILe noble aE Ith cy ride in their
coaeltce, arc by no attracliVV..
. .
. . , .` 4 ---..._ , ---z----- \ -IfTh._.6 ! .!=- -"-• -- 7 . 2 - 11 41. - --- '. ;---'---,'
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t- 54 d r.:' ' o i ~., , i. , ....
,Ns. v• -, r 4, / -
!-'z; 1 - • --- --
$ 1 50
. 435
FRODI EUTi,0 1.3
Faneralfif Minister Wri.4lit.
Cretan Victories Over the Turks,
y i'clegraph to rV. , .:l4urgh lii7ettC
- . .
1 . 0, r.07, :flay 13.—En 4:nv—Lortl Lyon,
fornttrly Nlln.leter to tho
app,llltol to .?tmccu.l Cowlvy
1 , 11 , 8,10 r Ot I:rout Bra:L:11,1a P.n.,
Unntax, 13.-1;001111g—The inner:Ll or
the late :titterlean 31ln:stet', Governor, took place yestenlay, an.l Was at.
tende , .l 110 all Unt 11,0 l
Vibil.ol, linen, and a Iztr e ;t: UOMbur of alt,.
TAM GI:I,T 11,1,17, errs. 11.. N•
Idyrderoof., May 31.
techmeet ban been nerved on td...dee:3:p
(area - . Ealdern tie cult of be: crew. for
no:o•pllyultu of wage-. •
xi., or ruutoo.s. AND 1=7'1:14 .rtr
ittaLzfr, 3I ay atamenc,4l tlatt the
Kfte; of rto,of will vl,ll. Paris dt:rlne: ❑,o
muter, is company witlitlie Ltaperer
Comm u,ro, IrMy IJ.—rour Iron clndr o:
lile Prencla nem. arrived `this morning frt..
the Gulf Of -11oxico.
• 31.11rINI:
ltur:a . r, Ma}• fro.
NOW York,- arrivel t 0,414.
• '•
l.i» 2.11,
at Ftve-thenUts
rE:zrooL, 71— r,
ea M. um ..tva:lo• of l;
Oti,,n, 11 .5;
:11:X,41 svxr.tura I.:n
, 111nri,r—a 41 !:nu oncnan,-
Hat - 1 ,, y 1 rats .to •.• !.
sltt und nn , :lutn;n!!,. Standard UL1 . 1.1.'
l'utroleura declincti
May In— , nn •
chnni,,l. !,..nffs sunoy
;IL; nrtn 011,—
I.lnree,l aclynnethl, nal., 5 , per 1..n.t.
1'0.,00r,n", L'lny
Wr. " 1. . 11 ...Y 1... . — V - :„roleutu 411
rng 2 .f. , ; 1
,clone. Ut er the Totrlts
-`,,.•rattly or :41i itz-ilarta to lir Hata-
Ittcluit tit Conti of aVor—otAlitttatcy
tit itto 41,13311144 Ilutiart.
Nesv YO:LK, May 13 —llia 1,1:owl:IA . tt , :i
tllliOnal 13 gl, frtita iii, mat:, of
Lny York:
rows is reEetv.l that the Criitit=ii
vlrlory on .tp1111;11:mg
01 Oury Lig rmitc.
Vlitorp On 010, 0111.
. .
tt re....ryet flit; Lew-74:::y L:
Thu _ll,...gite.w .crobilris French
chry , cur bor, by ,o6v:litz to ack, tbott,,rlo
The fit,y]ti±li bu,!gt:t for
IL tiCi;CI.,II . 7 1,,:. tutly
L1111:0‘,. re.l:l,lltm. at“.l
Oriel' It.
Ili, I• by tieneral Ibtrtott
on do nertt 111./tabras Corpo•—irlt
inedjr.toly orreNlval on a Veneta War
ratit—l, Admitted to Bail to .topeor
•(or Trial at NorfolK—ltt..pott•lolllty
of Ilelay thq 'i'rittl Lite Gev
the .
Court this u.orn:r,..f. A to,lits•
ry ;;;...rd pluf.o gr[il/1/,! it. stol
Was it :A:ow; police fore, lasi:l4,. ..11,tat
te ',it), ies•were atroatit It., soyetators•
A eatoioir 61 to • were
swim:ter,. A" II o'clo,l; 31r. Davi, WLL'i
brought in and took a seat next - to tile pris
oners' 1 , 07.; ii,veral Button and the
State+ :11a,ltal. berriint atcoiri
lri'.dl',',l',..: 11 1-: 0 )1 ' n t ny ar an open win
'Pow, s c
tio• a
col:do...if! ill" nice lo•v;.isternove•l
nearer Wei:eon-el, to flout. of
Ln 110, w: ”f
corpri. 111, .1.4,, ~.
pUmutiLeol Gunerid tun,. 111 wy 11,
iftWQ, Ittot reltovea tam of the vezto.l).
'Data-, mot
Ito aotutol latoly o 0 rv..4
Ile lam a fo.och werrAnt, zaoawfr tau Nut•
folk ina.ettooot
Mr. crcoonor rpoke of Mr. Da.elt , long
mprlon th,n; end feeble Ile:Lill, nail LLVei
inn! hu teined.
There being no opprdition Dulle part of
the prosecution, who liaml the amount of
ball at +lb the J Huge announced hi,
readiness It/ accept bail, 'Mating at the
same 111111, that the responsibility of iletay
In bringing the esse lots, Court reded upon
Thu Government, and not upon the District
Attorney. Ile ban/ ontshalt of the amount
of bail should le. glees by persons residing
In the State of Virginia. 7hn sa refits in,n
canoe foe:art:Horace Ureeleyasdng amon
the first, folloaaal by Mr. seheli, of hem e
]es k, and Mr. Javklan,. of Phil:vie:pins,
and others. number Of gent:mime resol
ing In VigiuMogerml their names
11AV/4 Wei COI*MI.II]SI,I by several Of
his friends, Ma there seas Cal demonstration
or nolo.: of any kiwi.
. .
Alt r givlng.l,jl to oopoitr at tate NoVOtn
ber term. of Coort, Davi+ wo.s taken by
,o4ch to the ,puttlwool
The 'Perinea, .l'allforatrs, Case—Wert
tin:lnas t WOO Cone aned—lieorgin
nod 311rwlei•ilopl lultmet.lau laser
the I'lElMA:rail Uart tte
15%. , 1117,011q, May the nuprenno
COWL toshiy Joni.lee Davis aelicrrtsl the
opinion of the Court In the tnihara care,
ahlrtnlng toe decree of the Caillornut iantri
in faVOr of the nay of ,alll Frenelsro, IW
ham v.:. a trier, thhant et will. Ills title
persimply u license tooccupy Inn i s for the
ofpastura4pi, subject to rev o c a tion
at any tit—,
The easeof Virginia — vs. west Virginia,
regarding Jurisilletlon over certain ',ran
-1.1e.1, wits continued.
. .
The I:oergki Miisl,slpill lajOnetlon
Caaen were 41v.inlaliei for want of iur.l,lrt,
lion. The derie.oll of the Court Will be de,
b0111,,,r ut nl, ow. La Lr 0.03 and Milwaukee
Situ lie ul. JuOveo.ont totirooal.
Waleort ~. Des Mom, Nav:iiallOri and
lialloool Loral, oky.
De , MOO. , Nay aoLtton row; Geo ,
puny ca. lioveri,l arra c.a.,: ft,
The Ittles.olrot k Mhirenoto n 011 1 .004
Co., VII. bOlltter &CO. - Deere, :moulted $1..1
rernacaotl, with eireettuee to outer It
noI:e protrout egolort Alarmtkol, who teleln
the mole to report It to LI/ Kt Court, for for
th.. proceed Inge to be had thereto out In
clol.l3ot with Cher "pluton.
In the Court of Claims to too .. caLso Of
John Q. rreirkont, for the oen of Jackeon,
.r/ ul. the l'oite.l tit elem. The riti , l.l,l
31j..1.. - 3.! duo:Alt.:4a. • . •
FROM Tom.ssr E
The Intpenetw:cttt Trial of Judge Ira.
lee - egpMenl Eldon Ignored
—Suntheris " Unid 1.:01141rell tl on.
, By l'ltta.sort; oats.,
Nns.Vaa.r.. May 14 imosnchinsta
trtal toolayt, , Ansantol Pa . a; 0.11:1" tool;
oXsepfanis-to Sonaorn a n t
flog Gs metatan,of I..d.Cottrt. Ssoatur
IL a ;thogol, J. It t.l , 'lgen of liontosky,
sonatOr Monson In n ell Igsn of Motto
or; ora, ;LW! reprosents thu District;
Whitu count}' is Situatol, whirr ilff 1111.4 not
Lc, a ~ Inco lot 2.
ii,1111 . ..41,111.. F. , 11 1 / 1 /1" tiad 111011,11.i11g
illiii•perldelleo ut till, Tyrogralii,
t:111011 atel'illnelmrgr.4l wIl Its slot CM
1./.}YI'C, wilt, were 11.1(:111b111 , 1 04 that. orzlitil
- -
LL:gm. Tito paper . Lu 111 - 1, hut
nv .11,10:1111 and 3.1.11110.11ita./ tkpartli./ite
l';.-111 1110 I:,,ptlnt COD-
VoLaion 1 - 4,4 ,,, r1. WV, 11111110111 run,-
elim Ifial tOW:InI2 net
north tlott tie; fitly dleri,lteft the knot
lowftol,f the Joffe :flttet-f. anal
,;,lllrots tli., inirflFtry grvat
lain nr
taura. of 1, t,1. 1 :41/111g thereto , . IntrtleUlut II
Sunday ttehOoN; - ror ;Attar rf Heim. 111Htxtle-
TlO Cofoootle o 01,rotelen
.111,seftle.1 •••,
1101, of :lie f loo t If fi; fo , oltest.toef• ftl
I,l:,,lt.p.krtlto•lit. 0111111/11. t
tor In,
ady•tip,a -I 1:11
lt /11udit.atti+:11131.;'.
Tele,rrnril loth , t9t urgA Car,tr,l
1.) definitely a-iterto.l that no such ac
,:i.'sl,l*the lat,t Cltive'rind Ititilro,lConven
tion, relative to prep.trt freight Ovei the
iialtiiv.orti and yhto ttnil r,oortoo In
thv ntiwrt,iitini, rove took tattoo that
Way'. ttipurt orlßliatted in tat, del: re
of ,tataiu 5 , 005 let, to ethane' the ltaltlynore
trod 11 h to livara:al to abarnlon Ito I , 9ilvy 01
It fa , t frot,ht hoo to the Wwit-
1,010,1 t, 0t tl ollonlaW Catholic
Ceurell, cl hot kt llarastoan, Kentucky, no
eVenler, after a lulu; and Inhaleli!ne
k0..14s retualuo wort taken to Lou!,
Vino Ytelt,lay, lahl 01 :tato at the Cathe
dral and the (antral lo:invent:eh to take
plate to-day.
—ran:her lelloval, on Ills trio front Atlanta
to stontgoattr3 - , Alahmua, adartsoullEeveral
tviilou an,l was covertly tato.
chlsokl about corlf.ot enstoms la the North,
bet a al he to 3,1,1, replloslo . all
goe4tlons. batulsl.,y tau Uttarek,e , l
artlltAce tf the ukual milt ! ! character, and
fu the tourkehle 010,1°110 I - rive- -
tete whacettr to coullsoation. 110
010 , 1 to , a.y a pro:1111..1a lawyer vale,.
1:1,1tral, 01.`0 ary/al to argument that aid
•thi 1101 freedom to the 7to-
I:uI:,!e;iu I:.:rty `ti 1. l'l,l2.ent Uneolp.l.lhd,,l 111, leb , lltouy ....-oul.ll two yeals
aft, conn:lcrlcon,..nt tlio war that,
tbt t: r.iaves 1 , 1,1 , . Ito nr,ll6lurbea, .liter
.ifiekl for
(,f t1:1. p,oplo to: Ivor (Or
flft.: - Iy.:Lne. LIa:I:;pOII7E,,VIL.
- 3 3.1;:e 3 the people, el New
ttrlettne 15eto5.1t1e evening Ltet, nn the
, ttite , of tlie 1 5 ekth. 1 lit al:lli:nee
wnt the ittrOt...t lint, minting of eltizen,
known 1, 1 :nit etty fee lion:4llrue. Ilesoln
nitit of 11 bt ono, I:upulli,alict.,..racUr were
teloplettitlter 1 :x 11,5 0 10 g. The remarks of
the 3 ie/go_wino ayrks.llde.l.
—tl.!:,.lth Bunk 01
Leal: n. 51.1, relt, vr...l .1). thitepten, one 01
theP: crto:e,ere taken to 9Otthury on
tirt.ler of , tenertil 0)0010), inlet
elniistt of collier.,:no the speele of tfc
bank lib,: 1 . 1110 11m„ of the i.arron3or of the
I.t•te.l . 1 4 , 11,011, or,.ut
to_ ie .5. W. - Then, 15 ton: tithe,.,.
Tise :ntt Intio tt lithritof, the in:l-
,k,, itit;trtteral 51.1..5.51e5.
the 11 5,1 iet'l eu.n.,y of t1o•'y ittliethl it --curl
•L•niiin3, • Yclicra• ataVst Ntna•
10, - 1.: to: santi,nlCmct., last. yt.t.c, citatn,l
•unin .• iscscit•ataint.ititi a cityno-tiltsst,
v•-htsti ten je:l.
i pinat
;•i•stlitaltois rib's andv, Om, tistaia,.
N.. .r t - attay, a %instil,
• tnictr, .. tiny c
t.tian in tlint city far year-,
,rve.•!: '1;,0 drlnio rz
ILO, cv,r, roi,t forty•-., arrcrt,
1,1410:. .1:.M11,11
wt r.. 4•1
2,1.1,..r.t•i! Wit:l ,411
th..y mere th.•
11, , MY ,!
rA„ io
: 1•`.
. .
•tillft.:3nnwty lu the
1•0,1,11 ti ii:.7 , l,kr 1•lh"1: , e
. .
3 ,,_ WY, i!!M1:1011, 2.1. z
vekl thty
1.40..y..A. :J....
'Jt.,. 11r,, to .11“ Tuiy
trracht,cm•ly. I.l,:art I.Lid U., try
lit et t0t1.,:
4 .71 L esy,
1,, .4 . 00rtt•r;
r.ot .111,,
MAO,: I,:trtt.
mom !SEW 01111:3NS.
IttIO1,11•0 Mn; , . It to Hear eon-
Kr, 4Alllllt. Procett•hise
nod Itltturbauro--Cultrt Citric fir
cgt by lien. hlttritlet"—'lltltt or tt
t unallet:ste Ita
int Telt,aph Vo 11o: I . lt , atmr, b t.uri tte.
May the I:Apo:M.
can hm1ur,13.7 . n:;;i,l. In
lAl'o;ift to Al ,
It 0 toi vs. liit,sinl ivy lioproinottutlito
of Ponneylvitom, attillo loot
Conn my, anil itko [lto Iluvor.
int :Ivo tiviiii.anit woo.,
TI n ,111.2100+
won: o to too moon.. In von.
),,tl,4lby 1001410:, , l norm !no num.
looioro unit truloipution, ‘”nv.
exeltionontirtiAnobol,tiio riev:tfo,
^ o ' l
orinitroil until
o.oliouta, wi.on
LliaricS o:nl ; r:oared A
witote noontiont, I< Iloilo club*
tilt - mi.:o II,: 1,1:Moo, All, tak1111; po+•
Folonn thuiy roreipoll,l tit nor 1
Ali nor ,iiuloono W 1,13 Cif,4l , ; u.
l~i,'clooo l„ 11[1;4 - r Of Ow clilt,l or full,
Cieu,Slivridaat rem,
'ling eierk or o:,: of Courts
for e.11,1,11 , ,5ing of
01 iluturali,:tltni. •!”;: tho stp
pot/ of 441,1 Lhcr.•
la tnik i.t rullfil:lsf Mr. JoilDnon, IL PlOlOl
- sad el - Lrt.dy oegro, fur
FllO3l 1!I EXICO,
Tl.ol4lo;zenf 'Vern Ers..-111.011,1ere00.
3101kIng LO/1.11110 Progrclo,-1011 01
llln lily 01 1111,100 s.oool.tered Cer
. Itzcirimonu, May pot/11,41e,
the following letter ft ow It, eitiedul tourer
The Eititll , ll !Null, 10,110 ILI( alcitiuut
cia. Croy. t tOu :.It,
hot bringm noitherr‘ , P ,,,
Cruz War the Lila
el liii, uno w i ,ro only
plcco wth olr,ot, "A 'Tily 110111 C
I.lw uuneux i•. 1.11 10,11 111.1111 . 01 .11.1 no lit r e
loot. Moro n n priltp,billt,y of tine
cultuLt Lilo city, •
General,. mhoolil ‘11 , 11.4:1,0 LlOl.l I Won-
ieNorrondrr. Oiel lllo trooo,Voong
o 4,6 IV, 1.01‘1,0 In, 11; to
portion, Then, Over two ,111111111.01
tO,l //:IV Ire Lilo 1.10,01t,1.
Th., city of Merit,' wtoi inVP , 1.1741 LS (Ilex.
1114 inteoileil .ILLrque. lo', dcftu,d cite
City at all lntzunln. Thc.licAliignig force
nombe, ntiout II,;, , ; 00,l t,rdli , inwollt.loll+
dully. Tin: (allot the city connoterud.
• cortolo. Hunger aUr ooull eutwiel Ulu he
bilirocil to capitolutc. p
A Itawrireattl ticamatalrel A flock I nc
1'4111111,1,1M, —1, I. ThratAlrawtl
Wialt n Itl,in cat ka itarglazawa
Its T. , •.gr.n.b t 1
Ll.-1:,V.00r000 HOMO, who
for ,1
u En.clb,l on 00 Um Ilaptlet
chlt LlOl so n r . . l,ty .100001.0,1104 eccul
ly bt,:
0,1., .1 in Ir9ullllnrltly3 of 01. most
00,0 4001 a 0 000.00 4. ch.ilitCti, 00 /I 0100 y el
the clilblren of both ~4,,..,bnlonging to WA
anin7r , lnil Ili, Woe cl,w g ,. 4 with cron
tint n111.00i1n•0 /1.1. 00 1 . L.00, .1 (00 C 0 I/ MAI OIL
SalUrany 4:11010. /10 11001. 00 11 , 0101.
tbre•attatt,ltaltli.a ',1.1. ,k ratlV . by
% n ,
In) yinn, O of illy plOO, 111100 1011911
1.0001,er 01100 1 , 41,1.0.brn, And tent. In Ills
r.....n.nnty fon tn-ilny,
alter is anbutu . .,,crvt. e,Jlllil ,
f;rrtin:,l:3.4 . l.e,Tri,, It. Nag, rriill'ef,C,/.
—31114%11.g Ilivl.looll.
Clty Telerr&trtit,,
Mn grnln
cl,ant., ulty 11,1.1.1tm
Dew 1,011,Inn: IP( Ilt“ t:n
Alerun:6lirl , l In '
0.1 , 1 411,,,:t.r ..1,1:11.1.0.,:t
0,1 , 4.10:my ,
The Infuoctlou ('mar.—]lint of Ceor-
Kin: Only JJJJJ Wh0...41-111e .111 , ..41,
slppt BM &mewled In Include Ar
NV A•IIISI.:,1A.-SIAy 1:;.
The Geory;lu ettoocare,onlywu+l7lP
tnlsnetttnett toolity for want of jurottellon. Tur
ease of 211.441,91pp1,!,itt00n4,1, tort:',
loins:ut 0 batty to the eroopitmt, n”.l rov
-00.0 th,...ent's ttetlett 15114 rogord to 111 u
trutootry of the latter I,tate, ivllt Probably
be argue.' tun Irldny. It Iv hot eel by .the
cotoololoants that the .1 rlotimo tr.a'ury
use 0111 famish II property rlll,l+o ortni
which the Court e:to been 0r14,11,t001.
Nt•Uot, '
111 CIO 1011111 AL SAIALLth „
para.te, to
day, thirty'-tlvo we..,
out. cight thoi.s.ll , ll,llltt:tut , t 1,11.4 at the
Ifter liii Conliction fur Trcason,
City of
Now Tor k. front lavorpool, Y10,11,1e, eul:ow 1,
on - 1.1. Itrclvtoi
Thu following 11 Om cy: tact fr.,' Inc,o( utter
111,11 1. not now,
In wr., to (.11e Molt/ ••.11:.•
1,1.11 hos n
Ine. - tally r ~ It :
um., Bever Impugn... 3; folly
I con Into uly w.ll, nun.,
cnool ' ora.t...r tuletUl....l, I con only -oY ff .:. t
o hetuAren Icy rt
tor their own ougrana:lcuoalt, or 1..
rni , cro..... I t' in,
opy.. t 0..., l-n'. ....
of I.catc.., ond UN, ua! ....
turfy., Fully . .4
tr.e of 111yevory wc1,1,1 4,11-
, :2LIc
114‘,1t M I: , lAllkt.
wonla Lricg UN 1 1'0.1,
for., you,
notNI, Tin I
of falot, ! 6 Coll, :.,P 0.-1-
1,2I;':1111111, 0 1 .11,1,
;:t.t no; Ittntt I nave 0;1: en, no . lit I, gtt
to. ,Ittra and Illterty to :tn . intni tit Itty !.!,
I Lax . .. done only Itt, i.r . .!1•
milli and ttyttn ntnn
tOrt!•• • ttn
t!,.fnnltng of ilitorty ntton..: ,Itt. rt.!. not
ton anntn of it tnnityr, l , nt tt t• tt :11
Ain:ft:llly tint! tnttolf,ot.* nt t.t,lttmt tin:
‘otton for the! Intntof lny
..1•••1,t 1.1J0.tnt!!,; , 1.. I tottti:Ltnf, tn., to
deOns, of
tho rlL:ht Of on 4 , 1,t• to
,•::- t• 1 tltral,ttrt. I not ntt
Irtt!.l.lnu t , y
try fintnto, it toyer of fottt.totzt,tnl
..Ontny (lot intnt. ,nt:‘,_
t,ta to nolnli of tyrntitt . ... It Int,
Lt.:l n . ltulttot tit,,ntl ft.!
rt,,:4. thtow off .01,1,k,, of op t ,. t,
tl.:tt I Lit ,
1,,11./Vert t1,t1,1
o:ll , trutt at nut, nrvvr
ver tw, 14J:11114 -,,, • ^,
I.otrittu•l', VOVI.,
inch of just
It to I, it 111, rt..tnt t
for otto,on,
t., t:,:: ,10 , e , T vo,r lo.• 1
,•re- the
:14 7el/4,Aph to•
Nr , r 1..11, Moo / 4. I , l,ity 'I nom.,
roI HI,. 1.1.41r/or, r. 0.4•
ot I:roetklyti,/.:/ ...c.f...., pi
1.7/74 frot, tho gove,:zmovit/
to 0 , /11, 411,1 town
4 , l‘,l t ik••//I,fore s
110 /./Att,lth,„ tutJl,
The //ton) or un.,:i:. M01.t.,
11. ron /4r tour 0,11.//
111A1.011ti, Th‘l vu •
Ni,r bl.y 1..-I'6e New 1:L
01 , ...,41 on ,atar•:.f.
la.ant.l.,Attn.or lu •pv-t•cll
tue ‘l,lcue, art LI, I: , ,utlur
.It,rl,lll , :rnl Pprtat:nr., ry
vr.; foTt
0, , ,,t1.31,4 ;in tow
LAI :1.,0.12.
If I , /
1.. tin 71i leet tea, entl tiny 11111 w
An'e mte,
Item May—Tn.. I.v,
et, incltue
It. 1"..1
! lik t k Id rkn, iVO
) k • N CAIN. ti...” 1
t•:..11 it tirat
r „„„„,..„ v
Tl.nre nris 4 .3 a tra.111.: 0 44, r h 44,4-1
unit year- ago canner 4,44141 ?•44 ea: 4,41 tin4r•
ongilly. 44044v144•1gt. 441 tl4l ?.I
I,44tat tort.' AccordiuK to an 1:41,144,11444 or- 1
1. , • , 110.1 ,, ne0 of it, El,ts`l/10,. :VT , from
INert44:4in.Bk. :441trorla. thorn In aoin aunt
man I, lug In !bit p 4.4 lace, 14 414.4 It. n
llfu to tau 010,114 4,a1:04:44 and Ina t 4.4 y
r.an4l Iran 441,11'14.41t , 311 toy
Ip,r 4 onn with great 4.441t4 4413.4
rI4I of Into ter4ll4l, 4114,4424444. )1:•11:'.11'Ann
having 1.44t444 not 441,1 44 the niarrelnr,
•,1n.411n1 44444-44ra1 ti:ina. of 14140. alit:
naria, 140.004441
the only pc. ~ r 11.6
My 11,0 b10t441,1 but nover re 4444444,44441 it 4444.434_,_
fur 9 ory 4.4444n0r. 14 nnly tnowu tout
ontalnr 141411404, front 44.nina.
THIS 1.1:01.0"1,11, ~r In /1,4
ev,ry .Iny ;arm,
4,10111. It 4/1/0.111. 1 1 In In. to VA 1.,
in the unrefintsl elate, Snot :of , ii w
infacturefi n n 4,1 petriflcon, solar iffi.
par nno alllOO 01l fool pant:Mob The Ilnl
oil xllll,O InCretteeLl 10 n 4 , ollomni/.1 Cltcn
rln4, for Ifni walin (ProVtfied they are
faked in oho right way) ore .1,10 to flu
id.ll, with tarn 111.4 . 0001 - y 011, not Onfy A a--
trin hut this whole of Oclitflil Lnrope. 'I
1:0111p.LItIon With Inn American pro,lnl t,
14 now carefullV tonne.% 111 ,, t4 xllll
great dirletiltles, riff the We? In ',hip!.
Or ten foLlilelttn we:lfi tool rellnorle.l 311,
"Inductor% 14 fillncalt In ninny fr•fp.
LonVllig nslete the eollolltllsTO.llon frolght
rate.v. Impt.c.l tho NOTtherli And filiat fee
1,4.1.14 11r4111.110,4, IL 0111 mcarefily fat
tnat the frvigni, of Amer:can' 11l Item :',OO
fork lu Breown stud nom 11:11 plain: 10
does not 1,1X4.11 ill „ coat of Pant.
port of tim product loan 11. oil
1 eirlons (Irrotrolfitti to 11 , 1111/0.
11015:0 pulerlleff, tufo:fling Ip recent in
restbiatlor 1 larger alen 0f cOl4l
than itl.r l'illteft states. In the ef lota of
Ito alit. filo/mow, I he old t'1 , 1141
till. 1:,111.1/e.e coal 1111,111 hi/ 1.1,11
od 01,1,i, nearly tiglialn In 41,1 11,• AlllOl l
ean Ifltuntinotof mud lie vont re
;floor of the "lion" ern inoto 11:011 fool fool
n hid( (linen all hag. n, 111,n Of idightfol.
lu 1.1113 trill illstrlctio emit 1,a4 balm livol,
the value of which 1., null inertinarat by the
vinioltv Of nionerolis 11 . 011 Vule, 1
1,411,41 sinfroverod recently in the Confriomf,
(mom., linlaffk,Choriosn and roltool. SO.
tasty knows to what Importance that eons,.
sv tem: rise,. whom In 1041 mon - fa: m of time,
of ratio ~,Is eiriend all over Itie oplor.
Yaw larkina theatres of Europe arc at pre
bent.. ad' 10110144: 'La 411114
rhino' for . Ihoo speehrtors ; ihsan Carlo,"
Anifieff,:ho ov o Carlir }',:lace," In tam, 3,01,
'flin Vienna Opera iloom, 41 111
cootaln•rtmtri for 3,000 pEreon, Thu 1,111
thcatt,s 11140 gem:rally !Lyn twin—tin, now
0114" only four.
or IA kis hits appointed physi
cians tool apollmeAries for every dl,u ict, lo
givii medical wirier; and medicines krat
to iilllnhOrers timing tho Expomalts, The
city governiontit 141110 intends to 1,101.1 bar
racks with rOOlll ISir 11 fry thomnint
awl ton thotimoll , Prfisnian workingmen,
who expect to VI,IL the great. tale.
31A11nuan 511n1,-
tcr of the Pollee nt I:nl,i:tut tenpin, 1111E1 or
the oldest and wont. lAII.IIIOI nerynatts te the
Porte, 111. rvenetly MPrVO.I the
State elguty t.artt, antl reuelletl the cilia
t.trtit-ttarY ago 01000 hetet red t o ll live.
—Ali , c.T.traardlanry tat:Wont in widow
hood nag pad otammritd at latoraloy, n volt
Ilia , • Illago tat tile Ilarllct , ta , l h Nuntltd•
land Eng way, in England.
March, a taltiar )aantiglng 10 1711 , tni , IY. un
tatal Nlttltalas 0,111, agial .111.1111 41ItY
Rtaf sitartiod In a 'WWI,/ AL Ileltandedlt tit..
Alto! the uervapilny 0001, Eta rottple
adJourattd . l.l n frltattl , t alai:, WO raja) et!
aetti-i , 1,0,1 In a taatalda Malin,. They nr
-111,1.11..1? 111, I , a - Ila I: . im 11.111,, 911.1,11
:111111,, .1a..! "•.0.11114, .1-
%. , 8 t,, , ,...1, , , , 01 tip ~ ,I II ~ 1 ,,, 1.1 pt. L. Iti
t 1.4, nill, . lli,:ir lIII,J li ~ 11.. , 1 , r1 , 1. , , ,,,, ,1n
v.,.., ,I , I• nly t.l I nt .1 M In It a 4,1nr1.111, A .... 4 .‘•
/ . ....4 .“:IX - , ti,/...,;....,..... / , :il .1.,11 4 eV: l',N.
Gf\Etl.lL'6EW .
~ tholic relllu,llop Cmcianntl,
and 11, 11,1144110 t mtfm,
/1.1 utliln .11 fur
1,,r1 , pt., , 10ne 1,
citizen or Crawford eonuty, P... 3 I.
twilit. xr.o mioleo rule of on olir•Itto
over f'"' grvenbticks burned up the otlo.r
.I;ty he nog I;;ctlng to reeve ton b0:000
—Thu I , ote4kool,oro to 1 . 07 :land hart been
no:111-d t!toy 1, 01 not lo•nllorreittl)rell
It . 11:01 . • 11c,.111, Le/ 11. L O, Theronrc
repo. In; zrou:n.llon 111, 2,0140 01 Llao 11u,-
con hot Li, 11.1,1_ 1,'4•11 WBOlll,l.
--Colutiul ouit.utl Tutu, iroto 3letaphlA, f.
urging Vri: • li.ilqa ut,ann oonor
la Tutinur,re, curpres4es 11, to
oturaur; Urn, a:gat, troop., alul
utrle and [I. Cs/mu:runt,. to Lava
guud. u:cutioa. •
luutu.t . titian In t'or't tool, Conn., who
11,1, 110,11,4 Nunn. liolliand, got
It her milli. r n Ina dayn
opran at Itito unit dual it-hlu oval (Lon
fueu, al (Lo
loualui o,
alto op at tau cull:, tor tau tluy.
—l.tiglpul and 11 li, n har n grunt many
to .lauoury lot, 10.7, (lorry nru
uan:!ned lo taylioul tool 1a.,.
plial.l in t co,ntra.,, vial gaunt
au. tu in t. Wo: toad poor
Repehtlean Inronh , ..te of the. Con
omtient I,;;O,lntsito.: in a cantnor Leta, n the
on,oornoti.ll, vonint Imn, for
in In, liono•ut Eno ine,nit
nuannfolvot strO.lni.. the 110111
n LIR." flow. the ~ ..:41.1e COusLitutton. .
—1 he !`.l.•renntlln hihntry of San P . M,.
“il , t111114 • h”..1 o,ro
frvioe loanod I
"t/le from bt, aling and
Mann:non htn n.Otleranie.
. •
— 15: 1 , o• nt. of tho Printing 14.
io 1•0 .d,nry lokiLatlueut,
n 1,
;vote I nol.t. 'I tone horol. 1, n 1
3:to.o0 and
t 1..•
tk,..•iv I 41, ,I I it: . 1!101/1 . 11.,.: <:i
,1.11:g 5111: I . trill:Ls:v.o.ll,llly luld
“lOok ..unthfu"
:tom )1.‘1 , 111 Ftt-twt:
M . w , ! , ,•I n::1,1 1 1in,• , 1131.en
V^A , W.• wn,e w pm .1 LY tl.e:
, •11.• 1., it).l
)1.• :•.:• t:.:l:trtry
IL•it grj,,lmm 1 nuns: a
.h I
- 1:10 CO,Ord
11:0,4 II!. 1 of iir:4•:•
—.l 11: L: 1 1 , 0:::0
. .r . • 3
, or 1:1. 'l,,
. tr
••.. • 1 , .
r l:rs 1.•
it• for
•i•-... 1 . phi
nn di"
. . . . .
hut tol,, bar,[ll or
,I,r,rityvi, r•I (11 , 12 , 1_111.1n.,
f 34
1,1 1-ar
nar , 1 , ,..r.1“.011A
rf,.” •
11 , •1 . ,1,11.1.1a till'
~ 1,, < - 41, - y!,,x gru,l.
• 1.111. 1,, L.,11:1[;•:, , ,114 , • 1.1/t, ..1,11, , 1
•./ 41, ,CL:1)
1.:r!. .no.
,to Ito tr,tlll”. I 4.1 I. 13 . ,tuitt.
'ln . A '• LI .1 , 11 11. It,
rn.,1,/ 7,r Ion.:
o,: tat., ,•
71 It. , clly N.lxv, Vot k
tr. r:
—A .o - nllntOnn 1. AlflerY on a mat
ols okn t nn:r1:11, ton/
t.l /.101‘.11111 , 4,11M11h1.1,
dc.ttA ,tun. rounlln, tins coon•-y,
only , -.•1 .ndart, r.olo ml•-111::• . 1- no
tins „ o : ''nun,'w I
.1,1 VA)I.I, 11.1. f,i , rloll, I.lllrl Lind
—Mr. Mor,lor, Itntl
I /131. .• ,,1
(11,, 111, JILVVII now
••Il 11
, Lr ?Or. 1:1.•
rtufl , M.nt that LI.
1111. y tht• gilt
• ' c1,3tt,. , •1 ul 11y,1,3 purl4l,
r,t.,1 1,1 ttt,
• - ••
111.0tI 1110 M, rt; no•
vleto , Mr IV
• —IL no11e:11, that rolls I 01.1114
11 its 1,,, 111 11 , 1.4 111.3
won.% ankh It 41 M 1111. 1 , 0 ,1 L.ltt
ato!oltn,l I:': NI. 1 1 11.,"' ns,4l 310. making
rrT It. or 1111:11a1 "1;1 I.( timgrl
11:”1-0,,114.1 21111.. l'4.11.11” 1.11101 . 14;(1111.
tout 1.114, 14.11 u to sati are. , lelll.l
120 tltarmlng nin,r * 4:0110a
131:.initt lz 01 Ito 1.11,11001 laga,rupti•
or, 41110 0414 tamlblll lu 1 , 44101 Ulu tempt.,
tlos auLleublo
Neu: Yogi: (20002,, tor 2.22,.5 11,12 . e.
Runlet 1102,1221. 210vin In 20 121,000,2 2 . 1
10. i 221 , 112. 22hu Jo 2:1:10 to 200022 2.0012122.
120 r 220212200122. how, 102002( 04042;12t
:21, 2.0222 ^ 100.10, - 2000
I,.•rt.r tho titnrch. It 19 2 , 002.01 y
. 2 1,0220, 2, 22 0020.212 y hi 02 - 1102 to 01%1,1.0
010:, 11,1 tin: Ihil tyi .21101 Mrn.,141‘,..4
aro 0220010 , 1 by n 2120 , 0 nnrrirkV 101 LIM.
t 202.0. 0220212 2•2 hrr 101; .1.0 M11•13111m
221015 , 2002. tiod,
2 . out prt,o,
!soul Pori. *tato thnt the French
otti., 111111 1 . at:er tur o nod otiret. 1., Ite.-
Pero t hot Wll /110 11111, 1611 1 111111 1 11111, Ike Ito.
Illtulte,; of the 111111111,1111 } rench n
r , tll'
utt . .l totettey Put lin. tot the °tilt r
Ilrietttlltet ore CI eu tour. eonlittettl.
LA11..../ 111 L'poltk et 'lO,O. In, tt protium:44lu
I .' l l / 1 1,11 1 11 1 they wolil el titian l: AL ,111 k
11,1111 north, would prole.
Illy loot, lo the eutot er tear. that 4.11,11 111111
1 / 1 1 1 11,111• 1 1 1111 1 11111 1 / I ,L I 1111 1 1 1 11 a, 4/1 . 1110
1.1111 1 , 1111 1 1 that ncltLet herlto out l'arl4nvan
ro let ettutured telltiunt hustle terrible tight,
tonno funolll , l 'Oncepub.
111.1,1, 10.17a1i y the Ilia,
I Ilrn. 11.1., In c , nng•rtlon with
tin, 1,, nu, ith.lit rut orprl,s ULU niitl
lot 11, In tilll Ileretid itlintltor
n~lltliro of 11, or that gvollt ,
"Atone :or the .1;4 ~, to 111.0, be
-O.A 111l)ria,1,1n
t,..1.1,1 I he ithloct.
F:,11111 111,111,1 ttl ill, tile nlinuntx to( 11In
IA 1:01111tY. ' 10 .. 1, 4' sill Id.. weult I/ to
111104 ullta Lu nu longer
ran you let
—lty n rernul law the ext. , nor of 101 the
htu,cntd Pau141ne11,111..10,1. , hl :lye ).1,.
A, tint nronnui of rerehhhrr hY tome
labor... unit yomtly, n Tyry Ineentons
lonnhlue nun heo,..ontr.vol 11111(1 the work.
In front II rho how•o to Ins gUntionl, 111110(1 ,
.:+l,l I , placed, with length ge
ho,n .e.lll , lnnt to reank to the teen, ,tory.
RI thin linnet 1114 of hotu ;tier ant Nt.:11111
ure eropylled by high prinnotre ngunn , l. the
unllu lent molt work. rem.,
ing :1111:0 . q. 111AMIlift111,111Sly till, emu ;nut
hot i't'em, without nirury to Ulu egulp-
The th,a I , lllllleN (Iowa) I:et/ince ennien
pretty near knewlng or nn exiiienßlun of
igilllloll tionoritl Brant. Net
mince R 4 the eeeeleiet.
/if 0 11111,4,1% . car Ilirectly
tient, ran truol nitineizetn. _During the
Journey to the car gilt tie
teniatily exintril el the enhltnit
met in the Inierlngof 11.1.11'1V all the
~ 11. t jarllll,llll
I,ril 101 l to mi , tolour.lot y
:mil 111 th. .•,,,..”1,..,1.0tt10n IL
FOURTH 1....1.1.; E.-77, PIM' tr. 01la rn , te rc
lirlbfe Money, ail awl Pro , turr .Ital Art 1:c.
1 , 0 ,1, 11 , bY un y ',per in . ellt city, at be
k found on on 1-I , burtl. Pau,
Preparation.. for the I:ceetti Ina on
iv, at Nin•lllaftton. Va.. of
Vogler, the !Ilatalerer at ftobert
tttt re—:t Ites tete of the Ca.,.
To-inorro w, bi I.11,:(111 thu /loud of tw o
14,1 One Pr 0,1,111,
PrUNCIIt; the in enterer,
will lieuteentiel In the j.iltyer.: ut
l'a. the urine, or which the 1:11.
ortunato criminal will bull, tie
ininultS' of t law, nth - iOlO.l con,liternhie
attention in till, nut ut toe tin,
of rerpelrlitont, we that n hr el revlow•
of the lintriler will nu: lit out of
100 ye ny a hreraee tu tho of the
locih.iljni: In
Tlntrulay's paper.
in 11.0 o:1y port or 1 , ,,C,,ber lit or:r
1/111ty MD, el.:/1 V :!../ ths: 1111-
,01,11 , 11/10 . 1k col :1 1 , 100.1 , .1 noirtlor
IeLII :Ten lierretrulecl non: oil: - 0051 5•141 , 1 -
4:11.1it.., In. I'Va.,11,r1,;1011 votolly. 11onerl. 50.
I,lo,more, a .tnsltlir '1 1 .1,...,11, Joel reep
ut•ele •of Ice us
sot fallen upon 1, own Ihre-!1e1.1
1 , 1 , z ec.l .1111, tno 1,1511.1..c.1 I.l.lnlght.
rol/lo 1, ild 010 lirel6.i n
uttr,t Its the of Ile,
e1lI:!, tl-1/ .411 an•l 1 aner,
0 ,1 , 5 11 I:1 110,11 SC hiR Mr.
1 1 111-moe 11‘,1 In 11,1:1
tic M!1 , 1:1.10,n tow! a 1-.0 ioi:e f :en; tn.,
I .oreotrl , k 1 ‘Vutlil,4.7zon. :sod the /,
I.,001) Of 11,1, 0.. we: ou•
rolls.ele 1110 0t..1. e:
ronilloevem rn
oltltri to 1, mur.ler 1. , 1. ell/ , en In IV
Inglon ,111 u. too ni..t, 1,1
IFegler nos: 1114 ceolede,,ll., o'no
eve; nosy LAN 0 ,f1;.4 1,•
411 , 1. I,: 0.1. ,, .11,c,
••• r,on • 1.1 M.,: honoin 1,02
.•o1 :111ng
I,y , n.
. 1 .1 11t1t 1..31.11,
Ipt•/.llttl 'II/ •11.
/1..111 u. 1.•
through /no 1 ..
emto or • !::“, v:o uo
t!.r.r.2 • :1 t:1 , • .•y
: ~ I •
, I. .I
tWo ah I leer , hoar. h:tera .1•I
Ait , l !a ehe
a 1:h a
d: dr .1 • .•
4,•1 1:••••••:...1
for niervy Mt, •1 {IMIi
. rt.: • t•-..c,,,1
, ,
night, u :th .P
uII.IJIn ‘,1111,,
“1:1, •1.. ..t t!,xv:-
row,, r 14 1 141: ,•,
0,7,k r.Lc
.t ;: -- ft,:
a:NO, 1, It, afftif,s of ft.•
!Lind rlc It Off orff .3,11,,11ff
M fit.h.fftflvft If, o if ,11•
were 11, rl , l tfof o
t 1..:
of If, 1.-oo.!,ot
tten. . , fPnetrlllric
prf .t.:•' • j.:111, ti.
n • i t r tl l.,: t it., •
rt,, OI I , J:lng
I: •,;,.
~ 11.ou 11,,% I, in,
nrrtt .k eu
. . .
t.LO eL.IO u:t. , known, I. LL4IIO .
00lett , :ent, cot,elett. t to :Ile
fir-and ItLIONt :lin' or et- tth
Ile ttoted Illot 1,;‘ , 1 got .L 1 :Le
prom LI.L,:or ves...•• -ten ot 110..,,, J,(
..I, otel otter per- tn,..0 tot
younglooll nat...1,1 It r.l. - t4lolll.ra
)0111Illtli I:1 11:1 V 3, 4 ,1,1. 1 ,11 tn Ito., e.L.•I thur-
Ller If nte.l la., It, un tette:late !..e.-ne
.slOntgrarner!, , toels tri;tlll. or.
onn ,. oLinettnent, on.l, u at: Lett nt for
cni..110.1 Irian teat,: tta.tton Ltt taut x l nt
ff , 1 , 0%,1,11.! CA1 1 1.1112,:•Y the ctlleeta f tlolow. .
Vroto lain turf that: tun I , r•
teo, na.l
act:lolly, L . . 01.00111,4 110. , 1,
ler !tad conteste.l to an pa t tratlott 1 let•
1 ”1. 110. 0 , L4 0.04 Iltllll,lllVly 1/11
elute In Crime, rutin 01.00 en
settle.l to tlac 10 . 1. Stet.,
011111.7. Vogler weal 1,1,4 to. , 11 .0 .111,•.1,11...
evi , la nee 0.0,1.1..0fta1s ,Lutt ti , 1itc , ..”,11 1,-
11114 L:ulto alto:1g 1 . 11(NS,11. Itt
luttf o ,t, ••• tithe lA- , cOlO. 0111111.
.10 neat lent et. tr:.4l.
111 nail 1 tie 01.:....t lair nt Witt
1C141 , 1 rent I,loltht Irtal ert ot
the la th o( Wiatltlngtol, il,lloly W A ,
1110114, nal, 10., ma: plane.' upon the
ogiewa aloud. 110 refuted to te•ttt or' to
alonak aught 111 Sariownzi.,ll of lir L ,, 011.111:0
loivoner. 111, ltiLa IVI.I, t 1.1 1 ,1 1111 , 11.0 V
was Itowerleta to NI titgany ttateno nt
fo:111010. There tatty te, elenee other
than 1110111. 4,,,,1ttet. 101...... tier, 1011 Lk
10l IAftIT the N,:,-. not Ler toe.n•
L . 0.00.10101 It w lIJ how. 1.,•... n In one ol yeill a, ernertenee :01.1 TOl.ll
trutli lll ll.ol , llootereat,al w It
-1,01,1',1 for lion on 01: , 0 of tho moat
I.o.lllveettorocter. 1 W. Aft.Mll 1 1 1atthc
Loy no, In 1.,.1 eat tell ...Prloen, 1111., hotth at.
Inell notr.ter
101 wos In 1103 tootae, w nt/deo.. era
elLl with tale)... by t , I, 11101
,1:C•11101l 111 LAM., p
eight or olne otoloa k un the earallnat 01 Inn ,
Truer, oinl ton thV11011M! of ltotatt•oro
atone lot,' miles limn 111001,:otner) . t, 11111
ll 4,8 natural (nut L ottl,l 00t.
hat, lrartledl Intro lit ace ..lint[ a. Inn,
Thu (I.oulltlllut.o.llll tool no 0,1 , 1100, of
eithet p 1,11 tar or cnelllll+tAlittlll.
nat tholtrfaoner Lta ill g
of 011, low 31 outzont 0 tY. 11t or
thanal.l ,11:1 110 11
~,,,1“ L,,,,L0g1a to he/ teen t 'l' it
onj ....en cheated of !Jur .tu,, anal., ante
.lgler , l'UnlCatfrl•tu )ant to ho t 11.5-
Vogler IVIVI truly tell tenni-4 to .1.011,
ro, lug hls donut n ,l
envy, nomolno . , hardly to 11I0luxl
:tr llo
40,01111 inolllon. 1.14.01, bus 1, nom b mh runt, or
,Ine fro trunt,or the on
nrrn^t till Ills
:nmlenre. OILS elnannteoz , nl try the marks
of brityntlib mnill only nlllllO n ellort 111,11,
Ilux Imenganeil In memonllon to nmot that
God whom ho griovon3ly
01 loto hu llnf nhon n nmrm of rellent.l,.
110 bon been dally r Init,,l by faithful tool
zonlon, rollc 1011, attomlnnt 101,1 no trumt
bu Will din lu the bo.non who
1. 104 JuNl,ltml to whom Om enoll
of 111, 1110011-,llloleil Inunlerer may 1111100,
!nun the wn.hinv of one repenbuicu /01
00t Olin uunput nr.) t of till/ /11111.0:0111
c 1.01,1.
Our wort lry too ornor 1 . • not. land, In vl.ll
10, Elko malt Penally or the 1., 1111,011 of ,
(coact.. 110 ptoolioly lbauea lIIV 01iJ rant
fixing file day 0,1 ort . eutlon. o loch 011.
anti ri,lll 1. , thn
100 UlO 111:I 1,1110
ri 0.11,,t1 till, awful troth of flo. Ill'3l . ll.Lgudy
In 1, 111 ploy i.ll-1411
1111 t/11, beUtiOiti.
•t •
r•lter'llr smith has otzttplrle•l all the never.
.Ireßury itrritegettattlt.d for Lill] xet,,t Wit Of 1110
von:11150f the law. A t.t,t11 , 111 111.1
lret•tt t•nete.l lit yar , l, ttt
newt toortmotted anti tarrttogrolootH loud.. for
11Cliii1111110i1141-11114,1f1i Let. 411 tht•plt...,s.
Malt Iltnitv,l numb, [Jo
illirollll, trill IV Ill.', tine t'XITII.•
tin., Not 1111101
1111Vit41:Ittglon, altlunt,tll,ll tztl..titkr. , :t.q,
LW, it hl n 4 tilt ilrmt rtNltatlott of capital
In.tlit 01
In that cgttray •
Thu orls trill he rt•prt.,lll,.t by nr t ..
porter who trill fttrninit "kir rl•tttlor, vt ill,
tint full It IHtttry itt tlit,tic,iltta 1111.,1111111
of Stitt tlt`,lltloll in our Tltnrrtl:ty'm t,dtt.r.
It Int% bell. rlttuorek I I,lint Yogler, the 1,11-
.11.totio11, I...cit 11t,
pruimrKtion 1,,11 11, II ill ,
11111 1' ~111,1 1114 .\ll (Olt 1 , 1 111,1
, 1.11.1,A11 , 1 gtitlL t•I N ou, Mont gou ,
t , Y•
IL 14 1$1,LI• 1,011 ht.
112 , 1!IN: ',aiding Ow j.Art :dont
u”nwry p10y...1 in •MU 101)10,, 111
vr. , 7..r.-ttily !,xtiv.,, ay'
- - Tett°
1 . 3
, . .
.., 0
. .
~.. 4.---
be (tweed to • stifflir the urn penalty of the
111, to-ulorro, How lunch truth there, in
the rumor we wro not prep,re,l to S3V, i•ut
IL te tin,te pro,ntan th.a ht will di , ,clo4e
from the sentltiol who lid rooltd , r2,le In
gullt w,te, anti II Montgomery, fir crewel,
fin Ili. retniiinl to tein.ffyinn trial. Howe: cr,
In Tliureilny's eintfon we wit! speak' more
01:00Inifty. norm the 1:11eguil con:ek,:en,
!Meeting; of the Ftremen•n - AsetoclM
t lrotnents rl, , ocittuon Iml.l their reg. ,
ular ovirtcrly Inventing yin,ltm.lity evening,
it I iseir In Dognontl Market IMII.I in v.
Aleml,ora potent: lionennt, Leer,
Sluts, Colillle, (topple, Irwin, Tort( y,t';Nee
pec, Cariton, flutter, Walkout, So int,
and frosideitt tattlarthy.
'the minute., of the preceding meeting
were read unit approval.
, The secretary of the Aisociatlon ,titett
read the goat - Writ. report of Cater IltlMnecr
John 11. /tare, whleln wits, On motion, to,
eepted and ordered to he tiled.
A nuelher of blil, were reu.l Nod or.;ert. , l
to let peel On the Treeserer al the 0-e,ete-
The Comte lane on /Intl/cell/in, of 5 terine
Homr steamer/ nntl Hum, nitelet them /c
-lang, It htch w ICCept
11-4ocia.toct then ntljeteMed re t
the mot one org.uti I.y :11..j0r
B. /viper to the clttr,tonl itf.teenting
torch Secretary. 'lle credo-tunas of umno
lee, elect/el were read 11111 i the gentlemen
Molted to take heat. ln the toe...Mt:on.
They ere nn fOnOit, DIV] t 11.9111., John if a.-
III; Indemen.lener,,Ja.mmtltcliee:
ltolemt 11. In meaol;
‘eptune, 10.
Thonee. 11ece.intl truo.ll'l,lcon; Iteltef,
'lllll elect lon of ottlcere.holng ordered, it,
Mt:La/the n untitejnocoly rtnelertett
l'l‘..Pcnt fo'r , irs mooting year. NV. 11. Foci
IN, tee:let/teal et,fretary OIL ,Imieph Drum
The re,h;eallon Of John Wallnehee, 14,
inemeor from the Neptune, steei 1.!ILli
/14,•1‘tt.d, het: the ',relic M
t/TI. el .lolth Ihrb
h,oe, tut:it:min, to nit the votaecy. pre-
•- -
rr0t...1. Mr. 11,3 invitud to take
In tli tf too.orlatAnn.
'l'oo ra•'oinolloo 1n Itubert. A. Co n+
110 111 ,, i, troll. tilt N.1,1:1”.., ,lts 1.11011
pronou.cvl tlms re-/.4r.t1011
mutlon, It n 1.6 15111
Th..l.lharrnal 1...1.4 , 1 that a rumor Iva.,
curaaa. lb 1 Laaa . mere la.lala
Art ar,ht.fattlcl tahlar torgya ccr•
Mr. I:4.lvilit, move.l the iwpolnl.therit of It
cr,, , Cittce 'onto
t, upp.un
liassoll -lusod that the twproilrlatlesi
hat heel: teloas Irmo the bout thlent COTO
p.luy, and staeln n nostion that their neat-tie
thallarrix 1 - aeon:thrall tai ertsanlzationof the
onTany 1111 rti,tol. 'The yval wed hat,
were ralhel on the Wotan, wait the 10111,e
leg tenons. yeas nayn • .•
Jelos H.' Hole uhunlftsoe-ly
lenaeT (tile( Losfaneer of :tin Departracht
for the tonolog ytnar.
hien: Anonlant I.ntrlneer
hotter .1.1 John II Nlelllroy Wu, 11.1111-
o.i. vote wits thkeu with thultalowthts
r 4 nal:. Int hallet...lsoepla A. !haler 13: Joh.
Ilehlroy ,1 thltler 1-I,.Sllssl4l
toe John elect I. Tie count:re:loa
oulrlas otayoath IT the 00106 to thentllate
,leel 4. hurl boats?! want/13.0,, Sel
la,. hotter 12: Melalrey
For ,cotol a!, Eiagmer, ,jmo,
N 1,10.1111.0.1•11 Sit 11 WO:11011.y fACCie.i.
ottingthet• et 0
11191/0!/11.1rd for
Ow L..10w ),Mr na rOUCI,,,
Wj:7011, Aiit.ght 1./0mi1d,...111;
~ ue,rtt., 11. 5... 31,.1.A1 Neptitt,, Get, Irwln; t.ood
I'l \Valtaker; 11,110., celut,w, 1er; : ;1,..,.
3t..ldcht t..
ru-electol .)11.,,,cugvr
or u•c
Ilit udjour.l
Vint, ton Conslderatge er.t,ent the row
er, of ttn; pipe orgon With there of the
el.looh.nte, rola • 1. conch /h.ti expentive
thon enher. For Ott ,ourtni note,
11/ UCLI .c.CI/11, to u_.,.—illl, Indeed, wl./el,
tOLICIn—It to Yllperp, to
the loanoiorte. It Li eciuut nt the ourlity
of IV 's tote., to lnt Post lope error, while li,
IP lion Is lellch non nulck, relay:Ant; tt to
the rho 1,61,111. e
to 41,1,Ut.011101.1.1‘,,,
4,0,1 ,
It has other ltupOrtantaa
It I, to learn to piny upon
i?tv piano, Bur one who playe but very
Ile can derive Innen inure pleasure trout It.
It is very notth less - liable to get out et
ora, , out ol terse Chili the ploon. ii Is
15.00 to u greater variety of rietos.
style:, tire amongst the snort elegant pieln,
ot larts,ire re,ttonable, ultlle other,, lu
plain ease-, are turntsher at Olce IPIPSIct
priee of a re
act piano. IT),
1./rgekll cup/es ALILICII Pp..i space than the
platto; In stole trunntorted.
1:0:1,04 . 11p. taese grunt qualities; and
praetnsal lolvaittune, It Iseapt s ure r
tut, the ttroon tt Itautito CalOnt , C Organ .
lots :tchi.:‘ "rich wele
t , ppv ,C3lO.
hove unfit nut,,,ry neres.o
then' lunnuraeturtng raellnres ord, %tad
vet hat e rosily inert alrelully snplgy
41,IIILIPE. vs hot uoreasonbib to 1,11,1,
Itt., L, e s thouna I/1 - 0,151
101110, ,P.IP'CAI 11,1: /4311111/y OLLI
- .
To yel, Nll/1111, tOth the Care
Inc, 'roes, It ertuala trea t
explernett thal
141,k:a IL,: pm,,pt, being a NCO' IIIIpPr:P/It
111/011 Illeithicoll,
biern. and all other reed tirguao , or in...-
nate, of nos elnsi. It wit.. Introduced
11,1,1 eheart. bin,. by Minton. Hamlin,
who toll previotody born engaged in the
ineninactaire of uniltateona and Itarunen
anti dep.:ll4s eundderable me.o,uni
for Ifte':ineelience upon arveralprove
1111'11 locl, bring patented, entmot
en idoyedg , ther mitaers. At tint It w t .,
tonanCt to &Mort the attention of natal. ,
!thei the !art that they erre very
generally, and net unitisLly, prePoltrati
nountut r. 1 , 1 niltrumenta. Bat the
of the Cabinet Ilrgen Inner overcome tint ,
' , repaint e, and It hat , reodved, within the,a,
few yeor, all amount Of cOtinnendut
111,111 the bed. inutnemns of the country
never ',fore betdowed. on any instrument.
A molordy 01 thu mo-t eminentraul,te,
pintinta,compotera, :ma toutload or ,
dirretor ,
in Ilia eounl ry have git 00 written teat i too.
ity to the great value of the improvement
lo M.A. 11., and to the fart that.
then - Cabinet Organs urn the best Inatini
ontts of tine guaerni el In the warn!.
.manalfneturera ttontentuel Inane; e
het,- miatteutenta rei.peeting encli umt"ere,
M. O• 11. ill nu attention to their recom
endation, its printed In toll In their lar
ger circular, IV bun n mount:tent rer ht.
Die 11 ttdantnnal., Le la nnru to print them,
end when he cannel uhow them in print,
n tette to inter he tin, them not.
3laton Ilartulln have cod-tautly exhibit
eat taataircalanet Organ+ In nompolltlon a tan
all tattler Inatt: umetats at this general elm,
ut the plittripal Intla,rittl hairs of the
canotto %,:kIL , I Its been an anteal the
u - torten IN ne °VT WIM, on.
rota", l'lmextrataraltnary tomahawk - at lila
Its at tall 31t.liAt.S,tar other
hlulzoat prtantlume ' lathe Uinta helm awar.l•
nal [nem within a tow years foe important
Improvements effected, by them, anal the
taperlortty of their Inttruments to tall
Mr. C. C. Mellor is the nIeI.9IVO whole-
Oslo and retail agent for the (Coon 0
(I ntl
lin Cabinet fits:am., (or Pittsburgh and
Western Penns3ilyttelit, Knit always Las it,
Owned ussertulent et them nt Illy mll-ac
No. sl Wtnal rtfeet. Csll.,init ;ye
(Lem, or send and get a circular.
Flrsof Mrtheillst Charelt.Fillh Street_
The congregational meeting, as an noun
cell in our Isst issue, way held in the above
c3,.urch last evening, for tlie purpose of
tuning Into considerntlnn the propriety of
disintslng of or remodeling the name. The
meeting was Called to order by Wm. Milne
hart, Esq., when, on motion, 11. I . L. Mar
shall, Esq., wan called to the chair. and W.
.1. Troth, F., , 1.,e1.1 , 4/011 Secretary. Tlni Chair
'LT...neva 100. obfeet of Ilia tionitinu. .1.1.
Itorin Ut 01r,r.1 n resultulott f lint t au
of 11.0 trleettlig Laidig V. but tier he
eltOrchATOLlla remain In its pre-eat cm li ii-
lon or sow, et ULU Improvmuents suguiist
ed aliould La ...W.
A vote wnr Uthee I , n the. rl , ollltiob,lololl
It II 11.3 eltunst ullauliatneUy deehled ltt 10nor,
of the Improvement.
M01 . 11,0t1, Rinehart, Mar,hs.ll,
Bennett, Troth. 611 tr,ple /mud btCteu.y ere
rupoluted tt Cornotlt Leo to take Lb , whole
nottter Into eoluildrrstlon Ited to su/Itlrst ut
r I e lure meeting, it bat I IIIKUVV1:11.111. w 011141
he the tnosC expedient; whether tt wuld ho
tut tussldo to sell the church Luta pars o oasge
nuuel hull 1 a new en u In &mother locality. or
to remodel and 1111 prove the present one.
Ineetuut r yrs hartuontute. In its
10'1 lon, and the he•t of (venue preealled.
The report of the committee r 11l be luts
loiedy UWlliated by the cuturreentlon. It I,
etueuo-ust 01 gentlemen of sound prurtleal
Jolla leent, atud In every WAY 1,01110•11 . 111 t to
ono 4.lCCitie 0111110 matter entrust
ed to them.
lu to-day's paper will be lound the ailver•
ti,einent of W. W. Wallace's tdenin Marble
work.. 'l'hl3 establishment Imports marble
lo the rough and toms It to snit the per
clutmero. align otTer Inducements
entry' trri.c •uneurpatdid by any other
ho o use in Up, city,pt o advertenmonit.
..1.1111 I, Mllti lint lory.—) cmtt.l day 1 1 1 , bril•
31,11.1.11 inade Ini , ornnalon In
Al,l••runtn Ponnldnon f;,orgn
!n‘iler, for assault and. :.4ttery. 11, wnm
f. 111.11,1 to 31\11 • ant nhortly
lIL.r, :t.rin :
npenlnl yi 10(1'1.1,a:tr..
CI irk. nol.ctiau at tint January turn,
for carrying on Ow ./1 a rtnall
Iltratia.,tilea.l , l,nnlt:r. 110
,atenced to p.Ly o finu 61 Scri
,itttitel \Veil oklut Ciohlutan Weil, vo
ftete.l weelr. on an 1:n1w:wall( :or 11:LSn
-11)7111 lll , tto.unnVon nternat
Nine, ton, the Intentio con n to pa, :tito.lllo,
ti I.:out:IA. into Court for i-etifeittn`.
ark, 'int...end to undergo nu lutiguaertaie 01
of lour )care in the
The tieVt na=etaken lip tor, that of
Way inttn, for Javelin; In 11/, 1.0.0) ..
IL i./10 eattnle:filt 'Pt note,
trytnil to pas , the tame.
1/eArlet Attorney' Carnahan actkil .for the
Unit , il Stativ, and iltnottlt Cohen. E-1., tgo
rearing ler the defendant. line deiguilatit
vent to it 3lr. Curry, clothing ilvater, vesv!•
111,1 ) in Butler county. watt 11101 bill, Anil
bonai.t clothing to the it:Donut
to-e. it, $17,0', wut. given leach ni
eilltuUe to file nut ein,er, who Illiapettattal
ltninvinattly. Mr. Curry ttvilitlett that lie
oitie delenil,tnt Otte E. 111131, evettlng, and
entervotoil about the geautuu
ne— of the fIIO 1)111.
:11r.lrelegat tailor of Ilutler, 1 111)1111: ae
1) 1112:1211.1,01. call, 10 lit, )001,
,Ith tit,. gooilit of Mr, Curiy tit
get n ,u,l Lunde tor linnacif :tint tn. :WI.
, Wier and (I,
We hod the plea:torn on Saturday 01 ltsten
lug to a f-plesultit largo Cabinet Organ,
bought from Mr. C. C. Mellor, for the uoi.-
trot rrosbytertan Ifr. Jacoldrd)Church. it
is the story largest slco made, having two
!faiths of Ise:;,, itch of ISO octaves in eon,
pass. and two-huit-asivarter Octaves sepa
rate pisials or heys for Id, b:,:1, Wi314
01,1 t tow tl , lll , 0! the 7111, ore pi is
itiusi. It has twelve . sows iir reo •
Ps.]: command the reeds; find hy the ...cot
A 1,1,11 the fortucr- can produee every eh.dte
of Vino !nun an li..oltun whisper to stihdl
thund,. 'ft thelientitY of it , ' tone, tho asif
it tin toilet, tile CON VV11,..1t ir:.:-
cnl+, oast
the tastefulness' snot soluiitY "r
tie Collntrtlelnan, It. Is needle.' for tis to
.peak. lot it pi of the renown w ed Mai...i
-ll polio 'eutike," nano: hich car:dis
that Is excel:if. with it. find is synod : , lu
of porfeetpui, us hundreds round,a., 0!
1t1[1:44 I, 'Olin testily, itun are fount; the
heist: A. Ilfintlin I,slmnd:fits . Tide
it gs nsed nt divlzorservice yesterdny.
oeing Played in lac
. by Prof. lion
-11.1 lAlt7.l,Cci teacher, and In the sift,
n oon by . Mr. the or,gmulst of the
7[ / . I ,, byteri“.l tO Ult• cntite
53 . ..!“0.1011 Oh t h e ChOlr and co:oils:4:am..
The AM", 1.1n.t.
211,, frtilowilg rt ;!ttr , l to tho Abbe I.i
the greatettt. planait Ot utvdertt that,, w
clip flute the .tiew llotti, -laterieita -I,: J , ,,,t,
•• • rg. or I tree Mont h., glare, a frotool of
aura 1 . terned trout thane. Dame; well at,
~ttirl with the .[tile 1.1,t, he told too,
01 tlo reiaors current to America relative
j i
to al p00,,,, , t vi,•lt to th at. roontry, The
A 1.. ), rerlieththat !le !eared he dioal,l nev
er 7 . 1 it Athettvw. ilti tort hear,: of the ter
ror, o Ihe ~,a, voyage gel dreatte , l to at
teutt I it. littattle-o, he wolfeloot 01,il IL a;
a 1.0 lot pet to rigor, I, lie liwt giveu up all
:Loth [lon in that direction.. At one. :One lat
limo 411 I. he would go, nod title e'La-hd 100th
an.loatrainehtal coaxer, rd'a tett red Oa,-
:wt. r, the proceed,. of wlocli motel.:' ;to [•.•
the Lt./reit, bet that ,ieta ho higl 811,0 1' 'on-
~ liv,ltovi-It..AttivricAlor two tb,004
.the or pt wa, to
a:A ib , . prairl.c,antl thif t ,
1'L1.. 1 / 4 vrtu,;1,..,, u: v.11lc:, 1 1,.1
.1 •:t.
tp, 0716.1 •Icitghted %him ue !.rtr,
I,l,p•kerhet ,pes befpl
trench L rpP±ltto. unit
L 0 l'Arts, Pely to Play upon the Chtelt
r florrible Oulreze.
c liarckenrlphl that a lihrraldc out rag
porpetraLud last night about btn
/. , 11 10.111: :laughter al 2,1 r
1 loth!, ahu re:O.:cc huAlc,at
Pulat. Ti:,, hula girl, who la in ts,uvca
of ag, out upon (In erran•l, and
Aonn both, yap! so lalquonce
ed un unknown
trued lure trite theo, yuol, 4,1
oult.l her pe,on. NV.
Ina :VW 1111, !t/ 101 111,1•11-1 N,
tier pAreol , n0 , 11,-.1
li,. At an early hour this wornoltf
u, loot not reeoveted herunit ln
:Ought hitt prOVC
lalat. It he llopell that the
Lleteh wOo liorpetrate , : klqtra,, , will
•kleteete.t an.lbronuta to: : i alol
utuent. Inttetut. tl,o author 30111
In,: noon tar talll,cll IC11:11 l VA nut..
It tor Lynch law, Itn.l tluuth
:Lee than In:pri,ounlonl,
Th..% ritllnel 'tooling of the IM.Yourvlt
tit 1 .1;1.•,411.,4y ittmo, 111 to; 11,0
11;11, at the A.:At:III,IW
JP.O Uilv, tic.l4 ,, k*
11,..91.1 01 tin , In,:tutton are izt•
Inc . .—We learn nett one e,teetne.l
N. huelunnster, new 11-
i the no:t.t•+f 1/ Vitth :Lunl that it Nall be
for hint in recover.
1L - Additional Local INci‘ s on
int Page.
160 7,urtl, VlZtoburgh, Pa.
IN:I of a11.1.1.3 , 1,:c1urE.... GLUVES..O.I
1t us - lotto:1 of Furnl.l:tra
1,..1. Hoot, o;:eattl .10y and :light. 11,,,Nc.
xrvages AirnlsLed.
Er..--I:cv. herr, U. I), nor
racol.,. Zr tag. mil.,
Lit ANL) Eltlial.tlE:l:, eacce , tbur to tht,
wet: li, It.lml,tera, 29 t,ltlo htrs
...ors from Beat,. A!1. Mt•
Itahozney. Valh at.11:05.:-
,atttathat cohltt.:. al the lawn{
L2"..orcit ut all auS ulOtt.
rarrl.s¢l , lft:rol4Lt ql a.t e4.rt Lutir,
II tr /
sz.l n
Re T 1
.11...1 I
iti. d.
AND EMBALMER,. !lauellt,-
.1•s Rau sad tlclal:7. Corait Rooms at
rr I.l,cry .-211t,:,,•eJrctr t•to.giel,l a Ll,l
atraets. tlvaLec and earring. lut.
tLe tut,
rotsvpulchrt. escct•t enc., it till] cuu
td on NLn Hrlghton •• Immtulla:,-
f ttllvctivny. Fur troirlal
all St Ont..' Drug Rare of CCU/.
baa 11.,
ty, Itu•
15 north
or 1,1 I
•DA V, can eas:l7 be m" fT v "
Ja.l - 1 . ni•a, In a new :
and sulaorabl,, Aa" A i i i„ tit,
[lcand tit,
want,..l re,, , ,Atnt cia In tt ii;
ty, A ILA“It LOA, tuato ult.
Ina nry,
aAt AT IR ontret
aan ant • la, ra daily A, opal,.
VI tie call ti. 4,
W.A.Aasta/Zi CU.. *out!i at e,
It Md.
/01 .
an I t •
cm IL
It It
to buy t 1.6
116 CiRANT efitY:i.T. •
N a IV,. tar, Mai Ml' ,
/•.,. ••,‘
of.t. r, • s Art. t•
i it"
iu.lut•isard , sts', 4•1
I:lo.•..aand. Utio
rtas,-•l..ry,.vu s-1.1 r.• 1 - . •
.if NVltltr Caav, k - 1
of It eiOls and Measures.
'ho. I Et)lr !VIII STREET,
Furry tirt,t,
r.t.: 6.11tN,..43
klafiumcVartfs of
• rl r
rrx-tig - x-r tr 13f1,
N 0... ta:i blitr.trieLanniClT, and
.. 7.44 PEN'S 6 ru}T.
at , .15: • r . .
on fra e, at 7 .1t11 ult paintings and gold Ira 7
107 31AltKET
InyMl ..10.1. IC. II a 02(1
1)IA PIANI)S.II—An entire
atorl of NAUK a. cil.',l . lA
10,11 r.•1.1‘10...1 41,0 I
ill:0, I:FLEW:All:II VIA )
awn ar.l. 1 4,0. •Al I tit...
y :101, .1 1.. vral and tlllaan,
barer": nr...r.oac elsayowrs.
L ilizt s
Alli'!itf r 1. 4 1 Jul-
Lll -
VAT( t ;1.4.:NS D
'VC: 7,4 M.l 2,-
AT 11. t.
W 11_1_ T, LEY '
611 if SI,, 31! lour irt.slslh.
j OLLN., TO:: Z.
I, AI. --a-
1 , 14 LI, r"
L>7., Rta
19 '"
Sprill, 2 ,
BOA`; a
71 bi 3 asii sl'a'il i:~~
Gaiters ~ s;_t Slippers,
11E4:!'‘. ui ,
EF.N:C rnFaz•Hinc
AND Ti;'. (F ALL 41?iD,
TRELLI \irN import 1,114
- -?
55 57
:Sri' 1ri..1.7:13:7. r.
!,9 N!) .. ;9 . 40;
''. l) :
. :9 ?IIIiKET '6TRELL is"
' , 49 I=l C:101e. s 9;
• AND ozr
110(1Ssl Duo ,„
9, 1.1:1 . T.,
I;u1;13, s 9 Markel St.! -'-
9 s 9 S 9 s 9 . S 9 S 9 !..9
11.11: MLICITS
the WIILI:LEI: 11.,0N
5.r5 , ..,:.,111. CO I AVV- -
NEW o•.; F. N.,
of L
••1,11.tE1471 .- 1. • : ,,, T0. for `O., s• 111.
C 1.., 4 1. 1,1
I,1•1 •
WHARF. FE1.1.•3
F,r Irt . ;tl or I, sr,
' • •
Co.. .1,4 pr.:
14. H.—.NO tzu
ma, k , C.: Ir•
11.1 k ,prk
nEvoucTeeN .1% Tilt:
UA LI it arN
rw r rAr, rr. If
wo ' rll,l am r , C
ALV , ~••.11. L:LL ,r ~
V.... 1: 4.f ,•.,•
Lrarr .1. r,
P.. .4
',MEIER'. (.I.9SF: •S - , O:.
Pracitcal Maitufact,irtr.:
009.. WAYAI
La tun: r • •• '
JOHN `l . l:l'h. 011 CUL:VI:A E.
.1 • NI 1. ,
• +
CHAS. .1..211 IL. Z.:Etj
10. SO S'E., ,110110 I.ulidin.4.
1•11KCIN. II NI , TFA, MU. t.Lr
11.11 if FA.0.!.•..\ 3tyl6. •
T. M.
Thrt, toots XbOVL t%3111...1,14 ,cr,t,
P 1 rr.sistliGsr,
Y.v( ry kltpl t , r.l ..rrf. 11,
and tn., r. ,•1 •••'.
I ! !
!, •
.'1.14 (try