The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 13, 1867, Image 1

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    311 E.. VlTlSl',l3lfili OZEITE.
MSc,. 3e.1.1"t13. rZt - rcsc:t.
F. lt. PEN
T. 1.. 11017kTON,
u • -. A4.144:C.
NELSON P. raxn,
ebgte f:cy,les ..... otat..
Dbli. , bd by 6•rblb7. (per is
Xhal debieeJben. (pertezr).—.....•—• 88'°°.
Liberal ropluctlons w NelrsboY. bbd
Ttsee Coyle., per year. by men—
Flee do. do. . do. 'es.ele
Ten or mote copies, to one, address. and
Ore free to deb. tact
Ton Will
'Find ft Dental Establisliment at. =IG Penn
atieet. Drs. 8111 a Gillespie.
Hiward & C•1610311'11{ Cod Liver OH.
The Purest and Sweetest Cod Lvcr 011 10
tno world. manufautured from fresh
healthy Ilvere„ upon the sea-shore. It la
perfectly pure and sweet. MI: for "Ilosard
Or Cadman% Cod laver 011," manufactured
, Caewma., Neer tr. Co. liew Yorki
Sold_by all druggists. saw
• .
• To Wholesale Boyers
Of. Dry Goods we offer bargains In Job IOU(
or Dress Goods, FISSItingS, Chen Gocsls, astS
fall Imes of- Shootings, alurtings, Prints,
'ricksha, Chocks, Sc., all of which wo will
13.11 as the weer ltt•eet eastern cash prices:
J.W..lll.ltrza It Co.
69 Market street. bolow Third IS Fourth eta.
- " Clotti'snd Sacques.
Gardner & Stewart are showing a splen
did assortment of these goods at very low
prices. at their new store, on the west cor
ner of atuket and Fourth streets, 2wx..od.
Avina Machines, removed from No. 13 to
No. 105 Filth street, shave Smithfield street.
Pure Drugel
Tura Drugsll Pure Drogue: Pure Drugs
ou tan Hal
foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S.
Finch% Dbitillery. Qo. Ikkl, 191, 1S and 195
SS p 0 pent. AlOholac 7oomph B. Vlach's.
Ton am Bay
New Xclititqtrieph E. 71n0h•.. •
•••• ,•Tite Presbyterian Agreement-
Tbejelnt committee appointed by the two
'General' - Assemblies or
the Preabytarlan
Church, Old School and New School. has
after a sesslois of Onewook, dennitely agreed
upon' terms of reunion with' remarkable
_Stealth:atty. Suck an aresOuncement as this
oughtio gladden the hearts of all really
Christian men wiro desire to see some of the
innumerable and distressing sectarian
viaioua barrennionsly .overconie, and al
.though the present action does Inot settle
• thetalon of these two deneminations, it is
a long-step towards it. These terms are to
go before the churches for a year before
• anal action:and three-fourths of the Pres
byteries will hove to rattfy them to make
the agreement valtd. Stitt there bits been,
'_fora number of years past, a gradual draw
:otogethel In feeling on the part of the
denommaLlons; the old asperities have
diedxtway,andwith them ranch ol the' dif
neultrabout docUinal points!' eo that we
-,..confidently enrich:a= the consummation of
• the , ninon; tiers In Philadelphia, which
was the scene of -Use division. us--it has al
trays been the head quarters of Preibyteri
-.tem In the 'United - States, we shall most
heartily rejoice over the termination of a
:trouble that lOW been so fraught with heart
lathe natter:al reran:sof ISGO we find
kinds of Presbyterians set down, the two
great diviSlOila of the Church, Old School
and Sew school, being classed as one de
, nomination.and the °Met" being the "Com
: berland, tatfoed,. and ned.. It is
,possibiethis does not fully represent
ell the divisions of the Church in the United
btates.: • What •is bete set down es the
Preabytarlais Church Includes tee
Smaller denominations known as "Assoc!-
. awe!! aed.x•socititoltisformed," which were
nailed In the year inn The two great
•• • rresbyterien Sects In larkatoal this:
, .. Both. OloiSchool. Nolachool.
v • ~Presbytaffp, • let
athusteric-• 2,11.13 1.217 •
• • c hur chee, • ••6,e75 • • 1,02 •- LOX
=2-527 131.=
These Include whole republic.
Whist w the etateof the southern Pres
.: to o ruoy. churches we are unable to say,
but pr eeume that-the war cut them ott from
t h e eu t c ong northern organizations, and
ea „,..theso sectional organizations ot their
out , . that, if the pr.en; agreement
should ha retitled. It will not reunite all of
~••• • •the e laarlginal Preebyterissa Church. lice
erauceujt will make powerful denomi
eeatone Christians, perhaps suitiMently
nuraot:lntOlts °reit as well the southern
•Presbyterians as the Culled States. the Re
-,- 40rmed sad the. Cumberland bodies. We
argue this - from the common tendency now
perceptible Mall the Protestaur
towara union and - fraternity. In Prussia,
theatre rad io
Protiktant. denominations
• have been Vilted. • lo the AmeriCan
churches the son th ern churches have
been brought back successfully M
to the fold
the Associate and As*OciatoitelOrea l'res
byterlans have united, tied ether efforts
have been made in a similar. direction in
otherseeta.. The division among tile Meth.
°diets wears en unpromiaing look, the
. m n d
S n L o e t h t O be t
ly being do
• But the undivided front presented by the
reunionurat =flute prouiptadlustment of
by the Episcopal g,hurca have prO•
• .4111.4 a Salutary effect in admonishing oth
denOrninatiOnS:. WO Cannot. doubt tent
11 the present agreement between the two
great divisions of the Presbyterian Church
ahould he constumated.tige immedaionstruct te elfwt
will be ie... induce great efrerts to rec
the methodist and Rapttat Churches nation
ally, to oyerceone the political or doctrinal
• dinereneee, and lo strengthen thaws organ
12atiOna generally. • Aside from the sec
tional divons caused be the war, which
zany and should be adjusted, because there
is really no longer any refleoll for their Wm.
tinUance, there ere many others which,
however much they may gratify the told:-
Ides Ow doctrinal priinut, are sad reliectops
orillbristian. fellowship and imrmony, and
have long sleet outlived their day end gen
oration. The Protestante of the reentry are
' entirely too moth divided spilt up Into
geese. litany of the members:see totally un
aware of • any real cause for disunion. rad
would be heartily glad fOr.a • general recon
ciliation, -
If llaptists..niethodlerts and Presbyterians
cannot [mite together, at least all the Bap
tista can and should, and ao of the other
•• Iwo sects. We hope therefore, that a good
example will be Ameri c oth whole Eresbyte-
Man .Church of by Philadelphia
• 'Which is the metropolis-et the Church. and
that lbw:nighty influences centering here
• rosy fill•bewed for forward - this great
work. For, here . - are ' the several great
Decade and Committees - of Pubitcation.
utien, llisdons, • Church Extemlion,
• . etc., IWI , math _no far and wide In their
operations. , As the Rpise,epaliime are now
firmipreconanteted sad without divisions,
• -so let us have the Presbyterians in like
manner standing-all together es one na
tional body of Christians au -crirer the land.
• it this movement etiould prove sweerssfal,
sa We -eincerely hope and trustlt Mayo we
shall not despair of someday swing a great
-American evangelical church orpatuigation
formed by the union of all the , leading
- Protestant detiOntinatiaus. Sash union .
' • would constitute a body of Christiana for
addable by their vast numbers.'their
ligiotet zeal, their Intelligence and their in
• •
.disputable induction upon the - popular
Masses and inatitritions of the republie.
• . We have derived nectarlaniam from lle.
.. rope. - . We slionla give bsektotheold world,
As an emblem of the character of the nation.
ell evangelical church blending all the ex
- cello-flees of the multiform sects, and en.
Whg_ the pr men. Though a the firsta to ne at.
tempts at seen a anion may not succeed. yet
the end is grand enough to ealLfor persist
-inglind long coottattest.labor in that dirges
Sion.—PAW.. Guitar.. L.
—ThO Boa. TOkb Bon; or TeI:II:MM.% la
110:4 at bill bane; near the Cumber
land Iron Works, a few hours , steamboat
travel below „Nashville, on VW Cumberland
lie is about ../N yCars old,
badly:broken down phyetoolly and. peanut
urll7. Before tbe war be owned bun.
drat negroes,
worth a Quarter Of Willien
etjeast.ama princlplit oWritti 1.1)
Iftrg. iron worksix CliattanOoga, which
'wore burned in 1501. He is vs-ry much dia.
• gaited with politics and affairs generally.
..ond has no sympatby with the new
[Sono! Matra. .
. . .
reabody imotuto at South Dan
vers hat, perutnuent Lund O[, 11=4 00 ,
which, with Ito foeticide building and the
library Or 11,501 volumes has been given
xra•oabod7- . A.oulargroment of the built •
Ingo commenced lest year, will be comPlo•
• ted :the! present resent at a cost of $lO,OOO.
and Cantata a department for I:ben Dale
/Sutton library, and a Ore and burglar, proof
, room fOr the safe keeping of the ttuucn's
noreralg,. and other valuables which lir.
Vualiody will deposit In It.
. --Froze • Treasury retent..just Printed. it
appears that in Irtki the total amount or the
Znaltsh national debt. was .rsol, sW9. C I
which 4773,113..V9 V 69 landed, 141.67.7i11
tended,mat£2l.iit7,O3l the estimated value
of:terminable al:mettles. la the seine year
the terminable annuities created were
.r101;./ali those on:tired .C 75,791. th e value of
those- reduced. .f.50,Cf3; obUentions were
cancelled to the amount of !1,00, and
funded debt , Pad oft to :62.4550X.
;—fie some portlone of Illlnfes thi fiction of
the school dMotorir exelteltog "colored
children from the public achools has eau,.
VS considerable excitement.
meeting weal Annetta held in the town of
Normal. where the illinoba State Normal
University lillonstol. and the president nun
professors of the University antiotiomt
ftetten of the OirtiCtOrS 1a strong Pain&
- , 2
, tf , 1 4 ' -
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-.$ 1 50
Its Mission Fillfilled.
Franßo Explains to Prussia
P;oposition for Disarmauient
City Telegraph to the pi t tsburatt I.: are I. WO
Ldstros. May It —The, treaty which van
signed yesterday by the membera of the
Peaco Congress has been melded by their
ilaspective Government 4 Sly the terms of
the settlement, 'he Fortress of Li7xemburg
ls to be evacuated by the Prussians within
n . mouth from the treaty.
BEDEW(' May 12.—The French Cabinet has
made satisfactory ea.planations to Prussia
in regard to the recent war like preplan.
tions In France.
LONDON, May I.l.—EitiNg.--TDO Globe
mys a treaty has bCeu signed by Ell the
it is said Greece buys seven monitors
from the United States.
The Prince of Wales la in Paris.
Bonds at Frankfort, 773;.
QUEENSTOWN, May 1t —The , Steamer, SCO
LDS, trom New York, arrived todlay.
FLORENCE, May 11.—M. Cerra% Vice Con.
sul at San Francisco, has been appointed
to succeed hi. Bertakuott, as the representa
tive of the Italian Government at Wash
TrtmarA.rn TO OLIIMA
Perces ner.. May 11.—The telegraph
lino cOnnectiog thloelty with the month Of
the Amoor rlveron Siberia, boa been one
neasfatly completed.
.Tay. WAR. ONLY rOST POSED—rriorosivas
)Oa - A OrNEII.A.T.
Nrw Your., May ii. y cable dispatch to
the licreld, dated the Iltb, says Notwith
standing the satisfactory solution Of the
Enxembing rinestion,by the treaty arrange
meat, fears are entertained and generally
expressed that the war has been merely
postpqned by the 'work of the diplomatists.
Warlike preparations are still actively car
ried on in Franco, Germany. Prussia and
Greece. It is said that before the close Of
the Peace Congress a proposld will be ad
dressed by England to all
swore In
clined to beligenent action, in which en
will recommend and urge a gener
al disarmament. Snonid thls be entertain
ed, another Congtess will pbablscm.
bin in London. to Bemire Its r f orm a l adop
tion and uniform execution by all the great
powers. lint It is thought that even this
proposition will not be a cecessful In beet..
log the maintenance of peace.-L.
coxseairtlON 0103-1;E.
The fourth military conteriptnin during
this year has been put in broom Greece.
by which the Greek army has been increased
30,0;k7 men. The condition of the navy ;a
ale° engaging UM consideration of the
Greek Government. A largo enrollment of
seamen is now in process of completion.
Dearer Or tr. O. lirialsran
A telegram from Berlin announce the
death of tiovernor Wright on the 11th, of
dropsy. Mt rallied a short time previous to
:his death. and it RUN thought that be would
recover; but he commenced to sink rapidly
on the night of the 10th. and CkPired nnkt
morning at eight o'clock.
Lonny, May 11.—Erenin7.—Consoli de
rimed to 04ii. lillnoLs Central Erie
42%; United etatcs boadsl - 2.;.
LivearOot., May IL—jet:ening— CottOn
eloscO chill at a decline Of - i4teales full 15.0t0
Including the otual Proltoltton for sPecn•
'salon on expOrts; 'Middling Uplands 1134;
Orleans lil4.
ra-twomwr, nay States bowls
quoted at TA%
Irish Land Tenure Illil—firatitode_to
Victoia for Her Effort to Bof
Peeve r —Queen or Honig Melleoloit(
Jewels-113ot :011Prossta'a Speech to
the Chambers—The War to Casedl4.
Rosa .11onbear lobase—Traore Said
to be Etgeourrialeir the War Ablgong
..the Cretans. ;
The steamers Mammon% and New York,
Irma .nouthamptori on the first, have ar.
Teo Irish Land Tenure Bill was discuased
at length in the British Mouse of Cemmoes.
Mr. Gregory moved an emend ment, dta
clarion that De bill°Ube kind could be ac
ceptable which .did. not. provide for the
adoption of aystem of! bateso sugl.
Warm gratitude was expr..d In
Prenensoelety tel Victoria, whose personal
;eters-eat:au would prevent the great at
lamltY of war. D; would tend to draw clos
er the bonds of amity between the two
The Queen of Spain sold almost all her '
Jewels In Loudon. Q single diamond watch
mph chain brought twenty-four thousand
pounds sterling.
It Is reported, but dented that trarabaddi,
had an I n with , .
„It is stated that France continues tel ;pro.
pare for, war nod troops have- been ar
ranged en they ens be copeentrated almost
immediatelyt but the opinions neutrally
favored of
Tile hing of Preset& and Bismarck are
expected to visit Peris after the close of
the Prussian chamber. The /Mg le his
speech at the opening, thereof, said they
met Va ratify national malty. Tile new eon
fedegatiOu only incledes the states of North'
Germany, bat. an intimate national comm..
ally will units them with the Southern
German etate.s. Tito vivid cenelourneas of
the be
Gertean igrfernmentait
the population' Of the diogers of
German Maser:llooD, and the riecconty to
form a national VlllOO, Which constantly
Olio the more decided expression through
out the Whole of Germany, will metal. to
beaten the soltillOn of that important task.
T united strength of the nation will be
pa ted und bercOmpetent to guarantee to
Germany the blessings of peace and the ef
factual firoteetion at her rights aud Inter.
cite, 111th tins se
ranee, icy government
d/vote itself evolding guy
Mon to European peace by lively mean
cocoa:Lois with the honor and intort.t Of
the fatherland. The German people, how.
ever Wong in unity. will bo called calmly
to taco the 91clablUniftis of the future.
The speech We , frequently linpl.lnded,
and tootling loudly Cheered; At the globe
Government of Gesso Darintro .
a bill for a military
conventi o n stad with
Prculsia. and a motion has tole brought
frwent for th entiy of Betio Darm
stoadt P e
rovineee south of the Mule, to unite
with the TlOrtr. German Confedere Lion.
Omar Pwia.s army cult the forces of
another Turkish Genern! woo Moving
to cur:DUCA the insurgents'in
lt 10 reported that .Bosa lins o
come Insane.
hovers laws have been prometgatod at
p o zcrshurg against all illegal and se.
ore t, . o adouaa engaged in 'runnel°un par.
-Duke Grionmeat, French Minister at Vi
enna. stated to Baron Bue,l Unit pounce
gives up all ideas of territorial aggrundiaa
A Brieharist telegram gays the Govern.
most of the Veltett Motes Imo appointed a
DlplerestlC Agent at the court of the Prince
of Ithiaanta.
lieeoletiona oondepaning the system of the
purchase of voromisaleps ' the British
army have been rejected by ile to IS.
• Vie Belgian Government demanded of
the Chambers A credit of eight million
francs for the war debt, and authority for a
loan of 'day tailbone.
Lord Stanley expressed to the Spanish
Goernment the aatisfaction of England at
the v solution of the Qeeen YictOrla
The Galway Brie 'of steamers, Aitriatie, I
Illberpur, Columbia and Aligns, aro &dyer-
Used for mile;
Twelve tertian prisoners were brought
from Thuries Tipperary., to lisvanagh on ,
the .410 of and Pxigeif ill tile county
Jell for trtal.
Thu Punt( d Beano has an editorial onthe
Eastern question, hinting plainly that
graneowith at least eon other great power.
vmvaralll onpeermanthe.tielten to despise
the demands of the Cretan insurgents and
disregard the counsels given In behalf of
the Olt/Alen subject. of the rorte,
Death or commander Paulding, stifle
United States steamer Stfaceree—At-
lairs to Colombia—ltevolotion at ode
bed—Debris In Rio Dacha Under
Herrera Ditileulty Between the.
Con...gland the -President of
Bolivia—Vetoes by X osOnera—hhae-
Isle Frigate In Pursuit of is Privateer
Nlearacierdan Affairs— Disappear
once of the Cholera—Dictatorship In
[By Telegraph to the Pit'shargh U asette.]
New Yong, May 11.—The steamer Arise.
as brings Panama adyleell to the 4tll, and
$62,003 In treasure from California.
Commander Leonard. Paulding, of the
United States war steamer Wateree,dled of
dysentery on the Mth tilt, The burial sea
rice was performed by Bev. Thomas Beech
er, and the remains interred on the Island
of Perico.• Deceased was the son of Admi
ral Pauldieg. and leaves a widow and three
children in Brooklyn.
Advices from tile Interior of Columbia
state that tile revolution proclaimed in the
State of Magdalena had been conetuded In a
manner highly satisfactory to the national
government. General de Galena' troops
had returned their allegiance to the govern.
meat, whereupon the Conatitntionel army
took postoesslon of Santa Martha, the capi
tol of th , State. Pull pardon bas been grant
ed to all the insurgents and Indemnity from
punishment to a who returned arms and
government property hold by them.
A severe omelet between the legitimate
forces and the rebels under Marrero was In
progress April 15th. In the State of Ills
Machu. The result is unknown.
Advisees from Bogota give the cOrrespon.
dance :between llosquera and the British
Minister, relative to the arrangements by
the President of Bolivia with the Cont.mender of the English than-of-war Dover.
Mosquera.a government had withdrawn
the ethquatur of the British consul at Car
thllgneS and disapproved thel coons of the
President of Bolls to in the dispute concern.
mg the English malls. The English lands
ter had expressed regret at the withdrawal
of the Consul's ethquatur, and declared
that for his part the matter most be loft
for the consideration of the Britlaltilar
Mosqueth had vetoed theproject of the
law recognising the power of tne States to
maintain In team of peace the number of
troops they deem expedient; also laws upon
public order and for the sale of the navy.
A Spanish frigate arrival at Santa Martha
on April' A, in search of the steamer Bay%
formerly the 8.11.. Captor, and subsequently
left for Carthagena.
Bloaquera, In reply to a resolution of
Congress, has denied thathe had Arran god
for the purchase of any steamshlp or other
vessel, but the Bogota papers state tbat
be bought the Mayo with money from his
own purse.
General Degada was atearthegena, Capt.
lined of the nays , . haying obtained hien
lease from the autneritiea of Magdalena.
The Panama itallrolu negotiations were
progressing. and the agents of the company
worth! probably obtain the contract, not
ithstanding Mosquers'a opposition there-
Two Nlcaragualan Senators were to be
tried for conspiracy and sedition.
The reported departure of an expedition
from Costa Rica to attack the frontiers of
Nicaragua, Is unfounded..
The 'cholera had disappeared from the
capitol, and entirely ceased in Grenada.
Senor Goatee is nominated as consul of
Nicaragua In California.
Er-President Peartines Is nominated as
minister to Great Britian. Ills• mission Is
to arrange the remainder of Nicaragua's
small foreign debt and the demands &gall:lst
the United etates,lo procure Kuropean em
igration and a loan, and make poetal con
Lima dates to April 221 State that the rev,
Ignedions of the Cabinet had not been ac
cepted. Tile =ulster.. however. are deter
mined upon the acceptance of their resig
nations it the establishment of the Dicta
torship ter an indefinite period, which lat
ter will probahlY bo done. G Couiffr.`• ...-
mania in open hositlity to the overnment.
The proposition declaring the Presidency
vacant was rejected after an exciting de.
bate., It Is considereel probable that Pratte
will forcibly Meanies that body. The
revolution in the south was subdued after
two engagement., in which the Government
troops 1.. t five killed and seven wounded.
The rebels halt neither money. arms, nor a
leads r.
Thu V. rt, ships Powhattan, :Renck and
Reines. were at Callao.
The newt front Chill is unimportant,.
New To e a, May 11.—Further advice , state
! that the Rego, does not belong to the Col
umbian government, but Is the private
property of alosouer. A draft from par
piesro in Now York, who sold her had ben
tested, and it seenns donbtful , ll they ge e t
their pay.
The Catalan government -has been enc.
cc:esti:it In the election.
No steps have been taken toward. the
settlement of the Spanten difeculty, and
preparations aro still going on for ef..°
against another Invasion.
Thu allied fleet Is still at ValparalsO.
consists of nine efgelent. Tereele.
Advlces from the Argentine lixpnblic
se that the Mendota revolDtiOrlird• were
d tar efeated on the Ist of April. after right of
four hours.
The Columbian Congress passed the . bill,
over Idesqura , s veto, directing the sale of
all the toil e
tse of the Colombian navy. An
other storm Is brewing in consequence.
The Sp3riiiill frigate Nave DO Tolosa lay
Cons aide the Liar°. In Cartbagens nay.
and the Captain made a demand on rho
town and government °Metals for infurins.
regardlng the Rayo's character. Yves-
Ice ans,rors were returned. and the Captain
immed alsabted the Itayo by remov
ing parts of her machinery In sock •
r that she could not leave the port and
then notified the her ni agovnt of Dogma
that. they must moose hens fete Cob
umbLln veseel within forty days.
It was believed Mosnuera intends a blow
at the Spanish Interests. In the Carribean
G en. ellivan, the new American Minister
to Columbia. bud arrived.
The Peruvian Congress had declared ail
disagreement with Chill ended, mad time°
countries more firmly waited together than
Steamboat....ielsed—Paseencers and
Crew Nat shored—float rillased and
norned—"She Salk' , at Leak Ver a,
womb—arrival of Troop. For Ser.
Mee on the rialtos.
. .
Temmaph to itte Pittsburgh rissatt , l
Curcom, May 11,-4 special to the Journal
trona Council 1110004 lowa, dated the
says, the steamer I.eclair passed down the
river today bringing muse of the destruc
tine of the steamer Slyer, be the Indians,
about 500 miles above blocs City. The boat
landed to take .wood and while the crow
were chopping, th I
e ndians, about yl7 10
number, surroondod and massacred the
whole party, and captured the best. killing
and =alpine mini. women mod children lie
discriminately. Only liwo poen escaped.
After pillaging the boat of all its valaables,
the Indians be rned It to the loiter , * edge. 4
Sr. Doom, Mity.ll.—General Sherman at
rtv.ld at Leavenworth to-day. where ne met
Oesoral Hancock, who he. laath returned
from ,the The two •Conorals• will
start for Port Marker on Monday next,. to
pees a etilg talk" with the Moises, Cameo-
Cheyennoli nod Arapsho., represen
ted by their vsrimis chiefs. There - Pi noth•
leg mew from Hancock , * eXpedlltoM '
The Democrot , *Ornaha *pedal says that
detachment* of troops arrive theta almost
daily for service on the Plaine.
TrhaeplinliCar iir,?°e‘alpertt
Tact ComudulonarD .to Divest gate the
Fort Phil Kearney massacre left port
min yesterday forthatfort.
• T e report of tau cimisencre of the passes
gerS and cre S io uxe steamer Miner, by /to
Jiang, above City, 1* not gredtted to
Omaha, bet the editor of Council Bluffs
Nonperid empriwaQueonadenaa 1n Its tudh.
!ran !Spur nu m b er
a Bt. /dui. boat and bad
qtkito a number or pa.stengera arid A Vale.
Southern IMPSIsI Conventloss—Otber
Religion. Co nv
lorns—The Miller-
Andgmens Vol.
Mny 11.—The Baptist Conven
tion adopted resolutions changing tbe ses
sion !roes biannual to annual. nod fixing
the next session at Baltimore in next Maya
The Indian Mission has reported little pro.
stress during the past year. A resolution
mw beep adopted urging the Church to Pro/
and labor more faithfully for the =Tension
of 1130.1005. .
The Cpliumpal Convention CrOncenes
Tuesday. and the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Choral nett
The Mlllerltes hero predict the day of
judgment is to-morrow. Several Merchants
have closed their stores and settled OP
their ancounts le . gonsequouce. properieg
/or their heat darns.
lee lo Moffat.. flarbor—Crews or lee
BODU.II Veesels Moitinstag.
WY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (lassie:l
Burr ate May l.°—The southani portion
Of the bay s still blocked with ice. Several
vassals are scud:round °aisle !band the crews
aro suffering for want of proylhigne, The
crow of the bark IVerraittes Coma In over
the ice this morning, carrying planks for
safety.. • They report that tee crew. Of the
errailles have been living for the,
guvon data on ono blacalt a day r.o ach
Derwin. The crew of the bark' Northwest
have been living oa boiled corn for
two days past. Twri'el , tne gre or th e
schooner Cornelis.
also Caine Ca In th is
ing and report -ber mug° of corn heats
pd and rapidly 1 spelling. Mr. Wla.tow.
of the aria of Wisolow immediately
despatehed a tag. and life hogs tritirpro.
al so oe, to the suffering yelisels. Two
toga al lett to assist the Cornells. The
vessels will all be release favora b le. ice to.
morrow, if the Weather la FOrty
vessels left hero this morning by the lower
. , _
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City Telegraph to the r Ittnburgh tinrelte.l
. .
The disbursementa last week were
=Si Internal Revenue receipts, ‘2,:dil,t2t."
Senator Wilson arrived in Siontgomely,
- Alabama.. on Friday last and met a hearty
oreption from the freedmen.• -
Senator Doolittlo has authority to trait
with Dontaark for tho purclurao of the Is
land of St. Thomas.
Sir Frederick Bruce hne called our Gov.
ernment's attention to the Fenian outface
on the British schooner Elk, at Cleveland.
Time District Attorney will 'prosecute the
offenders for whatever mime they may bo
deemed guilty of.
Judge Shirkey and his associate counsel
have prepared an amended bill to 1110 in the
reconstruction cases, making tho notion of
General Grit In taking • possossionfor the
Arkansas Tronaury, an additional 'ground
for the inteforence of the Court.
(By Tr.legraph to the ritteberal. tiazctte.l
New Toon, May 11.—The atcainers City
of Paris, Fulton. Denmark, Telt:fouls and
Colombia sailed for Europe today.
Senator Doolittle and P. D. IleCollins,
were peasengern to the Unitatawctl veat , eL
• .11.16.114 41.11111V,J. •
The steamer Caledonia, trove tilaeanwi
arrived to -day.
Tho entirepolice force Lave been ordered
on duty on bonder, In anticipation of
riot. Such an event le hardly Probable.
Wm. E. Dodge has alvon 4 , Lcoa to WII-
Ilatua College, LS a Presidential fund.
EI-GOCifellotatO Ore. Joe Johnston was
heavy laser by the Fermate defalcation In
the Selma, Alabama, National bank.
raasasea. TWA senors.
Baron Stoeckel, Russian Mini.ter, tailed
for Europe today. 0012qTrosnwn Banks.
Garfield and Alair will be in Teri, on the 4110
of July.
Gov. Fenton has Maned the eight ho
labor bill.
Deputy Commie,.loner slesmore is her
ferreting out Illicit distillers. -..everal.le
urns have been made within a few days, an ,
few distiller/ea me now open.
. tawrit CONT , ICTLP Cr Cottony..
John /I. Trapp. a' lawyer, bat been r'o
vietal of forging pentlon and bounty p•
Tho Board of Health Lave commenced tb
wrk of cleaning iii buildings In en
be u altby coudalon, to bo completed want
Lbirty days.
Ur. Hertel and Dr. ToppinK• arre..te , l for
corespirery td procure the death of a child
of the former, bare been tiVieliarzo4, teen:
being no evidence aifulnit them.
IItrORTM 1,11 . WELL:.
Tbn Imports at this port for last weak
wore 1.5,1W,G11; of *lash were dry
Judgo Illut.chfora will on Monk), u
nounco thu untneu of tau porrons eon lima ,
reglstery In na.nkrlptcy In 1.1411 Judlel
dlutrlcc. .
The large/ant factory of lionbled Mr
at WatranoOtolic, lay bunted a few stay.
ago. Nearly Doe thousand iter.ons wet,
thrown out of employment. Loss, e'n,nin:
fully Insured.
ALL Se art 0.11E70 Moen • to., •
The four persons, Wright. Stonily, Wed-.
ton and Deattletta,arreeted by Marshal Slur.
rry a few weeks ago, on &charge or roulneu
the safe at the nary yard, to lirooklyn,
• .n 4, Of CAWS, have beau released tor what of
evidenoe. .
DEATH 07 11 txr,vrlcins.
A young woman named Ann Lteed, vet
murdered bet ti gttdm ate child shortly ut
tor Its Lint, a week ago, arrested to Ylnen
Ing,llaasmou died In Jail.
XXX.II.IXS 1/01,10•
The remains of the young holy,' _Addle
Goodenough, supposed to , lists NV.
tered by her father some Mouths blare, at
Brandon, Vermont, have been found on
Chirtended mountain, four tulles from
her home, In a good stain of pr e
Generol tkolgeriek is on his way home
from the Ltin Grande, to
hav await gnat muster
out. Ile professes to e paw ho
s swing
Mat the occupation of Matamoros WM
obedlenco to orders Implied .
If not in
pressed. Among these are sold to tis let•
tars of congratulation and Chunks from
Juarez and others.
A Montreal. utepetch bars report , . are clr
el:dated that arms hats been collected o•
the frontier St .111Screet points.
Pollee Meeisted by Negveee—Faurelket
Getarded—ltletera ♦ •vrett ted-111 ease
Praeavtalea—Alletnee Riot treated.
Morro:to ' May 12.—Annther riot occur
la the lower portion or the city last
night. A number of negroua attempted to
rewnlo a drunkenn negro born the rodeo,
and .bricks, clubs and PlbtOla were used.
Four policemen were badly beaten. and Ono
was severely injured. A company of tod
dlers, who were guardinibby Prison,
were called out and capt u re d !
tightecu of
the rioter..
While that was going on :Mother
ly. occUrrod on First ittreet. but it wets
quelled by the persuasion of a colored J tiry
Tr -ay
o de , mounte lers patrol's the
streets to keep rder and squads of polro
mee were pleeed at all the eburcbee, In.
clew of threats by Ulu et:arms Lu force their
way In amongst white people.
largo procession of negro societies at
tended a tartar:Li toklay, accompanied by no
nnernled company of colored militia. The
officers carried swords. There was no ills.
1. K. Llaywood, of Maszaohnsetta, was at.
rested loot night for using
at the
negro meeting, en Friday IllstiticalCulatral
to create riot. Ills language wee as follows:
°After Judge Underwood leaves you can do
ail you please: t need not advt., you what
mina' as g arre s t ed d as they have a
was on the warrant of.
the Mayor, and released on s3,cti hall to an
anar A b o e n ld oro o w ra
r T io h t e
a ; l c ldzy.ns have been
Le esfe.4edger nderwood and nornen
Ureeley Address the Megroe• and
Ad slap theta met co 'Mather in Crowds.
Menet:MD, May 19—at the African Church,
about ten o'clock to-night. Judea Under.
To c rl d ie l te d g Jtit e lffe e ad * M r:Vs:3,ll.lgal
the negroes against riot. lie eald tieneral
&boded told him be beard there might
be a riot here to-mortew, I n
U there
was he Would plant cannon In every street
and sweep the rioters down with grape.
Judge Underwood urged the negroes nut
to gathey la crowds, anti go about Ulm
Leanest. Horsed trreeely urged the ne
grace not to engage in rlot, but go puttee,.
bly abOut their daily avocations. • •
illy Telegraph to the rittreargh uaretle.3
—The steamer China, which arrived at
/ 308 bii Yesterday, had quite • rough pas
sage. Oa the ad Instant, while the pueben
gera wore on deck, a Largo wave struck , the
retire; and broke through the light deal
panelling.. One seaman wan "tubed our
board and eight paesengers Injured. Ono
of them, J. C. Coggeweil, of Halifax', won
killed. Several others had limbo sprained
Or hrelholl. At 14111Mx a coroners jury
bold en InqueSt on floggswelPs body.
—non; A. C. tient has been appointed
covernor of Cold - ratio.
eablograntatates that the death son-
Mace of poran; the Foram). convicted at
paella of hlifh treason, been tuntoutod
to a long term of tupiiionment.
: great iliecbulOS biational Bank do.
intention r 490 at lieltimere terinleated in
the United States 01/Cllit. Court. on Maui
dap. by the sentence of Samuel.. It. Wenta
jo e'• years , imprisonment In the city jail.
,John Beckwith. of. New Ortearir,lin l
boon elected Bishop of tbd gpisoePal Church
of Georgia. '
Qcsuer. 7clav 'ILL-Orders havobeon Weiy
ed collet the Viceregal rescaeoce at Spencer
Wood Cu order for the reel:44lOn Of the
130YerUOr and family.
.._ _ _
Ills Departure from Fortress. Mons.
roe and Ardent to Itichnsond o
EsitraOrdlnarr Del.ormt ration—Wl ll
nary Arrangements—Darla' Aare.
;lon for Ex-rreistdcatil Pierce—Ex
pected ,Enceutive Clemency in the
Case Mall la Retained In the United
Sitars:a Court To-day.
[lir lettersets to the rit tseurth Gszette•l
ionvaus MOlittet, APril It—A. busy steno
presented Itself at Carroll Hall, early to
day, preparations being made by Davis and
family for departure. At 7 o'clock General
Burton arrived at , Carroll Dail and found
Davis really to accompany him. Leave
taking was exchanged by him and Isis
fatuity with their faunae In the fort, and
General Bertha walked on one side ot Davis,
nod Dr. Com:m.l . .llm physician, on the other.
Robert Dula and a. brother of Davis, who
arrived last. evening from Vicksburg, es
corted Mrs. Davie and her sister, and they
were followed by several friends. A large
crowd gathered on the wharf around the
steamboat landing. to witnees the departure
of Davis. tie conversed with his friends
cheerfully aboard the steamer John Sylves
ter. lie looked much better than when Im
prisoned, thongh very pain and altminated.
Marshals I telersroal and Duncan accent.
tinny him tot:P:llmonth
m e eweao, slay 11.—The steamer 'John
Sylvester, with Jeff. Davis on board, arrived
this atternoon. Long Isidore his arrival
military' arrangementa Lad been made by
General Sebodeld. A delaehtnent of the
Mith regiment. was present, and sentinels
were posted at intervals, onclating anent
two hundred yards spears of the wharf.
Outside of this a large crowd of ne groans and
Cofew whites were gathered. Thu brows of
the surrounding MID w i re r
~ thickly covered
with spectators. 11Idor Vaner, Or General
stall, wbowas to command, had
detachtnetit ol the Mb artillery, number
, log about fifty, mounted sae gusizil for the
carriages. As the steamer Love in sight.
with the national Aug . flying, the most la
teness anxiety wan exhibited by the crowd to
get closer, but there was nOdenionstrat len.
no cheering nor tilling. When the ateam
or was Made fast, Dolit James Lyons went
aboard and had a lading meeting with Da.
v le. lie brought Mra. Davie ashore and con
ducted her to a carriage. followed by her
two servant& D few minutes Day Is came
over the 'gangway plink, accompanied by
General Burton and Dr. Cooper. Toe party
irtdu“DALte l Y got into carriages. end sur
rounded by the mounted. guard, drove ra
pidly by a aid* streetep towards the hpotts
worst Doted, thus disappointing leirg.
crowds whin had. gathered nu Main street,
near tho wharf to are Davis.
Davis was cheerful, and ho bad no guard,
walking freely about the boat, cOns crying
with passenger, who were all anxious to
speak to him. Ile said ratio shout his Im
priimatnent, but spoke in terms of the
warmest affection of Ng-President Pierce,
writ, visited hits on Thriraday tact. lie said
there was On Man listing for whom he eve
tertalind a higher regard.
At Grandee, oil the way up, a number of
ladies Lad gathered to speak to line, who
shed tears at teeing him. They had been
acquainted with his faintly during the war.
A lady named Mrs. Davis, of Richmond,
who got on tbe boat at Norfolk, dial in the
lads' Cab! 11, pint before reaching here.
dire bridal partial tame op on the same
There to a large and curious Crowd. all or
derly, around the Spottswood litnel, wait
ing to get a glimpse Of the prisoner, lie
will remain In Genena,llsirGin's charge un
til media:al In Ceart ea Monday.
Tho citizens generally. Ludt:fermi. to the
wishes of the rut y liorltira, staid swain from
' he doe ks. Man of were Flattend
n doers and Windows them
along the mein stre et
tower Deviants the procession Liaised up. Ile
°gene lea the same morns at the ?Totals:oaf
Dote' that be did in It la the DPhil...
ne eAptcrial by one 01 the counsal., that if
ball Is ref.l him, modexecutive will his
to provet tnent until his
trill Man, Mt. Many of air. Davi: friends
will y lam to-ntglit and to-morrow.
WOK Eb b 3145 . 11.-11b0 - efOIIO around the
Sotowood Motel dispersed after vainly
Ma p lting to ore Davis. Um hag a private
tor, and takes his meals to his own room.
Tilts evening ha rcoiti CIMINO its from nearly
Ono pronatortit eitirens, among
them the Irmtor of St. t'ail's CI; arch, whore
ho toceivestthe moss Of tior breaking
of la - n's lines. Tilers is nO restriction of
hie movements, tad ha has tile liberty of
the hnuxv '
In ohm of the recent riot, the Ina United
Stales Infantry it otont In encamp perm.-
tie:lnt . : , City spring. Park, within the clty.
eone citizen: laid Mame General solo.
field a minipssiiit about the languatre used
at the maimed meeting on Friday night, m
to prmime turtner disturbance. and
the matter is being toveitigainl.
A large of permits are Istinif
granted to ho present at the omeAlori of tbo
I:klced -tktr, Court on Monday, many of
them to colored petiole.
norther •booll Dam* W, 'howl
h o rse—Tbe rrogrosnoto for to
Riot:ens:3, May 12.-.llr. Davis remained
at thu Sormaitt , l Hote milwm
ralictl nu p by a largo et l
imliM. ay
of citizens.
There is no guard over Lim. novena MS
gums worn sent him.
The following is generally nuderstood to
hit the program:non In Court for to-morrow ,
The prisoner will he presluord by General
Burton. and the Judge will discharge him;
lie will tai 11.11111rOIMICly fe-barte.itlil ens
beneli warrant to answeran indictment
round aeulast him by the Braid Jury at
Norfolk. Mr. O'Connor, his counsel. has
stated In Ms fricoda that ho insist on
an Immediate OW. Another of his coun
sel slate, trait if the trial O not granted, a
motion for bail will ho insisted on.
The general Opinion Is that no trial will
Isar place now, and perhaps not until
J one.
Monsen Greele
W ean) Aright:Om Schell, of
how York, A. lch and teen. fObot.MILI), of
are here for tho purpose of
going On.ll t an Charles O'Connr of
Now.Yorkad.Wilitam 11. Reed, of o ,
counsel for Mr. Davie, are hare.
William L. Evarts, of how York who as
%W. Is the prosecution. amt L. 11. Chand
ler, Prosecuting .ttititney, Mcleod this of.
I.Ornooll from WitAbllligtoll.
It Is generally believed that Davis will be
held lu custody Until his trial.
- -
—CareSl. In nOVOIt
Agistost Jiarireialea also in
sets—Tamplee Closed we • Pert of
Las ry-311 eel os Wan Leads a Forlorn
Elope at tlawretans and Is Upped.
rot—City of neat. Imillee Ask (Or
QUArttr—lera Crag falll it Itestegett.
New.o stss •r, liar 11.—Tho steamer
General Ai -limn, from Tampico nu the
stk. arrived at Galveston testae. Stio cat.
rod a large carge of arms for tho LtbereJe,
and reports Gomez, commending at Tam-
Vt'i'tc h g?li"r` . .."o7, l ,`=".".Vl7 , 7ii , o ( Prt h e e n
north of the Edell, of Vera Grua, had ovals.
0d orders to relieve (km.), who
w. dismissed from the army Is
disgrace. The artier Of dismissal recites
that lisiO,Ote ot receipts trout customs and
revenue remainol unaccounted for. Tam
pico Is suspended as a port of entry,aml
not:. le ClO,ll that parties' psytng duties
to the present Incumbent are liable to i.e
collected again on leaving port. Gomez
her hot men, ICU armed and iequippol.
Peron with Ids small loran wall incapable
of assuming the offensive until reintorCedi
but is expecting assistance. (notion was
making common cause with the revolting
General, who threaten), if attacked, to
desolate the rich districts of Ilaastra.
Advices from, San Louis Potosi. to the :7th
ult., state that on the TA hiaxicuillian was
nt (ponder() and plsc.d himself nt the
bead of a column Or °gin:ion in leading •
sortie. The tight lasted all day. The Lib
erals vrcre surprlied at lir. and yrore driven
hack, hut wore subsequently , under
Torveno .1,1000005 u, who repulsed the Ins
perialists, and held a portion of the city for
a few hours. and then took np their old pia
Ration. It Is believed at eau Luis that the
pluito has succuolbeil, the prisoners taken
on the Oii representing provisions and wa
ter very scarce.
penovadee continues the Sege of Vera
Cruz, and has 4,000 to 6,tte mon completely
Investing the city by land and water.. The
scarcity of such that pert*.
aro oblin. is eat horse tic..
Tim death of Idlritmon In confirmed.
A committee of medics Folded ont of the
city of Mexico, and in tlle name of the bee
sicked asked a guaranty for general safetY•
It won greeted conditionally. Memnon and
Other. Imperialists were positively ex.
limier. Dies Is emir receiving reinforce.
merits fretn nettelGoling
Order Concerning .Bencionferod roof.?
orty--Itopublioan Conselation.
CioinLtSron, s. Nay 19: -lion. - Weide,
has Issued an order requiring all person.
concerned In the eedzure of any kind of real
or personal property sequestrated by the
Confederate liovernnuent theeport In web
mpg at toy mmduaarters amount und
kind of such property sequestrated, the
time Mai place of such sequestration, with
the names of the original owners and pres
ent. holders.
The ltepuidlCan Slate ConVsntiOn hes ad
journed to moot tn Colurnnia, 11th. A
plattorm was adopted, afermlng their ad
herence to the Itopubllcon party of the
/Speculator' COMO to tirlef.
;By Tetrgrapb to nit ritt.burgb Varette.)
1102ITIIIML. Slay 11.—.11 Is roperted an
•clionse that 1501110 well known gold Speen-
IritOre in tale city have come to grief, ono of
Mom to the amount of 'taxa.
Dtscount o n American InvOleen fir the
e Mein g . ouch tin tet cent.
urib Cluctta.)
oly Tel esrataL 1.114 haling oat
Loeieyn.t.e, May 1
If xxruin, May
indica. Weather ClOrldS•
river fell four
til4 feet by the Cann.al_brzahroir.
FOURTH' PAO E.—The fullest and most sr
liable Money, Oil and PrOduee Market Re.
ports given by any ;MIMS itl the city, unU be
found On uur /burin Puy,
Robert Statt'terra the Alleged Coun
terfeiter and litirglar—Nerantble fur
One Thousand Dollars Reward.
During ISQ6,In the United States (Mart,
sitting in this city, a young man, yet in his
minority, of respectable connections, and
of unblemished character, was tiled and
convicted of praising counterfeit money.
At tho trial it was urged in his behalf that
he brut been the dupe of two welldrnown
and burdened Offenders, Robert Matthews
and William McCreery; woo had Inveigled
him into wrong-doing—that Ito should not
he punished fur the sins of his betrayers,
—that they had escaped and he appeared
at Silo bar Of the critics to answer for a crime
or which lie wait but In a comparatively
small degree guilty. lt• WI. this manner of
remaining that secured the exercise of
clemency, a purdou from the President in,
venting the execution of the Yell ton9u pro•
nounced, k'ollowing this the young maii
became a "detective" futile police business.
This touch by way of prologue to tile
"scramble for a reward of one thousand
lire Friday night of week .before last the
Fanner. awl
ng Mechanics Rank of Canons
burg, in Washiton county
al. burglari•
(ma entered awl tint tutio blown op , th .103
powder and robbed of a considerable bum
ot money, includieg specie, stnoo, which
WCTO some Odd 0; peculiar Wins. The MIL
cern of the hank offered a reward of DIM
till/U.lld dollars for the arrest and convic
tion at the burglars. list the night lotion
log this robbery the young "detective." 12-
trod uce.l in our prologue, met with, in this
city, Unhurt Matthews, one of 'the 1.0,1 Who
had heels the cocaine of leading him Into the
crime toe which ho so narrowlY creeper
puntshutouL They had social converse,
aupped together at the "Bush House,. tile
thaw:lave plyiug his •ocalion. Matthews
told Lf Lts adventures ) stating that he
had lied arrival from V. ashington county
on foot. Tney went to visit au 1in
g...WU...00, Alta. -, and Matthew's
fondle": the children at the house, distribu
ting ausams them places of silver coin.
Minna other things ho wild, Matthew. as;
knOwissismi that heand McCreary were
the persons who ammo Mod the burglary at
the house of %Mauna Lima, Esu., on Wylie
street, alarms last fall. Ten fli.tactleao
and his prey aeparattal, and a day or two
afterwards Matthews was arrested on a
•charge of counterfeiting, oiliest Brown. of
Alderman Strain's pollee, performing tole
ser•ice, On es warrant ladaeil Oil an tillatant.
tins lodged by raiser tissue. Matthews
was committed tar a hearing barons the
United elates Commissioner.
After the arrest and committal of
Matthews We l'atutoutive" haunt of the Can
nomburs robbery, or at least further of its
slated,., and calling to mind statements
made be .Matt ars, .lea Wu fact of lila d
tribtsWis pieces of 'diver win, determined
to direct ht. energies tawardri securing tet
move aas to secure the. coin which
Matthews had distributed, and tills done, it
bicedno nronatury for him to take counsel
With Other officers so to what further
hould he done. Matthews was In the
hall tie of the United States authorities, and
Ids being held for trial, Or his convietton
for countorfoltnag, would learn nO show for
lioCurtng Cho reward offered by the beak an.
thorttlea. Tots was unfortunate. lee ••,10.
tective," too, could furnish the evidence
on the Calmturfotting -charge. rending the
bearing of Matthews belore the United
Statea Conon isaloner, °Mame from
Ltda city weut to Washington to
atixtol the hearing of Bled and Whitta
ker, the alleged murderunt of hprOull, and
Whilst there the mat ter of the hook burglary
and the tracing of coin 10 the possession of
Matthews was talked of. The pieces of
rein lot ro described to an officer of the
hank, and the belief being expressed that
tiler worn among the spode taken from
the beak 'safe. all infOrtitation was toads
by °Meer Wilmot before a lnatlea of Wash.
ington borough, charging Matthews with
being' concerned In tile robisery. A war
rant was accordiagty Mental, if nig endorsed
by dlderrifen Strut,,, and the 'leering of Mat
thews before the Gomminslouer ans.
Itously awaite.t. -It we fixed tor ThunalaY
ulto, but deferred Until neat day. Mean
w bile terra was coesideralge ag Ration on
the subject amog thorn hating conflicting
luterCata, (Moa n ts Hagan and lierrOn not
• • .
being "In the ring" for the reward, were
desirous that II mtheirs should be held tiv
the !Initial Mates auttiortti , s, while the
etletocclre, e and those einterestrid e with
him, represented (ho adverse faction.
Sloth depended on the detective; lie was
master of the situation. Within him was
the evidence. It was honeyed, to cause the
rutteft Mate+ Comtutestriner to hold Mate
thews. Tee demands of Justice were I laely
to he errand whether the prisoner was heist
r,tsebarged at the hearing. It discharg
ed, hewould he at once arrested ou the
charge of burglary. and the chances We,
Lrland for o:Anteing the re ward or Simiu,
nut It held by the
only glory would accrue to the Unita.
State, emcees, with welch, howe•er, they
would he content, since they were ruled out
in the other contingency. The "detective"
stood In a peculiar relation. Hating been
operat leg prey iously with the United
elthongli a rustier et choice with
him, UV.. presumed he would . ..twin true
to hie alleglatioc. U. had In his power •
an to whom lie owed no love, and It Might
Le a consideration with Mtn to mithe appcer
what bad been tosertedeolleerntug the part
Matthews had taken to inveigle hire lain
crime. lie decided torerVe thole who would
serve him. Howl In the distribution of the
*LOW reward, we eurpowe. The time roe
bearing—Friday afternoon—cum , . The "at-
Is‘ql ye' . dtvlintel to testify, Wm• Lien.
Esti., appearing his counsel, and insisting
upon t rights of witnesses under the con
. stltutlen, that instrimieot providing that
unperson shall in, required to sire evidence
against himself. The District Attorney
cam Wed the point, and the "detective was
relieved from testifying. This left officers
Hague and lierron "lit the lurch." They
now had no evideece to over against the ac
hiWed. They protested, however, against
s release. asserting tbat If further time
were given they could produce evidence to
warrant the Commliestoners hi bidding
Itatthawi for trial. Mr. Linn, counsel for
the aflyeaes faction, also tor the prlmneN
dbl33lMitied that the officers state under oath
the nature of the evidence they expected
. .
to procure, that lie would aro to It
that they were held to a strict accountabli..
Icy for Whot thee might /Ostia In their will.
davits. Officers Beano arid Herron declined
to defrost. Then followed the discharge of
klatthewa, by the Commissioner, and of
course Ito seas 'lmmediately re-arrested,
the adverse party being in wag in antic
ipation of the result. lie was taken In man
acles to Washington, on Friday evening,
and committed for a besting on the charge
of burglary. Other eircnmatanws connect.
od with this scramble for the toward we
might state, but whet we have related will
stance, at least for rho present. Alps
that ends well, but we are not certain that
the result In this ease reflects 'UUCP credit
on the parties concerned.. The greed for
gain. In the tempting wise offered, caused
the officers, we teat, to WI, in a wanner not
calculated to Inspire the piddle with a high
appreelatior, of their eMciency.
Coal.atm . . , Tretet S.MMPeti.Y.
We announced some Unto since the Coal
nien's Trust Company, the stock of widen
is principally hold by our shrewdest and
Wealthiest coal merchants and deulare, had
story )
brick the
b is lldwg Zu m...and emit, it mediae
ti i three-
GS netthileld
street. Since obtaining posseselon they
bare thoroughly remodeled the building
Outside and inside, and are now prepal'ed
to 'comment" business In their new bank
ing house. The main room Is large end
commodious, admirably adapted for the
transaction of business Incident to money
dealing. baring all Die modern Improve
ments for convenience. Between this and
the Direstore. room is located the Are and
burglar proof safe, which is very capacious
and built upon a new and novel plan, di
rectly under the superintendence of the
Prenident of tne Company, 4b. J. Biker, Esq.
It is deemed the stoutest and teat finished
model bank vaultln the city, and will cer
tainty battle burglars. skill and fire. DAM
The rear room, wh ch Is separated from the
bank by a narrow mil, Will be devoted to
the use of the dt cettire Upon the whole
We believe the C I.menht Tenet Company
Imo king henna toit MB of the neatest and
heat arranged here bouts, anti bolo g located
in the very heart Cri the bay, it will doubt
less receive a Dill arum ofatronage from
the Poundal umilmnnity. T ile President of
the Company, A. J. Deka, Esc., hiut long
been identified with the praperons coal
merchants of the city, while tho other of.
Mt-as are equally reliable end trataorthY.
becallyteg deservedly high positions in the
mermintile community. Tile following arc
the °Ware for the ensuing Testi
A. J. Baker Presidenti - W. J. Patterson,'
e i tg r .u7 . soul
.i., 3r e as s %%it t ‘ .4
. 1)1 . rg 0r t0 , ;% , .t ;
. 4 :
hothe ' rall, Thomas Farrow, Jamey IL 1104
king, A. J. Hagan, IL A. FreyvogeL J. •
Johnson end A. L. Patterson,
The Directors Mom, hi .selecting our
friend, 4. J. tiCatertS, Esq., for their Cash
ter,'Wtlely deterred to the - general desire:
Ills experience in the routine of haUltieg
—together with his intelligoooo. probity
and obliging manner of treating those who
have business with him—render his ap
pointment a gad one for the cOmparufand
Pleasteigtothe nubile, ' ,- . •
• Oeg let Sestaneg.—lt Is announced'
that Prof, Herman T. Hoak°, the well.
LalOWll organist' of St. Peals Cathedral, Met
tendreed his feshmation, totake effect
inedlately. tlnder the direction and man
lnent Of Prof. Finae qote of the
Cathedral has obtained l./
an e th nvis ,u le colebrt.
tv, and the great majority of the congre
gation earnestly eater' their protest agalo.;
the centanCe of his resignation. Thor
cannot well afford to loge his .rv10e5,....
especially since it will Po a difficult matter
Concern successor with the souse must-
Gil %lent and viacutive 'OIIII4ON
-,-• i
I x. ,- ._;_, 1 ., .\. 14:3 1 '. • , il -- -1 , ! . : .
t i pi
_•:.- .
-; 1 .
~ t , -,. t- ,/ i
~,. •
One tintional Game—Vantest Between
the Bygone (lob of Phial:mm . lh nod
the Mears Club at ligeon...llle—
!telecom of the Latter—Banquet. Pre.
ontatton, etc., dm. The Female
Saturday was a grand gala day In Steuben.
That enterprising and goodly old
city of quaint buildings and warm hearted.
hospitable citizens turned out in her full
aught to participate in the general excite
ment and enthusiasm ever attendant upon
spirited contests for supremacy In Ameri-
Ca's national and noblest'gamc,base ball.
The contestants in the game were the Mears
'club, of Steubenville, and the Ilygela club,
of this city, the former being the chalice.
gent As the noon train on Saturday ar•
rived In Steubenville, hearing the Ilygeie
boys to the scene of battle, a large number
the eltisens assembled at the depot to
ompany with the committee on recontion
f the Mears club, and a goal old•fashioned
elcomeSl extended the strangers. Car
inges went 111 readiness for all, and In a few
°merits , ride the guests were safely
ended inlhe elegant drawing rooms of the
lofted States lintel. A brief time wan on-
espied in introductions and acquaintance
making, after which the entire party
were emudo glad with a bounteous
bowls served in the commodious dining
hall of the hotel. About 0110 o'clock the
earriakes returned to the house and both
clubs took their departure for the base ball
grounds of the Mears Club, which fromleas
antly situated' about one mile the
Court House, on the outskirts of the elty.
Arriving at the ground. the contestants
Immediately proceeded with their lurking.-
monis for the game, and inside
their low
minutes lath clubs had assumed po
sitions, the Mears taking to the bat and
the llygelas d d chosen, and to the fiel. A i:lnterested
umpire was the
5c0,,,, being in place, the game opened.
The Leal, Club consisted. sit the follow
ing nine : Messrs!. Bristol . . Lowe, J. Bair,
ticorge Bair, alaudie Black, Sorton, Viers
and McCook, Capin; the ilYgells nine !
Messrs. Wainwright, Ewing, !Stewart,
White, Bayne, Litton, McCandless, Bryant.
and Pearson, Captain. The Ilygehm were
In ordinary costume, while the Meal. nine
were attired in neat fitting anus of can-
vase Shoes, bright blue Jean treasure, en
ameled belts, loam while flannel Blurts
trimmed with blue, a lame letter ..11 be
mg tastefully worked nom/ tee breasts, and
light , launty emelt caps completed Ine really
handsome outllL
Both parties entered Into the game with
much •pirit,sittiongti the Nears appeared
to the hest advantage, doing some "tall wco.
ring," and fully convincing the Intrepid lip
gehm that victory won Mom them would
cost mote than an ordinary effort, Not
wise tug to disparage our Owe a thleldes, we
USt•oty that holividuiellsr end
v we. have never observed upon any ocea
ion, here or elsewhere, a better looking
. . . . .
lot of well developed, trim, muscular gee-
Venom, than those of the Hears clue. They
led off 000lly and scientifically, preserving
the 10.13105 L 411.cipline In their ranks, from
which they , lid not depart Old the close of
the game. In the drat inning the Atears
scored 19 against 8 of the ilygelas; In the
second the ilygelas scored m against the
)fears 11 In the third the Hears club play
ed with little spirit, seeming somewhat
dampeners with the brilliant scoring of the
preceding inning made by their opponents,
ond got only a !tingle run. The Ily
gel. made n the •th ng a score
of ten which placed ird
them ahead oI
their rivals, and caused them to
lose decision and calmness, nEon which
so ranch dersend4 in base ball, Tha Mean,
Club milted nn .the fourth inning, but, al..
thong', showing moth dexterity, only suc
ceeded In making a score of two, which was
not surpassed by the firginas. Ira too fifth
and sixth innings the Hears rally recovered
themselves, and, putting in right clever
ork. succeeded in scoring eighteen while
the liyirelev made nothing, being csug kit out
with "dy catches" on bout. In the next, or
seventh inning,. the Mears played with
marked ability, scoring fifteen against two
by the If ygelss, The Pittsburgniboys flow
victory vanishing and put to then . ..big
licks" on the eighth letting, scoring nine•
teen against their rivals four. Too closing
inning was played without much spirit on
the part of the Ilya - etas, and resulted in a
score Of seventeen for the Mears and bus
one for the llygelu. Total dmn: Mears, di;
The game was fairly won by the Steuben•
vil dans, and Inc utmost respect and good
w di marked their conduct throughout the
match towards the ratnbargn club.
tilt .lirTh3D•hr.,
Fully two thousunq priKILIs were seated
within the KIMICaiI3 during the PluYlng or
the mateh. Men, women and Malkin:, were
there, end all seemed to take the deepest
interest In the game, ent huslartically cheer
ing and others be applauding the members
01 elated - club when auvthingi clever or
euleutido pleased them. A large delegation
of the handsome and accomplished dough•
tern of Steubenville were on Um grounds,
and with %hell sweet smile. encouraged the
contestants. Among the v leiter* we no.
ticen Under the charge of thin very worthy
Principal, Rev. A. hi. (told, and his lady
...detente, the pupils of the Steubenville
Female Academy, who appeared delighted
with the relaxation and novel amtnetnent
atfordasl. W hen the game was finished the
vast assemblage returned three times three
Cheers for the victors and the vanquished,
and then scattered in all directions for
their homes. Seldom Lava we seen a more
pieta, esque procession as it wended its
ay Into the city. A long nee of vehicles
of all descripttons, solid ranks of men,
women and children, completely bl.king
the highway neatly to far as the eye could
reachotna lastly the carriages containing
the llyttela boys. who rattled off their rho.
ruses of sweet songs S heer VlctOry kept
them company and cheered their hearts
with mirth.
At the Vetted Staten Hotel a sumptuous
tables wan i fairly roan wai g ting for the contestants.
he n beneath the
weight of good things, upon theta and In
their discussion the manly game of base
ball was lost sight 01, and its disciples lett
raw relies to mark the triumph of the cook.
With e.*l. sparkling water several toasts
were drank and happy speeches made by
General McCook. Captain McCook. General
Pearson, Colonel earns.. Joseph tiutzeini
Esq., Ur. E. S. Umbetwiter. and others.
- Before adjourning Gen. Pearson handed
over the customary emblem of defeat—s
white ball. to Captain McCook of the _Mears
Club., and In doing so, took occasion to
thank the members of that organisation for
the distinguished honors paid the Us-gels
Club, and of throwing down the gauntlet
for a return match to be played In Pitts
burgh. Mr. ltrissell, President of the Hears
Club, responded Ina brief and fitting ad
dress, and assured the llygelas that all
hoped the beet of friendly feelings ever
would exist between the two clubs. At the
conclusion of this interesting presentation
Captain McCook took occasion to prewant
two superb "foul flags"—too beautiful for
such a name—to the Mears Club. as the
gift of a fair young daughter of Steutam
Toward& Mee o'clock the 11y/reins took
their departure for Pittsburgh with golden
°theism, of Steubenville and her people, the
blears Club UM Its members. The liygetaft
inwe, dIT resolved to antler no more defeats
the future, a resolution which with erec
tion and training they certainly eau keno.
as oo club lathe cotmtry possesses better
urterlid for first dale players. •
Connecting the early educational inter
eats of the peat with the progresalve pres
ent, ea a 'Pflug monument to :eel and en
tfe gy lu the muse of kuowledge, stands the
me honored structure known
as throughout
I e country the Steubenville Female
culinary. Among the Tory first, If not the
Very dm in itself, of the oolleires of our en
lightened titter State, Ohio, this etruoture
he y ''' sto ' r n et re Ste tha e n V d ll W a ." /t ilsnroter"matetT
i situated on the right bank of the Ohio,
munutilleg a view so pleasing and mall-
Iticept, as delightfully ravishing all to Be
rmuda aublimity of grandeur, that we can.
ot vesture upon enthuaissui for hescrip
on. It will sunk° to say that Cole couhl
ea no menu In America to equal it, arid
ith his genius reproduced it in hie "voy.
age through lifea series, and yet failed Lido
Ft anything like adrenal° Jetties—a conies-
MOP be was ever ready to make. -The build-
Ipso, though not of modern s.rchiteotere,
Preece% quite a pleasing appeeranth from
the exterior, while keeping plum with the
age the Interior is admirably arranged and
adapted for oducationel Purrwiees• ie corn.
pool with a number of professional gentle
men interested useducation, We werekindly
shown through the various • departuaents
and were much pleased with our obverse-
%ions, The parlors, inualo-rooms, art slit
dire. Mineral collection mom, shape``.. class
room, library roam ) gymnasintos t end • Mber
departments whlch we TAsILW were, - to
Plttaburighers mervelleunly clean, orderly,
tidy and vi:ell kept, end recommendations
in theniseires which spoke volumes Id
prelim of the management. There are now
Some eighty young ladles 00 boarding sthol .
AM at. the Acadeter.ehd riAlh° A hthhbL'r of
dnY scholars. Its, A. H. Reid Is the he
pli,hed principal, and lo tits , euergy 'nod
abiiitles, aided by tell estimable selte. as as.
sistant principal, the Inveent PorielhrltY of
the college may tw , attributed. Ohio should
be ',road of the possession of the Stable.-
•, ; 11,, A,, where her daughters May
possess of tho boat moral, and all
the .ree Lunde ohdked and practical mines,
ti0 „ , ,,,,,i made not. only useful memPers,
but OrnagOttlts to soelety at large.
Ti"' State Medical boeleti - will bola
wale sonata
Jane cOnVenCIOD in this
sting A. and remain in t session
three days. Dr. James king, of - this Mt/.
still prealtia,
Black Crook.—Au Immense house was
in Yiimiditoco at the gnnd production of
the Black Crook on Saturday night. It will
Savo a groat cull SOY myopia more wecte,
The Tonthrel 'Robb
. •
We mentioned on Saturday the arrest of
Barney Burns, Samuel Manage and il
llam Price, by officers 1% rigley and Greasier,
charged with stealing shirts from A roto
- son's clothing store, corner of Liberty and
St. Clair streets. Since that time develop
ments have taken place that serve to im
plicate them In several other robberies of
recent occurrence. Two others of the gang
have also been arrested, named Pat Lain.;
and Mike Welsh. They are all 'of rather
youtbiul appearance, varying from sixteen
to eighteen years of are. As was statist on
Saturday - , Wei . ..had a hand in the robbery
of Murphy's tobacco warehouse, on Libel ty
:street, about four weeks ago. Part of the
larticles stolen ire= here we.° found in
their Po.ersinn, while they had ilispo-sil
Ka the remainder. The store room of Mr.
itieten, in the Diamond, was entered
about two weeks ago by the same parties,
and a number of articles carried off. Thsv
hail gone down into the cellar before dark
and concealed themselves among the bar•
rel., until the store wt. as.
having closed,
pr and then
made their way np evious
ly proviihil themselves with matches and
candles. Itere they attempted to break
Open the safe, and In their endeavors to do
so, aid get a piece !creed of from the side
of the wife. They got but very hole money
and some articles of minor value. The next.
place we !tear of them In in the robbery of
YaCklner d Irwin's carpenter shop in Vie.
I gin alley, about the 41.10 time as the rots
bery at Ilealleton's.
From here they carried off three planes,
two braces, hand saw, 011 stones, Sc., which
they disposed off to a carpenter named
Steel, residing on Sixth Street; for tha sum
of five uallsrs. These articles wore
fled by Fackiner d Irwin aa those stolen
from their Cabinet shop, and also the boys
Identified by Steel as the parties from whom
he ,had pure based. .list two of Wu boys,
Burns and Mortgage, came to Mr. Steel's
shop with the artlelea,but tits quite probe
hie that the others also bud a *Mare Cu the
stealing of them. A revolver was stolen
from the blacksmith shop of Mr. Breeze,
In Strawberry alley, about the same time,
and lett at an eating saloon on Fourth
street, as security for the payment if
eighty cents due the proprietor tee a meal
furnishes to Burnt, and Ilurtage. The same
party bad eleo entered a confectionery and
troll depot, kept by - an Italian on Smith
field street, aMw doors below filth,. and
appropriated a small amoet of eltange,wri-
Wm, de. Another Italian, who keeps an
apple rand at the comer of lath and
Wood. bad his case opened and ale. Jo.. of
candles extracted therefrom.
Burns is also charged with We larceny of
a watch from a flat boat lying over at the .
Birm WSW= wharf last week. This he gave
to Mike Weli,h. Welsh as tir.wited on
Saturday evening by Captain Graham an it
placed to the lock-up. At drat he dealed
any k nestled ge of the watch, but afterwards
oonfessed to haring left It at Smith's. as,
loon on Third street as a pledge for ti dinner
furnblhed him. On repairing there the
watch was found and brought to the May.
• • •
The boy !Cortege, charged with being
Implicated In the above robberies, to the
same who was charged before Alderman
Morrow. about three months ago, with the
larceny of a gum Of money from the Volk,
ban office. Ile had been employed In that
ultice In folding papers and 'succeeded in
three several attempts In bagging the con
tents of a money box, kept by the pi Doris:.
tors for convenience sake to the Mince. Ile
was held to ball Cu answer this charge;but
decamped. /oaring his bait to settle ac
counts, and had riot been hard of until
picked njoi for his connection to the above
Cases. There are several other Minor bur
glaries, committed of late, In which the
boys seem to have had R band, but which
need not be mentioned At present.
. _
In ferreting out this nest of youthful
thieves, the Slaver, and his police fan., ue.
Serve tre4ll, One week ago the titst traces
of the boys were discovered and the duty of
"working up" thecae,. wen unsigned to offi
cers Moon and Pressler, The nevelopments
thus tan and others we might mention,
show very creditably the manner In which
they have performed their work. The
begs are all confined in the lock up, and
will have a hearing so coon as the circum
stances of the ease warrant it.
Oar readers will bear is mead that the
Academy of Music is to tie opened formally
on Wednesday night next, us a first-class
temple of : the dratuu. On that Occasion the
great English comedy Of "Money^ will be
produced with the patriotic and loyal
neart...l historian, James E. Murdoch, as
the leading ctetraeter. supported by one of
the teat appointed and wuet carefully se
lected mock companies In America. It has
been suggested, inasmuch as the Inatigura•
thin orsueti ahigh toned Plectiof emmto•
ment marks an epoch in our city, that
the occasl. be made the most .brilliant
and fashionable ever witnessed -In Pitts.
burgh. It every seat be not occnpled and
hundreds of persons not turned away from
the door that night for want of room, we
shall have our confidence to tlto amusement
for Mg:Community greatly bhakeni for It ts
unusual enterprise which , hue 'lnduced
Messrs. Hall S Burke to emtkirk in the pro
ject. and they should be me't at least half
ways in their zeal to elevate the drama.
Seats can be secured at the popular music
stern of C. C. Mellor S C0.....N0. SI Wood
First Methodist, thoreb, Firth Street.
We understand the congregation of this
church will hold n meeting this evening to
take into consideration the propriety of
selling it and erecting another. or retedlet-
Ing the oil one. This is rendered partly
necessary from the Increased interest mani
fested. The pastor, Bev. Alexander Clark,
is an able and talented gentleman, end baa
labored faithfully and earnestly to band up
this church, and his efforts Dave been
crowned by a very large attendance, so
much so that some change In the place of
worship seems rendered necessary.
Hess will arrive in the city
'taday. to superintend the arrangements
for the opening of the New Academy of
Wo.are Indebted to Mx. W. A. tilldenfen
oy, Filth street, for Blackwood for
VEr Additional Local Neu - a on
Third Page. -
111 LL ..Avn elatorday, Mai 11th. .t' tee resi
dence of Mr. klichul Rodzcrs, 31,r. S•MUJLI.
LULL.. • .
The I uneral "11l take Plane Sill!
?day 11th. at 4 o'clock, Dora his late residence,
Wabster etreet. AlleebenT Clty. 'The Mend! of
the (analy are reepect folly lashed to attend.
6:0/.111I - Jaf;so itz,s D. 0.140
No. NM Yowllt street, l'lttskargb. Pa.
OOFFINe of all klods; CIIAPES. GLOVES, and
every desediptlon of loners; Noroliblegffloods
faralsbed. Itoomeopened dai .1 nista. Nesise
+sad Carriages rarrsishedt.-'
RZYZA...S-ILev. Daritl Kerr. D. D., Ear.
Y. W. Jacobus. :N.D.. '473irms Blelitg, Esq.. Ja
c3t, N. MIII.r. tan. -
• MLR AND EMBALM - MR, suciessor to the
lab Bt = tl K. !-tigers, No. se Ohio tweet.
three doors from Deafer. AlMantra City. ti e.
talc, ,setrood. IlaboganyViVaina snd Boa
wood Imitation Coins.. at the lowest reduced
prices, Ito.ans oposaaall aura, day and night.
Hearst ad Carrlaget fanistted on short notice
and on most maanale terms.
I{ T, WUITE & CO., 1:111DEB.
•Tmccus-AND 3][Ll LIALItnn, Manche.
ter. Wood's Ilan and alclulty. Conln Dooms at
Manenester 141 W) atablo, corner nettled and
(;harden streets. /assist WI (Weans rare
alsbed. •
_ .
"."." beautiful d'..ere," the Lorgest. rubor
aaa pito* of sopaclaro. orroul due. 10 !Ma r` ,oo.
ty.altTrated on New Brigaton road. Immediate•
If north or All.rerenr: Tor aorta lota, permata
or tiler.. Call at Conti.' Dm Store of COOL .
allertietkr Orr.
.11—.71(01N ,
staler of Weights and Measures.
Itetwees Liberty .4 7orry streets.
Order. promrall saw.. to. .
" Itacuractureis - or
31.1711L11T •
• Nat. 135 surcinsto MILLET, mul
47.3 NUNN BTaLET. -
artfl:•l2 •
On mum. with on paintings and gold *navel•
vet triunes, at •
mie JO% ie. 1111Gliga MO
p litivos oot o f
SINC OS 1 I—nA entirei
now 't LX).
Soy fop sid,red thc boat made: al to HAINES
55(15. CELL Ili 13.11Te0 rIAISOS. rrice from 11.10 C
•P•Ord. In Wont 01£ Clrof.clau Moan
arc n.pocrfolly tovlLed colt mad olosolsio
bag. pnichaslog eloevtioto•
• IWILWITE stasis;
ll*. Virus% um:,
Another Lot Just Received,
th... 1.4 1 -1. siylet of culm, tvd:
to to I.s vtail.i.,
ENt.RAVF. It TOP AN r. B,,rrom .
or. LIT of ,ose Of run ,
, h.-Mg,n , l.:Ltug In tits .la. to gnat at oace and
a - awe.ll - orms,
Fart her Pe-
6 Wylie St., 3d door !rem sth.
1. w.Torrsurrow—..—..--..—...1A.g.
' 4 -
'3E11,1128 IN
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
"Z =. lA - tai1k311.1.1102.. .1 . 4,12.21.411.•
/Mr rartleca. alten ' SlOU Wet. SO AtiOsIXINt
Wet...a, dimes awl Jewelry. Lll work wkr., -
ninienso Spring Stock of
LV1.111" Duciturnom oP
Gaiters & Slippers,
Hoog 81.1r•tg94,
55 &
.ICE"riEC 1113.1.1.11E11Err..
S 9 89. S 9 S 9 89 89 S 9 S 9
ss l •
.49; GO TO
.S9ir C:0 3E/ 33 ' IS,
,;, 1 S 9 Market Street,
1 _.. I AND !ET youu,
1: 9 .BOOTS, SHOES, &C.,
lisoli= TEC3EI GMT - 1r
JAS. ROBB, S 9 Market St.
189 .89 89 S9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
*;ll.ACEllaid over all otbern, for, (mall
go W. ;;nse and ge aeral purpose., are iter- ,
; ItabUstied and so generally admitted, that
• n enumeration of laths excel
ilencteils nolaeger ea id ar..d teener.-
l ey. They are simple. durable and bean..
Ufa I L.
ScRS roes All Eli CT,
Fratital Furniture Manufacturers.
Latoat styles of 7173LNITIIRZ cOansuitly;
uH AIR WORKIR AND Prliffr,mxii., py
roman street. one door from Wood. em e t ee e.e_
AJwart band a kennral asaor tmeet Er,
dire Wien. Rands, Curia; tien..teg,... an t ,
Topers. seslT. tbmrd linseeleta. At.
A go./ price In bath will .pre.
(or Bali
Ladles' sal nentlenber. 4 a batz-enttlngehanobt
the ...test
No. SO FOURTH ST., Apollo Building
T.E.g te., done In e/1 styles.
sikPAßlLLAelrouses sod rinovate• the
blood. Instals the Till'Or of bealth lot* t h e M.
:eq., and purges oat th e blunoto root. du..
eslo. •PranOWIF
$lO $ l . ();
round. WITIIOcT tux, Ia a
rgat ' aVd • Ve ", ::Y.,=lTL.r.,lZ,r2 =ft
me.) are .arited a. 10 aTIC, 1:67 •
sad County,:s Cal•lda to make WWI.
ad r•lilaad(101T Clart , ,Tamarjr II /415Drell
vrcry eying'
bows daily v. mu*.
Fur fur th er partleul,.. ad.
W. lACF-dON Co.. 11 South M;
to aay the
/Ist 110. 144 WWII' Sflla-}"r
DROWN A Ca. lltikrtrx7l =Mr,
optomr TA <legit WAWA:
Iw o) *Ad owned*. DNA irtyl o'
.d .. "":1 1
,11an 1 . 1::t7 " 114
"'ATI= Ltd lieture CCAA*AnaTiumt,
in UM sal]. ote)re.oll Avid or made or d."
ae rtAct of 'A bite Acd Calico Walrti,
a,. for re aien.n . lll .rear. ValLiine
r . 'XL BLACK,
."criarigsza. ~Berri.
Three door* abare amlt4aela tltned , .
eTrrisausen, PA'
Derr kind of Work dam., the shoneat node
and moat reasonable tense,. rartlenlar attention
ood dd Job!.
81E :r L . T . 111.11 . 0 . 2
e. tutete, L VII
rLs bay gtWt7 .
ye tt head et -the IndL ltabbee
ft and Mt. Clair xt!eet. D.P.1.11.1
& N.
great Biorg Toulkr. •