EITZ, 53roLer, ilB Wood St., mar corner of Fifth, All (li:script:or. of Govo.nrae.nc Bonds bonen and sold on litaral forma London and Contmontal E. , :onange Bold I= Gold, Silver and GoanOnal,onght at Mel ee, rates. rnd Gold 13rafiX likOod on New MO 111G111:ST 3IIRItET RITES PAID FOR MAY AND JULY COUPONS, JAS, T. BRADY & CO., he r.t., BE != Cor.: Fourtl aD2u:l,_ TO HOLDF,IRS OF 7-3o'S. - if &,-14,g arrangements with .Tca,9 C7c,olr:c. Ccs, oh, enrr,,p0n.1,,,,, a KeDared to convert T-.-...'einto Y 2, of Wit re hout etlarge. ors liana Cor Delivery. IRA B IIicVAY & CO ~ . 30.voclam.e - ra. CONNER WIDTH AND SMITHFIELD ST . 4. omn4:.3s . • FINANCE AND TRADE. OPnCZ c> x Wi13t07.1 Today being - 1;00d Friday, none of the Nose York Boards or E.Shange.il were. open for buSiness. SOlllO few gathered in the vicinity 01 the Stock Exchange and tried to get up an excitement on geld, and spread out reports that our seenrittea had further declined to Europe, which 11 fmt true. Bold was nominally at El; In the street.. Government securitle6 unchanged lint tirm with little doing. Railroad -mete are dull In the rib:Veen Of any Large buyers. The contraction of eue: rent) .1111 More so n , cre.lit,und the :brisk. • ago in values generally. has realised the untehaslng power of leading operator+ in stocks, and many lire loaded down with stocks that, are 'consider:of cheap as an in vestment. but If thrown on the !parka would produce a panic and bring ruin on themaelres and friends... In local securities lavestors hare to be • tainted up,and lobo:persuaded to purchase anything but what is well.knoWn herr for years. whether it Is good yet or not. —Speaking of tile employment of the currency to moist, tau Southern crops, and rho employment of at least to bring forward the cotton crop of the Mat two :years. the Note Tent I'o3l concludes that there is no doubt that tile absorption of currency its the South has had a great deal Co do with keeping down the price of - gold here. For It but had for thin time b. Ing the - I:Arne relative effect as would 11000 • followed' It, t, contraction, our outstand ' tag paper Lumley bud been diminished le. amount. However active this process of absorption May have been, there are initi cations that. the currency so taken up in the South is i..,..taniug to ilud its Key slowly back here, and this, with 'other era - sone, is cited t in i confirmation of the 'opinion that the mousy market here will such eauer. —The large amount of coin and billion I •captUred by 0110 forces the tight of I • the rebel troop+, near s tuge-ta, Cleorgiu, in 1 , 15, and which seas oemwloned much ins- cusslore p and arbeiation e , being clawd liy,l several. art lee In Richmond and New Or led ns, ha. agaln been the sotul ee or investi gation. Froax the record. ut the COlite.3v- rate tiOvemenent and 10,111 Other soure., the treamite is proved heyond doubt. to I have hi•longed tit° rebel government, and not to Renown:l Cr New Orleans I banks, us I,ll:liten ,appo4l ... From mixes In the Journal of the Mo.' treasurer, Mal from the lamer of :11 ef hats or silver hill -11011 of peeultar shape, is Melt w'ere recog , nixed as °outing (rout the New OrleallS, 111101, and from other evldeuees, the owner ship 01 the can:area treasure beents now _ tinnily estabilshed. —The warehouse Ice:emote lit Now lock for the month, of march 0005.0 that the 100unt euterell for Warelluu3llll.! was $0,0,1.734, arid that the fino))int withdrawn in too same time was 5U1012,516. The en . tee stock In warehouse on' Ire let Oh Marsh . was V15..,63:12. against 413.•1131,177. Tel , • 2. 0110 We that the tithe:: In 1,0h41 inis decreased ' »earlymillions Ahlee Ala/ ell I, and Is amg smaller than It his loam any time . since. lieeenther, 1,% the total being a frac tion less than twenty-lour hellion dollars. Tills :Mllllll,O all dry push , liquor+, groce ries, metals. spleen. unll, h I short, everything brought, leen lt,eign countries tad in honied warelionst —The holder of regsiterisl 5-Ers - who has filename on the Philmlelphla list may have It transferred to the New York (1,1”).y other list for the payment of Intere,, by making I,lillt•St to tine street at the Department at Washington. It mug, however, be ton late -talityo the change made 1n 115011 fdr the • Slay - Interest; tau transfer , booth being /closed. —Tae old aria well4mmen halt of John If. Brower .0 Co„ Nee` York. aspended payment. The ems,. In a-erpuul to lo,es Oft cotton bent upon comapanent, and. ad vance. 'nada to Wooten , at the airmlbwh:ch It tint been limpo.eoble fur them to return thin season. Fir/NH(llw IL METAL ANII BLOOM SIARREC-WEEKLY REVIEW. Orrice or TEE Fainov, April 10, 1017, s There have; been stone jaw saida of Metal during the past week, told, as will be seen - below, the operatioria In Blooms were CAM .punttiva,ly large, but the market in dull,. and, notwithotand tag stocks are only mod erate, prices are tending down word. In re . gond to the "lock out" there are no newgift velossimento worthy al notice. Outne feel of the millsbove partiolly resumed, the mill owners claiming, lion the puddlers Imre gone to. work at the reduction, while the pnthllers", it is ollegtel In their organ, ore receiving Pieced Is owes. The stock of in an- I:Meter/A iron tool notts Is nearly e Intuited 111 this morinr, tent m o many west x, buyers wile heretoforellmve hong. in Pitts burgh, aro now ooel t order from the east., und it is lin aOlh lmost o dully rmenrrenee for enetern !run and nalls to go through this city en route for the west. We hove the following sales resorted: 133 tons Neutral Yore, EA do. N 0.2 Foundry. !t•)' do No. 2Fotintry. VAL.V. 40 [OO4 Low tirioto 10m0iry..417 00-1 mos HIV tic/Gray Vorsm ' 41 DJ do cO 10119 O. I Junta. LUNE do W oo No. / do W. tons, In to 6,1411,/ uuc I: yjp tt.'6- 4 , in:lot s rirrss nrErtioLECYIMAIIIi ET Owner 09 THE ViTTTII AY. 11/l Apr oll iI E.E, AZTT FRID Cal: DE—The market Wag again quiet and to-day, the trammetioni being unu sually light,' while 80 far as prices are.con corned, there ts no material change. Ire . Can report ntiale of S i ll carrels at lie, pack : ages Included, and 14..C1 bldg, in bulk, for ! Slay Welivery, - nt 70. Compared with the Carly part of the week, price. hart' de clined from to !.Ic per gallon; then, ;pot ! oil soil at 7e, while to-day, it 14 quoted at rind :gayl4l 7i,e while to day It•wiel offrrr,t 4444 at 7c. , The de. may he attributed to tome, prriv,fl.l xIIVIC.ex Irmo Enrol-, ki4 troll a+ tulle fiLqt. tin' 1. there are fewer tank boyars. We hove no utiviceo ( rata WI City to_mtv—yesterday It WLIB 0 , 401041 at v . , per barrri. ILEFINED—Tho• market foe howled all srux loath , quiet PoditY. the eat, Lclag cotnparatlvely light, though theta yea,, considerable inquiry For Philadelphia. We co p ~,,port a frame Of 3:40 A,pouliott white: to run from Slav Deeende,r. 111414 rarn at delivered in _ I.lllllulanhlit, aria ilia, prime light straw to white at free on board core hero. Vree Oat, dull and unehange I—the demand I. unt+of th a o n local .. trade y r.oa. Wholl 10 cup A .. plying the a. Of 11111 V AL.—Tine Following arrivals oil were reported tiedavi It. Ituolmell "tic Fisher C. hen... 11. hi. I.slgui ton.. Iti i W. .11cCtitelleon.. ECM Dry Good. Trade [llVT.l..granh to t he , NEIV Yorlg, April 19.—Tito it Mar: let was miler fillier trellay mei slightly de pre4Seti hot most 11.3 . 1 es of eentilien Stlanttc A seetllngs .41.edy, at '2l; the 11 brand is `24.1.;; Pomo, lc:: Is!.'.; N K sipm E. 22; Dontalt I. 13; rtslumn Felts U, Fl,'-:;2,le.lfortl, W."; Appleton A. 27: Empire, 15; 'lniArtnut E, Lewrenen E, IS; pert, Mout 11, !wavy, 17;0.mr1c,.19; Bet:rola i2'.t Agnikprn y; 16; Coleintlet.. 2.3, end Crt Me, II A few lnforler mules of blesells4. mu• u , w ere !;:(pie Ina it and tint!, bet thO s. oak were line anti M requebt.'• Ticks caater, and SOC. stripes, Peri ItuS UM] check prlnta in fair re and firm. lielelne/ etealy, at '.Z) style/ va,..!. Cashmere /04.12t.tetiSC, -.____ •._ ._ • JAIIIIES 134LZELL& SON, 1 P • r.__ I: , . ITT.6BURGH ROPE WORKS. ' 5l kRSILILL,FiATOS t:, BOLLM IN, rt • 69 aa 10 Water Street, 1 • : .. Only !lanuracturers la tan West Of LARD OIL IdAIsD3FACTUREI37,, lEIVY CORDAGE, . And stealers la CRUDE, LURRICATLN , , ~,,,, . ~,,,,,,, for 5j.,,, and MO 8,,,,,.., CARBON triLli. , Vit. warrant oar No.l Lard OR erar, ~,,,,, HAWSER. LAID OIL WELL ROPE. best Clactnastl, or other brands. s: , , P`° , '"" Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, , to sell as low s. rlln , lonall or catto -- ,, rat.. Our No. 2., Lard Olt as a Labrleall.,,annot ae exerlle.l. HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, 1.1^1.. Creek Lobrlratlair nto , ~ audard brands I, , cAULKINti Col'ION, Sc., 'dr. of Carbon Oil con a tan tit . ban , . , 6 Warannuma. 114 and 111 Water Streat. IMo.rcl.ants and Inanut•iture.s 'Olt So.. .1 ,; I taelr la....rcst to glye . n sit bcforc ,/ . r . ;! , ,1 , ,,, ,. , ~,,,,:T;,s' Mar Ilonubsa.cla lloore. , Lard Ott Crum the V. cst. . . ' Clncimmil 51arket. :Pc Teleirrtps ts the lattileirgh Claw:ie., OVilea or Tits 1..-irtarrida Gtiiii - 721, 1 Gist isNA - ri, April la.—Flonr unehannetf, .. Ap r il ito, Is,. , and the demand wn, better and till feel inn. on changed, Ths) produce markets nrssent nn new fea. , 11 „ 1 - , Ti i t t r l . , - r, W brat t :internally Oor „ worthy of sliegi.t not'''. Th.. ' 1 ' ...- 11:11 orlis:s t . ' l ' ii ) i l ri e tT.: " lfrlnt ‘ :r n'r i ' ilTiji?-4,: .- ti ' it bor Wester» tient:Lail tor Plttsbure.l) man- !' . ,e higher at the elo-e. wit)) saii. id nil ti.:l . ufa,,,,,,,, ,, , ,.,,,,,, ir(rn .„,1 „ a ll 4, p a r i„ at sari).:.), in elegittor,, and i.gi- In siwks. „,„ ()al.. opened doll bet elonid arm,. with enewsi wince of the lock-ou t,stoults are trt n , 1 rale, of No. I at rfliiw Pv is ie, In . ievs: ie. e nighi,:ilitatteil, and In litany rases western I armor, a all sates at 41,7.. lia ' rlw; 1 . , lie buy, unable to get what they want here, I rhohP' ,l . Lott.. IA Ohl/ uith oo deuuohl are obliged to g 0 further I:ast. 11)oaern 1 1 ., T0:1 . ,!,T , 5 ,: ,. r , : 1 1 "T. , ! , , , , , , ).:) i, r l?2 , )) .. 1) 2 , l i , s , a. 1 .1 info and nulls urn 'being' AhiPliell through i and tiler,, W.,.. MILli mg .it ' a7l . i. I ' ,lll,..i::::.l ' l ‘ l . .t i t' ill no daily for 'the wsst--at the prl,I•1It I done. Mess Pork, +=:, 1. lital, 1111,1 , aril time the s'teamer Cara Porter lIIIJ on board 1 r , ( , ' ,T,:i ‘ ,. '‘ 1 1 4 r . ‘ , ' :, e , ' , ' ,', ' ,7'', ' ,', j ,", , 1 ,',.n1 . 1 ';` 4 ,1,. ' ,'','.' for Cinneinnati one tliOnsaml kegs of east- 1 a Ith .(1.11,1 of iirluie ' ioeli; ‘ ,l, r : ol l l ' iit , :.7 ~.11. 0 : ern nall,, and the Colombia, also, nag call- 1 Eggs are In large semi!). and pr)res hats ern iron Leant for the Upper Mississippi. I :',', 1 1 ,=,', 1t" ,', : ,',T t : ' :i .: ,17,:r, ' ,., ' : I ., ' , ‘ '''' tll ' ,. " Thie isirtainly lo a veryltate or affairs I ale at better than ' il 1,7:' lower ;t r rr ‘ in 6 l ' . "' 'rlue ' S 7 . tell Pittstinrgh, the -Birmingham of New, ! lily awe source iltlli 111 tat 11.1latid at lea,. nut It seems that there Is lid: Ilelli i W.11J,0,:m1. Ft3s, 4,, ,1 1 Tan looney market legit. ' 1 ,v. 2 . .....y my.i1.,...1.::han. : 1 :. ..!1r,,, iuyi,,, rirrslluicv t; , per is quiet item-1 r. tlee . lbied q t. bola ww, Itu) jog ttna pt, per bp,1,01 Cplego -On Ttotimlay. .'tub qt. btlg Atooly but unchangod; stile ot cant • ttk,lll.livered ta,l'enua. Llepot; tti-o, stool Mt. Imuls .11nrlact. , • • - irdva tit etOre Ot to 7 0 . Cori , ri"h• w ith ; liv Lto tliv ttl C• / :Li • " sale of U.:41 shelled at 41. live 1, tn - ' •- • tiemand at 41,50, told but olierlui, ST: Lott,. April Iti.—Toliamo active at full Itarlev It quiet and float/n(111y , price, atfll :41110 nigher per luo Sr . uttut; row; ituo corn-., tirtglit leaf. ; Cotton dull. Flour very Ilrin tutored to Cuteutto, tllcru tt . ; „ , t .,,„ ; I for eheico fancy brand, but mi.ttinto /01 er dhquisaton to till, Lot us yet prites i., • low gradea are dull; 4upet nee, 4111,vint11,1 , 1 mat, unetninged. Witeonttnue to omit,. ! tor ,pring; 1•01 1,114, 4,1,..;.‘13,t0; doulde 41a,75 to for Spring Wheat; 415 to 11•'• • ' xi '' , ' II I I•n " In i n•I I for ty beat , „ od 418 50 tor p at ,. yq. \V heat v y o 4l od azi.l Brands. . • prone, 43,na1.;,•;3; , tod ; dolt lower' at 5i,t.:•‘1.11. Main here lit unonainged—ii • te lo for iOlotti•ler but s; to • I•t4ivi •, . natio', hi .••••it 1. 0 ". tor - nth. , It!' I•Ze foe littitufll and l , ,l.;•d•nki. for Clear , hte; denlnnd lit I • • '• rn•"; ' II•n• 11 to :twine for Plato itatiot; RP.; to. Mc for ; d . nn. Slot ' 1.• fl "' ln ; ' i l l' • nu. Platn:, Cured Ham., ainl 10 , to for ; V I " ItI•1•• . tr, 10 ? WI. h . 111•• I't Ll ' Ins ,1-11111:10•0l• Lard, to Wile, and ] leas ' to[ runs' , vititur vared• Lard. Pork 4r2.1 to 12 , ,e for kegs. Ulu-key dull and ituaettled • lit, 41,10, free. SEEll,4—Cloverseed is less active but un• changed—small's:dee at 41310 413,;.0. Tim ally Is quiet with small tales hi store at ' ow llrlnnlatt 3forket. and Flareeed Is in detuand nt emote nit. , :Urllocli to BUTTER-04as In rather better detnaml ; to-'tilt', but as Ille arrivhl4 continUe t and 1111 , 111101 g. sale, prices ate no better,. aml prime to choice • liati , t.c..opic far the hale.; Roll May lie ittioted at We. to I,:v. • pori , ..i.lat nine.: steel, ,777 bah, 101 gar EGG'it—There was con4iderable of a pout , ' amt 410ia....•••• at it etitiat i..igar hood, in Eng, market,to-dal'• tom , . oiteneo flatly I..ie Kittle; 1..'.41.10•4 , tor i•loure. of:heavy arrival, prict;s il l vopivil !rout 3 to'„,„1. a le „ a l „ „„,„,,„,. p• dozerhano e are cogunzant of oiler, • io•••• Flour O'itet . 11 ‘ 1 nr.l gall :oiled at U. t oughth a, the general • ',cane, 413,1 - .; ...holt, faun It . , #17,75. Curti avlittig in ice. predicted that it the, at thit, ittl2e. 1.11,1 a eather continues plia...4,nt. g•rs within a inchau gad ut I 1,. Poi k tiotainally tell dui, will drop 10 ISt% 1110 T Voa.t/A01; 1!' : 111.50. 1 . 00:011, 011!y recall th,ltse,. diung. POT..4TVIES -1, - good ; , orit•I3•• hot with ; IV •el %Vellum at 42,0,,,A.1?. local dcmlmil, Prices ure main- Itt 90e, ..a truck, awl 100 to U iu +lore, , • t,ILL EN Alt P1.E . 4-4•1 better FOrrii . unil ' logr•I•h: 00, l • ltOI•ataa Iltilr ch,l: but ant:lmbued; +0 COOLIII, to l:—Flour tirrn, salt OOOlit ot )4,6010 C. per bp: l 9r go ., d , •it $1••' un 1 '` ; • 01 lor "4 " to +alto Clone, ; • Cau,olo. Will,: Orin and bpt Ib turerod; HAY tralet antl onehanuo.t. +air ; one eat' lowil an•ola r•Prt•ia . 0ro• / 4 5 ; 2 halal is selling on bask at +a to +2l, anti ; elk( +bite l ali•obt ,••14 •at poruo bo quoted at 1 , 2.5 to • Corn In lair ,itantoot; ~•• ear 1,,it0. new 011,—Lat . .1 b: rt•portett liteudy :10 for ; I'ol,lo at VP:: balabco at 61,as. t n state No. and +l,lO tor Itt : lour tract; lopo blot. old 101.1.Vti V•l•O'll Itt FR; LEAD--La.t salt, at +1,1•2 10 store., tool 5.0•• tot... :10. at 4 1 , 1 • P ia Mil El. FM:IT—DuII tool ntothange4l.. 44 s of •20‘) b u s. at to COliiilli4.ll.—Uules at +l,lO per LOA. I store to o. ','" , ,tans. It.,e, Pori:, 1. tot ante lllglu Wtouti unCO.orge:i. ncoo+ a zta,le New York Filmslcir.l natters. Telegraph cc :he Pitt g;111,0 i. 1.9.1.• 31.nrket. Now long. April Friday BY, Te corupli to the V.,. Lo,h'nikorti, very getunc.fly uteierveLl In financial circles, the 00011, gold, e - f. - ch;ege and a ctive .0 oo,IG for con:loon board being closed. Sub o;' lie' • barika Open for bUatuez, ue tho day wto not u. legal holhlay, but. Workers ,till broker's ogle,: were oboes e...,ept for the hay paVment of drafts and vanillin.: niatured eout.rente, The domaial for money was very, light la rge amounts. were toTert , l phi aL 4,1'5 per Coutt, nu tto.c.r.stoulat+, While 347 rsle; tol '1";,.. tailors, of unollo,:c Cotton time is reportol. ..old quite active In court yard of gait eivriahge tool ailvacod. Privefe telearaine tune 1;a;t1. ,,,, it b:ou Frankfort :juofe the d,-lliilit Pf W7l', Sterling ilto,leratoly active and ?inn, at ; ea,t; Goveittoootts !Inn but quiet: 0050055 , twelttle do ; of •,,1. 1 Um, .four'..; new fi r voima Coupon , inn , 01.1v1,r. ; lea rop,rtod 11100 ; nolo , use loct ng walla for Ito ot li,' Inter- ;,, enecle loqporrow open the tutrao,e eugle, Lotrloo to 7:., 4.1. The elop. ulent probch:y are merely', vel;notO l+; foe,t the Ortuand4o: the purrole grath.....gna not to be itganle.Vatiltulica. ' 1 1 .0, liven( uny movhment of impouance. Itere 1 „, ore a Dumber nu 1 at • nrc a ld ~reet. The Carly I:ealin., In 1: 91 wi.y :ware, were generally: 01 1....nit,11 ~ to, d. pc.l L 0,7. Erie run up to tool ...nolo:1;1y deco:lca to Cu-u 0.,,, st,o2 or Te"..ran done at twOO'ctock. when thu toLt set • t awl heady. (01. owing v•er, cl , ,ing prier, Woo Certineatvm . 2%,01Z2 ne, :nt n • h Getrst ,outhm, bUrgt. 1.4 , ; !;041.,l; lr.ock /,I:Ln.l Cart Corn ad, wentern do jo'oferted The loiloa lug ! Atr Stocr.: writ, 10.1 In 11 ,ton 'day, .:05.100010; ionper lone . -j“ Frank 'lc; II tocock :04; Huron ","'.; qulecy Ar a ANY t, adVo., • 'Torii Produce M.rkel.. ry.. I at 7%1 Ity Tv,c,rap::rlust,urea .J ,r.et SEW 1 ttu.K, Aprit 1....vr and 14„,, Inclined le; sale. 1..51) hales at 25e. orlo d• -s-- ;lung uplands. Flour; receipts n( I :17:: 1.1.1., Can FrnurNeo Mork et. market ttpen..l firm and Nosed. p n o t and .1:, Yetedrata to tte IL LI -• o re; 0 ee. I le. ..itently buoyant fume: prices honorer At,. ~,n ~...., . ...„tprii 1!,-Vinod Is very without doetd.•;l allot : pp:310y 5.5.0 1.3;:1 nt ' „..... , ;5 'a st;•••tners tn.A. nes; a 410.1:4111,1• 3 :or tarportine dc tie am: wesyrn, . 1•,::, • , , ,7 $11,70•33.Ltd) tor lull a weytdru, $1 %idol:0' • st ' ll . l,ll.- . ea York. Nt ltdAt Id 11 ttil gal Tender,. 75e, for eluded do, et:e.t.1.1513.45 fur shimn., , n . w hutml , extra round lean; 0010, and $1 i.leig,. -...-. 04,75 for trade brands. tali:pinta Ftour lasso !larked. steady: sal, Nat bbld null bucks. WILYky :By T,:. t I It:dd.:oh On,-tie.: nand, no recetPt , . WileAt nrkrtgd 1,7111 011 ,1 1 Moo r. 10.-LOtlon 101 l and mon , loyt d dull And drooping: t•n/c . 1 - 131.11 n 1-11 • • Inant It not!, :tr ;Inlng• 1 prn Nn. Milwaukee at 42.W.:111. 1 d•and / 5 , ,.,11 .'/: ; lon ni, tetterplly Anat:l.lo.l. 1115 . • white California, 10 arr. , 'Toll L l ' l ' o7l ' l.l ' ' ; r nem:: . er warn,. In tou day s, on private terms. IL, e ;311•1; i dal, 7,20 hush wdtern at 1:e1eW 3 , 51 . and , - ,• 4,1•000 Stste ast r al; .5. , Barley ;inlet; sates l 6, , 111:A7'1VATt'll %.1.1.E ON THE 11,?e, liu.ii, Canada Wttet. free al 11,21. dell c• r. I yopn:Ar end !ride : gi. :0, dt . err 1 00 *Meat Albany - , Intl . '', Stull awl. Canada : teen a nAndedn. >ALA; .l ou r 11 Awl; rte :to iew Peas firmer; bales 0 . .000 bids free at $l,lO-1,0 , ark. it . I'll . 11 `.,..r ., w :„l'.'",' " r , ' , ” ;,'• : 1 . ,;1 1 1 1 .: receipts. Corn lc looter; sales 137.1•,1 hush I •ng Itns to let rsto or 0 •• Pt •-t ;7' •at . i turn. at aI.:MAL:A', for mixed wentern fit storn, , ~..,,pi a ~,,,, ii ,,,,,, ~..„,„.... _ , ~., ,_., SI,X: dt; afloat, an;l 31,31 1 .A.:1,:12 tor went:ern ' ~„ ~,,,,,, ~ 1, „,„..„, : ,,, 1 ,... , 1, ~ a , .. ,, ,edlow to store-no rs eeiptd. 14413 , rood,- '. Ito 1,11. tt WKleit , . It 0.1::: nye, tp, to IL. utely acjtve; solos 130., , , ty,ll tit 71071 C for ; .."1...0..1 flouting . I 01. ter 00 a On. •. 7 , •; A, At western, 75c tor Ounce du, 7ei r le. for 051,11 '• ; ''''' Z::::.: I!"'; ' l l .. ‘ y.j . :, ' ,' . :l?P ' ', ll ''''""' 1 ' .., ' , I t I , I , ,fl. Itteo s' e•ply : ~ 1 1, . .. 7a, lb, nt 10411 e. Ceti,. ; ;0. , ~,,. ..dp , ~, . 1,, 1 ..1„ . . , ,„ „L, 10 ~,,.„ sales sack, Itarlenbo Sugar !..;c: hixto.r. .: 1 r : ',.., 1 ',,..1,:,, r , b ,: 1„s 1 , „ 11 1. 1 ~,, b.. „.. sale, of - Lon nn t; Cuba at ai.‘11.1..., and 110 . ~, n ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ~,,..,,..... ..... ... , to s., Itelnyt.l.llavant; On prl Vulon'terto 5. MOlun. , ~„, .„„,, 6,, t . ,,,,,,t . • . neti. lt,oly; kult, of ...•*; Weld Cahn. at 7.04 , -. 1 . I 1.1.00 hold Bent:ad Lenin. so 1.; 7. reCrulount tanchanged; crude, let and - tor ; Loo 111 /1,1110110.1. 01:01, WAttlool.. tot to 10. r" thed i ' i ' n ' i .4 "' ;' '' '. il"'''''"" 01''''L , ' ' 'UTI 1 2 ' :,% ' 1! 14 .1 ' t i t " ,t ' n!1; 41 . '" I ' O i r 1 ' ,:;;11.....". ' it ' tg •c; t.l• for now. Pork steady and hiss net Ire; I' •,. „. _y1,,. 7 ....„ ~, .. ~, ... : , , ..,... dales of 1.1115:1 hurls 4.72 7: , iv: . .2 to for now un-., , 11 'n! ... .;i „,, e 1 r , t r., 4 1111, ,7 ,1 t 0,,,, .. 5 . 1 . 1 ,. : ,t X . ) , b„ n o y oyoy at C.! dlic.t:t.:l, ; radh, $22 VO: luitng ; wow, $7Ol. No paYttainy will he duo. tneNna on( do., $l9 0141$ at 00•1 2,115 1;1110 al $22 . t T,,, A .,, , y 0,,,,, won p. In d .- n . 31.1, ...pone Ind KIIIIe oldsend; also 5300 it ruenrl at j of the aln)Jt. Matnlik,nt •t.e l. Alel ri:l,,, sey!, 37 to tutors In Slay. • Bev! Ateady; miss i pt tke artlcle• •11. p1e,,, , 11 In et a1..1 ,'Old., nl. Of 225 111,11 ut 412 COtTI On for new idol. med.; • epee. And well undr.l. ~ / 1.3.1..;5_A:er e 1 n1 , 1 ( y 1 .. , 1 ,. 10 utol its fidd . .r.l fa 11,0 new extra mess beet.; L. 0 11 1 , 1. ..c.i.. r .... 1 4 .,; „ 1 ,.;:,...1 , , ~..,.1 7 , .. ",r, .. 7.•: „ . 1 , 1 „ ' . .. , ,.di: Itarild quiet. Tiorcoln.62 steady; dale. of X., . 11 ' . ' t worth $750 dr one word. Yea. Ihe return of •n, th reta at 434 0d7,35 to tor lyquye, tOi.AB It1:0 . or our dArtlidat, Antill. A you TO tile •rtt. to 1101 . 1 for lmtla tarns. .:neon woe, and , oeteenl tto.reon.l upon I , llolont 1.r. ,, 1Y ,1 /" . Id . ste1111,; sates of ....45 l l ' at luIfillo;Cillri• I, wort!, en.t en ty, ankle AlOO.l ILIt 11010 SIII Iterland eut,111e3.311 , ;e; short rlbluel, Ift e v; ' la nented nn atylcerllncate It 0111 al. once 1., seen shurt. Claud, /W.:I:, nn '.l 11l 1 , .: for hell), out. : mat tn. I. . f !dem,. oliellon,eo. Lard %slued, Ito tour and On "Lottery. .htst • ArraladstForward In a moderato demand: Antes 175 Ithld at 1212 , i'' ,7 7 . 1. " .....• i rr0 " ...*11 ".... 1.11,1. may (ell' 'e New Butter unchanged. Cheese . 11 . 1 Prsrllerltwslol ill a ., era by quietat ISOild'Ye. , the Ear I I.,ranT.-FlOtir oln,oll firru ut.1.1 54 lOC low 1 _ . ..k ..Intr ‘ le 0. rI . I, a!1_wr:.1 .. n.7 ty.! matt. k ell r 0.1 CI:1111On grKtles.. Otteat dull and 1(e . F.,-.11, 1 , , t,,.,7.,;!< . ,, , ,.,,p, , ,.,;,:,;,„ ,;,; J:;,,. , .,:, , ,, ,, , , , : ,.,,„, ; ,; , seed oa er on coat mon spring, Alth more 11, I b n A p,„.,,, A .,1 1 m . p ., ~,,,,, ~r , ~„,,,, , ~,,, dire to :value; No. x sprang 12.55GLu1; No. I 1 n.,hun Ind enl 0: ..t .e In rs, 01 ot n 11,1 31 p le Yorlng 4:2.705eX,0k 111, red mut author, $3 ; Awlfll.l or titosS w Pules etot.lolyent lye In .4 41,...,02, v. tike weeder., $3,•713(.43 :35; white lull- I rare opptrtt nit 7 , it ,.. L. , a „ , , ttent,, , ty 0 ,,„,,, 1 . :orate, 1.3;2, - 43.33. Ityu pulgt, at $1,1,41,53 ld 1 i 1.1n1 ,'I:1 1 ,', 1 : ' 1 ' n 11‘ r .,,;,'„1gy,„; 1 . 1 1 :,`,1',. 111 : 11 . lor wrdtern. 'Burley Quiet and steady. Lorn . ' l.l ‘ `1,,,,...,, , closed aeLLve and Ile dale. x1,1.'11,11.110)4 J. HACKLING ek Co., at 11. 3 1 In tgre. aB I, 133 ' ,,,,, 1‘l r"l'll'Prloil ' ii . 26,1i it; hroAs day. New Y... L. mixed a enters. oats steady, at 7241•5.; for western. Pork steady:end...sof lrm Did, new , voTicE To ovvniEos ow m..., sa $2.1../122.NYeadri and regular, ;dos. ; 11 Ing at Ir2,elK cash, and $22,-,5 regular. Beef Dr t Ays i HACKS, &C In f sir 111111411 y tool dteady. Cut akh, non]. • 1 • • In ally unchanged. Bun. rather more a, I Newels harebyklVen t" all owArrs or Woe [lce, nt /01(e. tor Cluntlerlatut middle, Lard l ons, Drays, CArty. Currleana, Illwiee. 3,-., horn and active, at123,1c.;131 for fair tops lute whether :cant; at It r 1.611-1,41i1 , /It In the I It. 4,1 . Ateam;lsi,;ts l4 a tor kettle rendered. 1 ritt•nurgnr it, psi thetr ledne• • It tr. Tow, :-......_ art r•sothedoftl •• I tty of rltt•lairdb. rurrlediOn ' I, in addcdati, with au Adt of 0,0.04, p. Chicago C•ilrle Markel. yr.., d Intr. hA% 150;1 /111.1 An ounvane. of Ifin CLIICAOO. Aprl, 17-The sutler'w Wag 1 12.1 UTICIIIOI' the city of Pittsburgh, pAsdtd A1;101 clonr,nntld and spring-like. Buyers wore • 1 . 1 ,1 , 1.. , r , ~,L. , . on or .„. _ orr __ ,,,b3.1,..„ out in force, and, wit,' n fell supply or ,le- 1 ~, 1pb : :..1 : 1 7 1 ,1, 1 .e .t, .. : . L ... .1 1: „. ~ $1 „. o. ..0. dlraltle stock, und under continued favor- , p,. ~..! ~,,,I.Z „7,7,',,.',.Z.',,';',',, r „..",. 1 ::,',44,. nolo ad an d from 1110 00AL trade opened 1 ; o r o n , n0 tt,.,p 0 ,, o t , d , of. and 111 vnom, who trhArp. and Up to uleOut II a u k In 111. OM 1 e t or :ors to tact. 0,11 1.1cv,16 Alll be ;noon predented In Very animate appear- I odd. et to I; p; n•lty, to ne rteny 0r• 01e0..t.. the aocn; and itritl,OLL. rules were Il l oroogh 1 eloper. t1.1111,11:1111. Amount Ad' tto• 1,10. 0 1 , ... tilittthitiked :Totter. kOWeVior. with n large .. :? . ...... , v , 1t1yt. , 1 , 1 , r 21 0 , 1 , ,, e . ( , , , ! . .,:r c , ,, 01 , ..) , ..1::; , , , 0 . 1 , 11 ., U , e , 1 , 1 , , , , , . homely already In the. yards, and tio.fresh ...„ 1 ,11`,..14 , 7‘ ,..1,...d , 1 n tit ~1 , 1 t . ..0rt , t r . r r revel pts 01111 pottrlng In, un easier feeling ' htalned, and MO CIOSItItt, 811/1.1( et ialtt at , 1 g ; ,..., .., ii, i ,';',;!ti',., s j,!,'. LICENOE ' , y ... 0 theline of s(elne per Ivo pounds. The le: I Eadn Two Horne VAIII , II. In uti 1:, On .solids tuts, thougdlarge, wet.. of a much ~feller:, ,i. I M i.r., ll: . l , l;n o r ri t o ld r r;;• , l , 'Lli k idie than average quality, :otherwise 1.11 :- . ..„ ,b,.. ~b, ~,,.,,,, ~,, b., ~.11.1ro by 1 1 0 . 1 . 5 0 ; cline woold hare Iri.ert mach I/10111 serious. ! ~,y,,,,,,1.,,,,0A,,,,u,,, t.,,,. r, ~,.„ ..„. Th e input,. was print:W.llY do gat ll - I 'r n .." Ilona! Horne 1011i1 01 Mt, or Y.. al, ”, 1.0n1e1., could, And 1111 , kink Of all. ulferlye, ware tow d.3lar. u A LlANlttit. City Treaunr. lake° Up for the market, ot NA , York, 11:11- 1 t•toynarelt: I. eau err 1. Peer 15.1,1.1 falo, rlt.butgh, Albany and l'l,lladelph la, t,. range of 3767,50 for medium 111 fall ' U.l. LANCE, I • .11t pia u K grades, and 1.-.0".•,,dn fur good to ex- .1.1.• ire tat bullooka. Among the til ls mope- BILK AND-WOOLEN - --- entity worthy of inentton, wore 13:1 extra 1 odttll foil: :deers. Tros lot Wtl.B fait:llN) Itt 1 DYER AND SCOURER, Ennon, hy- JILIIIPA King, ttntl was sold by ; Rubble to 15 alien es.ll.l.lnlltMln, Ilt 17'1.75 In, .r 1 - ALIIO, lopunds. ther atove of $2 heud, tra Atitooth totllllnnla ated•ret,ltVeragltilf I Chlatt Winder.' Curtain,/ and Chair Corer 1 rat poud, wthl at ne,tal. The urArkut closed : . ; Cleaual & Reglated talthout 11113120110 g. aaattortta goi head unmolil. ______.....--- I• • Chicago Moirkeit. i Nos. 135 and 137 Third Street, IBy Tllpgrent ) to the l'lttytufth Irt”'?...' i Between Weed and elatlLLdleld. . ClitCe4n, Mr 10.-Flour active avid fill, , - er at 111:411 Mr spring 001001; 0. 50 6 , 1 73 ( Or i . sloe." ' . l'r.ng 'tll.l . tfirlt; and 11 1 1 fur 01111.0 Willttir.. 11 heat not. very art.,: And le higher for No. j W fiIITE LEAIIS. ..liriny than at thn 1110, yn;stortlayi sal, i 1(t ''''''''' tor • Ul '• it 1 3 1,1, 1$21:: for NO. 2.1 Kt tile 1 rare •ery IL N. a OW' Brand 55'11110 Lead rlose N 0.2 wad eleryly ut 4,11.,(Ak2,1:, with a. " "rn"'"'" e.: th; good ,poculatlen demand. corn Itilvoneed : : i,, ' , ' i::: • .Y "i r t In; No, I Altlll, at Inktrt..4l.o, yon, .2 n i . pp . • •••'.. . brcWr ' ~,, p„ oe.;le; cludlng Mealy at nt nt, , ,, J.; fur No. ~ • •• ••Cut mantle , Bine I t Ada, for t:11 lIellorre; uuts firm and tylliancea . I '..f.Weki N 1 1 .2 .o, ' , i It; d Loot 011.1 1.1111Ared; ,t 155 , 16:1eA5e; 01 00 1111.1 1 litlltli t I -1 (t"•P ' u 3,,, .. .. I 'clots drY And In 011 ‘ 1 ,,.., .. ~„ Cs l• 11 rut and lirk• higher: No:1 dolt at 11 rt I F., dale T. " S 4. •'‘ '' -••-• Earley; 'egi""1"". bY•klllPi,...rati,',o . , re. , t.: . tV. runner 'I enrol end el er1...1 `to. kn.tllol . more doing la Sleds rot I, Phil,: - - 1 : 4101:1:t and f uture tido, y, at 112 . ;5. Lard WINDOW SIIADES. - .lasing t.‘ Meth's 11111110 d at 12 1 ,ttolt, tor pr,,,,,, IV r• rely. d oar •pring •1001: er Shades we are ateam rendered. Nothing doing to units ( now pee pen, to tell al.ll , I...ea.:reel. prin., :drub, flog s moderately good and act ,„ t ither ell II ,lir Or ',tell. The Lett seseo, 1. fit 45,70411, 1 0 for common light and Kia,,, - 7 ._...- , tern, that rte 1., r nial in the 11 tl. A ll O.. .e . for goal to 0110100. . ' i et,ll. or ,ader la, reed era, Cad awl ewe them to Ned. u. And xd et ltalr stye.. . Toledo Markel, . Ey IIIIER CLOT inrille-Stich ue /13 , Telegraph to Lb. rlttanu NI; Bayne', ,•,,,, ,c thLee ,.. Le...th ..,,.., dc„ , the ToLann, -Aprll 19.-Flonr firm. 100eitt a, . 5 , 0 . to pu op, A na ~,V„ ~P. 1,1, n ,.„, op In tire; aal..it of Auttair at aitaii. Corn net No i 1 1 71' y 1 ' , .. , /rerelle, Se.. ( 0 , ..u. a , eu, ~,e, “,,,,, with... any 0b .,.., g0 . No. 1 ~,r L; NV, , lll . , i_e 2. ,holeealc and retail, at 50.1 U .11 Zs dty Lke. Oath gull. Bailey 'Canada, 11,15. .."-.,. ft 4-4 1110 t . 4 (,)-- C +lll-1 Inos 1.5 do P. t. lEPill The rivur coutmuck to recede rtewlily at thin p - Otat With : scant twelve (tot In the channel by the Allegheny macho loot even. log—live and a hull 'feet reported it 101 City. 'rho weather ye,terday:rron cloudy trod Wang, Wlth ludlcattcn, of rain. - SPECIAL NOTICE.—The side-Wheel iteoiner Ezra. Porter will pointivul7; "hog , for Gl. - cionott and St. Lock this Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock:, and shippers will pleo,e 1111.001 - 011ei of ludlng on botad by that hour, Itua obllg .1. II I'01011:, LI,IIIOIII. There lnoi not 1.001111 mingle Arrival or •le.. parture Mum; our 1,0,1 report, a•blo from 1110 regular bucket , . Tile Ilooro mr-'! sot tlepartva for l'ort.ournitli, I,y tild alvo the Ingomar, lov,Port•ououtli. TM , Vribla. am! 111 a ltethi No. arrived from Oil City °tiring Thur,lay night, aml!, ti,, latter boot OvAring again la•O evening!. The: Monongahela river boato appear to he ,iota); a fair buslu,s, Itml It 1.4 said that tut, "People l 4 Line Company" idneu they took to running a boat, Ore making IL pa, 1110 01111. 111111,1 up, atelullly 11/r tit, Upper 1111..,1,,Ap11, AS IR also I be importer, Capt. for 01. Dull, 111100 ar,,, both 101,01 laiat, The Alnerlva, Cap% out Ilmt boat nut for Now 01.101111 S. IhnHalo Start...C. liters. ,c, elcar '.l It. 2=ll in to t. e N• 4 • , •,, ,••; 1,1: N, Atoll —P.••or , 1 11:nt; lor ti:l•\ Ivonto EN tro, 111,N Th•• ••1112 , NV In. Llllll - (.7,!:!1.11.1 • Ilan on .0 , ...Cir14 11,1d..1,) ~.1i1•. ; NV ro.liy—••.tie- tit nrol ••i n.l •lON•:.tin, to 5=2 , Apr:: ut 4.114..44,, 44 ; 0,4 ; ut N., !lr. 1 . .. i .4. at t. t. 1..‘4 , 4, 11.0 nit 1.....5.-444.,1 n 4444.44.4.41. =II t 41,7, tor No. I. for 11 iv,- :lt r,; lor• I 71:or N o for No. 1.. =1 MEE= V.. All-1111,-(',1 , 114 , k 11,` W 1.1.-111 :111,v , ,or Il• t.Lht t.:113 V, = ME= RIVER NEWS flannel: lile . tlall, the fireman or. 111, Utw- Ixutt.\lezChnntbcrs,trho Wllti SO terribly Injurtyl tho 05140410[1 In thou bout on Thunblny. died en ninny morumg. The Chtfleber, now' lying M. the Allegnyny wharl, brlnst . the Pant! Street Ilrblge.. . Cithhtin 11,trtepee, t , imetio.l. owner or the qulrk,,tep mot ehAreter, end outs el th, 6,4 e” 01 the Great lilt k,veni vine for l'ittshurgh on Slotel,Ly prvilen telegraph, tinder, ilate lit IVedne,ility. to , follow M: River on 3 tdulel, With beVen loci over Um loeka on the fall.. Clear amt. pleimant all day. The Silver Lake tool IV mAtuorclatel pua.v,l Move. Tfi” lea Lout' Pettier, Luke 1:rio No. x, IV. 11. Blown nod Antelope, lett tor Vitt , - burgb,all wtt h tow,. of Pettit)" liargee exvetit live Willi Iron ore. The:illy, Pileup ell 111,1111,11 t Front 0,11 . Lonleville excloomet or lied. ,titv tie extract the mp . g en: The 1101 net Wns woritomi awe, at. one °mite/mai letrxea the, are la the Oeuil of the Vile had uot .leereded Jlt getting It alt up to tho time we 1011, but It ita the liver 100 retme towboat Tsgre,s ILI the foot of the toot ol thecanal wlth nine empty liarge,, the Lidice Erie witth Lino empty 0111,, Anil the Antelotie wlth 010,101 ,adios louded Wall awn oro for liltt..lierati, all waiting Mr eneingh water to come np oVer tUt . The CllllO eorre,pantlent theCluelumat Commeitioi/ very exciting eicene OeCurred ttlo Tullainan ater.tay, lio fore Ale reachmt Cairo. loch -.lrew teats from really eye , . A MIMI. three or flair (*mil' ' • ono •‘.. Iritint whet ylolilren tole the parent.; were at ,lnincr, tool for :mute 'flute couht not Ih UlthoUgh 111I,10.gery 111111 tourliml by 0110 great grief of the mother. .carched all over I.lle boat tor It. It m.:mutt ccrittln thu• the intost have fallen nverlantril, and the poor, mother, In Ito agony of exclaimed. ••t itt my Clad, Illy. call.l, 1 .111111 never COO hlw u t talti•'' The At hi. tumay :.eethed to nom, the tno,:. pohoun, 11, tiro ell 11.1 ha erne., to have been ate'evPecini hs , • trite,mol the pu,,enger+ Rua crew 1..1111,1 eatm,t tqtnih,thy. At this Juncture n . • fp):u l•ailro, not baelltif last 61 I n0b,.0p0f,f,11.11.31 afid • Itaftv o*reful ach, u,l, after looting in *II or .OVI - 11 ' ,taffy:flown to the gehtlffmen . f , lalflll, 111.- 10, WIO, touuo, 'Moo/ ,1, a , " hut! 1 , 10,60,1 v la-en oprhed while bart.h. log Tor t u n. but .10,1 f had nor...ant-a 1001 (rota obs,rvatlon Father, moth,. hroluera nod I•isters erm,11,41 aa,l ho little lost ofFe. est.,, , lntf the u ron lov, whiifftfof 11010 1,1:0, 1,11,f, .•v. dor Ingo . . flfffft 1111,2 o to ~, Otlo•r, utial , lt• to ua•lurataml what all th ...at. and .totflptler,t , eflevlng they had all lo.t'Lulr ....Fe.. • Lout, ictt..r, finder lute , Moaday. Tht. lair, vcry •.,1111 lag rft'ur not to Lair, :,too /W ght,,,..:Lrer. Th..) arn b,L,nK Iri ribt for t• 1411: 1.1•0 11.1/110.1,110 ILIVer 1,11•1q4 rho' Cliall.lllol6 301 , : 114'11., i , r.otl 6:‘• “o lo , inzt,tl, and ruhty. 'lllt. N% Ild har:. , 4 Ilood«y) Jro Pirt,olr,;(,, n aL loon of 0( o, ph; iron too: floor. To New ttr(onto, Wo 1 1 . , (((0, 1 11. 1 111,11,0 , 011 tog. horolrt..ll,on 01 fr(1.:1.1. to l'aul:i10 Ctnr co , ,,,rotiErnt t i .... !r .(111, 11,10 sevouly-o1(: 0 ,, cuttle; 00, 011 1000 :rod too, ol f rog 111..1.1 Iron 1,01.1.102, 11.111,1..1 - • The Mer.vh. the Ist 1,1 ipAp, N‘e fto• pto:e•ti 1-hite.l 0.1 !hilt , r l LL p,..11, .•1 the ,enther. I.LA tit , . let h with the To. t•:••W. •:11• v. a. trV,• ni.cr; L I•rto•: 11• riwparo , n 1111,1., tkrro.t. • 1.11i,i11.1 ii.." 4 , 1 %.1••,L. , 1) . r .1, 11,,,,rn eLn 1 , 1.‘ :tioon f•ri .01.1 1,1 i• •%11 IW. Vat t•ntltt• !• , 47. F. It. I.Lnl xl is 1r,t1..4,:t1. 111.1 , 1 l•I tido % L. 1 , ./net iLI 1, .•10. , L , t . A r...• toi , ! ntrlv. gat Nvw 1,r,n1,4 11. 9 ,11.na0., In Ino I In.' L t ,1111 Fr.lnk ni 1..9dt...1101• LOLL,. 7E: ?/, I/Art . 4.41 'lt., VILI/LV t.sr, 14y. 4:nc. rec.,..,a1 nut I,LLl,nomtIL erFattiliOATS 1867. t LS67. PITTSBURGH AND ST. LOUIS iJ.saczicot 1,17a.0 4,,,,,,r1•• tliTr ;11;w1D, Jl 7 l,ll.•raft. , 51, --KM• ft, kZI, .ot . l EIL, H Al,l Lila, ~FN" MIN . . . . KAI,: l'Ul NAM. E.ATK 49111,40.. v4.ItET. iv M. CI e1.‘1131./ 0.2. M 1111:123 of Ma.•,,,,ve ~xtairtil Irate t.,r an.l port. 4' n • acir DAY' .15 u'..l, , ex e, N. . I,ri 0pt...101,1.h to %II v r inll ' l ' l “ :l "7 l;;t " l: 7 ;: r ip 7 a 77 , , k t t 1:11.c,la RlNtr Pack.:t sn , .1 - " ..114* LI. it • • • Eon quiNcv. KEt!•• r x . M a t Ict 1`• AND tI. I'sl'l. Dll:lll..—ribl. nIIP Vte gm , r , l'.ut. II ttr, 1r1,611:1A . Ivave fur•xxol p.rtn. •t 11•. At. r " ICS Ktl rits. INDEPENDENT PACK- Jrr• VT Vol( •I. 1.1.W15. DUO t CF. • AN ~r. I'AUI.-111. title stestt, . ,00,1V.1t %1 , 11 on ,A ,-Apr.: I , li. NI. 111 afo'ut fry IRLt autl For fralota l' 1 )V board .4 . to FLACK. CIJI.LING MEMPII IS A.. 1 • SEW EA N,.—Ttie Incfr , ' 1,1111 rib el' • lean., EILICA cant. C01.D,,,„ . . 14•ve !or tbe and lultrual,lll.l.4 part., on , 4 0C4I'lli , a1", 11,4 lb al 4p. nt. tr.lµl, or , oll •pi 11,1, et 1,11.1,1,801% 0111/. ,t a. I IEGELAII WEEKLY F_orjr" . "„ 7 4.4, A PA ,. 1:1 , :r BET W ' 11111..11 AND CI NATI.-114.2 at.. •utl par.trs. . . . EZRA l'iritl'Ell r'ant. Voirrto WM I..ave. ritist.orgh .... SA, MID A )'.• A pr:l I'' at I: M. Fur :night or I.a.baa.o. stilt oxr board or to t'. BAH , tm, or JAM. COMA AKA IREGUL AI It WEEK LT n ,.5=N UI NCIN NATI I'ACKET, LEA INC; KyEltY Wy.DNILdD S rnlllat ffiNJ=23 „ . frei.ut or patrapl l4ola 10 or O j r , t ,, 11 i r ,., HM.f, lA.“A“ TEAS AAR SUGARS. 1.10" • 1/ OH/KING HUGAIt, 10 11, for f I 1111 I lIU • MI I tit) .• TA fiILE 01,4111 ick,rEX IRA TEAS =I Direct from Chtua and Japan, l'..r ehlpi COnctantlna. Hoslln Ca.l.le, J. 11. ..r. , enant. C/111111WD, tyrrythin, tiOIID AND 1 . 1111:41. In 11, wsy of Teu. It strwut 20 lent• Dolow illeCommou Priem ARTHUR KIRK, 172 & 171 Federal street, I= 131E11 BILND LOAN ASSO CIATION, No I. Or ri rtz•nuti [I. N oiler t,‘ Loehr given that au applicat!on of al Ott nato , 'llllnn fort:barter of Incorporation at So. , June Tern, nal7, and will be graota•l at n , xt tarn. of Court, ante,' exceptions are the J. F J ACOU it. OVA Tam:, MEM 11111E1) IFIttrITS. NI Ills choice. hair I . ..schrs; • dot.s.t.r. il: 1J r IU Suited bu+ll,ls `oral APO.; LIU to prime LiOL Just rsertra.t coustuls , lon awl for isle 101.1 La the Mit, 50110 M A KEIL a I,ANO. 174 and 174 11oo.] .tr. t l1:11E.-200 bldg. White L. 1 n ior sole It j duos COMMISS'N MERCHANTS CO-PARTNERSHIP. 'l'llE UNDERSIGNED DAVE AS r,lmt.,lwll.llth4.. In all Gran , t. s of tr,, , Ir tuswess. JAS. I/ L'N,EATEI. The name I.lrul F. .tE1.L1.113 a CO. F. FILL LI, i LNS. I. L. DCS:S.ATII• F. SELLERS &_ PORK PICKERS, And M.,lf Le. ri rs of MR_ JD ®I L: New Bacon, and Tongues Wsh r.z,!y r.E. Choice Sugar—Oared Ilaue.: I.ho do do ituel - Voint:to, , : I)o du do Itrtoala.h4 lloiroono: Plain l'iiro..ll Illartolt !..lhootittert o .; lho oho do Shir, At rmlorml orlr, sml esro.:ont oor , ”r).• From 11.16 1.. with a!! xrllch Ic tno T R i.s, 16 h. 20 ffhi. to the yr.r6; Tram Italls,pint 'heti and coun. -ter Ski 11 Li Boiler, Bridge mid 'fault RivetS Cut Salle and Sitiltem Ship and float 3piltes; .Railroad Spates; Railroad Fish flare and Dolts; Railroad Car witeelgand Axles; Street Car u heels and Asleg Coat-Pit Car tTheeft , and Ailes; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold:tolled Pigton rotolc•tr and Reaper Rail. °OMISSION KER.OaIiNTS, I WAlLE.ll , litni,: A N BE.EVIER. LUREE & C81.15118810?i 9iEE1T..15.!8, A(rYtiTS VOL , . 1 . 111. _ Pac.l2c, Globe Lit*rty rtelts', ZyrleSt3rn, err, • r.rl4 I:en .7,1 na. Llt, nrel a - A.OJ a.lvxnr..9 co,r,wut.col , of Cr.!, t I er., for ,orgg, mt.! Olt et 1,..t, ac: ♦tllw 1.:11e, r 01 ',Vey co :1,10 KEIL 4. itrz6i...z.r-T, ANDYI,I,, Flour, Grain, F•er.:ls, 34.4 1.""" ' S 1 H. rn._ FETZER & .941:4,S FRONG, FoUALDING 113 •111;1..H11T3 f , rt It •, , t 7 IT ~ r u . it ( II:11,11ANTS srid In AND 1,ctm,,,.. It' Iritl."ll,, I.l , l"rElt. FOTAT ,, ICS. Si., end In Vrcovl6loun nn•l rm.:urn .eacrally, N, 15 YKI/51,1 I. srv.k: It. 1:•11,Lri .3.1.1../11XN, 1 . ., • Agcr.te fur eala 115 e•., 11,.ne.11-5 Ellman's 1,1 J. Earn'.: A.:, • apt,:yd. P KNOX tin 7;, C.,,,t4tiggitto .• 31E1,11 AtiTnar..l II !n YLUCR, U ILIIN, .1.1 IT.,9IJCZ LT, N - o• 71J111.:n0r.,%, (41.....- 11.11. MIES] 11%. 1 l'11,11Kr• POIRD. 1 ,, N13,1t4'11,V1 111_41k , :la " . 0o nt, N KOI,OII I I:Z .4 CLAY„,, 366 and 311% .1. • • • NriLiack: sr.. • .to:11Eu,O mIt.N Y 1 • LilLllll l .. 1'L1 1 . 1 1,1.1..1. and gib1L1,...1.1. l'• .1 111 • 1T . I ITTLE. tr. PATTON, 1 /11,1..11.1e,11,.ckr0. 21..re.1 ant, s:ul .7E2-13E/C2. rtrrt::uau n. r• CUEE, ltiltaLlEß 21‘ HenufactrAert of BIEST gIriLITY HY FIN XL , CAST BTP-ft!. Musa, fI. .84 0,12. of all a:xi E. War. Any : I npoit...lurr.....f‘cm..lln 10,“ w•rrivnee, tin. 10 so.I I'd Pinot. as IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD illoolfacto rote of liolthrtl,charconl.Jfinl•tatt Poll9.lltql • r933.,..X . X1 , 11.4=b247. l.rrtce AND HAStiET EVEKSON,PRESTPN & CO, P rt. 3 . ...a.r1.1 111 17,74001i1K5. enon66, Not. IL.S and 167 Flr6t. .r °pp v 0•6•16.66,04.1%... 6 , 666666 Y le 611.06, MANUFACTURERS. MANUFACTURERS. NATIONAL FOUNDRY suvius IRON IND NAIL WORE. Nl:t . ACllrdlie.z WOPIIIi7S, • BAR, BOILER ; SHEET Corner Carroll and (mailman Streetb, Ninth Ward; P117:4111.11,,1:11, PA wm..ivii.wii, =I Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOB, OAS AND WATER WORKS 101, , Tcrtlcally , In 1 . 1:13. Irry n;i al. IL[u]TIIB.LATIIB. Aik a tail aanort cltat of GENSITAL CASTINGS DA GAS AND if AHD ITODB. I woo:•I 1'•o ctll the atlon , lonof Sup,lntend cnt, of orl, r,l. vixto of Ittit):l2S. THE FULTON DELL IND BRASS FOUNDRY, =I 10.3. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, =1! PITTSBURGH. PA C=il ALL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 Pounds, GLOBE, ANGLE, CHU AND EAFETT VAIALS I=l Stop 41.70cks of Brass or lroit, =2 btAGE AND CYLINDER CMS. Agcutz tar all the di/trent ...li - LA_M PUMPS. I= Celebrated St emir Syphom Ur tO. ra 1 . 11• F, nod GAO LIT -I,rticular surntlon p.ld to bTk.A.II tad GAS FlT't In •11 It. tor•cief." 11, only zsasurseturtre of A. TULTON'S t:1 A 1.1.1 C PACE'S ti EVIL STEAM CYLIN DER,.. . :1.1.11 . 1ir1S GEL - KM(ATM) ANTI-ATV/1- 'IO.N ETA au rand. 1110,", 111J.L. ,:AnTINGs mrte or , ler ..111/11..Rtur••• Sal dlepstoh. I,rtlrainr ,al.l to lira. Ytalahlag Isratich.f. He Lilo coustantly ILRnd mai .Iz., 0: t. No:arc d :tound I,lm, Ilr tk.tt aud CottGa 1 . ..r.L1ng, Hun of all OA, fit A. FULTON'S SON & CO FORT PITT BOILER, STILL IND TANK CARROLL & a\l DER TEEL LAIL DOE KLE•FLUED, TUBULE V. PIKE•BOA AU YLINDEESTEAM coll. STILLS AND OIL cIIIIINETs,BEELICIIING AND ASH PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PA-NS AND LON- D EN ST EANI I'l I'E.5, G.}.:TEM,4.141311.1.0N =I o.7.4eandWorkimorriergecond, Third .nd Llb•rty Street. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. az-oete es sent to the .bore athlrees hthe,C, attend e.l to. tent KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. e.LoI».A. BLACK, wiwrr... - rrnans 07 1.1c;:l Common, Relined Charcoal Juniata. Bloom Iron. Arit , 'HANT HA R. 110 US It A 6141.7ARK11.1011 I L:A`' 1.. 1' mi.! ANC.I.O 110,N. LIWIS 114,14 . 1,11 Ir, ItEAPEIC BARS CY 1.1%1,1,1: and 612)11111 Olt YINGER 11111 N T 11-11Ln, J 1 and 10 lb.. to tan Yard , IrtilfT CllO7 IN and MIK ES for mine. I , l,A'l' lanntad sad Count...mai.. CI, I, ..,;111_ EN (LION. . . . Kn.! ,11.1a.Z.. ti No. Watri..l No. ft Mute elts. Wort, Secoond ,trt.t 4. Klitto.l2 W.N. •..1 ~S( Ity Lits urks. ratstpurell. •1:23:14 KEYSTONE IRON WORKS . HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., Manufacturer. of the =Wren% alias a Bound, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Iloop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and gait-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &r.„ &c., Works. ULT . ' . TOW.II - 111'. on Monon4i.ll , river. (Mc., mad Warehouse: No. 146 Water St. 11-47 OB.ESOENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARR $ PARKIN, INE4strrAvrtnainii Or REST QUALITY CAST STEEL war.r.VVlll".?Tlipton,ta.`,7o I r PE " meatle MaanfActlare. drECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ILNE WAIT Ahl/ DIE NTLEL. Odic°, 38 Wood Street, IN ST. CHARLES HOTEL BULLIANIA. errrtl.l.7i,•ll. JUL. loth. 1,16. tel;cl49 OUQUESNE IRON ANC,/ STEELWORKS. HALLMAN, RAM & Co., I.I.IIgCSACTPIIIILB OP Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPHIEG AND A. B. BTLTL, &0., DTr". 77 17117ewter nitro et. PITTSBURGH pfTTS'IItULIGII STEEL WORK ANDERSON, COOK A CO., USUCCIthr.A.ntiITO JONES. 1101 . 1) • CO 1 Usnufactnrers of t!, beet Csit: Ste Munr, Via: sad "rttoort. Cu t it sues, Saw 1 . 1a,41. Furl; ac 4 114.14 Cu ft, I:caping and sowing Nachin STE= PLOW WINGN, 111 IN AIL LL (1111COLABIA, AG. Ca.t. A Comaexi !Plough 3 Spring Steel IJX01,121,1":11, of Fleet aml flute streets , . t•-• • slerse the klonoueebela House. serter_ NISTRIAL IIORKS, UGH. M. BOLE CO., EnyEtu• Cut/tiers, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. L , cld and heavy, male to or ter. Startzlio, of avcry descriptlon manufactured Cum r Point Alley and Duquesne iVay, 10.ITTS111:34611, . MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, 01 . 1 . 091TK UNION IKON nxrz~exsaxac+a. Roiling Mill and-Bridge Castings. lACRINEY AND CASTINGS GINSIALIT. Onlu. promptly vplyaryfully exematait elf AltlilW ItEAb)StAIILE. EBBEIfT & ItIAOHLIND. AND 11.111,EV, DILZELL CO rrzA_Da - mK. iritc)Dia NAILS AND NAIL RODS. ASI/W Nos. 61, 66 Ander...on St., 11. r, ~u•res Nor:, 11,4 - CITY. .SPI3:RS S CINCINNATI I) ][3IJOPJE AND SHEET LEAD WORKS No. 19 East Ninth Street McCORMICK &GIBSON, Proprietors, DEALtill, IN Pig . Lead, Block Tin and Nat! In ord., PIPES strl SHEETS o: snr re qulrLd wr. igla lau•S clze. r square IssILI up Ran Js. luvl, to A 1,;,. Ivry light for .to. and for Drat::.-e. We w..t1,t1 the attelo.lon o InumbLro as,l rrvyr:.l..r. of OIL WORIN AND OIL WELLS 1. R. 1.1011110, . O'HARA idrailii;jaaf MORROW & Steam Boller., oil Still., Agitator., Tank., Salt. Pans, Car.oinetera, Wrought Iron 'fridges, Sheet Iron Work, d:e., SC., OUR, LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH, REPAIMMi DONZ ratatim.v. 1,34:41 LIPPINCOTT& BERM: • WASOT•CICrarus Or rATENT I'ATSNT TEN: EILED, • PATIN r I . OOTHID CULIII.II CA 1", . BULL CEOS/I-CUT 1-11 3333.-w..A..-Itt B. WOLF :. JR., &CO., DL IX ariaccra.,re& C utlery. Sre twig receiving larircAld:tlons to our stock blch I. ,tere.l to Di,lrt:4 3E1.113"1")E1r1.X.7 Ctirner Liberty and St. flair Sts., te730t71 F. MUSSM ANN. Filth Street,b CitlCClri Tunnel and Ch athans streets, Gunsmith and Dealer In Hardware. Ylret eta.. ,41 •ds of xtl tlscriptlune always bsua And wold at the lo*.st price 4. don .h.••• notlns.. KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL YARD. Best Family Coal, Nut Coal and Slack Always on Intni Ina promptly doll, tr,l to orotr. OFFICE: COS. HARRIE•GN LED PENN STS., YA3lD—All.,bray . Vatt..y n,arr Car ton erza.at. luta Na .1.. CO.. WM. M. CLAINEL & CO.. GaS Coal Works, ssiCrt.ss. I,OX 5%7, Pittst,urgh, A az.,l LUCK BIsE r. 7 Allrghenv City. Is EN Elt AL oF eeotid story Pittsburgh Saving Vasil. Building'. c onrn., Ltherty str. ut and Virgin alley. Plit.burgh. UVFICES: No. 5 Liberty street. der Penh's IL IL, • ^IT." sits Mechanic street, Pi ttsburgh. and corher A tit rbon street ant IL F. W. U. It. R. All. gleny. All ursine left at • Ither of the above 1.1.... es rill rt,ive prompt Mixt:ll.lon. pITTBIttIIGII NATIONAL COAL AND DIE COMPANY. Miners, snippet. and dealer., whole ale and ratan. In we BEST FAMILY COAL. xvta.t. Qoc►l cam.c:l OFFICE AND YARD, corr.:h./our:), And Try suer ts. °Nem for delivery la the Clly, or Shipment Wee., wSll =zee: lortghpl AA] 10101, hate 1.1.,n. R. A. MAIN A111..L. COAL: COAL!! COAL!!: DICKSON, STEWART & CO., No. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Tlonr Mllll dECOND FLOOR, Are now prepared to tarnish good Youghl,neny LUMP, NUT COAL OR SLACK, At the lowest marl," price. AllaTA:l order, left at tllstr MI,. or Adtrotsed to them throne, the IZA.n, will trt .y01:1,1 VOIZT PITT COAL cocapANT. —lllpyrer. and de In caper!, Yanaly and Strata Coal. S nt Coll and Slack, neral o.• !Iv.: second story Plttatnugh na,l4a. Bank liulld lug, coraer—Ll•3erty, atrvet and Virgin alley. liranch nelee, comer try and Third atrcrta. rlttaburgh. 1 , 1,1, a lull at eor We anoTe placea rer..lve trial ientlon. PUilliettle. Box 5b7. ritt.b.Ch• BIRYL - 11)1.... J. J. GIS.I.V.SPrt, ~ It. L. FAlTl7b , roc - a, b. Ilclbtlt D.Ani, . ' {VII. Y.,stulAILT, 6I:01“... b, Ilban. .1.,..Vub7.....5.1LT, NV...1.T. BILYANT, Jobb' BAN;. J. J. tin.rasn= W. M. CLANEY CLI &IMES 11. AIIMSTILONG, DEAL'. IN YOUGHIOGITENT & CONNELLSVILLE COAL •nd Ma , nrsozurersof COSal.taleack. And Dsmallsharlrsed Coke ON rICE ANL, YARD, Condor of Mot:, and Murton: tr.. yard on aml strects, Muth ward, and on :Reond strrct.ar Lock Not. Piste burgh. Pa. raudlles and Manufactures ...PPM./ n Ith tte hest article of Coal or Coke at we 105.," ca.!, rates. ,rdo, Ic2 at any of their oeces will iecelTe prompt att.ntlon. I=l HOTELS %%rWTE MOUSE, PERRYSVILLE, ALLEGHENY CO., PA Newly refitted and furnl.hed, P.r.l resdy to to C" ri ' r : "“ . The en,erlber will not even. p..l.Lne en..13 , e 111.. ruitumers. tioo.l 'uppers will Le .erv..lnt any hour .0 the site rn..u. ar.2.:••Al A Al Ali NA. t'r..,.•r. LA PlEitltE HOUSE, • The subscribers - leased this favorite Ilot.sv It hat been REPITTE • • • ED 15 AN Ea.gliANT 1110:tiE.1% and Is tow pared with the must nerfvet %pont huller, fur the rueeption of guests. The Orst Son.-elaas Ilutols will be nsalntalurit !u tile fritura as the ViLat 11l "!,[l. OYU. itkiiEtt A VAILLna. GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE INETICA lIE I.F THE t•TATE.si. —rtlltit 1:AS.11 , 1 , 1:NIA CHAMPAGNE. made and prep•red as If ,font In France. from pure eadforula W the, and taking the place of t:l hampagne. The undersigned srould rail the attention of Wine Dealera and Hoheet.rs Ins letter. wh!ch loaf be • torrent Idea fO f the 4Nallty of thelr Wine. •.120/iTINCIIT/5.110 , .. 1.1111,0.1,11, nth. vu. ••PliPsult. Bocci= t CO.—Reath - men: Have lug given your California eltasiospee t ,a l ' il l a t te 7 s e t ,rtn e ei l .- ' atTi:P ' t , :;.l i tYr t : ' : , : .o . ll . A,nt It shall at once place It on oa r)d 11l (are. o urs truly J. E. itiNtJ,Llf): co.'. Call and try nor California el.ampagna. noll.;n:e }MUCH/CH A I :la lies It.. N. V CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. In a oz. bottles, In powder. 7bl+ Mnrne+la Is wild ourgatlve and ape drat, c..ry scerptabl- to the •tornach. for ,Ica tll:l4Atilr. snn +r Vrk stomach. sod all feLrl, env., Vor +lle by r,o.t foba+++l by illiTlll,lC I,lburtn; street, Sew 'fork. „ AGENcv.-:. • hsl Notts, 4Ulh., Pearl :Latch; tax ao. •••• •• march. For sale low to the CNA, 07, the aio, LA uts, . • IiCROYAKILIia. M). 411391 :a an tn. Wa.nd Street, C=7 PATENT SIIOT. No. 118 Water Street, COAL, COKE, &c lIMEE=I I=l /••//0/ ./ / A. li. ExG.SII, t•fvel, it to., nanatera. Philadelphia. Er FEU VE,WING R A TT ROADS. FITIS:a3, Can . SUS & 'CACNNATI R. R PAN DANDLE ROUTE. ar. - L p0r..9 s:L won D.:11.1,iJ 1,17,111:11G11 11.11.1VZ. W‘ Y. e.y P. N. a. Y. SA ur n auJ but e. eLlz ... ;mu. $.OO \V het, Toe ata be aura sod EiiL.ll.La Nimu . .6ll, coLcuts CINCI\IIII It. E., Union Depot, (mouth side.) M. D. MOTILERSPAI - . 11 . 9401 .et Agent* General Tie{Let Agent. .10 0 N IL. 1111...N.EH.. G. E. Agent. IIT ESTEIIN PENNSYLVANIA SL 11 mco-+ "dariegiigN an, NV ElSN,l,ll.i.lsn- Tra•us, , n the W.sa,rn Pennsylvania Hal rose. arr:se AZ and depart from the resierai Pcpul. gLeny City, as Ivllove, Snarpstrg No I 6.,1.1.x. Sharpt.b `g No I 5. , t0.4.11 ler..enurt No.l Sox. No Sharpalk•g No 2 , 4 3A.50t presi ..... Freo,ort No.l e . ,A.st eq.a.ips'g Sllat n.•g N.. 3.10:15 A.ll e.loornzt. g Nu • I:, rt., Snsrpsto g Not 1 Slat) 4.2•11 . .5. xprvos.... 2,11'. H rleVpOrt. So.: 6 ton t.. 1,.; ittarpsn'g 1,11..rp011.'e No 6.*.or.st. Freeport No 2 e: , .t.r.b.‘ SLat.6l , g No 6 5...".r.5t. t :ln' No 6 7:So r. at Ali trains run thole except l'otranutat'on Tlektt ,- 1 . or sa, in packages,' Twtnte, t,etween C..i.otanl. stra,;llerr!s. Cree l Kens and ,ot.arp.trurg. and good only OD 154155 Cop a.,:at:one snecitletl on tickets. Ttlroogn Tickets to•Uniler anti Ilannahstown n tor nurclmeed at. Stalker's ...•tare otn, Lr. ,et. ntro er. Sr Snspenston PIUS , an.l at 161. 11.-pot. A Ileglo•ny!tr. • 1:allros.1 will 'not asst.. any 51,6 for Baggage, es cent or Wearing Al. ar..l Hint) tt.ele re,ron.thlllty to 0a t ND.," In rain,. All na.gage es- au...nt In rah.... *III be at tar clal. tir tbc own,. Ulllua• nett by contra,. 1" Curth' In ..Jvraz ,treft,th.trot._ 11= pENNSYLVA_NIA CENTIL4L ==lll Trains aril,' Inn Iva, the Unlen.ptpot. enr. L. r Waal.lugton and Libarty S.; as follow •.• 11.1.1:1¢. Mall Tre l lis a In , Pay Y. BA , • m v_4: Lluu 1:•• a a,' 1... 0,..1 • In Wad,. ho, E,U) a m Tratp ..... a 4s Ilrlntou No. L. 7:4, a 20, Wag. Nd. L u:5l • m Wall, No. L.. 9 : 51 E.50• 4 Clncln•ti Ic.:W ata 2..litsddwn Itc. : • co NO. 3...11•30 • m lial;Ltut , I:.S/ p Itraddock:No I. 4: 4 1p n. F.xprer• in:4l3lla. Exm W 01,4 1, 1,5 p Wall, 4... 1,0 p m 5% Nu ins, 11, Wall's 5, • 5 .•. ItraLloHE 50.1. 4.N) p m Wa!1•• N p. p Wall, \v. s .. p Vest Lin+ ILLS pm 4.11.,..n•Acc0m j4ollltOla p Emlgrant i traP• p m: • ...al r, others uundays exca, 44.1. The Churn Trains leave Wall' Station ercry ]arrive. 44 ell'•Station at:U.4p. 'ha Baltimore Expr••• 44::1 serlmo wish Ohs Express at 1,40 p. up on Sunday/. Norp.L.—ln case of 4065, the Nonnylvanta E. It Company will hold themselves 4caponslble 40.4 nersonal bax.rage only. and for an amount not, excer ding 04 =I 1567. 1867. THE PITTS WI 11, FT WAYNT. A CH ICA- Va. Y. L. AND CLIC.VX.LANDS.I . I7I . 3III.aItitt Y. Teal. arrive and at theDulost Depot, fullower •PRIVc. Chicago E a rx 'MID.° Ex—. 2:3:3 a ta tivverand Ex.. 2rrkr a a (21...1.4 Ex. 2,11• Erlrr I',ol.Em 6:mr axr 1111e.t. Ex p AFIVIag. arlX a m Vi Ex •.11.X.S • in (7h1c.0 Ex.... 740 a rx ; 1:1. dr. Whz. p m Cldraer, Mall.. 1 p m trlrlea,xo . a:4o p el. IVI,Lf. Ex 2:11 ala Erie A Vora 6:4.1p ChM.° Ex.... 2:11 • t Lle. S. Yr. p WM.,211. Ex.. .4:11: p Whx. 11. XDOpm Depart from Allexcvny. An Iva 10 Alleght.T. N. Ursa Ac. 9.0 1 / a m 7:M • m Lattedahr •• 10.1 •ar N. Br•tra • 1.3. S am - - • 4 am Wrllavlllo " 0:00 am "ou C31.11.t " 9:15 •Ca W ley N C•••e O:lUpm Lecos.l•l9 •• 11:16 •91 Lee:44.le tien 4:50 pm •• • •• 12 pm I,'ln •• on N. Br•ton•• 1,30 gal N. lit On •• 6:15 y 400 &On " " •• 7:0) a - 11118.- .6T10:3 L. En. China- Ell,? r ( r )efl pITTS AND CONNFLLir -1. VILLE E. 14 Maggi All Spring Arr?.n,gement. On a.nd after - • - - _ T Itt!!)A.Y, 11•11.C11 ItSa. Ttto vela 1,1, :Le Dep.. manor CZ Epa tua strxess, 114 LeTvl: Ftt urn!, Ptttenet Mad to and fret. Uniontown. 7,13 a. IC COM r. Express. •• •• laen t. ss.'lo:CO a. as West Newton Accut.mod•n 0:15 le. U. t:IOL au M'Ketspert Aeeem•a .11:1e ♦. Second .• Itra.tluct•s . . . • elanday Cherch TraLa m Lad • from West Nerstou..— I:R't.']L. ICOO A. I( For Tates apaly to T. It. HIND, Arent. oar-I W 11. bTLIIIT. U apt. .LLEGIIENY VALLEY HAIL -1 L1JA.12,. aritagffa rr, ECTE:I333I - - - - • • Oa Sad - after NV ELIN XADAY. April 11th, Ise; trot u. wl.lleATe nod arrive at rlttaborgh Depot, Cornet rlk...tloastal sues U. AA follows: Looses. Arriws TtrAt Arcomo..ti:Vl A.v. II:50 0. V, to And from, Ilaho'ng.-7:: , A.O. 1:11r. r. Fl rat ,Oast Worka Ace., A. M. 5:01 A. V. Perot Maklmluetse Arc.. 12:3 , 1 X. 0:0 , sx. Exprcs. to and from Slalm . , lo 17, A. V. Soloed hods. Worla Ace0z0..6,/ l Y, 0:3.1r.x. 00110.1 Church Trots from-sod r, 105,0 A. Ext.re, North make, closeronnertion at Ma. v. 1.11 or for •nd Ull(!ltr. Mail ,oulticontacta with I.•tlets trout 4,1 , •Ity and Franklin. Ur.ar.kwroKr, non+. BREWERS, MALSTERS, &c. plTTSnunGlit BILEWELIN. CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., REFERS, LUSTERS $D 110 DEALERS, aeceSLors to /WWI:A IMOD & CO.. Pittsburg W. W. ANDEL:NON, ALllegbeu Is Tph ttrticalatll t k t e ,i c era of the two Gaeta lour ALES AND PORTER. ntlflic i L'i ° ,7l.lll4 - fl'Ailtr. r zi"Li m oV,l, ^ :,.t the yards /Last mad Wmt. we cab g uarautar to be Pure tr s lVl:tiTti..= nerthr.roto del D = s .Vti o l.Tl,r;. l7 ..;:t . etomers W ill Ova., I. roY:Lcnt'Ltrs'o'ilitTA,T,er7.°Vll°„V; "- Cdrmer of 111. pule Way and Bailee! kill, . Lo A. VOrnt.. Ilion.. ...an .110 MAS nnownr. ALLEGHENYBREWERY. purelmscd tl.e old esmbli.,hed I:rewerY known a. the A1.1.E4111 - E.NI ttithIVEUY. for rnehril! husdharactart of SPRING WATER ALES, • Made from Pure Spring . W.,. and from net rvel Iltles en.l long . txperlence In the tea - eines., Cr feel satlAaed that we 111 tK enat.lo.l to glee entire althantlon tOtnuse who may favor with Liar Paton ate. 191113.XTML" els 46.5 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. fl All orders I-11 at IlitoWN d GILALIAIPho, 203 1.11,ny etre., Pittsburgh. will tw PrompllY at,nd...l tn. 10c6..161 - PROENIX STE,VII BREWERY. SOS. see. WK.., SPENCER & iticKAY, ILILSTERS IND BREWERS • Ale,•Vorter and Erown Stout, • PITTSBURGH, PA. oirstasplarr th/Arritilai. STEAMSHIPS nALTIMORE AND HAVANA 11A V ANA AND N OLta.EA no, CAI 3. IN t• THE UNITED STATXA i/ Al I.— T . .er elret-1,144 tlt.amsWps of ttaz lino I sttl as follww, “LIKEISTY.-1.1 - 4 tuns. for New Orleans via ii.J Wt.” a i ItAsALA, Tbun, A. NIZ;'"!•%Y•.• April I'it. •aus and Ilavana, Uonansnad, on nATUKDAY, Slav wilArce, FELL'S 131 NT, at aunacrn uJ e• , yrselsely, on An? dny, an . YOr freihtt or &sue, baring uneurpusa.l ennuntria...h.nr. ttEh. MI /I. V. A11.1.1KI.1) & CO.. Agent.. hrh...'n Vinur. - N.—No 11111 a or LL.Eng bra ILr n vof A. Com. ,hl7 -111 Permits for Ott fre:¢h, c.L.o. 4. ko,ehrea from this uthce. Nu trhl,ol. tr.: tAllscr livtLag signed oh Gov ofittt. I or. nollt S4TEAM TO .CND FROM LIVER -1..,411.,t- (lI,E.V.N.h.ToWN .(litrhAND) TWICE A. WELK. The IN IVAN LINE, tolling EVERY SATURDAY, = EVERY WEBNESEAY g AI - CRYING U. 3. MAIL. , Luiclan4 Avply at thellcra. Prince. ,an OF JURY b. DALE. JLE'en!, IS Itrobb.ar t .3. T. 11136.11.131. I.l3,tressllll.,e. 111,blargh )RIVATE DISEASES. ol 7ICE =V, CV% N 131:RELT, nur Ifs= • /or tee aura a; it of all distaaes of 1 private as aerfrout two Pr fever days , by an entlreLr new aid aaft treatutertt. Al., Seminal Weakurag, Sea all otue• Cisc Rae. of too genital organs and their arrronitec. Cure warr.tttet at money reltaded. °Mee boar•-7 to to A. te., Ito 7 , gad sto If , X. •a••••••aa letters, Dr. lye. laix Penn malt: z= MEM