THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLIBILED BY • PENNI3IIN REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, lvo. 86 Sirt33. EStroot. r. T. D: 17414T'llir, • I Zdit".. JOSIATI KING, biLLseri P. I r ' 411 ' (411E121124'C' dirdle Dories ..... eentib Delivered lry.eerrier. Dior wrekt....... Ysli soucribm. IMO°. Liberal roductioas to Newsboys sad TEEMS TOR WEEKLY: T bree Comet, per year, by Ilya do. do. do.' Ten or more Cordes, to obo .addrees, and one tree to club. coal CITY 'ITEMS Toil Will l'lna a. Dental Esi.abhelmeat at . 21t5 Penn btract. Doe. Bill t Grower Seattle braelitnes, removetl 'from Zie. Is to No. Ica rlfth street, above Smltheeld street. uty7:lw =I ..••• . . . . Of Dry Goods we offer bargains An Job lots of Dress Goods, Panting., Linen Goods, bud lull - lines of. Sheeting., Shirting., .Prints:. Tickling, Checks, &a, all of.which We will Bell at the very lowest eastern crush prices. J. W. Bnaien & Co. 59 Market street. below Third: 4C Fourth eta. Ilasard Caswell's Cod Liver Oil. Tbo Purest and Sweetest Cod Lyer Oil lu tuo world. manufactured from fresh, healthy liven, upon the scaebor.o. Itis porfisnly pure and sweet. Ask for ...Hazard Caswoll'il cal Ltvcr 011," manufactured by' CASWZLI., MACH & CO. New York Sold by all druggists. uw Cloth and Silk finccines. - Gardner 3 Stewart are showing a splen sia assortmAnct. of these 'goods . at very low prices, at their new store, on the west cor ner of Market and Fourth streets. 2w:eod ==l tit) to. Fleming's Drog Stoic, No. St Market street, for Brown's Ver n:Matte Comfits, tho best 'worm Medicine • in use. j Pin" Drugs! Pure Dity,sl! Pure Unruh!!! Pure 'Drags!! at Karla AUesheur. Korcian Llquora Of all kinds at Jo,,zall S. inch•e DllLlilery, NO. bp. 191,193 and.l9s 4M to Fleming's Deng store, So. S 4 ilarliet Street, for good spoug6s lit low 'rotes. . • Too . Can 0,7 eS poi cent. Alcohol et Toeeph 8. Flneh's w Liomt at .3 ogotal S. Fk..1,0.• I am atlitzen of Allegheny; yet, although the current of. Popular sentiment in this city seems to be at present against eV:Mardi dation, my own mind is rather the other way; fort-would , prefer to he a citizen of one great city than of_a comparatively small suburban elf y. Allegheny Las 'a population of 10,000. and in Increasing rapidly. Its natural location is better than that of Pittsburgh; for it has more level ground—mote room In which to expand. Its extensive comment...running entirely around a square central section of about. sixteen compactly built blocks. Is a beautiful feature; and when these four long expanses of open ground shell be Improved an they may be. their value will be appreci ated as it has never yet been. But with all its beauty and desirableness, Allegheny can never be anything but an app.:Mime. a suburb, of Pittsburgh; for the latter possesses, and is likely to retain, everstllieg that gives character and Im portance to a city; and whether we agree to give' up our separate existence or net, we pleat I,e content to be regarded by all the world outside as a part of Putsburgl ire cannot help it. We are too near our dingy yet metropolitan ulster to enable no to assert and maintain a separate and inde pendent existeace among the cams of the land. The situation is an awkward one, for we can hardly • tell what we are. At eons° we are known as citizens of Alle gheny; abroad orotire, without consent s re: garded us Patsburgtterts. • PPtaburgh Is known the world over as one of the impor tont cities of the United States, which can not now, and probably never can, be said of Allegheny- •Pittfiburgh owes no small part of its imtarlange to this city. to the strength which its wtalth and population odd to that ghich Iles on the otter side of the Alle heny river; and when the presses and the Board of Trade of Pittsburgh make up the Statistics of the population. and business of the place, they Invariably count Allegheny in as apart of that great community known to the world as .1-tittstaiivh. We cannot and do not complain that they do no, for it Is correct; end citleeres of both cities arc round In the Board of Trade, and in the colninct of the press. We are one community, one city, and the mere matter of two munlei. pat corporations arms not.and cart not, make us two. We are so closely connected that rivalry Is out of the question, and la never thought of. Then why not he one in every respect and bane dune with these distinc- , Cons without difference, and with the awk ward Mimes "theadcities" which speakers and writers are obligee to use, when they fiDeak.of this community, which tacit-innate emus tells them to only•one 1 • Consolidation would raise the value of • property In Allegheny; for it would maki, It very nearly the center of toe proposed great city, and give us free bridges over the Allegheny. Old Pittsburgh would be left es it were in a corner; aced whatever effect - the union of the twoclties would hereupon Madness would be to the advantage of this side. We have four bridges across the Al 'legbany now; but were the city made one. and these bridgesell free, the member would soon be doubled. la /set. the Allegheny would then flow directly through the heart of the city, and would almost'cease to be felt as a barrier to Interco:tree between Its opposite hank. In this discussion I have said nothing about the other municipalities and town ships, and parts ot townships, which It is proposed to draw Into- this consolidated city.' Let the citizens preach disease their own share of the great (mention.. Neither have I said anything about the very great extension of the limits- This It a peculiar try of modern times. In old tunes, when it was neeeseary to build walls around cit . les, they'were necessarily confined to en narrow limits as possible; yet Babylon, within Its walla, was larger then oar pro! posed city. Old London was walltid, anti now thupart which the wails enclosed is but a little spot within the huge metropo ' tie wheals bee swallowed it. op. l'hllndel phW,asPennlaidltont, Was at that day be projected on a large and lib .atal scale; but long ego the population, glfl to overflow his boundaries, and numer ,:.rtus- disjointed .suburban rotiolelpalltres ..sprang ONCSOalag great confusion, Intents amt trouble. A few years ago, how. ever, after a protracted light of opposition, all theee,.together with the entire county of Ptdiadelphitt, were consolidated Into one , preatelty. It Woe a bold and gmmil enter , prise, and has been followed bye measure 1- t ' , I . _ ' of growth and prosperity before nuknown • In that city. Philadelphia I. Lat least four • times es large as it is • proposed to make Pittsburgh; St. ,Louis is about the sane size, Brooklyn is about the same; Cincinna ti sod Chicago p re but little If any less. I. would be glad to see this Important lo• cal question well discussed, but without a tinge of bitterness. Passion and Jealousy have no business in such a illscusslon;-f. :those who advocate consolidation and those who oppose 11, are doubtless actual by motives equally go6d; and that - both . are alike desirous. of promoting the bent Interests of,S•thene cabs" is unquestiona bly tree. , . 7 remit Sloe. I. Mil . . Sew' Tort correSpondent in a tioblle paper thus speaks of the temptation of the race cOnrse.- 'One of the habitues of a cur tain &midway sporting-house was worth nearly half a million dollars ten years age. lie was en gated in a business that paid him thirty thousand a year. and be letd the en left of the Lest, society. Ilia wile was the diltightor of :one of our wealthiest bankers. and Mt of his family connectlens were of the first respectability. accompanying . a friend to the race course one day, be was retard with* passion for owning fast lan , es' and dashed into the sports of the turf. In a short lime Ito bad a stable stocked with the beat aninuils to be hint, ted his bets we. , the weeder and envy of the less foytnnato In pocket. Luck wu against him. lie loot heavily; his business went downy one after - another his heroes died on his hands; his stable was sold; then Die house,-his old friends dropped off; hie wife tiled and his children became scattered: and he now spends his nights and days loitering about bar-rooms and listening to the horite•talk of jockey. and, gamblers. This man would probably An worth a million to-day if he had kept clear at the race-course:, —A Horton naPer says hA New York weekly paper Is publishing Items of ex tremely personal news concerning teem. ; hors of the 'ontier ten , of that city. It says: G—. of Cuba. Is the Candsomest Mae in N ew York, and Clara 0— leis the pret. liest band. while Kittle I—, of VIM% eve. 'mum is the handsomest of her sex. , This *ecord ecinhl be made still more valuable and interostiou.• For Insumoo : Mies r. has he largest ankle In Fifth avenue; Miss Q. wears a No. 7 boot; Miss It. has a large mole im'ber left shoulder; Miss S. has twenty-six springs in her hoop-skirt; Miss T. dotes on Ilsh halls; Miss Q. has alsse eye; bites V. Simms; Ines W. ILods scented tooth powder elite nnavalliog; ales N. bas epileptic Ilts; 311113 r; Istl—ndy; his Z. Is the ugliest of her sex." - - lIEI • I --Tho .Buffalo • eimitterda/ 'tells the story of a man from the country. who called at a hardware store in that city and after being shown a large assortment of scissors` turn. od to tho clerk, remarking, wifeis putty sloe, and its 'bout an even thing if abe gets anybetter,l4l Wait and 800 Untie Kota troll 'lore 1 buy any aclaaon." • TL2ms: --I 1 50 155 MST EDITION. rg.ox EUROPE. Pence Congress Meeting. HESITATION AS TO THE BASIS France and. Prussia Arming FINANCIAL DISTRUST AI;D ALARM, By Telegraph. to the Flttsburgh thuelt TLIE PEACE CONURESS. Lemon, hay 7.—The Conference of Euro pean Governments for the settlement' of the conflicting claims of Franco anti Prus sia, in regard to ,the Grand Duchy of Lux. =berg, WM moot in this city to-slay. lc Ic reported that the leading powers will bun tate to carry out the proposition for guar anteeing the neutralization of Luxemburg, and that the people of the Grand Duchy LBO for annexation to Belgium. - . The Uoverament Ems accepted the !Aral amendment to the .11e:orto Ind, providing for the lodger frauehLve. DUBLIN, /lay 7.—The Pent,. prisoner COu nelly, Was to-day convicted of high tre,ton by the Cow iniuseau, the prisoner Clerk am reuLutted Lind ,I.o.kurged from coo. logy. EIZZ=E:I2 •LorTo,. Kay tilspatel from Dublin stated ULU the leniuu,lieCaf forty ha* been found guilty.- venroor., May 7 Eiraing -- Cotton quiet. Corn Om:lined &Lain. opening; quo ted 431 snized. %rental.. Naval atoms tend ing downward. • .I.porlOY, Iday:.--/roan—Consnl a 91 , '•bontla 71 , 4; lillnole Contra! 734; I.:rte 12. LIVELLPOOL, May 'l.—Num—Cotton quiet told unchanged. For the Catsburgh Uarette Consolidation. B 7 Telegraph to the I . lt t the rgh C. az ette. Now To air, May 7. 1, , ,57. rarshrrgarAB Itr., 100. Tho joint Committee of the two Tre,by terhin General Assemblies, Old and New Schools, after a session of a week, in this city, agreed upon terms of re•vnlon with remarkable unanimity. These terms are to go before the churches for a year before final action. Alcri-SLAvtr.r IMMETT J.Dxxver.Sativ. The thirty- fourth anniversary of the Amencarr - A - utt-Sisivery Society was held The attendance was tar,. Wen dell pi, who presided, was Ihe chief speaker. IteeolutlOn3 were tulonted that the nation owes to Itself; in respect to Jus tice, and to the future security and present safety of the colored race, to impeach and remove the traitor of the White House at once; every hour Congress delay's that,: d article, macs[- the nation, disgraces its jeopardizes its future, elays justice, a makes more end more Innocent blood Crr to GM against ns; that- we urge on all friends bf freedom to keep vigilant and reaselt,s watch on the Supreme Court and the present effort of the rebels to make list of It In order to tile• k the wheels of govern. taunt; that a large Meu into Or eentlteutiork and the division of con rtscated laud among the Degrees is an act of justice to them and the former reMAhOwinees of the land, and will tee security so their ether rights and to the nation itself. Adjourned. - Another trastilnglon special ease it la not true that litilefJastice ()tia.o will be to Richmond next weel to preside at the !Hai ofJefferson DAVIS. lie wilt not leave the bench of the Supreme Court until the close of the present term, on the 2010 of May. He will then be occupied for several days In concluding the nominations for regbders . In banlirupey. Thu Clock bounded by Firth and 31aullson avenues, and Filiy-ninth and Sixtieth streets, which ....purchased for the rite of the grand hotel, which In now abandoned, sold Ott auction to-day for .315.r , 30. Thu lota nest V.VA)' ,C.O eighteen mouths aro. The Joilielary Committee will probably remain In 110110011twO or three Weeks. and then 'sojourn to Non York to examine the Conveyance 01 the liiino3.3 Branch Union ractileltailroad. • •_ • . A Washington rl.aciat frays the Jtpansse Commissioners have inn:tr....l Secretary Seward, privately, of the onject, of the, ruisslun, and have tad an interview with Secretary Welles, relative to the purchase of vessels. - . . irty•aro horrors were blirrOatted t• death by a are In the Litftb:il of J. It. elalaey at Broadway and Twenty-biz:ll etreeta, ear ly thin tpornlng. Supreme Cones Derision—Outlaws Hanged lo Kansm—Sl of nay sir ibunans—Untort Pacific [toils-06d fur Telegraph to the PittaberM Catena-I Sr. Loco. Sint' 7.—The Supreme Court to day gave a doctrine in Ihe cam of Droh• mann vs. SLUM, appealed from the Circuit Court, agirming the decision of tan lower Court. The mit was originally brought for the pomession of property iseized by Col. Stabil, for military Putimma, oldie ho nom. mandod a regiment of home g nar.h., in 1..4. and which be has still retained. The deci sion it based upon an ordinance passed by the old State Convention, which prohibits civil or criminal ectOn against any person for acts performed by virtu., of military authority. The Kansas city Journal Says thirty out laws have boon hanged by the Vigliattee Committee of Johnson and Pattie fatalities, during the winter and spring. Mayor Thomas in his annual message. delivered to the City Councils thisafter noon says. the bonded debt of the city is 1.5.144500. an increase of 11,0W,080 in two years. The estimated tevepue for the pre.. elit year fi111.ef.1.600; estimated expenses for the same time, $1,175.440. The Crated States Treasurer ,has delivered to the Union Pacific Rail way,Kaurna brands, bonds mathirty miles of road accepted ay Commissoners On April 271 h - Another sec. tion of this road, twenty miles West of Sa lina, will be ready for Inspection. The frost lust night blade feu in some lo calities, and it is Feld much damage bits been done fa vegetation, especially to early berries. ' e . 1 l' '4 . 1 ) . '4 ,. ... / I 1 1 t i 1114 PA 1 -. 11 :.' (-: ' ' 4A I 1 ' / I 1 , d ,- ;' , ) • ',', ' ~,, , r•!:`- ' e-1 YOLITITE I,XXXII.---NO. 10S ONE O'CLOCK. IRELAND. PL,ltar PZ1A..211. iONVILTILD I= FROM NEW YORK. 'olllzr - 4rE=:l2 - enatx—coaza.unerax- ll= FROM ST. LOUIS. Meeting or the lat. Loofa Workingmen. IR , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tisrette.) Sr. Louis, Slay 7.—Thu meeting of work ingman at the Court • House last night was very large, enthusiastic, harmonious a.. 1 quiet. Several prominent speakers ad dressing the meeting, all of whom depre cated vloieneo of any kind, but strongly . urz.•o .:pity of action and daterMination to stami by the eight bear law. The following resobv, '.T.15 wore adopted: That the workingmen of the city of it. I.uls In council ws.nribion, hero declare that we are determ 'nett, as law ahloling entorceo he law making eight boons a legal llay 'a work, and will accept a reasonable reduction of our wages. !!noised, That we wilt r els:countenance any attempt to enforce the law by any lin proper means, 110/14., lair nor maid too 311111 L to be carrleti by any force other than moral suasion. //Aram", TAnt 'We Invite ell opponents t% the eight hoar law to meet rot nt any time aril ranee they may deem proper, to Warman the merits or demerits of the question ba. fore the public. Considerable ercitwnent occurro.l yen. terdny among the workingmen In East et. Lou!,, awl a riot Was luitulnout at tam titer, but Matters were gab:tell slown,by !Earnest appeal!, from leading teem The laborers tinnily concluded to go to work on the right hour rule tor a pionortionate reduction of wagon. • Tobacco Fear In Kee tacky. Illy Te.lvrrApli to the (/ ati.tte.j Ciao:a:raw, !lay 7.—The Tobacco 'Fair and premium tale, at RentOW6 liltroholl. • coylogtoo, hy , of lent tobacco, woe largely Ittlentle , i. Duller. from all the prittclpal cities were present. Thu first premium wan awarded to IL K. Davis, of 0 Fen coun ty Kentucky, runt soli! to Spenee, Bros. It tam,, o f, for Slew per hundred; sccnd premium to John JOWlat, of 0%,11 county, Kentucky, and told to J. 11. Rook°, Of. Louisville, fur lOU per hundred, The premium comma thirty dollars In gold. Handal ?tercel Car flatter. tlly Telegraph to the Patch:ore Gazette.] 11a St May 7.—Tlie City 'Gouache have decided adversely on the City made for as toinactloit to re3train the city paiacoger Cara from running 0” bUadaY• Maryland ConatllAdlonal Conavidlon. [By Telegraph to the rittsbutxb Gantt° J 1.211101., May 7.—Tho Maryland• tuttOnai Colivwdlna - moats at Annapolla W-1110:YOW. UTE CONDENSED NEWS. =II —Tire Leto= Demonstration in Hyde Park, London, on Monday-, (says a Cable special to the New York Herald) was as im mense affair. It numbered atleast one hun dred thousand, embracing roughs, gentle men, women, children and workingmen. Sir Hobert Walpole's proclamation that the assembly was illegal proved utterly abor tive. The morning papers andounced that the government would not attempt to put down tiro meeting, but all the troops In London and vicinity were under arms, and a large force of police was concealed in a secluded part of the park, and vehicles were kept ready to convey them to any , point in case of riot. Fifteen separate meetings were organized. at ono of which a woman spoke in favor of female suffrage. A stand was devoted to religions speeches. Most of the revolutionary sentiments otter al by the speakers were loudly cheered. As the police passed by the crowd, the termer advocated order, and practically carried out that Idea by driving otr the trees In the park the roughs who perched in the brunch• ea. entlre press denounced the course of thlitovermuouL The tortes treat the meetings as a mute victory, w halo the to. formers claim them as IL splendid popular triumph. Thu bliterest feeling exists on tenth sides, and all London Is intensely ex cited. anew of the meetings were still in progress. auk' will continue until a late hour, edge Itiller,of Wu United States Dietzlet Court, at Milwaukee, has granted an In junction against the Directors of the waukeo and rrairo du Chien IZallroad, pro hibit Lug ill° consolidation of nor Sill Iraukco and st, Paul with the Milwaukee and Prai rie an Chien, or paying any dividends, In.. toted, or any money on account of stocks Issued by the present Ward Of Directors. —The V,cforld (Vows:, the oldest and most widely circulated Journal In Vancouver British" Columida, says editor lolly April WO, WO out of every ten men Of the colony, in their present state of wretch lICSS htld 110V1.111.5% would welcome annexa tion to the United States.o Theme remarks wore called forth by the rumor that Eng land was about to sell her posset.slons to the Urnted States. • —ilesander Cummings, having resigned thu Governorship of Colorado, has entered his securities as internal Revenuo Collec tor of the Fourth Di.strict, In l'hiladulphia. —T. l'arker Scott, recently elected City • Judge of Baltimore, It to stated nun appoint ed Chat. Hollins, ex-commander of the rebel steam ram, and also other e.,confed crates, to wilco In the court. —Additional returns 111.1lcato that the en tire Dem.ratic - ticket has been elected In Kentucky. Pull returns from the Eighth and Ninth Districts are not in. but so far as heat.' from, Young and Adams, Democrats, havea majority. —General Hooker has been granted leave of absence for one rear from the first of June, owing to 111 health. Gen. John C. Robin:on t.ucceefiff him In command of the Ifcpartu.ent or the rollant, of tfiehmnnd, having appealed to Ceti. schelleld, agalnot the order.ot Gen. Wilcox prohibiting l'ollard from delivering hie lecture ore the Chivalry' of the 8504 h, (eon. Schofield hoe susfained the order. —vi. , orge A. Treuhclui, Mr. Weisman, his partner, and Col. Weatherby, all C harks ten, have been examined in the impeach. went nevhstig - atlon. —The Japanese Comsnisioners will vlalt, 1-110 NaVal hettooJ at Annapolis, tomorrow. FR9.11 CALIFOIESII. (ty Tebench to tyci Vitidecrall San FILANCIMCO, Slay i.—The Savage Min ing Company has declared a ildelderid ut one hundred and Otry IntYntilo to morrow. Not for threw years past has the mining stocks market Seen au active. Thu Prince itre generally Wittier. hale S. Nor. er1.4.1.41.L. , 11 thirty . ..lla lutintrod and griy. SAVEIgu th !my. tour hundred and (Illy; Crown Point, ntruiteen hundred; Yellow Jacket, seventeen hundred. Flour grin and prncli unchanged., Wheat dull, ut tl,ly. Legal tenders, ire. FROM MARI. Coy Televar.l4 to the I.MA/wth Gazette. 3:O,C=EAL.WIY Cabinet cotnicji wil tin held on Friday. Alt the eeieletote lie ill country were to be pratoint, Including CAL tier, who was on Loath the Nestorian. It 1 nnilerigood that llon..lll.3lclJougall will I the leaner-Of Reform In thlit section for tie from Upper Canada. The engineer wince. halt., commenci preliminary .01WriiilOn• 1.1 revad in forttfleationa at tongneull. It In announced that Ilon. John Noce wit tuiLicuL GoynrnOr of New Drunawlck. FROM RICUMOND. logro . Pat Of/ a Ntre , et Car—Ma. Meet. lay—tointlweellou r :Pr Tiittgreph to the Pittsburgh tittit , tte 3.ley 7.—A negro tt,lny at tempt,il to ride in one of the are Upon. printed to Wltitt-A. ut w put off: .The Cf. 0 I.' 111 litid before th as e laand Jury of tate Unite,! 2-tales Court. • . A largo mooting nt neirroga to-niabt yr& by Ilny.tgal, of iletionieninirtta and Blarnb, of Virginia, built favoring coo narration. Americas, Medical Convention. i fly irsraph lathe Pitts..ursh t ar,te. Cisetsa sit, hlay American Medi cal Association metal Ilopkine' lint I thin morning. •.thout two-hundred and fifty delegates were present, representing. all parts of the union. The Conventton will on • m session several days. Blass TelSigrams. it, Telegraph to the gUtaberith (Welts.; hortformi.a, ' Play 7.—ltiver stationary, with ale. and a half feet water In canal 1.) mark. 31 gmruls, May 7.—Wcather cle fir and cool r0. , 0 two Inches lo Lho p.t twenty four hour,. Blew Albaxsy (lam) E.:region. Of Twlegrapit 101hm Plltalmngh Wattled NEW ALEANV, ten., Mar 7.—The entlro Democratic ticket for city orileors wan en.cted by a large majority. Sanderson. for Mayor, bad over six hundred majority. Only ono radical councilman was elected. ECE:III= —Queen V felons now Oaf ton yrandchll 11.1. —Berkshire stlll enjoys stiOw banks two y feet gluon. --Um now buildings aro going op at Moran ton, ?onus, • -Tuno Cho old cow MO of to Eng Jana the.puttlo dlseasc. —A woman In 140400. 111011., polumed he ttilld husband 0p putting tuwenlc la ols Oo !co. —A docrearn or 1,10 l took Plans In VA sop tion. of Inland In thu last quartor 1. —Lizards of lovOy bron an 6olor In 1). trop 11000 found , their way 11110 bulnas stomachs. —Wimconsin has a new law *bleb /limos , Ilea liquor sellers from bolding OM. ustleo of Olio prom —Thn Journeymen painters of Saint ome France, have struck tar an hicrenue of Isp cent. on their wages. . - - —Tile emigration of French Canadians from Canada to tin United MAW. auntie nem with CutalgllANl VW.... • —Tno . mlgr Mon of tenants In Neer 'York on Um flrost day of May cost trout 0 ,0 . 000 . cartmen count up their "plies." —The movement to permit plates of amusement for oorer classes to be open ed on Sundays p urged In Zealand. . —A tender-hearted railway engineer says he flavor runs over a Mats when fie ago help It. IMML‘Ma it " up the track_so." Secretary has lrlah Lnrd Chancellor s has netted voue by swearing In military magistrates since the Fenian ontbrealc. —A den of thirty•sir black snakes wasdia mwered In Leicester, Mans a few days Mime. The reptiles Were of various slits— some hems about four feet long. —Unruly boys In East Boston are IfiVieg their teachers considerable trouble. A ie., data sinoo ono of the stung (organised to religt their teachers,) wit , had been vary trOUWCIIOIIIO. thou brought up let Mfr.. Linn, resisted. The letueter admonished by the recent. case In the Dwight school, sent the boy homes but the scamp on his way tore the skin of his face, and presented himself to ills parents covered with bitiod, I his tooth.. partly torn. The indignant father brought the to Lids Pollee Station, breathing legal vend aura against ens nutater; bat a little 10VtetthOtthte re. ',baled the tent at 1110.n...ter had haled hint at all th, and that tau youngrobue had punished himself. tr,". PITTSBURGH, WEDNESpAY, MAY 8, 1867 kEUIAAIDEI FOUR O'CLOCK, A. m.I FROM WASHING FUN. By Telegraph to the Marburg!, Gazette Waantartrort, May 7, liei 1.011T61" COX PLETLIP. The registry of thin city Id completed. About 1.1,%0 Is the entire number of names, PI which there In a majority of :JO white voters. Gen. H. J. Pultuer, Trcasnrer of the 'Union Pacide Railroad, eastern division, bits re. calved $1.9C1,000 in United Btutes bonds, being the amount Atte on the seventh section of thirty miles or their completed road, Just nceepted brtho' Government Commies:on ors. 7115 WEST •ICOZWIA. CAST. The awe of VirttlUto va. We 4 Vlrgtulti Wu, argued In the Supreme Court toAlity. sassrEs awn raessis Notwithstanding the prellminarlea look ing to the preservation of peace, Franca and Prussia are both rapidly arming. This Course is pr-xineing distrust and alarm In lluauolal Circles hero and else• m hero. _ The Commissioner of the General Land Office has, with the sanction of tee Depart- WOOL of 1140 interior, appointed Dr. S. V. Hayden, Peolemior of Le,l/Ogy and AMC! , Itlogy In the l; niversitY or Peousylvmllr, to make the geological ea:twin:AA, of Ne brasi.a, authorized by the au. approved March I e,°. The following le a list of the candidates selected by the President fur ni.poin t went to the Naval lcalelny us u.iddilpmen at large • John Downes, of .lassachosetts. 6011 ofla - ce Commander Jena Downes; Dun, can Converse, Ciltle, A. leirhurst. New Hampshire; T. T. Edson, New York; Abram K. Welder, District or i•olembia, son of Brevet Brigadier tioner..l N. Mech. ler; William T. It. Cooly, !dray land; Thomas S. Plunkett, Tennessee; Joseph H. ,ands. District of Columbia, sou of CLIO modern B. a. :sands; Frank 1.. Clark, Kentucky; Purin Rushee, North Carolina. FROM MEMPHIS. The ttacee—Plant atitin a Overflowed end Planters Starving—llltvcanan flllabbed—line. M. 0. Kelly on Ilia Tour —Metal Eon Paventeut. Mum rats. May 7.—At the races to- , 107, In the mutant dash of 000 n:01 a half nide, Mollie Auxtla wen; time, Second race; four eutrlcii,Clebursi.l:lnninaster and Johnson—mile heats., three tout In live— won Mammon, [WO heat, Se. eyed heat, I atl.;; ttitr ' il heat, I The creator part of thelldant attune ' , l'd It of the lery on the Over are over:lowed, ~no the planter. are In 6 starving condition, - 1 The laying up of the Vicksburg packed tinting the loan stag , of Muter has cue the planters In thebettils to ignore them.. Trade is stow golcif to tit. Louis. • Wail Patton, In a fray, a:alined J u.s.A tin a rtver man, last night. Tile wound is not , torlous. Wm. W. D. ;icily addressed an neltenco of Willie and black radicals, this eveoln,C. In tireealaw'• Opera II onue. , Tne crow,: we. 10 smell. 1011 Workmen hate broke ground to lay Me Nlcolatin paventent.• A mad dog hit a little girl thin monling. INDIINI ELECTIONS Hy Telegraph to Lim I; zrei I. . lantazieroLia, lan., May 7.--The olo,tion for city °Moors lierbt tri-rlaY rc , iirini to the ono to two hang ,1 tnaPAt} 4- ! 46 Et i ril l' i : 4l7l " .• crate Oslo four or Ova tiounei/nreu. At Lawrenceburg, trolintia , the Utlmbn . can ticket was elected t.l) . tufty to one limp. gretl majority. . At lon Wayne tiso,ntiro Itoputarcan t-icket awe oloctml. . At Calll Lir lap:City the Tempt:ranee tic!: rl was vuteetettul ever the Ittluottatlc nut Herm:l:can ticket, • elects th,turcr a tio cloven majority. Al Terre haute the satire Derv:tut - WU , ticket wn ulectutt by two to th,e Lauda , ' tuklutltY. FROM tiIICIGO ItElre=l • Work Itcsausweal Generally. Or Telecast. to the Mu:ter:. tiesetta.; C.1t`,31. May 7.—The trouttles growlng .out. of Mte:ea hour 111.1,3iletIlikre rapidly at:balding. roam fteb:c attempts were matte yesteolar to create a bilt werepeedily supper:cot :.e the ion lice.We b eer of no tlesnonetrelloc. to •dar. Work has bran teautto.l In a lame number of the tuanufactorlng estahllate. went.. In some the etaplos era are aork• log on the old ten hour s).tcin, a Utz no Change In their wages. w hoe to others t ln are aorklng eight hours wlth,lu per cent retAUCtlOst In Miele pay. FROM NEW ORLEANS. Street Car Question Mel Ord—Ship Awtiarr—Tlie Overlla MMI=MZel= Nair Oa Ls ay., May 7.—The stromt car .lu es. lion him been mottled. Tee chief Of pollee has lamed an order rOr bidding le trrrr ronce with Degrees In any ear. The steamer Young American, from 10,11. 'mole for New Orleans. went ashore MI lino Island, in the gate. on last llstio.lity. The crew were earmi. Tho cargo. of cattle mostly, was lost la the iltirri.kelf on Sai The slisslsrlppl him It• 1.211 he below the city, destroying the La:MA[4{4,llnel Mr ettnattlerable dtstance. I=! 1111 Telegraph to We rttuteirre 110erna, May 7.—Tha eteanarr Concor Ula from Livery.' on the 17th, arrived. • ligmega. 1119 - 7 , —The area., China, from Liverpool 1111 the lh tinol9RernstlMU on the 'Seth. arrived.. iler neon limo Won anticipated by cable. New Yogic, Me: 7.-41.eamehip City of Limerick, from Liverpool on the aUtli, an. Ify•lerloumly HI ppaurao. =1 arovara, May 7..—Potrlrk limy; rnentbrr of the dry gouda firm of Gray S Twiny, myacerlougiy disappearo.l• on Satorday nlght,•lnon which Maio nothing has born moon or hoard of him: IL A charter for trill Bank was Jblnitied m Lica. A reference to the act of Ineorimra- Lion allows that by Its previsions a Book of Saiings, asi well 04 of ilorcoutal and Lb-wolf, WWI contemplated. The COM mu [illy Id In terested "ltz knowing tinder what eircurn; stances, with what oldoete, tool under whose guardianship and management Ita public: Medan tiOnllooo COulliliiriql, in ardor that a right judgment nose is formed of Its cleans to the confide...o el the people. No similar enterprise among the many that have earned a high position •iiiong tot has ever been atariod under better esiisplues than this Western Savings 110110. TI e• son hell, Esq., than whom no mum In the city stands higher for r.tlttele and probi ty, or for circumspection. latellincuee grid farseeing sagacity, and to wbona nosy be ascribed trio paternity of this 1100 k, lets an itociated with him, by a careful distribution too stock, it number of our most India ens and discreet eitizena,' known for' their wealth, Intelligence and prudence. The combination of an ample capital for the ae ourity of depositors, and of well known and trial Integrity in Lao inanagelimet, niake up the essentials of just limb a Savings hank as will commend Itnolt to the confidence of every clue. of depositors, whether the merchant, miumfaclurer and Wan of business, or thin 1 ...... ring men and artisan, its not merely it can venlent, led eli• .Ve Place, "rhino lb., Ontningit or the saving. Of the Poor will he safely kept and constantilr Mere.° by accumulation of In terval nett' needed for actual use,' Ouch tn• stitutions, wherever t !toy line., beau fished and judiciously menaced, have In• 'variably resulted In great henrdlLo ulid hlesainge to the Induatrions emir. In the Western savings hank the depositors an! lint , / 'for security, In addition to the tit. emits. the advantage Of a large.i.cald up capital. ln order that this Institution should pro cure an eligible, convenient Anil promi nent Hr. Jiell has purchased tow atone isiltlee on fourth• Streol. near Mar km, known at Durke's Whin IN being ellnailYed and renovated, and will again as formerly be nee of the most attn.,- tire buildings in the city. Vaults of great Capeelty Anil atrungth and high walls In the rear.tre tilling added, so that every need ful provision Is made for the permanent. an , cocumodation the large buelncxa.which an Institution n th s ntnl and managed as this ratinnt. fall to ',Tilde. For the names of officers. ilirdenini, /Ix we refer to the card of the Mink lu our ad vertising plumuo. s. _ BEE I=2 CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOUILTII. rAGE.—The fullest and most rt. liable Money, Oil awl Pre:4nm Ifark4 ports given by any paper Iraqi, wi ll be fomul on our kb tirth Page. Allechcoy Board Oteentral • A stated umetzug ot the Allegheny Board of Controllers of Public Schools was held nu t. evening at the Fourth ward School lloOse, Sandusky street. Present: Messrs. Barr, Brown, Boyle, Bar ker, ne.ney; Chadwick, Francis, Kay, Bing, Loomis, Lockhart, AlcClluton, AleCanco. Pitcairn, Boss, Scott, Thorn, Young, and PreAtiont Tho minutes of the provkins mooting were read and approved. Tho report of the First *Yard Board, sta ting that the schools wore la an extremely domiciling condition, unit accept, ed. • The Second, Ward Boat,' reported. the attendance 'at the schools, which they represented was larger tiering the month of April than In the winter months. 'Messrs. Lee and King having removed from the ward, the Board reported teat Mr. Alex. I ~,,,,,,,, had been appoin to ell the place of Stl.r. li lug. and Mr. Jags... Thompson to ell the plane of Mr. Leo. linnoluttoin , highly complimentary to the *Witty with which Mr. Lee hat di...bargee • hid duties, were pmniented and itueed unanimously. Mr. Brown aloe elated that Mr. King had removed from the city, to Ite.Terve town. ship, and that utiZe. the law titled to a seat In the Board. Mr. King en. Joved the respect and eontidence of the Board, but their duty la the matter was int. • perut Mr. Sing, In explanation, stated thit.t. Rhenlte retnoVed to tervatory to eserve town eat ip, Inc hail conelinleti to re sign hin petition In the School Board; but being n resident of that part of the township lately incorporated by, .tet of dest.mtily Into the city of Allegheny, and w h !eh, on. der the new tltvboOn of ward!, Wound fall within thebonridarl. of the Second word; he ban been advised notto resign, and .k• .1 the Board to hold the matter over for the present. After emodderatile titienssion, Mr. Scott stated that the Board bnal not, In his opin. lon, any Jurisoictlrm. and .tnore.l that the matter of Mr. King's ellgitillity he referred hack to the Local CominittPe. • Mr. Young moved that the AllepOltitmente of the Local Board of the ,Seeoutt Word be confirmed. Idr. Scott oppowl the amendment, be— hoving that t wthild Lea bed precedent to est• • 'flan yeae , r Lisa, were thentaken on the latendniegt (Lim Lueuala.N itoOlgotha :second and being r scaveil lergti . .vottug,l result- Inc, yen• 7, nays 9. Tiro amendment was doehar,l The orightni !notion, rererrlng the mat ter buck to the - heOrinti Want llOmni, wan then atipted, and that portion Ot the to. port iihnit nation Mr. TI/OulpiOn In place Of hr. on, inintlrtncil. . . . - Report. Troia too T4lnl ant Foortb Ward 1100 1. and front 1110 Printepal 0110 col ored Nritoolg, were rityl and adopted., ' Mr. ltrown OR. dvil resolution providing for t Ito appointment 01 a Coco m tttro ut 1100 to confer with 1110 Uoatailitve on Division 10.000. of City Gmnclla. In order that Ohio 2chotil lollrvets should not let overlook ed. Tile revolution was udopivd, and ittewtrw. Scott—Brown, Barr. Loterd, and itots appointed all committee. A COmmtinfoutlon trout Mr... Moore A. Chamlwr. was t. Übm I Lted by itte on to .11epoweot tbair lot and sbop on IV eO•to r .treet. to Vauseti Sorb be purpose of .... .1 zclioni, for trio .um of 41,,A,J , Mr. brown elated toot a lot on Poplar Id mtg. Third wuil, cOuld bo obtained for • mot.;110 411.1olflifig the COLO Mitt ce ColOfvti 0015oolj: Lqrslreba.a Van lot rucoml . travnile.l by Mr. Brown was 114 optbd. The It Jan! lben .11CUrned. = has but a eight at the Blanc Crook. Nt ver beDiro have we 'anew et at any I.huc of patilou amusement a lar ger While [We than that I. tiLLII 11.1.09hi1141 1w: ul.tht t. , a is rev the haltialpertOrhhulCe ot the Wait. Crook._ Every aisle, Corner ant nook of the eolOtoolloue Opera flOutto matt tstrUplall to Chef fallen!: capacity With stkulgcr, w &desalt oilllto weteliottleethlrapattlrlat to Is:tiles, the reoreoeututlon of tho spec- Ovular itruiDa at oUt whlrll they hwt heard so math of prulse nod rtaulemnatlon. The ploy h , not, us wo might hove lowa Ira to believe through the New Turk press, of the low or vulgar order of the drama. 3leay Bathe; It to trued .1. appear In C 4,1 111.11 t, ...hlCh holt the Isroly 4 ed.,. !wore Loa togli Ixol,l thu and too low Otil We bead, Out compromise/tin drew., outione of the !Gook trunk, tutor never challenged renoiru arum the fastoll- Oilo Vtlhit,. feWlrShhur to hero beta prev ent ot a COIL Chi., I tallon oleo, but a short time ago, ut allot, oar rabbi...We pe.E.te tociulitetted to a Llti.g eXtoltllevi hy w ilan• ottuoe la much lour. hOliaillghela 1.1 Chltit leg thou Is aliened nit the sta,Ost of the low. est paters of ow:lseult:at la tat-woo - op/Alton cities. Certralnly her, tight cooluuto had hot tie tntunl In Lao Black Crook prottootino put on the oi ago Intl 1.11.41. There Lt muc h 10 the play to C.lll. motf10:. muc h el !Setif. nut the oieuery Is grareliy heneilful.. Tie, Coley castles nod at/toles, evtls' hauntr.%lltton caves, lake.of gold, aaszarts• Delores..ol other Beautiful (cones In 4.4 0 are Me most wage 101 l nL •oretoulet v.. have over wit utese.t. Thn un., clieutest effects arc won- • . dar I ill, i•teee , 4 tiny human wf.dd:o to deteci toe fay:uncle, by alileh their light' and ileeelvad. Monster lien. *ler ttttt tins yliteed the Mark Crook on the •tage et) lo of elegant. , and grandeur will wiaiere 10 a aureate/dui run ofover • fortnight. at least. Ihe actor-.are all pretty well op to their aithaulall :they appeared to WOl , lO adYqulaOio last night than tilty will noes. 1,000.1 to ilo to-night. Wu tuight •Illtireet that It little won , lire Iso added to the. lawn ilea ire luee, sonoith Ina taken olr the 100410 or hr. nod lon, note, a better aUlt elOthea 410001 to Ilotto and, Leak Inipplleil 1r Ith a Co.littlie hya Shithhy, where al/ the entituttillitit *Cr , v. brilillant. Mu do not adelae iittereneleri Lu the Black I rook, but auggiart. tau , Ili. boa ehiceiloh 1614011111 i tre.t. DI 1140 u:ay• Vitt Orion thif $1440, fI they thhis it, they whit SOprlru tiletiliteiVert of the iriaste•t treat In thu way of seellery itnil threhmlitihtt Otret plated ou the .gage In this city. rate sod VostlVal. Yoder the .o.plers of the teachers In the soventh 1V a rd .11 t.s I on Nabliath School, thero 014000.1. lain evening, at Willies Hall. Fourth •trent.. a sranit fair nail fest.tval tor Lich will be continued thl4 and to-morrow afternoons and evening*.. We visited the hall Inet night and found a goodly number in attendance. although the rare opportm nity of spending tor evening pleasantly should have hero motirneed by many mon. The tables an, hantiOntnair ornamented and are neighed down with switch% of use and adorament, 70005 of MOM I.llllllllllg ea tiulnito of the haudiwork of the rincomollnntli alit zealous lady teachers. A nnoevwo quilt," so-called trout Its unique and grotesnuedesign.attracte universal at tention, and In IO hn d 101.0504 of by eliariona. Our lady renders will be repaid, tn a visit to the fair by au 0:m1)11140mi of this oleos of delleate ir.seing and needle work. Se, dral refreshment *potato, with an elegant ining ball, are 111110 LLObnetllo attractioes, and trout the opleantati aullit lea of the yoUng ladles tit charge tit the latter, wo ran safely vouch for good meal to all who Call upon them. As the proceed. ot t he fair nun to be applied to the Intruhatu of the build. log now tempted as a Nalibatli nehoef. wo trust It may be vial tml by the charged° and that 10 may prove largely rimiuneratiro• Certainly nit when" else -an an OVeniali passed Mare pICAMIIIy, Ball the enjoyment will ba by t knownelge of our helping on a noble and phoaathropic cove. getnnrtnnee league sleeting. The Allegheny TeMporance League last evening debt a regular meeting In the Past Presbyterian (Dr. bielft'si Cluirch„ Deaver street. The choir Of Pittsburgh Division No, 12 Sons of Temperance Was piesmit, 01/110.11114111.11 trio ptoroodings selth plena ant-songs. Dar Id 'flair was 011,17017 to 1410 chair. anti it. A. Cameron chosen SecrelarY. , Address. wore deliver.' by tiny. R. C. Swift. It. A. Cameron, 1.. 11. Eaton and JIMO. D. Halley. on motion of L. 11. Eaton, a COMMiIIOO 1014. appointed, . 0/ Dr. A, 1101, 4;.1.1,1“:11, W. 0. IV arritn, and 11. A. Cameron, to report of next meeting upon the expediency Of tanking lbs Allegheny City Teu3perance Leanne an auxiliary of . the Allegheny County TOMTIOI.II. COll- rention or Union. Um same- neon, an auxil- ary of te Sotto Temperance Uni The next regular mantle it will be held In T. Pr ljessley'sn Rea Pres' Inbthe yteri an mo u nd,h, ( ChrcDr. Jolla Dia The meeting 0140 Roll attended ,and ad. Journed with singing, and benediction by • - Rein. EEO Chsrged with the Pea laseeeur •ititsrety or ce, Sainnol Btca'art,, Yealdlulf at yobn s t on , n nation, on the AlloaltanY Valley Railroad al4Wornd beforo Aldetman Taylor Jay and rondo twoultargor of larcony and also con for a breach of the oaten, ugainat ThOUluil WA:affray, a Yealdont of the aatao plan. Deponent allege-a ha ' , McCaffrey took romp hoard!, of the value of one dol. tar and /duo rurrled off two Oar elm, rli at Ilya dollar., tin) Property of chnlann, and loft In cltargu of lloptuient. urther acorn that dor,udant thre.enod 41 out hxl.o nal...belonging to the mono ry end loft It prom.entor'a charge at Lo gon,aEddy. A warrant was issued Inc the arrtet of delandant. MI THE COURTS. tutted States District Court Before lien. Wilson McCandless. Court met at ton o'clock on Tuesday morn ing, • • A snincient number of grand Jurors an swered to their mimes, and' A. Murdock, Esq., of Washington county, less ilesigna. ted as foreman. His Honor delivered the customary charge, referring to the charac. ter of the eases that would probably Como before them, and defining their duties as furors. fin motion of Ron. S. A. Purvianee, J. W. Murray, Esq., and on motion of T. M. Mar shall, Esq., Josiah Cohen, E,q., wero specially admitted to practico before the Court. A. W. Barry. Esq., of Warren county, on metier, of B. F. Lucas, Esq., arta duly quail ed and admitted to practice. The grand Jury returned. the following In dictumnts • United enlace Vi. Samuel Wiel Wu,: Gold man %Viol, for having In his po.casiou fruetionid currency canes with the 'Men lion to put them In circulation. United Staten va. George /liner alios George Wcytusu, fur forging and counter felting a maternal currency unto of the do notuinaUnn of one hundred Milian, United States ea. William Smith, for forg lng, to paas,a nay dollar counterfeit note. The canoed S. WWI tiNor Goldman Wtel, wan culled up, District Attorney C.a. loan appearing for the United States, J osiah Cohen for the didendent. rite circumstances connected with the ease.° those: A bog containing 0.30 bun• tired and fifty dollars in counterfeit curren cy had been shipped from Phtladelphts, but before It reached tuts place the Govern ment, detectives were Informed by tele graph to investigate the . matter and arrest tau parties who might claim It. The derma-, dant was arreated. and In the confusion threw away the boa. Which Was subsequent ly recovered. The cast, la ell/1 on trial To-day Court opens et ten o'clock. tastrict Court. lleforo Ran. li. %V. V 'Maw Su...di lichen vs. Willies° French. des tlOn of ejectment for sixteen acres of land in Moon township. Tile parties chained title under deed of John Dickerson and wife to William Mellen and wife, bearing slate Felt,l3ol. lulls. The plaintiff claims 1.1. tie no Lim survivor of Ler husband, William liehitn. who died in 1011. Defendant claims umiera Sheriff's bale of the 1.1511 upon a 1 Judgment and execution against William diehas in his lifetime, subsequent to the slate of mild deed, and under sundry Means MinVeyanCea from the hheriiPs vendee to himself, given In try:dunce. The question raised wasathether that tills 1.0 the land in centroscrey, under the - deist of Dickerson Und wife. vested In the plaintiff as survivor of her husband. or whether the eels thereof by the !sheriff as the property of her". husband, and the conveyances men. tinned, vestal the title In defendant. The Court charged : it is well nettled, that if an estate In land be given to the husband and wife, or a Joint perch.° he mode by them during coverture, they are not pro. i'erly Joint,ts mints tine tenants In common, fur they are but olio person in law, and can not take by monies. They are both seized of themitirety, and though tam husband may havedatssolute control of the estate during blailife, and may convey or inert ' gage it'during that period. neither can alienate any portion thereof without the helmets t Of tile other, and tile eh tin VOr take. the whole. (Johnson vs. Hart sl W. d S., 313; Robb v. licaver,3 IC. it S., ail - child vs. (th.tritcus, 1 Parr 11ti; yerk ve. Thompson. %Jou. lit; stocky vs. beetles Executors. Casey =7; Martin vs. Jackson, 3 Casey Sat; Pates vs miely, le Wr..21 , 1 If the wife sue r ivee the nnesband she takes the estate dle. charged of his debts, for the reason Lb et sib e doss not Intuit meter or through him,but by virtue of the paramount grant In the origt natholirceyance. Ahd though the ithebarulse Interest may be sold under execution dur ing eaverture, iStoelder VS. timer, 5 alts 101.1 yet. If bi•ereslitore levy upon the ens tate in his liretAtie mid sell it RA his proper ty, the trite may recorcr It, on his death, In an eaten Of ejectment. lint it was contend. tel that the senableretism for the land g Was arid by the husbaesi. and that, l ndebted at the time he made thpurchase, he had on right to take the ooriVeyanCe to himself and wife fn freed of his creditors; and that the Creditorel .113vIng obtained dodipavehavigylast.h.P.7l far sr/MOM:It of his Indetnedrieral, mere clearly !Attlee AO Wry upon and .11 the land ea his proportY, and that the sale thereof vested In tun pna an absolute title in fro atm pies if the husband was tudebted - at the time tie made the purchase, and If he took the title to himself and wile tnr the of hiodri.,: and siceeivoig his emitters. the latter would have the right to levy upon s.nsi wll the land as tile properly of the bmband. if this conveyance to the wife wig made for the Polls.. of hindering and defrauding the cratitora It w. void as against the crodb tors •co ear It respects ihe wife's title. Dot it Las not been shown that the husband. at the time of the mocha. oats! any other debt than the one to John Dickenson, the grantor of the land, and for which he sub. isequerdly obtained Judgment, and It can hardly be presumed or inferred that the deal was • [mule to the wife for the puristsse of hindering and de laying the grantor in the collection of the Cubs slue by tile husband. Judge Wil liams, In couclusion, charged the Jury that If there wig 00 evidence showing that the c,neat anew to the wits, Wail made for the purpose of hindering And defrauding cred itors, the title was nut divested by the she, MS gala of the land . the property of the Is assisted, and that. upon h Is .slcatli, the title to the whole Land became vested in the plaintiff, as survivor, foul she la entitled to recover. The Jury found for the plellutiff alth six emote damages sml eu cents coil,. C. Hasbrouck, Esq., for defeen.lant.„except -0.1 to the chettle cad a bill a'a. , J. W.Y.Wane, x cad .. appeared for the Lalob kosher, Jr. Y. Charles W. liobucir. Foreign attachment. Verdict for defendant. IL It. lictjuistan .t Co. Iris. Monongahela l)nviCntlon Company. Action roe ittimageg for the sinking, in the Monongahela river, at Lock N. I. in January.lsit,of a coal boat, containing 3U.010 [mynah, of 'coal, valued at r". Tn.. boat Iris, non 4 ven Ile the Pante. InCharge arra waiting for a rAkroll.Wu ow pone...Hy to ones through Abe lock. en trial at adJoarnment. Common Pleo• Court,. Ilefore Hon. Pryor. II .t Co. va. Rockbam a Long. PIan4IITA wok a non sta. Ca, per Kegley vs. Collins township. An. lion fa/ lea rafovery of a township war ritut, dated dune 6th, ly7, for 01,114, In favor of Neglay, for balance clue him on settlement. The warrant was never pant because of there being no funds In the Treasury, and no mean. having ever been used by the. township to par the same, excepting , that May 16th, 1,60. $11.6.1 and Oct. /shies°. $11.30 were part on account thereof by thole's - nut - 11p Supervisors. ror defense the township relied euttroly upon the stat ute of limitations, having no other plea to offer. The Jury thought the township should not repudiate their obligations, end fused br the plittuthr the sum of 063 , .68, the full amount claimed, with costs of salt. firoce & Nrgley for Wain/M. Jallloll 1. Kuhn for defense. ' • • . . • •• Montle! Steven son U. William EilrCacbo. Action on promissory noto tot 1...50, given to pament. of stock lu .Ulduletown Oil Company. Defense 411esed fraud ; that tho 011oornpany repx gotten up through fraud ulent reprusentattons, by widen defendant was Indio:Am to glow the noto in question. (In trial at adJournuamit., Wedliesday . o. Trial list. DIBSEICT COURT.. 115. 11,0nah J. Lyle vs. Jeremiah Wilson. 187. W. T. McClurg vs, James F. Duncan. US. llngh,hano rt. ur. vs. It. McClain A. Co. 13n. Foster A Co. vs. Pittsburgh Coal CO. Gordon ri. M. vs. Penn'n. IL K. Co. (old list.) 81. James Distend vs. P. Ft. W. AC. U. K. Co. • at. Robert McClinton vs. P. Ft. W. .2 C. It, It. Co. 74. Oakland Railway Co, vs. John TILL and Charles McDevitt. Cs 1.1.••8. Hainuel Stevenson vs. Alfred MeCal , e. al. Frederick Wrigley vs. Patterson ague tf. 01. Martin Farrell ye. Ezehial Merriman. J 9. John Leto vs. Patterson and John Ague. .Be. D. li. Wallis vs. John 11. Little. SI. Thomas B. Unit:. vs. A. a D. It. Chatubors. S_..l. U. Mlllor vs. West Penna. U. It. Co. Allehani Bombard va. Joseph Limier. M. John Douglass vs. Jenkins, 2113 / 1 a Co. dl. John P. Vence vs. JainestPNcal .2 Co. Elegant Mpeclateu Wo believe the driest sign On glass Over finished to this oily Is that on the Immense pane of kroneh plate, at the now satir! of John i. Claley, Dottie and Sign Painter, No. 131 Smithfield street. The Littering is oily - beautiful, the work of Mr.. Marshall lia - idner, a young min destined to Moho a high reputation for hinisolf In that hue, arid 'who Is 14 the employ of Mr. In connection -with this notice we might observe that Mr. di clay has greatly enlarged his fanthtles for all kinds of house and sign Pointing. /le uses nothing but the var v nest Or 0a10i... 1 1d guarentops sathitaetion In all Of his work. while his terms are very rue soimblo, INtromitted total.—Josepb Kleer yesterday sent to jail by Justice ittloliel/ bf Jawrencerllle,' In cletaolt of Dye Dandred dollars ball, to answer two ebarges,one for a breach of the Deaoe, and another totear rlingrOOnaled .I . eaDYM4prerukred agalntf ;1 . 1:d Dy Jphn 03ar w ~ , ,_, , ~ , , , 1 _ ), A. A Leap for ilbesty . lnto tho laws of = On Monday evening nn incident of a thril ling nature occurred on the Allegheny river, a few rods this side of Tarantum, On board the steamboat Ida Itces, coming down to tho city, wore the Sheriff. District Attorney, and other °dicers of Venting. county, who had In custody forte convicted felons, destined to serve long Latina is the Penitentiary. Among the prisoners were P. godly and hid. Bennett, who had boon convicted of robbing a bank at Itouseville, entering during business hours and by vio lence taking away the keys from the cushier, and securing considerable plunder. When cant tired they were chained together, and the oflicer in charge of them took pos tman on tee railroad for Franklin. The prisoners feigned an excuse to go to the water-closet, and ernite the train was mov ing at the rapid speed of thirty miles per hour they dropped out of the window down an embankment, and, uninjured, hobbled out of sight Into the woods. Too •edlecr soon discovered their flight and had the train backed to the place they jumped out,. and the p.sougers joining in the search, the desperadoes were soon recaptured anti taken to Franklin. They were sentenced on Saturday Inst to eight years each in tile Penitentiary - , and were being-brought to that place of punishment, as stated, on Monday evening. The ft*t of the desperadoes wore heavily ironed. and every promution was taken to prevent their escape. AS the boat was rounding a curve is the river, Riley sudden. ly leaped over the railing of the cabin deck into the river, striking in his descent the front guards of the boat. Ile was seen to rise and heard gurgling water as though drowning, by a gentleman on the boat-and It Is quite probable that be found his liberty to a isnierYlicivive. Unit expert swimmer, he possibly might have performed the dex terous feat of reaching the shore with nis feet shackled In irons. Sheriff Gray offer a reward of two hundred and fifty dollars for his arr.t, if alive. Riley tau •ditring, had man; about 21 years old; G feet 7 inches 100; weighed about 1641ba.;bluegrey eyes; loul on grey-wined latetnlona3: black veal; gran tannalahlrt; dark brown hale, and cropped eloeo to the head; fine, thin, dark board ; email feet; bad marks ofhand culla on his wring large scar on the honk and several await ones on the top of his head. I= Pair 'ck Grady returned from the array at the dis'ausullag of our forces engaged in the la , e war, and in consequence of wound" re. eek,..l in the Serylce was not able to take any position wheratry he could earn n tire- IlLood, and hears had to be transferred to tne hospital tor wounded soldier', near the city; until each time as be would be able to resume his work. Of course, when to the hospital, there was no necessity for him paying rent fora bonne In the city, and 110 be broke op tions.keeplusr and left Ms fur niture. to., with friends, to take tare of until needed again by him. Among other things, he says, he left tome furniture with Thomas IdetAuff. On Monday last Patnek was well enough to leave the hospital and came to town, rented a house, end com menced looking about for his furniture wherewith te furnish It. He called, no ho alleges, on tioGloir, and asked that his prop erty be banded over to him. when the latter not only refused to comply with blade mend, but in addition thereto, administered • . a body beating to him. Ile appeared before Alderman Ale-Masters yesterday and made information agalmt hiceloff, charging him with larceny as bailee, but did not enter an Information for the aseault. A warrant was Issued for the arrest of defendant. Inhonum Cou'aiitt. l'here is an old lady named Sirs. Dorit, siding In Poplar alley, In the Sixth ward, who of late has made her hying by selling ale and sarsaparilla. A few days ago she was . notified by the pollee that she must quit selling. its *hated no license. She did as command, d and closed her house. Yes terday is man by tee name of 'Patrick Mc- Dade cailed et the house anti demanded tome ale. fib es explidned to hlm the circuit. stances under which she was placed, and refused to give him the drink called for. Ile thereupon picked up a chair *landing in the apartment., and broke It on the old lady's head. Ile was shortly afterwards arrested and conveyed to the tombs where he Is still confined. It has been suited to on that the man is entirely deranged; whether he has bentf se, or whether lasrealitawallisaniMines wary derangement from the use Of too much whiskey, we boo. not. If the latter, It only aggravates his conduct in the premi ses, and he should tic made to sulfur the full penallY orthe law. The old lady it still lying at her house, Ina very low condition, from the effohtas4,the Injuries . received at Isis Lands. Attempted BmeIOM'S Dr. Metter, residing on Seventh etrOot, was aronaeti !ion% elm? vesterday morning about two o'clock, by some parties Dinsack in g the lower rooms of the how. On going down, the Doctor noticed three men in the front othee moving about and taking a gen. elll4 eUrvey of thlllo in the room. The moo appeared to notice ttto Doctor at the same time In the hull, as one of them hurled a poker at him with great force, but fort.. ate!! did not strike him. The men thn• rustle &rush for the front door, and one of them lathe hurry dropped hie ran: but a Imppy thought struck him when going out, And he picked op the pootothi hat from the hall table and took It airing with Mtn. They all got out safely and , for aught we know, are still going. The Doctor lout no artielea except his hat, in exchange fur which the burglar lilt a very Wean speciMen of a rhopeno., age I.hs bows discutrered its to who they were. The Moho r=C=M . . Released on Mall. The inquest impanuelled to loectre bow and after what manner John Joyce came to Ms deatiOnet at the Mayor's °Mee yes terday morning, and after examining another of wltnrimu.s, who detailed the circumstances of the unfortunate affair substantiallyalalready given In the IiALL,ITTS, the f ollowing verdict was reu deredl ..The said John Joyce came to his noath as the result of a blow or blows In flicted by James McCloaky, on Sunday even ing, May sib, 10;7, In Oakland township, at the louse of Cites. Write." McClosky wan then committed to jail, by Coroner Claw son, to ad' aeh ergo of murder, but was released durum the day, ball having been taken, by direction of the Court, inutile sum of Mx thousand dollars for his appear once for trial. Another Case "nettled!' A "Readorof the CM:rtfe. , writes to the "local" giving the particulars. or •ifaets," as ho says, of the 'settlement of a case of felony by a city Alderman, not tong arose;. with a request that thoy he published, "la . enter that the public might know, to some enrol, the rascality practical by ministers of the low." We most docile° to publish ,tho communication, but will reserve it for future use, in t h e event Of the case refer red to assuming such a shape as to warrant us in so doing. If our oorrospondent has personal knowledge of "the feats." It is his duty to make iniormailon stalest those ...horn he desires brought to Justice: The publication of his statemont might bo of service, but the probability of doing injury is the reason for our refusal to comply with his request. Dbaorderly Condnet Two young men, named William Kelly and Thomas Henuant, were coming up on the accommodation train of the Pittsburgh, Et. Wayne and Chicago Hallway yesterday afternoon,and when asked for their tiekets by the conductor, refused to give them up or un equivalent in money. They were put .og thu train, when near the city, by the conductor. aml shortly afterwards made a general assault ou the windows of the ears, hr., with bricks and stones, Several of the passengers narrowly erkcaped serious injury front their missile.. Both men were Some. what under the 111(1110110s of whisky at the time, and immediately on their arrival to Allegheny were smutted by °Mears Camp. bell and Noble, and brought before llts Honor, Slayer lit“rrison. They were Placed in the lock-up by the Slayer, and will be held to answer for their conduct at Court. =IL= Daniel Theism., was lodged In the tombs yesterday cur a charge of drunkenness * ann shortly afterwards began to maid/est symptoms of Mania paw. During the day belabored under all kindeof hallucinations, imagining himself a vrtlil animal nt)stat leg the walls of the cull fora looting glees welch he was lamed to break, de, /u his ravings he nuteaged to tear off all his clothing, and presented Cattier oild spectacle In his cage. All was belog done for lulus that ,could be under the elreumatanors. The Academy of nele.-.Pereoun who intend to go the Amateur Contort todnor. row evening must net lie prevented from mooring their seats by toe n wahine already taken and marked alien the aleuram at the Messrs. Metiers. The general paladin° •aysiest.3ool3 near to or Tyr (COTO WO stage, should not Ozint ; log G 000eOrt where there lY no wet of instruments. and in a bail vales° rapacity le due to Its height, and not to Its depth; in fact, orchestra stain ark .mend usually higher micas than l i te par. tootle behind; but in the AtaJanAy of lta. sic. the eye and eer ago as Well Milted from tie cktrema'holutS 93 from the front, Committed (.r Trial.—Jarnes hlltler iho person prosecuted with Alderman Don Wilson for oompocuulles felony, was rem battled to jell by Alderman Morrow, to do fault of ball. Alderman enterSbiskl PRICE THREE CENTS. TbOP r e i n n u' l ." e l in ' I R* n r CmY bave IMonerase l nntal dividend of three per cent., payable n cash, free otter, on the =hi inst. Also an extra dividend of fire per cent., based open the profits earn ed pnor to January I, 19,7, clear of Natioh al and State taxes, payable In stork, on and after Iday 31, at Its par valise of fifty dollars per share, the shares (Cr stowk dirtiest to be dated may 1, tar:. Scrip certificates will be leaned for fractional parts of shares. bald scrip will not be entitled to coy Inter est or dend, but will be convertible Into stock whenpresented In sinus of fifty dol lars. fire Bricks, etc.—Elsewhere we publish the advertisement or Mr. I. It. Ecker, deal er In Cement, Firn.brick and The, Stone Ilearths,' Waite Lime, Chimney Tone, and Water PiDCS. OMCO and Warehouse, No. 11,7 First street, opposite the Monongahela House. Making a specialty of this bust ne.s. and Paying Particular attention to the requirements Of the trade, builders and others In-need of asp article In the line should favor Mr. Ecker with a call. 110 Las at his Warehouse numerous specimen's of his wares which will. amply repay exami nation by those interested. The Canonsburg Itobbery.—We have noted the fact of the'robbery of the Far mer*. Deposttllank pf Canonsburg, Wash ington county, last Week - , of a considerable amount of money, including silver coin. Circumstances having been developed at taching ntspicion to Robert Matthews, now confined in our county Jail on a charge of passing counterfeit national currency, in formation ens been wale charging him with being concerned lu the rohbery. The evidence of his guilt consists mainly in sil ver cols, of the description stolen, being traced to his possession.. =I resident au 'Stewartstown, MLA° lnforma up° yesterday against her hniband for as• sault and battery, before Alderman tiler. Olson. She alleges that sometime since her left her, but returned no eaturday, and administered a severe whipping toiler, without any canoe or provocation. The warrant for his arrest was-placed In the band's of officer Sharp, but up to' yesiurday evening be had.not bean captured. St a meeting of the Menne.° Engine Company teat evening, at their Lome, the following reeoluthm was pa , sed: Rceolred, Thal this Company will not compete for the hose carriage that will tie at the Monumental Fair, to be Lehi next mouth at City Hall, and any person collect ing or soliciting money Inc that purpose will be doing so without the authority of the Company. W. K. dusw, Secretary. False Presesteesu—Goartio Carter made Information yesterday before Alderman Lynch. against Thomas Liston. charging him with raising money under false pre tenses. Liston has been in the employ of Carter and, as deponent alleges, went out 'on Monday on a collecting tour on his own account Uncollected eix dollars duo de ponent for lead, and hence the Information as stated. A warrant was Leaned and placed in the hands of an onleer for has arrest. False Prat...l.—A.M. Canon appear ed before 4.lderman Strain yesterday nod made inforniation against one, Charles An ber, alleging that be, by representing that he bad conalderable amount of money dna him teem a dew in Allegheny, bad obtained bay and other articles from arrant. Toe deponent believes that ho had no such mon ey due Dim, and asks that he be held to an slyer the charge as stat3d. A *arrant for his arrest was Issued. letalleions Ilischlef.—AduM Selzer made Information yesterday before Alder man Taylor, charging. John Stewart...Fß[l malicious mischief. Deponent avers that Stewart, without any cause broke' - open and smashed a door of a 'tanning Soiree, the property of Lawrence Selzer. Stewart was arrested and, in default of ere hundred dol lars ball, committed to Jail to answer the charge. Ammon and Itattery.—Thowas Con/y made Information yesterday hereto Alder man:Lynch, charging John Sunnile with assault and baLrory. The parties reside in Duquesne borough, and the prosecutor al leges that the defendant. matte an unpro• voiced assault upon him. The defendar.t was arrested and gave bail for a hearing, .The coalrealeace of',ll - nt and cold water in city and C0.1[17 residences cannot be arersesttatated. (Jur Mend T. T. Esrens, practical plumber, No. 165 Wood street, at ter/ALSO the water Attlee . of dwelling" at tale most rbaso.apitha_rater, sad In the beat tacclutraeal style. Give him &cull. Go to ltelnernathldeiran d. Sledle'S fash :enable Jewelry store, N0..„1n Fifth .treat. for any article In their line at the most realm,. ante prices. NOR maul elezautjelry °l'M° latest styles dolly received. a nd no where else can a bettorsloelc IrOM which to select ho found. ISt.. S. A. lat. Wart, fast. Innable milli ner, \0.46 Federal street, Allegheny., an nounces a grand openlag of summer boa_ nets, hits, cups and bead-dresses, to take Plat. nazi Saturday moraln frott tea o'clock. American and foreign watches, in gold and silver, for ladles and gentlemen, at very much related rates, at the well goon . lewelry headquarters of Itelneman, Fifth streeL ' Justice canopy, of LawrobooTino, yes. torday committed to :ho count!, lull Wm. in arfault of tiro huuLlreo dollars bull, to aromas a aurae of burglary matte araytut btm by Adam Staub, a resident of tau borough. Cuppfry ...dere respectfully eolletal and attended to by canoe' and experienced mechanics, by,T. wens, practical plum ber, Ideate and gas litter No. , IUS Wood street. Wm. Owen*. Mag., is associated Irlth Mr. Coyle as counsel ter the Spront murder . . Instead of Wm. Lynn,l,q., as reported to Our Imt lame. bops in Pltesburgh enjoy perfect liberty, CU:lough In other cities a war of extern:at, anon Is Waged tug:llmA them. Fetter. the Washington county murder er, will be banged this day one cock hence. cleveland has hag a ease of genuine Cholera, which dui not prove fatal. Mee Bounty tax statement of Penn town ship, to another column. 3 - Additional Local News ou Third Page. ME MIA.I . LISit—The funeral of 11rs. 11A RIZIKT CFI•I . I.tVi, late of Seville trlit. take ',lace Tilts vVedoetdayo Tnn re- Ina 1:1 leat, Mira tinny Depot. at 11 o•elork. to proceell to •Ilvibror Cemetery. I.l3lE—liny rah. tallAY ERNE. sr., In the MO Tear of cis affe. Ynneral from his Tate residence, o EWA , nada street, All.gbeny City, 20-DAT, May MA. at 2 o'cloet D. m. , DmNALLMON.—At her residence. No.= Perry street, MANY ANN, sr Ile or Aid. J. Donaldson. l`fottee of funeral heves , ter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A LEX. AMEN. UN DEELTAKEII, ""'"" No. 100 Yount& street, Pittaborgb. Po. COFF/NO Of all lands; CHANFS, 4 LOVES. and o,ou defortption of /funeral 1 , on:L.lolns Iloods fonalsbod. Rooms opened day. 4 night. Rearm, and Corrloges famished. • . Davld Kcrl, n. IL. Rev. IL W. J•rohn. LLD.. Thar.. /Cwt., Z q.. J. e.. 1111. /41Iler. Kea. JG. 11.01DGIERS. - UNDERTA • XXX. AND le1111A1.11?-11, successor to the Isle Illszusel IST Itsdgere. No. :22 Ohio Street, three doors frt. Beater, Allegheny slty. Ye. .11Ics ltoscwood. Idsbogsny. Walnut Ind Nose wood lmltstlon Cora.. st the lowest reduced prices, Ilwases open. s/lbours, day .4 w a d,. Hearse and Carriages furnished on snort notice sad as most esssoulble terns, D .T. WHITE b. CO., UNDER.. TAX Min ANl.l , l.3lllkintElla, Manche.• ter. Wood'. Thus and vicinity. Codin , Roolint nt Malachi:liter Livery t tatilc. corner nhanield and Chartiers ttrects. C.: 4 . 1 .4%. fur nished. piLLDAI.E -.ere,`.:thT.LeQeetsabur dan r. fawe . 4. "*.larnt.aZart , t one. In thls coan- V. on Nov Ilstatijon rant!. north of All.obeny: roe bons) lots. orrtoll4 or Wea l call al Central Drag Store of COOL & CLA.NN.Y. Allenberpr Clty. 1776. irotihut",9l ll „. 1867 Look Out fo the mat Notional ZisUrst. Itt, , L boo Eakitati r ons Illutolostloos, Ton9t LIAM - Yroceatlotto Cavalcade. Atasaaw::q Union Fountain, .eta JOHN O. KINNST, romeoU..V. Bk,' tutors odtostLosotonto. ball au/ pro. iMUCLIIIt. larE:11 CHEAPEST PLACE . .Lll THE CITY to boy WO TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, It it's. 146 OILANTLIVOM, tviatA ill ELM UOLD`ri CONC ENTUA. TVI) EX rnAcT SAUISLYAZILE.A firm( Bioo4 INUN aputsynr NEW ADVEIIMC:BtrENTS, GO TO . - DUNSEAtH & CO.'S, AND UST ONE 07 211).:IR Vencti.aii clocks, to your boutas free of charge. I Guaranteed for One rear. WATCIIES, CEIALNS AND AT A ERT SMALL PIICIFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wylie St., 3d door trom JOILNSTON & SCOTT, I.MA L7.1t3 Fine Watches, flocks, Jewelry SILVER;PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 114 LUIZATY STILILIka. 72Ittesikru_rali, sae Partkilt. a1t6121.1011 err. to work M.. and Jowe work grata rant. POSTPONED LETTING. THE TIME ron RECEIVEVG proposala for the erection of a new School Howie In tho nerenth Ward, Is pestpiined null SATURDAY, the ltth dar of May, at al: o'clock The plant au] lopLAdeagott• will resnaln at Mt clues of the 'BA RR d.11(19$11. Nos. 11 an td ht. (Ants sstsets. •; Proposes 6.1111.1,. sated and left wit/stiller of the ander.dgned. preslonS to the time of fi. , Sillf• The bid. already -ieculved win not I .> opened mall ait.r ILat time.' =a )911TOSON, PION & CO. IRE RECEIVISO DAILY Immense Spriiii Stock of E=l BOOTS, SHOES, Mialmorals, Gaiters & Slippers, LADIES,. GENTS, mizsra AND , CHILDREN CARPETS, DMESTIO DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, c) crro 1511m.irts3ji GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, AND NOTIONS OF ALL HINDS, M'CLELLIND'S EMPORIUM, 55 ek 57 x•x - m.rme alarm 'B9 S 9 S 9 89 89 89 SA S 9 S 9 89 MARKET STREET. S 9 GO TO 59,-1 4 ‘ C> Mt 3E3 ' S 9 Market Street, I I AND GET TOUR 89 ".'BOOTS SHOES , &L • THE CHEAPEST AND DMT i g9 siNT TS"" ("xm."2." W./ AUCTION GOODS SEPT. 9 JAS. R08R,89 Market St. 59 IS9 S 9 89 S 9 89 * 189 S 9 S 9 , !T ,HE tSUPERIOR MERITS:MERITS: . I : of the WIIEELZII 2 WILSON SE WllO4 j !MACHINE offer • all toners. for tonally] use and general purposes; are ko so It es:, ssonsbod sod so generally adentszed, thaLl sn enurnerallou of - /Woe envell , knees Is no loser Wad t r od", es. •They arc simple, durable and beau-, ' Iift. IWILSItIIN AGENCY. :i i! No. -'y Err= grar.iir. 1 ;I 111, N05..1133 and 131trd Street, DYER AND ROOMER. Straw Goods . Cleaned or ,Dyed, LID GLOVES and LADIES' PI,U3IItB ed or dyed. - DIELBIL CLOSE `& CO., Practical Farnitarto Thuitaattann coo. pkm AND WAYNE Lott= nylas of 117YNITOAt ioostoot:7 eon, JOHN. PECK, ORNAMENTAL Wußiosx im./ pzitillltEß. sa loortle street. usecloor feeds Woo.t. Pastaboede. Alwara Ott Wad s. • Coen olSOriment a dles' W 1... es; Gentlemen's Wigs, Tows, Malys. Guard talus. lime:Jets. de. A good pet.. In ease seill be Veen (or • Bow Hair. . I • 14.11es' and oeottessert's Ltd . -cutl4e eine to the oeutst m. 0... mad.etll. ORAL.4.mILLER, . LITHOGRAPHER, Yo. so forum ST., Apr to mataj a.r. eHEOXS. DE BILL =a LIT TVS isztd lc., dose al styles. gpi J. Btenv 'maul & OOy 17110L3AL8 AND =TAIL ar 176 C) 30. - EL El, 396 Penn Street. 11011:319 JOSEF% lIIEVER & =:=EI 2T Cri = 11172 . 1.17111.30 1 , Nott. 13 15111TIFIELD I:I2BXAS, aba 494 PINE( STEEL?. t 4 ELUISULIPB EIXTIZAVT Kan. BAPA RILL). elesodneo Ind renovates tte blod:I. 'he vl.enr of beslo3 Liao the .t -km, and Vases oat Um Lemon 1h.61 =stet Ola. C 11•46 .PLULWV, 1T1E17171 = M. h. MOORHEAD. JAMBS BOER, ALBERT A. MOORE