The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 10, 1867, Image 1

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No. Eta PArth Street.
Y. U. pEntsnlia
T. P. HOUSTON, ' I --•
„Cagle a cents.
- tyered by pular. (per 1reek.).«."...1.6 amts.
Pail bubscrtbars, (Der $B.OO.
Liberal reauctlons to riewYtxrys and UWE.
21met Copes, Der year, by
FlVir do. do. do. sub
Tnn or more copies, to one address, and
one free to (lob. eaob
Yea Will
Fulda Dental ratanl:tan:lent at. t'le Donn
etreet..Dra..slll a Gillespie.
Sowlno Mtihluos, removed from No. 13 to
o, lot Fifth btrcet, &Love Smithfield stroot.
To liibsklewale Boyers
Of Dry Moods we odor bargains in job lots
of Dress Goods, PantiOts. Linen G oo d s, ": l
lull Imes of Shoettags, ' blu{Liege. Prints,
ilheeks, ac., all or which wo will
101 l at the very lowest - elegem cosh pricoS.
r. it". /i.turso - 4. ,
td Market street, below Third a Fourth sfa.
41111. tatairbe Wine
A VlCllthil.artlelc,—sold et low rotes at
FlowloWn f Drug store, No. Si Market
rase Drugs!" - I
ruro Drop!! ruro Drugs!!! Pure Drugs!!
nt liuln¢ Drltit'SDAUeghe4l9...
Ton an Bur
Torotan Liquors of all 'dada at Joseph S.
lie, 121; 1S and /25
Tile bent ludlic. •
For tile lona . . money, at Fleming's Drug
storn, No. a Alarket street.
You Can Bay
Paper Coat. Aleolual at Joseph S. ft:LW&
'Pon Cast Buy
0B Hops at Joseph S. Pinch's
A Romanilo Olvoree Gott—The Mei Sib
menial Kepi/rime° of AM Irish koat
• g0501.,-Threo Years of Wed leek—
Separation. of Thirty Years—Anoth
er marriage In thelanerim—mooting
of Father and Non—Unhappy Baena ,
ninon—The Old LoVo Renewed for
1' Wry Days—The Second Wife lite
., semen—Atilt for Divorce and All
in the year Lilo, If Mrs. Catharine Spell
.. man can be believed, she, the said Clothe- •
i rine, at the , parishUf Megattgli, in the court
- ty of Mayo, Ireland, Demme endowed of, all
and singular, the potato patch, pig, cote. and
other "articles of furniture." which were
then possessed. by John Spellman, in conso
quence of the matrimony Of the said John
and Catharine. .Of the particulars of the
courtship, the description of the wedding,
or the character Of the honeymoon, the Cu.
rims public must for the present remain m
; . ignorance.
The subsequent married life of the par.
- ties is not/ however, involved in so much
. obsciirlty. A part Wit was put upon, the
record of the Circuit 'Court. a day or two
elute, In the nature of a bill for divorce, al.
•• though the .parties :. have bean married
nearly two score years. In the usual hum.
bre and respectful language,. Catharineiu
• , forms the Court that snot was married at
the time and place above. mentioned, and
• the further information Is also conveyed
• . that, for the succeeding live years, the said
John end Catharine engaged and suffered
t , the usual pleasures and . perplexi ties of
toarried life, a part of the latter being the
2 , birth of three children—Patrick, Bridget
S - . and Michael—nowaged thirty-ave. thirty
, four and thirty two years respectively.
' ' Whether Mr. Spellman found the difllculty
of providing for a family too latiorlon, or
• whether the Infirmity of sire. Speriiman's
„ temper seas such that distance lent en
j. chrintmeut to herpresence, ma not at pros.
i ent benceurately stated. Tllti public hare,
0, however the statement that alter a flee
S • years' trial of the matrimonial state, Oscine
Fj day, without this knowledge of his spouse,
7. • embarked for America and left liar to pro
- vide for the chilltrau as best she might.
ti - • . lire .
jFor about twenty years It wonld seem
j Spellman. patiently awaited for. some .1.14-
j Inge of her truant husband, but receiving
,: none, determined to prone/do the :each
la person, and, accordingly crossed the
ocean with bee ,) , phildreo,, that she might
i. C •i.
more effectually... One the Investigation
• fie to the htliereabouts of - sir. 'Spellman.
/ Newly {ten :nor - years of frattleas labor
ef ti
• elapeol. until, •aom Ime in October, MSS,
-4 the eldest son, Pa Mk, &Isa/wed the
p, whereat/a. otitis p,, genitor In the county
of edephentum In MIS State. Tne eirenm
,,, stances whic h led to th e recognition. it Is
t to be regretted, were not deemed of cum.
/ Went importance to b allegol in the bill.
It Is barely poesibloth
ledtooth Jhet. in the
_LI '.. tale, Le may have been discovery
' , I by //similarity of structpro in the nasal or.
ispin of the respective patties, or some ~other
1 anelgnilleant Incident quite as trivial.
Itr.Speliman, Br., was Somewhat II ustmt
•A ol by the advent of a itothirty years old,
', end not without arouse fir each rt -feeling,
for he was under the disagreeable necessity
, : i ' ll t in tr islt d tliel l it i tte a r r itt: pr r a n h i n o ving s. • Sl eVit
ed the bett nada/sr' d WU& S palm an, senior,
. 4 feronly themoderatepertal of twenty.eight
t y ears, ant Las a not unnatural. consequence,
'i having &couple of childrea in the meantime
to grace the,fluxuly circlet in a pecuniary
. point. uf view, too, Mr. Spellman's.' ensign.-
I: - Lion to America had been a decided memo. ,
„, Me Mame was ranked among the thee-
. sands, and. he writhe fortunate- possessor •
$ of houses, lands, hors., carriages, week
.it and other property too extensive toonurner-
ri ate. Upon tho solicitations Wt. son, how-
ever, Mr. Spellman returned to the choice
•,.. of his youth, then residing at Philadelphia, •
.• r where the latter, after a good deal ofpersua-,
, elan, united with the fact. that he was the
'j owner of a considerable fortaine, was Ind tre
j ed to lergive him for his thirty years of der
sertion, and reinstate Lim in her &freest°.
.t nroVldedisessould thenceforth be faithful
• I and true taller and to his marriage vows.
-1 for the-short periodmf only City-four'
days did Mr.Spellman enjoy the, society of
his former partner, at. We erpnation or
2., which time Ito Invented a plausible storri
t.• it/formed Mrs. Spellman NO. i. that be was
'c going to return West merely fort the- pnr
, • pose of disposing of Ma property, promts
, lug to retu rn again and give litta.Spellman
. • No- widaberth tat airstrip. - lint 11ir..61/111.1: .
~- . . man did not so return and it would seem,
.. t - if the slates/sone o f Wil aro correct,
.I .' l • that,e gt:tifrergnVer.wfilffle,L,.lltt.trimtcl7/
.• , again deserted her. for I. omens pleasing
~ and amiable coespileionsliip of Mrs. Spell
•-• .. man So.l.
The ontrage of a second desertion was toe
. , .. much even lor ammo, possessing the for.
' , .1.•. gtving disposition of the .cliler lire. Spell
, man. Nothing less, than ft divorce and ton
., ple alimony wll.l, satisfy he outragtd wt
.., tare, and to eccure the latter "she
: 11, trete the Wean writ of rie sat rexplthlka
1 .
:1 - ' to provontj)2Aitckle- John f om again de
'f•. f Darling for Parte linknown.-Chicatio , Meats.
) .
•ha .
A Midnight Beene elesseral 6rA11(..•
• ,e The battle of Arbele was the eloqtlence
daring °tithe Part of the Yoeng Macedon
• inn fling. That of Thermopiles was •the
• eloquence of patriotism on the part of
211 Leonidas and and his &Idiots; The battle
of Austerlitz, was the eloquende of bravery I
on the part of yonng,Corsica. The mono of
•• Valley Forge wee the eloquence of faith on
theo B:trtigifwgehikttinLlT.Mtrnetatearl
• these element-A and added the eloquence'
• of etlesice. ; • ,
• Tho ell-kn Own result; or that germs con.:
tilot was adverse to the army df the United;
states. General Lee had dung one wing of
army between our. forces and the bare
• of their • supplies. which fic2Nra
• another nettle to rugala
ion and carps commander 'thew this sad
••.I condition of affairs. They wore all sum•
• marled to t e
council of war, to be held at the
beadrinartcra at ono o'clock at night- They
• were tbo saddest stops ever taken by that
band or devoted hearts. Fifteet•thtnissad
• bravo soldiers, dead or dying, or .anneal,
_;_werclingon.tho hl , d — Ll by,
rue _
• Ono after , another e i rd t d o re 4 tD i n? ,
retr•dgelits. Gene ele
rels aa ' Nchofiel e d u , rfes o fto,
Howard, and others, 1
...o ) rftlF'h " S a htril l' i l :P l p w age d d w g. BP ' ' St e l :
• emotions wens too deep for utterance.
;lopes of millions hung on tins decision of
, r that council. •
• - 4 AL length General Grant asked each one in
• ..Cee.lo+ll( they had. 'Ley advioe to
for. Each one answered with a sad nson. l .
•-,;. °syllable, not
ndedt ader then w .
ice . ° l;Voit, W and he
retired. This was repeeted until all :wore
gene,and the General was laft atom . One
of the stall of A-division commander, who
was aick, Was Unshod to retire, and he is
authority for the above,
All were Ignorant of each other's order.
They felt Assured that retreat had been di.
rooted. Any other.alternative would have
1. been believed to bo madness. lied they
known that the order bad bona given to ad
•• 2 Vance, instant and universal mutiny would
have beer, raised. That eloquent silence for
• which's° has ever been noted, was the key
to hissuccoss there. -
„ 7 The neat morningoach corpa moved, and
Gen. Lee,
the instant 110 prC•COlVed it, - silo
vehemence excleiMed; "Oar enemy have a
;,;• "c" leader atta i n. and our cause Is lost!. Ile
11 •1 had bid his officers the night before to let
• tbeir soldiers eiceplong.. lint now be saw
}.7 the .nW/1 00, ho thought utterly defeat.
ed mo vin g round between him the base
•:, of his suppllca.
ie haelonedto begin retracing hiscourei,
-and confessed to en artillery ualcet of the
Confederate army that the doom of their
c l ose wee coaled.
- _
-i-TllO penal. gravers of. Delaware are
mi h rylauti salmi mot New lercey, anticl
pale roll crops'. The chippers of peaches l
chtTliew York maxket, it 15 5111‘1.115501111 141 : 1
a rta - a ',emeriti with the railyhol c o .p.,ntm,
to e nd sevonty•live oars o r peaches dolly
^ lug file ocozon.
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Proceedings kept Semi.
What Franco and Prussia Want,
Ily Telegrapit to the rlitsburgh tAzette.)
ricusge. -
Lennox, May 9.—The demand., of the
Prussian Cabinet in regard to Ln.r.bmburg,
are assuming a menacing tone.
beaux, May o.—The Prussian piet yea
terday accepted the new constitution for
the North tiertitan ContederatiOn. I
attxtirrcu , s tur.r . r,.
Governor Wright,tho Sinerlean
Is bettor, awl will Co to . onrlaliehl for
tlto reetointion of ble
sr. Perscaucno, May 9.—Empotor Alex.
andrer will vii Paris in June.
LONDON, May 9—Son.—Console opened
with an advance and quoted at 90.4. Fives
twenties, ililnoLs Central, 7.511.
Licanroor., May S.—Noon.—The cotton
market opens easier, at a decline of e s on
middling. uplands; the estimated sales are
10400 bales; middUng uplands 1014,11; Orleans
Will. Corn declined iki; sales at 4.33 3d per
enactor for mixed western. Wheat; No. 1
Milwaukee Ned, las 9.1; white Calliornia,
td per cental. .Iterley 4s el
pounds. Oats 3s id per fortyglve pounds.
Peas Its. Bacon; Cumberland cut middles
Xis per cat. Lard: 323 el for American.
Pork lis ad. Beef lids per barrel. Cheese
00.4 per cert.
The Peace Congress—Tee Plenlpo
tentlarles—Whnt Franco Is Willing
to Accept—Prussia Wants a boar
anlee of Settlement—Bismarck on
the Situation—Movements of Bas•
New Year; May 9.—The .Ilerrad's special
dated London. Sth, says: Tne first session
of the Peace Congress, after its organiza
tion in this City Yesterday. was not merely
a formal meeting of the Great powere rep
resentatives, but one at which the Luxem
burg question was dlseassea with a desire
to bring the difficulty between France and
Prussia ton speedy close.
Teo names of the plenipotentiaries are:
England—Lord Stanley, President; Franco
—Prince 1)0 La. Tour IrAtivergne; Prussia—
Count Bernstroff; Austria—Count dopolngi;
Bassin—Baron Brunow• Italy—hiarqul Do
aulloiLuxemburg—liai - on Distarmicol Bei
glum—lL Van De Meyer; Notherianda—lia •
ron Bentenell. '
The proceedings are kept secret till the
close of the Convention.
This much, however, Is known, that
France is willing to accept the neutralize.
Mon of Luxemburg, and the dismantling
and raring of the fortress, so that it may
not remain as a menace. Pru.ssla is not
disposed to consent to this, unless all the
Great rowers now represented In the Con
gress give a guarantee of rho' settlement.
The giving .of this. guarantee would Mad
them to engage In war against the future
designs of either trance or Presets seeking
aggrandizement in this direction. Eng.
land hesitates to give. ameba guarantee,
and favors the idea of the people of Lux
emburg for annexation to Belgium.
Thesession was adjourned to Thursday.
toe:able the llopresawitative to have tele
graphic communication with their mance.
tine governments. Meantime, pending
the Issue of the deliberations of the Pence
Convention, great war preparations are
going on on both sides, notwithstanding
the official denials to the contrary. France
is buying arms both In Engiand and Spain.
and the rrusslan troops of the regular army
are being held in reaulnea to support the.
garrison in Luxemburg..
The Hernfa'ssnecial, dated Berlin, yester
day, the Nth, says Count Bismarck, in con
versation on the aspect of affairs, 0,
day, declared that the situation Is new,
more/serious than over before:
Russia is looking out for her chances of
aggrandizement in the En:tend Poland by
the opportunity of a general war. Muskets
aro tieing converted Into Uri:cell-loaders for
all the Russian army.
The general opinion nu the mintinent, In
that the maintenance of peace depends on
the action of the London, conference. Fears
are entertained that the failure of the rep
resentatives there Assembled may bring on
a general European war, In which each
country, caring, little for the Luxemburg
question, or the future position of the peo
ple of tile Grand Duchy, will endeavor to
forward their own particular designs by
force of arms.
The impeachment of fod¢e Frasier—
, Trial rroreedli—A Negro Shot by
White Woman —Southern Baptist
107 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easeite.]
Reims - ars. Slay o.—The second act of the
Impeachment drama closed to-day by the
exclusion of One of the Conservative Sena
tors. on the ground that, being a brother of
the accused Judge, he was incompetent to
Mt upon his trial. Hy this act the Radicals
Bemire the two-thirds majority necessary
to convict: The Dial will note be pushed to
. a conclusion.
Mantels. May O.—A negro named John
Sick wen, while attemptinit tolforce an en
trance into the hods°Syrmott, a
well known Jourstallist, last night, was
shot through the heart by Airs. Synnott,
who was stone In the house.
The Southern Baptist Convention con
vened to-day. Rev. P. 11. Neill, of Utiorgin,
was chosen President. Little was done
nave organising. The delegates numbered
two hundred, thirteen States being repro
vented, including the District of Columbia.
Foreign Missionary Boards reported ex.
penditures at tr.. 1,020 during the paotyear ,
and have six missions in China and Africa.
. The Domestic Board, located in Marlon.
‘Alabama, has collected and disbursed 411,-
010, and employs 124 home MlSSlooorics•
I also, teal:Minn missions among-the Clicro:
keen and Choctaws..
Government ' ,
Se to Protect
/bakeries-IMo DOMIAIOI2 tot tlonadtt.
thy Telegraph to the Pit uhregh Gazette.]
Quiracc, May 9.—The "tinned schooner La
Qauadreune 9n being fitted Out for a cruise
In the Gall o(..Eit. Lawrence for the protee
tton of the Mt erica.
Orreera, Stay 9.—lt is understood the
Queen's proclamation creating the domin
ion of Canada and appointing members Of
the Senate, will shortly be issued. The act
will take effect the glint week in July, when
Lord Monde will be sworn in as first Vice
roy or Governor General. Then will follow
ariPolotmonik of Privy Counsellors, four
Lieutenant Governors, and the general or
ganization of the confederate rad local
government.. The elections will probably
not take place before August or September.
FROM 111V1N.,4
The Case el the Mesmer neyee 'fame
, Still E.•• 1...
[hi Telegraphs thy ht..bu, go uaseue.i
Naar Tone. /May 9.—The steamer Eagle
brings Havana adviom to the 4th.
The area of the bark Ocean Home was still
unsettled. The bpanish allthOlttlee contin
ued to detain her at an expense of fifty 401.
Jars per day. They also Maim aline of 417.-
530. Our CODSIII General has energeticallto,
protested against this, and endeavored to
have the matter settled. het the Captain
General continues during bushman home.
but is out daily riding.
Bailsman Co on In. Ohio—Two
gilasera and Oae 'freeman Willed.
illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossetia .
.Is - ntsuarot.ts, May 11-6. collision occur.
red on the licilerontaine ItsMoroi, near Old.
noy.uhlo.last night, betwoonaconstructlon
killed and an engine. Both engineers were
and ono fireman. The other Llreman
was badly hurt.
Flood In tho tstquehoons—A Foot
of Knott oat Abe Alleghenies.
Lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Sissette•l
Ilanatiscao, May 9.—Tho Bu3qßattanna
is rudog slowly. It Is hour siXteOn foot
above lovrwratur mark and Will appareatly
math tbobolgbt attained in lain.
Travolota from tho Welt report a foot Of
show on the allastundos.
13,7 r,,,, 9. The. lc, biotic ht front.
of Um harbor Ina, broken tilt, tool -‘l. large
;lett, QS yvbiNls arOictl 13/14 motnlng.
[By Telegraph . to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
—Capt. D. C. Coleman, tried by Court Mar
tial, found guilty of embszzlement, and
Sentenced to the Penitentiary, has brought
Hun In the U. S. Circuit Court at St. Louis
against General G. at. Dodge, Gen. Douse.
Ville, Gen. Baker, the Secretary of War and
others, for false Imprisonment, claiming
damages in sloo,ooo. leo was Provost Mar
shal in the Second District - of Missouri Liar.,
lug the time of the draft for soldiers.
—The colored people of St. Louis held a
meeting on Wednesday night, at which they
adopted resolutions demanding equal rights
in the street cars.
—The dry goods house of Zdr. Heller A
Son, at St. Louis, was robbed on Tuesday
night Mit at.nearly 1.4000 worth of goods.
~Winensore, the Philadelphia murderer,
it, is believed, will be acquitted on the
ground of Insanity. The case' went to the
Jury yesterday.
—Preparations are being mule_on a lib
eral scale for the National tinengerfeet to be .
hell in Philadelphia next mouth.
—The New York 23mer says: - 4, 190 have
received directly groin the police authori
ties of the city Inforination of recent organ
izations, which era now in progress, for the
-purpose of resisting by violeueo and blood
shed, If necessary, the execution and en
forcomeut of the excise rani other laws
which are obnoxious to a large class of our
citizens." The World says Superintendent
Kennedy has issued orders to the polfco
corps to notify all storo keep Ors, cigar
stands, etc., not to open their places of bus
bless on Sunday hereafter.
—A. railroad convention was held in Cleve
land on • Wednesday, 'with cloned doors, at
which all tile principal roads and steam
boat lines in-the country were represented.
The object of-We convention was to Bottle
the existing difficulties in regard to freight-
Ho oancluslon was arrived at, and the con
• smitten adjourned to meet In Chicago ,
day. A. resolution was adopted to take no
freight from the Baltimore and Ohio road
unless prepaid.
—A steamer left Cleveland last night for
~ an bilimst In the Canadian territory, con
voying friends, principals •and party to
witness the price light between Davis and
Elliott to-tiny.
—General Sheridan has issued an order
extending the time for registration m his
district to the 3d proximo.
Merlons Negro Riet=Troops Ordered
Out—The Rob Iterame to Disperse ,
et the Commend of 'Gen. leeholleld
—The Soldiers Cheese On.Yoneht
and Drive the Meters WE •
(By Telegraph to the Mubarak °melte.]
Mummy, VA., May 9.—A serious riot oc
curred this evening. , A large crowd of no
grecs gathered in Cary street to witness the
trial of the engines of the Richmond Ire
department, and Wilmington, Dehsware,
Ire companies. A fight took place and a
negro was arrested. A mob of negroes res
cued him, but ho was again cap.
tnred. Upon arriving at • the upper
Station lions% the negro mob again rescued
him, throwing paving stones at the police.
Captain Jenkins, of the police, two ser
geants and ono private, were injured, two
of them' seriously. I3y this time the mob
had swelled to nearly one thousand blacks.
General Schofield sent up a company of the
eleventh regiment, and came on the
ground himself. Ile spoke to the mob,com
mending them to disperse, but his order
was disobeyed. The soldiers then charged
bayonets and drove them away. More sol
diers were sent to the Station House after
mglit„, end the riot Is m ot su r roun d ed
newed:DM - Mg the riot th
a house in which a white boy had taken
refuge, and clamored for him until be came
out, when the pollee took him in charge.
The nogroes said he had a slung shot.
Order for Brainingloot to the Stoles
of Borth mod booth Corolino.
tßy Telegraph to the rlttaborgh (gazette.)
CnettLesioa, May tickles Lae
Issued an order to the effect, that Ile Will,
On the third Monday In July, cause a rule.
iration of the citizens of North and South
Carolina, not disfranchised to the rebellion,
or by felony at common law. Boards of
Registration are to be appointed, who shall
also make return of the votes for delegates
to the ennetltutional Convention. Thu
Board of Registration will sit two days.
Lists are to boopon to public . examination
for seven days, after which they are to be
revised, objections heard, Sc. The order
glees full instructions as to the manner of
Maryland Constitutional Conventlo •
—Form of Oath Adopted.
Ulf Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ussette.)
Armarotts, May s.—The Constitutional
Convention adopted the form of anioath for
members, declaring allegiance to the State
of Maryland, and the Constitution and gOV
crnment of the . United States, as the Su.
promo law of the land, any State ordinance
to the contrary notwithstanding, and will
protect and defend the Union and not
allow Um same to be broken, and disconn.
Lemn° all political combinations having
such object. The members took the oath.
The national flag was ordered to be tits.
played from tho dome of the Capitol during
the session ol the Convontion.
[By Telegraph to the rutsburgh (iszette.3
OIL CITY, May C.—River five feet and fall
ing slowly. Weather clear and pleasant.
Ma rats, May 9.—TherWer has fallen two
(Br Tel crraph to the rata bu nth u are tr e. 3
OAK Yasncteeo, (lay o.—Flour active and
firm; the New York demand la unabated,
at 41,57; Oregon, at dr.,k). Wheat qulet, at
4:02,1o. Legal Tender., 74.
Tragedy In Delaware—Harder by a
. Jealous Husband.
(Prom the Wwhingten fi)ei.l °matte.]
About nine o'clock Pesten/ay morning
the neighbors were startled by acreatne
emanatieg from the house of Mr. Joseph
W. Pratt, on the corner of Seventh sod Jef
ferson streets. Very soon after Joshua
Fumy Smith, the proprietor of the Outlets
Queen hotel, of this city, Pumml Out of the
house. No one then noticed tins, although
blood woe Issuing from wounds on his per
son and marking the pavement every fow
steps, as appeared afterward: on ro mine,
tion. After walkmg some distance Ise sat
down on a stou and called for amistance,
Those who want to him found him bleeding
and asked who stabbed him. lie replied
floe Pratt,. and asked to be taken home.
The sleeve of his left arm was full of blood,
which be had apparently been endeavor
ing to keep from dropping. They assisted
him across the street, when he became so
faint that they took him into a shop, and
sent for Severn/ physiclan. Smith's wound
woe on the left arm near the shoulder. the
arteries being severed. Ile died in about
half an hour.
About ton o'clock the Officers proceeded
to Pratt's house and took him to the city
hall cells. lie made no resistance, but had
to be supported by the oMeers. They then
returned to the house and accompanied
Mrs. Pratt to the Mayor's office. The cis.
enmstances, as we learned them before the
Inquest wee hold, stem these.
There were paper hangers in the house at
work In the second story. One report is
that Smith owned the house, and went there
to attend to the repairs that were being
made, and Mr.. Pratt Is reported to Mee
o tut that her humane insitc.l him let, the
laud story to talk over some matters, and
she, being fearful that there might be some
trouble between them, went up also After
eke got there, Pratt stabbed Smith. In an
.effort to prevent this. she received a severe
cut -in one other fingers. Reports nave
been in circulation for 'several years in
which smith was said to be visiting PratVa
home in his abseenco. About two years
ago Pratt became Interested in an oil com
pany in Virginia, and he returned hero two
weeks ago. He then had an interview With
Smith, which resulted rather aatrefaCterhy,
and Pratt took his wife to Pennsylvania on
a visit. After they returned sweet to
New York, andname back last Friday night.
smith's body was removed to his house,
and a' coroner's jury sworn in about 12
o'cloak, which adjourned until Sr. sr. Mr.
Pratt is about fifty years of age, and Smith,
we think was about the same, Mrs. Pratt
is about forty. Smith stood well eau Muth
nese man mu hotel keeper, being active
and onerimtle. Ile leaven, a wife anti four
or five children. Mr. Pratt is a gentlemen
of good Mt/cation a fluent speaker, and
has always been highly respectful by those
who knew him. It ut said that Prattt says
lie had not slept for five nights, and that
Mrs. Pratt had made some- acknowledges
meat TuaterdaY morning, Just previous to
Smiths entering the home. In the Inter
view Pratt asked Smith "what he would do
to a man who had prostituted his wife
Smith moiled, would thenim It is
presumed_ the. knife woe used. It is
ohm sulti . rratt got information In New
York eta hots] where Smith and Sire. Pratt
hod put tip lost rummor, that caused him to
t itut emirs° 'lndia. Thu paysisions say
that iimlth's lito might Lava [wen salmi
Loa Augdolloco todoution Won Lod,
Probable Suspension of Bounties
iterest on Registered Securities.
The Three • Per Cent. Bonds
By Telegraph to the l'lttebergh 0.040.1
WAmmuroN, Iday 9, 193;
Assistant Secretary Chandler. alter sev
eral week.' .Nonce for the hanent of lila
health, has returned to Washington nadir.
named We duties.
The United Statoi Supreme Court orders
that no copies of the enters,• rules and
forme in bankrupcy, or any of them to be
established by the Court, shalt be public hod
until the order of the Court.
will DS rACTX tXT sr runs as.—Pllolllo
suarnssios or nova - rms.
By reports from Wadungtos twiny It sp.
pcars . that the expenses of the War Depart
ment alone, for the present fiscal year, will
be from 41Z.0.10,00) to $1:0,e04,0e0. It Is sta
ted the Secretary may recommend a su.
pension of bounties.
• ' VIZ resteuxec OP racoosii.
A special to the Cononerviot states that the
testimony of Detective Baker, before • the
Judiciary Committee, abont u large number
of pardons sent South by Express, each ono
marked one hundred dollars or more, to be
collected on delivery, is uot Conn rmod•
Attor the first of July the payments of ln•
toren on registered securities Of the Gov
ernment wilt ho malts at the lollowing
placer New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
Battimore, Cincinnati, Chided°. New Or
leans, Charleston, St. Louts, San Francisco,
Buffalo and l'ittahnrch. The last three
citiedhave boon recently selected. Parties
who desire to. have their interest paid at
thoabove pladoS are required to gAve no
tice at the Department.
In the Supremo Court the case of the Md.
waukto and St. Paul Hullo:ma vs. &latter.
Surflour d•. Co. woo argued and wlll
be conUnued to-mof-row.
The following was received today:
ST. I.oola, May S.—TL Gen. U. P. G
lieneral Augurreports the arrival at Om tam
of a eltlren who left Fort Buford April Pith.
Colonel nankin and the garrison were ell
well. The report of thetnassacre originated
la Chicago.
(Signed), W. T. StIVLICAX, Lleet. Gan.
Tune. 'ran CZNI, Lose 110:"..
Plates have been prepaml for the bond: ,
under the new three per cent. lean, which
will be issued be August. These bon,le . will
ho I.llod In sums of 45,0 CA and Slums). only
tha SAI/00 bonds have a red border, with the
vignette of General lessenden, while theme .
of .10,000. have • aroma herder .and the vig
nette of Secretary • About
$5,000,000 worth of $lO.OOO bonds have bean
printed and delivered to tile Secretary.
Tho receipt, of internal Iteveuue toAlu
wore ricarLY half mililoo.
New Yous, May 0. ,, -Superlutendent of
l'olico Kennedy has ordered the enforce•
ment of almost absolute Sunday law, which
prohibits the sale, or exposure for sale, of
any goods on Sunday, except by the Jews,
whoso business is closed on Saturday. All
restaurants, segue stores, barber shops,
drug stores, will bo closed.
CONVIDErreII NYSE •namiren.
John Gray and James Wilson. two {Vest
ern coundeoeo men, wore arrested to-day.
for attempting to swindle an old gentle.
man from Rahway. Several bogus chunks
and bonds wore found on them.
AY. It. Davis, an engineer on the steamer
was murderously assaulted last
night, In Broome street, by a gang of row
dies, and is not expectml to live.
The National Bailment Convention ad
journed today. lb:isolations were adopted
against the use of private agencies In the
bale of tickets, and appointing a committee
to carry it out. The resolution relative to
increased rates for mall matter, was re
ported upon, but after debate,
back to the committee. A report was read
proposing the establishment of a perma
nent bureau or association; lining three
hundred dollars ns the limitation of value
on the transportation of through baggage,
and suggesting nine classes of fare, em•
bracing over seven hundred different arti
cles. and charging only by weight; and re
commending that fair and remunerative
rates be charged, and no attempts be nunle
by competing lines against each other's in
terest. They were accepted. The Convert-
Ilea meets at Altoona on the lath of July.
saludr. BIUIITS ..11.0CIATIOX—.MALE BC.r.
The Equal Itighla Asebeiatton held a meet•
Ing to-day. Addreeses wore delivered by
Lucretia Moll., Mien Anthony, Elizabeth
Cady Stanton, and Minas, In favor of the
ballot for women.
The American Bible Socioty .celebrated
their fiftieth anniverasiT te-daY. Its re
ceipts for the your woro $734,000. About.
ono million and a quarter of books havo
boon printed, and sumo its formation up..
wards of twenty-two and a half millions.
A. number of interesting addresses were
The Uadleal Peace Society held their an
nual coaventlon, 'lntoned to a number of
speeches, and adopted resolntiom, thank,
ing Quean Victoria for her efforts topre-
Vent war between Vallee and Prussia.,
A large delegation of Carman citizens
have presented to the Meyer a petition. cak
ing the aid et the Mayor and Common
Council in procuring a modification MUM
excise law.
Sni 1090C11T6121 PAIRS YEKTING.
The State Associated Press, in sesgion at
the Metropolitan Rotel. to-day elected the
following °Meets for the onsuleg year:
Pre.ident. J.. M. Francis, Troy news:
rotary and Treasurer, Ellis 11.11eberts, Uti.
ca Herald; Executive Committee, G. W.
Demers, Albany Journal, Cooper,
Rochester Union, Joseph Warren, Buffalo
- •
81100TINO AII/J2Alr
Ulla= tillbort.rosidiniton SlXth Avenue,
won shot In the abdOmea by Boot. Ileroy,
today, in consequence et n lithelydiDlcul
ty.. lioroy was arreated.
Wre. IL 'Cohens, PrattMout of the Fenian
lectured this evening ut the
Cooper luetltuto on "Insh liberty tutllspen.
sable to unlvernal freedom."
All place. of bwinese leJereey City are
ordered to be demi on bundaye hereafter,
except barbers and newspaper dealers, who
are allowed to keep open till nine o'clock in
ins morning.
'lrbil of .•
Bank Enaberaler—Present
for Napoleon's Non.
(By Telegraph to the rltUbarah Uorotte.2
EALrulona, May 9.—The trial of John IL
Rogers, indicted conjointly with u. 11.
Wentz, who plead guilty to the abstraction
of $700,000 of the foods of the National Me
chanics Bank. was finished today, the Jury
to return a verdict to-morrow morning.
The general impression Ls they will fall to
A small e ,
le ase Vessel, two and
a half tons, /care. tor EurOpo about the
ukh, la charge of three men and a boy, in
tended as a present to the son of Napoloon.
llasosohnooßo and the Union ParLdo
LET Taiegrisph to the Pittsburgh tiasette.l
Degree, May - e,-Itesolutions were nasal
=peaty adopted by the Lee.'attire tcodaYs
rstronglyendersing the Union Pacific Rail.
road enterprise, urging Congress to grunt
ouch additional aid as Wilt secure Its I mrue•
ditto construalon, and le , lnesting the hen
eters alit IteprelentatNes trout 111.arsitelin
-5014 tO Nuts API suck old.
FOIJATII PAGE.—The jutted and most re.,,
liable Money, 01 and Produce .3furket Re•
porta yawn by any poker in Ilia city, will be
found on our nurth rave.
yieect)og, or AlleirttenY 4 : 00 .c 1 / 9 . ,
Tho Citytounells of Allegheny hula their
regular inoilthly meeting lust night.
Members present: Messrs. Drum, English,
Hall, bads, Myier, Pace, J. C. Patterson, A.
Patterson, C. C. Smith, Wm. Smith, A. D.
Smith, and President Melirler.
On motion, the reading Of minutes wad
dispensed with.
The President read ft notice from the an-
Don hoard of the Sedond ward, certifying
that Mr. Worm had been elected a member
!Dein that ward. Mr. Brown wan according
ly sworn in by hiolllonor, Mayer Morrison.
Mr. Mylur, prose del report of Viewers
for the °peeing of Green alloy, in tho Third
ward. Report was Con drilled.
Mr. English, a petition frem eitizas of
Reserve township, representing 'property
holders, in opplisltion tO stitilOtation of pant
of said township as, the ells of AlleghisnY,
lnd stoking Councils to take no notion in the
egislation on call matter-
Mr. Ilan moved to refer the pet Ilion tO the
Committee on Division of Wardsa
Mr. Radish moved. as nu ainenilitient,
that it be received and Weill Vier motion,
an itineli.led, wan curried.
Mr. Myler presented the report Of the
Committee en Streets and Sowers, together
watt an ordinals. for the paving and grad
ing of Carrot and fat eelsitnd
Manilla alley; also a resolution for the
needing - of laxmat Street, train alloy and
Page street; also an ordinance lining the
width of all public alloys at net lass than
twenty feet; also an ordinance snag the
ham. of version alleys In the Firtir!wnvd,
and changing the name of Central atrrt to
Tremont avenue, Treont street to 'rout
avenue, awl East lane to Mattison avenue.
The report was accepted and the ordinances
real three times and passed-
Mr.A. 1,. Smith preacutiel the monthly
report cf the Controller, with a statement
of bills amounting to 40 , 01. A resolution
authorizing the paymini Ct t of the bills was
Mr. Thomns presented the report of the
Water Committee,with a monition author-
ISing the laying of a bier Inch water pipe
on lbw alley, in the second ward, from.
street to North areal/0. Report way
item: pled and resolution adopted; also, a
cumin tiniest lon...from the Superintendent of
the Wider Works relative to the laying of a
Iwel v o ierli pipe. to edrlrpl i y the Filth ward
(Manchester.) The route recommended to
as follows: beginning at the junction of
Federal and .liteksou streets, continuing
along Jaelison to Treinotit, along Tremont
to 'lsland Lane. along Island Lane to Beav
er street, smog heaver street to Rebecca
street, and there connect with the .pipe al
ready hod, the whole distance being ten
thous:tea one hundred and eleven Mot, and
the estimated cast 41.34' per foot, or an ag
gregate of over 41:1,°u. The 1141011. Wan an
ontrionnled by du ordinance authorising
the issue of hoods to the amount of —dol
lars to defray - the expenses of the lame.
After loose direcaniOn a motion was made
to fill up the, plank by Inserting the
sum of tatty thousand dollars. which was
agreed to. The bowls were Ilzed at one
thousand dollar., each, and the Interest at
slx per cent., payable seml-annually, at the
Treasurer's utile°, on the first days of. Janu
ary and July, thehomis to be payable In
twenty viars.
A motion was tirade to suspend the rules
and consider tins ordinalsce on its third
reading and tinaPpassage. which way lost by
vow of nine to Car, anti the Ordinance was
inlet over under the roles.
Mr. Hall isioossl a reconsideration of the
vote and that the ord Man. ho putitipon its
final passage which was agreed to.
Mr. binitlt then Offered the following,
which was read three Dula , and passed:
Reselred, That ttio Water Committee be
and use hereby autherired to receive pro
posals for—feet of twelve inch water pipe,
payable in bonds, or In cash- In equal an
nual payments, to inn, two, three and lour
yeard, vrillt :Merest at six per cent.
Mr. Irwinpresented commenlcarlen
from Mr. idelielvy, Postinagter of the city,
mat:sent:Mg that the buildings were to
ball repair east asking (or ea tippet? pr
to Waco Cie Moine. In rer,dart Unto: . • •
Cinnulittoo On City Property. .
Mr. Brown presented bill of Pennock A
Totten for 111.:.1,!‹. for work done fur "Getter.
al Grant." Warrant ordered.
Mr. Brown, u resolution to appoints corn.
ulitteu of live, two from Select and three
froui Coalmen, to confer with C. C. Smith
ill regard to lairs,, A e., of the l•Genisral
Grant" Company. Adopted and Messrs.
mean and Irwin :simulated from Select
Commit. 11l C. C. laid en table
Mr. Hall, is resolution allowing fart:listen
menageries Ilea right to el in bit On the
Diamond square, prey ided they pay ouch 11• se us the Committee reef agree upon.
Toe resolution was referred to the Commits
tee on City rroporty, to report an Ordinance,
lining tile lieeune ler circuses, menageries
and other eallibiLionn, and requiring said
i bit tons to idt glee. on private properly.
Mr. Shier offered a redulutlon, that the
Mentrinentid nnorlatiOn allowed to re.
Met any puree on the C nalinOn Grounds of
Allegtmy; its a situ for their monument,
such ' , election to be made in coneection
with the Park Commissioners. Read three
times and passed.
Members present—Alessrs. Cutler, Dun
ham, DUI, YAM:tuber, Hipper,
Ingham, leirabutriek, Magraw, ell,
heed, Sinlib, nlnglo, Vueglitly, and
President HAMIIe.
. • .
Tim minutes of the previous meeting were
cud and upprovell. ,
Mr. Megraw presented the report of Com
ittee on IV harves and Landings with a
'resolution giving . the committee tower to
louse or sell to the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne
nd Chicago ituitromo COulimuy, la portion.
tsf the Allegheny wharf, 11l ty by nine foot,
Lion which to amid a pier of the railroad
anise. The 'report also stated that the
aimed company would either pay him an.
tinily, or 11,111 for a title to the ground.
Mr. Diegraw stated that the &inroad
pOwpolly appeared to be willing tonal lib
brolly in the mutter, mat as they were am..
pa weed
to take tbe ground, LUC COMMlttee
lied tieculed to recommend that the ground
' i lls
led for be sold to them.
Mr. lianas. did not think Councils had
power to sell any portion of the wharf, and
moved . all amendment that the Commit
tee be limtructed to lease the ground to the :
Tile amendment was adopted, and the
rentatdloll, an alaeladed, Wan read three
times and nasally poSOOII.
Mr. Ingham presented the report of the
Committee on Division of Wards. The
Committee reported In favor of the accept.
luxe of the act of Assembly annexing a por
tion of McClure and Reserve townships,
and in order to give the newly annexed dis-•
1 trict a representation la Councils. no pro
vided for In the act, submitted an ordi
nance, attaching that portion of McClure
township adjoining the Second ward to
that ward and creating a now ward out of
the remainder of the district. The evil
nen. also provides for the division of the
I First, Second end Fifth wards, making four
wards out of the three. Resolute)ns divan
' log the Mayor to issue Lis proclamation for
au election in the new wards to Select
members of Council, and that the Record
lug Regulator be instructed to fix the
northern boundary of the city, ware up
pe tided to the report.
Mr. Slagle said that a committee Of reel
, dents from Reserve township. were pros
eat., who state that ninety-nine of every
hundred residents of Um district are op
posed to the annexation. M.r. Slagle was
not be favor of forcing guy district. into the
city limits and Loped that the committee
would be beard.
Mr. Buena sold that tho act of annexa
tion and Imspc.l, and the district now tie.
longed to the city.
Mr. McNeil said that Councils should not
recognize tile act, and If It did, anal:tiler act
consolidating Pittsburgh and Allegheny,
would certainly pans the Legislature next
Mr. Slagle said he was In favor of consult
dating wait Pitteourgb, but did not like to
lee. any laws pa.sed In thu dark. The
;matter" ehould be lard over, at. least for the
:Present: •
'• r. llamas was opposed to annexing no
servo township. unless the residents would
assent to It. Thu In of fle.orve town.
Ship had petitioned tile Legislature for the
patsageof thu act, and Mr. Peters, a reel
dent of Lhu district, had engineered it
Mr. Megraw said the bill had been smug
gled through by, persons who used the petty
water, and who feared their supply would
be cutoff. Tim Walnut could not ho an
nexed Wall the Councils accepted the bill.
Alter some further discumon, the resole.
Lions and ordinances wore read three times
and finally Missed.
Mr. Hanna, from the Committee en Mar
kets, presented the reports of the Clerks of
Markets and Walghmastors for the month
of April, as follows ,
Duncan Dallas, Clerk of Markets...VOA 75
John S. Edger, Diamond Scales 225 GU
: Jul. Bunter, Second Ward Scales.... 21Li tiU
Mr. ingrain, trues tho Committee on
Printing, offered , a resolution providing
that all advertising for the City be done
under the directiOn of the Controller. Ador.
Mr. Windsor offered a resolution, hastruct
lug the Street CommisSloner to have that
portion of the pavement on Grant avenue,
lathe Second Ware. oppoelto Alr. Ackley's
slaughter house, repaired. Adopted.
Sir. ltecd.preacnted the report of the
Committee on Engines and Bose, with a re
solution anttiorizing the PaYmmit l . o the
Slope Fire Company of twenty dollars, for
a set of harness bold by them to the Gen.
Grant Company. Adopted.
sir. Cutler presented the report of the
Comp - Otter: on Goa. The report states that
a large dlzercramcy cziats In the amount of
4,14,011111111i,t by the carload Ore compacted.
The bills tor. the Mat quarter alcor Math°
8010 ceOnulned 7,9 , 19 hoc.; C`.1.21117'1e /70.9
feet, Friendship fi,uee feet and the (Grant
13,011 feet. Thu Committee recommun ,led
that the matter be Investigated. The
amount of gas in the City liall for the
last quarter wua 1e.3,n03 feet. the principal
portion or which won used by the Library
Association. The Association having re
ceived a generous support from the city,
and being now tirmly establOhml, the corn
mitten recommend that they 1,0 required
hereafter to pay their own gas bills. The
report was accepted and the recommenda
tion adopted.
Resolutions providing for tho erection of
public gas lamp at the corner of Marshall
street. null Marlon OVIOIC.:1101 one ut the
earner of James and Iletulocli streets, were
read and adopted.
Mr. Dill offered a resolution, ins t ructing
the Street Committee to have Bidwell
street opened to Juniata street, In the See•
and ward. Referred to COMOOLOA, on
On motion adjourned.
Every congregation which can afford even
very moderate Capell6o. :illy one Luna red
dollars ?r more, can now eueuro a good or
gun. Until recently, noel! lout rumen huVo
not been obtained. Large pill organs are
too ctritly, ( occupy WO . I.lhpake fur
any but a few of the wealthiest congrega•
tines worshiping in the largest churches.
The melodeon hacks power ale( volume of
tone, and harmoniums and small reed or.
cans generally have been so unsati , LaCtorY
le quality of tone as to be untlejlrable..
In the Cabinet Organ these insenlehmcies
and defects arc remedied. Its great volume
and true organ Wiles, with its rid talrable
parity for expression, better adapt IL to ca.
crud mush: than any other Instrument, ex
cepting only the large pipe organ. Observe,
In another column, what. lice. I Prime,
tile well-known editor of the New lurk I 11.
server, says of It in this respect. lie styles
It glorious Instrument for the temple her - -
vice." null tells wily it is so. Dr. LOwell
Mason, than whom no one 10.11101 more ee
eclence In church ~
WrItL,L , I I
"I regard Mason lc Ilattilln's Cabinet Or
grins us likely to lip i et imortant I - ant-et.
the cause of Church M u sic, inwarmea us
the,' are really very effective and ties-tritium
accompanying Instruments for sacred sing;
while the low prices at which they are at.
forded render them very generally ayalla-
Mc. Alter a yob's experience In the use
of one of them In Divine service, I ran re
commend these instruments with confi
dence -for Sabbath schools, Vestries, and
smaller Church...
As In churches volume or power of tone
19 so Itnportaut a requisite, It Is better to
obtain at least a double ruin Cabinet Organ
(or this use. An instrument with four oc
taves' compass IS NUMCIOnt for the itecote
panonent of church music goo:rally, but
one having lieu octaves Is better, enabling
Um performer to double the loss, as It is
termed, and so considerably increase the
power. The larger instruments, with three,
four, and six sets of rools, 111,0 pttipor
tlouately greater volume, with very much
Increased variety.
A slutle reed Cabinet 01:1111 liss consul
crably (lore power than tiny single reed
melolotn. A double reed Cabinet Organ
has at Irast three or lour times MS much
power a such u melodeon. The largest
mixed Ci hind Organ Ites not less than ten
tittles the volume of tone of the tneloileon.
This will give some indication of the ca
pacity of the instruments, awl affords .1
guile to purchasers.
let It. - must not tie supposed tnat the
largest Cabinet Organ equals or nearly
equals, In volume of tone, a large mile or
gan, whlcll costs ten or twenty times as
It ' tt e o
that no pipe o rg an ran 1,0
It Is safe to any that ..(0 pipe 0rica0,..... .
built for lens 1 han double the can of a Calcl•
net Organ. which Will, the latter In
power and quality of tone, 111,1 variety of
effect. Tau Cabinet has the addl.
'Lionel advantage of keep; tin In tune vantlV
hotter, and of les, Ilalghty to, got out of
order, In auy respect, bescdes teat adoceu
pylng Hutch 1000 room.
The Cabinet Organ it, therefore, not otters
Odes asuiliotent rolb.titoto :or large Pillo
ormilau.scaliting three to tiny thermiond club
lace Cacti, but it is altered an a Yet7- - 11" , 3t
linpraVentent, not only upon melodeons,
bskruserilums, and all 01 her rued organs, lilt
also mall snort pile organs; as quite , sun,
, ?4a,., , f , ,, ,i r
iv: ,... ; .: t r ,.,,,e ; ,,,, n ,,t, 11: , 11 , t r o , 1 ,,s rlIc s : L T.:. t u
aplrisr priced, than NM ill I, cheap pipoor Mots.
U inthln the reach of 11.11110SL every eOll
- because almost every one will be
able, by proper exertion, to racke at leant
enough to buy one of the smaller instru
ments; It will add greatly to the attractton
and usefulostss of the 1111.1wiet 1 ill (Ira, - peo
ple to the church, and help 111 41, thelll
0 0 0 1 1 While there; At occupies . o little splice
that a place ran easily be 10111 d for it; it is
durable, tool will keep ill nom 11111 t, jt call
molly be obtained, for every one is boxed
for shipping (w 'Mout charge/. ofd call
easily bi, scut anyw here by el dulary freight
The Mason .t iillltilin Cabinet l/rtz an• can
unto at C.C. Mellor's, No. •l Woad
strata, who in tilt agent
for ant Westcro Pennsylvania.
Thu choicest Instrument, personally mace,
ud, can always he bound at his rooms, and,
persons ore roi ousted to coil unit ex .:mine
thew, whether intenaluft In pnrcliasu
nut. Scud fur a circular, tont free.
Mottle Intim dlonschold.
In !Mae Linn:sof high prices, many are de
terns! from letving a piano in the 'Sitter lay
the mistaken notion that none lat a costly
instrument would give satisfaction. Those
who entertain such notions, should dispel
them at once, which they will readily doff
they but examine the planes made by 11. I'.
Emerson, of llostou. These pianos Inure all
the recent improveinituts made oil I,IIIS
branch of manufacture, [Loa 110OS.1 it rich,
full and powerful tone; stand we ll In tune
and wear well, their durability being e qual
to those of any other 1111(110.11111 in the
emnitry. While they a re -perfect in every
particular requisite for a good piano, their
cheapness, as compared with other makes,
Is a principal nallSOlOrMOollllllolllerate 111/nlllOlll
LO the public. Any one of mod means
can agurd topurchase n Einersom and the
music IL will furnish will lilfol,l as Mitch
hearty gratification as If produced on a
morn Ofnaly 131111,11111e11t. C. C. .Yeller,
Wood street, the sole agent for Pittsburgh
rind vicinity, boa now In his wureromus u
1/110/C0 nSSOIIIIII2II/ Of these 1111f1Vaille.1 pi
anos, to which tile attoll/1011Orthe 11111,111: Is
1111 . 11,101. 11110 p are without I initial excellent
ptutkoy, mud are rapidly driving Mit of mar
gut sescallml cheap pianos but which are
roul'y Chants unit frauds.
A Locating of the corporators of the Mon,
ongahola Valley Railroad was , hehl at the
Monongahela Mouse yesterday afternoon.
It was decided to accept the charter grunt
ed at the last session of the Legislature,
and to open books for subscription to the
capital stock of the Company, at the Mon-.
ongalieLl House In Pittsburgh, on Thurs
day, the GUI day of June, to continue open
for three days. It was resolved to hold u
general meeting of the corporutors arid all
portions Interested In the construction of It
Itallroad along the Monongahela river, at
Elizabeth, on Thursday, the miii day of
May, at one o'clock, r. r. It Is important
that all the teams along the river should be
well represented at the meeting at Elisa
beth; As a Mittiroad along the valley of the
Monongahela, passing through the heart of
the bituminous coal regions, 0111 lie of Im
mense advantage to the city of Pittsburgh,
In it Is proper that some actf her citizens
Mil Of this valuable Imp ion rov o ement remold
I manifested, and that the clty be proper-
I yrepresented at the meeting to he held at
- Killed at a atone Quarry.
Frank Gensler, a German, aged t wenty
five years, only in this country shire Jun.
10th, was fatally injured at the stone quar
ry at Haldeman, ilulteer a Co., lu LoWer
St. Clair township, yesterday forenoon. It
appears that he and two ()then were erig.
god about nine o'clock In moving a heavy
stone at the edge of the quarry, which
overbalanced and fell unexpectedly u ills.
Lance Of about sir feet, carrying tile men
with It. In the decent the stone came In
contact with an obstruction, causing it to
turn in such a way as to fall upon Gensler.
Ills legs were considerably lacerated and
his forehead about the center crushed lu.
Ile lived until about one o'clock, p. m.
Coroner Clawson held and Inquest upon the
body, anti a verdict of "accidental death"
was rendered. Deceased had no relatives
In this S,lcinity, except a brother, who is
employed in Allegheny City.
Accident on she Comaeßavine Road
Yesterday, about n00n,11.15 the coal train on
the Cennellsville railroad was approaching
Gaffey's Station, about twenty tulles from
the city, the locomotive and three cars Wore
thrown from tile track'. Tho cause of the
accident le attributed o broken rail, a
short distance from the station. The en
gine and three ears were thrown over the
embankment and landed could° down in
front of the ..11rinewell Hones." Fortunate•
ly there were no persons severely injured
by the accident. TIM engineer anti fireman
heal presence of mind enough to Jump from
the engine when fulling over, anti thus es
caped with slight injury. Teo engine and
cars, however, were damaged to a consider
able extent.
The Grand lleacert.-1 large and brtl.
/lant audience assembled last night at the
amulem,y et Alum upon the ocean= of tile
amatodr concert given by the peptide( Prof.
Clement Tetedeux. The performers 'all ac
quitted themselves very creditably, and
the audience gave unmistakable evidence
of appreciation. rrofedior Toted.nx Ills
long held n high emotion here as s mnrspe•
tent soil emit.-.lily taiontva I ndtrnrtnr in
vocalisation. otos it onset itavrlnes 31301111,
of Math undo to Win lavt ovoo r when all
(11 !Lit eCliOlarl dlepicyni to2Ch ptenetency.
C , \ 'law
kl it11111 : , \ , I 7
litsen Cnook.—Last evening another lm-
Menne audience, its which there were many
ladles, assembled upon the titled production
of the grand snectacidar drama of the
lhaek Crook, at the Opera • House. The
ladles - and gentlemen performing In this
great piece are now fully' up to their parts,
and we venture to ...ay that the production
at Nitilo'c tiarden in New ToCk, which has
passed Into the wonders of the age, dries
not in any .r,p,xt surpass the drama it
produced here. To-morrow afternoon a
grand fa,hionatilii matinee w 11l be held for
the benefit of ladles and children
PiTrcnenen TURATee first r class
place of entertainment attracted last night
plargo and fashionble audience, and the
erfortnances were a up to the usual high
tone which has thus far characterized
Selythe'tl management. Tltia evening a new
mid original entertainment will be offered,
embracing the humors of negro minstrel±y,
the beauties or the ballot. laughable farces,
.Fe., .to., erg odin with (for the last
time d ) the mmonsely successful military
drama vial( et!, "The 'Siege of Port Stevens;
or, The Charge of the Petticoat Light.
To;utorrow afternoon a fitablona.
ble !amine will be held for ladles and
- •
Vs:tonics TIIKATIIC.—The Penn street
Theatre 1,1,0 teen orawing large audiences
this week. of using rare attractions. Mana
ger Meyers knows how to cater to the
Would of lb fltilllSM co C twang cornmunity
and has had t SUCCeSSiOn of SUCCCINIS binge
entering . into LIM management of this Vol°
tiler theatre. Signorits Lope. and her truly
wonderful pupils, Masters George, Metirl
and Sebasti n, in beautiful acrotintle pic
tures, are r ally the most tinithed artists
and gammas s that have user appeared ill
Pittsburgh. Mite Lament, the • lloquet of
Monty, and the .Oureau of Ethlopes, in a
programme of uneriuft/Ckl excellence, are
among the other attractions. TCOMOffalf
night gift presentations will be Mango
rated, upon which occasion a large number
of sugar cured hams will be tlistribUtcd
amongst the holders of lucky orchestra
tickets. .Slued amusement may be =Gel
pitted in the tlistributlon.
binnacle HALL—The what
1.. John ago', continues to 1111 Masonic hull'
nightly with crowded and appreciative no.
mentos. Ann work( et art, illustrative of
the mysterious Book of Revelations, we be
this to be the finest which has ever
been ilfollo.t before our people. The exhi
bition will remain during the present week,
and all should embrace the opportunity of
attending. Very valuable presents are
nightly distributed to lucky programme
THE or Idcsic.—From present
,ku believe that the opening of
this drat class temple of the drama, which
takes place on Wednesday evening next.
will be attended by one of the largest and
most brilliant audiences of the season.
Messrs. .t Burke see making tile most
liberal arrangemouts to insure success, of
which we will again tabs occasion to speak.
The Fair and Feastval of the Seventh
Ward Mission .Sabbath neoool, at Wilkins
Ball, Fourth street, remains open this af-
WM./nand 0000100, and those who have
not yet vulted should do so. We have al
ready stated the object for which it is belt.
to be the realization of sallicient funds to
purchase the school house now mcupted as
a mission Sabbath School, and the charita
ble community should sadist In the prate.
worthy Inborn( the teachers, by encoura
ging their Intr. The fancy goods and con
fectionaries found upon the table will be
sold ott tu.night to the highest bidder.
Entertel n men t Post poned:Tho grand
tterarry atm alusical entertainment' under
10 al ..pleos of the l'hilotnaLhic Circle, which
L 1 announced for the lath Lust, hiss been
octp•ined auttl Monday evening tato
i•it, when it will coma ott - at the Academy
(Music. A. knowledge. of the young men
on:nosing this Literary Society makes us
onti•lent that their eutartalmaeut will boss
Thu nnr•latil a:caretsea are to be under
Ito direction of Prof. IL. T. limake, who will
• ilalLlteil by the beet amateur talent in the
The Rebel General Inceari•laad, who
burned Chatabersburg by order of General
Early, IA bow resoling at ills home In flaxen
county, West Virginia. A Virginia ex•
change nays he boa boon favored by General
Grant with it letter which exempts It I m from
any danger et imprisonment or trial for the
Chautboroburg airier, and he has every thl
suranco of protection Mom the authorities
ad the State el Meat'. irgiunt,
Gave Ball for it is APPr.r..rer•—John
Galley was arreAmi the 'tiay before yester
day, charged, on oath of Joseph steatite
with assault and battery, but on the road to
the Alderman's (Miro, escaped Irons th •
Lands of the otycer. Ile WUS arrested yet
berday, brougl t before Alderman Lynch
a nd gat' , bait for hta altltearamee at Court t
meaner the charge.
Wlust wur thu Oath!
Railroad Depot Robbed.—The depre
of the %Ventura Pennsylvania, at the June
Ron with the Allegheny Valley Railroad
opposite Freeport, way mitered by burglar.
ll,minesthey night, who blew open th
tette with powder, andcarried air tit
hmount of money it contained, MOllll3 bore.
undred dollars.
The Ilygee Ba.;e Ball Club -leave lids
eltyto-mutrow morning fur Steubenville,
where a friendly match is to tin played with
the ?dears Club Of that place. The "Ifygeae
are es clever a body of athletes az Pitts
burgh tan turn out, and we. trust they will
be warmly entertaimal by the Stouben
nor. Geary lins ut , Pointed 11 . 0 ..barld
Derr lenion, of Me:Wyllie, Wayne Veak:l4
of Woolehebter, and IV tn. M. lb.!! of nod
ford, us commissioners to revise the penal
eu4le under thu act passed at tht last
The Scaffold whereon ioglor the, Dins
tore murderer, will he hanged next Wed
nester, hub been erected lathe jallyard at
Washingted. The unfortunate mall la hurl•
y engaged In preparing to meet lilt Clod.
The Philadelphia Prison Agent reports
that "et tile IJ,l6,commitments moat year,
11.3ci were on amount of offenses directly
r Indirectly tracable to the use of lutoxl
- Wig liquors."
lonising, remember your oath
Two young men in ilutlermunty, named
,mnuel and ilson Greps, blackened melt.
laces and undertook to frighten a noighbor,
ust fort un. Ono of them got dangerously
shot for his sport.
Patrick Gas., a venerable citizen of
Wellsburg, West Virginia, aged ninety
seven years, reeentlY embraced too idled i.
plos Church and was ;publicly immersed in
the Ohio river.
The . Woodsnle Woolen Foetory, of
Johnstown, which partially auspanded op
erations on the first of April, has reautend
wort: in all its departaaenta, with a fall
loree of hands.
Colonel D. C. DeCoy, or Meadville is
announced as a candidate for nomina
tion no the itopubllcan candiduto for
State Senator in the Crawford anti Erie /Ls
Johnston Williams, residing at Glade
Butler county, committed blllcido on
Tuesday, the 30th, ult., by hanging himself
to a tree in the vicinity of his rmidance.
Alt She money (tho stakes) eh the
match for tho Beetling championship—he.
twoch 'Jamul sad Brown—le now In the
hands of the editor of the Capper.
Do you know tlau “Foutan UMW":
Pittsburgh Representative■ 1n the
American Mettles! Convention, now hold•
leg ut Cloeinnntl, are Dcc. A. 11. Bross, Jolla
Perebuient and A. it. Mowry.
A Young . Man named George Stoney, em•
ploycd at °verb°Ws brewery, on We Mo.
nongabela river, recently full into a tub of
beer and woo drowned.
Friday 'sight last, robours Uroko hit°
tho roqt Wilco at Lock. Harm, l'a.,
rifled all tho letters or their coatents.
a corps of ongineurs is said to Do at work
surveying routes with a viow to tho short^
ening of the reunsylvania Railroad.
The catimattql coat of bedding ant
equipping the projected railroad from
Telloute to Petroleum 1:IMUel to. VA,.0.-
The near Lutheran church of Johnstown
will ho tied touted to the service of Almighty
trod on Sunday, thu 11th Instant.
The Demoeree7 of Bedford county Inver
Bon. George Shorewood's norelontlost for
Judge of the Supreme Court.
Somebody remarks that ' , bear was nor•
or so ;ngh aw 1t to now Cane the now jumped
over the moon."
The Allegheny Noantalna are covered
with mow, a storm prevailing on Wednes
Ille has removed hla office
and renldeneo to rr
N oo
0.14 Smithfield etreet.
rho MIOOONI Soldier's' Monument to tr.
.I,.llent , d 011 the 4111 of July.
ner.dlDF Lea twenty-ono churdtve
C tt
Despernte Attenstrt at haletde by n
Western Distinfeeturer at the non.
ongabeln bonne.
At ono o'clock tithe morning a man named
Halley, member of it firm extensively en
gaged in the manufacture of agricultural
implements, at:Detratnr, Illinois, who has
been stopping at [lie Monongahela Douse
for. several days, attempted suicide by cut
ting We throat. The instrument used was
pen-knife. lie had been drinking liquor to
excess for somo time, bringing on an AtIACK
01 deltrium Oche., A negro servant, cm•
ployed to keep watch over hint ' was told by
him, about the hour mentioned, to retire to
bed, as ho (tialley) was "all right." The
negro hesitated, when Halley directed his
attention to a window - , telling him to go
and examine whether It was open. The
negro turned about to do so, and at this
instant Dailey drew out his penknife and
thrust the blade Into the left side of his
neck is ita full length, and then with a
forward croon fnOtion made a cut of some
inches in length.
MeCook.Dalyand Limbstactier,
were summoned, and upon an ollll3lllllaloll
it war .1 iscovercd that no vital part had
I touched, although the knife narrowly
wit:aped the "jugular."
At two o'clock a report reached us that
doubts were entertained of the man's re•
—NeW Ilaulpshire farmers Ospect to rile
more silent this 005000 thee at any time in
the lust fifteen years.
—A negro woman in Kansas city, Mo., said
the recent earthquake as nothing bat the
',bottom 'cross do river having de ager.' ,
—A droggist and One or his clerks were se
rioesly in) urml In Ltichmead, a.., on Wed
ecsaaY, Icy tho eiploslOn at a soda foun
..-The American residents at Yokohama,
Japan, bare sent token francLsco for fire
engine. Thoy have organized a volunteer
company to man it.
—in Louisville. on the 'nth ult., James
Scott attacked his wife with a hatchet. cut
ting her check open, and inflicting a wound
probably fatal. ilo was arrested.
—An allidavit has been made th the effect
that on the ffalt ult., Sal.atal worth of kohl
as taken from the Itlchardeon mane, at
Madoc, from two pins:! Of the quartz.
—Cincinnati has twesltY.four school.
houses, in which there are gMlmted tot:Mil
er ilo,oof pupils. T here aro over 4‘;'.. teachers
employ ed, whose sitiaries amount to 1 , , r 40
per ammo ,
—TM citizens or .Worcester county, 111 d.,
recently hold a meeting at Nertown„ 112 ,1
subscribed S2s,true to construct a railroad
through that county to connect With th e
bOleWare Railroad.
—A child ; which wandered from its pa
rents. who wore making maple sugar iu the
woods at Berlin, ou Irlday.afternoon lust.
was found about noon the next dsy almost
dead from the exposure.
—New York, It is said, devours $1.000,00°
worth of eggs a year. 000 hotel In that
city consumes a barrel a day.„•
are gathered from a large extent ofc ou ntry
around Now York. One dealer alone for
warding from Philadelphia to Now York a
hua.ired barrels daily.
—Cincinnati has been divided by Its
Board of Health into seventeen thstriels,
and a physician has been apPointed for
each district to attend the poor, at a salary
of six hundred dollars per annum. .
effort WM made to Mtn:since eclectic and
home,opathic physicians, but::
—The death of the old horse ileui.7 Clay,
who In his time has been one or the grea: ,,t
celebrities, road who was believed to ho the
stallion, occurred in Seneca
county, New York, April curled
The agoof
this horse Is announced at 13 years and 7
months—certainly a surprising ago for a
hors c to attain.
cne ral d ames K. Proudet, a member Of
the Wisconsin Legislature. having been ex
coriated by sundry newspapers sot voting
himself seventy-five dollars worth Of post
age stumps anti acopyof Webster's diction'.
ery, says naively." Stamps don't go as far
us they used to," and relative to the dic
tionary remarks, "1, whose education ltl
entail and entirely self.acquired, need one.
1 am freguently in receipt of letters from
my constituents containing words which 1
did not understand, and 1 had au honest
desire to answer such letters in titling
terms. la 0110 case 1 could not understand
the words on the envelope. '
;'Additional Local 'News on
TV ird Pane•
MOOItE— Taesday Tearable, NUT
7lh, at the retblence of the bride& mother,
by the the. W. 11. Oster, .11. r. ItQIIT. 31001tE.
of toll City, to., and to, TILL/E E. LIEN,
of Zantaallle, Ohio.
ICELREY.—On Wx"nesday. Mal" oth. 1 0-7 , of
whooping cough. IDA N..
Jane Kotler y, iced nee years and eight months.
uneral Tilts Rolm m.o. at 10 o'clock, front the
residence of Mr. Warntnk, No. 71 Ann >trckq,
Allegheny City. The friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend.
(RI!: AL If RJN.—Lto Tuesday evening. May 7111,
10 7 7, MARY ANN. Rae of Jatnc, Donaldson.
aged E/ years.
Tun funeral will take piece from the residence
of her husband, No. 31 Ferry Street, on FRIDAI
Run:it:7o, May Nth. at ten o'clock. Tt e friends
of the family are respectfully Invited to attend.
AIKEN—On Wednesday. May bib, WILLIA3I,
Infant son of Alex. and Rattly J. Atkin. aged
set ea mouths.
The funeral will take 'dace on Faunal' mottle 7
Ix°, at 9 o'clock, from the restdenea of his pa
rents, !So. 11l Fourth atreet, to proceed to /Inth
auy Cemetery. loath TATCLIO Toon:1.111p. The
friends of the family ate edrdlally tattled to
No. 100 fourth street. Iltuburgh. Pa.
coirriloi of all kinds: 011.11M.5. U [AWE'S, and
evory dracrltalon or inners' Furnishing
tarnished. Rooms opened day and night. Hearse
and Carrlages
PIVId Kerr. U. D.. /La , .
M. W. .Jacobus. DAD., Thomas Hostas, /dol.. Ja•
lob R. Milos. Esq. ' I
'-' • SAIL AND EAL8A.1.10.2.' , successor to the
late Samuel K. , Rodger. No. 29 unto Street.
thredoors from lleauer, Allegheny City.
tatild, Rosewood. Mahogany, Walnut and Rose
wood Imitation Conius, at the lowtst reduced
prices, ROAMS noun stall hours, day and:night.
Hearse and Carriages furnished on short notice
d on most reasonable testis.
ter. Wasd's Itun and yisinity. Collin !Looms at
Manchester Livery 'Stable, censer 51eleeld and
Chanters streets. Mutsu and Carriages
"""'' beautiful ••tlod , s-acre," the largest gut. ,
ban place of sepulchre, except one, In this coun
ty, situated on New Brighton rout immediate.
/7 north of Allegheny. Yor burial lots, pornOts
or titles, call at Central Drug Blom of COOL
CLANEY. Allegheny Cite.
SAI'AILILLA. clew*.awl renovates the
blood. Instils 11/e vigor-or he/ath 1010 the
tent, and pursia oat the hatiaon shot make
/2111,,nuauti, May CO. INTT.
DIRECTO/Pt •of this Dank have declared
a Dividendof stx rEie CENT. on the capital
stock. oat ofthe catnip of the last six. months,
Lll,VA.o.nntnal mid.
g . ,
after onday heat, 12E1 ins t.
nl7lO JULII: K. LIVINGSTON, Cs,i,ler.
Dvactlt of IttO boyenth Wont Ittutou SAILIII
AND R.VENINtts, May 3111 And ath.
/Wollaston '.15 octits. Alt arc Invited to attend.
NPrrNaI‘TX . rTSI 7 I.33,
Hos. 133 el-WT.II'II;I.D 3117.11 ET. ass/
• 424 rENDI
JT A FEW of the worst dlsor
den that &Mkt ensoktod vt.e Rom comp.
0011 of the blood. HOLOO LIVO Lin..atre as.-
o remedy of the Inane% Tootle.
ru ,r , ::T r ....11 g ;,. .1 00.. , Brawl , Wi l lie . Lead
o do
do do
..s., , osnolanter" do du
oCouUnantato do do
Blue Leads, for OH Rettacrs;
Bed Leah and Litharne;
Colo and In
For sale atrsdry
T. H. kEBYIN C0..13,
tag , • ss. W. corner Third and Market Ss,
11111 ED FRUITS. '
GO bbla choice ball readheaa .
do quarter. dot,
II do mixed do: ,
11l I:lnman4 gond lira A mdris
on do Arlin dot
Jnst rrontvn , l on coodolsslon and for into 1017
to 110 rad,. '
It; 17. and la Vic,/ Er.,
Another 1,,0t Just Beech ed,
ecrs.eof , be
:Lls " styles
I.. Sta,: :. V Kl , Ttfl' Jo 1, BorroM.
n „,: . .T1:11 AND r...N A 111SLLD
e deslro. Of Pur
,b.:‘,,K tlas
170Wc)13.01 - 19
6 Wylie St., 3d door from 50.
Fine Watches, Clocks,
No. 174 LIBEILTIC d 713.11...
X.J.ltt/e/611-1-Vir,2l, X.013-13.6b.
zr rartieslar attntlon Oren to Repairing'
WOLhte, Clocaa any Jewelry. All ...a
odmenso Spring ,Stock-of
Gaiters & Slippers,
Mi-c)c)r• s33x.ix-tag
i 1
55 & 57
FIFTH :tvrxtmimw.
S 9 S9S9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
''' 29 l 89 MARKET STREET.
s 9 do. 513
IS9 S 9 Market Street,
SHOES &C,9 1
S 9 l xxv - wiErm: CITY
j.IIS. ROBB, S 9 Market St.
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 59 S 9 S 9 S 9
' 3IACLIINE user all' others, fur. fatally.
' use and general purpo, es, arc so, wn II es-;
tablished and au generally admitted. that.
',an enumeration of: mama coed
lonics Is no longer c, st . aecusw
ry. Tney arc stmptc, durable and Unita.:
i WESnms .11.6.ENC1.
I my;
Practical Furniture Olanufacttirers
Late.t styles of YUBNITURZ untalaziUT
•-- •
Fourth street. one loot from Wood. FL ttsburgh.
Always on luold a general 88lOrtIncta or La
dles, Win. Bands, Curls; Gentlemen's Wigs.
Topers, dralps. Ltuard Chains, Itrsockts. an.
A good pried to ousts wUI tus Alyea for Rim
LAles• an.' gentlemen's Rair•trittlnn done IS
the neatest Immo., nalatteSt
No. 80 FOLMILI. 11T., Apollo
CHECKS, intern, NOTEN, BILL .d LET..
TER HEADS, de., dune In all styles.
810FROH $l,-011 SIS TO $3O
emmeasily be made the year
round, viirnorrnter. in a new business, light.
pleasant andllonorable, AND No rOftgrrtTioil.
Good mid energetic Ascents (Ladle, an lien tie.
C ere wanted to represent cis In every City
and ounty... nAMS DUANCZ to mats Money,
rinstesitmr r.strnoltlairr Is
toreOffeed tO
person having a few Minn daily s.
ri:l.sf,'Lt.'"4-.1.111.Zt.TA yyltue L'"s,l"ZL:f.'.l:
Itsitimora Md. .sch23:•B6
CITY to bray the
SIT r 11 . :T CO BLIND . S.--.IOIIN A
opposite the Costal!!okeetrrArgfilL.s.7:ll.l
• :at •
t i n n Priler, o varlet. 0 . TeX..
W ado o ßUntst ~ P L, t tlr - i . :Al7a d a u ti p d w i a i r p:ards. " L tt o Y lol:d
Oil Cloths ' Duo, tolland, Mats. lints, Otto
man., litlad and Picture Cords and Tassel.. Also
at the loamy More. on hand or made to °riot.
One stmt.°. White and Callao
SC.. for geoLleinestit wear. lataaß/ 0
lal-rgira AL-1103r,
doOre atodvedsattaleld Street,
Every kind of RoTt done on tbeshortest notto
and cowt renaorable rarttealer attention .
veld ..I,pbtnne. tale:ref
new stock orKNALBE'd. CO.rB VIANDS. welch
are nowidered the beat made: also RAINES
upward. Venoms Ln want of a lint else* nano
are rallpeetfully Invited to call and chamlan
before putchaalita able:where, ;
er Orme tlettlnal alga, alum ractlat,'
Hose, Ilaatrta..te., 01 the 11951 qualtly asul -ea
re.loee.l rant.. 'tile 'teat analltyor leaeletfl
nays en eer.l at 1.1 ladle Rueber
e l.
nd t 112: