RY GOODS, TaibiIIIINGS. INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRIM SKIRT, THE IVEY, MU'S FOE Spring, 1867, W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Olt DOUBLE SPRING,' SKIRTS, IVr i g','2”l/1`,1.;! 41,°:Ne`g'irelt 'Nes:lll.'! - 4.* 111 YEAS. FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALEAT LT all the loullnit Notz on and Orr Goods Float" In PlOsburch. Also, LT Bole Owners of rat.; and Xxclusree Wren, WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 91 Chambers Street, MU= ME= j (ST OPENED, ➢IACSUiiI• & CARLISLE do. 19 Fifth Street, An elkatut au.orhuout or ' Sun Shades and Parasols NEW ?SUITORS AND TRIMMINGS, INGLIBII EOM AND fiilU NG HEBB =I THE BEST KID GLOVES "ss.rAL.x=a.- Blrgx.vvro3. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS We liars Jail opened a tali' line of all slava and colors of the celtorated "SS" Kid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair 7 We are sulliorleed to gnarantte every pair of thegloves le. Should they r tei tear putting no, they can so he ezetinnged for l a p another pale. MICRO' & CARLISLE, No. 19 3P11113. Eittroot. INLEINV GOODS. DAILY ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. MACRE% CLYDE & C Si nu, sett-Finish Jaconets; Nainsools, Plain, Striped and Band; Aliriennen and Potted Vainsaols, far Waists; Bufaimss and Frill nos'_, heolei and Bamberg %bait fine assartiant; -Real Paint, Valencia mid Thread Latta: Ilandlerehiefs. late, Embed. Hemstitched S Phi.; fattish Itibbon% :11 :Laths and shade% Fall Line Coldred Valet Psibtons, tiers elide; Birgle Fringes, Trim:Lions S Buttons. newest ityles; Vine assortment of Ladies' English and German Boiler! and Closes; - FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID CLOVES; SPLENDID ASSORMENT PARASOLS. Full Line Furnishing Goods, ALORRISON'd STAR SHIRT'. fit ....named. 0011.91:T3 AND moor :Km is. goo: makes. Ear.Jollobtrig trade t err ed lattlfally at E. Takes. . • 78 and SO Market Street. _ _ N EW GOODS '1 NEW. GOODS I JOSEPH HORNE'S dc CO'S Hiring mtdo seciid "AMU. to our already large. ta. of SPRING GOODS, `ye are Prepared to offer Inducements, both II price and assortment, In Itinbrolderies, Banditerehlefe, Ul "'""1, 1 I l e " TielPfgrl r rimsninka , a Colored anal Velretltlbbons. putt/tare and ClenelLare, Stool Thread and Bolster Loo e . Cersr.. i tle s l l t 7 l4.File c kTe . s r. and Belts, Ylr. Upon Pans. I ' Ladles', Misses' and (tents , Brrinsr Und , Wont. • Alo .; i : r 4 tT ,e I`Ll lnltsi Sid Sk In Duplex. Bing.. and • ' Llotgc ansorttaFtt of °:*.Birflererk. Fronts.N:g`al_rrr:si Mrl orson'a Mar Shirts, • e bp.raitlitig:.gortroVzklat Flower'. • • nroreamf.7:llll;l"th' s. OUR WfSOLIS.&L R 00315, tip trgrirAv. stairs. v tl i D endo their _ adt . .ti .P t 12,7 r m.. It t 4, I.7"''."` 77 and 70 Market Street. =I iSa SPAIN &. 1861. ARBITTHNOT, 'SHANNON & COMPANY, tswurrsirs kNU JOBBEEi Or Dry Goods and 'Notions Offer their large and attraetlre Mel , or NEW GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES von caeca. ,V 6,,,,,?" ONlVirt & S AMS, —(1-11-StITKVTICK.Y. CLOTtris.,CASSIIFEMES. COTT CU