:01-1. - JR,, lee d Broker, Banker an corner of Fifth. 118 Wood St., nem Government Bonds Ail descriptions of ral terma• lE7,o:Lange gold topght and Bold on II London and COnUn at. NOW 'York rat. nr, bought at high oftg Domed on Nov Gold, Savor and Co!" eat rate.. ,O 1 (101 , 1 D ALL SIZES 1, 1 3-10 BONDS Converted into 5-20'5,1865, BONDS DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, Cor. Fourth 5. Wood Fitreets. . TO HOLDERS OF 7-30'S, Having mole , weelsl arrangement. veltn tarp Cools -co dr Our eorre.pondenta. W. are prepared to convert I_. 't Into of ISM. rellbout charge. Bond■ on Frond for Dellvery. IRA 11 McYAY & CO., M3a,3:11..03• 29 . CORNER FOURTH AND SMITUFTELD STS SELL YOUR 7-30's BUY 5-20'S. toltw. a SEVEN THIRTIES wfll ilnd an ad. vaningo of OVER OE ONE FEU CENT. by convening on this Tann. , IBA B. McVAY bz. CO., ll= DOE. 4TE & SMITHFIELD STREETS. .u2.1:77 FINANCE AND TRADE. OPTICS OP TUB T PIP - PAPP POP IiAZOTTP, HUY 2. The New York lIVPSDAV. stock quotatiOna to - day. e reported by Ph. It. Mertz, were as follows (told, Eighty-sue bonds, libt,R Five Twenties, 1,62, lutiAt Five Twenties, 1,4, 10.1!.:; Five Twenties, 1,65, 105 N; Consols, ISO:, 107!;; Seven Thirties, /MY.: Ten Fortieth 95.1 i: Cleveland burgh Railroad, 71L,; Fort Wayne & Chti cogs, 4534; Erie, RP,i; Chicago and North Western, 34t ; Chicago and North Western nrefrd,UlChicalso-and Rock liland. ,, y; NOW York Central, 1411: Reading, lat';,; Co., banktra, cot I streets, dealers in ~ quote the 0 - 01 no In 5 `4 , •tt 1 6,- 2 . I 4 V. S.. Ten-Fortles U. S. Consols 1555 Soye.ll-thlrtit , ; Juno . . • July Dee., Compounds, 15,;4 Heavy disbur , ements the Treasury had their effect on gold to-day; the market declined from 33: to but again ad vanced to Iv; I.srge amounts of gold sold short at higher rules. *Dinh are cov ered at each decline. keep up the demand; 'otherwiao the y gold market would go lower on Its own menu. . _ . • Government securities are not quite no firm m yesterilay,and live-Twenties, inter- eat dim Ray lot, are not in demand, lance those of 11 , 11 censols,atv relatively cheaper. 'Railroad shares have decimtel about One percent., with the exception of Fort Wayne which is firm at 95 , with a tinotherGG, e° - ire to par before June 19th. Erie in heavily overontel, and North wentern preferrol, likewise, and It is rumored there will be some twisting before long. Northwestern : Common Is string, also, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. The tone of the stock market Is I very firm, and low rates of money enables parties Cavalry steel., and lavo, on ad- I, vance,and we should not be eurprised to see January prices rule again at the :stock En change. • Stoney 10 tusler,but lenders are careful. ' Should. Government securities decline a lit tla,baays sums would be invented again, but at present prices money a mad not bring alx per cent. —lt Is elated that the reg.ar monthly statement of the public debt for the mouth of April,wlll exhibit a red °cline Su the debt totha extent of between IG,Cso,the and sO.- 000,000. The receipts from Customs and Internal ltuVeStle entirCei during the month amount to about 42-ttee,tee; ode-half of which, being for Customs, is in eoin. Tile balance In the Treasury In coin is about SIOe.UOO,OOS, with or more of gold certificates on deposit. —lt is annotate , ' that the three per cent. temporary loan continentns unthorized by the last Congress, in redemption of cot. pointed interest notes, will be ready for die livery by the end of May, when they will be Issued through the • callee of the Ars6taut Treashrer at New York. —The receipts Into the Veit. states Treasury from June li°7. to April 13,1547, . were—tram Internal •revenue #2l.s,arf,osk and from °Unto., i137,75.5i VII, etelne age gro f ffao of 4y;3,139,410, In the COI reepunalne period Of the previous near the Intern. revenVe receipts wereiT6,ll•Zeou, and those - !rem customs allis,9,:ethisie, being nn aggre gate of 6,395.265.1eu. chewing Ii decrease Of $1. 4 ,10.000. Within the current fiscal year two revisions of the tax law letve been ' Made and carried into caned, with the press intention n 1 reducing the revenue kfie,ooo.oll-350,001,CO) be In g the a, est.:Elated re duction by the act of July, ise stet Selo te, LIXI by the act. el March barf. Tile income for the year IW, collectable In klay and June, will, rat e.0.m.., of these reduc tions. not meth exceed 450,1ec1,t0l against talODUoilai collected last year tor the be-I mes of 16,71, and Seaeou.to , collected in innO, r the business of In:1..1, tile prob . stalltles are that the collections from in .••lmal coronae will be omen leas then above —Nee weekl statement of avegages of w York y banks Is couslilered • highly °cable, and does so mach towards kW stock prices an do [Helen:l{le report; knrope. The nett tiers, its ter steed 1,065. 'file legal-tenders Increased V,- The loans on this seowlng ih ed but 4175,4:0. The.° 'newton.. In• i ° s that the rain of curredey Is now fly front the interior to tile •letheard and, together with the New ' lance In the Sub -Treitenrletl at New - Toston and Ith ilauelph la, for the last .4'l. Or more, Iney ise taken us the • " nof thd rent:lion awn the depresbed f sling that been very generally /Sc . ertOed tee being...et et ot Franco and Press. weekmpon : g en with the present has been duel- R.,aret a cheerfulness more in consonance With the season fteenta likely to Continue. On the growing accumulation chow u by the bank statement, the lane. at bank beet, set yet gone up in proportion, tier Is Ihe =tea for money eta as reduce:a retie. of 111 terest snch 00 to lead to the eXpeetallOn Of an immediate increase. it a+ probable. how ever, that, the up w and tore In specula: lon co the Mock Stock Exchange, utter a late longed and undue depression, may l ate larger employment for money by the brokera as the season telVenves. ristasseloll 'totters to New York IPlTelearap`o to the Pittsburgh tlsstte : Slaw teen, May 2.-3ioney is rather Inure active but easy, at sip; percent, Miscount easy, at 6 , A11/7. Gold opened. "tower and closed strong, at ~..• • G terionenta opened. less active but steady, except for 5-ti coupons or ,Litools.t. which were lower and cloned firmer, with s resstional im. prevenient in aline nod, nee, The Analog prleaS were: Itenletereil 'sl.lltitso tut : 1 ( 4?Ilr J d u ' ly ,j aa. l .1 itne, registered, 10 hi 7 coupon, iti,Ltr * , August 7.3041, Juan The Treasurer today at.! out l . $l,OOOOOO 1.14 In ter test on 5...A1 t he cue. eminent Is &free seller of new bonds anal a liberal purchaser of 7-31 notes. The rs. duction for this month' will he equal to 04,000, 000 on 7.30 notes, and SOMA.) on com pound notes. The railway ruaruct opensti stronger but 'midi - metier, and continued to STOW Itrtunens nritil the last open hoard, when the market was lower, but subse quently became firm. The cloning prices, LS reported by Wm. Heath .t co., at were: Ameritan • C oll, 13:,'501:1 1 ;;;; 1)1110 Cetrttfleates, Vier Can ton, It art M.:: Quick silver.' 'O.:sir:Jß:: Mariposa preferred, sand" told;, Western Union Telegraph, 41.10 i New York Central, llndson,lteatling, 3tainimin Southern, Gsi.“ Central, Pittsburgh, 7 1,447 . 2, Toledo 1113.t . 1113 Hock 80-Xo.”?,it Sorth ' westerti .0.4 4 4 do preferred, ..15 , ,:iii; 1 7. 0,1 ' Bs7°e • 51 , 1.0913,1; ratline Mall, l/Sai . Y.. 1' !:. Atiuritk% YUPIS . • Itore i er State bonds Seto; 31lsnourru. 93 !; Tennessee's,new, 6.2 .ak'zi....• Coal u nit cellaneous ltittres without special feature. Mining shares quiet; 'Columbia, 1 20; Mob . " tam" 4t;GregotT. ts:a; Quartz HILL re(.. .les, 63; New York Central, 17. - JAM D4LZELL & SON,'' 69 and 70 Water Street, LA .1) OIL MANUFACTURERS, And dealers in CRUDE, LUBRICATDDi and CARBON I.llLd. - We warrant our No. 1 Lard Oil equ nd al to the best Otralanatl , or other brands. a propose to sell as low as(lnelnnatl or Chicano rates. Onr No. 7. Lard WI as a Lubricator cannot be excelled. Dunk Creek Lubricating and standard brands of Carbon MI constantly on 1..1,1. Merchanta tort rnanufartur• s.lll End It to their Interest tt ,dee es a call before ordering Lard Olt front the Wnst. foio.9+ MI PITCMBUILIIiLI a:tartar:Tx Orates Or :Ufa PlrTeeanoa GAZerre, Tar..Ay. May 2, 1.0;7. • The general Markets present no new features worthy of special notice; A tele gram from Chicago announces another ad anee In, Flour "with morn buyers that set ler o," and It LS but reaSonable to ;appose that this advance there, if Sustaine.l. will have a corresponding influence here. In other articles there Is no material change, and our I tnerutrntsorenerally,arc complain ing of dullness. GILOCEILIES-SThe market is . thiele weaker 'in the emit, 1n consequence of the decline in gob!, lint, as yet, prices here have undergone no material change. Ills coffee Is quoted at 230. to •...sc for fair to choice. Sugars-14 for New Orleans; ll', to 13 , ..0 for Cuba; 13 to tic for Porto Ilicri; for sugar Mouse; lii to for Crushed; 134. C for "A" Coffee; I It.ic for "II." and 11,4 to 14!4e for "C." Molasses, ilSti to II for New Orleans; l'orto Illco, r.O to .oe. and ;LI to 73e stir Cuba. 11iee.1 0 14 tulle for Rangoon, and 1 to Pic for Carolina. ti It AIN —W heat, to use a common phrase, Is 2played out"—no sue.): in this market. COrla firm, with aside• mend but trochee eed ; sale of 3 ears prim. Shelled at 4110. Oats gal e$ and,1 any ue quoted at ek, to t% 2c, and the tie ind advance for smell iota In store. Rye Is In demand at 41/s , . Sale of 270 bushels fair Spring Barley at VAS. —Since the above a as put In type, we have the addltional snt4, reported! ours Shelled Cornet sl,a, lu, r bush. at ma• vator, on private termi; 00 ;bush, in isles atm, on private terms: It cars 10 .t.;:,• 175 sacks do at tile, on track, and car live at Op. 11.4..CIL—As already noted, ssivanevil in Chicago toslay, but, as 001, prices re main UnnhArtged here. We tonttwto to quote at $14,50 to 415 for good to choice Wheat; $l5 , Asling for Winter W heat, and $lO to $l9 for fancy ' brands. Ilye Flour Is firm at 40.30. 114.0V1510N5-11acOn Is quiet and no. changed at :04 to 10c for Shoulders: 1113 ri.R, for Ribbed and Clear Stiles; 14 for Piaui Mates; 15r7 to 17:1-ic tor Plain Sugar tented. and 16 , 4 tit for Bane... Ned. Dried I: .rr . ate. Lang, 130 to Psi, and Mess Pork, ILI to 433 4t per barrel. IiCITER—Was eery dull roster, the sup ply being considerably it. exec-. ot tile e mand. prit es are barer) . ra,nlalned -2.1 to Joe, Ire rtOod to taro.. freell 1:011. tr(US—lrtrll, with an nver-stocke4l mar -1 hut, bur prlerai arc allehallged.ls to POTATOES—SaIes ort wharf or 50 hugs .. 11.11Ita at 75c per limb. and 'AI) il l'Ms cows man NeShannordes (0 per rme Peach Blow'. are eclllarr to store, at ti Per bbl. and Buck eV d at ALA: to gr. tiILEEN APPLEs—DuII and unchanged— the supply of prime Apples 14 light. N e continue to forge at L. per I, W. Ititl.lo FRUIT—Cout Mum, dell but un changed. Apples may be gaoled at cc to 2c. rod Pismilles at 14e to 100, for quartets and halves. SALT—Is quoted at $l,lO by the car loud -42,50, oclivereil, and t: e.O, in store. SEEDS—There Is little or no inq niry for eloverseed. Flaxseed is in good demand at al, while P ri m e dul. at same Mame. irAy—l:,,l to terlell iS se:l.g In at store at $l 5 to . Per 1 ..- 011—Lard ...el Is et 111 quoted Mite cents for No. 2, and 31,10 (or No. 1. CENTBAL LIVE,h/rOCK SIAIIKET Orrici or THE rtrritzenr la . G rra, TIIVI,DAV. ?y 2, The transactions in cattle have again been remarkably light this week, and the remum to be assigned therefor is, scarcity. Toslay the pens are nearly all empty, not over the or ex car loads being en sale, and with no supply from which to make selections,inist ern but ern are compelled to go Lome empty handed, unless they buy !logo or Sheep, and tonic of them — are doing titter There is a very good demand for all grades of cattle, part :cut:Lily goal tot steers. able for retelling In the eastern markers, add for this class of stock extreum prices could vastly be re:Utica, say s tot -, and extra MAY b. quoted Tiles:, are extreme prices, but the kind vi cattle Just referred to are in very Ittelte , l sklepty, and there and has been all weel., a lair at 'tend:ince or buyers. The throngh ehip merits east have been 01.00, as lurking usual, onc•ltundr.l and tail hoeing been shipped ou Monday alone, the number of cattle offered for relent these yards is.:lnd Wxs been toe week.: pact, gx- I and may be fairly woo.: at St to 7 rte, aslo .to.tltty soil cotbIltIon.1..1:0o .- tog cane the ..“14.- for the 5, Hodges S. Taylor to Barn., .0 //cad Cicero, averagi n g tit .u 4 tairish rattle, avornoin • 11,,, ...obi to Wty.t1,..11 0rr..11.1t t.o. betot Illtnoii,terrt., averaging 1.04 111 Of . • • ' to `,totth, gclgtln3f . s,::3, fool sold • 2 Ruud to sufuu t,n3 or, fug 31,150, ut sumo I frlet. Couiz. r ~ o to Loud to Todd, tool ,aizor :fold lusfur. ISYEr. The arrivals herb:l4.yr boim unn,enirly larg o ti n t., %seek. bat a: ll a g0....1 atten,t mica of eastern buyer, the rret. ba, 1....ett stew:). met. the. far, prb noir +err • , tainetr. .1. a to, seen try ref-retice to the • sale... priers for gnu"! to ea fat or,tr. , r. • sheen ranged from to ant fair 1.1 goon sol.l as from nto C.., irrn-a. There IA " but eoMparattv cry little a itfcr encr weeo • eltpordbml wool sheep, Cu no Case ,bers ' • • • ^ ,• 00.! colic per P"" ' k"' • Bork meats wort, sn „ tbir ' •r- ••'. buyers seem to prefer the. Toronto. Smith & T. to /Lams . - nem nr, • for Contr. Itiebardion to . 4... •.. , .11 annion to Polar - ink tieskett to :Maybe. , if sere & Needy to Moss.. 132 ".• Contimu to lis-e I , r; f• Coebraos to Ho" , fo •• Crawford & Co. to Wort,. lit Itairts to soul . bat 77 itobison to Crurn 1;" ' • Kelly &Co. to Phiera•is k'nl call to Saul Hawkins to Mayrms Weaver to Mayors , Morgan to Saul I trratien to Mayors The market for the e11t..4 of sfewk hat un dergone but little change oncere port, though. if anything', price'. urea chain lower. rhlllidelphla liOtpi tan,' be tonged at 7 1, ., to 7ILI, for lag to Prime heavy over age, New York llogf unit all the vat' front 13'. , 7 to 7. The urriruin luring the week have been lair. and the oupply kept up with the demand. Given to Singer 1 Imhof. Ott do f id Tucker .0 I_, to singer—. 13 X/ Wittily to Singer 1. 1.... li t ~, 75 I,affertv to -inner 1 I ... 1 , 0 cio -e 'milli .e P. to Sinker .V I. ;17 1, - :II eritchtleld to Binger 1. I.oe 1:111 - i ii Ed dy to Singer 1 1 0, ty.l to Ilarnem to Striker A. I Al 21 ,, "to Milligan to Singer .0 1.... Al 170 r 7.5 Allerton to Anger 11.... 100 ...03.1 3 Allerton to singer 1 1••• • P. , l'i: 70 Vanoutrum to Key, ...... P. .3:et 0, 14mi, to Keys.....lb }o ward. to Key; II! ho 0, Ilarnvn to 1,,V.1 11 - 1 I'' 40 Ulcer to Gliehretet ..Y. Co - .. It, 3:::, -7, A ilerton to tillchretut .... 'Ad Wlnebell to Glicer.et... 10) het - ;AI Lafferty to Crouse .0, Co .. 111 1, tto O'Connor to CI - 0114e.. ..... 111 I`.ll 7 'Xi .70IIIISIMI to CIOII3C ...... .Xn ...,,,, 7 ';, ileyl to Cron. SI 1, eto Orr to Grote, 07 140 it 75 Allertou to Crone r4C7u 7 7.) Lutferty to Cron,' './. ...,:i littlgum to Crouse . . ,r, -i5 OAn Ontek to Ernut: ...... .. , 1 . 2 A 'Sil ,b! Tahor to Orr 7A 170 1; 0, Kirk tolOrr 7l 1711 ..-. 31alra LO Orr 170 Coehroo to Orr 1.4) 7 00 Matkof to Orr JUI 170 Voter to Orr. IY. lIU a L.l PITTSBURGH rtrito E HARR ET .0771 PE OP Till rIPTIMMMU GAZETTP, TIILMADA V. hlay 1,67. i Citi'LlE—The market confinees dull and unchanged—hut two sales reported, 1.1. i on the i.pot, at C s l.,'; and cno thousand barrels, tit he ileilvereil any thou within the next twelve ntOntlts, buyers option, on pri vate WPM, WWI continue , : MI ftkvornble reports (ruin tee East and Europe, opera tore, generally, look for still lower prices, though there are thirst who believe that the bottom has been touched. and that no Cur. ther decline of ary Importance will occur, COMO what wilt . Front all that we tan learn. there are but few buyers at 011 City for this market, and until the Nice lets down there or Improves here. the OMMII.II . is not likely to be Increassid, as OA present flgtirea there In Ito peolit C,, the crude dealer, and they are Clot a elas4 IA men that care iihnet Forking for nothing - . REEINEII—Tbe operations In bonded oil were somewhat larger, In the icorregatc , than usual, but iirlecs :ire no bettor, and the market 14 weak and unsettled. We /lave /mica of :OA/ Standard white, for v.p. temlier,and iSO for October, both in 3,, de livered in Philadelphia: logifor september; for llcLbbur , and poi for Sol,llll,er, all at 23 1 4 0 , on is here; :ou tor all the year, buyer's option, at :Pre. lit itelptila, and a “call" t ar two live hominid barrel lets , all the yeti, I. l li on private terms. Free oil Is dell and unchanged. Alt lilt' arrivals roported to.day, witch, we pre,l3le, WWI owing to Ulu river `icing to hien to run oil with safety Chteat:" Cattle Market. beera ~ Thu rtivellitc of are i.,Athctoulall at Ulu tin lon Streik Yard, prte .„ Entered ealec 619 head, at eh „., . re ircluir tram vw,e,lt Int Abu kc c7O for e , , and fl 7,311.54 , extra ebnleeP b""'"'• "" nonry heat fed by 111150, of „ einem ., T h ziolil at CI, tI. WIIIX6II 6 The market accrual:it It,/ pOUlltlX. spurt In lot In l utruit”ilgr Thera Ir e o t ore thrnrry ecru nrx to ho e llllO uitirliet nearly 3 ,o )litial w ,',' tie, anti chipper% woubt eatc tart In vials sot to wnit with ill, lug them all at once. let ' "' L. ' 4 ilictribut ed. Amin ho evenly Milwaukee 21 •rk.TA 3lay lllßner:rtty, doutdo oxtra, 'Country do, .13,:.0611,121, Wheat u., r i.,; and nigher, .112,95 tor NO. 1, and %,. ; No. or 2. nata [lnn, for No. d 4 7o for No. 2. Corn advancing, lOC No, I, and sl,t.! for now abelleo. Noll Turk' Produut , Mari" I. 13,ie1e,,, to LI, tt, Ma." ware actlve, ; sal , of mol'lllnsf Ii 501.11 4: 2,4 I The door rte'elph, were 41,14 The max ket was :NO. better fold fairly active; sales of 11.1. n/ 1,1.14 tit $lO 1:,1.11.-'; 411pel Sta.t. 1. 41 was 6L eT lea 'western, 1 ehofee 00., *Link; flopping.' bramis of extrit ; ko. I market closed :Inn California flour sales Of tibia and sucks at el. saiil7 m. Roe flour 'eery It rim Tan 11115 tit it tiMis tincht.,Tifit and no receipts The wheat Mall: et te . 1.41.,1.1..tt, / .1 . 01.1 Y ac tive: -Ales of 11,11 io .I(.IJIC.,LEO„ 6'!kl tor straight: No.:1 kilt- wankee, tif Nu. Mils:il:el, ill 2:•,c 3hi w Caillortitaffi3:,filr -Michigan tool Leinfola. e th to, sale, ims. 'tet. fikol for Inlertor to prime western; tor Coils tree. Bar ivy hole:rum' very litml; kale , of ficso hush of state at f 1 75. , Toe ret 4, ail ots of corn were 3,7 hush. The notrket lA 1..0 , hotter. 14as more active; sale. 1 15,10 c 4,14 at 7;0 Too for h intern; l'sdraie for kills - loll:we; 14. 1 fur new 'info, soil -30 for 0151,4 nye, flirt .ttfil Utah, itottlef. refultl . has no ',heard change; , 11 . ,vmr.01109 )1“41.,,, .1 Jut. Petro. Is1o), lor :to& tie real', lo 1 Amil. hotel. more active anti 111 met 'Les' ul. Se.iet tor new Hiss, ClO-1114", rega l e", el.! ote , ; for Minim the latter torottos peel, tool 4 1 1,`1150: for pritto.'oll,. l heel Moo 'aloe of ire', 1,1, at previous oroes. Iteice beef 111 . 11 a; 1.44.4 1:01 tte., fm prime tr.s,.. ill'4 l .tt for 111.11 a lleiam steady; title." 116 Usk, to; :.,hiltn e etor Cast lairlsnil nut; 11;:(211 • '„c for short rilthisl; itll 1 Ions: ribbed no pr 'ate tett,. Cot :Iles, ...wail), pkgr, it for ahoulile,, tool 1 - hill/hie for Sums. L Ant stuffily und sal, PlO hi++, st I . • itee. Hotter ihol, at llllt lc for Woo. lnesse tiro, es olle. LATker P.N.-111nm a simile ['eller for tneittutu, will: is lair inquiry Wheat; elLirlsof and strong with an Up Wltrti Imillettey; :so splng k 0 I 02.,5,‘ '2,115. Rye vary 11 rut its 61,1,41,110 for sell. thirlt..) . 111111. Ost , act IN. nod tolvune , lag won weetelo Lore, 11,f en niorard teroletterfold slopping tolseo tern store, unit 41,1 f ittlys_; umiteru 61,areS leni •ut nowt. Pork steady at regol,r, u Mg with buyers at 1,4,, Out 5i11 , . , "ft regular. thief nom molly' tine hang. il. but Meat 3.110111111a1. 1:s'•oll 111 lo la .41e for tentibellefel, foal 11 t , :e for ~11. 1 rit.. Lard ttullat Inc for tell to 500111' steum. Cincinnati Starkttl. 4 By Telegraph t Plttsburg, tIIN,INNAI I, Mitt I.—Flour unit %Viten: (Iglu; un cll an;:. , to prleet, Corti buoyant tit 11‘.11,1.: No I 111..P.1. IP, 1.11.1 1, k $l,lll 1, ~m,.1 stgady at $.1,t0. Whlskeyltt t.0r.1. Cotton 4.10+x• , 1 watt , Itruter Itteltng it t he Itttrt. rtt tout Alt.lttlltttr true uttltt at t2.ittt. vont, g;Tletil 1141.1. Itt:tt,tl neat, tl tit, ruttttn. , in goo, tstantl 42 1 , ,, ,tttt all tt , I,,tt to to, otitittr tttgl. TANI tr- tit tletuttatt tot , ttott tt, utt ~t ! Itt,rolt, ,tir,•11,, , .1 , tt!tv br,11,1- 11,1 , 1 ut ,t•. tt.l-. Itttlt: Itat. nothing , ttuttt [ l, x•l l t'ttu , tt.t.vg Itetta large ~,tat. math• at ‘ an, tt.t• ttr„ tthottltt.tt, nut! , ttltt , ttt bulk, t-itt or. t Sid, 11.0,D •,11,1 AIEI , I 11t.1.1 tit Al:Atty. 4011.1 ut 1.:414 tru.)in4, attd tte•lllttg, tutt luotk Itttuts lit, tut LI, pUr ch.t, 1.,C14,..:141, 11.7111 . l'ltteago .11•eliet. Ite Tri• araph to tlo GA.., F. tn. A 0,0 ,1 1 ,1 wilt.A goo•tl demllol. - 11•. • •,g 1.: itt:4os; White ,c 41 , I heat - tint I ,4.1. t: lhe elott. bc11 , ....t..ttki, ••••••1 42,1u,52,7:, clo,,••• brto:11.; lore u.cOlv, ,tn ••: t.•• - •• • •.: oulet 61,1.11.% for No. I,and 11 1 : 1 : for N". heel A0..1 .i -1 1• 1 • 1 .1• • r, I ' lll-I + ,l •.3.1•••• of No t. it, I. ; , No t ta t . /01Wrr; Oat., of No. 10 tattle, 31 t : , j, • t . . PrOVIAL/1,1 doll but . ..Vitly. Mr 1 .1 at SI2.N, cn.••,.. , . 11.... 31entet. I,tatt t., t•n.f tlrtti ••• tin 1 I. Nutelwr ,tver, u1.0t,•.• I. ..r. ,t•tor o, to etp..,••• N..,•••p bruftly Attly” 4...1:1•4•.,71, =I NC, YullE, Mil:. ••• G.' ale coutzli..l“ Olor tar T:le:tuAl Al: a: uctly,•, to y lii . c10,,,1 out . Traa., i• pro‘` t.. At It,. uutl 17111 VCOLI urre r.• - ^.l 1,4;7. nv, of ur•• tr.L-1.1.e'•••••• e+ , ..4 • tl.re ir Ith .., NrD Norl. Dry liomf• MrarLet EY 1 , 4 era:, 04 . 4 11,44, a. II MOE of cot., priutv.ari• aL4.11 , Gc!1,-• I; to I= ~.. - MI I ~~ ,~ Mt. 1.4.11 , 6 SlarLnl 1,r1,0.!!!, 114 y . 1...!U0u !luf! I.rg.iti , ./.! dot!. ro.a ! but th e 111,41.1 t!:[l.!!!r... mot._ 4,11, !,,t 11,1 nim IrreWly il the . / .11.1 y I Ls!. .. _ 1..19 •. !! 1,. •1,11.6 . 1.1111 41 1 , 4!;1.1;' in .er:,tv. new., ..141,4%.1 cured 1,4 n! !!,,!.clavo at 141!!.“..y 1,.!!!!!-!!+•!. 1=1:1 117 Te1e,,.1. tt, Vitt May ; ~1,11-• v., ~ 1 1r. /24 w he! L !an non 1.1:c elnrn.n , l Ilu, ano tali, n from n 1.. r . . ply Is ::,1•0 It, t0c,,0.1..t , .811 c 'ly pro., 'IL, 1 . 31.1,1. C:ttlie nnt yo o,t—nit for Jor 0i4 . 11. Hog,. In reton Itt for onlinior to lirinrwes tOrn ti Tut , ..Q•niad *yin le.rD Loin••llb Unrkel. Mr ft: • ! Nlav o Ntrnlll4,l, Log, v.:l,u, 7:,• • , Sll,olflrw kin., 1 , 75,:7 `not. C' s r. - 03 0.1 1 1 , 1 : , f , it tLorfor lutik.ai,lc,l 7. forkun.l . r j"" •-• • lt,r+ e ILI" t tac Jvel triu•l ..01toll i it rhilndelphis 3lnrtiot.i I..Ard, I:Aw Whpl:y 'rel,rspli rn,,p•tre., PHILA.:Ir.., 31.ty L-1 . lour .tut.::. Not tl.- ww.tura extru, fl{ is ..x:•., u:utt . 4 1 ..1 , IVteut giul.tt and :11 - 111. 1 . .....1vut.u. F.,1, $1,3% CultWrlttn, 4.1.1 u. ILro 01,1, i 1...ru ts. gocut.tetnd; 0,1... tut. yell°, . 41. , LI"- 1 , ver ,t,..d dull, at 4-,trt per tut. ./... ....Its-rot , i;.(.(..) tut tU.t.:. I,gurut 1.,1,„ 51u1a,r..., ut 1 I•7c per gul. Wlatlitty unrtutt.gr..l. • ! I= By Telt.,zrAplL to,10+ 'for.uuo, .Ma)• 2..—Flour. firm. IVllre.t C.ryn and svlthout olvelded .•!,,trig.•,.,alv..!of 111, ut Ituft Corn net lye. 11.io 1,17 for No.l, nod 01,11'4'1.16 for .Nu. 11., Outlet, at 0f.{.7,u. Luke Ilelglan doll , n and hotutintl, Mi.ruplals Sixrtatt. By Trirgraph VJ the l'it!stasrgh ! Alempaso. Mt, —l:at , on aalta hat firmer: rat:ragas, 101 Nil,—, eTport,, 1. 4 4 , bales. Cara at /11, la 41 ,zsa that; none. Dar low grader In tin: tnarkpl, 1 - a(9 21. FlOar and (Aber market., taschuagua. tt Orleans Market. Ily TE.:e.grat,ll to the 19lt5hnntl: New 01:1.1,,, 2.—Cotton gvct but firm; 4,2 )(oil Irwleo low m1.1.111/1g At 11•1111."101): 11111,4; expo.:n 711 bal.,. ,114,11 . 11', - , for I ully lntr toprittie, notimoilly 1,1101,11' CLASS LOO :VG GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY• J. LYONS,', No. 110 Wood St., Plttsioirgh, Her ha n.l ata.i manur,tureg to ps FIN CST LE or 611. T. and WALNUT. 1:VAI. And nt,pITAI;F: 111Ititoit, I , ..WIRAIT and 1 . 11:11: eItANI co.taln rornlre, Hand+ and ltutt , .ni. Trll ,o d sod Itraci.ct 'raid.. of vayitaltt. .1...1,31 and wlf Inanablp. AND ItitlilLIALSO ..u.rntud i n the hlr l / I ,lll.Vie of thy arr. ag-riptAth NSUI/EItATE - - BUSINESS MAPON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Nos, 6 and Stit.ClairStreet. I= 13 00 a-H,erdag. Velma whip and Ar • • • thug, unlimited 410 00 Arithmetic and l'entnanehill per dul.rt, or Or., months Ventu.m.l:ll, War cac.u. Arrra, or n,f,Nwr' t. Y. Str..l./y %I A ?WI:AIL-11 barrels chow.. MAPLE pal remised sad fur sale by 111.1:Als & abib 17_1.44 f Wood siren t. PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. FULTON, BOLLMAN 8. CO., = O%KUYJ. TWIN ES, iti eierl Wll;Choufte, - 11 -1 d 115 Weslvr SI RIVER NEWS The river doting the t wenty-htur ton, ending last evening, rO,O between eight and nine feet : east wan still rt,tng with over , ustnen (net in the channel by the Allegheny Laurk9. At aneOrd• In:: to our latest itileteei theta: no-, eight tinil :1 telegram from Warren repo:l9 the Allegheny high, at that 1.0101111. in :L Idt9 been lit any tam. Oa , stirlag, 1:o1• 11±01115 1 there listen linen 'very heavy roans at the head wutel 9in the Allegheny. here, the a eat tivr il tvini cloudy anti cool t,eiderita), tool ton atn ovelllnk, there M ere 1111111 . , 150110 ravoinhle far more rain. Thornliven no urrlVitl, dt•partures undo trolls the regular 1,0 kte.. Tllll ILOi.M. Stool I.', troll .1111. 1,4 t•vonlng, ;111.1 ail 511M111 11104 1011011 in port t1:19 11/Lll,llllg. left ten MI lait noel:tog, .. 'line I . i 11,10 left , . lilt dqui ns 6 . with u iusderato trip. shot. as uhliged to link" lir, Pilot housu dot. n; mint hau s : it at nue side ot tile boat, so tt, 10 enable her to p .0.. under tut'llrl , lges. 1 lie lasretni, (row St. 1,0111, Itll.l tno hrn• ton, from Nu Iv I itlenns, are en route' for this port. 'kilo lion ton is sild to has . ' 'nit exellent trip. 'rile filcaultilo , AI, en ion c te train St. dould In this poll. 'fine Minnie, Capt. 0110 W. '!ill Mr.A. 11. McConnell, In the 4,11!,.. ,Lli t. ~ zir, tirst beat out tor line. .It add I, attsvillu. rine may he ILSI.• to lulive 111, ,V4.:%111,7, If not alp , will lout, toanurrow Wil it.Ekt nail. The staunch alid rullaidu !tulles ernon, ( apt, .1..1. INit : :urn. is :Wind up stuadily i•nt . st. Lout., MI, Ili. .111111,1 a, Can:. .1. i i 11cU511.11..,r., ii t 41,0 1., l: for st. Lout. and the Uppur Ml—Poippi. Tile .11/1,1,11, Ilit,, 00 , 1 Into llobli,nn, 1%111 losil lit turn foe at. Idar,, 014.1 the Ids U... 4 . 11l 1011., the !mute Nor Clikuinnl.ll Mid, 1.0111n111 , . Ine feel l•-e, Nora, and .101,.0•0 art lUod ill CLueolololll , l. t'll,ltul,t. on T 11.• ,111 y, tin , . Inn l' l 'e Iv:, It ,•vrtt. .. ,I to Ittirli ,gils os it u,10....day. i'ls• 1‘,11,11 It u. it( h.viinsu illy on Tuesday. and :Ala h.,.. rat. mon and tow ',ot IlOrtlr .... ta o. 1 a Itic tst. ,tn.,.. .1“.... 'I In, w t. .1. J. I IlaNcr, ,"hilt a heavy to., ot tout, p.,.,1 , tcr, at 1,..• , - ...1,0•11 , 11:11.,..” d 4 1-11,41 :Guy I,,,tengcr., but i. 4 1.1e.1 con. /.1..:,..1.• t t 1..• n.tri ,r 1,1.: 11 .1,1 f 1 1 itheu'ler uol. 3:,, ie " Illtty ft it. tor I. V. 0, xtll 0: hut ay. Cr!, ad. of ttx;re, .1.. tvr,,::•••1 to 1 ht• ,vt of ca#iin, (o,piut Li .4,.,.1.•10. t 1,11.• lor 1.4 e. I: E. t I ..... 11" r11,1011.,f EMS MiM ~~ u.. •~~~.,. ~~~. of 1,11.1)111.4 PIT 11,611.H.0 lU. MEE= ME ME ME 1;:o. .14 •,•,11 EMM l• 1. • I. I. r , 11 ,Nt RC Ea==l F it I: ta1y,.1., 7: .11,p1 v,1,:awf0r , :., ,, • 1 ~oll.n l 1,11 • .1 I. !lal. A • 11r1 V. 4 I t . . I lire, I d,, ;•k: , ~ A A", .; A.tt, • In h, :11,,r. Jl,l t,,,, , 11ner; I rv.IIA , 0: I bil/A k.- •.•I.',t 111, 41;114. 1nt,,,,0v, 1.• 1,‘,411. I. a ~:I[lll Al; • itilA• ALLIMI, I= = 1:110t4.11. BAIA ATTORNEY 6T LAW, M•iftla. ,„ CAE.PoiILL 1 SNIAIDER, LEIViS, A T r. 21.1 NE y No, 93 Diamond Street =I joux tis. RinDELL, ATTORNEY .AT LAW, . • Illne•andWorkscornerSecond,Thyd, •lihort.nd Liberty Street..OESTVE: ;So. l'utALl - 11 ! NE 11.1 C. :11.iCkiltELI.. I Sil-Ortter• ,131,0 tho It,uva. addrLD2 .111 tw L-L. , j r.run,1iva1.,:),1,11... - v.i.7.1. • AlTafiEY a. GC:IN:iELLCia ..i LA'.7, ; C INCINNATI No. of. Grant - 61.16;:t, 1 • 141E.A....1) "JULE-Jill] . 1.1'!"ni1ita....;,41, 1.4. . I i 1). III:OWN, 14 Foura, four, Nu * 19 Ea" ' Njuil ` St " " " 1 ,4 31cCORMICK &GIBSON, Propriete►3, 1::2, AND AL:EIi:S GP BY 1 DEALEILS 1N Pig Lead, Block Tin and ompt I3' Collettea rAn, mu, PATENT SHOT. TWO. L Burvrv. *too.: $ , ord, 1'11,74 and r 1 i ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. Imr, ure n MiLDISCHAP.GES. cy:gta 11. f a rIly: o l t ti W L r, M 1r5:124,. s,‘ e tt.ol 0 J. lIIEEPMMiIiiI 2". .4.. CRAIN LiFACTIIRE.W:VY J 11.4 ice of the Peace BAR, BOILER, SHEET ct I ICl=l-4:3,I4Q NAILS AND NAIL RODS. It iN t EV, NOTI.ILY T,• , : E.I rH • llr tCe. r WA!,EI4OU,S. :tl, .• ;,. No.. 61, 66 Anderson St., ALLE.c.iIENY CITY =I V':!.1.1 tY .lA'.{ 1 i; I,i, Attimiey at Lan, street. Patbburt ; l:, I's. EINE Mb. C. ±c( AND CT,NELIEA AT LAW 1-ciith Street RE BM LEGAL 4 1TE or PEV,SII.I.4.NIA AZ.I N 1 Vr EIN C.,urt •4,, , mak, tale of Or f, , t$ of :Lc t,1.1,1111 fre,A xv./ 111 U. at141:1, out or 1•• U. :.• art al , . Pr.)! t.,•rw cab,. t!.. r• bet :ranted, bylb.•lrb, bstatv fur Mb .stieb