THE PITISBUB.GII GAZETTE. PIIELINUED sr `REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, 201". o., OS W1.213n. at - root. ' . . T. n. PENNInAN. =norm. T. T. 1101;1ToN, j"" ' " I Basta ens rtanag'; NEL.% tev =I 313,13 a cant. Delivered by carrier, (per week(.:-.....10 S e nt. lfau buticerlsers, (peryear) 05.00. Liberal retlucllores to and Agent.. YEIIIII3 702 WEEKLY Ti 1,4.0. COll a:3, Dee year. F'lic do. ' du. do. each Ten or mord 'copies, to one addrers, and one free to club. orb CITY ITEMS 1=221 Peen street, Drs 5111 & Nee Adverillmemez4; li.rttner t Stew/3.W,, on 'page, Ln ItL-d*y,s tAr4.-1 - tottert Hunter, IL I)., Physictso tor OrMeasoir Or the TbrOat, Lunge and Heart. Dr. Hunter will close his • Mlle° In Pitts burgh, on Saturday evening," April rth. Those who desire to avail themselves or his experience, previous to his return to New 3' orc, should do ao at once. Consultatkm rooms, Merchant's hotel. • Soo etelverrtnernent Uf fizzdner S Stewart's, on first page, In to.dnri 11rlp: help'—"Posterltnn erit Wl3_ll. rat Mamor... • • WO Oftrllostlylnviw the friends of human. aly to the AnnlVorsary,Festival of the A. E. ILL., which will take .place In City 11 Nll, Pittsburgh, on Monday and Tuesday even ings; April 222 and 222. Objects t Ist, assistance to the: poor; 20, The moral and intellectual elevation of tho colored ram in our community. Tho League has determined to give a portion of the proceeds Co the sulTentig poor of the South, irrespective of color. No Intosleated per. 'son 0,11 be admitted Into City Hall. A largo pollee force will be present to preserve good 'order. Good music. A vast assortment of articles to please the eye and-ttmte. Cour ...teens attention to the wants of our visitors will be a marked feature of the occasion. . Cards of admission 25 cents each. Chil dren 15 cents each. Doors ;open at 7 , 4 o'clock. S. A. Nests, Chairman of Com. of Arrangements. Nee Advertisement 01 Gardner a Stewart's, au drst page, le to.tlay's Weer to Clain . ha Weight. A gentleman, rather remarkable for his obcritY, was asked where he obtained his mrale, an the bill of fare must be exceed. ingly vocal, since he appeared to be grow ing larger and larger every day. The prompt reply was "At the Continental Su. /0011, next door to the Postern., on Fifth wtrect, which is kept by that prince of eel - , uras—lloltzhelmer." The answer was oert nod to the point, for at the Contincital the l,t meals to he obtained in the city ore dailY served 'no at the most rell.}oll/1140 of prices. tiatue—the rarest, steaks, gab, and es, yt !Ling to tempt the palate, are served up in a beat, style than could Professor delate, and if you eat one meal got tea up by lioltahelmer, at a few Minutes' notice, you will forever bestow your pa trenago on this plac'e alone. Sco Advertisa...e.nt. i)f Gardaer litewarva, on first page, In to-.1.1*".1:C0‘,11c.. M:ff =I! fre,h supply or Crosse and IthickwelPs famous Pickles and Mustard. Also very rioter Layer Itaicens, imperial and Turkey Pi cues, Smyrna Figs. &0., hc.,xlll bo sold at the lowest market price, at No. IL: Fed. eral :Arcot, Allegheny city. E! To retntlers of Dry Goods we offer great • n•lueements, having a full stock ith fell we k••Il at the lowest eastern eas , , prices and eut goods in any length at the Wee° mace. J. W. Co. 59 garkec street. = Nupply of Spring and Summer Boots and. :;beet will be in store shortly. lino notice 'VIII be given this paper. Look out for rare UargalliS. err on . horse. Suor tree S.. =I No. S 4 Market street, for : Um liar. Ml ,ota'm great Itt4nnaj , for Consump Lion—Solo Agent for Pltt6o See Advertiogement Of Gardner .t StewarVa,.on . first page, in t ty4l:l - I's Gazeac. Co to ItemlngSt Droo . Store; No. SI Market street, for the 11.20 A 6.3- Yortrufmt of ffeushes of all kinds, and Toilet Combs. ' 1• L'-I1 .X pair of Gents Fine Dome, one-half double nolo. stylialt thaae, for VAL Cheapest boot ht the . olty. Opera liouso Shoo Store. l o urt.Droc.! --- Pure Drugs!!! Pure Drugs! Ws, Allegheny. Pure Drubs! at /tale S. D. 131=11 Yoreign Liquors of all k1n,19 at Jo9epa S. 1':ao1Os Distillery, No, 1•., 191, L 93 aa,1 10.5 • Go to Fleming's Drotr Store, No. St Market street, for Coe's Dyspepsia Curo and Cough Balsam. Sold cheap: nee adverillgement linpiner .t Stowart's, on first pogo, in Lo.lny's New Good• received at the Opera llou.le Shoo Store. - YOU Can ISeiy St' Pet Cent. 'Alcohol nt Joseph S. Finch's. Neo the Opera 11Ouse Shoe Store Adtcrthument to tots morning's Lotspalch , . You tau Bay New Hops at JOSePti Cl= lly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (iazette.) A party cif live white men and sixteen ne. green were arraigned in Louisville yester day for en. aging in a free fight on Sunday. From the testimony of several negroes the row WOO caused by three men entering a beer saloori and driving away some necroes that ivere to it. Only four of the party were punhilled. Two of tbe ., four for curry ing weap4s, and the othnrs for resisting the pollee.' Nearly one hundred persons were eon. - 11nm:don Sunday, in the Episcopal churches of Memphis, by Bishop Quinton!, of Iturralo. Gnats aro destroying the stock along the 311451f31ppl river. Ono planter, near Corn niore4;,lrist Ilfty heat] last week. Snow toll on Sunday two to three Inches devil in Wyconsin and Minnesotn, but was fast disappearing with the prospect of a hard (root lost night. Yesterday, morning's Chicago Rertblicon linen two column exposo of Telegraph Col lege humhoks, in that city. law of the Columbian Congress disap proves of the contract for opening the 'ham-oceanic .ual on Columbian territory. The Urnss I h of Cincinnati. It Is gratlrylug to know that while other largeMtles in the West maim ar,iireut deal inf noble °bola their growth and inetrobolb I tan impertarice,Cinemnati luVarlably takes the front piece When. it comcsto substantial I And a hen we say einehmati, we • memo the eighteen wards that. arc it, ortlfl. end and not its real beoodat lc, • At the re. i emit city elentiOnp, thnoinnial east tea .„ 0 ,,,,,, Chicago lit,iiisl, and St. houlo lips, The contest in Chicago sew; vvartne,,t un , the vote relatively, the fullest. Chicago has been claiming a population of over :VIA° with such surprisingwitidiness that loony shre wit pent le have 'thought there moat he h puma:llan , , in It.-Tiro ,fact Pi !Ina chl, g o ha., about 1.10.150 inhabi tants. It Ilan attained half Um size of (nu ellinatt If we catgut Our immediate suburbs —suburbs WI Joh are no further from our lumina:Bd cents than the outside wards of Chicago trout! Ito holiness center. There . is Covington, With Its. ;Wes), Newport, with half as many more, and a girdle of little (came, such oh Cute Inovllle. Cli flon, - Avon- Alai°, Columbia, Dayton, Ky., Ludlow, So. damsvllle, ebb; all of which aro out two or three miles from tiro heart of Chielmutti, nod which are \not Included in our census, nor repreiente 1 in our vote. Yet without them wo main alit the rank of Queen City, and thereby to UM nor am hit lour rival! to a 111PprVolopm e,,Pent. Clacapth putt MPilarly i 0 pierced, but i et iii Clings , tul to rosy esti • 11.1 t, I' o . Time la , coc u e sii, mil tisl,sso.— ( . 011.11111(I:i ciLliPlClTilli. - - - -- s-: - ' 4 -- --`-'_, ,4,. , :0-,-,..„ ~,,.... -...--..,., -, -, 4 1 '..*,,,v 4, 1. . - t..:-..; , .,•: - - - , —, - - 7 \ -7 , 4:: ' -/•- z ., . ~- L '. 1 I'll V -- 6 IF ,j_W_ 1 I , ,- "^', o;f:_•E'l. ' .:' 7 _l! ! - - - 1 .7 V-• ' Vic*r t .' 11 s, i 1 ''''r ci i.l'.7 - - r . ...,- • ' i •••••.: 0 .1 . ... - .... - ":. -- .' • ;,;,1: .tif - :+ .: 1 r''' 7 L t.-,'s. f;.• .‹.-,,,,,. •-\ ' J J , - 7: -----• - - , 4 " :"..-- r- -0 ) • ( -- -• • 180 1 25 VOLUME 93 FIRST EDITION.' ONE O'CLOCK, A. M FROM ELReP. Satisfaction from Spain Promisctl, THE EUROPEAN 4ITULTION, Rumors of WarPieparations TUE FEEXANG IS FiZ !,Xf Financial and Commerefol fly Ire!cgralls to the Pittsloo-gh :.t Illy the 6 , 1.-1,1 SPAIN AND ENi.; LAND. Lennon', Aptll 2t—Euernutr.--tipaln prom- Lon to give Ent-Junl full ettll , feet lett hukl Indemnity for the seizure of tho letorin. but her replies In ruin: to the ,tenunnts the cane of the Torntulo, coutlulte eve,tve and unsntis factory. ltl-11IlNE CI:. Lire reront, April r Ultra• go, Iron] New York, hill arrived, Souvrikeirrow, April 22.—The gimmes Hausa, (rein New York, FAN - ANL:IAL AND C011111:1:L'I I„ Knroor.,' 2 ri :v.—Coitus tic clinea April 1.2;2 ,t.2llreatlst.i.ffs Lieszroot.,:tprii 2 . 2—Ereffing.—Cation In. active and priceS declining; c kiting f f an: a Onns were: ratddlinit uplands, at Orleans, at soles loot tip tircallstuffs dull. Corn, ra lit 9,1 per quar. tar for nosed western California. %Vida: Sold at his 3,L Per Cerdal. Prod. , fedff'.. pots, 31s; Spirit, of Tdrpontlne, fit llo,s Tallow, at Its 6 , 1 for Anicrlettn. Petioleu standard white. at Is per galion. LoistiOtr, '_'=—/.7renife , .—q t tar 101 l and nominal. Linseed, at fifir for Calcutta, BY . FilltpGN MILS Triumph of Mrvrnoto tipantit ton - Oft, Count Milt, rel• Ittlativo to Federal 'Taxation— Atarvittat to tier , mon (:ltizrttn of the Totted. ',tato.— Movement. to Celle coot!. a to (: err, —Another Frnlatc Rising in ire land, Trlt;ranh ,0 the Pllts , urgh Stew Tone, Aprit iff sofa', 11 , •Gin correspondence nay, The members ol the German opposition party It, the I,,,;:sins tare Imre triumphed Geer Count il , sulare , ,, If) . the vote reuderitm the .toverneu amenable to the representative Pal y matters relat lee to lederallaxa,n. The vote wee vote close, the I. ca re r)ing their ante:Win. .to tne Ms. clause in the Altai; of Ilia Gonetudlttm. by a majority of three only. but t h e remit lucre badly far the fate of the now normal milltnry budget of inuesla. South Germans,, natut e1..1.7 , ,ns of the United Slates. Ott: In danger of 111.111 r, held to military cornice on reviGt ,, , the Staten which have entered Into the famous secret treaties will, P: ria. urfembor, and !tun,. The ih,n,nrs. Commat Movie score-;, on. dent says that Franca and it:::-t., made It Joint (lotto GOvernWeat . tr.,o, env::!., to t.r. • and that the appro.,en to, - - . . ACtiolllll.llch 11lite:1011 ',gal.:, II a dernon,tret Inn Gait Kuching 1, Intl, to tx . left out of the comUit talon fer gag of the all - nice of the etel: man. The Herold yorret ponilent reiterates It, tersuranoy tho approach or another s'enten re.lne, far men; extensive than that or !Mu to or Morel., for the exerntlon • of whlctdt be ,at t ta, prehenalve plan being arrcuged. don, Paris, and ltutgin. The Journal, St. reterilmre,Tr, Jude of 1t0,1'111.11. , :i. xlll prt,, rutin, ally age - mita:revue; and fluo count:let, ta tere , its of both countra ix promo, I. .11a. large meeting :lola ut „'I4 , declared that LaiewLirh , 101.1 nut be eep. (irate., from Germany, Rumor. or War Prow...Minns—St:lgo or reelin:: In Vrnnre. [Per Sturner Brneo.n.l New V ,, ltg, April reins corn,. eminent of the Louden To rimer that Alarshal 31,111 then Litto tel for. The French itevernment sent on snots getic note to lrrusrita on the Laren:be:, question, nod errtaln eflicers of Ihe t hoil been se e eti this:nen do the litime. The people blieve France is drtttintr Pito war. There ills general amenotlen Of lir.n. nets, and the spirit of commercial and' i n sn- trial enterer especially parwlyziol. The Etendard drows the Coll J:tl , i tlt Luxemburg miles be wil l or after a brief delay' will be war. flit' most strenuous efforts are being nisi , re supply the French army witheech ors one hundred and fifty theiesio or which are ready to be eermil out witrio month ilt (O.IL 111, cove: Lyons is ordered to hold d ell in read mes Notivithstunding tinum rumor+ and panne for the time on the Ilium,. tile Ms r 1 t i lt, 3lotiltecr, on the Sill unfelt . order,: le Emperor, to the breath Legislative that the Government in bringing to coniet• emotion the Luxemburg Question, thou only of pence.' Thu French lievern me hr. 14 disposed to examine the qu...,iion It eon. cert with the greet pewee+, cil I Ltilieto..: therefore, peace cannot. be in.:4Ell. There was a minic rot the broo , lon Stock Exehange on the SM. Funds Wu, alit/ SOVeral timeriptioos Of laclr able. The Vienna Gazrtte 4eelare4 that t!ie prole Of the Aua:ria•Proselati alliance. ere unfounded. . The. Patrir say . a the remori of roilltery 1n054.1.111 1'1..4a are totally F 3031 NEW VORK, By Telegraph to tho Yl tteburgh ,tort-ttc NSW YOTM, April 21.—The\L•. ; forktrought Japs.nc4i; who. will mule n brief istity Lore logto 14nahingwn. ImmonT I . ItAM A freight train on the Long hslani road WWI smarty:4 to pieces by roman:7 (.If the truck net, Jamaica, 1144 nlO n. consequence of one of lice nine bruukoqf anl.being. cuuzht In the runhlhg ea, of trio card. = A large sale of efts . real °Ante took ple.ett to-day wader tee 111rt•ctIon of tlet enoiott-:- .eloners of ale Stoking feral. Very I.t;;:t privet were 'elite:awl. The sep,lon of tho governii.: CAMlllielBloll id,t two 4, tbroo wet 4:, longer. No Ileeltlons will he mate ti!; la4t of [he set-Ann. VILLIIWS•rr1:1,10 CNI.P.OITION, • The Erpreir him u mover llint the , denrrir General Alt:C.4llam not Brig Toned, which leis hero some Slum :Ali," I.n . Tampico, svero abundantly supplied aon arms and unusually utirnerrnis -err, 3 , The expedition ts Lida to lin imilcr on, Farrell unit anis on 1,0 co General IMw Wallitco sr, to u-ottriii command.NG:Min:am rime:mil hero I,- day of tou 3lcl/aIIIIIIdeI arrival at Tit,pico. /tattier ~ t ared, • The great International borne and iirine mstcb itt Racket, ween and Frederick Fonlkoil, tlic ri i•lincaplon racket plater, of ilrent till and America, for one ttici,all.l pared, iiinyed to-day. Tito' bborne; the arid It. Ina played here, i. , .d ti li nt becond In Belfast, Ireland, each !lucid, to conel,t of tllu belt stern points up. 1 tic to I 1,1°,11111,1010c 'ugly henry, tiny/tire L 01 . 1,0 ten point.; londki e the tieeincl t: 11.10 ti.c colon unilfer,,,G nray lido! lie 1,110 points. a u nd it and r :•,,• two and Virec vomits rt•ipectively.a.; tlie playing of Ina alt fir game It i!i der storm etini. on, and die poned till to-Ent:now. firDIPEN Or Al ~ Inbt nigh . t a ti:‘ ruttrif.(l 01110, ytopplor 11, ==M= 1if.1.1.11.A tv,t.1.4 AUL,. A. Anconntn front•Tterio elute und the I Ito at !Jaren tle're wero one hozoltell mot hoot-three Went):. from cholera, In tier ot the 1:.0 Interruption of trovel ny.'rElevayti to Ilk: rittatairel ' Sr. Loots. April 25.—Sloec tilt, Interrun nnn of travel on th. 0:11Nlm branell of t Pacific liallrowl Jy how, lo eernter, owl ft tight ate eoliliflglrvin ton, 111. anti Chicago to Leaven 0 orth :.nil Louis for Itunvt.r and other hole! , "II 1111101, yin the Kansan branolt of tin: nun lie Ituilwity. The latter road Ii lu Loud Lion, and connects regularlynoutpily with tiro 311.1toarl at H ane s,.li ( iiy, the high water In tho 11w ...irk to, l • nn mmlE:tilt/tent to travel, I hu 0v.,1 0 w reaching the Ir auk. 1 tut 0111 , I.” 1/..n'. • o c ll h tatty, to :!1, i.e./la, 1,, I, Zi. • £Ol.lO. GENERAL NEWS -Chicago owes +5,1:.3,13;. op Colo lots been quite 111. Jaig.r Cllll , tornut'u 00l clip promises well. —Tn., Ice hus broken up In front of Mon- —California has a now French poet. named C.olwot. —semeMry Stanton 14 ViSilillg his mother umnbler, U. —The Cholera ham appeared In Point Cou roe, Loul,ana. —Coal tor Iron) gas woke I ariVing sliat' trots LI.. Delaware. —or Whitti:•r'a Tent on lo Dena Itymo havo I:enn Bold. —The Ilas ton xnerchunta propose t o mobs 1 , ,1y W. receive orgo . PeabodY• —.l new dbemse is Carrying off many of the sheep of Northern /OH,. —Orr-tt i± chid to be the man who Is going In over Chariot Damens. • —Tie Hughes murderers are to be 00000- - tee to Cum:neat' ml the:loM lust. — , tra ivberry baskets are SelGnk• very I,ldy In New Jereey at "1,•15 per hundred. —John G. Nsae, nays the New York Ga.:elle, lots aceePted all mvikatiOrt to lento for Pond, —Governor-01er%, domes E. Englisn past A. Now Illtven, Ct., on au t.itoto of 14elges are going ntr Hee hot The darkles are "gates —Too Gov aroor of A ikansas says that that , tA:a to erg italze under the recall. -iieving,bonght Itus,lan America, it is pro,,, a now to eiceriele the value or it. —The President. threaten tl to tokO anoth , iirouniti , lie has now ot r, tie aLttlbnto. znan In Canada has been son et to the I',•at[e a tlarj Inn life for. steal InK Looney trolls a haler. wl , tow of ex-I•resident Tyler I. a luith in,: after the improvements of ➢vr iiiiihtstion On the James. —Eight thou:and ectien Inner, I and acv tottii-ta o matt were illtdranehmed by the re. set to Georgia., ceporti .1 that .1. ii. Gee, former nJalit lit the relict prison at Salle itury,olvel recently tti Moistl e. —2:r. Jam,. 1.. 5 . 011111, l'eclrekiii mer e t, went to how lurk, two teeth ago, awl ha- not beet: hotel trorti —Toe strikers at Ll,CrellC(t, gettleg abort Cif money, and have Inroad nantl Mies begglng tosistance. —The numb, of emigrant, arriving at Nt r. S orb,Mime .5 titulary iirst, Wald .13,u25,-- I„,for tits same perIOU lastyear ,!tier is alive in Cleveland who was Cl.or teat I:ra,l during the war, stud to whom :slot - mamma e sk erected in WotallaMl cants fn c,ny 1et...1 nt I.f - ,1a.: ,U. W., of the I , erron u! a gulfourteen yearn of nue, !Ins been ,Off rented to be nunffed on of —lnt, ]in, or et 31obilo .bas appointed n ct.lored iedleefeen, whe are et.. efttlly elt...r.rou 4> preserve Order About colorell el:ere:tee. —Tne Ireneb cryien li.tmandx trill to la the eltatalton. the C 11,2 In which th,y elr planed will be tenured into the 7,•auel New I•er4 paper retest, to nubbin the I.,aei of t nnchall plaNe, heredner. because ebleet. It ha., Ut.:llle, la brunt. vogetnrian aoelory Is formn.l In Day- Its duns:tor being n ?roman wi/ ;Rest on yrns:tables for einteen years. .+^,l':: au looks ir slan Lad. —A hunt et two thou/twod shad. was made n land rot nt on the Ilth Instant, Ills Inree-t •Itht,,aEon, end !Orns assert the larttetz ever :nude In the l'ototn4n. . -o,l,Di:on', teem+ to 130 Proving an op:at:talc antou.lbont nOuntry.• Tiara ,r•• moro low! doe. in Int:lan/I at prnt,ont MZME=2 =IN =I e:o1 ne, tier peelogf ate , rule. le.incers tteroutton merest tO tee t for beet:Una the r,Ofbntn. —Ai: , 00tuvrtx rnllrestl9 altamag,..l have 1,4;11 repaired, nod are 71,1, ,1• It;tis opeffing again tile • Not - I,olk tO 310ta, partp of Alabama., by- the, bay, in r,,ccollcnt to the P1:011 , i urittrit; (6 . 4; reenn- Jr!ton of ,oeie:y Upon repahllettu -I:aliforala papers Nodal: favorably of no fal:t of r, of the woof the euselog sea : el. /heslieell are tu ,:coilcouddrob, ;dad aleurobasee of early graas Will ...ire ...::r belng well fed. M. J. of th‘l Mo. orreprltouto or the U nave :t •-, d.ine,roully 111 of In untloti of the bowel:, It It !carve f.lnr prove fetal. InnLor pt-el sill In tWtohington neirountrone we reliant; foe the our ( Amer ten the Clulted mr. re.nld ornpertn;,; to give the chum, In ir.rt pnyuneut. —henry Wont I:l,,eberis ii novel to salt to kotnlnis of Non; Englabil Society, 4,11101:G nny particulnr plot; ithd no nano. 1,1:0 ci upon to: it.4.No Nan, tz :it o ea 1, Wllltlo ittOo boy bsving itelco.1 • 111s mother Out, aro! 1,1.414. Ciatr..1:01011 4 ,salol.11I(Or nt'j lllMight, .nl,ll, ISlOther, yl.lll ), 1a• 1110 i11 0 X1.11,6t. I e!3:10111 , 00 got." —Ti u 1'21 , 0,1 ism .111cundlon tilt. corn:m.lolv, beight of thu monntulue in the WO2l, and claim .Monet Whitney, In C,111for ,!•1, .? (Le I.inhost In lin: country, lot an litil u'leoll.i;+u(^el.Thuy cut down Mount 11,,, feet urn! Mount ' , al= tii uto of the arguments nffered by Maine, fur the pruptatti,l I . ll.catotquls Itan road et. that there Is hard woql eunuch un tea IMite to mnhe all the t'npools and other tioden nutlet, required ler the Whole eQautry." —A handsome Marble monument, elan. t-ell feet high, hay been erected over the Chile of 11.1n0Id Kendall. the celebrated bmi er. in a Inicion cemetery. Tee 'coat Wm, contrib.:it by Inn Iriendl of the —An ea.icrn purer cap, "It In not gen erelly m i na n, bia. It Is true, nereethelenali bat 0. -tic rat toiler married an acirerii. crier Indy. with whom he line tu, hAppitieel and concord. In .Men,tie relation, if not in all Lid General blotter In O. model for all —Ti' lowa (lily Republic.. 89.78 that the total ”ront of the veined el lectures In that tlicLlitillt• Who, that t lie ainouot tibia tbe lecturers, and the itaponsiti LLILLAI , IIIIg 10001, were not touch ..hort of I I.lolt, mill:log neer 42,5b0rg00d iii hcople of lone City and vicinity for la,tto •-• A n order has been received to San Fran eh-t-o for o hatcher of live frogs to ';bei rent to Honolulu. to renen, he tattoo et to rates thorn to the nand w tell hiiundc. It 14 - 11. e been trlivl scveral timeth but till, fro,. have AI WA s liven deetroycd In the course bf a few by ruts Or sonic Othtr allfnabl fowl of cnoice —Atter tati Revolution brut ended, In 1701 our country covered rsio,tsq square miles, lit Fl, by various acitinstlions, this iltt, grown to 7.010;277 seuare miles how, by tho Russian cwilon, It square miles. The rep o ublic lirts eritmjleil to mere /him live times lie Mee Ltt r years ago, a fact which should i.•erive honorable mention from our Fourth of July orators. r touch false morality. Ilow .!: —Neveaboird to tell girls that beauty Is value; dross no use! Beauty is of vsl her wlgno prospecta null humor's , ' may alien depend one DOW gown or becoming bourn's., soul If silo bus lien ' mottos rott fronmon sense she 00111 Ilnil yids "qt. The great thing 14 to teach her tlioir alue,wol that Vlore must be sonies :Rs licit, under the bonnet than a pretty Z.n.o tor real balminess. But Dover sacrifice truth. • —The lona ago duly of Oho (treat Eastern, cl or I tog tile port of - New York, alhoon• to which, with theaddition of the Harbor ataxter'o, and 140,, iltillefilltge3 oh atainps,purhito, , hriag altogether only the o.lJOigio. of ,therm 0 the poll, Lott up k 7,000. oparted yesteratly for . Franey, - carrying 004 , hundred and ninety-one rm.:again. 1 ing 41W each, which amounts to $)9,10o, ~ving as orig. 01.412,010, out wh lch , 1:xpe1....11 Of h, voyage and 0o sala• or her ollieer, crew and tatundante, -101 paintoof and repairing, anti other ivi - Idenial Pomo, are to to , liquidated. tlt - flooded that the ,lelloleney on LW! trip %, 111 awotrat to troin -s.*VhO 00 4ih0,000. ' t Fr. SU =I2 glint venerable gentleman In Dayton, iglu...m.lde In Brown, and who has how V.11t4.1 . 11. for Illty days In 'Marring' iiintnelf to death. etlll survives and con % er•-. wait hie friend,' quite cheerfully. So I'm Dayton Empfer, which adds that. Ito ;mine IS 0. M1(.1 - ltS 011 K 01 ever. The Empire .1111:e111 that thin extra...WT.l.y cane Ilan not Itul to Inventliottlint by ketentldc ,o•rouin. ' , ch an oice, however, is not 'hemmed to trouble hilt about elderly persons who ..•teits ahnolutely trots any sort of nottr• oiloticut fora trilling term of seven weeks. If Ii r. Itrown will keep it up for a couple of },il. 1.1. ithpirl e p t r e c u e t e b n u t o y a a t ntth ep ienntod. O t f hth a s t t p u e r r g t i . will bruin to feel Interented. In thu rumsn• might advertise - that 1110 rands of lir, are gradually Dinning low, and that he n ill onpurt lilt trreat reret of going with out eds.. to,hy ),,011 I/0 WM melon.: • IV., 'Mali refer to •. . • a•• w.t.:1111 la tilt or Inane Vuotaitreird, MEI P.ITTSEURGII, • TUESDAY, APRIL =2.3 - 18(i7 SECOND EDITION FOUR O'CLOCK,. A. M FROli WASHINGTON. The Austrian Efission_Vacant ills PRESIDMT ISllisu 111 91111 0.1:01.1\ In:.ttuctions to District ComtnantieN DECIIIONS IN THE SUPREE'r: COURT Army Precautions Against. Cliolcr. =I I= The statements that all expedtllon 01 1 • ploration to I:tondan .tion . nea :t a, geniced at the otate Departi:t•:t:t, n,,•:e mature and erroneous, ' The Auatrian tnlaelon la vacant, Mr. Mot ley Davies been Informed that Id, 1.•-hc!...- I.lon was accepted before the pa...,,fc of tenure of colleu act. A suecetecr be appointed. PkESIOXIIT INVITED TO F. 01,11 CAI: 'LIN., A delegation arch Ot I rote Cc i C., to invite tee Pre,elent to vi , it tl. L.ey. NNTIIVOTtOSOI TO PO,TOICT cONIM Attorney enera: Staill,rr) la Instructions for tao linArnits on tin: actian St,:u Leglalatim silledit.irainini, ei arid other matters coneeete..l nun teo Lary lu the sap,ato Cesart to-4-1y a c:$.:1•10: NVILS girCrl la the case or the D. Henry Ss..2tattltha . revor,l4 nu" r, versing the pozvtacnt, of 11, , 111.:,.1.o. Cohn of lowa, with Usti moil rcolaiofinh a o• the c,e, with filrtion , that thi •-4. 111,1116,n1 for want of . rtl 1,11,:ort. Ca the ca-e of the etchelvr tut ley ando. the Over," o: Court of th e l'hite4H-t.itt, I.ouislitutt whi heirth,ei. In the ca . to or .litivos ft. 1: otion lost of this bark Nowetioy - vs. Thigh l'i•yei.l owner or ti.o• echelolll, erect or this circuit or the 'st.sti• • I, the thvltern •Of Mitilii s iao weiv with cost,. Jam., iruncls vs. I - hit,' t'tel.a. 1,1 :g mentor the Circuit Glert et the 1 h4t, States for Mt,ouri. ..letru,tl. llllhres Centre' Itslinonl vo, I rows. Jtelgment or tho ,Ctreu It Northern Minces ; anirtito.l nnn llortoos Levan, vs. John J. lion l•, I= lillnol9. 101 e .11.,,C.1 for wunt lion. • RlOlard FitM vs. .1.1.1 Ii , c.. II r.lad.v.". Appetit 11:0ill fur Nortt.eru 1 , 1 ,11 f v. ant ofjurl,,liction. John Meyer V. from the Circuit Court of •cillrcn:nl with co,tis Ot to Henri. Williftm 1=11! olJalues 3lyora, Winloo Stout, WOrtongton i.1..0p. and Samuel 11. Der klty, for wat:: c: j .Itotion. The form Of Mineral joint vs. Jame, 1 Judgment of Circuit Court of 12, 1,1: of VilpooniM iffllesued with terloae The Surgeon tleneral haw 1.1:14,1 um, ni. of Imtructlone, that ',lna - of the prevalence Of chnlera Burin;; the el . ., every en , leavor it In , lila , I by me , lleal Mtleera to 1 , 1 event the Intro 1 ,, tlon Of Cholera from Infeete.l cum= an , l - conveyrteee from rrnnt to ...1,. Icy ,learaetlne or ol,ert allots cal all ,let,bl ments of ro.rutt, or troop.n ,- r:Vinz ot pttrtluir from post or recrultiett stations, or near 0111,0 tut, prevtolS. ,:or tire,' looting to the pre,ervatlon of 1A.511 :a the army sue ti, you. Contra It.lnn or Taylor y.l it.. ts!..,:e wall it .I,legatlat 4,; I ft- r ..10:11;1/.t WA.:;) ton letting of tholi.trotult, 1,11,,tit to ortn: ineir tegnaturet to a triply inwte ditrlnr . winter, anti Roltwq..ently rutilled soante With 1.110 Admiral.; Ceail and /1. 11. 11.11, t nmemn der 6. liraLe, and Lieutenant 10,1/1111,- der Trey - Ale Abbott hare Leon planed on the retired list. Conimaloro Taylor Ii 41clached from orduanee duty Pittsburgh, and planed en waiting order, Commander William W. Lone it l!:1 from ordnance duty at Cotton, Mel ord., e to - duty as Imipeetur of ,rdimee MINI], rat RAILROAD RAIL ,I.Vlf The Acting tinart , rinaster General r. lured the withdrawing or all payawal tai mail transportation to railroads alltrli Indebted to the Umlaut Slates for inalarlr.l• purchased on credit. until said laden, ,- ness is extinguished. ATZA.IO., OCCISION The Supreme Court to-tlay reversed !ha Ili cinion of the Supreme Court of 10 ;vit an fial ullrulty ea.tetill the ground that 71n. lawn of Cengre+m of iith and IC lave the united Staten Itistriet (Cult noelu,lv,:lur -Isolcllon, without limitation, both on riv e ts and lakes; - or wherever chipsand 4telchi boats float and. are engagedln coictarreni The Court'below had acted upon a hlcaith boat vllll/.1011 IIsTiANAL I:CVERt, ne , olr . r, Tho rocolptd of Intiqool I:ovenue.l.o.l - Ly amount to Pi 1.123. I'AVYNSZ INDIAN AOENT. Charlie.. 11. Whally nag conclrrnud b 3 the 8.11/lOW agent fur the l'unnee .1.1141: e Nebraska, FROM cAtwonsil Woohington Territory Folios I•onsen. lilll.—Sertonn it Anoint; !Mourn__ Twrnty 31.1 ILlllrd—Trynnore,fl,tir /and Wheat NVlpmentu. :By Telegtl,ll to the pi ttebtz SW!! ILLAXCI ,, O, Altrll ra.—Tite Wlt-h ton Territory Union Convention yester trty nominate:l Alvin IlttitilerS 11l ttelegu,, , , COngrees. riot occurred among the wort:moo of the Sliver Ilona ISO,tny at. meta, Nevada, on Mo trill. The n., rode Mr. Canfield, agentof the CoitiOtth), on ft roil, nod committed nth, out, A shoetina affray often m4iiut during the riot, itll4l twenty All , Nl Inure - Mr. Clottlehl escaped el:Uteri. Thu stiles Isritish Consul, ler Liverpool, with :MAO sacks of wheat, cleared; .0., gar. linng toelay curried +lle,ttLi In treasure. .. - SAS FILAN , IWO, April 'h.—Tan r!.11,4 Robluson,Jr., I.lvatipool,.lurluola and Nor; bora nadcd. Flour am and nuotatlon9 Wheat pilot; eheiell, 1,4;a1 Ttun 74. . . In d Ina c l o nxf o nts , l4o o n: v — a t r : e 1 u i r i lt . l et vt- Ile Telearnielo to the Pittsburgh Carel, ; Denvert, Cot., dpril dl.—LookouL elation, two hundred and seventy tulles cues, 011 the Sillaky 11111 route, was Ilemtrnye.l lie the Cheyenne Indians hest Monduy. Three of the United States Er pre,. Company were killed and toadied. Chi lit Cl the Company's Imre. a ere stolen. lien. ilimeock litel reached Fort Zara, Mal at. tempted to treat with the Intliena, lint wit, unsuccessful. Ile then surmounted their .camp, but Wore commencing the attack he sent forward it messenger to propo. , treaty. 'rho camp was foetid deserted Wel moat of their property abaudeutal. Hancock Is supposed now to ho on the war path. About one thoteland warrior: , lonised Duweer's station going north, probably the same who horned Lookout. • Reglatrnlllon In Sant r 'rd... 4,h to Ike rillObitrgh 1 . 1“1:1.1,421114, S. C., April . ertlor “1 . 1 . 1in4 reul at, Pr log the mlntillde LltUr3 /iccvu,:truutivu slot, • - ; ESE I ißfAlle. Provillinz for In:errut of Mato Drhf Solt, }:ittlrongl Intr•reNt— S4..alt,r;jllll%uta Npriil,4 at :'lrit- Itscr:lti. ti 4' Pil,taJr•h Goir , 7 .1p:11 - 22.—Ttit• 1 . .g1•1:t• 1.1 VI!, a ti,,: thirty 'II 7 , 011.7., 1 7 ,)7 07,7 4...t.i. :,77 , 11,1 I 1 , 71,-11 rue 11.::dir4; • e 4.11.14 11;., ~t ill,. 1 , 11.1 .Itluitt•, It Nor lc . c t Is OP, in.,OA II tl !lc 1 , 11 4 01:0,1 d, OE .!•/ti . .rl, 1111 01'14 , 11`1" Or the ,tatu, 1: .. are LIAO, al., tha I lit• iOl/, ILI I• 1 rl.ll/.101, •: .:1 ,1111 0.01/Al,. t'. A et rrw•l 1,..1,11.1)11..,11111:1 . 1214:1.1(li /1 1 , • g.tvu..r th,Lt lucray 11, - • .•11.1 1 /, 14, tiny 1,0 111314 ;11 kr14...1 clec,ll , s, t;! of • fqC.,: Lr .. q uo iv 1. r , :r, . , :'.. ti... t11..,1,101,4„.14. 'fit t.'• 1,1110, I. 1 B=SEISIM ;tlllll 1 . 11,•11 : Prltaterr— i Itt. t; Itt113" tor \lit. 1 I,lnttvl Discoverttta. ESE= Moat:l,, In•t fr: It:v:1y I E. I . h. t o tll. r. L I. .11 , , r n.c•l 11= T 1 .I,l', =I I 11. s•11:1 MIME NO A" I I. !..nolOong 11,I•ev.ter. r I lukc. DEEM ••••••,:1,7 !Steffy..., "(Colored North I Aral:tan. Aj•7ll t, 0 I,' 1.. .& I 1, —.• 11. y IL. 11. 1:41(.,”..1r..,.,n, • ,I,Mtif,“; lint 01 llnncer. l'.ll,llrOz 01, ent , ll, , I; l'rtg l'ree Wontm:, , N:va:tt,.... n Vint gunt—.l. lief Phi h•c• Z. i r lice r:,..•, that haa l',1• ,•, I: ... 17111 L te."ll:y Inornlm. A -, ,,t1L; 1. ,1 . Ing Wahltlo, nuu,••l Al..ry 11 , t! 1 ...A elmtv.. of 1.1,111.: ...W., !1:11-!....t. 1,111 {,..._Mint wctnan ent . .......mper1a , 0r."...f..! ;1: 11...A5n g0,t.l Jokt• hag! 1.,11,1 Wt....tin...ft.. 11 ,. •0, , •11 t, ,nk:t.'1;1,1,141.1.11o: co - tholor.thovo. y n p 01.1 4 ,11 WIIIIhi 1.111 frc,[n ato I, .thtO rirk, uud c;Ourt 0,1,1 not !,0110 u„ at.oico. • '1 ?on e to. wo..t. cl,llr. rlllll, Itot. al It wm-1,11.1- ott.ut•tl ~t l,llt. if/fIJOII Irlm I, ttota, 11, ILL W 1,11,0,01101 antrolt,elon of0.11,ot:11,10n in wit) t fitt•tnn 14 0, A ( f ll,ll 1,11 11 . 111111, noon t 0 Ult. L U OO ,III I.lllly , It OM 1 . 1, / -. 1°,1` 11/1/1 0 tr•ritone tvt,l Ito 1,1. 0 .1 %ery rt,pect f 001, 1 ,, 1.1,0,1.! 1 ,0 011,01 y, 1/11L1 1 , 11,111,C 0 1 10 IL ol,on .oto-1 nnl ter+, with woot.tx , tll‘ 4111100-10 ° ,11 Of I Inttlt.'ytnrn anti 114 0 1 IL:: 1,1 n,on I,,ney v 41, ° 11,101 1 0 1 tn,..100 :onto .10111 on, ttrpl ow, nol 1.,,• ....Ito,' 1,1.0 n„,! twit, nt 1. f 1111 via, 111 c.l nn :I , 0f .1 11 0.1141 1 1 , °11, %1,11 4/1 , 1 fL, n.t 1 1111 0 1 ~ to 1k0,11 1 0 0 11 11 .1 IL L 11/110 In l, l/1,-,on nno• .1,1 ndcll 11: iu 1.3. 111..1.A OW 111 . . 1 . , 1.1,1111112 1.11 tilt. reap. .r l lro.l Imo!: I, 10 11,rn, It., ht. I , t I.d malt nt t.l;mouth , lalo 1....1 t 111+ ilvi tar.. 1 .1• •tt: 1',,,t twat . F,rgu,‘,s.•.. ..11) 111. f, v.. deiN;4 1 .111 , 01,1 - 1.1:4,.. 1,1", 01.01,1e11 1.111 111 Sr.ty, 4,11 1.1 iir...11,0.1 r 0111 1.11110 11111 tt .01 ... /10/ 1.01111,1 IQ 1,, 111 . 1..11,[1 . in.; •10 . 1 . .,1111.1.1.11,1 1.3 the 1.0. 11 , 4...1 13.11011 1111 10,1 1113i1 .610 ‘l, 11 . 11 - e, 1:1,( . 01/01. 11 . 0,14 1111 ~.1,111. . .,1., 1 11111.11y .11111.11..•1 i:1111. 1,1 111111 11. Nlll,l 10 130111 .., 11.1111 1:0111.11101 111,1 (1,. i.'•11.1 11.11,10110 11.. In MO 1%01111,11., W.. 1 ooly , 11.1. it : hotL tint, upu. hi. ht. Iho 0111/01 1111'1 0 1 111111..1 0 1 1 10 11, 1, n 1 01111 hLa1..1.0 race, Oialtirl I Id., ~ Intl:, ILor ttlwat. to .1 , 11 ,- nouvi:le ••••• tor, otglo ,14.1):LI+. ln'n •,o1 y ponll,,,rmlnc,l Into, ,1,•1,.,•o:or•. 110 Ints e hit trl'roin. trt In.r 14. r no, Lint /Om Mit 111 the worhhozl4l., 1,01,40, .1 1,1,1...r1.1 , i ti... clutrot , 110011 winch Meiw arri.•tml, via: :steal' en boat. Tim , nit 1.1.111 not mist, t evelinnie, so; int the it•slittlt trial h.: nie t ebsl that elm WILY WS wife, 0 0 ,10,; one tine of lief Coninion health, Attorney eau was ilic.cliartfe.i.—beettrifir Culteire, —The of pulite:lt'. ellonitl bn obvert - - VI not Only between Inlttrotte frlrnllN, but bettreen member., of the ettlate twutliv; ..lel thoe.s lotitetinilit• tau Ilie Most 10 areltil Joel the coma times of guml sbelelY tare OeSeryml. 'Thera owill not 1111.1 Ought 01st to be formality; but little talent.. leilween brothers unit ti.,•vetin, protract th," ;.;., el , •ie w Melt I. Me.; ant to c teen Lt..' L411011 . ' 011.1 1111101 /Mt it I+ ... ttlltl rellen MI, tech;.;'.. I ; 111811, LtILl OLLttVrinh evut,:wl4. I ~ C " " TT - - ~=cam;: ~~s=y _ MEE CITY AM) SUBURBAN. • T/1 PAGE.—Tite pairs( rrnd most re r Prod pore Markel Pr pn,:3 any yap,- init.' city, nil! be P.ting or, nttr Fourth live' 11r111.11ht rpffteopst Senttlay . ?irltuol • Acret al,lc local' the tomislera anal-ever letctelealq natl teacher.. of the Iletho,llA horch In the two cite, anal ye alty, tact. at the atelt.hteld etc. et 31r. E. Cherca at eight o'clock Chit evelEng. .1..a.p14 Hotta. to a. call the chair, teal W. E. Eioc.oe we, appointed , reronrY.. LAtllt-, °pencil aitl, pra3 l oy Rev. Vi r Taracc. I. thirty'. ..1.ar10n., - Iraarire room filled a III! ly rt•.(l..t .I:nung tile 10010 .1 , t1 , 4 lilt . 111,1:0, i14,131i1/1 4 1,-: 1. • 11. Millar. 1.. .311 ra.ol. %V. SV. I'. I l..raut. 11. 1...11:11..r. 11. 7.....1'..1. 'l. IV. F. I. ra. a. I. ;11..a......1 05.11.- I 11, ...a...1.1,0. for 11 • 1!..-titutl. let la, alry, 011 3! a ...I and alal \ 1410,1 wor n for the I.'a 0:11, Church ma. !ng per,on, for - the re,peetlve I,tot].).a . , ed to teac4 n Bible • tr•prinle , . ptLUlJit': I:. I.l,erty . . . , •ti , 1n1thf.,1,1,1:4.t.t, ; 1 'l2/1/. 11 .fr 111:1, %%. fill., ro.:IVPI . • . .\ % ,tt nct :111 , . Citmti:l;tru,'.l.4ll:,lll. tt ; t! 1.•[1.31% I , •.rey :.n.II :tat tl, tlltet,ltt :tttrilltittp. mrt• miqapillit .1 /1., • ttitti..:l•••• ttl Et tt, ,t 1 11c, y I . rntt, , 3.t. li. T. 11.11, I, 11. r 1: , 111 1111(4:4, .1, I . .1.4,1, .1. It. 1.. 11. 11. 1...1,1z0 ;,rl4l fool 4.4114.,,, ::lotion 11 , 11 - ;:, 1t;0v..r00.,‘,..t.rgc, RH' Ur I:1i! Confercnco. 1..1.1..10gut0s to IL ulL,QtAug of thc. 11l .1 r . ,lng voi.. of t Unnk , .rl5 ndi r.. 1 tel tn.. = "r0 ,,, Y• ,rl,l,lolr:any t,1,1!:!. of A lkwel,r, 11.1 and dr:Sio.:ll,; :“tu .1 VI , two p,k4:i. nu)' ./ ttit, th , aulucumtnt, tll, - ; I Out lor ;Ley J.., ~ rh,/, , vp /11,1111 ‘3, I L'4l.ltra, wi 4,1.311 ey Ull ti , ll, j• 1. 11 r 1,41 .. 011 ...A g•LI :3 to.ll • ... • ;,.;;'r c../1. 1... - t.,ze .t - t 1 i.renn ' I :Ur cpatrl . ,•l: I II • kfl :1:•• I y 01 Lt, .1. =0 ••e.l p' o1;1; to I 10! 1,4 ~ , _lo. , :fitoudi artl.ilendlom . uo.r.l , 11. t. bet, kl ~ 11, .. 41,1. 1,11,114 .1 ,nl2 (.:1 !. IC r•n I,lr t rot titt't of 11. , tr [lO,l t LI, 10, •tt tttl.l ,ot 1. of Irl . ott , otti 10 tt ttf ttl MO n . 1.1 4 i :: ud t t rt"...t'ol%ttf.t.tot =I 41eht 13.,". the lhooktO:C at fl. I. )!: 1, - Th, •nn I ' ttt,.: • pelt I% t' 1,1 .t• t 1! 6r: of tut, ,tyre. ttOtl Arrr dt ll : procor. IILI to op , rat.• 111 , 01: the:-:1^.• A 11olo:III: 110011 :tit I lio k0N111,14., x hull till, ts IR: pox and the ilorr !olox ThC urea Ilptclints two 117,1 vcr of :!1.• 11, ,niu. Mr. Ilarn...ron I.lallt r , l!..ctr, 4.1 f Int. - nal ctlni.iwy In lilt , Ktar.hty atternr.orl, 4.>pert ',I to 111,1, goo.l I 0tran,;,..10, M 113.1 .ti! I , nt 1.. I , llllllli \1111,41, I,lllk, 1.11.1 • , lo,glArn xoro dl,ll.poloted lo ',ono ox• ~t goo , !—ln ii.. ILJ 41,1141 n.trtrt../ood, %ore not ,11,turked. A I troy.loontoor, 0111011 fool bre. ... s ok,: not, blp:kl,-tolth 10,1 in ill, I itro,th,'Ai, 1 , 11 1,1 the fitoro 1,010. 1,0 v‘l , lon!ly !won 011,11. 11111;;e4 of iflo e4lo door, 1.4 In 1111. = GM riot:rite, we Itubll-11 lU. als,olatlott of ittyrinerzblp of eta well 'known oLobtAtou groottry, prottotot and ,tabutt.ttion lino of g • o n d, itrtatter, , who ore totraectlt tl Putty t\ 'rlto latter R. - I,llolam NV 111 C011111110.1110101f110,011111.110 1.110 11010. n. No..;11, Lire, tarter, null tat, plotl.tare etabtataollag tltrtn to tho :bloat , . 01 1 - k - 21 , 11 00 1011 V bare Inlbtor Poe. intl . ,111 It, 1“11n11. ;111 , rpriArig, 011111111 ololticalaw tort yon-botat, can tub - 1/0 0 11 . lh,•tr bo. nut (1,111/.1 WMtr nor. '1 bo lo.,•;) 0,,,.,.m011y on hand a I, 1011411 lot,:lti.” of pr. t044,,r05t. 11, 01 alt of itr(Alll,e ure et.ll,llctl un.l Kl1 , 1a11(1,0, lard 11” , .11,1,1,1 11:1110.2r 0 111 !Or • or the Ilbtr.:l of plii , lll . 1,:t1A1 , 1, rlosu,l =I 1,1 1., .I,ll3grOrth , aped -1.... r year:, 11.(11 of 1.000,4, .lang• tort .1, clothier, loot tlie !outlier ol throo e,il %en, 1,1.1 1114- 111 C.herry r, Mentor ti 101 very tonitlenly r.nin.l./V. nne nrc. - o :rum Icrl bed, having given birth n 101.1 n wont; .Ire-sci 21, r,i•II,111141 atter theta and girl, unused hale. ^ l nr "" l i o'' ,ll B' her 1121 , 1r1,, , vt: , l.lvnly fall baek upoll ,‘ 111 l ,v err ~r:.11c•i• 'of Irchigvery 111. - .51rA..1 11,1- 1 , •/111r•allplairled that 111,101 true r:: log In her 1. 0 0010114 010111 went into tqcoalin. la 1,. Mary river, 010110,,', Cllll , ll, alit/ I ho n1001:11 etlll o 1 con lii.; r. 11.1 ton% her In her arm., lilt w....elidenvorlng to do something . to , nhell :Ur., Jul - It:l.n 11l caul; nnen (11.1111. 111111,1. dolt the (iklct•tool has neon cut tvlerely for ,f - lot.g time v. 1 11 a .1 1-- i.e.—ono cough, 111011 111aConk, it 11., hint ileclitvil offlaion 111111 ,hu 11l v.ll oolnlVtlolt. coroner'clnillinat found IL vor.hrt that deal 11 1 e , tilte.l !rola lintural 11 1htri,min1r Intvlllgenep. 1111 W 11, of John blellann. thn man klllotl on the C.n.nellavll:e IfaLlto.ta on Thur,lay of Inft Avuelf, Itltl not learn of her husband's ten Ihle Into until yenterarty.. 110 the daY of t ito 1U:01/UM Mho was enununa 1,1 moving i‘licrilluny to Coutry Ihfl city, 111111 1/11,41engt 4 111 who w era tlin ',Juin,' with tho inlornottlon yor,? -- hata. roily (mina to 110.1 her. ',he tl ht not see the anconnt of the ueeldont iu the papen 4. awl tilt! /lot fuel particularly iilitrintAl at her Wort. r, c , tic .1, In the lorlilt for ion cral day, - 111,4'..t all. I:114 111 W: .II.• Ott. `. +t, i k of (1 i . .'..,, \ Li COURT EEPORTS, Trim] 1.1. t For Tue.:any. rith3.4 I:Obertm I. I. 61. Robert Wray, Jr., 11.11iNity Dahl! ngt,r S Straus, Woln mann. •\•ti,\n VM. Chn.rle: 1:1Char.:voll,1•11111p, t0v5.1111.711 Lov, .1. T. for /I.trney Ilowartl vr: rt, Dowd. Fr:olk llouck. • ID. I re , lerlelz 1.. Augur I - 4..110:m, 31/orich. Nutloll Id.rl,ll.ktrl , k • 1. Inotrkh us: Ts. I:Tb,” .111 CO. Jolin 1:111;:an,1 ‘' O;;;;;,• - o, To Mary Ann D.Lly :I. E. C. ,t.owArt 1;;;;:lleny 72. lOv‘tman v lie.O.vw .t Co. V , . 1!, I;;ottle. TO. Farm,. /1.1.1 M e li onfr.. Tornpaso eimclana 11.01,,ty Co;upany. Court of Common Pleas. Before lion. The:Las Jogeith S. !lope v.. William Aston. lie. fore repertol. Verdict in favor of plaintif for ft, G. lienough V 3. John .3Valkef., and John Walker vs. John Shale, Too eases tried ny one jury. Walker and lieuoutili ?ratted bores, tile latter to glve eighty dollurs'••to lean," lion each to talc', the of her'glirge un trial fora week; If at tan end of that bane both were sali•lied. the .tnoney was to he paid over to - shallot - . with w heat it nag depfeoted, to Walker. At toe end of the week tienonini reported that he one 1101 W/1 ret cruel! horse, and demand...l Ina onti :old the sly hty shah., raid back the money to lienoutill. but Walker reitigol to glee up his nough . .). hero., denying the allege: or• iatnieingot. Rentoign tunnel loose Walk lo's•norse. on Walker rein-lug to taste' hiui. and he Wee al on t,tray. orought snit against Walker to recover his hinge, alai Ii alker idled chafer tor the risql:Y dollars, dunning the money eheu;d Lava lawn part to ban. Jury nut. Frolic .11cLauglinn vs. WWI ~icl.uu~ 1111 n. Action to recover tor cervices in Lialillng a hence. On trial. Dlotrict Court IleTore Hon. W. H. 151111. tin lir try , VevilllAlrtt vs. W. Shannon, 31. ((row,,, Jattlea of. ot. ion for a lot of grnut;;I4,ItILvNINIII \ t rd.!! for Wit:11:1,1 touts and sly cvtit... Marl: ,stvrl;;;Ws I.3.veutor , vs, Cour,. VVra.l. Lm ;Ivren.lunt. 11,try I; t! , 1111v.v: Enov.l Av. Lou tor .I,moler. Jury out at Lvljulanmellt. =I gtarelot.e. p. 011,11.1 1, - t.torday the eztntOrtli :ow I . _ . .iunouoceto ont of 1 - I.luce,• pr:tot for thou . toy hh-hlouithlo elothlng sot fur -lA,ro.f sooty 0t tho nw o hlly growing 'l.l , ~t,l.ll,•holont of \u.1 , , , t.1:1u Irvinet. eornerot loon. Y.:0110411.o uth....lty 1, a tiret 1, h:noht 0 1,•.t0 e l ,l, • goo• 1,3 ct.olltl 'nt in .n• ki lorn, than gt:l , l,C,:i arc: ,tt thlown It.alr ,nleeto,ai , . ...he thh,t. tte,tort,h.. ettetou , tanctet. ho— Cstueg-oe let; tzttort l mlu, o, lur purch. t lltto tlrt o Ittll,l-: Ii ratri, N cot 11111, ?1..11 hrot A L tt.ey hive in .ottivetl to glee all , t.o choo,e to 14v01: thnts 0111, Vole psttrontlize, i.l r:ont losrgato: ro. Tan be ~ lOalno. oVaol 10 Ino 1 ,tertt eittes. he, etotl: will he tOtOI.I killozolitllv 1, 0 , 1. ,lul:l'ue In., . oil the liattft v:)14, Or Huth., c.s.,lll.ert, :Ina Ve,tine, from ty lt tell the toot!. faAt.lotti, maks thetr :cleetloutt el: h ease. They 'nubile:l a tilt ttf ',net, of prie.V , 0! OloOnc, toutn, cuitotoir v. orli, v.latels, after t Ile lolloollSo ',LIMA wo Oh,: t,:en lo:CO,I01 - 1.1- o i ~ long to p.ty, 1. etteistal., st.lotted- Ing ...,-lillioo ,r....:, colOpii.tri at prtees caught.: loon te tut y-tive to forty tl , V.lirs. secut.l llt ~;to ett.thry. Nola 'arts, fr... forty to 1-I.xty h.I : wort sr., of Ilitwortt-istrfUl watt eletttott 11 1 •ecrltttion. I.tos cults made to enter fro, ter. If, itfteett dolltits. Tu., at ten , lon of U . ., pOolo . 1, tetrtmalarly carte.' to ult., .1,00, I, fore orttertelf 111 its else where. A full ltt.e ot fttrut.,:tlatr fft" , t s Ott Hood, shier, will Lte 101.1 extremely low. 1 • .. p.., at flout tlftseu to forty cents Pt ,het[ 3 , 1‘1 0:11,.114,14 , 13 01 - 61.110.1. An ex:ter:ere,: geutte, Ittt trout the ea.,. Ira , de veg .....1 to. Cutter athl all I 1 11e tie al there may ret.t. it-etvre.'l Mitt Ines . wail rev., - Ilts - to the latt,.. fuebtonattle3tyle, v.v.: them 3 ( . 3;1 tOI.IeIOLIIWO their stock. =I It hay long !Ten u. v exatious dlglcutty w tth inat.ewives to procure ut the faintly gialeery an urticto 01 pete voice for the sea aiininir of food or driticaiilee. the eartr lion `v have 4ecreeded from Unlit to ties ,. in off upon ettr dusky, a quality el truck unlit for lire, and vvhleS preires luteiy v of Mier, If not deleteriOnl the health. Lai thing , l O cloinkieil rine° the. thuic of the 'grim City Since bltil," hue !Tread, and il.rotiert. :10110 °tiny. for rate. the trait.: of lid. :toll Ines gindintily od till it to worloYialtioadheynnil ft, ninplo eapaoltwoi. The hid, Sle,rr. trttleit r h ttorle,tge, diith street exien,lon, near PenhAylvania deal no th ing hilt the very purest of and mrintatila, and have i,tafiledicil a high tel.:et:on for thoir.yoodo hero andel:it , here. tinning fa ies, they tore prepared to riew, Coffees, dround nut, ail, the ”hortroit notice, and chop feed In order, keeping ot the hitt, colodantiy it largo lot on hand. Werileaalo and wino itealera are bupplied with apices lit snooty. ir I,yaliiy at very reavanylOe pt and all retail nun in:-ern should- tilt hior grocers tor *for- Irom thy iilrou City Nlleer Ware nt Auction. Ste noticed ou Monday, displayed at the Mammoth Auet!on Boum, 7.5 ant 7,7 Fifth ut reel, the largest, Inert and moll elegant assortment of Silver Pi.tted Stare ever col itele.l together In ono hcome to this city. Oa examination we found the articles to he of the eery best quality—betty)" Itinted• The ws , mament COMpri,A teteobtote, cON MI,11). unit tea setts; ice pitch... anti lon is urns, gcblcte 11.1/.1 cups; fruit, cake and tbiskets; ash Rest plc knives; din ner tool tea Castor.; sardine and tobacco banes; oyster thshes; etlait, salt, plekle and celery stands: sugar dredges; eatallcbtleks; toast rat at; volt bells; sp. tons, links, amt Portal)' of mlseellammus article, This Ftreound elegAnt .I.lOrtellellt 01 ware will lie uttered at pub!ic sale by Stmlthson, r A. Co., commencing tiltsday at al A. a. tile n! contlotneg at': tool 7 v. w, 'turtles goods at Ode lam should nut fall to totem! the sale, a loch I. peremptory. I= We pubilnloal an Item yuntoolaY under the above caption, which excited tile wrath of the no-c,ll Chatuniondo unch an extent 144 tO 1,1.11:10 0 vinit to Our . nanetuni: With low and vulgar threat, it,, promised to visit dire bodily injury 0111(101(1 peram, 11 We n;;alit unini lan namo In Our column,. We are not Jn.t ready to bu awed into niter., be threat,. from 1105 nource, and the u tdiato• pion" 1:11,1 not cisitravor to exeunt., the e pr tut le, of the "ring about a nesenpa , - pOn, .1.1 i. slt emir, a mild lo,c him the 11 , 11001 of tho community hero anil not mild nny thin, materna to hi, reputation an un oat le port abroad. When ay ch.,. to ro, iThall use his name In connection with newedinil his unmanly threat, tllµol harriless t gron • , fo the Plltoeburgh Choral Uninn..— "l'ittnburgii .I,no'n.,for the relief of the Pour." hereby tenter i 110111.0:, 1 1 ,1 00 , 4 1 0 . fill thanks, to the . Pitl.loroll choral, t for tho [ - recta highly noccin,lni eoncert 'yen In Its behalf, by tho . o loon al n, to hy or; in tither v ays, in the entices, ot the conin,, loon 0 Welt the Accoelation realized the hionliasine 01111.1 of nix hundreil Lind etsty dollar, and twenty , even eelat, . • ry or d, n: I.;oxrd; 31u, St.ey Jettnen T. Brntly tt. Co" Intukors, cor. nor of Fourth awl Wood utreetu, tlealors iI “ovornuuult Secur , Liu..llool.o the r.lOO In Non York toolity no follour: look! 11 , ; u.` lo.o; U. uuvou-thirtie,, tat ten., lhi und corn, Dee. -.1, Comooundu 11U terl m.o.—Rev. Alex. Clark A. M., Rill dellver lec lecture, to. "Inclivitirrreit (po,t pon,l (tom the 1:1 t. Fleet Mvlllo,llbt, Church, Ettet Commonu ' Alle ebene, thl. est:aloe, for the henelltof tine Iteheeeu Atltele,,ten, .flektd.. cold ut hook , :turd on lod e' ul utreet. Dooru 01,411 ut. 7.13, colutuenco u l'onnil Head in tile /itver.—ne Corm nor, yo6torday of tvrnixm, fecolviol ill,. ;Will from I.lmaiiiii th , ettatinir tilAt 2110 1.0.1 y of a boy hod livon found In 2110 rim:rot k'..rrow E llimMortlo !Amino.% a :Mort ilktanco from that boronifil. Tho Coroner will I.ip up 1103 morning to hold as Inquest on 1.11,1 The Allrglwny l'emperimne Itir.t•ln erv”lrle. lo lIIt, i . .,V111 . I I`l,,kri..+l LILUVI L'ltinureL, s -,, . 1.- ,e , kr t ',] THREE CENTS FRIG 'rho Washington County Murder. Yu-teraulr wit 'were plarea in 110511501 ,1 11 of ',ow.: new Informal:cm winiell has thus far been 11,1,1 had: from the public, from witrch it appears that Alderman ra.rain Ital euceeeded getlhai hold of 001110 of the ri,tht intrih-, in the Washington tragedy, in the orient of IV:I:Ital., :Ilia 11011. All along we thought the 01100 11 null , !roll, but 0010 Mater v that (he olretimdt.ooeo hieh Ica 10 the arre,t I,ltl of thole panic, ',ere more impoiMut tlem al. /1 rot supoo.,ea. man Strain, with hi, it, Si tact and enter pri,e.luoi 1 0 ,11011 up the case admirably, 1,1,11i1,1r.1 un netre Eau, he had from lach to ferret not the elect, mystery, tont we trust in Ii lea days 10 ttv Kele to trete:ll - the It of 1111•u:11, ,,, p , c ,4,1 Dar: ies. In the 100:1101111c,the evid!,n , a , twunir iarong inum:, to warn.: 11. tho • Prismic , h Lira ana Whotalier, will 00 hChl by Ins out Mat. ms Wa."1111,toll to nusivei . the charge. of 1!:0 I e-inheetuin enti might maY taut Ahlerm:m etrein yeuterduy itweivea from 11 2mhington a ',elf. , etutel nt.or the 'eel , of the r `te , tent 11 0 . 1 be 1011..100.1 00, 0110 I he G 011.1trw. 001re , vo.rd of le ettty n etler. , l 11l eny lto.ty vllO eau ..lentite 11 , ott ete - ,lt.p. ,levervlo tte, that the vinels of Ito.llllo 1,011, 11111" fleetly pt,:tere the:l,l,l.ot the other ut.r.lorer.., 111111 11:1 :Ley met.; et, Ittout:t.t to ~, K irte.rel putil,htetet. =1 , I"...rtles, having Ptalts to the Allegheny' Market Honor, have o! missed oranges, mei other delicacies from their stands dur ing the night—the articles; itlways dtsatt,o:u lob in a 017st:rile:a 110,1 unne. countu'de manner.. (hi rrl'lng nlgdiTlu , t, young tall nuts Miser, Lyn ge m ntleman residing In . the n Lorood, clibing un the lightning rod of the building' and going over the roof. to tole manner he an entrant,: Into the building unit ereunts opernul the door and let hl , •311.. Att., their pockets, they I, it tor parts unrillOwn, to enj oy the relic thelr labor, Mr. Dalian, Clerk id the :Ilvirltot,, lion IA:114M tilll atel for the 1.1.1" i ever since. tint no repetition or the net has been sitteniiitcd. Probutily they oh served that they nuire leung watched, and don't cure :.Lou[ trying uie matter over again. =1 Toe jury Mamm:AM by Coroner Claw- Scarf, inquire Into the call ,m of the ttenth of John, injured on the connell, t 1;11; ltallrowl. 001 a, Thnlfiday, to such 0 0 extant that he diet on the 21.1,11 C Met Mayof's isst evculng 1.:41re any other testhuony I bearing on the ease. A. 4 nom. of the wit fe , —, appeared anow nay:Ming further alsoft the man. thJa lie CA, the trate at ,111:efent pohns, we tell! not publlA: tho testilatme at lull. Tile a boater, eohnlet, tor, awl two maketooen C. 1110 trate were examlntsl, three::!::hom had near, M . G.n tia the tram, hut d tame of them hate: the C 41,, et his eath. Alter taking all the lc, manly, the jury rendered a vellmt. that .be to hisnleath on the 1.1: by being acenleatally tun over by w coal train k ba the tounelelile lisrlher Hearlin; in the PltriiNe. Peter Jtonett. Melltlyrn taint tutor llnnty, att. tOttl. 1 . . t, .1.443 ft, Mono thl,, In pouring tt becl,et of hot ytton npon John Cal:tint:n.l, a colored wort, what, a,Stitt; ui , entattliettt street, Latta lot-rittn Edon 110 Ilotor, McCeetity, atterhoon. no 4.1,0 wnt again Itottyeen! until 31oert.ty next. "•At the eon olunton of tee artoonvat, 31 r., tiuttortleid, ettuo:el klt•:••11.1.1:11,, u 4,11, a tuottne that..., ',vela Honor tithilug ottel eteut evolnet to holl the par: o.n. over In: lt ttoet tee inform:Wort be rrturntal Into Star. I.l,:rlet Court, under, the Co II MOIL:- 11.11. "C.n., we take to Ito avert' Jotvel 4 , 11 latertortnct law Polar, C Lyllr WIU have 10 etotelot t01t1u:.1 Wet in dblto,lte; Of the caw, Lekthrr Ileitis, • .—Sticution to the telverCsdshent auother colmOa of Otessrs. filessou,mmoshveluiers or every :les:frig:Mu 0: leAt her r atut dealers beltMee leather, No. Oil o.totidielit street. This Otte Is composed of praeticul get Golan vho ehjny Mob rep :dot:oh tor the odislily of the but tiugs turn ed 11001 them mt,..istlamet.• It is m Iportant mutter Chof. tunehincry:mp g:led :rah beltlno ail: prove LI,: anti leirfee:, and see I,Mes -or no Petrer place to purchase at IVMmel: 0 Moos 10:1's. Wed:mid:luny e smeleml Lou bout, to tberabrOnage of our frleads. Como - Mt...1 for I agroor.T.—A f^ir. frail creature, :riving Ler rctute re.t Annie ctulth, ltrought :.core Mayor Alorrcton ye,lerclay, an.: t.ent to Jail Intrty flay:, for vagrancy. cite nr..l been step:plug her the In, few dare In 11 , 3,1, Z. , 1% p, picking w - hatever coni.l:lna to ent,tvutl It:et:Ting Ultaxe beat cite could. Dl•nrtterly Cow lneg.—Frederick Peck, resi,ling on E ist Lane, illiealoinv, aot Into a noartal Wit 0 wife, on the Wc, Coo. mon s, n ol ay nfiernoen. Ile was Croaght belore to ~11ayor 3lorririni on a charge of 0.1 , 0o:et - le condi:et. Fined two dollar., n1,:111i ha 1.001. 000 W:l4 1:1-cliarged. The Telegraph it111:011 , 11,, the sthltlen 0,011 01 maneLl Thom 1 0 .0 n, from 1 000, 1:1 F.llO 11101 el I Nee . York.: Could ho Lave 1/0011 the Thom been 0 - 130 1.1 13- enpeurea 00, - .ter:ou:; 10(10 t city 1:13.11,1 110111 111.10, umllo 111 w 011. 'Vestry Elecietl.—The renewing gentle tucn !Lave been eitcyulen or St. Andrce .. .l.".ythrucul Church, 1.9 come the cr,..u.lng , term: .R.Rrntiol 1101 Me Wu, Kele, licorge Purl:, .1. 11. . .1. Ilamiuond, Thus. Ittosesvell, l . 11'railing of Alloulteriy There will tie et special meeting. . Atte:lav ny Comte tivening, for tlte purtioite of tilt etingi City Itvgia Liter, older oJlce rt, 'Grading and Privinir.-5, , e adverttle - Mem. of itunta gt. Doran, E,e, Regulator of Lutereuceville. !Ur tattled pro ve:m:s for grading . oral We bare a communication from I ton. T. J. nighaul, ivbicit a ill reticle° attention in clue time. NEW ADVERTISEUENTS. ALEN. AMEN. 13 -"IN "3Z1M17.."2 'Lir': 1 9 Eli, =I . . of nll CI:AVE,. 4i upl evrry erlptt( , n Y0n,..1 D11,1)31.- 113. 1,013111 , 1)..., , !.17.yU1 Carilagcs fur. 141,10.. 2711 K. rr, U. D., Her M. W. ,1x.,11,43, ILL., a EWE., 11 . T. WHITE fr. CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Itanc!“ st,r, liqn 5.1 ,lc!nity. EDFFIN ?CM AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE Corner She Meld And Oh...Eters st ects lip and CArr:ages furn;,l4,l. 11 ILLPALLE: CEMETEItY.—The U.a 'saga" 44 , 1 - '4,441,r., a saw Pr OlL:coun ty, Ittua,•l• :.• w nrlghlup roaLl. Imuna..ll4ate• 1714w:1'1C tuarlsll4,,a, parm!t! ur 5111 .40.1 at i'autral Da rg 131.Vrt Or 1.(41.11. Ulty. 11.10ili STOCKS AND RAIL • iltIAl/ IttlN o add , ol to td, IGicAIGt :oh rtlntl far T1it11,11..1 EVENING. Mr :tr cum ial t,.ltts 1,3 dudllitl clo . Id Gr.,: id_tart.. Elul. JIG n•orI. 1 • Tir.l 5.W.:4%1,11mA Aarro,l ayzs A. McILIVALNIL. J. !WILING WAGONS; It 1 . 1. A IS 11 t) STONE, MOH - TA It. !TUNE NAII.IUIAI/ 1111.11.1tAIZNOWS; 1101f•k. 11 It /.../..I‘) . :n A NI. Ilcq, y .l Hub. an.l l'u•ned t.ct• on h•mi and 1.,1,4ce, 7.. a . 15 u,ar forr oosrur ULLMAN. 0:114..,7'r.11 1 et.. rrnAT ArPnoviat; I 1110 !LAVA If toe rogue a cal or Er.-,1, 1 . 1.; cs, :1 - 11E:1 Itactu.ll.. E AK IiEURIEa. CIII.IIItIE , or NS'II,I: LC 11.1 . :111..'.“:11.,.. l'cu art aura to net 14001 601 , w1, 006 AL 1111loWtati1Le4et ',kr, at 111 FEDIALAi. STILEET. A.:lrahruj City ap11,2 • GE(.111(11.: V WINDOW' SIIIADES.—IIaving rcu.11,..1 out nu - Ina V. or :elm!. s we are r!`,.,`17 rnunt that ran 11. (cum! In the City. Al''). anew atylv [cc. Ived. az.l aut. loan AL N... '3.6 cad Clair .t.trcet. n,111.1 .1. AL It. I'lll%l.ll'S. I.IITEST - COltran; I u'I'IJN E. W./Pl( 4 . N.ul.S• 001-110 Wit Common, ALLI.“OXNT. ALIVAIZit ICU.. Hart cu hand or prr pare vu. riutlrn H FAKTIt AND h'l' VA' IITON YU% 1 , 1,A , %4 l'•••• el t/I.:-WAI.Es. '