IHrTiIISBFROU GAZETTE. Ptruz..unan By PIMEN, REID &. CO., . - ATCOMTTE - ;BIIILDINP-, • ma — ciaisistrueL . astrecbt, n:lonoaratme, r. T. P. 1114kIWY)31. S _ 4,"Lut 141 ' 44 isniinessniusawm. ox ringlatkV*4- . Matt eßrmr, (per . eantk Mau babeedbent. (per 611.00.• redaettnas to Newsboys and Wats. Tames ton VEZICLY Tbbie Cowen; Dar yeti. by 1"g0 five do. • • flo: do. 123 Teo on more copies. to one warns, and one Ynn.inelob..eanb .173 [MY ITEMS. Find& Dental Establishment at_ .Ste Penn 4ltree;. & Gillespie. drover & Baker' s . • Ifactdoes, romovol from No. IS to 165 Flll6 Otreet, abctie tholth.ffold btrett. r'?o:Wholeule Ba~ere . TriT Goods WO - offer borkolon In Job lots .Dress Goods; Pardlogs, Linen Goods, and ~1 4 .wWt Of Alit:clings, Skirtings, Pilots, CP4,ti;, Clieeke, all of which WO will th tho'stiriltvriist' muttons cosh PriCeS. Iforkeh streeinbe/ow Third tr. Fourth eta. Clottr and SULK 13acquea. aro.= ,WAritrart are 'towing a aplen asiortnont of these goods at very loin at thetinow store, on tho west cor. ollttarketand Fourth Moots. 2arniod ktoie, .ror 'Burnett's Standard Preparations of all fittids,choaper than any other place la the. Gold Medal tiparklink Catawba 'Wine, Salt atlas lowest rates at Fleming's Drug Stere, Mo. St Market street. • - • Pam Drugs! Rare !rage!! Pure Drags!!! Pure Drugs!! Voc. lau Bay foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph B. Fpich'es Distillery; ho. 14.191. 193 and 195 You Can Hay • 98 per Untt.-Akuholat Jowl& S. Finch% Ton Om Buy „Saw HOD, at Josepli S. riactes. LATEST - CONDESSED SEWS. illy Telegraph to the. Pittsburgh Usactie.3 , —A l'cirtrOse Plobroe dlipatch says the SMOst . gratitylnireports have already been reasliwd from the counties and registration districts Cif 'this State south of the James river, which furnish conclusive evidence of the conciliatory manner to which the in. habitants are receiving the registering ofl3, . Cern and , aantsting them in the preliminary nieirisreS isf.the reconstruction bill.' This fooling &Leong ihe people is general, and even those disqualified . by the bill have, is mansoanes, proffered their assistance, and thipressed upon their neighbors the actual necessity, ant policy: of non-Interference with the reglitration ;of the duly qualtflo,l .voters. The utmost 4rood feeling orlsts towards the colored people, now tact the imitator, of thethssulthige Is no longer nu - settled. - Tlieeducation of the negro, and their ildral and social . elevation, is now aelasowledged to It duty incumbent on oil the people, pant' is the only proper and judicious Samuel which will advance the in tisthillt of both classes, and promote the ' 119sPerlty. of-the. State. The capitalists aud land °Within axe beginning to see the. prime, Ticino of creating modes of employ =emir.Yea he negroes, and are °tiering theti lands on 'favorable terms, and for. mishlng them with agricultural implements and materials. 41 *W: safe, the appointment by Judge Soott, of Baltimore, of the notorious Jig-Commodore „Hollins, of the rebel army, as Crier of his Conn, an allies worth Ilse sbollsandityeatireidbailiffs and subordi , . Tastes of MO some antecedents, bas glean . birtett illreitlattantiori to maux_b_ople demo ..ate, hundreds.' 'whom expected appumD men.. Itbas stirred up the loyal cit. tens considerably, and makte the radicals - More deferral : l.a In accomplishing their •—ichermaa's XelOelpede minx:Mutiny, in rillladelphlsOrm ileetroyed by fire on Tuesday, alibi. Low $150363. • -Witte, Crown!, Co., Kew 'York Cotton "jirokers, have tailed to the extent of $lOO,OOO. FROM. ST. LOUIS: • Ad!MUMS the.l.ladell Motel Mains .. , -Meeting or Blaster Nee/mates, ofsetarres and Bleattanies—Deetalve dadont , ansh "or a inencressman— ,Scaandleat ntattasie•—ladlack Intel ligence—The Fort Barard andiard. Mr Tetanal* to the Plttaborah Onette.) ST. Loris, May B.—The planks supporting a derrick on the'-scaffold in Irons of the Lindell Hotel, used in taking down the valiant' that braiding. broke today and precipitated four men from the nim story to .the pasomesit, Instantly killing John I lsicta i fatally.lunding Goo. Nicholas, rA Means/ of mifste w r o ggirsnic n. i, afar, terms and contract-ora today adopted res olutions opposing the eight hour aystem, end declaring they wilinot employ or cub. let their work 10 any one that will not wlnk tea krona and employ their men bY the ten hiour nite: They also agreed not to hire men helongint , tosocleties organized for the pca , pose of Uttering •with the free will of Master mechanics or any men they mac employ, and appointed a committee to en. gage n pmanent - society maater me chanicw ci sntractOra and manufacturers to proton the freedom of labor and inochan l=t Interests of St. Louis. The number of steamboat arrivals at this port for the year ending today ware three thousand - sly hundred and twenty.. Ton nage, anon:Milan fifty-two thousand three lititairOd and eightpone. • • lion. Samuel S. - Marshall, Congressman from the itioventhldstrict. /111nois, died at Las realdence, In McLane borough, a few The Demerara correspondent with the Indian. • =per/Mors-says General Hancock had n o t ed Arkansas river into tali In illaaintmntry, consequence of the ab twine of General Custaria cavalry, the most effective pert of la s Soros, and will soon mbar{ or Fort Hays, thence to Fort Hooker, where Elle . eipedltiChtl will be terminated, and the.force coulomb:kg It sent to Forts Lyon. Dodge, Lamed -and. Slays. A new fort will be built at Monument Litidion and nre.enleient, garrison atatuincia there. - A comic/110th' several Axrapaho chiefs, at Fort Dodge on the 28th 011 .. manned m deciaratica ter pesos on the part of the In dians, and a promise to ,return twenty-five t utting taken Irons pnbin encampment. Tlitt •llielltasilielow 'the . ArkILIIISSSI man/. Seated *restless and defiant attitude. fir. Loran, Illy 8 =The Lemoendis Omaha special soya %gentleman a d at General Angora heedquarterbsUroltay, from fort Du fora; April 16th. who stamps the mansecro story it base fabricallcus,t,,,, . , • -• • titre' SsdC that u ~ ~.+w:e=. - Ssa 'Union Muaw)ls soon to be closed. is al rell4 widely kiusivn;end the followbsg par- ticulanwill interest icusny.persons in and oist artier illy: • • ' . That church was built on leased lam]; the lease expired on theist Inst.:and the charge upon renewal was glooXia per =rums. This ,tees--weald overtax --the somet.s.si pecan!- ' ars: ability. Hence, his edifice and rl/ In to a renewal htsVe.boonsol.l to Tiffany Co. for 178,000; Out of whibh every debt of the soci ety has:beenDaid, Ineludang the heavy ar rears us. skiers/ deetn the pastor, which pulaarded to SIZA.O. "Dr Cheevor has thus dosed his lon g r earnest, fearless struggle In oar city for tho rights of Ibunantty an better circumstances, wo . Judgn than ever before. .19e have , sometimes thought that, bad be beed a trifle. leas acrid and vehement; ho might have been morn useful; but ho hes done autible work among us, holdirig far atimieed `the standard of Justice an/11db arty. erten nearly every other voice was 'mute' or faltering. - The blessings of the emancipated will follow Isles Into whatever effort zustylso his /Warn sphere. - Amerlean Medical taxmen:lon—Den. quet—Delegales Entersained by . Alan. U. H. peadleibb. :By:Telegraph to the .1140.0 Gazette.) 'thireittirt; May 'Osumi& WWI given to the delegates of the Medical Convention, at Melodeoon ttall,lnet night. Mayor WU stack. tti wares:eh, tendered the hoSPltall ties of the pity. Toast@ were drank and approprzate romances made. The attendance at, the Contention this roaming Bea Cory lorke, but no , tenclnesc or impanel:co vas trastsacted. By Invitation of Lion. George It. Pendleton, the delcgo , ttout crlatted his residence, at - Clifton; this afternoon. where they were. maceldcently The entertainment costumed until a late hour to the entire sasisfectlan of ell present. —flz.blov.Brown of tbsorgia told the per. pie In MS recent. speech at Augusta: "We submit to it, or fight. if you don't Intend to nett. why et mire awl growl, and and fault with the decrees of Providence? ,You club:litho protection ofithe Government. in claiming that protection. le It honorable in you to belts enemy.. In peace we should be friends. if 'you want N.:galena' capital tv aid development, you must invite It, and in . doing so, treat those ,whom you Unite an your friends.. You molt look at things as they • now are. Your old institutions are gone. - fdavery is aboltsuod. Mart out anew you most accommodate yourselves to the pgrexder of p.bsgs." ' • r ' ' ... _., _ I ; TAt ~ 1 ..... ) „ ). \ ..„.„,,.. e y 7 \ , ` • . I, ___H 1 --; =ll YoLuA.rg EDITION. FIRST ONE o', LOOK. 11j . ffiA . , •' RICHMOND NEWCPAPERS INDICTED DAVIS. xi ter J6tlee Chase to Try Him. WEST POINT \ ARMY APPOINTIFIESTS. The \ Japanese L'inbAssey. I . :By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh thrLettr..] i \ Mann:to:Mu, Slay S, lei.. mnonsis - vs. waft victual, • In the, Supreme Court the argument in the case ?or Virginia against West Virginia was concluded to-day. . _ ; • ) ronvataseiso. Becritary Drowning is still very weak from a ekness, but is slowly improving. • n111100x01121191,1.P.E1 100101 ED. ' W 0.9 Ington specials state it is reporte d . i Ls, that t o,of in L e Richmond papursit is Emit. i poled ho Examhur and .2tmeJ—aro indict-1 ed for citing treason and rebellion. CUIP'Y JUrrlCA,ca•sr .1.13 :002. DAVIS. The itpubiioues Richmond apecial says that J t go Underwood had stated in open' Court Couat Chief J.1.1C.0 Chase will preside ' at the -ial of Davis, on Lilo adjournment of the Su reineCourt. ore, snr.rAss asp rantsrnartorr. The President telegraphol Gen. Sheridan .o.day not to close the registration on the tth, as he proposed, but to wait for the de :Won of tbe Attorney General. ES.L'XIIV.VTIQN OP CADETS. xanaLnatlon'of the cadets at the An- I Naval Academy will commence 9n , instant. the midshipmen will their summer cruise in the sloops Dale. Idacelloolan and Savannah 0 11th of June. 700AIIIVICE, OTOIIII. . • wroth northwest rain storm, which ,aced on Monday, Is just abating. A Ifreshet in the Potomac is antic]- rukpolls l the Nt start or w4r 1 abOut 1 - cOm e heavy Dated r m Court strum I, namaoan rasbaemox. t.•'on Is to be made In the Supreme ~•0 Friday for an Injunction to in. ho Prairie 'du Cheln Railroad Com- puny •in purchasing tho McGregor West ern , • d tinnesota Gen 'ntl roads, and' con struct • eighty -fire Int es of tract connect. Mg there; also to res n thorn from WU. tog SIII-9,00 of stock an bonds to carry out. i the schetne. Judge 8 , ith granted a tem porary Injunction a few days ago, and this willululation to continuo it. • ! rue Tunacco CROP. ' It is tlmatod that la the counties of Rai -1 Raz, S ttsylvania, Franklin and Henry, Virgin ,I and' Rockingham and Casswell. North Parollua, thd tobacco now on hand is worth tWelre millions of dollars. The crop of Spoitsylvanis, alone, Is placed at three million! dollars. _ - iltrAlil ASSOCIATIOV NEVPII4,). The Press Association is holding 'the ir an nual 'meeting at the Metropolitan Rotel, for the election of officers and making ,ar. rangewtesdzeoncerninViceintatters, Jno. M. Frar_cLs. of Troy, will likely bathe new President of the Association. .- --...... ' lATIOIf AL CIAIL . PLCIZA. I . Special Order N 0.231, from the A, J utant's General's office, - announces the Ito rib, con sisting lof General Grant, Gene ral Molgs, Q. M. G., A. Rpm', and Maj. Gen. A. A. Ilumphreys, will assemble lime on the 9th Inst., to consider the subject fathead stones or blocks by which the grorls in the national cemeteries era to be marked. The Boort! Will report on the following points,' First, best, most durable, and most eco nomicartnaterial; second, mos t anfiropriate forin of head stones or blocks; and third, eolimated_cost of each stone and aggregate - cal of - the numba required for ali the na tional cemeteries. . . I:= General (Irani hail n long interview with the Secretary of Hier relative to the op• Volntmenta to.Westirolot, to be .made by the Preildent. =I The following named perions. appointed to positionstn the Army, aro notified that if their acceptancostire not received by the Adjutant General on Or bZ fere May TPli, the appointments will be eancelled:—llllnols First Lieutenant. Keys 'Danforth; Second Lieutenant, Francis Locket; First Lleuten ant„C. If. nat . :sr . /liana: Captain, John Lovell; Fleet Lietite ant, Burr B. Polk: Second Lieutenant, Byron Dawson; Second Lieutenant, Doyle; Second Lieu tenant, John L. Jones; Kansas: Second Lieutenant, Charles L. Wall; Second Lieu tenant. William Weston; First Lieutenant, Silas Bunter; Kentucky: Second Lieuten. ant, George Williams; Ohio: Second Lieu tenant, K. B. Campbell; Second Mental - mat, Cornelius P. AnderSon. Bear Admiral George F. Pearson has been appointed President of the Board of Visit.. Ors at the annual examination of mldship. men at the Naval Academy, on the 'drat of done. • • =I >Oetng to the rain- storm the JapeneFe Commissioners did not visit the Naval Academy to-day, at Annapolis, as they in. tendeiT. After visiting the Naval School and :other places of interest there. 1110 their Intention to visit Fortress Monroe, West Point, and several national navy yards, Iron clad arsenals, and machine shops. During next 'fees they will visit Generaltirant, and present blot' the eword sent Dy the Tycoon. KENTUCKY AND TINNFSSEE,. Suicide of o. Congressman—Fire end _- Lose of Life—Daptist Convention. :By Telegraph to the Ylitsbanin Ossetic.] - Locisvate, May t.—A.special to the Ono , for from Ilimielville, its., says iloo• 1.11/eh 111rz, Just elected to Congress from the Third District by an ;Almost unanimous 001(1 over hoe radical opponents, committed. envede this afternoon by blowing out hie bffthaiu'll.ll a pistol.. lie left a note saying 11l the pi c - t condition of the country his advanced a a precluded his doing his corm tr y_ any go and sought relief in death. .1 mammals, ay 5.—A Ore broke . out In the Billiard ro e tale morning at g o'clock In the Navy Ya d buildings, occupied by the 16th Infant as barrack's. Notwithidand ingtho ere. it of the firemen and soldiers, the fire apt e I very rapidly, destroying the Quarterru at Os and Commissary's store rooms as t 0 rooms OCCUpted by four com panies. Go. Bourne, commanding, anti wife, narrowly- escaped with tn,h live,. ilid niece,-h issklary Ennis, was. so badly buroedtthnt her /Ifs is esipaired of. Chas. Smith, private Of Company 1, was killed by a box of ammunition Minns; On him. The loss Is fully Iffilf,oo. . Thm,Soutliem Baptist Convention con venes to.morrow, and promises to be very Interesting. ...i. large number of delegates are arriving. FRO3I GEORGIA. Senator . Wilson Honored With n Torchlicht Procession—Yiyater/ona Dirppesursnee Cleared Up, CPT Irgraph to the Pittsburgh Usseits dizofirra MaY B.—Senator. Wilson matins SaMtabotethlt%nu r rt °,."olf."At.toudeor°22°ll'utno fired whites. The teuor hls speech was about the same as to Virginia end South Carolina. The freedmen honored bhp with • torch Gait procession. The body of F. Gray, who g 'mysteriously disantieared on Saturday night. WILI found the Savannah flier. FROM UNADA. /By Telegraph to the elnaburgh Gazette 1 Itorreast.. tier S.—The 'learner cigeelart lu strata a reek while s,stlng Lech! 0eV 2 P 2 48 yesterday, and began to all 11 9 1 4 , Y. Site W4a eared upon a sd baukoshere she son • ern main deck above water. The passengers were all saved. Twenty vessels inWird bound are report •d at tircelan ---NO. 109 FROM NEW TORR. By Telegrabh to the Plttthereh Oszette.3 Mks 1 . /Wm—assegai. now. Now Yonir, May price fight occur 'red yesterday morning In Bergen county, New Jersey, between William Kelly and Sohn 'Grady. One hundred and eighteen rounds were fought , selentillcally, listing three hours and ten minutes, both men be. lug pummelled shockingly, when a general light among the epectators ensued, and the referee withdrew, making the contest a draw. CONVENTION OIVIigHtIVICSCIIRIIS A Convention, composed principally of western manufacturers, was bold today. Peter Cooper presided. A number of let ters from prominent manufacturers and political economist. were read, e.rpressing n. desire for the organization of a move ment against free trade. Gov. Plerpoint, of Virginia, and Mr. Greeley were among the speakers. Representatives from Dlassa chi:molts, New tlampshlre,_ Vermont, con- DeCtiCut.Now York, New Jersey, Pennsyl• Canis., Delaware, Maryland, 'Virginia. Geer. gin, Tennessee, 'Moots, Michigan and other Suttee announced their names. A tempo .rarr organization was effected, hot the temper or moss from a distance did not correspond with the New Yorkers, who Wanted an immediate permanent associa. tion. The formation of a Protective node. IS in each village was recommended, to act in concert with the National League. - Tho Mllertraa Anti-Slavery Society Sc., re-clouted Wendell Phillips Pratailept. At the meeting of the American Tract Society, of bootee, the annual report was read, setting forth that six and a Quarter million pages of tracts were printed during the year ;the receipt. were $1.0),51e, and the expenditures $157,52d. The annual meetina of the American Tract Society was also hold to-day. Bishop Iliellvaine was re.clected President and the entire old 'mad of oilleers. The re ceipts of the year were 4,A4.1. 5 1: expendi tures shout the same. The Secretary a re port stated that 661.V,M, to wanted annually to push ou the great wort in the South. The Notional - Ransom' Convention met today, d. Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, to the chair. Nearly all the roads son represented, In cluding it number at the South. The sub ject of signals, rates of freight, '.te., were considered, as also a resolution looking to an Increased ehargo to the Government fur transportation of mall matter. An modernly gale prevailed all day, with rain. The tido was unusually full, with considerable damage to merchandise in basements of 1... tidings along the river rigs. There were row arrivals (rein sea to-day, anti quite a number of marine til•msters on the coact. No loan of life is yet known. The Leland Brothera, In a letter from Sar atoga to the members elect of the Conetlto• LlOll6l Convention, hare tendered the tree use of the Opera Home, with hosed at thelr . now hotel, for Cl 5 per week. It la reported that the franch6ea of the Baltimore IVA Potomac Itottiread bare been toll to the Raltimore anti Ohio Railroad for hall a million. CANALS ortmcu. The Canals of LLIS SULU, vr•re othclrlly oDenalon Dion thiy. FROI CALIFORNIA, illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiarettr.; Six Inatictsco, May S.—Several bulldlogs on the cast side of Second street, between 'Market and Mission, were destroyed by aro this morning, 1.0. s The bark W. B. Scranton was wrecked on the bur at the mouth of the Columbia river. May - sth. The vessel's cargo was n total /054, valued at and parudty•tn sored. Thu Chinese portion of Drytown, ah.out forty building., was destroyed by fire lAA ninht. Flour Dm; quotations unchanged. Legal tenders, 74. Wrn. Lloyd Garrlmon Gone to Europe —Sub•turllal Expreerion of neCeed. till Telegraph th the Pittsburg!. Guette .1 Bosses, May o.—Win. Lloyd Garrison was among the passengers to-day for Europe In the steamship Cuba. Eaveral of his frivolip went on hoard Just previous to the sailing of the steamer, and Rev. it. C. Watennon, on their behalf, made known to Mr. Garri son that 430,gal had been contributed and deposited, subject to his order, asslla Itat tribute for his life-long and successful la bors In the anti.slavery cause. Mr. Garrison expressed his earnest thanks in a few words, the time being too abort TO allow ex tended remarks, and after a general stat ing of bands and washes for a pleasant journey the alfair was ended. It is under stood tM,fg.3 more will be ratted,— Maryland Coastal:Moos! Convention. [lig Telegraph to the Pltabbrgb Gazette _tali rotas, No., May e.—The Photo Capi tal was crowded this morning on the rims. Sian of the aseamblmg of the Constitutional Convention at noon. Teo convention met In the hull of the Moose of Delegates. lion. Colonel John F. Dent, at ht. Marys, was weretemporary chairman. Ali the members were prment, except ten. Richard U. Car- Wei - mei, of queen' A n n'we o unty, was select ed as permanent erkairrnan. entnlnittoo wag ordered to propose a form Or oath to he snOmittOrl tO memimrs of the convention. The convention adjourned till to.morrow. South Caroline Repotalcuu Couven rut Tetherevb to the }lnshore, Usrette CILS cLes.rox, Slay i.—The Sapth Carolina Republican State Convent toe assembled In this city last night. Siz of the forty-two die' riots in the state were not represented. llelegates were almost excluslreiy colored men. .5 negro from Bedell:in was elected President of tbo Contention, rotted State,. Marshal Ephing, of Charleston, wan the only w hlte 121un aumn q the Vice Presidents. Several portions, Including , Miss Harper, colored, addressed the Convention, when It adjourned until tc-day. • l= [By Telegraph to the Illttahurgli Oaf elle.] Be. Lome, May 6.—filver stationary, with feet S Inches of water in the canal. , Om Cr,. May B.—River is feet two inches and falling rapidly. Weather cool and cloudy. • alearnla, May S.—The weather Is clear. Myer has fallen one Inch. Preaby terian Reception. By Telegraph to the Pith barge It azette.l Puitenatem, May S.-ILev. Drs. lair burn. Denham anti Hall, and Rev. Mr. Weil., a scotch and Dish Presbyterian delegation. received a formal welcome bore last night at Dr. Wylie'. eharch. They start to-moe. row upon their I.ollg through the principal cities of the Union. Tye Gale at Fa Monroe—Firs. (CV TelegraM to the Pittsburgh uazette.l Fotgrarna 31o:it:cos, May B.—A. heavy north western gale prevails. A largo warehouse at Norfolk, used for storing building mate, clots and naval stores, was entirely con sumed by lire this morning. It was owned by A. A. McCulloch. Flood In the Lehlc4 and Delawn, Cur Telegraph to the PltMonth (I aut..) • rlvlriZio . ;, 1,1 r rhl hand"Dolaware rivias are quite lowa and rising rapidly. linch damage is feared. llloan Ashore, [By Telogrson to dm Pittsburgh tlaxette.) TILIAP, May B.—Tho steam ably thunargo. from Brazos River for Gal voston, waa blown adorn on Sea Lout. Is land;on Sunday nlgtt, by the gale. Tim Academy or ?facie In the Black Crook excitement the amuse ment loving community must not lose Eight of the fact teat the most liberal arrange ments are being made for ta6 grand fash ionable inauguration of the Magnificent temple of the drama. the Academy of Music. Owing to unavoldaide delay the pathetic historian Murdock, whose name will over live in the fond memory °fall loyal citizens, cannot he with us till Wednesday evening next, and the oimulng of the. Academy has been postponed until that time. It in In tended that the I,i:tuning shall be the most brilliant a %fair of the season and we suggest that as much attention be paid to toilet by visitors an Is custom ivy tattle Italian Opera. Messrs Hull tc Burke have now concluded all their arrangements, and guarantee the establishment ofia theatrical ,temple of the highest order, and 'lf encouraged their efforts—as they eminently deserve to be, they will elevate the drama to a much higher standard than it has ever attained In 'Mai:Lay. Mr. Murdoch presents for his opeului: night the great four act en edy of uMeney,e to which he will sustain the role of Alfred and will be supported by one of the finest dramatic companies In the country. The sale of reser , ed seats com mences this morning at one o'clock. a '. C. Moiler Co's well known Music store No. 4 Woal street, The Amateur floweret To-night. We uldish the programme of the Amateur 'oneert, to take place this evening at the Academy Of linsle. After having ascer tained the pieces which are to he perforat ed, and the names of the ladles had gentle men alio are to Interpret them, our readers will understand that theto remains noth ing for tl.l to hat to advise thorn to se cure their Witte at Messrs. I:leberel. If they wish to share In the musical festival of the season. PITTSBURGH, TIIURSDA , MAY 9, 1867. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM EUROPE. TILE EUROPEAN SITLITION. Peace Congress Assembled, ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TO-DAT, Peace Prospect Gloomy. VIGOROUS WAR PREPARATIONS Livingstone, the African Traveler. AN EXPEDITION TO LEARN HIS FATE. IVINANCIAL AND COMMERVIAI Ttleg . raras to tLu l'ltte.burgL l'E ACE COSri:lll:sei:. AUJOVENIII.I . TILL tio•nrr. LON.ox, May 8-2 r. Conference of ton Ureat Powers adjoarot.s.: I:US:3I.t. • 'MOO. C0NC11,r1(.12,0 If: a.,1...”11). LON IfON, 11 en: f•O.--:f..porto from Warsaw state that the liussinii "in:ern:tient Li concentrating troops and aiunitlone of war in ryland. kl.klaNE INTELLIGLNCE. QckEstrrowx, May k.. Tho Mph° row Now York, arrivrd Lo-aluy. Lrrlacroor., !ley r. llotepor, from lawalla for Now loll:, to lot. Mao or otller part icultrs. FINA.NCIAL .INI, COMM Encl,sl.-. 1.1 , 21110 M MOM XV MA cz XT. Leann". blny r. —1 he Mones - mar. tot Is quiet. Conrad., t,1t,1". Ate.-lean no. malt ie. have all declined; bonds, 7,1 Erie, Illinols, 75. I.oooen, Mayl• noi. Central, 7:.;.,; Lice, 41 ; United ctaar. Londe, 71:4. Loauca, May American becurltle, the following rate.: Fiveavrentle., 71%; Erie, 10%; I.lli. no 14,14?:. Lseseroot. May e.—Neon,—Cotton cs•ler. Pre...toffs nrtn. Berl . Whent,124.9.1. Corn, 435. 4 , 14 - 4135. :Q. Provirlons qu,e V. Pork, 3;,.. 641. I..sre salennend to S-s. l'etrolcuur, Is 1 1 13renr00L..3.1n7 r-2 F. .—COILOn has dr rirned !ire sr en noon. The m3ret dull; Urannn.r. 1U1140114. The other 4 anal• teral. LivartrooT, Mar 4 .-lActsing.--1:OttOtt; the decline In prier • continued. and the market clewed weak; Middling Upland., 114; it leans, INd; the sales amounted to in.tati hales Breatletuint—torn cloned at lie ttl Per quarter far mined Welder, Barley, I. 34 per 111 pountla Oats, Ids :d per In palings. Peal. ills. 'Wheat. tancuanged. Provl•ititt market quad. Beef declined to Ira per hart rel ror eitru prune mess. Pork steady 01 rintol. Lard advanced to 7 , :s f 1 peratn I. far Anterlcan• 14.0 n, Pro. dare—American Tole a' ,lerllninl to tit n 4. Rosin ; C/1111(12011 Lts. :nitrite Turpentine, :Zia Petrol tutu, lid, relined, In V-ili per gallon. Lelx wolf. Dlay —lron drrner, scocen plO, per toe. bugrr newly,. • l'y 11.11 Expedition to Ascertain the Yale of Or. Llsicouttono—The Tapers• Striko —30.000 Oen Ont• or Broad— Legislators and the Loxonaborg binrstion—Yieloria`a Lotter to the [lingo[ rrllll.lS—Pred poet, of Fence Daily Dinaltalabloy—Extraordin•ry Vigor or War Preparations—Jost a Probability of Prose. Ny'rel.riooh to ttolboralt Otzttze.l Saw Tonic, May o.—Tho China's wail. ar rived bac to-niAht with London paper.. to the 27th. A •mall expeditton is to be ill.patclied for Africa to learn the fate of In. Lir leg atee., A acne steamer he. boost takon teethe navigation of Lake Kr has,. Nearly all the tailor chops ere how owed, and thirty thoniatint 101111 hero thrown Aliettnielves out 01 breed. It wt. belleved In Parts that Jul. Fxeru'a deme-nd for leave toyue•t.lon Um Govern ment. On tho Luxemburg quostlon would not bo allowod In the legteletivo body. The Mernerfat Diphenotitiee bore It Is be lieved In ilifiloinatla circles In Vienna that the Duke of tiromatit brouvlit from Paris the basis of the Intimate atoterttaniting be tween rrance and Austria. la slew of eventualities, should war beeoine hie., Victoria's letter to tho Kind of Prussia emphatixally insist. he should snare Eu rope the calamity of preser v e hich England would necessarily an uts.olute neutrality, as she ililfal , PrOVee tbu execs sive cJahris maintained by Prated , • The European Timer of thellth says every day direintshos Us. prospect. of peace Coo.. France and Prussia. The war fever Is gradually rLsing In Parts, and the hatred of the French towards the Prussians to on the Increase. Preparations for a decisive struggle aro being pushed forward in each country. A tumor declares that Victor Emanuel Is to receive a French loan, or perhaps the gift of twenty-four millions sterling. The Court of Berlin makes a demand from Uermany, neyond the pale of one hun dred thousand men within one mouth of the breaking out hf , There Is just a possiollity that peace may still be preserved, the Court of Berlin hav ing consented to demolish the. fortress of Luxemburg. The London paper. generally coincide that war to almost certain. It is oMelally &ginned that Denmark wade no prepare. Lions. Tian Spanish government has accorded an amnesty to all corporals and privates con cerned in the mlllutry revolts lu January and Juno of last year. The project • of uniting Hungary to Croatia has become more .popular at Agram. MOM , RICHMOND. thletJantlce Enos. Expected on Mon aor—The Writ for Jetr. will be Pince.' In Libby Prtxeo, illy Theerspir to the Pittsburgh thiscite•l Mon rose, May s.—lt is understood Chief Justice Clause will arrive bare on Monday. Mr. C h andler, prosecuting Attorney, has not yet arrived. United States Marshal Underwood has received the following writ, and leaves with it for Norfolk tc.morrow 'The President of the United States, to illiguller General ilenry S. Barton. and to any person or pe rsons lowing custody of Jefferson Davis greeting, We command you that you Ave the body of Jefferson Davis, by you imprisoned, detained as it is said, together wtih the WIMP of such Im prisonment and (Intention, by whatsoever name the said Jefferson Davis may he called or charged, before our Circuit 'Court of the United States for, the district of Virginia, at the next teise . thereof, at Ilichumed. In said district, on the second Monday In May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven, at this Opening of the Court on that day, to do and receive what shall thou and there Ike vmsidereil concerning said Jeffor. iron Davis. “Witness Salmon P. Chase, our Chief Jar tine of the Supremo Court of the United States, this lint day of May . er. . Dauer, Clerk Of the Cfreelt Court of the United States, District of Virginia.. • Mr. DAVIS. whim he arrive. on Sunday, will still be in military custody and not be produced In Court it Is stated that he will be kept In Libbytill•ldontlay. Prison, where apartments Will he assigned. FROM NEW ORLANS. Too On*eines Ono One. Attempt ere. —flee Crop and Orange Trees Destroyed. COY Teicersph to the Pittthursh Ussettc.l Now Orttosos. lacy o.—Tao shield.% op. cursed yesterday. And a third one way at tempted. The hurricane of Sunder night and Mond• caused flee crevasses below the city. The rice crops and Orange trues are nearly all debtroyed and great distress is reported umengst chi:1 '11 0014n". lhbahl4nte, 7renaux4l:4l4b m ed of 87,000, (DT Telerraph to the VlttstAirgh Uaaette•] Ilstrixons, May S.—During the stern last melt the °face of the Italtimere (4 - turo ty Treasurer, at JasentoWn, was robbed of 67,0 w. The watchman at the Court-house was overpowered by three men to disguise, who blest' open the treasury safe, and Colo all the funds. No trace of the thieves. It was the heaviest Storm ever known at 11110 iweson of the j ear.. CITY AND SUBCIIB.• FOURTH PAGE.—The Mktg a • most re liable Mono, Oil and Produce kei ,Re ports given by any paper linWeicily, will be finind on our Fburth Ftrgei Moettstu. of the Democratic County Convention—Election Of Delouutos—; Icon. W. 11. Lowrie the Cholas kw' ouprome JuOLu—No , Woodettleo on nesolutlains. The Deuror . atle delegates elected in the several precincts on Saturday mot In con• Tendon nt too Court house' yestortlay, the Porpo.a beteg to elect eight delegate. to leo State Convention, At eleven o'clock Gan.' George W. Can, chairman of the County Executive Coot mit tee, called the Convention to order, and on motion, John C. Barr and W. T. Farley, Escs., wore chosen temporary Secretaries. credentiale of delegates Were next In or• der, and when all had beet PrOaented. It uP pouret that out of eeveutylhree 4J/strict' thtrty(our were not. repreiiemod. - The Convention 'nen precut:AO to the e1..,e110n of permanent orlncene, and the tot. lowintt were chosen : Clunenurn—J.C. lletfum,ot Lawrenceville. l ota Presiarn(J—John Coyle, 1 , 1,41., John A. busts, Dr. James Kerr, 'EU. Eicher.. Nub, Maj. Wm. Piper, Capt; IL: Sinclair, Halbert Morrow. . . Serreturics—John C. Darr, W. T. nay 10.y, Crinh• Stewart. lonn O'Connor, of the Third ward, moved. Om appolotntotit •of a oOmmitteu of five to draft resolutions... • • • Dr. A. G.-McQuade !nosed as a substitute that the committee on resOlutiOns too Ills. refixed with. • Thu solanltuto was adopted. • John S. Murray. of ernith 'Pittsburgh, thought there ought to no some orison:Atone adopted, for appearance sake, if nothing else, John M. Irwin, city, did not understand how it convention caulk assemble without sou, expression of opinion through resolu tions. The delegates should at least be In struct.' as to how they Should vote for Su premo Judge. Commodore liountz thought the resolu tion passed would only prevent the ymimmt. melt QI the usual committee on resolutions. Win. Mon, Lag.. conformal In title view. Thu delegated, hoWnver, should bas In structed. • . The motion to reconsider did not pro. To Convention • proceeded to nominate .andldates tor leh•¢stq, actmrding to Lits. rlets. H . on. Tainee P. Barr, of tho Post, was norniestett as ilologate at largo. Nosaltlatiflias hasikg bccn m.lO, the Con ontioa took a rows* till °au o'clock. A rrianxioont !,zsslos Chnirtnna Ilutnon ealiol the Conventlnn to or,er at ono o'clock. end at:now:teed that It n °old be to order tO Pteeeett to. the eh.- non of delewates. The regular method. ho bel:eved, was ,11 , 0 rocs, son Inn of J. P. ilebe/, Of }:a.t. Mr. llghttlll. the regular rats was suspended nod the Coerce:Wu decided to elect by mirk:l4r. Yonow Ing rescilt of the marking.: The anntletnen chosen are designated by nn Yrona the City Roo lobe teleeted).—•John A. rtruin, tit °John 0 . 1.10nn0r.1% It. eyrouli, ;Id. James:ll. Taylor. Li. Dot.oen tbe Rivers (One to be Pole , to(l). II: It. Al. Clur,:r; • .t. C. llutrenl,:.o. South of the Itiverw (two to trosolw3tetl). • 11r. ./..mot herr. 14.4 *John 1•. 11(4..1. t.:1; Ilubert .11cAyeal, 7; Ilea* . Inglantt. 17. Allegheny Clly (ono to 1.. s Charlet r. tt'Lllnton, 31; • %V. It. Itetd. •rth of the litters Mho to heeelectetl). • Wm. B. Moore, 41t Joeeph Loduk, Di Peter leurrt t. attf tor that hatlntlng land progntnsted for e tltuat,..lotit, Alarsay announced I oat ston 11. llookinc, toting eau aldnto tor 'delegate,' told desired to brava h'S unite 'Ali hat SAtil • 311 , ...11. admit...al hat had not Unillinar..l Mr. atOpktns, and therefore Lad no than to %Marna Lis nowt.; but lot had trio Mr. !look it.. tool at bin try lleSt nu dottrotl to hat, tddi groin adrtchent ocr the lUL Alderman blraln utti It war no litho now to withdraw tt, toterlir. tlopktun had re neivc.tl a heather of nolo.. . . .. . . I.,q.et Johu M. Ira Iti. Es ...wattled the mama shoul.l not Lawit awn. tic prefer...l that Kontletuan iseted for ilslegatio Olio Wore 40( Oil vs .4 of the Con rut, t lola 4,.c.1:14.1d Y, -. 41 0 AL Welt ho shoat= to remriSismit Ilia DamliqUit.m FILM, not thelr own spiclal tutoreatw. ..... - .._. Thu Chairman decided that the name of 31r. Hopkins should not attiekan off. Mr. Murray 101 l the Emir nitton, mutter. Inc hitil th botattsfaction. P Me. il lyrm nu re, I nr ned wi a f rk!. In a hien he stud du e that It rom would Ito o linpostd• lie for Min to %Mama thin 01010 eflnventlnci, mud for thu tc.u...Ht dull rod hi. 1:1111n0 with d ra len a. a riontlilato for onlegate. The 'utter being read. Mr. Murray thought therm would now be now ho objection town. withdrawal of the nano,. • The I...buirman haviiiir previously ruled versely. 1 / 1 619 Undoelthnl shpt Oonnoo to tAike, but tlnallfdeoelt.4.l that if no objection IRAS offered tor. ilepirlos' name %could L. orltlon awn. Titer° Union . no Onjuntlon, it onta en ord.:req. Alderman att. - am moved that the deleiratta tin had cunt Weir VOlcSltir Mr. (topic!nt tat allowed to vote agaitt for another candl dote. Tue -won't do. !!array moved that the bullet Irit re cone tweeted. The ehoirtuan—liothin" is In order but to_ proceedwiSis the ',Utak. tildre. tile Secretaries wore counting the votes, Ablermuu Strain moved that Model. 0,1004 erected ho instructed to vote to the State Vonvention fur flue, Walter U. Low rift for Supreme Judge. 'rho thought this would be In• sleuthing Club/gates belOre they were elec ted. It. C. Sproul—That'aell right. It Ls the Lent lowey. Alderman Strain read Ma tenollatlen es fullow,“ Resolved, That the choice of the Converts Lieu for estutitlate for the oupromo Bench, to tilt the-plarm of the her. G. W. W oats warrt - wt, ewe term will ehertly expire, is the Hon, Welter 11. Loa - 110,0 the county. Ills legal lenrning, bound I uligtuent, Integrity anti lust teary, together with hie Wog rh ace, tutmenti.y centrum]. him for mat position, cost we hereby imtruot our dole gotta to earnestly urge his nomination by tile btute Convention. • - • - Thu resolutlou was Unanimously adopt. ed. Or. Jas. Kerr offered a preamble and red elution endorsing the action of the County Committee relative to the Pittsburgh Port, recommending strenuous efforts to sustain that paper to us efforts to dissOlUinato de. =militia trace.. J. N. aticlowry, Kati.. moved an athend. meat, a mi g e mi n g dint th e .11,0 AdWald° fusion. hot entertained. Tile resolution was sultiPted. _ Jolla Quinn, of the Tided ward, offered ,a resolution Instructing the delegates to vote 10r lice. Walter - IL Lowrie fur supreme Judge. A. delegate suggested that Mt. Quinn mast have been reposteg,• such a resolution L already euen adopted. • Mr. Quinn—My resolUtlon differs from the other; it Is "more stronger." • TOO resolution was laid on the table. t.:„ U. Sproul, gag., Offered ihe follow. In ts ' o l in, w T o lr e at "l l C l 9t tmnites constantly more evident with the tole: of limo that the only proper cure for the great and growing exile of the cuiustry, Is too recta. ratiOn of the Democratic , party_to power. .12 , sultyd, That the cry of suderlhg from famine, which ronehts :IS trout the south• err muntry, calls aloud fora prompt Lilt earnest response train every friend of ho. Inanity. Sir. J. N. IlicClowry Offered a resolution, which Secretary Barr proccodeo to road : Re.elied, That we condemn t h e notion— John O'Connor.—l object to the reading of the re.lution. • . . fen Linn—l also object, as It Is an nojuet rcfloctent upon the action of the 1.4 Goo• ventton. . • . J. S. um-ray—l move we aillourn. • Several delegates Moved to adjourn. . Alderman Strain—ln order to. put an end to the confusion, I move that the resolution be laid on the table. The Chairman put the motion to adjourn, which be announced carried. Following In Dlr. alctliowrySi fire brand ; Ifrogica. That we condemn the actlou of tee last Convention, assembled at the call of General G. W. Gans, In surrendering the timediouored name of the Democratic par ty and coalescing with fusionists, the re snit of which Dimon was the polling of only thirteen voles mere than the square old Democracy polled In the contest lee their distinguished candidate for Governor, lion. George W. Woodward. . l'revious to the offering of title resolution, Itev. W. D. Moore, by request. delivered Uric[ address, the burden of which was that tire country was going to rein under the role of the liepubl(ctine, and that the only remedy was the elevation to power of the Democratic party. (Rev. M. was out short to lime nliceen, the sleek Indicating An hour at which his duties rem. iced him to be In thell. S Coon t. gee. 01. Is Assistant triet Attorney, which position he acquired. through adherence to Cowan and Johnsen.) .-Tak log a retro.nect of the assemblage • we saw many familiar face.. ever present on tire occasionof DOLLIOCrStIC conventions. Ono (ace. more familiar than, all the rest,. voice us loud lathe' loudest, as Irrepressi ble In conflict with others its the elements, was no: there. And in perusing the pro. ceedinge hiwabselice cannot but be hotleed, as mucn so as if ere were to append an 13,c to the effect that owing to t h e bullet.. salon (we SuPgoefq Of S.U. Herr, Eeq,, gen erally known as oltesolution Kerr,•• the sun. at forma, of a •Nlo.ntnittee tql Vona. and radoption of the report as read try the mimeo,. was disponscal wits. .4)01 Denton, wo have missed yen." iiiietory or two American dieurye-a mre cbahco le offered to comae in today e paper. under the head .of wants, to solicit intreeribers to tale Tahlahle work. A Golden Vedatoff WILLIAM DILWORTH and ELIZABETH Scorn celebrated yesterday afternoon and even ing, at their residence, at Mount Washing ton, near this city, the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. A numerous company of children, grand-children, great-grand children, Other relatlyes and friends hon- ored the occasion with their ureseuee. Tills concourse was In its character, not less than in its numbers, a llttmg commen tary on ttie exemplary lives of our friends. Besides a long retinue of relatives and friends, we noticed among Mob guests gen tlemen and ladies from all the classes of re spectable society, and from all the profes sions and callings; the Pulpit, the Bends and Bat had many repreaentatives; scores of manufacturers and merchants, run many youne people, the .lesceral an ts of neighbors and friends endeared to the Ddwortn ram -111• by long and Intimate social in tetcourse. We have ourselves been contoinporary with and personally acquainted with Mr. b. for forty years, and concur with the many ,whom we heard remark that they imilnever heard an imputation aaniust the morals or Integrity of William Dilworth. The moot- Mg of all these friends brought up again many pleasant oteneirlos past times and Incidents. Wo cordially and sincerely congratulate our aged friends on the crowning earthly glory of their wall spent life lei their an. morons descendants, every Individual of whom that is old oneugh to have estate. Hailed any character has earned a high po sition In our Mainess and social circles. Noels in the community have been more prosperous or more succosaful. They acv Ornaments of society and 111140 Made their mark among our men of enterprise, public, and private. Alter the company hail assembled, the Rey. Mr./so:atio, of the First Presbyterian Church, made au•appropriate address, and the line. Dr. Howard, of the Second Pres byterian Church offered a fervent prayer. An elegant col lation awaited the guests, and a brass band Was lu atteiniance. Air. Wiwi:ltch Was botti In Lancaster coun ty, and Isyears of ago the present month. At the age of six years he tame to this country with his parents. This city was then a hamlet, Oeutaining only two stores. In ISII ho collated ler the detente of tbo county, and marched to Sandusky under Gen. Harrison. Fifty years ago he was inse rt.' to Miss Elisabeth Scott. daughter of Col. Samuel Scott, of Hos, township. That same day the nes ly married couple took up their abode In teeir present residence, which has been their Ideate ever niece. In ISI7 he superintended the building of the first Monongahela bridge, and to refs the construction of this bridge over the Alle gheny. Ile we. also Concerned in the oree• tine of the original Water Works, ut the foot of Cecil alley. In connection with Mr. Joseph Collect, in lan, he superintended the erection of the pretest Court /louse; and In the fall of the same year was chosen a member Of the 'Legislators. Cara from Ytabop lierfoot. the therar - re and other papers of the city please give prominence to the folios, log circular, and ask the attention of our citizens to the very Imp9rtant and urgent attire of the request ulnae 1 1 received the circular yesterday, and it seems to be my duty, as Monad Orat on the Committee, to request the gentlemen oesignated, the members of the Board of Trade, and ail other citizens inter, steel, to meet at the Weird of Trade Rooms, on Friday the Mtn lusts at 11 o'clock, .. Jolla B. Elm roar. Board of Trade 1100me,505 Chestnut street, l'hill.telobla. The Executive Committee on Collection and Ito Committee on Dui trlbution, hare determined to organize auxiliary itegociatione In the Interior noun- Hos of Pennsylvania and the counties of New Jersey and Delaware contiguoue to Vhiladelphig have appointed Ht. Hee. John H. Iterloot,'John It, elioenberger. Y. li. lien• not. Walter H. Lowrie, Ilideirt McKnight, .1. li. Moorhead, G. W. Tower. William Thaw, He.. e. Y. &ciente,. Jame" Y. Harr, J. heron Yoeter, George W. Cabs, Thom. M. Hoar, Win. Haven, sawyer, Wm. F. Johnston, Hey. 11. Joliulton. M w. Scruple, John gieyere, 11ev . Eamucl J. William.. 1.). D.. altegEon7 ;Itev. It. leimen, McKee.- port. or any of Item In the shounce of the the others an the meeting for Organleatlon) eretvcalienbeirOvecauttgi Pen The auxiliary ueerociationa are Intheirtreet to collect and reecho funds Di aid of the Southern gamine licher lend bf The original appointees bare power to add to their number. to till vacancies. to substitute suitable per..us for those pra t tinted from nerving, and generally to adopt Pilch measures for promptly carrying Out the objects of their Association as may seem expedient. itemittanees 10 be made to Janno L. A •lITtiC. Treasurer, Corner of Walnut and Dock streets. Communications to be addressed to CRAM. T. Donator,. secretary, Donn] of Trade Noon., 04 Chestnut street, Ph iladelptilm N. li GYM all the original appointees are unable to serve, please notify the Sucre tarp nt mint. mid sumilent suitable persons Who aro willing to ant (,SINITTOZ ON MITIMICTION. John Welsh, Chairman; Bev. Henry A. Boardman, MB., Freslurica Fraley, Thomas S. Newlin, lion. William Strong. tinpromo Court, Penneylyanin., S. Morns Wain, lino. Whitney, NrreCTIVIL CONYOZTNS ON COLLNOTIONA. Lemuel Collin t Chtilrmsti; J. Vilest:lan Merrick, {Via. C.i . siterson, John 0. James, Charles Wheyler, 141111 am Massey, Licary Lewts.Jrxrepti Myers. The flank Robbery charge of kande In Irnnonxburg -7 Per fermi by = The Cushier of the Farmers' Bernell. Bank of Canonsburg made an Information, on Monday last, before Justice Smith, of IV ashington county, charging Bob Mat, thews, a well known rhartteter of this city, with burglary. Thu Cashier, from informa tion at hand, has reason to suspect that Bob had something to do with the late rob bery of the Banking Homo, and according ly outdo the information as stated. The warrant was connteraigned by Alderman Strain, of this city, who happened to be in Washington on Monday la.d, and placed In the henna of ofiloer Wilmot, who, on hie ar rival hero lentil Matthew. was alrelnlY m Mil, awaiting trial on a charge of counter feiting. There will, in all probability, be enough of charges against Bob to give him some dillioulty in clearing Ishmael( from. Masonic. Hatt—A K len4lA Present for filuomoboax. • The Apocalypse Exhibition and 'Pistons of Paint John will remain at Monona) nail Just throe days longer. 'Exhibitions will be given every afternoon and night these bat three days. About six hundred handsome presents will be glysn awayfrer to the mull enees of those exhibitions, among which Is a splendid seven octavo Chlckering Plano, valued at dye hundred dollars. These pros. cuts are gives away to advertise theenter tainment, and whoever receives the piano must'onntraet to tell at least ono hundred venous about the "Apocalypse" Babied tWn Its merits. In feet it will bo left as a memento among the people to remem ber this great work of art by.as we learn a return trip Wlll is, mud, In september next, Go and see the Visions of saint John these last three days, and that without fail. • Illy Mortality 11. r. A. U. McCandless, Physician to the Marcie( llealtb, report• the following in terments no Ms city from April Mth to May sib, harf. moles. I IYhtto "0 5 Total in lColored.... u Uf those thsro were: Uodor 1 year 7 From ni to 40 1 From toe 2GO to GO 1 10 to US 1 60to 70...... 2 •Al •to 30 4 w 70 to GO 1 The diseases and the numb or, of 'deaths resulting therefrom were at follow. C 011• gumption, three; typhoid fever, On% bilious collo, ono; disease of the Hoot, one; dropsy, two; suicide, ono; cholera infautum. ones convulsions, ono; encephalitis, one; dillougo of the brain, one; porlcalditis. one; drown ing, one; innammatlon of the - lungs, throe; still born, one; lunch's, ono. Aliment Meeting of the PACltleland . Atlantic Tel Conipaty.. Tho stockholders of this company held their annual mooting at the Board of Trade Booms, on Tuesday. The meeting came to order with C. Arbuthnot to the chair. 4.10. 11. Thunton, President of the Company, then read his report, which wee acceritcsi, and ordered to ho tiled with the papers of the Corporation. The report, ortho Treas urer was read and accepted: An election for offtcers was then held to serve for the on• suing year, which resulted us fellows, Pres. Went, ileorge U. Thurston, of plttsbarglii Directors, Jame. 1,. littpW, Wm. Vacuum. Hebert .1. Andersen, /Award J. Allen, of Pittsburgh, and E. Middleton and A. .1. Baldwin, of Philadelphia. I Mr. Joseph E. Robinson. a resident of Al legheny, met with a severe accident' On Tuesday evening last. Ile had got into the street car, on this Cite of the river, to go over to his Lome, and when ho reached his destination, attempted to lump off while the cites were in motion. lio was thrown violently to tho gromel and one of the oar wheels passed over his toot, breathing th e small bones and lacerating' the 1 10 was removed to his residence where Ms woumis were dressed by Dr. Thee. The injuries, although severe, are not of a tlerloWleharseter. • r.- 4,, ) ,,., ,;\ \,....,„ THE COURTi. Collett States District Court lieforo Flop. Wilaon McCandle.. Court opened at ten o'clock on WedneS day. ' The Grand Jury returned the following indictments : - United States va. Albert Glacknor. in. dictment, taking a letter out of the Pitts burgh Postoalco and opening. secreting and embezrel leg the game. United States va Gibson Ilughes and Scott Smith. Indictment. robbing,the mail. Thu case of Samuel Well alias Goldman Well, was proceeded with, Josiah Cohen. Esq., appearing as counsel of the defen dant, District Attorney Carnahan acting for the United Stat.". It appeared from the developments made that the accused was engaged In - centaur. felting. Making and pealing, as a regular business; that he was an agent in this city of an association which h. Its rainless,. tlempin several places of the United States. After a short deliberation, the Jary roe tiered a verdict of guilty. Sentence de. ferred. . . The coon of. Gilson Iluglies and Scott Suiltn was called op, District Attorney Carnahan appearing for the United Stater; Thew. J. Keenan, Esq., for the defendants. In February last the postmaster Of Kitten. nine received complaints that some letters tiontaining money and addressed to several parties bad not reached their destination. in investigating the matter the postmaster and a Justice of the localigy discovered teat the money. 4141.4; had boon abstracted from the letters uy the defendants, who are youths Of about fifteen years of. sze, Scott Smith being engaged at that time an mail carrier from limiter/lug to i'lll3XlllltllWtkey. After bearing the testimony of the-post master and several other witnesses, the Cougt adjourned till to-day at ten o'clock. Trial LI. t for Thursday. LIZIII.ICT count. 40. Joseph Fleming vs. 11. Darlington it Co. 115. liannish J. Lyle vs. Jeremiah Wilson. 110. Hugh McShane el. ur. to. B. McClain A Co. la.). Foster A Co. vs. Pittsburgh Coal CO. I:AL James Cordon el. at. vs. Penn's. B. B. Co. (old liar.) 31. James (Wieland vs. P. Ft. W. A C. B. h.. Co. • 32. Hobert lacClLuton vs. P. Ft. C. B. It. Co. 74. Oakland Ilailway Co. vs. John ilsDe• vitt and Charics McDevitt. C 01114014 toss. • 31. Thomas B. Eyrie vs. A. A D. 11. Chambers. John Douglas vs. Junes O'Neal & Co. 3.0. Robert Bell vs. West Transp. Co. lA. Solomon Simon ye. Adams Express Company. 40. J. A. Anderson vs. B. Schmidt & Co. Cl. Mittleberger, Herzog A Bro. vs. Jacob Trey. 41. IV. 11. Brown vs. J. M. Bailey. 43; Thompson &Co. vs. 11. li. 4 0 . .14Idelobsugh vs. John 2:unser. 47. B. Col lymdre vs. John D. BCIL Dl.tr/ct Court. Bofors iloo. 11. W. Williston. Melluiston .t Co. vs. Monongahela Navigation Company. Before reported. Court ordered Judgment of non-suit to be entered, on the ground that the, plaintiffs bed not Riven sufficient evidence to entitle them to maintain the action—with leave to move the Court In bane to take off the non suit. John G. Chunqiu:, of Esq, !ens .. adtnlttel to m 11 practice, ou OLIOJ. 11. LtStllplol2, Common Plea. Court Before lion. E. LI. Stowe; Samuel Stevenson ea. Win. P. McCabe. Ireton) reported. Jury hut. John Li. Little re. ii . 11. Wallis. Verdict (Cr plaintiff, that he hare poseeeeion or the premises leased and described in the writ. ili litt gb llori C *m ro . gl Di n The Ilirml cil held a regular meeting on Tuesday evening. Pres. eat-11 , strs. Wallace. Kerr, Ibrasen, Wel ker, Malone, Schwerin, Mcllwaincoatal Hue. gess hallabury. The minutes of the pro ilous meeting were read and unproved. Mr. Thrown, Ctialrman of the Building Committee, reported haying notilled Mr. t2Fg of a contract being awarded , to him to ild a nave engine boas.. and that tie had it sem Wririwierwieryaeartrityi.aliat. that the Committee had employed air. Writ. Heck to build the now engine hon+u according to the plane and epeelticationn, for the tom of one undred dollars. Mr. li.r.sen. Chairman of the Finance Committer, presented the monthly report of the Treasurer. which was adopted. Me also reported that the monthly reports of borough °dicers have Leen examined and found to be correct. Mr. Weiner, Chairman of the Street Corn tante!, presented a plan for the extension' or the sewer from Wastantruna street, at the in temection of McKee, to L:sogiu street, the estimated cost of which to IM,IOS. On motion of Mr. Welter, that the plan Lo adopted no presented. Amended by F. L.. Ihmsen, that the sewer. Le extended to Gregg street, the estimated cost of which le 61,415. On motion of his. Schwerm, the culvert under hereon street weutorsiered to be cc. pared under the supervision of the Street Committee. On motion of Mr. Malone, aettees were or dered to hefurtilehed for the TOWTI On motion of F. L. Itimsen, the matter wav referred to the Market Committee,wlth MO,rnetior.a to report at the next regular meeting. A communication from the 'lose Comps, up Wan presented to the Council, asking for an appropriation of 1375, for Lao purpose of buying forty Lary and belts for toe com- PnoY• On motion of S. Mellwalne, the sum speci fied was appropriated. On motion of Mx. Mellwaine, proposals were Ordered to be Waned for the grading and paving of Union alley, Grosvenor street, rwtween Washington and Manor , dreeta. Proposals to be opened for two weeks. On motion of Mr. hiellwalne, a committee of three WWI appointed to consult with the President of the Birmingham g. Pitts. burgh Passenger Railway Company, In re. ferenee to the laying of a tioriblo track' on Carson street. The Bargees appointed the following committee: Alesers. Alcllwalne, Ihmeen and Kerr. The Borough Solicitor:Alfred Kerr. Esq., pan ord Inan relating talthe pen alty to be l l nflicted for e° crest:a g a false alarm of die, which. ou motion of Mr. Mallwalue wall adopted as read, and ordered tp Do published Thu follow tog bills 190r0 presented and warnsota for theLt - payment ordered to be drawn: & A. lays, komber for stroots t 20 19 Peter Wilson & son, Notk on /Jose MS= Jo;tepn tirarl & Co., Cast steel lira men's Imes 25 00 It. Rush, paper and envelopes for hose company 1 2.5 V. Foote, ogle. 1 75 D. Doran, for street purposes WM CO I..Fogle, Constable, one months see. vices CO 00 11. Iltisted,serwices no night widen— on 00 I.l.undel, " .. tO 00 On motion of Dr. Jas. Kerr. Chestnut al.. ley waslncluded In the proposals for grail lnit and paving streets. On motion eudourned. Ilest Mactilna Is the United States. Improved Weed Lock Stitch Sewing lim ekiln,. it makes a stitch alikq on both sides; It f possesses a tension of superior merit by which the operator is enabled to sow from the thinnest to the thickest cub-. stances, and over scams and Irregular or uneven surfaces without readjusting it, and will pass over seams without breaking the needle or shipping stitches or breaking the thread, at toll speed; it will do all kinds of family sewing and tailoring on the same machine. Its wearing parts are construct ed of steel, and It se the cheapest machine by twenty per cent.. In use. and will now fatter. if not superior to any machine In the market, he can return It and have his oteoey. Warranted for four years. .agents wanted. R.I. Lena. Agent: No. 112 (Irani street. Eleetion of Oa:leers At a meallOg of tho stockholder, of the Sharpaburg and Laerienoeville Bridge Dom. pony, held a day or two Slate, the follow. ing gentlemen were cleated as officers to serve the ensuing year; President, James C. Louts; Directors, Jars. Saint, U, B. Her ron. W. u. Darlington, Robert Halted', Jno. W. Chalfant, Wilson Henry. False Pretenses.—Darldllelielvy made Information yeaterday before Alderman Mullen against John Andrews, charging him with false protanso. Yrosecuter al leges that Andrews sold tam a home lately, which he neorcsentril as a sound and good worker; but that when became to harness him en, be would not pull any, and farther, that defendant refused td *We lined bin loss to him In any way. A warrant wins !B etted far the arrests! the defendant. Soldiers' Monnoaectt•—The Salters Monument Assoctation ern' bolds meeting 1110 MT-cream et two oWlock, 1n City Half, wLen It 10 expect.' to 00011 nes" disposl. Mons for the lair. in view 01 this, It la Im. portant that members, ea well se All Inter opted, be present: Committees are cape. tally rectriested to be present, report pro. press, end make arrangement, to bring their work to a close, Allesbepy Comsellia.-.Through the po. 'llene., of ll,..lisatenTon, Eeq. , Clerk of too Select ConnelL Allegheny, we ere informed that 11 , . tazolA illtoetang of amt. body will IA IMO toqllgta,2, PRICE THREE: CENTS. CENTS. ?bet Lleamstatfol slgu-Window. which attracts no Munn attention at the new stand of John F. Cluley. Mouse and Sign Painter, No. 134 auntie:lent street, and which we noticed yosterday, was not the exclusive wore of Mr. Gardner, as stated. That gen tleman executed the tine lettering, while Mr. W. 11. Harris performed the exquisite and highly artistic decorative work which surrounds the lettering. Wo make thin correction on our own motion, desiring that proper credit be given Mr. Herrin for his share of honor in the production, an he has long been identified as an artist of no ordi nary abilities, having few equals In this country, to his particular line of, baseless. lie has for a number of years been Monti fled with the establishment of Mr. eirdey ' with with he Is now connected. Alderman ilealastera yesterday took the Information of John Mein, now con fined in the eonnty jail, awaiting trial on a charge of larceny, against Philip Paatre for assault and battery. John alleges that he went into a pistils bonne In Allegheny, of which Pastre Is proprietor, on the .."Att of last mouth, Radars.* assaulted and broths by said Vinare, but that being arrested him self shortly afterwards, be had no' oppor tunity of making en information until yes terday, when his attorney enure to /MO, and brought In the Aldermieforo whole the Information wan made.micstated. -A war rant wash:wiled for the arrearbt defendant. Watches Stelae—Tocaday afternoon Joseph Moses was before JUstlce hooker, of !South Pittsburgh, on charges' of larce..y preferred by James Jones and David Davis. dues aiscuisidttlio defendant or atealleur from him a allsfer watch. and Darts alleged that be bad stolen from ham a silver *etch and chain.- The partleirreablo in South Pittsburgh, and the alleged tise:ta are stated to have been committed on Tuesday. sit the couclualon of the hearing, the mag istrate required the prisoner to enter ball In the sum of C.C.' 9 on each charge.and in de fault of which he was committed to jail for trial. Sorely of the Pence.—Thomas McCaff rey muse Information, yesterday. before Alderman Taylor, charging Samuel Stewart with a breach of . the peace. McCaffrey As the same party arrested a few days since, on oath of Stewart, charged with the lar ceny of some lumber, but who was dischar ged by the Alderman. McCaffrey alleges that since his'acquittal, defendant Um/lung ed him out to tight, and promised, in event of his accepting the proposition, he would hang up deponent's hide °tithe fence. Stew art was arrested and gore bail for a further hearing before We Alderman. Allentown Fn.& Freight Llne.—The attention of merchants and shippers Is di rected to the advertisement of the Allen town Railroad line which has established an office In this city, at the foot of Liberty street. Merchants can receive their goods direct from Roston and New York by way Of Harrisburg by this line, by rail exclusively. In much lees time Utak that required on any other route. John P. Hamilton, Esq., Is the anent In this city, and can be found at his office at the foot of Liberty street prepared to furnish all necessary Information . to those who may cult. The Grand Fair and Festival for the benefit of the Seventh Ward Mission Soh. bath School COtaillllce to attract a beige number of visitors at Wilkins Hall. Many business gentlemen availed themselves test evening of the opportunity of partak ing of the supper prepared, and for the be nefit of the hungry we will state that an elegant meal awaits them any time this af ternoon or night. We trent en increased attendance will reward the efforts of the teachers interested. The heir closes to. morrow night. Sad Aceldens.—We arc 'Mined to an nounce the death of Mrs. Lornaldnon thin morning, from an accident at the resilience of her husband, Alderman James DOnald. son, on Tuesday evening la.t. It appears that during the everting the lady, In coining down stales, slipped and fill the en. the distance to the door, receiving Injuries from which ene died shortlyafterwards. The deceased was a mast evimable woman, and'the bereaved husband and family have the sincere sympathies of tee comma. nity. Academy of Metale—Peal ponemen Mr. Murdoch having communicated the fact that he cannot, owing to his engage ment., reach this city on Monday, bas ren dered neceseary the postponement of the opening at the Academy of Music, announc ed for Monday evening, until Weilitc.daY evening, when the programme as announ ced. will be carried out. Assault weld liattesy.—Frederlet Alt. 11101 rawde . twforrotalwaSasturday , before Junior Areat.cd lieservetowrdlta, ottalnat Richard Ilurlag for assauit and battery.' The deferl.t was committed to jail, bat afterwards released, the required seaurlty of two hundred dollars belity furnished for lets appearance. Mayor Morrison had but lire common Cares before him yesterday morning. terms of whom paid their lines and wore discharg ed; the other two. Kate O'Brien and Blair McLaughlin, better known as the "Maud of Erie." were sent over to the Jail to serve out storm of twenty days each. Officers Elected.—The following named gentlemen have been chosen °lncurs of the soldiera , Orpnans' !Lome, of this env', to BorPd for theensuing year fl President, Choxles Keep; Vice Pre.ideni, James P. Barr; Treasurer, Geo. W. Cass; Secreuu - y, J. Grace. False Pretatmea—Fred. Myers made Information yesterday before Alderman Mullin, or Allegheny, chanting Samuel Madsen wlthobtaming two pairs of snore from him under (also pretences. A war• rant was issued for the arrest of the de fendant. Irish Repobllc.—Wo urn Indebted to Daniel Ferry, Flo, a bookiellsr and sta tioner, No. laa Fourth street, for u copy of the now Jews Republic, a large octavo liter ary weekly paper devoted to Irish lute, wiz, and published In Chicago. Discharges4—Thomas McCaffrey. whose arrest wo noticed on Monday for the larceny of some timber at Logan's Eddy, was dis charged yesterday by Alderman Taylor. there Wing no evidence to Justify holding him. We are indebted: to our friend Dr, Dee. IL Keyser, fur the Slay number of the Vial adelphis University Journal of Medicine and eurgery. As usual it Is very Interest ing, • Too So pa to hang the unfortunate Vog ler, the Washington County murderer, ou the 'nth Inst., - was purehalied to thin city 'yesterday, and forwarded to that town. IZIMI W , ol)ls—Aprli=th, BC. st Monliee Dr. WM. 13. Wtn)De. In the 31th 7ess of hls age. The funeral will take place To-DAT, 31 - ,y etb, at II o'clock ♦. Y. . from the restdetace or his father, Dr. Wm. Woods. kiettlektel , to Proceed to the Fewlekley Cemetery. 'AIKEN—On . - cdneaday.3l;jldb, WILLIAM. Infant ton or Alex. and tinily . J. Alktn. aged moron months. The funeral will take piece on Fall:UT 110E31- 9 o'clock. from the residence of his Pa rents, No. 111 Fourth etrcel. to proofed to Beth any Cemetery. South farattsr is'ownebip. The filen& of the family are cordially invited to attend. • ~~`(*.~r.~il~al:~YF:f~lsirs n 1 ALEX. AIKEN, UNDERTAKER, Do. 106 Fourth garret, Littabureb, Da. COFFILD .itaU kLads: CRAPES, GLOVES, and every deseilptlon of Funeral Farrilahiag ticaxis faentsbed.ilLoamsopeakt day tad ulgta. Marie and Carriages farabbcd. Itzrtnr.scas—Rev. Dalltl Kerr, D. D.. Rev. N. W. J Mit. Facnber ua. an. Th om. 'twiny. Z.., J. - eJt. W. J . G. RODGERS. 112illiERTA, • EAR AND EttßA.l.lll:2, mocemor to the late lissom' K. Rodgers, No. 29 Ohio Street, three doors from Beaver. Alleghtwy ritf. MC. Rosewood. inahog.f. Walnut and Rote wce34. Imitation coellsol. at U.S lowest reduced prices; gowns °genet all boom, day and night. Near. and Corneae. furnished on short notice .d on most reasontbie terms. i t T. WHITE & CO., [NOM ••••• TAKERS AND kIIRALIELLIts. ter. Wood's Run and vicinity. Collin Rooms at Mmtchester Livery stable, comer hherdeld and Chestier. streets. Rua., and , Cnrrinscs fur nished. SILLDALE. CEMETERL- —T e beautlfnl ••Uod'a-lore,•• the lamest subon. bas place of upolchre, except one, Le ale coon. Cl.. tested on New Brlnhton road, Immediate 1r north of Allentieuy. ➢or burial lots, permits hr titles, 111 0100011 M Drug Eton of COOL a CIANRY. alle,henr CRT. GRAND FAIR AND FESTIVAL ►T WiLKINS Hitt. Benoit of the neventh Ward 311tslon Bolnain 11117116 DAT AND ATTIHNOO3t 6 AnU IVENING,B, Ilse Stb end AA taleaton it cents. All ve toolto4 to atterA. _mto JOSEPE MEYER & SON, Mavatsetarers or - irerauarrincr.rtm , Nos. 133 6M11.31121./. 1 61 1 / 1 3NT. 14 494 PENN tiI3LIT. MiCS4U 0$ WS al ZliiiTzP ' Oori) DUNSEATH & CO.'S, CM= Venetian Clticks; Delivered to your homes fret Of charter r • ' Guaranteed tor Otte raw. .00 WATCHES, CHAESS asinucrEmspiersr.. AT A TKRT WALL PROFIT, AT WILL T. W4.EY'S 6 Wylie St % Sd doer f i res sth, 3. W. scot: JOHNSTON & scorr, • • MULLES IN ' Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., I= 1 2 1t - tribiamigh, Pearisti r Particular ulmtlon ■lvan w Hawking (11. ks wad Joral7. All work .u. SIIITIISON, PURR & CO. ARE RECEIVING DAILY Immense , Spring Stock of oLunilsrioir or BOOTS, SlitOES, ]Balmora,ls, Gaiters & Slipperffi, LADLES, GENTS, MISSES AND OBILDILELL CARPETS, Dollq;Sila DRY aoo]§, HOSIERY, Hoop EilLirts. CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS; AT 'CLELLAND'S EMORIFM, 55 & 57 :e3TR.I23XEPP., : 89 89 89 89 S 9 89'S9 S 9 IS9 I 89 MARKET STREET. so, , 00 co , 's9PEZ. -- C) JEt JO Si, 891, 89 . 4 7 / a rket Street, I I • AHD GET TOUS. • !" !BOOTS, SLOES, &C. I THE CHEAPEST /AND EZ!T IS 9 XIV WEIZII QITY s9 I NO AtmlloB GOODS Ram.. I S9l IJAB r , ROBB, 89 Market St. S 9 89 89 S 9 89 89 89 89 ':9I`IIE EPERIOR MERITS! . I of the WIIRELEIt & WILSON SEWING, ,31A.Cliitia steer all others, for family : t:tue and general . parbos es, are air 1..11 ex tabllalted and so generally miscalled, that lan enumeration: of s latlva ezeel ',lenu!esls to ranger et al ex, d stream 'ey„ Toe,: arc simple, durable and beau-' ; • WLSITIIN AUENCV.• N.. 27 FIFTH STIIEiT I 11317 DIRE. CLOSII & Practical Furniture, Manufacturers CDR. PENN AND WAYNE ETV Lats. style. of 717107171:182 constantly JOHN PECK, ORNAMENTAL HAIR WOltKlett AND PZUVUIatIC Fourth %meet. nee door Man Waal. PtttaterZgb. Alwars on hand general assortment. 44 L n . ale. Wirt. Bands. (Mel.; tientlnnen'. Wig., Halt. Tope Scalp. Unmd Vhsln.. Dram let a.. A good price eath wUI top glreo, for Bair Ladles , gal gentlemen'. batmlittAng ' don. in the l e e.' al .002Inal CHAS. A. fILLER, LITHOGRAPHER, . 7. No. SO FONISTEI ST., Apollo Building CHECKS, lIRBITTS, MITER, BILL and LET TER HILBDS, Be.. done in all etylen. Spl3lxsG . Vin FROM $l, On $lB .TO $3O rICIZ DAY. ean*anly be mode tite_yrar round, WITUDIST bran new bllldnenn. Sight, pletaant and tonnmiti . e; AND 80 connsintos. (load end energetic Agents (I.4disetnel OrnUee wn) are ...Seel to represent us 10 eying Cis, d County. A {Ann Cn.faren tO tanks mon‘r, nd reawtsurr intrLOTNEXT in oreced to, Forrfprracthern envier a few boort o n ,to stew:. ur p.neulare lean tall ,or tut decal, O. W. AelitiON 4 CO.. 11 South .treat,. UsOltraret 4€l. etbla,rits L. , ,. BLANCHARD a CO., WIIOI.ZALIi AND Gr Fr ! . 0 0721 , 398 Pena Street. SIGN OF BLINDB.---.1013N A nuowN &CO Ito Sit rrams.n •r r •tt2, op Post Alee keep promptly to orelhy. ...Up of else.. t.ettaa Rte , Ult. , l47;priee 16.02 arid (TeiTot4 h lla 4 ,;:g.:sl at ' s, Nap, Veto- z.n 3 . Blind sud Nets. Vor4r.airessall. AI" at lath c•mo tore, o• Axed Or Mad! e.rder. • floe stock of w•mte .4 Calloo atalstagtv:, &c., or .etillemon's wear• CHEAPEST PLACE IX THE CITY to boy to TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, O. 790 unANT entrar. ._i T BLACK, C149.1%.:72s Va 33.. 494.1C1ai re Three deett shore Sm r ithfi g;l eld Street, PITTSBURGH, PA Even kind °Mork done die the ehorteet eatje and most reasonable tenet. Perth:War ettentioh Vg.ld ar.JohlAnte• ftteSN PIANOS 2 PIANOS 1 2—An entire nest 'wet of KNAII6 C 0.13 PLANO& wide! are now ennatnered the best made: alp RAM= Itltttd. CELEIIIIATED JIMMY!. kelt* temalltlte upward. Peraolea to want ot ■ an els. Nan* are T. wetfully Invited to sag =VMS btfore porcltaalag elaewbers. 11417E14 /64 ix Mg mit II II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers