The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 07, 1867, Image 1

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ttiMiliN, REED & CO.
xcra. BC Elltre. et
(re IPEISINIMAN s zaitor h •
JOSIAH KING. tn iLikum a t m ma
SingliCkroles I eon
Didirared by carrier, bee ',meth Cunt
Liberal reduction. to Newsboys and Aannta.
Timm atom, per /C. 4 by
lire, do. do. do. -each.
Ten or more motes, to one address, mad
one tree to club. nob
• You Will
IVA a Dental Eetabliehmont at 21G
btreet. Des, Sill
•Smrfriff Ideoliines, removed from No, 10 ;
.N 0.103 Fifth street; above Smithfield farce 1
To smote:sale player,'
Of Dry Goods we oder bargains in job lot
of DreagGoods,rantings, Linen Goods, and
fall hues of 'Sheeting., mu:tinge, Prints,
. Ticking, Checks, de., all of which we will,
_penaa, theTery loirelif eastern cash prices.
J. W. 11/imam 1, Co.
fig 11=km:street, below Third it Fourth ats.l
Ciotti sod 14 . 11 k Macquee
. •
(lordlier & Stewart arc showing a shlen:
did. assortment of these goods at very low
"prices, at their now store, on the west or
her of Market and Fourth streets.' rwmal
We Doiet. Know
Of any place in Patsburgh but one for a
lady to get a good and fastuonable opting
and summer mecum, but at Spence's, No. 73
Market street. •
Go to •P[emto='. Deus Store,
Sao. 84 Market street, for Ilnitetter , s and
Drake's Blttera. cheaper than my other
It Ist Very ,Evident.
And we know lovely lady will Ode
that Apencii carries the lead In the cloak
losittes, Dotes 'Forget -
go to I . 4,m:ice's tiny clay this weak. This
glaceSs tit No. 76 Market sticet.
There IN Nome ileautitol
Silk-and 'cloth wraps now on exhibition at
, SPOne9'B;,NO. 'p Market street.
'Over Three Hundred !lacquer, •
( 'at threo 'dollars eacbi at Speace's, NO. 7J
Market street. • •
Pars Drogyt
Pure Drags!! ,Pure Drugs!!! Pure Drage!!!
at Sala a DrulVe,,,lllegtietlY..
YOU Can Buy
Iforeign Ligaoract all kinds. at Joseph S.
FtnelOs Distillery, fro../et, 11)1. 193 =CID
Go to Fleming's GeUg - Steee,
54 Zdatket. Street, for the best Modest
• oil Liquors of all kinds. .
Ton Van BUY
88 per Cent Alcohol as Joaopt. 8. Plucti,a.
you can Buy
ti aw klops at Joseph 8. FinehW.
American Products it the - Ports Espo-
A Paris letter to the Tribune says : In the
heart of the American triangle the Pianos
are arranged,oue of the largest and best
collections that the country has ever ex-!
ported or exhibited. Artists •of eminence '
make perpetual music here, and the guar
ter Is always densely crowded. The superi
ority of our instruments Is not questioned.
even by the rival of Paris,
'Timms and Leipzig. Playel, - Erard and
Herz Dave far inferior displays, and find it
dialcult to attract the Littholfs, duels and
Liszt.% of the continent to their plainer cab
inet wares and feebler instruments. All
• our great firms are represented, and the
contending keyee in passages which all the
world warbles, mingle their winds, as if the
birds of the West, in choirs, had assembled
here to sing.. TIM. spectators divide their
. enjoyment, hew listening to some comp. ,.
~ er try his own latest music upon a Schema.
.., ker, a Chickering. or a itnabe ; but the sev
• 'en superb instruments of the Steinways al
. -lure the profess:oral people, and here the
beet musical talent of Europe may be seen
- • Ante 'morning till dark—Stephen Heller,
, Lessee letterer, W. Kruger, Alfred Jaen—
, grouped about-the bird cages. The "over
- strung" arm as it is called, in the Stein
way piano, basattracted the greatest inter
. eat here ;rola its novelty . and the sweet
ness andlpower which its superior vibra
tion gives. . The best piano makers tr,
' Europe have sought the privilege of send
fug thistriyork en to examine it; and pro.
fassional arils compete to play upon It.
.It is ve odd note how, by Our Amebae'.
cal gen ry ius; we haver So tarried sWay the
• Donors in the arts. and our departmenthas
the best music in the whole Exhibition.
The grand Steinititywas.sald by Rossini to
resemble a nightingale cooing in a thunder
A Duel and Its Consequences:
An ammung.dnel took place near Havana,
Cabe. It originated in a remark made by a
, • "
man to hie friend on seeing a lady coming
: out of church. The lady was unknown to
• ' : : the Person mating tee remark, but hap
pened to be theother , s wife. A slap In the
face was the consequence, and a challenge
• came soon after. This was accepted, and
the seconds selected a place. The wife got
wind of the affair and immediately' took
Merle toprevent the dreaded catastrophe.
• ,
her first thought. was to notify the pellet),
bat that might have c Wen her husband the
reputation of a coward, and rho took a
• better method by going to the house. of
the, other, party, where she-met his wife,
•=r -- •, And-a plan: was soon. concocted between
the feminines. On the morning appointed
for the duel both husnanits got lip early _
wives ditto. Husbands took - carriages, and
their wives—one armed with five children
and the other with three—Wok other vehl
- clew la waiting. When the two duelists ar
. lived at the spot they were somewhat se
drive' • nished on seeing. the two othr res
up with their miesengers, e who car c oolly
nformed the men that they also had come
to light, so as to mate it a complete family
quarrei,,each at the name time producing
an empty purse and a paCkage of baby /leen
as their,aruiS and monitions cf war. The
.little ones bad pop-gone and firecrackers,
and soon sonic indulged in a cry. After
• - viewing the state of affairs, the blood
thirsty lionedicts made peace on the spot,
• •
and returned to Havana to celebrate the
• affair over a Champagne dinner, ..
• -
Curlew. Parisian. Gossip About Ste
phew., the Fenian Leader.
A.rarla correspondent of a Western Jour
nal 'furnishes the following :
Sitalas Stephens Is living at No. Rom-
nay street, at Montmartre, where he seems
to be quite comfortable, having his were
and brother-in-law with him. whiCh aPes
not prevent him from complaining of his
A few days ago ono of his countrymen,
who bad not a penal , . Came to solicit his
aid. "I have not'a dollar„my lad," replied
he, "but come with me, perhaps Lamy Pro.
cure some help for you " On the roan they
met a pa.ser-by.•whom Stephens declared
to be an old acquaintance of his, and, lea,
lag his helpless companion, he chatted for
at instant with his "friend." "Here," said
Stephens, renaming to the Irishman, "here
are live Iran.; this gentleman has lent me '
ten; It is all 1 have—let na share," This,
said, Stephen. left his companion. The
latter a abort time after was near a carriage
eland, and to his surprise saw Stephens en
gage ono and get In. Oar consid
ered it odd that a manwho had but live
francs should engage a carriage at tiny
em. en hoar. lie Seated tumacif atientl
. near the carriage stand, p
and waited til l
either the carriage or btephons should r"-
turn. At the end of three hours the ear.
range returned. Stephens had paid for the
three hours. Another fact still more seri
ous,. that Stephens visits the English em
bassy in secret. What does he do there,
. .
IeApISAI Pnatahmeot ln Japan,
• Thu Japanese punish murder by decapita
tion; parricide and other such heinous
crimes by cracifiCtion. A prisoner stilton
. ced to death is taken to the place of execs
, - • bon, surrounded by the officers, and bay
ing uung around his neck a placard. giving
bin !name, age and rank, with bin crime
an,l sentence. After his execution his head
is left suspended In sight for three days,
with the placard , still banging tO It. Ar
snails punished by burning the criminal at
imostake, yet, as ffilfOrool.l, this penalty does
nail bring a very painful death. Thu crimi.
• nal is first kopt on a very scanty allowance
of Coon for fleets time. Then, before being
' taken out for execution, be is overfed on
• r and highly spiced viands till he be-
CO es atrtpla and Indifferent. ' lle la fallen
-1140 the stako,and wood and light materi
als ate hooped Shunt him. are light
ed at the same moment insevend different
places, nun the victl m 1,1 If mothered by the
smoke as quickly SA be could ha strurighal
by a rape. •
fitekiablp Wreekd—Tb New Levee
toi n utalsalosters— e lttoton e a
Proceed- -
toga by Negroes—Another ere aaaaa .
f By T r elegraph to We Pltt.buryti ('atone.)
NeW Ontsays... May U.—The stitamsbili
prince Alban, from Corpos Christi Mr Now
wlin a cargo of reattle and hogs,
tZr . le
. 4 W u r e e ' ckfal on the beach west of Galves
ton :s'esterday. The crew and passengers
I were Eared. The vessel lea total loos and la
Thu following are the names of the love,'
Board appointed by General Sheridan: Ef-. I
_-The Tided° /nude thus ilinstratoi one of Modern Lawroner4.l.lloglesnY,J•iturnside,
the difficulties to be encountered by the W.D. Smith. W. L. l' l .l.Sn Ue '
Chivalry In seeming the votes of their laid some negroes yesterday attempted to
chattel*: . got up a riot bY taking possmalon of the
oN fiche! Inwyer of Richmond, V irginia\ Rampart street ears, appropriated nfor the
In an attempt to win the suffrages of the'l use of Indies and children, the whites re
colored voters of that vicinage, arrection-'1 fusing to ride In those allP.roPtiaied to
ately itsmared there, In a public_speotti, thal 1 st.m.eive..
he had a colored insminy—lution he alts a I tin mam souse neurons threatened to
child, and that be loved the colored people, 1 toren an entrance to the Fronch Opera
.as they mast know. hut budlituntell them, t House on an enuallty with T
the whites. hey
nor was It necessary for the colored people I appear determined to take. advantage of
to Understand It, that, after a had run ef-f.- 1
I th e I...Denary reduction of the police force,
luck at faro, that very “nnimuiy," so Ise- on account of nen. tiberidan l a order to (Ile
loved, was sold by him to lurnbat the charge one-half of the force and substitute
ISITIOW il of war for another bucket the tiger. ex-Union Soldiers.
"Rft;reaagyOcnO'n!ll'roeg:ltt';yirnle IRA m i tnl e r b eVy=7l.elTra . ' orTL%I, - ,,,lk P A ' l ' ,l„ “ ;l ° , , l, l r '' ,
lawyer bate not yet had time to heal; and thirteen miles above the oily, and mlust.
every one of them Maya either been On the g.r. tboeity of Amer*, il ro . t . y ., 01 . 1 u.
pnalva block or soon MS relataVell there.'' tea Railroad.
' l.
, ) -, r i
1 1 111 i
,0.1 \ '\ ,/,
Reconstruction Injunction,
Supreme Court Opinions,
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ija ,, etir•3
WasuaaroTox, May 6, 10,17.
la the Supreme Cofirt, this nfternoon, At
torney treneral. Stanberry closed the argu
inent on the tioorgia awl Mississippi In
junction cases. Le spoke as to the general
pritielples involved. and denied, as hereto
fore, that these cases bud any place In the
Court. They were not within the Jarisdic•
Lion of a Court of Equity, such as the Cou
&Mutton provides. There was In them ne
basis of property on which relief
could be given. Georgia Anil
according to the bills tiled.
undertook to speak for all alto
people of those States. Where was the
- evidence of this fatal Besides, of the ten
Southern States over which the reco.true-
Con acts were to operate, only two Were
here. It was not known to the country that
.•the remaining States were illesatlaned, for
they had not presented coy LLB of grlevan-
I ces. The law gave n citlaim a right to vin
dicate himself, and could do this us sire.
cesefully as a State could tor• him. Counsel
on the other side bad Invoked the Court to
save their liberties from destruction, to
preserve the integrity of the States
on whose behalf; they appeared. But,
sold the attorney General, there was
no inherent power for that purpose in this
Court, for Congress might so act no to de
atroy the etilclency of the Court by imeeeotb
big the Judges on, false accusations, or by
denying salaries reVolsite to their support.
It rested with the people, however, to se
mire the honesiy', and right doing of the
Legislature, and on this brats one must
look for the preservation of the rights . of
the citizens and of the guaranteed rights of
the States.
Se further proceedings took 'plane and
the Court adjourned hamodlately on the
conclusion of ifr.Starkberry'a argument.
Ewing vs. CttY of St. - Louis. Decree of
Circuit Gourt of Missouri affirmed. "
libte Jacket et al. vs.Coramissioners of
Johnion County, Kansas; Yellow Beaver et
al. ♦s Miami County, and Wangsprah et
Vs. same. Judgment of Supreme Court of
Kansas in these cases was reversed.
Steamer Gray Jacie6t SMI Cargo. and Wm.
Clermont vs. United States. Judgment of
Court below, condemning vessel and cargo,
nu:OVMM/ Stales vs., Lents Perique De
isepeatiiiirr , Arizitietiieriz , zoiroused„-RiaTias
the government In possession of al: - square
leagues of land la 31lchigan, vulued at
from three to live million dollars, and
whlch the Court beloiv bad held to belong
to the heir. of Count Itepontigny • % torni
soldier in the French army. -
In the lowa liquor cases judguennts We
affirmed on the snmo grono4l6 assigned 1.11
the.M.e.osauhusetta cases. •
Woodcut vs. !vein. from Circuit
Court, middlo dimitrict, Tennes.e. Cause
THY JiIP DAVIS sise.enoN
The War Department. in accordance with
the advice of the Attorney General, has Or
dered the Commander at Fortress Monroe
to obey the writ of Imbed, corpus for the pro=
duction of the body of derforion Davis In the
United States District Coon at Richmond.
on Monday next.
"LOGO. Olt TEIS arlAl4l3
A dispatch from fi..elvinoii.l say., The
Grand Jury of the. United States District
Court in this cap, impanclied this morning•,
had three colored men from Alexandria
among the members.
meals, LANDS IX
i.e the Kaman eases before the tilipreine
Court at was decided to-day that the lands
of the Shawnees and lflatuas, new tribes,
cannot be taxed by the authorities thereof.
on the ground that thee° Indians arc, by
tr l ealy, under the protection of the govern,
meat, and still preserve their tribal/organ
ization. •
• 91.IIVORD cocaine sonic. I
. .
In the Crlinlnal Court to-day the appeal o
the counsel for Sanford Conover was allow
et!, and the Coon granted a Star of execu
Lion of sentence until the Ist of June..
The House Committee on Judielurr hold
a meeting to-day on clatters concocted olth
the Impeachment question,
. .. . .
, . .. .
- lel ormatton receive , ' toili,inte., that the
',rhos', clove will be the, finest tor twiny
. . .
lion. Isaac Newton has rceovernif from 1.
The'TPCPIPTEI 01 internal revenue to-day
'were *;18,57:
Meeting of She United States Court
Charge of Judge Underwood to the
• Viand Jury—Trlal of Jell. Davie.
(By Telegraph to the Plitsbarzli Duette.) '
Ilacuiroge, Slay 13.—The United States Die.
Wet Court, Judge Underwood presiding,
commenced Its session today. Among the
members of thelirand Jury were John Si.
Botts, Joseph Seger, Levels licKensie, and
II re. colored men. The Judge, in his charge,
congratulated the jury that though bad
been threatened with destruction by i
striation, yet, thanks to oar Congress, It met
now tel se edgy. This promised better
things . or Wetmore!, a city Where the
press had re wiled the lowest depths of pron.
w i ne e the pulpit had been prosti
tuted by the Misters, where goy Lutharlos
and Ileenti seem had existed until half
the children were Illegitimate. The jury
would have agorid deal of work, much of it
cr.v.ied by the demoralization of the put
plc 1..; inn disloyal press, which had en
, e0U1.1,,,i perjury and unterfeiting .to
cheat 10e (,overnment. lie co called attention
to the fact that hearties were not allowed
the freedom of the street cam
• The Ear:miner haS irdorMatlial that the
session of the Court will be prolonged omit .
the ad)ourom‘nt of . the supreme Court,
when Uhler Justice' Chore will Coale here
and preside at the trial of Davis.
8; 11. Chandler, Prosecuting Attorney, Is
In New. York, consulting with Sir. Everts,
Davis , counsel, about the trial. lir. Davis
will probably be brought here on baturditY,
and then )lull by the civil autlioritle until
Ms trial.
Chief .Juetlce Chase Is expected next
week: ,
131 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh G“ette.]
Leighton, tho Boston broker, accused of
fraudulent alining stock speculations, hall
boon released on glvlrg ball In the onto or
G. CWirinemore Is on teal In 'Philadel
phia for the murder of Idrp . .}dagilton„ Ills
acquittal la expecteaL, •
At Cambridge, IlilnOls, three miles from
Bock Islaudi a fire occurred on Sunday
morning. which destroyed the business por
tion of the plane. }lntimated loss, al00,030;
Five negro convicts escaped from the Bal
timore Penitentiary on Sunday night. Two
were recaptured.
The steamehit, Nestorian, from Liverpool,
arrived at Quebec last night.
In the cricket match:at Philadelphia, yes
terday, the Philadelphia club heat the
Young America by sixteen runs.-
The cane of J. 11. Rogurs, Indicted with
S. 11. Wentz, en a charge of embezzling MO
funds of the 3lechanies , National Beni, was
taken up In the Baltimore Circuit Court
FROM TENNESSEC. Impeachment of Judge Prater 10
She State Senate—llectist of t h e
Monate—V. S. District A[torne)X hlp
NASIIVILLI; May 6.—The Tennessee Senate
met yesterday an nCourt of Impeachment
to try lion. Thom. N. Frazer, of the Grim!.
nal Court In this city. The charge egulnat
the Judge is that he corruptly and unlaw
fully released certain members of the Leg
islature under arrest, under authority of
the House of itepresentauves, upon a writ
of hal...corpus in July lust. The records
and articles or impeachment were read.
The defense will be made to-morrow. Being
the Brat case of the kind in the Judicial
records of the States, it Is clotting great In.
terest. Moe. A. Maynard, John Trimble,
and Judge N. A. Patterson, are of the coon.
eel for the prosecution, and lion. Edwin 11.
Ewing; E. li East, lieu. John S. Brien and
Judge Grant for the defense.
E. IL East, lately appointed U. S. District
Attorney, announced,
In the Federal Court
this morning that hodeellued to accept the
Burglar filial—Tire,
Mxxvuie May 6.—Jamas Sullivan, elan ,
glar, elm shot by the watchmen at the Ga.
! yosu Motel, on Sunday morning. Sullivan
and a partner, named D. Bartlett, were reg
istered from Rickman, Ky. The pair were
professional thieves.
A. brick store was burned this morning;
Perkins and Jon.' loss 41,000. The build
ing was set on fire. • •
A l'elsoner Ilvsened—Au Oalcor lewd
.odor Overpowered.
Chy Telegraph to the rlttabargla Gazette.)
ALBANT. May G.—This morning John Le•
roy (diorite,' Leary, emoted on a. requisi
tion from. the Governor of Michigan, and
and nought here and lodged in Jail, was
rescued from officer Johnson, of litchi.
gnu. The officer was placing irons on the
prisoner, when a murderous assault was
made on him by the prisoner and a half a
do-genet' friends who lied collected at the
Jail. The officers.] Jailor Kavanaugh were
overpowered and tile early succeeded in
getting away, Including the prisoner, who
Is charged with attempted murder and oth
et crimes. 1./111cerJohnsmew. badly beat
en mid was fortunate in escaping with his
life, as the assailants were rill armed with
revolvers. They are still at large.
The Japanese—Their libudon.
By Tdearaph to the Pittsburgh Garette.l
Sts. Year, May o.—The litral,Ps Wash•
1130.011 itywell! Pays the present Japanese
Coatmlesto • era its this country. n reported
before, pore nK. obtaining advice as to the
best uteans of defense against Iron clad..
It to reported also that they uish to settle
Intl: contractors tor several shin. theY
failed to receive, only one being aent. end
. 111 . 0 . 120 t coming up to expect►Uous.
Mg at now. Labor Law to Pram,
' rants.
Illy''. r graph to the Fittaburgh tiszutteij
IL...amain . au, May (i.=-The eight hour labor
but. paned the (louse, rernalited in
the hands of {llll Satiate 4 odlelary Commit
tee to the end of 'The se:salon, end never
came np lu the Senate for consideration.
' Riser Teleßvatins.
Telerrupb to Sloe Miteburet litoetor,l -
neurone, May a.—The river rove five awl
a.lialt inches tn,the past tiv en ty-four hours.
Thy Republic passed up for ht. Louis at
nine r. Y.
• •
Lootavitte, Kay S.— The river la rising
with nine feet six =Chef water in the motet.
„ A Financial Crean.
• The long expected financialcrash and
failures among the merchants and planters
Se about commencing. In my last I In
formed you of the. failure of the large pro
vim.. eons,. of Lopez, Trapaga A to.. and
new tru net lies been swelled by the failure
of the merchant and planter, J. A. S. Area
din, well known in the United Suttee Ills
liabilities arcunounced to be two enda
halt millions o f dollars, The state of his
assets will go far lowarde paying this, as he
own. severed valuable plantations. Another
planter, well known in the United Kates,
Mr. Santa Cruz de Oviedo, whom *di II mond'
wedding , ' created note an exelternentSer
cral years ago, has made an arrangement
with his creditors for about t",000 stride':
I be wan unable to pay, but he Nat been en.
abled to Leek. the necessary nrrangements
to prevent him from breoming banerupt.
Several more failures are expected within
a few dais, and things look very squally.
This state of affairs, the. ganoral stagnation
in every branch of brininess, and the new
tax law - make commercial operations very
difficult,.—ant there i.• no 'confidence amoug•
the reerchente.—ffutena Correspondence ze.
illnes. dpnt
iceman who wee wrongly otmenni
threeyears In tke Illinola Insane As m y
makes a horrible disclosure of the ar. lum,
gen and cruelties practiced there. Ono pro.
cess of punishment to to et the patient with
a ilrOng,
with eev c es o s c e o l mling ng lo v w a lteht o r
heanacdk aend"
aewed up, hand ag •rungle loophole through
which - a strong cord may be paws!. lier
hewn are then ehnitled In front, tie hand*.
ate drawn tightly behind her. she le thrown
violently on the floor,
ing face
ed downward, her
cloth Is removed or turn up, end then
eLe Is beaten until her flesh is bet, a Jelly.
Patients are stripped and plunged In the
cold bath until life la nearly extinct. Oth
ers tortes slightest offence ern pounded
and kicked In the most terrible manner.
Pattentaare often chokd until' their fetes
are Mack and their to e ngues hang out of
their mouths. A malt of refinement, of pure
and virtuous charecter, end a nature re.
markably true to the Instir , te of a true wo
mutt, bolero being there thirty.nix bowl.
was stripped ,of ell her clothing eXoopt a
torn °heed., end laid upon her bock upon
the door, [Jr. sitting asrlds her enacd
body, while the artendants applied the
strap to her quivering Inn b, Insaelty .p.
pears to be treated am a crime, anitlitil are
ready to punt-ph the criminals. such a state
of things Is a disgrace to humanity.
—Sir S. M. Pete has made his Promised
motion in Parliament. for an investigation
of his conduct in tile afeire of the hoodoo,
Chatham null Dover Railway Coinpaov. Ile
deihred the opportunity to demonstrate bia
innocence of the charges made against him.
Trio Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. lals.
reel!. opposed tile motion, on the ground
that the Mouse 'meld not enter upon an In-
Vostigstlon of such a character. Ile spoke
fu terms of eulogy of Sir 11. retch and his
praises were emphatically repeated by Mr.
Giadstone. Thus a teat,;_about whom the
tar pressawl Punch' nve said the meet
ooVero things, la audden a ly virolicatml by
open autt official praise and approval of
the two great English party leaders.
—The Emperor of Austria has restored to
the collateral heirs Of General : kiss—who
wan executed on the till f Octer, ISM, at
j t,d, with thirteen othe o r gene ob rals of the
national army, amongst whose was the ever
lamented Nagy Bander, throb, and Count
Veesey—the whole of MS property, conos•
rated to the State during the revolution, and
valued at four millions five udd thou-
sand florins. Tills bet 'fill, h
It n Is re said. NI
followed by others of a similar character.
andhe justice of the cause tor which these
toludredil of other martyrs were 'lOOlO
- death is now admittetitiy their ewe.
tlonoe., reAtutionoan scarcely he withheld
1 any longer.
—A rumors prcail through CovingtOn,
on Tuesday night, and was aCtuallY
by many, that Samuel IL: mo. whose eollY
was brought to that city after the execution
In Cincinnati, bad OL4IO to life. According
to the report, 000 01 . 11111.1/111d was observed
to move, and his family thinking that life
was not quite extinct. quickly oinalnal the
,414: vices of a plin.lelan, who applied a gal
void° battory to his body, and succeeded In
hilly restoring him t oCOIIhCIOIIIIIII... 11.61
reaching the house of Case's loather, we
found the body of the youthful culprit
ntellY 011010.1 16 all 1).C1.10.11.'0" 'l.lllln,
awaiting Intermont. lily sr,ters state , l that
lie huh shown no 510110 of life when being
brought to the house. Tho 1606 6.1 hands
of the deceased wort, very w hitc,find ho
wore Upon Ills 0011010 1 . 60 Cu 1.1 smile which
made him look quite natural. •
—Thousands of cattle !Into thud In Kansas
during the past winter lentil exposure sod
lack of proper food. • rfill tuortanty
been v,peclutly severe In the southern pa rt
t th e State. Ono company has lost ted.
thousand In two or three weeks. A Kansas
paper hopes that thin costly lesson will be
taken to bruit. In a gm...growing State
Ilke Kansas thoto is no ereuse fOr a data•
coop of Nadia In winter.
The Reform Movement
No Riotous Proceedings
Their Execution. Doubtful
Financial and Commercial
Ity Toloiraph to iboTittsburob Gorettt./
(iut:AT lil[lTAl`i
Los oos • May C—Sornitub—Thu great , re
form weetlntf„in conteMPlatlon for ohms
time, occurred lit hyde Park to-day. ..As
expected, there was a Vast crowd of people
to atteadunoo, though few speakers. There
were no riotous domonstratmus whatever,
and ttie - servlocs of the vollee v. ere not re
gutted. Not ono of the extra policemen,
who lad Leon sworn In for the occasion,
were present. The Meeting . Wu. of very•
snort duration, and the inull Undo dispersed
without disorder.
Lenten, May 6.—Thu .11urrhap /1.4, In an
edltOrtal today, exprusaes the uplulon that
the government will nut
,ertcute the men
tense of death recently pasara on the cOn•
demned Fermate Burke and 1):11 - :.e. •
Br. Prrsioncr.o, May G.-1:110 Ice went out
of the river Neva and 'harbor today, anti
Ma ports of St. Petersburg and Croustade
are again open to commerce.
Lerman, )11sy el.—Recning.—The Chinese
rebellion Is reported to be spreading. The
rebels are titre atoning Nankin.
Lrvaisroot, May 6.—The etertmer Hiber
nian, from New York, arrived at Clasgow
Loam:, May 4l—Noon.—Cons9ls, o'4
13onds, 7'2, Illinois, 75 , 4; Etle, AV-.
Livaarocd., May 6-hone.—Cotton quiet,
Wheat Had Western,l California
white, Its. ed. Core, 41, ti less% Barley,
Is. %. Oats, 3s. 7d. Provisions, quiet.
Bacon, T.le. Lard. Sla 6d. (.30Yer rOCA, 77a-
Lryserool, May 6—.truing.—Cotion
easier '
and Driers unchanged. Consols
Moeda unchanged, except Bltnnle Com ral .
' , M.0.. MAY G.—Evening—The closing
quotationa were: Consols. 91(-1, Erie, 4.214;
Illinois Central, 73 , i Bonds. 7IX.
stuns tunclianked.
LIVIZTOOL, May 6 —2".rening—Cettna
!.i.e; inles ofd' 0J tales of uplands at
11!..111yOrlieseat,11t.itl.' lirradatutrs quiet.
Provislon• unchanged. spirtt... of
Campanile*, 154 Gd. Bode, 131. The Con
don market. noel. go.),
Maecenas., May 6.—Five-Trenty bonds
closed At
Ay rare ar. May G.—l'etrolenni clikied at
43( Bence per bai kilogrammes.
Ct/y Telegraph toil.. Plustmr‘h U..: tr.
10.- Too., May 6, t
CO)12103, COVbca. R. 1.011c . s ‘Ciaol3l,l
The itoard of Councilmen to-day aciopted
• resolutiOn to oppildthin to the action of .
the Pelted!' Comma...Ler", transferring the
'jurisdiction over. licenses for theatres ,
emigrant Wanting houses, pawnbrokers,
hacks, core, otoottninew and drivers. ac
from ince Mayor and. Aldermen to teem
salve., without, It la sail, warrant of law.
and rennsating the Mayor to domed,
lately interpose tee toll power . als.l
authority vested In film. #.7 any res.
Oltitlon of the Common Council or the char.
tor of the city, to sate Wi •och persons
Itarttiless from neglect to oocouly with the
ordont of the pollee authirities in respect
to licenten, in Grier thereby to test the con-
Itutfonal Ity of the net. by notch IL le con
ten:dale° to transfer from the.clty Oho or
Ite le. remag municipal rights. The
debate W. SOILOWLISt ciulthtt, the ttetpo
es ats urging the attention soon e resolutions,
,my tag the
it nod hurl
from power the tyrants of the null., organ.
resolutions the Ilepublioans opposing
LS tale met e d to lead to rlut.
OCATIOC to aostrrtna
areasu TO ♦A A.M.A.! , OP 'POL. , OAF
hohnyler Calton received an ovation at
the Union League Ituom• tomight, and In
response to an oddities of welcome by Jana
Jay, made a brief speech, alluding to the
scowl, agencies and
of the war of
run •Ilion, arid paying a tribute to the meet.
cry of the Martyred rfeeldent. , The Thirty.
ninth Congress ho sold, was the noblest.
moat patriotic fgaly pubic ho neon in
the Capitol dui Inn hi e eery Ice. They
lsely rejected the 111 advised bollry of an
Executive, whose highest ambition seems
to be in destroying the party which el win
led him to power. and enacted laws which
the rut majority of the ?tenth with alacrity
Ithgt ot
u r i ng
ed these lama intenecept. Tile led to stand tip them
falthfrilly and literally , if their terms were
complied with by the rebel States, in nmsl
faith and without ovation. Faithful to the
traditions Of our fathers, in sympathising
with all who long for maintaining or the
I of liberty to illesico or Cog -
land, In Ireland or Crate, and yet carefully
of tit all entangling alliance. or viola
tions of the lawi with • recognition from'
ocean Woman, North and :Muth alike, of
'the. eight of alt citizens boiled byUnitise , to
theta In the choice of tile law makers, owl
thus to have a voice in Um country, their
heart's blood mutt defend, Our centennial
IMniVersarl of the Ilcelarstion of lade
pendenee wilier:el us au
oath' ra.
cognizing the groat truths on that humor.
Jai Magna (Marla, rejololno in a tone wile
as the world and eternal at the tiara, with
a prorperity that shall ration Moat future
LB the brignleit glance of the put.
PgariZATS sorsa n to rinoonsy N.
.• - •ried ocurrol In a liquor salami In
Brook' yo. on riuudny. Two policemen were
ti ally heaths in attaraptirar to arrest the
proprietor lerviolating toe xclie
Some twenty or thirty persons l e n
the room
attacked the °Meets and a desperate light
ensued. The etneers troy their 'evolvers
to save their liven, when serene of the
tinter. drew plaudit and threatened to blow
the buttet out of the edlicers. Finally the
lancers escaped, and going to the station
house, procured alatl*toknon. un their to.
tern the place war clenval. Tile proprietor
of the saloon WWI altbsuquontly ar red ash
41,111Vatell•Itir Mr.c . 1110..1a.
Anniversary meette as commenced pest r.
day and continued tuslay. The Amorloan
Missionary Assoelatlon report that 'thole
aro One Million school children among the
ireednien, who need twenty thousand teach
era. there aro now, however, lux. than
two thouaand lit the nehl. At leant two
hundred thousand freedmen have !Parried
to mod within a year. The remains lout
Your were M.:13.00Dt of resets months ol
0. 0 .0, year 614.1,013. lar.rer monthly
&Yentas , of receipts than aro newital lilt this
reruoluloi; fire mouth..
Michael Varrell,e tailor, war murder
this afternoon by Wrcu S111111111.0,•1•0
tailor, Whniga Wife had boon eollahltilig wl
Farrell. Tim murduror Inta slut you. be
arrooled. . -
•• . .
rnon VIZ )12bITY.rtIt...1f.
Tha Vaned Mates annahlp Gnarl arri
val from the ldvalterranoan and brought
twenty-six °Moms from thu European
squadron. • •
- DIED 0? APertla“lr.
Ilonry Calhoun, ono nr tho nhlrot Dopul Y
Collector' nr CUototril, .Iled
Effects of tbelo
—Vessel Munk.
Illy Ts levao, In the Itltubargh Mho' Or I •
Be rrato,May 6.—The gal., which moral].
tel here has blown a large gennfite of 110.1.
log Ice In front rash., harbor and Motley Ix
roMplotely blocked with It. large arat
of vesseli In the oNng am Irc -tenon!. typ o
811110011. r hoitth whet etreek a reek on the
Canada chore, nil Sete,. ay, and toot, In
twulve feet of watt,. tour thuteetml
el, of grain trete, tarred te a lighter, k.
deal:meth The grain was Insured in the
Insurance companies: Securll r,
of New York. $10,000; Western, of lin:Lilo,
woo, and 31nrchants, of Chicago, $3,00.
No Offs, to Itelettae Jeff DAVIN.
011 TillegraDh to We l'lttsbPren Us.ttr.
Saw Tont. May i; —The Tribune says wn
bairn conclusive ( that no oiler to
tobssan Mr. Davis bats vet boon wadi% atot
communication or any kind on tha. subject
boa passed botwoon bnu antl the CtoCutiv
nabs Morley,
ports give" by
found oa our'
d and mod re.
ttee Market Re
ad city, will be
Toe Sproul Mu er—Bird and Whit•
taker wait. Ilearitto-,They are
Ideattlie .111orderera.
Yesterday thetwin ••.toe of infhwY, . 1 0k.
Ihrd and Thoziaa Whittaker, who were cap
tured throng • ` the energy of Aldermen
ntrain , e police tm * charge of being cos
corned in the •°yeterloue murder of David
Spronl, hal a •kering at Washington. Pm
For the benefit id thew. who 'did not read
an sects:tat Of t - tragedy published Just af
ter Its occtirren -., we give the following
reams of the •rincipal incidents. About
eight o'clock 0. f.we evening of March 18th ; a
man visited th house of Sproul, and asked
him the warto ho Railroad elation. The
latter very obll MEW went with.the stran
ger along the 1 e tom pair of bars near the
barn, about Aft-. a rods from the house, to
allow Dim the W Y =MSs the fields to the
township roadlWhen they bad gone about
ten rads, two era came round the corner
oft he house art followed after. Whert at
the ban they °eked him down, and prob
ably struck hi when down, am there was a
large pool or bs I there, and a considerable
quantity of tut stng In the mud close
by it. They n led him back tothehouse,
eee supportingf him on each side. As he
emoted the doltr he was bleeding profusely
&bent the farte, nd said to his maiden Me
ter, ( who Is a ut fifty years of age, and the
only penman nit with Lim el am badly
hurt.. Ono of he villlans then seized her
by the arm, t • her out of the [mans, and
around it into he other house, took her up
•stalre and tied her hands behind her back;
tied her feet • ether; laid her on the bed
and strapped L. r tight to the bedstead; told
her to tell wit e the money st es or he would
shoot her. Sit told him all she knew, end
t i le ,, h e went to work ransacking. This
one hod his /du fdrickened Ile brought her
nut of the bout se the others entered. She
heard them i.e Dag her brother wttb—the
tongs. t
he hal I out, and they auld, eGlve
us your money then." They continued to
heat and cat, .1m until life was extinct.
They then won In search of money, lint
only found Co. . $ll5 and two Miser watch•
es. Geist; bac to the plume( murder.theY
helped the.. yes to bread and cream,
rearing the spr ng and shed. st a i rs,, where
the old woman t ied up stairs,
she remained I twenty.four Lours until a
neighbor ham? nod In and released her.
Alderman Iv eta, of this city, imincillittes
ly set to Ivor to wive the mystery, and
with the few Ines he had endeavored to
tenet Oct the perpetrators 01 the horrible
crime. timber W ilmot was Put upon the
trail, and In • .n.lanctlou with Alderman
Strain soon sr. keel up Lim case to such a
point as led t an Information charging
ssmood Eggle n. John young. Thomas
Ithitteketr- and John 111 rd with the murder
of Das id Sore il. Leery thing being
ranged. a desc nt was made on that well.
known revert, tie elr win Roue." where It
was expected t capture soreral, who, at
least, had soon knowledge of the transac
tion. Untortan sly, thn descent was a fail
ure to a certain extent, as there ware none
of the parties , reeled but 1111 , 1. On,tbe
day foliosing, •owever, IV hittaker was
caught mi Write treed. near Weed, and cam.
misted to. - Jell • awalt a hearing. Wtt'le
ilint »as is the lockup Ahlentan RtTaln
'held a COSSersaLtOn with him. During the
conversation the prisoner showed signs of
confide:lo , lo als_i•i L, and finally acknowl
edged that 1.0 k - isuiesonteilling Of the affair,
but positively denied any th‘rtlClpatiOn in
Itlecritlle. Ito said the whole thing wu con.
Coiled in loll; that. anat., tee y,ri.ase,,
then, wax a ' max who hoes cumuli. and
the vieinltY .0 here he mauled • sad who
said tent a stood thing could lei made there.
After the celeste of the parties from Jail,
Lord said tile anal arrangements were
made at the !stets Ilqusit, and from here
the party started to execute the plan. After
the s.oentaluien of the deed the v filming kept
away from .lite city until arrested as stated.
Tee prisoners, Itird and Whittaker. were
taken to Wailtiligtou coelslo-kY h e
i‘ , 1 , 1.. 4 liedigslity . •hearing la the case was
had: Distrier - Arrdrtifey Ortinerbre •
ed for the <,.13[1.10t1.4.1\11.11. end Y 1 i Hata
Linn antiJolin (.0y1c,1.1.14., represetectl the
defendants, 11. rouossi. J. edermas Strain.
c;h. 0111125., Jr. Evt t . sad 001ccrs Seth
Wilmot ate! lames Brown. of this city, were
In i RA Ifti,e,..,i. The liestrlng.
hoe. , es. sr...s we, e.i. as the CIUM
assumed a ilea f. atitre. the aged sister of
. •
the rnuoterodt now, dd bode lite way apart-1
I , y tho tientun a
to uocomplish their Own
p ga l d hu d dut. appeared! and ittodtatsrt . rww-
IFOGVII gird .tart Ifeditetior ,Wt? 110 •
The prhunets wore retnandlell to ipElsot.
to aae It Mr 1r trial. Ton.toncb credit, ban
not be add 'drat,' Altteriteab Strain toot 1,1
eblohnt 11l • tr,11,11. 11,001. WO Wilmot
They Lave bodbagedl the Mew with dloolthal
to And AtliilLY. and ttlat they hive settled.
upon Lilo flan hartle• la now no louger
matter of diouttt. • We can:wally hop 11,.
other co.lnilla who have thu• tar el tetra the
sly,linnee of the polity, will be arr.dool, two
wilt, their partners In crinau brought It
twill suit apodaly Juatiou.
Strood Annlvermairyor the Friend
Lad. evening the anniversary of the bat
tle of it I:Rano:ow:. wan enProPante/Y Ott
'e.L hy the lllV:obets Of tile reset. I ranee .
In gram! f IN•IILlitIll banquet at hell li Ps res.
tourant, :third street. This co PenV,
which ever elkimed nOtol 'attention trout
the eltitens of Allegheny county. Ingsmuch
to It. was composed entirely of young men
of this city who vol.:wed the reptitsOon Of
being amongst the foremost In point of Due
peetabillty, intelligence and patriOthitn.
performed .4011.1 ..rniee In the overthrow
of th e reloillionotiiiil now, DIM nau of peace,
keep no the orgatilkst ion, and yearly kneel
In friendly homiest .to commemorate
lim Meets ointiCCO.4 Yr It li their brllilant ea
rner upon the tentsil field. Tee roosting
last aveniug organised by the etecilon of
Dub J. F. Dennison. as brave a, soldier as
over bandied the !moot, as Chairman, and '
Cart John Meletinahan at !Monitory. At.
tor partaking la a 11:11011 , (110./.1t11. 1 1.1 , repared
by Mr. R. Solidi% the cloth. wort removed, .
and wine, sparkling • ine was introduced,
alter which toast. and spelech Waking was
main the- order of the evening. Aldo and
pal motto addresses were delivbreil by
Messrs. Hon. P. C. Shannon... Coot. John Mo.
Latinalian, Mayor J. Y. 1).111i , 41111, Captain
WAIL li. Hare I.lein, Will T. Blank and T.
It,. il ottani, • hi lo national songs were Bung
Icy Capt. Black and Mr. J. T. Buck. At a late
tour the bantitiet was. ended, and all
reticent with n pleasant remembrance of the
secondanniversary of the Priented . Ride
Civanl.': We observed In attendance the
following gallant eolith,. I Mayor J. F.
Del. 1.., Captain John lie 1411111.111111,
Captelii John C. Dalullesh, I lentellant Wtn.
T. Black, Captain Robert ti flare. Hugh Y.
Boy,. iv. ii. Palmer, John V. sthro,d,
'Den. T. Dalt, John Reek, Charles Conine,
David M. Russell, Lieutenant lia rr e.t.d .
Jett. John Rorke and domes P.M 4Con. At
late hour the assemblage ailj .drneil. all
ofg lomool with the sowed a eiverairY
o the i rlemis' furies and of the battle Of
Williamsburg. .
Vir neretuust TAMars
Elsewhere we publish the business rand of
Messrs. Uri Ind .4 !Mahlon, No 41 el. Clair
street, fashionable rearTliant tailors. These
gentleman lvtvo lend oecnpled a hlgh' repo..
/alien In-their Immes*, and are now pre
pared to Manufacture clothing at the most
advantage°ns rates to customers. Thole.
Moen embrsers all the latest styles Intro.
deceit In the EsSt, and lots Ind an ex Perlan•
rest cutter in charge of their berliseig, tiler
Can, at the shortest Melee. Cumin patrons
with the newiost till lolf sod best made gar
tarn ts, ill the most reasonable of prices. .4
fall of alsblair goods constantly
kept en hoods, Met nue Clacton are cona•
dmitly recolnieendc , l to fur anything
dn that line. press shirts itCsl-Cnitilu to or.
er and warranted to ill lit the neatest
and roort durable style. The members of
the firm are fair delthnir and honorable gen•
tlemen, with whom It Is is pleasure to deal.
and we Imtpealr for them is large share of
nubile patronage. Remember the Place,
o. al nit. Clair _street.
The Connell of the borough of Lawrence•
vine held a regularamellng last evening.
'rue prmelpal business considered was the
report of the ' , trout Committee relative to
the grading and Miring of st reets, the Colb•
initnn, recommending considerable im
provement In this respect. The report was
. tine Item of business was the reconsider.
piton of the rate no the election of Borough
Prins ter, the Reituldi.; being substituted for
the Itiopritch.
flerongh Iregulater, reported
that be had completed the plan or survey
of the NU( . 01) 41 ward, and desired that the
~.trect price• pald him. A sear ,
runt w at drawn tor the amount.
alNrolly for one the Colored
lantlit Vaughan, a rtetidont of Hutt, while
pas+tng aiown ntrc et the Otilnr day. eluthced
8..0t0 Ol3O W. Armstrong Wit , hington, talk.
lug to Ills wile atint immediately the green
-0).1 monster ro , a, to such a degree wit Inn
him that he could not contain him Belt. Ito
totag I tied ail kind of had things Item this
meet Mg 01 Ws.shingteti with Ids wife, and
pitched In and total lalstered laslily clots.
tb.etuttut to bits on the=apot. Washington
afters area appeared before Alderman
Lindsay and made information against
Vaughan for assanit and battery. A similar
charge was entered by Yang an against
Washington, bat WOlOO5OO were nettled
before the Alderman, each party Ai/roan
to pay hal( the Costa,
The Soho Homicide—Full Part Scalars.
In our last edition wo briefly referred to
the killing of a young man named John
Joyce by a single blow from the doubled
Est of a companion named James 11cClore
key, at a Minns in the neighborhood of
Lock No.l, on the Monongahela river. Our
reporter visited the scene of the fatal oe
marrence yesterdaY morning and Obtained
the following - particniare of the affair:
It Amman/ :that on Sunday evening last
young McCloskey, Joyce, the deceased, and
a youth named James Oillanlon visited the
• boarding-hoelle of Charles Welts for the
purpose of whiling away the time, and were
engaged with a number of the boarders to
a friendly chat and ale drinking. Tile eon
versation Wan of the most cloudy choral,-
ter till about nine O'Moc en Joyce Com-,
meneed 'running a rig. ..,(Piltutton con
cerulny a girl who both had been paying
attention to. and who JOyce liad won troth.
tellanloti. From pleasantry the cOnYersa
tion led' tO - angry words, and a quarrel
seemed IttluttnenL. Joyce was a large and
powerful man, of very muscular build,
while lellanion la a very small, slender
man, weighing not much over one hundred
pounds. Young McCloskey dill not par
ticipate la the quarrel of words, and with
the other piano. in the room listened
quietly to the talk, not offering uny
Interference. Finally, seeing both losing
their tempers, MeCloskey came forward
and said that the matter had gone far
enough, and tied Joyce bad o run'. tellanlee
sufficient, and as he (leilnelon) wan not big
enough to Wee his own part he (McCloskey)
would do it for him. Previous to this time
McCloskey bud been sitting with some
others at the table, lad Joyce had been sit
ting on a bench on the opposite side of tee
stove. Joyce now got upend apparently was
...agile a au Attitude to light, when MeClar
key also arose and eprioging suddenly to
wards Min dealt him a blow with hit naked
fist somewhere uhout the head, and kicked
him as be reeled and fell forward heavily to
the floOr. 'no per.A. present Immediately
seised hicCit.key and the dlsturbanee was
I at an cud. Joyce was sonseless from the
WM:taut at Lis Lail, and expired within a
few minutes. McCloskey. wa terrified at
the eliecte •of the blow. end del all in Ida
power to Ming hack to couschmsness tile
man lie Mid etruck ha an evil moment of
passion, and it is-sold wept bitterly when
the mall Ccitaed to breathe
After the death of Joyce, MCCleakey went
home and retired to bed, and when the
hence was visited by the pollee, a few hours
later, he mime out and delivered himself
into their hands and was canvas edto the
tombs, where ho now remains awaiting the
result of the Coroner's Inquest. Ile is only
eighteen years of age and is of powerful
build. We have known him as a peaceable,
sober, hard-working and manly young fel
low for along tinepast, and regret exceed
ingly that loan evil hour he has brought a
'world of misery about himself and a load of
norrow to his friends. Xvidently the kil
ling was not premeditated but resulted
froin what Jurists • term 'tan accidental
blow,' given in the beat of passion. The
duo eased was a worthy, sober and industri-
o an us di; s trrgera e i ai p sf . go t t r :e e rlTeg ‘ e . m 'r et Fr;
tragic rod. lie wax employed at the pipe
tranefactory of Emma Clow A Co. ,
Coroner Clawson yesterday morning lui
pamielled a jury is the case, and Lila In
quest will be continued tn. morning at nine
o'clock at the Meyer'. noise. Sir. A. C. Mar
dock made a peel marine exunination; and
found that the axis or the curs 'cal vertebrae
hal been dislocated. A bruise is visible en
the point of the Jaw where .the blow was
wank, and a alight, cut exists on the matt
temple, as If, in tailing, the deceased had
struck mime object-
All the part,. seem . ed be to sober, and
the best of feeling always existed, even up
till within a ter minutes ot the quarrel, be
tween Metilo.key and the
al l
he (titan.
den, the Innocent cause of all the i.....
It would appear, had for acme time paid
his&menthe. ton young girl residing sear
Two Mile Run, and Joyce claimed to have
won her favor to the exclualon of O'llan
lon. Repeatedly, of late, It is Metal. Jayce
had taken Oectwegl. when he would • see
O'llanitm, to laugh at him good natured.
&leen allowing himself to be beaten In his
affairs of gallaatry.
The eminence Is very respectable eonnect
eitmreonktf Venus ocumis.y,kaq.,oas, ot
our most esteemol and worthy fellow-citi
zens) and this Is the first time his name tats
ever appeared before the public as a trani
For rel vale a . .
No family Clll3 anent to d+ without
music. It 14 a luxury and an economy; an
alleviator of 2101 - 11,Ii Slid it spring of enjoy
mint; a protection agalnat vice. and an in
c iteimiut to virtue. When rlchtly Itu to . Its
eireets, physical, Intellectual, as moral,
are Fool, eery good, anti only good.
Make Louie attractive i—Musleatlerila a
means of Solo¢ this. kindly fechng, kno :—Music
*tit heti , to %Ills work.,
1:1Nco_oot. sugry 141.11ng ...— .. 51.11c 'lath
Outa.. toroothollui .V. 20 brewst....
ltc CVollotnical I—l•teasure, roc reatlnn all
mart hare, and no plea.sure COOIA less In
proortion lo liat ttl than how untie.
M p ake your sans
and .
,—Whet icrompllallanot, Is more
valnable Mans:noel.
VII your daughters to support IL cut selves
In the future, If need ha :—There has been
no Ono la many years when any young
lady having suffirient kuowled. to tench
In 0410 mol d not pleasantly earns respecta
ble support In that war.
VOLa sown may say. ..1 hare no ear for mu.
eta, nor have any of my family.. Probably
not one of you has ever tried It faithfully.
Perhaps your Inns had no natural "cars"
for marling, or. your daughters natural
hands for welting; and certainly unless
they bad learned these things they would
never hero born accomplished In them.
Strode does, In fact, come More naturally to
Most people than many other itecomplish
mento that are nest to universal' yet 'lt
It dors not come to all without touch time
anent in careful ,
The one nest meson, of introducing roue le
to the family, and indeetng Its cultivation,
to procure a good s
o apmui Instrument.
If none of your daughters n* eau play
at all, yet. If they hare a good Instrument
at bane. some or thorn will learn. In al
most every family this roll Mr the case.
Buy an Instrument, and try the experi
ment. fit ctereesls only to • very small.
extent, the out feta be repaid many fold.
Fur Ulla tollgate°. no Instrument presents
More attractions , than the Cabinet Organ:
eonsiderleg Its Its moderato riot and goner.
al coo ven fence, none Is so availabl e.
Too Introduction of this, instrument bas in.
deed added a moat important resource to
the possibllltles of home music; the boat,
most important of all music. .It is made in
such variety of stylea, and at such elite
range of prior.. as to halt the Coate and
means of all Chimes. home of the largest
sired Cabinet, Organs,--in elegant mem, Ave
hundred to Oh. thousand dollen, each, are
kmung the molt corollate pieces of men!.
turn I tuaglnablo. Thom at less prices are
worthy a piano to any drawing roots. Tod
plainer styles are only One to two hundred
dollars ouch, width the Portable Organs are
f urtl haled as low es seventy-Are
Ur. C. C. Mellor, is the exclusive agent for
the Simon and Hamlin Cabinet Organs for
Pittsburgh and Western Pennayl rants, and
always Itaa a splendid sock of them at his
warerooms, ho. el Wood street. 1r you
want to purchase such an instrumeot, font
decide until you hart neon and heard the
Mason a. Hamlin's—Send fur a circular.
/Supt post paid.
The Irokapeoodlot rellooy Case—lnfor,
motion Wade. •
In yesterday.. Gas errs we alluded to the
ctreemstanccs attending the pre...Minn
ofJohn McCoy a huckster, by Thomas
myna, for the larceny of turkeys, and hare
also recorded the fact of the trial, erotic
lion and sentence. The derolopraents
matte at the trial and sub-equantly have re.
salted In an information being Mite.
against Alderinuti Donaldson and James
Sillier, charging theta with compounding
felony. The information was matloyester•
dry by McCoy. yet lit prison *erring son.
truce, and Is, in substance That Thomas
Ryan. in January last, made en informs•
lion before James Donaldson, an Alder.
man in this city, charging deponent with
lha larceny of turkeya, upon which he was
arrested and taken to the When of said Don
aldson. and after a hearing committed to
Jail; afterwards he gave •r. Thomas J.
I:101,0er as ball for his appearance at
Court to answer the charge; that upon his
release from Jail lie deposited the sem of
three hundred dollars with Dr. nos.J.
(Whaler, as eocurity, and teat sehscquent
ly Dr.llalleher was released as bag. Jetties
hither being substitutml as bondsman. sand
Miller, upon 11. Written note from said Don
aldson, gelling the three hundred dollars
from Dr. Gallaher; that Miller proposed to
deponent to settle the case, and that ho and
deponent -stela to the onkel of aldermen
Donaldson for that purpose; that Ytller and
D.nnideon did than and there agree to set
, tla anti conneal said felony, and rplartiod to
deponent the satin of one headrest and forty
dollars of the-three hundred. after 1,3 y illg
Cant,. dc. Warrants were homed by Alder.
men Morrow last evening, emit" " . " 5 "
held for trial.
,Ilefore Alderman I.yrieb.
There were four informations made Lo-
rare this magistrate Yesterday, against
/dames 'Kline, two for assault and battery
and two for n breach of the peace. The
charges were proforma by S. Stain and 11.
t i
Lavin:mato o . They alleged, In their infer-
Mations, at defendant had tall violent
bands on t em, and also threatened to do
them men bodily hum, Mudded calling
them thlo es and other opprobrious eel
-1.14n5. 'On oaring. however, before the Al.
d mamt a oases wore ttled. the parties
Making n enough of money 'among them
selves, by mutual agreement, to pay the
Hoy el Co's. Now Hook sod Stoll-T.-
4,y !/tore, Lafayette lied Wise, No.
OS 'Wood I.llroeg.
Prominent among nal old and prosperous
business houses of the city which connect
the early history of trade with the present,
and stand as index boards to mark the
gowth of our commercial importance, Is
recegnized the book and stationery house
of Fay a. Co. Established sb far back in
the post as 12.10, it has steadily kepi pace
with the times till leeday, in its thirty-sev
emit year, it stands among tire most .proa
peroui within the boundaries Of our State,
and certainly hes few superiors'outside Of
those limits. By liberal enterprise; fair
dealing and a systematic coons of busts
'noes, the firm of Kay it Co., have sueeeeded
In building op for themselves a large pub
lic patronage. extending throughout our
own and adjoining States. Retaining all of
their Old custom and daily adding newpa
toms, their business of late so enlarged as
to require more ample and better facilities
for Its transaction- in selecting a' silo for
their new store prudence stranded that
they ahead not remove , from the - brudoeus
locality With which they had been so long
identineo, and accordingly they secured one
of the Una falosrOoma 111 the_reeen fly enc.-
led Lafayette Building. Thu commodious
vans room they have fitted .up In =mob
style, with all the conveniences and adap
tations whtub experience Migweeted ea or.
cutaway for their particular business, and
as dashed, It is without doubt ono of tue
most elegant book and stationery estabitit•
meat in the country. The entrance from
good street is through a wide doorway,
upon either side of which are the chow Wine
dowel, constructed from the very best quali
ty of ' , mode plate glass In immense panes,
and well maculated 'for a One display of
goods, and through which the pedestrian
on the thoroughfare gains a distinct view
of the graceful proportions, and the chaste
and elegant fittings arta:principal sales
room. On both lades of this main salesroom
are the casings for books, so arranged as to
present to the purchaser a series of parlor
libraries us it were, accessible to every
body, each hook located withinconvenient
reaching. distance. The shelves are ad.inetne
bin oil ratchets so as .to be made conforma
ble to the Volmoor covering them, and thus
prescut nu unique and harmonious
appearance. Hong the top of the shelve
lag rune a heavy cornice which Is neatly
ornamented by elaborately carved bmekets,
giving the whale a beatdiful appear
once. The framing or doors of the casing
are very neatly ocnstructed,encloaing large
panes of clear French glass, which almost
successfullydelythesighttodetect [natal' ,
thin g intervenes between the booze
is our
selves. Underneath the casings which run
nearly the fail depth of the store upon both
sides are double lockers ammo/red for paper
Stationery and miscellanmois articles. A
range of light drawers which are movable
with ease supply the place of the lockers
for a considerable distance upon, the left
side of the store, towards the rear and
are admirably adapted for the keeping
of light articles of stationery. The
counters on this door rest span light and
graceful cast iron pedals, and are of
the smoothest and ptettlest of black
walnut. They are alternately arranged
v iew f side of the salmroom, with a
view of affording tree circulation to cost..
niers, and avoiding co mfor t,
pa cramped
up space, where for comfort, guano Is neces
sary. A number of elegant anti:Welters (le
veed at intervals of spice from the coiling
and add much to the effect of the depart:
went. The painting of the main wood work
of the interior of the store is in highly pol
ished light oak and black walnut, colors
admirably adapted to the smoky atmo
sphere of Pittsburgh.
On the main floor in thereat . of the sales
room to located the Mese, a light and emu
mollous apartment well adapted to the
transaction of busbies. The basement Of
the store has been fitted up with every con
venience for the transaction of wholesale
business and storage of heavy goods. All
the packing, recoiling and snipping of
goods is carried on to this room, whims aloe
contains the heating apparatus, thereby
Preventing, In the upper room, any tame
mutation et (lost or tiooty deposits, an ad
vantage not to L. underrated In the took
selling trade.
We regret that wo have not at our dispo
sal sulticient space to co full Justice to the
novel and Interesting specialities of this
munincent house, but our mailers mast
pal ,t,e l , .. n a visit an
beeenee giudge for tits T ii:e . gs , .. oir
of unnecessary orn rn
amentation, and the
presucetif every eaaVenienee which could
lie suggested for the promr traminetion of
their line of trade, reflects the good Mete
and judgment of the arm In titling oh their
Without disparaging any rival house to
the trade, we Mast say that Messrs, Kay .t
Company o f taelhe
an f produ
cing one e f the bout adapted andneaten, Of the character to be toned
either Easter West.
Passing from the description of the attire
to the largo and well assorted stock con•
touted therein, our attention Is first called
to the fact, Dilate° retail salesroom ts dpri
ded off Into appropriate departments, ena
bling the TM retainer to examlntfor make a
aelectlon with 100 create...ease. In the ant
department to the loft on entering, a large
collection of nanny bound and Illustrated
bead. greet the eye, Mulatto/. within its
aome of tile mad, beautiful speci
mens of book.making, Matted frart , Lbe
American and English press.
To enumerates small pentane( the works
here found would exceed the limits of
our Roue. The Life of Ilan Symbolized In
the Days of the Year, The Artist's Edi
tion of Irving's Sketch Rook Isore , s Don
quizote, the illustrated Jean Ingelow, end
the Festival of Songs, all give evidence of
the degree of perfection to which • this de
partment has attained. In standard litera
ture the editions of both American and
foreign authors issued atom the American
Mulls. during the Mat few years, rival the
beat egorts of the most oelebrated English
It has been the aim of Kay it Co. to glue
due prominence to this department, and to
apt In developing the increasing taste for
the beet editions of the favorite anthem.
Here may be found, in all varieties of bind
ing, the colour-Med Riverside editions of
Fittairesoearc. Lamb, ktllmao, Ma
matey, Carlyle, and the Household
Eitttlons of Dickens A Waverly. Gmet
Whites Shako-pearl , . the new and
beatittful edition of. Edmund Burke, the
Boston edition of the Poeh and nenterom,
others whose names tiro familiar to the
lovers of good book..
The various departments Of History,
Ping rarely, Arts, Science and Belles Lettres,
are here fully represented, enabling the .
purchaser of a single volume, or a whole
library, to have his particular literary taste
gratified to Its tallest extent.
The Legal Department of tke Book Trade
has always forum's prominent part of the
baldness of Um firm, and It Is their baton.
tion to still further increase their oaten
tire collection of all the leading law petit'.
cations required by the protession.
Their Legal Blanks have a wide and eon.
Manny increasing reputation for the care
ful manner In which they are arranged and
the superior quality of paper sn o w inch they
are printed.
A . large space is devoted to an extensive
collection of the most approved works on
medical science, to which special attention
is Mom.
We will briefly mention here that all the.
leading new issues of the press wiltbe found
on the suelvet of hay A Co. es soon as posst-
Me after their publication, and that they
limy careful attention to all special orders
for Amerle to and foreign books.
Want of specs compels as to briefly enum
erate the reinampig branches of thin large
establishment. They consist of the follow
ing departments:
school and College Text honks, compris
ing all the pepular work s now In use .
Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and
Hymn Books. Foreign and American,
Fancy and staple Stationery, Writing
papers and Plank nooks. To the
teollthe of the litter to order they pay
special ettell tine and bare deservedly enc•
flooded In creating a great reputation for
their superior work.
It might be here remarked that hay S. Co.
have a large Jobbing and wholesale
.trade, supplying the wants of a largo num
ber of r tlealem In various sections of the
ct . The conveniences Introduced In
this I upari went will greatly facilitate
the transaction of the rapidly Increasing
whol.ale ['wetted°, and indeed, for both
entail and wholesale departments, we
bespeak, under the now order of things. a
large Increase of trade, which we heattily
with the gem.
Eliza Iteed muds Information before Al.
Borman Lindsay yesterdiy against Edward
Donn ett, charging am with obtaining
boarding under false pretences. The case
was settled by defendant giving bonds to
DEW in tall the amount claimed by prosecu
• -Thus bath our reporter recorded the
action of his maelstracY. lames Liod!iy ,
Esq., In the mutter stated. A fair camp le
of the way in which some of our Intent.
gent Aldermen "torture the law," other
words, as we remarked a few days ago,
"make use of the criminal law to encores
the rolluction of debts." The idea of
mg bonds" to pay "boarding obtalomi en
der false ore tenses" is a new one. Look op
your "penality code," Mr. Alderman.
Attempted MUICIde.
outs .., h ,„ nu; egentleman residing
In the Sixth word, of this city, whose name
Is suppressed, attempted to commit suloide
by swallowing lattdanuni. 11 appears that
be has, of into, been addicted to the ton free
use of ardent spirits, and being reproached
therewith by his wife, !Acmee despondent
and attempted to take his life as stated.
His purpose war discovered, however, am*
a physician summoned, who, by the prompt
application Of antidotes, proventeet d e
ould-ho antoide from acoomplishlng his
purpose. declares that lie will yet enc
ored In dastroylng himself, as he has tally
made up: his mind do eo, on amount of Ida'
domeatio infelleity. has been hurried
Dal three months.
(Went, Arelenttargal Society—The
next Pilate Fair.
Tho Board of Managers of the Allegheny
Coemty Agricultural Soctety held a special
meeting yesterday, at which tiro following
members were present: Messrs. listen,
MeKelty, Keeler, Parke. Werner,
Young, Guy.'dennings, sod Brush.
Mr. Parke was chosen President pro rem,
and on motion It was resolved that he
should act in that capacity doting the
iseneo of Mr. Chess, the regular President,
who his gone to Paris as Commissioner to
the Great Ea - positron.
The meeting was called to consider a mat.
for of business in reference to the Fair
grounds, which was referred to tt commit
tee with power to act,
• - -
Mr. Parke submitted ecurespondence with
A. Boyd Hamlin., Esq., of the State Socie
ty, In reg.. , :to the holing of the nest
State Pair at Pittsburgh, accompanying
which was the basis Of an agreement us to
the terms • unct. which the Suite society
would consent to hold Its next exhibition
at this city. The . committee of the County
Board were vested wliltatill power to con
tinue the negotiations; which It to eon U.
dentlpexpeated will result rn Pittsburgh
being Selected.
The statement having been made that
Norristown bed been designated as the
point for the holding of the-next State
Pair, we are authorized to state that no !lo
cation has yet been determined upon by
the committee have - lathe matter in charge.
The Black Crook at the Opera Dense.
There mist be qualities of Wonderial at
traction to ibis prtice. called °The black
Crook," or it never could achieved so
marvelous sonorous as has attended Its pro..
ductlonereiyiehere throtighOut the coon
.try. Mr. Henderson has spared neither ex
pense nor painlitaking to. have it brought
out at the Opera House in the moat coma
pieta and splendid style. Ite has specially
ie \Yetis,
Missnf: rtali;ti L eTte k ;, fr . % ott n o n ,
and other lo ading members
the comps.
ny, who have done eo ranch to render mem
orable the regular season Just concluded,
for the purpose Of giving the fullest
effect to the dramatic ;anion of the piece,
but he has also Bet-urea the largest, and
most thoroughly organised corps as fetid
that has ever appeared before a Pittsburgh
audience. Tho leading interpreters of
terpsichoric nomination are Signorina
Jovetta, Mile. Marie Therese, as prouiere
&Inman:, with four lively leading corppheer
and-some thirty accomplished subordinate
devotees to every bewildering phase of the
poetry of motion. Of the scenery it would
1,0 almost Impossible to speak In terms or
adequate enthusiasm. erica optically rav
ishing etn.cts bare not been heretofore
ventured on In an y histrionic enterprise at
tempted on the American stage.
Rev. Ale 444444 Clark.—We bad the
pleasure of hearing this distinguished di
vine on Sunday evening last. Subject:
"The ringer of Goal." We have seldom. if
ever, heard asublect se ably handled. Ills
illustrations abounded in One sentiment,
singularly beautiful, yet Dm:itll:icing. show
ing unmistakably the hand of God In every
plant, flower, tree and throb: •
Dlvidends.—Out of the earnings of the
prod all months the Keystone Savings Bank
has declared a dividend of two dollars per
share. For the same period of time the Al
legheny Gas Company has declathd a Mel
dead of four per cent. on the capital stock,
and the Pitutburgh Instiname Company nt
the rate of fear dollars per share.
Mr.. Dr. Trevor; Irk behalf of the PlUS
barge and Allegheny Rome for the Friend
lees, seknowledgealhe receipt of 412,50, from
the concert of the “Ilaymakers.. it Is a gift
bestowed On a most worthy Inst , tutmn,
that depends. for its means of
Mg of Its benevolent ends, on the shoo
taneons offerings of the people of these
Mammal from sail.—John Lindsay.
alias John Smlth, and Gustave Patrick, com
mitted to All on the 111.icst. by Justice.lan
cey. of Lawrenceville. to answer a charge
of mallciems mischief, preferred by Sir.
Schad., Isere released from Jail yestordey,
the =attired. ball for their appearan.ibeing
. , ,
II will botteetti by an advartilement In
another column that the publication Of
Henry Ward lleecher , o Story is to be eom•
tneneed in the ...Vele York Ledger for this
Week. The Ledger has also secured a series
of erttele. from the Presidents of twelve of
the principal College. In the cougtry,
Demise of au Old Velerms.,fadirs
!VICO, as Old !soldier, died at lux reddenee
In Lawrenceville, on Saturdlr, aced seven
ty-two year.. Ile was a altiVO qf lontslann
and participated battle Florida wur, baring
a enthralled. Ills body wad embalmed and
placed In ttie Allegheny Cemetery.
Aia , mllll be seen by our advertising col
umns, an election for °dicers - ot the Mer
chants National Telegraph Company will
be held this atteruann, at two o'clock r at
the Board of Trade Rooms. Atoll attend
ance Is desired.
liteteased.—Albort. Martkb, cotutulttod
by Mayor McCarthy to answer IL charge of
assault and battery. was released Ire, jail
yesterday, the bowls required Pie bit ay.-
PeareeCe having been furnished.
• Tickets for Professor Tetedorm's Con
cert are for sale at KleberY,l22 Wood street
monument in tO be erected to to .
memory of Daniel S. 'Mckinnon, to Bingham
ton, N. V.
—A handsome dearer In St. Petersburg
named lirantzon , Is paid 11:.0,030. she la very
graceful. but to say- she dances on nothtng
would be absurd.
—A Cork paper eats that for many years
there has not prevailed morn destitatton
than at present exists among the numerous
poor In that city.
—"Have yon a Diamond Pickwick'' , insin
uated rather than asked the ethane Loring
of a young lady yesterday. ...Indeed, thave
not," she replied, "bit Alfred has certainly
promised me some diamond ear-rings..
—Somebody advertises for agents to re
tail • work entitled “Hymenial Instruc
tor." A cotemiximry olds: ' , The beat by.
menial Instructor we know of Is a gonna
widow. What 'she don't know. there Lino
use learning."
—Three persons, husbaed.wife and child,
living at Wenn , . France, were recently bit
ten by • dog, which they were accustomed
to cares, and which afterward 1619 found
to have gone mad. The wife is already dead
and the sta.° of the father and child leaves
no hope of their recovery.
—AlexanderDumas hes had himself oho ,
tographed on the same card with Allah
/seam !denten Heenan, and exhibited lx
the Paris shop windows. Theieare several
different poses of this strange couple, Alex
ander sitting with the Meeker' on his knee,
he In his shun sleeves, and Adati with her
arm about his neck, and other postures.
—A farmer named Alfred Hoyt killed his
neighbor, Jodah Stanford, at Dandas,
neseta, on Tursday, with an axe, almost
severing ills head ftoni his body, and cut
ting off both bands. Host then prooeccied
to the amnia and attempt.' to murder Mrs.
Stanford, tint she evaded him until her two
sous rescued her and suited the murderer..
Hoyt says he Is glad he killed the old mart,
and family sorry ho did not kill the old wo
man. - A quarrel respecting cattle running
at 'argil was the cause.
F 103122
El/IE-1127 :Oh. at ht. ro.O.lenro. No. E,,la-
Tool. lorevs, K, ay. 001 *a 1.1)112, era., in
seyenly•afth yaar of his sae.
Notice of (were] la to•morrow tooralrg'.
Ito. ICC Yuarth etre". Pittsburgh. Pa.
COFFIN:: of al. ninds:Clts\ CES, U LoVES, and
every descr:ptson of Funeral Wurnithlny Hoods
fordisbud. Rooms opened day and night. Hymn.
and Carriages ferule:lrd.
ItgrKnericin—itsv. David Kerr. 1.1. D. Lt sr.
D. W. Janabns. MD., Thomas Erring. Ern, Ja
c .I.U. Wile?. ►so.
• Kau AND EMBAI.2.IIt, soccessor to the
late Samuel K. Rodgers. No. 20 'Ohio Street,
three doors from tearer, Allegheny City. )4.:-
ltoorwond. Mahogany. Walnut end Sore
• ood Imitation Kne11..., at the lowest reduced
pricer, Ito..rua open.. all holm, day and night.
lieu.. Idol Ciarrlazes fernlthed on abort ...hie
and on roost rrason.ble terms.
it T. WLI/TE
.& CO., ,xocn
ter, Wnal's Run and i ; leillt7. Cottle, Maw:neat
"" litrte l Ll'eel Etanlr, turn". Stir:field ea.'.
Chniters eirttle. lieu es and lierricacte fur
sashed. -
beautiful 'ltloa's-acre." the largest subur
b. plate of arbolcbre, ererpt our, In DIU cou.u.
iTt.alltaci on Ng , . Brightnh road, lirmodlatr
ly north of AlltatlerlY. For bora , lot. , lo. 4 toltt
or Mies, call at Central Drug atom of COOL
CI,ANKY, rilleshen,
BROWN CO.. 116 B.lmarittu bahlat.
Oppo.lln the r.straMce teen. o llbuldot male
tZT4r,P,fin , a S n , MI L IT 4 rt. " 6 II : - Vl7l ' et&
Wtudom Mamie. 6 SO and upwards. Colored
Ott Cloth. But, ollsod. Mal.. 1660. Otto
man. Mlnd and Plante Cords and Tunis. AIL •
aL tne mane Mr, on hand or made to order
One Moot of WWI. Sod Callao
se., for delatteMeit'a Weal. nblet
I . ntaerl '
AI (zo • 4:1
AND GET ONE la TklEll3
Nrenetian Clocks„
Delivered to your homes free of dune.'
Guaranteed for One rear.
. 6 Wylie 84, 341 door from
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
No. ST4 x.rßairn' Brash,
3Pittnierass - 613., Pas
WO- 'Particular attentionßiven to Bemiring
Witte... Clonal! and Jewelry. AA work wan.
rann••l •
Immense Spring Stock of
Balmo. als,
Gaiters & Slippers,
lic)c>r) SEl3mirtiso
55 & 57
TO -
, 491E1. C:1 0 ( 13
s 9 S 9 Jf/arket area,
S 9
Is 9 JAS. ROBB, SO Market St.
;S9 S 9 89 S 9 89 S 9 S 9 89
t I •,-)
'of the WU EEL/It. a WI LEON BE W 1111.1;:
'MACHlN',irt'sr all others, for famlly.t
um and gen rsi purposes, are to vr,ll es- ;
rablls bed and in generally admit:ea, that '
an enumeration of their relative excel-I';
:tamers is 4 longer considered stereos-11
'ry. Teel , ais simple, durable and boa...
day dlsywreed or his entire 'stock of BOOTS AND
13110tS to Hr. JOY. IteCALL, who will cantina*
the bosthesa at the old eland, 331 LIBERTY
Thankful for the'llberal patronaao beislofore
to my e.neeessor.,,
Prrrsuraort. — Apill Ist, lata. ap15:3.43
Noa. 135 - and 137 Third street,
Straw -Goods Cleaned or :led.
Practical Furniturelaannfactarera
as.!.ett etaleanf FiTALNITiIrAIt uzaziant:lr
HAIR W01:1:611 AND PERTIMIL/1. py
Fourth Oa, rt. one door from lvno.l. riltstnart.
Amway. on tom.l a ofen.ral affortment of La
dles' 1.; I.s, Bands, Curls; lientlemen•• Wigs,
Tope,. Scalps. Huar d (Mains, Ifratelets, 'de.
If s
A lr. good prico In rub will Ow given for Italr,
1.1411¢e till 013%kt:ten's hair-M1.14g doaatra
Lb! eteatiqa mann,. altl2llr6;
No. SO TOCIITU filiApoll 14BuI ,
'I EU H NsOO, .luur In Ao} stykc
L. J. 111.1LNCLIARD & CO.,
IR. 4 0 0
. 11.
296 Penn Street
Manufacturer. or
....t.„,....vx. .trztzi,
Zit.. 13.7. SNIT SPIEL STBILICT:, sna
_._.! 4 1 YENS STIIE T.
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