The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 23, 1867, Image 2
Cli*ittsbittgrt6acitt, TUES DAY, APRIL AL ISGT EUROPEAN COMPLICATIONS It teems to be reduced to a certainty that whatever other fate may befall Lux embourg she will not be annexed to France.- Prussia is worse horrified, and Las acted with so much promptness and rigor in the premises, it appears quito improbable France. will incur the hai. ards of presoing the point of annexa.iol4 The proposition. to make the Duchy nen'. teal territority, is a halt measure, de signed to cover a retreat on the part of NAPOLEON, and at the same time to ap pease the honor of the French nation,' 'which is, wounded most deeply,l,and chafes for vindicatbm by an overt dem onstration perilous of attempt at this conjuncture. Priissia alone is now sufficiently pow crful to cope with France; but signs arc not wanting that Austria, Italy and Rua , are her :Mies, and will make common cause with her, for mutual advantage., Wit rupture shall occur. Each of these nations has distinct and important ends to guilt by cooperation, some of which bore been for a ling time reluctantly deferred, in obedience to intimations - from!Paris. So favorable a combination Of circumstances as that now presented limy not be offered for a century. Italy wants Rome. • The principle of • the solidarity of nations annotruced by h'rance when she first inter'', sed in be half of Vicyon Illiritsukt. against. Aus tria, would have given - him the Papal States at that time' if it had been carried out. Perhaps as much was intended; but after the day of SolferinoNArot.s.ox, tinder the inflection of prudential mo— tives,. concluded a hasty peace, leaving the consolidation of Italy incomplete. The aequisition of Verritia last summer. left only one more step to be taken in order to finish the Work. While that is delayed the Italians 'feel a perpetual un rest; a ertiint; only to be E.:lli:tied by ac complishment; a tradition battled; and a destiny po,tponed. Rome is essential to Italy, and she Will reach out her hand and take it whenever :she can do so safely. Russia wants European Turkey, and particularly Constantinople. She has 'waited and watched and longed. Once her armies crossed the Bxlkan, looked upon the city front afar , and then retra. ced their steps, through fear of France I and England. ller opportunity seems to be coming near, and if the auguries shall be fulfilled, she will grasp the prize, never to relax her hold. Why should she not? cot only her political, and • eiseleiastical traditions impel her, but the necessities of empire urge her on. She has need oil a sea-port in Europe not ice locked the larger part of the year. 'True, after this acquisition she would Lave Gibralter,to pass before reaching the ocean, but the Strait is fifteen miles )vide, and the'ltritish navy is neither absolutely nor relstively as powerful as it was. European Turkey once in the possession of Itossia, a surprising res urrection would happen to it. The old glory that for ages crowned those prov inceswould return again, and Civiliza— tion would be a gainer. Austria has suT❑red large curtail. meat of territory and population,' and reasonably anticipates in the progress of events still farther diminutions. If Ger many shall be consolidated under the leaderslup of Prussia, us events appear to indicate, FRANCIS JOSEPH may be c mpelled to part with the (hand Duchy . of Austria, and his empire become pure ly Slavanic. • Liable to such contingen: Gies, he naturally seeks compensations, where alone he eon find them, iu the di rection of the Danube. The possessioa of those Principalities would render Austria, not be as formidable, indeed, no she has been, but, nevertheleSs, a power of the second grade. • Prussia has gained largely, but her stupetidous projects are yet far from ac complishment. When she invaded Hol stein and Schleswig, she proclaimed the idea that all territories inhabited by Germanic tribes should be brought under - one government. Austria did not deny the principle, but disputed the pro emu .. nuke of Prussia. The strife between them was for the leadership under the principle; and Austria was unsuccessful. From that day, to this Prussia has stead ily and grandly risen, till her leadership Is manifestly assured. But the idea of which she stands be fore Europe as the champion, will com pel jeer to make reclamations of still other governnients. Followed legiti mately, it will constrain her to demand nod . take Alsace and Lorraine from France, to absorb Holland and Belgitim, and soma cantons of Switzerland. These are projects not likely to be ''at tempted until a continental war shall happen, and then the issue will be led . to the chapter of accidents, which al ways controls campaigns to a greater or less extent. That France understands the situation is apparent; that she is dissatisfied with it, cannot be concealed: The tide is against Ler. While she was planning hopelessll' in Mexico, the current of events in Europe eluded her grasp and passed beyond Ler control. Front be- fag the arbiter of destiny she decends to stand ou the defensive, with u fair pios- pact of having in that rob , all she can attend to. GOVERNMENTAL PATRONAGE. We do not Jdmire the system upon which governmental patronage has been distributed in this country fur the last . thirty years. Rather than have Mikes given in reward of fidelity and useful ness to the party that chances to hold the administration, we should greatly prefer to see all minor public employ ment filled by competitive examinations, and vacancies created only by death, resigned-in or disability. We are nut without hope *that we may live long enough to ace this change instituted. Oue of the chief evils of the existinb ., system is the scramble created at short intervals for imblic ollicus, iu which im pudence, in nine cases out of ten, at tains success rather than merit or com petency. Ity the system as pursued—to some ex. tent; also, by the very nature of popu lai-gorernment=the offices are reputed to belong to the party succeeding in making theadmintstration. No one will pretend that in this , perview the offices • belong to the President, and that he can honorably dispose of them as he will. The President neeesi ,. arily owes his posi tl4 directly to the dominant party. In ' accepting its nomination he contracts au offilgation, more the less imperative he. cause tacit uud implied, that he will use She patronage, entrusted to him for its advantage. Ile has unquestionably the same power to change his party relations after elcetbm as he hail before; but no fair-minded man will pretend that any modillcati'on of his opinions or pur poses absolves him from the obliza tions be assumed when he accepted the tendered nomination. These considerations form the basis of ../C controversy respecting the patronage between the President and Congress. Mr. Jorysso:: was nominated because of the position he occqpied at the time the National COnventiOn was held, and the sentiments he had steatily avowed from the commencement of the war up to that time. If he hod stood then where he stands now, he would not have been named. At the following election, it was the party that triumphed; not Mr. JOHNSON. The control of the patron age belonged rather to the party than to the individual. This he felt himself, - as was abundantly evidenced by the excu ses he set up for the removals that fol lowed.his repudiatiod of the party by which he was chosen. He began by de claring that he designed rewarding men who had served faithfully in the army. This was a fraud and a sham. Soon he commenced appointing such repub lican civilians as consented to follow him in betrayal. At last, he. laid . aside all disguises and showered promo tion. on the nypst violent copperheads. He no longer concealed his purpose to use the patronage placed in his hands by the.republi i can party for its overthrow. It stands to reason such treachery is not relished by its - intended victims. Con gress,has taken measures to restrict the authority ‘;E• the President in this Mat ter, or rather to bring him strictly with in the constitutional requirement. So far not much good has resulted; for office brokerage is now morn shameless at the capital then ever before, and Senators and Reprekntatives have the credit of malting dickers in respect to appoint ment, which detract much front their re spectability. Meanwhile the President appears to have worn out the patience of the Senate, and to be in a fair way not to come out second-best. NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD 'The line of railroad known by this title wns constructed in various parcels by as many different companies. When it was consolidated in one. corporation the stock was largely watered. One company, existing only on paper, but authorized to build • a second line be tween Albany and .Utica, was merged on the same terms as if its road had been actually constructed and in opera tion; that is, the subscribers to its stuck, Ithough they had paid no more than the (lost of preliminary surveys, received Lull ainouuts of the consolidated stock, us though they had really invested the amounts of their respective subscrip tions. Iu authorizing ice consolidation the Legis:ature stipulated, and the Com pany agreed, that passenger fare per mile should not exceed two cents. Up to this agreement the Company has lived; though•sinee the deluge of paper money it has. repeatedly asked perusis siott to advance the rate to three cents a•• mild. At the current session of the Legislature leave was asked to go up to three tents a mile, and a bill was passed by both houses permitting the exaction of two and a half cents,' hut Governor FENTON' refused his assent, and the bill failed. The ground on which this increase is urged is, that ratably to expenses, two and a half for three cents a mile is no more than two cents was when the huli tation was enforced and accepted. • 1.-n -questionably this is true; and if this was the only view of the case the argument would seem to be unanswerable. But the question is properly viewed under other aspects. Notwithstanding the watering of the stock, already mention ed,. the property of the Company, as I now represented, is one of the cheapest in the country. It stood, in $3•3,766,t,t00 Capital and Debt ten years ago, with a traffic capacity of only $9,000,000 per annum; it stands in only 13,806,000 present, with a traffic capacity of $16,-, 000,000. It couldnot be replaced to-day, in all its Otent of roadway, enormous equipment and most extensive and val uable station property- for $53,000,000. Adding the sums paid and received from Surplus Income since 1533, tt would now stand the proprietary in about $46,000,- 000. Of this surplus t 3,100,000 has gone to the reduction of the Consolida Lion Premiums, (Cent - mate Debt,) and about $4,500,000 is held in reserve for the shareholders, The Road earned eight per cent. on the Stock last year, though dividing, from policy only six per cent.; it can be made, under proper managemeni, to earn ten percent. The situation of the Company, therefore, Is not one of peculiar hardship. But there is still another view. Care- fill and elaborate investigations and ex perimentq, conducted both in Europe and the United States, render it certain that railroad rates; for freight or passen gers, can be greatly cheapened with ad vantage to the companies. The same rule holds here that is satisfactorily ap plied in diminishing postage on letters or printed matter. It was difficult to convince conservatives that the Postolnce Department would more certainty prove self.sustaining at low rates than at high ones; but as soon as the test as actual experiment was' introduced the problem was solved. The same rule would doubtless hold hood in respect to telegraphing; but the profits, as the business is managed, are so great as abandantly to content stock- holders. In some European countries -the telegraph is made an adjunct of the postal system, and messages, of pre scribed length, are transmitted to any part - of a kingdom for ten cents, yielding a handsome profit. Indeed, there seems to be co doubt that If only ten cents tunes ooze, of zulnimuni length, were exacted in this country, and the number of coin La . unications should not be increased the Telegraph Companies would st wake very handsome dividends on the real cost of the lines In England the Government has re served the right to take 'possession, a. cost, of all railroad lines, had sagacious men urge tLat the authority ought to be exurci4cd. .Such a measure would com port with the - nature of that Government, but would Ito incongruous here. Sti it cannot be doubted that ultimately the policy of low railroad charges will be- come so indubitable as to teal the coin psnies to adopt it as a means of increas ing profits VOTES 1+U.031 Tilt; CAPITAL Epeeist Correl2o[Menet, L'lltzbargh gazette. • • Pi asutisoron April 1% l& 7. The event of the week here wus the celo , bration of Emancipation Day by the color ed people of this city nod District. The nrool.lsaloll, which marched in the midst of the deep mud, and fur a part of the LIMO through the rain, was large, CiteMtllng past ten blocks, and parading under a great on. rlety of banners, every one of which was patrliAle. I thought as I saw those thous ands-Of dusky sons - of toll, that I had rath er be the man who had conferred Um Lapp!. here there neon In every action and heard In every tone, then the proudest potentate that over out upon a throne. Anti, Indeed, air. Lincoln sits this day upon a greater anti more preelou, than any earthly neat of power—ontltrnnett to :no affactiona of Mt) gocal anti the nrat not oniy of Ilia own noun. trvoino, hut of all the world. The celhdiratdon act natty extended through two day.. frint: to th e snot 1l aria of the linh. so on the evening of the l7th, lie spihat liavinif been o r on tile first tin y by the lateness of Me hour at which the procession closed.) Senator mo r . ton. of Indiana, addressed the vast multi. rode. Whet ho folld was en admirable thkt I wish I had it entire to enclose for year eoLomas; but, though I procured a copy- for !dint purpose, 1 hare mislaid It. Senator M orton Ilea tit happy faculty of clearness d condensation. lie can come to the level of the least Instructed COtopreliensleti and yet convey the great prlnclutea upon wLich the party of truth and patriotism have grOUnded thelln,elVei. Lila manner is shneere cordial and attractive. Ile earriee his audience at one Woo with hint. The sa of dark faces upon wtach now, for the Urs e t tone, the nun of hope begliin to shine; Upon Whom anew a n d brighter world ' is opening up ws to the clohlren of Israel, hen behind them My the land ot Egyptv_hn bondage, and before them the lair ileitis 01 their promised home, was Donut:led, irrad• !tacit an the kindly tone enact/ha:rob; advice and counsel ill Senator fell upon their earn. They Lipplauded loin to thei-cno. It t,„„ „ elil nom iti.,,,etn c-these Lae h o t des which dehrsileh avarice 11110 fed ninth for centuries Of 'unwept wrong—coming up c oberlY, de ceatty under their banners of poll tottem wail little velVta tied une•h—now WI their own—to bear from the worthy and el ceplent Senator words of do erunil en told laying thee. In heart. ,lt once, on the act of Mil enfianehisetnent, 1 to o Into despised and rt.ject.ed:znerehitnillees has rt.,en to ts place uf hointnandltig Intiu• enee, nod listens to dlsehahltius upon Um principles of free govern men t, iiiirtiel pates ill their a1....y.1.10es tied will have thU con. trot of the eliaition 111th In Dioirlet In .111110 I nevi. Attiong the repoldlCaus of title D.- trlct white nod black there hi 00 Senator whose opinions are Of Moro weight— . hh•ther one Colibblera hie unteeedents Or tile present high etandttig 114 S.ator -11.111 Mr. elortou'a. • The recent diseuhinkni In the Senate, on tine resolution of ilavenly Johnson fur a 7:robin:orate in Mexico, was very only 110,1 drew forth speecti - drom nen otor Morton, which uttracted gi hint attentton and was am weans of left - all[ , the tneasure. The Idea of blooding by 1111.1 looking on riatnly • while Mellen was In the clutch Of France, ntruggllng tor dear life. to. Mr. Mor ton appear bravely conslident with an eager. deans, to interfere for the cake of doing Justice, now that Maximilian has at hits bark only setae hew sunburnt Iles -Inns and 1 1 10551 of malcontents en xiOus toget hark the property of Lbo Church into their own pockets. ed,ow that Congress log sles ha back int irtuall yo tho fillet summer ays,.except the chronic Mlle. seekers. They hang—a band of tobaccos chewing semish or hungry copperheads— woldslitymound the °initial shunt fges known as the Mute llousit. Their presence at that umusion is mica-imially relieved by some baud of mountebanks,an organ Krinder, or perhaps .5 .gunk Or Japanese rope dancers, under broad >ethos unit/rei ns. These sore. , usiolls to the 110 . and dirty .tarn',) that loaf around tiie porticos of the Treasury or the manstott a here they can steep on warm nights without expense, and no he op and dressed right early to be gin the attack next morultig. alone hItTO sent at least one thod.t.rnd persons here In the last month looking al ter the prinemal oilleus In that city, ..t new set has been soot up for conGrinatfint nearly every day, and us regularly rejected. Then conies another, each IA hacker., trnmers, bonne/whirrs, and Mow, ors. Then, lit addition to these pursue.. of the regular Aged otters, imagine the other iltingrY Crowd, .yOlOlll5O fur what may turn up, loiloadur at the heels of apouter as the wolves on the Russian steppes re said to follow the sledge tit the ailven turous,traveller itt the hungry winter day. Letlitit thet.llllliivst scrub lull or be thrown neer, and Instantly to u fulo,arowling, yell ng, stlstctioa and tenni,: at It, and at each other, eollset whoa. fatulstiedpack —a miligled lass. of legs ion' miry untt jaw, —i lie successful 4F.44 emerging at lust Iron. the struggle with but dart and segatchits toe hbpnlonl ltabiaC. MISIILER'S HERR BITTERS The great 31e4 eine sal Iltaetix:d CM= The:, lEttcrs are tmrbstica:iy 'OA CREAT I:LHEL. V for all 3,songl sting from an Impure stale of b:ov,l, :Aver or MEM Ife tte - 11,`..) naers'Ma!: )4, ;r:llnercr 111:11=11E1 =I Drug 13,4ratr, 31,1 clue Urp,t ILTM:VI, No. w I Sinrket atrn:t. P:tt4 , urgb. VI flat Swayues Ointment 11411 Itnti In (rum I' to 4., n-It wlll Curr lit MO" C.s-ies,f re, .—IL cf1:1 cure Chronl, Ery,:p,so the face. 4—IL .fa .re 3 . L—IL wl. I eure . 11,1 , 33c 111., a I mrslpti - es. ft—lL *lll otlLl,e:y e 41,1 .L./ I—Ore rlot_Ni Lad cc:al. - 13 to tore. "ITCH" Dr. Soar's'', Ointment. • •TI , PTE.I:'• Dr. Lite.zola'• ••11,211 . • IDPVHU ..TET rElt" • ITCH" TO FAIL • . ITCH'• - Prepared Ora, hy Dr. LiWA TN E. JON, I• 141- teleptla. bo”I .11 . 00 A itlt A^: A irk EN NA', .5 slarK,•. Hr.,. 4: WO h EL.LY. 3 Rood . 1 , A. I'• 3ILI:CNCK, crIL,I .tr....ta, •• E 1 DLI)3IT, • u, , NATI:ICE .4 LIFT. tve much 01 Na•a-r. Tet, y trln. arlth their 13...LH11 and cons:! Mtlla surpr .e.lltAt falctitk. • The ,p•esse, or emtnta: or tnr•lily 1,07.)up . ns aniutti pnn ere it trtuiradutis. Veryf sys.ems and t• rott!tutions can btar'ut, agt.ln-0. till. I.rerit .ra nna”lottd. And to this t, anlna•tby It/Int.:es %IA it lura oat-, is the! aIC t•rtatia, ta.• "A, r 11 - c drtn_ liLt• prulutel a. this art on by the '1..4: from Ltt rigor of Winter to tt.o arrntlt of ,, ant It scald CO• m ti alt,st tu• tpt vleor to lit., In rot ,Iniorrlng the phyr,,n, Itai linw re inforce them:- Certainly nut with adultura,l 4iulants. 114-tn It nu polann In t'se out, air, or In tte aluviipt.ere lurna,e -at-d room, or Is ...l-.hops, or racturi“, pernicious as Onin *l, n. 11,- hurnlngn.,tdr. Why use tLrat. when lIInsTETTEkt - 3 tn/MACH r n u avt Uhtlkin N are a . one 116 .' offered to ct,frvtne s t mt aleebi ttli titate . • e m. har er tn,•• It, nature. sit p • ttlul In lea luvlgorstit g ef as :Lit celebrate I STii.ll4.Clilii ANL, LTEIrAI I :E. To the army an.] the nary. Innrnnel tlrmiint and In crowd. .1 1..) old .nu Sauna. F rit, ir nr. It ri aa a Nt EC ill , A!, I , i r t SILLICI:st. i w .] ith moat irrat: lying eta :119. FINCH CANADENSIS. A tree wbleh Is •buo.lant la Canada, Nova Scolta. and She mute nortttetn tarts of the New EnelandStates. and Is alsa foand In the elevated and mountsdnons roglons of-the Llddle !States, and ah,unds In medicinal 'cirques. lie. /3,11.. of 13,M0n, has prepared • ta•dlolne from the sweet loalde bark of the plot tree, tailed to. LAND'S PINE. Ct,ttt'l,u N 1, , wa,cl. IA On- of rare vain. In alt delalltatml sta.'s of it,. kidney.. it ae.s;lie a charm lu diva, of noteuus membranes, stabling them to legato their lust tone and,energy. it wilt br, fuuad well 41.051.1 to all those did, lases. v. ham Itnsbu has been tried and (staid. It Is likowlse well suited La ehrcAlc.oo.l/0, and an Ittfahlt.le Snee/de for aid and rocs of &stoma. Many par sons who Mtn! only took a battle of this meal. tine, to try. Jar:a.m./Ms evse bask an I aot a onion, •r hall dotun, wh affo , te.l ryllrs I sores of dtsemes of the tladder mid kidney, of yea, Mending. Maned., • d.sea , e Oa' has been looked upon m. among the Incurables. I. Imer,talmely renews,' by It. notice tin' coal:kat,: of Ass aluudlos-, pu , tna Mtst, ago. 'file Coil, 0 State, sP•stkleg of the pine, Nays: I ,ls vrteerll...,l to I, 1ic44.1,1, rle. sod nines' 411,pasetol vrln..r) pl..InA• 0; la rt.., 50.10 Zulilt, 1411,11,,..r• 11,t.r.tloci or the laowele, In ehroule eater/list al , ellons, amt / various f..rms rbtuudatlmu.•' •It is e • bemllngly valuable. In al gravel y root', lootty odor, this who is col nod white se ot It mot b- 1.1,, %Rho. 'normal. to ones usual ••4 , 4fa11t/11. : • a lust. ad or stet.,,_ lug, or ../ticos a brad g, neal,hs nowt rof enan• rant:rand s St per - to:tn.:six lorJal, lor i51..1N1,1 a C . I . IJIInIs. F.:, sale ny «ne gr. osa, 44,,, or sive -SI , e. at ltd. KE.T.ltt,'n Groat 3icdtelue s tare, 140 la - .. 1 street. aPth/ _ - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. rizararrraar, Jr., .raor,. Express Of. /Me. 6f YVth Wrest, is an a tit/welted Agent to retetre eldreriluntunus earths OAZI:77'.K. and all other papers throughout Me United Walts and r Cc inn( t: - - Ur' A I.I.II.:GITIENY TEMPER- A N,:e. ',reform...ll.gof ten 1.00,r00 Nl./be hold 1I ur [4l, Vie`, I NI, at 0n.0.,. In lb,: I,h; V SICIIEET meritt,..... • Addri.o.o• nul r , i<- llverdn)the_3l. lir KMAN, „r oheny, Leo] P., or bny<n. I 1,4,31" vntsrall, •ud n. ttneclolly. ere egr.ll Ily :0, lied. URLING7'ON IIEIRILING-20 blue h 11 . . fronu:nu BUlti.lrobTON iimar.ixo, very one, Jug rocelved sod tor We by . the 'box of ...wen, try JOHN A. 11E50111S lIV, 103:1.1 Liberty. 2.n.1 Valid sirer. 1:011 BENI% . • One Now Iron Oil Tank, i • CUy. kro bbls. Enquire of 02. W11 , '. J. IiOUNTZ, .4.3 St. C!lair wen OLD PAPERS FOR SALE, MEI AT'TIIII OFFICE CEDAR-100 feet 011 the *tram.' llavans. I t arrive. for Fail. Ly ap:3 InAl LUNE . . 'E4THJERS-11.1 Packe on the rtetsuler Cantle, to errlve, sle t. p 1 - AtAtt I ,, Hett t Co. ICY PEACUES - 30U , nathei to • tore, for sub by. p. 21 . biA., II meglir dt co. PURE CIDER VINEGAR-2U barryls In Dawn, for ..1c by sp24l InALAIJ /JAMEY A (0. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, RITES PA ID FOR MAY AND JUDY COUPONS JAS, T. BRADY & CO. Bankers, Con Fourth & Wood Ms. IZZEILII JOAN CROFT & CO., Real Estate .& Insurance Agents, 139 Fourth Street, I=l X"dR I%X B. \lou 0.3 Acr l es. Impro•ed, In Payette county. Pe. rale for c.ty properly. 4o Avvra, Improved. In Indlsaa county. Pa. I toprov...l. In Lawrence Co.. In. 1O Acryi, {111,11,11.111, In Allegheny Co. Pa o 0 &cr.-a, Improved, In Dearer etianCy. l'a. II Acrrillno Iniprove tu erit.. r Bla r ir. .e road, Pa. t w oul In , er Ju.t the thing fur • ma. krt garden.ys•lll cre, nuimprore.i. t the Per rysville plant roaa. .1u .t toe ( thing for • gra ven' and a ',Orate realtlenee. A :•°latne leasaol o Waeig t on stret above theUraln ICerst d ur; a 0 fret hn Wltalarr e e.. ton str•et 17115 on °llt alley. on whirl. the, Is two bulldtugs with st•re /WM to each. Loll., standf a•r r tmoao rut klnn. 't Itlfd o wf oul lftiness. d wet.° • aplen,lll a Fur further Information apps, to the•bro•• agents. mr.l4•ot 1 fAvlNti SOLD OUR ENTIRE Interest In the Wholesale is rarer', alot itur..lne.• to NI sari. LEDGE. PkItRY & or., who will yontin., the .2°, at the old St.°. No. IS I.IItEriTT r., we would AA: for them • eJnt'nuatlou of the patronage. liberally .....e stowed onus. COOK BROTIIEII.B ct CO, Pittsburgh. April, ale, URGE, PERRY , tocce,sOr. to COO 6 No. 345 LIBERTY STREET, WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 0nn0r. ,, , ,, ,:s or •n kinds or Pr.. 114, rrspert lolly and pr , Aus..l ',tutus goara arf NOTICE TO COATIIAL:TORS.. _SEALED PROPOSALS Le rectlvell by Ike Enadtralgneanntil Tire&day, .Aprii 80th, 1567 Fnr Curt;lng •ni Pat Ing mr.ear awl Mk,. In the ' , none:, of I.•eenen elln., name', Itrliefottt‘lnn vett ft, In .mt;• .smert to Mc Allt,ounf IMlLmont; rt n•runn. Its Hut', to t; w n mnorrl.erit :greet. front lint', to f'l4•ntt• t' ire et; Fnrer ;.rent, :torn Bound., 'tr.., I :lf Iter. ctinn .114.te y; I.eMy• •In• fr Aron ntreet " tn :onetton ertm. ro•fer,tr. et, and !fax', ALI., from t•t,er I . oeter ntm et. . l'r r.1,•••.1 an „f th• work ••• can e. at, • i au inforw• 110.. o , l•lnc , tou 4.1 , 1 , 1,411-n to J n nEvi.uv, 1 , vr•..•111,, rstate or,l n n:,I • vrret, near 00000 t. FOR THE SPRING TRADE, At 26 and 2S St. Clair Street. We . r rln au.l are . 1,11 :7 lot. of f r ovou •cl o:Lty manuracturao, a 1,, sLo,k :• 111,1. tl' 11Airri 11.1101Tvite.. -. TA. W.F. A N1 , 1 , 1,1(1:1A '/". / Oil. ci • 1 rii, ' . HUFF IioP.I.ANI.S. j 7 '. .° ' V : t: A l l ' ILX. 1 :1: - .. ' ll ' It. r x i . 1 t T I :!! . . I ;i i :L . * : : :::: :::: • • mannraettirrrs, we ar. iloner to r.arteq ./..r• awl the trar, ch.tir*ua ap p wto rt." 5. , .1 rt0... 1 • :K 1. J. d H. PHILLIPS SIAN LILAC. We ha, 1atr0.1,,1 to the IrL.le our new per 1,14. e, • PerSian Lilac, tjNE Mo. , T • I'EI.I(ATE ANTI-ICE z.vri:Ac7 VEI4I•:ViS .1 YD. No hola's toilet I. o..rpaltte 'Ottawa'. It. Fur sale by. all I,..alars. 11A N VFACTt ItEIS ONLY lit C. D. WOODWOIITII dr. SON,. ROCIIKSTEIL CItOYIC4t. W01:1: S. i liattscater, N. Y. New York (1111cr. 29, lirot.l•ar. mbi.ast CHANDELIERS., brackets, Pendants, &e.,' Gas taaaci on, A I,r4e assortment on band and rteet•ing •I WELDON & KELLY'S, • PLEMUERS AND GAB FITTERS, 164 Wood Street, [013:n7 E•fl tIITTIL THE PEOPLE'S • TEA STORE, Wilson & Underwood caucE FAMILY GROCERIES. One of the cheep," and btet wholeskln Ault. Intl slut,. In the too <III". N 0.15 Num% West Diana°nd, ALLEOHEYICITT. Call and examine our atort and prlce aV ,nea-d C NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. FRANCE'S TEA MART, 10. 33 D1A1103771, VITTRIMUtaI Just opened, • largo sod choke stock of Tea. and Fain i y Grocerie*i, • Ica are belri ret•lled at low•at prleva. Call arid ate :porta aibl Brice. Tr. t h eta:. t arareta ano y•t will b. •bbr fur Jour. a absolutely CAtql. Alt, PRANCE et flioN. • 15 DIA.I ,, ND. I Ittrr,i rip WM. IVIARDOILF & CO., linnufaclurerli nod Whole.'. Dealers In BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Finding.; Factory and Warehouse, lu the rear of Cohn titer .t. Laura, Sus. ITS and 171 Wood It. Pittsburgh OTICE TO CONTRACTOII9. 4:.i17;',L SEALED4.O:OI.I.II re. el .e . 4 o 0110.• until sATVROAY, Atoll t 4710. •I o'clock i to . 1.4 tirattllng,awo•Pevlng IL. following Hove.t''';llll,lC7 , 1, LeaeottAttreet to River a MUl`i r Ent bTIfKET, hum Yn7lor tteennetn Ferrol street. MI 11 AVENUE, from Ktigwick to Fulton ALLEY, Front Eaftll.o to Che.l.ll. Mt. ,Tlithlt ALLE” opt alt_ R. Al :WELL. c1it.(...._ ,, ,RE.fpj!041e L. J. BLAZyCLIARD & CO, WiIOaSALE AND RETAIL ar C,c,3WI rt. $9, 396 Penn Street. Som FOB SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT, - On esomti.oret. Ea•: ll !rinlngham. In a •004 loc•Ilutt; Addrema; 'sox 211 , 10 : 1 C/IA1141‘ P. 0 ap72.171 nIIIED PEACHES.--S 0 barrels witdtterz, tolled and 1.1,1 Pw.ACIIIC, cottelwinnent, for Italy low to tfw, rrad•11(1/10Statiatt LANIJ. apld ' and 114 Wood street: EH ISEDIENTS. wETTACH S MEASON, IlarlorArtartra of every dessrlotion of 33 a1 , 11331.g, Dealers to CELT and LACE LEATLIED. No, 204 SNITLIFIELD ST.. Pittsburgh, Ps OEM FISHING TACKLE! FISHING TACKLE! Just received, a full aswartmout oLIIOOIIS, LINE 3, Ji/INTED ::•1115, REELS, AII'11f1• CILL BAIT, //±ll liAtql: El b. Le., fur elle by 11.022,13:T1. 130 Wood.trtet FILES: FILES! FILES! 3 . l onufacturers and 31sob7olote L.:tog tits ulll dO well to call and ozonalue • 111=! SUPkRIOR AMEUICAN FILE, Which Iran WI 23 per et..t ir.. then Ilst. /lit —quality,1• 840 , 000 TO LOAN 011 i BOND AND MORTGAGE EMCEE STEEL & WILSON, Brakes and Be*l Ealnte rto MIIITIIVIELI) STREET. ant-I,Ln GutAlm -FIRE INSEREVE COMPAAI, =I Cash Capital and Surplus over `S:150,000 hla Coy , Pant' ontlnura In It fat` nn I , lltE Rl , Kelouly, at .1.4 lAttf ar are quott•tcnt Cot t, ner sa ty. Plttsbnot r W.,od a .oah n , TtAt,t li I` ortli•raat d HODEleff D. 7 110.111.50 N, ntl apt,: I r. FL J. LUti Nos. 135 anti 131 Thlid Street, DYER AND SOURED. Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed. nit, ri.uairs rle•n C.! or dyed_ I).LTENT IVINDO4'i' SASH'. PATE\TEI/ JA.Nt ARY:,I, Il WAIIILNU M4NDOWN MADE EiSY Thus I.rle m•lrart• la, to 1, ealtiy Is- Len from tt, rrznorl,lttesa, •0..1 t , trllng Lea,. eva...,13/1. tlu lier . 1. ,1•1 f tale 6,1.1 101,,a.„1 nrl:4 luuel, mu, It 1. mine iron •t tqlll.l , A ”T wj,l 'ow eau 1, a.!..n..1 a , a loullorr. /4,1, a r,,r, a' an varly S. 11,e 1:1 , 1L0•,ca.,1,3 - county:lv., ap,.l, f.:Fel to 114,1 amaZi blAtel aaLl J IN TON, No. n? r.,urt O u •EPII at. et. I. NG ru,,a an E...• _ • IRO CITY CHUB CO., %0.3 St. Clair street. poronsard of All?illiijLe toop ‘lll I•an I • Ars c,,15, to.. HARDWARE. CUTLERY, , fiuta, •10Irr1at .11.1 tatn,s. tampott,, 4 r. !.t, rem •:4 , 1 5t.,7111., M. IL BOWS', 3PlAnager. euhT3,2l NVINDOIV SHADES, C) 11-a C-T-.C) C) EMI HOLLAND, For Sale J. R. WELDIN & CO., 101 Wood Street, /ROPOSALS FOR IRON WORK Pruno•ate will t, rp ,11.4,1 411t thls orWce netliS o'clock on Irsid I"Al, tho 3 , 1 day of Ms, s.n7, fur thr, Deb an lror, for •e Iron col , ler•datudur Waukordsance Iderstds,, , wtrm • us M., thaw. Users's:mt. Irlrs• m,rl ettlors- Cons for :Ws qls ears Sor osstssn s , tlon to this otlr , , or to . b. ssultl., Per late fling Eugloter alsrak fart, ton, ty. I , l'nole. This Iron wort will renulred . so ue denser, d on or benne the loth of Jon, .ou rose,: 1 • ses•el either at Ilotatu. 1„ di, ss,rsts , l. Is , Detroit, Mich's.. or Ct.:eters. at thw tlou of the nt , lder. oat the Ida, of slcltery norm Ire of In the ht.., The Iron WWt erlll mhunnt to a 1... Irr . rro pouts!, of whirr mdsut Iso.nan , I i -I tor N.lle, wort. •ssd litell! he rest Iron aro.l •lon eons, holt,. Ac. The lloar•I rdeers r• the rig!, to at'Y of rso•al. or to r, lost to rdc. toort of st wort artsleb rear not he Its •trlr I co - f rrsr,ty the contract,. •prretc.r•llow., and n rutract will be consluer, ' , I dlog to] , : atsproved thd Hon, cretarr of Ilir ury. rst, tad 'ars!: 1, from , d , lt Irds mane nurturers. mad • es , 11 oar, nsurt adrcous pstVerl by se Estaretster, L atol cocht, ut msrets. that lu the es, t a c t of she accepttne•of suer Ltd the necessary con tract will Ire ratowed Into, !fund su'l ',rens,. for the faithful of the contract sell! 'spared. he .1.11 fur whlcis Ord Wader pro. - de s fur tie Iron wort. s. ordlng td the draw Its. and free:M.lU mum Irt rllstlo. •tal,,, and a copy of Use prbsted •so olncatlos• must he ncloses! wills Inc Sd,t se “t•lrlifc that there le nu tulatske at Cu tht,,,,frct proposes. •II peopoaals most be [cal.' and •ndurs,,l "Inrotroaals for /run Wore for W•tserdshaur, Lnolstrbonee," and Lilt nrockse,wl In noottrer nanny setups' mot •dd tun Ch•lrren uf the Idelst.lsour e onard, Wa,lllsorton, so bid will runiddertil that rlde• • form to the tdrsul - etnent• of CIS. ash ertlre not ment. Aug person .u l ssulttltr • prons.' sher to , prer•dnt sun settees. he.t penlng 01 !tor hits Lt liar Ituse •nd hisoo lodalnteslor, morelnctl. of \ ; Ll f.VllT , l7il ' l ' ' ' Fr . tds al man. Tres... Deem :neat. I'M, Slwlddhou.e Mos, ...Mors ton, I, tt., April I 114. I. /1;a:43,1 CHINA WALREIIOIUSE. BREED & CO., No. 1U() I'Vood Street. IIItITTANNI Atilt ItTLVEIt PLAT let) TA LIMY Iwevl nn Ilan!. !ILSIVA TtCA TII ASO TAIILA CUT ~I IRA CMS:A T DION ?At NT, CHINA ToILKT SETS, CHIN A VA.V. , . tltt INA EVITTonSts, /Wit V. 311 A N %S . ' Alt F. °revery desarlptlon LA) A CAM) ti.AONLO, LAVA VAPItto, LAVA Mi'll'l , 4 , ttH. ENGLISH ATONE WART of CI vefletles, sult obo.esele sod rtt•lt trade. The lasts trtl i ot ,, , , , l . cgroli-te stock of curry th'F erc i e ' s ' sad args t e e s r ante as 11 1 4 .11....sesters Cat,. 1111.1,1,17. LIA, 8 .11..11..1.11. TEL. lIMAL6.. W. L. CVLTTLXII BARR, BRAKE. & elements. to WAAILLItiIf. A lIAIHI, 11t0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh . DZALEIBIX PianOS, Clrgano, 4L.1 yustcal .(oola rtnetally. jrit.ole Agehis (or the Celeb - ate4l lIItA U It Y, New York, and SCIIIJ.IIAC/hElt A Co. Phllattetohla, MAN.'S. • ESTICY k 111.•13 "COTTAtiE,” and D. d 11, W. SHITII'd "AMRRICAN" Ult ilAtid, audTILTON'n PATENT 011ITAIt. The beat Italian and ()ennui Violin and G ol tar Mil era al war. nn •opol. NOTICE. THE UNDERBIGNED has this der dispoeed of Ills entire stoat ~f !TOWN AND 8110E1 to Mr. J. Y. MoCALI., who wlli continue the business at the old Mond. 031 LintliTY EIS @MI Thankful for the liberal petroneet heretofore bestowed. I would ask s -continuance of the lame I=2 • J. ID, RAMAI.ET. PlTT,Nrrtcn. April lit. WI. • gii Elton' ..qt Olt $l6 TO $3O Va•-• Witmer E, csn ' amdly lit Made the round, Malt, le a new Mmine... pleasant and bunoralifr. •Nti NO Miura ration. lkaid'and eaergalle (Ladle. mad Out Ve , Men)art wanted to rep , ment us Iu ar t e 0137 and c. , aelay, • tuna Cli•Nca Inrmaa mom 7, nd ratiliimmucr RAT I, alto td to rveram haring • 1,•• horsu .laily i• parr : LL,. Baltimore ]ld. MAPLE NPGAIt:-S1 barrels thnlee merix Pt " - Alt, 1.1. t roori•ed And for bale by gen4lll Ah Ell d LANM Splb , 173 An d 171 Wood 11Intd. EMI TaL NEW SIX PER CENT. PENNSYL VANI A STAYEIE LOAN, JAMEY 'SOWN, Free from all State, County and Municipal Taxation, Wlll turnlklo 4ln tun., to autt, , :n applkatlt to the nearest Bank or flanker: also, by eltb. Jr the ondk.ratgat:d. . I= NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! lIMI=I2 JO.SEPH HORNE'S & CO'S. Heine =tole a .vcor.l.llllltlc. to our already :gage atocL of SPRING GOODS, We are prepared to'offer Inducement., both P e. ' n ', ;r: ', ; ' .l l e . rl:.. ' . " Ffit e n " lie l r n cttl, f., blov..r. tio.kry. lingli. Trlmmlnem , and Fri,.,.l} ,:nI 1 , ..., Trim/Mugs Colod,d an., V. Ire! lillrbon3, liulpt,rr and (Aunt, I.a , e, It, ALI T..rt,.1 and I , ln, Larr, Button-, all ,Aytes •nd COlOlll, C..r!..t. 1 , ,11.1ng. Itunkl,,,, and lief, V1:1.211/1,1 Vane, La.llv,, 111,,, and Gent. , a vrlngCr.d. r Wt .101, ar, \........,\ 1.1., ILIIITP lil.l 1.1'16, Ecurtrrs. Tra In and lit Neck Ile, B , lkri; - •[1.3 800., re : 4 1,1rt Yruoll, •C. 3lorrl,on, ,tar , hlrts • bprlue'a. lilt liuvrere, and 311IIIntrt 1k.,.1.1a, • B ,pll,t hipbone Atlal Van 1, al/ wldtile. • ~V I: 1 711 0 1.1.:1ALF 17.01 P ,,, sttlr% wlil f.. 111,1 c. , mr,lt, !up)! Departzt,l3l, 1.,x; tto will :Ind lt 11,Ir ;Ed, lut. t) es • Lail. Prtecs a. low as Y 241.. ta dijoberb. 77 and 79 Market Street. FAII3I.IAD URDU SEEDS, DHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Pwchlo.l.lnre.lnvlt7:l7o ctvr.lne my •toct. rruc,tle.. t la•• rellshle vsrittwa In vlllt at:on. (..11 , kwIng klud• 161. re luced razt. 11,..01,1tr le the very best: COHN. r:r - grrcn uu bun. Lar,t Sw..t, or Sure, ItAMS/1. W.,. 1 . , Early Frame ems.. •• Wo•Kt•• Early 1,..y.ut liarden •• 11 Gilt. T,rrElp too, • ta , Vyllow •• me • ..... • ~ at TURNIP. lnl early Whitt: .tont!'.'r P‘.!' 1.; ct••"' •-• ' • Z • , '' '4 wt I. ' ,4 •••• ,', •• 466,ca 6,61 •• For 110.0cI. Dar If: irlrourte •• IL 01 . 1,0 110..110 ..... ....... ,••` I• 1 -.0 •• h.,. ••• `• art' al•rro..i.o r 4 5, • ` Lyc .I.l.arru..tat •• a 0,•,0 •• .04..4 Eugaz , • •• • 00 '• tra•ri 1.0 . •• Tall •,:ar ... Pr 4 . , ,rosa TILLIE!. r dux. .I:K.INT4COM, Horticulturist and herdsman, No, 137 Liberty Street, • PITT•411•1/0,r.1.A. 3IISIILER'S HERB BITTERS. THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY TO THE 1 .1 ::11.12.-1 have (414 day ukvned LOSANtall.k.UvilT.lca. the •ale or Mishler's Herb Bittera, In tn. City of lin t(burnh, arl byre antborlAed li A. T. VASr,rocK and U. L. 110L.T,N, •g.tita, to(...fty nu and noza.te 1110 earne. I .4 , (CASYOII. MonCt 14, FAHNESTOCK & HOLTON Wholesale Branch }louse, 136 .11112nrIxot ISt-root, =! Sold by all liteopeclable Druggist* ,nt • trial to Convince Any cue 0 ene‘lic:nal value. MISIILEWS HEBB BITTERS TUE iIIERCILINTS UNION EXPRESS COMPANY. CAPITAL, $20,000,000. Owned and Operated Pr Our Merchants and Yanufacturers. U.4nrums EI EXPESS.2iloney, I "aluableti, Freight and Par eels, over more than 13,000 mites .of Express Line, at just and liberal rases, saves Millions Yearly to Expires Nhippers,and can be made permanent only by their liberal patronage. This We hope to merit and re- BM Office, No. 145 Wood Street, WM, LITTLE, Agent. 1321111 EW WALL PAPER UPHOLSTERY STORE, JI.AT OPENED, AT - NO, 36 SMITHFIELD ST., BELOW TIIIIID. To II•c - nos‘oltle Ite Ircoord 1 , 140. Ire bare [ll7.ll7l a . J . Tr ' ll f K o il, ' w/f " la r '' tt . ". enilre 1.1,1,. or LL r CPU • (io•O/S, IMMO?. amt TABLE OIL LI.TTIS,SSEs ant I{ILIWIIi es of SU 110.11. 1, ./ 05, 1 1 —ans11lTilrlt:LDSTIMET: ULU YTA. N IP —2li AND YS brILEET E. EDMONDSON & CO PE It HANGIN ti Of all Oracle., FROM STAMPED GOLD AND VELVET, BEM CIAPIST ACTICIS ANORS iJ Mg TRADE. At No. 107 Market Street JOS. It. lIVGIIES 5 IMO I M Printer, Brok Binder and Stationer, CORNER WOOD L THIRD Ell., ,slor lo *II klodi of Wrlllnfi, PrionnF. 11. s, 'framing. Tracing snit W rabAlOg MINTED BOOKS Consisting of Check, Rentlpi; Dray, MID Lad loc Note Draft, Ldd yellow, Ito„, Pc , posiLion and Warrant Boot. alantifacturet ll' dr:, Jour.* , locket.,••.u, Lay and ins oleo Books. atilti;xti 1 )L4%0$ PIANOS S :—An entire new stoat of tig &CU.'S PIANIgi, air now rankidgrgil tic: boat made: also HA IN ES CELEIDIATED tilg Nob , . cyka from fijoa upward. I,, sorts In want of a Drat glass Piano aro I...pee:fully Invited Call sad examine labiate purgbating elsewhere 4 41.1.11L0TTE Au. 43 filth stre:. $3 - ,000,000 JAY COOKE A CO., DICENEI. h Co., E. W. CLARK d CO., Has Just Opened SPRING CLOTHING, A I srgc asionnEnt of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Which will I.e oflorxd GIIE.A.TLy REDUCED I . ltlCEbf:ort2 last. isLaaoo. rice Spin! (limnls, II Low as " Ca , ialere Ca•inqs Fail! " " Cloib kreas Sa:ti P, l't sn I eproglte Wayne. one 41:or above his lint Rod :thor nous,. 1.15,7 Pittsburgh Importing louse WINES AND LIQUORS • •Itr, ct tile do j o ,attenti the public to the fart that. poes,••••lng tins lnellit e• through nl !are« wine and ll.,unr hon.. it Europe, and iinaklog tile lii,pur attn. direct. they are ll ' r r le ‘ ... ' s . l4?l;its e EVag r•te• Lott lon of •inalltles atideompul•On "Aprif ;;. ' s , NT . tiT l l " l l Liitl. OLD RYE nEY:olast r antiy cluolland. plO:xei TEAS Ail ely.2C/Nll ihr :7:11 fSTIC A T e.ttC.o IS EZ.T Aeother large lot et ntEni TZA. or LA Direct from China and Japan Per Cato Constantine, !Coolie Cantle. J. B. Cremate. compi !Ong everything §OOO AND CHEAP in the tray of Seas, at About 20 Cents Below lbeCommon Pelee.. ARTHUR KIRK, 17244 174 Federal street, - ALLEGHENY tc1114:•19 MYERS, HOPPER & CO., :ingccessort to 11.1 t. BULGER, ♦eeit,7 FURNITURE Of Every Description SCHOOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE, lb. 45 Smithfield Street, .fiA-.Airisit,iicEsri. ,11 : 1s , icrtment or Pittsburgh Mane:far coristaistly nu hand hand at LOWts3P li r. Y. J. lITZAS...I.IIf. C. gorrE¢...c. A. IrCIEI mlll,:sCa ISAAC CRAIG, OUTLET SAWMILL, Foot of Craig Street, Keeps constantly on land a largo stock of sous. son Joists. rivulets. Wladosr nt.'s.. Stuff: lbubklirs. Llntlrs, sllla r area. Sesot,lng, Mut .g Boat •ud Bottom r 15•5. hpoutlng, rallnus. Lath, do. ii. will On orders for sawed stuff wittl promptness and at fair rates. an 15.0. NE PLUS ULTRA WASHING MACHINES, NOVELTY BENCH AND TED; WRINGERS, SMMGS, USION COPFEE POTM, And a full assortment of Houseliseplui (too Ica% GRA.F'TON'S, 66 Fetters]. St.; NILS It RAILROAD DINIT, apls,7narre' ALLEUHRNT CITY. C..41.Z.8GEC0. Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, kiX.T.i43IIFiL A717.41.1ME1, French. Clocks, (!t - c, rpm ritn,t i agtven to the 07 . 22 Firth Street. Snit. a. Dant •112. rITC.LIAN M1ZEr „ . 00 .M.2.03X01.1. I lIINIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE. .ro. 410 Penn Street. DAM & PITCAIRN, Proprietors. re-OznaibpaeSuid carriages forntrbed for ail rain, Also. Carriages for Funerals. Woddlar. .d ranks. &Labatt nullce and reasonable raw,. I SION OF BLINDS.—JORN A. IBROWN CO 11$ earn...forth Proirr. <Too.. the rosto2Por .heop , on hood. or make, Wtndnw ohailea, I.lolland upward.. 0010 0 ,4 ma ai.kriTd . Pallefa. A l Othe siona awe, on haNd or mad, to o der. a ne amok of Whitt, 1.1 Callao elan.. Copal.. Mr gentlemen's wait, SZI.NGEULIC CLEIN. - BA,MI & MOSER, : thaeces.or. to urn. lachuchnlan C 0.,) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, ALmucurx.x.r-mcirrfig, I The ONLY STEAM L ITHoORASMIC SSTAH: MEET viztrr VP THE MOUNTAIN PRT,TIT AgtiOCl ATM. , : BUILDING. No.. gi and I LlVEleslVad. Latter Head., B a sT. ErltEvr, SiTTSBUHUH. PA. greolere. hid., Cards, Inplora.'"lNJirbis. hiptotal attention given to the daale Corallloogs of Deposita, In•ltatloci building of court Hoene ukISuSIM! e.H.H.Es Erma:: to. Noe. EM 1114 ThAnt et., Cltht• Stable Open Day and Night 2.4O:T.Trt, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.: NOTICES. _ 'RAMA L Er ! !,,, --,, , ,- 0 ,0. 7 . L .,, f . F „,,,,,,e 7 ) , 4 ......„ .. Altre - ,n), I r0,N......,..0 ,;:o . ..0 [Dr •tr.t •,,,. 1 :: .. J . ; ' :• 1‘7.1 . ,7 ;n " 1 " 1 ' ; ' , ' ; , !::t . „ ' ".e — . Nile]. t-: Trt:s: Ca." ~,, or bt fare 11., Is: eav . tnt-re•t Qn tb - .:. .... Bo 4s HAS JUST' RECEIVED ! ':A: - ; b:;j:71;.; r 1T....,11.: av ' By ,r.l•r of tho IL,J. 1,013EI: r LEA. rreor.l•3t. Jr.. S.x.rstAry. 11p,,1.11 MEM NEW STYLES HATS AND CAPS, For t1 . 2154i, aa•i a 20 Per Cent, Leas Than Down Town ,Prlces We sell our IIEdT SILK 4.1 CAB:2IIIEXE HATS, et ONE. DOLLAR LOWSH, than any other House In the City. Call and Be Convinced 334 Liberty ;Street. UUOR 11.T.LOW lily CLOTHING EMPORIUM. RAMALEY A LARGE ' STOCK OF FOE 1=2!=l!! NEIV STYLES IN TUE MARKET Paper Collars at Cost. 36 LIBERTY STREET lIITA 131.1911 ED 1160 SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, inrourtnu or FOREIGN No. 409 Penn Street, PITI:4)3DIIGH ill SUGARS. TEAS. MA-NUI Acruarits or PITTIBURBII, PA =9 DEALER. IN MM Ca,,TT tat - air.'; ovrtci. P:Trittr no Er, Aprli 1, Ic.. i Di PURSUANCE OF THE fat sace,onof an no rclat:ngrokllestenv Canty, approred talc day o. Illy: /MI. and of amandroant to aa , daectloo. approved tara, day of March. I I OA. I. DAVID AIKE\. Jr., laaserer of said Canty. hereby give notice tat In. Duplicates of la several Ward, Bor afa and Towanlps, wILL BE ursN, ad / will be prepared to real, ta WAIL RAU, POOR IND BOCIII TANIS JAR 15,;7, a= The First Day of May. 1867 Std Taxes cat be paid at the THS , QUI:ER'S 0 /FICZ., untll [lle /MST DAY OF A1:41.75T, wilt a Deduction of Fire Per Cent. Dlacoest Joe prompt payment to any person Ylogthe whole amount of their totes. There will be no del action allowed on tales duelue the month or August. Theis will be TEN rza VENT. added to ail Lair, r•malntug Repaid on the FIRST DAT Olt SEPTEMBER. apl:wts:wf CA ND IDATES. VOIt WILLIAM B. ROSS, Of •11.,henv City, wilt be a candidate fur Av uembly, tuts eel to the tlecladon of the 11,10111 can County Convention. &phi 14:. OR COUNTY COMIIIISsIONER, JOSEPH B. M'DONALD, Witte Setto=tl Vfltvd, Cltf. •nblcot to tltt, 0. oatou of the Union Itepta ,, ,ao Count/ Convettlunt aplitxl2 FOR COUNTY TREASURER WILLIAM M'CLEAN, Of Pitt towmalln, (formerly North Fayette. wlll he • candidate for County Treasurer. au Meet to the deslaton of t h e Union Itepubllcan,Connty coneestlon no10:24 FOR PROTHONOTARY D. C. HULTZ Will be a candidate for the onice of PRUTRON OTART, subject to the decision of the Ohio • Republican Courention. a. 7 FOR PROT-LI-O.N7OTiRY JACOB H. WALTER, Will be. Candidate fur the obacc et rftIiTPION atTARV. eatscct to m• decision or the, Unto. Republican Uonreotlon• rabasicalid.t w'r FOIL COUNTY THEA6ICRELI, MAJ. J. F. DENNISTON, trormerly of Friend's 7tjle Liaardt). Do Candidate for COUNTS" TUCASUHE •OD)ec to thedecialon of tte Unloa Utpablican Conven this. otbit:v7i MERCHANT TAILORS OWEN BYRNE; Merchant Tailor, No. 14 WYLIE ST., - (termed) of._ 5:. Clair Etreet,) ME_ SELECTIOI OF INGLISLI IND Fla 4CCOA2TUEING-S. LATEST STYLES 01' Light and Dark Snitings AND AT PRICES VERY MUCH REDUCED: CALL AND EZESILVE. alp Particular attention will be even to th vrIELE and Fl r of all ga.qn,ut+, OAVEN BYRE, No. 14 Wylie Street, SD ASTSLAND HALL 0: 00 4:44M:/11004 10E1111111 COI PEI AID ST. (1.118 NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, CaILPHI2I2:6 , All the Novelties of the season Jinn aa Is only fvumd In • First-Class Merchant Tailoring Establinhinent. =tan= W. HESPENBEDE, Diereh.ant No. 50 ST, CL. IR STREET. FEW IPHISG GOODS last opened. — AU lap • d new stile patterns got ap la Ina latest Esst stales tabinaS PIENISG. I LIEU AM COMM iSSORTHINT Or BOYS' CLOTHING, For the Spring Season, AT TEAT MODERATE: PRICES GRAY & LOGAN, =I HATS, pars, &o. L. J. t:OPItLkT .............. . ...J. UTZ... GOURLEY & LOGAN, Dealers In Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, Hive juit,opened their nelv stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS. 46 St. Cif:arkSt., Pilfsburgh Please give us a call before ParCaUlaa w_LIFLe. AIWA: HATS EIA_TS! W. r.Gll•llAtt away arayg GRAHAM & BYRNE At Iran 9t. Clair Stieet, Hive •oe of !kit very best retell stocks of BATS, CAPE AND STBAW GOODS ;mg toe"; 7e"!Ftt4.t.''?l;" . i. ,, 7 4 , 1r . .ti•• Kt , to re OOP *el FOR SPRIN ' II, - AT ,VIRY Low PRICES. McCORD CO., ZTc).1.4331. Wood atrect. •vs WANTS W*NTED-SGENTS. For ..iromea of the War." p..71113.r. one &KC. l o ta and .I .' Ilvertd two I,al .d N,oks ln one month. A -.- other r,-Irea one 1 . 1,1, 1°,410v 10 one wr t . A v.: c.r . :tzsa ta 47. As : :FOEIEMA.N IN A LIVERY STA.LE. .111.1.11eljase.1 Inatt pruterred Enquire a: HOWA.ItD•3 frOVER) &SAUL.. Yin[,,... near )fount galiAl• tiotse. `S,FA 31 TED 861 - I .esim.o3a, Wbo tin el:ll2pp Al oat.. Apply parjoaally or atldreap,_. W. D. BAKER, rWANTED7AGENT. tin DI MON D tt,S. A tlrletl;7hllaLle ayl , 51;cessful Llfa . . an:. C.:Roils? Is dulcsoss or establlshlnz s gs eral Arener for one or more of the Rucera mantles of Pectisylyanls, Inc:ndlag the city et Vitt.bure, L.11,e41 tern. as a exelealte eon trol or the business oCeied. Competent persons lovited to applr. •ddreta r. so. rail MEE WANTED.-500 clerks, and and other. now out or Amtmorment n Plit.dmeb, 10 Anne , tt b a s!NuM 'd ere GENERATOR eantler.M.better thanee Yet - lanes are made hr rtghts and the .ien• ender I the onl thin...v(om kd tha has real merit. t Sueress lay g the standard. in Come t and ace What agents are making. N.. ~,,.'it?.eT,!4•l`g;t. AGENTS WANTED, BOTH SALE AND FEMALE, In every township and county, to sell •ery pop. Liar work. IL C •ntalna paces: ratan Dries az.i.) Mold by ,•ntalna only. Add," Iln. 11,41a:rt... J. C. KEN". k , n 111,,,::: a 'Mr.! went- Pltlebnrab, I'a. • A GENI.OOO WALNTED.-- 4- , MALE. AND CIIMALE.—The best chmace rg;re lt. '°4l° L! l ; " :..V: ' ; ` . " l• ° u ' r a .l4 " ;e h ri ' l I,the field, I',l7NT'fldruEroir ',:kvl7.• aV II Ah. DE11.4. By Hon. J. T. Headley. In otta handsome volume. Illustrated lend at once for tenms sad territory, Address. TALCOTT CO.. tanl2:YlddassT ISaf a ret to._ Plttahnseb. Pa BANKS AND BANKERS. B. N. STSIMING...WII. b. LAN/111....1. 1. WILDMAN STEKLEVO, Ll.tiE & CO., BAIDIERS.AND BROKERS, No. 110 Sim!' third Stye', Philadelphia, Deo , ero In Uccri rocuent Bands and %nets of All Undo: conapanndlnlerebt Notre, Uold and ell• c Coln. Coupons. ac. NEW tTA't Y. 1.0,N. ala. yorcent., unto', d. fv all sole In sum t c vurba-scra. icon. of :40 ou Nlt utes e con* erled lnt• 6,:t1 Bundy, without cnarge, on paynaolt ollfroct e:ice of Interco, • • . /otereat &Lowed oa Depoalt• Coiamonlota. blobs by mall promptly &Lowered.. an 1,171 ASKING HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., No. 20 Wall St., C 0..., or TRRZT, ILIV TURK We bny and soli at 71 . e mail Moral current prince, and-keep on Land a fall supuly of Government Bonds of all Issues, SEVEN-THIRTIES, Compound Interest Notes, And execute order• for purchase and mar of MRS, BONDS AND GOLD. Re Dave ceded to orr ofneo large rooms for th , a - rotronodation or the public gletn*n d for lo - ve•tment •hil eachang• •of tiovern.eoe ae eurllles. zoo the e~uceolept• of our moth mall liot4 ruit.onere. S , 65:-TitlitTlE3 .CONVRATET) YI VE-TW EN ilk, GOVZILNAIChiT RATED. Ci , eul ors, with lull particulars, furalohed aptislesVork un JAY COOKS & CO HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITTIIIIPEOH. PA, (SITCOD3BOT4 TO Hind, HART 8 00,) In 4'&Jfl Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And ➢articular attentlon paid to the put. chhae and crate at GOVERNMENT BONDS. • A•BIGHT I ) BATTB'ON LONDON. Intl :sle N. HOLMES & SONS, . 13 . 11 . 1 V32KM.11.1EL No. 57 Market Street, PITTSETIMIIf. - • g2Z =MTV m Er27421,CT,Z1r,i the United butes hod censchts. Stocks, Bonds and Other Secaritlee BOUGHT LND SOLD ON COMMISSION. . • Particular •tteatloe pill to the pent: axe eall. lc of U• S. Securities, Indudlod Q. S. El XES or lasi: do. o. T.T. Fl 0.8 1.0.414: U. 3. CERTIVo:ATEs OF INDZIITr,DNISS Orders wad Youclerabongiat or b:3l EOPLES , SAVINGS BANS. OF PITTSBURGH, LrconPon 4 TED. 11866... - $lOO,OOO. OFFICE. NO. 77 FOURTH STREM's President Tics President,. LI ENTLY LLOYD WVA.LIA-31, REA TuusT.Eirs: _ • }N7CVI e." ZJoI :L4P .! ~;.,•• I whs.. liosuLT. T Juitsi NV L1.1.U11 .I.l=olr. Radar' and Treasurer, SIDNII P. TM 1033110 EST Inref tfnaatf maps la !Ix ptr cent.ln ~,, oa time dep•4l66 Uovernmentata itank open OMIT, ex«pt Sun CT from ulna , •• - 4;, to 'four o'cloct, rdoeaA>f sal nine ofc;oc\, b.urd.Y •veuings Ira= six to cnt. vie BUST --.-- DISkOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP HERE- T , 'FON a C.1.13t100r tortooreoen the undersigned under the name of TATS A t1CV11,...e, ed by inutnal consent on the lat day of the entire Interest of d i T. S t e baring been pueehaeed Gad M. TAT ssh • e 11l continue the nu tibiae, sad tot.= Pl:tiro( toultneote i n 411 111 torst,tleot. The Luso ttes• or th,aie rm Wi toe **Weft be ether of the atAerlbers. a 'al toe ll old otamia..7 Llnetty street, n Iliti.tmigh and eederal street,Alit ebeo.e. All parties knowing thentseleas In. netitail to the late arm arerequested to male payment, and those having Mils against said. Item will present them f r settlement. JoHN ACT/i . E. JOIIN Y. SEVILLE. ,) -P LI ZPLatI al ;2=1,°171...:v.efg.n-,,,,„„, GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS SHOWELL BATHS, IVATZII CLO3ETIL 6114tstalion hal:lda:ld nude to ogle T.""". TO73N M. .2.41:1"33, No. 59 YEDERAL STREET. AlkihenT. Ann voy REST Y STREET, rittaborss. 4 1. 5, 13:1v-Tuls GOOD 'NEWS. CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR MSC. Euqclre for WARD•B BREAD. Tiak Dale. .4 b 7L^ thltlais 'IL W." 4..7J4e- N•mr. rile War.l•+. ruh7/...100.3TT1S DIVIDENDS D IDESD NOTICE The ntrect° rs of the Pee .d Ivatte Te:to mph Company. of the lfuliel :states have tots d• 1 tee:areal a Quarter, Dividend s Mt. it enth, cot or the earnings of the Cotopa ny uts to aunt the,lst, title rate cot TEN PPS :ENT. PER ANN na. thel pont up stria. .aezble •t. 'h. of , e, of Treason, of pm ;',7lllrs'ata" TV lll / 1- 11 • 1 `-'-° 1q - A, `" Tree or,. l'lnshurbtl..2prP MO. IK7 20 CHIPTRUST1C reeels-- d and for ic.m:LTA MEM =l:3