IRE PItriURGII GAZETTE. w II E 3 PENNIMAN REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, • We,. 80 Man .n. 12. 113troot, P. U. pr.s - panim T. P. UDESTON, t to". ""4111 Rl "' smarms zastaawx. HELICON P. REED, 1 11 canto. Deilvert4 by ,carrisr, - (per *eat& MAUI tintwx Ineu. (per Y...").—•••—•—• Si " ° ' Elbe, redactions to Itelrabay• wad Agent& TZIII.IB 111)}1 'WEEKLY: Three Come., per year. by 1 50 Tire do. do. do. each 195 'l , ll orosOrteeoptia, to one addrees. and one free to clob, etch CITY Find a Dental Establlshment at. 26' Penn rireet: . Dn:Stlf,t. Ortlestl6. • Coal Proprietors and . Others WO save litigation by remembering that nenzly.ejtiy., In senleedurlng.ten yearn Weit has been pat ented try ,T. F. Keeler, le Wood street. Card.=-Robotrictrltei, If. P.; Physician for dlsegsee of Tercet, Lungs and Heart. Dr. Mutter will Close hle onlce In Pitts burgh, on Saturday ereutng. •Sprll • 27th. Thou° who dogtrot° avail themselves of hie experience, previous total; return to New Yorsr, should doer , at WOO. • • _ • • Coneultntlonirooms,:Esterthant's Hotel. The Nor&Rio. of DiscoXo when siCkneas invades the human body, either through mephitic gnome or malarial • poisons,atiiimbeti the organs which ought to arrest thesethrough the blood ere ovcrpowered, - Or rehrzeil In their functions, there is -no medicine of equal potency • to DR. KEYSER'S BLOOD SEARCHER. - . • ...Wig speak of-Di. KeyserNl•lltood Searcher, and there/it/no other of any account in the' cure Of dticate. •• Ail the cores that we hare published time and again have been made by it, and anythlng else siold under the name of Blood Searcher, upon the merit,' of these cures, is a fraud and, a cheat. Hundreds; of .petions are deceive.d this ' way by spurious trash, that has no more allinitY.Bor. tho,mlood of man than the acrid poisons which it proposes to ills '.' A7ladywhose child We are curing,told no recently that she bud Bent to as many as . half a down places to obtain Dr. KtrsE BLOOD SEATICREItiand wdai testWati the answer, "this was Just as good.. Another lady, who Was intitiaLisi four bottles of Keyser's, told us that nine had spent seven - teen dollarafor as many bottle]; of spurlons. 77 l Which luta done no kixid. No one who will reflect /or a Moment can:help but detect the Motives 'watch Imre- to 'seek - iiiMesition. One man told us boldly, Meat he didn't care what merits Were ennbilimil in It., lie would sell that no widen he coiddlnake the most Money; as if human health kind life wore to be weighed in the ea'aYe'i with dollariand .Roriekr;ukasoutuuntitioodSsaircker eat yds out, end cal for Doctor Keyzer's, dna • ital•Z m, other !:• r • It..Rit , D.r....Ker3.91 4 1 Steed Searcher that cured Daniel A. Boyd, at 313 Liberty street, of scrofula. It was Dr. Keyser's Blood searcher that • cured - .Margeret McFarland ,of-serotuls. of „ nine years durationodter • she was covered with sores. • It was Dr. Keyes/is Blood Searcher that • 1 : • P lett l' it li . ke th ys7gPl . fl b oOd w r that cured Ann Morgan of cancer. It Was Dr. Keyser's :Blood Searcher that cured EliasGaren, of Vetter, of twenty-five Years standing, when the blotches were as . big as a copper cent. I was Dr. Keyaerla Blood Searcher that cured Ilarrhum Bruyner, of patsy. . was Dr. Keyss - Na -Blood' Searcher that cored Elliott Davis, of Wilkinahurg, of piles • of eighteen yearn standing. ike could Oil •nswspapekrritk; respect:7i, hie certiflcatcs of its efficacy,ll no ed be, Dr. Keyser'. Blood 8 - camber will cure in; . digestion. 7 7 ikwlllremove'costiveneSs.. - :7 -- • i It will cure liver complaint. ' ' • " It will restore the nerves to •tranquihty. it will invigorate the wcak.• 7 • • „Itsrill cum dropsy. . . It:waltzer° rhenmallsna.i It will purify ad the Holds of the body. • dt - will neutralize =wily ; o(lhe stomach. Promote healthy action of the /t will infallibly restore lust appetite. It will remoreftdm the blood. all polson ous and hurtful elements. - .7-AdefiirDII..KETSER'S 'swot) 4KM:tell- EU, and take no other, at 140 Kpod street, $1 per bottle; six bottles for I). '. . 9011.11mUution reams-for ,ali *Ain .and blood, • 7 - dfrenses, and for. Lung asiontisifielis,Ll/ Penn • stiekifrois 9w If., ufaietp,ol. - • , ME= • fresh supply or Crosse 'tad ..I.llnektvelPs famous Pickles and 'dastard. Also very . ckelOdkaietalleetis./Tilielw sou turbe.Y Primes, Smyrna Figs. &c., ac., will be sold at the lowest nis.ricet, pi**, stNe.: lx2l,od erit'strVett.Oeihetly. .clty, . . lEMM=2 gel* greA . go. !rid isio&trhich wet' bell at the lolipst, eastern cash prices. and cut goals in any length at the pteeo peter. F: C 4 -• w%,i4Ar4": co. 49 - 31 arke t street. lure DrIIC62, Pero Diugsti, 'Paire.Prrigs! , .! Purti Drugs! at Kahl 3 bruit's, Allegbeur. - .TornioLicinors of 161.1 Finch's Di9.l4l4ery.,xo..vp,viti/.194 and 19.5 , . • You. Can Mir 98 per cont. Alcohol ukt, Joseph B.l.lncles. Ton Cali Huy Earthquake-Two Manuel Shoeue ,Batitaings all rotfitaltlOO , -The People, Rosh 'to the Miracle; - [From theLcavewiforlh-lbly.the 'city eXPolieneerflin earthquake. stock, at atmnt amen minutes before three o•cleek thiii . aftetnoett, that will long be re. membered. We were Bitting at oar omen window, in the , tblrd shay of a brick build • lag. S general trembling of the building, oral Intifing , Orwirokiws,- quite -unotold, drat attracted our attention. It felt lLke, thorcaialta of rolling barrels noon ihe)OWL er floor. Then came. a , pause • ef: a ' few seconds, followed oy a trembling Bad :-,icratingteolgraCOL.:the feholiv...b4b l Mt, le ouch s forcible manner as to, !morello everyone of the imminent danger dine Wang. - /liMemiltilfra :fled their ewe% rit , l &err, onesoctsbt - 1116 iltreht fat safeth aud What . was true of thin ofllcc, was also true pf the .e:nt410 , 1:51 , lee far, - tik . " Ifb , eprild , Inaric ectfacestand 3.rehtfillgliande were litrady. ntuvelirlae.vezeePtion, • among the crow d that ftnuel their way SO 0111"Dirt/T$40/411$.64,4 - A u - . bentattoti. Waded 46 , mind Abet pro duced by the breaking of a car axle under a may*** train: iribratiou or the build. lag in which we write could not have been leas tkanthreolnabea tuna- MPG to west, the plaster pendulum wens: stopped, sit the I plaater shaken from the upper ceding.' ; ji.O orllag : at: she m ameak Ire were :thy katbekineofi Moro:: Wekarettb at, Ute,, ~..d.labeawarealtaltaktromf a illeiveadat ,ato mange on Mount street" Va,tiant. . • • ier - a!Co.; crolcktty . -•streettitipierge zur tha Atte &matt :beliftento akonveewretteatalWlntalfdeced. gaodafing,,f/Pon cirttort were thmtheddotroln many ttptut„,hfroerins, fdtokitikk lute ,013.•14100rt.a.f. - anct lee • pro,: --: I Stiveinit - What Woman Cstr'DM -7 • The 3itlivisi*44.l9jscon.rin publishes the :TOlitiwf g AVM.; flifinJinter 'prising taillat married in that city.: lota:W at tbolisst, dependent upon • berown anstsi Mfg adopted into sue family of s. gentlemen in this City. This gentleman was tratiaanthig-0 Plialuilea .0 r millions of dollaragain - ftlly, smillitegloyeti numerous clerk; and MCOULi 61.11.8. The young lady Minded to was taken into tne counting .:roonerand-reeT scow Poser - to the position Ofelual-boolPhisep4etalut Mahler of the Pease. She filled the Poaltbn Performed the duties with singular nue. sal and (smart for marrai.yeiffs. All . the ignre , trunsaations' of , thOlSonse. painted through her hands; the dally cash transaff r - lions aims amounting to ggl,ooo to •5 0 . 00) . Vie have had the satisfaction of examin• rhla Out OC-hoolchi andstu truly sax that no acoonntaris in saliva ea Md n allow 'a • .hetter mend of nestne and aacurecy. - Several' baniserahave • elm examined tide wortthh7Oung-lady. and pronounce it nigh faultless.' Th - e young Indy bus ladiumett her, 'atoned: beracoonnto; - • andllslt. ner Inr b" gton^ to` tate'charge of the peruortul and household affairs of a young business man ma neighboring Olt, . • The Wheeling' • intahlornorr Minnie :invent, who murdered her latie girl at tbo Onion llotetsaveral months ago; end his since been lying in hal Isere... o .n. leg tripJ, died anent threeir elordrotte t t o y morning,. da.turinatt-trat haid-hy Johnsenilmir verdict - rendered by the' . Jury thatodealloing seamed by °ensuing von of the howele, hastened by her refusal take modjMnaananoimlahment.o Timm • " ie no doubt• - that.. the woman dellberatetr, committed slow staelderby Corneal Of foOd and niediehl /ad. , - It IN , the"*. Opinion ratite jailor and. we beitere.of the pidstelun,that. she ws.ln ccutditintb;Of toSenity. The jury! in addition to their verdie Umlaut ed resoluplocric for*`hit they were satleded,irem"the evlderte6 before them• , that thtsinsemuted *received irn Xelable lautioxv. and,aundng at .413:6 . 11=1i of $. l / 1 3 pllar arldfils famLy s. -........,-.:R,:,:.:.-,.,:..„:.:.:„ 1 1--I I 1 ' 1 11 151 ). r ' • 4A-- . VOLUME LXXX.IL--NO. 100 FIRST: EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. isom EUROPE. France and Prussia Dispute. TUE BASIS OF TUE CONFERENCE. The PowerS to be Represented. ty Telerreph to the FRANCE AND PEWSSIA. PIA FOR TRY DELIDEIZATIONF OV TUE CON Lon new, 'Aped . ..v.—The European Confer -011045, %Well Is to meet In London next month., to settle the dispute between Franco and Prussia In regard to Luxemburg, will be .composed of representatives of Groat Britain, France.Prtutsta,Austria and Russia, and the Bing Of Holland, as Grand Duke of Lexemberg. It is tunlerstOCal the following terms are agreed upon as the basis for tile deliberations of the Conference: Out. France net to enlarge liar present • boundaries., . "tit. The forti fi cations of Luxemburg to be tn - ocuitted gm!. gismautle.l. - .k. 34.1- Tea niters '1,01141011 statue of the Greed Duchy to be L.certuanc,l met deter milted by the Couttelna.: 4th. Final 11C . C1b1.2. Of Conference to be guarnetend by all G,111111(11114 partlelpu , thlg therein: • rlMAscrsi:-AND COMMERCIAL. Loxoos AprU ")—\',.o —Console, 91%; United S taten 'toads, 7.1 1.1 72!..:.; Erie, 42 1 .4. LONDON, Aprll . 2 , J—/;, , ening.—Erle,:4l3;; 11- linol9, 7 , ,!,.1; United State, Ikm,ls, Mi. LIVZODOOL, April 2.O.—XEDOI.—COLtOII OS cited. Breadstu ff :4 Ilrm. California IV twat, 1.111 6,1; Western Bed, 135.5.1. Corn, 4.1.4 Oats, 39711. flarley, 19(1. rork, 803. BA- Lard Arm at. Iva 63. Livrisrooi.., April J.—E.,vning.—Cotton Vary active R a .I advanced Uplands, 12%; Orleatis,l2::,;(;l2%'. Oiler marl:els U. Paasta saws,— April • States P.suis, April N.-.l.iom—United States Bonds, Sp. /11121V111P, , April N.—Noon.—Petroleum, rvaaropr., April N. —Mir:ling—Cotton was actively maintained to the close. Mill.. d I lug Uplands 1.2.tti..y.;t1; Orleans, 12 , 4.6.19y.d. The salon of the day foot up Anne hales. Elancbesser market for goods and' yurna w. buoyant. Breadatuffs closed arm. Corn 'advanced to lid per quarter for mixed west ern. 'Barley as lad for GO pounds: Oats 351 7d per 41 pounds. Pets, .15s per quarter for Canadian. Provisions firmer. Beef ad tanned to 1210 Gd per bbl for extra prime me.. Other articles unchanged. Petrole um declined is sa. Potashes, 313. Spirits of Turpentine,:32o Gl. /toalu, common, be; axle, 9,1. -1-ts ad. • Losnos, April D.—EIV/Zll/I;l—Brondstallts firmer. Corn scarce. Wheat advanced 2.1. per quarter. 11101 SOUTII CAROLINA. Another'. Nana .Meeting or White's •uel Illacke—Spoech by the Gover nor-4: tine Platform Adop- Telegra,li to the Pittsburgh GIZelt.C.l Cotcynta, April .—Anottier Important Meeting of whites and blacks was held to day. TlieGovernorepoke an hour, urging *the 'Colored men to attach thermals . ea to neither the democratic nor repaid lean Party ~byi, nit and erray,themselves on the plat n&libbidthricOO-partirathat doll Id bo ocbiapiedhl common by note North and , South, and all the people 5.:) ,, b• ito coon. select moderation and patience, and prowls. ed that, provided the negroes do their du. CV. the people of the South will see them odneatedandaccurod in; all the , privlllges of freeman." - A Committee on resolutions, consisting of thirteen whites and Marks, reported a•con servative platform, which was unanimous. lv adopted: lt prbvides for free senools for the education of all!lbildren anti the revie. ion of. Jae end, criminal code of' the. Stern. " Alwarthereaolutlohe 'were adopted, Item henry hi. Turner colored, of Washington, made a opecob. Lie cared for no party, and simply desired the rights of his race, and would adhere only to that or which insured all the privileges of diehed, above all things, to see it annoy feriae fell&tit h ieitl. that not. U 404 the Southern gentleman wasThelest sod truest friend of the negro. Hon. J.ll. Gibbs, ex.3layor, followed, glv ingassetraneti of the cordial eo.operatiettat, the people in measures looking to the ad. vanceineut of therolored citizens. • 'Tali meeting was else 'addressed by other citizens. and a , 71r000 :terglng prevailed. A mixed Executive Committee -of thirteen was appointed for one year. . • _Juag.,Kelley, of yennaylvartia. Is ...Peet. &Mere Ooxt - lyook. - FEOjrCALIFiAINIA. • iTAAOI A.ilasfletatileatailtrirseLag Salts for Damages, for Their Arrest ter T to Utterance's—a barsond lug Tr e AAA AAA ^ArIrrIe472IIIIO.IIILIZIO —'llSeliory Illy Telegraph to thePittsbarrh Ilszette.) San , Faascusect, April the demo. loner 'Judge Deady thritGeneral twsts liable for datuages for •arr n•tr and 1 traprlsoning yewpar for vs/sir ttedoonabie language In exultal Inn over the assassina tion of President Lincoln, sults aro being aommenceththroughout Abo,littsto by those at'te'sted duel ng AlcllansaatedsbiaDai , Treasurer of San. to Clara county, was arrested to.dav, at Walker river, Nevada, and aIs,COU IMOY. creel. ,Ttuteatenstro atOoklag fachar3eor cow. iitone,lb Sharp Was %Malty destrdietrby Aro last night. SAN FitaNCISCO, AVTII `alt—Tbe Uatted- Stateq steamer SIPPOOIOI. (11)M. al:0 , 11 1 a h•OMtnnin attired Late Aigbt. , • San Fnancolco, prli ship Po tronella, which left. thong in 1* last, With about , two hundred coonet, bjerbrlVll.P2. w,aaranght by rtnthocm off Chluall4d , sti datuageCtbat, mo' had to natal° Manilla: wh e she was coed FILM NEW YORK. (Hy Tolesraph to the Pittsburgh Ilarotte.7 rneW MAIL - eattAtnnt.YFtr. - - Near:Your:April ille 2 West, by the Allentown route, Including rltt.,- burgh, etnelenatl,,Chl.go, and St. Lott's, wlll'elose at. 4 0. rt., waking seven ,lady malls by tuts route for the West ' "ten amr. j - Tho tog,Leverg no, lying ut Yier , Cy" „Sprtb - .after, bunt - suddenly no &stunts' , ntight. Alt • on board e6capad;exbot the esptrain, named Lobes. ettatildOX 'easel a Ails • • 41, orge \lrwin:mixt°, of Sew ,YOrk, and "e„ •!: 11. , holro; Of %nada:lonia, have made A coil, ateJt for u eltaxoploath Ip of the 'United states, the Ineetntg to take blue° In the Atbenwam, and the wiener of the-dESA ite,Ter pans tO,be declared-the The ateaul Or tow.. huh throo deaths among P il l FAfteng°ollrMg thq .;;; Inmaz`vcrrcb. . ; u Conoilmiha ,voted./raidto 4 1 aptl - P rectoah, o f the sllpliesa• late, for oaring ;Do Uvular the pdsearigens oredrOf tOoaplp lervarla, . Marder et Wilinalowtou, Del ====2l= . ELldlaurox, bet, Apr . .—rusey Smith areprletor of tau initials queen hotel, was. rbtany steamed by Joseph Yratt, at the lioususet the latter thle mottling, irratt, made 120 attempt tO Cycape, but INAS prompt.- lv arrested. Satins lived about 'an' hour. The eauseot the affair is currently rumor cci [to SvA beell!sciltcotaltit el:Smpropes ut flers' , between Smith and Tratt's wife, ' Pcittnn Arms Sold. .0 3 7 T44oB3lotit4Pllnt rittsbn ran tiatillted DV,//tLO E - 2.—The Fenian arum bonded 10 .nunaln ' , FOTO Mkt- atioattl thin afternoon?' Thu attontlance`anin inrign and blddin very lively, and tau Arras brought telr f _(iron* Fins Jct. TeZOIN ST felairranlt to the ftlttsliziran Ossetia.] Hew Oaxacan*. April 211.—Almost the en , tiro business - of Benham Texos, was destroyed byportion aro On: ttto gitlv ' lnstatit- Th. , Pinelpal busineas bousos -were , des troyed. '' 87 ' C At T namfxrP, tUklrP.ti'Apc-n Jp—cot. ri ophenhon, pkopo or of the Otopla mason flow.Xl ol . noths, Woe tttlotl Ye.tA'f./117.bYZION'IMWArtotai 'major,. Itanacloa. Itabbary. - S. -Luria ret ML—Tua , twaiclog—toooo ,wt Apalataa; its Eamaslikar, was rObbalors 2 .UOoaltaturday night. The ToObe.rAyloMM• ' NI I PXlilkili OillilOhli FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM WASHINGTON. =9 Wsaataares, April I'd, IS C. WASIStCHrSITIS Liquott CAD.. The Supreme Court t 0.417 decided the Stassimhusetts Liquor ease's. The decision is that the payment of tax under the Inter nal Revenue law is no protection to dealers la articles the sale of which to prohibited by State lawn. The Court announced that no new case will be taken up alter the ]sth, as the Court will adjourn on the Plth. aatSaSLS STara 01 . 11C.M. General Onl, acting under ineiraetiona given him while here, has detailed army onicere to act In place of theArkansaa Stale ollicers removed by him. - tunics count. - • Alaimo Campbellwa City Fionesha; Judg ment of Circuit Court of Wisconsin revers. ed. with costs, arul case remanded. The schooner Son Lion and cargo %11. Uni ted States;Judgment of District Court of Florida affirmed. The question in this cause was whether cattalo permits Mimed hyspecial agents of the Truants* Depart. moot, approved by •tieueral Banks, then commanding the Department of Nov/ Ur. leans, null by hoar Adulloti Farregat, in command of the Cult Squadron, were suf. Ilcient to legalize the cotton Wade beyond the lines of their depollute:its. The Court he'd they were not; that the treasury teen• lotions did not contemplate nor authorize bitch permits; that they were m 'coal:not with the st.ttubiln tliat . zegard, and could only bo issued by the President. The mill tart' commander had no authority to war. - rant or authorize, trade tkeyoad his the Secretary of the Tre.lBll6" could only regutato trade under licenses of such char acter alter they had boon granted by the President.. DECISION CONE LIMING LOST COUPONS. A circular from the Treasury Department announces that the Government cannot protect owners of coupon bonds, payable to bearer, lost through their own fault or neg. ttgence. • Payment will hereafter Do mite to the party presenting them. 1120C.TED TEIIUSIIIIS isarscroas. The Tres.surp has decided to employ moanteninspeotors for the prevention of smuggling in the district of lirssos San tiago, Texas. . Returns- received at. the General Laud °nice show that overlvehundred thomand• acres In Wlsctntsln hare bean located with Agricultural and Mechanics College Land Scrip. Captain W. Y. Martin, IDMary Store keeper, la .ordered to the Department at Dakota, • The receipts from Internal Revenue to day emounted to $737.000. LITZ CONDk-NSICD"TIEWM. CUT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ouster.; A circular signed by 1111 y of the leading manufacturers of Now York, PnUactelphia. Pittsburgh and hasten, among whom are Peter Cooper, John Jewett a eons, and others. of• New York; W. Sellers ft Co 4 and tiemAtuitoek - ft ileac red others, of Philo, dolphin; Cunningham ,tlhnisen.andothers, of Pittsburgh; N. 11. ITard, of Detroit, with others, has been boned, calling a conference of the manufacturing interests of the coun try to meet at the Astor /louse, New York, on the htltaf May next, to.deliberate apda the prment condltion and proepects of the material interests of American Industry, and torlecido upon some method of arous ing pUblle intention to the eattlect. The success which has attended the efforts of the free trade league in affecting public sentiment. by the wide spread distribution oPpownlir deal:mina" through the country, Is cited by the call as demonstrating the necessity Of edop Ling some mean. equal 4 effiltistiit . j7to Counteract toe evil It Is alleged to be worsting. This is the first note of the coming great struggle for yet tngherdutios. There pars been every strong impression Prevailing in Washington for thepaat few days that General Itonssost, who is await ing orders; would be sent to New Griffith. to sepercede General Sheridan. Thafollo wing le General Sharidan's order relieving one - of the sulker the Chief of Pollee of New Orleans, for improper inter ference with registration: John W. Doyle, Ala totturGbief of Police: Slaving on the fifteenth initant intimidated freedmen. by Making • false representatfons to them, thereby obstructing the law by causing them to leave the vicinity of the registry office to the First Matelot * . of this eltr, is hereby discharged from the pollee Once of the city. of. New Orleans from • Melva Governor Ilahn's effort to induce General Grantto anthaticelDenerral Sheridan to set aside the recent election of the Mlsslesippt Railroad Directors; bee 'not been success ful. iierntral: Want declines to interfere. and refers the applicant to the „President, So Itcauregard and his ssioelatera still bold eirothol Of the road. Omaha dispatclita nay that the track lay ing oath° Onion Encino Railroad, re-Kint. %none:id on Monday, and will be prosecuted vigorously. Tice arc at the end of the rood Joe one hundred mites. Forty miles of irein era now in °meant The grading win. be done at the rate of two miles per day.', The „i„letrterintuder ea Omaha notailod toi. So 'perintenderd tho road that he :Werafa _want tratrepOrtatiOn for ACCOP:Opeendir of Government stoma the Coming season: General Weasels, at Fort Kearney, thinks tea Crow Indlarie can bei • kopi, qffiat br the presence of a larger force of troops than 4, now at that pest. A considerable ithusber 1.91,. Moue, ere enCarnyee;o33-I • olr4er. river, ' oast of Fort Reno. Tiro Choyanna village where the troops camped for several days, was burned or: the ffith lost., involving the loss of about one hundred thoniand dollars, General; • CoSter wait • lull Owning the Criejnohlffir, who had fled"nOrtribrard. The Wescott Mum. at Lterosse, Winos. sin:was P?Ourined by, tiro on Sunday morn. : log. Logs M1,e0); insured for 1110,000. Charles Lids, the man who shot George Eller in the court room, in Pfilladelphlii, in JAnnartlail isike'eirridgnied Or murder yesterday. Lois charged Eiier with seiTWp tog his 'dangler. W,IOISI:nine. the. Mai ifiniged with Mid : - deckle Mr.. Magdton, to Philadelphls, on Thursday of lass week, still protests his iii uoceneo, end his friends say that he leant. ii,el.t.otenzeurritrytdta of insanity, beredita. ry in his family. Atia.J.illur Manley is this radical , candidata lordly Judge of MaitlMOre. The trire nominated T. Paiiin Soon., and the conservelver ReVerdy Johnston, Jr: ' The election takes place tcbmoricrw. Arbolter It GI, Wreee.;the ' Geelihler vorkinguten, On: Walnut Street, Cincinnati, was plrtially:doStroyal by fire on Standar mooning. too work of an incendlarr. about slB,oo2e,lnstirattee,Ol,C3o. Secretary Seward left Auburn, N. Y., on Monday, for Washington. „113 n President iv announced U. kayo May kretufrarltaleigh, North Carolina. The National Union Convention at Santa Fe. mu* manioc, - April lot, unanimously nominsted Josepti N. Nal:lntim as ttifalr chosen golegote to Conant*, The ease at klarlillit - Cyan, administrator. va Thom*, to tiMitoPfOoio •Corift of Missouri, was dismissed for want of Ariz. The trial of Samuel IL Wentz and Joseph Itoierlb for embezzlement of the fonds of the National Itieshanlez bank, of Nalmniors commenced Tuesday. The former plead Tito citizens of Halifax gave rmildent no. ouundimentary dinner - last weak, &with° citizens of Danville rubteribed halo. ay-tow attgards, pliming a chapel for their , ColOred aborg. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY. APRIL 30. 1867. CITY. AND SUBURBAN. FOURTLI PAGE.—The fulled and most re. liable Markey, Ott and Produce Market Re porta giros by any paper In the city, and be found on our Fbarth Page. Atuutversary of Young MOCI.III Bible Nudely of Plttsbrargb. The forty-ninth tuiniversary of the Young Men's table Society took place at the First Baptist Church, ltov. J. 5. Dickerson pester , last evening, Prof. Griggs presiding; Mr. U. Miller Secretary. Exereiseappened with reading a portion of scripture by Rev. B. F. Scovel, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, followed with prayer by Rev. W. IL Wilkins, late of this city, but now of Washington, Pa. • Mr. David Robinson, Corresponding Sec retary. read too following report: At the hest annual meistleg.a resolution was palmed changing the Annivereary from January to April, to correspond more near ly with the opening and closing year of the State Society. Thu preeent report, there fore, esters the OperritlOnS Of. thla Society for the period of fifteen months. Your bo elety-would like very much to prieent to the Society at large, and through them to the Christian public, many of the incidents brought to the pollee Of the Itoerd at Man• agree, in connection with the wore done by the committees and imanta, but Line and space will not permit. During the month. of August, September, and a portion of October, liar. George K. Scott was sent Into the country with Internee bone to make a thorough ranee:A of the outlying village.) in particular, uod report thereon. One of hie reports tontlin• tile bellowing. statement: "J. bare vaulted this :month ono hundred cud slily-Mix bundles intho towimhips of Moon and ilubloion, of whom I found but one without a litble, anti that ouo by accident, This part of the 'country appears more thertimiLly evenirte lined than any I have yet visaed.. Other Items of Interest wore gathered by him, but to October, at lila request, ha was relieved from the work, since when we Lava had no agent In the oounty. Ter. W. Lone has been to oho employ of tbo &mid since the la of Jaime*. lust, as exploring and disttibutlii:: egenL During those fourteenths, to the present time,. he ban visited I,=.llantilitn, of whom he found =destitute of the-114ml tf .Life. Ito ;top. punth Id) of these free of &nu .of there. =abider some could tot read Keenan or (iceman, while a large minds. reinsed to be supplied. It will, doubtleas, surprise the Christian public to hear of such destitution under the shadow or our churches, and be- Weller doers. We may. Witte In excl.w thin, that our agent has sought out the most crowded alley% end courts, entering Into tenement lonise. where there was a family to nearly every POOM„alitl Where, it Is hoped the meatier , of destitution greatly exceeds. any that will be Mend anywhere. The Influx of toreigebore population has been rapid etneethe war, and among tills class is the dearth most /olly prominent. A majority of these are batman Catholies, and cannot be expected to passes. the Pro testant veralon; but, w bon our Agent lens the wool "destitute," he means witliont copy of any vent= whatever. Mach of Mr. tong's time, by special request of the Board, bas been spent In Bible reacting non oenverattion. Sometimes a mixed Krone of Protestants and Catholics WOUlt.i gather to lilm. With roneed curiosity a copy of the Douai Seripturea would be brought out, and while he read aloud from the Protestant version they would note wills interest the points of 'retentilelanee or y divergence. The good i such “reatillaipt" , in Londonsc, co LiverPeom pliabedL and [elsewhere, seemed to warrant Lite expert. meets to our midst where the same class of population Is so rapidly accumulating. The •many incidents of whin Mr. Long has giv. en the Board both veinal and written no. ' count trota mouth to month have uncoil,. amides to prosectito the work at greater I expense than was at and designed. The funds expended Do this direction have been, we truer, wisely bestowed. The re melts we humbly commit to film who is tomake the word effectual to salvation. The expediture upon the home field will prevent us from sending so large an amonnt as lanai to the Parent Society. We tank for teereasedoontribution from the churches. While we should each year send more rat le er Maaltalltritearry.the lieepal Into other 'lands, bow can we clean our hands, when the terrible want lies so close about one homes? Bev. J. K. Miller has beenthe employ of the society during the nine monthS, tor the last tour mainly as collecting Baud.. Ile has received, In Cash and subscriptions. 4.l,Cati IP, paidhich nearly the full amount has bean into the ?refinery. Wu have received • flee hundred dollars during the year from the estate of Charles lirewer, she ceased, as will appear la the Treasurer's to , por • Of the unexpended balance upon hands at the beginning of the year, fifteen hun dred drillers wait met to the Penesylvenba 111010 Society. We hoped to have the pleas ure of sending them a much larger earn VAS anniversary, hut are allexPradomel• The becoming year incur seimboentenn • at. Wa must nos Onions, but far more, We ought, not toshandort any good workbrgitu —we should not be contentith seeding the Parent Stalely a few hundreds yearly. We wish to raise ton thousand dollar, to 'name s we milwe oar appeal to 005 1 "They. Mown our filltegolirs; Permitter the Bible who are faithful for their Lord, are wise for themattivelo • • D item toms, torresponding Secretary. The Troasarer, James Babb, Lee.. read *he following report oratiedlunnmal ell:edi tion of the eocietyi Ames Robb, In Acalalt with the Young Ifen's Bible Society of Pita/Airy/1. JANCi!tly 4 Week lEEE EMZiSIM .3•4 3,7 ~.• • til =mu= “ Sala of Scr!plume o In!. on liana:Lan Fund Int11;1dval Subs ===l 1 1 3 1.57:0 (41 ou o Ou s etrn ,thuv rett riamili ts, ......... for Minn. K . "" 11 " W. . . . . . . ', Printing, etc el IM ,t.. 14646.00..40. 614 /...11ti ' 7, 11 , 1 —...--. $31E.1 01 • Rom Dr. /dela:Limy. Ltbrazlan. .Le following report, read by /Ir. I). Rabb, Oct. Book. an band. .1.31 S I V4 1 . 0 -4 17, . 14 tr. A vtgai t ^ b+% Vig 911.t.1 ~ ... ... , niArare vol trr u i m en . ... . , v.„.. -TO Lcialee!SceilitY,l•••• 35 $ tn. 25 rienatiOnito inivia , la. lir Li .in Agnt, nein W. Long.... 2.14 • 1.77.15 -Penna. ASA. American • 13ocites - nl5 109.0 a Salsa In Degiceitrervii. F .. 1184 401.15 Volumes ... . .. Lea TulN va1.177.;.50 . Leafet: o f vols.. leo& Valne..., - -At the eWse of the reading of the reports, Itaf. AlessrlerAlturk. editor of "Clark's College Visitor," delivered an address alter 'which 'the audience joined In signing a Paulus, . de . : A. Y. 11111111;1m, or the liefortneB Pres byterian Church, (0. 8.) then delivered an Itr. John F. Loy reported the • names of the following persons DOLOlllated to roped - seat tile relipeftive churches named, who, on motion, were unanimously chosen. /int rriehlterlan 7 ippla *Oita', David Brook,Saeond Preetry.totitut—Jobn P. Lop, A. r.. . 2Mlrllrrembyttrlaii—Joa. P. Griggs, Wm. P. f T ou amon. b pe rth Preabytirlim—.W. D. Ethelnbart, J.. • Central I'restryterlat!..-,4ltorte 8. Bryan. Siunuel ZWIAL• . 81.tUtPttattletbA--.14r.:7II08. A. Ilex, r. Tina RafOnue.l. hisbyterisiti—ltabort- C. alltler.N. A. May. • &mewl Unformed . Preanyterlan—.l4mo. B.Aftent r linutOldoUram Pint U. P. Uharch—Aß.AlcQuliton,Ja.o. C. KuPheroon: BecanQw. r: Cburoli-Wat. Floyd, IVm.. • Thlrct aatich'--Jae: B. Bard, Jon. B. (earth U. P. Cborob-Jamos Robb, Wm. L. Lamyiou, o:2`s - Cluarokb.:-WslaaJfiinslirllas. Douglas. at. Andrim4,l4llsoopollon-M. A. Wow, ward,. wouwg. • , _,llignagliPlammtlanr-mtrunot,6o , l , Fork; • If. :Fan uatt, uosetttr isurnirdir. tit. Toter's,lsqopal Inn —Dr, E. N. I lurts, E. II Ilter. . . . . !shorty Street , .if ) FrrTWiti. U.di.tricatd, J. Christ M. E.—Charles C. Scatfo, Minuet Smithfield Street IL Brickoll, Wm. . liceileltireeht Jt . r Sono Walter, B. F. Kerittedy. Weeley Chapel 7 4B: . ergs Idotmor, folm U. Matthew.. ENS2=l;=l 411•1 8 4. 1 g.,NY1:71:takn i s lil , W. %flllc Moon. liouth l'lttaottrith U. Corker, C .W. /AVG. illr ammo aWndiilM-LFLaaaloatai n atlayl9, jag tt. M. E.—Albert key, Frederick Evangelical cineeciation , 4. -Anydor, C. Anemic. East LibertY-Prilsbyterlan—G. A. Berry , lt. C. Totten. • • .I.awrenceville First. C. P.—R. Cummings, A Kelly. East Liberty IL P.—.t. Cunningham, Jsa. Logan. Birmingham U. P.—A. N. 11. , Gonigle, leo. Mt. Washington P.-8. Cuthbert, Wilson Lannert, Calvary piscopal, East I.lberty—Samuel Martin, J E 0t.11.11111. Birmingham Lutheran—Michael ' Ern stein, C. F. Blanked Mk. English lutneran, Blrmingham — Jas. e: Johnson, Wet. Price. St. Petals F.piscopal, numainelmm—W. Barnes. J. G. Darts. St. Marko Eplacepal, Birmingham—N. Jones, 0. Ormsby. Bt. J ohm's EpiscopaLlAtvenceville—T.J. Breret .1. Chlshat, Jr. Grace, Mt. Washlngton—T. J. Blzharn, J. BP.Millen. First• tvangelleal' Llitheran—Thos. IL Lane, Chas. A. Geksenbeimer.. second Evangelical Lutheran—ll , Rage man, L. Kim. • •• Cumberland Presbyterhm—Anthony Lew. iw,kirnest W. Ito o rtea , Grace glen. n • ea—Mathias . N. llain Ilion, Symin wn. First M. P.—CharielfrA. Stevens, Jamas Sharp. Porter. Union Ileptha—Thos. W. Davis, M. E. U. to Fourth 11pp:4.4—James M'Cune, William Reese. First Welsh Congregationalist—D. B. Evans, D. 0. Jones. Welsh Ilsptist—Wm Reese, W.Owen, Jr. Trinity fierman—lleary Demmler, Frank Zinzemaster. • Plymouth Congregationalist—F. Woods. Joel Smith. Lawrenceville Presbyterian—Robert Da vis, L. S. Johns. Lawrenceville M. E.—.l no.Wilkinson,J no. A Garey. Est. Dr. Fells, ReeretarY or the PonotlYl - Bible Society. by request, made which remarks In teetotal tO las work, atter which re,olutlons were adopted thanking the speakers for their addresses and the Des , tern Inc the aso of the church. 1 The Board of /tanagers were requested to meet Thursday evening, the Nth or Way, ton oho purpose of organizing and the election of officers. . away op a brief Psalm, the lienealc tipl pronounced by, the pastor. ReV. J. 8. Dickerson. Then/aeon Nod Hamlin Cabinet Orison Unites ton considerable extent the power!, .of the pap. Crisp= with those of the plant° forte, and It much leas expensive than either. For . 0.11 sacred music, and much secular inufb—all, indeed, which requires sustained tonea—it le superior to the piano forte. It is equal In the quality of ha tours to the beat pipe organ, while its act ion Is much t=on quick, at/tinting It to the moat rapid mule.',ln addition to these goal qualities, It }at other Important. advents -gee. title esider to loarnto play open -the .. ... piano; and Mite who plays but very little can derive Up& more pleasure from it. It Is very mumrlinats... Ilableto get out Of order or out of ttsLa than the piano. It la made a greater v Pity of styles. 90mm styles am amongst a UlOnt elegant pieces of fur niture ob able, while ethers, to plain Caere, am fain tithed at eine quarter the price of a good piano. The Cabinet Organ occu pies touch legs space than the plane: is more easily transported. Considerint these goal qualities and pyactical advantages, it is not surprising that the Meson ..t.Hamlin Cabinet Organ has actileviall seen Wide popularity within a fewLyearsi .Wittain that time its mane lecturers lisere found It necessary to In crease theft manufacturing facilities six foal, and yeatave rarely been able fully to supply thedwunied. It is not unreasonable to believe that the Idason.t. ILannlin Cabinet Organ is destined to more general use than any other large musical instrument. Tot awe sot vet bonnier with the Cabi net organ, It should he explained toot it In a reed Instriltneut,'lnnug a very Wiper/apt luiproveniend apes the melodeon, barns' nitnouniilio:er recta °now* or 'lustre merits sad clue. /t was Introduced ow:1Y ilea moms tm Meson b ilitittlin.. who had pre* lomly been enOnSed to the manufacture of tuelaloOltil and 1111121310111- 011.. and clenends in eonidderable Measure for its excellence upon several 11.0prOV. MIAMI which, /sling patented. Cannot be employed by other makers. At first it was dallemt to attract the attention of must. elan., from the fact that they were very generally, and not =justly, prejudiced agalut reed lutruments. hut the merits °fine Cabinet:Organ have overcome this prejudice, and it has revolves, within tau° lee years, an amount of annumada. ilea from the best lIIIMIIIei.III of the country never before bestowed on any Instrument. A. majority of th e most tratu e n t organists , plontete: cam. p.Lorfi, and musical directors la the COM. try have elven sirliten testimony to the great value of the Improvements effected by M. it 11., and to the fact that their Cabi net Organs are the ',vit. Instruments of this general claim In the world. As manatee turas sontetimen Indulge in loose stmts. ',bent, red pectin such matters, M. It 11. In vile attention to these recnmmendations, Wprmtal In tell in their targaretrodars. hoa la menurecturer-Mta -each testimoni als, he Is sure to print them, and when 1,0 c fe a nn that. he ot show thetin to not. Thints IL LIMN to L.- r hu them Muria .0 Hamlin. Win constantly exhibit ed their Cabinet Organs It competition with all other Instruments of this general class at the principal Industrial halm of the conntry, and Lave beep awardal the alum. ilLe, raltldirlt is tense c•ne set Tana vs SOVa.. Inc extraordinary auml or of MTV,. 'TWO edil.l) VG eLLII:I4IIEDALS, or Whet highext minimills, inure thus been *wend ed them within a row yeses for Important IMMOTOllletnet toribetral by them, and the superiority of ' their instrumeuits to all others., Mr. C. U. Slidlof is the exclusive whole solo find retail agent for toe Meson It !lam lin Cabinet organs, for Pittsburgh and Wcatern Pennsylvania. anti always hue the choicest assortment of them at Wm mule fauna No. bl Wood street. Call and ace than, or scud and get a Cire . .thlr• • According: to the. Testlosontale In the I,o—ession of the Indian 1 leth ' (rector. of 191 Liberty street, he hue cured since MK November, (A rues of rheumatism, Gil . caps CS . enlatittiPtiOn. N 3 cases of dyspeps sla, Ns/ Cast, of general debility, to ea see of chronic diarthrea, Su oases of • Cancer, 250 cues of °CM° ills, 75 cams of stilt rheum, 'lb eases of (mottle complaint. tl cues of est/. ma, r. marts of parely4ls.27sessesoi costive., nesibf years standing, s O cases of tiropsY, It:teases of Inert diocese, 140 eases of liver own Mole t, and many owe too numerous to mention. Acv person tionbtlug this statement can call and eat/MUM _tbe.. teitiawassii 64 . the . °Mee; 11l Liberty street. ,x..,.30 When I applied to the Indlaniterti Meter I had a moven] pain In my breast, reeding of the alsinailan.aeraneaa In the right side and ea/Alleging t 6 nlghla IMO less of sleep. I thiabghtl ebuld not liven weer. Timeline tor hue cured me. God bleon him. May he lien long to cute this peogel. • . - Inuiludown Station. Witch I called to son the Indian Harts hoe tor I thought I had the Cothintriptosa. .1 have been under his trealtneht only one week. 1 navegalned Elsa .ppanda, aitd me ebuKli Vidal the breast I. entirely. gone. 1 eonitl nut sleep nor Mt but very little. I ainaluteat potroctl7 cured. - 's , • • S Maw.; . 4Zt 41 1 4t11.7 aant Me.. 11 Malone, 'Mansfield, ha, lavas boon' cured LW &taffeta Plartteott br th e herb lioetor. My wife has been doctoring for fifteen kvitest.. She never get any' relief ',anal she commenced with the Indian herb Doctor; wile ha...cured bet. Ifer disease was one pa , Collar to her sue. Canner. Ihrcroar.a, Stove btohler..Liraff , s loneKtry• - %Marla of apelnatlale,. 4allegee. hy . county, was cured Of beret ula by .tho, Herb neater.' - • • . I hare beret tronbled vdth putrid sore throat fur snare years. I have Jason wing • the larlian Dueler's medicine for it, awl I *feelo1,•w&II ever. 1471/ellihr. / - , Si. StrKee Sc Giat. Glue Work& ' Was almost • living akelaton with lartghtfa - disease or the kidney.. The herb Dower has cured tan. .I.ldoteroovu r . amoul Hanle. v. 11.. lt. Depots; ./dra../limes 31clienna, Fenn spoot,jo Improving In. health very fait'uader theseqteab Rector . *tralltae: I hale beento lishlet let amen year" with liter complaint an dyspepsia. Iblett moat skilled doctoral none et diem Q do. our way .m. &knitted to . t4e reit/a/U. l mitt ap Doctor who bas has Cored ate." iloValattat. wan Carpenter, Webatcr street, ' My child rm. covered all over ha head and face with a seal, IL least la Quarter Of an lnell-thlok". it WY called aorefula. The Ijech,mooter has completely surest 111 n two 'weeks: Alec lastarenveut, Dirmusgiumu. I went to Philadelphia ana nor treated without any benefit by the doctors there. . 1 rent-net% W l'lttattertett and consulted lily Indian /lore boater , * treatment; an& be -has cored me. My disettee spot bordering en consamittlon, - gra /fart. I.ollan street. • Ws, daughter has been Corea of the itch by. the Indian Iterb Doctor. Mrs. Maar ' Mast Manchester.' I have been tronblerlWlth eranlyenas,yer twenty put.. The herb *actor, has guyed me. Mrs. liounneter. Mahelleaker. From a Poatmaatert 1 would recominend Va t r,..n rs irx ::;!..101;°,:ttatts.`,1 2 4:1 r,ol.lUtt BIIIOIIAII, Maastiold Valle Toe poc tor 'a pleitluir 4.4 . al et I s A regular monthly ineoting of both branches of the lay Connell was held last evening in their respective chambers. PILL.? COMM- There were present: Menem. Armstrong, Drown, Crawford, Gallaher, Dickson, McCarthy, McMillen, McClean, Morrow, Phillips, Reese. abipton, Tanner, 'I homp. son, Wilson and President McAuley. The zelnutes of the prertoue meeting were real by Cleric Elorrow end approml. • It[SIGNATION. President Mognley read the rovignation of Mr. digismand Loon , , es member from the Third went, on the ground that he was about mooring from the city to Peebles township. On motion of Mr. Phillips, the resignation was notaeoepted. Mr. Phtlllpe presented a Petition from Messrs. James L. Lyon it Co., asking for permission to erect telegraph lines from Illtriterel Street to the O'Mara Glass Work• • In the Ninth ward; provided, that the poles be of a pattern approved by the Street Com. mlttee, and also that the city have the right to wei add poles for the fire Alarm Telegraph.' The petition was accepted and an ordi nance granting than the privilege was reed three times and passed: - ' Mr. Morrow presented the potion of John Flinn and slz others. residents of Locust street, Eighth ward, for • water main on Locust street. Read and referred to the Water Committee. Mr. ablpton i)resented a communication from the City Solicitor, relative to the roll. amnion of the laws and ordinances. lie stated that the digest wan now ready for the printers, but he advised that it be de ferred till after the forth coming Meet/on on consolidation, as material modification would perhaps he then rendered necessary. Mr. Phillips moved that the COI/IMM) lion be rocelved. and that furthernotion on the publication he delayed till alter the Oc tober election. Adopted. A communkation was read (Mtn the City Solicitor in regard to the killing of a vole.. bin horse try falling on the leo In Inuniond alley, recommending the passage of a reso lution authorizing the City Controller to rectify a warrant, In favor of A. M. Brown, E.g., for SIX/ In full payment. of Mahn of Moyers for life of said horse. • The communication was accepted and the resolution was read three times and pas sed. Mr. McCarthy. from the Committee on Ur. dlemmes. presented a communication from City Solicitor Werth', on the subleot of the orrimanoe In referent:at to lotteries, ittv log It as his opinion, that It was a matter not within the Jurist:lldt= of city Councils. The Solicitor had also examlued Ulu peti tion In reference to the remoVal of dead an imals. The Board of Health had authority to make such contract nut contemplated by the petitioners for the rellioyal of dead am netts. lie del not think 1t . advisable for Councils to interfere In the matter. The communication was read and refer. red to the OrdinsinceCommlttee. • A coininnnication Was received from the City Solicitor In reference to the corn piecing of house numbers on Smithfield street. Ipad and referred to the Street Committee. The Street Committee reportedita truprac. Meanie-the petition asking for an ordinance for the opening awand grading of Hill street in the Eighth rd. The report of the Street Committee sru accompalned oy the following ordinances: Per the andintt and paving:of Bedford street; of Pasture alley; of Mercer street; of Boyd Street; of Townsend street; .paving of Crawford street; grading and paving of Morris street; also, for the construction of n sewer on Strawberry idler; from the west ern able of Grant street to Liberty street; also. for the oonatrnetlon. ofa public sewer on -Fifth .street b . (rate ;Wood to Market street: also, for the construction of a sewer on St. Patrick's alley from Vet, Bream to Miltenberger street, In ithe Eighth ward; al., an ordinance for the grading and pallet a - reprint 11115' between Moms and Baldwin streolle; also: an ordinance tor the grinling and paving of Beatty's alley from Green to Denweller streets, in the Seventh ward. Me. woman read Mee and laid over ender the roles i• • i•••_ _,- Tae :street Committee also reported in reference to the action on the ordinance strutting prlvMege tothe' Pittsburgh, Alb,. ateny and Sividoye -Garden • Railway to lay their track on Band street. Afteroinsitter able debate action on the matter was vast , poned till the next r , citim meet leg. TtiaTevort ltd - Chr Water-tertualuee was read and ordeeed to be printed in the G.ette and Dinatch. and with the annual pamphlet report of Committee. • Au ord Manta for the glutting and Nellie of Poplar alley was read twice mid lead over ender the rule. . . . - Mr. chiptort presented t h e roport of the C. 110111460 on Gas lighting. coverinq re commendation. On motion of Mr. McAu• ley Mr. McMlllen In the chain the re portwas no:opted and recomelendatlons adopted. Mr: Thelma offered the following resolu tion Remlied, That the Gas CennDanY ho ne thorned to inY, at the ex - penae of the city, a gas main on Washington street from Wombo Grant. Mewl three times and passed. Mr. Phillips offered wisenheimer, anthort- Meg the Mayor to Llano a deed for the sale to Jam. McGregor of the Good Latent En. nine Horne, on Wylie atreet, for al,:au. Moan three times end pasetelL .Mr.2nompson bill from the Ntwant litrare Jiro - 4:oMltan7 .g a in s , the city for 4 for repairs on sand engine house. Re gh ferred to . Committee on City i fettt motion • ' common Legge:it. • !feathers eremmt:" Beck, n oR " g r .h.c." min, Fawcett, Font, Ifare. Hemp ltoome, Jone., awl,teeny Sle• tjuewan, Meadland, McGowan. O'Neill, httebel I, Rob , cean, Reed. Ra•nlck, Robert.. lippb.. le.hton, Proshlent. The minute* of the preceding regular and epeeist motifings were`weal and approved. • • Mt. liken presented • a' Otition lrom the Prmident and Managers of the Pittsburgh, Allegheny mad Manctiester Vassenger Rail- Waye.himplary, asking for the passage of an ordinance granting the Company tweed. Mon to change the Arnett on et. Clair street. front Liberty to Moen. An ordinance grant ing Um privilege Irked tor was offered. road three times nett dually passed. Mr. Rabb offered a resolution authorizing the Market Conlinatou le.aphroldiate all Merewee'lrt rents ever — present rates for stalls, etc.. to paying for the improvement% in the Market Houses now contracted for. PAM:dell. I - Tar. Clausta presented Rom the martagare et. to Wonders Ineweente Com. tunny, ittlatlve to excessive usessment on mid Company. Referred to the Committee. C. FLOW:WeI , • for.linerlirrpresentie a petition from lit. Managers of the • soldier.. Mounteentar.te. societies,, asking that the firemen be atlas, ed ILlM'Ptltylirge rif Competing for the prize how , rarrittne at the fortnconsing fair. • r• Mare Stated that it'. WILD nancoessary tO grunt the privilege asked for, as hot aua company in the city deeired. to 'enter Into competition for the carriage. The fireman 414 not Mliend hereafter to be made eat's . Mr, dire dlifnet censider that the gen- Melee. spoke for the arsenal, nor dial he be lieve that ha fully appreciated their patri otism. Every company in the city would enter, iota the Competition If inn portal. siortealtedlornfast greeted theist.. “Ilert•M•gtieganittated l that tie' was appos ed to ro-openlog the door, giving firemen permission to collect Tammy from our burl. time oleo. li:alle_frororatio to the object of the late, contribute towards it, he did not wish to see the firemen ea. gutted lac o f ca to pay Are priem, roe the how carriage: • • • - After some further diseorsion a motion to suspend, Um titles was last ilif.qo following Ayes—llarnhill,Conniin, Hemphill, House, Jonas, lictlowan, /tobb, Seibert, Sloan, Varner, Weiss—hi •• i• • • • c&ispi-i.dlonir,..illogi.• Hrtiab. , Ford, /late, Manninney, llebman, • Reed, ltoenieket, ltoberta, Ten , dluson, Weldon, Steel—ln 1 Mr. Itebinan presented a petition for the oreottbn of two public grin lamps oO Con- 4/ c" -I* ,,..rgerteei n gf re e an i Committee. Ces Mr. Conran Offend the - following res • . ilterattorf, Trait a CoWienittee consisting of two from tho nelect and three from Aso Common Council be appOintod to des !so and adopt Inch measures ss they may deem, expedient for securing tbe best sanitary condition of the oil y , to to act in conoort and its thrill:odd 01 ilealth, and further, that they report their action to (Warmth at thennext mooting. ' . Adopted, arid Mesons Courant, Acquit, mud and oft titre el ), tJ; • A:rerun% wise pr olog Ad train therlilan e eanigitttetly embli A resolution for the Valnont Or Joseph Mestizo ALMA no for pa- A. Walnut 'stmt. - BePOrt accepted encl monition „,-;4l, =;! 66°l4(m.r&Lipigacott stake. peralersien today six hundred foetal ,tour inch water pipe from Ponexyls Tanta ayettue to their factor ,y on Iduwaidis Street, was read anti r9rOried to ti Niqtyk• . . • • 1711 1 i L ng ° 7or f the privilege Of constructing avower from A. heliley's meat shop on Water , street, to connect with the main egg lend= from Wel •-• to: tee n kiver• erred star Committee. „Ajtorcunanee far the grading and paring of nub street, from Penn to Hurler streets, was ressitliree n Mineg End Usti, passed. Vininelhi Mie A.l.ldexnett. , „. , - 1 i. 60 40 13 04117. Dineerwet..-rron s.lli gtOttf:2l,lWerlrtkiree roar*, waedrowned Dort, 0 ,, 4 ,4. 1134 , rZe r ripBef i aleFeer of o olcur in.whietbe a d a d eX.r/Ortlee trent 71rZM'a . cor.1 wOrka. .Wbero timy ware empinyed. Lila companion, being nide so gar% get. 9, :191Atto WHI aM re drowned. ing pod . y 4 ws. recoered. oqer; Chimr:gm bel, Inn neat, and a Nrenliot 9fi'acyldental doatt" wys re 448114. , co . , A ••l.oeni" Cruelly Mold Somebody on Satnr.lay proiented the "10. cal" of a cotemporary with "an admirable photograph" of "Jefferson Davis and his friends." The recipient, In Ste Acknowledg ment, stated "the group consista of .leffer- RCM Davis, Job. Stewart, Joe. Johnson, Quartermaster Bolton, Gen. Hood, Adj . t tien.Cooper, Gem Lougstreet, Gen. Bragg, young Lee and negro Jerry"—"taken from life at Richmond during the war"—"the likenesses said to be admirable." In "local" even recognized the "Ohio , of longstrem, having seen an elegant photograph of the "extinguished" et Lamp Douglas. Chloaird- Of Davis ye local further nays the "picture . represents him as being In worse trouble when it was taken than now, when ho him self Is learning to take pictures." That . soinebode has perpetrated a cruel "sell" on ou r "local" friend. It was, Indeed, cruel to thus Ito woo upon the young manes credulity—and then to hare him, in his In nocence, tall the public the joke. The nut , WOO represented In the group are Ken nedy Robinson. of Schuylkill, designated toy' local un "Ilm stern statesmam" the member front Pike, (Mr. Westbrook) as "Jen Stewart;" lie. Markley. of Plilladel "Juu Johnsou;" "chino host" of Milton's hotel, Ilarrisburmall "Quenelles.. ter Holten ;" Prank Mailmen; of Bucks, as "General flood;' old Phillip Breen, of Schuylkill, tin "Adjutant. General Cooper;" Peter Collins ' of Schuylkill, as "General Longstreet;" George Quigley: of Pialludel. phln, us "General Magg;" Philip Long, of Cuniberiund, as "Young Lee;" anti the colored waiter at Motel as "Mu negro Jerry." 'The picture was not token "%luring the war." .or "from life at Rich mond," but at Harrisburg, I'a., during the late session of the Legislature, from the balcony of Itolten's hotel. Those represent ed as "extinguished COLlfederlit." may hot consider the "joke on titein," but retie. er feel complimented, If It be thatlllelr sympathies were with the "secesh" during Um rebellion: An Allegheny Trimming liesise—A • Nevi /lent lb new flood.. There has Jest been thrown open to the public in Allogheny City a first chub trim ming and n otion house. it seems bingo/sr that the energetic) business men of that ,dty, and they are numerous, permitted Pittsburgh to enioy, undisturbed, the trthe. trade from that side; but a decided effort to keep at home and so carry Pitts burgh trade across the river, will be made by the enterprising arm of C. Wattley.t. Co., who have Just opened as tine and Mom btu house te a house or this Character as can be found est of the mountains. They are lo cated at the commodious mud palatial. Stand formerly Occupied by hinder Blair, ea •a confectionary, on the corner of Federal street anti South Common. ltecently refit ted throughout on the most literal scale, this trimming store IC one of the neatest and most Inviting of either city. The stock of goods is large and carefully selected and Mims great inducements in Quality and style to lady purchasers. Every article of goods is new and fresh, and has been mark ed down at 'nines extremely advantageous to buyers. Lady reader. will and full lines of embroideries, lace goods, hosiery, gloves, r !Mans, white goods, corsets, balmorals col lars and tlell, gents' and ladles' furnishing g goals, and the. thousands of yanken. notions of 'use and adornment, to, large variety and chelce assortment. Trim mings of the latest styles intrainced In the old world. end fashionable In metropolitan cities, will also be found, together with every item of stock kept in similar first Mass houses ilealitii; in this specmhy of trade. Toe numerous departments have been placed In charge of polite and attens tire clerks, and the business of the house will be conducted upon a thorough system, so that shoppers will and It pleasantteebe stow their patronage upon the new arm. peelers and all wise buy to sell again, will and the wholesale department well stock ed with Just such goals as they want to aup ply their trade, while the most BDeral pri ces are offered. We wishthe no w firm abun dant success. See the 'advertisement In another column. Death of a Worthy Gentleman. it is With no ordinary sorrow that we an nounce In another column the death of one of our most wortbrund - respectable yOnsig ettlrenr, Mr. William M. Connelly, 'winch took place on Sunday last, at his parents , residence In Vila city. lie had been suffer. lag for a long time Past with the inflamma tory rheumatism, and although rut down In the bloom of youth, Ms den,h was not entirely übexpected by Ida friends. Tne deceased w a young man of rare good es qualities of head and heart; and his death has proven a sad blow upon the hearts of a large clrele of friends and acquaintances, here and elsewhere. Pious,worthy, honest and Industriou s , he suceeetle.rtia making a name tor himself which will long live to the memory of those who enjoyed Inc pleas ure of his acquaintance. R 0 trust are this' be has received the reward of eternal hap• illness, for which his erhole life was an ear. nest preparation. Ills parentemur relatives ltrve our earnest sympathy in this Char dark hour t,f sorrow and tribulation. The funeral will take pleeethlamornlng at nano &mock. from tbo residence of has parent.. No. 1:a First Greet, to proceed to St. Marrs Cemetery. Now Jewelry kora. • Opposite the I.: errs /11111,11nir, an Fifth street, there has been opened up In 000'M those tnagnlficently finished salesrooms, a drat class Jewell y establishment by Megan. Wattles A Sheafer. Although a new dam these gentlemen have had large and liberal experience In the business. Tim scalar member, W. Warren Wattles, has been over seven years Identified with the Jewelry es tablishment et J. id. Roberts, while his partner, James Sheeler, has been a long time et Wattle's jewelry store on Plan stieeL They hero opened a splendld'and varied stock of due Jewelry Wlll4OlOl, elocesoiliver-platod wawa, ration marble gouda, Laney articles, and everything nanaP ty kept In similar drat Maki house its the same line of trade. AS both members of_ the firm are rarebit and practical watch. makers, they Moan to .pay especial attens Unit to that department, and are folly corn. resent to titre abundant satisfaction to patrons. We cheerfully oommesed. the new house, No. 101 Filth street, to the pitteeaage of our frieuda. knowing the proprlettire to bo four dealing; business gentlemen. See their card lb another column. •, . • • =I George A. Cualfdln, agent of bonus, (Mal tam A. Co., mode information before Jae , tire J. ti. Smith, of StoWartatown, oluirging lira. Ann Orr with' rualte/Ons misclaet tearing down tenor. and grapevines. The ease was nottleilbyilao defendant pay. lag fifteen dollars for dismissed and ate Orate. et the auit. Jamen Moore. Valloglleeter . Of the Sharps burg and Lawrenceville Bridge, made In formation before Um same magistrate, charging John Bendier wan treepaas. in rathstag to pay tits toll and Miring. over' the bridge ate feeler gait than allowed by law. • - after a. hearing the . defendant Wee tined fire dollen and meta • • . . . Hann+ charged Constantine 3ccr., 41011,1.1,1111 w, with hover- Wild' 00111,11111011. ir. Minns brouclit cloth to thenhop or.TOr. on for the parptite a haring. a snit dothns mato. The dentndeao Ailed to aske the clothes, and refused terhetuto the ehsth. The Cue was Atsmissal. by .t[ortion reformat the goats and rains. tne ants • - . Toung: Sews nn Association.. The regular monthly meeting of 'the Tolmg Men'; Christian Association wllh held On last Saurdim nightat that/alpha: . land Presbyterian Church On Sixth attest. Thau was n fair attendande of reembefi An amendment, to the Constitutor!, which hp.; been oropoted at the last meeting,, low lug !attics to become participating mem. bars, wt. taken up and passed. Other mat. me,, of tatorest were Msonsted,,avul• ari amendment . of the cOnstitatTon changing the time of the monthly meetleiee from the foartil .sturday night to the Math Toes. day night was proposed. • A list of one-hundred twenty.elght applicants far active membership was road, and referred to Cemmlttee on membership; Allow the Waal devotional artratlaa l Ull- Journal. ll'left bissllllue. ' ' Au information was loads yesterday ;be fore Uniteil§latea CoramloalciaorliolaMd. by epeuhil 91hcer I.loorg liaysori ui wil!ah p. flnilauhcr, rcithilti on w4tar siireet, Is charged with carryi an on the btii• non of a Meitner contrary to Min rehuire menia of the Internal tiessois L•ws Is alleged - that ilia teen se4 boa liatad op • ls • illicry In rho collar of Ms boas°, autt boa I ^ lled to comply with any of ttu prorlaloas of the law relating to the 41.4t1p§tkur or liquor, The oase earue np before filo Colo. Issiorier yesterday afterooorr.• whet , 1134 a a...boa waived a bearing amiantereil hall Mr Ms appearance In no V01, , 114 iita4el4.*: tact. to ans er the Burge.'- • Feisbleonisie Clothing. 34r. Owen Byrne, 1 e fashlonaloterneas ant tailor, No. 14 Willa etsect, 'Make.' the enliimpomacut In Our .advertlalag,colniiiii that ho has received, direct from the ins.: porters. a second arrival of choice: pfoing good - . far geutletnen , s yeas, fie h ee Annuitant Mime, nun auwonexatoStie moors MITI good bargains In the prei a., / neat littlish fashimishle garments, We that 11 is not nearsarr hero to refer to the high character which Mr. Anus enjoy. us. Ms hush - tem, bug will .1.7 to-out ISNYIert 'M that It 1$ y:law& for them to flroplunad emtrgune his stock and iNntro bin Fict% PRICE THREE CENTS. Trinity Chargell. This venerable church was crowded Willa utmost capacity on Sunday, morning—al mmt every individual—old and young, rMh and poor, belonging to the pariah, were In attendance to hear for the last time their faithful "and much loved Pastor. Doctor Swope, who, having resigned his charge hem, will, on next Sunday. assume the Pas toral care of Trio Ity Chapel. Now York, to which he has teen Called. The sermon on this occasion was exceedingly apprOpriate, affecting many even to tears. The Kee. tq , eaker brictiv adverted to his ministra ions for the past seven years. Ili. labors and trachings s and their effect on the spir itual life of his Penp le arerecorded In Heav en; andhoth minister antl , iessple moot an swer to God tor duties neg i ectedor oppor tunities wanted. lie believed aid prayed that los work had notheen in vain, but that the Divine blessing a - mild bo vouchitated to both. aceerdingly as they had faithfully served. and worshipped oar Divine blaster. Dr. Swope has approved himself among us as a gracione, aide and efficient minister, and a inner exemplary end much esteemed Man. The people of Trinity Parish will long deplore the Providence that removes him to another and larger field of %medul la Oil, where, we 'IOWA not, ho will earn and possess the esteem and affection of the per. ple—hnt not more heartfelt..l educate In feeling than those ho leaves behind. L • The Mercantile 'agency - United States Staginess Directory. tor . Ito.l, Is now ready feidellvery. It Is designed tomoet • want long felt, namely, a classified list of the different branches of treio In all parts of the United States. `This work le a complete business alretory of New York. Boston, Phila.:ell - dila, Baltimore, Cincinnati. Chica go, Pittsburgh. ticw Orleans, bankrancisco, Charleston, titchmund, Memphis, and over eighty inner cities, together with every other locality of any mornentin the whole Union. It Sea besetlfolly printed quarto. 9:)) pag Noriparell inns, well bound, and can hardly es, fait to be useful to the mercantile community. It will prove an Invaluable accession to the counting room, audit, sold at the exceeding cheep price of $2O per oopy. , bee advertisement. Sunday School Institute. The Pittsburgh Methodist Episcopal Sun. day School institute, to be held at Christ M. E. Church, on Wedmrday and Thursday. tholst and 2,1 of May, promises to be an In teresting affair. Rev. J.ll. %lucent, ofNew York, the Conductor, Is on author of meek merit in this department, and in Seirno - lodged to be singularly gifted in this wor . Great sueeess has-attended his efforts hot in the M. E. Church and In union mectin of different denortonatiOna,: for the promo tion of the Sunday School cruse. Sessions of the Institute will be held morning, after noon and evening of both days, arid will be open to the public.. The Maths of the teach er will be presented by select speakers, males of teaching, and in a word, all do- partments of guaday School labor will bo reviewed and enrißlderea, • =Et= The body of the man fennel hanging . by the neck on the Premises of Mr. afcGanni ale, in Chartiere township;' on Sunday morning, was Identified yesterday as that of Christian Dingle, aged twenty-six Tenn, eonof George Dingle, of Birmingham. Be left his bome on Wednesday morning , of last week; borrowing twenty-five cents, stating •. this Is the last money ever trouble you for," since which - time he had not been seen. sad it was supposed that he had drowned himself. Lie. was considered. insane, had been an invalid • for tome months, and frequently threatened to de stroy himself. Coroner-Clawson held art inquest and a verdict of "suicide by hang.- leg," was rendered. An Offlee Sobbed The office of Mr. 'Hammond; on O'Hara street, glut, ward, was entered on Sunday evening and robbed of two pairs of pants, loonsitwo coats, three walsthosts, one key flats and boa. eight white starts one pocket. book, containing a photograph and Six dot-. tars In money, ode blank writing desk with s leather strap, one set. of silk handkers chiefs, it ea.:lees diamond, s bank-book with acoonts , for 0731, one amount book, two razors and case, one whin handle, and one slicer watch chain. Mr. Hammond is agent for ari eastern iron firm. and the officels oc cupied as a sleeping room by his brother, who was at church at the time of therobbery Auction Male of Carriages. to-morrow afterrioou. • at Bbaffer's car riage renosltory, Diamond etreet, mutt. Lib erty, there will be sold at auction, without . reserve, buggies, family haroucbes, buck wagons, Jagger wagons, and other kinds of vehicular eoevegances._Those in need of anything of this) nature should not fall to attend, as a rare oppnrtun , ty will be afforded of securing desirable articles at low prious. A lot of harness will also be dhsposea cf. .I'. A. McClelland la the enc. Committed for Fortery. —John 11 Beck, charged on oath of W. 11. Casaiday, maniere! the Second National Bank, with presenting a cheek at that institution call. M,gfor two hundred dollars, sand purport tog to be drawn by Carrier & Baum, lumbar merchants, bad a nearing before Alderman Donaldson yesterday: Qn the .trial, it ap peared that the accused had hems in the employ of Corner & Baum, baton - the day On Whitdi the alltalal lbraorr. vas -commit ted. had been drinking nomewhation Pan= and didn't know exactly what Me ....Ln e:. log. The manner Thick thumbed, was drawn and presented was. anthelantt. proof_ [this. Considerable sympathy Mora le9toll towards Mtn htY all. the parties pres. ent, but as the evidenee was Wear the man had no otuer • eburse TA pqrsue than a:Puma Wm. lallotablt of ball. to wooer at Court' • ", . • Toe "WWssts etroart.".theCitinaty Com ' missionere pee, if, was la laiPnOn yelL terilar, hearing the applications for tavern license of patties rosining betwnen the Alle.• emir Abooinizahela rivers. .Thore ito s very hone 'fittenidander. aro:busbies.' seemed to beArintistablitillalli 00salderable olvatcb. To nay the appti.=;lema of par. tie* rocTding Smith of the Mcmcmgaingia and Ohio rivers wlll be hietarA; lanntonoorrotr those of parties residing Santini Ole Alle gheny and Ohio . rivers:' Tao applications sanater.- two hoadrai, SOT 3wanty.two, ..bout one.balf„ ot RAM burgh son Alleaberci: City. , • .. Wallet lafit.—Oar;veryyrocthyArterad, • MY. Jofut If,' Korrit, Lay ..Itlaalonary, cm. hottinitay eyealaylimf lost a vallutaantain i4 papersl l =teal ' -4 3 = g Ae he trujoarred-oirther 'treat bY a stran er trie t w ..4.03 , 4)tr0W 4,15• ami on Els ore.; hore .oarries Itis , ,With d. et in an inside pocket, so jUliga that some oliireird, picaprialtaa 'ln the operation of his eionevti/Cfatenctairilllorriata too ellafitatie belieyo he was sobbed, aunt if anybodyqmeloand the boor they:cart re turn it to :2113905m ; •; • • • poen g the • ,voziderfeleentbnnaLor the AlloOebTeenan Goan et Mason% HalL -Thin Allentratton Of tn. yule.. SinitJohn hes betokrebelTea everywhere wittienthnehtem: end no' doubt Ann elnelnannoneeeneoo4thelent wilitio 'entlfetenCto Cal l *nth Cenenon boom.. The, nintlibitlOn hvl6 I,3tlitedlstee the 'Rolm* 110 * al W li/enSW 1..0hl l en..Ci l n 4 e4net i iC d h s l••nd t the enVconnyrle o gn th il . hiVhum re c venhea ehAlOnnan tie Isle pf ratauur.', - . —•- • • Visitant", of in Styleol•cawawk who. want to Inenlahlbeit'new - rteitatneee with .I . 4mlturo and engdnaLlAMe 'old, .will be int crested to, itugw : , 'whore I.q._pwrelmpo logood advantage: Et th e witentive rooms of doeoPn Mane a non: raoramenttbneni, and al Pork liwo.t. , wiliiiwg*wkwd - a:l4rgp Stinde dealing men and worthy of pabliti yam- NM Cell And eptintne, choir stook _at .the . g . ,opolsor Khoo Uolase.—Vie wen the attenl/oard the parvhasleg, petite t 6 theadisertlsement titAlbree.S Shoe 'store, in to-dSVISPliger: Ids.4llbraa tutsjavtlsoctiv ed a large and varied assortment, of Doody and shoes, and ladles and gentlehseros mon% Which he iln"easlood , botore 'the CMG riot iciekt,inct , tiill.4 Um. it tow num. - .iv...arm la anacolugstodulog, up, fear dealer, and =every max wor. tisys.tia urdlestted- Palo9dage' of ;caw, The .L.`"/ llit Robber'. at the Rental' raetqh. illarrOW. ',Whited , Cailleaurdey, bd op .ath.L. retesAcUrnm ono, . ro bbths- mit:Raney tame ltraln blererrh... jimitbkg Datcals:ll.lderkaan'Tapnr_lne: telaa , acetheat. , las 'Obratbla-K . , to jill la y. default of 1 1 e5 13 4 7,43 .045vii oa.ll l , Dadlesied.—ibt tier sarill II h 9 Clre .I*.e erected on Nixon eircui- t Aim Fifth' -War Allinkhea.7l,o4li.7 , llll fora:milt awl- COtßuquay. The pamor.l*. The, Elev. a..11(0.1ri from New Calitle,"lttre he OM. SUPSCAVI Y mialsier.for some it:twin MIX'S. • • • • ... , taier . Hotel sa7.—Durtng saiday allibt some person entered the RNA Don itotqh, rasa. taiar.t.tmr, thiesirh-tho cellar, rob, bad itastagasy_Elnssrar !alba . bar. Seam of aro or istalAol/ar, aal lain cs o rsi . mt , : off A A New the .ilonlee. oboes t o be erected In tho i 4 trettath r0rd...4 the cornea tit/nurrllln and 'Ectoet. strbetd, arnl prapo,. nnlnNe *or tn:lngnetedsed [or the work: Aglitter" 1.4....thig TM, I:0040h Val 7miarat9 n 1 aritseel to. Ilrte4tos larqtrAus. r 47 001 344% AVitactUuCat Y. IV. Blottrerk. This Omni'? 'ffilmallwrares Comrtialloia .xpeet 1144 esaar At Um /LUMINA ntamomocrrotaltam atturds. delyo Deal la—J. a. Butler.Esq Stith - ward alderman. on Sunday held en Memel on the body of Conrad Badentlel.% who died rather 'suddenly at his residence In Do coesne IXwonah. Be look BI oath 'turtling and Yon:alum, and the beet Medical efforts felled to afford relief, the sneerer exptrintr from exhaustion About cam o'clock. Sanest morning. A Werdlet of death from natural causes wee rendered. • E=l CitliilrOßD-.-9W21.311CY. — 0n Monday. the :Nth Inst.. st the rssldintu of lira- YtnaL, on Y.:n:lrib caret, by the itsv. J. B. Brown, Yr. A. B. tatiWyolll). Of Ptdisdelphls, and Miss Cala GM Y SWELNET, or ahl. Ott. = WIY.MCA.STLE'--4.. Monday morning, April. itias BALL LI N. WAKMOMITLX. The tunes' trill take plane on WED/MDI7; 1 /.7 Isl. as 10 o'clock a. tt.. from Its residence or ber essAker, to Last Liberty. Ciretartaa Stu leave Petra:Lan eennpsou's, carter or Seventh zed natio:Laid streets, at eSiss'eluelts . _ CONNAJLI.Y.—Ift bunday. April Inn, 1!C at Del +. WILLIAM x., man of ettarles awl Ann Connol.y, ."4 5 year.. rn. , ..1 will proceed to et. it.,ral CenletetT. &t it/ o'clock Tan atomise. from ITS Tint street. ATTIOAN.—On Sander taeraind April Nat. sheet eight o'clock. EMMA NATTEOLN,Ia the yearr of her elle- The funeral will take Ida 4 tom tee residence [deer soother. No. 113 Great street, rats err., how. at S o'clock. Tea friends of tee tamllT a,. respeetfully invited to attend. I.:I:WM-101 A :4 0 V-1 3 3: , 0 3 WA J6l: RODGERS, UEDERTA. • Kilt AND KILBALMIR, successor to the late Itsinnil E. Radian, No. NM Ohio Street, three doors from 13401Ter. AlleglAllT 4.1t7. M. Laldlc. Rosewood. Mahogany, Walnut sad Host• wood It:Motion CoMns, at the lowest reduced prices. Rooms Oven at all boars. day sad ntsht. Hearse sad , artlasss furnished on abort Waite and au mom r.uou.tde terms. ALEX. LIKEN. UNDERTAKER, Lo. I&G Fourth street. Plttsbagib, Ps. Cx , PriNe or LU kinds; CIU.PLE, GLOVES, and PT., dew/1016a of hoard Tandstallts Goods fornlsed. Rooms opened day ws.l night, Beam sad Cassius& Esralslied. EzsrassoscEs—Rev. David. Zere, D. D.. Es , . M. W. Jszobas, D.D.. Thomas EvrtaSt, Z.S.• H. Miner. Esa. R . T. WHITE & CO., CHDER TABLES ANLi.llf BLURBS. liaoches ter, Wood's Ron and lalail[7. Boom. at allaatasstar Llwara etalde,,eornsr Bbseleld and Chartlara streets. tteatau and Ctatiagas tar nished. lIILLOALE CIIIKETEEIY.-The branlift! .4.10 tre-sere,” the Brae.[ cobra. hfth el.a of totottahre. mewl one, to 11112 cow. Wallets:ea on rte. Betel:Mon rood, Intatedlatert IT north of Alleaheny. For barlal lore, permlu or Mies; a►ll at_Coatral Drag Store of OWL & CLANNY,Alnexhon7 GO TO DUNSEATH & CO.'S, I ASU .rart ON! Of TEMB Venetian Clocks, Vellrered to you kctrica free of aerie, Guaranteed for One rear. . . .p. 14 WATCEIES, CHAINS AND a-znarrixurimr. •T • VERT SMALL PROFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wylie 136„ .141 door from 6sh. Dom JOHNSTON & SCOTT, Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., =! riitt.M112%156.734 3P . 00ki2.116. ST Putt=lar attantlaa rhea SO Laatr lag Watana; Clacks sad Jawary.• all work var. ranted SMITHSON, PALMER & CO. ARE RECEIVING DAILY Immense Spring Stook of ZVIR DZZCBIPTION OP BOOTS, SHOES, Balniorals, Gaiters &- SI LA.DIII3, OMITS, 111138.13 /ED CARPETS, DOMESTIC_ DRY GOODS, HOSIEBY, iloOro $333. SEAT'S Ri11211111161 Goo* AND NOTIONS OP -ALL KINDS, ~''C~~(~ll~ll'S ~I~POR~U~ii, 55-11 57 nii . M;lLT,ampr. JOSEPH 111EtElt Yjr: soN =EMI . , r"Crtr2asTll7l;z4 no.. Lao. eirrartmn 1m!..5.r2; azonit a ," l " lN .K. Blll - 1 9KT- „ NELBR. CUSH & CO., FristicaFunitinHarm COIL PENN AND !AYNE ma Utast styled(ot rlllllTlTllti.econrcr4l37 JOUR mm 4 ourimonlttraL NAIR 1901/XJ92 . 0 . 211 :9211912929 92 Worth street. <madam fresnlYixol. Zmabtun : ,94.1 itt n i b M14r121 11 _ 9srM TuVuu auslos. Ussaid 091turatreslus.lte; - load pct.. uuls 912 bd.* f Yaw 3-sulles , i.l setSliiiii22 AA. I.___ll.ll_e4orsuar.9- - • The Illsoklest; Mil s& LLAltsziza 4 1171DONV-1 WAraxirm Miss. tinactooll feu Em!lipliss . SEWINC MACNUOILT zu. =cu.. used.locra bov•lea trauma : lft:; cd" kis • , a rah gnat =MI
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