r 11 JITY AND SUBURBAN. United !States 43renti. Coon[. The May term of the United States Cis cult 4.Xturt, for the Western District of Penn sylvania, will cOnvene - in this.citY on Mon-' , day the Kith inst. Following are the cases set down for trial t •- • 1. Wesley ThrOcktriortOn ye, SaMnel Scout. United Stotts vs. John Hastings. et al. 3. B. F. (Minly & Company vs. A. C. Stur. goon. 4. Samuel C. Smith vs. Daniel William J. Florence vs. Joseph V. Set . ton, et al. U. James Andrews Ys. George W. Patter son, et al. 7...1.a1in McFarland vs. James Hays, S. Phillip It. Kincaid vs. John C. • • U. George E. Brewer vs. John M. FleM 'nit, et al. le. George E. Brewer vs. John M. Flea. hag, et al. 11. It. W. ifilltrig CO - 1/112Y of Allegheny. 13. Lewis Moor, Alatlet S Old. 13. Lewis Moore vs. Minch, Beaver. and Others. ' • •• It: Janke; Bradley vs S. T. Hunt et al. 15. George D. Turner vs. County of Alto. gheny. IG. Isaac B. PennOck, for use vs. WM. Woods, et al. 17. Henry Mittinger vs. Union Planing . 8, A.ll. Sauther Vs. City of l'ltielinrgh. 19. Josiah B. i:Vtll/14 Vg. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company. Edon Cr County of Allegheny.. _lCmom. r e. City Of l'at4hurgh. 22: Wm - li, - * L. Ssuthar vs City of Pitts. burgh. Chair. Moran vs. City of Pittsburgh. George W. Dobbin vs. COunty of Al legheny. 3 James L. Morgan . vs. City of Pitts burgh. Kennedy Marshall Cu. lleydric Its 111 . 0- there Olt Company. casks tri 1. Tames Iliadley, ei ,it. us:William 'teed. Bachus & Morso vs. Alfred Ileidukoper, et at. • s al. .C. Vincent, et v;. Thos. Ilayt, mat. t.Kilward A. Rotterts vu. Alex. Mime, 5. Edward.[. BOberte vs. Albert B. Nick erson. a. Horace Wilkins vs. Att..) Drake, et al. • District Court. Before Hon. it. W . Egbert S. Ward rs. Ttiemlore Noble and James B. Angell, impleaded with S. K. Kane and John Romer (mite the latter of whom , tho Sheriff returned thowrit It. e.i.) part .ners as Sc. lir, Kann .0 Co. Before reported. Tho jury found for the plaintiff and assess. oil the damages against S. K. Lane in the gem °CALM B. • rotor S. Weaver_vs. Adam Weaver, Im. pleaded with Wiltiam itodgera, owners of the stimmimat Nevada. . Case continued after [Wary hall been sworn, at, the Casts of the plaintiff. 'William 11. Voight vu. William 11. Barker, garnishee of Charles Brown. .Execution attachment. This was rather a tilt...pillar • case. Derlag the summer& IStA Chas:Brown was rrested ou two charges of burglary, ia hav a ing entered and robbed the Mantes of \C ha v ing 11 Voight, in Mount Washington, and Mr. Wykoff. in south Pittsburgh, taking money In each instance. When arrested I one hundred anu ninety-seven dollars In • greenbacks, a ne)v suit of clothing, nod _-- other articles, found lit his poeseisiou, were taken charge of by W. H. Barker, Justice of the react, in South Pittsburgh. Two In dletuamits were Mond against Brown, on . !Ault of which as was cenvlctell, and on the ,one to which Voight wits prosecutor he wan o.mtenced to dve years imprisonment in the irenitentlary, sentence on toe other, in which Wykoif was pre...Cuter, being Sus . headed. OR the trials none of the money was Identified, except ten or fifteen dol lars, by ght. • Alter bein tried Brown confessed lodgment In favor g of Volght for four hundred dollars. Voight made demand • on Jostle° Barker tor the money uncl other effects taken from B-oisu with which Barker declined compf,idne • inasmuch ILA Wykoff also claimed the waspproerty. •An exeutiOn att.innent, thetv.forc issued. c Wykolf. although a • claimant for the money, did not appear or the record as such, although J. H. Millen, E.g., who ostensly appeared for the gars nishee, represeo ed his interests: The nuestion was as to whom the property a'. meltedbelonged. Defense Manned that ft Ilia not belong to Brown, as he had stolen It, and tasked the Court In charge the }My that If they believed from the evidence - that the money and goods attached In the hands Of the garnishee were not the prone, ty of 13roism, then their rertltct should be for the defendant.; and that it the jury be . Bayed the property to .have le,eo taken by - Brown, t heti the title to the same was not in Brown, but ender the act of Assembly Is lathe County of Allegheny, end the verdict shonid he for defetwiant. The Court held: PO.irleggifill IS prima fa tie • evident,: of ownerahip--nnit the re was no • evidence In the case bnowing• that the _prop-, crty and money attached actual/ y belmmed Ae any other person than the defendant In: the Judgment,us whose property tt was It -1.3.5 not claimed hinny ottie - r person, and Uo evidence had been given' tending to show nthd identify it to be the property. of any particalar norsOrt other . • titan that of the defendant la tlieJudgment. edrtaioly did not belong to the garnishee, and he has 03 right to hold It as Ms owe as againetlircelin, Iron whom he took and re ceived It. Warty Other person was claiming re it and showed any title to lt, it would be a ' question tor the jury to determine whether It-belongeil-to-the claimant, or whether it was the'prooMry Of Brown at the date of the attachment.' But no person was claim /13g It, 111111. against the, garnishee the 110se session of Brown asprocco facie evidence of ownership, winch was not rebelled , by the evidence in the 5.140.. There is nntlti,lsln the Act of Assembly - which gives the tale to . the property to the county ci Alle filmy. and the county' W.Y. not ctaim. inS It. Under the evidence the plaintiff seas entitled to the verdict of the jury for the money and prooerty Tae counsel for defendant lord: an eicep• ..icon to the chards. The Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff • for tho•monffy and property hall Sy the gar -69201111Mg 10 , 1297. C. B. $l. Smith,. 1. • Esq., appeared for the putintiff. Assault and Itstlers.-1 , ...tel Sarver Made information yesterday before Alder man Thomas. ugalnat Charles Good, for as - sault 11114 ti.md is the proprietor of a lager beer Saloon on Pennsylvania &Limnos., and deponent allegea tnat he was pushed out violently Mitt otherwise abused tly defendant._ On the hearing it WnSatiown that there was nothing, tO. ml4[lllll the elle gattees of present:A.or, hence the case wAs 1116zullsect and prosecutor ordered to pay the cost. Thollygeinirlyibor tlii4 city has accept. .ed a challenge to play the Steubenville club mulch game on Saturday of next week. irhe came will COMO off at Steiteenville. S 9 .9' S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 , 1 69 S 9 MARKET STREET. ; 9 : 1 49; GO TO 89' is9 l l :l _ CD , 31a 3S. ' ak,!s 9 l I ! iggi •- 89 . AND ark MT et Street, ! 8 . 9 ' 1 G TOUT . . S9I IS9II 1 iBOOTS 9 SHOES, &C.,, 9i - -I THE CHICATE.fr AND DEFT 's 9 'xiv •rzz - Ja cm.r - v - i , . i 1 , ,"I NO AUCTION GOODS H.T.PT. ;,,,$) i .J.tS. ItiIBB,S9 Market St.: 'B9 189 , 'S9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S9i- NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS, DUNCE'S TEA MART, NG„ VITTABURGIE J.Lopenr.l, a large and ctotce clock Teas and Family Gkoceries. Which are 1,1 ret.11.4 at holealle • primeo. Try their, and you aid,' In judge for your letr_GAZ/1 • WPI:FRASCE •it SON. DIAIIDORF as CO., Maaufacturers and 'Fbolcsie INAler* In BROODIS, Broom Brush and. Broom Findings .isetory 111111 Wareham., la the rear of :ice. maker A. Langla, • 172 nod 17 Wood Mt., Pittobdrth .09:x72 SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM Iro*i 13rotr.er, 124 First Street, PITTSBUXOII. .chtol tho taln of Cornwll. Doha..., 'donr phi 15abhila, Ponrannon. litanholx, 01.400..4 other brand!. oranthracite. You.- logh...ny Coke .4 0111...V0 C. I. Charcoal Eli.; IKON. elnielgEirlerall and 014101 , 1 thspactrully collc. thd. . • --- -....._ - . UVORY HANDLED . fiNIVES, ... Silver _Plated forks, , Spoons, Castors, tic., A VINE AhSOUTMENT AT -Grafton's Ilouse-Furnishing Store, GO Sk,clcercia. = pLevos: PIANOS I—An entire a- yew stock pfIiNARF.S CO.•s r. con.enema me twit made: Oro HA AN ES Vi a CELEBRATED tin Nos. Price from an upward. Perr"us In wancof Prat etaia Plano are raspectfPliy tuVited 1.. ran acd tramlne . bilUre prltchaMuc ribrwhrre . 1411LLOTTE BLUME. • 2..43 Yitat urea • PIHL. Banker and Broker, 18 Wood St., near corner of Filth. delleriptlollll of Government Bonds 'tenet and sold on liberal terms. /Asadcra and Continental SZehange S C" at New York Wets. . . . . Silver and Conroonn bought at algL• est rates. end Gold Undo y 21201 on Non CNN ALL SIZES 3-10 BOAS Con' tried into 5-2 O s, 1865, DS DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. T. BRADY & CO., IM Fourth Si.TFood Streets 11:12 OLDERS OF 7-30" S, TrAd• epectal arrangements with 00011.13 03 CIO., I et - louden!, we are prepared to convert o- 2 . J'• of I.5Li, Without charge. • Our cur , r 0 `s iu Ala on nand tor Delivery 80 l . I MA MCVAY & CO., 33E4,3a.3.3.er55. 18, FOURTH AHD SMITHFIELD STS OORNE El 04, SELL YOUR 7-30's ♦\D • BUY 5-20'S. • Holden of SILVER THIRTIES will find an ad vantage of. (MEW,. OF ONE FEU CENT. bb convening on this plan. MA: B. MCVAY Ai. CO., RANKERS. • CDR. 4TH & SMITHFIELD STREETS. FINANCE AND TRADE, Onion Or TUN rITTRECEOEI GAZETTE, -Felony, Slay 3, 1.93:. The New York stock quotations to-day, to reported by FM It. Mertz, wore as follows Gold, 130!7; Eighty-one bonds, 11077; Five Twenties, ISO., 10777; Five Twenties, 1171, 10577; Five Twenties, 1. , 43, 105%; Consols, tad, 107isi; Seven Thirties, ligs!,;; Ten Forties, —; Cleveland ,t Pitts burgh Railroad, 7177; Fort Wayne ,t Chi cago, fip.i; Erie, 6-I; Chicago and. North Western,3si47i Chicago and North Western prefol, Olt:: Chicago and hock- 8i.na.05“ New York Central, o.i'._; Reading, 1337,..; Michigan Southern, C.S".L. opened at 13.7.3,4. but on the receipt of the Intelligence that the - the contemn., of the great powers was to meet on the 7th WEL., instead of the 15th, it advanced at once to 1:17..;, but afterwards receded in 117:!;. In well informed circles the opinion prevails that the conference will solve the pending questions between Prussia and France peaceably, and that, In , con,- crueller, gold will take a downws.r.l turn. Large holders of gold or coupons aro more disposed to sell than to hold. Governmrat bonds were all firmer to-day, and ad.:timed !,f per cent, on gold lends, but the be-loess Is quite light at the advanced rates, though money Is very abundant, and canltalibts are now attracted by the steadiness of the market. Most of the stocks have advanced from cto ti cent., yet 'there are not signs of wealoses - s, and, no- doubt, higher prices are looked for, ere a serious reaction will take place. Fort Wayne tk Chicsgis Is now In a fair Way to par, and Isar pied tenon may Is - - corns true, that before the 7th of Jane, !im was erronconslysLiteil the loth) that sleek will be the highest of the entire market. North Western shares are strong, slot a riso of trout:lt. 1 per rent. i 3 contidLtitty looked for. . . Cloeing•C&uota[loai received by Jame , T Co: U. b. Sixes i v.i lie ESIE EISEITEMI MWM=EI 121=121= E • July ~ Dee.. Compouudsl9ii . ' IPS ~ —The Increased activity in general trade which many expected tipon the improved tone of the foreign newtons not betn fully realised. The unpleasant weather is pat t. ly chargeable whin this ,delay. A large amount of money will than ,- e hands about this time, and this will crea e a call for In vestment. . The Now York market pr sents a little e more animation In some .1 , artments, but there rano general improve lent. Ti., dry goods trade is moderately i tire, but the transactions are chleily 11 tell to small ' quantities to supply the demand for imam. diato distribution. The recent advance Is price of the raw staple has Checked the de clining tendency In values of staple cotton goals, without stimulating ny essential i advance. Woolens amok d scriptions resl main inactive. . . —Seventeen of the principal Railroad i 11,.. Companies earned, In the um .II of Merril, the gross amount of 43,713,11 g. Inst. 55,75.1. CAB to the corresponding wont t last year, 1 mile increase of I 617,4%, 'lee n ' her of of road operated b these com panies was lai4l against 7..27 u . t the /36196 time last year, (Erie operatli , sixtv.six miles less.) and the grins cumin , s per mile averaged VOA against 470 . 2 last y .ar, show ing an average Increase per itle of 510. . The largest Increase was In Er e, namely, 4110, end the largest decrease n Chi c ago and Alton, namely, illeli. The C leseo and I Northw.dern gained 41 p er m l ll. an d the Michigan Central an myna amount, while the. IllinolaCentral Mater/I, and the Ohio and bilast.topt $l3O. .ror the Prot three months of the year, the gross earnings of the same rend were Sin,fill,SlS, ' against SIG,. 231,113 for the correspondlng quarter /en year, the asersge per. mite being 53,02 , , against 102,itg2 It.t year, showing %decrease of slx dollars per mile. . . . s-The Shoe and Leather National Bank at New.Yerk tom been instruct.l by the De partment Lentos° up its Wail street branch, as the doing of business', anywhere but in the nankinfr hus Oh MO corporation hi forbidden , by t o he e National Banking law, the °lath section of which casts that the usual business of every Natlenht bank shall be "transmitted at an office or b4nki.g hence tensity! In the place specified In its ergo ni• zatton earthicate. e Ineonforin By with the foregoing provision of the law, the branch . referred.to was elosyl yesterday. This le a hint that; some ehiladelphla banks, that do . husiuroo away from their counters, would so well to profit from.—Phila. Ledger. • —.lclrcular oof the Internal Revenm of fice has been based, calling attention to section 3d of the net of March 27. 19X, which enacts: That every Battens: Banking As. seeiation, State Bank or Banker, or Y.O - shall pay a tax 01 10 per eetaUTIS on the amount ot notes of any town or munici pal corporation paid out by them niter the first day of May. 180, to he clot Meted in the mode amid manner in which:the tax en the notes of elate Banks Is ordlented. it lo un derstood_ that there Is a - large amount of these notes In circulation , particularly in the Southern States, east usseasors have been instructed to 'inake assessments for paid tax agabist the bunks. lirAlti iti D. Pittsburgh prrrsosUIt.7IIPF.THOLEVnI LLUILET. 07/101 Os sax Fermat:man 0 , Franair.. May 3, lea. CRUDE—The market continue 4 dull sad neglected, with bit little Prospect at pres ent of any; Immediate improveMent. The oily sales reported wore now bbla for September, October and November de livery, seller's option, at 13!:;e; lloa bide, on spot, at i 3 e, and 50 bola at same figure. Some holders are asking 70 for spot oll,and 7i a for June, bat at proseut, there are no buyers above Gge, on spot, and but few, If vices,,bo 7i4c for June. The foreign ad , both /rein Antwerp Wild Liverpool, continue unfavorable i and until thorn is a change for the better n those markets, no rem er ,mild Improvement need be loOkM for In this market. 011 in reported scarce and firm at Oli City, which mini' be attri buted mum fact that there are a good litany Cteveland buyers, and basideo. the "nks at that pOint are reported pretty well drained and tank. owners are noxious to 7111 up again at prevent prices, Tins will only lie Lnmpoctty , hovever, and it Is ab s int to atiplideettilit 'mites mu be unstained there Unit,. there 4 fi change for the bid ter at other pants. Ifbul' eTa ham mr,the tanks will soon be and the Cleveland buyers, too aometbieg hofermeen mile • tirmi 0111 shell, such as a material falling ow in th • i - i prod u: or is largelY Increased eoiddiluittion, both her and la Earetm, Prices will prof' ably ride lower than they lit,. bo rn this rear• in.:FINED—The market for bonded oil la quiet and unchanged. Sale of a ••emp, for 500 obis standard white, at 2 , 15, Wincing one dollar nor barrel; tiro, I:YIU bbl, same Conti itlordi and Wiail ..nil 1,0 nols for June delivery. at *:74 o tnne de. livered in Philadelphia_ Spot oil nowbe moted, In the atiseneu of sales, at •:.e r., for promo light •strew white on bo el cars hero, and :11 for standard White. Free is quiet and unchanged. . MOM!I= JAMES I4LZELL & SOIK, • 69 ttiol 10 Rater Strtet, LARD O L IaNIFFACTUR.ERS, I‘,l!.re , tni LUI:H U ICATIN and AIIIION war ant ,pIT Lur.l 011 pros' to the peat I . lrcluloll. t. 1103. 1,000; ',L., Pro f.. 11 an iLVAr. Incluattl or Chicago rat. - Our N 0.2 Lar.luil as a LULOcator cannot un o liu,. L,llcutlng 022 512 . 2.1ard brandu of tar Lon cuuntantli ou M.u.cll.tuo mu! t 0 o ur 2,1.1 In Illeir inten, ue, cull Lao', ordrr!og 1.1-.100 Scorn tut` Ve,t. • f.. 13.5. OneiDa or Ton PiTTPlrencin oAairrrii, t M 3 Fninrr. May :t, levi. The. excitement In the Chlearn market 9 lit regard to Flom . and Crain, was the chief topic of conversation In commercial Circus to.day, and a telegram received At . noon TO. peril a Still farther a +could indicate that the end la not yet. In our market there ti nn Snee;:il excitement, though another advance iii I lour • 51201119 al. most inevitable. tither articles remain quiet and unchhitlial. 61:AIN—No nekrenient iii Wia at. tarn firth unit temling upward; male .4 I car Aliened at 41,10—an offer to buy reported at Oat, In fair demand and grin; may be quoted at r 2 to on truck, and !Lk., Ile liverea; small Caleb 91 the u.nal advance, live to in demand tat Sloe, with but llttlo catering. Cath y . lirot and In demand, but tie Irregular to quote correctly. F LOU considerably exalted, and prices aro tending upward, though, as yet, there liar liven tin quotable advance. WO Colltitlllo to gaote nt $147.1 to +l5 for Spring Wilton; 411 , ; tar Winter Wheat; and 11. to 419 for limey St. Louis brands. live Floor oral ut te,:o. I'ItOVISIONS—IIacon lit inlet end lin cban to We for lihoulders; 11 , i.ie to 11.ie tor ILlMital and Clear rid.a.; 110 for Plain IllimPt 19 1 :e1tor Plant Coheir Curial, and ICI. to 1.1 1 ,,, tOt!Conto.sc.l. t 22 , .e. Lard, 1.1. 4.:.1 to 43.1,5 U psi oarrel. 01L—Lort1011 Is steadv, atilt regular sales by manniacturers at silo Vic for NO. 2, and 41,111 tl.lu fur No. I. +lll.l, FI,EII-1.1 Hiarce and grin, Sale of 13 tons illldtilinc+,on I rack, at Secoads mar be quoted at ssl,autl :Mort, at $1,1.0 to +1,75 ner cal. FOTATO , —DuII and round lots are of fering at a[ a drellne, ahlle Ina small way, prices remain unchigigeit-05 to eke'or prone feach Blows Its gloru, Salt of atlibla at 11.a5 ovr 111.1. . Bankers, rrrrmfsLULU Win TThat—Gmlinueu dtl thall, c u with 11l - erul arranLh.prie., are to...ling tlowttwar.l. ooutluue to quote goott .to 9trlelly prime. I reQll !toll at - rathor otralY am! a 1. 1- 110 dull. hut unclonhaa at i:ot taiitE\ APPI,I,;-I , ollnal 110111111.11/Y unehalhaul—eale , }, to per htl, al to qualit D 111411) lunet dull but un clatue...l—oloall ...al., to ler Apple..., and 141: to I (Or Pooola, 11A y hulot and It nob athat.l— , .tnall sales or prlua baled In atoll/ at 41 . .. to PI per ton. P1r131111 7 114 , 11 111:1 AL A3llll 111.00$1 314111111E1f-11EXKLY REVIEW. Urn eit 01 yak Pert . ..oolmm toovve, latuwv, Slay The ran3aetlons In Metal durtug the poet week tiara not keen., large no gene, '+oppo,e,l.llotwltll,t:w , llul; Ito 100101- lty of the Mulls hare eturted up, awl the market 1. 0 report.). dell tool deptes-ed—at lea .t the eintontiel on Men :ay no, und they ought to know, 'rho operwtiom, however meue;re, boVe been !strip, Hine lOr notne weeks meo:, awl we lora -comi o.mnt of bale 4 having t••••• 00 vlremed, one of thumwold tuum, UM the pallie, Intermit. 0i re fu-ed io 0100 riguteo, for reit-ow. M.O. known to thernse:ve, 11,0 oath to :me. liewever,that non leonce lit, Men e,laMhthed, met Puy. ern ••em pertly mingdent hn,ht prh,” ,6/ uut nt 151.1 ti e r, I:, no,, . iiululy w lot the proomi at • lea,, umwlti•etandiug the 1.01 Witt Mu- at the oresent time point In ill d tro The Uelowutl ler Mundt - 5 iron; .0 1,30, Is very huh:, there twin,: but lo • tlo t deportuu rit of wole, met t mle, are llildted an , : of lu, inomportunt ebio.tmer. Tiel• ue,uiry lor 111. 1 0111 A I, u. 10.0 1 unit the markot 1» .lull will, 11110.Lep. wtenty. I..eurveal 11,1in,,,,re 0, tel i t t froln 411. to $11:5, inoing, wn• rumored tn.“ :mien had 0 311, 1:11.10 low 05 Yu', Ircrlaoc> <Oll. ..."11.71, VI., LACE se al tol‘y L, .W y o , ss f.rn.tc, ........... I;tatle tOrgv, vtly ,Tv6 I, do Mutliunt rdort, ed. fur. tld I:;, do I tprdl M t ~ ~ ~ IMILINIMSSEI= .$ 1.4‘..1 • tth nat. c.v. 11: 10-1 0 EIZEEI MEMO MEMO ••MiU" O 4 ,no 70 do' No_! 11,4 ry. 40 04; 2: do 'No.I do 41. do• =ME Mt==l Mal 1111 1.1 1. .1., k 100 ton, N. Co; tve.:1.... ....pi cl,rl 1 , 0 do N0..2 ,'II lur do ♦r.l 0,111,4, BE=LEI !li,o York ProUtley Market 10 0.1,11 NI, - I oliv, .3lay—Cott m less ac' lee ool' ',e loser. with sale: of lairs at : for to uplultda liout—rsautiple of i,wdbts; li the rm. butter, sod there is a snore active demand, partly spec-Mad Ive s with, of I, iii i bias at atn.- s i (rll,-it, for superthie Aostaand western; for eutniben onshion extra; 41 - 14fsolii . .n for eMiltio do: for good elitiodrm brisals extra room] :looped Obto, lot ti 1,11n , 13, the market clash,. Il tn. l'allfortils dour Is artwith ?M's"( 3:m butt - el , butl , aml 14 ier, k 3ciLs 17,2.5. live dour In firm with sales , esi bids Wheat IS quiet and oil llattauni; receipts none; the'rnorkot to M, g newer, with ,slot of 22,150 bitsliels at 42 , 7.4, 2.,0 far lu. and Pd .white . hite camforala the is firm st, tilt sales of bWsbt. at 41,25,t1,1,Z , "'SA urn; 404 for State, and ithaitahlo for liaitisila free. barley Is drat with Your, of ls,tuil bushels at klk: for Cuondit West bond, and 4l,riltaLl' o, s to tree, Ilarley It Mat with Sales of Idea busliela at i1,v.541 -IL Corn—rut - alias or lami bushels, the taarlict opened a shade firmer, and railed dull with sales of ;raw bushel, at for mlwo,l kestoon, 10 store, .I.lltl 40,42 'to afloat; unit for 11CW 111121,11 FeSl,ll. Oats are better and ma's settee; sales 127,isti bu s; eidj,kle for Western; for the latter price al:oat—and is- c v,Se for Mato. dull; lUyflllu lok Colluta steady: ILI, part wt I In L • 11111. :sugar active; sales :taw , biota at 4htli ti for Cuba, and i s for Porto quit:Lis:sr.:is :SO !dada, Cuba -at is,. 1 - etroluMn dull ail-2'..4PM for crude, and - .:14 - I3c for tellued 10l llnpa at 30, - ,,ru, for oats crop. Pork steady and gaud; sales 4,:W tor nese tness, aiming at 41:1ai3, fur old tams; SPl,MUlitifiti fur prone, and 4r2,12d C. lor prima mass. Beef !trust . sales ;SA bids. at previous prises. Tletee Leer drui; kniesa,eita tierces prime lALCS3 limit Hants quiet, OM Ilion; sales 170 bide. at 510,00(r42 W. Bacon arm, with a fair de ll/141111; tales 3sLI ooires at for Cum berland cot; Ilv,(y111-:,e for Snort ribbed, unit IS le far abort.elear. Cut Moeda flint and dude active; sales IC; pat:kat:es for 11110111111 M S, WILL L210 ,, NL , for bares. hard a shade ilrmur; tales heti) tills. at I for new, and small lots elude° kettle rendered at likr,c. Butter qulut at 11g,Ile for Uhlo. Cheese steady. 131=2:12:12:13 Teltgrarb to thc Inttsbaritt; Citiratior May 7—Flour firm; Spring en. true ..o);1 at $l2/.0.1. Whlto %later egtrtut 415,504K:dr, for sunertluo Vl.lO. Rye flour told at Whottt drag if tut.. vanced 2c; auka at closing 4=.7SIJ Nu. / quint In .1.1. Q. Curl; opottr strung; rubstat for No. I; nourkot rotten. ti gently recorded Co id,tnyitylotiti; No. rcold at a1,tnt.101.16. Osta fairly active and 20 Illghcri No. 2 sold at Irons cluto.d e,% ut tided. Ityc grut but not very memo $1,400,1,11. Barley 1l roterand 5e higher. No. 2 sold lti stoe ut 92g/nic. lots b.etraido tit ,octM,ll). I. r ,vCiants bo y ldc it ra pro-' vide litandu. Mote pork . In Om ileum:al at 40r/.75; first class ;mottle nowever more tofrred at. 4`-,GO without buyers. Miss bO , ll 416,51. Lard nominal ut Meer math) quiet; 115 lo[ mann.. Torus steers and light roar; 4672507.5 0 for good batcu u ra.aud o,ocifdr.4) for good tuellotett awers. liorg moderately active Etna 1 , 4.05 lower, 4.1,75W,tv for coinmOn Malt, and an.gli for good to cllOlOO. Sheep quiet at Ht. Lout% rlarlrot. City Telegraph to rht kildshartch haxetts. I er. Loots, May S.—Tobacco Ocular, but unchanged. Thu Cotton lousiness is very small at 2lc for middling. Flour firmer tar better grades but nut: kel. luactivu at 110. god prices. Wheat firmer of 92,7 - .42,50 for choice sprite:. and isa,:oss2,eo Icr choice Corn Ifidlottddlt. Otto /1.1 better tic. maw! t Ktith.lo. Marley and ltyo ilrichang ull. P a rOVLIIIIIIN; 10000 pork 1.1101er; market for other articles Omer but hush nos small; stems' pork nolti at $12,74/(F22,15; lige; clear rll, shies 12%c; sagas cured hams 1 fl , c; Canvassed Whisky dull at *2,05 trey. . Cincinnati Market. • Telegropb to Um rlttsbutgu uszottc.] Ci5...151./.7 1 . ?lay I.—Flour•flrm at fall p . rlces. Wheat Ilru.or and but /I tt ollerod; No. I ,pring $.0); No. winter 43.40; for No. 1 $3,50(r3,60, the latter rata for 11111. Cara in rood detoand and prleess iiltzttur, closing ut $1,11.1, In Milk unit 0.12 (Jut. , firm to. 750. 11(001 $1.b.<41,::.; but the de11111.11(1 for both 11001. Barley unchungtql. IV le ISk V SI,W and prph Cotton (lull at' 3303 for W.f. lbovhnous un.bartftql and Mena Verb In demand at 41 2 ; 1 50, rut cannot bonizet below c 2,73; h ulk meuto nod bacon 1111.1I.Irrd, flrluar at hot much doing. Situ F/11110.1.0 '11%0.4 Br Talegman to the Initaliuigli Ottclte• SAN Fuseegseo, Stay i.—Flour firm; super fine, iS; extra, ti; Oregon extra, s 4 ;,a Wheat ;pion, ut 41.a1iki,15: rho oniert ;M -inn.{ Id ti leading ships present under engagement; little will be ilene In the way of exports until utter the arrival of new..2rops, Legal /cutlers, New York gettauclal rare. Telegraril to the I . lttenu4n le 4.3 .N.tw I oak, May 3.—The3leneArket is unchanged for Call loans; c ll , Gs cCeOvern- I meats, and 15GG On stock Hates. Ste , ling is firmer bat not active; me bank- ers, at 1 9.:. Gold entranced at tielose of 1 the day, the that pence was I 3 I. and asked. Theta la a growinglaar Uwe have to export specie - to liquidreforeign I indebtedness Ortl call bonds menden, which strengthens gold here. Governmental:lnn. Tbefollowntre the closing latest. Itegigtered of '61,11e11e%; Coupons bostoto! , ;atie,;Flve4.ly Cou pons of '5. 107/1-0d10; livestwry .Cons pens 01 , 0471035a11gia,„ do of '.5, au January and July, 107yi Ifir..,en-for. I tic n registered, !tender Cou- Inn Is, August Seven-1111re, De; &tact Jute; do, 105344_41u5114'. Tile Stock market Opened very to with a general Improvement. Central log to 3-0, and Erin to and. After thcegular board. the market erns less active a weak er, gele falling to 6.5;. Too pre were steady at the one o'clock board, bunbac q neatly heavy and a trifle lower. Coal stocks quiet and,steady. Maellane. ens shares arm and higher. Thelining Board seen great deorevion to-da end a heavy decline in priest generally. .rydon ,ol.lateen 10110, which ceased slime of the moat esteemed ntentheof the ,-teek Board fluctuated frequently tween 110 and ItO; -finally olor.ed at Cu, kgo,y avery heavy and sold down ttg,and fterwardr recovered to 750; el°, dull. The Company la In debt and there 801110 talk about, ititmlug bonds. Thu worth tau mine, la stopped and too latent:cher:led. smoky Fail sold down to 150. Tue arket eltiged very heavy with a tendenc7:3 cull newer. Quarts Mll, blo; Columbia, l nen , tederter, Tito receipts at 1.130 Sill..Trensui3n.dny were • $1,9 1407; Including Customs, 57,i,v0, 111141 bold notes, $740,im0, pay in out, i.5,9 - _t;. Friona Ol3l.lnlng istucke hid In Ituou Canada, 03;4;oppor I , i; 16; limscoe-14 4%; Iluron. 4; I.3tu Itul, Ii tilinnepotili r S; Quincy, 7. .Euttalo llarkot. 135 Telcitott to the l'lltsburgla lexzettl Berrstet, May 3.—Fluar steady; sea 24, aPring, at 103,:,0, and 100 . hltoslllto betern and Canada, at $1:004117; e 0 54 t. middling, at 112,:41t Wt.. / 0 5151 10. quire for Canadian; sales Imo bust No. 2 white ' atisl,l3;two ear leach Catnolanring at allin store. Cure In good tinned and tt.e marktd arm; sales 27,000 btu. old tolled western, at 41,1.1; '0.1,200 bun new yellow westeni 611044 outside barer, at sl,ls; 23 ear loads new Toledo suit 4..1e5g0, ut 41,1701,1t1011 tile truck or In itolethetee 'lO., $1,211 on. Vito truck. Oats tialetatrusil salty of 170.3 western, at Thu In 2 , lon 1120 wanted' sad the market bare. Seed. doll and drooping. Barley—lttst bush. Cania at t 1:22 In store, Mess yore, lard and tented narteleged. " Dry Goods Trade. I:r TrlrgrAar torte Ilitaurch Cazettc Nets Yeas. May 3.—Tbe Itry Lioodsnar het is rattier quiet mid bet little elides to entice In prices. ntanilard Sheeting:bled ily at Zit monads, 10,; en[llllloll flake like I:others unbleached, Brown Sect ions steady. at 12“11 , , thrached Melina in steady request at full prices for peeler elates, but Slue low makes slightly liver; the I.anunOu Marroiseli, 15'.;; tVashlr:ton, sect tionsaltutional. If; Pepper:ll arjredneed loft, and , to 15. tints less active, but firm, except arernatark, which Is rx l duceil to I:P.:. All delaine are nor xn.lucail to thl. 1,1111:11•111/1 ct cad; Cr t'Cla Common, which ate ii to hi., I= Mlle Telcgrapb to this Vlll•Larzti 1..11.T1101.. May 3.—erliree :10 , 1tiot. , conr oasteittly, but a.rti, .1 at 1:0!„,;(1, for re.ming. Flout dull, but firm, un3sC4n3B. Wheat t.calcui uruou /I:ll3'LAud .- 1, .,4 3 . 41 . Corn, light supply, Is for whit,. 6nti )rthor _ll.O qUati...d at nit [e4 western, tint , ailVilavAt .I,C; ..1.01,75Gada, rrOvl.loor Lit cif to AL.? 11M:hanged. 41 . nOininiitat 4,‘ bowled. 4V . ...1.1,r Cam; .410 a 11l thus nub:8011a Markel. • . Et•Teltnuph to the eittalmthh tinde,.* :t11.1.11.,11.1 . 3.—c ,, tt.n Gull toi 1.• tZer.ittireecipt, of •_•7l. haler, VI, L . , re ielpta 1.181 114115; O,OW. ,tock 15,1 . 3.1 bale, Corn .ollet at 1:::41 1.. 1 .. i1.a..,11449Ce. bar 11111.11:13“;12.!. n , lur.loL all,l unchanged. Park 000100 /ad hit:her at 4.717:1,2:4.2.5.. liacon; clear ald., :• Lard mach etn,re, Phnailelphia MArkt, TdcirApri to ttl 19tcaNtirgc, • Patxxattrutx, May 3—Flour qtlet, north wetaera extra elt,no; extra ea: , {tow. Wheal 4 , lletx Fled 4...•.,3a. c.itpuxix v, Cern Improve.] demmo,et yellow .andtaixe4 ,outtlern t t.tts rorna of liXo. Itye: COon-ia WL! , k)" Ixotulanl bat dolt. 1111wertlire Markt!. :By 'itlegr/pll to:thr 311t.vrArcstr. May..—Flour et for choice exits. tvile4t Lowe/ al 7a for No.:. Oatli 30 bettor et 7a or No. I. Lurr., SI L; for fio.L 12SPOETM Sal IL.tILISOAI). PITIItIII7I6II,PI , IITW ATIN• CVI:CANo It. May 3.-100 Dbl. :lour, J... .janl:arr, id Lids felines, flare tiro; S Lt, dJ ap;der, I to cisS: 4 . 11, butter. E T 31eunoadell, Lt/s npplr owner:l4 baler. hay, Is MO, spill., 7so Is,- , oa r Id: core. 77 narks os, Jo taieler, Iledry Jr, Speacar JleE NV; 7S Lids Sour,„ NI.. oats, Stunaaker Lsno; II bnl, ..era, Par7E Era x co: • - met eue,ss., It r: I. rt:pattless Uso,J ,•ses Ito:Jet - 1.0a; 1111.0001,.11i lr kpacrtik, 1::u Ed, I So Jo,! be m o tto r, J otee.S.t lir.; I LO I Llry apples,K.:raps:xi,. lc a Herron; I eat Vi;ii, J ElAyOsA Co. 4.S3tTICLAND Arm Plyrnaccon I.:Asbcoin, Nltty bbl. Itnex & i ear Itoutter,,W W lit.auu; cut, Iran, her & 13Lur t 1 do 1r,•, - N tu rat.% art 15 pkg. ti.lit OttloCcV & Me; Ido do, te,,c t ..db. e , ruddy lotutcos„, J Mob.]: It: pkg., llrh, I btu; etttlre, W beat & lot tot tobln fb.ur, J II Aleu t: tarts Bogs., I, .l Hall .t Ca; sdu do, I' Ilughes;7 do do, 2 Ictgi euttee, nuoley Locklecuuth; keg. butter, Vuutturder eotwd; 3W bbla Iluur, owner; 11,11 ettue,e, ItettElektin 7 pkgs produce, cautpbell Mown.. • • • Ever/impact,•• COLVNEICP a. CII.CIXNATI 11- 4.-42 sk, 1 1 Pot thr: on Is do barley, 23 do corn, Me tionry & Hood; bra& dry apples, t. do eggs, Adalr, Frarey a Col Ido eggs, Al Hankini h`O eI s earn. Kell & ILltottart; I cur ntavo., T /desk Lo ‘7. btals tobacco, Murphy; / Par scrap uCron, T ." 0 . 4 1 A Taylor; I dde whisky, .1 Fairb; 52 Ors hurley, J Meanly. • AtitutsllllT STATIr , X, .1,5 y 3-1 car wheat, I ear cern, Kennedy A liro; 123 s•ks bat le,y, 25 do oats, II 11.1rdt; 1 cur corn, Kenneth' Lotorop;23 bees pnVnf..t J Pont teen, .55 51,5 callicetd,etesrart Lanactillefint 33 sacks corn, Al Steel i Bon; 2 bias eggs, 1 box but t...y.lla A Carson; 2 Was elder. Chrots Kermedz; tbls eggs...! brs -batter. 4 1 , 215 51,11155, $.0h015 !fro; IT; 1,11.5 11 , 55 r, Ovrous Kertuedyll ear lumber, C C 115y14; 1 car oats, Btelrtrt d Langoultelm. ALL.usexixf Falter listr.losn, May 3.- 1 ear metal, Nlrciek a Co; 1 cat-may, nll bloc •IP lyr W J Meet A Co;b1,18 egge, 1 an butter, J Llessclo2 elks rag ,, ' C Moyer; 121,1511155tf,81.10maket Lang; ska oats. A.15m11 &AusUn; 8 sacks rye. lt Ws.lllaCe; pkg.s produce, C Volgt. DISiOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 'PAIITNEINUIP BERE- A- mrorteXt•tlng between the undersrgind andertimnatneCif TATit 8( 11. ar, waa ills• solved metal commit on the 1,1 day of April, 1,47, the entire interest' of J. V. Se- LLllliisylne been purcli"elt 1.4 . J. 31. TAT will continue inn (le üblur. fial 1•11.1Sttalil Pitting bunnies. In all Its bran-lo The busi ness °Ellie fate Cm .111 be .ttled b e either of the autumn... at toe *amnia, = Llherte street, rlttabingli, snit VS ccderal street. Alle n icily. All parties knowing themselen, In d:at-il to the tete Mtn are requested to make coy meet. and those haying 1.1.1. against sa 1.1 drot wilt present them r settlement. . . . JOHN M. TAT}'. , JOHN F. tl . MLLE n*wifl pLuarnmo, GAS AND STEAM . 1 - r/TTLNU, LH ALL MS ALUANCIIAA, uaal Vo'rk.gt.torl:J'li,f,".l.:!,P"` GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATHTUBS 811101 Mil BA v Tlit& u, mumps. . • HYDILANde Constantly on had d and made to ardor.— arcoixra Ma. T.8.M77,, , • 59 IFXDP.ItAL STRE.L.I, Allegheny, And Go. T,IOIIITI. ST/LEET, inlA•Antln. epe.99l:79.Yrr.ts 10 BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. 14RICH FOR BALE.—The CLar- Uae. Valley Brick laanuldscturleg ltamaanY baring oboist Pompleted their yard sad meal nery for ismnafactorlog brick Itt Masodeld, the V. O. //3 U. U. It..endy to receive or ders—to be delivered la t h e yard or la the oily— st moettloser rates than hue been heretofore current. All orders will be promptly attended (n to. for ether particular • Inquire at the yaro, or of W, al David Plecabs Coal } , sea head oPPOAM_atreet. on Tuesday and Irldsy of each Wee 9, Leo. 1 to 3 o'clock p. m. All 9547 addressed to WU. MILL. aplameg 3lsrolluld Valley, Pa. CD. CL A26..L.M4C0. =UM Fine Wafting, Jewelry, Diamonds, JEfiZraTrMFL AnTALMI.33. French Clocks, &c. netai ere to the 01 LTUILLY. 22 Fifth Streit. seg. i7I6I:OUHTT AL.AIII,IIt THAW. LOOGIIHEY FREW, -Itl3o7Acimang Or Saddles, Harness, Trunks, tad AllggriZ.:)°,llrbil:=.l.7"" No.lo2Wood Street, (between Diamond Alley and rlttla BEa:DUNG BELTING !—Lea t er and. Oum Beltina; deo, 1,1112 Peek Ina. 11010, Genet', ite., of •11. beat quality and at reduced price% The beat quality or La.qq, al wend un band It the India Rubber Depot:lSo mwita and Itlqt. Oar Street. i. t,II, /1111.1.11'4. PITTSBURGH ROPE Yi,ORK: FULTON, 60E:i4AN & CO., 121M=11131111 CORDAGE, OAIiUIII, Tjq j ES, in 'Air! variqy, Waretkoune. 114 t 111 lister til =MI RIVER NEWti The river in again reeetlina,,lowly nt this point with tourtetra tent in the eitunnel by the Monongahela mark?, while the Al gneny martin indwate fifteen feet. weather yesterday n'ai cant and pioa,ant, and all that could ros:iiily lie ile,ircti tor the truusactim of out-deer The river ti again in .excellent condition for the coal fleet, but unfortunately, tlo.re is but. comparatively latle coal The following nutnr,t boat I li.Ave e,llll, or will get Ott toelay. lilt Awls. Cincinnati-140;1e, I do /*curly:, Loal,vlllc—Coal Illa do IV urour do /Miry Ann... do W lid do tires . Ewald EMS The Grey Hound stuck 1., W . :: at the holut or Brounovs 6tana, nrl,l woostill sticking tiler° at last accounts. The 100 bolougial to Mu auti Icy a en. The ILobt. Moore. for Port:111011:1i, 14 only tarns,' ttiol ot p-trtbo.: Ire 11,0 10 le 10, (lee, übt. (rout the re.; ut.to paeltel.4. The ate 1101 rauslcnt bottt-1 , 11 , , 01,1 tlwrelore it is probithle tbbt y, Iron] t.lllOlll - watt the Etat tan,; tom Neso will lie about the boot Itrrt,tl-. ltunloerte 1110tie:Ltely Relive at tke 'annul,: ye, ter.lay, though therenm plenty 01 1 - 00111 11/1;i10,.11111I. Tl,en wile, apparently, a t:otta 11,4101 irel4lit in ferno, for Glaenowti :Led Leal-NPle, kne ti/ Ct. Lou,. heats kopearo.l to le: gel tlng, coehleeratee. It lz pton...ble to, nowt 01 trout mai v. ill be pretty Ilkeral next week. Thu Minnie. Capt. A. it:. Mr. !leConnerl tne ill ly Icuto ltlr Cinete.Litl I.llli alit lit. nirorr rind rely tin tlit.. 011, 1, u COIL Illtnittal .“( ru llul,ln bout. ItOteVurllo:i. C3l .1..1. .1. leirrngli, yip .1 eutlit, 1.,,,.,, n. Inn Armenia, blrean um, for 1110 pr,er M1.:1,441a. 11/1(0 al, oulll hood A. I:too/vino oroter .14W of Wed.es.l“) , day, horo....tortlay, tor 001 Ilaviott . - Y /pots tho notA oi 4.1141 f; rt,.• Mo: Itt to , r aton. 111,, In,: :..urs Loft ..flOtok t holt, 1. no law for ft. It.t . :tiro oe. tiut•l -Ithtk t It 14 . , 1, !Ito 1,111 , ttiat uat, pod'l •.I • 1 ,,, P.•”) - Iq4 .2.1u“11 ont•-1 . ....1 t.I Itq t y, wr ..t1:1"/-1 frollt itlll /1.n.• pima, 01 1..1.0...ureuut ly tit of v. 1....11 us. has.. intor“., ! 1, -'tit 411 11.• t1rprer1.0....1V.C.T.1.• ~ .. 111 love, r .4:e ball,. li•- rt. 11.1,1(11.•.1 ~1•155.1 ant: t 4., Isr tnt; R•-,...?1,..en x".l. P 51111., A 'L. Lon,o. LI,. n! 1V. , .!• 41c %, • Allicr ;:ornl. t.oeti,.lllion 1,, 111" . .11 p•clirt. 114 nat..- of ”It Thr. trot. Co. of I rr, E.t . a:4z , 1 11.0: n. At:Alt . -1e :11:Lry 411 Wan 1,31. L..11 .1., .1-.11:„ for ,z.1111 , ....11 tiN is Thelor on trlp. 11. r ror,Uat, bv• a:e- , , 11,43 ,20,+ IA •• = tu, • Iron F r l'lt ro: 1; I.rott II•cp,•11.• kl:ti•An-. int Tuur,l.l. tti4: ..t1 itp f..r Lt." I hair. I, c1:11,1 D. tf.”ll.lt•av 11,,irour:y -. t::~.~.:a uu. rtu~ ~r..,, „-, .~ ..u. El fir t , t.! , f to. I - mo inn, I Tilits•i,. l'too I.l4lVVtx riv,,ll,4l,,lay .11•Or4o, 11 , .r . tt.," ..ohl • CA1 , ...t.1 ~r t Nom , iOOO, Ago: After o lo ho• 10 C. 1 1• o 1. ;•. tvo I tutu thliu t r tole In tho .I.laoht. MiSIMMIE . t .•.!!.:t•• - r ut t.' tnat, unit &ca ilcul will 1,0 It. lir-I 1.0. i'ort 11,.t0n ttml.tay.. 43 . 1 r, thu liter . . 11,1, no n o;ty tlit, ttli: tthett:i or uii t STEA3IBOATS 1:011 I%T. 1.011:1N, 1“11.1. 1.11 , 11IA;C:, AND 1'1171.. .Tl".. r %Ili /141, V, Lay " ;:r 77a1;..!" pison‘n TII ou.aa if VOltild I 1 012 EVAN , VILI E. 1. A I Ft , AND Tl'. ,•'• 11:1.1.E4"E41,0S A 111 forLI, arolc all it, rme.e.late p .tz• TM-. 51.. y rt.., At r. ton ri7l_ b:elm., 311 , 1 , 16: CAI, A. 11. Slt*w, Wilt I. nee LS 11,064: OSI TM , 011, Mar VII, St! or n•% . 1.. c t pEGVLAIR rACKET LIETWLLS Itilltn.ll AN!, tiNATI.-3 in ststruai IMEMEI . I 1 ply a: :ar^V.l. , Plttsbu,l, s.u , l ev•tv tiA I III:DA .. Y. •t. noon. itn.l orty TU ItinlAY. For irclght ur paarsge apply uu board, t.. • 1 . 1.A1 1,. or AVeVI , C11:6,. It Alt N 1.3• REGULAR IV EE VINCI N NATI l'Ai•hr.l, LEAVINIi LVELV WP.1 , N11.1.. , 1.Y AT 12 X. il,,Lan.l commoAltmn Mt= W. 11. etott. Cltrk. on nova or to Yor frugal. or 011 AS. ItA as 0, WINDOW SHADES, 4Z)ll_. 4'l_.Cllollll-1 I=l HOLLAND, For Sale J. E. WELDIN & CO., 101 Wood Street, • 'Fe Brlckiayers and Carpenters pIIOPOSALS ARE INVITED • mad Tin!, DAY, 3lay nt C n'clonl. r U., fir the BRICK and CAI:VENTER WORK nil ulnJ In the. eruction of a In thr. nrenlh 11'4,1, Pl.:mint, rimis and r pee In.:lons a c...1y for natl... at thn rince Or the BARI! it MOSER, Nos. 2 and I tit. Clair dlr.,. t. 111.1• Lo b. et:al...tat' Iva whit aentrad. at. K. 3100101E/Lll, .IASI , B IL4 UM, AA, NOTICE. MED TilE UNDEItsIGNED Las this day di.powl of Iris ntire .tool: of AND 3IIOE. to Mr. J. F. McCA.I.I., ratio will continue the Widnes, at thy: old .taut, 1.11:,...H.TY MEE Thankful for the Ilheral palronaVe hurk.toro. =I to my eu:ic,:or J. I). ILI.II.ILEY. Ptrrszaiiolt. April ht. x 4.1 SPICING WAGONS; •-•• .1 PLAIN WAtiW , S; 11 V.A11,1,5; LIIIIIIO'N. STONE, I,I'IILTAIt, I , TOItE All,10)AO voiLEIAJAIZtiOW , 11011.1 E 11A1 RASES ASO Mortised 1101, au,l Turn t,l sp.,l,e•• on band " • I.I,2I:CSNE. WOODS W 03.• 00. the Penitentiary, 5p13:004 4.3)1,E.11AN. /01111.1i7TEI: P. MISCELLA:4EO r.. - ; HERB Bi IfEliS• Ii "" "IR THE GREAT HOUSEHCLD REMEDY, TO THE 1.12111-11 . . - 1 HHANCH 11,01:::'E for Ile. LI, Of Mishler's Herb Bit tors. thr rilt3l.l,jlp. u ar111.• 71 1..1'.1'.1 I I NE..3 ....I P. M. Aga Iltc, tucarry uu *LI .111111. L LANLAbTI/.lt, Marc', 14, 1,4' FAHNESTOCE & HOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, OCS 316.tsx - lx.ot 751troot, I= Hold by all klespertable • SE - tVo tsk but a trial to cons !nett any cue of tbulr mudlulual s attic. MISIILEIVB lIERIS BITTERS I H l li ri R., 104. l 11 . $23,000,000 TEE NEW SIX PER CENT. I'l IiNSV L Pi la srr&rrl LOAN, Free from all State, County and Municipal Taxation, VIII I , e 1,,n1-1"..1 In -111, . 1 1, 11 t."I 1.1”1ci.t,..•1. JAY COOli 1: (1).. 1.1111%,14•IT•Illa TEAS 4M SUGARS. U 0 1:110KINI.1 tIIOAU. 0 0, for 111,00 I 00 I Oki I 00 1.011 •• TA F NTI:A r G.N. I RA TEAS. A.olr,r Itrut, lot of FgEbli TEA, of laatear Direct from China and Japan. rer 51.1ps cuustan❑na, CAW, .1. it. tlOl.O AND 4 1 11 EA I' In the xay 4rt Tras. at •1..111 20 Cent• felon theCommou lorleex, ARTHUR KIRK, 112 5.. 171 'Federal street, inhP...vl9 Pittsburgh Importing house. rAr.inusuEn 1436. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY. =I WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 109 I'cnn Street, • J PITTSBURGH, 11 1 t 1 W •Itt I.ltrt t tt.t tltt.nttonof o. ttll tt t.rga%tot otor t..ot-1, I,trtti. THE itiEIItILIVIS rmo EXPRESS COMPANY: CAPITAL, $20,000,000 holv- Our Ilerchants and .lauulacturer,. I '''Lf°""T.'""i• I= ALUM Fei UT EXPItESS,Muney, `-'valuables. Freight and Par over more liana lii,firill miles of Express Lime, at inst and liberal ratei.saies Millions yearly to Expires* Shippers, and Can be made permanent out) by their. liberal' patronage. This we hope to mei it and I eeive. Office, No: 145 Wood Streot, WM. LITTLE, Agent OIIN Cltol4 c CO., Real Estate & Insurance Agents, No. 139 Fourth Street, IR= .a. .113 Acre,. Impru4,l, In Fayette county, Va. \\'u nl,l train fur erty property.4d ,res, lucountT, l'a. 111 Acres, Impruvuil, Lawn Are Cu.. Acrue, Ituprny, .1, In ny 1 . ... pa. lon kerns, Improved, In Vs. In/ Al res. no ImprnweinG/li, Blair . 11 Arr.* In,. min, out 11. e Perry, , ,lll,, load, .11,t tat. thing 1.. r :market eartlrt. in r ~ unlutprus 111.1,• out the 1 . 1., road. thirg for • cr, In, and a prlvnto un1,16 le as,:hul,l Olk nal,lnelon alPore Met/rain h. , rrslort 45 try, 1.1111 on 11111 Clint'. on there It. two buildiuds. wltll At ,rt• roan to each. Enact ',I, ears torun. 3111 n uotilLl uaske . splaqtd tulst Any 1:111.1 of lmtllness. lurth, uppl, to lb.. al.os c NOTICE lei LIEUEUV GIVEN tl at the Copartner-o,lperetolLte exlstlng be -11 twe, the undtrilened, der the et} le of A. J. ItAkMt t CO. tat this day been db.salryi by mutual ontent, the entire lottrost of A. J. baring heol pore:Ant d by NII; EL L. CONNELL. elm will continue the Tat lid. !nets at the old allitd, 10. f.J.,111111 , 11:LI/ nTIZEI: I% All debt , due to tl:o late Crto 'a...Art..l by the said n. L. CIP , NELL. and all .1, m ♦alai uat iLt s will to yr...noted to and settled by num. =1 • Hoy, ng sold my In , to. -t In tto.CLoI' IIIXU IIUt•INESO iu SkSILIEL L. CONNELL, xlm cutultme the !mei:leis at tlo, old stand, I du Oii. rfully loromtmold 'ldol to our torn., la trons and LI, public gearrallY• • apnyl! H . J. LANCE, Nos. 135 . and 13'1 1- Tlllrd !root, DYER AND SCOURER, Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed, KID "LOVES an't I.A1111:S• t .1 or ‘l3 - )1; It SIAM LILAC. We have lattodurt,llo the tra ie our 11,1 T Persian Lilac, TIIK 1104 T DE/•lf . Allt A NI , RV Fli.L.lllAu EVl`LuiLlb I• N I No lady , . totter. Is complete will:oat It. For r.ate try all Ovaler , MANUFACTURED ONLY LV c. B. WOOD WORTH 44 SON . , 3:OCIIESTF.It I:115111e WONNS, Itoch.ter, 1. Y. York omce, Jt/U proviway._ STABLING TO ILEIkT._ Twenty-five Stalls, I=l J. c. ntirrun t co., =su.l2l Marktt btrvtl ITEM . 1 . 1 5 LA . ti coou mr.ovnrus •( (0. Ili TUBE E. PE RRI & No. 345 LIBERTY STREET, ILI: talllt 1:11::,, FRODUUE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS rf 4:I 11, F. SELLERS & CO., PORE PICKERS, M.tut,evar,a of A‘. aD) CDO Nov Bacon. Beef and Tongues ur.l 1cr.1,:15 , r7 on M0nd...5.:W.1. , . .4ugat -Cured Banff: Do do do liter; Do do d lierfl'on;vor; 1). do Urea k fast Bacon Phdo Cured 1121 con Sbou:tiers; Da dudu .SideS, At ',am , .1 prl.u, au.: of tacullent quality. '4,1: •.at. supp:lual ui. lu BRE= BITE= 6: CO., cumatill-ApiN Eu N a 0.111 1 . 14 Üb e Oil Vorks, Cra,:c r, ink ur OH " I..cLILLIFT F.L Kk;IL CO . .TVT,iSION 11i:11(aLL.A. MMIMULt=I =9 r'' Pk FETZi.:74. fo \ AN) CV1P1i2516.1 cr au.uifl , i tLr,t • r ;l' ENS hoDu. - t. SIF.II.I•LIAN TS .nd rnl. VOI1:141:1 A.NII LALE, I bIITTER, .1:111.1Y, oppo iilit's:Doanell .L,l J. i...l.ca'• '.VI4:ITd Commisalort I Ocs..,r; la 7L'Jlitt, I= ;it Inaux..d, cp“..l“, Uty Ilan. All, ,eny 7:111 I= DAY. Cr COlll/21bi ,11 AI ETA,. ULO(IMS litk.N. VIRE MUCK fti Nye. SCE 1.1 s.i+ et. 7., S t tI LT. Yu..r.tKe C.4rnlsCid. . • JN. ANS. • • ,•• \ 'IAI 4 .E I. .4.7:3E11, COMMIS. AAA. • ,tANT:i and d..slers lu FL. Plat I,:e. brwe.l succ, b-tn, 9, r.Z.V.4,.•::!. at , ll:ly I ITTL BAIRD •&.. PAT.TON, A r. Lac ,n. . 1 Iro, Nat:, (.11z,.., a.l: KLSlfia. (Succenors . . . • sr:A Cz.rr. r'. 1:t. and 111 , . Yl.O 7 017 :t; I:. CAN Ut.4. - tto.:, 4 t 4,41 wt,444.- 444, 1:11424,54, ar.: 4 11 - 14 1,11, .2. 11.L.,‘ Yr.: strto., i 4 FLUID TCS.I" Liberty' St.; ' (1 roca.rteo •t , t acialo.ccd 1.1,411ce PON,1111nU• ''' • "" rrc•le sad I. is . .I_*•.i ~..' ' ' "'• •, •• l'itut,arth r Znisi , ILICA:CO., Whole- I.,.llttchanta., tad ta :Ai A",...cr street 4=kl tb 1.111..T0N .%.) , 1 - ALS ACE, TA hole- WEI:A Atilt PROM:CI; DEALP,I{, , , 0. 11 1.11 -I JI-tAN FIRE FiSFR.INIE (O)IPANY, Cash l'aDital :trial Surplus er to on FOIE t xith tf• . , no tich r r). •rituitrsoN, At C MO pk:OPME: , 6 L'iS.III:ANCE CO E=l A. noui: CUMPANY, TAKINti Yllll, .1' Ita Joh3 L. Utolel, V. tiltrtver, A.:. Arw,clie /1`1110,11.1. Ver.er, Love, .1 , -- :11 61,1101111, 1 . Genet Art. A Li.lil:SCE:l; INSUIZA.NCE (:1). I'll , - , ltillitlH.-I.)9ce, O. Fllll, 61, it El.. 111,,ck a.:l .41.t1a GI Firm dud )Irvine r:.t•tcat t:. Um,. WM. DLA-N, 11. W. D. V.V.O ; I. art, chn.D., 1t..1 , ..rt Dar,. f; • r,. a'raal•tller, Hava. I / 1;10. D. facDrear. 1 )Eri LtiS VILA:VIM AN Y. OFliC11;101-1, PA. str.set, Stank llloci, A. J. BARER, h. 1. Ct./A:it:lJ. TI.II a !lona (I,,any, and 1122.1:7,f 4 erv.:i to s t\ I.'t Vre.t.hot. v. C. Vte, Vr,,! tcr.t. • Tr< leurt,t. LRAM I.I•LI,V.KNY, •.. . ... ~,,,..., yr.! I i u0 . r.., .W . 1 1 ,0.• ll -V W Cm3s. 2,1, :1 Ci..,,.1.., J• C. 1 -.:1, ~,,,,,, ~,:,,.. . kill V0 , ,,,1c1*. ~ li. HO; .Ifif, I S. ....1.11. if .• ,ry , in .:n INDEMNFIT ' AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE t=r I 01 , Pllll. t 1:1.1'1/14. OINOP: 135 and .137 C kiESTN VT 14T., r . .. \, , I'. Dale tivorge V. ar,” ii ne. it. BA." UW9 PrentutiaL. n. c. • - • . . J. t,..4 ILO It (.0 tr lAN. A gent, 11111,,M1•1 rierol rvr. Taira 11W.1.1.. W EST CILIA Crc.: CO., Prerlreet. (. 4 • -..':(;)D), titll , caral Agee:. 0,4 e. W at, are Co.'• Ware ';'•• . • • . „ cI.,U of iii,5r..111.1.. vc, 410 who mre 4 r 0 d .'0.,L ItFel ya l L w r r e a e .* ciur l ltY. thy.. :-/• 1. . . . L. ; J. CarlaJ""•' J. ...in It. ).-c . z.o, r. ,tJ, I;trkpatrlck Davi.: ner. 11.11:ip I“YuKr• Wililam h. iivamo. Sip W]1.1% 21.1L11.11YJIT. 64011.1. ;1.2.11A.1`. 16,1 I)t.NIEL 31c:TI.:..1:1.,:11. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, No. IA Grant St., near High GEo. R. co cuitAN, Atto . ine'y and CounEellor-at-Law. All 1,4.: 1 , 51 a, CO , TII . OMAS SNIP' ON, Notary Public, AND HEAL ESTATE AGENT, d.S. ITERGUSON, I , :tuNT ROAN H. 11. Mc:COI/MICK, Frotnyt attention gtTen to all kinds of law 1110 S. M. BAINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 4, 74=1, 87 E 5 tx-c•cat, mta , ,77 W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, JOHN RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TO,LkICE: O. 135 FOULtill UEET, BEE H . ('• MACKIIELL, ATTORNEY Et GOUNSELLOR AT No. 69 Grant Sttoot, ITEM B. F. BROWN, U. 4. Cus..] Office, No. 67 Fourth St., second floor, I'il'fhalllll4lll, ?BMW, BOIATIE9, AID ALUMS OF Pli Promptly Collected. 8100. ' BOUNTY. WU. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Is. who hare lout their discharge certtrie cut., and who are otherwieu enil tied to the addi tional 4100 Lounty. cut hare their ease. at tended to IT ceiling on or addressing ATTORNEYS AT LAW ANN CLAM AGENTS, JOHN A. STRALN. • ...S-I,77MATILL.ELDS. Ex-Guido, Iwutice of the Peace VOLICX 31nG1aTicATE, °dice, 112 Fifth St. uppoo:te Cathedral, I,.., H rL r: a l. tr U s i t i :Ltowledgr.ents, and all heat kluging" executed an.: diLpazcb. 15715,1 WILT.IAM JANCEY, NOTARY w PEACE. Al. I) Ko.TATE g 1 . ,/ ENT. OCce.curner 01 Itut aLL , grav, etreete. Lawrenceville. aaVd s [l l l: pr. ~ arat. ,,a nd a..l:nowledxment of all [lnd, at' Cyavegang ,, a. WILL:IAm JANCEY. in....1.-or toe I'Lace and Notary runt!. CSIATII.4.II T. EWING, %ttorne) at Law, No. GO Grant Strect, Pittsburgh, di - Cotamt,stonrr for Ohio, Seniart7. West V nr.,l other Cat es. . u,18:..19 JOU": U. 1t10120311.1.4, - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. (A—liensions. Bounties. and Arrears of r.. 7 eoloeieo. nonio£l9 HAS JUST RECEIVED 1:1`1ITA HATS AND CAPS, :~:::~ J,(C (DJ 20 Per Cent. Less Than Down Town Prices. ' 1= W,edl our I:EST SILK' asd CAS I)IeRL' OATS, o ONE DOLLAR LO WELL than anyollor Home In the Clly. 334 Liberty Street. lins Just Opened SPRING CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, • Whit It Iv Ito onered at DRELTLY REDUCED CS fro. La ort.stru. its Sprin; Overalls, 23 Los uslo,oo Cs ,limas Butisrss Sal " " " 513,00 (lath Doss Skits " " " 55,00 :LIG LIBERTY STREET Van ,, , , lo lit l f .. Tn e. one door above GILMORE tic LIBELER, TRUNKS, Era :arse assortmeet of Ladles' Satchels a ways on Cana. PROFESSIONAL. IJIJ 1111 • Ltru I.lr. .111,-- =MI INESECTIZEI Attorney-at-Law, I=l = =I 13= = =I MI PrrrsnunGn, W. J. &WALL PATTERSON, = RAMALEY TOM NEW STYLES =9 Call and Be Convinced. LOOR lIELOW 1115 CLOTHI,DIC EMPORIUM. RAMALEY A LARGE STOCK OF FINE =I NEW STYLES IN THEMABEET, Paper Collars at Cost. Slanutacturnt,f nollale and natal] Valises, Carpet Bags, ea. N 04.101 and 106 Wood St.; CM= =1 ORDINANCES- kri OUDINANCE for the ora (1.• Ist, noti rwri. of 33crycil. Sit-root. ME EMM „, Va. the }<coo/intuit Eoeniator tio ant tr Ic rtir auttatiuoil to advents. (as pettpoteit flat tto Cirn.ungi ray., to Sott-InE vitt , Cur , eirsst, unit to 'lot tilt sat, lit ti titrtett as or•ttettnec of Conwili ugutt .411,1 au as.. of Astetuttly approvetl ,tettert otti. at ~ l t lirciWittit Stitict Council. Lilo, Mos:too , . otoulcot Connoll. TllioNt.itit STEEL. Proi.idont of Comunon Cootie.!. AL,,- noon aloNl too= of t otionourioniell. A N ORDINANCE for the Grad .... Ina •nd 1 . 1. lug of X D. tlll'o 811oy. SKI TiOX I'. H. a/ rnort,l Mai,. A i , hq•-• i„ „„,, arvi' to +r s eat tee Record lur_ltteula'or So. and he to here by autnor,r•d to *its l.rtise for proposal( for the liradlue en! Varlet of Pa(tere Alio'. and to let the same la the manner dlrce.d by an ort.natice of Councils p,,,,1 0000.5 3 , st. A. 1rr,57 SOIL an Act of A s••rsibly approc•d January fah Sae. Het;.:. That any ordinance or part of ordi. sante c ' , dieting a Ith ,he passage of this ordi nance at the present time, be and tee tame is here:(3 . repealed. an far as the sante W 2,14 Ibis ordinance. Ordained end enacted Into a law . In COinticiiS, this :All say of April, A. D. 1,67. • .w.smr.s MrAT , I.Er. President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnote. Citric 0(04:1005 CMI2ICII. SIFF 1., Pn.sldent of Comecon Council. Attest: liirtat tsredt, stati: , Clerk of Common Council. AN OItOINANCE anlhoriziug the re.rinx. (3 ragtag and :telling with Curb. alone. ' Locum:it Miro c•t, From Pride to Marlon Street. Et,rlON I. r. 0: nralinsa n 4.1 r•inr/.4 t). ably,. Abler-won and eiri.trus P+l,lnarp.S.. Set, toad (Arnow, - CSi•mcFle fa,nthlnf, dad r: s .rddineal /tt roactuf sa nidAqrtfy of fie aco. '1 bat the Itesulator be and 11, I. hereby autborteed and dlreelvd to adtertliu for prof wals for the tirsdlng. Paving and Yet .tlng with Curbstone, locust street. trots trite Co It scion street, iflalith Ward, and t, let tee same In them anner illrok•ted by n ord , nant, couerrnlng atreel, passed. AUVIaI o 13.‘ 'root any ..rdlnsn,e ..r part of o contlletlna cub the pa,age of this ordi nance at the present tlme, be the same is hereby rep,aled, so far as the same .n.,13 . . 0r.1.111.,1 an.l enacted L., a lan In. Councils 1.1.1 J 1 . .11 tia) of,Aprli. A. 1,.• JAMES mcAri.EY, Pre.l.leut of ,lect Council. L. S. Muintow, Clerk of bel , rt Cnoncll. TIIONIAP OTl:7r L, l'remidentof Cummou tot alellasTmt. Clerk or Common Connell. N I.IIIOIIVALNCE granting cei:. taln privileges to the ' ille^h•Dvl3Liackbler Passa-erkflu) Co. • lie ana ennel.ll LY f 7• Tot Pdlerurin. tt 1 . ,,.n.,: . tt m AAA by ,naebNl 014Aorgy t...; That tige ro.cut etlange male fy the Elite nnrg h, Allegheny and Maiirlp,ter l'aa.enger 11..•lway Comvany. In the lozatbm of their Hall way upon 151.'1:lair street. between Peon steel and 1/u.,ne.tte Way. and the laying downni a n. swliell anon ..ald street. to ..Outer the rrllaray tract... iherunpon. I. hereby •pproved, ar all.' ItAllway CornionnY le also hereby author .l to remove eo 11.000 of the rall+aye of edit_ opAn call street, as has become Axle. uy r•nsun of the rbanee of to above lOW/. grothled. that mid rot:3 , ra! attain he made under and aohject to the Clreetion of the tiefUrsilltir ami that sap! Hallway Company shall Immediately after the terms'sl or trc. up.m *aid I tree In a go , / and snip edanti•l manner. tinder and object t. the 111, dlreelloa 00.1 an pro val of the kl...vordlng IteAu laeor. el:c. 11..5t any ordinances or parts 01 ordl nate eon nmtlng h the pas,ane of this ortil nat.re at the pre.ent time. he and the Astor Is here,y repealed. -o far me the same 311m:t0 . ..L1. ordlnAnee. Ordained and enacted 101001:twin Couneilathla Ztli day of et.th, u• U. .1)111!S llr AULY.Y. Pr... Went or :elect CoutMll. AttE., E. A. I,l,mnow, Pannell. TIIONIA , STEEL, Prrsl.l,nt Cottauou Conuctl .1. M.: 11.11 Alclttn-rE, Cork l'onfluon Council A N lu ORDINANCE fur the grad aud pa , lug of 312tarocar iSt.ro et. :ia..TlO, 1. Be at ord./(dad a nd •artre.rf (hi yQ ..114..reirda tot.: /., and at t•rdain , ri and enti , fe..l , y gzrfewrity the PI/ 14, the Recording Itean'ater he, a•d the direc ted. to ad, ertl•e f preposals for the ,radine. paving an telling with curh bloat, et lirroer alre , t, and to let the seine lu the manner directed hi an Ordinance or Ceuta passed Aiau•t. alai. A. it. la:7, and an Act of Aerenitdy apt.rurcd January Wt. 1,11. I hat lanl anti Dance tar mart of ordi nance rundlctlug with the palbalte of this oral at the pre•ent time. he and the game i• her,lay rep.a:cd nu far us the 5.11 C airect3 tt ordinance t ontalural and enaela d Into a law In Co. thla ~t n day of A prit. A..D. 1.47. JAWk.a SleA Pt . ..aid...a of ealr• A lt..st: E. 6.sl..mituw. laMll2=ll rresldera c, e r. 1.7E-tm IMMO OREIV - 1 e Relate cttlna with outs Cie3C.., •• r 3i.X.013t, Eighth Ward. frot .. t of the rublie &1..1114,111e (il3 , _ as tog polot gat f e w en, of the ,t the tilinilitgbant Erhige. and e.ell'Ly Ihe 4. Pittaburgh, to n.elnklet, mid it authanty 14Kniator be and tv 'Tinsto advert I, for - Tits and ortlltevr,th • . it Mayor. Ahlaruern Ertel and Crown ttorykr urdain, , he sane. Tbs.t 11 hrrebyMori proposxl. for tb e I,m a point al feet V.. In the IClghth e eaatern side of the n• 1 ,4" let the same In the ..zdinttct ettneethlor eurb alone, N...., taat of the Pub to a puha I.llrultuahau. fee. , footer Jtnrti . TUat,.• ',aver. be p‘rt. ordl• I e pesexee of Ibis or.la ,e, be sr d the Lame le uattoe toolliette, II•dr• at the t . the ,sme aAnet;.thts reby repeal onllearn. Into . law In Council. .1. U. 1:67. a tlrEs of ilolect.Council. M=Z=ll ALL .. E. --iot Council. Tit...m/0 STEM.. At of Coitotinf Council. At:est: LIN.. STLES. • • . orrauou Council. A N 01 CE for the Grad- R .- IF= 'trained and tunettd the , ultilttelts ittodD, , forincilo uarta.tel. oad fe be Lie anteorthe t.. Urcordtug tteetalstot be sou ihalsed to sareettite for prop°- . :es. Pavlof and settler with tn.-Alford street. /rum Mutter t.lne, and to let the Same lu set or.llesnee of nCoue ,_.'l,7, and .11 del. SLL2IO , • .• .1,4 chute • 'hereby cr. the now c, he Is bre • ears fur • Cutts-Ste street t. • the mat usnee coon nt mance hereby rn.sh-- ° 7;13:47/ enacted Into A iSi l : ' .llnA LEY. Preildent ul tislett Vounell. • A""" s ..2feTtt'lleiet Cdneell. • President of mitten . A"'.". Il unit kW ILts - rnstr, l:leek of Ciunini..ll t. %Innen. • A N ORDINANCE authoriZiOK A the °penlnel I VtrkenY from MUTE , street to Stevenson t•rent. and Marla s reef. from Molr. SIJVCet to Its tortnlnus.' and Magee to 11.6 sontloya side of Vicar, strict. IlleortOsr 1. lie ordained and ena , ded PO Ploll .3Pryor. A idtroten and Ctlirene of Pifff , “frllf, io Sekrt tuol Common Cotosear assensbl,t. and it, A‘reby ordained and cuacled auf,:arag of 1,0 same. That tan Recording' Remitter he sod It hereby directed to snotty and open Vlektoy street front Magee street to tOntenoon street the width of slaty feet, ai laid town In the Clt.t . : I/late:et plan. and Matta street Its mull width co inlet's Yet, train Herne street to Its (Meet as laid down In David Oreers plan of lot• I WWI - and Magee str.et to the southern side of Vick ivy street, as la hi dc.waux the. City plat Sa , c. 2. That any ordinante or part nr erdl . Pane: conflicting with the passage of this ,o• 4- Ounce at the present time be and the Fame is hereby repealed to far to The same abbots this Oulluanen. UN/deed and enneted Into a law In Councils. Lida Zth day of Harel., A. D. !we . . JAMES resident Oelect Council. Allots: Z. S. Ittrow, ' Cleo Of nell•rt Connell. , • THOMAS STEEL, Pre , ddent of Coen:ton Connell. ' . Attest: tlct.llMo3l, , Titn, Clefs of Common Council. LEGAL - TN THE MATTER OF TIIE AP rLIO • TION OF TEM JINGOES umma- Al• CESIETERY, of Alley:Leaf twoot1: 4 . charter: No. di June Terra. L 567.10 the Wait of Common Pie. of Alit:heal man. , Noting' le bet eby elven that an applleaLlen bas been made to the above Cue° fora charter of tecoroore me.. and that, et the pail tethi of Bald LOOM 1r Do sustelent reason . shown 1 the eo , ntrary, a dttree efed rder '.ll.l:';§;.r.tr*PEcAltt7.4." satd A ltorneyt fur A pplirautr - Xii:nrwisTfiaTiunts NOTICE. —Where. ',emcee of Admhalstes the on the estate of soLCILATCO RENO. of the Second Ware. Alleeheny, ra d io dece noteen giant., to the ourierslnoce. thi all pen.. indebted to the *mate to gall and mile Insect ate payment, sodll Pena. having LIM:. &gam the .leccaetr.l to present the same, nom elm autlemaLleattO for set•lement, to W. ILAYZO, /thellnistrator. apac..7 171.1111 n an., 4.1 Ward : Al.eshe.Y. S DMINISTIIATOWSNOTICE.::: l•etters testamentary t0t...1e at Heber. Mcl.arree, lets of Teloperancevthf. Allegheny cenY. deed. baying been seethed to the e. tleo . lgnot, all Immo. a Iroletwed tO rald eatate will pay the moat, sad those hieing c * S l Mt stradeot lt vrlllpre.nt the sena. duly thtbe ntt gated. for aettlewent, ln the Borough of Law renceville. MINI=SE liZte - Ore e;lrlerroVia ' alitp, deed. hose been granted to the nrid.psigne4. Alt porro:s Indebted to tee Sala estate are required tomato Immediate payment. and those lamina claimer demands stalest the t state or thesaid necedant, willitnake knows the same orltbonc delay. Mrs. ELIZA ALLEN, y WILLIA ALLEN. 153111 DRIED PEACIIES.--S0 barrella itauters, mind and hair.* PEACTII.A, on cog"lgumettl, for sale low to the. trade. 15(31:11)./1•S Mt LA NU, spl4 • 17: end 174 Woo.l.tzett, DM
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