THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY PENNIMAN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No, SS T. R. IPltrtira." Zdn". I, l ),:sgJl El= 111nirle Copies .1 cents I). :' ,, .rnd 5 7 Cartier, (per weetl.--. 15 cent. Mall nabsertt-rs, (Ptr Te. , ) ..... °U. Liberal rwlnetlons to Newsboys sod (tx.ntS. =I l ' r ee Comet. I , Cr Tem . , • ..... SO Five . do. do. do: . encb 125 Inn or morn north,, to one addreos, and - one Y. to clot.. c n7b I II CITY ITEMS =I a Dental lt,tobltshment :it Penn street. Pre. To Wholesale Rolex, Pry Goods we offer bargains In JO? ) 101+ of Dress Goods, Tontines, Linen Good., and full ItneA of !Meetings, ..t , htrting , (Gecko; Sc., all of Lich Ave will pelt at 11.10 very lowe:it eastern cosh :toes. J. .BAnx.ra A CO. " garkti street, be:ow TLir,l.l Fourth Its. Ir=ll=l fresh supply of Crosse sad Muck well's famous l'ickles and Mustard. Also very choice IslyerlralserlsOml l trial and 'turkey Prunes. Smyrna Fiks. it 111 Ira arid ut the lowest market price, at No. 112 reds gral street, clty.• (loin nladlk Snegoott. arditor ,t Stewart are sttostint.; a splen did &storm..nt or the, gooqi.nt verylow priceg, at tketr nett-titer, MI the Is e , t cor ner of Market :jail Fourth ,tree le. • t:w.vott IM= I.eret , ,tocl, IN, week, trim cents, upumrtl, Nese ;tore.cst Corn, of Alurlset iota , Fourth ,trects. ti:Lrkluer .1 :.•tewarl. ' • I=l2 Another :arrival trots New York, <l , i,•ndi.l rtylt,, trot. slo,to tip. We.l corner of M I:et arll , ottrth streeti. t.artlaer Stewart. • Boots. Shov•, Carp,' • nind 110 - -Goodv the mllltOn, Palmer A eutFonutn, :Zand :,-: Fifth .street. New and frt,la dully arlirAl, Llgltt Al paces, Beautiful goods, all colors, cheap, Wort Cor nor Market and FOl.lllll rtronts ;nob nor MEMO New gnlldS a. , lOW a+ 5:0, , ye: yara, Wert tornerltArket and FOurkli thura aer& Stcwart. :;1 li4i to Elemitufr I rt.= Store. , Market ..❑ - crt. (or the br4;..t 11,1Joimtl /..inor, of all 410 to FlonOloi.;•• Prof Stooo. For:to:be:A WLito I.c a.. 1 to . 1.110 city. No. :4111u:1,0. etreet. Go to Iletutruz".. Drug Store, No, 04 Itarkut street, ~for Flasieed Oil and Turpentine. Pure Dregs Pure Drug,', Pure Drugs!!! EDE= =9 Ton Can Buy or,.;:gta I.lquors . ot all lands at Jogeph S. k 1 oh ' n Dist.lllry,. Jam, IM. 1U awl 195 - You Can Buy r.h° per c,Tat.. Alcohol...lose:lh 5. ELncla'a rou Can May tiOW 11019 at J.DAO9II Finch,. I= -The peGpte lilentocky will bold thou election for Qougretieut en on the 4111 of :nay next. —A gentleman ha. fount" hilrer on the ;um twriun d River, noul Innd, it 23 unatilit land, anti reckon., hitit3elt a inllliun- —A crop of leaf robucco soltita Lynchburg, dir t :ln:a, a few days ego. Avc.rag , :d the tee; 11,411 price of forty 0011 a, per hundred ,eight. —601114 h 503, the ladt winter was the bard .•dt. in all 011 lecture experience, Ile lot •ourteen cat:mut:me:lle ou lug to 61.01 . 1. Lull telayl4 On railroads. untGual area sa being plantel in corn n Colter Georgia, and It is tot an tattuuual .11Ing to see a: bite women tiropolug aced ad hoeing m the field.. —Tiectsty bishops who trldtl in Ireland arota the forty-Ore year, loft. steret.- ly, 0100eY amount:T:l: to the average of alt:d.,ttett each, not 1.0 speaker real tatate. letter from Madrid days: "The evening beferc tat several Indtvldualu were arre-t -ed at the Theatre Itoyttl imitating tilt lutraing of dogs as the .tfueen enter.: her Lox." —The Inst revolutionnry ponolonor ' In Maine, Mr, Rhndn Green, ZIIe t r.t. 1.1.!,tin the bah at the ago or I.V. etc ne, [not doecentmints, 01 wi:ou. ere now living. • —Florida pr.:nods lemons that weigh Oyer pound, en d d are twelve inches In circum ference. They are ohtisined by a 01004 be tween the common lemon mid tile tour orange. —IL 1.1 announced that a I ranch chemist, by combining gun cotton with memento., hen succeeded in obviating his danger at Cvloo.ooU from spontaneous coasts - dd.:nu in gun cotton. —lt Issahl that the . Statr.llepartmcnt, in addition to the smeary from Japan that hasaired.iy arrived In' tine country, Is OX. peetlng Minister from Turkey awl a M.:- Ist, from tYreece. Le a year ou rho rat of May since' s;eorge arrwed ill the Scotia at NOW yolk. With Mu eeothony It most have cOst him ut least #1,0.0P0 to get along the twelve-month. =Cuban capitalists fear that the prosper ity of the island to on the waxe. The aboli tion Of T./every 1.1 believed to be Inevitable, tad a great deb case in the productiots of augur, in cone./ neat;', is feared. —A liar[-stock-and-bond-and-mort gage wedding nano Ott recently in /k.turl. The blends and l elative4 of L. wedded pair -aro sant to rep resent' as least twenty nob lions. So poor ralatlOriS its that family. —A Western man, oe:siring of the Pacific Railroad; says It Is onwof the "Intodest co incidences Intioa world, that almost every lternato owettotiorland, nu either side of 1110 road, belongs 00 Solon member at kxeS..." —.I tulkkie. is at 1110 bettsblo of the French I'l . lnm, Imperial, and thus reports his diet: olle. Lail, WedneT,ley nuf 10, a UourOlo tog broils made 01111 beef, veal told eh en, Yesterday he ale a cutlet oral drank a little claret."' •J astir.° is In danger in Texas. A J edge Cl that State writes that no Court will toe beld lir his enemy tifis spring, because the Indiana have stolen all the herses, and neither lawyers nor thetas mot procure mhiveyances. • —The Monte Journal lUnts at a magnifi cent emitting 60011 10 take 1d nee In New York. to which there are 1.4 entYifive hull• sired invitations to the church, end a thou stool Wk. to the Yonne. Tim bride elect Is a belle Met lb° gi00 , 13 n Maine UneorW , gentletuan In Hart turd, Connecticut, leas had e maneducture m d to order a veritable Teri ves,. It is ade Irons the bark of nun Vicsrtvr Oak, 411,1 is so complete an Velem that It actually deceived in the article,who altered the market price pr csrlio Or the sort. . —Thal-much Jenkins writes: " I was la, aril, day In M. do I.aulurllne'a stn.!), The e n io. was shaking and sweeples. The - ,,,ii e Njileent carpet, witha white amend, en vered with Lauturtint bOUITS than twentY old WOUlen, and tine greater . part of his pinches fall on the — , The railway hp Mount ll'a,longton is lasing eonstructed With great petty:ly. The tied.: iron is helm; trnnspurted to the base .01 the mouatain, and mud d laborers nth hard at work. h largera rea Magnlllrent hotel will lie built thls summer . , and i.e eady Mr the travel Of tear. —The Neve 'Tedford (Mass ) Me rem an nonuccs tile death of Mrs Sidle) . Motel!,Of ir .„ that city, at the age er Ihe the widow' of French Rotel, I.•. 1 ifite or the ner sof Um ship Dartmouth, ce nne tea as tile vessel which brotigld intn /10stOn 1 tls„ liarhor the b. which was throten oat..- .board by thoeMollawks" In 17.7.). —The Vlrglnie LealSlatUre haS 1,119,0 a 1.111 stememung, for two genre. the Oyster Lad eapitig.loll tax In Chincoteague Island sat uoment of the treat 10,setl sestained by the inhabitants by the into flesvls and storms. The smuts has ordered to an en /rt, a bill spec/embalm; Se 1,10) to ducate ham' and blue lechildren. —Silk worms, after various experiments IL Is found, can be grown on oak trees. and thiS 1:11111 01 n 111: Werra is being nitrate/m.l Ist° Europe 10 so great an extent that It Is , the holler there that the Oaks of European c er ests will soon proalnee abundant silk rops, °specially hi sea:LIDOS 'shore the stilt the motborry cumsoche produced. _— Der ogned -Tact. are Mg Id yifillte places In England En " stall Wales coat:thong upwar•leof two thous- I " oEcu , e." of Activity Anises and inhabitant., with no telegraphic:aeon, x'c one Con." OVriWll odattou. Thin condition of things contrasts dare Market. nulavorably whin) the D h eign. sad °wo lir Tslegratia to th e ifitediurel , 11+,1 -, ;osystems. In B ert, , Belgium In oulce ter Mostacat Mat •. —Parhament urine. every fifteen thouso.rol, anti In he ltserlaud until the 111th Of May. one for °very ten thousand initabltants. I m e m e „,, et. I la..,nw ge, real. . • —ltecOrder Ituokistt,OlN ow Eork,is awards Passed farther Point tlik morning. Theilo ink some severe Sentences to prisoners who I ravens lets the river for Portland tills morn have been COLIVICtOcI at the present term of ; hta co , tie has. sen t ence d one man, j Tortoxvo, Slay c—The Law l CenCe Cann found guilty Of arson, to miprisonment for 1 was Opened TAsslay. Great activity in pro • life, sad four others, who were convicted of 0000 Moked for dorluk• the coming week robbery under aggravated circumstances. 4 ilr.anetutte arc dres at lug! , 7.1. , A gills to twenty years . cOniinoment at king onan 4 itY or grain is titre la tau waretionsm ping, I mating blapmunt. , ; -, jAßl.f,sl - 1 ,,- l b -- 4,;,----- ''----": -- • T, - '- Oit t ----- 1 1 , , ... I 4., . ../. ..------ , -,i- ,),-;,.., . ._ ~. i: , , ... :, , , .... , : . 1., 1r ' . . . . ..4`. -t... I ,A r , 7 i .1. ' :-, . • „,,, i 1 -- t'i , . , ....-rN--- - 1... - ..: 4,N . ;": --. . 1 ...,:..v, , ;,-J%, jak.9.,-/A. • -,'. i , ~....„,...4 -..,... --...,,,,t, ...:4 -- 4 • -,,-.;‘,.;,-.,.c,,,,..,, ''''-'-'•:*7.-;•,,,,-,°,"- _ ~. . , ! . !. i .. Or r s, -.::::: - ,1 1 --- !-L, VA' , ....., r ....._-i '- • ...:7 -> ,....Yridy . M4,............ , _ _.—f---,•'f zi --- ., , , -. 7 , -- 7 ,-, 1, -- - - -1 1. - ',, '‘ , ' / tiv I :.. E. ,e.,. t. - 4 - , . • , H .., . .... ,_ ...._ . _....._. . _ ... . . VOLUME • LXXXII.-4-NO. 1)3 FIRST EDITION. ON =' O'CLOCK FROM EUROPE.' THE PEACE CONFERENCE. Time for Ttt e 1 ing Cho raged FEDAs In \\ TE Pi PIO Tr, AND SINteN,II! TO D EI\C. Financial , and Conunercial NEWS BY STEAMER 11E1= i: Nt. :r,N,•e. LONIAON, tlay tor thc he i',l( . 4` t 0111V,I, 1L,3111 14,1 1111,1 it 17, 110 , V •1, t•ti Ihr- Lumatic prelinanarie, have tilla ,011,11,11,` -t lIIMEIII =IEE Burke 11...•., oi,vl,tf,ft of high trou,on zo fof.fige,f ou the of Irlal f> flow ii.N.INCIAL t. 031111; LICA AA EIMIZZEIE =ffffMl MEE v.,r00t..„ t;„,..1.Ly el h., L' p crn W 111,,hcItt Con-41..11S . . . Prova.slo, nintaa.angra. Pork, 77, Cal. Beef, El's Bacot, Lard, 3,1. aos.. s Pea o loom, iolinoa VotrWoool, ad. A.sioss, ,orits Turtle:lt Inv, a.n-On uonouon, 1k .31; 1. Clover London warke,,ilelmnged. 1 LONDON, Alt, .Z.—::,..nt.,,, , .—t.:,, ,,, , 1.1 , ,. 1. .110.14.....11 St,tl ,- 1,..,.,1L.t , t , v.,a1 , ..,:i L“-- , Awelitlee , , 70. i; Lthuot.l Celanti, ..,..`, Err, 12'4. ' , . • i., ,, ,r0ar., May .2—L•tent.ig.—Tll , • C. ,. .1.,i1 . It.rket ,1.Ft...,1 wall a Ut•ctiqt.; Inith!lin, Izrt- I, ", Halos. I:n:0..1.1[1.1, unchartgr ., l. 1 . 1 - 4,1•:!..1.- ! ea.ay mid I:no,ov:ca. 1'r0t.1..., uti- I 01....:4.•: ,, 1. LoNonN .Nlay 2—l: , cuir t t :.-1:011 1,111.1 , cti 1 .. . ....1: I" '''. 1 A NTWI,I:I'. —/..'1.•• ,1:, - ,.-1.'...t.r•o:•. , 1111, 1 4,1 (rally». • i 1.1,1....5. 3/ity . 2.—.A.:,:t• Loa , ;, C. 0.,: I nt Frankfort 111. , ..t ::Igl, - at 7•. , ,. . = or the Pante In lareizo Seetsrl that—ltellrf that Repudiation tronld Eollott his Crate of Viatr th.taran France nutt German, —The le%em balm /2n r tttlnti—t • rila.ta Hitt Not Couftettt to arid rah xatlon er b:t ate the Fortrtat—lataloa Tina, oa the !Mantled—France Ready hin.kur I:tatertteney. .ily Tekgrapn to 11:e Pit,' • MEtZlll= MM M=S3EMiI EMM Tile I,ridc. o tho s'ayi :timely trou2l::, I renvwed 111 1 rp.0,t,,,c0:n1 , L11 '• e by A frrn_ putt, t-.rerh tieing I.per cent. .1.104 /It of VIV,II ratno, • Iltrotto o r Par.-, the Impreat.ivt woe,: et oil that 011 rupture tate.ween I. rah. , tout Germany vcout.l tot for ev. ry tat• Ural Ifl trhe a Itl rtpl , oull,a -tlous. A totlegrant treat It e 101 ort {.30 th,erlitea the guneral rat., wahout athrt,ng any 11. ,peech 1r rya eu,...1.t00dee,1 v.e! pi t ,V,, tr et: tuvitoet that the to ehog Iterho to e ny the threat of ll:rum:e t a rut!, , , ;:,•• Kln ol lele-: .It , itt , tat tete , : %ar at al g l lataoodg. The T7:,,e 1.41-!, ,tt_tto•tt:a. a private letter flout Iter it!: i0:1 , 11101 Ittenetrak re,ent! . . - .lecir, et! •tt-• It a a, tu•- porvtole for him to mak, regard 'la I.a.veta , ra.. rot: rent to the neutrallaattuu Or tbe v.:tit-tr.,. • or the Prur•lan troop: Cron, the :or ce, , ter admit the quert ton open teno,p,ttatton, even tf Prtie.ritt mai thittg.totriu any wnat.: loot hear to It. There a vttatte rah. , that 1.1. e Pru,ttia wt. at the Par, Eapo-Ut to.t. Toe Moles mlitor LAG, ..a.y • motoont could ho thn epitecli wlth aLicu ta , r ls.he 4.1 the ire:teem 9t 1.10 Nortioo , ron. Barna:a. , .111 :et: , lie, an ow amide, and whatever lineinlance Autt.ria way att. a to . Ile at . , at II: at Berlin ninth, the tia,trenre of no, ;ie., ileeln ttertruin natiunnin; a fnatn.: a idea foreign pow, v lave shy harinevr to concern thwart:lves. The laelnortill Ltiprr,iinioty , a h telraln train Berl, -nalou ilitternallital not toevactiatel, ,, ili: meter any circumstance-, and 11 .al elretel ..uth evaca.alon ron-hOa ea equivalent to tin Bolicvtli. of Boa Brii-tivaequiro.l o vo A Pun p t cOrre,ondurif that roptra , alai , aro uo11:11"; to hat a the Breneh army rarely 101 V lanor,toory, that It 1,1/ettrpriularta iur utehitn tall tnan tniuiy .1. tel.:l,in Irola l'ar“ !tie to toi daily 1 , 1r,./ ,, k 1 i." truth • lit Ulu room: 1.11 .0 l• r.tner aboat to doci:Lri) war. i.rop• ror raid, hostierersto pr.-north for tt ay ismer. gsncy The Meglean traiottiort , have retire. :0,1”./ 10011, Who con I.e :aod n o•lo - i a VII ' LL ° VtiLes rotors to the A:mil - I,m Its, •! nueCorouthcioner ish :dim, to sthit ay to ghu well Ilnit I , ' , not, op," ; hue mutt Mr due les. tattoos of tee lidethh'lL treaties, which a ill be eady for notice Lind cons l i dsrat ion. Martin on MialleAdorf , at rshi.troel the Ministry of Commerce mid sproisted COLIII01:11 , 03 . Cf Inn Al/A.l - 10n expedii,on hoheru Acts, eith power to rouriodc men the:coil treaties 0.1113 Cloth, dap,. and China. The fisrtre-of I:Sig : rade hit peen meted to hervi,L and Was tarcen 00010,000 111 151 the Serrian an i thorime+on the Mtn, Prince Michael. reuding the lI.OIIIII'A 05011.11. 10 Fit 41 5 ,101.110 troop, Toe ' ldioiluif • '1 0 0,0 , . aft, iiihro-sing the cpanhth iiteeithon relative to the Vic:told, x0)0 it is not Li first Mid:sore of re• droll having been obtained. IV. m d y fest slinguluehfu final mite:glum.: of the diger chem., an.l nothing not therm:Moue:l itsprt onftleut Of Maspherhon, the engineer of the 01.010.0 It: Illtt Slay, of acceptlog I remrenee to arhittation, prohohed. The ',mina .Ifdrditei Pd.' not' the ir people of America have not ed.:holed the arzhln (Sr liscihmu dutch - Ps. tnerely• from ho 100- 1.110101 01,1, .10 001104 , their terrritore, but It Vitt," 01 turning IL to pr,11,1,4, 111. nnnrl att they did 1.011::1110, stel l'iorhl L. The hum all Spomn of Poi:11gal bare Pars: oh the LA,. 11‘nk of Portugal not, hare licen forged, :1.0111 , 1 letter of the 5101 i 110004 it 11 s that nu Engihde lin t ruh.- en. 012, hot the i _Ma tin old aro :uter i dieted 1 •em ritilitihiin4 the Met The /11g.tto orttnto: srrivell ' at I thren l . Loath on the rah With 10001,1 from I inethic. , iiurther red., of itslami mire himo noel, no.: a V 1, 0 .0, ssidutry ih goiter oh. - MEE Nzw 1 ors, burg letterearyn the :1...., Or 1,-.loli Irur The negoinolou g"ig him, lintozzolluvr. and 113111 tiort,whuK,T gne other Wiltunter %%ere ~ nplete rudy umht;“ ii;ro e," , - r,• _[merles:: Count.kny f..•le• • ty yours. Ti,t. Illetster of en/Indy In the dark only /ore :he neWi pt the 0,'1,111, )4.1111A n. I 1111thOrie.,1 the Colnv.z; h..t o ; !row 110501; of onedonho: routgeo, to ho :n tour, p-it vrurn. 111 , deafent.y no Inenn , 01.,0111/MCA ,ottatoo, ton. The I:‘,....o..\tio•rfran ton/ puny opio..nrg ',AI 11., 1041014 h, o n es hastne rken fr,dn tuue, rouldesdo e hundred end fitly, Clete pa Vniend FROM CANADL FROM 3163 11. 0 Goo., Prorlolnott Agnitottll Joaro••11141 to l'n,or oft‘es ,,, l'ortioro Illo•Ott• 005 t... Iltortlolll t.i the rity DI Mn.. .bot.l,lltirts Ilorobillod by %bet Import —Forlhor front tliorro toro—Whe Doloal-I.lbot rat. Ylototer or ilho flllnnllon. -, t tlte 6•;1.1te. 1.141.1:‘,. May %,Ivlroa Iron, l'ant: o 'llla ull ~ a y thekt had pro 1l01: tlgall),(.11,131A, 111 flk•Or V. too !rout Nt•ttattiora, to tho t`sth oat not., had utotehed Montoroy on t h wit o tilh, to 1 Cot following otfoot: l'erfloro that t too part of Ito- City of Mexico, and lowhi, hoa loam tor , at tho Convont Santa thooia- N. Itillll t , O • ,, 41110.1,1111 the Mall, 1107.5. . 5. 10 i oily :x,till delighted 'bp tho Impotial- I&,•fl at 111,• 110.1 01 a 1 , .1‘ . of had ma.lo 1.1.'111,M:owl., to ,1114. wy out of Qin•rutaro. at 'leen - v(4.0 w err literally l i t n a. condltion. I Y 11,1 nu I I ron:ed too Imp., toz 00 , undur Atarquue, u I,lnlurd Inert-taro. '1i1:• I,lntuoll boon : at San 1.0 u , hwl !tug on,t to ylueret aro. T laocral, wrown lo t.n.l the .rug gh• at , !at.rotnro, and are working vnerget- Iva ly and suot.estully 10 o h+ .u. T o• New 00,41. fi re'. 0111111c10, a repurt •Ivtut troll! a prlvaie v.ource, whim,.ayt , halt to Ink. biw•n fought at V. , t` ,, In the defeat ol the ,lu • al, ,d Inuu•rtall•to, and dutilh of ‘t trant.ux. Alt •r ugh; Quetetaro wyn.. 0,111114 , d to. ti 31411uullan 4,111. he lentil 101 , tlerv, and o supiwwied that hu rt ,- retly O hl , t the vepo that tuai, !uld dotewled Itratutat. and Ito , Ltt•- t.Sal, ate compl.ty nia,tutw the ,Ituallon. FROM NEW PORK. El= 1 M., MasV 111 ul:rou.l,l.y I urrented tpa ellarzt: of de- ./a///./ not./..1 for.for, to,tl L/./,‘•.1 /I flit, /aty OIL a.l”trgo of havtaff alatc/l no/ Nl4el Ilvnry C.l.l.lineey, whi c h t{ , t , Ll,orningirom , ton, Iltun,l“,l of Iluur Irma Call vtok..• Not!. llavana -.tato that n•att.r• oveurred to largo anuaunt, •althy plmoter at Argentine 'hum •01-, w ItiLlollt tot of two told it hull !au, t1,•30.3 w ga "tar to nnr( the. a:manna wt•thllng Imple ttrr:cugmcnt a h cre.ll• to: whlett l e elletliled L.:3l'4y lie •' t , ,,amtng I,okrtayt. 44 . .^(1 failure, wore expcclod . • lAND 3101.1.1. I•e!tttg ://e Li110117,n: t.,:nuLorro ity III liiiilllo.lCMloll from :no Loma or i• IStioiiin, otiue tls [radii 1,1 Cho north tit takti, m nicety., ituliAorlOttiiinii, to oinio.lo nil holiter, et thit•oulh bl /toil vaniloy iturnic tho re Colo lonn the in , iiteini t titit. on 1 11 n 1, i 1,111 . 11 /not referroil tlin utilve 1....“[N0 enr. o that 1.4.11e , 1 per ,leeneer 11relnert, v.. 41. .. tl./etron, C. Ilenl:Ing e.nd ere 111.0, nn.l 3111 , kkul. t, F. 11,7,zen ton: I.s.nnly. Mow/lull., It. Verger, Ml— a. 311 , ,....13 , p1., C. IloiTe. te/. 1 /nlental, 1.11.1nk Jon . Cna-. I:lelffinmer, tann, It. 'rob, F. Thorne, I:Aneher, ‘ll,,:elaLt, us,nelJ levelunn, Gen. Toerg, l'at..l , nevh. 41. .1. I,lonuxer nn.l Anon C. Ilnlenxn nn ti " • ' t•ou::. Itninrman sn4l P. A. 1V••:-.• ' fatn:ly. Mr. • Joh:: te;il:,:.l . ltt , urgh, on lamtn, I•l”..halgU. 11. 1.4m1,11:.• Mr.. .ttrmarl. Mll. kr , . J. C. , Iwerll , ! , g, 811,i Filoll PANIMi AID AriTRILIA . l'Annints In Ex per• tnney .1m Iffil,roi/0111....4 . 1• ri; 0 AI r 1114.21 for %%Avers for Trnn.p.ted ronslcl.—llr.y Hank itublbrry— ' Itnuti Teller ArteXted for Embezrle sneul grskt,l, to tLP ttt I.r Henry Chaunce3,_ I',l,latna.Yer In of tin• ea ,,, ..c1 InVlt.too ',I I tvel lle ...On, II tat,lng fflEin=ffn=i== , . • to en 1.--.n.11/ ta.;.‘tti.,., the ultit• t ova: L.n atnl:n 1'n.n...n.:‘,.1L-ton•nt on ortn tolvt.q.,.•frnto nt.iney Mnrch .:7.. ..n.rton Inivn n., ,hetl I•no• 1 Ilt• rencti 111;:ntA., o 111111. tI/1,` , 1 10: 1t1,111.1y . to New Cott' nt o.lln.y.fn lt.1! nu.n.ptnucei valtnni at :nnirly a teen -101 v. f:out tun nen: rec0v,...1. cn , rlt n uu ,112-IOULIa or 1..:1ng 1.1.”. rut:. ;neli lu4l tn , l CO:11111 , 44c.,1 In Clot 4,00 4, expcnltiil. .. . nett. flint ,nri•il to uniinn. front ',Mtn Au.trultu for. Engnanil. lin Zitniiiit, , TO fit It, fleet, C 41.14.1 4147 114 . c, 141, Of 111, fklilney. awl i:ruy, n.f,r in 111- tlwrou: , ingleton, ctulicznlctuniit. FROM THE WEST. 94erretory Manton Urged n. n Candi- Ont. , (or President --Srorelly of Ill.ent 10 31 gi 111:' rxt•l, to ttd , May 2.—T Ile Dent.. ^o(', • _ y 11141,0,11 %n •.n lieveroo, llertner and A large ',ember el heeling tilet, I u the Not ors: latet are torre,,putenng 111% % 01 ft, Ilrillg 1.110 110Mill011 Or t• .tear; ,1110101, 11, nett ilenitlent: I log trul,e , I le. /I.r 'dates, on the author it v a gentn•lnde Irate Mlnne,,,,dt, , t,,,verner el' that vtutel4 about ill pr.1111.:11fl U 11) eltltend In 01,1 n 11, 111010 .111,01, ,1".1% the river until utter liar vent, owing to u t,earel ty. FROM IIOsION. A t,,cone Officer nod Others flteirst ei l t will. Col:tapirlow to Ihifrouil IS Gos-rtiliseat. by 'lC...graph to the intLdwrgh!futle. In , - , -n May L. Davie, internal ray I,llolttglic ,, r, W. A. W rlght, ninit nta ., er• E. 11. Mar well and gob. r 6 (I,nenny, worn are yanv.,l before the l'u awl ,ratcy . CIAIII/1:M --Kaser, charged with cnn ,, p3tlngao defraud tillgavernunan. by lOW inlnv a draw back n ima - a• 111..1:fry •ot alcOhol, 011 1110 pr.,- I.Z( of ',human.; It In Ea...titOrr', and then ,anttltuting tenter tor '[ t hey roan held to bait In burn ,Jf Cade for trtal, :FEOM ALUIDIA. • ttlwl. , Co...potion or Colored PrOple-- Al gat", WM/ the ItepubllestrYorty. l'o;ograpta to Mt I'l Ltabor,li 1 11 111, 1 , 1 Yoen, May 2.—A Mobile npectal to .Couventlott of coled ellIwon:.of that Stittt, to now In 1.1:ollon 01,000. ol.Jout. ir l 10 late gronrott nn to their loro otrare. 11107 win Pritnialln no :not:ea alliance with the lteputillcau party. The Rai,. wt Plesoplalot. '...,:egnit ,ll to Ct.. 1 1 1tt,lirglt liazut:e.; rn 1,, N nines were largely at tendttl tfmtrty. Altoty tart men trout at.road writ pretten t. Vic first melt, a 11.11 td no mill, tor a purl,' of 0 1 0. 11111 won 1131 !'moor Brown; Imo, tifintito,nall 1 sec. 111, Th., tent two in Itto w. won toi ftnllm ..1+.I1n: 11. n. lo tome.. :1 1 , 8.:C111111..; ono znionto 5 7 1 4 neat meeting will bu Oa rat. 'lt q.t., The 1 . , 1%p0rt. Indinna, Murder—Arrest .1 the Nit ppo.v.i NltArderrr. May '4.-41111 evldeerelbe hee 1... U[e:~tl\"ail • Jue, t lathillllll., 31. r .lll u nnieg ua the 'nor .lol, er Jolla. , and 00 Intl I 0 arrested. The groate.t. eaelteoued prevnlla , 'lO,Ol Ole gift elltillprein at t:ltldeatal. • toe 100 I.eneat et • ilk...tett e..ldlore litre,' the urine ur 4.,00 lu t . greoolotets. . . Death Wnro ; Tcl.:¢tiplalu lb l'ltt,&urgh ~a z. tt..., ,nnt,ts MI,. I.overmer slgis , d lilt: ileatliwurry tat of 1:ottl.:11, WI exottitton tor J um: it fin 01,1 Italy nu.nd apt fall. Myer Telegrwm.. Lily Tthrvraph to the l'ittariurgh liaattie,; 016 CITY. May . 2.-I:lver 9 feet', inet,,,Ln, flallitg. Weather clear keel cool. Lotharlcce,tday elatiOnery,wit 7'j teat lathe minul. PITTSBURGH.DAY. MAY 3. 1867 SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M WASHINGTON. Impeachment Investigation Resumed LAND OFF ICE MATTERS Reconstruct ion Injunction Argument IN I :I'ENAL 11 1;I:CEIPt:, =I 1=!!!!!!1!III 'I he 'toll.°,mryoo,: 1.. 11, 111111.: 1 .uth, .•N 1.11 , 1na• o till Ail OW proxt.ll: rrc,.l4. Nr1...111, in =I = =I FL, nf t,,lnni with met", I Iti t. [l. =MEE I=l : , 110.1 for pr.-I.: r. . . . (.1 to tot. 1,4,11[r-tire: vt.lll, 4 flOt 411,1 * . r. of lb,' Or A:II of I“r“.tietca..l .r. Ilve rent:, per re:re, an:l entry I the nectlen lavot el tits dece,,,nl. Th , re 1,4 t,en• Land to he ,Mmato, to :I' o: Inturlor I=l act of. .luly grancin4 .tat, to aid In th",c,1,1,u,,ti..., of a trval: ht, pr,l 1,11...1 r.ons,, St; Watt :a Of ,tutTonn three l er cent o•rtlncr,.....l!nnn.• by the act ,nn V.O tvre,t not... In .1 , 11, or , probn.bly be boll In [11 , 415, Inntnrtly. The argwvezit ou thu leonr.ktrth junctiou 0111 ho ..f.thiel 1;1 71:119 rovnitu• 5te,411, , k• tot CONPENNED NEWS. tot,u. ~, s:. ,10 J.L. 11111011,0, It At./1 n.l t ut.ey tao,ker,,lSegl of Sy t: m.rniag. r.•po:[~ g;,( tho Frvncn rtroolor,,;1;•;1 1,11,4 knot per 1:o or tilt InA.11‘;o:41.; to;t 5V.1..-1;Ingtor;1.1;.: I MY) \ft, 1., now running rt.= 1r14;;; e to to. ultor;-.1 to ;-. fly woottut fur tory f:f .1;t1: rot Thuntlast. 1,1.4 itt.tto.l,tt rt Inatt..l for Furtv-tix pr,;uut u Utt te.l In 1.111 .y Pri-un tut rt tutu' t Mute Lutore u Court Murtntl. FROM (1111:160 The 1:Itthl II our 11.4-11:nplen.otttl 11lob of 11. e 0. 011.1 red . 111 . 1 t flour le bII m•n t to l'10•0 Up. tir Tel•Krapt, to 11, t,•!. to Cu , this l,Tit Wirelitity 1.1 prod 0,1. u., oopiouolot itn.oi . ,; the ,3,10)1 . ,0.l (.01p ,,, ) , i Oir,onooo,er snoollo,l o: op, other hortavai e.trkl.l.•tonon, ove,,ons hAve wholly 1104 ;0" tlnhy t.eolt -0;o d 010, / 10p on; 101 e,l In th In .1, 11, tot thu now oystton .10 ml, of n.OlO. hot w cOwilltnte n legal 0:0•,.01 1., ;We noloyer. ref...., to noaLo ,tfly //11,1,1114) 111114.0, 01111/01,1, 111 . 1111.,: how,' pety for to.rht how,' ht ,, o; klfen,ol t too,- :or eight hour,' st 11l it hut I lint,: to work the .10111, T 1.1111 1 , 1. Ot 11011,101 herotolcoe r.•eeiv , nyr Mot .nuo: The unemnlo)....l nt ,000, ;414., • xlrerolv intorterr.l to prey,. w to ork. Elsrly thlm ntornlov .0110 , hun w dred guthered togethor In the 10,,, , 0r• hood of the I:htr.rgo. 1 , 0r10 , f0 , And 14.11r0wl thotr twine 11 clO.O 11 II the ten hour :stah; , -10 ,, 0 , ... !Ina move was 00 litto; lonth.o )nail. which Ito* . nuinnotrOy ebo,e.l, .0 Nil I 10.• phantror Join at visaed ['Alton'' , lon.lo, yam, w they fire met by the 1,01 101., mot ntr,.. parley °ISM., 11l blute• the 11.0 h loft for the Fort NVoyno donor, w here tney were no, 1.015 In by the ,1011“1. 111 1,1/11,1 iO.l 1.1 the noib 11 alho luvem •ro hot we Oa not hoar of any pen - lons r,utt, THE INDIANS. Conference n lin Noted_ n•rior•— They flake n Proposition to Remelt. Prtarenbir on Certain Ctntilt i Modest ILetinnst. 11l Telekraph to the I . lllodlrrh list. bore., May 1.-11.10 Lirr..isirdr, Si. .1.1. the special tint A Juielbura dlsiettcli 01 the 2404 idates that the Commissions, 0.0. , auccieedell In getting dot:ether, , s , . 111•04114 Itl4.llo.lshout 01111 hundred and nf: awl, among Them 10000 111 Inn tool! nolo .1 warrior% south of filo Pinita lulus. 'Doty stated that they Wolliii 1,1110111 peaceable if the llowninent w ell,l end 11•100 thrue thousand square Mlles Of land a a resr.rvat ion, the liovarldnont to protect thinn frau all other tribe- , and keep every one. loth white and rad, froru on their reinirvatlon. They 010, redo], the Govertimant to furnish theni With nano, ammunition 1141 , 1 WOl , lOlOll, T/111 bolo 0.00 alonera were to reply UI this 00.ilen request on ilia following day. COURT REPORTS. Diagrlet Ufrtot. Butore lion. . lS 1111a1n1. ilu lento, Itt•III:VI .0 CO. VP, 51 ra. I'. Penny and Patna Vender. 11,•fol reoortro. Jury found the mute t.' 4155 arrearsof tout due, atid In terert tlaneon to date, :on! ow. trier that each of the partied pay ova-hull • the costa. , .101 n It. a.a Nancy lwrll ll s*, Jane an: l Robert Robb. title ~111 tIlkIll•EL an, nl ury lota been • worn, at tletendfltilo , F;(:Ilert S. Ward 00 S. N. hone an.l 1:110°- 11:aro Noble, Impleutled wit 11 John Rowan Ilfl.l Jet. Mittel, imrtner: , 114 S. li. iinnv .0 CO. .101 1,111 on 11, prond,ory leer, Itotlron for 41,1 10.77.1e11ve rod to defendants eel pay able to the order of ',Walla to for month later Bette, Inn:. path, 1,05, tor p 4, bola ,•rnac oil turnbilied dept,, no ,Iltlery. Deletidll,l NOWUand Angel, al., do ,lodeleo: LII..(Itt1111, ttverrlng that uo barb partner:4loo ,leer or 11.1 nnlnt 1111 11III•rliti, 1,11,1 111:11 the lirlo Of 'll. liatue .0 Co., ha far 114 tin yworn aware, wnm corntarArnl of 4. ll.d ham: an co her pet • sons to 11., the ,Inylt 1411,1 tin WI. 1100 MICO.iPICia 16 , Riwr t „ r I.e tholr autheritY. nor 11/• • • or.ole 011, fOr WWII, II purported to lin%, r IV, by either of them. ,nt teal at lournoteet. • _ • VOVILT. t t i t t; N . 11•MS14.11110 111 v. , Sim. Owen ',nth Wlllllll. Mtelliti.l S. 311{1, - azie, N . K. M. it. IllonrlnNta. Is. Win. an , l Jeremy. I It. Putrlck it ,i. 11. P. 11.11er, et 'our IriFitlfTV2l;';:Tl...`'..i.mi,-..!'grr"."' 1-2..1"1.0 I John 12, 1:111111,11 ttnl A. 11. W.lillt. VOA IrEil. The argument Ilia vf 111 lie silk,. up. CITY MD SUBURBAN. rt I: 1211 PAU E.—The Jut'.( and 1n.,: re hob:. ,Ifrtey, ti/ 13/1 , 1 Prods", .114trA4 ,„.,.„ the nt.V, will ori 04. r Prurti. PI it hbliria !nollto.l tpl•ropttl Stall any Afbool Inlllluto. 'rho In,llintO tonooloaltone 11 11 1 11.. h. and ad.. a Nt it 14 “ , ...11....c.01001i0n. of 1,110111'1.113 1101" H. Vincent, 12....tu0t.n, alter wnton It ilicr ed pmpnd. 'I In' ltl n. 7'..,111e5j • 1 , ..1111e I," ]lr. 1:4.v. I:. L. NI/11 , r, r. ;4tlrt • I. Tv.icILII,:I e 0111114111111,1111,: 111 111111:0,1 /1g 111` , 1a 1 1 , 1 1 11 1 01111/11131i 111.1 rt/rt roit•rvutezncntAl elovotrltt. Thu cwai ivitt:orl rellglott4 info wli . tlge 1 1 111 1 10.11 tel.•runi ey.,• l , r tuKIIIt tlit• 11111111 1,1 1 11l ,I, I , lt gelltsrtti I Llll , le, 11, I:eui (1.. , pro, o..1o•ly.tlo• -Temp. 1411,1 of Chn,f.. '1).o liontote witx 'lvo 10(r) eight :Iw.nes, I:Light toy S. St'.. 11/, 1 1 ..v. Li. Th./4. 1 1 .Jike. 1101 op, 11. ( 1.. 14-won, 1111,1 y :moot., it110w...1 LIII, IVOIQL.ut gii.y.• detsllt,l 1111 of rt e1e,03 IlioV 1,01,1 , t. 'III , 0,1. of t,,,110, wt. on” hoo. ho Ited loom too,lll. 31 iny lo• re 1111.0orll, io• , 1,1 er.• 0,4 . . • tit.: • linm Et.% g. •”, 31 , ,, ~, , aid ill.'llllnr.,ll4aßk.v..ll. l'onituclur tt !:sit7llo,lo Iraorgstalt,t ; ; Ifttot wallow.t. ItL-pot.;:t. 411,1 to %sot k for (t,olf. Heal.° 'qoit b0 , ..0ut nun. upAro.t)... alter 1 In - tint rtut, e410,1,0,d. I opolir , l 11 10,1, t.4Iy , LS 1 .• In p:..1. Ll. .141,11 /111•11 1/1 . 4 . .../4/1.41 ri , ,Lto 141 , • 4411 . /. /. 4 1:3•141)/ 41 . /4 1.44 144 / / 44 ',111.' 4) . , PIS. 1 / 4 4 .4 1 iii..,t /4 . 4( 44,441, 14, )4 rll.o mit/ 1411.,11 t 4, /./14! IZM== MMII tie, 0, I.ll\ si. E. F.z.r4, 11.1 It. 11 , :11( IMMWEI I:i •••••: • , t••••••••• :It 11.1 y I, :4:11.114..4 tlo• A CD:lt,o) 111 trl6/11”:).: u: .0 t r nttut .1.1;t an tt, , t W••re 11r.t ••%;,!. , , ct 1 I t I t.: :II It :11711.11.l vr.rtmi a cr. t• p. • • - •L‘LILL-'l,l Wan tr, `111,18.], % , •••••1•1•r•ti furi of I • 4 r. MEI r ii o of ‘N.,:I:;, 1a.tta%11.,..1) I • • 1 1 i , 1 El . I, it .et, ~, ME ERSE 111 11.1..11: r 111111,11 11 1 t. :I. Nl . tc ,•111.• t 111 1 , 1,1 1114111,.." . 1114 1 : 4,1 tilt, 111,“1:1L., • • r ..r,LotA.IIOII, 11.1 (Ix 'III k p,trtr-c: 1,1,4 tuc, rta c,silitrltp.•,.t.6l/..,,, Horn, —,! -tr,.• wie:as 01 to's , o..•A' 1,11111 1 1 !lino 4v 10 the I , sot y , tnn Into, 11sy. . ll. ,rtt ; .sOis, or Ins linslnsto In , Irnilto I,lns 1. ss It n,urrts, 11.1 • 11, 1.11/1 crllllll, 11.1. I tont..., :not: ~ , tsnot toliossl I onr •4 ...t 1,1 ur 1,1 1.1 sts - ts - 1 Ittry," slts , li , utr/3 1,4 ' . 1 . 11t, noonti ,111111,14.1111. /11111111/x for tun tt /11. 11ti0.111 . 1 111 1111'11 h.. 1,11.111,1111 1111' in0......•1ings of 110 Institute. nu.l. lie :tstt t•s nnt rity tt, ,Lat 544,// lA, r. ttrltt 4.1 Losts Inrisls, to in to l'iro. I{l l'ot•uktimp. 'IL, it Ili.: of Ito nr.l intry nce nsl I'l,l 11y tinsl,lol,,sn In• sont I, or, foI int: co'cutit e.tants, J,lttt (mall sod W! I 1 10.1 n 1..n01 stsz n llrn nit -stur , ln , tiftrrnoon lot Hitt nurposs olnn opcsouto taint nut LSlttln 1 0 .1 Iflnit In 10:41 till till' total of 11 e.Cooi. IrII tstturtnly Ittivlng no Linty thoniiltt eittn,tnislntl the tarn, they' left It; ;nn IL 1.. •nitlslst. Ants: of the en, 14,1 Inv! .ctuttants.l toning t 11.• 11.11,.. escnlsti alit. ustally 14111.1 twig's Istrlnsul as b3L'o. of the t.0n150 . 4 tying 'snit Isantsl Into hell , ', w Itt,ll onntnitun,t , sl In till slll ss t.ottnn)lnv wlll gnat i t t atoning tor u 11101 , gr.ot •Icstruction 111 0110 Itlon 101 l tin bout 01.11.1 anti Inn It',wni Hhnlly ox• ulllowl scrims Otittotitr. ILO Il It Illtiso nom., Interlsnot amyl4 , ll 110,1 vo.y ..111111-Iy. '3lltt of the porno Illlterghl,orto,sl, nto don to S. arta —,— A,lstos for Muir' ,:tit: tall t•ALltig'llslttott Inn llntrt, It 'is u.•„11,,.+t0 say tint Ilia opossutuslt lit Wit. conslistally, I= / I.:ounty 1 'ononl,..loler, Isom . till:M eet.° 110111 - 11, 111111 1.0111111i1(1 , 1 1/11 10 . ).11,t1,1 - ilny morning, 1111 louolt,l 11111,1 nimllcntlolm for mm.rn trol mttlng 101110 Ilemtt..., thuy gran Rot righly thrno, 1101.1 ovor 1 / 1 111 1,1 tool thlrty-rlght for farther mar.thloratlon. 111 the ullllrll lox, lI I IMtY- Mo., 11100 from tho city, thirty-I wo from fron the horoagh", 1111 ovi.attc•ll:ll.. , (non alit to - wnh , ipor It,''. ' .glatnlt.l fort)4001 Wllll, Li,ll city, turntyl , ur front A/21•011111y. 101 f 11011 /Ir hortmglm aml th.ven from the 10,/,,hlg, of lho,o twt.nly•toUr Ito. 111 l 1 /IP I.llv, thrm. from Alloglitaly, Irmo the holooght, nlii 0110 Irmn the It-1,11 thm, hold neer, thlrt,ono writ., from lim el 11, liv.. Irom flirt 1,11111 1 10/11 no! Wirt/mit., and .11 ty-otte tostn , hll.• I.lsery noll Snip 1.410111, • Our on the 411100 of the 11 will he plea , 4.1 to 14.0... they 1.1..v0 In Illetr 01111.1 soinellting all linos. ((II themo n good livery stable ill . prnetleal under tatter. Mt. Is, 1, 4 TIII bar 11110 now, 14 Ilest chess 4.f Ilin mhos, hently4a . op Cnrson etreet, It...init.:lmm. ?Ir. 1 Iller has n !In.; ¶ll enrrtage:. 111111 h0N1.3 11111:gle. (10 ill:, 61111 11111 fecul..l. for prlvatit .....110.44 carriages, an.l driver.. al,. 100 . 4 , rlied on for safety, Ile also furnish...cof fins of all-kind, hearses uh.l enrettg,4, 1111 littOied Li.:111.100 10 tonilueting I uner al.. 11111(11(111:111111111:00101% the hest attentlnn. CllVerilli IV reeolll- 11t1,11 1 big e,tabllel.lnent to the hatroonge of et, reader, 0 „ %MIS. hOt Heel, L 1 1.01 moneO 1..01:n111110 run over fl" ILII 111 II prllnt n short disi.nnro wont 11 1 Mir', rantion, on tn., Pennnylrunla hull rood, 1001 1 , 0.117 1 / 1 11 , , tin nos travel ing utl tlto rollronkt. and toot ittionnl oft ono tronk to .004.1 nn appronetthostraln only to no lull over 011111: onglnu ou tho other. IPM•ollarillew of Von•truel Inn 'Fife. Mores .t 1100t.t4 4.:4 NT 04..444 n 11.1111.1 hot he J 0.140.1 h 1 or nonfo on hal 1111, melodeons, hati ro tn ilu.i, 4,00111 . 110.4, or any other of gao4, or Irf4tromenlo of what. fivr ' r name, Towle Irp othPi maker, beenuo ..everul of he thott Important prove. i'fr , Cted I,y A1.0r.u..< 11.11110, and I oot which 11.41 r hi.truinvo4 , 10 0 largo no - loon, derive thrir 4t 1..110C lik•I/41A by 014) . other nottsmarturei, 41..-ai 11..01:In 01:10 1 . 0. I 1111/Of. t wi.:(lh give great- I•r .:4e.elloftce to Miele in4lt aut.:Wm. it eq l /11111131./It th.. traordinory ear..ntl .•4pet,nre.l uk 111 enipt.,..d 114 hl. a IL u I,llick to their lt,tt tio..•oti o m 4t i ontivu el.arau ter, and I rf wnfur the 11 .Ito anddechied pevreo truth thymoufral proh,don, 0.110 linusrother tontrunient, 1 . 5 Lhojo.tge4u dtial fair,. ney ...feet 1 Lilly cull otter, t fore, to the fa.•t 41,1 it 0, h.... the', I ldlll,s, and 0.00.1 In no rot her reed 10 , 1.r.0nent4.:01.1 that In tqi.• or 1....‘au•t.. neul. - 4.1v It Important, ir .op.. rite IeSS 1/11,0114. M 0.,: In.portarit pitt obtahual I.y 110..0n Ilunthit he mentione.ltho hlP.ow . :na . h''l'he At 1011 Are• 1:e1.10.1, 1,4 I'l T. 11,i 100111a11 tto• Important s•lnirle Iw i,,t~t'.uu•tttelterte,l In r .•,1.. In•atr uusenla lat • It e. mote taluellei., 110111 1 1,110 etple, 1.0. Ittely ta gut eut of order, than any other wall. It n It..tLe awonderful two ar 'at el. e:e.ton. anct OllhrOren the rape...lly of the Iss,dreue 2.1 01 halt. The•grr.o. 2.1110 cif the A 1e Nee. 1.0. le4l to Wear ettelnla... to produce thenaint. effects by 01110 r letuala, 111.1 000 of lbeln he% el pro, et! surte,4ful. The t a reetleal ,uperlor, It'. a 4 1.10, antral. ,atknow !edged by eotopetent rte (patented). 'fhl. le the rno-t delle.t and d1.c....t part al the ludlon 01 the' an-trte went., and the Introdnton life.° neer 01 it,., afeate,t '1 heir e_tlon wore perfe.t, r.ern .ttid rein the tom n are reederfel of pr1111...r taut e.,lsal,lllol.llol4revenled ..01.11.1- 11/ 1 5 0111.-.1.1 2.. t. They ore less Ilahh,to get god 01 older than wty•othent.. • . as. Co‘ (patented, In •loublke. the power of the In ”tlllte,rit al 1.1.aa1111. Is 11.01.1, enaldah.; the rork , r.aer to paela. eta 11111 y I.lle Ull.Ol Italeeklestely tneeted alt.h parinatlar key of the 10•I ati r tA moat, Ilk,thge a r °e t, totteithitt the one toy. t. G.:,,ter..- tb.nt VALI..L. Talent.: 11 prevent, the binning relllll.l heard In many in.truno 11111 '`/t. Tire, In rat, et. .171 k, 1,ii , 21/1...,1i gratat. lit Iltuvitlig atttreonttltor the runt LLat-.• ILtattothe:' liuunf int rt tie: of col, otottttlzttt,• call 'tot tte tty tter (Labia,w.ttrit tof the im:.llllur ( 1,1,:t•t ttr,sll, aoriVlyti. • Tl.t• 11a,u,11, Lain nut t trawls Cat, hh , t th, •-t.) 4 ,i)4/ tit tbc, ,14 • arero4hms I. Ns.-1. • hi hu.l he Is tlh• I,Vin,VO 1,0 . 11...../.11, C.ll rrLiti Agent for Gu to tilf•tr• 11;1 or .1.14 , 1 for Circular, scut ptml 1 , a , L1 to , t , t3" tt.Mrcv -• I= 1,14 Klv, ken.. In 11.0 , 11 d V 4.111011 ; :1.11 , A-rated, Ito-t. .1/ 11; imnr F;orl., pat,,,,gt; IV. 1.11.1,,,k. I , :b , •ioubtin, la ht , prrethtn , le , l”,,UY .k. 11413, 1 ,: .1111rtirft; but tttn racy •hnt , of 111, Lase (nu, Lir Oren prr,nt ,l In 0.01: tn,rn uttrxrll,‘ ,trin to Ur. Annorlorin rrath, they' , n, hasp ere: ap pt,:h.l In (Ix hat nor', natty, 1.1,1. la tho nf w ~ L. from the pnn,.. .1 Ti :hour tn.. o world t:hkwu rabii-lwrs liar, lorutmt.,,l per:uct n:nfihraz.••.“l of the ,ge In point -• dur.hutt3 . Each ,{l7,V ,, t7PtiifeiT"itrrn iti to 0Z nbrur3 • 11 A 111-1.1.' 'public:l.l4l.v nnA Rten• t feu the work: LAD t l, t itn tiA• A:1.1 .rt ft. i. No• it , It ~Arg. - Air. ichL,, forln untl t f dtp r o hv .lorolg, aninor In •ut cr...11L.t.,.1 qty..... 1. •,11•1 ,111.1 t.y A!. Ititel:,, , ,n,lcou.ituanlty. PILL, .urgh: .11hn . Lock. ire, of + not ttl4,l Wltt 111.111 ,. ... 1 , 1K:111A 111 IL ' , llt. t tats,t, • It-ttottt Iss‘itor, Itt rivet ....sotto, tt Ito toto 1141141144 W, ,Vl. {III. itottrophlc ot. th, rtlaion vt•tty rt-tt-olott•le, D.:110111 0.;1) i.l 1 n.1.1 to the rttattott, usttl tt•ltt..l ._t Long- ou:••r Nlitc, 11.11'. r •611.1 .I,,tcntz v. TI:.• droll Ilurnn: r.," tiutl:or :Irt+lic,l ',WA:Puled I,llvlLlnal whow aullo.r 1./1 tt. •mt.lty one to, rt. the a orb!, V. 0 , 1,0 tnony anti utandolti v . 11 toes M. vrt, o eteternateitul tt.totem, anti it „old that tot t In to e Moo btott, no. Owl al" lay, U.N ., a Copy. the taut bor estatv, Ofili,•rly JOltto-00• 10 bur, upon 111111'' • 'leo book cLe morel meet mg wall titt.tided MlieGoo, ry.k. Mark Totatn 11111 lIONV All In tt; helm, It is neatly bound ill purple and imtl. mei 00111 prove a valuottle met mit ert MM.: to 11111 Ittoury. eltopso 0 LIM of the Libribittmott rato, hem Ile,ever 11.,11 very popular, Il pla,..efil loon, the tlf.ootalt edition, to, bee. add,' to Loring.' Railway Library. la Is for,ole at Henry ; , 11tterts.71 It'tftn street, I,g/baited Iry lorutg,ll'' aohlogtoll nl t eet, Neste!, It Lt et Of rare thorn. 101 Hope, a novel by Edmond 1 ..test Reston: horingi Itublitbert Pitt-burgh. Logdou title In ft email; review It the novel any, ot moo, L 1.1 , 4144 Hilt ;4. 91 .1 of 111, book aro the eleVerttet, tool not 1111”1 boot esaggerattott 111,1, 11111111 Liof a;MO, - OL. OlotroolOrll are lilt 1 ;1 1 0 1 ; t van , I `tt, oftL prominent ontengst Ito mufti volltts is 1 1. Po sition mittressibly dramatic tool bathe, ,early mmgesttvu. that :Lot author will doutttletta expettleuro the qualttled plettoure Of meiog It speodliy reprtol unto!, n nowitulgatent, by playa rlglas and younger novelisto. , Call 91111, Practical Platulorro, Ga. anal Cleans l'ittera,Mti Pratt ...rt. We take blear:um to-day 1.0 Ittteu- I , thin to the telvertlsoutent of 31essra lull d. Mills, the well•known practical plumbers and 4110 and oteutu gtters, whose eotalthsl, meld. 1,1 located 01 No. ftt'A; Penn strut, The Om/era of this Orw are both practical and exporient,l merliattletf, and give peroenal oupervlolon to all work In their flue an ti utt,l to them, guaranteeing to Ore lot talaction hl all 00,1,. NOM , 11111 the 1110,1 skilled and competent worLiuen are Cu pioved, mut large or small efuttroom of work aro ttikon nod filled ot the best myle of our kmun.llll' at the 1111151 ro:o101110,10 01111 I; Mitten, Iniollot tis idol tenant. who tiT ' e ' f ' lTl ' t ii;Ti‘o"u1e1:!;;01,:.ri ua'l,rlf l'ttlfllolfro or if a n s, Ti:l " 0 " 101!; i t "r i ' Mt "' l t a i„ l"' t t' n Um Orin lo eottutry criers, mending hint tnellhntrlen ,to ell s to, tbu ell: toy;at. ' l ‘ l ' l7 tn i t ' a c t , :g lllg of coat:re+, I,fa 11116.1 ...doll pumps, .path Mama., and conduite, erection ot 011111 Cuba, und nit the work of plumbing netto.t. sary about eouittry reattletteet, or pmeo, o; bust:flub,. PartleMar attvialtm is paid to 1100111 OftlOg of 1....00 ehoraeter,tubiull 11.1.1 lilt refineries. and, Moot, ail I lot details of that branch of tho bu t otteu, Whiff!. nhould Ito °tarn:god to WOW lett e petent tomtit:mica. .11 the enabliehmeat will Ito found full Of ifari 011,11111,11C01, pond ant, bracket,,, Cornets, globes, puntpo, Yo. M00d... humus, pilots, tool ft goner.. tobatrummt of grants portaining to the nor, tortoriontl,;.tlils (btu heartily to tho patronage of our readers, =1 I.r. A. G. bteconanese, I'llyelelan to tht Iloaril of flew reports the following In tertnents lit 1.t11.e elty (ruts Atoll tint t• Atoll VIII, liOi. Mate., 3; remitter, 11 W Colored, I—total, 11. tlf litre thereil were wder one year of age, three from one to two, two; Iron, twti lu dye, one trout flee to teti, on e,• from tell to fifteen one; front twenty to tlitrly, one; runt [tart) to Idris, Cue, loon forty Ito tiny, Cull' trots fifty to Misty. one. The tlt.rS ro In ti,, whove canes, told the number ilelOg In each wore, Conentnoldon, two; Ty shut, ono GntrYenot' one; Vuerperttl levoriiittelS , rof lila, one; DehtillYi one, TYlohotil Never, two I Egarlet Foyer, ono; titarone •of the bruin MC.; still 110r11, one; .11,traszno.ti, two, Mmeishlug Thi.g. Daniel Unction, a near , ', Obtitined 0111. ployment 001,1.1 since deck hamt MI till: steamboat Neville. lie Mori:ea part of the tittle 1111 , 1 then there C/11110 IL 011,1,1 he didn't work, which last mentioned thou has continued up to the present. On ilktelnehilay he appeared on the loat 111 emit , of intoxication and C0.'0114211,11 firt ing 111 IL 01,0rtlerly Manner. rinally he v ts• t i ml the pantry WWI prOCO...IVI/ to break the dishes, chairs anit everything else inat mat his view. The Captain. of the boat, L. 11, Cochran. appeared before alderman Donaldson. yesterday. 4-I.lkl male an Infers 'nation against hint for ...Habit. The accused was arrested, and giqe ball for a hearing on Monday. . PRICE THREE CENTS. Ilrnhn• to—A New Temple. 0. be Throlui .I/pen uaer rnrnw W.: nave on announcement to make tor ,lay which will carry atilt It r. feelitig of satisfaction tont Oelight to all love, of the legitimate drama—the early inauguration of a new enterprise whereby' our city will 1, placed in the 'possession of another 11,t clic,' home of entertainment. The :Loot. my of Music, . ly the most cotton° mous public hall of the city, Ir to be open et a hin amogul:lcent stock company few days hem, meter the Management of the Pittsburgh favor. Is, Mr. John M. Rorke, s. gen t onnao a no Lai become tune and fav orably hnint n to our eitieena, and who, .111ce - thell,l,lllt of Mr. among 11, 1,01 been cont.... Led with the Opera Hour, M 'tall. the gee he manly and w eonspi 1.11,1 actor who, at , ipera 1100., line w tlit . warm (demi> ant • twally' appre, ham. teltnlre,. Mr. C 51 neniell, the Patriot. SO, • r, 10 hi.... ,, m/try in "tier 111110 of :mot were ime.stalled only hs y M great g 1 tut, 1110 1,1,0 vectireil 1.11011,111 the Mr. C. I I. Iles, a . llO lILLN chorea of toe great tictor's ethhconhentr, to open the .1.. an ac tot ,t tool tool, particulariy lt a ,li, el Shalisperean eharatterw Mr. • iloth eo ,uperior, and probably cal anal (111 the. .Iti.crtei.lL stage. II 0 will open the. ,e , ..40t1 by an engagement It too wee h 4,ni0l will lw,l,lllnWell by other "stars', of .carrely lilt Magitituti , As for the Welch company at the new Wile," edo need only make the pleasing announce mat that tile In talent at the Opera Houl] e • be I runnier re.' 1.0 the Academy of Mil lie, of distant chum., as has been all. 11r. W. It. 'wax, 1 110 ualversal fa vorite 011,1 oatmeal,. actor, will be the "lead mg gentlemen" tamat., null Mow' ilinnie Waite, the hall' wito rivals must tiara On the -.l.age,Will he the “lea.ling lady." 31 euura. I tcos,/ , and others of the gentlemen, allll Mt, 1.111 11,40 short - eft, with others of the ladles, wit" 111.1"1 form the new eompany. Net. Mc...m.1..01,11g Only excellent Cetera 1.1111 ilt•trt , ,i. Will he brought on from New Pall, to complete 01111 troupe. We awl. the miterprire a full am! hearty 0.0 eesr, nod It 11.1,1.1144 ti roll the people to nialge. it 1.. encouraging the offer. of the ettithant.n it tin eutharl, in lt, with their I= It lots boor. a eni.j.sit or regret w ILL wetly parson, that their. cleans would not permit them toPu a piano, raid here/ins th healing to e heliet that no goal piano coolil le• hought cheaply. Thta has been a popular error for many years, which Is really Diesel/est/le to the face of the fact tliat the Einer,ou piano 1,5 been before the public lor twenty yeare. These excellent P.a.. , hove ;grown in popularity until at the preseet time Mr. I:men/ea Pails his ex tonAme manufactory ecarcely equal to the demand upoh It No better photos for the price couht be made, am! :hey are without a rival In OWcontry. Thu experience of thoo• who have h i nd then/ In use for years, 1.1•1 the tostlmon:, of pr !res.:me/I music/are attest their -excellence both for cleaxness and power of tone and elasticity or touch. Fort rleh toned, durable and cheap Instru ment, perfect fn every respect, cow noind us to the pripuldt.Emereoti, such se are to he found the extenAive rrarerrau/A of C. C. Mellor X. to., Wood street, PittAburgh, sole ageal for •Western Penney/vault/. Per rone in want of wsel piano at moderato root • aboold call and Frio/one Enteraonst notke at Mellor's.. ,Areldeutnl Pthootlnc In Robtnnon in Monde, afternoon last a painful occur rents, tool. place at a how, known as (ho lave Mile II nn-e, on the hteulainvillo road la llobinsql township. The houso was 00- cultic.: by Mr. Wing, at this city, and his family. .1 lady nained Mrs. Cook, residing in Ctisrtiers township, had been' visit-log at HZ- . .. - -.f.t1 i .g.:4.41/4006 , r . eisi I 11181011 when It !Accidentally went off. Aim hall i!idourat leg Li10...e1: of Mrs. Cook and inni , ting a serious -vont.. Mr+. .tang, In whisof hand. the plstid was w lion it went ud Olt. N.( 41.111, ran nit to ill. NO, runialued there -Anne time. Mrs. Cook seus taken w here she still lies toffee lug (into the wound. Ihe shoolinsi, as fur as •ruilionl, of,. occidental, hence no snit will oCl,a from It. nboot • Itlrl. wnnl Carlton tint /0 In fOrnlNt ion s, , terJay . beton. ,train nizatitat .1. him with ....atilt snit Inattiry. The wattles triong to 11V0 IT/ '•llaytt." Tlw•y to.; It ill:II:ally nipi,tit colortal talk, at 11,t iiinoutillan.: to not nth:, but loud talk, Ai to or Ow two .titi llift tittiwwnroit c when, -n, , 11,,Uttv anto winitt•al . hint, unit r... 1 ailvantwiro it; by "tickling him In the. rite, alth wtitch oit sup ltrt„litly wnrt awl gas , t•atl tor a farther hearing: Int...rm our .reniter, i the o girl has 41...,iiitn1 to Assault and liar 14,7.—Fr:diets Morn appeared before Alderman 51eSlastets it's:end,' and otado tondmation untitled John. I.xnurm chart:mg btu with uswattlt tont l .t lr ry. Laburn evens a boarding lion,' on Peva ._trivet, next to. trinities • and 31 orri-on La.! been one of his To oarders. The other night Morrl-on had /CPTI /1,1• • met when be Caine bo rn e found the door locked, kLud so wax com pelled to rtnAr the bell for admittance. Ile tOlOOO. that I,ahurn came down, operosl the door, met a rtloaft any further o,y blob-I lam 11110 Oro ntrert. The defeud .4a, arre•tisl had 1101,1 for a further hearhh.; [lf, event., A Sint:gator I.:trifle:al.—A very tongular mem-. menrreil m t Itethlehett, A tlaugh• ter of Mierof Pistram ay, aged about ten years, left her holm. oil° morning. in liar Op parent mutat health. to MO to aehool. tun `eiirn~t hours sho etuntfilnlneil of pain in tier eyes unit iv , /reit permission to go home. Ile r reilueut .1111 granted and she left the room, but befit o she teuehed her n w f rot h hich is only about five bond-eft yards froth the ..Mail, atie tusnone totally 011511 Up to this time all efforts to restore her right have tirtlVl.ll fr ultiVe.e. Slam is no Mind that rimnot even vitsllnglaah a burning gas fluent of the reare.—lienry Ferguson wade information yrstorday beton, Alder -1 ciralit againet WlllllOO Ito, for a bre ma ach of the peace. The parties live In Ilardigiabblo and had sinner illitieuity or other uhout drawing. Water from a hydrant tl:c pf defendant, the plaintif thinking he hail a proper right to do Co. 01111.1 the other nias disposed to hinder hlut t. ci orris.. litiponent alleges that Ito, threatened I. kill 11110, by driving n poker "clear through him," Thntiefendant was ar rested and held lore turilier hearing before the Alderman. A ' , smite !Story.—One.slay week - before the family of Mr. Teeter, residing near the deep cat on the Reading and Columbia Railroad, in Herbs county, were attracted to the yard by the tuff - miming of a cat, when they round her emumed m derperatecom hat wllll • mouste. black !mai", Illell,Uring herweelt livc-and nix feet In length and live and n hair Inches in circumference. After a terrible and exciting cunte,t lid, snake.- imiti caved in. and laid proWrate betel, the victorious rat, who cont mue.l the work or ett.truction until the lire or the enemy be came extinct. MtArtot, Itrnwerw. Chemlaem, and Rot •t Attetion.-0,1. huntlee.l .I.orts of Ir htle, fancy tour, and 14.11, sow eldrts. and n Inrge .....ortnient of draw el. . .. - 1111.. ro oleo una rulltlng. 11 1 be sold a 1 the Mason.: 11.11 .%uctleu Iteuul• • w tool street. These gold. are utr the finest .011.iity and bed mat. afar tare. Speclal Attention of thu trn.l., is -rolielbel. Sold 111 quantities to stilt pur n-ers. The sale tsontlesscos at to u'citniz A. M., COI:1[111u. at 7 1 ; e. Oetlee of We reneo.-I.lSeßtif re we publish the professional curd of A. Ammon, Itso., I tool., of the Pellet!, Lest rilrtning haui,L,lll conveyancer, real C...IaLLO Witt Inns. ranee tweet. Carson street. Wt. Ammon Si. tends to all legal liwoness In a prompt and enteral manner, and solicits the coLeetton etaltS, which he will attend to in Wu mon faithful manner. Leant documents drawn in the shortest notice in the most approved form and tAylu. . A .11%11111 And ILlbitery.—.lotm LrrIAL finite infortuntion venter.inv before Alder mitt. Strain niptinnt Itcltrtile. them. in, hint wltl assault and battery. The par n hall a amenity shout the nate the defendant till. , ging that the prosecutor Inut sold one of his pigs lu a lot rceeiit ill-flerneit Of by hire, which raised the diffi culty. out of which the present butt arleeS• Purendant Was arrested ael held lot a hearing. Picot to the Ifoo.r or Itetture.—Mayor 51orrh.on yi-detilny rent to the /Punic of liebine two email boy,. uged each about t Wl'iVe yeure. They e ern ',eked tip by the pollee n eltriot; f.bont the titreete of Alle nromlienyNew . fin lurk f th (nyeete bo e his lII\ MU tuted that heW tluu. uB f lb:Allman; the oilier, t.eorge Munk, hulled from Tutentutu. 5111,11.14.11111 D Among the ltnfht. — Y este;. day three Ot tour ref! , Were broken by emu leg to contaet the pima Of the differ ent erblees on the Allegheny: ,onte ot the lot men attoar.l, 01,1 others had noL We were not able to aacertain to whom they belooned or the probable anion= of dam age done, A Sela—The Steubenville Herold chroni cles the fatal burning of a foreigner named C. a liarette, from his wrapper taking Ilro. A nontomporary ••gore for. the item with out paueing to think that all foreign Olga. rtttes 011,01 divallitc late, , t . e , c , , . , , . Dl nia•nit,~ In Spring A/Irr.—A. 3 n" Miller and Ell., Jon., live In opting alley In •he Flfth wart. and had a regolar fatally quarrel Wit tt ouch other yesterday. Ito Manley, not -01 1-110,1 Ith the remit of the combat, appeared before Aldermen 'train, and eltered a rearge of ao•aolt and bactors ugeangt each other. lloth bore 'enrage( the —,ent engagement, lomieed fares. Thee were Iledd for a Iluar- Ing beton: the Alderman to-day. Joettee or Inn Penee.—Elsewhere we putrlinb the profelslonol card of William IL Harker. E5q...11,111(41 of the Peace, Convey. nur¢r Re.. of the ilorough of South riae 1. All legal business entrusted to Barker will roeuivo prompt and careful ed. tentloo. Legal dOcUduenlA drawn to the best for and styles rolleetione muted n elig m htem, DO( tee. I Mire. Carton street, near ly opposite the It ail tray Depot. S. B. Wllmon. Fag.. n worthy am! pa triotic citizen of litinver, line consented to become the calla:date nt the Union Repub lican party of that county tar +he logialit ture. SUM men are wanted at Bars tabu ~ ehmail linter elected he will prove au henest, capnble and tiMment member. Surely of the P .—Chrotion• Cotner in HA.. Iu format lon yr,to rd ay before J make hinttli, of ehali, tiovneliip, charging Niel, tint, Druiv.r won alirvkieh of the peace. Thn same 1,1,10.1111ot! Ivas urreiitvil on charge .Iron kennel.. foot hued slaty-boVen vents and coet. Committed mist I.—John 11. I: carry, Pad tire or the Petite In Melieesport, ye,terd a e committed to Pill Tboinun bunt;. In Ott. fault Of three hundred dollars had, to an swer tr, ehurge of 15.611/Uit and battery, pre ferred tag:albeit him by Margaret Young. Not Yet Reeevered.—The body of the Loy, Edward Butler, drowned below the railroad bridge on Wednesday 1,00 fug, loot not yet brew recovered, although the river ban been drugged end conmdevalie search made for It. Jame• Ilinehotano, ex-Pre..eleLt, enter 131i upon has nerenty-seventh veer on toe, ult. Ile is In vigurous beulth nod a:er , elountly unseen thelrlp from Wheat land to Lance,ter, three miles and a 1.411, on foot. Col. Cross, the celebrated forger, who well-nighiorgeil himself out of the Chem, - 11111 Penitentiary It few years ago, ,ta under arreid In New York. lilt lama exploit has been the victimizing of parties in t:Limsgo. On Saturday tam, timothy Cannon, was itodontly killed by the falling of a portion of the bank at the one:amazon being made for ags iron tank ut elogfor. no Was about twenty-Live yearn old add unmarried. Sohn Pi - raisin was killed in thecae] mines of the Cambria Iron Company, ut Johns- town, on Inst saturguy. lie was undermin ing a pillar, when n large lady of coal fell on him ituil completely covered him. The Ma.. Meeting of the workingmen, which was to MA,. Omni held lathe Diemen Square, in Allegheny last evening, Was postponed until this evening, on airethint of the inclemency of the weather. Tho Mock Crook will Oraw fully ten Moumnol strangers tutu the city. Corre.. oontlenta write to know If special trams will be run on the railroads, watch tro are not now prepared to answer. Bennett and Kiley, (Mar Stewart and tiny.. were sentenced to night years in the Western Penitentiary . Zre robbing the omen of the Ilrerant t pit Petroleum Company. ut There 14 it bronzed elfin attached Loa law bul Malt; Gr..t.treet, wninb read, as Pd. loa, "sultclturi In Bankruptcy." It te ride thlug to Ural nolicitoto out cd bank ruptcy. Frs .w ts n. complete failure, I. Ile ems Mtneell up age Lost better Judge., . Th. "Cfl , l.i lit t 1111 I:e i tionis - lit the title of u forty tooreil pumpnlec pu , ,l3Nbed at Tl tu-vale by reuten. bearing . upon Wu future welfnri• of tin, oil territory. George Miller, a citizen at Idlinin Co., wits killed by falling noon a circular maw whae in motion, at the hooter', P.ile 51111 a, on the Snow Shoo Railroad. Abraham, Markley, Eng., Etn.: vile, of Norri.down,rele!,ritted :he tiftletli p.c. Of th,• rrl.tC,•. nt ttletr residence In tlt.t borough en [lie lath Inert. Eleven children, near I.lowertown, Not - Ll . .nylo county, ne they were going hunt° from n hwt last week, were bitten noel :logs. • • Alexander E. Bnt rawn. E.g.. a uneber of the bar of Nortloonteoll county tut nearly lilt; years, ,lied nt t.n41.0n, Cu the ult. The Prewbyterann cOrtftregittion Of IiSOOTO 1.1. V. OMO:OTOti n profee.lonht teacher of tuered ILLltie to inetruct the enter. 11nn Weber ,Ilot Jack Ow en la a pnUlle retmle um Centre. on Friday nlglal. It In bupirtsed the wronntl will prove fatal. sloptnente of petralcurn over the hi Creek Rulloaud from Miller yesterduy reached I,7id Ilurreld. The Young pon+oning ea , lo , ilatl tJetin post pored till tlts July term of the Blair C 4,1114 tyllrt. • I 1 h.. been decided to bold an .I,trlet3l - bait tu Huntingdon count) next tall Anthony 1:. Roberto it the Republican cau.ll.Lite Sur Mayor of Lancaster. The Colnintaaloners of Lchigu county have re,olvtl lei il.l N nee - Jail. Sew "Rooms To . In another column. A rare chance Is offered. Indiana aunt We.atmorelantl counties aro overrun hl' vagrants. Sheep Thieve. are operating in Wash lug Lon county. Oil sold on Ban Ilan yesterday at at Wu wells. • =I Tbtratlay crunlrag, May 7.d. at the Whit 'a rtalarnee, by liar. 4. McMil lan. Mr. F., 11AV lb mud Miss 40011 ERWIN, both of Allcgheur CIL, Pa. .ho cards. IILACKMORF. -NirtLF,Y.—At tha residence Of the tally's mother, Mrs. A. T. Wolfe. In "ROD pentburgh P on Thersoly murolne, May :A, ISIY, at t o'c:ock, by the tier. Geo Berkley. Mr. THOM•h a. BLACISIORIt, of I'lltaborab, and Ilia• MAt. UIE e. t VLF., orthe farmer place. COM evenlog, Mar 13 t. at 10', arcincl, Mrs. TARAH BELL, In Ms ninety brood year of leer sir. r TEe Inners! wilt 'oar o'clock In.. from the real.lenre of Der son.ln .loon T•gg. In 31anstlE141. Clinrtle” 'rt.., friends of tot family are rt•srertf./IY tn- Cited to attend. Thurs,is - morning May 24, St 7 , cluck, Mr. JANET In 11, C. 1,1 7e,ar of h.s aye. The (Literal It 11l tote plece tFrlitsy..) AP "r[ll.,oo,, 01.7 11. at" o•dock. m., from hit rent street. The fricndo of the.f.ttally art rcepectfully Invited to stoeml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALE[. AIKEN. ENDERTAKEIT, No. 100 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Fa. CIiFFINh of all kinds: CHAFF,. GLoVlia, and every description of Funeral Furnishing Goole Rooms opened day and night. Hearn, and Carriages furnished. illtrElt.E.,c,s—lter. David Kett, D. M. ILev M. W. Jacob., MD., Thaw. w E.I•• e MIIIe. r. Kea. jG. HOIMEUS. tPDERTA- ItItIi AND E,MBALMSIt, theceasor to the late tiateuel It. thelgera. No. 29 Ohio etre... three doors from 'teeth, Allegheny Lity. Mo. I.llle. I:ow:wood, Mahogany. %Yalta. and Rote wood Ituttathoe coma.. at the lowan redueed pries. RoAne ppcn at all hours. day and night. Dear. and t'arrlatua furnished ou abort notice and on moat rt •blu term, I{T. WHITE & CO., UNDER • TAKKILS ASD Ell BALMICICK. alanrors. ter. i!lood•a Run and etetalty. l:Otan Uorina'at. alanchraler Lir cry etAblc, corner Sbcteld and Cloutier. street., basest and CaarLagos fur- Maned. 1111-LDALE CEMETEItY.--The beautiful "Hod`s-sex•,'• the largest imbue. ban place of sepolcbro, tercept one. In thir cone. ty. satiated wi New Brighton rood, I uonedla le- If north of Allegheny. kvr burial lota. ar :Wes, call at Central Drug More of ClliaL. • Allenherie piAcioS riastis s I—An entire neer athck NAN... welch are nor contleere4 the he.t made ; • eleu HAINES CELCIIIIATED frorninne etmsed. l'erpone In weet U a dent class Naha are rtepeettelly Welted 1.. call and exltnelne berate hutches:lna 61..11er. liAulArrrE ritx,ra, Igo% $a Meth rue, t. 11 IPS CONCENTLIA TIE) Y. X TRAI7 .ABSAYAILILLA , 1 the liheat Hlwt rorcl.e. ipaanTr GO 10 DUNSEATH & CO.'S: AND der 9i16 Or 'TT - Venetian 01.0eics, = Guaranteed for One rear. WATOITES, CHALNB AND AT A VERT SMALL PROFIT, AT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wylie St., 3d door from sth: JOHNSTON & SCOTT, -Dr.A.Lzati LB • Fine- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., I= littibliza-fpla, I.coarils. Ar• Panlevlar attentlon en. 110 Esuaring Wawa.. Cloest aad Soloman. All Work yrs.,- ra,..., SMITHSON, PIM & CO. ARE RECEIVING DAILY lionionso Spring Stock of I3l=l BOOTS, SHOES, 13almorale, Gaiters & Slippers, LADIES, DENTS, MISSES AND CEILDII2I, CARPETS, DOMMTIO DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, wool) Sailmirtis, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, PM NOTIONS OF ALL 111D8, TLELLINB'S ENORIUM, 55 & 57 FrE . T3ZE IWriII.3E7EFT. 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 , S9 l S 9 MIRKET STREET. $ 9 GO TO 1.491Fir6 Co MI 7 ES, s9l 89 .ffarket Street, AND GET Tom' '' ) ;BOOTS, 8110 BS 9 • Tat CHEAPILfft AND .13t2T T 3333 OiTY . „, 9 NO AUCTION 13001/3 I.IIS. R088,.59 Market St. S 9 ;S9 89 SS 89 89 89 89 89 ISAAC CRAIG,. OUTLET SAWMILL, • Foot of Craig .Street, .A.LLY.filig..l37 Kenya conatont'y on land • large neck of pea. son .1 plate. rio tram. nela. Windo tram. lta C. oubotlls. untie.. ll. P ate., Seast.lng. Deck tug. Bear sod Bottom Pla.k.speutlfag. railetv, Lath. So. He will Oltorder. for bowed stol3 wua prenantaoaa and at We-we. aoligono DIM CLOS & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers. CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STD Lama Mies 11T11N17011.3 aceetsaily JOEI 51 PECK, - OR.NAMEPerAL HAIR WORKER AM) PLIIIIIIrAm 99 Fourth .tr.-.t n . J Vingrott eit. 7 V."llr ourle; ropy, hesloa. Gnarl Chalet, • tcou4 pro. In entin will he 1.1., LAdlee . •etlexneite he...l,l2lltt i rtt 11 the neetett wenn. . nG !: 1 11IE CHEAP MT. The etimplest, Thik Bost EWING MACHINE, la 'MILLER.* ALMON 1 WATalAsir. Titan 11418. BALS.IICIiAI I 21 rirra !mazy?, li fell OSEMIL MEYER & SON, Yalta Mimi... DC FrCri = l.l . 47i . X . TaX/31E6 'Yoe. 133 .4141TIFILLD STILZKi t Oa 4 44. rE I:IISTIMET. • BARGAINS Li SEWING MACHINES. tlz maseines, 'netbut's. .non time, for Ws WM. BI T 31.3111 • Co., it 71101 street. =ME= FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT, On Carson meet. Eaat Bina*Omn i Itt. ajooct location. •dilrata. BOX 211, BUCHANAN P. 0 an22•1.:1 B ARo. E Uri MILIPS li•PAßll.l,kcleanses end st blood, lola the or of heel!, i ht .. h . . 7 .. I,vm„sed purred o.l ele tee hamd.n, th, ease. • • !alaSnairr C j ECAPEST PLACE T HE CITY to bay TRIUMP copula troy E. hLt NO. itC ANT STEZZT: P. a. DITPPY Igi: CI.4II , I2,PEZT.X*XiI. 133. g1.10. 3r, Tbree Qom vibe, Smith 6l field Street. • • PITTSBURGH, PP, Every kind of Work none on tee . norte.y, tlO veilost rea.sonable term.. Partici:amity, d Johniner. STABLING TO BENT. . --1.2*.- TWf , llty-soo Stallsz On Mir/ street, near Woo , of Burring a, co,- uG zi if4rkst moth =ES I
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