DRY (RXSDS INVISMLE EMPRESS TRIM RIF, TRY hi% VIAPE YOlt Spring 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRIDCL) S K I It S The hAndaome.l. and moat comfort bto ityMt .reduced. SEE M.I. FASHION IIdAUATe • YANK.. Mach the Ne. 01001.110 PARLI TILAILK, 1 . 1111) , C 2111 L WVItLI I . an/ TIP-TUr erYLEB. _ FOR SALE EvEnrwnEnE. AT WHOLESALE by all the touting Notton and Dry Goode Bottles In Pitttborett. Al,o. by Bole Owners of Tatetti nodxcl Aoslyt Maitufax• tweet, • WESTS, BRADLEY & 97 Chambers Stre2l mni6.rsa T = AT 121-2 CEI7B. One Case Dark Merrimack mints, AT 12!4 CENTS I•ER TAILS. Yard Wide Bleached Muslins, AT 12!.; OEMS PER TARO French and Domestic Ging spring Dress Goods, Spring De!nines, New French Lawns, Mite Goode. Table Damasks Napkins, Irish Linens; fassimeres, Tweeds, Jean Bonnets, Sundowns Ilibbons, Flowers, &c, A GOOD STO Wholesale and Reta SEMP -180 and 182 Feder aLLEGHEArir MEM WIENV G.OOO.LoS. DAILY ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. GLADE. & CO. Sails Solt Finish dames; sainsoots, Plain, Striped and Barred; Alicienota and Dotted Nainsools, for Waists; Roftlines and Friflings; Jatonet and Ilimborg Work, Eno assortment; . Real Point, Valencia and Thread tarts: u.akerthiffs. late, Embed. Hemstitched 1. Phis; Eoeli.h Ribbons, all vridths and shades; Fall Liu Colored Yehet Ribbons, every skade; Lingle Fringes, Trimmings & Betas, sexed stoles; Fine assortment of ladies' NSA and Germ Hosiery and Gloves; FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID CLOVES; SPLENDID ASSOREENT PARASOLS. Full Line Furnishing Goode M0R121.60513 STAR OlllllTj..dh COBSZVI AND 110 P fg. good wakes - Jobbing trade ceased laithrally >t Eutern ices. 7S and SO Market Street. NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS I JOSEPH HOBITE'S & CO'S. lane ilaTt neasoek made a second addition to our already or • SPRING GOODS, Wt are prepared to offer Inducements. both to r rlce and assortment. In • .mbrolderlor. ilandtercblefe, olores. Hotlery, Bugle Trimmings And Irrlnicr, Neer melee IrressiOnamtnKs Colored mut Velvet liltdoms, • detrain and Cleat Lace. • /real Thread and rotate Lace, .Buttons, All styles •nd colors, Comets Belting. Beetles And Belle, blue Opera Vans, Ladle.% !Ogles. it Gents' t t o ' ;VA rd e • • _..lnvlelble tranrefis Trail palms. In Almon and • • Onples.. A 'Uric asiOrtmeP t of Ceuta` Neck lies. Scarfs sad Bwora. Baspevaere. Mart :route. SG Morrlsou's nun Shirts, bP a r r i l ' AVATl::g * Z 2 V. ,° : ,'"'"sll. Botaetlol.7.S. plots .4 Yawl', all aria... OUR WHOLESALZ , IIOOSIW, op stairs, 11/ Ito found complete Departments. Deal ers will dad It to ;nee adv.t•gs glre es call. rile. as low a. Last.tra Jobbers, 77 and 79 Market Street. •pV•O3 ISO. • SPRING. 1567. Altlll3THNOii, SHANNON & COMPANY, I , IVVITKES JUIIIMIVS or Dry Goods and Notions, their 1•}(e 4124 attr.tlTe atoei of NEW GOODS AT EASTEUN PRICES, FOR CASH. DURAS GOODS, WHITS GOODS. DELA' • VIS,JDUNTS, GINOHAMS, - CHECKS TICKS, CLOTHS, CASoISIEREs. - COTT rONADEB, J.CANn BLEACHED AND BROWN OHILETINOS AND SHIRTINDS, SHAW LS.SKIRTS. , kwyntur, GLOVES. Au.. &A. .I,,, T er. are InvHod to call And examine our yowl and °D... At N 0.115 Wood Street. •AunrrranoT, SHANNON s CO. T. T. MIA NNON. • I ' DI3,Y GOODS, TRIAIIIIINGS, ST OPENED, CRUM & CARLISLE, .Yo. 19 Filth .(i.treet, un Shades and Parasols, 'EW BUTTuNS /ND TEINIXING6 ING_U tfl EfINNET .1\ It TI:11111Ni; tnrA. 1111I191=1 THE BEST KID. GLOVES o'`EiT2%..trrit.** 19X[Il.LT9 BEST PAPER CALAES AND CUFFS w, ; 4 ", just openol lull M.: of :0151.. stll olor. of the ccituratta 'SS" Kid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair, We aro authorl;rol to rs , srantro- vv., pair of the gloves join. Should the. p. l l , o' tear 154,U1., 02, they eau tor .changed for nether ALACRUM & CARLISLE, No. 10 Ivirt.la. eltroot C. werri..a., C. WATTLEI & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I= TRIMMINGS INII NOTIONS, No. 89 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. kA HAN Elt; lii LLY', 1112SIER1 L.\ LA UUILy Vr all 1i0 , t1,4 IS, Balmoral and Hoop skirtr., COLLARS AN U PAR•SUES. ORNANIENTS. . RI'FrLING•! • vt:LvErlontioNs 1111.8, KNOLIsif CRAVES, ' LAIREs 1 GENT, mug. I - S , '•na.i.lx..vs co •N'otioaar, ap9o:yo GENTLEMEN'S • =I = orr/sole. “S tar" S p irts Linen and raper E= =I Merino. Lida Thread null Cotton Half Iloee: I=l =1 IK., =1 Fo. 11. IEAMCDINT'S, 1 17 Fifth Street, [EM NEW GOODS! AT J. M. UTILCIIFIELII k CO.'S, 3214rEcrlr_c.t; tEStro cat. . - • MUEAMBIGUEB for 2,,•. " FRtl CH LAWN. 9, a 7 Sc• COLORED tiIiESAVINER. , GRIER ADIS/. 1:1,1117.e. • , FIGURED MARSEIELES. COLORED F. h•'s. . A urge it2soitment or NEW GOODS JUST OPENED, REMEMBER THE GLACE. IN To. 87. NEB DOOR I0:1115 SIGN Of THE "BIG . LOOT." sp Meg° _ Gam, Y1CC.3311..311Mi , Ff. CO., _ (Lams Wukow. Cwnn k C 0..) UOLSiIiiILX DEALEAS LY ;OREM AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. AT . c). El 4, 7267 caoc.l. FIIIrd house above Dluzioad et .4%. IN,TIN. ill,. H. 1,1 k: AUCTION SALES IMMENSE SALE - OF SIMMS. Drawers, Ruffled Skirts, CHEMISES, RUFFLING, &C • l)n FBI DAY 11015.N1N0.3!ar 3d. 15[10 o'clock. will be cold. at the Allmon!!! Hall ♦nction room), 15 and 67 fifth street, a tarn. nacorto.cot of White. family. Casslrut re and. Belknap, hhlrta, I.adlca• tionled nitlrte •elonlaes sad tdolte !tur ning. direct from manufacturer , ' Special attention of Ito trade 1. c!!!!!!!!ted, he cold 16 quautillco to cultour...Acre. n)511'11 - t0C), Auctlonacrs. 10,000 s MRS HOOTS AND ALM, gtTOTZON, neerlvt.4 for putltlve tale at the Anction /10.1 f. .111 strati, A Ll•gli..ry, over ten t bousaud Boot, eltot , and-I:ratter, all 111 e, aLyles ! ..rlity. bale '1,11cl:ono:new , 11116 a F NO •• • . at tt o'clock, and et.r.r.utie every arta., neon ls neck. Ituyere of se." and the.: -1 : eeedlegiv attrartis e and advanta.- 11 , 011•• ”,e art l a rg e .viantlules .4 I.a.llea`, !Ilse."' mud Clilldr:11'. Latalng 1.411.tra sun Bal moral.: Ant /1111 mod Morocco Walk -It Routs: Mtn'. Cali , l Llp Bunts. and tererttblne In tea tale.: 11,. Ali to be said fat %hetet, Mat' will A. LEtittATY, spat/AS A uetlonver. I. 7 AgIETY AND NOTION STORE 1 AT ♦ 17(' 11"1 . 7 tte.lr , e V. , 3, or honk , ....let) . and notion etor, 0pp0.1 , • 1.ea119..t 11, :atll t IM soul at auctio oa V. BURNING. May 11. v, roc:, maLona, tort. I 11Auan.:thlr , and Draw er.. Carl.. nark.. ..00Llize (.Ima es. l'lrtart Frani,s, N.ngrAvlago. 111.01, ar, v•riety Notlou.. Allll, • lot !Inc Cli.nra toyl PALM F../3 a 1:. P., Aort,.. puma HANGINGS, Of all Oradcs, FROM STAMPED GOLD AND VELVET, El= (WEST ARTICIS KNOWN Ti THE TT At So. 107 Market Street JOS. n. 111 VG HES lt BB° , J. BLANCIIARD CD., WHOLSALE AND fIETAD Ft. Egi , 396 Penn Street ap18: yOUNG LADIES, lIEWARE oe Lbw In.urluun elT•e. of/Parr 11,, , 1eve and Wathes Alt FUeU retnr.:Se• e: n,• up thr pus,* Of the 411 1 , Jur , . lu .L•kri— , •lrut. ntr. , f c , out• plelloo. If you wotild bare. • (rye!, a..y •outtifUl apprafxsCe, •‘ tr: n. I l' i.lti:')/itt. , buqill(6lattt, ...,:. MA.): 3,1867. A Triple Exernllon—liorrlble Ez4lb 1110.1 of ILeckleesnen.. :Fret: tt.s Clartunatt Enqulrsr and Garotte,; ~n the evening of the rth of February as t one of the most cold-blooded tragedlea rl,,t ever , :1-graced the annals of crime 1.0 , 11r:111.14 , 1 on ilia Lleir Hun Turnpike, ahout one nide and a half beyond the Brighton House, near Clnelnuatl. A rmlllcetable eltiven Pawed .Tittnes It:1011es, for many years in the employ of 11. 11, tindth .t Co., coal dealers, Central avenue, 118 clerk, was returning to bid ho Crean township, after a day of toll, when he was attacked by a parts' of mall and brutally murdered. The body ws. found on tilt, road side ti few momenta afte a r the pssrpetrutlu of tile terrible deed, be a Ile rine. named Henry Keller, whose atten tion was culled to It by his son Leonard. g. lot of name thirteen years of age. For many days after the commission of the crime, the authorities lulled to gain even the faintest elme in the work of dis covet-mg the perpotratora, and for a cline It was supposed they would eseaPe altogether. The most Impenetrable mystery tieumed to halm around the whole transaction Bite a gloomy pall, that Tithe's mighty hand could only nose. The Comity C 01112121.10110,9 Immediately olloireol areward of Vim for the arrest and convletion of the not rilerers, while the lodge of Odd Yellows„„,to which fit. linghoUi tee hinged were about to otter a similar itaimes meat to an active bcarch, when, on the night of leimilary li, yillft sit day. alter the inunder, three Men nalneil Samuel I:corgi! Cecil, and Alexander Algus, were and lodged 151 the Covington Jail lin suspicion of toeing the parties Implicated. eimonel C.tee. u hadnot fifteen yitar , of - itacomole a lull confeseton of the mime, implicating with himself the other l'Svo 'Whton , l4l, willett von fess lonwas followeol Isy one from emerge limits. The object of the murderers au:1310510r, O. billitt I itlnOnnt tit which they otaatur , l from their violin,. The pro o mneri %vete each tract separately, Case fir:it, and lioet, lact. Each WM con. vio•ted ,it murder in the first ilegree• and on lionday the -tit of NI arch, they 0 ere brought into court, when J mtg.. Iturilmok pronoun eget the -cute nom of death, Bring the slay of exP,ltiOr, for yesterday) the ,1 ii' at •Satumol Case had not yet reached Joie fifteenth year, having been born lii OlVing ton, liy.. dune lie, 1,1 Ile had a lithe, slender frame, very boyieh In It: mould, with deep-cat blue eyes and dark mown Allmon hair, welch he 0 ore long and coutheil I met: I rota a very pale, high brow. Ills mouth detracted Woof the general beauty of his teatimes, being fiat and ...sm ut, "bile Ins nose steal out prominent, to. ellnlng to droll at the -end. Beira; devoid of tilt ed mat 1011, It is net to he weinoborool lit that ho Jell Into fits ways of the w icked, and while vet a child 'e.g..' Litmoolf with des poil adeiete familtar w itneritue, such astioulg. Geo: goi,tosit to Wits horn !larch di, 1,15, near rho city of tootorauslourg, In the department of line lodine, Fran,. When lie load Seareo attantett 111, tenth rear, hit parents mai grated to thin country, volume almost oli• rcoil)' to , Clocintiall, in which place soil Coelogleon they have lived ever 51000. Dur ing the greater past of the War he curved to 1110 Ville ohlo Infantry, and in an engage ment was lorerely wounded In the shoal. der. Ills general aplico.ranco as by no m means rouletve, however, Ills studied po ts, conversation oolillterattng the nest toad as presslon Ills appearance creates. No published picture that we have seen Mai e the (animist sewn:mice to the great Ilu hail fleetly , fair education, n,it,44 ,tl.lO Lt., achy urge to French, Lag• lleh or tiertuna. . -• Alex. .I.ltiti.cent° into thin world on dune I+.l':, In the little Nib:Life of fiorop, In rho h Ingeum tit Hanover. Ito war orphaned of both his parents when only four years Old. Ile came to this country when eighteen, latollna at Lattimore, and coming direct to thl, city, whore he had acquaintances. Ile visitertleteissille, but only remained a short tittle until tie ruterned and took up bit res idence In Coo l ut‘tou. Ito tterved two and a halt year. in tie: 'l's...tray-second Kentucky Regiment, and afterward worked In a brick yard in I.en ton county, Kentucky. Ile be came acquainted with his purtavis to crime lush autumn. After having eaten. u hearty @ripper on Ittnriday night the three prisoners retired to rem, but It wits nearly midnight when sleep closed their lveuried. anxious was •cry restless, und 'during the entire night he did not sleep more titan u few min utes at a t e m line. sveral flutes during ,the loght h m e was heard to groan loudly. Al s gue slept seed r at... hearer der hours. cave vlept heavily nnttl nit o'clock yesterday morning. w hen Pr seas awakened to receive a visit Delphi,. spirdualadtheorand stn el e. .Ilaut seven o'clock I,,terilay the prisoners, Wilts the exception 01 lave, ate a hearty nee:dawn, and sit - vaned them. selves 'Willi great care. The most ot the morning 1, as spent in religious services at the vatinus cells, and receiving the net - visit !sum triesols 41.1 relat:Vvvi. • . When licr. Nor. hittiery cm:tiro:it Ciroe'ii evil, ho found Imu ought,. it in reaMmt the Slit and ILO Liu! mnrkC,:w ith trued the Idth and 14th eroe+ . in these treroi:e tie whole trawl ouirmeil wrapped up. Mr. Em ery spoke to Mut of 1.1.1 e Mot words he would ever herr troth hi, mother, who LA lying, U., MC have fo.ready sold, ht the pmt of death. Phut oho onkel, "u„ tied tho tory to repent, and 1,0,010 tie .11.1 forgive idno." (Jo titiortng 115.-in word.. Cate utaupteteiy broke uml It is u hi:tug:li of 15050 Vet..., ue. u ee lently composta to proceed with tiu or, vice. At II tieloci: he rWita,,i that tug: servpie oi the Lordio supper might be eat- . . fa:uhtered to tam. 111 s rrquest 14113 .rat, t 4241. c and. liNi :!...rt,,k• St - 4 the ,xlne, tt bang admiaLAertal by cheer and otnttama and two aitqta 3 of Marry: ' • In it cow:era:lt:an with sated that he .1,1 not to kill Mr. iluithr•• that Lin wet,: britaid It. kill Mt. 11.11. Ito -tatint. :hat In , tell it pretty it/init., iiie Dv Lunging, lint ',tin that waii not to colinitit the ntuitlor ati Innocent man. •• 1119 brother Appeart , l at Lia eel:trhou n t eleven O'clock to take Ills dual Ve, and appeared to be very rear: at7r clod, a., war also liOet..The brotter aßked It:,, pertulpoon 'to wane', the t reratlo I trat ll:ll , watt pereMplorily refused, Gore. tellin 11101 Ito,. Lie wart too hereuea and weak to tepee,' bitch a bight. An aged want ut Alper, from Looleville, vihttett lOnt about I 1 o'clock, but bad to be cart - led trout the cell la tt tainting nt At twenty mtetnee , pent twelve u'eirwa, all ollne frletors of 'recta 01111 Algan 0 10 $ my left 11,1a:1,01.01ln rettitornan mita:arra roo reqtteate4 theta to prepare for the exc. untton, statlne that tn..,1,1 beer at nand. They tattli utated that they were In perfeet rerrlineot, and Mr. aunolituan then went. to I..,,an'f cell or Inform 11110 that he It o oar e 5 oat whbean In better ittoorintal Limn ,le-ertbed. 11entert In the 100111 were Mrs. C Foy atof 11/se Cave, the protOner'r :att.& 111110 Kiri eked 7 years, the Doan of the former, anti an onLY brother. 1 Len the 'tilt:riff toitt thew they uol.ol. St once take truer final thavar, aceue took place hich no pen num ptettire. Ti,,, eitteri threw tlten...AVes titter brother' , neck, weeping bitterly, and they i s to he taken Irvin the Venni altnratt main forre. At that :moment there were few and eyes antong the opeCtalarra. All friends and relat tiTeoi boring .1076110, at twenty tnintittes to 1 telOca, the throe I.lootatal illen were token :tom their eellrh and the ropes beizof planed around their 'Weird, atimitliplrartrotplittoned, they Were conducted to rua NearrOLn. IVhen Goet a was taken from his cell, lm stepped out into the hall of the Jolt, cruet sald lo those locarecuathat for petty offer eGtkal bye, boys: Salto warnin, Lhi me; when you get out, go to church and be go: LI, and you will never Co out - of here as 1 du." The een.nlll Aoot.l against the rear wall of tie Jail, with frout facing the rear wall of the Court hoe.. It is 11 by IC feet, and le feet blab wltt.a drop hof about feet. Ihe emirs leading up re on the west It one completely vered with eaneva, etvAchen over a (raw: work. n reselling too bytt:Told the three men takamded the etalra sstu o Arm step, and took their Irate on e‘mlrs which bat been provided for than. A few moments hav T ing been opclit In cow. ve watiou. the rullgtoun tzerctsan - we re eon, mooted. tuna and Moen. Emery and I.urig ley and offered fare. of env to, Wheal the-e were motel mind, Akron and Geote tOto tattled dos al ny the soh( of 1 tl.elr tontennors,• who also delivered brit( 111V0CAL14.1 ,4 to the moue of Irt ave. TM:se ,erViCt•X Lot og fin inbed, the Sherif! asked lieutz It he Intl anything to nsy. UMWz then stepped forward anti said: timerten t 1 hunt very few words to ray to you Itoainy. I was employml by another party' to kill Mr, Smith, and I wan 110111, llle lnl cucaOf !moor in the time_ dill not intend to 1.11 Mr. Hughes. Tito man that hired me ran, lens, be found tit the loon :Mr Saiona ou trial street. Iha offlnern have hi• mane, eel gilds it (won't Cr necessary to tell at here temluy. I now think I ton ready to appear : before the great Tribunnl. 1/I,til lb 1.0/. as torrible LO clirlHtlan It In tO the generality of mankind , Thu soul of 1111111 1.1 tirunto al. fa not tell sou of till fay CHM.. would t a ke too long, and then / don't know whet her thin in the mope, plumy or not. Sly family w lb very ranker:him ouly me. If 1 had follow ni Min good teat tit too of my ti(Wal father and mother, I would not now be Mot. 1 thank all my friends, and th Mr for them !kindness to me, I Min e n Mrs. ilughtn anal her ebtltiren, and entry 011 e, WILL rgIVU MU. 'lll not knaw Shot 1 Lava any fO thing more to mt., genilem en, I um really to die. If having morclotled, Olga:, Was athud If toe liml anything to nay, and replied In the negative. thoe atcpped forward and salt!: I am uot old and cannot talk. lunch to mn. If you were all boys I might tell you a good deal, about One !Ging or anOltser. / than lay frit:tole for the klulluesnea !Mown 1/15 . 5 Ullll Ain() the clergymen for pray g fur toe, and olds Ltd 111: or another. Goodbye, all. Porno; a hole ol the eZerclaca on the beat:old, the , /1141155 X and 11.15(11).e of Gam, et It lvolouA /ow disguating In the el trent, Ile laughed Uilli anti pat before tie , rola , wit unto!, he mold to the kherlir, In a . Oilier COlll5l be heard by : overy oe prothnt; elito re up; Want 10 5 11111/,5 th e n two ceche'', train!' TIC death warrant.. has Inn been read and hen,: In tea/dine/i, tire !don tdor po4ittonon the trap —4:oely. on the Mat, d htna'ne the center and Ca.., an the Wee. , adsn , ded,and elaetly at elitnteen m,uuwa P , te trap Intl. and the Sollin of threat men ern :annelle.l into etwolly. ta7anckn uf all n brut, en by the 11.11, and byyeani 11,0 euntractien of panne of the 1 OI the ,r 1,6 and len+, wat Rind Adder Landing landhalf all LOW', I lit. bodies wede eat d'on'n )ri f t CUM!), %JAC, , e..t.llue.s. • • The body of night was claimed and taken by U. Ited,feld, re.hl7lnt at 91 Elm etreet, flew y cell luddln ateuet, hovingtoth antt d'rtenek theta , . corner of laelfin and Main street. Caen'n Inniv Was taken by Mt. Iletel, and et , Luker, of Covington. lit , . bon'e'd body, by !Or brotheen, Frank WO —Several years ago spoilt:La , tonventnm in a New England state non, inate , t a stint well-t , -tio farmer for the office of Lieuten ant Governor. The nominee grs.clously re• eeireci the committee appointed to watt upon him ai his residence, urd auto ox. pressing his thanks for the honor con:erred upon him, informed the committee that he had peculiar qualificutlons for Lieutenant Governor. "fort trentletumi," said he, "that in Jost the oilier I Lava held in my home for the past t wenty-uve years.” —The Heston corre•poudeet of tl••• Pus/ Lays that the ',entitle,. in tome ••t abolishing the ',meth:eat whiplhug ill the pUtilie nehr.nly ha, r•••aored n nea 11 plll.4etrillll:leiVe 01 .•roc.l pun lah u/ebt which )oat occurred In the Dwurlit ,chonl. A Sonny boy wtos hipped nearly hall :art hour, until Ills elothe•• were rut let if by a knit, nod until his batelterx rdrength Ne a., el ttuated , . The teacher rtgned but upoustithle is after Iffin. • —The Now tech EN young, ladles what to beware et it they awould have a fresh, loialthr slit you:itful ppearance: -Late Lnur,., large crotolise, light • corsets,collies:Muer y, Let false!, erilo dr:rights, pied ry, decollette dress, nesletunovela, term ~, ~ cit.sY carriages, lute suppers, thin -hoes. tear of I:aeselosigei iv.ien meals, lum per, haste to marry, dread of growing old." Illehmond rehols, male nod female. ore moknig cooeitleroOle capital for the lost COMM, out of u Inentoriol baznar rOW Iu operottoo in nut city. The oldeet of the bazaar to to rale° InnilA for bonding tuonu• meat. to rebel HoMier., Among other pre sentntlomi, yesternoy, woo one trot,,the widow and chllaren of at, all .I:Lek.tou, over which Itletnnorel bapero of today make ennblderoble ;noise. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW GOODS: SMALL PROFITS! =I BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, AT W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, Au tin,. h.re tout o I ath pr,e for CI. a bother they are Judge• 0r,...11 or hot. No s,ond price ever a. •.I arn) r ..“ au or chtl.l. !granger, destring to tut allowsything to pre" ut Cr Cuothing wore tuan to get w. II po.led ork .... 'rice.. I•rut..pt Sub ha). ,hylt, ri urn ery ,oarter, ,hate ti.. gra4th.arga as of AND Nos. 26 and 5 Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. OLAPF & CO. Wholesale and I.Z. e tail. PAIUI AND GBDEN SEEDS, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, Purebasers ar tnel,4 whletk Nnuprleve tho t,oat eall.l , allon. Liwis ILL rv• ducetl rate.. 111e.0.11t, I. y CORN. E.T.A . grren 1101 Ithl but. Lar.t 123 MM I'.. r I . i r . •100 lbs. Woo.l'e Early Frame. a lay •• Wood's Early Cor. -t :ar •• Early I...ayEN:arb., , " „. • Katt Turulr•r. ott.l 1,9 • rr Haar 10 1 •• hummer •ielloar •• ttl.ta ,a 140.- .... •.. •• Valle :1b... , • EIECM 25 bus. 117• MT . .... c:a • •• VIE Ilutc•II tottm , ..it mt.!, 411 y.•• • •• MI., ........ . .41.1 4. • SO .“ Top I.trm. - Imt•t••11 •• • •• Purl.l.lol. Hit. ss •• 'LS ••', WM.. I tr, itm •• ••,veva :op-- +4.• a, •• • •• (fwd. 11,1 MEE MI Dnetel Wltwur .• Eerie Toa. bee,— YJ •• EarlY-Framt. too • Earty • ••" litehop, Dwarf Lendl'v. • Deriker I e.r.ene. Xoyal Dwarf .111..rre.mf.t. r.l . i ii r atlt.,•l. :1 Eye .11w...rat— • Eegenle 30 l'h tenp10r, , ..7 • '• ltrall.1; ye. et, •• 1... a yl •• TaLl eegsr. tee IA en...LILL/EN KNOB, Horticulturi.l and Setedvman, No, 137 Liberty Street, =1 .VOT 4 FEW of the worn ollsor ,-, 0... t •1:11et reme./1 t , •1.0.‘ , .." • LEA C/MILEMIX2IITEII:I WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE EXTRACT ,•f A •- 1,11 , 1. Al, Ti.ESIAS Si A II J• ST E rIZJEIII3. • CONNOISSEURS r• rat `OM GOD V P I IL 1 N 11., thrir 11:411a. tt., tr.:10,.. TL. %If Mt. mo.t “nr.: , 1 , 1 r.,.. , 1111.1ta !7.11:1, r• :Alt ,1 to rr Mat ••: n. PP MU arr ;±t. INI{A VrElt. LAI,: kit •El,l 1.11 • MMUMIIIMMI JOEIN 11/I[NIAN'S SONS, SEW tilt. AGENTS FUR T lIR f.S IRON CITY SPICH MILLS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .rear Pepankylvania -avenue, I==! PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD = THEM O.ItnIIF.AL ItYK 1 , 1)1If II t,n.t,nuf "ti O,IrICE. AND continuo ttto man,raciure of ~: DIFFERENT RINDS OF SPICES, Which we offerw Wholessl.. an.i Itetali Desi. rs st the lowest DI price. A !minx to .Ical fair, we solicit the perunage of the Chopped Fees. Constantly on Hand, oriiincli LER & 31011 . 1. E D IMMO C IL•h.s.amln..ttsx. Tn. It ?CAA L. IS crr - rtlcit BARB, RIAU BIIETTLER, BacrAssors to WA-VELINIC a LIAJttl, 90. 12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh' DN.4l.lltli IN !Pianos, Organs, I= • artlole Avnts fir the telct,..l 151LADHU ICI. New York, ant! Ht IIUMACK KIR & CU. rbtladelphta. N,Y”. EhTICY ••UIITT A 0 r..•• sn.l D. tr. 11. W. "ANI RICAN" Y!. W I•ATIC\'f ' The bait Ilxilsa and crin. L. N... a 1..., h... •17 , r. TRH IRON CITY NIONTIII,Y. REM AT ALL !JEWS DENTS Commun:catlgns apd 31•019 , a1,1 - 11, t, the E=l Ent= GEO. W. I'ITTOCK /Mt On,, ry Ti FT 21 ',TREE r. Ti (Late of Itobens, BarntS Cr,..) ROBERTS & SIIERRATT, Daro_,lt - rt:oxp4 or Tin, Copper, and sheet Iron Ware, No. 81 PinITI111111:1.11) ISTREET. Near Yourth Itlrvet. M err rono,n hand a p nrral te,,,r4m•-nt n g TIN WARP!. Yule, I 4 nurry. Miners I..• , npm and linear Furel,.lng f t t grnersl. which they will sell 11 holrhalt •nd lit yjju FASHIONABLENER, No. MIS Diamond Alley, I'lltxbur,;ll, lig con-t•ntly on er made te it tn. th, notice. 1 . 1 - I..us vary tra•”l, •Ide. apifi (lIIALNTITV . I 11..111W...0N ESTII, I' 4.• 'rhe do. I. .moll. licja...n. • 1•rp...1.:00W iy aud larpe I..etr Milt. SPECIAL lOTICES 9" - LIEL3IIIOLD9 1 VOIR c3LE. Ftt rim of 141 acrtok, s.ovdla x. ll. Tp., Concentrated Fuld Extract l`enn•z. It. It.. Sarsaperilla ; the, I. a ~..da. w .,tory .tone with nix !Coon, Howe. •:. , 1 other ball•lIngs; an orchar, .llterest Eral:en, , ERUPTIVE rod ULCEItaI IVE tree, It Ist 11'r1'...tuadt,rlayed 111 EA.AE: , or the Li IttLT, NUSE, El • EYELIDS. !,CAL d • IM Also An exc....cut I. of of wnl , h ne,3 are Ln le: cultivation, ..ttuate In 01.• .:11 al,ret4- tlau county, Illinois. Improv, inents—a he. w "'" 4 • Iriont dwelllcir con:air:lc, , rooms: about 4.4, ..1 ,:n.l I, talc Iry AUL 1.1, and fruit. tree., P: , I, n , toK• A , It CH11.101E! , wit!. pqn., 1 ,111,1n2n.tics of 11.e.11.1c01g Central 11. IL.: will I'R• , . 17,10,1 , , ,1 . 1,1111,1 LS th , Extra,t of be .1 60. on rea,unAbln terms. 4 . 01 Proi , ertY It. dto Is PI of ator, 1,. equal Luken In part exehantie if desired. t. Llanol.let Mtn ard one WU..., Is , ' , Also. a Vann or 011 s. , rea In Penn trlven , hip, to a gall.. of the .rep ,ar,aparrlll, or tVesnr...reland county, cl.:ared •nd n•ttallv nde. I der cultivation, 51"1 acrcs 4.1 Ir.-rate will:, oat AN I ,1 . E.11 t'IN.I 1.1 put.llrht .1 In and other tlnth..r, 2,lweltlng, hou,s, lor them: t lie “Ile, On tr, , stories. the ot t I s.ory. wltn a truant housc, 1 1 :0 Eatra..t. or ll• In ....rra.n ; a:th a nrst..rate ntratn rawrnlll running I, 11. n mutt. Tr.,: er.t. n., order; young orchard of grafted frill, The land or 1 11 1• arlidu a from is 111 S. evert. acre Is 0 table. with Ilene tom: tr. r...rcury. he Ste fc4.4. 14/ I MO >043 . 0i., with never tanlug sPr.rs; • ,",witi.lu one bundre.t rods of the Penna. Central druidn,l• I Kalltoad: 011 ,, castorVittstmratt. and three /14 4 /I ! we,t or lireeu.hurK. Thle. farm Is pleas. rt' V.L. 4 0,4 4 4 W.. ,trt,ar, 14, ' antly att.! y eltuatc.l in a g0...1 neta1.11.0r ,,,,•14.,.. n j,u0.1; every acre undtrlat.l with coal. ill 14 cvell an", 41 , Itl lroad• I A1 , ,,s a 1:1111 of Ili 1“..7,1. situated In IV. 5t heattlel.l township. Indiana count,. 1 . t.11,11, at...ut from Iloilre mstlon, on the Penna. Itailrox.i. 7Ln Improvem. La, two. storr 111. - k llottsc w.lth :001[11 a No. I frazzle Bank Barn. Sod all olLer necessary out 1:.11d- In, The site gon,d, and the price Very lon, on easy WILL.. pnrfurtaet particulars, ennot re or G. H. TOWER. Heal r•State- Agent, HIP Fotutnstroot. 1,2.3 =I CONCENTRATED EXTRAC DA REAPARILLA upward.. ears. ' IL T. lELYIEOLD, 11r,gIAt and 11r01dw.,14. Y. S, Id by all Ilrucxl".. wI,I.:MWF * NEW PERFUME FOR TH Hlll HKEHCHIEF =I MIME rfirslon , * "Night laming erreego., Phnlon'. Itromitag irere.••Y =1 Phnlon'o Nimbi Ilkasing Cerias.' A M., rt.iti:rite, flui;ortfa at Lat. lot fr ,, ta thu rare .d fautiful flutter fru, ah.rti it takes Ili name- . BlalubkOtfrot ardv by PIL1111,0:V 6: MN, Nettl York. lIONV AM.: OF C•OrrEILFEITS, = t . O - DR. LUDLUM' SPECIFIC The Great America Diuretic! Anords rndlrer.l. perin•nent galaoi I , .ln•ry . Vratr I.le.ca , te. acol Nutalr, In tyr tria I n) rent r.. 1) Prlcr SZOI,T bn a .• •11 iauprub. = N 4TI, CARD TO INALIDS. A (I,prrmin, arbllu residlnpa South America aa a rulsedonaty. dt.roverad safe and simple remrds fur tLe Cur, of - NervouWealtness, Early Dt4 ay, 1 , 1,aa• 11 of the erltry and earl:anal Organs. and t!.. L.,te tralu uflsordrrs brought In 1. n 4. li real area Care to ,n Cr. adn cured llais noble r be Toni the 1410 e m. ad and unfortunate. 1 wall rat the ree!{.o for pre par:ng and using 11.1 s n.l4lne. In • sra:ea :0p.., [.. go, ot , vol.o ..Is IL. run o• enclt,... • 1....•pa5.1 a neerelope to yo:..racif. = 4.1 et,ti ,„ , ti. Yl. BAR NUM, h co., BO4LER MAKERS !SD SHEET IRON 'YORKERS, = If • lira, rani .n 4 tartilthtd It I. mppo. , l mar tat.,. .ea e -I,ed xn.am ,lure ert, ~:rtiau 1,1- ers .L.,•1 ru.l.l,tr, :ug. I.c..ta.ttr, Par,. Tax.. 4,1 ,r. 111., l'anit. 1,1,1 rot, 16.1g.5. ,t:r•r •”.1 nnraStr,re ot BAILS I'ATFL,T I ran I:, .10..0v .I.ort.cut Ir.. Iry ...ft tl , HINSON, RE! b..41:01., 1111== WASHINGTON YORES,• Foitudern mad Mechlsal-Illsrltl•bOrgh, r 14.1. and MaLla , aary 51111 s.,Unerv.“rat- Ing . . :M•111.. C....t1,10 .1. 11 .. ,, V0U , ..: 01 1 1, e re.. r /I,•,,,L'Ark-ST IS. .11,lull C. ,Itut SUPEWOR COPPER MILL & SMELING WORKS En= PARR. McCURDT & CO., 11a,urvta.r. , , • c • r. 1,1.r.1 ttrd 4,.. 1 . ..n.5r.1.1 • T , LD•I• an.l 1101, : ENEIT. Itto.crtb• r• t.ftr ,, wT T f e C GIiATEtiT IA LA °ICS '" . . 'Krrors. • p..eu:txt I. the Or., otge of me-T.1.11o( urraimr. . . ... . ...., .1.11. : 111 ..1 i301111i.1,111. Ptat la wal, i ,KIL.I.IN I ol'irlillN, 11,,,,,,,t A .,,,,,, 0 . rt...•1.:2.1A1.. l's. 42 ~...1...r.. - - C- i r-gciicv scow. DENTIST, P E.V.V i TZIEFIT, PLUMBING, GAS lITTING ATWOOD & lIIIITREV, BIM FOUNIXIIS,- - STEAII AND GAM ? FITTERS, Cor. of 3rd and Libert tltreeta, S rita•urel, I . l . tiv• au.l l f.atf 1. aaltlug•tl,lll/1•LI protupti• ps.' , l Mel:Cog out ana r.,,arrif, Itt ltol/Ing Ageuts for A. S,Ca.mera S. Co.'s STEAM PIMPS BLOWERE NG E 4, hat vatrttthr %Oat., aovvr t 4(14 t ,ry wlargntr gtv, hat, l`nn.tv c , tavt•all•rn fc3,nltt , JOIISSON lIERLEII V h. JOHNNIE:Ii, Plumbers, Gas and Steal Fitters, I= P.TrirE{:courgta. All ordcrs by mall execut. , l salltacttorlly awl promptly tat, A full line of Itsltt Tabs, Pulp, Batlns, •ter elotels. Mink, Chantletter,l'rn~f ants, arolltutthattes Iv? awl* At Um mot restousble K orders fr , ma 1201/Ittry pstrons hat prompt ly fit. 10,1 lium Hoer or evert . driertptlon• BAILIFF BItOWNSL CO ,, INI c.. 13 r; X.° clowaa. at., aLLEGlir.ti - C/Tr. Pd., 1)1.1111BERS, GAS AND STEAM 1 . 11 . 15. alw•y• n bawl a lardeiv.g.rtmrut till/KANT, 1,11E.5.T I,KAI). LEA 1/I . lPlt. BA. Ml NM, I RUN A\II 1110040 cIoCK". ma all nil.. dale for !MI!. 111.•puullo n r vrival w:th WO, WATER or ,TEA M. 1•10,54 nOOTS AND SHOES. Boots, Shoos and Gaiters, At:. geeeleall eeel, neer, 11%Cr MA the , 74C1 lee teutee th t er ‘e York eer leeellaele I eel.la, (lee, say t we, tee nee• wed erre', ht. aree eletely re ere lervegeeeeels, ce free. te ieuteete fne . tur,ret. auel sr , Ileum ens leeeeel tee e eeenpeette wet!. Koetet•ern r, eel tr el. et call se, te•ekullelee were t , teenelvel.luel. need price,' lea lea, e verleterre J. H. &. W. C. BORLAND'S, No.. MAHN ET STILEKT, 2.1d0,0r fro flab •L I,l.l'Citn •• ............. .•11/1111 3.11111 y I 1. FIELDING Kpito" Mauntaetuteri and 11.,1,rs CilmeirtciineL M n.cio. BOOTS, SIIOES & GAITERS, No. 1.10 Ohio St, AllegLeoy. Itij.lrlue promptly elt•cul,l wort. at SAMUEL M. WICKER SHAM Iron Etroker, 124 First Street, JPITTAIIILIIIGIi, PA Agent foz the No or Cornwall. I , otaghnor,. .Inp.phinl . . ',shrill, De neknuon. •Cltawlope. lilen.lou, sod other brand.. ofAnthretelle. kgbenT Coke LOU 0111th. - int's C. IL tame - eau I . IU Consiguenerao and ord.rl re6peelfOly sone lett. JalErci FOR SALE FOB SALE & Handsome &Complete Residence, • t 0..., and n^rupled by Jamb; A. lintel:ln., 1.11 wee, rant) NVard. AllaFLenY Ciii. hate Borough or 31rtne...1,.) it,. 11.okIsc bas a filial t(alwith bparlMl• Ast.l iwrls, fargb bourn, autsb...l attl, It about... It. cantbrnitnees sor cbulfur bv.plg but so.t ~11,1 waters 141 . 0.:11•.1t• Tin. groutvln abut, Ana b./111...m.1y tit provc4l. I,: 0.1 by MlOll iv. (tot, to Wu 01110 •ITIT to S. S. 13R-Y/IN, =I =9 °Ali LAND rnorEnTv. Two-Story Frame Dwelling, tV1111 . 3 RES 0! LAND, In a ~t,lltat. grk alam•l.t . or it ,trcr I. Car ,tatlaon Clu.r to Ili Will be Sold Cheap, or in part, it mull pUrallutrt, OUaV lz io pivot ao eT LA WILSON, Itroken, Eata. Alcut, No. fif. trolthtlelti IMPROVED PROPERTY . • I. = J01n11... rs4.laY In ptle.i (rum 01, , . n $,.(44 =I I= I= ta:o &ad Lai...Late Q of U. S. BATES, 1= I,`LEZ.CEDAI.E COUNTIt le SEAT it It a ALL. ,nat..3 lu Chattivra non•ball in. from Ingrana•e otatkon. on tlan hunt.. nvl/1.• italtrned, nines from Ow city. Contain. It at, all under neat Irnc, aue. %.11 watered Ly n,ver-tinling .firing. Cl . l,ldlnnl4, li.c plot Into ta - o parte, it prnp,-rty Is MOST. 4velta4le and le naerr..l at out prf, winst• lino at I.toperty for tnn sasne ...Lance tram nab, A pirly , I 0., 1.7.i1C0u rib et. DE:Si/CABLE LOT FOR SALE =I • C.rnvr or VII, lii= =IIEII EICI=E! =llll= { F OR SALE Olt HEAT, ( 11E-414• A at. Oil tar Con trot......t. , [llstg awn., .14 rn. vel,r, I orti` e,:i trnr, /Oa, • I r In thr fur n.rtJarr tirant ntr , ct, epnootte the k. ati!.•tra: .tlsarlon . n.l v n a wcti o • 11,zta y.....1,01c11Lg ll= I 'oll SALE.—. 4, nine year.' lea.e now n ',Ant , nr 1,14 • a.r . nut fur Lc. a total L•fro, or r rar, an, •••11/ ran, 02.41: of HAT n .7 tn.-. Lls,rellc...l:ll. VOIL SAI.E—An I:xcelleut Pair 111111,,, MI Inn.. awn..., en. 1 .24 le, t.f.) lux!, ;I,,eb In /ire /rout cc... 1 1/0(,ToIt ENGIN E, u.urti: ou,vr I,Ear). ❑CGII St. BOLE t 4 •...1 ,V+T JOHN D. BAILEY, Steck and Real Estate Broker, j 011 N D. BAILEY, STOCK'AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. Harang letonnnt a cntr.mts•lon es AnclltTN•er, ,n,e,,,,nt tee I . ,tt•uuret4 Hum.. of Trad., scrunnr the n tha, the llilro Net:onel Ilan oe , uo. pre 1, ar,, ruhl:< AnCtIO6 Itral Ette.e. le., ci: ' ther . et the atom tuno. or on thn prrontset. l'aztic4ter ettentlon psltl. se he retofA to the az, of 11 , Si list... Drlvate .14. villa. al IfAtate In tut. countrl ;. I , nntt, stre..t. COOKING STOVES. No. 235 Liberty 'Street.' IR'O CO., Pittobur6h. Moo.. PENNA. ? ,'• - i , . 4 ,-,,.......-tte..l„ .. t -At , -.4:1 .- ,• 1 . l - k ' l l'' t IA '' tl Dr : b - 14 - ,--• .- A--/ , -- - - .\ s f. lA . , .. t.,. : t:11-iNG - 4 1 6 • , ' PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'C CO.. I. o l.ttiobv:rala.. PITTS UV RG rAP t: IR Afti U. YACTULLINti UUMVANY, lianufactutersuf PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS CLINToN MILL STEIIIINN VILLE, 011I1). MAN' IlltalllTON, VA. OFFICE. AND WAREHOUSE, No. S 2 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, or TIC EMI—An/UST II A ItTJ Pr, < 8,10.1 x. 11.1rInt M I,e. V. two L,alk.. ilutit. by MI.. Anal* r. II _.-"o Stnuttar evening. May f.th, the opn to orate tosnakpropere th• , In the .t•it • the . A.l t Drat:antic S for neetacao, the •It•nclc.notr....or..Turnany cresting. 1 Altl ETI ES THEATRE. • t c, it V r ALA tlr. CLAIM-) To-si..ti r. ext . litno rtelo-Enna, anti •titipO et, ,{Vttlt.D. Cr T.IIC 1,1 MB 1,1 it. , rltr Pt 1,,,EC, LAUSCNtr, taa N•erollt uittin a eop,o °Loot bongo, itzto ctloor lalrtra - I.lrcoertra Seat.. &X.; 3 , t; Gallery. ttrtet Private tCONCERT =I MR. CLEMENT TETEDOUX, TO TAKE PLACE. AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. On Thursday, May 9,1867. 14 , 0 rs win rkpca at 7'. o• l& k. mad COhdrt.' ate R..trTed 86tat6 ar . 6, oh Noon., ".116Ing 6th of Nat. 60 the Mu tc :St.!, of ..S.tes.cl.. ti. li.laber • lire., l= Wood • • xnyi MASONIC HALL. EVERY NIGHT, An .l WkOtiESDAYI9ATCEDAY actorsornst. THE WONDER AND MARVEL OF THE AGE. MAGA I? 'CENT AND DITLICE. TILE GREAT APOCALYPSE! /LLUSTILLTED, Ticket., AS CENTS. to all ports of tbs hall. tin half rrlte. xnalltlon WEDNESDAY aid SATURDAY Thttl,lotin, at U o'c:oel. whet GUM , . xi I he adinittel f.r 13 CENT , ext. Doors open Evening. at 7 o'clock: C.M9l:6lnlea tt s , ,,tarter to e. Dernouns, doors open St S o'clock' comma. at A. B. Monti. Axle Proprietor and .orpro J ,L., . G' -rent. rig - PITTSBURGH THEATRE. L 59621. .kten•a.. WM TIENDKRION. 112 • Enragement Extnoldlnary, tor a limited bvr of talib Es. orThe tamou CHARLIE WHITE'S COMB:NATION TROUPE. From Bryant's Hail. 472 Broadway, New York, where, for • series of years. they hare nerf,m ed before the most faahlonahlw analaticas• 'She Initial performance W 1.l he 01002 02 SATURDAY AVENUE°, nAY 4TH. IRRESISTIBLE ATTRACTION! MIL HER DEMON' takes pleasure Immune • g tau the 'ge1...J.4.1..410t and Actor. MR. CHAS. M. DARRAS. Will I=r=on ally enpert.tend the yrmitlction of hi, ',eh!? ~nr,ctetat, ort.nal. Greed. tin e. fl.. teal sod epee...sr...mar Lram. la fa. Acts end T.bleaux, retitled he BLACK CROOK. Tile 91o•t ('o•ily and Etasvdfleeed Dr*. matte apeetarle Ever Pre. cloced la America, OW RESSIII AT. SIBLTS GWEN, stif lOU, AND ELSEWHERE, TO OVERFLOWING HOPSES, And crusting a •ensation unperalleitti I° . `e blitory ot t ic triumphs, which will be Pre ented fur the first L. , In rittsbariih. on Tuesday Evening, May -7th, And 'EVERY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTLVE. THE GRAND BALLET A(ZIOR Will Introduce the Premier Dansenze Anolnta. ID\uRETTA JUVETTA, • 'MARIE THICUESE, , 31.1. LE ALEXANDRIt. MLLE JOtErliniZ, • It'LLE LEAS CHERI, and a. PULL CORPS DE BALLET, Under the direction of the celebrated Xaltre de Ballet. 310119. ST. ODY. Whore great reputation both in 'Rump& .24 Amerl,.. Is • guarantee ..f the eicelleace of ID* department under hi. charse. Also, appearance of the distinrulaed Putt. monist. " MoNs. Ani.rus: T. • I=l R. W. IL GILITZTrEIIt. Sided by the entire atreagth of the EXCELLENT DRAMATIC COMPANY. Xntirely new and gorgiton• Penner,. Sucerb Steel armor and Armorial Para:Atonal/dal Intri cate •nd Novel Mechanical Appliances, High and Dthaiing Propertits. Submarine and Non. ceserint 3lonstrers, alai Device, .ad Pyrotenit. nic Calcibm and Drama:toad Lights. New and Beautiful Mlle. TIM whote termina ting with the last great TRANSFORMATION SCENE, I GLITTERING PALACE OF DIAMONDS On xaaaaa Ereelnj, May OM, The Opera louse Will be Closed, In order to make alteratlena to the Moja. le., neeessarr for e proper predactlea ar , Mallnaa pramaalc :SpaMacle MI lUod.uaal latavlty. DT fOX HOOKnow 0p.11._ beau Cal be so. cured 142 utys , 12 Advance, either Dr Mall or 141. egraph. • =7,:714 I:I A Ayi gi:9 7-4:1:T1 PITTSBURGH BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON& CO., BRIVIES, ELMS AD HOP DMUS, I=l JORIIIIA REIODZX a CO" Pittsburg wn. w. WIDE/MOS, Alleglisa siscralon of the to Of the MO ilketa maticulat 4 Lavited to OUT ALES AND PORTER., Which. Utmost Ito careful attention Of Yali from our yard*ed.. rnaltlnF (*.B&B. arid Hops from the aßut and ie.*. we ewn ralusate• to. wire and aatseraeiory to the Lade. oe Our ph IN ysic D lh o or family LE h. aeen highly reocaunended .. f nee. AI.hIiKILOON in customer. will riles.. Particular • o leave their ord.. at Ott o Zoe 44* ining tile old Brewery. or at our • Omer of Daqoeue'Vii id Butte 000 moo ==MM ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Basing purchased the old eetablrehed Brewery 'mown as the ALLIBLULABY BAZWEISY, tors merit owned by earePuell A lielrillres we world Inform the public that we {intend cos:Marley the Manufacture of - - - - SPRING WATER ALES, Kane from r.r. Spring Water, .• fr o ., .. r n ed bae C n giperteDGC In the business, ealleecd tea g t we will de enabled to give entl:e satisfaction to those who may 'Seer as 'nth Wets palenate. • ISAIVIELTYHC db 465 Rebecca• Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. WAIL orders len el BROWN • °SAHA/VS. uteriLiedte rtg street. Plttabergb. enob. Poen - atund tn. fi r PROENLI STEAM BREWERY. --.--- AT SPENCER & MciAY, MILSTERS BRBUIS Ale, Porter andßrowu Stout, PITTSBURGU, FA• SLOUN.RT WATSON. Ilsasif or. 101:1181