The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 22, 1867, Image 1

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rususiizo BY
No. 66 W.1.113s ataroot.
F. B. PENNIIII.N. 7 E di tor ..
r 051.1.11 KING 7
Lmos 20611101111na11.111'1.
rinCn Coplea Cents
Ivered by carrlor, (ye r oent.
bubstrlbers, (per yiar) .......
Lanni reductions to tialraboys and Agents.
Three Copies, Der
Flt l' do. ' do. do. each.
Teo or Hi , . copies, to one LOU
nrt , froo to clot, ............
At Penn street, Drs: 5111 '8 Gillespie
verd.—ltebert Hunter, M. 'D., Ith3 - welan
I , n - discuses or the Throat, Lungs and Heart.
Dr. Ilunterwill el c se his °Mee in I'itti•
burgh, on 'Uteri!. evening, April .27th.
Those who desire to avail themselves of his
....perlenee, previou to his return to New
Yore, should do no t once.
Consultation rooms, Merchant's HOWL
The Tefatmouy.
xe bleb we publish below In further conflr•
elation of Dr. Hunter's success in trusting
throat and lung atioetions, is cow:lustre be
yond a doubt:
tat ST..I anise Senor, Aatrau ex v.
Apr 111.51.5. S
I consider itiny duty as - well as pleasure
to tore public testimony to the rapid and
Yllrori.iingefiecth of Dr. Itobort hunter's
treatment m my own ca s e. For two years
past I have ealTered from brOnehltis and
asthma to an extent that probably few have
experienced. -Most of the time I have been
obbeed toolt up all night to avoid sufloea-
tion,ctiteliing rt - wink of blesup for ten or
a (men minutes only when nature hart been
—IN urn out by endurance. I could only re
' clitm In and position; expectoration pro
. fu..e; paln In the elicit covere; great emaci
ation: I Was realm. din - weight one third
and trodl
bccomo so weak that
could not walk the length of a block
without sitting down. I consulted
.411 any eminent physicians Owen Edo
,at the country and also , in this city, Out
',ono of them could do anything to Cell eve
lIIe. I swallowol great quantities of moil
hilt all to no purpose. I grew worse
W01 , 0,11(Itii t lc. finally • told by phys
whine of eminence—personal friends—that
mold lint lire. I resigned my 511.1111tiOR
iii Washington, D. C., concluding. there WI.
ant ling left but for me to die. In thisron
dll nin and males these circumstances I coo
t:Lilted Dr. Robert Hunter, only two weeks
sills,,, being convinced that his theory Of
1117111 ill-cones and their treatment was the
only correct and sclentilld position on that
chapter In At the time I
rolled on Dr. Hunter I was at the lowest
point. Ile placed mu at once—after careful
'camnination—under treatment by Inhala
tion. In u few days I began realj z . I n a
wonderful manner the heoeticial uences
ot las remedies. Improvement has gone on
ily and rophlfy, until to-day I feel my
self like a now man. My breat inn g-tias be
auntie f regund strong. 1 sleep like an in
.-fan], in nay position I choose; am altogeth
er free of pain, , and can walk five miles
without fatigue: Intact I feel an though a
miracle lied been wrought n pun me. 1 have
:, , •goi nand from the lowest point of danger,
'suffering and helplessness. and, raised al
lime: to tan olgOr and health of , my youth.
For all this am Indented solely to the n1:111
angl n 3, :Item of Or. Hunter. Moreover, lin
lois strafed me with a degree , of liberality
and attention of which 1
cannot too highly
exi,ens my appreelstiou. 4. P. Wed,.
Help! Melit;.,"PneterltO,•ertt hojne
;pet Mentor."
Wu earnestly Invite the friends on - Inman.
Ely to tlic .Anniversary Poetical of the A. E.
It. 1., wlnkh "will take place in City [tall,
t•ittsuurgh, on Monday and Tuesday even
!", toga, April :11 and ;;;;LI. Objects ,Ist,
log ea:43lADce to the poor; td, The moral
and intellectual elevation of the colored
.;..race In our community. The League has
tilao determined to give It nOrtlon of the
proceeds to the nude:Deg poor of the South,
Irre.pectlyc of color. No intoxicated per
, lain will be udmitted'into City Hall: A large
VO:lee force will be present to preserve ; goal
order. Good music. A tact assortment of
article,' to please the cyo and taste. Cell,
teens attention to the wants of our visitors
bu a marked feature of the occasion.
Cards of .ailml,sion coats each. ChM
iron It cents each. Doors open at 174
oicluck. . S. A. Nkstr,
rChairman of Com. of Arrangements.
How to Gott In Welnht
A gentleinah, rather remarkable for Ms
obesity, was ticked where be obtained his
meals, ns pie bill- of fare must be tarred
rngly good, since he appeared to be grow
ing largi4 anti larger every day. The
Prompt rery was "At the:Continental Sa
loon, neat door to the Postonlee, on fifth
street, w Is kept by that prince of epi
eures—lioltsbelmer." The answer was pert
and to the point, for at the Continental the
I.est meals to Ice olitslned in the city are
daily served up - at the iciest reasonable of
prices. veil
rarest, steaks, fish. and
everYi king to• tempt the palate, are served
np It boiler style than could Professor
Ligt. "violate, and if you eat one meal got
ten. lip by , lloltzlatin.r, at a few minutes ,
notice, you will forever bestow your pa'
l renege au tills place alone.
Iletrord t'o' Cod Liver OIL
Tho ruracit Illtd 'SS...Lent Cod Lvcr Oil in
too n end. manufactured from fresh
licerc, nice., the sen,Moro. It Is
perfectly puro and sweet. Ask for ' , llimard
Caswell's Cod Liver Oil," maradactured
Cnowecc, MACE a Co. New York
Cold by all druggist., • nw
A fresh supply of Crosse and Blackwell's
lamons Pickles and Mustard.. Also very
vholee Itsh,ens, 1m pec „ al and Turkey
Ironer, Smyrna Figs , .., will be sold
at the 10w..t, market price, at No. Ir.:Fed
eral street, Allegheny' city.
• To retallera of Dry Bootle Nvo offer great
mlucerry.nl4, having a full stock which we
Full at the lowest sautes cash prtees anti
cut goods in any length at Ike piece price.
J. W. Co.
al Market Street.
(in to Ileming“ Dror Store,
No. - F1 Iturket street, for the best Black
)rerry Wipe Over brought to Pittsburgh.
4:o to Flemingft Drug More.
N atar-ket Strict, for nII lands of Cali
fornia Wlnes and Brandy.'
i'nre Drug.!
_Turn Drawl!! Pura Drugs!!! Para Drugs
at hal. a. Drult's, Allegbeuy.
Yon Can Day
Tnmlgo Ltrolorwof all kinds at Josopll 8.
Finch's Inntillery, 181, 131:133 and 195
You Can Buy
V 5. per cent. Alcohol at Joseph s. Finch's
• ' • Yon Can Bay •
Now Hops ht Joxoplt S. Finch's
Slagfilar Onearrehre to a Church—
Burntlog of a Waterfall.
The bursting of a waterspout at sea is a
common and sometimes ti dangerous occur
rence, but such /2.1 the adroitness displayed
by the ladies In the'urrangement of the ills
casting preluberune. ycleyt "waterfalls," 1
thst accidents seldom occur to them, al-
though when they 110 they are by no means
void of peril to spectators possessed of
a keen sense of trieludrerona. One of these
singular accidents, however, belch a lady
worslipper at Trinity- Church on Stiuklay- ,
last, tot, as she rose train prayer. her was
terfull suddenly e.r.rdoded, and scattered far
and wide a Vast amount of various materi
al, to the to finite amusement of her parti
cular female friends, the horror of the des
and the ellitlCSltiOu and astOnishrnent
id an the yeung bakholOrs who attnceSed
the sad catastrophe. The.contenta einhroc.•
c.l, c presume, the trroltllonary old stock
ing, the 11911.1, quantity Of rage, unit I
ihe other al-cellauly which compose the
Pak heals of hunk worn by our modern fair
unes.,, , Llkikcianott Enquirer.
Tux following 18 an anbtract trout a prl
'van letter (ruin °mann :
is growing very . rapidly: Our
town Is 101 l of etrungern. ',very house nx
paclonl. non; urn employment.
ye ho cgmnot D. 1 cannot Imagine whet
wall beet - M..of the hundred:l who It i 1 Kahl
ure com i n g. tlmuhu cunnot no:m[l2l4.lE6ln
thmo who Aro lucre now..
"our railroad (the Pantile) In In
running uv u three linndred Inlien west of
Int., Inn Northwestern road having bel:n
completed to the ordeenle Lank of the MI,
acerrl River. Wu now have railroad rota.
1111.1//leutl. frOrn Onnina I.o,Noir York..
Focxo body Of an un
known man was found floating in the 01110
River at Big Beuil 00 Tuesday evening, lie
was apparently about forty years of age, of
light complexion and Lad on a dark shirt
and gray pants, with heavy boots. It Jesup
limed be wan a deck baud on some steam
boat, and had been ilrOwiwil by falling over
board, us no marl. 4-violence worn per•
reptlble upon his per. n.. A letter directed
to Mine Ellen Tralnor.llfrintlngdon, Pennsyl
vania, Was (Wald in li,, POCkut. of bin shirt.
—Cincinnati Ervi .
~, ....,
~....__,b ,
,____ I
e ix )
I ' ,
- ' ..1
;2: 4r r .',l ,'. ~, , '
, r,
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.- S 150
1 ...1.1
ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. I MediationinMexicanAffairs
Overtures for a Settlement of
the Luxemburg Question.
Gladstone Deserts the Liberals,
Financial and Commercial
. .
-- , : ; where each party is embittered It PrOtraz
:By Telegraph to the Piiisaargli tis Date.: ; tot eimillet: therefore be It
fltosit DI, That It li ; proper for the Gov-
PRU , SIA AND FRANCE. ; eronient. of Om fails, Itatos, art lug In the
orra - ist. NOTE TO N.,1 , 01,0, I intl.:re-I. Of Illliumnity and civilization, to
' Pmemv, April Iti—Etenfisai,—The Prussian ± - 7 ,1 . - ,t ,? ,--, `:'n.;' s by wa i .1 ' - ,', l f‘ ll. ','" .
Governimenynig sent a strong note toiNas ; i',',117::(,T,'.....2f,%-:;',',';;rnLl.'l;";:re°-;', tie.
puleon asking the reason for the military ; plumb:et - Iml war and obtain the establish.
I tiietil.lif . i. c il , :..: ., p ; tildlcati Government on the
peoparationi On the part ot the French. I
A Bavarian agent has been sent by King ; 1 '',,, ; ,. ; 1 ',..„ 1 „ 1 1 X,',",...%"„!'1„' .. ',1T 0 r1 L, h ., i ,
Winn-MI to Vienna to secure - the alliance ot I tended to otter a aubstillito, on follows:
the Emperor of Austria. , ; Resokid, diy the' Senate of tne I lilted
re,. £ OVLOTt.C.:. ,1,L1e,. that In Case Maximilian shall see tit
i at au early ilay to abdicate 11tH authority m
imlsflnk, April 19—.EiDiiisg.—A - dispatch ;levit-o and stentiy hts desire to withdraw
f ro . the Berlin agency of ,1..-A,0r.r0,1 1 11.11,01 i and his foreign 1.11 , t,.10 1110 end that
Press, thise '' . '” , :i'‘Y .. A- PII. for '''' l ' . ' I ' t . i ' o v g 'i rit w Tl i .7t t h e a r t ' t l is ''! :,Z "' Z ' ,: ` 'l ln ' e " ,.!
'talon of the Ltixemborg question was re-, der the good offices of our' Go•ernieent to
cently submitted to France and Prussia by ' seen. , at the bends 0 1 the Iternbilcan I;ons
the temainlng Great Powers. Napoleon hip ' ' ,; ' ,T,l ' ll'„ r :l4%' e t ',.7,L, r ,A n :„',lll,' l v '%' - ' ll% `'..' " „
since signified his willingness to accept the l iteent as characterizes the conduct or cis' tl
propositions 'ernbraCesl 'therein. \ Prussia, ' , 110, 11 . ..Mar ,
ho wee er, ~,,s not
k r ‘ i. i . d ilu , (IT°
o p r 2 ,,,,, , „„ 0 . ; ,.. t
~s r u t ,l A4t I: z) uLe ,
Ins feeling that these overtures will be sues ' printe-t. ,
eessiel, and the peace of Europe not 1.,11,-: ri11,,, son ill,tcr.. . .
tented. : Mr. Cole, nt Callforn in, submitted the tot
AUSTRIA. I low inn, which Itva over tor courg•teratiotn
vOR . E ritOn At orrel...onna, NV littera, a. othonoter,taudlng extant le,
tweet, Pru,ltt !tint Ft mane, Ttprlnging out of
APO' 2, • - " - The the ounornmp of the Grand Duchy of Lux•
official organ of the - Austrian Government, embnr g• ''"'l war b"'•°"n incec '",""n'er''.
lu as editorial on r91"19n9 between i l 'j r r . u t ' t ' t' t t<d , "7 lll t a l' tql ' lt ' , "r l '; ; ', • ' ltli t •nt of the Ent-
Erth,la France, connects Its reader.: not :Autos ho requoArd to oiler IFienaly
tO,put too much faith ta Chu preaervatlon tordottlolf to tho 00.1 Lnut Ulu 0110110110 f
of peace In Europe. blood mar bt• avoldvd.
ENGLAND.TIME VOlll .it3,1:14.,,11,1 - 112TE-1 , 11111”.
ITile` ,111,1,1\ `ter.u.r.l.; po,tianal Its time
_ . to ioliourn sole thc. tool Loot a recv , from
' hv -e to el ht evunin g, 10 a-1111/011 11011,
Lena - letter, lit which he virtually resigns
- • •
- -
the leatier4Llp or the I,lberel partV.: • Lreeieg ,01111t0 =et . elcht
'clecL, the , oorri ,kure opetiednt
Leyden, April - 21.—Dispatches recelTed 1,1,11
1 ,
here to-day from Faris report that E elutes - " . ' "L " e ' n eth'th`! th e (01100.1 " thsolo-
“oes :
re droOldhg. A felegram from Fixakier , liens:sm. Dann.: the cicil war in Mexico
states that I.'. S. Bonds hare advanced !. the liovernment of thw United State,, net.
; rm :LI-pursuance C. dm and tinaly we.
per cent., amt were quoted mi. 74%. a ,, 111,1 Isms reamed way way to
M.NEINE the GarerillESET, 01
QUEENSTOWN,. April . 2.l.—The steamer which Arch-Duke M rshalMan ww, the heal,
CUM., from Boston, arrived at , d atm.:. lUu I nt
' country am the mill' legitimate go , crnment•
, h .
The steamer Atlantic, from New Tort, allll coinSuct Ita, done Much
arrived. ! trate the wtteinpt o: and hie
t,pitorterti to overthrow such governmevt.
ldreitrOOL, April s]). Evening—The it is the opinion of the S,11:1.14 , that the Gov•
steamer Eugenie, from this port Pt - Balt,. ernimlll s Of the United
every proper 11.1LaUr 4, to ,Vel t nutmeats:try
more, ret amen tutday. She hail encounter- j ree rc iee h t the
'ell gales and was badly damaged.heavy; earliest mome satineta(fade
nt peace to that now distract -
rens swept the heel, and whlpeed four of berate
et the t . eit e,,
the brew orertifiard, : who were drove nod. f.
tcs, tha Ith t
the rr.went. islicrehy rterur,:.
FINANCE AND coatm.EL,JAL. on, the friendly t h e of the
Fit: A
n e,a April IW—United State, j United sortes to as to bring the civil war to
bonds declied to 711:• a termthatton on term , honorable to both.
am* recurs to the nartve followers of
Lost," Aprll id.—Noon—lmttsols,
Nges, J.l Illiimls Central, 75i Erie, Mrehm citizen, and TiThe . ;
Bullion In bank hai , f .11 pomp!, •et of Itlu luxof hying
uniterstmet, however, that such mediation
reoMP , S 'is frodcred alt the under,tatollng that
tort this rear aro ahead of lati year j ~0 1 1 „ t „t te , e
bales. uu ,,,, ..4ed• Lard. W.' , thorny. and that he nod his foreign troops
line Rosin, 14sPII. , shall leave the country at the earltest. plums
mine,, A lull ' 2...1.-I:renlnz—h.f. hnn.h. , . neon:- - Our• •
f.f..,i; Erie, ..:..;,,; Ininota Central, 71,; CU, , X.'8(1 , 1, 1 1.4,.t. the SeeretorY nnuneettl
sula,... . . . e•III! 1,. rep, of t to,. re...olutione to the
u en ,,,,,, Ap r a ~—/..,, „„,„.__ N „ ~,„„,_ 'Prel.leot ol the t'olted :late-.
lot market:. On 01,, ~ , ,,Ct. I ..rn firm aol • The rt....1e1:1/LS were ordered to be 101 l on
uttettartg". TttereL. a great ' 'ePt.e.-.t ' et ' a th lt'l:f.4 " ;ntte then al journel ,i„e the.
the cotton market.
15'., Italic, Per barrel far ttaritatirtl
l'anN.rovr, Aorll
ME E=l i= M 3
TClCeraPh SO the Innfbeigb Inoeue.:
' ,N April
Mat. riersaerso AND OrTaAf:I.D.
A girl named Lizzie Smith, oboe
resident of Jersey City, was kldnapped
and outraged by nearly ascore of no eng
men, oh Friday night. Three Of the vil
la". beer been arrested,. and the pollee
cornet to secure the bainace.
• urroormvu 3ACP . I7•Itn nouns:us - ,
Further particulars - hare been obtained
regarding toe robbery of pay:easter nelk
nap. of ltrooklyn Sney lan!, and of tau .
-capture aunt identity of the persoas ar
rested. The robbery occurred four year,
ago &with° money stolen/Amounted to LW;
Wu. The robbers here at last been secured.
The persnns arrested n,re umst successtul
and dangerous thieVl-9 1/1 11 11AlIg. ,, iNt
leg all been •educated to the profcsfSion iii
England. The tullowing,are their muses r
phi], Stanley. Young - Jack Adams, Jack
Wright, William Waiton, Bob. Crude, kill
Smith, aria James Itutord. Jack Wright and
oto thi e y were protege, of old Jack Adams,
of England, seine time sines pardoned out
irf the ocaltentairy, to wkich 110 Was senten
fenced ten years, for opening and robblo,,f
Iffteem Herring safes. Ile is very wealthy,
nod did a prose, nent bro6ere,e busint
Weirs/reef. Tice detectives 111,0 yet ,0:DO
Lope of ascertaining the wberenbouLs of the The Paraguay,. central Dear died of
stolen money, UnICAd lta identity has ;men 'wounds t ecelved during the bombardment
lore. Wright wan art °sled 1n South Carolina, ; of Carl PattY, February' l.
Where he was engaged largely In cotton ' The Anglo Drardlian Twars nays there In
n•t truth In the report of Amer:eau tloalla.
P.0.1g14,01.11, rOlt ECIICra. I Lion nod the pea's• stories wore mmat •Is.
In the revolted Argenune province no
AMOT;g th e. for Europe , further nations lett meurred. The Covert,.
were th e followtog, per Alb:mauls Mr.
Mont lona, were largely reinforced aud
and, M,r u .,• 6 ,"""„"; Ill ' s
„',, L „.. E. „, N ,L . ; the outbreak, it was ex peett•i, Would noon
- • be crushed.. Cenend Mitre hall reasrOlufal
i•rtsbicney met Issued warlike ma:Menlo.
tools Mayor, Cloclnoath Or. L. liethharl, I Ta o u•••••,,fain oi the lir,.
Mr. and Mrs. Eunstmiller; an•l Alo•u l crops wore lavorahle. The coffee crop is
muller, Sc . Litle; L. Kahn, Illinois; Jatob
'expected to he gityper cent Otero the aver
sealing:l.nd Schlather, Cleveland; Mrs. raraaa.
Verna retntond, Ohio; Mrs Loulnx 1 ost and
The Amerman Immigrants, having tits
children, Edward ateintmck, and Mrs lttL dare,t a pranjraaaa for ear„iba, th e
man, St. Louts. I had hero aCCedegl to, lands were procured,
Per Ilelvotin—Mrs. and Miss Cnokniann, , and hams lid ca n cel, rePaYa•
L. Ifordeck and S. tiLitter, 01110; IL Donets • bia 1n Eve
non, Chicago; Itusnell and L. Cave, Des
rha choleric though lint of very Peter.
troll; Mr. tircenwoud, St. Louis.
kind, had broken out In the City' Itlo
clriFd r ,
! on -I'r ' -Nottle ' wife nod ramie Donal, and some N. 1.1 00508 00-
Curred. •
Pur Baltle—Mrs. Price and two children, ca ,,, a a , 11 , a, not raataa f a il y . changed it,
Marye ; Prim' Ro a ll ; Mll 4 a ; '' ,, e „ t r li a %,i 'r „ i ,, ' ,' s except good firete, which art one
11"m"r- h b- e'r t-ue- hundred reis lower. The atilea of the
Detroit; Ins. c ut e ; . hshele, Call in bus; G. Itieh- „al, are 6, 4 , of whim, teem
tram, Terre IlFred. Denthart, Cloclus I fo ' r the Coltell Staten. Good tlrst dented at
I tnll
Per St. Lthrent—Mrs. It, W. Seymour nod - •
son, and Mrs. E. Itntinatd,Chlcagool. Brut.
pert and Mrs. Itruipert • Obit ,
Mies Madeline Ilimrlquez took TOTINO Of T Migrants to the Pittsburgh basette.
the stage tooilght, at Walla:kb, 001, Is t
married early in May to J erni t ni ,, , 1110/1 WOOD VA., Aprll 'M.—Senator Wilson
purulent of the London Il'intes. , 111000 at Orange C. 11. yesterday. Ile re
. SOCOCOTIOt IITII 00110 LA OS. counted the events which led to the war,
johnlingher amt tvlfe,iesitlitig In Mon- and said that after Its dole the North had
r"treet ' "1". ' "
""“ er a Party no 111 fueling for the South. Thu South was
of b urg lars early leetorday morning, In ; submissive, an hail the measures now
which the wife was stightly 'wounded 11. , pending been adopted directly nt the end
pistol shot. Two shots] were also tired et , of the con filet, the South would Lure ac
the husband, hot he escaped union t. The ! knowledge , ! that the 10100..11mM Woo Just
thieves secured only 1 , 02111, Cigars and e lull ; and liberal; but when Johnson assumed the
stellar yeni.. build. John Scully has besse , powe he adopted u different policy, which
arrested 011 suspicion' of being 0110 of the ! had Ido r isght on all Mom dissatisfaction.
I' !Pr
m esident Lincoln had prepared eight
I ' , ottlesn for till' pardon of rebels, all
which TOOL Mr. W ikon's. pproval. Johns
Tno sou }weltered ro,irt,ea, which were too
sued for the tossed 0 trunk by a passenger ”.oy. Ile (Wilson ) find never favored the
from LiVerpool. had a verdiet (Or 4'5,0,1 ; * elause, for he wanted this south, ce
der,' (again
It. ; cent us. few prominent rebels. to be at liberty
aTTgarrEn 001.0 SOTTO... I 01{0.10 semi, The South bed complained
„ r I of COngress violating the Constitution, and
. Yesterday an unknown man
, r , t yet upheld Johuson In los violations of the
Y. J• James .ti bm ;fe ° ,,, ' Com:mutton Its restoring the States. The
EOM in g01d,....0 ' Speaker was opposed to a black inanis
to gold to be delivered at the olllce of !
or white man's Party. Let all who
Fisk, timlerw'ood I Co., Of which firm the a. nvot i in i ntin bondage go together, and all
masa represented filmset! a member. The Iw•llo lover
gold waxdelivered, but it was eOOll learned ] it
rebels had east aside this.
1 110 certilleutton to the check was forgery.' f
delusions, I,•t them come ! up and Julli the
WWI 'on going to the new street (Mice no I ill
Of. anon 100.1 there. ] Meier ./. jl. Lee, Slate senator from
TOT AL or ITOTIT 1000 Orisst• I 0 runiTo, replied to Mr. Wilson. Ile charged
At a recent troll Of twenty Melt guns, at I the Introduction stf slavery 011011 the North,
Fort Hamilton, a range of four mileswas t end raid Lincoln dill not at fleet Intend 1.0
attained, withprOJectlles weighing 1,050 illustrate the slaves, a n d that the Beatles
ponsuls. 'people were foe blacks' host Mends.
• Mr. Wilson replied that In a year the
North would give the negro. solTrege. Ile
BOW confiscation inn; ht follow, If the recoils
bisection bill was net accepted. !
From California.
[By Telegraph to the ?lodic rgh Usrette. 1
SAN FAA:lc:ace, April DesnOCrats
lc *tato Couventlon is called at.`.•an Frans
dire, Jeell loin.
A. McCall,' Troasoror of Santa Clara reali
ty, absconded a Ith about giesiltsi of the COU il
ly 111114.
1111 TO I I,•len Angier, from New York, ar
rived; :turista, .N ow YOrk.'
ArrAt us ON rlin rtaias.
The Ilcrulert Leuvralworth Faye
uffatrs on the plains aro s_sautuing an later
estm g phaso. te.neral eherman had aril,
ell at Leavenworth. Gdneral Augur Iva,
bout to more wentriani front tort Phil
Kearney, with six. thou•nd nine. Eleven
thousand Indiana were encamped between
torts Kearney and Smith, walling until
grass to commence hosttlitire. General
is ru or pedirnut to In Onr.rolg itt Fort'
t o ribrlng unubln to moon for . aunt of
1 ge.
Tilgt Stitt e L.-K.:111[11re adieu; tied litre di
Adjournment Without Day.
Br Te'egraph to the PI: teburgh 131;etie.3
WoonittoroN, April ilth VOL
Tile Senate doors being temporarily open
ed, Sumner nubmlttetl .the following
resolution, proposing the good °lnce, of
the United State between the contending
mirth. in Nlexico•
We ene.ttl, At tile • republic of Mexico,
though relieved irons the pre,cuce of 11.
rureta II enemy by the final withdrawal of
the Vienne. troops, continues to he cone nil.
Oil by bloody nit 11 war, In wnieh Niexleatal
niu ranged on different shies, ond whereas,
the United States nre bound by neighbor
bead and reillibilean sympatics to do all In.
their power fur the welfare Of the Mexican
pimple, and tile olilinntions beeUtrie
gent (10111 the recent condition of anairs,
The War Beth can-Benxi' nod l•nra•
icusty—Death of the Itareqoasynn Com.
titles—\o Anterleon aletliatitto—
Coffee anti Co Crops—Cholera
Broken chat.
by Ted!grai , a b. she liitteadgh ristett.
N Yon., Aprll . rl.—The steamer South
A:merle:L. Isom 1110 March 11 , 4.11, huhu' .11th,
1'i:I - nun:1 , mm April lot, Panama sth, and St.
17 Mom, I lih, arrived toslny.
call lIIX peen made for eight. thousand
Natrona' Gnarl+ of the Prardlian maritime
proyrucea to replace the :Argentine trysips
lilnlradyn from the Paraguayan ir•ir. A
large cargo of npinlilons of way Mel boon
!en!. 10 the ILlYer Plata. Small dgtachnients
! of troops had also been fora driled. One
transport Will btell obliged to return to St.,
Catharines,. disembark troops,thu cholera
having broken out on board.
News Troth the trot of war reports anntio
er bombardment of Gurtiindly, by the Bra
e anion sluadron, and the batteries of the
I.i.tter reeYlved only trilling Injury. That
of the Paraguayans was auks:town The
fortit!Cationi and towns of Santa Marla,
srid upon the upper Paraila, have Leen den
rtiyeo by the Prazillan 1011110:LIS. More or
I less 11rI 1t g Is kept up along the forts, but ho
a: rageile or other movoinents triad°.
The Br. Zniftll (fat ut l;uruzu had been
I strengthened and mounted wall heavy
! gun+, no that taro tilol.llllll men sirosulllelent
to garrison It, nod It It understood a largo
portion of Brazlllan forces would cross the
tiger Parana and march 111 - cc,. on
SenntorlTlloon on M. SontUri,. Tour
—IIIK Speech at OrnogusCourt lions.,
Virgloin. . •
Adjournment of the Senate
All Vacancies Nal Filled
QuorumQuorumE.rl.reled Present
Thu Sluitto , iitur.lay 11101 hotted
,low n {0 . 14 . 4+ than quorum, tail 40)ot:rh
ea sir, tin:M:l\ll tho
with two_ execiition-i.aro in the
116 ,
tenets hint , poottinti ei without
nail ono in r, nn .
6ylvtin hi, (the latter zielloveit to lie. 111110 w,)
unil•four nr ilvo variiiiiitos of lit- .
ternml In ln,f loon, ill: in, evil
{Vileoll , ill. Consul Liu:it:rut ut Havana
.1•10 Celtlarined.
Una, tho Tenure of ' , Mao act, 01,1111 ell,
cannot bu allint, tho)' toohl ho,p:ovlous
to the 1,14.i11gt, of that :aw, by fr.. l'rosi
dont ,lorn4y tilt, roco, of COI/ gr,,
It le rata that Charter S. hl . l. tonfirm
-1,1 aa 1,:olloctor 1111t,11.11 lor 11
lalntric: Venn,3lvrona, alter havlng
coot' lien rojecbol lot thenn..- on,co.
,tioantolor Cnoltnntiy, basing
nryntol Collrolor , •I intorna,
Stu. F'Tyttla tbetrtet t.f that 'talc Icaa he
t,ottn,at-tnl,nrColonalo va , tat.
The (hr.aaei , or to•day tay, that vreen
flit Senate adj4ntrral , .l , lll l l. l ,
,1011 1.0 tr, , anno, mover-al, that
there wuld I. nortan tn tether 110 e.,
on the Y.l of Jell . next. The .feellng on
tween the SVIllal), and the Five -, !rt.
so comparatively eordtal, anT the :taut!,
gene° front the oouth yorant,hg -aanita•
shot to the terms of reern,ltnellon
potipletou", that very few .touhtei that the
great xnea.urta , of 1:1111,1,,,h/rta auttetrateo
anil tortelo,o,l nil elaarge.a, dlthcolty anti
The re-tulutton of nendlor John..n, h. 10:
sing And reqursting the Preshleni 11, offd
to theconteetPtor polio'. In :nexlee the
friendly. Inedlntlon of the
which %as offered In open ,nuto pester
dny, to preeleelp the save uo the one Seh•
toff Led th execetive se,ion on the 11th , nth:
alocn hod !lc:, connd,utlallY i•rint,d•
IVASNIX , ,, , , April
NOMIN 1,10%. P. 11,11.
Tmt cuurtrluml the tutlow.
trm nomnations:
rnltml J.tatew ConsUl—Bent. Deter re, ul
..L.:uut Pawn., Imilmts—Latatt,
l`mwmastern--Uporge, C. T..J.l.lturr, Ims
3itolnel, 1000; Cali . . W. Tltouta,,
mitt; W. It. littclmock, mi.rutut.ity.
Wifittun Sl'ltrtuli, L1W111,11.11 ,- . fume It Iltut.
gin. Italtnyra, ?IV 11110 Henry Walker, An.
'runs. IttillAnn; Wllliam Ito% :Mg Etuttury,
1ia.1,111, Terme..mut Jame... L.. LuteLr.l,
Knoxville, T,1111,,,e; It.lvul Magtn, Pc
L'ultutl `tart.. Attorm.ya—Mode,
.51ottLana To*rWtory; 1.11.0, Mitt .110
I, , trlct,TC(lll4,,C.
C4.11,C1 , 1t ul Inturn,l Itxvenue—Wllitttm
Jutwumn, 1./1-101c1, tomtutitt.
ILucrttor of Wtutttituttott Tt.rrituty.-51a,
0101111 F. lelouru.uf 01.0. ,
Naval IMlcor—Ltowllt ClluttMdttlxfurt nt
rh I tid eI Da La.,'
MlrLe.lor of (At/to:lli—Wm. HAL UOOO, of
The Senate to-night conflrnonl the follow
ing nominations.
Postmaster—.l. It. Roberts, !Stook ly - n, NOW
Collectors of Internel ltevenue—Theople
olits C. 1 - alliott; Yllth Diorite, Kentucky;
Alexander t.utnisslng. Fours I, I , l•trn tycon
sylvani.,; Fielder C Burnes, Nlinth 1/Istc - let,
The following norultiattOns tra rejected:
I . ool.l2oodes—Clurk C. 1121flin off,
01110, I 1111201 r 0; Robert F. TOTIllg, Litchfield,
111112010: JanlAuu Inclonson, Cllntupaixn, Ill
C. Neal, 1.1102, 1 1111101, Win, 11.
111ver, l'urlo, 1 It2lloo.
Aufleoforn of Internol Itevenue—slolin 11 r 2
A ,
Fourthcrul Iflfftrlct, ludlsna; J 04. Wegner,
th District, Wisconsin.
Collectors of I NMI Revenue-112 flip L.
121 111cr, Fifth Dintrict,3ll , 2purl; 12reen AO
rims, Fourth 1, harlot, llounsylvrorla.
Tho Senate rep,ctx.l tiv> - following nowt
• • -
Postmasters—Hobert N. Pa•blen, Litch
field lilinel , , John L. Lester, Intna, Illinois;
tun lei C. Burr. I'arl3,llllnolni Vt. u, Cater,
Conant Cenci - al—Andrew Lithpett, at Ha-
Collectors of Internal Revenue—J. {{'ode
Cardner,Tiftli District of Litt 3nut I; George
fl Ilubernson,7lflll District of Wl3consin;
B. A. beaver, Ninth District, lientocley.
Assessors of Internal Leven ue—DeO. Har
bison, Second 11131rIct, Indiana; t.vorgo W •
Jones, Ninth District, Illinols; D. {V. Hazen,'
Fourth District; Wisconsin.
Surveyor of Customs—ThOMrts W. NH-
Fall, Quincy, Illinois.
ill/MATO/. or TIE ants, ocar.
The President, nominated tiresn Adams,
of Kentucky, Collector Of Internal Hove-
Mal in the 4tli Distrit of Pennsylvan la, and
Warfull 11,1 Asseiaor In Thiel
District. Ile Is S strong Radical and tau
nomination Is made ,to please fir. Stevens.
Thu nouunntion of Sidney Howard Gay,
for Aenecaor In the ath District of Now York,
was reconsidered and rejected aolely on the
ground of non reeldenee.
'Much interest has been excited here der•
log the week by the trial of Win. E. Clearer,
uhargint with brutal violence on the leafy
of a little glrl named Mary Ann Miro..
thus producing her death. The lure, Mats
evening, rendered a verdict of manslaugh
Forty thousand dollars of tractional cur
rency was sent this week to the Itetlstant
Treasurer at SI. Louis.
The dishureentente by the lint . ..mutant
fur the week were, 02,3,1,912.
TllO nonk'o rreopt3 of Internal rovenno
Pare nt Richmond, IR,
:By Telt/v.oi W Itirliittatiurgh thirrtte.;
ur, , ou,n. April /lolly Wood 3ne.
mortal lutrituti,licru, opons'on Alouility. All
the Straus aro represuuteil. Railroads en
tering thu city buy° put their (arch
wilco for ylnit.nru. A grout crowll.l, ex
p.:tea to uttonil.
Fire at Savannah.
SAVAXNAII, Aoril 21.—Frishen A Neminnis
cotton warehouse was totally destroyed by
lino lot night. From boo to sir hue.
drug bales of cotton were hornet. No Ins
enraiseo on building. I'. 11. Beller loses
three hundred bales of cotton, which Atlllll.
Sur.' 45,11 b. Frisbee 3. Nenhon's lons t 10 , 10.;
ed for .szi,cto. Dwelling house adjoin.
logalso destroyed. No. Insurance. Total
lose, 6100,6113. Three liremen were Injured,
but not seriously.
Paper Dill Destroyed.
Prime...crisis April R —Toe large paver
mill of Randolph S •Dupoise, near Mafia
yunk, was partially burned this afternoon.
Loss about ..7.l4nisi; insurance not weer
tub ed.
_ •
Moire Coach Attn<ke4l by Itid lnnh
Ihree Pernortm lillled.
Telegraph to the Pittabergh Garette• I
hr. Louts, d prll 2l.—The Walt° Waterman
'pap, the Indiana latent:fel the aline eennit
near lernlt'a Ferry, on the tilt., and
k tiled tit, ttrtter enteell Younger, 10111 1,1
1 ,,i4nr4 named Ullman end Iluehee,
other ime.oengl;zd caettlhl.
, /
117 Telegr.,lllo Use l'lttaibuygll t/exclic.3
Advlce4 from Honduras to the ;Id of .lltril,
state that the Indium war had ended and
martial law would he enspentled Innetli.
ately. SOIIIO white colonists were arrested
for officiating with the Indians In their
raids. •
tlNrnni Information Mates that only ton
ou•n enlisted In Cuba for Maxltnthnll'a
and :hey without the knowledge of
the Cohan:null:ethic, The Captain I;en.
oral 1111110“11Ced hi• Intention of holding to
II strict reArnmalbllity any • pormin found
guilty of aiding, directly or indirectly, In
vuli-antunt , , for a breach of the neutrality
ru Friday kW, another CrtillltlC occurred
at Went Ihdon Rouge. The oz . tent of the
tall ;11 nct reported. The greater part
of Loni-danu is overflowed.
T4m Centraitlailroad inerea.sed fare bill
to lost In tile New York Senate on Sattir•
neuress n(tined Ella barrio, was arrest
et! to Sieffitthis, on Saturday, for poisoning
three negretoi by tniSirig aretote with flour.
Mayor • Wil.tach, of linelnliall, delivered
hi, !lest nie4nage on Friday left to the City
Council, The nett receipts of the city for
the year el:thug March lat., 1 - 17, were 12.008,-
7.frt, expenditures $2,111,Z3, •leavlior IL
ce ht the Tref“nry of 15c1,..1.10. The Orb;
Of fl i , tfl y to cf,,,hf,:fo), and the 114410.9 $lO,-
3,1,.3. The death. fromja.ll sauces for the
year toothed February listit, were of
w !deli . .!,10.1 Bore front cholera. The Mayor
recointrieinia . a liberal but e.onoinleal
Icy In reference to parks, pure eater, pub.
lie bulhilogm, aveutii, unit Increased wharf
age facilities, and the necesaity of eleuell-
Tic, throughout tile city, In view of VW
probable return Of cholera. Ile also n.:co l : I
Cute, :Ile COMICIIITIKL/011 of all ',overt
fronting the river, front Stain Street to tt 11
creek, for wharfage purposes, and recruit,
mends an lucrei“e of the reffu , ar and semi.
tory forees.
The Missouri river is higher than In Ito 4,
anti Is still rising. Two miler of the racffic
littilro t ol, between Wyantlott and Eansas
Ity, have !cell abandoned. 'I lie °lnaba
:don Pacific Railroad is covered alit,
water. and It will be several weeks before
trains can run through.
l'itolllent Johnson ha. accented an Invi
tation front the citizen. of Palen;lt, North
Caroltn,. to !JO pre.neht at that place about
the mantle"( NI ai.the laying of the cor
ner stone of thou onttenent ln memory of
the Itrtoodent'l father. Ile will ter. actual
patile.l toy -ccretary ae.rard and one or twin
ether. of ht. colonet, and will go tet Ilse
and In4y edttentt trlp furthtir
Great T....Gement at Watertown, WI.-
ron•ln—"umotelon of a horrible
Trngetly—A Sou •optunted to hate
Murdered 11la tattler and Burnett
the Body to a Lon Genf ,
An itstentte excitement prettallet: at Wa
tertown yehterttny, in relatiOn to a youbs
in intett ttt the horrible erztue of In ur ,
ring lint onohither, sad burning the
don.: 1.0.43 t to on!, to conceal tile
The, ire utn,tanee , t, tt we 11:t ve hyoid them,
are a+ :ono. e :
In the town or Milford,altrn4 six miles
from Steint town, there had Itir
many yi ars past is literin.itti natned aeltnitpf.
lin l• family nolisiating Of hitatilt+, one
toot and. o Aattartepr anti his
Ire {1 PI.VC alic.tys ottarreit were or lei.
toter they lived there, tool ,luring the wax,
..1.01 SOLlit'.l;tl, 111/$311“,i 'year', be
1110. obtained a furlough from
11l Or, by going to tight the renetr.
Ili. 0 ire WWI hurl to ea rrnta the nolo. that
liewould never return, hut this 11,1h111111:110
. 1, int, N , a. , not granted.
.thnepi 00.0111 belpedto crest) the rebel.
lion, return ed to esettiont, as It tioyr
atol tlangcr, to high tit w.
expo.e.l gry
hushed In 11:1+ way 'be con tin. the weary battle of live not 11
the 71 in.tant, when he mysterionsly stoat ,
Therd. lit. heighbons noticed his absence.
The Idol Ily said nothing about it entll guts.
1,144, coil tlionpro , sool no concern. Ills
son sahi the la.t he A 2 V, or.llll/1 Wam on ca•
ne.dat. the di, when they were out. maul
.sly lrotrett ph:et:of latol. The old lean
was in Isle start sewers, lie will his son to
et: a Col tato tirtodi heap on fire, and while
to' wd• thus engaged hie' father di.uppear
ed• Ile Profes.ol ratios tgoorance of
whither Ito had gone, or of any turtle,
knowledge of
AL altolit SOO data of Selmer/I's disappear
alcem Sro a night or two subsequently,
the neighbors had observed a bright tiro
burning at night In the geld where the son
ear is he last caw his father. This was no.
garde.' as strange, from the fart that the
weather wet and tern unfavorable to burn
, g . tooo anti blow, The protracted absence
of schnepf, and the intilleence show n, created su•pici r on of foul play,
and on Tuesday last a nnin bee of perms
via the premises to as io
certain If any
thing . dul.l citscovered to explain the
Loon examination it was found that In ad
dation to a brush beep, a large pile of logs
had been burned in the clearing, and upon
by"i nation bones were found cat
ch.. 4 the row and mostly destros ed, tint
.titer or them retaining their form sung-
Neatly to indicate that they were the re
main. et a human being. The next day a
surgeon was sent for, and a farther exami
natton of the ashes el the log heap matte.
About a peen tit fragment/sof cateloed bones
wuro ntooloctl, IncltalloF a annular 04 1111-
man troll, part et the jawbone and pieces
of the 00011. Tile latter had oeldently been
intended 1140 fragnionta, They also 100114
mane lot 41,Ntoler baCklts, and nails such as
e used In the heels of coarseboots or
shoe, These relics worn In about the rela
tive position 11111011 they might be expected
to :weepy if they hall been upon a man
borued in the log heap.
Th e , 11,414...M0ms of the perpetration of
It tragic crlptc 44 the , tnustabborreut nature
oars •leettied slitliclent to warrant the ar
rest of the yotai g man. Ile was taboo, with
Ili. mother, by the sheriff of rho county, to
Watertown for examination.
1 esterdtty morning so strong were the
circa 00 Viet 11101, and SO assured
the paid lc belief In his gulit, that a largo
flambe, of Germans vollected, threatening
to sots' and bang him at once. great fears
wore fur the time felt of a popular out
break and riot. Thin (augur, however, was
everted by the eclorts of rho sheriff, and by
keeping the prisoner out of their sight.
Untler the circumstances and with the dan
w er of mob violence an examinatien was
aited, and the young man commuted for
further trial.
Young nepf is, wo hoar, about twenty'
years of ago, with a brignt, Intelligent face.
Ile exhibited no particular emotion upon
being arrested, and maintains a stoical ret
icence Its regard to the terrible crime with
which he is charged, and of which the peo
ple of the vicinity believe hint guilty.—
Journel, Mattison, Ills.
- -
Jarenile Tragedg—A Llltle Nen 01
Judge Reeve. Fatally ?Mot In
Quarrel with a playmate.
,WO have received Information of n die
t renslng affair' which occurred at Somer. ,
vine, Favetternonty, On riatorday evening I
lact. A ill niculty °num.' between it little
Neu of .1 edge Reeves. 01. the Circuit Court,
eleven years old, and another lad of about
the slime age, mon of Dewitt filogeby. Young
neeves estught lieseloy by the collar with
the Left hand and woe about etriklng Mtn
with I Ile right, when the latter drew a rie
volver, placlng it tigainst finitude 'moan,
Ore.!. The ball passed through the breaol.
and it Is supposed through the heart, Imig-
Mg ender the nein In the back. 110 fell im
mediately, exclaiming, am shot!" fuld
died within a few minute.
Young Mowry was arrested and had a
hearing yesterday beformluatices Cfxr,Tuck
or and bettrge. A boy named Jauze
almut twelve years of ago, who was 10 com•
.puny with the two bop , at the flute of 1110
occurrence; was the only witness. After
the' examination, vonng Llueuhy was bound
over In the sum of two thousand dollare. for
I tit . the Circuit Court. Voting Reeves
represented LO have been no unusually
'fright boy. 11011, familleo ere plunged into
profound sorrow by the occurrence. When
11l parents leant to discountenance the
carrying of deadly woUpons by their child
! rem—Melon/1n Peg.
Grain Elevator Ilitrned—Lem• imo,ooo
—Three Men Killed.
lit Telegraph to the Pittsbersh Gazette.)
ItrevAth, April .20.=,11tout two o'clock
thie morning tho New York anti Erie Eli:-
vette', OWII.I by tithrtio Tort, war totally
dertroyed by tire. Tito building; silts valued
at etsysto, 10.1 iligtl” . .l far It con
valuedll3,lhe bushel:, of oule, corn not rye,
valued at over sll:ls,utei. Thu tire is soppoetsi
to have originuted by tile friction of the
Thu Elevator was worked till
nine o'clock lest night. The building was
leased Iry
Holt end Cyrus Clark, of tins
city, for eight years. Thu building and
grain aro Inrored In Now York, Brooklyu,
itortford, Cleveland, Cincinnati. TOlotiO,
Providence., Lattimore, ..Spritiglield and
Philadelphia. Total lose,' l ing
wore trailed by the falling of the wall
this morning.
Troops 'En Soule
(B( Telegraph to the Vlttstmeeh tlaret! e. 1
Sr. Loute, Apra . hi.—llatalllon Third Cav
alry, from Carltele Barracks, wlth two non.
rod and sixty men, under command of
Captain Lee, arrived here VI route (or , anta
Foe, for service against the bedtime.
10:Gle -Voney, Olt . 1
porta picot by any
found on our Aar(
fullest and mast re.
tut Produce Markel Re
m)), in city, will be
money Inn . erniinaper Onl; . e.
Wllcun imaginer° hsh lee,11; wherein one
nay waste time :L ti energy In the vein
hope of being rewat led With an abundance
.f filthy lucre, len to most toullell 'thing
•o can cull to mit I.ln the reeking of an
neeketo-or •he blowtrnt tn. of a eao
n a newepaner on!, Too latter exploit,
especially an ,Satu lay nights, after
had gore renal;' not reward tau In-
eAuxeut for po_wd, r used, and the PerVe
it - nor - of such a Jok should be sent to an
msano asylum Wit. out thin formalltY Of
procuring n physician's car/Moab, lig Sat
urday Mina some burglarious "mist:ell mug.
ciaolcil In prying open tile.rear windows of
the AZKTTU counting room and -went for
the cash.. 'rimy Inn made an inventory
1.111 . 1, 1010,1 L
bountiful confusion, after which they paid
their respect,. to our large burglar proof
onto, lot tin en,ty_cents n line
_lsst tulgot he
holneed to nay who made It.) and tiling the
ker hole with powder attempted to blow
ripen the door. Ilitt they Imaglosi the Job,
and taking fright uialun Lanny exit, Ironing
tielmel there It till flank half 011111 wtlli
rough powder, a cold claret aad other bur
gl.imoun Implements. We would have been
Miry much ashamed had the thieves liar,
open the Wan hothlng la It. We
like to keep up appearance+, and If the fouls
who burglarized the 11 no erfx Mince for
homey return nett miturday eight sve is 111
leave a fuer pennies In the +are and forgel
to luck it, 50 that they eee.ll net .lenttor the
lock wttb Kum powder. The pen who,
name ncratehed ou the In pow rno der flask
lel,. the ealcu tool M.tter call :ma rUCOVA,
it, W.l be constrained to svull can.
:table with It to hoe, as witiluiliteare about
g that is Lica .don't properly belong
This N.. 11 known and popular divlire read
Lls reAgnallon of the Pa.torate of l'lv
mouth Church to Log reople onounday
morning. The announcement fell upon the
congregation like a pall. Ile Lad minister.
ot among them for about two year, with
great accepLam e. and tit, 101.ori :111. tA , .•11
OVIIVIIIa will the lilyineblessingimandeet
ed In the large Increase of mendrershlp and
in the rigorous Ilfe imparted to the dint ch . ,
which will be !ore stricken IT the; with
drawal of Its icll endeared pastier. We
an heartily rJ mpathOy with his people in
Mut untiomly mortal yttienL Mr. Moore him
been our neighbor. %Vo have Lau,
wont to Join 1,110 on the street in the morn
lug and In the creole); always with mutual
greetings, and will greatly miss lei genial
moil, his cheerio)and edifying coact,-
!idiot,. hi, upo line of trien.ll.. met
thecouncil. libleyd we know that
the whole christdancominunity.elentat and
.111 Juin us In deploring the 0eC,41011
that deprive! it of the soclrty and niliostra•
lions, among 1114.11 Mieuted unit
yet no humble urpl excusplmry In all the
qualitte, of a etiristlan, gentleman and
servant of Cod. We understand. Mr. Moore
La s accepted a call to Ike pastorate of thy
litryest Lonirregational church In Cincinna
ti. Our 10-s, we doubt ❑not, will be their
',treat gain.'
1:i our Itusloes. columns :43101111a the
adveril,monat of ,tt,llnot, Lane Cu.,
hankers nod I:roger's, at No. 110 couth
Third street, Phliothdplitos. Metems.
ingan,li Lane are well known to many of
mot - buslnce, mom, the:. Movie., here tofore
re,,ted in this city, They were hnOwnsci ,
aratel) among 111 for their high integrity
antl tmcumspection ae Lutonic,s men. llisvo
Ing toutra their'urnMe capital and 11.,0-
el ntexl Itli them 510..1. t. Wlldman, they
hgo •,,dtohilstol 1.1. e leo:Igloo, hooey re:er
red to ureter oho n of . -terlinic, Lane a.
toil propose., to extend their come-port.
Mule, o, thi• duarter. NI. feel entirely ,ofo
.T 1 ce11141”g to all our rulitlern 51.01 orders
Intrusted to this houoo for the purchase o
salt: 01 cor any itc,cription stl.:1“, or
I.ond”—Lunn om,
Iclpal, stair or National, or Mr
tr.n , l,r, or c, ol Oro; sort. of s.
entity Into unoth on' et, indetal for servic e e
Inany 4.l , ..rttnent 9t , or (Shane,,
w recet•e prom' , and fit../glaut attentom.
ro,p ,- ctfully to gge.t the great impor
tame to 0110 tonnlni Or COultnUnity of having
to our as
metropolis Just cueLt
lon,. as this, and of extending to It the
coolidenee and IMeratl patronage to which
the ,cruplllol.l loitegrlty, the ninple Capital
111,1 the prOn.ptltusle 011,11nt..11Iguncu of ail
ta Iran :motions Justly unntle it.
'lrina Liar For 311ondety
3latk altallna, tar:
2. Itlirlrich Fortalma al ta ta. Mehruu
and. 11313er.
Juba V. Rowland vt..C. tt C. Sutter.
V. Mary Ann I,ly vs. James Mrlllnger,
71. ,tetrart vo. Alleithauy City.
73. La:than & Fuller ye. ( yru3 .littler.
ltuffula, Iseho« 1 S CO. Vel. Mr,
Fanners and Mechanic's Turnpike C.
s. Oakland I:tutu/ay Cuinitany.
nos rksas.
Anderson, A. Co. vs.:John Frasier.
IL frank McLaughlin vs. Hugh McLaugh.
C. F. Bayer vs. Francis Felix.
46. Jo:in lAttlo vs. D. E. Wallace.
ratuea Ault es. 311chatl
IsehoUgh Vs. John Walker.
Valentine Froebo tioOroto Fre , •
!r2. John Walker ea. John Shatter.
:4.. John Little vs. Mercer and Carson.
VI. Robert Wray, Jr., -vs. - lra 11. 31eVay
Hamill on the ..Bloti."
./ &MU, Itawill ceallenges y. Morse to to .
eve wile null race over the Mationg,thel•
leer, for a purse or 11,00. nett', Noy '=+l
Ile al.o challenge. tgreil Wolff to row
lye nitle Mee, over the 801110 course, fo
time amount. Time, Saturil.y, NOV ?Sal
lie adds that the above challenges will be
lan (or three days to alt who may choose
o accept. hvidently he does not tntenil
trangern to accept the last protioniiton,else
lie (tote•lor accepting would be prolonged.
le has about enough (olio to defeat Brown,
nil the present chalking., doubtless. are
o awe that aquatic champion, who Ls,nOw
n training to this city.
The Rerun .fr Intemperance.
The Freeport Accommodation train on
the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, on
Friday evening of lent week, between llar
mersville and Freeport, ran over a man
named Inman, who lay on the track he
tween the tails. Inman, who wusu painter
by traile, had been to liarmegsville looking
lore Jell. Not !hiding one, ho started in the
alt. - anon for his Immo la Freeport. lie
was somewhat Intoxicated, and is supposed
to have wine to niece the track. Ile was
caught under the cowcatcher, and rolled
over awl over, crushing his body anti cut
ting his helot terribly. lie was Instantly
The deceased 5,1 'a young man
anti moo arried.
M. 1.5 Lawton, ou malt, threil
separate Informations agairdst John Camp.
' bell, before Alderman McMaster., charging
hint a Itit assault and battery, tll/111dellt
tliitlehler.kl surety of the peace. pro,.
tailor epeelliell In Ins informations that de
fendant male ail assault upon blot with
paving sioneit—drove lilt cart into that of
prosecutor, when there w. _pt, necessity
for doing eri. and, In addition to all this,
threat tilled to tulle his Ilrc. A warrant was
issued for the arrest of defendant. Roth
parties reside 011 the hill and aro etunloyed
by street Commissioner Flinn in hauling.
The ("talon Republican Votiiity Exec
utive Vomit 1111 l e held a meeting on Sat
urday evening last at the erg., of John W.
Riddell, Esq., Chairman, r , n Fourth sheet.
Among the trnnlncen trall9llo.o it was
decided that flu , Convention fur nominat
ing county ofileers and choosing delegates
to the State Convention, be held nu toe first
Tuesday of June, - and that the primary
meetings be held on the Saturday previous.
It wits also decided Clint the Convention
for choosing candidates for the Legislature
be held on the first Tuesday of September,
the primary meetings for selection of dole.
gu 00 to take pine the Saturday previous.
Divorce Mlnticrr.-11b thu ease . of Ge
{Vet...burger v... nn Weisenburger, C
Til.Oll3lVl M. iiftylle WILY 1414101111.1 combo
,tower to tuku temtituony. •
t ILthe case 01 001,1011 vs. Golden, on nto•
of T. Howard, Ewl., a rule was granted
to show cause why an attachment shall not
issue against Dennis Golden for not com
plying with the order and decree of the
Court made on the 2.1 day of March, 1017,
increasing the allowance of the complain
ant to twenty dollars per month.
Ati....ser.t.ndinir.—The alarm 01 flea
sclunded yesterday about 12 a. was caused
by the burning at a chimney in the "Farm
es's Inn," situated on the corner of Fourth
and Ferry streets. Quite a unpile, of en•
glues were making their way to No 45, nt
the Goal Intent Engine noose, and had pro
ceed...l some histaina, up the 11111 Unita,• the
nitatake was titneo% nrtal. Thera emtvartal
tit tat than allauntletatautt into the lo
entity, 1.01.10 contending that t lin hell totattat
tor O. (altare itlatt tt anti ...ply Iltn. So
damage was done 10 the building. ' .
11 4'
The Young Men's Mercantile litbreiry As
sociation have lalil !Atli community tooter
nn nth:alonel obligation in procuring it Se
ne4-of lectuits In aililltion to the_ regular
mine, which termlnateil some winks .1;0.
Thu of these : was given on tiatll,
- -
day evening at the Acatieuiy of Music, by
Wendell Phillips, on the Lost Arts. This In.
an old and celebrated lecture, In which the
learned and eloquent author endeavor , ' to
show and to prove that in the matterof art,
both useful and ornamental, the ancients
had attained a degree of proficiency far be
ad.--tv hat the present world ;tenurially sno
b les, atill that 141 seine resliects they ex
,:hied the modern, Ile made It clear 0401
some arts known to the people who lived
two, three, and even four Mina - taunt' years
ago, are absolutely InsTand are only known
to tetve L existed Its the 611111,1.111 g results.
To some of his inferences we are not pro.
pared to ytel4l assent, for example, that the
steam engine ws known'to the ancients,
or that a
they had anything that could prop
erly be Clilled rallrea , l4, although they 1 ,4, 41
tram-ways. hut he freely conceded - that
they tat not the art Of Printing. 4 . 41 henvo
the arts, like learning. were codflned to the
privileged classes, und hvacCll.l ,o, ibility
that they could he lost. It I, the universal
doluslon knowledge and skill, and con
sequently of the arts, that the moderns
have their lumeasurable advantage over
the ancients. When God gave man the
printing press he dfave that which broke
down the partition wall between the ruling
few and the oppressed many, and rendered
it impossible that anything worth remein
bet lug could ever be forgotten or lost. That
one greatest of arts rendered all other arts
Loth universal and immortal.
IV,' forgot to say In the proper place. that
Mr. Philip's Introductory remarks upon
some of the leading Issue', lit the day, were
eceedingly happy, and were very well re
ceived. The hall.was well 4141,441.
The three other lectures of this series will
ne given by Mr. Henry Vincent, one of tile
et vmlneut wll.l i.peukere we
11,110ng,1.10., 011 W ealIC,l/11.To
11r 0 itly 11.101 Friday evening, of tb.l.a
'lambing', Gas and Steam Filling.
' St time, It la necessary on zhort notice-io
cure the ,rTlc, of a skillful plumber.
steam; Otter to untlie repairs or need•
ft I alterations about our house, or work
s: op,. We comment' our friend T. T.
h - en +. No. 1t..5 Wood street, ki one of the
vry be-t rnechanw , to apply to In each
e I..rgencies. tie attend, to all kind, of
p unttnng, ga, and nteaut fitting, and Co.p
:ring to the 711011 credit able and careful
It :toner. .1t nIS est:OW:oh went will be
II and a rare :tad varlet( stock of the most
a proved dan (4,nlonable Styles of oil
utlch gas el:andel:or, brackets, burners,
vtkovnlch no will dispose of at the moot
reanable rate , . For anything In ELI, line,
give so T. T. EA co, h cull. I .
Itonawity.—i)o Satura afternn n
young loan obtained a sp d an y
of horses Oo and
one of Mr. Daln , a buggies to take et drive.
While going down Fenn street the b•rses
becettne unmanageable, and turned off at
the Fort Wayne Itailrond crossing , . taking
the road to, arils the river. They went on
down until they Came to the bridge, where,
kettle, in between the tire, of course they
had to etop. Toe buggy was completely
wrecked itnil the horses suffered severe In
juries—one of them to 'severe that It is
, inestiotoodu whether be till be worth very
hued hereafter.
Fire In 9nnehestei.i.-1 ester - day at
111.1I1n tiro story frame .Iwelling on Braver
etrcet, opoosste the Locomouve works,
Manchester. own tul and occupied by Julius
/ilrsuse, less almost vuthely destiolual by
fire. The dames ,prewl with such rapidity
that filth of the household furniture
ved. The fire originated from a
chimney Ilse In till second story. Lose,
aced in the German •Insurance
Company for 0.0). The Allegheny tire
klepartsucnt buts out In full force and hy
s Iperhurnan action edved the adloining
Larceny ea licown,
a carpenter by rx-eit Ninon, In the employ of
If r. McAleer, of Allegheny city. lippeared
before .Merman Mullin, on Saturday, and
Information agalmit 1.01011 liecony
charging 111 in ith larn rid bailee. It ap•
pear, that tlefendant t oo t — a - plane, of the
vague of one dollTir and Arty centr, the
proper}y of the pro-r•entor,and appropria
ted the ,Vll , . .10 410 tl trie. Defendant
arrested and held for hearing on
Theedity num.
Feint:o6l3w, A... Kauai mutt Ilnltert.
Jo-eplk Penrose, on rosturdny, preferred
two Cilat, bllore Alderrnou Strain, ono
for fe/ontous assault -ond battery, and an
other for curet y of peace, smmed. A. J.
Brown. PrOlt,ltOr avers that defend
ant bent and abused ulna, and also threat
ened to tako Ida tile. In default of ono
thousan,l donors [WI On the ilrot charge,
ztad two hundred dollars on Ulu second, do
fondant wws emnludted to Jail to answer at
The Shamokin iferotit sap, that the strike
winch eticanieneed at eorernl of Ole ollicr
loe ce k, became genera: on Monday,
rvery operator in tuu region etAndthif
ile. Thu miners demand an ,advance of
true, lh to :id per cent., and the operators
refuse to give It, co. there has been tot ad
vance In the price of prepared educe. At
wtni, of the collteries tile men asked for no
advance, but remained out on the notice Of
the striking party.
Siorety of the Peaces—Jelin I.i.itley, on
Saturday, preferred a tharge of surety of
the pence against Writ. Sutton, In that de
fendant threatened to Mow his bruins out
with mallet gun. Licht tounawer. .. similar
charge wortuntdo by Sutton against 1.1,1,1cy,
Sutton alleging that Lidiley ihreateucti to
decapitate him With a chopping axe. lioth
were held for fur th er hearing on Saturday
next. The parties reside to vac township.
Before Alderman 'Tay lor.—John I
Cluley, en Saturday, mains Inform:idol
against William Fitspatrten, charging lit
with the larceny - of • quantity of mine ,
paint. Warrant frallVd. Mr. Snorer atom
made Information before the same magic
Irate, against coma boy, name not given
far the larceny of a quantity of poplar luta
tier, valued by the prosecutor aL flee dot
lure. Warrant issued for Ms arrest.
rat. Preteneca.—D. W. llolliger was
before Alderman Strain on a becoutl
tag, on Saturday, to answer a charge of ob.
taming goods from E. lt. Myers &Company,
under false pretences. prosecutor alleges
that defendatit, by representing himself nn
55 'Maui Bolger, obtained ono barrel of Oil
from prosecutor. Defendant was held for
I antler hearing on Monday next.
Bnralary.—Our friend Dr. Barr, residing
in the Fifth ward. waked up Sunday morn
ing to and that 130[111, scamp bad entered
his otlice during the night and appropriated
his watch. There were other articles of
value In the mile, but none of Diem ap
peared to attract the attention of the thief
except the watch.
Amanult and lintlery.—llenry. Johns
n Saturday. appeared before Alderman
train, and trade an information against
V Minns Shields for assault and .buttery.
ileging that defendant beat and abased
dm without any provocation whatever, A
'arrant was issued for his arrest.
Assault and Nat tery.—.lul In Ann need,
a colored domestic, In the employ of Adam
Burkhardt; on Saturday. made an Informa
tion before Alderman alellasters, charging
her employer with assault and battery. lie
b•ndattt was arrested by °nicer Shertif and
1.1,1 to ball fora further hearing.
Fornication nod liastardy.—lleary
Itoschenbelsen was arrested on Saturday
and brought before Alderman Strain, to an
swer weharge of fornication and bastardy
preferred ugainst him by Catharine Fulloy
Defendant wee held to ball lu the burn of
lOU to answer at Court.
DlAltral.ted.-011 , 111 FILZAIMMOIIS, on a
second hearing li.ftire Alderman strain, on
Saturday, to answer a charge •of false pre
tense in selling to prosecutor a horse wnlch
he represented us sound, when, In reality,
he was not so, was discharged and the ease
Cogageinent Ringw of solid gold, nod
which will wear a life Limo, together will
eII kinds of Jewelry of the Mal quality, at
the meet reasonable rates , at the popular
tint class establishment of Reinoman,
ran S Seidle, No. ga Fifth street.
• Chnrio of Rape.—Phillp Stephens, Jus
tice of the Peace in Colon township, com
mitted to jail. on Saturday... Adam till"
limns, to answer In Court n charge of rape,
alleged to hare been committed by defend*
nut upon Margaret Jones.
Arm Brokeu.—A small son of Mlieer
John Messner broke his left arm on Sunday
afternoon, by falling from the steps of It
on Fourth street, below Market. 1/r.
Wm. 11.CliIltle called In tont redueml
the frnettire.l llmb.
0. 0. C 00•01101. Ysy., of Lebanon, has
given VAMP towards the erection of a
Noldlorb , and eallore , Monument in that
county. This money Is the amount of Mr. tutor; and Mlleage us Senator.
Counterfeit five rent coin are ln netive
cirenlation. Tbe die or metric by Which
they are made is nearly perfect, but the
metal ls vy base, in sme instances being
not much b er etter than loead.
l'ltargo of tiwiloiellon. -I .titrience Doyle
tau, Ott Ntturtlay. la default of put boll,
voouriltted to J.ll by A klorman Hotter, to
charge of reduction tolvltt
him by Mary I.2glttn.
tan,,,., corlplttinti of hAyltn: tr..o
moos go,tlr. Lei vIreCIM.
tt- :
S i
The nail rrr, er , between till, elty
Sadonburgli, Maier cennty, about a nine
ea.?, ehery,berd, Frelay lout. tel un
der the wheels or 111 v vente le. and wit.
verely, 11 art. name iK Selgbol very n.
lie we' conveyed to nen:Wl', tavern in
Ilesver..—Petition having Been pre,ont
el, the Court of loaner on Sat
appointou Jacob, Koester, Otrti - i I
Benjamin COtlrEir. anJ .latnl•i Norco viow.
err; to lay out a road in Cliosbctll town
Mayor'w norninF:Court.—Thoto seer°
flO Cases Of any Importance before the Ilny•
or of either city estertlay. The usual
amount' of tlCunert and tllbortlerly
cases were cllepo.iedlof.
Cornmirolort. , Appointed.—lly the
Court of .jOartltr ,O.iblOnS, On paltlon rro
touittql, ou urday, C. Floor', was al. -
COlgtu,stuner of 11.4thluntl Avon no,
in Colllna
ResLoostiori.—lirs.rS. ifeitftingr,
(artist,) S. Butts and ,Inints T. 11'Combs.
have been appointed Vitiwor., In the matter
of the ro.lovation of a road in Collins
township. •
American and Careful:. Watclims in
gold and Oliver, rich: and Main, for ladle,
and gentlemen, at Iteloenien, sleyran
Odi lie's, .J f filth street. Pricey to malt eve=
ry body..
Coiner Isanferk.—The An ,
gbeny, yesterday, arrested,7everal,profes
siouai corner loafers They were ...bombed"
for awhile and then discharged.
Clock•.— ror foreign and American
clocks at all desirable styles, go tone Jew
elry and time depot of Heineman, Ileyran
and Filth street.
Fully Five Tbounasul beer drinkers via
lied Troy UM yt,tertlay.
Elopement In High Life—The M. 0.-
ter of +a Wealthy Stenntboattnan
Elopes w ith a Poor Man—The Parties
Traced to the Indiana Shore, hilt
They Avoid Their Plirynlier.. and the
Twain nre, no Doubt, Now One. .
It 13 an old raying, autl one which has of
ten proved true, that "the course of true
love never runs smooth." There la another
saying, also true, that "love laughs at locks
and bolts," another verification of which
will be found In the narrative we are about
to : relate. In relating the circumstances,
we et 111, al the request of, tee friends of both
parties. suppress the real namei, but will
g lye the facts as related to us by n reliable
some years sines a gentleman, who had
amassed a fortune by trading along the
river, between here andliew Orleans. relic.
_ed to private life. Ile had a daughter, who
we shall term Slice Belle, for she w. truly
tl s belle of that portion of the city where
she resided, being (not over voventeen),
beautiful, and accomplished. She had nn
merest beaus, and none Saw her but toad
mire her. She nail all that pride and ambi
tion could desire, and, though her parents
lid al/ in their power to please their per,
mho seemed, fur the past year, to be deject
ed in .pints, a circumstance which no one
could account for until recently. It upnears
that, over a year ago, her father was Laving
an stitllnon built to his house, and among
the carpenters at work thorn was a young
man of stately form and beautiful features,
who was very neat and tier in his appear
ance. Mire Belle took an interest In the
young Man, but he being very modest. and
looking upon her as Ills superior in society,
dared not aparottch;l., though her greatly
admired her.
One us; while ho was at work there, ]Sus
Belle engaged in convermtlun with him.
Now, our young hero being well educated,
was very focus,ln conversation, and soon a
strong feeling sprung up between them.
Alter the young man nulsbed his work at
the home of Miss Belle's father, they met
of ten upon the street. The young man was
not allowed to visit the house, but to their
stolen interviews they exelranged words of
love until at last they w lle engaged to be
married. The young lati3 'atm. Pre.ext , of
going upon a long trip, adu up a large
amount of clothlng. TI parents snow
nothing of the dalesme f rigs and the de
signs of their daughter ur..11 last Weilnes..
day morning. When ate was milled tor
.breakfast that morning n,,0 was missing,
as also tier wardrobe, whdth she had been .
preparing. Isquirles wi re at ones made;
when it was: ascertained that she had left
with the young carpenter retorted to. The
parties were traced to tie Jeffersonville
Railroad depot, from whit(' they hail taken
the cars either for hind( anti or the host:
and before this reaches
have, no oubt, been maile
thli eye of the read
el tht. twain will
"bone of one bone and lies of one itcsh. - -
Lontrolle Demicroof. 1
. .
1 .
. . .
11UNTFIL -on I riday. Atilt, GEVIikiE,
4on of John and M.rgaret ti nter. • . .
WELLS—At thy rrattienee irt Rev. L. B. en,
tend... In Last i•l'lirts. r n Welds,. evening,
April l'iii. Net. .I[IMA-it WELI.t. In the 71111
Star of her age.
musTxn7.wr.a.s..-tll EL,
Po. IM Toroth street, Pittsburgh. r.. COFFINS.
of. all Muds: CRAPES. GLOVES, and t•very
seription of Inner. urvlstang Goods furnish
ed. Rooms opened day and night. Reason and
Carriages furnished: s
Hirrat”cp.Sl4,.. David Kerr, 1,. If.. Ile,
hi. W. Jacobus, 0.11. Thomas Ening, Esq., Ja
csbll. Miller. Esq.
R T. WHITE br. CO.
Manchester. Wead's Run and vicinity.
Coriaar Sheffield and Chartleva at eels
Beata, and Carriaces furnished.
beautlful o d's-acre,` the large.. subur
ban place of sepulchre, except one, In this con n•
ty, situated on New Brighton road. Immediate.
IV north of Allegheny. For burial lots. permits
or title, call at Central Drug More of 01.1p1.
CLANEY. Allegheny City.
Iron Broker,
124 First Street, -
Jose Ag phine. ent rot th
Isabella., l of C inn orn ea wal nno l.
n. DOW
tli Llol 1V
Glendon. and other hr ands ofAnthrsclte. Youeti
lictw. Coke and 011plaxat's C. It. Charcoal rIU
Coast,.Meats and orders respearollT sone
ed. Ja
-iim Belting.
Alwaysi ott hands • Pt:Tutor gicialls7 °MAUI
LICATHEII and ILIUM 111 ItILANT 111/86, cur
pick' NIVET6uId BULL-'. U6LT tlO/./ki4one.
Bit machines. Used bat a abort Mine. for gale a
Tedoced yells, MM. OUMNEII J.
Tr Fifth atrael.
Pure -::pv . t irz .:; ,: , t t Co." .13ray . i . Cchlte t !.es.d
•• ••I.Illy" do do
•• "Comp!ant.'" do dr.
" "Coatioent," do do
Blue and
OH Reaocrf ;
Lead and LlECouge;
Colors dry .0.1 In obi:
For sale.. T. II NEVIN ft CO.? ,
1.4. Iv, earn...third awl Market au
~ToNTI2 WOi Kd. Soll.6lresi Corner. o
Wes Calm., ALL.S.L.T.
band or prepare on short notice
biZAATII •1111, WTONEH, fl.ati4 ruco
inc h o A_ND Tilllll httOSIS.P. We.
WilloAlll.ens promptly executed. ritliniAttZA
Al Ai bids choice half Peaches:
PI do quartersdo;
13 do mixed do;
150 bushels gond lire Apples;
ro do prime do:
Just receirad co m mmission and (or talc low
to the rade.
ticlll/MAK ric a LAN°.
17/. ankll74 Wo.J' street
SENDFUES.-3 bbls. Beans;
.• Cider Vinegar: .
5 4. Catem, 1% Int ,
7 kegs Apple Butter;
Ilse, Usts, Sc.,
r."."l° LT
14 eteend .treet.
TOT A FEW of the worst disor.
durs that IMlct mankind arise from cmriMr •
Mu or the Mood.
•AI,OIILL. , It ',remedy of Lb,
Wholesale Agents
1011111 Z
American Watch Company's
No. 56 Fifth Street;
rron1:1 - 11. 111,90N1C 11/1.1..
6 Wylie St., 34 doM from 5114
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
47• Panto:liar alttatton elven to Boosts/AA
Watoots, /tail 7•walrf. All Tork .at•
SO 59 89 59 S 9 89 S 9 89
iS9 . . lic,Tu _
I.if) FL CO 33 13 'l€3.
' s 9! S 9 Market Street,
AND tivryOUß
•• • • •
" .11V .I.3Erm axpir
AUCTION 000113
J.S. ROBB, S 9 Market St.
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89
FOR THE s - ritmq TRADE.
At 26 and 2S Si. Street.
We t.aec others and are di:ay receiving, of
our own and manufacture., a large stoc k
FYVtlit 'IIII2,I"..THRA'6
L INt,
rAczur _ .
tiVbt. ,ITZA-11
• Utley manufacturer.; we re enabled to Neer
to meTchauLt. carriage ;taker. and the retell
tegt3l. trptuctm , nt to prices auct iroatt not be
rouc , l rite:where to tie city.
We pare totroduced to the trade our new per
t ume,
Persian Lilac,
No thtly•s toilet!. complete without It.
For sale by all livalerk.
Ncw York Office. ttth Broulw
c. , C 11•17 L.
.11.uf:wturers sod dotlera to
crest In , luestnents:offered to Agents. Bust
netsllgbt. snit
Reinlrv. capital. ellslo.
Orikng. , lllc, Trumbull Co.. 0
Practical Furniture Manufacturer'
Lazost .1.1" of rUliCtilittltE conatantly
P IE C ing E
le WIIEELGIC W11....70N•1P
"WAr.n.i.N.DTHrtcxl72.,.s. 811.131t00K
No. 20 Diamond Alley, Pittethrgll. Pa.
All the late,t and notst fashionablestyles or
BONY:EIS and HAT. for Ladles: Misses. and
Isspt constantly on nand or made to
isrder on the abortest nutlet. rrices etry reason-.
able. ante
Realness Cards, Letter Heads, Bonde,
Circular, nbore Cards, Diatom.. POtereltA
V lean. CertilleAtta of Llepoetts, InThatlon
Cards, dc- No.. 111 end 74 Third at.. Fitte
Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh,
blannfacturers of
And nkTTIN..i. 20111:23
BROWN R Cti . 116 tlnlznrbzno brats?,
opt oilte the l'ostoitire keep on band, or ate
nrom rd" . to order, •rarietr of elegant Vene m tian
itlinds-prlee 1r; tie and upward.. '‘ en. SS of
Window ithades, $1 50 and upwards. Colored
LIU Cloths, Buff. Outland, Mats. Nugs. Into
mas, 11,10 , 1 and Picture Cords and Tassels. Also
at toe so.O.te e.tOr. on gland or made Loonier, a
tine stock or W Shirt Waite Sod Calico Shi Collva
tore eutlemen , wear. mliCiret•
If to. to home a gen of Fresh tEAC/Irg s
MT! , Is, It E Mil KO 13 I. L ACKIIERIII24, PLUMS,
Eh or WIIONTEB111311:tl. You ate
sore to get these eaKkantl at 11
the lowest market
prlee. ai
112 FEDEIIAI. STREET. Allegheny City.
No. 1d FOCRTII ST., Apollo Building
imArTe. OTE.,
TEIt HEADB, Se — do me ln an le.Laad LET
flAlit WOltliEß AND PERFUMER. 92
Four 94 stre , t. ooedoor . frout Wood. P2teburiett.
d te ‘ l 7 t r ar . t r e (I L :4f=t
sc.i„. uard BrAcelete. AC!
A good frt.. IC <salt 0111 DO siren for BA , /
flat ,
Ladles' 50.1 geftermea2 hnlr•enttlng donitn
the neatest wenn,.
r BLACk,
Three doors above hndthffeld ntrnet,
Ems kind of Work done on the shorten antic
and trioat reasonable terms. riallonlar attentloa
Dahl tn.l o t,bt no. lallhr64
. •
. 31C Kir )61. (s . acerasor; loJobn Warnock),
r.. ) ItnnltY 31 En ANL FM/U.167A. Pitts.
arda, Pa, roller aatton to their exterthive
ethrt of Pratt and Or .ainental Trees, Carer.
gretas. I.) rape Nine• and tireenhonan Planta.
Pltrd.urel, and 0.1..1and Passenger Cara ran to
the tareaulionsra every Valera minutes,
I.3IANOS PIANOS !—An entire
new stuck of }red lIE .t CO.S MANUS, which
are now rocsldehe beet Made: •11.0
upward. Perhous wsnt of Ern Clap Plano
& ru r/ rprofully Invited La call Lad exanuna
Unborn purruu6lng elsawbrre
. 0 43 l'Uth an.:.
• ETTA cH & mEAsoti,
OlicCEtl,oll7 TU CIIE 01A_1a CLARE.
Manufacturer. of
No. 11()Nlo Atroet, Allegheny CRT.
Also 1 , 111 oseortment of flelana .t U. A. AN.
DEmuN •a, No. IOW Liberty tlt.. rittsbarte,
rs. 0 EU. 0. CLAIM. tlapt. of Works.
Staler of IVeights and .Measures.
1 1,1,71 rr , mrtly , tteL Int I,