THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. rvsuismen BY PENINIMIN„ REED & CO., --- AT GAZETTE 111111 DING, 'Tjcb. 86 WiTt.b. etroot. P. a vutors. T. P. ADEINTON, 5 4°M/AIX H 1136 II &LAOS P. SEED., =I • Sines ..... 3 cents eltweretrny coder. (per w..."••••••• 15 dubtealbaes. (3e , ' tut 38.00,1 iatoroi rooctioo. to Norstars and tenuri T.E1131811:117. WEEKLY: Three Coptes, per Tea r, by man-- Yare -do. ' do. Co, edeh Tenor mare coples,to quo address, and nae free Urtiah. each drier rims. Letter..froot-TO 3lrsater, of New . Tor —No. 2. , .'• .ox COLO% OATtOth, ...SD CUESA. 'TO Tux Yorialt. o rut liarirxx—Siv— ln considering the larses which gradually :Undermine the heal Ira the tangs and pro duce consumption, shall begin with colds, as these urea all causes the most impor tant. When we are exposed to wet feet, to drafts of air, to sleeping in drop sheets, OF to Insufficient clothing, a sense of °hilltops is experienced, followed by oppression- of some of auroraens of the body. This Ls a cold. It may be slight-and Seen pass off, or Severe and end in inflammation. Much de , pends . on the linPortance of the part on which It falla - for a cold always manifests itself in some organ, amt any organ may be' We distinguish colds by the part affected. Bence; we have a cold in the head, or In-. ;limn.; a cold In the nose, or catarrh; a cold lit the throat, or quinsy; a. cold in the chest, or bronchitis. . -.. . Ity a catarrh 13 meant a congested sod in flamed conditlent Of the mucous membrane lining the .nostrils, generally produced by colds, but often chased by dust and other irritating mutters in the air. We breathe, though the nOse, hence its mucous Mee/- Inoue is more liable. to injury than any other part from sudden changes 10 the teei peridure of the air, and from irritating im purities floating in It. In nine cases out of every ten tae first indication of oar having. taken ChM is a sense of muffing in the 11030. Chronic catarrh follows the acute form, and Is Lbudirect consequence of leaving u simple cold In the head to cure itself. Af ter a longer or &hotter time, the patient finds that, although the diniculty of bres,th. lug ter° agh the nose hag passed off, there t 'All remains a slight discharge of yellow .11.... y. looking Into the 11090 we nun' flud ttiu membrane. thickened, redder than In health, and oftenielournted. Chronic ca tarrh occurs lit several form, In the sun niest r.rm we hove merely an accumulation of yellow or strow.colored mucus in the . ' posterior naves above and behind the pal ate, which the patient haws out from time to. we during the day. in the second, m email sores form In the nose nod the score' t lon becomes dry, requiring frequent atten tion to keep It' free. in the third, -a "false ' membrane forms In the nostrils, which the patient removes from time to time. Sot unfteituently this . membrane is bloody where it has been turn from points et ulcer.. mien within the nose. In the fourth, the secretion Is thin, and drops down into the throat whenever the patient throws back ' • the head or forcibly snuff's up the air: When the ulcerations arc considerable, the Bccre , Mon becomes purulent.' There. 10, mornov . • er, often loss of smell; end, fallen the ulcer. '.. talon has eaten through this membrane to the bone, the tll.;Tharga his an otreustl'e odor. Catarrh occurs at all ageenseing found. ia ,• young children and 10 old people. Those wagering from It are much more liable to lake coal 'ou slight exposure. It Lis much worse in the einem and winter thou during ;: ' the worm months of summer. i Trr.l,73lC,r.—Chrenic catarrhal affections .. of the nose and frontal sinuses until a very recent portal bud no . remedy. They re. wattled, like consumption and asthma, a : • stain and reproaco on 111)pm : icor medicine. And set, strati ge as it in ty stein, the di, case itself, It we except rem., Is only a simple chronic milasurantlon of the mucous membrane, ant can easily be reached by all-the forces of the Mater to Medica—solids, 1110,10, and gases. . Some years since, finding it impossibleao ellect a co re of these affections by ordinary means. 1 contrived it carved showering ,_•..syringe, by which I was able to make a di rect. application of any . Medicated wash to the whole Internal cavity of the nostrils at the same instant. Ily daily cleansing the •, i 11.11,11.1 memberane, and Strengthening it , • by -astringent . application, I. 'soon found.' . ' .that catarrh was among our most curable affections. In the most aggravated cases of mzena. nod chronic influenza I sometimes Miami the cure hastened by Inhaling va pors, which could not be applied equally well as a trash; and to meet this require - ment I contrived a small copper sand-bath, to ho used with a spirit lamp. 'Tile medl clues are placed upon a gloss crystal and .; evaporated by beat. The patient holds his head over the bath, and receives the va porn 'as Umy come off into his nostrils Tittue is neither pain nor inconvenience in usingthege remedies. Et-eolith° children submit tO theM from day .to day without complaint. Ily this simple, direct end ra .,. 110001 treatment,l have been able‘vith.,cer tainty to break up terse troublesome and - . . dangerous affections. Wnen properly ap plied, the showering syringe will not tall -,i . In one Crell3 out of a thousand. -': Unfortunately; these. affections are too generally treated with neglect: and In come. - iimuce are ecionlost sight of. In the Wan, • . tines (11.54,11ACS to which they give rise. Ca. torch! , the first step toward consumption. • When allowed to go on, it soon involvi,:s the ' ' throat in grariulations, came➢ the yoke to become . husky on sliming and reading abouil, and ends in the thickening of the mucous . , membrane lining the bronchial. tubes. Af. . 4 . 'ter this latter change bit taken place the deposition of turbereles, ulceration of the lungs, and the development of consumption tee often follow 9.• E.Ven were the danger of the lungs less, catarrh is the most common source of deafness. from causing the closure : . of the Eustachian tubes, and frequently ex , . tends itself dowe the gullet to the stem itch. causing the 'most Inveterate form of , . dyspepsia.. Chronic irritations of the mu- cons membrane always extend themselves de wriwartl. They , are mild and easily • .-:' cured in the commencement, but become grave and dangerous when neglected. I regard catarrh us the great feeder of of Pis " monary irritation, and by no other means - .. . can we Bo effectually gnaril the lungs I rom , tiltie.o Os by promptly removing the cit. '". Varna% affection. . Your obedient servant, 1 • ' normal 11rxrcti, M.' D. : ' ilerehallt'd Hotel, Pittsburgh, February Bill Mbettspenre nod' CWlSigi. "Let me hale men about no that are fat, sleek headed men—Yon Cassles has a lean and hungry looktauch menace dungerous.o .Yo said Simkepeare. Now Cassius, like many another simple react, was slim became AO know not bow to appreciate good living. 'II lin were living to-day be would,not be ro proacbed Lomaso lean, for at,floitzbelmor t s Continental Saloon, lie would repair like all sensible men d o, and ixtrtako of the sphr d Ll lY gotten tip meals and be es sleek and tat his tormenuar. sins would apbreel ate ilnitelleimer'4 bill of fare aud would be me of the numerous patrons who throng this popular restaurant day and nicht. 'Xs Cassius is deadovuean only advise lean men like him to patronize no: other restaurant than the Continental, next door to the lost. oCiee Fifth street, unless they want to keep lean and Spare-honed. TO llotisakcepeim. Good Tomato., at al Ceuta per can Strawberner , at 40 maul. at 40 crate, Peaches at 0 ctnts. , Peach Marmalade at 59 contra, Punch Jam nt 50 cents ' ' Grit Itauuna at :O cents per round. G cod Prunes at 25 aunt!, per pound. , Good Currants at '2.l • Cen LS per pound. At tat Federal street, Allegheny City.. Gso. itss.vsn, DoO'l Play Irtal TOCreaWit Get Ll2O bo.t quality of -English and Scotch Ale. Porter or Brown stoat—fbr, by calling ni Yleming , s Drug depot, yon will tlnd the moat complete stock of the finest brands— pmd get them at the ♦ery lowest price. Ito; member the place, Fleming's Drug and Patent BD:Melee Depot, No. S Market .treet. • _ Mall Aliso And splendid linriolini in Opers flouse Shoo Store'. S 11 1 1 IiD - . . • . . :* , N - . 1 -r ' '; :-.- , • ,/ -- - r-=' - '= -- -• '-' ',::.=,-.,.- .• i' 4 / ~ . ....,....e.....,r ~ . . . .. ' I*. 7lllif _-.,1-'4,1--.......-040' • vim'„.„ c„;......-•••1 • ~ , • .',,-. . .7 - ',..i' . ... ~ ,- . '-- :/ . I I f• - - ” - 7.- 1; :i . ..i , -0 " .e ' . 'A-- - ‘ 2 .- ;; ' - ' , "•V''' , ' , • i l' - • OC - Ptp..vii. }" : . )• 4:1 . ':. 1 :- ASII ." '1 • .•.4 7 i 1 - -*'t , ''' ,v 'aitilli , •;•-- , ._,Au.: • ••-•• • ~,... . -,- ...3 iv • - 1 - , •, , . 11 - ___,_,_-e:.,._,..,.:•:47t,•,,,,,,_=_;:._7_::_,.::_:,,,r..r.:_.L:_,-:,,,,:_,_,,.z._..„(.:.;..::...T:7„_,r::_.,_:_i.,:_,.„H_::,__..._;.:_-5r.c.".,,,-:.._-i.__:„...._____i....m..__.___1_.:,...,,,..6,...,__.._::-_...=____.:._•__ --„ ,.. .'f '..t',.: ::; ,;-,.:. .1:::: - ;:. , . ---_,------=-..-,..„-_,...-/....,..--,..,,--,-„,„___,-_-,„,,....... _..,......„___. ~ J -_--...--...-..--, .--...r---7.3...- \ l iAl lr i _ . / l A , ) =----- -- . --------,------------- ,-- -,- __ 7 - --- -7.--.-_-- - 7____-,4, -----=-------------- . . ---;.-_- -_-_--. --....-/---------,-./.----_-_-;-- , . . . „ 50 ..... 1 93 CITY ITEMS The RemainingtntrtJ Data filisT 1011111 N °four grand closing out sale aro drawing to &Moro., so dou , tioec this eanollant tumor. tunity to secure such good Boots and Shoes far so little money, but coma. without delay and do an act of Justice to your family Neu goals arriving which will bo sold at ettromely low prices, Opera House Shoe Store. Will (lima ttereh Ist, 1867. 'E. F. Gardner haying disposed of his old place of business, will open an entire new stock of Spring Dry Goods, at 1i0.t9 Market street, west corner Maiket Bad Fourth. Marva let. wirr IM==9:l At \o. 73 Market street sad examine our now coring -stock of bacques, Ba.ques, Cloaks and Circulars, cloaking cloth and trimuilug'of every Oescriptlon. • The Orily Reliable Place In Pittsburgh to get tha latest Paris and New York sty'. in Cloaks,Sseques, Basques, Circulars and Mantillas, Is at Spence's, 73U:ix/int street. ECE=I Are' especially Invited to call an examine' oar late spring styles in Cloaks Bugties, Sacqucs and Circulars, at No. 'Market , street._ • All the Leading Stylus In Spring Cloak., SaequesdiasErns., Circa :ars, are now open and [or sale at Spence'. No. 73 Market street.' FAVr7 Lad, • Wants ono of the 710 W style., Sacques anO. Cloaks now on exhibition at Spencobt, No. ll= I Foreign Liquors of nll kinds nt Joseph B. Finch's Distillery, No. Igo, 191, 193 and 195 street, Pittsburgh. Greater Redaction Than ever during the next Zs days of the great closing out ealq at the Opera House Shoo Store. • ! Sou Can BuY •• 93 per mat.. Alcohol Riseph 3. rinelVe. Ton am lin/ ew Bops at Joseph . s. Inerensed 1 Attractions At the Opera Rouge Shoe Store. -4,703 DE iISED TELEGBAnS The Tar:ll and To bills will both go over to the Fortieth Congress•, Bat two work- g days of this session now remain, a no hope of the palk.sage of either Lill. Several attempts were mace in t yesterday to push through an amend Tariff bill, but tiro) were ntl u.uce: Mr. Morrill made the ne.eet .rlp- preach to success, by moving an increase twenty per cent. on all dritieg, except on gar, ten, coffee. Balt, coal and railroad on. Thin motion, requiring a two-Mini a to get It properly before the House to by aped St, nays 7t. There le go Majority in Congress favorable tot. , ascil duties, and a rodnctlen of t h e ta be Induitry of the couotrr, but val ble use wee frittered away in Ben, neeetaary debate, and as a co both bilis have fatted.. Five lead bodies were found: on Wednes day at Buffalo, at the Brand Trunk Mall road depot, packed In barrels, directed to a party in Ann Arbor, Michigan. , The bodies were thogo of two men, two women and ono child, nod had apparently not been dead over a week or ten days. Advicea Item the South state that it Is supposed there will be twice as many white voters in Virginia as black. Fred. Hudson, formerly of the New York 'Jerald, returns to that paper next May. It is raid that Thurlow Weed bas par. chased up Interest in the Yaw York Com m/ mcia Advertiser. The Supreme Court of Alabama has de ehled that the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln did not take effect In that State until May, IFS. -A force is organizing at Leavenworth nn. der tieneral Ilancock to operate against the Indians iv Kansas and Nebraska. - - The steamer Laura Fenton was burned while taking in a cargo at Evans ville, yesterday morning. She was val ued .. at twenty.two thousand dollars. and was partially Insured. No lives were lost. Russian sheet Iron was euccessfully made on Wednesday, at Mahoning, Ohio, at the works of Brown, Bormell Comp.)", by the process ol George C. RonougnechliT, under the superintendence of Caleb ! BrOornal. A largo meeting was hold to Toronto, on 'Wednesday, to promote the nucleon. and On tarlo :thin Canal. The President stated It was the Intention to ask the Canadian Legislature, fora free grant of ten millleins acres of public lands, and municipal aid would bo asked from To route to the amount of five hundred thou. amd doilsrs. Resolutions in favor of the caned were carried by a largo majority. Gov. Fletcher bee brought sult. against the St. hauls Evening Dirpatch for defama tion of character., Damages are laid at floo,exo. A boiler in a saw mill near Jori.sboro, Ill inois, exploded on Wednesday, killing the engineer and severely scalding several Otis- er persons. .In the New York Semite, yesterday even ing, amendments were adopted to the con stitutional coevention bill, allowing em. zens, without distinction of see or color, to vote on 'the adoption of the constitution; hot excluding deserters and persona engag ed in the late rebellion. A delegation from the Legislature of Del aware visited both Holmes of the Virginia . Leglmlatureyeaterday. They were invited to seats en the floor, and speeches were made xi:leen:Ling theM rt the represent , Oyes of a.State which upheid State sever- At the Law School. at Lonisville, yester day, Wm. Barlow, In firing at Captain Yri ton , formerly of the C. S. A., excldentally shot Brigadier General Eli Murray, of the United States Volunteers, in the leg. The wound Is not serious. All three are law f students. The Tennessee Legislators has adopted a resolution calling on the Federal Govern ment; throughGenerul Thomas, fora sufll elent military force to keep the peace and restore order and quiet la the State. The preamble alleges that in several counties violence prevail! , (nee civil law, and riot and Murder go unpunished. • Govbinor Fenton has revoked the man date for the delivery of Captain George 01. ney to the Virginia authorities, and order ed him to be released from custody, the acts charged against Only not being enfliel mit to Justify his surrender.., Sleeting of a Radical State Conseil ' time In dlisryland—Valversal Serf " (rage Commend ed. Itstrnsoac, February 29.--The Radical State Convention met yesterday. It was numerously attended. Dr. Lo n gf dile ' ebony county, is ff resident. S resole. lions wore adopted . as a platform for the party In the State. Universal manhood suffrage was proelalmed,snd the Conserv!. tires of the . State were threatened with COngresslonsl interference If the plan of calling a State Constitutlonaf Convention is carried out. meept on the broad platform of universal suffrage. The same party held a large mass meet ing at the same place last night. trho.bouno was crowded. Sfuurchee were Wade by 1100. Harsco Ilsysard of Tembeasse; Hon. Co lumber Delano, 01 Ohio, and othora,s.ll In favor of a nd ff .The Pctsident was denounced t h e ow , Taa of COaareaS 1nen.141.1. ONE O'CLOCK, A. M EMILY TELEGRAMS. FROM HARRISBURG. • Mr. Bighorn's Free Railroad Law Defeated in the Senate. ONLY A VERY UNCERTAIN KIND OF FREE LAW TO BE PERMITTED. BAGS OF nil DILL 11106 , 16 SCAM CAR IRVIL is PiIIADELPIII Special Dispatch to tho Pittsburgh Gazette liaarttsnc an, Fobruury 1661% SENATE. Mr. Coleman _road In place an act to regulate the fees of County TreseUrer In the Commonwealth. Mr. iligham presented the resolution of the Councils of Birmingham, and petition Of citizens of Lower St. Clair township, in favor Of aatteiStlon TO Binntrlghetn; sO, an act to incorporate the Cope rat iv e As sociation of East Birmingham, Mr. Connell-offered a resolution to print Mr. liratmeiid Cameron seeech in the Re cord. earned. The special order orthe day, the Free Railroad Law, teas taken up.' The friends f Mr. lllgham's hill endeavored to amend the bill reported (rein Die Committee, teak - It the name ne the bill drawn by Mr. Bugle am, but failed by nineteen nays to thirteim yeas. Ilillingrelt, Brown of Lawrence, Brown of Mercer,.Cojemau, Davis, Graham, Jackson, Lowry, Taylor, Wallace, White, and Rail, Speaker,•voted for amending the bill, making It as Origle any introduced. Moose-,Burnett. Connell, Davis, Donovan, Fisher, Wats, Mettles, Jock.un, L lain"., anydon, Melbtrulless, iteConnevhY; its. doll, Ridgeway, Iblyer, ti O c t ebOeusaker, etetztuen nod %Valle .401mA the amendment. Mops': taF REPIILiENTATIVEs. The following Mile were reported by Co MitteeM • An act to prevent the depositing of un wholesome matter In the running streami Of Allegheny county.. The act to incorporate the Pittsburgh Tant.oll Company. The act unt homing the Recorder of beeds to record the diseharges of the honorably discharged for o tt e r he Commonwealth. Ton act for the httr protection of 11111. !stems of the Goole,' lu sulemalsthii t h e cere mony of matrimony. The following bills in place were tend Alt act to extend the act relating to hens of ovaliattics, to Blair and Armstrong Court %lea An net to extend the term of tno Tresto p or of V. estmoreland COunty. An net relating to the :short!! of Butler County boarding prixmere. Au act relating to the pea ',lookers In Al cgberty County. An act rotating to the paving of ,lito bor ough of McKeesport. Au act to divele New Brighton into three warily. P. pripolement to the act Incorporating the borough of Lawrenceville. The free railroad IoW tr. reported with a negative recOna Tar net to authorise the SchoOlailrectOra of Ilarrison township to borrow money for school purpose , . The net to Incorporate the Eagle Cotton .11111 Company. Tho act to incorporate the Ott City Petro leum Cob:many. By Mr.llclieei An act 'ogles tneownars of a s it the rtgot of way over no well as nutter theground; also. an art putative to prions la Allegheny County; nice, an Oct Pt hibi Silo bunting and .41.111 us of game inNorth Yet ette townships. By Mr. Coivilie. An sot for the commits tattoo of sea tencea; alio", an Lot in Inca/epos Oath the Mutual Transfer Comp any. By lit. Chad wle. , . An act to ineorpo ate the IteliCesport lien Company. By Tlr. Wllpini All avt raison to jib levy of a tax. In Pitteborglit Ws., an net to Ineorporitto a Building savlinget 4,41 , ,CiA• Lion i also, a ruppiteuent to the act relative to Ilene of mechanics, extending the came to Allegneny county . ..Imo, a Joint resotu• Mon authorising ono Governor to appoint COLum , polonons to Iz n ii , ulre Into the prisonsystem of the State. - By Sir. Linton. A met to inercas_e the fees of the county otl rs of Cambria coun ty; also, an act to re . I the PeUnnylVanla Nre ti l, Railroad Company present a stateMent of the receipts Mu • elperulitUrea Of LIMO Ebenalgirir bran c h, LI regulate the rates of toll. By Mr. Espy: An act to authorize the Commtsslotters of CPI, ford county tobor row money to 0011,1 a Centel House; alto, an act to thy oreo N. T. George and Lortudo, lits wife; 1,110, a supplenumx. to the act relit. tiro to mineral lands and.xuantitatturing companion In Armstrong county; also, an act to regulate the talarira of Associate sludges. By Mr. Harbison: An act to relieve money at interest In Lawrence county from taxa tion. By Mr. MeTherroni A supplentent to the not relative to the Mercer honied Coal Co.; also, an sict•to prevent the Illegal solo of 101 toxicating lli nor, to mercer comitY. By 11x. Sobers: An act to make Lincoln's blrthday a pleb holiday. • it; Sir. Vehaveni a Joint, revolt:aloe re. questing CUngreasto elecupt . frOmtits hOlllO iiiilaUfaccores. • • • -.." • The evening session of the House wak suir,,et hy the consideration nf Sand , cur travel in Philadelphia , . The bill w carried by th to Z.:. Mews ro. Colville and r her voted In favor, and !tenant. Clan, eon, McKee and Chadwick [wawa. the bi The, Senate atiJonrned wllliont finally d' posing of the general railroad law. litelief to the People of the Mouth— Denth offrof. De Itow—llerringe of Pwrep—wvo by Fire —Gold Solo. allow ttperattou—Slowemente of the Fenton*. 1 New Teas, February 28, MG. •lasi , TO 7,190t11 . 11. • The steLer Memphis 101 l to -day with thirty LW:Maned bushels of corn, onodbird each to Charleston, Savannah and Mobile, on account of the Southern Belief Commis- Mon. Before the close of another week the ' Commission hope to be able to ship, by an other natibnal vessel, a larger quantity to. ards relieving the fearful dertitution In Mille sections of Alabama, licorgia, South and North Carolinas. POSTS 07 XL na sow. Mr. De flow, editor of LW Dow's .Beriens, died yesterday ut Elizabeth, New Jersey, 'Etter a brief illness. mfar••101TA6111.•. .. Madame Tampa was married on Tuesday t to Crl Mom • violinist. SOLVENT Illf•CIWIC6 coxr arr. • Thn Superintendent at the State Inter 4 once Department reports the Wets of the 1 bun Mutual Insurance c on ti nuan ce and sufficient to Justify Its in business, with. an additional' capital of wo,czo, 1.00.18 ny 1,16.. The toms by Ore in Broadway this morn ing, at blergenthan ft Jilin.'s. wine dealers; are fIO,COO, tied at White, MUMS.. a Co, , a, clothiers, 11.30,070; fully Monroe!. YENIAg 0000100. • Tho Stephens Fontana had a private meet ing to-day. Report says a portion of the Convention favors a to-organization of the circles, or forming a directory with as executive Wendt in this city. 711412 5 00E001. 11011.1,11 .10 . A l alarm of fire In the public [wheel building, Erie street, Jersey City, was WY en at ten o'clock this morning, and created great consternation among two or three hundred children several of -whom witli one or two teach In their efforts to escape, were trodden pn and severely linn. One girl named Laura hfcCoy, aged eight, wee probably fatally Injured. dome cull. gran Jumped from the erfridOWS.' • .1. 001.0 411•11101.1:10 OTCOATION. The particulars of which swindling opera thin in May. 1683, by which a broker natnod John Boss fraudulently obtained 1643,000 In gold from variOns balgertiln 100 eitY, hare dually come to light. The money was .0b- %Med by gold certificates, apparently sign ed by the Continental Bank. Boss sacape..l with his booty In *vessel named the Oak... tit, which we. kept In 'readiness for the pur pose of osvrying him away. Re is now PrO. enined to be In bran!. where bolo safe from \the idstithes of the United buttes officials, there being 110 eItno:ht1011 treaty between the !meow:tattles. 13eVoiallolt.11 have grown out Ohs 0000, twit firms nutting the Conti nental flank for the sumo mimed on the gold eertlfleste3, sod cleaning that the gig. ogtoreg are gettol.o. POLITICAL. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VERY LVVEST POGUE. 11,031 The Tax and Tariff Dills Defeated WORT ON IllE ENMITY O POL%GAM. Senator Wade to be Chosen Presi THE VETOES IMPENDINC Postmaster General Randall to go to Vienna. TARTLING REPORT EXPECTED ON IMPEACHMENT. 111,111.1.111 ,0 1 e THE I,TENS orrlClt. annual' report of the Patent ()Plea submitted ,to Congre”a to-day. The >er of appllentlorw daring the year 1." 15. X"); patents Issued. including re a and denlgus, V,450; narrate died, 2,71'3 applications for extension of patents, 67; pa cute extendetl, SY; patents expired, itl,lf7 Of the patents grante , l, there were to Mil. :ens of the United states, wile. The re ceipts of the Offire were $195,f44; expendi turee, Va,h on Nand, including surplus last year, 5v.i,1.2:, report to-day denouncing polygamy WI con trary to the splrlt of chrintlan relic of pauthelam and barbarism, and tmt, veralve to the marriage rut atlon in' 11.11 ;no Liar. abere if, Is tolerated. It le aftni , ly prosulution, thaaroynair LllO origi nal and divine eraalitiOn of 'cOcirty. No -meter outrage On the freedom of religious anti could be pelmet' nted than to require people of tiny nation to sanction end eve by law, practice so deeply r Allotting to the asset - Lion of tile recout norlal front the Utah Legislature that dfort has been Made to enforce tie an ay law, the Committee rays the linniiiiri‘ing; If It is In consequence of the Federal J“.ldes. they oiht to ter removed, but if the . failure from other causes, it le the duty of 'resident to see the law executed. Poi) .1. fact 1 ai D Tattiti, 111,3 Dar.ta - rata Thi , Tacit! aiter the action of t tie (00.1 to-011y. U Conbidereil effect isaliv plc Lit Ur) out rent. eitatiOn. Tile Tar tint' probably 511•00 the •nmo tale. orrtc., , NO:SWA NCVI6. "- An!orlirial:ouvour,t ut ES N rotyvdo's victory • cc Inen ree.lred Imre, It • otstett that the Metitcal aid Quarter mostero Department , . have rectoveti In. otrutAtotio rtilative to Wu couillig coati/alga to tol Inaugurated ogOlnot the lulllatto from the Pepart theist of tie Mlsiaturt about the lutliluf March. A proper proportion of oh , goo s, hoop:tat elcotatiloi utottaloriven anti cal &tont, and the °act:sooty trollop°, tattoo will let fitrotohed. General Theyv!, cleo. (row N., . • brasks..rivo.l tt,•nl<t, land submittoa to ttso Pre.blant a copy of th, pasmal by tbe Leg's:mu.. of that btsto, • In the (..CritlltlOnA Unite -ea by cuncre• - . the President rill pOuti ir•ug ',metal:na tion recognizing Nebre-lia now etate, when Seßatorn und Itcprezentatives front that State will be a. 1 in itte , l to Con grers. MCtntr•frl elect to the Fortieth Congres, have already orrivud. • The feet that the /home lg./Ott, • hey nine melarlty to lay the bankrupt / the table, appointml a Committee mferenen to Join that heretofore up ,/ by the Senate .on 1120 di/agree/11r ,eralmetile, Is regarded by the frieorle at that measure as indleatike of the ekrtun passage of Me tall through both houses. 101 l on Of Con pOlote, FROM PEW YORK. fur this session, dent of the Senate, cVssuz February 2. nw adlelary Cottarat. a mad • IZECSEIZIE It Wm reported 11,19 rlternroto tLnt ihn to or lho roConstructlon I , llltaig to sent US-night; LuL ILL, guessing ts , Se stfuto at ult; so it most he lolled for to-morrow, TII Prom Evening Chrculele filsostrae.i. There...a for Governor S wan Ws recent behatriOr are given Out no follows: If Swann runlet. the titorerhOrtihrp Of Mary land, and the uthate rut.. him s sent, It is probaide that Governor Cot would amaiint Creswell, a radical, to till the vacancy. This scheme, it Is nald,ittiranii is determined to thwart, evert at the expentot of making Wei bel! look very ridicule. ['Moreton people. Prof. Benjamin F. Pierre, of Harvard Col lege. been appointed Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey. Men Wads will receive twenty-threw votes for the prod.:they of the Perrato. The rest will le divided between restheden and Ponllttle. Of mum Wade will be elected. ThnTariff bill hen gone op for this 'Manion. There are yet two hundred amendments to be ext. - Vito. Thln n. ift "r throw the over bent next. Ja.ny. tla thought the bill nest ' fusion will be W envy then one. • • (from the Times Cnrrespe•dtavn. , The country will lie startled before the (lose of the week by the report from the Judiciary Committee on int pe.hin en t mat tem includin the proress they have miole, and ass e rting g toe n ecessi ty of y tisk. Ina tile invest Melton In the nest Coagrenn, developments thus fur demanding Its con tinuance. Thoth who believe the Commit , tee have done nothing will Stilt thentselvi s seriously mistaken. The reports that General i i rant had an In. tervlew with the President on the Itecon• struction bdi mu unfounded, though he Iv Ulm [Waled ly In favor ur the 1,1 11. . The Preridentln' veto of the llonenntrne• Gee bill Is prepared. It Is quite lengthy and principally devoted to the legal fea tures of the bill. Ito tome Is gm nod re spectful. The veto of the Tenure of Wilco hill In al so prepared. Besides objecting to the sec. tint including members or the Cabinet, the , Prenhlent oects to making the • of other om en during good bulitthiour or for life. Tile provokens of the army bill that the he the eviler:o thall be In Washingtao n dquarters. only,and thatall orders shall emanate from the general etc., are regard ed no Uneonntitutional anti the lOU will also doubtless be vetoed. It is reported that Postmaster General Randall will resign and go to Vienna se Min. later, In place of Mr. Motley. • The person who endeavored to obtain an interview wlth Barrett proves to he really Ills brother, who went to Teals to mg. Fall ing to nee his brother he has left the city. I Rum the Tribune Correnpundence.) UM.. Mellonae accepts the loan hill as flamed by the Senate yesterday there is very little probability Or anything lining passed tide trelnitOrl, as the Senate Is unani mous against the house scheme. The Ways and Means Committee will endeavor to get the Ileuth to concur. A aleph , of Important witnesses on the Impeachment matter arrived In Washing ton from the South lost night. (From the World Correttpunden oo • 1 The reports! the Jrnilelary Committee, in the impeanlinsent Matter, will ...emu. plate a failure se tto) Crtelenco has boon to sustain the charges which have tie. pro. (erred.' RECONSTIMCIION The Congressional Plan to North Eas , 7 ollsos and Vlrglola--Eats beatllo.ll ef the Virginla Legislature to Cou sitter it: listraon, N. C., February. rN. , —ltir. Colter , Introdueed foto the Lower limas to-day, resolution expressing the willingness of North Carolina to accent la good faith the propo.od plan of Geogrees for sreoonstrua , tfOrt of the Southern Statue. The rondo. Von created much excitement and an ani mated discussion ensued. Finally It weer. , [erred to the Co mmittee on Federal Rale- Liens. Nacanego, VA., February Vl.—The Lettw lettere, whose sun:dolt expires on Saturday, will be convened in extra seamen to plan into consideration S t Congres*lonel plan et Iteoonstructlon. P TIIIRTY-NINTII CONGRESS. (SECONIJ SESSION.) IVIO.IIINOTON, February 23,1.547, 4.. NATE• 1..11 , 011.10 TISIL Itifl,ol7lll. Mr. POMEROY Introduced n. tilll to au thorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri river at Leavenwutli. Ruler red to the Military Committee. I.I'•Itt3110 , Or CIDI•CATION. Mr. TRIAIRCIA. called up the bill to tablish n Department of Education. All pending amendments were vetted down,and the bill passed. roam" a ...c.0. , . On motion of Sir. SU MNER, the Foreign (immune ° wax dischargeil fro the Con elteratfon of the following subje cts: 'llle bill Mare effectually to preserve the neutrality natal°ns of the Celled Stated. The memorial at the Portages° Vice Cart• eul at Savannah. for compensation for pro perty taken by :Merman's troops. A petition fur reciprocity with the flaw elan Islands. A petition forgOverninont vesaela to taae imuntlings between the American Coast and Franco. A memorial from French litinatlians anti others against the proposed confederation of the British Provinces. Petitions for an international copyright Mr. S ,C SUMNER, from OOUIMItito of Forelan ReWiwi., retiorted a Joint ' , MIA. Lion alithorizing toe Assistant Secretary of the Navy. For, and other - wilier:re of the Mtantrinarnith and Augusta toaccept ores. eats from the Emperor of liwwitt. Mr. JOHNsUN u.coost an amendment ex empting ihewO presents from duty. Alopt oil; and the LOSTU•cir. AT Tilt ainTli. Mr. HOWARD introilnced it resolution mlling on the reatinuster tie wind for Infor ation as to Whether wall contracts had 'Teen given to A. S. Carter, of without hla taking MO oath of allegiauCe. Adopted. Dicacass OF rAr. The Satiate concurred in the House amend. wenta to the bill to trusporart.y luerwow the pay Of officer. of the army. XI.COIOODIft•TioY. !Ar. BE r CK A LEW entered a innnn tn !Alp veto by which the ti bill i,tai icing the liiiiiiwauent Of L.tUC*ttVn We The mlsitell apprept Winn hill vs taken up. The ifeestion out noon tin amendment of the /manse Linn...tee, If provide fur the payment of certain wisis. tali - , in the :tout horn Sluice. For this lar. EI/MUN Da satires! a eittietltute, ratting OULU. , :Secrete. V of Ine Irrootry,LO send the tamale • the persiins r plot ed as as-lissom, wtt hoot tak mg the oath:what BersiceyttleT rent "red, sod how touch doe tame." Mr. HANDLER. alluding, rosin epiteelt about the s ad of the Treasury. tunde lasi night, said he hail prebottly spoken in harsher terinit than he titionl.l nose trot toward that entree, but It WWI an old sat leg that the "last strew broke the imam's hark." Yesterday, he felt that the last straw hail bean plisc.l on his bat a. 11 hr iweluton Of the Seeretary thi. Teeasney s well kno, lie loot statist ti 71 ' 1: , v s li tU at hat wn to tilt owe etty of oins I tett edi t they tool kno setae very 01111.,.” to r0•v;,...;, ,,, 4. t-tui assersina mot collectors. Ili, else etwoortst them, and to Detroit nib who ...lid he re e trailed with, n. salt of clothes atty. hurt' In um whole Congressionsi dist:lett • mail ao unfit for the position that utt man tool no pony st outii r•centtuetel hint. It sat true he an :ejec ted, bet I.e. A, .111 in 0111 t. ., alter tentois"- retest" - hail been ono:hid 01 Ids until eves. .Liter tiltrelrstion re tilt' secretary atiOnlnlrol es loot iin Cwt.:. In :he -.tate M merman his appetutteemts we, eotttridled by matt what *yrs , utterly position. of i•horoetsr nod repotatten anti t I he OM , anima from Mic Idgert a as nut as!, nor seers r"st".ittalilo 11.1 M C.,11,11111.1 ,- .1. The man whom the 1"..jr1 . 1 , 1 W:11 110 W 411 LV H.1,1:14/011 1n.4..11,1 coati ollwl the Ititia-Int nera4 M,Cll{,Ol. Further 111,1 1111, twi t , Vomiters --better known as -Don \ trot h" of lot tobt-ha• fern the secret -gent ofta-. the Trearowy, ana IW ot O 11,11.1 been teat i•ling through the re , bet states In sieret bootie , for alto Mr. lIEN DMUS" Interrupted Mr. i. :mod - ler to sat ties: thte , /VI Lot - Me. ( lit A Itht. Lail late informant was Writ. A. lioisarti. formerly rt tut et., ! Cougress trout the Detrolt .11,1110. Mr. HE ri it I. but um, Me CHANDLER repeated the name of lalormant. Mr. HEN PR lisEn /soil Mr. Vittte“ loot lision engaged as an nreut of weste or rn Ir e. to elan, art hottest. eki,ution el the revenue law, t ent to 111,x, 11,A11, rat- Dog stop to 0,4 e. outer 114pl It r was sold fo: let-100110y Hoot It. tku1 , .41 , . tat upon It. It isalll, 1111 n 111111110 , 1 , lie tray- Med In the tomtit, terotitly. Ile sea , in no wa einp1....1 Ili 1110 Tertiary Department. air. It A N111.1.1t wtt throat to proceed with lilt explanattnn Of tar oretnnstonees atton4lng Itta .• sect of Mat Mali:, wbiot Mr. +HEILMAN appeals it to 11I1u not to COll5lllllll. the Unto of the aeciate with per atintd I,lllo.lllttiOn, 51r. HAN IfliElt said he would ritnippi with alt ry•, its he saw Its 11111 , 01 - 1. , 1.e. Mr. itt.'SINER. made the Intlat that the amen , meat was not In order. Tile 1 . 11 .11 li ilechled It not well taken. Mr. NC MN Ell appealed, snit tile , ennle euttaln.ll.l.Clialr by a votoof Est against. 11l Ms. ED3IUN tinalnillllent wile Cup e 1 4 ,1, and the atnimilturut el the Finance COLUOIIt -11.10p1t.t1 by a unit: 01111 against 1.1 Mr. WADE offered an amendment Vets. sidin D g th•t the Irocernotent ativert.hor the istrict & m Colubia, be In trot two pas ! hers hes log the largest clrculalleit I,llkl 111-110101_11,11. tt/OPLI,I. Jar. T/iVA11111:1.1, moved, at ati aL1.11.11t1• meat, a aeetion repealing the existing pre vision for the appointment of n Cons ro tetlou le Investigate the claims et loyal slaves bottlers. Can.. /111.VV.11111011.0,1 ILI tile army; hut, ou'tweitnently, at the raas:it of Mr. PE'is ENDES, at Dadra Recess,. /Ageing Seasion.—Tao lac hill was taken up and the aunts. , refused to at elke brick wawa, biomes unseh hag and toitato digger , . from the free Hat. The botio. Mt' `1 cc there! enure Ste its liottiootives, marine engines, bullets and iri s Magog and steal. mite beam. The ante refused toriatt outl atm.. larapplng• paper from flit free ling bet •areed to stylise out the seellou reheating the tax On Mr. CONNES't offered an amendment taxi lag grape brandy aft)' ern per gallit, am: lei • penalty oh ni•ttufactore spu rious articles. Mr. CUNNESS'afuel.llllelliw. agrocd to. . - alerts.lon Or eel...nano. Mr. WADE moved to take up the bill to pewit Colorado. After debate It was autertl tot artd the bill tuettponett nnt ono o'clock to-marrow, when a ote will he taken. Ttle eencerml In the anlenthnent to the rte., r met harbor lull. Several Coutuutteee of Conference, were arpOlith . 4. Ati.lourrtod. HOUSE OF ItErItESENTATI V rag C 12.01,0 1 ,1 Or CA eAri, The motion to sespend the rules made by Mr. ILATMON V, last night, that he might, otter .1, resolution nt inquiry in reference to the cound tan Confederation, ratite tip. Mr. RAYMOND propoeed, to view of tile. evident, dialuei station of the Ileum last evening to mem .nti the rules, to have resolution ree«.l &W and referred to the Cothem mittee ou Fore • n Adair% with leave to re port at any time The resolution was there upon referred the Committee; but °Wee , lion was mode Il the COlpluittoo reporting at any time, till requiring utinninm n " Colt tela. arra ',art., nut. poll. h' atimut, Ali5ON, ora t e d th d b e Comm ack itliettee onSonoLu Ap rf re bill, to ;the 1n11114.4 nppropriation bill, some of which were concurred tit. The ameloiMellt to poy Ilarr,t on nocwillnying rl bOdo imd titmice, in which the money of certain Itellans is InveAtml by Mu govern ntent, W. ool3•ConcUrred ati,p,sol COmUllt tee of Conference naked. • AlLorlScriT or nurrizoto JUDOOo., ' The Manate 4111 to prov ilia ;Or the allot ment of ruelotottrel of 1110 bupretnn Court =Mg ch Clll.. And for till, :eintmeut of Marshal for the ',Tem...Court, tken Dm e Lim Opeakee's table. Mr. WILSON etfored lilt amendment pro-• v idteg for Oho spoolntMent of u Mar stint for the Supreme Court of the District of Col um- Ida, etc. The amendment wits agreed to and the hill ',stood. r= Air. Lelll.ON rising to a personal arida ation, referred to the 'recent not of Um Legtalaturo lu refusing to strike out 'or the ittnto Constitution, the word "white,' I and the net of the Now Tort Senate reject log the COnstllll4lo,l4- AMenanleilt, [lll.l if)7lffe`lu.ttu.',ft soffrogo was thus sustained by those two States. Mr.GARFIELD, L'An taus° tar lfnrther 'coOgratulattou on the pert of bin colleague, pont to the Clerk , . de4k ituti had read in printed proclamatton, leaned by the May of Yazoo. City, MOrttn.IPPI, ordering Gro Madmen to learn the piece within n speci fied time, I=l • Mr. ANCONA asked Mr. .11.1.NISS for tn. forMa tion on the euhMet of Mexican affairs. BALIr KB replied that the Committee on Foreign affairs did not Intend to make any re*zn't on the eubjoct at this time. 3 ,1 1: a 11 i Th It h l'r TIM main DILL. r,MOIIII.I.LL ba was about to snake . t effort to regard to the tariff bill. Ileesu bad, at the last session, lent to senate r merely amending the lar val covering only litty.nine Pages, bet - - • • -- tile Senate tonic a Wide stretch of power and sent hack a new hill on the . .1.1 of February, i which came beck from the printing ofllce on the !alb It was theefore ImpoelDlo for tine Commltteo of Ways and Means to eon sinter it properly and report bitlack on Lim 1 10th of February. Tile ail to go to the Committee of the 'whole, , where alnenilnienta ware interminable i As touch progress as Doss 11. been made, but now it was clear that cauceselons would have no he uptat on all tlnleS If tile ' toll was to it,, brought to it final vote. Lie would, therefore, make a motion which would rentutre a two.liar.l4 Vote, to Cis- Chariot the Committee of the Whole from the further consideration of the Inn!. After debate, the 110114 u ref tore(' tO Ina- I charge tine Commute° from the further eon- I en.leratlon of the bill, and that Is the end of it tills Hesston. Mr. S ITV ENS made another effort to re ausellate the bill by a motion to roarer in tine Senate amendent, as amended by the Committee of the m Whole. Mr. Stevens' tinotisu was /mt; yeas •10 - I, nave 17t—tanstInt rile not voting yea. Mr. 31011.1t11.1. - moved to enspenni the rules to allow him to Introduce a stew tariff , inkling a uniform increase of twenty per cot. on all duties, ext.ept on sugar, tea, ogee, salt, coal anti rani t 0.5.1 -tom. Title am:, 1001, year vs, nay:, 71—two-thirds Ant vol 111 C Yea. Ir . . KA:l,ohon MoVed to auepennt the nib's In cosier Nt that ho might Introduee a chit resolution relating to the tariff on wool and wiagens, starting that It only con- Om, a thin tecotiOntoolattlOOS Of thin Com nate', of Way. an I Moans on the supject. Motu. lost; yeas to, to-Lys tit—two-thirds lot voting Yen. Recess. rii-iiiiig.Vseen.—The SPEAKER preAent le. 10,0101.0,04 of the Board of .Trudeef 1,014 10 r.ogool to the 311.111ipl (Livr. [Oen . ..A to the Committee oit Eominerce. neas:ant. haw , steam. sinir..l, On mutto r n of ,it. JULIAN, the vote re fend,: Commit tee on Pitblie the hill amending the act of ./ one last, for the .I,posal of r üblleilands In s.d.ual borne+ ef.cial 'fettle:omit. in Alan/, Miksin.infll, houlelann, Arkanene and Florida, by fore leg the itypneatits tuahe oath that they In cl lYo not oven In arms nuainst the Untted or glee, aid itna comfort to Itfi enc• tale., reemoddered. Mr. In otip.o.c.l the hill. Ile hardly saw the fir of deathling who Imre !a.m.:01110 rettel alloy Inim earning their bread. Mr. J171.1.1N remarked that the effect of thenual.ll s . to tireff r loyal to di+lnyal men idol that tiliferiennation Ought to be .made. Sl KA..+ll'. tool no ol.lecildn to the bill, fleet: alas, that w node 0 ere two appli cant, hoe the same rice, of land, the loan sheald have the prefereoce; but 11110 was aldli of a . salute elide...ton against men who had feud). disloyal. Mr../ FM N as.u.sted there non not put. lie land enough boa In tertit , y ea, ered by the hill, for the loyal men of the :south. The fart v. noiorion+ that loyal men ame excl.:dad Nom tn. -e lands disloyal m. Mr. II a•ke Mr. .11:1.I.SN whether would escent tide , who Mel 10,11 pnrtloll,l nn , l, the l'reikient'l .Inn fit bit i atn:n. .511..11Ni:isked ethther.ho ould allow atneionnon ast or tht a loud to ho offered. daellotal. k in nerd to lay the hill, on the to yr 00 -lion of Mr. th *as miallllll itt .1 so only to meliole e hos . ..Lai:tar: l y bad Klein alit anti comfort to the ft hellion, lnce pt th. eti who,after wards eel. , i to the F ...feral Amoy and had he eri lionotaldy di...char:ea therefrom. The bill aas listen pss-ds: by .s Ole of Lk: tu una rr A • ("out .1.1:111.: nuutteu t,t 1.1.T.1t:t.:11,,n the na,%lcrttt 1:111.'oIn 3tr..lttNt•K, moved to att. - root. thereto. M 1.% to tthel tlot 1,11: to , Yt. lA,Lia-I, .1. The toustuttl.ttztt of Corat thncto twos µlt- V.t.tot . .•.• or tbuof Collier. oc tho !ou, ion tor the follof of 3.•'01 , tor llo,..111,4r1O.:10 1 a ut Star olaNtlr. or Tier llnu in,h•led Ott Ito atheihlment to the , sill tho allo.toent , of intonta'rr , of I t ,to , oht" hh (Swot mune, 100 cliralt, an t C.01.111n:1 toe Tho ho h -,towargo , l '3l the ! 4 en,kle aho nt, • to m te r,tolutlon of giving aToi thap.rlals, at c.o.' , j to 1... ,-tott au.l ast.thl tor routoottve -, In-1.1.. , 1 CO It-Ytt t thlthent to he I o,Pan thor.l,l NI, • For lt.ttann -1• 1, IN .1 - 1 1, 1 ortmer.t. and O. Lotriutott, I,a :0. Tu• ,cto,lo oho h.loh 41 1101, bin (Or the org,,,atoof or land 1,1 L i. in Arizona, Idaho, l'tahon , l Mont,o, a.. OoncUrre.l and oonfottlee cooler. t he ,0101 1 muest.ltnent to the Mut . au 11 thl ,re 1, , a up, mot all rottent• r. , 1 eOl,lll Ito:Line as to the ~anduaky har , or. Attrr h 11 I. the Compound Inlerood; h Ouring :Itch inoth , n Iry it, N1:1 I to [al.'," thr N I. to 1.:7. he ',then too,,,oncortell, and a horn thitto, of conferto , co a.1.,1 for. Se tietolmentq to the llouse Joint 1,•••,1 11 11,111 for tho election or an rho. , rion .Ltatuo to lihnelol 00010 0110 • ,111,1,,,i FROM Et ROP2. Itednct ttttt tot Toll , .on the Atlantic rci..grann—foinuterrial anal Finan cial Nel/f Fttnruary dlr.:tors of the Atiotttie T,lt , ttltnith Company will hold nualmtmg . 00 a.% I,Wol3ltlreh,to determine who.t rt , ltaction , t ttltall tot .0 to on toll, T 1 .11.1 F1 11T11...01 ., WITHDRAW,. • VII,AN .I , rilltrY m I% to I.v w3:ll.ll . s.virt troll the ports In rclirtiarir .renerial feeling cri•vii.ll. In circles. Tlio . ..rick mat Kiit Is iircistrste. l'el wintry un •nsiiirc.i. Ami - wan ...titanic. is trill. bur in; 37; 11110015 Ccutrat,ll; Fiveasren- iv., 73. 1.11 . 5r.1 . 00L, lettruary L9.—.Y.m.—oot loll trifler and mon, active, with prteti Itruptl,tutni quiet. Con arm it mixt:4 tutu icitit. rtotl:tiolta 1 11 ( , :t I,..hrnarT cleff •Ate. FivL-Twt , nly houda 7" , Ertl , Cvntrstl Vit.ox roue, lebrtutrY ;6`;,. Fehru.ry.2,—/:trninv.—(;otion Ilo•c•L futily with tale, of Clint), hale; prick, fttivathcott !;,d; whittling tip -1;;%. El=l By "Irrchon Is National llefegrranh Company. OIL Clo ',February 2 • —Weathet cloudy rang warm. It liwk been (balking (o-rflay• 'r,ta. river Is nbout null ZulLug idowly. Tim oil market is firm. I.m . IAvILLo, Fehr nar . 21 4 —Tho riv er e Ira falling one-third of an inch an hour , ien expected to be stationary before morni the ng. Mercury, 21' dcgreck. Arrived. gown: tuna, from Cincinnati to alemphia. The Idbetty left for 11211100 v not the Eva Mor i, fr o m Pittsburgh for et. LOnt4. The Rover poomol lib lour I , l,W:sof iron ore for ot. v nu, h oran, Beata frum Ltutnyhio aunt NOW Oramlo rvinco • ( 0 anoint /-4 , ulS• ^tt trOlgllLe being oilfired below. Nrak ',midi, Valk. '2.ra—ltiver riArig heavy taiwk-20 feet on sliorgv. The a IL4 row the only bout In port, loaves 10- mor for ain. The Allegheny Commons. The debate in our columns for the past week or two. 011 the Balkh:Mot the prOlwised park to Allegheny, has been characterized on limb ridell by ability and carnestnesi, with a taint of aecerblty. It is now Closed, and we .10 led intend to resume itibere fur ther thou to correct and comment upon ono or two errors, which we deem It our duty to • note. "Loco Anon," "ti. P.,” and "EL., mark," err In ascribing the authorship or tile articles they so fiercely assail, to par- • ties -timers the river. "IV," whom they challenged tor , on `inure/dens chtizoefit gatobt morals of them Cities, to a MOW° of Alle gheny, has ulcer re:Wiled permanently out. or it, fort 11”,11,5 us to say that lie is equip ped the defense ot his native city against all comers, Abut ho wrote 'of the crones of both cities deliberately, ['engirt° g ay.•at lei wrote to be true, and refers to the deity liwal all 1.1:0 papers forproof. Ile depreciates, as every Citizen shOtild, tills prevalence of grand and petit crime, and thinks if th e Impure of families. mothers, norm', and chlldren could he spent together ou the walks, among the lawns, and in the shades of a benaltul park, the elect would be to withdraw tunny of our youth from the haunts and ileViOus ways of 1110 v leiOn W s. O "agree w lilt W. to these views, act:lying him Ike pnblicatlon of his written rejoinder, the burden of which lea Resoret rn inmentary cm those wealthy Callen? to ho he S. cribm the paternity of the ijPOsition for witholdlng or begrudging a pittance of (bele Vest tiatatOs towards the cost of beau, tifying the Commons, when them estates ' have been acquired la Allegtunir, and owe four-II fths of their value to the energy, en terprise toad thrift of those In the city who prima oridingle householder s, anrem pp the population of the city. IL in this ram:anon, time people of Allegheny. whom the park wlll must oecernmodate that aro its advocates. • • 'the Fair nod Fetalwal. at Stltllle Hall, by the Indira of St. Peters chcrch, continue. .luring to-day,und 701 close isle evening, CITI AND SUBURBAN eurcru r.tut:.—The -futtr.xt and moat re. I t ate . .lllney. Oa and Pr.lure Markrt puris given toy any jwiter in V, nly, 'LIU be joblvi c n our Ettirth Awr. Attu, Purer Im prutcrttrott ..I.he:lny, eh! I:•rintr, ft nal the 13.11, Otttre Rep.,;ll.etittl uthcr Cif!, law:mitt In 1110 Co, of John Stiehen. The Inquest in tile ca, of John Shelton, on the Pan Handle Railroad, was concluded last evening at the Mayor's oflice. The accident which caused iihehan's death occurred, no will be remembered, on Mon dey evening, the hilt inst , and the inlets ml wan died It'll Monday at Passavant's opital. ilaniel Shelton broter of deeas ed,Hs arrived here Ull Weti , nestla h y , from De troit, Michigan, where deceased formerly resoled. Itant..l t•tated that he had uot ettett John for over two years, and when last heart (roll) lie woo englneerlnc on the Mtchican Central itailway. Nothing more Anti beard of 111112 until the announcement 1,1 one of the city papers Informed him that John Shelton, hunted on the l'an liontlln Mead, was dead. le urrit Lege. a stated, tool tde 1.1 lied thy' body . as that of his s broth. John. The toady was removed on Wedues day by the bonnet to Ina realtienco, No. hu Congress street, bell oh, Michigan. The fol low-leg t-,tituony wile prOdlned at the /n- • br.:4llcCook, sworn—Was called to see She- Mot at l'aii.,avaat'el tlOipdat by order of the 'Van Handle Railroad Company. Found him with a terrible cut extending !TOM the at the lower part, around the thigh. Wnd tvrtniulttng at tuo knee. Being com pelled to Ile, the wound caused on account lett lon of matter !111 the Iluth became greatly swollen. lie seemed very restless and sink ig, and he count continue thus unless the IteelltUti'.llllout were relieved by an opera lon removing the broken fragments of boas, which commtutes one of the must extensive immures I have ever known. The head of the thigh hone remained In Its rocket, but au, enipely disconnected from the shaft of the Isms hy the !Menne. From this input four or Ove Inilles down thu bone, it I awe broken fitteen , twenty fragments. The Injury a want sUillelent to prdltieo death. :raid nota log te me as to how it Imp• pureed. Jean sworn—Alia engaged ot the hale lel Willett the defendant was bluish!. It Is height train Nu. I:. hen we got 111 Birmingham I leaned]. lur the first time [that the ill hall been hurt. lie ica hurt at Broadhead listless We lay on the abling lee other trains us.-I]oul. know Low far the rear of our train Was teem the wa s el the sweet , The signal fur tne to stop was glveully a briskets:mu at the rear of the train. Thank wu were tar enotiith away to clear the maul track. t h e had eughteen cats on that train, and te switch w 11l [add twentyseven. The acct. dent 0.11 rged alter sive o'clock. John Nrgt gworn—lV as on the train at the tea, et the accident. We were on the Ittehhlisead siding in Monday evening. rile than w as to the caboose and ut get out 10 cll. , e pee the ear to p u Ia lamp. Ile Was ei,ll-t et the tell When p the d forwars end of the ite lend passenger car struck hind Thu ear de: not strike the catiooseshe as.ln the uet. 50 throwing his leg out to get Ott top, or e en the car struck Ih leg. We were fear or ve car le.:. fro m the frog; three car lengths .111elear th e. train; heard the cons lector let tem i d euetaing as he got out; I think he told Lein to look out; 1 thaws i Ist it Was very dangerous for hen' to get out w 1114,140 11,111 wit. passing; the blow did not buses !din off the ears eat be Deli o.t ill vie caught lend D. R. Sfuiirr.swern—Amconhluctor 01 the trate; we were 011 the sthling waltlng: Ike the h a,Netteet tram w cowing past, r•Lelein started out w itla tile red light; 1 caked to he went on; he most have seen the trate cleanest. The last coach atruck Leu; we had stood on that siding with two trellis; stood this time flee or ate ears from the n h og. The is ItUtlittally . Mole , the new e.t.a a Lied st:rhck very An , hs hi, the car II Id not ton. the any h.:lC]. know that this salt. is any nearer lie mai ten track them usual; the accident oc urred Mouslac eveug, tile Buhl.; think. 101 heS lily that we were far enough !roes the Main track ter clear Is. /hr. Al. S. St