INI iheribbitv g hOncit — t% II THURSD/VT, !HAT IRG7 THE FUTURE OF TUE fOUT H It is palpable to even superlicialtibzer ration that both Republicans and Demo crats are - making great elTorts to estab lish the authority of their respective par ties in the Southern States, in anticipa tion of n speedy reconstruction of the ltation. . 'The Democrats predicate their claim so continued confidence and support up on their subserviency to Slavery wr•hile it existed; upon their sympathy with the xebalon throughout the whole term of • its cci tinuance; and upon their disposi tion to - hold tlac blacks in as great a de gree of subordinatiOn as is poseible un der.theklecree! o f emancipation_ Indeed, judging from the bitterness with which they uniformly speak of the blacks, with the hatred and contempt' with which 'they meet all suggestions for the better "ceurSty of their rights, it seems probe. file if they had the power they would re-' Yoke the sublime national act of enfran. thisoment and remit fottr . millions of pe o plc again to bondage. 3tany of the Southern Democratic leaders meet them fresh advances of their former Northern allies with a cold xeserve. They complain that pledges made before the rebellion, and upon which that drama was opened, were not Tulfillair; that instead olholding the p.O liotic sentiment of the North in check as they agreed, and thua stripping the gdrernmentof power to coerce thei revolted States, they procrastinated un til the rising this of national enthusiasm :endued thorn comparatively polierle. , ,s; and that while they displayed an im- ensc valor of fantastic declamation, and exhibited spasmodic energy -in mob iolences, they proved abundantly they aro not mode of stuff to be trusted in a aettolis emergency The Republicans, on the other hood, look to that band of.whites who bowed, indeed, before the storm of disloyalty - that swept over the Southern States, but nerer consented to its rightfulness or ex pediency. They look, moreover, to the blacks who TC . CCIVed the boon of Free dom at their bawls. clt some diversity of opinion has pre . vailed as to whether the blacks would follow their former masters or their lib erators. It cannot be doubted that in many cases masters so exercised the boundless authority given them by ofe laws and by social usages over their slaves, that a feeling of attachment en• ists between them. Nur can it la:denied that in certain instances slavery wrought its direst effect in so debasing its vic tims its to reconcile them to the condi. Lion of chattclhood. It may be supposed, furthermore, that some blacks have vanity enough to be Battered by the ostentatious advances of ,that class of - whitesio whom they were accustomed to look up as a superior order of.bc . logs. In view of these considerations, and others of cognate character, it may reasonably be. inferred that the black vote will be somewhat divided from the Start, though by far the larger part of it will go with the Republicans. . This may be accounted only a tempo rary condition. Nor is it desirable that it should be permanent. For a time, while the issues growing out of the war, • including the abrogation of slavery and' the elevation of the Wachs to all the - rights of citizenship, remidn to any con siderable degree unsettled, general con ceptions of Liberty will conspire with the . . instinct of self-interest to induce the col , lored population with marked unanimity to cast in their lot with the Republicans. Afterwards, when.? their rights shall be i Armly established, when asperities growing Mit of the feeling of caste, now prevailing, shall hive worn off, when new questions shall arise not relating apecially to their race, they will doubtless divide between par; tics, as' most white men do new, ac cording to the views they take of public .locations. And this will be well. Noth ing. creates so much prejudice against the Catholic Irish in this country as the manner-in which, without respect to principles or meaSuros, they give their allegiance to the democratic party. Such - unanimity never comes of reflection and judgment, but of a blind surrender to . extraneous influences; There was a time at the South when the Whig party was powctrful, carrying - Jientucky, Tennessee, LouisianarGeor. gin, North Carolina, Maryland and Del aware pretty certainly.' But that party, far as it went in support of Shivery, did not go far enough. Perhaps the °case 'would be stated more aveunitely by say y ing the beads of ,be conspiracy against the Governnient determined for substan tial reasons to matte the Limon:rail. par ty the instrument for destroying the Union, or, at least, of so revolutionizing It tiS to transform It into an despotism. In accordance with this de termination the Whig party speedily fell into a minority in each of the t , outhern bialys. What loyalty remained was in it. What treason misted, lioniziver coy e,rt, it might be, found congenitifiroom in . the Democratic fold. 'This conspiracy by .which the Demo cratic parii was made the party of trea eon, did not succeed. In-lead of making Slavery the cornerstone of the national edifice, it. incidentally wronglit the des truction of that institution, and so put an end to all the hopes and inspirations out of which thp rebellion crew- As the tempest of passion which swept the . South subsides, and as just estimates are formed of the ealsting situation and of future probabilities, the inclination among many of the whites to go btu* to political affiliation with the- Demo crats becomes by degrees and beautifully leas." In addition to the causes of estrangement already enumer ated, -there emerges out of the cubit- ding waves of civil commotion a purpose to accept the situation and make the best of it. This thought is averse to attempts at galvanizing de funct issues. It suggests the utility of joining the republican movement, as con. tleiliallt with the system of labor now ex isting, and tending to make the most out of it for the advantage of all. As old animosities expire, new ambitions are dakindled. Baying measured the stroke of the pendulum in one (Emotion from its dead-point, it is easy to tell_ how far-it will will swing on the other side. Men 4vlto have clamorous hopes to grat ify are apt to count the probabilities. The Republicans hold all the Northern States except Connecticut, which has be-, come so essentially a suburb of thesity of New York as to be to a large degree partaker of:its spirit. -The late deice tion of Corinecticut is not so decisive AB .n be regarded as permanent. FO9lll - eiu men who are resolved to lire Len:-e -forte not in the past, but iu the future, are more and more dispose) to accept the party of progress; it way by with on indefinite expectation of modifying its radicalism somewhat; but still as the party representing the dominant ideas, and so holding the power, and patron age, and destiny of the country in its hands. This tendency, just beginning to show itself, will become morepalpa ble and potential as the bitter remem brances of the war die out, and may be relied on at no distant day to bind the North and South together in the bowls of mutual interest and helpfulness. MORE TERRITORY The British Government has been pleased to'convey to President .loni,ori assurances that it is not iispleased with the cession of 1115st:in-America to the United States. This may properly enough be regarded 05 a piece of tliplo [vatic courtesy; though what practical WV: there is ih it - cannot well be seen. When a priviite citizen buys an tidal- tional piece of real estate he does not "eel bound to consult the proprietor vho,te property is situated between his old poss.ession and the new acquisition. And. this is the prevailing rule in Eu rope aswell as in this country. It is the rule of common sense. When a pjeCi of land is ou the market, whoever utters 'what the owner dennunis has a clear right to take it without asking the assent of anybody else. I In Du ope, in governmental matters, a totally ditterent rule °Maine. Viten a nation desires to enlar4l,e its posseeeiona it has not only to drivd it bargain with the power holding the coveted property, but it has to get the consent of one, two or three'neighboring governments, who are interested to prevent any near nation becoming richer end strougerthan they ere. lu this view of the ease, it is cer tainly agreeable to have the British gov ernment convey.its contentment, though it is 'difficult' to see of what avail it would be to express any .other stale of feeling on the subject. But the understanding in the British Minister has gone further, and in view of the disposition of the United btates to buy - land. has offered to sell all Her Majesty, the Queen, holds between our northern horsier and the Arctic Ocean, providtd the inhabitants of the prov inces will only consent to the transfer. I n former times monarchial govern. ments did nut stay so 11111c11 rt,put to I the feelings of their subjects.' Provinces, and even kingdoms, we re given is dower, or in purchase of an alliance, and the people so conveyed were regard , I ea its "uncing no more right to be heard 1 iu the matter than the inanimate earth I itself. The progress of ideas less dis turbed and jostled that etc meat of the "Divine Right" so that it 16 no 10114.21 1 thought safe to exercise it, Instead of representing God, kings now claim t o represent the people, the transfusion of democratic sentiment making this pro fession politic and profitable. Hence . it is no longer fashionable to transfer prov inces without submitting the change of i allegiance to popular vote, though that l is often flagrantly coerced. This rule Great Tiritian'now proposes to introduce upon the Continent of Amer lea. It is her purpoie to wake it impel' afire in all cares 'whatsoever, with it view to prevent the extension of the re - I— public in the southerly direction. Whatever may is the motive, there is much to be said in favor of the rule. 1 But, Is it mot precisely as applicable is Asia as tmEurope and America ? alreat ! Britian has not asked the con- sent of the People of any of the provin ces, principalities and kingdoms of Indlit I Ito the establishment of her rule ovdt i them. It is pretty late in the day to_ri , S. - - I gin, but it is better to do justice tardily than not at all. If' elections should be honestly held to determine whether the British power should be continued, or a return be made to native administrations. it Is most probable the Europeans \vort:ll haye - icave to rack their baggage in the I shortest delay. If this principle of soli -1 mission to the local sentiment has vital ., By end forie enough to project itself ! acro , 3 the Atlantic, why not to scud itself over the Indian ocean S i l , This is only one of the, symptoms, visible of late, that the British govern ment and puhlkare beginning to regard the Colonial system as a-qui:take, OM to wish themselves well out of it. i If they kayo really made up their minds to get rid of the North American provin ces, and the people thereof,tre dials esol to cast their lot in with ours, doubtless a hvgain can he closed out satisfactorily. Mr. liEw.sun and t h e Senate do riot as to Price. The example of paying seven millions for Bus s ian ice bergs ought to inspire the Ihnish with a hope of making a handsome thing out of a Eale of the Cauadas. =1 F.or two or three prs the grains have given assurances' tlott peace of Europe will be maintained. However great the provocatiou may h e , neither l'ru6ja nor France are fatly really fora struggle the cud of wlsicl. they cannot tor-to:to, and which linty in volve all the leading nations of the ton. Ilnent. Prussia has a consciousness of power, but her organization is so new end un tried that it may he found deficient in coherence win:lt-put to severe tests. De-. lay Wilt not itulpair her strength, and will do much t3wards consolidating it, and tasking it Promptly atailable. . France hesitates, feeling that her preparations are not adequate to the new competitor by which 611 c is confronted. What Prussia was, 'she knows full as ell. What the is, at least admit s of- doubt. 'That she has the largest artily and the -highest degree of efficiency seem prob able', but whether all the Germanic State's that have placed their troops ]coder her command would stand the test of actual trial,.is not so clear. When both parties incline to a post. [ potter:alit the detain arc generally not difficult to manage. Can there be more ' than a postponement? Will France submit to hold a subordinate rank? Will Prussia voluntarily relinquish the chaplet of superiority she wears? Thedc are questions the near future will have to solve.) Peace now can mean little more than a truce, to enable each of the two poWors to a amnion. all its resources. _ • ' —The I nitilah independent says that Bev. 10lltam Thorpe of Bristol Enki I nd, wo n do 5,10 that In prettehing an ordlt%tionsnr moo he bid to be heisted Into the pu . i pit over %Beside, the door beteg too harrow to admit hfm. Curionely enough, his sermon las ou ' The Importance of e night Intro. u,tlon Into the Chrletlita ttliriletry,'' and he founded hit 0 lwounfu on the parable In which It Is declared t h at ' , lie that entereth in by the door ho the shepherd of the 411(.4.11 P. h il t he that ellutheth up sumo ether ey',;„' too camels a thief and ti. robber: . . J ' —At St. Louis, Xiigust Blank° uteldent. . ally shot and killed 1.1.tt0, Brinkman, e very astt.tallf, young lady. Mies. B. tool, in sport, thrown a book at Blanke, who, baying a shot-gun lu his hand, which 10, supposed not to he loaded, playlully point ed It at her. To his surprise, the gall wee discharged, lodging the whole load of shot in her face, and proslnellig death In a few mou,nts. • —1•64. l'apat party of , lat.m.a, thrir ,tato S ornmitte,, bilv.,l:•ette.l an on, t'llept auldreon Pr the ppopi, • ,, ‘.rthtl+ t't lii pw•lp Ap ,ss. GEN 1:16,1 1 . 9 lEWS —Chtl , tren ::a.,+ neo.lot Itl4ll/ r... 1.1 or 131.. Co;leUe now %Mount+ to 1,12..11 re-1 , 1 _:li Tlppecn• nee 4,01111ty,111 111,1 i1 t . • • •-•' • —4,r10-hoprler. aru t 1.114•1 - Fro,kr that thry butalp 1.11 , 1:1 up by thu puck niva suru. —AA a oiiurcb in thn tht,lor of N0 . . - s - Jet' y, a ,•••olf. slococ - Lot a titer 'run 115,d at in flint Impti,oa. • —Tin log nnhin tri which John Brown cc nOn 41. ruinvn nt linn-n, II to bn,wmc tno P,lrk Expo,tton. Prni,,44,11 f 3 1.1111 , 1 an iinmr , n ,, thxt, ly TOT. LE4,11.t ,11114, MIA lin,. MM=MI New York et the pre-vol time 1. greater thee hay twee for yeer • —3lr. F. 11onii , , the ukic pod tiogloT at Is an In'tiVl • 11.1 bilslll, - loan giol gobd —The Mirion o York city loive terinineil to ntill f d hoine lor whlow:4, or• iihmis and the disabled or their own order. —lOlO. Flinn, of Coin:aria 100 11.41i1p, lininilion comity, Ohio 0110 settled In U, a. neighborhood in 17 , , Bled r. few day, since. mutton chop, 1. - boarding: llo . o.l Pa , It 0,2,11 the bone 0(11 stare' , from 11bitch the mutton Itais been chopped —A new 1111,110,11. jute liven Le:Ann:l In liV IVIIIOI =lit}' per swinnnl to if to the city. Now' to: It TJ - dodur tlva or Ll,' torthory be.. otllod Walro, I, It, it wa , the lltAt Tlt ono, AILS II —.t young luau, named Port tie. at LIT, Neu - ',tut:. lust week ~.widatd ono huu dred atins,utive lends, for a purse of t Itulnlred and Idly dollids. —A letter trout of. Louis says lite•iness never was duller, told their. Is uo end to the vow:11:01db o: inetenottia The ally it full or tacit Out of ainployllllMt. —MO T rude Unions 0: ll.letigo are pre• paring for a area, initiate iteuttinstrittlot , On the first Of Slay. It Is expected that :Sip.: lien n ill Luke part Iu It. nat., arctic Mg In 6 lin Francisco nt last ivisteec mole plentifully than for •Oltle 111.111111 . 1. uutl II 1,1.5 thought that glum Om, Uwe Int nitrit the iccuititt illit i lie nominally laige. NllorL till/13 1-1111,11. two yotiz33, 133.3133,, well-L:33. 3v,, :re 11,11:111g 111,111 t . 3.33, - 373 3 3 3 liver the '3 33 . 333 t, 33 vert33l33 33,3 w 1. .11111:1.0 4 tit Wi'111 •• 1,1,4 I,lle. t-t it 1110311 3 3 , n 33,31 , 3130331 33333,3 , 3333," 3 - 313 3 333,33 31,33331 13 33113,1, 33,1•1333 g lit Caml33-1:3, N% Tjll,-.:,1:01.1:111,1 wito 33:111 a 15.0 - 3'1,3, 313,33333311 v 331,33313331033 1 . 3 1. .1111,,1331 1333 33:331331 4 :3,1 to 1,11 11.11111 , 1. /1, 1 , 111. 111,1 111,1 —Tern., J I t,..etn.:, re...lent at ~1 111511, Ikt Olt 111.011,.. Irons the lil I le , II eat 11 e to repo, thenen•lei... tot 111111tarp,1111y, ou Penalty' Ea 111,111110 y ltaart, —TIIO el, ••nel et Ne port. ,11.‘Ine, Inter twen !Inca:n ed.*. e.,,,.111'4 IL Kobel ,non pme,,, to the 'lnv;.l 11,11 and rontlannat, nint to 11111,11 a p.noge ne. slon4 )or tilo 11,11 lYncoln. —Thu 1'.41-ton ll.••,;:d ••I'ethito , of Ow ro•lo—t won ot cht, .. otoot 0..tt0 loo•I•cf••no•Ilopfle -Iv in Isis 1040 w• :1.011::: 1.!:10 .11/111,1,1,11 hi 4 1,1011 (1,111 hi 1,10 104:it ut r 10w:4,11,3y noolvY CONSUMI'TION tAn h ,:t ry,:my, 1.7 .clll.- lira. L. A. A, , rL, I'l art• r tns n[:.11 . 1.:11, lu I,lt !..r 11L,1. c. f L lilt t r i ft:. •L, •"' I=l= J.P12 . :1•11 I , h, :4E111,, edit 3a,!! on rt ••• Vs, .4 . proolrc a blet,r, of tn, • SV lint Swayne'n Clint client Will I—lt wnt; cure 11 , 1 In front l" a, • Cure ,aer, rrr;• curc 0.r, , n1^ ; a 11". Itr. C-11 , 1:1; Al Nll. r rLH" Ste-ry,.•e "TY TTf i-' I r!: . • - , 1", I; `Z . „T i i . r k.{: • .47C 47.• ••,1 I F. 14 Y.l rr E , t.^ , ret. A on,l, Irr.:,ti A Y A I' 11- ..y •CLA 1:1,A N ),;..1-..•• . .. (11.L.SCI-., ror. au! ;karat: 114-.1:1"1.1..1.::-.,;:.. CONVINI V I - -r 11 re.r, e x WINNE (Hr l =t.T.i\L\l .Li 11Irr r. 1:". .. r.i... 111. ~ ..~.. =IC ME ZIMIE 1:6,17 retr,,lT dya, 0t.,11. -, P 5 rt !: 117,1 . 14, MI, . 11- Pit!Pa. Pa. ••• tn. ••,.• • ••- Il ta,u. I 10117.. 11..1. 31.1.:: r 4 S I'INUS C eti 41.11:NSIS. A trc .thlel I • t th , MOrl S ‘• F.,;:and , tntr, Awl!, n. In t .ountaln-as r of thr 1f1 , 1 , 11t. nlat• [OA rrf Or. nyteu, par. r: ~11r!n• LI. , •,( IrmaFt, L.A tf VINE t i~rr> rn,11.: “31., or 1,,t. ki,nrys. ft. - , ,nro, In III•• ro.,(iin Wu , ^nt It ',I! I. 1...1*H' al•ptc , l tuati thoar msg., erl.t., n tried It I. Illk. w iar wt.', Hill, .1 vul rll,. t., nt..l ;v.-. the 1:1111.1•11,, 1. 1.1, ••1 . ill .01,•11, of tlm r,tith.l Ar.a rt.rm. hi. nu. 01. m." 1• s. rk,• , 11,1v In 01 erft,lty ly IiI• /r. 1 - 1.1 an,l le 1: cap t r•nt 11,41 odu , L, I,Lring, • PIN e. F,r3le try 1,. I,IC. ILL'l,..l: . n , rtat Mt:du:lnt Its Wlollli NEW ADVEIt'fIS Er/LENTS, . _._ li'Sl iii[ 4 , 10t,t1 E yprott (1/ (lon, ft: Fire. Hin t?, at ort (11/ar1J11.1;1(1 /emit to roe,' c A , s for the (JciZE,7ll",ond .42 u[C.. wren IhroughotA (An Uolhd &ult. LITVi r - Fllita .f.NYU,4I. LEcranuE I=l rhilumathean Ji. S L. I= COX., S. B. <3l-...5.R.33., IN EXCELSIOR RAIL, Ou Thin lida 5 - , May 241, P. 67, I=l I=l A 03118610 N -arFIRST GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, =1 MECHANICS LYCEUM, Oit Thursday, May ld, ING7 IN TOINN B.+t•t., iszamiNtaiten Prof. H. Th. E AKC lin, lind ennwitt , tl t• Pan 10111. 1 .1 .0 tor thy 0cr,,1•41, ,11.1 Will I , rr eddy at lb , . Iwo rim. , dm /Ur In 4,1 , 4 at.; ptrl , rralanc , , 011, 11/1.14,4' n!i•4,011.. GOOD NLWS.• • CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. • EnTAlre thr WA 1111 . 3 I.IIIEAI I. Thu huge:: art.ll)/2, the Itlmls "11. W. — un every Ion! Ward', • piNE APPLES—Frei:Ai fruit, id xtr• )1,....rtr.t.,..a and fur •ale t the Yawl , y• .. uf " "" '.IOIIS A. I:E.N.IIAW‘ , lIINCICSS A F4.)11).'v . %11. .);:. .~I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS RICHEST lIIRET RITES PAW FOR MAY AND JULY COUPONS, JAS. T. 11;ItADY & CO., I Ba4ikcrs, .11 • In t 1 to I t (or. Fourth & Wood *ls FURNISHED lioo.ll TO LET A GOOD. FURNI6HED ROOM pnn.l floor. wlthirt A.. minutia wall. of the o.t ..10100, will be let I.OOIIV Or two cetill.:m.u, -without. ..I n K a of t mv::111_ NET** STYLE Cloth and Silk Sacques, Opet.,l THIS DAY. A 1 . ,.. SACQUE , rad,. In the fall.inn. at ./. 00 alarryt .troo. NOTICT.—An Application has ta th.• Conn at Carnmon lyr art. r t • lavarporat.• the ',AD. Pl./CI Y. DR FEEES Ita,.I.Vt.I.ENT Aa•DYITI. N." aryl It no nt ryn , ..rn be t., A / try: y. at neat tut - mot -•14( . .I...•ree Ivr 1.11. nla•la I 01 n. .1. AT.VIN WEIL Atir.rnely. IMES 11..1N CITY Sul It Ai. =nu 1, .1 tinc;ii, 110AIRD OF 011iEllrFOILS o ~la.tutTi• 1'!• tli - Onrc.l DI,I- Ifnd r VI TE( Pit 11 4 . ENT. .pn ILT z,to. k. nut .1(111.• ~ ,J lt, of thel3 , lni% fr, of Goscrmnrut tm, to ;•:to.n.fiot , l. Ir. 4, 11.1.151,,a1 s,,,evutstlst, on at..1.1t, the J • )I,&lit/FYIN, r. V1F?:)57.1..kWr 1 4 011. r, 0 , . 11.0 11 111. 111 , 11, "Nr••• c.•ira 1111 i• 11 •• •011 bu,in.. , 4 In cn• 010 wort, awl gm. allly Weslotn nv ania IL•Ilroa.1, in 'I arrnltio, .1.2 tall., Ir. In 111, Is a vAro ..pporLtmlly I , a . In • 1-.111..1 . 41,,, asona 1,11 for et kl ft4 • " ar•aktu,ll. l'a. FOll. ONE DOLLAR lOU , . A AWE': 1= mv2.. 1:1COILGE UK A FULL STOCK OF DRESS BOODS, SITLEN, JUNI' OPENED. AI.o. 'II'+I,IN', PAINTe , , IHINII LINEN,. ,1111 , T ' )I,r. ror EbeiloTTOry Clwral AT H. J. LYNCH'S, ritOPOSAI,S lI.L -,T1'1:1/AY, 1101 tla, t . Altrt \IVA: tl , .lth ar.,l It -111,11N,: rA1 , 11s1: AND 111 P 0 LS ai1..11 15111 CITV OF aLa St.4l 1:D IYA re, LI, MORRISON, BARE' ez CO., MIT ...v., e.I all 11 IT BONI pRoT PIPER. LACE CUIITAIAS I E'.,'TIBULE CHIC Cortiieclw, eJr WHITE; ORR & CO., 45 Fifth Street DENNIt.ON ts. LIE( ILEItT, 27 Fifth Street, Elena nut] DrensTrtiumlog• L;lrOlvol.telte , ll[aster,. Glovr I=l 'loop SCI.". et!lact•y I'n•asnl• •aatl U.satellm I=ll Lila ild raper Collars Itapritittr* and St. I. Ms linnx, 6n, 2r it•T.t JAM, I ik 'lll , I'.. 11.\l Att.lrt JUIVELII V STORE: 40AT T & s EA FE it, 101 Fifth Street \V. wipnltre:po rtirOlv Itzforal onr ;,t1,11 ,- 11txt • 11..1%1.1.• ILI r.t I 11,11 nr.i, 4.t.,rtu.rut Watches, Clocks tt Jewelry, and I'lll , l. w , ar... I . .trlan I , ,war tvar3tlsloo lwr“.n.F On a an,.'gar• la Go Iry 111, lag .I . ll r 111,1,i 1411- at f•cwmow 0•••11tr • ..11-1 tri,in to all wl", 4111 100. r ua wlt4 nking !wir ,Alruungr. WATTLES & SHEAFER, 101 Fifth Street =EI MORELAND & MITCHELL, ery and Sale Stables, MEl=l=Eil L , vpu•ltv IZAtlrva.ll,cµ,t PITTSBURGH. air l'artinitAr ,nl.l to fulutrltlmg .r,o, An Carrin, , Plurrall 11•. .-01-.• 14 at 1'011: SALE.—A. o•pleueliil pair of :tramAlmon , . new, made hT till., of Clneltinall: doe , atruLe, wrottgra Iron shafts tail vronke. (Me Dort.or Engine. (our rrright 11 Flrt,rrg Kotrinr, htemn ( . 0,1 An. A completeetor machine,' ,ultahle for fr. tAent'or boat.. e 0111 I -rot. bolters to mat , ln..nd put the a ollte inarblPerT, t" , " either. 11,10 clt , " height or t •w boat, In complete , ing ord lu er, t offit.l.4 new hull, taking to lOtet. , t atl , l IS desirable. En.pAre or HUGH M. DOLE & CO CM FOIL SALE Two'3s-Barrel OIL STILLS, aniEa Ay cii4io Ay NILIV ONE CAMERON BLAST PUMP, ITE= Yor r.llculars cnII. ut wlttren WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING CO. a1.t.:r34 N., 2 OM/UM:ENE WAY, ALL PAIITIEN INTEIIESTEIIo "`"'" In STEAM 1.11M1.1.1 are Invite.' to Ball at tn., store of FARRELL 1 CO., No. ,elll.ll.l.letreet , and ere, IN nese /AO,. ihe 13.. I. It'll mei t of pepel%r eia. 01 ""' The llodier Patent, I.y lLr Ka , thampton Vamp awl Falitnn Company. nA311.7F.1. rrts't. JANIKS Incas 1.01.71 S C. RODlElt..nap•t. J. n. Al , nt• ft , ion• neld, Masa. • ' aprn I .10A111D1NG..74. beautiful trout , • i NEW AD VERTISEiIENTS BOOKS AT HALF PRICE! Law Books, Medical Hooks, CLASSICAL WORKS, Sabbath ,1:110(li Books GALL AND GET BARDAINS STATIONERY, best quality LATE LIAGAZINES. AND NliwrerEß: = , , fol . PAH!Ks. iiREAT VARIETY SriILEUM:OI'EI, tt ith Ilse% numb., ..f all the to int s. Call rut X , :t..01. 110, at the Book and sews Deput, No. 41 tiixtli Strec:t, =1 ray - OPERA HOUSE RRESISTIBLE ATTRACTION! )1 It. IN 13, Itto,- tu moan. Ott Idlat tkua,, , ntd Aillatur and MR. CHAS. M. BARRAS. %VIII ~.rann•”y ,ni,Prini..•nd the ant', Ma. Irni Dram, In Act:. awl 'f ul10.1.1”: BUCK CROOK. The Mort Corti,. and Mingo Ihrrot Urn !HMI(' Spevlrkele I:ser Pro. dateed Iu Anierien, !OM L 155116 AT 5111105.G1E41N, Nil lOU AND \ VII r, TO OVERFLOWING HOUSES, knl tt t il .utir(f it Ole I r.l 0...• Tuesday Evening . , May 71h, And FVtittV EVENIS,, t 1..111, ILA:rill It NO:711:E. TIIE GRAND IatLLET ACTION .. . .. Itta W. 311101,1., e r ,IoS..ItETTA NIA 1111 , 1:1—F. I I. F. I 111 1.1....11 a = FULL CORPS BE L'ALLEI 4 7 h i, I: A. • d el LIT - , ;.f EXCELLEAT DRAM iTIC COMPANY I= TILAN!.1'0111.111TION SUE7iI l'AL`f :. till,' On Monday Et ealaa . , May rah The Opera 'louse Will be Clo,ed, •,•„, NOW TUE lIERCINT11.1: AGEN(Y, RESINESS DIRECTORY, =ME T!.:: Nh" lILAPF 1111,1:V1 ,11 . Nr.v, mmrAN4. II:AN. :. \ . ,DFY, uIIII.R , 11. , r r.,•y I,ly o'‘ the l'zsien. It 1.. c‘n osr.ll, (nll f... to rt: Price, !!:.20.00 I= THE NEW SIX PER CENT. S'r.Airli: I A Free from all State, ()aunty and Municipal Taxation, (UMW. ill 1.11111.1.1.,41,011.11,iiiii .1011 1 . 0 11/1 . il Mk or 1,211,,,, 6160. I.) vllll. r EZEI 111= E. W. Cl.Mtli It.trlker, CHANDELIERS , .11rnekets, Pendants, Se., 00211 =2 2 , .E - t St Et,lld cmi.sJt Env." ot, rriat W 313clun etrce, TioN I. i.r ll r. .„..„. ttle• lu n:1 • 1 l. ur Prt.l.o al, Vur tf,e 1 . .11/11, aruf tit, 111. Cur: Wont. Lt., nt,. f rrt , ' PA %fat ion /Al rz I. It ,101, 1111 1 1 t• .• 1. 1 Int: , n.lnnnr I c, runt' rultur n pt.. • tl tr.l.• un,..11,f fnlfl . ~ fut . ut t t 'lance tue rar: 11111, •••• (r I tlito IL4 In k. 4.1 1:11. itlk ut leLt H •11•:1'.1., Altr.t. 111 Ut?l,\l.-r~~•,,,, ^.. ~, un~il. zraittiti; cer C p•r,o, ho or• ry I. 4 I•It ,r.. 1. t ••, tys -Al , I n tl 3,1 0,1 %I 1 Ii r .11r, a.: at 1it.:.. , NnlU r.,, part , t!, Arl, I or.ts,:t tl Al .:qt. A. 0. x NI,AVLEV. 1 c 1-. d.ll i k =IMUIR 74 - ottniNANCE for the gra 4.:1,1 r1017,,,t 71CL 0 1 , 0 Cr I! tl7O 0t I. 1:..t -C A••••••• • , s r - ... . ...... , •r•t. • !.• f i L c i ."• t , ()11ti IItOUT l ('O., Real Eaate 6; Insurance Agents, • ~.,„ • 'AA- In ! .• =1 •• •11,.. U,: U,. 4 - ; pr • ed. In la., [JUD I, ' Pa. tra f tr tt,rtt. .1 r t otorT, Pa. - 11 , „ o.•tr.• pr.ot ctt. tly • tt r• Itrt lt. gr..- • '• ' • • t , ,tt 1 t, ra to tat. Le t•t• • f ,rt art' t.c t C.r • • ••• ~ • ; n: ' .a a. .to r . r the at tilt Lot` It •r a.; I li t I. r Oa I.rl,o•atl Itt t 51 II it I I 0 S 110 %Ito OF tt to . y .4 tr - DI , V v 4,1 irra . al • - 13 , of or • I 11..., 1 , 2.1 111 . r •v. r la. r. t. s tit• • = N ORDINANCE nutlwrizin 6ocoucl ,Etroat. FiktOt Marl f - o fx .1" I' LI It' ,nt st 1 11:1 , :3 , 1n C“ ony‘ , ll , , I'. %Ilk a Y. SI'LEI. , 11 t. +1 1: • k N ORDINANCE for the tirad i odfcri-ci. S troot. ! .. f / !!!,'far...!) autl,orlec..l f ! !!• l!r• II!!! tiradtoz. 1,1! a ~d,!!!.tlnd cuth-ertolle of Ito Ifor.l atr!!!.... Irtont 11111-1! ..;11....t Do the o.lty i.!!!!., a:l4 lo !!!!.!!!.! Iv tht ma,1;!,!!!!!! 1.•o!!!!!!,,n,!!•ot 1110 , -.11 11,4 .t and au At! !!! !•!!!!!!!!VjI,I!!!!!‘...1 .I!‘ilaary 1.. .r ~!!!! ~ ( A,ll nant, conlllctlnK ‘lllllllie ; a of thl!!!,!!... a! 11150, !!, 3;1.1 ~.!!! 1!..r. !!;! , ,,d Srt al Ott ordalnc, s.I rnactrd Into I ' ll ;A I. Co!zuclla t1114,;11 day of 31.nrell. A. JAMI, 115 A 11,1,1" - 1'1 , 04.12 ol ht. leer lbeYel:. E. °,..Monto.w. 1211=1 I'III , 3!AS 1 EFL. rlr 'lt Atttett MCNI MEffMEl=l N ORDINANCE itictliorizireg the oprnlng , I ViaLroy fropt.atazeeatr ,. .•• t•• Ptesch•aon o• t.... and .llarta •• net tr. hi 51..0.• to Its tormlau, and I the Itli•rn 00( Ica r••• and r,..a1..1. ,, rara.•rdy • .1 1 le ~ 'll,l 11, 1.,•,11, tratator :.113 iud•-.1 direct , ' to fear opk a a 11104 , ntread from Magee tre..l to ,P1elt•oLl the not t i .48, Is 1.314 ....psi lit the Cps I , pqr!et titan. and at aall.treet it; Pill of P et, from Mar, treet it• fact aa 'hold •drerra ',au el lat term , 11/4. slre in 1111 ...them altleur lekroy litet, ae laid nln the. City Ihatriet plat, 2. That any ordinance pr part or o'.ll - 01111ime,1!... ad ..E th. nmare at thr re••••ot she co. l• hereby frptAla p a as Ll"' tan. t 0:,110 tide rdain.. awl enacted Into law 11l C01111.c11 , , 1111.:!.1.h day of .11areli,a I la:41•.•• Mi•A , I.r. I` ...:.lent.[ Cr Coaa,ll. Alltat: Z. S. Slip. hpw. Titt , mA , n • • i're•hlant or Cotarip.o Atteat: Llt•Git %P. Al t‘tht:. l'ulantnn WLNDOIV SLIADES, OIL 4C31,400X11-1 HOLLAND, For Sale J. R. WELDIN '& CO., 101 Wood Street, NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS FRINCE'S TEA MART, 1= duet oinntd. a I.r,e and ctto!cc i nk o 1 Tensaw] Family Crocceie,. Wbich arc 14.114 rrtsll.l Ri I (II \I r ,11r, 1 i 111/01,1:•11. ME ( t r: ' .' SalurdiO, June 1,1,“;7 1111131114 1111 sr . or ~r I: an c, r~r ..; ~cJ ,• • • • fr" ,- T''Pf,'l:` ,, i'VV/"T.'() A Itk:SOIX.. ,• • • 2 , th. pro at 12 M.. th, ERNE t:o.Co . .:t JAIZES S.Cltirr. uEoztta.: iv. CASS, NOVICE.—THE otroe MEAL I'AN V. fur cti.):l ,3115... of Tre..!.. I 1,1"11111f. , 1 , 6 7 IN 1= 1 . 1" , ,th• MEE •,- ~;~ CANDIDATES TitE.trit liElt COL. JAMES A. CRAY, Oi 9.d 1,, t -v .us., lilt .4 11 SSE.I3I.V. WIL 1.1/J.l B. ROSS, C‘ty..ll: IR: r:krol, 1,0 r, A I:. FOR commistioNEit, JOSEPH'S. M'BONALO, Att.., tl,r, aril:. , FOR CM:NIA I.I4I;.ViIAIELS I WILLIMI FIT.LEAN,. ~ f I'l t .. ,oruty Etnt rl3Oll/oNol'..tith D. C. HULTI WIII.IA. a..t.a.,ll , tate :It, rit,Tlllll N vr !ZI of tlle I.lL.kou ythat ritorr/lONOTAitY. MEM JLED3 H. WALTER, , AI FOIL TREASI MAJ. J. F. DEN7HSTOti, NIL 1 . 1 No, I3`) Fourth Street, .~ .....,rii°~6`.~ ~r er.i .....,. ~ ~:...~. ~ c„ ... Canal Street SCHOOL HOUSE AND LOT '110 , , 0r I:. K0L1.1,. NOTICE t'- HEREBY ti-VEIEN crel.,f re ecl..tlng .n.t :`,• der t.t.e of A. J. 1;A:1.1.11 Ika , o.ey le I•T at.tuat ut, Utt• t.r.t•r, rt.s: or A. J. ItAla 11,1/by ttON FAA.. vtl, will d.d.lntie TsColog . ttd 4d•l ID!, Nu. 5.3:t111:11r9:1 ,1, dt 4t: Ice to td.c ..ato ctl".l 11, I C. 1.. t'ttNNYl. l .. and all n. ntaa.: /11, I,lli prtstabtt to : el_: E=Z2l= IL. I L . .• 1% •I I I r To Bricklayers and Carpenters I'EA) Oti A I.S ARE INVITED • unttl TUF - 'dA Y. 2:11, xt., for 111. I'llll. .13 I Etlt: Wk.E.K In L\rn:,l. ne w arc r. ly for vlswit- 15:. CIA:: canal. 1114 to with any of M. F.. NOTICE. UNDERNIGNED has this ===l I= MI=IMI the ra.l pltrtp,:e I= - NV M. 7.1.ti!1301( `co., .7 , 1...unr,t , :r.r6 1.41 W:0 , 1,1 , PcC,l, Broom Brut!' and Broom Findings. I:: rt Scher 131.., A I,t3g, No, 172 nrol Wdod Me.,. Ptl I.borzh ARP) M. BRUNEI & soN7 steam Boilers, Oil Stil s, Tanks, :sheet Iron Works, &c. 70,T 0 (1 - T ) . - nrk 9,lrpet WASTED—TO make an AT ., N , `,21 a it, man, go. r 41,71 who •4 Lsh.o to •atna, . tani zo,V ,11 tnolucsa now 4,,00 I MON Til. %lad rely on vroCta v• • =ME r trnt ( to 1.1 LIV I.itY.+:~4 slnzle 111,u ; E..•1,0r, .01 STADt.w, sn,l ' ,1;:t1 ; WANTED, 'f -NCn ('‘`,l aaar at pa,. Apply Patron . , or Alart. 1,11‘.)1,..51) ST., ritt.0,,,0, Ml= AGENTS WANTED? .1911 N W. 1:11111F1.1., lOTA !KALE ANIP FEYIALE. In c .nt-..1110 • , blr,l cit, MERCHANT TAILORS. Great Reduction in Prices. Spring Goods, N. TY COM ,111 tic, m.+•ll. re awl Atoralcb awl • lIII=I=I MEMO 1.. YlMil - .I:TUS, rrvs OWEN BYRNE, 11NNUAL. • No, I as 111 Cri rl,i., lt t •.I 3t,0; aad lluar , l ut, ve LAY.% 1,, Vres No. 14 WYLIE ST., U' 0171: LtALL. IrENRY G. HALE , WOIMIIIIST con. USN IND St. CLAIR SI&'.l .', NEW SPRING GOODS, All the .Novehies of the Seaooo, First-12111%s taMerchhin e ant Tailoring Ehblisnt. W, RESPENHEIDE, ottl,•• of Un. , T11 0 5 ..,•••• ..,•••• Untou .•• I=l Rll2 15S. 111== =1 11. 11.11LE6, E. CONNELL. luy In•crt, in the eLoTIIINO :1/SNIVEL L. C,PN N El!.. who rimn.l. I do lu l uar f.rumr as the .1., J. 11.11111Elt, MIZE JA:11 AI.IIFItT A. mmsitt; 11=39 J. D. RAILSLEY. BROONS, ==E! I= WANTS S. C. TILTON, N.A. 1,, NI. Clntt iE; ti to 6123a..011, W. 1/. 11.111 SECOND ABDIVAL OF Fresh! from the Importers, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES A:ferehaat Tailor, JUST OPENED. 111'1:1 , 1 nunt. •s Is only tonna In • Merell.7 - .lnt o. 50 ST. CLAIR STREET. lat NEw sraLso ciuoD6 Just °poled. MI nrw nirle patterns got np In the latest Zast tntsPuss OPENING. A lAMB AND (OYLER ASSOLTIENT OF BOYS' CLOTHING, '.' For the Spring Season, AT VENT MODERATE PRICES (.BRA.]" &GA.N, (No. 47 C 1.1 4. !Meet. L ' RAMALEY HAS JUST. RECEIVED MEE NEW STYLES HATS AND CAPS,. SG, sad van sell at 20 Per Vent. Less Than Down Town Prices. • R'..• 6.11 our ItEST SILK nn•l CAMISIEnC. st ONI DOLLAR LO WELL than , itty other Bonne In the City. Call and Be Convinced 334 Liberty Street. 110011 BELOW 11th CLOTHING EMPORIUM. rnhz,v RAMALEY Ibis J ut,it Opened A LARGE STOCK OF FINE SPRING CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing —Goods, ==fl NEW STYLES IN THE MARKET. • Whlchnllll,t oflcre , st IiZtEATLY REDucEll ow:FA from last se.seoa. Fiat Sub; Owcnits, as Lor as 19404 " Ca,ittere faits " " " SiD,O4 « « c~S,QO " fl,lh Drezi Suits Taper Collars at Cost. 3:10 LIBERTY STREET. toprolito Warne, one door above Wei h at . .._ar [hoe llooho•____ C. • PE ALLII IN Flue Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, L'f7.4IOFUZI, French Clocks, &c. ~ .., I •tattenn'on Wen to tbeREVAIRISU Or FINE 'NATCHEZ!. .ro. 22 Firth Street. ISAAC CRAIG, OUTLET SAWMILL, Toot of Craig Street, ALLEOttENY CITI' Kcal. ennalaninn on hand a large atocl, of its thir-Julata. Window dutallia. Unite, mdIA , In•tes.:lnaiat•lait, Mika •Ing Boit add lionam Intat.,pouling, Lath, Ile Will Gilordcrs fur earrcl. nQ with proud-dim., 104 at fair ratta• alalidand Wl.ll.kCir A. L. WIETTAI;II & 31E..t0N, r.rturrra or t'r•tl _T4ontlia. , or 1.... I iii.ll4. .1...,,..1,0111111111.11.1. =MEE