ORS GOOD, TRIMMING& INVISIBLE EIIPRESS TRILL SkIRT, EMI= 4pring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR 110111111. r. •PIIINU,) SKIRTS, ,Ttle Gand.on,t and molt r , n4fgr i 'g'2• ZVI! N Pull or ° TlIle WOULD. Ttr LTY L IES. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE AT 11111 , LT.SALE be all the leading Notion •nd Dry }knees In rittsburab. Also, by Code owners el' rat., and GleluelTl llanulis, to er, WEST'S, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Cliauibers Street, _ rutllf.vs:inT NEW Tar.. 1567.—sew SPRING GOODS ri&cnvn & CARLISLE ..ro. 19 Fit lh Sired, =CM ===l Dress Trimmings and Buttons, AMBGRO WORK AND REAL LACES: KNOLISII RII3BO .5, all shades: E.N0:.1.,ki 0 L. oV I , Bring ewlec Z'oU RVOISI BIBS RIII U LoV BA. all Ookdr.: ENG LLAU ANL B.V.tIERY, , aII MU. THE "STAR" SHIRT, Oa Itand and made to •crier. Invisible Empress Trail Skirt, = xj I= Rl•aleboue Corsets, Patent Perm A coonlitl •caortment of TAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS CITY ANL/CUM:7EI" ItERCU&Nr will find r Whohwale Department well necked with en imble Mr their sales, which we gnaran trie to tell as low at sine Eastern Joblittic Reuse. MACRUM CARLISLE, No. 1D Firth 113troot 11EU. GOODS sER GOODS I JOSEPH HORNE'S & CO'S, '111,111( made Laccond addition to our already /Anne nook of SPRING GOODS, We are preporrd to offer- Induoemeats, both 1,1,e m01141.1111t111, lu 7.mbrottlerleP, liandkercidef, • Vlore, hosiery, Bugle Trimmings and Frlngts. :sew ntyleg lirr•s lrimmings Colnrnd anti Velset Ribbon, • GUI pUre and Clancy' Lace. - Ural Tnrcad and I' into Sluctone. all styles and colors, Cnrenis- Belting. hackles and Belts, tine Opera Fang. Ladle,. 'fleece and Gents' !Spring Wear, Adexindre Kl i illores. Invlrlble Empress Trail In ningle and • Duplex. I= 6.,111E . Neck 'Fins. !carts and Ito..: nubpntt..re. Shirt trout,, /tn. ..)-Inrti , on'. Star SttlrtA, :spring Stole. Bonny?, Ilat Flowers, an , l GOOdS, • -••• Trintn.lnnitinbuns, Bonnet Ribbon Plain and Fan y. all width.. 1101,E5ALE 11.01.15114, up plaits. coutolcomplete 11 . 11,01 i/e , poruoents. • rr will ;Intl It to their 'i t go to ;rive • coll. rrices as low ao Eutera Jobbers, - 77 and 79 Market Street. 7S AND 80 MARKET STItk.ET Daily Arrivals. to eddltton to our atoctilof NEW SPRING GOODS whirre. (mons, WIRROIDERIVI. E LACEA, lIANDKERCIIIFS , NASH AND IBONNET TRI,IMING .Cllll NECK RIBLIONM of every width and eh ode. • First quality of SATIN RIBBON. all veldths 131. ACE and AMBER TEM SNUS, /HINGES and RIYIRONS tine Alexandre KID litAlV Kb; lIONIERY and IludVIE. , uf every dracrillllhn• NEW NTY LE lyr Rum t. lugt received for La dles. all.gramnd Children. • CC ic-Ers ANL , 11(10 EIILTE. all mates. Afall llaeof WENTS' tiOoDH. k il:latry_ %lure will bud in our W HOLE- F E DEEAR - 111E,NT, a :full Amor/Meat al Eastern Prices. PAACRUIVI, CLYDE & CO 78 and 80 Market Street, FLAIVIYELP, J. M. BURCHFIELD It CO.' MSc,. 87 33.14:4-xls.ot 153 t-root, NM DOOR TO TH SIGN OF TOR "BIG 800 DILI:EAT FLANNELS. 511. K KART FLANNELS. 5.1 DEN E Do. 5-1 ALL WOOL Do. WELCH FLANNELS. DIIEI SACQUE FLANNELS. BLUE. DUFF AND SCARLET FLANNELS I= EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS, (.1-1' HAIID3, AND AT lESITRICES DIAN CAN BE FOOD IN TEE CI 1867, SPRENG, 186 ARBUTHNOT, . SHANNON ti COMPANY DiroRTELLI AND JUllltElil OF Dry Goods and . Notions Offer ttir . tr rRe and attractive 'fork of.- NEW GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES FOIL CAE'', I.S.S. HOODS, IVIIITZ GOOD!, DELA' I'HINIS. HIM/HAMS, CH 'WKS TICKS, CItTrtt,,CASsIMEHES, COTT ft/NAUSS, JEANt, lII,EACUHD Atilt BROWN SHEA:TINOS AND l 111 I ti r o l sW , Tiv s Ii t A ,IVM, K O.7 3• • Ituyera ate 10 . ca . 11 antt riazulsc l' our 1,0,1 , 1- awl take, at N Wood Street. ABBETIINOT, SHANNON N. CO. t. Itltt,lton W. dpI:WA T. saa-KNOtt. ; J. 0.11111.11.111,W CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &o HAVE REMOVED. III'CALLUM BROTHERS, Have now open at their very aleaaet autl .o,H;Lte NEW WAREHOU:K. No. 51 Fifth Street, a new line of al new and deolral,lc patt.lrne 31EDALLION NEL VVICs, Velvets, Brussels, T.IPESTILI BR USSELS, A /srge. acct assortm , or Piano and Table Covers, movnie COGERS, 10SID: LUGS AND 311 IS oda iarLizses, THREE PLY AND TWO PLY In rains, And every TDMC ty of low price 4 Carpeting. 111cCALLIIII BROTHERS, 11= CAItrETS. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & COMPANY, =I For the Spring Trade, Their .9pleudll Msoriment or NEW CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Shades, &c. Attention Is called to our flue sloe c EBBOIDERED. TABLE. IND NANO COTES Great Decline in Prices. 20 FX - N•r1".1E1. EirR.TIM3E7r IMMO NEW CARPET STORE Just Opening. BOVARD, ROSE 86 CO., NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, I=l Wei are now opening our Flan' STOCK OF 00011 S, embracing everything in the CA lig ET LINK, from the best European and American manufactures -to the commonest Hemp Carpet. A Ain lino OIL ('LOTUS. - WINDOW SHADES, ILUDS.IIIATI.L • STAIR RODS, • 111 1 .. t . n.mlvr t,. .z.zrunent ,ot rt.kNo and BOVARD. ROSE & 'CO., - 21 FIFTH STREE.T.(secoild floor.l lENCIESZEI FEBRUARY, 1567. WE OPEN TO-DAY, our new flock Of L 3FO Comptaine the Best rn'ternf =Me in Ingrain. Three Pla and Eng lish Tapestry Brussas, which we now one a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the love st prices filets the McFARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street. ill= 1= 1[0;4 atTilellWelgt4lo.4.llZleizi NEW GOODS! NMI HOUSE New House! New Goods! WX. H. DIIL,LER, (Formerly of EATON, 31ACItUlt & CO., late Y of F. H. EATO:ti•e,) WILL OPEN About the First of April, NO. 64 MARKET ST., WITH AN ENTIRE NEW BTUCII OF Trimmings, Lace Goods, • Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, And all GQOI/3 cually kept In FIRST CLASS TRIMMING ♦ND Notion House. CARD, MCCANLDEOS & CO, • M.ers Wsz.som, cAnn * C 0..) NV EIOLESA. GM DMALF4LIS IS OREION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 3241 c). 98 1217.c.0c:1. Std Third natl.. aboVe Dlamond , Atley.) TP101.1111.114. P• CTION SALES SILVER PLATEDWARE • AT AUCTION. Will be Sold Without Reserve, A large sad elegant ueortment of magoldcent Silver-Pla t ted Ware, Tuesday 31orniug, April 23d, At 10 o•rlack, angt,trillnutng alt and p. at Slasonle Adelloo Itoou.s, No.. ni and Fifth street, up • SMITHSON, PALMER & CO Thf! stock comprthen the largest racist ever offered In Okla e RT. and Is 01 the Settwra,- and wOrtmanahlp,.froin une 01 the last s a me an d manufacturer.. thong which mar be found.. In el, gat. demigus •nd a, Tete-a-tete and Communion netts; U 1,16. ureter and nutter Ilinbem. Cake alits ..lard Bathe, Tea sod Castors: Wine .Frolt, Salt and Celery ntando: Ice and . lieruil 'Pitchers; and t.obleth. la, Nal•kin Tthle 1.1.,:t0r thatch, Cande stick,. Knife I:reta. 1.1e1.1e tttnods, nu,rar Der Ages. Toant Bath, I•remr rec.. oone, Forte. Tobacco Ito", o, Pith Knives...l I..:',.:,n,,,:tlar,l,,r,%lreilatthotto at tick , As the attentiOn of deale ' rr:Xil Slm o m d j ' t a cr this male. kI.TCT lON SALES. 110 Smllhtleld Pl.. tip to.ue rosl.o6lce. Day sod oTenlol . SC, on Tue.day, Tbur.- d Y and Saturday. of Root, "-hoes. Ilry. Struw tluod, quo tirecortra, , nt, r 0,1,11110 itontlo, rtn,o•ro, ...1.% on Monday Welves.l., and Ft Way. /Inn In .rtirralltro sales. nos/ Est.. on reutßin an-t sold on connit..•lnn. 1-31tF.Fti A I'll.. •nClinneol", =I - 11c . Witi,; - ,bitrOt Oncit.(,, SATURDA:I", APRIL 1F47 Advertlaths end it% nenoltn. Irron every ,uctlon of t he country mine Ic•tlmonlnl.cf t`•e a:lc:induces derived troth well regulated •yc(eut or tolcortNing. ,ncer or safer Investment for:oldness men cannot well lie Ming:nod. It ydas them he. fore l l o; public Ina I .encilelid light, they become "knee o and read of ' all hien," and reap an atiendant harvest from o...it'd the, sown. There can he no doeld of the fact; patrons declare It, newspapers assert it; and exTerience concinsively proves It. here are it few ( - LP, gathered from VArttliis `e} gees llntittll leg this rend, The Adams (N. t.l rimer speaks of an metrical. Bostonian who tad regarded d to, avertisement in a Ilea simper as n person a{ invitation to can, and paid: . sometimes hesitate anent entering ' . sti l e". of which have not the. sent their muds my residence, I always feel certain of n radial welcome trout the members of an alicerusiniz ".1 shrewd business n 0,,, once advertised aLt ;Meg article in IL 11111111ter ahiei, moist scarcely pros, romeneentive. 1t,. , expressed their regret at ht. folly, hot Inc apilenreil eonlented.. Though tin gross 'ales Of the article it not cover the cost of his miverttsing, be nit reeled a new class of people to ills store, and his shrewdness paid him Ilia very short d a te, for, new eyes t•roe IX 11.0.11011101 to otter In addition to tit. specialty advertised, and nets purses came under con t rOintion to him. The Indianola (Ind.) "V latter," relates /ht. 1 •In I nook 11111 11 WWI emp10y...41 tn tilts place no clerk In a use, at tile moderute num ni et Per week• ho The tall of ISel he went tnto n small business on hit...ln:ll hook. in Ina', he funned a C01,111q11,- , 11l 11 WWI till brOtilo:. When thu Senior of It, 111111 threw his little b'irk on the S. of public trade, we suggested to him how to advertise. Ile took our advice and followed it strictly to the letter—using more prin er's talc than :di tho business firms ofAndt atiola comittue.l. Thu result of our adv.lco, together with the honesty, integrity, asti go abentiatlimuces of this lirm, has given them a competency and foot hold among the peo ple of tt arren that will tell 'big' In after 'Sears." A. Western cotemporary say, "Ado,. I1•Ink Is to the trader what ploughing Is to the laymen There would be some natural producti if the soti of the earth was nev er broken o , n and it tvenhl hold bout tau mule relamon to the prmitictlon a of n well rultlvated garden, that the limnts of it nod- Vertned IrltlCilo 10 Another declares that, "Nowmelays no body but the slowest dried up old tonsil over question 1.111:411,111111.1 of advertising. t/in• might 01111 its much propriety donut the evidence of hit own eyes and earn. The style. and extent Of a. busleCVl man's wirer them: m a sure test of Ilia energy and ca• each)', the quantity und quality of Ills stork, and the amount 01 Whittlers he. transacts." Prentice, of the Louisville Totrard, ton• der, hi+ advice to tile public, "Never inly 4001, Of 1110 1 0 who don't advertise. They - Yell no little that they have to tell dear." 0.1319 the Delaware Republican: '•11'0 ',e llen, It is in rule, .1111 scareely 1111 exception, that In every community the merchants wilt advertlse aro succenntul and deserved ly no. They are the men woo keep the bent stock Of trovhin and sell cheapest." Tile following contes from a New York paps, The changes gulag on In society make it necessary fur a buSincsn man to keep before the people. If he expecto to succeed 11l trade, a lair statement. of what 110 in 11010 g, and will do, is necessary for lexi himself and those imit with him. lie most make tilts statetnent, and does do II in come way If he netts anything." People are 1111110 apt to go where their at tention 11 milled, and if they find thmlgn represented thny will porch:in, there In preference to bpmultng their 11010 seeking elsewhere. A Young Glrl Itansmed from Indian In one of the raids made by the Ga . manehe Indians, some months ago, taro young girls named Metzger were captur ed on the outskirts or Fredericksburg, Texas, a few miles distant: Anna, the youngest, was ransomed, and is now nt her hothe. Iler sister was murdered. When they were captured both were mounted on stolen horses and instantly hurried away. The elder sister told An na that they -must escape or die; that she would not be carried off alive, and that she preferred death t 4 the fate that evidently in store for them. Twice she. . jumpedfrom the horse and endeavored to reach the ehaparrel, but was each time brought back and placed upon the horse. Again she attempted to escape, which so exasperated the savages that they sprang upon her and buried their tomahawks in her brain. „Ball dead with fright and horror, Anna suffered herself to be carried oti without once at tempting to escape. Alter two Weeks the huts of the Indians were reached. Here the unfortunate girl was treated horribly. Iler hair was cut off, and see- - era! time=_ she was beaten and lacerated in a terrible manner. At length she was restored to her friends upon their payment of the bounty fix,l upon by her captors. The other day liidom Dubois performed the rite of confirmation at Fredericksburg, and Anti Metzger was , one of the first confirmed. Young Womml.lturird A. friend gives 03 the account of a most terrible case of the burial of a Land sOme young holy at Jacksonville, Illi nois. Some time last summer a young lady of seventeen years of age, suPer lug with the toothache; went to bed with a 1 , 111.11 vial of chloroform for the pur pose of , quieting her tooth. In the morning she was found to all appear. minces dead, which was confirmed by the opinions of covet al physicians who were called and examined her Ludy. She was then buried. A few days since her rela tives were about to remove from Jack sonville, having located in another State, and had hie remains of the young lady exhumed, for the purpose of taking them to their tiew home. Curiosity prompted the ope ing of the coilin, wfien they were hdrror stricken on finding the corpse tiineed over, both Lands full of hair and her clothing torn to shreds, re vealing he horrible truth that the Young lady had been buried chloro form hat placed Ler in &deep trance, the awn iining from which was in Ler coffin an grave. The lady was engaged to be ma mid at the time- of her sup; posed it ath. A more beartsiekening ease we Lever remember; to have read or heard of. I Indianupolie Jua cool, April nth. ittiterraucan City in 'A•la stars from an article in the Hu q'file, the subterranean city the banks of the Sir-Darya, in been repeatedly discovered be ns s^en forgotten. It is called nt, i. e. Newtown; and is Fop have been constructed by the tribe which, under the name of - seen now forms the Milk of the y portion of the population of .a. Yana Kent; with several 1 that neighborhood, i 4 boieved mien destroyed by the Tartars first appearance in the country, s des extensive ruins, :includes n at some distance from build. The Kirghisian nomilds, now g, that rsgion, have their own solving that antiquarian prob. Wing that the town iii primeval . s destroyed by the avenging . punish the sins of the inhabi ccording to them,. these people .n swept away from the face of . Russian travelers have more I; noticed the spot, but no eIC3- of any magnitude were ere'. A F .onkiiCk letter says: [-"At •the time Itrite, five out of seven of those lodged in. the hotels of Florence are Amerlc tns,ttnel, so far as I know, the same is true of the other principal cities of Earr pe. No one Pow disputes the truth of the old phrase—"the universal Yankee nation." John Ilull may be jealous of it, and We'll, but the:fact at every urn is thrust into his face and into Li eyes. He is oldiged now to take th second place. Ilonifitee bowi . are prof nuttily to Jonathan's well-filled purse a to the Coeknby's extraordinary w Make s or to his still more extraordi nary sloes. Our countrytfien are reek , less of •xpendilure on their travels as well as at home, and if there is one place better than another, they will have it if money can buy it.l At Rome, as well as here, while,the Vlntels me tilled with Americans,, ;the English with au eye to wise coo n Imy, are more g. net . - oily: lodged in atlhrtments or comforta ble hoarding houses.'' • , —M, Lamartine is not likely, from present appearances, to obtain the four hundred thousand francs jvhich the French government proposed , to give him, the committee who have the bill in charge having sent it back to the Coun cil 0 - State with an amendment propos ing in annuity of twenty-five thousand frall;(1 , , instead of the donation. N. Lativirtion would not lieeept such a beg garly snot, if only for the tenon then it wottid &Mice him of -PIM nt his grief. iit I SPECIAL NOTICES. PTTPTrillilt. inn, W /61,11 h Cittrann I It. t.. ApPll 1 1 .-1 , 71 bbla flonr, on 1 1 k , (I.t III) 'l'o INVALIDS. In, Kell A liltrearit 70 7 p 777. lend. 1 1 1. -- rxhnoolottl, A ere 7 ear laln, 7.t.lmetil,77ctk A .. A Cierartnan. rtel.ling lo sonth America 4 ^ ,77 nt, I car line, ,k• n 474 11l 001 ". att • ntlytlonarr. tllrrorpred a late and alrnnlr Wm Bingham; I tett 7; I.ttty: 7 'al' ' rentedy f•Fr 77 , .. en,. 7,,sotts Waakneaa, Early vomit Ir Tinos A ^ 0,1;1 tltt atnee., Italya ' ItoltillPoll, Ithla apple, Ittmee. 77 Ileac, lt , at. •et Urinary 3mA Seminal Hen . 7 77 .11,111. 10+1.1 rkgo, Voila A 7,7 I Ory - te , 77 e , " h" . ." ‘" , “"f 4,47,,Arr. brought n tltitt hroonttt, . 1 A ILettlette;brlrk, tty !tan. 1, , e7 Tlt.lto, 1111,11 s. reat nom br"o7”.• 4 . : eat, alt. nth . derv..? hr Otto aryl. reen• .4 ‘ 7 to 770. to “t,r7nle3'l, . IN • 4.11.4. to kt-tio. 11l the artllrt• I , 7l7tp!ett, 7IWr A Wthel, pltot rtutnt t I *PA rt-17.1 Utter try baron, 1,1, 7 tl.l-. ,nd knl..tl Inn r. Ik• or ter, .7 t.t.tttttl Or .1 kg pr. ,k,kk an , l k•lng , 111. utt.ll.tht, In • veal.. bills eggs, Nnt,t-eteter, iht,t A t.te 7 lip, Ispple erse.ert . . et an 7. t , " "," n7'," rumor 4_7rap itt.ttert 1. 7 .1, t7t , ttr, II het: e, me nt , t 7, Myer, :', .10, un..ltt..c.rtt.lt., 7 .art , "n ' 0.1..••••7 en; 11 tin .1,1, .1 Dravntl , .ltt 7 . A`.1 7 7 :Men, A 7 '0711.1; I! :Pt du, linnx t 1 , 11, paper. Pllt.. 7 .,tttt Prtper rlr• tI area, 11 1' l 131 n, 51,1 ' 1 1:t1 2 0.11i . T.5.A,C1 /1,11) Pl7s 4 nr non I`,ll.lloArt, Apt tl Inns onions, I do clilur, 1 angot • 1 der A Shepard; to 1,1,10 ! lila.. Nino( Co; .1 ca.,' tobacco, A It At 1 list; soar ft Itunte.r, 311 Itletitelo 1010 it 10. 1.3) I,IA. p010t0E....4, nt IllogItion; lot 4001 , 4 mall, 7 Walowt !Rid; / I 1 11 `1 4 nt`..tt 01001 0, Volut A t do I...gar. 11 Alatonestoet, 14 .In appo, 11111101,7 do `10..1.117 fill. 1` 11cek 1 . 0,1.•1111111 11 . a• too better, 3104.11, Lee A. 12010 vggo. Stool I Olds; 5.31.1 as 011,11 Me. Cutclotoo; in 00 .40, 0 it Fl ay .; ; corn, Catuithell A 131 . 11 ,1 1, 102 nab, Ow., II II Colgan; 10 ek. potllooo, 111,11 pin A Co ; 12 sks rags. Mel'allough. Sonia .01:0; 131,1,1. e 4441, hell.o 1111014011; . 25 .0 11 1 11”, Mllllll.lll l t AnJer,o bl,ls engar, .1 Palmier 10, J Porterllcl.l A 70; 4 do apples, steel A ;tee. ...rvisrsnciton,Cocruars A flitictkr4o . l It.ll. . nal tads egg, J It Meaner; l:, ! apple, b Intrunto; 1 . 2 110 40 510111 1 1M' .0 1100/14 4 sks dry apples, .1 0 ItIlwortli; . 24 ,lo I.oolov, Franen holm Co; :l 1,4.0 uttattl,Loyd .0 Illtirck; 33 sacks oats, Mellenry A Hood; 3 kgs butter, 1 . 01.111 Newlin; 11 00 do, t.ralf A !totter; 131 ok, oats, oturgoon 1151.V1,10 potatoro, ll llorland; 114 I , blo luttaltate, 4100 WO:Non:40 .10110.1' Itoneltac; 313110 0:10.01, Malr Itavolson; at 0140 ts,Fred ochteld 0; 21,011 ego, Joh. Cook; 7 4 saoks oat., .1 C Sehaupp co; 12 hf 10 0 10 nOO, Win Cooper .t.` co; lon blds [lour, .taut Lindsay co:7 los . tobacco, %V .0 Rinehart; 10 01.10 do,J Poin ter a. en: 1101 0010 nom . , .Wallitec; 0 14101.4 tobacco, %%layman R Boni car 010504, 110111.4. .11.4.acnutp4 . 2:114hIs 0410100, Lambert, 014111- ton ,f co. ALLIIOIIiNi BTATIOX. Aprll 10.-0) 1,1,10 potttinwt, Itobinsint McKinne y;bbl. apples, 1 car potatiter, Owens d: Kettt:t nnedy; Scars stare:, nuts, A Robertson; 10 bblts ggs I bgn nen., RA A Carton• ' pkg eggs, do butler, Konen: .t lire; It: tobls eggs, E46l2llWiill`jllo skwowts, lot corn, S %otters; I cot hay; Henderson b lire; 1 de do, IV .1 Koontz; liar feed, Steel A Tiro; I ar wheat. tilltuorY ,t MeSinstere, 1 Ind. ng.ntoe.‘, Kennedy t Lothrurnj or, wheat, :ennedy t Pro;; Plga egg, J 31eKInney• ALLtune., VAI.J.mr It Am./a', A prll • . . 1 . 2.”1.1)1,+Mt., 3 °ate, !ark corn W 41: , rye, D •' kgn Lira, 11,1 tallow, l'ettlt, R Nnwlln; • hnls eggs, .1 I) I l cur iron and nail, Martin, Zt Co. Prtisnuitilit AND C0NNM..1.6:11.1, U. It. April 1 , -1211 , 11, paper, Iderkto .t C"; 3.; williky Wile, J S it ears motel. s 31 Wicker:dime; It ken null., Nueiodier, Cie.! it Co; bids oev, It II Lukirti; trolls leather IS II Anderson. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS N EW GOODS 1 SMALL PROFITS! I= BARGAINS IN BOUTS AND SHOES, -W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S; A. P,a7 1••••••• ty.l one .ntf r•sah prior. for all, hall•or I•ofa art••,) f ''''' If ••r .f nl pro t• la rr •••••.••1 at, ufan, ...flan or fatran•r•••••• thairlita to to, • b. a, rloollO co: al:uvr alt..lr to pr.... liit•lr co•il., If for nothln,t, , r• panto art a..11,”1....1 o .v. Ifr••••••.1 a. I ••••• Ina ..1 •t•••ry r, l•• .are a•l•••atlfargaola lil•lqa AND Ifrit•Ez. -af Nos. 26 and 2S Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLIFF & CO.. 'holesale and Retail. RAMALEY SUST RECE VED MERE NEW STYLES HATS AND CAPS,, I • 20 Pei Cent. LemsThan Dowig , Town Prices. We WI "cr BEST PIG! lATS. ONE 1,01.1. A It LOWNIt than uy other lieu., lu tilt city. Call and Bo Convinced 334 Liberty Street, YIILYT ou,,rc ST.I.QHI II CLOTHING EMPORIUM. RAMALEY BILE Just Opened A LARGE STOCK OF FINE SPRING CLOTHING. , Ncra Yur:rtli ,Hurt, I'ITTIii.ITILIIn. ill., ruu.tandry on d•ull a gcneral assortment 4.. 0, V. I,llll.l,,paned. Irtcosr . rland Mara TI , WAIL} . Yam, Lir rr dr 'adrs. Cutlery. Y4 - ntch Miner.. drrrir,lll7ll lion,. Fir rulrddrur furls In ..al. rr141,111.1,3 v. In 4,11 rd, Irulut ale and Ite.- 1 t•I:. 1 ssrrn".'';.!;:rd!.!ft47l!l'''''"'' 71;2`. 1 "f • Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, f 3, ~,,,,,,, ALLi•Noltlt 'Stair: I=l NEW STYLES IN TIIE MARKET,. Which will be ollerc•1•t GREATLY IIICIJUCKIJ 11.2 last btu.. Is Um si $.11,00 :;25,00 Figs Sprier Overroits, " Cwiteere Lusio.Fs hits " Cloth Dress Suits ~ Paper Collars at Cost 336 LIBERTY STREET Opp Oppos sse it !louse. e Wayne, one d , sor abort Ms Ilatsse t an d osi t e! ni 10121=1 IRON CITY SPICE MILLS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .drear Pennsyfrania avenue, PITTNBURIII, PA PURE SPICES AND hiIISTARD iVarrintett tetien our name Is on the Article. 'THEM GROUND CORNMEAL .d MAC • 1,401 R “1110.1•Otly on hand. COFFEE AND OLLOUNI) NUT 3 ItOANITED ror= continua tn. MAl.llctUre of all the DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, Which we offer to %Violetale and Retail Dealers at the tolient !nark., price. Alining to deal fair, we rollclt the pair..tee or the public, Chopped Fee. Constantly - on Band. !STRICKLER * MED GILMORE & LIEBLER, klentlfsetaret;tar,hronle4,ele Said Retell TIMUNES, ja.liSes, Carpet Bags, &c. • 117-A l arre aeKnrlment of L.tlee F.olchtl, al ways on Liana. . Nom. 104 and 106 Wood It., = MEI 1 4 `1.001i OIL CLOTIIS.—IIn sing' t 7l s r'nsur . pattera, for +CI.. 'l.llll 25 .nil . 2.1t11. Clair sited. •• .M. V. 1 1 ,111 T. INMAN It • tiV.. h CO., • BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, No.; 211. and Ili St li•Vsl, .•I..Teli • tart.. rant atiLl franl.hd tt wltti h• ....,""T• We are pre .l,,,lptloo of Hon -3 4.• Nteton t Pipes. I.tremnottire ' Itot V:11%V.: ". •': ' 11 . 1 ' 1 . ” ." 1 3 ' 1 3t 1 : 44 , "11 :i 1.11011.311 ro ' n. th lV i lv 1114, ffjiltt."""" " " U•N - It, pAlrlnv awl, 4.11 the ,bortos , n3Urr. 1,3,r.1 ra,ritelllNtiON, REA h. CO., I=== WASHINGTON WORE S, Foomtoronud Nlnehliolito,Plitsborigh, All t 1 fert , n r. of 1,•1 and Platlonnry Memo K.1,1n0., 11120 f_ogloc,, Mlli 31.01o•ry, (lest. tor, :loaning, Coifing!. of nil descriptions: 011 Tent! .n.i an.ll+Aeor Iron Work. toolot.: Si ilo,rti..r Ttr.t fool ,Inltheeld ...Ago., for AHD'S PATENT IN- E 511,11 for feral...ll,A sliest • IRFAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL & SMELTINO WORKS. Furrsntruull. PARK, McCITRDY dr CO., itantira . rterrro of I-hes:meg, Ili...Mere and Bolt •Ml r, Pri ssi..l roppi r Bottoms, italse.l BUll Ito r,O. r ',1L1,. Also' Importerssad liraler,n Metals, 'I its Mate, Oboes Iron, Wire, 00. l„ . tkostantly on nand Meer.' Machine. and Toots, m Ira hot,r. 140 FIN IT BIBEYF sub 120 011100 r, Pittsburnli. npecirti orilcrs of cut to any desired pSitern. , myllic3lidier L .. 7:1 - IIF MEDIAL INSTITUTE I'OR SPE( 'I A 11.:CAMES, No. 14 fond Nurret, New York. Full I n fortuntlon. with the highest lertlmonin s Sp-ees I , *en lea rea r.bp...eut free. Ort- Br •t 4 re Ineleersdfor thew em ret V; rur, mlyertlalgt rili .Inm. are ger.erA ,"lly bk,ek(e.e. without re ',eke's •tesa.rer • boy' trdsted. Enclose etamp po•tker. awl I levet tu 1 , 11. LAW RY—NCR. No: II Iluc.l Meet, New lurk. r • • W - TIIE GRAVEST MALADIES A NI/ EA HURST .IAY HA Non tbel I l l hy,lol.er of tn AeW no sol C the Zeroed. Abuse. 0,1 I peezallat to ttle nest it,ee of sneo, yell h ports on uteetnettoete of tre•tulent Et.-14qe..1 tel• Institution. bent In sealed letter enee:opes, fore ..f Pe. J. e ILIA: , 11, , ClallTt.N, , I.loerat Jteeoclntlon, l'lrkis..l.-Itp4t.t. Is! :I.s4:deri. SCOTT, DENTIST, .I'o. 21S .PE.r.T STREET, MIME COOKING STOVES. No. 235 Liberty Street El W 0 CO., I''ittralo.l.xx - gim. Pn. MEM :.-i.?„.. r,... --- \,,wt„ . •Mpzgi-:• . :,:;.) : ,,. 1 , I l t v ..-A Ws.--., ;'-. ~c r', 4 " • f ' : Rii i: , ACID: 11 . &AC i D Sll , l , P., As. . N. 0,.- ~; o:. - -ENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'C CO., Pittsiaucr=li. P'n. lON, 213.11.... Ti. ROBERTS & SHERRATT, Tin, Copper, and eheel Iron Ware, NO. 61 1i111T11111:.1.D 4TREET, LiIUGIIREY & FREW, =I Saddles, Winless, Trunks, and M i l ., l•D I • IN - 0.10',2, Wood. Street, I Owtwecn Dlatriou4All.7 Tlftli HE!HARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, - PA. EMU C. C..A.l—aGgEsC) =MEI Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds t!IXT-s1;770.11. TA713.X41.E1, French Clocks, Sac. }.ll:v l V ,l n e nr ,l . glYurt to the REPAIRING OF .Ib. 22 MTh strcit erP:ls9,ri xlmccuex.,Ericsiß., OMNIBUS AND' LIVERY STABLE =I .40. 410 resin Street. DAM d PITCAIRN, Proprietors. Apar Ow alba.. anti carrlagea furihed for rnt e. Al. O , earriaars for er n.un Weddln mud Vartita, at .hurt outfox and reasonable Cat Stable Open Day and Night HOLIDAY GOODS. A LL TNn o ff BIIONZE,G ILT iTID Oarbon Oil Lamps and Ohandeliers Lamp Trimmings, &c. Also. WARRANT/I , NoM.R.TI . I.OI:IIVS OAB, BON OIL. wholchalu And retail., JOHN ROSS AC—CI3.. Mao. 64St-roots Mixon. 1./.. ki AIME SVC; Alt.—•2l barrels . MAI•LE MA:A it. rocelved itn , l ohl A It Ft. • 174e,1 woo 4 West. E r! j ODIN CROFT & CO., I= 316. 139 Fourth Street. hnre for Isle IZE! 106 ten,well Improved, Mr, r„. lirleant, In Cleaver ranni, Pa. for: Af rem. Itnpruvv.l. In Vey...n - 111011p, nnunly, one from M•nen,:d. Arrro. highly Itnprovr.l. In Laa'r..n.., Pa..ttwo mllro trona _Neva east!, and them hours frornllL Arr..o,'lmprovel. In Indiana ...nutty. Pa. 411 A. inlprn , rd. In County. r•. Would 'Ma< a sid, Enlid lick farm. linprnvtd farms In 01,1, Indiana. Illinois. unluiprort . .l lands la Nll,,,nri •nlowa. la Acres In i'lark coun'ty, low a . 'Would tradn for city proin.r“ . . II Arr.. rnot. the Prrry,llle road. Won , ' malt a I.lu, model o Improve ments. Ilrtrk with all tocolorn Improve nollts: lot fer N.,rth Canal .reet, Allegheny. [trick !Inure. trn rooms. un Chestnut et-cat, All •11{{ Iwo!. Brie I. Hoof, sit roons, I:ebteca fitreet. Allegheny. IfrAnle Hone., els room, on Fountain struct. In lt,erve. lon•hlit. Itriel. house. 13 rooms. and large lot In Yrreport. honfe. eight rosin, and large lot In Wilk Fra nke' bonne. net, ale rooms with throe, nix or One acre• of groand. t FAgeeco,cl man., on the l'. ft. It., .r miles/ out. Frame Iwo., new, three rm.,. and one acre of ground, atla“ named station. Your tenant houges. Urn rooms each, and one Iran, house of four room, an.l one acre of ground In Ilulltown, near the coal mine LOTS. Ten 1-sere iota at Station, I'. It. It. Sir Int.. l by Sil feet, In Wiltlnstni - g, on the I'. It. It., two hundred yard. nour the station. Yore iota lu Moonlit, township. op Mitt:Norio Ron, near Ili-toll gate. Two lots, 'Z.. by !IC fent, In ilraiduelt i s three square, frau. station. at a bargain. one lot In Ten.perazine v Ille, 103 fcet, suitable for a comi vard. COAL WO It One on atennngsheln river, in Pilot No. 3. One In Cent, township, titiern,ny county, Olin,on Control Mile It. It Num: he 5.1,1 within thirty day.. There works are valuable, a•d. would he unlit cheap. Fur Clinker lean:lna:lnn apply to the shillsagent.. •tia•u2 LINOR MALE.—Farm of 147 acres, situated It Penn Tp., Westmoreland Co.ol's. adjoining Urapreille Station, on i'con's. H. It., wihich there la • god Two Story stone House, th rilx Routes, a li tre, Coolers Bowe. anti Other buillings•, an Orchard of different fruit ballt is underlared with co•l. There tire. l{ell on it In good order. peodueing per day. This property I. offered very cheap and good terms. Alm. • Farm of 111 acres, situated In Cone [h nehip, Indiana county, Pa., about 2.4 miles from the Welt !on't. Railroad, at Liver more Station. The Improvements are a Two Story oldouse, with Spring m.. double Porch and Log Barn, Rouse. MLA.. PIO acres cleared. the residue In timber. such as white oat, locust and chestnut. This farm will be sold Very low, the owner wishing to go west. Possession immediately. Also. An excellent Farm of PH acres, of which nacres are under tultleattun, situate Itt Chris tian county, Illinole. Improvements—a new frame dwelling ceutainlng 5 room.: about 400 Choice frail trees, good fencing, AC, It lire wlt hin miles of the Minot* Central R. R.: will be sold on reasonable terms. CIO' Property . taken in part exch.. If desired. Also, lu lute In southern Suburbs of Chicane , . each Lot ni 30 in lidoer•• sun-division of lots. These l otss lie one ! mile North of the junc tion of et. Lout. and Alton and Michigan Soutb• ern It. 1t... and are on the line of the Plttsburgit. fort Wayne and Chicago R. It., Just I, miles South of the Court Hoc., near the new Cattle tirounds. and will be soil fur IWO each • Also, • l'arm or 112 acres In Penn township. WeilMOCCland