1:7 13 E 3 INVISIBLE EMPRESS TEM 'SKIRT, TLIE NEw lillArg lOU Spring, 1867 , J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR notaux arniacoo IR TS, Thy, hanciantnent and move enmfort , :blo Iyt lc yet SICK 'ALL FASHION Al At/A. A4.othe New , Sine in PARIS TRAMS, wiirl e on INC :V, ONL.O. and 111 -TO/ ECM SALE EVERYWHERE. • LT WHOLESALE M ell the leadlitt Notion Cot Ivry Hoods Nooses In Pitobureh. Mao, by Wle Owners or relent and Saab: ye !dar/Un ame n, WEST'S, BRADLEY & CARY, 91 Chambers fitiept,. we* -roux. =MID JUST OPENED, RACRUIII it. CARLISLE, :Vb. 19 PIM Street, An clegauL assortment of Sun Shades and Parasols, NEW BUTTONS AND TEI 33611811 1303311 AND TRIIIING RILIBOSS, drELNCI SHADES OP THE .BEBT KID GLOVES. 6 `6rBxt.” nzrxi=vra. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS we have just opened a full line or on .1‘... 1 1 Colors of the celebrated "88" Hid Glove ) at $1.1 . b per Pair. • We are author:lrd to .arantre every Pair of tbo gloves sole.. Should the l~• rip o. tear f.tibg on, they eau Ire exehanacd roe .lother P.lr• & CARLISLE, Z:ff?. 19 Sift 33. )155 tweet. NJUIW DAILY ARRIVALS THIS WEEK NICREM, GLIM Si Haim IE4 Soft Finish /aconet4 tain, Striped and Barred; I Al :Moues and Dotted Haiasooks, for Traist3 Ent:llinm lad fritlins - • lamed and Itamborg Ifort,ftne assortment: Real Point;Talencui tad Ihread Lunn llandkerthiefs, 'baba Hemstitched & 'Plain; Einlik Woe, all;widths and ,lade; roll line Colored Velret Bilhans , ereg shades Begin Fringe; Trimmin,m & Button. newest siilex Floe assortment of Larliennglislt and Rennin • Hosiery and Gloms; FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID CLOVES; • SPLENDID d&SONNENT PARASOLS. Pull Line Parnishing Goods. iIOBRISDAT'SSTAR BlitltTfi, at yrfirtfizted. 4011XLETS AND liDur taint - 8, 'good =tea. Si - Jobbing - trade scrred 12113:M11y at Fut 78 and 80 Market Street.' A . FULL EiToca 45MF. _ DRESS GOODS ALL STYLES, JUST OPENED. - xruswas, rlusra,ixi3u BOSOMS. • ••• CA' -T". for Men and Dors' weir 3 Por,l9lealco "1741,x-y. Oluora.i3 AT H. J. LYNCH'S, 96 MAP T 6TREI99. 1:1101171 EW bTYLE Cloth and Silk Saeques, Oneued Tnl3 PAT. Also, iteQUE madel 11. J. LYNCIIVI, Oa Unmet sf rect. M:1 r ,151.cCANILDExis & •-• (Lams Wu.solc,'CAsts & C 0..) VIIIIOLESALY DZALKIIB /OREM* AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS .1)174)3. 9.6 1717c.cact. fat., . Third house above Diamond • My, ) NEW 6}OODS.I NeW GOODS =UM JOEME HO 's & GO'S. Thrive mule a moiled adillitOu to our strewn' • large stock. of 3PItING-: GOODS, We are Prepared to alter Indbeements, both to • • mien and aaaortment, In Bmbrolderles. fluaterclaste, nirj d eli4 . loelesy. Bogle Trimotlnfa pa. sew Kyles Dress I.,Banana, ' colored anul Velvet Bibnone, tin/pure and (Blaney Lace, ,/tsal Mused and Bolds, Lava, •• Buttons, all style. end colors, - ! C , Ovele. Haltlng,Bueklee ! , and Belts, Blunt/pea rain, . Ladle'', litrete and Bente , SPrlnft Ilodvs Wear, Ale.' tadrellld tiloves, Invisible :Elmore. Trail . kirts. &ape and .. • ' D Duplecin. • • large assortment of Hants' Neck Ties, Scarfs t and Bows. sh.pendrra. Shirt. trouts. &O. Harrison•. Sur nine. UP a n tlVlrl ' er= 4l4".l°We". ....Imteltitibbons.,'Bohnet Hibbohl. • tlairl and Yearn alt OM WHOLESALE ROOMS, \ op eters. will be Maud complete inaell Departmenta. tre and It to their ads/wore to ere 00 Call. Pricee as low la Eastern Jobber.. 77 and 79 Market Street. • 0.13 1867. SI'RIAG. 1817. ARBtaxgoi — SHANNON & COMPANY, grOBTESIB •Ro JOBBLIZII or Dry Goods and Notions, Offer their large and attractive ate ek ; eg NEW GOODS AT EASTERN PfiltES, FORTASIL wtaa Gown, wnrrz GooDs. • DELAI • £.S,PRINTS . haDIA • DRIDDia TICKS. JZANro. curni o, BL Ca EA IB C EL F AND FROWN an SEIA W SKIRT atTiNuel K AND 01.0VI8, Ate. s s e n are Welted , o esti And czamlae our crod N 0.115 Wo o d Str eet. AdmirrarroT, VEIAIITNQX &. CA r I W M QT. J. Q. 4111111W24 T. 1ki202 I. E AT 121-2 curs. GOOD FAST COLORED irizi Al]. AT L 234 CENTS, GOOD PRINTS. AT 22 CENTS, BEST BELALINES EECIII GOOD DRESS SILKS. Black Alpacas; goat's Cloth; Percales, all colors; Parasols, Hats, Emit-owns; Ribbons, Flowers; Giores, Hosiery, etc., etc., TO Winch' I.IIE ATTENTIIM or Wholesale and Retail Buyers IS INVITED, AT ---- WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., dLLEGIIEJM cirr. CM= GENTLEItMIVII 1 Illeresm sad Bilk Vest.; Linen and Jean Drawers; Itlorrison'a _••Star" Shirts; Linen and Vail.. Collar.; Historl Mid other Fancy Ms' While, Muslin Ties, Plain & ErtalAl Merino. !A•le Thread and Cotton !Leif Veers Llfteu Ilandkereh , Cw plalCa fancy; Milk Hand keret., chola. assortsn't; JUST RECEIVED AT V. 11. 3E.A.TCYIN'S, 17 Fifth Stroot, 1=1173 CA NDIDATES.- FOR COUNTY TREASortEn. COL. JAMES A. GRAY, Of McClure tetrnalltp, will be adidate for Contny Treaanrer, =infect to the de can ct.ion of the Union Repuelican Convention. noW FOll ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM B. ROSS, Of'Allegheny City, will be a candidate for A sesebly, sub,eet to the decision of the 1100001 can County Convention. *DIG FOR COUNTY COMUSSIONEB, • JOSEPH B. NE'DONALO, Uptha Seoontt Ward, Allegheny Clef, sulapet to the otelstort of the Onion liepahlicee toer , / Convention. • Atoll m 1: - FOR commit TREASURER.. • ~WILLIAM M'CLEAN, Of CIO township. (formerly North Fayette. will be • esudiEste tor County Tressurr_r, e übler t to tife decision of the Union Repot;lkon County ,Conventiott. • nolutsh mir, 1 011 PROTHONOTARY. . D. C. MULTI will be a candidate fur the office of PIIOTl10Y• YrAUT. subject lo the &daloa of the Union Ethanlican Convention. - apt FOB PIIOTIIONOTARY. • iICOB H. WALTER, Will bet Candidate for the otice of CROVION UTARY.enblectto tha decialou of the Ualo• Iteponllcan Convention. nth?s,o4oletleT FOR COUNTY TREASURER, - MAJ. J. F. DENNISTOR, (Formerly of lfriend'a lluardo will ba Candidate for COUNTY Tlcr.Asuiczy., ”hie. to mad oclalon of tney,ahin lleptiblican Ceara • Con. • AUCTION BALES 10,000 PAWS BOOTS • AND !MOM B.r AL:crogricrmir, Received for poaltive tate at the Auction Bosse LW Federal street. Allegheny, aver ten thonsand Pain Boot., Oboe. And Gallen. all Mzes,styles and quality. bale commtnee TB'S /1 FT6I3- NOON. at :o'clock, and mintinne creel after. ElO. of this week. Buyers of shoes will dud these rales exceedingly attractive and advent.- aeon. There are large onantltle. of Ladles', Allss•st and childrimi , Laming Halters arid Bal moral.: due Bid and Morocco Walking Booti 31cri's Caltand p Boot.. and rrrrr thing In th Oboe Line. All to be sold for whatever they will .brief. • A. LE(WATX, aps0:11 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES. 110 Smith Mild St., Moslte Post OOte. 'Dayand evening sates on Tuesday, Thom ' 3 and !Saturday, of Boot,, abona, treads, Hosies7, Hardware, Simms Hoods, Sfneenrosase, Unmasks. Gents' Bornishing tioods. Bats. Notions, to. Priest, Isles on Monday. Warnmday and PsWaySpecial stains non to Furniture oa lea. Veal . ISUittl held on — iglu and sold on commission. J..,W. IMEEN CO.. Auctioneers. ==l S. RANK AND TELEGRAPH if.atfTOCKS. CONN MAID/ILLY E. E. BONDS, te.—On TUESDAY EVENIND, May 700, at a o'clook,vlll be sold. on second floor of Goa:hoer clal hales !Looms. 100 Smithfield street: 10 shares Allegheny das Co. shares M. and M. Notional Bank; :13 share* Second National Bank ; 60 Au.. .Merchants' National Tel. Co. - 61,6001 . 1ttsborgh Et Connellsville B. B. Banda, Turtle Creek Dlcilon. myti A. IieII.WAINIC, Audi% BOOTS AND SHOBS. PILING 46 ING 001)./. me hare ichelvto a larger stock of eprlng and Pommer atyles BOOTS AND SHOES. We alto have • large assortment or custom made BABE BALL OLLOY.-1 and LirLITELLI, .ILn and without talk., all of .111 ch we are at very cheap prices., ==! J. H. k W. C. BORLAMPA, No. NIMARKET . ETIMIT,I4 door from "'inn .s. LI3HEE , S SHOE STORE, No. S. E. corner of Merkel. street and of has received • selected assortment of all kinds or n rndffs :Gaiters tr Tor gentlemen. Ladle' sod children. These:are coeds. Of -the beat mate:dalend sod are offered for sale at l ow Mims. a5ri.731 COOM 711 /4.2ra0. ' JOLLA ZIELDIXI2 FiELDEVG & iltaaUfrettrmY neaten 11 Chcaartam .111 Caria. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, N 0.140 Ohio at., Allegheny. ZaPWILIIi Dro:l2Ptlf **anted ox.th• amisal IC:101 ME thigittOurgh6auttt, El TUESDAY, MAY :,1667 THE COURTS. - ironed States D iiiii Cope,. Tlie May term of the United. States Die. Diet Court, Hon. Wilson 31 'Candlees pre siding, commenced yesterday at twelve o'c!ock. • , After proclamation was made, the Clerk called out the named of the gentle mon constituting the grand Jury but a quorum • falling to • answer, the charge , .of the Court was postponed until n.'.; ai, Lon o'clock A. R. - P7 - O 1 On mo tion or Di /reed! 1: n d. Gaazam o J. 11.. Ituttorko...g, Eels., q were admitiod to ICOnfttl: practltS in the ut Circt and District v hits follo e: wing is a ILst of the grand Jurors sum • J. P. Sterrett, Juniata countY.! • tyLA.Ql'ATLße,it:Wecrocuonutirt,9. *:.i.. %N.-: i r . 4l° ,'il_eTr a 'r er e..Cuonutnyt.y . 1 A. Murdock. Washington county. John Ilall. Washington county. A. Li. 1 1'Colmont. Vet:tango county. M. Park Davis t Venaugo county: .2. I . Cockran, Venango county.! D. /11 1 cl 'a n v , ! L i t in ' g r ro ' ri cu W. L. Scott, Erie connty. county` P. Ilerdle, Lycoming county. W. J. Lognn, Lyconeing county. J. Moran:mo t Alb:4 hony county. .. it'. Sayers, Greene County. , Thee. D. Lincoln. Grouno county, J. I. Barnes, Groono county. R. S. Osborne LuYeruo county. IL Usternaus,"Wyoming county. • Illistel t Court. 'Before non. IL W. VBllams. Pittsburgh Acid orks vs. Wm. amith. Plaintiff took a non ult. Susanuttla Mohan vs. William French. Action in ejectment or sixteen acres of land ldoon tow (rho ropert w gon veyod to Willniamship. Meilen n ull wife y by as John Dickenson and Wife In 1828, and Ova Years after sold at Sheriff's sale • to Wm. French the defendant, who has since been In po.sce. sion. In PIZ um husband of the plaintiff died, and by his death it Is claimed tho • title W tho Property . reverted to her. Uu tried. Quarter Seaslotasi -- • Before Judges Sterrett sod Mellon. e ta this Court the argument list was pro. seeded with. Commonwealth vs. fidward Elchenlaub. Dofontiont Was Charged with Illegal liquor selling, nod put in a special pica, admitting that he sells wine by th 6 bottle, quart, gal lon and cask, of his own rnoneacturo, from the product of his own Vineyard. nod n ub. ~ mit, that If doing an Is In violittloo of the Act of Asseratly prohibiting the solo of nilirituous, vinous and .etner kinds of 11.. quors Without 'Monne, that a plea of guilty' In elitered and followed by aentenee; bit if otherwise, defendant to be discharged. Thin pica was' pat In March 93th, and Yiss toidaY, brattorney, a rdeflof ffallty was en tered, and defendant sencencod to pay a flue of 010 and the Gala. Theodore l'r.kker Lyman, convicted of larceny:v:lls granted a now trial. on motion arid 'argument of his counsel, It. S. Morel. Bon I:eq. Commonwealth ye. George Binding. Con. rioted of seduction. Tho motion for a now trial in thin coon was arguml. In tho matter of the election in Harrison township; petition to Oct aside, and motion to quash petition. Argued by A.M. Brown, Esq., and petition quashed.'‘ Commonwealut vs. James McGovern. In: dictment, larceny. Verdict millty. Verdict not AMMO and new trial granted. Commonwealth Co. Frounholts and Slioepf. Forfeited ;coos - Malmo°. Rule to that tun te"mdoi.ret!=dbl Ifederltr.d, CM, noon payment of residt o with costs. including Attorney General's commissions on the Judgment. , Commonwealth vv. Thomas W. Ifohle. Assault and battery" 3lotiot for new trial. Argued. Curio cdrcrattre roll Commonwealth vs. John Be tiler and John i Freunhols. Forfeited recog Insure. (tale to upon JudgM.eat - dlschvge and recogni rnoce mraleratent to the este tof tim, upon Paybient of the residue of be Judgment with costs and District At orney's cam- Inndoldon.S. Court of Comma Before Bon-Thomas A new jury was In atte. morning. The Borough of McKees Matra. Verdict la favOr $50.19. Francis M. Lynch vs. M, Verdict for plaintiff for au and six cents costs. ' Patrick Sullivan va. tiff took allOn.Bllll. Court adjourned about over the list for the day. Tuesday's TrLel COMYOS PLIAS 17. J. G. Davis vs. Lassie! M , IS. J. G. Davis s - s. Charles L M. 11. i. Miller et. al. vs. Ms John McCune U. Molter executor. ttl. Casper Negley ye. Collins Townshm. IL Samuel Steverison ye. Wm. P. McCabe. 2:s.' Samuel Stevenson vs. Alfred klcusJe. Edward McGinntss vii.ltobert . Frederick Wrigley vs. Fattersor. ASe et. al. 2..1. Martin Farrell vs. Ezekiel Merriman. =I IIS. 31. 5. 'talons vs. M. h. Moorhead, et. 111. Gibson /:akin vs-U.1,1110.1a Chl Com -115, liannall .1. I.ylo vs. Jeremiah Wilson. Caleb 310,14er, Jr., vs. C. W. Itobuck. 111. Joseph Pennock. vs. Conrad C. Smith. hi. K. It. 31equiston & Co. vs. /tun. Nov. t.:0111p6I/Y. 117. W T. 11 .C/urg re. James F. Ilunesa. LIS. /lugs diulbaue et. us- vs. 13. !dol.:Lin .t GENERAL MEM" —Thero are five hundred woolen mule in Indiana. - 7,—Thee po llee force or .London numbers 511 m —The question in 3lexico now Is which az . my will starve first. —An exchange in an editorial asks, "Does IL pay to be a woman —A Chinese firm nt San Fritueleco wields a capital of over 9.090,000. langdOn, (seer goods dealer in Chi cago, has failed for s73,aue.. —ln St. Louis the steam fire engines are used to wash Out dirty alleys. am—Lhgetrti,rolfzi led last weolc —An India rubber cow milker Ls coming into note as a useful invention. —Bishop Early. who has been quite BI In Nashville. is said to be =proving. • —A "too willing eritneaa" In Philadelphia was sen t to boar at the ponitentiary. —Three comae wore stolen from a ware, room, at a recent lire Ina town In Georg's. faehlon writer says, "poppies' heads areeometimea seen on gentlemen's collars' , —IL W. Wagon bee determined the pres ence of copper in the white and yolk of an egg. . —A young man bay been tined $6 75 fur smoking in We atreeta iu Salem, klaesselno eetta. th tA K r a n ue n k a y Lx mo4 e lylbng has petition.' ts/a tu re to change his tame. —An Infant, with a 41,000 note Iplened its dress, was recently left In a London rail• way station. • —rhilaile/phla has fewer schools In pro mini... In MI population than soy other large American city. —Uuder the new law of Ohio the Grand Jury of Cinculnall la bound to Owl a bill against the keeper of every billiard table in that City.. —An exchange Inquirer "Did Powers, the .ulptor, ln the hghest flight of a vivid Imagination, ever think of chiselling his *Greek Slave' with n chignon?” Of course not; he chiselled her ont of It.. —it is complimentary to Yankee Ingenui ty that a commissioner has been sent. from Swltmrland to examine the railroad which enables us to make the ascent of Mount Washington, with a view of ecaling the Alps on the same plan. —George Peabody is now assisting, and almost supporting/nay, about thirty Ohl men and women, who are worthy surdeeta of his bounty, although not related, in any way, or under any obilgatinn to them. Ito has sup ported and helped many of them for years mud. —"Mark Twain" says that to "see a love. fir girl of seventeen, with her saddle on her head, and her muzzle on behind, and her veil covering the end of her none, come tripping/Jong In her hoopless, red•bnttenod dress, like a churn on tire, is enough to net a man wild." —At St. Louis, a few days since. the pence authorities bit upon the idea of dressing a policeman In women's garments, and send ing bum to the locallties In the city where respectable ladles are insulted by loafers. The result Is that several of the loungers are in custody. —A member Of tbn Ifiustertm•ettel.^als -1..• tut recently opposed an appropriation et $10.0o) for Profemur AgaasisPe museum. urging that 'the old fossils who want to keep their snakes and periwinkles and such teruh,u should pay for the keeping out of their own pockets. —Edwin Forrest,.the tr6ffedlani Lae Jun ." n r. l lnto an 00g141/131011t for visiting a. numbor of Western cities and Mobilo. Ho was offered Otto • night, but refused this, and instead reoelves one-halt of thess rraelpts of the helm. Ms stay at Mobi gro lo will be for stx weeks. —The Ice bridge on the ht. Lawrence riv , or at Quebec, which heretofore resisted all efforts to move it by blowing It up with gimpOwder, moved ten Wednesday of its own socardoted it tl l lllollllCod that the Si. Lawrence .111 soon be clear of ice and navigation re-opened. CM • • —Russia, It Line/Om:m.l, la anxious to pee, the "Eastern question. to a decisive solution during the coming summer. Hes sian agents are said to he activelY at work to Beryls and other regions, endeavoring to stir at, insurrection among the people, who aro already greatly dissatisfied with thole rulers. • —Mr. Adams, living twelve miles west of Mansfield, La., Is supposed to have been murdered by las Isom u was killed while going from 'upper to his store a shartdis tanee from Ms dwelling. He had some words the day before - with Ida son, and or. dared hies to leave the place. The eon threatened to kill his father, and left the place and was not seen any morn until the next night. Very soon alter the father-was OR'het, I tan eon made kbo appvtinutco. Lin Is n jail. • A Royal Blita -Eater. The negro King George Yeppel, of Bonny, propOSee to Visit Farm A. correspondent ; Of the Leaden Qua says: "Ansong the- illustrious straners will grace the Exhibitmn is a sovereign of note, the nigger King of Bonny, who, it Is said, has a palace constructed of the bones of vanquished enemies, end who con give human skull to one hundred thoand guests to drink from as w i th the loving us enp. The. kingdom of Bonny is situated to the north of the coast of Undoes, tetween the Niger and one of its confluents. It has an army of slaty thousand men, and one hon. tired pieces of artillery of English mann- ; facture. The habits of the people; sari n French writer, are very simple, and If they dotted l oa n one another they love the Euro. ,„'• .• „ B " 6 „,,_ l "*„rtlf..fly after their flesh has ••••• • upon tho gridiron, and If they de fat. This description reminds me of a question put by a traveler to a chief of onn of the tribes of these nigger' The traveler asked if the ciders people liked the Lug lieh. 'Oh, yea,' said tae, chief; and so do hare eaten dome of thew' They seem to estrate the admonition to 'Love thy neighbor as thyself. , ills nigger malestr, adds the account, has not eaten any human beings since his Journey to London In and the lords of Ms court have tenoned the example of abeLlitence. The people, how ever, still preserve their primitive taste; hot, le virtee of a recent law, no native of Bonny can touch human flesh without the jpormlesion, In writing, of his lord BMA mu, with him plenty o fgold In barreln, and s o no doubt he will be welcome.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EW GOODS 1 SMALL PROFITS ! Ncveri before was that, ouch a good time to god BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, AT W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, Al tilt.) have but one net rash rodeo for 111,1 whether they are Judges of tood. or not. No scond price louver Mkt,/ auy maw: woman or 01,114. Strmigers desiring to lop cheap 1,1 nt all ow anything to prorent their' unlit for nothing more lean to get wrll potted en low prim. Vreutpt run_ .hoorril an. inoitrit tae,,miaztz, b tis it =elt: the great bargains of Rost 26 and 28 Fifth Bt., PittAurgh. W. B. CLAPP do CO. Wholesale and Retail. 111311 ND DARDEN SEEDS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Parehmem are tarlted to examine icy *tont. Which comprises the most reliable tarn:bee la cultivation. Woofer the following hinds at re deiced rates. be .10 4 141 2 1 ,r i . the very best: 100 bus. Evergreen weer hi .1 11X1 boa. Largr sop,. y RADISU. Per Poend. 10010.. Wood's Early Frame. extra 4 40 leo • • Wood's Early Covent harden 1 to 1e ta t rdr e L4x=c p. arletae rt -To p ........ to 1011 1 . Hod Tarelp-raoten 50 103 Mama:ter Wane 100 •• 100 • „, • 100 •• White epaelfh au TURNIP. Per 1110 P`ds. Per P'd. .Early Wbile Stone . . 45 cf.. /Int Unteb (strap-leaved) $l.O W • 1 ellew Ntoeslo at •• Red Top lstrap - 1eare.1)....54, So •* Larp•talobt white 111 40 k*v7,lll:TZlTt:ll4:::l7n en 6Zedn"riltror.° lop tv., :: rEA_s. Z 3 bus to •• 23 •• 30 • 33 • • 35 .3 • • Cr •• 100 ban. Early Daniel O'flocmke roe khz4bel.4 410 60 .. Early • Tom Thumb ...... ........••.... II Go 50 •• Early Frame 4 50 00 • .Early Charlsott, flee . ' t; 1 50 t` Blahop'al)l..l Luca rod 50 “ Dwarf Blue Imperial 6 et , 60 . •• Royal Mwarfliarroarfut a to 75 ••• Large White Rarroartat 4 50 75 . 4 Mut Eye Elarrolgrat 4 Pi M •• Eugenie 15 50 .` Champlou of Engimed ' 411 .51 .• Tall rogar. fi !IMMO; Quben . lo CO 313 rf •• Dwart Sugar, edible pods ....... ....; 10 06 •• ne..... 16 to Minna TILUEN 11./.14•T1). at 41.76 per dog. Docket.. = Kelso tiff to .. 1 M1VC)..M. 7 horticulturist and Seedsman, No. 137 Liberty Street, =l3 CITSORCI4 I / 1 1. CA El= NIERS, HOPPER & ICuceessoit to R. It. BOLO ♦tcut„ troo6 MAME a,crruirzu.s Ur FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND_OFFICE FURNITURE No. 45 Smithfield Street, rnlxiounum,rA sar A fun anootte.rat ri llabar M.n t rtd rurnlinno enntlantly on L Lu1% " ....0r CA.CI/1 • J. C. 1W1T1L1Z...f.7. A. TTEN. br....•441 EL & PEAR 8' C 7 F1X ,732 3F1LA.M.2'27a WORCES' SAUCE =I YNOISSEURS roe: THZ WILT GOOD SIC TEIZED I= DIEMS. Ilse slue...ear ttsle most 41eIlclous sod otsrlyAll. mtsitesterst barns. ranged many tosprltsclpl. , .l gt; r tst, ' lll:rJert ITS " ; ntre:: - . " 1 , 721Va r n N. 717 reesueeted to MT that Ulf nanse A a 111101t100 are tstssot the WitAITIEjt.. LA IIO L, ISTOPPltlinast ltstrta.K. If twassclesrad bl LEA L rxicanis, Wore-ea t!, • UV%( IVA SONS. 1 1 / 1 11(. AUENTS }OR TUE L. 9 0r18,1311,71/ Pittsburgh Importing louse. EST.§ SLIM MED 1650. SCILIIDT & FRIDAY, IMPORTERS OP POIIIEIIiIII WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Pcnu Slreet, PITTSBITR,GH, Would dltect the attention or the publle to lee fact that, posse/sting au parlor lacilltica through several large wine and liquor housea In Ettrogiri, and inaklnn their intporiallons direct, they are enabled to o per 1110 various grads. or cnolve Wines and Liquors at price. len than Pastiest (10.. XMllloatioool qualities and comparison of prices respectentiy solicited. A choke ssiortroent or PllttlC OLD tiVii W111:51( EY constantly ou hand. a ora,iilo NEW WALL PIPER MD UPHOLSTERY STORE, JIINT OPZIIED, AT NO.- 36. SMITHFIELD ST., BELO* THIRD To aecommodsto the loci . ..eel Irade. w 0.10,e ooppeeuA a breech of per bwllnt iN,,%e2 Dock of WNW. P"/"EN, WINDOW IDIADNO, UUNCAIN 0001/S. Pl.OOO d TAIILE CLOTH, ULT/11•88Z cud BE an DL/Itie of all kinds. BALA OII- 26 81 1171 1 / 1 1CI,Dirriszwr: OLD GTAND-90 AND pel TRIAL , BTIMET. E. EDMIINDEION & CO. w00..7.7 dine. L. (I. O'UEILLY, FASHIONABLE BUILINER, . No. 20 Diamond 'Ailey. PitUburgb, Pa, An the lateat HA M Sost ruhlunable &Wen of angrn and for Ladles,..fdisms. and order on Ilt:illoratiraire.'nr kaad or rcaaun- Mla• aPIS• WEST COMMON MACHINE Was Uoauuon, Ay my N y orthlrest Comer 0 HarerallLlV.lL AVIVATZS a ' heed op prepare oa apt short pollee A tu nTomr. rs ANL/ TUALIVIC/YLiiiiisip.Ubti ron ao iso talle PrOlaptlY aibeated. rnion OCZliZelo SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR RA r.R . . arA CARD TO Liveur►g, A Clergyman. while residing in'sonat Anstrieli is a leaslottry.' dttet.t . ered a Sirieind simple remedy for the Cure of Nerrous 'Weakness, Early Decay, Dlscasoe of the Urinary Cud 2,wi r d Organs, and the whole train of disorders brOught on by tanedi and vicious habit, Great num bers Imre been nirrade cared by this noble rem edy. Prompted by a d.stre to benefit the altUct ed and nufortanate. 1 vUI send the recipe for preparineand using this =edict'', twit genie.] clareint.t. t? st., one who needs it , rttilol , CitseeL rlCate r Into.° a post-pald caveTtiort addressed to Yourself. Address JU > tEP)I T . ) RM11.4. et‘tion DARIVIIILL & CO, BOILER MAKERS SHEET -.MON WORKERS NOP, 20, 22, 21 cud 26 Penn 84 Rasing secured a large yard cad furoletml it with the most approved maelslum, we are ppre ened to mautiracture every description of:Holl ers in the beat manna', and w arrautedequal to yrnmle ih tim country. Chimneys, Werth /Mt, lire Beds. /Steam Pipes. lamemollye goit ers, Condensers, halt Vans, 'Pants, Oil Mills, eltators, bet Blur Pans, BP liar Isar. Bridges. !Muse Pans, am: vile matmlaetttrers of .I.IAIaN. 111 A'S PATENT 111)1Litlis, Us:miring doueort the shortest notice. Wheal ..gz - ixonnsoN, REA & CO, (SUccaa ofa to ItOrigtol. 1111 , 11 i 1111.Liag.) WASHINGTON WORKS, rOtimadogg nod !Inc hlsalll a, plll4bnrphr Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam Edging., It Egglncs,lllll Machinery, liana leg. Shafting, Costley of all descriptions; MI Tank. and StiliA Boller and Shea: Iron Work. Mtge: No. c grnrr First and Staltharld Si.. 447,tifents tor 1111grAltiPill PATENT In- JECTOII for tooling holier. latingsg La - F . -LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER CULLA SMELTING WORKS PITINBILIRIi PARK, REcCURDY CO., m anufaz thrers of Sheathing. Brulere and Bon fl l'resard Copper Ital.! Mill linitoins, Sprit, H..Nler. Also human. Wind Desirrs :0 Metals, Tln 1/.tr. Hnrrt lr, Wi a re, Ac. Com la. I y tat hAnd Tit/net, Machi oo nes and Tools. - War. hour, No. £ 4O PIN iT ancr s leet 120 bTuxicr, ritt.bargh. npecial nrdera of ecnocr cut In hip dealrrd niTilnr.34nlisT ri3 — TEIE 441EULIVEST 11ULADIES OF I'olllll AND CARLIN:IT MA N. NOME —DOWA ID AlciollA rips KSHAYIS, thc gny sloiogy of ine 1 . 16510u1, nod the Errors, peculiar to th band age of Mall. WWI I:1,1,6 1111 new nkthud, cif trualturnt rtniCoyed ill this Instltullon. rcpt In scaled !cite! . snerlopes, D., of cuafge. .1 lre.l Or .1. SKI LLIN /011.111 TON. Dollard Arrociation, Inladclialtia. r.. tat :r51..15r 'rA , -7 /7" — ttILINCY A. scum?, DENTIST, XO. xis p.E.r.r STREET, 1213113 BREWERS, ELAIST.ERS,&o. pITTNISILTIMII BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON& CO., MISSIES LSD HOP ILIUM, =CI JOrilltrA R/lODEN & CO" Plllmbari. Wl2. (. A3D1:11.N0111. Allogtkon . The attention of the enutomere or the two two ie is particulaily incited tutwur ALES AND PORTER, throngh tim careful selection of:X.4llmm our ezienalue n,aittow fact:Wee ant Rope from the Tarda !tut and N. est, we can sal:wake Lobe tore Our a I n N litA Win e h r ia o e th nb t lab do reel...tended hhThiclans for far illy &Irk, custareerslllelem*. Joining nl. arttcular :hare their, ordi ra at Ma once ad old Brewe r y'. or at our oT.ce, Civet if Diptize 'ill And ,farttil Alley, • n 0911310 iAJUSI 1,1,111..111.1.,111 S. A. TOZNO. • TIONAs ALLEGHENYBREWERY. flirter porehasel the old estatllabed ltreerer7• kn.rao no the A LLF.II I I le.t" IlltEWElty. unerly own( hy Vert:pee:l • Keehn, err would manufact ' , rutinlnclnc pel f lle Mot Po itutenttcontlntang the re SPRING WATERALES. Undo Inert rare Opting Water. and from our , freitt and Inn, experience In the bnalneaz, r ians hal eatite.tO :Lai tee erla be monied to re, extiro Letterset:en totbeee ar.o pal [ovate. with the!! paleac. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. 4111 orders left at ItIIOWN • tillAH•3l . 3. 90.11.1tarty •toeet. nu...cran, 11,11 be promptly attemle.l eoIPIXI PHOENIX STEAU BREWERY. brElit;ELf. iIIbSTERS AND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSEt,IICII, Pl. if PIZ Cll . / . WA TllO N. nen tali•ms SEWING LIACHINES. usE WEED, ALSO FIN KLE & LYON Lock Stitch Scning-Itlachincs, Pll cq al , lge no breh it - purebacw, s r. 4 regard 11..•ra r.uty.tl.•• t ftny OA, I, ...kn ',torn It crv-stu t.tuty pct cvot usc. ,Wan male./ roar xTuncr 1.4.77•11 bvm a .ICA I hi N -11ANIALMAlk. tot I. Mother UlleEtaltit., Wt. II ICA & %II Mat I•ALIF It r V • 1•In and b, In nt on Urn trawt at le as wr I tt I MAL (. k. that la.•• 11- 1 , T N 1...c111/.1 I.llllkue. non N. 8. 'Jtatlon. Mr. A. A: llorr. al tAe Win. Mrs 1,11 C. eq.sen..., 11,•••• t1 , ..,rs from Mon• rc slrgA . lvn Taywr ar 0.1• • Mi. shear ilgy. Mr, A. Melling. Monterey "reel. •od Tay lur avenge. J. Nroneid, Illlecong Merl. Allegheny. Tuslcr. No. MI s W Urn,. Liverefecv Illy. pea/ . A..parn .IsnAer• itrA. St. LswiA nee Ville, 11011 ilvor to Mr. 1.• r's Child, .1 As, bitterly. eanks, canvasld McKee streets. Dlr. t nanam. llchArde. !n. I l ene strert. A. LINN*. Jo.,rA ewer!, oppoolle ritt.butxfi Ilirnalmaam, awl wan) , others. I,r+l.lsAl•gulbru:dery swain.* for asl\ 4.)...111 • rd.i.• ra, lnfant gib, 4,, ....•11.1h7.1 Tatltria. Alegi:l'lg WAN EA,. It. 11. LONG. Agent. IPA Grant street, It..A7tt P. It. Pirreevtnat, PA 825. IJAIITtETT 825. SEWING MACHINE Best Maly Llcertarst Macbtne In the Untied ntates. Atentawanted everywhere. Pay 130 In 1:400 per month. Pnele.e stamp an) address FAGS !MOTU City. General Agents, 111 Chestnut *Meet. kfilladelptia. aad 111311 Summit street. Toledo. (Milo. deaml DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. • TILE PAIITNERSUIP 11E11E !it! it enlettnp between then ndentinol under the name of TAT A SAN ma. ale.solved • by mutual gui•euf au the lit day of A /all. tot, the entire intern{ of J. T. , O.LI. !teenen uteael J. ATs e al! • still ,o i l g E b ue th p Ulu h on o o/ b .U. and T ßea C m ./ Ming husions in all Its bratt•hts. eithers! neus of the .ste Urm will be settled be of thelneribers, at the old stinks, 2.17 Liberty Strait, u Iletslungh. awl SS federal street, All, ineny. All parties knowing' thumselves In debtol to.the late Orm •re requested to make payment, and those hating blas against said nem will present them r settlement. .1 V . TATE. 01EN V. dIf.VILLE. =I pLUNDING, GAS. AND STEAM 711 . /IN U, 1.4 ALL MA IJILANLIM, °— LTlr: ,l =l,. lo .trgePV:u'riVergt P"C OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS BUOWEU LATHS w.rErc ccusx76. COnst.ntly on baud Lad mailo tC. ogließn4"7P SCIaZCZT M. 71"8e1 , 30. No. 59 TED PM &L srimr.T, Alleghe.T. And lat ETITY XT/t !CET, 1.11.90mr.h. To Bricklayers and Carpenters pHOPOSALS Arm INVITED until TUESDAY, nay VII, at 0 o'clock si., for the MUCK anti Ching:UTE@ WIALLC required In the erection or a noie Sellout noun In the Net teeth Ward, Pittsburgh. Plane and .pec10.111.14 are ready for Ward nation at Um otace or tin Architects, 111ditt & Nos. 10 and 4 01. Clair street. Did. to ba scaled and bolt with any of the 00 deregned. b. Y. 31001tHEAD, JAMES 1101111, =51121=11 '%yu[TE LEADS. Pure .. T. U. N. & CO'O Brand Mate Lew ‘. ' , ramrod" de •. ••1.111y. , du do d. .Corup!miter` , do (do .• ••CorkUnental ., do - de Blue Leads, for Oil Headers; Ned 1g.., pod Litharge; Aw ..i.u:P". d " VirtAkvlm • Co.', , ~.. M. W. rnrnar Thl - rd nod Market Ms. FiSrIiUNG WAGONS; a , 9 PLA./14 WAGONS: I 0 CAB : • 6tl BUICK. STONE, MORTAR. STORK HAILItOAI) RAK E S HORSE HAT RAKES AND rufggis Managed llalm awl Turned Spokes osa hazel and (or liale at DtKitranNa Wagon Warle, non 9:01'.0110061an, Alleataaa• apla:USI MAYA.N. 208.0.AT1A 43%. 14X1R ALE.-Farm of 117 acres, situated la Penn Tp., Weatmoreland adjoining raperllle Station, on l'enn•a. It. IL, oa which there is a good Two Stor y atone il.se, with els Eva,. Barn, Ca, lace Home- and °thee trees ha t t i l d S t aUga; n aOd hwardh coal. Ther e I&s la esJt Well on It in Rood order, prodoelng 9 this. per day. This property Ls oLered very cheap and good WILL.. Also An excellent Farm of ISO acres, of which 25 acres are under cultivation, situate In Chris tianty Illinois. Improvernettia—• new county frame dwelling containing 5 rooms; about ow thole* fruit [reel, Kl (racing, de, it lies Wlll,ln2mlles oa contralti_ It.; will l ' a e k:Vn o tirft " crta 'th 4Lf t :l r cTif4ol. L"' prope"7 Also. a r arm x or 51 1 acres in rent township, Weatmuseland u oll utrt =acres cleared and un der cultivation, WI acres of nest-rate white oat , and other Hunter, 2 dwelling houses, 1 of them, stories, the othty , 15...0u. with a tenant house with stint-rate dtcam :taws/111i in Rood running is young crooned or grafted hull. ThHand Is t`ruttin rent nor,, It td•lahle, with lime' tone wall and b oP, wiLh newer fatilug sortngs.• within one uundred rode of the renna. ttentral liallroad: 23 miles east of /II ttaburgb, and three lullcs west of Greensburg. This farm Is pie.- antly and eliglit.y oltnate,l In a gond ut,lalltam hood; story ame is underlaid wait coal. The title is good, AlS,Farm Of 115 Items, Eitilattli to Nl'est beathe a ld township, i o ncise* cuntv. recto 'a, about 1 ;Mies loon Ballo, atallon.ou the Penna. llailrosol. Tiro Improremt tau are... good two. store k with I. looms a No. I frame plonk Barn, anti all ott.er necessary out ings.-- Tile elle is good, and Mu price ter; low, and On easy terms. /or Curtner part.culars, require of 11. TOWER. Real IsOto Axoft. G .lollsl.o strett. 10N Fon HALE. & handsome &Complete Residence, (lAnc.l And occupied by .latnrs A. Hutchinson. AU"'"Y (... 1 the oll ' . !its a front of t 1 (.el. w ItL spacious Lally, and twelve largo room, zu,bly a attic- It abounds 111 ,clvcist.otri s for c.mifurt, - pravo..l g . " at aldf are !u.it nil itL [vet, 1 7 .: ' 11!c Y ullio rtvcr. Apply to S. S. BRYAN, AVULLO /WILLI Ito1.11:7 F°" SALE COAL LANDS, Ou tho Youghiogheny River. thcont.. of the most vAln.tlie 1031 Propt•rty Voughl , glt.• ,, y latur andl . "nt,rllav toad Ix non wlerd d for etle., at iito r acre toad Ix on:, the um:ll,r .4t to In:11 01.01 .1s Interttt in this I t.e.hal 01 the ntat., Alto. liuti..lug 1 o;t to tor 1,..rn of blur/dr. ILree 11.11,3 hrlow law toll. at tow pc.cta 011 0111 1 1 11 11 1111ellt, Apply to MEMILLIIMEN. lira; I.state ltrulera. 11.0 a.n.l lhw I.lbcrly • 11),31,1 Foit L E COUNTRY RESIDENCE, About f.rven miles from the ell,. un the Perrys villet4.lll. runt•lnlng twu parlors. whir hall, gluing , uutn, kitchen and the 6.4 , roun with porch In front, o teen aorta. rc la ,able,lao. .lutorch ,l eu,wr atable. t•u large elaternJ yr;il 4of W.tor, Re nun bearing oreltstd. g•nlnt Oiled with g...,aeurtrr •eolcutr•ut haat. o. grap! ,lurg. Re. Can in: hall at a good Largala for purchaaer, by applying to PITTHRUROII HTEELh WILSON, Broker. and Ecal Zstaie A, tau, IMPROVED PROPERTY I ,• CI!FL S. : Nate - I . n Lamedeerllle, and riprlngtvld, a, bins• ranging In rake, (tom $1,103 to Wllll,O cold on reuonstrio anyllclf• n. Krubrace. this otTurt.naity /or further lannnatla a. apply •t the Itaa tad lasurarr.t.J.M. of G. !.% RA.TB.4, 1514 Hotter st.rnet. Lawre^ccrllle. VLEECEDALIF: COUNTRY SE AT 11 , K nALE..nue..l In ('butlers Vallar s one..half wale (rum 111,ernass•a ntatlon, on thy has ans.:aline asa [Mina (Toni thy city. Cont•lpa 14 &cries, all under lacsi .nce,..•uil to iati intoW. 14.1 i watered •a naves-I.4DR spring. Tea the tmo I.MA, .Ir.artl. Toe g.t.sperty I. n.. , alds.slratdr and Is °Crated onc-tuarth the she sante Is In.l prni.erty Ia selling fur satne dh.lassen frons the east. Apply apinsi Jt. McI.AIN d CO.. In Froirib al. DESIITA ULE LOT FOR SALE. enrory of Dagarene Way ar.,! Mani alley II by 11, fret. Apply ta, /truktr In tonal, stool,, ap7:l2 A pollo 11u1,1.nc, Ithstrrrt. • 141.11 i ALLE Olt lIENT,CISEAP— . 9 .l 4, loraLtr's , tat'on, lbe t.'co tral Halite.! , 00ts:nlvir 15, ou.re., oauure Ju two r! good for AL AS .,. v. t utu,e, to arll ste:i o le rovral. whet, 1.111 .1,1 recap and o teram Alto.u.t.cr of ,c,K.113.11.11/4 Ist. 1n Om eltr.o.l subt” Ls. 'Jr tiaLlarr p.tlcti.ars inquire of • V11.1.1.1/“1 Witlll/. af'll,l,l-aut t. :..41 oopttlit, I stnsral. WOVlSAl.E.—Sutiteyearlo on • lAt •Ittotte on 11,1, street. ',att. 4ar& ti by It; fee t., on srll , tt I. ert,te•l A ft.tole 00illo, now rt.:al:or for 5.,,0• Inotth. Al.. Br of 4 010 , 0 'will :tut fur 4 , i.. •t -, ug, total of ei,ru , r • t ar Atot out Lc atti.l onMont. twritot, t. Loon. for tortnt..lo.. ai..ut Lb. tatatc and tulip 0111;c ut ti. I,ATF, n'~ , ntrt.,t. I.l,reor.“llle. NALE—Au of 111.111.11att, olistoo•or tnS :14 tit t long; too taro Car. r /Ire Rana long; Aka, a DOCT./t Y.SI:INE, for F. , pnly. tai laza or pat. of WU-. In a rolling to olbet l). 1.4 III:011 St. 11.•1.) . ..t aw.. 11; alley AI it.c.,urnar -JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal Egtato Broker. JOHN' D. BAILEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROK ER Ann Aut-rnm !faring tekert oet • eettitottehre rt t:oone,, hoard,les airi n g with the Vilt•hergh of Tra4e, warming the ere of tht I r room, grove the flint riathreel Rank. me 0014 1 1 11 , Hetarlltea, that litla.., A<., either at the there mow. or 011 the prmisee. l'articaler auentlee W.I. as heretofore ho the Gale of Reel Item, al erirlte Fat, , . eater corral Estate lu the eo.tutry atteaded• Vein, I oil Yourth otreet. eel" COOKING STOVES, No. 235 Liberty 'Street. 13, II tovh,o„.ll ~t PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'O CO., Wolttosbiargla. Pittailk.ver BlN.launa aciontLi -- rum.. 0.m.0.. SIIINGEIRLY Sr. CLEM (Otteeessor• to Ueo. F. tieltaFlor.n a C 1..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS,, The ONLY STICAII LITHOGRAPHIC LISIIMENT WESTON' THZ MOUNTAINS. Bottom Cards, Latt,t, 110. J Boadb Labels. ireaars, note Cards Diplom.. rortrwrs. cerwicat. LasPotiPt """" Cards, La. Ho.. ire wad Ta Team M.. PHU. h•rrh. X lO FllOll $l, OR $l3 TO $3O PLY DAY, ems oastir Da made they ear round. RITIIOCT net, In IL new busdnass, nab pleasant and nonotabl• ANT. no . coairinnfont nod and energetic Atants Manilas and wawa tnenLara wanted to raprlsoot os In weary city a a Cola r KARS ClnanC: i t: L•nlr o .l , 4a: c fek . 4 , 451 r 1 b 1n0n haunts a few t heara da ll y to spare. anal. parltoolnn g 71%.1111,:fr‘r 9altlatvre mlatiabi4 MEI s)iftvispi :eztlels).;ll;ti 01 oM Eureka Carbon Oil, Sperm Lubricating Oils., CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oil, Lard, sperm. Whale and Fish C. C. NOBLE, Agt, Ml= CIX7-03: CIXI-103 -SOHO OCCWO.R.KS. & CO., MAN U TACT U RES ur rut CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR Petroleum Lubricating 0114 Sperm, Lard and Whia-e Oils 11111.14 At TANNIN OIL !I WHIR CEIBA STANDARD WRITE BURNING OIL IM2=!1! • PITTSBURGH, PA, REND FOR A CIILCULAIL. 01t7:5.1 TACK BROTHERS, Petroleum and Hs Products rirmuntuft OFYlCE—Dalroll•e Building cornet of Ling uccne Way and Ira lo curet. I•ll lLADE'dgll/A.OYrICB-127 Walnut at. apt WARING & KING, conussiox mains BD BEOKIM IN ictroleum and Its Products 4 LOUQUESXE Trar. rll ILAUSIZBIA ADIJILZB9: WARINC.. KING & CO.. myl7:ma IST Walnut St.:Phil.. lIENBRICII'S LUBRICATOR. C nuttt:Culd street WHLTE, BROS. b. CO, N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No, ISt. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keep constantl7 on bud Cotton notary 011, Duo btoottlnet7 011, Woolen 11011 Ull, Dort Engine VII, Licht Cold Pv nine 011, 'Dart Cu 011. No. I, 1.1001 Cold Norm-Cob. Lock Car V11,..N0 2. clac 1,11, • no3:ol7 woo Loni LIGE 0 LI. 14 CFO= C012.P.A.72471r. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. fiTIM V IITIoNrj.I I ,N;u d 'Mu% WORKS IN TEMPIRANCEV/LLE. (Oct, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Near (fuspensl. Brid g e. ) VLANU7A.CTUKEHS ur PUILL, VIIIITL BURNING OIL. Brand—"Lnoifer." 0.,,15s . I= BEY THE BEST, , PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, Aannlacte rcd only and for lisle by T. E s PIONEER PAINT W04K.8, N. W. Cur. 3d and Market Sts., Wit.oe 9 w..,.... PlTTlintlito OI•Aa.. EAGLE OIL WORKS, Xnesw - i - exioarcrillo, WICHTMAN &ANDERSON. - . Refiners and Dealers in PETROLEUM. UY►ICR. StCOND NTVIIT CORNZILILLIS CU(/11 iT. 4:I , OI,IIQUiBSE WAY ;lIEWER, TIVILELE 6 CO, COMBIISSIONDIEIWELIM'S, • AIiENT6 YOU THE Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works A mrle 'Storage. Mr Crude An ..1 Relined OIL LI, rat rash ad% anevo made on cenalanmenta of Crude or IZefloml Vet:Token, Yard. forloraxe and shlpmcnt of Crudo MI at Lawrenceville. CMllee and Wart;iense. cornerufl./unaeane Way and Hancock Street. I . lEmborati. snviMani 010801 1. LILLY L. X. 08000 n s 6& CEORCE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggistr 114KILTIN WHITE lAA% •Irlctly rtlalri . LK OAK !UTZ LEAN. r/L I firs IN OIL. Alf color.. ALCulloL, • e•I`TA.TUESPIMISTINY.,, I VAIC:4I6/ift, I l'AilllIBIR/AIRS,Sc. Datum auuGustt DRuGssir , JAMES T. SAMPLE 11AVINti hoUtillT THE n'ELI. KNOWN pitch Itothllt Uhl COIL FISOKIIAL ANLI lathltint/14 STS.. .ALLYI.IIIX.SY, Wiliam on litho a roll arsortment oral Mutts or rime:r csi-gs. thet which thld E cheaper than any otter •uso In the two cltths. Frew:L . 4o3oot cuerally proparett by a ant. thss cirsignist. 111 kinda or rranntsu.r and FANCY SOAPS on haw!. onth • ISCllootifflidiEll EONi •• Flitsbargk Whlto Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD; BLUE LF.AI) 01LOOND IN OM YOU PAIN TOO UM ...N?arrronnitkOt.••4 On stein. uonsur 21.01/W•re .7,10.161111 MR MCCOIWAN & SNYDER, DOUSE. Enna AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT ERS. AND DRAINERS AND GLAZ/ilttn. No. 63.1torth aldloor Dlasnondt Allegheny, eummerelnl and glassing. made to order. unker re peetrntly solicited and promptly ex. collet!. 111xeo Yalntr, Window U lad nett ratty eunstantlr on band. JOHN T. Ci - RA. - Y, MUSE .a.ND 1311 IN PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, . No. 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh. fate and Ornamental Signs of every tleserit. tlon done to order. All stork don. PromPur at reseonsnle rate. IifCOULTEIt, HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTER,. Cor. TOURTII IND 0 RANT ST3., rirrsuon AlLeedom left at the tihnp, 111 recel~cprompt •attentlen. '"fIATIT EL - 1,4131 - 11. !MOWN, Mate of too Dna or Baowxt lackatrOw.) atrium AND SINN PAINTER% Earl ME= TOBACCO, GIG • EiOELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS, R. & WIJENKINSON. Manulacsurora, orholcoalo and ratan daalen to all kinds of TOBAOOO AND 61Z12.6nA s No. 6 NEDEILA.L'fiTILEZT, 1111 rd door from haahsho==re • Branch Stomas Ulna. O r CITY. Pa. slo. ssS:b3e JOHN EGRAW, .... z . ,,,, s a d. r otegal iaN:t and Retail e►tar Tobacco, Banff and Cigars, •ozsztadasalp oraircianam._ • r• tnetrak=eargraratrar"ear: EUREKA OZ WORKS, =9 =I I=l 19 finis' Street, MEI= IMEM Ncf. 1 St. Clair Street, COMMISSION MERCUANTS, I=l rrrrasusu H. PA. 11.111ietured FOIL OIL //Era ZED DRUGGISTS 37 Inroad Mreet, PADIT - &i8. ZUNLYJIT..... 11 . JOILNSON lIEHLEIIT b. JOHNSON, • Embers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Pea. 'All orders by mull executed sattsfactortly eta Drum ptry alto Idea to. A tell hue of listlt YbW, roturr% Water Closets. Pink. Mutat'llers, 1 eltlante. Ftad Gat tattler fur sale at tae molt reason...ale altes. SEIM== BAILIFF, BROWN & aLLEGHEXI" - pLumnEn_ ,S GAS AND STEAM .a. PLVE NITTEIII, keep aler•en on , hazel a ' btras assortment of stlrDnA-StS, -PRZET LEAD, LEADPIPE, BATH TUBB, W AWH BA anis, !ROW AND BRAISekUMMS ape an maw ries for Attlee op pubne,or private tenletnia wItII HAS, WATZlier eTBi.ll. sr et Third and Market abuts =1 ABS, aro PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS agiIiribrEWTRIPIESAUM: OFFICE AID WAREHOUSE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, OITICEBS—AThausT HAST.It. Tresdent. INO. S. LIVLNUSTO:f. Tea s W SAMUEL .0. H i li "4" . z• SHIA O. H. lierTlcx. calm Pald Mr Pa nommeg per /loos,. BANKS AND BANKERS BAiisiIALNYGicIIOOOI:KESE OF &O CO., No. 20 Wall St , COIINKs. Or NAssar BTalrr, NEW StAtli. We buy Xll4l cell at then t Merl: etl - 7 prices, and Lett' on band a full tape!) et 'cat Government BOnds of all Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIES, Coutpound Interest Notes, I=l STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD, We have adder to our nines large nturnv for .g . teetnuto.latton of the put,lC nut nd lot a :tvt et In mud exchangtg of bpd the courettlerge a ear :Lucta laud Livid .ngtoluer, - - • N+l . ~,N WERTEI, INT" FIVE-TW C4OV ERN M IC NT Uhl Clreuhrs, wItU full rarticulara, furataLud utt app.tratlutt ' JAY COOK S.O CV CAUGHEI & CO.! Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, I' I fluacL, rte., (suantscons TO FIANNA, 11AN.T A C 0.,) IMETZEIM El.cliangc, Coin, Coupons. ♦nd particular attention Dahl to the tr chase and rah; or taBVERIVIIENT 4ir81(111T DithrTS ON IMNDON. 1.1• HOLMES & SONS No. 57 Market Street, EEO= ihTo.l6.lt 0 , 19 , 4 In Par run, and l'urre,, todvdtan. on tho• plidCl.ll4 ltiu United Scates and Cadada.4. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securnit BOIIONT AND ED= ON COILILIN2ION Particular aticutlor paid to We purchaat and of U. 'X. Securities, inchtd!“ U. N. ]Y.B do. do. ro...gga: U. 8. YI VBl 111-18 r: 3/.8. g .Y JS or.HTEDNE . Onlvra and Vouclicrsboagag for JAW.] pEOPLES , SAVINGS BAN.E. OF PITTSBURGH, LYCOZEPOICATED .IS6G Capital, - - - $lOO,OOO OFFICE. NO. 77 FOURTH STRUT,' Prraldent • Vice Vresltlcat,- HENRY LLOYD REA TIZUUTEnS: ... HANDY LLOTD, ' WILLTAY ETA, t.!. JA. I. lIAANATT. J•mrs LarrlNco. E. 1 . . JoNI,. I rr /lon. TOO,. 51..1.1.4,1 W. Al• GUI:ELY. Jolin D. netiLlT : " 9 IV ILLIASt . inns:mix. Seutluy rl in:water, 51131,7 F, TON D0N51101 , 1 Pix NT cent...lnterest allowed on :In:ode:rolls. Inlresin,nt. my:dela tiorernntealand It. aIE, Lace Becnrltles. • . . Bank opett exccptbundays , from 'lock, A. 11.. to four e•clock, e on Weduct. , lay es:turd:ly oven:nos irum t n!neu,luct: • fr.,l • STATEM r,NT Or TIIS BELL ESTATE SAVINGS HAM On the 4 , :n: DAY Or APISIL, 1.4% . ._ lionde .t.l gortp ASS e r:4. 'pep. being nit lien. nn / tn n 1 X.nta{ • trt. II I 1 . 0 IT. N. 6,)11. - .1. at par 11. M. Insl Bonds , nt lii , ;0.. t.., :Cr Jolt . ..net acerscd on more Bonds an:l '6.'"' In hloFtgages ' 1,9. n ..2 . c.,. , r_l i .• , : , urtill IMO, HIIII T.1.111i CI .• Total assete . $10; 10) :1., LIAILITIES. .1131 0 t1131,.:11e Halioah.ors due I.) , V.ltit /a:cruct blar lct, 9.32 73 Balance aantlnger.t The a'nere la a true stvernent. A. A. CAttItIEL, TrettEute Theu - dersfiint Al, Pr...1nt1ik,..• Conn.:Me,. hat I . 3.awirLytt II.), al it,. Mad, the 1 . ..pr.d• hmtSceurltlee. i ut! ccuut.ti awl Lail tLe ft.trirol no, state cr.nr cor re, VVEIiTL T. W. 11..111Tt1. OFFICERS () Tlit.lNhTlll7 num 1'1c•1•!en,18/LAG' JoS ES. (`reel•lee!—lV. - 11. COrrI.NNO. SALMI—R. 1II1•DFOIL1 "LUDO. MEMO@ lion. Thos. lion. J. IC 3ioorlicad, C. It. lions. , W. It. Co;Lrlan.t, liar,. Child,. Jacob 1te.1.1,r llaac Jo itt,. • li. e.1.b.1 ..- ln Nicholas I:Witidt-i. INTIeItEST At.LVWYU O I/M . 01 , 17i In this ltertltutlon at ale per cent. prr •nain. pay ahle to the Iteprattor 161 Stay... 2 Noremt. , . which. If tot drawn. wtll be added loth prin. Goal and compounded. lot...rent C . ..lillfl3rf on Itepettts en tile Irian.' 13th data °revery Wentz.. Open her Depeall from ti a. m. lot p.m.. deli, also. ota StJete ay tecwln6a. (rem 6 to I/ n'cluelt• Offlee-63 FOUBT/I eurcErrj • ms ae PLUMBING, GAS FITTING. cola. ea ruzrzimis, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS ; CAS ARC STEAM FITTER; No. 131343 1 3 0X1.13. A3t.l7ooty PITTSUILTRIaII, PA (Intern awl We i l rumps of all t Ilums Piled up with tloa and Water. In the moot a pru•ed ntyle, by eiperteneed workmen. lipeotal attention paid to country work. usyiuk) • T. L. Jvillroo2...ltiNao:! . J. la l carrnaT. ATWOOD & It'CIFFREY, BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Or. of 3rd and Liberty Streets, Above Carroll & &nyder% rlttaborah. renna Wald. and Hoary Casting.. furiallitla. Prollll4l , onlor. • Sptrl ecial • to t!o ltepn D ni d l•% fitting °ZIA" CoaaJoladats, Agents for A. 8. Cameron Ai Co.'s STEAM' PUMPS • - BLOWER ENGINES, 'llene Mann. bare superior uhrantagea overall othrra, and every one to warranted to give eat/. faction. Pu ulna COnltantly en hand. (023:010 111" TH EITCELT EXTENUION =i=Ml2=llll 1381 M IV ca. 814 Necociorata. AMUSEMENT& 107 v Ezv orEnA, 110 use. r. Wx. kir.".l/MN. BMW y" irr_ia.ti TO 2. IRRESIS rIBLE ATTRACTIO.N 1111: VRODUCTION, The Gran!. Romr3tlr 111.0e11 tl'etth t l,O nz-tch. CROOK: 111 LACK CROOK! 111. iCK CROOK! In all :tt tr.hz , ht. Utt Tnt,clewy Mtty 7th. ...VEttl" Et =MMNI2M W. C. SZE 1 1 M M'd appi to•,; t - J cl tut tam- t. CH4q!ii NATI3N TR".UPE. I a 7 n. -And , P 7..::. 4 , ...Zramme vt AV V,: ItNIN,N at • z.. itart.”r ACADEMY OF I".INTtIN It Al.l JVIIN 31. 11U,Ii11, AfINGLINCET4ENT f iiIIAGREURRRY 11tentest hrnenntle [:lent In the Itnt- ===l I ,rntir,tl 13 10n.1.m. 11/1- ctty. of tht,r Th.. ri 71 - ,-Inctu I. se, t 1j.+71:1: MA TLISPLE, t 11.• I prt ›,::l+r. In thr rtom. pktc 4 - C..•irut ..r.nt the h.ght.loNtr - Th° 1 , ;.7111 Mule pramn. Attriti,i)l3, utte.o.llol facllltli• An •1 d 01 • .-1A4,1t !Oil) C.. 111 ::::::::: ESTABLINMEnt Fur And.v the xr,o4Pltlrg. eN.11'(;:112ATION, =I Mr. C. D. Ele,,,:s!, (To nII k u;4;• • vto,trt,rzt 1,,r t,nr.f L.... w.- .• :or a .o,zilta•l tul:Ofrr t." • xtrt I letnnit, +III grcal A.m .rl. - saa 1 . 4t11, :11 51mIr•rrinn Aettre. E. MUIII - 10111, V ,111 App. , , Tnne.o llcre 1n Lfx6t Purl, I.c• 1.1• 41 mswlt•pr 1 , 1• . ~ : r. Wa ... r, 11 appn,r. ill a nuinh t fIUEST CC•MIINATON CF DR'MATIC TALENT E,tr prc. 1141‘ t., E. /IT late Mall+. .e.• lompany. otr-rNortirtr..p pvtatlaib. Mr.:Aural, b I la • by 04e o('lha :t vt,eLtve or At.. non. 1,14,11. ,Irarrts .I! MoItNIN6, y .111. o,:opt4', )lu./e 11".,a ISM I=l ?n , • , %.c 1 i..1 "( t. N_INUMC !LILL. To3iTi7ilLY SALE LAST WELZ orEN NIbI!T AND Eygui AFTEg. IVEEti. C.F.,EAT ArOCALYPSE! , Or, lilt ET S!, Optel Lrli r, THE 'PEA: tHe I.F:UI:LATIONS UNSEALED: Sr. 1011 N ',ill:, WHEN A .1.9 .1: is Iik:AVZS WAS DEE: , EL. Tlckela, ( EY7.13, to ali Parts Of tat:1110T. No Lalf ; rlce. Exa,: ! ltlon EVERY A YTERN , I' , X wee L. 121.111 d, WV! I, L.l, Ert:ll,4l at 7 o'cta'l: cartMuncP, at quart, r operi At Z o'clock! commccco A. 8..1101,C.1 . 10.N.. J. H. .• • .27 - 1 - .l.vturrisers TrIEATRE. .O:CNN "..r.:LET. SLSIILiS. CLAM., ofthe,l,Cing reclate ItrAt .I ~ tt. f , ...":0;;C1 . A LDP Atld her tr. (1,1 r:.l:dr.n. tut, Oct c.v.,- 1.; KW:GE LOPEZ,rica bLa- . . . . . If .! n.,!ph. - MI, ANNIE L A iJeir;.vr, THI. • tritnarzganz, .10,1 VII F end :U. Great PY ialeSt:Cslrllto,ne. . „ inroLvEzo,r romr.,—Orenr:tra 4-c; ./,11rrv,I . :, Private iScace..ii I=l MR. CLEMENT TEITDOLDI, TO TAKE rLAcE AT THE . ACADEMY OF MUSIC; Mnrsday, May 9,1867. will erp,l at 7 olelork, an , l Concert. 1•111. I , t4...N1 3, C!. • 313 t 01-11ettra. tI. li.lclscr 6 I:rn.. a rect. my: COAL COKE, &c 1t..1. VC/1.5.A.1,1... K.A.LIFFMANN & CO., UNION CCAL YARD Rest Family Coal ; Nut Coal anti Slack Al Way, I. hall it an•t promptly ddlT cr,d orria: COL EIrLIZOII AND PEYN VA hl , - , ll.l , eneny V/o.le7ll7.llruad, Ir_nr Cat- N.Lutta If art!. Cl= B(TRtlfl. Fl. VrA114”.1./ CSILAYJ. L. 31 . 1t.L.Lki.. VJI. CLAIVEY, &CO . 9 C-i' - as Coal Works, 110 X liNT, and LtlcK 11 ,, X 117 Atic;,,nv city: OEN:II:Al. 0 V 2.'10 F., norm:Ll9'ol - y I'M/burgh Far!».!,7lk curncrl.lbvrty etrc.tcnJ strtvt, l'ittht..trgb. and coraerA:l.- an, I'. 3'. W. AI! rs ct ft At • WI. *Of nu above y:scre pr,1111.1. attention. .11AL:raw:Ai raTioxiii. AND CPU, COMPOL laner. eLDt.pptra and deale r ., wholesale and ail. MEST FAMILY COAL.. 1.7 tit Cc)0,31. ASP YARD, earner YonnlA and PI Ao Trr— elr,tr, .r fr kro ~.iA.A r l ordo•rlvrry In the Cty. or eblortmnt, r.:11 A. or:now—wol, Immediate .11•1.- 11uu. It. A. rI lIN A ouurrlntend.Ai. C. pAL: cosur co.tus: DIESON, STEWART di CO., Having removed their (Mee to No, :567 LILIEUTT 511tEET, ArtatelY CI tt , Plo.r tr. , 11) NEC F 1.001:. ooee Oreparett to to told. O R fteOthh'ehahr LUMP. NUT COAL. OR /SLAV/L. .Aatbo loLv:e4 market eter. order.: lett a t, their Oleo. or ad.lre.sec't to taco through tlla 'wilt t o attended to 7,33 T I."lrr COAL COSIPANY. az.eeg;o2,.;lo,7,l;l;,trst.,oirregagdolilitopit.lto,lht o.lice, corner Try aed Thlrif a t:k. h et ) [ . . ,rd a loft a: titter of the abut., place: ' ell: receive urompt..ta , rlll.3n. Possoliico Adder:an Horn Jettl/LVLI3. inh.r.C'hotlot J. J. GJJ , ..r.,1.E. r . L. F/Itx.r.s./0/.., I:IN en e. it tan. - • Lrurs UsnoD. • J. J. attht.rgelr.. th'es't. k ttllta..rea, • s7 - 7f167 — ": - w , ,TI cif 4.1114.- YOUC'2l°'S'Clar/lt,i?.7,lP,ZlSe C.k" 7¢0.42.2.'‘,-.Tl'4?E'-f:U,,,,..41;:1t.yyrel on .1.11.,7, • uf v. L. on. s V.l . Dr , p Ordc t az (11.03. ir et or rI4 cis oilicce l receive r urn-yr E , BABE, EN ART; BUETTLER Racer-elm to WAIL:EL/NI:8 BARE, Yo. 12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. DZAZZL9IN Parings, 00.1.*aaa.s. And Idusltal ,t2oods gentian,. Agents r.r the Celebrated BRA BU HY, Neer Tort, Lad 21 C 110 . 1 LIAINEIt 'a CO. DALwEtiTErA CO.'3 "COTTAGE," ant D. de IL W. "AMERICAN" OE QANS. andiILTUN'A PATENT lIVIII`AR. Thr. ben Mellen and tiermnt Vt ft And tar Innen 'alters , halt, 1N THE rli — O . NT/Ei, the stem caterallr ant itzmarocwa it :•,11,,T C o,7 EN , r,tito NST n.r or IsaitrAraatw.....l4 of the xreittr,t. I 1 = „A! Se 11 VA,I. ECM