[I2 DRY roItI4iMOvICII tae!:11 Urinal:6LE EMPRESS TRAIL SKIRT, TAX *IW MAIM FOX Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX _ELLIPTIC VIZ ISollia 11PAING,) SKIRTS, Tl•lmidsoniitoad 'molt .romfbriAble aprojr: .vtroduced. litt ALL FABION 7.1N1D0. AlsooA•lievralse•letr BLIITHAAI OF Tag Wugyp. and STIL;11. . • You timmrxEnywilEnr. • AT VErPu'LEELILLIS by all tfie leading /toilet 111211 Dry Good. Hoe uma Is Plusbarah. Algo t by Bole owners of Patent abd fraelostya Kabala*. *EWA'S, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, sablCTlller lirLW YOBS EMPBESS TRAIL, EMITS Timm. • PRIDE OF THE WORLD, TIP TOP SKIRTS, FOB BALE AT F. E. EATON'S, 17 37.11113. 111511tresert. 1867- . - NEW EIFILEIG GOODS RACRIIM & CARLISLE, Xo. naer of Totath, rittategh. Alt legal Duane., entrosted {olds care vetll re- C• 100 prompt attenUoa. 5p11...11 IM==l9 THOMAS SIMPSON, Notary Public, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, ?LIE CELIBEATED J . S. FERGUSON, Attomepat-Law, NO. 19 Firm STREET, =I SICOND FLOOR. Fao7cr ROOle H . n. mccoronch, MEI= H. c. MACKILELL, ATTORNEY & GOUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. mr24.tas rrrrsevatni. PA. I soLDIEBs, AND 31110KEILY LI =I I==rM .1110. BYTDX. r errblrd ead 31 . arket streatA, == BUSINESS CHANGES. PARE, AtcOREM A CO LEGAL Iron Broker. 124 First Street, rtrrenunun, PA. No holrptollei 1 to ol*to without It. For alibi an Dealer.. MANUYACTURCI) ONLY BY C. B. WOODWORTII & SON, BOCLIENTLR CHYMtCAL WOUEB, lapehester, N. Y, Now Tort Vim )1491 BrosAwai. miamal 9P9 PENN STREET• 201:x10 Ea Grant Street. Prompt attettlen given to at kinds of law busloess. _ agp3orel T` 109. M. BAIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, • No. S 7 M 5.12133. REVercpet, I=! =Ma 'W. A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, mums `PITTSBUROH. PA JOELN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, °Erica, so. 43 POOR TO STIIErr, =I BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, tra Bounties, Back Pay, &c. Collt;tO1 la the Phorteit possible time, In A. M. BROWN. • JOHN tl. L•taißlle. Attorriels at L4ll. quo, No. U 4 ITram strvet,_ PTHISCIRON no1:641/her B. F. BROWN, (Late Lou. Cl.lna Agent, 11. B. S. C0m.,3 Office, No. 67 Fourth St., second floor PITTABIMIGH, PA. .15sop, POPIIIIO, sn 11111ALS 01-P! promptly. Collected. • • No charge made until claim. an settled, imd then but moderate fee. mr=ta. BOUNTY. $lOO. • - ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. 'LOST DISCHARGES.. !Soldiers who have lost then dlischara . iterttn. cotes and who are otherwise entitled to the addi tional SLOG bounty. Can hate their C•Jel tended to by eating on or addre.elnk W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, ATTOBSEYB AT LAW MTh CLAM AGENTS, M== j WIN A.' STALIN. , axsrmixtacEAL - zw. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace. AND POLICZ ISAGLITHATZ, Mee, 112 Fifth St. oppaiteAlathedrali - PITTSBITRUH. PA. Deeds. Bond/. Plongagss. Aeknowledamento, Depositions and all Least Nusbaum exam:sea setta promptness and diapate6. UTILLL42I JANCEY_,-NOTAUT e PUBLIC, • .TOUTICE OETIIE PEAC, AND 'Mal. ESTATE AGENT. Otnee.eornar of Untie , and Craver streets, Lawence•llle. jfferE=g; tmtgr,fiVra.ll4l: r&V . e.'.ttd %-ow-atm — a vril.LlA,c.T.Nory., nutee of the Puce Lad Notary rabue. my"Elebn* • EIISTACE 8. IytoBROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. foot if the kter.sial snd opposite OA= Sim mr•Z:ss•6 • &TATHAM T. EINEM, Attorney at Law, Ito. 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ear Oo =haste. r lot OslO. B.eutuely. Mart y ginta, lassonnl and paler Stains.rani JOHN C. rticCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth , Street. Boca%les. sad Anew , .1'1 . .7 p.olcolli collected. do=:o40 lz, 3tVillZ'Al CVO : I 11.;11:4z1 e r sevEs & numws EUSTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines A.re THY MIXT f o r Familyhrm ma Porpons. Call 4 t Jiro. 18 I'UP$ Street. DON'T BE DECLIVED BY /loutishlog half role= sdvertttetnents of tuft. rlor Ittentnet, but imt 111tUVER d Mo. )IEII.II has beenNtly tatted for txen Tears, and la by all coSnDo- • tent Judges, • ro- nonstad t • a • - ' BEST LIS USX.. No. 3.61 511412 mitrimot. logatea 825 . BAuTLETT • • 825 . SEWINC MACHINE • But cheap Lo-eased Koalas In tae Bolted Maw. Azoniatrantod wow-polio:a Pay $3O to $2OO per month. Elmliase swap and addroos PAUE flonerul A.tooto. 614 cnosinat .treet. reu.eteaphi., olld 221 boonalt street.. Toledo. Ohio. , dol:pl GET NONE BET A GROVER & BAKER for • Holldo, 63M. It to rellablO. Doffed old berofore the Nut. Don't htl to eall and oeo 'tot No. ie nrra sTaarr WEI a MB 10. 1 SlTh9 nom Before buying ebumbart... It Is tine best for Owls use. Tor subs nosninfa NO. 10 FIFTH. BTRE T TILE GROPER 81, DAHER SEWING MACHINE Is the intim Thule of )ffeenanDna. Elam "4 " " 2f 0 IR TITTTI srmcrr SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ma HOLIDAY GOODS. ALL BINDS OF lIRONZE,GILT, t.larbonOilLampa and Ohandeliere. Lamp Trimmings, to Aim waits/arm]) prox -lexi7.Acosivs ass.- BON OIL, wholesale and retails MEW ROM & N 434. ISZaarlc. leitzrocet; rteln.a.MA PIABIJIWOH. PA. • WEST, COMMON MACIITIPE• r 4 11216 WOHM, Northwest Corneto Wes Cowmen, ithwltilinew. TRILDIC AVIVATIII t CO. liateOntand or prepare on sbortnottee HIAETR AND STEP STONIS, 'LAOS lOS. SIDE•Wi, BRIM IDLY VAULTS, Ae., HILD AND TOMB STUNTS, Lc.. ax. Or'mPressDUY exmacct. PAWLS ESA OULABLZ. or.Zl=l:e EEM AM .NEW OPERA IIOI3SE. ta<3s¢V and an urer.Rll. 62.:DICELKhl • . asnrcr /LARRY OVEILLNISTO.N ir tidal) lIVENIN3, April 19tb, Denali •f tbe great Lyric artiste and cuatat:lce, MADAM soactLEr" -- n w lett occasion she wllr appear In bar aped- lir or Al • or, LOPE AND DUTY. rettOttantlCO to conclude with the farce of NINITLIEIt DILL AND I. Murderatne—Our American Cousin. I+at on, ar nlgh t —Far oy ord • Port. W - VARIETIES TITEATELE. (PLXIt STAN - LT, IMAIIIM CLAM) itcaprearance . of the favorite comedian.. 111 r. JoIIANY• HART. Unfounded nacre,. of the healthful and dashtne Janet.. Mho MILLIE OW , RD. To-night, thn coinUcal drama eats ti•.l 11,ACIT.ISTRD chcA.N. 31W en chltlnelh, Master •13AUSEY d th e entire an company In an entire aim and b.auutut pro- • A.D3IISSiMr — Re envd Sesta. 73c: Gut; Gallery. 913c:1 Icate MEI Dre.s C 110 rcIi — ACAD:I I II , OF ICI 6IC. ' TUESDAY . EVENING, LEAH. WA Grand Musical Entertainment. Under the directlAn of Prof. J. C;110P011A WOUT, for the bent at of tee neor Toe 311113 el eAt to). INE•13111314. PICKY, of Philadelphia. will any am exhal ane Rem. on the a:castors. Misslt A.TTIE JUN ,n, Messrs, • i ILBAUM. W ME.° it and .11tai.9:11:1 will. -yip count-, bate tb.lr cervices Admission, SI: reserved testa, ten. sale or te•ervcd beats .111 commence at dor. • sale haniritcy, tir.h lore., at 9 'clock s. m. Tickets for tale at the alcisic it a and at the door. Doors open at 7, enter aptil p t i r . : 7 =r mcnee at S o'clock. ' • TIIATER & NOYES ) GREAT CIRCUS AND COLLEOTION Ol TRAINED ANIMALS. Thin Irma and favorite (brow and Animal Exhibition has been thoroughly reeore remised and cote otetely renewed in every detail. thus enabling the management to present the TiLt i M rrAtIe.)AET i. racing / a FIE.SII AV: AT. and adjuncts necesaur to • ii;•t P :ll% Cana. The limits of an adeeritsement will scarcely so Mee tor full description of Me outfit, or Um talents of tbe artists emit'oYed thique espe c ial but the proprietors takeespecial pride In dieecting attention tee theaquestalsat Comp.), which 1 a composed at all the old fa y/mike. Horsemen, Gymnasts 41,1 Acrobats la the pro fe as lo .A. cage of TRAINED LIONS Ras so enteredlaced in this e abibltion. - whleg sill he by Mr. CHAP. WRIT& whowill Kira • arnaatlonal performer. Chile la the Kira of these forsildab , e and ferocious beasts.' pecultar s howxceedingly thrilling [nines of freed in the sill be itte carrying of • LIVING WHO LION THROUGH THE STREETS. Iltes lend Urnschained, laic. t t h e seem se the suns perfectly the =MOM betas under Ms Moroush control of the keeper. - The Equestrian Company Imbrae.sthe ellte,of tha arenliHt, IV whose U for tba o rr 100, Tlil Dr. J AS.'IIIAYEK, liumoriat.: • ID. C. W. NOTES!, Trainer. Mr C. REID. Barebact Mr. CHAS. Pkiik_Eit, Contortionist a Clown. kW. H. ISMITII • milt, Double Eqhmtitato. HOULE A. SSG elk.. Acrobats. ata ThekilActi BEOTCERA. irapensti. Mme. 1.).1.uhi11, Equestrienne. Miss EIIOCNE OeFOE. equUtrienlie..,4 Master W. COOKE. grent boy Rider 6 LealSer. , Mr. 0. tinanx4r, Horlaunial Bar Performer. Mr. Y. IiODINhON. emote Rider. Mr. J. 11U NYEBeIIIC 'latent Leelier. Mr. E. PIIILLIDS, Vaulter. tr., with • Poet et anarliarlee. The LEAUNED PONY and the Trick Hors* "OBEY Ea tif.arr will be lutralueed by Mr. Noyes. The COULD MOLES will be introduced by Or. Thayer; and the THREE CLOWItiI will produce %bele own credentials antssieted. The gorprocs Dahl) t.H.61110T. with the splendid Band of liumelans, will be followed by toe Inaguitleently decorated carrieree and vane. and will p. eve icr be an eminentlY IMPtdring specterle, very rarely seen =tide country. Will Exhibit in Pittsburgh, on. -- - - $lOO. She fled Lion Lot, - - - TOR SIX Vern; commend*, =MONDAY. •pril end. I=rapen at IS and 7 P. tr. r,, ri or Admission. S O cents: Children ander ten years. :45 cents: l5O Ant perlormenes on Ilanday night, at: o'cick. Will eel:dolt •at Bienslngbam, Monday. April '2oth; Ails phew,. Tuesday and liednesday.•oril 3.11 and lay 101; Sharpsnued, Tlattraday, 71: Rut Lloerty Irlday. Way 34. • afar:AM P. L. (SULLDOCB. Agent. LECTUE 1:7 - .31LELICANTILE ,LIBRABY • LECTURES. EMS AVIINDELL PHILLIPS, Esq., WILL LLCTUILE AT 1 ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Sntnrday Evening, .April.2oth. Sowic - r-STIE LOST ARTS Tlrkeia. to all parleCof the heves, 50 415.5T5. To ho had at the ,lerary Rooms sod Ire= mem hers of the Comealitee, and at the door. /loon Open at 7, Lecture at B . elork. J eh. tS(2OTT; IM=7 I°"K.YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ..A.I4dUCILTION. LECTITHE BY PROF. ALFRED P. BURWELL, OF YALE COLLEGE, On Tuesday and Friday Evenings, APRIL 16TH AND 10TH. At Masonic su}acm-croia , Alp) 00AL ti Tl ou C r r i fll— . 50 0K11M r. : t .... 1.1../o r rA i rit. ta li cz : 4l. " J. U. UOPKIII Le•turs CommUtem. I= DRUGGISTS OZOIaI. A. ICALLT U.W.sgroDows. GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 87 Wood' area. HAMILTON WRITE. LIU.% strictly pare. elf ARTEK OAK W LUTE / F A M l,cri 01 N , 11114 .11 1 0 1, 0 17 - 21. TURPEST itLINyEEI Mt wsiaLEOzt. 114 VAUNIALIX- 3 . I reursacriass,ae. DREGSI DM:MGM DIMGEII2I • JAMES T. SAMPLE iiivnie BOUG TIM W'CLL KNOWIC Dltiro HoUSIG UN COIL TEDY.ItAL .AND a . NM. ALLIMUNNY. Wfilkeenonbanat Tl wwsortment of alltlada of FLICInt3I43. and watch tre sold cheaper than any Other vet In the two titles. Yremalptions carefully Dreparea 11 a Mt' mews druggist. ill kinds et YEELYIMMITand TANOTHOAYII on hind. ocao SCROONMASEII & 8036 Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD, BLITZ L.ILILD GROUND IN OIL PUN PAIN. TIT li OIL 111.11.62111, No. 61 Item 62. ltei.t. Do ILatra.o BOOTS AND SHOES. J. U. & W. ZBORLAND. !Co. 98 Market Street, Have last rseelrod arm largo stoek-of BOOTS AND. SHOES, Wbtell be ”Id 'Very CHtIP to pieties fell-. aolo. We • 111 , urntsts them made et Now. Turk and Boston prices. Phan cell and . =dna our geode. . & W. C. BORLAND, Ao. ELABEET STEz .sddoorfromnan st. apt* . C:M!! C . ETELD6Ii & nno, Ilanutsetareng and "Dealers to BOOTS, 8.11073 & G./LIT 4ER% N 0.149 Ohio Allte*Thienl. Aue 0. 434 4 14;d1 . . u. P. LiCitri BENJ. r. JENVING 3. WAL_P. OLIVER. LEMON. TRW. N• KILLER. J. .11.310/tOLN. Jr.. Commtfles.