_ xpaEvrz, itrOlia, US Woods 4, star corner Of Mb. ETCeiontpticsaf . ' Of Aloyerzaosat , Bonds Dona4Yitnerixiiii Mineral kizats. Lons l oCll.44;4s(Mtanental saahanse sou geTorksitas. I - 9441 d, 1311ror spd Coupons lxmght as high. rr ellaqui Gobl Drafts liiiMe4 cm ReVr SIZES 'I 3-10 BONDS PAYeKtett into 5-20's, 1065, BONDB.DaIVEITLED 3XXEDLST!MY. BRADY& CO., 1 ,., .Bankers, —tiar:Toarik &Woad Streets: • T 5, ktraßs OF 740'8 romlO auanaemenu who joo3rlo.c..thar.e. eto r ri- u '0rr.4.1:1'1Z7;11 , 1 , 7=11. esnvut ,-.130nd0 oa Mend for Deitvery IRA . . ,C0.,..-:.McVAYC Oeffar ol 7 l32ll :AND EIWITZETELD 878. SOLI. `YOUR 7-30's AND. „ ;BV. 5-20'S. Fci.HoldvcaoLßEVEß THIRTIES wi lt Matta ad o: ... , wantartOf OVER !..t OF ORE PER CENT. by • 1111&:B. MeVAT & CO., - =l= r CE D TRA.DE. O,aioa or TIM Prrassmon ilantrra. April N., DEL The Now York stock quotations to-day, as `iethilicif by Ate. iferta, wore As" follows Gold, 139 N; .Eighty-one borels, 101%; riVO Tweatlee, kk; • 101%; do 1864, laAVAft us!. l a 7 3L Tan 01% ; sev.a . iatrties, lac; and 3,0 , Idleklasn" Sol:Ah ern ltallroad,—, Cleveland Pitts ilbr 6 4 , " 116 ii :1 4 4 rdri • WaSipt. obi t 9314 cideago and' Northwe:Stern, common, IN.S; do preferred; 01% New York sl4.46gelTa Erie: 57 %l cage and Rock Island, 47%. . fames T. 8tady.ft...G0..,: hankers, oon. ner oc:kpartteand WoOd streets, dealers In l'Gctswrlllneat'aeoartitea,ipAate the sante la flew York to m folloWs: "V.'S. Mien . 1061 ' los% IRtr. 10ov ••••• 71 104 80 - ............. 1 ?; Consols 1565 ICC -alwfust Sevou-thutles 101 • .-'..n • "' • ....... • . ^•••••• hy. ,4....psx.v.uptvituaB3l. Gold receded to 13934. this morning env , smut of a probable amicable solutlon of the Clid!minim between Franco and Germany. ,s• - • T h !s"_l igll ''..._*" .ll4 mr.eflftelous, Purchased 407 tusa'sbarning,Teitiregitterff &DES. - .ther rise, which is inevitable, even if the ...,.Enbegesta "news is more favorable, the ficiWY Perclques • within the last few days being made with a view tO".oe.rry the mar. 1 1 / 4 . o l° Wil • ," • ' - GOvorament securities are somewhat bet them is-no" demand for thereat preheat ,eotatlatia. Beamed shares are ••,eirliitirtiagirr; Mid' parries who - hold 'stocks at higher rate. are very • confident of getting bettor pit:Saint. , The great abundance of • *„.Pit.PL ..11,44PeaStern cities, together with iths•estarn - ofeOnlitleece,"ffire alginates to sithultandutOtir On/gurus, and a 'revival of I trade, generally. . ~7,'.Millficiaalea are lower for: fill the fan sleet only, first class stocks are field 11xmlyi rioney. market works very ' close. —The: following telegram, dated Plus. , burgh; Apkil regard - to the Pittg , Wayne 0 1. 1 . 04. Ridiroad , c•gou,Vaity'; made, tee ' ',residue, ty au thority • . ”Wo tire assured Chit Diet; i 9 no ground for the report that the stock_ or tae Fort Walifollaiirdad would be increased sit,- offered to tate .atookholders at t e.M.thr_tient.".Airteednir-on, the'• subject le ›.et to be called, and the Winstion be subspittectothealbertroprietitanny be de termined. lt vrOuld !seem )pat each privl - abliVellioted;tothentoskholders or Demo who may buy oneuMtlent, time, would increase the value of um stock :to the Mereet holders,. Distend of reducing • • • -The Now York ifiniiiin,reforiingLO the war( ancY• the pro- an iffilifaniLlbayerainent Wads P i innroM."lklerT i at hO`ifr ° 1 •71f111 1 11 Unitairlinteachosids are JeLl/14' abroad. If they are to return here in any enrisidera ble amounts, which Is extremely doubtful, .- 'm ia7 R n eel s specul=iatoroneold tetohmireeca'" to; ffreestlyitak-330 per quit... The probability 'ls that actual war wilt check the tall Ina Frankfort, and that the English market (In seschsrphillferenteendituur gOlir.bottl to _ CiliaesalircialeassuL rho -rate-cif money train last Elora will readily absorl2 all the Lunde that are to be forced from the Conti nent tin themere - apprehension of horolli. _ties, While there is ad:hardly of gold on the market here, at a price, both the Tree.. ury.and Um. Aroenairt tehdenrof the May hormone on the Public, Debt, who have 1.15,-, ne. , mtva .ect.re.ic, will assuredly " 'take googr rate to make the prim quite equakto the ea emeriroacY, for, ea perlitttle (crag metal.- The , Foreign ; holdina ott ,ioo, o ualicY coulwne areifree ' 4r - girveettie atatband supply- oft e l For, butyacein to render cleats , —The loan ditilirly thlihons to the Meg. , icark,Repablict.aarepmantett by J serer.,' _ wlitolikeMailatrawdforiaki in New York ,Boma time ago, promises to prove en on. profitable Investment tor those who were induced to,parchassitho bonds by the large discount and high rate of interest offered. She aembannual interest clue on the Ist in -Erat="=.l3=l:64r4='!io"ger credit of the Republic of Mexico-an an nounveinetit which will be likely,to adr plinelewbegond those who were credulous enough to subscribe to the loan originally , at il iebbbl toul t o i t .Cl r a a ng i°s ro l ielipts ton ' h a V iteac t rol : 'l6l , lolini, lir whirls fern's amount - were saved on stamp.. w here hisnrance a tho•eent stamp was seed the law in galrod slatupearnointting• two hundred and tilt; dollars. This is Boston morals. ingenuity ilf ‘ the china is almost Worth .11 4 4 4 4" C". • " • Sew. York Financial 'natters. lily Telegraph to thii Pittsburgh therette.l plethora :of ' 4 Libnittsegbentinises, and the demand' Is. only attiOrblng. portion Of the offering' s. .taft dee, . - prtme "euicantti; 63507. _411,-°?'L Rem Wif)/046. , • " declined ender reports of bonds at Loncibn 0 7XelIi 3 d ?otiort PA, rot. to anti , . Loans at a per cent. to flat, and the elosing-prions at 38%. Gov , ernmenM Sasaki demand and higher. The - following were the closing ratcsrUegistered -CouPM" IML•lMiiolpioNd drin - fi n ',_ h - market quiet. but quite dna as - mansero t r e ffew York - Cerrynd and, g o 1 4 1 'o'clocIr= hl 6 13 17 4 ; "1E! ilf,111121,1,11:" at apeeulatleou PM.... c .a.. ' rose has beg mo n ger to Dian for Some trme, 'a".'"l4m6Ylrh %Tow& prices nt ,- tiAmites• MOM.; Casino 'Comber is land .1034631; Quicksilver I Mariposa gr eferred-istigillt tifehumi T e iscysfro ascfyyse s V; BeerfOra _ trot lliellit4; Pittsburgh ifilir f ;;; Toledo Boutisland Crt orthweste ~ra 7tSagir„. preferred aMifiliMit Pantile AtiffnmerffikM os4. ' Border State. brendit.lnsi en jossisyi . ffiYlAotherS lower &r N i rr. Torae i ze 01st for rag and labor. ` a lost '.'C'°l4o4r""qtakilotortfftlff:inalicat rivet regirg Mfg • d largely' at up to *rV...Criatolidated GrelforF -quite at. to. Questa heavy. anu ower, Saute , ffeaftderfer . MOM ..rietrour and sinner . at-10,12418,00. Alameda - - role tit SCC;COMAPLit $3,..5..,,8ru1til P, steady. abtM,WW 1 3, 7174, 'MOW Of 'n ib iitOcks,gbid 19,, Cedayi Canada 0. fillneock Isiti,Buyal Qamey • , • .117 , ..,Asidertingre /Ell? - IBT•71-1"73oatberinsbergtigetatte4 itz.nottr.Weak and 1;'.,,,Li'11:41.°1748141rie,i1, 00. Core-40 0 0 bdeb /IMO. mixed. 4125. 4.000 - . Wish •" SI Mal V. Oats. Va. Clover Seed i3emlnal atq 001r3 150. W11e47 ivng. Op. Meatrork, 775.2 - - JAMS MULL & SON, 69 and TO Water Street LARD OIL . :IS.&ISIITE'AOTEDIEBB And dealers 11 ORTIDIL. LUBRICATING and CARBON OILS. • We warrant oar Noe 1 Lard Oil nine to the beet Cluelans% or attar Wanda, sad DMus. to sell as low as Cincinnati co inaleano nos. • Our No. 2 Lard 011 as a - Lubricator cannot be excelled. . Duck Creek Lubricating and !standard Wanda Or Carbon 011 cons tangly on band. - Merchants and manor:winters will And It to their Cr glee •• a call before ordering Lard Oh Croat tho Wut.. fellst3o rrtl"!Mtfrrirtrl, OM= Or till PITTSBUZeII GAIIITTZ, - FBIDAX. - APril =4 186 7. The general marks= are again a little excited, and esplat tally ts this the Osao to rigard to nom- aid Grubs, and the ad. vane icgoid has stiffened up Coffee nod Seglirs. Wheat advaiseed 7690 per bushel In Chicago.= Thursday. and Flour both there raid In Milwaukee, went up coneldor. ably, and the end, front Wawa appear sinees, le opt yet. • Gitalli—Wheat In quiet—no stock in thli :market: Corn is In demand. arid advanting. Prime 'Yellow, on the spot, is held at 41,10, with buyers at from alp to. $1,03. Sale of 6CO bush, to arrlYe, at $l. Oats In good sop ply and a ilttio dull but unchangedi- sale et nears at 62e; 15 0 snots at Can 230 bash at 65c. Rye may be quoted at 51.10 to $1,60. Sala of leo bustrfigrlog Harley at 41,10. FLOULt—Is alm and somewhat excited, with an advancing tendency.. We now quote at: 411,50 to $l5 for rood to Choice 4.ring Wheat; $l5 to slllTor IrMtar vi heat, and $l9 to $l9 for fancy brands. hyo Flour, PROVIS/.o2l:s—Bacon Is quiet and un fbtdlgod 9!‘ loc for Shoulders:li3 to Waio for nabbed and Clear bides; Ho Plata Lams; 151,1 to IS%O for Plain sngar owed, and 19% to 10. Lo for Canvalsed., Druid Beet, Lord. Lk. anit , „Psts pork. 410 to CIAO BUTTER—The market continues dull and elth a supply ontelderably in excess of the demand,prmes- am barely matntatood.. Prime to choice Roll cannot fairly be goo. tod abore l toDX. ECUS—DWI and tuichany,ed, taloa re ported ot 15 to19:1 . • I.lsll—Sties of kthaltbals Lako I.lerring M it,?-Siand 93 halt alga Whttolilatiat It O.Y--Solue of 71 b 9.1051, oa wharf, at Ira; and car, to arrtyp, 0t..103. Stock of good Kay of lfght*lrbUb common la dull_ and al most nuaolnablo.' • ••• • . MILL WhiED,Sle of 2 toad Bata atAdi•-5- Middling". maybe 'quoted at 111,25, and See onde at Y. • • A51.1113-6ales of common Soda ' Asta at 9,i"; . Reflood do-at b.",..ie; and Pearls at I4e. • .re,„ POTATOES—DaiI bat norbantred ;may be quoted at 80e, ou track, and WO to SI. to . -. . A , GEES!: PPLES—Quiet anci unchanght 610. es report...tall the way from 44 to VS, to quality. - -- -- = Orrice or Tell PITTI.I3I.OIIGATATTS, gmloot. April 126,111.27. ellUnE—The - morket tor Crude continues . dull bat unchangild--6;466;n, On SINAI ON to 1 for 3lity, 71 , / for first half and . '44 for last half of Jane—Bala of 1.5900b100p0t. IS fin . . There aro no now features In. the trade worthy of notice; there are but Compote tively few bums, either for present or fu ture dentinal, the teak buyers harlot nit patently subslded; anti mar renters - gener ally are fall and overt Siring. We nave'no late adulate tram nanny-64M to 1:440 on Thursday, at which price there is nualng ha for ;ho dealer,. it Ia only wortnat the entolds. V,70, delivered hero. - REFINED—The transectibne In bonded oil weevily:gar than usual to-day, the re ported sales reaching eta thousand barrels, in the, aggregate, but - Prices re.mam un el:um/red, and the market la- , weak and no. settled: Sale of :d sbble etafulard white, running from August. to December, Soo each month, at Dcn delivered - In Philadelphia; tan more, sane delivery and lame price; SOO for Jatuyat WI.M, andrinforinly, atr.S. - Spot oil may be soted nominally at Otto telVe for prime bt straw to white, tad Winn for stand white, on heard Cora heretic to 217,4 c for the former delivered In Philadelphia, and 21% to 27 forrne latter. „Free onto den and unchanged.. AllitiVALS—But on arrival reported to day, 9600 bids thrriener ft Bro. pirranmr.on IiZETAL AND 'nuida . . . . BIARRET...WEEILLY REVIEW.. ~Orfica oz. Tin rieraarmou Ganser., "181110,7, Apnl They mania for both and: blootns centinges dull and ileprrsed,. though it "thought that Li:tarsal! lie.attitnprorilbent in the demand within the next few,clave, ou it Is probable that some of -the nail mills will start up, add, poasibly, one oetwd of the bar mills, The zetietal _impression, however, seems to be' that There will be no general resumption' until tato in — tlie sum. met, as already the best partof the spring trade Use been losti and there is'ho induce. meat for mill cabers to , work Up a big atask.based Upon prices of metal and labor. ds we remarkesF- - one last report, the shack of manufactured Iran' and nails is pretty welt reduced. but as the Realum ad vances, orders fall oft . and the indications at present are that quite a number of mils will remain idle all summer. (Mumma. ell OA mills that start op.now will bo obis ged to pLy the: old 'price for peddling, and while this may be regarded its a triumpls for the strikers tha 'resumption will not , amount to and the .stictory will thus I be shorts of Ills greatest proportions.• The stock of metal has accumulated somewhat. and prices are -.tending Clown.ward, thAugh the supply is notes largo as generallyar posed, as. th e receipts lave !allots- off ma. tonally within the Saar few weeks. New York Predate Market. fly Telegraphic; the Piustrardk usaattc Raw tong, April M-eotto° is more se- Monad Intlyl.34c better. -with salve of 2,300 balm, at -MMM34er /of middling' episode, clonng with holders refusing to sell under 27e. Fronavrecelpts of 1,523 barrels; market 15fitfile better. with's fair demand, 00,1 the improvement is more noticeable upon Me die= Itint.lttod • gradeS, with *ales Of 0,30) barrels at 1110,15011 for enpertine State - sea -western; 4.11,3561.9,01 for extra western; 113 014,50 for choice do.; $12,06013,% for ship` ping brands extra Round hoop Ohio, sad 0L3.251/114,65f0r tnele brand... Market clotting firm. California /lour Is firmer, with artiee citMOribarrels and seeks at $1641/8.73. Whls ny tamers active with radar of 150 barrels saisterm.ln Mind.' at *2,00-710,t receipts. Wheat; market is active and excitedand 5 en 3 bettet, , with's/ilea of 81,0D0 bushels at 142,061,75 for No.S Milwaukee,' the latter Ihr irerylthedee; ri,M;llsr white' Mailitirola, ass e l 13 6 5 ,:tffr= a inier4. :l n t rctliT;o L IZ nand; of Kam bushels wester° at 11,34 4/1.57. chiefly #1,155,01,51: b ushel laqulet and firm with sales of Main bs at tint .for.oreatern, omi 41.114gt,V34 for Canada 2Wcatfree.: Malt mere setae rellir Sales of 45,1XX1 bushels at $1,3001,33. Corn-recalfna of .1.854 bushel.; the. market-is doll-and rnialdey. .red; lower. 'with. Ames- of 54.000 bushels at 'for tinsel • western. 'm. store,- arid 4fiert4 fur do.nfinatv SIM% for .westens yellows 11,15 tor now white Southern, to arrive, and *1,31 01,36 for new mixed western: nets lc bet ter, but less active; sales MAO Stat e;th 750 iltie for Western; e t. Inc e, clos ing dull.. Rya quiet. Coffee without de cided. ebanger sales I,IMI bans Its oe Pti .vanaternm. Sugar firm gnu in good tie soctudisalar, 1,210 bhdro. Cotta at 110.401134 e, Molasses neatly, .but quiet.: Petroleum item; IBC for crude, and 17en340 for refined •In bond. - Cops. qulet, at 50,0M50 tor: mw. Pork - mbee active and 'firmer, atlas 6,0) bins $92,13022.80 /or now mess, r i mingl at ar.,80; Cash, V2po; 41111,P02111,a110c me.and $21,870,2.03 for prime bless; also, 1,5350 bbls. new mess st 03,1542ynni, buyer. May. Roof sternly, gales 430 0015. !Met :Llama sM,Wy, s a lve. bbls.; $40.0 0 MI 1 , 00 ; Tierce Beef steady, with/ate demand 4 sale*, 43/ tierce. at 150,006344x1 for prime mess, ,and. 438,50/11 3%50 for India maser Batton limaeri Sales SAI boxes; 1054e10.A.0 for Comberland cut'. 11%0 for short rinbed; riviouile - for short clear. and 11011%0 for haloes. cat Meats steady; sales Irlicsati at lognwe iinallders, and 1234 13-340 (*ahem*. . Ler/ steady and quiet; trairObbis• - at 1.2340103irt for new. nutterdullilleite for 0010. Cheese steady . LATSAPPki P. 11:-410111 . doled • Quiet, buy ars canning to ray the advanced prices ob tained- O&M intim day; holden, however, exhibited no' pressing desire 'to rcialse. Wheat quiet and firm 5i412,0502,75 for No. 2 Spring and $2.8002.90f0r No.l Spring. Ilya quiet at 51,5501,1X 4 for •Weetern. - -Intriey quiet, and st b ri rt y. , Cora heavy and dectded ly loam; ■ na• mined -Walters t 1,33 In store, futtla ,35• afloat: Pork dull; sales of 1,500 bblanew Mess at 13,75; gunk MP: reg ular cloeing, sellers, at tn,73; gash, buyers,' St, aM.,1111 sediers,"at for payers , mitten; p.M.IS asked and M. bid; or Juno, bdsers! optton.'.lo4P Raked and -1,23 bid. neolateady with antirdeinand.' Lot Meats firm with a moderate/ay. ult 7. flacon Weed,' at 11440103 4 0 for Comber's:nil middles. Lard dell at 15013Mc for Mir, to prime . stall? ran- Cnic , ago.lWlLeG. [krlegr•Pb to the t'lt,.borob • Cinciaoo, April 93.—Flour 030detately no; nye: at giaar4 for extra sprit:dr: Wheat arra awl to higher; No . 1, at 0.,1.81; N 0.1,: 12, 2,66: closing quiet at 12,Cugtil,c1 for No. 2. Corn opened : steady, .at'lll,O73lOl,OEC for No. t ; &Nall for No; 2, clOaing. unsettled and and at 111,06 tor No. L. Oat* Linn . ; ac tive and Neils higher, at COginnu for o. 0, chador at 14141361 c. nye weak and nitric's , . 1 , 14:41 4 r4 fc i r No. li• 111.40iLfi for small Weil - ay sarr o i r pie j r . , at 75041A Y , . 1 / I .O tL I alone doll.. • You Pork, at jY.....50: J.groitt "11%0121g. 'Logsdon awl 1542250 lower, at 007,11% for maxi to choice., Iter*lpte; flour, 4,000 hbis; wheat, ilkoo kosh; corn. MOM; 0ate.2,41:0i hogs, /,tuD =Mtn notir, 003 bids; -triuuMgfli b u i ti.V; corn, 109pr/teats, Oki bosh. •.• • • !.. Philadelphia Market. . . . [By Telegraph to the rittabargn tiizette.3 paly.a.m.yeta, Apra lour active; Bali. or 4,003 barrel. of north/cavern extra •at 114 3 5: Wheat:quiet; sales of 3,000 boab.; red 10,301CalLiorniti µXL life OM. Corn In goon demand: sales of 14.003 bulb, or yet. lop do Oats steady at No. Coffee deli at 18340; :Sugar Arinat 1n 3 ,4010r Wood to re, Lined. quiet at 2714 e for stand. - Whisk's . ; contraband $1.76. . . Cl37.Tolopotil to the Pittsburg lnasetts4 Loi,Min. anill , , nl..halas air faidli To. bOtCO; fullyinonsined at nliaril ; a4 neenuttr autibren $10011. 55 . 1% heat nom inal Suith common higherhelled a 1 3 1 0 1 .12 —ear. Port .3::- .Moon;IM shoulders; iffiel‘e• clear sides 1!!-c. tarot In tierces 1113e,e; 'Etticwitisty ueaAu: nelnnatt niar'ket, ay Telegraph to t h e Pittsburgh data ile.l Cusrmsnars, April 'FL—hoer is In gond de mand and prices are Mc higher, At the Trade Beards it one $1575, anti fancy brands sold at n 11160013 00. Wheat light in supply and to higher; sales bf' bound winter not graded area 23; No. 2 spring. Wand choMe Kentucky white, ON. Corn Lin good de. mend. In the forenoon 2,egi bush Bold y 10 racked, and 9710910 In bulk, but the Ml closed heavy, and holders were not fling to make any concessions. Oats advanced to 716T2c, and is In fair demand.' Rye 'Aven ged to SI 731 the Bllpply woe light and thb Vntiety unchanged, Cdtten 17101 lfeld more firmly and middling Upland. could not ho honed. ifeloncße; butthere *as no demand. .P t lc—ldeas quiet firm at eV. 30. Bulk ?dente enabling/ea; ahead ers; sha awes, Bacon—l3bOulders.' .11c1 clear sides, IM. Lard firm at. Ina lie. . Sugar tinchanged; Caba,11.14612c; New Orleans, /4413 c. Coffee steady at 2.31P11e for fair to alnico BM. 1,10.. el 41 end the sdisply llglttl IlloVer Seed dull It can be bought at When Tim othy (lull at 43 M. Flax - is in demand and prices advanced toe: ussffff CO. Butter dull and Ortega Ileellningt for prinln to choice 1280. The receipts exceed tbe demand. MiTsky d Vu L l I 'al.] I ts In " gu i tt •. bold Closck dull 1 The buying money market easy et. 710780f0r accept/melee .oz paper. The imp. ply of currency is innreastng.. • boula!Market. By Telegraph to the EttteborFh Ci axe tie. 1 Sr. Loots. April '2l.—Tohaceo dull and heavy ter low - gradeffiTleat Item rind active for bright loaf. Cotton; no demand. Flour, choice arm, but medium and lower grades extremely dull; all superfine, $11,501 flOtilde ektra, $16,76@t7,13. hong Millers stood Mr; market Mott and unsettled; eholec aVo9 . ng S,lr.. jU &l P r r t!Tro * r_y fa ,l!ili k a 4 ,.. ' ni t eloseu at sl,l2ligli,ll. Oats higher Barley- and Rye nurlderdled.. -Provisions dull and unchanged. Bacon; shoulders sell ing in 855111 lots et t9arle. Lord nominal atltlallllN for choice. Whlsky nollll[llll at 11 2 . 00 13 -2 , 03 . • • • • . • Dry CI otkli Trade.' By Telegraph tattle rattsburgli • lisw tone, 'April 24.-7de hry: Goods Market Is quiet and ewmowtott deprotoad !mat for COLtOn and woolen goods of med BMa all!! Irregular makes. Atlautlc rown Sheettugs, 20; do 11, 19!4; Amoslontg, A,lollo_ lad WA 1.40.11 A, Is; do 14, la, .10 In. 1300..1331, A4letntio t 3 Islam g,113; Stark. A, ll.hldedlord, !V..; (Areal. Fallsls:do 5,14; Macon, 17; ltostinry A, IP goiter CW.OI prtacti nod bleached mwsllns or,, AM In good request. •at 'tall pekoe. lmt 11.65 t alesirablo makes ca o ) ho .114000lt11 of at a leduct ion In sympathy with the luw rate. or Cotton, = fresh reCelpts of tiebt tallll l tditaf at the Union Stock Yards are ....all low]. Eutered sales, Elite head at prices ranging trout t 180,75 for continuo leis; 117@775 ter 'solat hauliers shipping uterus, and trout t.els,aa for good to extra choice beeves. Thu market. I. fairly active Under st . brisk demand for Pittsburgh', Bur. tato, Detroit idol her. };sates maraets. The supplies are largv, nail consist chiefly of extra choice grades, also a largo num ber of distillery fed steers, Lout Lamm, and bought by Wallall it Belot:man. I=ZIT:I32I Toleßrr. pit to the Pittsburgh tisiottc.l Uosratq Aprttlik—Flour Iltraly3 tales . .of 130 bOlg of spring at 1113 Os.• tVlVeat Is moo- , trate demaroL There was *mall sales of wlttre Canada ttt to 05. Corn sores; old not offered; new Toledo 203 c Ittaber; sales of 10 cars on state Lino trunk at el IL' Oats In goal In Mit ry; 4,0(5 bosh Western at 67c, but generallyEarley In falr'demand; sales of 1,000 bush Canata,Sl la. Mess pork, Lanl, deeds and I.llglawinca nro w Mann any ma Lterlal change , . • , , Siew'brlesnt Market tBI Ttie.r.ph to the , Pltt.borgh e ite.l Mew Oatuen, April :Z.—Cotton satire and blotter; low mid.] hog, 'Salvo 1.300 omen. Receipt. for the week. 6,02 i; we - ports, 21,404; .t0ck,135,641. Sugarilm lite! tot! demand at 1274 for fulr; 13 for fully Ittutatttl 13'.410r prime. liola.oes, Mlilwankcia Market. .1137 Telex:Ala, to the Pitt .berth &trite./ 'e:3lllr.vratzer., April 2e.—flour dull and firmer. Wheat lrtegular at 10,53 for No. 1, ff.,7 1 / 1 52,73 far No.'s t'-.}, for N 0.3. data att. tire at 63.4 for No. L Corn quiet at 51,13 tor NO. 1 old, anal al,O: for now shelled. - Memphis Market. (fly Telegraph to the ristAbursh thaCtle./ 3.llrxruts, April -.Cotton iirmir. holders ask em adry3ce of 253 c, receipts, baleen exports, GeV tstloO, Other markets unchang. Iltunnesa generally ausycadocl... • Nan Frametaco Ellnrkel .711,legT•ph to the rtetehomb tterette.] SAX iItAXCIeCO. April—N.—Flat: arm. Ntteat dun at 1d,004 - 1.15. Legal en, 71. . imPunin ay 8.11./.1.174.11D. • Pirrentraoe, For, Wares; A Cateeao . /L., Aprll 191.-4.9 bids apples, Graff t Met ter; 3 buts eggs. a pkg. butter, 4 kes aripple butter. VoW.t A Co; 9 Wits ailUrs, breilmYer Votkahap; 111 boo cam,/ Bea jr; Ya pigs brooms, C, blade; 191 Adis paper, Arbitrates d. Cots pkga tobacco, A Itadethelent 7 do pearls, Br) Ct.. Walker A Co; 49 °Ws rakes, NVIi Moore, Wolfe 4:o; 3pl oil bids, Brewer, Burke & Co; 11 Able apples, Little Baird \ Patton; 200 do Boor, homaker Lang;'4s do highwines, biathlon A. Wallace; 11 Kr do flour, Jr la Dilworth it Co;:do butter, Ada', Miller ft Co; 2 - ears staves, C C Smithil do metal, John Moorhead; 39 half rags, 91eCul rotticle,t3mIth Sco; 119 01da oats, I keg eggs, W Meek, IS brts rye, 45 do corn, ownerCT Able ggs, Newcomer, Coe Co; 1 b et eggs, Kirkpatrick, Bro d Co; 10 Asa cheese, 31 W nankin.• • . • • • . • r[STOBUItBB. Couritars a Cmcurr..., R. It., Aprtl Cur COll3, 151 sko barley, 21 Jo oats, Itellenry & Moody! car oats, Wm Nog hatn;Sl blns apples, lima d ilnimr;2:l do 410, ovroor;' , 10 pkgs Ash,- 25cCultough, Smith & 4.loi2leks oats, J Vralker; It do no. W (-arson; 73 eke corn and oata,s do rk 8 11! r er , L 'ol t7 51 IrI11 re o,A:rlr4y 11ery a Mhz d NowmYor & Co; 2 1 el® barley, F üblelds; 4 bbls flour, New. molter, Got IL Co; bk. butter, 1,1 WBan. kill :II WAX 02711, firffr 6 Ketter;l3 bids 1 01 . trams, 111:141511c. (garvitaan. An Pirranunon liarksoka, Al-3cars barley', . Carson, Darlington 00; 1. do lumber, A ileGunnlgle; 5 curs Ltonortk Shamberger & Malt . ; tr. 4 aka note, 59 do m oo, owner; la Imps rye, W W Ander son; 2 12021. bacon, 1.. /1 kola!, & co; 59 eke rye, A 51 r b tn btleskles & d;lslsks oursoiens w , rlg t ; 011, el 13 Eoly; 1 oats ( No , 3-111 e; Itstbrs soap,/ Drawn lot tartuture, Dnunr, (Sore a 00: 12 1111414 sugar,' Now bome r, 11,041"lt co; 5111,1: motarear, Smith. dolinsto , ,Olds agar, pkgs butter, owner; 17 bales broom corn, E - 15 Mathearb; 5111,1. apples, J Steel & Ilro; 4 l/g5 et? o,l , Ewer & ' ALLltonatrk 1001405, April 'X. car wheat, Kennedy & Itro; 1 410 do,' MCAee & Got do corn, W.l Koontz;; balms tome, It , GrOrltig. a Ca; :5 eke new. rx ont - n,'J Drs. Woe; 35 slog rye. f 4 do 4.61, It Knox & Sot; iJ Elks wheal, W Ilensbaw; tear rn K nedy & Lot hrop; I do Imo ber,`l Al co enrinr.en DISSOLUTION .0E PARTNERSHIP.' *rum.- PARTNERSHIP, HERE -1.W11311 • exist' o hetween the undo Ws!. el wader the same of TAT c s svu.Le. .ived .hy mutual 'cense. •on the Ist osy of Apra, 1541. the entire Interest v 1.1, bud. been purchased br J. Y. ivrft. ig will continue the PO" abler. lion Awl Mullin elltlos business to all Oa Monett.. The bum nes* of the sate Arts will be settled healWer,nf the sutoevibers. St toe 'old stools: 2.7 Liberty street, rittsbutsh and Fa Fellerat street, A Ile §Me'T•l to A the r tta k ttnn ' r7 " gig= l : ` :.X; A rm Illyn:suet them JoIIN M. TATIt. • soMararmeems JOIIN T. PAY Mkt. 'PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM I/LTTLNU. 1,1 ALL ITS Oboe attended to hi expert...oil - sun woe. steal 'Foram. A floe sssortmen. OAS FIXTURES SINKS, BATHS ÜBS -.- • - . OHOW/CIL EATfltl WATilt CLOSETS. HTDSIANTO, SlosstsatiTon Man son msne to erns. 310 , ..1E1CZE M. WALTZZ. No. 697IDEUAL STIMET, Alletbenn And awry lIIERTY wrILKET, rittatmrdt. ap6,0313:111-TH&S WHITE LEAD. • - • Eve Co." snrVnite d4 l.444 , •. "Lally.' do - •• • , ocoloolantatu do •04 .noottneetan. do do Blue Lead., tbr Ott Refiner.; Rod Lead and to Color, dry sod to on: ' ' 4 P V. 111111EID FRUITS. :. aAdds elsoloo•hal! Faun.; • • . •40 • • qoutars dos ' 11 do mtoed do: ••00bash,d1 s gond Du Apple.; so do ulme' do: Jut rooet•A on consmtulors sod for isle tow to tDII rade. • - tot , c 1 =11.1`,425`M.' TRAIT APPBOYIPAG ~ WW7l,t) YOU lIAVE It so tau borne is can of Fruh PEACH rd. trtittriNVCOII'IISCVEMIII:?4 , 1%11; mote to get Idtens good, and al Idos low mute. prlce,'-ot • 112 TZDEUAL STRlLLT.4lllerheni CRY. ispllsg2 ' ' (111101161113P1n1VE111 T • • CiALXILPIEINTZLIEt. 7QI-r6; 122 . • a•-litrY, tree doors above 1:14s111.11e1d Street. - Prrrsuvauff,'PA. ErStrip Mod os Work done on U.:shortest notle and most reasoalds terms. rarticular attention 'Dail to .t& tOOO. 1411:14. R - BRI - 11N --- G wAGONs; 111.4411TAtioN&; • . • ISIOCK. •ifIC*F, ifORTAK. 2 • • NAILMAP.V4:II•Lit&cIOW,S; t 1101ViE LILY USK al &No yotrICE . Mortised Ruby arot Turned Spoke, Td - bUnd and for sale St LittenTLIINII %%Won WORKS ten ene reweentinry, unernen , COW. Akpdhorn CtII.I , IIIIA.N. FOlittl&TElt. & CO. WALE.IiiT. • Ono Now Iron Oil. Tank, la qupitr. c.paclt7.ti,3Co bbl. iruit&Al of J. 1L01737Z. iJ 51. Clair strecl., - pumos PLUMS I—An entire' -ocwetoctofANAHS& CO.'S PIANOS: which MU now considered the best made:also / I AIN ES MUM CELEItItATEir MA NON. Prier from al* onward. Penult, In went ut a Ars/ class 1 . 1109 are , rtspeettully Invited - to , aal. tianaltle, • boron pilrehasing elsewhere ILILBLOTTE lILIIME, Moe 47 rink .ner t. \ PITTSBURGH' ROPE' WOE S. FULTON, BOLLMAN ffi CO., bleautiente the beat • . CU .DA • OAKVIII, AND TWlNEM,6treri .• Warehouse. 114 •et US Water M. Call or fiend for Clreular. gavlstAll RIVER NEWS. The river Is falling slOwlY with licartf eight feat by the Allegheny mute, and feet µSalt InchesM oby the ohOhgahela. icour feet, reported in Allegheny at Oil City. The weather was clear and pleasant, am! nil that could possibly have been desired tor the transantibn of oiet-door badness, , freights for an points continuo scarce, sail boats expel's:thee groat dillieulty lti picking np &Veil trip. - The t. elm arrived from 011 City, and the • hle. Roes :to. s cleared for that Point last everting. ' The Urilda is duo to-day. The lines had a very respectable trip, 'though she could have taken mere. The Kate Putnam left for St. Louis last evening with a very good trip, Including a • emplidoruble amount of rallread Iron, Tile ltobt. Steoro arrlVed and departed ter Portainotitk, The Dellevernon, from ht. LentS, Is dbe hero to-day, having left Clto Monett on Tuesday. The Ainarlea, Capt. 'l'. 11. Golding. with tide Messrs. Cluke,faller and son,in the of, lice, leaves for New Orleans to-day without, fall. taking passengers and freight for µI ihtermedlate point.. Ti., Minnie, Capt.. A. It. Shaw, with Mr. A. C McConnell in the eStee, is now in turn for St. bouts, and will be the Omit boat out ter that point. The Peerless, Capt. T. D. It lillarek, la the regular packet for Cittelnuatt to-day, leav ing at noon ot Shortly thereafter; and peas should get Muir frelnht do bills of lading Strni/a early in tile day as messible. Vesteldayjilst, as tile Park ember.; packet, Leal Leott,bod backed out from the wharf beat, and while attempung to round Mahe swung in against the Ametlea, breaking nu Our fanttail,aitti damrorleir her - wheel bad. The accident, we suppose, could not be avolibalas there was a Pretav the time, and a hind ylibtart Drat IS hard to manage to.a etern.wintl. Tee accident, line ever, wart Oats very. Sodom , one, sea will not prawcut the Amerie t from leaving •t0...1ay as advertised., The Al email° was to have left ' Clocht. nail for Pittsburgh on Tburada_y. The to*. boats Aipt, Arrow, Shark and Llero were at Cairo era Tuesday 'riff Louisville papers chitin that the Itielimoad on her recent up trip made the nest time that has been. made during tba past sLa years. This may be but we should like to have more r °thole authority. Wa learn from our Cincinnati eachaem that the Peerless, now at the landing, haS 1.0 , 1 001 d I. Capt. Juba D. tAnTbean who designs 'diming her In the Cincinnati and Chß° trade In opposition to the present lucumnent. Price Is not statoL - - . - The Ezra Porter arrived at etneinnst, on Wealneedaj, and after dlecharalaW on hun dred and twenty tons rtuceodad od Lb dl. Loq The Dubuque (Iowa) 21Inea glees this fol lowing Pmitreontae for the welcome of tan. new steamer taty of Dubuque. . . . The firemen and citizens , will meet god form at the (bob. Building, and Plocecd, heeded by the lietrournie Ilsed,to the levee, • where the aleyor, in behalf of our clty, will present the beatltul set of 001011. Then Commodore Toth Levied will ,preVut the , liorne.a rat doer than ildorni shy void de the flyer. lao beaks ...in then be open to the inspection of our oilmen. -Li thneyen log the unicorn, will receive the done/. of the adore at a banquet. • ' It Is vilporto,l filet a cotoparly is to be or. rualted ter the purpose et building a sane' around the fells on the Indiana aide, to be used by steam and other kindis of boate.eild fur menotruturing purposes. liovernmeet old prbtably be eshol to donate a wept* of millions of acres of Inert to old In the conturnetion of the Work, for which grant spealal privileges will be guaranteed Ake trOVernmett In the Mc of water power.: • It is sold that experienced pilots on the Missouri mile are now recoiling twelve hundred dollars per month to Omit ser vices. „At these dgureA, Sonia of the pilots mace more money than the steambosts. - Tee following newt from the Missouri is not very flattering to mountain etnellrilenr: "All the mountain beats wo Met are having more or IV. trouble. Joe (Mimeo's craft VMS making bully time. The Antelope broke her nigger trying to pull around the punt-at-, Cambridge. The river .13 very high, and the mutiny overflowed at many points. The dee farms era all washing away in the rawer in teeny places. The river is still rising, and. some of the hosts bound , for the mountains wilt never - get there." ' The St. fools Donee-rid says: Oar gill. tens awoke yeaterdey morning, and found the Great ftepublic at the wharf. A crowd of visitors, similar M extant and character to those by which she was VildLed at other Miles, poured through and erotical her all day. `fenced hardly remark that they saw mesa t 41[111113. . • The - Louisville . (Surler, of Vrednmalay, soya:. The towboat Victor Wilson came In trout Pltblintrith Sodeoller with • bran' -Low of coal for CALIIL rooter, for Natchez. she take* the piece of the Diet Talton, re. onatly burnt at Pitteburgh. The- Cincinnati gwyurravi of '.Therwlicf, says: The Armadillo arrived from !tem. phis yesterday. hod will lease this crenlag for Pittsborgh portively. She has two hundred tone of I.eught. for that port time below. She is asuberusottal boat, and ia ts charge of very clever and careful ordecra Capt.Cheisowlth Is In command, with Capt. • errancy to the ofnce. - - • STEAMBOATS VOW NT. LOUIS. GA-zeig i t LEPtA. IJU6L:4,IUL PAU I..—Tbo opitodla bometpor streamer' • , 14 111 bare as above as WEL , I4 aSUAY, Mar 111; lour frololst or y apply no board• or to •p2o GU 11.3..1.1.4NUW110D. • r _PEG ELAIL ..IYEEKIAI g eM i t .orACKET BCTWICEN BURL H AND CINCINWATI.f-Vlio: eaaoD and solft Duda bier piaci. • rxmati.x.re.—.... OWL' T.IiII:.WILLT•II a neelits wk.& -between l'lttsbnigli and tnisidonatl, leaving rlttsberan ewers nalttlitDAY. zoo°, and tilnalmsati every TUILSSDAY. lot frolant or plasma "ply on board; or to JtSO.7I..ACK, or t J. D. la/W.11%0 WOOD. lames. ap=ija •Ull.an. .114.110 XS, NDE PENDENT - PACK: Cl'.—FU6 TAINT LOWN, DU TOQUE All DIST. 1•AI.11.—Tlio Son steamer Will le as: POTIAIet Ltntrrlsen. ill ein the aliens s o d lasams D. iallaim port. Thin liAY. at 1 o'clock ts Is. • Jo, freight or passage van, ua board t.u. IMALAL so . = J. D. 1.01.1..fribWb011..1 .1 41 1t E L I W Il itr iP8 / 11-l itte Ari ftertgag Al1151tIO• CoDU 001.11350. WII For th e oho. sad lotorottollsto par. 8 &TV titt•Y, .prlt Zlll, ot p. m. FIN Might wposso.oppiy,w 000r.lor to , 'spit FLACK a. COLLniull(0011; pEGULAII .WEEKLYzaM i t LICAVINO NVIELY WILDNISDIY 12 X. nrtt.deoratnoulons •• • - noirnY ' Capt. LiMttl VANDSORIM flelßllt of sooty On boar 4 Or to " - JANII4 OffiN3. ME • ' (MA& Eall'llign* CHINA. WALBENOURE. RICHARD BREED & XTIECENGIOEMZEIFILIES, No. 100 Wood Street. - 'M1M&1.1111A AND SILVIS PTIATEMEA. 111.1, TEATIME/I and TB.BLZ OUR. LIMY, always 011 baud. - - Engrg A TEA - , CIIINA DINS lcitnETS, 011 MA TOILET:MTN CHINA INo V a IE ie T . O ONC OHEMIA MARE S lver, derfiptii JAVA MAIM HUMES% trytrit•MOAS ENOLIBoa SWAN Wallin of us Variatlea, salt whoterala and retail trade. • - The Wiest aadd,ootamplata idOck olevany Wag in ;Ma Inas ta obe Frioas,„„and tenni Ms was übi euien• 01000. ' - - . tablOmMl -AG E ENT 2 3 . FOU IMPORT OP THE EtEORPP SERVIOE.! ?his work Was snaboaded more taw • 'A., ems. bat owing to the attempt* ot the Noyes . w meat to seppreas It, lie peollealloo Val //etilied, It add new. be Ward; lam/1M( and tlitettlil Red. under the auvervl•lou or bleueral Later. Thew marvellous ..arrailtee ere ail attested by the I" rintiiTl;lNtirgaional • 'ter! ' oaehlf as:WSW, sad thorn 4 14 1" : 4- sere an' atr i ases revelatton• torturelng Heide of lieparttneuts. Member/10, on Female rszeLost Bodni, I"l4 Pdtillit i trarigi l tWoTiterm t.Th sti' ' d dssedollea of the work. : 4 . Add.... • 'P. t/ d RIIICST. • 01)., soh]: s le .. 7b2 Chestnut St.. ralladelphle. M/.• 011 AT Jinrws—;4. IIIIOCKWAT: UNION CHART 'COMPANY,. - , Mitiofactnters and &Wen la , GRAY'S .1TNI0g: OHARA uroot JetCloo o mentc.olfor•4 to . ./Lgratt. , But noes light, and . , SUITABLE TO vropilreit OE TES; Hoodoos bat little capital.:Adenull. Ina """' orsamtiro4,-atfzoit Trall Co., 0. ApcirricE 18-•nEeinsw -- 7 - tatirc i, that Lotion et Ateninistratlon 'novo boon grantedlo• JOSCPII Pinglilk on the cl tata AMOS PIZILUZi late a Jenersen. Allogoony toasty, ' Pa , docoasell.• All norm. o onto pr tbontrol e es Ind ob t 0.2,10 gold eolate rill them and pay em at once. arm all naßlot thriven upon theism. will.leAre ti oadenlased atom o[ ratarNateeritlttein p"; , Anamary. mar. • PiTTSIIIJEGH . ABII" OAKLAND IinCENISOMICH../ORNAL - .11 (sovertaora to , totnt• litardaelt. Jr..) IN adatilfllCN - 101 D 10141/RlSTai•Plltga ,ra, NOW/It attentioatilreatenalve swat of /Mit 'and oroadtgatar Taaaa, Cart. veva. limp* Vines and Olvedeame Planta: Yltubarch and Oakland PIUS. irer Can rut to the ail - cannons. even' =eta minute.. . • Ittl;n3adall.C. - COM., COKE, &o LOUIS EAUVIALLNN. H. A. SCLINABZI " .. - 11AUFFMANN & CO., ONION COAL YARD. Best Family r4al,Nat Coal and Ea& - atwan an tvArgt=apt.l7 °Mad Con. lenlse AltD PEEI frfa, w r Atru A ligier Cr.'" itgi"", soar C5O rels4 9 l •-• rrrmosott, ra. 0..11. CLLlcalt ' " Wanbrird Clnixtnti. If. HVYSSMAS J. L. WM. Me ,CLAINEI T , & CO., - Gas Coal Works, . ohippe...,pl dentate In 131JPER106 Work s s, rettghlie ( 6l,lli,PATiroAllNga. ' 2 s. ll3 BMA 87 Allen . ..ear rity. tiENERAL OVPICIII, second story Pittsburgh Marina mann Bull ding,corner. Liberty street and 'Wren alley, l'ltGintrah. BRANCH . OYICLea No. Liberty street, ender Penn.. B IL. oppo site Mechanic street, plttsbergh. and .rner NO dersok ntetti and P. F. W. U. A. h. Alleghen : All orders left at either of tin abole nieces hal reeelle nrentot attentiOn. havina "lIITTIIOUIIGNI NATIONAL COAL AND yen COMPANY. r ers itar cn WI dealers, wholesaNk sad BEST FAMILY COAL. • 2.712.* coal arid UTPICIS AND TAM). corner to rrth And Try ts. MeeP7msburib, Writ, wW blob. IL A.m.:an A WEL. ImerlAteodent. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! • DICKSON, STEWIIIIT & CO, IluylUir removed their Otos Na 567 LIBERTY STIRLEN', tcat.iyetti hour XIII) SYCOND TWolt. Eag . pa i rAta ora t i •t07.141n Iltorgt lb: to prontotly. . mnynabla 1.4"0RT PITT COAL COI PANT. L and deal.rs Ilaperfor Fundy and Stsant Coal. N0ix...1A..4 B.6ft, mum' Dettlild aWyy rlltaburgb bar lba HUM Hat Id- Wt. - betnet LlNtrly !Hetet and Viral. alley. Itralmtt Wade, bomb: Try add TIMM atr.l.a. Pnlatner. !!rill. 1.41. at eltbet Ltd Minya Irs:o111 1 0, " =1Wir • • DlZZeroda: Hex *d7, tUIse'LY. J. J. (lii.tnnrra, D. L. lartmstrroCi, h. BlrethexabT. Wu. Mtn AAAAA (11011.111. r.licAraamikr, Nti..zrix Su'r.urs, Jou* BASSI. • LUCIA. D. J. J. timissm a r..3. I A. U: /JdarJan. &WY. Iv: ti.tra Jai nil 4 CHUILESAIIIMISTRONG, Chemin tot ntranlo6/nlrt i ei cosllll.Byr= GOAL •nd • dataetarers Coal, alaskohetel pool pas:rimed Cake 17NT11;11 AND T• 121.1. Corn, pY Butler. astil Norton; Oral yard on Lab arty add Viyaitil Wee la, IS Int% Ward. sea e Families.reet, tlear Lott 01, Pittsburgh. Pa. od Manufacture.. supplied oith the tes a* t littlitlerof CY* SC °aka At the loWttylosalt rat reMl;=ail==l PLITMBING, Gds EITTENG. r.w♦TWO Q o..WflX,unau.J. ATWOOD - & -.M 7 CIFTRBY 9 BRASS ; FOUNDERS, STEAM ."ASTIP" GAS FITTEILS, Cur. or ird and Liberty Streets. t , ; .. =1 .. .11 ,7 r= i t , 1 . = 1. 4=1 , to order. tne u ttl=l , : i tt== 0 5 =1 , 4 Malls, at., dm. , Agents tar A. S.Caairott k Co.'s STEAM PUMPS CCM BLOWER. ENGINES, That, Pampa have aapntion sdrastareaoads • oak. no, sod • One la arartantadto {lna watt tanxien. Pula. con Id anti on hand. M1.3:00 WU. ......... Nt. JOU/1.31 11 . 1411LEIIIC & JOHNSON, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters 12=TiMMMEZ • ' • WWl.'rEcram.x-6.13..Pa. • . • All orders b 7 mall axecsto4l satisfactorily sad promtly at oirs f p ull Im te o of Rath Tabs, Maya, Dasias, and Closets. ts, Ysl.lacs. sad Gas !Mutts fors as St Ma most reasoastole pri H ces. 'OM from solid./ Pstmlo•VY malf prompt' 'if atte•Orti to. rtaystyfirsrisqlott. BAILIFF, BROWN & CO, PT c•. OD N•crclorml Mit,/ .dLLEGns.PY crrr, Pa n PLUMS EDS,. GAS AND STEAM rirs ►irrZKY. k. p .1..7..i ban• a /am wortareoi. of HTIMA-NTIS. nticLT Lcunirt, BATU TUBS WAIN HA SINS, MI( AND IMAM CrXIILS. and aU maim. nal. tor tutor up pabtle or prhab balldlii. rripr UA.S. MATRItor PTIALIK. MALSTERS. &n. pirrsnacTi. pnEwsni. CirtgON, DART.MOTON do CO., B:tlP3. Po or mins: II Q D = a 10$11ff VA snen>a t CO., Pisisbun WA. yi. •BOZNUMBI, /Weeks. t. 17,:tyrks 0 rd 41=sleflatettre m w ALES AND PORTER, • leblatteresill tbeesselal selection of Walt Non our entendre melting farliltles and Bops from the yards Nest an 4 Welt, ors coultastsatse to be pros tad osustaseeey the ti see. - - Oar lN Mai Li Its• been highly retnenincalled fireVIIMITNIVON cststorserS risque, be panicolar to Duos Inclr *Mtn at bill 00c• 64. }Wales elm old Brewery. or our oak. %rat it Daiwa it Aley, • 21010 earru. 1. T(141.0: 11IUMAJS MOTU 1111011/111.1111000. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. •' Haying ceibsred sb• old ••tab11.1244 Brewery k as• • ALLEUtiat. BRIM /LILY. Abr. rawly ova•• Casapeell •• Rethal. In. woul d I•lbrtn pablic that we glatcadeoralanine the lOsaefaelo re of tram WATER ALES, Blade from Pars apring Water .d horn Oaf theillttee did Weft •••••laise• th• •••I•••.. •. feel Whetted that en will be enabled to glee entltro sattsbetla• tottuoll•rha 17n•or db CM:I6. 465 Rebecca, Street _ ALLEMIENY CITY. air -An orders le ft et BROWN lb 1.11/AELLIM 0314 bertyfiweel. pasergionnpmap_ely PROEM ATEA BREWERY. M9LST IS ,IND 111BWMIS iiiE3 .andßriiwii Stout, nnfinitiall - rer }IOI6ZI/7 .01,04 pEusum LILAC. ' Ws liaio introduced to ths trade our sew par ttime, Persian Lilac, 11WL7111241111.110Rif41.4- • ,No Wire toilet Incomplete witbost , ItAikuracrungu ONLY Ur 13,1NOOD1WORTLI & SON, -;.l3uvattrrtit uutrAteAt wousek , Near Tort Innen. 209 Ilioadiant• LEAT'UEI OLI)T[ON IN THE Igtirrtgatad Would cill the attention tit Winn Dealers and Hotel Heaven to Inn Wk.. Lox Misr. widen my 12 , • nodrotAldit• At Ma 2tidilyldt inalr rosy ' ' • rortAuscram, Oct. ierrised ticaNarcs Co.—Orationet: 71.- 4 anon TM. CailtbramOtkvainegy in t D 6 o ink IL tee testrin k eilean AID. ire amused. We gnat' at iniiitiptacn Iron one bill of ! fete. Tor 00511 ead tali 4 i lltert:36 A7I9H :1111111/11111ES• 3. ~ .tntinCnitoom rcAN erriszT, . NW gm son ikt.% et in QlMaaia Of • Xtrata In 'tote two to fear day.. by as ea lit all new aoll 'oatt trialtootit. •100. Itemloal ViaskuvoN ab all otbe ette.aaaa of poi goattal 011. a. Oa. warraotwi °Atonal taft 'Waco boars-7 to na. or., Ito a,aa. •to t: . A....ma Mien, Dr. W.,1167!4 Kenn ITU , . la7= i COM!IMM'N CO.PARTNEMINIP. THE IINDEHBIGNED HAVE JUl but&Vted with them In all branches §or their es, JAZ. L. DUSBEATEL The name Um will contlnut as Itetetolbre maxim a co. 7. ruszes...—z. owzas ..... 4. T.. DuscrATa. F. SELLERS & CO:, PORK PACKERS, axdlUnufAce.ltrars .EL 3=l OIL New Bacon, Beef and Tongues Will TA read 7 for atittell - 6n Moitagf. HtL Wt.. Choice Sugar-Cured Elameg Do do do Beef . Do do do Beef Tongues; Do do • ,do Breakfast Baena; plain Cured Bacon !Madders; Do do do Sides,. , At cedaced vices and of execllcnt quality. rlttra2 l 4l.l=g tre'Prolli2tra l le."" U " jall:nre BREWER ..31:ThilEE CO., COPRIBBION MEABIINTS, • AttiN.Will rem Tll Pacific, Globe k Liberty Oil Works, -Amillotltonifo for (W.A.. and Manned OM 11..10 , oral (mob Aosdo aD oonslimmouts of Orals or litollno4l Petr 111•11111, Yards for 'norms and Citment. of ()rude 011 at Zomnitoevltia" Mee and Woroboase. CorootolErtiostabo Way 134 lioncoell moat. Flootrarrh. • utyla.aori aircricase KEIL !c ABM," AVELLSSION NEECHLITS, AVID DillllB Flour, , Grain, Seeds, 11111-Feed.te. . mte .349 LIZILEIX BTHXLT _ rrritunrksu. es.. FETZER & ABMBTRONG, °AWARDING AM COMMON 111EILLIO, for tho pale m Crioln,iftacoit, Lard, Butte . , hoods, Irriodirrolts, atol Prcultooffertertily, No. IfirgUttltroot *armor of !Int, Pato bomb, 11. & KIENNIED_br PLODIICL QOIIIIIIOISIONIIIIICHASTIS Sod Irboleu llsalszsla rt)IIICIUN TSB,DOR n4EIIIII, IiA.LT. FLAIUIS, KI LIAM I , l7fAlft/Cd, às., sod Is ILLLpT a awl Pre.lsss •itt e tt:War Mesa for Mt solo of P. Y. tut.% .)on.oli a 1111 man's and J. Xsules SSA. splclyd • MOM. 1.11012• •.1.••••••••• 14110 X: K• 11501 it 801, Conunisaloa .IninUlt 'A1 , 1113104 Dealers to 1%01714 eiL/Llll, PILL Yip rBOMICZ 111 Iltalnond, oppoens Cttf BAIL Alla- DAY. CRAWFORD. Contrail*. u~dKw; JIM.14:11/1.NT la PM MITA rat t ilgt LI n atilen t . o . MA 4ad. .168 eCILISTALLT. tongs mrauhtd. Apaurats jsi 'll.lll & AMER, • COMMIS, 11101.1 MWRCHANTIi and 43.0w2 tu ILO= sad PILUL.UCX.,IS.oad rireet. to.e.s Wood and Oadudield. rittatarab ff . Prlias 11ADID41.P.A31011; Intalasal•Firoaars, Comlalastoe en.. 1.. .tad &Alan la Pro.zra. Floc, Baeoz i „ Ltaala: Carboa sad Lard 1.11.,,XA11.,74 M., I[ll4 .11 Intlanarica am tarn generalla 13 and 11f ace , nd cam, Vittsbargh. r. am= —i:',l - irrmsr....wx. A 'siva. - REIMER at DUOS., (Sucaesson to Rmser a Atdereen.)l/7.1.6141 to T 0... fruit" Bpiees. tloe.• .y. Bee.. /1 ...or. 4e. di ea 1110 Wood Mown, stare Filth YZWOaiia. 1.241 Joint 11.11triftrZELD, Comas:di eion Ironeerißr. Iterobaat .0 w 14440- tete &Cm WBaser. Che.e. Bit ter. Lard Pork. F 10... FLO, rot Peed Trots. sast rro- Atm 44...7. 80.. 144.4 104 irroat 0.044. Plltainte O. 1-1 RIDDLE,No. 183 Liberty St, r. t•AV and rlttabarge taanneac atn tures. Casa advanced Oonalgainants, aeal pal 4 reoduce gator. ArtlEIS DA ELL & sox,manu. factumr• of Lard 011, and Conandsidon Ids r -99a.ts rs , tna Inaraave and sale of Grade .at Itedasd rstredennl. Nos. IS sad 79 Wslar stsoSts Plttstrarsa. • actssases made on Corstrassents. .1011 I. 139011.14EDRXILI:0 11013211....114,12. 110C931 , 101 IN L HOUSE & BROW., CDC. cusoas To Joan J.. Hoe= a CO., Wbel•• sale tironrs •ndematoisslon Metstmais, et Ikellt•Soldand W•44r.troet.. rnMblerit cuondsieit& rale doe... inleocesi ea. nxr. leen. roe doom. Prordedes, Tl.O Moose, Bet, anon No. In drarl 114 Wood btrost, dear ddecnrttkrec, Plesbordb. Ps. zo.red I SALILII DICKEY & CO.."Whole- We Grown. Commlaalo. Mtreamt•. spi dealan inktodoes. 2ie.110 Maty riavet asd a ►n'mel Wee, Pltt•bundl. Jon. SIIIPTOA ' A. WALLACI. HIPTON A. WALT. ACV, S uh. GROCERS Ala) rtrDuosDzALEad. N 0.6 tltotb tam,. l'ln.b 6 6lt , 161.111,6 ENSlTliedlioE. . FIRE INSURASCE • ruu.sortrrus. 4lAssh Capieed and Surplus over $330,000. 71.1 s Carosay esollastes Sp write st. 771 S 1110010111 y. such 111 are cosislitlaskt timsll • 0,60,, 0, I. Armen 4,7 , 6Z: c p.:us 4 6 b orttieast U. Tait:apses ," AG EN'r. promvs INS MANCE CO.;`' uou Lru rims 41* = conrAmir • • 1105 R 71/111N0 /IRA &1 DI • _ T A . I; i n e=opn L. Rhos4o John L. Puts, . Chaska Capt. Ja..lllllL e. • John J , ./Fislinanriihi Wm. Van Ylrk, Frank B. Blasel. asses U. V unoZ. 46 , L JOHN 2 WATT, 'V le.o 11e..141. e** c t a g fis. ourra..kinsn rt. ALLE4IIIEN7F•II9BMANCE Ur ClTTlalitill.-01Mols. No. Ppf /UM twelve amass ui tai Mrs awl/ : uta JOHN IRWIN I'RVtd*Li , V. 4.ttlVo.rglpkl?4,Vrvlo ,Uspt. thumnd .Aps • r {on* Inas. Jr: , — ...tot laouor. H. L. rthoes 0. 0. Hempel. W. H. vrers... tlArg . l;tiflellk • , Hobert. dant! Hays. Soo. Li..Zigi7r, pv , [l , ll,2 r l i N . OLIN* Il9# UM:VICE OF PrITUURRH,:PA. - omehal MIMI Street, Basalt =Wk. Clomputy, yid Ingsfx.s.OUSti M"' TI"BrIVVNER. tn.td..t.' s . U. R. H 1 O- YrLxli g Vthe tint ru lnt. ..ko"iLLll icg,? lM m l . , 110117 NY. 51A.7.. . . DusilarOsse: eatard,, lalYoN:•B:l72iam. 1. 7 "o ' .A4r4 rattk i-ad , 1: V. rreitit'. arJo [ u ,,, b K thfilim. "'' i. . ..i ....44",,,,,, 0hn V ontll , . AGAINST 'LOSS BY' Hat FRANKLIN.. INSURASCE :COMPANY:. or PIIILLADELPIILII. ofavi • id asr Fapcsartrr usiwitUx,. uc 1° 4 4 4; H. Laois; Totdo•Waosor, • • •.: wad 3row. .. r " :lNnt,,. - tr.gr: U. lq • 0. s u s we r. ta4tl4, Vice rre . 4oent.: J. GAIIDNEFI coriG.'"gcnt, swims, Non!, WoJtoor.l7olo Wood its.. EttTEJL -INSIGGIRNICE CO.; or 0~Cr,./ILAXA NDLA armor. PFuldoit, uno,. • in Watergtrgmt. PO: Wes* WIIIIAAT I 4xerta. 'eer Tlritind Yartei Slats. A bele.. netttatlee managed be [Wetting who are waltkarren to the mum exit!, and eke bj=e the Led überalier. /0 fain tee' ertla teal have eirerWe Ste beat proleatten tO, three Who dextra b balararod. • airs. Ittentak, 4 " 9" VesirTkoresi, ' H. Mlle?. Jr, Oka. J. Marks. Jenne MeLeder... . j ohn McCune. ,•.. Alexander epee,. James P. lianas. • Andrew Ackley. Arena krgetrieke.. PAVIA JkL Loafk r acs 1101.1361 LT. ikteret=7.. • EFFERVESCING CITRATE •;01 .- 4 RIACLIFESIA; Jo II oz. bottles, to powder. rd. Magoestatirs Rd Dorval., and - Orient; Tor! , oo. r Ptobl• the " Tit t id Il s ifaV o t, h"4"b l;orgle b 'r itt IrroVtito. rre v ,44°4lliraus I.93Bprif ft 110001. Bow 001112110N—:3141reMWE WIFTONZ WORN& Northweit Corner's Wei Comaion.A.t.t.soutxN. //IND'S. 114V.5.113:• W. • tek Lane - prepare' al port. Notle• HLASTII AND eNNP WON/A 1/L. l / 3 6 Tin!' ewer.-w&I,Ks, 11116WZRY VAULTS, Se.. - . lINAD AND TUilll tITONNS, La, " Angie promety rJll UNN NSA. nentsia ,, . BAkIl & BIOSEI4 , • . 411.33.08.1L73310,P0. • •.. rstriv 'Assoc! ericriAitninno,it m , .ad 4 ET. CLAIR STREET. PrITRBURtiti lipeetal' attention aireivio,tlin.lesitni4 band= of Mort n ausea alt4intrate atinints AAUP RUSTIC recelir ,' ad and for sea by 01.uttUE A. NALLY CO. den WAD/Ayala Dnualsta. 7 Wood nnot p • (.1 ju I:Xii.ol'4 MMOUL MONEY AND PIPE WOR,IKS, Corner Carroll and Sruallnutn , Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA. NAnwE. Esmrirmr, /1111.11MTACIVISEll or Cast-Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORV. jr, Mos aro &l east vastleally In rltK la 6 , 7 Band and n rarr Lama/us. Alto, a (111 =ant of GiMLR CASILNGS fOil CAS LB von 101110. e,l-t7gr'J.l;vl.tha,v;Tarorantv-d- - PORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANI WCVELIKS. CARROLL do SNYDER TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED, TUBULAU MEM= 1 MANDEB STEAM BOMBES, OIL STI,LLS AND DLL TANIS, : (EBIALFETS, BREBBRISTO AND ASH PARIS SETTLIRO PANS, BELT PENS AND COU STEAU PIPES. GASOE A.NDIRDR D1U006.8. • . PRISON D 00.68 AND 0,821. D. 51102681. Case andWorlte doraarßeeddado IllikOrt. laud Übe - aly Streete.. Pittsburgh, Pennsylisuiii se Ilteaboaa b. nrOnotla attended ‘ll6 • ' anjas CLICINNKII . PIPE . . : • . -; AND - SHEET . LEAD ' WORKS • N 0.19 East NtotL Street. IIeCORILICK a GU3SOA, Proprietors, • • Pig Lead; Block Tin - tin • PLTEIIIT Yaks ts order FIFES and 1111111E711 at lit lb seared leclatbsad able: baselsPer lba lb.. alma spouts, rtor 74,altbre. 1 , 21 t i' i= d arslysitrkaaa "-" c 4 . . Thr • 147 li • Wer 1N411111.V especially sale the Sat/balm b Plasabers and rroyclators Of • • • ' OIL wonsti &ND OM WELIAL SaMuIS . IRON AD MIL' 'VOUS LEWIS, BAILEY; MIZELL 4. co. Al A USACITIUMBS as . BAR, BOILER, SHEET. 9L'ALIV - 32C: XELOW NAILS AND NAIL BODE.' , • I)7fICIE AN D Nom, 64,66 & 68 Anderiox If., Thrt• aptans 2.7?rDi of Hand dt. BMW , . ALLEIAIEBIrCITY. • apu:kAi KENSINGTON IRON WOIES LLOYD & BLIL6Ei", Best Common, Betted Charcoal Truniataßlgoxrarpn. nAxt...:mitmn ►ISQUA.#IO . T sod ASGLI.I3II/1. - ' :`; :BOUM& PLATS and ntititt /WS. .." NoWSIt and ".. 'CT LLNUAtt and fIUALKII, MALL T //.1.1L15.111 , 1 im,4161b.. taarail. crwrouirr LWATBY in,rlolKlSlSiermsi. , PLAT 8.1111. a. Pcraebet •and Coantatulalcd; 00k BCNILN 11t0d.:4:•.. • t'Kat, ,14 Itud otula[ C . at 10 . Om ',MC enatti., - ;••=11 MITSTONB-1110N`;.1fORlik: ICUTOUSON,•OI.6.9I3'B C 0.,; Itaniiaitut tb; d Zl r iµWA,. Boumd, egnare , Flat and ' 110m4hiOn Bsr Iron, 'Hoop, ant hakt Iron;' ,Bohoi-Plase;Tank '":' • ;: Ralt-Poi Iron; ' 81iiet Iron, lc * itc., 1 • " rrrr roWIISI/11., =Mao 1 % T . C41 146' Wia;ter'.:,liit. aELESagNT' MEL MM . micas .81BR . is•l'Aintuli BEST:QTALM.CIBtITIN4 wa 'Equal - totes , Lal44 Sax, *at. j imaryrer 01,441k a rAtms ruAPriarypciii4T Ma/ • , Moe. 38 Wood Eitrciet; ter IST. „omits ricrraz. nvtranmi. Prniunsati. /we 1411100 ti DUQUES NE IRON AND-STEEL WORKS. Bill*** co.; Iron, Bade.Eipiinis, PLOliffik arc". 77 larait.f4. ettramt t .' ,rmaniouccit , , OE9 • riTTTSBUJI6II,BTE,F.tI.IIrO dr - Cii;. - I 1 aiugoFlioqx?.!;#stoirD Go luD ag;li e , °6l 9Vgi tlMal atiy'rork p we4 Heaping. and limbs jtkacik wwnicie,suints4 7 l4 • cut I!;;VimukiPi../1 01 0 1 .1 1 10 1 4*!" 4 1. imiui—cang s•.. ts,r4rit-Saini, a'sjitcmiu, .44 , 044 ! MQNT BLANCTOUNDRY„,, I Butter' Eitrij%;,7s4)4ll:4Tetd f r orrierrz72 l jor TurilOTl:f44 ~Wlhig_ . 31111 anti - Hodge Clop*, 1:11411T AD cansticuitha lareteri prowl'? sad esnrunt exectloi. Cain= Itly,lBoll.llllL " ERBIUM. & fiLAVICLUID. 13C.3E1,331W. a - wciraitimi.,.&co.i .11aptivrare& - 0 utlerr' . . • . , 'An rut riktraun t •setions to our 044 A. Coiner Libertrind St: OW Sts: ". instowizzwa , 4 502111121. sLASui BERLIN -FOUNDRY. PRIVE & Orrici 4m vi'Aiino - ciszt. No. 29 Wood Street, ISaaufactare !la eklkeep consttlyilY o6 k,n 4 liox - ea, WA9IM 130N.C.9. pup, 11V.121, MILE" ' C:, 5E2:17.11k. aoitx? w AlltrelStinta ge.eraily. 5p24:70 HOW! H. HOLZ lIMMUS OIL • INDVSTRIIIL IfORtS • HUGLA ! BOLE* COO 1 ) FOUNDERB'ANDIW/BINIST4. ..bo,t not ice. • Corriere pan. Ai r liepusi= " 7 . ..* Inbllivrll6 . ty ; - .11011BOW-14 BAIIMITEL, • N1111:74=113.11 .07 Steam Boilers, — bll Willa, AgltattSS, Titalta...Sollt Palm. Gaetemotfla, , &Ma Itziapa i i Sheet Iron Work, At.>is COICLIBEATY AHD BE IITS ! ; inT,TBBURGE4... istaitertr, - ," 4714 as LIPPINCOIIt No. ns Waterßtraet, luxtpriormidus rerithvitaxamp__" - . . z.A.T.Rxr.t.sic zav "1"13z"! II %IAD moss-wit ESl**A. MOM F, ffi~Tß A.1111; - / Fifth' Street Vie diesels %mite and ,Clis MMus. Streets, Gosailtltraild . Delter fir t dware. cl.rs itoodiof ' all dear:A . PM= allow,. 46 D•liit sad JOILIAt. ttull•lPT••skinimi., RozyWdag OHM morm.ear - • %Wods* RAILIIOAI3EL COLUMBUS CINCINNAII R. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. . ihil.i after22(22MAT - _,Mareted4 - 121112;kiw1fla 1 1 will leave and ar.lae at Union Depot as followai r1TIT•12110/1 TINS. PiranTil. Tart 1.1aw.:.....1.i....1......... 'Ziffn A. If; ,744i..21. Mall 11:52 A.41...- - -.V411.1 , N. Maw! p:2i A. 1. ihr. T. I 1 .2Tea11,:::, ,, • " .i 2. ,yr - le.- - t 11.121: w. - ittaanenanrwanicotannint V= r. AAA 113241.. ac. , McDonald do .... II:05 r. I. V. 93 A... lim Fse...IUR& 3.141*a ' AnOfS , Slr X 0 alnlist or ONEw2 Pretabritk i d . cancthneu. end pel ebaape to M. Lup. . Cairo, and Mae plinn2Pal liddir4 Wan Sad 00210 When j22221222121g . , ,22? be Ufa .d lad tie caw at the , , :. , ' , PITISIMI . .CSIM6S . Vlfflaslu • vi a I 1 Union Depot, (ititith a1de.) . 1 ,. 1 MD. 2101 . 11121LIPJLOGII.Tlatela At! e• P. •0121.2...12thuasarlieeltat Ages.. JO .N U. .IMILLYIL. EA M. Agent.- 2012 WST rits A. VENNIMMArtuk EL I IIMILD.-Cteraad i allaliM attar NVEl.l2.ll.llDillydaw. sari Id," 1144 -UM MOM. ~ ter TtedissonitlianTaMaria reenall.niz Ha road will arrlee at and depart from the /federal am". Px2.&222022.1 4.12 r. slognr.% I ElfArpsb , g3t I 6.24`..2k.iiiii4241001..1 - .. 2121412 =W.; 1 fgt. re tftairtAK4 n A. : E 22.2.22 12:42.2.21. FreepOrt n. NUMClto 2 t a tinr. Igrrtgaltill. a. n Mall 4:31P.Y. Etpreve...,...rlMl,ll Treettrl Nrr. 2 11.121T.M.Itharlistkig Na 3 2:202,w a hasps 01r 14 a d& OITA, Free port.B tw.11.50 Ma Maroon's No it sin6r.m. Ic o n. lihasp24ll2. a 125212, All 222122 son daily saCrP + ..2. Veannaitathao Ttaliatworintaatalialfsetagelio TOMitli t . -I Wrtil -iatetensilt..,H= AlFp bl 2 and =1 W tidal at Di g " D i Velalltel l Fial t Ylin Ja r ..5.A47 . iateawalll at Wr.1::212 , MO Unrie. iw. 4-a;ileilLria th.-KOKle as MIR I.: r la* LAW ila*Vise Tor 227111 . 41 r 'Mil,: and - Mut etn Ter nirt l rt! ;Wren [-trai= atia efirttl • l Na .2'w2lnvlnir intuagonitAturell , - .l.2ime-.? —, -.. , q2ederallSrea24-5.f . et FENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL AiLuattLw. , - De- - - - . em* er WM- Z. Tesill• LIIIIII Lad Imre the Illm . DITAi..... !!!4._TiatVeitrealihi.i.r.trr' MileTtam .... :m a m y ap . ......11 s . j ram Lim, I:sa ass Wan' Ho. 1... 41:21) a Wall's No. 1,-110 a m Mail Walla MM m - AII I V;V g a. 5 . .. :9S: m raitritm I 1 Jobt.mems az. 11:Ma m Wa.11 , .. Fa 1.-.11,36 m thattmo , e Ex• I'M p p m Urt.ldoct No L. SAD m Vd1% * N1V1. 0 .412 A MAC !, Walla No. 5... 4,M, p m Wa11....14e. 1... 11435 Maddock No.L 5:37Mm W..1.1,014.1..10180 it Wall'. Ho, 4...1T m rut Lk m. I.o*. m *Mama .1,000 m ., .•,:. 3.IIMMIMMI/M4OO M kind immigrant , i • .. I, ..., ri is.s..itsta Itnlin :::a..0..1. Lien LI =.: A - 47 1... i, .41A4131:01 ~ .. ••1•310. all Mum*" amontrrearicespftto +4:- - - !Ina 010•104151.11,11.1.1liall • Iltsda=lla.rxess , maebta • . ~ • ••tresill in , ar•rmlaE::::ba• • ' Tiks Belem •Ikrigraftif,lll.l wrist:rids ebtlruc*.M• mgemds. mat . ..am"..—Lommomt.bimpth= l.4bie U. IL: IWa: .. L . Ii b131012113D•el volt, qua Set iiimatilli el ~...nw, :a ,•. • ; v. 5..:rw.:11 ..r sia 4.06 .: . -"," •. , 1414r.AL:SECLIW/Tal/LINA • . . .. ._. 1867 ...,„ • kiNtAla . lial - a :- irtUAnlis saAls; is at thansaili • u tairtroigVaiii.'AiariMutti c 1 i,,,,_..4 4.. pto I Cleva.and Zs II alWitEll . sr Cbleuto w......, 7:u. Is Militc. ..,Li /: 30 1 .• Vallese. , munt.,:itoos cb at.,;..m. cn..a- wit i l`ll:lll4.a. Neo• iTI,M. a: a Vrat it rinie t%IlliA711•10 : l ir: 1 rr= im= ro 1 CI : r :119/1 - 4 ! 'i t r ' ' 't i jtaH Ml V7 .A''''" Z i a : rAtutera4 l, lo3puillur=o . : , l ll2l t 1 . 16:Zoint 'al t Aoft 1 N. l I IVg - '. :l 'i lt r : l6. t a ili.:;: . r/Alt Lootsdalo O Ismake er ....1 4 .• ta. No usinsteue Una ut 12•JUKT. , _....,.., g l =orthristW 7, dooln,7,olit.lLTZJlM IlicaultTioU•ll4 I. riTTSRVICRE! AN • iruza .", Spring ti Os uld NUT SDI yywwu teary m° , Innt • • Van ib isitipab motroir. row a. aw.2l4kleas 3koren; • .• • wkilllP,ll6.lll. "IPOsti SgrAteartmees IVO N No , rlt.ll - 111 .. r05.a.11210 aJisos a% to arsoOooo,- , • —.l :IMP. lit. r. elfoOlytlforolt Tests to r ,t; n. • yy NORkl TOO,Art . .. itlie kat ,'. flit 1:IA. - AAP .evr • .24.1.141.....,%.. i- r '-` ' . 1 1211U7411•1111111.. , ,.. , Ciriita tow w zw...ri.www . 4 0 . mlttrujr ..,arrive at Pit ..,I . T..ftTi'l i, ak ta,thigerbellii. Ili ' fiZrittrZilf'.'"Xtilr e....d uhisimpeta• fts..VAlidill• *lc zzpr“..tou,dtroitift. . r i c , ,x4 *4= &t o o: ir. = M. I I ii, tobods.-Wart, 01 Isom nab tab au! . 11It Li ouzel 4 irltt p W• • U ilig Wrlttia* TeAMA ' alli 2.4* Ipitivrtnto : , tt2e.."Min u tig - , 11 r, u metits Amo u vPir c „, 11 9 01, r Lisnwps. of WSW IL yki. Olt. wo l tiwatgrei. Wel r- -.- 2( pr itt or NM'. Win VITUIP"Mi o .q.Mrple. D rArarSn a cei. ta. moat SIR be aurae& Per. Par moat to ottoarad mon We aka. No lo t tr ait a*- ton - LIE2I i rran, Tvri Yen,:" . MAY. sattla 11131116 4116MDAY. • m anila:al. Germany a +ran., „144414"4" ruVW.tti.'i t t4"' Braattora T or str. uttiousm_, 3., °cams Adazoi , =yr:. vffice, nusburgh. CONSUMPTION! .tiS.E~.:.::. ~. ~. u7o4.lpkis tS gum a Mottos to MMdW tnY Wel ltaid.asniAmilai Sint. nos lib Um pot t. ansosbJeot, and If a atct mark wen to attempt It he would mica EI Ut arena by lb. reading uut Ms bible be got elf tbrovgb. TM lap • toistS enbtt, or!. Itsobteg bettl. esioeto ninon of legator or pas. pats L one or bolt. ebuunswy 1,147.1 as to tie palm ot the. tuna and soles et th• 1171allyb."1. "4.11 Or lasi se A"Fiel-4:—.1141*. er P elit. V* .f t 4 0 .4 These an the asset outward emplane, sppserik ao/"4 Phiddin',4 b the patiniet4 "Them are. Ikewiret. more Important symptom In= thew, with& in ..UY ma. latocslllatlott 'tad pargesslon. Won trtUolt araa„ larCeal mg" thump. ultau.,.glia. of Osplotod warily Warder to amoortot;what la rang oa LI- • sta. of .114 CATUr of the abort. Oho` aliasor sitstsidia tau inapeoss VAY an almost aorta to. - demi:manta tlui true sift 'moot condition Of lA* 4 4, nspirasory prose. • perfect oaseultstor eaa ntCana ameartalers Irtto - the Um Luria sr& vitriol:ly or nN. momb n L tbirbiat limited of vrtuttztor tM lOW. Thar 'OW "on dploa Ear illseetemil. ilis SDPn Prigs. - tis Tapley arrlvwt 14, au! sten elleraleA.we pan ; ear ;lately metier he lane- t.t. east . , et enproprlete rcaniles.. We havelene < ' been el the opinion that roues pare or de*, _— .47 . sr nestles .f the 1.1117 stslutith,theillfeßn • ',- ant on • depraved state of the bleed. nhlite - .41111 beer, 111 nuttier: entereet-. poettelt In the langs. or elesealere Le the hoar.. Jen ei7b1416 et ste , il;e • ti 4erbellt:i4l In the taut— - der. atnnettrpettbll‘l!O nhloh epithet! ether lel k rttorrer ppyl itlie4entle of ouch iiren,osip.. 1. • natural riertlens sulfa Inlet Ca latamtnetor7 tlon. which acition. if it oo Id, woad auf I' It oat of ULI• la. and which Wall Lau Dna ...14 kat* law baataattLa Of nal' D. N. &MUM rECTfIZIf.IUU! ts a ma- ple4 sin ye:rites cull la lb, forming it of isaadly~se:_ _A YU on r .a btbisll4 w ho stated iinoyin by .11111/IWin tti miring or "013141,11,rge.0 Ndoa a';° :ItililleasampaLi ire isaa/i,enizi)relbedsl. anS ihisoniPiaidairlii tie imnied of, sad the renewing =Moist of greyer &Dangler,'bac" mint 41ftlathiseiesie,lthisostninoLiac1aeav iiiAK,No,iiwits,jto rood c; 'coed truzi - iir.ruraitncutY inntonbst b lacreit tame. . seta; 4ro o gW ens I • • Jesintrts gay parts to he_ renewed, India! telasolves wtd arriee Ist *qui tlae =or particles of worn oat or entntneocu. seiner, 7nlch only toad to clog or destroy lt. by Wren.- leg tie renernil4l.l4telierVelnl &Polkaed 4 to pm e pu y ze i • rtrutoluari pcursultl'rkgx4 inistli•TiNti ~ , rpoufilocinnsr, cram). I . • ,•• • st:oseisiiot: it laiiii4 iiiCiattquitoz, lof Ns. grillabrinioddthastilltnagbars.Clthir. :.: ... . . I 1.00 . violent atialth of folthrtsy, la May. UM. which left las 'with ennui. !kiting ala .om- roor, wooAos o.or .aur.stamir th . .4 sr , dsorr anierminiag nay health. 'lnning this attack or 1' oloo.rus 1 bad !Wend Ohystelana et th e Digiseat. 'i -_ thinitaUoali Um oily:. 'Altar I had partially th- V.' coterad loin wm Os pleurisy. I was ad, teed to ger * tato ths country. which LA.I4, avid wheci,era L •-",, called in a doom an , who aid iv m) left th Isthlt ' , ma' attend.. and-0a "irgasitUf wemaitOt done • ;; soon I would di. erI,CONOtthiLIITIOrt. I linger odes from this tibia - iiiiiirsindit - ilueittiddia of Jon.,m7 *tar , •24 , haw -came , SrPd.air - dreerad worse. sad I waster teary day, and al- moat despairing Windt' gerttlag wiall. ,l "th this . state oLdWillnatilthgaah4 l tho_. l .i.th•Snm o.f.l tenet or tem laccishility of Coniumption, and haring beard of earn roads -by Da. lILYSY.M. -; and seeing Ids al artinthient:in the aswapspara. . • I was indneddlg that Idthil an the Doc tor at his ogles. 1111 Pima stmt. and had lama.- madman:ly lungs with bls ••1.1112i II 130041.).fl Has f - -0 ' tlMllligelalle Of ,ry legs igng waa Mar ...I -• diseagilbe. th atwith greallthcor sad the permaranth In the cm of Ida medicines .; I would get well. At the time I called on Pr. .• Mg. , MY PilLartirth afar Oae Madrid and thle- VT beatftrileattlantek -gilt heragnenandly pm,- ' tram% and had to math night sad day. 1 cola- cellgeodthalliodorlatrunsaant InOatoblie. PIM 41161634410141-1910611141114 And Crag:mad IC taltaThily natty the yrthent Um. Illoinoshorls • a , mallaluan helped nig - tom the eat, start. and 1 , l -1 Mt. S t in k f i fi l t i r= l ifil f f g = f i r i- 1 Isms gained greatly In M esh. and winsider my. • , ; mil WthiglathialisUndliirPTingg Iran flthred. - ; and my gasand health Is in math war good. ha ' - • • • althadAllindwilapirptaltandeanond " stage of my dliathiiihritay sztrandthary neon- - ' ' : m. -44atti.itiZiewa Aix"' W. 17 41.. Esther was • m a - WM TAMS Cull nr*dit I apotth,ssairration sallAthe otbat trsat -4,gat:ll' 11. L 1.... . ,. .. -- .!.....Lf Zr. 1 ithelkillilli. Prt..e.C R A S S?"O- 114 ' l , ll k - „,,,,, -. :- • - moo::.::t. _l.'. - UN, : . e. ' P...i.:.., • 7, .;J`-': - ' _.. L.. , Autiiiineworrzairaiisditriiiii. - - g_ a :. i aststion.- , . rtazwicre ININV =mil i trumunorts tom cp.:a:WWI States asmir .- . , th. Jandi.* .thligaiiillNrsand In the I.i v ~ ==„rts isca td, a dimissowidclitlio anal , l 81 1 / 1 1110 00, 91P - ' 4 .h." . 7 • a Scythia song II asd tail away I, - ... • rt.- i n,, twit saVii3oll3llllllllllb*Pia7lldw... -t- , . 0 t =.12 .2= riaLon al , Y•ltanit .::::•1.:- . ...as. peoposlmMOWltueita ~, •.- - , •• aistioahoss semaglas I anal 1:14!t;`. • - iedtae4itik.it atigisfas ore. ~ ', --- .., - .. 1 .1. ipmr,vmph yadi ill. to Ani...,...: i tt,...4 . .... ~., : , lined dae'll'Aithar. lilt 'irk =Made toot Ine. ..j . ;"1 . 1 to....negic9pßreFsog no l'Asaitlitt. Whom in I Add in tigaliAnlghtLl/Ou lilkilliall , taiga lilsgl .N 4 ns wypo4 nada , DL tinatment. .r._ itistarstior.,fisiti f ar , waanfullir - : antlisidaLFlNthiff.)FAA Sad %Mg Inn th at my 1 ' i ba guru pr•Al tkolkg4t h• wad one at iiii/mEmt.Staitaiii . stint I did ttan tot dair t Ws. IgtadnWyinptaraden 'arfnekiminmstecll,the Pala Ma I tatailaitaa,and tor geranal kuss thvgweallallards, ,Ut 7 01 , _ ta ea away. sad Ware it pan noed t am t , oo hi sad Maar sail pre Oaf lonia. I eau ass dal a tall dare won; sat Yaks great sham* la slang ay Winton is tam at. Dr• Kam% " • 4 . 4 Tante Coon. r.i :• A tau of O» loan sladlior mod 17 DL Sl7l OWE .7.111711)1111/ enure: LL SAYSZIOWITiaI WO Wes aillOted.lll/ • 01 4 t lad 11211111117lot0etalbleyAr An it alz 7Oart, wrath for wort' 7olisAbott4ls4 tally larreased L A1010a10071u100,110. 11 1 b•• •••• ••••• 11 • 1 7/. tat ;lad Amur. Maul b 7 otrtml obtrilallatirlatall,aavrerlati• la this OUR•trakr-daraliploottol itonote Scar rzo. TOBA-TA., COUGH rrsur. umst. tea arm Mao • Lett Ann IMMO/414 WI/ rot bar 71/17 UP; it.11,•/13714 ia* tat • MUM' .WAUS. tiMA oiled tilr• otiatili: lad eta boa mi. ao armor otabAirevattimoiro. or,rolltne•••••• I would alit S* Malt tort lb. toodbate Emelt til4tfalla7;72./ "mid mm b fablait ranolororl4sUolor .ausimp turriur tem / Ardbrll4., sad l yooare it I.ltoity to 7Airat 111114 Malin wx.firizacis, 1• 111 • 111 t1 1 / 11.1111Warg. _ JECI:Pa - Oar eas, Tian 0 01101.0011.21101A.With exatetzsptlos sr lb. / 00 0, tursrlitaltimil vas /bastuareet boss the arm. tis cril.lls.llsy tow army physlalm. 1,1 1 **Ur UM: lisaVSl. ehu SNlLeeee. We bmusti hiss Dr. MIMS, IP Wood stress, i , ,Teultriebod•tigt meth bls arThltelis thaver.-..l„anid hi= wand ,nag Ire% JUL saw we ll and Isss bum se Toil*" pas lindoi plum; 0U,50,1.111,10ed L liza JOMlDarAltn•lagwl4o tiff red. • • k 7, ~,usewrahrtiou; ' MALEY AIM rarersa. Tannessitseska Jam lomingsweligmAt4, SYRUP. V - —''' , Kriiti4Litifiltuar..:.. 1.) ,70. J 1 - GM pk¢ad o,llls RYZAT XICMCDIZ KORB. 119 .. .pti !'Attu: Conialiatral miss for Luis ivniio44olo6. sa? 'saw STRIST. Dose I A.111.12aU14 0.-111, ' '* solloglri al BEENE
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