'RV GOODS, TRIAMINGS. 1:3 INVISIBLE EMPRESS TRILL SKIRT, TlitlC Sti7 SWAPS FIIIII Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OB r.o lIBLE ISPILING,) SKIRTS Tits bandsonatet and most enrnfortsble style:yet troduced. SICK ALL FAS h lON id AtiA. AlSo, the New blres PARI23 TKAILN, KID., VP TIM WOALD, and TIP-TOP TYLLB. FOB SALE EVERY! fIIEEE. • AT WWOLESALE•by all the leading Notion and Dry Goods IitIISCA, ID Pittsburgh. Also. by Bole Owners of Patent and Esielwilve Mannis tio toter.. • WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, InbI6•VIIIrT NEW GOODS MU ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. ILICREII, GLYN & CO Swiss I:113 Fort Finish Paconetc; Saingooks, Plain, Striped aid Barred; Alicieanes ad Dotted Sainsooks, for Waist , ; EnSlings ad Priflings; !matt ad Fanaburg Work, fine armament; Deal Point, Valencia and Inroad her.; Bandkerchieß Laca Embri. Pemstitched S. Pia'ln - Enelish Ribbons, all widtl and shades; Poll Liao Colored Velvet !aborts, every slide; Eagle Fringes, Trimmionsa Batton newest stiles; Fine assortment of Lailis' laglish ad German lloaiery and Gloves; -; FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KID CLOVES. SPLENDID Assontrairr PARASOLS. . Full Line Furnishing Goods MOIIIIISON'S STAR 1311INT,', et wuraoted. CORSETS AND HWY rs, good makes 11 - Jobbing trade served talthfully at goatee. price,. • 78 and SO Market Street. NEW GOODS AT EATON'S. Dally- Frilling. Laney colors; Marseilles Trimming, all colors White Pique. choice aiso rime t gmbrolderea set.; i I=El =I Guipure Li English Thread Tessin .Amber Trlnutallugs; Bugle Fringest EtogsrOod .7 I Flukey Sleeve Eattand.lte JUST RECEIVED AT r..x. EATON'S 17 Fifth StreLt, EN= 1867 . -NEw SPIIThG GOODS RACRIIR & CARLISLE, 19 Filth Street, .SAVE 41:9T OPZNEII A SPLENDID AMORT /KENT OF JET, A.IIBEIVAND.CEYSTAL Dui Trimmings and Buttons, RAMBUED WORK AND REAP. LACES: . ENULISH ItMillio,3 all shade..! ENG. I,IIISL. WES, e.prDur sties: II COUVOISIER•S ULt.V . Kt] gamete.; ENULD3II AND GERMAN HUSIE.U.Y. . l Uses THE "STAR" SHIRT, On lain - d and made to order. Invisible. Empress Trail Skirt E= "Litt EILaTZIC3- I=l=3M haleboine Corsets, Patent Forms. A complete assortment of TAPER 'COLLARS AND CUFFS. CITY ANL/COUNTRY MERCHANTS will and our Whol•sale Department w ll tocked witb gond. sellable for their oales, which we g n .an tee to sell as low Arany Eastern Jobbing House. MUM S, CARLISLE, No. MD linitia. Elltreet. r 'yHITE FLANNELS, J. H. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, No. 87 80CesslIzot Btroot. ATIII DOOR TO TILE SIGN Or THE •SIG 11001," GILBEHT FLANNELS. tl/LE WARP ELLNNELS. DENEt Do. f•( ALL WOOL Do. WELCH FLANNELS. (i RE Y-SACQ LIE FLANNELS. BLUE, BUFF AND SCARLET YLA.NNELS A laigm 4140itment of EVERY. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS, ON HANDS, AND. LESS PRICES THAN CAN BE FOOD IN THE CITY. stil8t01:1 1867. SPRING. 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON &• COMPANY, iMPUILLTZIO IDIJODUEI3I OF Dry\ Goods and Notions,. Uffskthels lame Lod attractive sto:k or SEW 60113 ifEtSTKUN PRICES, FOR CASE!. Dltall HOODS. WHITE GOODS. DEL Al ES t'ElN'ltl. Olt.tillAhlS, UHVOCi TICKS, CLUT.O,I , EsSISIEIDES. cerreoNAo.r.b. JEANn ISLEACHED N tlH HNOWN SHEETIPOin AND SBA *1.5. SKIRT,. _ HOSIY.H.T. GLOVES. Buyers are Invited ro call and examine our good* and pea.. at N 0.115 Wood Street. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. Rll4-nicrr.r. dxA.Yxox. sp:Org J. O. STErIInISON. . • DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, *1 SPRING GOODS! New French Lawns; New Ginghams; New Spring Poplins; Poil de Chevres; Australian Crapes; New Shawls; Balmnal and Hoop Skirts; White Dimities, for Spreads; Table Linens, Napkins, Towels; New Parasols; Shaker Bonnets; Rats, Ribbons, Flowers, &c,; A VERY LARGE STOCK; =! Wholesale and Retail, at WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., 4LLEGIIRXr OIT I. CE:1170 NEW GOODS! NEW DOUSE! New House! New Goods! WM. H. MILLER, (Former(y of E x►CNCH d 00.. of F. EL X.A.T....2P5.) WILL OPEN About the First of April, NO, 64 MARKET ST., WITH AN ZNTIBE NEW lITUCA OF Trimmings, Lace Goods, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, hosiery, Awl all GOODS usually kept fa a FIRST CLASS TRIMMING AD Notion Eibuse. 27 FIFTH STREET NORWEUTANS. ZEPHYR X NIT ekIAW Ls. HUSIKn Y. GL , IVES It; LISLES. SILK AND KID,' L•4•E, AMBROIDENIEs, HuMENTITCLIZD BAN DREISCHIZINI. • NANS. KI , BONs. 111,N NTSILK L 1 KY SILKS, COKS HOW'ZT SKLILTS, IC., AT DEN.SISON,I9, 6ry~air:f: ~:+Hw01 SUSPENDERS, GLOVES. SOCKS, IiECK TIES, UVDEI7. DILAWYKS WHITS. SIDES'S, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, SLEEVE ' BUTTONS, TRAVALINO BAUR UMBRELLAS, AC., AT = AUCTION BALES SILVER PLATED WARE AT AUCTION. Will — be Sold Without Reserve, =l3 Silver-Plated Ware, Tutsday Morning, April 23d, At 10 o'clock, and continuing at I and 7', 1. Meaoele.iall suction Noose, Nos. Si and 37 Filth street, by SMITHSON, PALMER & CO. The etorkcomm . .. the largest variety ever offered in this city, sod is ol the heal qu allty and trorkmanehlp, from one of the largest Lantern manufactory., unions which may he found in Celegant design., and Web; 'lea. 'I etc- a-tete and ommunion brit.; Urns, wyster. and Dotter Dist., Wine , T ro l l, Itarket. Tea and Dinner Castors t alt and Celery stands: Ice nod Syrup Fitrbere: r.a and t ate Rule.: bolder.po, Ice Bowie, Napkin Rings, npoon- Table Bear Liquor Labels, Candle inlets Knife Rests, ' Waiters. Fickle IC muds, bugar , Dredges. Toast Racks, rr.aerve Spoon., Fickle Fora. Tobacco Bon., P Ku.. and a variety oflace.larteoue maid.. Al tile wares are al, fel l anal!. art) !teary plate, the attentton of dealers and families I. at. I to 'this sale. . ap1,33 A UCTION.—A large and attrac ,l re lot of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On Ttoy 11111, will be to:dat auction. TOMO , irAT. ap It Ante, PAT at le Wei, k a tn. at tee rezldence of Mr. Adana He iroy alit Peak Road, oppotite Mr. Lolink's Tavern. the entire bodmitool furniture, contd.:log of klarb , e Top Wa.ll MACE. /SUMAC. tiedtteads, Chair.; idnunees, two ins French and nib, Pea Begonia lid Two Ply Carnets, and • eeryrtm.nt el Oil Paintines; one Dent en n't One Pia,. narly sew; .ee ral W- ile.. of 005. and Pistol e .: one •two.lirtrear. Hate, out Buggy, nue bp , ins Wagon. one Mouth T airOnOna tau-Scree rlelgh. Pent. itches. horse Plaskett t al., • lot or ilarne•s, bole .bile and denstde Mae rettltine. ita Pr. It , Inman turned.visltrair NEEOP• fur nne or two.teary, mei wishes to wan so, m for ids brattier, henry Annan erol. A. Lk:oft/LTA. •ortlonet r,_ ART NOTICE. • Splendid Oil Paintings, Fine Origi nals, by American Artists. ennolaa• ars and Lever•er Cue art will pirate taa n e rk , [lee tuft an ,itenalve axle. ninnysill, nun Pamtiner. china are all the xrnolne original Pr1.../UCliOn• et eminent an trican Ar• lin. Wad I be held tn a few day, anti found tine. suatly deser•lnt their attentlun. This eoileettun wl IW. of onoqualle4 merit, and the sale einplory. Full particulars to fia.nre advent.- meat. jrALUARLESTOCKSAND CITY . WOWS L. , nEN'r.—TIIISSDAY EVESINte. April Md. s't a o'clock,win lie sold. on second 0 °sr of CoAmerelal Saks &roots. its Smith- Zed streett it shares K. mild, Bath:mai Bask; ! M shares Seeman 1i5.14000 11,110; 'X shares Birmingham ' • lo shares it trneo's losursoce Co. 12 shares l'lttsborah d Steubenville 11, It. 111 par •nritrin bround tient.ll 010 01 on corner lot. Bmithneld midi 10 00 IieILWAINE. Aurt . r. AUCTION SALES. 110 Stullhfield It., opposite Yost 00ze. Day and evening sales Bo ot yesday, flori d y and 'Saturday, of Shoes, flry (tools. Hosiers 11a.0,rar.., straw hoods. ween mate, itioessies. cents' FurolsulOr ods, BMA. Notions, It. rflVltte "lea ou Monday. Wedoesday and Friday. Special attin.. Con to Furniture slits. nest Lasts held on margin and soul on commission. J.lVr• BREEN a co., spll:xlfm7ll:s Auntlenurs. ZltcPtt - Jburgit Onritt. 1 TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1917 DECEASED PENNSYLVANIANS IN , THE NATIONAL CEMETERY AT NASHVILLE, Corresromb.nce of the Plttshersa Gast Ile. .Nasavitts, Tstrst., Apr 1117,1147. Editors of the Pifirburph Gereffe.—As a Pennsylvanian, I take pleasure In enclosing herewith a copy of the record to date, of deceased Pennsylvania soldiers who were burled In the vicinity of Nashville, Tertnes- Set, during the war, together with the aim bets designating the respective localities as. signed these that have thus far been exhu med and their altered ashes deposited in the Nashville Nationat Cemetery, dedicated to the grant national design of honoring the well merited distinction won by those who slumber within its quiet and beautiful en closure, who, by their combined efforts, have preserved and guaranteed to us upon the broad and enduring basis; constituted by the Declaration of Independence, a timer rock upon whmh to found our nationality and upon which td successfully place our efforts of perpetuating its existence and future progress, and may these white dot ted cemeteries that now grace our Soothers States ever serve to remind tho enemies of our Government that the spirits that once animated the fallen heroes is Inherent and will ever actuate the true friends of Ameri-. can Liberty. The Nashville National Cm:n ary is located six miles north east of the city, on the LOIII3VIIIO and Nashville Rail road, and as there is an excellent Ille."14- , nosed pike leading to It from the city, will I afford a very pleasant drive. Tile Cemetery is beautifully situated. the enclosure containing sixty-four acres of fine undulating ground, most, 01 which is I ornamented with towering toiast trees, and to being laid off In various ways to suit the occasion; the whole presenting a very plc. torerquo appearance; the grounds being divided by beautiful serpentine (inacade mi red) 'ermines which, *llOO completed, will afford a very pleasant drive of three and n-halt tulles. Thu attractions of this burial ground, together with the memora ble eoreelatioes of the vicinity, will make It quite a pleasant resort for all those who . may feel an interest in visiting the last rest ing Place of friends and relatives. • the work ofemmentrating and depositing the disinterments Is fa4t bordering on cum- ; pieties, but the consunimatlon of the ;work' or fitting up as contemplated will require from° months. This Cemetery and that of Stone River Is under the direction of Chaplain William Crlnalmw, Culled States Army, formerly of Pennsylvania. Veryltespectfully 65.5 0. Spiker, C, 741 h Pa., 597 0. F. Henry, G. 7th l'a. Caval7. „ 541 1.. Ilmtler. 1, 7,111 PA 52 J. 11. Nauman, K. 771.11 Pa.' 445 J. holier. -, lot I'a. Battery. 40e U /tarplo, Y, 4111 Pa. Cavalry. 400 A. Montgomery, K, 7701 Pa. • 450 .1. G ratlen, A, 7011; 460 D. Martin, A, 7710 Ps. '470 Charlm Park,, ld, oth l'a. Cavalrr. 474 T. B. tiolllogeworth. 16 70th Pa. 4111 4.3'1 IleCtilioush, 1, 9th l'a. Cavalry 415 W. Clark, U. 71.11 Pa Cavalry. 417 .1 acot) liouoer. G, 77111 41.0 C. i W. !Moth, E. 7111 t'a. Cavalry. .1.13 40muel tirrur, K,7111 Pa. Cavalry. .a.Lex. Gardiner, 77th Pa. • 0.1 S. lA. Willa', 1,0211 Pa. Cavalry. L,oi, -, Pa. ID/serves. MI Abraham Fry, 7,0 Pa. Cara My. 910 J. It. Girtn.C.:, 71.1rn Pa, 163 C. Daze!, 11, 79m /ht. 147 .lohn I.l,sen, A, 7711; Pa. 132 31. /lorle C. 7111, 14'. John Ilalfponny, ii, 7th l'a. Cavalry. 153 Frame. 40110.ner, Al, 91.11 Pa. Cavalry, 199. Abram Ei ummer, 1, to h P, .Cavalry. 64. Wttliarn Brannon, K, 77in Pa, 30. Thadeus A.Lay .011. 7t.n PaCaval 740. siathsa- dlontammery, 19th l'a.CKva/. .757. I'. if. C. 70th Pa. 751 J. 6., 1, 701% l'a. 742. Jolla Grubbs, 7th Pa. Cavalry. 7965..1. A. LSCOCiI, .1. 79tu Pa.. • . 1. E. Ungar, 11070111 l'a. 0240 11. Cameron, 2:1 V.I. Cavalry. 6240. 11. E. IVenaer, A, 71th I'a. 044. F. Barbel, A. 77th Pt. 92.-5. Gaudy. I'. 7.0.1 Pa. M.M. J. Fritz, 1.711111 Pa_ 14.151. J. lonucusu, 11, 4)11, Pa. 4475.1. Aleolient. K, 45th PA -9135.11. 17. Chllcoat, 11, 9111 1 . 1. Cavalry. e 7116. J. IV. Leekr, C. 7th l'a. Cavalry. 0471. F. 51111er, 111 11111'a. 0.11.1. J. Boller, 1, 7901 Pa <57. J. Foote . r, E. 74 1 0214. ti. iitokon...on, C. 7,11 Pa. Ca va/ry.'_ ,820.0 B. Iluckney, C. -Rh Pa. 1311 G. a Moutaomert., C. 7`01.1.1 l'a. 2.0.4 E. IL Kerr, D. 'dab Pa. 11.40 11, Loa iv, P. 1101 . marked 0 head board. 6070. II:. Horan F. 11•9 th Pa. 4 , 67 Keiley, 16. 1111, pa. • 5046 11. Donavan, Ir, 147t1, Pa. . • SOC W. 1/.11104, F. 11109 Pa. 9194 J. II ualer, F. .29th l'a. • 9,71 11. B. Slogar, 1. 10.111 Pa. 9314 W. Brut/lon. D. 147th Pa. 57.27 L. Bore, 1. 24th Pa, gm, ‘;„ D. West, E. 111th Pa. 9345 A. L. Iludbur v, 11. Van Pa. loth J. M.ltrittly. K, 00th 9442 T. liuvall, F. 1914 Pa. • 9516 D. uur•ltuer, L 1-t Cavalry. • 9536 .lohn Bradln, A. 700. Pa. 91015 B. Lager. LE 70th I•a, 96110 .1. C. Lion/ton, 11. 7701 Pa. 0125 Daniel Junes, F. 7-0111'a. • 9073 1.9. P. Ilammut, 11. 1514 I'a. Cavalry, 9,1 A. 4c131k o, 9. 7.04 7 , :135 G. Ileynolds. F. 70111 l'a. 9951 W. 01.11 Rater. D, 7401 Pa. 9.05 J. Pratt, K, 1.501 Pi- Cavalry. Mll S. 4nylier, D, 7th Pa. Cavalry. 2..1 W. B. Connor, 11M.1,, (evidently a ml 6 take.) 7707 IL MeLaugh Iln. D, 7111 l'a.' 7617 A. Stivere, 1, 7.1111 l'a. 7711 slichael 11. Brant, E, 79th Pa. 2732 J. Doneloon, E, 77th Pa. 948.1.11... McCormick, 11, 7-th Pa. 0031 Green Loudon, E, Mtn .11a. =l5 Oltverilougla . , 15th 7957 W. Jones. 171.11 ad marked or head hoard. 7109 11.1 rw In, 1, 77th Pa. 7132 W. lialynolds, 1), 77th Pa. 799.4 J. Price. C, 7.1111 l'a -731!) J. 1:0011gb, to, 46th Pa. 74111 G. E. Stoutoabarker, G. 46th l'a._ 7409 J. N. Mayen ' LE Mill '7545 I. Mint., E.41.1th 97E13 George Colpmser, K. 7001 PA 9965 W. 31. W. Crawford, U. 70111 Pa. 9074 if, 31. S. Leonard, D, 77th trls/ M. Wymer. K. 771;; Pa. WA J. Suilthl 51, 7211. Cavalry.. 10062 J. 31 liligan, to, 1,1111 Pa, 100:13 G. Eceriny, C, 77th l'a. 1 . 160011 0. W. Fry C,19111 PA 1 1014.1 .1. 31111er, I. 741.11 Pa. WM/ J. Glunt, 11, 77th 10009 T.II. 111471,. K. 77111 Pa. 1t0736 C. Rodenhork, D. 77th Pa. 10311 E. Shanahan, I), 70th I's. 6715 G. 11ot:holder, .1, 71/01 l'a, 11,77 A. Maier, D. 10th l'a. Cavalry. 492.01 1.. I'lloloao, G, 7.3111 Pa. . - 75.17, J. McKelvy, U. 74th I . a. 7651 U. 11. Komslim, A, 199111 pa. 7651 L. You °gin k ar, C, /9th P.- 7699 C. 1/417, 19th Pa. 7464 J. Board, LI, 7th Pa. Cavalry. , - 11100 1. A. Crlaanla 1, 76111 Pa. 1 1419 M. Sullivan. 1. 70111 Pa. 1010 S. Bucket', tS, 7/0) Pa. /711 J. Watmer. A, 70th I . c. 1161 J. K. / Tanner, L Dalt Pa. 1.0 I. }Dag, 1, 2ste Pa. /115 W. /5.1/set: I, 70th l'a. 1046 A. 1141010,11, 77111 1019 Judson linight, C. 5121 Cavalry. 1044 4. Brown, E, 7111 Pa. Cavalry. 1901 A. Snow; I, 77th Pa. Sma J. IL Develin. A, 741111 1 . 1,. 9.01 W. Jones, 1, I'M Cavalry. 930 11. Tlinunua 11, 77111 l'a. 1, tdl J. Aolf, C. 79th l'a. DO A. 11. Prtehard, 1, 7111 Pa -419 E. 114.1taw, 11, 70tu Pa. . 419 W. 11. 01 .1 1 , 711/ Pa. Cavalry. 14)7 Georg. 1.. I/antler, C. 9111 Cavalry 700 0. McCrea,' y. 7etli 677 Satupeam Boon, 12,7111 Cavalry. C 79 A. Burton, 1,7701 l'a. Aloz. Itlea 11, 7th It. Cavalry. C 44 I'. Darla, K, 70th 164. 649 Jamea l lamt!ur, 771.11 Pa. '2402 .1. Mull, 0, 7th 'a. Cavalry. 12614 8. 1". /leery, Li, 76 , h /54- 1.4071 O. Searkrist, K, 77th Pts. 2491 V. Iteym, 1.7011; Pa. 2914 A. Eakin., I, 74011 l'a. 1130 J. tir.t.ead, V, 7th Pa. Cavalry. 2261 Mandl:, E. 411 Pa Cavalry. to. L. Murphy, 0 0 ,2111 ' 1.2 A. Alt Ina, 70th Pa. 1446 W. W.M.ohoutl, 74111 Pa. 17) 9 .) W. P. E. Barret, 0. lat. /'a. Cavalry. 1701 J. Yeager, -, 70111 Pa. 1715 Daniel Zorby, F, 7,12, Pa. 1760 G. IV. Boyer, 1,, 7111 Pa. 1613 W. 11. Cleavor. to. 74th Pa 1101 D.l. lsock 4, 11, 71.11, Pa. 11,241 W. 511,111111 en, G, Ditlt l'a. 1570 J. El re, C, 7th Pa Cavalry. 101 l A. Auk., A, 7111 Pa. Cavalry. 1461 T. Fos, 11.7111 l'a. Cavalry, 1492 A. Drake, hurt:earl K, 15111 Pa. Cavalry 19.41 S. A. Uinta., K. 721.11 4416 0. Dugan, 1, 70.11 l'a. 4.123 M. Crsituan. G. 74th Pa. . 4262 D. D. Clark, 11, 7th 1 7 01. 4042 W. clrarle... 1./.70114 Pa. 4194 W. Coll Me, 0, 79111, 41r, C'. 111ponan. 1, 701.1/ l'a. • 4.447 C, 71111 Pa. 15956 V. 51. Teoutas. Pa. Cavalry , Jae. F. Baoo.l, 4.. Id Ilattury. /51.1 J. J. Angles, 11.70114 a. 9015 4. !teed, B. :nth l'a. 5197 Iy. 51. isil•lbmall! /41211. l'a. ! 57131 J. A. Wood. A. 77th Pa. .3677 W. Beek, 51.7214 Cavalry. .110 - 2 J. J. I•lotla. It. 7th Pa. Cavalry. 9612 C. Folimnaery L. 9111 1 . 01. Cavalry. 01.0 J. 1,et114, G 15th Pa. Cavalry. 5511 A. E. Workman, C. 7a It Pa. 5554 1. 9. Itackey, 11. 15th Cavalry. 9525 W. Duvelln. D. 79th Pa. 11173 J. Slugurunt, L. 7tll Cavalry. _ 3197 J. Dobler, 1/. 75th Pa. 1425 M. 'Davi!, K. 72111 Ps. 31 . 23 J. A. Ilufban, A. 74th Pa. - drill I'. 91. Barton. 1. Ranh Cavalry. 3.101 1). IS ina, li. 7th 3161 D. littlfulston,ll.. 70th Pa. Ch .5 11. It. Froth 1). 15th Pa. Cavalry. 21/1 E. Laneil, Corpidul /1. 7909 Pa. 11i3 J. Ettole4, 10.7009 Pa. 3135 50, Lavlea, C. 7th Cavalry. 31.71 Jolln I). Shields, A. lath p 4. 49144 11. Davit's icer, D. 91.11 Pa. aM6 114. itecao. 11,19111 t Pa. 1104 11.1enara Chaoe, E, Istlt l'a. Cal. The above, with a few ithlnevlatlona. Is a correct copy, transcribed r•ota behtl boards. The nulalbe. 'given bore aro tho runnlng iluMber , of the Kano:nil Cemetery, and thu Index to our record. .411 letters tor' inter. matlon 'should contain their nu/utter. 1/757 and 11:59 were exhumed on Judge flawphrey's farm, some two soOt. east from the city. Thu Only 116:Mal1on on 1.110 head haw ds was that above given. ' / sill compare your promulgated /Isla and make any corrections that may. be necessary, Sad endeavor to keep you arlvlse 04C01,te7ning future developmenter I~ESi Y1805'14~ A. MCILWAINI, Auctioneer Decidedly Dementle. The following sin hider and rather roman tic incident was re/Lied to the New Albany «A CAR II TO INVALIDS. _ Ledger by a gentleman who MUMS to know i A Clergyman, while residing In South America that it is true: as I missionary. discovered a safe and simple A young lady living in Corydon who had, remedy for the Care of N•reous Wenineee;Eary by a life of dissipation and prostitattoni Decay, Di sease , or e b s , :lost the respect of the decent nerd.. or j Organs, and the whole train ord./trent n brought that community and who it was easo ileved, had given bittla to a negro child,' on by baneful and vicious habits. Grut num after finding herself an outcast and aban-ei burs have been already hired by this noble rem dotted woman, resolved to leave the plami say, prompted by ailed. to benefit the afflict where she was shunned and despised, and-II ea and unfortunate. I will lend the recipe for lead in the f uture a life of rectitu d e and preparing and using this medicine, la a peat. of virtue. She removed to Ohlo. For a lOng time nothing 'was heard from ens - elope , to any one who needs se, p. a .,. her. But, finally, an Ohio paper was. Cauca theme endue • post-paid eneevelope received In . .Foryilon, announetng ens addressed to yourself. marriage of this young lady to the lion. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN. Mr. The paper complimented that, ds.asght Ntatien 0. inn. flee.. N. Y. t.ltr, curinghrldegoo upon ins good fortune to I s soon an aecoalplla hod and lotntl• some wife as Miss -. For a while thil marriage was the subject of much gossip In Harrison county. In n few mouths, howev er, It ceased to excite any Interest, and would have been forgotten until sly, had it not been for a visit of tho Mr. antl Mrs. -to Corydon. Husband and wife took the stage for Corydon at New Albany, and I seemed to enjoy themselves very tough in each others society durlng . ride. At Corydon the stun stripped at tile hotel, and they not out, the husband requesting a nice room. The landlord, who rectwOrell I n the wife the abandoned woman 01 Corydon in other days, ref titled to give then] n Morn. Husband demanded anexplation, and the blunt old laniberil gave it - to 0101 by re lating a history of his w Ife'S career 111 Cory don. Atter this the husband Wa net 000- letia for a room, Out took (11l ri ot cOnvey• anCe out Of Corydon. leaving, the vintage 'anti tea wife behind. Since then he Inth not been heard of Int Corydon. Too. wile, an. Ing 'trivet( abandoned by her hernia, again gave way to the tempter, and is no a heart broken, degraded woman. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS N EW GOODS! - SMALL. PROFITS! Never beforel was there each a good time to get BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES AT W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, toerA. Vi tiether nft rash pile for all. w are Judge. of g ',le or Gof cond prii, Is i.e., aeced aoy .•ran or claid. Strangers desiring to rto ap not an thing to prevent neir C. 011115, If for nothing t an to get vr. Is post, 4 on hew prior.. iiron4 t rt. rs are lied tna. ever,arter, to ehtte In the or, s, at Lar. us of BOUT. All, aL Nos. 26 and 26 Fifth Si., Pittsburgh W. B. CLAN & CO. Wholesale and Retail Clerk g & S ri . ° ry LEA be FEIIQI\S' 4 031EIXAMELFLALTIED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE ru,stn '1 co lIT :',:ll EXTRACT of • 1.61 - ti a I'n,m a CONNOISSEURS . 3:1 - 111, I. ,i}..ti . TI.S)IA.N•t MAD. TO 111 TIIiVA, 1•.1.1. , !truth, 'ONLY GOOD SIRE' . ` at WORCE.T.E.R, -`""-- - •T ' I E a ...t: I' I. 1 - t d l: I i. S A IL ;t a nd A Pl ,,, ab ., to '2: ..7 ,- 11, Ir a 1 I. e: 1, •,..,,:.••• i.,..1 , 1T , .. ,. E.5. I In' V aVant al:tat, '-;:ett' , ..,;'. ' ;':,n. '' ‘,... ' 01 ;,,T. r 11•1.1., a. w. il a. , am' .k SA • :11: that 131-EVEIC. ,-- 1... • , The .u,•••• of this Imo, .I. :Ir!ov.; aLd nnrli-a!l— -ttl c"ndlmf'n't 1,Ttne . c5.1.,L1 many anpr:,!;',....r ttral• rat , , applv 11, name t,. .., , ,',:t . e.,.. rocToi. t, PI lII.II' la na , rTru., aad a .1:- LT eq,e4,l to •••r thht t“k- 'An,,. of 1.1.0 3 VI 11111 NS It, upon the %VILA 1 . 1 . E1:, La 111(1., b r.. 1.1... It and 11.. MA,. n=== JOHN DI'N('..4:VS SONS. NEW 1 AtIENTS Ft/UTILE 8 oetc!lrrur IRON ElTr SPICE , MILLS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .Fear Pennaylraagia art nue, PURE SPIOES AND MUSTARD Witransed .13sz our rotas is Cu thy •rtc:e. TNEFII GROUND OWN mEAL and f,,yg roaotant:y Ct , FFEIL UtiVi;NLI NI;TSBOA•JT/Cll P RTIr:.I 7 :o ef , ottana tGa manufactara of a.: :Lc DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, 0. - blch we oder co u • l:oleeale an.l Reit!! Dralrrs at the lowest m.rtet price. Almtu4 to 4eal fair, we hullsit the pa!runage of ILe Cltoppeti Fee. Constantly on Band. arnicuitn&-CIOLILEDGE. LEM GILMORE 8c LIEBLER, llanifact•rers. Whol.•ale 11..: Retail Dealer. to TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. B • A large sisortuatnt of La.ltssE!Atclitls a: orals ou Foe. 104 and 108 Wood St., 111115 11,11Zr1 , 1..• ZDIFIN t.ll/1:11.511 . . (Late of Ruben,. llarots.t Coo ROBERTS, & SHERItATT, Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, O. 01 11.11ITUFIELD NTILF.ET, Year Fourth 9 trdet. rirtkitutenn: Hare convtantlyn hand a raisers! avv•dinavat Pia., Japanned. 1 . 1r.1.0. II and Ulna TIN WANE. fan., Illal,Ca.vs. utlery, afiners - Lativps and House Furnial.lnd 4lwolii In tile 7 ^III sail V/ liolesalc and Ile- Prompt altvntalda given to Itvintig , rinouting, and ail Lind. of .11. Work. Ina r.. 2. J. LU.llh ILII.t.ILYN I' LIM'. LOUGHREY it FREW, Saddles, Harness, Trunks, .14 all In tbelr iln• usually k,p 4 In arst-cluo catablialr.rnta. N 0.102 - WoodlS treet, (tottweeti Diamond Aller •udlth HOLIDAY GOODS. ALL HINDS OF OBONZE,GILT, Oarbon Oil Lampe and Ohandeliera. Lamp Trimminp, Alto WARR/U.7EI. NON-ItISLOHIVN CA 1.4 BUN U11....1.41.a1e and • JOHN ROSS & CO., • . 1V4=1,. 88 1717cract • 18Itroo1; SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, ?ITTSBITRGH, PA, 10 BUILDERS AND LONTRACTOBS. • I; RICK FOR SALE.—The Char tiers taller Slnuaracturlr, Cnm navy basing ikiN t , 011, 1,1 r the, ra..l •nri r, fur nlauttrarturl, lota In !I:IA.11..111.r. the I% It. It.. ar.. rewly to recelvt• or acra-; s he dellvered In In, yard, or In We t it, as 100,, rates than hare 1. 'en he r..tur..re current. •Il order. vrill b.: promptly att. nded ;0. rot futher particular. at the var., . r w NIL.., 11501 , 1 n . : I . oal tar•,_ b r ad of .test. on Tne•rlo. and Frluay eat..o au Ito - .•to I o'clock p. in. All 10.4,2 atNlcatirti to VYn• .Pl , :xf; rani Y. ra McCATiLDE,I49 lA. CO., VV (LmWiLeott, (;AU L C 0..) lal IIf.,!LL/0: LIB LT OREHMI AND DOMESTIC DDT DODOS. . No. p.m 4717 ct (Dd. at., !bird noon alma. Diamond Ailey.) 0.1.1414 CHEAPEST PL4C L.N THE I=l TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, lz •i No. 144 MUNI' STILENT rnm'sniencn.pA aLLEGuE.rir pa„ pIATMBERS, GAS AND STEAM YITTF.Ii,, trr p alw•ya on band Itrwe AA/wan:ant of .1111 , 11ASTF, MIELT LEAD_ LEADI'II . Y., 11A.TII 11:BA, WA II BA.- SIN: , . 11.10 AND lilt AO COCKSIsnO all mote. ric. nwog up 011.11, or prirsic bulk:tog. wlv 4:4TEItf.r:•TV"C ...Jilt, A. ALLEY u. M. esulw.se.. GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale! Druggist^ MGE=MI DllLlitsY DlLlUGtitin D . 13.1116itr!!! JAMES T. SAMPLE ItAVINU nowitir TII WELT. KNOWN UN COIL. FEDERAL AND ItOI3IN,IIN NIK., A I.L.Ktetl i• NY. Will [croon hand a full aaaorunentof lauds of T1X4.10 - C 363. which .w be dot) eboapor than soy ottwr .11110 In the. two cltlua. ;'re` carefully prapanol by a 'neat e,a, rgwlrt. (II Itlndaof •na FA\UYD(IA IY Jbawl,• Nt11100:01AKElt & ttOni, Pittsburgh White Led Work:, PURE WHITE LEAD, SLUE 1.1C.111 liktrUNl, IN lIIL . IIIII PAIS. U KARMIC-LE. BOOTS AND SHOES JEST 1.4111 E%. FINE CONGRESS GAITERS. llI11.111)Il41,4 A .t.pwit4, 111.1 • AND 111 phio,. nil F, •111.1 C. /I, • II .11• Nun 11%1 PIIN,( If I AL)'MORALS. l.• 17E10 Ant, SL,II rene, 1 ""`" P"' .1. 11. /a W. C. 191 0111.A.ND'9, NI Alt Y.T t TRH ET, from I !fib II COO.. V JILL FIELDINCI dt 111/0":' Manefacturern and Male. In Clurstorn. .121,1a.c100 BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, So. Lao Ohio St., Allegheny. 11.!•palrIn> nrnuo•llr nn thn inort•Jt HOTELS WHITE HOUSE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA Nen - ly alto! 31.1 harntrbed, and reed! to re Ctlrt . Cent, TI suhicrltmr ',III pot tirare p‘ll4. 1 , 3 cumumeri. pulq,cra velll Un at soy 11..iir In Ihr •Itt.rn,on. II", 10,A . - LA PIE 11111: 1101114 E, • Thesubserlbgrs hart leased t farorltu 1f0.5.. it ILLYITTE g u...,, Ir.L; IN AN BLitt/ANT .11A gm: roe. u•er.sreol with the most ,rrect appolstmeut lur reeeptlou ol guests. The t est Lgoaltionsourrg 0r...<1... Hotels will Le maintained lathe rums. lu the p•ni q• 11,11 A. V• 141.1, TOBACCO. CIGARS ,b 3 , TE lOR °RAMO WORK S I & Wsi . Elk !NOON. .._... xlit;: D ._ ~„,,,Lu„, wholente z.l a retail tloalcr; inali kind. of 4 - ; TOBACCO AND NEGARN, - No. 6 ZEIrEILAL oTItEET, I.6rd Cc rots :.,311 , c0611332 AL 1 . 4 ./Q. Y etir. T A . Bray el. Store at Meets, tJoio .112,4 JOHN MEGRAW, liwouticto,r of vol Wfoffesole aro! lieu!! Dealer la kII kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4.119 33.. a Marl AS TR Et MP. Titu:CgrAi P, l. PLIFy SPECIAL -NOTICES. 121-14 1 1301 . BARNHILL & co, LER MAKERS SHEE IRON WORKERS, NOP. 9, 22, 24 and 26 Penn (laving. t cured a Bare yard and famished t with them st approved machinery, wa are pre pared to rn uufscture every description of lion ers in the b ,t mantle . , and warranted equal to any made I the countr y. Chimneys, Breech log, Fire B •ds, Meant Pipes. Locomotive Boil ors. Conde Caere, 'alt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, "ling Pans. Boer Iron, ridges, Sturm Pans, and 6.4.1i1. manufac ll turers of ß BAUN BILL'S PAT•NT BOILEIM. Itepatring done on the shortest notice, lestcat cgireininsolv, lAEA el. CO, (Seem,. or. to Rolm:now, MINIS & MILLIB6,) WASHINGTON WORKS, rounders and IletChl alit., Plitaborgh, Manufacturers of Boat and Stational,. Steam ICdgine, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gear. log, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions:till Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Shen irni Work. • No. Pd corner First and Smithfield Sic Ir•gents for orrrnittres PATENT IN JEC Mit for feeding !Sobers • lalltrfd IgirLAKE BUPEMOR COPPER MILL £ SMELTING WORKS. PITTS BIIIIGIL • PARK, McCURDY ik CO., Manufacturer. of ebeatnlnr. Bratlere' and Bolt C oter, Preserd Copper 801 T... Raised null Itottows, Spelt, Bolder. Also Importers and Dealer. r n Stela!, Tin Plate. enrol I rot, Wire, Re. Conrsantly on bond Tuaners• blacb Ines anel arrhoort. No. lau PINsT !UREA t and IIDSEruNII STREET, Plltabrirab. npreial orders of Copper cot to any desired pastern...._. 14:eir Urlt F MEDI A L INSTIT UTE hiPEVIAL;CAPIEN, No. 11.1 Bond Potreet, Biel. , Torts. " • Full 10ion:nation. with tlif. Licari. Cartinsonia4, also.. 1.45.,. nn .1p , 1411,11 , 14e5, In, 11,1 en• relope..tEst fr.., 40- &ear. owl send/or Awns and tr.n• WSJ/ gm, rv.g, for, - as advectio l . ritt sfrosso ar, K. • tally imp,sto.a. /mono.. no stranger . mould l,r trilsted. Enclose • mt• roc pootaae, and Clive. to Lill. L.S.W. ISE ta NCE. No. it Bond street. New York. no1.1;o1', E NIZA VEST :TIA LADIES UY yolllll ANI EA lt...lltnt MAN -tititVAlilt AbOOCtA 1111 N EttnAY.O; on tbr PuysttOogy of tnt. rnastorts, and the Kreors.. Abuse. Dlstotses pocullsr to tbr , test ate of Inso, stilt Reports on nt,.s mctlaals of treatment to Olt Institution. Sent In sealed osclutres. free of cuaGte. A.liress De J. 14. , etilITON, Howard kseoclatlon, l'a. tat :m silo r. r .... - irIiELNICY A. SIL;OTT, DENTIST, 11'0. 21$ PEXA" STREET, EME:=II PLUMBING, GAB FITTING PRZOI=EI=II ITIIOOII & lITIFFREY, BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, ('or. of 'rd and Liberty Streets. Anal, Can, A :+nyder•a. I . !tt•t.urprh. Venn& to • Ltgbt and I eaTy castlnA3 faralaha4 pro..nt , tls nltr. ,M etal sit' nifon raw to the fitting out and , alr:ne ofl.llltednerlea..,tea=lwata, L Ageuts for A. S. Cameron & Co.'s STEAM PUMPS BLOWER ENGINES, runroa Lave anaPerlor aJ ran[ag.r orci 1 . 1 h 7.. •1..1 every one la arr•n ten to rumps ron•tantly on banal. 1,:3,110 u. ..... ..... n. /Ulattel/N. IEILLEIIy h. JOILNS ON, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 71V111 dT.I:Krr I:STEN/514.N. PSTTE7burgh. Pa. AI: or, r. execated .•tisfac4 , rll7 ana pr,ar,,, %tie to. • . A fu:; Itt.a of ma Tat., Pampa, I.l2•Mta, a•ta•r Chamlellan, replants, ar.•ll.aa,LA.te a fur aalt at 11.• rawatmat,le• Or•..A. from mmatry rata,. Ly mall prompt ly am. alv .1 to. ..f rtt.ll..a. jer , :tl , 3_ BAILIFF BRO W 8 &CO • 0 c...13.13'N'0ci.e..rea.1. IE3 t.• DRUGGISTS. 37 it Street, 11/1.1.1.T0N vpliir L.AD. strletir pure CNAI:t vit .1 • K calif T[LIJ b. PAIS , . I N all .., • . . 1.0011111.. TI.ITIMPISNTIN E. WHALY.OII.. V11,1,11E,, I rAlr.,l3lllllltlF-5,3t. 20.v0 la=l:l2lC=M=l Ph iladelph ia. FOR SALE E _ OR SALL/.—Farm 0t1.17a res, sitnaKd to Peon Tp - . - , Ve•str.„e„,...ip , I's.. adjoining nteain-elll• station, on fell'., . IL, • on which there Is a goos Twontoty evme • cma, heCith nix Room, a Bare, Car-la How mid r bullelngsi so Orchard of di ge ffereat ' flusit leans- It ,?,ik'enl l :llt4".l gL,T4"1,1!..° per day. This property is oritrod ' , ayes.); sad go ientsz. Also, • Faros of 100 sorsa. situated In 'one mouth towaattlp, irns. county. Pa., ant, ut 199 lallas Matta West Penni'. Railroad. at Wye, moro Stanton. The Improvamenta ars a Two Story Frame House, vrth Four Kowa, a Muth!. Porch nod old Log Barn, Spring Huns. Abut lOU acres °leaked. the res idua In timbal, socri no white oak, Ir.le tat and cinatcut. Tel. la= will told he very I ', the owner whiling to go pees:. Possession 1 medlately. Also, An ektellent Farm of /60 acre., Or which i 95 antes are under cultivation, situate in (Bids- tlan cour.ty, Illinois. Improvements—a new irame dsieiling containing 9 come: about CO choice fruit trees, rood foisting. Sc, // lies It sod of the Minot. Central It. R. will be on reasonable terms. City pro tarty taten in part eat/tango If desired. Also, le Imts In southern suburbs tit Chi ago, each Lot 30 by is, In liedmer•t sub-elvish. o f Bon These lots lie one mile North of the Juno- Bon °fn. Louis sod Alton and Michigan riouth. ern R. It., and are on the line of the Pittsburgh, fort P. ayne and Chicago IL R. Just 0 !Liles tooth olthe Court House, near t'lle new Cattle Wounds. and will li. bold for soil each. Also. a Farm or 012 acres In Penn townp Westmoreland conntr. =Bt.+. cleared an ndu der mllll,OllOO, V 2 acees of Drat-rate will, oat and other timber, :dwelling houses, I of them 3 stories, the oth. I i smry. with %tenant house, with • urn-rata Steam sawmill In good ronolog order: young urn*ed of gi•lted fruit. The land Is roiling; every sere let l rabic, with lime tons soil nod sub ol . with never falling aprons.: within one hundred rods of the Pe 011. central Italltoad; ZS miles east of Pittsburgh, and three tulles west of LI reeusburg. 'nth farm is pleas antly and ellglb y eltusted in • flood neighbor. UOO,ll every sore la Mideriald With coll. Th e MI , it good, Alto, • Yarm of 116 acres. situated In {Scat 16 beatltelo torrutbip. IntlJana euunt, remO • s, about J mllcs horn 11U11, tqation, on LOU Penna. Railroad. Iha Inlprovetnents are. a good two• store Brirk noose With ti looms a No. 1 frame Rani, gam, and all otßer necessary out Guild- Ingo. and the , price very low. and on easy terms. Tor runner yarttetilvs, enquire of ==EIIMMI FOR 84LE. i Handsome &Complete Residence, • Owned and occupied by Jame. A. !luta:ll4cm. 1 . 1,41 r • rCUI, Allagatuy City. (late hiumush MancLe.ter.) Lou. its. front I. al fe•t..elth anaelous Lalla.,and ta , v.ve ill,O i.eslde 11..tate.1 at.le ' a..oaptl e Iza..e.u•el.evees 'or c•Aml...et. leg Lut•a.l water turaL.oo.• 'ftemp,a ana Lauda,. sly,lm proved. t Lt.T. D.O CO feet, tie Le tub u rieer. A I S. S. BRY..A. Broker In Stocks. do A POLL() 111J11.DING, roux. .1,r2,11 FOR SAL AGO : IC BRICK HO moat a on ( (m tt, llaa lb et,s f •tcl anu litch .ta y d O. Yr n. r. TiLf Ole ci Yur tb I o aernue, on the Ilue of r Um large to the latest r.nt•lolug el,a l t, pa . . Re,. an I. y lot .3 z.et. h.., by 0104 wt. frets, shad can I, "I,nalur 1 a ma • 2.1,11.1310 rl.tr for Lig rtleu.•r• enko.nrc A. Y. GLLL.(GI No. ; I)uquek. =CM lurnol D PROPERTY R ose.a.x..-43.1 =1 Jo! I lg. r.,1 ll,lllbw sod., la 1n ;Wee. frt. 61 I= = this opportunity rot flarther Inform... Lion, Apply ra 111.1Lual,E. RI• •nd la.nr•nce OZee of U. U. BAILS. Jett nailer street, Lawrenheett VLEECED.4 LE COUNTRY NEAT CON eALL, se unnee In Chanters Vallre, opo•ba:( ati.e froto Ingram's nett a, on the ro, tioopettle fron , the 01 7. Corium. 1 .err., all ti:oter ne•t Senee a...a In aranow. watored _by ,a •er-tentus ..tortag. Will die Itle the 1.1 t tow two parts, It .stre.t. prol.ert, In mots de•tr•tOe and la .oet. r. 41 at out,Ourtb the price the eau. kltot or t• aeOtod for tan same dlntauce (row tor et)cast. el, 8,1,4 It. Stel,l!. Co., rollrlo in. • DESIRABLE LOT FOR SAL. allbylfti 19. I. LIOCAN, Stroke[ Ift I'.ftufl4, !floc ta t Set t ; Apollo !Whirr,. 4 h 4t4444. Ott RENT, CIA EAP— 1 4 0 R SAL 'AY I2n J .I At 4: tral mrr.,, o Lou. astur •ct.l e.rs: thrr xrul pro Ted. , RGA., p:‘ , tr. ni.o tUe eltr Kt.' rut further p c . p.n.er, ...tat on,a t t n. 1.1,1a1r, act,s; "rood rt..l.arl all for ft, tlv• 1.. n. A t.t a • .In tt..t...llocalltt,t d wets it.. 1.1 er.l &Ivan and re• • r utta.ct b tiding lute I ticu,ars Itplatts, of 1.111,1 A tos SW nottn4 ' t i lft, U t. t ..tl 11%1. VOlt SALE —A nine year r Menge -J.- sob • Lot on stn., Math o.:1 by 110 a e on wt I , h Is er e , r,l •frabac dwetllu,r, no. fl tine tor Inc tno LI. • Is.. • ttrlcl. of 4 s. wilt rant lc 8,1, bok- Lb/ slot, ul Ca, 0, 0 1 . 11,0 1. 11, 11,r, 1 .1 `ltl , nr sobt app.libl • ova. Yor IT rms. app' at th• Ilcal 1 - ... tab and luau ranee 1- , C.,ce u/ Ilutlertilrent. Laver ncevtile.. FOIE SALE.—ONE TWO 8T0111: Britt Ugaica pane, .a Wah ter street, Yeennd Wer4, Allegheny, ertta T Ilrr4NS, galet,e4 gam, goof cellar;'gas a. 4 watt, In the Lone; all to good erd•r. En , in I •of Real Ketate 01 Bea, ar.1,110 L'OR SALE—En Excellent Pair 11 , 41,10..)1nrhes tilatne.er and:l feet long: t*o ti locp Luce In •.ep.' e Ito hoot a n.p'tle Ain, a Rout DOCTOR E. for sat.nty.. Is, • nett of boll , I. lu • rolilue mairlcr utaer fatazi. itoialt• of II rTlitt M. BOLE &IP •p;A: all war. Point alloy A i 1 1,11[41:11! Way. OUIiE AND LOT FOIL to A I E. In anyfloi•e 110. low. aljeall. a 7. tat 34 t. 7 kaJ f.et. mad • g l frame with f.tur rt.. , a a; • to4l u Lt..ri ,, t , g of water at thee tl.ter. rrtcal!ilula. RAMSEY .t itAL7.. • •itr.l L.ttle Agent, .o. 01 !Starer strevt. Allethenr ME JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Beal Estate Broker, J OlEii D. BAILEY, STOCK AND IiEAL ESTATE BROKER Al AuerioxExa. Havina taken out COUltillitnltott as Auctioneer., anti erl..eteti an engagement slain Me Plitpnurab Hoar.. nt Tea,. snrurtne the use of their room., above the 71117Wttiotta i 11405, 1 tot nw pre pare.. tn .00 at Public nuettun. aloe!". o bond, ecurltlrs. 1t,.l V-stve, Sc.. either at the above rooms or on the prrinines, Particular attention paid. as heretofore tone. sale of lival agitate al artvate sale. ,tire of Kcal Yatato Intl. country attentte... ti . ii Yon ..... t. nett No. 235 Liberty Street. Mb 12:•19 PENNA. x..tstisek:ruz-6-32. R'o CO., 5„4, , . gi* :-;;;„‘• „„, • b-. 7 • ta g , : s• ti> 4 . . 011 4 :71{1 -*1 / 4 4TRIF 7 ."7 72 4 4 ;;;arkt.rf.;.ittc!:. ` , MURIATIG'-'lk,Q(D' AlTRiOf.`Atr • •--- PENNA, SALT 11,1411UFACTORIO CO., 3P.lttaci:rta:ro2. l F . a. FLocin OIL CLOTIIS.—IIoyIng redluefd onr Dr:ca....can now offer 011fllotha at enslargi rate.. A large sloe, haa4 and de• a/ral!le pattern., for .als : VI and 74 L. Clair .10,11. OIL WORKS & CO IWPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, =I Eureka-Carbon Oil, =I Sperm Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, 12=1 Crude, Retitled and Lubricating 01 Lard, eperm, bale and - I , lbli OIL. C. C. NOBLE, Agt, 19 Irwin Wert, COE CIXX.OSI: 011-0113: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFO KOK & CO., MAN Li PACTUILE. UP Tl r i CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR. Petroleum Lubricating Oil:, Sperm, Lard rind Wlia.e 044 HID-LIGHT, TANN LtS' OIL & WELKIL GRIASIL ALSO. , STAiDIRD WRITE BURNING OIL, No. 1 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. PAID FOR A CIRCCLAft. d 67.03 WARING & KING, C4IESSIOI lIERCHLVIS AID BROM IN • Petroleum and Its Products, 4 I/ II QVE SirE WWI% PITTISAtUittall. PA. PHIL&pILPHIA. WARING. kINC & anti:me IS? walnut St.. Phila. TACK, BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, =I Petroleum and its Products re War Pl3T.tllllkBll OFFICE—DaI.II's MtHalo, orn, of hug :pope Way and Irwin arcet. I,IILADEt.I.HIA 6 1'1/10E-147 Yiamul. •rd,wol IN lIENDRICK'S LUBRICITOR to 1.,03 Manufactured by = WHITE, MOO. hi. CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No. 1 Nt. PlaIK Iltreet. Pllttbarig6, Pa. KeoP constantly on band CVlrlennrint I D M" Engine Oil, uu • Light Enalno OIL t:l hi lol'd bcrew-Cuy/ Dark ;11 No i 1.11. noMoG7 W OOLDRIDGE OIL IFIEFLYLVG aco aur ALxv OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA fPAV V 4.ri.rosP47.4`4`:oa WORKS IN TEMP& ILAACEVILLE. Whet, No. 2 Duquesne 14 ay, (Nest oq.yen.lon 211140.) NANUYLUTUILS.N. UY ?WIN Wkirra BU RNING OIL Brand—"Luoifer." BUY THE BEM PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, /UR ULL ILEYINEAS klumfaclated cal . " owl !or solo by T. 77..7 E rwr It co., ' PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N. W. Cor. 3d and Market . Sta., M=M! Wk. wwirrma..% LE OIL, 11 - 011H.4 . 7 AG X.Bal , airre.22.4zercrille. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. ilentterN and Deniers in PETROLEUM. OPTICX. SECONDCORNELL HAN- CoCA St. •All 1.1101/3LANE WAY. Invlitan 1•1.1.., or street BREIVERi MAME & CO., t 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUE\Ty FOIL TliZ Pacific, Glebe at! Liberty 011 Work s Ample btora,e for try.te.il Ream d OIL Lib eral casli "avant:Ts toad., ou Y r”osikraments nr Crvilp Itellacot l'etry,urn. ards tor storage and bhiptnent of Crude lAtce and Warehouoe.corner.Duqueolv! Way and If Rnre...r.... Plttowrrh. 1,114,1% ECM A LLEGIJEIir Ile Court of Common rives, .%o. 152, Juue Term, !Si!. la Divorce. roUlela 311ealtum. by her next friend, G. C. Corn, ea. Wl.liana And now to wit. Marcil 0:11, 61.3011 of J0:11.1 Pearson. A:turners to; libellant. the Court appoint W. I'. Males. E.g.. 'ClCLlnnii• s.uner to take teell.nouTon the part afilbollant. tram we lb cord. JACOB IL WALTER, l'rothonotarr To Wm. Ifi.Cat....at, the Ib-lye named re spondent—Yon will tate notice that the [ions of *lto ccccc on the part of linen..., In above CA,, will be taken btforr me, at my of fice, No. Is Firth street: Pittsburgh, on Ikk.Y, Aeril ttith. et 3 o'clock R m., when and where you may attend If you think proper so :o do; W. I% kIILL.V.R., at e:w10,1-Tit Commissioner. 1111.11LUING iND ASSO. No. 4,1.1.1 , V117e011.11411.1. Notice ap ( tteretr ~.Ivrn that an application of &to- e Atoociall .0 for Charter of Incorporation at No. is-, June Term. ISA% and will be uratped at n. at term of Court. unless r. c pitons are Ole I. JACtili 11. WA LThlt. •1.17,:a5 riothonotare. / MINISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. hettas Letters of Atholnlstr.tlon on the estate Of ettlAt &TES Itle.ntt. of the Svc ,, nd Ward, Aileahr , •7, &ceased, bare iron aranto.t tore under.lgne I. this Is to notify all timing ludelord to the estate to call and male !tome I ,att oat tient. sn.l ail pers.. ntrtta. claims a. moat the Occen•ed to present the saute. pro,. erl anthenticat.d far a!f..• lenient. to ap:VaS7 1" , anltlln% A UNIINIWTIIAI'OII'N NOTICE.— atain.otary he rit,,e CI toy VeLarre. , I tie ••1' hive en, cenll , e, gheny dec•d. oren grant, LI to the tin. signed, all pets, I. lad•ht.d to and kma, lIIIT the sit., ano that hat In. c altos saalr at It will press n, the .41, 41,1:y of Low. d f..r sett.ettlent. la the tloronatt of Low. ..11AlttiAttl.T Slot,ttlltrN. Executrix MATTER OFTII II AP- TII it. • INCOI,tt Al. 1: VSI ETFIt V. rt . /Olathe.. county, for • enprtef. No Se 4nne Term. 1,67, In the C urn or Common l'.eas of /Olathen• cunt re. Neal, I. er. hy Over, that •• anpllcatt, n•en wade to the at...ee toort roe 4 chance Oi Incon or. tlon. end oett term maid 'mart, it no eoffleteht rt•ton ne tl,o•n to tne, contrary, erre &wt. orier w.ll nt male Incorport,ll 4 al•I J..NEn 11.7.!!!..• re A ttnrneyt no—Appltcanta, L _ AEctprozcs, NOTlCE.—Letterd tr.tamen•are upon tte E.t ste ....ITHA. in , . aeces..e.% late ,•.; Yluil cv to., ship. All. ghenero lur u.7 mell2e been grant...4l:o unarr,ten,t. all / per on• labl-b,41 to "hi p felert.by notltl.d to mak. Itumedwe .r oeut.nn , ltho,. 0511, clOn, stte. %robot' de,ll. /brat duly autUcn tl,altd fur settl...a at • A. H. HI , )(Nei, Eimmtor, tril,insiP, nadirs' Tp Alt.aheny 41 133 1INISTIIATIZEVS NOTICE- Wlicrexi r, or Administration oil the V..tate or %ARO.% MY:Ye-ICS, late °l'M...nit-el, derraaml. ham. In en grantral to Raclin. ritf p mu• having claims again. oak! .Catt poll pri , ent Inme, 'ana all portal tn.; ,,, Mliiiollned to mate -I.l—ra'r.Arcr ==l2=ll I ETTEItS OF ADIIININTH4 N TI , .S on Oata.: oh HASLETT, :kW Of Plththur6 [s l, Lord, bve,grapt 11,1th the n1.1..1 . .4:f1ed. all perrynr Laelna elalms prethnt them and All p. rth. ;thlrlthrit are rep,fred In mute pAvnle , lt thm.• at the 01:Cc a Cl.Le Clair sae. In 1 . 11, , nth. Cr, JAL'4,th!. DUNCAN.' TIII IFI AII:OUST OF 11 . C ILE I. ? . Cue:mitt? ne.l.lllcd ise7U cl A:I gnene , 11 lu :21. ere, Isea, and the s•tno win no Seta .a and confirmed &Loco:Qt.!, want. thin, A.ll. Timmy, Atli HELTING I 111.40 . •r and Gum IlaltInc; •.0 Hackies, Hon, Haslet.. am. of •Le ben quality nut at reduced prices, The teat quality or I.e•lne ;7: d b tp d atthe India Rubber D•pot, 10 Clair. treat. mluf 4. PIIIIJAYS PROFESSIONAL. I)ANIEL:REAL, M. 1)” PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, oGce sad R4ll4ence, No. 150 Grant St., near High ap2.,:271 GEO. H. COC7FIRALN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Ottee—FULTON%i LAW TWILDINO, No 8(1 QUAY bran BT , corner of Fourth, l'lttso'gb. A It legit te3iIIVIII entrustrd to bls ear. .111 , - eelre prompt attention. a011:111 THOMAS SIMPSON. . Notary ,Public, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT J s. FEnGrusoN, Attorney-at-Law, IME=II Nir.OND Fcoon, Yrtr,t2 Roost • H . 11. ITIcCORMICK, .A.ttcarmexyrmea.t.Lavw $7 Grant Street rrompt ....Ma ithen to all kind. of Ints , ne”. - ✓ THOS. M. BAYNE, ..a. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 137 1 , 111.12. Btroot A. LEWIN, ATTORI EY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, Intlß:vg JOILti W. 'LIDDELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW OEF/CE: 7io, U FOULLTEI isTEEET MEM H . C. MACKIIELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. nzT24:b2.l SOLDIERS , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c liollectod to tbe . bboricat p.stble time. by A. X. BROWN, JO/1.1. tl. La. 111311. Attorneys at Law. 011ta. No. 114 TI stn.:, ontrfalaarr PI M IM B. F. BROWN, '(Late Loc.. Claim Agent, 11. E. !an. Co= Office, No, 67 Fourth St., second floor PIN.SIOND, DUMP, !SD DULLES 01 PA Promptly Collected Ito chute made until Maims an settled. Ind then oat a mode, me fee. . mr27-0% 8100. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Boldlers who totes lost their illscharoe terttt• rates sod who are it iherwlse entitled to the addi tional 3100 bounty, coo hate their eases at tended to by exiling on or addressing • W.J.a. RILL PATTER ON, ATTOBNEYSAT LAW AND CLAIM AGENTS, JOHN A. STILAIN. 9TaTIPEIXRILMTAIV. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace. AND ruLICL MAtiISTEATE, (Mee, fly Filth St. opposite Cathedral, PITTOEUEGII, PA. DVaVitollra i na m arl " agi • ra k ireVl l lT:=l Wilt nreenDtnese anddlapatch. my 19.1 WILLIAM .1 - ANCET, NOTARY JIINVECF • PECE, AND IIK NATATE ANENT. OrrliE °ince. corn A er of Untie, and i'revor Streets. Lawrenceville. ot ' a c Ll.stte ° . u x g i n ..< `, l% '` ,TT:t:.lTdt t e tosparatloa and aelteostademant et all kinds or Legal Conveyances. • Jortice of the Pe WILLI/LK JANCEIr, Peace and N 04.17 Publle. EUSTACE &MOBILO w, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, Pennsylvania Avenue. 'oet of the iltenin gni opptita Chitlun Street zar7_%L.96 CtikTEL4.3l T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. 60 Grant Street, Pitteburet, Pa Xi" Couta'Molter for Ohio, Keatuezy. VINO .nnnn.l other +tat,. mvlM:Viu JOHN U. iIIeCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT. LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. drirrensione. Bounties. and Arrearsarray pi,drivtly not,o4i. SEWING.OIACIIINES. BEST LT USE WEED, ALSO FINKLE le. LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines outine on tort: w. If the other dqes frown them aopertor to enY other hr rt tern LL t - n ,% twenty per cent. In nee. 'lt ...anted four • etre. T. N. Patio . .., ( l o tto N CKS avenue. near IL It. Station. Mr. A. A. Mo,r, t' e New ktmln. Mrs Uell C. Steve oso,, ere.,: nom Mn,. t+re, strew. Tay , or avrtu glveny Mr.. r, MeStuir, Monterey +meet and Taylor LT. 0, J Moue 4. No. la [4.1 Allegneny. No. :PI ktml n.I eammt. Nil,. L. Wlls .n, La wrenceo,l.ll... n,nr 'Squirt .) Mrs. M. Y. 'entx• r. Lswr once ell le. next door to Mr. Lee's , Much. au . Row , an. M WEllam ks. Caraon SAI McKee weal, tilt. ~iurham. nichar.l% 902 Penn stmmt, J. t:o le. Juasp') threes, opooslte Pittalm-gb gum N 0.., mlngtmzu, 404 Man : o thers. An, "mad Loa Embro.d,.ry stamp for are. Cherntse. bow, Years Verapwrg, Infat.l, lIMI , O le., 2 , •mped from the Crouch Patter.. AUS.IIITo WAN 1 ED. 119 Hnat It. H. LONG, Arent. fent.T.l U"' 9 P. 0' PrresitnutU. l's 6.IIOWEIL is BAUER% ELASTIC STITCH ANO LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Jar THE HEAT for luckily .4 lianalutralia pray... Call .4 rev them itt .Yo. is FUVI street. DOr'T BE DECLINED BY Plourlshine half column advent cement. of tuft Nor sl.eh.nes, but get a GIsoVER a HA RE R.lt has bean fully tested for six teen vous, and b. by all tempt teat Indees, pro pounced tbs - • bIEnT RSA. No, 1 6 Xr . l..fth n03:1114 ILIAILTLka' r 645 SEWING MACHINE • Beet elem.. Lireltsed If Roane In the nited mates. Anehts les.utetll,M7. b.., Par 430 to $lOO per month. litleitts• .tamp awl n•ltlre... PAWS 1111071ICHA Rene cal Aaevta, 014 Che.tnut art,. t. I Islastlelp4l... sad 241 nutneult street.. Toledo. Oh 10.. , I.ET NONE HET A GROVER & BARER /or a }holiday UM. It L. 14 . 1 1n0111. perfect and Orrefors the beet. Don't fall to mil an.lsee nal UAIINESB bz, CAMILLA - GE MAK ELLI abould sue ItIC naw GLOM t BSK 30. I SWING 1.101131 Bef❑re bate elterrbere. It Is the belt for theft Ore. for sale at n.u.C.5 NO. IF TIFTR ST BB T . . TUE GROVER al. BARER SEWINC MACHINE fa the 1:11tIma Thule of Meehan:en. Flea." tad examlue It at IVO IN VITT/I rl nut CLO ch ai Coat, Pants Ltrillrirr. at., or lb. Lr+ttinallty warmntir.l: also on Cants, Jacket,. Livertitt. at.. for wok- at tn. 10.. t prices. trbolesalr and retall, at. !ie. 'A. and MM. EIBM 1.W.x4:4•:0+1114:. 4:4 M=E=O = =I WEl).NP:anir, ril Mr.t—"T' e Ene ma mt.- le.tt t. g et &Au be raenon atm . of ,'mll.ea tlnaland.•• :11.-1, AY. .p,ll Z•b—••The English MAr•- ment h•ye L 1.13. t and / known.•• haea F WAS. mth—••llarjhaj4' and Ito lan alo,enanut t,r Un:ty sad Ell=!=n! Tets, to al. pavan(' Houma , fro m 'IWrjl. To fthal at 'b. I' nary and snata. 11,51 of cottt an At tn. • oyea a tn t 7 ee s4, t , clwk. H U. C. sCA.I.IL WSI. P. MosßEtcr, ()LIVER LISIC.N. Ttlo,. iltuLlr-11.. 4.13. MUIS.Li a N. jr. ectatnallts. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH HAVE REMOVED. M'CAI,LOI BROTHERS, PIPIABVILGEL, PA, ♦ ten line or al new and desirable Daturas MEDALLION VELVETS, BOUNTY. , $lOO. A large and chola. asaortznant of Piano and Table Covers,' 110%ring 1 foiSB9 , lOSIIC ELM BD IA?, THREE PLY AND TWO PLY And even - ?tleti or low priced Cntpett.g. IlleCA LIMIT BRCYTH:ERS, isz IP/Altai Ritz- es nah3,l • =:=MM CARPETS. OLIVER ErCLINTOCR & COMPANY, For the Spring Trade, NEW CARPETS, Attintloit Is tatted to out Ina stook or LIEBODIRED TABLE PIA3O COTEL9 28 11" . 1.V . T.23. EPIWILIErErr. Lur m:.13 NEW CARPET STORE Just Opening. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, We are now opeolop our liaST EPOCH OP tiOtrDO, Mbrte In , erythlup to the CAEPHT LINE, from the beet - 'European ant ' Ararrlaso triannHetores to the commonest Hemp Carpet. A full line OIL CLOTTI.i. lISTTINGII, • WINDOW ItHADzik 6VIIII. ro. Brain SODS, • 1110 , complete at maw cod BOVARD. ROSE & CO., ==l FEBItUARY, 1%67. " WE OPEN TO-DAY, CARPETS ComptWag the Beet rsttertis end. Ingrain. Three Pia and Eng /Leh Tapestry Brussels, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the lowest prices sloes the war. McFAILLAND 4k COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fitt h Street. Second noon. over Retu7la;ret Book Store ==! NOLICHT a • w+•x Rio. 1.3,01 X MCCO'Ff A 3 ar. SNYDER, HOUSE. pIgN AND iIIpfAXENTAL PAINT. Ells. AID DuAINNAz AM D GI•• AT rEII4: Itte. 63, romp std•of Diassond. sittray. truer. rr..,lsatmt sod Oy.stcotesd n t z r e el d e ptorr 6 a ,6 p , l r A . 1. eut,t. 511se Yains, Wltaow zad 6 ty .1.1.0{i, on hand. aplitat JOHN T. GRAY, kIUCTNZ AND WON PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. O. I 711• TH STRICET. Plnt and Oman:m Slims ot deentlP tlon done to order. AU ii/Ork don. prOnnotte newton nolo, rate,. led:e27 W . COULTER, HOUIE AND VON PAINTER, NO. 83 DIAMOND ALLOT, PITIOH•H. PA. All orders left et the ahoy, or seat : rem.% will receive prompt aftentlo. Math Moto oft ion of mm, s maxsaw.) HOUSE AND 'DUN pArAT3I" AIIiIISEMPNTS WSEII OPEkA fIOUSE. Le.•re •ntl.llatiaser, V, H H Treasurer HA NKY OVEHINVT,..!. rosltivoly last writ of the great G 131111.11 4 .11 And lyric artiste, MADAM SCASELLME., tYbo xlll b snyrroried by M. yosing irag.ll o, J. 2i slirTON 9iY171341LD, ..t.nd .111 appear In I maze of Irg1:1=to drama, thalspeare,slrtbday, OTHELLO. Othello... J.;tir.non Gatttvq.l Ilesdemona SateU. WiOneclar—Merch.t of Yenlca. t,atunlay—Matinee—lvothou•as. I:1"'VARIETII ES THEATRE. (MU trr+lST, NIAN. ST. °Lim.) Tortnetne. t or tbe _peerless and beettprel pre rap,. ,f mese., E'LLE I.PtU T lett lte- U v e * t r irli b :l l' 2l 4 fi e e . siT, ` N.f Corp, -" tbe exceilret I.rntatle at In la • eltaettne bill. torludlnit tba new nautical drains entltle4 uni.K HeEt_ZE.L.V. ItapienoN pricsr,—.mbeFtra Seats. We; Ps , q‘ rite, 5.e; Gallery, Mc; Private stone. itt• rm'eII . C.ILDEMI' OF MUSIC TUESDAY EVENING, 'APRIL 23D, • Grand Musieal Entertainment. Under th• dirertlna if Prof. J. C. HOUE/11/.. la OUT for the banalof M.. Tn. Slimes ea KO. WC. and HICIAN MaPAlf- PRET, oe 1101.4.1-Ipnla. rill alas some 4,4011- Cie gram on the Doc Ilan. 3tl.sU aTT , 6 JON , Masan, •rr lILBAIISf. and NI alila urn/ kindly coma th.te mralres Admisslor. CI; ft. Mats, 1.3 0 . Palm Or anmftad ..... e mime Ina at Me ,or's •lo , e. ramniday, Inat.. at 9 0•01010 a. m. lick,. tor lam at Ili 40.10 'tome and at tti• de,,r, Doors oo.n at antertalamout nom na-nee at I •719.1,4 * LECTURES. '.2IE.UCANTILE LIBRARY LECTURES. oarKA.7 HENRY VINCENT WILL LECTURE AT ACADEMY OF DIUSIC, Wednesday. Thursday and Frtday Evenings, Aprit 24, 25 8 26, ll= OEM Have Lori open at their very elegant and cot• odl. as:V.6 , W WAS faillIISS. No. 51 Fifth Street, Velvets, Brussels, T.SPESTR I' BRUSSELS, lmseao, lug - rains, ELATE Just OPENED Tlisir Splendid 'A..aort=elat of Olt Cloths, Shades, ac, 1 Great Derttne to Prices. ' ISZCOND FLOuB, 91 71128 CITIMIT. (woad Goer.) IC=!=rlg o DOW Otot2 Of InaCh we now *Ter at, ~J:Al,'Qi(ni:F:~ 31 B. nnows, •r ettlardsa4l l srtst stmts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers