- lIIE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ED BY PENNIMAN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BITIIDIEG, No. Eta 11th Strout. • E. • T. 1.. UOESTON, s JOSIAII HI NU. ° ii.ung's sms ONT.. Ituk.a), EOM Mingle (1/el.lVa 5 cent.. Delivered pp carrier. (Kr 15 can:,. M.ll dllbmvinvvv,(ller rear).........._110.00. Litvirel rednetton. Nemeboys and livveni.v. I= Tare* Col:dee, per year, by ✓~~'e do. do. do. each. en menage rapine, to one addrese, and one free to Club. each • a CITY ITEMS The Spring. al the Tear. tit all the remedies whielt h....sever boon discovered to prepare the human system for the change which le undergoes 011 en lapsing from Winter to spring, and from epeiug le hUranler. none hare ever equaled that thorongh and complete vitalizing Tome and. Alterative, hhOwa as Dr. Key ser's Mood Searcher. Whilst It renews the 'nal organs, it at the same time ironerts a licalthful Induct:Me to, those functions sylinse ehige it is to throw off the °Teete and worn out debris that clog and obstruct tile animal organism. Dr. Keyset's Blood Searcher is oral! =ill eines the most proper one to be taken at this season of the year. and any one whose liver or stomach, skin or ,kidneys, era defi cient in action, ft wtil impart to one and all of them a healthy earl Vigorous tonicity, and a guard against sleltnesS for the re in:under of the year. Dr. Keyser's Blood eareher, taken to the Patent of half a dozenbottles, will peaty, the system and rendorit invulnerable against the malarial innuences Incident to the usual changes of thesenson of the year. It not only does this, but; by the wonder. tel power which it impart, to the stomach and liver, and thereby rendering the blood pore, it rebuilds the crumbling frame, nail gives healtn mid vi v acity where torpor and slogglelmesa formerly prevailed. Look at the vast number of cities is has performed in the - midst. of our anen people. • See the ghastly serofnlas, the leathenum totters, the thousands of other blood 'taints wlach manifested thouiselvea upon the surface, and you will givecredit to ono of the float eUrtiordlnary medlchluspf modern times. Dr. lieyser ha* In his po-seaslon hundreds of cures made by 1,1,Li Mood Searcher, after alie moat painful awl dangerous cutting op erations had . felled to cure, and he deems it hisduty to make known. them cures to the public, in order lent those who may i.e afflicted in like manner may also be Woe , - Ank for Dr. lieytier's Wood Scaroller, IDul lake no other. If your Druggist does not keep it, write to Dr. Keyser, l'ltp-horn h, Pn. 411,1 he well forward by express. SI per hot tie; niz for t... 1. The Best linown Tonle. Caswell., Mack k Co.'s Combination of Iron Phosphor.. and Cul baya, known as Ferro l'hosphornted Ear..l.r of Calisayo. - The iron restores color to the blOoil; the Phosphore4 •reifews waste of tho nerve tissue, nail the li,aya gives a natural, healthfni tone to le...digestive organs. thie pint COlattillS tho virtue of one 0117100 rib 11Utl one teaspoonful a grain of Iron and Plio,phorns, Manufaetured by kicks Sc Co., New York. 1' Or sale by. till druggists. ==fl j nit recap ~,I at Pittoel , eoppo4ite the Poud ortien : SI - cOns..Niegelby, (being the fourth (I; of tho /lamond Eilltion,) Nicholas Nlek rlll;', ; the ;lobo. blitiond , ;01.1ver Tots'," (tins 111 m ,, ie Edition.) .`...tho L.A. Days of e. lilng," ‘Yndrn'o gienrn!ord Memoirs." , The Lieu i of tolitudv," , •domcsiin; or, Five and Tventy Years Ago," "Pioneer I hureb," ;y Sehnyler,..Greot Expectu. t0.,n,” (IL ..ber'sAntericuu Cliitioll,) tto. = :kppr,ite - the rosteillee, you sratl finct• a large ae,orialenCot Sreroscople Views , con• . r.iotiag In part of, "Am t:rico," Eng 1.1,11," each," ,"Irallati," LatnyrA riv. - 63 an, :.avoy," •.eolorekt Crimps," ••Mammoth Cave," "Alpine Club, " "Cele -I,,ales.""P de," "Inst/int!uaa43s," '•Statu ary,” "New or tee Union," Ne. IWliole.ttle Boyers we'olfer bargains in job lot}, Puntings, Linen Goods, and Shectings, Prints,' Li?, Sic., all of which wo wll, y eastern cash prices.) Bs assn t GO. ' cc?, below Third S Fourth sts:' (Dr% 1,0.11 of Ucese C. 0.. 101 Itot of . 1 'Pick inz, r 1 of the vc lEEE The . "feeld Ilantl-Selvett Ftenelt liorroceo itaitztoral, both tipped and It ttln; the beat lasting pollah potent leather, t itt pea anti topped I:Altoona; the hlcest Choi.. .1.0:11'.4 :711001, itt fact, the nleuat anti to it ai- , :orupent of loots arta shoe, !a t he city, t 1 7 be tonna at Lill` great Opera 'II snoe =I a name familiar to the epicureans of this ttity,lor lie is the Prof. Blot of Pittturgli. 1:1:+it ills elegant Continental Saloon, on Fifth street, nOzt door to the l'ostoillee, for a numl lit tole king, at tacit reasonable 'prices as !nigh tempt a beggar to banquet.. EIZIEZIEGE • fmsli eupply i or cro,so and Blackwell's hennas. rlcklc i s and Mustard. Alsg, very Libelee !Ayer ItOlsens, linperfill and Terkel' „Preece, Se: ac., will be sole at the lowest taarket price, at O. 11:i Fed eral street, Allegheny city. ire/f. nail Cops, At Pr al. Flemings, No. 1:0 Wood, street. I Altb . 11110 Sin,' ' Flit Caselmere, line l'ren.'S Felt Hots. whiels will be sold sl 1011' Ilgrlrea, at (Fm. Flemings first class 11 At and Cup IlApse. No. llrs Wood street. • doth.aitd !Mk Gardner :t St...wart aro showing n side!, itt assortment of these goods at very low rice.oott their new 'store, on the west cor er of Market. and Funrth streets. ewteod I= tg, stoeir :opening Oita week . , from 12;; Its, .upwards, New Stare, Wig Corner Market anti Fourth streets. Gardner a • Silk Sargnex, Liter - nrril - al from Now York, splendid s, from tie,“l up. West corner of Mar mid Fourth Streets. LW . .. leer Stewart. 'All the 'Delienetes ho teeioii aro' daily served up nt the inental Saloon dinners, next door to hlAtollice, on Yi RL e , root. IMMEM • 1411t1 aloes so Cheap as to n 61.01401, mince our new fitoc:c has arrived.; Call see. 91./Crit MW, Store. Light Al pace., diful goo 14, all colon., Cheap, Weal Cor. Market and Fourth street,. Gardner .wart. 3t, a. to Ftototag's Draw MO.', I Market street, for ilostetter's and e's Intters, cheaper tbun any oLI, 1= ub low us .*I,W per 1.1, Webt "et. and Fourth streets. Card. goodr r Msrkt , tt.l art uo io Fleming's Dem; More. .1 Market ntroM, fur flro woo Venni- Comilts, the best Worm Medicine : to One Price 6,:whettwrtlieyvo sl. judge or goo ,l s 4, ut the celehnit.l ()puro llon,c abut' Vane Drugh! Pure Drug,!!! l'oru Drugb kin Zt AlleghcuY. 1 You Can Hoy Ign 'Armor. of OIL kinds at 3ozepli s. ~ d liiitillory, NO, Tin. 191. lgi imil'.l9s Go to Firming'. Dram Star, . \ Market tartlet, for. good Spongis.at rates. ' Iles( Goods 0 . ...SOLI. Opera nOUS O Shoe Store.; ' . , I-- . . 11 :010.Nletet% of .911.,(1 t• - r. Tour Lou Dui .BY Tee.rsph to th,1.4t,1n.,1 1 4..,,:ti..,; ‘._,. I 13,: Tilt.• S It tl • .a..., CO./at.; Alenhol at ;incepts 4 . rine.. , 'Of Jo..eoh Lcello to.tlay to otr;hl. ' lot. ' vet , 1:0C - 1 Can Dui , in k' n t o ° fTl ' s. "' ;l r irt t l L UT;lSS,- f ‘""'"" t ' Daps at •ioscplt 8, Finch's. near thin city, In e5.u.,,, I.s.,,,".t'''''!fl,..rg ' o g -14 ....4150 .. lUS VOL U . 14.E LX XXI CITY- ITEMS Mai:nil/coot Spreimens of Art. Mr. 11. 1..11. liatitei, the proprietor of the headquarter. for riain “1141. liotey Photo. graphs, No. X./ St. Clair tirreet, has met w ith abundant Stlieelsl since the Intral..hletiOlv Of the mo d ern and expensive art auxiliaries Ifi his Jorge and writ appointed gallery. Thy patent rest, through the agency w hich graceful and easy pewtions are so cored by the salijeet, Yu± craven es4to ut tractive, had ii., nided Mr , liyhh; in pro sooting rerhafifiie insp.:ion some of the finest pesos of the photographic art rove exhibited in Pittsborgli. the gnu cabinet pastures, new style siaall sixed cabinet pho tographs. card Ile rtAte, P:oryotypes,, 'Watch dial miniature portraits, niol all the other apertinci, in the whidowS heir evi dence of the ability of Mr. IhkinVi a n d his asac,late "arthsta. We so:In/lend' our rea ders, espolnally those living fu the coun try who conitteplate vizlting the city for the purpose of procuring good .1.1 faithful phOtograplei„tn rail at No. - St. Clair BIWA. Co 10 1 1 1tloelen. Oppo,ito the l'o.toalee, for ••),,,,,Lt.t "Walleht," “11111 hoOks," hetve, "Poelret 11411 i, "" nth 11114,,,'',“A1hhais -Gold Yens not liohler6,'"•Usi d Comptulloo,;,,” Co to Ilse Co...tine/au* Nest door to the 1 . ..0tte.:e0, filth zdre. , t, tor LLu ulegnet and nett cool-:.1 tut thd /1) VI . S . reaionable pr ice. . I , 1101,16:?e,k..1 Ft, re. tionabie .;urn I.luu.ru ,tOll3. Urn,- 111,...d. Oi now Sj , rilzp. Ana I:4Xot, iltldl-1.04 arrivilq; ill. th, Upeni ,to: 0. TOY 11:11 liod a boutal Establl,l,:uont [Nan btleut. hrs. Glth:sple. A Illstid.t?ote l'oriale cheap, apply at the . CON VENsED NEWS. =I • - • . . errs Cod ha, it Of fa rorrys for the Varpc.,..., or r.: DA 13 1 efon.: it, Court ut I::chwou.l, oil SI IJtt,-ln t. Joan 1. :on too, ox-310vor of New 11,;,, t , ha, bei 0 on oi,:t to Pro,niefit to coin o' tbe action tit I.eto ntiont: I 1 ilupi,ing I—To. Theiooooi sticol n , scoo(01 tae cfr , ing mnnicifll fflect ton in N o w ti it to amored fllonei: ri ba. tiniittnnnt lilt re:o6.oo[lon. Ther4 was a fall of 5110 W ILL NOW York early ya.ter'lay lan: , ,:,nt tofly- Cr the ground. T of :Le • the relief ofwo-thh-te the .nrc.n.r, tot; Portia:lt (Heine} lire, it IS ~id,rel:/.,:u3 I,l3c . !:aud 01 'the eoustelltze. The parltes ior t ;le 0..aer.0..1l of the Panama hit:I:oil , : were tea kin,: 21111 a Ilyht o: <:r losi ter. The i:oldrri of thirty in Mi.:l.i of Ipoots a: gl,l IiOCG oillued lire ti hole tUelr iuieurltle.s, to gen.- , ulih a large iiiiiourit of 1110:12y, to the road, but the present oteuerS 13aVe yet higher, and it acne prolailile :hut it woul.l still retualu in theil At Absecona, - N. J., on the La ult., ..11r • James stes, residing anal . Sew York city, killed his Muhl grundehiln by ,trii:tri4 Od tb, hotel with 0 hatchet., atel :hen went to his OWLL nouso unit 112 his room. The aleraants?linte-I,i,Jrl4er Gf Rate and utrnetn,eldesyo, destroyror by fire on the 15th lost. 1.0,- one bend r.,1 ud. fifty thousand del a,rol for fi , tY thousand dollars. Sever,l rd the art troutri in the Crosby Opera truce rrer eufiriderd bly damaged by war,. lusts meeting of colwer crtizoot wao held at the African church, Wasillivroa, evening,to rlisairsolne , pies lion, °Ho we vote)" Shout Ilftuen trtprlreql p9rlooo were present. The sperizers were !both white 00LI colorer. Itesolutiono we", splopted ple4alrof the eolored vo ter's support to the canahlatcs of thi. Its public:nu party...or otliur. - The revolution in Hayti 10 stril-In full rh lavity. No election for I'reorieut plots, anti l;eneral Nisatio conthoiv4 tor;a roles the funetlollo 01 Frovi,onul dent. General Vie:Or:nu loolui up 00 taw Chief of the revOlutionLito,ilod 1014 proeetsl‘ 04 with troop) uo:t ...Ilion to St. Marie to oppose Sulnave. Several French wor ye, solo were 00pecre4 there In t'.n fares the pay men( of claims One under the trealy• stipu. lations entered into ut the 1.3144,11. p went of Independenee. Toe soap a:lsle:mill° works of Thom., Emery Sons, comer of Vino awl Water streets, Cincinnati, tral shslroyesl by flreyesterday mornin..r. Tho .laoanedv Comml,lonerm last nigh , att.oolesi a reouottOn ._,rotary Seward, In their honor. Tln.y havo ',zoo here Co hurebaso sloamers, arms, laaclllne., am, wool: i. F./Stet Bladgett 11, 00011 a,,ppolntetl 11.Lys or of slUguata; Georgia. ,Thls an. I other ap t/Ointments 20,1,10 by the 40n5,:ral give unis ver,al sallrfactlon, , . A nit.: yeitertils at Winona, .31:n deS trOyed fire store . THE INDIANA MIMED, • —7 Crent Theeltentent—Prellffiluitry Ex :Dolma or alto iLectmed—tarent Difficulty In Preventing the Prig:ou t, tram being /.ynelted, Cy Telegraph to the Intuturga Gan tte., .. Ime.miAroife, Mar 3.—The money atolen foot the Ilnlle e 0111 Fe st liimport. and the el Utica al the murderer, Wffill Aleffintil wa. , ere found burled mulct: till nail time per in w AleMinninnil', yat ill The money ihit iiiiithet, nn: blootv. Awe her men 1 ,0 - nllirnteil tins been arrmiteil. The iemitiemeit s Inereimlng. unit It Is fumed 11,111111 CM .IOOIIIIIII 1111114 /1110 110101111114111. .WMIIII/1. n l . ta ay hi neltlaen of ffitsport, iinil lid /101111 11 -dating 401 - 111. 111 Mu ffi ng Irma:llm unit col ic -tine u annuli! I,llla. Dm 1.1.11 . 1. no: , lie Mil to t COlllO Immo tilt tnelvi, Mehiel; on the nl .ill of therneriler, unit left :A live o'clock i: i e morning for I,iiitiv. ' May .I—Ai : hi. preimit nary c , ... -• , ,it 1011 toelny of 3le.lllimie op, before the ia,.,1 trine, 110 10111 0 1 1 11 1111111 11, 3" of 1 . 0, tlttr In the th.o. deure,,.. Jomve E,klia :oh jonnicil 11l court lit 111,miffientiiii,1.11 with 11101,1,1111 un.l me eittem e f the bar Cent to hienitut. At Um condi:min of the oretin, a l lin t ry exumin.tttori, .1 ulge ~ ,ttle,, , i; s-,, , ,e• ern ir liana ing, :mit Ah ier,..lltie-1,01.1, nnil 310 4:enemy, of Illmehtiizym ciffirenamt the excite , ' rrowri of eitmam, urroig I u nail it Wirt:iv:ono in the 10 , 1 . %X 10 ! , ..),:r waia then ntaimil :miler it gmarit 01 ate titY• bee mmi Mr the jittl ail ..`1 , 1 ,,, e , tt. The i a.• ell e stunt 0, affil me) . grent :aunt it mita w,th Mill dlity that lyznidng we" mei. t nmil. IA 1..vi1.z.n. Mitt ih—fil,,pateti, from hieuort, Indiana. In 0110 0 . 1.1001: 111/ , 111111, !moll, stuteffint IleAliiiiitu IV, tile ',nude:. er t.tf John., the teleutatm tmerator unit ~,,t ',,, agent. troul.t miieli le, Mont UM eve, log. A platform 11.110,1 i t l ~,./ 1 i ll the trent let try the priamier. The met t leaf very great. FRON NEW FORK. Sum 7:7,ky 1,7. The.' stewat,3 , vranar!:, Cuhnhl.Ja It2l 11" tn. Venn, from huropil, to.th.y. • SIZ,D. hIXEy.Str..II barrd'i or iihea Wcro seized In tui, city Olt Tlilir,hty night, arreutr , tonnu llreut nuht rg rein gre , Ohl v (rola lrr trart. They In,. r)• dt— eourahlrig.sthrountm 01 the st.yt, of ite voon• try nint thh I/ el3rd O,I.IIri•MIA. It 01. 1:014trt.71 ha., truth; et Nhec.:l“l cull 111111111 l'uu lan ltrldh t r hhh.l for old to fat:talc:l 111,11 lttu oncre. • . _ 4 , I ' MEW , ) A- • ; 'l4 .:P. .11tr t •• _ ti • is i - ,[ • • ; • • ! - - , , • . . - - „ • _ • ___., ---NO. 104 FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. VIA,SHINGTON. Reconstruction Injuncti n. --- - ARGUMENT IN MISSISSIPPI CA . OFFICIAL MEXICAN NEW Confirmation of Imperial Revers MAXIMILIAN REPORTED CAPTURED Japanese Official Reception f The Jell. De t 1; Habeas Corfu U 7 L'ILL.LL: O I. Us. ~t:a Lay .:, • lti,,stodpin injunction ease being be fore the Suproune Court toulny, Cohort j• Walker, ...,,finnont for hot tiotitloncrs, itunying, ILA Cohjroits Lad the putter to iunts u act la., sod the range of out lid.' try, tin a ont.Locillug that the Constitution provtileit tor such tilt, - to tui ntolizlit helots the Court. la re plyntg to A Mollie/ Chinclal ataulairry`A re nnin., of I.tut. I Inlay, Walker noclo nd tied that did:tit dceM.lucts hail not been ilgoliniod not, this Coort, cunt in support ot flits toultino 1.0 referred untOng others to n o , Loot., actout Cams of Milttury Cox un.l tint oath goes:ions, upon u the oupretuu Court ha.l orcinitunoed toot r opt tiloos. Mr. Walker dettsioui In fur ther retotninta of Mae Attorney itoneruni oh:a s that this Court had no jurlsillotlon In not lityuiring u.oney and taun t, toot hi ontii111,10:1, Ns lute of/caking of the Ole-oortno and Notiono.ale swoop:in, out of hat stutos in the Salon by the rceouiartnition act. run itootly onntrury to the Con, utuunu of Unitint mate., lie raid a broader Inn f in throat:los had nester aeon It reduood tent .tintini Of loy al nil,: t_:uyal pruplo to hon.-loge and std.di , tho it itsauttn,.: uni 4.11-1 the Driilllng Inuyo., tor Couialtustonal guard, uud the courts of law. When Ste. ay tutor hail thilisnial, it +lamed canon.; to thtve otelueg. A nereozo ',tutor:nu. alto Court salt they would hour the Attorney lutnoral In reply,ou Nlutiday, to u oleo luny :he Court adjourned. leeiapaileri CeirraniStionerS, nomuipa iet . Secretary Seward, arrived a: the Ltecutiru Muncie,, Ulm morning ,Mortl3' Li. fore the Misr of ills Cabinet Meeting, twelve and Were prer,ititeil to t h e per,:dent, ulillrmialreii them private reception roema. neat taary iat-ent. intetnnew an, at }Litt tortnal ch. l / a Cter with the Cl luret4u cointntanlunerl or diplomat, 1:0111 .fo,morn etluntrdt, are contilleted. The Ito ct..tuuatEelm/mr, w /In Wan clad lit the - fiCi it co.:rano" 01 rank, 'alum :Ming Intro. hlto.cd by the Cannadare of ie ntate, adeU .Utt :Odic,: to the l . reHhnt. In wine!, Ile -taled Lli 1.114.p1,:n..,.. at MeetiU4 11101, and eont.o..nal :row the Tycoon. The credential, of the Conon!,+totters were read in the origi auddranslated tontellregulent, who ex ple,ttit to theta the plea-tire lot expertche .4l in [neat. The particular otheet. ttt t will be Conveyed to the Gov ern - t 'tut through the sccretary of State, to Lou: the Coluttat.lotterx will counnutth cote at au early lay. At the COMA Uld 011 r the intervlew. which ldstett onlyabout twCrity-flvc urinate,, the cool mittaltniara werc corn:hetet! through the varletun public rtccu,'the 3lau,ion. The dapauese dealgh btllllll At the r,ceptiott or the Japas,ie by the 4;i lent to.lay, the t'Llet Coulthissloner ort.iitil LI tO corneal uhili of thii I.)cOuu nealtli of the Pin:nide:it maul 00p triae.,..nit ipperity Of the poifi r of LOU lituted i.tutes, that. froucily relatioi ini,cht owl ititercuitraii •lietieCem the con:linecontinue, extend...l. Tile rresnient re -1111( iautcommic the Jutiunege am. ex tut,- ita. ht.:le:Chat their .Icsire ter rien.lly atl In!'.outta relation* were *thee a The ora *0 i d.Oy *houratohl U. • t colth hr retuon 4. Covet what tie other =IMWEMEZIE . . te,ivoration neither eau !Ind efo sr to to tabor li,jury. We nave tout t to ob. thin I rout the people of Japan now vantage whlen 'not ref:ll/roc:ally imit whatevor fbincultles haVO Itt nay lime • art,ii between .olne of tier Pe4 pie andciti,•n, inti,•ni of the ratted States, yo: r wirer igh he* wayo ' , ono all In /Ink tower to avert - thrm. fir urn tolvanc air our !mulletsnear to Japan, wl lie WO a irrnetlineto connecting our poito with re her . , i, new 1,6,1 h, nod freflueu otelon ',iv., It 0111111 Oatly toy fault If the two routeto ei,teeni etch other more by rea,on of great commit:olM and stici,l InHoney. lOU wilt Wake your bonbon known to the Secretary of State at your o to enn• contract and It alit receive' the u tentimi and ribinoct which lo always lieoto wed tip Mt, govern Merit on the Winkles of a rieuilly nation. 11 In3yOrt,l this It shall hl In the pow, of this go, ernment to aid yin with illitlutereoled advice, counsel atif :mi . , they 10111 he cheerfully niforilifil. Tune Conoulttlienoro rejoined ti ' t 11107 were 'mole very happy by the 4 MI and generous worth of the Prentlent. )131 . 1:1 , ,AN NEWS. senor rblvzican AlluLiter, Laav , ,l a comma nicatioa Crow crinonandlag ollleur of ries hes:citing Verittlroz, of ielalell 100 tog iri a tral.latlon : Cfirel Mott, In front of lira (-Yu} ..! pr._ Ili, 1,7,—1 nave the honor to enelos to you Genvy of Gee. Diat.'s tench.' repori. to the - General Government of a very Ire portent Victory lei ototalne.l over the traitor Mar srtez, or: the LP!) to-tart, et men erlstotoel. Ilevinir folloaell tip tills ',niters . , hi; It now el the (illy o! Mexico. (Yearn welting hero i , fur:, lettlery of heavy Tuber artillery which 6,1,1,1 loan trent from Puebla, and which will arils, le-tnorroaror next day, to .vault Vera Cruz. \Y hen we receive Mout lII,y, iva eau take the City in II fete hoar.. It is ~,,,. he", Queretaro has been taken toy lien. Ilecol,e , lo, IPA Slttzlnillism espturein I -.lgnial.) I:eralet. 1t5..1p., TinosLitton of Coneral fine °Metal ro• port.-I(sodquorort, l:'lrirrn ilitilrtry /Oro Sat, Ayr. 12, 1 , 547••-•41 . 4 have the pleasure In inform YOU, that you May I.ollllllunwate the mom to the citizen Ptc.ituot of this Iteoublle, tlitt Marquez, IsAVltig OVOIII I .i,,islcu OtUlt• at th , • E.ientla of Sall 1•Of ell CO. I ,i 1 Cl c.O tlllOO his Urals thts• mornla g V. 1111 tin l,t dirlrlon of Cavalry 11l this artily, mot, Clio_ command of Gull. Zeta:, I,,,rttirr will, a Coro., Of the baflOtt IMO Of lie army operating attslost Queretaro. MO dernrl Of ti If OILIIIIOCIIIO, who hail jolnit.l OW l,:nn Witt night. In to itseupe, the 1.111•111 y tituindottett seventy- C••••• , 4,t1{011.1 io:t11,1 WWI ant inanition nuts lOILIS. 1,111 1 Ilnalty naive .1 , 11 , 111 Into at the bridals at ran Crlstoln,l, lie was afts,r sort:rat wenn I,lgugo• tornts, to inane in our posse •sion Lit en tiro ailiPery Irani, munitions, unit a large num h.,: of 1,111e.1 and wounded, besttlea tante tat , huhdred prisoners. subs• •piently u !r,Lt Ilk great ill:order, with but °pe nman of illy, lot cc. lie Will V belt 11 ..1Y pars ~1 1 tne road tO Teal/torn, antt 1 believe that only the leaders alai °Moen. will tench the city of hlexaay, atalmipalinal by tho no,conary.rps of Auatilan:4, Wile, bOing :nay pouslLly 1 - 000/1 the cap•' Pot to•any• • (,:goet.l„ . , • ',.nrtr:ln At, qzioll. 1.,na , ...0 31011, neurelltry of ll'aC null tten,r,.l in . .) lots all order uppotot• log ii.;;ltterm clectlono lu Ceri111111:00/1' Tfol:ar to tho.e :of Gonerol Shorl.ltto, hot 111.1 f ronoltising of the roma. strootion =ll .strictly coutaritod, poutling t h. ; "don of tho,ittorooy of tllO l'ulted !gat,. onft. roro P I A, counts trout lianon.Ga.. BLUM! that Goo. Jcnkin , brought, to t.uorght hitasa:: the auhpun al of the United States Sulu,ho cot to the Georgia en.,e, and lohl It served on l;,n. rope w Ilea !APT were atobblaa at the t.aino hotel to Atlanta last l'ope roblbal that he would obey the Order nt thn Court • Judge inlet'wood was In the cur con.intntlon with Attorney Gondola Stitnlierry relittloo to lininni,m connected with the writ Of huGclis cr.orpka suet out for ging Yeti. I , Av 14 before the Circuit cum t tell mond. I10,1,TI:1, I N rt. y. heffistere in 1 k roptcy iinon intuit. The intent:on In to 011t4hilly ni -1 the Judges of the le- Outlet t Line IU limo of appoint...hi., h holding the Information it ithi the pre,. AItINCT 11.71,1. ri ttlary Stant toi,ll,ving re,uven..l from ire out. .atioittut! I:11, l , 11.11.1't ling to-clay. All lb, 11101.1lito •n[ ....ttLeptlnff ,tcretary I:"ok ning, 1, 1111 111 Improve,' ill Lush 11 , 1u..t111 toed to lilt tool. 11. ttreaentatlvea A.lany and l'ovale are InlVa.long ton to ut ge tat, .lieltni.try I:tea• rnittne to reetannonnl the Itnpruchment of Ole llretddent, at whirl. ea,: there a 111 bean ~,itto of the ,ell.llO In ~ 1 11. iINTIA:NAL 1:1:1ENC, The receipts of Internal are aneut a tullntr:tn!l a Intal JEFFEIIO); DAVI.; 1/I.t Body to b.. Proolored in tile?, nttad on Ike latto—littt '1 rink or lie. lett... on Itall—Clalt.i !E.t.a,' l'lnt•to Will Not Itrrotitle. .... II) Trlt.graph to 1t“.1,,,:rgi. It,. ::,. • NV,' Vont:, lint' .:.-11, 11..,1 ..l).: , 1 IV1 , 111,0111) . l:011 10 01,1, Slilltl, C 0 ,11 1, ,/ :,/:' Jeli'cr,on Dm 1,, p1a, , ,11,1 :4 IPI.I lit..:, t 4; Ino .1 llea 'tint, tti cult Coal:. of 1.1.,. 1,,t) lirt ‘4' V legi;.i.t. :LO,l notv,l uct, It, 1.,,,r.• .Inlge l'udorot..l, for .t. utit.7.l ' . ~; I f-•.r.- ~i.., :It tvett,l t 0 U-tion.l I:4410/1. ,0:1 . 111,11.1- nig ut F0rt...3101,0, 1011, ~..1..,,,,..,n, le, c ........ Vt..o Iwitnetliat....iut I. (a 111 A 0011, too 111, tol .llonany to `alit!" . 1: c ‘ i.. Ige. ,:u.t hearing nu nr,"ntnent I ron, jl . t .4 .:.,•.t. inuttult.lll,ctut too, ~,,,,.1,. I ... ..,i, 'l,, lovni. Int, 011011 fell. 10 111 , 1.. ~,, :, .. 1.1.1 11.1 m I.l:en p , .t.t.,1 In tin, I.._na . 1.1 to.. I .1, I Vic,. by Judge I nderv.vo.l i...t ..... -, Li, 1'1v... Went Wlll order 111, 1tt,,....t.t.,.. Con,allou ot Vtr,ink.L, Inn. to ‘411,1,7it 111,11, . tort., vouno t 1,.. ~ triul o(Jvorlon li Court lo L I,, ,01.1111 lalttti t Mn farett Mit oil htlatary pov. er. FROYI S 1711.13/Ekll.k. tilt Tet , ,rar trtt1•ttt.,,,..it . t.1,:.: Nit out:, May t.--I Orncr pertrot to n. ova' , ,t , no.nt • It.ot acto, rotoo :tn.( not: rtoo , tito t ottc, . • ~ewl.y 11, met.L • .. . • h00k...1 g," cat..., Th. r• c00t...h....1 to X of ty•thi. , .e 1.1 t.. c . i.urch proir. rtyc,l 1 he prie..l., Ent I:. :It, :,r•11 the terr...,.-ntntlv.... 515.1 t'... ...5t tint]: nr. ~..try Quo Thu to Z.I 1.• ,ent the ,54 • ,•a55.1,-,, 554.5 • ro.ri t. I cr:.. ...1•,11...1 k0.111,,,1. C.:, Porn r.:•11 FROM 0111A6o The Eight Hour MI I ttt uwl et nl Su•pro.l... of nowlet,..—lo tisubilmLLlou nod • Viol...lry by 4be nUrrled—Prorleumatton by the Tiny - hour tne.n and Inc.a. 0 I.!, .•- con:ln.•.l 4.. tilc:y toor..l.;,oranf mottly tap!ot ,„, 'na1...W....re net r• It MIZIA and th, ma , futtt..:ll,;, and ticetAte.l....l +L. lu the 11,1,...ef n . . it• cau ,, lutt t?...in 1:V.V....1u' utual in t ;14 ,ad vol ,lrn . , pttarcd. u ntlln',r of t!:.• ar, Til Mayor 1,, /-.•t+1 , 1 a fortul:l,4 11. 11.,• 1,e,1101 - 6.1,11./) , 1 :4461:1,: t Lon, It. ,;" to tncir FROM fltilllA, Circular from 11tw coning tio• tier% n: Cu • r Frt... 4.1 Only ()pots I.IC Or . =I EnniZtatEMßEE2=l that urttello, u.nottle4 free ef.:o', 4,1 , 11 f.tetory 11,0.:11111,y, ~ rl.:, tho tut:ff. unpile+ c,nl to !liar Izlnury 1,1 ill enr•llug, eplonleg, 1.1, (1.1,11,Z, milling of nottr, 1111.10, , pent, twinK, tool other 111114,1 , 11, Intl:114,1 U, 12e nit are, no.l to forte tut, o: the mill or factory. to en t ulnr or rightearliF.•l,:lll3l,r, 1. , 0,1,11t. or nrte Chen of n eltutlnr n1.. , t0 will n.•uo.. jeet to ta , tuty of fifteen in :cent unle , ,, Imported Itlt ten toncono •, to whit la the belong. 1t, , ,, t.tutlto , ,• nit teen. :nun one ball Inett. toll•t pny ef teen per rent; Ironni(elt, ettelt, Over on, null( melt, free. Xartgation In loon Canal oprno.l terday. 1,, May .I.—Na,laat a/o I. now op°. wit ..u.a:aere are rnnaln4. FROM VIRGINIA. Pollard Presidio." 'Fr lieu rerlu. iolFetil..4.lolll• • St.totae rev Cbiiiiir,•• —Suicide of r rtrrctiaui—•Wialhlicy Seirure•. fly 'ldegrafaf totllo l'ltt•t,rfrfr..n • It:rumor. May ::•—t;mf ern! a iVf I.yt cl trurr, on, orderwl that L. I:1, ,, lard shall not .1,11,fr If.f.turn on 111 , + chivalry of thf. eamrlf, Ilk Lyfff•ltburg. 1ar.1110.1 ammalfal Lt 31 aconly,marahatit. ••14rIft :intim. I rfah Ittelff want. commulttf..l nun flu tiff, ;wan fff,rlfy hamming. • 1,41. ono If mol rot harrf.l+ , of m 1,1.1 my "rein sarata by [butt:venue fletv.:tivcr to two flap, erul t e for rel. . fipr eeer of l'ennsy Ivan la. lel reened 14 ler Illiklietary ur loluui, u,gud tliolit to cling to tl,u I:uuulUu party end alesielon the Ideu of con .11.. ea. taw., 110101 !tarnish; 01 Chicago. :lir Iccra;l. 1.0 11..• I . lo.enurgb 100,0 t, CHI, Ann. ]lay 3.—Tti lire Inrho Aler• chant/ Hotel to-day origin:Oen la Mil u”.l within I !Orly Inlnnle4 00:14 the Lilo whole 1.011100,r 10.0+ ma.. n 1 nati, the a Wan ., . 1 ono hundred and nifty, aeveral of whom hail very narrow e,napt.4. Fl% or wen, lot 1.10%11,‘0100. rope * fonn uopor 1001 ten, yreutlesnon weft,nearly fore being re,eard. 11 1, 1 n 101 WI tklll llulhl nig and coatenta will proinibly uob exervil ilollar, 0,0 Inn Ill nllrance, twenty tlOnlaarnl 01 ,Olell tolls on the le/gut.. or till' 111/01. Upo:rit 11011:0 wrri for es 11111 Q 0,3. it,. , lit aluitrrus., trir.l 1 , for Ile. lon oll 100111, MOO 15/111.11/ d4lllllOrigi 01.11.3 wato.r.lt Ir J• loOlOL'olfo ILO yet to give till, 0.1.0101 el the Colinpullitl wile Stirrer it, 01 0 One MOIL Without n der..-Plonler Mltul 111 Ger...moon. liy 'lc to Use r.szr rt..., Mirri rm., Miry 3.—No .33 loot 'loll for Lilo livvi limo within a rr..or. Int Vitglrrr,dtry 11/141it, tf 11,1103 Smith Wilton. reNollog 11l (.1,111101101111, our here, while. 13.1 1. logo. talklit3 Lo wile, woe elicit tltrootot 111.9 wlrolow nn Unknonit 110111 . 14111. 11,1,11 Into n He's 11111110 and e,spireil. Theis I.> 110 o'lllr Wlhu mottlirrur, Southern itoltroodo—Thne Irmo NV. York to neruptalt. null Sett Or i CALM I=l Ylny g.—Donble Irma Leen rostnned on od the noportaid. Southern doll. vt,t Loid— vldo On the new ncloditdo odly .ds y linUrs (ruin Now York to Aleinpnk, ~n,l end, ty...1.2 (rout New York to Now o: th corresponding redootioni to Ml' droittd leriro I ICLI let liothrgeth, tylerithh to the Ylth.illorrii I),,ihn,eol,ol:AbO, 314 tight tarok plow iseru yedterii4.•liet. ,l4l,ll giiit ithgheithil thr liganths worn, won 100 egitties. Jeg. Unlit. fa Araktitoglosi. nY 711 k "11, to llnt InOtt.innnt li , ett• • ri.l,l{littrl Mos lOW. ?day 3 —llrs. •It•11'. 1,1- ,1 wont to Washington In.t evonititt lot" purpoo• conforring I'llll •toloo•on upon tltu tolgaw of kw' Inothatol. Trot ot matron Conr,r, :ity 'rel ,, graph to the l'ltt,Ltr:ti Ca, luw lnu., Ml* ttot on Fashltti boor, to-tlay I,,weet..tvral thrilln Ilte, IV{{l WOLI LIZZiI , It 1101,10 k, 0,110.1 lu C yuctmm h t , nttit, time, , PLEISBURQ.II, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1867. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM EUROPE. TIDE WAR SITUATION Peace of Europe Assured I'I2FSI 1 CONSENTS TO LIXEII, 111 . 11 Ci ECTIIALIZ ITION. The En 01+11 Retinin Bill LIBERAL PARTY IN THE MAJORITY Uneasiness in fivalicial Circles, INSURRECTION IN SPAIN, Latest, Commercial News 111= tl,l,lo.liivrtt. ,t 0 rexlllo , f mut{ I,•Art, Con ii l•ronve. Perby lxidn ca .1 on nt t.grd n pvrts,..4: =lllll =9 I= =OEM . - ity , t, , lgt..ty.,:S VIII , In 11/ II),c MI Mil ..I , llilf , n. :‘• 11 . I 1.101011. old 10, 1.:C.:t0:11i... L.ln • 7.1. '.2- • 1. 11.1, 31E‘y • • Fe: 1..410 rt, •o; , : 4.: &. t,t• rro 11.. I I ~ Corn nry.ly ,11 1 .11 11..1; 11, 111,,,,rig..1. lEEE :Zit 11, lu I Welter?, it/ Rlll./.. th 4. HO. la 11, 1%., 31,‘ of V1, , n1; N. it .1, 7 t. 1, what. t .Llt• t ',I c.,14•7 y .1111 IL 41,11t1. 1.11 ,1111,11.0; C.EL:l.1101, 11.. MA, M,y•.:.—AlArki•tg hoary; pro. 000 pw,P,co toictoooool. pi..rlo ototlo N Ikt.y 'tiny —1 111[4,1 A It" q:l7‘i ...Alit, 11 fre\lll, . Moulder.,' Ntrikr Ir4mll tttt t 01.10.—A Hutt—One .71n” gy i. ,a;•13 t. , the 01i ro. May I'mon ni t Irogton, 01110 lure on is Ti went to Wm ,tll - at to rill mein wit Of 14,.n to ulgt,, 11,,, tow min of 1.1,4,1111:et, nalnya 1.1,2rm0tt% Criclitt 3111 itch. :Ity Tr!. Putt-MU:Lill., May the Crlt-hrt outtell of 1i. ,, l'hila dt•ljoltla Club agair,t You.. .lo,..rsca, the form., ‘k no the ilna 11,4, WI./ the s at the rlo.:e !Ike for 111.• olny, lort o”e Wlrttl lOr tAn gam.: !II be coneltoletl 1.0-10r row. Ither Telegratus. .11y tO tt.o tlatt to,; 0:4 .evert fret. Wtuther civar and 1.1.;.- nut. . =I IM=E=l viridian Col. Egan, the ell-knoati hoot: and news dealer, RllllOllll. 11. itge eidlection of law and multi 111 Itooks, clae- l atil works, worlo, of detion, LOU linalca at toil( drive. Col ittottle.nieent li.o tool[ n4ltri.ll,l the lit, s ‘ et hero tor 11,0 stitailidil norke, and e ti . els, 12111 1110 antiquarian dad asell tali, er, of putilleittioug which have len, atm e eon, era of nrlot. Ile foe, al •at the nark. o ur tarn tit all lliu popular now,/ zees, 4.1.1 c I, e lit, id., collection of .e anilaril atie lia at tall lonia. Cot. rep,iieralieeeirinieniol tioDery, (15 la, Witt etered :taloa idol full 11111, Or art telt:sin-11/s Ito., of 1.1..111. , the nn ly piaelleal aiat etrit the book tr4,le, 11114 lorality, and 1 , 01.100, nerdlng au) . L Itt. mtto.t I•11 , t 11,111 . .1:4 IL to 14, hu1.41.1. cheer! idly C. 111111 1 .11.1 1:;l p the atrunage of our leadero, knot. nor him lo he a (airily:l.llnd and honor aide linilnarii W:111201111111.,I, fl is ,•aril 111 snother 0111111 U. tir So. 11 Sixth treet, a ire doors radon tinditilellielrlad. \l'e ate ph..e.1,1 1. go Wm., to °or 01 . 101 1, .;,.1 111.11 Own: will be a. Fat r not F,Atlval I,ld al Wl,klue nail, the 7111, % , 1,111/ 'll.l/ 1111- 111,111111, by the 14:11e. 1,1 the Seventh IVut,l ghloat It 0 011011. IVe urge 11 11 1111 oo rowler , i , to Otte 1111, go their t„1 r 11. 1111111 101' 1311110.1 V 1.1 bIIY 1114 1. .1,11,111, 111111.11. Dog We 111 MI, 1.111 1,1 111 /al 114•11 , /1.01./. 1 /WI". 111:,;11111 ruin 01111 I.lll'lll lun l l t.gitt 111:015', Ya :11 o k .h 111,1,1 111111 e Mt% be hoot If our 011 1- ,011 0 4 Will only help the: th hey the how,. tfelg lull, 11,1111 1,1 wlth the helle-, 11:teltre It 111 111:11 ge eheerfully 047, 11111.0 hio 111 16,41 , 1 I,IIIIOL .111.11t1 tog evening I. 1. 11101'1, Way Ulla 111/Ve us are cliqgee lilt 000 11,41 . 111,n1,113. 'r. F. En est., h Wood htroet,li 3.4 junt le• goire , l n t. fttou of luitnounl,lo gni UstUrei for Lt..res, comit.lng ro.s rut)l.clllchhe wlil n~.lutrc of Mal put up ILL thu mutt remonyble IrO41:111 PAGE.—The pafrst rnul ?nos! ,e -boble, Money, (hi and Produce Markrl Re ' porbi given by any iworr in the city, I.IIN. fount/ on our north Awe. Suicide of. Yoring Wounto—Re Coroner Claw.. erenterehty, /ore/111011 "doutuoncel a jury to hold an Inquest On tho bo.ty of a W11111:01 named Mollie de Wien, Mag.... 10 A. 3t...'re., at the h0um.:91 .-- Mr, .tweha Itoblu.don, nn Penn"ylvanta avenue', it twins rupre.tented that death had retult cd (rota pot,oll. The young o'olo,l, It 1111. pear, WWI a trail tato. and on Tunreeluy nonnlng WVIII. to the Meviol'e o“ . .ce In 1 eoncerotog e•nar...o o V 0 hi , had heed, lodotala Legato.. her, 'del ..,out 111,11,1,11.h001 ,11.1 edte upoe.ered 'too, etoz.ldea. .01111 .a C.11.111/%1111 . il hy .I‘.lll/11! HM.I4. all', 4 1•1.1,14 . 1 - " la Mr, Itobtoe•un., and 11"1,1 thi! hula 3n 011/t 0 they a vat to thou I, ee Unpin e to n. ht. nnd umu l do till•qr•wl. do ••s oVan,andtot•o ith I. n .un nfin bud nat . ll,l tis hon., oulLt s Lan.. /nu 41,014,11 y MR, til.o et tut u/illl, yr, • nod 11111,1,, 11111./i11114.0 hur ..r . ' bua IkkiW .14,1,1,41 her. 111. t. roin..l, Om! t.tio 1.0,1 tout blunt bor alter, ul Atrl.ll. wo.ll. sto: rilo to 1wr.,.1..1 Ow 4114 110,ut1, ill 10 11,, e 101. Ilvr itgalr her w.f. or L4,: orrnt.l to procure pup, 111 01.1. I, to %, Ito an..tlo, /01101 to litn Stoll. 1101 paiN, Itn.l 1 Lvy lAA:tato .4 cirtly slore, flOll, 0! , 14‘0, , u,l, .1. 1.1” g It, .11. 01,1 141.1,.. bat It ;..t I.vu HOMO •pl.• 10! 0., el' Itz 1101)1 4.111,l•oll , ci tn, • 1..1,r luoll3 tl. 411 L, 1„01,11141 ken . .114.1110 .010 11 1111.1 r tor e . 1,11.10,.; 1:2” .1f . ,01.11ig us. e, 1, , k 1:061 t,r, =I !nand tu ',v.'. It :11-1 i.e ..,I,L ~,;. ~1,04• L,. Itl vut,tor,. .11.11 ot:111,11,t1t tt, It taut 11 ~ 11.1,1, U., I, • • I, 4.1.1 it A =ZEE C . X.L1111,..011 • .1.11 ME El ME Arrordito, to, tr. Ig ME= OE ME To, !no loorlo.r r ! M. 4 4. :t.1,.; to t t tic i.ro; IIIMIIII=E! v a. Mv,, My u 1.4'11 dog tor in, tor r (..11 rr.olo.yor ,:o1 Any re:ol 1111.10. cool. 1,1. Doozoi, :ir• .1 lo.r. Mu. vouO.ir o ~, r Volt roN r‘lovo t oototry. 1%,1ti0.. Coffin., swlng.lloo, Neroa.::‘ 1 has, 1,4 t.,t trotll , l,l ith i•tarl,l .oro thruitt. tart v yvar.. , . 1 lin,. t0..a.”1...,1,, I/ 111,11...” i• utc.ll,•:n for 11..4,11 w. , IVot r living htulutou wlt l t (11, Eh° IPortt‘c 1,, curt tl nit.. .1. 1:oun,1 V. It. 11. 11.T.11.. 1 1.1. v.• ht..• 11 :11,1.1.4 awl t!”. Ooclor, not,* of Milli 1..,41.1 .1.. Iln• wny goo.t, I r t prd, d to the I , oclor, who 1., etlre.l ElliMi •Mt t:orttentstr. tVell-ter •drt et. elatid coy.. 1,1 all 11. And truce u t 1 It! /111.1.1 IS quart 4,4)r an on-11 thldtt. IL IVtt , 1,1 1,1 ,roati.t. The truth cottiplot•ly 'e,l It In two :corky. Ma.. urn 11, I:trmsn ghat.. I went In !'lllO,l, 117„0, ond w3ot tt - t-tted without ttny to.intlt lt} the doctort I rt...1. , 1 to VI I t.tourttls tint t . .e.tillt-d the Itotb Itottlort. IA eat met.; 11,, .1 ill, Sly 11 1 , C3/1 . V. al bordering 011 cobstnnidlo.. • I•Ntan .tret.t. boo been cured 1.1 :be Ilt,h the loolon .its Poettim+l.l.l, 1 Would 11 . 4,111.1.1,10 101 w Ito troohle , l wlthrhoontotoon to go to the Indian Herb Dot - tor, oho boo c 0,41 Man.,llehl Valley I'. , The I k.t. I ot'A (Alice t,t ILL IVI Liberly Ntroo. Connlry People Ilewore or Protol,; save pormonatitly twitted in our city the renowned Indian Herb Doctor, at Nit. 'tree[, whom nu kayo known liernolitlUY for . I .ly yv-ars. The Doctor Is I;iottoman, lonia regalur practising pbt, lelanotho carries his 1 1 Itloittn wifli 11, tills bog!11 unusiodly snevessfill, 'nab here 011.1 elsewhere, In curing all klml4 of di, vest...many of which Mid to en lowest tip as Intel ly hopeless by oilier reohlelit an,l trav eling phy , oclan,. 111 treat recut in Emmy of our .0.1 anol tam- Illes Jod their nuthori, et' published cum.. 01 almost uilrueulou , tri , perhituied lip Wei, hill 01511,41'd IL fueling ill evy or JoalonHy anent.. 01.11t1 other of hur l phyld 01,11,0, nut the Herb lioMor" takes everythlng cooly, simply ncerring there IS 1 . 00111 enough fur all, Duel that if any of the into, lihy.lclans Aollid fortunately ho one. metiful In Ids method of treatment, that others should not complain ill it, 'I . Ile /Mll.lll Herb Doctor /1111, slot retivet upon an) °Mtn rhy4lelan sissy nueiner, and ailtionigh Ito prudently publiatnis the nutnerou. certllicales of hi, pure,, et 110 la tipearclui to have Shell, Costa to In due form fore our Mayor or Come alderman. Pa. I motor min noir been here for :several 11.11111,, 11, dully Centaet with our eltismis, Dill he published flint be tree and correct. .dherui, 1111 1. 1,11111 have taken 111 i depar ture entuneirlly trolls the city, If for 111111[11. er i rumen that tar 11151 N, ant of 151111,1111g11. 11111 . 411/jea In Writing tills fengthy pro filer,,, to mill t lin attention of count upeo ple to the loot thul. there has bee. u loom lob ,11 loon going thruugh cow.try and tel:relonting thelleiclVeti the l•lndletcllerb a meal -ulctuale, utayink all night, or (et• money or both. We wish to warn etir renders iinuln , ,t hurburlng ally of 'those bli• CAIII.III . Llll/1101 herb I).tors." • The Jon. Lutz Ititerettry Cane. '!'Gumption for a new trial in the eazu at glib-constahle John I.utz, convicted at thei recent term of barratry, 1100 Reiletei he ron! 41 full bench in the tplarter yr,t t - raay, belle:ad 1.% 11. Collier for tilt, motion, and 31. awartz welder, ag•litel• the urged tor anew tidal !11l eilleee.4loll by Dee of the Jotorn In the ewe), before the trial, that "Job ti [Jill tyodhl LOnvl,ted, and tnnt if /in bin! 1100 Ot,urte let would have been, hull zdonl: tyto," Au tend av It to tit,) foe:lth tt the u ror had so us Dreamt! 111E11.11r proaonted. NO dechnon Was rendered. 1 1 \'•o Grocery Filore.—lir.lx l , ti. I.octr art has jwd. opened' at No. Z,r./ Federal L."'s 0. II EAU.. family zit. eery, litdo wlid lie flitllelLl tine stock of dm eholco , toroverle, at no clomp pile.,as ran tot Waal:oat elsew hero. a vay enre• Oat to tenth, to all departenent i of the Inedoeno, toot our readera on that side of tho rleer mould dl, troll to heetow upon Mtn their patronaco. CITY AND SUBURBAN. =!1=1 ENE ' it'', Ititu . BE /I=ll IN= MBE ~;:°:~. ER BE ,'t ' The. noilitt-Thompomn Courilinsey. Yesterday, In the Court of Quarter See hoforo u fall belies, the urgni.nent tool. pliteii upon the motion for it new trial in the on.e• Of the Coriononwealt 11 ve. Alex ittnitir Mot h ti, tunnel guilty of cone,piritey.lo iiiitlel Cetae Thonip-on for eniinlef ; felt 'wadi in.lioloil for con,lo rap); with trit,i not pre.iint for Irlal, Itaving absennileil. The re-clii in LVlkrilillVll3ll coonty, or in tl 6 rh o K of Bruen, illo, and come time ll:ls, Deix.ein were ii,truinenta: :11 lIILt lIIg lart,ted nod hel i l tel trial ',Lee , in It charge of pat-ingvoila:erten .lictlolll{l .:I/CY• nool utter li,e,on CUri and in couniioninee Ntal a+ not bro.:get to trial, being eil to 'too . * lii• .all from time to 11l u.l 'll. !etre, .10n Ilk own re fi“ oxi,plru / 5 0., at ticicti tern., ttiii J ury in, , ltiot I / ;in ot m eit . Mr. I „elder, Or (no iltleti.e, oil Cur u ti ;hi% a -1,41 ittoorn; t Mg l, t 11.101.1011:1 11.4 t .ri. re,i•eheil e.l - o ntfosi , l Icy iioloric u•iiin 110! 11,14 01 •• [./ . ..4).!.. 4,111-1: •• the -that tile r ttr ilk tlrlattaitillta II nt. . k lltt-litti/ tor la. log, I t.o,r, —l.ll It/ / rt. t L 111,.: rrittit 6. trt Ilk , IA [lre rorttwororttro, 0.0000 oorot uloly argote.l •Mr. tt otro Aril/or, ,14,1 , 011te .1L ol 1. 0 ,11 point. tot., 11 Moir-n..1110,1 tooctottll.lllilt.r, ro lon Bore tooo o noooo.l for the proieelltiOn, ro•oto.ott , t tooto 1.4..1,11. Act tlittntoluotiton tro to ug to.ltuut•ut .i u , :, , •:g0• , lerrLtt,who at tat ototol. 01.0.10r . t0 tot rite prldirrei, Ulktl will run.les 1..1, Too., 01.1.JUIS that uLeW t.ri.il =1 MM= 0.... uoll Onown to tooler, uo.ILAIOWn to of V. iltluzo Nl.Cree todolog, ac e,aetly cur MEE 0: Alilernutn r t traitt'” ho ut r . oil a t ...tz..a ta p.t.,lug a °aut., tart . in 11.,Eimi I art tux,' .11 I - rtu county. Thu cit. tau,— i.: t“.. cu. , arra brollolt nut 11..5i .11 1/.0 VIM t.el Nett., Court. al.out a putt a,u tt: a yott..:: 111.t11 Int 1in..1 1%11,,f1i Hart., trout • Wa•tallighttt county, a I. 01.. 11,1,1110 . 4, ant: M . Crtrery, 1.. tlaur In -I :It,. li. 111.111., : :t , 1.er01111 . 1,11124,111ett 41111 ti1..111 In [hi. ,IlitV:11W . ht/,1t1 . 61.4,11114 ,•,,, /nNt ~,, /nni,... , It 0,,,,i 1..... tr put I.te. t•• 1 tt•ra rau - utt: It:- ..: at, in ord., It. grl. 1,, 1..., ~t l!“ . , NAYr. • l:t”l!ng a , O :` , ,t' ... II :t .. 1 / 1 41n:tn.: ling. an.: it t 01141.:..11114f. :t1410::t of noutry At ha. t lla y h... 1 01.1. ut0..,1 1111. 1, 1t 31. It Inipeitr. hil.a.t. Mrslthk -, .., Nun isl..•••:t ea (.:1 I' 1I ln ..: . .T. eh t..; liar!, . Li, at au :ataut. Ito ottkar Ila•a osa, al“, 1110,n und t un In co l i ,- a.. r v.auar.t s'osi hi,. Its u.K.,1 0.00, SllSslall s clutui , ..l pr.,: a: 11.0, tuaa,tud .lul.l Thara , :ay cuncurn re...l.•nuu of 0 -1 ,a 1 au tnforrustaon ‘,ll 14:.1 1.0 halo ago , 11 7 • ; . 11 I r, 11 lor Prooprir:lor•blp liiii =I! I=l .1 11,1, 11, In.s of that t•f e art. =lllll 1111= ..“11I1rt tl,ly,tY. .uu,..:11.111t. $ - 1,1, 4)( t u ::1 (,‘• M r ad.. np , ut , ru u grtat vvolkali. inucblele,Ltit the ‘v turn out :II .1a:, 11,.k0 11,t,..e In ° rain , ry ntit,, , o,tatnea the ch,.3p. L.. .I. , 'up), I tlt•Alc, In Int!, for any a 111 I. promptly , 1- ..mm • ar, I:11,1 , 10111 nt tho T. I. t, Ili charg, I, 4111 tittli till ittt lllttt l itllll, l i tit :II !IA ! Very I tit° Illlttlitirtott. I'llo, tr., putitlt , In put, otlnge 111:11 , rto rnig. EBBE or niq:l nt - t, Goodi• Itreovere4. It 7710 anu of pill, y,kr4210 tni EA& t n. il:tk, efftt.rf...l bur flub, of rttlf.le, f.tolt n. f.us• I oft n uffin 1rf..f..7. 4: .111,41,ny !..froff, ff nun x.trtnnt unf. OI bV J ff..t leo uffou .fft of Mr. ”tzeff..of tht• dint .1 of the 1 011 urn. f:art loan.' in the I.•nt. by 31r.h.f.mos.ly, 1(1.1 filt ..ttf.e.f, u. fult,liff.; from April ...01111 .4, y 0110.7- . 4..vf.fil 1 . ., trial. \n••••• hettleal. MIME 1:4.1i 0.02 11,0 y Iprvlt.t, • Mr. 1..1111 Itto ;,:lb un•l 11‘ ta o f Olt I II 1/ , / Anna Itel 1,111.!, tufo:million before A.l. dettn.ta 011 barging th.orge 1%. ilehler, a al, making an a, , ,,,att aper, her, attihing Ite: In the tat e, htel t0.a..11,tt her. ,uthe Healer .ehe lat,hiattort, , wtore the lathe ta.k.tls- IA ate, ettarghl,t ll..tnehe Hewett 01111 IV.- .." . 1111 I , ' mho st t a e h Imo With a poker. The [lris are "heard. at ul:oli etreet, and the. )ohog ulna 111,1 V.I. 1.41110 ta How the coon 11) to ',tend 0 few ilayo 11l 10100, when he het late the ut. talent Ml.llll was oelnye.l heyolet ht. appolatetl ttate. .ht It I,..e.rtatt 11,,tertlay till' 1,401 'were Avt. t hp the tlelth.t.tut, 111 eaea payiti,„; tilt - Real 11:•olate has lags Hank. We publish I our sett:ern-leg enlistees a •tatement of the heal I: strap envingr Insti tution of tills city, oiliest No. t. 3 Fourth s.t rect. Thrro are few more reliable :wet trtpttrerthy beta:leg tet.litutioni In this lump, tool a glance at the tlspires , will nattily the :nest &petit rut of the Suet. t . pots small Or large itepostts thterest will be allowed Mid VII , I Itellll-IMULIAIIy. built institutions. re orientated to r' rugs irelestry 11.1 are their euestenee In st 140cl:tag coni go unity 111, ours. proves MI 1110:1.1‘,/13• 1.1 beurtit.. CLI.,IIIIIY reeilllllllella them 10 the rounds:hest Of the busluess rout. l'ontailllco Rubber. F. Dupre, kpeehil hiteLt of the rontollive ilepnriment, rind ntlleer Fowler, of Amok ['neon, isrrlVl'il In the City yonterday, hoes enntody Chnries fY lllhohn ohns Woo, ter, , •harg. , .: with rob:dug the rostotlico at Look haven, kliors time sines, :MI C ‘llill4 , i Li) tile Cillltoll hill for trial. The Icel Of their vinit to Uric Oily was to °titan, diolge MeLiniellen, no order Of reinov ni, the Clinlllll Jail hot being einedderint noilloiontiv secure. 'Flo, order wan grouted and Itoo le...coned will ilkely he tried at the ennitinis lerin Of Ulu United States Court to thin city. I=! The eme.of the Commonwealth vs. John U. Itimuihly,convleteil of libel, a. citilinper i Jr., Let. , prosecutor, tame up for touchier. nth. In the hatter eesslons Court. hector tiny, in the illspo.ltion of the tuoilon for a lipw trial. The motion ens briefly argued titr. .cwartaeliliir, t el for ilefonillint, the only tOlr,tiOil colict iered using whether the UlllOl.ll/1011l of the Inalctment at the t MI was tower. the imitter In Perim( tieing tit a very into erhil character. J nage Stowe tried the and will decide upon the motion.. I= By f:turfing to our tolverttolug uolutous, IL will Lot .ren that the well auoa II brut of Munlork .t Putman, doing bumbles& Uf No. :2 En th 3Lrecl, bumu ills3olyed by mutu al Consent. Mr. Murdock rutirow nod Mr. ,M.l.theyr [louse taken Lis pinta , us one of (ho brio. Mo..r. Putnam mud lloubo will continuo to kvet. n Orel c 10.4 , lock of ion. th,0,...., t 0d ) oath', furulsUltur good., whirr.- limy offer to (to public at ouatern priced. (1 0 carer tally r octunaturud till, now Itrai 10 thu putrouage 01 OLIO random 111 tabu ny Ilahricr7.-31c. Catnehu, ru- Il,ting near Canonknurgth to Waqhinaton eon nt y, clone Into the cite an Thnr.dan and w hoe wala In tip bug nekno Way, cheat nine teelock in tin evenlnz. Waa knocked down by some man at the earner .1 Ilarkow, alley. kin wt., ktruea watt a "handy billy" 4,11 k leaked konsele.o. On Me. Conalluk dnwovered that all mo,ay, ntnountlng to one tannin...l and sixteen dollar+Ws, Int...hot. ]lent nt the looney waked tho denomination of flVe't ten'k and wan atoned cornet iNatht bank,. No clue to the roblre,' t.h-J hue. did coYettkb - 1.r.0 Suctioo Cal.. or Haul. and gratnd Ileretaptory salu of boots, :Thocn und 110 held at A. Leg got., ..tuct tan /low,. lio Fipleral ,trect. A11,411,1/y, usttur.lay) atermv.. At a 'llll. alli to all eXcnedlnply at tructivr embruclug nearly every vall ew of Yr.u.nunhlc bticwi anti tinitrarr, all for warded for pewit No naJe. Tip-top bugalue mar tm, vzpucte4l, PRICE THREE CENTS Akan:ill snol Itatfary Wlrh:llnts.rst Is 111.—.1p111 Huss made Information yester day before kl , torinan Donaldson, charging Inackstone with assault. and battery with Inte n t to kill. Hess tribes an express wagon, and In the eours ,, or the day was driving through the Diamond. when. 11, he says, a dog came out Irmo Jones' barber shop and tun at his horse. The borne either kicked or tramped Mtn, at all eyents, be :rent yelping Into the house, whereupon Mackstoms fln employed In th e shop. mime out and a..ske , l why he had struck lice deg. /less explained, and Illatiks,one, fill /Oleg,. without any fartlmr ceremony, made tin assault upon him with boulders and briekbdts. Delendant was arrested, and gavo bail for a bearing next Tuesday. Crona Sollo fur Aassnit and Itallery. —John Bailer 1111112 Information ye.terilny honor/3 Ala...rm. Traylor, chrarglng tleOrge Penning! on n owl hni.tery. lie allege, that Penn :In/lon at tracked 1113:1, In tbetinht n merloll4 11011011 on In. nub ae.,nell Ily Pennington mane n slonlar , burg., ngainat butler. alleging that liutioi einnti 1011, the iron City 1111111, In the 'lllllll ward, of which Ile proprietor, 511,1 0011..1 in :en oat ~ gnu:, and tli.orduily Ile thereupon I jectell 2,1121, when he rattle tel ug7.l, 1,11 - 0,1 .1 VI/trance und Luhl v.ol.•nt lipon 41 111. pu/i.le.. wore hel.i to hail tor hearing this morning. 11.nrceny —Mnanmd prrq.rmt,r ot a pa v. u-hrn shim at tho corm, ol sad , thaltheol :streets, znatle to mn yesterday hmtrre Aldert...th :strain 0,n:„ .I.vmtton, vloarhlior her arttli y. Proser nt or ailevtes that tits:se . it gold rho; ruled ati math delivrs, one phraogruldi 011.0 as v-lued at hve dollars, Moe handkerchief.. wmth 'even dollars and elthh toal t.ther minor Lia:o9 were ittolen defeadant trout 1110 shop, at V. 111.11 Llmn It m WI formation aas horde, L.,t rho eteshl not b. found. Imfandaut a a.a rareut -0-i hold for 0 hearing. A Pied ensin.—As a lit Inn rerneibberinl thu body of an unknown woman was fonnil float ' lug In the ~n In river, near dii the early sil tor A tag. the body has:di:do been lib:rattled us That Of the wife 0fJ01.., inrauss, living on Mein street. Athicheny. Mr. Krauss states that. Ina wile left her no.do to Lawrenceville In .1 oluary tent WM. her two eldblren, to make a visit to n4llllO fi Solids In Allegheny, unil it it supliosed that :hey attempt,' to amass on the Ice and fell Into hole nothing had lawnlaiurd of th em sine, Tuls Is Indeed a /eel case. Larceny an Mallec.—John At. I:oluirtw made information helore Alderman Lind nay, WeiliiviwlaY, Charging GliarOol Vat ter-iin with larceny les bailee. The prose cutor in Its information charged the defeat tiant ni tit cc/net:ling eight dollars Jo seph due Ills prosecutor for In pair of hoot, and that It had foaled to hand over the beini.y to lila:. At the time unwonted for the hem Slip, yesterday, the prosecutor failed to appnar and the ileleadant was Ws eusrgeil. A ISA 4 S•ULI:O , drtving .Inwts / . 11[11 Ni,rll.ty utt,:tnotal, thr [AO ' fr.rit N.Lcvle all, S , Ili/ barn. lirOlald Olt 111.":“ . t , treet.' , llll,: tto, occut,nuts the thr Tuala tt - mil,lnt,l "11 FITIC ,treet. It r..ZIU., ,1.1 ~II ur , l plu.11,1(11.•11: n: 1,41. In. wt . , ; flu' ti,-I,:tocc 0 1”Tonel,ystart.lers, th.W , , J,11; ,- .: and titlee party Wont on way rujolc.g. elew of the :wpm - etch of the oirwl eeotarge, ebelerst, ever,:botly elloold pay eep, nl attention to hleuell he,.. 11, I,:alt 1 uh. I. Int: prevynl2,l ol the 1"r. 0., No. to, Wuo,l ,tract. ree.ore, order, for pottinz p In 1122, , 1110, utl, 1011. I.f 1,10.101 n et, le land 1.211ern,2,1ei boot, re l.111:11,en ilo well to el, 0 011 . 0 0 all. to: import/int 0 no:ter not - he le - o•lu. :lye ot the deutli Of 1 , 1 noonoer ot The 1,0111,-. Flite I . l.ord,riviol4. art! taken Itny k:;3.1,o; ath, za the urt galltry unitWr..rl, curare of nod 'Market ,rrets, •-nironce Irons F.lOl. No L( •,50.• I.lic ea, cuts betty: photo -o,tAlue,t, x htlo [Lt. pr kra ure ch:trlreo any usury to si:tn...r city. Wr vnamend artist, ll Who aO 9 . 111,ncr.,.. , of then., relvtin or iiieLn,rn,rrt tnk,ir I.nrcen, l• Oct rna,lo information 'Fatt,lay, bet ce .11d,rnian Lul,ey, 11, ' l ,lO l ll l l is Will, charantannu with tnclarecny or a 0111,1 claw!, a go4l ica.ket At, ta, all vala•..l at ally Tao Lreuav 1 C,1.1 talt alace tae l varr.t. 1 . 1,4 c.narr.., aa. -lit .I•a'' , It:aaeavith• hatql't been 11.-arl nt ,100 e. I..trec try 4if Soft 01 rl - entlea.—Jolm ,000n,1 InH , to intorruut/011 e•tur.l.3v•l , ,Strr, F Islan ill the t4O name,l ~ ..mun, l •l•ol.7l,,lnti. with 11., halcily oh I, ui 1t 111 It ht, or hitt, oven 1, 041 , 111,g iola +14 . 41 - 4Th warrant OHS 1.,1/6,i fur tleir t•.. • Oblninl.2;4' lions,' .Id., Faire Pro tenver.-11a.,ntill TV...1 , , who Leept o hood 011 the corner of tin.l libido Information ye... tent., imiiinst litiitry 1.11( . .., charging him allII obi:tomb: boarbilit: limo her by lain' and frammlent ri. i pri. , .iiiitations. uutrant for itrri,t. Register,. Not, e , eo , —):l-ewhero trill be fonntl u ei/111.1: Itent,tert• notice,. fur tththetl Itx ny Ihe t.ftletent County. Itent.ttere ./o.rph 11. (tray. Persons linen:sten In the u, aunts of exeettleh, It 10r, gtothtllmo., find In IL much to Intert,l (nen, Allegheny !I.ltkrars Aamorlation.—A generjti meeting a 11l he la 1,1 at :he Lihritty Oil Illaelity evetung'. I, 7' , j.trelocl:, for Inv ..... AA' per.ons In mak., nOtninotiolls lilt 011ke, to ',rye dame; tbeen.uing year. A Sccretary. NO More Ikmaisl3 tan In nlntn 'Ward. —Tae tu.i ndelardnes4 on the Iloonty ltnn J. was !MIA LP) ...Alarm.. Butler yo,••• t 1.31 eltizet4 of Una N 1141,1 Win 10L he troubled I,rturf ter h Itti Payment of hard letunly tax. • ,%larre rottlt - Thema,' clocks., Athericen told forel.ro clue]. le Warble, ,trim n o and Oath et,ttags,at the writ known 4etv. try to re of lielthattan, the ..2 le. No. tat Filth atteet, at the uto3t rename eh', pile_, 1 . 1.0 rich, Wilted wl I r wares, and fancy goods ut greatly re luced tillers, nt Heineman, Meyson A ble,lleis fashionable watch, clock and Jew elry establishment, NO.g.lntth strum. A Splendid Stork of lewelryjust Olsen eil at sue establishment of Heineman. Mey noi :sentry's, Nn. Flllll street. Cul/ In Ft, all the latest and most fashionable styles Introduced. . The Young Mere. prayer meeting Will he held thin evening tit 3!.; o'clock, w brace Church, corner of I: runt and Webuter ktreeld. Alt tiro 1111,1tVli to attend. snager Smythe opens the Theatre to. with a stintiniJeent stock company. See the advertisement of the AOw'i.lCa4l• cult of Undo Thcatr.,l enterprise.' 111 nt Wee At tho Operrt llouau thit, utter noon.. Additional Local on Fourth Page. MEM 1 1 01.E-11AILE.—On Wt.tticsday trehlng, Xlay lit. at the 'bride'. reit 'ence. oa El.n street, Ettt*tttflf by the Rev. J. W. Wltheraroun. ItottEl:E IWI.E, of All• gheng City, Jr. , hii.ISAIIAII JANE HAILE. No c.trJa. Llle • , remns whose foun.alta far apart Th..Lr %rase, Larnd I.la one. Antl fandlr Tu.! tort u• h ,mnot llo.elk 50 their °tears horn.. tl • Map these hearts thus 101 l together. to Edets•t, t.uncts of lov*, erystal waters ucdtatorhed, • Itell,ct laze 1.14, •t.t.re. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALES. A EN. UNDERTAKER, No. 1(10 Fourth atrert, Plltaborgh, CFI of all Linda; CI:AM+. GLOVES. and ot err doaoription of Yuntral l'arulahlug liooda fornial.J. Itooccoopened dayand night. Bear. and Carriagt•a fornlthtd- Itgr.tamcs — llea. David X.ri, D. D., Bar, M. W. Jacob.. Mil.. Thom.. XII i/ i• 7 4 4.. • la. o.b H. Millar. Kao. G. RODGERS. ENDERT4.. q , • HAS AND ICIIIRPOALER, weeewor to the law Samuel H. ltragerr. No. 29 Ohio Street, three lans Twin Bearer, Allegheny City. Me- WS le, ILA°wood, 11014,0E1y, Walnut and how. Wood Imitation CoStns. at the lowest redurad• prlees. s *pea at all Laura, day tut night. Ilex rbe and , arrlages tozol.hai on abort 005111 and on most a awn rlde terror. ] T. WHITE & CO., INDER -•••• TAP( KIN AND k ALIIEH,, Manch.- Wood'a lion a i d eleinny. Con Rooms at N,,,,n,,tra !Avery kdabla, comer ntAtillnld and Chatuers 6tretds. feat. an/ Candaara for. UILLDALE CEMETERY.—The the lergest tuber. ban Vie of sepulchre, wyrent one. le thts coin. ty, sttnatol on New ortg4wn roll, Durnettlate• ty north of Allegheny. ror laatal lots. penults or tales, call at Cretrel Drag Store of (VIA .t CLANSY, Alltentky Cltz. ~~ - --~ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. o To DUNSEATH & CO.'S, ocr Q!..E OP THEIR 'VenetianCClock-. 4,k - k - . 4, Hclb - erect to your Dona, free of cWagii. G uaranteed, for One rear. WATCIIICS, CILIUM .!ND Sismnprziyl=l:l2". AT ATEELY ANALL PROFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wylie Si., 3d door from sth. JOILYSTON & SCOTT, Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., =I! 3Penaia. SO- Partleulra a an4 11 ttoutlon Alyea to Eanalrlog Vitmott. J. 1.7. All of tr at- W ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1. rt.INTO, Jon,'" NI. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! if:relates& Drainkule Event In ttni Me tory of Elttubtaritts! xnanag gratleed In annoy° , n., to tn. Inver, of ...inn In Ono < l l7, or , hnlr la, lug lensed Ild, MOST MAGMIIICEriI . TEMPI, • For tio:ourrn.o 01 yr,el.llinle. to the rootteom pintoanden,rteuta..nunr, the 114hest Opler or The Leal,lahate Dram.. And first-. It thestrl. al attractions. srttlell they nr‘nChitto Flo tly the unequalled facilities nhn:t. ILO, BEAUTIFUL AND COMMODIOUS ESTABLISHMENT For :Ls: wm.l as the most fitting and CR.Ctil) INAUGURATION. Math most de ,Ir able Object, timp bare preen from Mr. O. D. Hess, (To whom re Is luta, eutrageauent far a tour of the We,.l the service, tor iitulted Lumber of nightu. or the publicly e , teelbett sootiest., 'sestrle• etioisrt, a p rid ltllasstrupist, and the great Anaattan Unequalled Bhalcsperlan Actor, MR. ItMES E. MURDOCH, M.INnLY IiCVEN/ DEO, May MD, will mak r Ms First. Appearance glare to Eight Years. • During h time he has galuesi meets et his mt uus lab u tame. Mr Murdoch sar II appear EIVIObt, or Lie most artistie Impersonatleas sot wall fiber eupperluti by the • • FINEST COMIINATION OF ORIMATIC TALENT Evre: rte.:elite:l to this oforpooltr, etebrachte tot- 010, ••eserNe.fly p• ar of the late Naos gur Herra• Houae • Compay. •trengthbottl If other , or .t i , putatiost. itr. u roo . htorcreaed by °hoof the ::: •t.r cilrr tun: Or AM rt.- n.te a l ...rir..A.e.F. fur six nights lu arlranco nth rntunlence. on TLI IJY.tI UAMORNINU. o n o'oloq.. at Mollor's Music bcose. No..i Wood .trent• GE= Fal,lv Circle . - . 20 cent. Itn.s. 11 . 0e•u.: l'arquette.W.thabil on 50 •• • 1 14..6171,4, awl ranoetta, roomed 75 • • , iJrcht..tra Limlrii ....... ...... -.. 5L.00.1 PILMBR & ARE RECEIVING DAILY Immense Spring. Stock of 13=I BOOTS, SHOES, Bflmorals, Gaiters & Slippers, LADIE?., GENTS, UNSER AND CHILDREN CARPETS, DOMESTIC DRY CORDS, HOSIERY, 'Mc> c•ri Mlr..irtaso GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, ♦S MILELLAND'S ENORIOI, 55 & 57 N•XX.W3FX ISTMIL3BIO•S'. CLOSB & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers COR. PENN AND WAYNE ATV o Latiat styles of TMINITUILE consto2ll7 NOUN PECK, ORNAMENTAL HAM WORKER AND PC173 , 131E4, spa Vonrth strset. one door from Wood. Pittaborgh. Always on hand • genernlmown:smut of Lae dies• this, handl, - ton, tlantlent.stra Topes, &Alps. thsard Chains, Braholota. Am A good Price I. cash Will CO Elven for Ito. Hair. ,etlnemen's Italr-entlang dons In the ortttatot mannr. thh2l:vil 111 E C ELCP EST. 'lle 'Amplest, Tb. Best 1 EWING MACHINE, I, WHEELER a WILSON'S; WAYILANTZSI rn¢Z>f YL.S. SaLltesoola ten 27 TIMM STREET, JOSEPII MEYER & 1503, Manufacturers of 5 117 1 . 1.1VX , X97.1‘..13. Nod. 133 SMIT4FIZLD 15211/11T,•sika BAHGALNS IN SEWINC MACHINES. Er. snubthe, tutdbat's. Abort time, far We. WII. 131711217.11 • 0U.., lrlfth atrat.t. e Ine• `Olt SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT, "B L 4 Irallnichaal, la BOX MI. BIICUANAB P.O .r._ i7l CLIE.I.PENT PLACE IN TICE CITY to bay the TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT erica= rsarzio PITCH-30 bble. N. C. In Horse for talo low to close ronrirrnruest, M 34 LILLAII LUCKJU CO, II OE=
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