The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 11, 1867, Image 1

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Mad se Wisfeb. astramst.
III; PENNIKAN• 'Lut on . -
T. P..111.01176T05.
413/11 A/ 1 KlNCL Business minas%
a Ocrples
Dellvanot bicarear. (per *ant&
1411,ftbralbarl. (parriar)—••—•—• WOO.
14ball rodnetioss to Newsboys and Meats.
• Trams rim WZMY: -
Tbrttk Coxes., Dorton. by 1001.-----11 50
?Ivor - do. do. do. etch.-- 155
Too of Mon o 0 door. to ono address. ...I,
3°lnd a Dental EstabLtahment at. 218 Penn
sti:enat.. prs:Bl.lA d Galeple.
That, - the linpfortrooilta for. weighing
coal are to be found 0n.17 fa Reelet.a
At Sa Wood street.
IkTmloinr&Bro%; Federal street.itileithenr. Dealers
In Themes Turner lb OW *aerated Prize
• Medal Cutlery, comprlalngTen, Pocket and
Jack Knives, Table March and Forks, Car
Tors, Desert Knives, Truk Knives; Bazars:
Scissors, dc, which we warrant to be really
lived, and *Milewski to the trade at Eaitern
We eke keep constantly on hand an end
lemmata:tent *Marley and Variaty Goods,
Baskets, Breshes, kuittullt-Terils • flualerY
14., all of which - wearer for ask at the yery
lowest prices
k. B. We respectfully Invite an examine.
lion of ear 'Cutlery, as we have Increased
facilities in this line which will make It to
the advantage of buyers to deal with ns.
Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Combination of Iron
• Phosphorus and CaUsage, known as Ferro-
Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya. The iron
restores color to the blood; the Phosphorus
.renews waste of the nerve tisane, and the
Calkaya gives a natural, healthful tone to
the digestiveorgans.
qua taut contains the virtue, of ono ounco
of talisaya and one teaspoonful a grain of
Iron and Phoephorns. Manufactured by
CaIIIPLLL; Mscalt. Co., New 'fork.
FOr axle by all druggists,
• Are the magnificent photographs taken In
'All kinds of weather . at the justly penedar
•:avk Culler,' of Van Pelt b Webber, corner
of Market and Fifth street, entrance ..kom
.No. IS Filth street., These gentlemen 'pay
•Particulurand special attention to eVery
photograph, and warrant to render satanic.
lion to all who furor them with a pall.
Strangers visiting the city cannot find any
better place to have their shadows faith
fully and estistluilly taken. Prices very
Of Dry Goode we offer bargains In Job lots
&Dress Goods, Paniinga,..Litien Goods, and
toll lines of Shootings, SturtbiSs, Prints,
Ticking, Cheeks, nil of which we will
sell at the very lowest eastern cash prices.
J. W. B Auzsz & Co.
59 stitei, below Third tt Fourth sta.
From agree:Up the. heed Into Iron braces
While sitting for %photograph. B. L. H.
..Dabbs, H. St. Clair street, hae jut intro.
duced the latest appliances for glvfng easy.
and graceful Potations. Plcturea taken in
all kinds of weather.
Is a aunts fstaatar to the °ignores= of this
city, for hells the Prof. Blot of Pittsburgh.
Vlaii hie elegant" Continental Saloon, on
Fifth street. next door to the Poetotace, for
•r a meal' SS for a 'king, at roch reasonable
Brim sdaphialt tentPt &beggar to banquet.
Sorve&in ibs eitg are fmmd, atxissossable
prices. at tbe.weil-lconwn"end oitpuLar Con -
Unental E 410021, next door to the rostoflice,
on Fifth street, where that prince of erten
: sten artists, Stplastaleitsbeinser, presides.
Clotb and NMI' Saeques. •
Gardner ft -Stewart are showing a apien,
did assortment of these"goods at .yery low
Trines, at their new store, on the west ems
.4-3 1ker of Market and Fourth street.. • twxod
Striktoff Attitude,
Only to be galne4properly in a photograph
by She rate °Ethel:LOW resting machine, only
usotrat Dabb'a Photograph Headquarters,
N 0.26 St. Clair 'tines. • •
Pei,ltions to Photariphs
Cut be obtatned_ by the new and eelleste
xnaehlneri for neat:leg, Just Introduced from
the east. et Dabbte ert. gallery. No.
Clair 'street.
• Eaae,'Graeo sud lflosiutY, •
Only to bebbtained to a photogreVh by the
aid of the great Barony ReetAust. introduced
at B. L. Dabb's Gallery. 20 Bt. C/Or street.
- *U the Delicacies
Of the sashes are daily - served up at
Continental Paloon dinners, next door to
the Poston:lee, on fifth street.
Go to the Continental Saloon,
Next door to the Postedlee, FlrCh street, for.
erielegant and well coated raeal, at a very
reasonable rico. .
'Children*, l'hotografitle.
Beenred rn pleasing Itgindes by aid of the
great Barony Best, jest introduced at Dabb'e
Gallery, No. .la Bt. Clair street,
Grover & Baker . •
se Id= Machines, romoved. from No. .13 to
No. 1O Fifth street, above Smithfield eared's.
Go to Iflemform Drag Store,)
Go. St Market Btreet, for the best Old Eye
Whiskey In the aty, at lowest prices.
At PltsoelVs
You Bad a tine tatortthont of Stereo.
scoplo news and Instruments, At.
Go toPfttoelVo
ror Calmat and Album Platuret of Black
Crook Celebrities. ,
Gob Ylertiles's Drag Store•
o N Market Street, for the but Holland
Ulu in the City. -
Pave Drugs!
Pare Dimwit! 'Pare Dmics!!! Pare Drugs!
at gala a, tquiri.AuegbeDy.
rorelsn of on Mods at 3096Pn g.
ThatillO33 o , No. IN, 191.195 and IN
Go to Plosoltor Drag %tore.
For Spouses. O. 841Iszket InTeet.
- Tom Una Snit
88 poi beat, AloOhol at Joseph 8.71310108.
Glo to Plttoek•o
.... ' ..3%17 , 4 6, 1i0aet Hooks.' Wallets, istn Books, at
. .
Go to IPlttoelVo
For Stereoscopic Views, instrusaezts, ao.
. .
Go to PitioelVs
For Family Bibles, Pease Bibles, Le.
• fto to PlltloekNo
For Albums, Bibles, Pocket Books, at
"Go tot/stock's
For Baito-Ballo and Bata.
- Taa Com Say
New Raps at /Mara H. Ttnah.i.
Eipres• Robber senteneed.
. tity'recimpti to the Pittsburgh dasette.l
TOWAT 11h PA.,M11110.--Arohbold Maim
ger, who Ohs teen under , arrest. since De
cember, f o r - rabbits the Adams Brumes
Company at Troy, Pa., In Jell %IV was
bend acuity, and solitary con
-4 nement for tides years, and to pay a tine
of 1120 M. and costs of prosecution, and re.
• ; . .111Iver Telegrams.
(ili - Teleyrabb to the Pittsburgh Quetta.)
Lomiwitt.s. May 18.-)titer (enflame toe
7 Inches by the canal
on. Ctrc. May 10.—Itivr 4 meet 10 =rhos
stationary. Weather Cool and pleasant,
steamor. Azrisea.
tEy Telegraph to ter Pittsburgh Gs:stip '
New Tenn 'Map steuniera Erin
end Teutonic bsvo - arrlyea todoY from Eo-
• •
• *Theo!' product of Peonsylvanla arid of
the petroleum reckons of other parts of the
Odfinhrt,Aortas We put six years, is card
lasted at about 11,040,1370 barrels of crude ell.
To Prodtice tide there had beim sunk from
the begitMlns of the petroleum excitement
to the cm:lief 7800,;'90 wells, not more than
one•tenth Of 'whic so) now -1441 eY ea to be
producing oil. •
_ l l
lop _
itt os bim i te g
Tile Peace Conference.
The Basis of Settlement.
Financial and Commercial
EB7 Tel to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
OASIS 03/ Taflall ezzansneitoss.
Loiroos, /lay 10—Erening.—The Oace
Conference bold their second to.
day.. Tho following basis for tne delibera
tions of the Conference has been 44:reed
upon: , First, the territory of Luiemburg
Is to remain in the possession of the Fang
of nolland, as Grand Duke of Luxemburg;
second, the noutruliratlon of tae Grand
patchy to bo guaranteed- by all European
powers partimPating in the Conference;
third, the l'ortreas of Luxemburg is to be
:ant bennY ricorn.sms Peace.
Loantav, May 10.—Earl Dcirby stated in
Parliament last night that . he 'considered
the preservation of the peade ofl Europe no
longer a question of doubt. •
Tut asvoass au.t.-raralasimox.
In the Moose of Commons laat night a
division took place on an amendment made
by the government to the reform bill, and
the amendment vraa adopted.
Won. S. li. Walpole, Home Secretary, has
Losses. May 10.—Hon. Gathers° Hardy
has been appointed Home Secretary In,
place of Mr. Walpole. The Earl of Hero&
replaces Mr. Hardy as Chairman of the
Poor Law Board.
.FRANCO:M.I3CI" sehitouarn COMP /Mr.
PAMIR, May 10.—The new Franco-Sanest,
can Telegraph Company, which proposes to
lay an electric ' sable between Brest and
Halifax, bee been promised the support and
assistance of the Imperial Government.
' At.Errae, May ;10.—Irougars; the Envoy of
Greece to the Uhlted &tato,. hoe sealed . for
2[AP.I\V•FE 51".5.
SOuta.thETTON, May 10.—The steamship
Bourns Ma, from .New York, arrived here
yesterday. •
Passim:rye, May 10.—The steraushiP MOO
shssippl, from New York, arrived here to- ,
Lennox. May 10.—/Yoon.—Cionsols. M.IF
Twentlas,l2‘.•:lrilisols" Cratral,lll2. Erie,
fl- - The bullion of the Bank of -England
decreased £119,000.
Livanroot, May 10-2roon.—ln cotton
there was a. - better feeling today, and the
market opened at an advance of 54013-Id,
and was quite active; sales. 92,00 bales mid
dling uplands., 1101110. The
the s'
cular reports that the sales of week
were T 3,000 bales. of which - speculators and
exporters took 2',00. The stock ln port is
813,000 bales, Including 422,000 bales of Amer.
L, hay 10.-2 r. E.—Money -mar
ket active; Consols advanced a quarter, be
ing now quoted at 91%ileinots Central, MI;
Erie, Cotton market irregular, geom.
tines fluctuslingd
LivnicrooL,' slay 10.—Breadstuffs quiet.
Corn declined 3d; mined western 431; others
'unchanged. Provisions anchanged. Lard
Arm, at SW. 'Produce unchanged.
Lagoon, May 10.—A dispatch from Ant
werp, recelvedlast night, reports standard
white petroleum at 43 francs.
Leiromr,'May 10,—Erie and Illinois EMI ,
, wayshares each 'advanced per cent. So
gar active; New Orleans advanced to ins 3d.
. Lennox, May o.—Consols, 91%; 5-Al Bonds,
MX; Illinois Central, 73%; Erie. 41: 2 4. •
Llvaarool., Mar 9.—Cotton tends down
ward; sales 10,000 balesmiddling uplands, et
geld; Orleans. 11d. Breadstuif. quiet and
unchanged. Provisions unchanged, except
.lard, which is higher and Arm, at SU. Pro-
Once unchanged. London markets natal.
tered. -
lavearoOL, May le—lfernlng.—Cottorrad
minced lid since the morning quotrtioat.
London, May 10.7Nerninp.—Consols closed
steady rid. 69'x,'72%. Illinois Oentral,l7ll.
Erie, 42%. - •
Ltrlaroo4, May 10.—Eorning.—Cotton cOn•
tinned active and closed firm; Middling
Uplands, 1114; Orleans, Iliirtiales amounted
to 2,010 bales.' Breadstulls closed easier at
431. per greaten,. Peas declined to 435. Gd.
Other articles unchanged. • Provisions nn ,
changed.- .• i• •
Loiniox, May 10.—The markets are un
changed. ,
War Preparation ... Prance and Prus
sia—Outrage. and Beetteell Commit,
led on Christians by the yarn. in
Naw Your, May 10.—Tee Herald's Paris
correspondence, referring to the war prep:
orations of Prance, says: The military
scenes witnessed in the streets of Pella, the
moving Of artillery, wagon!, arms, gun car
riages and munitions were similar to OMB
seen put previews to the - Crimean war and
Italian campuigna
The Besot Ws Berlin correspondent mays,
Prussia made her preparations steadily and
without any noise or excitement as In
trance, but on a very extensive scale. Or:
den for the mobilization of the (nerds and
the Eighth, Ninth. Tenth and Eleventh
Army Corps were made.
The invalids Buns, of ht. Petersburg, re
fers Wine violence and mercers perpetra
ted by the Turks in Crete, and the sublime
heroism display TM, ed by the Christians in re
sising them. befortal Welter adds
the t western press sympathises withthat
Turku, and that the helium would not order
such a course if net assured of the spinne
thy of one or two of the Cabinets.
Heneoeliba Operations on 'Smoky Hill
Route—Cie Hosing' to Your
- War Pasties, se.. , •
t tly Tales:rape to the Pittsburgh lisrstte.) :
New YORK, May 9.—The Herald's Yorti,mr•
ned special sage-: llancockhs.operations on
Smoky Mill mate eve driven the 'Sou th ern
Cheyennes The y s trea k e moving in four
war parties.the South Platte
road between Ualesburg and 'Denver night
l b
before last and h nied two ranches. The
Indian COtoreissi n are in council here.
kle,sengers from o north have arrived,
and state that Lary numbets of Indiana de
al., in come in and make peace—Rod Cloud
included. I:emerges war partlea arson the
road between here', and Fort Phil Ilearn.ey.
The Indiana say they shall be withdrawn.
Jcvlleurro, Mar 10.—The Sioux Chief,
Spotted Tau, folloWed by one hundred an d
HO' 1015.1 and Weil hundred Sioux cross.
ed the Platte rani. to-day at• Beni:Lycra -
Itanch,twenty4lve {mites below this Piece,
goin north. They draw aubsistenca and
cool:d g
ies from the government agents and
expressed themselves friendly. Some of
the leading men performed, alter the COM*
pony. the peane - Oblace. Matters appear qui
et on the Platte; the teams aro moving down
to commence the mason work on the Rail.
road, which Is progressing at thereto of two
or three miles per day and in good running
-order. •
:By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh linens.)
Sc. Loon, Haylo.—The large flonneginlil
of =Copple, at. Contrails, 10... out bunted
111 St .4311 k. Loss MOM; no insurance.
A. lady and three servants were poisoned
on Tuesday by eating candy maturated with
crown oil, and are now very sick, one br two
at them dangerously so.
The track Ly ing of the Union Pacific Hall
way, Estatedn ivislon,is pro gressinat the
rate aof about two and bat( miles p er day.
The road will be completed to Port Harker
and graded fifty miles beyond by the drat of
June:. The business of the road bon month
reached one hundred thonstusd dollars, and
the earnings of the first week may reach
thirty-five thousand.
A. correspondence between Gov. s reicher
Sad Lae, State AutitOr, on the subject Of the
elute finances, indicates that the July inter
est on the State Bonds will be prOM puy paid.
Tragedy on Slap Board.
Cgr TaNgraeli to the Pittsburgh Ussette.3
Mourassx, May 10.—A tragedy 00eaffed
on board the Nestorian during her voyage
to this port. A WY, psi" illar " wn. "6•
barked at Liverpool, and between that port
and Merry Mmovered her former husband
on board, and was so seized by remofiet"t
she sprang ever the OM of the Teasel and
wall drOwardi
BT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 'lariat.)
—A terrible and fatal accident occurred
by a gas exploekm at Bethlehem. Pa., on
Sunday night, sth Inst., at the Moravian
Seminary for young ladles. It was a truly
lamentable affair, resulting in the immedi-
ate death of two persons. The victims
were all servants engaged at the Seminary.
Susan Manherts and Hannah Hawk are the
names of the dead, and Susannah Knoll the
name of the woman still in danger. Marla
Jammu and Lena Beherbacher are still mfr.
ering, wbilakllea Fehr &Military Graff were
slightly affected. • 'go pupils of the Semina
ry were at all affected, they sleeping in the
upper modes, the accident hiving occur
red in the basement.
—Upon his arrival in llichmond. today,
JeT. Davis will be taken to the Spottswood
Hotel, where he will be kept at least until
after the bearing on Monday, the United
States Marshal being responsible to Gener
al Barton for the prisoner. Tickets of ad
mission to the Court room will be issued on
Monday, limited to number bythe capacity
of the Court room.
—roatmaster Genera; Randall has finally
issued an order to all postmasters who now
have unealled.for letter lista published in'
newspapers, to give it to any paper that
will publuM it gratuitously. They will then
stop It In the paper which Maros for the
publication of the lista.
—The steamer Wagner, ,of einclnnati.
running between Omaha Bid Sioux City,
shagged on Thursday eighteen mil. below
Decatur. The boat was loaded with grain
and =Dread ties. and is a total loss. She
was valued at twentpilve thousand dollar.
—Mr. John F. Deal, fornierly County
Treasurer. and a prominent citizen of Phil
udelPhia, was killed on the Camden and .
Amboy -Railroad, on Thursday afternoon,
near Camden. lie had been on a aborting
tour, and was endeavoring to moss the rail
road as the express train was approaching,
when he was caught on the fender of the
locomotive and tossonivery high in the air.
'lle died almost immediately. •
—Er-Mayor Monroe has MI another long
interview wit/Ith° President., to take coon
eel with him upon New Orleans muttons,
and especially General Sheridan, who Sir.
Monroe thinks ought to be summarily re
moved for what basalts usurpation. There
is an exceedingly - blttei state of feeling
against General Sheridan, and some pretty
port telegraphic correspondence has been
Indulged in. General Sheridan is sustain
ed by General Grant.
—Thursday evening daring therein storm
a colordd man named Francis Dorm, rest .
ding in Harrisburg, was returning on an'
engine from work on the Lebanon Valley
Railroad, and In attempting to alight while
the locomotive was en motion, fell to;
the ground in fronted* the wheels and his
head was severed from tits body. ,
—Judge Kelly arrived at New Orleans on
Wednesday and was welcomed by a com
mittee of citizens, headed by the Mayor and
Common Connell. Among the delegation
were several colored Individuals. The
Judge , responded to the welcome at the St.
Charles Hotel to a large audience. Ito was
announced to address the Dublin to-dal. •
—The New York Times' special says: Chief
Justice Chase hall nothing whatever to do
with the Softie at the writ of dawns earpas
In the Arise of Jeff Davis, and his name was
attached as a mere matter of form. The
Commander of Fortress Monroe will put the
prisoner in the hands of the flatted States
Mariana, who will be held responsible for
hls custody. Mr. Davis will be furnished
with rooms at the Spottswood lintel,
Richmond, till after hearing of the return
to the writ; time the Government does not
release Its hold upon the prisoner, and the
matter of ball was not thought or. The
ease is ono merely as to why the Govern
ment holds the prisoner. The report that
Chief Josttnf Chase Is to go to Richmond Is
unfounded. lie knew nothing of thelssue
of the writ of habeas corpus in Davis' case
Wiener Its Issue.
—The body of Louis Fox, thebillbird play.
er, who mystanously elaaPPeared In De
cember last, was found yesterday morning
floating In the river at Charlotte, seven
miles from Rochester.
—John 8. Boger. has boon found guilty
and sontonced to Ave yeara In the city jell
at Baltimore. Wentz will be-sentenced to-
clay. These are the parties indicted for
defrandLog the National lileclasales Back of
—The Maryland Constitutional Conseil•
thin transacted Unto buhiness yesterday.
The Committee appointed to prepare busi
ness adiourned till Tuesday.
—The Ness York State ereu Assoclntl=
concluded Its session yesterday. Au ar
rancenfentsrasmadelocontimne thepreseat
~•nows arriumement for the present. The
body passed resolutions of thanks to the
proprietors of the Ifetropolltaa Hotel for
courtesies extended. • .
. —The proceedings of the Southern Baptist
Church, at lleiophis, yesterday, were con
fined to the reception of reports of various
Committees. Able arguments, showing the
necessity of building up and sustaining the
Southern Baptist Theological, Seminary, at
Greenville, S. C., were made by . Dr. Poin
dexter, of Virginia,.7. 1.. McCrary, of Ala
hams, D. Sampson, of Washington, and
—Flvn dry k II os, at Graham, ileum di Co's
pall factory, Cleveland, were burned last
evening. Lou, $5,000; no Insurance. •
—Orders bairn been reoblved •at the
United States• armory at Springfield,
Idass., fora large and immediate increase
in the production of breech butters of the
latest model. The force of workmen will
he greatly enlarged, and old muskets re.
mulled at the rate of from five to Mk hun
dred per day. •
—A publishing house la Now York have
given to too trustees of the Peabody Edo.
enttonal Fund 30.0a0 volumes of school
books, incituling /1,C.00 of the teachers' Ilbra
ry. The value of the gift is MVO.
—Judge Kelly, of PeormYlVanta. made a
tour of Inspection to the colossal schools in
New Orleans yesterday.
.—}'he ladles of Charleston, S. C ' observed
yesterday by visiting. the cemeteries In
large numbers and 4800rialitg the CralT4l
of Confederate soldiers.
—Charles B. Pond, President of the Barb
lord and Bevy Raven Railroad, died &Mixt.
ford, Coon., yesterday. '
The Partll Exposition and American
The following appeared In La Prets, Mu
sicale, an influential musical Journal in
The Steinway Pianofortes furnish us with
a specimen of American industry and man.
ufacture which leaves no room for Im
provement. We do not hesitate to declare,
after having heard then plat : Butanes, that
they aro real wonders of art and industry.
We bare J net heard the Grand Plane*. ex-
Melted by Means. Steinway & Sons, and
our euryrtsa, we Must confess. was great.
We always thought that a pianoforte of this
kind, possessing tinth power and such ruse
"esti° fulness of tone, Weld not be made
subservient to facility Of Modulation, and
variety of accents. Then attain we were of
opinion that inch poworf Pianos could
not buthave shard touch. Ifotithig of the
But a dill greater sprinkle ha. been In
store forme. We have been compelled to
admiration by a Square Plano, one of those.
Instruments which have been scarcely
one in Peals for the last twenty years, nut
which are preferred In America; we are
oven told that ninety-live out of one hen.
dred pianos sold are of this shape.
if we had at first doubted that with each
a piano one could create a sensation in
Paris, our opinion Seen underwent IL 00m•
Vete change, after having bcard tbe instru
ment, We can no w easily understand the
preference given by the Americans to these
pianofortes, for In Europe we can hardly
realize what these Square Pianos are, art
manufactured by Mean. Steinway 6 Buns.
Settee it to Bay that the house of Stein.
way lions, In New Tort, has justly occu
pied for the Int ten years the highest rant
in lull speciality. and if It ham the privilege
a benne at the head of the manufacture of
pianos In that country. it to because it has
understood how to eye an Impel.. to this
menstrual:we, and
pee bung the tatter to the
'highest degree of rfection. •
-41. Cleveland Doper says there to 1 man
In that neighborhood eo =eau that he alto
on the doorsteps of the church sondooo to
WO the was of his pOW pnahloao•
By Telegraph to the Plttsburgit Ussette.j
• • WeanlatoPON,
gecretary Seward In recent letters states
the Department cannot recognize an' Atter.
mire Interest in a pardon, and the Govern
ment beano mil:leer in employment who Is
authorized to procure pardons or make ,
charge for doing so. •
newrirtrrioa is Till sorra.
Letters from the Freedmen's Bureau
Agency, Arkansas, state that great desti
tution, at Fort Smith particularly, Prevails
among the whites. Measures for their re
lief are being taken as promptly as possible.
Surgeon A. Boyer is ordered to reline
Surgeon Magruder, at St. Louts, the latter
to report to the Medical Director of the De
partment of the Missouri; Aseistent Sur.
goon Culbertson In ordered to duty as Bost
Surgeon at Jefferson liarranks.
Tho following notified appointments will
be cancelled, if not accepted before the Mtn
lilluols—First Lieutenant, N. C. Boswell;
Second Lieutenant, C. Martin; Second Lieu.
tenant. V. B. Weems; Indiana—Second
Lieutenant, Aleffander A. Bice. Michigan—
First Lieutenant, Cyrus A. Loomis; Ohio—
Second Lieutenant, W. S. Jones; Wisconsin
—Second Lieutaut, J. Wilson,
_Commodore B. F. Sands taw been appoint
ed Superintendent of the Naval Observe
tort', vice Rear Admiral Davis, ordered to
command the South Atlantic sgesdron•
Telooropb to tbo PlttAbortb Gazette.l
NOW Toes. May Io.—At the session or the
Equal Eights Association, to-dur, Henry
Ward Beecher was among the' epeakons.
Resolutions were offered In favor of mut
[rage to woman and black men, and hailing
the action of the Leg-islet arm of hansu and
Wliconsin on the subject as the first prhe-
Beal illustration of equal rights. A dis
patch was rend from Lucy stone, dated
Atchison, stating that Impartial suffrage
would be carried in Kumas by an over-
whelming majority. The session is not yet
Barnum', new Museum Is nearly comple
ted and will be Opened spout the Oral of
A crippled lady, named Burge., has rocov.
era! seven thousand dollars from the Elglatta
Avenue Itallway Company for Injuries ro•
ceived from carelea.eas In !darting off a
_ •
Superintendent of Police Ithar.edy has,
under the pressure or public opinion. with.
drawn his gunday closing order.
The arm hat regatta of tau New York
Club occurs Jane 11th. The coursers from
the light snip to Cane May sou return. The
nee m open to English yachts.
Yates liamonth. formerly • policemsn, has
been arrested, charged with .robbing the
office or Weaker a power, 510001 , of
Moon of depreciated currency of 1954 and
p.. 200 in &dm on the 4th of this month.
The stablemen al several city railroads
are one strike, but us molestation with the
roads is anticipated.
It to supposed lb01:1t • million and a half
of gold wdl be shipped to Europe to.mor.
• T ee failure of James S. Srtmelef t Co., ir•
the shoo trade. 'frit • CioreN le Atom leather
trade, sad of • bank president le the same
trade, aro reported from Iloston. •
At the meeting of the AMeriCall Buell of
Foreign illissions. toelay. an encouraging
report was read of the operations of the
year. The mei Ms for the hod els ht months
were gra" a alight increase over the same
period last year. Several Interesting ad
dresses. were Wade and the meeting dts•
pore d.
The Great Eastern will not return to New
Tork Cause, non-payment ol CSPCII.I4.
Tee passage money pcd for the Intone will
be refunded.
Ristorl glans s performance on 'Wednes
day evening for the benefit at the Itallan
schools here.
I , 3tUrr Clor 107 I,XACV.D.
Tlio fruit crop In Um region tumoustalood
o Injury trona the froot or storms.
BortOss Wllll Take Him to Web
menu—Order of Ike President.
CBI Telegraph to the kltta.telrgh Uuetla)
ToeTates MO. Boa, key 10.—The writ of
habeas corpse. In the case of Jett Davis was
served this morning a n General Burton by
Marshal Underwood and DOPMY Marshal
Duncan. General Burton at first deckled
to deliver Mr. Davis over to the ewloily of
the Marshals tomorrow, but artorwarda
[ermined on obeying the writ literally, re-.
[pliant him to ,produee Davie before the
lllchmend Court. Mr. Davis and family,
General Burton anal the; Id•reltals will take
the steamer to-morrow for Hammond.
Ueneral Burton, on Monday, will personally
produce the pthioner m Court- In the event
of Davis being released by Judge Duster.
wood under the writ, he will be immediate.
fy roarrested &advisee° on trial under an
indictment for Mallon.
Robert Gold and numerous other visitors
reached here this morning, bearing Co.
ousts aadother presents to Mr. Davis and
The utmost !lathiest and anxiety in mani
fested at Norfolk respecting the probabili
ties of the trial and release of Dints. •
The following is a copy of Gen. Bourton i e
gan:hoTON, May 8, `it
Th. Beer. Brig. Oen. Burton, GeMmroultng
Offlcerat Ibrirdes Monroe:
The President of the United States • di
rects you to surrenderJelTerson Davis, now
head In confinement under military author
ity at FOrtrelteldonroe, to LtleUulted States
Marshall, or Deputies, upon any process
olden may lathe from the Federal Court ea
the State of Virginia. Yon will repott the
action taken by you in Oda order and for
ward a copy of the process- served upon
you to this olfice.
By order 01 the President. • •
E.D. Toarirsiran,
(fly Telegraph to the Pltt.borsh Gazette.]
Iticuroan, May 10.—Joe Kelley, tried for
the murder of Jesse° Murphy, at a horse
race, was acquitted.'
Present indications are that there 4.111 be
no demonstration by the people on the ar
stratof thomett deference to the
wishes of the authorities.
A large meeting of smarms was held to.
night, end the usual number of addreascs
were made.
It seems impossible to ascertain to-day
positively, whether Jeff. Davis will ho tried
or not. In a conrsetlon Judge tinder.
woodeald the trial did not take place It
would he because the attorneys no one wide
or the other were not ready to proceed; that
the Court was ready, and the Chief Justice
would preside. tin the other hand lir.
Chandler, the District Attorney, expresses
doubts whether the trial will tithe place.
The statement that the (Dana Jury had
Indicted the proprietors of certain news
were Is nnrounded.
To-day the Grand Jury, after consultation
w ith General acholiold, refused to indict a
street namedto for the ejection of a
nogro acOtt on Friday.
Mr Telegraph to lb. Pittsburgh Ossette.)
Bur Fassmisoo.litsy 10..—The Golden City,
for Panama, sailed to4ay.wlth .1.012.435 In
treasure, $774.311 for New York, an'i 11,930
barrels of flour.
Dividends declared payable on the 15111
Halo ft Norcross, L.D; Foot, Crown Point,
Bililirrperlel, 15. -
, The Archer, for New York, with 15,000
of wheat end 4,C00 barrels ot flour, am!
the. Harvest queen, for 11.tverpoOl. with
39,000 sacks of wheat,cleared.
flour unchanged. wheat dull, at Vggl,ll.
Lepl Tenders at lle.
The Prise SUM,Ir tenuedc
(Br Tclerimb to the Pittsburgh tiatetto.)
Oczyst.MM. 0., May 10.z-Sam Davis and
Jim Elliott, fought at 1000 r. tcatlay; on
Yount an Pelee .!eland. Elliott won; by a
foul, after nine toned., Occupying
elayoo minutes, DINO going down Without
• blew. Da M is badly punlaheal, and Is
said by many to have mid the light. Elliott
got,"lirst blood" and °knock down" round
first round, and In each 'Succeeding
Davis wont down to [MOM. lie was several
times warned. On the boat from Detroit
there were two. savage Eights, in one Of
Ott • therw mar
ise the W had an ier was o ear and rarderl y. mose bitten
efertelet of Murder lit ring Degree.
Toleeroett to the pittabarge Garotted
rinteeat.rate. May 10.—Goorge Winne.
more, was convicted of murder Ift Ant do,
gree for the murder of Ilre, Me40.30a.
rouuTH PAGE.—The /Wed and mod re.
itaDia M0wy,,022 and Produee Markt/ En.
port, given by any paper in the city, will 24
found on oar NPunl. Page.
Indictments for coonterfettlng—The
lionle-Thompoos Ceasplrsey—Aeea•
mar Seemed, &r.
In the United States District Court. yes
terday, MO grand jury returned two true
hills for counterfeiting against Robert
Black; of Washingtott county, On the oaths
of Emanuel Walters and John Walters,
father and sot, of Fayette county, This
man Black was connected with the MoMt-
Thompson ,cOnspiracy . case, tried In the
Cillertaz Seasitma at last term, of which, for
our present purpose, it Is necessarry wo
should given history.
In the month of May. leTe, a man named
'Haggerty was snouted, In the vicinity of
Brownsville, at the instance Of a, citizen of
Greene county, of whom he had =released
horses witliconnterfolt money. Haggerty,
not being ein the basisims" professionally,
made no concealment about the matter, and
his statements implicated William Dawson,
living in the Come vicinity, and others.
Babson non fly Dawson, having been arrest
ed, made wane revelations, and, it Is assert
ed, contented to bring to Justice parties
engaged in the counterfeiting business op
on the inducement that he should be held
barmiest. {,owing to Lim city with Alex.
Moffitt, a well known citizen of good stand
ing in Brownerrillainterested in having that.
community protected from, counterfeiters,
the locality being flooded wan the "stuff ,
about that period and previously, Dawson
appeared before the United Stems Commis
sioner and made information against some
six or seven neregism, among others, Robert
Black sad lasso and Samuel Thompson,
brothers, as counterfeiters. The accused
were head to answer at ,the special term of
the United Bates Court, in august lase
Dawson not appearing, they were held until
the follcwing Octoner term, when,
Dawson not yet appearing, they were
held to answer at the next May (the
present) term. tiut, shortly after the
October term, Isaac TllorOpliOrt had a
scar pros entered on to himself, and very
nhortly afterwards, on toe testimony of the
man Hobert Black, now Indicted, had Mof
fitt and Dawson indicted for conspiracy to
charge and Indict him (Thompson) with
counterfeiting. 'The case for ooriapiracy
was tried, as we have stated, at the March
term of the Quarter Sessions. Black was
siMpeeised as a witness for the prosecution
(for Tbompson),but was not celled, for rea
sons no doubt eatisfactory to thase In whose
interest he was—perhaps In anticipation of
When the Informatloe stgalnet Black was
made by Walters, &deputy of Unitedilutes
Marshal Bewley 1111.• givens warrant for
his sirreld. bet the oflic.7 on Lail waY eP the
Siononitahola river happened mu tt ten
ly to make inquiry concerning Black of a
passenger on the bmd, who, being a friend
of Black's went tenure at a certain point
end inforaied him at the fact that en cancer
sr. In pursuit of him. Mack accordnigly
lied. Ills whereabouts, however, being as.
ceriaitied, especial deputy went In parsult,
raptured him eta distant point in Western
Virginia. and brought hire to the city. Sam.
eel Thompson became his bed In inseam of
three thousand dollars. Another informs
Don being made. Immo Thompson became
his ball In like amount, and .b.n the true
Mlle were returned, yesterday forenoon •
the Dearth:mew:teed the Matto five thomand
(loiters In each cue, in both of which lune
and Samuel Thompson became
The whole matter •ummed up seems to
warrant the conclusion that Dawson, who,
It isa notorious fact, was engaged in the
counterfeiting Maine/is, after making the
Information lutenist Rouen Black. the
Thom psonaand othertawas induced DO use
the mildest term) to go away, Msabsence,
of course, preventing the accused parties
from, being arraigned. In bas absence,
Moffitt, thstrumental, it may be admitted,
in causing Dawson to make the informa
tions, Is iTie4 . f i or conspiracy with him. and
111.001101141114 C 41.11, if Ai psent con
siderinialie talon tor a re
new trial, harm'ir
heard the argument doting this week.
The next net In the drama Is the indict
meet of Mack, one of those vueused by
Dawson, and we had UMW Thompson, an
other of the accused; and the accuser of
iiiottlit, fur conspiracy, appearing, with his
brother 5•111.101.. the friend orlilack.-Tak•
. . , .
en altogether ti is a .consldexably
transaction, 534 we will not be sarprised If
In the end Certain partite, who have long
osenpal. aro brought to the bar of Na
tioe. bhoele it so hart... tbki tbn prevent
aoensom of Meek, like linemen. be Induced
to disappear s and Mark, Thom_penn,
Unit a charge of tionepirsoy against mom,
inuroucti as Montt was the spacial deputy
who arrested him In West Virginia, it would
he a most striking °Manlike:lee.
Valuable Illaasifaelstrlag Sits for Kale.
We call especial atuostion of men of rapt.
tat and those lashing a site for a rusitufao.
luring establishment of any kind to the sale
of • very valuable lot of ground most eligi
bly elteateds for this porpos. Oa next
Tuesday, the 14th Init., at le o'clock, a. Is,.
the administrators of T. M. Marisa will of
fer at auction, on the premises, that. Certain
lot of steeled. situate in Collins township,
adjoining the property of the lion. Wilson
McCandless • nd Dr. Peter Mowry. This pro.
betty ls within sight of the Allegheny
etery tiering a front on the AllegheeyVal
...inroad of .112% feet, extending back to
the Allegheny river, a distance of rei feet,
and has ides a front on the river of 354 tem.
Theist contains, in all, four aciesand sixty
dve and a half perchel
From the above deliiption it will at ones
be seen that for any m ufacturing purpose,
an oil re:leery, mill, no', AT probab bad ly as
desirable a location d be any.
. .
where within five mile. Of the city. Acceas
to the mtablistunent could- be bad both by
the river and by the railroad, and In this
respect the location in one of the very beat
that could be had. Freights could be carried
by either way' as most desirable, and It
could also be reached by by the Citizene'
Passenger hallway. The snarly &dean.
Lagos possessed by tide alto will be ter
tam to call forth a large number of ;forgone
at the sato, and the bidding will no doubt be
lively. We advise parties wiahang to buy
manuricturtng cite to step upon ono of the
cars or the Citizens' road and take a look at
MU lot of ground. •
Charge Agetnet Condneter on the
'toed Ka*away.
Charles Moiler appeired before Alder
man Morrow, yesterday, and made Informa
tion against- the conductor of car No. 9,
Pittsburgh and Birmingham Passenger
Railway, charging him with assault and
battery. .I.lester 1.9 of Teutonic extraction,
and, very naturally, loves his beer, besides
having eonsiderable pride In his native
country. On Thursday he came over to
town and indulged freely in ..bock,t , find
iwedhaltgeos:3, all the
in tiv t r y n e a ra w well ve w pi
evening he started Warta pans Bacchiv
taking message °near No. u. After proceed
ing some distance, he got Into freenverea.
Hoe with those about him In reference to
the probability of 'war In Europe and its re,
suit, in the event of such a war taking .
, The crinversaUon waxed warm,
'hurls, becom ing very boisterous, nod 1.4;•
serang has his lirm conviction that Prue.
Ida would clean out France root and branch.
its became no much excited that the con
ductor found It necessary to expel him.
Charles made lesistatice, to the best of his
enlitY, and when he came tO himself found
that he was the possessor of a beautiful pair
of black eyes, besides other marks of the
recent centllct. lie aceoraingly came be•
fore the Alderman yesterday end made the
Charge Su stated, A warrant for the arrest
of derendinat was Issued.
Me Attempted Suicide at tie !to
depgattela* Alauee.'
'Tito Gstrrva of yestenlay contained
announcement of the tact that a Mr. 11.1.
ley, of a WannfaCturfog at m at Decatur.
lilluols. had attempted suicide at a late
hoer Iltursday night, in his room at the
hionongshola liorme in this city, whore be
had been stopping for several days. It ep.
pears that the man had beenremoved to
the Meru hospital 1n the Eighth ward,
being stained with delirium trentene, hut
=mined there only a short. time, makiPg
hD cseage by climbing out of a window, and
returned to the hotel. • flaying been sneer
ed, as It was thought, in a room, a physi
cian was ounainCinadbot when the medical
man came it was discovered that Haley
had lorgthe room and was climbing about
thereof, oralrylight over the office of the
hotel. Lie was again placed Ina room, and
a negro Man engaged to keep watch over
hins,and who was with him at the time Wane
attererded suicide Thursday night, as we
noted yesterday. Tho wetted be inflicted
on his neck is not considered dangerous,
and we learn that he is recovering from his
&Winn. During yesterday he wee
moved to the .&sylum at DIXMOnt.
Arrest or routhlui lareentals.
Yesterday Ml:leers Dressler and Wrist ,
ley, of the. Mayors police. arrested three
hope named Barney Burns, Philip Murtagb
no d soborrice,charged with stealing abuts
from AroalloMr clothing store oath° corner
of 41. Chur and Liberty streets. The boys
were locked np for a hearing. After being
)egged tbey ware information to the officers
which may lead to important rosette. It
has led already to the finding of one box of
the tobacco stolen some time ago. from Itnr.
phrstObseCostare, on Liberty street, and
the arrest of a boy charged with being eon
earned to the robbery of the store.- ()dicers
Yowl and Dressler are working up the cam
and we wall probably lune morn to report
ratted State. Dletelet Court
Before floe. Wilson MeCult:Bea&
Court opened at ten o'clock on Friday.
On motion of Gen. Collier, E. 8. ()shunt.
En., of Luzern county, was duly qualified
and admitted to practice.
The Grand Jury returned the following
the following true bills:
Untied States vs. Unhurt Black; Indict
ment, having in possession and passing
counterfeit treasury notes.
United States vs. Robert Black; Ind let
mrnt, yummy and attempting to pace
' onnuterleit treasury notes.
The last two blue closed the list to be
pearled upon by the Grand Jury, which wee
Scott Smith, convicted of rObbino the mall,
was sentenced to the Penitentiary for tan
years. but the Court stated that ender a
MAN] law,
to the youth of the pelso
ner, th e penalty would bo reduced to an
equal number of years in the House of
The mum of Charles Clemens cilia, Charles
Williams was proceeded with. District At.
torney Carnahan acting for the United
States S. A. Purslane° and Al. Swartz wul
net, Lags., appearing as counsel for the
. • ..
As we stated yesterday, the defendant
was accused of having committed one of
the boldest robberies recorded In the
annals of the Postordca. It might be Inter
esting to our reader► to 'know the details.
In February last a man appeared In the
neighborhood of Lockhaven. Nobody knew
him. People ut tint paid little attention to
Dia whereabouts, and had It not been for a
peculiar eirentustance, ho would perhaps
never have boon arrested. A Lire broke
out, and the people, as Is customary In such
cases flocked to the theatre of the disas
ter. They remarked a man walking , about
and mentally preoccupied. Who
co lief No.
body knew. He wore a dark coat, with
pantaloons and hat of the • tattoo color.
With. an inquisitive look, he seemed to par
ticipate greatly in, the event that
was j font taking place. What hap
puned the following night gives a clear
Indication of what was revolving In Ids
mind. Thu flames had been extinguished
and every ono returned to Lis house under
the influence of the occurrence. What an
Opportunity tar t a criminal to perpetrate
crime. The nex morning the door of the
postal:llre was found broken open, a bag
containing hundred. 'of letters gone,
with about two hundred and Orly • oen•
area, taken from a drawer. The unknown
faze of the preceding evening had drove.
peered. It was very easy. If not to discover
the culprit, at least to
t a n avarwpcions upon
him. Who else was it ha theetrer
who had been wen walking in the light of
the raging element! The alarm, was given;
searches In every direction made. T op
discovered, Pt last, the
and Its contenp,
cemetery of I to e village. Your
or -tire hundred letters were scattered on
the ground, all open, the hag cot open
l frlg g thrnTlirpU d iytit hattLetmoVieteti-
The Chief of the police of Lockhaven,
whose conduct Is to be fully appreciated In
this affair by all the friends of order, fol
lowed the track over the field and ascer
tained that the robber had taken the
Mon of Harrisburg. Lie joined him the
next day, In the evening. The accused had
walked twenty-eight miles the previous
day to escape all scumicions. liuestions of
hL whereabouts having been put to him, it
regained that be was •man without &home,
a mere vagabond, living here and there.
without permanent or fixed residence.
Scant:lel were made and they discovered on
him about aLlty dollars in United Mates
Treasury notes and lb copper pennies and
Mlle drawn On several Individuals to the
amount of $7.003, which, es It aniew , edfroei
We testimony and the developments, Were
taken ont of the letters and the drawers at
the reetgreee.
The &agreed appeared without witnesses,
withoutrtriends. with sundry suppose,'
Causes, had all the probabilities and
evidenseof a =axon whom rested a grave
accusation. The jury convicting, he was
sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years.
The onus of George Inner, for passing a
hundred dollar counterfeit note, was then
named up and the jury sworn, after which
Coazc ad} oiaske4 till today at. 5134 o'clock.
Dr Keyser's Greet liedtelme If tore.
The great sanitarium for the city of Pitts
burgh 1. undoubtedly the mtablishment at
the comer of Wood street and Virgin
alley, conducted by our friend, Dr. Keyser
who, for over thirty years, has devoted his
attention to the healing of the dick, ce
pecially that clue of disease known as
chronic. There are men y liagering lllncase.
which render these who are their victims
more wretched then it oubJect fora while
to wine more unde r fed violent malady,
and throe illnesses a just as remediable
as any other. If the priPer Mention were
devoted to their treat ent.
lilt. KEYSEtt'S SEAltellEli, for
all 41101001 of a non-febrile character, bar
hag their origin In • vitiated or tented con
dition of the blood, has made mare cures
than any other remedy of modern science.
In Its greet adaptation to this clams of mal
adies It has cured hundreds and thousands
of totter., •ernfrias, Wars, cancer*, liver
complaints, dyepepsies, dropsies, and ven
ous malignant diseases to which it were
dldlcull to give a name, entirely significant
of their true character. It Is In these cue,
of blemsd disease that Dr.KEYSEIPSBLOOD
SEARCIIEIt hue made fur itself a name
which goes beyond any other remedy of
the healing net. It IS peculiarly proper
at this season of the year that those
subject to brashes and weaknesses de
pendent on the climacteric changes of
the lesson, should use a few bottles
of this harmless tonic alteratire, which
will not only render the eyelet Moen°ns
to disease, but will at the same time fortify
and strengthen It agalmt the invasien,
Country merchants will find DK, KEY.'
nEll. Is nIA3OD SEARCHER a medicine that
will enable them to do a great deal of good,
and save harmless from sickness lawny per
sons dependent 011 them for their aupplles,
Ask for fir., Kersees Blood Searcher, and
take no other. To avoid imposition, look
for Dr. Keyser , ' name over the top of the
bottle and on the outside labaL One dollar
per bottle—six for live dollars, at 110 Wood
street. Conaultation rooms for lung examie
M1ti0131,123 Penn street. Ofilee hours from
9a. m., until 4p. tn.
Douse and Alga Painting,
Among the limns which have long and
suceersfully carried on the above business
in one city. and who have succeeded in
gaining a large and widely extended pat
ronage. are gown.' Hamilton
whose card appears in another column. Al
ways performing contracts faithfully and
creditably, they have made quite an envia
ble reputation in their business. and now
hold the ertstim of many of our most prom.
meat btudnes men and citizens. They use
In their work nothing but the very best
quality of materials, and In ovary job war
rant perfect satisfaction. The members of
the firm are both practical Painters. and
employ none but the very best of mechan
ics. They attend to the exterior and inter
ior painting Of houses, ware-rooms, offices,
go., and devote especial attention to orna
mental and "decoraUve painting of all des.
crlptions. glen are neatly and promptly
planted in the modern styles of the art.
Their rates are very reasonable, and we
cheerfully commend them to the patronage
of our readers. Their office la at No. 133
Third street., where orders for painting,
graining, glazing. and gilding may be left
for proper attention..
ramblonable alotlitoo and Where to_
Mr. Henry Cappell, fashionable mercuant
tailor, has ',rust received at his beautiful
now store, Mo. 112 Smithfield street,. full
stock of choice cloths, casematee and vest
tags, which be is prepared to make op in
the best and latest styles at most reason..
ble price.. Mr. Centel' has long enjoyed a
high reputation In his Mainers, and our
readers am confidently recommended to
blot for their Spring and Summer clothing.
Paying especia l attention to custom work,
and employing none but the very best me
chanics. he is prepared to guarantee tits to
all who call upon MM. A full line of gen•
tleten , s furnishing goods will be found at
the store, embracing atom shirts, collars,
Mee, suspenders, handkorchtefs, socks, un
derclothing. do., to. All are invited Cor
dially to call In and examine Mr. VappePs
stock of goods and to Inquire tile price%
and they will find him an obliging fair
dealing and honorable business gontleMon.
This delightfully situated house of enter
tainment at Perrysville has undertone
torlal change sad improvements sines our
journalistic friend, Mr. Thomas Costamag
na, assumed the proprietorship. It is the
most pleasant terminus of s good road
about these parts, and for an afternoon or
evening tide we know of no place which
presents equal attractions. Mr. Costamag.
se serves exoelleut meals at any hour and
Ids ...uppers" have already become famous
amongst pleasure seekers. Information of
the route to Perrysville can be obtained at
any of the livery stables, and we urge our
friends to drive out that way and pay Mr.
Costamagna's White Mouse a visit.
ME B.D. Norris, the fashionable Merchant
Teller of :No T. Federal street, Allegheny,
ball removed another invoice of liedebeable
goods for ni 's wear to whlch we direct te
attention of e o ur readers. The stock embra h -
We all the latest style* which have thou 1 . 411
made nude appearance to the Eut, and 3111
be rude no I[l the n eatestand most eervico.
able manner at very ttaeonahle Prx"' and
ur the shortest notkie. A complete aloe k
a seasonable Imniekihig goods constantly
an band. We bespeak for Mr. NOrtie a fall
alienist pubUo pausal-age.
a 7 tttr„
Works. ,
Yesterday about two o'clock,n man named
Harry Hyde, employed at the Steel Works
of Anderson, Cook CO. corner of Eons and
First streets, mat with a serlons accident.
lie was employed as caicher at the tells,
and was illrectlng a rod of steel throngs
the same, When a nut, which held tho rolls
In place, gave way, and be fell forward on
the tongs. which he held In his bands. One
handle of the tongs entered his throat, pene
trating about two inches. Ile was immedi
ately removed to his boarding boom on
First street, near Smithfield, and Dr.
idealised summoned. It was asortatned that
the injury he received, although a painful
and serious one, will probably not result
Remember the "Femme' Oath."
Taken to litaohlingloo County.—llob
klatthows had • hearing before C. S. Com-
Intssioner Sproul, yesterday, on a charge of
having in his possession counterfeit money,
with intent to pass the same. There being
no evidence to anstain the charge, he was
acquitted, but was Immediately taken in
charge by Alderman Strain, who started
with him to Washington county yesterday
evening,' where an Information has been
made against him for complicity in the rob
bery of the Farmers , Deposit (Bank• of Can•
onsburg. Aiderman Strain was accompa
nied by °dicer Brown and Wilkie Loblnitort,
Esq., of_thia city. '
Conflagration at 011 City.—A fire oc
curred at OU City on Friday morning (or
Thursday melt) breaking out about cue
o'clock, and before the flambe were checked
ten buildings were destroyed, includln* the
American Louse. Mawhinney's and l.och
ran'. 01l °Mees and warehouse., together
with a quantity of oil, an Iron tank and a
large number of barrels. The fire orig
inated by the careless use of a Isntern about
some tank cars. Two men were injured.
The loss Is heavy. Igawhlnney's is esti
mated at from .15,000 to
The managers of the Young Men's Bible
Society last evening elected the following
board df oillcers for tho' ensuing year:
PrmiJunt; It. C. Miller. Vice President.;
W. 11. Kincaid and Wm. Floyd. Correa.
pending Secretary; Joseph F. tiriggs. Re.
cording Secretary; RA F. Kennedy. Treas.
urer; J amen Lobti. " EiCCIICITO Committee;
David Robinson, T. IL Lane, 11. Klrko roc
ter, J. IL Nobbs and It. P. Watson.
illgint Was tbo "Fontana , °still"
Attempted lisps.—Jennie Ferguson
made Information on Thursday evening be
fore Alderman Lynch. charging Samuel P.
Lowey with' attempt to commit a rape.
The parties reside in the Sixth ward. A
partial hearing in the ease was had 'yester
day, and defendant entered hail for his ap•
pearance this morning before the Alder•
num fora further bearing.
tpl.eopal Plervle.—There will be 11l-
Irina •urrloe on to-morrow (Sunday) alter.
noon in the Presbyterian Church. located
on Market street, near Locust, In Manches
ter. We understand that the Might Mao.
John B. lierloot, Episcopal Bishop of this
Diocese, will conduct the services, which
will COMMGCIC4 at half-past four. ,
Last Day of the *poem.lyige nt Ma
sonic 11a11.—Our rea.der. muss of forget
that this Is the lut day of the • talons of
St. John." A. matinee for the ladies and
children In the afternoon, and the closing
exhillition tonight, When the splendid
Chickering piano will positively be given
away. all meann go early.
Cirrus Coming.-11alght & Chambers'
New Orleans circus and menagerie is en
routs (or the city and may be expected on
or about the Xoth inst. Dr. Chan.bers, the
managing nroprihtor, is already here and
noeparin for its adreaL Rumor heralds it
one of the most gigantic and attractive
estab indtments of the age. •
RP, John McMaster, D. D., of Prince.
ton, Indians, will preach In the First United
Presbyterian Cboret, (Rev. Mr. limed'.).
Seventh street, to-morrow morning at 10,3,
o'clock, and on Diamond Street, at liar. Dr.
tiroga'schater s u 7 . 13 gi or t i ll y o g . c m l c c lc h f .;.t r e .. c, m r .
ern `nlversity and an able pitlpit orator.
Fenburs, remember your oeth
Iralooblo Yroporti for Piale.—We .11
attention to the Orig.. , Court sale. to-day.
of three lots of ground fronting on Wash
litosiseet and Fountain streets, on
each or which there are dwellings and other
irntirossments. See advertisement for fur
ther particulars.
Piherll7Cloley , arelomis•,—Our worthy
and efilcient County Sheriff, a. IL Cluley,
E.g.. edits two of our second page columns
to-day. Tile announcement of the sales
will prove of much Interest to those desir
ing to Invest In dmlrable real estate.
Col. J. D. Ewan, the popular book and
news d.►ler, Sixth below Smithfield street,
advertises magazines and papers to suit
the times, together with a rare and choice
lot of second hand books. which will be sold
at advantageous rates for purchasers.
Piteloway Plaos,—A superh fresh imp
ply of the matchless Steinway Plano on the
way and partly received. Prices fifteen per
cent. lower than New York rates. Call and
examine at 11. Maher & Bro , a, lY Wo.xl
tree% sole wholesale anti retail western
Days/gement Rings- Of solid gold. sad
which will wear a life time. together with
all kinds of jewelry of the Deft quality. at
the most reasonable rates. at the popular
first class establishment of Iteluemon, /ley
tau & studio; N 0.2.3 fifth street.
Ga■ Fitting . attended to In the most ar
tlsuc manner, and In the best style of
workmanship. by T. T. Evrens, practical
plumber and Rag and steam titter, No. 163
Wood street.
Do yen know the •'Fenian Onthl”
'foam; New's talon Pliwyew Meetlow
will be held this ( Saturdey) evening in lisy.
ItemPs church, P.,) on 'Seventh street,
between tirnithdeld and tirent. All are 10.
• Americanised Forelam Watcher.—ln
gold and silver, rich and plain, for ladies
and gentlemen, at Baleen:ten, 2deyran at
Saddle's, Fit Ili - street. Prices to milt every
Cloetto—For foreign and American
cloche of CI desirable styles, go to the Jew
elry end time denot of Itelnemen, bleyran
and geldle, N 0.29 Fifth Creel.
Bath tabs, slats, water closets , bastes,
pumps chant:Milers, brackets, pendants,
globes, OIL lambs, .14...10, at the eery obeeP•
eat rates by T. T. Ewers, No. 163 Wood at. •
Piteous Flttlng . executed In Up-top ma
cbautcal style by T. T. Ewan,. practical
piumbor, No. IGS Wood street.
Plumb/..n In all Ita details promptly
and faithfully attended to by T. T. - Etrona,
No. 111 Wood atrort.
EH - Additional Local Nona on
Tnird Page.
--It female writer say. The intellectual
women aro few, and they generally marry
men of mediocrity or crippled physically."'
—Prince Charles, of Bavaria brother of
be Empress of Anetna, has gone into& con.
-oat. ' tartest the death of his Info vas the
, --The lumber, turpeutine and rosin trade
or Pensacola, Florida, is worth 43,u00,000 per
annum, and ILDISM railway Connection prom
ises on increase the amount.
—The American yachts Henrietta Fleet;
wing and Vesta, which nave been mid up
'at Cowes during the winter, are about to be
fitted out to go to lea for the smuttier sea-
—The Emperor and Empress of Ennis
Odd shortly proceed to Eisslngen, to take
the waters. They will afterward. to all
probability. go to Parts to visit the Exbibi
—Two loving ones who •Illoped from
Springfield, Illinois, were arrested In St.
Louis and plowed the night In the calaboose
Instead of having the nuptial k nos tied at a
loading hotel, as they intended.
—A day or two since, a daughter of WU
am Lotsky, living at Bell risme. Ifam,
as horned to death while making ample
sugar. Her uncle and brother were sem.
[lusty burned while trying to smoker:
—A strange epidemic eremite among the
feline race in the environs of listimels. Cats
are dying in largo numbers end very rslr”
idly after continual vomiting, spasms, eon
'Melons, and other symptoms resembling , I
—The Prussian, liesssemm, who only a few
years since advanced Ms simple, cheap and
short method of converting pig iron direct
ly into malleable steal. li t already enjoying
from It an Income Of $300.000 per annum.
—owing to the scarcity of wheat, for seed
and flour in Hamilton, Wight and Hancock
co pajes. lowa, e Supervisors are
ar . g .,A. pro ,, r iet th y of pledging the creditconsid.
Mono Mottles for the payment of snob sup.
piles as are absolutely required by the pea-
_ A "redoing party is said to have 1.3.9 ere•
bled In a country town in hulas, a few days
since, but the expected bridegroom failed
to put in an appearance. - The truestil were
shocked and the arida bytterical, until a
VcrUkTgellt. 4 . o lZrociee
was accepted, and married on the sporin,
13:I 213=
(From Um tibor Loma and Neer.]
It Is announced that the large iron clad,
William 1., at 111Fkwell, England, of which
no tench has bean said for COMO time pant,
has been acquired definitively for the
Northern German Navy, after a contract
panned between the Prussian government
and the builders of the Thames and Iron
Ship Building Company. The vessel, which
is now called William 1., is said to be the
strongest wnich has been built In Europe
or in Amerlew The plan of tile is minim 1.
wits originally made In 1511, with the assent
of the Admiralty by the chief coot rector of
the British navy, Mr. E. I. Reed, for the
Turkish government, and It was declared
that the new vessel would bet rte plus alien
of an Iron clad. Having been nearly
ed, It was transferred to Prussia by
the Sultan through financial reason..
What. opinion Kr. Reed had of his
child Is to be seen front ss speech made by
him at the Mechanic. Institute, at Plymouth.
In December last, where be states that If
Prussia acquires thin vessel li will have the
power to neutralize .11 the former alvanta
ses of tee ordinary Iron-clads of Prance and
England, and the Prussian flag might be
seen with wenrity and an envied pride over
theworld. The William is3r3 feet loug , ill
feet Ormul.MS4 middle depth sip! 5,93., tons
burden. It lathe ...loud man of war which
lies been Petit w ithdouble hul. and walls tor
rued by longitudinaleells. The William will
receive 16 guns of the heaviest calibre 7 feet
above the water line. There are two tur
rets wheeling on a pivot containing 4 gun.
93 feet above the water edge. Besides
thin, there are I guns behind convex shields.
There Ms not, however, been made any to.
elsion as to the definite armament of the
The artillery of the Bellerophon, which
has heretofore been considered the Strong
eh iron clad, consists In eight LAI pounders
In the battery, two alai pounders in the how,
and two 30) pounders in the stern, that is
altogether twelve against twenty-tour of
the William. Both vessels havean armor
clad belt of elrtecn inches, and the !atter
hue as a complimentary strength a girdle
of Iron all round the vessel, eight Inches
thick, to protect the water line. •Beuldes,
the batteries are covered with heavy iron
platlngs. The machinery of the vessel In
nominally 1,150 torso power, which may be
Increased to 0.(0),
. .
The AdDKeane of the powerful "William
I,"—the -"Cronin Prince." and the "Fredrick
Kane,. will be ready at the same time. Tne
former Is building at hatrionda Brothers,' In
roppelar, near Loudon. The la , ter was
launched the 16th of January at Lu Seine,
near Toniton (France.) Both are much in
ferior, having /6 guns each with only 5
Inches armor belt on the Water.llne. and
44 Lichee on the length of the Battery.
They hare pretty near the came keel dlmen ,
aloe as the English vessels, "Defence," and
•Iftealatanoe," namely:l7s and 2.1• O feet length.
Bet In the contrary they are from h to 10
feet leen In the male keel, which enables
them to be •wifter than all the English
vessels, whose rapidity does not exceed 10.-
650 ancll.s34 knots and hour.
MGRILId--COWLING.—tin Thursday evening;
May 9th, at the residence of toe bride's parents,
Carroll street. by the Rev. A. R Bell. Mr. WAL
an of Allegheny Clty. ISA No cards.
111.4R-9PEALMAN.—Ort Thursday ev
ing, May lth. 1011:, at the residence of the bride en•
parents, by the /UT. J. S. Dieterpro, Mr. D.
bolo or Pittsburgh..
LYNCII.:-LEEilli—On Thursday errntug. May
Stti, by Rev:Rlcharil Lea, Lairreucevilte, Mr.
11. Y. LYNCH bud MISS 11•111 A LEECH.
111711. , '5.--On Thursday. May 110, JAMES
BURNS, to the tilt year of Ms age.
The funeral wilt tate place Tosnaktdsturday,)
at 2 o'clock p. in.. from hit late residence, 10
Florence. M'ashington county, to.
NEGLEY.—On Friday. May 10th. tor. un.
A. ZiElii,XT, in the teal year of her age.
The fit oeral will take place from the residence
of her .on-In-law. Ben. TOot. Belton, Nesley
avenue. Lass Liberty, on bas Do y, May 11th, at
!o'clock p. in. C,rriNcts will leave Moreland
Mitchell's Livery distil,. No. 411. Liberty streets
at:o'clock P.R.
WOUDS.—on Feld.; morninr, Illy leth,
STEPLIEN WOODS, or.. in the s:.l year of hi.
Funeral at k 0%1010 P, Y. un 01 0000, May
1 . 1.11. from the residence al.!, son. Itobt. Wood..
Eat., Caton township, to Proceed to alieltheer
Cemetery. Carriages will leave Petterson's
Livery usable. Fourth .trees, a' 11:30 p. m. The
(Bemis of the family ere respectfully Welted to
B KALE.-0n TrWay TuDrul pg. May 1011,1567,
as 6o•clock, tiZUJUIC illtAida, in tee Thth year
of LB U.
His funeral will tate place on MOKDATC - 00 xe.
lOU, May 12th, at 9 o'clock. from the tealdence
of his lon-in-law, N. 4. Marphy. Hw Ol Fulton
atreet, near cliff. Funeral aerrlcen at Sr. Paul'.
tatadral, at 9,,s o'clock.
I/ saVget WA 3:1110 0 al i; IMlii M
No. 166 Fourth street. Pittsburgh, Pa.
001/11.Nb of all kinds; CRAPES. GLOVE.% and
00017 description of /talent Furnishing floods
funtlabed. Rooms opened day and night. Hearse
and Carrlsges furnished.
31►ang0us—Rsv. avid Kerr, D. D., Nor.
IL W. Jacobus. LLD., nob.. Hying. /so., .1.6-
0.. b H. Miller. E.
‘' • KAU AND E WILI:MEM. someisor to the
Iste Samuel K. 12.4 O gen, \ o. LID Oldo Street.
three doors front Bearer. Alice..., city. Me
tallic, Rosewood. llotionmty. Walnut and Rose
wood Imitation Coma.. at the lowest realised
prices.. Roams open at all boar*, day •04 night.
Hearse sad i'arrlastes furnished on short notice
sad on most rvason.ble terms.
ii . AWitiiiiiitrSr WiTlf . E - I . 77rZ:ollo7Ziii•Ttri
Attune to Franklin street.
ditet)till OtitSZT. hum to fe , t east et rob(e
BeboOl Hoot. to a clot 4d) feet tutor tlutcru
star of Ittemlnglia Bridge.
Woe radypg ano id, PASTURE ALLEY.
and thadtag AUdll r ar uEer, from rennA , rvet
to Water sweet. 0 Oo received at tete odiee.
West Market Solid 80. onto WiLDNSoL , WY.
Mar Idth. tem.
u. J. MOOSE,
toy9:7loo' Iteoniotor i
he received seta SATURDAY. Mb dor of
DoT. for cearElizrn WORK ind PLASTRII:
150: for the UE - RTIND: PAIVTIN(.I AND
°LATINO; OAR PITTDilii: ULU/1211AG, of
sr. ricri OULU emu', OTT ignitor=
Carpenter Wort, .'f‘d ratnttpli to
Bide e will
will be received for .he eehavac Mod. of
hidetoor the bole job.'
be addreeeed ''The 'Reliant Com-
YPtsw." care of JOU. , C. MUM, dvdreiorl.
o. 100 1111! street Pittsburgh, Pa.
- • •
SALT—A splendid pair
of steua pit... almost new, made by
Hum,of elnimliell; cylinders 1.6 Pubes &am
etr,ll feet stroke. wrought Iron - shatta Imo
cranks. tine Doctor Engine. .One 'freight
Hobppe Skiii , ine. Bless Capstan , A. Complete
nylpt n n tnet, soluble for freight or tow
boats.' We 1.111 tymalnit Bolters to match. and
no,' me entire meelkleuy. for either a Ant 010.1.
frfa Bt. or tow boll, In complete working order.
ddi oat • new bull, tailing en Interest In
aid boat If deallnblo. I
Lootare of HUGH DZ. DOLE & CO.
• S. .113. 1-.IE - 401N,
Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Mo. 4 FOURTH erram.
Betweega Liberty and ' , airy 'tree..
th 4, promptly stlaadrel to.
Mannekturers of :
cos.. 133 MITAYULD MIXT. •ua
!AI Wst,":,th oil9.thth.P ud old SAI Te
rn Na zism ',mazer.
S7l JOS. B. /11301iL5 HBO
i;I3 , :ffIDCA -- ;1:4(Vtzt:40:+3+ 1 11i1
Another Lot Just Received,
Ezsbrtelste some
of of
ket.the best styles of easter este
brotebt to this
We would ask those who ars destroys of pus
chas tMg earthing to this Hoe to cull at one sad
see 01.1 a stock. 1
areagrolleaxas, ,
. -Fa ArlirskuhaWE'.'
6 Wylle St s 3d door troll
sotorsicor—..—.—..: , %. scow.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
3Pit - timbourigily Poriasakr.
as- Particular attentlan Irina b Stamlrlag
wauenea, Olow 1.4 Jewelry. An tort war.
noose Spring Stock of
Gaiters & Slippers,
3E . ll.csor) 033m1-rte.
55 & 57
;S9 89 89 89 89 89 89 189
.491 P TO
so i l = L MI 33 ' Ei,
S9l 89 Market Street,
89 9 , •
IN 4 r,
89 1JAS. ROBB, 89 Market
S 9 89 89 89 89 89.89 BS.
' THE el 11 PERI 01 MERITS'
11ACHINL over all otbein, for family!
I !usa and general burl:Poste, .re so 2 .2 n ea- 1
!Ittablistied and so generally &dealt:ed. that
! , an enumeration of fatly. excel
!; leteles is no langet C 2 al and neesata-1
!ry. Tdey are simple, datable and bean
wirsrrllN AGENCY,
Pract nil [urnito \ r, , e Manufacturers
I.3..t . styles of YIIHNITURZ eons tly
HAIR WOHKIDL •Kt)Rftlit •R, 9*
fourth *trete. ate door from Woo-L. INtlabar
*bra T• Oa hand • gen.ral aemortenebe W igs.
dies , IS Itende. Curb; Gentle=e32••
Tope.. Belays. Heard Chales. Brecelete;
A plat pn. le cub Hal be Mall for ELM
ladles• ..n•1 gentlemen•. haisNeti
the neatest mamas,
No. 150 FOURTH ST., AIXI/10 2,11414Lng,
TER NEALLIN, Is.. dope la all 104.
81f1P F ENM, t i neY O U ß y lle .ll ol B a4 T O glerX
round, wrrnOrr { lnn, in a nerr built..., ught.
pielleant and honorable, AND NO COIIMITTION.
tiorar nod emergent Anenta (Lail. and thtst.te
.)ans wrated to rename. us In ea.,. Cunt
. 0 4 I,;arint), • D
r Ann ClahleCn ale money.
n 4 rmax.ottx- W.YriAtllLnl la aerated la •
encr7 per.. baring a Ma boors daily no •poze. • ,
For &water part.l”lars plea.. call ar
drat., ti. w.
I. A.ChroN & CO., 11 &tomb larva.
31, • •11411,11/1
_ •
CITY to boY tee
I. at 160. 146 tiltgliT ETRE=
nsows a ,Co 116 srmanzitp emir":
mmptir border, avariewo . f . 4l, egani maw,
VlN.VgalteegrtaLr,j,;.' ,11
Hu ag i S
oh ci at h s . Bor. Tolland. Yet. n. OUoo
mans, Eland and Fletore Cords and Tauela. Wad
at the gime store. on hood or made too-der.s
fine shock or White sod Callen Marta. Oellara.
. 0 0.. for eentleetre,s wear. thlrl:erle •
Three Loon tbOTO Smithfield Street,
Seer, kind of Work done on the annul naeln
and most reuentoletermt. L i anieulunttentidit.
Paid an Jobbins• 1514.14
puNos: PIANOS! entire
stock or NAZE a m walah
are now considered tbo beat m ade also RAINES
MUM CELLBILATED 11.1.1400. Pries trosallXo
upward. Persons In want of a tint otau Mao
before pareasanr ebewb
are nopeetfully-Inelted:
era. * esti and anangsut
er end Gem belting; also. tiara Packlair,
Howe. Burst% de:. of *lra best tineltrf aad at
reduced pmts. Tin beat quality of torleibb.
bays oa habfl at tbe lodla Rubber D.P.%
26 abl M. 611 IX Mut.
Sahli a. s LI. Parlaalfv