DRY GOODS, TRIWRINGS. _ INVIH SIBLE F 3 IPREtg JRAIL SKIRT, TUL tjEW HUM rob Spring, 1867, L -- W...BRADLEY' DUPLEX ELLIPTIC a (OR . 801:111LE NPRING4 SKIRTS, the tm itn co drm . tr it e r ! d Att. m b I o style let EINIOI. Also.thrtiowtltseslnCAßlSTSlAlL B . J 1 'tux wulu,D. and TW-TOP lITYLZB. FOR SALE EVERYWRERIF., AT WRPLESALP: by all Pia Icading Natant and Pry Prods Pans. PlPabarah. Ala., t by bola Owners of PaLcul. and AAclualya WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, EMI= I=l NEW GOODS! I. L BURCIIFIELII & No. 87 Barzz3n.e•lt 3122ANIBIQUIOL for 25c FRZNOII LAWNB, 37;ic ORGANDIE& COLOREAGRENABINES OREN/WINE ROBES. '2101114611 MAILSEIELES. COLORED P. K.•s. • A largo anal lament of NEW GOODS JUST OPENED. ItEMEMBILK THE PLACE. No. 07. REIT DOOR TO TEE SECT Of TILE "BIG BOOT," apmal9o GENTLEMEN'S Merano and Bilk V.e.lai Linen and Jean Dr 31terrizon's'•8t. "Shirt% Ltnen And raper Collars; Billed. and _other FaaAcy Tleas Whits lllnalin no., Plain & Hauled , il4tiz i ,l } lgi i Tarol.ll 1112 d ()piton Linen llandk•relo4, plain a. fancy; 1111 k Iland keret'', choice assortaiOli = EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street, 11=123 I\l JEW 43- CoCOLI S. DAILY ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. MACRO, OBE CO. 1614.80 a Vinirdt hcootig . Mods, Plain, Striped nd Barred; Artcianief awl Patted Vaillsoolsl fir Tabh; &OHIO and HMV; /motet nd lamtarg Vett, Kee assortment; Beal, hitt, Tilencia and Tbma tuts; itandterchiets. Lace. Data Hemstitched & Plain; Wit Vitbetul, All width mia shadm Pall line entered Telret Ebben errrs shade, Bente Trine% Trimmings Valloes, newest Om , rum &softest, if Ladies Litlisit and Gomm Haiery and Mon FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S. KIO GLOVES; SPLENDID ISSORKENT P4ABOLS. Fall Line 'Furnishing Goods. • MORIZISON'S STAR glilirrd, at nangascd. COHNETri AND ELOOFAKDIrg. good mats. t r , Jobbbig Id lattbloUr Latilern pi 78' And SO Market Street. NEW GOODS:, NEW GOODS I JOSEPH KENDS & 0013. Havtog mule • mond idattoo to our already large stocked SPRING GOODS, No. are prepare* to offer thattototate, both la Vi i nTrVd=lWitlighl r iv; ' Glove& Hos Bogle Trinneinno sod !tinges, en illyics Dress /signinlnga, Colored ono Velvet Ribbons. Unirere and Caner Lone, !teal Thread and Pointe Lam. Kollar., all styles and eolost. COrtCtll. %talcs • • ar t22l! l : ritTCY P fj.l Opting Under Wear, Alex sodre Kld Uloves. layiefblc Kannress Troll -vain:, is mule 4..1 • Dopler. kl.soTtment of SOW' Neck. ilea. sow, 'Suspeders. wart !runts. as nutrition's Mar Nti . Opting Mlles Dann en, En nalf Sr's. &Wit SUlfilintr 4300dr. TtinaintrUtinbbonti Bonnet ltl64ona, and Van r 7. all wld • . OUR waociaccs ROOM, Up se.lbhern rarg..sl7l l :7nr.liPairg' n e ntroprs.. Num aslow sal * Lastern Jobber.. 77 and 79 Market Street. rpra ISO. SPRING. 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, airincraus CID itallialtita Dry. Goats and Notions, ofra their Wire and attractive .toek NEW. GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES, VIM CAUL KM GM) DB, WHITE GOODS, //MAI% ZSLPfpNl2l.,(4ll.t.ittA3o4 trAingt...,t}Wpare RIM AN I) WHOM' Ira Matt tie_ AN " " Agra t i Xt , d No. 115 'Wood Street. • AnnurntvoT, HUANNON & CO. -f-stntirg.r. U. erxruarEZ4?' °"""°''' OE i!!!!! AUCTION SALES GREAT AUCTION BALE OF CA ILJU (~1~;~, AT SHAFFER'S Bazaar and Cardage Repository) MA.V.0151) bl'ara.T, L.ILIEUIT OM Irednesday, Jrlay 1 . , 1567• I Ivory person In the el ty nr vicinitrin bred or anything in the line of Boggles. Family It, ranches. Hoek Wagons. Jame , Ik . alten.. Cr Ley' other light vt, hide, onoutti wake It • point to be vim baud— The sale will be warm. rezone. and as Um vehicles are of lila very ,best and most aniehett ntnofseture. there cm be no mistake 1.1 t oyinc soy otllr.blalfcr'aeetaUllah mcutls writ k c p.., and tileany ...Ye, hieing years oast. oo,ch.''',/ team him, bare always boolLl VI troth. eatlsUcd with thee, lit nna heeds ,rry largo •s man u fac t u r e , lbde `mitt vettleice, all of his own vhtett ithout2o equal to the rery beet In the grT.T;le.trlLlT,litgg.:llllll,tol v or ss tiefutlo. toy of stock atti be lr S e t great reduction thaner Ortega ettwk of ilat gess will silo be sold. Otte Term of eale will be wade known on d, Sale. T. - 14.25d3 FURNITURE, CARPETS AND HOUSEROLD GOODS AT AUCTION. On TOLIBBB SY MOIININti, May 2.1, at 10 o'clock. at the Masonic Ball Anal. House, IS and 57 Fifth street, will be sold, n 'ery 11115 ge sorunent of rernltare, Carpets and Household I . oo ds,cotoprlsing marble top and plain ;lens ing bureaus, wardrobes, hook eases, show cuts, lounges, settees, walk stands, sofas. sofa and Parlor emirs, Cane seat and wood chairs, tete-a tetes, rocking chairs; dining, eYtension, card, side and kitchen lables; feather bees and feath ers:matt/sums Sod spring bottoms beds; Several sewing macutnes andcloaks; also, • Ter/ large asaortment of IllarrellOr carpet., comprising Brussels, Ingrain, rag and hemp carpets; Vene tian. paper 1.14 elotis window blinds, pictures. "g'rann[... , l.r9, cigars, d very large as • sortment• u( queousware, kitc hen utensils. &c. Ally, one, two-horse covers dspring wagon, is good enter, having Itea 11 in nso bat a short time. 4111 1 10110 M preqUelv at 0 o'clock r. x. t'. A: aIeCLEI,LAXD, Aust., 10,000 YAMS BOOTS AIM 81101r4 .4201* .41.170TX40P1V, • Received for positive sale at the Auction Rouse ItuFedieral street, Allegheny.over ten thousand pairs Boots. Muses and lialte , s, all sixes stles neond quality. bale will ertinmenceTtlltt Alf T A R- N,a :o'clock. and Continue eVerT Dam' uf this week. Buyers of shoes will Dud thescAales exceedingly attracthe and ativantr.- peons. There are large quvaltles of Ladles'. Mitsui' and Chihli - Lit'. Lasting Ualters and nal morels: O rine Ahl d Morocco Walking Bouts: Men'aOutland A lp Boots. and ceerwthins In the Mum line. All to be sold for whatever the y brine. A. I.EIItiATR, apsoila Auctioneer. • ATARIETV AND NOTION STORE AT .AUCCION.TIie entire atm:a or B. hniskis variety and notion store, Carlton streak. Birmingham, n and Bedford Hall , bill be sold at auction, on ritlivAlf 1147 3d, at le oicloch, comprialng rocket Cutlery, Albums, btatlonerT s of all Hatr Bruatius, Buttons, ripe, Pocaet llooas, blast...Pi !draw. PiCarpet back., Collars, Louttur . uisg ca, cturecr Prune., ftnaraytolff. 6, :steas Blank rence.., and itrIVIMIP . :,bI. variety of Notions. Alto • lot of. fine i2,4agg, met SkllTketUti. PAL,II. - Elt u„ duct's. FARM GARDEN ZEDS, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, rercluuers arc Invited to examine my stock, which comprises the most reliable varieties In cultivation. We offer the following kinds at re duced rates. /be quality is the tory treidi CORN. con tins. Evergreen BrDIS eet 01 00 IN bus. Large [Sweet., or Sugar 5 00 RAH.. 100 IbO . _ Wood's Earli:ramo. extra... Wood's Earl Caveat Par .ten. 2c 4 r/ t .Lom t let abort-Top , White Turnip-rooted Red Taruld.rooted,..•• ........ /Summer Wilts Bummer YeItOR Be/ea eos..tati.— . Watts Spaniel, • Per 11/0 I"ds. rer r'd =bus. /early We/to Stone... .. .. Ito 41 ctn. CO " Flat Dutch tstrap-leavel) 55 ISO 3,/ `• Yellow Moro RIO 45 .• 150 " lied Tull (straPdesred/•••• 1 OS " 14ree islobe white 41 5 Purple Too Buts Clips4-.3S N " •• 'White Vol /lots 0 sin •• tiu b VJ:;,'l4A"'n tU:0) 160 50 ••• Ino. Early Early Pmslel O' mb ßourke .Tom Thu 60 •• Early Frame .50 • - Early Charlton, One 1.0 •• 111.11op's Dwarf Loon Red, 311 •• Dnnnf Blue Imp-rlal 50 •• Royal 11warf Slatrorrfat 75 •• Large White Warn:rural 150 •• 111050 Eye .11arrowfat 410 zs .. Eugenie .... 1100 50 •• -Champion of Englaud "— ...,.... ......... fi an 76 •• Brltlahl l:. een 10 07 I! Oi •• lowan t ar. e'llUlt pod. 11 al '• Tall en r. One 3001 12 from TIL RE :WORT/),m.51,113 Der doe. Vackeo. I ' \ 3. 13...1NTC0.2C., llortleultitrAst and Secdsmai3, No. 137 Liberty Street, = THE IRON MY MONTHLY. BINS AT BALL DEWS DENTS, CummenleatNes iud atlsertl.cretair Nr the MAT NUMBER sheald be bawled ill br the Ncurid Mai • I GEO. W. PITTOCK & CO., I=! Lb v , tch. rirra bTIigET pArEn , 11AN6 EWS, Of aU Grades, ROM STAMPED COLD. AND VELVET, TO THE CREATES!( A&TICII KNOIII TO 'in Iniol At No. 107 Market Street. JOS, R. EIVGMES X BRO. TIN GUTTER AND SPOUTING On hand and put up to unit, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Made to order. a f t GRAFTON'S gouso Furnishing Store, 1t•T0.,0 6 Soclearna 19 tr,oot Nees tlailroml Depot, Allegheny City. hien et the "Colon Coffee rot." ZIPI2StIMV(2 SAMUEL nL VVICKEI!,BII44II Iron Broker, 124 First Street, = Agent tot the sale of Cornwall, Donsgbmore, Josephine, Isabella, Deneannon, branbope, tendon, and oilier orwisorstrithrseite. Yough- WAIT Coke mid 011phant 's C. gt. chareosi Consignments and orders respectfully solle ted. • laterei LEUCOBRINEA AND Eesnale Weakness. physivien of ad Year... ffff offers • rwinsbie and powerful remedy fur the above named complal nt. It Ina compound discovered by the celebrated BiIitZILLIII and experience has proved It' cfn eepo. to t o Richer hum lilt of 507 renteay pre, tough , Yeti The preeerlinlo. with lull olirettlons for ets. wilt b. . 051 Dr elli•11 to •ny note enclusit g at) cent. to DR. Jael/13 Hula, r!MSE=l;=iiiii man, alccANLusais & co., Viu.sorr, Cane s CO—) WEICILIZILILN DNALICILI IN -- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 8000$ Taco. 94 177cocbci !bird house spost Plamon6Aile7,) MTV.* NITIMN. P. MRS. L. C. O'REILLY, FASHION/MI RuLLINER, Ito. 20 Mamma Alley, Plttsburgn, Pa. All the latent And 'roost fuhloriable •tylca of SONNETB awl RATS fur Ladles, Mis. Am] Chll.lrro, kept' cooetADLIT on howl or made to . order mato elioft.t. notice. rrlcra TtrY ro.sou able. y arab CII*S t A. • LITHOGRAPHER, No. SO FOURTH NT.; Apollo Building TELI.FAMIgittZTat n li.g n r,, , E4 l L ., L 6 and LET apiglita TWIT A PROVING SMILE. Nvol'Lstun HAVE Er ? If so, take home of rush PEACH Re, ISTIIAWBEHRIEn, BLACKBERRIES, I'LUIII3 CHERRIES or WitOnTLlEßLltktlf.n. lon are sure tont theln good, and at the lowest market erica. at 112 ZEDEI kat an L. L STIALLT.-Alleghonl osmium 111B•VEN J. BLANCHARD & WDOLSALC AND =TAIL ViC) 396 Penn Street. litc•PttAburgitOnottt. WhITISESDAY, 'MAX 1, 188? A Sind Ufo Ms tory-4.101110 at Lilt A day or two slum a cotormestry Inquest the city of Lonitrvill aced body of su abandoned wontAit !......ated ate carrigeo, who was straltgled AO death by falling teem ,‘• r •lnte. elVan whlen A poi on of nor Wearing apparel bfitlifeglit. ,T.ke wretched woman watt likestlY intoxication%net, elriersrlse she could have lllttilgagell her garments and sulfa 110 harm whatever. A. few months ago this w oman was ,a, ire. quent delinquent at the bur Of the Itecor derls Court ih tell cityi being arrested al most wetkly lit some of the low dens of smoky Row, where, ander the influence of Ihtuor, she bad beeomb retitle. and Uproar , loon. She had onto been a beautiful girl, and the lbscametits of a most fascinating loVellneas were Meer effaced from her mental:lento, although she sank repeatedly into the depths of druukeeness and dlsalp a lien seldom .....v.tonded by fellow-sisters, among. trllom ehe ranked lowest of the low. At Midst all the excesses to Which thLs poor girt was addicted. her soft blue 'eyes never !oat their Ittelloess, and wo remember morn thanhaven unreeling man lookk once with widened faces, at thoughts of what she once was, as they be hold her pale and wretched at the beret the Police Court. Kate . Carrigan was once an accomplished and respected young lady. We recall a scrap or two of the history of this poor fe male, which reads a sad lesson. She was the only daughter of wealthy parents. a Virginian by birth, and at the age of four teen was left fatherless. Two years later she wits seduced by some fiend in human shape, and a few weeks after, in alit of re- worse which could not have been (sr from actual - Insanity. aaantioned a luxurious home and plunged Into the wildest vortex of dissipation. She wandered from city to city, sinking lower and lower, and about a year after the close of the war came tp Nashville. From this point. h. r broken hearted mother heard the first news or her erring daughter, and sent an uncle to bring home the lost child.. Ile was unsuccessfui, is all that we know. The poor girl after wan/ went to Louisville, and the end we have already seen. Oh caned and broken Me, sad and inex plicable! Oh blackened and nith begrim med !a wail of bitter anguish runs through the annals of thy short earth Mete. ry . A bit of charnel house clay in a rough pine collie, above which Is heaped the rude earth of a pauper's grave, is all that re mains to teller thy career In this dark, ern el world. •• • • A you r and st-half ago the mother. heart. breten and desPairing..llved Isolated and alone, sotrowing with an uneonsolable sor row over the angel which had once blessed the desolated household. iVo know not If she survives the daughter.—Xeshrii/ a Pre . rend limes. 2 Wt. enriositios of the Paris Exposition. The mostattractive curiosities at the French Department of the Paris I.xposition, Is a newly invented cmvat pin. Everybody has seen how bells ere mug is all the new hotels. Instead of pulling the bell and making it ring by an exertion of mocha. /oil , force, wt press a small button in the wall; MI . . re connected by an electric wire With, a little alarm, the clapper of width keeps et jingling so long as the button Is pressed. Lilt the hand from the button and the alarm ceases. This principle • French Jeweler has • adapted to cravat pins. The knob of the pin Is of various devices. It le a hare with a tabor,or a drummer with his drum, or a death's head with a loose under jaw, or a dog. Whoever chooses 10 wear such a pin has connected wile it by a wire a small electrical battery In one of Ills pockets. Ito puts Ms band Into tits pocket. touches a button there, end off goes tne pin. The hare begins to patter on the tabor, the drummer to heat on his drum, the death's head to chatter and roll Its horrid eyes, or the dog to bark and snap. When the hand is lifted from the button, instantly all is quiet. In the British department a otrious swan attracti great attention. When we air proach the bird we see him Beating ae if In water, and - resting his head Whind his wings. lie Is wound lap, and he begins to raise Ills head with all the proper motions of the swan. lie curves Ills neck is pride; he espies some fish in the water before him: ho lowers his bead to seize one: he holds It In his beak for an Instant; he then swallows it, and, last of all, returns gracefully to rest. The action is very pretty, and calls forth loud applause. The bud, however, is mdeed very old, though - his plumage may be new. its mechanism was supposed to have been constructed by a Mr. Weekes, who lived in the reign of tieorge 1114 but It was lately discovered that it formed part of the museum of Mr. cot, a London jeweler. who lived in the reign of Beerreti• and whose collection must have been Of ' some Importance, as he obtained an Act of Par- Burnout to enable him to dispose of It by lottery. Mr. Barry Emanuel has put the clock work mechanism in order, and has given the bird a new and, beautiful silver pluinege;leit this Is all tu, bad to do with the invention or the toy, *Lich proves eo attractive to the multitude, and which seems to eclipse all else In its neighbor. hood. Per Pored. 11 no 1 00 NS Bushel. $ h CO ...... I: 00 60 ° 0 ti 00 6 SCO 10 Influent. of Marriage. In Etlintraab, a few weeks ago. Dr. Stark read a paper on the Influence of martinio on the death-rate of men atel .women In ScoUand t Dr. fitarMtLiied his calculations On the statistles issued by the liegistrar Ilene rid. and brought out results which, In • grear measure, he believed, were now presented for the first time. lie first showed the re. salt la the case of men. lie found that be tween tinintyand twenty-five years of age the death rate of bachelors was exactly double that of married men. As the age Increased,"tho difference In the death rate as against the haunt:dole maned, but at every stage of 'life the advantage was In favor of the married men. From twenty years of age to the dote of life the mean ago attained by marriml men was nay-nine awl a half years, labile that of bachelors wus only forty years, In other words mar ried men bad the chance of living nineteen arid a aalf years longer than those who were unmarried. From twentY•five years of age to the etnec of their life the mean age of mar :al men was sixty and two-tenths, while that of unmarrthil men was only fortpreven and soVen-tenths. Very nearly one•half of all the bachelors who died had net itttallied thirty years of age. The restilik, Dr. Stark thought, clear ly proved that the married, ateto was the .condltion of lift, best fitted for. mankind, and that a proMegatlon of life by that state wile a special provision of nature. it was based on fixed law. of life. Married than were generelly more regular In their habits, better housed, better cared for, and more under the condition of health anal long life. In the C 630 of women. also, the results were In favor of the married as compared with the unmarried, though the difference was not no marked as in the ease kit the SUM. Married women died In great er proportion during quinquennial pedals —from fifteen to twenty, and twenty live to thirty, but at a lower rate from thirty to forty. The death-rate, /13 the caw of mar. rued women, wits higher again between forty In forty-five years of age, bu latterte w. In their favor again from the period to old age. - - !Storm Slanals Ono of the last MTenLIMIS or projects of science, Ls a system of storm fibroids by which announcements may be made to the people of given localities, of the approach of a storm. It la not necessary to apprise farmers of the Immense loss sustained dm , ing harvest, by the sudden approach of storm of hail and rain. Entire crops are frequently destroyed by these unlooked-for calamities, the effect of which, had the far mer time to prepare, might, in many cases, be averted. What is now proposed Is, that alien a storm commences 111 any part of the country, and Is travelleir In a certain direction, or spreading in many directions. the ant telegraph station over which it. reuses should send the news Instantly to all toe telegraph stations at county Seats, hum , Areas of macs in advance In the direction that the storm Is traveling.. At each of these county seats actuation might be kept ready, and as soon as the news Is received Of an approaching storm, it is to be deed three 111000 at Inuit - vale of two minutes If it is a hurricanel st, Intervals of Ore min. Cites If the storm is traveling rapidly, and in Intervals of ten minute. If traveling slowly. As a cannon Can be heard distinct. ly from ilfteen to twenty miles in all direc tions, by tiring one at each county seat, the farmers for hundreds of miles over the whole country would be warned In time to got, their grain or hay under cover, or in a situation to shutout the rain. A company Is now being formed in this several UMWe to put this elan, by arrange moats with county officials, into practical operation. It looks feasible, and if proper. ly managed, will save reddens of dollars in crops usually damaged by rain during bar vest.—ffurrlsburo Thirfiroph. Twice Married to the plamio Woman. It frequently happens that a man Is twice married; but It in not. unual for the man to he twice married to the same woman. Ouch a case, however, really occurred not long since in Memphis. .6. sar i In the rebel array, alter nerving unti the close of the smuggle, returned to his home near Hope field, Arkansas to find Ills house burned and his wife a ces linable, after cit elon search, to find the latter, and believing e hail wilfully abaddoned him, he procured a divorce, and returnal to flopedielfl to prac tice ills profession. A 'for weeks ago he received word that his wife was in West Tennessee, and that she was still faithful to him, but had sought the Lome of a friend alter their house was burned down. A car. •renendenee ensued, only 0110 1P81.41. .4, -"wig; and last Tuesday the former hus band and wife met at the Commercial Hotel in Memphis, and were formally remarried. —A singular duel has radially taken place at Perlin bigirceri a journeyman admit smith and another artisan. The arms so lotted were bottle of sulphuric acid. The arrangement was that whickever of the two adversaries throw the lowest. with dice should mallow the contents of the fatal sled. Chance favored the silversmith, who immediately poured out. a glass of Winer, and handed. to his adversary. who unhes itatingly drank off the liquid, but to the as• undshment of his antagonist, instead of Sal. 'Cog senseless, smacked Ida 144 and asked for another glass. The seconds had acted on the sensible ids& of sobsutetlng arrimk for the coirostve fluid.. The affair tormina- WI in a reconciliation. —Jos. P. Kant, railroati conductor, and lass Lou. 412,000 heiress in pros • peals's, ellt% lr t tom Springfield, 11101011, last week, and arrived at ht. Louts at - IL P. M., Intending there to have the knot tied. The loving couple. however,. stepped Irma. thu cans into the =snotty of the Chief of Lice, who had been notified by telegraph. The Foyers ware consigned to separate cells In the calaboose, and were not released un• 11l the unrelenting parents of the girl arm ed next day, and compelled her to retool home with them. -L,T64. value of tileQuenn•ft portrait Pre tt.utc.l Vty.o.v, .1122.021112 13 It 1134L1.k050. itreutrium.romMirsrpi .10 eloAcio tt.r ty..—rows ;Ion; v.! da entries; or, rl I. 2.2 r. J wineh,• Ido nig lead, swell Ceara Co; 1011 Ws Sow; Lein It Shepard; car cars, 6C. hicalasters; IS pkgs primates, E Mennawich; I Plr. Dilworth dUN /2 bls cheese, Muth:6 eke a It McChilOrlghi v l A rlis i tec . d it l l b IteV e rl &OZlll2l4 ' &!= l eed Co ` ll3 6 tfoggs, u` l. ban tier. W J St eel Jiro; 'I arts merge sugar, 11 Riddle; Ido do, It Robison & Co; lb 0110 tided, 17 do rnkee !gi b n an s l ttk_s u gT4 .6 6l Satter: d .42 sa dry nesenes:Lit tle; Ilaird it 1 atton ; 21 aka rake, Godfrey d Clark; 930 sks barley, Carbon, Isralington d Co. 2 cars metal, John Moorhead; GI sucks ILP i lresr igerßall 1 car corn, 11 Prittssunow, COLIIIIIIIIB a CINCIMILTI IL IL, April 53.-1 car oats, J 0 Memel); 1 bx Cheese, J 11 Bravo; 1 ear bay, Campiedi A Alkenllol bbls flour, Jas (4ardlner; Ir 3 do do, John (Irene; km do ;10, 10 !leash:ton; 11l do do, hhomaker a Lan.; I cars wheat, Kennelly a 1100; . 5) eke onto. Jas Glenn; Pi tails wooden bowls, 11. li Slocum; 11 aka oats and corn, A Means, 50 sks corn, 73 ;10 oats, Mammon a Bro; 98 sks barley, Tranenbelut * Miller; 55 bbls apples, owner; 12 do uP ples, 10 sacks oats, 35 do corn, McHenry Ilood;17 bis tools, Logan ft Urrgg;B do do, Joe Woodwell; 1 case tobacco, I.: Ludwig (MT 70 bundles tildes, 11 Chestnut a Coil box booirs,J L Rood. CLXVIILAIM AND PITT/mutton 'Ultima°, April 30.-00 bxs starch, .1 11 I.lravo; 15110 do 5 crates do, J Porterfield A Co; 23 bas do 3 A Ilensbaw: 15 boa cheese 13 bbis potatotis, Vangorder a Shepard; 8 pkga cider, 1 bbi bacon, L it Volgt d Co; 3 bbls bacon, 11 it 11 McKenna; xpa blooms, Anderson, Cook 41; Co; 153 aka oats, 75 do corn, Bricker A. Co; 1 cariamber,A. 51 IdcCounigle; 13 bra che.o parent, pkgs produce, J S Dilworth A. Co; lot scrap iron 1:1 Crawford; 14 bbls Johnston, Paine. A Co; IGsks oats, J MeAl pin; IP.; sks malt, 4 Wainwright; barrels eggs, J lierberL • - .Bal.llOlll[NT Breslow. April N).-1 car lumber, A 1111ciorei 3 tibia sugar, A Kirk. 10 do do, Al Wileant 1 car barley, Smith a., Co; 1 car staves,lya & Itobertsou; 1 car corn, Stewart 11. Langenholoi; =l kge load, Rood Bro; 1 car lumber, J 31c1Ir1ar;1 lads Shills, Bon & Co; lot sundries, J llerbort. Fri-rum:son AND Volisatt.svitts lt. 11, April M-1 car sand, Cunningham .0 Ihmson 3 rolls loather, W F McLaughlin; as. coils rope, Fulton, IleUman & Co;1) tibia whisky . , Flnehi7/ eke wheat, J a Liggett & Co; 19 Animas, J N Shallequergor; bills shoot iron, W Armstrong. ALLsattaar VALLIcr U. IL, April 30.-1 Car salt, J 11.51yearior; care oil Schmidt; 5 h kge product', A Iteusirtyur; 1 keg fo6n;limx b¢iiar, idd ogg3, J . 111 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS N EW GOODS I SMALL PROFITS! I= BARGAINS IN. BOOTS AND SIIORB, AT W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, whether bare hot one net cnlti price for all c w limy are Judges of or not. second price is erre caked any man. woman or child. ritrangera desiring to buy cheap abould not allow •nflhing to (decent their culling. If for nothing more toan to get well posted on low prices. Prompt mob harem are Invited 11.1 tiejarlatik b tr i tae In the great bargains of Nos. 26 and 28 Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. 13, GLUT & CO. Wholesale and Retail. aplai on IRON CITY SPIN ARILS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .rear Pennsylvania ...avenue prrraavaan, PA. PURE SPIOII3 AND MUSTARD =I TWEAK ent)1:211) COON LILAC. and 111"6 L.Oll II cone tautly or. band. INHUME AND ki/tOUNJJ NUT ROASTED ; 7 3 111rVio continue the manufacture of all the DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, Which we Mr, to Wholesale arett .Metall Dealer, at the lowest mallet prim. Aiming to deal fair, we aollutt the paDonson of the Rahn.. Clopped Fee. Constantly on Hand, RTEICKLER & JEORLEDGE. 4CP:on )1A1 1 10).A4;IAIN:ft • Manufacturers, Wholesale .d Ileta ll Dealers la TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, fit. WA large 111/OtUZCIIt of Ladle. , bakbels al ale as hang. • 2i05.101 and 106 Wood St., fr12:04 VITTI7IIIIIO.III,_ PA CUAS•NaIIAIM..IISR.Ta. cnua..w.u:net*ce• BAItIt. UM & BULTILER liactonon to WLYILINK • BAILIA, N 0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh I=l Pianos, Organs, = sareole Agents Ibr the Celebrated /311ADBU 11Y. New York. and IiCLIWLACEEII t CU. I,•llladelphls, PLANO& Also, MET • CO.'S ..00TTADI." and D. At 11. W. 11111T11•11 •• • •31/11tICAN” OE GANS. sadTLLTUN'S PATENT UUITAIL. The best Milan and Germ. 1710/10 and lid tar littincs always on bane. 417:M1 VIM ALM/WM MDWIN taIICOATT WOW Of itobens. pant. A co.) ROBERTS & SHERZATT, 111•3111 . lACIVIILDS OP Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, SO. 61 enrrimELD NTIVET. Neu Fourth Street. rirrsauutin. moo. ..noon, on bands general aseortment f HMO:ES. rlain, Japanned, revised and Block TIN WAKE. iIIACT ILllrd,Caaes, Cullen - . elooteh Miners Lampe and House Yurellshlng Goode In general, which they will sell IN boluala and lie. tall. Promt attention e'en to Bowing. SPonflug. and all lads of Job Work.. InarZ:ue. 10B1ILDEBB AND UNTRIMORS. BRICK FOR BALED-The Char tiers Valley Brick Manufactorthe CismeHiy taring about eotnplated their varg_ and ateelai- IN. ' il. " C ' .l ° J.T.lo ' . trlVld j i n 1.°W:1 1 4•:,f1 ders—to ',se delivered to Vie yard or In the city— cur uch lowe orde rs tlial have been heretofore cuent. All trill be promptly attended to. Yor farther particulate Inquire at the yard, or of WM. HILL, at David Mere'. Coal Yana, head or Fourth street, Q 0 Tuesday and relday of each Week. from Ito. O'clock pi m. ALI letter. addressed to , W. HILL. em _ = THOSE WHO DESIRE HEIL LIANCT titall i t.EXlONmost Peer/ sad enrich the mood, which tletstigOLDiel Con- CititTriATZL ISIULCT or Wieser...lt:Ll, Mee. riablr done. AA for ifitattita.lrti. Take NO Other. FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, . No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, !recite on bead and manteactares to order; the /Lb geT STYLI: or (111. T. IttObleV7ooL)end WALNUT, OVAL and . b44llbitlet Pt/YTS/LIT cud VIM') alet 111/AIMS, 4:artiste Coralce, Hands sad Buttons, Consols Tripod and BMA.% Tables of exquisite design and wkmanship. or UILItt ANLt IiStiLLDLNU executed le the l..l.rhest style of the art. kg -1' RIO if.l3 brODKUATZ. Bvinuiness mars COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, Band 86t.flair Street. Ilaa • Paapetnal Charter. Ecot•Eeeptht. Pcnma Itlp and AMID. UN time unlimited •f 0 00 Arithmetic and Tatmatrahlo Per Quarter or three months. Penmanship, per month, Per Circulars or Epeelinens, address H. BILLY/M. or J. P. PLeCLAIIIuNDEL =ill SIGN OF BLINDB.-JOHN A. OttoWN & CO.. 116' AWITATIIILD rintexT, opposite the rostoleee keep on Sand or make favgg.:lgsVri n d r lit Y wlleV. P llt irTt V etri Wlndow Shad A VAS arid upwardii. CoiOred Oh Clots, ha Sieushd„ M. ams, Otto mans, Band and rehire Gorda and at the gime mom on hand or made to ardor Onestock of White and Waco MOM Cella for sestlemen , e wear. rehltorl PIANOS I PIANOS I I—An entire new stoctor KHALIL 8. CA' I.'S FLAMM wliSth are now considered the best made: also RAINES BUM. IUE.I.ICUISLTED MANUS. Price from SU! upward. Persons In want of • first class linen arc respectrolly Invited to call and examine before purclissing (bowler.. IIaLIRLOTTE BILTRIL. Mu. fa ZUlh AM' It ERMIEEZ SPECIAL NOTICES. ISOLLE.--Farm of 147 acres, Fi g it il uted In Non TP., Westmoreland Co., ra., adjoining O raper - tile Etation, of Penn'. B. It.. en which Mean le a rood Two btol7 Muriel:fame, With 812 Itwertis, a Orchardarriage LIMOS. other buildings; an of different troll trees;_lt is noderlayed with coal. There Is s Malt Well on It to good order. producing 9 Obis. rar. This property tendered very cheapen , ' Also Au eleellent rorm of IM *tree, of ' , hid , 95 acres are under wltivation, Mutate In Chris- Ilan county, Illinois. Improvements—A new frame dereill. contang 5 1 . 0003: about em choice fruit of iromU fencing, e. It Ilea Within doslies of the lideols Central It. ; will be sold on reasonable terms: City ProPerlff taken In• part ench.g sore.sired. Also, • Cann or Zff: ln l'enti township. Westmoreland county, =acres clewed and un der cultivatton hems or Bret-rate white cosh and other timber, 2 dwelling houses, I of them 2 stories, theothev 1 story. with a tenant house, with •flrat-rste Bloom sawmill to good mooing order; young orchard of gaited MIL The land Ls rolling; soell , beit Is gra with lime. tune gud goh,ml, with never falling springs; within one hundred rods of the Penna. Central Bathe.; miles east of rittsburgh, and three ceusburg. mil. west of tir This farm Is pleas. antlynnd ellgibLy situated in a good nelghtme. hoed; every sire Is underlaid wlth coal. The Ulla In good, Also, a Warm of 116 amen, situated In West Wheattleld township, theism. count.. Penn , ' about 2 miles from Belize matlon, on the fea ts. itallroad. The improve mints aru, good twu. story Brick Hons. with 6 rooms. Nu. I frame Ilank Barn. and all o th er necessary out buhd. Inge. The site Ism:rod. and the price very low. .4 on easy tem.. /or WU. particulars, enquire of O. 11. TOWER. Meal Bitate Agent. /MA 'gent, street. feffl NEW PIMFERE FOR TUrlLLNDuscaut I FOB SALE. Concentrated Fittfd extract • Sarsaparilla Eradleatt. IRIIPTIVZ. and lILOEBATItE 1.45:11663 tlt t MAR. E7E2. EYELIDS, tiCALP and BAIN. Which to .1 isilenro the anDearance. PUEGING the evil effects of severe.r and reniovlog all hilats, the reni .I,U of ill MAZES, hereditary or otherwlee, rod Is taken by Al/ULTIO and EMU/KEN with perfect safety. .1 . •rWii TABLIELIEOUNEULS of th ILlctract of tiarnaparl la. added to a pint Of re& er, Ls equal to the /Asir= Diet Drink, and o li , bottle la efil•l tOILKAIIOti of the Of rot/ Of O &pull's, or tnificf.VVeiltrfilfinElV;:sts bibbed In the Iledico-Chtnierieal heirlere, on rotailed. of too Extract of harsapatill• In c ante thing,' hy Ben stein TTATCra, I. K. S. 10. Spear leg of those disease, and diseases Manse from 1 7 , tor rlrves of e. scary. he states IL no r‘gged, (~,,,i to the E rear of fiarettparfl a; its pour.. , ~,,,„,/,,,,,, ~, re vs Mon MO odher am, f . ..,, wanted will.. /1 ix, itiar • rirte•t score, o Nate seffh lbw in,luable ritiri vie. that It is ~,,,,,f , ,,,,,, is 0 , a., ,i , the ',Mom .0 sunk... and ~,, ~,i,thi, ropier. wier sutatesnees yi as tonic class snood/able or foiotiour. IIEIJIBOLD% CON CIENTRATS D L EITHLOT lILFALPAIIILLI Eatablibbvl opwal4s of IS Team I'l . epared by . . . U. T. HELBITOLD, 1.120 pg le t and Chemist, 601 Bros&Iwo% N. Y. sod by all IMMO" aptSamr rbtalexi . • ~ N ight lifeeedag.Cereimi iinfon.• "Night Meowing Cert..., •'tii g ht Blooming Core...? rtmlave. "Night ntoeml., Italon's "710 Qleoml.g ufs. A must orgni,its. delisata. =I Fragrant PertausC £n. the rare tud beautiful dower flros hie): takes Us yams • • - " Inaufacturmi OS:0711j .. rorsi.ox k sox, New York . : DENVARE or COUNTERFEITS. ARE FOR ~EOLTAVFS—TAKE NO OMEN( WD.II. LUDLUBM SPECIFIC, The Great American Diuretic! Affords I:on/v.11sta relief Pr effects r moment cures of llelonoy and Pelvate oeaset In wale and female., to Monet lama Man nay rem. edl ever dloaavereola rake $l.lO per boa. Bold by all muter r. JOUN D.PARK, floteratisoO. MMMI Qom, CMII) TO MALIDS. A elerterman, l nhile residleg le South AlllCliell els.vered ...hand simple . - remedy for the Care of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Bengali Organs, and the whole Minot disorders brought on by hanefel and vicious habits. Great nom hers have been Memoir eared by this noble rem edy. prompted by *desire to bencgt the Millet. ea and unfortunate. I will sand the recipe for preparing and using thls medicine. In a amen envelope, to any one who needs It. TIM Or Citation. , Please enclose a post.pald enieveMPe addressed to 7000011(1 Address JOIIEPII T. INDIAN. litaNnn D. Bible Rous. N. V.',l:lty BABNIBILL & CO Q BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos, 20, 22, 24 and 20 Penn rt. • • Having accused • large yard end ferntatted It with the moo eoprovcd inachinery,vim pre pared to menufact arc carry deacription of Boll" ere In the beat manna*, and warranted mina' In any matte in the country. Chimneys" Breech ing, tier Beds. Steam Pipes. Locomotive 11011. ors. Condensers. Salt rum, Tanta. Oil Stilla, Agitator', nettling Pans, Boller Iron. Bridge!, Wear 1 . 11113. and bole manufacturers of BAB.N. HILL VATISNT In:pairing done °lathe idiom:at Rotten. latest arBOIILNSOIif9 REA & CO, . tdoorao on to /1011irsolr, lima A mcour.p.l WASHINGTON , WORES; Founders mad llnetillnl4ll*.Plttabetrey Manutoototers of Boat ea Stationary Stella Editor., Blast LUISIIIO, Milt xactloe7. lot. Ottarldis. Casting* of all denuiltlouto/1 Tool. .1,1111110, 11911, utd Shoot hop Work.. I , olm No. 19 corner Ihnt and rdslularld ots. sa-ayonts for tilllVAlrlrd PATENT ld• JY.t,•Tult for fardlnd pollen. 1111,011 FLARE SUPERIOR COPPER MU & Skin:TlN WORKS PITTSBURGH. ,PARIL iffoCIIRDT a. CO., Matsufacturers of nhertitfog, Brasiers , and Bolt C .peer, Creased Como . Bottoms. liaised ettn Bottoms bracer Co Cr. Also. iint.orters and sln Metals, Piste, lancet Iron, Wire s ac. Constantly on nand Tinny',Nstnine. anal Tool, WaYthosse., No. 140. 11140 T ti SKI= mut 1140 nittOlNit STRZET, Blitabarsh. neeetal orders of c•aver ad 14 no , d."" nattorn._ Ia'TIIE GRAVEST MALADIES V/ YOUTH AND KARLISET It. h +HU %V MID AeIdUCIAT/ON iIiZIAIO. on the Physlolory of the rasetone, end the itrork Atm., and Utseeset pecallAr ta eh. Arse meet' l !‘,1:1 0 11 ,1`u h II ID D htltuuuoMelt; I; te.1.4 ft. or cv WIN d OIL Di. to. I, I L. 1.1,1 Hut/ (111 TON, Ilovrara Agemlatton, It• tel trieutter. 1:41 - QUI1 CY A. SCOTT, DENTIST, .ro. 218 PE.r.r STREET, rITT51117B011.; CM= Cio,',oo;re*epjvvlroa;tel ATWUUD..IIIZIBO2I ATWOOD '6/, •M'CAPPRBY, BRASS . FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Cor of 3rd and Liberty Strada, met;:tc.fetY“.43tvg::=l, , ,tztt . ; to order. Special attention paid bo o e littini ont and rrintirinn of till ftennortes, titenaboats.Watit /Lila, an, tn. Agents for A. &Cameron & Co.'s STEAM PUMPS MI BLOWER ENGINES These Pampa hare anoertor adroutagerorar al others, and every one N warrautod to (Ire salt faction. Pumas constantly on hang. taLtile I. itIAXSQX HEIILEIII & JOHNSON, I , ..VILAILCMCMC.A.X.s Plamberß, 6a and Steam Fitters 111ITII 11TIIZICT SITZAIDION; 1 2 .1,1"Tenourish. Wes. AU orders by mall executed saUsractertly sad pr rtn i ltir Hutu; Water Closets, Blots, Cbanuellera, aud Gas C.d. tor sale at the most reasocahle prices. Urders from country patrolui by mall prompt,- ly attended to. Gam Hose of eyelid...loG.. • JeM:dn BAILIFF, BROWN CO, Za co. CM 3recleirai. MM. 4LLEEVBE i jI Y" CrIZ p LUMBER _,19 GAS AND STEAM 1/ITTE=, keep abreye On Mad a lame anortesent Of HYDRANTS. BRUT LEAD, Lasprwr.; BATH TUBS. WASH BA. SINS, 11100 AND DRABS CORMS, and all slate. cute for 1111.10 L OP pablls or primes tralldUras wilt, DAS, WATERar . OTIMM.. 1.111010 LEGAL. ORPEAMS' COVET SALE, Of Taltrable Property ii litt city of Pits** • ri HE UNDERSIGNED, in punn. A ance of an order of the 0n.... Court of •Ilegheny couT ln re,e l;ltT oirer.nt pnblinsale, 23`,"1g1-frA to sit ; 0.... the lollowleg co r ner of lots, to lst• A. let on the corner of Washington and Younieln streets. frontlon on .Waalittthon street. about I= tee; and Ins Vonntath street about 77 feet. Hi. A triangular logadloitilass the above on .Washlngton _street, heath& a t of about 111 feet. la. A let adjoining the letthat above mentioned, Ithylon e front on Wastilnnend street Or abou t 100fter. and extending baCII: ore/ gulden the sante width, along Prospeet street, about he fret.. On each of said lots there are e E Win darellisig loans and other I t, but they are valuable allay as loth tor bull purposes. Thew will be win pa gni.bcr. as purchasers may dears.. Tango Or ba lanc e unarsnattea•Of sale, and the balance In one or two yearl4llßh Interest, scented by bone and mortgage on at, prcallaes, MARY UZ. d isk ' lineentrln Of John A. Zoo. doe Apra m. lte7. ; sp24‘ll4rirr • - - - 10211311 WI 00 00 IN THE MATTER Or THE AIN PLICATION of the "Donator stud Loin Ar. lox halos of Strotlnghtm" for ardlartar Mello* Is beret/ errs that as arldleuttes for sobriter eras Mod at Tie. ,done Term, and that the Lune Is grained at next trrot of Vourt,ettlets exceptlotts thereto hie Med. • JAKOB IL WALTER, Prothonotary. • - - MADISON STARCH AGENCY.- Jut !scared. 4.0) •• 40 IT., Pearl starch: 903 60 ID.. do. •• Cam 40.1 00 I,lover 4110 s *31142 . 0b. - yra . 44.1 e ioir to the etvie hi 000 alva lre , bU TTralligur , ..4 mat MU FOR SALE. Randsome &Complete Residence, Owned and occupied by Jamei lititchinaots, Lop, on Brenta Watt. Fifth Word. Allegheny City, (late Borough of nisochesteL) Tho house has • front of •I [eel, with aleaCienia balls. and twelve largo rooms, Inside a ilatahrd attic. It anOunda In Conan:al:noes for comfort, halJng hot and cold water thrunaloott. The grouuda arc ample and handsomely tins pr• red. Lot BB by about PJO Rel. to the Ohio titer. Apply to S. S. BRYAN, APOLLO DUMDUM, YOUJITI.I ST 0;2:12_ OLKI.A.ND PROPERTY. Two-Story Frame Dwelling, WITH 3'i ACIIFS OF LAND, In email late of cultiaon; great abundance of frulta. Mutt can nation Mom: to the propert7• Will be Sold CUeap,' , In whole or in part; t0 . .012 pnrctunnn on gp• plying to. = IBILPUOVED PROPERTIi 5C1 , 1711. 1a.A.1-Cill. O=2E! ettante Ia Lawunetylne, and •tatal• waging to pricos from $l,OOO to 13,000. Will b. sold on reasonable term. U for soon. Embrace Ibis ooportliniti I=l tat* and 16211111100 Oates of U. Ch SATZfI. Ja FLEECEDALE COUNTRY SEAT NOB MALE, Allotted In Chanters Valley, out-half mile from Ingram's dilation, on the !Steubenville Itslimed; 4X miles from the clty. C 00114116 14 nom, all under nest ICOCC. Sod in meadow. Well watered by a never-tailing dpring. Will 41,110 the plot iota two parte, If esired. The property I. most desirable. And Is offered at Calt•fUll lth the price Um same kind of property Is selling for the same distance from eity east. ApolY to I ^WI B. Alcs..AlN .t. C0..122 goorth et. DESMALIGILE LOT FOR SALE. =lCo naet. ct aiDogaeaue Way and tram, blicy 4 by fe Apply so S. S. SATAN. Droker In Bonds, stocks, to., Apollo Bending, ithstreet. teem GALE ORENT, CLIEJIP— A- A raree, at Carpent n. on Om (len. tral !Waled. erontauttoir 113 serve; Improve merits, two boost" and stables. good orchard: all to pastare and good PM entity. , lon, Also, sev eral other Farms. In good 111Waltle• and welt lin premed, which I will ltell cheer , and on reason.. bI tenns. Also. arumhcr of good building lots In tile city and eniniths. for further panic tilers Inquire of . W/61.1Aig WARD, 1/0 Great street. 1002 Opporlts tbo Cathedral. Van SALE . —A nine years , lease A; on a Lot situate on Ostler street. Ninth ward, On by rgifeet, on rybleri Is erected a trance sow ranting for 1.60 pet mouth. Also, Beech of b rooms, which trill rent (Or Id 3, mat, lag total of *A or SI,PW pot y e a r . and Will 1.2. sold on liberal terms, it applied to 80011. gor Multi Se., apply at Uto Ural Cstate and insu. it. b. BATE.I. n 'tbZi °llct or Butler Street, L•l•Vnet.,lllc. I`OII.IIALE-An Excellent Pair ea of St/ILIUM, CO Inches dlanacler soda feet long; two 1 loth flocs In oath. fire trout saloplele• flaw, A good DOCTOIT. tNOINE, for supra,• lota out of hollers laa welling mill or other factory. Enquire of noun it. BOLE* aplataal car. 10101 alley &Duquesne WaY. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal Estate Broker. JOHN D. HALLEY. STOCKAND RUUESTATE BROKER AND Lucnoscza. lianas ott • eammlssloo Aaelleer. Bocllsettd taloa WI engagement with Ma TlMb on ergh Board of Trade. oesentig the use of their mom. "Rar!b° t h e s a b i ra l et ß tOe A laID . o7u r i g " 000rMeo, of UM. *O., caner at gie. above room or as Ma madam. Tanks)at attoannaold. as baretators to the coo attic.' is Ude at late we. 141esoCifeal in.. Ma COCOSII attended. MIN, 109 Fourth atrect. COOKING STOVES, No. 235 Liberty 'Street. soh 111,11 0 CD., Plittiebusw..l3. Pes. LEM PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS - OLINTIM MILL,ISTECTBZNYILLT., OHIO. . HILIUHTON MILL. NEW.B2IIIIIITON. rA. orieicz No, 82 Third Street, PiDsburgb, PL. 011720/SHS-MIGH7ST HAXITJB, Pre.lelent. nAIIULiHIUULE.I 11 Toms% DILIVIViIe-AaSast Hartle Joh, Ata•II • B. liarMrt i a Llylag;tost. Doha 1 J or• so. H. • Cash Paid for raper ntonik. Wilma IXIMIXIII ...... MIS! W.W. SOGERLY & CLEM. (Summon to Uco. Y. oehoctonon d Co”) PRUTIOAL 1111011BAPHERS, The ONLY ermim LITIMNJUArMIO IVJUIT OP • TILL MOUNTAIN& tneu CIA& Lotter BM& BoNdp Cabala,Vart s"2 Cnrd EVA.A . " ' luTleation Cord& lo: Nos. 111 ABA Tmea st" rata bu& 810 FEW/ SM. On ISIS TO $3O 14:11DAY. can clay be makla the.year maad. W1T1101121.1.6X. lo a nos booboo.. UAW , . ri=l . :l l e b raWlrAtllAt: ToloOLlta 'wanted to room-lent OA creor. City "...tY. AAA% LaAIICZ to otalt• ad iltalliarrAtr? ItarTLOTtoltrr orered rrtl7 Dena haling a low hoar, daily to tlAct , YOT forthrr partlcalara pleAso calln. or aO• drese. V. J .5. CAA. 11. boo th Wort, Dalllmato =l:s:tes 11)24 , 09:4:n51e). , aw.u.41 EUREKA OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oit, Sperm Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL LINSEED _ OIL, Crude, Relined atvl Lubricating Lard, tipertu, II bale and Flab C. C, NOBLE, Ant , =l3 — COTLa€I2 COIX-.2111 cot.r-as: SOHO OIL.WORKS' BUFFER KEDIV & Cl 4, YANU FACTURES 07 TUC /- CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICiTOC. Petroleum Lubricating OUi Sperm, Lard land Wha.e Oils, IILaUGHT, TEMP Oft tMUM= STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL, No. 1 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1511 IND FOIL • CIRCULAR. ___ Brokcr to Stocks, lc TACK BROTHERS, Petroleum and its Products, =2 rirranuEdu urrtuk—u.l:el•. Betiding corner of DwitiesnoWay and Irwin inrcet. rumADELMA 011710 E-131 Walnut .t. . apt:wl9 No. GO Smithfield street WARING & KING, 01E58101 mum an nuns El Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQUE&TE rtur.aum.rau ADMIJIMa WARINC. KING & CO.. m111:s411 117 Walsat HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, WHITE, BROS. & CO, N. York. Ye J. ROBEIRTS, Agent, No, I M. Clair gtreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Seep constantly on hand Cotton Factory OD. Dux llacelnegy OD. . Woolen Mill On, Dart lloglne Light Colid Ellen° OU, Dark C•r OD. 2 1 0- It • Oil Light Col , d Du no Dark Car OIL no 11. ling . • nitaa WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING ociascomesusz - sn OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. Lartiee..3. ; ILNET Y. ad Mawr. RORI{3 IN TEELPEILUICEITILLE. Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, W m Borpezzlos Ends.) MANUYAIMIUSICS or PUBS WHITS BURNING OIL Brand—no:idler." ,mars BUY THE =BA ' PETFtOLIA BLUE LEAD, 1178 OIL WIWI= Xanufsetaxed only and for sale bl T. .itzrm NCO., PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N.W.Cor.3d and Market Stu, .19. rirnssunuu. re. AIUISEBOZ ELGI - .F. OIL WOlese,. - - I.see'verreminercrilLle. WICHTMAN &ANDERSON. Definers and. Dealers in PETROLEUM VQVA 6T. naoffe.r.vi IittIEWIEB, MAME & co.. COMMESION MUMMA AGENTS 7O TELE Pacific, Globe A Liberty Oil Works Ample Barrage far Crude and DeansdUfL Lib. Cal cash advances made on oensignments of rude ergeed Petroleumm. Yards rot edema sad shipment or Crude Oil at Lawrenceville. and Wh Hancockarchonae comer of Patinesno Waf Meet. Pittsburgh. - arricelth MMUSGI , A. csu r E. M. EImODOMAMS. GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale. Druggist! . 87 Wood BtreA4-... HAMILToN *HITE LMAX: . Wicttr psure. CUARTMK (MK W MITE I • ts. rAi NTS 1N WI, all coePPS '~'O~I 'E~TINL toirarOlL, VAILNISMLGI, I• Pala% BR,Utillia. ap3:oo DEIVGBI• DRUMM!! DEUGSIII . JAMES T. SAMPLE • as.viNe BOCIGHT THZ WELL - ENOW /DWG liOiniE ON COE. YEDENAL AND - 110EINEON WI, ALLEGHENY, WM keno caimans MI assortment of tan ',bleb WFlRoifrolllMAn any other , 04110 in the two elfin. Pram:notions we/Wit PrePnind by•AM- Loss druggist. ui kinds of eraromszTaxi NAZI= WAYS on Lund. own - 112=3 THE ek:LIMILATER,-, = 19 Irwin Street, ' rirrsnuutar, MEI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, = PTITSAVEA7I4 PA. IMiTTirO7 7 74 J. SCHOOMULER 414 BON, Pittsburgh White Lead Werke, - PURE WHITE LEAD, BLUE LEAD OWNED 1N OIL . MS PAIR TOR Ou. BARBELS Ns. 67 Youtth SWIM.. Up MBAs. sonr.ot yr:4:;:l non= Salnza. MCGOWAN & SNYEI IIO TP, I Bilin O.IIIIX , AT L M/in i GBALBESB AND AD A." vP Ma , Ae.€l3.liorth •Ide of Diamond. Allesheny. Commas-W..5d Atm signs made la onier. Orden respectfully solicited sad pros:any ex. Kilted. Ma Mats, Window tiles* sad nadir mutual/ on head. splsm2l JOHN T. GRAY, - - HOU= AND DION numa, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, NO. 64 Hand St., Pittabt4gh, • Mans mad ()nutmeat.' Ensue of ants non done to order. ♦ll worn don. DmanUT ai reasonable nun 10t:e27 W . COVILTEU, HOUSE AND ZION PAINTER ' Cor. roux= Ai) littialT era., 11.Traitql. enter. lert et the Shop; or eeet by ma% eela reeetyhyrompt attentlen. • fehbeteo miriLLlAn n. BROWN, OM . a th , Ina Or =OWN • 110512010 UelltUt AIM rsumnis; 1112 t • % a'r siTtardanelMarket strati; IRIVTIMUTti7VI. TOBACCO. CIGABI3,Bre, EXTF:T.RTOR TOBACCO WORIC3, R. & We JENKINSON. yeahhastneerk wholesale atal Mall Maslen lo W hinds of rentiovo, AND. sisass, • . • .. Bro. o smormk.r. wraarr, Third door from BUP•111110111 Bridge, Aiwa:MIXT OM. r.A. B..th nolo 10.114182 a. 0410.. JOHN MEGRAW, Unnotictont of Ha ll oling. and EMU Dealer kinds ot Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, , aes Mr..a.D.73Z) 119PPIRLIEDEM, traCTlVilitra"M'clia"""iarrila -A-_ ---c srmaiLimi:) 11 ? 'CL.L O err 10. th. IN 1 LIMA.% 'STE/MEW; LiSt 8. COn • BANK:pig AND BROKERS, No. 11l &MINA Ntra t, hulAaelpt , Dealeialo llartenteent floods and "Gael. or all: kb,d,: oenponcallolero.l. Gotta, Vold aa4 ell • 71Met,Treilt: fit . Tier cent., ailaava. tut Sale 1G m a to wit purebaaws. All LiYUCII of 741 Notes mole:mad' , G) [loads, without. enafte, paflnent of &Gee. coca of Wares'. • Interest allowed on Dennall , . Unsabf prom Pay onawaead• fi n: a.yne BAPHONO HOUSE OF JAY COME & CO., Pia 20 Wall St., Fol. in Or li.tIAvSTIIKIT, 1 . 4X.W SULK We hay and call Lands ianst libera ofurrent price , . and kocr on fall buraly Government Bonds of all Issues, SEVEN-TIIIRTES, • Compound Interest Notes, And execute °Meta for purchase and sal, of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. We Dave added to our office large rooms for the aecommalation onto public demend for Di vestmenl in and exchanges of Uovernmene ac cartel.. and Gm convenience of onr atone and Gold customers. VEN.THIATIES CONVERTED INTO rCirculivz-T WEIS TIM at GOV LUNE NT HATES. ars, Elth full pullouts... Eunlslicil on application apvion: JAY COOKIE &CO HART, CAUGHEI & Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, rnvszurtun, VW.. (BI7OOTHOORB TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Alad particular atteittion veld to the Pet , cause ule GOVERNMENT BONDS VreDANT PBLYTSON LONDOIt.• tail Wig N. SORES & SONS, 33.451.10TIErbMPUEL No. 57 Market Street, PITTSBUMIII. Deposits retelTed In r.r Ands and Channey. Collce-Ilan.' nude on all Um Ninth* Polen of We flatted 1114.1.:a and Cnnads.s. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD OH COINIESION. Particular atteatlor paid to the purchase sad ale et U. S. Securities, duludlngO 3. 3,1X1Z Of Cs..dOE • U. 9. FIVYaI SO-40s: O. 3. CWITISLOAT.33 LNDEBTI)N3:III Orders sad Vouctlersboasht or collestsd. Ja.ll3sl FEOPIM3 , SAVINGS BANK. OF,PITTSBURGII, INCORPORATED 1866. Capital, - $lOO,OOO OFFICIE. NO. n FOURTH. STREET. DENBY LLOYD. ..wuaLs.n ILEA. Pr.ldeal, ilea rresideult.... TEUISTEEtsr ITENEE LLOYD, I Wn.Lialit RNA, Jaain I. J oltiolarmicorr. E. P. Jonco, Bon. Tubs. ital.coN, W. H. ti oz. t.r.Lie Joon - D. ISCULLY. Wu.lt LlinnOtt. Seatlary ud trmatr, MUT L HS MIMS! Fix per cent. Interest allowed on time deposits. Investments made Lu GoTerntoentand tate eleenritles. Bank open dolly, esript IlnadoTti from nine o'clock. A. X., to Lone a'elOelr.; P. M.. and on Wednesday mad Paturday evening* item el to nine o'clock. • snbl4:vila SEWING MACHINE& GUMMI & BAKER'S' ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines ♦re TIM BD'? fir MIDST sad Msaufacturiii PArPcoel. Call mud see teem et XO. 18 FM& Street. DOPirt BE DECLIVED BY llooristrlog holt cobs= sd;ortbsenscas of U,.(c Liar ilasalusa ba got a UMW a LL 4/s 13A. , x.r.n. it Wbeta lolly lasted for all.:- . taus r....., sad is by all Moil*.; • Sea Padres, pro . isoorm , l ills lISST IN . 1182. - Nch, 1.13 XPlrtiii. sestroc.t. t 25. BARTLETT $25. SEWING MACHINE • 'Pat cheap Llerdsed ltareldne In the United maw. Agentartnated evarrabare. - r.. 7 PO en WOO vermouth. inclose atnntr. ..d ...mg 1.41.1i1. IWTltit General Agents. 614 Challinnt *woe t... FAtiadenpkts. and 1131 deLp.l banunli Went. Toledo. 0.61, GET NONE BIT A (}BODES & BAKER tot a Iloltday ill= retttOe. ierteet 114 herefose the ESL Don't fell to cottl =dace tt et. No. as sirru onucar SHOE. HARNESS & CARRIAGE &As= etunljelsee She new aunt ma i 0 1 511111 ROHL Sabre bustles elserheish It Is the best Sot Shelx es. Tarsals, et skolusiißO. 1111 TIFTSI eTBIL T THE OHO VEII & BAKEU BEWINC MACHINE L tn. uituanui. Of xi,ziatsau ems an1".1'43 a" NO 1.0 irtrrn slut?. 11:1•11%'51: 11 i.. 0 9gt:PV" I i - - TO THE,. CITY. RETAIL SHOE /ND cotarncr trrours.,-w. Boots, Shoes and. Gai'tera, At • mall advance ores Boston Ares, had se low as they can be taught for In Hew Tort or rulladel olds, 'thus owing time. capcsss rod freight. Wean daily revelling atm goods, al, revs from the inanafusurees. and are Lou ena bled soca:Meta with the Cortaro Jobbers. Inv. or &call and onandne oar extol:mire stock and feleea before porchaaing elsewhere. I.a. k. W. c,. sontamws, So. ISM/MEET lITSILIT,*I.IO 6 Dos FIN apV OVII.PMEAWAw .1111121MOZMU L . FIELD.Rie &431100 . . mi,uneturere sad Delia* la Covustazza.. 1.61.041.c0 • • BOOTS, EUIOES & GAITERS,. N 0.140 Ohio St e AlleghenT ,; l itnatrlas wonky= executed on Abe 11100.. . vervain ~' :i f~ BMW OUSE rawm t ionkAukillp x-37xxx..Azi - lIMII Tblinoyikaditeavath)iliel•mn!wialibru. rciMaW°,,P 4 4 4 oo t ! W4o. " .plaa FIRSTrC4ap:.q, 0i78,1J15 PI;OISUMPIL WHITE 11)IIIIE, • ' PERRYSVILLE, SUMMERY CO:. PA. Near ratted and fornlstrd... •nd rear tow Sba subaartbei vrl.ll notepans. 'atm to warn. sweats tair GINKIO4I.I. raopcn yrtl.l aerra4 at 137 Soar to the kfictooon. LA PIERRE - BOUM : PAilagraPhia* Tn. watesilliers havlo • lemlia Dirolite Thome lin. boon lit.n FlTritio • olt giejuon. ND IN AN 6.21•1' DEAN - NM and now ompariol with the moot. r+rfoot oppotatmeni. vont& TO* Wiwi owiWnir trit-elwis e lioialo will OW nintnlalnol then inn • Ls th • • - *No723llWipult. , • .73AIUMA ::.afar. El AMITSEXENTS, oy-xiaw oPrrix Less. sodli...,et.w_ltatsu pEEmr. Treasara OVlLlLLtitirorr nonesa or Mb Oloo.fot otHroo..) , Hoo LOVIE3A. exixmajcit, on nobles 'wood.= J.ltuny v et sod art:tenon Hid IV. Dougherty w in .p rw . WEDNEIHLA.I ZVENIAG, May Ist, the three /10 drools 114708AX6 To be followol by • JErmmus W JOIiSNY HAAT.. To conclude with • ' TUX DANCING Sits Loallaz , vlvaller In 1111 characle :cogs ILlancv. 47 - Monday, - May ftb....lJlncl Craik.' • In all aolep.lur. 1Z7VA17.1 - a THEATRE. et* sicr. icius!ex. crzuzi.) I;,rrthe I • l li6zier.a l' x'ne ).AU HEN% ToViie triFJZZra. Daum , . Negrusens, Se. Uteat,ra, ellltes—Dethe•tra Sne; rANeette. 3 , c; Gallery. 7.1 e; rrleale Itozca. MABoM luau» i • - FOR A b 11017,2 TlitY. ONLY, CUIENCTIG !CV RN? 30th. >ad TILE SPONDEE AHD *LEVEL OF THE ADE. AGIN if KENT !till DIVLtA TIIE GREAT, APOCALYPSE: u.Luerr.cri F i lyf ,1c0(4 , 0r RIUMFELT-L.WrICIIVES tms.s.LLAD:74I7:- • Visions of St. John optitoa took w, la ruts BPlicar,. 4 Tdo , Blir le•ns. Sc , enes, xhol• Ing , what 00. oh n en. a DWI. /N El XA V Jr.f. WAlS.oollllsas de scribed by Urn Boot Or AcTeLIMI , com mencing Vitt% tilt Vision 'o , therelitY t*ot I:d..NDLE.IT/Cll4. and endißS .1110 111. VISION OF THE DAY OF JUDOM ENT. The whole coinprialtor She entire 'Theona re lated in the Book or Revelations. and present ing to view MO tract inblrlale sod tack, coorhasted Inman, and' only Ispronlee tw rt. John. the "beloved disciple...that Cho tentia through him might learn of the tliing. 100001000. to Pwq.and prepare tor the (i BEAT DAT OF Me Waelll, when non. shall too .hie to Rnl.wliloi wEnNnbAy sad SATURDAY EAL‘OvNes, at rii o'cloel, ,ban Children. . Will Doer a foe I . Zs CENT. c.c.. Doors coca Et entags at 7 tettotti tarantella. at it o itartee to it. • • lUnitoaus i doors opca comment. A. It. /101iRISO Solo Prol.rtoter and Scoot. r. • S. D. 0811.1 , 18, agent. stiZiri! OIL CLOTH% &o. CARPET ?JEW cum . STORE. NEW AND CHEAT, 34:' Mrr Ei DAILY AILY.ITLVD, BOVIRD, ROSH & CO'S, NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, WINIIOW RUADEN, • OIL cLoTne., neerrim , ANI RUMS. TMILE VIANONOVERS. We offer our hall., stach..tt • price. to ealt tha ame. Wye uas call. • : BOVARO. ROSE & CO., .2 fin% 131.1hKET, floor.) M l ,== ECM HAVE • REMOVED. HTALLUR BROTHERS, lt.e. now open at their Teri elegaatand COOP. moat°. NEW WARZIIOIII/E. No. 51 Fifth Street, A stew line of all new aad desirable patter.. MEDALLION *TENETS, • ' terrels,"Brhs.4ii; TAPESTIer 1111USSELS, A large and ell.. sucaOrteetent of Piano - and Table CoVers, noquras MPS, mum ras 1 D HA!. oil 3303.11501., • THREE PLY AND , TWO_ PLY .And eery variety of law priced 6.rpCtlng. itte.CAT.asUpa.'BROTHERS, FitthiStitr tob7l CAUFETS. OLIVER. X'CLI.NTOCIE COXPANY, navy /VET °Amara For the Spring Trade, .TheirOpleadtd Oasort.ment of NEW CARtikTs, Oil Cloths, Shades, ac, Attention la called W oar die atoot ui lIIMIDISD THU 11) IVES Great Decline in reicia. laa wix«rxr. aim:mita:6El.r CARPETS. NOW ARRIVING. The Latest Purchase of the SiLSOlt AT TX" LOWEST PIUCES INZIVOIa T32CM3 ENGI,IBII AROMA 114.4 Ti Winc;32_,,ona Velvet, II OD r I Balysai,s; TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Best Two and.Three-rlytugfala, IntivaNG lau1.1 • '11 - 11 4 BETatiqvuits. Hall and Stair Carpets to Match* evatji seta '01.4 Otafte pfg . Itri'crloqf',#l:7)l;'6=ts. ~;.errompor. LACE. AIID NOTTINCHANI CURTAINS; WINDOW filw,)Efi, Cheap Twa-Ely Carpets Aziu.. Do to Carpet and Meanx UPHOLSTERY nounTillMlSß ETU M'FBIAND efILLES, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Next braSdlu q to I.lnnetatil Cm2lloll,ltotto • I