M Q rim' INVISIBLE EINIIESS Tll.llll TnE NEW 13:1drr. FULL Spring, 1867, _J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OK DOUBLE OPIUM/0 SCI 11, s Tb and most•vibt.r.srlst,les!rtrT Al.!. FOR SALE EVEUVWHERE. AT WHI.r, E!IA LE by air the h.n.ltrig NO/1011 Hof Hr➢ “411,10 Hoof. / l'ltoburgh. I, oly. owuhro or P.tcut awl h-...t.cluslTellanutwi tll,l,l. WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, `l7,Cleuenbc, Street, EMMET' 4u6T ort,;:vcrl, NIACICI7III Ac. CA RI, IS LE, wro. 19 1 4 11111. Stfccit An Orglut is* ••rta,nt or • Suu Shades _and Parasols, NEW 111170118 AND Trasumaz, ENGLISH EMT AND TRIE/ING LIMNS. erci~u'au.u~e± uz ,THE BEST KID GLOVES "J5`1".41,11." O3XX XMIME3 BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS hare Junt owne , l a full lltr of all Ind ,ul9re of the celterat't 'B,S" Kid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair. IWe are anthoriztol toßua .. .oleo 0v.1.3 pale of ,bne• e',7".lYor'larn 111AC1111111 S ('ARLISLE SIGs. 1a mairt.b. tl'Oc.t. C 41 3 0 1:301):S; DAILY ARRIVAAS THIS WEEK. 11 11011, 1 11, NAN' CO. • Ellll3 FPII - Finish laroneN A",,,ralnots, Plain, Striped and Baered; • Unitalks Nsiazooks, fir Wai,ls; Edlinp and FriTrior;• henant and Ilarahnn,g VFnrk,Sne 35sulaull; •I eal rpiet Thread Lan , ; Ilandkerdicts, lact, Et:4l. Llcal•titcktd h Plain; ag.„iciabt aod ahade , ; Follatne Colored Vekl BiShons , tiery niarle: Code Frinaen, it mmiaeD .k. pion ne , reYi sl?10s; tine I , 3ollMellt of !?co ' atd Getman INiery and Sloes; • FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES; SPLENDID ASSORIWiT PARASOL'S. Pull Line Furnishing Goods. 1 , 700! YTAII SlitlYT ,Arrantol. VOW3l:l'd AND 1.1007.71i170r5, pool n:aLce. AA-lulAing trade berred fxliLfdlly Irast.tru 78 and 89 Marldet Street. ta-.11000 (;i - o - is AT • JOSEPH, HORNE'S & CO'S. Irrorr r rin or g m or Ide a t6. , rht111 , 11t1..: to our alrea.lr Wk SPRING GOODS, We are prepared to offer lndert ' in' , =lr. both 1= prlen and aasortenent. toI Xenbroldertr, Handkerchief., *dorm Hosiery Bugle and Prlugro, Newt.Lyles Itrese trlglintng . Colored an , . Vtlrrt Hlldedsr. read an .1 1 uttonb. all crlea rnd Corsets. Itelflng, Bee,"e nnd upera Ye. &Woe - V.lnd Gents' • . 15or i ngUnd, ..Wear, exsatire Hid clover. /nri, lhie. Enierl,s Tntl Skirt.. in Cludir and Duplex. A larKe assortment of Ehnta' Nttlr. Ncarfe B vapendern. YIIIrt F lintrt.9ll,Hur.blilrter r'nts, a°. t‘b ,- ,ll4_?. l rie.lkm . uvt , ,, list Flowers, . mullterr C. 0.., • Trinunincltlhtions Eno l:ib bone Fiala Sad Fan -T, 'OlOl Na, OUR WROLZHALE Roolr. ftalo "di tv , top ,1 corn Itte nl Pri‘4,'',,P.',7lon". Val • Frices 31.1un EaUertat.l,..Lptregirt 77 and 79 Market Street, 1567. SPRING. 1867 ARBUTHNOT; SHANNON & COMPANY DWI/UTE/3 ANL) JOBBEIti OF Dry Goods and Notions, Offer aidr large and attraettro stork or NEW GOODS AT PRICES FOR CASII. mtIRB s;o4lirj, NVIIITK=6OI , I4. • Mr.Ai • En, 1 . 1t1N16, I.llltifiA3l:, . . „ at/Tot:i t CASOLItFAIES COTTru.N.ADE.S...t KAN:, 111.1CACILEt) Illt()WN 1111tF.TINtill.A.N1) • blititTl.tittd. t_ 4 111W1..d15.11(.1 . 3.. littSlEttr, an.,' ttnicret an: Invited to call and einuatin ou takt, t . No. 115 Wood Street. • Altinl'l'DNOT, CRILLINNON Is.'' CO i..Anwlltur. .. k', T. eqi.,:zonr. EW GOODS!' A,:...T.. Promo/or ,:, rs. , N , . J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, No. 87 llacirlaot idOZANIFIIQUEe, for FRENCH 37,5 c. 010,11/111/1 COW ESL, I:EENADII. WREN &DINE RUB CI. UMW Itt. EIELE:I. COLONEL/ I'. A large ac.ottmult of NEW GOODS _.JUST .OPENED. EEMEMBER THE FLACK. . 37. i . Nrcr'paork I 9 THE MCI 'FN tffMINGS. I D I RY Goo: C. WATTLEI & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IM) NOTIOAS, to. 89 Federal Stfcet, of : 4 ,2111 ..0/11n1 Jri.) ALLEGHENY CITY Entic.•11,1,i,... HA:, 01, :11.71111;F.. • • 11 0 ,11 Ill'. I: LOU VI. . 111 ill:11N.:, .1...11.;:I.I, - - 111111 r lilooli . (N.11:,1:1'4 Baltniiral and floop Shirk CULLA AND TIES, r.klottitl.S. VEF.VE I' %'IIIIS, I..ADIK, A 111, A•I S• FUIttiIdICING I.VUUS, "IE. 0 .1%702 t4=,..21.15i. ap3l:3 ,11 -- - - PleteuU and Stll• Vests, pne” •lerm Draw.: MN= . - Ittos•rbtottiti “St.nt , ' Shirt.; Linen ttit rayer,Collatbt ititattrl ntil outer Futtcy(rtets • 'White 1,114.11,t Ties, Plain at, I.: lllll)tt .52v Tor. ad a it. , tl„ Cotton • 11nqi114.,-clefe. 01 , 14 & fnuryl cholve ennurtml; JUST ItEeKINEI) AT Fes. 17 Fifth Street, • DE:CV/SON HECREILT, No. 27 Fifth Street, Are constantly mt . ,' vinK Bleed and Mug Trimming• E inl•rol,lcrlen . Iroiglery,(klove. II Ibbon. 4.1.1 Vlevwcrs; Hoop StOrli. autl Curwetw; Prare.ols and titm Umbrcllo.; ••atar Llurn nail Paper Pollare; rusPendern and sr.l MC I &.•• Gc A FULL, STOLIi tti DRESS GOODS , ALL STYLES, JUS 01 . 2:NEJ),. 1.111 11 LINEN:. I;on , ,a!n. t'Ar , latElt.E: , , for Mt ci and port• ,esr. For f 3 etl4z , "G"c3: , -- y ghoag - AT U. J. Lvxq.r.s, CUE sn:RET YAW STYLE Cloth and Silk Sacques, made to ' ll.i. I. rNI. r, CARL', MceANEXTESS . 1 / 4 * Ca., !LA, e-utt A C'7..) lIOF.E*ALLI tirt...l!..,Eftli Lt FUTIEM AN.O De.MEST:C 3n'7 COCOS 'DJ a• 1134. tat., rhirc AUCTION SALES 10,000 pnts . .:1-7113 nuo A i ALT ..ELTJCPriC)I,7, Cacc! , ;:t.l . for p0,11:0r into at Ito. Aoatloa t 9 4 ' .; !ad ron.ra f a,r. 1111, AI i• , nn \ti tb; '1.11 , :e alt, earvenlowly altract, eel .Iran;a -v,u.. 711,, a, lArge. pp/ vatic,. 1.a.11,•. an.11.11.11,10,1'• ~,l I:al no.ra.l.: 1.04 .11.cc.h .110..te; llen'a Cali...ad/11p Itaotr.an.lavcrttlzina tar ,Ilovllll,. Al; CO Do 5011 tor whatav, ,C 1 - • A. LEU.: as) AUCTION SALES. 110 Smithfield Rt., OPPOdi. - I. Cai O MCe• Day and el enlnK rasa on '• Thur.- 4•3 a nd ,atur,:ay. , hma, Dry 0, 0 , !,, hard e' Straw hood., 1;‘,!, lAttorl4, 11,, .F 4-. Privaly 3tonday. ,I.ty and Frolay. ilun w Ynrritar, aster, Jens Ealatc; 1,0:4 on margin and aid on conmsl,l... 111:F.EN 0 I=l COLL Cc rallats, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERi, aus Pons eitrocrt, prrrsuUtT.Gll, rA Cletern awl Wel rumps or all Hone., Wel up with ties aril! Water. in the must u,. etyPi, by expe'rliiticeil worktoeu. liotelei attention vary to country wort. DISSOLUTION. Tut CO-PIUTNEUSITIP here.. tot.,roa sxtbtllts , st..vt.en 31(31{1./t/I:S: Cr,! JulIN I•l'Tts smd, the mane •rt.l 2.'31.: ..I.IUISIttICK A'.1 . t:F.N.,51. Is day .11settlset I.y tn../ c..1t..•15t ./t/11.74 It. I'LL. N. 5.3.1 Settler IF.. t 1 1. ,. ...A.,1,0f Sir In.. firm. . 'JAME, 111)1tIlttt.IC. J9IIN ph: 31,.1.1M,,1ft/OCR bathe 591,1 ,lln . ./. M. JI.WSE. mt. buginvea ncrt,fLtr. he c0n.11..1 at No. TA Fla, a fr., IDder tilt DAMP and. otyle. of VIA NAM , tlll5 F. Y • Po 1.111, vt, pitrt.,,, of yr, are, 1-. ..1011:i Ff. I ' II TNAIII, MAT/lElt 1101. SE. rltt.sburgt, Ist; . MI, a .A FOR SALE. COAL, LANDS, On the Youghiogheny River on, of Ow o,t vs , o,'•• • ' 1•• , :• .• ght. . c jc„., Is now L. n.Olin per acre Ice• silt prt vlour oilers, the owner *tent, pall tit all .1s Interest In this tectons nl Ibt Mts.. Also, Bull , log I oUa In the town of Sanas., Ia miles below West l'irwton. at low prime tpmsll pas/pentc. Apply to ti.TIITII at MESIULTITIEN, = tfIT t IV: and o,ol.lberty p , trect. lION CITY CUTLERY CO - •, !SI. Clair Street. t,e , :land, IL Is o.ll . lUL:ellen pen Inipl etuct of - HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Itl , art Ituvoryt., I , lshlng Toreitirt d wont, /cad uf at ry arlytv. 711, arc prt.tutral to du Ail hind. 01' JOB b%011K: liCkf ;1,, hr...Strut,ita rd m•ktux [ea au,l Canctillott amp ,- .t . rat tatica: - U. HORN, Mustmer. EMI J. 'MAL:WHAM D h. CO" IW-1 - 101.5.1.LE AND ItZTAIL (,D 390 Path Strout. TRIMMINGS, No..omr it V -1,11,4 c o : I l'—"rburpli6itz-rttt, 111, the, most Pre-11-10,4 a , c.•to or , ' i t. . '''' ---' „ eau. If the grfeitest (TICI,C, ti.o ' 1 nid; ; StrYL: l ' :k.L .NOTICES. .......-- , -, ' ''''. '''' "'"-'' "'" r --- •C, ~ ''' 1 10 .1. - % VALIIIS. von E.-ntrm of I -II acreS, dpo rtbe of tullou, ti.ry e t i ...n.; ' 7 " j .1 ' 1'. L ,. 0 ,7 1 ( ,,' ,IW ~ , , 1 1 , 10.,! •, i nr.gr-, , , • -•' 0' , , ,- Af - orn :Lan, w..ro ~ ,.dor In , matn Atfo.f;L: L.',1,r,,:•1•-':'1.0L"',..;.7.,',.,.';.,',..1,:'.,.t.,:t-g,'.. _ -__ , 1 c,__,,,. 1,2A . - Zr,: - .',,',', 11 . - e o .1"' ''''''''';.'''' ZS a z:_•.,,,r.rf, •:ls:e"er'll • ••Ia am! rh.ple .If t t ;_•,',..''' .., , La,,t,liene. , rtli N0T12.-`; 101031 TI L' (2AP IT.IL ' - --- - -...0....- \ ',;'Yvr•b••lllVtate• ftl,Eaf:f Ti1,,,,L,,a,i JT 1-. ,. /'.._r, , . , , , . ,. 4 ,'-. i„ . : 4 . 4 Rlatorl Done FP In Water COlO r 1.. \ .. 1 , 1. .. , 7 . 7. .. 1-1 ...* ,'. 7 ~....:„i „ . ' , ..1 r " , ' ,:: 1 , 1 , 1 l ra , 1 e I r , - .. r_l I{ .., 1- 1' . ..' ,.. , - . .7 t ~. .i , .-, , ...,- . -I 4,..- , 04.-- r 0 . f., ,4 0 j I,l i fp, lel L'orro:pouU,l,o Illt;therghl;Jerette. The report, of tho Mott ro-d fro - o , tlms , -'•' ' ' ' ' - ;qv ds.r. :z nroporl. 4 .-e• J • en 7 :;:.•-..'": an , vtelce s tahfts. Great tl3- auoa •f fa 1..,„, ey,, ~,,' , ? ".., • :;, ,r l 4 . .e Yo O r n v oi l p i r t il e l 1 :: , 4 .. . !•,: , , w i r. l s' ,,. d t de o, r ; . :111 1.40 .1 tiecla of the reenct Lir,;.,;MIC, , ,„ ~..„ .„ ,;,, , e. a t e . j r,.; ; , th!, ~,,,,,, „ re . 1 - Al•• Arc7ilen I ri.,,T,,,,,,,,,,-,,...,.-,',.fj:::::. . , w!, ibb•mr,••l by a 4,', I, I,,rf et ale aCIICt- t ,,,,, „.. 1,1a,,1f. 1 f , r ,,,, ... `•7 3 ",,,,, p,,,,!,,,t - ....rn no {turn e,' tOWilia II:. smlth. "She ITZ9 II running' streanoet In :lea e „ ;,,,,; „ ~,,,,, i a :;: t,i'd tl.r. ft ~fa fr, , Iff tro ,-'" flr.Lre... , • i. ", ; ;.: I'L 'I t"'' , "l' , "lth '' la" a .e., - , orlii I , ' ri,7?,n,,a.„nt;tot-,.ir,,,..7.,.";,T:7:.P4'qc!-:!--...r.,, r ., -:' r '''' ''''' r ' ''''..'.."''''.;:' ; ''''''' ' .`''''''', '. . '' IV.7./r; ' iljt e ... n t ' - ' , r „ • ra . , ' Ll n.; Ihr , n. ,,, 111LY alWearlegp.n , the prist.til- , royal meolflf 'm t., ~..,, , •, ,, !ir,!, ' Inn 1;e111 . .... b'' '' .• • ' ''', '''' ' ' f. ''''''' . ' r r r ''' '',' •..: ''''' '' P .1 1 1. ..! .*"7 Pl'l iIIrIIII glee° einerg,l In IIIC gi „ .1,111 rater , 1'.•I'III 7 °l. ' " ''' °I ' g"III 'L '""' '-' ''' '''' ' ' l' ''''" '''''''' r " r''' '''''''r" ' "Fr" C ' " ' '.',..:''',...,1;,'^',;/.." ''''""P' , .e.-es, t-ellvlug their grandeur f teen '." 't .., ~. if. tbe -turn and night Of the deluge The "o ; 1,:,,h, of f,,,,,,,,, Ltr,,,4 , ,i,1, fp,o eh . trr - • ;br ,i . . IVIIV:PIT T. .w, :v l r, I 1 7.;t 11 . '.lc"'l't.,' ,",,,r,,1:;,,,,,„,,,:.—, s. ~,,,,,,,,,,, :,:‘,l rejected An - Iran -Li, I rtml enet - re:l ut:lity to thin mar:Wl.t ~'.'_:. '' ..7 ~ ;:, I' . . " III:;: 1t...".. I I; r - ' 7" . , itr. , ~'''' . l''ll. , .. r ' jo . -- ', ' .7 . ' l '... I 5 4 2,5 lor them - atone rejected by the beilderb-i beeo 1 ; T".'"l r lte"r. Anon life cernent otki--tee, ^fl'`. _ •, ' ,..1 ' ,. ' , -olio I 3.4dr. ',in.. a tenant house, ,I In gowl runn.m.: the lifad Of the corner. Trn indlot la the ~ ern'Anlllllne,g'..et'•elnrrT‘ll:l'it,-,'CI::;.•-'31'.:j11:-'41. :1.--2.;:*- VI n. 1 R f 1 %1 /ALL 6, CO, .!`;‘.:i'''!';'.::,?`:r4i,'-i:lnfi:,',o ,g,,,..;',:',:', .c, a .;: t. ' l .lr e ' : ' Lil l e ' gn ' 7 :: i i l l b n . e rrl:p t a i tT ,n , t k o ! f " no. ' Y 1 i".`l:'lr.''',l:Ltin.:,Y7ntrlxirPold4.-:.*:::re',"il.47':fivti'tr'r't':u:et'"'''' ...' BOILER retAI.C.ERS !!'''''' . .'"'in.;:;'2,`l.l.,,, ~,,,,,, • 6 . 1 '1)1 . .-le reeng.ttior , ^I man h"o.I. And ' di"! rfleted cml; Ilse orrent" of lite fie LI lmr, .4 ND 1 Lun you tO , Itne,S thet in that hoot!! 1 ed;l3,ing, with ling, round and rout; Zu tne country fixe freedman has already intllcated 1 n efaract that has /40 bOttorfl, nr If a bottom, , • ne known to !wing mortal. let aull•I all " a n ' l ' '.;. d' lln nem.. situated In West li. a 1 , : - ,:lt ilegreof ikli litnuts for the trust j that 'creek of 11/1”.1. Illttlall, 1., Ilipv.3l, the , SHEET IRON WOREE.,,, D , ,--•.., -0. 1 -!';1:1-!'''1: :•: 4-'; ' -: , ' ' '''''''':'; i l i 6...: .1 1:-:; i‘% ' t r : ':: : :: ;:i.; ': .1 .1' ' , .v .';' 1°:l f:' ' '''' :.1 : : : ! (h / : i1 .C. : 1 repo.,c,l ~, hi,, i n ~,I; ; It . ~,,,,,,n , ,,,,4 y, it, P COLi.MII,I .Ihmttms of woman end 9 tr.., , ---. 1 f. 11 `. '2 4 ), ' 22 . 2 I .a llll 16 Pe" M• - i , " ,,•. 1 , 1 0 '1' ',.‘ " P1... ' ;'7," ' ;;;; ' , ' '. 4 ,,',r, ' ,'• -- ' ,. ' f ' l ‘ o r a, " L ' o " rim i flo r. a 4 ,;: . . , 'tram nuttily on the surface, like ~' n itwit:) , • J , to a ti, .'11 • 11 , ,,11, n 1 s sr., a ~•.••••t VICO. reofrlntimm, In oelf.r,atroint, in qulet nu, ~,,„,.„,,,,,,h mu ,1 1 1, hi uch ..„, 1 ,:,,,, , c r na,;,, a ., ~,,,I a ”,rfe flint .11 , 1 turnlf bed It ! t ' . ''''' I 0n . ,.. ~,lIL I. tocuns a Nu, i triune tt nuttily demeanor through all. tlounder." , • Do von re l .mrulmr . U. perilllel tO the a v ill Ity I 1 , ,,,,,,,L, and ,4 an l; cut ' It 1. ,, t or, haft i i ''''l.; :„ . ' ; '' ; ''4' i.l .''... - " " .; I,',';-:',','re:;:s. '',:la'ir'U'l'''''''•'''rr:'''''n'tr.°4'4 are, 1a ln I '; : i . : :'' "k:3"'",'''';'; nillyl.'lV-;;:ll:'''''..°H'''''''';'ri'i L''''''''"'4l'''''''''r'''''''''''''' a - Ith added, this hlThlely and deselie,l pea. ' Era'mi Unlt Math.. WO ..I.'.' the .inlets, but i ,e, .7.1.... 111 o.t. ...1.11,- . . clone:ere, lir '''''.- ' lO- ' reur nartinn laza, "rimer of 0- )I. TOWER. Ide on, , eki.; and Ilalllg 111‘.1.1talla of ed.. L'evond t'" '''' ' r -i' . w"terfiLll ' nffied I ' '''''- ; I t ' r "' -' t ' ' 'r e ' 'l ii ;: . ! 4 •- • - ' ...., " .2 l'a ' n!. ' ,. Pe. ” l ' ; ,' " ' , * ./ " l ' ni ' l'n ' ,::' R! Ertnte. Atter.t, I'll Yourtnctreet. :over the etream•ots, the CrazfaetS, Ile t ,•.. "' ' '. ::,,' . • • 1t.,1h r [fen Itrl • •• en:ont -.- Tile ohielal report (frm!.annual) O[:1. It I ", rn ' n ''' ilht9'P'4l`.the currants , ' ' , , , ;;.;• , r l' ,1 "•••••• ;•,, ' L L;' ,,. . ''', "N - ; -- --- .11vre•i. i,ureal Sept rintelelent of .- ree•in ,?, ' 'j t " ,, ~tt',Y,,i b'',.llLli;„o A r 1 , 1r . n.T .' , ' , ' ,,, '1 ; "12 ,,, i'..r ,. • NT I. ' ' I b . " :;• '. .a• untie" • I 4, I ! VOILA LE. mewl. school 6 Is brier,, Yoe end IKM 0211 •.,,,-,,,,,'. Wo L oar a by e , too 7 tie r : t ' r.,o: I ' '' '' ''' ''' -" v • ' ' ' i ll tr1 " 1 ” ^ °, [III Mot ' . !II.; f.,,.,(1,,,, could nO more rally us Into emency Lm a ' f':7.,'''"''' 01_11‘ SOY ICE 4 AI CO IL Tuts` roma rover the somma eOff‘ffll.7 hotneauord parade could work up oz.; eV- .--,--, ' ' ' " thg .ltl, lhe nret day ot duly, I,ln, um! rlottsm to the sticking point, or an Ital l 'an ' f..; • • to reerture AttN ° & MILL... 1 ''''''''''' ''''''h [hut year, Aiv. r l ' '` - ' .1. .. I oreih grind -r's [raffled 1110/1110y .eree•L:n, -' ".." ''" ** ' . I , will be seen that the ' , hole, number of- i bj b„:', l 0 f . ,,.' i t .„,,...,,, ~,,,,,,,, t,,,i11 It . 0 . ,, ; V'ASFINGTON WORE'S, lic:alte repot tea h 1,2 , 1 schoolo,-Llk' tench. ~,, i n ,-,,, 0 11,,,,1 v0,T0i,,,,,, T 0,,, ~,,,„ ',, •i.o ' or^ , tad 77 , 1,1, 1/nl4li. But If we add Irreg. , ii.,.;...,,,k„.i0. : ..„. li i' the ',.;,,,,,,,i' ti 0,.;.; En fundorn nmt Ms:OOW II o, Pill nnrgb, ultir ~ g ools ''''' atm, tee knee:11300"o( the c ,,,,, ~,,, the weak ~,,,, ~,,,,,..,, ,-1, ~,,,.. ,„,._ 31.,[a 3.1,11 es of P.M. }ad SiltlOCary Eit, iun eUperlutelelent, and Industrial schools, the I b y l b.- . , , r i i i,,,, C ..,,,,. c.,,,,,0.. ~...„,.,,..,... ~...,„.„ 1 .,....,, r u ,-,,,.,.. );;;; Vachluery, uely le., ;;;;;;11:•„;., t'.-urge 0f,,a,11,.,c1,..,_:Cir,10p,t1;/,1/ozr;k1.:11 numbs, Will b 0!,• ; ... ., .1;0014, /,,,Lenehem ; ;,,,, - 1111.1 .),:1.1 pupas. natmeth behoolt, fl-3 re" ' art .. ported, are largely lilt ere l 'Ong 7 ' .=. "!. ) ,. NEW ADVENTISM:IEII7S. .4'::, , , -, :',,`:., 1 1.5.'Vi15,!.:1tLPS IATIeNT IN. WI 111 7,./, , ,10 puha.% A yen' largo m-11-Imer, ...... _.. - I --„ ---- ~,,,.- ,I Kr iott nu, t% .:gun, bet.ers. 1a11.r."4. C-peentlly adulte, go to Sabbath tent:role, NEIV GOODS I -- ----- ,donut ultertil any other Heiloola. TLII,, ‘re Ve_hle . , lo a very matiqactOry '''' eltowintr, Its Ii does not indicate Huy falling MI 0111ce July lost ;and the 'ltiools In nli ill. ••011ons ~t ' e 'nt at t Illa fiele..•.• --- DEA.I,I-.1:3 IN j .... Um yrn o .lie lherease. Iteshles this , fielo...” of .the ea ettitly ie f hooks Intstiellancousle, DS tee freedmen, re iisve etc In omelette reports, w , her, er, ahle•epread eta the presenthee, 5 1 dna, have acquired muildeece lily they also can Icato: even the aged are peering Into these ;muted pages with sonic hope that know. :ede le fur Unit, lhoneituds of children sib,, have beCoMe adrailemt are teaching errrent:. and older members of the fatally; that nearly every freedman's borne in the land le 11 SCkUld house, anti insimid of scenes of sorro stmottllly, perhaps Of lir:onto-se mirth: , whole (entitle, have bee come pupas, hitherto vacant minds, ten ot Mil and y meg, open with new Ideas, AIM desperate laltrte leap tO the light n lilt now found joy. }V ea t earm]; dare Le t In the number who are the present, time In smile process Clementury learning. To say that trait a million of theso poor people are now studylnglthe kpellingL, or rids Vaneed readers, ineltellng the hi,,. Testa. nicht, who were Wit lately the degraded Vlottlar of blaver 611.vould n. very /Ow Cs• tolate. There are 02.1 schools instalried wholly or in tart by the freedmen, mai gv, or the toultding,s. In which three semags //rota/iglu, aro owned by therucelveg. There are also i.e oat/bath rettools In eparialoa, deny or them r ail; 11 lutvit; tirortlon or eniorcil teache ~/b3 Colore lilln lirry tuition, the alnount of which er epoath is •.411,377 ti/t and these gat! 1/support lowcputilla 1110 tent h ly from Ilia receatt,,,,u/Ancipatai population. unit 'Z.:tato( lilt 1111: fdlld, pupils, la report d, were tree beret it the war. both meta show that this work to not al n-aya tO be a charity or at itoi'vrt , me"/ s,o liellaet that the. treat:Mem aro abort:co/tin g the calm/ of eitu artiori, and wither, when able, to.pay for It; atoll in (hi'', as lu other teat tete, are making rapid atrides towards ail tiro - tellauppert. The mitcher of high or normal wihnOla ill inereastior. in floats, proreir :lig youth are wing Mt,' for nactelneas as teachers. and Who will be 0111 at once to timi mu pluyinqut ' in rural itiatricis through all the North. aome of the c normal sehools hay e already , ellell 11 ve creditable eland:int of at• /pe ll nt, though ry most el them arc in their tai II ra n t stages. industrial enticing arc becoming more nu. met allpi, in which sewing, knitting, straw/ braiding, eau tug, repairing, met maklag garments are taught; and thany teachers 01 t he ordinare re t.,1,0i1 spend their :mare /lint r itripdrting know :ell ge on tiotoeatte affairs ft our 1101/, {0 hence. Thu night i.ebools are another interesting feature of our work. These .;:,tiering M .;:,tiering.;:,tiering lncrulaing nurnimiwormlutts wh0 ,... now wake up to life In earroiat, aml het for a tuition' pit/arm:re (3 the respou>lbitilias which nave rl' he so amillittily upon them. All departotatt,of instruction ate th.suin. ins /mire ll:act:Lai /sir.Lpe, with .perial ongs in rlcw. The I: ~ almen ti en:wives are lie :pint:rug IL better ./wilat. condition. Lyre. ones, debating soaleties, and lainevolent in stltutions are n /neon/mom and we he. her, teat in their moral. Intiwitrial, ant! po 111 :cal relations there people will not fall he. - low the ..vphatartun sot thalniteat sanguine Si :e_o stn. It has been a ouratlon whether colored children w ill - ntir writ: rapidly Into the high. er branch., I Veiluve hitherto am:a - ere/I thfs qua:Linn theoretically, tire practical reply now at 1114,1.1 Ls, that, already In the above araternont we have lahi.:7 pupils wile are /a writing, 12,a70 In geography, 31,aost In ail th rrietic, and 1,3:1 /t higher branches.; all the ultove still rapidly prou'resslng. Ani It it noteworthy that, of the I.IA , teachers hi our day and Illglit tchools, if ... are collared pa sons, I they al l thaL 1101 prOgregs Of the.° IWO ple here, huger the eye.. of the nation, In verY n iieoo raging. The attexplance of pii• lin. In the th . trlot eaten schnola In el, ty per cent. or [Lure enrolled. There nth no I le, thin 11l tichooir 111 operation. There art ..:teen inthool tintlitlng i s here owe.sl I,r thee, The?! are in these, V. 0-1:1p' 1J coloreil thaehera girt IO; i 1 pep:la. /11 ail. 11 Won to trill there are IJ Sabha:ll Scl.raiiin 01th 1 3,1 s. Meth also 110,111 kern t 4, younr Clcr. ano women an. 111 ttr1 . 1 : 1111111,n 1 1 .711/11:114 11 1 J1V10 1.1 . 11.111. Tlll l llO i nal s .hid moreover .Ir. not Inelirte the prl- Vale schooh. for colorcil :here are revernl s i tichi I led antl taught ri eel in •.ccelair, Tlic.7 have Ootilaless got weal toirceping ' 11 1 i action)+, for you 001 bear to lultol that the free black' , of thin Deitelet nave always paid their regular proportion or the school too, 10t. have 1111 t btt l / 1 1.110W11.1[11,1 1 11.1 their chilarento echool. la lola, I tlll,l F. It was. Coi:reef pit, a 1 an art to reicove Vila crying oath, litot to gwaraiity to the coloreil • people the eaJoynient auch / 1 ,111. 1 01, 1,4 they heillally Pllpportvd; bat Mayor IVal. • hien 00100 I.og:retry 11,141 Ihl2 ii , liJect of son! Sow that " the .110 Iry hthil yarn,' the: b.ttlnl, Walia c h In pntita a ' more i ltheran i construe:Jon en the Act. and in view of a-re ean i lli!acy trylng eviilant 11. The Port% } - 0. sec... Besides eating badly per 1-tto,l food, and at wrong :dime, entity people cat too much, yet the , tinnaLlt is not a Jraveinnir bag ei MEM can curry all that Can be stuffed into It, but a dethuit” ina-dhine which too mu,. J ~,,,t too mean rood eiinaily disturb, while the rare gulden mean keepn It It; Inenithy Change from rent to work and buck again, and mulren it In turn keep the olo,ion :strings" of hotly and mind In (Inc nicest ten• 'ion. A man wino eliorlil pet iron liars, ,Ilck I or :Int Mtn a pore of nicely !totalled cu trier} wound not counted a, fuel or it : Inionniann yet rnen who employ trusty ionionei mid elintneern to tali. : the it o_o.nt I mire Of thior borne, end mean/ in inclines—as wendaamintey alio •own neither Of it/co:con ' veuieners—tri nit their' annelid hod nes In a rennet manner which should IlrOU, .I , lr. 1 h ou gh to , Ineechliun wrath. Thin- rudely awnik w im e their etmelin from rea ' t to feed them when not hungry; they non, ilohn gelds' 0 Idni lint ' har=ry; they swallow Unripe hell iniunientic.l, (1 , 4 if (Ito Ntotto,oo Could perroria llieftiactimol of 'a giuzuril; ,i they cr out th eir stomachs , they hunt.. them, I:mot:late II ent,l•llrll4 , , there. leak, en lies Of Unin, nil force Layne lido ail alllatice will: an lairelenthig . loriteidtor bearing the name i I dynnitpsla. There la not much practical nit, In telling people so, howev or; for they will all dm:litre the -tatellientii very true, and then gel', dawn on ogre's dinner, for quantity, n ash. Silk it Into Uncle ntalancli4 with a rivulet Or 1011,1.1,1 T Ito id nuance themselves and tau C.lllllllllnity they live in.. Nut many linings are en common pi/pular as suicide— nometnnes etfecteil deliberately and con. veto:l,ly, hut ielizally . nit hum ire. Pcoole ::ill rile Will/11 tapping away at the walk of their own brutal.; lieralltig the Apra., irequently to tit , t levir temper, loosening the varowi and fuidenlegs; thriedliipt le lever, of their ut e ri /0 reverse the marlin. cry and illutie If aive another way; and exeren,lng upon ii, (I, Om full their Ignoe. arieconmldlenome curiosity anti ilisposl. . lion to do Just un they please wain their I own property—for I In their own. Mr. IV in. aerate Exude nays o that the durability of the machine la re Ily Its most n muting el inhuructeristic. Ati.l no through I/1/1110 0110' or the little pindaties whim have been italic, Death 1101111,1 , at /11.5 t and throat, a little pin—farewell! Dr. Die Lewis, wall-known us a toucher of gyrnewittini, thin in 1111. g hits duel:mil it reme dy for the partmular vice of over•catln, and Inc writes to the iiilelienarinf angat tr 1,. Ile num.', Irmo a uninitier' of PhYtiiclaos cull nner, in, marl set forth the In:Pinion. elr''''' '• :: . —eh rdnillug. /11a reincilY, a hncii io. ....Omuta.. with Capitals, and declares Ins has 8110,1 put 11110 0001111,1111 111 . 111111e41,111 111111 rule n ° Before you take thin Ilrot timethfaii ninety upon yea r plitte nil you ma to eat, and eat but 1,11311 u ;Inv.! , Thu !ant direction in good In its wuy, Out not cal e• toted to be of service in repressing OVee• eating; the rent in worm:, than none, provi. dud in person eats all tie nuts upon pia plate, unit It In hie:leen II he 0001 net. For it a periion tidies u enlist ILL table, and, wiLltout having eaten, MI, ell plate, Isla eyen will very barely, In the connitry plirme, “lie larger than lug btu:moon," that to to any, Ids eager appetite, and not his Judgment Of .icantltien, a ill wield the nioon 0011 the knife. au thud he will Mail Ida plate Ilrat owl hi, eteroucli next, • • 'ohms . . 'ohmsl4 a hotter rule yet—tho only natu ral and effectual rale—which may Ise told la two words, eat Sourly'. A sons alm In their ',aural state gorge themselves, en• tops Il l s larger al...Viet, liar wham MI, is laminal. Nature gave n guide which would h g ° Away. asly tiral talc if IL seem mg spoiled by abase; this gains, In a persons, own appetite, and the of it 14 rainia sitting. If only' Nod be slowly eaten, a b use _ ly anal 12110UL:hi,' masticated and am sg s e d with the Secretion Of salivary gland 4,Wil loin in health are always missal is their task Ull• 151.15 1110 nets Of tobacco bus tsverbtramed Mom s satiety lola follow appeLtio at tilts Ke rs, ment when Omagh of food Ins, lerani spas ms Is, slntesll , lll It 111 follow -- MIS]. inn rts Moly lsoltien l,rr If-iniegjessse.i s s slsc Iris e Assn sless unto• sr mg s "ass I sss oases esslraMl.e feel tan of Sall- • /I. all.! t pin, It! w111 , :lt 11/1 . 11 [WI, nj •i 4.11113/.,. atlTt‘ll:ltgU eyez S.VITIZDAY, MAY 4, leG7 1. 'Xs. Early Frame. cats. 1.. 10,) •• Vl`carl'i Early Et•ri•nt.•:/•••1•—• •• Esti I.ons,,s"rt ..... s,••• ,11,1 I. ..... L, ;Su Inw .... •—• .. ." - Agents ior A. S. Caro crop & Co.'s :4112 • ' ..A..r_l.ll±:_,-.N.:_\l PUMPS Trnme. r.. hi tr-rrat E ENE *i •E,11:1 . p j .• •• r•It•t• •• ..• .a., •• Al•••••let •11 grtta t , •{•. ' ''' -• • s . Ea•ly Ear,. ion. Tlount.; ............... Excl7 C1 . ..1r1t..0. our ........ ; ••• Itoyc at: 11.. arr.,.• ..... I ..... •• nlo .Slnrr.o.f 1.1• • :I ,• lr.;;,3l.arronlat E 11,711, I . lon of tnriano! ; A •• grito;; 13 •• T..; rue,r. 1.4 F 3 11LU11.1 IldlV, 3ErsIST Lfortlcalturint and ticedsman, . No. 137 Liberty Street,aryl .i r T , F11:10i H. 311ERS HOPPER & - I,GUINNFURNITURE SEWNG 1:1 INI .SCIIOOI, AND OFFICE FURNITURE. • Xl, 1%11 Ms•,tin• Pr( tur.-1 rbt,,l. ••• l/.'er-Enilnq. 110.1LN 1t..1,111t 11,1,11• DIWILSZ•t.I. IRON CITY SPICR 3111 A S .Year Pennsyirania ...Crenate, PURE SPICES AND. MUSTARD War:soled When our none. I. on Um ►rtrau: MiCA L. nn ,l / 1 11: 1 7:rwrEC ASU (111.UUND :SLITS I:OAt , TRI, Pr il:ral r s ' ocoutlnoo o,u ruanufaciuro or §Ol the DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, Which we ontr to Wholvoste tad WWI itttalttrr at Lb. lowa,: market prim A lin Ing 10 dee: rttlr, 55/Ittll Litt parroaago of the Chopped Fee Constantly on Hand. hTRICIL LER Q 3101 t LE DUE. dcz,:q7,s NEW WALL PAPER AND UPHOLSTERY STORE, JUST OPrNED, AT - NO. 36 SMITHFIELD ST., aer , rnmoda,c It e Ino•trxied grad, 1:e c.l 1.^.. , ../ of of, h0n11,...5. at NU. :In hitt .1171K1.1, WWI net emit.. ..ft :l,k or IVAI.I. IVINJIIIIk 1411 . tl'it 1i.1:111.0, FLOOR nt..l T4111,,t .M.arrilAbbV.S 141:1)111:,r of OIL kinds. ititAlll:ll—an OLD bTAAJJ-00 &ND SIN TIIIIID E. EDMONDSON Sc CO w 27 ciinh....nn..n..nr. n nrarrt.rn BARR. KNAKE & BIIETTLER, .;:acce,suri tO WAM CLINK S BAWL. N 0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. Planos, CDr galls, 4411 - NoltrAgenta for thr CelebTatcl lIItAUpU Hl', Nt, Turk, and lICHIJMACE.EIt A CV. Vfilln.delphla, PIANOS. ' Also, ESTxy h CO.'n "COTT/MP:O' and U..& /1. W. OM rrws ..A SI Eltll2 " ernITII.TON'S PATENT GUITAIt. Tliv brnt Itallnll and Iloilo. %Tulin and oto,- txr ntrho, AjIVAVry sZIGN OF lILINDSI.—JOIIN A. 1:10/WN lin SllltuvlcoP Sins, T, ,1,,e1t.• It! I"anol. n, Wlndot• 1.1,4) and upwanls. Colored ton Clotho, Burl, holland. Mal, Hug, Ono ram's, Riled nod l'l‘tore Tant.sda. at s•tot, Mut, on hand or 1.11/11it onder. a 111.0 evocl. White and CallCu lflartc. Collars, ror grritlotnea, ry, nr. n.ll2:yrlt; 11tos Cll, NAT,r,Ar. 11%N,, t.;. Ist"' rsit•ttn. Plirs O 31‘y 1. r 1115.3 110,4J1D F irr tit'. 11.0: 11.tvo Iltls , lay t lIIr I. :tr. I,lll'l s i . r.tt 11., • •tt lust. . J. 1 1Atitt1, - IN, tt" I.y t t7tht sq. Iss•1111:, SMALL PROFITS! ficvtr bcforc was , the. Such a 400 d hue BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SIMS, W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, An v Imve Imtrine prt, r art: I ever 310 II: I/1. ./.1.111 nr ,trikui.i..rri l 0 1,1“ Cl/V.1,1 tu:1 , 111.1 11.•11‘M 10 1 , 1, VIII. Ilene C . 1t fur iii , l4iaglll,/ t i [ants t , I get I rice, t ragri , In a I u : quer., tio I'd .iliSl) Nos, 26 and 2S Fifth St., l'ittsburgh, W. B. CLAPP & CO. - Ny - .4.01e5a.e and Tt e Cai I MEI Fnm IND GARDEN SEEIM. RIIOLESALE AND RETAIL r. 6. ‘i,,,.... ,rst... : l .J .111 : C - A - 1 :-- .11t - l. — Y: i T II •n n i t , yi f I L Lyn pi rarci,,,..a,in,i,,i ~ , ,, o ,r. m; ',.•., 1. I it II UU'll & -111 9 I, l ,ll l' Erthi 1 let,cli comptl,, :11 , ru,t rr1:41,.. , 4 ,, , z., .1 I f ' ultivaLon. We tt 1t , the ro11 , 1•11,:x Riit..! .5::,::. BRASS' FOUNDEItS, duccll rote s. lhe 4 pe::lllLthe %try 1,1,41 . . I :o. no 1 STEATI .4.1 V D / L AS FIT'I'EItS, Z u : L ~, • u:., , ,,7 7, ~1 71,,,, , ,t ILA Wi.711. ". ' 1 I tor. of 3rd and Liberty Streets, .M.,ve I•Ar, , :' A ,r 5.:!,,, I,ll,ltlrrh, Penns , l.l..:l, aa:11..,.., ~,,,, fat LiLil,l prOJlllir :•.;:cct.t.tun f:. n.'neLue . 11 ANUFacTegmt,ur Of Every Description. I No. 15 Smithfield Street, PITINUIWII, PA FIFTII STREET EXTENSION, PMTS Humar, pA 1L132313131312 MUM ♦nd MUslcell gcnerally 1 7 LAIS.E SUPERIOR COPPER MILL St SMELTING WORKS. J•I'rTSIIVR(4III. FARE, MoCURDY & CO,, Manufa. turtrA oor ,I...nianng. Itrultn, and Bolt 1' p,r, 1,..,,1 connt r I:nttnnts, Itatc.4 :11111 1 , ..11,..., , 1n: . .. r ~.n.,..r. A.:,0 Itn[wdlet. and .0,,, Men,l,.. 'ilt 1 . 1.+1,, nneet 1,..0n. WIN., At . C..ntinnily I. n I:3n.lTnonn.. 1 . 1 :L01111CP AIM 1 e,1,. lta , ... Nn. 1 , 111, I. iN l'r s I liri.f an-I 1,40 i. h.. ..., f + , I 1t:r...i1, l'lLl.Ntntr,al.. Cr.: 11l ,141 k rz uf 1.. 1 91...l 0111 to any deslinnt n'.yli:r3l:ll:T_ r, T " 11" i El I...I,IAVENT rtIALAI)IFS —' i...: y , :r . l II A\ ~ EAH.LIFST 'IA'N -11,.q•:.---i1,,`...'/.1(;, P. , , , 0n''..t I if .:i V, , , , A I ' S. on . pn,,,,,,,, 1,11,, 4,6i,nt, and On. Errnrn. ...,,,.. ,/ ,•,,l, 1 , . r,.1, tv 11n.,:r.t aveof t,... - ., nil, 1.:..t...w. , ...0 u... - n.. L1...:0, o r , r , ~„„.„t • . .;,),: In 1,, in.,,,nnu. :In , 41,+1 1 ..,....,..1.,,,.... n . .... 1,....!,... Ad Art, Dr. .1. nhII.I.IN !1. , 1. ,. ...1 , ,N, 1: and ~..Aatinn, 11.:;a4:1,1:: ~ 1... L74I — (jUINCIF: A. SCOTT, DENTIST, EiE 21S 'PE.O:9' STREET, PLUMING. GAS FITTING MEM • 'd the 11:1:, „CL and 1:114111., WM: ...... .. . . . . I tEll JOUNSON, I Pluml - ,ers, G and Steam Fitters, 10N. I.n. Z:ty " BALI I ino CO N 013 ..Foct orn F3t.4 L f: 3r, pr.ll'll.lll7giti. G &SI STEAM '•l:nsr,, ' K!:'r I I L NV A-II MA- Jr../ all .•7 1,1 ,V.e.r I'so N EEIL 11,0 FINKLE A: LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, MIME ME! a ~..^:i~v ~lq. >~ir..i ...i iy,w v:I ie. to • .4,1., 3.• Melte, ntr,ets. I : ltta!nirgl. .S 71): (F.:qrs. tor Nv q , • 1:::•-rr. Iniaqt .c W t. I , IL 11. I.llNli, Agnnt. .11 :4 IJ,Lt ear..', ; p. P11'1 , 1,1,11, rA GitOl ELASTIC STITCH ANU LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Ai , THE 11,,T blr PArrll., and klanufact4i/t1 1.4 F•(RA Street )o,e'r DEVLII En Hy F:onrlsoll,4 t,e,r eolttmn gavertlrel,nta of Itlfe et.L IL A zsA -10,1. It h•a! , ..ru 0:11y ex. 14,11: I, IN No. 10 71.1.t0_14. troat. 825. HAItTLETT 825. SEWING MACHINE L.' 11Pit Op.ait I.IIA tir 1n thr llnlte.l 1L.4.1. A o•::, aul,l cecry 41,t0 400 11, / nl.llr..ci PA, I. 111101'11 IC Pln. Uencrid Agtnt., .au '431 GET 1111 . T A GROVER & BAKER For a J 3 Nay Ittn. It le T. Ital,lc, per Pct and 110 cant to call and etc Hat No. IN VI FTII SIFOE, 11.131NENii Ic CAURIACIE shuv: , le I he new CAKE!: O. 1 SEINING lICHINL Itvrons Lo OP" oI cwhere. IL I. the btsforthelr Yor At E2r, NO. IV 1 , 11 , T11 eSTILKET ,'l`u GROVE: IL sI, lIAHE II SE INC MACHINE le the Tholt, of At.rebanlTta. Pica. N't, iw tirl . ll SERICKT. BOOTS AND SHOES A I.IIItEVA 8110 E STORE, No. .11 1.6. S. ct and 1)1,- morol. ••• , :s.•l n sclrct..l neaorlialrut Of all Boots, Gothrs Itaboorale,, F., wollltonen, 1.3 , 11ra ntol r ll.itrn. Tlivie aro c 0,14. or the 1,91. m Vo:r1311 and , wnr:lnalOr and ore offert , l for role at low ary,l4l ._ .4 /I•,t Gl,l JOHN rIIELDINii Et ELIYING S Ino., tf tnuntrtimrs lln.lvre to (.7.l.estt4=ornm azze.cto BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. lit) omit St., Allegheny. Vow. n iir cnoonlod on Abe :1 3 ;747% . I‘litS. L. C. 0111E1LLY, • FASHIONABLE MILLINER, No. sn Diamond Alley. Pa. .11 , 1 t I tt,, 1,,t/t1 ina, 1.1 & liansome 6: Complete Residence, ' ,h.ntd r.cc3;11.-1 by James A. - llutublutop. ~erchl, a:re, ram cr.) • ..11Jv ...in,. of el rcut, r.lthtnacto. hall, at tncl, rou”.•. ibestdt a 0..1,1m1 itttic Scrolwl t It, licc, Inr cAuLat, hav,lng c••I.1 vet:, ..1.• Kilfl.l",. amp:. {...0 to :10 by stwat ft:et. to the Ohio noly C. S. .13R-Y_A_N, POW/ It(21.1.1/1F0.1. YOULTIL T. 111 , 22. J. : ),41i..4 cD PROPERTY. Twesitory Frame Dwelling, =I abli tat.. grvst {Sill lie Sold Cheap, )u ;:art, 1./ hU:I. pad:att.!, Ap pi) BrfAerd and Itt al I:•,:mte )1,1•1113, al,7' (.6 ~ :att:ll-I,letr, r t pnnov ED PRO PERTS- FOR r.3n,.yrAmz. nanate nnrlnnneltt, a 4 Iwn!ttgamt,lng to to 4,"0 WI:I be .4.1 an r 1 .15,1j:e L nr.e If ap,::,lfor =I too, taus , . LLlx lur rurt:t.r •:,:,17 tht IfealMs L. 1C .n 4 o Inrszt, I).C.cc , :f 0.. BATES, EILI:111/3/..44.1.; Y bVi 4 rity. I .:1,1,1 a rI.• nc.. 6 . 1 , / In ntto.... Gs a 1,,r-faltll], i• 1" tn, part, tl 1,1, 1. u,ll - • .1 .al,: z 1., It. 11•..81, I 1)1:S11111.1LE • I-1T FOR SALE. " rn tF.l'sule:l..y fl GT A, 1 . 11!:•1 14011 SALE OR RENT, I:I[EAP— ', •(; u At...gol'att i tr• ~u.ut,utur 41, •••,.. • uu•l Im• ME or API) S.t 111111, ) vat.' ,Lze Litt r .1114• en 3.U• rsf =MEE FOlt S.(l..E—An Eli:uncut Vair avr L., nu. tnt,,.. 2lrc fr,ct f r JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real ante Broker, • _ JOHN D. niiLEY; STOCK"AND REAL ESTATE BROKER n AIX/ WA LEH. Haying tak...n nut • comir.c.., - , A uctlono, and in , rut , •..:.':.r at au. e. ute t.e. pre n.1.1...n. nt , n foram. . •. • tta rrt Attfo:cd. LIV) If th, •n p.rrhautr y IMEE COOKING STOVES, MIP i t oic t 11. c •-P 4-- Pli- 1- 1 3 ZW111499:51.1 -,1451Z--0 Aa~~~ : ~~~ , r .i. NO. 235 Liberty 'Street' mh17,17 ,-74...,ii,.r.,. TATrAtiR! ) 5,,,, , - L.' 1 , ,,.. a r ----, ,t o yAi. "vil lug , xir, ..,_ , ~.....,„.}...,, , „..4.........,-.:.1 „,„ . ..,-,„ * „.- 1 , 0 4 0,1'. ;. _,,,,i-- • t• 1.14 ,19.;:'4414! .' tille4.l:irj,V`A4l73. l .4 k2il•-•+= , PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUIVC CO., PRINTING AND WRAPPII4G PAPERS OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No. S 2 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, OPTIC2.It.I--JNII.AIII71:13T rnlilent. VING,roN, •xrk.ner. 11 11 / 1 3i,Eecrut.nrr. DiettrrOtlß — Aur....l. !lull., John Atwr,l• 4. 11. 11.srlawin, John 11. I.lrlngston. .4.11s111.1 . “- kl.ts. 1 . . 11. 34,10; Cann Paid for EAper Muck. naN.o M.:ma:4V . ('LIEIS.. loth”. F. 1-clow Ina. A C 0.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, Thn Itti l AI . IT tf,,U It EtiTAli• Li:only:NT W KIT or 111 F. MOIINTA 110. H0m0... Cart', Lott, Ile., hoods. I.aMli id, tOom Cards, Dlolomab. l'ortrattn, V low, Certillcat, of lavoltlon ao. No.. 711 ant 74 Third at. 1.113.3. 8 . 10 r F;lto3l $l. Olt $ll% TO $3O round, rvirii, ' t . 4 ,1) ar, •01 ‘ 1 11 / 4 11 city 1 , 1 r.•.. c.kli wt. r 1 . .).. II ~., u lll tor.. FOR SALE OIL WORKS &COMPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oil, Sperm Lubricating . 0i1,3 CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Crude, Itenue.l- :1111i lubriclting 011 , Lard, !..11,1111, %%Italy and Flan C. C. NOBLE, Ag,t, IZZE OIL Ell 021-.0: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFO' KEIIEW & CO.; MANUFACTURES 01 , THE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR Petroleum Lubricating Oil; Sperm, Lard .and Vilia.e -Oils, RE-U.11U7, & HEEL MASI. Lso, STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL, lII=I No. 1 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA, ..FOIL A CI Ite (MA IC. TACK BROTHERS, Petroleum and its Products I= l't rr,Buitc; OFFlCE—Dalzell'a corncr oI I,l:fine3ne Way and Irwin era( I. 1 . 1111. A DELI . IIIA.OFFICE-1,37 Walnut .t WARING & KING, COHISSION RECIIAMS AND agomslY Petroleum and Its Products, 4 D i Q UES.Y.I: Ira = wAruNc. KING & CO.. naT17..15 11l Walnut Ht.. Phil. IIEADRIUMS LUBEITOR. WHITE, OROS. & CO., N. York E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, fao. I Nt. Clair !Street, Plitvburgb, Pa Cotton Factory Oil,Para Machinery oil, .. W.,1 , .” Mill " I 11, , Dart F.nalne lilt, L 1,1.1 42,,1'd En,rlna Oil, I 1 / a rk eat 1_,11., No, 1, i.leul 1..1 . 1 _crew-Cut- park Car 11. nr.,: VA, No,- tint ",7 WOOLDRIDGE OILREFLNING I:=1 MIII O Y. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JoHN WATT, I . 7unilcial. Hi NM" Y. LUZ+ H. y sad Tram', WOR,Siti TEYIPIRANCEVILLA: Otlce, No, 3 Duquesne Way, (No. dse., , caplon llndge .3 1 1 A`:UPA(;Tl:li EiiY or PULE win Tr. RNING OIL. 13rand—"Lucifor." ,T 1: BUY THE BEST. PETROLIA SLUE LEAD, rw (AL 1:1..F123:21 Manufactured only and :or We or T. IT. E .7 (' O., PIONEER PAINT 'WORKS, N. I'. C0r.3.1 and Market Sts., 4 ...1v10C1LN D.A. IL-vDltlllq, EA4:LE OIL 111.011 KS, ',wry-A-ea 0c..-133.0. : WICHTIVIAN & ANDERSON. Refincni and Dealers in I PETROLETIM• SY_CONI, SWAY, COHNLII LIAI'- pc.,l ...T. A tilt 111illUit...1E WAY. BREWER, I.IIUUKE 2%. CO-, COMMISSION LIIERCILINCS, AU ENT'd YOU THE Pacific, Globe ,t Liberty Oil Works Anuth..ltorage Yu. rote autlictine 4111 U. Lil,- ral ca>lt m.ll anct.a n.e.Jo on c•nniguments of Crude or Renaud l'eiroirian. Yard, forstorage and ahlonient ~r Crud, 01124 Law term, - 11:. antiflancnnc k tV e a t r rhtno Y. U u s r tna r cohf• Lugu To t, r n t e :Wy CEORCE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggistr AII , LTON WHITE LIZA U. etrlctly par,. I..LA D. l'A I NTli lY tilt, all colors. A IA:01101, SI7I. TURPP:NTINE, 'on., I 1C 11 AI. Y. QM. VAItV 1:1 , 11V-1, I Palnl 151W.tir..1,1e. DItUGSI DittrlNElB:l DittIGSM JAMES T. SAMPLE KAVINte BorgHT W IC LL. KNOWN /ORM NOUN): UN ClOr. F Ellt:ltAL AND ItoIUNhUN Nth.. Ar.LEOLIENY, W 11l keep on hallo a full areortrneut of all lauds Of 11.1713,18. bad ' , bleb 'rill be eold cheaper than any other • use In the ton Otte.. Preacribtleaa Carefully prepared by • foi e, aar Irxralrt• ail landau!' PERFUMERY and FANCY SOAPS on band. oe•ro j 5C1101.13/111AIELEIt a SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD, ELUL LEAD GROUND IN VIL Ant rAIN. TIG OM HAMM/A 1111Nn. n 7 Fourth NI .I.lp 1,1,79 CTUR' 0 CO., !EMI 111111LICT M . COWAN JNO. I‘ICCOWAN bc SNYDER, • ROUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT ERS. AND DRAINERS AND GLAZIERS. arils silicon/lantana, Alle,gl,ny. Comm.:mist abdirlass signs made to or.lsr. Orders rt.spc,tfully sulk:Ted gn.l promptly gl rg tr.l. Mlles Paints, Window tills. as4l rutty renstAntls no Land. apls;g3, JOHN T. G - RIVY, kiounz 1,111.iN PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. )54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Mao .na ClinerneoMl blyror of every deserlp- Moo done to order. All sort dose promptly az reseuosble nave. Ireme7 W . COULTER, • HOUSE AND SION PAINTER; cur. NOURTD A-ND GRANT ST3., lITT6II'II All orders irft st the hhop, or sent hr anal! wilt roceli o iiroinpt attention. tCLrnW ILLIARI 11. 8110-11 CV, D , Ano( Dm firm of lluOIV:f A 110oOOR.) Ltuunz AND SION PAINTERS. MEI TOBACCO. CIGAR,S &O. EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS, R. & JENKINSON. Alslyufactu rrrr r wenlevaie and retail denier. In roIIACCO AND SEG. RN. No. II YEDEIIAL bTIMET, / 4111,1 door from ettspan i z , to t r .. Ut4tl:l:, cirr. Manch Story at Salem. UGIo. arl,tl,4_ JOHN TVIEGRAW sll...Caxturer of to , lWhnleloi.le and Retail lo all mode or Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, AU „loc./I:ramp flrrx-1.-kno.P. g , n , rat s.. , rtmert: n tno% Inc pt, I=l =1 19 Irwin Street, 81=1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, =1 PITTSA titti 11. Pi. I=2l=lEl Keep con.tantly on hand 11=BIMEI DRUGGISTS ICZUf=I 37 If"ood Street, PAINTERS cr ct Third and Market crrects izza=m3= BANKS AND BANKERS BANKING HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., NO. '2O Wall St., .NYW aRb :.rzy lea at Me mtot liberal ,u,crat or rrnolent Cords of all Issues, ColUpolll/1d lII(CCESt NOteS, el—ott Jrdet, for pNrcbx:c am: ?. STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. • We he, a•Med ottr ollceiargi rocmA for , 1711,013t10n of the rouL`l,c 7:: In •,.•1 clrt,net, 1,5,.1 (be , oiacilleace of :3•1“ liO:i et.m.ere. INTI 1 , 1‘1.-T 1..t1 - 1.k.... at UOVICI:NMENT C,11: :is i.lpatticularr. J COMak; S CU CAUGHEI & Co Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS PITTNE re., (SUCCESZOM TO HANNA, HART lc Cl.) MEE Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Awl particular n le of atten n tio paid to the par anat.: ad 'a VERNMENT 130:111!0,3 .54 - 81011 T DRAFTS ON LONDON. :a:U.I , C N. HOLMES 8 SONS No. 57 Market Streot, 1=11! I.poAti.rrrehv d In Per and Ctirr..n^r. prkdr We lial4d,tatLa and Canada:. Stocks, Gnnds and Other Secnritie 13 0 11 011 T AND SOLD OS COMMISSION, s ratt srtletzlnr atttnllor paid to :Lc porclwo, mad of U. S. Seexuritiel.l,---, lac:ildlea 11. t3...51X1-a or ISSII LT. a. FP:FS 10- leht: I.! . CY.IcrII.'ICATF.6 INI,E.I;TEDNE,... i , rd.rb sad Vou.,/.ntKruld or ' pEOPLES' SAVINGS BARK. OF PITTSDUIWII, IaTOZIPORAITED Capital, SlOO,OOO °MOE. NO. 77 FOCNTE. STREET, Prrxltlecol %Ice Pre•ldent II F:ItY 1.t.0Y 11 BEA • musTEF.s : II r,.:111 . TInin,W:I.LI.AIf Itrk, .t 1.q., 1. 8EN:L...711 I J ONE, 1,11,,C0rr, K:1 . .-J0N!...11 Tue.. 3 r., !.. W. 31. ; • r Joiv: IL TCCLLT. 11ILLIAll A. 1 - 411... i;;:. S , cretary aal Tre3!crer, SIDNEY h YON DONEROIISI Flx re,rent.lnter,4 r.POOOOt on Itroe po , toi Inn ~v o nts mad= 1.14 It Lr:Vori. Rank o,e , a er.crpt Stln.!ays. from rat, 10, k, to Iv., r Wad:4,day ad 'zstur,l4y frbm six ninv COAL, CORE, &e: - ... .... ..n. KAUFFMAiNN & CO ., UNION COAL YARD Best Family Coal, Nut Coal and Slack .1,11.v.:71 , on Irs:1•1 ar.,l promptly deal: OFFICE: COE. EURIIISON LED PENN IA 1t1a—A11,711.7 Va:lt y1:11:road, cc. Car cc, c.c., r,r.tr, frIR:C4 prrreuuemr, PA. Clit A ti l iEY. & CO.. • Gas Coal Works, • anti dealer, tr. :±U11:1:101t GAS AND r.1)111.1"01 Al.. r COA.I.ar.oI:7I.ACh. 1,0 a4.lre”. l'itta"ourgh, nnl LOUIS Pltt*urch tlas lax its.ll. N.,. 1 I.:l , trty atr.,et. - .under Penn,. It. R., ...pp., Mrchanle street. iltt , Purgh. Sad cura, ttr,:t la,: V. Iv. C. It. It. Att , An- All t,,l,re at .!tin r 1.1. e. st.ove t .111 rtttly.. an.talon. pyrsitunGii NATIO.NAL COAL AND CPR COMPANY. 311ners. ehlppere zed tlealere, wee:este; arid retail, la Lee BEST FAMILY COAL. Nutt Clcscal CL.131.C11. 781ti.C111- • OFFICE AND YARD. ciFrucr Four:la azld Try he City, or FlElpnlfrit W 1 ,4,1 4 ,111 tEtel tirtnapt and knulyr , llatt: ocolt ii,,c. It. A. ,CHN MILL. , unrrinterraltot. GOALS COAL:: CO L: I DICKSON, STEWART 6: CO., klavlag removed their 1.)211ce to No. 567 LIBERTY STREET (Late',City Flour. 11111) tIECONI) FLOOR, Are psred to :947;,4 Kood rilVll`;`" tim Waren mart., prier. S e - All macre left at teelr oflce, or ad.lref fed tU lticfr. through Lao' Waal, Mtemleff to •••-.`" promptly. JILT PITT COAL COI:IPA-NY. —thiporn and .1,1.1,4 In Superior Family sod Steam Cost, it C.st loot Slael. gooeral pi ne., securolttory i l ittshorgh Ssrinny ' llsol.lll,llJ• log. ranter Liberty street And Virgin slley. Branch oTtee, corner try and Third Atrects. rlttebursh. "Nil, left at either of the AL.', pineen will receive pram t attention. -- Yostottice Adair. a Box 0 , ...,7, Plttategh. priaexa... J. J. UILLASCIA., 11. L. FARATSTOCIC, S. 31c(:1::(.1,111.. , WK. P.II,IIAIAT. lILOSi.I C. !DEAD, JAS. AIONTGOILAIIT, NV..1.1 - Jat zny...x.r. JOU , : /LATS. I.CCIS. J. J. OILLISPIE,Prts'V[.IIs I A.."nlA. 11. ZSOLtall. :lee's. s. lidorair,n, Treasurer. W. dr, C1...1.15.E1 et" CO., Manager's. jai opi - - - 11113. G---RLES H. ARMSTRONG, iCALICII YOUGETOGEENT V& CONNELLSVIL.T,E COLL •ud and ufacturers of CORl,l4lack. and Dennipborlseat Coke ON VICE ANL , le ILL), Corner of Butler nod Morton: !Intl yard on Lib tr and Clymer streets, Ninth ward.and on t'weond street, near Lock Not, Pittsburgh. Pa. • Pamlllet , and Manuture,. suplied with the best article of Coal orat at t it pe lowest cash rat,. "nth , . WI at any Of thntr oices will finite Venn:lilt attention. TILE IRON CITY NIONTILLY. LEAH 11 :ILL SEAS aPOTS, Communication. and adrcrtlhosents (or the MAY NUMBER lascded lu 11—AC. =2 GEO. W. PITTOCK CO., 13911 Mg, G 9 FIFTH eTKEET. isurao Fux,N9 /ail:, CIE= JARED M. BUIZSEI C, SON, Steam Doilers, Oil Stilt s, Tanks, Shed Iron Works, Lc. No (51 Penn Street, PTAIIIatGII, PA .pr 721 pAPELt lIANGLNGM, Or all Grade". FROM STAMPED DOLD AND VELVET, 11= CREPES! ARTICIR kIOWI TO TII6 TRADI At So. 107 Market Street JOS. R. lIUGLIES do BRO CELI.S. A. MILLED, LITHOGRAPHER, 1'4111 , 11T11 ST-, muk}"r,. If - . 4. • n !'- 1.11 111,A V+. .PC.. _ T - ligiv ()PER. ilousE. cßi[o:,,, ea] o'ciul.l Zlli I.ONZLN MAN U7OL.F.AS. Prr.rol:3-IANCE, the mAttlln colet.l THAT t , IAL AWAY. H , H.rtHwg avustion dram =I ))-.1').1)1:),\ ecTITI.IICLitr or LI - CA,D , C. Or!P FE • • t•-••• orytt, r.r th ,ht: c . P.r clatt‘. .t.iH.;IIEIS THEATRE. • ttr, NEAR ILe firuna, tntliled \ • or 1 311,,, et. •!,_3l I Tlir 111.1- I :r.ikurr.L.,.i4 a 70,11014,h41410 ~,„s ,4' • 4 44 , 4 i1,1,1, a ,:ta.ll,f 111”, ra,ratat, 3,1'; rc0.... M. "CONCERT =I MR. CLEMENT TETEDOITX, I= AC':,!..kDEMY OF MUSIC, On Thursday, May 9,1897. ""'"` 0 1 , ^ a . alt.l Concort ,erverl S.mt.l W1LL.. 1 , ! , r wt t 1: 0 1, 00 vt 311.,r.i. H. .g.tol.er Hrn., 111 :711•:731.1SONI . 0 HALL. EVERY NIGHT, Ilil:ffl THE: WONDER AND MAIIVEL or THE AGE msu!:IFICENT AND THE GREIT APOCALYPSE: =SI 11= n :WEL/NE:M.IY ,ATI7RDAT" nt WIJI,I Chhidfrn do,rs opt At 3 o'clock, Corntoonce A. 11. Au•l TIIE,ATILE Ir. C. I= me ens' Evra , T.llnitry. !Dr a Hmttett LIIC /AMOti, CHP:LIE WHITE'S CChI3INATIDN TFIGUPE, trul 1:r7.1: • - 11111, 47: tiro,lwaT. New York. • 3,3 re they have pmrl,.- . nF•sL fh•0,•1,2t.1e /be Wwl,l Lc g4,ia ott SAT Y EVEN IL:. 31.11.1" 1111, 4 of 2 Itum,r or the titans or .1:1, .1::1 R... re;lo,lpilliC .! the. ,EGE or 11 . 1% - 6 - EiA ' [: Nl 1:111). Introduclng the. l'Artf , tr.c.tetttLork f. callell to tLe Gros:l.lor u .1, r It e hatv, crlettrsted •tt •.,:art I IttiAliA.ll, ICE —IL 11,...rs Ls, Ly.e4 tLorot,g to •!t.7., tai' .1,11 " l'sr. trtd eco .1.z.l:011 145 Cell,, t.J 6il vans of it,, va3:164 .. , f - 01'11:11.9. HOUSE RRESISTIBLE ATTRACTION! MR. lIENIIFI,ON 1111 , 2511 re Artnann , r,ac,ncd Sui.Lur cud Actor. MR. CHAS. M. BARRAS. 1.1 rtn :. to n , 111,r rnftoctlon . s.o " h.'t• a_ 'KM CROOK • The Itn..t CoNtly rr(l nem - natl . : 4 Pre. 'untie Spertnelo Ever ' Bored ha America, I •••• 1911 AT CALVIN, NEVI I'M. AND El. - :k:\II.IEILE. TO OVERPLOWING HOUSES, kn•l cri. Fen,Atlon Imp... Wilt lo the rl n - bith Le: pre kat,l•orgn, on - • Tuesqay- Evening, May ith, An•l . EVENINU UNTIL VIE GRAND BALLET ACTION MEE Daasturs ,fI.,VETTA. NIMUE. ALEN&NIMU.S. - 37.1. LE JO.IE:MUNI% •u 7 a FULL CORPS DE BALLET, dtr..etion of the chlehented Millet de ]SONS. ST. ODY, Who , ' :non r,lottatlon both In Europe no 4 An, ,:ara:ace , the e2,1/cnne of We ,t , ”lcr Ills rlian,c. , •'.`•of the , lietlngulihed ran tu u.tsnltt. f lIONM. nDLEBERr, = =B. Ir. U. GB IFFITIIS, I=l EVELLENT DRAMATIC COMPANY. Knt:re'y t.A acd t!nurt , ,reel'. Arm.rlai Parnnl,rnstiv; . - rste Nt.sel My nantcal App',aurae, Rich 1 / 1 ./ 2,11. Wei Pyterh r.llll,,,n,, Caktum and Draturaosad Litbta. ;Iex:JONI 111,:c. t,rmlua ting ,t.We lab: gait TII.SNSFORMATION SCENE, ItEVEALLNU MEM CLITI1:111Nri PALACE OF DIAMONDS- On Monday Ls - cuing. May Gib. The Opera House Will bp Closed, In rtrder to make siteratttrat in the Sang, Se.. t . troluctlon of thlaget, LarnallJan: ~,aiCat an al l Its t41.,1nal Integrity. noir open. :+rmim can lie me od t:A day, 1 . 16 i.,,, either by melt or tel graph. rerZ:rimS BREWERS, WI A LSTER,S, &e pirrsßuitun CARSON, D ARLINGTON & CO., FEl{y lip, STEPS IND HOP DEM, =I Itti()UFA& CO.. Pittsburg 171. W. A.NDE.IISII:I, Allegtieu Tb, otte stlon of the easto=t2lOr ate two lining s oar ly 10 oar ALES AND PORTER, tn rt,gh thee...eh:o selection of met irom stet t c fatllltles sod Bops:Tem !‘, yax,:bsts,•[ and West, we eta gcatantee to Ice tr , , , ,faelory to tbe Undo. 0r IN PI AA hts tete bighly rceinameaeltd ma. a hi :cave thttr ord.. re et Ills ofncs ut• j?ln:er his nll lirav - try, or et our fars^r at basicsszt Vay sad kith alley, AM • S.A. TOCNO. siLoWN. ALLEGEENIBBEIVERY. • /1,11. g pure:J.lsta the old catat , llabvlllrcwerr az c I,L gin El% JULY. for vr, r, t-s/c.pucll Lt licchm. we would u•c WO Czteadcovtlacing the . . BERING WATER ALES, Yaae trdx r t,77 75 ' , 1 1,, taabi..l r• • ; w.ayt.vor whh . iesner-i-reboco., 465 Rebecca Street, LLEGIIENY CITY. seu cathrra kft at BROWN s 4 31111 AM'S. ‘10:1 LlF< rty str,el., Vltt:turgrt. wIl/ pfamptly latrn,.l 0ci.:161 PIIOENIX STEIII BREWERY. brEACER. & 31.1i/iv, 31ILSTERS AND BREHM Ale, Porter r.nrlPrnwn Stout, S'S 31 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers