The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 06, 1867, Image 1

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No. OS M. 121.13. REStscsett.
T. P. 110ES'CON. rd"orS'
ZtEuitm Business !Mamie'
Bindle Voyles ..«,....«...........•—.. mad.
Delivered by muter, (per week 5....... 15 cents.
Nall Bubscribers. (peryear).....,.._.. SM,°°'
Liberal reductions to Newsboys and dfentr.
Three Coplas, Der year. by min—.....-..S I 50
etre do. do. 40. 1115
'len or momeonten, to One eAdrers, and
one free 100100. teen 115
TOta Will
Find 81188141 U EstabLs client at . 138 Penn
street. Drs. 81113 Glll..
Monday of Dry
Flpecial OpeolnE
At thli nvir store of Confiner A Stewart, on
the West eorner of 2d Oka. and Fourth
streets. Gardner's only place of business.
An entlrenew stock' of . Drina . dry reofb;ro .
suited. 'lead imar pricoa nd buy new goods
frOM an antinomy, stock.' ... .
At 12*, oneOnso heavy GinghaTos;
A i 1.25(.e;0ne ease fine, wide ShirtMg muslin
At 12! , ,,c, oue Dalos - are wide Sheeting;
At liqe, one ease Prints, fast colors,
AL 12!i;e, ono ease Bed TlCk.lllg3;
At Ono bolo Linen Craell
At fifty dozed rod' bordored !luck:
At 1216 e. one lot Nola, Dress Goods;
A t 3;!;O: one 'Areal tlh o allte Plaids
.it S3,:A, real kiiinbuctlQuilts, all colors";
At Su and 02,4 e, Dann. .Table Linen;
At $7,00, $lO,OO, $12,50, 415,00, $16,0u, $20,00, and
$2L,00,6111‘ Sacques.,elepuitly IM:timed.
Cloth Sacques, the cheapest in the city.
At 4463, $1,11Z!4 and $1,.25, good. Black silk
Fre'rch ChintzesTpffdriard printed; Mar-
Organdies,. Pltnted Cambric?, Fine
Dres, Gem?, Clght Co,ored Alpacas, Black
I.nstres, Alohairs, Alpacas, Silk Popßeats,
14oen good?,Stik Sun Onbrellas, Kid Gloves
and a full line of Newp ry Goods, to offer on
Monday, May oth, at, very price?, at the
New Store, west canter 'of Market and
Fourth Streate,Uurilniled only place oebrisi
ness. Gardner :t sicwart.
Ilamall..Co4 Liver OIL
The Purest and Sweetest Co.l LVer Oil In
the world. untrtufactured• from -
healthy livere, upon the Sea-shore. It Is
perfectly pure and sweet. .131: for ..11ann.rd
4. Caswell's Cod Liver Oil." manulnetared
tip CpWELL, Idacir...4 Co. New York
Sold by KU druggist,. YM
ro Wholesale -
(If Dry goals we carer bargains to Job lots
of I 60010, rantings, Linen Goods, and
inillinfis of Riestings, §hirtings, Prints,
Tieicing, Cheeks, de.; all of which NITI 0111
sell at the vexs , lowest eastern cash prises.
. J. A% Co.
fa-Itartet street, below Third 8 Fourth sts.
- Cloth raid Silk - Snowmen.
Gardner Jr Stewart are showing a spien-
II id assortment . of these goods at rosy low
prises, at their new store, on the west ear
ner of Market. and Fourth streets. •Zw:ood.
Dress Goods,
Large sttel: ;opening this week; from 1215
upwanl2, New StOro. West. Corner
of Mar Set And Fourin streets. Gardner 4
Auotlipr arrival from New Yorir, qlenditt
Iron:1;10.00 op. Wcot eorrtur of lila,
kut and F.Tarett street. 4.. Gan:l:tent Stewart.
• adatilt
Beautiful goods, all colors, cheap, West Cor
ner Market and Mama streets. Gardner
Stewart. " mot •
Now goods 'as low 0441,00 per yard, West
Corner Marker. and Fourth streets. Ganl
uer.t Stewart.' st
Pare Drage!. • -
Pure Drugs!! Puri)* Drugs!!! Pure Drugs!
at Kan &Drult'epliegheiLY.
. to Fleuilog's Drop Store,
Fur the best White Lend in the
11nri et ,Crept.
You Can nai
lot sign L 1 Quota or an kinds at Joseph 5.
Ilnah's N0,7131.'151. 2 and DS
- Go to Fleinfroen Drag Store,
No. St Idorket Street, for Flax:loot Oil and
Turpentine. •
You -Can Bay •
99 per cent. Alcohol at Joseph B. Finch's.
you Can DU"
New hope at Joseph S. Finch
Telegranti to the Pittsburgh Casette.]
./ edge Kelly, of Bbilatlelphla, accompa
nied by Col. John N. Taggart, has started
fora Southern DM:liking tour, to occupy
about six weeks. He will visit' Nashville,
Memphis, Vicksburg . , and New Orleans, re
turning rio the seaboard. He will take the
stomp against L ull comers. provided he has
-the closing argument bf half an hour.
Ball to the aMouat of one hundred thous
and dollars for the reldase of Davis will be
tendered, Augustus Schell and Horace G
becoming securities.
The Judiciary. Committee have received
.authentic letters, showing that Davis was
tulip cognizant of the cruelttes and barber.
1,m5 rtraeticed. at Andersonville.
The whole reviin bordering On the Oachl.
to and Black rivers has been oicreowed by
tee recent Mississippi 'crevasses. and the
r:satlering and loss is incalculable.
John heighten, of Boston, a leading oper
ator in mining shares, has been arrested at
the instance of parties to New Turk, for al
leged embezzlement of fends and, over is.
see of stock. .
Ex-Provisional Governor Party. of South
Carolina, has written a:Maier letter against
calling a convention rimier the ml Mary act.
Ile argues that if called it will be the Bret
step towards a. general division of lauded
property among the riegroci- lie says it la
against nature and reason to suppose that
.an Ignorant majority wilt notpursue their
own interest, regardless of right. Thou
sanda of unprincipled will unite their des
tiny with the negroes tor the sake of spoils
and plunder. lie thinks it better that Con
ic Gels should confiscate the lands than that
snits dcgradatlon.hould be voluntarily so.
cepted, and sari he will live under a Mili
tary Government. no matter bow abk.olute
so d despotic, sooner than vote a negro war.
erneient for South Carolinuorhicli every
malt will do, who votes-for a Convention.
{le adylees every man tteo L not Memo.
chlicu, as no values his life, honor and prop
erty, eta the peace of society, to register
promptly, and to vote, endorsing On his
UM: et, 'No Convention: ,
The steamers rererle, Plmbrla, Cltyo
isealed for
Washington, town a
siring i Aunt! red
sop hpauldlog
Europe on SatordaY. t.
passengers.' Arthbish
In the i'ereno.
Thu iron clad lialatniiZoo, four 1101;land
tens, 16 ready for lanachlng•
Thu mansion of Mr. I!egran. at Jitmalen,
lien York, was .burned on Friday night
last. • Loss, sibooo. , A sCryttnt girl narrow•
ly escaped with her life.
Henry Ward lielachor rit,aly)oll3B the Holy
Lund expedition atter October.
• The 'Mobile Colored COnvention unanf.
'noway rewired that, It irktile Undeniable
right of neartieuto hold ofllc dlt ou juries,
ride in all public eOnveyaneeA, sit at nub il e
taldeo;and visit places of amusement.
Seventy ttnesand Garman). Itia Bald have
euguiod pasange by steam t. the United
;:t.t.,1,y. The'. new Trustful& conscription
law* are driving many to our eTintryi.
I ;
Order Gen. 14herld n Concerning.
oho Dirborremetit o Levee Bonds.
[By Telegraph to Om rlttat, rec. taistte.)
toe Ontrens, 31ny 4. go following Is
extract from an order I sued by tient:rail
Sheridan, yesterday; “To...relleve leo state
of Lon Islena from the Incubus of the guar-
rel now ,elaistlug between , the Uovernment
and Legislature, as to which political party
shall havethe illsbursenient of four mil
„liens of levee bond 9: a thormed by the i
ilast Legislature, and in rder to have the
, money di,dributed for the beat interests of
t the overflowed districts, all exbd lug or pro
tended beanie of levee cOmmlssioners are
hereby taboli{died, •and the. foll Owing CP
volatinents will be Oblieteed and respected
accOrdlngly , ” \. , • ,
•\• • .
f .
i F,, ,
so- .
More Indian Depredations.
Debt Reduced over Two Millions.
to Me l'ltisburgh Gaz:tte
A commnaleation has been received by
the ;Lurenu or Indian Aliairs from tieorge
W. Dent, Saperintemient of Indian Affairs
for - Arizona Territory, dated Laud - , 110
repot ta another melancholy ImI.SSLLerO
American citizens by the Apaches, of Cen
tral Arizona, en 'the of March. Two
teems, belonging toe fOtlfdiOlf Of 1.11/.iz,
turning front Prescott in charge of two
drivers and meouipan led by five other men,
were tired into with guns .by It party of
about, forty Apaches, mid driven otr. One
of the travelers was htll,l. The scene or
the calamity was uhmt tight irides ou the
Lopez side ot Date Creel:. Two of the trav
elers were woundo they, with the
two others, wi,o v,m u..hurt, escaped.
Tho Indians destroy ed pact Of the harness
of the teams, rilleul the - wagons, Out lon
oil - the stock, of eighteen
mules and four horses. Anoutthree hours
atter the occurrence .:mother train of wag.
ons Con. up, and, being prepared, attemp
ted to recover \ the stock. They followed
them to a canon in the mountains to the
north of the remit, Whey they were charged
LS. the Indians and repulsed, and the Indi
ans again made otr.vvith the entire booty.
After burying the Seal by the roadside,
they proceeded to town and reported the
foregoing. The derCredation occurred in a
part of the road heretofore regarded oafs
against hostility RT.lis allelltlOnal proof or
the increasing bp i. nose of the APacheS.
Mr. Dent further rites that by a recent
order of the commanding military ofileer,
military patrol wit h he stationed hetwcou
here and Date Creek', anti the ciliclimcy of
the troops will 1.1 tested. It is believed.
but not reported M1....A11y, that some of the
young ince of the Yampats and Mojave,
will Join with the Apaches in their •depr.,
dations, and such vi the larength of the
sentiment and belief that should soul a co
alition be proved, the. whites would retali
ate on toe trieMily River Indians rail .tc
r.fice them merellessly.
Total debt. Amount in the
Treasury In coin, 4114,=3,41.1,tr.b do currency,
att1,1a,Z4i,24. Total In to Treasury, 611,,-
, 209,002,=. Deducting thia from the total
debt glyea the amount of debt, leis cast In
the Treasury. DI comparison with April
let, the debt bearing coin Intcreot hat In
creved $11,:21,7Ca; the debt bearing, curren
cy Ink tvcat hay decreased 01.1PA,17t , . The
matured debt un presented lOr laymen: baa
decreased sattt,llS, and the deft briatng no
tutereet increased $11.,:+15, - 2.A making tin
increave total debt Et.ial,:2l. the coin has
increased and the currency de•
creased 4.l:mt,tltS,Us, leaving the amount of
I debt. lead castvin the Treasurys
-lees than On the lot of Aprtl.
Following k the det-ttle.l statement:
FIVC perCcnt.BornlH.. c•,
{47 perceni..ffemehreTWlntzTVlßS
clap, cent.
tlx per calk
Navy rt..1132011/amtit. -
' Tvtal
11tIA1:1IVli il - C.11.11N: INT111:1,T.
.11r per rent. 110010
Tlime year corr.pd No,s
'ate yrar 1-31) Notes
Mathrtd pr,Len:‘,l for
sm,annt '
_ .
IIC.1.11:NCI !.0 15 15 ..!0,1 - .
Currcucy, .. • , •••• 1•••
Livid I.:cillOcates CI
Lon' nes
Amount o
Tyf dont. less rnsli In t,
Secretary Seward had a reception for
tnembera of - the Diphamatic Corps. The
wife of PresidentJaarex, being In Weals
legion sojourning at the Mexican lezatioe,
Was Invited to :Ida reception. •It Is said
her appearance on this OcC ai!oa elicited an
ranch attention as the Japanese uni,aa,a
dors themselves, the actuut..clrciimitanl
see of Mexico, and the pereltinged attend
ing tho reception being . such vi to wake
her presence on the occasion suggestive of
grave bonbiaeration, to European ndlndi
The President appointed to-Aar and
signed the commission of Samuel Match
ford, as Judge of tile :Southern District of
Now York, In place of Judge lif.tts, whose
Letter of resignation was recelvwl. The
reason for the resignation of this gentle.
man is assigned to be the increased °Mini
duties under the Bankrupt Jaw.
Thp Justices of the Supreme Court met
to-day to finally approve the rules or Prac
tice and procedure ha bankruptcy. The
whole machinery will he in rewline , s for
thu commencement of operations oa the
drat of June.
s:rwtx Ovirren To run
The Secretory of State glive ft Stele din.
'tier this evening to the Japune.,
dor. Members of the Cabinet And their
families were admitted to meet them utter
• NM. Jay,. DAVIN IN iIig • CITT•
r:A—left Daila la at the houseofDr. 1111-
ler, v. Usre alto bad a long consultation With
'serer:Jr...wirers laSturenlng. •
Ex-re,,el General 11111 IN berg. . .
'lteeolpil of 1nt.,611t1 kevenuo for the
week were rweer.emenu.
.VOTEILA Ituoo,rminn
.ILogielor4 for tho 1 , 1 , 1.n0t of colute..,la.
have received colored, and .7. , p7 v. late
ility Telegraph to the rittiburell us:trite.)
11,, May l.—The following Is tilt,
: voto for Congressmen; as polled to w i o y
Deck, 1r27; Darwin. sent'Al VO, it%
,Drown, liailical, linty about tr....4MM,,
of the precinct vote wan nollc,l., bitty —Tho Longres3lonal
electtOn pittoteil off quietly. Aso Grover,.
Stato lttgltta Democrat, rv(rell'l,4l,4ooUL I ~,X)
majority in the city. Del urns trout Otl we
points in tilt' Fifth Dnitrict mini ntobnhly
,veil tip) majority to 3,it.0. J. it. I.nott. In
the Fourth, anti Joseph li, /hal:, In 'the
Seventh District, State Eights IhanocrutAi"
areproimbly elected
-1.0U11,11.1.E. May I, I 0 r. tollowing
is the full vote: tirover. Democrat, g.tife;
Jacobs, Third party, 1.537; Bartlett, Depute
Dean, 'Drover's majority In Ott Distriet
will exceed The vote in Um city anti
county is very small. Thu retorgs Indicate
the election of Um Democratic c,: dealer
by a majority greater than Din:ants loot
tone. la propjritiorito the cot., 05St. t Ili
"Y or two istforti anything is hear)
from the and Sinai Dblitcts, winch
are coutesteil.
Tho Phi's:l4,lo2lo Cr[oho! Jrlatch.
l'intasnecrnl, May 3.—Thn cricket matcb
was resumed Trio toting AMerleii,
CLID, In drat 1 nologr, noor.l' 10 , , PiWade'.
Om Club, In 100001 ecorokt 10.4
YoUnlCAmerlca, to seccao innlno, with
four wlekets•1011,11, econ 4 Tue game
'rill Do flashed on )4 oudur.
Coedlawomtion at Rochester, New York
—Less of late-11.1s1 of the Nufferers.
Ity Telegreoh to the. Pltashoeth't) sect: e. 3
iiotnes . ran, May 4.—A great lire oceurreil
tills morning, involving a loss of over Sleee
Ow. The tiro began soon', after uutlnlght
and continued until eight this nornlng,;
when It was checked. Palmer's Llook.M
:ilatn street, and several Stores adJoluingi
were destroyedinlio all of the is asningtoli
11.111 block, In the some street, the latter
'large undsdegant. W hen Its - immense roof
tell is this morning three sir more wen
were buried In the ruins. The charred and
Mangled banes of J oho Pike, Barry ForeeP
er and Joseph %Verrett was taken from the
ruins end conveyed to the dead house. It
Is now feared several other persons perish
ed and further maireh is being made for
. . .
• •
The • following' Is a list of the principal
SU'Teter.: Jain., rainier, owner of block
Rod stock of l'lcrothen,i cos, lost .Xi.00o; In
surance SSA.. Lees of-Monroe Etat..ll oh'
Inottiou 4.7 Insured. A. S. rendry,drult
store. loss 61U ,U 00; insured. , .1. ratiaul,lol4s
On boons and e ff ects ss,o,kk tenured lolly.
Washington Hull black, Jab,. Collins. of
Hertford, owner, leant. s,o00; insurial4l7,lse.
thin, occupants of _the Milbank - enacted
.ingot loomed were mostly manned.
Grain Elevator at Chiral:v. Aliened—
Luau sll'lnEtilltl—Firetnan
lly Telegraph to the ritttintrxe (tatted , : ,
ClituAno, May A.—Elevator A, nu Six
teenth street, belonglibt to 'Armour. Dole
Comcauy. was destroyed by lire
I.eds Cce,tsei fully covered by insure.e.
Elovelor Ii tultgbt tire several Sluice, but by
Me exertions of the tiremeit damage was
prevented. ''rho cause or the was 1111•
Lnown. six Oreteen were buried in the
reins last night, three of a bout were taken
out alive and but little Inj lat' i the others
were dead when loony. _ •
Another Fire nt FlAleaxo—lneenalE
Coo - AGO, May J.-1/olfluan IVOiss'
ohlnc , l/op. near -lamr; atreet, between k.a
-.114.2 :tad Watot, Waii deatroyea by lire last
night. I.osa about 4U.; Ilisurauee &L s .°.
- Thu general Impreasfun now Is that the
burnt In; of Armour, Dale & Co.'s elevator,
yt,tertiar wr-statu,ied lueen
.l hal y. Li:attain Lad not been occupied
or two mouths. Thu contents of elevator
Raj Ul 0 consltleralay dna:Mt:Olt by
water; lara tnLLL, lies nut, as yet, been tts
C01,01:D, N. 11., Slav 1,—,,5.1m0n Harris &
Sows store Lwase st l'lstLori . llle, was burn
a,l thle IllOrtlit.:; ion partially ins
Fire at Eureka, California
SAN IoAN, 1, 0 &lay 'Oro at Ek.kreks`
April dc.tro) a. block At bUlltllrgs.
Satiefesetery Settlement of the S
IMassenger titer Quetstlons-Let ler Irons
Gen. Sickles,
linsr.trelos. May I—General Sleirles
Written the hollowing' letter: Dr - or Mc. 1
1100,1 great pleoeurc in acknowitisiong the
receipt, of your communication of this aithe,
transmitting the reeolut lon of the Itourd of
lnrectors 01 the I:hark/non C.lO Italinay
to, by s blob ft Is declaired the careof the
conatemp are 0.0 le the public old that
tire - right of all persons to ride therein is
rouge iv,. I trust this action of your cora
l/any will be mimes:toted Li Mutt:: h}
You hove mums ea an OLl,l,,ltin for uollisloit
And E11...0h - der, and. you have added I furl Ler
IPhatle iceilmenv of the stispOsillOn
011 hr . o Pit 6 01 t -00:12 to accept M gad
faith the legitimate consequences of entrees
C seal do tor the colorml rate. In the coma ss
Mon 01 a common Mont to share tholprivlles
gem con/erred for the bernolt of all, Cairene,
000 hare discharged your ploutisliity in o
manner most conducive to public interest.
It it the more:Tr:Allying toece the cintens
theuiselyee take tuntative ityasurea tend
ing to Promo:nl tranquility, concord and
Peter. thou to Pint my self eremtratnsol to
exercise authority to secure end.,
yint, 1 litre not yuililcsl to the nepotism c
or tliv, who d, etri it to pints this
npon the attentiorrof the military author
tilef, feeling conndent that in tlll4, at la
other ,illlllni 1.001 more , .SAll,actury
utoll)truldnell% SO:U1.1•011 would IN: 'L01:111,0
the involuntary notion of the,,: most Inters
titled 10 doing milk lattice to the fmed
ni l um, sir, very rc.9.,,,rn,11,.
_ .
- •
[elgne•l•l P. I:. :•e•rtr...
To Jot. Pre:Went iolty
I:Atiway•Cowrany. I
Vessels flisred—Nernils Stole Prison
Darned—lndlois °wirers/ In Worn,
67 Tilegrarta to Lee rites berre
SAN FISANCIIWO, au; Clextior the
T4,o4Gitrv.for Liverpool. iv Uhl 1 - J sucks
of iv Leaf; "itarlih rot Liverpool.
e Ph 21,10) sochu of wheat, null barrel.,
of tour; Istirlenv. for k earetoutb, »len
21.100 vivo k of w belt.
The iievada Sir - lePrison 'a as dratrnved
by lire on the let of May. Loss $10,'10:+.1. None
of the prisionera escaped.
In the cam of Thornburg agnumt. t 1.4
,Igo Mining Company. t!o , Jury rendered.
verdict. In favor of the defendants.
late blithe advice, represent the Indians
as cornmatiox ntonorona outran.,
General nurtiling and C. Trunaau, Spe
cial Agenta of the PortonteisAlepartinent,
tsr rived from Arizona ye,tenlay. Governor
AleCo_rinlck leached Prescott on Apriltth.
General Gregg main a vile.. .lei raid on
tile 10.11110,
l:o.neral 'lancet: haagono on a dying rP.M
to sombre. Ile intomilvij [Linking an extelei•
rd tour to Arizona , but 0n...E1... 1 e.
bliaiigol lion plane.
The Tell°. Jactet mining company de
clared a dividend of fifty dollars per atiarc,
payablo on the tenth.
Holler Delo= Di.ponscil Ender the
Conurooalonni Appropriation—Rob
ert Toombh Accepts the Situation.
IBy Tyisgrsi h tLe tisratty.l
Ncir yoetZ. May 4.—The Ifrrold'a Bimetal
nays =lt active intasnroa have hornadois.
tai to dispense relief to the tutu of taw
auuth under the Congressional apuroprlis-
Ifq.i of frislPsJ. For livorgia taintreets for
npu liusliels of corn and . 27.isai pounds Of
hoer,n and pork have been made, and for
Alabama 3”ys) l ave haun t
corn, Wad
inund 4 of ,
pork neve Imam shipped. to
Idle. 24..0 bnaliels of torn have been aunt
I(sith Carona. In Loulabuta, North
Larultna. and Tenneasity. theye an/ twin,
ulte 'so much want, lestar uliabiltles hay.
hewn furrilataid, but sailleleut toy Meet raid.
Robert Tonialii, of (Scoriae, Mai, recently
written u letter aeceptinu thealtuation, and
sa(flati:• °No true petrwi. If..e tooth s ill
forsake Ills native land. I.eo 'as remain .
hwy. end untteavor, by tht floor of boa, to
unsv.-a-up one canto (mecca°.
The Elgtd.lloor4 Work
Pdrtfully IternmedDillirvlt Under the Pro•
teettun ut the pollee.
eleersplt to the l'ithbargn
CIT.. woo hay .1 —No riotous demonstrn-
LINN be ahn trlkera arc lypOrted toslay.
Cquatls of polka: are otationtal in V.l.,ut
parts of the city, out potter their protection
work it collie of the inanUntetwalthr estab
lishments Is partially resumed, under such
temporary arrange: m.lO * Call be made
to:rwetat Ina [turtle , : in teretted. Nu labor
any COnmequenco is• twang perfor mud at
either of 1110 railrOs. , l chops Or height dew
0,110. Nl:Clings were held in Vitriolic parts
the city last night by hut strikers,. at
which rct.olut ions ',cruse:opted insittink on
the recognition of eight hours as u ,•ol
'TI - ay , * work, dcprecating till) 001$ Of clot l
en r eo
ountll led by hair fulledy•wori ep ttnen. and
xpr a e,Jng: a willing/it:sib ill act night
hour* ply for et at hodrs labor,c
I Pty Telegraph to the I'M/burgh Gasitt,•:
Sr, lop te, Slay I.—A eal•le .1:11htlell state
the Ltopotor of lira,' 1104 hle,liehet
clever> , t lircetwhouf his amnion, ,eh ildrel
to attain the ir Iroodolo on reacfllng
Ltigoty-011 ,. . •
Dnfl• Ilabenio
fly T.:it:graph to ttr• i'lti•bursh ha/Oar.
l'orts Nina itoe. May 4.—The liubc,a MUM.
VlVelf deep 111011 . 1. L itt Norfolk. Ike
military watlloritlua bent are riot it flytted
hat action has been lithen.
Itiver Teirwrann
to the liittsbutgli
hoer. May I —Meer Ming sitnelY.
with e!,;, of_ vrnter in the canal by
' rant fen, which was 111=0 11110 , 1041 111 the
—The world is erugy for Minn% Thorn In
11 00 portent In a th0u...1 who ditroa lull „„„. o „,di n , country.
!wl: on log real, oimple self, for pow.r to .
irot through th,. world. end ex enyoyinont FROM Bosl ON.
, he
along: Them Ix 00 much living
In Mo s ...yea of oth.r•poople. i n „ 0
eml to, t ,t e l: 2 l, •: b o u n:o
L I , : 1 0 1 to
liglitem,l movie:them wt, Imo
hothoae thileou nonyg, bine, 5.--Lelgliton, the broker,
you consent 10 jOlll 10 the Cranial "eat, wan committed to Jell laat evening. lath
there Is 110 000111 for yOu 111110041 the grout rro cer , helm, ,e;ai on the writs
1111 l ormondem. If Is man derv,. to live nerved on him by th e flutterer fiaoht
within lib, lumina, zed 14 rwolitto In his rr ge uthi nanu Two other
rose not to nopoar 11101 . 0 1400100 really is, couthinlnta wore Coo boll , ell 011 by inn
lot. him ho Thorn tenomething States not for and
frooli n- :Worming In nneh an example. abetting Julian F. ilurtwell In uttionot
and 0-e ehould honor and uphold snob • to enthogrle clo,UoU In Ilnitod Motes tome.,
lean V/Ith 0.11 the unuric7 In our Dower. Hartwell Doing til.l 1.00 1.0110 ngont lit the
United Mutes. On the latter charge ing
...Tpo Journal of (kr7nmPret thinke the-in- ball was Claud nt amool. imighion njuitty
Mintage companies hare now got. tilt, rates the poor-howl of Franklin Alining atorye,
too high, anti that the effect will be the but denies lilt rasponsitillity for It, and de.
, i tertlng of 101 01 nor andweak gOmpe.- glare, 1118 readitionn to meet a Judicial fu
-1110. VC51•11‘141/00.
':_7."-_ -• \ 47) , , s__ :____ c / V..-- 7 , ~, : ,
~,----.,......___41). i 7Bu W' v - .
-. 0 07" . "'"4!•- "-- ' - '---.' .-
^ ' '-'-
._._ , , _
-_. ' 4 ' ' " 't-7, 't , `'''' "•''' --,<, ''', ---:'-
- ':' L .— Ti i •
-==.--pie -' ' ' -;;;;.., ! ..... . Iva ..'"--427r ..- " . _ ;;:.• , _- - k -.
/- . - `-'-'''- 4.-Z.b.:14,.:.2.,' -'*--'...
7 --,--:.-;•<.-- -e .--" - - -- --' -
, 1-
The Reform Question
Precautions Against Riot.
News from the Continent
to:mei...lloy I—Eueniny.—Eutiaorilinary
[mutinous are belne taken by the ant her
les to {ottani agintist sue poLeoble violent ,
einoustrallon on tee occtot.o of the pro
mil reform turtling on Neigh,. Net
lthstantlith; them tueusurm L,11,115
rehensionii are felt, uml II itttelr. market
toted considerably deprni,a,l ho eon.,
MU) . 6.— . 11 , 0 0,1,1 01 1'11b,i.4
•Illphiltl nut FrAilte i1..11“,.:111,ing her
UlUiry pt,paratlol.lJ.
Ir. H. NS ISN,TIIIt AI TAIT - 3'OlN: 0:—.11.
BCIILIX,Muy 5-4;(11:. Wr:zbt, L. A. Mtn
rkport.i.4lta pGi,,t .I,At h.
Is"/”., May S.—!tubs end n1.4:01111
tobo represented In the pe.,u Condrets, In
addition to the otter a rto,:uuvly
FLCIVirg, May S.—Chnvalliie
formerly Muth.° Ittinbder to the t duet!
State, has been appointed .Viiihavbador to
the ,ibitine forte.
:tout en 6i 'T.
l't' r . -:out, .114 y 5.-1 he .truu,.ip .1:-
from Morton On the Itth, uri ivtul ut !I
port Mud proccodol to 11vvri.d•
*learner Ifolvetta, trout Nt arrived to.d.ty anti talli..ll, I.t.
FIS.INCI.II. AND 0,51.111.1:1.1AI .
CT, May ca.
Lies lusod ac
ArrviLar,' May 4—Everuart.-o,troirt:at
closed MI It franc.,
EILA:6LIFOR.T. ito4/
qouted on to-day.
(I) If,tl I
The Ite•lgunilock of Sir. laral•Mne an
the Liberal Leader —Mounter Reform
Deannamtraalosa an !Stem lantas rat
-Tabu Helnlit Denounces the neon eta.
Anmat Wail rallagisen Mr. l• Manion,—
eaber aeusanslenlamt at Leean—
lneatinental walterw—lroath or Dr.
nitiasateue DlNcredited.
Npw YORK, 1W :•.—Tht! • 1 , 111 , 11iP!! !!!,!!!
Tom ',outwit:lwo:l, .1v:11 !, !o!,1 .ty
. . .
res,.., (Foil Lavarpuoi 240.1 Anti
•rr{sa{ tu.4l.ltv.
, .
. Mr. Wa , :..toar, in a irtter tr,-
iiindrrsttpot can orpt,t:on,,r, a It! r• ••
mos e tue amt.:awn: a locr, r••
nOtlt.r; old gladly
wen a Liu ail: forward
he 0111 app: 01,!. ,
Tat. Thur. aqa Mr. e.1a,1-01.1c
licosree IL to Mu. I.lLtrrnd party lk!r ,
u:ato 1t Imdcr.
TLo 11.,CMI S SIOSIC ag,l,4t yrmv
gait Ization in rrainvn
Tbn tsoir2oll itetchtrrilt .CCAPT ml :en
20th of May.
• realailtispaihtinsinenr flint
nistie shy warllko tintiot
ittivitrtn tins not htnitt
tttinfetierat inn
, .
. . .
'rho royal fatally of P ,, rirrgal wry, ca
Isit to ure Quern of ararn, wor. atoll I r,
o Part...
The 1 nitelhmt, , ,onheel han-M
o Cahehrom,.llherl , 5:31, fur M
Marshal Ferry wrh, roree:‘',7
In fu,:,
beta .mownlcalcvl
• • • -
tonn hgland, Resale. aml to the 1'
Ctrahiln's paper bi /Mr,. comfit:inc.'
atitunlate the war Mellow In', tab. ,
'lnc bor”rie t , f
an all lance latorron iteasia,Pliefom
and Italy.
11,e London Irietre 1110 arlArin nn!., s I
vague rumor that 1 ram.. Lila halo IA
eotteduded an ottenstre and delver:ye
treaty, but deemt It finfonntled..
' English lam - hale. generally refer. , to r
gaol Mr. Miadttotieet letter at vitt ral
reidicuation of the lealers4lp of the Idt,eral
A ummter reform dernenrinOlon ..0.1 I
place:at Parental:aril no the U-ol ult.. k
;2 51 1f 1 . 10 n ortttt;T.
meat idefortn Millar a fraud, teteitau [atm_ ;
to neat ram than eaten. the fraffebiee,aud ;
cant... Aral regret that 11.., bill .n 4 hot ;
opposed on second relfellnX. (lit mut 11,
!Abend party vac 00. MAO , . iddletfrov.
radically had EMI. Ile condemned 0 I
I.llwral therchera, wile Mal Peen atr-etred I
and votedthe overn tu; d nt, an oalial
upon the Liber G al party to rally ittliusid II r.
litadmone, whom ho warmly ..0104.0,11.
Cenolatierm denouncing the her ..rament
10 , 61 . 0 tarried. .
Itt the, follerring ler min
tor t dealefedra.',
Mon wan held in dela,. 'I t v•llve ham. !
and metropolitan 00(005 were
Lamar Monday the Cobden statue ran tot•
molly Inttognrated nt Alaneherter.. 1.1,01
Montana making Tailor. h e to
striketor rtal ambit , of MP; he drsof t• Axor. ;
oil- Robert Mort-heron 14 nll •LAA•fI ** A 01
ton 11Ceali of Or. lArlug , qpne, and de.
wands; that 160 I' o,ltl.lcm b., to Artier
to Hear up oil doubt.,
1)0 Lisiatr the I'ol.o,4 u•:1111
bontelletten tithe city anti tile 4,011.1 Ir ,
the Vatican, to proa..nre of a meat r or
Omar renha had arrived in
for , and
war thakloit rliforona Prenatal imi for peon
retittif the Campaign - /Lo mat the insur
The dear tartly hill bat Pdaned the
Irian Legislature, .
The I:mental Postal Conterenee had In
soloed to alumna the Panama route.
The eillpments el gold -111.-tralitt
during March sere noticed-
Ifenv Neap, Aped I.—Tea um:Minced. 'to
tal expert I 11,14.1,tme pOll9llO. / . ..rellattge is
. angAus. ADM d at er dell. allan
pouvlng. Ilipot to date -11,h0 haled. Li
change hi 10.1.
Chtfvfm, April 14.—Erchnutte it I
Tho eliamher of le•paialter
heated debate, petor...l the 1,1111.•,' i••I1 , e• 1111
11 - 0000 for the Miottnent of the Potittlteal
The resumption of the Fenlnn trltil•
crested little exelteinent, xtot a) ,
littended lay no ilemonstrati,llllwills ),r.
Of Chop °pulse.,'
The Eight Maur Lary—MeetinT
Master Mreltantes—The Movement
Oppoued—Meetina of Mortal...amen—
Tamnder and gain Storm.
lltr'; to the l'ittikursh 1
' et. Lome, May s.—Tho loaetnr nirelontles
of thin city nod linintilin 140, Ilight to
nOlighler the presetit state all elm grit,
log ont of the right our lw. A 1 . 1.111110.1.
ni,Lion trout tile b
blore mints' Exeloome,
through ltd Board of [erector P, lu reply to
a statement of turn exlsting
t wean employers and sent
that body by the master nicellatilm , , was
read, whltill takes strong mounds oalit,t
the Geovmeent tho workingmen.
A workingmen's 111001111 g la Cant.' flit to-
Ino(LOnf' LO Conrail, thii 14080111, 11011.
dlllOn of nantili, alit tinglito 141011 NOIIIO
of future ILCLIOn,
4 Lenvy tkprkilor trill lightnlnw Aorta
passed Over tun city last night, which tom..
'tendril °nitrations on all the telegraph linos
leading out of the city. A litrgt, m. 0., of
An Emlswary 1111axlmIllan Caught
and Expcuted.-Justret Witharaw•
• •
. . .
All Privilege.. from European Pitt
meow Alld Abolinbra ail Treaties
o I lb Shove Pow era-00iielni Dlopatell
from Queretaro.
Stto . Yoce. )tat• s.—The Hernlct's Mate
mortbi corre•poudeoce of the Nth lilt. I.llyat
An erubsury from hearing
letters to Marquette, saying that. Queretttra
cooltl hold out 110101114er, Was captured by
Ott I.llxtrobt loot executed.
Juarez had Issued a decree withdrawing
all privileges from citizen. Of any Eurw
peals country who recognized the Empire,
rm.! tang slung all treaty airpniaria,e, with
those powers.
w xs ,,,a,, N , May 3.—The Max lean Lega
tion has received the follOwlng calclal due-
meat from Motion: A. letter from General
Escobedo to General• Melia, Secretary of
Sin: ileneral gm - Wart - 1 in h. Just tor
warded to nu, the following report: 7
"Marquez reached the City of !lexleo'wil h
nil escort of some folly poisons, ttf Ler which
smile live hundred French and Austriaas
also strived In hnialltletateMbiltS. no yen
terday made a rcqulsitionlor horses, audit
is today said that 1,0 left for Tolum with
cavalry, nollig In the direction or Loa
Crude. t 1 a hove lust arrived at this
noun the village el guadaloupe, and we are
skit - 11119111114. general Diaz Is canting. up
w till a consi.lorithlo forgo.
• . .
[..slgnuki I GrAnnale,WA,
C limp nt tbe linen:win .10 I.n. F>nntlOrn,
Apra Inn, 1 , 4.. ,,
And I noomunleato tilt darn° for your
Information. [nlgnonl I b,n,yn o .
In front of querstlao, epr).l /411.1.
Flloli NEit' YORK.
Ily Talkgraph ru thu Pltn,L,Arich Gatelte.,
Ngw iOEIK, 314 y 5,1.'4'
unrva.l n• ttr
l...everal canes of brut silty on the Itnrf of
polleemen towartlio prl•ontßa have oven( red
I,,terar; not 1:0nrI.1 bllOt
man ntinted Brown In the fact.; dreadfully
npllLluttnit IL nntl entirely ilestrOt log 1114
turn, Tito olli,er ebtlatgl , l the in i.•one p r
with 11 , 1l11: threatening Inngat
tire to li.,
but It 111:17:111 . 0,, 1,140.1 [WI, nil El the prl,
otter wLLY kle.clinrged.
llY\Port onoi(Amoy andßarrero Imlnntla
selectud for q.“truntlil.
tto•I I.volLog
colll,lon orcul red on the I.r. L'ailtnad
t Mn:or - ',lion, dm Frist“.y ztictit, Icy wltlel
seventl cure %MI! I,odiy elanotttd. y”.
nu prrnoti+ Wrre noured.
t_ottut,rtett 11kt tor anon and a vv...on t h
NatiOnit: !Lank Of Mu . tiltteu uto
Ten , ter tut.. , bltts. tot, met wit.
{:t.l* till littLt.tatr.ottlY Ptitt , t , l , btA ,
toll ad IT tlett,t I to 4 ut Itobtett t erry.
~on :.nt• t tiovi.rn.,r of
1611:1114w. tlvenernt. , rd
horny, wm.
t.nre night tnt n Catirge ”t
ut in Lhil, u Oti4e3l td .111.1,1g:tn.
A !...indle. I...est-14'44r of f...lern% I
Lal ion Agnin•l. tile India...,
,Ity t, • Gat. ctr.'
MaV ,s 0 k rcte.•
StIM l'ort".ra
ml 4 1:ott1Ilpt and New 1 erl
Irt,“ t nITOCIr. Tho
. . it it, piaci tr.. 1.:.• :non
sw, - ,11411 , 143. know 1
H of 1,..r frwt•
“••-, itt tLat J.:v[111,1:1g to,t
!, • - Al trona state a,
r , u.ttlf.nco. , l
1"..1 •ete LoluotmilV
4't tfl4'
f:••• r .try
1!4.1 . 1ht
it"; CI Um ,
110.: M>110,4
•PUT ,
etlia tm . , it ot,
1rr,nr0..4 %yes, Wu:ma I
ON • “car,.. M'oie
~ , rth • laatz - 13.
t Rot
rE I otr Shot p.m rd
teAm oast 11 , 11ur• Awribrale4ll.
A 1,1.4 i, rt. hI, tr.g...0, rllle rtynyi, 0
ntr us-1,0,0;
•1 . ...111,4E II 1, V tt , E
It E. Er,. 11, uttu...or ,Ott .a.
Iii••1••11.1 1 1 liUree• 1..1,
tit:, ft
Sat,,Al, f lar In In:
C.•.. Sro .v.,1,11 0t
1 , ,T, IN, Mc.. iirty
ti“ ...ilk , / for Llye•riancol
A: a tio. :In) liao e
plf:ntlaff, nanonaren,a * t
that Ilal•
moil., complete::1.11:l
ai. gasil. In IV 08:::rn roam:, Ivanlnoin.ll•l.or,
Mr.., a f:;:::a elt a cit way', of
tho fanna.feninnt of
e. .t 331,11 Ira !faro
loataral 01r:b.:Aar. of thu :10 art
can iAltly tan; r
1.10:I rim:, City Will fa,
ti:llvt: , l In 11, rt. , :rat MOV<III.IIt.
Thn encian:thant nt Jai.
7:11111I:nn, Lk:oda, I:ai
crtatf,A ennilll.:r.inlo th:aftrtval rh•
Ill:Whim In Inilf‘annble quarter., 5.0.1 frt:ln
grnAt actor hr:
narmly ajinn:tie:l ni Ilarpo nnA
a.imacil ni rrcr a-st•nialtl
0/,41:11t.,1: prapnrnl.lon:f for
lirraf olruhat,
"71, pfliatto
trarar•Al In-nlaat t CO that tia•ro "11l no no
maw,. for Oh', r 4 1 ,110, Ta.1130111)A
110, cif .`r. onr c,tiurua Will Int gra:-
inod with tho Clack Clank, Limn Is to la.
lo•ra dl a• liar itac Ai It hat ova::
N.on the Itmr:I• to mortlea.
Of ~onror flon,lorma, aginfltlle
in, , r to Inn., a great run for
fairy land It ran ,
Fain time ?nay safnly iA atangnated While
t IA 011[1111 PLICCV.
PITT. nl:titin It xnTng —Tho "Ohl Drury.
un.l.,manggelni . nt nt %tn. hntt the,
t un haturohy night to nn itntiWtme
amtll , ., awl Ow ChArlin Whitt, Copiblna
t inn Troovo. nnole ..111 , 1,1.1Y1i Mt. Tito pnr
htrtnrrr nod .Inutotlemi 4111 ion.
Mao. to ninny over .7 gig Wing huthnocon
n ruin g0,..1 hilt In olTurty.l to-night.
V T10,T..-511innger MeyviA,of
!Ur...popular plaroordonnaetnent, tont.tolea
to met( with Oonolaut romeraa, and loa
great troupe of talented pertontiora hilly
po.tala high rotottalloo won for thin
theatre. Among the :Mr:lotto. CON wick
awl...owing Pol. tall ore the Lopoe Uanoly
Cr? g Tonna(' aunt ttetobota, cud W/til
t Int, the loam , . 01 braot.
. Aon,lN_li_sLi..—Ther A1 , N ,1 11 ,, 1 0 r
M... 1111111 contiontr. to 011 Nla.sonle
u 11.111...V41 , 1 11111 i 111,1111.C141.1 1 10 no
-111 1.111,.. A. II ssork or 111 1., Illmartitlve of
the PI!. Sll,lOllll 1110.. k or 11.0,1•1111.111111 1 , NO 110.
11001! 11.10 to 101 1111' 11111•11 t. 11 4.1 OVer
111110 bronitht be tore our 1,001110. Tlll.l
1.11 11,11 Wlll 1 ernuto 1111r111It
nit 111,111,1 I.l4orat. 11111 0 . 01,00. untly of
—People whOrldo to FrenelroOlway 1 ralos
are eviler:illy void for at Melt rote If kill•
ol or ioloo'd liT ..tieeelento. o OR a road
along the Med iterroionto 00001 t here was
htli.der NAL wlo lur, uotl the odurld 'tote
Just C.A.r.:l , ll! . l l. llllilkrY douingee to the re-
Int ire , * oerneom who were killed.. A lady
olitem %t, kllln,t recuiveilll,lAO
gold, tool her tem .1:,40d; Ithe olden Of the
nod tier fatally reeeTereg
41 , 0 n :toil the widow of tt porter kllinl on
Ito trat:t gr ti 41,10.100 l addll4on ton
[mut payment 0141,11. _
—Two 1' trii correapontlgnts of 1 oininii
woven. WI/ lottorslVelltllly to 111.31 r rushee
tiVo ;ournal4 04 1141101, and dnya ufterwards
inygifitol at rending latteranot their
own. '1 he beet was ,ntote loltrr 11.1.1 appear.
en 1,. tbo wrong onion'. alioalaC that the
!otters tuul both hero 111101101 on ti.nir
kge, nod !notion thet nothing vary ohiels.
1;• , :i;:ble wad colituilibil 00111, they Whre
allOwelt to proneo.l, but worn atehtentally
Indent.] /a Um wrong envelop Os.
..bper,Ling , child-whipping in toe Bon
innjournal of that city cam
which corn., from children being
in ono nt least ut our public
eichoolit dlmturb the neighborhood during
thu ...on a hen the eveitthprreuUure It con•
yenwnt tp how the a indult. 01 , 00."
young Indy residing In the vicinity of
lirOotiln clnine that ano becnuie
Welte y d In ongivinung man ulna •101ted 1.4
•ttint whilu %do uociety alas loit her
ring and found a brass one on her
linger intitenit. and Mile othat if the ring le
returned rho auk nu
FOURTH PAGE.—The fulled and mast
Mory, Oil , and Prature Atai . ket Re
poris girrn by any paper in the city, will_ be
found on our Furth Page.
Another Contempt Cate—Farther Al
der/mane nevelopmenth.
We have heretofore noted soma CI renal
-0100000 COMleeted With the et 4c " Of James
McCoy, a nneksier, convicted' at . : the. la,t
form of Clio Criminal Court of tile lareenY
of a box of turkeys front the Diamond mar
ket. laid as the property of Thomas Ryan,
also a huckster. residing In county.
At the time of tlio trial, unit also upon the
occasion of the seeteehe, the allegA/ 011
Was Intel° that 51cLoy hint been tine loner'
pce4iiiiiirily 10 a considerable eagent. that
unlits , tful things had lienu alone, In a word
that t felony, if such p. wits, Mal bitch COM
pounaed, the mualstrato beta,: eourstrued.
e allSged, In elicit a wiry at leayt, to to Clll.lht,
suAllt.len of lila culpability.. liyak maJO
the Intormation agataSt linfore Al
dermawlionald son. dial of emir was the
pro.ceutor. but, did not appear Eat the
nunerequeiltJy Wa3 brought latO court on
an alLuelorleat, and gave ball lair lila ap
pearance on Saturday to lots% er for e
totn tie did apbear, with '2dessrs..A. ons
Coehran and IL. a. Slorrhon as ram e0u1u44.1.
Tae 1 act was mentionoil that an information
had boon made against lino, ben.. Alder
man nutherlanti, tor couttmatuling MiottY,
aml the Court linked to take Line Into ernmal
eratlan. The Court sleclinuil, stating that
the imlc matter propel Iy Delore them was
Mut al the contelupt. ![Tun's counsel bad
nothing to urge In hie except that
Ito would throW Mussel( upon the mercy of
the lnsirt: la that ease, /Auld Judge nter-
being in twulcuttbL, It 01113
vole hi it hint. to 11 111 11 be
. . .
heal 11 hi c.c.& htuteelt. Mr, Ottlirtut then
thought It inept, that. Ryan Attalla
nett, tut e a plan Won, tea, IL
peare,t, tiler eras a lon to
avol.l. I.,att eaht he 111.:1 prom,eatt..l
AteCeo: toad w gutee,l to 1ttt1 , ...e
protwe'ut e the (31,e; t bat McCoy u toe , , oultt-
It- ero,lo to. Into 11.11.1 iltodr,l to ".,,ttle"
Vb.; that Lo (1:5,tol wool. to A 1 ,1... it. nail lion it there
. •
sr 011 a Loan) thing , radii,. 1000 dOil/Z, ill . I-
Ilerman rvidyllis; that there 0001,1 trot, and
telling in woody usol go hood,
I but 111, tuui a Inert' tioaur, throwing' Ott
ion dollars,. !Iletuy paid us a pear
man, tapped. tint t.
11.0 e.t.a Lao been sets
t!rd, irint that lucre uuslit more
atrour It, lie did not attend court. ass
all the explatialson he hullo retake, and It
as considered uattsluetriry, Jude ,
eit reinarlt Mg - .that itu coin rin•
shiny of what. he 1:1,1 isra•n led to sus.
pref. Irons utateincnts Wade at the
trial. In the Ilrat inutanrd 40W lyrll (lir.
1'..1. had Orr., taken tar al,. Coy' ,
ape 0.6.1,00, niihw queutly a wan of
straw wnn rahatituted, and la Elie ruanipalio
Ip/twos of orrtain l , artlbo SIO I . I oV had tieeli
:he loser of a o.o,3loora:lde anon!. of
ouloy. An hat wo the .•++.eilettopt"
toottolt44 upteure)l•to .arrant tie
wool too 11011111.-wol00 0 : or lilting 1;y:111. lie
1.0 .1.0:1..1)1w-of,' the toofi.,
cod twoo—eoptwaraner. 111+ )11+-
)1,4 to you+ n rot ere , " 011 f m of the c 00)...
A++l+tant Do.oriet Atteorney ILtololell +m,l
..etzt and to.t.tgerntett that ttoto tont 113.0
ott ,Ittveloto.trtlit. Court might. or.lor luau
At hold to ttottil tictiott of the it tttol
o - In the mutter of the extutpountlottt
tree felony. Judge ,teriell,ent IL elqn•ert- , 1
that Ce , n , %ye% In the baud,. of n,
uto I hunt, t hey coul,l not Intel-tom
We may ii.14,1.y i Ynt ..%;.1:n1.11on .4 In
lolludiug of :Le 1.111 r11;n1,0. In the.
, Ityae, (fiat 11 four,l thu
- Itlctice of LI. 31arltt Likt,intle, Wt.,, It
1/tc1.1,..1.1 , y:n0d oy
ALLot !ley 141,11 e lc ucv
n, about (Li CA., E./L
1.1 ...Li teen , P:ll,llt , f 1,11.1•Ier,O,
:trues 00n0.0n00.. 11,y uitoins:. LUou -
U.,..h0•t0•0 I:3 u.n, nn.l n 1,0011.110
fact twit fir. 1:.Noll loot to bunt..
tato:utolce, at ttr colou.luta'lle eft qt..
rnaut I I. fauna. Ryan
. 1.14 "Anttlatl . ' Itf:er raAllOll. • •,
asanon a ad late, and Ilar=a , t
rra.l, Inizat well knl
Lntdi that ao karat catl
tilt 'NUS' s . lie.moroing titquainte4 1:13
:n [a•::. a t
rirt.trooosooe, 31r 1:1.1.1oll,
I,!A •loty, .1...i,rm10t t.. too, the
Invv.tioa..•l, awl to ILO , co.l an
I.l:orruatiou Mauh , Al.lrrumn
.11.1rramla P0kt...1.1.0n,*
ro.6n nAt...l S 111;. r, "Itr.ra" and
thr teiony.
b. 41 1n I(1111, 4 1 . . Out th , lice
tN..: n.s ,r.ttzt .U.leruvalk
a,lu. 1,:!K to 1.1.4. er.
4:i+ luvw[]ywtical . 1.41.144 prn.r to thr
t 1
of Mr( 0) . . 110,. 1,13t1 ~
r• ft. tAA tf•.•• •••1 13,1
Afolo.. Mr.
r .
ItAtl• - ••;O11811.: It,lan.l
• t.A!...vor
to f•ritr to LIA•A tr, tlii.i.nurt
hsve ',non vlon.t.t.g hit lax 1,1
zrog•t, I allfrttle.l.
pr,,ct ice , dno ',it
,+( u..„ bp ma 41.1, NE ch,, ort
rcocivo ilinat Irl.l.—nmo chvek. • fir
1ur0..1 :Le arstred I.llcct an 4. Co tru4t
111 In to u:‘,„• of
wit,tstha tlo.y nirpilyd Ixtutely they
I:1 not on‘tt to profit by.
wett ll er ttaa,.tn, on Saturday, held an
Inn:11,, on the bole of 0 woe 11111, .frowned
In the loelto ut tort terry en last Wedue4(
(lay vett:lna . . thseet.ea. ae nltPoartnl ( nun
the erldettee„ had got on one of the Ilrownw
eGtn hoat• hoar the city, to go up to the
topper MOk, but for some mute Or other
get err there, tent (rent n., to !tort
Perry. Ile, .as noticed On the loots hp
( opt. Woods, who has charge of the Iwaa,
out eight o'clock on Wedne(alay erentna.
Ile then wee% off, walked about the ctllnge,
haute hack again and left Ida coat to the of.
of Gam. Wood, 'l'ho Captain kept
otehlutt It Ito for mono time, Ohl - m.lth tear
hat tot aught Int Intootouttert, but t ta tho
tan 11,1.1 anottal to Glut that be way only
ailing for 140 tatal to come down the rt V
rt, he poirt no further .ttention to
' '
• „ •
hint It wa+ sulpeornt that the man In two
hurry to Rot aboard the boat, when alin ar
rived, had hi , Sontiorps to thy Ora
and Wier rr into Um lock, The Jury ren
dered 1, yer.lict of uretlenial kientb
drowning: Laccaaed lived at Lamiattll'e
bolos oyr ou the 31ottongalteln, IMP r lhu
thy Two Mlle ittyb ana rt.prt.sonted
actor and loduNtiloos inau. The body
ham...A by 141gfatullY, of tv Wan
bed.. Ayr a albr and neyeral children. Thera
• uzu an undue of velue tin lue pvrAo”,,,s.
Sliver Multi, Amenean lever, and
uaull Inumnit of change.
Saturday morning John It. Hampton
Es.i.. pro•onte‘t to tho Jo.!god Of thu DI.
trio: and Quarter Selene Courts a certi
fied copy of Um Oct relatlelf to Itto eatith•
thiillll 4 nit of u Law I.thrary for .I.llegeuuy
.aonnty. ho having born chairman of the
CO111110.) appointed at a tueettnit or tho
me,nbos, of the Bar to prepare the iu•t nod
to take measure, to secure de adoption.
The fol fifvfne.l at the ref...fait r‘eaOrfa of
the hor,lalatote,throl prov 1.1 to that a certain
portion of 1110 e.ot4 lo:entitle 111 (.11,1,1
hrototht before the Court. elfull Ile arm,
fulate.l elltt4l,lllthillC :slot Illltilltillillulg II
LitlPitrY, the, waut of srlflult 144,11
iy felt by the fronota reef the Var.
Tim law Pro, We» that ILc money• .70 all Pro•
vitiated .41.11 pa pal,* over to a Itoaril.
51.41ng of live tneollwrs of the Its?, to be 1111.
tiol nt ed by the l ntbres of the surcrolConrts,
and that they shall apply It to the °Noel
ned. Thu Board or Coupnlttee o
am re re
witted to mote ott annuttl repot t of the
reoethed and expended during the
boor, sold report IA be presented In Lstort,
toot placed on ale. The Jteltrea hod n eon
thruste in the oftarttoun, nod uppolithed tts
the BOMA 'under tho act Messrs, John 11.
thootoort,Joutra oeclhlroorge Mlllros, Jr,.
luol .1111111 IV. itklldell. •
The! 114mealy!~ Entslbtlioul at Ms
sonic Ilnlil—ro.latvely they I.fti
Tile splendid exibiblllon of the poem'.
lyore, or V 131011,1 of St. John, will - remain at
Joanne:a Hall this week only. I.n order to
rovointnoilato the 1111Ine.o erowun who
worn tumble to gain aduilshlon host week,
eXhlbitions will bu given every afternoon
and every night thin week. We would say
to all who have not pit seen this Magnin.
relit enturtallanent, go this week by all
incites oc you will miss ono 14 the rarwa
trouts of in lifetime. Chilliren will he all.
milled to thu afternoon eshlliithine, w hick
vomintlnCO to-ilay, for liftmen mina.
I nuke. the 3lnts.-- - In this ago of
fludlion nod show It In .oat essential I.)r
every gentleman, If Ite.nonl.l (swaps a
Mgt, place In the ttengeta of the fair ones,
to study lily personal Appearance and to,
careful In selecting his tailor. NOW for
Ibe guide of all vrho tarty require the servl,
ces 0(6o lenportant an individual. we would
Confidently refoi them to Mr. linewnhold'y
establishment, pm. W at. Clairstreet, who
(...Just received his 111.00041 springarrival
of goods. To all who rennin, a snperlor
and Inshionable spring suit clelnes We
nay pay Ulm a visit.
Lndle• Zr Tow Want
To buy nice Lured Trlmultor Or OrnA
tnents, Ituttont4 Se., rtllludelphla Cloak
noose in the wax , when) you eau but thorn
d'eoPor thou any other Once in the city.
East I.lberly frwrierv,hir. V. Cra•
(Tel. In the nuthortned currier for the
oerre in 1.4111 t, Liherty. Be Will promptly
end felthfully deliver Mole. of the paper
riLtklil thy Chit of Atte! o cents per weot,
. r .• •
I . .1757
The Lore Rubbery in Lawrenceville—
lltarowery or Neaten Goode.
Frederick .1. Guth, arrested fist Turs•
day charged with tile robbery of Streib's
bakery, in Lawrenceville, had a final hears
log before Justice Janney, on Saturday
evening. The search of Guth's premises,
together with the examination before the
Justice, revealed the fact that Oath's house
has been a receptacle for . all manner Cl
Stolen goods for tome tlmo buck, whether
brought there by himself or net, remains
to be seen on tale trial. The articles found
on the premises wore brought to Justice
Jancuy s mike, where Suite a number of
them were itientuled by parties living lo
Um borough. Among others Mr. Black
stone blenttned a 101.0010, as one stolen from
Lis stables on stim .neth of April. An our
readers retnetaber, Mr. Illaclodone's stables
nsito forced open on the :sell of April anti
two valuable horses, together with a riding
saddle, talatil away. Thu horses were
Donal a day or two afters anis In no
burg, and the ...chile was found en Satur
day as stated.' Christian Irwin; a resident
of the I.rough lost twelve clocker. and a
turkey, stolen Iron 1,15 premises In April,
arid three of the nein her N. era found and
itientille.l by Mr. troll In the of Mr.
Guth. John M. Roberts also identtgag
roll of carpet us the same stolen from his
house tOstut the 15th or Anil. of Aprll. Mr.
Irwin and Mr. Itobetts did not make ally in
tor tootle. against Ciotti bolero the Justice.
beteg satislled with 1110 recovery of their
prOperty.. The examination before the .lue
t Ice was conduct...Nl 011 the part of the Com
monwealth t.y . John W. Itiddell,Esq.„ and
shows clearly that the house has been noth
ing more one less than a den of thievesr It
may 1104 be out of place bare to say that
'Guth states that these goods were brought
ttt his house by a peddler named Otto For
stlfte, u !warder In his Loam at the time,
and he denies say knowledge el them hays
lug been stoith. lie accordingly made in.
formation bef,Nre the Justice n1;1411110 , for
atlve, on Saturday, Lilt be has not TO. been
art est.'. 00th committod to ]ail on
aitunlay In delimit of live hundred dollars
bail. to stow, the charge of larceny pre
ferre.i by Al r. and one thousand dol
lars bail to answer that of Mr. Blackstone.
Mr. siren, aloe made Information against
Mrs. until tor Ltr4tay, bill her fesello condi
tion at oresect 1U11.111:5 it impossible for her
to be arre.o.o4.' r. Smell. stater that when
Le saw the burglars at his house on Wed
nowlay night there was et woman with them,
t this ht takes to have been Mrs. Guth.
Thereat. still :ate., articles at the otfice of
the .1 Eell.e not identified, and ally one bar
lug lost articles lately would do well total'
and examine.
Itoblimora ltroth.ra flanker,.
Elsewhere 100 pubitsh 1(10 advertisement
of Robinson brothers, ((.Utters., ,0. I's
Yourtu street. In our businesa community
ma feel that It la unnecessary to spunk In
terms of commeniladlon of this firm, as they
have lung liceit recognized amongst our
careful, liberal and trustworthy bank in,
anal deservedly occupy a high place in the
couflalence of the mercantile public. They
advertise to convert 7-410 Londe free of cost
to the holder, at the liberal throbs 01) the
ltovernutein, an advantage nut 10 1- 0 3
lurretlanatc. , l by those Intereated. They
~n etAntly on hand all bloats
mat United Latl,4 antes, and are Prlmr
eat to buy or sell iallroaal bond, anal /latexs
gas and bridge salolis, land a arrauts, morts
gages am real testate or any rah , : r 11.00da-
Mc papers or c inter, tipon very reasona•
lite tarot.. They likely., attend properly
mid promptly tat the purchase anal Oslo on
eto:nlnl3•l , .ni leawkl to the princtoal east
ern marked, The (trot allow a Itheral rate
of interest on all time depothit, anal otter
supet tor inalucemeillti to merelianta Wad
al,lers for dinanclitl patronage. In
et.1.1,1 , ./11 refer-...e to the Louie,
shu might, avid aunt Che firm advents., for
e county tenet.; of Mercer, Butler, Wueu
Ilig tsto, /WO Deaver, for which
they atll l'ad' toe nlghe.t prier.
liarglary —Ha. king lion..
to ('nnod\bun; Rubbed
An extensive rolibe . ry occurred In Canons
burg, Wa.hirti,,ton county, otuFriday morn
ing at a eery hour. ,OrnOlthoro 110.
two .11 three o'clock, the Farmers'
Deposit !lank was 501010$ by burglars and
altriwt..l.lfil,l.i.tatuniint Of money [Oren Out,
though what sum is not precisely known.
An entrance was icireetiol by prying open
tot:Joint door, and when to the . Salo 'Arai ,
with der. Three worn
littven Lund rest to ltu. onto lw.long
-04 to compiany,,,li tea nlarge My oroit
utoiloy lit stood parcels, not lorot.a.l ile
newtteir, 1740 lNx fftrt, • Of Otto
nolghtiorlwioil ,:a keeping. ton book
lying to sate veto tilts amountlta,,e to
b ou
elglit g to an e-tate of watch the
iniaturor of the bank Lt.:M.5O, Mr. He*,
1010 south, to ailininitrator. This book
toatitOer a ICI its tonal:ate wits overlooked
ny tlie burglars ale: lett undlaturtabl. A re
ward et one thousand dollar. Isos been offer
by the Institution, nye hundred of wit=
a 111 to' paid tor It., recovery of 1120 moiety,
itna lA:oared fur fibs iippro-5C.341011 of
01. e thief or thieve,. Co 1.• ut, however,
I,f the glibly parties hasAtios tar been
UnAlc llou+o, No. 31azkot
,ire, t ' h. the phi,. :ado, whori, you can gt't
ucloth Nachuth from $.3 to any prim
you %out thou,
Iteinoved to the Jall,—Ruth Ann
ltruttet, the girl In Allegheny, who le nett
curet! of hating nturderetther ehtl,l. war
taken to Jall on set u rdav op oflcer 11104, of
the Allegheny police. The girl, fl 3 wilt be
wl,ere,l, was toe 111, et LOU conclusion
of the Inqueet, to Ito re thovetl, Lind bus over
ittnee 14,11 Latter tfirj , nut' vcilimilcv of the
Ste eitycertt triutheo, but little
founern n, to the future, Itellev leg' that, if
d gtoltp, •he Will not t , I puniettel.
She the f frequently tweirted thati were an.
no necetwlt) for toll police gunrelng her, St
ate neut.! not go away evert were tau °pro,
tautly urforqcd Iter.
Flee on Irnornsend Mire/rt.—About 12
e'eleek,fin Ssi %inlay, a lire broke nut le the
DIM of the eld Asnury Chapel, on Town
send street, slfrth ward, but the dames were
eft I:mut:shed before ley material ti.l3gas
we, done. The tire was caused by sparks
film the chimney. alarm was first
snuck from It, and the retire department
called out. Ni, bre was I.lla...crud In that
viciiiity, and the Stllll.lll were returning
?'hen the bell 'truck IA and afterwards M.
The location of the tire was finally ascer
tained, arid a line of hose was sufticielit to the ❑amen.
Cane Presentation. —rhi Saturday morn.
hilt Colonel J. 1.. Mentz, the mail agent. at
tile Pernitylvan la ftentral Depot, wan rrilt , lo
the et an elegant golit headed
cane. The cane was, the gift of the through
baggage masters of tile pertusylvania
road, ae tlbarl or their esteem and
ship. 1110 presentation speech was made
by Mr. LI. N. Itittibr, the Depot., and
neatly respondesl to by hot. Mentz.
Malicious 1111.ellief.—CAthorIno Lan
dran 111.10 Information 06 tat unlay, before
flutter, against Dwelt! Reline,
rtierzteif Min with rnalleione Mischief. the
inta whit,' her eun wen gning titian
vI se street IT VII allftweltnert ow, du fen hint
drove over the harrow lOW his wagon, In•
,illr:Gta IL and the eontents. Defendant wee
arreAted and gave ball for a hentleg before
the Ahlertuan.
Too ('t artan Buttner, a fearless llopubt.
Lean Journal, 041154 and puldlstual by buns
uut Young, at the county seat or Clarion
a... 17, , nd. to na Oils wink tu • now
drubs, ants presents a tuagrirneern. appear
ance. Largely Gin:olmnd. edited with abil
ity 1.1 the great can. nt the Republican
Party, and a scull cotalucted Moral, and
slows bolrnul. it ViltiLlett to a full stulro of
To buy II 'All Ilirculara of all kiwis, mu.-
oeipht.. cloak um.o to the place to ge.t
Ilentorrotle'runty* Itlemtlontx.—Tho
elections fee ricieirates 10 the Democratic
Convention, which iv ill meet at the Court
'louse mi W edaccday next, were held in the
heyerni districts et tile county on Saturday.
The object La the Convention is to elect de
legates to t h e Mate Convention to meet at
Harrisburg , en thu Iltlt June, to nominate a
candidate for supeeme.l edge.
Surety of the Pearc.—M try A. Goanlir
mole Intorta Won on_t , tturday before Al.
110.0611 Lindsay 11/01.111.4C kiftry )lellonough
for a broach or the pears. Silo allegro that
tar Metkoomall .ed vile language to.
wards her and threatened to kill bar ehltd.
th•tenduut was arrested and %aka fora hear.
log before the - Al, lent= to-day.
Ittaniutng Boarding Under ral.o
Prelettree.—Lunintle Pulptz, s rcaldvat Of
Wl:Ander street, meats ininredition before
Aldermen Lindsey, on haturtiny, araln. l
Andrew Pei teepee, charging him with ob.
lethtti;: ttnerd under false pride.... A
warrant wee issued for hie
There ere Ahlernlan Butler . . office
three pairs of light blue artily pante,umenti
tal auto...od to bare been .toleu, and
leit there for identification. Any par.
tiee having bon uncli article. amild do
Well to note thle,ano call at the Alderman . ..
Office to examine them.
tins just reOulvod • it moat IWO:RITA assort
went of hilt Sacques nod Bauquea,*hicllllo
oiteru at prices molt astOniuhlug,
The Population of trle has increased
since MO from 11,160 to 17,131, a gain of 5,071.
This Ls a largo addition (or that length f
,1 14y 1
I ) ; ) ,t ,
Last night, about ten o'clo,k, SlM:iceMy
occurred at a drinking shanty, kept by
Charicu Walty, at Lock No. 1 , between two
men num,' John .foyee laud Jame? McClo. , -
key, in which Joyce wan utmost iu9tantiv
killed. Immediatilyou the ,roipt of the
Mayor McCarthy, with ' , rune of
his Valee force, started in pursuit or the
murderer. They surrounded the hOush of
MeClo ,, key's father, at Two Mlle Run. tot
before much search heal been made he COMO , '
out ant surrendered himself to the .Mayor.
He was brought to the city and la now . se
cure In the watch house.. The imurdered
man was either struck with, the i:st or
klettNl to death, as no murk of a kuifo or
pistol bull is anywhere ets'iblo us the body.
Loft for Wo.hlncton Coon
man Strain and ottlear thutt lett for
Wddtington county on
,Saturtlay tog ht to
preArnt at the tearing in the rthe , of till"
parthst charged with the Milt tivr ehl Mr.
sproull, In that reality. The hearing take,
place at WasSloutou to-day.
Allegheny Library Aa•nelallon.—A
general oreetlng will nu 1.,1,1 at ,hel.i , ,rare
on Monthly eveolog, May 7'; e'eltrea,
for the porpnro or elrooelog ,:ve pers.. to
'make multoblo onolloollow, for olll,mrd to
Berme during Lhaelll.utax year.
Francis C. cninpaeili fatla , or
lion. Jame a 11. Campbell, died ul Wi1i12,114-
port,ru., on Lie Wi
llislt., where Ile
a t
SIIICO 1812. age wee k.) viatia at
the time of hit death. Ttle liar of ceel
lag County took appropriate uctiou tea illr.
CalupbelPe .leutn.
The. ease of ar-on nt retralidm r . Ccritri.
undergoing Inve,tiwat lon. Ede aril Laue
and John Lafferty are charged Will. using
the Colon Howie. The centre", tar
is eery COPlliCtillg, a large number of wit
es having been examined, and mute to
ho called.
A nte.e fashionable Saegne or Itas.;,,, go to,
M Simon, L h,loUr pI 10 Cloak Mauve,
Market street.
Grand Conreri.—llur readers will lA-1r
tabot that the bale of reserve. , seat. for the,
grantlCO(Lli concert by the :who tars of Prof.
C. Tetedoux, coturnenee this morning
at C. C. Mellor It. Co's well known niuslc
store, No, n Wt.] street.
A fine of elittien hundred—.!odors was
Imposed on Meesra. , Dititenbeider
brewers, doing business in Mead
ville, for making false returns tO the
Stated AnSeSialr.
Tne shipments of petroffemt over the liil
Creek M.:rowl aml over Cie Partners , lint I
row) from Pet rule um Centru fur the week
ending April Ott, were 105,h71 letrrels,
The. prorpecte for an obon.lant v. hoot
crop were !never morn favorable to Foyetto
county :half thin year.
trade ta the two cities hai greatly 110.
Don't whiten:l..ll Irult and orunmontel
trees. • It renders thtdo more !Mtge to
lin. Fourth str,t. Pa.
(:01 , Y1.1::. of all ',lnd,: CHA_VES. li LOVEan,I
acrl vtloz of luours.l. Kainishing throd,
torn 1p hel. 1ta,,,.431,ne.: day and nu b:.
tae Carrlares farclshed.
1 , x1 . 1...k.NCr..1-1:,. David Kerr, D. D., E,
M. W..TlLrobus. Tlunca.. Ewing. Ej.,
.13 3.11:1.r.
'-' • XL!: AK!) scot , to the
late n.nuel It. 11...,gcr5. No. 29 t th, o
three duo. fro. 11.....ver. Ali. , ..kny city. Ide
-1a111,11...rw00., Nlahrrany, Walht. • n.111ur....
arcool Imatatton at the otcot r..;
at al: Luta,. 4ay nut n , ght.
titer and 1
, fuThl.'ll,l
T. Wurro f 79..., Noult 7
-••• m.u,bpa•
anti vlc.nity. Cidtn Foods at
Manchester 1.1,71 ,Irn4 r ,hetll,ld an.;
-eharctera cert.,. beat 6, and CarrllwcY rut.
beautiful ` , led'e-acre," the laarent
ban place or orpeleOre, exceet our, lr
ty. attuned on Net Urlahlon read.
IT north of All html,in Y.r burl... lots, vernal..
or titles, call at Central Drug Ow:a of COUI,
/LANKY. klieehens
i_)noniuct,.- flarreh i It y e
-. 1 . now'. lr, on grvuodt 1:0 Ini•n. 1,1:e11
.i.ot 0
chuk...l Fa C..rn sod 0at:.1.f.: choppy.,
errn ft... N. I,lt,
15 Bailey: 2c, 14,12. ,51.(.1tr.t rx
relvlng npol fur sA , t , : IG. talc,
Lees., lou bolts sitvw. arrive: I.t.
trcsb 31sy tater. In state no
• H. RI IHH.V.
No. 1.3 *tree:.
NOT A FEW Of the lvon,t
d. Salt alto.l mankind arl, , irnm eornly
t t a tne
la a teme.l evu r./ . /. kru.kt, bAb/.
ei .11,1/ILL y oi tam..., V-611LC.
tlliUYtl to Mr. J. F. M [CALL. who will eontln
❑:e butlpeas the old stood, 331 LI It I.lf.
Apl - 11
11 . J. L.S.NCE, •
Nos. 135 and 137 Third Street,
Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed.
hII fILOVES anJ LAME,: I . I.LIIES c:ran
ed or 11,4. 3,121,2
H. 13. JL:11(()11\ ,
Sealer of lreiglds and Measures.
Bet 'reed Liberty and Ferry Etre,
ird. r• ercbm nth' ;it tended aro , •sd ,
' 011.R.X.33/%7"1"3.L,
- 41.2 -gam.
Three Lori above smith:lt Id Street,
rrrasuuacaup VA
Lvt Trllml of - Work uont on the ttotttott notte
and molt remom•ble terms. rarttoularattent,T
ost.l to .lohlno.
HoutEs, BELL N. CO.,
Anchor Cotton 31111 s, Pittsburgh,
Itaxtufacturers of
ANCHOR. ( It) Euri NOS.
Abil;11011. (C) sixELTrivtai.
s •
4art 13LINDS.—JOSIN A.
littl , WN S Cc,. RIC biirritrt ELI, atm.,.
opboatte the l'uttorbee ke, •In baud or ma.,
legs. nettau
ITl ' l ' AVPV , }f r tea r etPt ' o r w o a f r!la. ha, •lylu of
Wttolnt• 1•311,01,,, $l. and att.rxedt•
OD Cloths, Ito!. bottled, ]lsis. hoax. Otto-
Mans, litho! sod rlcture Corda and Tax.eta. Ali •
. Me gator sloe, ou hand or wade to rod.. r, •
fate Stock of Wale bud Calle, tablets, Collar%
Sc.. 'o ntlemen'•wcae. othl,C
• 1 . 111w4,1,011,
qDE 'BOARD OF 011imerensi
of thl• bank bar. 11.14 .107 ttexlare.l a DI el
dead ot FIN I, on the Cactus) Ste,
out of the pc-.Go. the last nix mouth., payable,
Of Xi., ezerbent tax, to Vlticanobtorx. t.r
t h e i r r‘preselllttlVcS, 0 1 1 ai.d ;Uteri , ~I(y.t,
10 , • • - J. 31640 1, V
BAlta Dr. 310SLIt,
TRUTT A2dllt.lerlON IturttllN 0. Non. 2 and
t.r. CLAM hrk:KET. 1'1TT:511122/11. VA.
hotel.: stunt:on ;leen to the .teeleolod sad
bulldoze of ,idourt house, asdt!ohllt bolldlots
i3Lt...vos riaxos: entird
new stockonviAtsg,t. , ,- j. , s CIA ot , 4Llch
are now ecnsidered th e twat mane: also if AINEVI
II htni. riAbisH. Price from cm
ueward. rerun. in want of a drat eta. Plan,
I . ...panelling invited io rail and eganup,
wore purchasing eilm'si.tra•
Blllk rtM
• et and Own Italtintz-also. Parking.
flute, Outer,
4e., best quality and at
eethsee4 pries*, The best qualltY of I•n•in Si.
way" ost hand at the lUJin ltubber Depot. Ino
bland It. Clair Street,.l3.llll rUILLII-J,
N7t-ileti;Aii Clocks,
Guni - anicicl for One rear.
J~" ' VP~7LRY.~
6 Wylie SI., 3d door from sth.
Fine 'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
1174 LIII2{II.TY
3t7...kittC.. Pciassiet.
sartma, J: ."'
welry.Ar Wort car.
howolf . so Spring Stock of
Haluio ~l ,
Gaiters & Slippers,
hoop St]Ls.irtsio
55 & 57
' 49 S 9 11AREET STREET.
,49, 00 TO
1.49'3EL at) M
.S9 - Market Street,
71 AND nrr YOUR
:Bo sIIOES, &C.
X-11T r 1"..13E3E1 41D2 . r"2"
S9J IS, ROBB, S 9 Market St.
Communivitt , ¢3 and advertt?rmente for the
MAY , Lonld t.• banded la 'ay the
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
Latest etalea'af aanstaatly
kr Haig Wultlinit AND P6RFI/SIElt, gar,
Fourth ...a one door from Wood. L'iltsta:a . a.
./I.l.evs on nand a assortment or E a_ Vila, Ma's. var., Gentlemen's •
T o re.. sialp. Guard cha i
let.., de.
pass la ca,h will be even tor. Hass
anJ : p•ent•Je9 4.161112
the nrate,,,..a., svh2l mt) •
The Than:.%
W.tur.a.N.rro I's.w^:. SAtZSfIO
FOURTH ST., Apollo Building
7EII Se., 4,44,1 t, ut flint..
L . J. BLANl2llAltifk CA),
4G.- 3E3. C:to Cfm pt. 199
396 Penn' Street
josE , A•II mcnaut & SOS,
1 4 11 macldnei, u 2 ca.bul:".bort forsals
rdtac,m d CO.,
On ( - arsons:ract, Eazt rariaingbara, In' £OO4
U.:Anna, A•lure.te,
BOX 20, BUCHAN/1 " N Y. 0
CITY to bur tho
1$ •c No. 146 e3ItAN:TI3TREST
rnttla 1 P. C.
CII-30 bbls. N. C. in at ore
(Or .ale low to clove conulretne nt. bT
tan 1hA.1.41.1 DICE.ZY t CIN