H. 3E1.. P.XV.3Et7!'Z , Banker and Bra{Ler, rm Wood St., near corner of Fifth. deseriptlOßS Of GOVOTOMOIIL ,1301,1111 - - - - ght and eold on Ilberal terms. ndon and ContomonW Exabange eold Ness York rates. old, silver and Coupons bought at Malt rata, end Gold Drafts Issued on Now L SIZES 7 3-10 BONDS on%erted into 5-20's, 1805, 130103 DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. AS._ T BRADY & CO., Bankers, (or. Fourth & Wood Street 4 0 HOLDERS OP • 7-30'S. Ilavtoßreado,sdrecial arrangements with xews, coOir_c•-afi Jut COlTtSpriaileorri we are prepared to convert -W. lOW 5-20de of 1063, Without chase. Bonds on Mond for Delivo , 7. IRA B. -MeITAY . & "liargcaToers. 0011NER FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD' ITS in 04, 34 ----- SELL YOUR 7-30's ANI)i Big 5-20'5.1 Holder. of tIipVEN TIPRTIES (Ind sn.4. ...We. of OVER UN't: PER CENT. by converting on till plan. IRA B. McVAY & CO., 1M3322 COB. 4TH dr. SMITHFIELD STREETS, Dl4;y7 FINANCE AND TRADE, 0711 CM OP Tim Pirrimenrin GAMTTS, Wens's:tit:at . , May 1, The-New York stock quotation. 1.041f1y, se reported by Ph. It. Mertz, were as fellows Gold, Eightx-ono Lends. 310'4; Five TwenlieS, 1562, 101;;; Five Twenties, Pi% 103 - ;;; Five Twenties, 100, Censols, 10;}1; Seven 10 ~1 /05N; ; Cleveland It Pittsburgh ItallrOmi, 71.41 Fort Wayne it Chicago, Erie, 64; -Michigan Southern, 0; Chicago and NOrth Western, 3t?:: Chicago and North Western prefrd, Gl , ;ai ., !: Chicago and Nock island, Wcuitiirn Colon Telegraph- C0.,-1 • Now York Central. *+: Reading, hrti..;. Meld opened weak at 13.55..i.1ee1tneil to 134 12. advanced to 13558, and Mesed Uaotatf,: °s of , our securities in London are vat quite to favor:vile aa yesterday, which its trued the pr, - . .mium on gold harm the ten ibency however,is tur lower prices. Govern ineritS opened strong, imt closed %mann:, OZ-COUpOnS. Thu tendency is for lower rates, since the demand for money is quite brisk. and stock speculation absorbs a large amount Of 1030 capital. Railroad share. Loomed to have reached their climax this morning, though, for some charts, the closing prices or last evening were barely sustained. Fort Wayne advanced to tO7S, lint ontise.inently went down to Erie declined from 85 to about i'dovith large short sales, and, no doubt, will go touch lower. The heaviest decline is 10 North Western, common, from 35't latid Pitt:stem:nil IS strong• it is surpris tog to find people who sacrificed their mucks a few days ago at the lowest rates, now bal lot after the Market bus at:enticed about 5 Per 0 507. All 111000 who lose mosey Sothis manner do ,;,.,erVe nothing better,°e mid". advance It was evident that so In prices win coned neavV :ales from par ' ties who selsq to realize. S;Crertit..!lFai, the market may' slot have reahlteti Its ~tlelleot point, nn , l the decaie may Only he Lena pnrary. dames T. Brusly . Co., band :erg; car .lames of Fonrlit ant Wood , treetii, dealers in Government Securities. quote the same in New 'York to-day as follows: Gold 131;1; V. S. Stsek, • ho lo . . • Isid ' IUSI, Sr Ten-Frwtles U. S. ,!:onsols Seven-thirties title , dulY ISOt 11 '. ' :tIer.. Compounis, —The following letter from the Pitt,. burgh, Fort Wayne k Chicago Railroad i,ompsny to their illiancial agentS in New York Cilty.ls highly encouraging. What is hero ,hoses of the reduced working ex - penes of the Read we have reason to .- 11000 Ia tree of other of the trunk lines of the country this spring: Stf.ll. 1.91,. Dean Slit: I none,: 00011, statements ten ' dered the Auditor toot the earnings and • exenses for tile nrst quarter of the pros. ent p year, compared with 1.1 , 1, have been no 00110 Wit ---- . 1 , 67. 1-4,.. Inc. . Earning5...111.7411,5:17,119 i1,71111,1:11 W 0,3,05 Y) Experlsti.i .. 1,231,131'90 1.315,•2: - . 3/ Not Earn, • 1ng0....... $.515A52 G 9 1387,3 K 30 61 , 7,571 39 ri t .creaae..Vl, lls • Thjis is th e poorest quarter in the year— earnib) en being light and expenses heavy. Asstmiling that We receive no Increase in . • the year gronn earnings, and bloat Ilse above ratio of decrease in expenses in maiointaiceineed (and Mr. IleCullougn thinks it the aggregate increase' • of net earnings or the year will be equal to three and one-Mutt!, par cent. on the mid tat stock. Tills would gra. an the present stock. (011rteen and ono half per cent., and divide increas.,l stock twelve oer cent. for dividend fund. If there 14 More.. to . grope earning. the dividend fend will, of course, let Increa-ea by no much. Tile Idol feature, however, of toe foregoing state .' went. is the decriam 1u as ponies. Toe transportation department la Lazlnning to reap the ot th e Improve...nuts idol additional convenience,. in workiag the toad, which must eontl tie, as additlOns are • , made tO shone already existing. . Taos. Li. Signed..., Ars.' Prenitlont. —The Financial Chbinnicfr, speaking of ritowsy property, say,. "A large ',moor ' Lion of the roans repreiented On the ethek. eXehange have now reached p.m./a In Which tbey chola pay regular illimitable, were their affairs adrisinlateroil with due penclenco and economy. (Jot of the lint of thwy.,,ht road with .13:6.000.00b capital • [noel:, Mt the call of the New York Stock E..chgp,..e, thirty-Ono hare paid dividend. rgn orw 'omit 7 tO 11 per rent. nor annum wlthia the Lint nix months . whereas; die year. ago not iim:is, In lour of ' tie roads Wan mating ells ,yinionprolile anlorie nteekhOldern. The Kill , . larger than has been genera a et tile ultimate general decline In price. ndist be 1100001- panted vilth teal in dnet len in th tho ratoa of freight, yet a onnelirront ree W °ram,. expenses may be relied main to cerniesonitte for the lean of receipts from cause, hail will probably leave the net earnings equal to what they are now. , Cincinnati Commercial, of Tuesday The announcement this morning that atr. J. E. Morton, b taker, had Mane an assignment, oce.loued no little eleltc meat and much regret. Losses Made by die d ever, ill of last winter are cre dite an the eau. of his misfortune, No statement ea 10 the condition of Ids Ill so f ha. Maya bran placed in the Man It of s a,asignee, Mr. Jon, 0.111111.0115, It It is he. uew prePaYeW , and the vredltOrii Will In a a." 1.5• kern the .1[1.1.0111 Tb. •LI WO has enfoied good Credit here. --Bay. the ChiCano Tribtme, of Tues. - Iluninese td financial circles w. vet , to-day,and mime quarter. it a ra n '- i u e 'et noUnmil decidedly dull. The ilerultal i f:b7 wire net there wee enamel . " . .. r V e i n wairy TO, rehewaln by provision -- operators. The untraot in, if „ shade easier. There I:, Ite.vever nn rjr b u tsi In the herucloy or t itle d nonxe. hoS whoa are alisolutely e to it, is any lacer granted- T." rate in Z., Changed. In tile Open market infancy en.. Mantis 114491 par cent. ' lIEGR.I, MARILLT, OrriOlOr rtirenlll.P g il Wroi,rsthir, :ay 1, 19C7. As ! tho `dock ont,i for the present at least, seems to have come to an end, and most, if net all of the mills :111V1, ulready,.or will within a few 1106,1 2.1.1,11 e c,perations, there le, as smatter of tooter, On improve. taunt In. the demand Tor Metal, but the market, its yet, it uth.ettled and Irregular, and, apparently, there arc 110 established prices. Mill owners, us a general thing, are not dispOsed to buy very freely, preferring rather to hold back,ln expectation of a Whitt further decline; and wart pretty henry I stocks In yards, hohlers of metal seem poled to realize, and tome Ot there, from all that we can learn, are tusking C 011.2 5- Mons in Order tO effect nrl.lOS, while others, refuse to make any triptorial reduCtion. Thus matters aloud at present. It Is thought. ho w ever. that d the trade slime it mer e t.eigible an regular Shape within the next hew days. after which we ,meet to be able. tril!‘rfpntut. pretty good A7::l:':'''', : 0 ;' t : r';. ''.'''' : ''::'a'' :: 'n.' Z I 7OII, 31.: ;—_:t.l :l 11 - ,1 it , ivel; isle , of . ...5/ ball, of to :titbit:4 up 1.11 ols at s-c. 11onr reettiobt st..]t. Market 5 il:110 better , but ti.— actlve: 1.011 , of t. ,,,,d, at 510,'00d1,45 for sulk:Mut:state, e.tero. $11,5 5 a15,:50 extra weslerti. 414,1.1 Lind, choice do. 51.L.5.5T11,75; snipping brand , . extra rOund hoop :thin, 1111,50O,15,1.1; trade brandy: market 'lousing dated. Cali fornia dour firm; rale( of s:l.ltairritto and k . t cks al ;Ica 17, Inside price tar COllll.llOll. 10 Ili , 1, qt.et fillil ilnell , t110 , 1• Wi , at. re.- C,:pt 1155.: market Di.. 10 better 0 11 ,1 cer, Ilmu:sail.•tot tts,tos 1.:1411k1 , lit O.l,7.lliS,7SL:tdi 'N9.2 , Olil wait k.• 0; 42. 5 /for tlreen t.. 11 spring. and IL to tor 01:110 Lai :loyal,. Eye 15 nem land more active; salts, of ,tt,too ottslteis of 'wooterli, a 1 aI.N.IT I.e. amt. chow., 41,‘,.. Dario!: 1101.1 S.Lcdc hither but las:, ILeIIV , .: sales of loot lt.t.sll.thi at C,111.1.1 fre.• west, at 41.130 ~ Corn reettlido 11.515; neirket 111 - .10 OVIM.K Or 'VIM 191-rsttnnort GAZETT . a, 1 taller, lazt It,' s act Ls', ',lv. of ,".',,,.,1,a51i.•1.4 IVEDat',l,..O, Slay 1, 101. 1 . at 41, , 71 , 01.td.:15 for tamed 0 estern 111 stme; 'I ne general markets were exceed initlY 11•1"4'...nmsli .41,1S5jel,:td , for a lilts wit-tern, .ii to.day, which N. 0.9 0 alng, partlalLst to, 1: „ ! .i ',T , r ,r ` , v , t , :;er , t,. 1 . 5 * , : 1 7 .4 1 ,1 1 ,..;5 0r , t ;:, : , , , tt r .. 1 ,L, 1 e . i 5 , 10104. to toe inclement condition of the 17:, market lc better tool dna,: 5,101. wea ther, which usually tend! , to retard out. to 33,0 i liusn els at 75,;,71 . for . a esterst t door nosiness. At best, hoirevol', the de- ''.'l,'" r Mi "'" k " . ' ~'''.. ".!''''''''''. feet '.'''' , rw, ..• tor roll, Id et. dud. Coo., tprott. Mand for nearly all of the leading article.... so., -letclY; -ales Of 1•51 bud,. ot Cut 0; at of tr .,,,„ h,,,, b een lo g lied n i l s we e k, and 1101.11' ...... 11 011,..,..-. ~,,.1 ivt. 1.01:01,11r. ',lull, ..bout, - Die only timed:lg ,IlSpect we have to . V - ,,, - ,'';',! 0 ", r n e ,,, r , , ‘1 3 ‘. ' ; ', " , ' O L . -..',..,';',3.,.1,?,'1", ,cheer' l '. ' ',"'''''' nets .1). the renllllllllloll Of busintso br list . ,0,,,;.2 0 WI tr 1110 la. a Cr,,, , . 1,,..,111,:: , :d t ,!,=1 1 , majority °tour rolling mi 110.,, at ~0 4:11 , .0 for Iliatutts Avlos, ltstst womb!, di ILNlN—There 13 no Wheat in Stile mar- 0, , ,./ . 0:o for middles all.l 'heavy do, and 5..,, get, and, consequently, no established quo- :s p .? , f o r C .,,,,,,,,,,. ~,,, ~,,, wit , i . billet.. Oats plenty - and /oet bat unchatt- ptamo toe dotuestd: 11,,ta , rattler carer: Fed—.ale Of 1 Car at tSir, and small sale+ at ~,,,jg , , 1,.,.,,, ; ,,,1,,,, of 1,1,1.15 I:01,1009, al 1-K tdiyatt. Eye is timiteddit 41,55 to 41, 04 . totn tie tor tlonotst lc deem . , 4,0 , 0 for 1 , 1111 ,,, . is a ,, 1110S at 41,03 tO 41,11 for prime to dolt. .2tri,Jl,, for Texas. and . 2.1,14t4t. for Cato Yellow. Dailey to too irregular So 1 1. 110. forma. Pork more active an ['toter; sales correctly. ol 5,5.L0 barrtos at 1.1 . 1,k5d152, , S tor nit" , ate.,, - FLOFE—The Inarkut continues dull, the ciredug to 42 - 1,1 . 5 ca 51.1 411,1 . 11,21, 1 i 1 for ttld dcmaarl bring very light, 1,111 prices are ~ ~,,.,, ~,,..;,i,,,,,,,0 for T oon e , i ii id .., Li 421,:,,,. -dro: and well susitonetlo Ste co:alone to f„ r „,,,„,..,..-, „64, 1,,,, ,,,r, 1t, .. quote at 414,:1 to 4.15 for 111011 to elloicr• ~,,,, , 1 t.5.23,1,1a,15,1:,, bllyer, Slay. stock 0/ ,i;ring WileUt; 615,5.,.01 . , for 1(101e1 it beat, old and now 100,591 barrels; 11,t month, and 410 to 419 for fancy brands., Eye Flour •0,1-1, 1, 5 ,1 year, t0,t.:1. !Seel o eatly t talc , rat is firm st BOO'. 4.1.• barrel+, at 411,51gs1 i tti f o r n e s/ PILOVISIONti—Bacon Is quiet and nn.- 1011111 1110,, and 11., , ,f.04.11,-., tor fit, Cllanged at 10 , In 10,1 for Shoulders: 112: to i . g r r ,„ „ ort .,. ..,,,,,, 0 , ,i,,, and non 1:13:1 fur Ribbed aryl Clear S blots; 11 fOr 1 Iton s.:::: y,a,,,,,g,a, 1,,,,t ~,,,ml,„ I...l.„4:;_uarkage,., Dams; 15 1 1 to IN%r for Plain Sugar Cured, ;,,,,, 310 , 1 , 3 ,,,,,,.„ . • ,ro,‘„, h' had /to'., IA 111,‘,0 WI - Cativo:o...d. Dried Beet, 1 1 00 ,1 y. ',bon, ' ll5 "erect , at 14..”a.0.0 for . Idird, 140 to 15,, and Ales , rt.'' , 1.2 ' 10 prin,. lu l'ar , , nod 1,0t,5•1 1 155,..i 1 11011 a. Al too. 3,.tt0 per barrel. - Beet llama, quiet and utietbittgett, s.des; psi BUTTER-10 In fair demand, b , lint the up• this. 11,1C011. 11 rtri aaandinli.l.. :=al ,, + 11l 4,1 ply lo tally equal to It, and price: , r t box,. at LP:gar ,tt for I atnal,rlat,,l: :tad II mall. bnenalll:o — reg ll lar f`aie. at ..,,. 10 . 1.0 1F . ,,c for ;not I ribbed. Ltd. turato dud: Jae, or good to unmet: !rush Roll. 5:005 tel 1 , 5 par 1...n.....a.1. ~, . ,,.P, , for sttotild. :5, EGros_stearly, with regular talus at 1: , ,2 10 a u.l 12 ,f,14! for Lau.. 1.ar.1 .Iro , ..,aug', ltie, with a suliit'Y ritual to the deman't• tap: id. 1gti4411. 1 .0. New Iltatcr, oull at 116 katEEN ADDLES—DuII anti unchanged— lie tor Moo. Cne......, steolty. sates reported all tdo was boot 4.13 10 45, for l,A,,'0 --.:'p r. >1 —Ol , 510 cliocd drnt wll.ll tin common to choice, 1u p wait] tendency for In gal 10111 grade.. KOTATOES—Daii, an i t with a supply - cell-It heat stron.dit upwards; No.l spring 1 L'io sbierably 111 1100004 Of the ,Wrmo.“l, prier: , iii,, No. 1 +1..55,12,,5. dye 11110 011 a 05, re, are tending downward. Saudi sales of , 1 ;,-;,,,,,,,,,. p„ ; ,. 3 . ~,,,,,, „,,,,,,, 3 . or , o. prime Peden Blows, In store, at 100. I la's lirtuer at iStigl-e tor 0 05tera. torn 01L—Lard Oil in etlll 41110104 at . ..0 cents ; Ile„, ~,,,, fairly ,115111. „, 41 ,, , ..,.., ~,. for No. S., and 41,10 for No. I. ,41 . 1. , ut!o,tt tor 511t19.11,:t :tiledl SLEDS—Fluxseed is In stead}' tleumml at . pdek to ; to ., , a l O , o f 1,,,,,10.1., . 0 . 1 ,. 1,11.„ 1.l P. Clover told Timothy seed, dull dud un- 1 ~,,,, lee tog liar, ~,,,,„, lie 4 , , ,,-, I+ , ~.,,,,, C. 101000,1. aad 01. i.... ~,, l ital; t.,:.,,, , 1,12 Ill: ',War .1(1.1 DitIED FIWIT—VorY ~ t 11,,, .., un - ' 4....; ,0,... , t.,, , ,,,,,,ti0n tor NI, }:,.,:, Id,l changed; otuall sales at i o ,tt ?On. for AP - 1 rtml *...i.:t,4 asked. 1101.1 x+ - IS wad 110111, (1- ph-g, nod 110 to I.e. turn eaches.. 111 Ir tll. - Imipg , l. Cat no• tot tooninal. It woo IIAY-11 quiet and uchanged'. ouiet tool A t•ry 11.11 at 1 , • . ., , 1, L. aU,la , rian.l 1111./ES..—=ale of 150 Dry Fitnt at De. , 1 tt , abuts,. Lard ilosed toill to 1 . 2 1 , , d14: tor _---.0.------ 1 fair to pt lute sutra and 1..1i „.3.1.0.“ for krt• rirralluautt pErisoLEV3lll.tickLET , tie remicted.______ 1 • JANIS DkLZELL & SON, 69 and 70 Water Street" TART) OIL MAITUFACTIIRERS , And dealers In CRUDE, ItEIIICAT 1 S au.ll CARBON OILIS. 'We warrant our No. 1 ard O best Cincinnati. or other brans, il slid , to sell as low as Cincinnati or ra. Our N 0.2 Lard WI S 3 a Lubricator cannot excelled. Duck Creek Lute...ratio, and standard to . a=kls of Carbon WI coos t . n on their " inter," torlye a Lard Olt !Tow the tgt• pirrsoUnti II 31 Ell,l 'tun alts =arise* lt ~ Oil or 'THY Pitrrltilltloll-1 Ar.CTTR, tHY Telet,ixt , to tit, locillarga Ossetic.? W''''''''''' S"Y '' ice'.) - Itt t ri t Al.tt, Mtly 1.-110111 . 11 steady nod in CitrDE—The market for crude presents „,,,,,,,4„0.,,,,,,,,,,,, .„, ~:,,,. „,. ,pr , ,,,.... ~,,,,, no new characteristica worthy of special i at 11th;, and 1.0 tlO. I . titititllt :tin t ing, ttt 10 1, .. 1d . notice. The demand li Only Moderate, while 1 iy to , " ,00 ,, .. : ,,,, rs 0 Inn • tona l la• at 11. 40 ; a., Ime h No I Chicago, ai V , .. limn qui r t price. have undergone no quotable change, , and firm: 11 cars new 'I eitato on track, ad 6)4, on spot, and 710 Ba lor iiitlY ant: Jun , I 41.11i1 1,1; i I, id t..... 11 Cleveland clam..., at Sales of IMO and I..th bids at ci,i, IN: At , ~ S1.1:“1,1,s;.:101 itt3ll , l Western, in rta , la , ll , 1,111, , riOurned; una :t.ti , (0 gravity) it: 7 t•l'. I '...; 4 0,. 1 Y - X'e•qer's:,..:it 7'i's.':"lbli'stt?,:i..?:,i's4l:4.:' t-lrolt. Thu henertil tone of the trade is . a , ..11m . : - ., , ~ ~, 4,0,,,, i,.„,. 1,,,.,... .i.,„ ~,,1,,,,t ~,,,,.. iii hhhee'iiiiihe 'if ' iii"‘"" "hf'"erhb'e 1 ltic 1..1,/:. for Canada in ' store '' ale, Pm , : ; -r ' i h Ori° "'hr. rho E. ''' . 'in.' o r au 1 sitedi sales, at s'..irial . 1.1. Care,'" Ce l ...iir e while buyerill aro vonterniiiig for snit fur- , ~,,,,,i,„. ,L,,.4 ~,,,,,i,.,,.,, 4, 1.. ~,,,,.. her kh i lh eile h liiii i it '' h. ' rr..ei.-- " °' h' 1 um 1 lover. and 1.1 for Timotio . illglaw true suppose that there will he nay deelli.il here , bull ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,t,,, . untrl the oriels drops at on City, - At . pres- I sent prises there is intle or no thar;in for crude dealers, ano the sarne ts equally true ...-"°, 0 ./ e•his ftirSrkick of our re:Briers, and one of two thlnza must :Be Trlegtaph M tar Blll•herib to.,,tie.: occur, and that, too. before lona. Prtees I Nsw Oateaas, May I,—VOtton Ittt•ettlrtt txttltit advance Imre or decline at Col City. Jana it:dim:lgo% vale: ef 3,:0 ,:,lee ,, : low REFINED—The market tor bonded all l ni:ddiih, ~,,,e,;• , .. ~ , ~,,,,,,.„, ~.,„ continues dull and weak, thriven pane are . days were 2,1 - 13 bah ~; ezztrtr, lor Lim. ram, nominally Utiettartgedt wt. , 011111111 1 te I t, t o me i time, K.cle nal. , aoosle. Loh at Cho for prune light straw white. on ,111.110 ilaillit,Ott 11011111,1 M lbt . . biter irrvc. cars bor, :1 tOCII. tor standard white: In ' War: -upertte, • 11J .1., ,;,,,i, , , ~,.. t , ' , ....• for Cho former, delivertal to Pidladelpa, i c,on 11 1 11, ,41„; M :„„.,:, „„,•,,,,.., and 17 to . 27'a for tile latter._ cale bt 0110 l 111 ls; wham /1 5. 1 1 1 ic. looter ,at I l .lir.sa - , thousanbarrels standard aline, all the ; Pork:doll at al-I 2..14 0: 'e. ii.ism dai , ai.-1,.. setitt, Cu ur at's option, at IC:, delivered 111 I ,tt., 1. , tot st s tlt,,,, Witt; Cit . :, rittt, Ie Phdadelpisia, and II l a bids ' at CM, free 1111 I cor,j , , a ,,, w „,,,,, „,,.„,„,,,. ~,,,,, V cars here. kree ell II 9.1,1 and ell I I.la l d s,erltog, 1 e.. 4 New York si4o: charigrill. ,tit rep following airlvala or on ' "c"'ge ' pro' 10 -..... "" ._ wero reported tosleiv : :se,. Work Dry Good.. Market. Yl,6er a Bro....anis: I Brewer it Brut:, OS 1„...,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, „,.„,,,,,,, ._ ~,._..,., U. Berrireger....- IBM it T. 1... cult . ,0 ?: ! N .,,, i, L . 11,,,,. ~..:. ea ~ .„ 1 , , , ~,‘,:,... 1 ~ Jam. Wilkins '''' J. l'• l''' r L'Ur . ' .. ''. ' mand reatrie : ed. l'ioves are 0 Woo l ., dcle c., . and Itret.l,...ittr uttldt.. .001. wri A idiet.has s:lling down to l-'_: Itittlttntt aml Athint Iv .1. cr. Prods stead:,, more id rereign hialies have declined in" 11.1.Ittt it 11.11 it , Ae:, Ittill, Vtillttt la rellin.: id I, tor h t it, 1 ttlit . , , 1.1.1.,, tatttl.lit t t: i, ,[.•„,'... 1t MM. :1.•.•:[1.1” ILI/.1 11,111 i tan CO. ,1 . .; •• Itte l:, I r or ono, yoildos or gue.:, 1,,, :lade is Iledit au.' tole: , slisell'• __—.---__ __ EOM Financial matter. In TA Clic Telegraph to tilelttshurglt Lit :Le New Yolto, May I—hooey plentiful and Stock Brokers are supplted la-te; and GOVertnnent Bunkers at Vullt. 09 call. sterling est:hang , fire; st vie-e. elogetl tf rrn at SUE fs, under a decline Ml:mitts an Frankfort, and Cotton at Liverpool. Cash gal.! easier. Leant at 1-I'.lll to :Ist; ho export...ma:of. TheTrensury I tenor - mien t commenced to-day to disburse ft in c oin coin us Interest en Ivo, went v and of lista amount about si.ts - vs... at tnis potnt; s:,ufshost were pail toptlay, mostly in gold. Government secnrities in good demand and Weller in the morning for gold • Market elo.ed less active. Ti,,, art the closing prices: Ileglatered of ' , I, Ile ; Loupoos of 'SI, t. Elvest went . tes registered of Ilv.dwenty Coupons of 'Q.. lu:l.4talii O. of 1-‘2ol(fyidu do, .1 nu nary and July. 1011..1.1/d7'..; Ten.furuu...l,lo-turu,:, Tetsfurty Coomms Image s t Au gust S.fven-tiort tea, dune sev• en-thirties, bisl,ltllig/N. ll.l.llway specula tion opened gem and active, and the interest ennttnet, to gale strengtti• ou. the chief point of Interest. and ranged from 013., to CJ". North's/es:ern pre forted run up to but reacted to t 3 1 .5. Tile en tire list was higher. The untrket as steady at the one oh. look bonr.i. and all lower after evil, Erie falling to Lir4. The upward, movement was reslsisui oy the hears, nudist one ti e a general rattans mwde On the Itallroad Ltst. At the seemed regular and last open boards the market re covered somewhat from the lowest point. and was firmer at the close. Short Interest hag undoulftwily been mo vement t in which helps the upward movement in the future. Wm. Heath...! Co. report the following :eat r. price. , :' A.,riettu gold, ILY%; tint° cerliticates. telif-(1.4.I?I; CALLUM., htfegiEl; Cumberland, ali.; Quieksalver, ! - Marie "a, o. preferred. Western 1.71110t1 Ta:egrapll, 4u l / 4 4.1,4T:.;5 , ..i York Cen tral, 11-74Mt1e!.....". Beason, 15ti . 0.04; Read ing. 1044th,, Michigan soul kern, i1e'1.4645n; Illinois Central. II:Of:0 114 ' 'burgh; %a:2'4; MociLlgiantl, s sf,ol,; North western, 3.4!1f11;d0.----prettfrrist;GlNMMll..ft ptu s bergh, orf. ft. sync, and Chicago. eLyf Iglize. In Ilortier State bonds there Is more . going: Yew Tenllll-4.9.90. GI: now liori h Car olina, 4Sitl; Missouri, ictil"Ce's'. Tno steam ship shares are hlger and Atlantic conti tin ues the leading feature: Pacing, J.klg. miscellaneous Eat II better. Coal shares The are quite Otte, Thu muting market la heavy and !owe: Corydon doellnOlltO CAA; lire4Or y, SA); Columbia, O . L A tpliartt. iliPclotsall Market. iffy Telegraph to the Pithionigh liarettr•', Cu...anal% hinv I.—Flour In fair thousinl and Ilrm; aupertlnu 412d13; trade braitilb $14:4101 fancy *NN. Wheat, firm nod on No holing 411,1e1; NO I do 43—bat littla anima offered. Corn In tend inonand arid pricen higher, closing at Pie 1n hull:, niiil pl,loriactied, holdnrn n further n dpganaa e,t the cline: under advici, front 0001,1 Oant In uffnleratii demand at for No i in bulk. Rye etrattly at 41,20 al,; for No I. BarlOY ilnchung4.l. IV Wang I nuff; 11111101 g soid at 112,W1 In bond. COOllOl dull On 4 prices nominal; roldilting offered al'': without bUgerg. Provisn:l4 l lll, lint al/ arcielea bola firm at ful l er Icegi pooh trg2,:al. Bulk Manta; iffgloo for banal dors mad aides. llacoo,• be for ers, lie for,slilea, and Vie for clear nide., including package. Lard acid 1:;:40123-01; 150 Bu te us 40111 at'3:l-te devered at Ilay.svil liy.; good demand (or Haws at 13C1,13:•,:n fur plain, and 150 W for mama cored. bla , lliNfilsc. Coffer Xidne, for :air io choleo Mo. Potatoes the sopply being largo. Seeds; 00 /10Inanti for clover or tlintitliTi and Prlo l . nominal; bar lu demand at 112,9 C 3,UU (or prime to chola°. Chlesgo Market. :Bo TelegrApb to the rml,Lurti (Lezet' e. 3 C0;0000, May 1.-Ylour doll; hprlng ! tray, 613,51.66.14,60. Wheat Ore., fairly 001.00 and 3d higher; Halm, No.l a 11230. aed No. 2 at U.tati32. 6o . Cloelhg tacitly at N for o. U. Corn Lira! , aml 1' , 31112. higher; sale. No. 1 at 1,!d!3y61,Le5;. ono Ld.,0461.,.; for No. 2, closing steady at 110,'H3if1!!, , 0 for No. (Isla !Orly active awl )3.locher; a!Me. for No, e1...510t; Oran - at 62 , m. laye moronetlye and 20 higher; 111.13(41,45 for NO. 1, and 61.41 Lor NO. barley steady and arm; 7baftil,a 2 by haulplu. Vrovlslons 21.00 YOO 6 . 1hh.3:5, ;sweet plehled horns, 13c. Prime steam Lard, 12Nc. The market for Beet Cattle open; moderately active; 41,60 for light . stook cattle; 66,5 , 3.7,10 Mr lair to good anti choice, Lied 61,77.40,_e tor N 3:0.4 to ;MOM.: smoOth. 11000 moderately Kunio and MarLec lower; a 6,51310 33!..; for C 01131.011 to beat grades. snoop talrly act; VI, at 7,61,060,4 e. Reeelpte-53.36/ lowrels 60,06/ boo, wheat; 11 , 3,V0u bus. eon; ; 1 COLO t• us. mots, 13W 10360. htilomentle-I,toue bLirr..l6l IlOttr, 6 SW bus. wheat; 23,000 bon. uorn; ee,oLe 0010. y • MAris.t • I lir Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (;&deco.. j Sr. LOCIA, .1111 y i.—TObtleen hillgialy but not much ebungo. Cott.tl rolling dour. flour dull, buyurs uoutu Wing for lower prteeA; uprtng lauperilue, 1411,10,gyring and extra, 411.5gQ11.1.0; spring and lull double extra, 1,1 , 410; choluo,. $l/1.5041:4,50. Whrot opYtre stundoorotr, prune full, C.1,Y.5(gt,0 1 ; rangy, 1:1.70, Corn lowor, Oats deellued lage. burley dull. subs °robot,: fall 01 to c. ItoP. ILO 6 1 . 47 !i• Progltlons dull. Lard unciatngull. Louisville nerket. ty Te 1,7.0. to the IL ttelesesh Gasette• LOVISVILLK, Nay lo—Letif tolstreo Is Lake with Bole! of elll Lieu ...moo jogs at 4':.:4 43: L .te; oietttutu It.L, 4121411; sfril/ tto.t4e ttettletinoL 0 1 711.170; entutufsetoratt, wrappers, clloitti. tiuttertne 11011 r, lt• Lest is noteingl. turn; 41.15, Ile iiven,d; es e, LIM, usll,,o 4 ,ese for Lull:. Coffee; Inn shoulders It, 1/.0 , " hit 4 cleat etiles, 1.110 , 1. to tiptoes. 11.!, , ,0tt4 keys, W 3111wou4ro 31a•ket. by Telegraph to the Pltt .3III.WACKIA , ,, May I.—Floor-limn; X 4;1,- 1124i014, 15t X high lual at 41:2.fiqj,lt,;:i. scared fora r at 4 . 2.1.0 for So. I, t.75:6 ` .. IS for No. 3, anti 1112,:o7I; toe Nu. 3 t 1.1.4 .ol ateally at F 4 4o for No. 1 wloter 6040 for No. -.lstituto,recelpb, Cornntl voitciaX; Me No. 1 Old, lb store; 41,00 4;1,04 for bow libelled. I== Ity 'ft tut t• Sltt.i • 211111 to.,atolai to , -„, for toir to goo.! ,11:otag. I to.ontatoo.-1. IVlsott: to,ont to mot tt iott• ' 1,tar00...:•,r.1tt it.' • 1 t • r• OMB u,0.;; 41.' ,0 : ;;;," 3; ;;• .1 1 It...;;;;; stae. ,•;-; 1;;;,. 31 Fork 1:10 ‘Vtit.iky Philitdelphla l,.tile ilarket • %le ; $ll , 4) utal9ol t.0111,,,..4. n 0 01 4; Int±10•1101 Sltu latn, So. ,r,{ono ,l 1 0 rat-- Wan In 10, 41,nann.I; 44,n, ,el,nt It't At 11.10, et 47,.. 4%1 n}: ,nntrn..latt ll= Trirgrsrb To 111 M.L.,•• 1.-hour nrut nt 4.3.."11 Inr tolwr Slichieno 101 ,;,mg. Coro ,ot.tor arol thotst .snlre nt $1,.4 1 .i , (or No. 1 :Intl VOW for sn. - 1. bet ter st ut. I.W:el/1..1.0 1 s .lul.l. armrtile narkrs :fty T, , ,arapb to 111-I.—Cotton 1.—Cotton In ylint at [4:: Con, 61.."_5i.:1;:. 0010, t , r1.r0.r.. 11 Floor, oh in 13q,,. 13. e. Pork, Lotkl = toy •Mara»n to the 1 . 1,t, On, FitAN. Al.y k'tkosr Sc hrn• are 0 rtn, au , l the ~,/..til/tl/1 i4t 4.1 orxrhang. , l I2•gxl 'residers, 7'A. ltd.) MENA D. l'in,intitinn, CHI,AOO R.. U., May I.—l tint ',rap iron, W U bks 0{{1.4, Calll7oleli Brown; .S lila. trr. W.l ~ t eei ltr0;1111.i k5.,110 , 1. L 111 boa., eb e em, Utrrel I; It/ libla .ta, tlour,.l aid J White Jr; ao eli.K.yi;Al oz. Artmcki, Co; ltint Cony S Wel4i; I our metal, Itrynn .: Unngni,y; lb, 4, .0 Taylilr;,i0, tit tio 001ni f.. 11. /in a lileFir o ; II kW+ ow•r; kinwing biaLuner 31iirtio.n.1; . • 0...VW-AN 0 Ate Perrnonn t non ILAIL6O.O, Stet.— 12, 81,10 egg)), In 1,.‘ , 01 00 1)), I, i all a /teller:l9 0.000.1 Olakalt. Rey Imo, ..4. Bro, .: pkg. tenn, steal, Jol,ton. A Co; I 1,1,11 eggs. IN 11 121,17tttst , k A 1:0;At owlet, 10, 1..., eo. Ilann A !Odle}'; _e. I.(n. alma , .., Knox L Orr; li 1,04p0t..1000, II; 1,X., elteeso, 2 ted , I utter, I 01,1 eg4,l, 000:0, `tun 1 Co; :tole ee, Simi. A Dann., ; ':. kgb butter, .1 ~ Neu nnyer K Co; n2.1.4k, corn, '2 nto ern, Wm Illogloon; I, Bele viseitar, B A l'undte,Bnek; 1 ...Lr 0..(... Ce.raillx.,ll ar Brown; ill I,lls cCutr, Noah,' , ! Clialr Co; 1 1,81 4,10;1 110 butter, 1. flonglo. , - ton; ',to!. `I ty ' e Al AV .1 telt,roun I 7 , Lg. , oat aural, Ido pearl hurley, W Franco 7, ,On; I, tgt kogt,,/ .1 Itonder; ',lc, Iron 0,1, :11101 . 11• Inez ger A. Bina; 1!v; niku mull, Z Woln ortr,ta. 131 ettlets Iron. Park, Bro .t Co, . iterrentsnon.CoLuxues .0 ClnetsbrAtrn 11.11. Mn; I.—WI Insekti nalllfood, A 'Ft/vim ; I en, 001 0 , 1 JO Callifetel, tidittellgtek A Schott:l 1 -WM, nitple , t,l keg lord. At well, tee A Co; 1.. ,J,e, Intonley, :es do corn, .5.1 nto rye, 10 de, eat+, t Mellenry .0 Mud; 7, ottlto pole toe , .. .1 It illeanOt ; , 44, Its Crn, A Woo FregllJe; I 1,1 ego.. lu alb applol and b o utter, I.lxlr, oy 1 gill. lorl 5 go oggio, 3 Lltto 01051, tint!' A Itottor; 1 , . elci ;rot0tor:1.7:1 do ‘,414, ...urge°. 1 loo;', hln en, (V Ilarreion; 10 ,I 0 pot.ttoeo. ~,,,;!.. IDickhrrn;3 011,1, 17 cite,. 1 net ton , teco, A , rtentten; I c 0,,, do, 02 Lett se ct .1 1 ,,, t 1 0 1 , 0 4 . elm, Woyagall .0 Ur"; I Car tiloa.4, 'l' Wrk le; I elm .10, (Vu, 1 11,ing, I e...r haV,Calapt/01l A A. 1101.; I Car lumber, .1 II Udell. ' Al.i.gfolawa V ALLIIX It,. 11.1t0A0, A lull :.0.- 1 ear rail, Tnon Altleholl; tt do neAntl,slinn.. l . A. 1;0,1 - 2 ..nenn 1...t.at0e..0, .1 5tr011..., 1 roll. leal1,00,1: TllOll3 la.oll, eel ..1,4 oats, Yorker.. .i. (1 , 01:11;1 14 1 0 nolatoeu. AI Wentz; Id do ono,, C 1, 1110;.; tollgo Buller and egg , ... ) I;. V 0... nnttnini Welt* Butner, IV 1: Be te‘nozl.l in. I 1,1,10 e1..n..,..: ext. Bun Ter, ,Itinlen & IV alleco; 77 Int , . 0. ,,0 , II In rye,' (V Ilenuont; 3 111.10 1 ' eiN4,..1 I, Mar°. A r.ct,tn ctly .e , ,,vrtort,:llltV 1 -.mare 0 hoe?, lien 00 , 11 At 1110; '2 t,ml teligecto, 1; ttlowton; Cu 1,1,2: p01at0 . .i... Olaeno .t. Kennedy; . 2.:1 ,00 Walt, A \,0)1 '0)1,10 0.110, Al 61011,1 00 , 1, tI lig, Iced. ./ kitchen; 10 .100 hr./mt., It I' Lietty;'2l 1,, 0 , 0. , , 01111,e1,011 A (;raw ford, 4 I.g. ta, M IJ Tlnlttv, I ear wltent., Mcßee A. (.01,1 do lumber, J Meltrldr, 1 . 10, , 01 , 10 11 ANI. I.oloabl.riVii,t,g U. It., AHI :71.-2 og. 100.1.2 do butter, I..lttorth A Co; I. ago Untie, Neu e roner, lioLi.a Co; 1 ear lundter,S a W II Munetttit it v. Intuky nelq, J'l Filet;, t n 2 08000 Corn 80811.... A Sono, triton. . . • BOOTS AND SHOES. TO THE CITY RETAIL .stioi sIORE3 A! , 1.! CUIINTILY .lONES.—W• Boots, Shoes and Gaiters • At namall atlvnatra rover lltif vric'es. arid 4 IL , ZS 11, 4 1 'caia nouelt , for In Na, Ylor l l. l'Ullaa.lyblx.,ll,ut asvlus t ma. ••4,a a aa bla,4 lutounwte With the at•tvern Jab Llb *call au4 ecnralue oar ..x:ruelveLawal an prkra tx(are parch -suing ell.cwhere. J. H. D. W. C. BORLAND'S, - I No. a. MARKET 4T, Ztl door (Tow Fifth st. .... ...... IrI.LV/144 FIELIONG BRO., Mannlneturc re •rut lltoders Cht.ThltCx.rn. itaexclo BOOTS, SHOES'& GAITERS, ti0. , 11,0 Ohio. St., Allegheny. I , ..valrluic Pro..noti , yucut,Kruu sortt tuthoo. . .01 PITISBUROR ROPE WORKS. F14113N, MILIAN & MZ=ll COEt DA GE, OAKUM, TWINES, In c.cri UIII Warehouse. 111 A ILI Water St RIVER NEWS The river to -again rising .at this ;Mint, under the In nuence of heavy roil , of Tnethlay niglartn , l yesterday, and alt evening the Allegheny tnarKs show,' abeta toVen Jana n half feet. At. 011 City, tho Allegheny was rtilng.ranitilY Yet , terrlitY forenoon, ont we e loolla not be suriatawl If there was it swell to the .310nengttheln, ‘ 11, .• There its Cell no arrivals aside from the regular ttnekets liner our last report, null there Ore rtb 101011 Otte until 1110111 FrItlay. The Argosy, for Cntelnenth amt Sprat' , for pormumnlll, got o ff hilt night. Trot Spray hurl a good trlp, two Ituthlyrel Mew of metal lee It torellt,. The Argeey wouhl have hat touch trotter trip, boll It ilot bet. ler the Iheletuent weather Venter .lav hawer! , 'II, Attn:.. Capt. A. 11..,1111W. It lining 1111 steadily ler Clncatnatl ntnl Letnevtlie, a•.l will be , really te 11,V11 011 Frifitty—tton Jothan saint - day. The 1 , 111 net , , Capt. Joe Mown, IA 111.1 t In after the 11/1111 ie. I'lll I:elle'dt.rnott, ~apt .I.J. Parr/Art..lr., la an nounced for •••I. Lours, Lora the Ar menla, Capt. A. C. McCallum, loading Mr the Upper Ithrem.ippl.' These are both good twat-, and, we hat 0 no rtoubt, will leave WII It good t rut, lto ote.ervr; 11 11 11 the LoulAvtile Conti, -till has ~trit•ttirt, to illy ulrota Ille Itten motto. The reporter el that paper he, cer t ainly earnedd those five lomat - tat Oellare. het her he got them or not. By the way, the t arattin 111111,1 Ittelanondnot Ii 1,0011111 hit M 3.11•410. hellos... nut' It 14 slut flint tin ma:roved his eat It• ratrtrath, trie• tt steobenvlllo, trwo. 1111 , 1 part el Ills apprenticeship to the ic e lonhltng l'atsbor. The t noonnatt or T ewer ay, says: new steamer Peertes,Captant .1. \t' it wlll ho tomer ut the w hart, bolo Vatoborg. :hie morning .. . awl v. return to Ibtmtmloll toelat. te the Ito tentant to the owners of the Peerless to ettee her In tile „Litwannati toot ILI tmOorrll ll mole. In cower. , ton ten tr the Algo-V. tartntot I,w atatertrritl, 111 ! I t ' here r•t ere Tuesday at I•.‘",',Meti. ,111! tear , ;, on I,or trip mot.: t /1,11,1101 1•4[1• getnant, from gatsburgh to sr. Loots, oh11:114' 11 of iron In tow, .1,011 yeeteratry. she has altogether, In beat : 1 1111 brrge, some 'be [llll.l. The enure paper utak,. lilt' follow let; Kan, at the ',llonaant her r•recott tit att.!" ROl:tiro, In the 'atel.lo J. 11. Elan, Sinew of Bolen 01111,e, LOU:, 0113. 1rv...110y c tendert - , apt. It. E. Neat, or the Ittalonn, w 113r4,: ,, ere,, f o r one tear tor 1114 Ia.VUILICI . , In tosoahleratlon of the foot that the I,ll.tha eurrterl,lrceol Clarge,tive hundreds: tensor roan for 111,1 dett of the :south. Ito may 0 , 1,1 that nearly all et 1.141r.01S leaving t Inclanall for Nville, 11eutp111- tont NV,' • 1111,11.. I,lh, Mlle, j It Ip, trout two to threo too/Orr-a ...oar ,e of ell") ter the poor of the sou th , fteo viraroe. l'hey lave ntrvatly rrea over twenty lltrm- and , oak , ot yetis r A. lot heamt that the Slat or...either mnt Itle, Attu:pins, or :Nea Or i:34.11 11,1 0,331 Zed 1..1 het Ir. erultty, seer-etary haa tom ,Into Awll hon. ealllng 11.0 attention or tree, C.. 11 1 ,1 l•. 1 to the Ithaeory carob, of I X.nettaer 1, n ,, show, bath :I, Irottrotte..ol temers arid the poorer of atora crow no ranveyor. un.t tor non-1,1 noo, orl 1/111.1,, Il dlies. e -.t•eretary urge, that c,e.toin tole ers ere. :hut 11,1 Ve .t,. tart's comply the rreto.re went- 0: the bra, rorth lth , 1111", /3 r J 1111 natht .rgro, 1,1 I,tl core- or flatboat.. and . lot,l/I In 1,40 of coa, ort, :tea atrewnittaul prolto e own.ll - t e a, by et the ..t.erho internal the , nue ,111“1,.• It, 1 1.• c(1,1,•• the ratrottilr trade a. aloe, tarot, ohr a 1 0...er0w roe. , tittt, the htheo. • • t rive, Weal. tit et,t, to the ,teertho...., lei:ltitnetetotstr Isr. For It rs 11 14.10 in Intret ttatt, htte e r tut•r liveneral co,o -e is bray ermertre seen t rode a triton, sato, It tom thl ••te thi tat, rr -- 1 -e1... , nor t trczol nr.ter ta. I ternal nte tax are hot hereby e ernbto.l trorn rerynnent or the her 1111., 11.. r areta, Loa, ter oho ,ten tn. .4. , !,1 arman it, the arot• ttar. - Thyboa/villa _W that th •' tw a t John t.,thrion v ~: .., on -• ty :root oot : 3110 10 Memph.... on A the arer nine., lig!, i1.0114•N stn . he lett rot le alt etaterrwert weate a tart to anon. ma,orter or :KJ wt. Lehtsow. 0.,11 rho hICII I / 3 , .7. , :.0r It to r o . too., tart Wt. 0 1 ,1,0 I,llw. It the ilu tilt ehohos•: wh• • o , Kept.h:teon , .—/. , ..1•LV1C 001 4, CA:I 1' lit, nte t/t , 1:1:111.1.r.1: 111 1.11 at, Ise; shelt Ire,' crealtutno -motn.b.ert, bar too much phi Mo. r• I ra".l 14.1 , ..1 irot. bf 71rhrs 1 , 151' ,J 1 STEAMIPOATS 1;0111 isT. LOUP+, ht. is. 0t;1.V , .. 0. AND ILM I, A •Cr4.l. A. C. Mr,: kl N :tale a. a7Kovt- ,, n Y. Ma! .4 lEZ3= U. ,01.1.1N 1 0.1 0 JO, I F Irr4l-1.1--VErtrr•••• DAHL/roll. -rrt. Wrlr I. &\ * (Pr 1e •bor. In r. 111 c I,IIA Y. Mar 1.1 , r. fur It. tar, ur p.etair. arpt..y rrrr Irrurr.l zr.7l I.Ni/it CINCINNATI at 'id ar:rl r.olrr ........... .......... r - rpr. A.ll. r.r aw, Wlll rr.avr....tr.rAr orr "Xtrir.St irt, n (.• m. rfl lid, Or psr , rarrr••l•:l' " tro.r , • ," 1.1.•C1a. AR r•• 1 r , tEGI'L.III.I CACKEI BL - nrr.k.s 1.1 • - Iti• 11111101 SOIL CISCISNATI. - 11 , I.:E otArurr..lt errift prarrnger racket. I.tl.r:r , T. H. Is I 1,1 /o , r, WI l ply arr s r•rprlsr vrtekly plr.trur tr. twrrn 1•111.1,11,01 01.2 C.111C111114411, 1•••rInr; I•lttrtr,srr TT rsAII•IfIIAY, AL rroorl, , rrerrl Clndrirratr r, TLYI,IIAY. fur frul.ht ur grasrage Alirly tru tr.oard. or to Jots. FLACK. or j. r Argerar. I.IIA, 11.111SES• . - R ( I '; l! ' i 4 lN !i l4 i t g 67:11‘ LE N'114.4 EVERY WY.I.NISD AV AT Lt —Thy Ilrgl.A.h.) cornmoolous A 1t.•• , ,V Capt. I.ltwx, V.L.NDEnuorr, %V. IL. r,c0tt,C1.e.... ror (re.ht or 05rg:•.11j.z!...8r.1 vo i5. 7 . ; . ,A..A.'." . (..11 ciin ISA P UtII• .41. WALIEIIOUSE. • tICIIED BREED 6, CO., ITY/X.C=I3PIVIEII3. ES. No. 100 Wood Ntreet EEITTANN IA AND SILVER PLATED TA- D,IK. WAD. TEA TUAId awl 'VAAL& Gilt. al...rva nit hand. CNN A TEA 3ETti, 4.,D1N A DIN N AIL NET:I , , CHINA I'OLLET bATTI, rt-DNA exrro.):44. 1,11},111 A.t NARK urvrety Ih-Driptlon La VA CANA, BASE AT:i. LAVA VASEA, LAVA V3ol,lbil N7'IINE WADE .1 all yarintl.a, e6l cawd Dtalt Dad, • I.ity. and 1110" romplete stuck at evrry thing In.litla En. ft the ally• I . rl , •ca laud Dm. Dm same as In the eastert, SZUPEIUOIt OAK TANNED,PAT ILLiT AND BaViraZu LEATHER BELTING AND 1109 E, Star.dattund st No. 613100T/in K 1,1 HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also. Agent. for ?kw Tort Robb.. Co. (_,,/ um 13elting. 1.1 . x.y• nn a. rupurlor quanty of LACS sod 01 , M liIIIItANT II r,4C. COWW ft ILIA e'rel and II ALT 11UOILn.olt. rERSIAII LILAC I= Persian Lilac, elVl4'it ~ TTIr. ,1113 T I.EVII'ATF, AND nit EXFICALIKVICIt ISN EN/ EL). No lady's tollet Is complsto without a FOr Wide by all 1,411.1tr5.. MAN rAeTUREI, ONLY “V C. D. WOODWORTH & SON, nuIIiF.3TER CHEMICAL. WO IUiU, Roe Y, = J SPIUNG IVAGONS; sa WAtiO,S, CARPI; 50STO N ' III.IRTA It, kaoRY AI %V . 11 , F.1s LitALlttolV,; HOME HAY ItAKI;;; . A . NIP Murtlard 'lob. am 4 Tun,t.d an hi, and for sah., W SOON Wu.S, near tlic I,,ltt.litlari, ,rnv cur. apl4,. Co. U.4.IIII,,MCCANI.DCIMS at. CO., WA.Aus. 1N DO LICSATAC DUALICAS LS FOREIO AHD DOMESTIC DRY 000011. N CZP. 94 1217 oc.cl. tett., rvuuDonfie 08TM IJIMOOII ,I A iley,) si,cll 1./mut/114111. ra NEO US HAVING SOLD OUR ENTIRE Interest In VIC holt :sit. ltt , r , rt. 1, 1tU t.111. - e wthl Cothml,l,l tl• ttr h r • I'ICItItV t•,.. who wIII r.olt the game itz th e old •t•trth. 34D I..o;r:wry we w t yll.l atkit turil. contih,tllol. thw • patruttlgt to ilbt•tally COWL lIROTIIERS CO. Al.: 11, 11::. • - OUTLINE. PERRI (0., C4)4.41i 4 4. No. 345 LIBERTY STREET, W HOLE ' SILE GROI ERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1:t , ,Ig11:1,4 NI, n'l 1.1 I WO' awl t TEAS AI ND U (11111 CooItINCI 017 00 / UU .• TA XTEA 1:10 , •)/ iir,f , Tl. - .X II:A TEAS AO,lO, large by or VIMSII TEA, 0: .eL.t Direct from atlina and Japan, Pr,' Col,tAnt..ta, 1,.5114 ;-.,r., It. “ ,,. .”ann• romp; vver,lt lrt l. it, cHICAP In LI, 1,1 , , et . 20 Couto: ltelou the COIIIIIIOO l!rlreu, ARTHUR IC.XELIE, 173. i. 174 iellerall htreet, T Pittsburgh Importing House. I= SCHMIDT & 111IDAY. 1.011.11.L.'S or you I:14. !, WINES AND LIQUORS, No. •709 Penn Street, PITTSBURGH, MEM ESSE 111SIILEICS 11E1111 BIT fERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY til,Nt :11,4 Nishler's Herb Bitters A. T. VAIINt, =EI FAHNESTOCR & HOLTON, Wholesale Branch House, OG 11.1 etz-17...t t vc,c, t MEI= %old by all Llonwalletble t)rt6':l,tft •r -' JI tLct~ ¢a~~lu~: , MISUI.E[I'ti Ii F,ItU 4iITTEICN: THE :11LittittNiS 1N10,4 EXPRESS 0011PilliY, CAPITAL, $20,000,000 =I Our Merchant:: and -:llautt facturers ( !MIMES 111'F.% PRESS. 3lemeY, s 'Valitables. Frel;lit st till Par eels, ol CC - e than '3,000 miles of Express Line. at inst. and liberal tit sty. sp. ces. Olks yearly 111 E% pi es,s Fh ippers. and Call be made permanent 111113 b 3 their liberal patronage. This We hope lo mes it and IC cell e. Office, No. 115 Wood Street, WM. LITTLE, Agent . NOTICE TO OITNI:IIS uar DRAYS. HACKS, &C. Nottre a, gls..n to all It. r• or cal or whe .,. Or ther r...1.1 0 :tt , o• moor, i ll, 1'11,1 , 1 , 0, to 11 , 1 • r . L ., '" ~r'•lonre It,' treor.ltur art 4.1 to. prov, )1.., .1, 111 or. , of ..1,. of Co, ,•11.) of Apr II I,,tr. All nt,t paid on or Ally It. I -ill will It: p1at...11, the 10.1 /.1 li , t coll..ctloli all 11,1i•Cl r reins. to tat. t. n,lO. t.. sato. et Wit lu rat. :roll lit f,,rt. rtturnrcl at tltt . Illo• Llet..tus arr takezt Out. I Y .n TW achtt Hurt, . 7 harp M et., 1, V, .......... E.ll Two hurt , Ilan II au.l VI 1,1,1 n ,travrn I.y two I.orott t 1 , ,,r •A , It r. , I•11- 110n5111.kr,.., .11 .I.“‘ of 110 al. 0.. tm...litllnt. - ,A1.1,15t/tt l t. C 1 1) Tr. Aturt . r. IFOR THE SPRING TRADE. At 26 and 2S St, Clair Street. • We I nv.• In and ism .INUy rt. I% mr Own 3.1 olio, 1n:4041'A...tun., ,lucY FL(.10,11.C1,111q, WIN I. •W TAIII.F. 111 E ~ll`. XI., LEVI MU 1131114 FR AND n'rk.AM i A( t.INT, 114•1og 111111111.31.1111,1,1,1,• d ,Plarr {0 in., -I,to e•rrlA, An L+ll n• attl - co.d• 1/e. f‘nni.ll.l.ranrc lu 111:‘,1• .7. A H. PHILLIPS LOULAIREY & FREW, =I Saddles, LialliCss, and ad andie , a In Indir Nu, nanallY In 11”,11.1 4 estAkrnAhlil.7tll,. No.l.o',2WooclStreet, tun IllAmund Alley AAA Ylfth St.,) IRON CITY CHOY CO., No. 3 Si. (lair Street.. purchgn...l or AN In1:,-.1V 3ttGU9 the .4.1 re nto , g 114,1 ware. Cotlerg •114 VanirtY o. dn, at thn shove Sta.!, 111. hair Ilittralun to keep an baud a tire [Ito" or HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Ng, °iv ern. Pinto!, nl,llll, Teal. I VlVo ' iTr ' ::, ' , l :.tr C. - 1.11%g Igoe aru • ,tt,n.ll.clannpo, and tuntl tn.; nal awl C•oci.Illog W. ' a. l ll OWN. alnwat;c r. .m1,1 . 11,:.1 MAPLE NIA: AR.—y.l barrt Ix choice AlAl . l.r. NI . liA It, Ju+t rrolvt. , l and for i.le by bi . lll l, lA I. KR A lAN... &1.,, 17,:au,1174 W 14 0 ,1 tltrrl. HATS. CAPS. &c, PROFESSIO.NAL. NEE GOODS JI—ST OPENING, yiNIE.L rtle3/E11.,:11. D., McCORD & CO.'S, 1•To. 131 "Wood Eltr..,t. No. 1:.0 Grant St., near 1.110 T~<~~~i %",. if. 1..11.11,; AT LOW PRICES LOGAN, hats, Caps and Straw Goods, :i115...01”:11111:,r non FASHIONABLE GOODS. :16 St. Clair tit., Pilthbitrgh isc~~~ g ive U. c,u i„ try ni::cn. IrI11TS! jAT ! GRAHAM & BYRNE, N0.5:2 Vt. Clair Street, Ilan cat' ,:f bttp.lo cf HITS, CAI'S AND STRAW GOODS city. BREWERS, MALSTERS.sx ptrrsilliAltill BREW CALL CARSON, DARLINGTON & GO., BLI:11i13, ULSILLS A\D' liUi DFALEsS, 1:11MIEN 1 ek 1 . 1rio1l.1:T WIC W. .1!1iznt.11140N,114,0..1 'V. • It, t ALES AND PORTER. tr.rt. , , , ; ~ bbr • ‘;• ;.. yarOs uutl guar,;:te LU Le n.l ,7.1 f ta; the ~r r• ro;. - Itt ;Ida by .1 , 1., •r ..7;1: bt Ir 0,1 b•.; oa'...e lotnibg oil Ilr• ••r Ggan of thr,sne Lfab IWO" 7. 411,EG ENY BREW , ER . liATtng purrhaw , el , . e4txt , 1,1,0 I , ,wwer, 1.• , • IL. we En:t], E ptaletllll,‘ - - - SPRING WATER ALES, run eL , from Ar•l 4.1 to it W. , aattrt 1 .40.4•.tt0tt w coreWl.. zuo.y fa, Or 4. w 1:13 7..CL1".1731. co.. 405 'Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. uplt r, r. 203 I.: wrty ~. 1%1,, PHOENIX STEAII BREWERY. ME =II JA AT• %i S C & mchly, WILSTERS AND. BREWERS IiSNIIIACTIOIICII , ' OP .Z....'..7.-ADM1L.314 7,- ....5.N. . Es-0:11cio, Juatiee of the Peace BAR, BOILER, SHEET I'ITTIII - RGII, P.S. I A'.ll 1 . ‘ , 1.1. 1: 111.iii,11,TY, ...C.-N37 ..I“Carr NI. vrao:e.m•a...r.e. ~”: ~ I o:nre, 11l 1-51 th ,t, urpiAlx Cathedra:, 1 3[ 1 iSINTME. 1LC9107 Tll I: PEOPIAI's TEA. STORE, , 1 '•• ' . .-r.:..: - ' --.. , -;-' 2 -..- " :-xL, -- ' IN i &ILS AND NALL RODS. W / n SANCTI% NOTARY I i ,• • • - • ,I r I 1'L1... i l',V.t•Y .irTlll, l'EAce".. • 1 '''''" ANL) \\A"""'" i 'N ilson & 13 nderwood. 1 ~,.",1 ' ..T.,‘,, ., i.1,,,,,T,;•_,,,,,,,.ELT".,;,,,,-..r.- of I No.. 61, 66 At. 6S Anderson SC, .. i ,-,.. ,•.: ..1.1 . .. L! . .:1, pur i ..e an.l7 , :c 1 Tlir, 34,u5.re3 North of 1117.4 :I. liv.lge. tilOllE FAMILY caKERn...... I t' - ':.. -.- .--.... v....:::,';,...::,',.:','":.4 -. ;. - I::..de - . ! __i ..,.. ALLEtatE5rl CITY, Ale, Porter aud.Browa Stout, %o. 1:". s‘olith Ilext li iamond, SHEPHARD'S =NEE ~~~v 317. Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, FA (.;I:E.CI' YU:VOLUTION IN 'VIII ICI I:m.r. ,, r"rity. I N rATr, rk , 1:7.• .'ll tti•Mi• E. t:., It fuLt •- , 1 cn.l. v.... , s'.l I , lea ti rt, t t Itte t ett., 3 ft, CO.'';'r• :II rot.l try It. tl ttr , :liforr.tsl • lttttutttattr. uttl:ttt, I Itt, :1.. S. Y 10 'Stilt //Eli S.ISU CONTItAtTORS. Izltick FOIL Itrt,tl Nttc:t.t.t,t.rt t'• rtt,trty btottzt ittttoc rt ttttttr se .1,1 a, ttt.tt tt.t,ttftt,tlttlt, tu NlAtt t•'. tto rit tttr• — t-t itt t1,1, - ..rtt.l Yttrt l or I. t't rtt uott, tu.ir r:tett Ilittit have Itttitt It. rt I.•fttrtt ttrt. .10,1 rtlttrt. r. Ittttutttlty r Ittti, Vt.l trt Itteittls, rtati Ft t ttf =EIMEMI SI Yt, J. LANCE, 'Nos. 135 mid 13'7 Third Street, DYER. AND SCOURER. Straw Goods (*leaned or DJ kill 01.10.1. S anti I.A1 , 11, • 1 . 1.11.11).S CHEAPEST PLACE IS ThE curt tEdwy 11.0 TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, 1, at .o. 110 OltA NT ,1111:}1T. , lullt, ____ T :11. iILACIt, CI.A..rit.r.3OIV • T'MVC... 4IA-11:a 1M.1.1. - yr. : Mitt. cl.A.r .......ve rimlti.llkl.lStrt . ..t. PIIVINIIPRIM, PA r.‘..r,Work ~..nt on 11....1...r1.. I 1... t, •11.1.J.. , ..tr.......n.01,.. tcrms. I'm - Oct...kr ar...nt.••11 0 , 4 t...1.0.1...r• i.01.r..4 STAIILING TO REST. 1 Twenty-five Stalls, n Th1r.1.h“...1. n.almtV... , . En,, I.' rp77:Y W 11 IT ILI LEADS, I= Pure —T. 11. N. Bran., %VIOL stl •• I do do 1:1: It, Lva.l and I,ltharg , ; Colo. dry mdi In ...II: T. II _?.I Il— 1 /LANUS 1 PIA:V(IS I I—An entire oirlrt.ta 1: A lIE are now •ronslaer..l Ow el mmd c: Ale° II AIN W.+ !SW'S. I Nt, , , rrow nancr er.ertralir 111,1.1 t., re.l er.,l rt.:Lane lwrorLYuri re 11.t.11LO'ffE TiLunr, = mosER, 11-14. C, I.•I'M 'X' El, .11:±60C1 iJN ncn.ulsu. N05..4 aud tiG ul,lll 81:112 I'ITT.,P.UIL,H, lA. special attention f lava to the •Ivolgaire and ~,,tdmg CoWri Hon.. alni ulle .M4111E6 11l told% choke half Deact”: ao I/ do uol d I. 151.,dada EmKl Dry Apple.]: 4, du ;din,. do: Inn rvct Ddd uu commiselon nll , l f.r lu we radlr. ' • PRACIICING PHYSICIAN, GEO. I'O(.4IItAN, Attunj_ . .y rnd Counselor-at-Lai';. Corner trCel-a10111113(i SwailuJan Sets, Muth Ward. I.?. • - Pitt Trloll2ll.ti SIIIP,SON, Notary Public, AND 11E 1 Al. .IGENT, ll= j s. rEatea soN, . Attorney-at-Law, St,ON:) • - 11 i. iicco : nasiCK. .7 Grant Stivel. I ,I:vvrl to land , r.f low rarer". PITT Taos.?:. urtscs ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 1 WCOTVECW_.. Is - ro. .o'7 -tiftla. leltroc4,l - pliT,1:1;i: , ;11, PA. i CAUROLIA & SNYDER. W . A. LEST IS, i Id. , ..NrrAcTcs.trts or , TUELTLAII., DOUBLE-FLLIED, TU BULLS A rica . N LI - AT LAlv, 1 FIIIE-COX & C YLIAID ER STEA - 11 BOILEES, i OIL STILLS AND 001. TANKS, No, 93 Diamond Street, i CHIMNEYS, BREECLUNO AND ASH PANS I ShTTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON „,,, mTscucoil. VA. j DEN k'.11.,., JOHN II”. RIDDELL, I STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND I USON • lIIODUES, ATTORNEY AT LA W 1 EIDSON DOORS AND COAL SHUTES. UtilseandWorkscornwrSecOrad. Third. OEEICE: \u, 34 , A 101.1: All NAJAF:A:I', I .Short. oxkll Liberty Istraels, , . . f ' t-II PITT:, 6l,:t.:11. P.W. ' Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. B. c: N.iciii,ELL, ar-Order. sent to the •I.u,k, wart. 1011 1,... ' prt,mpt:v atter.dcdt.,, .::lei AITIUMEra GLliiilgaL4a LT LAW, ci N enNATI No. (39 Grant St:. oot, .I.ll'l%iita;L::..ll, P.A.. I lAEA- .11_) .1013e'.12, I= ittttW.N, AND SHEET LEAD WORKS Office, No. , o 7 rtiurth St., seLou.l Boor, i O. 19 Ea.t Nitta', Street. I ,IcCORMICK &GIBSON, Proprietors, PP‘),OV, La NIL ;, 11U ALVILS 4P En I IN Ptotoptl3 Collected. Pig Lead, Block Tin and a.a.m are ael I I, an • PATENT sUOT. 8100.. Rouvrir. *too. i I Mat.. :a ..rkl, rIVE , and 011ZETSul any re. ADDITIONAL COUNTY. I !! . .,"','Ld.:;;.`(`t;`p'-lr't' - , , , T,V.' , T;ift',; tu .:7 „, V. i ... a.,:„... m..,....ry :IgI.L ripe for Itydrautl. LOST. DISCHARGES. “......d ft..,,,,,,....t. t .. r ~ ,,•1 1. 7 1:1 . .11; 0...1 the •ttcntlon 0 ~...1..., .at.. I. ..v.• 1 , ., v...1r.:1 , 1,r., c. r.. 1- : I 0 .". , r• • 01, r° o . o to'' uf ..,,.., arAT , ". • .0 , ...L ra. ,. .. ,,,,,,, '. O r • ~,,- , Mt WODILPI AND OIL WELLS. 1..2 . . , }lt, 1.... 1 . , ctn Ikate tr, , lr ca•to. et-, f..-.. 0..! - Nr.IESTIVIILTS W. 3. & ILILL PATTERSON, Ll'o7 AND AGENI 1110\ lUD NAIL IIORKS• 30It • ` r n.aet.LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO. IS NEN ° • (111ATell.1.: 7 1 T. LIS LNG, AtiOrlieY at Law, Ltl it, Plttbburgla, Pa IM=liNiiii ATLi:!KY AND CCU?SELI' AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. : Arrears or Pay It. KAU ET MANN & lkst Pam ilk Coal, Sat Coal and Slack art, attatatt iO3. ELSIE:SON AND PENN STS., MM 1 XI,. wAIM CC,I4INO. J. L. ItiLLTAL Mt CLANEY, & CO.; Chas Cdal "Works, >n.l in 81TrElt101: II A:A ANL) 1... A L. ,• co& t.,..1,1...1CK. IX 5.7, l'ltt,mr,ol, LOCK (.1 N 6.,0n.: my rntsbnrgh lart.ct 1:1,..k No7ll llyyley,; l'ents•., IL It—. vv. 11,-1,711.,:r , 1,111 - 01. and rornur.iia .n lire, 311 , 1 . .1 W. 11. It. A il• 'army. AI! it • 111 , , of ALL: //by , . pine..-111 .11. talon._ __1a1:414.1 . _ prTsbunciut NATIONAL COIL AND tThE Minor, bhl; , ,ers anJ dcalers.! wbcicralb and rctan, It. tne BEST FAMILY COAL. C7c.anl cs3a.ci. tSIAsuDIE.. Weir• ICE. AN I , A1:1 , , ,hoer Fourth aud Try n. All ord.. , ,r• ery In the City. nr Sidrdm , dd 11.,, • , u Pt and Idltne•llatd, Atter, I.2:kn. It A. ,Cti A huverltdAmdtdd. COAL! COAL:I COA1 4 1!. - • - • • DICKSON, STEWART kt CO., \u. 567 LIBERTY STREET, I.xl.olyrttv VloriNI:113 SECONI.I FLUOR, Aro toov for:Asti go,nt Yawl:Motto:4 NUT 4312 LL UK hILACii, lowor,t tow:,'t to'ioo• ordurc Irl tat tto 1r otEre. or stl.lrepsel to ,00to ,orou,ll sl 11l be attoudeol to torLS:I.23 ElliE=l3l vottir riT"r t•o.tz. conr.tsv. 1 , ,,,,,,•, ~I ,lint,, 15 superler 5 1 .111 y 51,1 51....:1 0.51. 5.,. 1,.11 ITL.!,l;ick. iners,l f '1..5 .erc...1.1.,5 1 1 11,1n.,1,5 5111 +•. 115511 Bu 11.5- 11',f.t„,n1.i'tLI:';',:.I5.'. rl '''' l 2L ' l 'l l'll i r r e n s L S r i • l ! ' ;,. ❑ l' tv-slo: r ..; n. ;or•'. . ' I , i:: ' AC v Itht, of ate a r lo:ve , 1 5c....111L , .. 11 . , ..t . E./ 103. Vout s.thr .5 ..15.1.1r..5. itox 3157. ritte,b•gh. llti.1,11 1 .)n.: 1 J.. 1. 6 1 g.T.K 45,.. KINK II ir, II : L. 1 , 511516 5 1 1 0 C., MIT. t'V'n.-...1.11'.1111'1'...,14, 11:;','W:ZZL':-.., .Y. /Ai. , ,4.... D. J. J. 1311.1.11: Vli.l • r• s•t. 1 A.. 11. ZN.:1,11, Stc . y. ~. t: cs al 101, Tr..a.orer. J. 1. Bt. ITCH t co., and '2l V.vLrt ,r. rt =IMMIM IMES IL ( 11MTRONG, c. ern iv lOUGHIOULIENY CONNELLSVILLE COAL nfaclurcreof • . cool,Ninelc, nod Ilre•tilpeorleeil Coke ONFICK AND 1 'LILO. Corn,-Or But., and Murton: drat Tart vrts and C true, Fan Ninth - ward, and wn rond str, t, no at - I,lte, I, Pittaintrgh, In. .Ya,nlll-, and Alan,faQture..e. 8 - .11,04-.1 with th., artlch: or Coal urtako alto, Ikra rat ea.L. rat!':• uptt, Irftat Any or 112,1 r veetre. prompt 2.1.11,11.1C1.. 1101:11.2;z4,11.1._:;Lfi, .thcher Colttni Pitisburgh, 11.1t1f1,:tacra of A\1'11111[( A) ',HEE:VI:NA:M. • ANCIIOI7. (li) Nil Et:FINE/S. ANl7lllOl{ (Li) Ninanvista%. mv.:= I.CLOTIIINI4—Such as I • ,Klng,. Ar., of the ht .ounty an 4. h stra.te.l: .;,..,1,11 ("oats. Javl.l,. uv.".1.. 1., {hle at thet ; No. 1.1: tt!hct 1 3 Jr. 1.141r.1.1 1.- 1,11 . :11.1'1: 14 : cr an•l littln ret!ilr: utry I acC, , ,, liaat..t.. orf •Ito vv ~011, V/ 311 1..11 1,13 1311 lapin. Nu u u 411 CL.!!ratra 2. .:1:111111A El: I LAN". 17 and 174 VS , 0,4 olf• • DIANUFACTCRERS. NATIONAL FOUNDRY W41)1 - 1.11:S , W 3451'1%41'11:HER or Cast Iron Bowl:Pipe, FOP. GA AND WATEIi WORKS I M y 1:4” , 3., el rant I'M, In pry I. LL:11.2.01-11, .Allll , lll l l assort- =lOl CE\HAI. MINCS Rig G3S ANDIMES VOCE,' CUE 111011111, STILL IND TINK KEN cm IA . . Y. KENSINGTON IRON WORKS, 01:1, N.n:uctY• -I.ltra. rr.v161., COAL, COKE, &c UliiOilIDAL YARD ME= VAII.I . near C. N::1.1 n,l, =I 1= AND PITTSBUIEGII, LLOYD & 13=1 Uesi Common, Refilled Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. _MERCHANT BAR, ROUND A :,11JAIIE IRON HAND. T and ANGLE 1R0.`.. BOILER FLATEzad 111001 . IRON. MOWER and ILLA ELK HAM CYLINDER and GUARD OIL FINGER IRON, s MALI. 'l' HALLS, tld and IG lbs. to the Yard, WIWI, UHT CHAIRS and bl'lMErs for awns. FLAT RAILS. l'untbsd and Countertant. ci,AL SCREEN 11105, NAILS and $l . lOOO. ( arrhon,e. No. Water and No. SI Starke, ids. Won, Snc..nd strtst, o.llbilt Ward. 51 loOttng City Gas Works., MlLO:lure, sdnlA:l4 KEYSTONB IRON WORKS. HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., I=l Round, Square, Flat and horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, rive Towxsdir. on f10c0.016. rive:. 00ca end r4sretiou:e.: No. 146 Water St. mat 141 ORESOENt STEEL WORKS. MILLER, sin a PARKIN, CESI=I BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL. Warranted Equal to an* In tee Mar' J het. •lthotr Imported or of I).r. mettle Man nfeetnre. tiptCliL Arimpaira TO YISH CLOT Oftiee, 38 Wood Street, OT. CHAIILie HOTEL BUILDING. erreetdcuot, Joao 1211. int. tele:en DUQUESNE IKON AND STEELWORKS. ILAIVITAN,TIMEM & CO., marrrac - rcaras or Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, iftdaues. sPa[B& A.IID A. B. STEEL, =I 3 , 74 - ). 77 17474*.te.x . =tweet PITTSUCELGIL Ma p ITT s STEELITOIIII S AxDEßsol4, l coox istracm.sousiv rius.z. 9U3DI co Manufacturers of I the, ern led Cant Ste laluare, /11, and; Oatagtm. -or al cent. Saw P.a.. Una, York and boot Cant Steel, Cu dteal ror Reaping aut . l alowing Machin STE= YLOIVIVING.H, AZ LE CIKCIIILAUS, eta t Cast 4: 6mmoi. Plough a. tiprlng Stale! 11=1I3!MtMWM=1 MatZ=Z== send, MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Str r oot, Ninth Ward, OVrtCSITE 1.;!. lON Ma!: MILLS, I= * rx"rtu 2 a -rxxmakim.- Boiling Mill and Bridge Castings. ECHINEY4 Lill fining &EMAIL ( ~d e, r m .,,t,, and can fell/ executed. eliLl:li 6., IIItA r 4ONAICI.E . Ett&Cirr & MACIILLND. B. WO '. .TR., &US., W..S.C , C. Ile C I ~.w. Haraw re& utlery. Ar. ..er recelell e lance adJialocia acw oar stock vrlllec I °reed l, Dealer*. MLA I E S TM PritCrEllif. Corner Llb.rty and Si. Clglr.Sts., ~ , , ,,an X.l tgsburgla, Paw, II`ANUFA_ - - IMICIV IRON 11)-01110. JONES- & LAUGHLINS, E . X . r a 1 • 1a23i7.2.c1a-x:r, I= AMERICAN IND GLAIR Gar, hoop, Sheet and Plate lion Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T liuila,l6 S 20 lbs. to the lard; Trani Ralls,punehed and corn. • • ter sunk I Boiler, Bridge and Tank IlivetS Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car %camels and Axles; Street Car itheeli and Axles; Coat-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. W.IILHOUSE AN II Waled. 120 Water and 153 Front Sts, BILLYCIi HOUSE. Nos, 22,21 and 26 River St., Jet:ol CHICAGO. ILL. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS: SINGER, N R Sc O O OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL WALL 1111 AD OCTAGON. Of ALL 81100. MILL, MCLI.T. CMCTI-1.11. ItAvu AND CST, CrS SAW PLATES. XLLIFTIC AND 3I MI•ELL[CTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS;, Cast' hpri.tg Cast and Gtrman Plow Steel, yLOW WINOS AND !lOWAN. DAUS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TILE, 61C1i 5110VEL, HOE, imaE, FORK, TON. CALF. AND mAcIDNIMY OAST WrELI, • C 1 OW 4a., Se., 4.c. Warehouse, 83 Water St., l'ittsr'gh. .I.k/ ATLAS WORKS, ORTOJr STREET, Ninth IT ard, Pittsburgh, THOMAS N. MILLER, P res id eu t • s Works •re monk the Inflect omt too" com Th pl e e e te eht.tollahmtnt In the Weil, Lad a.O now pre- aced to furnish Engines or Every Description Ilern, Oil Tanks Sheet Iron Wort Ha tiro ad CguTaugs. Bulling Mill Callings, Engine Ca.tlugg Machine Castings, General C.tlnga ORDERS SOLICITED. LIN WA FITT SBURCI FOUNDRY. 1=1:1 A. CARRISON & CO., taccetrors to Doilman, Garrl*CM S. Co FOUNDEILS AND MICIIINISTS • Itauuranturers of CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SIZES, • Pro Iron. Steel. Atli,. 7.1 r . ,, rapper. slur m ntran l•soer sod In. Usu Itobt.n Work. AS.. Itnltion 11“1 Custlugs, oral' •-• seriptiont: Bark Mtn, Pair ut Dootne- °rind, With a varirty of' other patttrus, sauST. 00 hand And•rittnol to order, ou short wile& f vorable terms. • tnlce and Wurebouse, .10.119 Sndtlillvbl Street, M== I FIE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES IMP NEPHEWS =1 HEAVY OHDINANCE, • /LND ALL 'MINDS Cr HIAVY CASTINiOt.. liptcll.lattuution raid to WILLI: , 13 AM.!. RLAnT ISA C and !MTV/ITh. IMPAIRS attended to proUtPC•T• A. b•rytofort. the best Enatertal• will . .11InaTI De need at this Foundryam listing dispoteci of our old stoek. a •ru prepared, witu Xxur etlD isryrtnvito patt•rna, :meted under theeuperyWou ]lr.to furnish NAIL MACIIIN ate:lon 11.6,12 • UTILITY WORKS. BicLPAN fi SLATOP., No, S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, w-kNaricrallsas Or • CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. They wake a specialty of Irian Bedstead and Pivot Castors: Porealain. Bedstead and Castors.' dstead Fastenings: litcrpe for Eaten shin Tables. An. They also ir.antitseepre and have v..nstan tW on handeTbiun b Latches, Opting Latches.' NULvan's Window SashSnmairw•r, SULeanis Kncentzle dean Batton. 1111101, ntint • ter and Butt Hinge.. Eland-atone klancluvs• ad trona. haat. tvl;.-tai ROBERT LEA, =I STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS • Freight Hoisters AND DOCTOIc. ENGINES. sa.C.tloge of all descrlptlont wrote to order I=3 = ll= U. kruz. VALLEY STOVE ROWELS. ALLEPd. & CO.. • Ottio• aid 'Mearsllona• 301 Llbarty oppostt• Saalth••l4, L Ha Ute azo ec l HEATlNtiteree • !mee t STOV Tene E6t) , of=e C el tet OOE. ic. rex ., the celebrated Elleehrty and SionitOr Coal Cooking htoveet also, the Ant...IWO grant , . for coal or wood. and the oortrailed Star of , the Empire. for wood; alto, Arcbre. der eetEettles. Dog (root sod Bellew N arc eutlm Rohe-17.117. _ - A. 1111...M.X1... 116.1.1. r. ATNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY es CO Id.nfactars every Tarter/ Cook, Parlor and heating Storrs, AIMOIIt w hich .re the vele brEed LIItrKAA ?Ron° and TALIIILLN 4Coal litnvoto •- MAN A VVlLit.lki and 11.Nb1Dr 11 Cook stares.) Ala , ta.a..l6etnra GRATER, GRATE vuosro, GC" and Waselloney corner of 8k.<0.4 4 , 1 Fick d rltubafta ,atrekt. BEACH DIAMOND 23%.7673DX, WOMILIECOS, rirrnutrauti, PA. PARR, BROTHER dk. Ca., • . lauarae.nrar. of • zsmrf QULLITIC ar.rmr.a CA. eTE epaeos, Flat nod (TelnJou. of all slam. Ware eyaal to aux is.lNstied or xuaroalaellarnd In that cog:Leary. tetlas re wahousa. No. lett and l4l.l'irst, J 114ansell Plltabonnel PITT SBURGIIIRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. ItAKINUCTIMMILS Iron, Ilubket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, PITTSBUILTIL.rA. EVERSON,PRESTON & CO, P E.V.A'Sra r . raX/..1 i]UON-WCDFLIKS. Warelvince. No 4. ICI and , c 7 First tipp..6lte 31...u...ap.t,.... 14”us , ,Ptit•burg11. Pa. apn:Ja IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, I= Refined, charcosl,J ontatatt Po'Mated 113.70007E1T xxtemahr.; orn,...,,DWAur.UOVE.I, 21 0. 98 SLAW:: KT nt. M