• :<``jr ?`RL'~f~RTZ, CM2BIII -eZ wad B roker, ASWo L•• 7r7. tqar corner of Fink al.tan¢ 4 .-,°4ll7tali. _ exit Bonds ndeoicon unanu tanas. London "ad Conummul. F.mthonso sold It Sow Yortimei. clOl2o4.l;vorauct Coupons bought at high. .8014; - Drafts Lamed as Nov ALL' SIZES 7 3-10 BONDS fiveited into 5-20'6,1805, BONDS DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY. IV. T. BRADY & CO., Siirk kers, Coe. Fourth &Wood Streets TO' MOLDERS' OF 7-30'S. Harlot ..do special orrsogernetts with • SEWS , Cf 0.013 . 41, 100., On, tortelDOndaltil, Wean, prooorod to convert 7-eiry lotoJ4o's of ISIS, Wlthoat olson'o. Stoode.on Hand for Delivery. tRiIkAMAY & CO, 608VER•VOIMIS IiNITHFIELD BTB SELL YOUR 7-30's AND Bine- 5-20'S. Hablet4'ottitrEliTtrlltli will find an ad• einiao .ovEs rEkt CENT. by Sta. . • ,• . IRA B. IncTAY & CO., ' COIL' , 1&& .p7c)7 FINANCE AND TARE. Dines ni THI P1T2539198 E1k.27211, WEDAVIDAY. April 04,1957. $ The - New York 'stook quotatioits to-day, As. received bi , Tir. R. Mertz, were as tollowsi„ Hold., 140 , 4'; ilighty-oun bonds, 18316 ; ,'Fu /06%; do, ItY4, Iraqi; °nasals, 'GO, 107%; Ton Forties, —; haven ' Thirties, 10a; and Od Latus, , 105 , , , 6; - Michigan South. , tit4 , ca Clivelsnd ft Pitts burgh, rSI;) Putsburgh, Fort Wayne 8 Chi cago, 99; Chicago and Northwestern, cointnna i 32; do preferred, 37,..“ New York CentraVat&; Readnig,:lol; Erie, aln; Chi cago andß, °ck• EGlit Western Union Telegraph, ' • Brady A. Co., bankers,. cor ner of Foiled:timid Wood streets, dealers In Goliernuient Securities, quote the same In New York to.day as follows; tjold, , U. S.itzes. . .... frig ' U.S. Consols 1500 August Seven:thirties, Juno J my J lute, p9mrpunds, Itmt • Goldopened at advanced to 131, de elated:to MX, and was *drama at s p. m. at adispositionto_take all that was itifori4.t•Crah'. mild Is scone for delivery, and tram to per -day ischarged for viewing it. Government securities are not tptite Botlrm as last night; the decline per. cent. M . England had a depressing ef fect on the market here. Railroad shares were soinewhat better to-stay, the boar el, Scent intho market has spent ILO force,and the ahondanco of money in Now York may bring about the long expected rise. It is an erroneous idea that people In Eu rope at thtroptbreak ordering a war would buy,oak. securities, arid thereby enhance their Market value. People tnere, as else where, will bold the "precious metals, and lose Interest on'taimeyrather than run the risk of having bonds and stocks confiscated by therGoverdnient, or see them burnt up, of w)itelt tnere Is"grester danger there than here. Since the soldicry are quartered with the eltizens, altid the number of suf ferers In case ef.:diertater is much greater, than here, the country being more thickly settled. Ph. It. Mertz, 115 Wood ntreot, will day Lire 131gUest pile° for /Any and July eou• . . . . • ' - • —TV Vtlyernerty,,bypurchase or conver o len . into the new conaolidated issue of the Tiventia,of :first series of the beiren. : wlil winch - in the coming month of - August, liproitesiling at rate exceeding a million dollars a day. The whole of•thlanrst issue will doubtless. be satisfactoilly.provllled ler by the time of the formal matority.of the notes, only about 4100,000,0 W now remaining unconver ted. T. 193. will bola source of great relief and rittength to the department, and can not ratite tater ',Moiler confidence In the presentjudielo. administration of the Na %Mimi finanoei..As - the Soyen Thirties are ' not convertible Into Five Twenties after maturity, and as these notes aro now wotth handsome ptemitim over the price which they - Will fetch in the market *nen de prived of the privilege of conversion, there is little • dadbt that itie procem of fending Will go on with increasing rapidity. • —Thong Mired eXtensit'elailares within a few !mike LaNew York, together with soy ' oral other similar commercial disasters re cently in the east, love made capitaliste more moitlons,mtthiint Materially, affect. ing the rutebt intereat for money. This wearer confidenuompplics to the whole, - tendency of business not within individual cuntrof. The :troublesof the cotton mer= cluvitfr,Lainie"the failure of • one of , -the staunchest New York houses last•week aro also indicative of the general distract- in connection with the cotton trade, the New 'York Journai of Commerce publishes an in , lerPaing cOmpixeltire tAnlo of the prices of that staple In January and April of the: presenaYeaWshowing a general decline of from 13 to lac per pound for the fear months, and says: • "The 'contact of cotton merchants'pro. coed from causes out of thi, control of oral. nary spplianoes, vet very natural, and easy of explanation. The advances to planters and factor. were mach upon a scale of prices Itasca on an unnatural amount of paper money. and the idea that cotton cul ture was so much disturbed that our prices were - 040 id - be ihalntained. certainly until the traps - of' litt rale INC' pasted into the hands pf tha conetftACr The tacte are that prodactitlh-lifisahlteti%,undet w and throughout the cotton-consuming orld throughout the widelv to 10 . ducat" the demand, with what reselt OP. orators the future will mocii`fhtit 'Mow. TwolitelttiofPaoht:pot-pound stiOrrel Qn the last throe and ahalf :.ixtouttis does not repn,seitt , the „toaster -to Um:. tutubkon this staple; It has yet to fall to-He 'currency, end Widieverking down to this point will be pralueed annually incrtsts , ng anadmitt: 'Like surotherbrancli of Indus try disturlxel by the nandlion, IL is gravi tating towani,its eaten - O. CoaditlOn, with Inevitable loss to all whO anppOse that nut. • oral larnif COSMO 'le -Operate, however much 11211OldilalletteltatIl serer. • • - -At a meeting of the Nonni of Directors ofthe Yort Wayne ComPany - in New York on Monday, the lab:ming resolntions were adeptild. 100kInfr''tO ett early adjourned mostungof the shareholders: 1. Rs.eftesi,, That tboTrosident be ren ted to designate Thendby,rhO ml of 17, Iss7, at 12 a.. at the butte of tbo Company In I'sWnargh,lortho reassembling of the ad. jour .,,, :aunat u msetingot the stockholders of thltCompany: ~Ljbwrifs,That for the purpose Of 'pro. eUlaiiitnew,softt,a4dltlonal equipment for tlio-ineressang business of the road and • othertiltesesterT atal;-Improvo. menta,-thighonrd recommend tcstire share. holders an Issue of 15,000 shares of capital stock, andliat thatollowinedebilled exit ;,7anific:Flsogi work remitted to the ActolATiblitAlie:aiLa Issue of stock shall koydtticeted,..et, ier:fellowarcle Tee p ',teens bein etocknolders on the books of. thellompany creincrierk day of - Juno, shall be entitled. Ine subscribe for. nowstock to • the extent of 12 j'er Cent.bf • the stock ro-. epeerriesiy held by_theei. on paying 00 per toregt P er i ftl ra ttr:4 lll- arttlitrie c i nht scirpMSTund:tbat tho transfer' books Will clew: 4°4oe Int h nne, and remain closed untig. the - .2oth. , of ,Jcirke; tho tebaerlldlent De received at', the Web sMim of the Transfer Agency tn - tne chi" of rork, and At the prleMpal 'Calico' id tTlitsbnisen, from : the morning of,clio.2iib rit June unt o 2etal p. ~ of • • the-Vth of Jrnie t wnerethe riunt t se: m lllm - erdisseskeeoind. haystack not subscribed for, Will bet diapered of las the Board may direct. 44.114ramitee nark's. CihTelOkistoli to theiltoboreh G‘rette.) • -1441101.14tri, dpril Sc.—Flour (Inn, donbJe o n extra„ .12,4542 . 12,40. tt " lC b d tWP/11,g5 - 1:= Nn, 3; ir.:JG rejected., OstS, annettled. G 1 foeNo.l. Corn Onn; 111,1 0 for NO.I, .00 for new shelled. Receipts - Flour, SW 'ILI::: :Meat, 11,500 Uri, Corn, 4:000 Irrhele. MO jAIIISIDALZELL & SON, 69 aad 70 Water Street, • • LARD MAIIIIFACIMISS, ind dealer. jib 011.11DIA L11321.0A-1130 and CAXIIILON We warrant our No. ILard Oil e.lual the best Olueltatati. other 4.4 e, 4O purpose to sell at low at Cincinnati or ettleeto rates. Oar 1(0.1 Lard VII u a Lubricator cannot be excel:ea. Data Cram* Lubricating lad .isaaard brand. *r m. = 111114odnamta.= ltd their intereet to' rive gle aTtii Warn arduring I Lard UL from the Wee. R19:43 PITTRHOEUM awskare Ovslei Vita Prrreamant GAllerre, wan:fussy, April 21, I The produce markets continue dull, and the Inclement Condition of the'weather has a tendency to Intensify the Inactivity which has prevailed. thus far this week. And what Is true of commercial matters is I. also true of manufacturing Interests. The "lock out" still continv.es, and judging from present appearances, the prospeecfor a resumption of operations by the mills are Just about as remote as ever. ..GRAlN—There Is no movement to Wheat and none In this market. Oats dull and In goal supply but unchangedi sale of 1 car . go: Sat 69, and 1 car No.l at 63, delivered. Corn Is in•demand and Arm; may be e noted at el . to $1,03, on wharf and track. Rye is held at $1,60, and Mit little Offering. Barley Li quoted at 61,05it0 $l.lO. rt.ouir—le dull liuV nelsanged. We continue to quote at $l6 414 for Spring Wheat; $l5 toils for W int Wheat; and $lB to $l9 for fancy SL Louis brands. Rye Flow, 45 per bUI, and Cornmeal 41,10 per bushel. PIWVISIONS Bacon Is ateady and unchanged at 93. m to too tor Should ers; 11% tot:Tie for Rained sad Clear bides; I.s!ze, to 15.330 for Plain Sugar Cured and to lel for CarivasseA Hams. Dried Beef. 23. Lard, 13 and Mess Pork, 1123 to S.so. E E DS—Cloverreed Is dull and drooping, as the season Is about over. Timothy bi.. 11 Is selling in store, at V. Blaaseed is litgooti demand at $3. BUTTER—Is dull, with liberal arrivals, and a supple considerably in excess of the demand; prime to choice fresh Roll may be quoted at Mc to 030—but little selling above 30c. EGGS—Continuo very dull, the market being completely glutted, end prices are declining. We can report sales at lac to 17 —mostly at 11 to lac. MILL FEED—SaIe of 1 car Seconds at $l - sales of filtddlhigs reportud was at b ut s yet better supply and doll, but as yet unchanged—small sales in store at 950 to SI per bash for Peach Blows. GREEN APPLES—DuII but unchanged— selling all the way from $1,50 to *5,10 per Ohl for good to choice. OlL—mdes of Lard Oil at 90c for No. 2, and $1,19 for No. L BAY-1. quiet but unchantral. Good to strictly prime Timothy Bay may be quoted ut to $l7. on track and wharf. LlME—bales at 6.2 per htd, In store. 131 ED FRUIT-1s doll but unchanged. JIG LEAD—Sales at I BEANS—Prime small a nite $2,73. RE= PITTNDUEGLI PETI3OI.F.MIL MARKET ()rites 01 TIM rISTRECIIBI3 deserts,{ Wear aseay. April '24, Ite7. mark t-Was again very quiet and a little dull to-day, though prices halm undergone no quotable change. Salo of 50ebbis, on the spat, at GUe, and' OO bids to be delivered between the 15th of June and the aith of August, seller's option, at 7:•5c. SPOL 011 may be quoted at e!i ton: l ,e, and May at c 3 to 7c, and, as has been the ease all weak thus far, be 3 ors are Pearce; the demand for troth present and future de. livery at the prevailing priers, is light, and refiners generally are tillisrstal to held off in anticipation of lower II cures. A telegram from l'etr oleum Centre to-clay q1.10t0.l dt f.t.a) at that point, which is witnvalent about $2,35 to OM at 011 City. REFINED—Tao market for bonded oil matinees quiet and a little dull, and :rimy. thing, prices are nebula lower. We can report a sale of `Z.)) bbis standard w hlte,for Slay., at 21 , ,},rm bard ears here; 511) for July and 50,) fur August, at T.), delivered in Phil. aduiphla; and SOO bale pi Imo light straw to white for nest hall of May, at Wrli; also, sit'es In Philadelphia of sdo fur May, ho, fur 'nous and 500 for July, at 27—prime light straw to white. A teiegram from Philadel phia, late in the afternoon, reported the market otr, and an orders withdrawn. • ARRIVALS—Tire following arrivals of oil :were reported to-day J. Gallagher Itki Fisher a 8r0.... Mr.. 41 3lawnincillW It Co the I Loci:art S Yrew.lnso Aladdin Oil Co.. 15021 Total 1' led . Io . 110 . 10. 6 , J 3.1 u 10,4 IU.. =II New Tong, April CA—Honey market nn. ch`auged, Coll loans GIG. Gold intensely, excited all day by the most extravagant rumors commit, inclatling the decline cotton at Liverpool to I9e. unit bonds to 07 , Z. and the mooting of the 100100 by Ilia French. Prices run np to 112, hut roll to 111, Sterling subsequently moved at 141i...01W.i. Sterling arum; with light business at. 010. Governments opened firmer. This alter- I noon the market was lower, owing to Or- ' Jere to sell from Europe. Cloning prices Registered PSI, 1i.9 1 /,619914: coupons Ite*iftlirriiii rive-Twenties, reyilsr, 101-litylo3; do. empties - 1501, 109;;0110; do. coutgais Ittelcaltin,ll; tie. eouneas 11771, CM,I I,1119SN; January and July. 107/(01.7311: Aueust seven.Talrnes,lol ) Ailespi;lune do. IWiiftlo.s - X. clock Exchaince was generally '-[Old tier hent, lower on RallwaY slweeletiOns at nmt oards, N. compared whit the highest point ye:net . ..ley; but the market was steady. After the session there was a mock stronger feel ing Mitre long room, an Increased demand and a general advance. Thu market was buoyant and active afteethe second Board, with a rise of Ertel° As; atichican Central, 9114. At last the open board market was a little lower, but bubseqnently closed limn, particularly for Western Refiroailti, most of which sell at the highest point et the day. i William Leath Ot Co. report the following r, x. rates American Gold, 14 ii,eg Itl?4: Ohio Certificates, 11.30 - 1.34; Canton, ogi;Cumberiand, 2112'114; cialekelloer,Tr - Y. tgng Merinos. Gy3,71,,i; do. preferred, nqs np,; Western Union felegraph. New York Central, 9734frjP/41. gym. 57,C; 11,1,110.91; Reading. 101%ftiftl - , Mleni gut; Southern, traCT,t,:: Pittsburgh, 6. 1 %11/ 79 ; Toledo, 111411112iAt Rock Island, 57;.i.tie0".; Northwestern, 32031 N: do. preferred. 53 , 4: Fort Wayne, O.P. , ,d9J.gii I.ncllo hfall. Ile 1112:3; Atlantic, 85!. , ...Ar.0. Border State trends dull; new Tennessee, 02; Missouri. e, ste93. Coal shares quiet. .Ifisceitaneous entready. Aiming market morn active wltll wide d tic tontine,. and In several instances (louden was tbegreat feature, and sold largely from Write 1.25. Cousolidated Gregory maimed at 930 and declined to ;W. Quartz Bill dull and closed at iSK;(2110, after selling at WA Sensederftt• quite active, at ni5i . l,9AL The stenmahlp Aleppo sailmi for Europa with .12.000 in g ,'rises of !dining Stocks hid in Boston to-day: Canada. 401 Copper Falls, tili,4l Franklin. ni; nmmOCk, fiN; nurne. 03111 Isle Royal, 7; QuinCY,23. Clnolnstell Ilarket City Telegraph to desl.lllrigh OltPttl.) CISCIN" ATI, April 21—Market generally stronger, owing to the advance In gold, and teed disposition tonell. Flour firmer and prices In favor of sellers, thou gh net quo. tahly higher; superfine sll,eittilt..3s; trade brands SlS,SeGic,an; fancy Wheat scarce; dales of teti Dunhill. NO. 3 Spring at $3.7303,0e; do. No. I Spring at Vet , . Corn active unit eXotted; prices 3fitir. higher. eloahtg at 050 fur mixed lit bulk, and 41,05 for sacked. Oats firmer but not higher. Rye and Barley unchanged. Whisky 36e ill bond. Cotton; no demand, and It Is useless to gyre quotations; foreign news renders sales Impossible. - Provisions tern but quiet; all articles held firmly. Lard; sales of MO tierces at' 13tiici now field higher owing to the advance In gold. flutter dull at 260300, supply In excess of the demand. Y..htgu ltte 15c. Sugar firm; prices unchanged. Coffee firm; the advance in geld counteracts the Influence of Um decline in Now York. Sorel quint; Clover ti11.351013,0 1 i Timothy 83, 33 0 3„.1e; Linseed $1,4561.47. Gold ex6lted unit hirer, dosing at laid buying, 6=l linVi , . . ' Telegrsph to the rlitsaursh ossttt,i • New Yens, April 24.-4).7 Coeds aro rilp. id with the advance In gold.- -A Oregon Ati the market for cotton, under warlike -vices Mtn Zernpe. It has a depressitig ef fect on the Moth mnrkot, bob at , 0000.10- slon it fait hum's . ) , prevalls. although the maret Mr the whole leeks antinattmt, In bl k eached *Ovalle:a we note ..00Mo changes 1011,001 AV/ridge - improved eoll at. We; . Chapman ,21c; Hope, lac; .1IoOren.10; West,' legton, 10)0; Idiumnivitle,alc; do. ultra. 204 Indian Myer. ilalao and Lowdomislo sheeting, 19c. lineteached Muslims are in lamely request at _the decltne; . Atlantio A 'Alto; Pacilic extra, 20c; Atignaia. t makes lee and 'Lawrence A icaltu. - print. of l'en steady and. ut.; good request, ).int poor stylca Bell 0100 and steady. • • Cbleare , Blarket: • (By Telegraph P.• the rltttburin Gazette.] • • CuWaco, April 21.—"Fleor steady and7tio; changed. Wheel tire:ter; closed at W 490 1 300 ter 1:%2. 4:,...3ru act lye and newer; Closed at aVa for Ito. 1 but unsettled. (Mt active and higher, closed .at.58!„1"61.910 fNo Itye hiective. Barley 0011. PrmislOns quiet. Mess Pork aohl at $22,75 for the hest L ra r , ,, ,ta, and country mess sold .for #5257• th,n,,r3t'a at 12141113 c cash and forward sates at antiveatlool3oll.loberP „?. CPA for cemmon to nitre to Ipts-11 , 10 barrels Cor; I,nlo -hoshels.i.lids'lvledere,b747l. m e at —a.tas• barrels 007 h beati IMAM hualasui mi n , 13 altlettorestitarkila CB, Teiter , ,po to tat riti. 4 44ralatjasette.] - navrtgamit. - Apriflittree 114,31 et, Ma, ;iota: V i n ft dt 4l , buYerti de mand redOetton. -Wheat-don. Wes of °home amber a 4 ai,.15. Corn edirely and Igher. sales of white at:ll.lt9l.izi yok r , 11,13. par, g 1,70. 001,0, irGiao, but trer7 tittle bustardde at the tatter. trovieio n . Steady, -Bulk meste-.oidee,lool2et thould. E N,. me,* p0r1r,,r473 t Lard, Ito for city- 131 , 10 for WeStarli. -Wig. quiet .4 Whieltey - nOmnsal, at 111,50, bonded. PISUe.IeIPUM lly Telegrenti ie the llthluran Sa.ette:l Pilicanrsrata , April 24.—Clover Seed de. cllned. .riour dull; sales nortairftwtern extra at $l4 - ,24f, and extra State at .als. .Wkest doll: iSine prime red at OP.. 'IVO; !mica 2,0C0b0n'a1,65. Corn la lair• ne wand with an advancing tendency; saint 3,000 bush yellow at Oata 75c, Nothl.a. ky ; !ales contraband at 41,70. Mew York Produce Market (By Telegrsolt to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] . Now Yoax, April 21.—Cotton dull , unget tied aradechning; sales WA bales at 24 , 4,42 160 fror 'opined*. Emir; reeelPla 16.10 barrelsi market rather more active, but pflees without decided change; Wes SAO barrels at $1.0,00010,e3 for superfine State and su perfine Westernillll.26ol2.7e for extra Wes. tern,• 4111.t0014,40 idr choice do.i 411,9001303 for Wolfing brands extra round reldo Oh io, and 413,10014,55 for trade brands, market. closing firm for prime loteiCalifornla Floor firm, erlln fair demandixtles 3,300 barrels and sacks at $15.7.5010,30. Whiskey quiet and unchanged. Wheat rather more steady, but prices without decided change; sales 35,Me bushels at 42,65 for No. 2.llllwisukee; 42.115 for choice No.l do., and 43,25.f33,32i.; for white Rye hater, but firm; calms 3,01!0 nnonie Western at 41,3301,63, end re tail lots at 41.57. Barley steady; sales 21,060 busnels abide In timid, and 41,1504143 iron. Malt 6412, . Receipts Corn 2,t01 bus.; market 102 e better; at advanced prices thorn is a material checking of export demand; sales 146,030 bus. at for mixed West ern In store; 41.:el anent, and 41,3101,33 for ems mixed ithAdern at depot. Out, amide firmer and more active; sales 162 bushels, at 72075 c for vestment i'Se for choice; and tiseSlc toe do In store. Rye nominally unchanged. Coffee; 100 %c lower; other loans heavy; sales 1,101 bug* Domingo on private terms. Sugar4c bet ter and In grant denoted; sales 1.20 e IMO. of Cuba, at 0 3,',011)4c; LIM els Havana., aLIIO Molasses quiet; sales 22.51Md5,at.'300 63c for Cuba, unit tea for Bartneloce. Petro. Imam nominal: Leather; note 'crate,' anti in good demand at lull previous prices. Wool without decided Change; rules 101,000 /Its. at 1341,67tce for domestic fleece; 15051 e for pull-. edy.:7o3lc for California, and .22,0320 for Texas. Pork dull and lower; sales 2,1701 Obis at t7,a0%0:2,1.15 for now mess, closing at 122,70 cacti; 42,,31:2,12 for old mess; e05,75(.9 10,13 for prime, and 521,75a21,87 for prime mess. Beet steady; sales lue tibia, at previ ous prices. ' tierce beef quiet; sales 1.3) Ms, prime mess, at 11.341,34,i..3. Beef Ileum un chatigml; sales 45 bids. Bacon quiet but less firm; suit :245 bat, at. 101,1(5/01,io for Cum berland cut; 114011)443 for snort. ribbed; 111.15 for long clear, and lii4e for betties. Cut carats steady, at ,0e9 5 ,.. for shoulders; 12013%c for hams. Lard held higher, hales 1.71, bids, at 12i.,013L,e; the latter Ch o i c e kettle rendered. Butter quiet. Cheese is steady. Larasr.—Flour closed Sc better, with more doing In medium and good grades. 'Wheat let better, with a Mir de mand for No.:: Spring • at et,5542,47; No.l Spring 42.,6002,87. Rye firmer, w - estern 41,53 101,00. Corn Omer, buyers ofshipplng mix ed western store at 41,36 , ;; sellers at 41. 7 711; buyers at 51,38 afloat. seller, at sl,3th Cutts tmlive and fi rmer, with - a good speculative demand, ',Stern :5076. Pork steady; sales of . 2500 barrels ot new inset, at 527,70.111 2'2,75, and 6010 at 4:2,7310r regular. Beef ,stet and steady, Cut meats ci05...1 rather more active With steady inlet.. Bacon sucndy ut 101 l for Cumberland Lard firm, at:00131. for fair to prune steam, and 131 1f 13!y kettle rendered. N. Lenin Market. [By Tolegr.sph to the rlttourgri (thette.) Sr. Loots, April 21.—Totteen Inaction and mace..red. Cotton dull and Pouf Ins ly• lower• no sales reported . Flour dull am: languid, and prices ow:banged. W Lenz— buyers 01004 out, and prices declined ialsc; prune spring and Cdnl,, VTYthl.,fil; prime choice.moth of the of terinos uftf.ola. Corn buoyant 0101 blotter at $1.1101,15. closing firm. thila better. at tOth,,To. Marley and flyo unchanged. V - 440116 (PM; Mess rota M.'s, Hulk Shoul `io.'s Vto. o_ll, bacon shoulders 7, flu sides //.,...ie,Clear 410. 1 . ..%C, °auras:el sugar cured aunts 15!•io. Lard Mulct at 11'..:5 for kettle. IV frisky doll; no sales. =Ma= LB,' Telegraph to tee Ilttsuergh Gazette.) Brlrr/11.0. April 21—Flour eteadyr soles of Idere tads of spring, at ght. Wheat unchang ed. Vote antler, and -21I1t totter; tales 2,u0 bush N 0.2 west e”t at 1.544“4 , 41 In atom, clue log Lim itt the out Ale (Inure: Core In good 11rnmod for new;sale. 17 cure hew Toledo and Chicago, arl.lo on elate Liao track. Barley. :seeds, Ft ovh.lone and Illg w tees are quiet and atiebanged• Thu neurclary of the Sloan! of Trade reports the gram lit store tot.lay: wheat 3.tutre hush; aunt Woo); 031011,7.); tries. MAXI.) I= Ily Telegraph to the Plit.Purgh • floe te•:. New Oak gag s, April :IL—Lenten unsettled: gales of 12,1....50 bolos; lon fulddling 2 lfel eel pte, balee; ert 7,en. There Core halt, to ensue mid inolas%ca. r and declinitik. Corn was In requert, but there was no stock; there woe aft advance of fee sults of mixed at Scl and white at Otte. irate ' firm at Pork 111 In and unchanged. Lard firm btlerco iii c. Peceun unchanged, field i11'... eterling lifttida. New York Ex change premium. I.aalarllle Market Br Tro.trayh to tho I'l [recur( ft tiarette.: Lode. vstcr, Apr 2h—r. de3 of SC/ labia hat Toloacco at Licher rated Ifeht logo $2,10 (10,7:if medium, teal (.11.75tY14, crating leaf sto,tferty2o,lo; MUT% chat u: 11.0.:7.N. 1 1 bright 0 0000 , 04 µ00451. nut,/ I:co Clot. , (V heat pout foal. corn; l.f:died 1.1.,0 100. eor. 01 buck %lc. 40. th, 70. n 1 Lu l l, Mess Perk 4/12. /lawn; F.Lezilderet.C. tr: clhovv o ltidot lit.:0120.;t1 for pocked. 2.0r0; UAW Whinkty holrce et *225. ' Mentpala Market. By 7chtcrapo 0/100 Itlat•hursh clarettc. April :t. —4:l:ton very dell, nomically ftr. roe. LI 01.1100. Ct.:bale, Corn tirtnt at 111,0101,z, 0,02, 01001. Hay. tin chanced. (flour, eopertlut.; I.loo' :1- 1:4:Oil:AM. ;Bacon. clear eldat; 1.4;12:rt Toledo SlArkel. 89 VlPpri-Lph to (1.2±rt..; Tocruo, qut..l. tvhent ;!lry.te. butler, arltrn of kin t $3,15. Lam rttive.opento not ti dec.llr,lng to clo., tug' ftt toe new Nu. 1, mud els t No. 2, um, quiet,,lC. IMPORTS 1141 RAILROAD. Pirranunon,Foser Warta & Caruso° IL R. :torn 11.—I car oats, II ltsa 1r; 1 ear malt, Pollock, K.. 14 Co; 1 car DAM. Reno :MORON; do corn, .1 C 1 ear oil bids, Js. 0011. kin,: Xs ski, clinerseed, I hid. imeon. 15 bids ' alibi., .1 glair; lot pr. , locs, Volgt it Co; PO ek. s , ed. Kirkpatrick & Merton; 1:0 sugar, J S Dilworth A Co; 1 bLg butter:, Graff • Reiter; met, barley, 2 et. 1,4 apple., 1 keg lard, A Wood,: 41.111 egg. 1 do hatter. St. fl' it .11r0; 6 pkg., II 11,1411 e; 1 ad eggs, 13 C 034 butter, 31 Ims cheese, 34 es ruiner, Goo it CO: 01 Inns paper, Arbuckle:. it CO; 101 x. tout cit. A Kirk 11 00; 45 do do. K II Myers A 1.55; IL lOLIND hobs. spencer t McKay; 114 blooms, .fork. Prot Cn; 143 nest, tub., It 15 Olid:010; 155 hbla Sour, Stonnaker it Lang: 5 bbls oil, T 11 Nevin & Co; 4 pkgs butter, et 056 00 Bro; 3:3 01,1, apples, Cam pc, Mule A Cu; 1 car staves, 13 13 Stull b; 1 car lumber, I' Ilaydeo; lo:31 I .do corn, Sahnell.ach it 501;3 4 M 000 11 Rafferty. rirrstripsonAlntalursts it Cusco. , Art 14.11.. April _4-10) bids floor, owner; 105 do do, Culp & Shepard;sllll , l , tobacco... prior it Co; 4 camas tobacco, Kirkpatrick h 'I lcrebn; 1110 do Knox & Orr; lo Lids In, 11 Daitnyor; 141 bbles, C N Ilnirstott; as boa elLract coffee, F Guttentlorf; 4 1.0110 tobacco,l2 cases Plorenlielin; 1 car eon!, It Knox & Sou: , Ito eke oats, 32 do corns, 1 do ryo, CO; 3 curs corn, 1.11 Graty& Co; Xi Idols ap ples, ti 6 Fragoy; 40 Ass corn. Zd do. barley. 115 eks oitts,Me [hoary it Ilcaal; 16 skS barley, 11.140tiablson; 45,10 00,A Stophensori; 4, bids apples, 119.11.1 A.DIDIRRIII; 5 110/11 0104 .10 MO. lassos, Ido sets), 11 Matliows; bb s egg. 1 box butter IF ..I Steel & Doi; sks cute, , 14 .51canor; 1 Lid eggs, 51 W Rankin; 3 do do, Adair, Erazey Co; 1 box Witter, Campo, Moye & CO. CLEVELAND AIM PITTALICROD RAILROAD April 14-133 sks potatoes, 5 plcow slim{ des, Stool h Bro; 1:53 bids potatoes,/ 11 6 neat lien; 145 eke malt, Z Wainwright; bids applos, 1.1 do potatoes, Vangoroor S Slie pool; 501,11 apples, ...horns ker t Lang; 10 boxes cheese. Knox. Orr; 14 14,1 , 4 apples, Vnlitt A Co; 3.10 do, Kohen it 11..0; 13 buio, rye, tV W Ander son; 3 bids egas, Canty, Moyo 'Cu; claim tow tops, 11 11 Collin,; 11 socks 0003, 11 Childs 14 Co; 31 Aka rye, 5111 , 413ruecort; 45sks 04LN. SIDIVIML it Lungennellic 1 bid tor.. Yl, let Mannsr; 4 pkgs• poNluce, J 5 Dd. th t Co; 13 sks ags, 3 Idds dry apples, McCullough. Smith .0 Co; 3 libla At too it Co; Was leather, It Dulange; plois firriCeries, W llorrloger; 12) likgs Suilth. d 0 d. 145 . 00 4 4 KOl 5 libiS 10114•4 ols, U llstwOrth & Co; 5141314 sugar, SitileldS it BOLICIIO, AUX../ egg STATION, April 24.-18 legs flaaseed.Ewur & Ilatolhon; 41 mks rettrslien ,,,ly Luiluer ; ;li Ibis trihaeeth E lileason; 16 kgs apple Mater, Herbert; :VS Mdse, Lappe A Weise; 1 ear Wheat s Gilernee & Mc. , moor.; y hills elop.,lialin rt II aoll uy• dosbrtloms, brimms, Wll Elliott, 7 bales toter, it fur. wig A Co:6 der. palls; IL A A Canoe; do do S Dyer; ill Isla apples, Owens S Harmed y kl curs wheat, Kennedy & Lire; 51/ Jugs Mo lasses, 9111110 eggs, 2 logs bottm,Olitill a tiop Cos 145 eke: malt, litalth A Co; 30 silo corm, W 11 Evrtug. PITTSIIIIWiII ASO CONNEttsvILIM April itl-4 ibis maple sugar, 6.111 t, 7011 es• Coss A Co; 1 our Intoner, I' I: Mertz; 5 pkgs • maple sugur,l.sllle, Baird A Patten; 1 car bark ; Lappo A Weise:9l sits olita,,l Paluter A Sloss; 11 ska wheat,' tt Liggett. A Co; 70 tiks eOrn, Owynne S. Stoneman; 162 ohs Wheat, i 5V Bingham; .1. , 7 cells rope, Marshall, Fulton A Bolltneat. .•• , • Arn.cultrour •VALLST ItArnuotu, Aprll 22.—, I 1 car pig metal. Martln,•Brickell A Co; 4•450 do, NOnlek A CO; 75 aka mad ; 23 do corn, W Bingham:l; 1 PM eggs, S Cooper A Co; X do do 2 boa butter; C./ 1 09er: 7 Pkg. eggs, I do oat,- ter, .1 C Cuddy.. -y ItAlleal AND (ANCIAIIATI.—The atannelf. ry.Y,Vrt Pute P" F ~, 4. T. A. WI USA* j as a regular 'weekly paeaut ort.eren Vlttsbuttra and Ortolan/at, Icartug Ylitaouratt aver, 11A1 Ulltro.T, at noon, and Clnetnnatt Vern . TUYIVUA.Y. Yur freistltt or toma A t p o aply ward. ." U. ALA , a. ". LT Water strut. . - IN I EPEriIDt:NT PACK-, , r—voic.e.i.lNT ,; OE AN it ST. PAUL—Tbe nue steamer • puTNAm , Capt. J. 11. LooriPsu, Ui leave foe lbe ou. , e awl Intermediate Volta on T111:1/1) &Y. , 3 , 11 net ,ote p. m. YOE' freight or pr r ogo po ioa or rz ' , ii.:Lrtl6..iiti:Toiw, I Agent!. tiOlt IMEMPIN2 B ' , AND j SEW Oftl.EA.ri3.-'flats Puce:- namrAg"..,r- Capt. liOI.DINO. Wilt /illy! (Or the suit,* n➢J tutermeEtate ports 21115 lawY. asap• Oft fralgat or psalm. , apl •SI FLe.aCti COl.l .oly. on lama , ' or to • NUIV00!". ARIA PEGULAR. IVEENIAr INCINN I'AcKAT, LEAVING 'AVANT WEI/ NAgrll'AT AT 12 X. .22.1 lion and coromoolooo , Coo‘,2.lr!rO VANDCOIIIIT. 1.0 ! Mika or oaf ai1ir011 . 2.524 or I, • 1;14:Y? A,'." Avhite Limo J. L. UktirlEfj) &BUN, PITTSBURGH ROPE. WORKS. FULTON, lOLLNIAN*CO., Manufacture the beat • CORDAGE, . OAKUM, Alirt T WINES, in efffi lariety. Warehouse, 114 & 113 Water St. Call or scud for threplar. au!..,:p4a EIVEa NEWS. The river was apparently about at a stand last evening, with eight and a hall feet m the channel by the Allegheny marks. The weather yesterday was cloudy and raw, with quite a snow early in the mornlng,and several ought showers of rain Miring the doe. There has net been a single arrival since our last report aside from the regular pack etc. The lielievernon, from St. Leal., Is among the first boats ,toe. The Argosy, for Cincinnati; Importer, for St. Louis, and the Columbia, for the Upper Mississippi, cleared yesterday afternoon. The Argosy did not have a very big trip out, which was doubtless owing .partially to the Inclement condition of the weather. The importer had every grad freight list, anti a fair number of passengers. The Co. tumble had one of the best trips of the sea. son. and nearly all of her freight was for points on the Upper Mississippi. We have private allele. from St. Louis, from which we leafs that the Ida stock-dale left there for the mountains on Thursday last, with one of the boot trips that has gone up the Missouri this season, drawing three and a half feet forwent and thirty inches aft. She had ono hundred tons to . . . . . put out between at. Louis and Omaha, and right hundred bags of government corn to put out at Fort Union; also. two hundred and thirty tons of private freight for k ort Minton, and eighteen through passengers. The Carrie left for the same destination on Sunday with a good trip. Inelnillng - two hundred tons of government freight. The Luella also was to have left ou Tuesday or Wednesday Teo Kato Capt. J. 11. Lightner, will leave for St. Louis 'this evening with. Out falLand passengers said shipper* should bear this,fact in mind, Mr. J. D. Young still retais charge of the often. The Sliver Lake No. 4; IMCOOLO front ritts. burgh to the gold regions, arrived at saint Minis on Sunday. The Toneless, Capt. TJ If. Williams Is the regular Saturday packet for Cincinnati, ad the AMeriCA will be ready to leave for Sew Orleans today or to-morrow. The following boats were in port at Cin- . _ . clnnuti an Jhondayi Alice Dean, P. W. Strutter, Slicer Spray, hum J. hale, Henry Adkins, Cottage No. 2, Cancelia,,Jolin 11. flrocetnick, Emperor, holden Eru, Silver , loon, Angle Saxon, Sher man, Wan/mita, Lawrence, Melnotte , Lizzie Llopkine,Sil•cr Choral No. 1, Zdreeenge.r, Now Turk; Mary Erwin, Golden Lunde, Itowient. The litempht, AValff nem , has the following: Dlr. Crawford, the e.peclal ulluot of the en pervising hoard ter tills and 1.1.“ Loulaville .11striet, arrived lu the city yreterti ay. Ile to hereto look after we Tool. twisty tat re Mr. Cram ford. says U. la a . only r, glutres One safety valve to a battery of, 1,01 12ro, and arty locked vulva or tin 11,frprOV041 pattern to all that 1. re-quirt:A. oo the great AmeriCalll rulro monopoly can ho tll.spennett TOO Ctnelnnatt Cobtraertint. of Tuoblay, /tat's: The Came t he Capt. Co:1111 : tetto lo .1 Ireiu her trip to the Tennessee liver : and will comlncsice heeling Ittitnellately, aunt return on Itturlolay lout- the .Imertca, (Attu.. es. it. i ll•tlnk. lan 111.0 entered tint trade, and will f.4li,w thin CO4111.11:. Tnorodav oei 1, It Is thu bite/aloe of Cap. tutu Cotlin In run the Cat.e.lia, together will. the Amex - lea. regularly 1 - :.ont till. city tothe Ten netoce river, one of the lenstnn here evet y Thursday. fit I.rm , Au Iftsurooto of paunongt ra Flop% Capt. CYO.. Dryden. fAlts pilot • ..ley raver the mane payer tto - lunge ICII4 perpretrated on hon pan fee and on the lire.. oh hoard the !fleeter, halm %F. G. von.. bho arrived rtt Jettervonv ale woraing,:eawleg h lett and full t/I freight. and people; inquired how much water there wee un the tall,-.llr. Dryden anewered, 4 feet and t Inchenover the rneke. The Captain rang the Pell and went aver the lane without a punt tingle at the wheel. `lto rna over the Ilaekhono nod Into the wmaitztontznagsmos My Mr bucking out, nine would Mire 'wink In water, no telling how [flatly lives would have lown Icel. 'the Cart am aonbl have been to blame and koromitatdo for ' ever: one's life 011 00.1. think it 1 toy duty to notify the Inruranco Com fainlea tool the traveling 1 . 01010“111ty et .Ilal tnlot 100 v on, Or e'aptaintL , y travel with. yell 11l l'lcouO give this n place In tail um rm. A new lerrytioat, lately built at Monroe, La , nmile trial trip on rriday proceeded at for.. TlVatoll. 0110 0101 logf nidies, and Just ate 11140%11 her 0, 0.11, iliadfai ne.!. i, and ten perinea were Nei - emir Anioag Them were 31r. Senn - trot, 11111te.t A.waaor, dangerinbey; cap,. Xterry,/,f the Yriabl men'. herrn:l, ilangto moc 1 )1 fir. SicnimMe, a wolf known inanicr, at:al:reit - Scalded, anti :Ito beta few hour, Roller! Caldwell, a holding Inayer of Mon r,e, dam:cr.:fly; Owl a yawing man named Lewin. The machinery waa construe...l New Or/eami. engineer, who lan! to, ho to blame, Intl been az - reined:and mg.,' 00 examined on the Charge of 11140.1.4.".;h -0,, on Ilonday. This mho mation rived from Capt. P. O'Nent. The rivet reo,,triera of the Etan and done/lc/Lc, of blemptda, am engaged in Kilkenny cat neweimper quarrel inner Mu Richmond. 'Col. Ben nett. Jr., take% charge of the ollon Of Cabinda liter's new gaci.nt, Jimmy Ad ' tins. Tue St. Lout,: Dreoteret makes the tallow Isla poi:1(4,1 tor WOt of the Lettl,llls paper, a,:t their pet, the Richmond: . A Alenaphis paper ,tat,a that the 1.111112. • yitio tioortrer reporter got Vox , for w clung op the ltichuminit. , 1 lie :omit:wont I. haritly worthy of boll elf . 11 a hoot hits out, within troll the elernentii ne •I.e. writing will priori , of roe.? hula, ‘l4Ol. .1: litearaboatuian who would be nc loot,!, of foolloy, to not a proper )'croon to 11.4". ellaiga 01 A :4011. IL IA pole.:014, Ole. ebb owner. Of the Richmond bel cove thAt !bolt ..canter reootrea 1:10101 aa-olng while Ufa Groat Icy her col ~odor, great ltromomo capacity, 0.1.1 tin, common reap. managetneut of her of- Ocala, le cattalo to [l.l.ler s good Account or bersalt... INETURANCE i GIRAIID FIRE INSCRINCE COMPANY, ==! Carat Capital and Surpluvi aver $350,000. TM, Company coUttnnen to melte on PIUS: Itlr out?. at warn r•tes as art surn.lstsnl. ant. Sat ty. rxit e, ql atr oi WoAod re m mud Thir o.; ttt .Is. 111/BEAT D. 11110.1111• MON. Au EN C. CHANCE CO Lif ooD ADD /1117 i WV, UT7IOE. F. i. 011 ft. VI mimml ITEM Ltil===! =ZUVIZI . . Capt. John 1... annals. liatuatl r. elbrlver. Chat!" Arbuckle. John I. JilrkpatrlOk. 0. J anso n M ovr all. e, 1'1111.1.1 CU. CretPleate wen. rtellilDn e John Watt.. John E. Yeah., Capt. Joe. Millet. Woe. Von Hen. ' Jame. D. Verner, WU. JOHN WATT. vt. twohue. W. 7. (IA 7117412. be.cretw7• Art ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. 3(3,33 R a P nt ITTSBUILUIL—Wrim No. .37 Fifth lock Ivares agai ß nst al hall of Mc and .11133 . 13t0 .131•33. JoHN IRWIN, J., ['muds.. Julni U. I,ICCOILU, Vice rreelAtet., U. U. LYNN ELL, b•cretarv. U.: , ‘ WM. LtAI. (loners! AEA: Duincreu C.O. W. Dean, B. L. Iralintatook. W. H. ETerpon, /Lobtrt• 3f. Mule. /ranet • & nem tied. D. Alcdevor. Jot Irwin, Jr., Jo hn .11IJ. lanOora, ti.asetT, Harrel litigna, T. J ttwlcaA Muria. HAY., pENNSILYARIA INSURANCE CIokLCA24 Y. OF PIMBUROH 9 PA umee,at rims Street, flank 1310olk. Thla le • llama Comp/any, and Inners aealriat rr lota Vire exclusively.. LROPIA111) WAI,TEU, Prelideln, 0. 0. Huytac, Inca Preal Ural. • WHIRRS PATRICK, Treasurer,. • ISUCIII AVELHENT. PaeretAry,. DiseCTorta: TAOILIMI Wanes . , 0. C. Carla, U. . vans. Robert Tat...let. J. U. I nea. Jason Painter, J.C. Plainr, Jastah Pane, ' Jolla Vocative. Jan. H. Hopkins, . A. Alreaon. Henry Sproul, .11,Cra INDEMNITY . AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE _COMPANY• OF PHILADELPHIA. °Mee: 133 nail 137 CHESTNUT ST, Ncar DIRICMONS. ,nano, W. Beecher, Mordeett 11. Louie. 'rooms Wexner. David O. Brown. Samuel U. ant, haze Lea, Jacol it• Cml th, !award C. Dale, literal, W. Diehard,. George Yale. CHAS. 0. /JAlitlX)Dl, , r•ohlent, ZDWD t', `lee Prealdeat• W.M. 0. STEELE, Ithcretarr, pro Inn. .1. GARDINER COFFIN. Agent, Int=wl6 North West eor. Third Wood U. W - LAIS !JILIN C E Coy UY .11.,1tINVEl.NIDID01T.,Preddent.. WM. P. 11611BIRT heeretare. ()Arr. CHUMMY 1410.13, oeaerlo Agent. Otnea, Water street. Soong /1. Ch e t" Ware Beate no stalrw, Pittaborgh. . • • Will Insure wines kinds of nre an Marine 10001. A Ocoee that Itutlonlnensaltd by Directors who are well known to the etortnallatty, and who are determined Dronin kneel end Liberality,. to maintain the eharaete7 they have ea. sunned, as otrorlng Illehetn:irrOtecuon to %hoe. who desire to be htttund. • • puescredez. • aloe. Hamlet. Rees 7 nom; • K. Miller, Jr, emu. 1. Ulnae. James M.:Anton John IL McCune, Alexander Spoor. Jam.ll r. Dann,. Andrew Ackley. Joeept, Kirkpatrick,. Deem M. Loa X. ebtinp Rayner. • der William S. Newts. WM. ataturatr, /secretary. a . N :C: A CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE VITIDERSIGNED HAVE AS elated with them In all Mame.. 'of their b..... JAB. 1.. MINI:MATH. The name firm wWcoattnae as nerstolb"i maxims ACO. g• owxwe 3. L. Dilltal.l l . F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS,' • And Mann( totarers of LA3EL. OIL : New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be ready for delivery on Mon day. Iltli inst.. CluSca Sugar-Cured Hann: • Do do do Beef: Do do do Beef Tongue's: Do do do Breakfast Bacon; Plain Cured Bacon Sboulders: Do do do Rides, At reduced prices and of excellent quality. cles From Ws nate shall be mar/1' .. with all arti In the novislon ule trade.PPU" Jaltbra BREWER WIRER & CO., CONSII8910N•11/EBCUABTS, AM/MM. /1/11 TOO Paelde, Globe & Liberty 011 Works, ..l p ushoreauns d o.,%111."1%,11 - 1 Cr.,!. Ture. fur storage and thimbleot of erode Oil at Lawrenceville. Ofnee and Wareham., corner of Uanee.a. Wal and Hanoook .treet. Fitiaburgh. milLaM ME. 62.11.. KIM Ac JUTCII66T, clomwssiorr Kgßonmrs, Flour, Grat; Feed, &c. . 04.m 340 1.12L6Ti r tfar h a ux : FETZEB & FOZWARDING iD COIMIESION MCMINN, for tbe ar.la at flour. (Int n.4lanon. Lard,lialtar, Seed., mica Fruite, .n 4 Prodeee generally. No. 16 Market btreet, corner of 71161, Pltlabrirlb. OWESS KEDT, NNE PRODUCE CUlltdlrteloN If NaLCHANTO on 4 Wbulenolo Iroolen In IIVRE1411( AN! , 0011.[..4- Y LOUIS. 11.!TATOES, It.. an.! In Vrovlslon •nd Prods. reaerslr Ily,tONo. 10 Vglit.frAt. PTILICE.T. oppo• site t u r f D m epot. w.zratvcr, Avolo for the solo of 0. 1. Denten IClimao 'a J. and Karri.• 10010. slorrr. ono,- oplcrrd 00005 , 7 Korrl. - - - • ls• Hl tr. 8015, Coarnissiort aCki AN 13 and Donlers In /LOUIE, UNAIN, HILL ►CY.a) an•! L'IWIJUCt. Ennenu:- Iy, No. 72 poslto CUT Nall. Oen, Clcr. 7:rs> fl ° n IP1.11ST C A?.71. 1 41 , !: 1 " 8 MIK . , W14,1.01-11' lICHAV IRON. FILE lIILICK wad f.d , de. Warehon en and Otte*. ne..dd aMd 364 1 . 11..4 BTlte.d.T. biorad• Curniellkd. Conetrnenenta iar I - • - • • ILI 'BANE b. ANJED. commis .tu.s sit:NCI:ANTI:I and /I.lCera In YLtli.ll `.14•1N. and Col,Onil street. betart vn and r-,ll:l‘tr:d. ap11:1, ir PATTON, woutnealieo,..rs. c:uml,aduo I,e nae a, In 1 . 1,4111. t. Baron. (;:...-4e. ,a:N..al and Lard Oil. ,N51:41. 1.41:c0n l r a.,a all 21,,,,utp1, n•Anuaturc4 a nerall• 14 and 11l 'ad l'ittllot, 44. r. t 1110,211....1C15, D. RXIYIII. 2 • ET311:116t 111.:0ti.. (SliCe.eldbOlS IW)Facr Azol,son,l la Itore!rn end., 5.114 4,1 rplce., Sr,. tingars.Jlnuwaotr, da lY l,l 192 V 0.4 &.11,,1, 1 . 1.41 , 1rzt. OFIN D. Cemmi 5- alon and r..r4rardlnj Certnant aaa who:4- lain dcalr4 In 144...xn /4:3. - ry Cbtro.., BA- U,. Lard, I: aeon, and r,arl Aolva awl 011 s. 1/rlrd I+I,IIL. an 1 . r..- 4‘,. trer,rat:y, 211,4. 444 awl 144 Front 1111110ra ',. liII3IOILE,No. 1%3 Libf‘rty St, 71. Vittal.arg!, 1 , 14r , a4 ./ 1., and r. row., I'l,ft,, I. ro,rl, aTI et.l,,gh crane.tunrnu, su4 (4.11 f, rt. , lvtt all 4 A_TIES DA!,ZELL ti SON, :Tio.cm.• r 014,1 , 1 r.r.rol rt.:. 00 ~.,111,{1X.t. ,* - - • 10EIN T. 1T5:139-,C2C Citts .;•%in 1!.n:-. Co.. Ni , %•141 rSi .I , lcat-.-- . .10a ...ls rr,sl.. vas of 1 end rb fclo ri ) N 04. E .. : 171 Wool coexl,l,l,T ort'eirt tt:01). - ; 11,,c• ar,l I:, Yr. `cl Ater p.sol • %,`„Il'il•l'ON R' 3 LV ACE. • 4.14,',1 MM &ND Plt.. , llCt•L: II C 111.Y4 r.,,,nz nr - rmt BABE. K_N A g et-BUETTLER Mat—rw.or. W It/ co. 11 at. Clair KJ., PittOborgli IZEMIIE3 Piaixos, ()i-4_,r,ant4 =1 /1,1,1 t. 1.2 r , •%-trottel it I.IW y •rl. an , t ZWiII,SIAI CO. VIAN“M. A!s., Er. FY. Y b.cl,rrjoir,“ 0. .t 11. W. ,1111 . 11, `• All F MCA N“ LIASS. an, rA.TEST f MMEEMI 111 , 1.12Eficil:SE RICIIMO NEED & CO., xrarc-Dizisnort.Es. No. MO WOoti Street. ItRITTANNIA AND LIVER PLATED TA V! A HE. TISA.THA.Yo an 7 TAAI CUT LEI:Y.C... , •v• on Itantl. I'l N A I . F.A 7,141 V, CHI , A I ot N•CH rkETS, CHINA CHINA V A•ov..- , , C/0 . 13tHIENI IA Itr.,,revt•rJ LAVA CAI:II 11A,,li4Tti, LAVA VAhl,, LAVA hI'ITT.a , NS. itNola,liSroN ARE or all 1 - arlellcn. atilt who.r.tale• ant! rt tall ',rule. The lar,st •nA !not% coMPh ,, et ,, k outcry tiling to all le I:146 1n tilt al, PIN,. ta•rm. the till. .0 In the ea....ra A uTiCE TO 0 IV NEIVi OIZ DRAYS, HACKS, &C. N0 , 1 , -141'0'01 itlrkn to all own rr. t War e, Prays.l Carl, volettitr reel4ent ..r uon-3.1 , 1 , nt In pulp elt; of l'itt,lmralt, to pay t1a,13. the urrreonirsof LI, Pity of l'ltt , norah• acearqatla^ vallet an ao. or fo 'ii wlt ap Plllareli 30, ta., and an NI Imo,h. rm.. t 4:f the city i of Vetlanurgh, ° pasacal . 1, 4t 5,11 • All 1.1.,..nne, not p. 1.1011 or heron May IS. 1.7 wlll Lc plar.rd In the hand* of the Chia of Iles, for ..... •otrjer.l Ll. fee. of 81 eent• for the cultuetiou thereof. / 1 0 1 1 all 1 111 . 111 n• ... 00,11.01 or renal , . to titre out Lice.. a will I, soh). etto • tten•lty. to ill rrro :0.4 twforc the Mare, 4001)10 the aminsibt 11 r .01.1cryer. The phi zitcllll pr,oloon vuars .0511, tyturnetlAl tee tire the Llecose• are mun out, ur pay AS eent• therefor. EIDEM ==d=42/ UM= fr.. arb /..our 110 r... \'elll , ll E3rh . r.no liar • • ...... .... V•unlbulue Tlturwr A licul}rteo, n colw horse.'elxhlrra dulmrCetett. eac 11- toul !turbo uged any of 110. veulcir. 011 r dons, A 1.1.11D1f. It. City TO: rittubnrull, Foo , ruartt 1. luitir 544% VA:MOO OA • • VAN N ED, PAT Ir.NT WTMETCH-El.l AND ill VATLI) LEATBEEt BELTING AND HOSE, U.anntactured at No. 04 surrurnsLD CIT., by HARTLEY, PHELPS & CO. Also, Agents for New York Rubbeibo. Gum Belting. Always on band.. stperfor ska a ty LACE LEATH AIC enilllUM 111111 UN 1 1106 X, WY. PAH ItIVETA and AUKS HALT (411 EAT nEvoLuTioN Ec THE WINETIZABROPTBS UNITED STATEP. —PUBS ()MAIN/RBI& CHAMPAtiNS. made and prepared ea If done In • Porn pure Ogiltorniu W Int, and taking the place of Impure Uheruptunv. The ondertlgned wouto rill the attention of Wine Dealers and Hotel Keepers to the nd In, letter, which none ho a coronet Ides of the qualltyof their Wine, •LCOnYlieturtgl. BOY.: rnitdamcrnl.,(let.l•4lh, nkin lionnitsu & CO.—Uenlinnen`f Har ing given your Callforniathetnnugno a orough tent we take piesnuro taylng tnat went. it It the hest Moen au Wine.e hare ever tnwd. We atoll stance plane It on nor of Pre. Yours truly J. S. & .114 17 our Clifurll.l Cbainpume. 1.017:0N i...umier.“ k(4 1 .. 30 b., It.. N. 'V PEUSIICY LILAC. We have latrodueed to.tho trade our new pev Woo, j • • j, . Persiaa Lilac, ONE or *rtis HLAT ur.t.toKrz AND ILK KXTILACIS LYKES. p.vKrirs.D. No I.drs toilet Is .mplt , te, without It For .11c by all Dealtrs. 31ANUYACTU1{ED ONLY BY C. B. WOODWORTII & SON, ILOCIIESTER eII.[NICAL WOIlliS, Rochester, N. Y. New lurk Otte% lOW Ilraadwar. ruhl:oll SUS ji, 1111.E8.-41bblii. Beans; 5 bbls. (root, Egos; a:: tweet 4.:l4'er; / elder Vlnrrtr; t ° Catawba 0 l•al' . • , I Hay. Oats, App ac. - le Bailer; • , lir otoratool for sale by . ' lIclliNli• ANJIII, I 4 Nomad W.I. apt :)1 &I4PLE barrels eliolcelllll . ,LC just revelved and fur salt, by tIeIIII3IAKV.II d LANb. spls 17: and 171 Wood skeet. NAN 17FACTUREEIS. ERWIN IRON WORKS. JONES 84 LAIJORLINS, si=mvx-ros.rr - xl.ca-szt, lawanuartriraz ar • AMERICAN AM) CLAIM Bar,lioop, Sheet an d 'Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Ironi, Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; - • - - T naile,l6 6c YO lbe. to the yard; Tram iballe,pan cbed and conn- Aer plunk BoLber,nridge and Ta.nkiliTetS Cut Nails and Spiker - Rap and Boat Splkeig Railroad tipilLeg; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car •vueels and Axles; Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Pistoanods; ?Plower and Reaper Bars.; WAREIpIUSE AN) CITICE. 120 Water and 153 Front Ste. saixcn uousx, Nos. 22,24 and 28 River St., .Las CHICAGO. ILL S.REFFIELB STEEL ARKS. SINGER, NIIIICK St CO. KAATTALTIIIIZBS 07 BEST BEFUED CAST STEEL Mtn FLAT LID CUM Of ALL SIR NUN. MULAT, CincrrAst, GANG AND CAOSB CET SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC .S 1) 'Mil-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Caet Spring Steal; Cast and Gorman Plow Steel, PLUM WlNtis ANI) 51kAVER BA MS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, NO'N Le.. et! , .N" EL, IMP., BANE, YORK. TON CALA. AC II Noo IN ENT .;Atli STEAL. oBoW-BANA, Ac.. Sc.. AC. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsegb, ATLAS WOMIS, • .11011TO,X- STREE Math Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, Prooldent The.. Worts are amnia the 111.nr^11: and moat notnon to tttn:, , ,nent in th• Welt, and are lined to furnl•ll Engines of Every Deetrlptlon, Roller,, 011 Tanla, = Pc ILroAd Castings, 11.111 Pg Mill Casting• Englac Caning?. Machine Castings, Crnr:ral Ca.tlhgx. ORDERS SOLICITED. PITTSIII - 11G11 FOUNDRY'. A. GARRISON & CO.. t1.1B•ILLOAll. tiarrlsuo f. CO. FOUNDERS AND 311CDENISTS I= CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SIZES, Yr.,11 In., Zlne, Copper. 511ve 1:•.ar!, an d 1 , 3 , t1an It •11,, Ca.flcg, ors!1 rtru.tlonr:l6•:).. tirlader .. IT f i r pal It :1", algrap. 1ka..1...n•1vit,.1 atu 61.vrItiotica tell Is tvr,2 :le . • 0, gni II r•ltoune, .Wo. 119 Smith field Street, = 'lnc__ ?Ora PITT POUICIDE,Y, CHARLES ENIP NEPUERI HEAVY OniriAINCE, ANC ALL KINDS Or HIAITY CASTING& h Toe:at tueottop paid to lIOLLING MILL `A •o. , r KAY and .lIIITUKTS, acontlotl to promptl. tt As orotoror., thew . ..at mat.otals always I, ',ILI .1 fall, rCititirT. fixate.roe ottl ettatit, we aret Tr, ...Ito NOW •A 1)1/ . 17.0V. Tattoos., cottorartrtl /GA.? the .07. 00,10, of Mr. KA. MOOT, to furn.oo NAIL. MACHINES at abort ettw Coo. hotlta UTILITY . WO ES. DicLEAN & BLATOR, No, S 3 Liberty Ft., opposite Fourth, IlfrerTACl4llll.ll or • CABINET MAHERE' HARDWARE. limy mate okieclaity of Iran Ileibite.l anti 1 . 11 , t Cwiorii: nrcelsin, 11...1.ti.ti and Pivot I.ll,•ti•rei 1, 5.1.1e5.1 Twit. ningsi Pin, for Er•na• oion 4,c.. Tarr mi.. litannraempre and U.S, eotibilintli on hAnderlininl, Lstehei, Spring La:cltoM 1' 'l.xcet, • tVindow bash bupporter, I.tan•it iretontrio ba.n lintton.-111.111ty Shutt ter i r e d 0511 Ilingta, tirind•Biono il ang, ,Anlngs, Iv 2 ROBERT LEA, =I STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Freight Hoisteis AND DOCTOR, ENGINES. AlArtlamtogs °roll doecrlottons made to order I= = /1229 STOVE i6'011.118. ALLEN. NPKEE & CO., Odle• sad Warebombe 301 Liberty St :opposite Boaitho.l4, Manotaetnrnia freest variety of Ill)(10, PAM box anti 11MATINI) STOVY.S. among which are lhn celebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking arose.; aim, the Autocrat and sentinel for coca or wood, and the unrivalled tear of the Empire, for 00 0A ; Mao, Arch, Orates, een dors, biLl.r Kettle., Dog trout and Mellow Ware gontrally. mhg V.X1[11111......J. 8. 111181.88 A'TNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Mazur.= re wren' Yarlst7 Of Cook, Parlor and Healing Stoves, Among_ "latchAro the crib brateA EUREKA. Tll..rly awILl TALNIAAIi (Cloal ilscrtssz 1 . 0- 11ANIL VTZILAN Awl IRO NS/DIA (Wood Cook stoves.) Also msAnfuturo GRATER, GRATE FRIUMTH, drm. (Mee and Warehouse, corner of tieeoud and d •I'Aunnrah. ZuWauna on ,wood BLACK DIAMOND CVX.3E1731...1METC101.1.30121, rA. TARN, BROTHER ex Co., alannfactufars of EIZES 141111.1T7 fIifINZU (.1/flr STEEL. Lae.Ne. Flat and Octagon, or au vfar. ono , nal to any lin porty.l or truttal‘cterred In thlt. CO,. try. once AO4 warettotme, No. 149 arid 151711914 1111 Moan.. •trwats. rittalltirch 1,11 PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS, J. PAINTER & SONS. ItAXV7ACITU/S Cr Iron, Ilubket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, ===:^l IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS' & BURCHFIELD, SlanoDwturon of lietinedothareoni,Joniato& Polished_ AEEZDEPI . IMILCODIT. Orncwo WAszu.Ouss, sitiMAIULST E SON,PRESTON & CO, P E rrsrr raxla MON NVOTIJR' 7S. «•archon„•, I , land 167 First xt., ormet,, YvuoPgsletalloost, Pittaburgh, Pa. anzt:as M 14.1 01 , J ZiA O l l 40_0 34 ZIA NATIONAL FOUNDRY AN PIP9E. Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA. WM. !SMITH, MABIIIFACTUBTX OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. 82n 1:1 9 .1=1.t.721. -1 11. 1 ... meat of GURU CASTLIGS HI CAS AND THIS TOM .111Winv=g1Woru s aMr." - te16.00 THE FULTON BELL ID BLISS FOBNIBRI, ESTABLLISILED Ia 1822. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA MANUFACTURERS 07 ALL SEES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 Pounds, Mit LULL CUM Ettl SIM TAMS, EL?" Slop Cocks of Brass or Iron. =! GUAGE AND - CYLINDER COCKS. =9 STEAM PUMPS. Bole Axeete for the Celebrated Steam•Syphon. Itestiers to OAK PIPE. //TEAM and GAII TIT TIEM. PLUMHEM• WORK. ete.. e Particular attention paid to ATEAJ 004 OAS FITTER , / In all Its Deutsche. Theonly facturer• of A. YULTONII ETALLIC PA manu CILLS 7011 ETEAKI CELL/4- /IMBs. An. RABBIT'S CELERKATED To sN METAL eonstantlv on hand. RR ARP._ CUM and with CAhTINGE made to order and Slabbed with aseatnesa and diopateh. , Particular attention cold to Brass VsnlAbing In all its branches. We Can keep connantly on hand all ail,. of elheet. Square nod ttound Unto Nemo and Cotton r.cm., Liam /loft slaw tit op to order. A. FULToN'S SON do CO. mbs:r. I FORT PITT BOILER, STILL 4B TANK NVOIELHS. CARROLL A: SNYDER TUBULAR, DOUBLE-ELUED, TUBULAR • FIRE-Box a CYLIN D ER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND.OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON ' DEN snus, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, ANDIRON BRIDGES, FILLSON DOOM /LSD COAI, ELIIOTB3. 021 la• suadWorks corner liseasd, Third. Alhort wad LlLNrty Streets. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvauis. aaOrden sent to thq sbors address .111 b. bromptlr attended to. m117:19 loillialliGTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, -111777A(7rrarSS 07 Best Common, Rained Charcoa Juniata Bloom Iron. MISRCILANT BAR. HOUND a ecICIAEK IRON /lAND. T euXA_Ntil2 IRON. MMMI:=;M=I M=2=lEl=l CYLIUDES and GUAADVIL FINGER DUNA, tlt ALL T RAILd, II? and 1610% to the Totdt WBOUGHT CHM ItSand OPINES'S rot soma • FLAT KAH.r. Peuebed and Coontorsank. COAL. oCKLEN IKON. - . NA.ILOI !nod triNLit. Warahousa. No. ail Wel-Brand No. 6 Marko sta. Work.. iitoond atrytt, Eldath Ward. ad Joinitia City Car Work, Pittsburgh. atiV:lt KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. rfirronsoiCaass & co., Menufsetarers of the 0111farenteiseil 0 Bound, Square, Flat and . Horse-Shoe Bar Iron ; Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &c., &c.; Worts. ['ITT TOWNSHIP...a Moriouge.hale river. Office and Warehouse: No. 146 Water St. mt. 7.141. ORESOKNI'STEkas WORKS. MILLER, BUHL 8 PARKIN, ==I:CEI BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Worroated Equal to way to an. tlar k•lL .ettle Itovorted or of Do mettle Otto otootura. tirSOLLL OSSEN T O PAID TO 7/14E OAST A-bl.O OTEA. Office, 38 Wood Street, LW BT. CHARLIE HOTEL EtiILDINO. ritteut • t.Jeue lEth. Wt. talkdd DUQUE% E IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HI MAN, RAMA & CO., lIKAIRMACTI:Ma or Iron, ails, Springs, Axial, PLOII6II. USING AID A. B. STEEL, 141 4 WAILEIWOM' Mgr". • W/Criaritor 111111:reert. ' ITT'SIBUIIGEL .02:14 14 - TTS:URGUSTEELYMMES ANDERSON, COOIC t CO., fISLIVOLTICUB6TU JUNI& 'HUTU CU 1• Illaustactursza of tfc best relined Cast Ste flew IrtA. d k 0 5.2 s ' ar: Cad 84.01100 _ Reaping and Mowing Machin erg= Lw MIMI% Wiese //X •CIIrAMMU4 nal Cut 1,4 Outmost Plough & Spring Steel, I.llslenler of nest omit Bees meets, E toe • • above We Monongahela Mouse. lel7:Cie 121=1:1== INDUSTIIIIL WORKS, • lIUGI .. 1 31. BOLE & CO., tigine Vutidersi FOUND S AND MACHINISTS. l:ASTINII L'ahl and IteaVy, mute to arler. af erect denrlptlon toimufacturna shot notice. Comer or Point Alley and Duquesne Way, PITTMIBIIRG 11, PA. l mn:n:.ro MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, UPPODITE UNION IRON MILLS. X•r4`lls 1317ZILCIMIC Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, 110111 WIT ASY CISWI63 GOMM Order. Imo • Tall , and exec tall y elevated. t, II A KU E lIEJ/T & MACKLIN% ocis 1-9. I pe,cvluriAwa.,;4oo:4 V_ESITSTIUS IRON IND NIT WORKS. BAILU, DALZELL & CO. NA XTI7ACITTBLICS.O7 BAR, BOILER, SHEET T 9 Nis ME;LC:IODZ NAILS AND NAIL RODS. • • OFFICE AND WASEIIOIIhE, Nos. 61,66 & 6S Anderson St., Three squores North of Hand It. ALLEUHENY CITY. • soIAIDS • CINCLVNALTI Ta'ILIPJE AND MEET LEAD WORKS N 0.19 East Ninth Street. McCOR2IICK& GIBSON, Proprietors, DEALER-1 IN Pig Lead, Block Tin and PATENT SHOT. Make to ordsr rirr.s and BHZETS of any rt. oulrrd weight and else. Sheets tors square root n!.i lbs. andupsrawls. Mgrs.-Calibre 't Inch to in, Lashes. Also. erryllebt ripe for flyttrarli items and for Drainage. • we would ospsclally ask the a ttention Plumbers and rrobrntors Of OIL WOIIIi6 &ND OIL WELLS. fe.13:1211 011 AAA BOILER wonhs. MORROW & BARNHILL,. MANOTAGTOUXES OW !steamßoilers, 011 Stills, Agitator', Tank,. Salt Paz., Gasometers, ' Wrought Iron Briilges,•- • Sheet Iron Work, • due" Ace, • COIL LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH,. Pa. BETAIRLSU DOtilf. rnOYPTt.T. M711:131 LIPPINCOTT & BAKEVVELL, No. 118 Water Street, luxcl...Cruntcs Or PATENT tilWl,ll 4 ll, rxxx.NTirtliD, rATENT COOTEIED CIRCULAR..3I VLA 51IL I PATIR CILOSS—CUT Jele:elm HRH 11::5V7.61.31 i 3E. B. WOLF, TR., &CO., Dyi,itd IF Harclwareik Cutlery. Ate nowlWwt•lng large addltlwrts to our met whict L u7etal to Iltai4 to as maanx.came. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts, re:MEI F. MIISSMAIIN, /Nuts Street,b elevens Tunnel and Ch athans Streets, Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. First els.s gooda or All •dzscriptlons always 0. 1..3 mad sold at Ito Lowell Orion. lm r.fnoz non r‘rveNsilr nv. a,nrtreitte*. MAL, COKE, &c 'toots ........ ..11. A. 5C11,A1161... KAUFFMANN & CO, UNION COAL YARD. Best Family Coal, Fit Coal and Slack Am.,. oo grsdi t o o notptly riellv ornm on. 1MP.1805 A PENN' E 1537; . I" . A=AZ , Vfo v, r;:l . ley 141.11 road, near fe16:159 • PITT:IBUICON., rA. CL.Vere ',enroll:1;1 CUMMING. S. r. 111,1,11,11 , J. L. - 1111.Lelt. M. CLAAEY, & COee 'Gras Coal Works, ntd peersand deniers 'la suraRIOS GAS AND FAMILY COAL. NIITCOA Land ,LACK. Putt- EGlee aCtetes. BUS AS7, DI/Li:mtge. and LUCK a 07 Allegtertecity. SENSUAL DEPICR, second 0017 Pltt.buree Seeing Rank 11131011 n., car eer Liberty e Levet An Itf.g.kni,l l l l .c...l4; l sLlllT,The site Mechanic street, Plltlnuren. an , ' tenter An der.. Greet an( r. E. W. C. It. It. Ail. aheny. All orders left at • Riser of Leo Gwyn plsees receive prompt attention. pITTSEStrmin NATIONAL COAL AND CPU COMPANY. Miners, shippers and dealers, wholesale and retail, lo sae BEST FAMILY COAL. wire C7cazal "act 'Shiest:az.. OFFICE AM/ YARD, comer Fourth sod Try Merle, Plt:sborxh. All orders for vieltrery to the City, or Shipment COAL! COLL!: • COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., klavlnx reznoTott:thelr oMco to No. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flonr X 111) trECOND FLOOR. Are now prepared to tarnish good YoognloelLen7 LUMP.-NET COAL OIL OLACa.. At the lowest market ptiee. $d All orders left at lto:tr oelee. or addressed to them through the mall. will be attonded to promptly. my2.3:tas VOrLT rirr COAL ICOOPANY. —litappers and drat,. In Superior FS kliat, and nneaux Coal. hut Cual and Ohara., orneral oi- Ilre second story Pliosbur‘h mean Bank Build ing.corner Ll..crsy street and Vlrgin Itranch orate. corner Try. and Thlrd atrrrLs. Pittaburrh. Oflals left at citlo, of the abate places will reectra prompt rtrention. PosteMee Atltlresei Box 6ST, Ptilstecit. 1,11171.,JVA: J. J. GILLISPIZ, ' • 0. L. TAJIN.RTOCIE 1, 11021=7111M — 'WY. lIINARIAnt, oLuaCr. , HEAD, JAR. MONI,AJULY.Y. WALTZ. BETA.ARN. JOU:" 11•1', LCC:CS Ostic , r. • , J. J. rLrprf, Sec'y W. X, (lAN di n a. r :dirmager... Jil:q94 CII.IIILES 11. ARMSTRONG, DY-XLIOI IN • • xouataocue nd sYV a colokusvumr, colt • M Azinc turera Coal, Niselt, ena Irgt Ma i l . /sod Colte . Conte , at Flutter and alorton: drat yard on Lib erty and elynter etrrele; Ninth ward, and on &rend etre... near Loot \a4 VI, tsborah. Pa. . _ Yan .1: alles awl •notunere:• .ehl.uw ..itb best article of Coal or Cole st tee lowe.t cash 1,313. Wares left et any of tbelr - trill Tree lye Tn.mnt Mtentlnn. HOTELS BINGHAM HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND BURKE US., This new and elegant Hovels new open for the reception of luta!, with all the oppoininienleof • I'lliST-42LASS HOTEL. _ . , CITRLIS M== PROPIIIETOSt demlirxwr wurrE nottsE, PERRYSVILLE, l ALLEOHENY CO., PA. 10-17 esOtted and furnlst col, end rem)) . to re. eetve guests. The subscriber rail not spare prang L 3 scrum. tnudate custutiwrs. weed suppers will be served st any hour lu the lawma+. apit,44 Ct.:TAU/O:NA. rrsh`ri LA PIERRE ROUSE, • Philadelphia. The subserlbees heel-..• leased this favorite Finn 11, has Da. REFITTE ED IN AN SLIPS AIST 112..5MT.r. se4 ZaSt prepared with the =oat rfect eppol.lteeLt 102 ts , e receptiou of guests. The Era; Itri.-eloww Hotel. will L.. , malnlalotdlo the recant •• In the past wwwi,wwi W IHTE LEADS. Pore "T. P. N. & Co. , Brand Wbite Lead "Panama" •do . •• ..Lilly.. • to • old “CorilDl•ntrtr'• •• Idotttntatal" 40 dd Ittoe Ltadr. for 011 Er!llltri; Rod Lead and Llth•rdr; Color. dry Rnd In oil: • /Or sale at T. NEVIN a. t.`e dot Y. W. corner Itard. and Market tia `~i I:lAin:tel PITTSBURGH, CCIIIMBUS & C.NCINNAII PM HANDLE BIM On and idler MONDAY, March:Mb, traits will alu aloe Dam, as tatiowal DitlltTl Wan Lint. . . .. .. Ind.. .. 2:03 r. K. I:4S r. K. rtendroville •ccomascorn a:= r. N. 5 - .14 • K. MoDonald do .... ktd r. K. 5 . 2.) 5. N. . SAVING GO L it DiPrrAllirr.. 4 ULLA TIME. mod 2 ANG Erk Or OARS. gso chante of ears between Pt t tabwith zed Mnnalt. awl bot otters, to t. Lou,. C a i ro , in , the petnotpal potnts West tan South wbeo norenaslns Tie Ste be sure and end the ofttne of the PITTSSERGIi, -COONS & CINCUNITI L. Union Depot, (south side.) nernisnaPatmili.TuaetAireite. 6 F. ACIGI.I.. Genera.' Ticket AgrAil. J0..1i ZIILI•Slt. ti• E. •c•ns. mw; WESTERN PENNSIETSANIA 11 , it &ELNOAI3.—O. nod miler WEL/N.6IU , , Jan uar'. 51. 10G74 the Passen ger trains.. the. %vesture PetreFflnglae flat road will strive at sad depart from the Federal Street Depot. Allegheny CDT. as fe11... tarmacs Parma?. Sbarpsb . g Nro 1 5:23./..M. arkarinssm yin granyx Tres port NO.I Sr:GA.IK. Mat ..—.. .... ettril.M Strarimb'g tint Express j naives, . 0.11.0 As* ebarpalg No 3,11.35 A.M. Sher ps'm No I.I4DSAJII sberpsblg No 4 Ista P.m. ...pew,: Nut 11M.A.11 Mali 4.23 r.n..Express... I'ste P.ll i'msport NO. 11.03.P.K.1.1harpsleg NOS lUNSP.II ebarpsleg - No 5 6.50 Freeport no esap.m tbarpsb`g No 15 9.45P.M. IStrarpsb`g - No 7:50r.Y All trains run dear suer pt sulday Comonertallon Ylckets—For sale Is peerage.," inenty, between •Ileg_ berry City, Chestuut el reels Times. Bennett, Flat Creek. Ern 4 man Sharpsburgl and good only on Abe maims slop pi4l4,42.l'Tl"'enktalVlllVitoe'r' Vii l d o liirinaltatosri Uay be rumba." at Walk er`s Sure llMers mo. st. Malt btrerr, star suspension Bridge, Flt-jss buret. audit , the Depot, a ilealmny lays Thu Penn ylemola Railroad urn assume soy s'Llt ro Fangs., except foe Wearing Aps pare:, and Imrs tbar re...slbliDY ONY. tips Legs Dotttl. I. value. Alt bases, rtls amorist la calla, will Ise at the rust re the owner, unless tatem by special contract. For further lofirmatlon apylyat De.pet, to JA.11‘...1.E1 Agent. Federal Street Duped- OEM I_,E2 I IMYLV,LNIA, CENTIIAL . ZAILRUA.D. artgron . • ' December Seth. 1100.- - • Trains antra and Lease the Unto.. IdepoL L oors Ai rof Washinadon and Min, Ws., sari:wow Vain.... .. , s . rosratta. , ' Mail IM Aln Ida Eloreard.: iota* la - . . Pas` tole liau • tqii Ida)) NO. 1... Mina a Wall . : No. 1... CM a to Mall Train Stal a m limotan No. 2.. 7:40 a no Wall's No. — 4 .. 0:6.. a. Wall'a No. 1... MO a al 'lloolo'llZz. MX ads Johnstown Ac. litalta ra Wall'. No. 1...n.30 4 ak lialtimo•e Ex, IS p m Braddock No I. 3.410 of l'Lila. r xprata loop M. palls. I:r.. 4 030 t 01 It all's N o 1-. 1,053 'a allla No. 4... 4.500ra Wall , NO. C.. CIA p &Mt No. A,.. 1.04. pm Braddock 10.1. 6.6 0 p ao Wall'. No. . 1 ..10,01 p M Wall'. No. 6.. 7,02 p m fut• Line 10A6 0 nt Altoona demon . fottastains At 2430 srm nit Emiwrant. s train 12i=firli - ...do lly. all others ennciall es'rePtsds • ''' Ten Church Trains Mayo wmt•stutton evOri Bunday at Dethet. m., reaching rittstorrsh at LOMS r. ro. it,tornlna mares pittebtoat at 12:10 P.M, and arrow at IA alls atation i ll O 0. m. • Ila Baltimore Sayre*/ arrive with UM rld.latel pkt a ILA omit at IMO 0. wt. on • atmdays. IL t i C o o n m ci.. n — y w e l h o ld Lomstey .r noolvaela BS , :normt batroasc QUIT. and for .smottot 001 ecrssling'S.sel. ors: ' Vs% Ff. likelf.WlTl4. Aitant. 1867: WilfiffEgia 1867. THE PITTS IMIO U FT. WAYNE 1 taIICA. lit Ic. E.., AND CLEVELAND & PITTSISUSAiII T . rains arrive and Ware at the talon Depot.... follow.: xt.tra. aubtvr. Chicago Ex .... X= an Chicago Ex.... 310.• m (.I,l:land Ex.. :I:I.0 • n Clrvelend Ex. Itt., a Exit & Yan.Ex 6:00 • alCtdcana Ex.••..11:1101 , I. a Wba. API. enls • In Oh net-Ilug Ex,ii.o am. 1 Chicago Ex.... than: Chlcsorld•ll.. 'lnd pm Chick no Ea.... 3:40 pln CI. A - Wnx. Ex 2:4050 Erie .6 Yan E. 6 : 43 PEI CM'ltaxn Er.... 7:0 D , Inc. 00....,. noop m wLming Ex.. Cal pan Cl. a. Wbg. lax 9110 p In Dc;ner. fry= Alledneny. ArtiVP In AlleX. , inle. N. tlr . in Ac. 9:1,0 aix .I.den.dato Ac 7:2) am Lea:Adele .• 10::a • In, N. Er . tn •. SAS •In .`•• •• CO •• • m itoeitestee •• 111 , 7 p m • NikirtiAltle 7:43 Cca`e gi Lett:olMo • • vntsam ' hit 4:901: •• •• 1:05 p m I;.' ' .. '! t 'e-Ac .11e"a•• s:Mit in N. Benoit •• 2.3) Am lir • p EA, Levied:du •• 1:10 am Le.t, lase ••10:3 pit. `. 7:00 am t: cc le,c ritts-; .1121.10:5 a- tn. Chic.. Ltirgh. n in Y... iISitVC3 dally. dee 4 Y. 15. MY YIN. tlenerai Ticket Ac t. iTTSTIUVIGAI AND CONSIFLILS- I. TILLS it. B. g Arrangemett. - On and atter MARC!! land, The t!aini ~IL Inane ti e . DiTot. Komar of lota ace Witt., to-;eta, as re.lorra: Lao., I. flora Fttletawmt. FatWidi Nall to and fro= Uniontown. Tina A: a. T. at fi r .jj ' ..7; won ' A ' coo " od t ' ta . l.L.,inort...l. - .- - Zw 'n .11.-tat c . Second •• " 2• I S Braddoc's tt ODE: at: siwri cereh Train to and trout t eat .tddrtaXtiOidttittlia Tor Tleketa ardlytor - T. H. HUM. Agent. 0e27-1 W H. STOL - r. tom i LLEGHENY VALLEY Y.v AL, • - - • . . Cm and after WEL/is EOl.)Ar. Aran rah. VC. trum w. I leave and arrays at littakurabliepot. cornet VII. and Vattal atrects. s.a foilOwst Lamar. Arrival/ Tarsi K!aklminctia Areomo..A.M A.Y. 11:00 A. V. Matt, to and from Matailig..:ol.l..x. 7,3 - 0 First Sods Warts Acc0m....9:40 A. Y. mol a. V. rcrona lital..imine Las Ace.. 12:00 P.Y. nr Y. - V.lore., to sea from 3:151..1, 10 it A. Y. etecami _ads Works Aceen../IMO; Y. 1:31 T. Y. arnaortorch Train from ana to. 0.1. ...... 1:00 Y. S. 1000 A. V ...... .•• . • .••• • Elm... ho NOW.) o f rackets f kes erre • Minectlort at Ma- Mkg oirr Franklin ant (TI! CIL , . Mall eon th connects with pstketa from 0:1 City and rrynklis. ALACKWIIINT, Swot • - • pßoposeis FOR IRON fl Sealrd Cropovalo will to,reeelveli at . ahl s after until] o'clock on Pl/D2l-1, the ad day of .alay, f..ry, for the urrr Br, iron weak fur to (nos 31111. rot late,for W• 14,3900 ta ntral of 11,pr Ifloaw. litebtOan. Ylano and apctlrlea nom for tills work ten be obl.*!refl oa tlon to Cots or to Gen. W. b. so:ail, Su perintending Sootr.ter 1W Oak York, Cook real ty. Cools. This iron work will De muffin , ' to deliverrd ou or balore ttelolll Of Junt,Llfl7. nu board of a I; ', • s t s r e u l l[, " .ll ‘e l r el a tlgn o . o :r lo. Car 111., at the Ste bidder. lot tbo Wave d.th.TY.D.t .e erased in the bid. - • . w . • • w /be iron w or t will amount to about MECO Pound, or which about nn.ooo will be boner work. and nerve/dot will l ust.lron and ten •rfon Nana. at. . • . The 2103rd reserves the right to miect 107 pro posal whi c h ',tese to ree.ire soy pars of the maybe.. be in strict concerti:LlST With the cuntrackand specifications; and no cwitract .111 he considered Isis ding until app roved by the non. bccryluy of the Tr.iisury. .0 bid will he recetved or con:ldered execpt from beau fide inane ' , queers. and each otter trust accotu- M ;2:1 a ce ' or .ri p t ;fr% gu'rrsit7b the of by aceeptabce of such hid then ecessary con• tract will be entered loco. • hued an d security for the faithful fulfillment: of tee enntesc Yet The team for wide n the bidder proposes to fur-, fish the iron ork, secor.:lne to the drattint• and spectileatt,s,must be dlstinetly stated. and a ropy alba printed speettleattout. must tot encloased with the bid us evidence that there la sul,the as to the otJectfi tile propmal. Ali pr 'salt must he sealed and endors.d for Iron Woes for Wooer's...cc Light-house.' - add then enclosed in another ea t elope and mldreesed ut the Chairs , . Of the I.l.tht.hod, ooard. Washlecton, I), C, ). bin .111 he consider* d then. does not eon fo•to to the retint.ernenta of this soverthement. AA, person subralthtne a proposes mar be present saw settees. the tpenton of the MU at the thee and place beret n betore speelted. 11y ord, of the Heard. nt I 111-11Cli, Chalrman.l Trousurrltepartment, tollce 1 .1.ht-hil.e Board. atti-ston, D. C., April 6,151. A.. 10 IicILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. • MUCK FOR NA LE.—The Char. tiers Ilr Mant.fecturl, Contrany r..T • - orup!eteft their tar,l nod math.. ry f.,r amnatactorlag 141e4 la Mats:ld, on ra the C. Lt. It. a fitly rectgre tle—to tot: dellieredin the lard or itt the rite— at much low, rates than have tent her,lor.re ,trrrnt. All ord. ra ototaott y attended to. For further partl,ular lilt re at the yar.,, ern! t': Y. 1111.1,. at Dayl , l eteett's Coal Vara, Head of Foltill street. Theatlay mid /Irlday Of each .k, Ito, I to 2 o'clock p.m. All letle ft addresatil to 01611313 SAMUEL M. 10FICKERSUA31 Iron Broker, 124 First Street, pirrantßaii, PA. Asent tho rale OrCornwall, Donahtnaorts, .7orchhhae. lanhel!a, 000cartuan. I:llsnhope, Glev.lon, anti other brands orsothracitc. Youth.. lorl,tny Crab and C!lyhaut•a C. It. Charcoal riot ect - uitlynnaeute arld orders respectfully eOIIC . -• EFFERVENCING CITRATE OP - MAGNESIA.' 111 6n.. Irtyttlea. In posnle, TLI. 11.1.4ratAt la 1111 surgatte , and antql , nt,,very the .tornarlt, A.- !mar -a' sick tomach. and all - 1e141.t case,. For .ale by Drogtl,ls. retwtal hi ARTHUR. !unit:Rd, 151.prtr :sew Tort: - mh=o•7 SZIGN OF BLINDS.-JOIIN A. It NOON .1 CO. HO nntrartat.o ntunat, °pi orne. to rostoreur le y ep an sand, or mate ta of elegant Cr...sten VllTlVln l rc: '," ri) * a ' n .a Paper•rds. new style of It ltelow :snarl", Us and upwards. Colored t7l'ClOths, Burr. Worland. fiats, nuns. Into. tun as.ll.lnd and Picture Cords and Tatman,. Aloe at toes•trie tore, on 1111,1 or Mad • too der. nor .tac k Willie .1.4 Calico oils!.. Collar. ror /tut:omen's wear. nth:, to pricVATE DISEASES. 077 /CE R 34 P.Sl*.li !or the are a, IT Of •n Mama. oft ramie at smell,tn two to tom days, by to anti a illy new am watt treattiant. INnalnal Weakness, red an other dtaetseaot the rental Gramm M./their vr al - cation. - z RAR ER .E MERCK V. • - • . Clrevs.mantal crt mosey nroodekl. g, to AL. DI.. I tO T, aaat to Or. X Dr. W— I.llx Papa &rol. Minia l. TAllell AGENCY.-- 441,..,5, Ib. Pedal .tarch.; •• do. • yrt•• C.e. 441. • • 1911•141,1h..•-til arch. Fur OAS', vle by 22 se 4.11M,' lag...llllrett, ESE] M!fiMM MEW tUltt Hli WIMS3MI 12E33 WM.II I LL, =MME!