The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 01, 1867, Image 1

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Mira B 6 Slft.ll3. Elltrecot.
IV. A PE1111251 91.11 Ts t matters:
JO7ll l / 1 .11 KING.
TFELNIUA ab.s.r.rm.
Insiss uovspi ...... ~—. . --.... 4 s cepth
Delivithia lit Eirrlif, (per wenti.....«. t6 mat..
111.:1141absul.bal. isterychr) ..... «.—.514,00.
Liberal tsadqlolup tql!c.abtry• and Asents.
Till.lo'loll WLEKLY:
ThrtdOdidits: Deryear. 1 50
Sirs do - do. do. each 123
Tdd'oriabro.CdtdeS.,to ono address; std
one Ott to elith.
P 4 t'
noila EA:ZS:I I m "
' l'cun
Of Dry Gouda Wo offor bargains In Job loto
of .Drooa GODila, Dotal ago,. ifon,Goods, aod
-be-Shiitingey Prlntr,
11ekt.lfTljlitolD,,ac., all of. w ..wo will
Roll at tho Tory lowed oakum cash pried,.
.1. W. BAcara t Co.
AarkeT.ot.Fsr4. bolOw,Third.& Fourth Ma.
Dole& Rity.tbat Doaantoptlon Vanziot
Do Orme.),
Unless youbaro used the lloy. E..A.W11.
son's Great Remedy for Consumption, sort
rW Ittabohall Affections. •It has cured the
vory w a r i t Cases , and tt Way CUM yOUSSi
at all OClnits, until you have
tram lf. Soto ageaffOr Pittsburgh, J warn
proggLit, al Market street.
gtirtt by Lail anywhere, on receipt 0ft.'.09.
fleck's U.o 1 I&1 Boob.,
!AI PI!PA Citic‘,...,YIVAMB Ie not tho lowest
ftnro reo trans,
among tho incirmona stock cg o.cellent
1:!oota and Slums aiwaya atonal and ready for
sale att4m,podel blibe emporium—tiurdl-
Othifteita liouanSfurif - •
Don't Silly theit Lou Can't
Cent taio best quellwet English and Scotch
1 ortor, or itroelt Stout—fur, by culling
of lutnlug'a Drug Depot, yok
moubotimpleto utock of the-Roca trends
and get tbutu nt thU vary lowest once.
Remember the 1113.ming'is Drug Rua
Potent Methchte 'Depot, No. di Market
llayq a Cleo
French - 'Bair," litus4 scored stylish Boot
. 11.111d0 oxpreasly to our Owl. order. ThSy
cuon he boat; uqunl, IC not superior. to uny
custom Blum% work:Unit is amino Cue until lu
thou illy. • Will BO sold very thew,.
°yew. ULM,. SRO!. STOILE.
fresh supply of Crusso 001 . Elackwelni
- .l4icinnts Also very
. .
• Layer Waal Turkey
.••• Prunes, Smyrna Fin o, de., de., will 1, eolil
the kivteit"ilairket price, st No, Ilk red.
aral eedOet, AlleBb-enY city-
A Very Tin parlor,
Custom made; hind sowed, Morocco Clot
moral, tipped tuid , plalu, Just rocelml, Is us
• rilco a 011.01.9 could be made, will ho sold
t a . JT - I'7 snol
Look for thelk •
Of .O , IP largir m'soand ax
. wply of spring uttd
Butumdi liouisixttd shoos tnls WOO:.
OfOCA 11UI9NSII06 Stun.
" • • Evei*lkisirt Dimbrublo • •
"In the bugt `ii.11‘.9h9,3 'es.l4 bcifound aria
All of the Landing so; lea awl reublons
In stuc anti 'Cloth wraps fa . Bprlor awl
Slimmer went can SIC got W. Spoww . s.
73,114er/cut street.. •
WYMIKerI Morocco -
I.oruf.:Oztir.s tiniters,*,oulY
t 6 b 4 liopular Oiscra thrust:
Shoo 6Loro. • •
• tUre 2l li 19 ' ragwc the boa
t as -
oratikukd eto sucues „t Spcuce'd,
73, Market efioe,L.'
to la Very Pitrange
Thai. 6rundo ni always up- to time in every;
tho way cif Ladies' %;Iciaka.
• Cloaks of Xvory Description
In 5111 c and Cloth, (rout t,3 to $100,4% at
aponecOm, No. 7.. r, Market Itrco t.
You Clot
`.11: full I.ltio TrlmUlitiv, and But
P 511.6 at'Sbenco,st
rare Diugs:
Putt. iitsgst! rare Drogan! Pura hrpg
at Kale: .% Druirs, Allegbpay.
;Tod •
ltirolgn•Ltgnbn of •11 Joooph B.
N0. , 180, 110 •nd it*
Spimice'a Cloak Nigro
• /a opon oteirnlgut. 1411!!eitecloc.k.
. . .
you Vim tiny
eh per mot Alcohol at Joseph S. Pinola.
. .
•:NOw Cali Dar
New Hops at Joseph S. If inche..
," iidlsesULlosr of 41e1■
Th . o' anthOint , s of Oxford -Unlvon4y
. . . ,
• . England, are giving nenaiderublo attentian
ircifea-Z i lrellt iu dit L it l irdt l . lt hlg=
• •••••ttem-wirnitpCsri• provided — for "females
loaves them little or nothiug to build upon
after, they, am. supposed. to have finished
„i'd.hvir.eiltictitton. 'A writer very forcibly re-
Markin •
“At, present, as we take it, it•Ls the want„ Orlin notate-rent, in some Work or occu
..fzratltinpfreal moment which WWI girla sorb .
-• ”"feting abbut marriage at so early is period.
It is um. because she has a dread of being
an ohl tupelos la be 'settled M .
tiler on llVillationtentediritif her home, that
, the thoughts at a girl
eighteen or nine
teen are, be often turned to matri
monial Contingencies. It is rattier be
cause r h o has no present object .on
which to, expend box energies, and
,nethlni work open with a View ,to airy,
permanent benefit. With boys and young
• men it la the reverse. Llla with 'them is
verYai3On a reality withont anY necessity
tor as early marriaite. Men, as a rule, do
not look forward to marrying until they
.are;Olitfttinititon Year*, older Utast-girls are,
'when theYeterlously, contemplate tt. Their
business Or their iSrefissaion, that prates
_ helot more or leas the contmuation of
Aiiii.- 3 0wilitsdfLetainiithaa- fornishta
• itheiresaltiwoxeittitetPretheLr thoughts and
r tic soililnYlneat at - their cneigles. nut
new Xtre ' overage' girl has gone throngh
this wretched 'course of stuilleai prescribed
• achoolmistreas or the governe.s. all
awed, tiMll4bett - thicig In to be
Married, or, at any rate, to be engeinni.
• lier view:diet. haa totally failed to awaken
4%14.3/4149= n°147,401 Oen:. studies,
, , .1;er: atbrartimultlea to
• " anelran extent as to make their further
cultivation and tbo acquisition more
•, , Li knowledge n.delfght and n necessity.
Nalgocigy or Chicago Caulues. •
Since the dog slaughter- in . Chleugo hos
been so mercilessly prOsecuted tha 1.11.11111(21
.orktisu. rilty,have- become aronning know
ing. Tim Xi' mit tells of one Teen crouching
Inn corner of an alley on State etreet, nod
...,altorlos %chuck:dew howl of . dellght ho
,;witeltell the taat,itylevagantoo of a pig.
The plg Wel eaten too dainty mental laid
11,4=14.etixtlregittUts. )don
. . . . -
svidentJy knew the fact, and ha laughed,
,eewwaneeobeurcad to p puo
MilMilbrilopiligich atom! by a door
step on Walt Madison. titreet. Ile smelled
TM inillivistulnutes, and at
mod • (skims IS In 11.1 d teeth, he carried It
* rutfttel ' e ' lluft. ° l VSkturr::ll-."4 , V.;
hundred hing e ryto l ok . rg aura came prowl.
shfe ' ,.7C.Tlde i nti m yi chant sOniething
- wherewith to appease their hungoir.•
len op at the door curlews) . .. they read the
ommounavord ratimairem. &nil wham bowl
Of terror 1.13.41y_ ran Mr, aril have never been
Peon since. They went in the direction of
•the lake, and who nun toll what they may
• 4)l o ,diuta with theinaelvai I , '
. .
Public Debt
. •
Philadelphia. Prras is nut
, • Taub:thin nest the regular monthly mato
.. •
inept Of .tbrr public dent, for the present,
month, will be delayed In Its notification
• beyond the 11reti1r aetorol. Of May. • Tao
..dleatleas aro that 11 will present en othlblt
:of a reductlou in the tient to Pmextent - of
H,11W,0.0 to 0,030,0004M0 revel pie from c us
totes and internal rereen* sources during.
the Antettli ffld, 4lttgl.flet - ifrom the coma
',bleb Imre already con reported. arnown
about,ooo,nme•helf Of•wltich, being
for costpwa, fa In cola, :Tim, 0:Irmo low.
• risei• of alita Internal , rehretree- receipts as
camparoC oath , other pothole,: le: fact .wbfCle r 111143101 1 11 the aubject. of much inter.
• oat for toehold PrOtlfe... It has only been ou
• armor-two otnnfilteln recently - than the
ckapts from that , course ePl.mtrod lot. , or
• even, as low, Its than. rdcrlvou from centoucs.
400-, etaloWerkt- ,nl4l-- " 1111,10 7 111010
1%.04113(ad.th0 Tr.WIUSY•' la nolo. of sloe,the,-
with ttl i chyoU or more gold eurt.tfll.
•=rertdodokYllflat,tigg titent .11ve firma Co.
' gaged In' the' lumbOr trade. Forosto In tno
inlinedlato nefghbortonal of tho City, Ilan
- • teo .Grent Block to widen nit
girtw.ol weta ,Q L
g •uc n af o lnt te tai d t
mtE "foto last week at. a.:2 4 .159
per trt,
\,, 1 ; '') 1115
' . .
) _ ,it 1
1 i .
5 I
4 1
- • l op , ,
,I ,!‘ , 7 . )\-
✓ _l
2 0,• -:
. . ~.-. .
. .. , .
-Y014 . 1.13 1 F; LXXXII. -- ,NO. N. 1. 7 ? ; ;;. f;
EnglishParliatneut inSession
Satisfactory Settlement Expected,
Speech by tile, King.
12IT Ta.legraph to the rittsbor eh (Jaz, tle
Lonna, prll • tesuoictl
.I.ll.lllSelitut day. in the Room QC tkula
onn, last ulght, LontStantuy,lu reply to
imparlee, anted that the proposition for a
Peace Congreas had been accepted by Iraoce
nod Prussia, earl he Wan of opirdou that the
Luxe:churl; odatra would be uaLlefecturily
or .1110 orrac rats:gun DIST ny rnc Elsa.
IlanMar, April iii).—TlM Prussian 'Get way
opened yesterday by.tho King In person.
In it speech from the Throne, the' King said
the unity of Germany sells the +Laurance of
the Peace of Europe, and urged the speedy
adoptitni or the (kinnitution. Tim King
wan silent in regard to L•uscmherg. •!.
EILITAIIe 111E1:ST1011e nr(frlED.
Peron, April 00.—Serniny—Thc dfunilcirt
officially announces that orders hare been
lamed to put title', to the reeent military
preparatious throughout Yraric.e.
Ilutraszto, Aprll ~.).—fArniOu—Tite
troviiiinuent W aumnerititg its military es.
tabllsmouti Buckle preparing to rulso a uow
tICIIMNS2OI,C,'Aprii Tlio steamer City
01 Boston, 'from ifew York, lots arrived.
I.natroa, Aprll3o. Errnine.—CoUsols firm
aL ;
Mr; 3 , 20 r, 71!“ lllmola Central IMllromi,
LiTuarooi., April 30, Erenlag:—.Gotten
less firm and closed easier at a decline;
middlioruptands.llN; Orlcsne, .I 21; sales'
12.00.1 balm. lireadsuilfs line. Corn ad
vauced to Ds. 14. per quarter fur mixed
western., - Other articles unchanged, Pro
vidlons, pork and beef unchanged. Lard
31s. 11acm,,.315. tor Cumberland. Cheese
unchanged. , Common rosin, Id.' gplrtts
Pscus,• April 33.—Ercning—American
bonds quoted at to. •
AsTa - car, APrd 3 0 .—EcIsdnfi—Fctrideonl
Is Ilrul; sales of at IZlrishea per Its kilo
(By Mainsail '
Tho Prise Court tat calla—:tiorth (ice
man 'Parliament Closed—Speech by
the Stns-Ailpionnitte Declarations
lsoneerniog lasacrunneut Denied—Tu
mult at Oporto Nappresiatitt.
Nine Yenta. dertl W.—The stnaratabir City
of Washington, from Liverpool on the th.ll,
Quemmtown on the 10th, has arrived.:
. it -appears that the prize court at Cadli
declared tae capture of the Queen Victoria
Thd North German Parliament was closed
on the IR.h by the Ring liose.speoch ex
pressed infinite satisfaction at seeing
around him members of the House, and con
gratulated them upon having established
upon a solid foundation a Coustitutiou, the
development of-which he would leave to
funks" federal authoriV. di le tag fern Mlle.!
with attributes i n but sufficient
for the .prosperity and power of rented.
oration. Mae individual stoma. while 'hut'
future is guaranteed by the totality of the
bune, have retained tin''r freedom of tot Lien
ha all departments wherein variety and de
velopment ts indlepentathic, and salutary
popular representation is secured by that
eo.eperatlon in Carrying out greet national'
objects which corrceponde to the spirit of
the existing' nespiLsltletne of the country,
nail the necessity of the government to sou
their action supported by the agreement of
the Gorman people. Thu time has arrived
when the German fatherland's able to up
hold its piece, its lights, acid Re dignity.
I by its own collective strength, national self
consciousnesn, which leis met a powertul
li cello from all quarters of thirniany. ". None
the lees, however, are all governments and
people of Germany unanimous that tics re
gained power of the nation him above all to
upheldits tigt , !n o c i tt i n , ce . icy rendering r.e ln s c ,ittu re
nil the eaetl
pp askbag God to bestow ills bless:mg upon
the deur fatherland.
Count :Bismarck declared the sesalen
closed, amidst three cheers for the littr.!
Stab:Locate that diplomatic declaratunie
es:remade by the bovernment.s of Franca
and 11001,10 rmpcctlng Luxemburg, are
semi otiletully denied from - is of.
siccimed from Berlin that, with the
exception of the Increased organization on
the' line nail land where It begins last
Autumn, andnow tanupleted, was rtuldered
necessary by the new acquisition of terri
tory, no special mtary Manures have
been relented. The Ithentsh forirceeed are
not and .utv mammal; 4qinarla
made upon firearm factories
. The Dutch Government bad
. ordereil
dtploutatio agents to refrain honechrth
Iran all interference 111 the affairu of the
Grand Dui:nye! latzernburg. -
The Iluanclal administration of Poland Is
planed wholly under the he
of the
Xruselan 311nleter effluence.
The tumult In Oporto, on account of new
taxes, hag been suppressed by the military
without lose of life.
Jamow.Mellenry ailed fort the it tilted
Mates =business eannected With the in
vestigation committee of the ks entle and
Great Western Railroad.
• .Tbe bankers in ConstantioOphe gave the
geld the application' for a gov
ernment loan hich wou have yielded
twenty two per w
gent. yearly.ld
Maximilian Attempt*** Cat his Way
Out of Oneretaress, but Is Itepulsed
-11 la Captures Considered Chtgjestn—
Vern Cram/Wrested by.Llbernlet,
CRY Telegraph to the Yittsburaltp.isiette..)
e New -It'uud, April 93.—The following addl.
Lionel news from Mexico was brought by
the United States gunboat Tallman, widen
arrived at Unlremtnn on tile tent Inst., from
.Tampi - n, April lith: A dispatch bai bran
l received it Tampico . from Juarez; elated
April 11th, which stated that Alaximillan
and the garrison at Oneretaro had about
that time attempted to cut their way out.
out wero badly repulsed. The Emperor, it
-isitellered, will merely ha logged.. •
- The Tahount , m news trout Vera Crux re.
ports that plain invested by tile Liberals,
with five thousand troops,
commanded by
Meader, on the - south, and two thousand on
the Mort!. under La Vega. All access to the
city was cut oil, and provisions wore °carte.
The last beet had been killed,Maimed Sold
at a dollar a pound.
DL Trains
Horse shoe 'Stacie+
ladle as— • T01ci...•
. .
Sr. .
31—An Omaha dispatch
says: The raportlelegraithed from Leaven.
worth to the Now York lfcrald, under dato
of Aoril :Nat, that lien. Augur wig, about 10
move wont from Fort 1 , 1.11 KcarneY with
6,C00 troops, that 11.C.kilnillnnit writ° encamp
cgl between Forts Kearney and Munn wage
lug for grass to immanence hostllltiCs, and
tiencral llaueockes expo - MOM Doing in dis
tress, is pronounced fin 1111111ithUttOd he=
et general Augur's licadmartern.
A Fort , Larande dispatch of the 2714 saps:
The Indians have surronmied florae Shoe
Station, and lighting is now going on.
-‘ telegraph supply tram was attacked on
the list, tercet y milos west of Laramie, and
SO the stock were drivels ott andlhe provi
sions destroyed. No more work ram be
done or, the telegraph without' au en-
. ,
Tbe Simietis to 1111 . 1aul•-•
Teat/Dcmonairattou al URIC 'GO
tna Tologrontotharlttchurct,
Un1C.4.00, April 41).—Tbe bilyocatea of the
eight-hour system, includingro
cdontell the
trades In th e city, •buvo concluded tholr
prepttratton. for an oxlcralve dOmOn‘tra.
Von I.morrorz. Nearly all tho railrond
e nnonnte%o r.,l Trmbubibr bring stsnctatiuns
- tiara tsztle'l erdir tbAt Workman rain be
erni.loy.,l by tlw librrotttei , time: pay.
leg • fot , ill hour one-tooth the ,„,„s
lounctly paid per tiny,
11 _
On Tuesday about two hunaml mon on
. ! n'tSaWur‘ Imll =lll and ford
bly seized ro eg man cmmod Bi
took him to the woods mad hung him. They
elm) seized. two white moo, [mums" nowart,
and thFeetesool to hang them.• The enure
oft t., VIUICUO43 was the (11 4. store
to the northern
„part of: Utah !malty, In
Which ti oto lehrec 0100 worn ougaged.
Roar admiral eadwalader , Ringgold, of
tho United Nlatea.Nairy, died. at Now 'York
on Monday morning, of apoplexy. Ile was
sixty-five yours of age, and hid been lu the
Natal service over forty.four years.
Present Indications aro that tho trial of
Jolt. 113. Via Will not. tataaniace, sa oxpectod,
In Richmond. next Monday, but that a fur
ther paßponarinuie Rllj bo made. The 'ad-
v Is:allay of adulating Davis to VallLs now
being considered. It is etatka that io had
refused to give his panne, and that ho post-
tivoly deelluiS toucuoPt,hiu,truodOuitinless
it is given unconditionally.
Attorally UtirekarildiUborty clorely
eng:iguil on Tuesday In the preparation of
his opinion, up:in . distraheliLsernent'undur
the rneonstructuuk Imre, and It is thought it
weLho Completed today amt road at the
Cabinet meeting this atterooon. It to tte,;,
deraiood that the opinion will he adverse
to the duclatoa of .General eherldao, eaclud
lug Amu rekbitritirM a large number of
nivalclintl unicorn unit naturalized eltliens
who fall to allow their eertltleettes of Maur.
Tiw rootmOster GenerOl has IlnallY doter,
lned to take the respouslbllltyof appoint) ,
ins speOial agents to Wks
Postelllees left *menet by the of the
bonnie to confirm the notatontlona tee Ale to
'All those oelece. do afloat wia appolated .
to take charge' orthe offices at liewbOrg,
2:51.1w fork, anOJelteysollyllle.
' The,Sorreme t.:*rt.likkolleeldetettki TWA
adelphle, owning the gag works, muskpay
the tax m 1 the gas consumed In Moe.*
lamps: • . t s, •'•
.Northam benteeratic politicians are en
Oubsoring to prevent President Jolutno.
rix* gqinli V:SOtkiliekh
‘etualor Wilson to NorthiCarellwa-11b
DencialteWitie ribatterpßlfSalialle."
thy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gass , te.3 '
RAlLtnitt, 30..5enr.1.02 . Wltien arriv—
ed 'last night and spoke at the African
CI arch. The, Senator advised the ttogroes
to cdomte themselves. to acquire property
hilber Sa in t s ," g Oman, acnounced thu
oc _Tay nod Olitailatled the nenvoes
analtod than. lte wai followed by two cot.
oral spealcurs who male conservatlst
The Senator spoke tho,Canttin tignare •
to-Sky, hi the manic velnly .faSt slight. lie
tveSilStertett to ottoOttottlY lattlf audi
t:ea of black' and"whlte poreons;aroong the
latter several of the most pronnneut eh,
Serum of elm .IclE'llorle From lie,
Trip to Wartilimton—She Confident.
17 Eopeetr Jar... Bolcom,
• •Foirrnias Monitor April .leff.
Du%le, accompanied Ley 'Dr. 'Pemberton.
brother of the rebel General Pemberton,
returned heroyesterday from a visit to
Washington, 'where they bad been for see.
enicaavd.. :listen , lows 'with
prominent Southern en . iaPtet the Slue.
lion of Davis , releas m e. The result or the
visit is unknown. /I rs. Davis Is in rem
ably good health and spirits , and in conyor.
satins with .friemb has lately spok e n vary
condilently of the early release of her hus•
Laud front coed:melee'.
Thu Stoma cAr Itichosond
Amicably Argoaica.
relevant& to toe rlttaburah Gazette.)
IZIVISMON co, April :P.—To-morrow the
/arl`Ct. Car Company will run lour can tor
both whtten and blacks, and two earl for
aoldlore. Thu Company have only am ones,
andthlaia dono after cOnsulting Unterri
Elver Tolma:stins. . t
ILI (Telegripb tt, rltuaarail tla.ctle.)
UIL Ccrr, Apr ll 21-I:lver Is thrrty.four
loch , . and ilsliq; Thu weather is warty
suil , shp.wry.
' ratting, 134
feet izicaual.,
Plonking Finn Napiproded.
ID, lejer,.q4 !it wrtitatre. a.
Co.. private bailk,ra of tole el ey,, surputuled
Uu*laY. and Math% an malgtunent. Them
Itabllalua urn ab0u1474.1.00., ,
Tmancry Burned.
City Telegraph to the rlttaburgh °vetted
Boston, April 7 , .—Tho tannery uf John
nalluy Co" la, raton... rug 1ner4 , 01104
nigtlt;;Le.+J 413,UEV—parLly insured:
. . •
Alienipted Murder end enieldie—A
fen Dents ilia Wife Neayly, to Death
with st kleinener; and Shen AIiettILIILL
Drown tilannelf. . •
Yesterday the towel of Milwaukee wu fife
mune of asitinsaLlem whichienute uearDiO:
rind fatat. l o Da „results. August 1101100.
t,reeld is a Guinan about forty-eight yearn
of age, who Urns on the Witalangtou read
near the toll gate, and half a mile from the
city limits. lie Las been inurital three
times, and toe present wile has been soars
tied twice.... They blue no Undue illy the
present idarringe, itabOUgtiby termer MI ,
1•11100Stitey have ids. liellenbruld Is well
key Co In the city, having been engaged le
planingontil fishnet rear th'eard. eed has
always been considered a quiet. Ineffeasbie
man. 001310 111110 Deco lie Joined the. Ito.
theallatUunetb and niece their he says that
his wife has heaped every indignity epee
him, and threaterod to torn him out Of
doors, and at times to gibe him over to the
police,ll.snelaristen*ereeelval his wpipse•
ilellebbrricht glean the amount WW baf7ss
wife for safe keeping: .11D lather/ as • •
111211, lives with thine and he hashoutreat.
tot very cruelly by the woman, being now
hearty asked and deprived of many Of the
isecessarles of Afei. lieltenbrechyhas peen
in the city about twenty years. • •
Yesterday wonsing,. being in 'Die! house,
Itelleubrischt attempted to lift the coffee.
tut, hut- libeled loot he Sireposil • it. His
wilethen abuse* him tiontlnulugthe alone
until exhausted, She:ttarew her nett 110011'
An aeon Saliba did this, Delta breebtOrhe
• appears to ben sortof ndigbaus Linatie, Ours
thedevil took possession of him and pick.'
tog up a commenhanuer, he man a Serer
and brutal attackupon Ida wins, as oho lay
lu bed. [low many times he struck •her is
not known, [exhale •blows .Itere frequently'
aim pewerhilly shm, One. hlottetrucle,
near the eye. its sharp edge forcing it trom
the socket. Another on the nano broke it
completely down. There aro marks DI
_dirldforrits bead,
lialeneOnthelopbt thiltretull. - ',UI of these
blows 'forced the hammer . Into the flesh;
ranking the wounds of a ghastly nature.
The woman stied {unless unbar them.
At soon as lac was satialled with Ids vror
liellenbrecht started for the river, and.
reashinprict near litaihstinse l s brewery,
Jmnpedleand ditedifitAthdrehroy his own
life. From his own account it would ap
pear that he was insaue , lie says he was in
the water half an tour Ant God would not
let him tlie and It elmeted onto( tbe water
and malls his way 1101310. .110 was la the
house and Jut changed his clothes for dry
ones, when oflicersGrube and Setter, of the
patine tercet rancho*. $, herrief been NT
• far. , Demur at ano4 arrestbd..
lieu. ifellenbrecht's Snit husband cut Ws
throat in a barn, some years nines. •
At. noon;Aohlay.Nrit.i Dellenbrecht, was
voty and insensible: "Sho physletnes.
have no idea that she can live through the
daya probing the wound In the tempt*,
portions of tlie,brantt .salrinsd r ,thriteltil• —
.11ihrqukee':Wircotiaira Aprg •
—The New York Tribune says: A match"
lOrkhearpl dlaatoplMaWp',of the United
States !um been arranged between Mr. tiao.
Ilaekenzie.of Sow Tork..SAA:Alt•li•
of Philadelphia. M . The plaYer
Earedat word seven games : will be de
thu victor. ln a similar match ylay.
at last spring, Mrt - rdttekeuzie was neatly
successful, hut it isconceded that upon that
...."^nlau Mr. nolchhelm.ntd not do Unice
meeting ell. known abilities. The coming
between these gentlemen will take
place upon the Mild. clussle in the annals of
American chose, afforded by the due rigtma
nuto Philadelph, enumut. Tho
your islikely to t e o n eof Importancein
the history of chess. it is proboble that
timAntericun championship will be again
contested. A tournament• of all Lilo It
hlayers •in the Union is not unlikely to be
eld in this city during the Coming ball. and
in ropey, itsriand Chess (Wince. of ail n e ,-
' comMenco in the Exposition
buildings next month. In which the most
skditul men, in the world .wal compete.
'Yee Qua cunt .it the Emprlctt 21apbloott has
contrinuted the chief prizo—...o work of
ar r
'l"!'2l4l.'"l:ol"lll.thrr'.in tale
of t r ajZitrd r .nt ntlj tan:M o urn u e ut o 4l
to erthiffstidroblifula at 11107renelt Uterus,
meat. •
&31.0.11=aratingi near
house, near a window, conyersiug with
arose •ot relstives friend. when
some One approached the hones and ' poured
the contents or , n shot gun through the
gist, into his body. The trilbrie9nnsts inert
Up OW llnfirrtnOnto man were rinfriclunt. to
'come almost Inuttiut The murderer
tt.i.l, cod to the last iv:COMAS /+M I 4 0 1
- •
ur Td w gr.pli to the Vlttehurgli Ilitzette.l
193sap0tIort, Aprll , 3o, 1,t7.
Lettors from the South to Lilo Rolla Com
mil:mien ire numerous, itil..atioir ;beyond
question that the sulfuring continues In.
tense, and must inctutmo at the , season ail•
vanes, until dm thno at
LONDO Arlu rs . rass a TO rACIPIC BALLII4AD.
Thu central branch rof the Union Paallle
Itailroad, haying completed as it 'kat class
railroad twenty additional miles 01l its
road In Kansas, and the name having boon
beeeptoil, 'the Froolditutilircetod thorn:ore
tatty or the Treasury and SoCretaty or the
Interior to Issue to the Company the bonds
and patonca fur lands to witiaL it. becoutua
Information received lit the Treasury Du
purtment states that the CanaMau fencers
oltuakeini ern aiding and ablating in every
'passible 1M: tiro ilmuilflllatf of goads Into
the United States. Mercnalits rent men of
luincer led gm! responsibility In tannulurrnd
Itinglaud arc aate to have capital
lift Mita nentribunrr And all - the
watchfulness of Governmentoilleeru cannot
entirely prevent the oceasioutil Introduc
:1.101101 goods trona duty,
This Cabinet isceston to-day wan only an.
none . long.,. All ware oresent.cacria nticro
targoi !Stanton sad Stesimaw.
The Comptroller of Curt entry 111.4 return
oil from a brief- visit to New York.
TIM Jaraxinie V 1111 1 .0.1.
The Sananeee Couualuion will, todsior,
row, hare an hitervrow with the neeretnrp
. State, when their credential., will be
sialiblitteil, and the time fined for thelr
formal Introduction to the Pruldent.
The recelota Tot lotirnal Ituvnauu latlay
were 4M e).
Secretary Urea :lug leas beim prueuttect.,l
oUt'of 4atigat by hie ebyteclaos.,
Secretary_ Stanton has been confined to•
Ids. house, for two days, the crfucts or at
severe cold.
.lINTUiIIt 07 MeCtilerAr.Y • olZWA.RD.
Secligary Suirard..Stuado,l 1.1.ku
uStattng 10•110... - •
. .
• The :Tedminese Votnintseionlire wtll be lire
000tod to tho Prolident to4norrow.
tu'e Pluhburgh
Nan/ . roam, April 30.—Tbo IIL
Sub Trranury so-day wore R,4lJ,cl';•pu)
The four hundred dollar racket match
batireas.Woolkal aod. i.avoe, the champion
wed ex-eivaltiplon play 0111 Of and'
illlatt01:4; the Knalishchautrionoed Isla
Mother, wag played tan afternoon. V Wing
to the weather and the unfavorable 'tutu
of tho court the wtakot owl all bets wero
sii&Wnl , The Auterkatt .01/1,1,1ra. were 1.
torlo.; acorint; tout cameo to their °mai
lman two. The heat of atiVou euuntlttt.
the match. '7 •
' 2lli 4ini;ntil iirtu.tatz—A vinotur.
Tho Tyler-Gardiner wll/ CWIN Loa rue ailed
:ratverdict:l.lW. the wino( alta. tiurdintir
invalid, anal that ahe Itit/t, , totl
undue lilltuenee when ate mote the Int.tru.
mont. lay ihl9 verdict, Mat. Tyler, Mr.'
Gardiner, sod. Merry Itcolcuum become
nor an such are cantina re.
spectivoly to ono-third the Vathlll of the
prormrly, WhiCh 19 etalrented to be worth
titti,le. The ecision, LAM hhhg)t
regar tt ded Mud. d as the ewe Lon th C
helots the tin atone Court by Mr. mantas,
Au ellort will he wade there to , hate Uto
vetilict, set adds.
Or,. DR CIIIDAN Al. Ill“1115T.11.1,0X
Wnshiugtortn , Ccialsaytt tto4 'Cabinet
met Mut tatirtatag 0 COmitiOr
0/Attorney (inners SlandtMlrry.:/thasct ;ea.
:711,1t1101'S exclusion nt iruturall rmt citizens
front i ttigiatriblautcunices the 4 at iota tittitr
ccrtlfieattiabt tiattirtilizatiOn. It is nutlet ,
wood Um A utirucy tii3lllor3l regards tolnur..
W.N.rp.tau aq iax,rulalag,,u4warrauted
• • •I(AaLltoms
---- Edwin Smith, altelmel Chauncey mud Jor
mule!, C. BOLIct were arrested for rubbing
Lrolight ear of the Erto railway, at Jersey
city, of worth of goods. About el,irsl
worth of the etolen goods worn reurrered.
•Thozoloperresrp /USIA ter 1a54. ,
to ; 1 3
*flab In itort ipectal sepia pronatneo tire.
publican bought n farm 01 nearly four
hundred nerve, which he proposes to •11•1013
`Pte .mail lut e to lorookr Lorlrekolioua, the
proceeds tObo - sotttiqirt for 1110 behrilt of
educational 111StitutiOns for colored pcohde.
ke, cod t,o.t. Lim lLtli to
Charles Lai - Mb. ono of Lhe most expert of
counterfeiter*, • has been held fOr =amine
A leXse number of copper Pln‘ba , for the
marmleadmeuf counterfeits outdate bank,.
meetly Lu New tiugland, nem all...eared
burled atTatterrom Xpd.. labelled Mat:
*mass asebetaximodrriad,
' Ns , " Yong; April m—Tue annuallfOEtln K.
Of 1.00 New York Mato Ansoctstent rreas
.1111L1 , 0,1301n at WP ktofzopo4t nn Y,ll..Kt.l, 10
thief OLT. on Mkt kf.b:
.1;1 atAnsiasSto.l4,i: koxo mamas-
lion. , Benjamin Eggleston. of Cinch,.
natti, wan marrind hero on Saturday., to
Aline diary E. Darts, of Cincinnati.
•rsik inntOri - n!ieinik;.T
`llrnitke fates 'Cominlniloner VIAL° ban
decideg to varrsint,the extradition ol
lip 116nricn, the alleged rrnselan forger.
• ' , , APriflf.l=Ui.ratat,
ifi . r‘Ortiikt ibn trill otburrati will be
gin on tile 3d week of
aisle Of flalea elle** telteletillir Pisan
= aglvaate tee. peer Ifork:ll.ldenspeorrl
• [By Tllecrayb to the PlUallarati Uatrttc.i
San /mamma, April 30.—A deed we/tilled
Aprll la' the',Cdinca of the Itecerdek of
Santa' Clara caltinty, 'hp the quickallver
MigigiclrAtUTti l o . =:4l 7 > of
Sow York the New Almaden anima:irer
mines. The consideration expressed is
threwillillon* nuMa
The Steamer Shirley, Auto New Terre:ar
rived, and the steamer Autocrat, fur Alain
dolphin, wills sacks at wheat,
Sew FlLL:tem. Acoril %tom
Tohltheeop o Illtre ' ll'athfatitteithat the a
kiltilDelnaluitlixt nem! good* arts doll,',With
itOdtransautionsi gray shirtlng,l
veered five cent*. There were 4:ensnare
ble purchases of alike, wills higher pram.
for-tteport. , Teas AVM in moderate da.
mend with unchanged' priers . atocic
Panted at OM Marta grlttnentliand7hlcathy
Anacaports far the , sem= at about
six. million pOonda, American tants yi,so
and nOttlipal., ; ; ,
• . .
gattatudye Elona
road latonteaci be Plains Do-opened.
'Elif Teri:spa to too Plitiburta
Err. Lovie„ Aka 30.—Tho %Monody° • sul
dlory boost> or 'Latham, Krauss .t Bro., l'o7
.L'aln racact, batsmen Olive and Locust, woo
'burned to-Wahl.: TAO stock was valaed - at
6LZ,000; Insured for 670,003.. no . frldrY dry
goods and on
Moro af Weex illatousta
adjoining, on the north. Man damaged by
water to about Vd Oh. fully Insured Thu
jewery store of L. Porbee & ;In Car,
ehrdbMite also ninth injured by water. but,,
' nig h ;'- liw could not bo fulty asourtulood tot
ht ully ineurod. Tao total loos trill
probably rerun Prl,t loo .
hens= on the (Alamo and liorthwestorn
hallway will be oamplotod, and tratoe not
hing to-suorrow. • Tilts will open Um nano
I LthanUttuago to Omaha and tlie Plaine.
rennellenntli ReHenna flteelabolders
dteellog—lnereltao Capital Hee?pa,
•• ',Wended.
ey Trlcarsph to Ilse Alttsburgh Ossatte.3
rnitanni.rnin, Apt11,30 , 4t meetirlY
the stockholders of the PennsylVanlet !Untie
road today. the report. of tho Bowls]. Com
muter was ronalred,i fully ondonang Ztbd
policy of the present management...l l mnd =
leg flee frolght imam, andinatifut tad's;
Of thy Company to be In a sound and petni.
permn munition. An tnetalle Of Cetnica I *.
reconnunsubstio extend tlie worka and in
croass tbe nine:env of the Coutpally. Thu
.ropurt WAS uannitnottaltadaptea. t.
Vapor, Works Destror 2:4
Cay Telegnoli to the Plttsttiitt
Wryttottrew, net Aprllt
sire paper - works or Jessup at . llinora, four,
lanes trout.Wthn (eaten, were tend) V burnt'.
ed yeeterdae p. ut.. The lire Ithe act:ltl 'natal;
Lore vy.ropel Insurea 11151CVa.
FOlJltilf . i.A — a - E. l =l;efulies! AO most re•
intbio Money, and Proaswe litnrkei Et.
lien by any innnr - in Oa city, will be
fosnyl on onr..thntraFb,o,' '
Ileut of the Lockout.
Llllorite da no little plumate to state
at the itei“ lookout la rthout at n close,
a taut ere auotber weak pastas the laige
aunty of the Iron trails In this holghhor•
tal will hate renuoica operations. The
employees hove agreed to Pity the bill of
prices demanded by the woikAngmen, and,
depending upon more remunerative prices
for their iron, and the much redwat frulght,
offered by railway ObLondnLbi for Italians.
portation, they hope to evade future Sus
pension of openstiOnsiftle or two - mills,
- where iron Is cialusfti y "manufactured,
burn refused to ruse Inn operations, but
nearly nil the mills engaged In the mil.
no Wing Iniblitess *BC
' twee:ands /,[ workmen *Li& have long
been iille will he gholdental at the reauinl ,
than, mid lifter drst payday As effeet will be
felt In all Mandl. Of thelts and Industry.
During the prolongation of the :strike, by
which sassy of the laboring portion of the
edridnualty, , vere tednecd•almost to abso
lute poverty. be It Kahl to the credit erthe
working masses, that their conduct. Was nu
oveeptlonable and pratieWerrtllyi and . rue
Sextant MO lilathwit credit upon:their Intel.
hi inbound integrity. 4
'Alm present resumption does not acres.
really denote that the ntill owners took
false groOnal in declaring - their Inability
to pay the prices demanded by the hollers.
They resume on am experiment, trusting
that thermay be able to pay the PIMe do
autulmi, and succe,sfully compote :with
rival manufactorlezi ei,ewliere a should their
helms not be realized, the worklugmegt, -
In view of the' present coneension. will ho
Dotter prepared' to enter Into any comm . *.
wise which wisdom end experienoe might
suggcat. For the sake of the suffering in.
tecrets of the city, we re}oless that, the lock.
out is at an end laud thatt-rittsburgh'shall
once more thrive and 'trooper under the
smoke of the Indr.try of bar (Attune.
The Late Steamboat Explosion—hoe%
clam( on of th e Corofter's•lnqueat.
The Jury nupanneled to LoqUiro lutcrthe
eau* and roamer of PatitokOlci.:niVedonth.
mimed by pat oxplOolon OM board the
tauter CbanberN," .ou 'Tnuraifoy, the loth
loot., met at the Mayor's °nth) last eveniust
The only turther tentlruony token la Oral
I.IOWI • :
(korge reettik-‘l;—lnspeeted then
holler of the oLlianthern" In Witch lent; no
allox ed ler'7onti hundred amt liftyelve
puutitir et steam; found the huller och e r
onlor. ntood - the tont. We bat
ono hureirxt and ninety-11v pounds hydros
tatie pre,nure to the square inch at the ex
hlll/310.L11),, elareh. tkinaJalured-It safe at
that. Moo; clarolned the newel ter the ex
plo.lion,and found It had collapsed; nay
opinion la that the eallbl ar the explosion
vas exec.:lvo pressure of steam, and the
flue may Lam be= heated; found the valve
atom corroded; think' the en4ineer was do- ,
united an to the ninon:Wet steam he low on ;
etrusiriered him C<lcarkytuckt, when newas ex
amined for Prat engineer; but think he was
negligent in not raatritnlng the safe ty valve
in Una cane. Ile 'had 'ninny* had a very
high ehinaeter in emir Wiles. My Opinion is
that the due had been binsteil, though Only
an 010 /110 h. TllO CITIIMICO taken briars inn
shone that-the etwineur Wax et his poet
a lion the lupin:non took
'The jury after a brief deliberation agreed
upon the (Winning verdict: 'That
the de
ncnaell, Putraxl: 114;4110.Mo So !tin death
on the luth day of (reel teplrlot
reined by a n 011.4.404.431. Wenn., un the
tow.LostwAletander Chau:niers.. Which oh
, rerred on tile day prev WM, That IL in the
opinion of thin Jury that the tiegitions,
Janice Reno, ni ight !MVO. by a more ,trict
examination of the bullets nod lox more
eakerulnew4proveitted mldicapluCJ e u. but
10 tin:opinion ollhejttry he Wan Inn ettipa
bly negligent:
The 417haespkon Hoot Mame.
• Wulterltrirms of -Vorthutd, the ettulleu•
gur at , tur t e cltatnVloti:ihoatotao
nlyvolnuie:ica,valtrstothaAll:l:ur of that
ear Figariliudittu =blink eattlisee
the coming watch, as follows : .
...About nyo crolchl::: of l'lllabUrgh.
RU Louchla ;cream of Willer AMLISMMI. the
ttitiztkituttla neon.
cry. Tim luouctalsts on cltber
aide urn about littlf a mUC high. litre yin
:artitonvacrUTOth. a - wyck- preygons 1.0 thg
Merl; Wim,n Neu w4ll IMrscrour +lmuiers
1111.31.urgh, where the
race htut.ikkolltliccf. TerY lallipy to
hay that the climate Wtd Islmryllll l .o agrees
wlilttee.harrite4 tbefilite*e. ouhl l'only tool
imMous for the ony tit arrive Velma I will
come onrs with till , man Wile is SUppOstAl to
. .
be i Ito hest in the reentry.
...I will sot IM)71 . LW, Will or lose, this will
lx, my loot taco, tun! I elan 110 the bent 1 sin
t'Atlnlll , MY. my 01149=44f- and that of
the oily ml r rAtate hAtil" Item: If Muff
work; and /denty of it, will rusk° nio win, /
4113 Ina NI. Lila result.. The Landing mon
hereabout think. that a mete boy (whicg
theY call mei of my caliber will have rte
sheer with their representative. I will
seknewiellgettait he haws groat advantage
over um in knowing oho different current. ,
when, we an, to tow, ler Is at the- Juin.
Lieu of titre° rivers, bletiongoliels,(11110 and
Allegheny. lint, nevertheleas, the advan- .
Lage r 1 think, with e, long stroke and live.
ly One, ad pull through successfully:,
do amieabl• Settlement
TivOieferinutions were made yet:ter:lAV
before .Iluerman Mullin,' of Allegheny
aguinnalltdcia Ibreidaon,eolorild. a resideat
of thoyirst ward. Allcalway. /n the tint
Jelin 'Ball, coh:ied, charged him withu
htsauth , of 'the Akedie: be drawing a razor .
.upon bite and threatening to kill him, and
also with riersifinfr him some distance with
thatniuntlota st,airrying tell threat - into.'
stn sena' of similar
character, b'siralf Ai Jackson alleging - that
James not only threatened to do her Cedar
Imre: but called her the vilmt of names.
Sunineltrohecablatersrerfla .7:undo sit:forma;
lion agalimt Jane bronson, alleging that
defendant had. In tier Poserrsi o e clo thing 01
prosecutor I,cl the rased:sat , ea P,
and refused to deliver UP the saute to tam.
The suite were ent.orly among friends and
nufalitiors,• add' et. the nearing before the
Alderman, yesterday, they concluded to
made a fair division of the costs among
tlmmreireataitripabbl.7lll'idlts withdrawn,
Fashionable Blilltner7
+0. 4 X.lsißelhifoolenabin.rollilncr
at So. 11, Diamenddflioy,. announces' that
she has received a new invoice of all tho
teat Ihshlotiable styles of ladle's and • dill;
drelea lists and Bonnets, wiiich hove a.
waled la the vinetamealliall 61M& TM!
lady has Jong enloYed a bliih•retitniatiOn tff '
luthloaablo rwron% giving at
tetitioe to uicettliethe wtinta of lenroatroidr,
nod :belt* always. dP tbb 4M+IM'
Our lady minium aro invited Local! In and
examine thane° asoprtmont 01 Dolmens axal
'ats now on exhibition at her neat Men-
Xis u tetra ll=gre ‘ 4 l 4 OC b haad
near set ilitcaluontW Ilravlilod also hoops
cohatantty 4 Mmit a felt' line of ribbons,
ties, cubes, and bonnet and hat trimmings.
and manntacturesdb order at the.ahOrtest
entice alpha very raasiumblo
Abe N.lnoolcrLodAlf.a. trY 1.0. of. G. W.. 1
At a meeting of Abe Lincoln Lodge No. 24,
I. (.1.0f.11: Y. be Ottielsi hal/ px /Ana on
t follOviax bfficois
Wort? elected 4o ezvo for the onaulne term.
Oamael tt": Y. F: Yam
ITaltres. tone :W. 'A. 8: Gra.,
Maggio tic:Nee, W. 7 Jamca § trate, W. F. B:
Mac Jo:hot:ate haulm, W. I throrKo A.
Stewart, W. 0. G: reph V. Loa, W.
Canc. N.ll.9rtottg , loft Nititalt
Danko, U: J. I anima, W.ll. IL e: lalaa
Addle Darts, W.S. IL n.lllca llattle Taylor,
r. Join. W. wilimuus. -•
• Tula Lodge lam a eery - flourishing condi,
twn,rud now umbers nearly on.inandrua.
laaml,arm. Tno ronvlar mentions 01 .tbo
Lincoln Lodge are hold on :‘ltuadny. evcalnaa.
t e P MISCOsTITeaIe4
. _ .
A twenty•lncli gun, the Qua len t !Imbibed
lath. , that 1 4b wco*, won .tostod ycslor•
day stalte spraying Olound"fhtho vlcltilty
of Wallb Station, on
_the Putinsylviuda .11.1 W
;road. , ;Tao test - ininabitod
nut 11 . 11,3 a:multiunitl entlruly satisfactory.
:rho charges couilotad. of sloty,..olghty, sod
onobundrod pounds Of powder: with balls
Wohtitillg OnMate thousand poundspoundsit 19 .
othe balls panotratod the
uartlt n the bill•shlo a distance of two hurt.
,A l'illati:4olllercuar.— Solt was brought
Oddest All bony Oily by a gills= tbr
juries ans lied by an accident on River
Avenue, occurring Itt consequcace Of the
- bad aondltlott of Out street. Tllcrilasuce
couilrattoo{of Cuunala ollurba to oomprto
Wiwi with lilus fur tdQ, but he refused, the
ahapeut slot, being oadsfautOry. „The onto
yea tried on idundak and Jury awarded
blot Cie dituagos. his moat la
_ •
: gayety cribs reacas—basahicalson ep•
pastadlastote,4lderisan Yesterday
and inhoda oath against,' Mary Su ford, n a mes
Ataxy bad called her Nilo names
and thticatenoil her • cith bolllybarm, and
cane ISM time, blaring lest she might
catlshac threat, into itisamittou, .preyed
tthatyhtialotanatant. be put andep bonds to
keop,tho peapu, Tltn parties_ aro pi7eIdCZLIS
'of BoOtt A7ler.—Wairmat:lasut2.
The Brent Apoenlypee at Mee.=le
lieu Lnetlebt.
This exhibition, representlng the visions
.of Saint John, which opened at Masonic
Rill last night, is;one of the Hoot thht es" it
has• been ottr lotto *Rheas: It Is utterly
Impossible for any person, from ono atten
dance upon this exhibition, to convoy to
others a lust description of these marvel
lous idni fiubilinerepresentatkins,: wherein
the actors are Deity, Angels, Satan. Drag
one, Itewsts with many heads, In human and
mysterious shape, earthquakes. tempests,
pestilence, Are and war, ha Heaven, Eatth
and 11011. It must be neon' repeatedly be
fore we can express Iti•words an Intelligent
description of these tableaux representing
UM visions seen by Saint John, on tl'attaos
Isle," eighteen hundred /rare ago. To al.
ludo in detail to all that is Instructive, sot
eine, And beyond mortal conrprehenalon,ns
seen in these visions. to dwell own the
glories of the Christian's future hornet to
deecrilm tho resurrection, and the , graves
dell gg Up their dead (as rector-
Lied In Revelations an depleted ln this en
tertalement); the rivers turned to blood,
the darkened moon the Inosened stars, time
trembling hills, the cities, death,
war foul latudie, nite von'. erd
'the' trumpets rounded and the - vials en
wrath poured out 0113 day o( doom,the
lleattemf'deptirtlng laseroll, "and
•preclalmed . to be ash more," toned:co Chose
and many other scenes ol u similar nature
In Uils entertainment would require cos-'
emus and volumes, instead of the brief
space a daily paper can allot to them. '
' • •• We satin, however, call particular
Lion to the list scene, where natal- John
sbes the - Sew' JefflsaleM - In all its future
glory, as shown him by an angel. The
scene represents a street In the city, Show
ing the river of life end the tree of life,
golden pavements, Magnitimmt palaces
with -Jewelled -columns and gilded domes,-
the whole forming a scene of unparalleled
beauty, It beelilieg to the beholder MO per
fect Mace of glory. and representing the
lettere home of the Christian. • •
lre doubt whether Masonic gall wahold
all 11,0 people who will throng there while
this entertainment remains In tho city.
notmewill be glven this afternoon when
(fhilaren .willite; admitted lay tifieen coats
Caen. ..- _
Rosiness at the Register's omee
Collet:de); is thhilat of rills admitted
to Pioliatecitaa. /utters' of .oultalatetration
granted by Jodepli 11. linty, Esq., Register,
ilarliar the mouth emilug April Mith
J. Moor!ma t.
.. • .
tad S: Dickson.
J. rant 1/ultra:A David-Brubaeh.
Ell If. (Mewl Wm. • Georg* Gibson.
Alola Hump( lame. M. Taylor.
John Work ) Work and llobt.
%51.30 n.
L. h. Faweeit tEanstm Ilsweott and
j W. P. Murray.
Geo. 9.ncbcldmantel id. nelieldmaittel and
u. S. Ma:arr.
JOllll iralster Welsenberder,
t lilernan,JaklnYor.
Nicholas Albert I' ir...Leila Albert.
James Caldwell.
kiftrims Adautaisrastioll dikkarno.
Decen.d. Administrators. Value
A catate
llonert Meharren..lllarg't
James Garb). Chu. thirbV
Christian lakaa...Autoln liolfmac.... lei
John klay be rry.....Ch rist. Ed ay he rry... lac
1:10. ... ...Patrick Burns
Cal.barinuliatlahr.R. I:. 11.01alrLa
Alarahall.....Sarall Marshall-- o,hha
Jacob ll.Mehlveu—Satuuel Dickson—. 1001
Chas. Itoirgentiri...U. C. 11. lotterrilall.. 1,0(.3
ntnoy Ilarflet .3o
noersles Itono 'ltem '
litephinf Batch Warren... Ed
-Ephraim I;runner.. ,tf.ll l . " Unm r haklo
Ilarnara larliraily.l'attlek
ileckadoru.•.llenry a
W • Rehltzer.... 1,100
Wm. J. Gibson illim luo
Joan alecidin
kavil ad NValtrlur.::Anua Al. Watirlad.
---.... addition to the abort. sixty-sir
-tradorth .k.iroawswew Alimrdaseis no-
Chnnta 11000 trann Thlare.l silMtlfroa, tral.
of collate-rut lalserllallea tax hollerte
anrirtx thotaawadt quarter, which will Tad
Lates Iliwarir.—Ono of the largest
and morn brilliant audiences of the season
: griming Ir. Liu) Atesf,tpere
tiouse to pay a farewell tribute to Mr. Ir.
it Link, upon timoccation pf his benefit,
tye.ragrot aseaodus — sly : to -announce that
this gentleman is about severing Macon-.
'lreton with the Lilt -burgh stage to icoePt
'an 1,0211102211e11i in. the' •easte tie Lae ever
been a favorite with thcatre-t oers. tieing a
line actor who noregforgets his men digni
ty In entering to the =esculent Or Ws OM,
Mone, Ito is prO-CMlnontly nlounl Or tlso
grout majority of traveling slars,ha point
pfp also talent', 011113', tiOnce pilau and In
lariat:triton 01 character. lose 'will ho
deeply) felt hatttl.leue t . may
irked.hoo. .3Wile it.ijL g ,
011 t /11.
I,AlellA L'refertn,ftivelli'l &pet With
rau, Urghc.ll4-0. young Llatly who. has
groan front childhood on Um ilret class
suCgca of this city in elgit of our theatre
goers, tabs. a benefit to-night at the Opera.
'Sanas. rarottlil b altered, Poll(' she is'
,mt eoruniihnented with an overflowing
audience we will be sadly mistaken. bile is
a eery please:it attertaa, UMedeat almost to a
fault, /1114' 13 tleBl.ll,llld doubtless to .occupy
o high position amongst the bright stars of
Um ;normal°. Lista:tog :Mends' rally to.
night and give her such substantial. cal
deem) of appreciation as liar earnest en
deavors to plensilln the past, are entitled tO.
Tile Aemotress.—Thts grand exhibition
at tug. the world's wonder.. which has , mt.
tratted thodffltadirand thalami:lda or VW*
tore nightly in the metropolitan cities of
bout continents, opened last night, Ito a
densely packed audience. at „Masonic flan.
The visions or St. John are faithfully MN'
[rayed, and furnish a holler interpretation
of the heystarknisl floolg of ,lloYeltitluns
than could Yeletnetf Or theolOglenrinalame
lion. The exhibition Is welt worthy a nett,
being pleasing, and - at tho same time mo
rally lustruetiyo. to early to-night if you
Arnold Martin aidneittance. as hundreds wore
turned from the doors last Inman:E.
Onort: r 1 '
Delon) lion. It. IV. trilliums.
Cyrus 'heed vv. Adam nary. Dolore re.
portel lit:nib:l. in favor of platutlft" for
Mary Ann Dell' •e.: Jaittooldiliongar.
fondant's counsel moved for a now trial,
and • •
Bottum, Kehew h Co: vs. Mrs. E. Y. Denny
and Yairlak. Deader. Action, la roptovlo for
two delkn,.one iron safe, barrels of
lubricating oil nun three barrels of nahhdt,
Noma( al 11,GOm m The•proporty,was levied
rinclit;nltOirWhe trldofouldanlal tivoary, for
Yarnell rent for premises on the corner
of and !Second itoonta. ' , DI UM due
July Imt, IMen, and 6150 duo Uctober Ist, was.
Ylautties denied that any rent was des and
claimed that , defendants had' beau evicted
from portion of the promLnes; that dam.
danta cv et., aro* :broke and...catered the
premises, injuring the name— On
adjournment. • •
: t..,Mri-Deida.77l!ll:oll Liao .
D161 . 6.1.40fer. .
7a. Alaznnder Ilitado lin Ala:. Murray.
78. John K:ttn.l Nancy Ladltorn. Jane nand
tit: E. 8. Ward Ysi S. K. Kane le CO. .
9. Ward vs. Ceo. B. Janes' adrn'f.:
ta. Iticitard 4flostroug
J.Z.J.teggs Y. steamboat... Jim
Peter *.Weaver 7.1. steamboat "No.
Wm. VolgULy . s. giW7
. coxmON maks covar..
*The Argument Met will, be continual.
; -
,- -tanadUisitrireSetes ',akin slid liattOrif
-..1 warrant was issued yesterday by Alden,
view ; Lynch Jar -the arrest..of L. tipmal.
ebargee, Mt oath OIL O'Dooatchuo antt.l2.:
Cosgrave, with' aisahlrand — battery.l The
44ferulaut.thLi cue keeps a b=l; c a
-hauler I.P.Alltightaly- astd. , .ll..e , ptcs
were boarders at the house. They satspe!
Almelo hen itteltstont. told na ea Saturday to,
pay Mr theirtnll. - tur -, •prtuned. -- tato , ' them:
knocked them down sad otheretlen abused`
them...Up toyeaterday evening dettuidaJA
• •
had not been arrested.
Keeping . a Ferocious Lat.—Jame.
leGarrity appoaral - before - Alderman Ate.
Plaster. and made informatlee agarta r.,
Van GOrder and - Stephen IL AntoPhaftl.
charging them with ktleping a fersoolous dop.
rruaocutor allege* that while his NOD, a
youth of 4...n0114=80g ua tam
stem next door .tel taae of...dtitiii nth on
Liberty street, a dog belonglng . to <lend
ants jumped upon the. jact and bit him se
verely La thu neck. Thu defundanta gave
bait torn heatingindere the Aidcfmati_this
morning, nettle the meantime tda
Onco to
kill the dog..
/also IProteoewt.—ltobort Foster wade
information yesterday: before Alderman
Lynch, againat. .lamps ta',Urhlo ototrirmif
Itim *Ha obtaining boarding to tho mutant
of any dollars try false glad frwittulont top.
rosentationa. Trost:tutor, taloa= that ao•
taaallat tIPOSo AM /lOW to Atatuat, MOL
arta by roproteatina that. Mt bad money due
law tram Waal a Morrell, obtained Um
`boarding wimUonoti. "Doroadant was at.
rooted awl gate Doll for .1 flooring au
p lialWpoules.-4ohn Aiken,
Bair o roar* !Most Undertaker, • . 00
apauday,:waDe-.eraployod In .hlw
that 01 a Carpenter, on a building 00 Dem
eylvanle, aveutio, etrok-ille
right leg with an adre, revering the minor
arteries too striking tbe bone with consid
erable, force. Do rereivcri !Mention from
Dr. It. 9. Elutrau, and was romovell to the
residence GUM!! loiter. T.ho IT otuid Is 001
like): to =telt ectiOotly.
I i
,_4„) t
C• • • C
1 . ty
The Postedlee at Leek Haven Wes rob
bed on the night or the mth inst. As Ammo
half 41.10re1l or thirpostolllces or Pennsyl
vania have recently bean railed in a similar
manner, it is probable that some desperate.
criminal low made a specialty or this bi
fence. The postmasters of all important
towns should exercise increased viglinnee,
as well for the protection of their swum..
tire ofbcee.ea to arrest, if t•M. -
gurollll robber. •
A Narrow Earape.—Two 'Mall cblidren,
while playing on Me batik of the river le
y, yesterday, by some accident or
other fell in. A gentleman mining by at
the time happened to notice them awl for
earm' them from their peril°. withation.
The children live on ilobinson street, near
Bradley , . Woolen Factory, bat wa were ann.
btu to gad out their name. or that Of the
party melting them.
Neu Severely leJured.—By the Mll of
'll.l3caffold on Carson street, test Birming
ham, on Monday afternoon, three men were
Injured, tyro
of them, named John lists.
bangh and Mustaw quite severely.
They were engaged to taking down the-walla
ore building destroyed by Oro some want
ago, at the tlmo in Clio occupancy of Sir.
Joseph Schell as a tavern. •
The: Yhtlutlelphls lieu: nye: 4. hand
some now hare earring% built tar Ulu gni -
Slurs , feast YlLtsburnh, the Went of which
la for trio purpose of raising money to enact
a monument to deceased aoldlors at'
glianynounty who fell in defence !ef their
country during the late rebellion, twill be,
shipped darter the present week. It east
upward of altest
.Drowned.—yesterday aliernOon
flange fang. a lad of four years, full Into
a wen at Oakland and war; drowned. Tne
well was made by slislang a burr). In tbo
earth, and no person baring notified We
boy fall In, to was unable to got out try blo
own exertions. Coroner-Clawson bald! all
inquest, on th e body yesterday and a eer•
.diet of o n
death by drowning , '
was rendered.
Amman and Etatiery.—Cidbarl' a 0 Coch
ran aPearod beforo Aldan= Strain coy.
terday P and lodged gin Information againet.
Kate Walkers, for assault and battery. De
ponent. alleges Unit dofendanr mule an st
tack upon Ler glaughtor a stick)
struck Ir soveral Limas and broke her
arm. Th go o defendant was arrested h3' of&
osr Wilmot and gsVo ball fora heeling.
notriLareeny,—Three pare of bOota wore.
stolen on llonday night from the front win
dow ottho store or Tnorn as tirsham, fat Lib
erty sum-4 tluough an aperture made with
a brick thrown by the thief, causingdans;
age and loss to the amount of fifty'. dollars.
Of two pairs of boots tho thief took the two
lllefLs,l , leaving the two .rights.” Ito et.
espial and Is unknown.
MethOdist Sunday Meheol Institute.
will be remembered tholustitute meet
ing announced in
comm m ou o r r n a i d nvger tisi C n columns
Id. E
Church es en th s 'cock. itLP r do t heds .
be an interesting time on both dayslo
lovers of the noble clink. Let all attend,
who can tied tinier, especially ministers and
Rarely of the Pewee.—llattio• Fernley
appeared' before Alderman Lynch. fester.
day, and made information against Thos.
liarrington, charging him with a broach of
the peace. She alleges that defendant swore
ho would cut her throat, and she fears that
he may carry his threat into exeCution.
tenant was issued for the arrant of liar
Thetis. Dune, an employee of tbn
rittnburgh and Comte Dandle naltrout].
while tnthu unto( coupling soma cars al.
too depot yesterday, had Ina hand smailted
bat noun Um bumpers ut the ear... The two
middle finger* of his rigid hand were ann.,
putntod by Dr. Artnurs and bn after..
traria conveyed to Ids Immo In Wont Yen
_ •
rsiiOoid be Detierito no Irrotantt thorn
la a probability of tbo confab building nu
olrootz t a t t . t e to m fzur . of MO,
lion Ming undifreocrutbo
present unsightly pito of bricks and giro
place tainUO..ey ceentembealelewiLlilbo
nipia form:matt of that localiti;
- •
Übel.—Mr. D. 01101 made Information
yeatuolev before Alderman *Crain againet
Juo. W. rittock for
con ist., th libel
nT ohfe
the s let a las e p u b day t week, wan tt wileb
jockwlers wa i ved
and Mr. PD.,
waived a boating tutored ball tor
Ida appoaraueo. .
Araned,—Jtlgo McCandless, of Cho
United Mates 10Istria' Court, srestordaf
foronoonneaol the argument Ill . Ule.ltcolsf
%Version .1. Mayon. ,erhata3 •distlllcry Wan
salami in Itil, Ulstrlct Attornay, Carnahan
appearing for thu lloyorninunt, and Mon.
Jump Vacch for defendant. The decision
Was dcferrod. •
Assault and Ilattaw7 With /. 1 . 11 to
1141111.-ILcbessa Wilkinson wade Inform..
Lion pont...tiny. barmy Al.barman blocs - ow,
itgair.t Jainua Wilkinson.
charging him
with sasault atm battery with - 111ton% to
kill. Defendant was urrost.nti and, in do
fault of eI,WO munguttett LO ansWcr
MC charge.
Plunder necosered.—lfont of fhb ant.
cl tut stolen from the onire of litr. mmend,
ou street, nuuday ulubt, nro ream
ered, haring been found by the police In
the pa:mouton of some boys, who ntshid
they luend.then twneenlod under the rah
rued hrldge orerthe Allegheny river.
A Glpsteytotor has bens established on
road between Mlnerefllle and Esau Lib
erty, and the pipet. etre &Incur a brisk
trade In tne way of tailing fortunes, horse
trurnft So. Thu' MAP , Pbelents .• rather
equ appearance, tha tante belpg Made
up of old and ragged mato:Gal.
' .
- Aesthete and Itattery.—K - wartint whs.
issued' yeetorday by Aldermen • Lynch for
ttrearrest of onethdrehcharseeL ou oLL
AY. Moen, with haiWt and bottom prose
cutor alleged the dotaudant hit his son with
a brick bat, causing %seeero runt uglywound.
Tim partied reside lu the Third Ward.
Nearer,ly adequate punlahmerit wits tot
posed by Mayor Morrison, yesterday, upon
James• Mailasue, w. raudent of the
&email ward, for bid ocenUY saPosldir Wm.
self, default of a Aso of twenty-bye dol
lars and costs,llit was Minumitted - to JoU Sof
thirty days,
Assault and Itatterry.—glargaret Stenos
appeared before Alderman Thomas letter,
day, and made Information against John
Brown for assault and battery. - Defendant
wu arrested, and ta default. of ball, cool.
mated toJall for a hearing to-day. .
Justice I.llpp, of Dirinikirttexn, Yosierdlir
to bcil. in default: ot 130 0 bail
Patrick Ifuldr. charged on °silt or-Jahn
ribldy with& breach or the peace in threat.
ening bodily bane to tieponent. Ikktri par.;
tire ate reit - lents of iiirmingbani. •
.ILYrossa Deaattash—A portion at the pro
ceeds of the eralblllon at Thayer it :Noyes'
idireus. l 6 131eLfheay,.this atm:noon, •Lsiti
be' app_reprlated to the beheld: of , tae
lifers' Roanteental Association.
1 7 =Alraul a glism.. br ii 4 1 p " l t s
augolnic raiwirga, the' iroric bawl Prom,
mod - with ,little Interrapti?n I to laird
~. 'it'll Wltilsky: court ColltlltUctl Ili lm , J.•
SIOU fCet.reteLsr. dasposios of sal ttiel4DPW.
tuitions for ileause bniattles resident Sontti
.0 . 4 teo:rivent TOAI6) , th9so o¢, tap kart&
slat, matron stiended 'to.
ottoman Mast ittattrt —Thy ittpent
oltlMal the' littedattodl- dr' t 01,
wont= - Nate l'eatardaTbrlLds , errtt
Atelllui and iitawe Cu Me •
Theroare Over me. etto S. 4 "critnidoi
ewe to asthma:sod of at the preoliat: tato?
.of the Yotuumo (.)uatr Vourt.
" tilii%l3l . l(
Ilialreatl to Oil Cltyid bola l pflati?.
, • ,
—Same exottemaab was, produced in
`Portanmeth recently, to tue neighborhood
or the Conn Street Dentist br 4
4403144 altairdhat mune pass Wu dencutecte.
teens els perreepeadonce that hodbram cow.
ducted by 4 married laKand genthminer
mho hadprocumett bo M 14.1 but; At 14 ,- .
pears that tho vlettuk o thertano had i
ten nolo tortua married lean „tench .atie,
nadleuantl i t i ond promptly shored to her
lleabdrulb unittend was also indignant
and inatructed wife tomb' to the ooto ,
and make au appolatment to meet driza . a
the paler abOtre named,. At the appotated
time the expectrallotoryer t, appeared, , but
tastead at meeting. the radYt wad coo.
wanted hr the =aged, Inutband; who pro.
coethalto seek isatiefectien by the vtgorOue
.areittcattosof able aLialc...ittertnedod
tacit. by Cronin oettel WIWI; . 01 the rsa•
'astrerolbta etre." Theriusband WWl' elatis
tied, reported the affair to the author/Arent
and' gave bonds to; his appearance to en.
ewer irklen . wanted' Then been no
ooraphunt entered- and we-lIVIMIA 141/444
tot the prateniforioat tiol6
Tas.lsirien flaaa—Tba Hearin, Itatfinait,
a um voakly lomat, poildialladluLani..o.ll,
gir w er i a n ina S lt Ma a t415 1 144 wu
about evaXerazaelitat: Aura ' lir
or whom live , Timm ara
coo in linernatin anatria,mo NO; inri,ml. 4
514,003; and In en tuula at Germany, IW.Pfri;
In rranco abont iiyrla and Astattn,
TUrker, td,O , X); In Morocco and _Mails Afri•
616 610 . 0 9 0 0 n .East 4al. :40,930 • In America.
ted y m o ßrunl, ig'3,132 DCW:l3zujr, (S,t.CUI
The American Mayday at the rarls
Our correspondent ".1," m Lis last lette
front Vert', red, very revere upon the ,ifs
play made by the United Sillies at the grey
• .
raris ExposltiOn. That he was just to
criticism the following description roam ill
able foreign carreppcmdent of the Detroit'
Tilton proves, etwrolmrating "1" !never;
particular: ,
"It Is a remarkable fact that the visitors
dst now are Chien y English, Americans and
Trench. The English, who were lam cut ably
tardy and fussy an March, have teen at
wean tremendously in their department fur
the last tan days, and the results are nue.
Perhaps the machinery gidiery is no bettor
limo ours or that of France, but. the immen
sity and Variety of the display is surprising.
I did not eipect to hare to say Lids, but lam
determined to he Just. The English colonies
especially are finely represented- Thoth to
not an American now in raris who does not
bitterly regret the shed:Meets of oar nitplay,
as It looks pi general, and / musVidate that
Commissioner Beckwith comes In for a fair
share of the -blame. , rerhaps hari dolic
all he could, but if he has, it is net though.
St any rate, afte?thoMagnilleent mond
ties which ire have ramie, the other tiallous
can with perfect propriety laugh at us. 11.1
not think me too critical, but I dislike erne
the look of our department. The docent
tions are dingy and cheap looking:, and the
contrast is Mr ttle - moro pitiful front the
fact that we Are placed directly opnosite
the binding Splendors' of the Orloat.
The Avenue the depart
ment allotted to • low 'fork from that oc
carded - by .lionetantineple, perfect m or.
=ligament and glorious In color. It Is too
had and perhaps our Geregreasinen are
a trifle to blame. for not ,nliotting a larger
appropriation. Itlakesaalesmeaseamount
of money to snake a respacathlosho wan the
midst of all these ambitious displays. Tim
deflects but of
Wealth ofour retrierats
needed more of t ir e glitter arms anti in
strumeals to Oct them In relief. , Then:what
°Dahl have been the Idea 10 paLeting lhu
names nblassacliusetts, Louisiana' Georgia
and Connect-lent? ill in one circle)
not bare followed the regular divisions of
the" States, and given ue New England re
tont:CM separate from Southern develop
ments, and rho Western wealth in adePart
'meet 'illfferefft Irom that of • the 111,1010
States. 117 the way, Now Task makes the
poorest slime of all as yet. 'cot a stogie
contribuon from Michigan
shabby M has Ince put
In place.ti has lan a iro
!entailed'. Where aro its—with
which the world may All its stomach. no4'
lICIIUSCItta has no extraordinary _displays,
and its conindesmaers are rather slow. In
deed, I think, If a curtain could ho drawn'
oho? en for , a' month, It woulil , be Mitch 10
our credit. . • . •
lint tio not Infer from this that we shall
not have a line display by and by- Gus may
hope that the decorations will be retouch
od, the Mists of unpacked bares cteptonl,
the Chicago comttdulaner's schoolhou. (Ito
Cannot find It now] discovered and set on
01,10,the thousand apti - ono Quarreltog
Itore calmed ani satisfied,. and 'the whole
ten harnitriAmisly adjusted. It wasonite
a poetic. Idea of the imperial , Commissions
o to plan the ermines of th palace that
the Wont and -East cordrent each
other, and we Must have solidity to nut
eigningt , the taxer, el the Orient. lloaevcr,
even now we are Letter off than Italy, which
has llteralty nothing to place, and perhaps
washall bevin at the death" with our nag
dotting over as Ana a department as' any,
with the era piton of France and /turtle.
So malamute, I ive my counsel to all who
lend income by the Great Essterulei ,fret
ilateth trendier their passage to LI talcs' ial
if they would see all. .
. The EA.UIOOIS. -
Thollionic,,hicenel says: Tho'cicaks and
eseques for erring' and bummer wear are
made:pretty and stylish.' come are oat to
small points round the bottom, others are
recollopellotrid , fH tirainada, With the now
very Loalnertablelari,m, wom a Ice vol. which;
-by the way; are croeciltngly graceful. The
*ilk Saidit ramie of histv.y 6111,10111 1010.
f usely Ixtunued with lace and let trimming.
We have seen mate /Zoom lacoasequcsommle
with large louse sleeve , . nod 11.41. WWI
utak silk, which are very beautiful for tall
arose or summer wear, White cloth cloaks,
Lammed with black and need with cherry
coloroT - Ptfk -lettr--4..0--tonatt.. both orate
14—arn.1 -scrsicc.ably-0 4 0.1.110
—ST a! saw, tbe caner day, soma' very
',rutty., and stylish' White. !Swiss. tons-,
made for ,bride, that werenpinto
odd, the Hatst'and skirt cut ultin.cuie Piece,
itiprincri , t, trimmed ou the. bottom with a
deep 1100500, itnaden - with tam._lNitta
SLIAI.I. 11,11.13:164 eitlairl
vide, waa tied round the whi dam st and hung
down bolded, the front breadth Wing. orm,
manual with tiny pockets, trimmed 'elf!,
lace, to match. l'crea Wand pique circuits
ure pretty andatyliah, wade tu tilts manner
for morning wear. White gaur.a dreenes are
'also Stylishi with colored satin stripes-Le
them, others with email bunclris of gay
Dowers, oh awhile lavender. or gay ground.
—Some pretty WWl:ewe:just lama Import,:
ad. They are outdoor while lace with am.
berstleks. Othersare of white lace, with
peral nod coral sticks. Thesauri, very bead.
' ful,'but frail and , andlN= can 'only be
amiaseetatmolo twoM C I ty.
Jot collars are ROW very Lunch worn, either
with clottitS or low necked dresses. , • - •
In llslUmore on'hatardny afternOnif a.
Teeth named Josiah Critter, aged _rsisiut.
elate= years, eon utYyter Crager. met With ,
his death under very distressing - elrcum
atances. . It amsears that lin wee employed
by Messrs. Nesatt a. Co., at 'Moan's ship
yard, on Light street urteddod, break
ing tip old Iron ehells. Thu lirm. it /9 eta
- 1.0,1,11m1-employed an experienced military
.ohlots to draw.the charges from. the nits
allot before Wry wero broken up—they haw- -
log been premouNly soaked in ,wrator. At
therlme of the sae occurrence, lire had
boen communicated to smile loose' powder,
and young Cragor fearing an et:pie:von, ran
to the wharf and jumped overboard. ills
huaryglothing becOmioN Sete111.11:4;. he was
drowned before . help reached, Wu, The
body was recovered shortly uttcrtrards, emit
removed to the reeldenee a hie permits, Lt
Smith's lane, near Light street.
AIIDISIMON-11111.2t808. — U0 - thetritik loot,
at tlio scadczco or the arldo`a parents. by the
Rev, i loha rack, Ilk7.6.1:1A11 AIibLILSON, or
rt , tAturlth, uteclttas RACIML 10111;1140.S. o:
IslnalogUas. ao cards. •
• • •• • DIED.
-,MfAbhIOASTLE.-On Monday morning. April '
=h. Idles BALI.Lie WAIthICAOTLE.
The faneril tii inks placci.on WnONZIDAT.
„Murat, atiOtreloek from Um !wide:tic
of her mothnr, la Eart I.lOertr• eni'dul" il l
icari Vali-man a oammiorrs, coma . ' of ScTm4ti
andemlttlitla umsa, a a4-04oeta4 '
IiCLALY.74 - )nTneadtiy.inointrill, 6prll 200.
llareelOck; of scarlet re 7 er , - II ANY. remotest
doughter oriolua AL. •44 !Ina. litlanYt to the
id year of her ass. ,
Irtnieral rind Arririxooavat4N oV.lock.; from
.tho.Toolence of Nr,,Watoock, A - 0.:21.11.1%5tre.t.
Allegheny City. Tao Wendt o$ the /unliy are
fen... Wally Invited tu'attoed. •
ionic.. of
.1-h2yrnlfyLM'hif! °AIN 1;;`tho ;au,.
You of ' Ws ago.:
Inner al wilt take place Tilts Aryntir‘oOrri aft
'0.r.100k.; Mint toe residence at Ws "soa-fa,tsw„
Joh.le; Netlell•nd,
sttoti., Alto/omq
WOOLti.-tJa Itoodsr, Aoki :Att. InAllegtm
ra CitYvtalatule YouoXon ”o of
trout. mad Mary It. Woods, aged elglitten
month. and Woo dais.
rum Alt mat apitalt; igcc“...• SO
late Samuel IL IF,dicers, ~No. 919 Ohio Scree*,
doors three from I.lesccr,'LliestroT CRY. ihre ,
14111 c, Itosorood,'llsbossoy, 'Walnut sod Miss-
Imitation. Voillzur, 'at shn imr4st rekticid
prices, Roams upon at all Skooro.ts7 orkdnign‘
atone and Carriages runaltbed 'on snort notlic
and'osi mOst ressonshie sum. '
A,LEVALKEN. inuaraturmatn,
BO,100„Toutb strest, 1•11.1.13 , , - PS;
UtlriptPs of all kinds; casris, GLOVES, and
ever SSicrlpttoh of Funeral rairdidlig
firm tbs& SasilairposSl *sr ink Idou fain.
P4M0210%"..r.4.4.104., - I , • " •
Earths:.s-4W, G avid A Kerr, D. D. se,.
11 .4v.4 4 .ini.o.u):,Vrio=c4atoihicot..q.,
est , Isruntsr7ol7" -- -
itr:TAXXE***A.R.talibItiALPY 6 4
4.. x.
Iftsitticith ttecrrntiml,,•cotnit Italtt d .
:IiaLLD", ' WV , , ltUt.&*The
bcantllca tbalirliest
t Vin*hen crse anntenie,thithis
ty, taunted on Ilen 11.110tos ronelolnanearnu.
ly north 44-Aillpthow- 7IR-11•11.111 tots, permits
Virago. *4l NA S , Cnntlnl.RnkfAluirtqf COL •
s CILAIrEY: lle,Leas City. . •`
otairff - LAD 111EWARE Apt
`Alba titurtbut•lll , 4o4o4Tfaco igtorden aad
Wittus all alma raboolog elooa ap Oro+
of tbe Ws, sad La Mort alai• Itite.o7 too wm•
Va. Ifjoarguld two • frail!, bealthy and
youthful •nbearaiee, use blig.t.witot.o , a &aroma .
.73-tesatram - • - • -- - apt Sonar 1-
fitlAXim W QUALITY..
, cclixt.orsuurtzrnavrima . nratur.Ll. , The
is small. TDOINV sbo deilxv. , • large qn
ty mid large dons Jent. soli MINI!'
NOT a:FJEW of Me, vront dlsor
• dentbat afflict Trinidad arise troni ovrev
t6notthe IC - Orr..l:.T•nalt
rtmtly of the 121t.0.71Tallie.
&pa: .
MAOLE barrels
lxl entice SAIL TerOttd rz4
s w ab by uu Lt bayb E nt LilDld.
3401r.1.2.1i n OM SIM:.
G° .r°
Dtrisz6.llt& to.'s,
Ef Z2g
- Venetian CiloelEs.
1tA3r....4 /ma daxP.•
Ott aranked tor 6,:1e rem"-
- - _
WILL V 4 4,EY ! S
. 6
Wylie SG; 30 !loot fe a bib;
4. er.t.ruu;srok—.......--.:—,.../1& scan
Fine %Talches, Clocks,' . Jewelry
574 Lainurrrantrax.
srarticolar attention oillOr liottarlise
Waients, Clocks awl Jeanine .I.a
bunions° Spring Stook . of
. -
Gaiters & Siippers,
f.:. ~. ~
. . „.
I. an
55 al 57
is9IIFIL. 13
' ; s9l !s9Ararkst_Streiri,
' .
S• - .
I TUE ClSEArzur AND )31481 . .
S 9 kra - rrxxiir :clx•r"st i ;
JAM - ROBB; 89 Market St.
A 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89 S 9 89
Fifth Nttc,fl,,,'
atiCnilusitetlielt I.ire'itsxtor
. ~
Vi01.1..h the" , alder
..eLts lit.octic3Oct X".ricie• rod
Igo% 135. and IST Third Strtet,
DYER mmscors*
Straw Goods Cleaed or .Dyed.
1471) GLOVES isal LADIEW. gLIIBLICB clean.
.1 or dyed. op:116T1.
Manufacturuls .
XFUNLINITrtr.ri. 3 E6
'l".ll34lsrtrittr" Brilsirr.).!"l
ptattttat Fermitnre Natinfactunre
U Latastitylas ofTOILIWITLIMIS constantly
ourth edroc Roe d fro W•x•d• g
• Arrays on hood a oo ger r mlal ossoluotat or La
dloo. )V Us, Sande.. Carla; liont,lrsoon'a
Topers. Bcd pt. Aloud CORIAA jirotolcdo. at.
'A good forlro oaalk attcst far SAW
• •
• •
lennee an.l.kentionnea!, hals•=l.tther done la
watent muiner. lab. 1.11•61
t' Lest, Tbs Most I
in7frt , urviavxmai.tivusatilsi
;WAR:ANTI. , T 1132.11 YTAIttl. BAL46ItOIIM
11 410 . 4- APS IN-:.
- amiti.44-tox 1.1. s
stAtittorgsi6 imitates abb..
x• 741 7 _.3S2M 04t
kirrr tor* - • ' t
- .
TAIUMPIV C Ia st l iVii
Is at No. liG UN.16.14T
krrzu nese a, PA
Etlltklnl.s aoneon thestortaet.otio
r.d . noiti,Aorrsyntx - rri.z.
vsta to, Jaillbinr.
101111L9.11.13SEEW6IL . rectived