THE PITTSBURGH G4ZETTE. PUBLINHED HT PENNIMAN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. OS M. 121.13. REStscsett. F. B. PENNIMAN. T. P. 110ES'CON. rd"orS' JOSIAII liING ZtEuitm Business !Mamie' I= Bindle Voyles ..«,....«...........•—.. mad. Delivered by muter, (per week 5....... 15 cents. Nall Bubscribers. (peryear).....,.._.. SM,°°' Liberal reductions to Newsboys and dfentr. = Three Coplas, Der year. by min—.....-..S I 50 etre do. do. 40. 1115 'len or momeonten, to One eAdrers, and one free 100100. teen 115 CITY * ITEMS TOta Will Find 81188141 U EstabLs client at . 138 Penn street. Drs. 81113 Glll.. Monday of Dry Flpecial OpeolnE At thli nvir store of Confiner A Stewart, on the West eorner of 2d Oka. and Fourth streets. Gardner's only place of business. An entlrenew stock' of . Drina . dry reofb;ro . suited. 'lead imar pricoa nd buy new goods frOM an antinomy, stock.' ... . At 12*, oneOnso heavy GinghaTos; A i 1.25(.e;0ne ease fine, wide ShirtMg muslin At 12! , ,,c, oue Dalos - are wide Sheeting; At liqe, one ease Prints, fast colors, AL 12!i;e, ono ease Bed TlCk.lllg3; At Ono bolo Linen Craell At fifty dozed rod' bordored !luck: Toweling: At 1216 e. one lot Nola, Dress Goods; • A t 3;!;O: one 'Areal tlh o allte Plaids EMPEMIMMI .it S3,:A, real kiiinbuctlQuilts, all colors"; At Su and 02,4 e, Dann. .Table Linen; At $7,00, $lO,OO, $12,50, 415,00, $16,0u, $20,00, and $2L,00,6111‘ Sacques.,elepuitly IM:timed. Cloth Sacques, the cheapest in the city. At 4463, $1,11Z!4 and $1,.25, good. Black silk Fre'rch ChintzesTpffdriard printed; Mar- Organdies,. Pltnted Cambric?, Fine Dres, Gem?, Clght Co,ored Alpacas, Black I.nstres, Alohairs, Alpacas, Silk Popßeats, 14oen good?,Stik Sun Onbrellas, Kid Gloves and a full line of Newp ry Goods, to offer on Monday, May oth, at, very price?, at the New Store, west canter 'of Market and Fourth Streate,Uurilniled only place oebrisi ness. Gardner :t sicwart. Ilamall..Co4 Liver OIL The Purest and Sweetest Co.l LVer Oil In the world. untrtufactured• from - healthy livere, upon the Sea-shore. It Is perfectly pure and sweet. .131: for ..11ann.rd 4. Caswell's Cod Liver Oil." manulnetared tip CpWELL, Idacir...4 Co. New York Sold by KU druggist,. YM ro Wholesale - (If Dry goals we carer bargains to Job lots of I 60010, rantings, Linen Goods, and inillinfis of Riestings, §hirtings, Prints, Tieicing, Cheeks, de.; all of which NITI 0111 sell at the vexs , lowest eastern cash prises. . J. A% Co. fa-Itartet street, below Third 8 Fourth sts. - Cloth raid Silk - Snowmen. Gardner Jr Stewart are showing a spien- II id assortment . of these goods at rosy low prises, at their new store, on the west ear ner of Market. and Fourth streets. •Zw:ood. Dress Goods, Large sttel: ;opening this week; from 1215 upwanl2, New StOro. West. Corner of Mar Set And Fourin streets. Gardner 4 Stewart; 13=1:1 Auotlipr arrival from New Yorir, qlenditt Iron:1;10.00 op. Wcot eorrtur of lila, kut and F.Tarett street. 4.. Gan:l:tent Stewart. • • adatilt Beautiful goods, all colors, cheap, West Cor ner Market and Mama streets. Gardner Stewart. " mot • ElnekSqke; Now goods 'as low 0441,00 per yard, West Corner Marker. and Fourth streets. Ganl uer.t Stewart.' st Pare Drage!. • - Pure Drugs!! Puri)* Drugs!!! Pure Drugs! at Kan &Drult'epliegheiLY. . . to Fleuilog's Drop Store, Fur the best White Lend in the 11nri et ,Crept. You Can nai lot sign L 1 Quota or an kinds at Joseph 5. Ilnah's N0,7131.'151. 2 and DS - Go to Fleinfroen Drag Store, No. St Idorket Street, for Flax:loot Oil and Turpentine. • You -Can Bay • 99 per cent. Alcohol at Joseph B. Finch's. you Can DU" New hope at Joseph S. Finch L:ITEST CONDENSED NEWS. Telegranti to the Pittsburgh Casette.] ./ edge Kelly, of Bbilatlelphla, accompa nied by Col. John N. Taggart, has started fora Southern DM:liking tour, to occupy about six weeks. He will visit' Nashville, Memphis, Vicksburg . , and New Orleans, re turning rio the seaboard. He will take the stomp against L ull comers. provided he has -the closing argument bf half an hour. Ball to the aMouat of one hundred thous and dollars for the reldase of Davis will be tendered, Augustus Schell and Horace G becoming securities. The Judiciary. Committee have received .authentic letters, showing that Davis was tulip cognizant of the cruelttes and barber. 1,m5 rtraeticed. at Andersonville. The whole reviin bordering On the Oachl. to and Black rivers has been oicreowed by tee recent Mississippi 'crevasses. and the r:satlering and loss is incalculable. John heighten, of Boston, a leading oper ator in mining shares, has been arrested at the instance of parties to New Turk, for al leged embezzlement of fends and, over is. see of stock. . Ex-Provisional Governor Party. of South Carolina, has written a:Maier letter against calling a convention rimier the ml Mary act. Ile argues that if called it will be the Bret step towards a. general division of lauded property among the riegroci- lie says it la against nature and reason to suppose that .an Ignorant majority wilt notpursue their own interest, regardless of right. Thou sanda of unprincipled will unite their des tiny with the negroes tor the sake of spoils and plunder. lie thinks it better that Con ic Gels should confiscate the lands than that snits dcgradatlon.hould be voluntarily so. cepted, and sari he will live under a Mili tary Government. no matter bow abk.olute so d despotic, sooner than vote a negro war. erneient for South Carolinuorhicli every malt will do, who votes-for a Convention. {le adylees every man tteo L not Memo. chlicu, as no values his life, honor and prop erty, eta the peace of society, to register promptly, and to vote, endorsing On his UM: et, 'No Convention: , The steamers rererle, Plmbrla, Cltyo isealed for Washington, town a siring i Aunt! red sop hpauldlog Europe on SatordaY. t. passengers.' Arthbish In the i'ereno. Thu iron clad lialatniiZoo, four 1101;land tens, 16 ready for lanachlng• Thu mansion of Mr. I!egran. at Jitmalen, lien York, was .burned on Friday night last. • Loss, sibooo. , A sCryttnt girl narrow• ly escaped with her life. Henry Ward lielachor rit,aly)oll3B the Holy Lund expedition atter October. • The 'Mobile Colored COnvention unanf. 'noway rewired that, It irktile Undeniable right of neartieuto hold ofllc dlt ou juries, ride in all public eOnveyaneeA, sit at nub il e taldeo;and visit places of amusement. Seventy ttnesand Garman). Itia Bald have euguiod pasange by steam t. the United ;:t.t.,1,y. The'. new Trustful& conscription law* are driving many to our eTintryi. • ' FROM NEW ORLEANS. Oor I ; Order Gen. 14herld n Concerning. oho Dirborremetit o Levee Bonds. [By Telegraph to Om rlttat, rec. taistte.) toe Ontrens, 31ny 4. go following Is Sheridan, extract from an order I sued by tient:rail Sheridan, yesterday; “To...relleve leo state of Lon Islena from the Incubus of the guar- rel now ,elaistlug between , the Uovernment and Legislature, as to which political party shall havethe illsbursenient of four mil „liens of levee bond 9: a thormed by the i ilast Legislature, and in rder to have the , money di,dributed for the beat interests of t the overflowed districts, all exbd lug or pro tended beanie of levee cOmmlssioners are hereby taboli{died, •and the. foll Owing CP volatinents will be Oblieteed and respected accOrdlngly , ” \. , • , •\• • . f . Ale 1 i F,, , so- . VOLUME 106. FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK WASHINGTON. More Indian Depredations. NIHAU DEBT STATEMENT. Debt Reduced over Two Millions. DIPLOMATIC CORPS RECEPTION. to Me l'ltisburgh Gaz:tte I=l A commnaleation has been received by the ;Lurenu or Indian Aliairs from tieorge W. Dent, Saperintemient of Indian Affairs for - Arizona Territory, dated Laud - , 110 repot ta another melancholy ImI.SSLLerO American citizens by the Apaches, of Cen tral Arizona, en 'the of March. Two teems, belonging toe fOtlfdiOlf Of 1.11/.iz, turning front Prescott in charge of two drivers and meouipan led by five other men, were tired into with guns .by It party of about, forty Apaches, mid driven otr. One of the travelers was htll,l. The scene or the calamity was uhmt tight irides ou the Lopez side ot Date Creel:. Two of the trav elers were woundo they, with the two others, wi,o v,m u..hurt, escaped. Tho Indians destroy ed pact Of the harness of the teams, rilleul the - wagons, Out lon oil - the stock, of eighteen mules and four horses. Anoutthree hours atter the occurrence .:mother train of wag. ons Con. up, and, being prepared, attemp ted to recover \ the stock. They followed them to a canon in the mountains to the north of the remit, Whey they were charged LS. the Indians and repulsed, and the Indi ans again made otr.vvith the entire booty. After burying the Seal by the roadside, they proceeded to town and reported the foregoing. The derCredation occurred in a part of the road heretofore regarded oafs against hostility RT.lis allelltlOnal proof or the increasing bp i. nose of the APacheS. Mr. Dent further rites that by a recent order of the commanding military ofileer, military patrol wit h he stationed hetwcou here and Date Creek', anti the ciliclimcy of the troops will 1.1 tested. It is believed. but not reported M1....A11y, that some of the young ince of the Yampats and Mojave, will Join with the Apaches in their •depr., dations, and such vi the larength of the sentiment and belief that should soul a co alition be proved, the. whites would retali ate on toe trieMily River Indians rail .tc r.fice them merellessly. =EI Total debt. Amount in the Treasury In coin, 4114,=3,41.1,tr.b do currency, att1,1a,Z4i,24. Total In to Treasury, 611,,- , 209,002,=. Deducting thia from the total debt glyea the amount of debt, leis cast In the Treasury. DI comparison with April let, the debt bearing coin Intcreot hat In creved $11,:21,7Ca; the debt bearing, curren cy Ink tvcat hay decreased 01.1PA,17t , . The matured debt un presented lOr laymen: baa decreased sattt,llS, and the deft briatng no tutereet increased $11.,:+15, - 2.A making tin increave total debt Et.ial,:2l. the coin has increased and the currency de• creased 4.l:mt,tltS,Us, leaving the amount of I debt. lead castvin the Treasurys -lees than On the lot of Aprtl. Following k the det-ttle.l statement: PETIT ta, RUNG COIN' INTEIre,... FIVC perCcnt.BornlH.. c•, {47 perceni..ffemehreTWlntzTVlßS clap, cent. tlx per calk Navy rt..1132011/amtit. - ' Tvtal 11tIA1:1IVli il - C.11.11N: INT111:1,T. .11r per rent. 110010 Tlime year corr.pd No,s 'ate yrar 1-31) Notes Mathrtd pr,Len:‘,l for sm,annt ' _ . IIC.1.11:NCI !.0 15 15 ..!0,1 - . Currcucy, .. • , •••• 1••• Livid I.:cillOcates CI =II =3 coin Lon' nes Amount o Tyf dont. less rnsli In t, TrIVI ==ll .11r.s1C,11 Secretary Seward had a reception for tnembera of - the Diphamatic Corps. The wife of PresidentJaarex, being In Weals legion sojourning at the Mexican lezatioe, Was Invited to :Ida reception. •It Is said her appearance on this OcC ai!oa elicited an ranch attention as the Japanese uni,aa,a dors themselves, the actuut..clrciimitanl see of Mexico, and the pereltinged attend ing tho reception being . such vi to wake her presence on the occasion suggestive of grave bonbiaeration, to European ndlndi especially. C. IL The President appointed to-Aar and signed the commission of Samuel Match ford, as Judge of tile :Southern District of Now York, In place of Judge lif.tts, whose Letter of resignation was recelvwl. The reason for the resignation of this gentle. man is assigned to be the increased °Mini duties under the Bankrupt Jaw. netts OP POACTICZ (11 PASKILOPTOT. Thp Justices of the Supreme Court met to-day to finally approve the rules or Prac tice and procedure ha bankruptcy. The whole machinery will he in rewline , s for thu commencement of operations oa the drat of June. s:rwtx Ovirren To run The Secretory of State glive ft Stele din. 'tier this evening to the Japune., dor. Members of the Cabinet And their families were admitted to meet them utter dinner. • NM. Jay,. DAVIN IN iIig • CITT• r:A—left Daila la at the houseofDr. 1111- ler, v. Usre alto bad a long consultation With 'serer:Jr...wirers laSturenlng. • Ex-re,,el General 11111 IN berg. . . I=l 'lteeolpil of 1nt.,611t1 kevenuo for the week were rweer.emenu. .I.b(x4C.r. .VOTEILA Ituoo,rminn .ILogielor4 for tho 1 , 1 , 1.n0t of colute..,la. have received colored, and .7. , p7 v. late voters. KENTUCKY ELECTIONii' ility Telegraph to the rittiburell us:trite.) 11,, May l.—The following Is tilt, : voto for Congressmen; as polled to w i o y Deck, 1r27; Darwin. sent'Al VO, it% ,Drown, liailical, linty about tr....4MM,, of the precinct vote wan nollc,l., bitty —Tho Longres3lonal , electtOn pittoteil off quietly. Aso Grover,. Stato lttgltta Democrat, rv(rell'l,4l,4ooUL I ~,X) majority in the city. Del urns trout Otl we points in tilt' Fifth Dnitrict mini ntobnhly ,veil tip) majority to 3,it.0. J. it. I.nott. In the Fourth, anti Joseph li, /hal:, In 'the Seventh District, State Eights IhanocrutAi" areproimbly elected -1.0U11,11.1.E. May I, I 0 r. tollowing is the full vote: tirover. Democrat, g.tife; Jacobs, Third party, 1.537; Bartlett, Depute Dean, 'Drover's majority In Ott Distriet will exceed The vote in Um city anti county is very small. Thu retorgs Indicate the election of Um Democratic c,: dealer by a majority greater than Din:ants loot tone. la propjritiorito the cot., 05St. t Ili "Y or two istforti anything is hear) from the and Sinai Dblitcts, winch are coutesteil. Tho Phi's:l4,lo2lo Cr[oho! Jrlatch. = • l'intasnecrnl, May 3.—Thn cricket matcb was resumed Trio toting AMerleii, CLID, In drat 1 nologr, noor.l' 10 , , PiWade'. Om Club, In 100001 ecorokt 10.4 YoUnlCAmerlca, to seccao innlno, with four wlekets•1011,11, econ 4 Tue game 'rill Do flashed on )4 oudur. DESTILUCTIVE,FIBES Coedlawomtion at Rochester, New York —Less of late-11.1s1 of the Nufferers. Ity Telegreoh to the. Pltashoeth't) sect: e. 3 iiotnes . ran, May 4.—A great lire oceurreil tills morning, involving a loss of over Sleee Ow. The tiro began soon', after uutlnlght and continued until eight this nornlng,; when It was checked. Palmer's Llook.M :ilatn street, and several Stores adJoluingi were destroyedinlio all of the is asningtoli 11.111 block, In the some street, the latter 'large undsdegant. W hen Its - immense roof tell is this morning three sir more wen were buried In the ruins. The charred and Mangled banes of J oho Pike, Barry ForeeP er and Joseph %Verrett was taken from the ruins end conveyed to the dead house. It Is now feared several other persons perish ed and further maireh is being made for bodies. . . . • • The • following' Is a list of the principal SU'Teter.: Jain., rainier, owner of block Rod stock of l'lcrothen,i cos, lost .Xi.00o; In surance SSA.. Lees of-Monroe Etat..ll oh' Inottiou 4.7 Insured. A. S. rendry,drult store. loss 61U ,U 00; insured. , .1. ratiaul,lol4s On boons and e ff ects ss,o,kk tenured lolly. Washington Hull black, Jab,. Collins. of Hertford, owner, leant. s,o00; insurial4l7,lse. thin, occupants of _the Milbank - enacted .ingot loomed were mostly manned. Grain Elevator at Chiral:v. Aliened— Luau sll'lnEtilltl—Firetnan lly Telegraph to the ritttintrxe (tatted , : , ClituAno, May A.—Elevator A, nu Six teenth street, belonglibt to 'Armour. Dole Comcauy. was destroyed by lire I.eds Cce,tsei fully covered by insure.e. Elovelor Ii tultgbt tire several Sluice, but by Me exertions of the tiremeit damage was prevented. ''rho cause or the was 1111• Lnown. six Oreteen were buried in the reins last night, three of a bout were taken out alive and but little Inj lat' i the others were dead when loony. _ • Another Fire nt FlAleaxo—lneenalE Coo - AGO, May J.-1/olfluan IVOiss' ma ohlnc , l/op. near -lamr; atreet, between k.a -.114.2 :tad Watot, Waii deatroyea by lire last night. I.osa about 4U.; Ilisurauee &L s .°. - Thu general Impreasfun now Is that the burnt In; of Armour, Dale & Co.'s elevator, yt,tertiar wr-statu,ied lueen .l hal y. Li:attain Lad not been occupied or two mouths. Thu contents of elevator Raj Ul 0 consltleralay dna:Mt:Olt by water; lara tnLLL, lies nut, as yet, been tts certaluu.l. I=l] C01,01:D, N. 11., Slav 1,—,,5.1m0n Harris & Sows store Lwase st l'lstLori . llle, was burn a,l thle IllOrtlit.:; ion partially ins Fire at Eureka, California SAN IoAN, 1, 0 &lay 'Oro at Ek.kreks` April dc.tro) a. block At bUlltllrgs. Lose FROM (HIRLESTON Satiefesetery Settlement of the S IMassenger titer Quetstlons-Let ler Irons Gen. Sickles, linsr.trelos. May I—General Sleirles Written the hollowing' letter: Dr - or Mc. 1 1100,1 great pleoeurc in acknowitisiong the receipt, of your communication of this aithe, transmitting the reeolut lon of the Itourd of lnrectors 01 the I:hark/non C.lO Italinay to, by s blob ft Is declaired the careof the conatemp are 0.0 le the public old that tire - right of all persons to ride therein is rouge iv,. I trust this action of your cora l/any will be mimes:toted Li Mutt:: h} You hove mums ea an OLl,l,,ltin for uollisloit And E11...0h - der, and. you have added I furl Ler IPhatle iceilmenv of the stispOsillOn 011 hr . o Pit 6 01 t -00:12 to accept M gad faith the legitimate consequences of entrees C seal do tor the colorml rate. In the coma ss Mon 01 a common Mont to share tholprivlles gem con/erred for the bernolt of all, Cairene, 000 hare discharged your ploutisliity in o manner most conducive to public interest. It it the more:Tr:Allying toece the cintens theuiselyee take tuntative ityasurea tend ing to Promo:nl tranquility, concord and Peter. thou to Pint my self eremtratnsol to exercise authority to secure end., yint, 1 litre not yuililcsl to the nepotism c or tliv, who d, etri it to pints this npon the attentiorrof the military author tilef, feeling conndent that in tlll4, at la other ,illlllni 1.001 more , .SAll,actury utoll)truldnell% SO:U1.1•011 would IN: 'L01:111,0 the involuntary notion of the,,: most Inters titled 10 doing milk lattice to the fmed ni l um, sir, very rc.9.,,,rn,11,. _ . - • • [elgne•l•l P. I:. :•e•rtr... To Jot. Pre:Went iolty I:Atiway•Cowrany. I FROM CALIFORNIA. • Vessels flisred—Nernils Stole Prison Darned—lndlois °wirers/ In Worn, 67 Tilegrarta to Lee rites berre SAN FISANCIIWO, au; Clextior the T4,o4Gitrv.for Liverpool. iv Uhl 1 - J sucks of iv Leaf; "itarlih rot Liverpool. e Ph 21,10) sochu of wheat, null barrel., of tour; Istirlenv. for k earetoutb, »len 21.100 vivo k of w belt. • The iievada Sir - lePrison 'a as dratrnved by lire on the let of May. Loss $10,'10:+.1. None of the prisionera escaped. In the cam of Thornburg agnumt. t 1.4 ,Igo Mining Company. t!o , Jury rendered. verdict. In favor of the defendants. late blithe advice, represent the Indians as cornmatiox ntonorona outran., General nurtiling and C. Trunaau, Spe cial Agenta of the PortonteisAlepartinent, tsr rived from Arizona ye,tenlay. Governor AleCo_rinlck leached Prescott on Apriltth. General Gregg main a vile.. .lei raid on tile 10.11110, l:o.neral 'lancet: haagono on a dying rP.M to sombre. Ile intomilvij [Linking an extelei• rd tour to Arizona , but 0n...E1... 1 e. bliaiigol lion plane. The Tell°. Jactet mining company de clared a dividend of fifty dollars per atiarc, payablo on the tenth. TIIE, SOCTII. • Holler Delo= Di.ponscil Ender the Conurooalonni Appropriation—Rob ert Toombh Accepts the Situation. IBy Tyisgrsi h tLe tisratty.l Ncir yoetZ. May 4.—The Ifrrold'a Bimetal nays =lt active intasnroa have hornadois. tai to dispense relief to the tutu of taw auuth under the Congressional apuroprlis- Ifq.i of frislPsJ. For livorgia taintreets for npu liusliels of corn and . 27.isai pounds Of hoer,n and pork have been made, and for Alabama 3”ys) l ave haun t corn, Wad inund 4 of , pork neve Imam shipped. to Idle. 24..0 bnaliels of torn have been aunt I(sith Carona. In Loulabuta, North Larultna. and Tenneasity. theye an/ twin, ulte 'so much want, lestar uliabiltles hay. hewn furrilataid, but sailleleut toy Meet raid. matey. Robert Tonialii, of (Scoriae, Mai, recently written u letter aeceptinu thealtuation, and sa(flati:• °No true petrwi. If..e tooth s ill forsake Ills native land. I.eo 'as remain . hwy. end untteavor, by tht floor of boa, to unsv.-a-up one canto (mecca°. • - FROM I MONA). The Elgtd.lloor4 Work Pdrtfully IternmedDillirvlt Under the Pro• teettun ut the pollee. eleersplt to the l'ithbargn CIT.. woo hay .1 —No riotous demonstrn- LINN be ahn trlkera arc lypOrted toslay. Cquatls of polka: are otationtal in V.l.,ut parts of the city, out potter their protection work it collie of the inanUntetwalthr estab lishments Is partially resumed, under such temporary arrange: m.lO * Call be made to:rwetat Ina [turtle , : in teretted. Nu labor 0( any COnmequenco is• twang perfor mud at either of 1110 railrOs. , l chops Or height dew 0,110. Nl:Clings were held in Vitriolic parts the city last night by hut strikers,. at which rct.olut ions ',cruse:opted insittink on the recognition of eight hours as u ,•ol 'TI - ay , * work, dcprecating till) 001$ Of clot l en r eo ountll led by hair fulledy•wori ep ttnen. and xpr a e,Jng: a willing/it:sib ill act night hour* ply for et at hodrs labor,c =2== • I Pty Telegraph to the I'M/burgh Gasitt,•: Sr, lop te, Slay I.—A eal•le .1:11htlell state the Ltopotor of lira,' 1104 hle,liehet clever> , t lircetwhouf his amnion, ,eh ildrel to attain the ir Iroodolo on reacfllng Ltigoty-011 ,. . • Dnfl• Ilabenio fly T.:it:graph to ttr• i'lti•bursh ha/Oar. l'orts Nina itoe. May 4.—The liubc,a MUM. VlVelf deep 111011 . 1. L itt Norfolk. Ike military watlloritlua bent are riot it flytted hat action has been lithen. Itiver Teirwrann to the liittsbutgli hoer. May I —Meer Ming sitnelY. with e!,;, of_ vrnter in the canal by merle. ' rant fen, which was 111=0 11110 , 1041 111 the —The world is erugy for Minn% Thorn In 11 00 portent In a th0u...1 who ditroa lull „„„. o „,di n , country. !wl: on log real, oimple self, for pow.r to . irot through th,. world. end ex enyoyinont FROM Bosl ON. , he sots along: Them Ix 00 much living In Mo s ...yea of oth.r•poople. i n „ 0 eml to, t ,t e l: 2 l, •: b o u n:o L I , : 1 0 1 to liglitem,l movie:them wt, Imo hothoae thileou nonyg, bine, 5.--Lelgliton, the broker, you consent 10 jOlll 10 the Cranial "eat, wan committed to Jell laat evening. lath there Is 110 000111 for yOu 111110041 the grout rro cer , helm, ,e;ai on the writs 1111 l ormondem. If Is man derv,. to live nerved on him by th e flutterer fiaoht within lib, lumina, zed 14 rwolitto In his rr ge uthi nanu Two other rose not to nopoar 11101 . 0 1400100 really is, couthinlnta wore Coo boll , ell 011 by inn lot. him ho Thorn tenomething States not for and frooli n- :Worming In nneh an example. abetting Julian F. ilurtwell In uttionot and 0-e ehould honor and uphold snob • to enthogrle clo,UoU In Ilnitod Motes tome., lean V/Ith 0.11 the unuric7 In our Dower. Hartwell Doing til.l 1.00 1.0110 ngont lit the United Mutes. On the latter charge ing ...Tpo Journal of (kr7nmPret thinke the-in- ball was Claud nt amool. imighion njuitty Mintage companies hare now got. tilt, rates the poor-howl of Franklin Alining atorye, too high, anti that the effect will be the but denies lilt rasponsitillity for It, and de. , i tertlng of 101 01 nor andweak gOmpe.- glare, 1118 readitionn to meet a Judicial fu -1110. VC51•11‘141/00. MP". ':_7."-_ -• \ 47) , , s__ :____ c / V..-- 7 , ~, : , ~.:‘ ~,----.,......___41). i 7Bu W' v - . •"" -. 0 07" . "'"4!•- "-- ' - '---.' .- ^ ' '-'- ._._ , , _ t is :--.1-------ee-va.,,,37-;°--,,,,1,- -_. ' 4 ' ' " 't-7, 't , `'''' "•''' --,<, ''', ---:'- - ':' L .— Ti i • -==.--pie -' ' ' -;;;;.., ! ..... . Iva ..'"--427r ..- " . _ ;;:.• , _- - k -. - /- . - `-'-'''- 4.-Z.b.:14,.:.2.,' -'*--'... 7 --,--:.-;•<.-- -e .--" - - -- --' - _ _ • 1.... , 1- PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1867 SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM EUROPE. The Reform Question E HYDE PARK DEMATILITION Precautions Against Riot. ERIOUS APPREHENSION FELT News from the Continent INANCIAL AND COiIMERCIAI =1 =1 to:mei...lloy I—Eueniny.—Eutiaorilinary [mutinous are belne taken by the ant her les to {ottani agintist sue poLeoble violent , einoustrallon on tee occtot.o of the pro mil reform turtling on Neigh,. Net lthstantlith; them tueusurm L,11,115 rehensionii are felt, uml II itttelr. market toted considerably deprni,a,l ho eon., 110.11.1. (OfIrLAIN,I . MU) . 6.— . 11 , 0 0,1,1 01 1'11b,i.4 •Illphiltl nut FrAilte i1..11“,.:111,ing her UlUiry pt,paratlol.lJ. Ir. H. NS ISN,TIIIt AI TAIT - 3'OlN: 0:—.11. BCIILIX,Muy 5-4;(11:. Wr:zbt, L. A. Mtn rkport.i.4lta pGi,,t .I,At h. =I Is"/”., May S.—!tubs end n1.4:01111 tobo represented In the pe.,u Condrets, In addition to the otter a rto,:uuvly announced. 111111 FLCIVirg, May S.—Chnvalliie formerly Muth.° Ittinbder to the t duet! State, has been appointed .Viiihavbador to the ,ibitine forte. :tout en 6i 'T. • l't' r . -:out, .114 y 5.-1 he .truu,.ip .1:- from Morton On the Itth, uri ivtul ut !I port Mud proccodol to 11vvri.d• *learner Ifolvetta, trout Nt arrived to.d.ty anti talli..ll, I.t. orpool. FIS.INCI.II. AND 0,51.111.1:1.1AI . CT, May ca. Lies lusod ac ArrviLar,' May 4—Everuart.-o,troirt:at closed MI It franc., EILA:6LIFOR.T. ito4/ qouted on to-day. (I) If,tl I The Ite•lgunilock of Sir. laral•Mne an the Liberal Leader —Mounter Reform Deannamtraalosa an !Stem lantas rat -Tabu Helnlit Denounces the neon eta. Anmat Wail rallagisen Mr. l• Manion,— eaber aeusanslenlamt at Leean— lneatinental walterw—lroath or Dr. nitiasateue DlNcredited. Npw YORK, 1W :•.—Tht! • 1 , 111 , 11iP!! !!!,!!! Tom ',outwit:lwo:l, .1v:11 !, !o!,1 .ty . . . res,.., (Foil Lavarpuoi 240.1 Anti •rr{sa{ tu.4l.ltv. , . . Mr. Wa , :..toar, in a irtter tr,- iiindrrsttpot can orpt,t:on,,r, a It! r• •• mos e tue amt.:awn: a locr, r•• nOtlt.r; old gladly wen a Liu ail: forward he 0111 app: 01,!. , Tat. Thur. aqa Mr. e.1a,1-01.1c licosree IL to Mu. I.lLtrrnd party lk!r , u:ato 1t Imdcr. TLo 11.,CMI S SIOSIC ag,l,4t yrmv gait Ization in rrainvn Tbn tsoir2oll itetchtrrilt .CCAPT ml :en 20th of May. • realailtispaihtinsinenr flint nistie shy warllko tintiot ittivitrtn tins not htnitt tttinfetierat inn , . . . . 'rho royal fatally of P ,, rirrgal wry, ca Isit to ure Quern of ararn, wor. atoll I r, o Part... The 1 nitelhmt, , ,onheel han-M o Cahehrom,.llherl , 5:31, fur M Marshal Ferry wrh, roree:‘',7 In fu,:, beta .mownlcalcvl • • • - tonn hgland, Resale. aml to the 1' tievernment.. Ctrahiln's paper bi /Mr,. comfit:inc.' atitunlate the war Mellow In', tab. , 'lnc bor”rie t , f anal an all lance latorron iteasia,Pliefom and Italy. 11,e London Irietre 1110 arlArin nn!., s I vague rumor that 1 ram.. Lila halo IA eotteduded an ottenstre and delver:ye treaty, but deemt It finfonntled.. ' English lam - hale. generally refer. , to r gaol Mr. Miadttotieet letter at vitt ral reidicuation of the lealers4lp of the Idt,eral party. A ummter reform dernenrinOlon ..0.1 I place:at Parental:aril no the U-ol ult.. k ;2 51 1f 1 . 10 n ortttt;T. meat idefortn Millar a fraud, teteitau [atm_ ; to neat ram than eaten. the fraffebiee,aud ; cant... Aral regret that 11.., bill .n 4 hot ; opposed on second relfellnX. (lit mut 11, !Abend party vac 00. MAO , . iddletfrov. radically had EMI. Ile condemned 0 I I.llwral therchera, wile Mal Peen atr-etred I and votedthe overn tu; d nt, an oalial upon the Liber G al party to rally ittliusid II r. litadmone, whom ho warmly ..0104.0,11. Cenolatierm denouncing the her ..rament 10 , 61 . 0 tarried. . Itt the, follerring ler min tor t dealefedra.', Mon wan held in dela,. 'I t v•llve ham. ! and metropolitan 00(005 were Lamar Monday the Cobden statue ran tot• molly Inttognrated nt Alaneherter.. 1.1,01 Montana making Tailor. h e to striketor rtal ambit , of MP; he drsof t• Axor. ; oil- Robert Mort-heron 14 nll •LAA•fI ** A 01 ton 11Ceali of Or. lArlug , qpne, and de. wands; that 160 I' o,ltl.lcm b., to Artier to Hear up oil doubt., 1)0 Lisiatr the I'ol.o,4 u•:1111 bontelletten tithe city anti tile 4,011.1 Ir , the Vatican, to proa..nre of a meat r or °burr, Omar renha had arrived in for , and war thakloit rliforona Prenatal imi for peon retittif the Campaign - /Lo mat the insur gents. The dear tartly hill bat Pdaned the Irian Legislature, . The I:mental Postal Conterenee had In soloed to alumna the Panama route. The eillpments el gold -111.-tralitt during March sere noticed- Ifenv Neap, Aped I.—Tea um:Minced. 'to tal expert I 11,14.1,tme pOll9llO. / . ..rellattge is . angAus. ADM d at er dell. allan pouvlng. Ilipot to date -11,h0 haled. Li change hi 10.1. Chtfvfm, April 14.—Erchnutte it I Tho eliamher of le•paialter heated debate, petor...l the 1,1111.•,' i••I1 , e• 1111 11 - 0000 for the Miottnent of the Potittlteal debt, • The resumption of the Fenlnn trltil• crested little exelteinent, xtot a) , littended lay no ilemonstrati,llllwills ),r. Of Chop °pulse.,' FROM 13F. LOUIS. The Eight Maur Lary—MeetinT Master Mreltantes—The Movement Oppoued—Meetina of Mortal...amen— Tamnder and gain Storm. lltr'; to the l'ittikursh 1 ' et. Lome, May s.—Tho loaetnr nirelontles of thin city nod linintilin 140, Ilight to nOlighler the presetit state all elm grit, log ont of the right our lw. A 1 . 1.111110.1. ni,Lion trout tile b blore mints' Exeloome, through ltd Board of [erector P, lu reply to a statement of turn exlsting t wean employers and sent that body by the master nicellatilm , , was read, whltill takes strong mounds oalit,t the Geovmeent tho workingmen. A workingmen's 111001111 g la Cant.' flit to- Ino(LOnf' LO Conrail, thii 14080111, 11011. dlllOn of nantili, alit tinglito 141011 NOIIIO of future ILCLIOn, 4 Lenvy tkprkilor trill lightnlnw Aorta passed Over tun city last night, which tom.. 'tendril °nitrations on all the telegraph linos leading out of the city. A litrgt, m. 0., of FROM MEXII.O. An Emlswary 1111axlmIllan Caught and Expcuted.-Justret Witharaw• • • . . . All Privilege.. from European Pitt meow Alld Abolinbra ail Treaties o I lb Shove Pow era-00iielni Dlopatell from Queretaro. Stto . Yoce. )tat• s.—The Hernlct's Mate mortbi corre•poudeoce of the Nth lilt. I.llyat An erubsury from hearing letters to Marquette, saying that. Queretttra cooltl hold out 110101114er, Was captured by Ott I.llxtrobt loot executed. Juarez had Issued a decree withdrawing all privileges from citizen. Of any Eurw peals country who recognized the Empire, rm.! tang slung all treaty airpniaria,e, with those powers. w xs ,,,a,, N , May 3.—The Max lean Lega tion has received the follOwlng calclal due- meat from Motion: A. letter from General Escobedo to General• Melia, Secretary of War: Sin: ileneral gm - Wart - 1 in h. Just tor warded to nu, the following report: 7 "Marquez reached the City of !lexleo'wil h nil escort of some folly poisons, ttf Ler which smile live hundred French and Austriaas also strived In hnialltletateMbiltS. no yen terday made a rcqulsitionlor horses, audit is today said that 1,0 left for Tolum with cavalry, nollig In the direction or Loa Crude. t 1 a hove lust arrived at this noun the village el guadaloupe, and we are skit - 11119111114. general Diaz Is canting. up w till a consi.lorithlo forgo. • . . [..slgnuki I GrAnnale,WA, C limp nt tbe linen:win .10 I.n. F>nntlOrn, Apra Inn, 1 , 4.. ,, And I noomunleato tilt darn° for your Information. [nlgnonl I b,n,yn o . In front of querstlao, epr).l /411.1. Flloli NEit' YORK. Ily Talkgraph ru thu Pltn,L,Arich Gatelte., Ngw iOEIK, 314 y 5,1.'4' unrva.l n• ttr l...everal canes of brut silty on the Itnrf of polleemen towartlio prl•ontßa have oven( red I,,terar; not 1:0nrI.1 bllOt man ntinted Brown In the fact.; dreadfully npllLluttnit IL nntl entirely ilestrOt log 1114 turn, Tito olli,er ebtlatgl , l the in i.•one p r with 11 , 1l11: threatening Inngat tire to li., but It 111:17:111 . 0,, 1,140.1 [WI, nil El the prl, otter wLLY kle.clinrged. FiATlOtiri LLIC,TED. llY\Port onoi(Amoy andßarrero Imlnntla selectud for q.“truntlil. tto•I I.volLog RAILROAD t OGLE .OX. colll,lon orcul red on the I.r. L'ailtnad t Mn:or - ',lion, dm Frist“.y ztictit, Icy wltlel seventl cure %MI! I,odiy elanotttd. y”. nu prrnoti+ Wrre noured. t_ottut,rtett 11kt tor anon and a vv...on t h NatiOnit: !Lank Of Mu . tiltteu uto Ten , ter tut.. , bltts. tot, met wit. {:t.l* till littLt.tatr.ottlY Ptitt , t , l , btA , toll ad IT tlett,t I to 4 ut Itobtett t erry. ~on :.nt• t tiovi.rn.,r of 1611:1114w. tlvenernt. , rd horny, wm. t.nre night tnt n Catirge ”t ut in Lhil, u Oti4e3l td .111.1,1g:tn. FROM' CILIFORNIA. A !...indle. I...est-14'44r of f...lern% I Lal ion Agnin•l. tile India..., ,Ity t, • Gat. ctr.' MaV ,s 0 k rcte.• StIM l'ort".ra ml 4 1:ott1Ilpt and New 1 erl Irt,“ t nITOCIr. Tho .laitl•I:r . . it it, piaci tr.. 1.:.• :non sw, - ,11411 , 143. know 1 H of 1,..r frwt• “••-, itt tLat J.:v[111,1:1g to,t !, • - Al trona state a, r , u.ttlf.nco. , l 1"..1 •ete LoluotmilV 4't tfl4' f:••• r .try 1!4.1 . 1ht it"; CI Um , 110.: M>110,4 ME •PUT , etlia tm . , it ot, , 1rr,nr0..4 %yes, Wu:ma I ON • “car,.. M'oie .• ~ , rth • laatz - 13. v.or. t Rot rE I otr Shot p.m rd teAm oast 11 , 11ur• Awribrale4ll. =I A 1,1.4 i, rt. hI, tr.g...0, rllle rtynyi, 0 .40 I.y ntr us-1,0,0; ,if t1..-tstlt•.).ntVotao.l •1 . ...111,4E II 1, V tt , E It E. Er,. 11, uttu...or ,Ott .a. =II =re Iii••1••11.1 1 1 liUree• 1..1, tit:, ft Sat,,Al, f lar In In: C.•.. Sro .v.,1,11 0t w!,l =2 1 , ,T, IN, Mc.. iirty ti“ ...ilk , / for Llye•riancol A: a tio. :In) liao e plf:ntlaff, nanonaren,a * t that Ilal• moil., complete::1.11:l ai. gasil. In IV 08:::rn roam:, Ivanlnoin.ll•l.or, Mr.., a f:;:::a elt a cit way', of tho fanna.feninnt of e. .t 331,11 Ira !faro loataral 01r:b.:Aar. of thu :10 art can iAltly tan; r 1.10:I rim:, City Will fa, ti:llvt: , l In 11, rt. , :rat MOV